24 04 2018




It’s Sunday morning. I must admit that I have a beautiful little girl named Sierra in my life, my niece. In the Sierra at the heart of this matter, I saw a reflection of my very own most precious granddaughter. Since that child has been born- she has never been out of my sight or circle of protection as if she is my very own promise. I am old school. For her, I launch a thousand ships. Ever since the story broke and I have been begotten of her image, the little girl that I called Little Sierra, below, has been special to me.

Tiny Hannah

Since last night, she again weighted heavy on my heart and soul. I looked at her remarkably small body and frame. I was convinced in my own eyes that she was the youngest of the Children, 12 years old. I was wrong in judgement by calling her Sierra, her name is Hannah and I sincerely apologize.

Tiny Hannah, above, is still missing.

I have called the above child, Hannah. But, she is actually Abigail. During her short life, she and the other Children suffered from absolutely SADISTIC physical and mental abuse by the witches. Abigail’s school called child welfare authorities after she was seen eating out of the garbage and taking food. Records indicate school officials stopped telling the Hart Witches when their children took food at school so that the children would not be punished. I admit that I am partially blinded by my love for the Children. My heart cries out that she matters so much to me as if she had been my very own in my circle of Love and Protection of a Thousand Ships. 

I have called this beautiful child, Abigail. But, she was Sierra. She is also special to me, because, strikingly, I see in her a remarkable reflection of the blood of blood of my own beloved sister when she was her age. Names are important. They (Luciferians) deliberately keep the Children nameless to avoid humanizing them in the eyes of the masses. I call out her name, SIERRA.

Pharaoh Smenkhkare and Queen Meritaten

From the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Kemet,


I breathe the sweet breath that comes from thy mouth,

I contemplate thy beauty everyday,

It’s my desire to hear thy lovely voice

Like the north wind.

Love will rejuvenate my limbs.

Give me thy hands that hold thy soul,

I shall embrace and live by it.

Call me by name even unto eternity

And I shall never fail without response.

I say upon the lost and murdered Children that I also breathe thy sweet breath. I contemplate thy beauty everyday. It is my desire to hear thy lovely voices again like the North wind. LOVE for you rejuvenates my limbs. Remember and never forget your parents and ones that love you. Give them thy hands that hold thy soul. They have embraced you forever and live by it upon death,  to hear your voice again, To see thy smile, again.

Hannah & the Rainbow Bridge

Sierra (Ciera)

Recently, Sierra has been confirmed dead. She was stolen from “His Eye is the Sparrow” by Witches. She was born a special child of God. She was precious and beautiful in our eyes; and the Eyes of the Lord. That’s what we teach and practice with our children from infancy. Yet, we don’t know anything about Sierra– what books she read or what songs she sang and enjoyed, the games she played or friends she had. We don’t know if she ever enjoyed pizza or took a trip to McDonald’s. She wore bandannas because her hair was mated and uncombed. She was denied contact with her biological loved ones and all contact outside the  Hart Witches’ Coven and Dark Circle. Precious Sierra was malnourished confined to a special vegan diet or at times no FOOD and WATER at all.

Sierra  lived under the terror and conditions of a Nazi Concentration Camp inmate. At seven (7) years old, she looks 30 to 40 pounds. At 15 years old, Sierra, 4’5, weighted a chilling 60 lbs. From the nature of her existence confined behind a dark veil of secrecy, she had been beaten and abused. Her human dignity and humanity had been taken away from her. From what you are about to read, Little Sierra had also been terrified and diabolically terrorized beyond anybody’s imagination by a MK OFTEN Witches’ Coven and Black Circle Initiates. She didn’t walk over the Rainbow Bridge and disappear “Somewhere over the Rainbow“. THAT CHILD WAS ABUSED, DRUGGED AND PUSHED OVER!

The Children & the Satanic Rainbow Deception 

Rev. Jim Jones’ Rainbow Family was predominately black– full of ChildrenWitches and Wizards- A Secret Satanic Cult of Death for Innocent Black Children.

The Rainbow with its seven colors has long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, which exposes the New Age Occult Movement, says that the Rainbow also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge is used as a hypnotic device. The Supreme Council of the 33rd° of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism as in Illuminati Druidism, the 21 Lessons of Merlyn– the Rainbow is described as “A true sign of Magic…it exists in both worlds at once!

Jennifer Hart, Children & Fantuzzi

There is no doubt that Jennifer and Sarah Hart forced the Children to follow the “Rainbow Gathering” and the “Rainbow People“. Fantuzzi has performed a major role in the Rainbow Family since the original Woodstock Festival in 1969.  Fantuzzi occupy a space in the RAINBOW with LUCIFER.

The other day, Minnesota officials finally announced after nearly a two year so-called criminal investigation that charges will not be filed in relation to Prince’s April 20, 2016 death. Prince died from a fentanyl overdose that he didn’t know was fentanyl in that Vicodin. The bottom line is that fentanyl has a unique chemical signature and blueprint that can be traced. Minnesota don’t do any tracing in the case of Hart Witches or Prince.  I really don’t believe very many people really expected any investigation in Minnesota to result in any criminal charges in the first place. The Hart Witches were raised and initiated by secret backwoods and forest Satanic covens of Minnesota that they don’t know anything about either.

Prince & The Rainbow Deception

Prince knew what he was doing when he sold his soul to the DEVIL. It’s hard to say anything when they come to collect. In 2001, Prince produced the album, “The Rainbow Children“, to familiarize the general public with the nature and mysteries of the Luciferic New Age. In the album, he said that the Rainbow Children with the accurate understanding of God and His law went about the work of building a New Nation flying upon the wings of the New Translation of the Covenant. Yes, this Rainbow stuff is the very thing with Rev. Jim Jones, Fantuzzi, Prince, and the Hart WitchesCIA Satanic MK (Occult Bureau) OFTEN. After all the trials and tribulations they had gone thru, Sierra and not one of the children sold their souls to the DEVIL.

By absolutely no fault of her own, precious Sierra was subjected to something (Thing) like out of Jonestown, Guyana that Rev. Jim Jones and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH called the “Rainbow Family“. The bottom line is Our Little Precious Sierra that no rational and reasonable person could deny- ended up like something out of Jonestown- DRUGGED AND SLAIN thrown like a rag doll over the Rainbow Bridge into the mix of the eternal sea.  To add insult to injury to our broken hearts and misery of Sierras loved ones in Texas, they have no rights to claim her body. The HUMAN rights of her beloved and broken heart biological family- the State of Texas TERMINATED in adoption. All of the children’ bodies belong to the Coven of WITCHES! 

Sierra’s soul is free, now. Free for the swift wings of the sparrow to carry to heaven. But, we still want and demand JUSTICE for the crimes committed against Hannah and the Children, and our HUMANITY!



In other words, America’s Foster Care and Adoption System will pay ALL SCANDINAVIAN WITCHES, DEMONS, GOBLINS & WIZARDS to abuse, torture, drink the blood and kill Black Children!

Dehumanized Black Children- THINGS 1-6.

For years, investigators believe, the Turpin kids lived in filth and isolation — with little access to food or hygiene — until their rescue from their family’s home in Perris, California, earlier this year. Allegedly held captive in an intensifying cycle of abuse, most of David and Louise Turpin’s children were severely malnourished when police discovered them in squalid conditions on Jan. 14, according to prosecutors. Some of them were even chained to their beds. Only the youngest, a toddler, seemed somewhat spared and had not been underfed.

Many believe that the THING t-shirts mean little if anything because the shirts are sold on the internet and families customarily wear the shirts to Disneyland. The THING concept is harmless. It comes from Dr. Seuss and “The Cat with the Hat“. Well, they’re full of S.H.I.T!

The Cat in the Hat, Race, Mind Control & Dumbing Down the Masses

U.S. Army Captain Dr. Seuss

During WWII, Son of German Immigrants, Theodor (DrSeuss) Geisel (1904-1991) was a “GOAT” man, a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon. Geisel’s master was the Horned God- PAN.

His philosophy was the OCCULT. The man thought like and acted on behalf of the GOAT GOD! Everything he touched should be suspected to Satanic Masonic mass population trickery and deception.

Fraternity- Freemasonry & the GOAT- Order of Their Establishment 

Dr. Seuss & Sig Ep

There is a direct link between Sig Ep and Freemasonry. It was founded by four (4) Freemasons. William Hugh Carter, was the High Priest of Royal Arch Masons, and a Knight Templar, Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia.  Thomas Temple Wright, member of the Warsaw-Bauman Masonic Lodge #332 in Warsaw, VA. William Lazell Phillips, Freemason, member of the Royal Arch Chapter, Knights Templar and Shrine. Thomas Vaden McCaul, Master Mason, Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar.

Captain Dr. Seuss had been a U.S. Military Intelligence Propaganda Specialist. He was U.S. Army captain and commander of The First Motion Picture Unit (FMPU), later 18th Army Air Forces Base Unit. The Unit was the primary film production unit of the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) during WWII. It was the first military unit made up entirely of professionals from the film industry. It produced propaganda films.

Geisel worked directly under  General Henry Harley “Hap” Arnold. General Arnold was initiated, passed, and raised in Union Lodge #7 in 1927 in Junction City, KS. He joined the Scottish Rite on April 11, 1929, in Leavenworth, KS, and received the 33° on October 19, 1945. He was an American general officer holding the grades of General of the Army and General of the Air Force. Arnold founded the military handmaiden think tank Rand CorporationRobert A. Lovett, as well as General Arnold,  General Carl Andrew “Tooey” Spaatz, and others, such as Curtis E. LeMay set the groundwork for Operation PAPERCLIP– the ultra secret smuggling of the Nazis and Himmler’s SS into the U.S.

“… About the “Cat in the Hat” which incorporates symbolic content of the mind control programs. See Cat in the Hat movie book showing symbolism, such as the RED and WHITE Lighthouse Signal Stovepipe Hat with the GRAMOPHONE HORN inside aka Victor Listening to his MASTERS Voice, FEEline Basement, and holding a “HOE”. Dr. Seuss worked for Army Propaganda and had ties to Standard Oil.

Geisel was a vicious institutional RACIST!


In 1981, Geisel revealed the true genesis of The Cat in the Hat,

“I did it for a textbook house and they sent me a word list. That was due to the [John] Dewey revolt in the twenties, in which they threw out phonics reading and went to a word recognition as if you’re reading a Chinese pictograph instead of blending sounds or different letters. I think killing phonics was one of the greatest causes of illiteracy in the country.” 

John Dewey

“Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”- John Dewey

(See Enter the Dragon: The Secret Order, First Lady, the Cat in the Hat, South Africa & War of Aggression Against the People of Libya) The hidden “mystic puzzle” of  The Cat in the Hat represents symbolically the number “THREE.” He has three rings around his hat, three fingers, three loops to his tie, and three candles on his cake. In Proto-Norse, the THREE brothers’ names were alliterating, *Wódin, Wili, Wé (Proto-Germanic *Wōdinaz, Wiljon, Wǣhaz), so that they can be taken as forming a triad of *wódz, wiljon, wǣhaz, approximately “inspiration (transcendent, manic or prophetic knowledge), cognition (will, desire, internal thought that leads to action) and numen (spiritual power residing in the external world, in sacred objects)”.] Keyser interprets the triad as “Spirit, Will and Holiness”, postulating a kind of Germanic Trinity in Vili and Vé to be “blended together again in the all-embracing World-spirit – in Odin. […] he alone is Al-father, from whom all the other superior, world-directing beings, the Æsir, are descended.

In the opening scenes of Geisel’s animated film version of Cat in the Hat, he suggests quite candidly that there is in fact a “mystic puzzle” layered and hidden in the story.  Later in the film, the Cat actually tells us and do in fact search for something THREE-HEADED, the Wotan triad-“Spirit, Will and Holiness”, in the story which is unseen.

Confronted and challenged by morals of the fish (Christianity), the Pagan Cat wreaks havoc and absolute chaos in the cosmic domain after performing tricks and unleashing Two (2) THINGS of CHAOS into the cosmos. The fish and the public finally agree and demand that the Cat leave their space. The Cat packs up the things (agents of chaos) and leaves the cosmos in absolute CHAOS. In the Crisis of the Absolute CHAOS, the fish confined to a small glass bowl and the American public is unable to restore order.

“That is good,” said the fish.
“He ahs gone away. Yes.
But your mother will come.
she will find this big mess!
And this mess is so big
And so deep and so tall,
We can not pick it up.
There is no way all!”

At the point of the absolute flashpoint of the Crisis, the Cat with his mysteries returns to the cosmic domain of the story, he says, “Have no fear of this mess…”[36]

The Cat restores order to the mess of CHAOS with Magkic and a Luciferian illusion. Finally, Freya Rides and Wotan Reigns again.

The cosmos is restored to its natural order and beauty (archaic paganism), and the fish is left with the dilemma of the Cat People’s ILLUMINATED mysticism, magic; and the mysterious SECRET ORDER over CHAOS; and Christianity. The Cat in the Hat represents the unseen SECRET ORDER (Imperium) that they know nothing about but knows what is best for the masses. The SECRET ORDER have the infinite Pagan wisdom and mysticism unhindered and blinded by the restrains and weakness of Christianity to control the affairs of the world for the good and best interest and order of the Cosmos. According to Dr. Seuss, THINGS are the mind controlled social and religious agents of Secret Order (White Brotherhood) and Masonic CHAOS.



It’s important to say this. Growing up in the Black Community, we were aware of issues of Voodoo, but my mother and elders were afraid to death of it. They would have absolutely nothing to do with it. So, I had absolutely nothing to do with it. We were taught to run from it all. We normally know absolutely nothing AT ALL about Satanic EVILS such as secret Satanism, Wicca, Groves, Covens and SCANDINAVIAN Witchcraft until it bite us in the ASS! That has to change.

Hart meaning a “STAG” was found as heorot in Old English, as well as in German and with variants in Dutch and Swedish. The name Hart has been documented associated with Witches in SE Essex – old witch Hart of Rochford swimming in the Crouch river in the 1740’s and Harriet Hart of Latchingdon, the last in a line of Hart Witches a century later. Furthermore the Harts of South Dakota appear to be related to John Hart (1651- 1714) of Pennsylvania, a wealthy high member of the Friends of Society, of Witney, Oxfordshire, England. In the 17th century, he accompanied William Penn to America to settle Pennsylvania.

The Witch of Ridley Creek

The last time someone was put on trial for witchcraft in Pennsylvania, William Penn was governor and the year was 1684. The trial of two Delaware County women named Margaret Matson and a Mrs. Gethro Hendrickson happened 8 years before the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. The Salem trials resulted in the execution of 20 people and the arrests of over 100. In Pennsylvania, the outcome was much different.

Margaret Matson and her husband, Neels, were Swedish-Finnish settlers who spoke very little English and lived on a farm near Ridley Creek in Eddystone, Pennsylvania. The land they settled, called “New Sweden,” eventually came to be occupied by British settlers.Some of the new settlers claimed that Margaret, a traditional Finnish healer, bewitched their cattle and other animals. They also alleged that livestock gave little milk and that some died because of witchcraft. William Penn oversaw the trial himself in Philadelphia. An infamous Witch of Salem was Elizabeth Hutchinson Hart (1622- 1700).

Harriet Hart was notorious for having committed the commonplace crimes of witchcraft, causing storms, blighting crops in the field and bewitching pigs.  Unlike others of her kind, however, she seemed to have been blessed with a sense of humor.”  Harriet ended up in the Maldon union workhouse in Essex where she died in 1897.

The New Age Hart Witches (Jennifer & Sarah) death body count of innocent black children is now 4 (four); Markis, Abigail, Jeremiah, Sierra with 2 (two) children still missing; Devonte, 16 years, and Hannah, 15 of 16 years old. Four (4) black innocent children have be confirmed slaughtered at the direct evil of Jenn and Sarah Hart, and everybody in the world still dance around the issue including black folk that the bottom line is that Jennifer and Sarah Hart were/are New Age Witches.

They will talk about the Harts belonging to a group of New Age conscious movement initiates that they followed New Age Conscious/Pagan movement musicians from remote forest to forest (Greek Goat God Pan), but they won’t call it a “Grove” or “Covens”. They won’t mention the Hart WitchesShranga- La or Shambala connections to White Supremacy/Secret Doctrine ideology of Vril, Madame Blavatsky, Maria Orsic, Thule, Himmler and the SS occult pseudo-scientific research bureau, Ahnenerbe.



Oprah- Wicked Witch of the West

It should be no surprise at all to anyone that the New Age Witches like Oprah Winfrey and Wizards over the Rainbow would rally to control Satanic narratives to deceive the masses with illusions and trickery in order to take the high moral ground in the case of the Hart Witches and the Black Children.

On the national stage on the idiot box, the Wizard of OZ spoke on the case with all his tricks, smoked mirrors, and the looking glass.

Oprah’s new age pseudoscience doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice chair of the Department of Surgery at Columbia University and medical director of the Integrative Medicine Program (i.e., Columbia’s “quackademic” medicine) program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital to control narratives and explain away the Washington’s Child Protective Services (CPS), Hart Witches and the Children.

His role as a daytime pseudoscience television medical show host is called appropriately, The Dr. Oz Show.

The OZ is merely an ILLUMINATI snake oil salesmen hiding behind a curtain bought and paid for by the New Age Wicked Witch of the West, Oprah Winfrey.

The Children, DeKalbs and the Looking Glass

On April 17, 2018, The Hart Witches’ next door neighbors, Dana and Bruce DeKalb, appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, True Crime Investigations. Dr. Oz described them as the people that tried to help the Childrenthe Witch and Wizard that tried to save the Children from Witches. That Dog won’t Hunt. They were on The OZ Show to control and manufacture the narratives of the Children.

All of a sudden, Dana became the public relations (PR) spokesperson for the Clark County Child Protective Services (CPS) in Washington. She was the CPS expert qualified to explain away to the masses what CPS in Washington should, could and couldn’t do to investigate child abuse cases. Oh, in Washington, she said that they just can’t interview kids without the parents’ permission. The OZ said that CPS can’t do anything about a parent whipping a child. Well, he was lying, too.

On March 15, 2018, the DeKalbs told police that they saw vehicles coming and going at the Hart House just before the Witches made their escape with the Children, but The OZ nor the Dekalbs went there. It certainly suggests that more people, in fact, were involved in the abduction and murders of the Children.

Police said the family of eight were driving a “five- seater 2003 GMC Sierra truck” at the time (file photo). It certainly suggests that the kids may have taken away from Woodland in different vehicles like the reported “2003 GMC Sierra Truck” …

Jennifer Hart on Top Her Brown or Tan SUV

that is substantially different from Jennifer Hart’s brown or tan GMC 9 (nine) seat Yukon SUV with dark tinted windows and black wheels. 

Bruce DeKalb talked about that “little black girl” as if she was only a nameless DEHUMANIZED THING that suddenly appeared banging on his door in the middle of the night crying for help in August in one conversation then November 2017 in another conversation on-air with The OZ.

Tiny Hannah, 16 years old & 19 year old Markis

My so dear little sister, your life matter so much if only you weren’t stolen from the bosom of your family, elders and the community that truly loved you. The bottom line is that to the DeKalbs– Hannah’s cry for help didn’t amount to a cry from a wounded cat, dog or horse, or the DeKalbs are part of the web of the witches’ coven in Woodland, WA. I believe the latter. They turned over wounded Tiny Hannah, a beautiful precious child of God, back over to the Hart Witches then kept their mouths shut until it was time for the witches to escape Witch Mountain with the Children.

Then the Race with the HORNED GOD began – you better be fast as hell to save the children. Not much is said about the background of the Race with the Devil.  The movie script was co-written by Wes Bishop aka Charles William Pelletieri of Nashville, TN. Pelletieri was an intelligence officer of the U.S. Army 82nd Air Borne Division at Fort Bragg, NC. The elite group, the 82nd Airborne Division, trains for extraordinary highly ultra top secret and classified special missions for the Pentagon and Shadow Government. The CIA recruits highly from the 82nd Airborne’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate trained and programmed killers and assassins.

Just before and after a special operation, social histories and public records of the people directly involved simply disappear from the internet just like Jenn and Sarah Hart. Bruce and Dana DeKalb are no exceptions. However, Bruce DeKalb has a footprint linked directly to Vacaville, CA, home of the CIA’s Little California Prison of Horrors, Vacaville Men’s Medical Health facility, and Lawrence F. Dekalb. Lawrence has a footprint and background linked to wealthy Kansas railroad employees and the town of La Grange on the infamous Oregon Trail. Lawrence and Bruce are linked to a shadowy Dexanna, LTD connected to special transportation and courier services. Dana D. Ashley- DeKalb is linked with La Center, Oregon, and Elk Grove, CA- Sacramento area. We have absolutely no idea what these SCANDINAVIANS do.


Woodland is a visible gateway and pathway to both native American sacred mountains Mount St. Helens and Fort Hood (Bridges to the Gods) for WITCHES, too.[1] The most sad and disturbing part about The Oz Show featuring the DeKalbs is that we didn’t hear a word from Hannah, Devonte, Markis, Jeremiah, Abigail, and Sierra before they were taken across state lines where most of them are now confirmed to have been silenced forever- murdered. If the DeKalbs are lying about when the “little black girl” banged on their door in the middle of the night in August 2017 then November 2017, then they’re lying about other things that they knew, witnessed and heard from the Children. And, Dana’s father, Steve Frkovich, 80, did in fact, expose them as deliberately LYING and concealing information about the Witches and the Children.

Dana’s father told police on a 911 call that it was Bruce that deliberately kept the pair quiet about the Children. Now, Frkovich also won’t talk about the DeKalbs or the Children.

Absolutely WICKED!

At the end of The Oz Show, Dana DeKalb said that she wants everyone listening and watching her to “LOOK INTO THE LOOKING GLASS and SMOKED MIRROR“-if you see something, say something! It made me want to SCREAM! Dana also said that she asked Devonte if he went to school in West Linn, Oregon. For somebody that claimed not to know very much about the Children, from the beginning what did she know about them and West Linn, Oregon?  



In West Linn, Oregon, the Harts raised chickens and “GOATS” and grew vegetables, said neighbor Bill Groener. Sidney Gottlieb in charge of CIA MK OFTEN (Occult Bureau) enjoyed his final days on land he bought with an old log cabin outside a small Virginia town, Boston, where he practiced two of his lifelong hobbies “HERDING GOATS”.[2] Groener isn’t necessarily truthful. The Hart Witches rented a residential house in the city just blocks from the Willamette River. West Linn is another native American sacred place.

It was home to the Willamette Meteorite, officially named Willamette. It is an iron-nickel meteorite found in the U.S. state of Oregon. It is the largest meteorite found in North America and the sixth largest in the world. There was no impact crater at the discovery site; researchers believe the meteorite landed in what is now Canada or Montana, and was transported as a glacial erratic to the Willamette Valley during the Missoula Floods at the end of the last Ice Age (~13,000 years ago). It was long held sacred by indigenous peoples of the Willamette Valley. The indigenous peoples referred to this stone with the name Tomonowos (the visitor from the sky).[3] The meteorite is on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, which acquired it in 1906. I said that to say this. Everywhere the Hart Witches perched and anchored themselves and the children, it was directly connected to the spiritualoccult centers of Wiccamasonic, metaphysical and pseudo-scientific beliefs.

The Witches’ Ride in West Linn

Plus, West Linn has an active Witch Coven. There was a school near their rented house, but the witches deliberately kept the children isolated and confined away from school, neighbors and other children. They didn’t have a television, phones or computers. But, the real the story behind the Children and the Witches in West Linn is the Heart 2 Heart Farms.



The Children and Hart Witches were regulars at a food pantry and farm about 40 minutes south of Portland in Sherwood, Oregon, where they could pick up organic produce. Sherwood lies a more than 16 miles (25 minutes) outside of West Linn.

They were taken regularly to Heart 2 Heart Farms (Good Neighbor Family Pantry) operated by Tyler and Elizabeth Boggs.  Most believe that the surname name, Boggs, actually came from the area called Boak in the parish of Kirkholm. Kirkholm is now Salaspils in Latvia. The Republic of Latvia is an independent republic in the Baltic region of Northern Europe (SCANDINAVIA).

The pantry provides imperfect fruits and vegetables from supermarkets at no cost. Soon, the Harts began to volunteer at the farm, said Boggs’ wife, Elizabeth Boggs. The farm looks like something out of the Jonestown, Guyana Agricultural Compound. The kids would help for a while, then play with the Boggses’ animals or read in the sun.

Devonte was probably the most outspoken and social. Sierra and Hannah and Abigail were quiet. They would read a lot when they were here. They all loved the animals,” Tyler said. The children talked with passion about social justice and the outdoors. “They were focused on the world being a better place, and I think that comes from being raised by people where the emphasis is love and treating the planet carefully,” he said. “They certainly were not stereotypical teenagers.”

Tyler Boggs spent time with the children at the farm — away from their parents — feeding “GOATS” or cows. He said he never saw indications that the children were being abused or deprived of food. If they were, they “had opportunities in abundance to reach out,” Tyler said.[4]

Heart 2 Heart Farms may not intimidate grown people. However, the slaughter and screaming of lambs bother and harm children.

Screaming of the Lambs!

Well, there is quite of bit of Luciferian controversy surrounding Heart 2 Heart Farms, both Elizabeth and Tyler Boggs.

Tyler Boggs– “ …  his guy is the scum of the earth! He pretends he’s a nice farmer that cares about people, animals and the environment but it’s all a scam to take people’s money. He shoots and kills old horses and chops them up for dog meat. He has dead animals rotting all over his “organic” farm. He also thinks he is a smart guy, but really is the dumbest fckwad I’ve ever met. He thinks he is better than everyone else and that he will never be caught for all his illegal bullshit he does. He’s such a creepier, being around him for just a few seconds is all it takes to realized this guy is a sleazeball.”[5] 

The Children were justified to be very much afraid of crazy Elizabeth.

She is accused of being a witch that often cast spells. And, they had to have been extremely afraid of Butcher Tyler Boggs. 

Ritual Slaughter of Animals, Tyler Boggs and Maria Abramovic

Some people say that the Boggs are completely insane.

They are also suspected of practicing witchcraft, and “lots of weird shit!

This piece of artwork is an image of a child and a young teenager who is disassociating during their sexual abuse and torture. This is normal for people and children who live through horrors. Frequently, there is no memory of the abuse and this actually needs to be dredged up from the memory.

They are suspected of being involved in satanic ritual animal sacrificeThe Boggs sacrifice their own farm animals and “drink their blood.”[6]

Tyler Boggs & Miron- Aku

The Children were too afraid to run away from the farm. The Boggs’ magkic was Old Religion and powerful. Miron- Aku watched over the farm. Walpurgishall:Miron-Aku was one of the last infamous SCANDINAVIAN Finnish witches, the keeper of the ancient knowledge. Her rituals were recorded for studies during the Maria Orsic Ahnenerbe expedition, which was led by Yrjö von Grönhagen by the personal appointment from SS-1 Henrich Himmler.

Ancient tree and forest spirits also blocked their escape from the farm. Imprisoned in totally alien demonic Satanic world, the Children were kept strictly isolated and scared out of their minds.

In fact, Jennifer Hart admitted, particularly Devonte and Tiny Hannah, had been severely traumatized by the ritualistic DEATHS OF CATS & ANIMALS!

In Jordan, MN, 2 and ½ hours outside of Alexandria, MN where the Children were raised, 37 children made allegations of the manufacture of child pornography, ritualistic animal sacrifice, coprophagia (consumption of faeces), urophagia (consumption of urine) and infanticide. In the 1980s, twenty-four adults were arrested and charged with acts of sexual abuse, child pornography and other crimes claimed to be related to Satanic Ritual Abuse; three went to trial, two were acquitted and one convicted.[7] Former Jordan trash collector, James Rud, was convicted of 10 (ten) counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct for 10 (ten) different boys and girls, according to civil commitment papers filed by Scott County, MN.Two defendants were tried and acquitted when one child witness recanted his accusation of abuse. (Chicago Tribune, 1984). The prosecutor dropped the charges against all other defendants to avoid releasing 126 pages of police notes containing allegations that implicated some of the former defendants in ritualistic child murders. (Ogintz, 1984). [9]

SCANDINAVIAN Boggs and Their Bones

Bones by themselves are not necessarily necromantic – they are just used as means of communicating with the spirits.



Dangerous Iranian ILLUMINATI DOPE HEAD- Ava Nusheen Bakhtiar 

Recently, family friend Persian (pan-sexual?)  Nusheen Bakhtiar has come forward to tell the world that Jennifer Hart was a loving mother. “We weren’t duped, that love wasn’t fake,” Bakhtair said. “They loved their children, they weren’t WHITE SUPREMACISTS. They just were isolated, they were in pain. She was in constant anxiety.”

Happy- Bakhtiar and her Female Little Bear

Still, Bakhtiar has a hard time believing the crash was intentional. “We loved them, they loved their children, they were spiritual, they were about nature they loved animals, they were rescuers. I don’t feel like I didn’t know them,” Bakhtiar added. RESCUERS? She is a former office manager of DOPE Magazine.

Bakhtiar boyfriend is Samuel Watson, above. He ran a marijuana dispensary called GreenSky Collective with his wife, Erika Yoshida Watson.  Erika is the daughter of sauce tycoon Junki Yoshida, and although her father doesn’t invest directly in cannabis, her real-estate company, Expanse, is backed by the Yoshida Group.

Sensei Junki Yoshida is a 7th Degree Black Belt of Japan Karate Federation Ryobukai. He runs a martial arts dojo in Portland. Yoshida’s parent dojo is in Tokyo, Japan, led by Grand Master Yasuhiro (Takehiro) Konishi upon which Ryobukai was founded. He would very well be Oregon and Washington’s Ninja.

Junki is the CEO and Chairman of the Yoshida Group, a Portland-based conglomerate of 20 diverse companies. Is there a Japanese ILLUMINATI? Yes. The Queen’ of England’s [Coven of the Red Dragon] representative in her Japanese reign is the Emperor of Japan.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and  Masonic Grand Master of England greet Emperor Akihito of Japan and Empress Michiko as they arrive at a lunch for Sovereign Monarch’s held in honor of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, at Windsor Castle, on May 18, 2012 in Windsor, England. In a generational change in the Western secret government, David Rockefeller has ceded power to his nephew Senator Jay Rockefeller. He is the thirteen (13) most powerful person in the ILLUMINATI.

Former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator, Jay Rockefeller 

Baron David Rothschild

Evylin Rothschild, for his part, has ceded power to Baron David Rothschild. According to Ninja  Shiramine, American Ninjas now report to Jay Rockefeller.

Wealthy International Ring- Junki and Erika Yoshida

It’s the first real-estate company in Oregon to specialize in WEED properties. In 2015, state officials closed the Watsons’ GreenSky marijuana dispensary and their Step by Step Child Care Center. n 2015, state regulators forced licensed childcare providers to make a choice: profit from pot or kids, not both. New rules prohibited anyone who applies for a childcare license from growing or distributing marijuana, either at the day care or elsewhere. Watson’s girlfriend, Bakhtiar, is the front trying to reopen the Concordia (Step by Step/GreenSky) day care, in the same location. In January 2017, she re-opened the GreenSky marijuana dispensary as a co-owner under a new name- Jefferies. And Watson is trying to open a new state-licensed marijuana shop in the North Portland storefront he previously used for medical marijuana.

The International Yoshida Group Control the Narrative about Jennifer Hart

Bakhtiar, Yoshida, Watson & the Hart Tribe

Bakhtiar and the international ring, Yoshida Group, certainly adds a mysterious dark circle spin to the Satanic Ritual Abuse and Programming of the Children. In fact, Bakhtiar bankrolled by the Yoshida Group are officially in charge of public relations– fostering the national/international false image of Jennifer Hart after the racial mass murders of the Children. In fact,  Bakhtiar is the official public relations (PR) spokesperson for the Lutheran Hart Family in South Dakota that have all agreed not to talk to the press about Jennifer Hart.

From the day that Jennifer Hart’s SUV went off the cliff, California State Highway Patrol, Mendocino County, and the FBI have been working closely with law enforcement officials in South Dakota to control the narratives about the Hart Witches.  Bakhtiar works hand and hand with Jennifer’s aunt, Georgene Wilson-Becker of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to spin the story and control the narrative about Jennifer Hart. Their racialist based narrative is that it was the hopeless social deviant and misfit drug addicted black Children that drove an idealistic social conscious activist and optimist Jennifer Hart off the deep end.  According to the Hart Family PR spokesperson, Bakhtiar, the bodies of Jenn and the Children have been cremated. Their ashes will be sent to Georgene in South Dakota. Bakhtiar will then take the ashes back to Oregon. She was asked about the Children’s black biological parents and loved ones in Texas- whether or not they had been contacted. Bakhtiar dismissed them entirely as a bunch of drug addicts that abused and malnourished the Children. F-K YOU, END OF STORY!

The woman is not only a vicious sick elitist Racist- she’s absolutely CRAZY!  Bakhtiar said Hart may have been both a great mother and someone capable of killing her family in a “MOMENT OF DARKNESS“. Darkness! She should know better about international dark circles.



Elizabeth Boggs with Parrot/Macaw perched on her shoulder, and the Viscount Tredegar circa 1935, with Blue Boy the macaw perched on his shoulder.

Old Religion Witch of the New Forest- Sybil Leek & her Bird

During the 1930s in Britain, Aleister Crowley and Aldous Huxley were linked to the Satanic Coven of British bi-sexual/homosexual Devil Worshiper, Lord Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar that the Great BEAST hailed as the Adept of Adepts.

Crowley said that his family was descended from King Arthur. The legendary city of Camelot was supposed to have been at the nearby Roman site of Caerleon. Crowley even described his lordship as “The Rightful Heir to Excalibur”.

Queen Mary, Old Religion- Coven of the Red Dragon

Lord Morgan & Cherub X Sign in Sacred Reverend to Him

The image of chubby-cheeked babies with wings cherub actually wasn’t around until the Renaissance, when artists depicted the lower-order angels as children. Queen Mary of England (Coven of the Red Dragon), the present queen’s grandmother, called Lord Tredegar “My favourite bohemian”.

The Black Panther, T’Challa,  Sacred X Sign in Reverend to Lucifer

Lord Tredegar was known as the Grand Master of the Black Mass.[10] 


Old Religion Satanic Black Mass

Knight of Malta Lord Tredegar elite British underground homosexual Satanic coven and cult was called, “THE BLACK CIRCLE.” John, Duke of Bedford, in his autobiography “A Silver Spoon” recounts the occasion when Evan conducted a divination in the Kings Room of Tredegar (Evan’s bedroom). He describes how Evan entered wearing the robes of a “dead, Egyptian witch”, and brandishing this witch’s mummified hand, proceeded to cast a fortune as “the fire light danced across the four poster bed, an overheated room became icy cold, and owls flew ever around the cornice!”[11]

Secret Black Circle Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess

The BLACK CIRCLE included Nazi Germany’s Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess of the Thule–Gesellschaft (Thule Society), one of Hitler’s closest confidants. Lord Tredegar had also visited the German home of Ernst Rohm (Thule Society), the head of the SA, and they shared a male lover.

Secret Black Circle Vicious Homicidal Homosexual Ernst Julius Günther Röhm

Ernst Julius Günther Röhm was a German military officer and an early member of the Nazi Party. As one of the members of its predecessor, the German Workers’ Party,  he was a close friend and early ally of Adolf Hitler and a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung (SA, “Storm Battalion“), the Nazi Party’s militia, and later was its commander.

Based on  accounts by the  contemporaries of Evan Frederic Morgan ( 1893-1949 ),  the last  Viscount Tredegar,  author  William Cross  reveals a  shocking   story of  a  dangerous, predatory  homosexual  with a  taste  for seducing  the native boys of  Bali and  North Africa.  An  early  example  of  sex  tourist,   Evan  twisted,  charmed  and  lied  his way around  the world  in  pursuit  of   avarice,   high- jinx,   self-gratification and  adventure .  Morgan   was  openly   degenerate,  his  wealth, position  and  arrogance   combined  to  make   it  easy  for him  to  pick  up   ‘rough trade’  on  streets and  in  cafes  and  lure   his  young, often innocent  victims  into drugs, sexual shenanigans, black mass rituals and flagellation.  Even under Vatican control and surveillance  by  MI5,  Evan Morgan escaped  any  scrutiny or restraint and carried on  regardless.

In the case of the Hart Witches and the  mass racial murders of six (6) black children, the dark satanic circles, witches’ covens, groves and their crimes against humanity have also escaped scrutiny and restraint in this country. It also continues and carry on regardless.



California Highway Patrol Lt. Commander Bruce Carpenter said that the Hart Witches drove about 77 miles upstate Washington to the small town of Naselle, Washington before their alleged drive to the California.

Naselle in Pacific County, Washington is an extremely isolated, secluded and rugged area of the state. It is a Scandinavian town surrounded by lakes.  It is very near the Columbia River estuary, the valley’s Naselle River flows west into nearby Willapa Bay and then into the Pacific Ocean. Close about the town lie the evergreen-covered Willapa Hills. The Willapa Hills receive abundant rainfall and a number of rivers originate in the region, including the Chehalis River, Willapa River, North River, Bone River, Niawiakum River, Palix River, Bear River, Naselle River, Grays River, and Elochoman River, among others.

You have to wonder why an Amber Alert wasn’t issued on the Hart SUV and why Lt. Shannon Barney of Mendocino County Sheriff’s department never did alert the public of the license plate number or the color of Jennifer Hart’s SUV that it was racing with. There are no surveillance videos of Jenn’s brown SUV in the Safeway store parking lot or around Ft. Bragg, CA? Maybe, it shows that Jennifer, Sarah, Devonte and Little Hannah were never in California at the time the SUV went off the cliff.

Lt. Commander Carpenter said that investigators were trying to determine why they stopped in Naselle and whether they contacted anyone. Well, there has not been an update on the Hart Naselle connection and contact even though there may be no more than 500 people in the entire town . And, I don’t expect any further law enforcement updates on Jennifer, Sarah, Children and Naselle. It could very well be a fact that Jennifer and Sarah never even drove to California with the Children.

Even Hitler must be rolling over in his grave laughing about chasing Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby-  looking like Jenn Hart. That certainly wasn’t Jennifer Hart in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. That woman looks nothing at all like Jennifer Hart.

Naselle and the Finnish-American Folk Festival

Jennifer Hart was baptized a LutheranScandinavian Finnish roots also run deep in Lutheranism. The Lutheran Church is the national church of Finland. The secret old religion GOAT (Horned Godis also at the roots of Naselle, Washington.  At the beginning of the early modern period (1500-1800), Finland was famous for her witches, and especially the great shamans in Lapland.

New witchcraft theories (i.e. the theory of flying witches who traveled to the Devil’s Sabbath) arrived in Finland in the 1660s. The colorful stories regarding Finnish witches were well based: The amount of people accused of witchcraft and magic was quite large.

They Offer Their Children to the Horned Goat God

St. Nick & The Horned Devil God

Finnish Lapland is the only authentic home of Krampus. According to legend, Krampus is a demon who punishes misbehaving children around the holidays, while St. Nicholas (AKA Santa Claus), rewards good children. In 2010, the population of Naselle was 419. The community first flourished as a logging town, and logging remains the dominant private industry. Settled primarily by Finnish and Scandinavian immigrants. The history of Scandinavia is the history of the region of northern Europe comprising Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland are at times considered part of Scandinavia. The Nesalle community has maintained its cultural heritage. Since 1982, Naselle has hosted a “Finnish-American Folk Festival” every other year, and in 2006 co-hosted, with the nearby city of Astoria, OR, the national festival FinnFest USA.

Astoria, Oregon-  the Goonie Cult and Coven lies directly across the Columbia River from Naselle. The Goonie House fly the Israeli Zionist flag of the Star and Shield of David. Even the Hart Witches’ home in Alexandria, Minnesota was a SCANDINAVIAN town surrounded by lakes.

If Devonte and Tiny Hannah were Black Mass blood sacrificed in and around the rivers and forests around Naselle,Washington, their bodies may never be found. I have said enough!



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Hood

[2] https://www.nytimes.com/1999/03/10/us/sidney-gottlieb-80-dies-took-lsd-to-cia.html

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willamette_Meteorite

[4] http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article208294694.html

[5] https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/portland/douche-bag-farmer-tyler-boggs/#post-1423507

[6] https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/portland/douche-bag-farmer-tyler-boggs/#post-1423507

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism

[8] http://gentlemanspy.blogspot.com/2013/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html

[9] https://www.sfwar.org/pdf/Ritual_Abuse/RA_RA-Info_1997.pdf

[10] http://gentlemanspy.blogspot.com/2013/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html


[11] Id.


17 07 2017



For a cable news station that touts itself as “Fair and Balanced“, Fox News has reached a new low in professional journalism. Just out of curiosity, I stopped only for a moment to watch Judge Jeanine (Pirro). Normally, I immediately turn away from her as soon as I hear her irritating loud raving rants that Fox News apparently calls journalism. Nevertheless, I wanted to hear her spin on Donald Trump, Jr., and his meeting with Russians that allegedly had government dirt” on Hillary Clinton that could have a negative impact on her upcoming presidential election contest. I was really startled and surprised by what came out of her mouth on national television about Satan, Set, Lucifer, Apophis, the DEVIL.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Revelation 12:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

I was disturbed by what she said about the Donald Trump, Jr. situation. She said that she had no bounds to the Constitution, laws of the land, truth or justice if the DEVIL called her.


Judge Jeanine Pirro & the DEVIL- Her Trolley to HELL

If the DEVIL called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent I’d be on the first trolley to hell to get it

The above didn’t come from me or my wild imagination. It came out of the mouth of the host of Fox News Channel’s Justice with Judge Jeanine , and I take what she says, very seriously. That pretty much means that if she, personally, doesn’t like the opposing viewpoint, opinion, position or even the looks of anyone, she would resort to fake news, lies, deception, EVIL- even make up something to destroy them.

Jeanine Pirro was a public officer- Assistant District Attorney in New York’s Westchester County. In November 1990, she was elected to public office- Westchester County Court Judge. Her stated Aleister Crowley like Satanic philosophy,  prejudice and latent psychological disabling raving hatred, and “absolutely EVIL designs and invidiousness” toward people that she don’t like may be serious enough grounds to review, and if necessary reopen some if not all of the witch’s cases that she touched in the public domain.




Fran Becque & Pi Beta Phi

Thanks to Fran Becque, PhD, a Pi Beta Phi Historian, she provided a rundown of the members of secret orders of fraternal “Brotherhood” that that were on the baseball field when U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (Rep- LA) was shot down June 14, 2017. And that seems to be the primary “Trolley to HELL” that prevents the people from getting to the truth in Scalise’s horrific gunning down.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is a member of Acacia. Zack Barth, a Congressional Aide, is a Sigma Nu. Matt Mika, a Lobbyist for Tyson Foods, is a Phi Kappa Sigma. Two of the three members of the Capitol Police Force who are came to the aid of the players are fraternity men. Special Agent David Bailey is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.  Henry Cabrera is a Kappa Sigma.”[1]


Acacia [Masonic]Fraternity was founded on 12 May 1904, by a group of 14 Freemasons attending the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. From the time of its founding, members of other fraternities were eligible for membership in Acacia. During the first two decades of the 20th century, Acacia was evolving from its roots as a successful Masonic club into the more standardized model of the other collegiate fraternities of the day. While maintaining its history and the symbolism derived from the Masonic fraternity, because of what Baird’s cites (pIII-1) as a decline in the number of student Masons in undergraduate schools, Acacia opted in 1931 to relax the requirement that members must be Masons, removing the provision entirely in 1933.[2]

The Sprig of Acacia is one of many Acacia symbols with roots in the Masonic Brotherhood. The Sprig of Acacia, symbolically, is a symbol of immortality among Masons, giving assurance that death is not the end. It is used by that organization during or after a funeral service, to honor a brother who has died. According to tradition, the symbol also reminds participants of the obligation that Masons must provide for the widow and children of their fallen brother. The Acacia fraternity has adopted this and other Masonic symbols, retaining them in linkage to its heritage.[3],[4]


Mo Brooks, June 14, 2017

Other members of the Brotherhood on the field that morning, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) Theta Chi at Duke (75) was there. After the gunning down of Scalise, he had a lot of tales to spread to news networks about the shootings.


He said that Zack Barth (Sigma Nu) had a bullet hole in his leg (calf) that he dressed with a tourniquet. It appears that Barth’s bullet hole disappeared even before the day was over.


He also said that officer David Bailey (Alpha Phi Alpha-BOULE) had been shot. He wasn’t shot. Bailey suffered some kind of minor injury from getting his feet tangled with each other.

Former U.S. Naval Commander Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale (01) was there. In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One to Iraq with troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.[5] The Bronze Star Medal, unofficially the Bronze Star, is a  U.S. decoration awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.[6]


DeSantis said that he talked to the “confrontational” assassin before the shooting and “passed it on” to Capital Police before he left the baseball field. The story just can’t get any juicer than that. The first person that the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate Patsy, Hodgkinson, personally spoke with just prior to the ballpark shootings was a former Special Operations SEAL Team One -U.S. Naval  Lt. Commander. SEALS refer to themselves as the “most lethal and effective warriors this planet will ever know.” They’ve been called ghosts, guerrillas, and ASSASSINS![7]

Of course, DeSantis‘ story has changed. He says that he reported talking to Hodgkinson to Capital Police after the shooting. DeSantis said in an interview with NBC News. “It was a little strange but we didn’t think necessarily anything of it, by the time we got back to Capitol Hill, and the news broke, Jeff and I immediately talked to each other, we said ‘look, we’ve gotta report this guy.'”[8] However, you hear exactly what he said in the first instance.

My guess is that after DeSantis accessed the baseball field security situation just before leaving the field, he gave Hodgkinson the final trigger code to proceed. DeSantis also got tripped up in the above ABC TV rapid fire interview by George  Stephanopoulos by saying that the long gun assassin had “dark hair.”


DARK HAIR ASSASSIN, Hodgkinson or Henry Cabrera?

In regards to an experienced U.S. Naval officer combat trained eyes, ears and observation- DeSantis said that the assassin had “dark hair.” Who among the active shooters at the ballpark with the exception of the 2 (two) black capital police officers had the distinctive “dark hair“- Hodgkinson or David Cabrera?


Rep. Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R- OH) Sigma Alpha Epsilon at University of Cincinnati (80) was there dressing Scalise’s wound(s) as a medical physician in the field. Prior to the shooting, he co-sponsored Scalise’s bills to target child predators and human traffickers. Wenstrup, a doctor and a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve had said, “Human trafficking: As easy as ordering a pizza.”[9] But since the shooting, he has had very little to say publicly other than Scalise’s wound(s) was similar to what he had experienced in the combat zones of Iraq. Other than that, he has said literally nothing about child predators, human traffickers, and the ballpark shootings.[10]

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R- KY) was also there during the so-called firefight with Budweiser Hodgkinson.[11] Nevertheless, I was really surprised to find David Cabrera, “The Party Crasher“, among the list of members of “The Brotherhood” at the baseball park on the morning of June 14. All members of the Brotherhood are bound by the covenant of secrecy. Yet, some of the orders on the field that day were far more dangerous than the others. Also, it is now clear why Scalise had a special capital police detail, he was majority whip and third-ranking GOP member of the House, one of nine lawmakers who have security details in Washington.[12]


VCU’s House of Masonic Initiation with Boaz and Jachin Pillars

Cabrera graduated from an unusual, deeply Rosicrucian- one of the most esteemed educational institutions in the country, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia. The university actually began in an Egyptian Building in 1845, above, dedicated to Imhotep, the “first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity.”[13] Prominent throughout the occult building is the use of the Winged sun disk. On the exterior it is found repeated in the cavetto cornices that cap the pylons. This winged disk represents Horus, as a sun disk with outstretched wings, flanked by the goddesses Bekbet and Uaset in the form of snakes.


Horus Behdety

This is the form Horus took in Egyptian mythology when he battled the god Set. Later the image took on other meanings with the Sun disc representing eternity, the serpent representing wisdom, and finally the wings representing the spirit.[14]


On the interior, the lotus flower design is used repeatedly. The interior colors have intentional symbolic meaning: red represents divine love; blue represents divine intelligence; and the golden yellow represents the mercy of God. Hieroglyphs are incorporated in the antechamber decorations and the floor tiles depict a large scarab beetle.[15]


The hieroglyphics in the antechamber to auditorium come from a Kemetic hymn to the gods Amun and Aten in the reign of Amenophis III (Amenhotep III), (1390-1353 B.C.). The right side of the jambs reads “I never took pleasure in any conversation wherein were words of exaggeration and lies.” The left side of the jambs reads “Thou didst make me great because I was performing my duty.” [16]


The lintel, or horizontal part of the doorjamb, bears a different set of messages. On the left it reads, “Tutankhamen: To whom life is given forever” and on the right it reads, “Tutankhamen: Living image of Amon.”[17] You had better ask somebody, because they aren’t playing.


Cabrera’s VCU chapter, Lambda-Zeta, is a colony of Kappa Sigma.[18] According to the traditions of the fraternity, Kappa Sigma evolved from an ancient order, known in some accounts as “Kirjath Sepher” linked to Manuel Chrysoloras.[19] Kiriath-sepher (A. V., Kirjath-sepher), kir’-i-ath-se’-pher (Heb.)- city of engravingscity of scribes; city of the scrolls; city of books; city of numbers; city of writings; city of instruction; city of learning.[20]

In the biblical days of Joshua, about 600 years after Abraham, the giant Anakites had a city in south Canaan called Debir (Joshua 11:21). The giants called it Kiriath Sepher, which means “City of Scribes” or “City of Books.” The city’s other name was Kiriath Sannah, which means “City of Instruction” (Joshua 15:49). Bible scholars believe Kiriath Sepher was a major center of learning and culture for all of Canaan. It probably had a huge library full of scrolls, and was the city where giants (Sons of GodFallen Angels) went to learn.[21]

Kappa Sigma’s granddaddy secret society Kiriath-sepher is most likely based upon the secret mysteries of the religious scrolls looted from the city. According to the Biblical Numbers 13 during the 12th-13th century BC, Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, was one of 12 spies that may have included Joshua sent by Moses into Canaan. Their task, over a period of 40 days, was to explore and access the surrounding area for a war of invasion, rape and plunder.[22] Caleb promised the hand of his daughter Achsad to whoever conquered the land of DebirKiriath-sepher. Othniel rose to the challenge. He slew the people, looted and burned the city to the ground.[23]



The secret society, Kiriath-sepher, existed long before Manuel Chrysoloras. He had been initiated into “The Society” by NICCOLO DE NICCOLI’ (1363-1437), an Italian humanist. He was one of the chief figures in the company of learned men which gathered round Cosimo de’ Medici.[24]


Cosimo de’ Medici (1389-1464) founder of one of the bloodlines of the Medici family, the Black Nobility, ruled Florence, Italy from 1434 to 1537. “This one family supplied four popes and two queens of France, and ran Florence, with a couple of interruptions, for almost 400 years. Its power emanated originally from the family bank. Italian financiers (known generically, and inaccurately, as “Lombards”, hence London’s Lombard Street) were pre-eminent in their age. And among them the house of the Medici was pre-eminent, the most powerful financial institution in all of 15th-century Europe.”[25] Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to the Vatican and royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles. The Medici were for a long while put in charge of papal finances. Until 1434, more than half of the bank’s revenues came from its Rome “branch” which followed the pope around on his travels.[26] Cosimo de’ Medici ordered Niccoli’ to travel through Europe and search for ancient occult and magick manuscripts.[27]

King Rene of Anjou & Cosimo de’ Medici


An illuminated portrait of René of Anjou with the GOAT most likely out of the Kabbalah of the Zohar, from Georg von Ehingen’s travel diary, Germany, late 15th[28] René of Anjou (1408- 1480) ruled with Cosimo de Medici. Mary Queen of Scots was his granddaughter. René was versed in the occult, and his court included a Jewish Kabbalist known as Jean de Saint-Remy (1394- 1468), who, according to some accounts, was the grandfather of Nostradamus. René’s interests included Arthurian and Grail romances. It appears that largely through his influence that Cosimo de Medici embarked on the projects of translating the Neo-platonic, Gnostic and Hermetic texts.[29] René had one of the greatest libraries of the medieval period. He also had a valuable historic collection of relics. One of prize possessions was a cup that had been used at the marriage of Cana, a marriage incidentally that René and the Templars believe united Jesus and Mary Magdalene.[30]


Painting of a crowned corpse with templar 5-Cross Jerusalem Flag from the Book of Hours made for King Rene of Anjou. Dated 15th Century.


The Jerusalem Flag is a symbol of Monsignor Alfred C. Hughes, and the Grand Prior of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem linked to the Order of Knights Templar, Lucifer’s Lodge, the Burlington Catholic Diocese, and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Circle that ritually sacrifice, murder, sexually exploit, abduct, abuse, and traffic in children on a global scale.


Rene of Anjou was a dynastic descendant of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem (a founding royal patron and original Knight of the Templar Order), and thus was a hereditary Grand Master of the Order during its years as a secret society. Rene of Anjou was part of the French Royal Army, and became Duke of Lorraine, the region where Joan of Arc was raised.[31]


René of Anjou was related to Joan of Arc (1412-1431 AD). Joan of Arc was in fact a hereditary Countess of Anjou of the royal House of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem, and was thus also a hereditary Templar. Joan of Arc knowingly and purposefully continuing the living tradition of the Order of the Temple of Solomon. [32]


Let’s not forget that one of her main lieutenants and companions was Knights Templar Gilles de Rais, one of the greatest Catholic Satanic ritual black mass murderers of children in history.[33] Peel away the layers, the secretSociety” granddaddy of Manuel Chrysoloras  and the present Kappa Sigma Fraternity was the Order of the Temple of Solomon- the Knights Templar– the Occult knowledge of the BAPHOMET- the DEVIL. Not only was Henry Cabrera the most deadly military trained killer on the baseball field on June 14, 2017, he belonged to one of the most secretive, dangerous and Satanic fraternal orders in history. The feared secretSociety” of a New Order have been perpetrators of wars, global conflict’s, assassinations, and mass murders for generations. They have toppled democracies, governments for and by the people, and established Satanic regimes, governments and religions around the world.

cabreraskullbonesHenry Cabrera’s insignias are the Satanic 5-Star Inverted PentagramCrescent Moon,  the ancient Rod of Thoth or Hermes, the CADUCEUS, and SKULL AND BONES- the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH!

[1] http://www.franbecque.com/page/2/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acacia_(fraternity)

[3] Id.

[4] http://gawker.com/tell-us-about-your-fraternitys-racist-history-and-or-pr-1691338200

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_DeSantis

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Star_Medal

[7] http://specialoperations.com/28267/us-navy-seals-history/

[8] http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Florida-Congressman-Ron-DeSantis-Shooter-Asked-If-Republicans-or-Democrats-Were-on-Field-428446803.html

[9] http://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/scalise-and-wenstrup-human-trafficking-legislation/70651947/

[10] http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/read-lawmakers-accounts-congressional-baseball-shooting/

[11] http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/06/gunmen-shoots-congressman-at-baseball-practice.html

[12] http://www.latimes.com/politics/washington/la-na-essential-washington-updates-why-the-capitol-police-were-with-1497464893-htmlstory.html

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Building

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Building

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kappa_Sigma_chapters

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_Sigma

[20] https://www.truthunity.net/mbd/kiriath-sepher

[21] https://remnantofgiants.wordpress.com/tag/kiriath-sepher/

[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caleb

[23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othniel

[24] http://www.theodora.com/encyclopedia/n/niccolo_de_niccoli.html

[25] http://www.economist.com/node/347333

[26] Id.

[27] https://sexycodicology.net/blog/codicology/medieval-scripts/humanistic-script/

[28] https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/08/arts/international/fitzwilliam-museum-celebrates-the-birth-and-glory-of-color-manuscripts.html

[29] http://www.conspiracyschool.com/rosicrucians-and-freemasons

[30] Boren, Kerry Ross, Following the Ark of the Covenant: The Treasure of God, Bonneville Books, Springdale, UT (2000), pg. 85

[31] http://www.knightstemplarorder.org/templar-joan-of-arc/

[32] Id.

[33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais


22 06 2017




And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Job 1:7

Steven Bannon is a senior key adviser to the highest elected public office in this country, the President of the United States. This has absolutely nothing to do with whatever I have to say. This is about what Bannon says about the country’s vision and policy of the dark power circle people that occupy its highest government offices. He talks about Donald J. Drumpf’s like “SATAN and the COMING OF THE ANTICHRIST.”


THIS IS A U.S. GOVERNMENT FACT AND POLICY. Steve Bannon forewarned each and every man, woman and child in America of the Donald J. Drumpf’ Presidential Administration’s vision and policy. For America, he said, “DARKNESS IS GOOD

” ‘Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN [Lucifer, Set, Seth, Apophis- DRAGON]. That’s power,’ Bannon told the Hollywood Reporter. ‘It only helps us when [the media and liberals] get it wrong. When they’re blind of who we are and what we’re doing.’ ” He later added that the media is , which is why they couldn’t better predict TRUMP’S COMING.”


Donald J. Drumpf, Whence comest thou? Then Drumpf answered, and said,”From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” They told you. They warned you, and most people still don’t get the “F**K of what Bannon is talking about, and what’s really going on in this country.

In the 20th Century, the world witnessed the “DARK POWERforce and energy of SATAN take over governments and states before. Even their most gifted secular world renowned scientists, doctors, and philosophers of the Black Sun called it, the  “SATANIC PRINCIPLE.”  In America, this very  “DARK POWER” took my father in Project CHATTER.

Barely 4 months into Drumpf’s presidential administration, on Thursday, April 13, 2017, the “dark power circle” dropped a dark energy force weapon of mass destruction, a ZERO- POINT ENERGY BOMB, on people of color in Afghanistan. In Nazi Germany, it was called the WITCH’S CAULDRON. Developed by SS-Oberscharführer Dr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr, the SS/MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) is a high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX)- ATOMIC BOMB undertaken by the President of the Reichstag, Herman Goering, the German Luftwaffe, and SS Dr. Zippermayr. Again, this isn’t a matter of anything that I am speculating about.  This is now a matter of fact, ingrained in war crimes of U.S. History. Am I afraid for this country, citizens and people of color, here and abroad? YES!



On January 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., Donald J. Drumpf (Trump) was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States.On that day, we went through the “Looking Glass.” And, they told and warned citizens of this country of what was going to happen in this country. One person that got ready for the “Coming” of the dark force was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL. He quit his job on New Year’s Eve, 2016. He dissolved his business on January 20, 2017. He took on the personification of the Zionist Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Just how radical is that?

Bernie Sanders has been identified as a “Radical Jewish” politician, but a radical leftist democrat? Bernie Sanders has a Chassidic Jew serving as a political adviser. Sanders has connections to the ChabadLubavitch Movement and Cult.


Rebbe Schneerson, Bernie Sanders & James T. Schneerson

Sanders is a Jewish Mystic of the Kabbalah of the Zohar. He was a fervent follower of the late Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, just the very same as Drumpf’s daughter, Ivanka Drumpf and son-in law, Jared Kushner.


Behind the veil, Hodgkinson was in reality a Manchurian Candidate personification of a  Jewish Mystic of the Kabbalah of the Zohar directly linked to Bannon and Drumpf’s Satanic Dark Circle in the People’s White House. The Mysticism of Kabbalah was part of Hodgkinson’s secret mind control programming.


The Late Messiah, Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, just may fool you. In Leningrad, Soviet Union in 1925, the 6th Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn and Professor Alexander Vasilyevitch Barchenko of the coming KGB  initiated the 7th Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, into the mystical Satanic Masonic Lodge of ETB- The United Labor Brotherhood. Rebbe Menachem Mendel was dedicated to the Lucifer, KGB, and Barchenko’s ETB’s search for the lost “Vril Energies” of  Red Shambhala. In late March or early April 2017, Illinois roughneck  Hodgkinson left Belleville, IL for Alexandria, VA to work on, of all things, s U.S. Federal Tax bracket, with most likely a couple cases of Budweiser beer, flip flops and  a gym bag- THAT DOG DON’T HUNT.




On June 14, 2017, Hodgkin became an infamous “lone nutCIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate assassin with that old fashion “hit list” to scare the socks off old ladies. 66 year old Budweiser James T. Hodgkinson, there’s another 6 (666) someplace. In Gematria, “James” in the English Gematria system equals 156, [1+5=6, 6]. The number 6 (six) is there no matter how you crush the numbers in gematria.[1] And, he allegedly starred the rampage on the ball field at the time, 07-09, both important occult and alchemy numbers and symbols.


Roughneck Budweiser Hodgkinson-  No Democratic Political Activist

I doubt very seriously if Hodgkinson had been any kind of Occupy Wall Street Movement radical left activist at any time in his life. He fits more the profile of a violent Midwestern Hooters’ homebody flag waving, gun toting, dog loving Budweiser beer belly roughneck than any type of political radicalized liberal leftist terrorist.


If this man was at an Occupy Wall Street Movement rally and he had been once in 2011 in St. Louis, MO, he was an infiltrator or a spy on protesters for the police or the FBI.[2] However, I wouldn’t go as far to link Hodgkinson to FBI Division 5 without anything further other than an internet reference that said that he was.[3] Division 5 is an extremely dangerous ultra secret power elite group that assassinate presidents and heads of state. Expendable Manchurian Candidate sleepers and roughnecks like Budweiser Hodgkinson of rural Belleville are not included. Nevertheless, released FBI surveillance documents of the Occupy Movement provided no clear evidence of government infiltration. However, they do suggest the FBI used information from local law enforcement agencies gathered by individuals observing Occupy activists on the ground.[4]

On Facebook, Hodgkinson became was the personification or alter personality of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. He had two Facebook accounts, and a Twitter account that he barely used. On his Facebook pages, only 9% of his posts were ever political within a 2 (two) year period. So, it’s very difficult to brand this guy a radicalized liberal democrat.[5] Plus, pasting Bernie Sanders’ face on one of  his Facebook pages doesn’t make him a radicalized liberal. Consistent with the modus operandi (MO) of a law enforcement asset, spy and infiltrator, he crept into Bernie Sanders’ campaign as a volunteer campaign worker.[6]


In Alexandria, VA, Hodgkinson lived out of his truck and a gym bag. Witnesses at the YMCA were he washed up, and local restaurants always observed him alone- quietly working on a laptop tanking down 5-6 Budweiser beers. He barely if ever spoke to or with anyone.[7]


On the morning of the shooting, a witness, Falisa Peoples, was just leaving the YMCA next to the ball field when she saw the shooter open fire. “He was just very calm. He was just walking and shooting,” she said of the man, whom she described as white and wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She said he was using a long gun and exchanging fire with law enforcement officers.[8]

If James T. Hodgkinson had a “7.62 caliber rifle” according to a law enforcement joint statement, a long gun according to a witness instead of a M4 type carbine assault rifle as first widely reported, we should able to see Hodgkinson’s rifle for public clarity. The M4 is used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. [9]

Hodgkinson was described by the witness as being in a dissociated trance formation,  ” … calm … just walking and shooting ” a long (barrel- rifle) gun dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts like he just got out of the shower. Hold on, she said there was no noise coming from Hodgkinson’s rifle!  Hodgkinson wasn’t even acting like an assassin lying in wait to ambush or kill anybody. He was most probably just washing up with a towel in shorts and flip flops at the YMCA when they flipped the switch on him. An unloaded long gun may have been placed outside for him to pick up.

Missing his home, wife and dogs, Hodgkinson had been immediately looking forward to driving back home to Illinois.[10] On the date of the shooting, he had been suddenly triggered like a “Zombiepatsy distraction armed with weapons for certain justified self- termination, while an assassin or assassins went for their real target- Congressman Steve Scalise. There isn’t any physical evidence at the ballpark in the public domain that show that Hodgkinson even shot off any rounds from his rifle. There isn’t evidence of blood or blood trials. There are any evidence cones identifying spent shells at the crime scene.  According the news source in the above video, the two, so-called, capital police officers shot themselves. THAT DOG DON’T HUNT.

Escorted and surrounded by the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, Sue, Hodgkinson’s wife of 30 (thirty) years said during a press conference that she didn’t know what James did from January to March-April 2017, before he left for Washington DC to work on “tax brackets“.


They want us to believe that James T. sold his business and everything he owned to travel to Washington DC, live out a gym bag and his truck for two months to work on outdated  Reaganomic tax policies with NOBODY! That Dog Won’t Hunt. By the way, who is the guy with the white hair in the background of the above picture? James’ wife may have been able to provide some answers, but of all people, a county chief deputy sheriff blocked her from even getting close to the subject.  In a tightly rehearsed brief answer period of the press conference, Chief Deputy Sheriff Rick Wagner physically manipulated, handled and coached Sue Hodgkinson from a script that he seemed to have known all the answers. He deflected and shielded questions from the press as if he was Sue’s personal guardian and protective angel. He controlled her responses. She looked up to him for answers. Well, that’s exactly what happened.

With James T. dead, Sue Hodgkinson is an important and vital public witness in what they are selling globally as a major political crime against democracy.


Why is a local law enforcement officer physically controlling, shaping and manipulating the testimony of a major witness in this case over than conspire to conceal pertinent and substantial evidence from the public. From Chief Deputy Wagner‘s conduct in this case, it creates an extremely strong inference that the Hodgkinsons were in fact law enforcement- FBI assets. Chief Deputy Wagner made sure that Sue didn’t reveal any clues or pieces to the puzzle as to James T’s missing period from January to March 2017, when he was trained and programmed to go to Washington DC on a special operation mission.

James T. and Sue Hodgkinson of Belleville, ILJohn and Sally Doe of innocent middle America just don’t seem to add up. Belleville is the eighth-most populated city outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area. It is the county seat of St. Clair County, and the seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of Belleville and National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Due to its proximity to Scott Air Force Base, the population receives a boost from military and federal civilian personnel, defense contractors.[11]





Hunter S. Thompson

Another innocent John Doe of Midwestern or Southern America (Louisville, KY), Hunter S. Thompson, began his USAF career at Lackland Air Force Base , Texas, and was then recruited to the special ops wing of USAF intelligence & transferred to USAF 1st Special Operations Wing at Scott Air Force Base in middle America and then promoted to the Air Force Special Operations Command HQ division at Eglin/Hurlburt Field USAF base at Fort Walton Beach, Florida.[12]


Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter Thompson produced ultra secret pedophile porn and snuff films. Recently, the FBI released his surveillance and investigation file, but admitted most of it had been destroyed in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton.[13] Like Hodgkinson allegedly to President- Select Donald J. Drumpf, Thompson had an open hatred of a U.S. president, Richard M. Nixon. Thompson was one of his loudest critics. “Some of my best friends have hated Nixon all their lives,” Thompson explained in Nixon’s obituary, published by Rolling Stone in 1994. “My mother hates Nixon, my son hates Nixon, I hate Nixon, and this hatred has brought us together.”[14]


Hunter S. Thompson was accused of involvement in ultra secret powerful elite pedophile, and child slavery rings in the 1980s that rose all the way up to the White House. John DeCamp’s infamous book, The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, relates many interviews and discussions revolving around a severely satanic ritually traumatized young man, Paul Bonacci, who claimed to have been involved with the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch.


Bonacci told horrific tales of being forced into sex with adults and other children. In one case, he recalls being flown into Nevada with another young boy whom he did not know. They took on another passenger there and headed to a secluded location where Bonacci says he was forced to have sex with the younger boy. The young boy, Bonacci claims in this book, was also forced to have sex with adult males, who then killed the boy with a gunshot to the head. Bonacci says he was then forced to have sex with the corpse. The passenger they took on in Nevada filmed the entire thing, and Bonacci recalled that his name was Hunter Thompson.[15]


Satanic U.S. Military Pedophile “Mickie”

Paul Bonacci was alleged to have been involved in a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH murder, homosexual pedophilia, and a necrophilic orgy Dark Satanic Cult. The Cult was linked to Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, Psychological Warfare Division of the US Army, and founder of the occult “Temple of Set“.[16] Set, Seth, Apophis is a legendary Evil DRAGON.


Hunter S. Thompson & HollyWeird’s Johnny Depp

He testified in the Nebraska court that the satanic murder/sacrifice of the young boy, above, and his actions were videotaped by “Hunter Thompson,” at a location later identified as the Bohemian Grove in California. Immediately after being exposed, Thompson typed the single word “COUNSELOR” on his typewriter, then shot himself in the head on February 20, 2005. He was 67 years old.[17] I said that to say this. Scott Air Force Base had a special ops wing involved in secret Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH pedophile ring operations. James T. and Sue Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL were deeply involved as “handlers” in a ring running severely ritually abused and tortured foster care children in Belleville just in the case of the Franklin Cover-Up.


About 70% of children who are trafficked come from foster care…


Wanda Ashley Stock

In 1996, the Hodgkinson’s foster child, Wanda Ashley Stock, 17, was so severely traumatized that she allegedly committed suicide by setting herself on fire with gasoline which is an extremely rare occurrence for teen-age suicides. Several years later, the family fostered another teen girl, whom they later lost custody of after Hodgkinson was accused of abusing her. And, he had been in fact arrested for abusing her.[18]


Aimee Moreland

I read that James T. had been armed with a shotgun when he got involved in a violent criminal confrontation with a young lady, then-19-year-old Aimee Moreland, that had been described as his “daughter” and her boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t his and Sue’s daughter. Aimee was a ward of the state under their state “guardianship“. She was a daughter of a local businesswoman, Beth Roussel. As far as I know, none of their foster children had been legally adopted by them. [19]


Frank Szachta Under the Caption: “Some say Crossroads owner Frank Szachta is a godsend; others say he’s made a deal with the devil.” In 2005, Aimee was in Szachta’s Crossroads teen drug abuse counseling program. Crossroads fed into the drug abuse counseling network of racist ex-convict, anti-drug guru, Bob Meehan.


Bob Meehan

Lucifer also underlines Meehan’s philosophy. He refers to Jesus as a “dead … – boy on a stick”. He calls his program, Cornerstone. For hundreds of years it has been customary to have Freemasons perform a dedication ritual to “bless” the Cornerstone.


It has been alleged that Chuck Dieterich (Synanon), Art Barker (the Seed), Joe Ricci (Elan), John Gould (Hyde), Lester Rolloff (Rolloff Schools), David Wilkerson (Teen Challenge), and Bob Meehan’s Cornerstone are part of a clandestine MATRIX of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH experimental youth drug-mind control centers. CIA conduit, the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH), funded several drug treatment programs patterned after the cultic Synanon. NIH had even started its own experimental Synanon at the federal lockup hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. This program was called MATRIX.


In 1972, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Dr. Robert DuPont (du Pont Satanic Bloodline) administered a $1.8 million contract to an experimental, start-up Synanon for kidsonly called “The Seed” ran by Art Barker in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Art Barker- “Father of The Seed”

Art Barker was like Bob Meehan, they had a total lack of credentials to run drug abuse treatment and counseling centers for children and teens. Nevertheless, The Seed received a $1.8 million U.S. government grant from Dr. DuPont soon after it opened.

Human experimentation was the furtive mission of The Seed.

It is important you understand that back in the 1970s Senator Irvin was not conducting a study of The Seed, he was studying any programs funded by the federal government which used drugs, psycho-surgery or thought control on American citizens in possible violation of their constitutional rights. And it was with that purpose in mind that he found out about The Seed. For example, the report discussed a psychiatrist at Georgetown University (where Robert DuPont and Richard Schwartz now teach) who had performed over 4,000 frontal lobotomies using only a serialized ice-pick in a special chair in his office. The pick was trust through the eye and this psychiatrist had shown that he could permanently disable two people at once.”


Eventually, Dr. DuPont left government service and became a paid consultant for Straight, which had replaced “The Seed” after a Senate investigation found that it was engaged in mind control and “brainwashing.”

In 2006, Roughneck Hodgkinson charged into a neighbor’s home where Aimee was hanging out with a boyfriend. One source, identified the foster child as Cathy Hodgkinson. Nevertheless, he was alleged to have smacked Aimee in the face “with a closed fist.” At one point, he allegedly pointed a shotgun at Moreland’s boyfriend, Joel Fernandez, that ran off. Hodgkinson popped off one round behind him.[20]

Hodgkinson was also seen “throwingAimee“ around the bedroom,” according to a police report. When she tried to escape, he “started hitting her arms, pulling her hair, and started grabbing her off the bed.”[21] According to his foster daughter, he was always angry,” Aimee Moreland told the newspaper, Daily Beast. “She was really unhappy there. She had come over to get away from them.” During the dispute, Aimee said, she jumped in a car with a friend, but Hodgkinson opened the vehicle’s door and hit her, then used a knife to cut the seat belt off his foster daughter.


James T DISSOCIATE Facial Expression

In 2006, he was arrested for domestic battery and discharge of a firearm, but the charges were later dropped. Ten years later In 2015, Aimee died from a drug overdose.[22]



James T. and Sue Hodgkinson were doing a lot more with hapless powerless dependent (female) wards of the State of Illinois than meet the eye. The girls had been severely ritually abused and traumatized!

In late March 2017, days before Hodgkinson left town for Washington DC, a neighbor, Bill Schaumleffel, called the St. Clair Sheriff’s Office to complain about Hodgkinson firing a rifle toward houses when his grandchildren were outside. The sheriff’s deputies didn’t file charges, but they were familiar with Hodgkinson.

Hodgkinson had a lengthy criminal record which includes charges, but no convictions, for DUI, domestic battery, pointing a gun at a relative. He has a history of gun violence, previously pointing one at a man during a family argument in 2006. He was once arrested for domestic battery and faced other charges for DUI, attempting to elude police and obstructing a police officer.


Nevertheless, Chief Deputy Sheriff Wagner- BLIND Mr. MAGOO reflected on Budweiser Hodgkinson’s frequent roughneck interactions with the police and still said, “He never tipped us off or gave any indication that he was violent in any way” – that dog won’t hunt. [23] This also strongly suggests that Hodgkinson had been a secret law enforcement-FBI asset and patsy. Hodgkinson was allowed to run amok until he was triggered operational as a sleeper Manchurian Candidate. That’s the way they roll.




The DEVIL’S DISCIPLE, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

Just minutes after the shootings, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe wickedly used the sad moments of national shock during a national/global news conference carried on most of the television and cable networks to deliberately shift paradigms and implant a “Double Bind (Insanity without Disease)” on the collective conscious of the masses, he said, There are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”[24]

I was lost and reeling in McAuliffe’s sudden paradigm shift and “Double Bind,” when my wife woke me up. She asked me, “did you hear what he said?” He said 93 million peoplethat’s not right. It was an absolute bold-face lie, and vicious fabrication of the TRUTH. The current population of the entire United States of America is 326,369,079, a little over 326 million people as of Friday, June 16, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.[25] It may have been a gross mistake that McAuliffe corrected later in the news conference to 93 people a day, but it had been implanted in the masses’ psyche.


Governor McAuliffe, Jesuit Coadjutor or Priest

Governor McAuliffe has an interesting background that suggests that it may not have been a mistake at all. It was part of a hidden agenda. He is a secret society member of the Black Sun Nazi Bilderberg Group.[26]


McAuliffe is at the very least a Jesuit coadjutor.[27] In 1975, he graduated from Bishop Ludden Junior-Senior High School, a Catholic Diocesan co-institutional high school located in Syracuse, NY. In 1979, McAuliffe graduated from The Catholic University of America, then worked for President Jimmy Carter’s re-election campaign. In 1984, McAuliffe graduated from the Jesuit School, Georgetown University Law Center. He also served as one of a five member board of directors of the International Child Trafficking Clinton Foundation.[28]


McAuliffe was invited to join the secret society Knight of Malta. In response, he applied for membership, but the public has been kept in dark about whether or not he had been accepted.[29] They invited him to join them knowing his views about abortion, so that should’ve been an obstacle to membership. It’s all about secret fraternal Satanic Masonic global power and mass control, not a woman’s reproductive rights.


Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is a Dark Satanic Circle DEVIL Disciple (The Baphomet).


Dark Satanic Circle Ritual Hand Symbol “I AM ILLUMINATI”

On March 18, 2015, Charles, Prince of Wales, one of the senior elite leaders of the ILLUMINATIBilderbergers, and Camilla Parker- Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall were royally greeted and received by Governor McAuliffe at Mount Vernon, VA.[30]


Dark Satanic Circle, Prince Harry, Prince Charles, and Prince William

Even with Barack Obama, everything appears absolutely normal and customary receiving and greeting the Prince of Wales, right.


“I AM ILLUMINATI” Dark Satanic Circle, Former U.S. President Barack Obama

The governor of the State of Virginia setting a welcoming carpet out for some of Britain’s royal monarchy is a fairly common and routine occurrence in America.

But, Governor McAuliffe is inherently Masonic wicked and demonic. Lucifer, the Dragon, is his Masonic god.[31] He doesn’t involve himself in common and routine matters as governor of the State of Virginia. Governor McAuliffe is involved in something entirely different- a covert secret society false agendas and mass population alternative paradigm shifts that you are not supposed to see with open eyes.


Queen Elizabeth II in her Maltese robe. She is the Sovereign Head of the Order of Knights of Malta. Prince Charles is the Great MASTER of the Order.[32]


So, Governor McAuliffe met with his secret society Bilderbergers’ superior, and Masonic Knight of Malta Great Master at Mount Vernon, former home of Masonic (Grand Lodge of England) Grand Master, George Washington.



Prince Charles couldn’t have chosen a better history lesson on the British Royal Family and Dragon Bloodlines than Vlad the Impaler, because if it had come from my mouth it would have been no more than a flight of fantasy, and a conspiracy theory. But, the Order of the DRAGON, Vlad and Royal Family Bloodlines come directly from the Prince of Wales. He told you. He warned you, and most people still don’t get the “F**K of what’s going on.


The British Order of the DRAGON is linked to Henry V (1386- 1422) King of England, and Sigismund of Luxemburg (1368- 1437) King of Hungary during his state visit to England in 1416. Sigismund was the leader of the last West European Crusade – the Crusade of Nicopolis of 1396. Soon after 1408, Sigismund founded a Knights Templar Order of the DRAGON. In 1414, he was coroneted as the Holy Roman Emperor. In an alliance, Sigismund was initiated a Knight of the Garter whilst Henry V was initiated into Hungary’s Order of the Dragon. In homage to the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller, who wore the Sign of The Cross as a symbol of their oaths. The Order of the Dragon decreed that all members must wear the badge of a white dragon, with a red cross on its back, being attacked by its own tail. The red cross represents Christ’s resurrection, as well as the dragon-slaying St George, and the imagery of rebirth is repeated in the strange pose of the self-strangling dragon.


This ancient symbol, called the “Ouroboros” by medieval alchemists, represented the endless cycle of creation and destruction as well as life, death and despair. Between 1431 and 1437, he invited the Princes of Wallachia (modern Romania), Bulgaria, Croatia and various Italian city states to take the Draconist Oath.




The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler …” Charles, Prince of Wales[33]

He’s proud of it. It’s important to him, his Satanic Bloodline and inherited nature of the DRAGONSatan, Lucifer,  the DEVIL. Vlad, or Dracula, was born in 1431 in Transylvania into a noble family. His father was a “FALLEN ANGEL” called “Dracul,” meaning “dragon” or “devil” in Romanian because he belonged to the Order of the Dragon. “Dracula” means “Son of Dracul” in Romanian. Therefore young Vlad was “Son of the Dragon” or “Son of the DEVIL.”[34] They brought many sacrifices to the DRAGON, the DEVIL!


Vlad wore black capes and dragon insignia medallions as a symbol of the Beast, the DEVIL. He may have mass murdered tens or even a 100,000 people, especially by impaling and torture. He murdered “unchaste” women, “bad” wives, and entire families and villages suspected of disloyalty. He killed off poor workers, blind, crippled, sick, vagabonds, beggars, etc. by burning them to death at banquets. Vlad brutally nailed hats to heads of certain religious visitors. He enjoyed watching victims suffer and die. He took babies away to be sacrificed to the DRAGON. Vlad practiced CANNIBALISM and DRANK BLOOD.


Finally, I was puzzled by the British Royal Crown and Prince Charles’ close personal relationship with Jimmy Savile, England’s most prolific Satanic homicidal pedophiles.


Sir Angus Ogilvy & Dragon Bloodline- Princess Alexandra

When I found out about Savile’s close personal relationship with British Royal Princess Alexandra and her husband Sir Angus James Bruce Ogilvy (1928- 2004), that’s when I began to realize that Jimmy Savile wasn’t just an strange product of the Prince of Wales’ Satanic Circle.


Princess Alexandra, Masonic Knight Order of the Garter

Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, Order of the Garter, and Royal Victorian Order, a dynastic order of knighthood established in 1896 by Queen Victoria, is the youngest granddaughter of King George V and Queen Mary. She is a powerful Masonic, and also a military leader- Royal Colonel, and Colonel-in- Chief of military units and divisions across the globe.[35] I mentioned her not because Alexandria, VA is named after her British Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline, but because of her hushed up secret relationships that she had with Jimmy Savile.


In a 2009 police investigative interview of Savile, he told Surrey Police detectives that the first time he attended Duncroft Approved School for Girls in Staines, Surrey where it is also claimed that he abused girls at the school, was with Princess Alexandra. He told detectives, “… right I went there, with Princess Alexandra, and Alex was a friend of mine anyway, still is”Savile later added: “Now that was a great day we all had, the first time I ever went there.” He wrote in Duncroft’s visitor book, “Jimmy Savile called – and fell in love with all!!! I wonder if it’s legal to have 20 wives.” [36]


Chillingly, Savile wrote in a 1974 biography, “Princess Alex is a patron of a hostel for girls in care. At this place I’m a cross between a term-time boyfriend and a fixer of special [Child Trafficking] trips out .”[37] In criminal investigations of Savile’s pedophilia and murder charges, police deliberately redacted from police reports all Savile’s references to the British Crown, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Charles .[38]


Sir Ogilvy & Jimmy Savile

Early, Savile had been very close to Princess Alexandra’s husband, Sir Angus Ogilvy, Knight of the Royal Victorian Order. Ogilvy was also a close personal friend of Prince Charles. He was born the second son of the 12th Earl of Airline and Lady Alexandra Coke, the daughter of the 3rd Earl of Leicester. Many of his relatives had close links with the Dragon Bloodlines of British Royal Family. They are a secret bloodline that serve DRAGONS. His grandmother, Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie, was a close friend and Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Mary. His father was a Lord-in-Waiting to King George V and Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother).[39] Lords-in-Waiting (female Baroness-in-Waiting) are peers who hold office in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. These are the traditional bonds of secrecy of the royal household. [40] 


Committee of 300– Lady Dragon Ogilvy & Sir David Ogilvy

Princess Alexandra and Angus’ older brother, Sir David Ogilvy (13th Earl of Airlie), were members of the ILLUMINATI Committee of 300.”[41] Lord Airlie was a merchant banking executive of the notorious Nazi Financer, J. Henry Schroder. He was Lord Chamberlain for Queen Elizabeth, Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian Order, Grand Master Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and he sat on Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council– a formal body of advisers to the Sovereign of the United kingdom.[42] Back to the Prince of Wales for a moment. His trip to Mount Vernon also involved a Washington DC tour.


The DEVIL’S Disciples Come in All Colors, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, Congressman Elijah Cummings & Jesse Jackson


Black DEVIL Disciples- Congresspersons Terri Sewell, Elijah Cummings & Jesse Jackson

Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, in Royal British Red, is in close company with the Satanic Dark Circle Prince and the Duchess as they visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the second day of their visit to the United States on March 18, 2015 in Washington, DC. That’s also pretty routine stuff for congresspersons to receive and greet foreign dignitaries. However, British Commonwealth (Oxford) scholar Terri A. Sewell is also inherently Masonicwicked and goonish. Lucifer, the Dragon, is also her Masonic god.[43]


She calls Michelle Robinson (Obama) her big sister. They met in London when Michelle was a Cecil Rhodes’ Roundtable scholar at Oxford University.[44]


Strange Terri & Gay Barack Obama

Terri was once married to a Theodore C. Dixie, but there were no children of the union. So, I really don’t know what is going on behind those black thighs. She appears to be very odd and unnatural if not just plain DEMONIC.


Terri is a democrat in her fourth term representing Alabama’s 7th Congressional District.  Sewell is a member of the elite black society Links, Silver Star Society of London and the BOULE (black version of the ILLUMINATI)- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.


She is a multi-generational ILLUMINATI Goat Rider of the Divine 9 and the Boule.[45] The Divine 9 and the Boule were founded by Prince Hall Masons as elitist Satanic secret societies.[46] Prince Hall Masons are under jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of EnglandQueen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, and the Prince of Wales.[47]


The ILLUMINATI black master of deception, Reverend Jesse Jackson, also serve the Dark Prince and Duchess. He is a 33 Degree Prince Hall Freemason.


Allegedly, he was made a Master Mason in May 1987. However, he was most likely a CIA/FBI secret Scottish Rite Master Mason well before that time. However, Jackson is a now officially part of the Harmony Lodge No. 88 (Grand Lodge of England) in Chicago, IL.[48] Lucifer, the Dragon, is his Masonic god.[49]


Congressman John Cummings- Clandestine Master Mason.

Finally. Mircea Hava, the mayor of the Transylvanian city of Alba Iulia, in a letter to Prince Charles, the mayor said, Transylvania has become Charles’ second home, and he has become the region’s most valuable ambassador. “Moreover, you claim your roots from our legendary Prince Vlad.” The letter continued, according to The Romania Journal. “As you love Transylvania so much, we thought,What if instead of only being ‘The Prince of Wales,’ you would be known from now on as ‘The Prince of Wales AND Transylvania’?”[51]


Savile (Mason Knight) Served the DRAGON BLOODLINES AS A ROYAL GOON. He was the Ogilvy House covert royal apprentice- executioner that serve the SECRETS of the DRAGON BLOODLINES of the British Royal House- human sacrifices to the DEVIL, pedophilic blood rites, cannibalism, and blood drinking, etc.,.


Renfield served Count Dracula by bringing him blood and flesh victims by light of day.


Jimmy Savile did the same thing for Prince Charles, Princess Alexandra and the British DRAGON Bloodlines, he brought them dozens of  blood and flesh victims by light of day through radio and television, the British Broadcasting Company, the BBC.

Master Mason Goons & Pedophile Rings in Oakland


DEVIL Disciples and Masonic Goons serve DRAGON  BLOODLINES. In Oakland, I traced a major ultra secret elite pedophile ring to a black 32nd or 33rd Masonic Master Mason, Black Republican Booker T. Emery. Not too long after he was convicted and imprisoned at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility for pedophilic crimes against democracy and black little girls, Emery suddenly dropped dead in the Little CIA Prison of Horrors.

Booker T. Emery was prosecuted by the Alameda County MAFIA District Attorney as a Pea in the Pot, instead of busting the entire pedophile ring which as I came to understand it included some of the D.A’s staff. This I know. A D.A. investigator came to my home and talked to me about a criminal matter that I complained about. But, I didn’t know it at the time that the pedophile ring underlined the case that I discussed with him. Thereafter, I was immediately warned to be careful. He was in to try to set me up for something, anything he could find. He was known to be part of Oakland’s secret powerful underground pedophile ring. At times, I found myself surrounded by strange and different looking people with red blood shot eyes like something out of a Caribbean Island Cult threatening me. They often milled around looking as if they were going to do something to me. I had to be constantly on the lookout for machetes and knives. They would break out my SUV’s windows when I wasn’t around, but they would never step up face to face. But, I was always concerned for the safety of my family and I.

I immediately named the D.A. investigator as a party defendant in a federal lawsuit to keep him in front of me, and level the playing field.  I had hoped to get him in the middle of discovery to flush him out, and protect my LIFE. In court, Emery admitted that he pleaded guilty to protect the ring, and NO news group ever picked up the story before they killed him.


Masonic Goon Booker T. Emery fed CHILDREN, even his very own grandchildren, to DRAGONS. I said that to say this. Congresswoman Terri Sewell and Congressman Elijah Cummings will not open their mouths about pedophilia, sex slave trafficking, missing and exploited children or PIZZAGATE. The Elijah Cummings Youth Program send children to Israel (feed them to the MOLOCH, DEMONS and the DRAGON) as a bunch of future Negro pasties to learn and develop “Fallen Angel”  (Kabbalah of the Zohar)  ZIONIST leadership and mass deception skills.

Master Mason Goon Jesse Jackson, Pedophiles & PIZZAGATE Negroes


Melvin “Mel” J. Reynolds & Dark Circle Master Mason Jesse Jackson

Masonic Goon Jesse Jackson is down with PIZZAGATE, and Pedophiles. On August 22, 1995, Cecil Rhodes- Roundtable (Oxford University, London)  and Democrat Mel Reynolds of the U.S. House of Representatives of the 2nd District (Chicago)  was convicted on 12 counts of PEDOPHILIC sexual assault on a 16 year old; obstruction of justice, and solicitation of CHILD PORNOGRAPY. Again, Reynolds was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney like a Pea in the Pot allowing the ring to move on and continue.  Why was Mel Reynolds soliciting CHILD PORNOGRAPY, from whom in Chicago, and for who and what?


In January 2001, Reynolds was hired by Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/Push Coalition as a “youth counselor” to decrease the number of black youth going to prison. On February 18, 2014, Reynolds was arrested for sexual exploiting women and most likely children in Africa- Zimbabwe. That’s his PIZZAGATE M.O. He was arrested in possession of PORNOGRAPHIC materials. Reynolds is currently a fugitive from justice hiding in Africa.

If a disciple Freemason or ILLUMINATI of the dark circle speak TRUTH to POWER about pedophilia, missing and exploited children or PIZZAGATE, it may constitute a breach of the oath of secrecy, but it most certainly constitute DISLOYALTY TO THE DRAGON BLOODLINES. According to the Vlad the Impaler bloodlines, it is a seriously enough offense for the DRAGON to snap its tail!  There are a lot of people including myself that believe that the real target of the Alexandria Republican baseball park ambush was to assassinate Congressman Steve Scalise. He was in the public lead in the Congressional House in taking strong political and legislative action to protect victims of Human Trafficking and bring child pedophile (PIZZAGATE) predators to justice.[52]

That was enough to try to KILL HIM!

Finally, you can very well dismiss everything I say virtually on the basis that it is Twilight Zone Stuff. It is so BIZARRE. But this stuff about DRAGON BloodlinesVlad the Impaler, and Count Dracula comes directly from Charles, Prince of Wales of England, right now- today– THIS VERY MOMENT. He is one of the richest, most powerful and Satanic (Son of the DEVIL) people on the face of the planet. Prince Charles command banks, countries, armies, paramilitaries, secret societies, secret Knights and Freemasons all over the world. You cannot dismiss what he says!

DONALD J. DRUMPF is a DRAGON Bloodline through his mother’s DNA- the MacLeods. The DRAGON Society trace its roots back to at least the 12th Dynasty of Kemet and the invading Shepherd Kings Hyksos when they adopted the EVIL God Set- Seth- Apophis the DRAGON as their god. Drumpf’s presidential cabal’s “dark power force” psychic and occult egregorethought form or collective group mind” an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people, proceeds from the old Pole, the red star or astarot– tail of the DRAGON via House of Rurik and the Varangs, part of the ancient Court of the DRAGON ORDER. The House of Rurik is Donald J. Drumpf’s bloodline to the same DRAGON of Vlad the Impaler bloodlines, Prince Charles and the British Royal Family.

It’s exactly as Steve Bannon says right now, today, at this very moment, the WORLD is “just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea of what’s going on!


[1] http://www.ridingthebeast.com/gematria-calculator/

[2] http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/who-was-james-t-hodgkinson-the-man-who-shot-up-a-gop-baseball-practice/article/2625991

[3] https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/06/va-shooter-an-fbi-asset-tom-heneghan-reports-3522748.html

[4] https://www.democracynow.org/2012/12/27/the_fbi_vs_occupy_secret_docs

[5] http://www.cleveland19.com/story/35662873/9-recent-facebook-posts-of-alexandria-gop-shooter-james-hodgkinson-are-all-political

[6] http://www.nbcnews.com/video/bernie-sanders-sickened-by-gunman-james-t-hodgkinson-967248451999

[7] http://abc7ny.com/news/congressman-shooter-was-living-in-van-called-a-loner/2102695/

[8] http://www.capitolhillblue.com/node/66653

[9] http://whnt.com/2017/06/14/details-social-media-accounts-emerging-about-james-hodgkinson-alleged-alexandria-va-gunman/

[10] http://www.kusi.com/story/35684421/was-gunman-ready-to-head-home-before-congressmans-shooting

[11] ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belleville,_Illinois

[12] http://letsrollforums.com/kurt-cobain-mind-control-t17443.html?p=262750&styleid=12

[13] http://www.rawstory.com/2012/10/fbi-destroyed-part-of-hunter-s-thompsons-file/

[14] Id.

[15] http://www.ranprieur.com/readings/gosch.html

[16] http://www.whale.to/b/aquino.html

[17] http://www.waronwethepeople.com/child-sex-trafficking-scandal-exposes-ciafbi-justice-department-cover-crime-network/

[18] http://nypost.com/2017/06/15/baseball-field-shooter-had-a-horrifying-history-of-abusing-foster-kids/

[19] http://heavy.com/news/2017/06/james-hodgkinson-alexandria-gop-baseball-shooter-shooting-gunman-identified-illinois/

[20] Id.

[21] Id.

[22] Id.

[23] https://www.voanews.com/a/wife-of-dc-gunman-i-cant-believe-he-did-this/3902989.html

[24] http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/337746-va-governor-there-are-too-many-guns-on-the-streets

[25] http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population/

[26] https://publicintelligence.net/2002-bilderberg-meeting-participant-list/

[27] https://www.reddit.com/r/RomeRules/comments/4u9i6u/clintons_catholic_vp_pick_tim_kaine_trained_by/

[28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_McAuliffe

[29] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/terry-mcauliffe-a-pro-abortion-us-knight-of-malta

[30] https://www.jeremiahproject.com/new-world-order/the-bilderbergers/

[31] http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception-Freemason_Lucifer_Albert_Pike

[32] https://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2013/06/17/the-vaticans-new-world-order-the-knights-of-malta-a-well-researched-history-that-may-shed-light-on-masonry-at-least-it-is-a-jumping-off-point-to-understanding-j/

[33] https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/04/13/prince-charles-offered-new-title-prince-transylvania/100416328/

[34] https://www.infoplease.com/terrifying-truth-about-dracula

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Alexandra,_The_Honourable_Lady_Ogilvy

[36] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2550472/Police-cover-Saviles-claims-friends-Queens-cousin-Paedophile-claimed-visited-school-Princess-Alexandra.html

[37] Id.

[38] Id.

[39] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Ogilvy

[40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord-in-Waiting

[41] http://www.neonnettle.com/features/648-illuminati-leak-full-list-of-secret-society-members-names-exposed

[42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Victorian_Order

[43] http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception-Freemason_Lucifer_Albert_Pike

[44] http://www.rollcall.com/news/home/terri-sewell-barack-obama

[45] https://sewell.house.gov/contact/full-biography

[46] http://fahimknightsworld.blogspot.com/2009/03/freemasonry-american-dilemma-power-and.html

[47] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Hall_Freemasonry

[48] http://www.businessinsider.com/powerful-masons-2011-9/#rl-warren-was-one-of-five-masonic-judges-10

[49] http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception-Freemason_Lucifer_Albert_Pike

[50] https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/04/13/prince-charles-offered-new-title-prince-transylvania/100416328/

[51] https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/04/13/prince-charles-offered-new-title-prince-transylvania/100416328/

[52] https://medium.com/@kimholleman/james-hodgkinson-pizzagate-shooter-eca3a1c3b67a


12 06 2017




Prince Charles, Prince William & Harry

Tim Cohen in his book “Antichrist And A Cup of Tea” lays out his belief that Prince Charles is the future “Antichrist ” on the following basis of the following facts:

1. His royal hegemony over the European Union has already resulted in a request to be its king [Chapter 2.]

2. His name calculates to “666” in both English and Hebrew, using the Scriptural system faithfully [Chapter 3].

3. His lineage places him at the head of the Merovingian Dynasty, and asserts descendency from Israel’s King David, Jesus, and Islam’s Mohammed, as well as the Tribe of Dan and Satan [Chapter 4].

4. His royal ancestors have claimed to sit upon the throne of David for nearly two millennia [Chapter 5].

5. His current power, throne, and ‘great authority’ literally derive from the ‘red dragon’, i.e., Satan. [Chapter 8]

6. His agenda is specifically geared to address the many ominous and prophetic ‘signs of the times’ — and what those signs are — through ‘global governance’. [Chapter 9]

7. His multifaceted religious, political, and other ties are apparently set to position him a priest and prophet, not to mention king, to the world’s major and minor religions — including Apostate Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroasterianism, Wicca, and Satanism. Further, Prince Charles is a global “mover and a shaker” with vast potential wealth [Chapter 10].

8. His media exposure has already exceeded that of every other man in history. He exercises authority over Freemasonry and the global Illuminati; he heads the United World Colleges who is credited with the success of the watershed 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro; he controls the environmental policies and business agendas from over 100 of the world’s largest multinational corporations; he has initiated many United Nations programs designed to foster globalism and policies that emphasize “sustainable development” and globalist education.

9. His New World Order agenda is reflected in Charles’ personal instigation of the entire Mideast ‘peace process’, which to date has resulted in Israel’s Oslo I and II accords with the Palestinians [Chapter 12]. It is no wonder that virtually every Israeli politician that has ever visited Washington, DC, has stopped in London either to our Capitol or from it.

10. Charles’ overall personal qualifications appear to make him the first real candidate in history to ever fulfill the role of the prophesied Antichrist [Chapter 15].


Donald J., and Melania Drumpf at a reception in Honor of Britain’s Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, November 1, 2005.


Prince Charles’ overall personal qualifications- THE DEVIL MAY HAVE ALREADY, CLANDESTINELY,  TAKEN CONTROL.




Celebrity Apprentice Television Cult, Donald Drumpf & Kathy Griffin


Black Queen Bee Joan Rivers, Donald J. Drumpf, Kathy Griffin and Roseanne Barr are/were all blood oath covenant secrecy members of HollyWeird’s Multi-Millionaire Satanic Cult. Nothing changed in their relationships with each other, the occult and their pact with DEVIL when Drumpf became President- Select of the United States. They became much more scary, powerful and dangerous to the democracy.


MK ULTRA Roseanne Barr- HollyWeird Donald J. Drumpf Team


Queen Bee – HollyWeird Donald J. Drumpf Team


America’s Hero Roseanne Barr versus Violent Left Wing Extremist Kathy Griffin regarding the health, safety and welfare of President- Select Donald J. Drumpf,


it’s HollyWeird CIA Psychological Warfare Dynamics and Deception raised to the levels of the highest elected public office of the United States instead of the Idiot Box.


From one HollyWeird Satanic Queen Bee 2014 to the NEW 2017.




“And for the 5th degree, Past Master, the hapless candidate agrees as follows: binding myself under no less penalty than (in addition to all my former penalties) to have my tongue split from tip to root, that I might thereafter be unable to pronounce the word.”[1] On June 26, 2014, Griffin tweeted out the above picture in public mass media in a reply to a post by photographer Tyler Shields (take the risk of them splitting your tongue from tip to root) that reads, “#KATHY put her career on the line for me!”

Kathy Griffin & Tyler Shields

There is something about Shields and underground levels of “paedophilia, Satanism and cannibalism” in HollyWeird on the internet. He seems to be in a relationship with a 14 year old actress, Emily Lind, but I am unable to put my finger on it.[2]  Nevertheless, I am far from whispering in the dark.


Satanists- Tyler Shields, Marilyn Manson & Anton LaVey

One thing is certain. Shields worked with Satanist Marilyn Manson to create “SAY10“.[3] In the Marilyn Manson Promo Clip From The New Album SAY10“, Manson tosses a bible to the side, and the video ends with a shot of a decapitated man that appears to president Donald J. Drumpf in a red power tie lying in his own blood. Manson bellows, “You say God/ And I say SATAN![4]


Kathy Griffin and Tyler Shields are no extreme left wing “liberals” or “progressives.” These people are bon-a- fide Lucifer’s ServantsMasonic SATANISTS!

When antichrist comedian Kathy Griffin inserted herself into the middle of Donald Drumpf’s congressional white house Russian investigation as an agent provocateur, right this moment in JUNE 2017, red flags went up that add new perspectives into the August- September 2014 assassination of Joan Rivers. Usually, her death is associated with the loose term of the ILLUMINATI. With Kathy Griffin placed in the middle of the picture as a “strategy of tension” diversionary operative to inflame and rally conservatives and the right wing around Drumpf under federal investigation, the ILLUMINATI field narrows dramatically.




Maltese Cross, Donald Drumpf, Joan and Melissa Rivers

The Maltese Cross is the cross associated with the Order of St. John since 1567, with the traditional Knights Hospitaller and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and by extension with the island of Malta. In her business jewelry line, Rivers had a fixation with Knights Templar (Goat- Baphomet)- Maltese Crosses, Imperial and Black Knight Queen Bees.[5]


Was that her secret title in the occult Satanic underground, the BLACK QUEEN BEE?


Jacques de Molay, Rare Medieval/Crusader Europe, c. 12th-14th century AD Inlaid Silver Crusader Crosses & Joan Rivers’ Knights Templar Imperial Bee


Masonic meaning of Rivers’ pointing of the finger:  Pointing the finger away from the body is known in occult circles as “the sign of faith”, while pointing upward is the “sign of preservation”.[6]


Joan Rivers (Joan Alexandra Molinski), 81, was the youngest daughter of Russian Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants. Her father was from the town of Nemerov, now in Ukraine.[7] The town became well known because noted Torah scholars were there during this time and disciples of important Hasidic rabbis flocked to study there. Nathan Sternhartz, who was the chief disciple and scribe of Rebbe Nachman of Breslovgreat-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of the Breslov Hasidic Dynasty studied there.[8]

Though Joan was not an observant orthodox Jew on the surface. She was a member of Temple Emanu-El of New York, the first Reform Jewish congregation in New York and often stated publicly that she “loved Israel.” She was a fervent extremist Zionist that called for the genocide of Palestinians.[9]


Joan Rivers’ Judaica

The GOAT in the middle of the pentagram (Star of David) on River’s Passover Seder Plate may represent the Blood of Freedom. On the night preceding the Exodus, our ancestors were commanded to kill a sheep or goat and to smear its blood (blood of freedom) upon the door posts of their houses. This was to be a sign that the plague of the death of all the first-born sons of the Egyptians would not affect any of the Israelite homes. Shortly after that, the Jews left Egypt.[10]


The Goat is one of the primary central themes of Kabbalah of the Zohar. Acharei 359 of the Zohar states that both Adam and Eve sired demons from the Serpent Lilith due to the dual nature of the Serpent.


The most important passage in the Zohar establishing Azazel as the seed of Lilith comes in Vayetze 116. Vayetze 116 states that the secret of Azazel is that he is the “unholy filth” in whom is “joined together” the male rider of the Serpent with the female SerpentAzazel grasps hold the male aspect of Samael and joins it together within himself with the aspect of the female Serpent.


We already seen that the female Serpent is Lilith, and the male rider is the spirit of Samael. Pinchas 681 in the Zohar confirms that in the goat to Azazel, Samael is separated from everything and bears all the transgressions of Israel upon him.  Jehovah is said to be “forgiving (bearing) iniquity“, meaning that he temporarily “bears” the burden of sin so that he might remove it utterly from Israel and place it upon Azazel, upon whom it shall be forever more.[11]


Nevertheless, it appears that Rivers had been a very observant of Jewish Mysticism. Behind the veil, Joan Rivers would prove to be every bit a female Serpent of Lilith out of the Kabbalah of the Zohar– part of the global Dark Satanic Circle.


HollyWeird’s Late Comedians, Richard Pryor & Joan Rivers- Grand Lodge of England

Joan Rivers was initiated into the Satanic Masonicinner circle” of the Royal House of England sometime in 2003. They claim to be descendants of the House of David. They are the keepers of secrets of the Serpent Lilith, Fallen Angels Samael, Azazel and the Kabbalah of the Zohar.

kathy001Kathy Griffin Initiated- Grand Lodge of England

On July 3, 2014, the Black Queen Bee decided on her own to bust open the secret New World Order/Brave New World Satanic Trans-Human-Hermaphrodite Agenda on her own.


Kathy Griffin also pushed the Antichrist Brave New World Order Agenda to the extreme edge, she said,  “I am actually politically opposed to heterosexual marriage being legal. I believe that heterosexuals who are married should be in prison.” It was no joke. Of course, it doesn’t apply to the Royals or the ILLUMINATI bloodlines. Rivers had been one of only four Americans invited to the  wedding of the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall in 2005. Griffin said that she was/is impressed with that heterosexual “Royal Union.” It’s called, “Eugenics”.


Joan Rivers, assuredly and assertively, told a reporter that President Barack Obama was the first “GAY” president and that First Lady Michelle Obama was a “TRANNY.” It went viral around the world. I was shocked and surprised just like everyone else, but not for the same reason. I had no idea that Michelle Obama could ever be a trans-gender male. The very thought that the ILLUMINATI could pull it off in a free and open democracy was literally other worldliness in all my wildest imagination. Even if it wasn’t true at all, it was a dangerous and bizarre thing to announce in public mass media. The Queen Bee’s words went all over the world.


Most likely, Rivers discussed it with her cohort, Kathy Griffin, previously, before going public. However, Griffin made it be known clearly to the Dark Circle that she had no part in breaking her Masonic covenant of secrecy. Five (5) days on June 26, 2014 before Rivers went public with the Obamas’ homosexual conspiracy against the democracy, she posted the above picture to in effect dissociate herself from the matter, and strongly emphasize that she refused to put her career and “LIFE” on the line by exposing the Obamas as clandestine homosexuals. As far as I know, Kathy Griffin has not dared to open her mouth about either Barack or Michelle.

Joan Rivers & Breach of the Masonic Covenant of Secrecy 


First degree oath of Freemasonry, the candidate declares: …binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across …”

By September 4, 2014, Joan Rivers suddenly died from a simple minor routine medical procedure that just happened to involve their THROAT and VOICE BOX. On August 28, 2014, Rivers entered Yorkville Endoscopy on Manhattan’s Upper East Side for a routine inspection of her voice box, and an examination for gas problems. At about 8:44 a.m., laryngologist, Dr. Gwen Korovin, invaded Rivers’ throat with a scope for a routine inspection of her voice box. At about 9:28 a.m., Rivers’ medically complications began- she stopped breathing. By September 4, Joan Rivers was pronounced dead.[12]


Dr. Strange- Gwen Korovin

Dr. Korovin is a strange and unusual woman. She is a descendant of Russian Ashkenazi Jews just like Joan Rivers. Korovin is derived from the Russian word korova (корова, or cow).[13] DARK EMERALD GREEN. This color is assigned to the Antichrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult color for Satan and happens to be the most sacred color. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other color.


BLACK. These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. “They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and ASSASSINATION.”[14]


Dr. Korovin & Tyler Shields- Masonic Arm Fold

Under the circumstances, it certainly appears that this woman is one of them- Lucifer’s SerpentsSATANISTS! In a democracy, we expect a fair, equal and open homicide investigation into the cause of death of Joan Rivers, whether she was Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ILLUMINATI or a Satanist. Contrary to what the public have been led to assume of a person of Rivers’ wealth and fame, there was no autopsy, and there was no biopsy taken of her voice box that Dr. Korovin invaded. The cause of Rivers’ death remains a deep Masonic Ashkenazi Jew medical mystery, and that shouldn’t be the case in 21st century America.[15]


Some people believe Joan Rivers’ death could also have been an “ILLUMINATI Sacrifice,” since she passed away on which also happened to be Beyoncé’s birthday. Rivers was also born in 1933 and died at the age of 81, while Beyoncé was born in 1981 and turned 33.[16]


However, it appears that Joan Rivers had been initiated into the very “inner core” of the Satanic Dark Circle of the British Empire by Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales.


He is one of the most powerful clandestine Masonic Satanic and Wicked men on the face of the planet.




1: Order of Merit, civil version
2: GCB
3: Queen’s Service Order (New Zealand)
4: Queen’s Coronation medal
5: Queen’s Silver Jubilee medal
6: Queen’s Golden Jubilee medal
7: Canadian forces decoration
8: NZ commemorative medal
9: Knight of Most Noble Order of the Garter

Some contend that Prince Charles is not a Freemason. The Prince of Wales has no need to be a Freemason if he, by birth, is a heir born into the Knighthood of the “highest” hierarchic Order of Freemasonry. Masons commanded by hierarchical Knights report directly to Prince Charles.


The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (formerly the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath) is a British order of chivalry founded by George I on 1 May 18, 1725. The name derives from the elaborate medieval ceremony for appointing a knight, which involved bathing  (as a symbol of purification) as one of its elements. The knights so created were known as “Knights of the Bath“. George Ierected the Knights of the Bath into a regular Military Order“. He did not (as is commonly believed) revive the Order of the Bath, since it had never previously existed as an Order, in the sense of a body of knights who were governed by a set of statutes and whose numbers were replenished when vacancies occurred. The Order consists of the Sovereign (currently Queen Elizabeth II), the GRAND MASTER is Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales.[17]

The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle is an order of chivalry associated Scotland. The current version of the Order was founded in 1687 by King James VII for Scotland (James II of England and Ireland) who asserted that he was reviving an earlier Order. The Order consists of the Sovereign and sixteen (16) Knights and Ladies, as well as certain “extra” knights (members of the British Royal Family and foreign monarchs). The Sovereign alone grants membership of the Order; he or she is not advised by the Government, as occurs with most other Orders. The Order’s primary emblem is the thistle, the national flower of Scotland. The motto is Nemo me impune lacessit (Latin for “No one provokes me with impunity“) The patron saint of the Order is St. Andrew. The Order of the Thistle are commanded by the Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, etc.[18]


The Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles command the World’s secret Royal and Rosicrucian Golden Sun Dynasties, Cults and Societies, patron saint- God Apollo.


Louis XIV (1638 –1715), known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the SUN KING (le Roi Soleil), was a monarch of the House of Bourbon who reigned as King of France and Navarre from 1643 until his death in 1715.


In duality, the Satanic Principle, it makes absolute sense that they also represent the highest orders of the Satanic Underworld of God Apollo’s dual evil nature, Apollyon.


Apollyon- Abaddon

The name Abaddon or Apollyon appears in Revelation 9:11: “They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.” In Hebrew, the name “Abaddon” means “place of destruction”.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles are the highest hierarchical sovereigns of the Black Sun Orders (example: Himmler’s SS, Knights of the Black Sun), patron saint- God Apollonian (Apollyon)- Dionysus.Greek title “Apollyon” literally means “The Destroyer.”[19]




Daniel 8:23-25, King James Version (KJV)

23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.


NEWS BRIEF: “Winged Prince is ‘Savior of the World‘ “, Fox News Life, March 7, 2002.

LONDON — The Prince of Wales is to be immortalized in bronze as a muscular, winged god dressed in nothing more than a loincloth. He will be the first living member of the Royal Family to have a life-size statue dedicated in his honor. Although the Prince is destined to become Defender of the Faith when he becomes King of England, the inscription on the statue in Brazil will honor him as ‘Savior of the World’.” [Emphasis added]

This designation just reeks of the title Antichrist is planning to take upon himself when he appears on the world scene. He will come striding though the smoke, dust, and destruction of the planned Third World War to establish “peace and safety“, amidst great “lying signs and wonders“. He will deceive the entire population of the world – except for God’s Electbecause a mighty demonic spirit of lying and deception [U.S. President- Select Donald J. Drumpf] will blow through the world at the time he appears.”[20]




Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile  (1926 – 2011) was a British Knight commanded by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles. He was an English DJ, television and radio personality, dance hall manager, and charity fundraiser. He hosted the BBC television show “Jim’ll Fix It“. He was the first and last presenter of the long-running BBC music chart show Top of the Pops, and raised an estimated £40 million for charities. After his death, hundreds  of  allegations of sexual abuse were made against him, leading the police to believe that Savile had been one of Britain’s most prolific mass predatory Satanic pedophiles.[21]


The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and Metropolitan Police joint report, “Giving Victims a Voice”, stated that 450 people had made complaints against Savile, with the period of alleged abuse stretching from 1955 to 2009 and the ages of the complainants at the time of the assaults ranging from eight to 47. The suspected victims included 28 children aged under 10, including 10 boys aged as young as eight. A further 63 were girls aged between 13 and 16 and nearly three-quarters of his victims were under 18. Some 214 criminal offenses were recorded, with 34 rapes having been reported across 28 police forces.”


Nonetheless, in the 1972 New Year Honours, Savile was appointed Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. In the 1990 Queen’s Birthday Honours, he was made a Knight Bachelor.


Savile was made a [Ninth Satanic Circle] Knight Commander of St Gregory the Great by Pope John Paul II in 1990.


A witness claimed they saw former Popes Joseph Ratzinger and John Paul II participate in Vatican satanic cult rituals known as the Ninth Circle that torture and murder childrenGeorge Dufort of a Brussels international court announced.


The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984. It was described by the BBC in 2007 as “an international organization of people who trade obscene material.” Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (1979- 1990) had made four attempts to have Savile knighted before succeeding in her final year in office to further veil him by a shroud of protection by the highest levels of government. [22],[23]

Jimmy Savile & The Satanic Sex Ring of Scarborough


The BBC star belonged to a convent of northern public figures, now deceased, who gathered in a venue called, The Chamber – which had signs of the DEVIL and goat heads on the walls. Serial Pedophile Jimmy Savile danced naked during Satanic sex rituals held in an underground chamber, according to reports. Savile regularly visited the secret club in Whitby, Scarborough, to join in sex-based rituals around a flogging post, it was claimed. Don’t get it twisted. This was no harmless and simple fascination with the DEVIL. They don’t roll like that. These are extremely dangerous PIZZAGATE criminals, worldwide.


Savile’s Black Sun Robe Symbol

Reportedly, Savile used the basement of Stoke Mandaville hospital in Aylesbury, England for black robbed Satanic rituals- chanting “Hail Satan“. It was also feared that Savile sexually molested the corpses of dead patients in secret Satanic Necrophilia ceremonies.[24]

Mad Jimmy Savile & the Yorkshire Ripper


From 1975 to 1981, a pall of fear was cast over the North of England by a mass serial killer that became known as the Yorkshire Ripper. He committed more than a dozen ritual murders. He linked the murders by specific atrocities and wrote mockingly to the police while they desperately hunted him. His victims were mostly prostitutes, some vulnerable poor girls and also ordinary working girls just out late at night. His modus operandi, or method, was to strike the victims with a hammer blow to the head, drag her in the darkness, into the shadows, sexually assault her- mutilate the victims’ genitals, rob her, then continue mutilate the victims with a flurry of knife wounds, sometimes biting her on the breasts; redressing and re-arrangement of the clothing, particularly the shoes, and finally covering the remains with the victim’s coat.[25]


Mad Mass Satanic Murderer and Pedophile & Queen Elizabeth II

A dentist made a cast of Jimmy Savile’s teeth to check against the bite-marks found on the bodies of the Yorkshire Ripper’s victims. Detectives went to some lengths to find out if Savile was connected to the shocking mass serial killing and assault spree. When the Ripper was really active, one of the main suspects consistently put forward by members of the public was Jimmy Savile. Police knew that Savile had a secret trade in poor and hapless prostitutes.[26] Savile’s teeth were examined in 1980, a year before a mentally deranged Manchurian Candidate, Peter Sutcliffe, was convicted of murdering 13 (thirteen)women and attempting to kill 7 (seven) others, both numbers are linked to the occult and alchemy. Sutcliffe claimed that they were friends. Bodies of some of the victims were found near Savile’s home.[27]


Royal Adviser to Prince Charles & Diana- Jimmy Savile  

n fact, Sutcliffe’s “friend” Savile was said to have been given his own set of gold-plated keys to high-security Broadmoor, where the alleged Yorkshire Ripper is a patient. Broadmoor Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hospital at Crowthorne in Berkshire, England. Savile was allegedly given bedrooms or an office at three hospitals, and former patients came forward to say he abused them on children’s wards.[28] Upon his arrest, Sutcliffe, a former mortuary worker, eventually confessed to 20 (twenty) mutilation assaults and 15 (fifteen) murders. He claimed that God’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH voice issuing from a grave he’d been digging one day had ordered him to attack. The Yorkshire Ripper female murder victims could have been part of the larger Dark Circle Satanic ritual human sacrifice victims. [29]


Savile Had the Keys to the Asylum- seen at Broadmoor in 1991, as Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe meets boxer Freemason Frank Bruno, who was on a visit to open a new gym.


Savile’s Former Girlfriend,

I have tried to blot it out of my mind, but I can’t. I know more about him than the police know. He was obsessed with death and with the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe. He would always tell me how he had to be careful, especially with the ‘birds’.When we went out in his car he would point out spots where dead bodies had been found and claim the Ripper had not been working alone. She said the pervert who liked to bite her sent a chill up her spine with one revelation. He told me he had been questioned by police after the body of a young girl was found near his home covered in bite marks,” said Georgina. “Jimmy said they had made him hand over a sample bite mark. But he was always bragging about how he was protected and had people who looked after him.”[30]


Long Close Personal Friends, Savile & Prince of Wales

One of Savile’s most prolific and powerful protectors was his best friend in the crown’s royal house, The Prince of Wales.


In 1984, Prince Charles was reportedly put the Mad Mass Satanic Murderer and Pedophile on the list to be Prince Harry’s godfather.[31] How could Savile’s friend, The Prince of Wales, help him get away with so many horrendous crimes against women, children, and the dead for so many years? Prince Charles commands secret societies, knights, police officers, paramilitaries and millions of Freemasons all over the world. He’s one of the most Satanic and dangerous men on earth planet.

There are 250,000 Freemasons in 8,000 Lodges in England and Wales. Freemasons have secretly ruled British society for almost 200 years. In a recently revealed Masonic archive in Britain from 1733 to 1923 show that more than 5,500 police officers, thousands of military figures, 170 judges, 169 MPs, 16 bishops and an Indian prince were listed in the Freemasons archive. It shows that most of the police responsible for investigation the Jack the Ripper murders, and the suspected mass killer were all Freemasons.[36]


Jack the Ripper, Master Mason Michael Maybrick

The prime suspect for England’s most infamous “Jack The Ripper” crimes of the late 19th century, Michael Maybrick, may have escaped justice because of a Masonic cover-up. Maybrick and most of the investigating police officers of Scotland Yard were freemasons. Michael Maybrick was on the  Supreme Grand Council of Freemasons, St. Andrews Masonic Lodge, Nottingham, UK.

“Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Charles Warren was a Mason along with his “eyes and ears” on the case Chief Inspector Donald Swanson. Coroners Wynne Baxter and Henry Crawford who ruled on the murders were also Masons along with at least three police doctors who examined the bodies.”[37]


Prince Philip

Masonic Knights and Masons all over the world are under sovereign command of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Prince Philip, the Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of England.



Joan Rivers Rolled Deep with Them



Rivers & Griffin- Ritz Carlton Hotel, London

Rivers & Griffin in “black and red” before going to Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace a secret Prince Charles’s Black Mass Ball? The traditional colors of “black and red” used in Satanism, date all the way back to Ancient Egypt and are symbolic of spiritual transformation to the occult. In the Masonic system, red is the symbol of regeneration. Thus red is the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree since that degree teaches the regeneration of life. To worship Lucifer, one must wear mostly Red and Black.

Kathy Griffin,

In 2011, she [Joan Rivers] called me and said, ‘Chuck and Camilla are having a two-night event, one night at Windsor Castle, one night at Buckingham. It’ll be very fancy. Do you want to come as my plus one?’ Now, I knew Joan was friendly with Prince Charles and Camilla, but what I didn’t know was that she hung with them, as in, she rolled deep with them. As in, she went out to Balmoral Castle on a painting vacation with them.”[32]


Joan Rivers Rolled Deep with Prince Charles

Balmoral Castle has been the Scottish home of the Royal Family since it was purchased for Queen Victoria by Prince Albert in 1852, having been first leased in 1848. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, and Prince Charles take a close personal interest in running and improving the Estates.[33]


Arizona Wilder, a recovering victim of the massive MK ULTRA/MONARCH (Dr. Josef Mengele) Dark Satanic Circle mind control network, who had worked for them at a very high level, said she had conducted sacrifices of infants; blood sacrifices; and drinking of blood rituals as a “Mother Goddess” for the British royal family, especially at Balmoral Castle, and at a notorious centre for Satanic ritual called the “Mothers of Darkness Castle” in Belgium.[34]  She speaks a great deal about the royal family being “shape-shiftingreptilians from other dimensions and outer space, but that may be due to the MK ULTRA mind control programming- “implantation of post-hypnotic suggestions” to make it appear on the surface as if she is totally insane.


However, it is consistent with the world’s clandestine ruling Merovingian Satanic dynasties’ ancient mythologies and belief s that they (Pablo Picasso- Kanye West) descended from giants, dragons, serpents, monsters and “Sea Serpents.”[35]

It appears that Rivers and Griffin visited Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace with Prince Charles and Camilla for 2 (two) days sometime in June 2011. There appears to be no press releases or pictures of their visits. Joan didn’t, and Griffin does not discuss what went on at Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace with Prince Charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William, Prince Harry and royal family as if their lips were sealed by a blood covenant of secrecy.


Dr. Norovin & Jack Uram

Let me add one small detail before I conclude. Dr. Gwen Norovin was the last person that saw Joan Rivers alive. Her husband is a NY attorney, Jack Michael Uram. URAM is an ancient bloodline family out of Cornwall, Britain.

I believe that Rivers and Griffin were in England to celebrate the ancient pagan occult festivals of the Summer Solstice June 20-21, 2011. Midsummer’s Eve rituals are some of the greatest and most important festivals of the year. Joan River’sImperial Bee” is very similar to the regalia of Prince Charles’ Order of the Garter.


Prince William and Prince Charles depart after attending the Garter service at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle during the medieval week of St. George prior to Midsummer’s Night, June 19- 25.

The Order of the Garter was founded not only as a continuation of the legend of King Arthur’s Round Table, with all the mysticism and occultism that entails, but also as the overseer of the inner circles of the Priory of Zion, the Knights Templar, and the Rosicrucians …”

St. George’s Chapel is inside Windsor Castle. It is the chapel of the Order Garter. The castle dates back to the 11nd century and William the Conqueror. Midsummer was celebrated at the “Festival of Fire” reliving legends such as St George and the Dragon. Bones were often burned leading to the term “bonfire”. The tale of St George and the Dragon goes back to the crusaders and the Knights Templar.

Midsummer Night rituals are especially special to Prince Charles and Prince William, “the Spencer Family has a purer Illuminati family genealogy than the Windsor Family. For this reason, Prince Charles sought out Diana to be his wife, so she could bear their “Eldest Son”, Prince William. If Prince William turns out to be history’s Antichrist, he will have a purer occult genecology than his father, Charles. Remember, Prince William was born on 21 June 1982, on Summer Solstice, one of the most important days in the annual Satanic calendar.”

Prince Charles is so high up on the secret Masonic, Military and Satanic hierarchical stepladder that he has the undivided power to recruit and initiate anyone into the Masonic Order over the coffee table. Joan brought Kathy Griffin to England to be initiated by Prince Charles as the next BLACK QUEEN BEE of the DARK SATANIC CIRCLE.

I get what I am. I’m the shiny object. I get it. We all know what’s going on here. They’re using me as the shiny object so that nobody’s talking about his FBI investigation.” She is right. It’s a mass population psychological warfare or PSYWAR tactic that the ILLUMINATI and Shadow Government uses called, “Strategy of Tension.” The “strategy of tension” employed by NATO stay-behind networks in Europe from the 1960s to the present day is defined by Swiss professor of contemporary history Daniele Ganser as the method by which “world powers divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions” to achieve their ultimate goals of global domination over the masses, and the world’s resources.

Kathy should know it. She has a pact with the DEVIL with millions in her bank accounts. She is the new Black Queen Bee of Prince Charles’ Masonic Dark Satanic Circle. In this case, she is indeed the “shiny object“- but the agent provocateur used to divide, polarize, and manipulate the American people, and control global opinion. I am not talking about ancient history.

It’s happening right now! the Masonic Dark Satanic Circle has openly infiltrated the highest public offices of the nation and democracy through PRESIDENT- SELECT DONALD J. DRUMPF, and they want to prepare you for LUCIFER IN CONTROL. 

[1] https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/codex_magica14.htm

[2] https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1734917

[3] http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/watch-marilyn-mansons-brutal-trump-inspired-say10-video-w449091

[4] Id.

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maltese_cross

[6] https://www.discerningtheworld.com/2014/11/27/huguenots-john-calvin-freemasonry/

[7] http://ethnicelebs.com/joan-rivers

[8] http://www.recordclick.com/joan-rivers-genealogy-researcher-finds-origins-amazing-brain/

[9] http://www.aish.com/ci/a/Joan-Rivers-Can-We-Talk.html

[10] http://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/pesach_cdo/aid/1774/jewish/Seder-Plate-Kabbalah.htm

[11] http://bitterwaters.com/Evidence_Azazel_Zohar.html

[12] http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/joan-rivers-fatal-surgery-what-748058

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korovin

[14] http://educate-yourself.org/mc/illumformula11chap.shtml

[15] http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/joan-rivers-medical-files-expose-doctors-secrets-comedian-surgery-death/

[16] http://secretsofthefed.com/joan-rivers-beyonce-illuminati-rumors-arise-comedian-dies-singers-birthday/

[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Bath

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Thistle

[19] https://www.gotquestions.org/Abaddon-Apollyon.html

[20] http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1678.cfm

[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savile

[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savile

[23] http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jimmy-savile-papal-knighthood-could-1402033

[24] http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/sex-abuse-club-victims-439231

[25] http://www.yorkshireripper.com/the-story/

[26] Id.

[27] Id.

[28] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2229786/Jimmy-Savile-Yorkshire-Ripper-Cast-DJs-teeth-check-bites-left-

[29] https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/shadow-boxing/201309/bundys-demon-part-ii

[30] http://thomassheridanofficialblog.blogspot.com/2015/02/jimmy-saviles-ex-girlfriend-confirms.html

[31] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3119323/EPHRAIM-HARDCASTLE-Prince-Harry-Jimmy-Savile-godfather.html

[32] http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/bookmark/kathy-griffin-memoir-joan-rivers-took-her-windsor-castle-meet-prince-chuck-948984

[33] http://www.balmoralcastle.com/about.htm

[34] https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/matrix/matrix12.htm

[35] https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merovingians/merovingios_07.htm

[36] http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/how-secret-group-freemasons-kept-6886802

[37] http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/how-secret-group-freemasons-kept-6886802