17 05 2018



Darkness is good,” Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re BLIND to who we are and what we’re doing.” Steve Bannon, President- select Donald J. Drumpf’s Chief Strategist, November 2016

Today, the highest elected office of the United States is occupied by Donald J. Drumpf that represent the “Darkness” and the POWER OF SATAN. That’s not what I say. They told the entire WORLD directly who they are and what they represent. Whether it is here in America, Europe, Africa, Palestine, ad the Middle East, it’s all the same under the Emperor Donald J. Drumpf, THE GATES OF HELL ARE OPEN! 

Donald J. Drumpf has appointed Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as the highest judicial officer of the United States. He is named behind a U.S. Civil War confederate general and Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.

They called him, LUCIFER!

The highest elected office of the state of California is occupied by Jerry Brown. He is a Jesuit Priest– a soldier of Jesus- VATICAN AND THE NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE! He is the Jonestown- Peoples Temple’s governor that blocked any state investigation into the mass slaughter of over 900 US civilians in Guyana, South American. Many of the Children killed in Guyana were WARDS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA judicially awarded to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Agent Rev. Jim Jones to become medical human guinea pigs.

In 2017, a California Deputy Attorney General was charged with possession of child porn. Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, was charged after law enforcement agencies found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI/CIA agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. He directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal. Raymond Liddy and his elite PIZZAGATE PEDOPHILE RING have been folded into the fabric and disappeared.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart and racial mass murder of 6 (six) innocent Black Children is another case that at least 5 (five) different states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, California, and the U.S. Justice Department (FBI) are trying to fold into fabric and make it vanish into darkness right before your eyes. However, we are not BLIND to who you are and what you are doing in this country and across the planet.



Jennifer and Sarah Hart (Witches of Buchenwald) are not the story of optimistic “do gooder” and “dreamer” white “All American Lesbian Couple” that overwhelmed themselves in a heroic struggle to help and rescue 6 (six) black drug babies. It is an ILLUSION provided to the mass public blind. What is not an ILLUSION or subject to blindness is that 6 (six) beautiful black children (human beings) had been all been racially targeted, enslaved for possible ILLUMINATI- NAZI SS Black Sun organ harvesting. The white “All American Lesbian Couple” had more love and respect for their pet dogs, cats and animals then black children. They were cold blood wicked female Knights and SS like concentration camp wardens that treated the Children less than their pets and animals to demonstrate their zeal to hate and destroy black people, their religion and culture for all the world to see.

Abigail (Nahko T Shirt), Jennifer Hart (Paul Bunyon Jaw)

In 2013, “Abigail insisted that it was Jennifer who hit the her with a closed fist, not Sarah. Abigail also stated that Jennifer put two hands around her throat and put her head under cold water [waterboarding?]. Abigail hit her head during this attack. Abigail also reported that Jennifer hit her with a closed fist, and also denied the child food as punishment.”[1]

In this era of the dark satanic circles of America, corporate mass media want us to be blind, and believe the ILLUSION that a series of coincidental and random governmental oversight breakdowns over 10 years across four states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington, contributed to the deaths of the black children.

The Hart Witches and Black Children didn’t just “slip through the cracks of the failing CPS system.” That also is an ILLUSION for the blind. There are at least four 911 calls on the public record from concerned citizens and mandated reporters who expressed serious concern for the children.[2]  The governmental oversight breakdowns in this case is evidence of a consistent pattern, design, and purpose of a powerful dark network that is well beyond coincidental and random acts of wayward do- gooders and malfunctioning governmental officials.

So, the question should be. What is the pattern, design, purpose and the VEIL pulled over our eyes behind the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children? CHILD TRAFFICKINGOrgan Harvesting, Medical Experimentation, Sex Traffic, Human Sacrifice or ALL OF ABOVE!

As of today, the FBI, California Highway Patrol, Mendocino County Sheriff nor Clark County Sheriff’s Department in Washington have not and will not make a positive ID of Jennifer Hart at Safeway Supermarket in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. Mendocino County Sheriff Department,  Lt. Shannon Barney, goes as far as saying that this woman looks “like” and resemble” Jennifer Hart. The racial mass murder investigation of 6 (sex) innocent black children is warping up as if it was in fact Jennifer Hart in Safeway. Well, many of us are not as blind as Lt. Barney. We can make a reasonable positive ID of Jennifer Hart.

Jennifer Hart is a rugged rustic outdoors-man. She is the strong female “forest and mountain spouse”- the Paul Bunyan of Hart Tribe. She’s a Jennifer of the Woods. She has a very distinctive stable jaw structure, and her ear line on her skull lines up with her nose.

The Jennifer Hart impostor in Safeway is a pudgy TV couch potato Mary Poppins that looks more like Roseanne Barr and Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby than Jennifer Hart. Her jaw structure is totally different from Jennifer Hart’s jaw structure. The impostor’s ear line on her skull lines up with her mouth.

If it is not Jennifer Hart in Safeway, and it is NOT JENNIFER HART, then the case of racial mass murder of the black children is evidence of a widespread web of state conspiracy and corruption. It’s not necessarily widespread “darkness” spreading across America, but the extent to which the “dark webs” and dark satanic circles have infiltrated high levels of state and federal government power and authority.

In Mendocino County since at least 2008, Deputy Sheriff/Coroner Lt. Shannon Barney is alleged to have been running his own wild thing sadomasochisticbunga bunga sex tribe cult, and marijuana farm. They want our eyes closed and blind to allegations that involve wife swapping and drunkenness among sheriff deputies while “on duty” in Covelo, Mendocino County – two of the deputies involved in Barney’s Sex Tribe and secrecy have come up dead.[3]

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Barney and his Sex Cult is a mockery of the American justice system. It would be absolutely hilarious if only we close our eyes to the racial mass slaughter of 4 (four) of 6 (six) beautiful innocent black children on his watch. The true PICTURE that emerges of Lt. Sergeant Barney is that of a barbaric brutal and dangerous tribal sex cult leader who uses his power to absolutely control his subordinates and savagely enforce a code of secrecy among them. The brute is alleged to have interfered with the administration of justice, misuse state power, failed to perform his sworn duty, normally applied unequal enforcement of the law, and being drunk and invoking “bunga bunga sex rituals on duty. The brute terrorized and imposed sexual requirements on deputies under his command for his entire term of office. The “Covelo Way” was that Lt. Barney expected deputies under his command to have sex with his wife, Deanna, and he was to have sex with their wives. Lt. Barney is alleged to be a wild vicious ritual sexual predator.[4]

Sheriff Allman- In Plain Sight Scumbag Feed Asian Child Popcorn from his Filthy Hat 

Yet in 2010, the big brute was promoted by Masonic Master Mason/Knights Templar Sheriff Tom D.  Allman to the powerful state position of the Deputy County Coroner. We must not be blind to this fact.


Folding your three middle fingers down while holding out your thumb and pinky, the gesture, called The Shaka Sign originated in Hawaii. The sign can be interpreted as “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Have a nice day,” “Take it easy,” “Good luck,” or, the most popular definition, “Hang loose”.[5]

However, I doubt very seriously that Satan’s Moroccan PAN-sexual Daughter of the international Bunga Bunga Sex Cult, Ruby the Heart-breaker (Karima El-Mahroug), alleged “Shaka” hand symbol (Devil’s Horns) can be interpreted as a HawaiianHave a Nice Day.”

Sex Kitten, Ruby the Heart-breaker

On the deceptive credibility and ILLUSIONS created by Lucifer’s Servants, Sheriff Allman and Deputy Sheriff Barney, don’t go blind -pack up your tent up and go home based on anything whatsoever they say about the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children. Don’t get it twisted. I am not pushing the blacks against the whites agenda to confuse and divide the masses. As a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, I had enough potential deadly and other encounters with white police officers to be blind to the fact that Sheriff Allman and Deputy Barney are not typically among them. That’s why Jennifer and Sarah’s Coven had to travel over 10 hours and 570 highway miles from Oregon to California to get to a Satanic Safety Network, Mendocino County, to manufacturer ILLUSIONS and smoked mirrors among the masses to execute the veiled works of the Horned God.



Malnutrition in children is common globally and may result in both short and long term irreversible negative health outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that malnutrition accounts for 54 percent of child mortality worldwide,about 1 million children. Another estimate also by WHO states that childhood underweight is the cause for about 35% of all deaths of children under the age of five years worldwide.[6] Malnutrition increases the risk of infection and infectious disease, and moderate malnutrition weakens every part of the immune system. Court documents say that Jeremiah, but not his brother (Devonte) or sister (Siera) was born with drugs in his system. It is an outright and vicious lie that all 6 (six) children of the Hart Tribe were society’s severely disabled black drug babies.

During the Nazi era, Child Euthanasia was the name given to the organised murder of severely mentally and physically handicapped children and young people up to 16 years old in over 30 so-called special children’s wards.

We can plainly see malnutrition in Sierra compared to the Children of Auschwitz.

In 2013, all 6 (six) children had clinical symptoms of being malnourished (adjective)- suffering from malnutrition. Malnourished– weak and in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of food that is good for you.[7]


Hart Tribe friend Max Ribner of publicly took issue with the notion the wreck was something other than a tragic accident. Ribner is a band member of Nahko and Medicine for the People. He said that the couple adopted many of their children from “hard backgrounds,” he said. “They transformed these kids’ lives”- from the gates to heaven to the DEATH OF HELL![8] He said the Hart Witches were “amazing parents”. Of the children, Ribner said, “They were readers, they were writers, they were poets, they were dancers. And they were brave. They didn’t have any judgment. But they also felt pain, too.” In 2013, Ribner began offering music classes to kids at his home in Southeast Portland. He said that all six of the Hart children participated in the program and that he and the children wrote songs together and played music twice a month for nearly a year while they were being physically attached and abused and clinically malnourished. “They exposed their children to conscious music with a message. Music that talks about social revolution and racial equality.” So, he says and lies.[9] We are not blind. We can see on our own that 6 (six) malnourished black children had been starved, and tortured for over 10 (ten) years, then slaughtered by the Witches and their Coven that Max Ribner had been a party to.

Nahko, the Bear, was another so called close personal friend (handler?) of Jennifer, Sarah and the Hart Tribe that was often seen in close physical association with the Children during forest musical rainbow gatherings and the Shangri-La (Shambhala) festivals at Harmony Grove in Minnesota. We cannot be blind to this fact. As has been duly noted, Nahko has not shown any particular public personal sympathy for the senseless racial mass slaughter of the innocent Children[10]

Yet, the abused and malnourished Black Children always sang their LOVE for him; and their praise and blessings of Nahko.

Devonte even worked to donate to Nahko’s causes and charity.


Nahko and his Coven of rainbow gathering has turned a BLIND EYE ON THEM THAT HAD LOVED HIM.


On April 3, 2018, Nahko tweeted, “These amazing kids were all adopted from the same horrible situation, save one boy who was the eldest. these angels came to these two amazing mothers completely by chance. miracles happen. tragedy happens. consider the legacy they left behind. there is another side of story.” On April 4, 2018, a mysterious April Dawn that joined Twitter in April 2018 to suddenly add another side of Nahko’s story. She said that she knew them well. “They were taking turns reading chapters from their current books out loud to each other Jeremiah: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Abbi: Black Elk Speaks. This went on for hours … HOURS … until they started their nightly dance party. They’ve been doing this every night since. I don’t know why.”[11].

Horned God & Children’s Circle Dance

We are not blind. The Children’s nightly so called “party dance” that she claimed that she didn’t know or deliberately withheld the whys of was the infamous European old religion  witch’s endless occult circle dance to conjure and become possessed with spirits and demons from other spheres and dimensions.


he Phoenix, the Bennu Bird, is an eternal part of the ancient cosmology of Kemet.  The bird was primarily associated with Atum and Re, but inevitably, its connection with rebirth came to associate it also with God Ashur (Osiris). In quoting from the Book of the Dead, Wallis Budge quotes a passage that reads, “I go in like the Hawk, and I come forth like the Bennu, the Morning Star (i.e., the planet Venus) of Ra; I am the Bennu which is in Heliopolis” and he goes on to say that the scholion on this passage expressly informs us that the Benu is Ashur (Osiris). In essence, the Benu was considered a manifestation of the resurrected God Ashur of Kemet. The true meaning and mystery of the Phoenix and Bennu Bird was never revealed to the Greeks. According to Freemasonry, these magnificent birds lives at any one time, and lives to be about 500 years old.  Then, it self-immolates and its body is reduced to ashes; however, a new Phoenix Bird immediately arises out of these ashes, to live another 500 years. [Manly P. Hall]

In old western European occult cosmology, the Phoenix Bird has become a symbol of Lucifer: “The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant. This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.” [Bill Schnoebelen][12]

Catholics rely on Black Elk and the archetypal images and symbols in Black Elk Speaks and The Sacred Pipe for new directions in worship and liturgy could make a similar mistake. While Black Elk did not reject all Lakota practices, he found their essence present, or even deeper, in the practices of the Catholic Church – a pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. Many Catholics may not relish the idea that to “be like Black Elk” really means to evangelize and pray the Rosary.[13]

April Dawn speaks directly of a mind control device taken out of the annals of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. The Children of the Hart Tribe were kept isolated, group thought indoctrinated in spiritualism, resurrection, and reincarnation by day and evening. At night, they danced in a circle most of the fallen sun to prevent their minds, bodies and spirits from straying and rebelling.

By the way, Spirit Gangster Nahko is an Oregonian Apache, Puerto Rican and Filipino orphan raised by a white couple from MK ULTRA/MONARCH impressionate  9 (nine) months old to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[14]

David Chilly Love & Hart Tribe

Hart Tribe handler David Chilly Love is a South Korean orphan also raised by a white couple to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[15] 

Nahko and Chilly Love are Wookiefoots of the Tribadelic Spaceship that host and headline their own Global Conscious Gathering called Shangri~La Festival at Harmony Park in Southern MN.[16] In 2013 while the Hart Family were surrounded by so many fair heart friends and defenders of the Witches of Buchenwald, the Children were medically measured by a doctor as being shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. Abigail, then nearly 10 years old, was the height of an average 6-year-old girl. At 11 years old, Hannah, at 50 pounds and 3’9″, was the size of a typical 6-year-old girl.[17]

All 6 (six) children were extremely small for their ages even though they came from 2 two different biological families. A developmental pediatrician said it was unlikely that all 6 (six) children had medical conditions that would explain their extremely small bodies. Seeing all 6 (six) children who all appeared very small should had given the doctor reasons to look further into their histories. It should have also given people around the Children notice that they were being harmed. Yet to deliberately veil the doctor and medical malfeasance, their case worker deliberately wrote in her notes that “being adopted, no medical history is known for each child.” It was an outright vicious lie.The case worker has not been publicly identified. [18]

In today’s society, doctors and physicians are known as people who help us return to, and maintain, good health. Nevertheless, an osteopathic (practice in all areas of medicine) female doctor who worked at a Providence clinic in Clackamas, Oregon concluded she had “no concerns whatsoever” about their well- being. Someone in her office deliberately falsified the file and wrote a note that said the children’s heights and weights were not troubling because they were proportionately small. That is also a false ILLUSION for the blind.[19] 

The doctor abandoned the Children to continue to suffer malnutrition under the witches until they were mass murdered, organs harvested or sacrificed by their coven. The name of the osteopathist was heavily redacted so she also has not been publicly identified. Clackamas is a suburb of Portland, OR. Without the name of the doctor or the Children’s state case worker, we have to dig deeper to look at the greater Catholic Church of Portland and the Vatican to try to explain why one of their doctors under their jurisdiction would have “no concerns whatsoever” about the well being even though they were in fact substantially clinically malnourished 6 (six) black children shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. The doctor completely abandoned the medical ethics of Beneficence- taking actions that serve the best interests of patients.[20] And, it appears to be a fact that the doctor nor the state case worker have been investigated or suffered any consequences for their deceptions, malfeasance and 21st century inhumanity to man. However, it appears that Providence Clinic in Clackamas is part of the clandestine dark circle network and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Child Sex Trafficking/Sacrifice Circle. Providence Health & Services



Portland’s Notorious Catholic Pedophile Priest- Father Maurice Grammond,

In 2004, sexual abuse cases bankrupted the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oregon in Portland. In Oregon, litigation from victims threatened to overwhelm the 356,000-strong archdiocese of the west-coast state, which at the time faced a further 60 court cases. In 2004, 196 people have filed accusations against 41 priests in claims dating back to the early 1950s. Its settlements are second only to those of Boston, which paid out $85 million. One case in Portland, OR was brought by a 51-year-old cattle rancher, James Devereux, sought $130 million damages for abuse he claims he suffered at the hands of a priest, Father Maurice Grammond, in the 1960s when he was a teenage altar boy. The other case, involving the same priest in the 1980s, was brought by an anonymous litigant who claimed he was abused between the ages of eight and 10. Grammond, who died at the age of 82 in 2002, is the source of many of the cases against the church, whose officials were accused of ignoring complaints against the priest and moving him on to new parishes whenever they surfaced – said to be a common feature of the church’s handling of alleged serial abusers.

Grammond had been accused of abusing at least 50 (fifty) boys during a 40-year career, was said to have molested boys in his car, in the rectory, on camping trips and even during confessionsbut was never prosecuted. He apparently claimed that he had no responsibility because children “threw themselves” at him.[21] Grammond was also notorious for his open interference and influence over Portland’s juvenile court, child protective services (CPS), and the foster care system to set him up with some of his pedophilia child victims.[22]

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (Archidioecesis Portlandensis in Oregonia) is an archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the Pacific Northwest covered up Grammond’s pedophilia crimes. And, it came down from the Vatican’s highest priesthood of the ultra secret elite Ninth Satanic Circle. However, the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole runs deeper- extremely deeper than covering up the Vatican’s Priest Pedophile Child Satanic Sex Rings and the elite Ninth Satanic Circle.



A reader of In Search of Black Assassins offered me one name and lead in regards to the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole– CLARE BRONFMAN. I disregard and dismiss nothing. In order to explore the Clare Bronfman lead, we must return to Providence Health & Services in Portland where the Children’s designed euthanasia malnutrition plan was deliberately and blatantly covered-up. Providence Health & Services in Oregon is a not-for-profit Catholic network of hospitals, care centers, health plans, physicians, clinics, home health care and affiliated services guided by a Mission of caring that the SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE began in the West nearly 160 years ago.[23] 

Saint Theodora Guerin

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are an apostolic congregation of Catholic women founded by the French Saint Theodora Guerin (known colloquially as Saint Mother Theodore) at Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana. Saint Mary of the Woods existed in Indiana before the arrival of the official catholic church. The earliest land records in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods date back to 1825, when George and Polly Smith acquired a land patent signed by Knights Templar/Freemason President Andrew Jackson. George Smith served as an aide and dispatch bearer to Knights Templar/Freemason President George Washington during American Revolution.[24]

It is claimed that Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) initiated President George Washington into the higher hierarchy of ultra-secret Knights Templar with the above secret skull, cross & bones Knights Templar/Masonic Apron. Called “America’s Best Friend” in Europe, Marquis de Lafayette was Thomas Jefferson’s best friend in France and America. Lafayette was also a Hidden Hand 33° Freemason and French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution.  Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.

The meaning of the apron may go back to the 14th century inquisition by Philip, King of France and Pope Clement Vof the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem also known as the Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Hospitalier or Hospitallers .[25] The Templars went underground.

The 7th President of the U.S., Andrew Jackson (1829- 1837) worshiped by President Donald J. Drumpf was a Freemason, having been initiated at Masonic Lodge, Harmony No. 1 in Tennessee; he also participated in chartering several other lodges in Tennessee. He was the only U.S. president to have been a Grand Master of a State Lodge until Harry S. Truman in 1945. His Masonic apron is on display in the Tennessee State Museum. An obelisk and bronze Masonic plaque decorate his tomb at The Hermitage, Nashville, TN.[26] Jackson was a Scottish descent Royal Arch Mason, the first part of the York Rite system of the Masonic degrees. Royal Arch Masons meet as a Chapter, and the Royal Arch Chapter confers four degrees: Mark Master Mason, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. The Royal Arch Mason degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar. Did Jackson become a Knight Templar? Yes, I believe that he did, because THAT IS THE WAY THEY ROLL![27]

Mother Theodore and her companions left the Sisters of Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir, North Western France, at the invitation of Célestine René Laurent Guynemer de la Hailandière of Rennes, Brittany, France, the Bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, to found the Sisters of Providence in the United States.[28] In 1840, Mother Theodore arrived in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with several companions and found a dense forest with few buildings. There she established the congregation of women.[29]

In 1918,  the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes of Saint Bernadette was built in a ravine on the south side of the motherhouse grounds. The grotto at the Woods was based upon the blueprints of the renowned grotto in Lourdes, France. Lourdes and the Pyrenees Mountain Range is a little more than 400 miles outside of Ruillé-sur-Loir.  A few stones from Lourdes are embedded within the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods grotto.

The grotto is based on the Marian (Saint Mary) apparitions in 1858, when Mystic Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl, admitted to her mother that a “lady” spoke to her in the cave of Massabielle. Bernadette said that the lady revealed to her that she is the Immaculate ConceptionMother of Jesus.

Mystic Bernadette Soubirous

Bernadette’s native country of the Pyrenees, a mountain region haunted by tales of fairies, witches and miraculous groves and springs.

Knights Templar & The Cult of Mary Magdalene

LUKE 8:2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils ...”

Saint Mary Magdalene is the first Mystic of the Catholic Church.[30] Saint Mary Magdalene, the New Testament Disciple and supporter of Jesus, is a Saint of the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran Churches, honored as a Heroine of the Faith by Protestant Churches. In addition to being a canonized Saint, in Southern France and throughout much of Europe Mary Magdalene was venerated as a Gnostic Apostle by the tradition known as the “Cult of Mary Magdalene”, which arose in Provence France during the 11th century. It is based upon the widespread belief among Catholic scholars that Mary and her companions fled persecution in Jerusalem, crossed the Mediterranean in a boat, and landed near Arles in the South of France (since named “Saintes Maries de la Mer”).

And so, when fleeing into France, Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus, carried the Sangréal in the sacred chalice of her womb.

Mary Magdalene & Angels Descend (Holy Eucharist)

She retired to the Holy Cave (“Sainte-Baume”) on a hill in the Marseille region, and converted all of Provence to Christianity. [31]

Southern France, especially the Mary Magdalene site of Aix en Provence, was always a major stronghold of the Knights Templar, since the inception of the Order in 1118 AD: A public square in Aix en Provence preserves a 19th century statute of Rene d’Anjou (1409-1480 AD), Duke of the Templar dynastic House of Anjou, and titular King of Jerusalem descendant from the founding Templar King Fulk d’Anjou.

Joan of Arc

Rene was the son of Princess Yolande of Aragon (1384-1442 AD), who was the primary proponent and patron of Saint Joan of Arc, who was a hereditary Templar Countess of Anjou. Yolande was the daughter of King John I of Aragon Spain, where many of the Knights Templar had survived the French persecution from 1307 AD. As a result, many later Templar descendants thrived as an underground network in Southern France, under the dynastic support of the Templar House of Anjou.

Therefore, the 11th century “Cult of Mary Magdalene” had a special connection – and a powerful appeal – to the 12th century Knights Templar, and was always a major component of authentic Templar heritage even into the modern era. While not all Templars necessarily considered Mary Magdalene to be a Gnostic Apostle, many historically did. As Catholics, in any case, the Knights Templar strongly favoured her as their special Saint. Throughout the Middle Ages, at every possible opportunity the Templars used seemingly normal references to “Mary”, appearing to mean “Mother Mary”, to instead privately emphasize the central importance of Mary Magdalene in their hearts and in their prayers, as a pillar of Templar culture.[32]

So, the Mary of the Woods mystic grotto could very well be a “cave temple” dedicated to Templar’s Cult of Mary Magdalene. That’s why the origins of Mary of the Woods in Indiana remain a mystery, because it is the Templar’s Mary Magdalene of the Woods.

To those who travel to the South of France and climb the mountain through the FOREST up to her cave – the summit of human and divine affections. May you be blessed abundantly. (Paula Lawlor ‘A Love Devout’)[33]

Mary Magdalene spent the last 30 years of her life in prayer and meditation in a mountain cave in the Sacred FOREST of La Saint Baume”. As the story goes, her only sustenance was the Holy Eucharist (eat the flesh and drink the blood), which she received on a daily basis from angels. During her waning years, the angels descended from heaven and transported her to an undisclosed location.[34]

Sisters of Providence of Montreal

The Women of Providence in Collaboration (WPC) is an association of congregations of Catholic women religious in North America who bear the name and charism of Providence. They come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence. One congregation that comprise the WPC is the Sisters of Providence, Montreal, Quebec.[35] Sisters of Providence of the Bronfman’s Montreal was established by Emilie Tavernier Gamelin Jean-Baptiste Gamelin in 1840.[36]

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin (Mary of the Woods) Grand Priory of the Knights Templar

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory

Founded in 1806 at Ruillé-sur-Loir, France, by Father Jacques François Dujarié with Mère M. Madeleine (MARY MAGDALENE) in 1818 and Mère Marie in 1822, the Sisters of Providence arrived on one side in England.

Early French (Mary Magdalene/Knights Templar) Shield of Father Dujarie and Saint Theodore

On the other side, the Sisters arrived in Indiana with Mère Théodore in 1840.

From the very beginning, Mary of the Woods and the Sister of Providence were part of the secret French underground Mary Magdalene- Knights Templar Baphometic lodge or sect.

The Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory of the Knights Templar consist of 15 (fifteen) women and men from seven different countries, including Denmark, Finland, Germany, Canada, England, Estonia and the United States. They come from various Christian traditions: Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Catholic and Presbyterian, and include a Jewish rabbi.[37] The Saint Mother Theodore Priory is part of the International Grand Magisterial Council. The Magisterial Council presides as the international authority of the Order. This council is comprised of the Grand Priors of each member country. The council elects and appoints executive officers to provide the administration of the Sovereign Military Order of The Temple of Jerusalem (Knights Templars).[38]

[Sisters of] Providence Health & Services in Portland is part of the secret network of underground Baphometic Masonic Knights Templar. The Catholic Sisters of Providence are more interested in taking souls then healing people. In regards to Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, its blatant departure from established medical practices was not just a fall  through the cracks. It was a matter of a grand deception.

Clare and Sara Bronfman (Rainbow Cultural Garden)  of Montreal

Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman of Montreal heads the funding for the secretive “Sex Cult” and pedophile ring called NXIVM.  Sara was CEO of Rainbow Cultural Garden School in London. The original Rainbow Cultural Garden school is near the NXIVM mother ship.

CIA MK ULTRA Rainbow Gathering: Fantuzzi, Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children

Clare oversees everything to do with the finances, and the personnel, and the management of RainbowRainbow Cultural Garden is the concept for Keith Raniere, arrested leader of NXIVM, to indoctrinate very young children to be raised by multiple caregivers. Raniere is the alleged cult kingpin/leader of NXIVM.  Rainbow Cultural Garden School is a human experiment conceived and conducted by an alleged sex trafficker and known pedophile of children whose parents have been brainwashed by his insidious teachings and hypnosis skills. Raniere, a MK-ULTRA/MONARCH programmer has been accused of raping a 12-year-old girl in Upstate New York, according to new court documents.

Buddhist Dalai Lama & Keith Raniere

In 2009, Dalai Lama,  part of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism, presented Keith Raniere, with the “Scarf of Purity.” What Keith Raniere is practicing is Tantra that nails all female energy down in a misogynistic paradigm, that these Dalai Lamas and the other Lama sects all practice, while putting on their grand theater and using traditional Mahayana Buddhism, and humble monk personas to fool people in the West.

Maria Orsic’s Nazi Shambhala

Shanghai La and Shambhala represents a idea of a lost kingdom somewhere in the Himalayas has also circulated in Tibetan Buddhist teaching for centuries, and may well itself have been told at the court of Akbar. The name Shambala first appears in a text known as the Kalachakra Tantra – or Wheel of Time teaching. The Kalachakra doctrine belongs to the highest level of Buddhist Mahayana teaching.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart of the Harmony Park Grove in Minnesota followed Shangri-La and the highest level of Mahayana Buddhism tradition.

Thích Nhất Hạnh quoted by Chilly David Love (Wookiefoot), and Trevor Hall (Rampriya Dass) all above, follow the Rama Dass Mahayana Tradition of Buddhism.

 Priestess Heather Salmon is a Buddhist that follows Tantric Sex Practices with her partner, Donny Regal. The High Priestess of Isis indoctrinated the Children in Pantheists Buddhism.

Devonte was indoctrinated and trained to serve Shangri La and Shambhala in Buddhist Rituals like a Human Pet.

The Dalai Lama with Venerable (impressive dignity) Lama Tenzin, who had a special “knock the boots” relationship with Sara Bronfman.

 Sir Richard Branson’s “Bunga Bunga” Necker Island-  Lama Tenzin & Sara Bronfman

The Bronfman family are the Jewish ILLUMINATI family that runs Canada. The Bronfman is one of the powerful New World Order families that controls what the masses read, hear, see and entertained with.  Clare and Sara Bronfman, who fund NXIVM and Keith Raniere, are the granddaughters of the Jewish patriarch, Samuel Bronfman, born in Imperial Russia.[39]

Clare and Sara Bronfman

Clare and Sara are the daughters of Samuel Bronfman I– the son of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., son of the patriarch- Samuel. Edgar, Sr. is the founder and president of the billion-dollar Distillers Corp-Seagram Ltd.[40] The Bronfmans are part of the  Committee of 300. The Committee is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 allegedly rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.

The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Wind.  The Committee of 300’s front organizations are the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford University and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.41] In 1924, Samuel Bronfman opened a distillery in Montreal. In 1926, the Distillery Corporation of London [DCL] owned by Field Marshal Haig, Lord Dewar, Lord Woolavington, and others, and which controlled more than half the world market in scotch whiskey, partnered with Bronfman. They formed a holding company with DCL’s William Ross as president, Sam Bronfman vice-president.  Bronfman became a ‘cutout’ for the men behind DCL, and the dispensation of distribution rights was a decision made by His Majesty the King. It began as a three-way contract between Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cutout), and Rothstein (the distributor). It evolved into a nationally organized crime syndicate.[42] Rothstein was assigned the job of “reorganizing” crime networks. He set up syndicates on the East Coast with the help of Torrio. A special bureau was set up by Meyer Lansky and  Benny “Bugs” SiegelMurder, Inc. was formed as a regulatory commission to police “free enterprise” advocates who might try to buck the syndicate and interfere with booze sales.[43]

The Bronfmans in Canada is a subject in itself far too much to handle here. But, they comprise the foundation and backbone of the political and financial power structure of the New World Order. They are linked to Donald J. Drumpf’s mentor, Roy Cohn They are dark circle other-dimensional “master deceivers“. They are vicious cohorts and puppets of the “fallen angel” LUCIFER. The Bronfmans of Montreal are an underground Knights Templar family linked to the old Sisters of Providence– part of the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI and the global, Ninth Satanic Child Trafficking Circle.

In 1969, Sam Bronfman was made a Knight of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem – Her Majesty’s official chivalric order.[44]  The Order of St John formally the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (French: l’ordre très vénérable de l’Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem) and also known as St John International is a British royal order of chivalry first constituted in 1888 by royal charter from Queen Victoria. It evolved from a faction of the Order of Malta that emerged in France in the 1820s and moved to Britain in the early 1830s.

Mendocino County Sheriff , Tom Allman, is a Knight Templar.

 California Governor Jerry Brown is a Jesuit Priest- Soldier of the VATICAN. He covered up Rev. Jim Jones, Peoples Temple, and the 1978 Jonestown Guyana Massacre in California.

Looking forward to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice stepping into the case to investigate the crimes of racial mass murder across state lines, and the blatant violation of the Constitutional Rights of the Children and their Biological Parents is like waiting for the Laurel and Hardy’s infamous comical March of the Wooden Soldiers.



Courageous Tiny Hannah & Biological Brother, Markis

Courageously, Tiny Hannah and her damaged and malnourished body did all that she could to escape the Witches of Buchenwald. In the middle of a winter November night along the mountains in Woodland,Washington, she jumped from a second story window covered with only a blanket to escape. Steve Frkovich overheard a private confidential conversation between his daughter, Dana DeKalb, and wife about Hannah’s heroic dash for freedom and the Children. He lives in Tacoma, Washington– a little more than a hundred miles away. He was so disturbed by what he had overheard about Tiny Hannah that he called 9-11 to report the incident to try to try to get for Hannah and the Children.

There was a Washington police state power- child protective services stand down not a breakdown, and nobody responded to our so dear and precious Tiny Hannah’s heart wrenching cry for human compassion and help. On or about May 10, 2018, a Mendocino County’s sheriff’s deputy was called to the area of North Highway 1 and Hardy Creek in Westport around 7:15 p.m. Wednesday. On an ocean beach, a local resident found a pair of girl’s jeans with a shoe entangled in one of the pant legs. An inspection led to discovering human remains of what appeared to be a human foot inside of the shoe. The remains were found about a mile away from where the Hart SUV plunged over a cliff onto rocks at the edge of the ocean on March 25 or March 26, 2018. The foot was delivered to Mendocino County’s Coroners, Knights Templar Sheriff Tom Allman and Sex Cult Guru Lt. Shannon Barney.

As far as I am aware, Allman and Barney have not released to the public any final reports detailing autopsy findings of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children. And, I suspect that they will not release any detailed autopsy findings in the case that indicate whether or not the Children had any vital organs. And as far as I am aware, the alleged bodies of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children have been cremated and permanently disposed of.

In lieu of the pending DNA tests on the foot, our most precious Tiny Hannah is still missing, presumed dead. I had suspected that only the body parts of Tiny Hannah and Devonte would be recovered, because I believe that they had sacrificed, organs removed- harvested, and bodies burned. It seems to me that the Children’s forced special malnourished diet had something to do with harvesting and marketing their organs to an elite class.

To get to the bottom of the Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, there must be a citizens task force, review or council formed because the Rabbit Hole runs far too deep in this matter for justice to prevail ordinarily. And,  the Luciferians have infiltrated the highest offices of local, state and federal power and authority to make it virtually impossible for Justice to be done. I will stay on the case. I have said enough.



[2] Id.
















[18] Id.

[19] Id.








[27] Id







[34] Id









[43] Id.

[44] Id.


22 03 2018




Neoslavery is an economic condition, a small knot of men exercising the property rights of their established economic order, organizing and controlling the life style of the slave as if he were in fact property. Succinctly: an economic condition which manifests itself in the total loss or absence of self-determination. Only after this is understood and accepted can we go on to the dialectic that will help us in a remedy. –George Jackson-Soledad Brother-April 17, 1970

Ticket sales over this weekend ending March 17, 2018 earned the blockbuster film $27 million more, according to studio estimates. “The Black Panther has grossed more than $605.4 million domestically and more than $1.1 billion worldwide. It’ll soon pass “The Avengers $623 million to become the top-grossing fantasy superhero film of all time in North America.[1]

Yet, I am startled that the film has glossed more money worldwide than domestically. I am startled because HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain people of color. As a rule of thumbHOLLYWEIRD DOES NOT MAKE MOVIES TO ENTERTAIN BLACK PEOPLEIf you sit thru a HollyWeird movie designed for Black audiences and global masses of color such as “The Black Panther”, you leave the theater clinically mentally ill!

The early core characters featured in “The Black Panther” weren’t developed by black scholars, social scientists, professors, teachers, writers, teachers or our elders. Actually, we know very little about the people that developed the characters in “The Black Panther” that the New World Order and the Satanic ILLUMINATI strongly encourages black people, particularly children, and global masses to attach themselves to.

They were developed by people like Irish/Scottish Don McGregor, and the CIA. McGregor worked myriad jobs as a young adult, including as a security guard, at a bank, at a movie theater, andfor my grandfather’s company, [which] printed, among other things, the patches the astronauts wore on their flights to the moon.” He additionally served as military police with the National Guard. It wouldn’t take very many pieces of silver to sell all his characters in “The Black Panther” to the CIA and Lucifer. [2]

Don McGregor

McGregor has no love for the black community or any commitment to the masses of color. Marvel’s Comic earliest clandestine gay/homosexual characters were introduced in Don McGregor’s Black Panther.[3] As far as he is concerned, every black character developed in “The Black Panther” could be openly or covertly subliminally animals, homosexual and satanic.

The Black Panther, Ape- Man & The Great White Gorilla Cult

M’Baku is really MAN- APE- Warrior of the White Gorilla Cult.

Marvel and Disney think that you may misunderstand them [white supremacyracism] if M’Baku is called the MAN- APE in the movie. So, they will not call him MAN- APE in the film. However, the glorification of the White Gorilla and animalization of Africans remains, and the Great White Gorilla Cult, too.  A GREAT WHITE GORILLA? That dog don’t hunt. It’s called induced “cognitive dissonance”–  mental discomfort (psychological stress). 

The Black Panther& Gay Africa and the DEVIL

Wakanda, Land of Fierce, Strong Lesbian Warriors

McGregor’s Black Panther character’s Venomm and Taku are a clandestine homosexual couple. Taku and Venomm aren’t in the film, but that’s the sadistic and wicked mindset behind the veil of Marvel and Disney’s The Black PantherVenomm identified with snakes because they were shunned like him. It is no slight of pen that the black male couples with the male Luciferian character. The Satanic Temple and many satanist believe that Lucifer and Satan are misunderstood and shunned because of it.

The snake (Satan) in the Garden of Eve says that the forbidden fruit will make them “like gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).

Eric Killmonger and the Late Prince

McGregor considered making Eric Killmonger an openly Gay character. So, is Killmonger created clandestinely gay? Nevertheless, Killmonger is a fantasy character that Marvel Comics and the CIA still had the option to open his door either way in the movie, subliminally or supraliminally. Stimuli that are perceived above the threshold and thus are detected at the level of consciousness are called supraliminal. In contrast, stimuli that are not perceived at the conscious level and thus are not detected are called subliminal. Supraliminal stimuli are usually stronger in intensity and longer in duration than subliminal stimuli. Nobody but Marvel, Disney and the CIA knows for sure whether the movie was implanted with hidden “gay” stimuli to affect the psyche of the masses.

T’Challa and Killmonger- Gay Black Males Battle to Kill Each Other While Black Lesbians Watch

Nevertheless, Negro homosexual themes were indeed part of the making of the film. Gay rights activists are outraged that Marvel/Disney Studios cut the only open LGBT scene from the film.

The Black Panther movie actually featured an open lesbian scene between Okoye (Danai Gurira), left, and Ayo (Florence Kasumba). Additionally, Killmonger– a monger is a merchant dealer or trader. With respect to professions, the term is applied as a suffix (especially in the UK) to specify someone who deals in a particular kind of good- mass killing other black people or black males. It is a terrible thing to expose black children to this kind of subliminal self-destructive S.H.I.T!

There are two key HollyWeird Negro Satanic Gatekeepers, Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett, featured in this film that should have set off red flags and alarms throughout the world. They are EVIL- spiritual DEMONIC! That is enough by itself to make anybody SICK!

The Black Panther & Wicked Whitaker

For most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it; they just scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” –Forest Whitaker [4]

Whitaker’s statement, above, has to be one of the most condescending and cutting remarks that an individual could make to mock and insult Christians, Black People, Civil Rights Movement, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The odd thing about his statement is that Christianity is most likely the foundation faith of his parents and forebears in America that fought and died to free him from African Human Bondage.

Even if Whitaker is not a Christian, it isn’t necessary to attack others’ faith in Christianity. Whitaker is uncommonly personally close to John Travolta and ScientologyWhitaker starred as the hairy alien, KER, ruling Earth with Travolta in the late Nazi-Satanist L. Ron Hubbard’s movie version of Battlefield Earth.

Scientologists do believe that an alien named XENU is their god-creator. It appears certain that Forest Whitaker will fall down and honor any entity or lord other than Christ even SATAN.

Forest Whitaker appeared in Jamie Foxx’s Hip Hop False Satanic Rite video- Blame it on the Alcohol.

It was an outright supraliminal implant hit piece encouraging teens and Hip Hop generation to consume alcohol in excess, and change their life styles and “pleasure centers” as endorsed by some of HollyWeird’s most celebrated and powerful directors, producers, actors, comedians and Hip Hop artists.

HollyWeird’s elites Ron Howard, Quincy Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Cedric the Entertainer, and Forest Whitaker, etc., made brazen cameo appearances on Foxx’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]” music video to initiate Foxx’s Hip Hop Satanic Coven from a far more clandestine mother Satanic coven.

Jamie Foxx, above, with ab absolutely bizarre black Demon Medium and coven mascot representing Satanic/Masonic Duality- Black and White.

Here is what I can recall is a revised YouTube music video,Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]”,  before it disappears.

Lurking in the shadows behind Whitaker is an Italian professor named, Aldo Civico of Vatican Radio.[5] Since its inception in 1931, Vatican Radio has been controlled by the Jesuit Order.[6] Aldo is Whitaker’s Vatican puppet-master; co-founder and the Director of Whitaker’s International Institute for Peace at Rutgers University.[7] Civico markets himself as a Columbia University (NY) educated anthropologist specializing in international conflict resolution and facilitation.[8]

In 2008, it was exposed that Civico had a secret hand in influencing, molding and shaping Barak Obama as a presidential candidate. It came to light that he served as an informal adviser to presidential candidate Obama on his Western Hemisphere Foreign Policy team along with New World Order globalist and war criminals Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Henry Kissingerthe secret puppet-masters of America’s First Cyborg President, Barrak Obama.[9],[10],[11] Civico also presented the Jesuits and the Vatican as a so-called informal member on the Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign- Latin America Working Group.[12]

Wicked Whitaker is a Coon- Uncle Tom Handkerchief Head Negro that can’t find the courage to fight himself out of a paper bag. That Negro will suffocate before he would raise a hand against the system to defend or free himself or anybody else that’s not white! It makes him perfect as an ILLUSIONARY black African powerful ruler for The Black Panther film- a wicked and shameful HollyWeird global psychological warfare project.

EVIL Angela & The Black Panther

Angela Bassett is a HollyWeird WITCH! She plays the part of the reincarnation of the Satanic High Priestess of New Orleans, Marie Catherine Laveau (September 10, 1801– June 15, 1881).  In New Orleans, Madame Laveau belonged to the Satanic Coven of Lady Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-LaLaurie in French New Orleans. Her secret coven followed the path of the infamous Satanic Death Cult of Knights Templar, French Nobleman Gilles de Montmorency-Laval aka Baron Giles de Rais, that tortured, drank the blood, and ate the flesh of body parts of hundreds of poor French victims to summon the DEVIL. In Delphine LaLaurie’s case in New Orleans, it was BLACK PEOPLE!

Angela Bassett & Infamous Marie Catherine Laveau

Whether or not, Angela Bassett was born a man would be a deep cover HollyWeird secret.

All HollyWeird ILLUMINATI Negroes, including Bobbi Kristina Brown are bound by a Masonic Blood Covenant and Code of SECRECY.

On June 2014 on twitter, Bobbi Kristina that insinuated that Bassett was a literal TRANNY-TRANSGENDER. By January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina was found “unresponsive” face down in a water filled bathtub. Dr. John O’Dea, M.D. told exclusively, If someone was cut off from OXYGEN for 15 to 30 minutes, they would be BRAIN DEAD. All it takes is to be cut off from OXYGEN for 5 to 10 minutes.” Bobbi Kristina was BRAIN DEAD!

The bi-crossed arm symbol is an ancient sacred salute and homage to the Kemetic mysteries, and the Great God Ashur (Osiris). The Kemetic sacred symbol has been bastardized, exploited and commercialized by secret New Age Spirituality Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia.

X-Sign Symbol- Angela Bassett & Giovanni Bellini, Maria Madgalena (1464- 1470)

Under the veil of ignorance, the Satanic medieval Cult of Sophia has been implanted in “The Black Panther” movie to further erode, destroy, and supplant the generational faith of black people. EVIL Angela along with Oprah Winfrey are HollyWeird proponents and mass media change agents of New Age Spirituality and Luciferism.

The X-Sign symbol is also a bi-cross arm symbol of a Satanic Master Mason.

The goddess Sophia was introduced into Anthroposophy by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, in his book The Goddess: From Natura to Divine Sophia and a later compilation of his writings titled Isis Mary Sophia.

Alice Walker & The Great BEAST Aleister Crowley

Sophia also figures prominently in Theosophy, a spiritual movement which Anthroposophy was closely related to Satanist Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy. She described it in her essay “What is Theosophy?” as an esoteric wisdom doctrine, and said that the “Wisdom” referred to was “an emanation of the Divine principle” typified by “… some goddesses — Metis, Neitha, Athena, the Gnostic Sophia[13]

Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God. She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[14] The Knights Templar are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.[15] Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge secret Sophia Cult still exists. Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of All (Gnostic), and the Holy Spirit (Early Christian).[16]

The “Fallen Angel” (thrown from heaven) motif universally applied to Lucifer, actually describe the Aeon Sophia, the Pleromic (abundant) goddess who fell from the heights of heaven (galactic center), according to the Gnostic star myth, the Fallen Goddess Scenario. [17]   

The Black Panther False Cult of Sophia, Nehisi Coates, Lupita Nyongi, Chadwick Boseman

My dear lord, the people don’t understand that The Black Panther movie and a bunch lost Uncle Tom- Coon Negroes have sold them out for a few pieces of silver, and are being used by the ILLUMINATI and New World Order as a vehicle to spread a New Age Luciferian Spirituality and False Religion among the masses.

My dear Lord. I pray and beg that their souls, spirit and minds shall be HEALED. I truly believe that they do not know what they are doing.

The Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Marvel Black Panther & The CIA

It is an absolute falsehood that Marvel’s Black Panther comic book character preceded the formation of “The Black Panther Party”. The Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), also known as the Black Panther Party, was started in 1965 under the leadership and direction of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)– BPP Honorary Prime Minister Stokely Carmichael.[18] 

Huey and Bobby took over the Black Panther Party name from the Black Panther Party of Northern California (Kenny Freeman) prior to October 1966. From what I understand at the time, Freeman and brothers had obtained permission directly from Brother Stokely to form the Black Panther Party of Northern California.  In fact, it had resulted in a conflict between the two groups, led by Kenny and Huey, who would take the name. From what I recall, Huey called them, “Paper Tigers”. Huey and Bobby took over the entitled “The Black Panther Party” and the official Black Panther Symbol before officially forming the BPP in October 1966. Brother Stokely was right in the middle of the mix of the formation of the BPP in Oakland, CA.[19]

However, this is what I know. Early in the formation of the BPP in 1966, I was approached by a seemingly friendly Negro with friendly advice that was undoubtedly a CIA or FBI agent or CIA contractor. He was a young man that was intelligent, well spoken and dressed- very friendly indeed.  I had seen him around campus- Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was concerned about me in that was so young, impressionable and so unknowing about the real world. He kindly asked me to reconsider my current position and association with Huey, Bobby and BPP. He said that there was information available that Bobby was weak and wouldn’t be able to lead the BPP if something happened to Huey P. Newton. And, I would be left out there in the world hanging on a string. In other words, I also had to be under surveillance if they knew that I that I had got too close to Huey and Bobby. However, the main point is that they had complete personality assessments of all of us before and after the formation of the BPP. The people in the business of drawing up detailed personality assessments of persons deemed a possible threat to the interests of the system was the CIA. They couldn’t control the BPP or Huey. So, the CIA planned to try to KILL BROTHER HUEY. 



Everett Kenneth Ross is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is primarily an ally of superhero Black Panther. 

Ross was created in 1998 to share the same universe or even clandestinely control the universe of The Black Panther .

Ross is a gatekeeper. He is the police state that will keep Don McGregor’s wild Satanic Homosexual Negroes of Wakanda, Killmonger and the Great White Gorilla Cult under constant surveillance and control.

He is a CIA agent and Deputy Task Force Commander of the Joint Counter-terrorism Center. Of course, he was carefully developed and created by Marvel Comics in secret collaboration, cooperation, and with the aid of the CIA. (Project MOCKINGBIRD)[20] Now, it should be clear to everybody why The Black Panther film has grossed more money abroad than domestic. If black people in Oakland, America and the people of mythical Land of Wakanda like him, people around the world certainly can trust the friendly, loving and compassionate white guys at the CIA, too.

In the Black Panther film, agent Everett Ross is a blond hair CIA operative whose selfless heroics help the Wakandans save their kingdom. He is not unlike blond Tin-Tin of Belgium and his white dog, Snowy, in the Congo. The secret to Wakanda’s superiority is vibranium, an indestructible alien element that is found only in Wakanda but is in great demand by both scientists and evil-doers. The source of vibranium is a meteor that landed in the country long ago, and (Allah Tc) T’challa’s father kept it secret from the world as he developed his nation. [21]

In “The Black Panther” fantasy movie, the CIA worked with Allah Tc to keep the world safe from the misappropriation of vibranium.[22] In the Marvel Comics Universe, the vibranium found in his native homeland of Wakanda is a rare metallic substance of extraterrestrial origin. Vibranium exists in two forms.[23] Vibranium is a word of deception for Uranium.

In the real world, it is an absolutely bizarre, cold blood, lying vicious revisionist insult to Africans and people of color. The African and the African nation that attempted to block the U.S. government and intelligence (CIA) from the secrets of uranium was Patrice Lumumba of the Congo. The M2 lineage carrying, Niger-Congo/Kordofanian speaking populations of Equatorial Africa and their New World extensions are the living bloodline descendants of the ancient people of KEMET.[24]

According to the theories developed, the Earth’s uranium was produced in one or more supernovae (“An explosive brightening of a star in which the energy radiated by it increases by a factor of ten billion … A supernova explosion occurs when a star has burned up all its available nuclear fuel and the core collapses catastrophically.” – Oxford Dictionary of Physics).

In all uranium deposits, two types of ores with different uranium contents may be distinguished. Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. It is usually in a form of heavy metal, naturally occurring in most rocks, soil, and even in the ocean. It is found in many places in the world. Energy from uranium is called nuclear energy.[25] Nuclear energy is stored energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. If the nucleus of an atom is split or fused with another atom, this releases or explodes huge amounts of energy. The Sun (Ra-Re) and uranium both possess direct nuclear energy.

Kemet’s ancient metallurgists and chemists knew about the secret extraterrestrial nuclear energy properties of heavy metals like iron. They had a complex system to determine the different properties of lead and uranium in rocks and meteorites, and scientifically separate them. They also knew about the secret nuclear energy properties of the uranium atoms in the Benben Stone. That’s why it is associated with the ocean also containing ageless supernova uranium particles, the creation mound; and the fire and explosion that sparked the birth of God Atum (Atom), and launches the Benu Bird (Phoenix).

Prime Minister Lumumba and UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld 

On June 30, 1960, the Congo was granted independence from Belgium. The Congolese chose Patrice Lumumba as their Premier. Lumumba asked the United Nations, headed then by Dag Hammarskjold, to order the Belgians to withdraw from the Congo.

In 1959, Patrice Lumumba visited businessmen in New York, where he told them unequivocally, “The exploitation of the mineral riches of the Congo should be primarily for the profit of our own people and other Africans.”[26] Lumumba had also been asked whether the Americans would still have access to uranium, as they had when the Belgians ran the country. Lumumba’s response was unequivocal. “Belgium doesn’t produce any uranium,” he pointed out, adding that “it would be to the advantage of both our countries if the Congo and the US worked out their own agreements in the future.”[27]

Investors in copper and uranium in the Congo at that time included the Rockefellers, the Guggenheims and Swedish-American diplomat and politician C. Douglas Dillon. Dillon of the executive committee of National Security Council (NSC) was worried about their investments and footholds in Africa. In a NSC meeting, plans about the removal of Lumumba were discussed and put in motion.[28]

On or about January 17, 1961, the Congolese people’s hero and very remarkable man, Patrice Lumumba, was kidnapped then brutally assassinated.[29] In an open letter to CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner, John Stockwell of the CIA wrote:

Eventually he [Lumumba] was killed, not by our poisons, but beaten to death, apparently by men who had agency cryptonyms and received agency [CIA] salaries.[30]


In a cable to CIA’s finance division from William Harvey certainly indict them as the murderers of Lumumba:

QJ/WIN was sent on this trip for a specific, highly sensitive operational purpose which has been completed.[31]

QJ/WIN was run out of the CIA’s Luxembourg station, and was paid from the CIA’s Paris station. Luxembourg is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south.[32] Arnold M. Silver was a senior CIA operations officer that worked in Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Turkey and the US. In 1960, he was the Luxembourg CIA Station Agent. Silver graduated at Tufts University and received a master’s degree in German philology from Harvard University in 1942. During WW 2, he participated in the Normandy landings and later became a prisoner-of-war interrogator (IPW), first in the IPW team of the 66th Infantry Division.

In 1947, SS Hauptsturmführer Nikolaus “Klaus Barbie”- Nazi human butcher was recruited as an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC).[33]In September 1945, Silver joined the IPW team in Oberursel, near Frankfurt-am-Main, at the 7707th European Intelligence Center, also referred to as Camp King. “Oberursel“, as the camp was most frequently called, became the Army’s center for detailed interrogation of former Nazi military personnel, émigré personalities and potential Soviet informants.[34]

SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, One of the Most Dangerous Men on Earth

Many of the Operation PAPERCLIP scientists were recruited there and it was Silver’s task to interrogate persons such as Otto SkorzenyWalter Schellenberg and Richard Kauder (alias Klatt). After Skorzeny was acquitted of war crimes by a military court in Dachau in 1946, he was sent to Oberursel until a decision would be made what to do with him. After several interrogations by Silver, it was decided that he resettled to Spain:

G-2 and USFET (US Forces, European Theater) in Frankfurt concurred in my recommendation that he be resettled there. He became a rather successful entrepreneur in Madrid, but for years afterwards – I think I last heard about him in 1961 – he approached each succeeding US Air Force attaché in Madrid with an offer to build a network of agents in the USSR for the United States. What surprised me (or did it?) was the fact that each succeeding Air Force attaché recommened [sic] to the Pentagon that Skorzeny be taken up on his offer, although there was not the slightest shred of evidence that he had the capability of the know-how to implement his proposal. The Pentagon rejected each of the recommendations from Madrid.”[35]

Nazi Generalarzt Dr. Walter Paul Emil Schreiber

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that the U.S. developed its post-war enhanced interrogation techniques here at Camp King, under the CIA code name Operation BLUEBIRD. The facility’s chief medical doctor was Operation PAPERCLIP’s Dr. Walter Schreiber, the former Surgeon General of the Third Reich. When Dr. Schreiber was secretly brought to America—to work for the U.S. Air Force in Texas—his position was filled with another PAPERCLIP asset, Dr. Kurt Blome, the former Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich and the man in charge of the Nazi-SS program to weaponize bubonic plague.

Threaten to Kill Everybody on Earth

The activities that went on at Camp King between 1946 and the late 1950s have never been fully accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.[36] Camp King also developed enhanced interrogation/torture techniques with LSD, and advanced clandestine assassination capabilities- Operation ARTICHOKE, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES.[37]

William Harvey, CIA Station Chief in Italy ran Department D that recruited in Europe for the CIA’s “Executive Action Capability(EAC). The CIA’s EAC was run through a clearing house of assassins and agent provocateurs called Aginter Press. It was under the leadership of French Secret Army Organization (OAS) officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with Robert Leroy, a former French SS officer, and Otto Skorzeny, SS Knight of the Black Sun.[38]

Sometime in early 1961, Allen Dulles’s Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Bissell instructed William Harvey, who was then Chief of the CIA foreign intelligence staff (and soon afterwards CIA station chief in Rome), to establish an “Executive Action Capability”, which would include research into a capability to assassinate foreign leaders. The Senate Intelligence Committee stated that an agent, QJ/WIN [probably an OAS (Secret Army Organization) activist], was recruited in Europe and put under Harvey’s supervision to hire killers and to identify individuals with criminal and underworld connections in order to create “an available pool of assassins”. [See Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Foreign Assassinations, Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities (New York: Norton, 1976), pp. 181–2].[39]


A highly likely CIA QJ/WIN agent cleared through SS Otto Skorzeny’s Aginter Press responsible for murdering Patrice Lumumba was a French homosexual, Jose Marie Andre Mankel.  Multiple primary documents confirm this including his CIA contract, contract extension, biography file, and in a Select Committee file listing various cryptonyms. Mankel additionally utilized pseudonyms and the false identities of a New York business person called John J. Berger and Jacques Berger a German salesperson.[40]

Richard Helms along with his close subordinate, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, oversaw the MKULTRA drug and mind-control research operation headed by SS Josef Mengele and the SS during the 1950s.[41]

Everett Kenneth Ross in the Black Panther Movie is most likely a doppelganger of one of three legendary CIA agents that were involved in assassination of Patrice Lumumba- Richard William Harvey, Richard Bissell or Richard HelmsOr, he may be each and every one of them!

Conversation between President John F. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, Director of Peace Corps in regards to the CIA clandestinely infiltrating Peace Corps:

Shriver . . . but I’m getting rather suspicious over here that, uh, despite your instructions that, uh, some of our friends over in the Central Intelligence Agency might think that they’re smarter than anybody else and that they are trying to stick fellows into the Peace Corps.

JFK: Well, would you call Dick Helms?

Shriver: Dick Helms?

JFK: Yeah. He’s the operations officer over there under . . . And just say to him that you’ve talked to me and that I don’t want anybody in there.

Shriver: Okay.

JFK: And if they are there, let’s get them out now before we have it. And if there is any problem about it that Dick Helms ought to call the President about it.[42]








[5] Civico, Aldo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011)



[8] Id.




[12] Civico, Adlo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011)




[16] Id.













[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.




[35] Id.




[39] Id.












[51] See AID-Peace Corp builds Schools in Somalia. Sch & Soc. 98: 338-40, Oct. 70. Also, Problems in Africa, Newsweek 75: 42, Je 29 70

[52] OUSD Superintendent’s Bulletin, vol. 52, September 21, 1970, number 1












7 09 2017


Man. They really tried to kill Brother Huey with their Magick.  The Black Panther, in itself, is a mystic mysterious animal. Brother Bobby said that they adopted the panther as a symbol because it was solidarity and wanted only to be left alone. Push it up against the wall, it’s one of the most fearless and powerful defenders known to man.

But, they were truly afraid of Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). They knew from the very beginning that they couldn’t get close to him spiritually or physically with their False Gods and Magick.  It wasn’t that he didn’t believe it. You see. Brother Huey was a very remarkable man, and historic figure. He was among a rare and special breed of men born in the 20th century. The masses loved him.

Huey was universal Love & Magic without the K. He didn’t play, and everybody knew it. Huey had the eyes, ears, wings, breath, spirit and wisdom of the HAWK. He could see what’s coming miles away. He was our BPP Minister of Defense.

The Nazi Luger Pistol represents a thing of great volkish mysticism, magic, spiritualism, superstition, and folklore of the Black Sun. The pistol’s mystic power is part of an unique signature of Adolf Hitler’s key racialist and most dangerous executioners that lived by myth and legend, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler of the Cult of the Dark Messiah.

Don’t get it twisted. Hitler, Himmler and SS Knights had some of the most advanced wonder weapons, both known and unknown, to mankind. They possessed the keys of the Dark Messiah to the total destruction of matter- nuclear weapons. They wanted to dominate and control the entire planet, and conquer nature itself. The mightily awe of their weapons were designed to break the spirit of the people. Their Dark Messiah uniforms were designed to instill fear in the masses. You need to know that their unearthly wonder and most mightily weapons came from the MAGICK OF THE SPIRIT WORLD, THE BLACK SUN AND DARK MESSIAH- SATAN.

In the film, Gun of the Black Sun- in 1940, the Romanian Iron Guard placed an ancient spell upon a golden luger pistol that had a gift from Himmler and the SS Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun. The spell and the power bestowed on gun was that it would used be as an instrument to restore absolute global fascism. The command of the MAGIC of other dimensional unworldly Satanic Spirits and Forces of Duality were their unknown POWER and STRENGHT.

In October 1967, the OPD/FBI/CIA Special Task Force tried to kill Brother Huey. Hidden in the forensic evidence files of the case against Huey held in prison for the murder of an OPD officer and wounding of another, there were two spent bullet shells from a Nazi Luger Pistol locked into evidence. Don’t believe me, click here, People v. Huey P. Newton.  Other than case files, the Gun of the Black Sun has never been recovered, referenced or talked about as if it never existed. The Luger pistol disappeared from the crime scene- back into the dark abyss that it came from.

Chairman Bobby Seale was another very remarkable and extraordinary wise human being. He was a genius with a photographic memory and call back. Brother Bobby was so amazing that I thought that he had the ability to read through the covers of books. He was a walking set of encyclopedias. He was a vast reservoir of man’s knowledge down to the essence of its details from the beginning to the future. I distinctively recall him talking about memorizing blueprints while he worked with NASA building rockets. Huey and Bobby were young men of exceptional and unprecedented intelligence and character of epic proportions. The people loved both of them.

I often wondered how we could overcome the enormous stigma of public fear and panic surrounding the killing of a police officer (John Frey) to rally around Brother HueyBobby talked about resting and winning the heart, mind, spirit and the soul of the people through ART. He said, we get our story out about Huey and BPP by organizing and changing the universal atmosphere thru our music, art, poems, literature and the spoken word.  We began simply with only two words, FREE HUEY.

It was absolutely remarkable. White people from Frey’s own community began to step forward with vital background information on him. In one instance in Berkeley, I was even pulled aside by a frightened young white female that told me that Officer Frey had been a ardent racist in the proportions of a Neo-Nazi. Be careful. I immediately reported it to Brother Bobby. At that time, I understood little to nothing at all about Nazis and Nazism. We certainty did not know anything about the German Luger Pistol shells that had been recovered at the scene.

Huey and Bobby were very remarkable human beings that could have been highly successful and respected intelligent men of great morals, turpitude, skills and ability in one and many fields in the world. Early in the formation of the BPP in 1966,  I was approached by what undoubtedly was an undercover black FBI Agent, he gave me some helpful advice. But, it was really an option to live for myself with the images, role models, idols and HEROES that they create and provide, or die with Huey and BPP

As a manchild, I was growing and evolving as an individual. What I saw in Huey and Bobby was something intangible, an unseen and unknown quality that I had never seen or known in other young men or among men. They had this perplexing unselfishness motto, LOVE THE PEOPLE MORE THAN YOU LOVE YOURSELF. 

They talked about unselfishly – UNDYING LOVE FOR THE PEOPLE. At the time, I was a manchild that walked a tightrope. I was sitting on a fence between seeking living a moral and meaningful responsible life, and that of  living for myself in the model of a petty street hustler and young Mack preying on the weaknesses of the people, and particularly young women. I was  a manchild inside a puzzle warped inside a dilemma. I preyed on a beautiful married young lady on campus like a snake in the grass. She told me that she loved her husband that dearly loved, respected and worshiped her. I persuaded her to bring me of that money and give me some of that brown sugar and honey on the side. The dilemma- I was raised on a strict moral system and the Lord’s Ten Commandments. My mother and family didn’t raise me that way.

One day, I was feeling real proud of myself for what I was doing to corrupt and pollute a happy marriage. Suddenly, Huey and Laverne Williams, his significant one, turned the corned on campus. Whenever, I saw them coming. I would take off in the opposite direction, because Laverne didn’t respect me at all. Each and every time that she saw me on campus, she would always whisper something negative about me to Brother Huey. Huey was one of most respected brothers on campus, among the people, on the street and in the community. He would always look over at me. And, my heart always fell into my stomach. I felt like the smallest person on earth.

When I looked into his eyes, it was never any scorn or condemnation. The look and subliminal message that I received from Brother Huey was always encouraging and noble – young brother, you can do better. Well after that last encounter with Huey and Laverne, I stopped seeking life only for myself. I immediately ended contact with the married young lady. I became a serious full-time student just like Brother Huey. Laverne and I subsequently developed a meaningful and respectful friendship on campus.

From the beginning of recorded human civilization, Satanic Magick of the Dark Messiah has never defeated the sweet harmony and melody of the universe-  MAAT- TRUTH, JUSTICE, BALANCE, ORDER AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. That what the real Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale and BPP were all about in the BEGINNING.



SATANISM, the Occult and Rosicrucianism have existed for generations. But, it has never been an active part of of our spiritual and intellectual universe, makeup and environment, or culture of music of love, melody, healing, spirituality, will and struggle. They, the Luciferians, are wickedly and deceitfully Satanically Ritualized our culture and music against the masses to destroy the will and dignity of the people.

HollyWeird has become secretly deeply steeped in Magick. When the sun goes down in tinsel town, Ancient Sex Magick revolves around all the Osirian cults and rites — the rites of the Dying God. The slaying of Osiris and Adonis; the mutilation of Attis; the cults of Mexico and Peru; the story of Hercules or Melcarth; the legends of Dionysus and of Mithra, are all connected with the night, but blacks, in particular, just don’t seem or want to believe it’s really happening until they get stuck in the xxx. Some take the money and fame- sign the blood oath to serve the DEVIL, then bend over and allow an alter or CLONED personality to take over. Others, by the time you wait up, it’s usually too late. You have been drugged with a hallucinogenic drug, and initiated into a blood oath secret society with pain in your xxx.

The other day. I heard my oldest daughter talk on the phone about a T.I. (Clifford Joseph Harris, Jr.) Hip Hop/Rap concert that she had recently attended. She said that it turned out to be a bunch of dudes on stage bouncing up and down rapping about something or another. She couldn’t even see T.I. among the mass of brothers on the stage.  She didn’t miss much. T.I. is no entertainer in the traditional sense of our long culture of persistent struggle in this country.

T.I. & Tupac, Women’s Like Corset & Ancient Neo-Platonic/Satanic Saturn Cult Hand Symbol 

T.I. of Atlanta, GA has served two terms in county jail, twice for probation violations and a federal prison bid for a U.S. federal weapons charge. While serving 11 months in prison, he released his seventh studio album, No Mercy (2010).


He was once known as Rubber Band Man, a reference to the custom of wearing rubber bands around the wrist to denote wealth in terms of drugs or money. That says a great deal about his measure of his character. What a JOKE !

Hip Hop Satanic False Prophets- Tupac & Biggie Smalls

T.I. is just another too typical Hip Hop industry Satanic False Idol and Prophet.

Christian (Satanic Shirt) Bishop Eddie Long & “Ms. Sophia”- Well-Known Transvestite in Atlanta

The notorious pedophile sodomizer, the late Bishop Eddie Long of New Birth Missionary Baptist Churchhangs” with celebrities like rapper T.I.[1]

T.I. & Pedophile Late Bishop Eddie Long

This Negro is a sick Little joke promoted by the Dark Circle Satanic Cabals, and the ILLUMINATI to “disrupt and destroy” the long tradition of excellence, sacredness and POWER  of the global Black Music Industry.[2] For Black People, the music entertainment industry has come down to T.I. or a long list of Hip Hop rappers with a litany of False Satanic Rites or its nothing at all. It’s all by design.

Satanic Rites incarnate spirits enter into the human body through  inter-dimensional gateways, or openings. 



Remember, the ASS is the DEVIL’S OTHER FACE!

Osculum infame is the name of a witch’s supposed ritual greeting upon meeting with the DEVIL. According to folklore, the name means The Shameful Kiss, or The Kiss of Shame since it involved kissing the DEVIL’S ANUS, his OTHER mouth.


It isn’t happenstance that corporate mass media unveiled Kim Kardashian’s Ass as clandestine Idol Worship of the DEVIL’S other face. Idolatry literally means the worship of an “idol“, also known as a cult image of popular culture such as HIP HOP, in the form of a physical image, such as a icon such as Kim Kardashian. Idolatry connotes the worship of something or someone other than God as if it were God.

Idolatry has been considered as the “Worship of False Gods.” The Hip Hop Rap genre has been so far deeply infiltrated and misguided by the spiritual forces of the Dark Messiah that it currently constitutes a danger against well-being and welfare of the people. 

I truly wonder if Hip Hop can be saved, or should it be redeemed, because it appears that to have no control over its demons.



Kylie Kristen Jenner was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the youngest daughter of Kristen Kardashian- Jenner and Caitlyn  (Bruce) Jenner. She has the hand of spiritual death. Kylie Jenner is a Hip Hop Satanic Witch of Ancient Satanic Sex Magick.

On the Kardashian side of the family, she has three older half-sisters, Kourthney, Kim and Khole Kardashian, and one and one older half-brother, Rob.[3]

Kylie is another corporate mass media made multi-millionaire Kardashian Hip Hop Ass Idol.

Satanic Sex Magick and the Spiritual Death of Kanye West

Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner & Kanye West- Curled Up Like a BUG!

Caitlyn Marie Jenner, formerly known, as Bruce Jenner is a trans- woman or a trans- man.[4]  In April 2017, Caitlyn finally announced that he had undergone sex reassignment surgery, because he got “tired of tucking the damn thing in all the time“. According to Kris Jenner, Kanye West is/was spiritually “obsessed” under the spell of Caitlyn Jenner.[5]

In 2016, Life & Style, revealed that Kanye spent more than $750,000 for lifelike wax CLONE figures for his notorious music video, Famous.  Kanye’s controversial video features himself and Kim Kardashian lying naked in bed alongside nude lookalikes of Ray J, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Donald Trump, Caitlyn Jenner, Bill Cosby, George W Bush and Amber Rose.

Famous also promotes Kim’s Ass False Idol.

Reportedly, Kanye became strangely obsessed (possessed) with the design and creation of the anatomy of Caitlyn Jenner’s trans- woman or trans- man wax figure.[6]

Sandro Boicelli, Birth of Venus (1486)

The hand on the breast is indicative of Kanye’s fascination and obsession with the Occultists and Knights Templar’s secret Mary Magdalene Mysteries linked to the ancient sacred religious secrets of the Greek Orthodox Church Armenian Kardashians.

Kylie Jenner- ILLUMINATI One-Eye & Breast-Milk Goddess Symbolism

There is a serious connection between the figure of Mary Magdalene and the figure of Virgo- the Virgin. They’re all linked to the mysteries of Goddess Aset (Isis), Inanna, Ishtar and Venus.

Son of God, Knights Templar St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090- 1153) & Mary Magdalene

By the way the Venus artist above, Sandro Botticelli (1445- 1510), was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion of the Holy Grail. 

It is very well possible that Kanye West had been initiated by the Satanic Sodomy Rites of Caitlyn Jenner.

Kanye West & Celebrity CLONES

Please allow me to briefly discuss the issue of Kanye West and “CLONING“. It is rarely discussed about his association with Scientology.

Ray West & Hip Hop’s Kanye West

His father, Ray West, was/is a professor of Scientology in Atlanta. I suspect that Kanye was raised as an experimental child guinea pig of Scientology from the very beginning. Kanye West and Scientology is extremely important and significant. If Ray West and Scientology infiltrated the Panthers– that must have been some really strange and spooky stuff.

I found it extremely troublesome to find that current comedian Dave Chappelle is also suspected of being a Celebrity CLONE. And, a spooky Chappelle look-alike appeared in the movie, “Get Out“, associated with the “SUNKEN PLACE.”


David Chappelle & alleged Celebrity CLONE- TEAM SATAN

I don’t believe it was any coincidence.

I had always approached the subject of CLONES as Dr. Mengele’s ACTUAL CLONES. An actual clone (Boys From Brazil) is a person who has been grown from a test tube (called “in vitro“) or implanted womb, which has the identical genetic makeup to another person. But undoubtedly, there are other forms of less lengthy cloning processes such as robotic, synthetic and double- look-alikes.

From 1948- 1949, my father was among the first American experimental medical human guinea pigs in the U.S. Naval Intelligence’s ultra secret Project CHATTER. The project remains classified and ultra top secret today. It involved the secret concentration camp mind control and drug experiments of SS Captain Dr. Josef Mengele.

From the sporadic traumatized repressed memories of my two older sisters, I suspected something amiss about my father’s sudden psychiatric involuntary confident in a mental institution. After his death, I got access to his official 1949- 1953 psychiatric hospital medical records. In 1948, he first disappeared from his job at the U.S. Naval Air Station in Alameda, CA. His 1948 psychiatric hospital medical records remains ultra secret.

However, I intensively studied the details of his 1949- 1953 medical records. Based on those records, I sent out numerous FOIA and California Public Records Acts access requests to public institutions and agencies found named in his medical records. From those requests, it was easy to determine that I was on the trail and at the backdoor of Dr. Mengele, Project CHATTER, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH. Don’t get it twisted. The guardians of secrets of the shadow government don’t play any games.

While working thru his medical records at a public library, I left my work station to retrieve some medical journals when all my father’s hospital medical records were stolen. In 1953 at the official start of CIA MK ULTRA, there was a record of a group meeting of my father’s team psychiatrists. All of them had been U.S. Navy officers or former reserve psychiatric officers except two. Of the two, one was completely and totally UNKNOWN in the California- U.S. medical field, Dr. JEWEL.

Malachi 3:17God describes the Judgment day as the day on which He makes His jewels. He says that righteous people are His children, and He shall gather them up like jewels on that day.

I was unable to determine what type of jewel of MK ULTRA that my father had been turned into.  I have reasons to believe that he did indeed had Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). He had a female handler, and a CIA doctor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter of Vacaville Prison. He had a new high powered weapon with missing bullets when he died.

I said that to say this. From his medical records, my father had been de-patterned the clinical erasure of memory thru a regiment and ritual of successive high voltage electrical- insulin shocks. This is the initial rituals of Manchurian Candidates, and the programming of political, corporate and celebrity double- look-alikes.

Psychic Driving  was a psychiatric procedure of the 1950s and 1960s in which patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behavior. In psychic driving, patients were often exposed to hundreds of thousands of repetitions of a single statement over the course of their treatment. They were also concurrently administered muscular paralytic drugs such as curare to subdue them for the purposes of exposure to the looped message(s). The procedure was pioneered by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron funded by MK ULTRA. The psychic driving procedure was a chronological precursor to Cameron’s  depatterning, the latter involving massive doses of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) combined with similarly large doses of psychedelic drugs (such as LSD). The intent was to break down the subject’s personality—theoretically psychic driving could then be used with some efficacy in establishing a new personality. I discovered that Dr. Cameron was a direct associate (World Psychiatric Association) of my father’s lead hospital psychiatrist.

Dr. Cameron was a medical expert employed at the Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes Tribunal secretly recruiting Nazi mind control psychiatrists for Project PAPERCLIPDr. Cameron was a major MK ULTRA contractor and researcher under Dr. Mengele. And, there are records that he worked with Dr. Cameron in Canada.

Kanye West has been in Scientology MK ULTRA long enough to have had a “clone twin” developed along beside his ILLUMINATI engineered celebrity career. LRon Hubbard of Scientology knew a great deal about Dr. Mengele and SS Vril philosophies thru U.S. Naval Intelligence special assignments and missions to explore ultra secret Nazi Vril- Stargate Technologies.

Outer Space Flying Saucer- Vril Technology & Mystic Maria Orsic

Scientology is directly related to Marie Orsic, Vril Maidens, Black Sun Societies, and Aldebaran, designated Alpha Tauri (α Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, α Tau), an orange giant star located about 65 light years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.

Notice the similarity between the symbol of Maria Orsic’s VRIL Society and SCIENTOLOGY Management Structure.

Xenu also called Xemu, was, according to L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens  adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm. The Thule Society, and Marie Orsic’s Aldebaran belongs to Xenu’s Galactic Confederacy.

When he first went to the psych ward, he was hearing voices,” Kanye West told doctors and medical staff that he was a “starseed” sent on a mission to help Earth. Soon after that, “he started telling people he’s a ‘starseed’ –  an alien on a mission to help the Earth.”

It is highly possible to develop double- look-alike CLONES versus “in vitro” clones thru “de-patterning“, behavior modification, and “psychic driving” in “SUNKEN PLACES“- secret laboratories.

We know something seriously UNNATURAL is going on in corporate mass media popular culture spheres of Mass Population Communications.

On CNN Live, the misinformation is that Angela Rye had a “eye roll“. But, something tried to grab the popular news celebrity CLONEAngela Rye.

And take her down, again.

To the programming station, “THE SUNKEN PLACE“.

Kylie & Tyga- Hip Hop Demons


Recently, I ran across a startling article about Kylie Jenner’s well publicized mass media boyfriend, Micheal Ray Stevenson, known by his stage name, Tyga (a backronym for Thank you God always). What God- Which Dualistic God?

Secret Ancient Neo-Platonic/Satanic Saturn Cult Hand Symbol 

Tyga is supposed to be a Hip Hop rapper or RB singer, and he may or may not have been born a male that sold his soul to the DEVIL.

187 Murder- Hip Hop’s Secret Satanic Brotherhood of Death

In 2011, Tyga signed a recording contract with Young Money Entertainment, Cash Money Records and Republic Records (formerly Universal Republic Records).[7]

The article that I happened upon talked about Tyga cheating on Kylie Jenner with his transgender ex, Mia Isabella.[8]

Mia, abovesays that Tyga, sexually, in the words of Little Richard- his door swing both ways between male and female.

Mia and her former roommate, Capri Anderson, are black Satanic maidens of absolute extreme EVIL and gutter pagan DEBAUCHERY in its most shocking historic strictest and fundamental terms.




They are directly tied to HollyWeird’s notoriously famous exclusive million dollar per TV episode club actor, Charlie Sheen. That’s particularly what stopped me dead in my tracks- HIP HOP MUSIC, KARDASHIANS, KYLIE JENNER, TYGA, MIA AND CHARLIE SHEEN.[9]

Tyga and Kylie’s recent spit up had nothing to do with homosexuality, Mia Isabell, Charlie Sheen, and DEBAUCHERY. She didn’t like the way Tyga spent MONEY.  Tyga has no hit records or recordings that I am aware of. He isn’t a film star or corporate executive. Yet, he may earns about $20-30 million a year by primarily promoting a dualistic Hip Hop Satanic lifestyle endorsed by the ILLUMINATI. He has known corporate financial endorsement deals with Foot Locker, Porsche, SOL Headphones, and Reebok.

Tyga’s Bastardized Egyptian Ram Baphomet Guards

Tyga is also paid to promote a bastardized  Hip Hop Ancient Egyptian occult based Black Sun Satanic-MasonicILLUMINATI Cult clothing line, The Last Kings.

The Last Kings– one part pharaoh, one part LA- HOLLYWEIRD HIP HOP. Kylie and Tyga have a son named, King Cairo.

Tyga’s Medusa image created by Gemito Vincenzo (1911) has very little to do with Egyptian mythology. It represents an extremely old and complex ILLUMINATI Greco-Roman- Medusa- Gorgon Minerva mythology.

Rihanna his openly associated Medusa’s head with the ILLUMINATI. Nevertheless, blood drops from Medusa’s severed head created snakes (serpents, worms) that infested the world. It could be associated with a Hip Hop Satanic Cult of Medusa spreading Demonologies and Satanism globally among youth. It’s difficult to say because it is blood covenant secrecy.

For Tyga, Hip Hop Medusa is no passing fancy. Tyga’s Last Kings Versace Medusa Chain made by Jason of Beverly Hills.

Charlie Sheen: Satanic Sex Magic Ritual High Priest

Charlie Sheen: SATANIC RITUAL ABUSER!Chloe Jones, Murdered Former X-Rated Porn Star, Playboy, Hustler Model and Penthouse Pet & Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen aka Carlos Estévez is the youngest son of HollyWeird’s strict Catholic Martin Sheen (born Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez) and artist Southern Baptist Janet Templeton.[10]

Martin Sheen starred in The Believers (1987) as one of only two noteworthy films about secret Devil Worshipers created in the 1980s, the other one being Angel Heart (1987).[11]

Charlie, a dope fiend, calls himself a “high priest” and a “Vatican Assassin- Warlock” with “Tiger Blood” and “Adonis DNA“.[12]

Tyga and the Last Kings undoubtedly also share the “TIGER BLOOD” with Charlie Sheen. 

Charlie Sheen & the Orgiastic Cult of Adonis

Lovers, Adonis & Aphrodite

The Greek Adōnis (Lover of Aphrodite) was a borrowing from the Canaanite  word ʼadōn, meaning “lord“, which is related to Adonai, one of the titles used to refer to the God of the Hebrew Bible and still used in Judaism to the present day. Syrian Adonis is Gauas or Aos, akin to Kemetic Ashur (Osiris), Tammuz, and Baal Hadad, the Etruscan Atunis and the Phrygian Attis (Cybele), all of whom are deities of rebirth and vegetation (life- death- rebirth deity).[13] The Cult of Adonis is reported in 6th century BC in Jerusalem by the biblical Book of Ezekiel under the Babylonian name Tammuz. The earliest reference to Adonis being worshipped in Greece comes from a fragment of one of Sappho’s poems, dating to the 7th century BC, in which a chorus of young girls ask Goddess Aphrodite what they can do to mourn Adonis’ death. Aphrodite replies that they must beat their breasts and tear their tunics.[14]

Mia Isabella and Capri Anderson were invited to Sheen’s [Cult of Adonis] extreme parties.[15] According to cross dresser and well- known HollyWeird  transvestite Sham Ibrahim, “Charlie would have these raunchy and wild sex orgies that included up to fifty people and this went on for hours. He would open up his home or would have them at hotels, but he was always ready to party.”[16]

Transvestite Sham Ibrahim

Ibrahim is an Arabic variant of the Hebrew name Avraham, or as we commonly know it in English, Abraham. The name is derived from the Jewish words “av“, which means ‘father‘, and “hamon“, which means “multitude“, from where the name gets its meaning.[17]

The Jewishsham fatherIbrahim claims to have [Kabbalah] “psychic abilities.”[18] Psychic Reading or Clairvoyance is all about Psychic ability to sense something or someone without the normal human behavior or thus normal input.[19] While Kabbalah is all about discipline and school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. Kabbalah has been around with its deep and ancient roots. It speaks about curses, spells, and even unexplainable miracles. It is said that Kabbalah is all about the knowledge of how forces are structured in the sequence of this roots. Somehow Psychic reading has a similar effect on the kind of beliefs that it both have but in a different sense of tradition or practice. Kabbalah is a practice that defines the purpose of the universe, and the nature surrounding it. Although both practices are focused on Spirituality, believing that Kabbalah has three surrounding elements, one is the nefesh, ru’ach, and neshamah.

Nefesh: the lower part, or animal part, of the soul. It is linked to instincts and bodily cravings.

Ruach: the middle soul, the spirit”. It contains the moral virtues and the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

Neshamah: the higher soul, or super-soul. It is related to the intellect, and allows man to enjoy and benefit from the afterlife. This part of the soul is provided at birth and allows one to have some awareness of the existence and presence of God.[20]

Angus Turner Jones is a young actor, above, that played (Jake Harper) along with the HollyWeird’s A- List million dollar star, Charlie Sheen, in the CBS sitcom, Two and a Half Men. In 2012, Jones found God and went public and claimed that SATAN was behind “Two and a Half Men”.[21] 

Tyga, Mia Isabella and Capri Anderson are part of Sheen’s HollyWeird’s Dark Circle secret elite Satanic Ritual Orgiastic Cult of Adonis.

“Ancient orgies were not merely banal gatherings of horny civilians, eager to engage in group sex. Long-ago orgies involved initiation rites, strong intoxicants, wild dancing, spiritual secrets, religious ecstacy, and at times earthy debauchery, all of it focused around a deity or two. The rites of these orgiastic cults, often called “the mysteries,” were not free-for-alls or open to the public, either. Groups tended to be membership only. Members, called orgeone, were overseen by an adept called the orgiophant, who revealed the secrets and attempted to direct the activities.”[22]

Adonis is an orgiastic cults centered around at least the early 5th century BC worship of the hero Orpheus.[23] He founded the Apollo Cult, and a virtual a parallel figure to or even an incarnation of Dionysus.[24] And, the bottom line is that Charlie Sheen is the Orgiophant [High Priest] of a Roman Imperial Dionysian [Adonis] Cult.

Don’t get it twisted. Charlie just didn’t just step into the Ancient Satanic Dark Circle as an initiate. He was born into the secret priesthood. This is why he still remains a secretive HollyWeird richly and royally rewarded “darling” in the corporate mass media film and entertainment industry here and abroad.

Charlie Sheen, Satan & the Ancient Galicians of the Bible

A Warlock is a male practitioner of evil magick– a “deceiver” and a “caller of spirits“. Allah has 99 names, one name is Al-Mumeet or the Creator of Death, the Destroyer.

The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was a member of a German Satanic Lodge. Excerpt: “I would like to pass on some of the information which, according to Otti Votavova, she received directly from Franz Bardon. According to her, Adolf Hitler was a member of a 99 Lodge. Besides this, Hitler and some of his confidants were members of the Thule Order, which was simply the external instrument of a group of powerful Tibetan black magicians which used the members of the Thule Order for their own purposes.”

A 99 Lodge was a F O G C Lodge, the Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurium. It was a purely magical-mystical loge was founded in 1840 in Munich by some German rich industrialists and well situated citizens. This lodge existed until 1933. At all times only 99 persons of the male gender could belong to this esoteric working-group or secret lodge. This lodge basically never appeared in the open.

Francisco is the grandfather of Charlie Sheen, born in Parderribias, Galicia, Spain. “The family are vineyard owners, called Casa Dumetz. The Coat of Arms from the municipality they derive from has the SUN on top of PILLARS which always represents POWER and authority and flanked by Cherubs. Above the SUN is the ROYAL CROWN!”

Galicia, Northern Portugal, is very significant.  Ancient Galicia is now part of Poland and Ukraine. Prehistoric Galicia is related to the Iron Age Gallaeci German tribe- the Celts. This group is generally known as the Gallaeci (Galicians) similarly to Galli (Gauls) and the Gallati (Galatians). [25]

Seeing something of the Hellenized migrating warlike savage tribes of the GalatiansSir Francis Bacon and other Renaissance writers called them “Gallo-Graeci“, “Gauls settled among the Greeks” and the country “Gallo-Graecia”, as had the 3rd century AD Latin historian Justin.  The more usual term in Antiquity is Ἑλληνογαλάται (Hellēnogalátai) of Diodorus Siculus’ Bibliotheca historica v.32.5, in a passage that is translated “…and were called Gallo-Graeci because of their connection with the Greeks”.[26]

In the 1st century AD, many of them were Christianized by Paul the Apostle’s missionary action. One of the Epistles of Paul the Apostle in the Bible (New Testament) is addressed to Galatian Christian communities (EpistleLetter of an Apostle to the Galatians).[27] The Galatians were pagans. Paul’s Christian converts in Galatia, prior to their conversion, had always engaged in pagan religious practices. Paul penned the book of Galatians because church members in Galatia were turning away from the true gospel and had embraced a false one referring to the demonism they had been involved in prior to their conversion.

Apostle Paul, Satan and God Pan

2 Corinthians 13-14, King James Version (KJV)

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

In that time, the Satan that Paul directly refer to is a reference for the Great God Pan. Few people realize that Panius, the principal city of Caesarea Philippi, was the largest center for worship of the Greek God Pan in the entire ancient world. A pagan shrine to Pan that existed in Panias in Jesus’ day was built at the entrance to a large cave opening into the mountain at present day Mt. Hermon. This cave was considered to be the entrance into HELL and when Jesus speaks of the “Gates of Hell”, it is this cave to which he is referring.

The Cult of Pan continued well into the 4th Century CE and beyond. It was the image of Pan that gave birth to the physical visage of what we call SATAN or the DEVIL. The worship of Pan which usually involved “drinking, nudity, orgies, and rituals of an ecstatic nature. Pan was the god of the wild who liked the company of nymphs and played rustic music utilizing the panpipes or syrinx.”[28]

Lystra was a city in Galatia2  Acts 14: 8-18 relates the story of Paul’s healing of a crippled man in this Galatian city.  After the healing, the Galatians there began worshipping Paul and Barnabas as the pagan deities Hermes and Zeus (verses 11-13).     “…they could scarcely restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them” (verse 18). The Galatian Greek gods had certain months set aside as sacredApril and Oct. for Apollo; Feb. and June for Zeus; January for Bacchus; and many others.[29]

Pan is also associated with the worship of Bacchus. Pan and satyrs, along with goats, personify sensual lust. In the seventeenth-century, representations of Bacchus were highly prized for their playful erotic character and were not regarded as obscene because of their reference to Greek mythology.

Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry — acquired a sinister reputation in Rome in the second century B.C. Introduced by a mysterious Greek immigrant, the cult of Bacchus allegedly practiced human sacrifices and all manner of debauchery at its secret nighttime orgies. And the cult sought not only to corrupt Roman morals but also to take control of Roman government. “Never,” said Spurius Postumius, the Roman consul who first exposed the cult of Bacchus before the Roman Senate in 186 B.C., “has there been so much wickedness in this commonwealth, never wickedness affecting so many people, nor manifesting itself in so many ways…. Their [the Bacchan votaries’] impious conspiracy still confines itself to private outrages, because it has not yet strength enough to overthrow the state. But the evil grows with every passing day…. It aims at the supreme power of the state.” Fortunately for Rome, the Senate heeded Postumius’ warning and suppressed the Cult of Bacchus. But the episode showed the potency of cultic secret societies, and their potential, at least in the ancient Mediterranean world, to unravel moral fabric and even threaten the integrity of the state.[30]

This Roman bronze figurine, dating from the second century CE, has silver encrusted eyes. Bacchus is shown in typical Roman fashion, as a beardless, rather effeminate youth; he wears a crown of leaves and flowers. He is accompanied by the half-goat, half-human god Pan, patron of shepherds and flocks, whom the Romans identified with Faunus, a native Italian god of the wild forests. In this statuette, Pan offers Bacchus a bunch of grapes.[31]

Acts 17 in the new testament gives an account of a man liberated from the control of Dionysus:  Howbeit certain men clave unto Paul, and believed: among the which was Dionysus the Areapagite [Acts 17:34].

Greek Magick Kiste

To carry the name of Dionysus meant that, 1) the parents were devotees of Dionysus and their child was predestined to become a follower, or 2) the person was under the spell of the kestatot.  The kestatot was a magic arm band used in connection with an orca, or container, called a kiste.  Wherever a kiste is inscribed on sarcophagi or on Bacchic scenes, it is depicted as a sacred vessel or soul-prison with a snake peering through an open lid.

Pan, later relegated to devildom, is sometimes pictured kicking the lid open and letting the snakes or souls out. Such loose snakes were depicted as enslaved around the limbs and bound in the hair of the Bacchae women. Such images of Pan, the serpents, the imprisoned souls, and the magic Kestatot and Kiste, have never been adequately explained by authorities and the interpretation is under scrutiny.  Yet, since the prophet Ezekiel described the methods of the Bacchae to imprison the souls of people mystically through the magic bands of Dionysus, and since Pan was the most beloved of Dionysus because of his “pandemonium” (all the devils), which struck panic and fear into the hearts of humans and animals, and since the Hebrew symbol of the occult is the serpent, it can be summarized that the Bacchae used symbolic magic (of orcas- Greek crateras and keste), to incarnate Dionysus himself into a human body through an inter-dimensional gateway, or opening.[32]

Charlie Sheen & Ancient Ireland

Martin Sheen’s mother, and Charlie’ grandmother was Mary Ann Phelan who was born in Borrisokane, County Tipperary, Ireland, with some of its residents who date back to Phoenicians. She married Martin’s father, Francisco Estévez of Ancient Galicia.[33]

The Bogomils are a religious group related to Armenian Paulicians out of the immediate area of Galatia. In the 17th century, Irish men of Tipperary were both Gael (Galicians) and Norman, Irish Papists-  loyal to the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. [34] The Phelans are related to the Brennans of Tipperary. They are possibly ancient descendants of the Galicians that also occupied early Norman France. Some Irish Gaelic mystical legends trace them back to ancient royal pharaohs, Moses, and the ancient Ashur (Osiris) priesthood of the Land of Kemet.[35]

Borrowed from the Irish, Caitlin (Caitlyn) is a variant of CaitrÍona, the Gaelic form of Catherine (pure, unsullied). Some believe that Charlie Sheen’s bold references to the bloodlines and Adonis, tiger blood DNA and warlocks are linked to a secret Satanic Cain Bloodline linked to the Ancient Galicians.

HollyWeird’s late Bing Crosby’s heritage is also linked to Borrisokane, Tipperary and the Brennans (Phelans). They said that he wasn’t a Mason, but he was part of some secret Satanic Masonic society. Nevertheless, Crosby was a pagan– right at home in California at the Bohemian Grove with the Druids, God Moloch of the bible, and human sacrifice.[36]



I said all of this to lead to this. Caitlyn Jenner, Kylie Kristen Jenner and the Kardashians aren’t particularly concerned one way or another about Tyga, Mia Isabella, and Charlie’ secret  Bacchic orgiastic cult, because the Armenian Kardashians and Sheen’s Gaelic Satanic cults may be related, and have a common clandestine goal and agenda. And. Caitlyn had been just the same as Mia Isbella, a transgender MAN.

The Paulicians were an  Armenian dualistic heretical sect, derived originally from Manichaeism. Manichaeism was a major religious movement that was founded by the Iranian Manichaeus or Manes; c. 216–276 AD) in the Sasanian Empire. Manichaeism taught an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good  spiritual world of light, and an evil material world of darkness. Through an ongoing process that takes place in human history, light is gradually removed from the world of matter and returned to the world of light, whence it came.[37]

The origin of the name Paulician is obscure. Gibbon (Decline and Fall, liv), says it means “Disciples of St. Paul” (Photius, op. cit., II, 11; III, 10; VI, 4). Their special veneration for the Apostle, and their habit of renaming their leaders after his disciples lend some color to this view. On the other hand, the form (Paulikianoi, not Paulianoi) is curious; and the name seems to have been used only by their opponents, who held that they were followers of Paul of Samosata (Conybeare, op. cit., cv). The latest authority, Ter-Mkrttschian (Die Paulicianer, 63), says the name is an Armenian diminutive and means “followers of little Paul“, but does not explain who little Paul may be. It occurs first in the Acts of the Armenian Synod of Duin in 719, a canon of which forbids any one to spend the night in the house of “the wicked heretics called Pollikian” (Ter-Mkrttschian, 62).[38]

In the year 970 AD, the Eastern Emperor John Tzimisces gave permission and support to a group of Paulicians to move from Armenia to Thrace the most eastern part of Europe across the Bosporus. North of Thrace was Romania and to the west was Macedonia and the Adriatic Sea. Tzimisces granted to the Paulicians, total religious liberty, and in turn those people granted it to others. And from there the doctrines of the New Testament were spread across Europe.

  1. T. Christian says, “It was in the country of the Albigenses, in the Southern provinces of France, that the Paulicians were most deeply implanted, and here they kept up a correspondence with the brethren in Armenia. The faith of the Paulicians lived on in Languedoc and along the Rhine as the submerged Christians of the Cathars, and perhaps also among the Waldenses.”

“Eerdmans’ Handbook on Christian History” also brings the Paulicians from Armenia to France: “The Paulician movement which spread in Armenia from the seventh to the twelfth century… came to Bulgaria in the tenth century and helped to develop the Bogomils who flourished in the Balkans in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The latter movement in turn stimulated the …..heresy of the Cathars or Albigenses. who were dominant in southern France and northern Italy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.”

Douglas, who edited the “Dictionary of the Christian Church,” points out they were “influential at least until the twelfth century, even spreading to Italy and France. Probably they developed into and amalgamated with sects like the,,,,_ Bogomils, Cathari, and Albigenses. The Crusaders found them everywhere in Syria and Palestine.[39]

Marcion of Sinope

Marcionism was an early Christian duelist belief system that originated in the teaching of Marcion, the son of the Bishop of Sinope, at Rome around the year 144. Marcion believed Jesus was the savior sent by God, and Paul the Apostle was his chief apostle, but he rejected the Hebrew Bible and the God of Israel. Marcionists believed that the wrathful Hebrew God was a separate and lower entity than the all-forgiving God of the New Testament.[40]  Marcion’s father called him, “first-born of Satan” (Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses 3.3.4).[41]

Historic Marcionism, and the church Marcion himself established, appeared to die out around the 5th century, although similarities between Marcionism and Paulicianism in the same geographical area, indicate that Marcionist ideas may have survived and even contributed to heresies derived from Armenian Paulicians in Bulgaria (Bogomilism) and France (Catharism).[42]

The Catholics did everything in their power to eliminate the Armenian Paulicians, Bogomilism, Catharism, and destroy all their literature. They mass murdered from at least 200,000 to a million followers in Southern France during the Albigensian Crusade or the Cathar Crusade (1209–1229). Survivors went underground, and became more secretive.

Marcionism, Holy Grail & the Knights Temple

For the record, Marcionism and dualism formed a very secret inner circle of the Knights Templar, Quest for the Holy Grail, and Maria Orsic’s Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society. The Veil of Luciferianism that created or infiltrated and Satanically ritualized Hip Hop has an extremely complex ancient origin and history. In 1928, Hitler began renting a home with a view of the Untersberg Mountain. With the Nazis rise to power in 1933, Hitler bought the house and renamed it the Berghof (“mountain palace”). The once simple chalet grew into a sprawling compound. The Untersberg Mountain was of Aryan “volkish” Thule inspiration.

Knights Templar- Lords of the Black Stone & Vril Symbol

What was the legend of the Untersberg Mountain, at which Hitler spent many hours gazing from his study in the Berghof? Historians guess that, like King Arthur, Frederick Barbarossa is buried there, waiting for a call to arise from the dead to come to his country’s aid in its hour of need. That is not the legend of the Untersberg, though.

In 1220, Templar Komtur Hubertus Koch, returning with a small party from the Crusades, passed through Mesopotamia, and near the old city of Nineveh in modern Iraq, received an apparition of the Goddess Isais (first child of goddess ISIS and god SET). She told him to withdraw to the Untersberg Mountain, build a house there and await her next apparition.    

Whether that is true or not, in 1221, Koch erected his first Komturei at the foot of Ettenberg near Markt Schellenberg. A second, larger structure followed. It is believed that over the next few years, underground galleries were excavated into various areas of the Untersberg, and in one of them a temple to Isais was built.

A second apparition occurred in 1226 and was repeated on occasions until 1238. During this period the Templars received Die Isais Offenbarung, a series of prophesies (recently published) and information concerning the Holy Grail. The Templars at Jerusalem had knowledge of these visitations, over which the Church drew a veil of silence. What follows is only tradition, but may be of interest.

It is the German tradition that the Templars were ordered to form a secret scientific sect in southern Germany, Austria and northern Italy to be known as “Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein” – The Lords of the Black Stone – or DHvSS for short, and this is said to be the true, hidden meaning of SS.

The Holy Grail (“Ghral” is holy stone, Persian-Arabic) was said to be a black-violet crystal, half quartz, half amethyst, through which Higher Powers communicated with humanity. It was given into the safe-keeping of the Cathars, and smuggled out of the last stronghold at Montsegur, France, and hidden, by four Cathar women on the night of 14 March 1244. There is a Cathar legend that 700 years after the destruction of the Cathar religion the Holy Grail would be returned to its rightful holders, DHvSS, or the SS?”

In 1917 the occultist Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the Gurdjeff disciple Karl Haushofer, the ace pilot Lothar Waisz, Prelate Gernot of the secret “Societas Templi MARCONI” (The Inheritors of the Knights Templar- The Lords of the Black Stone ), and Maria Orsic formed THULE GESELLSCHAFT.

The Bogomils & Cathars

The Bogomils and the Cathars had brought together a dualistic religiosity in Medieval Europe that challenged the orthodox Catholic Church hierarchy.

“They think that the devil went to heaven with his angels, fought a battle against the Archangel Michael and the angels of the good god, and carried off a third of his subjects. Then he imprisoned them in human bodies and in animals, changing them from one body to another until they should all be led back to heaven. Hence they call all these subjects of God as they see them, ‘the People of God’, ‘Souls’, ‘Sheep of Israel’, and many other such names.”

“They claim that the Son of God did not really assume human nature from the Blessed Virgin, who was an angel, but only the appearance of it. They say that he did not truly eat or drink, suffer or die, and was not buried or resurrected: all of this was only in appearance, for we read in Luke, ‘being [as it was supposed] the son of Joseph’. They interpret all Christ’s miracles in the same way.  They say that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and all the ancient fathers and also John the Baptist were enemies of God and servants of the devil. The devil is the author of the whole of the Old Testament, except for the books of Job, the Psalms, Solomon, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,  Daniel and twelve of the prophets, some of which they way were written in Heaven – that is, before the fall of Jerusalem, which they think was Heaven.

“They teach that this world will never come to an end, that the Last Judgment has already been made, and will not be made again, and that hell, eternal fire and eternal punishment are in this world and nowhere else.” – Raineir Sacchoni (1250)[43]

At the peak of their existence in 13th century Europe, primarily in France and Italy, they were characterized as Satanic demon worshipers. It has also been said that “Cathar” comes from the Latin word “cattus” or cat and, as a result, the Cathars were also accused of worshipping Satan in the shape of a cat.[44]The origin of Cathar beliefs has never been precisely identified, but most historians link them to the dualist Bogomil sect in the Byzantine sphere.  Like the Bogomils, Cathars were Christian dualists– a doctrine that has existed in various forms as long as there has been Christianity and before. The dualists attempt to confront the question of how can a God that is all powerful, merciful and good, allow monstrous evil to exist. Their response is that there must be two equally powerful gods- one good and one evil. Unlike Christianity, which demoted Satan beneath God’s authority, dualists see the forces of evil and good as equally powerful.[45]

The Bogomils and the Cathars rejected the Old Testament. However, along with the Ten Commandments, they did fact keep some of the books of the Old Testament. But, Leviticus wasn’t among them.  Leviticus 18 of the Old Testament is the eighteenth chapter of the Book of Leviticus of the bible. It narrates part of the instructions which, according to the Bible, were given to Moses by God on biblical Mount Sinai. The chapter deals with a number of sexual activities considered unclean and abominable.  Although the chapter is principally concerned with incest, it also contains laws related to bestiality and [ritually] “lying with a man as with a woman.”[46]

Moses‘ religious background was formed by the Kemetic Priesthood of Ashur (Osiris).[47] Basically, Macrion and the Armenian Paulicians removed all restrictions from the bible regarding the pagan practice of sodomy that represented the badges of the uncivilized versus the civilized. Kemet represented the oldest civilized society known to man. Sodomy, bestiality, cannibalism, and human sacrifice were the badges and rites of the uncivilized, and chaos that had been prohibited and abandoned during the earthly Kingship of Ashur (Osiris).

God Set

In extremely remote ancient times, Ashur’s evil brother, God SET- SATAN had been adopted by the 14th century nomadic BC Hyksos- Shepherd Kings as their god used Sodomy ritually as a means of the literal spiritual conquest of men, and a clandestine means of mind control. It was a rite to incarnate spirits into the human body through  inter-dimensional gateways, or openings. 

Vatican Museum, Roman Hermanubis- Son of God Set and Nephthys

Tyga’s Twin Egyptian Anubis

Bill Schnoebelen claims to be an ex-, well, just about everything from witch/wiccan to Satanist, from Freemason to Mormon, wrote of “the pervasive influence of Aleister Crowley upon the beginnings of Wicca” and noted:

” … most Witches, myself included, find it necessary to study his material and “plug themselves into” the magical current of Crowley’s demon spirit guide, a mysterious being named Aiwass. Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god… Sodomy is especially “sacred” to Set … It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner’s body.
Wicca: Satan’s Little White Lie, 1990 AD ed., see pp. 192, 197-200

Gnosticism is also used narrowly to refer only to religious groups such as Sethians and Archontic who seem to have used the term “gnostikoi” as a self-designation.[48] In Gnosticism, Seth is the 3rd son of Adam and Eve seen as a replacement given by God for Abel, whom Cain had slain. It is said that late in life, Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the Kabbalah. The Zohar refers to Seth as “ancestor of all the generations of the tzaddikim” (Hebrew: righteous ones).

Kanye West- Bug-Like

The word “bugger” was derived, via the French bougre, from Bulgar, that is, “Bulgarian“, meaning the medieval Bulgarian heretical sect of the Bogomils, which spread into Western Europe, and was claimed by the established church to be devoted to the practice of sodomy.[49] For most dualists, eating and drinking were necessary evils. “But marriage and all that encouraged procreation ranked as great sins: having children extended the domain of the demiurge, creating new bodies, new prisons for the spirit. Conversely, non-procreative sex was permitted and, by all accounts, indulged with vigour. Sexual orgies were standard practice; many dualists held that the body was intrinsically evil below the navel so it didn’t matter what you did with it. The French called all heretics Bougres, after the Bulgarian Bogomils, and from this, with the suspicion that dualists also promoted sodomy, came the verb ’bougrire’ and the English ’to bugger’.

The Borborites, the muddy ones”  (so called from the Greek for “mud“), considered any show of bodily hygiene as unnecessary pampering; they used both semen and menstrual fluid for their liturgy (ritual worship). What really went on in these sects is hard to discover, because the rituals were secret. And, many of them written records were also incriminating demonic.[50] The British English term “buggery” is very close in meaning to the term sodomy, often used interchangeably in law and popular speech. It may also be a specific common law offense  encompassing both sodomy and bestiality. The word bugger and buggery are still commonly used in modern English as a mild exclamation. “Buggery” is also synonymous with anal sex.[51]

Through the ages, many Armenians such as the Kardashians have collectively belonged to other faiths or Christian movements like the Armenian Paulicians. In fact, right this very moment, the Kardashian followers include Gnostic Armenian  Paulicians.[52] HollyWeird Bacchic homosexual- sex magick orgiastic secret rites, Gnostics, Gaelic- Druid Charlie Sheen, Tyga, Mia Isabella, Hip Hop and the Armenian Kardashian go together like bread and butter. Let me close with Kylie Jenner’s latest Kardashian Negro Hip Hop Satanic CLONE.




Jacques Webster, Jr. (born April 30, 1992), 25 years old, better known by his stage name Travis Scott (formerly stylized as Travi$ Scott), is a Hip Hop rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer from Houston, Texas.  In 2012, Scott signed his first major-label with Epic Records. In November of the same year, Scott signed a deal with Kanye West’s GOOD Music.


Travis Scott, Savage Animal in Birdcage

Scott’s Birdcage Icon and Symbology is absolutely disturbing, truly sad and heartbreaking. Cages are used in severe MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based mind control programming. The victim is like a bird perched on a swing as a means of escaping ritual electrical shocks, mental and sexual abuse- the mind is fractured into multiple personality disorders creating SATANIC CLONES.  It is a disturbing psychological motif of severe mental entrapment/sexual abuse and slavery of “beautiful birds.” The spirit of man is often represented as a birdthe spirit of man has wings. The birdcage represents the suppression of the psyche and spirit. The mind is a prison like a bird in a cage. Birdcages also represents an empty mind; (as in ‘gone cuckoo’ and the movie ‘One flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest’; locked in a cage).


MK ULTRA (Leopard Print) Young Thug & Travis Scott

As such, Scott most probably have a transsexual alter from sex magick (buggery) ritual abuse. MK ULTRA/MONARCH Hip Hop Rapper Young Thug has a new “lover” – Travis Scott!

Can Travis Scott, Tyga, and Kanye West be SAVED?


Just the other day, I saw my grandchildren in the car, ages 4, 5 and 7, bouncing their heads up and down to the beats of some kind of Hip Hop rap that dominates urban radio.  I took a very deep breath. I had not the heart to ask what it was that they were listening to. I was afraid. I just couldn’t do it, but I know that I MUST!







[6] Id.








[14] Id.






[20] Id.



[23] Id.




[27] Id.



























17 07 2017



For a cable news station that touts itself as “Fair and Balanced“, Fox News has reached a new low in professional journalism. Just out of curiosity, I stopped only for a moment to watch Judge Jeanine (Pirro). Normally, I immediately turn away from her as soon as I hear her irritating loud raving rants that Fox News apparently calls journalism. Nevertheless, I wanted to hear her spin on Donald Trump, Jr., and his meeting with Russians that allegedly had government dirt” on Hillary Clinton that could have a negative impact on her upcoming presidential election contest. I was really startled and surprised by what came out of her mouth on national television about Satan, Set, Lucifer, Apophis, the DEVIL.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Revelation 12:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

I was disturbed by what she said about the Donald Trump, Jr. situation. She said that she had no bounds to the Constitution, laws of the land, truth or justice if the DEVIL called her.


Judge Jeanine Pirro & the DEVIL- Her Trolley to HELL

If the DEVIL called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent I’d be on the first trolley to hell to get it

The above didn’t come from me or my wild imagination. It came out of the mouth of the host of Fox News Channel’s Justice with Judge Jeanine , and I take what she says, very seriously. That pretty much means that if she, personally, doesn’t like the opposing viewpoint, opinion, position or even the looks of anyone, she would resort to fake news, lies, deception, EVIL- even make up something to destroy them.

Jeanine Pirro was a public officer- Assistant District Attorney in New York’s Westchester County. In November 1990, she was elected to public office- Westchester County Court Judge. Her stated Aleister Crowley like Satanic philosophy,  prejudice and latent psychological disabling raving hatred, and “absolutely EVIL designs and invidiousness” toward people that she don’t like may be serious enough grounds to review, and if necessary reopen some if not all of the witch’s cases that she touched in the public domain.




Fran Becque & Pi Beta Phi

Thanks to Fran Becque, PhD, a Pi Beta Phi Historian, she provided a rundown of the members of secret orders of fraternal “Brotherhood” that that were on the baseball field when U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (Rep- LA) was shot down June 14, 2017. And that seems to be the primary “Trolley to HELL” that prevents the people from getting to the truth in Scalise’s horrific gunning down.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is a member of Acacia. Zack Barth, a Congressional Aide, is a Sigma Nu. Matt Mika, a Lobbyist for Tyson Foods, is a Phi Kappa Sigma. Two of the three members of the Capitol Police Force who are came to the aid of the players are fraternity men. Special Agent David Bailey is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.  Henry Cabrera is a Kappa Sigma.”[1]


Acacia [Masonic]Fraternity was founded on 12 May 1904, by a group of 14 Freemasons attending the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. From the time of its founding, members of other fraternities were eligible for membership in Acacia. During the first two decades of the 20th century, Acacia was evolving from its roots as a successful Masonic club into the more standardized model of the other collegiate fraternities of the day. While maintaining its history and the symbolism derived from the Masonic fraternity, because of what Baird’s cites (pIII-1) as a decline in the number of student Masons in undergraduate schools, Acacia opted in 1931 to relax the requirement that members must be Masons, removing the provision entirely in 1933.[2]

The Sprig of Acacia is one of many Acacia symbols with roots in the Masonic Brotherhood. The Sprig of Acacia, symbolically, is a symbol of immortality among Masons, giving assurance that death is not the end. It is used by that organization during or after a funeral service, to honor a brother who has died. According to tradition, the symbol also reminds participants of the obligation that Masons must provide for the widow and children of their fallen brother. The Acacia fraternity has adopted this and other Masonic symbols, retaining them in linkage to its heritage.[3],[4]


Mo Brooks, June 14, 2017

Other members of the Brotherhood on the field that morning, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) Theta Chi at Duke (75) was there. After the gunning down of Scalise, he had a lot of tales to spread to news networks about the shootings.


He said that Zack Barth (Sigma Nu) had a bullet hole in his leg (calf) that he dressed with a tourniquet. It appears that Barth’s bullet hole disappeared even before the day was over.


He also said that officer David Bailey (Alpha Phi Alpha-BOULE) had been shot. He wasn’t shot. Bailey suffered some kind of minor injury from getting his feet tangled with each other.

Former U.S. Naval Commander Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale (01) was there. In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One to Iraq with troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.[5] The Bronze Star Medal, unofficially the Bronze Star, is a  U.S. decoration awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.[6]


DeSantis said that he talked to the “confrontational” assassin before the shooting and “passed it on” to Capital Police before he left the baseball field. The story just can’t get any juicer than that. The first person that the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate Patsy, Hodgkinson, personally spoke with just prior to the ballpark shootings was a former Special Operations SEAL Team One -U.S. Naval  Lt. Commander. SEALS refer to themselves as the “most lethal and effective warriors this planet will ever know.” They’ve been called ghosts, guerrillas, and ASSASSINS![7]

Of course, DeSantis‘ story has changed. He says that he reported talking to Hodgkinson to Capital Police after the shooting. DeSantis said in an interview with NBC News. “It was a little strange but we didn’t think necessarily anything of it, by the time we got back to Capitol Hill, and the news broke, Jeff and I immediately talked to each other, we said ‘look, we’ve gotta report this guy.'”[8] However, you hear exactly what he said in the first instance.

My guess is that after DeSantis accessed the baseball field security situation just before leaving the field, he gave Hodgkinson the final trigger code to proceed. DeSantis also got tripped up in the above ABC TV rapid fire interview by George  Stephanopoulos by saying that the long gun assassin had “dark hair.”


DARK HAIR ASSASSIN, Hodgkinson or Henry Cabrera?

In regards to an experienced U.S. Naval officer combat trained eyes, ears and observation- DeSantis said that the assassin had “dark hair.” Who among the active shooters at the ballpark with the exception of the 2 (two) black capital police officers had the distinctive “dark hair“- Hodgkinson or David Cabrera?


Rep. Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R- OH) Sigma Alpha Epsilon at University of Cincinnati (80) was there dressing Scalise’s wound(s) as a medical physician in the field. Prior to the shooting, he co-sponsored Scalise’s bills to target child predators and human traffickers. Wenstrup, a doctor and a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve had said, “Human trafficking: As easy as ordering a pizza.”[9] But since the shooting, he has had very little to say publicly other than Scalise’s wound(s) was similar to what he had experienced in the combat zones of Iraq. Other than that, he has said literally nothing about child predators, human traffickers, and the ballpark shootings.[10]

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R- KY) was also there during the so-called firefight with Budweiser Hodgkinson.[11] Nevertheless, I was really surprised to find David Cabrera, “The Party Crasher“, among the list of members of “The Brotherhood” at the baseball park on the morning of June 14. All members of the Brotherhood are bound by the covenant of secrecy. Yet, some of the orders on the field that day were far more dangerous than the others. Also, it is now clear why Scalise had a special capital police detail, he was majority whip and third-ranking GOP member of the House, one of nine lawmakers who have security details in Washington.[12]


VCU’s House of Masonic Initiation with Boaz and Jachin Pillars

Cabrera graduated from an unusual, deeply Rosicrucian- one of the most esteemed educational institutions in the country, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia. The university actually began in an Egyptian Building in 1845, above, dedicated to Imhotep, the “first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity.”[13] Prominent throughout the occult building is the use of the Winged sun disk. On the exterior it is found repeated in the cavetto cornices that cap the pylons. This winged disk represents Horus, as a sun disk with outstretched wings, flanked by the goddesses Bekbet and Uaset in the form of snakes.


Horus Behdety

This is the form Horus took in Egyptian mythology when he battled the god Set. Later the image took on other meanings with the Sun disc representing eternity, the serpent representing wisdom, and finally the wings representing the spirit.[14]


On the interior, the lotus flower design is used repeatedly. The interior colors have intentional symbolic meaning: red represents divine love; blue represents divine intelligence; and the golden yellow represents the mercy of God. Hieroglyphs are incorporated in the antechamber decorations and the floor tiles depict a large scarab beetle.[15]


The hieroglyphics in the antechamber to auditorium come from a Kemetic hymn to the gods Amun and Aten in the reign of Amenophis III (Amenhotep III), (1390-1353 B.C.). The right side of the jambs reads “I never took pleasure in any conversation wherein were words of exaggeration and lies.” The left side of the jambs reads “Thou didst make me great because I was performing my duty.” [16]


The lintel, or horizontal part of the doorjamb, bears a different set of messages. On the left it reads, “Tutankhamen: To whom life is given forever” and on the right it reads, “Tutankhamen: Living image of Amon.”[17] You had better ask somebody, because they aren’t playing.


Cabrera’s VCU chapter, Lambda-Zeta, is a colony of Kappa Sigma.[18] According to the traditions of the fraternity, Kappa Sigma evolved from an ancient order, known in some accounts as “Kirjath Sepher” linked to Manuel Chrysoloras.[19] Kiriath-sepher (A. V., Kirjath-sepher), kir’-i-ath-se’-pher (Heb.)- city of engravingscity of scribes; city of the scrolls; city of books; city of numbers; city of writings; city of instruction; city of learning.[20]

In the biblical days of Joshua, about 600 years after Abraham, the giant Anakites had a city in south Canaan called Debir (Joshua 11:21). The giants called it Kiriath Sepher, which means “City of Scribes” or “City of Books.” The city’s other name was Kiriath Sannah, which means “City of Instruction” (Joshua 15:49). Bible scholars believe Kiriath Sepher was a major center of learning and culture for all of Canaan. It probably had a huge library full of scrolls, and was the city where giants (Sons of GodFallen Angels) went to learn.[21]

Kappa Sigma’s granddaddy secret society Kiriath-sepher is most likely based upon the secret mysteries of the religious scrolls looted from the city. According to the Biblical Numbers 13 during the 12th-13th century BC, Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, was one of 12 spies that may have included Joshua sent by Moses into Canaan. Their task, over a period of 40 days, was to explore and access the surrounding area for a war of invasion, rape and plunder.[22] Caleb promised the hand of his daughter Achsad to whoever conquered the land of DebirKiriath-sepher. Othniel rose to the challenge. He slew the people, looted and burned the city to the ground.[23]



The secret society, Kiriath-sepher, existed long before Manuel Chrysoloras. He had been initiated into “The Society” by NICCOLO DE NICCOLI’ (1363-1437), an Italian humanist. He was one of the chief figures in the company of learned men which gathered round Cosimo de’ Medici.[24]


Cosimo de’ Medici (1389-1464) founder of one of the bloodlines of the Medici family, the Black Nobility, ruled Florence, Italy from 1434 to 1537. “This one family supplied four popes and two queens of France, and ran Florence, with a couple of interruptions, for almost 400 years. Its power emanated originally from the family bank. Italian financiers (known generically, and inaccurately, as “Lombards”, hence London’s Lombard Street) were pre-eminent in their age. And among them the house of the Medici was pre-eminent, the most powerful financial institution in all of 15th-century Europe.”[25] Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to the Vatican and royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles. The Medici were for a long while put in charge of papal finances. Until 1434, more than half of the bank’s revenues came from its Rome “branch” which followed the pope around on his travels.[26] Cosimo de’ Medici ordered Niccoli’ to travel through Europe and search for ancient occult and magick manuscripts.[27]

King Rene of Anjou & Cosimo de’ Medici


An illuminated portrait of René of Anjou with the GOAT most likely out of the Kabbalah of the Zohar, from Georg von Ehingen’s travel diary, Germany, late 15th[28] René of Anjou (1408- 1480) ruled with Cosimo de Medici. Mary Queen of Scots was his granddaughter. René was versed in the occult, and his court included a Jewish Kabbalist known as Jean de Saint-Remy (1394- 1468), who, according to some accounts, was the grandfather of Nostradamus. René’s interests included Arthurian and Grail romances. It appears that largely through his influence that Cosimo de Medici embarked on the projects of translating the Neo-platonic, Gnostic and Hermetic texts.[29] René had one of the greatest libraries of the medieval period. He also had a valuable historic collection of relics. One of prize possessions was a cup that had been used at the marriage of Cana, a marriage incidentally that René and the Templars believe united Jesus and Mary Magdalene.[30]


Painting of a crowned corpse with templar 5-Cross Jerusalem Flag from the Book of Hours made for King Rene of Anjou. Dated 15th Century.


The Jerusalem Flag is a symbol of Monsignor Alfred C. Hughes, and the Grand Prior of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem linked to the Order of Knights Templar, Lucifer’s Lodge, the Burlington Catholic Diocese, and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Circle that ritually sacrifice, murder, sexually exploit, abduct, abuse, and traffic in children on a global scale.


Rene of Anjou was a dynastic descendant of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem (a founding royal patron and original Knight of the Templar Order), and thus was a hereditary Grand Master of the Order during its years as a secret society. Rene of Anjou was part of the French Royal Army, and became Duke of Lorraine, the region where Joan of Arc was raised.[31]


René of Anjou was related to Joan of Arc (1412-1431 AD). Joan of Arc was in fact a hereditary Countess of Anjou of the royal House of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem, and was thus also a hereditary Templar. Joan of Arc knowingly and purposefully continuing the living tradition of the Order of the Temple of Solomon. [32]


Let’s not forget that one of her main lieutenants and companions was Knights Templar Gilles de Rais, one of the greatest Catholic Satanic ritual black mass murderers of children in history.[33] Peel away the layers, the secretSociety” granddaddy of Manuel Chrysoloras  and the present Kappa Sigma Fraternity was the Order of the Temple of Solomon- the Knights Templar– the Occult knowledge of the BAPHOMET- the DEVIL. Not only was Henry Cabrera the most deadly military trained killer on the baseball field on June 14, 2017, he belonged to one of the most secretive, dangerous and Satanic fraternal orders in history. The feared secretSociety” of a New Order have been perpetrators of wars, global conflict’s, assassinations, and mass murders for generations. They have toppled democracies, governments for and by the people, and established Satanic regimes, governments and religions around the world.

cabreraskullbonesHenry Cabrera’s insignias are the Satanic 5-Star Inverted PentagramCrescent Moon,  the ancient Rod of Thoth or Hermes, the CADUCEUS, and SKULL AND BONES- the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH!



[3] Id.












[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.









[26] Id.




[30] Boren, Kerry Ross, Following the Ark of the Covenant: The Treasure of God, Bonneville Books, Springdale, UT (2000), pg. 85


[32] Id.



15 05 2017


The Satanic Divine Dragon Bloodline- BLACKS GET OUT!

Former First Lady Michelle Obama, Mariah Carey and Kanye West seem to occupy the same “hole in the floor for black people” made infamously significant by the HollyWeird movie, “GET OUT.” The main character of the popular horror film, “GET OUT“, Chris- asked the question,  “WHY US? WHY BLACK PEOPLE?” Apparently, the “hole in the floor”  is reserved for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidates that sold their SOULS TO THE DEVIL for a few toys and a HAPPY MEAL.

There is a very significant difference and distinction between becoming a black slave to the DRAGON, and being born of the blood of the DRAGON or a Sea Serpent like a Donald J. Drumpf.  That difference and distinction has been made crystal clear to Michelle Obama, Mariah Carey and Kanye West.



After watching President- Select Donald J. Drumpf being sworn in, Barrack and Michelle Obama flew off directly to Palm Springs, Calif. where they stayed at the home of a gay couple, Spanish Ambassador James Costos of the secret Greek Fraternal Order of AHEPA, and his life partner Michael Smith.

But after 2 days of the wild thing with Barrack and his gay friends, Michelle reportedly packed her bags and boarded a private jet and allegedly flew to British Intelligence billionaire Sir Richard Branson’s private Necker Island in the Caribbean — without her husband. Washington insiders whispered for some time that Barrack and Michelle Obama were headed for a messy divorce. It appeared that she finally had enough. They spit up on January 23, 2017 when she boarded that plane and disappeared over the Caribbean Sea. Michelle Obama has been disappeared for almost 4 (four) months and suddenly popped up on APRIL 26, 2017 AT 2:36 PM EDT inside a classic RAINBOW with a Happy Face. All is not well.


Under the Rainbow Colors of the Wonderful Wizard of OZ, Michelle Obama made her first public appearance in “flesh” since leaving the White House announcing her coming personal appearance on May 5, 2017 at a College Signing Day event in conjunction with NICK CANNON and MTV in New York.

NICK CANNON is a Luciferian CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH watcher and controller.






Nick Cannon seems to believe that he is a some type of hypnotist, mesmerizer or more likely a CIA MK ULTRA sex kitten mind control handler and programmer.


Cannon is also a Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) Black Manchurian Candidate that they can spin on a dime.


Nicholas Scott Cannon was born on October 8, 1980, in the U.S. military enclave of San Diego, California. He was raised by his paternal grandparents in California, but spent part of his childhood living in Charlotte, North Carolina with his father, James Cannon, who was a minister. [1]


Nick Cannon- Blind Obedience to the ILLUMINATI & Shadow Government 

2013-2014, Nick Cannon and his Power 106 N’Credible Tour co-stars teamed up with the USO to entertain troops and families based in Germany and Kuwait this spring, playing  all-star basketball games against troops, heating up the stage with musical performances and visiting wounded warriors at Germany’s Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Nick Cannon: “With a grandfather [James Ernest Cannon]who served in the Navy [U.S. Naval Intelligence?] and an aunt who’s a colonel in the Army, Cannon is no stranger to military service. ‘It’s something I feel connected to,’ he said. ‘People always ask me, ‘if I wasn’t an entertainer, what would I have done?’


I probably would have joined the military.’ ”[2]

Nick Cannon is certainty obedient to U.S. military intelligence. He has an ultra secret and complicated CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH military (U.S. Navy) intelligence background from San Diego, CA. His mouth is sealed by a Satanic Blood Oath Covenant.


Fourth of July, 2016, King David (David Geffen), Mariah Carey and James Packer (Wizard of Oz) on Geffen’s Rising Sun, Lucifer– Apollo.[3],[4]

The Wizard of OZ is LUCIFER

James Packer is the chairman of OZbased gaming and entertainment company Crown Limited.[5] He inherited his billions from his grandfather, Sir Douglas Frank Hewson Packer. Sir Packer was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1951. He was knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours of 1959, for services to journalism and the newspaper industry. In the New Year’s Honors of 1971, Sir Packer was promoted within the Order of the British Empire to Knight Commander (KBE), for services to Australia.[6]


Abe Saffron (The Gentle SATAN) was an infamous and powerful Sydney, Australia Jewish Mafia Don and “Vice Lord” between the 1960s and 1990s. Safrron ran (Mossad?) whitemail operations against police, the powerful and politicians. He would provide prominent people with prostitutes, young girls and boys, film them and fix them that way.

The Light-bearer is the Morning Star or Lucifer

Satanist Author Lyman Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, the Royal Historian of OZ,  joined Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s Ramayan Theosophical Society in Chicago on September 4, 1892, having written in the Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer for January 25, 1890 that Theosophists were “Seekers of Truth.


Ancient Occult Brittany Royal Lion and Wizard of Oz 

He [Abe Saffron] had [THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF] OZ media mogul Sir Frank Packer in his pocket by photographing him through his string of brothels with one way mirrors. It’s said he also had Kerry Packer in his pocket and was in fact bringing in heroin into Australia with Mr. Packer in the early eighties through Packers string of cattle stations in the north of Australia.”[7]


The Wonderful Wizards, Kerry & James Packer

Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer’s son was James Packer.[8] King David, and James Packer are part of the global ultra secret British (PIZZAGATE) “Dark [9th] Satanic Circle”.

In April, 2017, they had been the international cover on Geffen’s yacht, Rising Sun- LUCIFER for the reprogramming of Barrack and the kidnapping of Michelle Obama. The Wizard of OZ is LUCIFER.

aaaaaaamichellejames Nick Cannon & Grandfather James Cannon

My Lord! These people are the underbelly of an extremely dangerous global SATANIC CABAL. Nick Cannon knows better than to open his mouth about ANYTHING about Mariah, the (Black) Dark Satanic Circle or the OZ even to save the dignity of his own family! But, his grandfather, James Cannon, Sr., had a lot to say about Mariah Carey, the OZ and his grandson, publicly. He lashed out at Mariah, claiming that she never tried to save their marriage, and even insinuated that she might have been unfaithful with her then fiancé, James Packer- the WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ.[9] He also complained that Mariah held all the chips and bargaining power over their marriage, and how Nick blindly signed whatever papers lawyers shoved in his face.


By May 21, 2016, James Cannon suddenly dropped DEADno cause of death or public obituary was reportedNick and Mariah Carey’s dissolution of marriage became final around November 1, 2016.[10]


Satanic Cult, Mariah, Alison (both psych wards), Morgan Carey (In hiding)

Mariah Carey: sister, Alison, and brother, Morgan, have linked her to ritual sexual abuse by a “Eyes Wide Shut” global Satanic Cabal, and Nick Cannon was only a pawn that helped veil all of her dark secrets and secret links to the Dark Satanic Circle.[11] So, Nick Cannon’s role in the marriage to Mariah Carey should be very clear as a VEIL!

Mind Control and Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse, Mariah Carey & RAINBOWS


I just want one day off when I can go swimming and eat ice cream [brain freeze] and look at RAINBOWS [Wizard of Oz programming], … ‘Mariah Carey’s lost her mind (mind control).’ One week later, she checked into a hospital. ‘I just can’t trust anybody anymore because I don’t understand what’s going on [mind control/alters/amnesia walls].‘ ”Mariah Carey[12]


Mariah Carey, Decades of Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse Has Taken its Toll Again

Sadly, May 9, 2017- Mariah Carey is in a psych ward again reportedly undergoing psychiatric treatment in a hospital after another nervous breakdown; and a suspected suicide attempt. “She’s cracking up. I think she’s going to kill herself,” her mother is quoted as having told police officers before Carey was taken to Westchester North Hospital in New York, where she remains since being checked in as “emotionally disturbed” last week. “She did break some dishes and glasses, and she may have stepped on them.”[13]


In sum total, it isn’t surprising that Michelle Obama’s first public appearance with a contrived and manufactured “happy face” since leaving the White House would be in a “RAINBOW OF COLORS“, it’s indicative of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- The Wonderful Wizard of OZ  mind control programming or re-programming.


“ … [S]omewhere over the rainbow” is the ‘happy place’ dissociative trauma slaves must go to in order to escape the unbearable pain being inflicted upon them. Using the movie, programmers encourage slaves to go “over the rainbow” and dissociate, effectively separating their minds from their bodies.”[14]

Michelle Obama & the Post Production Conspiracy



On May 5, 2017, Michelle Obama, allegedly, accidentally tweeted out a former White House staff member’s phone number, Duncan Wolfe. He was a filmmaker and creative digital strategist for President Barack Obama.However, it may have been a deliberate clue to something else- The Dark Satanic Cabal and the Art of Post-Production Digital Photography to Deceive the Masses!

According to the Chicago native’s Linkedln profile, Wolfe works for ONE at Optimus, a production company based in Chicago.[15] Optimus is a leading production and post-production house. Optimus and its production arm One at Optimus offer a full suite of creative services, including production, color correction, visual effects and design, audio mixing and finishing. ONE was founded by Robert Sargent “Bobby” Shriver III and Sir Bono (MI6). The ONE Campaign is a U.S.-based, non-partisan, non-profit organization which aims to increase U.S. government for and effectiveness of international-aid programs.

Is the above false video evidence of Michelle’s lunch date with Sir Bono on March 10, 2017 in New York part of Wolf’s post- production digital video work? Post-production, the real Michelle was digitally cut and pasted on top of the black female impostor leaving the restaurant.

There was a black female at Sir Bono’s lunch date posting as Michelle Obama, but it wasn’t her. The above black female captured by a camera shot that U.S. Secret Service failed to block is seen hurriedly leaving the restaurant lunch date with Barrack Obama and Sir Bono. It is not and was not Michelle Obama.

 In 2006, Bono and Shriver founded PRODUCT (RED) to fight the Africa AIDS epidemic with two other powerful forces-producers of world-class consumer goods and world-class shoppers. Each time someone buys a (PRODUCT) RED product, up to 50% of the gross profit goes to The Global Fund, which allegedly provides AIDS medicine funding to African countries.[16]

Duncan Wolfe & Sir Bono


Sir Bono, the Red DEVIL

In March 2017, Viscount Rothermere, Daily Mail, and Sir Bono (Knight of the British Empire and the DEVIL’s Servant) of U2 collaborated with MI6 (British Foreign Service) to control mass population propaganda to veil the covert post- White House CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH kidnapping of Michelle Obama.[17]

Duncan Wolfe & Robert Sargent ‘Bobby’ Shriver III


Sir Bono and Robert Shriver

Red is a state of mind, not just a color.” Robert Shriver III[18] Shriver actually wants “red” to be the color of the world.


The Luciferian-Masonic design of “Red” designates the “Divine Love of God.” Shriver’s RED trademark scarf symbol also presents a “Red Mass Rite” or “Ritual Blood Mass” vestment of deception-


drenched in sacrificial blood like something marvelous out of the Book of Revelation, Verse 19:13.


Police on Cape Cod say two men were dealing fentanyl out of a home owned by a family related to the Kennedys. Barnstable police charged Troy Monteiro and Trevor Rose – both 29 – with multiple drug crimes. Records show the Hyannisport property is owned by a limited liability corporation managed by Robert Sargent ‘Bobby’ Shriver III, son of the late Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of late President John F. Kennedy.[19] Allegedly, Prince (Roger Nelson) was assassinated with fentanyl.[20]


Shriver moved to New York, where, with former U.S. Defense Secretary Harold Brown and Sir (Knight) James D. Wolfensohn, he worked in the venture capital partnership of the Wolfensohn firm.[21]


James D. Wolfensohn (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) is a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, and The Order of Australia. The Order of Australia is an order of chivalry established on February 14, 1975 by Queen Elizabeth II.


He is a former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, and ninth president of the World Bank Group.[22]


Harold Brown (Jewish Satanist and Cabbalist of the Bohemian Grove) of the Trilateral Commission is a scientist who served as U.S. Department of Defense Secretary from 1977 to 1981 in the cabinet of President Jimmy Carter.[23] He had previously served in the JFK and Lyndon Johnson administrations as Director of Defense Research and Engineering and Secretary of the Air Force.[24]


Harold Brown, Former Secretary of Defense

Brown served as the Chief Technology Officer for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense on all matters relating to science, technology, research and engineering. [25] Basically, the Chief Technology Officer is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the activities of component organizations of the DoD including the Military Departments and the Defense Agencies, which are responsible for management and execution of programs and projects associated with research and technology broadly, and numerous Component organizations within DoD including: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR); Army Engineering R&D Center, Army Research Laboratory (ARL); Army Research Office  (ARO); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Office of Naval Research (ONR).[26]

DARPA is attached to an ultra top secret counterinsurgency office, which is highly blood oath classified. DoD’s special projects are kept in the counterinsurgency office to keep its research and development below the radar, while also taking advantage of the agency’s ultra top secret unlimited funding of unconventional warfare that even an U.S. president can’t see.[27] I said this to open the following. If there is anyplace to search for Barrack Obama’s ultra secret and sensitive U.S. military intelligence files, it is DARPA’s Counterinsurgency Office.

Harold Brown inherited a fully implemented and funded Operation PaperclipWerner von Braun , the SS Vision for a “Post-human Renaissance“, and Baby Obama II from Neil S. McElroy, U.S. Secretary of Defense (1957-1959); Thomas S. Gates, Jr., U.S. Secretary of Defense (1959-1961); Dr. Fritz Kraemer, NSC, DoD, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Plans Officer (1948- 70s), and DARPA (ARPA) Director, U.S. Army BG Austin Betts (1959-1961).

U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Austin Wortham “Cy” Betts, abovewas an engineer for the covert Fourteenth Air Force under Air Force Major General Claire Chennault in the Burma-China, India TheaterChennault was a deep rabbit hole.  With the U.S. entry into World War II against the Empire of Japan in December 1941,  Chennault, the commander of the Flying Tigers of the Chinese Air Force, was formed to covertly aid Chiang Kai-shek, and his wife, Madame Chiang Kai-shek’s regime combat organization in China. Chennault also had a far greater covert mission- keep the flow of Heroin out of Burma open during the war.  In 1953, Allen Dulles as the newly appointed Director of the CIA arranged for Chenaults’ Civil Air Transport (Flying Tigers) pilots to covertly  work for him.

After V-J Day, September 2, 1945, the formal surrender of Japan, Betts was assigned to the ultra top secret Manhattan District Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory that helped develop the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. General Betts worked with Lieutenant Colonel Boris T. Pash on the ultra secret Alsos Mission.  Pash was the chief U.S. Army intelligence officer in the World War II Manhattan Project (atomic bomb) and the Alsos Mission. The Alsos Mission was an organized effort by a team of U.S. military, scientific, and intelligence personnel to discover and recruit enemy scientists, particularly Himmler’s SS scientists. Its chief focus was on the Nazi-SS nuclear energy project, but it also investigated both chemical and biological SS weapons and the means to deliver them.

As Lieutenant General, Betts worked directly with Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun Peenemünde  rocket team led by Allgemeine SS Sturmbannführer  Werner von Braun smuggled out of Austria in the covert operation, Project PAPERCLIP. Betts had also covertly covered SS-Nazis, Gehlen Org, and Project PAPERCLIP through the USAREUR G3-  U.S. Army Europe (Command and ControlHeadquarters; now in  Wiesbaden, German.

At sometime before 1947, SSHauptsturmführer Josef Mengele had been captured or surrendered to the 430th U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC) in Vienna, Austria. The decision to covertly smuggle Dr. Mengele out of Vienna thru a secret U.S. military intelligence ratline had to have come down from the top- U.S. Army America-Europe Command and Control Headquarters in Germany.

Werner von Braun and Himmler’s V-2 Peenemünde  rocket team was smuggled to Fort Bliss, Texas to work on the Pentagon’s emerging guided missile program. There, Austin Betts served as SS von Braun and the rocket team’s (Nike Zeus) NIKEX System Manager. Betts provided them all the secret cover, funds and resources that the SS needed to set them up in America, and fleece the taxpayers in NASA’s Great American Lunar Landing Hoax.

By 1957, Dr. Fritz G.A. Kraemer of the National Security Council (NSC), and Special Adviser for Political-Military Affairs in the Office of the Director of the Army Staff, and Plans Officer for the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army had literally taken over the entire Pentagon. The odd things about Dr. Kraemer are (1) he came out of Nazi Germany (2) in 1945 just after the fall of the Third Reich, he just happened to be stationed with Henry Kissinger at Camp Oberammergau, Germany with the Gehlen Org, SS Werner von Braun, Peenemünde rocket team, and Hitler’s chief strategist and war criminal-  Waffen SS Bridgadefuhrer Fritz Kraemer.

Nazi General Fritz Kraemer, Prisoner No. 33, disappeared from the rolls of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and the other U.S. Army Lt. Fritz Kraemer appeared in Washington DC at the U.S. Pentagon as its chief strategistplans officer.” The Great Mae Brussell, and many others believe that they were one and the same person.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the agency was created in February 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower (controlled by Nazi collaborator,  Prescott Bush) in response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik I in 1957. Since its inception, the agency’s mission is ensuring that the United States avoids further technological surprise. When NASA was established later in 1958 all space projects and most of ARPA’s funding were transferred to it. ARPA was repurposed to do “high-risk,” “high-gain,” the “far out” basic research.

In 1959, Betts became director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the agency’s only military director. In 1961, he was assigned to the Atomic Energy Commission as director of military appli­cations as a major general, completing the circle that began at Los Alamos.

In 1962, the DoD set up the Office for Behavioral Sciences and Command & Control Research in the ARPA, Lick became its first director and stayed there until 1964. He renamed the office as the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO); its budget surpassed the sum of all other federal funding agencies’ budgets for the computing field of the time.

In 1957, Lick left MIT where General Betts attended engineering school to become head of the departments of psychoacoustics, engineering psychology, and information systems at Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc. (BBN) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 1957, the DoD and ARPA had been very familiar with Lick’s far out” research and development.  BBN had been a primary major contractor of ARPA were Lick horned “advanced human-computer interaction.”

NASA was nothing more than Himmler’s V-2 Peenemünde  rocket team relocated, and ARPA was no more than an extension of his SS Weapons Research and Development Department with a changed venue fully funded by the American taxpayers with multi-million dollars, on top of a concealed “white budget” that even the president, the highest elected officer of the U.S. can’t see.

Major General Austin Betts was central part of the corrupt clandestineinner circle” of the “inner circle” of the Shadow Government, and the Satanic New Order. Behind the Veil, Hitler’s chief strategist, SS Waffen General Kraemer in the DoD, and Major General Betts in DoD’s proponent DARPA (ARPA) provided the clandestine cover, power, infinite support, unlimited funding and sources for the underground Third Reich and the SS to continue its “far out” racialist pseudo scientific alchemist- Satanic principled research and development like something out of the “Outer Limits” and “Twilight Zone” to create a race of man-computer machines.

The bottom line is that Dr. Mengele was a deep cover agent of the SS Gehlen Org’s twisted sister, the CIA. He moved freely moved in and out of the U.S., Canada, and South America. He fell off the map from 1960 to 1962, with the infamous May 13, 1960 capture of international war criminal SS Adolf Eichmann in Argentina, and the start of ARPA’s secret Trans-human Baby Obama II Project in Hawaii. DrLick had the computer technology, vision, and Dr. Mengele had the human clone the Boy from Brazil.

 Under these circumstances and with type of players, Michelle Obama’s life doesn’t amount to a wooden nickle if she continues to be a threat to blowing Barrack Obama’s cover.




“Ann Soetoro (Stanley Ann Dunham) is listed in the East-West Center directory of grantees in 1976-77 (with her photo on the same page as mine), but I never see any of the stories mention her involvement with the EWC.”[28] In 1964, Ann Dunham filed for divorce from Barack Obama, Sr. that may never had an actual sexual relationship with Dunham. She allegedly fell in love with a fellow foreign student, Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia. Soetoro met Ann Dunham in 1963 at the East-West Center while both were students at the University of Hawaii.[29]


Dr. Joseph C.R. Licklier- the “Lick”

During the 1960’s, DARPA (ARPA) was led by behavioral psychologist, Dr. Joseph Carl Robert Licklier (1915- 1990) known simply as J. C. R. or “Lick“. He was an American psychologist and computer scientist who is considered one of the most important figures in computer science and general computer history. He has been called “computing’s Johnny Appleseed“, for planting the seeds of computing in the digital age. The “Man-Machine System for Thinking” had been his pet project since 1957.

He was among the core group of Macy Conference cyberneticists with OSS/CIA anthropologist, Dr. Gregory Bateson, that developed cybernetics for military-industrial applications.[30] While heading the Command and Control Research division of DARPA in 1960, Licklier wrote an explosive and startling paper titled, Man-Computer Symbiosis:

The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today…That hope would take form in such later projects as DARPA’s Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer “dyads [twofold],” and the sterile vision for a “Posthuman Renaissance,” where ‘there are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism.‘ ” [68]


SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Braun and SS

Under Licklier, DARPA disbursed millions of dollars to a wide range of computer and artificial intelligence research centers. DAPRA and NASA (Himmler’s Allgemeine SS) had been locked in partnership since the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik I in October of 1957, and the inception of NASA under SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Brun.[31] One of its secret intelligence research centers was the U.S. military instrumentHawaii University.

But, it was a much more deeper secret rabbit hole than that with Himmler’s SS. One of few men alive in 1960 that was actually involved in implementing an clandestine “Post-human Renaissance” was Knight of the Black SunSS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) Dr. Josef Mengele. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Dr. Mengele was captured or handed over by SS Baron Otto von Bolshswing to U.S. military counterintelligence, and  OSS Officer Allen Dulles (CIA Director 1953) in 1945 for Cold  War recruitment and employment as a high level member of the Gehlen OrgDr. Mengele became an essential part of the clandestine “inner circle” of  Allen Dulles’ Operation PAPERCLIP and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH since their inception.

Erin Rothschild of the Rothschild Financial Dynasty talked about being secretly raised from infancy by Dr. Josef Mengele as her grandfather figure, and the Satanic ritual abuse she suffered.  She also talked about test tube babies and reluctantly briefly mentioned Barrack Obama as also being part of Dr. Mengele’s secret “test tube baby?” circle and the “Rothschild Plan“.


VP Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles Had Been Co-CEOs of the JFK Assassination

In 1959, the corrupt low down and dirty U.S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson (D-TX), member of  the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA),  proposed the creation of an international university in Hawaii to provide for a clandestine cold war military intelligence instrument of “cultural and technical interchange between East and West.” On May 14, 1960, President Eisenhower signed the Mutual Security Act of 1960 which authorized the creation of a Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West (East–West Center) at the University of Hawaii, and on August 31, 1960, signed the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1961, which appropriated $10 million for the Center (including $8.2 million in capital spending for six new buildings), and on September 30, 1961, President Kennedy signed Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1962, which appropriated an additional $3.3 million for the Center.[32]


Nazi collaborator and Luciferian Masonic Grand Master President Harry Truman’s 1951 Mutual Security Act omnibus legislative enactment covered special clandestine “anticommunist” military aid, developmental aid, technical assistance, and a contingency fund. Over the years, military assistance under the Act has been provided to more than forty countries, and in most, if not all of these arrangements, the CIA, Gehlen Org, and U.S. Special Forces had been a key special secret factor.[33] A special Presidential committee had been formed early in 1959 to study “Training Under the Mutual Security Program” and to “provide instruction [to recipient countries] in concepts or doctrine governing the employment of the military instrument, in peace and in war.”[34] In other words, this committee was layed it right on the line that the Government should be stepping into the Mutual Security program with “military” training, including the development of paramilitary capability in the recipient nations. The only way this could be carried out would be to mount clandestine operations in every country where this was to apply.[35] The East–West Center was developed 1959-60 under the Mutual Security Act to develop a clandestine military and intelligence instrument. And, it appears that Dr. Gregory Bateson of the CIA helped develop the East–West Center from its inception.[36]


According to files recently discovered in the CIA archives, the University of Hawaii (East-West Center) not only served as one of the CIA’s and director Richard Helms’ top five research campuses for “behavioral sciences” from 1966 to 1973.[37] So, it should be no surprise the area of secret research and development of the CIA, DAPRA/NASA, Licklier, and Dr. Bateson at the East-West Center, to create a “soldier-computer dyad where is little or no noticeable “demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism”,  turns up prominently in the early background of Barack Hussein Obama, an experimental human Cyborg.

Out of everyone in the world, SS Dr. Josef Mengele and the underground SS Knights of the Black Sun had been the most secretive, treacherous and satanic forces to conceive of a diabolical plan to create from birth a race of subservient mind controlled trans-human cyborgs to deceive, confuse and control the world.Dr. Mengele disappeared during the time of conception and birth of Baby Obama II. During that time, Dr. Mengele was secretly deeply involved in clandestine artificial insemination in human beings.

After being held as a prisoner of war in Russia, esteemed world renown reproduction scientist and specialist, SS-Gruppenführer Dr. Carl Clauberg,  opened a gynecology and human reproduction clinic in West Germany to exploit the knowledge he obtained from his secret SS concentration camp  human medical experimental research and development in field of reproduction, artificial insemination and abortions. He suddenly turned up dead in 1957 leaving his concentration camp SS assistant- Himmler’s secret personal deputized Dr. Josef Mengele as the world’s most foremost authority in artificial insemination. Dr. Clauberg thought that fat meat wasn’t greasy, he must have thought Himmler and SS was dead.

The secret program to create a race of mind controlled trans- human cyborgs to control the world (J.C.R. Licklier’s PROJECT CAMELOT) at the University of Hawaii was so classified, sensitive and ultra secret that Rev. James Jones of the Peoples Temple was brought into Hawaii as part of a special CIA clean-up team after the birth of Barrack Hussein Obama.

Jon Lodeesenthe super-ultra cold war specialist and sensitive Russian Embassy Secretary was Jim Jones’ secret CIA handler. In 1961, Lodeesen sent Rev. Jones on an urgent assignment in Hawaii. Jones’s whereabouts from 10/61 until 4/62 is unknown and his U.S. Passport for that period is conveniently unaccounted for. Jones’ U.S. Passport #0111788 is accounted for, but it was issued in his name at Indianapolis on January 30, 1962 well after and during his presence in Cuba and Hawaii.  From October 6, 1961 to April 1962, Jim Jones whereabouts is secret, which covers Obama Sr.’s sensitive presence at the University of Hawaii, and within days of Stanley Ann Dunham suddenly resurfacing at the University of Washington in Seattle. In fact, how Stanley Ann and Baby Obama II got to Seattle, WA in August 1961 is an absolute mystery.

CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones, Peoples Temple

At least one source placed Rev. Jim Jones in Hawaii in October 1961 most likely at the University of Hawaii (UH) with Barrack Obama, Sr., “On what would become a two-year sojourn, Jones made his first stop in Honolulu, where he explored a job as a university chaplain… At least one other source place both Lodeesen and Jones in Hawaii from 1961 to 1962 working with the CIA station in Honolulu. By Lodeesen being established as one of Jim Jones’ primary CIA handlers, we get a clear understanding of what his mission would have been in Hawaii- that is a stay behind psychological subversive intelligence activity. Jim Jones would have clandestinely moved about UH closely monitoring, silencing rumors and quashing gossip and information about Obama, Sr., Stanley Ann and Baby Obama II.

When Baby Obama II and Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii in 1962, Dr. Mengele was exposed by Argentine historian Jorge Camarasa to have been  involved in  artificially (medical insemination) creating the master race of blond haired, blue eyed Aryans in twins by the dozens in Candido Godoi, Paraguay. The SS great classified works involve the “Satanic Principal” of opposites, that is if Dr. Mengele created a great master race, in duality, he also created a race of subservience. So, Michelle Obama’s so-called mistaken public outing and exposure of Duncan Wolfe, and post-production digital video technology deployment may have been NO mistake after all. IT WAS A TIP OF AN ICEBERG.

On May 05, 2017, the former first lady, did in fact, attend the College Signing Day event at The Public Theater in New York City with Nick Cannon to celebrate high school students pursuing higher education.[38]


5/7/17 Trapped in a Deep Rabbit Hole

On Sunday, May 07, 2017, both Barrack and Michelle Obama personally appeared while accepting the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award. “I also want to thank Michelle Obama for, after the presidency, sticking with me, because I think she felt an obligation to the country to stay on, but once her official duties were over, it wasn’t clear,” Obama said.[39]


That came directly out of the mouth of Barrack Obama not mine, and he didn’t think it was a joke. He looked at her with a shy smile or smirk on his face, but he wasn’t laughing. It was mockingly sarcastic in that Michelle Obama knows far too much about him, and military intelligence sensitive, classified and ultra top secret information. An Obama public divorce and even a legal separation proceeding in Chicago or Washington DC would be extremely messy. Michelle Obama knows enough secrets that have the potential to  blow Barrack Obama’s cover, and destroy the public’s faith in the entire political and governmental system.

If it isn’t absolutely and completely clear to Michelle, she would disappear and sink into the floor, again, until she just plainly turn up DEAD!



KANYE WEST sits in the very same position that Michelle Obama occupy- the DEVIL always collects his part of the BARGAIN. Within a couple of weeks of Kanye resurfacing from beneath the floor in a psych ward, and meeting with the DEVIL’s son, Donald J. Drumpf,  he was spotted out with pink and orange hair that looks like RAINBOW sherbet

Kanye West, Ice Cream (Brain Freeze) & RAINBOWS

Kanye West, for whatever reasons, have attached himself to a doctrine of “Divine Rule.” His Saint Pablo is part of that falsely perceived right of “Divine Rule” of Merovingian origin. For generations, the Merovingian Dragon dynasties have weaved together a complicated web of mythslegends, and conspiracies all to justify their “Divine” right to rule the world. In Kanye’s mind, he believes that he can be one of them. But as a black man, he has not developed neither mythology or cosmology to justify or defend his right to claim “Divine” rule. Yet, the key has always existed right in front of his face. This colonized Negro is not a descendant of Merovingian Origin. He does not belong to the Bloodline of Dragons or Mary Magdalene.  This dreamworld and mis-education is the dilemma and challenge that he faces in attaining “self realization“, and combating sinking into the floor, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control reprogramming.

On November 21, 2016, Kanye West was forcibly taken to UCLA Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation. The hospitalization came after Kanye abruptly cancelled his Saint Pablo Tour, and verbally attacking Jay Z and Beyonce during a Saint Pablo Tour public performance in Sacramento, CA.[40]

They didn’t take Kanye to the psych ward for talking about Jay Z and Beyonce and the ILLUMINATI. That’s old news that they both openly flaunt, plus it involves Black Folk business.


The 12 (twelve) Spoke Sacred Sun Disk of the Holy Land’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Kanye West’s Saint Pablo Black SunThe story behind Kanye and the psych ward is much deeper. Kanye was playing cute little games and mind tricks with his ILLUMINATI/MK ULTRA handlers that Don’t Play Games.


Kanye West- Pablo Picasso Instead of Kha-khaeper-re- “Soul of Re Comes into Being”

Who is Saint Pablo? Kanye says, “Which Pablo? Pablo Picasso? Pablo Escobar, of course. Apostle Paul [Pablo in Spanish]. He really influenced and was the strongest influencer of Christianity. Pablo Escobar was the biggest mover of product and Pablo Picasso is the biggest mover of art. That mix between message, product, and art is The Life of Pablo.”[49]

Pablo Picasso

It is told that one summer, when Chlodio was staying at the seaside with his wife, they went into the sea at midday to bathe; and a beast of Neptune rather like a Quinotaur found her. In the event she was made pregnant, either by the beast or by her husband, and she gave birth to a son called Meroveus, after whom the kings of the Franks were subsequently called the Merovingians (c. AD 736 – 751).”

Quinotaur, Bull, Serpent with Trident Tail

The Quinotaur is extremely ancient. In some myths, it is associated with Greek God Poseidon, and the Bloodline Kings of the Lost Continent of Atlantis.  The Merovingians founder King Meroveus is said to have been the spawn of the “Quinotaur” (a sea monster), that raped his mother when she went out to swim in the ocean. The Merovingian Kings and its Dynasties believe that they are descended from Serpents.

Ancient Merovingian Crown and Serpent

Picasso was born in the ancient city of Magala, Spain. It predates Mary Magdalene by thousands of years. The city was founded in 8th Century BC by the Canaanite trading colony from most likely Magdala, Sea of Galilee, Northern Canaan. In recent years, there have been attempts by several researchers and scholars of Picasso (Melvin Becraft and Mark Harris among them) to link the artist and his work with “occult wisdom”, claiming that much of the symbolism in his paintings is derived from alchemy, Hermetic thought, Gnosticism and other schools of the western “esoteric” tradition.[41] Some of these researchers are even claiming that Picasso may have been initiated into the shadowy Prieure de Sion ( Priory of Sion) that figures prominently in the mystery surrounding Berenger Sauniere and Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France.

Gay Picasso & Jean Cocteau

This is in part due to the fact that Picasso was a contemporary and good friend (homosexual lover?) of the French artist and mystic Jean Cocteau, a reputed Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Indeed, Picasso had been a veiled homosexual. According to some accounts, Cocteau once described his communication with Picasso has almost “telepathic.” The use of the words “telepathic communication” might have been Cocteau’s cryptic way of saying that, as members of a secret society, they were a closed-mouth lot on certain “esoteric” subjects. There are also certain tell-tale symbols that both artists incorporated into their work, such as the BLACK SUN motif and pentagonal geometry.[42]


Pablo Picasso – Minotaur with Dead Mare in front of a [Mithras Worship] Cave, 1936

The insignia of the great Merovingian leader, Saint William de Gellone, cousin of Jean Cocteau, was a pentagram on a blue field, symbolizing Mary Magdalene. The Merovingians were ancestors of the German and Dutch Royal House of Orange. The color orange not only signifies Mary, but the Sun Disk God Aton (Aten). The Atonists and Mary Magdalene Sisterhood were also covert Set and Apophis (DRAGON) worshipers, we see that the fantastical story of King Merovee’s birth, from a queen and sea-monster- DRAGON of Revelation. 

Sol Invictus- Mithras Sacrifice a Bull with the Trident Tail of the Quinataur

Mithraism was a mystery religion centered around God Mithras, who, together with Sol Invictus  (Roman Sun God) were worshiped in secret caves and subterranean chambers  in the 1st – 4th centuries. There is evidence that the early religion of the Merovingians was the Roman Sol Invictus- Mithras.

Pablo Picasso and the Priory of Sion (PON) are all about Saint Mary Magdalene. PON protects Merovingian dynasts because they may be the lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The legendary Holy Grail is simultaneously the womb of Saint Mary Magdalene and the sacred royal bloodline she gave birth to; and the Church tried to kill off all remnants of this bloodline and their supposed guardians, the Cathars and Templars, so popes could hold the Episcopal throne through apostolic succession of Peter without fear of it ever being usurped by an antipope from the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.[43] In Jerusalem, Kanye was exposed to the fact that the Kardasdians were not only part of the secret Jerusalem Guardian Temple Cult Knighthood, but also discovered that they were also secret guardians of the closely guarded Mysteries of the Cult of Mary Magdalene.



Prior to Kanye’s April 2015 pilgrimage to Israel, he had received limited national security and other ILLUMINATI clearances to the Holy Land directly from former CIA Director, fervent Greek Orthodox practitioner, George Tenet.[44]

President Erdogan of Turkey

Tenet may not be the CIA director, but he is a secret power player in the Dark Satanic Cabal, and global affairs. He has a great deal of clandestine control over the Greek Orthodox Church, and the Holy Land. It appears that Tenet played a clandestine role in the July 15, 2016 attempted coup to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey after he agreed to work more closely with Russia and Vladimir Putin on Syria. It is also being alleged that the Greek Orthodox Church had been captured by the CIA, which in turn works for the Satanic New World Order Globalist Agenda.[45]

Fethullah Gülen

Fethullah Gülen and Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul), Bartholomew have been blamed by the Turkish president for the coup plot. In 1999, a Greek Orthodox priest belonging to the Patriarchate, Alexander Karloutsos, helped organize the escape of Gülen from Turkey to the United States together with US diplomats Morton Abramowitz, and CIA agents Graham Fuller and George Fidas.[46] Karloutsos has close links to former CIA boss George Tenet, channels vast sums of money from US Greek billionaires, and other secret sources into the Greek Orthodox church in Istanbul to control it for the CIA via George Tenet.[47]


Father Alexander Karloutsos is one of the members of the American-Israeli lobby in the Constantinople Patriarchate. He controls the secret U.S. money flow to the Greek Orthodox church. Karloutsos maintains close relations with former CIA Director George Tenet, and Fethullah Gülen cooperating and collaborating with U.S. intelligence’s global New World Order objectives.[48]


Holy Land Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre

From the time of the Crusades up until the 19th century, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre had 3 (three custodians) – the Greek Orthodox (Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre)- George Tenet, the Armenian Apostolic (Kardasdians), and the Roman Catholic Churches.[49] Whether Kanye knew or not, these people don’t play!

Jerusalem Cross & Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

The Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre, or the Holy Community of the All-Holy Sepulchre, is an Eastern Orthodox monastic fraternity (order) guarding the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other Christian holy places in the Holy Land founded in its present form during the British Mandate in Palestine (1920- 1948). Headed by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Brotherhood also administers the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, such as metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, archimandrites, hieromonks, heirodeacons, and monks.[50]


April 14, 2016 at 5am, Kanye, Kim and North visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Kanye, Kim and North inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre was traditionally founded in 313 AD as the Order of the Spoudaeoi (“studious”, “zealous”, “industrious”), or the “Spoudaeoi of the Holy Resurrection of Christ“.


Kanye, Kim and North inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre- Site of the Jesus’ Crucifixion in the Church

The traditional date of foundation corresponds to the Edict of Milan and its legalization of Christianity in the Roman Empire, as well as the foundation of the churches in the Holy Land by Constantine and Saint Helena, which is in turn traditionally dated to 326 AD.


According to findings of contemporary researchers, they were present before 326 AD, organized as an order of ordained clergy during the visit of Saint Helen in Jerusalem.[51]


Kanye West must not have believed that “Fat Meat is Greasy“.  Prior to his homage to Israel and holy land, his CIA and ILLUMINATI handlers cleared him for limited access to Holy Land secrets and temples under a strict blood oath covenant of secrecy.

 On the album, Life of Pablo, West said, “This is a gospel album with a whole lot of cursing on it, but it’s still a gospel album,” he said with a laugh. “It’s the gospel, according to ‘Ye’. It’s not exactly what happened in the Bible, but it’s a story of this idea of Mary Magdalene becoming Mary.” Kanye must have exposed everything he saw and heard in the Holy Land in his raps, then started a world tour as Saint Pablo (Pablo Picasso) one of the past secret leaders of the Cult of Mary Magdalene to publicly spill even more secrets of the Holy Land, Knights Templar, elite Dragon dynasties and Satanic Cabals.

CIA Maestro of Mind Control,Jerusalem Cross & Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

They compromised him with drugs, seized him, and took him straight to the UCLA Medical Center to erase his memory and implant amnesia barriers. For decades, the UCLA Medical Center has been a cleared clandestine CIA ULTRA/MONARCH medical site. From an August 2013 article, A Clockwork Orange Career, it revealed a lawsuit that had been before the Los Angeles Superior Court in that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine- the CIA Maestro of Mind Control, from the roster of the university’s faculty.[52] Since 1969, Dr. Louis West had been chairman of the UCLA Department of Psychiatry. For decades, the CIA and Dr. West had been in charge of the UCLA Medical Center. [53] Dr. West died in 1999.[54]


Kanye West– Before and After MK ULTRA Psych Ward

They, CIA, would like the masses to believe that Kanye West that been involuntary seized and interned at the UCLA Medical Center for a mental exhaustion breakdown. However, Kanye came out of the hospital MK ULTRA “depatterned“- erased memoryforced amnesia.[55] However, there appears to have been a reprogramming breakdown with Kanye, and just like Michelle Obama, he has been disappeared from the public masses.

Kanye and Son Saint- Post-Production Photoshop Cut & Paste

Whoever did this post-production Cut & Paste placed part of Kanye’s foot directly on top of the child’s foot and the left hand Cut & Paste is poorly executed. The Kardashians allege that this picture of Kanye and Saint was taken soon after he was released from the psych ward. This false evidence is designed to minimize, disguise, and veil the sum total effect of Kanye’s true memory loss thru electrical shock machine “depatterning.”  From 1948-49, my father was secretly U.S. NAVY PROJECT CHATTERdepatterned” through Dr. Mengele’s regiment of medical  insulin electrical shock machine torture out of Dachau. It is not a selective memory erasure process. It is total. According to my father’s medical records that I saw before they were stolen, he couldn’t remember such basic things as how to go to the bathroom, sleep, drink a glass of water or even eat food. He had been reduced to a “vegetable state“. He didn’t know who I was. After being severely traumatized by incidents related to him and PROJECT CHATTER, I didn’t know who he was either. The pain was so great that he had to be totally erased from my memory.

Monday, April 17, 2017, Post-Production Cut & Paste Kanye, Kim and Family

On Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017, and Monday, April 17, the Kardashians Tweeted and posted on Instagram post-production Photoshop pictures of Kanye West in a false picture enjoying a normal Easter and the day after with Kim and his family.

The Kardashians allege that these two “BIGFOOT” Easter bunnies are Kanye and Tyga.

The problem with the Kardashian “BIGFOOT” bunny story is that Tyga is no more 5′ 4″ tall not much larger than a shopping bag. Kanye is no taller than 5′ 8″.

 Kylie Jenner, Tyga & Kanye West

BIGFOOT Bunny Tyga is larger and appears somewhat taller or just as tall as BIGFOOT Bunny Kanye. If the Kardashians are lying about BIGFOOT Bunny Tyga, they’re also lying about BIGFOOT Bunny Kanye. Little has been revealed about Kanye’s recovery process since he was released the UCLA Medical Center Psych Ward, but for whatever reasons he and Kim lived in separate homes after his release.

Right Now, Today- Where is Kanye West? The Kardashians are a Satanic Cult beholden to a Covenant of Silence and Secrecy. However, it is now widely reported that he holed up on the top of a Wyoming mountain at a retreat working on a new album.  The Wyoming mountains are sacred and of mythic legend . It is an incredible place and Devils Tower is part of what makes it “like no other place on earth”.  Devils Tower was made famous in modern times by the 1977 movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind“.

Legends such as that from the Kiowa associate the sacred mountains of Wyoming to the seven sisters… and when they ran from the “Great Bear” they hopped upon a great stump that grew into the enormous stump like formation we see today on the NE corner of Wyoming, and that the seven sisters were borne unto the sky and became the stars which now make up the Big Dipper formation. In the ancient Kemet, seven goddesses (Hathor), represented by seven cows, composed the celestial herd that provides the nourishment to her worshipers. This herd is observed in the sky as a group of stars, the Pleiades, close to Aldebaran, the main star in the Taurus constellation. The Occult and the Shamans are not responsible for happened to KANYE. It was CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH. The healing process from intelligence iatrogenicdepatterning” requires love, understanding, time and patience. It will not come from Shamans or a “BAND OF WITCHES“.


Kanye West’s recovery will most importantly require TRUTH, BALANCE and JUSTICE something my Dear Father never received during his LIFETIME.  


































[34] Id.

[35] Id.







[42] Id.





[47] Id.

[48] Id.



[51] Id.






13 03 2017



I haven’t seen either 2017 Academy Awards celebrated HollyWeird “special black experience films“, Moonlight or Fences, but I had the Blues, anyhow.  The films, Fences and Moonlight, have been dropped in our collective laps as the “black experience” like the alleged Dallas police sniper Micah Xavier Johnson, and the Baton Rouge police killer, Gavin Eugene Long as if we own them all. Right in the middle of trying to make sense of LUCIFER’S pathological lying son, Donald J. Drumpf and PIZZAGATE, the global mass population psychological warfare and mind manipulating projects, Fences and Moonlight, dropped in our laps covertly, directly with those with eyes to see, attacking the image, re-imaging and subliminally color coding America’s “Black Males“- big and small.

Pursuant to the SS Nazi Germany Dachau Concentration Camp Color Code, the face of Moonlight Chapter Three (3) is named, Black- Badge: Antisocial.

Chiron- Travante Nemour Rhodes

Moonlight and Dachau Designated Color Coded: Black

Moonlight, the coming-of-age drama about a gay black man growing up in Miami became the first film with an all-black (Satanic cabal) cast with a CIA ILLUMINATI supporting staff to win the Academy Award for best picture. Viola Davis won best supporting actress for Demonic Possession and Satanic Harassment of an impoverished Broken Heart black man in Fences. She became only the second black woman to win an Emmy, an Oscar and a Tony for acting. These so-called HollyWeird ethnic color- coded  “black experience” movies- who are the ones picking the black experiences implanted with covert programs that we don’t OWN? All of them are seeds of the CIA Occult Bureau and British Intelligence.

Colored Purple Whoopi Goldberg of the secret Sophia Spiritual Cult is the other, and the only black actor to have a so-called EGOT — an Emmy, Grammy, Tony and Oscar.

“Cross My Heart and Hope to Die”—The Mysterious Pagan “X” Sign and Factor

Alice Walker, Color Code Purple, Sign X of the PAGAN Witch

The bi-cross arm sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. These secret signs are also used as some type of mind control trigger, or a subliminal conditioning key. The “Mysterious X” will appear again in direct relation to a key moment involving the Academy Awards & Viola Davis, below. The “Mysterious X” is PAGAN sign!

There is such of thing as Walt Disney Fantasia Mind Control Programming by Coded Colors that has been secretly researched, developed and deployed over the decades, discussed further below. Right now- notice the pulsating primary colors of red, blue, green purple or violet.


This extreme disturbing and very difficult video of the Satanic ritual abuse of a child is an actual secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Color-Coded ritual rite to split off multiple personalities- notice the pulsating primary colors of red, blue, green purple or violet.


This is an official movie poster of the so-called “black experience” Academy Award Winning movie, Moonlight. It is occult color-coded to the three (3) phases of the moon. From left to right, Little (blue-green?), CHIRON (purple), and Black (blue). I am really not good at naming colors, but you should understand basically that this is clear evidence and an example of color coded programming to the Three (3) phases of the Occult Moon.

If you pulsate or strode the red, blue, blue-green, and purple in the Moonlight movie poster, it will recreate the Walt Disney Fantasia Color- Coded Mind Control Programming.


Moonlight: the life of a young black man growing up in a rough Miami neighborhood is told in three phases of the moon: Childhood- PIZZAGATE coded Pasta: Boy (played by Alex Hibbert), teenaged years, Initiated into the PIZZAGATE Homosexual Underground  (played by Ashton Sanders), and adulthood Down Low? Homosexual (played by Trevante Rhodes). MPAA Rating Restricted- R

Sexual Content:
– Portrayals of sexual activity with no nudity and some detail.
– Implied sexual activity.
– Simulated sexual activity.
– Same gender attraction.
– Embracing and kissing.
– Sexual references and language


First Phase of the Moon, Alex Hibbert is a mind controlled Monarch Child (3 Pyramids) framed, fenced in color- coded  transformation moon beam Blue, and designated Purple- GAY.


By the teen age phase, ChironWaxing/Waning Crescent Moon,  Ashton Sanders has actually sold his soul to the DEVIL/ILLUMINATI Homosexual Underground in  HollyWeird’s CIA Moonlight covert Color-Code ethnic psychological warfare project.


Chiron & Achilles (PIZZAGATE– James ACHILLES Alefantis)

You can put whatever spin on it, but KHEIRON (Chiron) don’t have a damn thing to do with the “Black Experience.” Chiron was the eldest and wisest of the Kentauroi (Centaurs), a Thessalian tribe of half-horse men. I will cover the Thessalians, Witches and the Drawing down the Moon Rite further, below.

I absolutely refuse to look at substantially or in its entirely anything of Tinseltown’sblack experience” film projects, no matter what it may be. It’s psychological warfare. It’s like running through a mine field, running through hell wearing GASOLINE DRAWERS!




Denzel Washington’s Fences is a HollyWeird adaption of a 1983 play by Black-German American playwright August Wilson (April 27, 1945 – October 2, 2005).[1] He was a man without an identity actually born Frederick August Kittel, Jr., son of a German immigrant. His mother, Daisy Wilson, was a domestic. Remarkably, her mother had walked all the way to Pennsylvania from North Carolina to get out of the South.[2]


August Wilson- Initiated Luciferian

Wilson expressed a general caustic view of Christianity. He had grown up Catholic, even serving as an altar boy in his parish church dedicated to St. Benedict. Wilson grew up in the Hill District (1727 Bedford Avenue) of Pittsburgh.[3] St. Benedict the Moor is a Roman Catholic parish located on Freedom Corner in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The church was founded in 1889 to serve African-American Catholics.[4]


St. Benedict the Moor (1526 – April 4, 1589) is the Vatican’s saint for black people. Of course, he was a loyal and obedient African slave and catholic whose parents had been stolen out of the mother country. He was born in San Fratello in the Province of Messina in the Italian region Sicily. He was a shepherd. At 21 years old and frustrated with the country’s racial prejudice, he joined an independent group of hermits who followed the Rule for a “all male” hermit life written by St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226).[5]


Francis of Assisi and the man he loved in “They Shelter in a Cave” by José Benlliure y Gil, 1926

Historical records reveal a queer (homosexual) side to Saint Francis of Assisi. The 13th-century friar is celebrated by the gay community for his love for another man and his gender nonconformity.


Francis Assisi Hermit, Lady Jacoba also known as Brother Jacoba

When Francis was a young man, he had an unnamed male companion whom he dearly loved — and who was written out of history after the first biography. Other Franciscan friars referred to Francis as “Mother” during his lifetime. He encouraged his friars to be mothers to each other when in hermitage together, and used other gender-bending metaphors to describe the spiritual life. He experienced a vision of an all-female Trinity, who in turn saluted him as “Lady Poverty,” a title that he welcomed.[6]


Young Wounded Child, August Wilson

Wilson attended a private catholic high school. For some reason, he was too wounded and helpless unable to defend himself against bullying and racism. He withdrew and dropped out of school. At Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, Wilson had been an altar boy. It is a space within the shadows and corners of the church where hundreds if not thousands of young boys suffer ritual sexual abuse by priests. He appears to have been silent about the Catholic Church, and the Vatican. Yet, when black (Christianity) ministers appeared or were spoken about on Wilson’s stage, they were objects of pity, ridicule or condescension. Never were they heroic.[7]


Ancient Jewish Passover Seder

What lies behind the veil of August Wilson was not his maternal family remarkable history and struggle in America, but a “Secret Jewish History.” He celebrated the Jewish Passover (freedom of slavery out of Egypt) without question. Yet, he made a dubious and strange distinction between their freedom, and that of his own heritage.[8]


Mordecai & Wilson

His true heroes and heroines, and assumed heritage were among the Jews. Benjamin Mordecai (1945- 2005) a theater producer was long associated with the plays of August Wilson. He first produced Wilson’s plays at the Old Skull and Bones Yale Repertory Theater where he was managing director from 1982 to 1993. At the Rep, he transferred five of Wilson’s plays to New York including “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” (1984), and “Fences” (1987).[9]

Mordecai or Mordechai is one of the main personalities in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Jair of the Tribe of Benjamin.[10] In the mid-’90s, Mordecai formed Sageworks Inc., a business partnership with Wilson that allowed the playwright greater control of his own work.[11] That should tell you a lot about the Jewish Twist to HollyWeird’s “black experience“, and the “mixed up” and deceptive character of a gutless bootlicker like August Wilson.

August Wilson is celebrated as an unparalleled chronicler of the 20th Century African-American experience. But, he was secretly a Jewish playwrights, too.[12] In my opinion, Fences is a play that should’ve died with Mordecai and Wilson. Fences is the story of Troy Maxson, a mid-century Pittsburgh sanitation worker (GARBAGE MAN) who once dreamed of a baseball career, but was too old when the major leagues began admitting black players. Fences is a clear example of HollyWeird’s clandestine racialist campaign of persistent imaging and re-imaging Black People by the subliminal and subconscious imprints of savagery, slavery, criminality, poverty, social dysfunction, mental illness, homosexuality, slums and damn GARBAGE!


Just recently, I finally came to light about one of my favorite classic black films, Cabin in the Sky (1943) starring Ethel Waters, Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Lela Horne, and Louis Armstrong. The MGM film was directed by the Sicilian descendant and baptized Roman Catholic, Vincente Minnelli, husband of Judy Garland (Wizard of Oz). The film was produced by the Jewish Arthur Freed (Wizard of Oz) that the infamous child actress, Shirley Temple, accused of being a ritual pedophile.[13]

For decades, I lived under the blind ILLUSION that this film produced by HollyWeird was some type of honest example of racial process and advancement. I had always been so struck with the remarkable and extraordinary talent of the actors, actresses and dancers in the film that I never concentrated on the subconscious imprints in the background.

One scene in the film always confused and concerned me, but I never concentrated on it. Eddie “Rochester” Anderson bought his wife, Ethel Waters, a birthday present, a new washing machine. Then, he made a curious statement. He told her that she could use it when they get electricity. They lived in a wood shack without running water or electricity. Without the extraordinary beauty of people, the grace, music and dancing in film (ILLUSIONS), the overall background subliminal imprint of the movie is marred in permanent abject poverty, abnormal sexual modes and values, criminality, social dysfunction, and DEVIL worship.


Fences Wood Cabin on Cement Cinder Blocks

The background of Fences, the play, also features a wood shack without running water or electricity sitting on top of concrete cinder blocks not unlike Cabin in the Sky. It was not unlike the one or two room wood shacks that my father and mother were born into in the deep south.


Denzel & Viola, I Surely Thank You Lawdy for This Here SLUM!

The background of Fences, the movie, is the SLUM, abject poverty and social dysfunction. It has that STOOP or front porch. It represents an image locked in my mind of my great-grandmother. I have no other images or photos of her. She was born in 1868 just after the Great Civil War. At the end of the Great War in 1865, her mother, the remarkable Alice Packwood, a sister and brother, were thrown out with nothing to the snow, wind and rain. All her life, my beloved was fenced in by the so-called badges of slavery, racial prejudice and violence of the deep south.

aaaamoonlightkennedy RFK & Inhuman Wood Shacks on Cement Blocks in the South

Senator Robert F. Kennedy was one of the few in power that was concerned about the way black people were forced to live in the deep south, and the condition of living in the slums of the North, decades ago.


We were once appalled and outraged by the SLUMS. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led movements to protest and address it. In Fences, Denzel Washington and Viola Davis receive worldwide critical acclaim and awards for living in the moment and the drama of the SLUMS. Viola Davis will talk about reviving the dead in graveyards before she would say anything in protest.


Southern Black Grandmother or Mother’s Wood Shack & Stoop on Clement Blocks

The last image of my great-grandmother was passed down to me comes from my late aunt, Mrs. Onetta Bullock Hutchinson. She said that she saw her Grandmother, my great-grandmother, Lydia Bullock, affectionate known as “Littie” only once as a little girl. In the twilight years of her grandmother, she said that she saw a very large woman sitting on the STOOP of an old shack house in the former plantation town of Tylertown, Mississippi. She was told that the large woman was her grandmother. Sometimes, I lone for an actual image of her just to touch. It still hurt to see the conditions under which they lived, and relive my life in the SLUMS after they took my father away in Project CHATTER. It is still extremely painful. That is part of the design of Fences- PAIN and REJECTION.

I suspected very well that the film’s co-star, Viola Davis, would win the academy award for best supporting actress because of a much publicized scene in the movie, the SNOT Rage (nasal mucus Satanic Attack.


The Satanic Snot Scene


A Satanic Attack or Possession may lead to gagging, coughing, choking spasms that last a few minutes or longer.  This is followed by the release of an excessive amounts of mucus down the throat or out of the nose.[14] My dear God. This Satanic stuff scares me all so much, but what they actually do is meant to be frightening and of extreme evil, horror, darkness and wickedness- UNWORLDLY.


Satanic Possession is clearly direct in your face, day after day, over and over again.  Beyonce is a PATRON of occult satanic signs, symbols and imagery, ILLUMINATI hand signs, and ILLUSIONARY sinister images created by her light shows.

Beyonce DEMONIC POSSESSION- You Won’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

She freely admits to conjuring up and becoming possessed by a PAGAN evil and demonic spirit in mass population public appearances. There is no difference between demonic possession in Hip Hop, and popular mass population media entertainment vehicles like film.


In the SNOT scene, Denzel, in character, stood up and shared a couple of moments to verbally reflect sadly back with his companion on his 18 years with a pocketful of broken dreams. The black man’s sensitive reflection back on his life wasn’t worth a dignified, humble, loving or compassionate response from his beloved companion. It conjured up a volcano of Snot, DEVIL and Demons.



See for yourself. I so wish this wasn’t so. Viola Davis, in character, shouted back in rage with red blood shot eyes, a steady storm of SNOT running down out of her nose in mad RAGE- she conjured up a harassment DEMON.

Viola Davis- Harassment DEMONIC Possession

She had been on that STOOP, too, with him for 18 years of his broken dreams. What about her being mired in slum poverty, social dysfunction, and GARBAGE with a unproductive and dysfunctional socially rejected black male. Is it her black companion’s fault? That seems to be the overall subliminal impression to internalize- the failures and betrayal of a black man. Was it great grandmother Littie’s fault fenced in by the badges of slavery, racial violence, and prejudice sitting on the STOOP with her sack full of broken dreams?


10 There shall not be found among you any one that … useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

11 Or a … consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

In an absolutely twist of things consistent with her veiled wicked and demonic role and character in Fences. It is the icing on the cake.

In her Oscar acceptance speech for best supporting actress in Fences, Viola Davis had some rather interesting, creepy and absolutely bizarre things to say about necromancy (communication with the dead).

In all fairness, if you seek the original stories of original people, exhume those bodies– bring their stories to life. But, in context to what? In genealogical (ancestral worship), I try to tell the stories of the ancestors, bring them alive, in the context that their stories and my true heritage have been maliciously and wickedly suppressed- buried in 400 years of slavery, racial hatred, and human deprivation.

In the art of acting, language and words are carefully crafted and chosen to communicate messages, and create pictures in the minds of an audience. Viola is very seasoned actress that understands very well that her words are scripted very carefully to implant pictures and as I said, messages. She was a top nominee to win an Oscar for her performance in Fences, that means that she prepared an acceptance speech ahead of time.


Viola Davis said,

There’s one place that all the people with the greatest potential are gathered. One place. And that’s the graveyard. People ask me all the time, ‘What kind of stories do you want to tell, Viola?’ And I say exhume those bodies. Exhume those bodies. The stories of the people who dream big and never saw those dreams to fruition. People who fell in love and lost. I became an artist, and thank God I did, because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.”[15]

Exhume does, indeed, mean: to bring back from neglect or obscurity.[16] What brothers me is that in the Satanic Snot Scene is that her character faced a real live character, an ignored, neglected, dignified, but lonely black man, with a story to tell in his own lifetime. Her character turned her back on him as if he was unworthy of a story of his own dignity during his own lifetime. But, the people in graveyards are more worthy of the dignity of being dug up on general principles to tell their stories, because the DEAD dreamed big like Troy Maxson, loved and lost just like a Troy Maxson. Yet, you won’t allow him to tell his story. But, she prefers the dig up the DEAD and communicate with them- that’s the practice of Occult Necromancy.

In other words, she has more respect and compassion to listen to the stories of dead black men, then her broken down black man companion and husband. This is one formula to surely destroy a black man psychologically from within, and drive him off the living edge and “self-destructmaliciously deny him his god given story (humanity) by the ones he love and trust. However, don’t get it twisted on the “Black Experiences” , our mothers and fathers and forbears were “firm.” They taught us to love each other, and one another no matter the ups and downs, odds and obstacles.

Troy Maxson, Invisible Man


I read Ralph Ellison’s book, Invisible Man, several times when I was young. As a young man, I literally read and defined “Invisible.” So, I didn’t understand it at first. However, as soon as you begin to come of age, and try to find your place in society and the world, you understand the feeling of being “invisible” in America, whenever you try to assert your dignity, humanity and tell your story, whatever that it may be. The Snot Scene is like something out of the “invisible man“. In Troy Maxson’s greatest time of need of human dignity to tell his story, he became “invisible.” Well, you may not still believe that there is anything nefarious about Viola Davis and her role in Fences.


Secret Occult X Sign, Julius William Tennon

This man was captured cluing Viola during her Oscar acceptance speech with the occult bi-crossed arm symbol (X-Sign). This man is her husband, Julius William Tennon. He is a fellow HollyWeird actor. Other than general entertainment industry information, little of anything is known about his background.


Ancient X Sign, Homage to Asur (Osiris)

The bi-crossed arm symbol is an ancient sacred salute and homage to the Kemetic mysteries, and the Great God Asur (Osiris). The Kemetic symbol has been bastardized by secret New Age Spirituality Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia. The goddess Sophia was introduced into Anthroposophy by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, in his book The Goddess: From Natura to Divine Sophia and a later compilation of his writings titled Isis Mary Sophia.


Secret Occult X Sign, Goddess Sophia

Sophia also figures prominently in Theosophy, a spiritual movement which Anthroposophy was closely related to Satanist Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, described it in her essay What is Theosophy? as an esoteric wisdom doctrine, and said that the “Wisdom” referred to was “an emanation of the Divine principle” typified by “…some goddesses — Metis, Neitha, Athena, the Gnostic Sophia[17]

Jungian Goddess Sophia

Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God. She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[18] The Knights Templar are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.[19]


Secret X Sign, Alice Walker & Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley

Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge secret Sophia Cult still exists. Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of All (Gnostic), and the Holy Spirit (Early Christian).[20] I suspect that Julius Tennon has absolutely nothing to do with respect or the study of ancient Kemetic (African) Cosmology. So, I assume that he is a follower of secret HollyWeird New Age Spirituality Satanic Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia and or God Mithras.


The “Fallen Angel” (thrown from heaven) motif universally applied to Lucifer, actually describe the Aeon Sophia, the Pleromic (abundant) goddess who fell from the heights of heaven (galactic center), according to the Gnostic star myth, the Fallen Goddess Scenario.[21]


Satanic Cabal Julius Tennon & Viola Davis, Color Coded?

So, we are really taking the about Viola Davis and Julius Tennon, and the secret HollyWeird Black Satanic Cabal. These negroes will cut your throat for Lucifer. My Lord! Fences is an awful, horrible, wicked and heartbreaking impression to be left imprinted in the hearts, minds and souls of the beloved people.


We already know that Denzel Washington is Evil as HELL. He is a senior member of the black Satanic ILLUMINATI cabal. Now, we know that Viola Davis is another black cabal sick MK ULTRA/MONARCH Satanic ILLUMINATI Witch that will drive a stake through the hearts of the people to please her masters.




Denzel Washington plan to do a HollyWeird film project on August Wilson’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. The play chronicles the twentieth century African American experience. So, they say. The play is set in Chicago in the 1920s, and deals with issues of race, art, religion and the historic exploitation of black recording artists by white producers.[22]


The Original Black Bottom” is actually a dance that came from an earlier dance called “Jacksonville Rounders’ Dance”, printed in 1907. The word rounder was a synonym for pimp. Both “dance-songs” were written by the black pianist, composer and dancer Perry Bradford and were based on a dance done in Jacksonville, Florida, “way back.” One professional dancer stated, “That dance is as old as the hills.”[23]

During the late 1970s, I had to leave Los Angeles on a thin rail until things claimed down. I temporary relocated to Shreveport, Louisiana. It was a place that I often heard my mother talk about as I understood it, “Sweetport.” Just a couple of blocks from downtown, there was a section of the city referred to as the bottoms, the black bottoms- the SLUMS. My impressions of the bottoms was that it was racialist, and referred to black people that were fenced in at the bottom of society.


The bottoms were in fact related to black people in a sense, but it actually referred to the rich fertile “black” bottom soil of antebellum slave plantations and farms. In Shreveport, the old rich plantation soil that made cotton king was an area of the city of wood structures and buildings out of the late 19th and early 20th century that were occupied by primarily poor black families. It was a place fenced in by deep seated traditional racial prejudice, and a wicked and strange rage, hatred and violence like something out of this world.

I moved into the bottoms for about a week to go back to a historical era, condition and culture that I knew little to nothing about. It was like living in another time and era. I have a AB in anthropology and have always been interested in the study of the true Black Experience and culture of the people. The black poor of the slum bottoms in Shreveport were, indeed, treated like the bottom of the society unworthy of human dignity and respect. As soon as I got setup in the legal aid office, part of my mission and priorities were to protect and vehemently defend their rights, dignity, and humanity as a people.

This is a place where the “The Original Black Bottom” dance would have flourished during that era. However, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottoms was about something else that has nothing to do with the dignity and struggle of the people against the ravages and badges of slavery.

“Ma” Rainey’s Black Bottom, Lyrics

Now, you heard the rest
Ah, boys, I’m gonna show you the best
Ma Rainey’s gonna show you her black bottom …

Don’t you see the dance you call your big black bottom
That’ll put you in a trance

Now I’m gonna show y’all my black bottom
They stay to see that dance
Wait until you see me do my big black bottom
I’ll put you in a trance …

I done shown y’all my black bottom
You ought to learn that dance.

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is really about showing her Big Black Ass, and influencing the people to show off their black asses to introduce trance formations as a diversion from standing up for truth to power, unity, justice and righteousness.

Who is Ma Rainey Historically to the Black Experienceaaaamoonlightma

“Ma” Rainey, born Gertrude Malissa Nix Pridgett, September 1882 or April 26, 1886 – December 22, 1939, in Russell County, Alabama or Columbus, Georgia, was one of the earliest African American professional blues singers and one of the first generation of blues singers to record. She was billed as the Mother of the Blues. She was a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance.[24]


Ladies and the Blues, Ma Rainey & Bessie Smith

In 1925, the police raided a Harlem lesbian party hosted by Ma Rainey. When the police arrived, they found some of the women undressed and in “intimate” situations. Ma Rainey was arrested for throwing an “indecent party.” Ma Rainey mentored and initiated another famous bisexual blues singer, Bessie Smith, known as The Empress of the Blues into the homosexual subculture. Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith were close friends and lesbian lovers. As a matter of fact, it was Bessie Smith who bailed Ma Rainey out of jail in 1925. They were an internal part of the Lesbian and Homosexual Black Subculture and Underworld of that era.[25]

That leads us to the other Tinseltown’sblack experience” film project, MOONLIGHT (2016), which is no more than a soft porn “Satanic, homosexual subculture experience and initiation” masqueraded as a traditional “black experience.


The above purple-violet coded Moonlight poster was released after the Academy Awards. This poster clearly suggests that it is a gay movie. The early movie posters and trailers do not openly suggest that the movie is a gay male initiation film project. The people have made themselves clear that they want film entertainment projects under the guise of the “black experience” to feature more than just slaves, criminals, pimps, whores, comedians, gays and damn garbage men!



MOONLIGHT: CIA Color Psychology

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control slaves are programmed as little children by music and color-code programming. Dr. Josef Mengele, the original Dr. Green (discussed below), played the violin and piano while doing the color programming to slaves. He was the original master at associating “both a tone or chord with a particular color or color scheme.” He loved using Walt Disney’s Fantasia for programming.[26]


It can’t be overemphasized that Green is the highest color in Satanism–it is Satan’s color. It is not by accident that green has been used in uniforms, although the decision also was dictated by its advantage in camouflage. In the Omega computer programming a CODE GREEN for many victims means “self-destruct“, the ultimate sacrifice for one’s satanic programming.[27]


Chiron in Purple. It is not part of the book title, the Rite of Sodomy. I added the Chiron in purple movie poster only for color comparison. Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue.[28]

Purple Sexuality


Purple has been adopted to be associated with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. It is the symbolic color worn on Spirit Day, a commemoration that began in 2010 to show support for young people who are bullied because of their sexual orientation. Purple is now closely associated with bisexuality, largely in part to the bisexual pride flag which combines pink – representing homosexuality – and blue – representing heterosexuality – to create the bisexual purple. The purple hand is another symbol sometimes used by the LGBT community during parades and demonstrations.[29]


Moonbeams, Barry Jenkins & Tarell McCraney

Moonlight may not be HollyWeird’s first psychological color coded movie, however, it may the first ethnic-specific CIA psychological warfare mass population color coded project. They intend to a mass population psychological warfare project Moonbeam and Initiate Black Boys into HomosexualityMEET THE MOONLIGHT MOONBEAMERS.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Barry Jenkins



Moon Beam Barry M. Jenkins co-wrote Moonlight with openly gay Tarell Alvin McCraney, and the CIA Occult Bureau. Moonlight is CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH color-coded mass population mind control program.


Barry Jenkins, All-Seeing Eye Purple Symbolism

Purple is a spiritually enlightened color. The hidden magical power of the color of purple (violet) has been especially esteemed in the occult for generations. The magical properties that Masons & New Agers believe are intrinsic to purple is why the 33rd degree has written books using purple, and several New Agers have published books on purple paper. The programmers also manipulate such things so that child alters believe that color “magic” has accomplished things.[30]


Jenkins is a goat-rider and worshiper. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., in 1999 through the Iota Delta Chapter of the fraternity at Florida State University in Tallahassee where he studied film.[31] If he isn’t now, he will soon be a leading member of the BOULE.


Barry and Tarell McCraney Look Like Gay Black Males

Moon Bean Jenkins is 38 years old. He says that he isn’t gay. But, he remains unmarried as far as I know and rarely appears in public in the company of a female companion, friend or escort. However, he isn’t afraid to come out of the shadows draped in ILLUMINATI symbolism.


Barry Jenkins, Lion’s Claws, Pyramids & Sophia Spiritual Cult?

And, he doesn’t mind Romanizing and flaunting ILLUMANTI Satanic symbolism in the face of the masses.


THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.

However, it appears that the traditional Masonic ILLUMINATI symbolism of the close or clenched may have been expanded by the Sophia Cult beyond its traditional Masonic meaning.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Tarell McCraney


Tarrell McCraney & Occult Mirror Dualism

Tarell Alvin McCraney (born October 17, 1980) is an American playwright and actor. He is the incoming chair of playwriting at the Old Skull and Bones Yale School of Drama, effective July 1, 2017. He is also a member of Teo Castellanos/ D Projects Theater Company in Miami and in 2008 became RSC/Warwick International Playwright in Residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company.


The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is a major British theatre company, based in Straford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.[32]


In April 2010, McCraney became the 43rd member of the Steppenwolf Theatre Ensemble. He co-wrote Moonlight, based on his own play, “In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue”; and [Color-Coded Purple (Gay)], for which he received an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.[33]

MOONLIGHT: 24, PLAN 24 & Adele Romanski

24 partnered with PLAN B and Adele Romanski to produce and finance McCraney and Jenkins’ Moonlight.[34] A24 is an American independent entertainment company founded on August 20, 2012 by Daniel Katz, David Fenkel, and John Hodges and based in New York City. It specializes in film production, finance, television production and distribution.[35]

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeams Brad Pitt & the DEVIL


HollyWeird’s Master Mason, Brad Pitt

We should be very clear on who and what Plan B is, an wicked Masonic agenda of Brad Pitt. He owns Plan B.


Moonlight is the meddling and works aided by the DEVIL, SATANIST Brad Pitt.[36]

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Adele Romanski, The Spiritual Pagan


Adele Romanski- The Roman Witness

For whatever reasons, little if anything is known or revealed about the bewitching Adele Romanski. She is related to a chiropractors in Venice, Florida. Romanski is a habitation name for someone from any of several places in Poland called Romany, named with the personal name- Pagan– Greek spiritual element, ROMAN.[37]

It should become clear as a basic principle that the movie, Moonlight, like Fences isn’t the product or reflection of the true Black Experience and Community, at all. Moonlight is a fraud, and covert homosexual agenda imposed upon the masses.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam John Hodges, Wolf Clan


John Hodges, the Wolf

John Hodges previously served as head of production and development at Big Beach Films and exec produced “Our Idiot Brother” and “Safety Not Guaranteed.” He also produced Jordan Vogt-Roberts recently completed “Toy’s House.”[38]

For Hodges, 38, who graduated from York Country Day in 1996, getting to Hollywood has been an unlikely ride. He doesn’t come from a show biz family, although the family is prominent in York County. His father, George Hodges, is a retired executive at the Wolf (brotherhood) Organization, the York-based kitchen cabinet company. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is a relative, too.[39]

After graduating from Georgetown University in 2000 with a degree in American government, Hodges’ entree to the movie business came when, through a friend, he got a job as an assistant to the chairman of USA Films.[40] He then went on to positions at Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels’ production company and oversaw development at Big Beach Films, a film production company, before launching A24 with business partners Daniel Katz, and David Fenkel.[41]

MOONLIGHT: Daniel Katz, British Intelligence


Daniel Katz, British Intelligence

Daniel Katz of A24 was born in Baku, Azerbaijan and emigrated to the US at the age of four. A native bi-lingual of Russian and English, he grew up in San Francisco with exposure to Azerbaijani, Russian/Soviet, Jewish and American culture, all of which have influenced his so-called analytical (diabolical) mind. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Film from the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. In November 2010, Daniel completed his Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy from SOAS, University of London and has since moved back to the San Francisco Bay Area after a 5 1/2 year stay in London, UK.[42]

SOAS, University of London (The School of Oriental and African Studies) is a public research university in London, England, and a constituent college of the University of London. Founded in 1916, it is regarded as one of the leading universities in Europe. SOAS has produced several heads of states, government ministers, diplomats, Supreme Court judges, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and many other notable leaders around the world.[43] SOAS is an institution dedicated to the ends and means of an Anglo Saxon Empire and New World Order. If SOAS was in the U.S., it would be equivalent to a CIA, State Department, and Military Intelligence school. During WWII, it was, indeed, an arm and branch of the British warfare department and intelligence.[44]



David Louis Finkel, Project MOCKINGBIRD

David Louis Finkel of A24 is an American journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2006 as a staff writer at The Washington Post. He is currently assigned to the national staff as an enterprise reporter. He has also worked for the Post′s foreign staff division. In 2014, Finkel was awarded with the Erikson Institute Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media (awarded by the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) for his investigative reporting at The Washington Post.[45]



In 1947, Dr. Robert Palmer Knight, the former chief of staff of the OSS/CIA Menninger Foundation, came to Austen Riggs as medical director. He was a close friend of Anna Freud.


Anna Freud was the 6th and last daughter of Sigmund Freud.[46] She was the aunt of Sir Clement Freud, the son of Sigmund’s 4th child, Ernst Ludwig Freud.[47] The late Clement Freud was the tip of an iceberg to a vast underground VIP/British Royal Pedophile Ring.


Freud is directly connected to Tony and John Podesta and PIZZAGATE. Freud, the Podesta brothers are directly related to disappearance and most likely sacrifice-murder of 3 year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Portugal.[48]


Dr. Knight and Austen Riggs were also connected to some of the CIA’s most notorious psychiatrists and psychologists like Dr. Lawrence S. Kubie.[49] Knight was the American Psychoanalytic Association secretary to Dr. Bertram D. Lewin, of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute that worked with OSS/CIA Dr. Henry A. Murray of Harvard University to develop the infamous profile of Adolf Hitler.[50]


OSS/CIA Henry Murray and Erik Erikson (born in Nazi Germany)

In 1951, Dr. Henry Murray’s OSS recruit and CIA MK ULTRA operative master hypnotist, Erik Erikson, joined the staff at Riggs. Erikson was connected to OSS/CIA agents, Margaret Mead, Dr. Gregory Bateson, and Henry Murray. He was directly connected to the MK ULTRA programming of Huey P. Newton.[51],[52]

From 1951-52, Knight was the President of the American Psychoanalytic Association.[53] In 1967, after Knight’s death, Dr. Otto Allen Will, Jr., formerly of Chestnut Lodge, came to direct Austen Riggs.[54]


aaaamoonlightchestnutlodge Chestnut Lodge, a Rockville, Maryland sanitarium whose psychiatrists were in the category for the security of the CIA MK-ULTRA/MONARCH project—“Top Secret” cleared.[55] Dr. Will received his medical degree from Stanford University, School of Medicine. After his residency and service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he received post-doctorate training at Washington School of Psychiatry and the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute.


CIA Eric and Frieda Fromm (born in Nazi Germany)

Through this training, he joined the Interpersonal psychoanalysis movement founded by Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann– former wife of deep cover Eric Fromm (Dr. Michael Maccoby- PIZZAGATE).


CIA Stack Sullivan also teamed up with Eric Fromm in the Narco-Hypnotic Mind Control programming of the infamous dancer and black heroine, Katherine Durham.[56] Dr. Wills served as Director of Psychotherapy at Chestnut Lodge from 1954-1967. [57]

The Erikson Institute awards the Erikson Institute Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media annually “to recognize and encourage writers, journalists, and media experts who have produced sophisticated and accessible work on mental health issues.” It sounds very much like the CIA’s Journalist “MOCKINGBIRD PROJECT AWARD.”[58]


ILLUMINATI David Finkel & John Podesta

In late February 2017, John Podesta joined David Louis Finkel at The Washington Post as a contributing columnist.


It is no coincidence that Moonlight’s official movie trailer opens with A24. The movie trailer does not necessary suggest that it would predicatively involve doctrines of subculture initiation and Rites of Sodomy, or Homosexual (dual) Ecclesiastics.[59],[60]


The Rites of Sodomy is a book that explores homosexuality through the context of secret and underground initiation rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the secret continuance of unspoken and hidden ancient Greek/Roman traditions of the Roman Empire’s Satanic Do what thou Wilt” homosexual desires of Boy-Love.


Gilles de Rais & Barron, the Demon or the DEVIL, himself

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley opens the subject of Homosexual Ecclesiastics through his secret works on the rituals of 15th century Satanic Black Mass child murderer Gilles de Rais, who may have murdered/sacrificed according to Crowley  at least 800 children in dual Satanic Roman Catholic Black MassesHomosexual Ecclesiastics exists in a dual/opposite secret underground Black Mass Roman Catholic Satanic Church that co-exist and flow parallel to the Roman Catholic Church.


Letters and numbers possess secret vibrations and colors. Moonlight Colors vibrate in Moonology.


Kemet Goddess Hathor

A is generally Alpha– the Beginning. In Kemet, the Cow or Ox head represents the universal symbol A that is associated with the Great Goddess Hathor. She was often depicted in red, the color of passion, though her sacred color is turquoise (blue-to-green).[61] Along with Great Goddesses Neith and Aset (Isis), nobody knows just old they may or could be. In certain times and aspects, Hathor has had the attributes of a moon goddess, so her sacred colors are relevant to moonology, and the secret moonbeam color spectrum.[62]



At God’s Throne in Heaven, 24 Rich and Wealthy Elders with Crowns of Gold


Revelation 4:4

“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats[24]: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.”


Moonlight as a theme and title of the film did not come out of the Black Experience or Community. The Moonlight that can color- code and transform Black Boys into Blue is the domain of Witches, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH.


On June 25, 1992 in Alexandria, Virginia, Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a stunning lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder): Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality. Dr. Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection in clandestine military and CIA mind control research and development. He revealed that Greek Letter and Color Programming were specifically mentioned in the Monarch Project in relation to a form of operative conditioning. Shortly after his ground breaking speech, he received death threats. Not wanting to jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond stopped disseminating any follow-up information.[63]

Color-coded programming also involved triggering the names of handlers and programmers. In Project CHATTER (Dachau Concentration Camp Mind Control Experiments), my father had a color-coded doctor only identified as “Dr. Jewel” (colored gemstone). During that time (1947- 1953), I have searched coast-to-coast for a psychologist, psychiatrist or mental health technician named “Dr. Jewel” without success. I had recorded this name from an official state copy of my father’s hospital medical records. Following leads to the Dr. Josef Mengele’s designed electrical-shock machine torture-mind rape and control of my father in Oakland, Alameda Co, I was told in so many words by courthouse staff that I would be dead before I get to some of the puzzles to my fathers’ case now held in a special high security vault at the Alameda County Superior Court Administration building in Oakland.


Just after WWII, the primary or initial torture for many children in western U.S. involving color programming mind control experiments took place at China Lake, CA which officially went under the designations Naval Ordinance Test Station (pronounced in short as NOTS), Naval Weapons Center, NWC, Ridgecrest (the town nearby), and Inyo-kern (the area).[64]


Weird/Satanic Jack Parson’s California Institute of Technology at Pasadena was intimately connected to China Lake’s research. Weird-Satanic Jack, at one time, had top secret U.S. government clearances. Also much of the work at the facility was for the intelligence agencies and not the military. One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake was color -programming.[65]

Hathor sacred colors’ Red and green were discovered to be the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people, children who are programmed.[66]

Color- Coded named German & British scientists/mind control programmers came to NOTS after WWII, including Josef Mengele (known as Dr. Green, or Greenbaum, and other pseudonyms). Dr. Black also reportedly worked out of China Lake. Dr. White (Dr. Ewen Cameron) worked on the east coast, although he did fly in every so often to the west coast to meet with the other top programmers. Dr. Blue was another of the important leading mind control programmers.[67]


MacBeth’s 3 Witch Sisters & Tarrell

It seems very logical to me that Tarell Alvin McCraney wouldn’t be too effective as RSC/Warwick International Playwright in Residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Merry Olde Briton without knowing a great deal about Sir Francis AKA William Shakespeare, and MacBeth’s three (3) Witches.[68]


Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was a famous Rosicrucian, he is considered by many to be the secret author of the works of William Shakespeare. The original engraving of this portrait is kept at the Sovereign Headquarters of the Rose Cross Order. When it is superimposed over a portrait of William Shakespeare surprising coincidental similarities between the two suggest that are one and the same.[69] The Rosicrucians of Sir Bacon’s era can very well be called a “moon cult” that believes in the “gloryof the moon,

It is from the visible Sun that every particle of physical energy comes. And it is from the spiritual invisible Sun that all our spiritual energy comes. At the present time we cannot bear to look directly at the Sun. it would blind us. But we can look at the reflected sunlight that comes from the Moon. In the same way man cannot stand the direct spiritual impulse that comes from the Sun, and therefore it had to be sent by way of the Moon, through the hands, and through the mediumship of Jehovah, the Regent of the Moon, as a race religion. Only by initiation was it possible to get into direct touch with the spiritual solar impulse. A veil hung before the temple.[70]

The Three Wise Men on the Holy Night of Christmas,

“Certain ceremonies were performed and the candidates entranced. They could not at that time be given an initiation in their full waking state, it had to be done in a trance. When the spiritual perception was awakened in them, they could look through the Earth–not seeing any detail but the Earth became transparent, as it were–and they saw the Star at Midnight.”[71]


Sir Francis Bacon had studied the Witches of Thessaly in quite detail, Francis Bacon: Sylva Sylvarum, or a natural history in ten centuries: 903,

“It is worthy the observing, that both in ancient and late times, as in the Thesslian witches, and the meetings of witches that have been recorded by so many late confessions, the great wonders which they tell, of carrying in the air, transforming themselves into their bodies …” [72]



“Three nights were lacking before the moon’s horns met, to make their complete orb. When she was shining at her fullest, and gazed on the earth, with perfect form, Medea left the palace, dressed in unclasped robes. Her feet were bare, her unbound hair streamed down, over her shoulders, and she wandered, companionless, through midnight’s still silence. Men, beasts, and birds were freed in deep sleep. There were no murmurs in the hedgerows: the still leaves were silent, in silent, dew-filled, air. Only the flickering stars moved. Stretching her arms to them she three times turned herself about, three times sprinkled her head, with water from the running stream, three times let out a wailing cry, then knelt on the hard earth, and prayed.”

~Ovid. Metamorphoses. Book 7.[73]



Medea is the High Priestess of the Goddess Hecate. Hecate, or Hekate, is the Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of the Dark Phase of the Moon. Hecate is sometimes associated with all three (3) phases of the Moon, she is, more often than not, connected with the third stage of the Moon, which is the Dark Moon. For that reason, she takes on the role of the Crone in a typical Triple Goddess formation in which there is a Maiden, a Mother and a Crone. Hecate has also been known as the “Queen of Ghosts,” the “Goddess of the Three-Way Crossroads” and the “Goddess of the Dead,” and it was there, at those three-way crossroads, that her followers held midnight rituals in her honor. She was also believed to roam the Earth on moonless nights, accompanied by her pack of hounds.[74]


Triple Phase Goddess Hecate

The “Moon” or Lunar Goddess Hecate is invoked into the high priestess by the high priest and in effect comes to possess her in what can often appear as an almost Voodoo-esque manner. Known in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft as “Aspecting”: a magical practice in which a priestess or priest channels the presence of a deity or quality, Drawing Down the Moon is intended to bring the real, actual presence of the Goddess into the Circle. From the time She overshadows the High Priestess’s consciousness, the Lunar Goddess considered to be physically present amongst the coveners.[75]


The drawing-down of the moon was the characteristic activity of Thessalian Witches. [Thessaly is in northern Greece, below Macedonia, and in antiquity was considered the country of Witches]. The author Statius in the Thebaid 3.558-9 refers to Drawing Down the Moon as “the Thessalian crime“.[76]

aaaamoonlightbluelight The Thessalian women paid a terrible price for drawing down of the moon: they lost either children or an eye.[77] In the New Age Spiritual Sophia/Mithras Cults, the Moon is drawn down for the purpose of erotic attraction magic. It is a form of ritual transformation and possession- an altered state of consciousness, a trance formation, of surrendering yourself to the will of the Goddess or a MK ULTRA/MONARCH sex slave handler or programmer.


“I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the Seas, and the silences of hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, […] Some call me Juno, others Bellona of the Battles, and still others Hecate. Principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis.”Lucius Apuleius, The Golden Ass, 2nd century AD [78]

Initiates into the Cult of Isis spoke of seeing her sending out rays of BLUE LIGHT OF GRACE AND SALVATION. [79] The blue lotus is sacred flower of the Cult of Isis.[80] Drawing down the moon  involve the goddess and entities sending out spectrums of rays of blue light. There are different color spectrums and wavelengths of rays reflecting down on earth during the phases of moon. Since at least the 2nd century AD, the blue light of the moon has been associated with God-Like metamorphoses, transformations, possessions, and trance formation.


Lucius (Lucifer) takes human form, in a 1345 illustration of the Metamorphoses (ms. Vat. Lat. 2194, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana).


For Black Boys in Moonlight, the healing and God-Like blue light of grace and salvation of the Kemetic Goddesses aren’t being reserved for them. Black Boys Look Blue when the Moon is Drawn Down on Them not to transform them into the God-Like during metamorphoses, but to MK ULTRA/MONARCH Color- Code Purple- lock, seal, fence and guide them into  the Satanic Homosexual Underworld.

Yesterday, I had the Blues, But all I got is your HEART. I thanked God, I THANKED GOD FOR YOU! 























[23] Id.




[27] Id.


[29] Id.










[39] id.

[40] id

[41] Id.



[44] Id.





















[65] Id.

[66] id.




[70] Id.

[71] Id.





[76] Id.

[77] Id.





9 02 2017



This year, there are extremely informative material that seems to cover ILLUMINATI NFL Super Bowl LI in excellent detail, as above. I hope to contribute a little to the story.   However, pray for Lady Gaga, alone?


We can also LOVE her with POWER. The LOVE that implements the DEMANDS OF JUSTICE!

Maybe for about the third or fourth time in my life, I didn’t watch the NFL Super Bowl that I have always loved. The New England Patriots are subliminally tied into the powerful global race patriots of the Luciferian Anglo-Saxon British/American Pilgrim Society and the ILLUMINATI.


Aldous Huxley, British Godfather of MK ULTRA/MONARCH & ILLUMINATI Terrific Tom,  The ILLUMINATI EYE OF EVIL. As a tactic of mass psychological warfare, they love to throw ILLUMINATI Tom and the right-wing secret society symbolic New England Patriots in our faces to mock the masses.

The U.S. Congress or Senate confirmed the race patriot Rex Tillerson as secretary of state without asking him one single question about his membership in the Pilgrim Society. What is the Pilgrim Society?


Even today it’s members consist of the wealthiest businessman and the most influential politicians… Still, 99% of the world has never heard of it. We’re talking about the Pilgrims Society. An aristocratic Anglo-American dining club … Above all, it seems that the Pilgrims Society represents that old dream of Cecil Rhodes to create a worldwide English-speaking free-trade zone (his exact words), with the dominant position for the Anglo-Saxon race. Rhodes had also been speculating about a network of secret societies that had to absorb the wealth of the world. In fact, the enormous fortune he left behind was probably used to set up the Pilgrims Society just 4 months after he died. But especially these days, ’free-trade’ policies seem to be nothing more than a tool by which western companies wrestle control of foreign markets.”[1]  The Pilgrim Society is a “creation of an elite of race patriots derived directly from Plato’s Republic.” [2]


Lucifer’s Servant, ILLUMINATI Tom Brady & Devil Horns

In NFL Super Bowl LI (51), ILLUMINATI Terrific Tom pulled off an ILLUSIONARY false victory in America just like a Demonic Donald J. Drumpf.

aasandlerdonalddevil I didn’t necessarily boycott Lady Gaga’s super bowl half time performance. In the mist of this particular political, social and strange world climate with Donald J. Drumpf and Steve Bannon of the Dark Force leading the so-called FREE WORLD, I just refused to be drawn into any of the ILLUMINATI NFL Super Bowl LI (The Big Lie).


Lucifer’s Servant, Lady Gaga, Super Bowl LI & Devil Horns

There is a lot of deliberate disinformation circulating on the internet that claim that Lady Gaga’s Super bowl performance wasn’t so bad. There wasn’t so much Satanic ILLUMINATI symbolism openly exhibited, embedded and implanted in the half time performance. It’s safe to watch. I completely disagree.




Pope Francis, above, Jesuits, and the Church of England of the 9th Satanic Circle are alleged by an international tribunal in Brussels, France to be involved in child sacrifice, trafficking, ritual sexual abuse and genocide.


Mary, Untier of Knots,  St. Peter in Perlack, Augsburg, Germany (1700)

It is no coincidence that Pope Francis has Schmidtner’s Mary, Untier of Knots featured in the background. He became a devotee, initiated into to the Cult of Mary, Unitier of Knots while studying in Germany. The painting, executed in the Baroque style by German painter, Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner (1625-1707), shows the  Blessed Virgin Mary standing on the crescent moon (the usual way of depicting Mary under her title of the Immaculate Conception), surrounded by angels and with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove hovering above her circle of stars as she unties knots into a long strip and at the same time rests her foot on the head of a “knotted” snake. The serpent represents the devil, and her treatment of him fulfills the prophecy in Genesis  3:15: “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel“. She is not crushing the snake (victory over Satan) with her foot. Her right foot “rests” on the neck of the DEVIL like a pet.

Pope Francis, Mario Bergoglio, was born in Flores, a neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. During Argentina’s Dirty War (Operation Condor) against the left and dissidents from 1974–1982, it is claimed by two priests that Pope Francis handed them and other leftists to the sadistic military death squads, and did not attempt to protect lay people who then became part of the 30,000 “disappeared” in Argentina. Bergoglio as head of the Jesuits, turned a blind eye to the Argentinian Military Junta’s atrocities and crimes against humanity. The testimony of Argentine war criminals in tribunals showed that Catholic priests and chaplains played a central role in the torture and murder of dissidents by blessing torture chambers and absolving troops of their sins after they had thrown dozens of bound and drugged dissidents from a plane into the 50-mile-wide Rio de la Plata River. Super Bowl LI(E)- was it actually scary crazy or what?



aasandlerladygagajohngesturSuper Bowl LI (Big Lie) So Above, da Vinci’s John the Baptist Gesture & Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga opens her half time show in challenge of  “Christ the Savior.” The Masonic tradition is that the primitive or Mother Lodge was held at Jerusalem, and dedicated to Saint John, first “The Baptist, then the Evangelist, and finally to both.


The John Gesture, 1st U.S. President, Master Mason, George Washington (1694–1743)

The Lodge was called “The Lodge of the Holy Saint John of Jerusalem.” From this Lodge all other Lodges re supposed figuratively to descend (Fallen).


17th Century, Unknown Artist. St. John the Baptist with Wings “Angel of the Desert”

Lady Gaga is a well educated and extremely sophisticated “DEVIL WORSHIPER” and Satanic High Priestess and mass media false prophet specialist of the ILLUMINATI. Her half time show was no family entertainment show. It was a mass population (111 million people) MASONIC THIRD AND FINAL RITE OF ACCEPTANCE.


Super Bowl LI (Big Lie), Lady Gaga, Luciferian Fallen Angel (Demon) Mythology

Lady Gaga is not flying. She is falling to earth like the so many myths of Lucifer and the Falling Angels. Lucifer, the angel, was thrown from heaven to earth. Not so bad, huh! Satanist Madame Blavatsky like Albert Pike and Freemasons worshipped Lucifer, whom she described as a Fallen Angel, cruelly expelled from Heaven by a tyrannical God. Isaiah 14:12, says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.”

“It’s prevalent, anyone with half of a mind can just look and see it. It’s right there in front of your face in every aspect of society… It’s very simple … the television- Tell-Lie-Vision, tell lies to your vision. It’s all there to indoctrinate you … It’s put there for you to see so you can make a decision. Oh, those guys worship SATAN– I am going to listen to them. Well, you made your decision which is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE that they need for you to take … WILLING ACCEPTANCE.”[3]


Leonardo da Vinci’s (Apr 15, 1452 – May 02, 1519) use of the up-pointed (Disciple Thomas) finger challenge Christ Lord Our Savior in the infamous painting, The Last Supper (1495-1498). Da Vinci’s finger gesture pointing to heaven refer to the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto.As above; so below.


Pharrell Williams, the “John Gesture”

The da Vinci Code controversy revolves around the contention that Leonardo da Vinci’s works are full of Rosicrucian symbolic allusions to secrets claimed to have been preserved by successors (secret society) of the outlawed Knights Templar.[4]


Oscars, Chris Rock & The John Gesture

The Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Merovingian Bloodlines. Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic – associated with ancient Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, and the heresy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism (by blood) that John the Baptist secretly represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist.[5]

The earliest Freemasons adopted Saint John the Baptist as their patron. It is worthy of note that the Grand Lodge of England was revived on Saint John the Baptist’s Day, in 1717 (Constitutions, 1738, page 109). The Scottish Freemasons always kept the “Festival of the Baptist” until 1737, when the Grand Lodge changed the time of the annual election to Saint Andrew’s Day.[6]



Hiram Abiff is a Metaphor for Many Druid/Rosicrucian Mysteries


From the journey of the Sun through the twelve signs came the legend of the twelve labors of Hercules, and the incarnations of Vishnu and Buddha. Hence came the legend of the murder of Khūrūm [Hiram], representative of the Sun, by the three Fellow-crafts, symbols of the three Winter signs, Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces, who assailed him at the three gates of Heaven and slew him at the Winter Solstice. Hence the search for him by the nine Fellow-crafts, the other nine signs, his finding, burial, and resurrection (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 1871, p. 448).”

Some are also saying that Lady Gaga toned down the ILLUMINATI/Satanic imagery and symbolism during her super bowl performance. I disagree with that also. It is what it was, a secret MASONIC THIRD AND FINAL RITE OF ACCEPTANCE or someone other than Christ (John the Baptist or Hiram Abiff- the DEVIL) as our SAVIOR.


Freemasons believe, “In a word, Hiram Abiff is the Christ-principle immanent in every soul; crucified, dead and buried in all who are not alive to its presence, but resident in all as a saving force– “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Freemasons and the Christ-principle in their Demonic heroes makes a mockery of the death and resurrection of the Christ. Hiram Abiff of the Masonic Lodge is a “saving force” that takes the place of Christ. Accept and acknowledge that without protest or open rejection, it is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE of the MASONIC BLUE LODGE. That’s no big deal, huh!








14 03 2016

America & Secret Societies

President John F. Kennedy on Secret Societies, 

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

“Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed– and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution– not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.”

“And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news– that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

Bohemian Grove Newt Gingrich is not telling the TRUTH, again. Donald and his father, Fred, were initiated Luciferian FreemasonsThe Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian (Masonic) Order in New York City.



Until January 2016, behind the veil, DiCaprio, Snake in the Grass, may have been the true but secret reigning Prince of the Global Satanic Hip Hop Generation. The DEVIL  is so cold hearted that the N-Word slides out of his mouth like a hot buttered ice pick stuck in your heart. You don’t realized that he has drawn your blood and that you have been stabbed until you fall down- DEAD.


Among his demonic black devotees was always Comedian Chris Rock. In December 2014, Chris told Howard Stern, I LOVE THE GUY. He enjoys himself. If he’s not doing a movie, he’s 40 pounds more, with a fine motherf—er. With a beard and model. F— y’all. I’m eating cheeseburgers and f—ing fine bitches.”[1]


Rihanna, Satanic/ILLUMINATI Blood Lapping Tongue of Goddess Kali

Another of his black devotees includes SATAN’s Pan-Sexual Daughter, Hip Hop Star, Rihanna. She’s has had a thing for the movie star for quite some time. “Rihanna said that Leonardo is her childhood crush,” a source close to the singer tells exclusively. “She said that she’s wanted him since she was a teenager.” “She is actually really, really into him,” the friend adds.[2]


Pay really close attention to what her off and on demonic schizoid lover, Chris Brown, had to say about DiCaprio, “You can only go up, and that’s the upper, upper echelon…”[3] Upper, upper echelon of what exactly? Huh! The ILLUMINATI.


Another one of his Hip Hop/Rap devotees is the Pan-Sexual Down-Low, half of a man, 50 Cent.[4] 50 Cent on DiCaprio, “I get photo bombed by the hottest people in the world. You should try living with out limits [Aleister Crowley 666, The Book of the Law: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”].[5]


With the Selfie of the two, 50 Cent posted “Getting Advice“, that is exactly what Rihanna claims that she is also doing.[6] DiCaprio’s most likely advice to them all that are devoted to the ILLUMINATI and Lucifer: N*gg***, “Get GAY or DIE“, like TOPSY CHUCK-Licous!


N*gg***, “Get WITCHED or DIE“, Like a 50 Cent (half a man).[7]


Mistresses of EVIL, TOPSY 50 Cent & Angelina Jolie 

50 Cent says that he isn’t GAY, but why impersonate and glorify the IMAGE of a Satanic Angelina Jolie– a female WITCH Disney Character called, Maleficent if you’re not gay and a TOPSY female impersonator at heart.  Jolie is a serious and real Mistress of All Evil “… drawn to EVIL.”[8]

“Add to this that in Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent is the self-proclaimed ‘Mistress of All Evil.’ She bears devilish horns and seeks to destroy what she deems as good. In Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent’s evil sidekick is a raven whose name is Devil in Spanish (Diablo). In the movie Maleficent, Disney changes the name to sound a bit more like our English word for Devil, to ‘Diaval.'”[9]

These Negroes have “Lost Their Damned Minds!” I believe that the masses can and will read through all of this blatant madness and Satanic BS. The year 2016 isn’t starting out too well for America’s International IMAGE. NFL Super Bowl 50 turned out to be a Male Homo-Erotic Ball featuring Willem Dafoe’s Satanic Cult of Marilyn Monroe, and the “Throw Your Balls in Their Face” Denver Broncos.

The February 28, 2016 88th Academy Awards (Oscars) ceremony got a lot of major global shade and salt thrown in its face about its “lack of diversity”. Over the past 2 (two) years, numerous critics and stars have spoken out about their disappointment over its blatant lack of diversity among Oscar nominees. 2016 was no exception, it turned out to be business as usual. The Oscar’s ceremony was yet another typical HollyWeird exclusive ROMAN BALL of the American Plutocracy.[10]

Oscars, Topsy & The Great Diversity Satanic PRETEXT


Goddess Kali- Satanic Blood Lapping Tongue, Jada Pinkett SmithILLUMINATI

However, the 2016 Oscars ceremony was quite different than others. The Global Satanic Cabals used the Oscar ceremonies “lack of diversity” protest as a WICKEDpretext” to make an international MOCKERY of Black People.


Secret ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Symbol, Ray J and Brandy (implicated directly in the Assassination of Whitney Houston), and Jada Pinkett Smith-they’re all part of the HollyWeird Black Satanic Society (Boule). Jada is beholden to the demonic EVIL & TRICKERY of SATAN and L. Ron Hubbard’s Satanic Rooted Scientology, not to the will and good of the people.


The seemly false protest at the 2016 Oscar ceremony was setup by their HollyWeird black Luciferians like Jada Pinkett Smith to run that hot buttered ice pick into the hearts of Black People, and it looks as if most people don’t realize that they have been clowned, distracted, then stabbed.


Just a Classical Funny Emasculated N*gg**, Chris Rock and Vanity Fair Magazine

On Oscar’s night, they danced out some of HollyWeird’s most vicious black Luciferians, uncle toms, mammies, handkerchief heads, bootlickers, sellouts, Oreos, minstrels coons, and House Negroes led by the Minstrel Coon Chris Rock; Stacey Dash, Angela Bassett, Tracey Morgan, and Whoopi Goldberg to make the world comfortable to join them in mockery, menacing, humiliating, belittling and marginalizing Black People and their legitimate aspirations as a people.

They poked fun at emasculating, humiliating and degrading Black men. They turned the bootlicking Tracey Morgan into a Global Danish TOPSY.


They drew  blood by attacking, ridiculing and marginalizing Black History Month that was established primarily designed to humanize a people burned alive, butchered, hung by their necks from trees, shot and tortured solely because of their race in their own native country that possess to be the world’s peacemaker, and leader of the entire free world. It is no laughing matter. It is a Natural and Human Rights Violation!



Instead of opening up the Oscars to people of color, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) bought in one of its classic beaten down submissive HollyWeird Uncle Tom Clowns, Chris Rock, to distract, deceive, confuse the masses; and suppress the legitimate concerns of the people for what is right, fair and just.


Most people have some idea who Uncle Tom was/is. Except, maybe, Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Drumpf (Trump). After being endorsed for the presidency by David Duke, above, and Klan, he doesn’t know whom the Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are.[11]


That’s a very, very tricky subject and question even for a cartoon character Bugs Bunny, and a con man like Satanic Donald Drumpf– especially if he’s one of the invisible members of “The Original Folks Klansmen 333” or OFK333”.[12]


Uncle Tom is the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The phrase “Uncle Tom” has also become an epithet for a person who is slavish and excessively subservient to perceived authority figures, particularly a black person who behaves in a subservient manner to white supremacy; white people; or any person perceived to be complicit in the oppression of their own group. To this particular Uncle Tom’s credit in the novel, when the oppressor demanded that he be complicit in the brutal suppression of the legitimate demands of the people to be free, he refused, laid down, rolled over and was inhumanly beaten to DEATH. [13] However in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, you may not be aware of TOPSY.


“I’s wicked, – I is. I’s mighty wicked, any how. I can’t help it.” Topsy

Topsy is another famous character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In the book, she is a mischievous, clever little girl who hasn’t been raised with any moral or intellectual instruction- so they say. She had been raised in complete subjugation, beaten and whipped with any instrument that comes to hand by her heartless masters. Topsy was treated like an animal. She was described as a “FUNNY SPECIMEN” and they used to whistle to her the way “a man would to call the attention of a dog.” Topsy was trained to believe and act, as a N*GG** “.[14]

The Oscars & It’s FUNNY SPECIMEN


For the 2016 Oscars ceremonies, AMPAS and the gatekeepers didn’t have to pull out the whip to get an emasculated cowardly “FUNNY SPECIMEN” like Christopher Julius Rock III to be complicit in the oppression of people of color; show all of his white teeth, bend down, roll over and act a N*GG** like a TOPSY.

The Making of Chris Rock


Chris Rock was born in Andrews, South Carolina- grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He said while growing up in Brooklyn, “My mother and father wanted me to go to a better school, so I was bused to this poor, white neighborhood…I was the only black boy in my grade for most of the time. I was a little guy, too, a skinny runt.”[15] In 2007, Chris Rock told host James Lipton of Bravo’s Inside the Actors Studio that bullying was “the defining moment of my life … it made me who I am.” He even thanked the pack of [white] boys who regularly “kicked my a–, spit in my face, and kicked me down the stairs,” because the experiences not only helped him to think quick on his feet, but also fueled his drive to succeed [dissociate].[16]

The defining moment of his life also included being called a “N*GG** “ each and every day. He said that his daily struggle in school was like suffering daily ritual traumatic war stress in Vietnam. Chris Rock’s Post-traumatic stress (war) disorder (PTSD) analogy is good to describe the trauma he suffered except for one thing, each and every day, he bent over, rolled over, laid down, suffered, and never once fought or resisted his racial oppressors and tormentors.

“My spirit was broken everyday. After a while you just go into a zone [disassociation]… So, after a while, I would just shove my personality into my SHOE from nine to three. I just wasn’t a person. Then, when I got home. I would bring Chris out. Brining Chris out meant cracking jokes, and trying to be funny.”[17]

The ritual ass-kicking, name calling and spit in his face didn’t help him succeed in school. He dropped out of high school. No, Chris Rock that wasn’t bullying that made you what you became- dangerous to the masses- a dissociated FUNNY SPECIMENT. It was criminal ritual traumatic racial harassment, humiliation and abuse that left him brutalized, marginalized, and a fragmented and disassociated personality- submissive and subservient to white authority and supremacy like a classic TOSPY.

Let me say this. For many of us, the N-Word is a provocative fighting word not protected by the 1st Amendment. I went to a predominately all-Chinese grammar school, and a predominately white junior high school. I was always known to be a quiet, peaceful and respective young man. Each semester of every school year, I made the citizenship honor roll. In the few instances that I had been called out of my name- I moved in on a student as quick as a cat and strong as a lion to snatch him off the ground and that would be the end of calling me out of my name. I didn’t care if he was ten feet tall or a black belt in martial arts. It quickly got around school- don’t go there.

I had a particular subconscious rage associated with N-Word that must have stemmed from my infancy, father, local police, naval enlisted personnel, and the still TOP SECRET and highly classified Project CHATTER (the U.S. Navy Dachau Medical Experiments). The N-Word that I experienced as an infant was associated with some trauma surrounding the brutalization of my father. During my very early childhood, the N-Word would strike me to such a degree that it became a sudden blinding hot blaze of rage. I would actually blackout in a fit of rage. I have yet to discover why or understand it. Just as the N-Word had the power to drive Chris Rock’s emotions into a SHOE and make him feel like a non-person, that same indignity drove me to run to do a fury of battle. After I became aware of that fury and rage, I had to learn to remain conscious not to do serious harm to anyone. The N-Word hurts more ways than one. Those that use it also need to be very “leery” and on notice of its history and use in this country. Don’t get it twisted, during that time, the N-Word had been unacceptable and offensive even among our own people.

I went to a predominately all-white middle-class high school in Oakland. One evening, I went to a public fast food  hamburger stand with about three meek black students like Chris that lived in the predominately all-white upper-class hills of Piedmont, CA, where they probably have been called the N- Word constantly in school and their neighborhood. The public commerce hamburger stand happened to be a white gang hangout. That evening, it looked as if there was from fifty to a hundred of them just chilling in the public spaces behind and around the stand.  As we made it back to the car in a public parking space, there were about two of them leading a pack that followed behind us. One or two of them called us the N- Word. I dropped my food and drove into the pack to lay my hands on them. I couldn’t get to them alone, because the brothers that backed me up just weren’t accustomed to street fighting. So, I left and returned with a notoriously known street fighter and back street brawler, Joseph Young. We called him, BIG JOE HOBO. He was like our dark skinned Hercules of ANCIENT KEMET. Joe and I along with the young brothers behind us drove into the pack and squared off. Don’t get it twisted, when we pulled up to the public fast food stand. They mashed. They rushed the car beating their chests, and bayed at the moon- selling a lot of wolf tickets.

aaaachrisrockbigjackBig Joe was a knock-out artist that put them down left and right. He looked and fought like a street BIG JACK JOHNSON. He was like BIG JACK JOHNSON in another way.  He wasn’t afraid of odds. I was a little kid no bigger then Chris Rock. I was the stinger that floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. For us, there was no backing up. We moved forward into the pack. If we had been beaten down, we would’ve been right back with more brothers and street fighters. Big Joe was associated with a street gang called the Highlanders. I wasn’t a gang member, but I was well respected and justified among brothers throughout Oakland. Yes, we would’ve been back in full force with brothers , hundreds of Justified Jack Johnsons and Floating Butterflies that sting like a Bee,  ready to do battle for what was right and just. The Civil Rights Movement was sweeping across the country. We were determined not to be terrorized, harassed, badgered because of race in the public places open to all.  It just wasn’t going down like that, particularly, in Oak Town. It was a free-swinging melee for several minutes before it stopped and a TRUCE was called among us.

Most of the kids at the hamburger stand were our fellow high school students, even Joe Hobo was a big gentle hug-a-bear student on campus, too. That’s why I always respected Big Joe. He was a monster on the street battle field, but naturally as kind and gentle as a lamb. Big Joe also respected me and my special teen-age judgment. Some of the white students finally came forward and told us that they had got the point of it all. They said that the guys that started it all were mostly out of school trouble makers that didn’t really reflect their upbringing, judgment and values, but they had seemed to always blindly go along with them until now. They said that they will deal with them further down the road.

I can see clearly now that it had been somewhat of a victory for the young brothers from the hills like a Chris that didn’t no longer have to put their emotions in their shoes to survive vicious racial attacks and conflicts particular in public places and institutions. At school, the melee was a big soul-searching topic of discussions among the students that had been involved, and the prohibited TRUCE on the N-Word and senseless overt racism and discrimination was honored and stood firm.

Don’t get it twisted, I am not saying that Chris Rock’s unnatural impulse and drive for money, fame and fortune is preliminary rooted from being racially traumatized or being called the N- Word. It certainly affected his mental instability and psyche, but beyond all things, Chris’ choice was to worship power & cold hard cash money– the root of all EVIL.

Chris Rock: “The number one reason people hate America: the number one reason is because of our religion. Americans worship money, we worship money. Separate God from school, separate God from work, separate God from government, but on your money it says in God we trust. All my life I’ve been looking for God, and He’s right in my pocket.”[18]

The Negro sold his soul to the DEVIL a long time ago. By the way, two of the young brothers from the hills that fought for their human dignity beside us were cousins. They became very gifted, successful and respected music industry jazz artists and staples that didn’t sell their SOULS TO THE DEVIL.

On Oscar Night, a lot of people had waited a long time to hear what Chris Rock would say amid the controversy of #OscarsSoWhite. A lot of them say that he didn’t disappoint the crowd, with a so-called “topical, funny, biting and even philosophical monologue.[19] It was a cruel ILLUSION.

Topsy, Chris Rock & Eddie Murphy


HollyWeird Eddie Murphy as Rasputia

After dropping out of high school, Chris Rock became a teen-age stand-up comic. His first break came in 1986 at the age of 21 years old, when actor-comedian Eddie Murphy attended his show at Manhattan’s Comic Strip Club. He immediately packed up Chris and took him off to HollyWeird. Murphy set him up in the “sweet” La Montage Hotel.[20] In 1989, Chris Rock said that Murphy set him up in a HollyWeird area hotel for secret Masonic initiation that he called the La Montage, because it appears certain that he had been indeed initiated into Freemasonry.


It appears that the current exclusive Beverly Hills Montage Hotel was formed sometime in the early 2000s. Chris must have referred to the beach front Montage Laguna Beach about 58 miles outside of HollyWeird.[21]


Since the 1930s and 1940s, the city of Laguna Beach had become a HollyWeird cozy nesting place for stars like Bette Davis, Mary Pickford, Judy Garland, Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin and Mickey Rooney maintained homes in town. Later, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson (popular 1950-60s Ozzie & Harriet TV Show) joined them.During WWII, Laguna Beach became a nesting place for military officers out of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station El Toro. During the 1960s, the White House Press Corps of President Richard Millhouse Nixon, Bohemian Grove Satanic Initiate, setup shop in Laguna Beach. From the 1960s to beyond, Laguna Beach became a full-fledged resort town. The Montage Laguna Beach hotel became a well-known quiet hide-away off the beaten path for the HollyWeird Elite Crowd.[22]


There were several major problems with Chris Rock being picked up by Eddie Murphy. First, Eddie is a Luciferian HollyWeird Freemason.[23] Second, Chris Rock, at 21 years old, was at the required age for a man to become a Mason. Third, Eddie is a notorious PAN-Sexual and secret PEDASTIC boy-lover. In one well documented case, the public record reflects that at 4:45am Friday, May 2, 1997, Murphy picked up 20 years old transsexual Samoan young male Atisone ‘Shalomar’ Seiuli off the street in HollyWeird, CA. Cops on hooker watch – observed as Shalomar hopped in Eddie’s Land Cruiser and they drove off. Two miles later, they were pulled over. According to Shalomar, while in the car – Murphy placed $200 on his thigh, and asked him to model lingerie for him.  The word on the street is that Eddie Murphy is sexually fascinated with transsexuals and transvestites.[24] Numerous HollyWeird transsexuals and drag queens have claimed carnal encounters with Eddie dating back to the early 1980s.[25]


By April 22, 1998, Shalomar was dead. He refused to consider a bribe for silence from Murphy’s handlers (Attorney Mark Singer).[26] Since 2014, Murphy has been caught up in another scandal regarding another young transgender, 26 year old, Miss Honey Dip Ashton. He sued him for $2.1 million. Miss Honey Dip claims to have had a sexual relationship with Eddie since he was 17 years old.[27]


Could Chris Rock have prostituted himself as a young black male lover/escort for Eddie Murphy and other HollyWeird secret elite Luciferian Freemason pedophilic/Pedastic power brokers; or sign his name in blood to a Satanic Covenant of Fame and Fortune? YES!


Chris has the same secret HollyWeird Satanic Hand Symbol of Terrence Howard that actually claims to be SATAN and the ANTICHRIST, and elite Global Satanist and ILLUMINATI.[28]


According to The Woman Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (1983), the downward pointing triangle is a common symbol of the womb.[29] The womb has been symbolized and worshiped in a variety of forms from ancient times to today. Caves, burial chambers, and temples were seen as Wombs of the Mother Earth.[30]


Chris Rock is undoubtedly along with HollyWeird’s clandestine Black Satanic Cults that worship SATANIC ENTITIES and IDOLS. They run his pack with the DEVIL through his twisted ASS. One thing is crystal clear. Chris Rock publicly rejects, denounces, and ridicule the traditional Christian Faith of his forebears. “A black Christian is like a black person with no memory.” So, he says.[31]


Eddy Murphy’s “Golden Child” Foreign Movie Poster Highlighting Mind Control and SATAN

The year, 1986, when Eddie Murphy picked up Chris Rock out of Brooklyn was a significant period and a serious patent Luciferian turning point in Eddie’s HollyWeird film career, “The Eddie Murphy [1986] film “The Golden Child” has many themes associated with theosophy, occultism, Satanism mixed with hints of Monarch mind control. The name instantly evokes The Golden Dawn, and the pseudo-Blavatsky style Tibetan mysticism themes contained within would point further in that occult direction. Note solar symbolism on the film’s poster and it has a duality theme with L.A. on one side and Tibetan mountains on the other (Murphy also wears black and white).”[32]

In 1988, within 2 (two) years of taking off with Eddie Murphy to mix into and inside the secret Luciferian/Satanic Cultic HollyWeird, Chris’ father, Christopher Julius Rock II, a truck driver and newspaper deliveryman, was (blood sacrifice) dead.[33] It was the Satanic and Pedastic Eddie Murphy that directed and mentored Chris in HollyWeird, and gave him a spot on his HBO special, “Uptown Comedy Express” as well as a minor role in Beverly Hills Cop II.”[34]


By the early 1990s, Chris Rock was placed as an initiate inside the Masonic HollyWeird stable of Jewish Tamra Davis that they say made him and Dave Chappelle stars.[35]


I don’t think that it was a strange coincidence in October 2015 that Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, particularly, teamed with DiCaprio on Q-Tip’s Beats 1 Radio program (called “Abstract Radio”) to kick it about music and film, and much more.[36] DiCaprio was also an adolescent initiate of a Luciferian HollyWeird Stable (discussed below). Chris Rock took off to global prominence under Davis as a cast member of Saturday Night Live (SNL).[37]


Davis is married to Mike D (Diamond) founding member of the Jewish Hip Hop Group, The Beastie Boys. Mike Diamond’s father and mother were very prominent New York art dealers. His mother, Hester, survived the death of his father, Harold. Recently, just part of Harold’s art collection sold for about $60 million.[38] The Diamonds are intertwined with very heavy, old and secret Zionist-Israeli interests, American-Israeli Cultural Foundation, founded by the late Edward A. Norman of Chicago.[39] Norman was directly linked to the German [Felix] Warburg Banking Family- directly connected to financially underwriting Prescott Bush; secretly financing Hitler and Nazi Germany.[40],[41] Mike D and Tamra Davis aren’t necessarily inside Hip Hop for the money. It’s about the Luciferian exclusive MANAGEMENT & CONTROL of the industry.


Davis was also involved in puffing up the career and modern art form of the late demonic homosexual Luciferian/Sethian Jean-Michel Basquiat. The most important and scary part of Davis’ background is that she was trained in the secret circle of tutorage, agency and apprenticeship of Italian/Roman HollyWeird Film Director and Producer Francis Ford Coppola at his Zoetrope Studios in San Francisco co-founded by George Lucas.[42]


Coppola, and Davis with secret ILLUMINATI X Hand Sign

That’s elitist Francis Ford Coppola of the BOHEMIAN GROVE and the ILLUMINATI.[43] Francis Ford Coppola‘s expertise at the Bohemia Grove was to teach the elite how to secretly transform America into a New Rome under the nose of a constitutional democracy that make all America’s citizens equal under the law.[44] Coppola was also a Freemason, most likely with the notorious Propaganda Due or P2 Lodge.[45]

Plutocracy or plutarchy, is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens. Examples of plutocracies include the Roman Empire, some city-states in Ancient Greece.[46] Deeply imbedded within the Plutocracy (oligarchy) of Rome, there was the Boule. The verb βουλευω (bouleuo), meaning to counsel, consult or resolve (Luke 14:31, 2 Corinthians 1:17). The noun βουλευτης (bouleutes), meaning a councilman.Together with the preposition συν (sun), meaning together or with: the verb συμβουλευω (sumbouleuo), meaning to counsel with or advise someone (John 18:14, Revelation 3:18). the noun επιβουλη (epiboule), meaning a scheme or plot (Acts 9:24, 20:3).Again together with the preposition συν (sun), meaning together or with: the noun συμβουλος (sumboulos), meaning counselor (Romans 11:34 only). The noun συμβουλιον (sumboulion), meaning a consult (Matthew 12:14, Mark 3:6), or a counsel (a group of men: Acts 25:12).[47]


Basically, the Boule was a un-elected and secret group of counselors subservient to the will of the secret oligarchy (elite bloodlines) and plutocracies of Ancient Greece and Rome. In this American Democracy, the classical underground Roman Boule that exists today constituents a clandestine select group of black men and women subservient to will of the secret plutarchy and oligarchies of America.

“The Boule, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women. Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boule historically takes pride in having provided leadership and service to Black Americans during the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, and the Civil Rights Movement. What could the Boule offer America’s Blacks in the early 20th century? Joining the exclusive secret society offered advancement and perks to select Blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives.”[48]

Just like in Ancient Rome, the Satanic blood oath secrecy Greek/Roman Negro Boule in America is submissive and subservient to the New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird, America and globally. HollyWeird’s Black Satanic Societies of female and emasculated male stars like Chris Rock are now organized in the ancient Greek/Roman classical function of the BOULE.


Chris Rock- Classic MK ULTRA TOPSY

This is CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Chris Rock in the “Jasmine Alter” dressed in Sex Kitten Leopard Print PatternFresh Prince of Bel Air (1995). Chris Rock is a powerless ILLUMINATI Puppet. There were many calls for black comedian Chris Rock to step down from hosting the February 2016 88th Oscar Academy Awards program amid complaints about its lack of diversity. Chris hosted the awards ceremony, nevertheless. But in reality, Chris Rock had been programmed to address the secret New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird.


During the global televised Oscar ceremonies, he reasoned that only unemployed Negro actors had been demanding that he step away like sort of the stereotypical black people can’t do anything– “crabs in the barrel mentality” each pulling another away from the top. Chris said, “How come there’s only unemployed people that tell you to quit something, you know? No one with a job ever tells you to quit.”[49] Consistent with his MPD on Oscar Night, Chris Rock’s approach to serious issues like fighting back and resistance to racial abuse, discrimination and oppression was symptomatic/psychosomatic COMEDIC. [50]


The Negro scratched his head, scuffled his feet, bent over, and rolled over. His god given original self withdrew into his “SHOE that allowed his minstrel powerless and mindless alter personality to enter and take over with a big fat GRIN; and act a N*GG*R like a TOPSY. However confused by Chris’ ILLUSIONARY performance on Oscar Night, you may have missed some significant truths of the Negro Minstrel Act Behind the Veil. These are some of the TRUTHS that you may have missed. In reality, Chris Rock was programmed to address the secret New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird.


Chris Rock implanted the FALSE IMAGE that HollyWeird’s Satanic Cabals as not racialist “Racist Per Se”, but “SORORITY RACIST.” Like, “We like you, Rhonda, but you’re not a ] Kappa [Freemason or ILLUMINATI Phi Beta,” he quipped- showing all his pearly white teeth. Chris Rock implanted the ILLUSION that HollyWeird’s New World Order (NWO) Global Satanic Cabals were “the nicest white people on earth” that didn’t hire black people.  [51] Part of that statement was somewhat accurate “Forbidden Secret Truth” facing America and the world.


In this day and age, just as we have suspected and argued all alone, you have to a black CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Freemason, Satanic Cult member, Boule or the ILLUMINATI to work regularly in HollyWeird. American college fraternities are a way that Freemasonry and the ILLUMINATI recruit and entrap students. College Greek Fraternities were modeled after ANCIENT SATANIC SECRET SOCIETIES and CULTS, mainly Freemasonry.[52]

As far as Chris’ powerful HollyWeird Kappa brothers are concerned, Francis Ford Coppola was the leader of the Secret Greek Society, KAPPAS– the Phi-Beta-Kappa Fraternity in Hollywood. The fraternity also known as Phi Beta Kappa was organized in 1776 by students at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia (the second oldest in the country, founded in 1694), as a secret debating club. It was later infiltrated, and used to introduce ILLUMINATI principles to America.[53]




“DiCaprio is … a Demonic Entity.”[54]

Behind the Veil of Oscar Night 2016, it was secretly all about Oscar winner Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. The 2016 Oscar ceremony was an underground celebration of the ascension of Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio in the ILLUMINATI/Masonic hierarchy.


German Born Irmelin Indenbirken

DiCaprio was born in HollyWeird. His mother, Irmelin Indenbirken, was a native born German. His father was George DiCaprio of Italian (Roman) and German descent. DiCaprio’s maternal grandparents, Wilhelm Indenbirken, was German and Helene Indenbirken was a Russian born Germany citizen. His parents divorced when he was 1 (one) year old. DiCaprio spent part of his childhood in Germany with his maternal grandparents, Wilhelm and Helene.[55] DiCaprio was named the Old European Master, Leonardo da Vinci, because his pregnant mother claimed that she was looking at a Leonardo da Vinci painting in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, when DiCaprio first kicked- insinuating and suggesting that DiCaprio was a Miraculous Birth inspired by or triggered by a hidden key or code in a painting by Leonardo .[56]


The secret works of the Old Satanic Masters are implanted throughout the 2016 Oscar Night ceremony. Dr. John Dee’s Old World 7- Pointed Pentagram used to conjurer up Demons and Devils is clearly visible inside the circle. The Miraculous Birth is no idle or off the wall concept. There is an ancient myth on the miraculous birth of Queen Makere (Hatshepsut). In this myth, God Amun goes to Queen Ahmose in the form of Pharaoh Thutmose I and awakens her with pleasant odors. At this point Amun places the Ankh, a symbol of life, to Ahmose’s nose, and Queen Makere was conceived by Queen Ahmose. In the mythology of the Magi, the “light bursting” from the heavens had something to do with the miraculous conception of Mithra born from the rock.”[57]


One of the most mysterious, important, controversial but unfinished Da Vinci master pieces in the Uffizi Gallery that Irmelin Indenbirken viewed that is directly related and most relevant to a miraculous birth or divine birth is entitled, the “”Adoration of Magi“. It is an extremely extraordinarily and secretly occulted. Diagnostic scans of the painting showed that much of da Vinci’s true work was painted over to mask and hide some of its real details that are absolutely inconsistent with Christian biblical interpretations and theology.


The figure of what looks like a Knight that is not ghostly that turned completely away from Mary and Baby Jesus is believed to be a self portrait of da Vinci. The Da Vinci Code controversy revolves around the contention that Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings are full of Rosicrucian symbolic allusions to secrets claimed to have been preserved by successors of the outlawed Knights Templar. The Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Mervovian Bloodlines.[59]


In da Vinci’sAdoration of the Magi“, a person stands by an elevated roots of a carob treeJohn’s tree, symbol of sacrificial blood, pointing toward the heavens. Da Vinci’s use of the up-pointed finger of Mercury/Hermes is also referred to as the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto, “As above; so below.”[60]


Italian Painter Raphael (1511) has the whole phrase, “As above; so below”, depicted in the very center of his painting, The School of Athens, where Plato (painted with Leonardo da Vinci’s face) points up. Chris Rock, “As above; so below.” This is absolutely no coincidence.


Da Vinci’s St. John the Baptist (1514)

Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic and associated with the ancient secrecy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism that John the Baptist represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist. [61]


Is DiCaprio being claimed to be a miraculous birth Mervovian Bloodline descendant by his mother and the ILLUMINATI to justify his ascend up the secret hierarchal ladder of the Global Elite Masonic/Satanic Cabals? Yes, I believe so. Like HollyWeird’s Willem Dafoe, DiCaprio has the ROMAN, BERLIN and Harz (Witches Shabbat) Mountains’ secret occult pedigree to move up the hierocratic ILLUMINATI ladder as the old bloodlines die off.


Think about it. How did Dafoe’s sole individual homo-erotic fantasy out of everyone in the world about walking in the panties, dress and heels of Marylyn Monroe become implanted in the collective global conscious of some 167 million Super Bowl 50 viewers (third largest viewing audience in television history) – more than half the population of the United States appeared without warning?[62]


As a child actor, DiCaprio was raised up in the HollyWeird boy stable of a convicted pedophile and child pornographer, Talent Manager Robert Villard.[63] Villard’s HollyWeird pedophile and child pornographic ring and rabbit hole has the same “gatekeeper and handler” as Eddie Murphy, Attorney Martin (Mark) Singer.[64] During an interview on the German television network RTL, DiCaprio admitted to being a Luciferian Freemason.[65]


In September 2010, a consortium led by Leonardo DiCaprio and billionaire Stewart Rahr, bought Humphrey Bogart’s infamous studio symbolic Maltese Falcon for $305,000.[66] Steward (Stewie Rah Rah) Rahr, King of All Fun, is the ILLUMINATI Zionist billionaire financial backer of Donald Drumpf (Trump) for President of the United States.[67] What’s so special about the Maltese Falcon? The Maltese Falcon, a creation of San Francisco-based detective novelist Dashiell Hammett, is one of the great Weird Icons of American pop culture. Some occultists claim that Hammett’s novel is an esoteric allegory of the quest for magical powers. According to them, the Falcon represents Horus, the Egyptian hawk-headed god of magick. Conspiracy theorists point out that Hammett’s jeweled falcon was supposedly once owned by the Knights of Malta, a Catholic quasi-secret society which allegedly controls certain corrupt factions within the CIA and the Italian mafia.”[68]


ILLUSIONARY King of All Fun, Stewie Rah Rah

Are DiCaprio and Rahr secret Knights of Malta, or occultists seeking symbolic esoteric demonic magick powers? Unknown. However, Stewie’s “V” hand symbol is a Sign of the Occult, Satanic Sabbatean/Frankists. The true meaning of this “V” sign can be traced back to the 18th century ILLUMINATI.



The symbol represents the fulfillment of Illuminist founder Adam Weishaupt’s  Satanic “Law of Fives.” “V” is also the Roman sign for the number and Adam Weishaupt used it in the ILLUMINATI to symbolize the “Law of Fives. In the Cabala: “the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is ‘Nail.’ Now, ‘The Nail‘ is one of the secret titles of SATAN with the BROTHERHOOD OF SATANISM.[69]


Pope Francis, Child Sacrifice Cult- “Guilty as Charge”


Just days before the Oscar’s ceremony on January 28, 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio was granted a special audience with Pope Francis of the Satanic Ninth Circle in Rome.[70],[71]


Satanic King of the ILLUMINATI- DiCaprio’s Kiss of Fisherman Ring

After a private audience with Pope Francis of the Holy Roman Church, the pontiff offered and allowed DiCaprio his hand to kiss the fisherman ring. Normally, the Pope will not raise his hand to allow most people the slightest opportunity to kiss the ring. The kiss of the ring allowed DiCaprio’s HollyWeird secret Satanic/ILLUMINATI Roman Order to be awarded and ESTABLISHED.[72]






HollyWood hasn’t always been without LOVE, PASSION and HEART for the struggle. It is part of the unknown history of Tinsel Town that few acknowledge, discuss or expose to the public. Chris Rock told a global audience, “It’s the 88th Academy Awards. It’s the 88th Academy Awards, which means this whole no black nominees thing has happened at least 71 other times.”[73] He basically reasoned, what’s the big deal concerning black folk about this academy awards program? He told a global audience, “You gotta figure that it happened in the 50s, in the 60s — you know, in the 60s, one of those years Sidney [Poitier] didn’t put out a movie. I’m sure there were no black nominees some of those years. Say ‘62 or ‘63, and black people did not protest. Why? Because we had real things to protest at the time, you know? We had real things to protest; you know, we’re too busy being raped and lynched to care about who won best cinematographer. You know, when your grandmother’s swinging from a tree, it’s really hard to care about best documentary foreign short.” [74]



Hollywood Super Star Paul Newman at the Historic 1963 March on Washington

No. That’s not entirely true, and far from the TRUTH. The fact is that during the Civil Rights Movement, the entire academy awards ceremony program became somewhat irrelevant and an after thought as a sign of the times. It wasn’t just Black people that had something better to do than protest the lack of diversity of the annual Oscar ceremonies. The world, this entire country and most of the people of conscious in Hollywood also had something far more important and better things to think about and do.


(L-R) Tony Franciosa, Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, Paul Newman, Polly Bergen, Joanne Woodward, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Celes King III, Sammy Davis Jr., Marlon Brando, and Lloyd Bridges

During the Civil Rights Movement, some of the most powerful, respected and influential movers and shakers in Hollywood organized themselves around “Stars for Freedom” to support the national Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It included James Baldwin, Harry Belafonte, Tony Bennett, Frankie Laine, Peter, Paul and Mary, Sammy Davis, Jr., Joan Baez, Nina Simone, The Chad Mitchell Trio, Mahalia Jackson, Leonard Bernstein, and the cast of a popular television series, Bonanza.[75]


HollyWood Super Stars James Garner and Diahann Carroll- 1963 March on Washington

Hollywood’s Stars of Freedom also included Charlton HestonGeorge Kirby, Peter Lawford, Mike Nichols, Mai Britt and Elaine May, Tony Perkins, Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward also appeared among many Hollywood dignitaries joined the people on the March From Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.[76]

During the early 1960s of the Civil Rights Movement, America and the World went through quite a bit of soul-searching and major conscious bending in regards to Racism. Chris Rock’s statement about Hollywood and the Civil Rights Era was deliberately misleading, deceiving, an intentional over-simplification and INTENTIONAL MARGINALIZATION of Hollywood and human history.


The public airwaves should not be used as a vehicle to subliminally and overtly demean and attack a people and their culture. It is a Human Rights Violation. Chris Rock and his Oscars’ black minstrel show’s false ILLUSIONS, IMPRESSIONS and IMAGES of Black People are sold to other countries around the world. Many of them including U.S. citizens implant those demeaning and disrespectful “black stereotypes in their conscious and subconscious minds” straight out of the HollyWeird television and film industry. If anyone in America or those that come here with those false impressions of Black People believing that they may have a license to disrespect us or call us out of our names, they better ask somebody other than the Satanic Cabals of HollyWeird. They may be in for a very serious raw and rude awakening in America.

If Beyonce’s salute to the Black Panther Party for Self Defense during Super Bowl 50 was any way meant by the ILLUMINATI to demean or place Black People in America in a false light here and around the world, it failed. It was a re-awakening that woke people up. They misunderstand the power and love that the people had for the legendary Panthers here and around the planet; and the impact they had on the psyche of the people the world, 50 years later.

Huey P. Newton told us almost 50 Years Ago, white liberals (race baiting, race war conspiracy pundits) believing that Black People should back down and away from racial tension, terrorism, attacks need to be concerned about with what’s going on wickedly and internally in America. They need to show some respect for the movement, and take a stand against the BEAST in the BELLY and his works right here, because the Black Liberation Movement must move on and continue right here with or without them. And remember, the great King Charlemagne, for all his size and character, his voice was rather unusually high pitched.

In 1968, the Panthers may have been at its peak, because they had not only won the hearts and minds of Black People, but “ALL THE PEOPLE” in general here and abroad. In April 1968 after the brutal and senseless assassination of the Dr. King, the Prince of Peace on April 4, 1968 that shocked the conscious of the civilized world, we were in serious secret negotiations with representatives (Marlon Brando) of Hollywood’s Stars for Freedom and conscious white liberals in America to lead the way for “ALL THE PEOPLE”. The Gehlen Org/CIA, FBI COINTELPRO, and fascist Military Industrial- Congressional Complex was absolutely alarmed, and LIVID.

I say it again LOUD and CLEAR, “Our Orders were to Stand Down” and await further instructions while the extremely sensitive and very complicated talks went on. That order came directly to me from Chairman Bobby Seale. On April 6, 1968, it was the standing “ORDER” that I communicated to the ALL general membership from headquarters. There were NO EXCEPTIONS. It was the standing “ORDER” just a couple of hours before the so-called police/military intelligence Strategy of Tension Panther shootout with Oakland Police Department (OPD) that they claimed was a Panther ambush of the POLICE. The false shootout was designed to frame, attack and discredit the BPP, and MARLON BRANDO.  They slaughtered LITTLE BOBBY HUTTON in Cold Blood.

I said that to say this. It is totally up to the people to determine their own destiny. If your cause is right and just, move forward despite the odds and continue to win the hearts and minds of the people, ALL THE PEOPLE, nevertheless the Naysayers, Doubting Thomas’s, and the Simpletons. If the cause is right and just, hundreds and thousands of Big Joe Hobos, Jack Johnsons and Beautiful Sisters will join you in battle. As far as Donald Drumpf (Trump) is concerned, if he continues to challenge the people, they will show up by the thousands ready to do battle.

As for the SHollyWeird’s Satanic-Boule Negro Uncle Toms, Mammies, Handkerchief Heads, Bootlickers, and emasculated Topsies, Huey and Bobby use to say don’t harm them- EXPOSE THEM, and the People will deal with them. On to Alabama, BirminghamQUEEN BEE & KINGFISH.



[3] Id.













[16] Id.

[17] Ebony, May 1997, Vol. LII, No.7, pg. 136




[21] Id.









[30] Id.

[31] Id.



















[50] Id.


[52] Id.





















[73] Id.

[74] Id.






[80] Id.



27 02 2016

With Israeli Agent and American Con man, Donald Drumpf (Trump) and International War Criminal-Mass Murderer, Hillary Rotten Clinton leading the nation for President of the United States, we have a lot of explaining to do to the world. Whats Going On is now and have been an international language onto itself that has broken world borders that need no interpretation among the masses.


Super Bowl 50 Most Valuable Player, Von Miller of the Broncos, has been all over corporate mass media with a certain deliberate degree of viciousness mocking and humiliating Cam Newton- post game. I have been a number 1 NFL fan since grammar school. Naturedly, players pester and badger each other to get an opponent off his game, but the super bowl is over. So, I really do not understand what’s going on- why is Von Miller invited on numerous coast to coast corporate mass media sport shows, talk shows, television shows to hate, trash and mock his fellow NFL colleague, Cam Newton? I am still lost when it relates to Von Miller’s Black Holes comment on Saturday Night Live (SNL).


Michael Che: “So Von, you studied science in college, right?”

Von Miller: “Yeah … I guess you could say I did.”

Che: “So explain this to us. Gravitational waves were discovered when two black holes collided with each other. Is that correct?”

Miller: “That’s right. Let me put it like this. Picture two huge forces slamming together. Like, say, me and Cam Newton.

Che: “Are you just talking about football, man?”

Miller: “No, I’m talking about science. Now, these forces collide and make gravity waves. Like when I collided with Cam Newton, forcing him to fumble.”…

Miller: “Now these waves are everywhere in the universe — just like I’m everywhere when Cam Newton comes to town.

Che: “Von! You already won, man.”

Miller: “Look, this is a huge discovery. No one thought it would happen — just like no one thought we’d keep the number one offense to just ten points. Hey, but it happened — and it’s amazing. The discovery proves Einstein’s theory: ME = MVP.”[1]

On February 11, 2016, four days after super bowl 50, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) collaboration announced the first observation of gravitation waves; because these waves were generated from a black hole merger it was the first ever direct detection of a binary black hole merger.[2]

A BLACK HOLE formed from a collapsing star or atom in space is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitation effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light can’t even escape from inside it. Black Holes last into infinity. In 1915, Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity having earlier shown that gravity does influence light’s motion.[3]


In the very deep occult aspect, the Black Sun represents the black hole; before the term black hole was invented in 1967, black holes (then still theoretical) were sometimes called black stars or dark stars.[4] The Black Sun (“Schwarze Sonne”) was incorporated into the ideas of the “occultist” movement/ideology during the Third Reich. The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. Thus, this namesake was reserved for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society. It was senior to other secret societies.[5]


The 1943 Nazi “Aldebaran Project” was led by Vril Maidens, Maria Orsic and Sigrun of the Thule Society. On January 22, 1944, a meeting with Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann, and Kunkel of Vril Gesellschaft met to discuss the “Aldebaran Project” and 68 light year “trip” to the Aldebaran system. It was reported that the plans given by the Vrillians (Orsic and Sigrun) explained that they were to fly through a “dimensions channel” (i.e. a worm hole) from our solar system to Aldebaran.[6] The Nazis Occultists of the THULE knew about Black Holes and its greater gravitational forces and riding through black holes’ (worm holes) gravitational dimensional portals before they were discovered and named in 1967, and scientifically confirmed in 2016.

For whatever reasons, SNL writers for NBC decided to incorporate the binary black hole merger and its deeper occulted notorious Nazi Black Sun/Black Hole hypothesizes into Von Miller’s script to implant and dictate a racial stereotypical Guided Image (black holes) of an ILLUMINATI permanent (infinite) players dissociation from Cam Newton during and after Super Bowl 50.


The NBC Peacock and Gay (Homo-Erotic) Rainbow Agenda Symbol


SNL is a board mass communication international program that reach millions across the world.[7] I was hoping that Von Miller would have had the inner spirit, courage, and strength to be a bigger man than that. NBC Universal, Inc. is a merger between General Electric’s National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and French Vivendi’s Vivendi Universal Entertainment (UMG).[8] UMG  “… it’s origins go back to the formation of  Decca Records. Decca Records originates in England, which is one of the main control hubs of the ILLUMINATI.”[9] In America, “… they [Decca] set up their studio headquarters in the Pythian Temple [HOUSE OF THE SNAKES] located in New York CityUMG has it’s roots in the Illuminati, at a specific level of the pyramid. Music was [IS] to be used strictly for control purposes. As we see today, most forms of human art and creation are now being used as tools of manipulation and deception.”[10]


The NFL season is over, but Von Miller indicates on SNL that it doesn’t matter when it comes to Cam Newton that he will still be subject to being stalked, mocked and personally attacked into infinity.


It seems as though Cam Newton defied the secret NFL Satanic ILLUMINATI or didn’t take them seriously. The NFL used to be a team sport. It wasn’t about just two individuals in any game. But the way Super Bowl 50 is rolling around, it was the Pale White Riders (Von Miller) versus Cam Newton. And, it appears that the Carolina Panthers’ team have abandoned him. They won’t step forward as a team and defend him against individual targeting and character attacks for team play. So, what’s really going on in the NFL ILLUMINATI. One thing is certain, anywhere the ILLUMINATI covertly infiltrates, it becomes all about racial divide (white supremacy), occult (Satanism), a homo-erotic (PAN-sexual) pavilion, constant and persistent psychological warfare (Mass Population Control).

What About Those Broncos, Huh!


I tried to lay on him [Patriots QB Tom Brady] a few times,” a Broncos pass-rusher told Robert Klemko of after the game. “I tried to rub my nuts on his face.” Reportedly, it was Bronco Linebacker, Von Miller.[11]


I am an Old G from the Old School. I just don’t understand this thing or thrill about rubbing your nuts in a man’s face like Bronco Super Bowl MVP Champ, Von Miller. Peyton Manning also appears to get a thrill out of rubbing his nuts in women’s faces according to a recent lawsuit.[12]


Oh no, corporate mass media don’t want to talk about that. They want to ridicule, harass, mock and humiliate Cam Newton for being the second best quarterback on Super Bowl Sunday; in the NFL, and walking away from a post-game press conference that had been deliberately setup for a Masonic or ILLUMINATI Bootlicking Negro Puppet Bronco Pale White Horse Rider, Chris Harris, Jr. (No. 25) to stalk, mock and attack him from behind the screen.[13]


I can’t watch that Super Bowl Snickers ad featuring HollyWeird actor Willem Dafoe that promotes the candy bar as an antidote to “crankiness.” Dafoe, “I have to admit playing a Hollywood bombshell is a new challenge for me,” Dafoe said in a statement. “But as a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe, I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a walk in her shoes and famous white dress.[14] That Snickers’ commercial absolutely grosses me out and make me sick to my stomach to even think about it. Dafoe give me the creeps and the heebie-jeebies. Dafoe is of French/German descent. He is a very strange and a Satanic/Demonic type of dude.


In 1988, Dafoe starred in the Satanic-beloved film “The Last Temptation of Christ” as Christ, who has visions of having sex with Mary [Maria] Magdalene (of “Holy Grail Bloodline” infamy).


He has also played in at least two vampire films, “The Hunger” with the late Satanist, David Bowie, and “Shadow of the Vampire,” and enjoys a recurring role as a super-villain in the Spiderman franchise. However, in his more recent, 2009 film titled “ANTICHRIST” [see film poster below] as well as his 2013 Mercedes commercial, he plays SATAN himself.[15]


In 2014, Super Bowl 48, Mercedes-Benz’s ad made a special tribute to SATAN. Entitled “SOUL”, the commercial featured a young man who was offered a “deal with the DEVIL”, ( the DEVIL was played by Dafoe), where he can receive a new Mercedes-Benz, fame, wealth and pleasure in exchange for his soul.[16]


In the ad, Dafoe was shown wearing a Freemasonic and Satanic Ring. The Satanic contract, which contains an inverted chi-ro (the symbol the Catholic Church uses), contains the phrase “Seal Placed of  The Master, The Devil and The  Demons.” As soon as I saw that face and famous white dress, I knew what he was going to do and switched the channel immediately. If it makes any sense, my conscious immediately resisted that utterly ugly IMAGE and Demonic Spirit of Dafoe in that white dress from being filed in my subconscious.


Man O’ man, when I lived in Los Angeles during the late 1970s, I got a chance and setup to really-really meet my heart crush, Lt. Uhura. Guided by my eyes, she was delicious eye candy and an IMAGE that I wanted to talk to and touch. I was ready to break the outer seal of Black HollyWeird, but my first wife moved into town.  I got locked up in the house, grounded in family and that was the end of that story. It most likely saved my life. However, I have always been able to TRANSFER that IMAGE of Marilyn Monroe in that dress to IMAGES of often exploited, ignored and excluded beautiful sisters like a Dorothy Dandridge, a Judy Pace or Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) of Star Trek  (Sacred Feminine), but a 60 year wrinkled ass Gila Monster in a dressWillem Dafoe. It’s absolutely hideous, revolting, unnecessary and so damn uncalled for.

I would walk around in Hell in a pair of boxer shorts soaked in gasoline before I would allow Dafoe to deliberately confuse, disrupt and destroy the order and balance of the Sacredness of the Feminine, and replace it with the Satanic Cult of Marylyn Monroe. And that is exactly what that ad was clandestinely designed to do on Super Bowl Sunday. There is much more in back of Dafoe’s Marilyn Monroe commercial than you can shake a stick at.


With a direct ancestry to the French and German secret Old World Cults of Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, Demons and DEVILS that still exist today, Dafoe could lead a short list of suspected Secret HollyWeird Satanic High Priests.


However, one thing is most certain. Willem Dafoe is among the ILLUMINATI. But, what does any of this have to do with those Super Bowl Champs, the Broncos, HUH! I am getting there and you may not like it if you’re a NFL fan.



“In 1973 Anton LaVey [Church of Satan] wrote in an article that Monroe would become the Satanic ‘Madonna’ of the 21st century… In quoting the Church of Satan: ‘We hold her now almost like an icon, a talisman, reminding us constantly of a mystifying past. Marilyn Monroe is not a goddess pure and sexless, but Satanically just the opposite-a fleshly goddess: passionate, flawed, enticing, beautiful.’ Who are you following? Extract from Marilyn Monroe by Jason Kovar.”[17]


Well, I am not following Marilyn Monroe. She was the ultimate prototype for MK ULTRA’s BETA-programmed sex slave or Sex Kitten programming. She was also the first successful female icon who was under this type of mind control. However, I believe the first among them was black actress/Sex Kitten Eartha Kitt from Nazi Doctors straight out of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Soon to be posted. Many HollyWeird female entertainers are under MK ULTRA sex kitten programming. Their ultimate programming role model is Marilyn Monroe. They dress and think like her.[18]


However, there appears to be a large number of Satanic male homo-erotic cult worshippers, like Willem Dafoe that want to “walk in her shoes and famous white dress”to channel her.


I have to be very careful here. It’s pretty well understood that Marylyn Monroe had been assassinated by the CIA Occult Bureau. She had been a PREMIER PRESIDENTIAL SATANIC MK ULTRA/MONARCH SEX SLAVE KITTEN.[19]

aaaavonvonmonroesammy The Little DEVIL, confirmed Satanist and KNIGHT OF MALTA, Sammy Davis, Jr., appeared to have been one of her Secret Masonic/CIA Sex Slave handlers. The images in their background are indeed MONARCH Butterflies.[20]


The really odd thing is that Pale White Horse Rider Von Miller also appears to be a Marilyn Monroe follower that may also want to “walk in her shoes and famous white dress”to channel her.


If you thought that he wore that white Monroe T-Shirt as a matter of a fluke. Think again. Von Miller has the strange thing for the real Marilyn Monroe IMAGE, and that he may have the same Defoe FANTASY, and may also belong to a secret Occult Gove of the Cult of Marilyn Monroe- A BITCH OF THE ILLUMINATI. COINCIDENCE? I have reasons to suspect that it is not. And, there is a secret society relationship between him and Dafoe. Don’t call me crazy, yet. Follow me for a little while longer.


Before I get to those Broncos (Pale White Horses). Lets go to the author, Philip Michael Ondaatje. Ondaatje is a Sri Lankan-born Canadian novelist and poet. He won the Booker Prize for his novel, The English Patient (1992), which was adapted as the 1996 film of the same name.[21] Ondaatje specifically notes that the secret Satanic symbolism of 17th Century artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio‘s painting of David with the Head of Goliath played an important factor in the mystery surrounding the creation of his novel, he says,


“There’s a painting by Caravaggio, done late in his life, David with the Head of Goliath, ravaged and old… Youth judging age of the end of its outstretched hand. The judging of one’s own mortality… (Ondaattje, 1993:16)”[22]


The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is a play by pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright/Poet Christopher Marlowe (1564- 1593) based on the German story Faust and the Covenant with the DEVIL. Doctor Faustus was written in the early 1590s, first published in 1604.[23] “Faustus raises up the demon spirit, Mephistophilis. Faustus proposes a bargain. He will give his immortal soul to the devil in exchange for twenty-four years of magic and merry-making.”[24]


 Marlowe & Caravaggio

Marlowe was a spy and dramatist in the Court of Queen Elizabeth I with the infamous Shakespeare- Sir Francis Bacon. Marlowe and Shakespeare were born in the same year, 1564Caravaggio had been their contemporary (1571- July18 ? 1610).[25] Caravaggio and Marlowe were also contemporaries of the infamous mystic, occult philosopher and demonologist of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Dr. John Dee (July 13, 1527 1608 or 1609). In fact as a spy, Marlowe worked under international spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham (1532 – April 6, 1590).[26] Dr. Dee also worked in that very same international demonic spy ring with Marlowe.[27]


Above, Dr. Dee has conjured up a DEMON. Notice the similarity of Doctor Faustus within the Circle calling forth his DEMON.  If you add Dr. John Dee to the mix, the picture becomes clearer of exactly who or what it is that we are working with and the significance of the homo-erotic naturePan-Sexualism. In the queen’s court, Shakespeare (Sir Francis Bacon) and Dee identified themselves with the Tudor lineage – a lineage which is said to trace back to King Arthur, the Judaic Royal Line.[28]


Dee and Bacon take us back to the Arcadian Academies of the Renaissance (AA) and the Rosicrucians. This “AA” is known today and has been identified with a secret priestly society active at the time of mysterious Roman Catholic Priest François-Bérenger Saunière (11 April 1852 – 22 January 1917) the priest of Rennes-le-Château.[29]


Arcadia was presided over by shepherds, and Pan was the great God of Arcadia…arcadia comes from the word Arcas – the son of Zeus & Callsito. Callisto is the Great Bear & Arcas is the Little Bear in astronomical terms, and in Greek Mythology.”[30] Sir Francis Bacon had such great admiration of God Pan that he is attributed to the statement “what is now the Church of Christ was once the “BROTHERHOOD OF PAN.”[31] Father Saunière led us directly to the tales of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail. It is claimed that Saunière possibly found evidence that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married, and produced offspring that eventually became the Merovingian Dynasty.[32]

The “AA” society has extensive Rosicrucian connections and involves significant historical figures and the “OCCULT” revival of 19th century France. It is believed by some scholars that “ROSICRUCIANISM” ultimately stemmed from Dr. John Dee.[33] The ROSICRUCIANS are a secret higher order of the ILLUMINATI.[34] This site claim to contains some original ILLUMINATI membership forms that link them directly to the ROSICRUCIANS.

It is an interesting note to keep in mind that Marlowe, the Elizabethan Spy, may not have died in England in 1593. He was a secret agent involved in the world of medieval espionage for the Queen. Some say that his death was faked. Marlowe escaped England and entered the Island of Malta joining Caravaggio in the same secret world of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA (Malta Theory).[35] Additionally, just before his alleged death in May 1593, Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Council issued a warrant for the arrest of Marlowe on charges of spreading “blasphemous and damnable opinions” – Consorting with the DEVIL.[36]


Ondaatje’s film version of The English Patient was released to critical acclaim, and received 12 nominations at the 1997 69th Academy Awards, eventually winning nine. WILLEM DAFOE, above, took the leading role as David CARAVAGGIO.[37]


Just after Super Bowl 50 and winning MVP, here is Von Miller sporting a $325 off-white c/o Virgil Abloh’s heavyweight cotton jersey print T-shirt styled at front with a CARAVAGGIO graphic that just happens to be Ondaatje and Dafoe’s English Patients’ VERY SAME secret Satanic Symbolic David with the Head of Goliath- Bargain with the DEVIL for IMMORTALITY. [38] This is absolutely no coincidence. And. My Lord! Do you have any idea who this CARAVAGGIO was? He was so demonic, dangerous and deranged in his own time that his own BROTHERHOOD had to take him out of the world.

CARAVAGGIO: Anti-Christ of Art

CONSORTING WITH THE DEVIL, assault, murder- that is the notorious succès-de-scandale of the 17th century Italian, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. He was accused of all of these and more during his tempestuous career. Condemned as the “ANTICHRIST OF PAINTING,” Caravaggio was as controversial for his revolutionary artworks as he was for his infamous temper, psychopathic nature, and lengthy criminal record and background.[39] Giulio Mancini complained that the Caravaggio had chosen as his model for Mary in The Death of the Virginone or other filthy whore”.[40] Caravaggio’s model in David with the Head of Goliath and many other of his classic  paintings had been his boy sex slave, Cupid. His paintings are implanted with the Spirit of the DEVIL.


Caravaggio traveled to Malta, the headquarters of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA (St. John Hospitiers) under the patronage of Alof de Wignacourt, Grand Master of the Knights to escape murder charges. De Wignacourt honored the killer as an official painter to the Order and as a Knight. Major works from his Malta period include a huge Beheading of Saint John the Baptist and a Portrait of “Alof de Wignacourt and his Page”, as well as portraits of other leading knights. Yet by late August 1608, he was arrested and imprisoned “as a foul and rotten member.” In 1595 Naples, along with Caravaggio’s benefactor, Cardinal Francesco De Monte, they had become well-known notorious shameless lustful pedophiles of young boys. [41] Christopher Marlowe was also interested in young boys, he allegedly said, “all they that love not tobacco and boys are fools”.[42]


Fashion Designer Virgil Abloh of something he calls “Pyrex Vision”. In the Pyrex Vision, he also has a line that calls the SS.  He is a twisted and strange enigma. He is known as a black kid with white [supremacy] tendencies (Off White) indoctrinated/initiated into a secret French-Italian medieval occult circle inside Kanye West and the Armenian (Gnostic) Kardashian International Satanic Grove.


 Caravaggio Self Portrait

The Negro is known to be obsessed with old art master Caravaggio- the Antichrist of Art. During his own time, Caravaggio was said to have been born of the Cloven Hoof of a Goat – Satan and God Pan. He was known to be a secretly fully initiated Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem (Malta) which is why Jay-Z, a high ranking international ILLUMINATI Freemason, would also be interested in Caravaggio. Much of the Old Masters’ mysteries and secrets are hidden in their paintings. Without the keys to unlock the mysteries and messages, we can’t see all that they are communicating to an eternal Satanic inner circle from generation to generation. The Satanic High Cabals and Freemasons have the keys and formulas to unlock some if not all those secrets.


Caravaggio’s Entombment of Christ T-Shirts & Hoods


Because it used the symbol of the Rosy Cross in its symbolism, England’s Knights, Order of the Garter, has been linked with the Rosicrucians. The Order was founded in 1348 by King Edward III of England and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Christianized version of the pagan Great Mother Goddess…many famous men who were either Rosicrucians or Masons have over the centuries been knighted as members of the Order of the Garter. One of the alleged Grand Masters of the Order was Demonologist/Luciferian Dr. John Dee.


Order of Garter- Garner of Lancaster Roses & Knights- Order of St. George

England’s Knights of the Order of the Garter acts as Queen Elizabeth’s most trusted “privy council” (“private council“). The Knights of the Garter are the inner sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), with whom she shared some secrets of state and from whom she received advice. The Order of the Garter were a fraternity of the Rosy Cross and among the Brotherhood of the Knights of Malta.


Abloh says that he is using art as medium to change culture. Change it to what? He is using the revival of occulted mysteries and secrets of Europe’s Old Masters (Brotherhood of Rosy Cross and Knights of Malta) to serve as fodder, inspiration, and raw material and medium for that art (Alchemy and the Baphomet) on a Pyrex dish among the so-called Hip Hop Generation.

Kanye West and the Kardashian Satanic Grove is undoubtedly controlled by the Old European Secret Satanic/Rosicrucian BLOODLINES going back to Joan of Arc and Catholic Black Mass Satanic Murderer Gilles de Rais of France. 

Hey! What about those Broncos, huh! Well, do you think that Von Miller and Caravaggio’s Satanic Mysterious Graphic, and HollyWeird’s Satanic High Priest Dafoe playing/acting out Caravaggio were flukes, too? I don’t think so.

Von Miller, Occult & the Owl


Here is Von Miller in Dallas, TX after the super bowl partying with the Occulted Owl warped in a Snake T-shirt. You can’t be any more obviously SATANIC than that. In cultures and societies of remote antiquity in Africa and Australia, the Owl is viewed as a sort of Messenger of Secrets. The Owl is believed to serve seers, mystics, sorcerers, and witches and those who work with the magical arts.


The Owl also serves as a symbol related to the guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead, as seen in cultures such as the Ancient Kemet and God Aset (Osiris).


In western and central Europe, medieval beliefs often associate Owls with being a witch or wizard in disguise. Just take a look at the Harry Potter movies – an Owl named Hedwig plays a significant role as companion to the title character.[43]


Rapper Drake says directly that his Owl was taken directly from King Tutankhamen’s 18th Dynasty Great Temple to God Amun at Karnak.[44] So, where Von Miller get his Owl from?


Von Miller may be homo-erotically walking in the shoes and dress of the most ancient DEMON Screech Night Owl Goddess, Lilith.[45]

Von Miller, Occult & the Snake


SATAN, the serpent also called the GREAT DRAGON, is the Lord and ruler of this world, leading mankind astray and worshipped as a god with various names through the world’s religions, whose followers knowingly or unknowingly worship Satan and the fallen angels. The Snake/Dragon symbol carries with it a strong occult meaning, used by Satanists/ILLUMINATI to show who they work for and worship. It is also used to show who celebrities, who are mind control slaves, work for.[46] THAT’S THE BOTTOMLINE.


Here is Von Miller– sleepy, drunk or sitting/standing up drifting off in a TRANCE-FORMATION. I really don’t believe that a shot of gin will do this to a man of his size and extremely supreme conditioning.


NFL player Von Miller (L) and Vince Miller attend ESPN the Party at WestWorld of Scottsdale on January 30, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Is he pointing to himself or to the BAPHOMET and DEMONS in that t-shirt? Why didn’t he attend the party with a girlfriend instead of a dude?



 Von Miller with homo-erotic provocative pants sag hugged up with suspect dude. Below, Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne with homo-erotic provocative pants sags. We should be pretty clear by now of what they’re all about.

aaaavonvonhomoerotic So, who and what is Von Miller? Rumors surface that he is on the down-low. In 2011, he had a possible girlfriend and relationship with a Hispanic sister, Rona Gonzales, but it appears that it didn’t seem to develop into anything in particular.[47] Well, it looks like Cam Newton won’t go in that far in that direction- New Age- PAN-SEXUALISM, and that may be his primary problem with the ILLUMINATI.


In December 2015, his girlfriend, Kia Proctor, gave birth to his first child, a beautiful son.[48]


 Here is Von Miller at a post-game super bowl party throwing up a hand sign similar to the “Devil Horns” hanging with Negro Luciferian- the barbaric, pederastic (love of boys), pedophilic Lil Wayne and his boy crew of Cash Money Records rocking to “Big Rings” by Cash Money’s Cabbalist High Priest, Drake.[49],[50] 

Kissing each other, we roll like that!” I also hear that Von doesn’t particularly care for or date Black Women. Terrence Howard don’t expressly date Black Women because they’re not particularly down with the New Age of Satanic Sex Magick, the BAPHOMET, ANTICHRIST and the DEVIL.[51],[52],[53]


In a gay mood and fancy free, Von Miller talks fashion and homosexual teammates with Adrianne Palicki of Friday Night Lights.[54] Man, is this the same NFL superstar linebacker, below?


Von Miller in another gay and fancy free moment.


Von Miller in another gay and fancy free mood.


Below, Von Miller in an unisex “Onesie” hugged up with another dude (Bronco Teammate) in Vegas.


How about those Broncos, huh!


From his post super bowl corporate mass media celebrity parade across the nation and television, Cable networks, Miller called his appearance on “Saturday Night Live” the highlight. That was especially true since Miller had wanted to meet actor/comedian Kenan Thompson, one of the show’s cast members. Miller said, To meet Kenan, been a fan of his my whole entire life,’’ Miller said. To be backstage, in the dressing room, chillin’ and kickin’, I was a fan, he was a fan, definitely a great moment.”[55] Who is Kenan Thompson?


Kenan Thompson is a product of Nickelodeon. Believe it or not, but out of all the people in the world, Nickelodeon was a product of a felonious convicted religious con couple, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland. The government gave the Bakkers an entire abandoned military base to setup a television/cable studio.[56] Their Pinwheel Channel was purchased by Warner Cable [forerunner to Time Warner], then renamed Nickelodeon. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were allegedly reported to be closet ILLUMINATI PAN-Sexuals. [57],[58],[59],[60] Jim Bakker is “the Little Caligula of the televangelists.”[61] That is extremely scary stuff.

To help the Bakker’s pseudo-false religious programs with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the New World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore early on came to help the Bakkers run their religious ILLUSIONARY ministry.[62],[63]


Sandia had been involved in mind control operations and technology for quite sometime. Electronic monitoring of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive than the military. Sandia, for instance, markets a human sensor implant sealed inside a “hermetic biocompatible package” that runs on a tiny power coil, complete with a programmable sensor and telemetry circuits. Sandia’s sales literature notes that the implant’s designis founded on technology originally developed for weapons.” It is quite possible that Bill Perkins and Sandia may have come with the deal for the U.S. military base. The Bakker’s religious organization may have been a front for a clandestine government mind control operation.[64]


Kenan’s (black male) Emasculation Secretly Overseen by the All Seeing Eye of the ILLUMINATI

In 2013, Kenan caused quite of bit of controversy defending SNL’s lack of diversity among its 16 cast members. There were only three of color, no females of color. Kenan said regarding, particularly, black female comedians, “It’s just a tough part of the business,” He said. “Like in auditions, they just never find ones that are ready.”[65]


 In other words, Kenan Thompson is more ready in corporate mass media than any black female to walk in their shoes and dress. And apparently, corporate mass media also believes that he is more ready than any black female to represent (stereotype and denigrate) them, and walk in their shoes and dress.

That’s not Homo- Erotic, it is Homo- Psychotic, but that is the person that seems to always thrill Super Bowl 50 MVP, Von Miller.


Nickelodeon manufactured Kenan Thompson, a Walt Disney Character Uncle Remus Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Negro made safe by the ILLUMINATI for white children, particularly, white girls, and a white supremacy society.


Keenan is a 21st Century Black Buffoon worse than a Chicken Shack Stepin Fetchit, because he has had almost a century of Black Resistance History (Dr. King, Malcolm X, Panthers) behind his back to know the damn better unless he, too, is a hapless CIA MK ULTRA puppet with a microchip implanted in his head, or a … 


Damn Luciferian Freemason of the Brotherhood.

You know. The way that Cam Newton jumped away from that fumbled ball with a little more than 4 (four) minutes to go in the 4th quarter suggests that the game was fixed from the beginning. Some people and entities took the gambling houses in Vegas Big Time with the Broncos surprising win and point spread.

If the U.S. Justice Department can extend the resources of U.S. taxpayers to poke their noses into the internal affairs of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA: International Federation of Association Football) headquartered on the other side midnight in Zurich, Switzerland, and abroad, they can certainty investigate the NFL and America’s biggest game for corruption right here in America.


However, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is a Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sister beholden to a covenant of secrecy,  Patron Goddess Minerva and that damn ILLUMINATI OWL again.




[3] Id.



















[22] McClure, Derrick J, “What Countrey’s This. And Whither Are We Gone?”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Tyne, NE (2010), pgs. 59-60









[31] Id.




































9 05 2015


BITCHES- Don’t Ride the White Horse

Bitches- Ride the White Pony- Cocaine (Crack)


“If you want to ride, don’t ride the WHITE HORSE If you wanna be rich/you got to be a bitch … If you’re wanna ride/ride the WHITE PONY … ”

 Don’t get it twisted. I find nothing amusing about this video. It is sad, appalling and offensive, but a teachable moment and testament of what the masses face around the country and the world. The men, above, doing the “Camel Walk” represent blood oath secret Shriners of the Prince Hall Master Masons of the 33rd Degree. They represent those that have reached the very top level of their respective fraternal/brotherhood Masonic orders through out the nation that Ride the GOAT.



The music that they dance to is “Ride the White Horse,” a 1983 product of Laid Back, a white Danish electronic music duo group from Copenhagen, Denmark formed in 1979. The WHITE HORSE is a direct reference to heroin, the WHITE PONY is a reference COCAINE [crack].[1]

It is odd that they would go to the other side of midnight to unofficially adopt this music out of Demark for one of their Shriner Masonic ritual ceremonies.  It was given to them as a piece of self defining Satanic Principle DUALISM to demonstrate just how low they will go for the New World Order- BITCHES. Whereas, I believe that It is safe to conclude that symbolically, these men are celebrating that they had been chosen to rise from one level of secrecy, Riding the GOAT to another higher level of secrecy to carry on a clandestine war against TRUTH, RICHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE and the WHITE HORSE RIDER.


“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness he doth judge and make war.” Revelation 19:11

In the Book of Revelation, JESUS CHRIST himself Rides the WHITE [Black] HORSE right out of heaven, followed by an army of other horsemen to bring judgment to the world. According to Muslims, the end of days will be marked by the return of both Jesus and Madhi (“the guided one”) atop a WHITE HORSE to cleanse the world of EVIL.[2] The real clandestine message behind the song and the Prince Hall Master Mason/Shriners’ Ritual Ceremony is if you wanna be rich and powerful– you got to be a secret blood oath covenant BITCH of LUCIFER and don’t ride the white horse.”


That’s were we are in Baltimore with the Freddie Gray Slaying. Most of the black prominent players in the case like Baltimore Police Chief Anthony Batts, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and State Attorney Marilyn James-Mobsy are no more than grand ILLUSIONS of Black Power and Authority. They are also Lucifer’s BITCHES that don’t [and will not] ride the white [Black] horse” for Truth, Righteousness, Balance and JUSTICE.

At this point in the game, whether or not Freddie Gray is part of freemasonry or the ILLUMINATI is irrelevant and immaterial. Whether or not the Freddie Gray Slaying is part of a planned freemasonry or ILLUMINATI plot to divide the races and issue in national martial law policies is also irrelevant and immaterial.  The bottom line is that this form of governmental, one seen- one unseen (shadow), is reactionary and racially based on age old Satanic pseudo scientific theories of Anglo Supremacy out of 16th Century Europe. Freddie Gray was brutally slain by the State of Maryland that since its formation has been secretly embedded in Satanism, Occult and by any other name, Human Bondage. From the beginning, it is a STATE that clandestinely attach no real value, purpose or beauty to Freddie Gray’s human rights or life because of the color of skin.


Riding the GOAT


Catholic and the Secret Occult influence in America (other than the early Spanish conquerors) began with the establishment of the STATE of Maryland in 1634. A few years earlier, in 1625, the British Secretary of State under King Charles Stuart (1600-1649), converted to Catholicism. His name was Sir George Calvert.[3]


King Charles Stuart- Note His Finger/Hand Symbols

King Charles soon needed money, so he carved territory out of northern Virginia. Virginia is named after the African Holocaust Witch, the so-called lying- VIRGIN QUEEN, Queen Elizabeth I. King Charles’ grant of part of northern Virginia was given to Calvert. His title was Lord Baltimore. The City of Baltimore is named for Calvert (Lord of Baltimore). He died soon afterward, so the charter was given to his son, Cecilius Calvert.[4] The first two ships set sail on Nov. 22, 1633 to establish the first settlement reserved as a refuge for wealthy and wealth seeking Anglo Catholics in Maryland, supposedly named after Queen Mary, but actually in honor of MARY MAGDALENE. In the vision of Sir Francis Bacon, they planned to turn Maryland into Catholic African human bondage plantations. Cecilius’ brother, Leonard Calvert, was Maryland’s first governor.[5]


Sir George Calvert- Left Hand Descending Two Finger Benediction 


BAPHOMET- Two Finger Benediction- “So Above-So Below”

Calvert’s ships, the Ark and the Dove, were spiritually directed by Andrew White, a JESUIT priest. White became known as “the Apostle to Maryland.” Many years later, the President’s residence was called the “White” House, secretly in his honor.[6]  The highest point in Washington D.C. was called Jenkins Point. In the 1790s, it was owned by Daniel Carroll – brother of Catholic Bishop John Carroll. David Ovason tells us, “that in earlier times the hill had been called Rome” (The Secret Architecture of Our National Capital, p. 8).[7]


A signer of the Declaration of Independence, Daniel Carroll (July 22, 1730 – July 5, 1796) was a wealthy Roman Catholic plantation owner educated by Jesuits in Maryland and FRANCE. His brother John was a Jesuit priest.[8]

John Carroll (January 8, 1735 – December 3, 1815) became the first Catholic Bishop in America, presiding over the See of Baltimore, which included Washington, D.C. John also founded Georgetown University, above, which has long been regarded as the incubator of federal policy, domestic and international. Strikingly secular in curriculum and student body, Georgetown is still owned and operated by Jesuit priests. Its seal proclaims the union of the Roman Church with the secular State, depicting the Roman Eagle with the global world in one talon and a cross in the other, surmounted by the motto Utraque unum, “Both together.”[9]


Georgetown University Seal & the Roman/Vatican Eagle- Discussed Further Below with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

David Carroll was one of three commissioners appointed to survey the newly designated District of Columbia and acquire land for the new federal capital in the District. Carroll was related to two major land owners whose land was taken by the government, his brother-in-law Notley Young and nephew Daniel Carroll of Duddington. The new United States Capitol was to be built on the wooded hill owned by his nephew.[10] David Carroll received all his Masonic degrees in Maryland Lodge No. 16, Baltimore, between May 1780 and May 1781.[11] The layout for Washington D.C. was entrusted to a FRENCH Masonic engineer Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant (Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York City). He got the job at the suggestion of the See of Baltimore, Bishop John Carroll.[12]


” … L’Enfant laid out the main city streets in the shape of an upside down five-pointed star of BAPHOMET, the symbol of the GOAT. The White House was constructed at the GOAT’s mouth. The two ears on the sides were marked by Mt. Vernon Place and Washington Circle. The horns were marked by Logan Circle and Dupont Circle.”[13]

Worship of the MAGDALENE

Early German Saint Mary Magdalene Hologram

Saint Mary Magdalene as a mystic ascetic. According to legend, the repentant sinner lived a secluded life in the cave of Sainte-Baume, Southern France, clothed only by her hair. Every day she was raised up in the sky by angels to hear the heavenly chorus. The saint was originally held up by carved angels. Encased in an oval metal structure, the wooden statue was suspended from the vault of a church, perhaps the church of Saint Mary Magdalene in the Dominican Convent of Augsburg, Germany which was rebuilt in 1513-15. At this date, it is proof that a specific underground CULT of MARY MAGDALENE was certain to have survived in Germany during the 16th Century. The Mary Magdalene wood carving is generally attributed to the German Sculptor, Gregor Erhart.


 Saint Mary Magdalene Displaying an Early Form of the Secret Masonic/ILLUMINATI Pyramid (Triangle) Hand Symbol

A FRENCH legend recorded in the 4th Century CE says that MARY MAGDALENE (along with Lazarus and Martha) fled to the South of FRANCE (via Kemet) bearing “the earthen vessel that held the blood of Christ.” While legends of the Holy Grail took on a life of their own centuries later, merging with other legends, many believe that MARY MAGDALENE  was herself the earthen vessel bearing Christ’s child, the sacred bloodline of David. In the South of FRANCE, the CULT OF THE MAGDALENE flourished until it was all but wiped out in the Albigensian campaigns by the Roman Catholic church in the late 13th Century.[14] There is strong evidence that MARY MAGDALENE was worshiped secretly right along side the Virgin Mary up until the Vatican’s vicious Albigensian (Cathar) liquidation campaigns in FRANCE from 1209 to 1215. Afterwards,  her worship was forced even further UNDERGROUND. In 1781 during the time of Daniel and John Carroll, the last temple dedicated to her was destroyed. Numerous landmarks attest to her CULT in the South of FRANCE. Among many other examples, “a Christian MAGICK RING, now in the London museum, bears the legend, “Holy Mary Magdalene pray for me.”[15]

This is Believed to be El Greco’s Earliest Hologram Painting of Mary Magdalene, 1577

Notice Mary Magdalene ’s Hand/Finger Symbolism. El Greco (the Greek), born Doménikos Theotokópoulos (1541 – 7 April 1614), was a painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance.[16] In his last will, he described himself as a “devout Catholic.”[17] He is unique in the sense that he was one of the first painters to depict and include MARY MAGDALENE among Jesus’ religious inner circle of holy family and disciples.


Much has been written about El Grecos hologram of the “M” Finger/Hand symbol encoded in many of his subjects in paintings.


It has nothing to do with the Jesuits or a medieval physiological deformity of the hands or fingers. It is a secret society hand gesture reserved for the elite that know like the Masons– it is not for those that don’t know.


Even Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler knew the holographic significance of the secret symbolism of the  M” Finger/Hand Gesture.


El Greco”s Mary Magdalene in Penitence (1576-78)

What’s in the mystery of Master Mason David Carroll’s holographic hand symbols that may be important in understanding what may have been passed down in secret Symbolism and Knowledge to the shadow elite ruling STAR families and Satanic Cabals of modern Baltimore.


Carroll’s left hand rest on the hip, his two fingers represent the BENEDICTION downward- so above-so below of the BAPHOMET.


You also have the GOAT horns of God Amun. Carroll’s right hand fingers form the common “DEVIL HORNS“. But, it also may represent the “M” symbol of Masonry or the Secret CULT of MARY MAGDALENE out of Rennes-le-Chateau in FRANCE.[18]


El Grego’s Master, MARY MAGDALENE REPENTANT- Titian 1531

Maryland (Land of MARY MAGDALENE) would have been a natural refuge far away from Vatican City, Rome, Italy to secretly harbor and foster an Underground CULT of wealthy and powerful elite Satanic/Masonic STAR families that trace their “DIVINE” right to have “DOMINION” over the World through the sacred bloodline of the House of David and JESUS CHRIST (see Christopher Knight & Alan Butler’s The Hiram Key Revisited, Freemasonry: A Plan for a New World Order, Watkins Publishing, London (2007)).


The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) severed Freddie Gray’s spinal cord. He was crushed, stepped on, folded and treated no better than a rag doll. The BPD trampled his vocal box (larynx) and broke three of this disks in his neck. He had been savagely broken apart like something out of the annals of an old fashioned depraved American Anglo Lynch Mob. The hospital medical treatment records of his fatal injuries speak for itself.


Even though the BPD was no more than 4 or 5 blocks from the police station, they rode Freddie Gray around in circles in the back of the police van for at least 45 MINUTES like he was no more than a side of beef to deliberately deny him human dignity- right to human compassion and medical treatment from the State. The reports of the GPS device from the police van would also speak for itself.

” … unbelted detainees have been paralyzed and even killed because of rough rides in police vans, which used to be called “paddy wagons.” It has happened often enough to have a name: “nickel rides,” referring to the amusement rides that once cost five cents.”[19]

The central application of the “ROUGH RIDE” theory under the facts and circumstances of the Freddie Gray case is nonsensical and lubricous because a so-called “ROUGH RIDE” will not CRUSH a man’s larynx (voice box) without direct brutal blunt force blow to the front neck area protected by the chin and extraordinary stone bones.


Oluwashijibomi “Shiji” Lapite (died December 16, 1994), a father of two young children, was a 34 year-old Nigerian asylum seeker died in the back of a police van shortly after being detained by two officers in London, England. The cause of death was given to be asphyxia (crushed voice box) from compression of the neck, consistent with the application of a neck hold.[20]


Warren Mann, 52, pleaded not guilty to attempting to murder Gail Brown, 41, on July 26, 2011. Mann admitted making a 911 call from her bedroom in which he calmly said: “I choked her and beat her to death.” “I don’t remember any of it,” Brown said in a wheezy voice. “It’s hard to breathe,” she added. “Sometimes I have to gasp for air.” At first, medical staff did not expect her to survive trauma from a severe head injury, but mostly from a crushed larynx (voice box).[21]


On January 12th, 2013, Robert “Ethan” Saylor, a 26-year-old man with Down syndrome, was killed during an incident with three off-duty sheriff’s deputies at a local movie theater in Frederick, Maryland. While waiting for his support staff to retrieve their car after the movie, Ethan decided he wanted to remain for another showing. He verbalized to the officers his intent to remain and refused to leave his seat. Ethan was restrained face-down by three plainclothes officers moonlighting as mall security. Ethan died from asphyxiation from a crushed larynx (voice box) while handcuffed.[22]

Asphyxia or asphyxiation is a condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing. Asphyxia causes generalized hypoxia which affects primarily the tissues and organs. There are many circumstances that can induce asphyxia, all of which are characterized by an inability of an individual to acquire sufficient oxygen through breathing for an extended period of time. Asphyxia can cause coma or DEATH.[23]

A crushed or severely bruised larynx is a critical injury, although it is not 100% lethal. The problem is the collapse of the process, and/or the subsequent swelling shutting down the airway causing asphyxia. Note that a victim of this sort of injury who can breathe immediately after the injury, may have more trouble later, as swelling increases.”[24]


In Freddie Gray’s case, Baltimore State Prosecutor, Marilyn James-Mobsy and her staff, has publicly charged 16 year veteran BPD Officer Caesar R. Goodman, Jr., 45 years old, with the state’s most heinous crimes against Freddie GraySecond Degree depraved heart murder (30 yrs.); Manslaughter (involuntary) (10 yrs.); Assault/second degree (10 yrs.); Manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence) (10 yrs.); Manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence) (3 yrs.); Misconduct in office (8th Amendment*)[25]


Officer Goodson was the BPD van driver, but Freddie Gray had already been crushed by two Anglo BPD officers. Freddie Gray was limp like a crushed rag doll before he got into that van. Three Anglo officers literally DUMPED Freddie’s limp and crushed body into that van. For human compassion and even his own protection, Officer Goodson should not have moved that van until Freddie had been checked out by medics.


But, Officer Goodson, the 16 year police veteran, bleeds “BLUE”. He has been a “EYES WIDE SHUT BITCH” for Lucifer & the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 3 for quite some time. Actually, some Master Masons (Masonic Fraternal Order of Police) trace “police departments” roots back to the BAPHOMET and “Knights Templar’s” in 1100 B.C. The Fraternal Order of Police could very well be a clandestine Branch of the Masons. It is comprised of LODGES with same symbology of Masons– All Seeing Eye of Horus, checkerboard and a fraternal handshake can be seen in the bottom points of a five-pointed star.


If Officer Goodson is a member of the FOP, then he could certainly be bound by an allegiance of blood oath secrecy to protect his brothers from crimes. However, Officer Goodson is the only police officer facing ILLUSIONARY murder charges based on the “ROUGH RIDE” theory. It is ILLUSIONARY because a “nickel ride” may cause severe head trauma, but as Dr. Wecht attests to above- it is highly unlikely if not impossible to cause Freddie Gray’s crushed larynx (voice box) or even for him to develop the force necessary to sever his own spine while face down handcuffed and shackled like a hog in the back of that police van. OFFICER GOODSON IS A DIVERSION FROM THE TRUTH- The Lynching of Freddie Gray.



Baltimore mom Toya Graham is being hailed as “Mother of the Year” after she was caught on video aggressively assaulting and battering her 16 year-old son participating in acts of protest and RESISTANCE. In any other instance, the video could constitute evidence of “child abuse.” Under most circumstances, she would be prosecuted by the State, and her kids taken from her. However, as long it is a THUG “young black male” that she publicly batters as part of the ILLUMINATI agenda to continually DEMONIZE and DEVALUE the human dignity, rights and value of young black males, the open abuse of him even by society is nationally-internationally celebrated by corporate mass media.


And if you saw in one scene you had one mother who grabbed their child who had a hood on his head and she started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed, … I wish I had more parents that took charge of their kids out there tonight.” Baltimore Police Commissioner, Anthony Batts [26]



Anthony W. Batts is a strange compassionate-less human creature. Batts isn’t his true name. His real name may be William White, but who can be certain. He’s adopted so its difficult to determine for certain who or what he really is.[27] However, Batts has proven to be a mentally explosive unstable personality. Wherever he appears, there is a climate of fear and a reign of TERROR. He has a history of being a flagrant womanizer. He is sexually insensitive, domestically aggressive, violent, and abusive to women. He has been cited in at least 5 domestic violence cases including two involving his former corrupt politician wife, Congressperson Laura Richardson. In 2009, he lost control and punched her out- one black eye.[28]


Congresswoman Richardson- Concealing that BLACK EYE

Batts’ mental instability and level of insensitivity to the masses and people of color had been heightened by working as a police officer in some of California’s most racist and oppressive police jurisdictions. Prior to joining the Long Beach Police Department, he was an Explorer Scout with the Los Angeles PD (LAPD), a police cadet with the Santa Monica PD, and a reserve officer with the Hawthorne PD just east of Los Angeles.[29] When I was working police abuse cases in LA, Hawthorne was a predominately lily-white enclave that its PD constantly singled-out, harassed and abused Black people passing within its city limits.

fredgraybattsoakland OPD Chief Batts’ Shady- Real Shady Dude

In October 2009 after punching out Congresswoman Richardson and his true unstable violent personality was exposed to the Long Beach city pubic, he suddenly left the city to pop-up as Oakland’s PD Chief– another CIA/FBI collaborating racially divisive and oppressive police agency. The OPD was under threat of federal receivership, because it had failed as a custom to protect and serve the constitutional rights of People of Color.  By October 2011, Chief Batts left the violent, scandal-plagued OPD after a frustrated judge threatened a full federal court takeover of the entire Oakland Police Department if it failed to quickly make good on changes to protect and serve Oakland citizens agreed to nine years ago.[30]

Anthony Batts: Riding the GOAT


“William ‘Bill’ Bratton who was NYPD Commissioner is a 33rd Degree Master Freemason and he is completely in league with Lucifer and the New World Order as promulgated by the Masons.”[31] As you must already realize, Freemasonry has a long and sordid ancient history of extreme subterfuge, deception, murder, occultism and SATANISM. Batts and Bill Bratton are self-described “close friends” if not clandestine high level “Masonic- Police Fraternal Order Brothers” dating back to their days in California law enforcement. Batts was chief of police at Long Beach when Bratton headed the notorious LAPD. The two served as research fellows at the Rockefeller’s New World Order Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and Bratton supported/endorsed and may have arranged for Batts to become Baltimore’s new police chief in August, 2012.[32]


Chief Batts and Blood Oath Secret Covenant Prince Hall Mason greet each other- hand across the heart- greetings to a fellow Mason. Batts display the hand sign of the descending pyramid- the pyramid (triangle) being so most important a symbol to Master Masons.


Reichsfuhrer SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler, Teutonic (Templar) KNIGHT of the Black Sun, One Thumb Up! In Nazi Germany, Himmler and the SS took jurisdiction over all police departments. The ancient Teutonic Knights of the Germany were in fact “Templar Knights”.


Below, Babylonian God Nebo, from a dictionary of the Bible, makes him appear to be instructing adepts on the finer points of using hand signs or exchanging mysterious grips. In fact, Nebo’s title was “Interpreter of the Gods,” and he was said to be the God of learning and of letters. The biblical King Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel was named after Nebo. This cut is in the British Museum, London.


In 2013, William J. Bratton, Batt’s fraternal brother, the ex-police chief of Los Angeles and New York, was paid more than $50,000 as a consultant on a (Masonic-NWO) policing plan ordered by Baltimore Police Chief Batts.[33]


Baltimore Police Chief Anthony Batts was initiated into the higher degrees of the craft as some type of a cold-blooded cybernetic black BITCH of Master Mason Bill Bratton.


Chief Batts Rides the GOAT


Riding the RAM and the GOAT


Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake (born March 17, 1970) is the 49th Mayor of Baltimore. She currently serves as secretary of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. She rides the Hellenized RAM. She is a Hellenized Negro.


Hellenization or Hellenisation is the historical spread of ancient Greek culture and, to a lesser extent, language, over foreign peoples conquered by Greece or brought into its sphere of influence, particularly during the Hellenistic period following the campaigns of Alexander the Great of Macedon.[34]


Apollyon is the BEAST from The Book of Revelation (9:11 & 13:11) Apollyon was also known as Alexander The Great. Historical Records show that Alexander the Great had two different colored eyes – one as dark as the night and one as blue as the sky, a harsh voice and that he was deformed – he had two horns of a RAM on his head. Revelation 13:11 seem to confirm that Alexander the Great is therefore the same person as Apollyon/Halios- the BEAST of the Book of Revelation.


Furthermore, Alexander used the horns of a RAM as an ILLUSION to identify himself as a Son of Kemetic God AMUN. The Knight Templars and Freemasons worship the GOAT-headed BAPHOMET as their god of enlightenment.



One may argue that there is a vast difference between a GOAT and a RAM; but, if you research the subject of witchcraft, you’ll learn that BOTH animals are extremely popular in witchcraft and the OCCULT. Some witches today claim that the GOAT head is really supposed to be a RAM’s head which originated with the RAM-headed God AMUN of ancient Kemet.


The Greek God Zeus and Roman God Jupiter are also identified with the Kemetic RAM-god that has CURVED horns; whereas, as a GOAT has a beard and STRAIGHT horns.


BOTH symbols are utilized in today’s Satanism, occult, and witchcraft circles.  The pentagram image is inherent to both the GOAT and the RAM. Whether RAM or GOAT, both animals are used currently to symbolize the works of LUCIFER.[35]


Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Epsilon Omega charter.[36] On January 15, 1908, nine college women on the campus of Howard University founded Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the nation’s first Greek-letter sorority to directly bring African-American women into the sphere of influence of LUCIFER. The Baltimore Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has been involved in Boulé (clandestine super elite black women of the sorority) conferences since 1923.[37] “The New World Order is The Old World Order. The elite Blacks of the Boule are culling and controlling their own for a slice of the elite white man’s pie.”[38]


 In 1904, the first African -American Greek Secret Society was formed in Philadelphia, by Dr. Henry Minton and five of his colleagues. The Boulé, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women for the ILLUMINATI.[39]

Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boulé recruits top Blacks in American Society into its ranks. Today, 5000+ Archons, (male Boule members) and their wives, (Archousais), with 112 chapters, make up the wealthiest group of Black men and women on the planet. “Archon” means “DEMON” – the kind that like to keep hidden. But to who does the Boulé really serve? The SATANIC GLOBAL ELITE![40] In 1831, Avery Allyn, published a volume, “Ritual of Freemasonry.” Allyn attacked Greek fraternities as clandestine foreign- Orders of the ILLUMINATI binding its members to An Order of Blood Oath Secrecy.[41]


Baltimore Mayor Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake with some odd jewelry necklace of Daniel Carroll’s Georgetown University symbolic Roman/Vatican Eagle, below. Rawlings-Blake’s Symbolic Eagle can also be linked to the Satanic Universal Men-Women Order of Freemasonry.


The Symbolic Roman and Vatican Eagle


The Roman Eagle also called the Aquilawas the Bird of Jupiter. In ancient times, the eagle was a symbol of strength and courage, and immortality. The eagle was believed to be the king of the birds that could ascend above the storm, and become the messenger of the gods. According to ancient mythology, the eagle would carry the soul into the presence of the gods, Zeus to the Greeks, Jupiter to the Roman, and Odin to the tribes of Germania. The silver eagle was the ensign of the Roman Legion and the symbol of its power. The legatus was the officer in charge, and he would assign an “Aquilifer” who was the soldier that would carry the Aquila (eagle) into battle. If the eagle was captured the legion would disband. It is interesting that Julius Caesar personally sanctified the eagle when the legion was brought forth.[42]


Satanist/Freemason Ann Besant with the Crowning Roman/Vatican Symbolic Conquering Roman/Vatican Eagle, 33 Degree

The Order of Universal Co-Freemasonry in Great Britain and the British Dependencies was founded by the infamous Satanist Annie Besant and officers of the Supreme Council of the French Maçonnerie Mixte (known today as The International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain) on September 26, 1902, with the consecration of Lodge Human Duty No. 6 in London.[43] Besant’s Co-Freemasonry was heavily influenced by Theosophy. The “Annie Besant Concord” was called the “Dharma Ritual“. The “Dharma Ritual” attempted to restore prominence to esoteric and mystical aspects that its Theosophical-minded founders felt were the heart of Freemasonry, so that it became fore mostly a spiritual organization; Co-Freemasonry of this Order was therefore sometimes called “Occult Freemasonry“.[44]


At practically every picture photo opportunity, Mayor Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake, make it very plain by her hand symbols that she is an elite member of the ILLUMINATI Boulé– part of the Black Satanic Cabal- the pyramid (triangle) being so most important a symbol to Master Masons.

She didn’t Say What She Said

Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s original self may indeed may not have been aware of what one of her Alternative Personalities told the press, if she is a Multi-Personality Disordered (MPD) CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten. That’s the way the ILLUMINATI roll.


Pastor Jamal Bryant is the WICKED shifty eyed Negro, below, standing next to Mayor Rawlings-Blake with the descending Masonic pyramid (triangle)hand symbol that look around to see if anyone really noticed what she said. One of Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s “alters” stepped up front and surprising took over the news conference, and told the truth about Baltimore’s False Flag Riot that destroyed the CVS drug store.


Jamal Harrison Bryant (born May 21, 1971) is pastor of the Empowerment Temple AME Church in his hometown of Baltimore.  He is the son of Bishop John Richard Bryant, Senior Bishop and Presiding Prelate of the Fourth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Jamal is a elite member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity incorporated.[45] Kappa Alpha Psi (formed 1911) is one of the “Divine NineHellenized black Greek societies in America that form the basis of the elite Satanic Negroes of the Boulé.[46]


Pastor Jamal Bryant is another extremely very strange, scary and SHADY/Satanic Character “Riding the RAM” deeply involved in the inner circle of the Freddie Gray Cover-up.


Rawlings- Blake’s husband, Mr. Kent V. Blake, is the jack of many trades. He has a habit of popping up where city money flows. He is real estate salesman and consultant. Plus, he is the director of business development at Political Boost. The company provides a comprehensive and streamlined communications portal for political candidates. Company officials said that the bundled services include interactive voice response (IVR) polls and surveys, canvassing tools, constituent contact management software, and more.[47]


Mr. Kent & Stephanie- The Secret Masonic Family


The Blood Oath Secret Masonic Brotherhood Salute

In 2011, the Baltimore Sun exposed to the public that Mr. Kent was hired by Johns Hopkins Community Physicians as a patient intake coordinator. As he was scheduling appointments in a call center, Mayor Rawlings- Blake did vote to approve close to a million dollars in grants for Johns Hopkins. Subsequently, the newspaper editorial board tried to clean it up by concluding ” … mayor has voted on a dozen contracts involving the sprawling entity that is Johns Hopkins, but none of them directly involve the branch her husband works for.[48] That’s interesting that while the mayor cuts funds and programs (schools, recreation, job training, etc.) for the people, she is gives free grants of city money to Johns Hopkins with Mr. Kent bottom feeding. That’s the way they ROLL.

Mr. Kent has a Bachelor of Science (BS), Cyber/Computer Forensics and Counterterrorism from the University of Maryland University College.  He is a Hellenized Negro of the Boulé Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc, Pi Omega and Theta Mu Mu Chapters. He also works for Verzion Communications.[49] He also rides a Hellenized RAM.


Stephanie Rawlings-Blake & U.S. Naval Admiral Thomas H. Moorer- Two Hands Clenched Together in a raised position is a high level ILLUMINATI/Satanic hands gesture. It is the “Seal [Lock] of Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment“ . The Late Great Mae Brussell said that the late Congressman Larry McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy Assassination, who created a organization called “Western Goals“. Western Goals had offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that fed data to the Hitler’s General and Himmler’s SS Puppet/ Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s Org/CIA. On the board of Western Goals were such Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Nazi Luftwaffe pilot. Admiral Moorer had been the Pentagon Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 until 1974.[50] He was at a high level of shadow government  “Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment” with Lucifer’s Servants, the Underground THIRD REICH in America.


Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rides the GOAT.


Riding the GOAT


According to Baltimore State Attorney, Marilyn James- Mosby, she proudly and really sincerely Bleeds Masonic BLUE, too,


Rev. Alex Haley Norman Vincent Peale, 33° (Midwood Lodge No. 1062, Brooklyn, NY., Murat Shriner)

My grandfather, my uncles, my mother, my father — I have five generations of police officers. I know that the majority of police officers are really hard-working officers who are risking their lives day in and day out, but those really bad ones who go rogue do a disservice to the officers who are risking their lives and taking time away from their families,” she told Baltimore Magazine in January, when she started her tenure as state’s attorney.[51]

Most of her life, Mosby has worked exclusively on behalf and in the interest of the STATE prosecuting the poor and the powerless for crimes they are for the most part defenseless to defend against the might, wealth and ruthlessness of the STATE. Her first stint in the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office came after she graduated from Boston College Law School. She served first as assistant state’s attorney and then prosecuted some of the worst felonies in Maryland in the general trial division. She also worked for mega BIG BUSINESS. She left the state attorney’s office to go work as field counsel for the global multi-billion dollar Liberty Mutual Insurance conglomerate [52] for three years.[53]


She was elected State Attorney after she bested incumbent Gregg L. Bernstein in defining herself a more ruthless anti-crime fighter- crusader, determined to keep repeat offenders off the streets.[54]


Marilyn James- Mosby is a master of ILLUSIONS and deception– one of the Hand/Finger Gestures of the DEVIL HORNS.


Marilyn Mosby is not identified as a Hellenized Negro. However, the shifty Negro behind her with the descending pyramid hand symbol is Nick Mosby, the husband. He is a Hellenized Negro of the Boulé  Divine NineOmega Psi Phi Fraternity (Founded 1911), and Epsilon Upsilon fraternity.[55] Nick and Mr. Kent are Boulé Omega Fraternity brothers. He is a politician, a Baltimore City Councilman.[56]


Hellenized Nick & Descending ILLUMINATI Pyramid (Triangle) Gesture

Nick of multi-billion dollar Verzion Communications [57] also with Mr. Kent says that he was raised with strong Christian values. He is a black CATHOLIC, a lifelong member of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Baltimore.[58] The cornerstone the Cathedral of the Assumption (today called the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore was laid on July 7, 1806, by the infamous Jesuit Priest See of Baltimore Bishop John Carroll.[59] Under the legacy and vision of Bishop Carroll, Baltimore City continued to grow, and the Archdiocese established new parishes to handle the increasing need for more churches and schools. St. Matthew’s opened in 1949.[60]


Caravaggio, a Knight of Malta (Templar Knights), completed this painting, Saint Matthew and the Angel, in 1602. The Knight Templars knew of and believed in the “Grail Family”, the descendants of Christ and Mary Magdalene. There are legends that Jesus survived the crucifixion and was not actually buried or resurrected from the cave. Matthew secretly harbored or helped Jesus and  Mary Magdalene escape to France. There is also a theory based on evidence from a tomb in East Jerusalem that Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Matthew and a son of Jesus shared the same burial Talpiyot Tomb.

Matthew the Apostle also known as Saint Matthew and as Levi was, according to the Bible, one of the first twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to Christian tradition, one of the four Evangelists.[61] St. Matthew was the first to mention MARY MAGDALENE in the Bible (Matthew 27:56).[62] St. Matthew had also been the patron saint for erecting on autumn equinox (St. Matthew’s Day, September 21, 1446) Sir Earl William Sinclair’s infamous mysterious/occult Knight Templar church in Rosalyn, Scotland.[63]



Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has asked her Hellenized Masonic/ILLUMINATI Boulé  sorority sister,  U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to investigate the Baltimore PD. Sister Lynch Rides the Hellenized Ram with the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (1913). Of course, Sister Lynch has agreed to use the U.S. Justice Department to whitewash Mayor Rawlings-Blake and the BPD to make them whole before the world masses. MASONIC ILLUMINATI SISTER?

“The most direct line of descent from Greek societies to America is the Freemasons (called Masons). Historians of American fraternities and sororities trace most of our rituals, ceremonies and rites to the Masons. An examination of Masonic rituals open to scholars suggest that our Founders were also influenced by Masonic ritual, symbolism and initiation experiences.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, CANDIDATE SYLLABUS, 1987, p.30.)

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority rituals and ceremonies are also heavily influence by the ILLUMANITI, and consistent with Satanic rituals and ceremonies of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.

Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, one of the strongest and most admirable goddesses of antiquity, was chosen by the Founders as the patron of the Sorority. She serves merely as a SYMBOLIC representation of desirable archetypical attributes of mind, body, and SPIRIT. The goddess’ name derives from the ancient roots for “mind” and her domain was intellectual. Minerva was also said to be the inventor of music. It is fitting, therefore, that the exemplary attributes associated with Minerva be influential in the minds and spirits of the Sorors holding the responsibility of planning and conducting all intake activities, including induction, and orientation of new members into Delta Sigma Theta. These Sorors comprise the Minerva Circle … Wisdom! The college educated woman seeks to become wise rather than smart. That is why MINERVA, the Goddess of Wisdom, is our Sorority mentor.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, MEMBERSHIP INTAKE PROGRAM, 1987, p. 106.)

According to John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), the Third Degree of the Bavarian ILLUMINATI was called Minerva or Brother of Minerva, in honor of the goddess of learning. Later, this title was adopted for the first initiation of the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s OTO rituals (The Ceremony of Minerva and the First Degree). There was also ILLUMINATI Masters of the Minerva. The official sigil of the ILLUMINATI was the Owl of Minerva.


Minerva Seals of the ILLUMINATI: two of three known to still exist. P.M.C.V.stands for Per Me Caeci Vident (Through me the blind become sighted). An owl holding an opened book (signifying learning), surrounded by a Laurel wreath (a symbol of learning or graduation); Per Me Caeci Vident was a reminder to the Superiors of the class, whose responsibility it was to properly instruct the Minervals. These medallions were worn around the necks of Minerva initiates.


It sure looks like U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is exercising one of Satanist Ann Besant’s Co-Freemasonry handshakes.

In June 2014, the Guardian UK reported that the Pentagon, under the authority of Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama, had been bankrolling detailed studies from various universities to learn how the military might best respond to a civilian uprising. It’s called the “Minerva Research Initiative” and its a US Department of Defense (DoD) research program that is funding universities to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil unrest across the world, under the supervision of various  U.S. military agencies. The multi-million dollar program is designed to develop immediate and long-term “warfighter-relevant insights” for senior officials and decision makers in “the defense policy community,” and to inform policy implemented by “combatant commands.” The Guardian reported.


Loretta Lynch and U.S. Justice aren’t going into Baltimore to protect and serve any constitutional rights of the people. That’s the pretext. They’re going into Baltimore under the cloak of the “MINERVA RESEARCH INITIATIVE” for the NEW WORLD ORDER dominated by the Secret Satanic Cabals, and the Bloodlines of the CULT OF MARY MAGDALENE. She Rides the GOAT. 


Back to Baltimore Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Freddie Gray’s autopsy report still has not been released to the public or by the Gray family attorneys.  Mosby knows very well that Freddie Gray’s cause of death will not be from a so-called ILLUSIONARY “Rough Ride”, but by Asphyxia or asphyxiation from a crushed larynx from a choke hold or by a direct brutal blow to the neck. Whereby, Caesar Goodson and his Masonic brothers are bound to walk free. At this point, the Baltimore Attorney’s office haven’t mentioned anything directly about Gray’s crushed larynx or charging any of the officers with “conspiracy” in regards to the alleged “illegal arrest” or that pocket knife that was supposed to be an “illegal switch blade.”  She hasn’t said why the city’s 24-hour surveillance camera system is good enough to convict the masses for crimes, but suddenly come up short to identify the officer or officers that LYNCHED– broke Freddie Gray’s neck and crushed his voice box on the same heavily monitored city streets.


Marilyn James- Mosby, the Secret Hand/Finger Symbol of the Cult of MARY MAGDALENE. She also Rides, and Feed the GOAT!


LOOK PAST YOURSELF, Break through the Smoked Mirrors, and the Looking Glass.


“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image [ILLUSIONS] and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)




[4] Id.

[5] Id.


[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.




[13] Id.


[15] Id.


















[33] Id.





[38] http://secret–


[40] Id.























[63] Knight, Christopher, The Hiram Key Revisited, Freemasonry: A Plan for a New World Order, Watkins Publishing, London (2007) pg. 204