6 06 2017



The Prime Minister of Montenegro said he took no offense to being belligerently shoved aside by Donald J. Drumpf during a photo op at NATO’s new Brussels’ headquarters, calling the push a “harmless situation.”


Well, he should have taken offence. Because, it was no “harmless” act. It was a clear deliberate act of a child like adult ancestrally role playing legendary “Viking” games of aggression. It was an assault, and battery by a LUNATIC.


The statute of Olaf III is located at Torgallmenningen, the main square in Bergen, Norway founded by King Olaf, son of King of Norway, Harald Hardrade (Sigurdsson), the Last Great Viking, in 1070 AD.[1] Drumpf’s maternal forebears, The MacLeods, are descended from the bloodlines of the Kings of Norway, and the “mighty Vikings” from the “town of Bergen, which is the beginning of their history“.[2]


These particular Kings of Norway of the town of Bergen descended from Ruik the Viking. According to the first Russian annals, the Primary Chronicle, Rurik was a Scandinavian “from the tribe of the Rus” whom the people of Novgorod invited in 862 AD to assume rule over them, as they had been unable to govern themselves.  Accompanied by his family and retinue, Rurik settled in Novgorod, and his brothers took control of adjacent regions. The area under their authority came to be called “the land of the Rus” and eventually “Rus”- RUSSIA.[3]

Shambhala & Russian Mystic Nicolas Roerich, Discussed Below

For generations, Russia has been a secret Magical Universe that some say had been part of the mythical and ancient Lands of Shambhala and Hyperborea. Agharti, Agartha, Shangri-la, or, most commonly, Shambhala, some believed it to be a physical, subterranean realm inhabited by an ancient, advanced race, while to others it was a spiritual dimension accessible only to the enlightened.

Russia is a window into the world of secret societies, occult teachers, and subterranean political currents. Keep in mind that the mindset of Putin, Drumpf and Kushner is secretly heavily influenced and embedded in a very strange land of ancient Russian mysticism. This is always kept secret from the people of the democracy. Jared Kushner’s paternal grandmother’s origin is also in the people of Novgorod (Novogroduk), “the land of the Rus.[4],[5]

Ideas and practices drawn from magic and the occult have always been a part of Russian life. In the sixteenth century Tsar Ivan IV consulted magicians and was aware of the occult significance of the precious stones set in his staff. His reign was the culmination of the dream of building a prophetic, religious civilization in the Eastern Christian tradition of Byzantium. Surrounded by secret orders of apocalyptical monks, Ivan saw himself as heir to the Israelite kings and attempted to transform Russian life in accord with his magical view of reality. Ivan was convinced the Russian nation had a special mission to accomplish, nothing short of the redemption of the world.


Infamous Alchemist Dr. John Dee

In 1586, Tsar Boris Godunov offered the huge salary of 2000 English pounds a year, with a house and all provisions free, to John Dee, the English magus and spy master, to enter his service. Dee’s son Dr. Arthur Dee, who like his father was an alchemist and Rosicrucian, went to Moscow to work as a physician. Mikhail Romanov, the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, allegedly ascended the throne with the help of Dr. Arthur Dee and the British Secret Service. Before their rise to power the Romanovs were accused by their enemies of practicing magic and possessing occult powers.


Count of St. Germain

The legendary Count of Saint Germain, described as an alchemist, spy, industrialist, diplomat and Rosicrucian, became involved in several political intrigues in Russia and was, according Nicholas Roerich, ‘a member of the Himalayan brotherhood.’ In 1755 he traveled throughout Eurasia to study occult teachings, and may even have visited Tibet. It is said that while studying occultism in Central Asia the Count was introduced to the secret rites of Tantric sex magic which provided him with a technique to prolong his youth. He also engaged in spying operations against the notorious British India Company. Saint Germain founded two secret societies called the Asiatic Brethren and the Knights of Light. As early as 1780 he warned Marie Antoinette that the French throne was in danger from an international conspiracy of ‘Brothers of the Shadow’. Rumours continued to circulate for many years after his alleged death that Saint Germain was still alive working behind the scenes in European politics or studying occult doctrines in Central Asia.”[6]

Donald J. Drumpf may go down as one of the most evil, divisive, alienating and polarizing U.S. presidents in American History. In the final chapter, he actually may turn out to be one of world’s most polarizing figures in the history of constitutional democratic societies.


Jared Kushner & Another Separate State

Now at this very moment, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is rising on the world stage in Drumpf’s Dark Empire that forms a cloud over the presidency and a diversified citizenry of the United States, and the world. There are no degrees of separation between Kushner and Steve Bannon when it comes to absolute evil, white supremacy and racial bigotry. Kushner is a Zionist, and an extreme religious bigot and isolationist that advocates the blood sacrifice of the global masses of color.




Jared Kushner & Jewish Mysticism- KABBALAH

Before we proceed further, we must have a basic understanding of what the Torah, Zohar and Kabbalah are. It is necessary and important to understand their basics, because at this moment in history- the U.S. government clandestinely swing in their wind.


The English word “Torah” comes from the Hebrew word toh·rahʹ, which can be translated as “instruction,” “teaching,” or “law.” (Proverbs 1:8; 3:1l; 28:4). Toh·rahʹ often refers to the first five books of the Bible—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These are also called the Pentateuch, from a Greek word meaning “fivefold volume.” The Torah was written by Moses, so it is called “the book of the Law of Moses.” (Joshua 8:31; Nehemiah 8:1).[7]

According to rabbinic tradition, all of the teachings found in the Torah, both written and oral, were given by God through the prophet Moses, some at Mount Sinai and others at Tabernacle, and all the teachings were written down by Moses, which resulted in the Torah that exists today. According to the Midrash, the Torah was created prior to the creation of the world, and was used as the blueprint for Creation.

A majority of Biblical scholars believe that the written books were a product of the Babylonian captivity (600 BC), based on earlier written and oral traditions, which could only have arisen from separate communities within ancient Israel, and that it was completed by the period of Achaemenid rule (400 BC). The 1979 discovery of fragments of the Hebrew Bible (Priestly Blessing from the Book of Numbers) at Ketef Hinnom (southwest of the Old City of Jerusalem, adjacent to St. Andrew’s Church) dating to the late 7th century BC, and thus to before the Babylonian captivity, is the oldest evidence of elements of the Torah which were current before the Babylonian exile.[8]


The Zohar (“Splendor” or “Radiance“) is a set of twenty-three books, a commentary on biblical and spiritual matters in the form of conversations among spiritual masters. The Zohar is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah. It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah (the five books of Moses) and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology.[9]

In November 2016, as presidential candidate Donald J. Drumpf spent his weekend barnstorming swing states and rallying crowds to his cause, his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, a key campaign adviser, teamed up to seek support and a blessing from a higher power from a different state.[10]


Jared Kushner, Ivanka Drumpf & the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe

Members of Chabad-Lubavitch are divided into two categories: The “Elokists” and the “Mishichists“. Elokists believe that the Rebbe is God, while Mishichists believe the Rebbe is the Messiah. Well, Jared and Ivanka must be among the Elokists, because they certainly didn’t pray to God or Jesus to answer their prayers.  In New York City over ShabbatIvanka and Jared were spotted on Saturday night at the site of the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens, NY.


Saturn Devouring His Son

The Holy Sabbath is actually the worship of the planet Saturn. If you “keep the Sabbath,” then you are carrying on the ancient worship of this pagan god. That is why he is worshiped on Saturn’s Day — which today we call “Saturday.”[11] The Witches’ Sabbath or Sabbat is a meeting of those who practice witchcraft, and other old European religious rites.[12]


The site Ivanka and Jared visited is known as “The Ohel” – the Hebrew word for “tent” – and it is the structure build over the grave of the venerated Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, who was buried there alongside his father-in-law in 1994.[13]

It is extremely important that we have some understanding of who these people are disguised as working on behalf of American citizens, but for a totally separate and different state. Drumpf, Ivanka and Jared Kushner are far more dangerous to an open society than anyone can ever imagine.

Rebbe (Hebrew) is a Yiddish word derived from the Hebrew word rabbi, which means “master, teacher, or mentor“. Like the title “rabbi” it refers to teachers of Torah or leaders of Judaism. In common parlance of modern times, the term “The Rebbe” is often used specifically by Hasidim to refer to the leader of their Hasidic movement.[14]

Jared Kushner, Ivanka Drumpf & the Hasidic Movement


Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1698-1700- 1760), founder of Hasidism, in Medzhybizh, Ukraine gave a new phase to Jewish mysticism through the Lurianic Kabbalah on a mass Jewish population basis. Lurianic Kabbalah is a school of Kabbalah named after the Jewish rabbi who developed it: Issac Luria (1534–1572). Lurianic Kabbalah gave a seminal new account of Kabalistic thought that its followers synthesized with, and read into, the earlier Kabbalah of the Zohar that had been disseminated in Medieval circles.[15]

Around the age of twenty-two, Luria became engrossed in the study of the Zohar (a major work of the Kabbalah that had recently been printed for the first time) and adopted the life of a recluse. Retreating to the banks of the Nile for seven years, he secluded himself in an isolated cottage, giving himself up entirely to meditation. He visited his family only on Shabbat. The teaching of the Lurianic Kabbalah is based on the Zohar that during the time of Rabbi Shem Tov during the 18th century was still secret teachings and doctrines.[16]

Hasidic Movement, Torah and Zohar, The Hand and the Glove

There are those who are against me yet they don’t even know me at all. This is as it says in the Zohar when the Torah states that Pharaoh said to the Egyptians, “Let’s outsmart the Jews.” Could it be that he went to each and every citizen to personally relate this message? Rather he inserted it into their hearts.” Rebbe Nachman of Breslov[17]

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810), the great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, revitalized and further expanded the latter’s teachings, amassing a following of thousands in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Poland. In a unique amalgam of Hasidic and Mitnagid (Ashkenazi Hasidic) approaches, Rebbe Nachman emphasized study of both Kabbalah (Zohar) and serious Torah scholarship to his disciples. His teachings also differed from the way other Hasidic groups were developing, as he rejected the idea of hereditary Hasidic dynasties and taught that each Hasid must “search for the tzaddik (‘saintly/righteous person’)” for himself and within himself.[18]

It should be noted that the Sabbateans also based their teachings on the Zohar and Lurianic Kabbalah that are considered part of classical Judaism by Hasidism.[19] It appears that in the Hasidic movement, the Torah and Zohar go hand and glove.


Tov’s Hasidic movement among the masses also raised concerns and fears that it also created secret extreme sects of Kabbalic-Mystical religious fanaticism.


Within the lifetime of Israel Baal Shem Tov, approximately from 1698 until 1760, as well as within the lifetime of his parents in the last third of the 17th century, there occurred a greater number of recorded blood libels than during any other historical period.


According to two contemporary Polish historians Zenon Guldon and Jacek Wijaczka (1977), there were 66 recorded blood libels in the 17th-18th centuries in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.[20]


According to Jacek Wijaczka’s recent article “Ritual Murder Accusations in Poland throughout the 16th to the 18th Centuries“: “Based on recent research we can conclude that during the Early Modern Era, 89 ritual murder accusations and trials took place in Poland (within the borders after the Union of Lublin). This includes 17 in the 16th century, 37 in the 17th century and 35 in the 18th century…In total, at least 11 accusations and ritual murder trials took place in Lithuania, which brings the total to 100 trials within the Polish territories”.[21]


There were many more similar incidents that did not receive mention in the Polish judicial documents but were well attested in contemporary Jewish literature.[22] The first mystical testimony on the public activity of Israel Baal Shem Tov has to do with the blood libels in the forties’ and Fifties’ of the Eighteen Century.[23] Don’t get it all twisted. The bottom line is Jewish Mysticism is an internal part of the Hasidic movement that centers around the Kabbalah of the Zohar. The Zohar is not an old book. Its existence does not seem to precede the Middle Ages. Many of the writings of the Zohar are asserted to be secret ancient writings or compilations of secret ancient writings.

Kabbalah: The Making of the Zohar


Moses de León (c. 1240 – 1305), known in Hebrew as Moshe ben Shem-Tov, was a Spanish rabbi and Kabbalist who is considered the composer, redactor, or scribe of the Zohar. It is a matter of controversy if the Zohar is his own work, or if he committed to writing traditions or manuscripts going back to Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, House of Judah.[24] However, it was Moses de León that complied Jewish treatises, tracts, and published the vast Torah of today in the 13th century.[25]

Rabbi Yohai was a 2nd-century  sage in ancient Israel, said to be active after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE. According to a legend in the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai criticized the Roman government and was forced to go into hiding with his son for thirteen years. They sheltered in a cave (which local tradition places in Peki’in). Next to the mouth of the cave a carob tree sprang up and a spring of fresh water gushed forth. Provided against hunger and thirst they cast off their clothing except during prayers to keep them from wearing out, embedded themselves in the sand up to their necks, and studied the Torah (five books of Moses) all day long. He and his son left the cave when they received a bat qol (divine revelation) saying that the Roman emperor had died and consequently all his decrees were abolished.[26]

Kabbalah: The Zohar, Fallen Angels and King Solomon

The Fallen Angels are wicked or rebellious angels that have been cast out of heaven. God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment. The Zorah of Rabbi Yohai is most likely some of the “supernal wisdom” alleged to have come from Fallen Angels, and King Solomon’s Temple.


God did indeed send down a book to Adam, from which he became acquainted with the supernal wisdom. It later came into the hands of the ‘sons of god’ [i.e., the ‘Fallen Angels,’ of whom Samael was the leader, described in Genesis 6:1-4], the wise of their generation, and whoever was privileged to pursue it could learn from it supernal wisdom.”(The Zohar 1:37b)



The “supernal wisdom” of Kabbalah is related to the Fallen Angels, of whom Samael was the leader, and in whose “Palace“, the early sages “delved“, and into which the Jewish Messiah  Sabbatai Zevi, later “descended.”



Azazel was smitten or “afflicted” by God and expelled to make atonement in the wilderness…”[27]

The concept of Fallen Angels is first found in Judaism among texts of the Second Jewish Holy Temple (516 BCE and 70 AD) related to Rabbi Yohai.  The Second Temple replaced Solomon’s Temple, the First Temple. The Second Temple applied Fallen Angels to Azazel.


Azazel was King Solomon. Solomon or Shiloh is Moses,

” ‘The sceptre shall not depart from Judah nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet’, ‘the sceptre” referring to the Messiah of the house of Judah, and ‘the staff’ to the Messiah of the house of Joseph.’ ‘Until Shiloh cometh’: this is Moses, the numerical value of the two names Shiloh [Schyloh] and Moses [Mosheh] being the same.’ “ (The Zohar, Volume I, Section “Bereshit”).[28]


Kabbalist Samael Weor

At least one Christian Gnostic and Mystic, Samael Aun Weor (March 6, 1917 – December 24, 1977), founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, and lecturer of “The Doctrine of Synthesis’ of All Religions in both their Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects” – found that the Fallen Angel Azazel was identical to King Solomon.[29], [30]

Azazel was King Solomon. Presently, the Bodhisattva of Azazel is fallen; but it is logical that in the near future, that Bodhisattva will rise from the mud of the earth.” (Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor’s Teachings in his Book titled “The Message of Aquarius,” “Chapter XXVI”, “The Seven Angels and the Seven Bowls“).

The English word “cabal” (a secret group of conspirators) is derived from the Hebrew word Kabbalah.[31] Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch is today one of the world’s best known Hasidic movements and is well known for its outreach. It is the largest Hasidic group and Jewish religious organization in the world.


1. Rabbi  Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745–1812), founded the Chabad movement in the town of Liozna. He later moved the movement’s center to the town of Liadi. Rabbi Shneur Zalman was the youngest disciple of Rabbi Dovber of Mezritch, the principal disciple and successor of Rabbi Israel Baal Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism.

2. Rabbi Dovber Schneuri (1773–1827), son of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, led the Chabad movement in the town of Lyubavichi (Lubavitch).

3. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn (1789–1866), a grandson of Rabbi Shneur Zalman and son-in-law of Rabbi Dovber.

4. Rabbi Shmuel Schneersohn (1834–1882), was the seventh and youngest son of Rabbi Menachem Mendel.

5. Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneersohn (1860–1920), Shmuel’s second son, succeeded his father as rebbe.

6. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880–1950), the only son of Sholom Dovber, succeeded his father as rebbe of Chabad.

7. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn (1902–1994),  son-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, and a great-grandson of the third Rebbe of Lubavitch, assumed the title of rebbe one year after his father-in-law’s death. Rabbi Menachem Mendel greatly expanded Chabad’s global network, establishing hundreds of new Chabad centers across the globe. He published many of his own works as well as the works of his predecessors. His teachings are studied regularly by followers of Chabad. He is commonly referred to as “the Lubavitcher Rebbe“, or simply “the Rebbe”. Even after his death, many continue to revere him as the leader of the Chabad movement.[32]


The Zohar is the great medieval Jewish compendium of mysticism, myth, and esoteric teaching. It may be considered the highest expression of Jewish literary imagination in the Middle Ages.[33]

During the presidential transition period leading up to Drumpf’s presidential inauguration, Jared Kushner held a series of meetings with the Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, and the head of a Moscow bank that was under US sanctions. In talks with Kislyak in December 2016, Kushner sought to set up a secure secret line of communication between the Drumpf transition team and Russia — and having those talks take place in Russian diplomatic facilities in the US, essentially concealing their interactions from US government scrutiny that amounts to international ESPIONAGE.[34]

Who exactly is Jared Kushner? In April 2017, Politico Magazine published an article purporting to show long-term links between Kushner, Russian Jewish oligarchs, Drumpf, Putin, and Chabad-Lubavitch.


Kushner run a media outlet that he paid $10 million in cash for in 2006, the New York Observer. Harleen Kahlon was an experienced digital media maven when she was hired by Kushner in 2010 to boost the paper’s digital outreach. Her feelings for Kushner runs deep and may constitute a typical note about his character, “We’re talking about a guy who isn’t particularly bright or hard-working, doesn’t actually know anything, has bought his way into everything ever (with money he got from his criminal father), who is deeply insecure and obsessed with fame (you don’t buy the NYO, marry Ivanka Trump, or constantly talk about the phone calls you get from celebrities if it’s in your nature to ‘shun the spotlight’), and who is basically a shithead.”[35]


Rae Kushner With Joseph Cut from Picture?

Jared is much more than just a moron and a “shithead” secretly combining with control group Masonic Russians. Jared has said, “I am the grandson of Holocaust survivors.” He has described how his grandmother, Rae Kushner, escaped the Nazi ghetto of Novogroduk and made it to the woods, where she joined the partisan resistance Bielski Brigade and met his grandfather, Joseph, who escaped a Polish Nazi labor camp.[36] Novogroduk, was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in the region of Belarus.[37]

From Italy after WWII, Rea and Joseph landed in New York City in 1949. What little that is exposed about Joseph in New York is sarcastic nonsense and disinformation, and why isn’t there public pictures of him?  ” … Joseph Kushner, a Holocaust survivor, was the first in the family to enter the real estate business. Joseph worked construction on several sites in New York before his fear of heights took him to New Jersey, where the buildings were shorter.”[38]

It is highly probable that Rea and Joseph Kushner were Kabbalists, Jewish members and followers of the Chabad-Lubavitch in Lithuania, in the region of Belarus. They certainly would have been followers of the 6th and 7th Rebbes, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn.


The Super Hidden Hand Elite, Obergruppenführer SS Karl Wolff

During WWII, it was extremely difficult to get travel or resettlement visas to America for Italian Americans and Italians let alone displaced Lithuanians. Italy under Mussolini and Lithuania under Nazi occupation of Adolf Hitler were Axis enemies. In Italy, there were at least a million of Himmler’s SS Waffen knights under Obergruppenführer SS Karl Wolff (Supreme Commander of all SS forces in Italy). In general, Italians constituted “enemy aliens“. In America, thousands of Italian Americans were taken into custody in an initial roundup following the attack on Pearl Harbor on on December 7, 1941, and prior to the United States declaration of war against Italy.[39],[40] Yet, Rea and Joseph Kushner got travel visas from someplace. I have come to realize that Masonic Lodges had also been linked to rat lines out of Italy and Europe. There is firm evidence that the 6th and 7th Rebbes, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn, were directly linked to a secret KBG Masonic Lodge, United Labor Brotherhood (ULB), to be discussed further.

Today, Rea and Joseph Kushner are associated with and named for Jewish Orthodox educational institutions, Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School / Yeshivat HaTichonit Beit Yosef (four-year private high school) in Livingston, New Jersey, and the affiliated Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, Staten Island, NY.[41] They are Jewish educational institutions associated with Torah Umesorah (Partner in the Teaching of the Torah).[42] The Kushner’s sons Murray and Charles sit on the board of the directors of the RABBINICAL COLLEGE OF AMERICA, Headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch in the State of New Jersey.[43]


Charles Kushner is the father of Jared Kushner. He is a Zionist, crooked, conniving, and convicted ex-felon (Asset of the Mossad), and an extremely close personal confident of the Satanic Israeli war criminal, Freemason Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu. There is a very strong suggestion that Joseph Kushner soon after he got off the boat in New York City in 1949 immediately became tied into Fred Drumpf, and Abraham (Bunny)- Samuel H. Lindenbaum’s KabbalahChabad – Lubavitch circle. The Lindenbaums were fervent supporters of the Lubavitch movement and the Educational Institute Oholei Torah [Zohar], the Flagship school of Chabad – Lubavitch.[44]


Welcome to America,1929, Russian OGPU Operative 6th Rebbe Rabbi Yitzchak & NY Police Honor Guard

In 1929, and 1940, before the Kushner’s arrived in New York City, the 6th Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (Joseph Isaac) Schneerson), setup a communal (Masonic United Labor Brotherhood (ULB)) lodge/infrastructure on Eastern Parkway in the Crowns Height section not far from the Brooklyn Jewish Center (BJC) founded in 1921. Don’t get it twisted. The ULB was no labor union. The “labor” that they were talking about was about the united “Searchers After the Truth” seeking secret long lostsupernal wisdom“- occult knowledge and mysticism.

Their immediate problem: lots of school age children, no building to house a school. A partnership developed between the BJC and the flagship school of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Educational Institute Oholei Torah [Zohar], to open a school.[45]

Oholei Torah (“Tents of Torah“), properly referred to as Oholei Menachem (“Tents of Menachem“) after the 7th Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. It is the common name of the  Lubavitch schools Educational Institute Oholei Menachem and Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah. It was founded in 1957 by Rabbi Schneerson’s directive. In 1975, the school began renting space for the elementary classes at the BJC at 667 Eastern Parkway, built in 1920. They purchased the building outright in 1982. [46]


Fred Christ Drumpf (1905- 1999) donated the land for the Talmud Torah [Zohar] of Beach Haven Jewish Center and according to estimates the photo was taken almost fifty years ago in 1965 or 1966. Previously, I posted in August 2015 that Fred C. had actually financed the entire center.  “At Beach Haven, Fred C. financed a shul with three classrooms. Shul is a Yiddish word for synagogue. An example of shul is where Jewish people go to worship. The Beach Haven “community consisted mostly of young couples and there were 350 children in the Talmud Torah.”

The reference site for the quote was removed from the internet, but the above recently released newspaper photograph and caption confirm my previously post. HUD investigators found that Scandalous Fred C. pocketed $4,070,000 in the post- WW II Brooklyn 1949 Beach Haven Apartment Complex Project. (Weifeld, Irving, HUD Scandals, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ (1992), pg. 1) That’s a great deal of money in 1949. KiKar Shabbat also recently reported that Fred C. was among the biggest donors of the Ruzhin-Boyan hassidic movement in Jerusalem.[47]


Rebbe Yitzchok Friedman

Yitzchok Friedman (1850 – 11 March 1917) was the founder, first and only Rebbe of the Boyan Hasidic dynasty. He was known as the Pachad Yitzchok (Dread of Isaac).[48] Boyan is a Hasidic dynasty  named after the town of Boiany in Ukraine. The Hasidut is headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel. Boyan is one of the branches of the Ruzhiner dynasty.[49] Rabbi Yisroel Friedman was a direct descendant through the male line of Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch (1704-1772), the main disciple of BAAL SHEM TOV.[50]


Bunny Lindenbaum (1909-1980) was a Masonic orthodox and fanatical Zionist Jew. He was president of the Brooklyn Jewish Community Council, and the Brooklyn Jewish Center (BJC). The BJC was connected directly to United Synagogue of America, the World Zionist Congress, United Jewish Appeal, National Jewish Welfare Board, and the MOSSAD.


Kabbalah Masonic Hasidic Samuel (Sandy) Lindenbaum 

Abramham’s son, Mr. [Samuel] Lindenbaum cultivated a scholar’s knowledge of the Zoning Resolution, the arcane document that governs development in New York. As a result, he was able to bend the resolution to his clients’ will without breaking it. And because his clients were major builders and landowners — among them Harry B. Helmsley, Harry Macklowe, Larry A. Silverstein, Jerry I. Speyer, Leonard Litwin, Steven Roth and Donald J. Trump; the Fishers and Tisches and Rudins and Roses. . .”[51]


The Masonic Lodge that they belong to is unknown. It could chartered or old world. In either case, the very nature of the Lodge is Secrecy- Blood Covenant Secrecy.


MASONS- Putin and Obama

“… binding myself under no less penalty than to have my throat cut across …”

In New York, Joseph Kushner is said to have worked as a construction worker and concurrently as an independent builder. Naturally, as part of his resettlement in New York, he would have come in direct contact with the Masonic brotherhood via Bunny Lindenbaum and his Jewish welfare board. As a construction worker, and a growing wealthy independent builder, he would have joined Fred Drumpf and Lindenbaum’s circle of Colombian Order Tammany Hall corrupt politicians, and Masonic Jewish high rise and public housing builders to become a millionaire.

Thru the secret Masonic brotherhood- local, state, federal politicians, and even the president raided and plundered municipal, state and federal treasuries by creating vast spending pools and measures in public projects designed to create housing and neighborhoods for the public good. In New York, New Jersey and across the U.S., these programs were warped up for the Masonic brotherhood like Christmas presents. The Masonic brotherhood would line up, and skim all the cream off the top of the coffee of the all public financed projects. So, it isn’t surprising that Joseph Kushner straight out of Belarus would end up possessing and passing down a portfolio totaling 4,000 New Jersey apartments to his son, Charles Kushner, almost just the same as Slanderous Fred Drumpf and Donald J. Drumpf.[52]




Putin is a Royal Arch Mason.[53] Royal Arch Masonry is the first order a Master Mason joins in the York Rite usually up to the Third Degree. By all accounts, constitutional Freemasonry in Russia dates back to January 24, 1731, when Captain John Phillips was appointed as the provincial grand master of Russia by the Grand Lodge under the guidance of the “Royal Archof England. However, it appeared that the Russians from the 18th century were more interested in piercing the veil of the Grand Lodge than being subservient to its hierarchy.[54]

kushner026 TRANCE FORMATION- Vladimir Putin

Putin rose up to president of Russia from the lower ranks of the KGB. Allegedly, he had been under British Intelligence MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry ILLUMINATI mind control since 1979, and had been one of their “dispensable and throwaway” operatives within the KGB until 1994.


The British Empire always treated Putin like a nobody non-royal and dispensable agent, when the KBG and a superior “inner circle” Russian Masonic Lodge resisted and broke the British and CIA ultra secret codes and keys of their paranormal projects, and MK ULTRA mind control programs.[55] However, the KGB may have always held the backdoor keys to British and America’s MK ULTRA programming and paranormal programs all alone. It appears that the KGB had been secretly light years ahead of the them in the area of the paranormal and mind control that goes back to the secret Masonic lodges, sects and cells of Alexander Barchenko and the Red Shambhala.



For decades, the Russians that included Czar Nicolas II and Joseph Stalin had been fascinated and preoccupied as “Searchers After the Truth” with the “rule by secret societies,” serving as priestly class in direct communication with the “gods,” meaning the “Ascended Masters of Agartha“, and finding their legendary city that is said to reside in the hollow earth. They believed that there also existed a still more powerful and more holy man… The King of the World in Agharti.[56] The British Empire were very concerned about Russia and Red Shambhala, because the soviets intended to use lost “supernal wisdom” and paranormal power to cut them completely out of Asia (Tibet, Mongolia, Manchuria and China) and the East (India). British Intelligence sent one of secret agents to St. Petersburg, Russia to investigate, the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.



In the middle of Red Shambhala in St. Petersburg was George Gurdjieff.  He was a charismatic hypnotist, carpet trader, Master Freemason and spy, who worked as a Russian secret agent in Tibet during the early part of the twentieth century. Having been in contact with the Bektashi Sufis of Turkey, Gurdjieff put forward the myth of Central Asian Shamanism as the source of the occult tradition.

There has also often been the suggestion that he and Joseph Dzhugashvili, later known as Stalin, met as young students while attending the same seminary in the Caucasus. Gurdjieff’s family records contain information that Stalin lived in his family’s house for a while.  There are also suggestions that Stalin belonged to an occult “eastern brotherhood,” which consisted of Gurdjieff and his followers.”[57]


Nazi Mystics Karl Haushofer & Rudolf Hess

Louis Pauwels, a former student of Gurdjieff, in his book Monsieur Gurdjieff”, asserts that one of the “Searchers After Truth” that Gurdjieff speaks of in his book, Meetings with Remarkeable Men”, was Karl Haushofer who, through his student Rudolf Hess, influenced the development of Adolf Hitler’s geopolitical strategies. Haushofer was also a leading member of the Thule Society, from which evolved the Nazi Party, and which was founded by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, who had studied Kabbalah in Turkey under Bektashi Sufis who were also Master Freemasons of the ancient Turkish Masonic Lodges.

kushner031 Haushofer was supposed to have been with Gurdjieff in Tibet, supposedly advised Haushofer to adopt the swastika. The Thule Society also was to have established contact with secret ancient monastic orders of Tibet through a small colony of Tibetan Buddhists, which was established at Berlin in 1928. According to Pauwels and Bergier, in “The Morning of the Magicians”, the Thule Society sought to make a pact with Shambhala, but only Agarthi agreed to help. Already by 1926, explained Pauwels and Bergier, there were colonies of Hindus and Tibetans in Munich and Berlin, called the Society of Green Men, in astral connection with the Green Dragon Society in Japan, to which Haushofer belonged. The leader of the Society of Green Men was a Tibetan lama, known as “the man with green gloves,” who supposedly visited Hitler frequently and held the keys of Agharti.[58]

Under the influence of Haushofer, Hitler authorized the creation of Heinrich Himmler’s SS Ahnenerbe in 1935, that sponsored expeditions to locate the Aryan forefathers in Shambhala and Agartha. The 1939 expedition was said to have gone to Tibet with the specific purpose of setting up vital radio contact between the Third Reich and the lamas, and the Theological Society’s Madame Blavatsky’s Stanzas of Dzyan were used as a code for all messages between Berlin and Tibet during the War. Pauwels and Bergier argue that Hitler sent the expedition out of his desire to find Agarthi, which he had been made aware of from his relationship with “the man with the green gloves.” However in this game, the Russians were also light years ahead of the Germans, too.


In the 1930s, Henry Agard Wallace, Secretary the US Department of Agriculture also sponsored expeditions into Tibet to find Shambhala and Agartha led by the Russian Nicholas Roerich.[59] Wallace was a Royal Arch Mason that attained the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite. He was the 33rd vice president of the U.S. under President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd degree Freemason.


Many believe that Roerich was the guiding hand behind the placement of America’s Great Seal and the All-Seeing Eye on the dollar bill.


Russian Shambhala Mystic Nicholas Roerich

Many of Henry Wallace’s ideas originated with his guru, the Russian mystic and artist Nicholas Roerich. He was an adventurer/occultist in the tradition of Madame Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley and G. I. Gurdjieff. Roerich spent many years travelling through Nepal and Tibet studying with the lamas in the Buddhist monasteries of those countries. Roerich was searching for the lost city of Shambhala. In esoteric circles Shambhala is the home of the Ascended Masters, Secret Chiefs, or the Great White Brotherhood – the hidden hand behind the formation and guidance of Freemasons, the Sufis, the Knights Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Theosophical Society – both Wallace and Roerich were members of the Theosophical Society, this is how Wallace met his Master.”[60]


Lucifer represents.. Life.. Thought.. Progress.. Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos.. the Serpent, the Savior.” Madame Blavatsky


KGB G. I. Bokii, Kabbalistic Order of the Rose- Croix

In St. Petersburg, Roerich was controlled by Cheka, the Bolshevik Secret Police that was later renamed OGPU, NKVD and eventually Putin’s KBG. The head of the OGPU’sSpecial Department” was G. I. Bokii, a former member of the Luciferian Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix (OKR+C) in St. Petersburg, that may have also included George GurdjieffDuring the Stalinist purge trials, Bokii confessed to having been part of a Masonic lodge in 1909 that had been founded by Gurdjieff and that included Nicholas Roerich and his wife.


Kabbalistic Bokii & Barchenko

Russia is not a free democratic society, so it isn’t possible to be certain of anything. However, we know something about their quest for Red Shambhala, because they opened Pandora’s Box by clandestinely using the Masonic order, secret societies, and other governments like the U.S. to pursue lost “supernal wisdom” and paranormal powers to rule the world.  Russia’s secret involvement in the Occult, Kabbalah and Rosicrucianism by the elite ruling families, religious institutions, military intelligence and royal hierarchical orders have existed since at the very least the 16th century with Dr. John Dee and his son, Dr. Arthur Lee for certain.

In this secret quest, Bokii joined with Aleksandr Barchenko, also a former member of the OKR+C, and former student of GurdjieffBokii was also a member of the Masonic Lodge,  Edinoe Trudovoe Bratstvo (ETB), founded by Barchenko,  primary aim was establishing contact with Shambhala. ETB initiates included numerous other current or former Chekists (Bolshevik Secret Police), British double-agents, and Jewish Kabbalists. The ETB lasted until Stalin attempted to disband in the late 1930s, following charges leveled against Bokii, Barchenko and their associates, that their occult Masonic activities were part for treasonous plots associated with British intelligence in the Far East.[61] This leads us directly to Putin, Donald J. Drumpf and Jareb Kushner. Barchenko’s Masonic Lodge ETB secret initiates included none other than the 6th and 7th Rebbes Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn’s United Labor Brotherhood (ULB) that had been setup by the Kabalistic/Zohar Hasidic Movement in Brooklyn, New York. Jareb Kushner and Ivanka Drumpf are among the secret  imitates of ETB/ULB and the 7th Jewish Messiah, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn that they paid homage to on the eve of the 2016 presidential election.

Barchenko modeled ETB/ULB after George Gurdjieff’s brotherhood, United Labor Commonwealth or Fellowship (ULC). Here is the “ice cream on the cake” if you don’t believe any of this. Future scientist-adventurer and science fiction writer Alexander Barchenko before the October Revolution of 1917, graduated from the classical school in St. Petersburg, studied at the medical faculties at the Kazan and Yuriev (Tartu) University. For a time, he served in the Ministry of Finance and then became a writer. He also studied palmistry, telepathy and parapsychology.

Barchenko was recruited into a special department of the OGPU (Bolshevik Secret Police) led by a hereditary Russian aristocrat, Gleb I. Boki, who was one of the founders of the Gulag. OGPU allocated Barchenko a huge research sum in those days. He received new authorities carte blanche for unlimited access to Russian archives and any information he needed.[62] However, don’t get it twisted. It wasn’t the OGPU and Bokii leading Barchenko. Bokii’s advancement in the Kabalistic Order of the Rose-Croix was approved by none other than Aleksandr Barchenko.

Barchenko’s secret research lab conducted experiments with Buddhist, lamas, shamans, hypnotists, Kabbalists, and all kinds of paranormal and spiritual experts. The goal was to use this knowledge to spearhead the cause of communism- secretly agitate for world dominion of the (Jewish) Kabbalah (the Babylonian derivative of the ‘Ancient Mysteries’) system, by any and all means.



Awaken Hyperborea 

By 1924, Barchenko and Bokii sat in control of the OGPU’s Spetsotdel, or “Special Department.” The Spetsotdel  handled codes and included an elite “7th Section“, which delved into paranormal issues ranging from hypnotism and ESP. The Spetsotdel also guarded the so-called “black dossiers,” the personal files of the Soviet leaders which included sexual kinks and, undoubtedly, any association with things occult. Bokii had practical incentive to pursue paranormal research. Telepathic communication offered a perfect means to send and receive messages from agents abroad. Remote Viewing, later exploited by Himmler’s SS and CIA, offered the ability to spy on enemies without leaving Moscow. Barchenko and Bokii worked to unlock the secrets of hypnotism and mind control. To explore such matters, Bokii and Barchenko setup a special “neuroenergetics” lab within the All-Union Institute for Experimental Medicine.[63]


In the 1920s, Barchenko was listed as an employee of the Scientific and Technical Branch of the All-Union Council of National Economy. He led organized expeditions to areas where there was abnormal phenomena in search of the secrets of influence on the human psyche. The first expedition was equipped in 1921 on the Kola Peninsula. Barchenko believed that the ancient inhabitants of these places, the Hyperboreans, were able to split the atomic nucleus using nuclear energy, opened the airspace and built the first aircraftBarchenko believed that only bearers of the memory of the ancient people, Sami shamans, who lived in the Kola Peninsula, Northwest Russia, had information on the possible whereabouts of HyperboreaBarchenko’s expedition was organized as a task of the Institute for the Study of the Brain, and was adamant that he had found evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. Hyperborea was a mythological civilization that once occupied Shambhala and Atlantis after great earth cataclysms mentioned in Ancient Greek texts.

Donald Drumpf & His God Apollo

According to Ancient Greek legends, the land of the Hyperboreans, the people who had ultra secret knowledge and were close to the gods, was home to Apollo, the personification of the Sun. In Greek mythology, Pythagoras was taught sacred geometry by Apollo, a god who was identified as a resident of Hyperborea. [64],[65]

Awaken Hyperborea- Ivanka & Vril Maiden Maria Orsic

“One of the forces supposedly used in these pre-Flood times was a mysterious energy that the Nazis discovered, called the Vril force. The Vril force, the energy fields studied by Nicola Tesla, and what is now called scalar technology are based on similar theories deriving from of quantum mechanics. Scalar Technology is based on the theory that there is a fourth dimension where powerful energies for destruction or healing on a planetary level can be transferred into our three dimensional reality and change that reality. The Nazi concept of a Vril force is based on the idea that a race of god men came from the stars in ships powered by this force and settled on the legendary island of Thule where they founded the civilization called Hyperborea. Plato believed in the Egyptian legend of Atlantis and Herodotus spoke of the another Egyptian legend of the continent of Hyperborea in the far north. When an ice age supposedly destroyed Hyperborea, this race of god men migrated south and it may be they who created the empire of Atlantis…

Awakening Hyperborea – Adolf Hitler & the SS

The secret occult societies that put Hitler into power were extremely interested in Antarctica beginning in the 1930s. The Vril and Thule societies searched the ancient Tibetan, Indian, and Greek texts. Mixing these legends with Nordic legends of blonde haired blue eyed gods, they came to the conclusion that the Earth is hollow and inhabited within. Ultima Thule is supposed to have been the name of the capital city of the continent of Hyperborea, which was older than Atlantis. According to occult teachings, the Hyperborean’s were the most highly technologically and socially advanced society that existed in the pre-Flood age. When the Flood came the Hyperborean’s dug large tunnels through the Earth’s crust using giant machines and settled under the Himalayas. According to their legends they named their new kingdom Agharta or Agharti and its capital city was Shambhala, which was the legendary paradise on Earth.”[66]

Barchenko allegedly discovered a mysterious hole under the ground that emitted mystical powers. In 1922, in the vicinity of the Sami Saydozera on the Kola Peninsula, Barchenko allegedly found ancient pyramids.[67]


In Leningrad, Soviet Union in 1925, the 6th Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn and Professor Alexander Vasilyevitch Barchenko initiated the 7th Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, into the mystical Satanic Masonic Lodge of ETB- The United Labor Brotherhood. It isn’t certain when Yosef Yitchak sold his soul to Lucifer, and had been initiated into ETB as a clandestine Russian agent- Searcher After the Truth“, but it is certainly admitted that Menachem Mendel was an initiate of Barchenko. From that moment on, Rebbe Menachem Mendel’s was dedicated to the Lucifer, KGB, and Barchenko’s ETB’s search for the lost “Vril Energies” of  Red Shambhala. [68],[69]

Of course, the OGPU and Barchenko’s 7th Section provided the 6th and 7th Rebbes travel visas to Paris, Berlin, and the U.S. As early as 1929, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak entered U.S. to establish ETB in Brooklyn. Immediately after his wedding to the 6th Rebbe Rabbi Yosef  Yitzchak’s eldest daughter, he was off and running on behalf of the KGB. Rabbi Menachem Mendel and his young wife left Warsaw, Poland for Berlin, Germany. At the University of Berlin, he studied physics, geometry, mathematics, engineering, and philosophy. The couple fled to Paris, France in 1933 after the Nazi takeover. In Paris, Rabbi Menachem Mendel was allowed to enter a highly selective, elite and exclusive engineering French institution without credentials to study philosophy, theoretical physics, geometry and mathematics. In Paris, he was also reputed to have enrolled at the Sorbonne (where he studied physics), and at the Polytechnic Institute’s faculty of mechanical engineering.[70]

In the summer of 1940, the Nazis invaded France, the Schneersons managed to flee Paris on one of the last trains to leave before the Germans captured the city. With their Russians visas expired, they were stuck in France under Nazi rule. Immense efforts were being made to bring the Schneersons to America, where the Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak had already settled. In order to arrange the Schneerson’s move to America, supporters dispatched telegrams, placed transat­lantic calls, exerted pressure on the U.S. State Department, and, of course, paid a great deal of money. Eventually the Schneersons did manage to leave France, and reached America via Spain and Portugal.[71] It certainly appears that the Schneersons followed the same Vatican- Office of Strategic Services (OSS) ratlines followed by double Nazi and Soviet spies and assets via Spain and Portugal to enter North and South America.

One of the 20th century’s most guarded and protected secrets are the Russian, German, British, U.S., Chinese, and other militaries’ quest and employment of the ancient occult (advanced abilities in ESP, remote viewing, and telepathy) in war and peace. In America, the (OSS) and U.S. Naval Intelligence were in charge of the WWII’s secret Occult and Paranormal activities and undertakings.

Remarkably very soon after arriving in America on June 23, 1941 during WWII, Rabbi Menachem Mendel out of Italy had to have cleared by the FBI, OSS and Naval Intelligence to be hired by the U.S. Navy as an electrical engineer for an ultra secret project at the Brooklyn Naval Yard. [72],[73] My guess is that the OSS rescued the Schneersons out of France to keep Rabbi Menachem Mendel out of Himmler’s SS hands that were also hot on the trail and pursuit of the “Vril Energies” of Shambhala.

In America, Project Rainbow was an ultra secret experiment in the realm of the paranormal- zero point energy, time travel, anti-gravity, time loops and sacred geometryVril Energy. From October 1920 until May 1923, Nicholas Roerich spent significant amounts of time in Chicago at the University of Chicago.[74] In the 1930’s, Nikola Tesla got involved with a group that was experimenting with moving through the Time/Space continuum. In the early 1930’s, the University of Chicago investigated the possibility of invisibility through the use of electrical magnetic fields.

The Philadelphia Experiment” by Charles Berlitz and William Moore say that “The Philadelphia Experiment” aka Project Rainbow came to being in 1931 when in Chicago a small group of scientists got together to investigate the possibility of de-magnetism of war ships. The team included John Hutchinson, the Dean of the University of Chicago, Dr. Emil Kurtinauor, an Austrian Physicist, and Dr. Nikola Tesla. Tesla was director of Engineering and Research at RCA. at the time. Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt (then Secretary of the Navy) was there, a personal friend of Tesla. The U.S. was having problems with a magnetic mine that the Germans had developed and wanted to investigate the possibility of De-Magnetizing ships.[75]

Project Rainbow started in the Brooklyn Naval Yard, and in 1940, they achieved for the first time full invisibility with a mine sweeper vessel (without any crew). Two Radio Transmitters and one main generator drove a series of four conical coils, generating an intense magnetic field. These oppositely wound coils produced a zero magnetic field – which is a Scalar Field, or what is referred to as a Scalar Value of Zero or the Zero point energy of the Vacuum (VRIL ENERGY).

In 1942, Tesla was given a battleship but he became very concerned when he was told the experiment would contain live crew. He complained about this. It is one thing to make invisible (or time travel) an object like a ship, but people have individual time references. Tesla may have altered the settings on the equipment but what happened when the experiment took place in March 1942 was that nothing happened. Ten (10) months later, Nikola Tesla was found dead in January 1943.[76]

SS Scarface

There is a strong possibility that the SS (Obersturmbannführer Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny) assassinated Tesla before he could compete theVeil of Invisibilityexperiments for the OSS/U.S. Navy. The SS also is alleged to have hijacked his files and records from his safe. I also suspect that Rabbi Menachem Mendel studies in electrical engineering from some of the most elite engineering institutions in Russia, France and Germany since at least 1925 on behalf of EBT/ULB centered around Tesla and Shamblala’s secret Scalar (Vril) Energy. It it very plain and clear that.

In 1925,  he [Barchenko] met and corresponded with Rabbi Menachem Mendel  Schneerson, who assisted him in his research and studies of religious and mystical matters.” It just can’t be any clear than that, folks! Rabbi Menachem Mendel was employed as an electrical engineer with the U.S. Navy at the Brooklyn Naval Yard for about a year until sometime after June 1942. His work was/is labeled as highly “CLASSIFIED” and “TOP SECRET.”[77] Now. You understand, why.




1937-38, Stalin and the KGB Take Red Shambhala UNDERGROUND and CLASSIFIED


In the 1937-38 in the Great Red Purge in Russia, both Barchenko and Bokii were suddenly arrested accused of espionage and terrorist activity. Gleb Ivanovich Bokii was given a summary trial and executed in November of that same year.


Barchenko was also tried, and convicted. On April 25, 1938, he was shot. Stalin and KGB seized all of their books, records, diaries. He seized and sealed all of books, records, diaries of OGPU’sSpetsotdel”, or Special Department, and 7th Section. He closed everything down and classified everything regarding the department that included Brachenko’s  ETB/ULB.


Well, guess who holds the keys to  OGPU’sSpetsotdel”, or Special Department, 7th Section, and Bokii and Barchenko’s books, files, records, diaries?


Guess who possess everything about Barchenko’s ETB/ULB and now control the ultra secret  ETB/ULB Masonic Lodge, and the Hasidic Movement in Brooklyn and New York City (Donald J. Drumpf, Charles Kushner, Jared Kushner, Ivanko Drumpf)?


In 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre as an important collection of ancient Jewish books, the 7th Rebbe’s Schneerson Library was logged into the center.


Putin familiarized himself with the most valuable parts of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s library collection, which contains some 12,000 books and 50,000 rare documents dating from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. Putin maintains that the Schneerson Library is nationalized Russian state property.


You probably won’t find anything in the Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s library in Russia about  OGPU’sSpetsotdel”, Brachenko, Bokii or ETB/ULB.

Pyramid Symbol of the ILLUMINATI and the New SHAMBHALA, Chelsea Clinton & Putin

Putin, the Masonic Order and the KBG are already busy creating America’s next generation of politicians and so-called public servants.


Chelsea Clinton and her Jewish husband, Marc Mezvinsky, are close personal friends of Ivanka and Jared Kushner. No matter whether the next president is named Clinton or Drumpf, a Jewish son-in-law is sure to visit the White House some time before next Rosh Hashanah.

If these Luciferians can’t pull the veil over the eyes of the babies, what more should we be able to SEE with your eyes open!





















[20] Zenon Guldon and Jacek Wijaczka,’ The Accusation of Ritual Murder in Poland, 1500-1800′, Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Vol. 10, Jews in Early Modern Poland (edited by G.D. Hundert), London 1977, pp. 99-140

[21], Jacek Wijaczka, “Ritual Murder Accusations in Poland throughout the 16th to the 18th Centuries”: S. Buttaroni and S. Musial (eds.), Ritual Murder: Legend in European History, Cracow 2003, pp. 208-209.

[22] See: Rachel Elior, Israel Baal Shem Tov and his Contemporaries (in Press) [forthcoming in Hebrew]




[26] Id.


[28] Id.

























































15 05 2017


The Satanic Divine Dragon Bloodline- BLACKS GET OUT!

Former First Lady Michelle Obama, Mariah Carey and Kanye West seem to occupy the same “hole in the floor for black people” made infamously significant by the HollyWeird movie, “GET OUT.” The main character of the popular horror film, “GET OUT“, Chris- asked the question,  “WHY US? WHY BLACK PEOPLE?” Apparently, the “hole in the floor”  is reserved for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidates that sold their SOULS TO THE DEVIL for a few toys and a HAPPY MEAL.

There is a very significant difference and distinction between becoming a black slave to the DRAGON, and being born of the blood of the DRAGON or a Sea Serpent like a Donald J. Drumpf.  That difference and distinction has been made crystal clear to Michelle Obama, Mariah Carey and Kanye West.



After watching President- Select Donald J. Drumpf being sworn in, Barrack and Michelle Obama flew off directly to Palm Springs, Calif. where they stayed at the home of a gay couple, Spanish Ambassador James Costos of the secret Greek Fraternal Order of AHEPA, and his life partner Michael Smith.

But after 2 days of the wild thing with Barrack and his gay friends, Michelle reportedly packed her bags and boarded a private jet and allegedly flew to British Intelligence billionaire Sir Richard Branson’s private Necker Island in the Caribbean — without her husband. Washington insiders whispered for some time that Barrack and Michelle Obama were headed for a messy divorce. It appeared that she finally had enough. They spit up on January 23, 2017 when she boarded that plane and disappeared over the Caribbean Sea. Michelle Obama has been disappeared for almost 4 (four) months and suddenly popped up on APRIL 26, 2017 AT 2:36 PM EDT inside a classic RAINBOW with a Happy Face. All is not well.


Under the Rainbow Colors of the Wonderful Wizard of OZ, Michelle Obama made her first public appearance in “flesh” since leaving the White House announcing her coming personal appearance on May 5, 2017 at a College Signing Day event in conjunction with NICK CANNON and MTV in New York.

NICK CANNON is a Luciferian CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH watcher and controller.






Nick Cannon seems to believe that he is a some type of hypnotist, mesmerizer or more likely a CIA MK ULTRA sex kitten mind control handler and programmer.


Cannon is also a Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) Black Manchurian Candidate that they can spin on a dime.


Nicholas Scott Cannon was born on October 8, 1980, in the U.S. military enclave of San Diego, California. He was raised by his paternal grandparents in California, but spent part of his childhood living in Charlotte, North Carolina with his father, James Cannon, who was a minister. [1]


Nick Cannon- Blind Obedience to the ILLUMINATI & Shadow Government 

2013-2014, Nick Cannon and his Power 106 N’Credible Tour co-stars teamed up with the USO to entertain troops and families based in Germany and Kuwait this spring, playing  all-star basketball games against troops, heating up the stage with musical performances and visiting wounded warriors at Germany’s Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Nick Cannon: “With a grandfather [James Ernest Cannon]who served in the Navy [U.S. Naval Intelligence?] and an aunt who’s a colonel in the Army, Cannon is no stranger to military service. ‘It’s something I feel connected to,’ he said. ‘People always ask me, ‘if I wasn’t an entertainer, what would I have done?’


I probably would have joined the military.’ ”[2]

Nick Cannon is certainty obedient to U.S. military intelligence. He has an ultra secret and complicated CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH military (U.S. Navy) intelligence background from San Diego, CA. His mouth is sealed by a Satanic Blood Oath Covenant.


Fourth of July, 2016, King David (David Geffen), Mariah Carey and James Packer (Wizard of Oz) on Geffen’s Rising Sun, Lucifer– Apollo.[3],[4]

The Wizard of OZ is LUCIFER

James Packer is the chairman of OZbased gaming and entertainment company Crown Limited.[5] He inherited his billions from his grandfather, Sir Douglas Frank Hewson Packer. Sir Packer was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1951. He was knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours of 1959, for services to journalism and the newspaper industry. In the New Year’s Honors of 1971, Sir Packer was promoted within the Order of the British Empire to Knight Commander (KBE), for services to Australia.[6]


Abe Saffron (The Gentle SATAN) was an infamous and powerful Sydney, Australia Jewish Mafia Don and “Vice Lord” between the 1960s and 1990s. Safrron ran (Mossad?) whitemail operations against police, the powerful and politicians. He would provide prominent people with prostitutes, young girls and boys, film them and fix them that way.

The Light-bearer is the Morning Star or Lucifer

Satanist Author Lyman Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, the Royal Historian of OZ,  joined Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s Ramayan Theosophical Society in Chicago on September 4, 1892, having written in the Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer for January 25, 1890 that Theosophists were “Seekers of Truth.


Ancient Occult Brittany Royal Lion and Wizard of Oz 

He [Abe Saffron] had [THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF] OZ media mogul Sir Frank Packer in his pocket by photographing him through his string of brothels with one way mirrors. It’s said he also had Kerry Packer in his pocket and was in fact bringing in heroin into Australia with Mr. Packer in the early eighties through Packers string of cattle stations in the north of Australia.”[7]


The Wonderful Wizards, Kerry & James Packer

Kerry Francis Bullmore Packer’s son was James Packer.[8] King David, and James Packer are part of the global ultra secret British (PIZZAGATE) “Dark [9th] Satanic Circle”.

In April, 2017, they had been the international cover on Geffen’s yacht, Rising Sun- LUCIFER for the reprogramming of Barrack and the kidnapping of Michelle Obama. The Wizard of OZ is LUCIFER.

aaaaaaamichellejames Nick Cannon & Grandfather James Cannon

My Lord! These people are the underbelly of an extremely dangerous global SATANIC CABAL. Nick Cannon knows better than to open his mouth about ANYTHING about Mariah, the (Black) Dark Satanic Circle or the OZ even to save the dignity of his own family! But, his grandfather, James Cannon, Sr., had a lot to say about Mariah Carey, the OZ and his grandson, publicly. He lashed out at Mariah, claiming that she never tried to save their marriage, and even insinuated that she might have been unfaithful with her then fiancé, James Packer- the WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ.[9] He also complained that Mariah held all the chips and bargaining power over their marriage, and how Nick blindly signed whatever papers lawyers shoved in his face.


By May 21, 2016, James Cannon suddenly dropped DEADno cause of death or public obituary was reportedNick and Mariah Carey’s dissolution of marriage became final around November 1, 2016.[10]


Satanic Cult, Mariah, Alison (both psych wards), Morgan Carey (In hiding)

Mariah Carey: sister, Alison, and brother, Morgan, have linked her to ritual sexual abuse by a “Eyes Wide Shut” global Satanic Cabal, and Nick Cannon was only a pawn that helped veil all of her dark secrets and secret links to the Dark Satanic Circle.[11] So, Nick Cannon’s role in the marriage to Mariah Carey should be very clear as a VEIL!

Mind Control and Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse, Mariah Carey & RAINBOWS


I just want one day off when I can go swimming and eat ice cream [brain freeze] and look at RAINBOWS [Wizard of Oz programming], … ‘Mariah Carey’s lost her mind (mind control).’ One week later, she checked into a hospital. ‘I just can’t trust anybody anymore because I don’t understand what’s going on [mind control/alters/amnesia walls].‘ ”Mariah Carey[12]


Mariah Carey, Decades of Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse Has Taken its Toll Again

Sadly, May 9, 2017- Mariah Carey is in a psych ward again reportedly undergoing psychiatric treatment in a hospital after another nervous breakdown; and a suspected suicide attempt. “She’s cracking up. I think she’s going to kill herself,” her mother is quoted as having told police officers before Carey was taken to Westchester North Hospital in New York, where she remains since being checked in as “emotionally disturbed” last week. “She did break some dishes and glasses, and she may have stepped on them.”[13]


In sum total, it isn’t surprising that Michelle Obama’s first public appearance with a contrived and manufactured “happy face” since leaving the White House would be in a “RAINBOW OF COLORS“, it’s indicative of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- The Wonderful Wizard of OZ  mind control programming or re-programming.


“ … [S]omewhere over the rainbow” is the ‘happy place’ dissociative trauma slaves must go to in order to escape the unbearable pain being inflicted upon them. Using the movie, programmers encourage slaves to go “over the rainbow” and dissociate, effectively separating their minds from their bodies.”[14]

Michelle Obama & the Post Production Conspiracy



On May 5, 2017, Michelle Obama, allegedly, accidentally tweeted out a former White House staff member’s phone number, Duncan Wolfe. He was a filmmaker and creative digital strategist for President Barack Obama.However, it may have been a deliberate clue to something else- The Dark Satanic Cabal and the Art of Post-Production Digital Photography to Deceive the Masses!

According to the Chicago native’s Linkedln profile, Wolfe works for ONE at Optimus, a production company based in Chicago.[15] Optimus is a leading production and post-production house. Optimus and its production arm One at Optimus offer a full suite of creative services, including production, color correction, visual effects and design, audio mixing and finishing. ONE was founded by Robert Sargent “Bobby” Shriver III and Sir Bono (MI6). The ONE Campaign is a U.S.-based, non-partisan, non-profit organization which aims to increase U.S. government for and effectiveness of international-aid programs.

Is the above false video evidence of Michelle’s lunch date with Sir Bono on March 10, 2017 in New York part of Wolf’s post- production digital video work? Post-production, the real Michelle was digitally cut and pasted on top of the black female impostor leaving the restaurant.

There was a black female at Sir Bono’s lunch date posting as Michelle Obama, but it wasn’t her. The above black female captured by a camera shot that U.S. Secret Service failed to block is seen hurriedly leaving the restaurant lunch date with Barrack Obama and Sir Bono. It is not and was not Michelle Obama.

 In 2006, Bono and Shriver founded PRODUCT (RED) to fight the Africa AIDS epidemic with two other powerful forces-producers of world-class consumer goods and world-class shoppers. Each time someone buys a (PRODUCT) RED product, up to 50% of the gross profit goes to The Global Fund, which allegedly provides AIDS medicine funding to African countries.[16]

Duncan Wolfe & Sir Bono


Sir Bono, the Red DEVIL

In March 2017, Viscount Rothermere, Daily Mail, and Sir Bono (Knight of the British Empire and the DEVIL’s Servant) of U2 collaborated with MI6 (British Foreign Service) to control mass population propaganda to veil the covert post- White House CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH kidnapping of Michelle Obama.[17]

Duncan Wolfe & Robert Sargent ‘Bobby’ Shriver III


Sir Bono and Robert Shriver

Red is a state of mind, not just a color.” Robert Shriver III[18] Shriver actually wants “red” to be the color of the world.


The Luciferian-Masonic design of “Red” designates the “Divine Love of God.” Shriver’s RED trademark scarf symbol also presents a “Red Mass Rite” or “Ritual Blood Mass” vestment of deception-


drenched in sacrificial blood like something marvelous out of the Book of Revelation, Verse 19:13.


Police on Cape Cod say two men were dealing fentanyl out of a home owned by a family related to the Kennedys. Barnstable police charged Troy Monteiro and Trevor Rose – both 29 – with multiple drug crimes. Records show the Hyannisport property is owned by a limited liability corporation managed by Robert Sargent ‘Bobby’ Shriver III, son of the late Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of late President John F. Kennedy.[19] Allegedly, Prince (Roger Nelson) was assassinated with fentanyl.[20]


Shriver moved to New York, where, with former U.S. Defense Secretary Harold Brown and Sir (Knight) James D. Wolfensohn, he worked in the venture capital partnership of the Wolfensohn firm.[21]


James D. Wolfensohn (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) is a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, and The Order of Australia. The Order of Australia is an order of chivalry established on February 14, 1975 by Queen Elizabeth II.


He is a former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, and ninth president of the World Bank Group.[22]


Harold Brown (Jewish Satanist and Cabbalist of the Bohemian Grove) of the Trilateral Commission is a scientist who served as U.S. Department of Defense Secretary from 1977 to 1981 in the cabinet of President Jimmy Carter.[23] He had previously served in the JFK and Lyndon Johnson administrations as Director of Defense Research and Engineering and Secretary of the Air Force.[24]


Harold Brown, Former Secretary of Defense

Brown served as the Chief Technology Officer for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense on all matters relating to science, technology, research and engineering. [25] Basically, the Chief Technology Officer is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the activities of component organizations of the DoD including the Military Departments and the Defense Agencies, which are responsible for management and execution of programs and projects associated with research and technology broadly, and numerous Component organizations within DoD including: Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR); Army Engineering R&D Center, Army Research Laboratory (ARL); Army Research Office  (ARO); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Office of Naval Research (ONR).[26]

DARPA is attached to an ultra top secret counterinsurgency office, which is highly blood oath classified. DoD’s special projects are kept in the counterinsurgency office to keep its research and development below the radar, while also taking advantage of the agency’s ultra top secret unlimited funding of unconventional warfare that even an U.S. president can’t see.[27] I said this to open the following. If there is anyplace to search for Barrack Obama’s ultra secret and sensitive U.S. military intelligence files, it is DARPA’s Counterinsurgency Office.

Harold Brown inherited a fully implemented and funded Operation PaperclipWerner von Braun , the SS Vision for a “Post-human Renaissance“, and Baby Obama II from Neil S. McElroy, U.S. Secretary of Defense (1957-1959); Thomas S. Gates, Jr., U.S. Secretary of Defense (1959-1961); Dr. Fritz Kraemer, NSC, DoD, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Plans Officer (1948- 70s), and DARPA (ARPA) Director, U.S. Army BG Austin Betts (1959-1961).

U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Austin Wortham “Cy” Betts, abovewas an engineer for the covert Fourteenth Air Force under Air Force Major General Claire Chennault in the Burma-China, India TheaterChennault was a deep rabbit hole.  With the U.S. entry into World War II against the Empire of Japan in December 1941,  Chennault, the commander of the Flying Tigers of the Chinese Air Force, was formed to covertly aid Chiang Kai-shek, and his wife, Madame Chiang Kai-shek’s regime combat organization in China. Chennault also had a far greater covert mission- keep the flow of Heroin out of Burma open during the war.  In 1953, Allen Dulles as the newly appointed Director of the CIA arranged for Chenaults’ Civil Air Transport (Flying Tigers) pilots to covertly  work for him.

After V-J Day, September 2, 1945, the formal surrender of Japan, Betts was assigned to the ultra top secret Manhattan District Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory that helped develop the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. General Betts worked with Lieutenant Colonel Boris T. Pash on the ultra secret Alsos Mission.  Pash was the chief U.S. Army intelligence officer in the World War II Manhattan Project (atomic bomb) and the Alsos Mission. The Alsos Mission was an organized effort by a team of U.S. military, scientific, and intelligence personnel to discover and recruit enemy scientists, particularly Himmler’s SS scientists. Its chief focus was on the Nazi-SS nuclear energy project, but it also investigated both chemical and biological SS weapons and the means to deliver them.

As Lieutenant General, Betts worked directly with Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun Peenemünde  rocket team led by Allgemeine SS Sturmbannführer  Werner von Braun smuggled out of Austria in the covert operation, Project PAPERCLIP. Betts had also covertly covered SS-Nazis, Gehlen Org, and Project PAPERCLIP through the USAREUR G3-  U.S. Army Europe (Command and ControlHeadquarters; now in  Wiesbaden, German.

At sometime before 1947, SSHauptsturmführer Josef Mengele had been captured or surrendered to the 430th U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC) in Vienna, Austria. The decision to covertly smuggle Dr. Mengele out of Vienna thru a secret U.S. military intelligence ratline had to have come down from the top- U.S. Army America-Europe Command and Control Headquarters in Germany.

Werner von Braun and Himmler’s V-2 Peenemünde  rocket team was smuggled to Fort Bliss, Texas to work on the Pentagon’s emerging guided missile program. There, Austin Betts served as SS von Braun and the rocket team’s (Nike Zeus) NIKEX System Manager. Betts provided them all the secret cover, funds and resources that the SS needed to set them up in America, and fleece the taxpayers in NASA’s Great American Lunar Landing Hoax.

By 1957, Dr. Fritz G.A. Kraemer of the National Security Council (NSC), and Special Adviser for Political-Military Affairs in the Office of the Director of the Army Staff, and Plans Officer for the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army had literally taken over the entire Pentagon. The odd things about Dr. Kraemer are (1) he came out of Nazi Germany (2) in 1945 just after the fall of the Third Reich, he just happened to be stationed with Henry Kissinger at Camp Oberammergau, Germany with the Gehlen Org, SS Werner von Braun, Peenemünde rocket team, and Hitler’s chief strategist and war criminal-  Waffen SS Bridgadefuhrer Fritz Kraemer.

Nazi General Fritz Kraemer, Prisoner No. 33, disappeared from the rolls of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and the other U.S. Army Lt. Fritz Kraemer appeared in Washington DC at the U.S. Pentagon as its chief strategistplans officer.” The Great Mae Brussell, and many others believe that they were one and the same person.

The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the agency was created in February 1958 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower (controlled by Nazi collaborator,  Prescott Bush) in response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik I in 1957. Since its inception, the agency’s mission is ensuring that the United States avoids further technological surprise. When NASA was established later in 1958 all space projects and most of ARPA’s funding were transferred to it. ARPA was repurposed to do “high-risk,” “high-gain,” the “far out” basic research.

In 1959, Betts became director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the agency’s only military director. In 1961, he was assigned to the Atomic Energy Commission as director of military appli­cations as a major general, completing the circle that began at Los Alamos.

In 1962, the DoD set up the Office for Behavioral Sciences and Command & Control Research in the ARPA, Lick became its first director and stayed there until 1964. He renamed the office as the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO); its budget surpassed the sum of all other federal funding agencies’ budgets for the computing field of the time.

In 1957, Lick left MIT where General Betts attended engineering school to become head of the departments of psychoacoustics, engineering psychology, and information systems at Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc. (BBN) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 1957, the DoD and ARPA had been very familiar with Lick’s far out” research and development.  BBN had been a primary major contractor of ARPA were Lick horned “advanced human-computer interaction.”

NASA was nothing more than Himmler’s V-2 Peenemünde  rocket team relocated, and ARPA was no more than an extension of his SS Weapons Research and Development Department with a changed venue fully funded by the American taxpayers with multi-million dollars, on top of a concealed “white budget” that even the president, the highest elected officer of the U.S. can’t see.

Major General Austin Betts was central part of the corrupt clandestineinner circle” of the “inner circle” of the Shadow Government, and the Satanic New Order. Behind the Veil, Hitler’s chief strategist, SS Waffen General Kraemer in the DoD, and Major General Betts in DoD’s proponent DARPA (ARPA) provided the clandestine cover, power, infinite support, unlimited funding and sources for the underground Third Reich and the SS to continue its “far out” racialist pseudo scientific alchemist- Satanic principled research and development like something out of the “Outer Limits” and “Twilight Zone” to create a race of man-computer machines.

The bottom line is that Dr. Mengele was a deep cover agent of the SS Gehlen Org’s twisted sister, the CIA. He moved freely moved in and out of the U.S., Canada, and South America. He fell off the map from 1960 to 1962, with the infamous May 13, 1960 capture of international war criminal SS Adolf Eichmann in Argentina, and the start of ARPA’s secret Trans-human Baby Obama II Project in Hawaii. DrLick had the computer technology, vision, and Dr. Mengele had the human clone the Boy from Brazil.

 Under these circumstances and with type of players, Michelle Obama’s life doesn’t amount to a wooden nickle if she continues to be a threat to blowing Barrack Obama’s cover.




“Ann Soetoro (Stanley Ann Dunham) is listed in the East-West Center directory of grantees in 1976-77 (with her photo on the same page as mine), but I never see any of the stories mention her involvement with the EWC.”[28] In 1964, Ann Dunham filed for divorce from Barack Obama, Sr. that may never had an actual sexual relationship with Dunham. She allegedly fell in love with a fellow foreign student, Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia. Soetoro met Ann Dunham in 1963 at the East-West Center while both were students at the University of Hawaii.[29]


Dr. Joseph C.R. Licklier- the “Lick”

During the 1960’s, DARPA (ARPA) was led by behavioral psychologist, Dr. Joseph Carl Robert Licklier (1915- 1990) known simply as J. C. R. or “Lick“. He was an American psychologist and computer scientist who is considered one of the most important figures in computer science and general computer history. He has been called “computing’s Johnny Appleseed“, for planting the seeds of computing in the digital age. The “Man-Machine System for Thinking” had been his pet project since 1957.

He was among the core group of Macy Conference cyberneticists with OSS/CIA anthropologist, Dr. Gregory Bateson, that developed cybernetics for military-industrial applications.[30] While heading the Command and Control Research division of DARPA in 1960, Licklier wrote an explosive and startling paper titled, Man-Computer Symbiosis:

The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today…That hope would take form in such later projects as DARPA’s Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer “dyads [twofold],” and the sterile vision for a “Posthuman Renaissance,” where ‘there are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism.‘ ” [68]


SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Braun and SS

Under Licklier, DARPA disbursed millions of dollars to a wide range of computer and artificial intelligence research centers. DAPRA and NASA (Himmler’s Allgemeine SS) had been locked in partnership since the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik I in October of 1957, and the inception of NASA under SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Brun.[31] One of its secret intelligence research centers was the U.S. military instrumentHawaii University.

But, it was a much more deeper secret rabbit hole than that with Himmler’s SS. One of few men alive in 1960 that was actually involved in implementing an clandestine “Post-human Renaissance” was Knight of the Black SunSS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) Dr. Josef Mengele. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Dr. Mengele was captured or handed over by SS Baron Otto von Bolshswing to U.S. military counterintelligence, and  OSS Officer Allen Dulles (CIA Director 1953) in 1945 for Cold  War recruitment and employment as a high level member of the Gehlen OrgDr. Mengele became an essential part of the clandestine “inner circle” of  Allen Dulles’ Operation PAPERCLIP and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH since their inception.

Erin Rothschild of the Rothschild Financial Dynasty talked about being secretly raised from infancy by Dr. Josef Mengele as her grandfather figure, and the Satanic ritual abuse she suffered.  She also talked about test tube babies and reluctantly briefly mentioned Barrack Obama as also being part of Dr. Mengele’s secret “test tube baby?” circle and the “Rothschild Plan“.


VP Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles Had Been Co-CEOs of the JFK Assassination

In 1959, the corrupt low down and dirty U.S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson (D-TX), member of  the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA),  proposed the creation of an international university in Hawaii to provide for a clandestine cold war military intelligence instrument of “cultural and technical interchange between East and West.” On May 14, 1960, President Eisenhower signed the Mutual Security Act of 1960 which authorized the creation of a Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West (East–West Center) at the University of Hawaii, and on August 31, 1960, signed the Department of State Appropriation Act, 1961, which appropriated $10 million for the Center (including $8.2 million in capital spending for six new buildings), and on September 30, 1961, President Kennedy signed Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1962, which appropriated an additional $3.3 million for the Center.[32]


Nazi collaborator and Luciferian Masonic Grand Master President Harry Truman’s 1951 Mutual Security Act omnibus legislative enactment covered special clandestine “anticommunist” military aid, developmental aid, technical assistance, and a contingency fund. Over the years, military assistance under the Act has been provided to more than forty countries, and in most, if not all of these arrangements, the CIA, Gehlen Org, and U.S. Special Forces had been a key special secret factor.[33] A special Presidential committee had been formed early in 1959 to study “Training Under the Mutual Security Program” and to “provide instruction [to recipient countries] in concepts or doctrine governing the employment of the military instrument, in peace and in war.”[34] In other words, this committee was layed it right on the line that the Government should be stepping into the Mutual Security program with “military” training, including the development of paramilitary capability in the recipient nations. The only way this could be carried out would be to mount clandestine operations in every country where this was to apply.[35] The East–West Center was developed 1959-60 under the Mutual Security Act to develop a clandestine military and intelligence instrument. And, it appears that Dr. Gregory Bateson of the CIA helped develop the East–West Center from its inception.[36]


According to files recently discovered in the CIA archives, the University of Hawaii (East-West Center) not only served as one of the CIA’s and director Richard Helms’ top five research campuses for “behavioral sciences” from 1966 to 1973.[37] So, it should be no surprise the area of secret research and development of the CIA, DAPRA/NASA, Licklier, and Dr. Bateson at the East-West Center, to create a “soldier-computer dyad where is little or no noticeable “demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism”,  turns up prominently in the early background of Barack Hussein Obama, an experimental human Cyborg.

Out of everyone in the world, SS Dr. Josef Mengele and the underground SS Knights of the Black Sun had been the most secretive, treacherous and satanic forces to conceive of a diabolical plan to create from birth a race of subservient mind controlled trans-human cyborgs to deceive, confuse and control the world.Dr. Mengele disappeared during the time of conception and birth of Baby Obama II. During that time, Dr. Mengele was secretly deeply involved in clandestine artificial insemination in human beings.

After being held as a prisoner of war in Russia, esteemed world renown reproduction scientist and specialist, SS-Gruppenführer Dr. Carl Clauberg,  opened a gynecology and human reproduction clinic in West Germany to exploit the knowledge he obtained from his secret SS concentration camp  human medical experimental research and development in field of reproduction, artificial insemination and abortions. He suddenly turned up dead in 1957 leaving his concentration camp SS assistant- Himmler’s secret personal deputized Dr. Josef Mengele as the world’s most foremost authority in artificial insemination. Dr. Clauberg thought that fat meat wasn’t greasy, he must have thought Himmler and SS was dead.

The secret program to create a race of mind controlled trans- human cyborgs to control the world (J.C.R. Licklier’s PROJECT CAMELOT) at the University of Hawaii was so classified, sensitive and ultra secret that Rev. James Jones of the Peoples Temple was brought into Hawaii as part of a special CIA clean-up team after the birth of Barrack Hussein Obama.

Jon Lodeesenthe super-ultra cold war specialist and sensitive Russian Embassy Secretary was Jim Jones’ secret CIA handler. In 1961, Lodeesen sent Rev. Jones on an urgent assignment in Hawaii. Jones’s whereabouts from 10/61 until 4/62 is unknown and his U.S. Passport for that period is conveniently unaccounted for. Jones’ U.S. Passport #0111788 is accounted for, but it was issued in his name at Indianapolis on January 30, 1962 well after and during his presence in Cuba and Hawaii.  From October 6, 1961 to April 1962, Jim Jones whereabouts is secret, which covers Obama Sr.’s sensitive presence at the University of Hawaii, and within days of Stanley Ann Dunham suddenly resurfacing at the University of Washington in Seattle. In fact, how Stanley Ann and Baby Obama II got to Seattle, WA in August 1961 is an absolute mystery.

CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones, Peoples Temple

At least one source placed Rev. Jim Jones in Hawaii in October 1961 most likely at the University of Hawaii (UH) with Barrack Obama, Sr., “On what would become a two-year sojourn, Jones made his first stop in Honolulu, where he explored a job as a university chaplain… At least one other source place both Lodeesen and Jones in Hawaii from 1961 to 1962 working with the CIA station in Honolulu. By Lodeesen being established as one of Jim Jones’ primary CIA handlers, we get a clear understanding of what his mission would have been in Hawaii- that is a stay behind psychological subversive intelligence activity. Jim Jones would have clandestinely moved about UH closely monitoring, silencing rumors and quashing gossip and information about Obama, Sr., Stanley Ann and Baby Obama II.

When Baby Obama II and Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii in 1962, Dr. Mengele was exposed by Argentine historian Jorge Camarasa to have been  involved in  artificially (medical insemination) creating the master race of blond haired, blue eyed Aryans in twins by the dozens in Candido Godoi, Paraguay. The SS great classified works involve the “Satanic Principal” of opposites, that is if Dr. Mengele created a great master race, in duality, he also created a race of subservience. So, Michelle Obama’s so-called mistaken public outing and exposure of Duncan Wolfe, and post-production digital video technology deployment may have been NO mistake after all. IT WAS A TIP OF AN ICEBERG.

On May 05, 2017, the former first lady, did in fact, attend the College Signing Day event at The Public Theater in New York City with Nick Cannon to celebrate high school students pursuing higher education.[38]


5/7/17 Trapped in a Deep Rabbit Hole

On Sunday, May 07, 2017, both Barrack and Michelle Obama personally appeared while accepting the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award. “I also want to thank Michelle Obama for, after the presidency, sticking with me, because I think she felt an obligation to the country to stay on, but once her official duties were over, it wasn’t clear,” Obama said.[39]


That came directly out of the mouth of Barrack Obama not mine, and he didn’t think it was a joke. He looked at her with a shy smile or smirk on his face, but he wasn’t laughing. It was mockingly sarcastic in that Michelle Obama knows far too much about him, and military intelligence sensitive, classified and ultra top secret information. An Obama public divorce and even a legal separation proceeding in Chicago or Washington DC would be extremely messy. Michelle Obama knows enough secrets that have the potential to  blow Barrack Obama’s cover, and destroy the public’s faith in the entire political and governmental system.

If it isn’t absolutely and completely clear to Michelle, she would disappear and sink into the floor, again, until she just plainly turn up DEAD!



KANYE WEST sits in the very same position that Michelle Obama occupy- the DEVIL always collects his part of the BARGAIN. Within a couple of weeks of Kanye resurfacing from beneath the floor in a psych ward, and meeting with the DEVIL’s son, Donald J. Drumpf,  he was spotted out with pink and orange hair that looks like RAINBOW sherbet

Kanye West, Ice Cream (Brain Freeze) & RAINBOWS

Kanye West, for whatever reasons, have attached himself to a doctrine of “Divine Rule.” His Saint Pablo is part of that falsely perceived right of “Divine Rule” of Merovingian origin. For generations, the Merovingian Dragon dynasties have weaved together a complicated web of mythslegends, and conspiracies all to justify their “Divine” right to rule the world. In Kanye’s mind, he believes that he can be one of them. But as a black man, he has not developed neither mythology or cosmology to justify or defend his right to claim “Divine” rule. Yet, the key has always existed right in front of his face. This colonized Negro is not a descendant of Merovingian Origin. He does not belong to the Bloodline of Dragons or Mary Magdalene.  This dreamworld and mis-education is the dilemma and challenge that he faces in attaining “self realization“, and combating sinking into the floor, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control reprogramming.

On November 21, 2016, Kanye West was forcibly taken to UCLA Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation. The hospitalization came after Kanye abruptly cancelled his Saint Pablo Tour, and verbally attacking Jay Z and Beyonce during a Saint Pablo Tour public performance in Sacramento, CA.[40]

They didn’t take Kanye to the psych ward for talking about Jay Z and Beyonce and the ILLUMINATI. That’s old news that they both openly flaunt, plus it involves Black Folk business.


The 12 (twelve) Spoke Sacred Sun Disk of the Holy Land’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Kanye West’s Saint Pablo Black SunThe story behind Kanye and the psych ward is much deeper. Kanye was playing cute little games and mind tricks with his ILLUMINATI/MK ULTRA handlers that Don’t Play Games.


Kanye West- Pablo Picasso Instead of Kha-khaeper-re- “Soul of Re Comes into Being”

Who is Saint Pablo? Kanye says, “Which Pablo? Pablo Picasso? Pablo Escobar, of course. Apostle Paul [Pablo in Spanish]. He really influenced and was the strongest influencer of Christianity. Pablo Escobar was the biggest mover of product and Pablo Picasso is the biggest mover of art. That mix between message, product, and art is The Life of Pablo.”[49]

Pablo Picasso

It is told that one summer, when Chlodio was staying at the seaside with his wife, they went into the sea at midday to bathe; and a beast of Neptune rather like a Quinotaur found her. In the event she was made pregnant, either by the beast or by her husband, and she gave birth to a son called Meroveus, after whom the kings of the Franks were subsequently called the Merovingians (c. AD 736 – 751).”

Quinotaur, Bull, Serpent with Trident Tail

The Quinotaur is extremely ancient. In some myths, it is associated with Greek God Poseidon, and the Bloodline Kings of the Lost Continent of Atlantis.  The Merovingians founder King Meroveus is said to have been the spawn of the “Quinotaur” (a sea monster), that raped his mother when she went out to swim in the ocean. The Merovingian Kings and its Dynasties believe that they are descended from Serpents.

Ancient Merovingian Crown and Serpent

Picasso was born in the ancient city of Magala, Spain. It predates Mary Magdalene by thousands of years. The city was founded in 8th Century BC by the Canaanite trading colony from most likely Magdala, Sea of Galilee, Northern Canaan. In recent years, there have been attempts by several researchers and scholars of Picasso (Melvin Becraft and Mark Harris among them) to link the artist and his work with “occult wisdom”, claiming that much of the symbolism in his paintings is derived from alchemy, Hermetic thought, Gnosticism and other schools of the western “esoteric” tradition.[41] Some of these researchers are even claiming that Picasso may have been initiated into the shadowy Prieure de Sion ( Priory of Sion) that figures prominently in the mystery surrounding Berenger Sauniere and Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France.

Gay Picasso & Jean Cocteau

This is in part due to the fact that Picasso was a contemporary and good friend (homosexual lover?) of the French artist and mystic Jean Cocteau, a reputed Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Indeed, Picasso had been a veiled homosexual. According to some accounts, Cocteau once described his communication with Picasso has almost “telepathic.” The use of the words “telepathic communication” might have been Cocteau’s cryptic way of saying that, as members of a secret society, they were a closed-mouth lot on certain “esoteric” subjects. There are also certain tell-tale symbols that both artists incorporated into their work, such as the BLACK SUN motif and pentagonal geometry.[42]


Pablo Picasso – Minotaur with Dead Mare in front of a [Mithras Worship] Cave, 1936

The insignia of the great Merovingian leader, Saint William de Gellone, cousin of Jean Cocteau, was a pentagram on a blue field, symbolizing Mary Magdalene. The Merovingians were ancestors of the German and Dutch Royal House of Orange. The color orange not only signifies Mary, but the Sun Disk God Aton (Aten). The Atonists and Mary Magdalene Sisterhood were also covert Set and Apophis (DRAGON) worshipers, we see that the fantastical story of King Merovee’s birth, from a queen and sea-monster- DRAGON of Revelation. 

Sol Invictus- Mithras Sacrifice a Bull with the Trident Tail of the Quinataur

Mithraism was a mystery religion centered around God Mithras, who, together with Sol Invictus  (Roman Sun God) were worshiped in secret caves and subterranean chambers  in the 1st – 4th centuries. There is evidence that the early religion of the Merovingians was the Roman Sol Invictus- Mithras.

Pablo Picasso and the Priory of Sion (PON) are all about Saint Mary Magdalene. PON protects Merovingian dynasts because they may be the lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The legendary Holy Grail is simultaneously the womb of Saint Mary Magdalene and the sacred royal bloodline she gave birth to; and the Church tried to kill off all remnants of this bloodline and their supposed guardians, the Cathars and Templars, so popes could hold the Episcopal throne through apostolic succession of Peter without fear of it ever being usurped by an antipope from the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.[43] In Jerusalem, Kanye was exposed to the fact that the Kardasdians were not only part of the secret Jerusalem Guardian Temple Cult Knighthood, but also discovered that they were also secret guardians of the closely guarded Mysteries of the Cult of Mary Magdalene.



Prior to Kanye’s April 2015 pilgrimage to Israel, he had received limited national security and other ILLUMINATI clearances to the Holy Land directly from former CIA Director, fervent Greek Orthodox practitioner, George Tenet.[44]

President Erdogan of Turkey

Tenet may not be the CIA director, but he is a secret power player in the Dark Satanic Cabal, and global affairs. He has a great deal of clandestine control over the Greek Orthodox Church, and the Holy Land. It appears that Tenet played a clandestine role in the July 15, 2016 attempted coup to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey after he agreed to work more closely with Russia and Vladimir Putin on Syria. It is also being alleged that the Greek Orthodox Church had been captured by the CIA, which in turn works for the Satanic New World Order Globalist Agenda.[45]

Fethullah Gülen

Fethullah Gülen and Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul), Bartholomew have been blamed by the Turkish president for the coup plot. In 1999, a Greek Orthodox priest belonging to the Patriarchate, Alexander Karloutsos, helped organize the escape of Gülen from Turkey to the United States together with US diplomats Morton Abramowitz, and CIA agents Graham Fuller and George Fidas.[46] Karloutsos has close links to former CIA boss George Tenet, channels vast sums of money from US Greek billionaires, and other secret sources into the Greek Orthodox church in Istanbul to control it for the CIA via George Tenet.[47]


Father Alexander Karloutsos is one of the members of the American-Israeli lobby in the Constantinople Patriarchate. He controls the secret U.S. money flow to the Greek Orthodox church. Karloutsos maintains close relations with former CIA Director George Tenet, and Fethullah Gülen cooperating and collaborating with U.S. intelligence’s global New World Order objectives.[48]


Holy Land Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre

From the time of the Crusades up until the 19th century, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre had 3 (three custodians) – the Greek Orthodox (Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre)- George Tenet, the Armenian Apostolic (Kardasdians), and the Roman Catholic Churches.[49] Whether Kanye knew or not, these people don’t play!

Jerusalem Cross & Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

The Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre, or the Holy Community of the All-Holy Sepulchre, is an Eastern Orthodox monastic fraternity (order) guarding the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other Christian holy places in the Holy Land founded in its present form during the British Mandate in Palestine (1920- 1948). Headed by the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, the Brotherhood also administers the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, such as metropolitans, archbishops, bishops, archimandrites, hieromonks, heirodeacons, and monks.[50]


April 14, 2016 at 5am, Kanye, Kim and North visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Kanye, Kim and North inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

The Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre was traditionally founded in 313 AD as the Order of the Spoudaeoi (“studious”, “zealous”, “industrious”), or the “Spoudaeoi of the Holy Resurrection of Christ“.


Kanye, Kim and North inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre- Site of the Jesus’ Crucifixion in the Church

The traditional date of foundation corresponds to the Edict of Milan and its legalization of Christianity in the Roman Empire, as well as the foundation of the churches in the Holy Land by Constantine and Saint Helena, which is in turn traditionally dated to 326 AD.


According to findings of contemporary researchers, they were present before 326 AD, organized as an order of ordained clergy during the visit of Saint Helen in Jerusalem.[51]


Kanye West must not have believed that “Fat Meat is Greasy“.  Prior to his homage to Israel and holy land, his CIA and ILLUMINATI handlers cleared him for limited access to Holy Land secrets and temples under a strict blood oath covenant of secrecy.

 On the album, Life of Pablo, West said, “This is a gospel album with a whole lot of cursing on it, but it’s still a gospel album,” he said with a laugh. “It’s the gospel, according to ‘Ye’. It’s not exactly what happened in the Bible, but it’s a story of this idea of Mary Magdalene becoming Mary.” Kanye must have exposed everything he saw and heard in the Holy Land in his raps, then started a world tour as Saint Pablo (Pablo Picasso) one of the past secret leaders of the Cult of Mary Magdalene to publicly spill even more secrets of the Holy Land, Knights Templar, elite Dragon dynasties and Satanic Cabals.

CIA Maestro of Mind Control,Jerusalem Cross & Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre

They compromised him with drugs, seized him, and took him straight to the UCLA Medical Center to erase his memory and implant amnesia barriers. For decades, the UCLA Medical Center has been a cleared clandestine CIA ULTRA/MONARCH medical site. From an August 2013 article, A Clockwork Orange Career, it revealed a lawsuit that had been before the Los Angeles Superior Court in that the University of California at Los Angeles and UCLA Medical Center have, since the early 1980s, attempted to remove psychiatrist Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine- the CIA Maestro of Mind Control, from the roster of the university’s faculty.[52] Since 1969, Dr. Louis West had been chairman of the UCLA Department of Psychiatry. For decades, the CIA and Dr. West had been in charge of the UCLA Medical Center. [53] Dr. West died in 1999.[54]


Kanye West– Before and After MK ULTRA Psych Ward

They, CIA, would like the masses to believe that Kanye West that been involuntary seized and interned at the UCLA Medical Center for a mental exhaustion breakdown. However, Kanye came out of the hospital MK ULTRA “depatterned“- erased memoryforced amnesia.[55] However, there appears to have been a reprogramming breakdown with Kanye, and just like Michelle Obama, he has been disappeared from the public masses.

Kanye and Son Saint- Post-Production Photoshop Cut & Paste

Whoever did this post-production Cut & Paste placed part of Kanye’s foot directly on top of the child’s foot and the left hand Cut & Paste is poorly executed. The Kardashians allege that this picture of Kanye and Saint was taken soon after he was released from the psych ward. This false evidence is designed to minimize, disguise, and veil the sum total effect of Kanye’s true memory loss thru electrical shock machine “depatterning.”  From 1948-49, my father was secretly U.S. NAVY PROJECT CHATTERdepatterned” through Dr. Mengele’s regiment of medical  insulin electrical shock machine torture out of Dachau. It is not a selective memory erasure process. It is total. According to my father’s medical records that I saw before they were stolen, he couldn’t remember such basic things as how to go to the bathroom, sleep, drink a glass of water or even eat food. He had been reduced to a “vegetable state“. He didn’t know who I was. After being severely traumatized by incidents related to him and PROJECT CHATTER, I didn’t know who he was either. The pain was so great that he had to be totally erased from my memory.

Monday, April 17, 2017, Post-Production Cut & Paste Kanye, Kim and Family

On Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017, and Monday, April 17, the Kardashians Tweeted and posted on Instagram post-production Photoshop pictures of Kanye West in a false picture enjoying a normal Easter and the day after with Kim and his family.

The Kardashians allege that these two “BIGFOOT” Easter bunnies are Kanye and Tyga.

The problem with the Kardashian “BIGFOOT” bunny story is that Tyga is no more 5′ 4″ tall not much larger than a shopping bag. Kanye is no taller than 5′ 8″.

 Kylie Jenner, Tyga & Kanye West

BIGFOOT Bunny Tyga is larger and appears somewhat taller or just as tall as BIGFOOT Bunny Kanye. If the Kardashians are lying about BIGFOOT Bunny Tyga, they’re also lying about BIGFOOT Bunny Kanye. Little has been revealed about Kanye’s recovery process since he was released the UCLA Medical Center Psych Ward, but for whatever reasons he and Kim lived in separate homes after his release.

Right Now, Today- Where is Kanye West? The Kardashians are a Satanic Cult beholden to a Covenant of Silence and Secrecy. However, it is now widely reported that he holed up on the top of a Wyoming mountain at a retreat working on a new album.  The Wyoming mountains are sacred and of mythic legend . It is an incredible place and Devils Tower is part of what makes it “like no other place on earth”.  Devils Tower was made famous in modern times by the 1977 movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind“.

Legends such as that from the Kiowa associate the sacred mountains of Wyoming to the seven sisters… and when they ran from the “Great Bear” they hopped upon a great stump that grew into the enormous stump like formation we see today on the NE corner of Wyoming, and that the seven sisters were borne unto the sky and became the stars which now make up the Big Dipper formation. In the ancient Kemet, seven goddesses (Hathor), represented by seven cows, composed the celestial herd that provides the nourishment to her worshipers. This herd is observed in the sky as a group of stars, the Pleiades, close to Aldebaran, the main star in the Taurus constellation. The Occult and the Shamans are not responsible for happened to KANYE. It was CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH. The healing process from intelligence iatrogenicdepatterning” requires love, understanding, time and patience. It will not come from Shamans or a “BAND OF WITCHES“.


Kanye West’s recovery will most importantly require TRUTH, BALANCE and JUSTICE something my Dear Father never received during his LIFETIME.  


































[34] Id.

[35] Id.







[42] Id.





[47] Id.

[48] Id.



[51] Id.



