17 05 2018



Darkness is good,” Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re BLIND to who we are and what we’re doing.” Steve Bannon, President- select Donald J. Drumpf’s Chief Strategist, November 2016

Today, the highest elected office of the United States is occupied by Donald J. Drumpf that represent the “Darkness” and the POWER OF SATAN. That’s not what I say. They told the entire WORLD directly who they are and what they represent. Whether it is here in America, Europe, Africa, Palestine, ad the Middle East, it’s all the same under the Emperor Donald J. Drumpf, THE GATES OF HELL ARE OPEN! 

Donald J. Drumpf has appointed Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as the highest judicial officer of the United States. He is named behind a U.S. Civil War confederate general and Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.

They called him, LUCIFER!

The highest elected office of the state of California is occupied by Jerry Brown. He is a Jesuit Priest– a soldier of Jesus- VATICAN AND THE NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE! He is the Jonestown- Peoples Temple’s governor that blocked any state investigation into the mass slaughter of over 900 US civilians in Guyana, South American. Many of the Children killed in Guyana were WARDS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA judicially awarded to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Agent Rev. Jim Jones to become medical human guinea pigs.

In 2017, a California Deputy Attorney General was charged with possession of child porn. Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, was charged after law enforcement agencies found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI/CIA agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. He directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal. Raymond Liddy and his elite PIZZAGATE PEDOPHILE RING have been folded into the fabric and disappeared.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart and racial mass murder of 6 (six) innocent Black Children is another case that at least 5 (five) different states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, California, and the U.S. Justice Department (FBI) are trying to fold into fabric and make it vanish into darkness right before your eyes. However, we are not BLIND to who you are and what you are doing in this country and across the planet.



Jennifer and Sarah Hart (Witches of Buchenwald) are not the story of optimistic “do gooder” and “dreamer” white “All American Lesbian Couple” that overwhelmed themselves in a heroic struggle to help and rescue 6 (six) black drug babies. It is an ILLUSION provided to the mass public blind. What is not an ILLUSION or subject to blindness is that 6 (six) beautiful black children (human beings) had been all been racially targeted, enslaved for possible ILLUMINATI- NAZI SS Black Sun organ harvesting. The white “All American Lesbian Couple” had more love and respect for their pet dogs, cats and animals then black children. They were cold blood wicked female Knights and SS like concentration camp wardens that treated the Children less than their pets and animals to demonstrate their zeal to hate and destroy black people, their religion and culture for all the world to see.

Abigail (Nahko T Shirt), Jennifer Hart (Paul Bunyon Jaw)

In 2013, “Abigail insisted that it was Jennifer who hit the her with a closed fist, not Sarah. Abigail also stated that Jennifer put two hands around her throat and put her head under cold water [waterboarding?]. Abigail hit her head during this attack. Abigail also reported that Jennifer hit her with a closed fist, and also denied the child food as punishment.”[1]

In this era of the dark satanic circles of America, corporate mass media want us to be blind, and believe the ILLUSION that a series of coincidental and random governmental oversight breakdowns over 10 years across four states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington, contributed to the deaths of the black children.

The Hart Witches and Black Children didn’t just “slip through the cracks of the failing CPS system.” That also is an ILLUSION for the blind. There are at least four 911 calls on the public record from concerned citizens and mandated reporters who expressed serious concern for the children.[2]  The governmental oversight breakdowns in this case is evidence of a consistent pattern, design, and purpose of a powerful dark network that is well beyond coincidental and random acts of wayward do- gooders and malfunctioning governmental officials.

So, the question should be. What is the pattern, design, purpose and the VEIL pulled over our eyes behind the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children? CHILD TRAFFICKINGOrgan Harvesting, Medical Experimentation, Sex Traffic, Human Sacrifice or ALL OF ABOVE!

As of today, the FBI, California Highway Patrol, Mendocino County Sheriff nor Clark County Sheriff’s Department in Washington have not and will not make a positive ID of Jennifer Hart at Safeway Supermarket in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. Mendocino County Sheriff Department,  Lt. Shannon Barney, goes as far as saying that this woman looks “like” and resemble” Jennifer Hart. The racial mass murder investigation of 6 (sex) innocent black children is warping up as if it was in fact Jennifer Hart in Safeway. Well, many of us are not as blind as Lt. Barney. We can make a reasonable positive ID of Jennifer Hart.

Jennifer Hart is a rugged rustic outdoors-man. She is the strong female “forest and mountain spouse”- the Paul Bunyan of Hart Tribe. She’s a Jennifer of the Woods. She has a very distinctive stable jaw structure, and her ear line on her skull lines up with her nose.

The Jennifer Hart impostor in Safeway is a pudgy TV couch potato Mary Poppins that looks more like Roseanne Barr and Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby than Jennifer Hart. Her jaw structure is totally different from Jennifer Hart’s jaw structure. The impostor’s ear line on her skull lines up with her mouth.

If it is not Jennifer Hart in Safeway, and it is NOT JENNIFER HART, then the case of racial mass murder of the black children is evidence of a widespread web of state conspiracy and corruption. It’s not necessarily widespread “darkness” spreading across America, but the extent to which the “dark webs” and dark satanic circles have infiltrated high levels of state and federal government power and authority.

In Mendocino County since at least 2008, Deputy Sheriff/Coroner Lt. Shannon Barney is alleged to have been running his own wild thing sadomasochisticbunga bunga sex tribe cult, and marijuana farm. They want our eyes closed and blind to allegations that involve wife swapping and drunkenness among sheriff deputies while “on duty” in Covelo, Mendocino County – two of the deputies involved in Barney’s Sex Tribe and secrecy have come up dead.[3]

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Barney and his Sex Cult is a mockery of the American justice system. It would be absolutely hilarious if only we close our eyes to the racial mass slaughter of 4 (four) of 6 (six) beautiful innocent black children on his watch. The true PICTURE that emerges of Lt. Sergeant Barney is that of a barbaric brutal and dangerous tribal sex cult leader who uses his power to absolutely control his subordinates and savagely enforce a code of secrecy among them. The brute is alleged to have interfered with the administration of justice, misuse state power, failed to perform his sworn duty, normally applied unequal enforcement of the law, and being drunk and invoking “bunga bunga sex rituals on duty. The brute terrorized and imposed sexual requirements on deputies under his command for his entire term of office. The “Covelo Way” was that Lt. Barney expected deputies under his command to have sex with his wife, Deanna, and he was to have sex with their wives. Lt. Barney is alleged to be a wild vicious ritual sexual predator.[4]

Sheriff Allman- In Plain Sight Scumbag Feed Asian Child Popcorn from his Filthy Hat 

Yet in 2010, the big brute was promoted by Masonic Master Mason/Knights Templar Sheriff Tom D.  Allman to the powerful state position of the Deputy County Coroner. We must not be blind to this fact.


Folding your three middle fingers down while holding out your thumb and pinky, the gesture, called The Shaka Sign originated in Hawaii. The sign can be interpreted as “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Have a nice day,” “Take it easy,” “Good luck,” or, the most popular definition, “Hang loose”.[5]

However, I doubt very seriously that Satan’s Moroccan PAN-sexual Daughter of the international Bunga Bunga Sex Cult, Ruby the Heart-breaker (Karima El-Mahroug), alleged “Shaka” hand symbol (Devil’s Horns) can be interpreted as a HawaiianHave a Nice Day.”

Sex Kitten, Ruby the Heart-breaker

On the deceptive credibility and ILLUSIONS created by Lucifer’s Servants, Sheriff Allman and Deputy Sheriff Barney, don’t go blind -pack up your tent up and go home based on anything whatsoever they say about the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children. Don’t get it twisted. I am not pushing the blacks against the whites agenda to confuse and divide the masses. As a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, I had enough potential deadly and other encounters with white police officers to be blind to the fact that Sheriff Allman and Deputy Barney are not typically among them. That’s why Jennifer and Sarah’s Coven had to travel over 10 hours and 570 highway miles from Oregon to California to get to a Satanic Safety Network, Mendocino County, to manufacturer ILLUSIONS and smoked mirrors among the masses to execute the veiled works of the Horned God.



Malnutrition in children is common globally and may result in both short and long term irreversible negative health outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that malnutrition accounts for 54 percent of child mortality worldwide,about 1 million children. Another estimate also by WHO states that childhood underweight is the cause for about 35% of all deaths of children under the age of five years worldwide.[6] Malnutrition increases the risk of infection and infectious disease, and moderate malnutrition weakens every part of the immune system. Court documents say that Jeremiah, but not his brother (Devonte) or sister (Siera) was born with drugs in his system. It is an outright and vicious lie that all 6 (six) children of the Hart Tribe were society’s severely disabled black drug babies.

During the Nazi era, Child Euthanasia was the name given to the organised murder of severely mentally and physically handicapped children and young people up to 16 years old in over 30 so-called special children’s wards.

We can plainly see malnutrition in Sierra compared to the Children of Auschwitz.

In 2013, all 6 (six) children had clinical symptoms of being malnourished (adjective)- suffering from malnutrition. Malnourished– weak and in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of food that is good for you.[7]


Hart Tribe friend Max Ribner of publicly took issue with the notion the wreck was something other than a tragic accident. Ribner is a band member of Nahko and Medicine for the People. He said that the couple adopted many of their children from “hard backgrounds,” he said. “They transformed these kids’ lives”- from the gates to heaven to the DEATH OF HELL![8] He said the Hart Witches were “amazing parents”. Of the children, Ribner said, “They were readers, they were writers, they were poets, they were dancers. And they were brave. They didn’t have any judgment. But they also felt pain, too.” In 2013, Ribner began offering music classes to kids at his home in Southeast Portland. He said that all six of the Hart children participated in the program and that he and the children wrote songs together and played music twice a month for nearly a year while they were being physically attached and abused and clinically malnourished. “They exposed their children to conscious music with a message. Music that talks about social revolution and racial equality.” So, he says and lies.[9] We are not blind. We can see on our own that 6 (six) malnourished black children had been starved, and tortured for over 10 (ten) years, then slaughtered by the Witches and their Coven that Max Ribner had been a party to.

Nahko, the Bear, was another so called close personal friend (handler?) of Jennifer, Sarah and the Hart Tribe that was often seen in close physical association with the Children during forest musical rainbow gatherings and the Shangri-La (Shambhala) festivals at Harmony Grove in Minnesota. We cannot be blind to this fact. As has been duly noted, Nahko has not shown any particular public personal sympathy for the senseless racial mass slaughter of the innocent Children[10]

Yet, the abused and malnourished Black Children always sang their LOVE for him; and their praise and blessings of Nahko.

Devonte even worked to donate to Nahko’s causes and charity.


Nahko and his Coven of rainbow gathering has turned a BLIND EYE ON THEM THAT HAD LOVED HIM.


On April 3, 2018, Nahko tweeted, “These amazing kids were all adopted from the same horrible situation, save one boy who was the eldest. these angels came to these two amazing mothers completely by chance. miracles happen. tragedy happens. consider the legacy they left behind. there is another side of story.” On April 4, 2018, a mysterious April Dawn that joined Twitter in April 2018 to suddenly add another side of Nahko’s story. She said that she knew them well. “They were taking turns reading chapters from their current books out loud to each other Jeremiah: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Abbi: Black Elk Speaks. This went on for hours … HOURS … until they started their nightly dance party. They’ve been doing this every night since. I don’t know why.”[11].

Horned God & Children’s Circle Dance

We are not blind. The Children’s nightly so called “party dance” that she claimed that she didn’t know or deliberately withheld the whys of was the infamous European old religion  witch’s endless occult circle dance to conjure and become possessed with spirits and demons from other spheres and dimensions.


he Phoenix, the Bennu Bird, is an eternal part of the ancient cosmology of Kemet.  The bird was primarily associated with Atum and Re, but inevitably, its connection with rebirth came to associate it also with God Ashur (Osiris). In quoting from the Book of the Dead, Wallis Budge quotes a passage that reads, “I go in like the Hawk, and I come forth like the Bennu, the Morning Star (i.e., the planet Venus) of Ra; I am the Bennu which is in Heliopolis” and he goes on to say that the scholion on this passage expressly informs us that the Benu is Ashur (Osiris). In essence, the Benu was considered a manifestation of the resurrected God Ashur of Kemet. The true meaning and mystery of the Phoenix and Bennu Bird was never revealed to the Greeks. According to Freemasonry, these magnificent birds lives at any one time, and lives to be about 500 years old.  Then, it self-immolates and its body is reduced to ashes; however, a new Phoenix Bird immediately arises out of these ashes, to live another 500 years. [Manly P. Hall]

In old western European occult cosmology, the Phoenix Bird has become a symbol of Lucifer: “The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant. This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.” [Bill Schnoebelen][12]

Catholics rely on Black Elk and the archetypal images and symbols in Black Elk Speaks and The Sacred Pipe for new directions in worship and liturgy could make a similar mistake. While Black Elk did not reject all Lakota practices, he found their essence present, or even deeper, in the practices of the Catholic Church – a pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. Many Catholics may not relish the idea that to “be like Black Elk” really means to evangelize and pray the Rosary.[13]

April Dawn speaks directly of a mind control device taken out of the annals of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. The Children of the Hart Tribe were kept isolated, group thought indoctrinated in spiritualism, resurrection, and reincarnation by day and evening. At night, they danced in a circle most of the fallen sun to prevent their minds, bodies and spirits from straying and rebelling.

By the way, Spirit Gangster Nahko is an Oregonian Apache, Puerto Rican and Filipino orphan raised by a white couple from MK ULTRA/MONARCH impressionate  9 (nine) months old to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[14]

David Chilly Love & Hart Tribe

Hart Tribe handler David Chilly Love is a South Korean orphan also raised by a white couple to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[15] 

Nahko and Chilly Love are Wookiefoots of the Tribadelic Spaceship that host and headline their own Global Conscious Gathering called Shangri~La Festival at Harmony Park in Southern MN.[16] In 2013 while the Hart Family were surrounded by so many fair heart friends and defenders of the Witches of Buchenwald, the Children were medically measured by a doctor as being shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. Abigail, then nearly 10 years old, was the height of an average 6-year-old girl. At 11 years old, Hannah, at 50 pounds and 3’9″, was the size of a typical 6-year-old girl.[17]

All 6 (six) children were extremely small for their ages even though they came from 2 two different biological families. A developmental pediatrician said it was unlikely that all 6 (six) children had medical conditions that would explain their extremely small bodies. Seeing all 6 (six) children who all appeared very small should had given the doctor reasons to look further into their histories. It should have also given people around the Children notice that they were being harmed. Yet to deliberately veil the doctor and medical malfeasance, their case worker deliberately wrote in her notes that “being adopted, no medical history is known for each child.” It was an outright vicious lie.The case worker has not been publicly identified. [18]

In today’s society, doctors and physicians are known as people who help us return to, and maintain, good health. Nevertheless, an osteopathic (practice in all areas of medicine) female doctor who worked at a Providence clinic in Clackamas, Oregon concluded she had “no concerns whatsoever” about their well- being. Someone in her office deliberately falsified the file and wrote a note that said the children’s heights and weights were not troubling because they were proportionately small. That is also a false ILLUSION for the blind.[19] 

The doctor abandoned the Children to continue to suffer malnutrition under the witches until they were mass murdered, organs harvested or sacrificed by their coven. The name of the osteopathist was heavily redacted so she also has not been publicly identified. Clackamas is a suburb of Portland, OR. Without the name of the doctor or the Children’s state case worker, we have to dig deeper to look at the greater Catholic Church of Portland and the Vatican to try to explain why one of their doctors under their jurisdiction would have “no concerns whatsoever” about the well being even though they were in fact substantially clinically malnourished 6 (six) black children shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. The doctor completely abandoned the medical ethics of Beneficence- taking actions that serve the best interests of patients.[20] And, it appears to be a fact that the doctor nor the state case worker have been investigated or suffered any consequences for their deceptions, malfeasance and 21st century inhumanity to man. However, it appears that Providence Clinic in Clackamas is part of the clandestine dark circle network and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Child Sex Trafficking/Sacrifice Circle. Providence Health & Services



Portland’s Notorious Catholic Pedophile Priest- Father Maurice Grammond,

In 2004, sexual abuse cases bankrupted the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oregon in Portland. In Oregon, litigation from victims threatened to overwhelm the 356,000-strong archdiocese of the west-coast state, which at the time faced a further 60 court cases. In 2004, 196 people have filed accusations against 41 priests in claims dating back to the early 1950s. Its settlements are second only to those of Boston, which paid out $85 million. One case in Portland, OR was brought by a 51-year-old cattle rancher, James Devereux, sought $130 million damages for abuse he claims he suffered at the hands of a priest, Father Maurice Grammond, in the 1960s when he was a teenage altar boy. The other case, involving the same priest in the 1980s, was brought by an anonymous litigant who claimed he was abused between the ages of eight and 10. Grammond, who died at the age of 82 in 2002, is the source of many of the cases against the church, whose officials were accused of ignoring complaints against the priest and moving him on to new parishes whenever they surfaced – said to be a common feature of the church’s handling of alleged serial abusers.

Grammond had been accused of abusing at least 50 (fifty) boys during a 40-year career, was said to have molested boys in his car, in the rectory, on camping trips and even during confessionsbut was never prosecuted. He apparently claimed that he had no responsibility because children “threw themselves” at him.[21] Grammond was also notorious for his open interference and influence over Portland’s juvenile court, child protective services (CPS), and the foster care system to set him up with some of his pedophilia child victims.[22]

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (Archidioecesis Portlandensis in Oregonia) is an archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the Pacific Northwest covered up Grammond’s pedophilia crimes. And, it came down from the Vatican’s highest priesthood of the ultra secret elite Ninth Satanic Circle. However, the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole runs deeper- extremely deeper than covering up the Vatican’s Priest Pedophile Child Satanic Sex Rings and the elite Ninth Satanic Circle.



A reader of In Search of Black Assassins offered me one name and lead in regards to the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole– CLARE BRONFMAN. I disregard and dismiss nothing. In order to explore the Clare Bronfman lead, we must return to Providence Health & Services in Portland where the Children’s designed euthanasia malnutrition plan was deliberately and blatantly covered-up. Providence Health & Services in Oregon is a not-for-profit Catholic network of hospitals, care centers, health plans, physicians, clinics, home health care and affiliated services guided by a Mission of caring that the SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE began in the West nearly 160 years ago.[23] 

Saint Theodora Guerin

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are an apostolic congregation of Catholic women founded by the French Saint Theodora Guerin (known colloquially as Saint Mother Theodore) at Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana. Saint Mary of the Woods existed in Indiana before the arrival of the official catholic church. The earliest land records in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods date back to 1825, when George and Polly Smith acquired a land patent signed by Knights Templar/Freemason President Andrew Jackson. George Smith served as an aide and dispatch bearer to Knights Templar/Freemason President George Washington during American Revolution.[24]

It is claimed that Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) initiated President George Washington into the higher hierarchy of ultra-secret Knights Templar with the above secret skull, cross & bones Knights Templar/Masonic Apron. Called “America’s Best Friend” in Europe, Marquis de Lafayette was Thomas Jefferson’s best friend in France and America. Lafayette was also a Hidden Hand 33° Freemason and French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution.  Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.

The meaning of the apron may go back to the 14th century inquisition by Philip, King of France and Pope Clement Vof the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem also known as the Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Hospitalier or Hospitallers .[25] The Templars went underground.

The 7th President of the U.S., Andrew Jackson (1829- 1837) worshiped by President Donald J. Drumpf was a Freemason, having been initiated at Masonic Lodge, Harmony No. 1 in Tennessee; he also participated in chartering several other lodges in Tennessee. He was the only U.S. president to have been a Grand Master of a State Lodge until Harry S. Truman in 1945. His Masonic apron is on display in the Tennessee State Museum. An obelisk and bronze Masonic plaque decorate his tomb at The Hermitage, Nashville, TN.[26] Jackson was a Scottish descent Royal Arch Mason, the first part of the York Rite system of the Masonic degrees. Royal Arch Masons meet as a Chapter, and the Royal Arch Chapter confers four degrees: Mark Master Mason, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. The Royal Arch Mason degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar. Did Jackson become a Knight Templar? Yes, I believe that he did, because THAT IS THE WAY THEY ROLL![27]

Mother Theodore and her companions left the Sisters of Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir, North Western France, at the invitation of Célestine René Laurent Guynemer de la Hailandière of Rennes, Brittany, France, the Bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, to found the Sisters of Providence in the United States.[28] In 1840, Mother Theodore arrived in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with several companions and found a dense forest with few buildings. There she established the congregation of women.[29]

In 1918,  the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes of Saint Bernadette was built in a ravine on the south side of the motherhouse grounds. The grotto at the Woods was based upon the blueprints of the renowned grotto in Lourdes, France. Lourdes and the Pyrenees Mountain Range is a little more than 400 miles outside of Ruillé-sur-Loir.  A few stones from Lourdes are embedded within the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods grotto.

The grotto is based on the Marian (Saint Mary) apparitions in 1858, when Mystic Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl, admitted to her mother that a “lady” spoke to her in the cave of Massabielle. Bernadette said that the lady revealed to her that she is the Immaculate ConceptionMother of Jesus.

Mystic Bernadette Soubirous

Bernadette’s native country of the Pyrenees, a mountain region haunted by tales of fairies, witches and miraculous groves and springs.

Knights Templar & The Cult of Mary Magdalene

LUKE 8:2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils ...”

Saint Mary Magdalene is the first Mystic of the Catholic Church.[30] Saint Mary Magdalene, the New Testament Disciple and supporter of Jesus, is a Saint of the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran Churches, honored as a Heroine of the Faith by Protestant Churches. In addition to being a canonized Saint, in Southern France and throughout much of Europe Mary Magdalene was venerated as a Gnostic Apostle by the tradition known as the “Cult of Mary Magdalene”, which arose in Provence France during the 11th century. It is based upon the widespread belief among Catholic scholars that Mary and her companions fled persecution in Jerusalem, crossed the Mediterranean in a boat, and landed near Arles in the South of France (since named “Saintes Maries de la Mer”).

And so, when fleeing into France, Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus, carried the Sangréal in the sacred chalice of her womb.

Mary Magdalene & Angels Descend (Holy Eucharist)

She retired to the Holy Cave (“Sainte-Baume”) on a hill in the Marseille region, and converted all of Provence to Christianity. [31]

Southern France, especially the Mary Magdalene site of Aix en Provence, was always a major stronghold of the Knights Templar, since the inception of the Order in 1118 AD: A public square in Aix en Provence preserves a 19th century statute of Rene d’Anjou (1409-1480 AD), Duke of the Templar dynastic House of Anjou, and titular King of Jerusalem descendant from the founding Templar King Fulk d’Anjou.

Joan of Arc

Rene was the son of Princess Yolande of Aragon (1384-1442 AD), who was the primary proponent and patron of Saint Joan of Arc, who was a hereditary Templar Countess of Anjou. Yolande was the daughter of King John I of Aragon Spain, where many of the Knights Templar had survived the French persecution from 1307 AD. As a result, many later Templar descendants thrived as an underground network in Southern France, under the dynastic support of the Templar House of Anjou.

Therefore, the 11th century “Cult of Mary Magdalene” had a special connection – and a powerful appeal – to the 12th century Knights Templar, and was always a major component of authentic Templar heritage even into the modern era. While not all Templars necessarily considered Mary Magdalene to be a Gnostic Apostle, many historically did. As Catholics, in any case, the Knights Templar strongly favoured her as their special Saint. Throughout the Middle Ages, at every possible opportunity the Templars used seemingly normal references to “Mary”, appearing to mean “Mother Mary”, to instead privately emphasize the central importance of Mary Magdalene in their hearts and in their prayers, as a pillar of Templar culture.[32]

So, the Mary of the Woods mystic grotto could very well be a “cave temple” dedicated to Templar’s Cult of Mary Magdalene. That’s why the origins of Mary of the Woods in Indiana remain a mystery, because it is the Templar’s Mary Magdalene of the Woods.

To those who travel to the South of France and climb the mountain through the FOREST up to her cave – the summit of human and divine affections. May you be blessed abundantly. (Paula Lawlor ‘A Love Devout’)[33]

Mary Magdalene spent the last 30 years of her life in prayer and meditation in a mountain cave in the Sacred FOREST of La Saint Baume”. As the story goes, her only sustenance was the Holy Eucharist (eat the flesh and drink the blood), which she received on a daily basis from angels. During her waning years, the angels descended from heaven and transported her to an undisclosed location.[34]

Sisters of Providence of Montreal

The Women of Providence in Collaboration (WPC) is an association of congregations of Catholic women religious in North America who bear the name and charism of Providence. They come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence. One congregation that comprise the WPC is the Sisters of Providence, Montreal, Quebec.[35] Sisters of Providence of the Bronfman’s Montreal was established by Emilie Tavernier Gamelin Jean-Baptiste Gamelin in 1840.[36]

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin (Mary of the Woods) Grand Priory of the Knights Templar

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory

Founded in 1806 at Ruillé-sur-Loir, France, by Father Jacques François Dujarié with Mère M. Madeleine (MARY MAGDALENE) in 1818 and Mère Marie in 1822, the Sisters of Providence arrived on one side in England.

Early French (Mary Magdalene/Knights Templar) Shield of Father Dujarie and Saint Theodore

On the other side, the Sisters arrived in Indiana with Mère Théodore in 1840.

From the very beginning, Mary of the Woods and the Sister of Providence were part of the secret French underground Mary Magdalene- Knights Templar Baphometic lodge or sect.

The Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory of the Knights Templar consist of 15 (fifteen) women and men from seven different countries, including Denmark, Finland, Germany, Canada, England, Estonia and the United States. They come from various Christian traditions: Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Catholic and Presbyterian, and include a Jewish rabbi.[37] The Saint Mother Theodore Priory is part of the International Grand Magisterial Council. The Magisterial Council presides as the international authority of the Order. This council is comprised of the Grand Priors of each member country. The council elects and appoints executive officers to provide the administration of the Sovereign Military Order of The Temple of Jerusalem (Knights Templars).[38]

[Sisters of] Providence Health & Services in Portland is part of the secret network of underground Baphometic Masonic Knights Templar. The Catholic Sisters of Providence are more interested in taking souls then healing people. In regards to Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, its blatant departure from established medical practices was not just a fall  through the cracks. It was a matter of a grand deception.

Clare and Sara Bronfman (Rainbow Cultural Garden)  of Montreal

Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman of Montreal heads the funding for the secretive “Sex Cult” and pedophile ring called NXIVM.  Sara was CEO of Rainbow Cultural Garden School in London. The original Rainbow Cultural Garden school is near the NXIVM mother ship.

CIA MK ULTRA Rainbow Gathering: Fantuzzi, Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children

Clare oversees everything to do with the finances, and the personnel, and the management of RainbowRainbow Cultural Garden is the concept for Keith Raniere, arrested leader of NXIVM, to indoctrinate very young children to be raised by multiple caregivers. Raniere is the alleged cult kingpin/leader of NXIVM.  Rainbow Cultural Garden School is a human experiment conceived and conducted by an alleged sex trafficker and known pedophile of children whose parents have been brainwashed by his insidious teachings and hypnosis skills. Raniere, a MK-ULTRA/MONARCH programmer has been accused of raping a 12-year-old girl in Upstate New York, according to new court documents.

Buddhist Dalai Lama & Keith Raniere

In 2009, Dalai Lama,  part of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism, presented Keith Raniere, with the “Scarf of Purity.” What Keith Raniere is practicing is Tantra that nails all female energy down in a misogynistic paradigm, that these Dalai Lamas and the other Lama sects all practice, while putting on their grand theater and using traditional Mahayana Buddhism, and humble monk personas to fool people in the West.

Maria Orsic’s Nazi Shambhala

Shanghai La and Shambhala represents a idea of a lost kingdom somewhere in the Himalayas has also circulated in Tibetan Buddhist teaching for centuries, and may well itself have been told at the court of Akbar. The name Shambala first appears in a text known as the Kalachakra Tantra – or Wheel of Time teaching. The Kalachakra doctrine belongs to the highest level of Buddhist Mahayana teaching.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart of the Harmony Park Grove in Minnesota followed Shangri-La and the highest level of Mahayana Buddhism tradition.

Thích Nhất Hạnh quoted by Chilly David Love (Wookiefoot), and Trevor Hall (Rampriya Dass) all above, follow the Rama Dass Mahayana Tradition of Buddhism.

 Priestess Heather Salmon is a Buddhist that follows Tantric Sex Practices with her partner, Donny Regal. The High Priestess of Isis indoctrinated the Children in Pantheists Buddhism.

Devonte was indoctrinated and trained to serve Shangri La and Shambhala in Buddhist Rituals like a Human Pet.

The Dalai Lama with Venerable (impressive dignity) Lama Tenzin, who had a special “knock the boots” relationship with Sara Bronfman.

 Sir Richard Branson’s “Bunga Bunga” Necker Island-  Lama Tenzin & Sara Bronfman

The Bronfman family are the Jewish ILLUMINATI family that runs Canada. The Bronfman is one of the powerful New World Order families that controls what the masses read, hear, see and entertained with.  Clare and Sara Bronfman, who fund NXIVM and Keith Raniere, are the granddaughters of the Jewish patriarch, Samuel Bronfman, born in Imperial Russia.[39]

Clare and Sara Bronfman

Clare and Sara are the daughters of Samuel Bronfman I– the son of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., son of the patriarch- Samuel. Edgar, Sr. is the founder and president of the billion-dollar Distillers Corp-Seagram Ltd.[40] The Bronfmans are part of the  Committee of 300. The Committee is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 allegedly rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.

The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Wind.  The Committee of 300’s front organizations are the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford University and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.41] In 1924, Samuel Bronfman opened a distillery in Montreal. In 1926, the Distillery Corporation of London [DCL] owned by Field Marshal Haig, Lord Dewar, Lord Woolavington, and others, and which controlled more than half the world market in scotch whiskey, partnered with Bronfman. They formed a holding company with DCL’s William Ross as president, Sam Bronfman vice-president.  Bronfman became a ‘cutout’ for the men behind DCL, and the dispensation of distribution rights was a decision made by His Majesty the King. It began as a three-way contract between Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cutout), and Rothstein (the distributor). It evolved into a nationally organized crime syndicate.[42] Rothstein was assigned the job of “reorganizing” crime networks. He set up syndicates on the East Coast with the help of Torrio. A special bureau was set up by Meyer Lansky and  Benny “Bugs” SiegelMurder, Inc. was formed as a regulatory commission to police “free enterprise” advocates who might try to buck the syndicate and interfere with booze sales.[43]

The Bronfmans in Canada is a subject in itself far too much to handle here. But, they comprise the foundation and backbone of the political and financial power structure of the New World Order. They are linked to Donald J. Drumpf’s mentor, Roy Cohn They are dark circle other-dimensional “master deceivers“. They are vicious cohorts and puppets of the “fallen angel” LUCIFER. The Bronfmans of Montreal are an underground Knights Templar family linked to the old Sisters of Providence– part of the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI and the global, Ninth Satanic Child Trafficking Circle.

In 1969, Sam Bronfman was made a Knight of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem – Her Majesty’s official chivalric order.[44]  The Order of St John formally the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (French: l’ordre très vénérable de l’Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem) and also known as St John International is a British royal order of chivalry first constituted in 1888 by royal charter from Queen Victoria. It evolved from a faction of the Order of Malta that emerged in France in the 1820s and moved to Britain in the early 1830s.

Mendocino County Sheriff , Tom Allman, is a Knight Templar.

 California Governor Jerry Brown is a Jesuit Priest- Soldier of the VATICAN. He covered up Rev. Jim Jones, Peoples Temple, and the 1978 Jonestown Guyana Massacre in California.

Looking forward to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice stepping into the case to investigate the crimes of racial mass murder across state lines, and the blatant violation of the Constitutional Rights of the Children and their Biological Parents is like waiting for the Laurel and Hardy’s infamous comical March of the Wooden Soldiers.



Courageous Tiny Hannah & Biological Brother, Markis

Courageously, Tiny Hannah and her damaged and malnourished body did all that she could to escape the Witches of Buchenwald. In the middle of a winter November night along the mountains in Woodland,Washington, she jumped from a second story window covered with only a blanket to escape. Steve Frkovich overheard a private confidential conversation between his daughter, Dana DeKalb, and wife about Hannah’s heroic dash for freedom and the Children. He lives in Tacoma, Washington– a little more than a hundred miles away. He was so disturbed by what he had overheard about Tiny Hannah that he called 9-11 to report the incident to try to try to get for Hannah and the Children.

There was a Washington police state power- child protective services stand down not a breakdown, and nobody responded to our so dear and precious Tiny Hannah’s heart wrenching cry for human compassion and help. On or about May 10, 2018, a Mendocino County’s sheriff’s deputy was called to the area of North Highway 1 and Hardy Creek in Westport around 7:15 p.m. Wednesday. On an ocean beach, a local resident found a pair of girl’s jeans with a shoe entangled in one of the pant legs. An inspection led to discovering human remains of what appeared to be a human foot inside of the shoe. The remains were found about a mile away from where the Hart SUV plunged over a cliff onto rocks at the edge of the ocean on March 25 or March 26, 2018. The foot was delivered to Mendocino County’s Coroners, Knights Templar Sheriff Tom Allman and Sex Cult Guru Lt. Shannon Barney.

As far as I am aware, Allman and Barney have not released to the public any final reports detailing autopsy findings of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children. And, I suspect that they will not release any detailed autopsy findings in the case that indicate whether or not the Children had any vital organs. And as far as I am aware, the alleged bodies of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children have been cremated and permanently disposed of.

In lieu of the pending DNA tests on the foot, our most precious Tiny Hannah is still missing, presumed dead. I had suspected that only the body parts of Tiny Hannah and Devonte would be recovered, because I believe that they had sacrificed, organs removed- harvested, and bodies burned. It seems to me that the Children’s forced special malnourished diet had something to do with harvesting and marketing their organs to an elite class.

To get to the bottom of the Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, there must be a citizens task force, review or council formed because the Rabbit Hole runs far too deep in this matter for justice to prevail ordinarily. And,  the Luciferians have infiltrated the highest offices of local, state and federal power and authority to make it virtually impossible for Justice to be done. I will stay on the case. I have said enough.



[2] Id.
















[18] Id.

[19] Id.








[27] Id







[34] Id









[43] Id.

[44] Id.


6 11 2017



I don’t intend to laugh at Wendy Williams. And, I don’t intend to cry for her like a blind man, either. Wendy Williams is no longer a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma. For fame, wealth and fortune, Wendy Williams cheated. There is no question now that she sold her soul to Lucifer, and that her mind, heart, and body belongs to SATAN. She shall not put the people out on a corner to be left to cry. It is the Black Matrix– the Covert 2nd Civil War, Re-Enslavement of Black People, and the creation of a mind controlled Satanic Third Race that will serve White Supremacy that we face in the 21st century.

Stalked by Demons, NBC Al Roker, CNN Angela Rye, and now Fox’s Wendy Williams

Global Black celebrities that enter the homes and minds of millions of people worldwide are being subjected to clandestine severe trauma- based mind control programming in secret “sunken places” away from the public. They are ritually tortured and sexually abused 24 hours a day that is now scientifically possible by advancements in systematic psychotronic electronic, electromagnetic low frequencies harassment, and artificial telepathy hologram programs. They will SERVE LUCIFER, and white supremacy as part of a mind control THIRD RACE MATRIX. 

Artificial Telepathy Hologram manipulations explained how the late Whitney Houston could see faces, images and All-Seeing Eyes on the walls, carpets, doors, and inside and outside of her closets; and be harassed 24 hrs a day with stalking holographic DEMONS.

  THIRD RACE Wendy Williams in Trance Formation

People want to see. I can let her go until the people open their eyes to see, and come up with some answers, and solutions to this covert war against the black entertainment industry, and its people. At this point, laughing at or crying for Wendy Williams don’t do us any good. It won’t cure our collective blindness to the Satanic/ILLUMINATI agenda of Old Angel Heart and the Dark Satanic Circle that occupy the highest elected public offices in America.

On the Halloween morning of October 31, 2017, I turned on Wendy Williams while my wife took her medicine, and I fixed breakfast. The Wendy Williams Show is an American syndicated infotainment talk show produced by Debmar-Mercury (subsidiary of Liongate) and distributed by 20th Television (Fox Television). It is primarily aired on Fox, CW and MyNetwork TV affiliates. Wendy is broadcast live in front of a studio audience on Mondays through Thursdays. Wendy reach at least 1.7 million people on a global daily basis.

For Halloween, Wendy wore an emerald green Statue of Liberty Halloween costume. In symbolic color code, emerald green is a very significant extremely ancient and deep statement in Kemetic cosmology. It represents God Aset (Osiris), and Goddess Wadjet.

God Aset- Osiris, Ausser–or Wizzer (Wsjr), is the original Green Man–he is the land and the earth in his representation of mankind migrating through cycles of consciousness. He is the seed, self, sun and universe, enabling consciousness to express itself as a manifestation in the physical, earthly realm.  As such, he is associated with all phases of agricultural processes and to the symbolism of the tree of life. He is expressed as green in many depictions to represent these associations and their relationship to the fertility of the earth, his dual feminine aspect.

Wadjet is ” ‘She Who is Green’ Cobra-Netjer associated with both the land of Lower Kemet itself and its protection, and the protection and symbolism of the Red Crown (Nit), Wadjet is often depicted as a full cobra, or as the head of the cobra, rearing up in protection on the forehead of Netjeru and rulers.”

The mythology surrounding Christian Rosenkreutz, the legendary namesake of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, involves the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, upon which their Hermetic wisdom is based, as well as the famed relic of the Holy Grail.[4] Hermes, the god-man, is said to have brought the alchemical wisdom of the Gods to mankind. He has thus been equated with the Kemetic God Thoth, as well as with Enoch, the patriarch in the Bible who was allowed to go to Heaven and take the “Elixir of Life”, which caused him to live forever. Enoch also was allowed to write down the secrets of the gods upon a tablet, which was brought down to Earth and given to Noah to enlighten mankind.[5]

Hermes had a similar tablet, said to be the color of emerald, and to contain all the secrets of alchemy, known to the gods. Because he revealed this hidden knowledge to man, Hermes therefore has a Luciferian, Titanic and Promethean aspect to him. Hermes is said to never die, but to fall into periods of prolonged sleep, from which he is awakened at regular intervals by the periodic rediscovery of his tomb. The Emerald Tablet of Hermes is upon which the Rosicrucian writings are undoubtedly based.[6]

There is an old legend about an ancient Star-Stone that fell to Earth ages ago when the archangels Lucifer and Michael first battled. Michael struck Lucifer on the head and the crown jewel fell off and down to Earth (Malkuth). This legendary stone is called the Lapsit Exillis, or Stone of Exile. The Stone the builders rejected, which ended up being the Capstone.

The Jewel has been equated with the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, as well as the Graal. It is symbolic of yet another allegorical rendition of the “Fall” of not only Lucifer from Heaven, but of The Middle Pillar on the Tree of Life (Tiphareth, Yesod, Malkuth), which created Daath/Death/Dimensions/Time-Space (i.e. Life).

In Arthurian legend, The Stone holds the Excalibur that only “The True King” with Strength can withdraw.[7] There is a possibility that the legend of King Arthur may be rooted in that of a historical Irish king.[8]

Wendy Williams, “It felt like I was in the middle of a FIRE,” she explained. “Starting down at my feet going all the way up to my top.”



At the very beginning of her Halloween show, Wendy Williams introduced her celebrity guest host, HollyWeird’s Irish Roman Catholic Actor, Jerry O’ Connell.

The name Connell comes from the possible meaning (Con) meaning “Wolf or Hound”. They are descendants from the [Tuatha Dé Danann] High King of Ireland, Aengue Tuirmeach in 180 BC. The Coat of Arms colors are silver and [Emerald] Green, comprising of a Stag, signifying longevity. The stag is between three trefoil which signifies abundance.[9] It appears from the knight in the cress that it was a warrior- Knights Templar clan.

In the Mythological Cycle of Irish Mythology, the Tuatha Dé Danann lived in the other-world and was a magical race that became known as the Sidhe Faerie Folk in Irish folklore.[10] They are also linked to the biblical mythology of Lucifer and the “Fallen Angels.” The Tuath(aDé Danann (usually translated as “people(s)/tribe(s) of the goddess Danu” ), also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé (“tribe of the gods“), are a supernatural race in Irish mythology.  They are thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland. The Old Irish word tuath (plural tuatha) means “people, tribe, nation”;  is the genitive case of día and, depending on context, can mean “god, gods, goddess” or more broadly “supernatural being, object of worship”. In the earliest writings, the mythical race is referred to as the Tuath Dé (plural Tuatha Dé). However, Irish monks also began using the term Tuath Dé to refer to the Israelites.[11]

LUCIFER, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High’” (Isaiah 14:12-14). According to Lebor Gabála Érenn, they (Tuath Dé) came to Ireland “in dark clouds” and “landed on the mountains of [the] Commaicne Rein in Connachta [CONNACHT, IRELAND]and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights”.[12] Many Scottish and Irish tribes and clans claim secret descent from the Tuatha Dé Danann, and have organized themselves to secret societies committed to ancient Tuatha ancient blood oath secrecyracial supremacySatanismdemonologymagicksorcery, and human sacrifice.

One of Ireland’s most infamous orators, lawyers, politicians, liberators, Master Masons was Roman Catholic Daniel O’Connell (1775 – 1847). He was initiated 1799, Lodge 189, Dublin. He was sitting counsel, and Deputy Grand Master of the mother lodge, the Grand Lodge of Ireland.[13]

Wendy Williams introduced Jerry O’Connell. He came from back stage dressed in drag, a purple (occulted color) sequin dress. He had to two bizarre sick female rubber dummies attached to him enough to scare anyone. I heard the name, Kardashian.  Then, I heard him squealing strange low and high- pitched sounds as alter personality voices of his dummies that banged in my heard. I dashed and grabbed the TV remote, muted the sound, turned away from the TV. I switched channels. My inner conscious told me to run, turn away from it- protect yourself.

Later that evening, I discovered during that morning live show that Wendy Williams had a MK ULTRA malfunction, lost consciousness and fell to the floor on air. From her hand signs and gestures during her shows, it was pretty clear that she was a sick Luciferian ILLUMINATI black celebrity.

Jerry O’Connell & The Horned God

But it’s Halloween!” Jerry O’Connell in a serial killer Green Meanie costume from the 2015 TV series, Scream Queens.

Green Meanie, the Horned God Pan

The ancient Celts and Druids in the West had worshiped a horned God who went by the names of Cernunnos, and in Old Irish literature as Uindos, Herne (Hermes), Hu Gadarn, and Hesus (Jesus). He was known as the most ancient and powerful Celtic deity who was called the “lord of wild and all things” like the Greek God Pan. The meaning of Cernunnos in Gaelic and Old English and Irish is the “horned one or he who has horns.”

Celtic Horned God Cernunnos & Jerry O’Connell

This God was usually depicted in artwork wearing stag antlers and was normally accompanied by his symbols of the stag, ram, bull and holding a horned and spotted serpent or worm. After Halloween day 2017, it is also crystal clear that Wendy Williams is a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH multi-personality disordered victim.

Wendy Williams, Regressing not Recovering at Home

Wendy Williams is an extremely valuable high profile House Negro that reach millions on the idiot box for the glory of Lucifer. She is far more mentally sick than anyone realize. She  She has been programmed with multiple alter personalities. Each alter most likely have multiple levels of other personalities to utterly prevent de-programming. Each alter would most likely have its own system and codes of post-hypnotic suggestions.  After her mental breakdown on the set of the show, she went home and went thru a set of programmed mental regressions. When you experience regression, you “go back” in some way.

Wendy dressed, and surrounded herself in a security blanket and zone of MK ULTRA Sex Kitten personality animal prints.  On Halloween morning, we got a pretty good idea of who deliberately triggered her, warlock handler, Jerry O’Connell. His wicked and disturbing multi-personality disordered routine set her off. It was deliberate, and he faded away in the background of the firestorm following Wendy’s very public global mental breakdown and malfunction.

Wendy Williams & the African Auset Deception

Kemetic Goddess Auset (Isis)

There is a lot of misinformation flowing around on the internet that Wendy Williams’ statue of liberty costume is a representation of the ancient African Kemetic Goddess Auset (Isis). It is true to a certain degree, but it completely ignores the European Rosicrucian and Masonic manifestation and bastardization of the goddess developed over the ages to SERVE their nature. It skips over a lot of very significant and important links, and history.

Wendy Williams & the Masonic Goddess Columbia and the NY Columbian Order

Wendy Williams’ statue of liberty costume is a manifestation of the Masonic Goddess Columbia that is particularly sacred to the Columbia Masonic Order of New York. The Columbian Order is sacred to memory of Columbus, and the idol of Goddess Columbia that represents the feminized Columbus– representing Mother Earth and the Motherland. The District of [Goddess] Columbia, the seat of power of the United States, is Masonic grounds dedicated to her.[14]

Queen Semiramis

Before Goddess Columbia, she was Babylonian Queen Semiramis, consort of Nimrod.[15]

Goddess Cybele and Her Cannibal Consort, Saturn

Before Queen Semiramis, she was Earth Mother (Magus Mater) Goddess Cybele.[16]

Goddess ColumbiaQueen Semiramis of Babylon (goddess of the moon), holding the torch with the eternal flame of Nimrod (sun god). The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor was presented in 1884 as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons to the Masons of America in celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic. She is holding the MasonicTorch of Enlightenment“. It is also referred to back in the 1700’s by the Illuminati Masons as the “Flaming Torch of Reason“. The Torch represents the “Sun” in the sky. The Statue of Liberty’s official title is, “Liberty Enlightening the World“.[17]

1790s Tammany Hall, NY, NY

Tammany Hall, now the “Sun Building”, was the early meeting place of Grand Lodge of New York, and of many subordinate lodges. It played a major role in controlling New York City and New York State politics and helping immigrants, most notably the Irish, rise up in American politics from the 1790s to the 1960s.[18]

The Sons of Saint Tammany were formally organized in New York City on May 12, 1789.[19] For the next 35 years after the Boston Tea Party, each of the original Sons of Liberty and Sons of St. Tamina groups went their own way. In 1813, at historic Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, several of these groups came together and formed one organization known as the Society of Red Men.[20] By the mid-1830s, the Tammany Society had been reconstituted as the Improved Order of Red Men.[21] The Improved Order was modeled after the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Brotherhood of Death) and used the legend of Hiram Abiff of Masonic legend as its third degree.[22]

The Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian Order is a secret Masonic Order whose hidden power reached all the way up to the White House. The Sons of St. Tammany certainly had Masonic Lodges. President Andrew Jackson seems to have been a Member of St. Tammany Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee, as early as 1800. It was the first Lodge in Tennessee, organized in 1789, under a Dispensation from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina.[23]  The Columbian Order also had its Masonic LodgesColumbian Lodge in Boston is one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in the United States, instituted in 1795 by Paul Revere.[24]

The late Scandalous Fred, and his son, Donald J. Drumpf were directly VIPs (very important persons) members of the Masonic Society and Sons of Tammany Hall aka St. Tammany, Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbia Order through Brooklyn’s Madison Club, and the Knights of the Round Table in NY.[25]

HollyWeird Ritually Sexually Abused Child Star, Cory Feldman: “ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other.”

Feldman’s HollyWeird group of kids included Jeremiah “Jerry” O’Connell, born in Manhattan, NY in 1974, in the shadows of the Drumpfs and the Masonic Columbia Order, the son of Linda, an art teacher, and Michael O’Connell, an advertising agency art director. They will tell everything you need to know about his mother. But, they will not say anything about his father, (Masonic?Irishman, Michael O’Connell, out of Great Britain.[26]

Live in the Theater District, Manhattan, NY, Jerry O’ Connell was dressed up as all the pregnant Kardashians. He and the dummies represented MK ULTRA/MONARCH alter personalities of them. It was far from being described as hilarious.

Before O’Connell, Wendy bowed down, and immediately formed the opposite prayer hand symbol- the “downward prayer position” that has been identified as the “Triangle of Satan” symbol often used by the Masonic Columbia Order Brotherhood of Death and President select Donald J. Drumpf.[27]

Wendy begged Satan for protection. However, the Warlock was into an absolutely demonic ritual to demonstrate and magnify SATAN’S POWER on national TV on Halloween before at least a thousand fold- 1.7 million people. O’Connell’s occult ritual routine was designed to scare, humiliate and TERRORIZE  Wendy Williams, and the global masses. [28] 

“Scare Them, You Can Herd Them”

At about noon, the Manhattan Halloween Terror continued. Sayfullo Saipov, a fake Muslim from Uzbekistan yelling “Allahu Akbar“drove a white rented pickup truck down a protected bike path and collided with a bus, allegedly killing 8 (eight) people and injuring several others.  The story-line is that Saipov planned for a year to rent a Home Depot pickup and run down a complete random group of bike riders on a bike path in Manhattan. It makes no sense at all. Donald J. Drumpf of the Manhattan Columbia Order, and Muslim Terror in Manhattan fear mongering campaign reached millions upon millions 24 hours a day. Under the veil, Jerry O’ Connell represents HollyWeird’s extreme EVIL and WICKEDNESS.



Jerry O’ Connell is directly linked to Cory Feldman, and the underworld HollyWeird Satanic Pedophile ring.  In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Feldman discussed how he was repeatedly molested by adult males in the HollyWeird entertainment industry, saying these men would pass many young stars “back and forth to each other.” He said, “ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other.”

Corey Feldman 666 Satanic/ILLUMINATI Symbolism 

Feldman then made the shocking claim that many people in the industry were aware that he and Cory Haim were being abused by these older men, and that no one did anything to stop it or help the boys. “This person uses intimidation and threats as a way to keep people quiet. And all these men were all friends,” explained Feldman.[29]

Corey Haim (above in 2007) struggled with drugs up until his death in 2010 at the age of 38, a death that Feldman blames on the men who abused the actor.[30]

Ask Jerry O’ Connell, because he was one of Feldman and Haim’s “group of kids at that time.”  In March 2011, former child stars Jerry O’Connell, Corey Feldman and Wil Wheaton reunited in Los Angeles with Richard Dreyfus and director Rob Reiner to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their 1986 coming-of-age classic Stand By Me. The film’s other star, River Phoenix, died at age 23 in 1993.[31]

Hidden Hand (Society) of River Phoenix

In the years following his death, a number of theories would be put forth as to why River Phoenix was the victim of a celebrity heroin overdose, or assassinated. Some would say that he retreated in drug abuse as a result of being ritually sexually molested as a child by the global pedophile cult his family belonged to.[32] River Phoenix starred with  Jerry O’Connell in Stand by Me when he was 15 to 16 years old. Phoenix had been traumatized, and ritually sexually abused and raped by an ILLUMINATI Cult (Children of God a.k.a. The Family, Family of Love) since at least 11 years old, when he tried to commit suicide.[33]

Child Undressing for Sue and the “The Family”

In the 1990s, the cult faced numerous allegations of pedophilia and sexual abuse from different locations worldwide including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Peru, Spain, Sweden, the UK, USA, and Venezuela. River’s death came in the midst of a major criminal investigation in Argentina. State Chief Inspector Juan Carlos Rebollo, who led the September 1993 raids, stated: “We found evidence suggesting the Family is funded by influential businessmen worldwide.”[34]

Jerry O’Connell is a very complex demonic spirit and personality. To avoid Satanism and Pedophilia Rings in HollyWeird when he was most vulnerable as a child, he would have been able to dance around and between raindrops. So far his lips has been sealed about what went on behind the cameras in tinsel town. However, he is certainly a leading candidate to be the High Priest of a Eyes Wide Shut secret Saturn Society-  Aleister Crowley Masonic Satanic Cult and Cabal.

But it’s Halloween. Jerry O’Connell most definitely did Lucifer’s Work to magnify the POWER OF SATAN and make a global mockery of Wendy Williams, then slip away behind the Darkness and EVIL of the Day of the DEAD.



I did not coin the concept, “The Third Race“, to identify a hidden Matrix produced by the horrors of African Human Bondage. It came out of Margo Jefferson’s memoir of growing up in postwar America’s emerging privileged black elite that she entitled, “Negroland“. The nation’s  elite House Negroes very proudly call themselves, “The Third Race“, between the masses of Blacks (Africans) and white people. It is a matrix something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form- A HOUSE NEGRO!

Post- Panthers, I had another frightened bird, Barbara, to fly under my wing. She was a fine smooth chocolate brown black young lady- nervous and nearly out of her mind in fear and stress.  She couldn’t function normally. She was isolated, and all alone- inside the Black Race Matrix with nowhere to go.  She had attempted suicide, and was still suicidal trying to escape the matrix. She was in a very fragile mental state that almost anyone could sexually abuse and exploit her. I kept her close to me with a ring of protection of the African Liberation Movement that remained strong and intact after the Panthers were compromised.  She always talked about white men following her. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I was BLIND.

Barbara was a daughter of affluent and prominent (class conscious) black family out of the deep south (Little Rock, Arkansas). They were brown skinned, that deep roots to mulatto (half-white) Free Negroes of  St Lukes Parish, Beaufort, South Carolina. They were an example of your classic black overachievers and professional class. So, we had been led to believe. As a family, they were normally socialized at Southern University in Louisiana, and Texas Southern University. In the Bay Area, they became a class of black professional elite tennis players, teachers and school administrators.

I took her under my wing at San Francisco State University. She followed me thru the A.B. degree program in Anthropology, and the teacher credential program. As I said before, she was like a frightened young bird that often saw mysterious white men following her. It was as if her family had abandoned her while she suffered and toiled under the stress of fear. These classes of House Negroes seem to have a very little sense of self protection. They seem powerless to oppose the systems of white supremacy that they SERVE.

During the late 1960s, I first observed these classes of THIRD RACE House Negroes at Howard University in Washington DC. The students at the university were sheltered children of the privileged super elite black political and professional/Masonic classes from across the nation, and the world. I saw no pain or emotion in their eyes. They had no dirt under their fingernails. Their teeth were pearly white and perfect. Their skins were soft and unblemished as if they had rarely been outside under the toil of the sun. They were like a totally different race of people packed in one place- A MATRIX. When I first arrived on campus, a group of frightened students at the dorm that I was staying at called campus police, and pointed me out as a “block boy” that invaded the campus. The “block people” were ordinarily black residents of the city that weren’t allowed on campus. They didn’t mix with ordinary black people as if they were a different race of people.

I stayed close to Barbara for about 2 (two) years. I was literally forced out of Oakland. I had received my AB degree, and completed the California teacher credential program. I was qualified, and ready to move inside the educational system- another complex Matrix as a liberator. But, the word came down out of Washington, DC– get me away from Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), and Superintendent of OUSD, Dr. Marcus A. Foster. In a long stressful and emotional meeting with Dr. Foster before I left town, I pleaded with him to defy the powers at be, accept the African Liberation Movement’s ring of protection- bring us in. It was about the childrenprotecting the children. The people would join us in battle.

Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)

On November 6, 1973, 44 years ago, they blew Dr.  Foster’s brains and heart out with shotgun blasts on the side of the OUSD main office. It was a Masonic assassination. He still remains the only sitting large metropolitan school district administrator assassinated in U.S. history. The crime remains unsolved. It other words, they won’t solve it.[35]

The Alameda County DA, law enforcement and investigative agencies accused the Panthers, and the SLA of assassinating Dr. Foster, but Panthers and the SLA didn’t wear “COWBOY HATS“.

It had gotten far too dangerous for me to live in the city of my birth. Plus, I was on the government’s hit list, whitelist, and shitlist. I couldn’t get a job shoveling shit in Oakland.  I settled in Los Angeles.  Sometime later, Barbara called me. She had settled in as an  OUSD teacher. She was in immediate fear, again, of a white man that she said she had been forced to marry. They separated, but he was stalking and harassing her. I packed up my big stick 357, and flew into town, but again, I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Whatever had been going down suddenly stopped. This time, I really thought something was wrong. Why would she marry a white man that she feared?

By this time, I was much wiser about a lot of unseen and unexplained things. She told me about been the sole witness to her aunt’s murder in 1969 or 1970. She was shot and killed by a jealous suitor. The story line was that he thought that she was moving too fast ahead of him economically and socially with her new job and recent fame making history. He was jealous of her upward mobility within society. So, I didn’t think much of it at the time. But, I dug a little deeper. Her aunt was about to become the first black female Castlemont High School principal in history of a large metropolitan school district in America when she was shot down in cold blood in her backyard. Barbara watched the entire murder unfold from the window of her in-law residential house in the yard. Undoubtedly, Barbara witnessed more.

Oakland’s Secret German Mafia, Edwin Meese III & D. Lowell Jensen

I dug deeper. I found it highly unusual and absolutely unprecedented that Alameda County District Attorneys, Edwin Meese III, and his chief deputy D. Lowell Jensen of the Alameda County German Mafia took over her aunt’s probate estate to the exclusion of her entire family.

They were racialist arch-conservative  key advisers of Ronald Reagan as California Governor and U.S. President along beside Nazi- Sturmhauptführer SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS, and the Gehlen OrgReagan was the secret alter-ego of Himmler’s most prized and clandestine Allgemeine SS officer, Baron Bolschwing. They were all alter-egos of the Knights of the Black SunMeese and Jensen provided legal shadow government cover and protection in Oakland and Alameda County for the FBI’s covert COINTELPRO War against the Panthers, CIA MK ULTRA Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), and the high level CIA Assassination of Dr. Marcus A. Foster, and much- much more. SS Baron Otto Albert Alfred von Bolschwing is still top secret and classified U.S. national security information in regards to the National Security Council (NSC), CIA, FBI, Ronald Reagan, and California. My Dear Lord! It explains why I never saw anything even with my eyes open. These brutal satanic forces were the shadow government– 20th century’s most racist, dangerous and clandestine force in the U.S. history. While I was looking for them, they were most likely watching me.

I dug deeper. I found that the killer, a Western Pacific railroad employee, pled guilty to homicide. He was sent to Vacaville Men’s Mental Health Facility to reside with CIA Station Chief, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton for the duration of his stay in prison, then I lost track of his whereabouts when he was released. I had come to the conclusion that her aunt’s murderer was an early experimental MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidate Assassin on the loose.

They slaughtered Barbara’s aunt, Dorothy Jones, to make it plain and clear to the Black Bourgeoisie that they (Nazi German Cabal)- strict white supremacy, decide when it’s time for them to move up in society, or be freed. Barbara’s aunt had moved too fast up the social and economic ladder equal to white people without their expressed permission and blessings. She acted as if she had been liberated. The Third Race Matrix: she was bound to SERVE, not grow independently and free by the grace of her own god, character and ambitions. Barbara too, had been raised and bound to SERVE inside the Matrix.

When I began to unfold some truths surrounding Barbara and the assassination of her aunt, the stakes suddenly became much higher. She suddenly turned hostile toward me as if I was her arch-enemy. I could no longer trust sitting in the same room with her. Being a former Panther, I must always be careful when things become hostile. I have no reputation or history of violence. Yet, a person’s fear of me, no matter how unreasonable, always seems to be legally justified to the government if something happens to be setup to go down. As far as I know, Barbara is in a class of very wealthy Bay Area property owners inside the Black Matrix, most likely a SLUM- LORD!


Whether the barriers between the black elite and the masses of blacks are silent, benign, or overt, the end result is always the same as it was during slavery. The black elite (bourgeoisie) continue to SERVE the master/servant relationship as it had been during the days of African Human Bondage in America. From  the 17th to the 20th century, House Negroes SERVED slavery and white supremacy by interbreeding, strict socialization, brutal behavior modification, and mental conditioning. However in the 21st century, they serve two masters, white supremacy and LUCIFER, through advances in scientific technology, medical, and psychological applications and technologies that makes lay safe zones and deprogramming virtually impossible. In other words, I or the black community would have the chance of a snowball in hell to help to liberate a 21st century House Negro and Modern Slave, or a mind controlled/cloned black celebrity like Wendy Williams. The iatrogenic mind control victim of today may have hundreds of alters layered on dozens of other alter personalities anchored with hundreds of post-hypnotic suggestions with a termination alter. One of many challenges of this age will be to unify the masses, open their eyes and minds to the Dark Satanic Circles and Cabals that hide behind the power and authority of the highest public offices of this nation.

We must identify and close down the “sunken places” that program black celebrities like Wendy Williams, and other high profile influential personalities that lead the masses to LUCIFER. We need to know the doctors, and technicians that command the “sunken” stations and laboratories. There has to be zones of protection, whether inside or outside this country.

BLIND MAN, Little Milton

He lifted up his head toward Heaven and said
“Good Lord, I’d rather die than to let a no good
A no good cheating woman
Make me stand on the corner and cry”

Lord knows I’m living in a world of darkness
But that don’t, that don’t bother me
And until I find that sweet little girl of mine
Lord knows, I just don’t want to see-  Lord, won’t somebody please help the blind me?

You have an option to keep her eyes wide shut, stand on the corner and cry like a Blind Man, or wake up to A New Awakening. I have said enough.



[5] Id.

[6] Id.






[12] Id.








[20] Id.











[30] Id.




[34] Id.


Pandora’s Box, Ray J-Little Lucifer, Young Buck, Clive Davis & the Assassination of Whitney Houston

11 03 2012

Whitney Houston, the  Riff-Raff & Psychological Warfare


It is ironic and sad that Whitney Houston has had more personal security and security concerns around her dead than when she was alive and well in Los Angeles. I wish the people who fought so hard to protect her privacy in death could have shown a quarter of that zeal to protect her while she was alive.

During the late 1980s, I traveled through the back country of the Brazilian City  Rio de Janeiro. I was surprised when I found that poor, devalued and exploited  female children of color that couldn’t read English cherished the images of women of color found in American magazines.

They cherished the very images of women entertainers of color because it told them a thousand words that there was HOPE and PROMISE that their dreams and aspirations could come true.  It showed them that they could one day be strong enough to throw off the chains of poverty and oppression, and determine their own destiny. We often take our beautiful young women of color in the entertainment industry for granted, but they present very powerful images to the world.  You add together color, beauty, power and being the best, the top  in the World. That’s extremely powerful subliminal imaging to the masses of poor and oppressed.


Black Diva of International Track and Field, Florence Griffith-Joyner (born Florence Delorez Griffith), also known as Flo-Jo  out of Jordan Downs Housing Project in LA is still considered the “fastest woman of all time” based on the fact that she still holds the world record for both the 100 meters and 200 meters, both set in 1988 and never seriously challenged.

She possessed a world-class sense  and presence of unparalleled charm, beauty, strength,  and superior intelligence. Her image alone had spoken a thousand words in an universal language. In 1998, she just dropped dead at the age of 38.  Flo-Jo didn’t fit the ILLUMINATI’S picture of racial  “World View.” That’s psychological warfare!

Psychological Warfare, “the use of propaganda, threats and other psychological techniques to mislead, intimidate, demoralize, or otherwise influence the thinking or behavior of an opponent.”Modern-day psychological warfare sees its origins in Nazi Ideology during the second world war in the form of what the Nazis called ‘Weltenshunkrieg’ (pronounced ‘Welten-shun-kreeg’). This was the idea of imposing the Nazi’s world view and beliefs onto the countries they’d occupied in an attempt to bestow the Nazi beliefs amongst the majority of the world’s population. This type of human behaviour manipulation was adapted and renamed ‘psychological warfare.’


The  late Black Diva Whitney Houston wasn’t a warrior princess. She was innocent. She was a warm, charming, beautiful, gentle and fragile spirit and soul that we loved so much. They took advantage of her universal innocence, love, gentleness and open heart to destroy her from within. Chaka Khan has been one of the few music industry artists with the heart to speak out that Whitney Houston shouldn’t have been alone in Los Angeles to be literally setup for murder.


“I stand on, whoever flew her [Clive Davis] out to perform at that party, should have provided someone to be there,” Khan, 58, said on Piers Morgan Tonight. “To somehow, keep the riff-raff out of the situation. To keep the dangerous people away.”[1]

In the days preceding her death in LA, Whitney Houston certainly wasn’t treated like she was one of the most elite, awarded, and best selling female artist of all time in the world.[2] She had no security around her until the day she also just dropped dead at the age of 48, even then her security said her body was already cold. She had been dead for some time with her legs sticking straight up in the bathtub as if her body had gone into rigor mortis. That’s Psychological Warfare!

Most of us are still wondering how two-bit messy ass rappers like Ray J and Young Buck were allowed to get so close to the center of the death of a international mega superstar and national treasury like Whitney Houston without a great deal of suspicion, outrage and public scrutiny, even from the so-called Hip Hop Generation. Nobody seems interested in pursuing the matter not even her family, so-called friends, the Beverly Hills Police or the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. The investigation into Whitney Houston’s death is being “WHITEWASHED” of Ray J and Young Buck.

Young Buck, “Ray J found Whitney Houston Dead”


Above, Young Buck flashing the ILLUMINATI pyramid hand symbol with Skull and Bones (Brotherhood of Death) black shirt. On February 11, 2012, “CNN confirms that Ray J found Whitney dead Saturday at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.”[3] Initially according to CNN reporter Alan Duke, popular artist Ray J was the one who found Whitney Houston dead in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Duke says he was told by Ray J’s friend — a man who goes by the moniker “The Real Young Buck” – that Ray J was the one who found Houston dead, and that Ray J told him that he is distraught and “tripping right now.”[4]

An insider to Whitney Houston’s Homicide Investigation reported that “Ray J is under investigation by the Beverly Hills PD. I know Ray was getting high with Whitney on Thursday night in her hotel room the cops know too. Ray was on ecstasy, and they was passing around a primo. Whitney was hitting the primo and drinking alcohol. Her and Ray ended up having an argument in the room, before they went to the club. The original Young Buck (Ray’s Buck not G Unit), is under investigation too.”[5] Primo is marijuana and crack. Again, the source of the story had been Young Buck.

Before Whitney’s death, Young Buck had some interesting things to say about Whitney and Bobby Brown in “Get Buck”, [Intro] Yeah!!! Get ’em Buck!!! [Verse 1]:

“… And a zip ain’t shit I need a quarter P of Purp
‘Gon break it down, pass it all around
I can serve Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown
Them dope boys in this bitch like, let me buy that …”[6]

A quarter pound of purp is marijuana. It appears that Young Buck had inside information about the “cutouts” paid to keep Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown supplied with drugs, and wanted in on the deal. How did Young Buck know about some of the intimate details of her death so soon after she was found dead in the hotel room? Could Young Buck have been positioning himself for a big payoff from some of the players that he knew had been directly involved in the Assassination of Whitney Houston at the Beverly Hilton?

On March 4, 2012, Sunday morning, Young Buck survived a drive-by shooting. Police in Nashville, Tennessee, said his car was hit by 11 shots, and though 10 caused no harm, one caused a minor shoulder wound to his girlfriend, Kenyetta Rainey.[7] It had to be warning shots. These people aren’t trained to miss their targets, and they don’t play games. They will not miss the mark next time.

In that infamous recorded telephone conversation between Ray J-Little Lucifer, Raz B, and Young Buck involving HollyWeird MK ULTRA styled Boy Sex Toys and U.S. Entertainment Industry Producer Chris Stokes, Ray J told Raz B that the Chris Stokes’ thing had to be quashed before it leads to other things, opens Pandora’s Box.

Under Little Lucifer, Pandora’s Box opens to a sea of sad, lost, troubled and twisted young souls like Monica Laura Leon known as “DANGER.”

Little Lucifer: DANGER in Pandora’s Box


When I looked at Ray J and the young, beautiful, gifted, but troubled sister of color, Monica Laura Leon, I became rather troubled, disturbed and deeply saddened. I wrestled with myself for a while. Maybe, I didn’t want to go any farther. I was hesitant to open Little Lucifer’s “Pandora’s Box” because it was extremely distressing and I didn’t like what I saw.


In Classical Greek Mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the God of craftsmanship, to create her, so he did—using water and Earth. The gods endowed her with many gifts: Athena clothed her, Aphrodite gave her beauty, and Hermes speech. When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus’ brother. With her, Pandora was given a beautiful container which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened it, and all evil contained therein escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the container, but the whole contents had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was Hope.[8] Another version of the myth portrays hope as a bug. “Hello, Pandora,” said the bug, hovering just out of reach. “My name is Hope.” With a nod of thanks for being set free. Hope flew out into the world.[9]

Danger &  Hope


Monica Laura Leon known as “Danger” played one of 14 young women on Ray J’s reality television show competing “For the Love of Ray J.” She was among the first to publicly out Ray J as a made for HollyWeird Boy Sex Toy. She said that Ray J and former member of the rap group G-Unit, Young Buck, were secret homosexual lovers.[10]

In her internet bio, she said that she was a San Francisco native of Mexican and African American descent. She started modeling at the age of ten (10) in San Francisco posing in campaigns for Neutrogena, Disney, Mattel, Visa, Seventeen Magazine, YM Magazine, Macy’s, Mervyns, Levi Strauss, and has starred in national commercials all before the age of fifteen. She studied ballet with a professional dance company, and enrolled in San Jose State University as a Biology & Child Development student while teaching pre-school. She maintained a 3.5 GPA, and founded an online campus newspaper, OurVoice: Making a Stand to Survive, which granted her a nomination for a Stella Award for outstanding contribution to Women’s Issues at the University.[11]


Above, Monica adorns a symbol of Pagan Owl Moloch-Molech. I suspect that she may have been used as one of the Monarch-Mind Controlled Child Sex Slaves victimized and abused by powerful elite pedophiles at the Bohemian Club nestled in the forest just outside of San Francisco. The Owl, Moloch, is sacred to their secret pagan human sacrifices that include children (2 Kings 23:10). From what she has said, she resides in Mill Valley just outside of the Bohemian Club.


After dropping out of college and an art school, Monica changed her name to “Butterfly” and founded Femme Fatale Entertainment, LLC, in Oakland, CA, which evolved into a special event company, specializing in underground concerts for unsigned artists, theater productions, youth talent shows, street dance battles, and poetry open mic nights. After studying acting at the American Conservatory Theater of San Francisco, the Black Repertory Theater of Berkley, and Brava Theater of San Francisco, she relocated to Los Angeles-HollyWeird in about 2006 to pursue her acting career.[12]


In HollyWeird, she ended up working the Hip Hop rapper circuits where she subsequently met Ray J. Among her named pre-Ray J Hip Hop circle was rapper Shorty Mack aka Derrelle Owens, above, with Little Lucifer. Shorty Mack is a close associate of the Norwoods. He appeared on numerous recordings by Ray J, including the Knockout remix of “Formal Invite” and the Smokin’ Trees version of “What I Need”. He also played the role of “Nyce” on Brandy’s sitcom Moesha.[13]

On YouTube, Monica said that she had been molested her whole life even as an infant. She was a victim of ritual sexual abuse common to the development of Iatrogenic Multiple Personality Disorder (See Colin A. Ross’ Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrist, Chapter 23). She suggested that she may have up to at least 10 (ten) alters.

After leaving college, she changed her name to “Butterfly”, which strongly suggests that she had gone through MK ULTRA/Monarch-Butterfly mind control programming like Ray J’s sister Brandy. Briefly again, “Monarch’ programming (I use that as a loose term for organized trauma-based mind control; not necessarily under the specific umbrella of the CIA Project Monarch) to be used as a child sex-slave for “elite” and government pedophiles.”[14]


Monica has a large tattoo of a tiger on her face. She said that she put the tattoo on her face while going through some mental changes. The prominent cat symbol indicates special “Sex Kitten” programming.


“I have done [porn] pictures, I’ve been an exotic dancer and I’ve also done some prostitution and that’s something that I really didn’t want to just talk about right away cause it’s a scary scary thing, it has such a negative connotation to it. But I was a prostitute for about two and half years, and you know I was making alot of money, I had all this cash, shopping… all this shit, you know, nice car, nice place, but it didn’t make me happy…” Danger revealed about her past life.[15]

In a YouTube video that has been removed, she claimed to have been trained in martial arts and boxing,[16] indicating that she is a possible “sleeper” trained to kill on command.

What made “sex kittens” and “assassins” out of our “traumatized” MK ULTRA “mind-controlled” children was that they took their trauma PERSONALLY! When you take trauma personally, any trauma that you survive, the trauma TAKES you! Each one of the so called “victims” of MK ULTRA, had the CHOICE, even at a young age, to avoid the ego and drama that was a “pity party”. They all could have said to themselves, “Well it could have been worse, I could have DIED!” Instead, anyone who complains about being abused, physically, sexually, emotionally, etc., is focussing on what is a QUALITY of life issue, instead of a life and death issue, because, as Nietzsche says, “Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger“![17]

In 2009, she shaved her hair off due to mental stress (post partum depression), and was involved in some type of alarming incident with her newborn female child. Her infant baby may have been ritually sexually abused by others as it had been done to her, which may have driven her off the deep end threatening to expose the entire sadistic operation. In one of the YouTube videos, she clearly said that “they can f**k her” before she was cut off and her attention directed elsewhere.[18]


She may have been triggered into a self destruct alter personality declared “insane” and forced into the mental institution for seven days, reprogrammed or wiped clean to protect her sources. According to, Child Protective Services subsequently removed the child from her custody and placed the baby girl with her father, Gabriel Cannon, brother of Nick Cannon (Mariah Carey).[19]

In this video, above, you can clearly see that Monica’s mind has been deliberately short circuited by drugs, keys or triggers. Undoubtedly, she is under weight, confused, disoriented in a dissociative state (TRANCE) flashing through various alters from a Harvard doctorate graduate to being Korean-Mexican, and royal.

On November 28, 2009, she kicked off her multi-city new art exhibit tour entitled “Danger in Wonderland” at the Kava Lounge in San Diego, CA. Alice in Wonderland programming and The Wizard of Oz programming are two popular themed base mind control programs still in use today.[20]

Walt Disney productions have played a major role in the Monarch mind control programming and some of their children’s films are being deliberately constructed with Monarch triggers and keys.[21] In her bio, Monica said that at a young age she did modeling for Walt Disney. Walt Disney is a notorious master ILLUMINATI pedophilia and children mind control sex slave operation.[22]

Danger: “Wendy Williams Ain’t Got Shit on What I Know”


In 2010, Danger threatened to tell everything she knew about the secret black HollyWeird. She said that “Wendy Williams Ain’t Got Shit on What I Know.”[23] Subsequently, Danger recanted her charge that Ray J was gay, and that she was never a prostitute, but circumstantial evidence suggest that she has undergone very sophisticated MK-ULTRA/Monarch mind control programming from an early age that she said was from infancy.

She would be a true Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) versus Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) ritually sexually traumatized and programmed after the age of 7 years old.[24] Our young, beautiful, but sad Monica Laura Leon is subject to be programmed to say or do anything for the ILLUMINATI, but she is young and there may still be HOPE  for her in the future, if she doesn’t turn dead too.

Little Lucifer: Young Buck in Pandora’s Box


Young Buck also represents an extremely troubling picture. Monica said that she knew Young Buck in Hip Hop circles before she knew Ray J. David Darnell Brown (born March 15, 1981), known as Young Buck, is an American Southern rapper. He is a former member of the New York City Hip-Hop group G-Unit, also a former artist of G-Unit Records as of Nov 26, 2011. He currently resides as president of his own record label “Cashville Records.” [25]


Young Buck opens up Little Lucifer’s Pandora’s Box to links to a notorious Satanic Pedophile and his Lucifer’s Workshop in New Orleans, Cash Money/Young Money Records, a Satanic Hip Hop Coven of a larger Luciferian Structure. Rapper Lil Wayne of Young Money/Cash Money Records says that he had been raped at age 11. He says that Baby aka Birdman [founder of Cash Money] took him into a room full of men and instructed a female to give him oral sex.[26] It was undoubtedly an “initiation rite” and ritualized sexual abuse of children to deliberately create multiple personality disorders(MPD)  layered with Satanism.

Young Buck began his career as a rapper around the same age as Lil Wayne, 12 (twelve) years old. He was given an opportunity to perform to before the same Brian “Baby” Williams, co-founder of Cash Money Records that “initiated” Lil Wayne into his New Orleans Satanic Hip Hop Coven.  After several years on and off of Cash Money Records, Young Buck and fellow rapper Juvenile decided to leave the label for good in 2000 and went to UTP Records, where he stayed until 2003. One of his early appearances was a feature where Young Buck appeared on the song “Memphis”, where he was featured along with Three 6 Mafia, Project Pat and other southern rappers. His deal with UTP later led to a meeting with New York rapper 50 Cent who later signed Buck to G-Unit Records, under Interscope Records.[27] Before his journey into the music industry Young Buck was a known hustler/drug dealer in his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. This path in life led to him being shot.[28]


Young Buck began his rapper career in Lucifer’s Workshop, Cash Money/Young Money Entertainment, with the Baby-Birdman. Baby, the founder of Cash Money openly carries the sign of the BEAST, an inverted pentagram on the top of head.

“The pentagram with one point upwards repels evil, but a reversed pentagram, with two points upwards, is a symbol of the Devil and attracts sinister forces because it is upside down and because it stands for the number 2. It represents the great Goat of the witches’ Sabbath and the two upward points are the Goat’s horn.” -Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts.[29] “In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power. The average person does not even suspect the occult properties of emblematic pentacles. (…)”[30]


The pentagram is used extensively in black magic, but when so used its form always differs in one of three ways: The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch; it may be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be distorted by having the points of varying lengths. When used in black magic, the pentagram is called the “sign of the cloven hoof,” or the footprint of the Devil. The star with two points upward is also called the “Goat of Mendes,” because the inverted star is the same shape as a goat’s head.” -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages.[31] For this reason, the inverted pentagram has been used in the emblem of Anton Lavey’s Church of Satan.[32]


As far as Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse of young children in Lucifer’s Workshop in New Orleans, Young Buck had undoubtedly also been a Satanic “initiate” at an early age, he admits that he was there watching some of it go down,

“I seen that shit go down. I ain’t gonna sit here and fuckin’ lie…That is just some gay ass shit! To each their own, but I ain’t gonna sit here and fuckin’ lie. I can cosign my homeboy B.G. He didn’t play that shit and Juvy [Juvenile]…he stay far from that shit. But now…[Lil’] Wayne, that’s my nigga, but shit. And Turk, that’s my nigga, but he locked up in the pin…I got love for niggas, but I don’t got nothing but the truth…I ain’t throwing nobody under no bus. It was what it was.”[33]

There is absolutely no reason to believe that like Lil Wayne, Young Buck had not also been ritually sexually abused at an early age and “imitated” into Baby’s Satanic Hip Hop Coven. Little Lucifer’s Pandora’s Box and Young Buck open up Baby and Lil Wayne’s Satanic Hip Hop Coven and the secret ritualized satanic sexual abuse of children in Hip Hop circles. It gets worse.

Little Lucifer: Chris Stokes in Pandora’s Box


While Monica is going up and down, back and forth, Little Lucifer’s Pandora’s Box was opened again by Raz B of B2K. B2K was an American R&B music group. It was founded and managed by music producer Chris Stokes in 2001 with Lil’ Fizz, J-Boog, Raz-B, and Omarion as members. B2K was an R&B/Hip-Hop boy band of the early 2000s, until their break-up in 2004.


Allegedly, LA Producer Chris Stokes molested Raz B, Omarion, above, and Marques Houston at an early age through MK ULTRA/Monarch mind control methodology. Houston was a member of Chris Stokes boy’s groups, Immature/IMx, Mila J, and NLT.


Quindon (American Idol), above, & Raz B says Marques Houston raped them and other artists while Stokes watched.[34] Thus far, Raz B & Quinton Tarver (from American Idol) are not the only ones to come out and expose what happened to them.


The actor and comedian, Faizon Love, has opened up and said that the same thing happened to him. If you saw the 1995 movie, Friday, starring Chris Tucker and Ice Cube, then you remember Faizon Love as the infamous drug dealer, “Big Worm.”[35]

In this mess, Ray J’s name commonly pops up as one of Chris Stokes’ boy sex victims. Among these young brothers, they say that Chris Stokes, Marques Houston, and a few “others” throw ritualistic “initiation” parties just like Baby’s New Orleans Lucifer’s Satanic Coven with young, talented boys to guide them as far they can go through sexual perversion and abuse.


Ray-J and Marques Houston, above, along with the other members of Immature/IMX, use to have sleep overs at Chris Stokes’ house. They say that Ray-J lost his virginity to one of them boys back in the 90s.[36]


Brandy and her parent were well aware that Ray J was being ritually sexually abused and initiated into Chris Stokes’ boy sex toy cult, but cashed in on the ILLUMINATI’s secret Blood Oath Covenant for Fame and Fortune.[37] It’s a family business.


Ray J doesn’t deny being involved with Chris Stokes and Marques Houston early in his career during his most impressionate years as a child. His public cover story is that his beef with Stokes and Houston is that they stole money and projects from him.

“I had a problem with Chris Stokes and Marques Houston a couple of years ago, they were stealing money from me and taking projects that I had out and taking them away from me so I started doing “diss songs” about them just talking a lot of smack. That was at a time in my career when I was real reckless so I had a lot of diss songs talking about them and who they were. I was just dissing them, just cause I didn’t like them as people back in the day but I’m older now, I don’t regret what I said or what I did but I’m definitely at a new time in my life that I wouldn’t go there again.” [38]


He admitted that he had been in a past relationship with the pedophiles and that they were in fact in position to take advantage of him, but only regarding his finances and assets. That’s not how they play the game. That dog won’t hunt. They create helpless MK Ultra Boy Sex Toys for an elite and powerful ILLUMINATI/Luciferian pedophile underground. Below, Chris Stokes and sexual traumatized former American Idol contestant Quindon.


I pray that there is HOPE that these young brothers can also somehow find the strength to overcome. That takes us back to the question of how two-bit messy ass rappers like Ray J and Young Buck were allowed to get so close to a national treasury like Whitney Houston without a great deal of opposition, public outcry, and Beverly Hills Police and Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office scrutiny.

Who has the power to get CNN’s Dr. Drew and Nancy Grace to back off stirring up public and criminal inquiries into Ray J’s activities surrounding the Death of Whitney Houston? Who used Little Lucifer and Young Buck as classic “cutouts” in the Assassination of Whitney Houston?

Whitney Houston, Clive Davis & the ILLUMINATI


Above, Little Lucifer and Clive Davis huddled up and cozy at the Beverly Hilton the afternoon that Whitney Houston was found dead. The late Black Diva Phyllis Hyman maintained until death that Clive Davis was a powerful and elite underground pedophile. Ray J is part of that vast Luciferian corporate power structure in America with Lucifer as CEO that support Baby’s New Orleans Hip Hop Satanic Coven, and Chris Stokes’ LA Hip Hop Boy Sex Toy Cult.

The board of directors is composed from some of the most influential ruling oligarchic families around the world. Lucifer’s holding corporation is made up of a multitude of national and multi-national corporations with thousands of subsidiaries held together with a Blood Oath Covenant of Secrecy. Clive Davis would be the leader of one of its subsidiaries like Arista Records.


Davis is the founder of Arista Records. He named his record company after the elite Arista Honor Society of Brooklyn, New York where he was born. Arista’s logo and symbol is the “Lighted Touch” of the Goddess Columbia.


“Their most used symbols are the lighted torch, the symbol of knowledge and the Sun. When an initiate reaches a certain level in the pyramid they are said to be ‘illuminated,’ more symbolism of the lighted torch. One of the recurring stories in the ancient world is of a hero figure who takes fire (knowledge) from the ‘gods’ and gives it to the people – the chosen few people, that is … At the Rockefeller Center in New York today is a gold statue of Prometheus (gold, the solar metal of the gods) and he is holding the light, the fire, in line with the legend. To the Rockefellers this is not just a statue; it is a symbol of the whole scam they are involved in.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret.” [39]

Following the Illuminati torch symbol begins to unravel a larger mystery. The Brotherhood Goddess Isis/Semiramis holds the torch of enlightenment in the Statue of Liberty as well as the Columbia Pictures and Columbia Records logo. Columbia University’s symbol is also the torch/flame. CBS, “Columbia” Broadcasting System’s logo is the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. The capital of the United States is Washington D.C. which stands for “District of Columbia.” America was discovered by a man named Columbus. The Fraternal order Knights of Columbus have been exposed aided the drug trade in Columbia the country. Columbia is the NASA space shuttle that blew up. Columbine is the high-school that suffered the mass shootings.[40]

“It goes back to a group of Freemasons that came to this country before the founding of our constitution, who were called the Colombians, known as the Colombian faction. They founded what we know as Columbia University. Out of that has come Columbia space shuttle, Columbia Pictures, and Columbia Broadcasting, CBS, with the all-seeing eye on the pyramid as their symbol. As a matter of fact, our government, our so-called government, is not even a part of our country. It is in an area called the District of Columbia, It is a separate district, not part of America at all. The simple truth behind that fact is that there was a section of the geography in this country that was set aside by a very powerful group of Freemasons, called the Colombian faction, working behind the scenes during the founding of this country.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power.”[41]

It was this very same “All Seeing Eye” Columbian factor (CBS) and its CEO William S. Paley of the CIA that brought Clive Davis and Arista into illumination in 1966 at the top of one of its power structures and record divisions. Clive Davis’ visible net worth is estimated to be around 800 million dollars.[42]


Little Lucifer, Ray J, on the other hand, exists on the fringes of this vast Luciferian Corporate power structure as an expendable human asset. Yet, it is still a very lucrative business to be one of Lucifer’s Servants.

In 1989, Ray J at the age of 8 years old started appearing in television commercials for different companies, which strongly suggest that had been “initiated” into Stokes’ Boy Sex Toy Cult at or before the age of 7.  He would be a true MDP like Monica Laura Leon ritually sexually traumatized and programmed before the age 7 years old. In television, Ray J got the role as a foster son in “The Sinbad Show from 1993-1994. In 1999, Ray J landed a role in Brandy’s UPN television series, “Moesha“, as Dorian D-Money. In 2005, Ray J joined the cast of UPN’s One On One, where he played the character of D-Mack for the final season.[43]

In 2009, Ray J got the feature role for a year in VHI’s “For the Love of Ray J.”[44] In April 2011, VHI again premiered Ray J in “Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business.”[45] The Luciferian Corporation and the ILLUMINATI take care of its own, filtering down millions in privileges, perks and contracts from its multitude of national and multi-national corporations.

ILLUMINATI, Whitney Houston & the Big Pay Back


The day after Whitney Houston died. Sony Music (All Seeing Eye)  executives planned to meet within that week in New York to determine a strategy for marketing the nine albums, soundtracks and compilations that feature Whitney Houston.[46] Executives will also planned to discuss stepping up marketing efforts for the upcoming film “Sparkle,” a low-budget movie starring Houston that will be released in August, and for the accompanying soundtrack on which she sings two songs.[47]

Clive Davis, Sony’s chief creative officer and former CEO of Arista, stands to collect a share of the royalties as well for the three Houston albums on which he is credited as producer or executive producer. For those albums, he could get as much as 10 percent – or “points” – of the royalties, an accepted industry practice, according to one of the industry executives.[48]

Universal Music Group, a unit of Vivendi (former VP, Edgar Bronfman, Jr.), will also share in the anticipated increase in Whitney Houston sales. In 2007, the company purchased the music publishing rights to songs such as “The Greatest Love of All,” “Didn’t We Have it All” and “Saving All My Love for You” from songwriter Michael Masser.[49]


Recall, M.I.A, Madonna’s Fall of the Symbolic Black Diva and Satanic Rise of Baphomet  2012 Super Bowl Show, is connected with Benjamin Bronfman, son of Edgar, Jr.

Dixie  Hillbilly, Dolly Parton, controls the publishing rights, which enables her to license music, to “I Will Always Love You.” Parton wrote and recorded the song in 1973. “When Whitney did it, I got all the money for the publishing and for the writing, and I bought a lot of cheap wigs,” the ungrateful and insensitive racialist Parton told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview in January.[50]

Recent news portrays Whitney Houston’s only surviving child, Bobbie Kristina Brown, as an heir to her mother’s fortune. It is an ILLUSION. The Estate of Whitney Houston is in hock to Sony and Clive Davis for quite a long time.

According to the NYDailyNews, a Music Industry veteran that is “familiar with Sony’s accounting” says that Houston’s estate “probably won’t see any royalty checks from her record label “in our lifetime” — and maybe longer — thanks in part to the number of advances and loans she [Whitney Houston] took from the $100 million deal she cut with Sony Music in 2001. He goes on to say that “Houston would have to posthumously sell more than 5 million albums “to repay her advances and start to get royalty checks.”[51] It was also reported that Clive Davis gave Whitney Houston a $1.2 million loan through Sony records that he also intends to collect from the estate.


Clive Davis’ payback out of Whitney Houston’s  estate would include the bills he paid for Whitney Houston’s Death Bed that he had reserved for her at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, along with the riff-raff MK ULTRA Satanic boy sex toys, Little Lucifer and Young Buck, to provide the diversions, false flags and the poison.












[12] Id.












[24] Taken from Stanford University Dr. Ralph B. Allison’s CIA formula to create Cyborgs out of children as military intelligence tools.



[27] Id. At footnote 13

[28] Id.


[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] Id.





[37] Id.









[47] Id.

[48] Id.

[49] Id.

[50] Id.


Whitney Houston, the Devil in the Details & The Satanic Sacrifice of the Symbolic Black Diva

26 02 2012


“Capture and Kill the Divine One”

The Black Diva “Divine One” of the Ancients, Queen Ahmose Nefiteri, (1562-1495 BC), reigned at one of the most important religious paradigm shifts in human recorded history. During her time, Rulers of Foreign Countries (Hyskos) had overrun the Land of Kemet (Egypt) for the first time in its history. The Hyskos and the God Set (Chaos) ruled Kemet for over 200 years.  Somehow, they had been forewarned that the “Divine One” represented Kemet’s Providence and Prophesy. For decades, the “Divine One” had been one of the “Most Wanted” of the Ancient World; “Capture and Kill the Divine One” had to have been their battle cry.

Their premonition of Kemet’s Providence was correct. When they found the Black Diva, it was at the head of the nation’s armies. Queen Ahmose Nefiteri had rallied her nation to resist their occupation and rule. The “Divine One” and her brother, King Ahmose I (1550–1525 BC), expelled the Hyskos from Kemet and brought the cosmic forces (Order-Chaos; Good-Evil) in balance once again.

Queen Ahmose Nefiteri was the grandmother of the 18th Dynasty, the Golden Age of Kemet (Egypt). In her line of descent are the Great Pharaohs’ Thutmoses, Hatshepsut (Queen Makere), Amenhoteps, and Tutankhamen. The Queen’s great grandson, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV 1353-1335 B.C.E.), has to be one of the most important pre-Christianity figures of human history. Without Akhenaten, there most likely would be no “Moses.” There would have been no Christianity as we know it today. It is a turning point in history that the Lords of Chaos have never forgotten, if only for a twinkle of time.

Whitney Houston, The Symbolic Black Diva

In the 21st Century, the Black Diva was no myth. For the week summing up the 2012 Grammys, Whitney Houston had to have been one of the Grammy’s most important, celebrated and influential international musical icon and poster girl. Whitney Houston was the most awarded female artist of all time, according to Guinness World Records, with two Emmy Awards, six Grammy Awards, 30 Billboard Music Awards, 22 American Music Awards, among a total of 415 career awards as of 2010. She held the all-time record for the most American Music Awards of any female solo artist and shared the record with Michael Jackson for the most AMAs ever won in a single year with eight wins in 1994. Houston won a record 11 Billboard Music Awards at its fourth ceremony in 1993. She also had the record for the most WMAs won in a single year, winning five awards at the 6th World Music Awards in 1994.[1]


In May 2003, Houston placed at number three on VH1’s list of “50 Greatest Women of the Video Era”, behind Madonna and Janet Jackson. She was also ranked at number 116 on their list of the “200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons of All Time”. In 2008, Billboard magazine released a list of the Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists to celebrate the US singles chart’s 50th anniversary, ranking Houston at number nine. Similarly, she was ranked as one of the “Top 100 Greatest Artists of All Time” by VH1 in September 2010. In November 2010, Billboard released its “Top 50 R&B/Hip-Hop Artists of the Past 25 Years” list and ranked Houston at number three whom not only went on to earn eight number one singles on the R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, but also landed five number ones on R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. [2]


Houston’s debut album is listed as one of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine and is on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s Definitive 200 list. In 2004, Billboard picked the success of her first release on the charts as one of 110 Musical Milestones in its history. Houston’s entrance into the music industry is considered one of the 25 musical milestones of the last 25 years, according to USA Today in 2007. It stated that she paved the way for Mariah Carey’s chart-topping vocal gymnastics. In 1997, the Franklin School in East Orange, New Jersey was renamed to The Whitney E. Houston Academy School of Creative and Performing Arts. In 2001, Houston was the first artist ever to be given a BET Lifetime Achievement Award. [3]


The Black Diva was also one of the world’s best-selling music artists, having sold over 200 million albums and singles worldwide. Although she released relatively few albums, she was ranked as the fourth best-selling female artist in the United States by the Recording Industry Association of America, with 55 million certified albums sold in the US alone. Premiere magazine named Whitney Houston as one of the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood. In October 1994, she attended and performed at a state dinner in the White House honoring newly elected South African president Nelson Mandela.[4] The Black Diva was also a priceless human commodity. She could make stock corporate rise and fall.

Whitley Houston was not only a Mega Super Star, but a Symbolic Black Diva if every there could be one. She wasn’t controversial, but you must understand her awesome power in very being on the world stage. Her mere presence destroys and dispels global racial myths and stereotypes. Her brief solo below is still counted among America’s most electrifying singing performances and moments in television history. Official U.S. Policy, “Prevent the rise of a “Black Messiah, who could unify and electrify the masses…”

She was a woman with a “Treasury of Melanin”[5] played out in the international entertainment world domain that all could see. When you experience Whitney Houston, you actually see the explosion of divine life force and creative energy. The true magic of Whitney is that she could absorb energy from sources such as light, heat; electricity, sound (music) and use this energy in the body as fuel to explode into other dimensions. In Whitney, you can see the miraculous works of the Black Dot (Pineal Gland) and “Melanin Magic” that rises from the lower nature to higher untapped spiritual natures.

The Greatest Love of All

If I fail, if I succeed
At least I’ll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can’t take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Inside of me
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

The Black Diva taught the global poor and oppressed that to truly see (discovery) ourselves amidst great odds (psychological warfare) and power ( ILLUMINATI) in the divine (GOD) was the greatest of gift of all to liberation. Her very essence transcended race, class and power and that is what made her dangerous and a threat to the ruling classes and power structure of the LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI.

The Devil in the Details: The Setup


FEBRUARY 2 to 7, 2012

Whitney arrived in Los Angeles sometime around  or before Thursday, February 2, 2012 with a large entourage of family, friends and co-workers. On Thursday, she was spotted leaving a Beveley Hills doctor’s office.  On Satruday, February, 4, 2011, she was spotted with Brandy’s littler brother, Ray J, at West Hollywood’s La Petit Four.

For whatever reasons, mass media reports have been very selective about Ray J and Whitney Houston from February 2 to Thursday, February 9, yet it appears from some sources that he had been her constant secret companion.

You would assume that the U.S. Homeland Security, LAPD, and Beverly Hilton Hotel Security Staff would have been under some type of terrorism alert; Grammy VIPs and clients would be under tight security and surveillance preceding the event. You would think that traffic would be controlled, employees, guests, and visitors surrounding the 2012 Grammys would be checked and cleared.

Ordinarily, at the least, hotel security would coordinate with VIP protective details well ahead of the event and their arrival in Los Angeles. Yet, they want us to believe that this nation’s biggest and most important entertainment industry celebrity VIP and precious corporate human commodity was left to run “Willy Nilly” in Los Angeles; to romp, skip and jump through the city and the Beverly Hilton Hotel without security or surveillance.

The Times reported that days before her death, Whitney was reportedly wandering aimlessly alone through the Beverly Hilton, inebriated “smelled of alcohol and cigarettes”, roving through the lobby, halls and ballrooms disoriented, disheveled in mismatched clothes and hair dripping wet, acting strangely skipping around a ballroom and reportedly doing handstands near the hotel pool.[6]

During this time, they want the public to really believe that America’s most important and visible entertainment icon attending the 2012 Grammys Award Celebrations was open to being kidnapped, assaulted or assassinated by a foreign terrorist, stalker or sick assailant. It would have been like 9-11, it could have caught U.S. Homeland Security, Local and State Police and America’s Private Security Industry with their draws down again.

They want the public to believe that Whitney Houston was left Willy Nilly disheveled, disorientated, stumbling,  bleeding,[7]  and alone in Los Angeles. If Whitney Houston was left alone on this national high profile occasion -it’s because it had been planned. They know exactly who she was with minute by minute, and hour by hour of every day that she was at the Beverly Hilton. Yet, Ray J is always allowed to lurk in the background.

If Whitney Houston was left without eyes and ears,  a professional security team, its because Clive Davis wanted it that way. They wanted her in corrupt and compromised Los Angeles, the site and center of the cover-up of Michael Jackson’s assassination by the ILLUMINATI.

The Black Diva was setup from the beginning, drugged, programmed with self destruct alters, and dropped in the middle of a bunch of dysfunctional and messy MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI/LUCIFERIAN BLOOD OATH Negroes; and all they had to do was just walk away. It’s a perfect backdrop for a powerful racialist multi-million dollar white corporate structure to get away with first degree murder and cash in on multi-million dollar insurance policies. That’s exactly what Philip Anschutz (AEG) did to Michael Jackson in the very same venue.[8]

The Devil in the Details: Clive Davis and the Paradigm Shift


Clive Davis born in 1932 in New York is an elite music industry executive made and maintained by privilege, class, race and oligarchy. In 1966, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) reorganized its corporate structure which made CBS Records a separate-special unit of CBS controlled by Clive Davis.

Davis was born and rose from the Columbian ILLUMINATI of New York.[9] According to the late investigative reporter Eustace Mullins, Clive Davis’ benefactor in 1966, CBS’s late Founder and Chairman of Board William S. Paley, was both a conduit and operative for the CIA. Many directors of CBS had CIA ties.[10]

The CIA learned the art of deception by overlaying  its inner core group with members of elite secret blood oath societies from the country’s fore fathers and most recently from the Nazis. Whereas, their primary duties become maintaining secrecy instead of the U.S. Constitution.

The CIA has had long covert associations with major mainstream news publications. By far the most valuable of these associations, according the CIA officials, have been CBS. “The CIA even ran training programs to teach agents to be journalists who were then placed or ‘embedded’ in major news organizations with help from management. The goal is informational-management designed by leading behavioural scientists from academia, or in CIA jargon, a psychological operation with which to secure a specific and predictable reaction from unsuspecting consumers of news.”[11] The specific and predictable reaction that they want is undoubtedly forms of white supremacy (oligarchy), mind and behavior control of the masses.

The CBS Records Group was led by Clive Davis until his dismissal in 1972, after it was discovered that he had used CBS funds to finance his personal life, including an expensive bar mitzvah party for his son. We call it elite white collar corporate felony embezzlement with criminal impunity.[12]

In March 1968, CBS and Sony formed CBS/Sony Records, a complex Japanese business joint venture. It also started the process of bringing Arista Records back under common ownership with its former parent Columbia Pictures, a Sony division since 1989. It also brought Arista founder and corporate embezzler Clive Davis back into the spotlight as Sony Music’s Chief Creative Officer.[13] White corporate ILLUMINATI criminals like Clive Davis from an ILLUMINATI background and CIA asset like CBS, they have their privileges that transend the law.

Davis lives with a male partner who’s a physician. They live in a Vicente Wolf-decorated apartment on East 57th Street and spend weekends in Pound Ridge, NY.[14] Reportedly, he first discovered 19-year-old Whitney Houston in her gospel-singer mother’s cabaret act in a club called Sweet Waters in Manhattan. He signed Whitney to a contract with Arista Records. Clive Davis was responsible for molding and guiding Houston’s early career.

Remember before his assassination, Michael Jackson exposed Sony and its business executives, and administrators, such as Sony President Tommy Mottola as “devils” and “racists,” and blamed people at that company as well as others for creating a “conspiracy” against him by tarnishing his image with child sex abuse accusations because they wanted to emotionally and financially break him to gain the rights to his 50 percent share ownership of the Sony-ATV music publishing catalog that includes the lucrative Beatles Music Catalog

In June 2011 on L.A. radio station KOST 103.5′s morning show, Davis admitted that he had lost interest in Whitney Houston. Davis flat out said he would never get back on the bandwagon with Whitney unless her graceful voice returned. Davis said “Whitney has admitted that she’s had to conquer a drug addiction. That takes all of her energy. She also has had a very difficult time giving up cigarettes. In comparison, it sounds slight. But if you do have a cigarette problem in this instance, you can’t give it up. It is taking all of her energy. I know that she’s committed to do it. I know that she loves music. Right now she’s dealing with that situation and we’re not going to make another record or an album until that golden voice is there and is fully capable to knock everyone out.”[15]

Contrast Davis’ statement with the music industry treatment of white British Pop Singer, Adele. She received a lot of attention when she developed voice problems that affected her singing. Her voice problems were attributed to her inability to stop smoking. To protect her very special voice as some sort of national treasury, doctors ordered her to cancel tour and promotional appearances; rest, recovery and special attention for almost a year.

Subsequently, the 23-year-old Grammy winner was sent to the United States- Boston to undergo special throat laser microsurgery with Dr. Steven Zeitels, Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center.[16]


As Whitney Houston lay in the Los Angeles Coroner’s office, Adele with surgical repaired vocal cords performed and took home six Grammys including the prestigious trifecta of record, song and album of the year.[17] Adele’s record label is Columbia Records.[18] Columbia Records is an American record label, owned by Sony Music Entertainment.[19]

Clive Davis is not interested in Whitney Houston as a human being and friend, or her music for the sake of uplifting, healing and spiritual inspiration. His concern is mass media manipulation, regulation and control. He is a Luciferian/ILLUMINATI regulator that conspires in all things in a secret paradigm shift to ruthlessly control the flow, content and message of Black Music and artists, and the minds of the masses, globally.

The Devil in the Details: the Suppression, Fall and Death of Another Black Diva, Phyllis Hyman


The late beautiful and spiritual Phyllis Hyman had an extraordinary voice and remarkable stunning 6’ 2” presence. Phyllis was signed to Buddha Records who came under Arista’s ownership while Clive Davis was president of the label. During the four years that Hyman was under Davis’ mentorship, she came to loathe him. According to some, Phyllis was a very proud and opinionated woman who irked Davis, who was rumored to be a closeted homosexual pedophile.

Reportedly, Hyman became stunned that Clive Davis would not consider giving her R & B ballads a chance. Hyman remade the hit of the Stylistics “Betcha By Golly Wow”. She thought that its success would demonstrate a continuous trend of the success of R&B for the future. However, Davis had a different global agenda that they could manipulate and control through Pop Music. He wanted to control Hyman’s music, content and message. Davis demanded that she drop R&B and Jazz Genres with its deep African roots and influences; crossover and sell and promote corporate controlled Pop music.


Queen Divine as she knew that she had been, Hyman rebelled and was left deliberately unrecorded for four years to quell her message. Due to contractual obligations to Clive Davis and Arista, she couldn’t sign with another label. Like Michael Jackson and Sony-Arista records tried to destroy Hyman’s career by deleting her key albums and CDs. They also conspired to prevent her from recording full length albums elsewhere. During Phyllis’ legal battles with Arista, Clive Davis promoted Dionne Warwick, Aretha Franklin, Angelea Bofill and 22 year old Whitney Houston in 1985.

In June 1995, 46 year old Phyllis Hyman was found dead in her New York apartment. The coroner listed the cause of death as an intentional overdose of pentobarbital and secobarbital (sleeping pills).[20] Five months after her death, Clive Davis released her last album, “I Refuse to Be Lonely.” The album reached #12 in the Billboard R&B album chart, and peaked at #67 in the Billboard 200.[21] In regards to Phyllis Hyman, nobody seemed to have questioned her death and looked for the Devil in the Details. If anyone wanted her dead, it was Clive Davis. Queen Diva had been extremely vocal and public in exposing Clive Davis as a high level pedophile.

The Devil in the Details: The Fall of the Black Diva


At Whitney Houston’s funeral, Clive Davis spoke. He said that he accepted Whitney Houston at his private bungalow at the same Beverly Hilton Hotel on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 before her death. He noted, particularly, that she was without security. It appears after her stay alone in Clive Davis’ private bungalow on Tuesday that she started exhibiting and playing out bizzarre behaviors Wednesday through Thursday, February 9, 2012.

It is established that Clive Davis financially sponsored Whitney’s week long jaunt at the hotel before the Grammys.  She had been contracted to be one of his scheduled performers for his pre-Grammy party.  It was Clive Davis that drew Whitney into the notoriously corrupt LADP jurisdiction and venue. Whitney checked into the hotel accompanied by an entourage of family, friends and co-workers, but no security detail. If Whitney didn’t have security, it appears that is the way it was meant to be. It was the way that Clive Davis wanted it to be. The LUCIFERIAN/ILLUMINATI elite wanted her alone without professional  eyes and ears.


Whitney Houston: False Pretext to Murder, “I’m a cougar!”


After Whitney Houston’s death, some are still trying to figure out why Whitney broke down speculating that her cause of death could have been a downward spiral after seeing Ray J talking to US ‘X Factor’ contestant, 42 year old Stacy Francis.  On February 9, Whitney attended rehearsals for Davis’ Pre-Grammy celebration. However, before rehearsals, Whitney made what appeared to be a filmed desperate appeal to Brandy, discussed below. After rehearsals, she ended up with Ray J in her hotel room before going to the Kelly Price’s Pre Grammy Party“For the Love of R&B Grammy Party” at the Tru Club.

At the club, Whitney got into the very public and explosive altercation with Stacy Francis involving Ray J. A witness described Whitney going berserk loudly proclaiming, “This is my man! I’m a cougar! Bitch, get away from my man!” Francis claims that even though she tried to reason with Houston that there was nothing going on between her and Ray J — they are old family friends who go back 20 years — Houston kept yelling at Francis.[22] This irrational and uncharacteristic “I am a cougar” stuff really doesn’t make any common sense if she really cared for him. Does it? Unless, it was an implanted alter state.

According to Francis, Whitney, who reportedly appeared extremely sweaty and visibly out of control, got in her face, yelling, “Why are you here? Who’s the bitch?” Whitney continued the rant spiraling further out of control and reportedly put her hand in Francis’ face and pushed her forehead. Francis then allegedly shoved Houston back, Ray J and security guards tried to pull Houston away from Francis. At some point during the altercation, Houston fell against the stage and scratched her leg.[23] Where is Whitney’s security detail?

Whitney Houston, “Who’s the bitch?”


Reportedly, people pleaded for Whitney to chill out, but she continued to spiral out of control and the two women began pushing and shoving each other. What is so incredibly bizarre and odd about Whitney’s behavior is that she knew exactly who X Factor Stacy Francis was.


According to Francis, she and Houston had enjoyed and exchanged pleasant conversations minutes earlier at the club about her and the X-Factor show. Francis even reportedly showed Houston a picture of her 1-year-old baby, and the award-winning entertainer reportedly mentioned how much she loved her only child, Bobbi Kristina.[24]


Recently, Stacy revealed on the Dr. Drew (Drew Pinsky) on CNN that she had been drawn over to the stage area later in the evening where Whitney and Ray J were standing. She said something happened with Whitney. Dr. Drew then cut in suggesting that Whitney’s paranoia had been suddenly “triggered” then stopped, because he had pushing it over the air the illusion that Whitney had been acting out the sickness of drug and alcohol addiction all along. It seems odd that mass media never revealed who was part of Whitney Houston’s entourage at the club. We are also led to believe that Ray J just happened on the scene.


Above, Whitney was described as sweating profusely and disheveled (disordered) as she left Tru nightclub  after the incident with Stacy. The sweating is suggestive of  post-hypnotic symptomatic “chills” and amnesia barriers, which has best been illustrated by Manchurian Candidate Sirhan Sirhan demeanor coming out of an alter (sweating-disordered among other things)  immediately after the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.


Here and in the picture above, she appears uncharacteristically calm and collective as if nothing had taken place. Whitney had to have been triggered into an altered state of conscious (Cougar Alter).  You can see Whitney Houston in the classic calm down after an alter personality takeover indicating that she had indeed acted under “hypnotic suggestion and compulsion” deliberately triggered by Ray J.

It is also interesting to note that there is no Whitney Houston recorded reaction to the Stacy Francis incident, whether vebral or written.  You could think that her side of the story would have been pursued by mass media.  I suggest that it doesn”t exist is because she couldn’t recall or remember the incident due to implanted amnestia barriers just ike the Manchurian Candidate,  Sirhan Sirhan.  In this case, the girl in the polka dot dress was Ray J. Whitney had been deliberately triggered into the cougar alter to set the stage and set up a false pretext (jealousy) to her homicide.


Back at the Beverly Hilton on Friday nite, reportedly, Whitney Houston was partying with her daughter, Bobbi Khristina, Ray J, and Houston’s god daughter, Brandi Burnside.  Brandi is believed to be a “sex toy” of major black pro athetees out of Chris Stoke’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH barn discussed below.

At about 12;30 a.m., according to a TMZ story, friends of Bobbi Kristina tried knocking on her door repeatedly Friday night … but she didn’t answer. They were told they called security to get them to unlock the door and help them get Bobbi out of the tub. It happened on the same floor of the hotel where Whitney would be found dead the next day. They were told the room Bobbi Kristina was in was booked under Whitney’s name. Bobbi Kristina had been found unconscious in the bathtub just hours before her mother died the same way. Undoubtedly, Bobbi Kristina had also been drugged. It may have been either Bobbi or Whitney’s life for the ILLUMINATI. However, we know as in the case of Bruce Lee. They will take your seed, Brando Lee, too.

Nevertheless, the common thread in the attempted murder of Bobbi Kristina and and the death of Whitney Houstion is Ray J.  Some sources in the Hip Hop community have reason to believe that Ray J is a protected major Black Hip Hop and HollyWeird drug trafficker and Whitney’s source and illegal drugs.



To set the stage to explain Ray J and the False Pretext in the death of the Black Diva, first let’s look at his famous sister, Brandy. On Thursday, February 9, 2012, just 2 days before her death, Whitney Houston reportedly crashed an E! Interview while Clive Davis was speaking with Brandy and R&B singer Monica.

Some described Whitney’s behavior to be “some bit manic” and weird as she told Monica about swimming “2 hours a day” and conspicuously handed a note to Brandy. “The 48-year-old was strangely frazzled (stressed out) as she told daughter Bobbi Kristina to come say hello to “godfather” Davis.

Meanwhile, Brandy did not have a noticeable reaction to the note but is seen hugging Whitney as the clip ends. Brandy is the older sister of 31-year-old “Sexy Can I?” singer Ray J, so perhaps it was something of personal nature, but nobody but the two women know what was written on that piece of paper.”[25]

However, Brandy appeared somewhat caught by surprise with Whitney’s quick of hand suddenly passing the note to her. She briefly looked at it then was filmed quickly passing the note off to an assistant off stage area. It is absolutely no surprise that Brandy refuses to discuss the contents of the note.

In a 2004 Issue of Vibe Magazine, Brandy unveiled herself prostrated to a higher power on the cover of Vibe Magazine in what some described as “puzzling.” [26]


On the cover, she has a tattoo of a large Monarch Butterfly on her spine. The picture positions the Monarch hovering over her head. The overall positioning of the Monarch Butterfly and her prostrated position indicates that Brandy underwent Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Monarch Sex Slave Mind Control Programming.


Briefly, “Monarch’ programming (I use that as a loose term for organized trauma-based mind control; not necessarily under the specific umbrella of the CIA Project Monarch) to be used as a child sex-slave for “elite” and government pedophiles.”[27]


Brandy’s hand symbol is the sign of an occulted pagan worship personality layer. The hand symbol is down in what appears to be the female vulvar Goddess position.

HollyWeird Stars are often implanted with complex triggers that set off personality switches. They can be an upstanding member of a community and then murder someone on command with an alter, and then switch back to the primary personality who has no recollection of committing a crime. Most mind control slaves also have numerous alters to keep them in line. For example, if a primary alter starts to discover what is happening and attempt to rebel or breakdown, a suicide alter is triggered which will work to keep the primary alter in line and protect exposure.[28]


Brady’s implanted MK ULTRA/MONARCH self destruct alter is incredibly drawn out and exposed in darkened black & white in an extremely rare situation in the public domain in one of those “don’t believe your lying eyes” moments. The pictures show the self destruct alter programming, self destruct layer from the primary to the alter, and then alter to the primary personality, below.


These pictures are worth a thousand words which gives a greater insight of what Whitney Houston was playing out with implanted self destruct alters beginning to engulf her just days before her Grammy Night Ritual Death. I suspect that the self destruct programming began Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at the Beverly Hilton bungalow of Clive Davis when Whitney was alone –no security –bodyguards.

Undoubtedly, Whitney’s note to Brandy moments before she was killed was her desperate lonely cry for help. Whitney Houston’s slaughter happened, February 11, on Brandy’s 33rd Birthday.

Whitney’s death and her call to Brandy just a couple of days before she was killed didn’t stop her show either.


Brandy dressed in black partied the night away on her 33rd with Ray J, Whitney’s last Appeal for Help, and friends at the Supperclub in Hollywood. There may be some occulted significance to the number 33 (33rd Degree).

At the end of all of Whitney’s implanted nightmares was Ray J to setup the false pretext of jealousy as the justification for her own self destruction by drugs and alcohol. Ray J-JESUS was Whitney’s self destruct alters’ implanted trigger.


The days leading up to her death, Whitney was desperately fighting against herself as plainly demonstrated by the Brandy implanted self destruct alters above. Whitney Houston told friends she “really wanted to see Jesus” in the days before her death … and claimed she had a feeling the end was near for her … this according to several of Whitney’s friends.

TMZ has learned … Whitney had been very spiritual in her final days … quoting the bible, singing hymns and engaging in intense conversations about Jesus Christ and the afterlife with her close friends and family members.

We’re told …. on Friday , one day after she performed, “Yes Jesus Loves Me” at Tru nightclub in Hollywood, Whitney told one of her friends, “I’m gonna go see Jesus … I want to see Jesus.”

The next morning, hours before her death, Whitney was discussing a bible passage involving John the Baptist and Jesus … when Houston flashed a big smile and remarked, “You know, he’s so cool … I really want to see that Jesus.”

Another source tells us … Whitney had been telling friends she “felt like her time was coming” … and wanted to make sure she spent her time praising her lord and savior whenever she could. Unfortunately, Whitney’s premonition came true.[29] It wasn’t premonition. It was mind control programming.

Brandy couldn’t tell what was in Whitney’s note. The Devil is in the Details. She is part of the cover-up and conspiracy. She sold her soul in an ILLUMINATI Covenant for Fame and Fortune. Her brother, Ray J, had to have been part of the package. They would do anything for paper (money, fame) and join Lucifer’s Servants most wittingly on any project even if it involved murder, the assassination of Whitney Houston.


At about 3:55p.m., reportedly, an unnamed-unidefenitifed female hairdresser became alarmed that Whitney was still in the bathroom after a hour.  At the time of her death, two of her bodyguards finally appear in her room.

It’s far too late. One of them, Ray, pulled her from the tub. Oddly, he recalled that she was already cold. Cold? It is also being reported that Whitney’s face was below the water and her legs were up like she had slid down the back of the tub. She had been drugged unconscious like Bobbi Kristina.  Or, she was killed with drugs then slid under water, but why would her legs be straight up?

On the afternoon she died, there had been two people in the room 434. One person was eating a hamburger, frys and drinking a Heniken. The other person had been eating a turkey sandwich. The other person had been her secret companion that everyone have been so hush-hush or hushed up about.  It is also interesting that the Beverly Hilton has fired most of its low level employees covering the times and events around Whitney Houston’s stay at the hotel. Below, the ILLUMINATI’s aggressive efforts to stop  aggressive independent investigative journalist from getting too close to the Whitney Houston death probe  is led by Occultist-ROMAN POLANSKI’S defender Whoopi Goldberg.

After hearing Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew bring up some probing questions  on CNN in regards to Whitney Houston’s death, Goldberg rushed to the air to aggressively hush-hush mass media independent inquires and questions into Whitney Houston’s death; like who was with her in the room at the time of her death, supplied her with drugs, and may have pushed her under water.

It is highly unusual for a television network like ABC to aggressively attack the journalistic independence of another network like CNN. Yet, ABC did it. They personally attacked Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew,  and CNN appears to have dropped its investigative journalistic independent interests in Whitney Houston’s homicide. Why?

Additionally, Whitney Houston’s note is material evidence. It would be possible evidence of her STATE OF MIND immediately prior to her death. Why is Brandy holding on it as if the case isn’t a homicide investigation? WHY ISN’T THE MEDIA, LAPD AND CORONER’S OFFICE INTERESTED IN THE NOTE TO ESTABLISH WHITNEY HOUSTON’S STATE OF MIND PRIOR TO HER DEATH?

It’s about that MK ULTRA/LUCIFERIAN Boy Toy, Ray J


Above, Lucifer’s Servants, Brandy and Ray J. He  plannly  exhibits an upright Masonic-ILLUMINATI Pyramid hand symbol. One day while channel surfing, I first came across the show “The Love of Ray J.” I wondered who this Ray J is supposed to be. Ray J appears to be a Hip Hop poster boy for the ILLUMINATI that I call “Little Lucifer.”


5′ 7 tall- Willie Ray Norwood, Jr. was born on January 17th, 1981, in McComb, Mississippi. He is a son of a gospel singer and the younger brother of R&B award winning star, Brandy. Ray J is a musician and rapper-singer with no particularly distinguishing musical talent that I could point to or hit records.

However, Ray J is infamously noted for being a February 2007 porno home movie sexual partner of Kim Kardashian. The Devil is in the Details. The home movie seemed to have been leaked deliberately in the public domain to create a sensation and public stir.

Ray J and Kim’s sex tape was no innocently leaked consensual act between two adults. The porno movie put both Ray J and Kim Kardashian on the roadmap to celebrity status as the mass media darlings of the Hip Hop generation to push the moral paradigm to the edge.


Above, Kim and Ray J in classic hypnotic Luciferian/ILLUMINATI stare   Kim is the daughter of the Late Robert Kardashian. Kimberly Noel was born on October 21, 1980 in Los Angeles, CA. Robert Kardashian, most likely linked with Russian-Armenian Mob, was one of O.J. Simpson’s best friends and one of his attorneys in the infamous murder trials in Los Angeles. Kim’s family history background is literal dysfunctional. Robert Kardashian died on September 30. 2003, eight weeks after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer.


Kim and Nicki Minaj in classic MK ULTRA/MONARCH Barbie Doll Complex.


Kim, above, playing out another classic MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Black Cat Theme and alter.


Little Lucifer, above, has been linked with an underground MK ULTRA/MONARCH type boy farm connected to Los Angeles Music Producer/Manager and Filmmaker, Chris Stokes. Musician Raz B of B2K exposed the boy farm in a series of YouTube charges and accusations.

In March 2003, B2K had been voted in “Favorite Group” at the Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards and were the recipients of two Soul Train Awards for Best R & B/Soul Single (Group, Band, or Duo) and Best R & B Soul Album.


Raz B accused Stokes, left, below, of ritual sexual abuse turning them into sex boy toys.


The Devil is in the Details. Raz B subsequently secretly taped a conversation between himself, Ray J and Young Buck. Young Buck is a former member of G-Unit.

Ray J, Raz B and Young Buck. Young Buck, right, below.


Clearly, Raz B understands that Ray J and Young Buck are together getting loaded. He also understands that contact with Ray J is through Young Buck.


The GAME and Young Buck caught in a real strange and suspect HollyWeird moment. Young Buck shows that he can offer little if any resistance to the overly aggressive GAME and the GAME knows it.


Monica Leon, aka Danger, from Ray J’s VH1 reality TV dating show “For The Love of Ray J”, first publicly outed that Ray J and Young Buck were secret lovers.


Subsequently, Danger was committed to a mental hospital, most likely, until she stopped publicly exposing multi-billon dollar HollyWeird  ILLUMINATI moments.

Raz B implied in one of his tapes that Ray J also had been one of Stokes’ sex boy toys out of the mill. On Raz B’s recorded tape, you can hear Ray J desperately asking Raz to clear his name in the whole molestation fiasco. To substantiate Raz B’s charges, a photo was leaked of Stokes’ boy group Immature/IMX in bed.


If you are aware of the Franklin Credit Union Cover-Up MK-Ultra-Pedophile Scandal, then the picture above is eerily familiar to the picture below that was exposed in the Johnny Gosch Kidnapping affair in that case.


On the tape, Ray J clearly told Raz B that the Chris Stokes stuff had be quashed before it got out of hand and lead to other things (Pandora’s Box).

He told Raz B that among the powerful, rich and famous that had his back was ABC TELEVISION NETWORK, VH-1, Steve Rinfkind, Oprah, Gayle King and Sarah Palin. On the tape, Ray J can clearly be heard exposing the hip hop musical industrial being secretly controlled by a powerful underground homosexual subculture.

“I’m getting a lot of paper now. I can’t diss anybody that’s homosexual in any kind of way,” Ray explains. “If you like men, if you like women whatever. You do what you do, I respect you, I love you. I f*ck with a lot of niggas and females thats homosexuals and bisexuals, thats cool. So I don’t want to ever get it twisted like I’m saying it aint cool to do sh*t and cross that path. And then on top of all that , I got the head of VH1, and I got the head of a couple other n*ggas on some fruity sh*t. Calling, trying to get my number, taking me out on dates and I don’t need that sh*t either. It’s going down because of the rumors and I’m in a f*cked up position. Because I will never go out and say anything in the f*ggot name or anything. Anything you say like that your career is over. Because people that are in that world, run the industry.” [30]


Clive Davis also appears to have had Little Lucifer’s back. Here is Ray J and one of the main Devils in the Details behind Whitney Houston’s assassination strangely huddled up on the third floor of the Beverly Hilton at the very moment that the Black Diva is being slaughtered upstairs on the 4th floor.

Ray J said that he been at the Beverly Hilton helping Clive Davis pictured with unknown woman setup for his Pre-Grammy celebration. However, when Whitney was found dead. Ray J was allowed to slip out of the hotel.

It is not clear why Little Lucifer found it necessary to mark the occasion with black and the number (3) three. I believe it was some part of his organized planning then mere coincidence. In the occult, three is the “equilibrium of unities.” It would be Spirit, Mind, Body; Father, Son, Holy Ghost; Past, Present, Future; or Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer. Three may also represent promising new adventures, and assurance of cooperation from others whom you may require help. Three typically symbolizes reward and success in most undertakings. In Christianity, an “Unholy Trinity” is composed of Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet.

There is another Devil in the Details, the “Power of ONE.”


Both Whitney and Ray J received some type of mind control programming involving the concept of the “Power of ONE.” It is essentially the programmed use of the power of one’s mind to control auras to protect, attract, influence, maim or kill. It can used to control yourself, others, and the environment.

Undoubtedly, Little Lucifer,  above, is afraid of the hulking GAME.  Ray J invokes the mental exercise, “Power of ONE” to overcome his fear of the GAME. Flip it as in the Case of Whitney Houston, the “Power of ONE” may be used by a dominate alternative MPD personality (Implanted Cougar Alter)  to control the primary personality and other alters.


Lucifer’s Servants Play No Games: The Devil in the Details of Clive Davis’ Pre-Grammy Celebration & The Scarlet Woman


There is a lot of speculative stuff on the internet about the ritual sacrifice of Whitney Houston and Queen Elizabeth nonsense. However, there is no doubt that in the evening of Saturday, February 11, 2011, while the Black Diva was lying dead in a Beverly Hilton hotel room,  there were predominately 800 white guests, Alicia Keys and other black entertainers, a floor below, chillingly, celebrating her death.


One of Satan’s newest playgirls of the Occult, Alicia Keys with the “Devil Horns” and “Veiled Eye of Horus” was the headliner of the the Clive Davis affair. Above, she is appropriately dressed for the occasion. Dressed in red, it is the color of the Oriental Dragon. She also tells the world that she has reached a new low. She had taken one more bite of forbidden fruit, “Adam’s Apple.” In the Garden of Eden, Adam universally partaken sin by eating the red apple. The color of the apple from religious, Greek mythology, and history was red. The color red is also the color of symbolic sacrifice. “And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.” Matthew 27:28 It is also one of the colors of the Scarlet Woman of Revelation [Revelation 17:1-6]. Red is also the color of Blood Sacrifice.


Lucifer’s Servants Play No Game: GRAMMYS, The Whore of Babylon, Roman Polanski & the Sharon Tate Satanic Slayings


The next day on Sunday, February 12, 2012, while Whitney Houston lay dead in the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office LUCIFERIAN/ILLUMINATI Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) Nicky Minaj enters the Grammy’s ceremony also dressed in scarlet (color of blood scarifice)  as the Whore of Babylon of Revelation with a Roman Catholic Pope.

rayjnickyThe red dress has a picture of figure most likely Medusa of Greek Mythology. Medusa was a legendary Gorgon, a BEAST.  Nicky performed a ceremony at the Grammys that was dubbed, “The Exorcism of Roman“, which I believe was directly related to the Symbolic Sacrifice of the Black Diva-Messiah.

One of Nicky Minaj’s widely mass media cerebrated alter MPD personalities is ROMAN ZOLANSKI.  It is actually ABC’s  The View-Whoopi Goldberg’s friend and her former boyfriend’s Satanic Mentor,  ROMAN POLANSKIi, the Devil in the Details. They play no games.


ROMAN POLANSKI is a notorious elite fugitive pedophile and powerful international Luciferian.[31] During the 1960s, POLANSKI was part of an extremely dangerous and chilling Hollywood star studded satanic coven in Laurel Canyon near Lookout Mountain linked to the 1968 CIA assassination of U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy; and convicted MK ULTRA mass murderer Charles Manson. The Laurel Canyon coven of Lookout Mountain has also been linked to drug trafficking, mind control child sex slaves, pornography, snuff films, murder, and the occult of the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.


POLANSKI has produced and directed two of the most infamous clandestine Luciferian initiation rite and occulted horror movies in history, Rosemary’s Baby (1968), and the Ninth Gate (2000).[32]

POLANASKI was born in Paris, France in 1933. During the reign of Nazis in Eastern Europe, Polanski’s mother was murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. His father barely survived the Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen-Gusen.[33] In 1977, after a photo (child pornography) shoot at the home of actor Jack Nicholson near Lookout Mountain, Polanski was arrested for drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. He was charged with rape but pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor. To avoid sentencing, POLANSKI fled to his home in London, and then moved on to France the following day.[34]

rayjrichardson It is interesting to note that the primary prosecuting witness against POLANSKI was Actress Anjelica Huston,[35] the daughter of Hollywood actor and film director, John Huston.[36] Anjelica was the girlfriend of demented Bob Richardson, above, father of the infamous Satanist-Nazi loving fashion iconic photographer of Barack Obama and Kanye West, Terry Richardson. [37] They’re all part of the same secret powerful international Satanic Coven.


Ninth Gate like POLANSKI’s 1968 Rosemary’s Baby [calling forth the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s Moon Child (Satan’s Offspring)] is a slick covert Luciferian initiation rite film. The Ninth Gate is designed to subliminally draw in the unsuspecting and guide and initiate them into and through the nine gates of HELL.

So, why is Nicki Minaj reimaging in exorcism an international fugitive, ROMAN POLANSKI, in mass media on the day that Whitney Houston died?

Lucifer’s Servants Play No Game: the Sharon Tate Satanic Murders


In 1969, POLANSKI and his Luciferian Coven were involved in one of the most infamous horrific mass murder satanic sacrifices in American History, the Sharon Tate Murders.


On August 9, 1969, Sharon Tate, Victim 1, was eight and a half months pregnant when she and her unborn child were savagely slaughtered in her home, along with four others, by followers of Charles Manson. Tate was married to ROMAN POLANSKI. Sharon was two weeks from giving birth. She pleaded with the assassins, at least, save the baby. The unborn child died in her womb. The horrific mass murders took place at their home located near Lookout Mountain at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon.


One of their victims, Abigail Folger, Victim 2, must have put up a courageous struggle and made a frantic attempt to save her life. She was found blooded and dead just outside the house.


Folger suffered massive and savage face stab wounds from the assassins. They no games.


Tate and her former lover, the infamous Hairdresser of the Stars, Jay Thomas Sebring, Victim 3, were hung from the rafters of the ceiling, stabbed, tortured, and strangled  to death.


Their outer victim, Wojciech Frykowski, Victim 4, was also found outside the house blooded, savagely beaten and stabbed to death. Below, Steven Parent, 18, just happened on the crime scene to visit the Polanski’s dog keeper in a back house. He was also slain, stabbed and shot in the head. He became the infamous 5th victim at 10050 Cielo Drive. As they were leaving, the satanic assassins used a towel dipped in Sharon Tate’s blood to write DEATH TO PIGS on the wall and PIG on the front door.


Preston Guillory, a former deputy sheriff in Los Angeles, reportedly revealed that, “A few weeks prior to the [arrests at the] Spahn Ranch raid, we were told that we weren’t to arrest Manson or any of his followers the reason he was left on the street was because our department thought that he was going to launch an attack on the Black Panthers.”[38]

The Satanic Slaughters didn’t end on Cielo Drive. On August 10, 1969, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were heinously slain in their home down the way from Laurel Canyon and Hollywood.


WAR (racial) was carved out of Leno’s body. As the satanic assassins left, with the blood of the LaBiancas, they left a false calling call on the wall of the home, again, “Death to Pigs.”


Charles Manson’s handlers and the Aliester Crowley’s ‘Ordo Templi Orientis’ (OTO), the Process Church wanted to start a race war. The Manson Satanic Cult followers were sent in to kill sadistically part of Polanski’s Luciferian Coven, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, Wojciech Frykowski, and make it seem as though the Black Panthers did it.[39] They were slain and sacrificed in such a horrific manner to shock the world to start HELTER SKELTER, the Apocalyptic Race War and the wholesale annihilation of Black People.[40]

The Many Strange Faces of Tex Watson

Charles “Tex” Watson is generally believed to have been one of the main butcher in the Satanic Tate and LaBrianca Murders. Tex came to California sometime during the summer of 1967. He was in the same Hollywood-Beverly Hills business as Jay Sebring in hair dressing products. Tex had been the co-owner of Crown Wig Creations on the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. In the fall of 1968, Tex joined the Manson Family after allegedly meeting but most likely setup with Charles Manson at the Beach Boys Dennis Wilson’s house in Laura Canyon.

POLANSKI’s old Polish friend, Wojciech Frykowski, and Jay Sebring were involved in the Beverly Hills/Los Angeles drug trade linked to the Canadian Mob through the infamous French Connection. POLANSKI’s inner circle regularly supplied Tex and Manson Family with drugs, which included “Orange Sunshine” LSD. Tex wrote in his prison memoir, Will You Die for Me?, that it was the use of the Orange Sunshine LSD that finally convinced him that Manson’s Helter Skelter, apocalyptic vision was real.

Orange Sunshine was primarily manufactured and distributed by a group known as “The Brotherhood of Eternal Love” who operated out of a beach resort near Los Angeles. One of the Brotherhood’s major drug manufacturers and dealers was Ronald Hadley Stark of New York. The Brotherhood was controlled by Ronald Stark, whom an Italian High Court concluded had been a CIA agent since 1960. The Brotherhood’s funds were channeled through Castle Bank in the Bahamas, a known CIA “proprietary.”  Stark had been secretly attached to a CIA project later to be revealed as MK ULTRA.

Additionally, Sharon Tate was a well known and established “Witch”, who was inducted into witchcraft in London on the set of the POLANSKI-directed film, The Fearless Vampire Killers, by Alexander Saunders, “King of the Witches.” Saunders had received direct ‘training’ as a child from the BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. The POLANSKI house had been a well known coven haven that practiced witchcraft and conducted regular satanic rituals and ceremonials that included Tex and the Manson Family.

Manson Family Member, Susan Atkins, above, had also been a well known and infamous “Witch” of Mendocino County that had been part of POLANSKI‘s secret Satanic Coven. Susan “Sexy Sadie” Atkins, who admitted stabbing Sharon Tate, was also an adept of the infamous Satanist Anton Szandor LeVay, Church of Satan.  Below, Susan Aktins, nude, in a 1966 satanic ritual with her Luciferian Mentor, Anton LeVay.

LeVay, below left,  with the familar demonic hypnotic stare was the technical advisor to POLANSKI’s legendary Rosemary’s Baby which Sharon Tate also played a small part in, and is generally believed to have played the part of the DEVIL in the movie.

After Tex’s extradition from Texas to face murder charges, a self destruct or termination alter personality took over Tex’s primary personality to protect his MK ULTRA handlers, the sources of his mind control programming. In October of 1970, Tex was sent to Atascadero State Hospital. He was adjudged insane and unable to stand trial. A report said the then 24-year-old was “turning into a vegetable.” He was being fed by a tube having lost 50 pounds and staring off into space and giggling. A UPI story quotes the report, “He remains mute and nonverbal,” it said. “At times he appears to understand and tears well up in his eyes.”

He subsequently was tried and convicted of murder, but his handlers remain unknown.  However, we know that after he arrived in California and before joining the Manson Family in the fall of 1968, Tex had lived at 8584 Wonderland Avenue for 5-6 months. It was enough time for him to be mind control programmed for a special operational project of MK ULTRA. The secret and classified 8935 Lookout Mountain Blvd facility sits directly opposite to and just down the way to the inamous Wonderland Avenue of Laurel Canyon.

Lucifer’s Servants & the Secret Lookout Mountain Laboratory


The Polanski Satanic Cult, Manson Family and the Sharon Tate sacrifices were secret projects of the Lookout Mountain Laboratory. For decades, the mountains and canyons, particularly Laurel Canyon, overlooking Hollywood hid a lot of things even outlaws of Wild-Wild West and racialist “White Knights” to a complete $4 million pre WWII Nazi Compound and Fort.[41] Hidden in a valley in Laurel Canyon on Wonderland Park Avenue during the 1960s was a Top-Secret U.S. Military propaganda machine, Lookup Mountain Laboratory.

In 1941, the United States, the Army Air Corps (1352d Motion Picture Squadron) secured a 21/2 acre hidden from view site in Wonderland Park Valley, now Wonderland Park Avenue in Laurel Canyon and turned it into a top secret electrical fenced movie production house identified as the Lookup Mountain Laboratory.[42]

In 1947, two years after the end of World War II, Lookout Lab operations suddenly covered post-war propaganda for all branches of the U.S. Military, which indicates it had come under the domain of the Pentagon. The Lab was turned into what had been claimed to be the world’s only completely self-contained movie studio. With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[43]

Lookup Mountain Laboratory also had something to do with developing secret weapon testing films for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The existence of this facility wasn’t acknowledged until the early 90s even though it had produced some 19,000 government propaganda films, and had the likes of John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe working there with top-secret clearances on national security “undisclosed projects”[44].

Lookout Mountain Lab and CIA MK ULTRA Mind Control

Svali, an alias, an Illuminati defector revealed that there was a secret location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control”.[45] Most likely than not, it was the Lookout Mountain Lab and the referenced training films were undoubtedly part of the CIA MK-ULTRA mind control program which would be extremely significant and be of great implication.

Hollywood civilian studio staff from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO secretly worked alongside its military staff as producers, cameramen and directors.[46] The lab conducted top secret experiments; and shot military training films and documentaries here until the clandestine studio was suddenly decommissioned in 1969 [47] most likely after or just prior to the Manson Family Helter Skelter Project in the canyons.[48]

The Secret Fort Hunt Treaty between Der Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS and U.S. Government created an Unholy Alliances with the Nazis regarding the national security of the nation. Their collaboration was the roots of the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[49]

Following the Fort Hunt Treaty, over tens of thousands ardent Nazi scientist, doctors, technicians, military, intelligence and counter intelligence operatives-specialists were secretly smuggled into the U.S through Project PAPERCLIP then clandestinely nested in federal national security departments; military, and other U.S. agencies and departments; local governments, universities, hospitals, and corporations.

The National Security Act of July 26, 1947 officially established the CIA. The Nazis, particularly the SS, Set-Baphomet Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun, officially went on the U.S. Government-Taxpayer payrolls, and the operations at Lookout Lab suddenly significantly expanded and increased that very same year.


I suspect that Lookout Lab was the result of yet another secret Nazi and U.S. Government collaboration. It was an extension of Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels’ Nazi Propaganda Machine into America. Reichsminister Goebbels had been largely responsible for creating the Nazi mass media propaganda program to control public and world opinion to among other things; spin the rise of the mythic Fuehrer, expand Nazi Germany’s Wotan (Aryan Supremacy) Paganism and mask and veil its vast military and intelligence global aggression war machine for world domination; racial genocide of Jews and People of Color.

The 2012 Super Bowl & the Rise of the Dark Forces of Baphomet


Above, “Rise” written in the blood of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. Don’t disregard the CIA’s Occult Bureau as playing a major part in developing Nicki Minaj’s Grammy Satanic theme production; and Madonna’s Kemetic (Egyptian) themed 2012 Super Bowl half time show that I call the Rise of Set (Baphomet).


By now, there should be question that Nicki  Minaj is one of Baphomet/Lucifer’s Servants appearing on the set as one of Madonna’s ceremonial Rise of the Devil.

Yet, I wondered about British Rapper M.I.A. (Mathangi Arulpragasam) of Sri Lankan Tamil descent. She has an extremely impressive record of philanthropy in the Mother Country.


However, she has undoubtedly gone through some type of MK ULTRA mind control programming involving the direct whitewashing and suppression of “Melanin Magic” and the Pineal Gland.similar to Alicia Keys on the left.


I am not sure if her expression at the Super Bowl was directed to  America’s Racialist Imperialistic War Machine or a message from the God of Evil and Chaos, Set-Seth; and his conspirators, the Guardians of Darkness to the keepers of Justice, Peace, and Divine Order?

M.I.A. is directly linked to Benjamin Bronfman. He is a son of Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Warner Music Group chairman-CEO and billionaire heir to the Seagram fortune, and Black Actress Sherry “Peaches” Brewer. Yes, the same elite and powerful Bronfman Oligarchy of the ILLUMINATI. Get this. Whitney Houston’s cousin and Luciferian Psychic, Dionne Warwick, introduced the pair.

As just in the days of old, SET-LUCIFER seeks to destroy the balance of order, justice, peace and harmony on earth; and rein Evil and Chaos. Once again, Set-Seth and the Guardians of Dark are searching the earth to assassinate the Sons and Daughters of the Divine Order. I don’t believe anything goes over the public airways of such national/international implications and proportions without clearances and collaboration from the Agency and U.S. Homeland Security.

It is also clearly unqualified documentation and undisputable evidence that the FBI’s COINTELPRO was a major veiled Luciferian program initiated to suppress the rise of the mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH” that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony.

The FBI target March 4, 1968 COINTELPRO memo remains totally arbitrarily. It targets anyone, both heroes and heroines, who could unify and electrify the masses. The infamous COINTELPRO target memo is broad enough to include even targeting, WHITNEY HOUSTON, the “Divine” of the entertainment industry. That is what it says on official government business records. The covert war against the “DIVINE” and “BLACK MESSIAH” was and remains secret U.S. Government policy.

ROMAN POLANSKI was one of the secret “Boys from Lookout Mountain.” He is a Luciferian High Priest. However, the Luciferian fascination with POLANSKI is not his legendary satanic initiation flicks, but his links and the sacrifice of his wife and unborn child to one of America’s most legendary horrific murders of the 20th Century, the Infamous Sharon Tate Slayings. There may have been more gruesome and grisly murders, but these were the paradigm shifting killings of human beings that set the ground and justification for a governmental campaign of an inhuman wave of terror against Black people; and signaled the downfall of the entire Hippie peace-flower generation of the 1960s.

Lucifer’s Servants Play No Game: The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley & Jack the Ripper


ROMAN POLANSKI is not unlike the Luciferian secret fascination in the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. Crowley is linked to the World’s most legendary horrific murders of the 19th Century, the Whitechapel Slayings of Jack the Ripper in London. Crowley was about 13 years old at the time of the slayings. Both waves of Satanic terror involved 5 (five) brutally slain victims to shock the conscious of the human race.


Occultists believe the number 5 is the number of Death. The number 5 is a characteristic of the man. First, according to the Cabal, it is the number of the perfect Man (got rid from his animal side). According to the Bible, it is the symbol of the Man-God by the five wounds of the Christ on cross (for this reason, it is also considered as the number of the grace). But it is also associated to the man in general (2 + 3) having an unstable character of duality, 2, in spite of his divinity, 3. Edward (Little Eddie) Alexander Crowley, above, attracted the attention of Scotland Yard on various occasions.


Mary Ann Nichols, August 31, 1888, Jack the Ripper’s 1st Victim.


Annie Chapman, September 8, 1888, Jack the Ripper, 2nd Victim

Crowley claimed he had personal information concerning Jack the Ripper’s identity.[50]


Catherine Eddowes, Whitechapel, September 30, 1888, Jack the Ripper, 3rd Victim

“It was London, 1888. A teenage boy called “Little Eddie,” went to work with red stains on his hands. Little Eddie was a sex worker, a new attraction to the Cleveland Street boy’s brothel. He was the latest teacher’s pet of the aristocratic gay community. But he took it the wrong way. When he arrived for his birthday bash with blood on his hands, some gentlemen wondered: Was it from the bite of a dog or the beak of Poe’s raven? But others knew better. It was London, 1888, and the horrors of Whitechapel weighed heavily on everyone’s mind. A few men suddenly grasped that Jack the Ripper was a teenager.”[51]


Elizabeth Stride, Whitechapel, September 30, 1888, Jack the Ripper, 4th Victim

Prince Eddy of the British Royal Family (Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale) was sometimes said to visit the Cleveland Street sauna baths. But there was another Little Eddie in the same murky dwelling. He was one of the telegraph messenger “rent boys” or liveried squires that filled the baths and laundered the towels (according to “Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution” by Stephen Knight, published in 1976). As soon as the stabbing rumors started, he changed his name and slipped through the police dragnets. Edward Alexander Crowley changed his name to “Aleister” after he was about 14 years old.[52]


Mary Jane Kelly became Jack the Ripper’s Infamous 5th Victim of Whitechapel, November 9, 1888

Among the underground, Crowley was known to have secret possession of a bloody talisman given to him by Jack the Ripper that had attained magical properties. I serious doubt that the Great BEAST had been Jack the Ripper. However, he was there. I believe that he was part of the secret British Royal Family-Satanic Whitechapel cleanup team of the affairs of Prince Albert and the Whitechapel prostitutes; and the British Royal Crown has been indebted to him for that service and secrets he kept. I certainly do believe that the Great BEAST knew who he or they were.

So the secret significance of Madonna’s 2012 Super Bowl Halftime Show again highlights the popular rise of the Egyptian God Set (Baphomet). Nicky Minaj’s ceremonial invocation and resurrection of an alter of ROMAN POLANSKI (Zolanski) at the Grammys celebrate the Fall of the Symbolic Black Diva-Messiah (Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, 17th Dynasty of Ta-Merry [Egypt]) and signal yet another generational united secret campaign among the followers of Set in the spirit of ROMAN POLANSKI (Greater Sacrifice) to promote a more vicious and covert war against the God, humanity, goals and aspirations of People of Color on a global basis.

Before recorded time, the usurper Set mutilated his brother Osiris, a wise lord, king, and bringer of civilization. Osiris’ wife Isis reassembled Osiris’ corpse and embalmed him. Osiris’ son Horus sought revenge upon Set, and the ancient myths describe their conflicts to restore Osiris’ throne, Peace and Justice to the Land of Kemet.

Queens of the 1st Dynasty once bore the title “She Who Sees Horus and Set.” The Pyramid Texts present the pharaoh as a fusion of the two deities. Evidently, pharaohs believed that they balanced and reconciled competing cosmic principle, basically order, peace and justice and chaos. In the 15th Dynasty, Kemet was invaded by the Hyskos “Rulers of Foreign Countries.” The invading Hyskos adopted God Set-Seth [mythology] Chaos to represent their deity.

The God of Evil and Chaos, Set-Seth; and his conspirators, the Guardians of Darkness soured all of the ancient lands for Queen Ahmose-Nefertari and the Black Osirian Messianic lineages of the country that opposed them and that would restore cosmic order to Kemet. A horrible death was their fate if unearthed and exposed. The Hyskos ruled the country for about 233 years from the 15th to 17th Dynasties of Kemet (1783-1550bce).

Queen Ahmose-Nefertari resurfaced anew in Kemet with her brother, Ahmose I, they heroically expelled the ruling Hyskos (Chaos) from Kemet in a series of bloody battles from South to North. Kemet was restored once again. Once more, the two competing cosmic principles of Order-Good and Chaos-Evil was balanced. Queen Ahmose-Nefertari is the grandmother of the 18th Dynasty (The Golden Age of Kemet). She remains one of the most venerated and inspirational women in Kemetic (Egyptian) history, if quiet is kept.

There is no doubt that America is out of Symbolic cosmic balance, and the forces of darkness that rule over the country  continue the cosmic battle between God and Evil of the Ancients, unabated. They are slowing coming out of the darkness through mass media as seen in the news, television, movies, music, and the 2012 half time show of the Super Bowl, the Grammys, and murder of Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. They are becoming even bolder, emblazon and tyrannical to control the global masses with an iron fist of inhuman brutality and indifference. Any God, figure or Messianic musical voices like Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston who promise like Queen Ahmose-Nefertari Symbolic Order, Love, Peace and Justice through their music have been mutilated, dismembered and destroyed.

Both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston were surrounded by Lucifer’s Servants. Michael was MK ULTRA drugged like something out of the pages of Jonestown, left comatose until his life was extinguished. Whitney Houston was mutilated and dismembered with MK ULTRA drugs and highly sophisticated and scientific advanced COINTELPRO electronic harassment devices that slowly consumed her and left her being haunted by Demons.

Yet, the battle is far from over. There will be others Symbolic Sybmols of Justice and Peace like God’s Son Jesus, Queen Nefertaris, Ahmoses, Huey Ps, Dr. Kings, Michael Jacksons, Whitney Houstons, Phyllis Hymans and Donny Hathaways and others to resurface and lead us into cosmic and spiritual battle over Evil and Chaos.

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, We shall overcome because the arch of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. We shall overcome because Carlyle is right: “No lie can live forever”



[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.









[13] Id.










[23] Id.

[24] Id.













[37] dewd














[51] Id.

[52] Id.