25 03 2018



The “United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States” was set up under U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975 to investigate the activities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies within the United States. The commission was led by the U.S. Vice PresidentNelson Rockefeller, and is sometimes referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.

The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized CIA MK ULTRA. It also studied issues relating to the JFK Assassination, specifically the head snap as seen in the Zapruder film, and the possible presence of CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis in Dallas, TX.[1] Carefully hidden behind the veil of the Rockefeller Commission were the CIA’s top secret illegal domestic operations and war against Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) in Oakland, CA.[2]

U.S. President Gerald R. Ford was initiated into Freemasonry on September 30, 1949, in Malta Lodge No. 465. (Grand Rapids, Michigan). Subsequently Ford received the degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason in Columbia Lodge No.3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951 respectively. Years later Ford became a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, Northern Jurisdiction.[3]

U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was a Knight of Malta (Knight Templar). He stood at the top of the hierarchical level of Freemasonry.[4]

“The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission.” – Quoted from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper[5]

The Rockefeller Commission led by Freemasons deliberately concealed the CIA’s domestic operations against the BPP.

In June 1966, the CIA director was Richard Helms. The CIA’s secret operations against the BPP were run out of the Office of Security: 

The Director of Security (DOS) is charged with the preparation of the Agency’s security program and with the performance of security inspection functions…” Included among the responsibilities of the DOS was to “Obtain and evaluate through investigation, technical interrogation, and liaison contact with other United States agencies…Approve or Disapprove, from a security standpoint, the employment or utilization of individuals by the Agency, except certain approvals reserved for the Deputy Director (Plans)…Develop and conduct internal counterintelligence programs to detect and prevent hostile penetrations of the Agency through its employees…Furnish security advice and guidance to Agency employees.”[6]

The director of the CIA Office of Security (OS) at that time was Robert L. Bannerman.[7] Bannerman was OS deputy chief under Sheffield Edwards. OS had the responsibility to protect Agency personnel and facilities from compromising situations and unauthorized penetration. OS also performed other, more surreptitious tasks. Its agents were widely regarded as experts in carrying out “black bag” and “clean up” jobs, and were infamous for less sophisticated “hard knuckle” operations.[8]

Since 1948, Edwards had been directly involved in supervising the CIA’s PB/7 program responsible for assassinations, kidnappings, special weapons, drugs, exotic poisons, induced diseases, and other means. BLUEBIRD (Nazi SS) and the secret assassination program ARTICHOKE (Assassinations & Manchurian Candidates) were run out of OS. There is no reason to believe OS suddenly changed its stripes under Bannerman.[9]

The CIA ran two highly classified and secret programs against the Panthers out the basement of the CIA Langley headquarters. OS’ Merrimac Project employed a number of secret black agents to spy on, report on and infiltrate the Panthers. They attended meetings and rallies to identify Panthers and supporters. They had at least 12 (twelve) black agents to photograph Panthers, identify their vehicles and follow them home. The OS developed and maintained a sophisticated and comprehensive data system on the BPP.

OS’ other secret operation against the Panthers was the infamous CHAOS Project.[10] Before the beginning of the Rockefeller Commission, CIA Director, Richard Helms, one of the most dangerous men in America, linked to Operation PAPERCLIP NAZI SS, ARTICHOKE, MK ULTRA/MONARCH, and their undeclared illegal war against the PANTHERS destroyed 150-200 domestic files on the BPP to conceal them from Congress and the public. And, the Knights of Malta and Freemasons on the Rockefeller Commission in 1975 conspired with the CIA to keep their secret illegal war against the Panthers off the books, TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED.[11]

This is what I know. We knew that entities high in the government declared war against us. They told all our friends and family that they were going to kill us or put us in prison for life. We couldn’t land any decent jobs, public or private, because of government interference. However, the most chilling part is that we were warned that we had high level extrajudicial death squads out on streets employed to kill us or make us disappear. That’s why we had strict orders if presented with lethal forceRETURN IT.

In the early formation of the BPP in 1966, a secret Operation Merrimac black CIA agent had in fact made direct contact with me to try to discourage me from continuing to support Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. As far as I know now, I have had U.S Army, Air Force Intelligence, and several secret black CIA/NSA agents and agent provocateurs assigned to befriend me to identify Panthers, elders, friends, family, followers, and any supporters that gave us any aid, support and strength for planned government neutralization operations. Yes, on a personal basis it did seriously affect me mentally and socially, but we moved forward with love for the people, self-defense, self-determination, the 10-Plan, and didn’t back up.




In 1970-1971, a small group of young white teachers with Oakland Unified School District invited me to a business presentation at one of their homes. I was invited to the presentation because the business product proffered to alter the psyche of black children. The business product was “The Sun Man”. A young brother developed a black super hero called the “Sun Man” to booster the self-esteem of black children. I sat down with him for a confidential conversation. I told him that what he proposed to affect the psyche of black children was an ILLUSION.

Merriam-Webster defines ILLUSION as a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality. The magician specializes in creating ILLUSIONS, so that people believe they have seen something when they really haven’t.[53]

Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology heavily studied by the CIA that focuses on the way people process information. It looks at how we process information we receive and how the treatment of this information leads to our responses. In other words, cognitive psychology is interested in what is happening within our minds that links stimulus (input) and response (output).[54]

Perception Stimulus (Input) Processing
 BLACK CHILD   The Greatness Super Hero of Them All  


No Foundation

No History

No Mythology

No Such Hero

ILLUSION, Cognitive Bias and Dissonance.

Mental Error

Cognitive biases are mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies. It is important to distinguish cognitive biases from other forms of bias, such as cultural bias, organizational bias, or bias that results from one’s own self-interest. In other words, a cognitive bias does not result from any emotional or intellectual predisposition toward a certain judgment, but rather from subconscious mental procedures for processing information. Cognitive biases are similar to optical illusions in that the error remains compelling even when one is fully aware of its nature. Awareness of the bias, by itself, does not produce a more accurate perception. Cognitive biases, therefore, are, exceedingly difficult to overcome.[12]

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.[13]


Perception Stimulus (Input)





Hercules is a Roman Hero and God. He was the Son of Zeus (Roman equivalent Jupiter). In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his Super Strength.


Global Super Hero, Super Hero of Greek and Roman Mythology, Validation of Human Worthiness and Divine Origin

I tried to explain to the young brother that “The Sun Man” has “no objective reality” in myth or fact. He was offering black children a black super hero that they don’t have. The Sun Man doesn’t exist in legend, myth or fact. I offered to sit down with him and help develop a real black super hero from legend, mythology or fact that challenges the notions of white supremacy and that we could defend, justify, protect, and win the support of the masses, and the consent and approval of our elders.

Subconsciously, the young man was really seeking the consent and approval of white people offering them a black super hero that wouldn’t offend them or challenge white privileges and white supremacy notions. I never hear from him. The Sun Man died. The Sun Man found life again in 1985. He was copyrighted by Olmec Corporation (Yla Eason) in New York. “For too long, many black children have been unable to enjoy the fantasies of power because they could not identify with superheros who were white.” By 1993, the Sun Man died once more.[14]

So, you may ask why I am talking about the long gone Sun Man in 2018. Walt Disney and Marvel Comics’ “The Black Panther” movie opened five weeks ago in February 2018, and it’s come in No. 1 at the box office for all five of those weeks well into March 2018. There is no difference between the “The Sun Man” black super hero of the 20th century, and “The Black Pantherblack super hero of the 21st century. Both deceive and pacify the masses with the illusions of “fantasies of power”. Both “The Sun Man” and “The Black Panther” black hero do not exist in legend, myth, magic or fact. Neither black hero, “The Sun Man” or “The Black Panther” challenges the status quo, New World Order or global white supremacy, because they are absolutely ILLUSIONARY characters of fantasy black power created by the ILLUMINATI and the New World Order to negatively affect the psyche of the masses and mislead and Double Bind (insanity without disease) the psyche of the elders, and black children.



Buchenwald concentration camp near Wiemar, Germany was one of the largest on German soil, with one hundred and 30 (thirty) satellite camps and extension units. The name “Buchenwald” was given to the camp by SS I Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler on July 28, 1937. The camp’s name – “Buchenwald” – became a synonym for the Nazi SS crimes against humanity, because it was one of the most bestial. In the early 1970s, they had plans for black and brown students of the Oakland Unified School District that was a “TOUCH OF BUCHENWALD“.

Oakland Public Schools- A Buchenwald Satellite Camp & Diabolical EVIL 

Seething Energies of Lucifer, Master Mason Manley P. Hall

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy. ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ page 48, Manley P Hall, 33rd degree.

Freemasonry reveals itself at a closer approach in its true light, that of a satanic sect. Freemasonry worships LuciferSatan. The higher degrees of masonry are far more secret and diabolical than the general membership. The higher degrees use their influence in all aspects of society to advance in power and control for the furtherance of what they call “the great work“, which is a New World Order.

During the 1960s and early 1970s, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) had been one of the best and most comprehensive free educational systems in the nation and the world. Its athletic department- the Division 1 Oakland Athletic League (OAL) was renowned for producing world class athletes.  Over 70% of the student population of nearly 77,000 was black. However, there was room for much improvement particularly in racial matters. There was a great need of a more diversified staff of educators and school administrators. There was a need to include the black community in the educational decision making process of the schools, because it had risen to demand change and POWER.

What very few people understood was that the secret hierarchical and diabolical Freemasonry stood at the base of POWER in city politics, and the OUSD. In other words, Oakland’s alternative interpretation is “LAND OF THE OAK TREE”.

In July 1968, Dr. Stuart Samuel Phillips, OUSD Superintendent surprised the city with his resignation effective June 30, 1969. Phillips was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason according to the [Satanicritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Knight of the Golden Circle Albert Pike] of the United States. Phillips was slated by President Richard Nixon’s administration to become the Superintendent of the International School of Bangkok Thailand from 1969 to 1975. The international school in Thailand was a U.S. State Department school for children of the CIA, military and intelligence forces massing to assault Vietnam.[15] After Thailand, Phillips became a world traveler. He visited more than 80 countries on 6 continents- CIA.[16] 

The York Rite consists of a series of Degrees and Orders as described below.  York Rite actually begins with the Blue Lodge Degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason).  But, one is not considered to be a “York Rite Mason” until he has taken the Royal Arch series of degrees, following through with the Cryptic Mason degrees, and culminating or completing with the Templar Orders.  When you complete the York Rite series of “degrees” you become a Companion and a Sir Knight.[17]  All Nazi SS Knights of the Black Sun are secret Teutonic KnightsThe Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem.[18]

The Knight Templar Orders are a Christian series (of “degrees”) that makes a masonic brother a member of the Order of the Red Cross, a Knight of Malta and the Mediterranean Pass, and a Knight Templar.  (Among other titles that are included in the process) In many cases US intelligence services consider Masons a reliable mainstay in their secret work.[19]

Allen W. Dulles (Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta, Uncle of Jesuit Avery Dulles). John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic, Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta, Administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University). Richard Helms (Advised by Vatican Knight of Malta James Angleton). William E. Colby (Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta).[20]

On July 4, 1970, Dr. Marcus Albert Foster arrived in Oakland, CA. He had been recruited out of Philadelphia, PA by the CIA, Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, Price-Waterhouse, Freemasons and the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi) to step into the superintendent’s office as part of a special and secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH operation under CIA Director Richard Helms.

Robert W. Blackburn, above, followed Dr. Foster into Oakland as his deputy superintendent. Under the veil, Blackburn ran the daily affairs of the OUSD.[21] He was a former Peace Corps Deputy Director of Somalia (1964–66) stationed at the militarily strategic horn of Africa- Hargeisa, formerly British Somalia. He entered the Peace Corps after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Prior to the assassination, JFK and Peace Corps Director, Sargent Shriver worked hard to keep CIA agents under Deputy Director, Richard Helms, from infiltrating Peace Corps.[22]

The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) exposed Blackburn as a CIA agent while working for the Peace Corp and CIA front U.S. Agency for Independent Development (USAID) in Somalia.[23] Prior to been summoned to Oakland, he served as the executive director of the Citizens Committee on Public Education in Philadelphia, and led educational programs for the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ).[24] OPD Chief of Police- Panther Squad FBI Agent Charles Gain had been a member of the Community Relations Committee of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.[25] Alfred May, president of the Detroit Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, was also a FBI agent. NCCJ’s patron is Queen Elizabeth II.[26]

In June 1971, I got involved in an extremely heated exchange with my elder, Dr. Foster. I was a member of Peace Corp/Teacher Corp. I had worked within the school district for 2 (two) years as a teacher trainee while I earned my AB degree and teacher’s credential. OUSD had a commitment to hire us as teachers at the end of the end of the two year period. All of my credentials and ducks were in roll.  However, Dr. Foster suddenly told us that he couldn’t perform his part of the bargain to hire us. So, we argued about that in a meeting. But, it was unknown to me that everyone in the room of about 18 to 20 teacher corps members were secretly and silently already in the loop to be hired by OUSD. I was the only odd guy out.  I clearly understood the inherent, apparent and expressed powers of the school district superintendent. Brothers Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale had been my teachers. Dr. Foster and I really argued over the illusion and FANTASY OF POWER that he really secretly possessed. The problem was that I didn’t know very much at all about the diabolical, devils, demons, deceptions, illusions, Masons, and the CIA.

Dr. Marcus Foster was EVIL and the DIABOLICAL. He wrestled directly with demons and the DEVIL. He was a Goat Rider (Secret Society Greek Divine 9), and 32 or 33rd degree Freemason (Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret). The lawyer that prepared his last will and testament just before he arrived in Oakland was Leon S. Rosenthal of Philadelphia, PA. Rosenthal secretly initiated him into the Masonic higher degrees and levels to seal an ultimate level of the covenant of secrecy to cover his true mission in Oakland.

Master Mason Leon S. Rosenthal

I only found out about Rosenthal when Dr. Foster’s Last Will and Testimony was opened for probate administration in Alameda County. Rosenthal and his Philadelphia law office staff had been the witnesses to the will. The probate administrator couldn’t produce any of them to verify Dr. Foster’s will. That’s when I discovered the sudden and mysterious death of Leon S. Rosenthal in court records. Rosenthal was an extremely influential Jewish Freemason. He was the worshipful master of Athelston Lodge No. 482.  He was a member of the West Philadelphia Optimists Club, Sol C. Kraus Lodge of Brith Sholom, and Chancellor-Commander of Barbarossa Lodge, Knights of Pythias. He was also a Greek Goat Rider of Sigma Alpha Rho.[27]  Rosenthal came up mysteriously dead on September 14, 1973 just days before Dr. Foster was gunned down on November 06, 1973.

If Rosenthal hadn’t authored a couple of books about the history of Philadelphia, he might be disappeared completely.[28] Likewise, Dr. Foster was awarded the Medal of Four Chaplains for his chaplain work at Holmesburg Prison. This record has disappeared because it links Dr. Foster directly with America’s BUCHENWALDCIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Sub project Operation OFTEN. In January 1973, as CIA Director Richard Helms was leaving the Agency and James Schlesinger was coming in, Project OFTEN was abruptly canceled. And he ordered all documents pertaining to the unconscionable behavior control experiments — ARTICHOKE, MONARCH, OFTEN, Operation Midnight Crisis (collectively referred to as MK-ULTRA) destroyed.

The outgoing CIA director and his trusted protégé,  the DiabolicaSydney Gottlieb, hoped, no doubt, to wipe out all traces of the abominable experiments and all traces of their secret collaborators, and thousands of human victims.[29]

In Congressional testimony, CIA Director Richard Helms claimed that MK-OFTEN was just another name for MK-CHICKWIT, a CIA-Defense Department program for testing “medical procedures” on prisoners at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia from 1967 to 1973.[30] Project MKCHICKWIT was a CIA program conducted in cooperation with the Department of Defense, operating under the aegis of Project MK SEARCH, for the purpose of identifying and studying “new drug developments in Europe and Asia.” This project reportedly ran from 1968-1971 at the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories.[31]

Under the veil, the goal of MK OFTEN was much clandestinely broader -“test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans“. According to author Gordon Thomas’ 2007 book, Secrets and Lies, the CIA’s Operation Often was also initiated by the chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to “explore the world of black magic” and “harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach“. As part of Operation OFTEN, Dr. Gottlieb and other CIA employees visited with and recruited fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologists, mediums, psychics, specialists in DEMONOLOGY, witches and warlocks, SATANISTS, other occult practitioners, and more.[32]

Rosenthal and Dr. Foster may have been highly classified human causalities of Richard Helms’ Project MK ULTRA/MONARCH- OFTEN loose ends clean-up CIA OS operation. Helms would certainly want to destroy CIA files linked to Dr. Foster and Buchenwald Satellite by the Bay- the Oakland Unified School District.



33rd Degree Blood Oath Master Masons- President Gerald Ford, Freemason California Attorney General Evelle Younger, California Governor (President-Freemason Knight of Malta) Ronald Reagan

In January 1973, in Governor Ronald Reagan’s State of the State message, he announced plans for the establishment of a biomedical (BUCHENWALD) facility in California, The Center for the Study of the Reduction of Violence. Supported by state and federal funds (LEAA), the first center was planned for the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, headed by Dr. Louis Joylon “Jolly” West, the CIA Maestro of Mind Control.

From 1971 to 1979, Evelle J. Younger was the California Attorney General. Younger provided state cover for covert CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs and operations. California highest law enforcement official covered up California’s BUCHENWALD, Dr. Marcus Foster’s Assassination, and JONESTOWN. They are all related. When public outcry shut down California’s BUCHENWALD, it clandestinely moved into prisons; Peoples Temple then Jonestown. Under Younger, juvenile Wards of the State of California were shipped directly to the CIA’s experiment Medical Concentration Camp in Jonestown, Guyana.

“Many of the children who died in Jonestown were wards of the State of California who had been turned over to Jim Jones and other Temple members by California judges. It was illegal for these children to be removed from California yet, according to the House Foreign Affairs Committee which investigated the matter, no California official ever requested a check into the welfare or whereabouts of these children.”[33]

To the Jonestown monstrosities, they have added dogs specially trained to attack human genitals. The operations there have included the heavy hand of decapitation specialist Michael Townley Welch, an American CIA agent, as well as reported visits by Nazi war criminals Dr. Josef Mengele and Martin Bormann.”[34]

During the school year 1970-1971, I was living briefly with my mother and family in what they called the 65th Avenue Village known as San Antonio Gardens. It was located right off East 14th Street now International Avenue. It was a predominately Black housing project. It was located directly across the street from Havenscourt Jr. High School.

One day, I came home from school in the evening and found my beloved baby sister dressing to go to an evening religious service at Havenscourt Jr. High School’s auditorium. She was a fourth or fifth grader no more than 10 or 11 years old. Upon inquiry, I discovered that she had been enticed to attend the service in her classroom at Lockwood Elementary School that was adjacent to Havenscourt. I recall reading a flyer about the religious service that came directly from her classroom.

My sister wanted to go to the service, because her classmate friends intended to go. I escorted her to the service. I wanted to see for myself what was going on. Sure enough, it was a religious service taking place on school grounds at Havenscourt.

In the service, Rev. Jim Jones performed his infamous “crowd pleasing” fake miracle healing from cancer of a member of the Peoples Temple by coughing up bloody cancerous material, chicken parts. It was Jim Jones and the People Temple, because I remembered Rose Shelton being there. She was Rev. Jones’ personal nurse. Rose collected the coughed up assumed bloody cancer stuff in a white cloth and displayed it to the young horrified audience.

Elder Rose Shelton- Murdered in Jonestown, Guyana, South America

Rose Shelton became my great aunt in-law! Jim Jones and the People Temple were working inside the OUSD to recruit and pick up vulnerable and powerless black children. Before I could look into the relationship between Rev. Jim Jones and OUSD, I got into with Dr. Foster. I was pushed out of OUSD.

Evelle J. Younger was a prime example of the hidden satanic super elite bloodlines behind the veil ruling the affairs of America and California. Younger’s distant descendant, Joshua Younger, was married to the former Elizabeth Lee, and that she was the daughter of Richard Henry Lee, a founding father of our nation. It was he who made the motion on June 7, 1776, as a member of the Second Continental Congress, to declare independence from Great Britain. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a U.S. senator from Virginia. That would mean he was the great-great-great-great grandfather of Evelle Younger…signifying that Richard Henry Lee’s brother—Francis Lightfoot Lee, also a signer of the Declaration of Independence—was Younger’s great-great-great-great granduncle. (Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot also had an ancestor in common with Joshua Logan Younger, and were Evelle Younger’s first cousins 15 times removed.)

 Evelle Younger was also, it seems, related to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Richard Henry Lee had a first cousin, Henry Lee II. So…his son, Henry Lee III—known as “Light Horse Harry” for his activities as a cavalry officer in the Revolutionary War—was a second cousin of Joshua Younger; Henry Lee II’s son, the man who surrendered to Grant at Appomattox was third cousin of Henry Younger Sr.; and Lee was a third cousin four times removed from Younger.

 Evelle Younger was a distant relative of outlaws other than the Younger Brothers- Ku Klux Klan- Knights of the Golden Circle. He was a fifth cousin 10 times removed to Texas train robber Sam Bass; a ninth cousin twice removed to Golden Circle Knight Jesse James; a fifth cousin seven times removed to Butch Cassidy; and a seventh cousin once removed to John Wesley Hardin.[35] Richard Henry Lee was first cousin of Anneke Jane Edwards, great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother of Clinton. Evelle Younger was a seventh cousin twice removed to Dixie Mafia President Bill Clinton.

 President Zackary Taylor was Evelle Younger’s third cousin 14 times removed, as was President William Henry Harrison; the latter’s grandson, President Benjamin Harrison, was a fifth cousin 12 times removed. Getting into really remote relationships: President John Kennedy was a seventh cousin 10 times removed, and President Lyndon B. Johnson was an eighth cousin 10 times removed. Younger’s kin also included author Mark Twain (third cousin six times removed); newspaper publisher Bohemian Satanist William Randolph Hearst (second cousin, 12 times removed); blind author Eugenicist Helen Keller (third cousin six times removed); and War Criminal U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (third cousin 10 times removed).[36]

In Los Angeles, DA Evelle J. Younger was also instrumental in the cover-up of the assassination of the RFK Assassination; and Hoover’s COINTELPRO program to destroy the BPPYounger had also been one of 33rd Degree Master Mason J. Edgar Hoover’s top FBI agents.[37]

During WWII, Younger was U.S. Army Intelligence with the Far East Counter-Intelligence Branch of the OSS with CIA Directors Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather, Dr. Gregory Bateson.[38] Evelle Younger was a blood oath secret Goat Rider, Freemason and Shriner. He belonged to Alpha Tau OmegaInternational Shriners and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Elks are “Clandestine Masonic Membership Shrines” under the jurisdiction of the Albert Pike’s Satanic Grand Lodge of Arkansas and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.[39]

An early draft of West’s proposed UCLA BUCHENWALD center described using schools in Black and Brown neighborhoods as human guinea pigs to experiment on and screen for possible genetic defects. It also mentioned using psychosurgery as treatment on children to modify what he and the establishment perceived to be no more than anti-social behavior,

“Such programs might include control of drug or alcohol abuse, modification of chronic anti-social or impulsive aggressiveness.”[40]

Dr. West planned to use an abandoned NIKE missile base in the Santa Monica Mountains. It was a perfect Little Auschwitz, and secret adjunct to the center to experiment on California’s children and prisoners of color,

“It is accessible but relatively remote. The site is securely fenced, and includes various buildings and improvements making it suitable for prompt occupancy. If this site were made available to the Neuropsychiatric Institute as a research facility, perhaps initially as an adjunct to the new Center for Prevention of Violence, we could put it to very good use. Comparative studies could be carried out there, in an isolated but convenient location, of experimental or model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior.”[41]

Dr. West’s BUCHENWALD also proposed chemical castration, implantation of transponders in sexual organs and the brain for remote control, biological control of women’s menstrual cycles to control crime, and eventual replacement of the U.S. legal system with psychiatric control.

One of the principal school districts that would have secretly feed Black and Brown children into Dr. West’s SS-CIA Mind Control Chamber of Horrors hidden away in the remote Santa Monica Mountains was CIA agent, Freemason Dr. Marcus A. Foster’s Oakland Unified School District.

On July 27, 1973, the California Council on Criminal Justice (CCCJ) voted 19 to 0 to approve the allocation of funds ($750,000) for Dr. West’s Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. The CCCJ was an entity of the government of California that acted as the supervisory board concerning federal grants by President Nixon’s the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA).

According to government documents reviewed by the Late Great Mae Brussell at the time, they revealed that LEAA and Robert Finch of the U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare were behind Dr. West’s Violence Center. Behind the veil, it had been part of the Dr. Arnold Hutshnecker’s SS-Nazi Plan to force Black and Brown into concentration camps.[42]

In September 1973, Dr. Marcus Foster introduced a proposal to place armed police “control personnel” in schools, , and issue mandatory ID photo cards for all OUSD students K-12 from a computer data base maintained by a principal pentagon contractor, Honeywell, Inc., funded through a grant from CCCJ . They were putting in place a computer data processing center to target and track each and every black and brown student in OUSD throughout life for surveillance, control, intervention, suppression and elimination as if they were part of a Nazi Concentration Camp System, and the Racial Jewish Holocaust. However, it goes far deeper.

Honeywell at that time was linked with Lt Colonel James H. Critchfield of the CIA, the Gehlen Org and Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller.  In 1948, Critchfield had been recruited into the CIA by John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. They assigned him to literally “baby sit” the Gehlen Org and Himmler’s SS- Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Dr. Josef Mengele, Heinrich Müller, etc., from 1949 to 1956.[43]

The CIA officially assumed responsibility for the Nazi-SS spy organization in July 1949, with Critchfield taking over as Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen’s supervisor. Critchfield escorted General Gehlen on a taxpayer’s paid vacation tour across the U.S. and to a baseball game. American taxpayers even provided Gehlen with a chalet vacation home, and gave millions upon millions of dollars to Gehlen and the SS- Knights of the Black Sun.

Critchfield moved his base of operations to Pullach, setting up his office in head of the Nazi Party Chancellery Martin Bormann’s former bedroom. Pullach, officially Pullach i. Isartal, is a municipality in the district of Munich in Bavaria, GermanyGehlen had turned Pullach into its own separate world, with over two hundred of his top staff and their wives and children living and working in the compound. Before Critchfield moved in, Hitler’s General Gehlen himself had lived with his wife and four children in Bormann’s two-story house known, ironically, as the “White House.”[44]

Critchfield served as the president of a Honeywell, Inc. subsidiary called Tetra Tech International.[45] Tetra Tech was his own personal company that also masked the clandestine activities and interests of the CIA and Gehlen Org, here and abroad.

Critchfield’s CIA wife, Lois, said that the company was setup to specially aid Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman. In a 1970 Omani coup d’état, Qaboos overthrew his father.  The coup had been planned by MI6, the Foreign Office, and the British Ministry of Defense.[46]

Honeywell, Inc. was a major contractor developing Vietnam War anti-personnel weapons such as cluster bombs and land mines for the Department of Defense.[47] Honeywell also had a “mind control” contract with the CIA.[48]

Dr. Foster and I argued because word came down from Washington DC that it didn’t want me anywhere in any position whatsoever inside the school district. In fact, they didn’t want me in the city at all. The FBI visited my home and talked to my mother. They encouraged her to talk to me about leaving town on my own while they planned to covertly implement MK ULTRA’s Violence Center, and the U.S. Pentagon’s Phoenix Program (Hamlet Evaluation System) Computer Data Base System inside OUSD.

Technically, I had worked in OUSD under Joseph Blatchford, President Richard Nixon’s head of Peace Corps. Blatchford came to the Nixon administration from Accion, a volunteer organization that accepted money from at least 2 (two) CIA fronts.[49] In 1972, it was disclosed that Blatchford employed CIA agents in Accion- Peace Corps policy decisions since at the very least 1965 with CIA (Germany Station) Cold War Agent Eric H. Biddle, Jr. – Provident Trust Company, Link-Belt; Smith, Kline and French; Bechtel Corp.; and the National Council of Churches.[50], [51]

Eric H. Biddle, Jr.

The CIA’s huge German Station, was headquartered for most of the 1950s in the massive I.G. Farben Building in downtown Frankfurt, Germany.  The CIAGerman Station sponsored West German Federal Intelligence Service (BND). BND was Hitler’s General Reinhard Gehlen, and Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun).[52]

Don’t get it twisted. When Oakland black elders nominated me to become part of Peace Corps/Teacher Corps to watch over the children as a black male teacher and mentor, Blatchford threatened to shut down the entire problem. They were indeed terrified of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense past or present. The elders told Blatchford and Nixon fine- shut it down! However, everything was in place, millions of dollars were set with hundreds involved in the implementation of Peace Corps/Teacher Corps in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. Blatchford backed away from shutting down the program in Oakland. They planned to pit me against my elder, Dr. Foster. In other words, Dr. Foster would be the “straw man” to stand in for their dirty work to end my presence in the OUSD at the conclusion of the program.

During our tense exchange in June 1971, Dr. Foster finally admitted to me that he had no power over my OUSD job commitment as an incoming teacher. The office that America’s top black administer occupied had been stripped of “express and apparent power”; he was a fantasy of power superintendent of schools. He was a Masonic ILLUSIONARY black superintendent of schools. My last words to Dr. FosterACT under your apparent power and we will defend you.

In John Bryan, This Soldier Still At War, (on Joe Remiro) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, it reported that Dr. Marcus Foster; Huey and BPP attorney, CIA agent Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple lawyer, Charles Garry, were friends that regularly met. Charles Garry was a clandestine CIA handler that covered up the CIA’s illegal war against the Panthers, he also handled Dr. Foster.

In March 1973, Dr. Foster began to complain openly and publicly about deceptions, ILLUSIONS and his high public office. On November 06, 1973, Dr. Marcus A. Foster had his brains and heart blown out by shotgun blasts from professional assassins directly across from the place we had last argued about black power ILLUSIONS.

Gabi- SLA

As I speak, nobody has been identified that gunned down Dr. Marcus Foster. There was one unusual character of noticeable short statue among his assassins that everyone seem to agreed to. There is an assumption that the short figure had been half blind Camilla (Gabi) Hall. However, there is absolutely no proof that she had been one of the assassins.  Gabi  was executed on May 17, 1974 in Los Angeles by LA police, FBI or CIA sharp shooters with a bullet in the head.

I read early reports that immediately after Dr. Foster was assassinated that there was a brief major power failure in the area. Even the telephones went down. Police also stopped decoys in the area that included Wendy Masako Yoshimura. The FBI agent who had chased Donald DeFreeze (Cinque)  on a Cleveland bank case was none other than Tom Padden, the agent who arrested Patricia Hearst and Wendy Yoshimura. Padden worked under San Francisco SAC Charles W. BatesBates was at different times head of the FBI’s offices in Chicago, Cleveland and Omaha, Neb., and served seven years as the legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in the United Kingdom, another Hoover appointment. In the latter position, he was the chief of the FBI liaison office covering England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Bates was also CIA. Wendy was SLA- CIA

Another odd thing about Dr. Foster’s Assassination is that CIA Peace Corps Deputy Superintendent Roger Blackburn who suffered some shotgun pellet injuries that saw the assassins told police and the press that Panthers killed Dr. Foster. I was over 400 miles away from the crime scene in Los Angeles.

The LiL Racist Assassin- Stefano Delle Chiaie

However, the very noticeable short assassin fit the description of 5 (five) foot tall Stefano Delle Chiaie.  Chiaie is a racist neo-fascist Italian activist and strategy of tension global specialist with the Secret Army Organization (SAO or OAS). He is a CIA contract assassin linked to SS Otto Skorzeny , and was a friend of Licio Gelli, grandmaster of P2 masonic lodge. 

Additionally, Bay Area Black Panthers and white so called revolutionary white radicals DON’T WEAR COWBOY HATS!










[7] Id.

[8] Albarelli, H.P., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, LLC, Waterville, OR (2009), Pg. 26

[9] Id., Pg. 69














[23] See AID-Peace Corp builds Schools in Somalia. Sch & Soc. 98: 338-40, Oct. 70. Also, Problems in Africa, Newsweek 75: 42, Je 29 70

[24] OUSD Superintendent’s Bulletin, vol. 52, September 21, 1970, number 1














[38] Smith, Richard Harris, OSS: The Secret History of America’s Central Intelligence Agency, The Lyons Press, Guilfort, CT (2005), pg. 18



[41] Id.















22 03 2018




Neoslavery is an economic condition, a small knot of men exercising the property rights of their established economic order, organizing and controlling the life style of the slave as if he were in fact property. Succinctly: an economic condition which manifests itself in the total loss or absence of self-determination. Only after this is understood and accepted can we go on to the dialectic that will help us in a remedy. –George Jackson-Soledad Brother-April 17, 1970

Ticket sales over this weekend ending March 17, 2018 earned the blockbuster film $27 million more, according to studio estimates. “The Black Panther has grossed more than $605.4 million domestically and more than $1.1 billion worldwide. It’ll soon pass “The Avengers $623 million to become the top-grossing fantasy superhero film of all time in North America.[1]

Yet, I am startled that the film has glossed more money worldwide than domestically. I am startled because HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain people of color. As a rule of thumbHOLLYWEIRD DOES NOT MAKE MOVIES TO ENTERTAIN BLACK PEOPLEIf you sit thru a HollyWeird movie designed for Black audiences and global masses of color such as “The Black Panther”, you leave the theater clinically mentally ill!

The early core characters featured in “The Black Panther” weren’t developed by black scholars, social scientists, professors, teachers, writers, teachers or our elders. Actually, we know very little about the people that developed the characters in “The Black Panther” that the New World Order and the Satanic ILLUMINATI strongly encourages black people, particularly children, and global masses to attach themselves to.

They were developed by people like Irish/Scottish Don McGregor, and the CIA. McGregor worked myriad jobs as a young adult, including as a security guard, at a bank, at a movie theater, andfor my grandfather’s company, [which] printed, among other things, the patches the astronauts wore on their flights to the moon.” He additionally served as military police with the National Guard. It wouldn’t take very many pieces of silver to sell all his characters in “The Black Panther” to the CIA and Lucifer. [2]

Don McGregor

McGregor has no love for the black community or any commitment to the masses of color. Marvel’s Comic earliest clandestine gay/homosexual characters were introduced in Don McGregor’s Black Panther.[3] As far as he is concerned, every black character developed in “The Black Panther” could be openly or covertly subliminally animals, homosexual and satanic.

The Black Panther, Ape- Man & The Great White Gorilla Cult

M’Baku is really MAN- APE- Warrior of the White Gorilla Cult.

Marvel and Disney think that you may misunderstand them [white supremacyracism] if M’Baku is called the MAN- APE in the movie. So, they will not call him MAN- APE in the film. However, the glorification of the White Gorilla and animalization of Africans remains, and the Great White Gorilla Cult, too.  A GREAT WHITE GORILLA? That dog don’t hunt. It’s called induced “cognitive dissonance”–  mental discomfort (psychological stress). 

The Black Panther& Gay Africa and the DEVIL

Wakanda, Land of Fierce, Strong Lesbian Warriors

McGregor’s Black Panther character’s Venomm and Taku are a clandestine homosexual couple. Taku and Venomm aren’t in the film, but that’s the sadistic and wicked mindset behind the veil of Marvel and Disney’s The Black PantherVenomm identified with snakes because they were shunned like him. It is no slight of pen that the black male couples with the male Luciferian character. The Satanic Temple and many satanist believe that Lucifer and Satan are misunderstood and shunned because of it.

The snake (Satan) in the Garden of Eve says that the forbidden fruit will make them “like gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).

Eric Killmonger and the Late Prince

McGregor considered making Eric Killmonger an openly Gay character. So, is Killmonger created clandestinely gay? Nevertheless, Killmonger is a fantasy character that Marvel Comics and the CIA still had the option to open his door either way in the movie, subliminally or supraliminally. Stimuli that are perceived above the threshold and thus are detected at the level of consciousness are called supraliminal. In contrast, stimuli that are not perceived at the conscious level and thus are not detected are called subliminal. Supraliminal stimuli are usually stronger in intensity and longer in duration than subliminal stimuli. Nobody but Marvel, Disney and the CIA knows for sure whether the movie was implanted with hidden “gay” stimuli to affect the psyche of the masses.

T’Challa and Killmonger- Gay Black Males Battle to Kill Each Other While Black Lesbians Watch

Nevertheless, Negro homosexual themes were indeed part of the making of the film. Gay rights activists are outraged that Marvel/Disney Studios cut the only open LGBT scene from the film.

The Black Panther movie actually featured an open lesbian scene between Okoye (Danai Gurira), left, and Ayo (Florence Kasumba). Additionally, Killmonger– a monger is a merchant dealer or trader. With respect to professions, the term is applied as a suffix (especially in the UK) to specify someone who deals in a particular kind of good- mass killing other black people or black males. It is a terrible thing to expose black children to this kind of subliminal self-destructive S.H.I.T!

There are two key HollyWeird Negro Satanic Gatekeepers, Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett, featured in this film that should have set off red flags and alarms throughout the world. They are EVIL- spiritual DEMONIC! That is enough by itself to make anybody SICK!

The Black Panther & Wicked Whitaker

For most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it; they just scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” –Forest Whitaker [4]

Whitaker’s statement, above, has to be one of the most condescending and cutting remarks that an individual could make to mock and insult Christians, Black People, Civil Rights Movement, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The odd thing about his statement is that Christianity is most likely the foundation faith of his parents and forebears in America that fought and died to free him from African Human Bondage.

Even if Whitaker is not a Christian, it isn’t necessary to attack others’ faith in Christianity. Whitaker is uncommonly personally close to John Travolta and ScientologyWhitaker starred as the hairy alien, KER, ruling Earth with Travolta in the late Nazi-Satanist L. Ron Hubbard’s movie version of Battlefield Earth.

Scientologists do believe that an alien named XENU is their god-creator. It appears certain that Forest Whitaker will fall down and honor any entity or lord other than Christ even SATAN.

Forest Whitaker appeared in Jamie Foxx’s Hip Hop False Satanic Rite video- Blame it on the Alcohol.

It was an outright supraliminal implant hit piece encouraging teens and Hip Hop generation to consume alcohol in excess, and change their life styles and “pleasure centers” as endorsed by some of HollyWeird’s most celebrated and powerful directors, producers, actors, comedians and Hip Hop artists.

HollyWeird’s elites Ron Howard, Quincy Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Cedric the Entertainer, and Forest Whitaker, etc., made brazen cameo appearances on Foxx’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]” music video to initiate Foxx’s Hip Hop Satanic Coven from a far more clandestine mother Satanic coven.

Jamie Foxx, above, with ab absolutely bizarre black Demon Medium and coven mascot representing Satanic/Masonic Duality- Black and White.

Here is what I can recall is a revised YouTube music video,Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]”,  before it disappears.

Lurking in the shadows behind Whitaker is an Italian professor named, Aldo Civico of Vatican Radio.[5] Since its inception in 1931, Vatican Radio has been controlled by the Jesuit Order.[6] Aldo is Whitaker’s Vatican puppet-master; co-founder and the Director of Whitaker’s International Institute for Peace at Rutgers University.[7] Civico markets himself as a Columbia University (NY) educated anthropologist specializing in international conflict resolution and facilitation.[8]

In 2008, it was exposed that Civico had a secret hand in influencing, molding and shaping Barak Obama as a presidential candidate. It came to light that he served as an informal adviser to presidential candidate Obama on his Western Hemisphere Foreign Policy team along with New World Order globalist and war criminals Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Henry Kissingerthe secret puppet-masters of America’s First Cyborg President, Barrak Obama.[9],[10],[11] Civico also presented the Jesuits and the Vatican as a so-called informal member on the Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign- Latin America Working Group.[12]

Wicked Whitaker is a Coon- Uncle Tom Handkerchief Head Negro that can’t find the courage to fight himself out of a paper bag. That Negro will suffocate before he would raise a hand against the system to defend or free himself or anybody else that’s not white! It makes him perfect as an ILLUSIONARY black African powerful ruler for The Black Panther film- a wicked and shameful HollyWeird global psychological warfare project.

EVIL Angela & The Black Panther

Angela Bassett is a HollyWeird WITCH! She plays the part of the reincarnation of the Satanic High Priestess of New Orleans, Marie Catherine Laveau (September 10, 1801– June 15, 1881).  In New Orleans, Madame Laveau belonged to the Satanic Coven of Lady Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-LaLaurie in French New Orleans. Her secret coven followed the path of the infamous Satanic Death Cult of Knights Templar, French Nobleman Gilles de Montmorency-Laval aka Baron Giles de Rais, that tortured, drank the blood, and ate the flesh of body parts of hundreds of poor French victims to summon the DEVIL. In Delphine LaLaurie’s case in New Orleans, it was BLACK PEOPLE!

Angela Bassett & Infamous Marie Catherine Laveau

Whether or not, Angela Bassett was born a man would be a deep cover HollyWeird secret.

All HollyWeird ILLUMINATI Negroes, including Bobbi Kristina Brown are bound by a Masonic Blood Covenant and Code of SECRECY.

On June 2014 on twitter, Bobbi Kristina that insinuated that Bassett was a literal TRANNY-TRANSGENDER. By January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina was found “unresponsive” face down in a water filled bathtub. Dr. John O’Dea, M.D. told exclusively, If someone was cut off from OXYGEN for 15 to 30 minutes, they would be BRAIN DEAD. All it takes is to be cut off from OXYGEN for 5 to 10 minutes.” Bobbi Kristina was BRAIN DEAD!

The bi-crossed arm symbol is an ancient sacred salute and homage to the Kemetic mysteries, and the Great God Ashur (Osiris). The Kemetic sacred symbol has been bastardized, exploited and commercialized by secret New Age Spirituality Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia.

X-Sign Symbol- Angela Bassett & Giovanni Bellini, Maria Madgalena (1464- 1470)

Under the veil of ignorance, the Satanic medieval Cult of Sophia has been implanted in “The Black Panther” movie to further erode, destroy, and supplant the generational faith of black people. EVIL Angela along with Oprah Winfrey are HollyWeird proponents and mass media change agents of New Age Spirituality and Luciferism.

The X-Sign symbol is also a bi-cross arm symbol of a Satanic Master Mason.

The goddess Sophia was introduced into Anthroposophy by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, in his book The Goddess: From Natura to Divine Sophia and a later compilation of his writings titled Isis Mary Sophia.

Alice Walker & The Great BEAST Aleister Crowley

Sophia also figures prominently in Theosophy, a spiritual movement which Anthroposophy was closely related to Satanist Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy. She described it in her essay “What is Theosophy?” as an esoteric wisdom doctrine, and said that the “Wisdom” referred to was “an emanation of the Divine principle” typified by “… some goddesses — Metis, Neitha, Athena, the Gnostic Sophia[13]

Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God. She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[14] The Knights Templar are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.[15] Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge secret Sophia Cult still exists. Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of All (Gnostic), and the Holy Spirit (Early Christian).[16]

The “Fallen Angel” (thrown from heaven) motif universally applied to Lucifer, actually describe the Aeon Sophia, the Pleromic (abundant) goddess who fell from the heights of heaven (galactic center), according to the Gnostic star myth, the Fallen Goddess Scenario. [17]   

The Black Panther False Cult of Sophia, Nehisi Coates, Lupita Nyongi, Chadwick Boseman

My dear lord, the people don’t understand that The Black Panther movie and a bunch lost Uncle Tom- Coon Negroes have sold them out for a few pieces of silver, and are being used by the ILLUMINATI and New World Order as a vehicle to spread a New Age Luciferian Spirituality and False Religion among the masses.

My dear Lord. I pray and beg that their souls, spirit and minds shall be HEALED. I truly believe that they do not know what they are doing.

The Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Marvel Black Panther & The CIA

It is an absolute falsehood that Marvel’s Black Panther comic book character preceded the formation of “The Black Panther Party”. The Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), also known as the Black Panther Party, was started in 1965 under the leadership and direction of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)– BPP Honorary Prime Minister Stokely Carmichael.[18] 

Huey and Bobby took over the Black Panther Party name from the Black Panther Party of Northern California (Kenny Freeman) prior to October 1966. From what I understand at the time, Freeman and brothers had obtained permission directly from Brother Stokely to form the Black Panther Party of Northern California.  In fact, it had resulted in a conflict between the two groups, led by Kenny and Huey, who would take the name. From what I recall, Huey called them, “Paper Tigers”. Huey and Bobby took over the entitled “The Black Panther Party” and the official Black Panther Symbol before officially forming the BPP in October 1966. Brother Stokely was right in the middle of the mix of the formation of the BPP in Oakland, CA.[19]

However, this is what I know. Early in the formation of the BPP in 1966, I was approached by a seemingly friendly Negro with friendly advice that was undoubtedly a CIA or FBI agent or CIA contractor. He was a young man that was intelligent, well spoken and dressed- very friendly indeed.  I had seen him around campus- Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was concerned about me in that was so young, impressionable and so unknowing about the real world. He kindly asked me to reconsider my current position and association with Huey, Bobby and BPP. He said that there was information available that Bobby was weak and wouldn’t be able to lead the BPP if something happened to Huey P. Newton. And, I would be left out there in the world hanging on a string. In other words, I also had to be under surveillance if they knew that I that I had got too close to Huey and Bobby. However, the main point is that they had complete personality assessments of all of us before and after the formation of the BPP. The people in the business of drawing up detailed personality assessments of persons deemed a possible threat to the interests of the system was the CIA. They couldn’t control the BPP or Huey. So, the CIA planned to try to KILL BROTHER HUEY. 



Everett Kenneth Ross is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is primarily an ally of superhero Black Panther. 

Ross was created in 1998 to share the same universe or even clandestinely control the universe of The Black Panther .

Ross is a gatekeeper. He is the police state that will keep Don McGregor’s wild Satanic Homosexual Negroes of Wakanda, Killmonger and the Great White Gorilla Cult under constant surveillance and control.

He is a CIA agent and Deputy Task Force Commander of the Joint Counter-terrorism Center. Of course, he was carefully developed and created by Marvel Comics in secret collaboration, cooperation, and with the aid of the CIA. (Project MOCKINGBIRD)[20] Now, it should be clear to everybody why The Black Panther film has grossed more money abroad than domestic. If black people in Oakland, America and the people of mythical Land of Wakanda like him, people around the world certainly can trust the friendly, loving and compassionate white guys at the CIA, too.

In the Black Panther film, agent Everett Ross is a blond hair CIA operative whose selfless heroics help the Wakandans save their kingdom. He is not unlike blond Tin-Tin of Belgium and his white dog, Snowy, in the Congo. The secret to Wakanda’s superiority is vibranium, an indestructible alien element that is found only in Wakanda but is in great demand by both scientists and evil-doers. The source of vibranium is a meteor that landed in the country long ago, and (Allah Tc) T’challa’s father kept it secret from the world as he developed his nation. [21]

In “The Black Panther” fantasy movie, the CIA worked with Allah Tc to keep the world safe from the misappropriation of vibranium.[22] In the Marvel Comics Universe, the vibranium found in his native homeland of Wakanda is a rare metallic substance of extraterrestrial origin. Vibranium exists in two forms.[23] Vibranium is a word of deception for Uranium.

In the real world, it is an absolutely bizarre, cold blood, lying vicious revisionist insult to Africans and people of color. The African and the African nation that attempted to block the U.S. government and intelligence (CIA) from the secrets of uranium was Patrice Lumumba of the Congo. The M2 lineage carrying, Niger-Congo/Kordofanian speaking populations of Equatorial Africa and their New World extensions are the living bloodline descendants of the ancient people of KEMET.[24]

According to the theories developed, the Earth’s uranium was produced in one or more supernovae (“An explosive brightening of a star in which the energy radiated by it increases by a factor of ten billion … A supernova explosion occurs when a star has burned up all its available nuclear fuel and the core collapses catastrophically.” – Oxford Dictionary of Physics).

In all uranium deposits, two types of ores with different uranium contents may be distinguished. Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. It is usually in a form of heavy metal, naturally occurring in most rocks, soil, and even in the ocean. It is found in many places in the world. Energy from uranium is called nuclear energy.[25] Nuclear energy is stored energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. If the nucleus of an atom is split or fused with another atom, this releases or explodes huge amounts of energy. The Sun (Ra-Re) and uranium both possess direct nuclear energy.

Kemet’s ancient metallurgists and chemists knew about the secret extraterrestrial nuclear energy properties of heavy metals like iron. They had a complex system to determine the different properties of lead and uranium in rocks and meteorites, and scientifically separate them. They also knew about the secret nuclear energy properties of the uranium atoms in the Benben Stone. That’s why it is associated with the ocean also containing ageless supernova uranium particles, the creation mound; and the fire and explosion that sparked the birth of God Atum (Atom), and launches the Benu Bird (Phoenix).

Prime Minister Lumumba and UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld 

On June 30, 1960, the Congo was granted independence from Belgium. The Congolese chose Patrice Lumumba as their Premier. Lumumba asked the United Nations, headed then by Dag Hammarskjold, to order the Belgians to withdraw from the Congo.

In 1959, Patrice Lumumba visited businessmen in New York, where he told them unequivocally, “The exploitation of the mineral riches of the Congo should be primarily for the profit of our own people and other Africans.”[26] Lumumba had also been asked whether the Americans would still have access to uranium, as they had when the Belgians ran the country. Lumumba’s response was unequivocal. “Belgium doesn’t produce any uranium,” he pointed out, adding that “it would be to the advantage of both our countries if the Congo and the US worked out their own agreements in the future.”[27]

Investors in copper and uranium in the Congo at that time included the Rockefellers, the Guggenheims and Swedish-American diplomat and politician C. Douglas Dillon. Dillon of the executive committee of National Security Council (NSC) was worried about their investments and footholds in Africa. In a NSC meeting, plans about the removal of Lumumba were discussed and put in motion.[28]

On or about January 17, 1961, the Congolese people’s hero and very remarkable man, Patrice Lumumba, was kidnapped then brutally assassinated.[29] In an open letter to CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner, John Stockwell of the CIA wrote:

Eventually he [Lumumba] was killed, not by our poisons, but beaten to death, apparently by men who had agency cryptonyms and received agency [CIA] salaries.[30]


In a cable to CIA’s finance division from William Harvey certainly indict them as the murderers of Lumumba:

QJ/WIN was sent on this trip for a specific, highly sensitive operational purpose which has been completed.[31]

QJ/WIN was run out of the CIA’s Luxembourg station, and was paid from the CIA’s Paris station. Luxembourg is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south.[32] Arnold M. Silver was a senior CIA operations officer that worked in Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Turkey and the US. In 1960, he was the Luxembourg CIA Station Agent. Silver graduated at Tufts University and received a master’s degree in German philology from Harvard University in 1942. During WW 2, he participated in the Normandy landings and later became a prisoner-of-war interrogator (IPW), first in the IPW team of the 66th Infantry Division.

In 1947, SS Hauptsturmführer Nikolaus “Klaus Barbie”- Nazi human butcher was recruited as an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC).[33]In September 1945, Silver joined the IPW team in Oberursel, near Frankfurt-am-Main, at the 7707th European Intelligence Center, also referred to as Camp King. “Oberursel“, as the camp was most frequently called, became the Army’s center for detailed interrogation of former Nazi military personnel, émigré personalities and potential Soviet informants.[34]

SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, One of the Most Dangerous Men on Earth

Many of the Operation PAPERCLIP scientists were recruited there and it was Silver’s task to interrogate persons such as Otto SkorzenyWalter Schellenberg and Richard Kauder (alias Klatt). After Skorzeny was acquitted of war crimes by a military court in Dachau in 1946, he was sent to Oberursel until a decision would be made what to do with him. After several interrogations by Silver, it was decided that he resettled to Spain:

G-2 and USFET (US Forces, European Theater) in Frankfurt concurred in my recommendation that he be resettled there. He became a rather successful entrepreneur in Madrid, but for years afterwards – I think I last heard about him in 1961 – he approached each succeeding US Air Force attaché in Madrid with an offer to build a network of agents in the USSR for the United States. What surprised me (or did it?) was the fact that each succeeding Air Force attaché recommened [sic] to the Pentagon that Skorzeny be taken up on his offer, although there was not the slightest shred of evidence that he had the capability of the know-how to implement his proposal. The Pentagon rejected each of the recommendations from Madrid.”[35]

Nazi Generalarzt Dr. Walter Paul Emil Schreiber

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that the U.S. developed its post-war enhanced interrogation techniques here at Camp King, under the CIA code name Operation BLUEBIRD. The facility’s chief medical doctor was Operation PAPERCLIP’s Dr. Walter Schreiber, the former Surgeon General of the Third Reich. When Dr. Schreiber was secretly brought to America—to work for the U.S. Air Force in Texas—his position was filled with another PAPERCLIP asset, Dr. Kurt Blome, the former Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich and the man in charge of the Nazi-SS program to weaponize bubonic plague.

Threaten to Kill Everybody on Earth

The activities that went on at Camp King between 1946 and the late 1950s have never been fully accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.[36] Camp King also developed enhanced interrogation/torture techniques with LSD, and advanced clandestine assassination capabilities- Operation ARTICHOKE, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES.[37]

William Harvey, CIA Station Chief in Italy ran Department D that recruited in Europe for the CIA’s “Executive Action Capability(EAC). The CIA’s EAC was run through a clearing house of assassins and agent provocateurs called Aginter Press. It was under the leadership of French Secret Army Organization (OAS) officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with Robert Leroy, a former French SS officer, and Otto Skorzeny, SS Knight of the Black Sun.[38]

Sometime in early 1961, Allen Dulles’s Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Bissell instructed William Harvey, who was then Chief of the CIA foreign intelligence staff (and soon afterwards CIA station chief in Rome), to establish an “Executive Action Capability”, which would include research into a capability to assassinate foreign leaders. The Senate Intelligence Committee stated that an agent, QJ/WIN [probably an OAS (Secret Army Organization) activist], was recruited in Europe and put under Harvey’s supervision to hire killers and to identify individuals with criminal and underworld connections in order to create “an available pool of assassins”. [See Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Foreign Assassinations, Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities (New York: Norton, 1976), pp. 181–2].[39]


A highly likely CIA QJ/WIN agent cleared through SS Otto Skorzeny’s Aginter Press responsible for murdering Patrice Lumumba was a French homosexual, Jose Marie Andre Mankel.  Multiple primary documents confirm this including his CIA contract, contract extension, biography file, and in a Select Committee file listing various cryptonyms. Mankel additionally utilized pseudonyms and the false identities of a New York business person called John J. Berger and Jacques Berger a German salesperson.[40]

Richard Helms along with his close subordinate, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, oversaw the MKULTRA drug and mind-control research operation headed by SS Josef Mengele and the SS during the 1950s.[41]

Everett Kenneth Ross in the Black Panther Movie is most likely a doppelganger of one of three legendary CIA agents that were involved in assassination of Patrice Lumumba- Richard William Harvey, Richard Bissell or Richard HelmsOr, he may be each and every one of them!

Conversation between President John F. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, Director of Peace Corps in regards to the CIA clandestinely infiltrating Peace Corps:

Shriver . . . but I’m getting rather suspicious over here that, uh, despite your instructions that, uh, some of our friends over in the Central Intelligence Agency might think that they’re smarter than anybody else and that they are trying to stick fellows into the Peace Corps.

JFK: Well, would you call Dick Helms?

Shriver: Dick Helms?

JFK: Yeah. He’s the operations officer over there under . . . And just say to him that you’ve talked to me and that I don’t want anybody in there.

Shriver: Okay.

JFK: And if they are there, let’s get them out now before we have it. And if there is any problem about it that Dick Helms ought to call the President about it.[42]








[5] Civico, Aldo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011)



[8] Id.




[12] Civico, Adlo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011)




[16] Id.













[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.




[35] Id.




[39] Id.












[51] See AID-Peace Corp builds Schools in Somalia. Sch & Soc. 98: 338-40, Oct. 70. Also, Problems in Africa, Newsweek 75: 42, Je 29 70

[52] OUSD Superintendent’s Bulletin, vol. 52, September 21, 1970, number 1









