22 02 2017


Public discussions of what really goes on behind the veil of Satanism and Satanic Cults are NOT PERMITTED by the blood oath of secrecy not for any concern for the public. Christopher Lee’s British Satanic tutor, Dennis Wheatley, also denied up and down that he  knew anything about what was behind the veil of Satanism. They were both lying. Lee worked for British (SIS) Secret Intelligence Services alleged to have been an assassin. Wheatley was a serious student of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister CrowleyWheatley was MI6. Lee and Wheatley were most likely MI6 or MI5 or both, on a mission to penetrate, infiltrate and inundate popular mass public entertainment with Satanism They were  secret initiates of the blood rites of the SATANIC DARK CIRCLE. 

Behind the veil of PIZZAGATE, an extremely rare video has been leaked to the public working tirelessly to lift the veil of blood oath secrecy surrounding the Shadow Government and PIZZAGATE. When I was 1 or 2 years old, I saw something terrible, horrible and traumatic involving my father and the Nazi-SS BLACK CIRCLE’s  still highly classified U.S. Naval Project CHATTER. My sister said that I fell into a comatose state. My family thought that I wouldn’t return to the conscious world. I returned, but as a duplicate copy of my original personality with no memory of my father or the traumatic event.

aaamaccobycallmefagan Please review “This is definitely John Podesta!” with extreme caution. I believe that this is an actual CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH traumatic ritual abuse rite with flashing lights designed to split off alternative personalities. The idea age of the child behind the shower doors being tortured would be 5, 6 to 7 years old.





Dr. Strangelove- Michael Maccoby & James Achilles Alefantis

James Achilles Alefantis has a very unusual great friend and mentor in the strange world of international intelligence. He is an elite old school Washington insider. He is a vehement defender of James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza. His name is Dr. Michael Maccoby– the head of the Maccoby Group.


The Maccoby Group in Washington, D.C. offers consulting, cultural audits, coaching, research and leadership workshops. On strategic intelligence, they offer “A workshop based on more than 35 years of applied research, teaching and consulting with leaders in business, government, unions, universities and non-profit organizations in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”[1] They also coach leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, homes for orphaned and abandoned children, an orphanage (A Field of Cabbage) in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Peru.[2]


Dr. Michael Maccoby’s rabbit hole in Reinhard Gehlen SS/CIA international intelligence webs runs so deep that you have to begin in HELL shoveling up fire, brimstone and sulfur.


In 2008 at an Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting and hearing on Comet Ping Pong’s application to extend its business hours until midnight, Commissioner Frank Winstead accused Comet Ping Pong owner (James Alefantis) of wishing to turn the area into a haven for rape and murder. That is an extremely unusual allegation to make for a predominately white, affluent and exclusively elite and intelligence residential area of Washington DC.


In fact, the scary cold blood Goat-Rider U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (Phi Gamma Delta) recently moved into the immediate Comet Ping Pong Pizza neighborhood.[3] In the hearing, Winstead’s opposition was drowned out by an aggressive and vehement crowd of Comet Ping Pong Pizza fans led by Alefantis and Maccoby. In the recording of the rowdy meeting, Dr. Maccoby was recorded shouting violently, “I will personally remove anyone who opposes Comet Ping Pong!”[4] The Alefantis family is within the inner circle of the secret web of the Masonic Fraternal Order of AHEPA, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. They are an extremely serious and zealous Hellenic Secret Society.


Alefantis’ implanted secret alternative Greek shade, nature, persona or personality is the Greek Trojan War Hero, ACHILLES. Achilles worshiped the old Greek Gods. He practiced HUMAN SACRIFICE to the Old Gods as they did in Greek Antiquity.


During the Trojan War, Polyxena was a daughter of Priam and Hecabe (Apollod. 3.12.5). She was beloved by Achilles, and when the Greeks, on their voyage home, were still lingering on the coast of Thrace, the shade (ghost) of Achilles appeared to them demanding that Polyxena should be sacrificed to him.


Neoptolemus accordingly sacrificed her on the tomb of his father. (Eur. Hec. 40; Ov. Mct. 13.448, &c.) James “Achilles” is also great friends with Dr. Maccoby’s family.



Attorney Max Maccoby
Dr. Maccoby’s son, Max, is also a defender of Alefantis. Max Maccoby is a friend of Alefantis and former boyfriend, David Brock. Max: ”He is on the board of directors for the nonprofit charity Friends of the Orphans and is an advocate for their cause.


David Brock & James Alefantis
Max, represented Alefantis and Brock for a mysterious $850,000 blackmail case.[5]


In Haiti, the Friends of the Orphans (Field of Cabbages) was caught criminally turning over 33 black children to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby.[6]



Izzette Maccoby & James Alefantis

Dr. Michael Maccoby’s daughter is Izzette Maccoby Folger. She is a longtime Washington DC friend of Alefantis. They are connected to the DC nonprofit art group, Transformer. Izzette is married to DC financial advisor Neil Folger. Along with Tony Podesta and Alefantis, Neil is expressly in the Transformer’s Visionary Leaders’ Circle.[7]


Neil & Izette Folger

The Folgers are a secret power elite family since at least the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Lee’s mother is Barbara Sue (Bitsy) McElroy.[8] She was the daughter of Harvard’s Neil H. McElroy, former president of the multi-million dollar corporation, Procter & Gamble, and October 9, 1957, appointed President Eisenhower’s Secretary of Defense. Neil’s grandmother was Mary Camilla Fry of England- baroness, suspected British Knighthood bloodline lineage.[9]


Neil’s father is financial advisor Lee Merritt Folger– a child sacrifice (Moloch, also spelled Molech) pagan member of the Bohemian Grove.[10] Lee’s father was investment banker, John Clifford Folger (1893-1981), U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (1957-59)- Alfalfa Club.[11] The Folgers are descendants of Peter Folger. Peter was an early 17th century English settler of Martha’s Vineyard. He was the grandfather of human sacrifice Master Mason, Benjamin Franklin.[12]



Dr. Michael Maccoby’s other daughter is Nora Maccoby -Hathaway, a DC based Writer, Director, and film Producer. She co-wrote the film Bongwater (2000) and the film, Buffalo Soldiers (2003), which won the Evening Standard British Film Award in 2004. She also directed of the award-winning short film, Dropping the Bomb on My Street (1994). Nora is a Clean Energy Activist, and co-founder the Green Salon. She received her BA in Theater from Oberlin College and her MFA in Directing from the American Film Institute.[13] Nora is also a close friend of Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and a patron of Transformer.


” … I grew up in DC, in a neighborhood that was pretty much 80% CIA operatives.” Nora Maccoby [14]

Well, her father, Dr. Michael Maccoby, also lives near Ping Pong Pizza. So, she is talking about her father’s neighborhood and Ping Pong Pizza. Dr. Maccoby resides in northern DC, the Chevy Chase neighborhood. Chevy Chase is about 12.3 miles outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Maryland.

In this rare video above, Nora Maccoby told the world that she was born in Mexico. She told the world about the CIA, her upbringing and neighborhood of the CIA. NOT I!




In June 1960, Dr. Maccoby received a PhD from Harvard in Social Relations. Dr. Henry Alexander Murray was a central figure in Harvard’s interdisciplinary Department of Social Relations. He retired from Harvard in 1962.[15] Who is Dr. Henry Murray? Psychologist Dr. Henry Alexander Murray (May 13, 1893 – June 23, 1988) of Harvard University was the CIA’s preeminent elder statesman. During World War II, he left Harvard as the director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a lieutenant colonel. For Allied Forces, particular America and Britain, Dr. Murray developed special psychological assessment tests to recruit and select secret agents.[16] He joined with the Schools and Training Branch of the OSS to write an entire book about the recruitment of special agents called Assessment of Men. The title was later changed to Selection of Personnel for Clandestine Operations: Assessment of Men.[17]


In 1943, Dr. Murray was commissioned by OSS boss, U.S. Major General William “Wild Bill” Donovan (Phi Kappa Psi, Catholic Knight of Malta), to help complete an infamous “Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler.” The groundbreaking study was the pioneer of Offender profiling and political psychology, today commonly used by many countries as part of assessing international relations.[18] Dr. John W. Gittinger’s CIA Personality Assessment System (PAS) expanded and refined Dr. Murray’s models in the selection, recruitment, assessment, training and hiring of CIA agents, clandestine operatives, and government department heads.[19]


Sidney Gottlieb, MK ULTRA- CIA Technical Services

As chairman of the Department of Social Relations at Harvard, Dr. Murray became an internal part of CIA MK ULTRA‘s clandestine efforts to continue and expand experiments in mind control conducted by Nazi doctors in the concentration camps. The overall program was under the control of the Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s technical services division. Harvard students, prisoners and many other others became unwitting guinea pigs for inhuman medical and mind control experimentations. They were secretly fed doses of LSD, psilocybin and other drugs of interest to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs.[20]

“Murray was indeed a Cold War warrior—not, perhaps, as prominent a player as some, but a player nonetheless. He received steady funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which had served as cover for his trip with Cantril to the Soviet Union for the CIA in 1958, and from the National Institute of Mental Health, also known to be a covert funding conduit. He apparently worked for HumRRo. He served as an adviser on army-sponsored steroid experiments. He helped found Harvard’s Social Relations Department, which had been generously funded by covert intelligence agencies. He served the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Clinical Psychology Advisory Board and the National Committee for Mental Hygiene with the CIA’s propagator of LSD, Frank Fremont-Smith. Along with Fremont-Smith, Abramson, and Leary, he occupied a spot on the agency’s LSD pyramid.”[21]

At Harvard University, Dr. Michael Maccoby was just like Dr. Murray, “Murray was so surrounded by agency [CIA] people he couldn’t have moved without bumping into one.”[22] So, I assume Dr. Maccoby bumped into Dr. Murray. “The Dr. Murray”- one of the most powerful, influential and wicked men in the Harvard’s Social Relations Department.


Jerome Seymour Bruner

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he bumped into and started working with psychologist Jerome Seymour Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016).[23] During World War II, Bruner served on the Psychological Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force committee under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, researching social psychological phenomena.[24]


At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner.[25] And, he taught the shadow government and the CIA and the ILLUMINATI how to shape children into anything they want- MK ULTRA ritual trauma abused sexual slaves and espionage agents.


B. K. Skinner, Harvard’s Mad Behavior Modification Scientist

One of the most seemingly preposterous military programs of all time occurred during WWII, when famed behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner was enlisted by the government to try and train pigeons for use in a missile guidance system caged inside missiles with an interactive video screen. At the time, Skinner was known as one of the major practitioners of operant conditioning, a system that used reward and punishment as a means of controlling behavior. It was eventually shut down, because it was what it was- absolutely preposterous, but Skinner pocketed at least $25,000 in the deal.[26]

Nevertheless his mad scientist experiments, B.F. Skinner was one of the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH’s top behavior modification/control consultants and specialists. In a 1956 debate between MK ULTRA consultant  Dr. Carl Rogers and Skinner on “the control of human behavior,” Rogers warned that without careful scrutiny of the ends, goals, and values that lie outside our particular scientific endeavors, we are all much more likely to serve whatever individual or group has the power.[27]


At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with one of world’s most dangerous and ruthless bloodline Satanic ILLUMINATI globalist on earth, McGeorge Bundy.[28] Antony C. Sutton does an excellent job as usual in his book on the Skull & Bones Order in describing how McGeorge Bundy received preferential treatment all through his life. Consistently, McGeorge Bundy got jobs for which there were thousands of better candidates. McGeorge Bundy went to Yale where he was initiated into the Skull & Bones in 1940. McGeorge then went to Harvard. After this McGeorge joined the army as a private. Very few privates ever achieve the rate of promotion that McGeorge received. Within a year after joining as a private, 23 year old McGeorge was promoted to captain. Not only was he made a captain he was placed on staff to plan the logistics and other details of the invasion of Sicily and the Normandy Invasion.[29]

The Bundy Family is one of the world’s most powerful elite Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline families. During the 20th century, two Bundy brothers held the key positions that controlled most of the information that was fed to U.S. Presidents during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. When Johnson took over after J.F. Kennedy was assassinated, McGeorge Bundy was in the key position as National Security Advisor to determine what the President did and didn’t hear. His brother was in a key U.S. State Department position. Both Bundy brothers were also fraternal brothers of the ILLUMINATI Order of the Skull and Bones.[30]

During the 19th century, Jonas Mills Bundy (1835-1891) was a key adviser to President Ulysses Grant after the Civil War, President Garfield, and President Chester A. Arthur. At the turn of the 19th century, their grandfather, Harvey Hollister Bundy, Sr., was a lawyer and a Congressman, and his father was a lawyer. Harvey also became a lawyer. But he didn’t stop there. Harvey was initiated in the Skull & Bones in 1909. Harvey became Assistant Secretary of State under Skull & Bones Henry Lewis Stimson.[31]


William P. Bundy

McGeorge Bundy and his brother William P. Bundy, above, held important Rhodes Roundtable CFR and important Bilderberger positions. McGeorge Bundy sat on MJ-12, which is the council of wise men that rules the United States. (See Be Wise As Serpents chptr. 2.13 for an explanation about what MJ-12 is and documentation).[32] That’s enough to make anyone cry for the children and the masses of the people.




Erich Fromm

From 1960 to 1970, I was Fromm’s student, analysand, apprentice, and colleague …” Dr. Michael Maccoby [33]

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was associated with the Frankfort School of critical theory.[34] Fromm’s Jewish background had an influence on his approach. Fromm studied the Talmud at an early age and was profoundly influenced by the ethical and humanistic implications of the writings as well as the mystical revelations found throughout.[35] However, he was a propound neo-Freudian. Extremely Covert and Mysterious! Fromm had been recommended as a consultant to the OSS Psychology Division by E.Y. Hartshorne, the Division’s Central European specialists because of Fromm’s written works on Nazi Psychology. But, there is no record to verify that he joined the OSS.[36]

Erich Fromm, Harvard University & the OSS


Harvard’s Social Scientist Edward Y. Hartshorne

Edward Yarnall Hartshorne, Jr. (1912 – August 30, 1946 in Germany) was a Harvard sociology professor. He joined the OSS as an analyst, then was assigned to Psychological Warfare Branch of the Office of War Information. By the beginning of 1945 he was attached to the Psychological Warfare Division of General Eisenhower’s Supreme Headquarters along with Dr. Maccoby’s Harvard mentor, Jerome Seymour Bruner.[37] Hartshorne was the principal education officer in the American Military Government responsible for the reopening of the German universities in the U.S. occupation after WWII. In the spring of 1946 reports had appeared of incomplete de-nazification of Bavarian universities in the U.S. press.


Operation PAPERCLIP collaborator, General Lucius Clay, above,  sent (setup Hartshorne) him to investigate. On this assignment, he was shot in the evening of August 28 while driving north on the Autobahn to Nuremberg. Hartshorne never regained consciousness until he died two days later. In just fifteen months, he had de-Nazified and reopened the three German universities of Heidelberg, Marburg, and Frankfurt and had prepared the opening of all the other universities in the American zone but one.

Hartshorne’s anti-Nazi convictions aroused the hostility of the US military government’s Counter-Intelligence Corps, the CIC, which was smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Soviet-occupied Austria and eastern Europe to Italy and thence South America, to be questioned about their knowledge of the Soviets for use in the looming cold war. Informed of these activities, Hartshorne was outraged and passed on information about this “ratline” to Moscow. He had become a serious inconvenience to the CIC. On 28 August 1946, on the Munich-to-Erlangen autobahn, his car was overtaken by a Jeep, which suddenly slowed down in front of him, forcing him to overtake it in turn. As he passed, a single shot was fired from the jeep, hitting him in the head. He died two days later. The murderer was never identified.”[38]

Erich Fromm, Kim Philby & the British Cambridge Spy Ring


Double Spy Agents Belfrage & Kim Philby

In 1934, Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The institute was funded by the wealthy Jewish Weil Family of Nazified Argentina. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist  Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII. During the war, he had worked as a Press Control Officer for SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). SHAEF  was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Belfrage was referenced as a Soviet agent in the US intelligence Venona project, although it appears that he had been working for British Security Co- ordination as a double-agent. Belfrage was linked to Lord Victor Rothschild, who was a top man in MI5 and MI6. Belfrage is seen as being as important as the other Cambridge spies, whose leader was reportedly Lord Victor Rothschild and whose members included Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess. From 1942-44, Belfrage was employed by MI6 as the right-hand man of William Stephenson, who was the most senior British intelligence officer in the western hemisphere.

VENONA was a top secret and highly classified operation of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service, the precursor of the National Security Agency. The mission of this small program was to examine and exploit Soviet diplomatic communications but after the program began, the message traffic included espionage efforts as well. Although it took almost two years before American cryptologists were able to break the KGB encryption, the information gained through these transactions provided U.S. leadership insight into Soviet intentions and treasonous activities of government employees until the program was canceled in 1980.The VENONA files are most famous for exposing Julius (code named LIBERAL) and Ethel Rosenberg and help give indisputable evidence of their involvement with the Soviet spy ring. The first of six public releases of translated VENONA messages was made in July 1995 and included 49 messages about the Soviets’ efforts to gain information on the U.S. atomic bomb research and the Manhattan Project.

In VENONA, Belrage worked with the infamous British master spy officer Kim Philby. He was assigned to work with the FBI in tracking down the Soviet spies whose cryptonyms appeared in the traffic was Kim Philby. In 1949, Philby was sent to Washington as the M16 representative “for the specific purpose of liaising with the Bureau on the cases arising from these intercepts,” a CIA officer said. Philby’s assignment was a logical one, since he had once been in charge of British counterintelligence operations against the Soviet Union. According to FBI files, Fromm was given a Guggenheim Fellowship to write the book, Escape to Freedom, published in 1941 by Farrar & Rinehart. CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, and Operation PAPERCLIP Peenemünde rocket scientists got Guggenheim Fellowships to further the interests of the deep state.

The chairman of the Board of Farrar & Rinehart was John Chipman Farrar a member of the 1918 cell of the Order of Skull & Bones. The class that had been tapped by Prescott Bush’s Bones cell. Farrar during WW II was a member of the Psychological Warfare Branch in the Office of War Information and was an editor for some of the OWI propaganda publications.

In 1962, Belfrage settled in Cuernavaca, Mexico with Fromm and Dr. Maccoby. The bottom line is that Fromm was a secret part of OSS, and the Deep State before the formation of the CIA. He  was part of the deep web absorbed by the CIA that they may not have known just how deep Fromm’s rabbit hole ran. The FBI didn’t know.




Fromm appears to have been recruited into a far more clandestine and deep web group than the CIA. He mysteriously showed up in the line of chain of Mafioso CIA Manchurian Candidate John M. Espirito aka Francois Spirito born in Sicily.

Gelhen SS- CIA Murder, Inc.


During WWII, Espirito was a Nazi-SS collaborator and assassin that showed up in Colombia, South America among the fascist (Phalanx) Falangists (National Patriotic Falange of Colombia) .


The Falange were taken over after the war by the most dangerous man in Europe,  the infamous Knight of the Black Sun- SS Sturmbannfuher, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, and his Standard Oil-funded and Madridbased ADSAP organization of Waffen SS


In 1933, the Falange came to prominence under the leadership of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933 (the son of the Spanish dictator Prima de Rivera) in Spain. A fascist party, they had links to Hitler’s Nazi party, the SS, and Mussolini’s black shirts. John M. Espirito was subsequently recruited as an OSS assassin. Sometime in 1946, he entered the U.S., and subsequently arose when the CIA was formed in 1947 as part of the drug trafficking French Connection, and CIA Artichoke Assassination Program in New York. He carried a  false NY state drivers license- a tell-tale signature of the CIA Technical Services Division. Did Espirito assassinate Harvard’s Hartshorne in Germany?

In January 5, 1959, he showed up in Cuba as one of Fidel Castro’s Army Chiefs. On March 26, 1959, Espirito was arrested by Castro for assassinating a member of the revolutionary forces. Then, he showed up in Mexico with Dr. Guillermo Davila of the Center for Psychological Services at the National Autonomous University (NAU).


Dr. Maccoby taught psychoanalysis at the NAU, and then at the Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis (MSP) from 1949 to 1974.[39]


The promoter of MSP was Erich Fromm, the founder of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society. Fromm began teaching at the NAU of Mexico in 1949 and continued to work there until he retired in 1965.[40] Dr. Guillermo Davila was also an official of a governmental organization of Mexico, the Mexican Social Security Institute. During the early 1950s, Davila had worked in the circle of Dr. Werner Wolff of the Tavistock Institute’s  World Congress (Federation) of Mental Health (WFMH).


Tavistock’s Agenda… is used to create and topple governments. Tavistock’s objective is to eventually control entire populations between the use of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics. Its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.”


CIA Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman

Fromm and Wolff’s deep web in Mexico included Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman, research consultant of the Menninger Institute and the University of Texas in Austin. He had CIA written all over him. The Menninger Institute and Clinic were longtime MK ULTRA/MONARCH contractors.[41] Holtzman was a former U.S. Navy, Lieutenant. He was a Goat Rider, Phi Delta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; and the Philosophical Society of Texas.


Dr. Jolly West, CIA Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Savage- Project CHATTER

Dr. Holtzman was a 1962-63 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. The center was home to CIA Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the Maestro of the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control.[42] It was also home to Dr. Charles Savage, head of the (Nazi) Project CHATTER.[43]



In Mexico, Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman worked closely with Dr. Guillermo Davila and Dr. Wolff in setting up local tentacles and branches of Tavistock’s WFMH in South America. According to Holtzman, Dr. Wolff of the Tavistock Institute had escaped the Nazis through Spain then ended up at Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY. He had a valid Nazi Passport. So, it seems he was world traveling under the authority of Himmler SS-1, instead of running from the Nazi SS.


Dr. Werner Wolff

Wolff was born in Germany and completed his doctorate under Max Wertheimer at the University of Berlin in 1930. Max Wertheimer (b. April 15, 1880 – d. October 12, 1943) was born in the Czech Republic. He was one of the trio of psychologists who founded the Gestalt school of psychology (his collaborators were Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka).[44] Dr. Wolff was a Lecturer of Psychology at the University of Barcelona and Madrid from 1933-1936, before coming to the United States in 1939. In 1948, he became part of WFMH.



The first president of WFMH was John Rawlings Rees of the infamous British Tavistock Institute.[45]


Tavistock’s John Rawlngs Rees

“Rees was involved with the Tavistock Institute and in 1948 was President of the World Federation of Mental Health. Tavistock is a key root of mind control and psychiatric subversion as developed by the Frankfurt School which researched ways of destroying western Christian cultures by means of psychological attack on families and society.”[46]

The WFMH was one of the central bodies of the ILLUMINATI New World Order responsible for the oversight of the establishment of a diabolical global mind-control network of the London-based Tavistock Institute. Founded as a clinic in 1922 to serve the psychological warfare needs of the British military and Secret Service, its first director was Brigadier-General John Rawlings Rees. WFMH was an instrument of the Aquarian Conspiracy to destroy traditional families and society with new age religions, drugs, sex and music.[47]

Tavistock’s global mind-control network strategy had been influenced by the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. Bertram Russell, H.G. Wells, Rees and the Huxleys were initiated into a secret elite Satanic British homosexual and drug cult sometimes referred to as the “Children of the Sun.” In 1929, under the influence of Satanist Aleister Crowley. Aldous Huxley was initiated into the Isis Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn– a secret cult tracing back to the Scottish Rites of the Freemasons. At the same time, Crowley introduced Huxley to hallucinogenic drugs.[48]


Werner Wolff taught at Bard College from 1942 until his death in 1957. He dropped death not too long after making contact on 2/27/57 with Richard Nixon at the White House, VP to President Eisenhower.


Margaret Mead

From 1956- 1957, CIA agent Margaret Mead, wife of CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather, Dr. Gregory Bateson, was the President of WFMH when Wolff was  most possibly assassinated.[49],[50],[51] After Mead, WFMH was taken over by Frank Fremont-Smith, the medical director of the CIA front, the Josiah Macy Foundation. The Macy Foundation Funded CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Psycho-Social Control in the United States. Behind the veil, Fremont-Smith of Harvard University would be the permanent co-director of WFMH with John Rawlings Rees. In connection with the founding of the WFMH, covertly headed by Rawlings Rees, a New York agent of Montagu Norman named Clarence G. Michalis had been made chairman of the board of the CIAMacy Foundation. Rees, along with Margaret Mead, Lawrence K. Frank, Fremont-Smith and Frankfurt School director Max Horkheimer, who were all in Paris together in the summer of 1948 to launch the WFMH, formed the core of the Cybernetics Group. Conference attendees also included the Tavistock Institute’s Kurt Lewin.


Well, the story is that before Espirito was sent out for an assassination hit in Colombia. Dr. Davila had to call up the deep webErich Fromm. That would have also included “Fromm’s student, analysand, apprentice, and colleague …” Dr. Michael Maccoby. We have known for some time that CIA Manchurian Candidates were being programmed and trained in secret assassin schools in Mexico. Before the JKF assassination in November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald had been in Mexico traveling along the same CIA secret paths that Espirito had gone through most likely as FBI investigative agent probing MURDER, INC. secret deep web Mexican webs.

When arrested for the JFK Assassination, Oswald had FBI Agent James Hosty’s home phone and office phone numbers and car license number in his possession.  Oswald had been an undercover agent for the FBI since September 1962 and had been paid $200 a month from an account designated as No. 179.


 Lee Oswald in Mexico, But Two Completely Different Men

It is clear from government files declassified in recent decades that Oswald’s six-day trip inside Mexico was never adequately investigated by the CIA, the FBI and the State Department, or the Warren Commission. One thing is certain is that links to Erich Fromm, and Dr. Michael Maccoby along Oswald’s secret FBI/CIA trail in Mexico was covered-up.[52]




Through out my life, Katherine Dunham had been so special to my heart and soul. Since childhood, she had been one of most beautiful, inspiring and graceful women of color that I ever laid my eyes on. I loved  Katherine Dunham. 


After my trip to Brazil, I fell so much more in love with her,  and celebrated the DIVA that she was as a true revolutionary heroine spirit of the people. 


During my time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the late 1970s, Katherine Dunham was still universality celebrated as the Black Civil Rights heroine of people of color in South America. It started in Buenos Aries, Argentina that she resisted as a human rights issue segregated accommodations for her and her dance troupe. Her courageous resistance to racial hatred, discrimination and segregation  spread across the continent.


Katherine Dunham & Erich Fromm

It’s a matter of Truth and Justice. If the truth about her and Fromm were known and exposed, personally, I could deal with it and still love her. But now when I look at Katherine Dunham with love to implement the ends of Justice, she should have told the people that she had been ritually abused and used by secret Satanic intelligence forces.


In 1950, Katherine Dunham & Company gave a benefit performance for Eva Peron’sAyuda Social“ Foundation  (Fundación de Ayuda Social María Eva Duarte de Perón). [Fabre, Genevieve, History & Memory in African-American Culture, Oxford University Press, NY 1994, pg. 198]


Eva Peron and Spain’s Fascist Francisco Franco

My Lord! In 1947, Eva Peron left Argentina for post-war Europe. A secret purpose of her first major overseas trip apparently was pulling together the many loose ends of the Nazi ratlines. Her first stop on her European tour was Spain with the Fascist Generalissimo Francisco Franco.


Eva Peron and Die Spinne Scarface Otto Skorzeny

While in Spain, Eva Peron reportedly met secretly with Nazis who were part of the entourage of Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite General.  SS Skorzeny was the leader of the clandestine organization, Die Spinne or The Spider, which used millions of dollars looted from the Reichsbank to smuggle Nazis from Europe to Argentina. During her European tour, she stopped in Switzerland to meet with bankers that handled Argentina secret Swiss accounts. She also had secret meetings with Swiss businessmen that coordinated an underground Nazi immigration service to Argentina.


Hauptsturmführer SS Erich Priebke

One of the first Nazis to reach Buenos Aires via the “ratlines” was Erich Priebke, an SS officer accused of a mass execution of Italian civilians. Another was Ustashi leader Ante Pavelic. They were followed by concentration camp commander Joseph Schwamberger and the Auschwitz doctor, the Demon of Death, Josef Mengele.


 Hauptsturmführer SS Josef Mengele

In 1950, Katherine Dunham & Company were entertaining Juan and Eva Peron & a ring of Nazis helping raise money for Eva’s front charity foundation for the Third Reich’s Underground. It broke my heart when I discovered that she had been a mind control sex slave and espionage mule of Erich Fromm. She was a beautiful, graceful and an inspiration to many, but she no revolutionary heroine of the people. In South America, she wined, dined and danced with the DEVIL, and some of most sinister forces known to mankind, Lucifer’s Servants. Fromm had Katherine Dunham under hypnotic spell and possibly drug induced mind control from sometime before 1937 under the veil that he was helping her dance performances. Before and after WWII, Dunham and her dance group were warmly welcomed and celebrated throughout South America, and the world. Before 1940, Dunham was taken into the home of Fromm’s colleague and fellow handler, Henry Stack Sullivan, for continuing mind control programming.[53]


Stack Sullivan, was also a close colleague of the Masonic Scottish Rite Master- former OSS psychiatrist Dr. Winfred Overholser of St. Elizabeth’s  Mental Hospital in Washington DC. He was at the heart of clandestine Projects- PAPERCLIP, CHATTER, and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.[61],[62] In 1940, Fromm was wiring Durham money at Sullivan’s estate. In 1965 and 1966, Durham had been harbored at Sullivan’s house, where as part of her recovery plan- Fromm told her to terminate use of CIALSD, and supplied her with antidepressant medications.[63] The subject of her use of LSD came up in 1965, but it isn’t certain how long she had been under it.

aaamaccobyhuxley Aldous Huxley, Notable Member of the Tavistock Group

From 1960- 62, the Harvard Psilocybin Project (LSD) was a series of experiments in psychology conducted by Dr. Timothy Leary, and Dr. Richard Alpert. British Godfather of MK ULTRA, Satanic Aldous Huxley, was a founding board member.[64] The mushrooms that formed the basis for Leary’s 1960-62 Harvard LSD experiments came from Cuernavaca, Mexico. Huxley had visited the city in 1933, and British Elite Intelligence officer Graham Greene visited the city in 1938.  So, it appears to me that Huxley set him there to collect the mushrooms from Harvard’s associate, Michael Maccoby and Erich Fromm


CIA LSD Guru Timothy Leary & Erich Fromm

“…In August 1960, Leary traveled to the Mexican city of Cuernavaca with Russo and tried psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life.”

In 1956, Erich Fromm founded the Sociedad Mexicana de Psicoanálisis (Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis), and his house was in Cuernavaca.  undoubtedly, Maccoby and Fromm had been Leary’s welcoming committee in Cuernavaca.[65]Psychiatrist Dr. Robert S. Hartman out of Nazi Germany was also in Cuernavaca.[66] Dr. Robert Hartman was a Research Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Mexico, and University of Tennessee. Fromm and Dr. Hartman were neighbors in Cuernavaca.[67]


Ask her about her long, intellectually rich friendship with Erich Fromm, “We were very much in love,” Dunham begins languidly, with a faraway look and a beatific smile.[68] She was under the spell of LSD and MIND CONTROL! Fromm had turned Durham and Eartha Kitt into international mind controlled sex slaves, espionage spies, Nazi jewel, art and money smuggling mules.




SS Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker & U.S. President Richard M. Nixon

Another reason that I connect Fromm, Maccoby and their secret ring of mind controllers in Mexico to an Underground SS circle is because they are linked directly to President Richard Nixon’s German psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in New York City, SS Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker.[69]


Before he entered the U.S., Dr. Hutschnecker had been a guard/worker at one of Himmler’s concentration camps in Nazi Germany. In a NY Times article, he was quoted, “When I talked about camps for young people,“TO RETAIN”, like the camps I worked in when I came here from Germany in 1936.[70] Concentration camp guards-workers were the exclusive domain of Reichsfuhrer SS 1 Heinrich Himmler, and the SS-TotenkopfverbändeDEATH HEADS.[71]

In 1970s, Dr. Hutschnecker and a secret circle tied into the underground Third Reich and the Tavistock Institute almost pulled it off. Dr. Hutschnecker nearly executed a secret plan to break up traditional black and brown families by alienating them from their children. They nearly setup the U.S. government as a farmer of black and brown children. Dr. Hutschnecker and the underground Third Reich wanted to put children, particularly Black, in special concentration camps.


Violent crime in cities stem disproportionately from the ghetto slum, where most Negroes live.” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, October 2, 1970 [72]


Be very careful, leery, and vigilant with President Select Donald J. Drumpf, Steve Bannon and their circle of dark forces. Drumpf and Bannon trumpets virtually the same poison and sentiments about Black and Brown communities as Dr. Hutschnecker and the underground SS.  Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan could very well be back in the secret implementation stages. Who are “WE”?

Dr. Hutschnecker sent a confidential memo to Nixon that quickly became immediately and notoriously suspect of the Touch of Buchenwald. Dr. Hutschnecker urged the government to immediately psychologically test All 7- and 8-year-olds in the United States for undesirable “violent and homicidal tendencies.” All children suspected of undesirable tendencies were to be placed in re-education concentration camps. U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch was told by John Erlichman, Chief of Staff for the Nixon White House, to implement the program.[73] The memo was leaked from the Finch’s department to the public, and all hell broke loose in the country. Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan was set aside for a secret Jonestown, Guyana.


“I … went to Mexico to meet with Dr. Robert Hartman … who had developed a method of measurement testing values, claims to predict delinquency for intelligent children from the age of ten upward and all children from the age of twelve upward.” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, October 2, 1970 [74] Hutschnecker and Dr. Hartman concurred that tests that they were developing could detect the tendency or proneness to delinquent behavior. “It can, moreover, indicate the need for therapy, and the kind of therapy needed.”[75]


Hutschnecker and Erich Fromm also concurred as far back as 1968 that violent acts are a common outcome of a sense of hopelessness and a “hardened heart” (or lack of willingness to hope). It was coded language to box in the feelings and sense of “hopelessness of ghetto life” into Hutschnecker’s Plan to force black and brown youth into re-education “special” concentration camps for treatment and therapy for undesirable values and tendencies to violence under the ruse of national security. In Mexico, SS Hutschnecker had also been in secret counsel with Fromm’s Deep Web of Secrecy that included Dr. Michael Maccoby.[76]


He also consulted with Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman; Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich, and U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s spiritual counselor, J. Alfred Smith, Senior, pastor emeritus of Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland.

Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich, DESCHOOLING SOCIETY:

Rather than calling equal schooling temporarily unfeasible, we must recognize that it is, in principle, economically absurd, and that to attempt it is intellectually emasculating, socially polarizing, and destructive of the credibility of the political system which promotes it. The ideology of obligatory schooling admits of no logical limits. The White House recently provided a good example. Dr. Hutschnecker, the “psychiatrist” who treated Mr. Nixon before he was qualified as a candidate, recommended to the President that all children between six and eight be professionally examined to ferret out those who have destructive tendencies, and that obligatory treatment be provided for them. If necessary, their re-education in special institutions should be required. This memorandum from his doctor the President sent for evaluation to HEW. Indeed, preventive concentration camps for predelinquents would be a logical improvement over the school system.

Cuernavaca, Mexico, November, 1970

Illich is very clear in DESCHOOLING SOCIETY with the overall Tavistock and Nazi Underground objective to close down schools, and retain undesirables in government concentration camps and prisons under the cloak of U.S. National Security. While SS Dr. Hutschnecker was in Washington DC pushing his diabolical plan down the throat of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare for secret immediately implementation, his secret circle of linked Satanic WFMH operatives in and about Cuernavaca were hampering out the nuts and bolts of the plan without any public input or scrutiny.

In all fairness, 18 years later, Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker responded Oct. 3, 1988 to the uproar about his controversial plan. He said that his references to camps were benevolent  Nazi Germany summer camps not “Nazilike concentration camps seemed meant to discredit me and, by association.” 


However in 1970, he said that the camps he worked in Nazi Germany in 1936-children had been retained. Excuse my English, but retain means “to keep.” At that time, the people doing the keeping and retaining of children because of race, ethnicity, health, handicap and mental illness on the ground of threat to national security were Hitler, Himmler and the SSHe didn’t mention why his plan had to be secret or why the plan’s nuts and bolts had to be developed in secret in and around Cuernavaca, Mexico by CIATavistock Institute associated psychiatrists, psychologists, and behavior scientists. From Dr. Hartman’s neighbor, associate and colleague in Cuernavaca that Dr. Hutschnecker admitted worked and concurred on the plan,  IVAN ILLICH, said it clearly in DESCHOOLING. Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan, they were secretly working on  concentration camps for predelinquentsthat he was in total cold heart agreement with.




I have always been curious about the symbolism behind James Alefantis (jimmycomet) posting his picture of Marina Abramovic carrying wood, and “Marina and Faggot”I believe it’s related to something that I heard John Podesta say in TRANCE, “You will call me, FAGAN!” Fagan (Medieval Latin: Faganus; Welsh: Ffagan), also known by other names including Fugatius, was a possibly legendary 2nd-century bishop and saint, said to have been sent by the pope to answer King (Lucifer) Lucius’ request for baptism and conversion to Christianity.In French, Fagan is- faguin (“faggoter, wood gatherer“). Fagan in Latin is paganus (“rural, pagan“). In 423 AD, Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II said “pagan” (“irom/faganus, the dweller in a pagus or village”) came to indicate a follower of the ancient idolatry.


Faquin and Faganus is very similar to the ancient Roman horned god, “Faunus“. Faunus was worshipped across the Roman Empire. In 1979, a set of thirty-two 4th-century spoons engraved with the name “Faunus” was discovered in Thetford, England. Each spoon had a different epithet after the god’s name.The spoons also bore Christian symbols, and it has been suggested that these were initially Christian but later taken and devoted to Faunus by pagans. Or, they were initially devoted to Faunus and later turned into Christian symbols. The 4th century was a time of large scale Christianization and the discovery provides us with evidence that even during the decline of traditional Roman religion, the god Faunus was still worshipped.


Pan was a Greek goat pagan nature god of the woods. Pan was the son of the messenger of the gods, Hermes. His mother was a wood nymph. James Achilles Alefantis call himself, Pan.


What is the glue that hold together and link Fromm and Maccoby to a Luciferian Nazi connected intelligence ring of blood oath secrecy? Part of the glue that binds PIZZAGATE together is buried in John Podesta’s WikiLeaks emails. Its in an email that came from Yale University Historian John Putnam Demos asking for a “Thelema Favor” to meet President Obama. A “Thelema Favor” could be interpreted as a communication of one’s will to another within a Thelemic (Thelemites) community. It could also be a communication of one’s will to a prophet of the Law of Thelema. The religion known as Thelema was founded in 1904 by the Satanist, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, who is regarded as its prophet. Those who follow the Path of Thelema are called Thelemites.

The International Secret Satanic BLACK CIRCLE


Aleister Crowley was the tutor of Tavistock’s Aldous Huxley, but its goes back further beyond Crowley and Huxley to a Satanic underworld- an international subculture homosexual/occult spy gate that they have taken over.  


Viscount Tredegar

During the 1930s in Britain, Crowley and Huxley are linked to the coven of British bi-sexual/homosexual Devil Worshiper, Lord Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar that the Great BEAST hailed as the Adept of Adepts. Crowley said that his family was descended from King Arthur.


The legendary city of Camelot was supposed to have been at the nearby Roman site of Caerleon. Crowley even described his lordship as “The Rightful Heir to Excalibur”. Queen Mary of England, the present queen’s grandmother, called Lord Tredegar “My favourite bohemian”. Tregedar had converted as a young man to Catholicism, and even served as a chamberlain to two popes, and was a Knight of Malta Lord Tredegar’s elite British underground homosexual Satanic coven and cult was called, “THE BLACK CIRCLE.”

The BLACK CIRCLE included Nazi Germany’s Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess of the ThuleGesellschaft (Thule Society), one of Hitler’s closest confidants. Lord Tregedar had also visited the German home of Ernst Rohm (Thule Society), the head of the SA, and they shared a male lover.


Evan Morgan’s reputation as practitioner of the dark arts may have been the reason he ended up dining with Rudolph Hess, Ernst Röhm and other top Nazis one night in 1932. The location was Bad Weissee outside Munich, notorious two years later as one of the sites of the Night of the Long Knives which claimed Röhm and many of his fellow SA members (see Visconti’s The Damned). The Black Circle coven included British spy, Kim Philby, and most likely the Cambridge Spy Ring that included Fromm’s Super Spy Chief in Cuernavaca , Cedric Belfrage. During WWII, the BLACK CIRCLE  underground society led most of WW II’s intelligence branches, both Atlas (Germany, Italy, etc.) and Allied Forces (United States, Britain, etc.).

In 1942, Philby informed his Russian masters that MI6 were investigating a blackmailing racket linking Royal Air Force officers and members of British high society to drug smuggling, orgies (heterosexual and homosexual) and “black magic rites”. It was believed this racket was being run by operatives of the Nazi Secret Service based in their embassy in neutral Dublin, Ireland.

Aldous Huxley of Tavistock was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover. However, I believe that Werner Wolff, Knight of the Black Sun Dr. Hutschnecker, Fromm, and Dr. Maccoby and James Achilles Alefantis’ Comet Ping Pong Pizza were/are layered in blood oath secrecy to the wider international SATANIC BLACK CIRCLE that includes the underground KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK SUN SS- THIRD REICH.

Today, right now. Is the Satanic fiend, ERICH FROMM, still irrelevant?

Judge for Yourself. His Seeds is still being PLANTED- IMPLANTED. 

To be continued.






















[22] Id.









[31] Id.

[32] Id.




[36] Burton, June K, Essays in European History: Selected from the Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association , 1986-87, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, pg. 33


[38] Id.















[53] Freidman, Lawrence J., The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love’s Prophet, Columbia University Press, NY (2013), pg. 359










[63] Freidman, Lawrence J., The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love’s Prophet, Columbia University Press, NY (2013), pg. 359







[70] NYT, A Plea for Experiment, October 2, 1970, page 35





[75] Id.






27 02 2016

With Israeli Agent and American Con man, Donald Drumpf (Trump) and International War Criminal-Mass Murderer, Hillary Rotten Clinton leading the nation for President of the United States, we have a lot of explaining to do to the world. Whats Going On is now and have been an international language onto itself that has broken world borders that need no interpretation among the masses.


Super Bowl 50 Most Valuable Player, Von Miller of the Broncos, has been all over corporate mass media with a certain deliberate degree of viciousness mocking and humiliating Cam Newton- post game. I have been a number 1 NFL fan since grammar school. Naturedly, players pester and badger each other to get an opponent off his game, but the super bowl is over. So, I really do not understand what’s going on- why is Von Miller invited on numerous coast to coast corporate mass media sport shows, talk shows, television shows to hate, trash and mock his fellow NFL colleague, Cam Newton? I am still lost when it relates to Von Miller’s Black Holes comment on Saturday Night Live (SNL).


Michael Che: “So Von, you studied science in college, right?”

Von Miller: “Yeah … I guess you could say I did.”

Che: “So explain this to us. Gravitational waves were discovered when two black holes collided with each other. Is that correct?”

Miller: “That’s right. Let me put it like this. Picture two huge forces slamming together. Like, say, me and Cam Newton.

Che: “Are you just talking about football, man?”

Miller: “No, I’m talking about science. Now, these forces collide and make gravity waves. Like when I collided with Cam Newton, forcing him to fumble.”…

Miller: “Now these waves are everywhere in the universe — just like I’m everywhere when Cam Newton comes to town.

Che: “Von! You already won, man.”

Miller: “Look, this is a huge discovery. No one thought it would happen — just like no one thought we’d keep the number one offense to just ten points. Hey, but it happened — and it’s amazing. The discovery proves Einstein’s theory: ME = MVP.”[1]

On February 11, 2016, four days after super bowl 50, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) collaboration announced the first observation of gravitation waves; because these waves were generated from a black hole merger it was the first ever direct detection of a binary black hole merger.[2]

A BLACK HOLE formed from a collapsing star or atom in space is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitation effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light can’t even escape from inside it. Black Holes last into infinity. In 1915, Albert Einstein developed his theory of general relativity having earlier shown that gravity does influence light’s motion.[3]


In the very deep occult aspect, the Black Sun represents the black hole; before the term black hole was invented in 1967, black holes (then still theoretical) were sometimes called black stars or dark stars.[4] The Black Sun (“Schwarze Sonne”) was incorporated into the ideas of the “occultist” movement/ideology during the Third Reich. The Black Sun is an even more esoteric concept than that of Thule. Represented as the void of creation itself, it is the most senior archetype imaginable. Thus, this namesake was reserved for the elite of the Thule Society. The Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society. It was senior to other secret societies.[5]


The 1943 Nazi “Aldebaran Project” was led by Vril Maidens, Maria Orsic and Sigrun of the Thule Society. On January 22, 1944, a meeting with Hitler, Himmler, Dr. W. Schumann, and Kunkel of Vril Gesellschaft met to discuss the “Aldebaran Project” and 68 light year “trip” to the Aldebaran system. It was reported that the plans given by the Vrillians (Orsic and Sigrun) explained that they were to fly through a “dimensions channel” (i.e. a worm hole) from our solar system to Aldebaran.[6] The Nazis Occultists of the THULE knew about Black Holes and its greater gravitational forces and riding through black holes’ (worm holes) gravitational dimensional portals before they were discovered and named in 1967, and scientifically confirmed in 2016.

For whatever reasons, SNL writers for NBC decided to incorporate the binary black hole merger and its deeper occulted notorious Nazi Black Sun/Black Hole hypothesizes into Von Miller’s script to implant and dictate a racial stereotypical Guided Image (black holes) of an ILLUMINATI permanent (infinite) players dissociation from Cam Newton during and after Super Bowl 50.


The NBC Peacock and Gay (Homo-Erotic) Rainbow Agenda Symbol


SNL is a board mass communication international program that reach millions across the world.[7] I was hoping that Von Miller would have had the inner spirit, courage, and strength to be a bigger man than that. NBC Universal, Inc. is a merger between General Electric’s National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and French Vivendi’s Vivendi Universal Entertainment (UMG).[8] UMG  “… it’s origins go back to the formation of  Decca Records. Decca Records originates in England, which is one of the main control hubs of the ILLUMINATI.”[9] In America, “… they [Decca] set up their studio headquarters in the Pythian Temple [HOUSE OF THE SNAKES] located in New York CityUMG has it’s roots in the Illuminati, at a specific level of the pyramid. Music was [IS] to be used strictly for control purposes. As we see today, most forms of human art and creation are now being used as tools of manipulation and deception.”[10]


The NFL season is over, but Von Miller indicates on SNL that it doesn’t matter when it comes to Cam Newton that he will still be subject to being stalked, mocked and personally attacked into infinity.


It seems as though Cam Newton defied the secret NFL Satanic ILLUMINATI or didn’t take them seriously. The NFL used to be a team sport. It wasn’t about just two individuals in any game. But the way Super Bowl 50 is rolling around, it was the Pale White Riders (Von Miller) versus Cam Newton. And, it appears that the Carolina Panthers’ team have abandoned him. They won’t step forward as a team and defend him against individual targeting and character attacks for team play. So, what’s really going on in the NFL ILLUMINATI. One thing is certain, anywhere the ILLUMINATI covertly infiltrates, it becomes all about racial divide (white supremacy), occult (Satanism), a homo-erotic (PAN-sexual) pavilion, constant and persistent psychological warfare (Mass Population Control).

What About Those Broncos, Huh!


I tried to lay on him [Patriots QB Tom Brady] a few times,” a Broncos pass-rusher told Robert Klemko of after the game. “I tried to rub my nuts on his face.” Reportedly, it was Bronco Linebacker, Von Miller.[11]


I am an Old G from the Old School. I just don’t understand this thing or thrill about rubbing your nuts in a man’s face like Bronco Super Bowl MVP Champ, Von Miller. Peyton Manning also appears to get a thrill out of rubbing his nuts in women’s faces according to a recent lawsuit.[12]


Oh no, corporate mass media don’t want to talk about that. They want to ridicule, harass, mock and humiliate Cam Newton for being the second best quarterback on Super Bowl Sunday; in the NFL, and walking away from a post-game press conference that had been deliberately setup for a Masonic or ILLUMINATI Bootlicking Negro Puppet Bronco Pale White Horse Rider, Chris Harris, Jr. (No. 25) to stalk, mock and attack him from behind the screen.[13]


I can’t watch that Super Bowl Snickers ad featuring HollyWeird actor Willem Dafoe that promotes the candy bar as an antidote to “crankiness.” Dafoe, “I have to admit playing a Hollywood bombshell is a new challenge for me,” Dafoe said in a statement. “But as a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe, I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a walk in her shoes and famous white dress.[14] That Snickers’ commercial absolutely grosses me out and make me sick to my stomach to even think about it. Dafoe give me the creeps and the heebie-jeebies. Dafoe is of French/German descent. He is a very strange and a Satanic/Demonic type of dude.


In 1988, Dafoe starred in the Satanic-beloved film “The Last Temptation of Christ” as Christ, who has visions of having sex with Mary [Maria] Magdalene (of “Holy Grail Bloodline” infamy).


He has also played in at least two vampire films, “The Hunger” with the late Satanist, David Bowie, and “Shadow of the Vampire,” and enjoys a recurring role as a super-villain in the Spiderman franchise. However, in his more recent, 2009 film titled “ANTICHRIST” [see film poster below] as well as his 2013 Mercedes commercial, he plays SATAN himself.[15]


In 2014, Super Bowl 48, Mercedes-Benz’s ad made a special tribute to SATAN. Entitled “SOUL”, the commercial featured a young man who was offered a “deal with the DEVIL”, ( the DEVIL was played by Dafoe), where he can receive a new Mercedes-Benz, fame, wealth and pleasure in exchange for his soul.[16]


In the ad, Dafoe was shown wearing a Freemasonic and Satanic Ring. The Satanic contract, which contains an inverted chi-ro (the symbol the Catholic Church uses), contains the phrase “Seal Placed of  The Master, The Devil and The  Demons.” As soon as I saw that face and famous white dress, I knew what he was going to do and switched the channel immediately. If it makes any sense, my conscious immediately resisted that utterly ugly IMAGE and Demonic Spirit of Dafoe in that white dress from being filed in my subconscious.


Man O’ man, when I lived in Los Angeles during the late 1970s, I got a chance and setup to really-really meet my heart crush, Lt. Uhura. Guided by my eyes, she was delicious eye candy and an IMAGE that I wanted to talk to and touch. I was ready to break the outer seal of Black HollyWeird, but my first wife moved into town.  I got locked up in the house, grounded in family and that was the end of that story. It most likely saved my life. However, I have always been able to TRANSFER that IMAGE of Marilyn Monroe in that dress to IMAGES of often exploited, ignored and excluded beautiful sisters like a Dorothy Dandridge, a Judy Pace or Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols) of Star Trek  (Sacred Feminine), but a 60 year wrinkled ass Gila Monster in a dressWillem Dafoe. It’s absolutely hideous, revolting, unnecessary and so damn uncalled for.

I would walk around in Hell in a pair of boxer shorts soaked in gasoline before I would allow Dafoe to deliberately confuse, disrupt and destroy the order and balance of the Sacredness of the Feminine, and replace it with the Satanic Cult of Marylyn Monroe. And that is exactly what that ad was clandestinely designed to do on Super Bowl Sunday. There is much more in back of Dafoe’s Marilyn Monroe commercial than you can shake a stick at.


With a direct ancestry to the French and German secret Old World Cults of Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, Demons and DEVILS that still exist today, Dafoe could lead a short list of suspected Secret HollyWeird Satanic High Priests.


However, one thing is most certain. Willem Dafoe is among the ILLUMINATI. But, what does any of this have to do with those Super Bowl Champs, the Broncos, HUH! I am getting there and you may not like it if you’re a NFL fan.



“In 1973 Anton LaVey [Church of Satan] wrote in an article that Monroe would become the Satanic ‘Madonna’ of the 21st century… In quoting the Church of Satan: ‘We hold her now almost like an icon, a talisman, reminding us constantly of a mystifying past. Marilyn Monroe is not a goddess pure and sexless, but Satanically just the opposite-a fleshly goddess: passionate, flawed, enticing, beautiful.’ Who are you following? Extract from Marilyn Monroe by Jason Kovar.”[17]


Well, I am not following Marilyn Monroe. She was the ultimate prototype for MK ULTRA’s BETA-programmed sex slave or Sex Kitten programming. She was also the first successful female icon who was under this type of mind control. However, I believe the first among them was black actress/Sex Kitten Eartha Kitt from Nazi Doctors straight out of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Soon to be posted. Many HollyWeird female entertainers are under MK ULTRA sex kitten programming. Their ultimate programming role model is Marilyn Monroe. They dress and think like her.[18]


However, there appears to be a large number of Satanic male homo-erotic cult worshippers, like Willem Dafoe that want to “walk in her shoes and famous white dress”to channel her.


I have to be very careful here. It’s pretty well understood that Marylyn Monroe had been assassinated by the CIA Occult Bureau. She had been a PREMIER PRESIDENTIAL SATANIC MK ULTRA/MONARCH SEX SLAVE KITTEN.[19]

aaaavonvonmonroesammy The Little DEVIL, confirmed Satanist and KNIGHT OF MALTA, Sammy Davis, Jr., appeared to have been one of her Secret Masonic/CIA Sex Slave handlers. The images in their background are indeed MONARCH Butterflies.[20]


The really odd thing is that Pale White Horse Rider Von Miller also appears to be a Marilyn Monroe follower that may also want to “walk in her shoes and famous white dress”to channel her.


If you thought that he wore that white Monroe T-Shirt as a matter of a fluke. Think again. Von Miller has the strange thing for the real Marilyn Monroe IMAGE, and that he may have the same Defoe FANTASY, and may also belong to a secret Occult Gove of the Cult of Marilyn Monroe- A BITCH OF THE ILLUMINATI. COINCIDENCE? I have reasons to suspect that it is not. And, there is a secret society relationship between him and Dafoe. Don’t call me crazy, yet. Follow me for a little while longer.


Before I get to those Broncos (Pale White Horses). Lets go to the author, Philip Michael Ondaatje. Ondaatje is a Sri Lankan-born Canadian novelist and poet. He won the Booker Prize for his novel, The English Patient (1992), which was adapted as the 1996 film of the same name.[21] Ondaatje specifically notes that the secret Satanic symbolism of 17th Century artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio‘s painting of David with the Head of Goliath played an important factor in the mystery surrounding the creation of his novel, he says,


“There’s a painting by Caravaggio, done late in his life, David with the Head of Goliath, ravaged and old… Youth judging age of the end of its outstretched hand. The judging of one’s own mortality… (Ondaattje, 1993:16)”[22]


The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is a play by pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright/Poet Christopher Marlowe (1564- 1593) based on the German story Faust and the Covenant with the DEVIL. Doctor Faustus was written in the early 1590s, first published in 1604.[23] “Faustus raises up the demon spirit, Mephistophilis. Faustus proposes a bargain. He will give his immortal soul to the devil in exchange for twenty-four years of magic and merry-making.”[24]


 Marlowe & Caravaggio

Marlowe was a spy and dramatist in the Court of Queen Elizabeth I with the infamous Shakespeare- Sir Francis Bacon. Marlowe and Shakespeare were born in the same year, 1564Caravaggio had been their contemporary (1571- July18 ? 1610).[25] Caravaggio and Marlowe were also contemporaries of the infamous mystic, occult philosopher and demonologist of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Dr. John Dee (July 13, 1527 1608 or 1609). In fact as a spy, Marlowe worked under international spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham (1532 – April 6, 1590).[26] Dr. Dee also worked in that very same international demonic spy ring with Marlowe.[27]


Above, Dr. Dee has conjured up a DEMON. Notice the similarity of Doctor Faustus within the Circle calling forth his DEMON.  If you add Dr. John Dee to the mix, the picture becomes clearer of exactly who or what it is that we are working with and the significance of the homo-erotic naturePan-Sexualism. In the queen’s court, Shakespeare (Sir Francis Bacon) and Dee identified themselves with the Tudor lineage – a lineage which is said to trace back to King Arthur, the Judaic Royal Line.[28]


Dee and Bacon take us back to the Arcadian Academies of the Renaissance (AA) and the Rosicrucians. This “AA” is known today and has been identified with a secret priestly society active at the time of mysterious Roman Catholic Priest François-Bérenger Saunière (11 April 1852 – 22 January 1917) the priest of Rennes-le-Château.[29]


Arcadia was presided over by shepherds, and Pan was the great God of Arcadia…arcadia comes from the word Arcas – the son of Zeus & Callsito. Callisto is the Great Bear & Arcas is the Little Bear in astronomical terms, and in Greek Mythology.”[30] Sir Francis Bacon had such great admiration of God Pan that he is attributed to the statement “what is now the Church of Christ was once the “BROTHERHOOD OF PAN.”[31] Father Saunière led us directly to the tales of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail. It is claimed that Saunière possibly found evidence that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married, and produced offspring that eventually became the Merovingian Dynasty.[32]

The “AA” society has extensive Rosicrucian connections and involves significant historical figures and the “OCCULT” revival of 19th century France. It is believed by some scholars that “ROSICRUCIANISM” ultimately stemmed from Dr. John Dee.[33] The ROSICRUCIANS are a secret higher order of the ILLUMINATI.[34] This site claim to contains some original ILLUMINATI membership forms that link them directly to the ROSICRUCIANS.

It is an interesting note to keep in mind that Marlowe, the Elizabethan Spy, may not have died in England in 1593. He was a secret agent involved in the world of medieval espionage for the Queen. Some say that his death was faked. Marlowe escaped England and entered the Island of Malta joining Caravaggio in the same secret world of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA (Malta Theory).[35] Additionally, just before his alleged death in May 1593, Queen Elizabeth’s Privy Council issued a warrant for the arrest of Marlowe on charges of spreading “blasphemous and damnable opinions” – Consorting with the DEVIL.[36]


Ondaatje’s film version of The English Patient was released to critical acclaim, and received 12 nominations at the 1997 69th Academy Awards, eventually winning nine. WILLEM DAFOE, above, took the leading role as David CARAVAGGIO.[37]


Just after Super Bowl 50 and winning MVP, here is Von Miller sporting a $325 off-white c/o Virgil Abloh’s heavyweight cotton jersey print T-shirt styled at front with a CARAVAGGIO graphic that just happens to be Ondaatje and Dafoe’s English Patients’ VERY SAME secret Satanic Symbolic David with the Head of Goliath- Bargain with the DEVIL for IMMORTALITY. [38] This is absolutely no coincidence. And. My Lord! Do you have any idea who this CARAVAGGIO was? He was so demonic, dangerous and deranged in his own time that his own BROTHERHOOD had to take him out of the world.

CARAVAGGIO: Anti-Christ of Art

CONSORTING WITH THE DEVIL, assault, murder- that is the notorious succès-de-scandale of the 17th century Italian, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. He was accused of all of these and more during his tempestuous career. Condemned as the “ANTICHRIST OF PAINTING,” Caravaggio was as controversial for his revolutionary artworks as he was for his infamous temper, psychopathic nature, and lengthy criminal record and background.[39] Giulio Mancini complained that the Caravaggio had chosen as his model for Mary in The Death of the Virginone or other filthy whore”.[40] Caravaggio’s model in David with the Head of Goliath and many other of his classic  paintings had been his boy sex slave, Cupid. His paintings are implanted with the Spirit of the DEVIL.


Caravaggio traveled to Malta, the headquarters of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA (St. John Hospitiers) under the patronage of Alof de Wignacourt, Grand Master of the Knights to escape murder charges. De Wignacourt honored the killer as an official painter to the Order and as a Knight. Major works from his Malta period include a huge Beheading of Saint John the Baptist and a Portrait of “Alof de Wignacourt and his Page”, as well as portraits of other leading knights. Yet by late August 1608, he was arrested and imprisoned “as a foul and rotten member.” In 1595 Naples, along with Caravaggio’s benefactor, Cardinal Francesco De Monte, they had become well-known notorious shameless lustful pedophiles of young boys. [41] Christopher Marlowe was also interested in young boys, he allegedly said, “all they that love not tobacco and boys are fools”.[42]


Fashion Designer Virgil Abloh of something he calls “Pyrex Vision”. In the Pyrex Vision, he also has a line that calls the SS.  He is a twisted and strange enigma. He is known as a black kid with white [supremacy] tendencies (Off White) indoctrinated/initiated into a secret French-Italian medieval occult circle inside Kanye West and the Armenian (Gnostic) Kardashian International Satanic Grove.


 Caravaggio Self Portrait

The Negro is known to be obsessed with old art master Caravaggio- the Antichrist of Art. During his own time, Caravaggio was said to have been born of the Cloven Hoof of a Goat – Satan and God Pan. He was known to be a secretly fully initiated Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem (Malta) which is why Jay-Z, a high ranking international ILLUMINATI Freemason, would also be interested in Caravaggio. Much of the Old Masters’ mysteries and secrets are hidden in their paintings. Without the keys to unlock the mysteries and messages, we can’t see all that they are communicating to an eternal Satanic inner circle from generation to generation. The Satanic High Cabals and Freemasons have the keys and formulas to unlock some if not all those secrets.


Caravaggio’s Entombment of Christ T-Shirts & Hoods


Because it used the symbol of the Rosy Cross in its symbolism, England’s Knights, Order of the Garter, has been linked with the Rosicrucians. The Order was founded in 1348 by King Edward III of England and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Christianized version of the pagan Great Mother Goddess…many famous men who were either Rosicrucians or Masons have over the centuries been knighted as members of the Order of the Garter. One of the alleged Grand Masters of the Order was Demonologist/Luciferian Dr. John Dee.


Order of Garter- Garner of Lancaster Roses & Knights- Order of St. George

England’s Knights of the Order of the Garter acts as Queen Elizabeth’s most trusted “privy council” (“private council“). The Knights of the Garter are the inner sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), with whom she shared some secrets of state and from whom she received advice. The Order of the Garter were a fraternity of the Rosy Cross and among the Brotherhood of the Knights of Malta.


Abloh says that he is using art as medium to change culture. Change it to what? He is using the revival of occulted mysteries and secrets of Europe’s Old Masters (Brotherhood of Rosy Cross and Knights of Malta) to serve as fodder, inspiration, and raw material and medium for that art (Alchemy and the Baphomet) on a Pyrex dish among the so-called Hip Hop Generation.

Kanye West and the Kardashian Satanic Grove is undoubtedly controlled by the Old European Secret Satanic/Rosicrucian BLOODLINES going back to Joan of Arc and Catholic Black Mass Satanic Murderer Gilles de Rais of France. 

Hey! What about those Broncos, huh! Well, do you think that Von Miller and Caravaggio’s Satanic Mysterious Graphic, and HollyWeird’s Satanic High Priest Dafoe playing/acting out Caravaggio were flukes, too? I don’t think so.

Von Miller, Occult & the Owl


Here is Von Miller in Dallas, TX after the super bowl partying with the Occulted Owl warped in a Snake T-shirt. You can’t be any more obviously SATANIC than that. In cultures and societies of remote antiquity in Africa and Australia, the Owl is viewed as a sort of Messenger of Secrets. The Owl is believed to serve seers, mystics, sorcerers, and witches and those who work with the magical arts.


The Owl also serves as a symbol related to the guardianship of the underworlds, and a protection of the dead, as seen in cultures such as the Ancient Kemet and God Aset (Osiris).


In western and central Europe, medieval beliefs often associate Owls with being a witch or wizard in disguise. Just take a look at the Harry Potter movies – an Owl named Hedwig plays a significant role as companion to the title character.[43]


Rapper Drake says directly that his Owl was taken directly from King Tutankhamen’s 18th Dynasty Great Temple to God Amun at Karnak.[44] So, where Von Miller get his Owl from?


Von Miller may be homo-erotically walking in the shoes and dress of the most ancient DEMON Screech Night Owl Goddess, Lilith.[45]

Von Miller, Occult & the Snake


SATAN, the serpent also called the GREAT DRAGON, is the Lord and ruler of this world, leading mankind astray and worshipped as a god with various names through the world’s religions, whose followers knowingly or unknowingly worship Satan and the fallen angels. The Snake/Dragon symbol carries with it a strong occult meaning, used by Satanists/ILLUMINATI to show who they work for and worship. It is also used to show who celebrities, who are mind control slaves, work for.[46] THAT’S THE BOTTOMLINE.


Here is Von Miller– sleepy, drunk or sitting/standing up drifting off in a TRANCE-FORMATION. I really don’t believe that a shot of gin will do this to a man of his size and extremely supreme conditioning.


NFL player Von Miller (L) and Vince Miller attend ESPN the Party at WestWorld of Scottsdale on January 30, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Is he pointing to himself or to the BAPHOMET and DEMONS in that t-shirt? Why didn’t he attend the party with a girlfriend instead of a dude?



 Von Miller with homo-erotic provocative pants sag hugged up with suspect dude. Below, Jamie Foxx and Lil Wayne with homo-erotic provocative pants sags. We should be pretty clear by now of what they’re all about.

aaaavonvonhomoerotic So, who and what is Von Miller? Rumors surface that he is on the down-low. In 2011, he had a possible girlfriend and relationship with a Hispanic sister, Rona Gonzales, but it appears that it didn’t seem to develop into anything in particular.[47] Well, it looks like Cam Newton won’t go in that far in that direction- New Age- PAN-SEXUALISM, and that may be his primary problem with the ILLUMINATI.


In December 2015, his girlfriend, Kia Proctor, gave birth to his first child, a beautiful son.[48]


 Here is Von Miller at a post-game super bowl party throwing up a hand sign similar to the “Devil Horns” hanging with Negro Luciferian- the barbaric, pederastic (love of boys), pedophilic Lil Wayne and his boy crew of Cash Money Records rocking to “Big Rings” by Cash Money’s Cabbalist High Priest, Drake.[49],[50] 

Kissing each other, we roll like that!” I also hear that Von doesn’t particularly care for or date Black Women. Terrence Howard don’t expressly date Black Women because they’re not particularly down with the New Age of Satanic Sex Magick, the BAPHOMET, ANTICHRIST and the DEVIL.[51],[52],[53]


In a gay mood and fancy free, Von Miller talks fashion and homosexual teammates with Adrianne Palicki of Friday Night Lights.[54] Man, is this the same NFL superstar linebacker, below?


Von Miller in another gay and fancy free moment.


Von Miller in another gay and fancy free mood.


Below, Von Miller in an unisex “Onesie” hugged up with another dude (Bronco Teammate) in Vegas.


How about those Broncos, huh!


From his post super bowl corporate mass media celebrity parade across the nation and television, Cable networks, Miller called his appearance on “Saturday Night Live” the highlight. That was especially true since Miller had wanted to meet actor/comedian Kenan Thompson, one of the show’s cast members. Miller said, To meet Kenan, been a fan of his my whole entire life,’’ Miller said. To be backstage, in the dressing room, chillin’ and kickin’, I was a fan, he was a fan, definitely a great moment.”[55] Who is Kenan Thompson?


Kenan Thompson is a product of Nickelodeon. Believe it or not, but out of all the people in the world, Nickelodeon was a product of a felonious convicted religious con couple, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland. The government gave the Bakkers an entire abandoned military base to setup a television/cable studio.[56] Their Pinwheel Channel was purchased by Warner Cable [forerunner to Time Warner], then renamed Nickelodeon. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were allegedly reported to be closet ILLUMINATI PAN-Sexuals. [57],[58],[59],[60] Jim Bakker is “the Little Caligula of the televangelists.”[61] That is extremely scary stuff.

To help the Bakker’s pseudo-false religious programs with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the New World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore early on came to help the Bakkers run their religious ILLUSIONARY ministry.[62],[63]


Sandia had been involved in mind control operations and technology for quite sometime. Electronic monitoring of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive than the military. Sandia, for instance, markets a human sensor implant sealed inside a “hermetic biocompatible package” that runs on a tiny power coil, complete with a programmable sensor and telemetry circuits. Sandia’s sales literature notes that the implant’s designis founded on technology originally developed for weapons.” It is quite possible that Bill Perkins and Sandia may have come with the deal for the U.S. military base. The Bakker’s religious organization may have been a front for a clandestine government mind control operation.[64]


Kenan’s (black male) Emasculation Secretly Overseen by the All Seeing Eye of the ILLUMINATI

In 2013, Kenan caused quite of bit of controversy defending SNL’s lack of diversity among its 16 cast members. There were only three of color, no females of color. Kenan said regarding, particularly, black female comedians, “It’s just a tough part of the business,” He said. “Like in auditions, they just never find ones that are ready.”[65]


 In other words, Kenan Thompson is more ready in corporate mass media than any black female to walk in their shoes and dress. And apparently, corporate mass media also believes that he is more ready than any black female to represent (stereotype and denigrate) them, and walk in their shoes and dress.

That’s not Homo- Erotic, it is Homo- Psychotic, but that is the person that seems to always thrill Super Bowl 50 MVP, Von Miller.


Nickelodeon manufactured Kenan Thompson, a Walt Disney Character Uncle Remus Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Negro made safe by the ILLUMINATI for white children, particularly, white girls, and a white supremacy society.


Keenan is a 21st Century Black Buffoon worse than a Chicken Shack Stepin Fetchit, because he has had almost a century of Black Resistance History (Dr. King, Malcolm X, Panthers) behind his back to know the damn better unless he, too, is a hapless CIA MK ULTRA puppet with a microchip implanted in his head, or a … 


Damn Luciferian Freemason of the Brotherhood.

You know. The way that Cam Newton jumped away from that fumbled ball with a little more than 4 (four) minutes to go in the 4th quarter suggests that the game was fixed from the beginning. Some people and entities took the gambling houses in Vegas Big Time with the Broncos surprising win and point spread.

If the U.S. Justice Department can extend the resources of U.S. taxpayers to poke their noses into the internal affairs of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA: International Federation of Association Football) headquartered on the other side midnight in Zurich, Switzerland, and abroad, they can certainty investigate the NFL and America’s biggest game for corruption right here in America.


However, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch is a Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sister beholden to a covenant of secrecy,  Patron Goddess Minerva and that damn ILLUMINATI OWL again.




[3] Id.



















[22] McClure, Derrick J, “What Countrey’s This. And Whither Are We Gone?”, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Tyne, NE (2010), pgs. 59-60









[31] Id.




































3 08 2015

The video clearly demonstrate that the people know what time it is in Waller County, Texas God Damn. As if it was the Final Chapter in the Sandra Bland Affair, within a couple of days before this post, Waller County released new video footage of Sandy Bland taking a booking photo in an orange jail suit to respond to widespread claims on the internet, social media and corporate mass media that she may have been dead when her booking photo was taken. They are getting ready to pack up the dog and pony show and go home. There is much more to the the Sandra Bland Affair than the Mugshots. The fact is that when journalist, concerned citizens and the public demanded to see Bland’s side booking photo. In their own arrogance, they produced a side photo that was so dark and blurry that the person in the photo could not be identified as Sandy Bland.


In fact with the same lighting conditions, camera and the photos taken just moments apart, the subject in the side photo jail uniform is a different hue or color than Sandy’s front mugshot, and the subject’s shoulders appear too narrow for a tall and broad shouldered woman like Sandy. In fact, the entire Bland Corpse Mugshot Controversy may be a designed psychological warfare false flag tactic and red herring One of the primary components of psychological warfare is a covert plan of DEMORALIZATION that includes causing and instilling distrust of one’s cause, ideas and causes. It also includes the creation of FALSE ALARMS.[1] Waller County officials may have intentionally neglected to produce a clear booking photo of Sandy or take any action to clear up the discrepancies between the front photo and side photo to further inflame public mistrust and confusion by design.


However, as you look at the scene of her alleged suicide, it is a dormitory type cell that has a capacity to house at least 5 (five) women. Why was Sandy Bland kept isolated in that cell for at least 3 (three) days even when as they say, she told them that she was suicidal; suffered from Epilepsy and didn’t have her alleged medication?


Shortly after nine a.m. on July 13, 2015, Red Neck Justice of the Peace Charles Karisch told ABC13 News, he got a call. He was needed at the jail to conduct a death inquisition.  Karisch said, “I looked at the body, asked if EMS had been there and it was a flat-line. I pronounced her dead. I did see a dark mark somewhere around the neck.” He said,I think I saw a plastic bag hanging on something …”[2] So, you tell me why weren’t just plain ordinary crime scene technicians brought to the jail cell like the ones that you see every day on television mass convicting people of color of crimes to document the “dark mark” somewhere around Sandy’s neck, and the “plastic bag” that Judge Karisch THOUGHT that he saw “hanging on something.”

It makes absolutely no sense. From these extremely outrageous circumstances and the severe departure from just ordinary and standard duty of care, and crime scene homicide investigation and documentation, it was like Sandy had been no more than a dead ANIMAL. The people were JUSTIFIED to suspect Waller County officials of criminal FOUL PLAY in her death. Waller County‘s piece mill approach to government transparency is only designed to DEMORALIZE the masses and suppress their legitimate goals and aspirations. It is a game of psychological warfare. Pressure should continue on Waller County officials to answer to the people.


It is a truly sad, haunting and an outrageous tragedy to watch a despondent Sandy sadly lurk across the jail still lost in the dark and disbelieving shock about what really happened to be brutally assaulted, battered and placed behind bars like a PATSY, like a Lee Harvey Oswald or a Sirhan Sirhan. Nevertheless, I believe the majority of people familiar with this case are now convinced and outraged that Sandra Bland had no business being in jail in the first instance and want a full and complete answer, WHY.

As far as the recent Waller County booking room video is concerned, I will remain cautious to see what happens when the experts and public get a fair change to study the video. In the meanwhile, there continues to be something awfully wrong with the Sandy Bland Waller County Incident as the facts and circumstances of her arrest and death continue to spiral out of control.

Sandy Blank, AME Churches & the FINAL CHAPTER

 Sandy was widely lauded as a faithful member of DuPage AME Church in Lisle, IL. It was the same denomination as the Masonic/MK ULTRA Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC involved in the False Flag/Strategy of Tension racial mass murder operation that shocked the conscious of the nation and world.[3] The operation allegedly took the lives of the pastor and eight high ranking parishioners of the black church on June 17, 2015.[4]


Sandy‘s pastor and mentor, Rev. Dr. James F. Miller rides the HELLENIZED Ram for the ILLUMINATI just as the Late Rev. Clementa Pinckney had rode the Ram to become an ILLUMINATI sacrifice. Some may be confused as to what the RAM that they ride looks like.


Rev. Miller is a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule– Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.[5]


While Rev. Pinckney was a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[6] That’s something to be very leery about.


This is Rev. Lavern Witherspoon and the Great BEAST 666. He was the former pastor at Mother Emanuel AME Church before his fraternity brother, Rev. Pinckney, took over the church. Rev. Witherspoon Rides the GOAT as a 33rd Master Mason and chaplain for the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. He also Rides the RAM for the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[7]


Make no mistake as to what the GOAT that Rev. Witherspoon rides look like. He is a 1995 graduate of the U.S. Army Chaplain School and Center at Fort Jackson, South Carolina,[8] and,

“As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains “to facilitate the provision of religious activities.” Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the “other” religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, “Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving ‘black masses,’ human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the ‘anti-establishment’ mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on ‘rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.’ “[9] Rev. Witherspoon facilitates the Satanic Worship of the Baphomet for Masons and the U.S. Army.


But the most chilling and real scary stuff about Witherspoon is not only is he a chaplain for Masons and the U.S. Army, but he is a U.S. Army chaplain at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey home to the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command linked to Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) and –“Artificial Telepathy” or “psychotropics” or “mind control.”[10]

BAH employs over a 1000 intelligence officer involved in ultra secret high level Twilight Zone research and development in psychological and space age warfare, and mass population mind control projects. For instance, BAH’s C41SR,

The term C4ISR is a perfect descriptor for Artificial Telepathy — a powerful fusion of signal processing technologies that allows technicians to remotely gather and collect human intelligence (HUMINT) from the brain signals (SIGINT) of other human beings. As with C4ISR, Artificial Telepathy automates “signals collection” (eavesdropping) and “intelligence analysis” (figuring out what people intend to do) by utilizing satellites and computers, and the overall goal is military command and control.

Indeed, one might define Artificial Telepathy as a subset of C4ISR with a special focus on neurology, psychology and mind control. Artificial Telepathy is an exotic form of C4ISR that allows warriors to communicate nonvocally with soldiers in the field, enables spies and intelligence agents to perform reconnaisance and surveillance nonlocally by means of “remote viewing,” and allows military officers to command and control the behavior of human minds at a distance, with the artificial aid of carefully networked satellite and computer technology.


Booz Allen Hamilton certainly has close ties to the contractors who worked on the Pentagon’s “Star Gate” program for psychic spying in the 1990s, and it took a lead role in development of the NSA’s “Total Information Awareness” projects, mentioned in earlier posts. BAH must certainly be on the short list of firms capable of designing and launching a system of space-based, mind-invasive weaponry. It has all the people, pull and know-how needed to put an “electronic concentration camp system” in place”[11]


At this level of U.S. intelligence, it requires a twisted, wicked- depraved mind, and ultra high levels of secrecy and U.S. military/pentagon intelligence clearances to operate in and among Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants. What is the likelihood of AME Churches and Divine Nine (9)/Masonic Negroes being at the basis of two of America’s most racially polarizing incidents within days of each other in the SOUTH– to explode on the GLOBAL stage? Very unlikely to none at all.


It is chilling stuff, but Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants have entered and corrupted the sanctity of the Black Church through their agents, the black Masons, Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negroes to try to usher in a New Age Luciferian Era, and bring about a FINAL CHAPTER to race relations.


Besides the clandestine BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH/ Ladies of Goddess Eulogia (Cybele), Sigma Gamma Rho, which in itself is scary stuff, but when the blood covenant secret Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negro combinations enter into the background of Sandy Bland, RED FLAGS AND SIRENS SHOULD HAVE TO GONE OFF AMONG THE MASSES LONG AGO.

Sandy Bland, Activist or Counter Intelligence Patsy


Sandy Bland also had been widely lauded as a BLACK LIVES MATTER activist. However, she appears to have been a sort of “solohashtag social media activist primarily using her Facebook page as a “Sandy Speaks” platform. She is not known to be formally associated with any organized group other than her secret SKULLS & BONES sisterhood. From the loose organizational nature, structure and network of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement that has no certain program, constitution or formal or semi-formal membership, it can easily be penetrated, infiltrated, compromised and co-opted by secret black intelligence agents, agent provocateurs, and Black Manchurian Candidates.

Sandra Bland launched “Sandy Speaks” on January 14, 2015 as a “Gateway to Children.” She didn’t at one time mention the Black Lives Matter movement. However, she didn’t fail to mention her admiration for her down to business “sorority” sisters, and children interacting with the POLICE. Listen and watch her first “Sandy Speaks“, then answer the question whether or not she was anyway, shape, form or fashion a Black Lives Matter Activist.

The bottom line is that Sandra Bland had been pushed out on a limb on a mission by her clandestine sisterhood to represent a part of the Black Lives Matter movement on a global level. She was a SKULL & BONES sister on a mission. However, with prospects of a new job, future and a chance to improve her mental health, she may have wanted out of the mission, but she was too far deep down the RABBIT HOLE to get out of the game ALIVE.

Homeland Security & the State Suppression of the BLACK LIVES MATTER Movement


 According to documents obtained by The Intercept via a Freedom of Information Act request, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been monitoring the Black Lives Matter movement, by collecting data relating to public protests, vigils, and other events, and information from social media accounts.[12]

According to The Intercept, the DHS has been monitoring the movement since protests in Ferguson, MO erupted last August following the death of Michael Brown. DHS, which is supposed to investigate terrorism, also monitored the National Moment of Silence vigils that took place around the country on August 14th. These were peaceful vigils meant to honor those who have died at the hands of police.[13]

Baher Azmy from the Center for Constitutional Rights says that what DHS calls “providing situational awareness” of America’s Black Lives Matter and Peace movement is really just surveillance. What they call situational awareness is Orwellian Speak for watching and INTIMIDATION,” said Azmy.[14]

“Over time there’s a serious harm to the associational rights of the protesters and it’s an effective way to chill protest movements. The average person would be less likely to go to a Black Lives Matter protest if the government is monitoring social media, Facebook, and their movements.”[15]

President Barrack Obama’s June 26, 2015 Grace Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME was a disguised “southern strategy statement” that abandoned the rights, goals and aspirations of Black people within the confines and boarders of the former Confederate States of America.

Waller County, Rambo & Operation Sandy

Waller County’s Operation Sandy may not have been a joint federal- state task force per se, but it was certainty state action facilitated by DHS situational awareness information and data provided to state and local police authorities to deal on a local level with a social media outside “black agitator” involved in the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, I don’t believe that the federal government told the gun-ho cowboys in Waller County everything it knew about Sandra Bland. The good ole boys may have gotten the go-ahead from DHS, but they certainty didn’t know what the U.S. Psychos department and the CIA Occult Bureau handlers were up to. The country bigots of Waller County really may not fully understand what happened to Sandy, but their ignorance, arrogance and utter blind racism certainty put them in the trick box, riddle and enigma that they find themselves trapped inside.

Sandy & John Rambo


You just don’t turn it off!John Rambo

On July 10, 2015, Sandy Bland was hunted down and attacked by a Texas state trooper that acted as if he had been injected with the Rambo Chip, a human micro chip designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream when hunting down and LIGHTENING UP Black people- the elderly, men, children and WOMEN.

The family lawyer, Cannon Lambert and Sandy‘s sister, Sharon Cooper, confirmed the fact that Sandy had been singled out and TARGETED by a John Rambo type state trooper.[16] Within under 20 seconds of retuning to his car after his staged cover, the friendly encounter with a speeding Prairie View A&M University sophomore, Officer Encinia sighted Bland’s car. Rambo reportedly looked Sandy straight in her eyes after she made a right turn in the opposite lane.[17]

Rambo immediately made a u-turn and took off after her that forced her over to the right lane to allow an emergency vehicle to pass. He had been laying in wait for Sandy. She undoubtedly had been under some type of surveillance prior to Officer John Rambo Encinia zeroing in on her. When he stopped her, there was absolutely nothing that Sandy could do to save herself from being attacked and arrested by a super adrenaline charged Rambo.

He had been debriefed with situational data that labeled Sandy Bland as an outside “black agitator” before the stop. At his level (need to know) of the special operation, the takedown of Sandy Bland involved discrediting and neutralizing her from making a name for herself, and the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. Encinia: “I … even de-escalated once we were on the pavement. You know, on the sidewalk… I’m not saying I just threw her [body slammed] to the ground. I mean, I allowed time to de-escalate and so forth. It just kept being… (LAUGH in response to something) Right I just. (sounds like ‘MAKE A NAME FOR HER.’) ….”[18] I am hoping that Encinia’s full and accurate transcript will be produced and released that will show that he had been briefed about Sandy before the notorious traffic stop.

Who is Brian Encinia?


From the Creamery to State Trooper!

Brian Encinia, 30, is a Texas A&M graduate who has been with the state Department of Public Safety for a little over a year. His LinkedIn profile has since been deleted. Encinia indicated in his work history that he was formerly a district chief at the Brenham Fire Department and had also worked at Blue Bell Creamery as an “ingredient processor.” There is not much left from being calculatingly sanitized to show that Encinia ever had any kind of a social media presence, and his LinkedIn profile was deleted not long after his name was made public.[19]

The bottom line is that Encinia’s background has been deliberately wiped squeaky clean and placed under wraps. His background has been intentionally concealed from the public. We are left with the official story line that Encinia’s background history begins and ends at Texas A&M. Encinia is a predominately Hispanic surname. It is a name associated with noble, knightly and ancient bloodline families of Spain. It is a Spanish word, “encina“, derived mostly from the region of Castile meaning “Oak Tree.”[20]

People (Men) of the Oak traditionally means Druids. Druidism is believed to have moved into ancient Spain around 450 BC.[21] Castile, Spain is also associated with the founding of an order of Knight Templars in 1164, the Order of Calatrava.[22] Encinia deliberately led Sandy out of the narrow range of the patrol car dash cam to a sidewalk. He handcuffed her hands behind the back, then his adrenaline took over. He body slammed and drove Sandy into the pavement, and later LAUGHED about it. He fabricated a battery against an officer charge against her, then delivered her to Waller County.


I believe that the most logical conclusion under these circumstances is that Brian Encinia is some type of old world bloodline Spaniard Templar Knight.

Sandy‘s Mother From HELL


When Sandy was first arrested, a local bails bondsman said, “I talked to her when she first went to jail,JOE BOOKER of Hempstead told The Daily Beast. I called her mother for her.” Then BOOKER suddenly hung up the phone, and refused to answer any further calls regarding the Sandra Bland Case.[23] Sandy‘s mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, is interesting and very strange to say the least.


So-Say supposed to be Grieving (Sign of the BEAST: no weeping, mourning or tears) Mother Geneva Reed-Veal with GOAT Rider 33rd Degree Master Mason, [24] and Divine 9 (Nine)- Boule Negro, Al Sharpton.[25]


Brother Luciferian Master Masons, Al Sharpton and Al Pike

Of course, neither Al or Geneva discussed what Hempstead, Texas Bail Bondsman JOE BOOKER said, and why she or her clandestine sisterhood didn’t bail Sandy out of jail on Monday- the evening Sandy was attacked, battered, arrested and jailed. Geneva Reed-Veal turns out to be a prominent Chicago area real estate black entrepreneur.


She studied at Northern Illinois University, and graduated from Columbia College of Chicago with a BA in Journalism. She is currently the managing broker owner of the ADONAI Realty Investment Group. [26]


In Kabbalistic Mysteries, the ascent up the Tree of Life begins with the lowest sefirah, Malkhut. The name of God associated with Malkhut is ADONAI. Adonai is the plural form of Adon (“Lord”), which was used in ordinary speech as a title of respect when addressing a superior. When applied to God, ADONAI is a title of honor that denotes God’s absolute lordship. Although ADONAI literally means “my Lords,” it is translated as “Lord.Gikatilla says that ADONAI is the name of God that is “closest to all created things.” ADONAI  is “the great provider of Creation” who “governs all creatures, gives life and death, bequeaths and enriches, brings low and exalts, makes sick and heals.” He also says that the wise draw their wisdom from ADONAI .[27]


Could be Black Kabbalah Beads. In Kabbalistic Mysteries, Black: is associated with Prosperity and wealth. It is a very powerful color that symbolizes strength and power.

Is Geneva Reed-Veal a Luciferian witch, a Cabbalist? One problem that Sandy said that she had with her mother is that she always wanted pretty babies– mixed race white-black children. It sounds as though, Sandy may have been rejected by her mother because she wasn’t WHITE enough. And that opens up the possibility that at some time in her life, she may have been sacrificed to SCIENCE by her mother.

In the final eulogy to her daughter, Reed-Veal prepared herself for what’s to come saying, “Once I put this baby in the ground, I’m ready…This means war.”[28] That war that she talks about is more likely to take place on the planet MARS than on earth. I am inclined to believe NOTHING THE WITCH SAYS!

The Mystery of Sandy Bland


 In CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled Manchurian Candidates, you always begin by looking for unexplained missing time blocks that would allow entities time to separate, isolate, ritually program, and intensively indoctrinate their victims. In 2009, Sandy graduated from Prairie View A&M University with a BS in Agriculture and Animal Science. From October 2009 – March 2010 (6 months), she worked at Prairie View A&M University as a graduate research assistant.[29] After March 2010, she was convicted of a marijuana possession in Houston, TX. In May 2010, she was sentenced to thirty (30) days in jail, then sort of dropped off the map.[30]

Bland shows back up in Illinois in January 2013 as a n assistant property manager, then works regularly at various jobs in Illinois until April 2015, when she quit her administrative assistant job for Cook’s Direct in Warrenville, IL.[31] Sandy‘s abnormal and erratic driving history for a society sorority girl picks back up in March 2013 with a speeding violation in Crestwood Township, Cook County, IL.[32] But, where was Sandy from about June or July 2010 to January 2013? On her LinkedIn professional internet page, the missing time gap between May 2010 to January 2013 is telling and glaring.

By the time, she picks back up in January 2013. At some time subsequent to January 2013 and immediately thereafter, she has manifested symptomatic Post Partum Psychosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Epilepsy that nobody seemed to have known anything about, but it didn’t just stop there. It gets even WORSE.

Sandy Bland, Occult Symbolism & MK ULTRA

On April 5, 2015, Sandra Bland was involved in strange automobile and motorcycle collision that deeply affected her. The motorcycle can be seen in her “Sandy Speaks” resting upside down (inverted) on the top of the trunk of her car. She certainty internalized the experience as a “life threatening” incident that God delivered her from. It was one more mysterious traumatic shock to her system and conscience. Sandy said that she had been on the way to a beach most likely along Lake Michigan, but appeared to be ALONE. For a beach trip, she worn usually large black double pyramid (triangle) earrings, and a black/white zebra patterned dress or blouse.


Sandy‘s “double black inverted pyramid earrings” could very well be innocent expressions of artistic preferences. However under these circumstances of “traumatic shock” when she was expressly an INITIATE of a secret Luciferian Sisterhood involved in a racially polarizing incident of global proportions, then a second look at Sandy Bland in a totally different realm is necessary.


The pyramid (triangle) is an ancient and mysterious symbol that has stirred the imagination of man for generations trying to unlock its many secrets. Sandy‘s Skull and Bones sisterhood, Sigma Gamma Rho, is basically an offspring of ancient Freemasonry. In the Masonic realm, the inverted pyramid suggests a hierarchical order from the bottom few elite UP.


It also represents an initiation of the initiate (mentee) to a higher NEW degree of revealed wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order UP.


The “inverted pyramid hierarchical order up concept” also plays an important part in early Christian doctrine and theology.[33] The inverted pyramid also represents the lunar aspects/powers of the ancient Great Earth Mother Cults.[34] It also symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into Matter (Satanism).[35]


Whereas, the black/white zebra crossings/stripes is a classic CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH theme that represents “Duality“.[36] It also acts as a MK ULTRA- MONARCH CHILDreinforcing” and an “identifier” device.[37]


The Zebra Crossings/Stripes take you round and round. WHERE IT STOPS NOBODY KNOWS.


Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop/Pop Star Rihanna


MK ULTRA Satanic Sex Kitten Pop Star Miley Cyrus


Late Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop Star Aaliyah


MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kitten Multiple Personality Disordered Nicki Minaj


MK ULTRA Rihanna Again, and



Identifiers provide a special and important safeguard in secret societies. In Oakland, a concerned brother and I tried to infiltrate a black secret society attached to a Lutheran Church in West Oakland. This group was involved in the assassination and cover-up of a prominent Oakland black businessman. The affair that we tried to infiltrate was their minister’s PUBLIC funeral, a black high ranking hierarchical Lutheran church official. During a homecoming celebration after the funeral, we tried to mix with the brothers to try to gather some inside information. We soon discovered that all the society brothers identified themselves by wearing cowboy boots. We had immediately been identified and out-ed as “outsiders.” We didn’t have the cowboy boots. I recognized some of the brothers, and of course, they knew exactly who I was. For me, it was yet another subset of brothers that I couldn’t turn my back on anyplace or time. I don’t think that I would do that again. But, I had to know. They had to know that I knew. These people will KILL you without conscience, without any weeping, mourning or tears in their fathers name, the BEAST, Lucifer.

From the looks of it with all her Luciferian identifiers, Sandra Bland was on her way to the beach to meet with a secret CIA Occult Bureau GROVE or Coven for sunset or most likely moon rise rituals. Some of the beaches along Lake Michigan have been known to be used by Satanic cults particularly for animal sacrifices and voodoo rituals.[38]


April 5, 2015 had been the night of the Waning Moon. This is the Moon of the Great Earth Mothers, CYBELE, Demeter, Ceres, Korte, Danu (Anu), and Bast. What work has been done is now gathered in and the crop offered as a sacrifice to the Mother who gave it to us in the first place. Time to harvest and time to begin renewal. A time to review endeavors and correct mistakes. Settle disputes and make amends. Nobody seems to know what happened to Sandy Bland after the motorcycle accident, but I am sure from the looks of it that it was yet another TRAUMA that caused her to return to her handlers and another alter was split from her original personality.




The LEOPARD, seemingly is a favorite of MK-ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control Programmers. The LEOPARD print clothing or dressing as a cat refers to the Sex Kitten Programming or a Cat Alter Personality. This is the MOST SEXUAL programming.


Sandy looks like a different young lady in Cat Alters. The Sex Kitten/Leopard programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.[39]


MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kitten Lady Gaga


MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kittens Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea


ILLUMINATI MONARCH Sex Kitten Kim Kardashian




ILLUMINATI MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kittens Lil Kim & Nicki Minaj 


Eartha Mae Kitt (January 17, 1927 – December 25, 2008)

HollyWeird Star and Vocalist EARTHA KITT may be the original International Sex Kitten Spy. Her MIND CONTROL programming may be linked to Post-War Nuremburg Tribunal Nazi Doctors and Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. JOSEF MENGELE. I will cover that subject in a later post related to America’s favorite ILLUMINATI/CIA Negro, BILL COSBY.



Don’t get it twisted. I am not blaming the young sister, Sandy Bland, for anything. UNVEILED under normal circumstances, Sigma Gamma Rho is simply a fraternal order of black sisterhood joined together to look one after another. Its stated AIM is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmarks of the organization.


Texas Cowboy Waller County D.A. Elton Mathis- Part of the Secret BROTHERHOOD

VEILED, its calling to form came from the Germany’s pagan Chapter of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, Yale’s Secret Society, SKULL & BONES. Sigma Gamma Rho is a secret and VEILED women society of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH. That’s not what I say. It is what they say they ARE!


All Symbols of the Secret BROTHERHOOD

It is an inverted pyramid structured society developed by Knight of the Golden Circle/KKK Founder, Master Mason Albert Pike- where the true Luciferian secret agenda of the organization is held by only a few chosen at the apex of the pyramid.


Once you step across that line like the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) Ladies of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, and take the Initiation Ritual Blood Covenant Oath of Allegiance and Secrecy to the BROTHERHOOD , you fall down the RABBIT HOLE. I am certain that the young sister, Sandy Bland, didn’t know what she was getting into by joining Sigma Gamma Rho. Sandy’s Satanic Ritual Traumatic Abuse may have began in childhood, with the sisterhood providing a cover for CIA MK ULTRAsleeper” covert operations. The CIA is basically Knights of the Secret BROTHERHOOD. Sandy Bland certainty didn’t understand what was going on like a Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan, when she was targeted, beaten, arrested, jailed and subsequently LIQUIDATED to plunge America deeper into a sinkhole of racial divine just before the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.

In this case, all it took was one person with $500 that probably have changed the game plan for Sandy Bland, but NOBODY saved her not even her own mother. During the Black Liberation Struggle of the 1960’s, they used to laugh and drop off people straight out of the insane asylum with black berets and leather jackets among our ranks. some still had on hospital gowns underneath their leather coats.  What did we do? We surrounded them and took care of our people.   We just have to do a better job educating and protecting the people, not just the YOUTH.  If she had been my friend, I know that I would have come forward to bail her out, but we all failed her by not LIFTING THE VEIL on these people soon enough, and not addressing her special needs and many more resulting from CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

Folks, the handwriting is on the wall. The ILLUMINATI and BROTHERHOOD’s plans for the FINAL CHAPTER just like the FINAL SOLUTION is in the works. They are systematically closing down your schools, classrooms and colleges. Your churches are being infiltrated, corrupted and taken over by the agents of the BROTHERHOOD. Most of our young men are under the yolk of the police state, and prison industrial system. Most of your employment opportunities are being closed down, parceled out to others, shipped out of town and over to the other side of the world.  Your classical and traditional GLOBAL industries of power, influence and wealth like the Black Music Entertainment Industry Jazz, Blues and Rhythm & Blues is slowly withering away to nothing. Our premier athletes are unorganized, and being swayed away from the people. They are under constant police state surveillance, attack and lock downs. They are under a State of SEIZE. For me, the answer is rather simple, RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! Don’t let them close the Final Chapter on SANDRA BLAND.

[1] declassified-aims-of-psychological-warfare/







[8] Id.





[13] Id.

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