25 03 2018



The “United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States” was set up under U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975 to investigate the activities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies within the United States. The commission was led by the U.S. Vice PresidentNelson Rockefeller, and is sometimes referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.

The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized CIA MK ULTRA. It also studied issues relating to the JFK Assassination, specifically the head snap as seen in the Zapruder film, and the possible presence of CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis in Dallas, TX.[1] Carefully hidden behind the veil of the Rockefeller Commission were the CIA’s top secret illegal domestic operations and war against Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) in Oakland, CA.[2]

U.S. President Gerald R. Ford was initiated into Freemasonry on September 30, 1949, in Malta Lodge No. 465. (Grand Rapids, Michigan). Subsequently Ford received the degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason in Columbia Lodge No.3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951 respectively. Years later Ford became a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, Northern Jurisdiction.[3]

U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was a Knight of Malta (Knight Templar). He stood at the top of the hierarchical level of Freemasonry.[4]

“The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission.” – Quoted from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper[5]

The Rockefeller Commission led by Freemasons deliberately concealed the CIA’s domestic operations against the BPP.

In June 1966, the CIA director was Richard Helms. The CIA’s secret operations against the BPP were run out of the Office of Security: 

The Director of Security (DOS) is charged with the preparation of the Agency’s security program and with the performance of security inspection functions…” Included among the responsibilities of the DOS was to “Obtain and evaluate through investigation, technical interrogation, and liaison contact with other United States agencies…Approve or Disapprove, from a security standpoint, the employment or utilization of individuals by the Agency, except certain approvals reserved for the Deputy Director (Plans)…Develop and conduct internal counterintelligence programs to detect and prevent hostile penetrations of the Agency through its employees…Furnish security advice and guidance to Agency employees.”[6]

The director of the CIA Office of Security (OS) at that time was Robert L. Bannerman.[7] Bannerman was OS deputy chief under Sheffield Edwards. OS had the responsibility to protect Agency personnel and facilities from compromising situations and unauthorized penetration. OS also performed other, more surreptitious tasks. Its agents were widely regarded as experts in carrying out “black bag” and “clean up” jobs, and were infamous for less sophisticated “hard knuckle” operations.[8]

Since 1948, Edwards had been directly involved in supervising the CIA’s PB/7 program responsible for assassinations, kidnappings, special weapons, drugs, exotic poisons, induced diseases, and other means. BLUEBIRD (Nazi SS) and the secret assassination program ARTICHOKE (Assassinations & Manchurian Candidates) were run out of OS. There is no reason to believe OS suddenly changed its stripes under Bannerman.[9]

The CIA ran two highly classified and secret programs against the Panthers out the basement of the CIA Langley headquarters. OS’ Merrimac Project employed a number of secret black agents to spy on, report on and infiltrate the Panthers. They attended meetings and rallies to identify Panthers and supporters. They had at least 12 (twelve) black agents to photograph Panthers, identify their vehicles and follow them home. The OS developed and maintained a sophisticated and comprehensive data system on the BPP.

OS’ other secret operation against the Panthers was the infamous CHAOS Project.[10] Before the beginning of the Rockefeller Commission, CIA Director, Richard Helms, one of the most dangerous men in America, linked to Operation PAPERCLIP NAZI SS, ARTICHOKE, MK ULTRA/MONARCH, and their undeclared illegal war against the PANTHERS destroyed 150-200 domestic files on the BPP to conceal them from Congress and the public. And, the Knights of Malta and Freemasons on the Rockefeller Commission in 1975 conspired with the CIA to keep their secret illegal war against the Panthers off the books, TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED.[11]

This is what I know. We knew that entities high in the government declared war against us. They told all our friends and family that they were going to kill us or put us in prison for life. We couldn’t land any decent jobs, public or private, because of government interference. However, the most chilling part is that we were warned that we had high level extrajudicial death squads out on streets employed to kill us or make us disappear. That’s why we had strict orders if presented with lethal forceRETURN IT.

In the early formation of the BPP in 1966, a secret Operation Merrimac black CIA agent had in fact made direct contact with me to try to discourage me from continuing to support Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. As far as I know now, I have had U.S Army, Air Force Intelligence, and several secret black CIA/NSA agents and agent provocateurs assigned to befriend me to identify Panthers, elders, friends, family, followers, and any supporters that gave us any aid, support and strength for planned government neutralization operations. Yes, on a personal basis it did seriously affect me mentally and socially, but we moved forward with love for the people, self-defense, self-determination, the 10-Plan, and didn’t back up.




In 1970-1971, a small group of young white teachers with Oakland Unified School District invited me to a business presentation at one of their homes. I was invited to the presentation because the business product proffered to alter the psyche of black children. The business product was “The Sun Man”. A young brother developed a black super hero called the “Sun Man” to booster the self-esteem of black children. I sat down with him for a confidential conversation. I told him that what he proposed to affect the psyche of black children was an ILLUSION.

Merriam-Webster defines ILLUSION as a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality. The magician specializes in creating ILLUSIONS, so that people believe they have seen something when they really haven’t.[53]

Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology heavily studied by the CIA that focuses on the way people process information. It looks at how we process information we receive and how the treatment of this information leads to our responses. In other words, cognitive psychology is interested in what is happening within our minds that links stimulus (input) and response (output).[54]

Perception Stimulus (Input) Processing
 BLACK CHILD   The Greatness Super Hero of Them All  


No Foundation

No History

No Mythology

No Such Hero

ILLUSION, Cognitive Bias and Dissonance.

Mental Error

Cognitive biases are mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies. It is important to distinguish cognitive biases from other forms of bias, such as cultural bias, organizational bias, or bias that results from one’s own self-interest. In other words, a cognitive bias does not result from any emotional or intellectual predisposition toward a certain judgment, but rather from subconscious mental procedures for processing information. Cognitive biases are similar to optical illusions in that the error remains compelling even when one is fully aware of its nature. Awareness of the bias, by itself, does not produce a more accurate perception. Cognitive biases, therefore, are, exceedingly difficult to overcome.[12]

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.[13]


Perception Stimulus (Input)





Hercules is a Roman Hero and God. He was the Son of Zeus (Roman equivalent Jupiter). In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his Super Strength.


Global Super Hero, Super Hero of Greek and Roman Mythology, Validation of Human Worthiness and Divine Origin

I tried to explain to the young brother that “The Sun Man” has “no objective reality” in myth or fact. He was offering black children a black super hero that they don’t have. The Sun Man doesn’t exist in legend, myth or fact. I offered to sit down with him and help develop a real black super hero from legend, mythology or fact that challenges the notions of white supremacy and that we could defend, justify, protect, and win the support of the masses, and the consent and approval of our elders.

Subconsciously, the young man was really seeking the consent and approval of white people offering them a black super hero that wouldn’t offend them or challenge white privileges and white supremacy notions. I never hear from him. The Sun Man died. The Sun Man found life again in 1985. He was copyrighted by Olmec Corporation (Yla Eason) in New York. “For too long, many black children have been unable to enjoy the fantasies of power because they could not identify with superheros who were white.” By 1993, the Sun Man died once more.[14]

So, you may ask why I am talking about the long gone Sun Man in 2018. Walt Disney and Marvel Comics’ “The Black Panther” movie opened five weeks ago in February 2018, and it’s come in No. 1 at the box office for all five of those weeks well into March 2018. There is no difference between the “The Sun Man” black super hero of the 20th century, and “The Black Pantherblack super hero of the 21st century. Both deceive and pacify the masses with the illusions of “fantasies of power”. Both “The Sun Man” and “The Black Panther” black hero do not exist in legend, myth, magic or fact. Neither black hero, “The Sun Man” or “The Black Panther” challenges the status quo, New World Order or global white supremacy, because they are absolutely ILLUSIONARY characters of fantasy black power created by the ILLUMINATI and the New World Order to negatively affect the psyche of the masses and mislead and Double Bind (insanity without disease) the psyche of the elders, and black children.



Buchenwald concentration camp near Wiemar, Germany was one of the largest on German soil, with one hundred and 30 (thirty) satellite camps and extension units. The name “Buchenwald” was given to the camp by SS I Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler on July 28, 1937. The camp’s name – “Buchenwald” – became a synonym for the Nazi SS crimes against humanity, because it was one of the most bestial. In the early 1970s, they had plans for black and brown students of the Oakland Unified School District that was a “TOUCH OF BUCHENWALD“.

Oakland Public Schools- A Buchenwald Satellite Camp & Diabolical EVIL 

Seething Energies of Lucifer, Master Mason Manley P. Hall

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy. ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ page 48, Manley P Hall, 33rd degree.

Freemasonry reveals itself at a closer approach in its true light, that of a satanic sect. Freemasonry worships LuciferSatan. The higher degrees of masonry are far more secret and diabolical than the general membership. The higher degrees use their influence in all aspects of society to advance in power and control for the furtherance of what they call “the great work“, which is a New World Order.

During the 1960s and early 1970s, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) had been one of the best and most comprehensive free educational systems in the nation and the world. Its athletic department- the Division 1 Oakland Athletic League (OAL) was renowned for producing world class athletes.  Over 70% of the student population of nearly 77,000 was black. However, there was room for much improvement particularly in racial matters. There was a great need of a more diversified staff of educators and school administrators. There was a need to include the black community in the educational decision making process of the schools, because it had risen to demand change and POWER.

What very few people understood was that the secret hierarchical and diabolical Freemasonry stood at the base of POWER in city politics, and the OUSD. In other words, Oakland’s alternative interpretation is “LAND OF THE OAK TREE”.

In July 1968, Dr. Stuart Samuel Phillips, OUSD Superintendent surprised the city with his resignation effective June 30, 1969. Phillips was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason according to the [Satanicritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Knight of the Golden Circle Albert Pike] of the United States. Phillips was slated by President Richard Nixon’s administration to become the Superintendent of the International School of Bangkok Thailand from 1969 to 1975. The international school in Thailand was a U.S. State Department school for children of the CIA, military and intelligence forces massing to assault Vietnam.[15] After Thailand, Phillips became a world traveler. He visited more than 80 countries on 6 continents- CIA.[16] 

The York Rite consists of a series of Degrees and Orders as described below.  York Rite actually begins with the Blue Lodge Degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason).  But, one is not considered to be a “York Rite Mason” until he has taken the Royal Arch series of degrees, following through with the Cryptic Mason degrees, and culminating or completing with the Templar Orders.  When you complete the York Rite series of “degrees” you become a Companion and a Sir Knight.[17]  All Nazi SS Knights of the Black Sun are secret Teutonic KnightsThe Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem.[18]

The Knight Templar Orders are a Christian series (of “degrees”) that makes a masonic brother a member of the Order of the Red Cross, a Knight of Malta and the Mediterranean Pass, and a Knight Templar.  (Among other titles that are included in the process) In many cases US intelligence services consider Masons a reliable mainstay in their secret work.[19]

Allen W. Dulles (Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta, Uncle of Jesuit Avery Dulles). John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic, Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta, Administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University). Richard Helms (Advised by Vatican Knight of Malta James Angleton). William E. Colby (Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta).[20]

On July 4, 1970, Dr. Marcus Albert Foster arrived in Oakland, CA. He had been recruited out of Philadelphia, PA by the CIA, Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, Price-Waterhouse, Freemasons and the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi) to step into the superintendent’s office as part of a special and secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH operation under CIA Director Richard Helms.

Robert W. Blackburn, above, followed Dr. Foster into Oakland as his deputy superintendent. Under the veil, Blackburn ran the daily affairs of the OUSD.[21] He was a former Peace Corps Deputy Director of Somalia (1964–66) stationed at the militarily strategic horn of Africa- Hargeisa, formerly British Somalia. He entered the Peace Corps after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Prior to the assassination, JFK and Peace Corps Director, Sargent Shriver worked hard to keep CIA agents under Deputy Director, Richard Helms, from infiltrating Peace Corps.[22]

The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) exposed Blackburn as a CIA agent while working for the Peace Corp and CIA front U.S. Agency for Independent Development (USAID) in Somalia.[23] Prior to been summoned to Oakland, he served as the executive director of the Citizens Committee on Public Education in Philadelphia, and led educational programs for the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ).[24] OPD Chief of Police- Panther Squad FBI Agent Charles Gain had been a member of the Community Relations Committee of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.[25] Alfred May, president of the Detroit Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, was also a FBI agent. NCCJ’s patron is Queen Elizabeth II.[26]

In June 1971, I got involved in an extremely heated exchange with my elder, Dr. Foster. I was a member of Peace Corp/Teacher Corp. I had worked within the school district for 2 (two) years as a teacher trainee while I earned my AB degree and teacher’s credential. OUSD had a commitment to hire us as teachers at the end of the end of the two year period. All of my credentials and ducks were in roll.  However, Dr. Foster suddenly told us that he couldn’t perform his part of the bargain to hire us. So, we argued about that in a meeting. But, it was unknown to me that everyone in the room of about 18 to 20 teacher corps members were secretly and silently already in the loop to be hired by OUSD. I was the only odd guy out.  I clearly understood the inherent, apparent and expressed powers of the school district superintendent. Brothers Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale had been my teachers. Dr. Foster and I really argued over the illusion and FANTASY OF POWER that he really secretly possessed. The problem was that I didn’t know very much at all about the diabolical, devils, demons, deceptions, illusions, Masons, and the CIA.

Dr. Marcus Foster was EVIL and the DIABOLICAL. He wrestled directly with demons and the DEVIL. He was a Goat Rider (Secret Society Greek Divine 9), and 32 or 33rd degree Freemason (Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret). The lawyer that prepared his last will and testament just before he arrived in Oakland was Leon S. Rosenthal of Philadelphia, PA. Rosenthal secretly initiated him into the Masonic higher degrees and levels to seal an ultimate level of the covenant of secrecy to cover his true mission in Oakland.

Master Mason Leon S. Rosenthal

I only found out about Rosenthal when Dr. Foster’s Last Will and Testimony was opened for probate administration in Alameda County. Rosenthal and his Philadelphia law office staff had been the witnesses to the will. The probate administrator couldn’t produce any of them to verify Dr. Foster’s will. That’s when I discovered the sudden and mysterious death of Leon S. Rosenthal in court records. Rosenthal was an extremely influential Jewish Freemason. He was the worshipful master of Athelston Lodge No. 482.  He was a member of the West Philadelphia Optimists Club, Sol C. Kraus Lodge of Brith Sholom, and Chancellor-Commander of Barbarossa Lodge, Knights of Pythias. He was also a Greek Goat Rider of Sigma Alpha Rho.[27]  Rosenthal came up mysteriously dead on September 14, 1973 just days before Dr. Foster was gunned down on November 06, 1973.

If Rosenthal hadn’t authored a couple of books about the history of Philadelphia, he might be disappeared completely.[28] Likewise, Dr. Foster was awarded the Medal of Four Chaplains for his chaplain work at Holmesburg Prison. This record has disappeared because it links Dr. Foster directly with America’s BUCHENWALDCIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Sub project Operation OFTEN. In January 1973, as CIA Director Richard Helms was leaving the Agency and James Schlesinger was coming in, Project OFTEN was abruptly canceled. And he ordered all documents pertaining to the unconscionable behavior control experiments — ARTICHOKE, MONARCH, OFTEN, Operation Midnight Crisis (collectively referred to as MK-ULTRA) destroyed.

The outgoing CIA director and his trusted protégé,  the DiabolicaSydney Gottlieb, hoped, no doubt, to wipe out all traces of the abominable experiments and all traces of their secret collaborators, and thousands of human victims.[29]

In Congressional testimony, CIA Director Richard Helms claimed that MK-OFTEN was just another name for MK-CHICKWIT, a CIA-Defense Department program for testing “medical procedures” on prisoners at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia from 1967 to 1973.[30] Project MKCHICKWIT was a CIA program conducted in cooperation with the Department of Defense, operating under the aegis of Project MK SEARCH, for the purpose of identifying and studying “new drug developments in Europe and Asia.” This project reportedly ran from 1968-1971 at the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories.[31]

Under the veil, the goal of MK OFTEN was much clandestinely broader -“test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans“. According to author Gordon Thomas’ 2007 book, Secrets and Lies, the CIA’s Operation Often was also initiated by the chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to “explore the world of black magic” and “harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach“. As part of Operation OFTEN, Dr. Gottlieb and other CIA employees visited with and recruited fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologists, mediums, psychics, specialists in DEMONOLOGY, witches and warlocks, SATANISTS, other occult practitioners, and more.[32]

Rosenthal and Dr. Foster may have been highly classified human causalities of Richard Helms’ Project MK ULTRA/MONARCH- OFTEN loose ends clean-up CIA OS operation. Helms would certainly want to destroy CIA files linked to Dr. Foster and Buchenwald Satellite by the Bay- the Oakland Unified School District.



33rd Degree Blood Oath Master Masons- President Gerald Ford, Freemason California Attorney General Evelle Younger, California Governor (President-Freemason Knight of Malta) Ronald Reagan

In January 1973, in Governor Ronald Reagan’s State of the State message, he announced plans for the establishment of a biomedical (BUCHENWALD) facility in California, The Center for the Study of the Reduction of Violence. Supported by state and federal funds (LEAA), the first center was planned for the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, headed by Dr. Louis Joylon “Jolly” West, the CIA Maestro of Mind Control.

From 1971 to 1979, Evelle J. Younger was the California Attorney General. Younger provided state cover for covert CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs and operations. California highest law enforcement official covered up California’s BUCHENWALD, Dr. Marcus Foster’s Assassination, and JONESTOWN. They are all related. When public outcry shut down California’s BUCHENWALD, it clandestinely moved into prisons; Peoples Temple then Jonestown. Under Younger, juvenile Wards of the State of California were shipped directly to the CIA’s experiment Medical Concentration Camp in Jonestown, Guyana.

“Many of the children who died in Jonestown were wards of the State of California who had been turned over to Jim Jones and other Temple members by California judges. It was illegal for these children to be removed from California yet, according to the House Foreign Affairs Committee which investigated the matter, no California official ever requested a check into the welfare or whereabouts of these children.”[33]

To the Jonestown monstrosities, they have added dogs specially trained to attack human genitals. The operations there have included the heavy hand of decapitation specialist Michael Townley Welch, an American CIA agent, as well as reported visits by Nazi war criminals Dr. Josef Mengele and Martin Bormann.”[34]

During the school year 1970-1971, I was living briefly with my mother and family in what they called the 65th Avenue Village known as San Antonio Gardens. It was located right off East 14th Street now International Avenue. It was a predominately Black housing project. It was located directly across the street from Havenscourt Jr. High School.

One day, I came home from school in the evening and found my beloved baby sister dressing to go to an evening religious service at Havenscourt Jr. High School’s auditorium. She was a fourth or fifth grader no more than 10 or 11 years old. Upon inquiry, I discovered that she had been enticed to attend the service in her classroom at Lockwood Elementary School that was adjacent to Havenscourt. I recall reading a flyer about the religious service that came directly from her classroom.

My sister wanted to go to the service, because her classmate friends intended to go. I escorted her to the service. I wanted to see for myself what was going on. Sure enough, it was a religious service taking place on school grounds at Havenscourt.

In the service, Rev. Jim Jones performed his infamous “crowd pleasing” fake miracle healing from cancer of a member of the Peoples Temple by coughing up bloody cancerous material, chicken parts. It was Jim Jones and the People Temple, because I remembered Rose Shelton being there. She was Rev. Jones’ personal nurse. Rose collected the coughed up assumed bloody cancer stuff in a white cloth and displayed it to the young horrified audience.

Elder Rose Shelton- Murdered in Jonestown, Guyana, South America

Rose Shelton became my great aunt in-law! Jim Jones and the People Temple were working inside the OUSD to recruit and pick up vulnerable and powerless black children. Before I could look into the relationship between Rev. Jim Jones and OUSD, I got into with Dr. Foster. I was pushed out of OUSD.

Evelle J. Younger was a prime example of the hidden satanic super elite bloodlines behind the veil ruling the affairs of America and California. Younger’s distant descendant, Joshua Younger, was married to the former Elizabeth Lee, and that she was the daughter of Richard Henry Lee, a founding father of our nation. It was he who made the motion on June 7, 1776, as a member of the Second Continental Congress, to declare independence from Great Britain. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a U.S. senator from Virginia. That would mean he was the great-great-great-great grandfather of Evelle Younger…signifying that Richard Henry Lee’s brother—Francis Lightfoot Lee, also a signer of the Declaration of Independence—was Younger’s great-great-great-great granduncle. (Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot also had an ancestor in common with Joshua Logan Younger, and were Evelle Younger’s first cousins 15 times removed.)

 Evelle Younger was also, it seems, related to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Richard Henry Lee had a first cousin, Henry Lee II. So…his son, Henry Lee III—known as “Light Horse Harry” for his activities as a cavalry officer in the Revolutionary War—was a second cousin of Joshua Younger; Henry Lee II’s son, the man who surrendered to Grant at Appomattox was third cousin of Henry Younger Sr.; and Lee was a third cousin four times removed from Younger.

 Evelle Younger was a distant relative of outlaws other than the Younger Brothers- Ku Klux Klan- Knights of the Golden Circle. He was a fifth cousin 10 times removed to Texas train robber Sam Bass; a ninth cousin twice removed to Golden Circle Knight Jesse James; a fifth cousin seven times removed to Butch Cassidy; and a seventh cousin once removed to John Wesley Hardin.[35] Richard Henry Lee was first cousin of Anneke Jane Edwards, great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother of Clinton. Evelle Younger was a seventh cousin twice removed to Dixie Mafia President Bill Clinton.

 President Zackary Taylor was Evelle Younger’s third cousin 14 times removed, as was President William Henry Harrison; the latter’s grandson, President Benjamin Harrison, was a fifth cousin 12 times removed. Getting into really remote relationships: President John Kennedy was a seventh cousin 10 times removed, and President Lyndon B. Johnson was an eighth cousin 10 times removed. Younger’s kin also included author Mark Twain (third cousin six times removed); newspaper publisher Bohemian Satanist William Randolph Hearst (second cousin, 12 times removed); blind author Eugenicist Helen Keller (third cousin six times removed); and War Criminal U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (third cousin 10 times removed).[36]

In Los Angeles, DA Evelle J. Younger was also instrumental in the cover-up of the assassination of the RFK Assassination; and Hoover’s COINTELPRO program to destroy the BPPYounger had also been one of 33rd Degree Master Mason J. Edgar Hoover’s top FBI agents.[37]

During WWII, Younger was U.S. Army Intelligence with the Far East Counter-Intelligence Branch of the OSS with CIA Directors Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather, Dr. Gregory Bateson.[38] Evelle Younger was a blood oath secret Goat Rider, Freemason and Shriner. He belonged to Alpha Tau OmegaInternational Shriners and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Elks are “Clandestine Masonic Membership Shrines” under the jurisdiction of the Albert Pike’s Satanic Grand Lodge of Arkansas and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.[39]

An early draft of West’s proposed UCLA BUCHENWALD center described using schools in Black and Brown neighborhoods as human guinea pigs to experiment on and screen for possible genetic defects. It also mentioned using psychosurgery as treatment on children to modify what he and the establishment perceived to be no more than anti-social behavior,

“Such programs might include control of drug or alcohol abuse, modification of chronic anti-social or impulsive aggressiveness.”[40]

Dr. West planned to use an abandoned NIKE missile base in the Santa Monica Mountains. It was a perfect Little Auschwitz, and secret adjunct to the center to experiment on California’s children and prisoners of color,

“It is accessible but relatively remote. The site is securely fenced, and includes various buildings and improvements making it suitable for prompt occupancy. If this site were made available to the Neuropsychiatric Institute as a research facility, perhaps initially as an adjunct to the new Center for Prevention of Violence, we could put it to very good use. Comparative studies could be carried out there, in an isolated but convenient location, of experimental or model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior.”[41]

Dr. West’s BUCHENWALD also proposed chemical castration, implantation of transponders in sexual organs and the brain for remote control, biological control of women’s menstrual cycles to control crime, and eventual replacement of the U.S. legal system with psychiatric control.

One of the principal school districts that would have secretly feed Black and Brown children into Dr. West’s SS-CIA Mind Control Chamber of Horrors hidden away in the remote Santa Monica Mountains was CIA agent, Freemason Dr. Marcus A. Foster’s Oakland Unified School District.

On July 27, 1973, the California Council on Criminal Justice (CCCJ) voted 19 to 0 to approve the allocation of funds ($750,000) for Dr. West’s Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. The CCCJ was an entity of the government of California that acted as the supervisory board concerning federal grants by President Nixon’s the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA).

According to government documents reviewed by the Late Great Mae Brussell at the time, they revealed that LEAA and Robert Finch of the U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare were behind Dr. West’s Violence Center. Behind the veil, it had been part of the Dr. Arnold Hutshnecker’s SS-Nazi Plan to force Black and Brown into concentration camps.[42]

In September 1973, Dr. Marcus Foster introduced a proposal to place armed police “control personnel” in schools, , and issue mandatory ID photo cards for all OUSD students K-12 from a computer data base maintained by a principal pentagon contractor, Honeywell, Inc., funded through a grant from CCCJ . They were putting in place a computer data processing center to target and track each and every black and brown student in OUSD throughout life for surveillance, control, intervention, suppression and elimination as if they were part of a Nazi Concentration Camp System, and the Racial Jewish Holocaust. However, it goes far deeper.

Honeywell at that time was linked with Lt Colonel James H. Critchfield of the CIA, the Gehlen Org and Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller.  In 1948, Critchfield had been recruited into the CIA by John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. They assigned him to literally “baby sit” the Gehlen Org and Himmler’s SS- Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Dr. Josef Mengele, Heinrich Müller, etc., from 1949 to 1956.[43]

The CIA officially assumed responsibility for the Nazi-SS spy organization in July 1949, with Critchfield taking over as Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen’s supervisor. Critchfield escorted General Gehlen on a taxpayer’s paid vacation tour across the U.S. and to a baseball game. American taxpayers even provided Gehlen with a chalet vacation home, and gave millions upon millions of dollars to Gehlen and the SS- Knights of the Black Sun.

Critchfield moved his base of operations to Pullach, setting up his office in head of the Nazi Party Chancellery Martin Bormann’s former bedroom. Pullach, officially Pullach i. Isartal, is a municipality in the district of Munich in Bavaria, GermanyGehlen had turned Pullach into its own separate world, with over two hundred of his top staff and their wives and children living and working in the compound. Before Critchfield moved in, Hitler’s General Gehlen himself had lived with his wife and four children in Bormann’s two-story house known, ironically, as the “White House.”[44]

Critchfield served as the president of a Honeywell, Inc. subsidiary called Tetra Tech International.[45] Tetra Tech was his own personal company that also masked the clandestine activities and interests of the CIA and Gehlen Org, here and abroad.

Critchfield’s CIA wife, Lois, said that the company was setup to specially aid Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman. In a 1970 Omani coup d’état, Qaboos overthrew his father.  The coup had been planned by MI6, the Foreign Office, and the British Ministry of Defense.[46]

Honeywell, Inc. was a major contractor developing Vietnam War anti-personnel weapons such as cluster bombs and land mines for the Department of Defense.[47] Honeywell also had a “mind control” contract with the CIA.[48]

Dr. Foster and I argued because word came down from Washington DC that it didn’t want me anywhere in any position whatsoever inside the school district. In fact, they didn’t want me in the city at all. The FBI visited my home and talked to my mother. They encouraged her to talk to me about leaving town on my own while they planned to covertly implement MK ULTRA’s Violence Center, and the U.S. Pentagon’s Phoenix Program (Hamlet Evaluation System) Computer Data Base System inside OUSD.

Technically, I had worked in OUSD under Joseph Blatchford, President Richard Nixon’s head of Peace Corps. Blatchford came to the Nixon administration from Accion, a volunteer organization that accepted money from at least 2 (two) CIA fronts.[49] In 1972, it was disclosed that Blatchford employed CIA agents in Accion- Peace Corps policy decisions since at the very least 1965 with CIA (Germany Station) Cold War Agent Eric H. Biddle, Jr. – Provident Trust Company, Link-Belt; Smith, Kline and French; Bechtel Corp.; and the National Council of Churches.[50], [51]

Eric H. Biddle, Jr.

The CIA’s huge German Station, was headquartered for most of the 1950s in the massive I.G. Farben Building in downtown Frankfurt, Germany.  The CIAGerman Station sponsored West German Federal Intelligence Service (BND). BND was Hitler’s General Reinhard Gehlen, and Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun).[52]

Don’t get it twisted. When Oakland black elders nominated me to become part of Peace Corps/Teacher Corps to watch over the children as a black male teacher and mentor, Blatchford threatened to shut down the entire problem. They were indeed terrified of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense past or present. The elders told Blatchford and Nixon fine- shut it down! However, everything was in place, millions of dollars were set with hundreds involved in the implementation of Peace Corps/Teacher Corps in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. Blatchford backed away from shutting down the program in Oakland. They planned to pit me against my elder, Dr. Foster. In other words, Dr. Foster would be the “straw man” to stand in for their dirty work to end my presence in the OUSD at the conclusion of the program.

During our tense exchange in June 1971, Dr. Foster finally admitted to me that he had no power over my OUSD job commitment as an incoming teacher. The office that America’s top black administer occupied had been stripped of “express and apparent power”; he was a fantasy of power superintendent of schools. He was a Masonic ILLUSIONARY black superintendent of schools. My last words to Dr. FosterACT under your apparent power and we will defend you.

In John Bryan, This Soldier Still At War, (on Joe Remiro) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, it reported that Dr. Marcus Foster; Huey and BPP attorney, CIA agent Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple lawyer, Charles Garry, were friends that regularly met. Charles Garry was a clandestine CIA handler that covered up the CIA’s illegal war against the Panthers, he also handled Dr. Foster.

In March 1973, Dr. Foster began to complain openly and publicly about deceptions, ILLUSIONS and his high public office. On November 06, 1973, Dr. Marcus A. Foster had his brains and heart blown out by shotgun blasts from professional assassins directly across from the place we had last argued about black power ILLUSIONS.

Gabi- SLA

As I speak, nobody has been identified that gunned down Dr. Marcus Foster. There was one unusual character of noticeable short statue among his assassins that everyone seem to agreed to. There is an assumption that the short figure had been half blind Camilla (Gabi) Hall. However, there is absolutely no proof that she had been one of the assassins.  Gabi  was executed on May 17, 1974 in Los Angeles by LA police, FBI or CIA sharp shooters with a bullet in the head.

I read early reports that immediately after Dr. Foster was assassinated that there was a brief major power failure in the area. Even the telephones went down. Police also stopped decoys in the area that included Wendy Masako Yoshimura. The FBI agent who had chased Donald DeFreeze (Cinque)  on a Cleveland bank case was none other than Tom Padden, the agent who arrested Patricia Hearst and Wendy Yoshimura. Padden worked under San Francisco SAC Charles W. BatesBates was at different times head of the FBI’s offices in Chicago, Cleveland and Omaha, Neb., and served seven years as the legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in the United Kingdom, another Hoover appointment. In the latter position, he was the chief of the FBI liaison office covering England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Bates was also CIA. Wendy was SLA- CIA

Another odd thing about Dr. Foster’s Assassination is that CIA Peace Corps Deputy Superintendent Roger Blackburn who suffered some shotgun pellet injuries that saw the assassins told police and the press that Panthers killed Dr. Foster. I was over 400 miles away from the crime scene in Los Angeles.

The LiL Racist Assassin- Stefano Delle Chiaie

However, the very noticeable short assassin fit the description of 5 (five) foot tall Stefano Delle Chiaie.  Chiaie is a racist neo-fascist Italian activist and strategy of tension global specialist with the Secret Army Organization (SAO or OAS). He is a CIA contract assassin linked to SS Otto Skorzeny , and was a friend of Licio Gelli, grandmaster of P2 masonic lodge. 

Additionally, Bay Area Black Panthers and white so called revolutionary white radicals DON’T WEAR COWBOY HATS!










[7] Id.

[8] Albarelli, H.P., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, LLC, Waterville, OR (2009), Pg. 26

[9] Id., Pg. 69














[23] See AID-Peace Corp builds Schools in Somalia. Sch & Soc. 98: 338-40, Oct. 70. Also, Problems in Africa, Newsweek 75: 42, Je 29 70

[24] OUSD Superintendent’s Bulletin, vol. 52, September 21, 1970, number 1














[38] Smith, Richard Harris, OSS: The Secret History of America’s Central Intelligence Agency, The Lyons Press, Guilfort, CT (2005), pg. 18



[41] Id.















15 08 2017




We’re the platform for the Alt-Right,” Donald Drumpf’s Campaign and Breitbart CEO, Stephen Bannon.[1]

The Alt-Right (short for “Alternative Right“) is a group of people with far right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the U.S. The Alt-Right formal Satanic ideology by various sources is fundamental white nationalism.[2] However, let’s be very clear of the alternative that they are really talking about. “THE ALTERNATIVE”  maintain that you can only have a maximum of two alternatives, because the word alternative comes from Latin alter ‘other (of two), and that is CHRIST-Democracy OR LUCIFER!

The word “Autarky” is from the Greek: αὐτάρκεια, which means “self-sufficiency” (derived from αὐτο-, “self,” and ἀρκέω, “to suffice”). The term is sometimes confused with Autocracy (Greek: αὐτoκρατία “government by single absolute ruler”) or Autarchy (Greek: αὐταρχία – the idea of rejecting government and ruling oneself and no other).


Donald J. Drumpf & Steve Bannon, Children of the secret DARK FORCES

Bannon, Netanyahu and Breitbart News are the platforms for the Alt-Right. Richard B. Spencer, Child of the Dark Force, has become the unofficial spokesman for them. Spencer in turn in collaboration with Bannon, Netanyahu and Donald Drumpf wants to CONTROL, normalize, re-brand, re-image, and re-define White Nationalism.


But it isn’t just White Nationalism that they want to re-image to blur the lines, it includes National Socialism- NAZISM. On November 18, 2016, Spencer and his National Policy Institute played host to a gathering of the self-described Alt-Right for a pro-Trump conference in Washington DC. The following highlighted the conference, “America, he [Spencer] said, belonged to white people, whom he called the [Lucifer’s] ‘children of the sun,’ a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but now, in the era of President-elect Donald J. Trump, were ‘awakening to their own identity.’ As he finished, several audience members had their arms outstretched in a Nazi salute. When Mr. Spencer, or perhaps another person standing near him at the front of the room — it was not clear who — shouted, ‘Heil the people! Heil victory,’ the room shouted it back.”[3]


Heil Hitler, Tila Tequila

Tila Tequila is a Hip Hop generation CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Luciferian Sex Kitten mind controlled disinformation artist was there. However, her racist conduct must not be excused or else, they will continually give you one after another to keep you in a state of absolute confusion. Neither Drumpf or Bannon offered any comment to what went on at the conference to celebrate Drumpf’s selection as president.[4]


On August 12, 2017, Neither Drumpf or Bannon offered any significant comment to what went on at the march of the Alt-Right- White Nationalists, KKK, and the Nazis in Charlottesville, VA, and the hate and homicidal violence by the Alt-Right”.


Enhanced Pictures of the Charlottesville Driver Show an Older Driver

20 year old Vanguard America White Nationalist James Alex Fields, Jr.’s mother, Samantha Bloom, said that her son dropped his cat off at her apartment and told her that he was going to an “Alt-Right” rally in Virginia.[5]


Notice: Field’s car has no gray racing stripes. The Dodge Ram Logos are different, too. Also, the car Fields bought had a sun sliding roof, while the agent provocateur’s cars have no sun roofs.


Charlottesville- Two Totality Different (Racing Stripes) Cars Associated with the Incident

At the rally, an agent provocateur deliberately rammed his Ram Charger car into Anti- White Nationalist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia.



He killed one (Heather Heyer, 32 years old), and injured 19 (nineteen). [6] But, who was really driving that car?

However, the actual driver looked to be an older- cold blood military operative killer. James Fields, Jr. appears to be just the mind controlled “PATSY.”


Fields was there, alright, with the Vanguard America. The group has the Vril and Himmler’s SS Luciferian Black Sun symbol as part of an universal fundamental white national ideology that suggests MK ULTRA/MONARCH CIA Occult Bureau involvement- THE BLACK SUN ORDER.


Universal Fundamental Black Sun Ideology of the CIA Occult Bureau

The forbidden truth about Ukraine is that the West engineered –through a carefully staged (CIA) covert operation– the formation of a proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis. Confirmed by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, key organizations in the Ukraine including the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda were generously supported by Washington: We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. … We will continue to promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”


BLACK SUN ORDER Neo Nazi Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok

The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition. The word “Neo-Nazi” is a taboo. It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary. It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent. Journalists have been instructed not to use the term “Neo-Nazi” to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector. We are not dealing with a transitional government in which Neo-Nazi elements integrate the fringe of the coalition, formally led by the Fatherland party. The Cabinet is not only integrated by the Svoboda and Right Sector (not to mention former members of defunct fascist UNA-UNSO), the two main Neo-Nazi (BLACK SUN ORDER) entities have been entrusted with key positions which grant them de facto control over the Armed Forces, Police, Justice and National Security.


Here, right now, today- the highest public elected office in U.S. has also refused to designate and denounce Charlottesville’s Alternative Right as BLACK SUN ORDER NAZIS, KKK and Right Wingers.

During the march of the Anti-Right protesters in Charlottesville, the street wasn’t blocked off by police as marches proceeded down the street. That car drove directly into the crowd, then the driver coolly backed up, and drove away from the scene. So, where is the video of Fields’ arrest with the car? There isn’t any, because Fields wasn’t driving that car. The car was driven by a military operative agent provocateur of a Strategy of Tension or False Flag Operation. Virginia is a vast military base state. It is a Strategy of Tension /False Flag Operation state that recently pulled off the June 14, 2017 Steve Scalise/James Hodgkinson Manchurian Candidate/Pizzagate  Strategy of Tension Operation.


The Alt-Right intends to normalize White Supremacy and Nazism by means of mass deception. The Atlantic Magazine (and perhaps the CIA) is helping build up Alt-Right and Spencer’s brand, giving the Alt-Right millions in free public relations press. Why? Some call it, Control Opposition. At least $50,000 was funneled to Spencer through the Atlantic Magazine for the exclusive (disinformation) story entitled, “Hail Trump!’: White Nationalists Salute the President Elect.” It appears that this particular internet reference site has been removed.


Baphomet Knight of Malta- Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

The Roman Catholic Masonic Knight of Malta, Governor of Virginia, Terry Richard McAuliffe, is up to his old tricks of mass public campaign of disinformation and deception, again. There are some internet sites that argue that McAuliffe application to become a Knight of Malta was rejected. Well, you don’t apply to become a knight like filing out a McDonald’s job application. A person of apparent wealth, authority, power and influence must be invited. If they invited him, they knew about his anti-abortion views. In addition, the Knights of Malta have a Masonic covenant of secrecy. Nobody but a few closed secret inner circle of knights would know if McAuliffe was accepted or rejected. McAuliffe was invited, and he came to the party.[7]

During a press conference, McAuliffe said, “You came here today to hurt people. There is no place for you here, there is no place for you in America… So please, go home and never come back,” he said. “Take your hatred and take your bigotry, there is no place.” At the same press conference, Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer said the bigotry was brought to his city by “outsiders.”[8]


Mayor Michael Singer

As if he didn’t know, Charlottesville, Virginia is the ugly South. It’s no Shangri- La in race relations, and has never been.


Virginia is a LYNCHING STATE! It wasn’t outsiders Lynching and Burning Black citizens in the state. It was the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Singer is a Jewish (Kabbalah of the Zohar) part of John Podesta’s Satanic coven or inner circle. He worked for Luciferian Cannibal High Priest and PIZZAGATE Pedophile JOHH PODESTA’s Center for American Progress.


He also worked with PODESTA on Barack Obama’s State Department Transition Team.  In 2010, he traveled to Panjshir Province, Afghanistan, as a member of a U.S.AID-sponsored mission to monitor Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections, and it goes on and on inside the government. He is a shadow government insider if not outright CIA Kabbalah Occult Bureau.[9] In fact, there is some buzz on the internet that Singer gave the clandestine order for the police to “stand down” in Charlottesville. [10]


“… [T]he Ku Klux Klan [DRAGONS]has been organized in this city,” The Progress reported on June 28, 1921.

Hundreds of Charlottesville’s leading business and professional men met around the tomb of Jefferson at the midnight hour one night last week and sealed the pledge of chivalry and patriotism with the deepest crimson of red American blood.”[11]

Is the entire Charlottesville Affair a False Flag Operation designed to divert the public away from the global North Korean Nuclear Crisis, RUSSIAGATE and PIZZAGATE, and the ineptness, dysfunction, and Dark Forces of Donald J. Drumpf, the White House, and U.S. Pentagon? It certainly appears that it is. McAuliffe and Signer want the pull the veil over the eyes of masses and world to believe that the State of Virginia and Charlottesville belong to Plato’s Golden Age. Oh, not us! So, how did all that army of unruly violent gun totting Alternative Right Racists, Klan members, and Neo- Nazis happen to land in Charlottesville, VA without police, military- Homeland Security interference and surveillance and then disappear to- Planet Saturn?

Alt-Right is an oxymoron– a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self- contradictory effect. White Racism, Nationalism, Supremacy, and Nazism have no alternative narrative. They are exactly what they are called. Alt-Right is a looking glass, and smoked mirror.  They want to distract and deceive us. They want the people to chase after ILLUSIONS. If they believe, follow and act in pursuit of ideologies of Nazism, White Racism, White Nationalism, White Supremacy then that is what they are and forever will be, not the Alt-Right, but White Supremacists and NAZIS.




Malia (Mary) & False Satanic Maria (Mary)

Today, it seems as though the entire HollyWeird music and film entertainment industry also involves “THE ALTERNATIVE”  that maintain that you can only have a maximum of two alternatives in music, but traditional music from artists and poets of love is not being played or promoted.  LOLLAPOLOOZA is “ALTERNATIVE ROCK” that unties the traditional genres of gospels, blues, rhythm & blues, popular, rock and rap under a DARK FORCE  AUTARCHY.  In first covering Malia Obama and Lollapolooza, I discovered that I really didn’t recall any prior association with the word, LOLLAPALOOZA. Each and every time, I wanted to use the word, I had to re- check the spelling over and over again. That should have been a warning to define the word in the first instance.


Malia (Mary) have been sent to Lollapalooza since 2014 in association with globally normalizingChance the Rapper“.[12] If she is associated with aiding the normalizing Chance the Rapper among the people for mass public consumption, and she and her FALSE daddy are. They are wicked and Satanic as HELL. For the record again, as President of the U.S., Barack Obama promoted this ACID RAP tripping Negro high on CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH  HALLUCINOGENIC drugs for the Satanic Cabals to destroy the minds, bodies, and families of Black People.


Do you have any idea what this ACID RAP represent and entail? It is underground rap styles that overlap with Horrorcore Rap. Esham Attica Smith best known by his stage name Esham is a rapper from Detroit known for his HALLUCINOGENIC style of hip hop which he referred to as “ACID RAP”. Esham’s lyrics have focused on themes such as death, drug use, evil, paranoia and sex, and have included references to SATAN. Smith refers to his performance style as “ACID RAP,” comparing the lyrics to hallucinations induced by LSD. Esham’s style has also been described as HORROCORE hip hop.


HORRORCORE defines a style of hip hop music that focuses primarily on dark, violent, gothic, transgressive, macabre and/or horror– influenced topics that can include death, psychosis, psychological horror, mental illness, Satanism, self-harm, cannibalism, mutilation, necrophilia, suicide, torture, rape, drug abuse, and often supernatural or occult themes. The lyrics are often inspired by horror movies over moody, hardcore beats, and the ILLUMINATI in direct complicity of Russell Simmons intend to ram Satanic HORRORCORE down the throats of the global youth and the weak.


HORRORCORE was described by Entertainment Weekly in 1995 as a “blend of hardcore rap and bloodthirsty metal.  The lyrical content of horrorcore is sometimes described as being similar to that of [HELTER- SKELTER] death metal, and some have referred to the genre as ‘DEATH RAP’ “. ACID like HORRORCORE RAP is USAUNDER SATAN’S AUTHORITY.

Under Satan’s Authority, Perry Farrell and Jane’s Addiction



Lollapalooza was conceived and created in 1991 by Jane’s Addiction band member, Perry Farrell, as a farewell tour for his band. Lollapalooza ran annually until 1997, and was revived in 2003. From its inception through 1997 and its revival in 2003, the festival toured North America. In 2004, the festival organizers decided to expand the dates to two days per city, but poor ticket sales forced the 2004 tour to be canceled. In 2005, Farrell and the William Morris Agency partnered with Capital Sports Entertainment (C3) and retooled it into its current format as a weekend destination festival in Grant Park, Chicago.[13] There is a lot of controversy surrounding the origin of the term, LOLLAPALOOZA, that Farrell invented.


Lollapalooza is an annual hipped hopped and devil metal music festival that showcases popular Satanically drugged influenced music acts that your children hear on the radio

What Does Its Name Means?

Lolla – Early 20th century shows that the term Lolla refers to a large lollipop.
pal – Partnered or paired with.
ooza – Oozing amounts of drugs

So what this festival’s name means is a festival that celebrates illegal drug use and distributes drug filled lollipop that will send your kids on a trip to fairy tale candy land, while playing hop scotch with rainbow colored dragon midgets and satanic unicorns.”[14]

At the very least, the LollaLollipop part of the name has been confirmed. Founder Perry Farrell explained, via an interview discussing the 20-year mark in 2012.

Back in the day, people had paper dictionaries,” he explained. “As a songwriter, I used to read the dictionary a lot…If I was hard up for a word, I would start thumbing through and sometimes it would trigger an idea for a song or a lyric. And laying on my back reading the dictionary, I came across ‘lollapalooza,’ which said ‘something or something great and/or wonderful.’ Then the second definition of it was ‘a giant swirling lollipop.’ And I thought about all the amazing, wonderful people I would bring together — not just the artists, but the people themselves, the patrons, the people that listen to it, the punk rockers or post-punk rockers, and the rappers and all these wild people — Gibby Haynes and Ice T and Henry Rollins, man, smashing them all together. I thought, ‘This is the perfect name.”[15]


Henry Rollins. He certainly plays “DEVIL MUSIC.” ROLLINS: “Gotta find the sin within and let the game begin. If you want to jump and shout. You gotta let that DEVIL out… Let that DEVIL out.”[16]


Gabby Haynes of the rock band, Buthole Surfers. I don’t need to say anymore.



Luciferian Negro Heavy/Black Metal rocker Eric Cunnigan (Eric C), and Ice-T produced the Forbidden album for BLACK SABBATH.[17]


Need I say more about these Luciferian bootlicking Negroes.


The Witches’ Sabbath, if you don’t recall or didn’t know!



Satanist Dave Narravo, Farrell’s Jane’s Addiction band member, is one of the godfathers of the Lollapalooza tours.


Luciferian Dave Narravo & Satan’s Cross

The Leviathan Cross was created by The Knights Templar. The symbol was then adopted by Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. The Leviathan Cross is sometimes referred to as the cross of Satan, which means the “Satan’s Cross“.[18]


Perry Farrell’s real name is Peretz Bernstein, and unbeknownst to most fans, is an ardent Jewish Zionist. He’s raised money for the Israeli Army and was slated to hold the Lollapalooza in Tel Aviv Israel, in August 2013.[19]


At a show featuring Perry Farrell in May 2012, video footage clips garnered by his friend and longtime Jane’s Addiction fan, Greg Johnson, after the show reveal a shocking mock human sacrifice and vicious baby murder ritual taking place in the background while Farrell performed. A man on stage with what appeared to be pantyhose over his face tortured a realistic looking “baby” to death as the crowd went wild to the music and flashed devil signs.[20] Farrell is convinced he owes his youthful looks to 15 years or relentless drug taking (Heroin, Crack Cocaine).[21],[22]


JonBenet, 6 years Old

Farrell’s main Luciferian collaborator, the William Morris Agency represents up and coming child models and had solicited a contract from the Ramsey’s for the “services” of JonBenet. It should also be noted that in early 1996 the Denver Police had been investigating a Denver Child-Porno Protection Ring linked to and run by none other than the William Morris Agency and FBI Division Five (FBI Special/Black Ops).[23] Her father, John Ramsey ran a company called Access Graphics with offices in the Philippines, Amsterdam, Holland and Denver, Colorado. Access Graphics did business with the William Morris Agency that had service contracts directly with what is commonly known as the CIA -Iran Contra Affair uncovered in the 1980s. Access Graphics major bank accounts were parked at the noted Iran Contra money-laundry Silverado Savings and Loan was administered by Neil Bush, former CIA Director, and U.S. President George H. W. Bush’s son. Ramsey was also on a list of witnesses never subpoenaed by former Iran Contra Affair Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh. John and Patsy Ramsey had most likely pimped his daughter out as a child prostitute to the William Morris Agency who were taking these child “Models” and using them to provide secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau child sex slave services for pedophiles and clandestine white mail operations in addition to their casting and modeling shows. That’s the way they roll.[24]


So, it’s not too farfetched to describe Lollapalooza as a Nest of SATAN Worshipersand the CIA Occult Bureau.[25]




The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bio-electricity.

In the 1920’s, the symbol was hijacked/adopted by the Nazi movement, among them Guido von List, who suggested the word “Sig” (meaning sun) really signified “Sieg” meaning “victory“.[26]


The single S is the Armanen runic symbol “Sig“, which the Nazis used to signify Victory. In German, the word for Victory is “Sieg“. The single “S” variant was the symbol of the “Deutschen Jungvolkes“, a youth organization of the Hitlerjugend (HJ) for 10 to 14 year-olds. There were two organizations for boys/young men in the Third Reich era. As noted above, there was the DJ (10-14 years old) and the HJ or Hitler Youth for those 15-18 years old. Both used the single “lightning bolt” or Sig- rune as their symbol.[27]


Mary Orschitsch (Maria Orsic) was a well-known medium, head of the Vril-Gesellschaft. They gathered a large number of young women around them. They had long ponytails, something that was very unusual at that time. They believed that their long hair acted as a cosmic antenna to communicate with extraterrestrials. Vril members were also known as “VRIL MAIDENS”.


Thule found its true purpose through the joining of societies in 1919 with Orsic’s  Vril Gesellschaft and DHvSS which also believed in worship of the Black Sun; but it was the psychic mediums of Vril and Thule’s own resident psychic Orsic that convinced them that the Aryan Race didn’t originate from earth but from Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri64 light years awayVril also convinced the DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) that their mountain goddess Isias (CYBELE) was the queen of Aldebaran.[28] The Thule Society sponsored the founding of the Nazi Party and its most inner circle, Hitler, Himmler and the notorious Occultist, Rudolph Hess.


SiegSun, Victory, and Super VRIL Energy. This is ALTERNATIVE RIGHT”  Richard Spencer’s Aryan “Children of the Sun.”

According to the Vril documents discovered after WWII, Orsic advocated that messages could be obtained telepathically from Aldebaran. Maria had two stacks of papers, one written in code language of the Templars, the other in an ancient oriental language. They got help from the Pan-Babylonians, a group that had close ties with the Thule Society which was formed among others by archaeologist Hugo Winckler, physicist Peter Jensen and Assyriologist Friedrich Delitzsch. It turned out that the second stack of documents were written in Sumerian text.


Sigrun (Sig- runeSun-Temple?) helped translate the messages and decipher the strange images of a VRIL circular flying machine.[29]


At the fall of Nazi Germany, the VRIL MAIDENS, VRIL Energy Technologies and their Flying Discs disappeared or they were absorbed CLASSIFIED and ULTRA TOP SECRET into a rabbit hole inside OPERATION PAPERCLIP.




Malia and Greek God Pan

That brings us back to Malia (Mary), THE KILLERS, and their signature Sig- Rune Symbol (Single Lightning Bolt). THE KILLERS is a rock band that has been connected with “Lollapalooza since 2004. For the record, it is a rock band that then President Barack Obama was particularly familiar with. They were invited to the White House. The band is led by Brandon Flowers, a Mormon Freemason. It is alleged that Mormonism is a break-away faction of Freemasonry which claimed to be “the true Masonry,” keeping both ritual and dogma, including the Worship of LUCIFER. At Lollapalooza 2017, Malia and her friends were backstage with THE KILLERS.


Let me say this. And, I say it with a great deal of hurt, saddest and sorrow in my heart. While THE KILLERS were playing in the background, Malia is not beating any drums. Malia and her friend that dropped to ground and opened her legs as Malia stood over her was a mimic SATANIC SEX MAGICK RITUTAL. Maila is pretending to sprinkle feces, urine, body fluids, and blood over her body.  They are New Age initiates of the DEVIL.


Cutting to the catch, “Lollapaloozais actually part of covert New Age Satanic Initiation Festival of Mind, Body and Spirit of the experience of oneness in diversity.


THE KILLERS’ Lightning Bolt logo true to form is- The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes the creator god SATAN. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bio-electricity.


The KILLERS’ RAM actually represents the Greek God of Nature, PAN.


New Ager’s  identify Lucifer as the serpent in Genesis, except that he was unfairly misunderstood and “demonized”. Findhorn Cult (University and Children of the New Age) leader, Occultist Robert Ogilvie Crombie claims that God Pan appeared to him and “sadly” confessed that he was “the “DEVIL” or “SATAN” of Jewish-Christian tradition. Among the students of the elite Findhorn Cult of Edinburgh, Scotland where at one time Prince Philip,  Duke of Edinburgh, Consort of Queen Elizabeth II. The Findhorn Cult communicated with other planets, Aryan aliens and flying saucers just the same as Maria Orsic and the Thule Society. They maintain that it is important for the future of mankind that belief in the Nature Spirits and their God Pan be reestablished and that they are seen in their true light. (‘The Magic of Findhorn, p.217) Likewise, their “Ascended Masters” were defamed as Fallen Angels” [identified with the Hebrew “Nefilim” who were on earth in pre-Flood times] – Genesis 6:4.


New Agers are taught to honor Lucifer as the ultimate being-turned-god, the one who first promised to bring mankind into godhood (appearing to Adam and Eve, and also before that). But since many are not able to accept this name and true image, he allows others to call him Krishna, Buddha, or even “Christ/Messiah”.


They recognize Chinese worship of “the dragon”, and Egyptian/Hindu worship of “the cobra”, as forms which Lucifer takes on. They also approve of witches who worship Lucifer in the form of a goat-man, known in nature cults as “GOD PAN” (the deity worshiped at Findhorn and credited with their unique agricultural methods – see ‘The Magic of Findhorn’ by Paul Hawken).


People generally will not accept worship in his Greek form. So, the Goat and Ram covertly represents God Pan- LUCIFER.


Those allowed to enter the New Age guarded by elite masters of the world (Conspiracy of Neo-Platonism) must accept Lucifer as GOD. People are being prepared and conditioned to passively accept the Luciferian Conspiracy and Plan via many different avenues: holistic health, global unity, pagan and eastern religions, animal/tree worship, mind-altering drugs like LSD (endorsed by Bailey and Ferguson as “tools for transformation”), hypnosis, alternative healing such as homeopathy and acupuncture (these favored by Creme as “part of the great shift in consciousness“), music, yoga, TM, kundalini and chakras, martial arts, science fiction, witchcraft, Freemasonry, Kabbalah, UFOlogy, black or white magic, spiritism, psychic powers, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, EST, psychological rebirthing, self-actualization, Jungian psychology, sex orgies, ‘magick’ (of ‘Aleister Crowley’) – to name a few. A ‘path’ can be high-tech, refined, politically correct – or primitive, bizarre, brutal; there is something to appeal to everyone.


Lollapalooza 2017“ – False Maria in TRANCE FORMATION

The common goal is an “altered state of consciousness which all the above try to introduce in some form (i.e., TRANCE FORMATION or dreamlike state, emptying the mind of deliberate thought), which opens one up to passively welcoming “spirit guides” or invisible “higher intelligences”. Their “hierarchy of masters” who left are now returning (from a spiritual hideout called Shambhalla- “Lollapalooza to rebuild their “inner government” on planet earth, which will finally put the Black Lodge- Christianity and Democracy out of business. In short, they intend to wage a religious war-to-end-all-wars to enthrone LUCIFER on earth as GOD.






















[20] Id.





[25] Arnold, Gina, Kiss This: Punk in the Present Tense, St. Martin’s Griffin, 1997


[27] Id.




22 06 2017




And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Job 1:7

Steven Bannon is a senior key adviser to the highest elected public office in this country, the President of the United States. This has absolutely nothing to do with whatever I have to say. This is about what Bannon says about the country’s vision and policy of the dark power circle people that occupy its highest government offices. He talks about Donald J. Drumpf’s like “SATAN and the COMING OF THE ANTICHRIST.”


THIS IS A U.S. GOVERNMENT FACT AND POLICY. Steve Bannon forewarned each and every man, woman and child in America of the Donald J. Drumpf’ Presidential Administration’s vision and policy. For America, he said, “DARKNESS IS GOOD

” ‘Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN [Lucifer, Set, Seth, Apophis- DRAGON]. That’s power,’ Bannon told the Hollywood Reporter. ‘It only helps us when [the media and liberals] get it wrong. When they’re blind of who we are and what we’re doing.’ ” He later added that the media is , which is why they couldn’t better predict TRUMP’S COMING.”


Donald J. Drumpf, Whence comest thou? Then Drumpf answered, and said,”From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” They told you. They warned you, and most people still don’t get the “F**K of what Bannon is talking about, and what’s really going on in this country.

In the 20th Century, the world witnessed the “DARK POWERforce and energy of SATAN take over governments and states before. Even their most gifted secular world renowned scientists, doctors, and philosophers of the Black Sun called it, the  “SATANIC PRINCIPLE.”  In America, this very  “DARK POWER” took my father in Project CHATTER.

Barely 4 months into Drumpf’s presidential administration, on Thursday, April 13, 2017, the “dark power circle” dropped a dark energy force weapon of mass destruction, a ZERO- POINT ENERGY BOMB, on people of color in Afghanistan. In Nazi Germany, it was called the WITCH’S CAULDRON. Developed by SS-Oberscharführer Dr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr, the SS/MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) is a high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX)- ATOMIC BOMB undertaken by the President of the Reichstag, Herman Goering, the German Luftwaffe, and SS Dr. Zippermayr. Again, this isn’t a matter of anything that I am speculating about.  This is now a matter of fact, ingrained in war crimes of U.S. History. Am I afraid for this country, citizens and people of color, here and abroad? YES!



On January 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., Donald J. Drumpf (Trump) was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States.On that day, we went through the “Looking Glass.” And, they told and warned citizens of this country of what was going to happen in this country. One person that got ready for the “Coming” of the dark force was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL. He quit his job on New Year’s Eve, 2016. He dissolved his business on January 20, 2017. He took on the personification of the Zionist Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Just how radical is that?

Bernie Sanders has been identified as a “Radical Jewish” politician, but a radical leftist democrat? Bernie Sanders has a Chassidic Jew serving as a political adviser. Sanders has connections to the ChabadLubavitch Movement and Cult.


Rebbe Schneerson, Bernie Sanders & James T. Schneerson

Sanders is a Jewish Mystic of the Kabbalah of the Zohar. He was a fervent follower of the late Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, just the very same as Drumpf’s daughter, Ivanka Drumpf and son-in law, Jared Kushner.


Behind the veil, Hodgkinson was in reality a Manchurian Candidate personification of a  Jewish Mystic of the Kabbalah of the Zohar directly linked to Bannon and Drumpf’s Satanic Dark Circle in the People’s White House. The Mysticism of Kabbalah was part of Hodgkinson’s secret mind control programming.


The Late Messiah, Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, just may fool you. In Leningrad, Soviet Union in 1925, the 6th Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn and Professor Alexander Vasilyevitch Barchenko of the coming KGB  initiated the 7th Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, into the mystical Satanic Masonic Lodge of ETB- The United Labor Brotherhood. Rebbe Menachem Mendel was dedicated to the Lucifer, KGB, and Barchenko’s ETB’s search for the lost “Vril Energies” of  Red Shambhala. In late March or early April 2017, Illinois roughneck  Hodgkinson left Belleville, IL for Alexandria, VA to work on, of all things, s U.S. Federal Tax bracket, with most likely a couple cases of Budweiser beer, flip flops and  a gym bag- THAT DOG DON’T HUNT.




On June 14, 2017, Hodgkin became an infamous “lone nutCIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate assassin with that old fashion “hit list” to scare the socks off old ladies. 66 year old Budweiser James T. Hodgkinson, there’s another 6 (666) someplace. In Gematria, “James” in the English Gematria system equals 156, [1+5=6, 6]. The number 6 (six) is there no matter how you crush the numbers in gematria.[1] And, he allegedly starred the rampage on the ball field at the time, 07-09, both important occult and alchemy numbers and symbols.


Roughneck Budweiser Hodgkinson-  No Democratic Political Activist

I doubt very seriously if Hodgkinson had been any kind of Occupy Wall Street Movement radical left activist at any time in his life. He fits more the profile of a violent Midwestern Hooters’ homebody flag waving, gun toting, dog loving Budweiser beer belly roughneck than any type of political radicalized liberal leftist terrorist.


If this man was at an Occupy Wall Street Movement rally and he had been once in 2011 in St. Louis, MO, he was an infiltrator or a spy on protesters for the police or the FBI.[2] However, I wouldn’t go as far to link Hodgkinson to FBI Division 5 without anything further other than an internet reference that said that he was.[3] Division 5 is an extremely dangerous ultra secret power elite group that assassinate presidents and heads of state. Expendable Manchurian Candidate sleepers and roughnecks like Budweiser Hodgkinson of rural Belleville are not included. Nevertheless, released FBI surveillance documents of the Occupy Movement provided no clear evidence of government infiltration. However, they do suggest the FBI used information from local law enforcement agencies gathered by individuals observing Occupy activists on the ground.[4]

On Facebook, Hodgkinson became was the personification or alter personality of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. He had two Facebook accounts, and a Twitter account that he barely used. On his Facebook pages, only 9% of his posts were ever political within a 2 (two) year period. So, it’s very difficult to brand this guy a radicalized liberal democrat.[5] Plus, pasting Bernie Sanders’ face on one of  his Facebook pages doesn’t make him a radicalized liberal. Consistent with the modus operandi (MO) of a law enforcement asset, spy and infiltrator, he crept into Bernie Sanders’ campaign as a volunteer campaign worker.[6]


In Alexandria, VA, Hodgkinson lived out of his truck and a gym bag. Witnesses at the YMCA were he washed up, and local restaurants always observed him alone- quietly working on a laptop tanking down 5-6 Budweiser beers. He barely if ever spoke to or with anyone.[7]


On the morning of the shooting, a witness, Falisa Peoples, was just leaving the YMCA next to the ball field when she saw the shooter open fire. “He was just very calm. He was just walking and shooting,” she said of the man, whom she described as white and wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She said he was using a long gun and exchanging fire with law enforcement officers.[8]

If James T. Hodgkinson had a “7.62 caliber rifle” according to a law enforcement joint statement, a long gun according to a witness instead of a M4 type carbine assault rifle as first widely reported, we should able to see Hodgkinson’s rifle for public clarity. The M4 is used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. [9]

Hodgkinson was described by the witness as being in a dissociated trance formation,  ” … calm … just walking and shooting ” a long (barrel- rifle) gun dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts like he just got out of the shower. Hold on, she said there was no noise coming from Hodgkinson’s rifle!  Hodgkinson wasn’t even acting like an assassin lying in wait to ambush or kill anybody. He was most probably just washing up with a towel in shorts and flip flops at the YMCA when they flipped the switch on him. An unloaded long gun may have been placed outside for him to pick up.

Missing his home, wife and dogs, Hodgkinson had been immediately looking forward to driving back home to Illinois.[10] On the date of the shooting, he had been suddenly triggered like a “Zombiepatsy distraction armed with weapons for certain justified self- termination, while an assassin or assassins went for their real target- Congressman Steve Scalise. There isn’t any physical evidence at the ballpark in the public domain that show that Hodgkinson even shot off any rounds from his rifle. There isn’t evidence of blood or blood trials. There are any evidence cones identifying spent shells at the crime scene.  According the news source in the above video, the two, so-called, capital police officers shot themselves. THAT DOG DON’T HUNT.

Escorted and surrounded by the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, Sue, Hodgkinson’s wife of 30 (thirty) years said during a press conference that she didn’t know what James did from January to March-April 2017, before he left for Washington DC to work on “tax brackets“.


They want us to believe that James T. sold his business and everything he owned to travel to Washington DC, live out a gym bag and his truck for two months to work on outdated  Reaganomic tax policies with NOBODY! That Dog Won’t Hunt. By the way, who is the guy with the white hair in the background of the above picture? James’ wife may have been able to provide some answers, but of all people, a county chief deputy sheriff blocked her from even getting close to the subject.  In a tightly rehearsed brief answer period of the press conference, Chief Deputy Sheriff Rick Wagner physically manipulated, handled and coached Sue Hodgkinson from a script that he seemed to have known all the answers. He deflected and shielded questions from the press as if he was Sue’s personal guardian and protective angel. He controlled her responses. She looked up to him for answers. Well, that’s exactly what happened.

With James T. dead, Sue Hodgkinson is an important and vital public witness in what they are selling globally as a major political crime against democracy.


Why is a local law enforcement officer physically controlling, shaping and manipulating the testimony of a major witness in this case over than conspire to conceal pertinent and substantial evidence from the public. From Chief Deputy Wagner‘s conduct in this case, it creates an extremely strong inference that the Hodgkinsons were in fact law enforcement- FBI assets. Chief Deputy Wagner made sure that Sue didn’t reveal any clues or pieces to the puzzle as to James T’s missing period from January to March 2017, when he was trained and programmed to go to Washington DC on a special operation mission.

James T. and Sue Hodgkinson of Belleville, ILJohn and Sally Doe of innocent middle America just don’t seem to add up. Belleville is the eighth-most populated city outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area. It is the county seat of St. Clair County, and the seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of Belleville and National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Due to its proximity to Scott Air Force Base, the population receives a boost from military and federal civilian personnel, defense contractors.[11]





Hunter S. Thompson

Another innocent John Doe of Midwestern or Southern America (Louisville, KY), Hunter S. Thompson, began his USAF career at Lackland Air Force Base , Texas, and was then recruited to the special ops wing of USAF intelligence & transferred to USAF 1st Special Operations Wing at Scott Air Force Base in middle America and then promoted to the Air Force Special Operations Command HQ division at Eglin/Hurlburt Field USAF base at Fort Walton Beach, Florida.[12]


Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter Thompson produced ultra secret pedophile porn and snuff films. Recently, the FBI released his surveillance and investigation file, but admitted most of it had been destroyed in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton.[13] Like Hodgkinson allegedly to President- Select Donald J. Drumpf, Thompson had an open hatred of a U.S. president, Richard M. Nixon. Thompson was one of his loudest critics. “Some of my best friends have hated Nixon all their lives,” Thompson explained in Nixon’s obituary, published by Rolling Stone in 1994. “My mother hates Nixon, my son hates Nixon, I hate Nixon, and this hatred has brought us together.”[14]


Hunter S. Thompson was accused of involvement in ultra secret powerful elite pedophile, and child slavery rings in the 1980s that rose all the way up to the White House. John DeCamp’s infamous book, The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, relates many interviews and discussions revolving around a severely satanic ritually traumatized young man, Paul Bonacci, who claimed to have been involved with the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch.


Bonacci told horrific tales of being forced into sex with adults and other children. In one case, he recalls being flown into Nevada with another young boy whom he did not know. They took on another passenger there and headed to a secluded location where Bonacci says he was forced to have sex with the younger boy. The young boy, Bonacci claims in this book, was also forced to have sex with adult males, who then killed the boy with a gunshot to the head. Bonacci says he was then forced to have sex with the corpse. The passenger they took on in Nevada filmed the entire thing, and Bonacci recalled that his name was Hunter Thompson.[15]


Satanic U.S. Military Pedophile “Mickie”

Paul Bonacci was alleged to have been involved in a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH murder, homosexual pedophilia, and a necrophilic orgy Dark Satanic Cult. The Cult was linked to Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, Psychological Warfare Division of the US Army, and founder of the occult “Temple of Set“.[16] Set, Seth, Apophis is a legendary Evil DRAGON.


Hunter S. Thompson & HollyWeird’s Johnny Depp

He testified in the Nebraska court that the satanic murder/sacrifice of the young boy, above, and his actions were videotaped by “Hunter Thompson,” at a location later identified as the Bohemian Grove in California. Immediately after being exposed, Thompson typed the single word “COUNSELOR” on his typewriter, then shot himself in the head on February 20, 2005. He was 67 years old.[17] I said that to say this. Scott Air Force Base had a special ops wing involved in secret Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH pedophile ring operations. James T. and Sue Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL were deeply involved as “handlers” in a ring running severely ritually abused and tortured foster care children in Belleville just in the case of the Franklin Cover-Up.


About 70% of children who are trafficked come from foster care…


Wanda Ashley Stock

In 1996, the Hodgkinson’s foster child, Wanda Ashley Stock, 17, was so severely traumatized that she allegedly committed suicide by setting herself on fire with gasoline which is an extremely rare occurrence for teen-age suicides. Several years later, the family fostered another teen girl, whom they later lost custody of after Hodgkinson was accused of abusing her. And, he had been in fact arrested for abusing her.[18]


Aimee Moreland

I read that James T. had been armed with a shotgun when he got involved in a violent criminal confrontation with a young lady, then-19-year-old Aimee Moreland, that had been described as his “daughter” and her boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t his and Sue’s daughter. Aimee was a ward of the state under their state “guardianship“. She was a daughter of a local businesswoman, Beth Roussel. As far as I know, none of their foster children had been legally adopted by them. [19]


Frank Szachta Under the Caption: “Some say Crossroads owner Frank Szachta is a godsend; others say he’s made a deal with the devil.” In 2005, Aimee was in Szachta’s Crossroads teen drug abuse counseling program. Crossroads fed into the drug abuse counseling network of racist ex-convict, anti-drug guru, Bob Meehan.


Bob Meehan

Lucifer also underlines Meehan’s philosophy. He refers to Jesus as a “dead … – boy on a stick”. He calls his program, Cornerstone. For hundreds of years it has been customary to have Freemasons perform a dedication ritual to “bless” the Cornerstone.


It has been alleged that Chuck Dieterich (Synanon), Art Barker (the Seed), Joe Ricci (Elan), John Gould (Hyde), Lester Rolloff (Rolloff Schools), David Wilkerson (Teen Challenge), and Bob Meehan’s Cornerstone are part of a clandestine MATRIX of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH experimental youth drug-mind control centers. CIA conduit, the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH), funded several drug treatment programs patterned after the cultic Synanon. NIH had even started its own experimental Synanon at the federal lockup hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. This program was called MATRIX.


In 1972, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Dr. Robert DuPont (du Pont Satanic Bloodline) administered a $1.8 million contract to an experimental, start-up Synanon for kidsonly called “The Seed” ran by Art Barker in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Art Barker- “Father of The Seed”

Art Barker was like Bob Meehan, they had a total lack of credentials to run drug abuse treatment and counseling centers for children and teens. Nevertheless, The Seed received a $1.8 million U.S. government grant from Dr. DuPont soon after it opened.

Human experimentation was the furtive mission of The Seed.

It is important you understand that back in the 1970s Senator Irvin was not conducting a study of The Seed, he was studying any programs funded by the federal government which used drugs, psycho-surgery or thought control on American citizens in possible violation of their constitutional rights. And it was with that purpose in mind that he found out about The Seed. For example, the report discussed a psychiatrist at Georgetown University (where Robert DuPont and Richard Schwartz now teach) who had performed over 4,000 frontal lobotomies using only a serialized ice-pick in a special chair in his office. The pick was trust through the eye and this psychiatrist had shown that he could permanently disable two people at once.”


Eventually, Dr. DuPont left government service and became a paid consultant for Straight, which had replaced “The Seed” after a Senate investigation found that it was engaged in mind control and “brainwashing.”

In 2006, Roughneck Hodgkinson charged into a neighbor’s home where Aimee was hanging out with a boyfriend. One source, identified the foster child as Cathy Hodgkinson. Nevertheless, he was alleged to have smacked Aimee in the face “with a closed fist.” At one point, he allegedly pointed a shotgun at Moreland’s boyfriend, Joel Fernandez, that ran off. Hodgkinson popped off one round behind him.[20]

Hodgkinson was also seen “throwingAimee“ around the bedroom,” according to a police report. When she tried to escape, he “started hitting her arms, pulling her hair, and started grabbing her off the bed.”[21] According to his foster daughter, he was always angry,” Aimee Moreland told the newspaper, Daily Beast. “She was really unhappy there. She had come over to get away from them.” During the dispute, Aimee said, she jumped in a car with a friend, but Hodgkinson opened the vehicle’s door and hit her, then used a knife to cut the seat belt off his foster daughter.


James T DISSOCIATE Facial Expression

In 2006, he was arrested for domestic battery and discharge of a firearm, but the charges were later dropped. Ten years later In 2015, Aimee died from a drug overdose.[22]



James T. and Sue Hodgkinson were doing a lot more with hapless powerless dependent (female) wards of the State of Illinois than meet the eye. The girls had been severely ritually abused and traumatized!

In late March 2017, days before Hodgkinson left town for Washington DC, a neighbor, Bill Schaumleffel, called the St. Clair Sheriff’s Office to complain about Hodgkinson firing a rifle toward houses when his grandchildren were outside. The sheriff’s deputies didn’t file charges, but they were familiar with Hodgkinson.

Hodgkinson had a lengthy criminal record which includes charges, but no convictions, for DUI, domestic battery, pointing a gun at a relative. He has a history of gun violence, previously pointing one at a man during a family argument in 2006. He was once arrested for domestic battery and faced other charges for DUI, attempting to elude police and obstructing a police officer.


Nevertheless, Chief Deputy Sheriff Wagner- BLIND Mr. MAGOO reflected on Budweiser Hodgkinson’s frequent roughneck interactions with the police and still said, “He never tipped us off or gave any indication that he was violent in any way” – that dog won’t hunt. [23] This also strongly suggests that Hodgkinson had been a secret law enforcement-FBI asset and patsy. Hodgkinson was allowed to run amok until he was triggered operational as a sleeper Manchurian Candidate. That’s the way they roll.




The DEVIL’S DISCIPLE, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

Just minutes after the shootings, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe wickedly used the sad moments of national shock during a national/global news conference carried on most of the television and cable networks to deliberately shift paradigms and implant a “Double Bind (Insanity without Disease)” on the collective conscious of the masses, he said, There are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”[24]

I was lost and reeling in McAuliffe’s sudden paradigm shift and “Double Bind,” when my wife woke me up. She asked me, “did you hear what he said?” He said 93 million peoplethat’s not right. It was an absolute bold-face lie, and vicious fabrication of the TRUTH. The current population of the entire United States of America is 326,369,079, a little over 326 million people as of Friday, June 16, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.[25] It may have been a gross mistake that McAuliffe corrected later in the news conference to 93 people a day, but it had been implanted in the masses’ psyche.


Governor McAuliffe, Jesuit Coadjutor or Priest

Governor McAuliffe has an interesting background that suggests that it may not have been a mistake at all. It was part of a hidden agenda. He is a secret society member of the Black Sun Nazi Bilderberg Group.[26]


McAuliffe is at the very least a Jesuit coadjutor.[27] In 1975, he graduated from Bishop Ludden Junior-Senior High School, a Catholic Diocesan co-institutional high school located in Syracuse, NY. In 1979, McAuliffe graduated from The Catholic University of America, then worked for President Jimmy Carter’s re-election campaign. In 1984, McAuliffe graduated from the Jesuit School, Georgetown University Law Center. He also served as one of a five member board of directors of the International Child Trafficking Clinton Foundation.[28]


McAuliffe was invited to join the secret society Knight of Malta. In response, he applied for membership, but the public has been kept in dark about whether or not he had been accepted.[29] They invited him to join them knowing his views about abortion, so that should’ve been an obstacle to membership. It’s all about secret fraternal Satanic Masonic global power and mass control, not a woman’s reproductive rights.


Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is a Dark Satanic Circle DEVIL Disciple (The Baphomet).


Dark Satanic Circle Ritual Hand Symbol “I AM ILLUMINATI”

On March 18, 2015, Charles, Prince of Wales, one of the senior elite leaders of the ILLUMINATIBilderbergers, and Camilla Parker- Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall were royally greeted and received by Governor McAuliffe at Mount Vernon, VA.[30]


Dark Satanic Circle, Prince Harry, Prince Charles, and Prince William

Even with Barack Obama, everything appears absolutely normal and customary receiving and greeting the Prince of Wales, right.


“I AM ILLUMINATI” Dark Satanic Circle, Former U.S. President Barack Obama

The governor of the State of Virginia setting a welcoming carpet out for some of Britain’s royal monarchy is a fairly common and routine occurrence in America.

But, Governor McAuliffe is inherently Masonic wicked and demonic. Lucifer, the Dragon, is his Masonic god.[31] He doesn’t involve himself in common and routine matters as governor of the State of Virginia. Governor McAuliffe is involved in something entirely different- a covert secret society false agendas and mass population alternative paradigm shifts that you are not supposed to see with open eyes.


Queen Elizabeth II in her Maltese robe. She is the Sovereign Head of the Order of Knights of Malta. Prince Charles is the Great MASTER of the Order.[32]


So, Governor McAuliffe met with his secret society Bilderbergers’ superior, and Masonic Knight of Malta Great Master at Mount Vernon, former home of Masonic (Grand Lodge of England) Grand Master, George Washington.



Prince Charles couldn’t have chosen a better history lesson on the British Royal Family and Dragon Bloodlines than Vlad the Impaler, because if it had come from my mouth it would have been no more than a flight of fantasy, and a conspiracy theory. But, the Order of the DRAGON, Vlad and Royal Family Bloodlines come directly from the Prince of Wales. He told you. He warned you, and most people still don’t get the “F**K of what’s going on.


The British Order of the DRAGON is linked to Henry V (1386- 1422) King of England, and Sigismund of Luxemburg (1368- 1437) King of Hungary during his state visit to England in 1416. Sigismund was the leader of the last West European Crusade – the Crusade of Nicopolis of 1396. Soon after 1408, Sigismund founded a Knights Templar Order of the DRAGON. In 1414, he was coroneted as the Holy Roman Emperor. In an alliance, Sigismund was initiated a Knight of the Garter whilst Henry V was initiated into Hungary’s Order of the Dragon. In homage to the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller, who wore the Sign of The Cross as a symbol of their oaths. The Order of the Dragon decreed that all members must wear the badge of a white dragon, with a red cross on its back, being attacked by its own tail. The red cross represents Christ’s resurrection, as well as the dragon-slaying St George, and the imagery of rebirth is repeated in the strange pose of the self-strangling dragon.


This ancient symbol, called the “Ouroboros” by medieval alchemists, represented the endless cycle of creation and destruction as well as life, death and despair. Between 1431 and 1437, he invited the Princes of Wallachia (modern Romania), Bulgaria, Croatia and various Italian city states to take the Draconist Oath.




The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler …” Charles, Prince of Wales[33]

He’s proud of it. It’s important to him, his Satanic Bloodline and inherited nature of the DRAGONSatan, Lucifer,  the DEVIL. Vlad, or Dracula, was born in 1431 in Transylvania into a noble family. His father was a “FALLEN ANGEL” called “Dracul,” meaning “dragon” or “devil” in Romanian because he belonged to the Order of the Dragon. “Dracula” means “Son of Dracul” in Romanian. Therefore young Vlad was “Son of the Dragon” or “Son of the DEVIL.”[34] They brought many sacrifices to the DRAGON, the DEVIL!


Vlad wore black capes and dragon insignia medallions as a symbol of the Beast, the DEVIL. He may have mass murdered tens or even a 100,000 people, especially by impaling and torture. He murdered “unchaste” women, “bad” wives, and entire families and villages suspected of disloyalty. He killed off poor workers, blind, crippled, sick, vagabonds, beggars, etc. by burning them to death at banquets. Vlad brutally nailed hats to heads of certain religious visitors. He enjoyed watching victims suffer and die. He took babies away to be sacrificed to the DRAGON. Vlad practiced CANNIBALISM and DRANK BLOOD.


Finally, I was puzzled by the British Royal Crown and Prince Charles’ close personal relationship with Jimmy Savile, England’s most prolific Satanic homicidal pedophiles.


Sir Angus Ogilvy & Dragon Bloodline- Princess Alexandra

When I found out about Savile’s close personal relationship with British Royal Princess Alexandra and her husband Sir Angus James Bruce Ogilvy (1928- 2004), that’s when I began to realize that Jimmy Savile wasn’t just an strange product of the Prince of Wales’ Satanic Circle.


Princess Alexandra, Masonic Knight Order of the Garter

Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, Order of the Garter, and Royal Victorian Order, a dynastic order of knighthood established in 1896 by Queen Victoria, is the youngest granddaughter of King George V and Queen Mary. She is a powerful Masonic, and also a military leader- Royal Colonel, and Colonel-in- Chief of military units and divisions across the globe.[35] I mentioned her not because Alexandria, VA is named after her British Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline, but because of her hushed up secret relationships that she had with Jimmy Savile.


In a 2009 police investigative interview of Savile, he told Surrey Police detectives that the first time he attended Duncroft Approved School for Girls in Staines, Surrey where it is also claimed that he abused girls at the school, was with Princess Alexandra. He told detectives, “… right I went there, with Princess Alexandra, and Alex was a friend of mine anyway, still is”Savile later added: “Now that was a great day we all had, the first time I ever went there.” He wrote in Duncroft’s visitor book, “Jimmy Savile called – and fell in love with all!!! I wonder if it’s legal to have 20 wives.” [36]


Chillingly, Savile wrote in a 1974 biography, “Princess Alex is a patron of a hostel for girls in care. At this place I’m a cross between a term-time boyfriend and a fixer of special [Child Trafficking] trips out .”[37] In criminal investigations of Savile’s pedophilia and murder charges, police deliberately redacted from police reports all Savile’s references to the British Crown, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Charles .[38]


Sir Ogilvy & Jimmy Savile

Early, Savile had been very close to Princess Alexandra’s husband, Sir Angus Ogilvy, Knight of the Royal Victorian Order. Ogilvy was also a close personal friend of Prince Charles. He was born the second son of the 12th Earl of Airline and Lady Alexandra Coke, the daughter of the 3rd Earl of Leicester. Many of his relatives had close links with the Dragon Bloodlines of British Royal Family. They are a secret bloodline that serve DRAGONS. His grandmother, Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie, was a close friend and Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Mary. His father was a Lord-in-Waiting to King George V and Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother).[39] Lords-in-Waiting (female Baroness-in-Waiting) are peers who hold office in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. These are the traditional bonds of secrecy of the royal household. [40] 


Committee of 300– Lady Dragon Ogilvy & Sir David Ogilvy

Princess Alexandra and Angus’ older brother, Sir David Ogilvy (13th Earl of Airlie), were members of the ILLUMINATI Committee of 300.”[41] Lord Airlie was a merchant banking executive of the notorious Nazi Financer, J. Henry Schroder. He was Lord Chamberlain for Queen Elizabeth, Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian Order, Grand Master Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and he sat on Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council– a formal body of advisers to the Sovereign of the United kingdom.[42] Back to the Prince of Wales for a moment. His trip to Mount Vernon also involved a Washington DC tour.


The DEVIL’S Disciples Come in All Colors, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, Congressman Elijah Cummings & Jesse Jackson


Black DEVIL Disciples- Congresspersons Terri Sewell, Elijah Cummings & Jesse Jackson

Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, in Royal British Red, is in close company with the Satanic Dark Circle Prince and the Duchess as they visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the second day of their visit to the United States on March 18, 2015 in Washington, DC. That’s also pretty routine stuff for congresspersons to receive and greet foreign dignitaries. However, British Commonwealth (Oxford) scholar Terri A. Sewell is also inherently Masonicwicked and goonish. Lucifer, the Dragon, is also her Masonic god.[43]


She calls Michelle Robinson (Obama) her big sister. They met in London when Michelle was a Cecil Rhodes’ Roundtable scholar at Oxford University.[44]


Strange Terri & Gay Barack Obama

Terri was once married to a Theodore C. Dixie, but there were no children of the union. So, I really don’t know what is going on behind those black thighs. She appears to be very odd and unnatural if not just plain DEMONIC.


Terri is a democrat in her fourth term representing Alabama’s 7th Congressional District.  Sewell is a member of the elite black society Links, Silver Star Society of London and the BOULE (black version of the ILLUMINATI)- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.


She is a multi-generational ILLUMINATI Goat Rider of the Divine 9 and the Boule.[45] The Divine 9 and the Boule were founded by Prince Hall Masons as elitist Satanic secret societies.[46] Prince Hall Masons are under jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of EnglandQueen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, and the Prince of Wales.[47]


The ILLUMINATI black master of deception, Reverend Jesse Jackson, also serve the Dark Prince and Duchess. He is a 33 Degree Prince Hall Freemason.


Allegedly, he was made a Master Mason in May 1987. However, he was most likely a CIA/FBI secret Scottish Rite Master Mason well before that time. However, Jackson is a now officially part of the Harmony Lodge No. 88 (Grand Lodge of England) in Chicago, IL.[48] Lucifer, the Dragon, is his Masonic god.[49]


Congressman John Cummings- Clandestine Master Mason.

Finally. Mircea Hava, the mayor of the Transylvanian city of Alba Iulia, in a letter to Prince Charles, the mayor said, Transylvania has become Charles’ second home, and he has become the region’s most valuable ambassador. “Moreover, you claim your roots from our legendary Prince Vlad.” The letter continued, according to The Romania Journal. “As you love Transylvania so much, we thought,What if instead of only being ‘The Prince of Wales,’ you would be known from now on as ‘The Prince of Wales AND Transylvania’?”[51]


Savile (Mason Knight) Served the DRAGON BLOODLINES AS A ROYAL GOON. He was the Ogilvy House covert royal apprentice- executioner that serve the SECRETS of the DRAGON BLOODLINES of the British Royal House- human sacrifices to the DEVIL, pedophilic blood rites, cannibalism, and blood drinking, etc.,.


Renfield served Count Dracula by bringing him blood and flesh victims by light of day.


Jimmy Savile did the same thing for Prince Charles, Princess Alexandra and the British DRAGON Bloodlines, he brought them dozens of  blood and flesh victims by light of day through radio and television, the British Broadcasting Company, the BBC.

Master Mason Goons & Pedophile Rings in Oakland


DEVIL Disciples and Masonic Goons serve DRAGON  BLOODLINES. In Oakland, I traced a major ultra secret elite pedophile ring to a black 32nd or 33rd Masonic Master Mason, Black Republican Booker T. Emery. Not too long after he was convicted and imprisoned at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility for pedophilic crimes against democracy and black little girls, Emery suddenly dropped dead in the Little CIA Prison of Horrors.

Booker T. Emery was prosecuted by the Alameda County MAFIA District Attorney as a Pea in the Pot, instead of busting the entire pedophile ring which as I came to understand it included some of the D.A’s staff. This I know. A D.A. investigator came to my home and talked to me about a criminal matter that I complained about. But, I didn’t know it at the time that the pedophile ring underlined the case that I discussed with him. Thereafter, I was immediately warned to be careful. He was in to try to set me up for something, anything he could find. He was known to be part of Oakland’s secret powerful underground pedophile ring. At times, I found myself surrounded by strange and different looking people with red blood shot eyes like something out of a Caribbean Island Cult threatening me. They often milled around looking as if they were going to do something to me. I had to be constantly on the lookout for machetes and knives. They would break out my SUV’s windows when I wasn’t around, but they would never step up face to face. But, I was always concerned for the safety of my family and I.

I immediately named the D.A. investigator as a party defendant in a federal lawsuit to keep him in front of me, and level the playing field.  I had hoped to get him in the middle of discovery to flush him out, and protect my LIFE. In court, Emery admitted that he pleaded guilty to protect the ring, and NO news group ever picked up the story before they killed him.


Masonic Goon Booker T. Emery fed CHILDREN, even his very own grandchildren, to DRAGONS. I said that to say this. Congresswoman Terri Sewell and Congressman Elijah Cummings will not open their mouths about pedophilia, sex slave trafficking, missing and exploited children or PIZZAGATE. The Elijah Cummings Youth Program send children to Israel (feed them to the MOLOCH, DEMONS and the DRAGON) as a bunch of future Negro pasties to learn and develop “Fallen Angel”  (Kabbalah of the Zohar)  ZIONIST leadership and mass deception skills.

Master Mason Goon Jesse Jackson, Pedophiles & PIZZAGATE Negroes


Melvin “Mel” J. Reynolds & Dark Circle Master Mason Jesse Jackson

Masonic Goon Jesse Jackson is down with PIZZAGATE, and Pedophiles. On August 22, 1995, Cecil Rhodes- Roundtable (Oxford University, London)  and Democrat Mel Reynolds of the U.S. House of Representatives of the 2nd District (Chicago)  was convicted on 12 counts of PEDOPHILIC sexual assault on a 16 year old; obstruction of justice, and solicitation of CHILD PORNOGRAPY. Again, Reynolds was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney like a Pea in the Pot allowing the ring to move on and continue.  Why was Mel Reynolds soliciting CHILD PORNOGRAPY, from whom in Chicago, and for who and what?


In January 2001, Reynolds was hired by Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/Push Coalition as a “youth counselor” to decrease the number of black youth going to prison. On February 18, 2014, Reynolds was arrested for sexual exploiting women and most likely children in Africa- Zimbabwe. That’s his PIZZAGATE M.O. He was arrested in possession of PORNOGRAPHIC materials. Reynolds is currently a fugitive from justice hiding in Africa.

If a disciple Freemason or ILLUMINATI of the dark circle speak TRUTH to POWER about pedophilia, missing and exploited children or PIZZAGATE, it may constitute a breach of the oath of secrecy, but it most certainly constitute DISLOYALTY TO THE DRAGON BLOODLINES. According to the Vlad the Impaler bloodlines, it is a seriously enough offense for the DRAGON to snap its tail!  There are a lot of people including myself that believe that the real target of the Alexandria Republican baseball park ambush was to assassinate Congressman Steve Scalise. He was in the public lead in the Congressional House in taking strong political and legislative action to protect victims of Human Trafficking and bring child pedophile (PIZZAGATE) predators to justice.[52]

That was enough to try to KILL HIM!

Finally, you can very well dismiss everything I say virtually on the basis that it is Twilight Zone Stuff. It is so BIZARRE. But this stuff about DRAGON BloodlinesVlad the Impaler, and Count Dracula comes directly from Charles, Prince of Wales of England, right now- today– THIS VERY MOMENT. He is one of the richest, most powerful and Satanic (Son of the DEVIL) people on the face of the planet. Prince Charles command banks, countries, armies, paramilitaries, secret societies, secret Knights and Freemasons all over the world. You cannot dismiss what he says!

DONALD J. DRUMPF is a DRAGON Bloodline through his mother’s DNA- the MacLeods. The DRAGON Society trace its roots back to at least the 12th Dynasty of Kemet and the invading Shepherd Kings Hyksos when they adopted the EVIL God Set- Seth- Apophis the DRAGON as their god. Drumpf’s presidential cabal’s “dark power force” psychic and occult egregorethought form or collective group mind” an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people, proceeds from the old Pole, the red star or astarot– tail of the DRAGON via House of Rurik and the Varangs, part of the ancient Court of the DRAGON ORDER. The House of Rurik is Donald J. Drumpf’s bloodline to the same DRAGON of Vlad the Impaler bloodlines, Prince Charles and the British Royal Family.

It’s exactly as Steve Bannon says right now, today, at this very moment, the WORLD is “just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea of what’s going on!












[11] ps://,_Illinois



[14] Id.






[20] Id.

[21] Id.

[22] Id.















[37] Id.

[38] Id.
















22 02 2017


Public discussions of what really goes on behind the veil of Satanism and Satanic Cults are NOT PERMITTED by the blood oath of secrecy not for any concern for the public. Christopher Lee’s British Satanic tutor, Dennis Wheatley, also denied up and down that he  knew anything about what was behind the veil of Satanism. They were both lying. Lee worked for British (SIS) Secret Intelligence Services alleged to have been an assassin. Wheatley was a serious student of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister CrowleyWheatley was MI6. Lee and Wheatley were most likely MI6 or MI5 or both, on a mission to penetrate, infiltrate and inundate popular mass public entertainment with Satanism They were  secret initiates of the blood rites of the SATANIC DARK CIRCLE. 

Behind the veil of PIZZAGATE, an extremely rare video has been leaked to the public working tirelessly to lift the veil of blood oath secrecy surrounding the Shadow Government and PIZZAGATE. When I was 1 or 2 years old, I saw something terrible, horrible and traumatic involving my father and the Nazi-SS BLACK CIRCLE’s  still highly classified U.S. Naval Project CHATTER. My sister said that I fell into a comatose state. My family thought that I wouldn’t return to the conscious world. I returned, but as a duplicate copy of my original personality with no memory of my father or the traumatic event.

aaamaccobycallmefagan Please review “This is definitely John Podesta!” with extreme caution. I believe that this is an actual CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH traumatic ritual abuse rite with flashing lights designed to split off alternative personalities. The idea age of the child behind the shower doors being tortured would be 5, 6 to 7 years old.





Dr. Strangelove- Michael Maccoby & James Achilles Alefantis

James Achilles Alefantis has a very unusual great friend and mentor in the strange world of international intelligence. He is an elite old school Washington insider. He is a vehement defender of James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza. His name is Dr. Michael Maccoby– the head of the Maccoby Group.


The Maccoby Group in Washington, D.C. offers consulting, cultural audits, coaching, research and leadership workshops. On strategic intelligence, they offer “A workshop based on more than 35 years of applied research, teaching and consulting with leaders in business, government, unions, universities and non-profit organizations in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”[1] They also coach leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, homes for orphaned and abandoned children, an orphanage (A Field of Cabbage) in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Peru.[2]


Dr. Michael Maccoby’s rabbit hole in Reinhard Gehlen SS/CIA international intelligence webs runs so deep that you have to begin in HELL shoveling up fire, brimstone and sulfur.


In 2008 at an Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting and hearing on Comet Ping Pong’s application to extend its business hours until midnight, Commissioner Frank Winstead accused Comet Ping Pong owner (James Alefantis) of wishing to turn the area into a haven for rape and murder. That is an extremely unusual allegation to make for a predominately white, affluent and exclusively elite and intelligence residential area of Washington DC.


In fact, the scary cold blood Goat-Rider U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (Phi Gamma Delta) recently moved into the immediate Comet Ping Pong Pizza neighborhood.[3] In the hearing, Winstead’s opposition was drowned out by an aggressive and vehement crowd of Comet Ping Pong Pizza fans led by Alefantis and Maccoby. In the recording of the rowdy meeting, Dr. Maccoby was recorded shouting violently, “I will personally remove anyone who opposes Comet Ping Pong!”[4] The Alefantis family is within the inner circle of the secret web of the Masonic Fraternal Order of AHEPA, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. They are an extremely serious and zealous Hellenic Secret Society.


Alefantis’ implanted secret alternative Greek shade, nature, persona or personality is the Greek Trojan War Hero, ACHILLES. Achilles worshiped the old Greek Gods. He practiced HUMAN SACRIFICE to the Old Gods as they did in Greek Antiquity.


During the Trojan War, Polyxena was a daughter of Priam and Hecabe (Apollod. 3.12.5). She was beloved by Achilles, and when the Greeks, on their voyage home, were still lingering on the coast of Thrace, the shade (ghost) of Achilles appeared to them demanding that Polyxena should be sacrificed to him.


Neoptolemus accordingly sacrificed her on the tomb of his father. (Eur. Hec. 40; Ov. Mct. 13.448, &c.) James “Achilles” is also great friends with Dr. Maccoby’s family.



Attorney Max Maccoby
Dr. Maccoby’s son, Max, is also a defender of Alefantis. Max Maccoby is a friend of Alefantis and former boyfriend, David Brock. Max: ”He is on the board of directors for the nonprofit charity Friends of the Orphans and is an advocate for their cause.


David Brock & James Alefantis
Max, represented Alefantis and Brock for a mysterious $850,000 blackmail case.[5]


In Haiti, the Friends of the Orphans (Field of Cabbages) was caught criminally turning over 33 black children to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby.[6]



Izzette Maccoby & James Alefantis

Dr. Michael Maccoby’s daughter is Izzette Maccoby Folger. She is a longtime Washington DC friend of Alefantis. They are connected to the DC nonprofit art group, Transformer. Izzette is married to DC financial advisor Neil Folger. Along with Tony Podesta and Alefantis, Neil is expressly in the Transformer’s Visionary Leaders’ Circle.[7]


Neil & Izette Folger

The Folgers are a secret power elite family since at least the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Lee’s mother is Barbara Sue (Bitsy) McElroy.[8] She was the daughter of Harvard’s Neil H. McElroy, former president of the multi-million dollar corporation, Procter & Gamble, and October 9, 1957, appointed President Eisenhower’s Secretary of Defense. Neil’s grandmother was Mary Camilla Fry of England- baroness, suspected British Knighthood bloodline lineage.[9]


Neil’s father is financial advisor Lee Merritt Folger– a child sacrifice (Moloch, also spelled Molech) pagan member of the Bohemian Grove.[10] Lee’s father was investment banker, John Clifford Folger (1893-1981), U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (1957-59)- Alfalfa Club.[11] The Folgers are descendants of Peter Folger. Peter was an early 17th century English settler of Martha’s Vineyard. He was the grandfather of human sacrifice Master Mason, Benjamin Franklin.[12]



Dr. Michael Maccoby’s other daughter is Nora Maccoby -Hathaway, a DC based Writer, Director, and film Producer. She co-wrote the film Bongwater (2000) and the film, Buffalo Soldiers (2003), which won the Evening Standard British Film Award in 2004. She also directed of the award-winning short film, Dropping the Bomb on My Street (1994). Nora is a Clean Energy Activist, and co-founder the Green Salon. She received her BA in Theater from Oberlin College and her MFA in Directing from the American Film Institute.[13] Nora is also a close friend of Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and a patron of Transformer.


” … I grew up in DC, in a neighborhood that was pretty much 80% CIA operatives.” Nora Maccoby [14]

Well, her father, Dr. Michael Maccoby, also lives near Ping Pong Pizza. So, she is talking about her father’s neighborhood and Ping Pong Pizza. Dr. Maccoby resides in northern DC, the Chevy Chase neighborhood. Chevy Chase is about 12.3 miles outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Maryland.

In this rare video above, Nora Maccoby told the world that she was born in Mexico. She told the world about the CIA, her upbringing and neighborhood of the CIA. NOT I!




In June 1960, Dr. Maccoby received a PhD from Harvard in Social Relations. Dr. Henry Alexander Murray was a central figure in Harvard’s interdisciplinary Department of Social Relations. He retired from Harvard in 1962.[15] Who is Dr. Henry Murray? Psychologist Dr. Henry Alexander Murray (May 13, 1893 – June 23, 1988) of Harvard University was the CIA’s preeminent elder statesman. During World War II, he left Harvard as the director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a lieutenant colonel. For Allied Forces, particular America and Britain, Dr. Murray developed special psychological assessment tests to recruit and select secret agents.[16] He joined with the Schools and Training Branch of the OSS to write an entire book about the recruitment of special agents called Assessment of Men. The title was later changed to Selection of Personnel for Clandestine Operations: Assessment of Men.[17]


In 1943, Dr. Murray was commissioned by OSS boss, U.S. Major General William “Wild Bill” Donovan (Phi Kappa Psi, Catholic Knight of Malta), to help complete an infamous “Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler.” The groundbreaking study was the pioneer of Offender profiling and political psychology, today commonly used by many countries as part of assessing international relations.[18] Dr. John W. Gittinger’s CIA Personality Assessment System (PAS) expanded and refined Dr. Murray’s models in the selection, recruitment, assessment, training and hiring of CIA agents, clandestine operatives, and government department heads.[19]


Sidney Gottlieb, MK ULTRA- CIA Technical Services

As chairman of the Department of Social Relations at Harvard, Dr. Murray became an internal part of CIA MK ULTRA‘s clandestine efforts to continue and expand experiments in mind control conducted by Nazi doctors in the concentration camps. The overall program was under the control of the Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s technical services division. Harvard students, prisoners and many other others became unwitting guinea pigs for inhuman medical and mind control experimentations. They were secretly fed doses of LSD, psilocybin and other drugs of interest to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs.[20]

“Murray was indeed a Cold War warrior—not, perhaps, as prominent a player as some, but a player nonetheless. He received steady funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which had served as cover for his trip with Cantril to the Soviet Union for the CIA in 1958, and from the National Institute of Mental Health, also known to be a covert funding conduit. He apparently worked for HumRRo. He served as an adviser on army-sponsored steroid experiments. He helped found Harvard’s Social Relations Department, which had been generously funded by covert intelligence agencies. He served the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Clinical Psychology Advisory Board and the National Committee for Mental Hygiene with the CIA’s propagator of LSD, Frank Fremont-Smith. Along with Fremont-Smith, Abramson, and Leary, he occupied a spot on the agency’s LSD pyramid.”[21]

At Harvard University, Dr. Michael Maccoby was just like Dr. Murray, “Murray was so surrounded by agency [CIA] people he couldn’t have moved without bumping into one.”[22] So, I assume Dr. Maccoby bumped into Dr. Murray. “The Dr. Murray”- one of the most powerful, influential and wicked men in the Harvard’s Social Relations Department.


Jerome Seymour Bruner

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he bumped into and started working with psychologist Jerome Seymour Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016).[23] During World War II, Bruner served on the Psychological Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force committee under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, researching social psychological phenomena.[24]


At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner.[25] And, he taught the shadow government and the CIA and the ILLUMINATI how to shape children into anything they want- MK ULTRA ritual trauma abused sexual slaves and espionage agents.


B. K. Skinner, Harvard’s Mad Behavior Modification Scientist

One of the most seemingly preposterous military programs of all time occurred during WWII, when famed behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner was enlisted by the government to try and train pigeons for use in a missile guidance system caged inside missiles with an interactive video screen. At the time, Skinner was known as one of the major practitioners of operant conditioning, a system that used reward and punishment as a means of controlling behavior. It was eventually shut down, because it was what it was- absolutely preposterous, but Skinner pocketed at least $25,000 in the deal.[26]

Nevertheless his mad scientist experiments, B.F. Skinner was one of the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH’s top behavior modification/control consultants and specialists. In a 1956 debate between MK ULTRA consultant  Dr. Carl Rogers and Skinner on “the control of human behavior,” Rogers warned that without careful scrutiny of the ends, goals, and values that lie outside our particular scientific endeavors, we are all much more likely to serve whatever individual or group has the power.[27]


At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with one of world’s most dangerous and ruthless bloodline Satanic ILLUMINATI globalist on earth, McGeorge Bundy.[28] Antony C. Sutton does an excellent job as usual in his book on the Skull & Bones Order in describing how McGeorge Bundy received preferential treatment all through his life. Consistently, McGeorge Bundy got jobs for which there were thousands of better candidates. McGeorge Bundy went to Yale where he was initiated into the Skull & Bones in 1940. McGeorge then went to Harvard. After this McGeorge joined the army as a private. Very few privates ever achieve the rate of promotion that McGeorge received. Within a year after joining as a private, 23 year old McGeorge was promoted to captain. Not only was he made a captain he was placed on staff to plan the logistics and other details of the invasion of Sicily and the Normandy Invasion.[29]

The Bundy Family is one of the world’s most powerful elite Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline families. During the 20th century, two Bundy brothers held the key positions that controlled most of the information that was fed to U.S. Presidents during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. When Johnson took over after J.F. Kennedy was assassinated, McGeorge Bundy was in the key position as National Security Advisor to determine what the President did and didn’t hear. His brother was in a key U.S. State Department position. Both Bundy brothers were also fraternal brothers of the ILLUMINATI Order of the Skull and Bones.[30]

During the 19th century, Jonas Mills Bundy (1835-1891) was a key adviser to President Ulysses Grant after the Civil War, President Garfield, and President Chester A. Arthur. At the turn of the 19th century, their grandfather, Harvey Hollister Bundy, Sr., was a lawyer and a Congressman, and his father was a lawyer. Harvey also became a lawyer. But he didn’t stop there. Harvey was initiated in the Skull & Bones in 1909. Harvey became Assistant Secretary of State under Skull & Bones Henry Lewis Stimson.[31]


William P. Bundy

McGeorge Bundy and his brother William P. Bundy, above, held important Rhodes Roundtable CFR and important Bilderberger positions. McGeorge Bundy sat on MJ-12, which is the council of wise men that rules the United States. (See Be Wise As Serpents chptr. 2.13 for an explanation about what MJ-12 is and documentation).[32] That’s enough to make anyone cry for the children and the masses of the people.




Erich Fromm

From 1960 to 1970, I was Fromm’s student, analysand, apprentice, and colleague …” Dr. Michael Maccoby [33]

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was associated with the Frankfort School of critical theory.[34] Fromm’s Jewish background had an influence on his approach. Fromm studied the Talmud at an early age and was profoundly influenced by the ethical and humanistic implications of the writings as well as the mystical revelations found throughout.[35] However, he was a propound neo-Freudian. Extremely Covert and Mysterious! Fromm had been recommended as a consultant to the OSS Psychology Division by E.Y. Hartshorne, the Division’s Central European specialists because of Fromm’s written works on Nazi Psychology. But, there is no record to verify that he joined the OSS.[36]

Erich Fromm, Harvard University & the OSS


Harvard’s Social Scientist Edward Y. Hartshorne

Edward Yarnall Hartshorne, Jr. (1912 – August 30, 1946 in Germany) was a Harvard sociology professor. He joined the OSS as an analyst, then was assigned to Psychological Warfare Branch of the Office of War Information. By the beginning of 1945 he was attached to the Psychological Warfare Division of General Eisenhower’s Supreme Headquarters along with Dr. Maccoby’s Harvard mentor, Jerome Seymour Bruner.[37] Hartshorne was the principal education officer in the American Military Government responsible for the reopening of the German universities in the U.S. occupation after WWII. In the spring of 1946 reports had appeared of incomplete de-nazification of Bavarian universities in the U.S. press.


Operation PAPERCLIP collaborator, General Lucius Clay, above,  sent (setup Hartshorne) him to investigate. On this assignment, he was shot in the evening of August 28 while driving north on the Autobahn to Nuremberg. Hartshorne never regained consciousness until he died two days later. In just fifteen months, he had de-Nazified and reopened the three German universities of Heidelberg, Marburg, and Frankfurt and had prepared the opening of all the other universities in the American zone but one.

Hartshorne’s anti-Nazi convictions aroused the hostility of the US military government’s Counter-Intelligence Corps, the CIC, which was smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Soviet-occupied Austria and eastern Europe to Italy and thence South America, to be questioned about their knowledge of the Soviets for use in the looming cold war. Informed of these activities, Hartshorne was outraged and passed on information about this “ratline” to Moscow. He had become a serious inconvenience to the CIC. On 28 August 1946, on the Munich-to-Erlangen autobahn, his car was overtaken by a Jeep, which suddenly slowed down in front of him, forcing him to overtake it in turn. As he passed, a single shot was fired from the jeep, hitting him in the head. He died two days later. The murderer was never identified.”[38]

Erich Fromm, Kim Philby & the British Cambridge Spy Ring


Double Spy Agents Belfrage & Kim Philby

In 1934, Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The institute was funded by the wealthy Jewish Weil Family of Nazified Argentina. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist  Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII. During the war, he had worked as a Press Control Officer for SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). SHAEF  was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Belfrage was referenced as a Soviet agent in the US intelligence Venona project, although it appears that he had been working for British Security Co- ordination as a double-agent. Belfrage was linked to Lord Victor Rothschild, who was a top man in MI5 and MI6. Belfrage is seen as being as important as the other Cambridge spies, whose leader was reportedly Lord Victor Rothschild and whose members included Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess. From 1942-44, Belfrage was employed by MI6 as the right-hand man of William Stephenson, who was the most senior British intelligence officer in the western hemisphere.

VENONA was a top secret and highly classified operation of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service, the precursor of the National Security Agency. The mission of this small program was to examine and exploit Soviet diplomatic communications but after the program began, the message traffic included espionage efforts as well. Although it took almost two years before American cryptologists were able to break the KGB encryption, the information gained through these transactions provided U.S. leadership insight into Soviet intentions and treasonous activities of government employees until the program was canceled in 1980.The VENONA files are most famous for exposing Julius (code named LIBERAL) and Ethel Rosenberg and help give indisputable evidence of their involvement with the Soviet spy ring. The first of six public releases of translated VENONA messages was made in July 1995 and included 49 messages about the Soviets’ efforts to gain information on the U.S. atomic bomb research and the Manhattan Project.

In VENONA, Belrage worked with the infamous British master spy officer Kim Philby. He was assigned to work with the FBI in tracking down the Soviet spies whose cryptonyms appeared in the traffic was Kim Philby. In 1949, Philby was sent to Washington as the M16 representative “for the specific purpose of liaising with the Bureau on the cases arising from these intercepts,” a CIA officer said. Philby’s assignment was a logical one, since he had once been in charge of British counterintelligence operations against the Soviet Union. According to FBI files, Fromm was given a Guggenheim Fellowship to write the book, Escape to Freedom, published in 1941 by Farrar & Rinehart. CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, and Operation PAPERCLIP Peenemünde rocket scientists got Guggenheim Fellowships to further the interests of the deep state.

The chairman of the Board of Farrar & Rinehart was John Chipman Farrar a member of the 1918 cell of the Order of Skull & Bones. The class that had been tapped by Prescott Bush’s Bones cell. Farrar during WW II was a member of the Psychological Warfare Branch in the Office of War Information and was an editor for some of the OWI propaganda publications.

In 1962, Belfrage settled in Cuernavaca, Mexico with Fromm and Dr. Maccoby. The bottom line is that Fromm was a secret part of OSS, and the Deep State before the formation of the CIA. He  was part of the deep web absorbed by the CIA that they may not have known just how deep Fromm’s rabbit hole ran. The FBI didn’t know.




Fromm appears to have been recruited into a far more clandestine and deep web group than the CIA. He mysteriously showed up in the line of chain of Mafioso CIA Manchurian Candidate John M. Espirito aka Francois Spirito born in Sicily.

Gelhen SS- CIA Murder, Inc.


During WWII, Espirito was a Nazi-SS collaborator and assassin that showed up in Colombia, South America among the fascist (Phalanx) Falangists (National Patriotic Falange of Colombia) .


The Falange were taken over after the war by the most dangerous man in Europe,  the infamous Knight of the Black Sun- SS Sturmbannfuher, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, and his Standard Oil-funded and Madridbased ADSAP organization of Waffen SS


In 1933, the Falange came to prominence under the leadership of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933 (the son of the Spanish dictator Prima de Rivera) in Spain. A fascist party, they had links to Hitler’s Nazi party, the SS, and Mussolini’s black shirts. John M. Espirito was subsequently recruited as an OSS assassin. Sometime in 1946, he entered the U.S., and subsequently arose when the CIA was formed in 1947 as part of the drug trafficking French Connection, and CIA Artichoke Assassination Program in New York. He carried a  false NY state drivers license- a tell-tale signature of the CIA Technical Services Division. Did Espirito assassinate Harvard’s Hartshorne in Germany?

In January 5, 1959, he showed up in Cuba as one of Fidel Castro’s Army Chiefs. On March 26, 1959, Espirito was arrested by Castro for assassinating a member of the revolutionary forces. Then, he showed up in Mexico with Dr. Guillermo Davila of the Center for Psychological Services at the National Autonomous University (NAU).


Dr. Maccoby taught psychoanalysis at the NAU, and then at the Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis (MSP) from 1949 to 1974.[39]


The promoter of MSP was Erich Fromm, the founder of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society. Fromm began teaching at the NAU of Mexico in 1949 and continued to work there until he retired in 1965.[40] Dr. Guillermo Davila was also an official of a governmental organization of Mexico, the Mexican Social Security Institute. During the early 1950s, Davila had worked in the circle of Dr. Werner Wolff of the Tavistock Institute’s  World Congress (Federation) of Mental Health (WFMH).


Tavistock’s Agenda… is used to create and topple governments. Tavistock’s objective is to eventually control entire populations between the use of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics. Its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.”


CIA Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman

Fromm and Wolff’s deep web in Mexico included Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman, research consultant of the Menninger Institute and the University of Texas in Austin. He had CIA written all over him. The Menninger Institute and Clinic were longtime MK ULTRA/MONARCH contractors.[41] Holtzman was a former U.S. Navy, Lieutenant. He was a Goat Rider, Phi Delta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; and the Philosophical Society of Texas.


Dr. Jolly West, CIA Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Savage- Project CHATTER

Dr. Holtzman was a 1962-63 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. The center was home to CIA Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the Maestro of the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control.[42] It was also home to Dr. Charles Savage, head of the (Nazi) Project CHATTER.[43]



In Mexico, Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman worked closely with Dr. Guillermo Davila and Dr. Wolff in setting up local tentacles and branches of Tavistock’s WFMH in South America. According to Holtzman, Dr. Wolff of the Tavistock Institute had escaped the Nazis through Spain then ended up at Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY. He had a valid Nazi Passport. So, it seems he was world traveling under the authority of Himmler SS-1, instead of running from the Nazi SS.


Dr. Werner Wolff

Wolff was born in Germany and completed his doctorate under Max Wertheimer at the University of Berlin in 1930. Max Wertheimer (b. April 15, 1880 – d. October 12, 1943) was born in the Czech Republic. He was one of the trio of psychologists who founded the Gestalt school of psychology (his collaborators were Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka).[44] Dr. Wolff was a Lecturer of Psychology at the University of Barcelona and Madrid from 1933-1936, before coming to the United States in 1939. In 1948, he became part of WFMH.



The first president of WFMH was John Rawlings Rees of the infamous British Tavistock Institute.[45]


Tavistock’s John Rawlngs Rees

“Rees was involved with the Tavistock Institute and in 1948 was President of the World Federation of Mental Health. Tavistock is a key root of mind control and psychiatric subversion as developed by the Frankfurt School which researched ways of destroying western Christian cultures by means of psychological attack on families and society.”[46]

The WFMH was one of the central bodies of the ILLUMINATI New World Order responsible for the oversight of the establishment of a diabolical global mind-control network of the London-based Tavistock Institute. Founded as a clinic in 1922 to serve the psychological warfare needs of the British military and Secret Service, its first director was Brigadier-General John Rawlings Rees. WFMH was an instrument of the Aquarian Conspiracy to destroy traditional families and society with new age religions, drugs, sex and music.[47]

Tavistock’s global mind-control network strategy had been influenced by the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. Bertram Russell, H.G. Wells, Rees and the Huxleys were initiated into a secret elite Satanic British homosexual and drug cult sometimes referred to as the “Children of the Sun.” In 1929, under the influence of Satanist Aleister Crowley. Aldous Huxley was initiated into the Isis Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn– a secret cult tracing back to the Scottish Rites of the Freemasons. At the same time, Crowley introduced Huxley to hallucinogenic drugs.[48]


Werner Wolff taught at Bard College from 1942 until his death in 1957. He dropped death not too long after making contact on 2/27/57 with Richard Nixon at the White House, VP to President Eisenhower.


Margaret Mead

From 1956- 1957, CIA agent Margaret Mead, wife of CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather, Dr. Gregory Bateson, was the President of WFMH when Wolff was  most possibly assassinated.[49],[50],[51] After Mead, WFMH was taken over by Frank Fremont-Smith, the medical director of the CIA front, the Josiah Macy Foundation. The Macy Foundation Funded CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Psycho-Social Control in the United States. Behind the veil, Fremont-Smith of Harvard University would be the permanent co-director of WFMH with John Rawlings Rees. In connection with the founding of the WFMH, covertly headed by Rawlings Rees, a New York agent of Montagu Norman named Clarence G. Michalis had been made chairman of the board of the CIAMacy Foundation. Rees, along with Margaret Mead, Lawrence K. Frank, Fremont-Smith and Frankfurt School director Max Horkheimer, who were all in Paris together in the summer of 1948 to launch the WFMH, formed the core of the Cybernetics Group. Conference attendees also included the Tavistock Institute’s Kurt Lewin.


Well, the story is that before Espirito was sent out for an assassination hit in Colombia. Dr. Davila had to call up the deep webErich Fromm. That would have also included “Fromm’s student, analysand, apprentice, and colleague …” Dr. Michael Maccoby. We have known for some time that CIA Manchurian Candidates were being programmed and trained in secret assassin schools in Mexico. Before the JKF assassination in November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald had been in Mexico traveling along the same CIA secret paths that Espirito had gone through most likely as FBI investigative agent probing MURDER, INC. secret deep web Mexican webs.

When arrested for the JFK Assassination, Oswald had FBI Agent James Hosty’s home phone and office phone numbers and car license number in his possession.  Oswald had been an undercover agent for the FBI since September 1962 and had been paid $200 a month from an account designated as No. 179.


 Lee Oswald in Mexico, But Two Completely Different Men

It is clear from government files declassified in recent decades that Oswald’s six-day trip inside Mexico was never adequately investigated by the CIA, the FBI and the State Department, or the Warren Commission. One thing is certain is that links to Erich Fromm, and Dr. Michael Maccoby along Oswald’s secret FBI/CIA trail in Mexico was covered-up.[52]




Through out my life, Katherine Dunham had been so special to my heart and soul. Since childhood, she had been one of most beautiful, inspiring and graceful women of color that I ever laid my eyes on. I loved  Katherine Dunham. 


After my trip to Brazil, I fell so much more in love with her,  and celebrated the DIVA that she was as a true revolutionary heroine spirit of the people. 


During my time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the late 1970s, Katherine Dunham was still universality celebrated as the Black Civil Rights heroine of people of color in South America. It started in Buenos Aries, Argentina that she resisted as a human rights issue segregated accommodations for her and her dance troupe. Her courageous resistance to racial hatred, discrimination and segregation  spread across the continent.


Katherine Dunham & Erich Fromm

It’s a matter of Truth and Justice. If the truth about her and Fromm were known and exposed, personally, I could deal with it and still love her. But now when I look at Katherine Dunham with love to implement the ends of Justice, she should have told the people that she had been ritually abused and used by secret Satanic intelligence forces.


In 1950, Katherine Dunham & Company gave a benefit performance for Eva Peron’sAyuda Social“ Foundation  (Fundación de Ayuda Social María Eva Duarte de Perón). [Fabre, Genevieve, History & Memory in African-American Culture, Oxford University Press, NY 1994, pg. 198]


Eva Peron and Spain’s Fascist Francisco Franco

My Lord! In 1947, Eva Peron left Argentina for post-war Europe. A secret purpose of her first major overseas trip apparently was pulling together the many loose ends of the Nazi ratlines. Her first stop on her European tour was Spain with the Fascist Generalissimo Francisco Franco.


Eva Peron and Die Spinne Scarface Otto Skorzeny

While in Spain, Eva Peron reportedly met secretly with Nazis who were part of the entourage of Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite General.  SS Skorzeny was the leader of the clandestine organization, Die Spinne or The Spider, which used millions of dollars looted from the Reichsbank to smuggle Nazis from Europe to Argentina. During her European tour, she stopped in Switzerland to meet with bankers that handled Argentina secret Swiss accounts. She also had secret meetings with Swiss businessmen that coordinated an underground Nazi immigration service to Argentina.


Hauptsturmführer SS Erich Priebke

One of the first Nazis to reach Buenos Aires via the “ratlines” was Erich Priebke, an SS officer accused of a mass execution of Italian civilians. Another was Ustashi leader Ante Pavelic. They were followed by concentration camp commander Joseph Schwamberger and the Auschwitz doctor, the Demon of Death, Josef Mengele.


 Hauptsturmführer SS Josef Mengele

In 1950, Katherine Dunham & Company were entertaining Juan and Eva Peron & a ring of Nazis helping raise money for Eva’s front charity foundation for the Third Reich’s Underground. It broke my heart when I discovered that she had been a mind control sex slave and espionage mule of Erich Fromm. She was a beautiful, graceful and an inspiration to many, but she no revolutionary heroine of the people. In South America, she wined, dined and danced with the DEVIL, and some of most sinister forces known to mankind, Lucifer’s Servants. Fromm had Katherine Dunham under hypnotic spell and possibly drug induced mind control from sometime before 1937 under the veil that he was helping her dance performances. Before and after WWII, Dunham and her dance group were warmly welcomed and celebrated throughout South America, and the world. Before 1940, Dunham was taken into the home of Fromm’s colleague and fellow handler, Henry Stack Sullivan, for continuing mind control programming.[53]


Stack Sullivan, was also a close colleague of the Masonic Scottish Rite Master- former OSS psychiatrist Dr. Winfred Overholser of St. Elizabeth’s  Mental Hospital in Washington DC. He was at the heart of clandestine Projects- PAPERCLIP, CHATTER, and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.[61],[62] In 1940, Fromm was wiring Durham money at Sullivan’s estate. In 1965 and 1966, Durham had been harbored at Sullivan’s house, where as part of her recovery plan- Fromm told her to terminate use of CIALSD, and supplied her with antidepressant medications.[63] The subject of her use of LSD came up in 1965, but it isn’t certain how long she had been under it.

aaamaccobyhuxley Aldous Huxley, Notable Member of the Tavistock Group

From 1960- 62, the Harvard Psilocybin Project (LSD) was a series of experiments in psychology conducted by Dr. Timothy Leary, and Dr. Richard Alpert. British Godfather of MK ULTRA, Satanic Aldous Huxley, was a founding board member.[64] The mushrooms that formed the basis for Leary’s 1960-62 Harvard LSD experiments came from Cuernavaca, Mexico. Huxley had visited the city in 1933, and British Elite Intelligence officer Graham Greene visited the city in 1938.  So, it appears to me that Huxley set him there to collect the mushrooms from Harvard’s associate, Michael Maccoby and Erich Fromm


CIA LSD Guru Timothy Leary & Erich Fromm

“…In August 1960, Leary traveled to the Mexican city of Cuernavaca with Russo and tried psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life.”

In 1956, Erich Fromm founded the Sociedad Mexicana de Psicoanálisis (Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis), and his house was in Cuernavaca.  undoubtedly, Maccoby and Fromm had been Leary’s welcoming committee in Cuernavaca.[65]Psychiatrist Dr. Robert S. Hartman out of Nazi Germany was also in Cuernavaca.[66] Dr. Robert Hartman was a Research Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Mexico, and University of Tennessee. Fromm and Dr. Hartman were neighbors in Cuernavaca.[67]


Ask her about her long, intellectually rich friendship with Erich Fromm, “We were very much in love,” Dunham begins languidly, with a faraway look and a beatific smile.[68] She was under the spell of LSD and MIND CONTROL! Fromm had turned Durham and Eartha Kitt into international mind controlled sex slaves, espionage spies, Nazi jewel, art and money smuggling mules.




SS Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker & U.S. President Richard M. Nixon

Another reason that I connect Fromm, Maccoby and their secret ring of mind controllers in Mexico to an Underground SS circle is because they are linked directly to President Richard Nixon’s German psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in New York City, SS Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker.[69]


Before he entered the U.S., Dr. Hutschnecker had been a guard/worker at one of Himmler’s concentration camps in Nazi Germany. In a NY Times article, he was quoted, “When I talked about camps for young people,“TO RETAIN”, like the camps I worked in when I came here from Germany in 1936.[70] Concentration camp guards-workers were the exclusive domain of Reichsfuhrer SS 1 Heinrich Himmler, and the SS-TotenkopfverbändeDEATH HEADS.[71]

In 1970s, Dr. Hutschnecker and a secret circle tied into the underground Third Reich and the Tavistock Institute almost pulled it off. Dr. Hutschnecker nearly executed a secret plan to break up traditional black and brown families by alienating them from their children. They nearly setup the U.S. government as a farmer of black and brown children. Dr. Hutschnecker and the underground Third Reich wanted to put children, particularly Black, in special concentration camps.


Violent crime in cities stem disproportionately from the ghetto slum, where most Negroes live.” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, October 2, 1970 [72]


Be very careful, leery, and vigilant with President Select Donald J. Drumpf, Steve Bannon and their circle of dark forces. Drumpf and Bannon trumpets virtually the same poison and sentiments about Black and Brown communities as Dr. Hutschnecker and the underground SS.  Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan could very well be back in the secret implementation stages. Who are “WE”?

Dr. Hutschnecker sent a confidential memo to Nixon that quickly became immediately and notoriously suspect of the Touch of Buchenwald. Dr. Hutschnecker urged the government to immediately psychologically test All 7- and 8-year-olds in the United States for undesirable “violent and homicidal tendencies.” All children suspected of undesirable tendencies were to be placed in re-education concentration camps. U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch was told by John Erlichman, Chief of Staff for the Nixon White House, to implement the program.[73] The memo was leaked from the Finch’s department to the public, and all hell broke loose in the country. Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan was set aside for a secret Jonestown, Guyana.


“I … went to Mexico to meet with Dr. Robert Hartman … who had developed a method of measurement testing values, claims to predict delinquency for intelligent children from the age of ten upward and all children from the age of twelve upward.” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, October 2, 1970 [74] Hutschnecker and Dr. Hartman concurred that tests that they were developing could detect the tendency or proneness to delinquent behavior. “It can, moreover, indicate the need for therapy, and the kind of therapy needed.”[75]


Hutschnecker and Erich Fromm also concurred as far back as 1968 that violent acts are a common outcome of a sense of hopelessness and a “hardened heart” (or lack of willingness to hope). It was coded language to box in the feelings and sense of “hopelessness of ghetto life” into Hutschnecker’s Plan to force black and brown youth into re-education “special” concentration camps for treatment and therapy for undesirable values and tendencies to violence under the ruse of national security. In Mexico, SS Hutschnecker had also been in secret counsel with Fromm’s Deep Web of Secrecy that included Dr. Michael Maccoby.[76]


He also consulted with Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman; Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich, and U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s spiritual counselor, J. Alfred Smith, Senior, pastor emeritus of Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland.

Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich, DESCHOOLING SOCIETY:

Rather than calling equal schooling temporarily unfeasible, we must recognize that it is, in principle, economically absurd, and that to attempt it is intellectually emasculating, socially polarizing, and destructive of the credibility of the political system which promotes it. The ideology of obligatory schooling admits of no logical limits. The White House recently provided a good example. Dr. Hutschnecker, the “psychiatrist” who treated Mr. Nixon before he was qualified as a candidate, recommended to the President that all children between six and eight be professionally examined to ferret out those who have destructive tendencies, and that obligatory treatment be provided for them. If necessary, their re-education in special institutions should be required. This memorandum from his doctor the President sent for evaluation to HEW. Indeed, preventive concentration camps for predelinquents would be a logical improvement over the school system.

Cuernavaca, Mexico, November, 1970

Illich is very clear in DESCHOOLING SOCIETY with the overall Tavistock and Nazi Underground objective to close down schools, and retain undesirables in government concentration camps and prisons under the cloak of U.S. National Security. While SS Dr. Hutschnecker was in Washington DC pushing his diabolical plan down the throat of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare for secret immediately implementation, his secret circle of linked Satanic WFMH operatives in and about Cuernavaca were hampering out the nuts and bolts of the plan without any public input or scrutiny.

In all fairness, 18 years later, Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker responded Oct. 3, 1988 to the uproar about his controversial plan. He said that his references to camps were benevolent  Nazi Germany summer camps not “Nazilike concentration camps seemed meant to discredit me and, by association.” 


However in 1970, he said that the camps he worked in Nazi Germany in 1936-children had been retained. Excuse my English, but retain means “to keep.” At that time, the people doing the keeping and retaining of children because of race, ethnicity, health, handicap and mental illness on the ground of threat to national security were Hitler, Himmler and the SSHe didn’t mention why his plan had to be secret or why the plan’s nuts and bolts had to be developed in secret in and around Cuernavaca, Mexico by CIATavistock Institute associated psychiatrists, psychologists, and behavior scientists. From Dr. Hartman’s neighbor, associate and colleague in Cuernavaca that Dr. Hutschnecker admitted worked and concurred on the plan,  IVAN ILLICH, said it clearly in DESCHOOLING. Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan, they were secretly working on  concentration camps for predelinquentsthat he was in total cold heart agreement with.




I have always been curious about the symbolism behind James Alefantis (jimmycomet) posting his picture of Marina Abramovic carrying wood, and “Marina and Faggot”I believe it’s related to something that I heard John Podesta say in TRANCE, “You will call me, FAGAN!” Fagan (Medieval Latin: Faganus; Welsh: Ffagan), also known by other names including Fugatius, was a possibly legendary 2nd-century bishop and saint, said to have been sent by the pope to answer King (Lucifer) Lucius’ request for baptism and conversion to Christianity.In French, Fagan is- faguin (“faggoter, wood gatherer“). Fagan in Latin is paganus (“rural, pagan“). In 423 AD, Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II said “pagan” (“irom/faganus, the dweller in a pagus or village”) came to indicate a follower of the ancient idolatry.


Faquin and Faganus is very similar to the ancient Roman horned god, “Faunus“. Faunus was worshipped across the Roman Empire. In 1979, a set of thirty-two 4th-century spoons engraved with the name “Faunus” was discovered in Thetford, England. Each spoon had a different epithet after the god’s name.The spoons also bore Christian symbols, and it has been suggested that these were initially Christian but later taken and devoted to Faunus by pagans. Or, they were initially devoted to Faunus and later turned into Christian symbols. The 4th century was a time of large scale Christianization and the discovery provides us with evidence that even during the decline of traditional Roman religion, the god Faunus was still worshipped.


Pan was a Greek goat pagan nature god of the woods. Pan was the son of the messenger of the gods, Hermes. His mother was a wood nymph. James Achilles Alefantis call himself, Pan.


What is the glue that hold together and link Fromm and Maccoby to a Luciferian Nazi connected intelligence ring of blood oath secrecy? Part of the glue that binds PIZZAGATE together is buried in John Podesta’s WikiLeaks emails. Its in an email that came from Yale University Historian John Putnam Demos asking for a “Thelema Favor” to meet President Obama. A “Thelema Favor” could be interpreted as a communication of one’s will to another within a Thelemic (Thelemites) community. It could also be a communication of one’s will to a prophet of the Law of Thelema. The religion known as Thelema was founded in 1904 by the Satanist, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, who is regarded as its prophet. Those who follow the Path of Thelema are called Thelemites.

The International Secret Satanic BLACK CIRCLE


Aleister Crowley was the tutor of Tavistock’s Aldous Huxley, but its goes back further beyond Crowley and Huxley to a Satanic underworld- an international subculture homosexual/occult spy gate that they have taken over.  


Viscount Tredegar

During the 1930s in Britain, Crowley and Huxley are linked to the coven of British bi-sexual/homosexual Devil Worshiper, Lord Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar that the Great BEAST hailed as the Adept of Adepts. Crowley said that his family was descended from King Arthur.


The legendary city of Camelot was supposed to have been at the nearby Roman site of Caerleon. Crowley even described his lordship as “The Rightful Heir to Excalibur”. Queen Mary of England, the present queen’s grandmother, called Lord Tredegar “My favourite bohemian”. Tregedar had converted as a young man to Catholicism, and even served as a chamberlain to two popes, and was a Knight of Malta Lord Tredegar’s elite British underground homosexual Satanic coven and cult was called, “THE BLACK CIRCLE.”

The BLACK CIRCLE included Nazi Germany’s Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess of the ThuleGesellschaft (Thule Society), one of Hitler’s closest confidants. Lord Tregedar had also visited the German home of Ernst Rohm (Thule Society), the head of the SA, and they shared a male lover.


Evan Morgan’s reputation as practitioner of the dark arts may have been the reason he ended up dining with Rudolph Hess, Ernst Röhm and other top Nazis one night in 1932. The location was Bad Weissee outside Munich, notorious two years later as one of the sites of the Night of the Long Knives which claimed Röhm and many of his fellow SA members (see Visconti’s The Damned). The Black Circle coven included British spy, Kim Philby, and most likely the Cambridge Spy Ring that included Fromm’s Super Spy Chief in Cuernavaca , Cedric Belfrage. During WWII, the BLACK CIRCLE  underground society led most of WW II’s intelligence branches, both Atlas (Germany, Italy, etc.) and Allied Forces (United States, Britain, etc.).

In 1942, Philby informed his Russian masters that MI6 were investigating a blackmailing racket linking Royal Air Force officers and members of British high society to drug smuggling, orgies (heterosexual and homosexual) and “black magic rites”. It was believed this racket was being run by operatives of the Nazi Secret Service based in their embassy in neutral Dublin, Ireland.

Aldous Huxley of Tavistock was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover. However, I believe that Werner Wolff, Knight of the Black Sun Dr. Hutschnecker, Fromm, and Dr. Maccoby and James Achilles Alefantis’ Comet Ping Pong Pizza were/are layered in blood oath secrecy to the wider international SATANIC BLACK CIRCLE that includes the underground KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK SUN SS- THIRD REICH.

Today, right now. Is the Satanic fiend, ERICH FROMM, still irrelevant?

Judge for Yourself. His Seeds is still being PLANTED- IMPLANTED. 

To be continued.






















[22] Id.









[31] Id.

[32] Id.




[36] Burton, June K, Essays in European History: Selected from the Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association , 1986-87, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, pg. 33


[38] Id.















[53] Freidman, Lawrence J., The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love’s Prophet, Columbia University Press, NY (2013), pg. 359










[63] Freidman, Lawrence J., The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love’s Prophet, Columbia University Press, NY (2013), pg. 359







[70] NYT, A Plea for Experiment, October 2, 1970, page 35





[75] Id.






26 03 2016

Our UNDYING loving relationships with the sacred feminine have the power to launch a THOUSAND SHIPS!

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”Morpheus to Neo[1]

The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of REALITY (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of ILLUSIONS (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film, The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the “ignorance of ILLUSION“, while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the “TRUTH OF REALITY” even though it is a harsher, more difficult life.[2]

The other day, I couldn’t stop sneezing from a sudden serious seasonal hay fever attack. My usual hay fever medicine didn’t work. I had to take a red pill (Diphenhydramine HCI). The red pills always put me in a zone. So, I rarely take one of them unless it is an emergency. The pills make me drowsy, sleepy and my head spin. So, I went upstairs to lie down. While lying down, I watched some of the 2016 NCAA Basketball Playoff Rounds on the idiot box.


While in a zone and through a fog, I saw IMAGES of a black dysfunctional family with a NBA player in drag posing as a mother during a commercial run. The family was called, the Hoopers. “… The Hoopers, an all-star American family. Various NBA players star as Dad (Chris Paul- LA Clippers), Mom (DeAndre Jordan- LA Clippers), Son (Kevin Love- Cleveland Cavaliers), Grampa (Kevin Garnett- Minnesota Timberwolves) and Baby (Damian Lillard- Portland Trail Blazers). Additionally, a State Farm agent plays the Hoopers’ helpful neighbor who assists them with the problems they encounter.”[3]



All Hooper family members were black NBA players except Kevin Love of Cleveland. The were no IMAGES of females. The one character that was by nature supposed to be a motherhood/female was turned into an ILLUSION of a monstrous tall hairy male figure.


HOOPER GRAMPA- A IMAGE of a Lazy Steppin Fletchin

Under the influence of the red pill, I saw some racialist sensitive IMAGES of Black people on global television networks that I didn’t think was possible in the 21st Century. As a fan, I had abandoned the NBA years ago. I didn’t know anything about the NBA Hoopers.


 HOOPER BABY- The IMAGE of a Stereotypical Picaninny

I thought the IMAGES of the Hoopers would go away, but the idiot box kept repeating the IMAGES over and over again like every twenty minutes or so like PSYCHIC DRIVING. It wasn’t happenstance that IMAGES and ILLUSIONS of Hoopers continued to parade through my dreams as I fell off in deep sleep. While I experienced the “March MadnessNCAA Basketball Tournament 2016, the idiot box was turned into a psychotronic mind (behavior modification) control weapon.

“Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…”

For me, the Hoopers was electronic torture and terrorism. The commercial spots were designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter my body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, even incapacitate me. The commercial spots were used as clandestine psychological weapons aimed to “control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism… [T]he goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body [mind] in [balance, order: MAAT] equilibrium.”[4]

The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the NBA Hoopers was that it was an EVIL. It was a vicious attack and veiled affront against the sacred feminine, and the dignity of the BLACK FAMILY UNIT and STRUCTURE. It is no laughing matter as the NBA and NCAA seasons continue through the year.

The EVIL of the Hoopers’ commercial spots were created out of a partnership renewal between the NBA and State Farm Insurance.

“State Farm has enjoyed a very successful relationship with the National Basketball Association over the past few years, and we’re excited to be continuing it,” State Farm advertising director Ed Gold said in a statement. “Our integrated NBA marketing campaigns have become a terrific platform for differentiating the State Farm brand, demonstrating the value of an assist, and connecting with customers through the lens of basketball.”[5]

In other words, the ILLUMINATI NBA is working hand and hand in combination with State Farm in setting up these Negroes and the black coonery family structure for international mockery, ridicule and humiliation.


The State Farm Logo represents the very complicated and ancient “Tripod of Life” (also known as “Borromean rings“) that is formed from a third circle being added to the Vesica Piscis (Cosmic Womb of Goddess Nut), where the third circle’s center point is placed at the intersection of the first two circles’ circumferences. To some, it represents the mind, body, and spirit. Most notably, in (Christian) religion, the Tripod of Life symbolizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. What remains of it today is the altered version in religion where it vaguely identifies God, son and holy spirit after the cosmic sacred feminine woman teaching was thrown out of holy books.[6]


The Rothschild ILLUMINATI obtained certain secret ancient Illuminated manuscripts that represented the “Tripod of Life” form to be a triangle position as the sacred feminine womb of stars down pointing triangle when seen on eastern horizon when rising. The bottom line is that the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry deliberately bastardized the symbol and its extremely deep inner ancient universal teaching and lessons of the sacred feminine and created the BAPHOMET to intentionally confuse its mass of followers and the people.[7]

State Farm and Freemasonry


“Every man who accomplishes anything worthwhile in this life will leave behind him many temples still unfinished when he departs this life.” These words were spoken to his employees by George Jacob Mecherle, the founder of State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies and a very dedicated Freemason … [He] drew much of his philosophy from the lessons he learned at the Masonic altar.” Illustrious George Jacob Mecherle, 33 Degree[8]

Luciferian George J. Mecherle started State Farm Mutual Insurance Company in Bloomington, Illinois, on June 8, 1922. The name of the company was inspired by the original clientele, the farmers of the state of Illinois. Mecherle was a member of Bloomington, Illinois, Lodge No. 43, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Bloomington Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons; Peoria Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters; DeMolay Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar; and Mohammed Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was a very active member of Bloomington Consistory, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.[9]

At one time, he arranged for State Farm to rent office space from the Scottish Rite. During his lifetime, a large number of Scottish Rite Masons were employed by State Farm. Twice a year, these Brethren enjoyed lining up in front of the State Farm building and marching two blocks to the Consistory building for a Scottish Rite Reunion. Mecherle served as Thirtieth Degree Master for a ritualistic team composed totally of State Farm employees. On September 29, 1943, he was awarded the 33rd Degree during the meeting of the Supreme Council in Buffalo, New York.[10]

As you know, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite and the Civil War Criminal-Confederate General Albert Pike spawned the secret Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan to drive Black people back into SLAVERY.

State Farm and the Luciferian Doctrine


 Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.321)[11]

Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859 to 1891, is one of the most honored and influential American Freemasons of all time. The Supreme Council exalts Pike by saying: “Albert Pike remains today an inspiration for Masons everywhere. His great book Morals and Dogma endures as the most complete exposition of Scottish Rite philosophy. He will always be remembered and revered as the Master Builder of the Scottish Rite.” (The House of the Temple of the Supreme Council 1988)[12] George J. Mecherle, founder of State Farm, is also listed among the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI in America.[13] The racialist Hoopers Family of the NBA was spawned by Pike’s clandestine Luciferian Scottish Rite Temple and the secret ILLUMINATI.

Dangerous Cartoon (Coonery) Characters and Satanic Brotherhood V Sign

There were other IMAGES that also screened through my conscious and subconscious. It included the Satanic ILLUMINATI Coonery Trio of dangerous handkerchief heads, Charles Barkley, Samuel L. Jackson and Spike Lee that was also totally “VOID” of female IMAGES. Like the Hoopers, the Coonery of Jackson, Barkley and Lee appeared (psychic driven) in constant and persistent time sequences throughout the televised NCAA tournament playoff games. The IMAGES of Hoopers and Coon trio swam through my conscious and subconscious for a couple of days. What follows is the “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the Coon Trio IMAGES that I really experienced and envisioned. I will start with CHARLES BARKLEY.

1. The “TRUTH OF REALITYof Charles Barkley



“The only problem I had with Kenny’s, umm,  open letter was, umm, I don’t think anytime something bad happens in the black community we have to talk about slavery. Listen, slavery is, uh, well, I shouldn’t say one of the worst things ever, because I don’t know anything about it other than what I read or what my grandmother told me.” Charles Barkley[14]

I not quite sure what or who Charles Barkley may be. He is far more then a traditional Uncle Tom, Handkerchief head and bootlicker. The ILLUMINATI may have created him as an experimental MK ULTRA/MONARCH black “CYBORG.” Don’t laugh, yet. Barkley publicly calls himself a “METROSEXUAL.”


Charles Barkley in Women’s Satin Outfit with Purse

As late as March 14, 2016, he confirmed that over mass media that he was a “METROSEXUAL.”[15] Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of man, the metrosexual shows his soft, sensitive, feminine side. The neologistic term is popularly thought to describe heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexual men. [16]


ILLUMINATI SYMBOL, Ava DuVernay (Selma), Charles Barkley & Prince Philip– Royal House of England, Grand Master of Freemans of England and Wales. This is far from being a laughing matter. It is one of the most scary, dangerous and clandestine programs of the New World Order and ILLUMINATI that seek to re-image, re-design and re-create Mankind to serve them- Transhumanism.


“Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.”[17]

Charles Barkley presents a new specie of freakish post gender men-forms of ILLUMINATI Transhumanism that will tend to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE. I am sure that Charles Barkley has been programmed to cross the lines of his manhood, and sadly serve the BROTHERHOOD with his Mouth and Ass.


Postgenderism is a diverse social, political and cultural movement whose adherents affirm the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of advanced biotechnology and assistive reproductive technologies.[18] The elite of the world will be the ones who will have exclusive and sole access to the secret technologies to change MANKIND.[19] Charles (Chuck o Licious) Wade Barkley was born and raised in Leeds, Alabama, ten miles outside Birmingham.[20]  He says absolutely bizarre things through mass media that unlikely came from his humble background. He says things like he would in fact “work for ‘the Klan’ if they paid me enough.” It is isn’t the money. It is MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disordered (MPD) mind control programming. This Negro can be programmed to slaughter all of us. [21]



I believe that Charles Barkley had been initiated into Freemasonry like his associate, Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal as a front to access their individual psyche. Shaq with a military complex background seems also to have been subjected to similar frightening (electrical shock) trauma based multiple personality disorder (MPD) programming.


Shaq- Secret Masonic MK ULTRA/MONARCH black Male Sex Kitten Cyborg Programming

In regards to Shaq and the ILLUMINATI plans to destroy the sacred feminine. It was Shaq that introduced the world to the female transsexuals, PRANCING ELITES.


Shaq first tweeted his praises of the group through a video of the dance group’s performance at a basketball game, which became an Internet hit.[22] As I said before, this SHIT is far beyond funny. It is criminal and major International HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.

2. TheTRUTH OF REALITYof Samuel L. Jackson



Samuel L. Jackson doesn’t attribute his talents to God. When asked if he thought his talents were God-given, Jackson replied: “No, because I work at it. I still learn, I read.”[23] Jackson was mentored into HollyWeird and EVIL by Morgan Freeman.


Morgan Freeman says,

“After God, I think I should play Satan. Remember when Al Pacino played Satan in The Devil’s Advocate? Like that.” He continued, “I think that God and the Devil are one. They’re not one in the same, but they’re in the same body, and it depends on which one of them surfaces.” Freeman insinuated that he believed all people have GOD and SATAN inside of them. He added that his faith in a GOD is his faith in himself. “The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from, and my belief in God is my belief in myself.[24]


King Diamond is a Danish heavy metal “quasi-Satanic stage persona” that maintain the same Satanic thought pattern of Morgan Freeman.[25]


In August 2015, Freeman’s step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines, was slaughtered on a Manhattan, New York street in what has been described as an exorcism, “Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!” the killer yelled as he plunged a hunting knife into 33-year-old E’Dena Hines’ chest, according to George Hudacko, who witnessed the 3 a.m. attack from his apartment window in Washington Heights, New York City.[26] In September 2015, her boyfriend, Lamar Davenport, pleaded not guilty to the murder. He appears out of his mind. He was alleged to be possessed by Demons, God and SATAN.[27] Since 2009, it had been widely reported that Freeman and E’Dena had been romantically involved since she was teenager. Reportedly, she had hoped to have a baby and marry SATANMorgan Freeman.[28] So, we should be very clear that if E’Dena was possessed by the DEVIL– we know who put the DEVIL in her.


A few internet sites celebrate Samuel L. Jackson as formerly associated with or in fact being a member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). During the Summer of 1969 in Atlanta, Jackson said that he hooked up with gun running operations with Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), “Honorary Prime Minister“, Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) “Minister of Justice” of the BPP.[29], [30],[31]

There are several big problems with Jackson‘s timeline. August 29th, 1968, the New York Times reported that the Republican Party leader of the House, Gerald Ford of Michigan, stated it was time to slam the door on H. Rap Brown and other Black power advocates. However, there had already been a clandestine illegal full press government program since July 1967 to kill or jail Stokely and H. Rap. But, they particularly wanted to kill and silence H. Rap, forever.

In the summer of 1969, H. Rap was already facing two violations of the Federal Firearms Act out of Louisiana, and Federal charges in Maryland for Counseling to Arson, and Inciting to Arson and Riot. H. Rap was under intense federal travel restrictions. He may not have been in Atlanta, at all. In 1969, they were chasing Rap like something out of Slavery (Fugitive Slave Act). That summer, Stokely and H. Rap were under very intense, 7 days a week-24 hours a day, federal and state surveillance.[32]


Stokely, H. Rap and Brother Bobby Seale- 1968

Additionally, it was impossible for Samuel L. Jackson to be associated with Stokely and H. Rap Brown as members of the BPP in the summer of 1969. In January 1969, Stokely and Rap were expelled from the BPP in what is known as the Great Purge of 1969 at the height of the FBI’s COINTELPRO Program and the CIA’s Project CHAOS’ clandestine criminal campaign to destroy the BPP. Stokely and Rap were on the top of the list as expelled “Renegade Members.” The BPP threatened to deal (death warrants) with them on sight. I bottomed out the list- purged as a “Counter-Revolutionary.” The BPP Central Committee chairman that proudly put his name as the head of the Great Purge was Virtual Murrell.[33]



Murrell is a negro selloutconvicted federal felon for municipal government (Oakland) corruption, fraud and bribery. He is a current principal/owner of The Pegasus Group, a deep-cover beltway lobbyist Virginia-based public (GOVERNMENT) relations firm, secretly connected to inner workings and multi-million contracts of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.[34]


Murrell & Rich and Elite Michelle Nunn

Murrell is tied into the powerful deep cover House of Samuel Augustus “Sam” Nunn, Jr. Nunn’s political experience and credentials on national defense reportedly had put him into consideration as a CIA chief, and potential running mate for Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry (2004) and Barack Obama (2008).[35] In 2014, Murrell was caught up and exposed as a key fundraiser for Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, daughter of Sam Nunn.[36] That should let you know who and what was really secretly behind the Great BPP Purge of 1969.


At the time of the purge, I didn’t even know that Murrell was on the BPP Central Committee. Needless to say, I was very happy to be listed on the same historical document with internationally renown and respected brothers, Stokely and Rap. Kwame Touré  was poisoned and died in the Motherland. The Bold and Beautiful Brother Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) is a Political Prisoner in North Carolina.


Interestingly, Samuel L. Jackson was a former cheerleader for the Morehouse pep squad when he allegedly became a “revolutionary brother” along beside Stokely and Rap collecting guns for the revolution.[37] I say that it was a highly unlikely situation. Stokely, in particular, because of constant COINTELPRO- Project CHAOS death threats, harassment and surveillance, maintained a tight security ring around him. Additionally, there were also many FBI ghetto informants, military intelligence and agent provocateurs constantly trying to infiltrate his inner circle. I know this, because his team called me on occasion of a subject of interest claiming to be close to Oakland BPP, and my inner circle that was turning up in Washington DC on a number of occasions on Stokely’s doorstep trying to get in.

I knew who they were talking about. On several occasions, he had tried to incite me to try to physically harm him. I knew it was a deep setup to discredit, jail or kill me. He was very scary. He foamed at the ends of his mouth (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) when he got excited. He didn’t work anyplace that I knew of to pay for airline passage across the U.S. To this day, I am not sure who this (pedophile) brother works for, and he remains a very dangerous (ghetto informant) individual in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.

Samuel L. Jackson said that he was among a group of former G.I.’s, which led him to H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. “It was my ‘kill whitey’ period,” he said. “I really thought there’d be an armed struggle between blacks and whites. So we began to collect guns.”[38] It sounds as if Jackson had been part of an agent provocateur group of U.S. Army Phoenix Project Assassination/Suppression Teams out of Vietnam that led secret BPP Assassination Goon Squads in the U.S. to murder members, oppress, neutralize, terrorize, and destroy the party. I know, because I faced some of them, directly. The Oakland BPP Goon Squad was led by a former U.S. Army Ranger out of Vietnam.

Yes, I was very much afraid. I faced him several times, but I was also heavily armed- to defend myself. They had a U.S. Government license to kidnap, torture and kill. The Ranger, that I know of directly, was linked to two murders of young BPP brothers. He is featured as a loyal Panther in the recent BPP documentary on PBS, The Black Panthers, The Vanguard of the Revolution.[39]

As soon as the PBS documentary internet site opens, it features a late female undercover FBI infiltration agent out of San Diego by the name of Dixie. I remember when she first walked through the doors of Merritt Jr. College from out of nowhere. She was an extremely fine and most beautiful young sister, but a wicked and EVIL individual. I sensed it almost immediately. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor. She had no problem in penetrating the inner circle of the BPP. I will not and can’t venture to look at that documentary. It still hurts.

Samuel L. Jackson claims that after the FBI paid a visit to his mother about his direct involvement in the Black Liberation Movement and Panthers– he immediately left Atlanta for Bel Air, an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. By my own experience with my mother and a FBI visit, there is some truth to that. However, Jackson appeared to have went to work immediately for the State of CaliforniaLos Angeles County Department of Social Services.[40] The FBI don’t ever just forget about real Black Nationalists. They watch and hound you for life. You just don’t roll over into a State Job unless they owe or own you. Nevertheless, we understand clearly that Samuel L. Jackson has very little if any true love for the people.


ILLUMINATI British Transsexual Jodie Harsh and Samuel L. Jackson


Samuel L. Jackson’s BET network- WITCH Impersonation of the wicked DEMON Bitch Nicki Minaj. The Witch and Cat combined, increase  the power of magic and spells.  Jackson, mainly because of his fake  IMAGE as a down Black Nationalist or even a Panther, is supposed to be some type of HollyWeird Bad-BoyBAD ASS. It is only a HOLLYWEIRD ILLUSION. This Negro is a LUCIFERIAN, breed, trained and committed to the New World Order Satanic Cabals.


Samuel L. Jackson is a HollyWeird Darling because he belongs to a powerful International Circle of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS setup by British MK ULTRA/MONARCH GODFATHER, Aldous Huxley to blindly serve the New World Order.


Samuel L. Jackson is one of the leaders of the black Satanic/ILLUMINATI Cabal that will cut your THROAT for his master, SATAN.

3. The TRUTH OF REALITY of Spike Lee


Stylized 666 NOLA DARLING

The above is a international movie poster. I am not certain if it has been altered, but 666 symbols are implanted in it. Shelton Jackson “Spike” Lee was born in Atlanta and also attended Morehouse College in the city. He made his directorial debut with She’s Gotta Have It (1986).[41] I went to see the movie when it first came out to support his debut, but I came out confused with odd mixed emotions. You see I though that I had a balanced undying love and respect for Black women and the sacred feminine before I saw the movie.


Somehow, the movie got into my head. It had appealed to my basic carnal nature. I wondered if I needed myself a NO- Love (La La) to satisfy my very own carnal nature.  It shook me up for a while and confused me so much that I have avoided watching any of Spike’s movies with the exception Malcolm X. I only watch the last scenes, hour or half of the movie.


SOPHIA & BAPHOMET “What occurs above so reflects below, or As above so below”

At a special meeting that I may have crashed in on with the late Chicago Black Intellectual Steve Cokely in Oakland after the release of Spike’s Malcolm X,  I was startled when he told the group that the SOPHIA (White Woman) scenes in the first half of the movie were at the insistence of FBI censors. I donated $50 to help finance a trip for Brother Cokely to meet with Spike privately to further clarify the FBI’s role in the movie.  I gave him a check with my name, address and phone number, intentionally, to document it. I was hoping to buy myself an update or invite to the next meeting, but sadly either happened. To date, I have found no other references by Cokely on the FBI’s role in scripting the movie. On April 11, 2012, Brother Cokely died under what I believe to be suspicious circumstances. He had finally publicly promised to reveal what he really knew about President Barack Obama in Chicago in an upcoming radio broadcast, but never lived to see the day.


Subliminally implanted, Sophia is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion. Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and Goddess spirituality groups.[42] As you can observe above, the Hermetic/Baphomet axiom “as above, so below” is implanted in Spike’s Malcolm X movie poster.



Keep this in mind as you continue to read this section. In the script before their first sexual interactions, there is a Sophian implant, she says, “Malcolm, look at them. Have you ever seen white breasts like these? Put your black hands on them” and “Am I the first white woman you’ve been with?… THAT ISN’T A WHORE [but a Goddess] ?[43]


She’s Gotta Have It features a young black sister, Nola Darling (Tracy Camilla Johns).[44] NOLA is a name that is significantly meaningless (white shoulder), unless you give it meaning to the word, NO; or the subject of James Bond 007’s debut in Dr. NO (discussed below).

The movie centers around black female sexual sensuality as if Spike Lee had any expertise on the subject, and the attempt to re-image traditional black womanhood, motherhood, the nuclear family structure, and the classic Christian moral code of black families.



The bottom line is that Spike’s She’s Gotta Have It quite frankly and seriously marginalizes and demean Black Womanhood. He presented the sister to the world universally as a black female sexually liberatedSocial Deviant” and “SYMBOLIC WHORE.”[45] Spike Lee’s NOLA presents the WHORE OF BABYLON. Miss Ophelia: “Do you know who made you?” Topsy: “Nobody as I know on,” replied the child, “I ‘spect I jest growed.”[46]



In the movie, Spike Lee made Nola the center of the attention of three friends in which she was laying sexually with each and every one of them. She was a classic “TOPSY” without a god, church, mother, father, family, guidance, direction and wisdom. “I ‘spect she jest growed.” TOPSY was designed and created as the absolute opposite of SOPHIA.


Nola was molded for mass media consumption in the IMAGE of Black woman as “OVERSEXED” African Savages. Such vicious and dehumanizing false myths about Black Women have persisted in America culture from the days of the EVIL empire of human bondage- Slavery.



Spike Lee created Nola as a classic racial stereotypical oversexed Negress- a “Social Deviant” and “A SYMBOLIC WHORE OF BABYLON” that white society and the ILLUMINATI feel quite at home and comfortable to buy into, and distribute globally. And Spike Lee found the planet’s most corrupt and dangerous EVIL forces, the DEVIL himself, to spread the message around the WORLD.




Black ILLUMINATI Luciferians, Charles Barkley & Bill Cosby

THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.


MI6 Lord of the Island of JAMAICA, Sir Chris Blackwell & Spike Lee

She’s Gotta Have It  was distributed globally by ISLAND PICTURES, a film division of Island Records primarily co-founded by English Businessman, Lord Chris Blackwell from the island of Jamaica. Chris Blackwell’s Island Records was financed partially by Stanley Borden of RKO Records,[47] a records division of RKO Pictures that has Joseph Kennedy and Howard Hughes of the CIA/ILLUMINATI embedded in its background and historical records.[48] The Blackwell family was one of sugar plantation complex of 21 colonial families that have controlled the island of Jamaica since Slavery.



WWII, Super Spy Sir William Stephenson of British Intelligence MI6 (Man Called INTREPID) played a key role in the creation of the CIA. As Winston Churchill’s personal representative to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the war, Stephenson became a close advisor to FDR and suggested he put William J. Donovan in charge of all U.S. intelligence services. Donovan, a good friend of Stephenson, founded the U.S. wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which eventually became the SS Gehlen OrgCIA.[49] It is believed that Stephenson was a key player in combination with others that hit JFK in Dallas in November 1963.[50]

After WWII, William Stephenson bought a 22 acre beach house, Hillowton, on Jamaica overlooking Montego Bay. His close friends, Lord Beaverbrook, William Donovan, Ian Fleming, Sir Ivar Bryce and Sir Noel Coward also purchased beach property on the island.[51] Sir Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, was a British newspaper magnate and vicious Anglo propagandist. He was an intimate of Hitler’s inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess. He was a secret society member of the 1001 Club (New World Order International Satanic/Criminal Network Involved in the Assassination of JFK), Le Cercle and a co-founder of the British Roundtable (Masonic New Order Order) Group with Cecil Rhodes.[52]

Sir Ivar Bryce was a key British intelligence officer connected with the CIA and its Operation (Propaganda) Mockingbird through INTREPID- Stephenson. He was a key player in developing the movie character, Agent 007, James Bond.[53] Bryce may have been involved in the assassination of two U.S. Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.[54] These people were part of the most dangerous inner core of the New World Order, Global Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI. They were centered on the island of Jamaica.

Lord Chris Blackwell (Island Records-Picture) is the son of the notorious Islander socialite, Blanche Blackwell. She was a Cabbalist Sephardic Jew descended from Lindo Clan that had fled Portugal during the Knights Templar Inquisition that settled on the island during the 1700s.[55] The Lindo Clan was also among the island’s early freemasons. She was the infamous host of the Blackwell’s Bolt House.[56] The Bolt House played a significant role in the social life of the island that hosted such luminaries as Charlie Chaplin and the Queen Mother of England. Blanche Blackwell was right smack in the middle of the secret inner core of the Global Elite Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI.

On the island of Jamaica, Blanche was friends and lovers of Errol Flynn, the HollyWeird Nazi Spy,[57] and the infamous British Intelligence Agent Ian Fleming (James Bond) of MI5. Fleming resided at a small home which he called Goldeneye and playwright, novelist Noel Coward also resided on the island. Coward was also a notorious secret British Intelligence Agent.[58] All three of them, hosted parties together, with HollyWeird’s elite like Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, Sophia Lauren; and the Royal House of England, Queen of England.[59]


It has been claimed that Blanche was “the inspiration for Dr. NO’s Honeychile Ryder, whom Bond first sees emerging from the waves – naked in the book, bikini-clad in the movie.” As well as Honeychile Ryder it has been argued that Fleming based the character of Pussy Galore, who appeared in Goldfinger on Blanche.[60] Lord Chris Blackwell developed Fleming’s Goldeneye into a deluxe resort for the ILLUMINATI, crooked, rich and famous.[61]


Lord Chris Blackwell was recruited into British Intelligence MI6 by Ian Fleming during the filming of the first James Bond movie, Dr. NO (1962) in the Caribbean. It makes a lot sense for British intelligence to recruit Lord Chris, and initiate him into their secret societies to commit him to an oath of secrecy and silence. Here’s why. Sir Stephenson had been head of the North American Desk of MI6. Stephenson ran a super secret counter intelligence division, Special Operation Executive (SOE). He was involved in appointing Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield of Canada to run the FBI’s counter-intelligence service, Division Five. SOE was secretly centered between Stephenson’s Hillowton Estate and the 2200 acre Tryall Resort Complex on Montego Bay.

In March 1963, Stephenson and Bloomfield began to work for what is believed to have been a review of the strategy for JFK Assassination. The Tryall Resort became a nerve center for the assassination. A number of core committee meetings took place at the resort. One of those seen at the Tryall meetings on a number of occasions was CLAY SHAW of New Orleans.[62]

Tryall Resort was created in 1957 by a syndicate of some of the most dangerous and notorious ILLUMINATI bloodline groups in history that included John D. Rockefeller. The syndicate included Lord Louis Mountbatten’s personal pilot, George Breary Girardet.[63] Lord Mountbatten was King Philip’s cousin of the Royal House of England. He was a Rothschild, and SATANIST that supported Adolf Hitler.[64] The Bronfman crime syndicate family of Canada that owned Seagrams also had an interest in Tryall. They had ran a bootleg operation and sugar plantation on Montego Bay since the late 19th Century.[65]


During the 1950s, Texas entrepreneurs including John Connally, later governor of Texas, and Lloyd Bentsen, who would become a U.S. Senator bought into Tryall. In 1957, they founded the Tryall Club as a private villa resort. Recall, Connally suffered a gunshot wound in the JFK Dallas motorcade crossfire. Connally famously cried out, “My God, they are going to kill us all![66]


So, it made absolute sense to initiate Lord Chris like his mother Blanche, right down the road from Tryall, Montego Bay, into MI6, and the global Satanic/ILLUMINATI, and CIA network.


According to Bunny Wailer, Lord Chris Blackwell play a key part in assassinating both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in order to steal the Wailers pre-Island Records albums as well as the wealth of the Marley Estate.[67] Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Officer Dr. Josef Issels, a colleague of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, and part of Lord Chris’ ILLUMINATI/CIA network finished killing off Bob Marley.[68] 


Part of the story of the emasculation and feminization of Black Men, particularly in America, often ignore is the ILLUMINATI’s collectively marginalization and clandestinely forced invisibility of Black Womanhood and Motherhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the above NBA Hoopers’ Family and their storyline. It is no coincidence, and it seems that NBA Negroes do not the guts or heart to speak up for their people, or protect and preserve the IMAGES of their families and very own dignity and manhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the Negro Coonery Trio of Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee and Negro Cyborg Chuck-o-Licous.


Half Moon Resort on Montego Bay was an infamous haunt of Queen Elizabeth II,  the Royal House of England, Dr. NO, James Bond 007, ILLUMINATI and by the waySPIKE LEE.[69],[70] CONTINUED ON PART II








[7] Id.


[9] Id.



[12] Id.












































[56] Id.










[66] Id.







27 02 2016

With Israeli Agent and American Con man, Donald Drumpf (Trump) and International War Criminal-Mass Murderer, Hillary Rotten Clinton leading the nation for President of the United States, we have a lot of explaining to do to the world. Whats Going On is now and have been an international language onto itself that has broken world borders that need no interpretation among the masses.


Super Bowl 50 Most Valuable Player, Von Miller of the Broncos, has been all over corporate mass media with a certain deliberate degree of viciousness mocking and humiliating Cam Newton- post game. I have been a number 1 NFL fan since grammar school. Naturedly, players pester and badger each other to get an opponent off his game, but the super bowl is over. So, I really do not understand what’s going on- why is Von Miller invited on numerous coast to coast corporate mass media sport shows, talk shows, television shows to hate, trash and mock his fellow NFL colleague, Cam Newton? I am still lost when it relates to Von Miller’s Black Holes comment on Saturday Night Live (SNL).


Michael Che: “So Von, you studied science in college, right?”

Von Miller: “Yeah … I guess you could say I did.”

Che: “So explain this to us. Gravitational waves were discovered when two black holes collided with each other. Is that correct?”

Miller: “That’s right. Let me put it like this. Picture two huge forces slamming together. Like, say, me and Cam Newton.

Che: “Are you just talking about football, man?”

Miller: “No, I’m talking about science. Now, these forces collide and make gravity waves. Like when I collided with Cam Newton, forcing him to fumble.”…

Miller: “Now these waves are everywhere in the universe — just like I’m everywhere when Cam Newton comes to town.

Che: “Von! You already won, man.”

Miller: “Look, this is a huge discovery. No one thought it would happen — just like no one thought we’d keep the number one offense to just ten points. Hey, but it happened — and it’s amazing. The discovery proves Einstein’s theory: ME = MVP.”[1]

On February 11, 2016, four days after super bowl 50, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) collaboration announced the first observation of gravitation waves; because these waves were generated from a black hole merger it was the first ever direct detection of a binary black hole merger.[2]

A BLACK HOLE formed from a collapsing star or atom in space is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitation effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light can’t even escape from inside it. Black Holes last into infinity. In 1915, Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity having earlier shown that gravity does influence light’s motion.[3]


In the very deep occult aspect, the Black Sun represents the black hole; before the term black hole was invented in 1967, black holes (then still theoretical) were sometimes called black stars or dark stars.[4] The Black Sun (“Schwarze Sonne”) was incorporated into the ideas of the “occultist” movement/ideology during the Third Reich. The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. Thus, this namesake was reserved for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society. It was senior to other secret societies.[5]


The 1943 Nazi “Aldebaran Project” was led by Vril Maidens, Maria Orsic and Sigrun of the Thule Society. On January 22, 1944, a meeting with Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann, and Kunkel of Vril Gesellschaft met to discuss the “Aldebaran Project” and 68 light year “trip” to the Aldebaran system. It was reported that the plans given by the Vrillians (Orsic and Sigrun) explained that they were to fly through a “dimensions channel” (i.e. a worm hole) from our solar system to Aldebaran.[6] The Nazis Occultists of the THULE knew about Black Holes and its greater gravitational forces and riding through black holes’ (worm holes) gravitational dimensional portals before they were discovered and named in 1967, and scientifically confirmed in 2016.

For whatever reasons, SNL writers for NBC decided to incorporate the binary black hole merger and its deeper occulted notorious Nazi Black Sun/Black Hole hypothesizes into Von Miller’s script to implant and dictate a racial stereotypical Guided Image (black holes) of an ILLUMINATI permanent (infinite) players dissociation from Cam Newton during and after Super Bowl 50.


The NBC Peacock and Gay (Homo-Erotic) Rainbow Agenda Symbol


SNL is a board mass communication international program that reach millions across the world.[7] I was hoping that Von Miller would have had the inner spirit, courage, and strength to be a bigger man than that. NBC Universal, Inc. is a merger between General Electric’s National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and French Vivendi’s Vivendi Universal Entertainment (UMG).[8] UMG  “… it’s origins go back to the formation of  Decca Records. Decca Records originates in England, which is one of the main control hubs of the ILLUMINATI.”[9] In America, “… they [Decca] set up their studio headquarters in the Pythian Temple [HOUSE OF THE SNAKES] located in New York CityUMG has it’s roots in the Illuminati, at a specific level of the pyramid. Music was [IS] to be used strictly for control purposes. As we see today, most forms of human art and creation are now being used as tools of manipulation and deception.”[10]


The NFL season is over, but Von Miller indicates on SNL that it doesn’t matter when it comes to Cam Newton that he will still be subject to being stalked, mocked and personally attacked into infinity.


It seems as though Cam Newton defied the secret NFL Satanic ILLUMINATI or didn’t take them seriously. The NFL used to be a team sport. It wasn’t about just two individuals in any game. But the way Super Bowl 50 is rolling around, it was the Pale White Riders (Von Miller) versus Cam Newton. And, it appears that the Carolina Panthers’ team have abandoned him. They won’t step forward as a team and defend him against individual targeting and character attacks for team play. So, what’s really going on in the NFL ILLUMINATI. One thing is certain, anywhere the ILLUMINATI covertly infiltrates, it becomes all about racial divide (white supremacy), occult (Satanism), a homo-erotic (PAN-sexual) pavilion, constant and persistent psychological warfare (Mass Population Control).

What About Those Broncos, Huh!


I tried to lay on him [Patriots QB Tom Brady] a few times,” a Broncos pass-rusher told Robert Klemko of after the game. “I tried to rub my nuts on his face.” Reportedly, it was Bronco Linebacker, Von Miller.[11]


I am an Old G from the Old School. I just don’t understand this thing or thrill about rubbing your nuts in a man’s face like Bronco Super Bowl MVP Champ, Von Miller. Peyton Manning also appears to get a thrill out of rubbing his nuts in women’s faces according to a recent lawsuit.[12]


Oh no, corporate mass media don’t want to talk about that. They want to ridicule, harass, mock and humiliate Cam Newton for being the second best quarterback on Super Bowl Sunday; in the NFL, and walking away from a post-game press conference that had been deliberately setup for a Masonic or ILLUMINATI Bootlicking Negro Puppet Bronco Pale White Horse Rider, Chris Harris, Jr. (No. 25) to stalk, mock and attack him from behind the screen.[13]


I can’t watch that Super Bowl Snickers ad featuring HollyWeird actor Willem Dafoe that promotes the candy bar as an antidote to “crankiness.” Dafoe, “I have to admit playing a Hollywood bombshell is a new challenge for me,” Dafoe said in a statement. “But as a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe, I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a walk in her shoes and famous white dress.[14] That Snickers’ commercial absolutely grosses me out and make me sick to my stomach to even think about it. Dafoe give me the creeps and the heebie-jeebies. Dafoe is of French/German descent. He is a very strange and a Satanic/Demonic type of dude.


In 1988, Dafoe starred in the Satanic-beloved film “The Last Temptation of Christ” as Christ, who has visions of having sex with Mary [Maria] Magdalene (of “Holy Grail Bloodline” infamy).


He has also played in at least two vampire films, “The Hunger” with the late Satanist, David Bowie, and “Shadow of the Vampire,” and enjoys a recurring role as a super-villain in the Spiderman franchise. However, in his more recent, 2009 film titled “ANTICHRIST” [see film poster below] as well as his 2013 Mercedes commercial, he plays SATAN himself.[15]


In 2014, Super Bowl 48, Mercedes-Benz’s ad made a special tribute to SATAN. Entitled “SOUL”, the commercial featured a young man who was offered a “deal with the DEVIL”, ( the DEVIL was played by Dafoe), where he can receive a new Mercedes-Benz, fame, wealth and pleasure in exchange for his soul.[16]


In the ad, Dafoe was shown wearing a Freemasonic and Satanic Ring. The Satanic contract, which contains an inverted chi-ro (the symbol the Catholic Church uses), contains the phrase “Seal Placed of  The Master, The Devil and The  Demons.” As soon as I saw that face and famous white dress, I knew what he was going to do and switched the channel immediately. If it makes any sense, my conscious immediately resisted that utterly ugly IMAGE and Demonic Spirit of Dafoe in that white dress from being filed in my subconscious.


Man O’ man, when I lived in Los Angeles during the late 1970s, I got a chance and setup to really-really meet my heart crush, Lt. Uhura. Guided by my eyes, she was delicious eye candy and an IMAGE that I wanted to talk to and touch. I was ready to break the outer seal of Black HollyWeird, but my first wife moved into town.  I got locked up in the house, grounded in family and that was the end of that story. It most likely saved my life. However, I have always been able to TRANSFER that IMAGE of Marilyn Monroe in that dress to IMAGES of often exploited, ignored and excluded beautiful sisters like a Dorothy Dandridge, a Judy Pace or Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) of Star Trek  (Sacred Feminine), but a 60 year wrinkled ass Gila Monster in a dressWillem Dafoe. It’s absolutely hideous, revolting, unnecessary and so damn uncalled for.

I would walk around in Hell in a pair of boxer shorts soaked in gasoline before I would allow Dafoe to deliberately confuse, disrupt and destroy the order and balance of the Sacredness of the Feminine, and replace it with the Satanic Cult of Marylyn Monroe. And that is exactly what that ad was clandestinely designed to do on Super Bowl Sunday. There is much more in back of Dafoe’s Marilyn Monroe commercial than you can shake a stick at.


With a direct ancestry to the French and German secret Old World Cults of Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, Demons and DEVILS that still exist today, Dafoe could lead a short list of suspected Secret HollyWeird Satanic High Priests.


However, one thing is most certain. Willem Dafoe is among the ILLUMINATI. But, what does any of this have to do with those Super Bowl Champs, the Broncos, HUH! I am getting there and you may not like it if you’re a NFL fan.



“In 1973 Anton LaVey [Church of Satan] wrote in an article that Monroe would become the Satanic ‘Madonna’ of the 21st century… In quoting the Church of Satan: ‘We hold her now almost like an icon, a talisman, reminding us constantly of a mystifying past. Marilyn Monroe is not a goddess pure and sexless, but Satanically just the opposite-a fleshly goddess: passionate, flawed, enticing, beautiful.’ Who are you following? Extract from Marilyn Monroe by Jason Kovar.”[17]


Well, I am not following Marilyn Monroe. She was the ultimate prototype for MK ULTRA’s BETA-programmed sex slave or Sex Kitten programming. She was also the first successful female icon who was under this type of mind control. However, I believe the first among them was black actress/Sex Kitten Eartha Kitt from Nazi Doctors straight out of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Soon to be posted. Many HollyWeird female entertainers are under MK ULTRA sex kitten programming. Their ultimate programming role model is Marilyn Monroe. They dress and think like her.[18]


However, there appears to be a large number of Satanic male homo-erotic cult worshippers, like Willem Dafoe that want to “walk in her shoes and famous white dress”to channel her.


I have to be very careful here. It’s pretty well understood that Marylyn Monroe had been assassinated by the CIA Occult Bureau. She had been a PREMIER PRESIDENTIAL SATANIC MK ULTRA/MONARCH SEX SLAVE KITTEN.[19]

aaaavonvonmonroesammy The Little DEVIL, confirmed Satanist and KNIGHT OF MALTA, Sammy Davis, Jr., appeared to have been one of her Secret Masonic/CIA Sex Slave handlers. The images in their background are indeed MONARCH Butterflies.[20]


The really odd thing is that Pale White Horse Rider Von Miller also appears to be a Marilyn Monroe follower that may also want to “walk in her shoes and famous white dress”to channel her.


If you thought that he wore that white Monroe T-Shirt as a matter of a fluke. Think again. Von Miller has the strange thing for the real Marilyn Monroe IMAGE, and that he may have the same Defoe FANTASY, and may also belong to a secret Occult Gove of the Cult of Marilyn Monroe- A BITCH OF THE ILLUMINATI. COINCIDENCE? I have reasons to suspect that it is not. And, there is a secret society relationship between him and Dafoe. Don’t call me crazy, yet. Follow me for a little while longer.


Before I get to those Broncos (Pale White Horses). Lets go to the author, Philip Michael Ondaatje. Ondaatje is a Sri Lankan-born Canadian novelist and poet. He won the Booker Prize for his novel, The English Patient (1992), which was adapted as the 1996 film of the same name.[21] Ondaatje specifically notes that the secret Satanic symbolism of 17th Century artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio‘s painting of David with the Head of Goliath played an important factor in the mystery surrounding the creation of his novel, he says,


“There’s a painting by Caravaggio, done late in his life, David with the Head of Goliath, ravaged and old… Youth judging age of the end of its outstretched hand. The judging of one’s own mortality… (Ondaattje, 1993:16)”[22]


The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is a play by pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright/Poet Christopher Marlowe (1564- 1593) based on the German story Faust and the Covenant with the DEVIL. Doctor Faustus was written in the early 1590s, first published in 1604.[23] “Faustus raises up the demon spirit, Mephistophilis. Faustus proposes a bargain. He will give his immortal soul to the devil in exchange for twenty-four years of magic and merry-making.”[24]


 Marlowe & Caravaggio

Marlowe was a spy and dramatist in the Court of Queen Elizabeth I with the infamous Shakespeare- Sir Francis Bacon. Marlowe and Shakespeare were born in the same year, 1564Caravaggio had been their contemporary (1571- July18 ? 1610).[25] Caravaggio and Marlowe were also contemporaries of the infamous mystic, occult philosopher and demonologist of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Dr. John Dee (July 13, 1527 1608 or 1609). In fact as a spy, Marlowe worked under international spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham (1532 – April 6, 1590).[26] Dr. Dee also worked in that very same international demonic spy ring with Marlowe.[27]


Above, Dr. Dee has conjured up a DEMON. Notice the similarity of Doctor Faustus within the Circle calling forth his DEMON.  If you add Dr. John Dee to the mix, the picture becomes clearer of exactly who or what it is that we are working with and the significance of the homo-erotic naturePan-Sexualism. In the queen’s court, Shakespeare (Sir Francis Bacon) and Dee identified themselves with the Tudor lineage – a lineage which is said to trace back to King Arthur, the Judaic Royal Line.[28]


Dee and Bacon take us back to the Arcadian Academies of the Renaissance (AA) and the Rosicrucians. This “AA” is known today and has been identified with a secret priestly society active at the time of mysterious Roman Catholic Priest François-Bérenger Saunière (11 April 1852 – 22 January 1917) the priest of Rennes-le-Château.[29]


Arcadia was presided over by shepherds, and Pan was the great God of Arcadia…arcadia comes from the word Arcas – the son of Zeus & Callsito. Callisto is the Great Bear & Arcas is the Little Bear in astronomical terms, and in Greek Mythology.”[30] Sir Francis Bacon had such great admiration of God Pan that he is attributed to the statement “what is now the Church of Christ was once the “BROTHERHOOD OF PAN.”[31] Father Saunière led us directly to the tales of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail. It is claimed that Saunière possibly found evidence that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married, and produced offspring that eventually became the Merovingian Dynasty.[32]

The “AA” society has extensive Rosicrucian connections and involves significant historical figures and the “OCCULT” revival of 19th century France. It is believed by some scholars that “ROSICRUCIANISM” ultimately stemmed from Dr. John Dee.[33] The ROSICRUCIANS are a secret higher order of the ILLUMINATI.[34] This site claim to contains some original ILLUMINATI membership forms that link them directly to the ROSICRUCIANS.

It is an interesting note to keep in mind that Marlowe, the Elizabethan Spy, may not have died in England in 1593. He was a secret agent involved in the world of medieval espionage for the Queen. Some say that his death was faked. Marlowe escaped England and entered the Island of Malta joining Caravaggio in the same secret world of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA (Malta Theory).[35] Additionally, just before his alleged death in May 1593, Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Council issued a warrant for the arrest of Marlowe on charges of spreading “blasphemous and damnable opinions” – Consorting with the DEVIL.[36]


Ondaatje’s film version of The English Patient was released to critical acclaim, and received 12 nominations at the 1997 69th Academy Awards, eventually winning nine. WILLEM DAFOE, above, took the leading role as David CARAVAGGIO.[37]


Just after Super Bowl 50 and winning MVP, here is Von Miller sporting a $325 off-white c/o Virgil Abloh’s heavyweight cotton jersey print T-shirt styled at front with a CARAVAGGIO graphic that just happens to be Ondaatje and Dafoe’s English Patients’ VERY SAME secret Satanic Symbolic David with the Head of Goliath- Bargain with the DEVIL for IMMORTALITY. [38] This is absolutely no coincidence. And. My Lord! Do you have any idea who this CARAVAGGIO was? He was so demonic, dangerous and deranged in his own time that his own BROTHERHOOD had to take him out of the world.

CARAVAGGIO: Anti-Christ of Art

CONSORTING WITH THE DEVIL, assault, murder- that is the notorious succès-de-scandale of the 17th century Italian, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. He was accused of all of these and more during his tempestuous career. Condemned as the “ANTICHRIST OF PAINTING,” Caravaggio was as controversial for his revolutionary artworks as he was for his infamous temper, psychopathic nature, and lengthy criminal record and background.[39] Giulio Mancini complained that the Caravaggio had chosen as his model for Mary in The Death of the Virginone or other filthy whore”.[40] Caravaggio’s model in David with the Head of Goliath and many other of his classic  paintings had been his boy sex slave, Cupid. His paintings are implanted with the Spirit of the DEVIL.


Caravaggio traveled to Malta, the headquarters of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA (St. John Hospitiers) under the patronage of Alof de Wignacourt, Grand Master of the Knights to escape murder charges. De Wignacourt honored the killer as an official painter to the Order and as a Knight. Major works from his Malta period include a huge Beheading of Saint John the Baptist and a Portrait of “Alof de Wignacourt and his Page”, as well as portraits of other leading knights. Yet by late August 1608, he was arrested and imprisoned “as a foul and rotten member.” In 1595 Naples, along with Caravaggio’s benefactor, Cardinal Francesco De Monte, they had become well-known notorious shameless lustful pedophiles of young boys. [41] Christopher Marlowe was also interested in young boys, he allegedly said, “all they that love not tobacco and boys are fools”.[42]


Fashion Designer Virgil Abloh of something he calls “Pyrex Vision”. In the Pyrex Vision, he also has a line that calls the SS.  He is a twisted and strange enigma. He is known as a black kid with white [supremacy] tendencies (Off White) indoctrinated/initiated into a secret French-Italian medieval occult circle inside Kanye West and the Armenian (Gnostic) Kardashian International Satanic Grove.


 Caravaggio Self Portrait

The Negro is known to be obsessed with old art master Caravaggio- the Antichrist of Art. During his own time, Caravaggio was said to have been born of the Cloven Hoof of a Goat – Satan and God Pan. He was known to be a secretly fully initiated Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem (Malta) which is why Jay-Z, a high ranking international ILLUMINATI Freemason, would also be interested in Caravaggio. Much of the Old Masters’ mysteries and secrets are hidden in their paintings. Without the keys to unlock the mysteries and messages, we can’t see all that they are communicating to an eternal Satanic inner circle from generation to generation. The Satanic High Cabals and Freemasons have the keys and formulas to unlock some if not all those secrets.


Caravaggio’s Entombment of Christ T-Shirts & Hoods


Because it used the symbol of the Rosy Cross in its symbolism, England’s Knights, Order of the Garter, has been linked with the Rosicrucians. The Order was founded in 1348 by King Edward III of England and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Christianized version of the pagan Great Mother Goddess…many famous men who were either Rosicrucians or Masons have over the centuries been knighted as members of the Order of the Garter. One of the alleged Grand Masters of the Order was Demonologist/Luciferian Dr. John Dee.


Order of Garter- Garner of Lancaster Roses & Knights- Order of St. George

England’s Knights of the Order of the Garter acts as Queen Elizabeth’s most trusted “privy council” (“private council“). The Knights of the Garter are the inner sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), with whom she shared some secrets of state and from whom she received advice. The Order of the Garter were a fraternity of the Rosy Cross and among the Brotherhood of the Knights of Malta.


Abloh says that he is using art as medium to change culture. Change it to what? He is using the revival of occulted mysteries and secrets of Europe’s Old Masters (Brotherhood of Rosy Cross and Knights of Malta) to serve as fodder, inspiration, and raw material and medium for that art (Alchemy and the Baphomet) on a Pyrex dish among the so-called Hip Hop Generation.

Kanye West and the Kardashian Satanic Grove is undoubtedly controlled by the Old European Secret Satanic/Rosicrucian BLOODLINES going back to Joan of Arc and Catholic Black Mass Satanic Murderer Gilles de Rais of France. 

Hey! What about those Broncos, huh! Well, do you think that Von Miller and Caravaggio’s Satanic Mysterious Graphic, and HollyWeird’s Satanic High Priest Dafoe playing/acting out Caravaggio were flukes, too? I don’t think so.

Von Miller, Occult & the Owl


Here is Von Miller in Dallas, TX after the super bowl partying with the Occulted Owl warped in a Snake T-shirt. You can’t be any more obviously SATANIC than that. In cultures and societies of remote antiquity in Africa and Australia, the Owl is viewed as a sort of Messenger of Secrets. The Owl is believed to serve seers, mystics, sorcerers, and witches and those who work with the magical arts.


The Owl also serves as a symbol related to the guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead, as seen in cultures such as the Ancient Kemet and God Aset (Osiris).


In western and central Europe, medieval beliefs often associate Owls with being a witch or wizard in disguise. Just take a look at the Harry Potter movies – an Owl named Hedwig plays a significant role as companion to the title character.[43]


Rapper Drake says directly that his Owl was taken directly from King Tutankhamen’s 18th Dynasty Great Temple to God Amun at Karnak.[44] So, where Von Miller get his Owl from?


Von Miller may be homo-erotically walking in the shoes and dress of the most ancient DEMON Screech Night Owl Goddess, Lilith.[45]

Von Miller, Occult & the Snake


SATAN, the serpent also called the GREAT DRAGON, is the Lord and ruler of this world, leading mankind astray and worshipped as a god with various names through the world’s religions, whose followers knowingly or unknowingly worship Satan and the fallen angels. The Snake/Dragon symbol carries with it a strong occult meaning, used by Satanists/ILLUMINATI to show who they work for and worship. It is also used to show who celebrities, who are mind control slaves, work for.[46] THAT’S THE BOTTOMLINE.


Here is Von Miller– sleepy, drunk or sitting/standing up drifting off in a TRANCE-FORMATION. I really don’t believe that a shot of gin will do this to a man of his size and extremely supreme conditioning.


NFL player Von Miller (L) and Vince Miller attend ESPN the Party at WestWorld of Scottsdale on January 30, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Is he pointing to himself or to the BAPHOMET and DEMONS in that t-shirt? Why didn’t he attend the party with a girlfriend instead of a dude?



 Von Miller with homo-erotic provocative pants sag hugged up with suspect dude. Below, Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne with homo-erotic provocative pants sags. We should be pretty clear by now of what they’re all about.

aaaavonvonhomoerotic So, who and what is Von Miller? Rumors surface that he is on the down-low. In 2011, he had a possible girlfriend and relationship with a Hispanic sister, Rona Gonzales, but it appears that it didn’t seem to develop into anything in particular.[47] Well, it looks like Cam Newton won’t go in that far in that direction- New Age- PAN-SEXUALISM, and that may be his primary problem with the ILLUMINATI.


In December 2015, his girlfriend, Kia Proctor, gave birth to his first child, a beautiful son.[48]


 Here is Von Miller at a post-game super bowl party throwing up a hand sign similar to the “Devil Horns” hanging with Negro Luciferian- the barbaric, pederastic (love of boys), pedophilic Lil Wayne and his boy crew of Cash Money Records rocking to “Big Rings” by Cash Money’s Cabbalist High Priest, Drake.[49],[50] 

Kissing each other, we roll like that!” I also hear that Von doesn’t particularly care for or date Black Women. Terrence Howard don’t expressly date Black Women because they’re not particularly down with the New Age of Satanic Sex Magick, the BAPHOMET, ANTICHRIST and the DEVIL.[51],[52],[53]


In a gay mood and fancy free, Von Miller talks fashion and homosexual teammates with Adrianne Palicki of Friday Night Lights.[54] Man, is this the same NFL superstar linebacker, below?


Von Miller in another gay and fancy free moment.


Von Miller in another gay and fancy free mood.


Below, Von Miller in an unisex “Onesie” hugged up with another dude (Bronco Teammate) in Vegas.


How about those Broncos, huh!


From his post super bowl corporate mass media celebrity parade across the nation and television, Cable networks, Miller called his appearance on “Saturday Night Live” the highlight. That was especially true since Miller had wanted to meet actor/comedian Kenan Thompson, one of the show’s cast members. Miller said, To meet Kenan, been a fan of his my whole entire life,’’ Miller said. To be backstage, in the dressing room, chillin’ and kickin’, I was a fan, he was a fan, definitely a great moment.”[55] Who is Kenan Thompson?


Kenan Thompson is a product of Nickelodeon. Believe it or not, but out of all the people in the world, Nickelodeon was a product of a felonious convicted religious con couple, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland. The government gave the Bakkers an entire abandoned military base to setup a television/cable studio.[56] Their Pinwheel Channel was purchased by Warner Cable [forerunner to Time Warner], then renamed Nickelodeon. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were allegedly reported to be closet ILLUMINATI PAN-Sexuals. [57],[58],[59],[60] Jim Bakker is “the Little Caligula of the televangelists.”[61] That is extremely scary stuff.

To help the Bakker’s pseudo-false religious programs with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the New World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore early on came to help the Bakkers run their religious ILLUSIONARY ministry.[62],[63]


Sandia had been involved in mind control operations and technology for quite sometime. Electronic monitoring of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive than the military. Sandia, for instance, markets a human sensor implant sealed inside a “hermetic biocompatible package” that runs on a tiny power coil, complete with a programmable sensor and telemetry circuits. Sandia’s sales literature notes that the implant’s designis founded on technology originally developed for weapons.” It is quite possible that Bill Perkins and Sandia may have come with the deal for the U.S. military base. The Bakker’s religious organization may have been a front for a clandestine government mind control operation.[64]


Kenan’s (black male) Emasculation Secretly Overseen by the All Seeing Eye of the ILLUMINATI

In 2013, Kenan caused quite of bit of controversy defending SNL’s lack of diversity among its 16 cast members. There were only three of color, no females of color. Kenan said regarding, particularly, black female comedians, “It’s just a tough part of the business,” He said. “Like in auditions, they just never find ones that are ready.”[65]


 In other words, Kenan Thompson is more ready in corporate mass media than any black female to walk in their shoes and dress. And apparently, corporate mass media also believes that he is more ready than any black female to represent (stereotype and denigrate) them, and walk in their shoes and dress.

That’s not Homo- Erotic, it is Homo- Psychotic, but that is the person that seems to always thrill Super Bowl 50 MVP, Von Miller.


Nickelodeon manufactured Kenan Thompson, a Walt Disney Character Uncle Remus Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Negro made safe by the ILLUMINATI for white children, particularly, white girls, and a white supremacy society.


Keenan is a 21st Century Black Buffoon worse than a Chicken Shack Stepin Fetchit, because he has had almost a century of Black Resistance History (Dr. King, Malcolm X, Panthers) behind his back to know the damn better unless he, too, is a hapless CIA MK ULTRA puppet with a microchip implanted in his head, or a … 


Damn Luciferian Freemason of the Brotherhood.

You know. The way that Cam Newton jumped away from that fumbled ball with a little more than 4 (four) minutes to go in the 4th quarter suggests that the game was fixed from the beginning. Some people and entities took the gambling houses in Vegas Big Time with the Broncos surprising win and point spread.

If the U.S. Justice Department can extend the resources of U.S. taxpayers to poke their noses into the internal affairs of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA: International Federation of Association Football) headquartered on the other side midnight in Zurich, Switzerland, and abroad, they can certainty investigate the NFL and America’s biggest game for corruption right here in America.


However, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is a Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sister beholden to a covenant of secrecy,  Patron Goddess Minerva and that damn ILLUMINATI OWL again.




[3] Id.



















[22] McClure, Derrick J, “What Countrey’s This. And Whither Are We Gone?”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Tyne, NE (2010), pgs. 59-60









[31] Id.




































20 10 2015

Lately, it seems as though in this country when the American political system is in trouble or it appears or perceived to be in national or global trouble or crisis , it lines up and march out a hapless mind controlled Manchurian Candidate to distract and deceive the PEOPLE.  The last three, Vester Lee Flanagan III, Shannon J. Miles and Chris Harper Mercer have been BLACK.  It seems as though they are  rolling out more and more of some of society’s most powerless mentally ill  and perverted-disturbed brothers to be their PASTIES- BLACK MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES. 

In August 2015, things weren’t sitting too pretty for the National Fraternity of Police. The Sandra Bland July 13, 2015 controversial arrest and death in the hands of local police was still shaking up the nation. The police slayings of unarmed young Black males, Eric Garner in NY, 12 year old Tamir Rice of Cleveland, OH, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD, and many other people of color were still sparking protests in cities across the country, and national political upheaval.

Demonstrators had taken to the streets of Ferguson. It had become a flash-point again to mark the sad anniversary of the police slaying of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on August 9, 2014.[1] In late August 2015, a municipal court judge in Ferguson announced sweeping changes to the city’s court system, including an order to withdraw all arrest warrants issued in that city before December 31, 2014.

Ferguson’s Municipal Court was found to have engaged in racially discriminatory practices that disproportionately and unfairly affected the poor and people of color. The judge found, “The combination of racial profiling and revenue-based policing creates massive animosity between people in the community and police. It does not increase public safety.”[2]

The People would not rest. Police Abuse and the Black Lives Matter Movement was being heard Globally.

 Black Lives Matter & Deputy Darren Goforth -Slaying and Cover-up


 “He was always loyal, fiercely so. He was ethical. The right thing to do is what guided his internal compass.” Kathleen Goforth [3]


On August 28, 2015, the execution-style killing of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth by a black man in Houston, TX went global. Texas law enforcement officials tried to tie Goforth’s slaying to Black Lives Matter. President Obama immediately jumped on the bandwagon, and used the opportunity to turn the tides of global opinion against police abuse of power and executions of black and brown citizen. He openly grand stand-ed VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS. He spoke with Darren Goforth’s wife, Kathleen Goforth. The White House says Obama conveyed his condolences and told Goforth THAT he’ll keep highlighting the uncommon bravery of police officers. Obama says Goforth’s killing was contemptible and “AN AFFRONT TO CIVILIZED SOCIETY”. Obama placed the HIGHLY PUBLICIZED special call to Kathleen Goforth from Air Force One as he flew to Alaska.[4]


Shannon J. Miles was arrested and charged with the murder of Deputy Goforth. According to his mother, Shannon has suffers severe mental illness most of life like Chris Harper Mercer. In 2012, he had been declared mentally “incompetent” to stand trial for an assault on a fellow homeless man over a TV remote and programming. Of course, officials are still unclear as to what it could have been that provoked the killing, as they cannot find any connection between Goforth and Miles, because there isn’t one. Shannon has shown no interest in politics, Black nationalism or Black Lives Matter. Shannon has no work history. He couldn’t buy a gun even if he possessed the mental capacity to want to. Like Chris, due to mental instability, Shannon appears to be socially dysfunctional. He appears to have no  girlfriend or friends. Well, it comes to light that on the night of Goforth’s slaying, witnesses reported to a news station something very unusual and out of the ordinary that nobody seems willing to talk about or acknowledge.

Witnesses saw a woman in dressy clothing crying over the deputy’s body. Three weeks after Deputy Goforth was gunned down, the news station uncovered court documents shedding light on a witness to the lawman’s murder and her relationship to the deputy. The eyewitness, who is not named in the court documents dated September 16, said she had an adulterousromantic relationship” with the ever so internal “ethical” with the moral compass Goforthduring the preceding 15 months.”[5]

Hapless mentally disabled and defenseless Shannon didn’t have a motive to harm anyone unless you turned the channel from his favorite television program, but it appears that somebody at the scene could have had a motive to kill Goforth. And, it is being covered up. Shannon is like hapless mentally disabled Chris Harper Mercer, unable to help themselves even if they could. As you know, Chris is DEAD and Shannon is held indefinitely for murder most likely under a strict regiment of Psychotic Drugs and he most likely knows not where he is.


I have long consistently argued since he came into office that Barrack Obama is a manufactured DERELICT Spiritual and Physical Demonic  Human BeingBoy from Brazil,[6] Space Kid,[7] Human Cyborg,[8] and a CIA Puppet.[9]  I discovered that I was not alone, NBC 4 New York asserted in 2009 that We have our first CYBORG president, and we have only ourselves to blame.[10]


Just days after the Umpqua Community College shootings, President Obama made a special trip to Roseburg, Oregon for closed-door visits with families of the shooting victims. He is using the hapless Black Manchurian Candidate Chris Sean Harper-Mercer and the Roseburg incident, in particular, to justify using his sole presidential executive powers on national GUN CONTROL.[11]


Another DERELICT Spiritual Demonic Human being- democratic presidential candidate front-runner/war criminal Hillary Clinton made it clear during the debate also on the back of military intelligence Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) mind controlled Pasty Chris Harper-Mercer that she doesn’t feel her fellow Democrats have been harsh enough on guns—particularly in light of the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg, Oregon.[12]

Democratic Party Debate Veils a Satanic Sadomasochist and Global War Criminal- Hilary Clinton


 Al-Qaeda Hilary & the DEVIL

Supplying illegal guns, ammunition and bombs to al-Qaeda seems to be the order of the day for Luciferians President Obama and Hilary Clinton to wickedly destabilize and destroy nations of color throughout Africa and the Middle East. The other day, the National Democratic Party combined before its nationally televised debate and decided collectively that all the candidates would circle the wagons around Hilary Clinton and veil her crimes against humanity. Opening the debates, Senator Bernie Sanders gave Clinton the seal with the Masonic Handshake said, “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your [Hilary Clinton]damn emails.[13]


Bernie & Hilary LAUGHED in the Public’s Face

The thing about Sander’s Hilary’s Email Scandal band was only a devious code for not talking about her support arming terrorism- al-Qaeda; the Benghazi Diplomatic Compound Attack, and Clinton’s War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (genocide) in Libya.  Who appointed him as the spokesman for the people? Bernie Sanders DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ME. The American people are indeed sick and tried or being sick and tried of certain elites like Hilary Clinton that are allowed to walk between the raindrops not being held accountable for their TRANSGRESSIONS and CRIMES. We are sick and tried of American political CRONYISM, CORRUPTION, RACISM, IMPERIALISM and KLEPTOCRACY.


Bernie Sanders is an arrogant demonic master of deception. He is most likely than not an invisible Freemason. His offices are currently located in the historical Washington Lodge and Elks- Masonic building in Burlington, VT. The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795. It still dominates downtown Burlington. Sanders is a vile, vicious and arrogant veiled ZIONIST as exposed by his very own constituents.

According to an investigative report in the Washington Times, U.S intelligence did not concur with then Secretary of State Clinton’s public rationale for invading Libya, a military action that was never approved by the United States Congress. She had claimed Qaddafi was planning to commit acts of genocide aimed at liquidating his regime’s detractors. But intelligence operatives “had come to the opposite conclusion: that [Qaddafi] would not risk world outrage by killing civilians en  masse even as he tried to crush the rebellion in his country.”[14]

Citing secret Libyan intelligence documents, the Washington Times reported that Libyan officials were worried back in 2011 that weapons were being directed to NATO-supported rebels with ties to al-Qaeda. “The reports included a 16-page list of weapons that Libyans supposedly tracked to the rebels from Western sources or their allies in the region,” according to the newspaper.[15]

NATO has given permission to a number of weapons-loaded aircraft to land at Benghazi airport and some Tunisian airports,” the intelligence report stated. Libyan officials said they were worried that the weapons and training provided to the anti-Qaddafi rebels would spread in the region and find their way to Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city.[16] Getting Qaddafi out of the way was long a part of President Obama’s plan to help the Islamist movement in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Qaddafi was viewed as unsympathetic to the resurgent jihadists in his region and so he had to be eliminated.


Satanic Sadomasochist Mass-Murderer

“In October 2011, Hillary visited Tripoli and pledged millions to the Libyan opposition, gushing, “I am proud to stand here on the soil of a free Libya.” Two days later, Qaddafi was sodomized with a knife and then killed; Hillary was caught on camera crowing and laughing, ‘We came, we saw, he died!’[17]

It wasn’t just Qaddafi. They wickedly tried to bomb an entire sovereign African nation back into the stone age. Libya‘s entire governmental infrastructure was destroyed. Qaddafi and his family along with at least 30,000 people were killed and 50,000 wounded in Satanic Sadomasochists Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton’s Libyan Aggression, the Libyan interim health minister said, offering a first detailed estimate of the high cost in lives of bringing down Moammar Gadhafi.[18]

The Dragon Lady “… Hillary Clinton carried out the hit and today Libya, with the assistance of the U.S. taxpayer, is well on its way to becoming a member in good standing of the Islamic Caliphate.”[19]  And, one of the big problems that al-Qaeda Hilary is seriously dodging is that the weapons that she provided to al-Qaeda were used on the 2012 Benghazi American diplomatic compound attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean SmithBLOWBACK.[20] The 2016 National Democratic Party debates are a sham, fraud against the PEOPLE and NATIONAL PUBLIC DISGRACE!


It should be odd to any citizen of the United States and globally that in this 21st Century, there are absolutely no surveillance videos that captured Chris on the Umpqua campus or assaulting anyone. We have to believe that Chris, a confirmed intellectual or developmental disabled person, was able to beat and outwit a universal surveillance system. At 26 years old, there are only a hand full of picture photos of Chris in adulthood.  He has no work history. He has no known source of income, and nobody has stepped forward to call him a friend. It doesn’t make any sense.

Chris was on a regiment of psychotic drugs that helped stabilize him. His mother, Laurel Harper, “She said: ‘He has some psychological problems. Sometimes he takes his medication, sometimes he doesn’t. And that’s where the big problem is, when he doesn’t take his medication.’ ” In Oregon when the problem developed regarding his refusal to take his drugs, she took him back to California to a psychiatric facility, Del Amo Behavioral Health, a hospital in Torrance. The hospital specializes in Trauma Model Therapy.

Trauma models of mental disorders (alternatively called trauma models of psychopathology) emphasize the effects of psychological trauma, particularly in early development, as the key causal factor in the development of some or many psychiatric disorders, or a vulnerability for depression and anxiety, in addition to trauma as an adult as in posttraumatic stress disorder.

From the 1940s through the 1970s, CIA MK ULTRA mind control mental health professionals such as R.D. Laing of the Tavistock Institute and Dr. Gregory Bateson of the OSS and CIA proposed trauma models to understand schizophrenia. R. D. Laing maintained until his death that the cause of both schizoid personalities and schizophrenia was influenced by family [trauma] relationships. More on this subject discussed below. 


Do you have any idea who works at Del Amo Behavior Health System hospital? DR. COLIN A. ROSS, BLUEBIRD , Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists.


Lucifer Servant’s Underground in America


This is not a “I Told You So” story. I am just as much afraid today for the PEOPLE and my family as I was during the 1960s with the Black Panther Party for Self Defense facing the Wrath, Might, Viciousness and absolute EVIL of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT and entire Military Industrial Congressional Complex.


Nonetheless whatever anyone says about the PANTHERS, Huey, brothers and sisters courageously stood between the PEOPLE and the clandestine SATANIC forces concealed behind the Cloak of the Government.  According to recent declassified top secret documents, we may have faced the DEVIL Personified. One of Reichsführer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s most senior and sinister espionage SS officers, Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, the BEAST of Bucharest, Romania, changed venue from Germany to the United States in 1954.

The Late Great Mae Brussell called Baron von Bolschwing the “most important Nazi” in United States of America.[25] He also had to have been one of the “most mysterious, powerful and dangerous Nazis” on the planet- America’s Best Kept Secret. Baron von Bolschwing was one of the Nazi architects and godfathers of the current racialist state of Zionist ISRAEL.[26]


One of his first brushes with Nazi espionage work, according to captured SS records, was a role in creating a covert agreement between the Nazis and Fieval Polkes, right above, a commander of the militant Zionist organization Haganah, whom Von Bolschwing had met through business associates in the Mid-East.[27] Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine.[28]


Captured German records claim that Polkes believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage–at least temporarily–by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander’s sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS.[29]


The Haganah became a full-scale defense force following the 1936-1939 Arab revolt and, by 1941, consisted of three main units: the Field Corps (the main ground force), Guard Corps, and the Palmach. The Palmach was the elite fighting force of the Haganah, combining military training, agricultural work, and Zionist education. Its members eventually came to form the backbone of the Israeli Defense ForcesIDF’s combat forces.[30]


Baron von Bolschwing entered the country under cloak of the government and a general’s uniform as U.S. Army Captain Albert A. Eisner (mocking President Dwight Eisner-hower) as Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s secret representative to the CIA directed by Allen Dulles. Baron von Bolschwing boosted partly that he intended to enter the country to become a U.S. citizen to work in the clandestine design and implement the structure- “political affairs” of the National Republican Party.[31] It appears that the SS, all of Nazi Germany, British, Israel and the CIA didn’t question Baron von Bolschwing’s (Bodelschwingh) noble and barony (knightly) background from Old Prussia.[32] It is a family lineage that may go back to Charlemagne (747-814), King of France, Holy Roman Emperor (Giselbert).[33]


Around the year 1300, Teutonic Knight Giselbert I built the moat Bodelschwingh Castle on oak poles in Dortmund, Germany. Recall the Knights Templar was disbanded and persecuted by the Vatican in 1307. Templar Knights and what was left of their organization was absorbed by Maltese Knights and Teutonic Order. The Bodelschwingh castle has been the residence of the ancestors of the Knight since the 13th century and is a private residence of the family today.[34]


Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing was born in Schonbruch, East Prussia (now: Szczurkowo, Poland) on October 15, 1909.[35] In the 14th Century, Szczurkowo (Schönbruch) first appeared in the history as the conquered property of Teutonic Knights.[36] For a long time, the property in Schönbruch belonged to the knightly family of Botho-Heinrich von Eulenburg-Wicken. He had been the Prime Minister of Prussia from 1892-1894. Eulenburg was a second cousin of  Prince Philip of Eulenburg, a close friend of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, and an instrumental figure behind the scenes of German politics of the German Second Reich.[37]

Then since 1871, the property became the property of the family von Bolschwing. The place of Baron Bolschwing’s birth was sentenced to oblivion. After World War II, the village was divided by the border. The Bolschwing manor house was demolished in the 1960s on the Polish side of the border. People were displaced, and the traces of village prosperity were erased, and the place was sentenced to oblivion, most likely because of Baron von Bolschwing’s monstrous crimes against the Polish People and humanity.[38]


Baron von Bolschwing, former Nazi Gestapo agent under “The Hangman” and “The Blond BEAST,” SS Reinhard Heydrich,[39] took up residence just outside of California’s seat of power, Sacramento. He was Governor Ronald Reagan’s resident SS Officer. He was the CIA’s most clandestine senior advisors, and as the embodiment of an ancient KNIGHT and Secret Brotherhood, he was the superior to the SODOMITE  FBI Director, Edgar J. Hoover.

aaachrishoover Hoover became a Royal Arch Mason in Lafayette Chapter No. 5 in April 1921, and a Knights Templar in Washington Commandery No. l on July 20, 1921. He was created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Almas Temple in Washington DC on March 1, 1922.[40] Baron von Bolschwing also had hundred and thousands of Masons, Shriners and black Prince Hall Masons under his thumb. His underground power and influence was also spread across Greek fraternal orders  that are secret fronts for the Masonic Order. None of them would dare mumble his name in violation of the Masonic Blood Covenant of Secrecy. The guiding hand behind the illegal Nazi Gestapo type programs, CIA Project CHAOS and the FBI COINTELPRO program, had been the BEAST of Bucharest, Baron von Bolschwing.

In fact during the 1960s-1970S, there were a number of other organizations and agencies courageously involved in protecting and defending the PEOPLE against Lucifer’s Servants. Also, there was a large and active FIFTH ESTATE of investigative journalism that were truly GUARDIANS of our form of government that kept ultra clandestine world class criminal Luciferians like Baron von Bolschwing hiding behind shadows.


Yet, the true absolute WICKED nature of, danger to, and clandestine attacks against this representative form of government continues to be unbeknown to the PEOPLE. Don’t get it twisted, we didn’t know very much of anything more about the secret state/shadow government than anyone else. When Oakland’s first black public school superintendent, Dr. Marcus A. Foster, heart and brains were laid out in the street by shotgun blasts in 1973, we couldn’t figure out who assassinated him and why. But it all involved the secret state and shadow government Secret SS Concentration Camp Plan for America, and  MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs clandestinely infiltrating the Oakland public school system. Chris Harper- Mercer Didn’t Write the Script to the Upquma Community College Massacre.



CIA MK ULTRA Satanic Manchurian Candidates

At the posting of the last article, I didn’t know anything in particular about the alleged details of Chris Harper- Mercer’s alleged 6 (six) page MANIFESTO. I didn’t know about Aleister Crowley’s 666 within the document. It is an alleged manifesto, because it has not been released to the public. If Mercer had ranted about the extremes of Islam, or screamed about Racism and Race Wars, it would certainty have been made public.

“Some early reports claimed that Mercer’s attack was racially motivated, with some connecting him to the Black Lives Matter movement. But online writings from Mercer himself showed disdain for the movement and backing of law enforcement officials.”[41]

Those details leaked from Mercer’s Manifesto to PEOPLE magazine does not link him to Black Lives Matter, ISIL, al-Qaeda or Islamic Terrorism that Project MOCKINGBIRD corporate mass media has been desperately seeking to connect him to.


“The guy did this strictly for SATANIC purposes,” the source told PEOPLE magazine. “He did it to become a God in HELL. He wants to be EVIL. That is his goal, to serve SATAN.[42]  The Manifesto link Mercer to Right Wing Conservative Republicanism and SATAN. He was a devotee to LUCIFER. He even allegedly wrote the number 666 MARK OF THE BEAST on a sheet of papers that he handed to a victim on the day of the alleged slaughter of innocence.


Modern Satanism is linked to Aleister Crowley. One source have identified the Great BEAST 666 as one of founders of the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock stemmed from the ideas of H.G. Wells, head of British Intelligence. Crowley initiated H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley, one of the British Godfathers of CIA MK ULTRA, into the Satanic Occult. MK ULTRA is deeply rooted in Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Control Systems.

Chris‘ programming most likely involved a highly organized hierarchical and complicated Satanic Ritual System. This Satanic Ritual System programming is intended to produce a “Total Mind Controlled Slave” who is part of the army of mind-controlled slaves, who are the SOLDIERS of SATAN used by the Dark Empire of Secret Societies in its assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. In the ritual system, there are demons, SATANS, LUCIFERS, high priests and priestesses as well as representatives of members who have authority in the person’s life. Every layer in the system has a primary trainer and various guards to keep all of alters in order and obedient- a slave to the OVERLORD which is usually SATAN. If one of alters or fragment of an alter begin to falter, resist or talk too much about the Order, a guard alter will move in.

Chris, Tavistock Institute & the KLEINIANS

 Chris Sean Harper- Mercer was a special education needs student entitled to a free and appropriate public education available to all eligible children at no cost to parents. Normally, a special education needs student receive periodic Individual Educational Plans (IEP). It seems as though Harper- Mercer home school district’s IEP team made a determination that the public school system could no longer meet his needs and that he would benefit from a referral to a nonpublic school. Harper- Mercer was referred to Switzer Learning Center, Torrance, CA.


The Center was founded in 1966 by the late Psychiatrist, Dr. Janet Switzer.[43] Dr. Switzer is linked to Harvard University’s Judge Baker Guidance Clinic in Boston. She taught at notorious MK ULTRA institutions, University of Hawaii (President Obama’s Mother, Ann Dunham) and at UCLA (CIA Mind Control Maestro, Dr. Louis “Jolly” West).[44]


Mobster Jack Ruby’s CIA Doctor-  Dr. Louis Jolyon West

Dr. Switzer’s thinking and prevailing psychoanalytic theories were clarified by the Reiss Davis Child Study Center and the Marianne Frostig Center.[45] Both are notorious TAVISTOCK INSTITUTIONS. Created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the nerve center for the “GLOBAL MANIPULATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.”


Not long after Tavistock was set up by co-founder John Rawlings Rees and others, it became the core of Britain’s Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on British soldiers. Tavistock also played a crucial role in the creation of the OSS (the precursor to the CIA), under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, with help from Allen Dulles, the German Nazis and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Tavistock Clinic notables include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung (philosophic mysticism), MELANIE KLEIN (object relations/child psychology), R.D. Laing (anti-psychiatry), Elliott Jaques, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves,  John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and WILFRED BION (Intensive Conference/Group Dynamics), with Tommy Wilson as chairman, funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

Aside from helping to create the CIA, Tavistock was also the major force behind the formation of NATO and is deeply connected to the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome works with Tavistock to create propaganda and crisis in order to manipulate the world’s population in a pre-determined direction, toward a collectivist, one world socialistic dictatorship (Psy Ops: staged events to manipulate public opinion). Other offshoot groups are known as conduits of instructions from within the Tavistock Network are Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission and the Ditchley Foundation.

“The common purpose of the Tavistock/Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique because only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organization, was right when he said: ‘To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism’.”

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion, while breaking down the moral fabric that has held the West together using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation. Tavistock has played an important role in the creation of several institutional centers, including, Stanford Research Institute, The Wharton School at the University of PA & The Sloan School at MIT.[46]


During the late 1940s in London, Melanie KLEIN’S ideas came into conflict with Sigmund Freud’s  psychoanalyst daughter, Anna Freud (right). During the so-called Controversial discussions, the British Psychoanalytical Society split into three separate training divisions: (1) KLEINIAN, (2) Anna Freudian, and (3) independent.[47]


The Reiss Davis Child Study Center that clarified Dr. Switzer’s psychoanalytic theories is a KLEINIAN Center molded and shaped directly by Englishman WILFRED BION, above, out of Tavistock.[48]


MELANIE KLEIN was a Tavistock’s expert (medical technician) in splitting off Alter Personalities or Alter fragments from the original self causing Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorders. She worked with children as young as 2 to unveil children’s psyches. She is considered one of the major developers of “object relations theory” which emphasizes the primacy of interpersonal relations, especially between mother and child in infancy, in influencing people’s relationships in the present.[49]

After Sigmund Freud, “the most important contribution has come from MELANIE KLEIN, whose work enlightens the idea of ‘splitting of the object’ (Objektspaltung). Some clinicians explain it like this: “… the “inner world” of patients described as consisting of internal representative of other people and the self with the notion that these internal representations are often themselves fragmented. Patients have internalized “people” and fragments of people in their “inner world”.[50] Or, tell it like it is: Blizard RA. The origins of dissociative identity disorder from an object relations and attachment theory perspective (Dissociation. 1997; 10(4): 223–229).


If the Tavistock Institute connection to shaping Chris wasn’t bad enough, it looks like a lot of people at the Reiss Davis Child Study Center, including Dr. Switzer were directly connected to DR. JOLLY WEST of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH at UCLA.[51] While Dr. West was initiating the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, he sat on Reiss Davis Child Study Center‘s Professional Advisory Committee.[52]

The Late Great Mae Brussell,


“In 1972 Dr. Jolly West of the CIA — who was Jack Ruby’s doctor at the time of Ruby’s trial, for shooting Lee Harvey Oswald — had moved out to California to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, where they planned a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. This is Ronald Reagan’s baby, and if he gets to be President you can be sure they’ll pull this one out again; out of the woodwork. This was planned in 1972 and the plans were submitted to the California Department of Health in Sacramento in April of 1973. I had written an article about this Neuropsychiatric Institute, exposed it as being a part of the CIA …”[53]

Dr. West’s Center would have been hideous, and a contemporary MONSTER FACTORY- A Clockwork Orange. It would have involved things such as psychosurgery, chemical castration of reproductive organs and the brain, chip and brain transmitter implants to remotely control behavior and whatever else racialist Anglo-Saxon/German/Nazi existentialist like Dr. Janet Switzer along with the Tavistock Reiss Davis Child Study Center could dream of to inflict upon and control the masses, People of Color and their CHILDREN. Between 1972-1973, Dr. West had planned to roll Reiss Davis Child Study Center over into the MONSTER FACTORY.

Dr. West and the CIA (controlled by Heinrich Himmler’s SSKnights of the Black Sun) had planned to use the Center as a model to connect every child in America, particularly children of color, to an universal computer data base like something out of Vietnam’s Phoenix Assassination Program for tracking, neutralization, re-education, psychosurgery, sterilization, medical drug testing and experimental mind control of every child in America through computer-satellite technology.[54], [55],[56],[57]











[9] Id.






[15] Id.

[16] Id.











[27] Id.

[28] Id.

[29] Id.












[41] Id.









[50] Noblitt, James Randall, Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (2000), pg. 11










6 10 2015


CHRIS HARPER- MERCER goes by the internet name, Lithium_Love (Love Lithium). In the application of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) drug application, “Prochlorperazine is sometimes given by therapists to help alters cope with nausea and vomiting. Most alters will be programmed not to accept drugs except from their master. LITHIUM suppresses ALTER switching in some systems.”[1]


Harper- Mercer says that his “Spiritual Passion” and interest was “Magick and the Occult” the signature of Crowleian/Enochian (Nephilim) Sex Magick. He followed the Left-Hand Path”. Mercer like his idol, Black Manchurian Candidate Vester Lee Flanagan III,  had been indoctrinated as a Crowley-iate. Harper-Mercer is yet another MPD sleeper agent- a hapless and mentally challenged CIA Black (mixed-race) Manchurian Candidate that says that he was- receive mysterious “spirituallight and guidance.[2]



In other words, he was led by an Angelic (Fallen Angel) Hierarchy. Which Angelic Hierarchy? He posted a direct link to the Ancient Alien Mystery- Rise of the ANUNNAKI from UFO@The Disclosure Movie Network.[3] ROSE-burg, Oregon (Umpqua Community College) is also a very significant Masonic Clue and Symbol connected directly to the Occult and to Fallen Angels– the ANNUNAKI.


Confederate General and Freemason, Albert Pike said of the ROSE,


“The ROSE, was anciently sacred to Aurora and the Sun. It is a symbol of Dawn, of the resurrection of Light and the renewal of life, and therefore of the dawn of the first day, and more particularly of the resurrection: and the Cross and Rose together are therefore hieroglyphical to be read, the Dawn of Eternal Life which all Nations have hoped for by the advent of a Redeemer.”[4]


Goddess Inanna of the ANNUNAKI

Luluwa of the ANNUNAKI was a senior heiress to the matriarchal “HOUSE OF DRAGONS, Her sons by “CAIN” were Atun and Hennoc, better known as Etane and Enoch. Sumerian records relate that King Atun of Kish partook of the “Plant of Life”, in order to father his son “King Bali”. The “Plant of Life” was directly associated with longevity, and with CAINSHIP, kingship. The “Plant of Life” was “STAR FIRE“.[5]

“STAR FIRE”, was associated with feeding the pineal gland and producing the hormonal secretions. The early “Star Fire“, just to recap, was not anything to do with the High Priestesses. It was strictly “ANUNNAKI“, the female essence, which they called the “Nectar of Supreme Excellence”. The “ANUNNAKI FLOWER“, or “Lily” was held to be the cup bearer.” [6]The cup bearer in Grail Lore, became the bearer of the Grail. The Grail was the ROSICRUCIANS, which represented the “Star Fire” of the womb. The “Cup of the Waters”, the “Cup Bearer”. The transmitter of the rich food, as they put it, was called the ROSE of Sharon. And, this comes from an old Sumerian word “Shar”, which means, “Orbit” and “On”, which related to light. The “Orbit of Light”. She was the “ROSE of the Orbit of Light”.[7]


This significance is, in fact, venerated even in the bible. In Solomon, “Lilies” and ROSES were the “Brides”, for the “Messianic Kings”. I am the “ROSE OF SHARON”, I am the “Lily of the Valley”. She is the “Bride” of the STAR FIRE.[8] The ANNUNAKI have generally become or claimed to be the Satanic FALLEN ANGELS of the biblical texts,[9] and the secret “spirituallight and guidance behind Alpha Tau Omega, the Order of 1865, and the secret doctrine of “CAINSHIP” of the Knights Templar and KNIGHTS OF MALTA.


Classic Stupid Smirk of a MK ULTRA Mind Controlled Black Manchurian Candidate

Here is the KICKER that should knock your socks off. Harper Mercer’s internet profile name is ‘IRON CROSS 45′.


The IRON CROSS is a variant of the Cross Pattée. The Cross Pattée is associated with other variant crosses of the Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights and KNIGHTS OF MALTA.


The FORTY-FIVE (45) symbolizes the Fall of Nazi Germany in 1945, Rise in the UNDERGROUND and its change of VENUE to America.  The Umpqua Community College Massacre is yet another NEW CENTURION BROTHERHOOD False Flag Operation.  It is the clandestine work of the Military Sodomite Army- the “Firm or BROTHERHOOD” exposed by Katherine Griggs.




It has been more than 4 (four) years ago since Black U.S. Veteran John Gregory, Jr. passed to the other side on Thursday, August 18, 2011 from medical complications resulting from tortuous medical treatment at the U.S. Veterans Administration in Birmingham. After almost a 2 (two) year delay in appointing an administrator or executor to carry out Mr. Gregory’s last will and testament of a small and very modest estate, Jefferson County Probate Court Judge Alan L. King appointed Attorney of Law Elizabeth (Beth) W. McElroy as Jefferson County’s Public Administrator for the Gregory Estate on May 22, 2013. Both Judge King and McElroy are fully compensatedPUBIC OFFICERS” empowered by the people of JEFFERSON COUNTY and the STATE OF ALABAMA.

The decedent’s real property consist of only a semi-rural residential property and 4 (four) small vacant lots in a traditionally black section of Pratt City, Birmingham. Mr. Gregory built the two (2) bedroom house with his own hands decades ago. He left a small modest checking and savings accounts. There are no stocks, bonds, or 401(s). There are no will contest(s), because the Probate Court Judge Alan King denied probating his last will and testament.

For over 2 (two) years with the heart and cold blood of a snake, McElroy has refused to carry out any of her enumerated duties to Mr. Gregory’s family clearly mandated by the probate code, county law, state and federal constitution. Equally of cold blood, Judge King demands that the family SERVE the whims of McElroy that demand MONEY from the heirs. It isn’t so clear that their refusal to SERVE Mr. Gregory’s family with basic human dignity in the lost of their loved one, and as citizens endowed with the rights, privileges and immunities of the county and state- is part of Birmingham’s tradition of radical racial hatred, intolerance and violence.


However, there is now- absolutely no legal or human JUSTIFICATION for King and McElroy to continually hold the Gregory Estate in a state of indefinite abeyance for nearly 5 (five) years without concluding that there exists a new and vile WICKEDNESS and EVIL PERSONIFIED seething in the open in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. This is not a “Conspiracy Theory.” This is not a “Rabbit Hole.” This is a matter of “PUBLIC RECORD.” It has become the “LEFT HAND PATH OF GOVERNMENT.” It is as if the DEVIL himself is holding COURT in Jefferson County.

For more than a generation, the State of Alabama and the city of BIRMINGHAM has been like another country, a law and nation onto itself still fighting the Civil War and the U.S. Constitution. Together, they have shocked and rocked the nation and the world with its radical racial extremism, and its tolerance for man’s inhumanity to man during the 20th Century. birminghamsalisbury

The late Harrison Salisbury was a very seasoned and courageous Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent for The New York Times who roamed some of the world’s most dangerous places and man’s most bloodiest conflicts of the 20th Century such as the Nazi Invasion and Seize of Leningrad. In 1960, the New York Times sent Salisbury into Birmingham to report what was going on- on the ground. Like a war correspondent, he sent back a dispatch from the city that must have startled the nation. In a Times front page headline entitled, “Fear and Hatred Grip Birmingham“, he said, “every channel of communication, every medium of mutual interest, every reasoned approach, every inch of middle ground has been fragmented by the emotional dynamite of racism, enforced by the whip, the razor, the gun, the bomb, the torch, the club, the knife, the mob, the police and many branches of the state’s apparatus.”[10]


Like something out of the TERROR and HELL of a WAR ZONE, this little girl survived the BOMB BLAST that shocked America and heard all over the planet. On September 15, 1963, the club, the mob, the police and many branches of the state’s apparatus was still at war against itself, fellow human beings, non-violent citizens and the children. On that Sunday morning, a BOMB was planted under the steps of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. The bomb blast injured many, but slaughtered 4 (four) innocent Sunday school children that made the EARTH STAND STILL.


On Monday, September 16, 1963, a young Alabama lawyer named Charles Morgan, Jr., a white man with a young family, a Southerner by heart and heritage, stood up at a lunch meeting of the racially segregated Birmingham Young Men’s Business Club, he said, “Four little girls were killed in Birmingham yesterday. A mad, remorseful worried community asks, “Who did it? Who threw that bomb? Was it a Negro or a white?” The answer should be, “We all did it.” Every last one of us is condemned for that crime and the bombing before it and a decade ago. We all did it.”[11]

“The “who” is every little individual who talks about the “niggers” and spreads the seeds of his hate to his neighbor and his son. The jokester, the crude oaf whose racial jokes rock the party with laughter. The “who” is every governor who ever shouted for lawlessness and became a law violator. It is every senator and every representative who in the halls of Congress stands and with mock humility tells the world that things back home aren’t really like they are. It is courts that move ever so slowly, and newspapers that timorously defend the law.”[12]

“It is all the Christians and all their ministers who spoke too late in anguished cries against violence. It is the coward in each of us who clucks admonitions. We have 10 years of lawless preachments, 10 years of criticism of law, of courts, of our fellow man, a decade of telling school children the opposite of what the civics books say. We are a mass of intolerance and bigotry and stand indicted before our young. We are cursed by the failure of each of us to accept responsibility, by our defense of an already dead institution.”[13]

“And who is really guilty? Each of us. Each citizen who has not consciously attempted to bring about peaceful compliance with the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, every citizen who has ever said “they ought to kill that nigger,” every citizen who votes for the candidate with the bloody flag, every citizen and every school board member and schoolteacher and principal and businessman and judge and lawyer who has corrupted the minds of our youth; every person in this community who has in any way contributed during the past several years to the popularity of hatred, is at least as guilty, or more so, than the demented fool who threw that bomb. What’s it like living in Birmingham? No one ever really has known and no one will until this city becomes part of the United States. Birmingham is not a dying city; it is dead.”[14]


When Morgan concluded, he sat down. There was no applause. There was only silence. Among the young businessmen at that meeting was Judge Alan King’s father, Tom King, that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. identified as one of Birmingham‘s cold blood and EVIL, “segregationists.”[15] Following the speech, the threats began almost immediately. The very next morning, at 5 a.m., Morgan received a call. “Is the mortician there yet?” a voice asked. “I don’t know any morticians,” Morgan responded. “Well, you will,” the voice answered, “when the bodies are all over your front yard.”[16]  The threats against Morgan and his family were very serious and real. He closed down his business practice, and fled BIRMINGHAM.[17]The bombing of the16th Street Baptist Church in BIRMINGHAM that Slaughtered 4 (four) Black Sunday School Children has gone down in history as “One of the Greatest Crimes of Ultimate EVIL in  the 20th Century.”



The key to understanding the EVIL PERSONIFICATION of Judge ALAN LAMAR KING, you must take seriously what his secret society fraternal order called themselves during its formation. They will not dare to make that admission today. KNIGHTS OF MALTA– it may not be just a fling of someone’s fancy and imagination or an idle boast. As pointed out, Judge King is directly linked to and substantially involved in the Inner Circle and Brotherhood” of Alpha Tau Omega (ATO), the Order of 1865 founded at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington, VA.

 Who are Knights of Malta?


 Knight of Malta, Queen of England, Elizabeth II

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, also known as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), Order of Malta or Knights of Malta, is a Roman Catholic lay religious order of, traditionally, a military, chivalrous and noble nature. It is the world’s oldest surviving order of chivalry. The SMOM is headquartered in Rome, Italy, and is widely considered a sovereign subject of international law.[18]


Knight of Malta, Benito Mussolini

SMOM is the modern continuation of the original medieval Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, known as the Knights Hospitaller. Pope Clement V dissolved the Hospitallers’ fellow Knight Brotherhood, the Knights Templar in 1312 with a series of  papal bulls, including the Ad pro.vidam bull, which turned over much of their property to their brothers, the Hospitallers.[19]


Knight of Malta, the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY

SMON– They are the most powerful group known to man. If you think illuminati and Freemasons are the one ruling our world, then you better check your real history books again. “They are your CIA, your politicians, your lobbyist, your previous, present and future presidents …”[20]


Don’t get it twisted, Virginia Military Institute (VMI) that founded Alpha Tau Omega was a full fledge War College. At the outbreak of the Great Civil War, VMI Cadet Corps trained recruits for the Confederate Army in the Richmond area. The Corps was later reconstituted at the Institute to supply officers for the Confederacy. The Cadet Corps were called into active service a number of times that included the infamous Battle of New Market Heights.[21] The cadets that formed ATO were not cherry bottom high school boys. They were seasoned soldiers and KNIGHTS tied together by an ancient secret and sacred knightly and Masonic bond. During the 19th Century, fraternities were organized as “secret blood oath societyMasonic fronts that most of its members have no idea of the fraternal orders’ clandestine roots and ties to the occult.

Albert Pike said:

“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it.” [Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5, 3rd Degree][22]

Most of the VMI cadets that founded the fraternity actually fought in the Battle of New Market Heights. Cadet Otis Allan Glazebrook founded the ATO with Cadets Erskine Mayo Ross and Alfred Marshall on September 11, 1865 at VMI in Lexington, Virginia about 5 (five) months after General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Glazebrook fought with Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson.[23]


Stratford Hall Plantation in Westmoreland County, VA was the home of four generations of the Lee family of Virginia, including two signers of the Declaration of Independence and it was the birthplace of General Lee (1807–70). Neither General Jackson or General Lee were documented Masons, but it is widely accepted that General Jackson may have belonged to a traveling Military Masonic Lodge during the Mexican War.[24] Only the most powerful are conferred Masonic Invisible Degrees that you can only get by birth to at least a 3 (three) generation ILLUMINATI family.[25] General Lee would certainly qualify under that category to be a member of the ILLUMINATI by birth.


General Grant’s Hidden Hand Symbol Shows that he had been an Invisible KNIGHT. Grant’s Hand Symbol is similar to Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Private Secretary,  SS-Gruppenführer Karl Friedrich Otto Wolff– A Grand Officer of the (Knightly) Order of the Roman Eagle under the Duce Benito Mussolini,


Maltese Cross of the Order of Roman Eagle

General Ulysses S. Grant’s father and two brothers were members of the Masonic Lodge at Galena, Illinois. The father often told friends that Ulysses intended to petition for the degrees but in the press of duties in the army and the presidency, it was delayed. In 1871, Grant told a group of Knights Templar that when he returned home he would petition Miner’s Lodge No. 273. The Grand Master arranged to make him a Masonat sight” but Grant died before this could be accomplished. At least, that is what they say.[26] The TRUTH is always another matter with Masons– the Masters of Deception.

 Deity & Mercy, the “Light of Masonry”


 General Grant’s April 9, 1865 terms for surrender at Appomattox, Virginia were far too generous for the Confederacy that initiated America’s most bloodiest and dividing conflicts in history. In effect, General Grant and his staff had given General Lee and his entire army and Confederate Southern Gentlemen blanket pardons. At the Appomattox Courthouse Complex, Grant’s pardons rolled out of the printing presses by the thousands. Grant effectively squelched talk of trying some of them (General Robert E. Lee) for TREASON by threatening to resign if the pardons were not honored and carried out.[27]


The Masonic Brotherhood are bound by “blood oath” to respond and provide with comfort and compassionate assistance to the brethren even at war with brother against brother upon a secret symbolDistress Call. One Masonic distress call is the common recognized act of surrender.


At Appomattox, General Grant’s adjutant was Lt. Colonel Ely Samuel Parker (1828 – August 31, 1895). Lt. Col. Parker was a Seneca Nation Native American. General Grant insisted on respectfully introducing his staff members to his brethren, General Robert E. Lee individually. The legend is that General Lee courteous, shook each man’s hand. At first, General Lee hesitated shaking Parker’s hand, apparently mistaking him for a black freedman or mulatto. However, most likely from a secret Masonic sign or symbol, he extending his hand to Lt. Col. Parker with the gracious comment, “I am glad to see one real American here.” [28] General Lee’s “Real American” response to Lt. Col. Parker was secretly Masonic Recognition. Masons believed that Native Americans were among the most ancient Masonic Brethrendescendants of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel that colonized America before Christopher Columbus.[29]  Columbus, a Knight (Templar) of Christ, proclaimed that these newly discovered “Indians” were, in fact, of JEWISH ORIGINS. Columbus even suggested that Spain could, “recruit their bodies and their wealth to assist Europeans in a final crusade to crush Islam and reclaim Jerusalem (Alan Taylor, American Colonies: The Settlement of North America, 33).[30] According to Mormon (Masonic) Theology, Indians are a lost tribe of Israel.[31]


Columbus by the Light of the Fallen Angels greeting and shaking hands with a Native American representative of one of the members of the Lost Tribes of Israel  is documented as a secret RITE of Alpha Tau Omega, the Order of 1865.


Since at least 1857 and during the entire Civil War, Lt. Col. Parker had been a close friend, mentor and adviser of General Grant from Galena, Illinois. Parker was a grandson of Red Jacket and nephew of Handsome Lake, competing leaders of New York’s Seneca Nation.


During the late 18th Century, Handsome Lake, guided by 4 (four) ANGELS,[32] accused Red Jacket of witchcraft and Red Jacket accused Handsome Lake of manufacturing his visions.[33] Both were led by an angelic hierarchy of the Masons most likely the ancient biblical ANNUNAKI. Red Jacket had been a British Military Lodge Freemason. He was conferred a British Red Coat during the Revolutionary War. In secret Knight Templar and Masonic Esoteric Cosmology, he was guided by Angelic Beings (Satanic Fallen Angels). Red Jacket had also been a close friend of Master Mason President George Washington.[34] He often wore a large prized medallion around his neck that President Washington gave him to commemorate that friendship.


This is not actually Lt. Col. Parker. It is an example of a 19th Century Knight Templar Uniform, Sash and Apron

Lt. Col. Parker was a Master Mason, and the (Grecian) Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois. Parker was one of the founders of Miners’ Lodge, No. 273 in Galena. He had set the Lodge’s counter stone. On December 27, 1859, the Lodge celebrated a grand ball on St. John the Evangelist’s Day. For the special affair, Ely S. Parker was clothed in the full uniform of a Knight Templar.[35] Lt. Col. Parker was also a Scottish Rite York Royal Arch Freemason and KNIGHT TEMPLAR. In September 1859, he was the High Priest and one of the founding charter members of the Jo Daviess Charter of Royal Arch, No 5. Illinois, Northern Jurisdiction.[36]

Manly P. Hall said:

“Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity — an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect … it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as ‘of majestic dignity, grandeur’] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of mysterious arcannun arcandrum [defined as ‘a secret, a mystery’].” [Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 433]

Press of duties in the army and the presidency were no barriers to General Grant’s Masonic Lodge membership “at sight.” General Grant was indeed an Invisible Inner Circle Knight Templar and Master Mason conferred the highest Masonic Degrees from his close friend and mentor of the Masonic inner circle fraternity, the KNIGHT TEMPLAR High Priest and Worshipful Master of Miners’ Lodge, No. 273- Lt. Col. Ely S. Parker. It was their interest and grand scheme, not America, to conceal Ulysses S. Grant’s Masonic membership. He was to become the Mason’s Highest Elected Official and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces of America.

With General Grant and Lt. Col. Parker’s pardon and most likely Invisible Knight Templar and Masonic Degrees tucked under his coattail, General Lee moved to Lexington, VA – home to VMI to become the patron symbol and saint of Confederate Resistance, the Second Civil War and the forefront for the Underground Lost Cause Struggle for a far MORE SECRET HIGH BROTHERHOOD NEW ORDER IN AMERICA.

Alpha Tau Omega & the Initiation Rites of the KNIGHTS OF THE MALTESE CROSS


VMI Cadet Glazebrook , above, founder of ATO publicly claimed  that he wasn’t a Mason, but he surely has John Wilkes Booth’s Hidden Hand Symbol of Albert Pike’s Ultra Clandestine and Violent Counter-Intelligence and Assassination Wing of the Confederate Army-  KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE. ILLUMINATI General Robert E. Lee, whose ideals of chivalry and gentlemanly conduct inspired the founders of Alpha Tau Omega, was designated the “Spiritual Founder” of the Order.[37] It owes to “the Prestige of General Lee“- the ILLUMINATI.[38]


“In the beginning … The ceremony, with the members hooded and gowned in white muslin … was clearly borrowed from the rites of medieval chivalry. Thereby initiates … called themselves ‘KNIGHTS OF MALTA’ and ‘KNIGHTS OF THE MALTESE CROSS,’ … The Grand Seal, formerly the coat of arms, painted while this ceremony was being used, symbolizes the IDEALS OF CHIVALRY when they pervaded the Fraternity’s ESOTERIC concepts” (Reno 46).”[39]


The Grand Seal of Alpha Tau Omega, which was formerly the Fraternity’s coat-of-arms, was painted by Richard Norris Brooke of VMI. It was presented and adopted by the Nashville Congress of 1870, and was used while the first ceremony was in use. It illustrates the extent to which the ideas of chivalry pervaded the esoteric (Fallen Angelic Hierarchical) teachings of the Fraternity.[40] On April 10, 1873, President Ulysses S. Grant appointed the above fraternal order artist Richard Brooke of Warrenton, Virginia- American Consul of La Rochelle, France.[41] That’s on the surface and it is very unusual to be appointed consul to 1 (one) European city. More than likely, Brooke was appointed American Consul to the European Councils of Knights Templar.


The Knights Templar had a strong presence in La Rochelle since before the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine, who exempted them from duties and gave them mills in her 1139 Charter. In the Da Vinci Code Theories, the Holy Grail was discovered in the Holy Land and became the possession of the Knights Templar Prince Raymond of Antioch. In 1149, Prince Raymond gave the Grail to his niece Eleanor of Aquitaine, who took it with her to England when she married King Henry II.


La Rochelle was for the Templars their largest base on the Atlantic Ocean, and where they stationed their main fleet. From La Rochelle, they were able to act as intermediaries in trade between England and the Mediterranean. A popular thread of  La Rochelle originating with Holy Blood, Holy Grail has it that the Templars used a fleet of 18 ships which had brought Jacques de Molay from Cyprus to La Rochelle to escape arrest in France. The fleet allegedly left laden with knights and treasures just before the issue of the warrant for the arrest of the Order in October 1307.[42]

Brooke had also been one of the secretaries of R & D (Richmond and Danville) Railroad. R & D was an essential transportation link for the Confederacy throughout the Civil War.[43] Richard Brooke’s direct bloodline was Robert Brooke (1761 – 1800). He was a soldier and a key operative during the American Revolutionary War. In 1794, he represented Spotsylvania (English Knight Alexander Spotswood) County in the house of delegates, and on December 1, of the same year, was elected governor of Virginia. In 1798, he was elected attorney-general of the state, over Bushrod Washington, nephew of General George Washington. Brooke was a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.[44]

Brooke’s father was James Vess Brooke. He was an ardent Whig. He served as the Virginia commonwealth attorney, and state secretary of the American Party. He was elected to the convention of 1861, and signed the ordinance of secession. In 1862, he organized and took to the battlefield of the Great War, Brooke’s Battery of the Confederacy, which was attached to Stonewall Jackson’s corps.[45] James Vess Brooke was an active Mason and KNIGHT TEMPLAR- A Direct Brethren Brother of Lt. Col. Ely S. Parker.[46]

Much of the pervading secret Fallen Angel esoteric teachings and knowledge of the Knight Templars, Knights of Malta and Freemasons are contained within Brooke’s Alpha Tau Omega classic illustrated Maltese Cross Seal. The Brooke Family had a long established history in Colonial Virginia with English Colonist Alexander Spotswood, as part of his Knights of the Golden Horseshoe. Spotswood (1676 –1740) was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the British Army and a noted Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.[47] He was known as the Tubal Cain of Virginia.[48]


“We are the People of Goda, Clan of Tubal Cain and remain a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within the Luciferian stream …”


When a Freemason reaches the 32nd Degree, that of Master Mason, his code word, his password, is Tubal-Cain. In the Bible, Tubal-Cain was a “murderer from the beginning” and a son of “SATAN.[49] Recall that “SATAN” was also identified as the Fallen AngelSeraph Samael (Prince of Demons and SATANS). Samael with mate LILITH created the offspring, the BAPHOMET.[50], [51]

The Secret of the MARK OF CAIN


The Maltese Cross- MARK OF CAIN, above the DEMON CAIN in a church of dedicated to Saint Magdalene in the remote village of Rennes-le-Château in Southern France  has an extremely long complex occult history that goes back to the 8th Century A.D. There is a Secret and Forbidden Doctrine passed down from CAIN to his descendants that has been preserved in the various secret occult societies that the Holy Grail families have formed throughout the ages.[52] Taken from ancient Sumerian and Babylonian sources before the Bible, CAIN was Adamic (Eve) and a Nodite (Father). The Nodites, named after Nod, were of the Fallen. They are the Nephilim from the Bible and the Igigi from the Sumerian tales. The Adamics and Nodites were constantly at war against each other. Some believe that CAIN’s father was slain by inhabitants of the garden.[53]


It is suggested that the animosity that existed between CAIN and Able was because CAIN’s father was not Adam, but a Nodite (Biblical Nephilim). It is also thought that the Fallen Angel Samael (Satan) appeared to Eve as a serpent, he seduced her. The fruit of that union was CAIN. Samael was essentially the Judaic Lucifer. It may be the basis of an alleged Merovingian assertion that they possessed the BLOOD of both Christ (Adam) and LUCIFER.[54] There is another story that proclaim that CAIN was the son of Adam and Lilith, not Eve. Before becoming Adam’s first wife, Lillith had been the consort of God before coming to Earth as a FALLEN ANGEL.[55]


CAIN murdered his brother, Abel. God banished CAIN to the Land of Nod- east of the Garden of Eden.[56] There is a Secret and Forbidden Doctrine passed down from CAIN to his descendants has been preserved in the various secret occult societies that the Holy Grail families have formed throughout the ages. [57] “MARK of CAIN” – believed to have been inflicted upon Adam’s first son – is said to have been caused by a stone that fell from Lucifer’s Crown during the war in Heaven and bounced off CAIN‘s forehead. According to this lore, the mark was in the shape of a red serpent. The jewel from Lucifer’s crown became a sacred relic, and was handed down dynastically from father to son, eventually coming into the possession of King Solomon.[58]


Consistently, secret and forbidden doctrine, particularly Knights Templar, link CAIN to the Son of Satan (LUCIFER). The MARK of CAINCAINSHIP is symbolized by a Red Cross surrounded by a Circle. “… the Knights Templar received from Pope Eugenius in 1146 the ‘MARK of CAIN’ as a symbol for their knight order”. Also, “The MARK of CAIN is symbolized by a Red Cross surrounded by a Circle.”[59]


Alpha Tau Omega’s Maltese Cross inside a circle is very similar to Albert Pike’s Ultra Secret Confederate Masonic Army and Assassins Seal, The Knights of the Golden Circle (Golden Dawn), both symbolize the MARK OF CAIN.


Judge Alan King- Invisible Knight of Malta 

Judge Alan King is rapidly moving behind the veil to ULTIMATE POWER and CONTROL in Jefferson County. He stands in the position as the Chief Election Official for Jefferson County. Jefferson County with BIRMINGHAM at its hub is the most populous area in the state. He sits in a position to affect who is elected to local, county, state office, U.S. House of Representatives, Senate and the President in close elections. He is the Chair of the Citizens Supervisory Commission, whatever that maybe beyond being the Chief Election Officer, but it looks like he controls the County Personnel (Civil Service) Board and the Emergency Management Department. When they finally create another PEARL HARBOR to justify disarming the PEOPLE, Judge King already has that plan and machine under his coattail.

This is a great deal of power that belongs to the PEOPLE in the CONTROL and CUSTODY of the Secret BROTHERHOOD of CAIN– the Invisible Knights of MALTA. Judge King has the Wicked and Cold Heart of the SERPENT, and the Luciferian AGENDA to clandestinely remove more and more POWER from the PEOPLE to establish a New World Order and BEEHIVE HONEYCOMB of “CAINSHIP”.  This clandestine activity UNDER THE CLOAK OF THE GOVERNMENT is quietly taking place behind the VEIL across the NATION.

It takes a BROTHERHOOD to allow Judge King and Jefferson County Administrator McElroy to flaunt the POWER Reserved to the PEOPLE; to STAND in OPEN REBELLION of the laws of the land in the PUBLIC DOMAIN on the backs of taxpayers. How deep is the clandestine BROTHERHOOD OF CAIN in Birmingham, Jefferson County and the State of Alabama?


On August 14, 2013, Julia Ann Rogers, the issue of the body of John Gregory, Jr. filed a formal Complaint against Beth McElroy with the Alabama State Bar, Disciplinary Commission (CSP 2014-571), P.O. Box 671, Montgomery, AL 36101-0671. Basically from the lay perceptive, she complained that she hadn’t heard from McElroy causing the family stress and concern, and that she appeared without authority as an opposing party in her appeal of Judge King’s probate order breaching her fiduciary duties to family.

In May 2014, Diane T. Gray, Investigator/Paralegal for the Office of the General Counsel responded, “In view of the nature and content of the complaint and enclosed response of attorney, we will take no further action in this matter.” (Re: CSP 2014-571, Complaint against Elizabeth Wood McElroy)

Remarkably, Beth McElroy responded exactly as quoted, “On October 9, 2013 I, as Administrator of the Estate of the Estate of John Gregory, Jr., filed a Motion to Dismiss the appeal of the matter by Ms. Rogers because her appeal was untimely pursuant to Ala. Code § 12-22-21 (1975) because it was filed outside the forty-two (42) day time period in which an appeal could have been made.” (Re: CSP 2014-571, Complaint against Elizabeth Wood McElroy)

Well, it wasn’t possible to file an appeal within the statutory limit because McElroy didn’t serve the family with her May 22, 2013 appointment papers, and Judge King’s order denying probate of Mr. Gregory’s Will and the appointment of a county administrator wasn’t served, and it only appeared in the court file after the time limit had run. Plus, the court in which Ms. Rogers filed her appeal was a Court of EQUITY– it had the constitutional power to waive the forty-two (42) day time period violation for good cause such as Lack of NOTICE, DECEPTION, CONCEALMENT AND FRAUD.

Judge King and McElroy didn’t want that on the court record. In 2015, almost 2 (two) years after her August 14, 2013 short lay complaint against McElroy, a detailed COMPLAINT against Attorney at Law Elizabeth W. McElroy was drawn up to date pursuant to the ALABAMA RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT and the Alabama Probate Code in the first person of Mr. Gregory’s Issue of his BODY, Ms. Julia Ann Rogers.


Note: The particular rule violations and comments listed below weren’t included in the original state bar complaint. They, Alabama State Bar, are assumed to know their own rules of conduct.

Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Client-Lawyer Relationship

Rule 1.3. Diligence. A lawyer shall not willfully neglect a legal matter entrusted to him.

Ms. McElroy’s Serious Lack of Competence and Diligence

Almost two (2) year and almost four (4) months after Ms. McElroy has been appointed public administrator of my father’s estate, she has refused to file a signed, notarized initial inventory with the Court listing all known assets (Inventory of Assets) along with their fair market value at date of my father’s death.

The personal representative is statutorily designated as the proper party to act as a quasi-trustee for the benefit of the decedent’s next of kin, and to obtain for such heirs a monetary res. (In re: Samuel Rodgers v. Elizabeth McElroy, as personal representative of the estate of Ron’Drequez Cortez White, Court of Civil Appeals, Case No. 2110364)

She was charged with properly prosecuting my father’s wrongful-death action against the U.S. Veterans Administration. However, Ms. McElroy refused to communicate with me or any heirs about my father’s federal claim or anything else for over a year!

Due to the unnecessary and serious delay in the settlement of the estate and the hostile conduct and attitude of Elizabeth McElroy, on September 09, 2014, I filed an federal court action against Ms. McElroy, Dr. Ahmed Ali and the U.S. Veterans Administration under equity jurisdiction to stay the statue of limitation lapse of my father’s federal tort claim for wrongful death.

Under the unusual circumstances of this case, the federal court granted a stay to allow me time to move through state procedures to remove Ms. McElroy as the administrator as soon as possible (Rogers v. McElroy, etc., District Court Northern District of Alabama Southern Division, Case No. CV-14-BE-1728-S).

On October 20, 2014,  I appeared before Probate Judge Alan King on the PETITION to Remove Public Administrator Elizabeth McElroy from my father’s estate. (In the Estate of John Gregory, Jr., Case No. 213224).

On October 20, 2014, Probate Judge Alan King ruled that he lacked jurisdiction to hear the petition to remove, because the case was still pending in Jefferson County, Alabama, Circuit Court of Appeals, Case No. 2013-000611.00 (In the Estate of John Gregory, Jr., Case No. 213224).

On December 13, 2014, I petitioned the Circuit Court to remove McElroy as the public administrator of the estate. Instantly from his office desk, Judge Graffeo ruled that he also “LACKED JURISDICTION” to hear the petition to remove McElroy.

Judge Graffeo then personally ordered the clerks of the court not to file my petition to remove McElroy. Clerks of the court encouraged me to leave the courthouse building, immediately. Judge Graffeo subsequently ordered the court clerk to refund my $100.00 jury fee that had been posted pursuant to my August 14, 2013 Circuit Court appeal of Probate Court Judge King’s May 22, 2013 Order (Case no. 2013-000611.00). I was virtually thrown out of the circuit court. I was afraid that they would attack and arrest me if I didn’t leave the building immediately.

On April 27, 2015, while I was desperately seeking counsel(s) and resources for a possible timely state procedure/remedy to remove McElroy from my father’s estate beyond Probate Court Judge King and Circuit Court Judge Graffeo in the state appellate court or Alabama Supreme Court, the District Court Northern District of Alabama Southern Division, Case No. CV-14-BE-1728-S , dissolved my stay and dismissed my case in equity due to McElroy’s (statutorily designated as the proper party) refusal to settle my father’s estate, period, or take any action to pursue or protect my father’s federal tort claim, the res of the estate. Again, she wouldn’t talk or communicate with me about my father’s federal tort claim or anything else.


Ms. McElroy Refuse to File Inventory of Assets

McElroy had a duty to file a signed, notarized initial inventory with the Court listing all my father’s known assets within forty-five (45) days of her appointment over two (2) years ago, at the date of the filing of this complaint, she continues to refuse to file and serve an inventory of my fathers known assets, which I now own a part of through intestate succession.


Ms. McElroy Refuse to File Statement of Heirs

After over two (2) years, she refuses to determine the heirs of my father’s estate. She won’t file the Statement of Heirs. Two of my brothers with issue died before my father, she won’t communicate with any of us whether or not this could or may be an issue of case.


Ms. McElroy Refuse to File An Accounting of the Estate

Two (2) year and almost four (4) months after Ms. McElroy has been appointed administrator of my father’s estate, she refuses to give me notice of the property that she has collected, and the bills paid. She won’t communicate with any of us about our own inherited property.

At this very late state of affairs of my father’s estate, damages accrue daily to my inherited property. She has abandoned my father’s real property. The real property is in the state of decay and deterioration. The home owners insurance has been dropped due to the deterioration of the property. Utilities have terminated on the property. During her tenure as estate administrator, I (the heirs) have lost the fair rental value of the property.

Ms. McElroy’s two (2) year delay in filing necessary mandatory estate documents, communicating and informing me about my inherited property, and the general unnecessary and extreme delay in the administration of my father’s estate has/is causing me great of frustration, nervousness, distress, anxiety and mental anguish.


Ms. McElroy Won’t Communicate with Me or the Heirs

She refuse to serve me with her letters of administration. I demanded that she serve her letters of administration about two years ago. She won’t answer any of my letters addressed to her about my father’s property. She won’t answer any of my letters urging her to help us take immediate action to stop the decay and deterioration of my property She won’t answer any of my letters about delinquent taxes on the house or the termination of home insurance and utilities. She won’t talk or communicate with us. However, she communicated one THING to me. Her one verbal demand was very crystal clear to me and my brother, “WHERE IS YOUR FATHER’S MONEY!”

What MONEY? If my father had any MONEY, it was his to spend and do what he pleased with it. If he buried his MONEY in the ground, it was his MONEY to do with it at his own very WHIM.


Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Client-Lawyer Relationship

Rule 1.7. Conflict of Interest: General Rule


Loyalty is an essential element in the lawyer’s relationship to a client… As a general proposition, loyalty to a client prohibits undertaking representation directly adverse to that client without that client’s consent. Paragraph (a) expresses that general rule. Thus, a lawyer ordinarily may not act as advocate against a person the lawyer represents in some other matter, even if it is wholly unrelated.

Ms. McElroy’s Conflict of Interest in CV-2013-000611.00

In August 2013 within a reasonable time after I discovered on my own accord that Probate Court Judge Alan King denied probating my father’s Last Will and Testament, I appealed the court’s decision to the Circuit Court, CV-2013-000611.00. I had not been served with Judge King’s Order denying probating my father’s will or the order appointing a public administrator to the estate.

Ex parte Samuel Rodgers PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI TO THE COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS (In re: Samuel Rodgers v. Elizabeth McElroy, as personal representative of the estate of Ron’Drequez Cortez White, deceased) (Jefferson Circuit Court, CV-10-2979; Court of Civil Appeals, 2110364), the Alabama Supreme Court told her that she acts as a personal representative, she acts as an agent of legislative appointment for the effectuation of the legislative policy, “… a quasi trustee for those who are entitled thereto under the statute of distribution.”

On October 09, 2013, Ms. McElroy, my legislative entrusted trustee,, without notice to me or the heirs improperly and irregularly filed with the Jefferson County, Alabama, Circuit Court of Appeals, a MOTION TO DISMISS MY APPEAL to deliberately prejudice and frustrate my efforts to mitigate damages and move the estate along on a timely basis. She advocated against me and subsequently prejudiced me so greatly that Judge Graffeo of the circuit dismissed my appeal with PREJUDICE in response to her formal motion to dismiss my case without my response or a hearing.

Ms. McElroy prejudiced me so much and so intensively that Judge Graffeo closed the district court doors in the my face. He purged my case permanently from the civil appeals calendar closing any adequate speedy state remedy to appeal, and remove McElroy from my father’s estate. In over two (2) years, she has not pursued any actions on my behalf to effectuate state law and policy to distribute the assets of my father’s estate.


Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Client-Lawyer Relationship

Rule 1.15. Safekeeping Property.


A lawyer should hold property of others with the care required of a professional fiduciaryMs. McElroy’s Refuses to Safe keep Any of My Property

For over two (2) years, Ms. McElroy has and still refuse to inform me, heirs or the court where my father’s money is that she has seized, and what she has in fact collected and seized of his estate. She hasn’t and will not safe keep my father’s house and lot. She refuses to inform us of the existence of any account(s) to the pay the taxes, creditors, insurance, and utilities on my father’s real estate. She wont’ inform us or show me, the heirs or the court any books, ledgers, receipts for any interest(s) received from accounts, or any incoming or outgoing receipts. She won’t communicate with any of us about anything about our own inherited property, and its been going on for over two (2) years.


Alabama Rules of Professional Conduct Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession Rule 8.4. Misconduct

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: …

(b) Commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;

(c) Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;

(d) Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; …

(g) Engage in any other conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law.

Ms. McElroy’s Misconduct

Ms. McElroy’s demand is that we (I) pour over into the estate some unknown substantial amount of money that she has formed an opinion from some source (word of mouth) that my father may or should have had at his death. I don’t have that type of money. From my brother and I, she demanded to know “where’s your father’s money?” Until that time that we produce a substantial amount of money to turn over to her, she has refused to talk to us, or administer my father’s estate according to the letter of Alabama State Probate Law.





TELEPHONE 334-269-1515

P.O. BOX 671


August 28, 2015

Re: CSP 2014-571

Complaint against Elizabeth Wood McElroy

Dear Ms. Rogers:

We are in receipt of your request for reconsideration of the above-referenced matter. The Alabama State Bar only has violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Your initial complaint, the respondent attorney’s response, and your recent request were independently reviewed by two lawyers in this office. They have concluded that there appears to be no new information which warrants a formal investigation. Therefore, no further action will be taken in this matter in accordance with our earlier decision.



Interestingly, this time nobody in general counsel’s office not even a paralegal had the conviction to sign their name to the B.S. In the first instance, Ms. Rogers’ complaint against Beth McElroy was not a plea for reconsideration of the facts or newly discovered evidence that existed on August 14, 2013.

Rule 1.3. Diligence

No new information which warrants a formal investigation” – since August 14, 2013, Beth McElroy has not performed any of her duties as an estate administrator (state official) mandated by law and state and federal constitution. EYES WIDE SHUT.

8.4. Misconduct

The issue of Beth McElroy demanding MONEY from the family before she performs any of her county and state mandated duties wasn’t brought up on August 14, 2013, and even if it was- a continuing 2 (year) refusal to perform any of her estate administrator duties until she is paid should be like “icing on the cake” for criminal EXTORTION.

In Alabama, “A person commits the crime of extortion if he knowingly obtains by threat control over the property of another, with intent to deprive him of the property.” (Acts 1977, No. 607, p. 812, §3235.)

In Alabama, “(13) THREAT. A menace, however communicated, to: i. Take action as an official against anyone or anything, or WITHHOLD OFFICIAL ACTION, or cause such action or WITHHOLDING… (Definitions Generally, 13A/8/1)” EYES WIDE SHUT! 

This is only 2 (two) examples of the state bar’s sudden infliction of gross blindness in the Case of the QUEEN BEE. It certainly appears clear that for some of the State Bar’s Inner Circle and Powerful Influenced Secret Society BRETHREN, you only get one bite at the apple, or NO BITE AT ALL. Their EYES ARE WIDE SHUT to the Crimes of the Secret BROTHERHOOD against the PEOPLE and their FORM OF GOVERNMENT. In this case, the BEAST lies Behind the VEIL.

In Part III, We will explore the Abuse of Power and Corruption of the QUEEN BEE and KINGFISH within Jefferson County.






[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.




[12] Id.

[13] Id.

[14] Id.


[16] Id.

[17] Id.


[19] Id.













[32] Dennis, Matthew, Seneca Possessed: Indians, Witchcraft, and Power in the Early American Republic, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (2010), pg. 102


[34] Id.





















[55] Id.









27 01 2015


In 1953, the same year the CIA/MK ULTRA program was formed, Dick (Richard Claxton) Gregory left college to join or was drafted into the U.S. Army, where his commanding officer (Ft. Hood, Texas, Ft Lee, Virginia or Ft. Smith)[1] designated and assigned him as a black “comedian” to host and perform comedy routines in military shows.[2] That’s interesting that the U.S. Military will make you a “comedian”, too.


In 1953, Hugh Hefner setup Playboy, which was eventually revealed to be banked by the CIA.[3]  Sometime before 1961, Dick Gregory formed some type of special personal relationship with Hefner (Mythological PUCK). In 1961, Hefner put Gregory on the payroll of his Chicago Playboy Club that opened the door to his HollyWeird career. It is more accurate to say that the “Gates of Hell” had opened upon him. In other to join Hefner’s elite secret satanic circle at that high CIA level of secrecy, Gregory had to have been initiated by a blood sacrifice (late 2 month old, Richard Claxton Gregory, Jr.?) into a subservient lower ranking black Luciferian group like the Prince Hall Freemasons or one of the Greek Hellenized societies.


Gregory is openly known to be a Hellenized Negro, an Alpha Phi Alpha (secret Boule) man. Gregory’s X signal not only represents Skull & Bones and the Brotherhood of Death, it is a sign of the Royal DRAGON race of Old England. [4]


Some of the symbols Dick Gregory hides behind strongly suggest that he is also a blood oath secret Prince Hall, York Rite or Scottish Rite 33 degree Master Mason. An Official MASONIC Portrait of Norman Vincent Peal ‘Cutting’ of two secret Masonic signal signs visible Crossed Arms = ‘Skull & Crossbones and “Hidden Hand.” Both Peale and Gregory- ‘Blue Tie for ‘Blue Lodge’[5] In 1962, Hefner wrote the introduction to Gregory’s book, From the Back of the Bus.[6]


Dick Gregory is just as dual natured (Satanic Principle) as his friend, Bill Cosby. Like his friend, there are always by his own admission two sides to Dick Gregory, (Light vs. Dark) Good and diabolical EVIL that transcend the moral boundaries of original men. These kind of shadow people give me and creeps and nightmares.

Hugh Hefner & the Ancient CIA DRAGON- Devil Rituals


By murals openly visible at the Playboy Mansion, Hefner is associated with a secret elite Dionysian Cult. Once secret Luciferian rituals hidden away within the Playboy Mansion, Hefner’s Dionysian Cult is now associated with an annual public ShakespeareanA Midsummer Night’s Dream Party (Rite).”[7]

The Worship of Dionysus is generally considered to have started in Phrygia (Turkey) in Asia Minor between 1200 and 1000 B.C. The CULT became known for its extensive use of trance-inducing music, sex orgies, wine consumption, and the large amount of violent sacrifices, which in the earlier stages, included humans.[8] As a Mystery Cult, it had public and secret rites, which should be the same case with Hefner’s Cult. One of the rites included the Maenads, a group of insane woman involved in bizarre blood rituals. This included the ripping apart of human beings and eating their flesh. During this time, they were possessed by Bacchus who provided them with superhuman strength. Nicholas de Vere (The de Vere Family), in his book “The Origin of The Dragon Lords of the Rings”, adds:

“The Dionysic Rites were cannibalistic and vampiric and echo the era of the cannibalism and vampirism of the (Titanic) era of the sons of the Nephilim.”[9]


British Royal Wyvern DRAGON & Medieval DEVIL

The de Vere Family was involved in the practice of Royal Witchcraft and his family considered themselves members of the Archdruid-DRAGON Kings and Fairy Queens’ race. The very rare Dragon or Fairy gene is Ubaid Sumerian-Scythian in origin.[10]


In England during the late 1500s and early 1600s, the secret Dionysic Cult consisted of Sir William and Robert Cecil, John Dee, his student Edward de Vere,  above, Edmund Spenser, Sir Francis Bacon, Queen Elizabeth I, King James I, and several others. John Dee was the founder of Enochian Magic and is credited with writing “The Rosicrucian Secrets.[11] This Luciferian Royal Circle is generally considered to have been responsible for the creation of European Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and Enochian Magic.


A Midsummer’s Night Dream came out of this elite Royal Luciferian Circle that is said to have included seeds of the Archdruid-DRAGON race.[12]Midsummer’s Eve is a celebration of pagan origins intended to coincide with the summer solstice. In Gaelic folklore, the hours between dusk and dawn are said to be closer to the underworld and a special time when fairy activity is at its peak. This time was also said to be a period for witches to harvest magical plants (Illes 212); correspondingly, it is during this time that Oberon asks PUCK to fetch him that love-bewitching flower that turns the play into a love comedy.  Oberon and Titania are the king and queen of fairy land who are introduced as having a personal dispute with each other; both entities are depicted as each keeping a multitude of servants: “Enter Oberon […] with his train, and Titania […] with hers” (Shakespeare 406).  They seem to mimic and contrast the uncaring Athenian aristocratic society; falling under the category of trooping fairies, these entities can be ‘subdivided into the Heroic Fairies [who] are the aristocracy of fairyland. They have as a rule a king and queen, and they pass their time in the manner of the medieval nobility.’ ”[13]


Medieval Demon PUCK

Hugh Hefner is depicted as “PUCK” from Rosicrucian (the cult of Rosicrucianism is heavily involved in mind control; evidenced by their potential programming of Sirhan Sirhan  [though of course the majority of AMORC members are not slaves/involved in MK, their cult, as many “religions” do involve trance-inducing methods which would have made Sirhan Sirhan more pliable to his programming, whoever ultimately did it]) , Francis Bacon’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream which the ‘party’ is named after. Though this depiction is not common for Puck in “the bard”‘s play (his plays will not have solely been written by Bacon, but by a group of well-connected individuals wanting to shape the English language/program the masses through it’s themes just like they do today through the far more invasive modern media; “William Shakespeare” was just a puppet actor [many of the claimed “facts” about the actor are untrue]), Hefner’s image here is more akin to a Satyr: “The Satyrs were mythological creatures with the upper part of their body of a man and the lower half of a goat. The leader of the Satyrs was god Pan [arguably a Satyr/faun himself]. Usually the Satyrs resided in woods and mountains or were accompanying the Greek god of wine [wine in ancient times was not the same as today, it often included different herbs and entheogens and other such things] Dionysus on his journeys, dancing around joyfully with the Nymphs [entranced/ dissociative/ programmed kittens basically].”[14]

MK ULTRA Dionysian Nymph v. Hugh Hefner

 In 2009, the lonely and desperate cry of Sheri Denise Allred was briefly heard. She made a hopeless attempt to expose Hugh Hefner’s ultra secret and elite CIA/MK ULTRA pedophile ring and Dionysian Cult by filing a badly drafted pro se complaint for damages in the Los Angeles Superior Court.[15] She claimed that she had been ritually sexually abused by Hefner’s Luciferian Circle since 5 years old. According to MK ULTRA usual practices, age 5 and below is the idea impressionate period to begin slitting off alternative personalities from the original personality to create multiple personality disordered mind control subjects.


Sheri talked about having a hat covering her head where everyone in the world can hear her thoughts and transfer thoughts to her hat from god. She may be talking about EEG Skull Caps that are able to read your brain waves for MK ULTRA projects, or implant brain electrodes and microchip brain implants. The technology to read your thoughts have existed for quite sometime.[16] However most interestingly, she talked wildly and extensively about things inside Hefner’s Dionysian Cult and pedophile ring that may have included John Gotti’s Mob, and billionaire J. Paul Getty.[17] She talked about Darren Elliott being involved. Darren Joseph Eliot is a Canadian sports broadcaster and a former professional Los Angeles Kings goaltender.[18]


 She said that Hefner was supposed to be a “centaur of the greek gods.” She was programmed to be an “reincarnation” of “Venus Aphrodite Demilo.”[19] Aphrodite of Milos better known as the Venus de Milo, is an ancient Greek statue. Created sometime between 130 and 100 BC, it is believed to depict Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty (Venus to the Romans).[20]


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley looks like Greek goddess, Venus de Milo- Aphrodite, as she poses for a photo in Moscow.[21] I said that to say this. Sheri’s complaint as filed is filled with grammatical errors, misspellings and what appears by first impressions to be off the wall references, but her spelling and references to Hefner’s Dionysian Cult and Greek Mythology are for the most part downright fairly consistently actuate. Similar, but going well beyond Bill Cosby’s allegations of rape and sexual abuses, Sheri’s case also involves drugs, Walt Disney mind control program themes, recovery of repressed memories, amnesia blocks,  and Luciferian layers. It is also interesting that she identified herself as “Allred”, like Attorney Gloria Allred, the Bill Cosby Gatekeeper.

“I also carry the beautifiliest angel lusefer [Lucifer] in me cause I remember being the Goddess Venus see me and odeseyues [Odysseus] God of wine and Zues [Zeus] … the centaur is suppose to be Hugh Hefner at one point remember how we were horses and the playboy was a horse in Hugh’s little gathering of for say the finest of half horse. And there known to be a rabbit some are jack’s and some are hair’s and some are known as thumber as in the movie from walt Disney bambi, along with being known as a horse their’s shetland’s and clidesdale and what I was known to be a black stallion.”[22]

Walt Disney Black Occult Ritual Attendant Centaurs

By Sheri’s references to black horses and a black father, she appears to be a mixed race (quadroon, Mulatto) young lady. Hefner’s Dionysian Cult, like his European cousins, is DRAGON bloodline (Aryan-Anglo Saxon) exclusively aristocratically centered for their exploitation as in the original early British Shakespearean’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream Rituals.

For the record, as far as Dick Gregory’s good friend Bill Cosby is concerned, both are absolutely blood oath obedient to the secret elite Global Satanic Cabal, CIA and Hugh Hefner as no more than their mere black mind control attendants and recruiters. Dick Gregory is way out on the limb and on the bandwagon of the changing of the guard of America’s Black Satanic Cabal; and the ILLUMINATI movie, Selma. His well wishes to the new order, Welcome and thank you Oprah!

Aldous Huxley, MK ULTRA, the Dionysian Cult & Black Folk


 The CIA/MK ULTRA program is an enormous American shadow government institution dedicated to mind control, mass population control, and force the masses to be completely submissive and subservient to a global satanic semi-divine master controller race.  Since 1953, the MK ULTRA program has evolved into a far reaching vast multi-billion dollar conglomerate of high ranking government officials, military intelligence agencies, corporations, freemasons, lawyers, doctors, clinics, prisons and some of this country’s most esteemed universities and hospitals locked in multiple layers of iron clad blood oath secrecy and security. It has the footprints of the management style of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Satanic Empire.

For over two decades, it existed under a shroud and veil within a secret state before a small fraction of the program was exposed to the public. On December 22, 1974, Seymour Hersh exposed MK-ULTRA in a New York Times article. Headlined, “Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years,” it documented illegal activities, including secret experiments on US citizens during the 1960s and earlier.[23]


That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

Many people seem to believe that the late elite eugenic British writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley (1894- 1963) was the chief architect of the CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH program. I strongly disagree.

Aldous Huxley was a prominent member of England’s elite eugenic based secret Anglo Saxon Luciferian societies. Trained at Oxford University, London, Huxley was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian Cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable Elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover.[24] By the way, Hefner’s co-Dionysian initiate Huxley’s Culture and the Individual (subject Psychedelics [Soma]) was published in Playboy Magazine in November 1963, the same month and year of JFK’s assassination and Huxley’s death.[25]

The type of vast blood oath secret fraternal order within a secret state that has the power to conceal, preserve and unmercifully enforce secrecy of a large multi-level conglomerate such as the MK ULTRA Program would have to have been the Masonic hierarchical Knights of Malta. In 1953, both Allen Dulles, CIA Director, and Himmler’s SS puppet, Hitler’s General, Reinhard Gehlen, were members of the Order of the Knights of Malta and Teutonic Knights (The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary) that sits at the apex of a vast blood oath fraternal order- a secret state in itself.[26]

At best, Aldous Huxley would have been one of MK ULTRA’s philosophical British godfathers. During WWII, Huxley had been at the top of Himmler’s personal secretary SS-Brigadeführer Wicked Walter Schellenberg’s list to intern at their service to form a greater philosophical structure to global NAZISM.[27]


ILLUMINATI Brits Huxley (British Intelligence) and Dr. Gregory Bateson (CIA agent) would have been important and key “policy” board members, but don’t get it twisted. The CEO of MK ULTRA had been fellow ultra secret Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun, SS Dr. Josef Mengele.

Part of the ILLUMINATI and MK ULTRA’s secret philosophical policy and foundation developed by Huxley contains part of the pseudo racial notions and divisions contained in his 1931 novel, The New Brave World.  One who belongs to the permanent lowest caste in Huxley’s Brave New World known for stunted growth, inferior intelligence- a useful idiot is the Epsilon Caste. Also known as the “Epsilon-minus semi-moron”[28]

“They can´t read and do low work. Epsilons are the only BLACK group. If somebody is an Alpha or an Epsilon is decided by doctors when their life starts. All babies are made in bottles were chemicals influence their development. After the unbotteling electro shocks and sleep-teaching is used to condition the babies till they are 12. So nearly nobody asks why he isn’t an Alpha, because this conditioning erases the real person A drug called SOMA is used by everyone. It isn’t illegal. But nobody of the lower classes knows that it is drug. Every day after the work they get their ration. This helps people to be happy all the time. This leads to the stability the world controller wants.”[29]


“But in Epsilons … ‘we don’t need human intelligence.’ Didn’t need and didn’t get it. But though the Epsilon mind was mature at ten, the Epsilon body was not fit to work till eighteen. Long years of superfluous and wasted immaturity. If the physical development could be speeded up till it was as quick, say, as a cow’s, what an enormous saving to the Community!”[30]

Sir Francis Bacon’s [Shakespeare] The Tempest of the early Royal Dionysic Cult provides an important parallel to Huxley’s Brave New World, and the two texts relate to one another on many levels.


Shakespeare’s Tempest portrays Caliban, son of a demon and witch, as a BLACK angry, violent figure, who could easily be interpreted as less than human, ruled by bestial (animal) appetites rather than higher instincts. Caliban’s SOMA (God) is liquor. Caliban is a savage and an useful and necessary idiot enslaved/controlled by a SOMA to advance and serve European colonialism and the British Empire.[31] As you see as a matter of policy, the ILLUMINATI and MK ULTRA’s secret permanent pseudo lower Epsilon Caste are branded, the global Black Masses.

The Fall of Bill Cosby & Rise of the LESBIANIC Black Satanic Cult


The ILLUMINATI’s useful idiot, Bill Cosby, is being symbolically phased out as the paternal “Head Negro” of America’s Black Satanic Cabal. In 1965, almost instantly Demonic Cosby, I Spy- CIA Agent, rose to become one of mass media’s IMAGES of black success and enterprise primarily as the dualistic opposite of the IMAGE of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King’s world IMAGE was organized mass “Black Resistance” to the brave new world order.


After Dr. King’s Assassination in 1968, the BLACK POWER IMAGES of SNCC- Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Bobby Seale UNITED with the Black Panther Party for Self Defense moved into the forefront of the IMAGE of mass population “resistance” to the New World Order (NWO). However, the IMAGE that they feared most was a relatively unknown and uncontrollable factor,  HUEY P. NEWTON.


In the dualistic opposite to mass resistance, Cosby’s IMAGE moved into mass population submission and diversion- paternal “Fatherhood.”


Cosby’s fall from grace was easy because his IMAGE has always been false and an ILLUSION. Cosby’s mind had been conditioned by the CIA Occult Bureau (Ahnenerbe) and British Intelligence to believe that he was a DIVINE creature among those of the FALLEN ANGELS formed of a dual nature that transcends GOOD and EVIL. Cosby’s fall is bringing to the center a new and more diabolical international LESBIANIC (Oprah Winfrey)  cast of useful idiots of America’s Black Satanic Cabal, and new false IMAGES and ILLUSIONS shaped, molded and controlled by the Old Royal Satanic Houses of the British Empire.

Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie


Selma Movie poster of Two Hands Clenched together in a raised position is a high level ILLUMINATI/Satanic Hand Sign.


The reverse meaning of the hands clenched together in a raised position in the Selma Poster can only mean a “Seal [Lock] of Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment” that will overcome “resistance” to a New World Order. I wasn’t feeling Selma from the very beginning. For people of color, HollyWeird isn’t in the business of educating, empowering or making you feel good about anything. It will take every moment to torture and humiliate you subliminally.


Caliban & Selma movie Protester

For one bit of GOOD information HollyWeird feeds you, it indoctrinates you with three bits of EVIL disinformation, whether directly or subliminally. It is scientific based mental conditioning of programmed mass submission just as below to the NWO.


It is ongoing psychological warfare- a battle for your minds. Selma is an ILLUMINATI movie. It is the blatant product and agenda of a new and more sinister collaboration between the American Black Satanic LESBIANIC Cabal and the Royal Satanic Houses from Archaic Europe.


Not so funny, Wanda Sykes and Seal of Secrecy, One of Oprah’s Nasty Anti-Male LESBIANIC Foot Soldiers.


Wanda Sykes is in with the secret Earth Goddess Cult of Cybele,  Lilith (Lucifer’s Consort)

Oprah’s LESBIANIC Satanic Cabal is not without a historical foundational mythology.  Cybele is an ancient complex goddess equivalent to Magna Mater or “Great Mother”, “Mother of the Gods”, “Mountain Mother”. Cybele’s priests were males who ritually castrated themselves, after which they were given women’s clothing and assumed female identities, who were referred to by one third-century commentator, Callimachus, in the feminine as Gallai. Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie was made by Brad Pitt’s Plan B, and Oprah Winfrey’s production company, HARPOOprah spelled backwards. Likewise, Oprah named her television network “OWN” in reverseNWO“- NEW WORLD ORDER.

“It’s a language, all right. It’s English.
What do you mean?
It’s English in REVERSE.”

The above clip is English in reverse from the HollyWeird Satanic Cult Classic film, The Exorcist (1973).[32] It is said that one of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s chief insistences in the major law of SATAN was that his followers learn and put into practice the Occult Law of Reversal (Dualism- Satanic Principle). He extolled to his students to consistently, with intensity, practice talking (reverse speech), walking, thinking, and playing phonograph records, backwards.[33]

Little Lucifer- Brad Pitt


Brad Pitt proudly displays that he is a FREEMASON. Brad Pitt is also a Master of Deception- a “Son of Lucifer.”

“I related it more to my upbringing, I grew up in a very Christian environment — a very healthy environment and a loving a family — but there were parameters that I didn’t understand, that I questioned it, and it took me until my adult years until I could really try new things… That was SATANISM, it works really well, I made a pact [with LUCIFER] and the movie [12 Years a Slave] came out …” [of SATAN’S Workshop] [34]


You must be extremely leery and cautious of whatever ILLUMINATI High Priestess /Witch useful idiot OPRAH WINFREY, and the Masonic Son of LUCIFER are involved in anything particularly Mass Media/Population film projects for Black People.

Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie & the Black Satanic LESBIANIC Cabal


One Step Forward, Selma- IMAGE of Mass Resistance, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Selma had been designated to be directed by Lee Daniels, The Butler. It seems that Daniels‘ agenda for Selma was far different than the current mass media vehicle. Ava DuVernay was brought onboard by the ILLUMINATI to direct the Selma film project sponsored by PATHE UK, Brad Pitt’s Plan B and producer Christian Colson.[35]

Three Steps Backwards, Selma- Face of the ILLUMINATI


Ava DuVernay- ILLUMINATI Hand Symbol of Absolutely Diabolical EVIL


Three Steps Backwards, Selma- Back IMAGING of Dr. King, Selma March and Mass Resistance

One Dream Can Change the World ” … train himself to think BACKWARDS by external means, as set … (b) Let him learn to walk BACKWARDS… (e) Let him learn to read BACKWARDS …” (Crowley, Aleister. Magick: Liber ABA, book four, 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p. 639)  Oprah and Ava, High Witches of the Occult, are playing the Selma March and Dr. King BACKWARDS (in reverse) as if it was a Trance Formation Dream State, and to a point where it never took place in reality.

Ava DuVernay’s British sponsor, Pathe UK, is part of Société Pathé Frères founded in Paris, France on September 28, 1896 by brothers Charles, Émile, Théophile and Jacques Pathé, during the first part of the 20th century, Pathé became the largest film equipment and production company in the world as well as a major producer of phonograph records. It is one of Europe’s oldest and most powerful film companies. British Pathe is very close, if not an eternal part, of the British Royal Family, Empire and Freemasonry.[36]


Pathe’s universal emblem is the rooster– an ancient universal Sun Solar Symbol because its crowing announces the dawn.[37] “…not all Egyptians worship the same gods–the only two to be universally worshipped are Isis and Osiris, who, they say, is Dionysus” (II.42.2); “Horus is the Apollo, Osiris the Dionysus, of the Greeks” (Herodotus, II.144.2).[38]


The Occult Symbolism of the rooster is that it represents a specific attribute of the Greek God Apollo. A rooster was ritually sacrificed to Asclepios, son of Apollo and god of medicine, because the bird heralded the soul of the dead that it was to guide to the Otherworld. Asclepios is also the god who, by his healing powers, brought the dead back to life on earth.[39]

In 1930, Myron C. Fagan served as “Writer Director” with “Pathe Pictures, Inc.,” then owned by JKF’s ILLUMINATI father, Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James, London (1938-1940).[40] Mr. Fagan subsequently devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly “NEWS BULLETINS” for “C. E. G.” in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a UNITED NATIONS’ “One World Government.[41]

Selma the ILLUMINATI Movie, Satan, Secrecy and Smoked Mirrors


Seal [Lock] of Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment“- Ava DuVernay & U.S. Naval Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

Mae Brussell said that the late Congressman Larry McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy Assassination, who created a organization called “Western Goals“. Western Goals had offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that fed data to the Hitler’s  General and Himmler’s SS Puppet/ Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s Org/CIA. On the board of Western Goals were such Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Nazi Luftwaffe pilot.[42] Admiral Moorer had been the Pentagon Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 until 1974. He was at a high level of shadow government  “Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment” with Lucifer’s Servants, the Underground THIRD REICH in America.


Ava DuVernay was recently officially Hellenized by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., as an honorary member. However, her “Elder Sign” finger symbol indicates that she had been a high ranking blood oath useful idiot for the ILLUMINATI for quite sometime.[43]


Ava DuVernay (High Level Female Mason) with the Masonic Hand (Claw) Symbol of Babylonian God Nebo.

Alpha Kappa Alpha’s International President Attorney Carolyn House Stewart presided over the formal induction.[44] The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (AKA), Inc. have embarked on a new partnership with the aim of creating global citizens and fostering new audiences to better support the United Nations and the NWO.[45]


Lucifer’s Workshop 12 Years a Slave Director, Steve McQueen & Ava DuVernay (Claw), Josef Goebbels- British Royal Wyvern’s Secret DRAGON  X Hand Gesture.


Below, former King of England, Duke of Windsor Prince Edward VIII-eldest son of King George V and Queen Mary in counsel with Nazi Propaganda Minister, Dr. Josef Goebbels.


During WWII, Prince Edward was a Nazi collaborator that initiated Goebbels into his private and secret Royal Wyvern DRAGON (Cult) Army.


Prince Edward with the DRAGON X Hands Claw Symbol


Brave New World useful Idiot Steve McQueen is a 2002 OBE- Officer of the Order of the British Empire, and an official 2011 CBE- Commander of the Order of the British Empire (Motto: For God and the Empire) just like British Secret Agent, James Bond -007.[46]


The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MEOBE) is an order of chivalry established on June 4, 1917 by King George V.[47] Queen Elizabeth II is also the Royal Patroness of the Grand Lodge of England.[48]


Ava DuVernay & Steve McQueen- Inverted Masonic Pyramid Hand Gesture


McQueen’s Boss & Masonic Hand Symbol, Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England

Selma, Coretta Scott King- One Step Forwardselmacorretta

Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie- Carman Ejogo & Sign of the BAPHOMET, Three Steps Backward


British ILLUMINATI WHORE, Baphomet is my inlay on her Blouse

In Selma, Dr. Martin King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King are portrayed by British ILLUMINATI useful idiots, David Oyelowo and Carmen Ejogo. President Lyndon B. Johnson and former Alabama Governor George Wallace are portrayed by British actors Tom Wilkinson and Tim Roth, respectively.[49]


Carmen Ejogo, Elizabeth of France, Wife of King Philip IV (1602-1644) and King James I of England (1506-1625) displaying an ancient secret society Rosicrucian Hand/Finger Symbol . Ejogo’s unnatural finger/hand gesture or Triad Claw/Marrano gesture signals the letters M & W, which symbolize 666 from the three V’s. The letter V is “waw” in Hebrew and “vav” in Gematria and is the 6th letter in both.[50]


San Ignacio de Loyola, who founded the Jesuits by approval of Pope Paul III in 1539, came from a “Marrano” family…from every indication. In fact, strong and credible confirmation comes from none other than Benjamin Disraeli, an ethnic Jew and the Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1868 and 1874-1876, who wrote in his book “Coningsby” (London, 1844) that “the first Jesuits were Jews“. It is interesting that Loyola was compelled to repeatedly deny “Jewish” ethnicity.[51]


The term “Marrano” is a Spanish expression which means “secret Jew“, i.e. a falsely converted Jew. Therefore, on the one hand, Ignatius Loyola displayed an outward show of Catholic devotion but in dramatically contradictory fashion…appears to have been a member of “Alumbrado” which was a forerunner to the Illuminati organization (the word “Alumbrado” is simply a Spanish translation for the term “Illuminati“) and another suspected Kabbalah concoction. Alumbrado devotees manifested a strangely conflicting mixture–many expressions of “godly” sentiments in their outward displays…but bizarre goings-on in their private meetings which fit the descriptions occult practices, and even of satanic ‘possession’ or interaction. [52]


Ejogo in early photo, above, appears to have been a British MK ULTRA Programmed Sex Kitten


In another early photo in another sex kitten animal print, Elogo makes the X-Sign related to the British Royal DRAGON Race and the Knights Templar’s Cult of Mary Magdalene.


Dr. Conrad Murray, Scottish Rite Master Master & Official Master Mason- Masonic Arm Sign


LESBIANIC Cabal Master Masons- Ava DuVernay & First Lady Michelle Obama


Don’t Get it Twisted they are Extremely Dangerous Women- York Rite/ Knight of Malta Sammy Davis, Jr. and Skull and Bones Prescott Bush

Selma, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.- One Step Forward


Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie- Dr. King, Three Steps Backward


David Oyelowo is another Negro servant to the elite Global Satanic Cabals and secret British Secret Service, and Satanic Dionysian Cult


David Oyelowo is also a secret British Freemason


David Oyelowo & Universal Masonic/ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Symbol


These people conceal their true motives behind ILLUSIONS, symbols and gestures. Oyelowo as Dr. Martin King, Jr. disguised in Subliminal Masonic Symbolism. On British television, Oyelowo starred on a TV series romanizing British Intelligence, MI5.  Oyelowo’s hero is Christopher Nolan (Dark Knight Rises).


Christopher Nolan, above, leaving Dark Night Rises after party at the Freemason’s Hall in London. Freemasons’ Hall [Temple] is the headquarters of Prince Philip’s United Grand Lodge of England and the principal meeting place for Masonic Lodges in London. The notion that the Dark Knight Rises is an Anti-Masonic propaganda film is disinformation. It is said that elite powerful Luciferians usually sit in secret temple chambers and demonize and cast spells on HollyWeird films before release.


The Dark Knight Rises was the inspiration for the mass murder/slaughter of 12 innocent people by the CIA/MK ULTRA JOKER (James Holmes) in Aurora, Colorado.  I suspect that Luciferians also demonized and filled Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie with demonic spirits and energies to also drive you insance.

Oprah Winfrey, Ava DuVernay, David Oyelowo & the Son of Satan Initiation Rite


In the first instance, Oprah, David Oyelowo, and Ava DuVernay, above, appear normal in the IMAGE of an innocent mutual front of affection and admiration for each other as exceptional artists. However, these are demonic people that as general practice in the public hide behind Smoked Mirrors, false IMAGES and ILLLUSIONS. The true motives behind their unified IMAGE represents a secret Son of Satan initiation ceremonial rite that is opposite/backward to an ancient sacred [MAAT]Osirisianconfirmation ceremony” out of the Land of Kemet.[53]


The ancient Kemetic “Confirmation Ceremony” is related to the feast Appearance of the King” is likewise known from inscriptions on the Palermo stone. This feast was held immediately after the coronation, as a “Confirmation” of the king’s right to rule. The earliest known mention of this feast dates back to King Djoser king, first pharaoh of the 3rd Dynasty.[54] The Queen is Khamerernebty- Daughter of the God, Priestess of Djehuty [Thoth], Priestess of Tjazepef, One who sits with Horus, she has her right foot slightly forward initiating her husband, Pharaoh Men-Kau-Re, “Eternal is the Spirit (Ka) of Ra” fifth king of the Fourth Dynasty of Kemet to dine with the Gods.[55] In the Jewish tradition, the confirmation ceremony describe a meal Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the 70 elders met face to face and ate with GOD in a covenant confirmation (or ratification) ceremony.[56]


In the Land of Kemet, “three” was an important number signifying plurality- or unity expressed in plurality. The Menkaure Divine Triad express very complex Kemetic ideologies. Generally, the Kemetic triune conception of deities represent a god appearing under three aspects or modes with-out becoming, in fact, three gods. The members reflect three aspect of one reality.


The Kemetic Divine Triad combines the concepts and symbolism of “three” and “one” and sometimes seen as transforming polytheism in tritheism and monotheism.[57] Before the people, Menkaure has placed the Goddess Hathor and the Goddess of the 17th Nome (uten-ha/Sa-ka/ Cynopolis) sacred to the God Anubis, in the service of the royal ideology ensuring the exercise of power according to sacred symbolic Kemetic cosmology. It also express the pluralistic totality of the DIVINE.

In this case, Oprah and Ava DuVernay deliberately place themselves slightly behind David Oyelowo placing him forward to delve in the realm of (SATANIC) Gods in a REVERSE ritual of Queen Khamerernebty and the goddesses of the Menkaure Triad that placed Pharaoh Menkaure forward to delve in MAAT among the Kemetic Ennead (Cosmic Order).[58]


In both cases, above, King Menkaure step forward with his right foot with fists clenched, conveying his authority in the realm of the living.[59] In opposite, Oyelowo step forward with his left foot with clenched fests (claws) and arm in a Masonic (Brotherhood of Death) position, conveying his authority in the realm of the dead among CHAOS. The significance of the Oprah’s LESBIANIC Triune conception can only be speculated. It may represent a ceremonial link and unity between the leading American Black Satanic Cults taken over by Oprah Winfrey’s LESBIANIC Cabal and the black useful idiots of the Satanic Royal Houses of the British Empire.

David Oyelowo, False Imaging & Black Panther Party for Self Defense


In Oprah and Lee Daniels’ ILLUMINATI movie, The Butler, Oyelowo, the Son of Satan, portrayed a false inspired IMAGE of a member of the BPP. Above, Oyelowo is wearing a UK Military Black Beret.


I have no idea what kind of strange black reptilian blouse he is wearing. It is a mass media IMAGE deliberately taken out of uniform for a member of the BPP.  During the early formative years of the BPP, Chairman Bobby Seale constantly impressed upon us the importance of the IMAGE of the BBP. He stressed the significance of being on duty in professional uniform- beret, black leather jacket, black slacks, white or blue shirt, black tie, and polished black leather shoes. Bobby said that a black or white turtle neck sweater was an appropriate substitute if you didn’t have a white shirt and black tie.  Many young brothers couldn’t afford to be in uniform, but proper uniform dress was no exception, but firm BPP policy that I (highlighted below) tried to follow consistently.


Our uniform was vital and a significant part of our IMAGE to win the heart, minds and imagination of the people. Both Bobby and BPP Prime Minister Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) taught us that when the people saw us in consistent rule, discipline, and uniform in a professional manner- it automatically engender an unique positive reflection upon the masses of the people. Thus, they said that our order, discipline, uniform and IMAGE was vital to unity and the liberation of the people. The people had to recognize us as the Vanguard of the People instantly among all others in time of need, crisis, distress and struggle. Our uniform was also a death sentence. Chairman Bobby constantly warned us that under the cloak of night, death squads roamed the streets looking for an opportunity to pick us off alone.


It doesn’t appear as if any of Oprah Winfrey and Lee Daniel’s HollyWeird disordered Panthers are in proper uniform to deliberately negate any sight chance of inspiration among the masses to struggle against the New World Order. Of course, I would ‘t subject myself to being tortured psychologically by any of Oprah’s masterfully bewitched film projects. However, I am almost certain that throughout The Butler that they didn’t invoke the name of the Minister of Defense, HUEY P. NEWTON. Before I conclude, please bear with me just a few more minutes of observations of Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie.


“I am the hopeful black woman who was denied her right to vote.”Rapper Common, Golden Glove Awards[60]

“I am the hopeful black woman …” As far as I know, I am not misquoting this useful idiot Negro. He is in with the ILLUMINATI/Satanic program displaying Oprah’s Secret LESBIANIC Cult of Earth Goddess CybeleVulva Hand Symbol. The Negro portrays in Selma convicted pedophile, [61] republican right wing- underground THIRD REICH collaborator and useful idiot, Rev. James Bevel.[62]


The HollyWeird premiere of Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie was a meeting of the minds of all in with the program. In with the program of Oprah’s LESBIANIC Black Satanic Cabal- the scary and submissive Chris Rock in proper ILLUMINATI/Masonic Recognition. 


In with the program, DICK GREGORY


Dick Gregory, Body Snatching & the IMAGE OF HUEY P. NEWTON


” ‘The Hot Chick‘ sends Rob Schneider, otherwise known as “Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo” and “The Animal,” into “Tootsie” land. But apart from waking up in a nightie and leaping about in girlish underwear, the bushy-haired, stubble-faced little comic doesn’t really attempt a drag turn. Instead, he strives to find his inner woman in straight makeup.”[63]

In 2002, Dick Gregory appeared in an appalling, demeaning ILLUMINATI/Satanic, racist, and transgender fairy tale movie called “Hot Chick.” The movie was co-written by the little Zionist prick Rob Schneider veteran of Saturday Night Live. Schneider’s begins his movie plot in Ethiopia in 50 BC during the historical Kingdom of Aksum (aka as the Axum, Aksumite Kingdom, Abyssinia).[64] He says that an Ethiopian princess used a pair of enchanted earrings to open an portal into some else’s mind to escape an arranged marriage by snatching a body of a vessel he called a “slave.” When each woman wears one of the earrings, their bodies magically trade/swap places while their minds remain where they were.[65]

This body snatching concept is an old Satanic concept related to the CIA/MK ULTRA secret Star Gate out of body (Himmler’s SS Vril Society Astral Travel) experimental projects, not AFRICANS.

“Portals to the body allow demons to interact and control humans. Blood sacrifices, symbols, music, drugs and special meditation permit a higher level of demonic attachment and consequently, more spiritual powers to the follower. These powers are the classic occult tricks of divination, telepathy (in fact messages delivered by demons), creation of fire, telekinesis, etc. These are not enhancements on the individual, but merely deeds done by spirits to look like the person has ‘evolved’. “[66]


Schneider’s fairytale earrings pop up in an African– themed store where they are stolen by a white high school female student. One of the earrings is recovered in a stolen car by Schneider’s character that put on the lost earring- a cross gender transfer takes place between his character and the white female.[67] The mystery of the earrings are uncovered by a high school wiccan priestess (Eden) versed in Santeria out of Africa. The transgender shape shifting- body snatcher mystery is traced to a dance club called “Instant Tang” where Dick Gregory is the mocking, degrading and humiliating early 20th Century Negro “bathroom attendant.” He teaches the cross gender shape shifter- body snatcher how to “PEE” like a man.

Please bare with me just a few more minutes. Dick Gregory is a very clever man that often speak through riddles and puzzles. When he jokes about teaching the cross gender shape shifter- body snatcher how to “PEE,” its really a riddle. The other way to open portals to the body to allow demons and other forces to interact and control human behavior that Gregory is well aware of through his Dionysian Cult work with Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby is through CIA/MK ULTRA Ritual Trauma Based Mind Control. That very classified work programmed mind control victims such as Sheri Denise Allred, discussed above, to trade/swap places with mythological characters such as centaurs, fairies, nymphs, and stone statutes such as  Venus de Milo- Aphrodite to play out demonic fantasies such as Sir Francis Bacon’s  “A Midsummer Night’s Dream Party (Rite)  for the secret global elite DRAGON, Star and Olympian oligarchies, and ruling classes. Gregory’s expertise and experience in Hefner’s secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs would certainly have qualified him to be have been a technical adviser to Schneider’s Hot Chick.  Under the veil, he provided the character in Hot Chick with the technical background and support to cross gender shape shift, and body snatch.

One of the secret eugenic based goals of the CIA , British Intelligence and the Global Satanic Cabal through Oprah’s LESBIANIC Cabal’s, Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie, is to negatively impact and CONTROL the IMAGE and role of Black Male Messianic world figures like Dr. Martin Luther King in war, politics and nation building for a New World Order through masonic/demonic vessels like David Oyelowo. And,  gradually impact, reimage and reshape the Black male’s sphere and power of influence within society and the family through so-called diversity by shrouded racialist homosexual programs. Through MK ULTRA, Dick Gregory provided the very same technical support, “PEE” like a man, to Oprah’s LESBIANIC Black Satanic Cabal.

To negatively impact the masses’ “manly” non comprising and militaristic world IMAGE of HUEY P. NEWTON, Dick Gregory says without qualification that Huey was a “FBI agent” that used the Black Panther Party as a front for their drug dealing.[68] At least 20% of what he says about Huey may be correct, but it’s the 80% that affects the world IMAGE of Huey that he deliberately conceals. The MK ULTRA Complex is also a vast counter-intelligence operations.  The 80% of the story that affects Huey’s story involve MK ULTRA. They extended millions in medical, psychological and technical support to literally body snatch Huey to allow demons, other forces and alternative personalities to control and interact with him. That’s part of the story that Dick Gregory deliberately conceals.

For the record, he lumped Huey beside Eldridge Cleaver as FBI agents.  As far as Cleaver is concerned, I was there when he was first introduced as the BPP’s Minister of Information. At that time, I shared the same concern as the other brothers and sisters, who is he? Where did he come from? Most of us didn’t care for or trust him from the very beginning. From the April 6, 1968 Assassination of Little Bobby Hutton, I have been personally certain of what he was- a government infiltrator and agent. I was there at headquarters manning the front desk like a fly on the wall within a couple of hours before they murdered Little Bobby in cold blood.


However, Huey P. Newton is an entirely different story. There are two Hueys, one before prison and MK ULTRA and one after prison and MK ULTRA. Nevertheless,  they are still afraid of HUEY P. NEWTON even in death.


Huey’s IMAGE and his example of undying love that he expressed for the people without regard for his own life before prison will live on. The secret CIA/MK ULTRA Body Snatching project will set set him apart from others like Eldridge Cleaver that willingly combined with governmental forces and the NWO to murder and imprison our revolutionary just- warrior spirit, and destroy the Will of the People. I will expand on Huey and MK ULTRA in the next post, then conclude the Bill Cosby series.












[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] Id.





[17] Id.


































[51] Id.










[61] Id.









12 01 2015


I have been openly critical of Bill Cosby as a very dangerous soul-less creature of CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH for quite sometime. He had been a CIA tool (I [Bill Cosby] Spy), and mind control facilitator, handler and programmer for decades. However, it has never been my intention to try to single him out from the EVIL institutions and the BIG PICTURE that he plays a very small but significant supporting role and part among the CIA-Military Industrial Complex’s long list of cast of characters.

Corporate Mass Media’s EVIL agenda through a Smoke Mirror is once again to demonize a black face, Bill Cosby, yet veil the role of the CIA and Hugh Hefner in MONARCH Sex Kitten programming. They crucify black and powerless Cosby within the Elite Global Satanic Cabal, while at the same time continue to celebrate his confederate Hefner’s commercialized mass industry of normalizing trauma based ritual sexual abuse and mind control of women. It’s another example of mass population psychological warfare and DOUBLEBINDinsanity without disease.


New Jersey State Governor and likely 2016 U.S. Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie celebrate NFL Dallas Cowboys’ 2014 playoff/rip off victory with owner Jerry Jones.


It amounts to insanity to demonize Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and other high profile black athletes for domestic violence, then celebrate white privilege, wealth and power like a soul-less JERRY JONES of the Dallas Cowboys that exploit, brutalize, sexually abuse, and rape poor, powerless and marginalized women with utter impunity.[1]

They demonize Cosby and yet remain silent to the EVIL/Demonic institutions that as a black man- he can only play by virtue of his race a marginal supporting role in the BIG PICTURE. Don’t get it twisted, Cosby is a problem and a menace to society, but he is only the tip of an iceberg that seek to drown all of us when it surfaces. During the 1960s, dealing with black collaborators of the EVIL empire that sought only to kill us has always been problematic.

I still maintain that unless it is a state of war, and we have express permission of our elders- they are not to be harmed. However, Cosby and the Black Satanic Cabal is still very much alive-well, growing and dangerous. It is our duty to continue to expose them as treacherous cold blood creatures of the shadow government and soul-less puns of the New World Order, and WARN the masses to be forever VIGILANT.


William Henry Cosby, Jr. is a such a black collaborator to warn the masses to watch and stay away from. He is a clandestine/covert BLOOD OATH SECRET high level MASTER MASON, and a BLOOD OATH SECRET hierarchical member of Negro section of the ancient BOULE [2] that serves the underground THIRD REICH, and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Cult of the Dark Messiah, the SHADOW power behind the throne. Cosby is a Master of Deception, ILLUSIONS and DUALITY.

ILLUMINATI“Their whole insane doctrine is based on the supposition that black is white, that good is evil, that two plus two equals five. They are men of insane minds. And they have developed an equally insane ‘scientific‘ system, designed to reprogram and recreate social material and spiritual reality to fit their perverted, upside down theology.”[3]

Their scientific system, actually a form of Witchcraft, is based on alchemy and magic. Its process is one of Universal Motion, designed to purposely foment diabolical chaos so that order may come out of two dynamic competing forces, Ordo Ah Chao. Their objective is the Great Work, the changing of man created in God’s image into the image of a serpent-being void of morality and void of righteous, just values. In other words, the Great Work is designed to create and produce a race of soul-less satanic creatures.

goTo effect their Great Work, to transform and transmute the world and humanity into the “new soul-less creature,” heaven and earth must be destroyed, crushed, and thoroughly converted into a new paradigm. In essence, heaven and earth are to become hell. The will of Satan shall be done on Earth as it is in hell. This is the exalted, “Royal Secret.”[4]

Luciferian Albert Pike of the Knights of the Golden Circle, the former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite taught that out of the ongoing universal motion of the conflict of OPPOSITES, a potent and magical force could be created or energized, so powerful that,

“a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.” [5]

Cosby has the IMAGE of America’s idea heavenly FATHER.




Bill Cosby, DEVIL and Mr. Devlin

Cosby has the IMAGE of innocent FUN and GOODNESS.


He is Diabolical EVIL.


Cosby has the IMAGE of a MORTAL.


He is the UNDEAD.


Cosby’s 1990 Universal Studio film, Ghost Dad, directed by Sidney Poitier plot centers on SATAN. Lucifer had been the cause of his mortal death. He returned from the dead as a Ghost. In the movie, Cosby declared, “I AM SATAN.”[6]


Cosby’s true motives are hidden behind his SYMBOLS. The Fraternal Order of the Sons and Daughters of Shaka from the 1975 Warner Bros. film, Lets Do it Again, is indeed fictional, but the Satanic theme of the film is the same, and number and symbols below Cosby’s Pineal Gland (THRID EYE) are real.


The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of NUMBER 11


The NUMBER 11 at the pyramid apex of Cosby’s Fez is the number most important to the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.  Crowley was a member of the Satanic-Occult group in England, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. According to its demonic teachings, the NUMBER 11 has Occult Powers and Mystic Virtue:  “Upon the Number Eleven. This seems to have been the type of number with a evil reputation among all peoples… [E]leven is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect; with the Ten Sephiroth they contrasted the Eleven Averse Sephiroth, symbols of destruction, violence, defeat, and death.”

The Great BEAST wrote about the NUMBER 11 frequently, and emphasized it’s significance: “Firstly”, 11 is the number of Magick in itself. It is therefore suitable to all types of operation.  “Secondly”, it is the sacred number par excellence of the new Aeon.  As it is written in the Book of the Law: …11, as all their numbers who are of us.” Crowley‘s infamous phase “Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law” (which he considered the dictum of the New Age), has eleven (11) words and eleven (11) syllables. [7]

The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of the MASONIC PYRAMID


The PYRAMID and the “Eye of Horus” on the back of the dollar bill are ILLUMANTI symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form based on the holiness of the NUMBER 3 to the ancient mystery religions (it, not 6, is considered the most spiritual number), and Freemasonry has perverted the pyramid to represent a structure used specifically to call up the demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.

The Occult Power and Mystic Virtue of the MASONIC ALL SEEING EYE



Cosby is usually extremely very careful and coy about displaying ILLUMINATI ALL SEEING EYE Symbolism publicly, but this is Cosby early in his career. Lets Do it Again central theme involves the clandestine use of HYPNOTISM. In the film, lodge brother, Sidney Poitier is a MASONIC MASTER HYPNOTIST that creates a Manchurian Candidate boxer to rig a boxing match to win a substantial amount of prize money to save their lodge from foreclosure. [8]


The All-Seeing Eye on Poitier and Cosby’s Masonic fez is used to represent the planet Sirius. Sirius is important to the Hermetic magicians, and some mind control programmers are deeply into hermetic magic. SATAN is said to come from Draco or Sirius, esp. the Dog Star Canis Major. Masonic Programming may well have the “blazing star” portrayed in the programming as a pentagram, with the name Sirius. Sirius may represent the Master, the creator of the system in some systems where the programmer is steeped in MASONIC PHILOSOPHY.[9] Cosby’s Lets Do it Again also shows without a shadow of a doubt that he was aware before 1975 of the use of HYPNOTISM to destroy individual free will within the framework of Satanic and Masonic Mysticism.

It would be interesting to know who the HYPNOTISM film set technical advisor had been, William Joseph Bryan (Manchurian Candidate, Sirhan Sirhan) or William Henry Cosby, Jr.? Bryan wasn’t suicided until 1977 two years after Lets Do it Again had been released.[10]

SATAN SWINGS: Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr.


Of all the people of HollyWeird in Bill Cosby’s young television- film career-


he developed an unholy bond and decided to SWING with a notorious SATANIST- Sammy Davis, Jr.


1954- Sammy Davis, Jr. and Marilyn Monroe (How to Marry a Millionaire)

In the public eyes, Davis was a little harmless carefree driving force of individual artistic freedom while on the hidden side- he was a high level ILLUMINATI Negro whore also connected hand in hand to the Black Hand- the MAFIA. Davis was also a covert master of deceptions, duality and ILLUSIONS.  It remains forbidden knowledge which Masonic lodge Davis or Cosby belonged to, and when they were first initiated into freemasonry. However, we are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that Davis was a Freemason.


He was an ultra secret and well established Luciferian 33 degree York Rite Master Mason. At sometime for extraordinary services to the craft, he was promoted to the highest degree of the clandestine York Rite Freemasonry, KNIGHTS OF MALTA. As a clandestine crusading European KNIGHT, he moved among an ultra secret elite global cabal of Olympians, Nazis, and the IMPERIUM.[11] The founding fathers and architects of Project PAPERCLIP and the CIA, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles and Himmler’s SS Puppet GENERAL REINHARD GEHLEN, were among Davis’ covert order of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.[12]


These Negroes aren’t hardly two fun filled loving buffoons. This picture represents an ancient Initiation Rite. Cosby with right foot slightly forward is presenting Davis for entry into another realm of a blood oath fraternal order or cult of ultra secrecy.


This is Queen Khamerernebty- Daughter of the God, Priestess of Djehuty [Thoth], Priestess of Tjazepef, One who sits with Horus, she has her right foot slightly forward initiating her husband, Pharaoh Men-Kau-Re, “Eternal is the Spirit (Ka) of Ra” fifth king of the Fourth Dynasty of Kemet, to the next level to delve into the realm of Gods.[13]

What ILLUMINATI lodge, sect, or cell Cosby initiated Davis into also remains secret and forbidden knowledge. Undoubtedly, they were two of the HollyWeird’s most powerful and diabolical EVIL figures that led the BLACK SATANIC CABAL. This cabal turns out to be much older and more established than you would suspect.


It’s more likely than not that both Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr. initiated a young Michael Jackson into the Occult and the BLACK SATANIC CABAL.


Sammy Davis, Jr. & Michael Jackson- Baphomet- So Above- So Below

Sammy Davis, Jr. & The Lookout Mountain Satanic Cult


In HollyWeird, anywhere there were hot blondes like actresses,  Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, SHARON TATE, naked white women, drugs, booze, orgies, mind control and SATAN-


you can be assured that Cosby and his ultra covert little DEMONIC weasel sidekick, Sammy Davis, Jr. were in on or around the action. And, the body count begins to stack up.


Marilyn Monroe linked to Satanist Anton LaVey’s initial sex kitten programming during the early 1950s was among the first celebrities generally believed to have been subjected to CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control experiments. Through trauma and psychological programming, Monroe became a high level puppet of the shadow elite, even became JFK’s Presidential Model. When Monroe’s programming lost its effect and she started to break down, some argue that she was “thrown off the freedom train” on August 5, 1962, an MK ULTRA term for designating slaves that are killed when they are not useful (and potentially dangerous) to their handlers.[14]


Also during same early 1950s, Sammy Davis, Jr. (Freemasons) and Frank Sinatra (Mafia) had been some of the secret handlers entrusted with the codes, keys and triggers to Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe. In many instances, she had been in company with Davis or Sinatra, when she had been used and abused in numerous high level CIA, presidential, diplomatic and mob “sex parties” and orgies.[15]


Sammy Davis, Jr. & Satanist Jayne Mansfield

Satanist Jayne Mansfield was also associated with Sammy Davis, Jr. through underground Satanic Circles and the CHURCH OF SATAN. On June 29, 1967, her fate was grisly sealed on a dark narrow stretch of road near New Orleans. Her head was fatally severed in a head on collision that the CHUCH OF SATAN believes was the result by one of Anton LaVey’s curses.[16]

On August 8, 1969, HollyWeird’s infamous Hair Stylist of the Stars, JAY SEBRING and SHARON TATE’s fate were sealed among five victims of that infamous grisly Demonic Torture/Slaughter at Satanic (Rosemary’s Baby) film director Roman Polanski’s estate in Laurel Canyon.


The panorama below was taken from Lookout Mountain at the top of Laurel Canyon in 1906.[17]


SHARON TATE was 8 months pregnant when she was slaughtered. Some reports said that she had been hung from the rafters in the living room. She had a noose around her neck, attached to her friend JAY SEBRING. There were four deep stab wounds in her chest and a deep knife wound to her belly killing her unborn.[18] The Satanic blood slaughter at 10050 Cielo Drive, Benedict Canyon just a couple miles to the west of Laurel Canyon was like something out of the 19th century horrors of Jack the Ripper.


Nested in the hills overlooking HollyWeird, Lookout Mountain Laboratory was originally envisioned as a U.S. Air Defense Department center. Built in 1941 and nestled in two-and-a-half secluded acres off what is now Wonderland Park Avenue, the installation was hidden from view and surrounded by an electrified fence.


Marilyn Monroe’s February 8, 1953 Secret Pentagon ID to Lookout Mountain Lab

By 1947 on the eve of Operation PAPERCLIP and formation of the CIA, the facility became a TOP SECRET and clandestine military intelligence fully operational movie studio. HollyWeird’s leading technicians, directors, producers, actors and actresses such as John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe had special U.S. Defense Department secret clearances to work at the facility on undisclosed highly classified projects like something out of the pages of Reich Minister Josef Goebbels’ Department of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.[19]

With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[20] The existence of the facility remained unknown to the general public until the early 1990s when Svali, an ILLUMINATI Defector, stated that the HollyWeird Satanic Cult had a location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control”. No other place has been identified besides this one, Lockout Mountain Laboratory. These training films were undoubtedly also a part of the CIA/MK-ULTRA program.[21]


During the 1960s, international stuff film and pedophile ring fugitive, HollyWierd’s ROMAN POLANSKI had been a leading figure in an extremely dangerous and chilling Hollywood star studded Satanic Coven in Laurel Canyon below and linked to the Lookout Mountain Lab.

Lockout Mountain’s clandestine Satanic (Dark Messiah) HollyWeird Cult was directly involved with the the 1968 CIA assassination of U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy; and Manchurian Candidate MK ULTRA/Satanic murderer, Nazi and pasty Charles Manson.

“Allegedly, on the night before Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination (June 5, 1968), RFK had dinner with director John Frankenheimer and Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon Tate. Frankenheimer was of course the director of the original The Manchurian Candidate and Seven Days In May. John F Kennedy apparently spoke with Frankenheimer about both projects. Technical adviser on The Manchurian Candidate was MK-ULTRA programmer, William Jennings Bryan, who has links to Candy Jones and Sirhan Sirhan (amongst many other notables).”[22]

POLANSKI and SHARON TATE’s Laurel Canyon Coven of Lookout Mountain had also been linked to drug trafficking, mind control child sex slaves, pornography, snuff films, murder, and the Occult and Sex Magik of the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.


Panther Signature: PIG written in Victim’s Blood at the Polanski Mansion

At the beginning, the gristly, senseless and horrific massacre of human beings in Laurel Canyon was laid by law enforcement agencies at the feet of Black Nationalists and Black Panther Party for Self Defense. It was later, they took down the Lookout Mountain – Nazified Mind Controlled Manson Family for the gruesome crimes.[23]


At the absolutely horrendous murder scene, Sammy Davis, Jr.’s Satanic coven leader, SEBRING had been savagely beaten about the face- left eye and nose then repeatedly stabbed in the chest and the back then he was shot in the left lung. However, the fatal stab wound was to the chest that severed the aorta, the main artery in the human body.[24] Sebring’s assassins were no crazed strung out drug addicts. These were professional counterintelligence killers that created the murder scene to appear as if the crimes were committed by demonic dope fiends.


Davis with Marilyn Monroe in “Trance Formation” in front of Strange Symbol Wallpaper

Sammy Davis, Jr. was directly part of the ultra secret Lookout Mountain Satanic Murder Cult of Charles Mansion, Roman Polanski, SHARON TATE, and JAY SEBRING.[25], [26] He was definitely linked to MARILYN MONROE and U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) as a “handler” when she was MK-Sex Kitten programmed on Lookout Mountain.


The little weasel Sammy Davis, Jr. didn’t abandon his Satanic Coven because the thrill and the fun with Dick and Jane were gone. He left the “Coven” because its leader, JAY SEBRING and some of its key grove like SHARON TATE, WOJTEK FRKOWSKI, and ABIGAIL FOLGER had been viciously slaughtered below Lookout Mountain. Whatever his mission had been with the “Coven,” it had been completed.

The CHURCH OF SATAN, Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis, Jr.


For Sammy Davis, Jr., the CHURCH OF SATAN was far from being a groovy 1960s-70s thrill ride or tip toe through the tulips as many would lead you to believe. Satanist Anton LaVey could arguable have been part of a three-ring circus of the church, but U.S. Army Lt. Col. Anthony Aquino, left, was absolutely no sideshow. Lt. Col. Aquino, U.S. Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon authored a significant portion of LaVey’s Satanic Bible. Lt. Col. Aquino is a CIA/MK ULTRA trauma based multiple personality disorder programmer and a “Dark Disciple” of Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler directly connected to the infamous FRANKLIN SCANDAL.

There seems no evidence that Bill Cosby was a members of the church. However, in an odd note, Audrey Quimby author of the book, Sodom, Satan and Sinatra, identified Bill Cosby as a leading member of the CHURCH OF SATAN during the 1960s. In regards to Sammy Davis, Jr., he said that Davis had been introduced to Satanism and the Occult in 1956 by Rex Ingram. There may be some grains of truth in Quimby’s story to be flushed out. However to begin with, there were two HollyWeird Rex Ingrams.[27]

One Rex Ingram (January 15, 1892 – July 21, 1950) was an Irish film director, producer, writer and actor connected to HollyWeird’s silent film industry that had been connected to the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. In 1956, he had been dead for six years.[28] Whereas, the extraordinary black actor, Rex Ingram, was directly professionally linked to Sammy Davis, Jr. In 1959, Ingram and Davis starred in the United Artists film, Anna Lucasta.[29]

Rex Ingram and HollyWeird’s Early Black Satanic Cult


Ingram was born near Cairo, Illinois, on the Mississippi; his father was a steamer fireman on the riverboat Robert E Lee. Ingram graduated from the Northwestern University Medical School in 1919.[30]


In 1943, Rex Ingram starred in all Black cast film, Cabin in the Sky. In a segregated heaven and hell, he presided over colored HELL as “LUCIFER JR.” and also starred as the stereotypical De Lawd in the 1936 Green Pastures,[31] was thus perhaps the only actor besides George Burns to play both God and Satan in HollyWeird film and television industry as if they in themselves are among the “DIVINE” and the “FALLEN ONES” that transcend GOOD and EVIL.[32]


Rex Ingram “De Lawd”

Ingram was the first African American man to be brought into the sphere of influence of the Greek-Hellenized fraternity of scholars by accepting a Phi Beta Kappa Key from Northwestern University.[33] In 1776, the Phi Beta Kappa was founded at the ancient William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia.[34]

Hellenization or Hellenisation is the historical spread of ancient Greek culture and, to a lesser extent, language, over foreign peoples conquered by Greece or brought into its sphere of influence, particularly during the Hellenistic period following the campaigns of Alexander the Great of Macedon.[35]


Apollyon is the BEAST from The Book of Revelation (9:11 & 13:11) Apollyon was also known as Alexander The Great. Historical Records show that Alexander the Great has two different colored eyes – one as dark as the night and one as blue as the sky, a harsh voice and that he was deformed – he had two horns on his head, above. Revelation 13:11 confirms that Alexander The Great is therefore the same person as Apollyon/Halios- the BEAST.

In 1831, a member of the fraternity, Avery Allyn, published a volume, “Ritual of Freemasonry to which is added a Key to Phi Beta Kappa, the Orange and Odd Fellows Societies with Notes.” Allyn attacked the fraternity as foreign- Order of the ILLUMINATI binding its members to an order of Blood Oath Secrecy.[36]

In 1919, Phi Beta Kappa was not a dance class or a dress rehearsal. It was deadly serious. Ingram accepted his key to share in the secrets of the ILLUMINATI, and entered the Gate of the BEAST.

A fully licensed physician with a Key to the Gates of Hell and the ILLUMINATI, Ingram entered HollyWeird where he said that he had been literally discovered on a street corner by the casting (couch) director for the silent film- Tarzan of the Apes (1918).[37]

Ingram was by all accounts a great and well respected HollyWeird actor, but behind the veil, doctor was a very strange man with other strange passions. He had been arrested twice in Harlem on assault charges and had served a brief jail sentence in New Jersey for multiple driving violations.


In 1948, Ingram, 53 years old, pleaded guilty to charges under the Mann Act that he transported a 15-year-old girl from Kansas to New York for “immoral purposes.” He served over nine months in prison before being released on parole from an 18-month sentence. In his Ebony essay, Ingram set out his side of the story, he said that his trouble with the law was the result of a “casual, genuinely warm friendship” with a minor 15 year old white girl. The Negro was a true lover or an unrelenting “soul less” Satanic ILLUMINATI pedophile. I think the latter.[38]


Ingram also shared a quiet but unholy bond with Bill Cosby. Ingram played a prominent role (Dr. Bingham) in Season 1 Episode 11 (Dec. 1, 1965)- I Spy, Weight of World.[39] Cosby also made sure that sure Ingram was part of the popular Bill Cosby Show. Ingram’s last performance before he died in September 1969 was on the Cosby Show.[40]

In the real and cold blood oath secret “soul less” Satanic Circles that only play for keeps, Ingram, Davis and Bill Cosby would have been subservient to an initiated black High Priestess of the Ancient Sethian Order of the Royal Houses of Europe. Both Ingram and Sammy Davis, Jr. would pay homage to her in Anna Lucasta (1958). And Bill Cosby would pay homage to the woman (black SATANIC QUEEN) that “HE WAS INTERESTED IN”– Season 1, Episode 6 (Oct. 20, 1965), I [Bill Cosby] Spy.[41]





[4] Id.

[5] Id.



































