9 05 2015


BITCHES- Don’t Ride the White Horse

Bitches- Ride the White Pony- Cocaine (Crack)


“If you want to ride, don’t ride the WHITE HORSE If you wanna be rich/you got to be a bitch … If you’re wanna ride/ride the WHITE PONY … ”

 Don’t get it twisted. I find nothing amusing about this video. It is sad, appalling and offensive, but a teachable moment and testament of what the masses face around the country and the world. The men, above, doing the “Camel Walk” represent blood oath secret Shriners of the Prince Hall Master Masons of the 33rd Degree. They represent those that have reached the very top level of their respective fraternal/brotherhood Masonic orders through out the nation that Ride the GOAT.



The music that they dance to is “Ride the White Horse,” a 1983 product of Laid Back, a white Danish electronic music duo group from Copenhagen, Denmark formed in 1979. The WHITE HORSE is a direct reference to heroin, the WHITE PONY is a reference COCAINE [crack].[1]

It is odd that they would go to the other side of midnight to unofficially adopt this music out of Demark for one of their Shriner Masonic ritual ceremonies.  It was given to them as a piece of self defining Satanic Principle DUALISM to demonstrate just how low they will go for the New World Order- BITCHES. Whereas, I believe that It is safe to conclude that symbolically, these men are celebrating that they had been chosen to rise from one level of secrecy, Riding the GOAT to another higher level of secrecy to carry on a clandestine war against TRUTH, RICHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE and the WHITE HORSE RIDER.


“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness he doth judge and make war.” Revelation 19:11

In the Book of Revelation, JESUS CHRIST himself Rides the WHITE [Black] HORSE right out of heaven, followed by an army of other horsemen to bring judgment to the world. According to Muslims, the end of days will be marked by the return of both Jesus and Madhi (“the guided one”) atop a WHITE HORSE to cleanse the world of EVIL.[2] The real clandestine message behind the song and the Prince Hall Master Mason/Shriners’ Ritual Ceremony is if you wanna be rich and powerful– you got to be a secret blood oath covenant BITCH of LUCIFER and don’t ride the white horse.”


That’s were we are in Baltimore with the Freddie Gray Slaying. Most of the black prominent players in the case like Baltimore Police Chief Anthony Batts, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and State Attorney Marilyn James-Mobsy are no more than grand ILLUSIONS of Black Power and Authority. They are also Lucifer’s BITCHES that don’t [and will not] ride the white [Black] horse” for Truth, Righteousness, Balance and JUSTICE.

At this point in the game, whether or not Freddie Gray is part of freemasonry or the ILLUMINATI is irrelevant and immaterial. Whether or not the Freddie Gray Slaying is part of a planned freemasonry or ILLUMINATI plot to divide the races and issue in national martial law policies is also irrelevant and immaterial.  The bottom line is that this form of governmental, one seen- one unseen (shadow), is reactionary and racially based on age old Satanic pseudo scientific theories of Anglo Supremacy out of 16th Century Europe. Freddie Gray was brutally slain by the State of Maryland that since its formation has been secretly embedded in Satanism, Occult and by any other name, Human Bondage. From the beginning, it is a STATE that clandestinely attach no real value, purpose or beauty to Freddie Gray’s human rights or life because of the color of skin.


Riding the GOAT


Catholic and the Secret Occult influence in America (other than the early Spanish conquerors) began with the establishment of the STATE of Maryland in 1634. A few years earlier, in 1625, the British Secretary of State under King Charles Stuart (1600-1649), converted to Catholicism. His name was Sir George Calvert.[3]


King Charles Stuart- Note His Finger/Hand Symbols

King Charles soon needed money, so he carved territory out of northern Virginia. Virginia is named after the African Holocaust Witch, the so-called lying- VIRGIN QUEEN, Queen Elizabeth I. King Charles’ grant of part of northern Virginia was given to Calvert. His title was Lord Baltimore. The City of Baltimore is named for Calvert (Lord of Baltimore). He died soon afterward, so the charter was given to his son, Cecilius Calvert.[4] The first two ships set sail on Nov. 22, 1633 to establish the first settlement reserved as a refuge for wealthy and wealth seeking Anglo Catholics in Maryland, supposedly named after Queen Mary, but actually in honor of MARY MAGDALENE. In the vision of Sir Francis Bacon, they planned to turn Maryland into Catholic African human bondage plantations. Cecilius’ brother, Leonard Calvert, was Maryland’s first governor.[5]


Sir George Calvert- Left Hand Descending Two Finger Benediction 


BAPHOMET- Two Finger Benediction- “So Above-So Below”

Calvert’s ships, the Ark and the Dove, were spiritually directed by Andrew White, a JESUIT priest. White became known as “the Apostle to Maryland.” Many years later, the President’s residence was called the “White” House, secretly in his honor.[6]  The highest point in Washington D.C. was called Jenkins Point. In the 1790s, it was owned by Daniel Carroll – brother of Catholic Bishop John Carroll. David Ovason tells us, “that in earlier times the hill had been called Rome” (The Secret Architecture of Our National Capital, p. 8).[7]


A signer of the Declaration of Independence, Daniel Carroll (July 22, 1730 – July 5, 1796) was a wealthy Roman Catholic plantation owner educated by Jesuits in Maryland and FRANCE. His brother John was a Jesuit priest.[8]

John Carroll (January 8, 1735 – December 3, 1815) became the first Catholic Bishop in America, presiding over the See of Baltimore, which included Washington, D.C. John also founded Georgetown University, above, which has long been regarded as the incubator of federal policy, domestic and international. Strikingly secular in curriculum and student body, Georgetown is still owned and operated by Jesuit priests. Its seal proclaims the union of the Roman Church with the secular State, depicting the Roman Eagle with the global world in one talon and a cross in the other, surmounted by the motto Utraque unum, “Both together.”[9]


Georgetown University Seal & the Roman/Vatican Eagle- Discussed Further Below with Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

David Carroll was one of three commissioners appointed to survey the newly designated District of Columbia and acquire land for the new federal capital in the District. Carroll was related to two major land owners whose land was taken by the government, his brother-in-law Notley Young and nephew Daniel Carroll of Duddington. The new United States Capitol was to be built on the wooded hill owned by his nephew.[10] David Carroll received all his Masonic degrees in Maryland Lodge No. 16, Baltimore, between May 1780 and May 1781.[11] The layout for Washington D.C. was entrusted to a FRENCH Masonic engineer Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant (Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York City). He got the job at the suggestion of the See of Baltimore, Bishop John Carroll.[12]


” … L’Enfant laid out the main city streets in the shape of an upside down five-pointed star of BAPHOMET, the symbol of the GOAT. The White House was constructed at the GOAT’s mouth. The two ears on the sides were marked by Mt. Vernon Place and Washington Circle. The horns were marked by Logan Circle and Dupont Circle.”[13]

Worship of the MAGDALENE

Early German Saint Mary Magdalene Hologram

Saint Mary Magdalene as a mystic ascetic. According to legend, the repentant sinner lived a secluded life in the cave of Sainte-Baume, Southern France, clothed only by her hair. Every day she was raised up in the sky by angels to hear the heavenly chorus. The saint was originally held up by carved angels. Encased in an oval metal structure, the wooden statue was suspended from the vault of a church, perhaps the church of Saint Mary Magdalene in the Dominican Convent of Augsburg, Germany which was rebuilt in 1513-15. At this date, it is proof that a specific underground CULT of MARY MAGDALENE was certain to have survived in Germany during the 16th Century. The Mary Magdalene wood carving is generally attributed to the German Sculptor, Gregor Erhart.


 Saint Mary Magdalene Displaying an Early Form of the Secret Masonic/ILLUMINATI Pyramid (Triangle) Hand Symbol

A FRENCH legend recorded in the 4th Century CE says that MARY MAGDALENE (along with Lazarus and Martha) fled to the South of FRANCE (via Kemet) bearing “the earthen vessel that held the blood of Christ.” While legends of the Holy Grail took on a life of their own centuries later, merging with other legends, many believe that MARY MAGDALENE  was herself the earthen vessel bearing Christ’s child, the sacred bloodline of David. In the South of FRANCE, the CULT OF THE MAGDALENE flourished until it was all but wiped out in the Albigensian campaigns by the Roman Catholic church in the late 13th Century.[14] There is strong evidence that MARY MAGDALENE was worshiped secretly right along side the Virgin Mary up until the Vatican’s vicious Albigensian (Cathar) liquidation campaigns in FRANCE from 1209 to 1215. Afterwards,  her worship was forced even further UNDERGROUND. In 1781 during the time of Daniel and John Carroll, the last temple dedicated to her was destroyed. Numerous landmarks attest to her CULT in the South of FRANCE. Among many other examples, “a Christian MAGICK RING, now in the London museum, bears the legend, “Holy Mary Magdalene pray for me.”[15]

This is Believed to be El Greco’s Earliest Hologram Painting of Mary Magdalene, 1577

Notice Mary Magdalene ’s Hand/Finger Symbolism. El Greco (the Greek), born Doménikos Theotokópoulos (1541 – 7 April 1614), was a painter, sculptor and architect of the Spanish Renaissance.[16] In his last will, he described himself as a “devout Catholic.”[17] He is unique in the sense that he was one of the first painters to depict and include MARY MAGDALENE among Jesus’ religious inner circle of holy family and disciples.


Much has been written about El Grecos hologram of the “M” Finger/Hand symbol encoded in many of his subjects in paintings.


It has nothing to do with the Jesuits or a medieval physiological deformity of the hands or fingers. It is a secret society hand gesture reserved for the elite that know like the Masons– it is not for those that don’t know.


Even Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler knew the holographic significance of the secret symbolism of the  M” Finger/Hand Gesture.


El Greco”s Mary Magdalene in Penitence (1576-78)

What’s in the mystery of Master Mason David Carroll’s holographic hand symbols that may be important in understanding what may have been passed down in secret Symbolism and Knowledge to the shadow elite ruling STAR families and Satanic Cabals of modern Baltimore.


Carroll’s left hand rest on the hip, his two fingers represent the BENEDICTION downward- so above-so below of the BAPHOMET.


You also have the GOAT horns of God Amun. Carroll’s right hand fingers form the common “DEVIL HORNS“. But, it also may represent the “M” symbol of Masonry or the Secret CULT of MARY MAGDALENE out of Rennes-le-Chateau in FRANCE.[18]


El Grego’s Master, MARY MAGDALENE REPENTANT- Titian 1531

Maryland (Land of MARY MAGDALENE) would have been a natural refuge far away from Vatican City, Rome, Italy to secretly harbor and foster an Underground CULT of wealthy and powerful elite Satanic/Masonic STAR families that trace their “DIVINE” right to have “DOMINION” over the World through the sacred bloodline of the House of David and JESUS CHRIST (see Christopher Knight & Alan Butler’s The Hiram Key Revisited, Freemasonry: A Plan for a New World Order, Watkins Publishing, London (2007)).


The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) severed Freddie Gray’s spinal cord. He was crushed, stepped on, folded and treated no better than a rag doll. The BPD trampled his vocal box (larynx) and broke three of this disks in his neck. He had been savagely broken apart like something out of the annals of an old fashioned depraved American Anglo Lynch Mob. The hospital medical treatment records of his fatal injuries speak for itself.


Even though the BPD was no more than 4 or 5 blocks from the police station, they rode Freddie Gray around in circles in the back of the police van for at least 45 MINUTES like he was no more than a side of beef to deliberately deny him human dignity- right to human compassion and medical treatment from the State. The reports of the GPS device from the police van would also speak for itself.

” … unbelted detainees have been paralyzed and even killed because of rough rides in police vans, which used to be called “paddy wagons.” It has happened often enough to have a name: “nickel rides,” referring to the amusement rides that once cost five cents.”[19]

The central application of the “ROUGH RIDE” theory under the facts and circumstances of the Freddie Gray case is nonsensical and lubricous because a so-called “ROUGH RIDE” will not CRUSH a man’s larynx (voice box) without direct brutal blunt force blow to the front neck area protected by the chin and extraordinary stone bones.


Oluwashijibomi “Shiji” Lapite (died December 16, 1994), a father of two young children, was a 34 year-old Nigerian asylum seeker died in the back of a police van shortly after being detained by two officers in London, England. The cause of death was given to be asphyxia (crushed voice box) from compression of the neck, consistent with the application of a neck hold.[20]


Warren Mann, 52, pleaded not guilty to attempting to murder Gail Brown, 41, on July 26, 2011. Mann admitted making a 911 call from her bedroom in which he calmly said: “I choked her and beat her to death.” “I don’t remember any of it,” Brown said in a wheezy voice. “It’s hard to breathe,” she added. “Sometimes I have to gasp for air.” At first, medical staff did not expect her to survive trauma from a severe head injury, but mostly from a crushed larynx (voice box).[21]


On January 12th, 2013, Robert “Ethan” Saylor, a 26-year-old man with Down syndrome, was killed during an incident with three off-duty sheriff’s deputies at a local movie theater in Frederick, Maryland. While waiting for his support staff to retrieve their car after the movie, Ethan decided he wanted to remain for another showing. He verbalized to the officers his intent to remain and refused to leave his seat. Ethan was restrained face-down by three plainclothes officers moonlighting as mall security. Ethan died from asphyxiation from a crushed larynx (voice box) while handcuffed.[22]

Asphyxia or asphyxiation is a condition of severely deficient supply of oxygen to the body that arises from abnormal breathing. Asphyxia causes generalized hypoxia which affects primarily the tissues and organs. There are many circumstances that can induce asphyxia, all of which are characterized by an inability of an individual to acquire sufficient oxygen through breathing for an extended period of time. Asphyxia can cause coma or DEATH.[23]

A crushed or severely bruised larynx is a critical injury, although it is not 100% lethal. The problem is the collapse of the process, and/or the subsequent swelling shutting down the airway causing asphyxia. Note that a victim of this sort of injury who can breathe immediately after the injury, may have more trouble later, as swelling increases.”[24]


In Freddie Gray’s case, Baltimore State Prosecutor, Marilyn James-Mobsy and her staff, has publicly charged 16 year veteran BPD Officer Caesar R. Goodman, Jr., 45 years old, with the state’s most heinous crimes against Freddie GraySecond Degree depraved heart murder (30 yrs.); Manslaughter (involuntary) (10 yrs.); Assault/second degree (10 yrs.); Manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence) (10 yrs.); Manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence) (3 yrs.); Misconduct in office (8th Amendment*)[25]


Officer Goodson was the BPD van driver, but Freddie Gray had already been crushed by two Anglo BPD officers. Freddie Gray was limp like a crushed rag doll before he got into that van. Three Anglo officers literally DUMPED Freddie’s limp and crushed body into that van. For human compassion and even his own protection, Officer Goodson should not have moved that van until Freddie had been checked out by medics.


But, Officer Goodson, the 16 year police veteran, bleeds “BLUE”. He has been a “EYES WIDE SHUT BITCH” for Lucifer & the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 3 for quite some time. Actually, some Master Masons (Masonic Fraternal Order of Police) trace “police departments” roots back to the BAPHOMET and “Knights Templar’s” in 1100 B.C. The Fraternal Order of Police could very well be a clandestine Branch of the Masons. It is comprised of LODGES with same symbology of Masons– All Seeing Eye of Horus, checkerboard and a fraternal handshake can be seen in the bottom points of a five-pointed star.


If Officer Goodson is a member of the FOP, then he could certainly be bound by an allegiance of blood oath secrecy to protect his brothers from crimes. However, Officer Goodson is the only police officer facing ILLUSIONARY murder charges based on the “ROUGH RIDE” theory. It is ILLUSIONARY because a “nickel ride” may cause severe head trauma, but as Dr. Wecht attests to above- it is highly unlikely if not impossible to cause Freddie Gray’s crushed larynx (voice box) or even for him to develop the force necessary to sever his own spine while face down handcuffed and shackled like a hog in the back of that police van. OFFICER GOODSON IS A DIVERSION FROM THE TRUTH- The Lynching of Freddie Gray.



Baltimore mom Toya Graham is being hailed as “Mother of the Year” after she was caught on video aggressively assaulting and battering her 16 year-old son participating in acts of protest and RESISTANCE. In any other instance, the video could constitute evidence of “child abuse.” Under most circumstances, she would be prosecuted by the State, and her kids taken from her. However, as long it is a THUG “young black male” that she publicly batters as part of the ILLUMINATI agenda to continually DEMONIZE and DEVALUE the human dignity, rights and value of young black males, the open abuse of him even by society is nationally-internationally celebrated by corporate mass media.


And if you saw in one scene you had one mother who grabbed their child who had a hood on his head and she started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed, … I wish I had more parents that took charge of their kids out there tonight.” Baltimore Police Commissioner, Anthony Batts [26]



Anthony W. Batts is a strange compassionate-less human creature. Batts isn’t his true name. His real name may be William White, but who can be certain. He’s adopted so its difficult to determine for certain who or what he really is.[27] However, Batts has proven to be a mentally explosive unstable personality. Wherever he appears, there is a climate of fear and a reign of TERROR. He has a history of being a flagrant womanizer. He is sexually insensitive, domestically aggressive, violent, and abusive to women. He has been cited in at least 5 domestic violence cases including two involving his former corrupt politician wife, Congressperson Laura Richardson. In 2009, he lost control and punched her out- one black eye.[28]


Congresswoman Richardson- Concealing that BLACK EYE

Batts’ mental instability and level of insensitivity to the masses and people of color had been heightened by working as a police officer in some of California’s most racist and oppressive police jurisdictions. Prior to joining the Long Beach Police Department, he was an Explorer Scout with the Los Angeles PD (LAPD), a police cadet with the Santa Monica PD, and a reserve officer with the Hawthorne PD just east of Los Angeles.[29] When I was working police abuse cases in LA, Hawthorne was a predominately lily-white enclave that its PD constantly singled-out, harassed and abused Black people passing within its city limits.

fredgraybattsoakland OPD Chief Batts’ Shady- Real Shady Dude

In October 2009 after punching out Congresswoman Richardson and his true unstable violent personality was exposed to the Long Beach city pubic, he suddenly left the city to pop-up as Oakland’s PD Chief– another CIA/FBI collaborating racially divisive and oppressive police agency. The OPD was under threat of federal receivership, because it had failed as a custom to protect and serve the constitutional rights of People of Color.  By October 2011, Chief Batts left the violent, scandal-plagued OPD after a frustrated judge threatened a full federal court takeover of the entire Oakland Police Department if it failed to quickly make good on changes to protect and serve Oakland citizens agreed to nine years ago.[30]

Anthony Batts: Riding the GOAT


“William ‘Bill’ Bratton who was NYPD Commissioner is a 33rd Degree Master Freemason and he is completely in league with Lucifer and the New World Order as promulgated by the Masons.”[31] As you must already realize, Freemasonry has a long and sordid ancient history of extreme subterfuge, deception, murder, occultism and SATANISM. Batts and Bill Bratton are self-described “close friends” if not clandestine high level “Masonic- Police Fraternal Order Brothers” dating back to their days in California law enforcement. Batts was chief of police at Long Beach when Bratton headed the notorious LAPD. The two served as research fellows at the Rockefeller’s New World Order Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and Bratton supported/endorsed and may have arranged for Batts to become Baltimore’s new police chief in August, 2012.[32]


Chief Batts and Blood Oath Secret Covenant Prince Hall Mason greet each other- hand across the heart- greetings to a fellow Mason. Batts display the hand sign of the descending pyramid- the pyramid (triangle) being so most important a symbol to Master Masons.


Reichsfuhrer SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler, Teutonic (Templar) KNIGHT of the Black Sun, One Thumb Up! In Nazi Germany, Himmler and the SS took jurisdiction over all police departments. The ancient Teutonic Knights of the Germany were in fact “Templar Knights”.


Below, Babylonian God Nebo, from a dictionary of the Bible, makes him appear to be instructing adepts on the finer points of using hand signs or exchanging mysterious grips. In fact, Nebo’s title was “Interpreter of the Gods,” and he was said to be the God of learning and of letters. The biblical King Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel was named after Nebo. This cut is in the British Museum, London.


In 2013, William J. Bratton, Batt’s fraternal brother, the ex-police chief of Los Angeles and New York, was paid more than $50,000 as a consultant on a (Masonic-NWO) policing plan ordered by Baltimore Police Chief Batts.[33]


Baltimore Police Chief Anthony Batts was initiated into the higher degrees of the craft as some type of a cold-blooded cybernetic black BITCH of Master Mason Bill Bratton.


Chief Batts Rides the GOAT


Riding the RAM and the GOAT


Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake (born March 17, 1970) is the 49th Mayor of Baltimore. She currently serves as secretary of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and vice president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. She rides the Hellenized RAM. She is a Hellenized Negro.


Hellenization or Hellenisation is the historical spread of ancient Greek culture and, to a lesser extent, language, over foreign peoples conquered by Greece or brought into its sphere of influence, particularly during the Hellenistic period following the campaigns of Alexander the Great of Macedon.[34]


Apollyon is the BEAST from The Book of Revelation (9:11 & 13:11) Apollyon was also known as Alexander The Great. Historical Records show that Alexander the Great had two different colored eyes – one as dark as the night and one as blue as the sky, a harsh voice and that he was deformed – he had two horns of a RAM on his head. Revelation 13:11 seem to confirm that Alexander the Great is therefore the same person as Apollyon/Halios- the BEAST of the Book of Revelation.


Furthermore, Alexander used the horns of a RAM as an ILLUSION to identify himself as a Son of Kemetic God AMUN. The Knight Templars and Freemasons worship the GOAT-headed BAPHOMET as their god of enlightenment.



One may argue that there is a vast difference between a GOAT and a RAM; but, if you research the subject of witchcraft, you’ll learn that BOTH animals are extremely popular in witchcraft and the OCCULT. Some witches today claim that the GOAT head is really supposed to be a RAM’s head which originated with the RAM-headed God AMUN of ancient Kemet.


The Greek God Zeus and Roman God Jupiter are also identified with the Kemetic RAM-god that has CURVED horns; whereas, as a GOAT has a beard and STRAIGHT horns.


BOTH symbols are utilized in today’s Satanism, occult, and witchcraft circles.  The pentagram image is inherent to both the GOAT and the RAM. Whether RAM or GOAT, both animals are used currently to symbolize the works of LUCIFER.[35]


Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Epsilon Omega charter.[36] On January 15, 1908, nine college women on the campus of Howard University founded Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the nation’s first Greek-letter sorority to directly bring African-American women into the sphere of influence of LUCIFER. The Baltimore Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has been involved in Boulé (clandestine super elite black women of the sorority) conferences since 1923.[37] “The New World Order is The Old World Order. The elite Blacks of the Boule are culling and controlling their own for a slice of the elite white man’s pie.”[38]


 In 1904, the first African -American Greek Secret Society was formed in Philadelphia, by Dr. Henry Minton and five of his colleagues. The Boulé, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women for the ILLUMINATI.[39]

Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boulé recruits top Blacks in American Society into its ranks. Today, 5000+ Archons, (male Boule members) and their wives, (Archousais), with 112 chapters, make up the wealthiest group of Black men and women on the planet. “Archon” means “DEMON” – the kind that like to keep hidden. But to who does the Boulé really serve? The SATANIC GLOBAL ELITE![40] In 1831, Avery Allyn, published a volume, “Ritual of Freemasonry.” Allyn attacked Greek fraternities as clandestine foreign- Orders of the ILLUMINATI binding its members to An Order of Blood Oath Secrecy.[41]


Baltimore Mayor Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake with some odd jewelry necklace of Daniel Carroll’s Georgetown University symbolic Roman/Vatican Eagle, below. Rawlings-Blake’s Symbolic Eagle can also be linked to the Satanic Universal Men-Women Order of Freemasonry.


The Symbolic Roman and Vatican Eagle


The Roman Eagle also called the Aquilawas the Bird of Jupiter. In ancient times, the eagle was a symbol of strength and courage, and immortality. The eagle was believed to be the king of the birds that could ascend above the storm, and become the messenger of the gods. According to ancient mythology, the eagle would carry the soul into the presence of the gods, Zeus to the Greeks, Jupiter to the Roman, and Odin to the tribes of Germania. The silver eagle was the ensign of the Roman Legion and the symbol of its power. The legatus was the officer in charge, and he would assign an “Aquilifer” who was the soldier that would carry the Aquila (eagle) into battle. If the eagle was captured the legion would disband. It is interesting that Julius Caesar personally sanctified the eagle when the legion was brought forth.[42]


Satanist/Freemason Ann Besant with the Crowning Roman/Vatican Symbolic Conquering Roman/Vatican Eagle, 33 Degree

The Order of Universal Co-Freemasonry in Great Britain and the British Dependencies was founded by the infamous Satanist Annie Besant and officers of the Supreme Council of the French Maçonnerie Mixte (known today as The International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain) on September 26, 1902, with the consecration of Lodge Human Duty No. 6 in London.[43] Besant’s Co-Freemasonry was heavily influenced by Theosophy. The “Annie Besant Concord” was called the “Dharma Ritual“. The “Dharma Ritual” attempted to restore prominence to esoteric and mystical aspects that its Theosophical-minded founders felt were the heart of Freemasonry, so that it became fore mostly a spiritual organization; Co-Freemasonry of this Order was therefore sometimes called “Occult Freemasonry“.[44]


At practically every picture photo opportunity, Mayor Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake, make it very plain by her hand symbols that she is an elite member of the ILLUMINATI Boulé– part of the Black Satanic Cabal- the pyramid (triangle) being so most important a symbol to Master Masons.

She didn’t Say What She Said

Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s original self may indeed may not have been aware of what one of her Alternative Personalities told the press, if she is a Multi-Personality Disordered (MPD) CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten. That’s the way the ILLUMINATI roll.


Pastor Jamal Bryant is the WICKED shifty eyed Negro, below, standing next to Mayor Rawlings-Blake with the descending Masonic pyramid (triangle)hand symbol that look around to see if anyone really noticed what she said. One of Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s “alters” stepped up front and surprising took over the news conference, and told the truth about Baltimore’s False Flag Riot that destroyed the CVS drug store.


Jamal Harrison Bryant (born May 21, 1971) is pastor of the Empowerment Temple AME Church in his hometown of Baltimore.  He is the son of Bishop John Richard Bryant, Senior Bishop and Presiding Prelate of the Fourth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Jamal is a elite member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity incorporated.[45] Kappa Alpha Psi (formed 1911) is one of the “Divine NineHellenized black Greek societies in America that form the basis of the elite Satanic Negroes of the Boulé.[46]


Pastor Jamal Bryant is another extremely very strange, scary and SHADY/Satanic Character “Riding the RAM” deeply involved in the inner circle of the Freddie Gray Cover-up.


Rawlings- Blake’s husband, Mr. Kent V. Blake, is the jack of many trades. He has a habit of popping up where city money flows. He is real estate salesman and consultant. Plus, he is the director of business development at Political Boost. The company provides a comprehensive and streamlined communications portal for political candidates. Company officials said that the bundled services include interactive voice response (IVR) polls and surveys, canvassing tools, constituent contact management software, and more.[47]


Mr. Kent & Stephanie- The Secret Masonic Family


The Blood Oath Secret Masonic Brotherhood Salute

In 2011, the Baltimore Sun exposed to the public that Mr. Kent was hired by Johns Hopkins Community Physicians as a patient intake coordinator. As he was scheduling appointments in a call center, Mayor Rawlings- Blake did vote to approve close to a million dollars in grants for Johns Hopkins. Subsequently, the newspaper editorial board tried to clean it up by concluding ” … mayor has voted on a dozen contracts involving the sprawling entity that is Johns Hopkins, but none of them directly involve the branch her husband works for.[48] That’s interesting that while the mayor cuts funds and programs (schools, recreation, job training, etc.) for the people, she is gives free grants of city money to Johns Hopkins with Mr. Kent bottom feeding. That’s the way they ROLL.

Mr. Kent has a Bachelor of Science (BS), Cyber/Computer Forensics and Counterterrorism from the University of Maryland University College.  He is a Hellenized Negro of the Boulé Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc, Pi Omega and Theta Mu Mu Chapters. He also works for Verzion Communications.[49] He also rides a Hellenized RAM.


Stephanie Rawlings-Blake & U.S. Naval Admiral Thomas H. Moorer- Two Hands Clenched Together in a raised position is a high level ILLUMINATI/Satanic hands gesture. It is the “Seal [Lock] of Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment“ . The Late Great Mae Brussell said that the late Congressman Larry McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy Assassination, who created a organization called “Western Goals“. Western Goals had offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that fed data to the Hitler’s General and Himmler’s SS Puppet/ Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s Org/CIA. On the board of Western Goals were such Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Nazi Luftwaffe pilot. Admiral Moorer had been the Pentagon Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 until 1974.[50] He was at a high level of shadow government  “Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment” with Lucifer’s Servants, the Underground THIRD REICH in America.


Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rides the GOAT.


Riding the GOAT


According to Baltimore State Attorney, Marilyn James- Mosby, she proudly and really sincerely Bleeds Masonic BLUE, too,


Rev. Alex Haley Norman Vincent Peale, 33° (Midwood Lodge No. 1062, Brooklyn, NY., Murat Shriner)

My grandfather, my uncles, my mother, my father — I have five generations of police officers. I know that the majority of police officers are really hard-working officers who are risking their lives day in and day out, but those really bad ones who go rogue do a disservice to the officers who are risking their lives and taking time away from their families,” she told Baltimore Magazine in January, when she started her tenure as state’s attorney.[51]

Most of her life, Mosby has worked exclusively on behalf and in the interest of the STATE prosecuting the poor and the powerless for crimes they are for the most part defenseless to defend against the might, wealth and ruthlessness of the STATE. Her first stint in the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office came after she graduated from Boston College Law School. She served first as assistant state’s attorney and then prosecuted some of the worst felonies in Maryland in the general trial division. She also worked for mega BIG BUSINESS. She left the state attorney’s office to go work as field counsel for the global multi-billion dollar Liberty Mutual Insurance conglomerate [52] for three years.[53]


She was elected State Attorney after she bested incumbent Gregg L. Bernstein in defining herself a more ruthless anti-crime fighter- crusader, determined to keep repeat offenders off the streets.[54]


Marilyn James- Mosby is a master of ILLUSIONS and deception– one of the Hand/Finger Gestures of the DEVIL HORNS.


Marilyn Mosby is not identified as a Hellenized Negro. However, the shifty Negro behind her with the descending pyramid hand symbol is Nick Mosby, the husband. He is a Hellenized Negro of the Boulé  Divine NineOmega Psi Phi Fraternity (Founded 1911), and Epsilon Upsilon fraternity.[55] Nick and Mr. Kent are Boulé Omega Fraternity brothers. He is a politician, a Baltimore City Councilman.[56]


Hellenized Nick & Descending ILLUMINATI Pyramid (Triangle) Gesture

Nick of multi-billion dollar Verzion Communications [57] also with Mr. Kent says that he was raised with strong Christian values. He is a black CATHOLIC, a lifelong member of St. Matthew Catholic Church in Baltimore.[58] The cornerstone the Cathedral of the Assumption (today called the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore was laid on July 7, 1806, by the infamous Jesuit Priest See of Baltimore Bishop John Carroll.[59] Under the legacy and vision of Bishop Carroll, Baltimore City continued to grow, and the Archdiocese established new parishes to handle the increasing need for more churches and schools. St. Matthew’s opened in 1949.[60]


Caravaggio, a Knight of Malta (Templar Knights), completed this painting, Saint Matthew and the Angel, in 1602. The Knight Templars knew of and believed in the “Grail Family”, the descendants of Christ and Mary Magdalene. There are legends that Jesus survived the crucifixion and was not actually buried or resurrected from the cave. Matthew secretly harbored or helped Jesus and  Mary Magdalene escape to France. There is also a theory based on evidence from a tomb in East Jerusalem that Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Matthew and a son of Jesus shared the same burial Talpiyot Tomb.

Matthew the Apostle also known as Saint Matthew and as Levi was, according to the Bible, one of the first twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to Christian tradition, one of the four Evangelists.[61] St. Matthew was the first to mention MARY MAGDALENE in the Bible (Matthew 27:56).[62] St. Matthew had also been the patron saint for erecting on autumn equinox (St. Matthew’s Day, September 21, 1446) Sir Earl William Sinclair’s infamous mysterious/occult Knight Templar church in Rosalyn, Scotland.[63]



Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has asked her Hellenized Masonic/ILLUMINATI Boulé  sorority sister,  U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, to investigate the Baltimore PD. Sister Lynch Rides the Hellenized Ram with the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (1913). Of course, Sister Lynch has agreed to use the U.S. Justice Department to whitewash Mayor Rawlings-Blake and the BPD to make them whole before the world masses. MASONIC ILLUMINATI SISTER?

“The most direct line of descent from Greek societies to America is the Freemasons (called Masons). Historians of American fraternities and sororities trace most of our rituals, ceremonies and rites to the Masons. An examination of Masonic rituals open to scholars suggest that our Founders were also influenced by Masonic ritual, symbolism and initiation experiences.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, CANDIDATE SYLLABUS, 1987, p.30.)

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority rituals and ceremonies are also heavily influence by the ILLUMANITI, and consistent with Satanic rituals and ceremonies of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.

Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, one of the strongest and most admirable goddesses of antiquity, was chosen by the Founders as the patron of the Sorority. She serves merely as a SYMBOLIC representation of desirable archetypical attributes of mind, body, and SPIRIT. The goddess’ name derives from the ancient roots for “mind” and her domain was intellectual. Minerva was also said to be the inventor of music. It is fitting, therefore, that the exemplary attributes associated with Minerva be influential in the minds and spirits of the Sorors holding the responsibility of planning and conducting all intake activities, including induction, and orientation of new members into Delta Sigma Theta. These Sorors comprise the Minerva Circle … Wisdom! The college educated woman seeks to become wise rather than smart. That is why MINERVA, the Goddess of Wisdom, is our Sorority mentor.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, MEMBERSHIP INTAKE PROGRAM, 1987, p. 106.)

According to John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), the Third Degree of the Bavarian ILLUMINATI was called Minerva or Brother of Minerva, in honor of the goddess of learning. Later, this title was adopted for the first initiation of the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s OTO rituals (The Ceremony of Minerva and the First Degree). There was also ILLUMINATI Masters of the Minerva. The official sigil of the ILLUMINATI was the Owl of Minerva.


Minerva Seals of the ILLUMINATI: two of three known to still exist. P.M.C.V.stands for Per Me Caeci Vident (Through me the blind become sighted). An owl holding an opened book (signifying learning), surrounded by a Laurel wreath (a symbol of learning or graduation); Per Me Caeci Vident was a reminder to the Superiors of the class, whose responsibility it was to properly instruct the Minervals. These medallions were worn around the necks of Minerva initiates.


It sure looks like U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is exercising one of Satanist Ann Besant’s Co-Freemasonry handshakes.

In June 2014, the Guardian UK reported that the Pentagon, under the authority of Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama, had been bankrolling detailed studies from various universities to learn how the military might best respond to a civilian uprising. It’s called the “Minerva Research Initiative” and its a US Department of Defense (DoD) research program that is funding universities to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil unrest across the world, under the supervision of various  U.S. military agencies. The multi-million dollar program is designed to develop immediate and long-term “warfighter-relevant insights” for senior officials and decision makers in “the defense policy community,” and to inform policy implemented by “combatant commands.” The Guardian reported.


Loretta Lynch and U.S. Justice aren’t going into Baltimore to protect and serve any constitutional rights of the people. That’s the pretext. They’re going into Baltimore under the cloak of the “MINERVA RESEARCH INITIATIVE” for the NEW WORLD ORDER dominated by the Secret Satanic Cabals, and the Bloodlines of the CULT OF MARY MAGDALENE. She Rides the GOAT. 


Back to Baltimore Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Freddie Gray’s autopsy report still has not been released to the public or by the Gray family attorneys.  Mosby knows very well that Freddie Gray’s cause of death will not be from a so-called ILLUSIONARY “Rough Ride”, but by Asphyxia or asphyxiation from a crushed larynx from a choke hold or by a direct brutal blow to the neck. Whereby, Caesar Goodson and his Masonic brothers are bound to walk free. At this point, the Baltimore Attorney’s office haven’t mentioned anything directly about Gray’s crushed larynx or charging any of the officers with “conspiracy” in regards to the alleged “illegal arrest” or that pocket knife that was supposed to be an “illegal switch blade.”  She hasn’t said why the city’s 24-hour surveillance camera system is good enough to convict the masses for crimes, but suddenly come up short to identify the officer or officers that LYNCHED– broke Freddie Gray’s neck and crushed his voice box on the same heavily monitored city streets.


Marilyn James- Mosby, the Secret Hand/Finger Symbol of the Cult of MARY MAGDALENE. She also Rides, and Feed the GOAT!


LOOK PAST YOURSELF, Break through the Smoked Mirrors, and the Looking Glass.


“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image [ILLUSIONS] and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)




[4] Id.

[5] Id.


[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.




[13] Id.


[15] Id.


















[33] Id.





[38] http://secret–


[40] Id.























[63] Knight, Christopher, The Hiram Key Revisited, Freemasonry: A Plan for a New World Order, Watkins Publishing, London (2007) pg. 204


27 01 2015


In 1953, the same year the CIA/MK ULTRA program was formed, Dick (Richard Claxton) Gregory left college to join or was drafted into the U.S. Army, where his commanding officer (Ft. Hood, Texas, Ft Lee, Virginia or Ft. Smith)[1] designated and assigned him as a black “comedian” to host and perform comedy routines in military shows.[2] That’s interesting that the U.S. Military will make you a “comedian”, too.


In 1953, Hugh Hefner setup Playboy, which was eventually revealed to be banked by the CIA.[3]  Sometime before 1961, Dick Gregory formed some type of special personal relationship with Hefner (Mythological PUCK). In 1961, Hefner put Gregory on the payroll of his Chicago Playboy Club that opened the door to his HollyWeird career. It is more accurate to say that the “Gates of Hell” had opened upon him. In other to join Hefner’s elite secret satanic circle at that high CIA level of secrecy, Gregory had to have been initiated by a blood sacrifice (late 2 month old, Richard Claxton Gregory, Jr.?) into a subservient lower ranking black Luciferian group like the Prince Hall Freemasons or one of the Greek Hellenized societies.


Gregory is openly known to be a Hellenized Negro, an Alpha Phi Alpha (secret Boule) man. Gregory’s X signal not only represents Skull & Bones and the Brotherhood of Death, it is a sign of the Royal DRAGON race of Old England. [4]


Some of the symbols Dick Gregory hides behind strongly suggest that he is also a blood oath secret Prince Hall, York Rite or Scottish Rite 33 degree Master Mason. An Official MASONIC Portrait of Norman Vincent Peal ‘Cutting’ of two secret Masonic signal signs visible Crossed Arms = ‘Skull & Crossbones and “Hidden Hand.” Both Peale and Gregory- ‘Blue Tie for ‘Blue Lodge’[5] In 1962, Hefner wrote the introduction to Gregory’s book, From the Back of the Bus.[6]


Dick Gregory is just as dual natured (Satanic Principle) as his friend, Bill Cosby. Like his friend, there are always by his own admission two sides to Dick Gregory, (Light vs. Dark) Good and diabolical EVIL that transcend the moral boundaries of original men. These kind of shadow people give me and creeps and nightmares.

Hugh Hefner & the Ancient CIA DRAGON- Devil Rituals


By murals openly visible at the Playboy Mansion, Hefner is associated with a secret elite Dionysian Cult. Once secret Luciferian rituals hidden away within the Playboy Mansion, Hefner’s Dionysian Cult is now associated with an annual public ShakespeareanA Midsummer Night’s Dream Party (Rite).”[7]

The Worship of Dionysus is generally considered to have started in Phrygia (Turkey) in Asia Minor between 1200 and 1000 B.C. The CULT became known for its extensive use of trance-inducing music, sex orgies, wine consumption, and the large amount of violent sacrifices, which in the earlier stages, included humans.[8] As a Mystery Cult, it had public and secret rites, which should be the same case with Hefner’s Cult. One of the rites included the Maenads, a group of insane woman involved in bizarre blood rituals. This included the ripping apart of human beings and eating their flesh. During this time, they were possessed by Bacchus who provided them with superhuman strength. Nicholas de Vere (The de Vere Family), in his book “The Origin of The Dragon Lords of the Rings”, adds:

“The Dionysic Rites were cannibalistic and vampiric and echo the era of the cannibalism and vampirism of the (Titanic) era of the sons of the Nephilim.”[9]


British Royal Wyvern DRAGON & Medieval DEVIL

The de Vere Family was involved in the practice of Royal Witchcraft and his family considered themselves members of the Archdruid-DRAGON Kings and Fairy Queens’ race. The very rare Dragon or Fairy gene is Ubaid Sumerian-Scythian in origin.[10]


In England during the late 1500s and early 1600s, the secret Dionysic Cult consisted of Sir William and Robert Cecil, John Dee, his student Edward de Vere,  above, Edmund Spenser, Sir Francis Bacon, Queen Elizabeth I, King James I, and several others. John Dee was the founder of Enochian Magic and is credited with writing “The Rosicrucian Secrets.[11] This Luciferian Royal Circle is generally considered to have been responsible for the creation of European Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and Enochian Magic.


A Midsummer’s Night Dream came out of this elite Royal Luciferian Circle that is said to have included seeds of the Archdruid-DRAGON race.[12]Midsummer’s Eve is a celebration of pagan origins intended to coincide with the summer solstice. In Gaelic folklore, the hours between dusk and dawn are said to be closer to the underworld and a special time when fairy activity is at its peak. This time was also said to be a period for witches to harvest magical plants (Illes 212); correspondingly, it is during this time that Oberon asks PUCK to fetch him that love-bewitching flower that turns the play into a love comedy.  Oberon and Titania are the king and queen of fairy land who are introduced as having a personal dispute with each other; both entities are depicted as each keeping a multitude of servants: “Enter Oberon […] with his train, and Titania […] with hers” (Shakespeare 406).  They seem to mimic and contrast the uncaring Athenian aristocratic society; falling under the category of trooping fairies, these entities can be ‘subdivided into the Heroic Fairies [who] are the aristocracy of fairyland. They have as a rule a king and queen, and they pass their time in the manner of the medieval nobility.’ ”[13]


Medieval Demon PUCK

Hugh Hefner is depicted as “PUCK” from Rosicrucian (the cult of Rosicrucianism is heavily involved in mind control; evidenced by their potential programming of Sirhan Sirhan  [though of course the majority of AMORC members are not slaves/involved in MK, their cult, as many “religions” do involve trance-inducing methods which would have made Sirhan Sirhan more pliable to his programming, whoever ultimately did it]) , Francis Bacon’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream which the ‘party’ is named after. Though this depiction is not common for Puck in “the bard”‘s play (his plays will not have solely been written by Bacon, but by a group of well-connected individuals wanting to shape the English language/program the masses through it’s themes just like they do today through the far more invasive modern media; “William Shakespeare” was just a puppet actor [many of the claimed “facts” about the actor are untrue]), Hefner’s image here is more akin to a Satyr: “The Satyrs were mythological creatures with the upper part of their body of a man and the lower half of a goat. The leader of the Satyrs was god Pan [arguably a Satyr/faun himself]. Usually the Satyrs resided in woods and mountains or were accompanying the Greek god of wine [wine in ancient times was not the same as today, it often included different herbs and entheogens and other such things] Dionysus on his journeys, dancing around joyfully with the Nymphs [entranced/ dissociative/ programmed kittens basically].”[14]

MK ULTRA Dionysian Nymph v. Hugh Hefner

 In 2009, the lonely and desperate cry of Sheri Denise Allred was briefly heard. She made a hopeless attempt to expose Hugh Hefner’s ultra secret and elite CIA/MK ULTRA pedophile ring and Dionysian Cult by filing a badly drafted pro se complaint for damages in the Los Angeles Superior Court.[15] She claimed that she had been ritually sexually abused by Hefner’s Luciferian Circle since 5 years old. According to MK ULTRA usual practices, age 5 and below is the idea impressionate period to begin slitting off alternative personalities from the original personality to create multiple personality disordered mind control subjects.


Sheri talked about having a hat covering her head where everyone in the world can hear her thoughts and transfer thoughts to her hat from god. She may be talking about EEG Skull Caps that are able to read your brain waves for MK ULTRA projects, or implant brain electrodes and microchip brain implants. The technology to read your thoughts have existed for quite sometime.[16] However most interestingly, she talked wildly and extensively about things inside Hefner’s Dionysian Cult and pedophile ring that may have included John Gotti’s Mob, and billionaire J. Paul Getty.[17] She talked about Darren Elliott being involved. Darren Joseph Eliot is a Canadian sports broadcaster and a former professional Los Angeles Kings goaltender.[18]


 She said that Hefner was supposed to be a “centaur of the greek gods.” She was programmed to be an “reincarnation” of “Venus Aphrodite Demilo.”[19] Aphrodite of Milos better known as the Venus de Milo, is an ancient Greek statue. Created sometime between 130 and 100 BC, it is believed to depict Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty (Venus to the Romans).[20]


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley looks like Greek goddess, Venus de Milo- Aphrodite, as she poses for a photo in Moscow.[21] I said that to say this. Sheri’s complaint as filed is filled with grammatical errors, misspellings and what appears by first impressions to be off the wall references, but her spelling and references to Hefner’s Dionysian Cult and Greek Mythology are for the most part downright fairly consistently actuate. Similar, but going well beyond Bill Cosby’s allegations of rape and sexual abuses, Sheri’s case also involves drugs, Walt Disney mind control program themes, recovery of repressed memories, amnesia blocks,  and Luciferian layers. It is also interesting that she identified herself as “Allred”, like Attorney Gloria Allred, the Bill Cosby Gatekeeper.

“I also carry the beautifiliest angel lusefer [Lucifer] in me cause I remember being the Goddess Venus see me and odeseyues [Odysseus] God of wine and Zues [Zeus] … the centaur is suppose to be Hugh Hefner at one point remember how we were horses and the playboy was a horse in Hugh’s little gathering of for say the finest of half horse. And there known to be a rabbit some are jack’s and some are hair’s and some are known as thumber as in the movie from walt Disney bambi, along with being known as a horse their’s shetland’s and clidesdale and what I was known to be a black stallion.”[22]

Walt Disney Black Occult Ritual Attendant Centaurs

By Sheri’s references to black horses and a black father, she appears to be a mixed race (quadroon, Mulatto) young lady. Hefner’s Dionysian Cult, like his European cousins, is DRAGON bloodline (Aryan-Anglo Saxon) exclusively aristocratically centered for their exploitation as in the original early British Shakespearean’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream Rituals.

For the record, as far as Dick Gregory’s good friend Bill Cosby is concerned, both are absolutely blood oath obedient to the secret elite Global Satanic Cabal, CIA and Hugh Hefner as no more than their mere black mind control attendants and recruiters. Dick Gregory is way out on the limb and on the bandwagon of the changing of the guard of America’s Black Satanic Cabal; and the ILLUMINATI movie, Selma. His well wishes to the new order, Welcome and thank you Oprah!

Aldous Huxley, MK ULTRA, the Dionysian Cult & Black Folk


 The CIA/MK ULTRA program is an enormous American shadow government institution dedicated to mind control, mass population control, and force the masses to be completely submissive and subservient to a global satanic semi-divine master controller race.  Since 1953, the MK ULTRA program has evolved into a far reaching vast multi-billion dollar conglomerate of high ranking government officials, military intelligence agencies, corporations, freemasons, lawyers, doctors, clinics, prisons and some of this country’s most esteemed universities and hospitals locked in multiple layers of iron clad blood oath secrecy and security. It has the footprints of the management style of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Satanic Empire.

For over two decades, it existed under a shroud and veil within a secret state before a small fraction of the program was exposed to the public. On December 22, 1974, Seymour Hersh exposed MK-ULTRA in a New York Times article. Headlined, “Huge CIA Operation Reported in US Against Antiwar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years,” it documented illegal activities, including secret experiments on US citizens during the 1960s and earlier.[23]


That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history. ~Aldous Huxley

Many people seem to believe that the late elite eugenic British writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley (1894- 1963) was the chief architect of the CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH program. I strongly disagree.

Aldous Huxley was a prominent member of England’s elite eugenic based secret Anglo Saxon Luciferian societies. Trained at Oxford University, London, Huxley was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian Cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable Elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover.[24] By the way, Hefner’s co-Dionysian initiate Huxley’s Culture and the Individual (subject Psychedelics [Soma]) was published in Playboy Magazine in November 1963, the same month and year of JFK’s assassination and Huxley’s death.[25]

The type of vast blood oath secret fraternal order within a secret state that has the power to conceal, preserve and unmercifully enforce secrecy of a large multi-level conglomerate such as the MK ULTRA Program would have to have been the Masonic hierarchical Knights of Malta. In 1953, both Allen Dulles, CIA Director, and Himmler’s SS puppet, Hitler’s General, Reinhard Gehlen, were members of the Order of the Knights of Malta and Teutonic Knights (The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary) that sits at the apex of a vast blood oath fraternal order- a secret state in itself.[26]

At best, Aldous Huxley would have been one of MK ULTRA’s philosophical British godfathers. During WWII, Huxley had been at the top of Himmler’s personal secretary SS-Brigadeführer Wicked Walter Schellenberg’s list to intern at their service to form a greater philosophical structure to global NAZISM.[27]


ILLUMINATI Brits Huxley (British Intelligence) and Dr. Gregory Bateson (CIA agent) would have been important and key “policy” board members, but don’t get it twisted. The CEO of MK ULTRA had been fellow ultra secret Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun, SS Dr. Josef Mengele.

Part of the ILLUMINATI and MK ULTRA’s secret philosophical policy and foundation developed by Huxley contains part of the pseudo racial notions and divisions contained in his 1931 novel, The New Brave World.  One who belongs to the permanent lowest caste in Huxley’s Brave New World known for stunted growth, inferior intelligence- a useful idiot is the Epsilon Caste. Also known as the “Epsilon-minus semi-moron”[28]

“They can´t read and do low work. Epsilons are the only BLACK group. If somebody is an Alpha or an Epsilon is decided by doctors when their life starts. All babies are made in bottles were chemicals influence their development. After the unbotteling electro shocks and sleep-teaching is used to condition the babies till they are 12. So nearly nobody asks why he isn’t an Alpha, because this conditioning erases the real person A drug called SOMA is used by everyone. It isn’t illegal. But nobody of the lower classes knows that it is drug. Every day after the work they get their ration. This helps people to be happy all the time. This leads to the stability the world controller wants.”[29]


“But in Epsilons … ‘we don’t need human intelligence.’ Didn’t need and didn’t get it. But though the Epsilon mind was mature at ten, the Epsilon body was not fit to work till eighteen. Long years of superfluous and wasted immaturity. If the physical development could be speeded up till it was as quick, say, as a cow’s, what an enormous saving to the Community!”[30]

Sir Francis Bacon’s [Shakespeare] The Tempest of the early Royal Dionysic Cult provides an important parallel to Huxley’s Brave New World, and the two texts relate to one another on many levels.


Shakespeare’s Tempest portrays Caliban, son of a demon and witch, as a BLACK angry, violent figure, who could easily be interpreted as less than human, ruled by bestial (animal) appetites rather than higher instincts. Caliban’s SOMA (God) is liquor. Caliban is a savage and an useful and necessary idiot enslaved/controlled by a SOMA to advance and serve European colonialism and the British Empire.[31] As you see as a matter of policy, the ILLUMINATI and MK ULTRA’s secret permanent pseudo lower Epsilon Caste are branded, the global Black Masses.

The Fall of Bill Cosby & Rise of the LESBIANIC Black Satanic Cult


The ILLUMINATI’s useful idiot, Bill Cosby, is being symbolically phased out as the paternal “Head Negro” of America’s Black Satanic Cabal. In 1965, almost instantly Demonic Cosby, I Spy- CIA Agent, rose to become one of mass media’s IMAGES of black success and enterprise primarily as the dualistic opposite of the IMAGE of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King’s world IMAGE was organized mass “Black Resistance” to the brave new world order.


After Dr. King’s Assassination in 1968, the BLACK POWER IMAGES of SNCC- Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Bobby Seale UNITED with the Black Panther Party for Self Defense moved into the forefront of the IMAGE of mass population “resistance” to the New World Order (NWO). However, the IMAGE that they feared most was a relatively unknown and uncontrollable factor,  HUEY P. NEWTON.


In the dualistic opposite to mass resistance, Cosby’s IMAGE moved into mass population submission and diversion- paternal “Fatherhood.”


Cosby’s fall from grace was easy because his IMAGE has always been false and an ILLUSION. Cosby’s mind had been conditioned by the CIA Occult Bureau (Ahnenerbe) and British Intelligence to believe that he was a DIVINE creature among those of the FALLEN ANGELS formed of a dual nature that transcends GOOD and EVIL. Cosby’s fall is bringing to the center a new and more diabolical international LESBIANIC (Oprah Winfrey)  cast of useful idiots of America’s Black Satanic Cabal, and new false IMAGES and ILLUSIONS shaped, molded and controlled by the Old Royal Satanic Houses of the British Empire.

Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie


Selma Movie poster of Two Hands Clenched together in a raised position is a high level ILLUMINATI/Satanic Hand Sign.


The reverse meaning of the hands clenched together in a raised position in the Selma Poster can only mean a “Seal [Lock] of Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment” that will overcome “resistance” to a New World Order. I wasn’t feeling Selma from the very beginning. For people of color, HollyWeird isn’t in the business of educating, empowering or making you feel good about anything. It will take every moment to torture and humiliate you subliminally.


Caliban & Selma movie Protester

For one bit of GOOD information HollyWeird feeds you, it indoctrinates you with three bits of EVIL disinformation, whether directly or subliminally. It is scientific based mental conditioning of programmed mass submission just as below to the NWO.


It is ongoing psychological warfare- a battle for your minds. Selma is an ILLUMINATI movie. It is the blatant product and agenda of a new and more sinister collaboration between the American Black Satanic LESBIANIC Cabal and the Royal Satanic Houses from Archaic Europe.


Not so funny, Wanda Sykes and Seal of Secrecy, One of Oprah’s Nasty Anti-Male LESBIANIC Foot Soldiers.


Wanda Sykes is in with the secret Earth Goddess Cult of Cybele,  Lilith (Lucifer’s Consort)

Oprah’s LESBIANIC Satanic Cabal is not without a historical foundational mythology.  Cybele is an ancient complex goddess equivalent to Magna Mater or “Great Mother”, “Mother of the Gods”, “Mountain Mother”. Cybele’s priests were males who ritually castrated themselves, after which they were given women’s clothing and assumed female identities, who were referred to by one third-century commentator, Callimachus, in the feminine as Gallai. Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie was made by Brad Pitt’s Plan B, and Oprah Winfrey’s production company, HARPOOprah spelled backwards. Likewise, Oprah named her television network “OWN” in reverseNWO“- NEW WORLD ORDER.

“It’s a language, all right. It’s English.
What do you mean?
It’s English in REVERSE.”

The above clip is English in reverse from the HollyWeird Satanic Cult Classic film, The Exorcist (1973).[32] It is said that one of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s chief insistences in the major law of SATAN was that his followers learn and put into practice the Occult Law of Reversal (Dualism- Satanic Principle). He extolled to his students to consistently, with intensity, practice talking (reverse speech), walking, thinking, and playing phonograph records, backwards.[33]

Little Lucifer- Brad Pitt


Brad Pitt proudly displays that he is a FREEMASON. Brad Pitt is also a Master of Deception- a “Son of Lucifer.”

“I related it more to my upbringing, I grew up in a very Christian environment — a very healthy environment and a loving a family — but there were parameters that I didn’t understand, that I questioned it, and it took me until my adult years until I could really try new things… That was SATANISM, it works really well, I made a pact [with LUCIFER] and the movie [12 Years a Slave] came out …” [of SATAN’S Workshop] [34]


You must be extremely leery and cautious of whatever ILLUMINATI High Priestess /Witch useful idiot OPRAH WINFREY, and the Masonic Son of LUCIFER are involved in anything particularly Mass Media/Population film projects for Black People.

Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie & the Black Satanic LESBIANIC Cabal


One Step Forward, Selma- IMAGE of Mass Resistance, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Selma had been designated to be directed by Lee Daniels, The Butler. It seems that Daniels‘ agenda for Selma was far different than the current mass media vehicle. Ava DuVernay was brought onboard by the ILLUMINATI to direct the Selma film project sponsored by PATHE UK, Brad Pitt’s Plan B and producer Christian Colson.[35]

Three Steps Backwards, Selma- Face of the ILLUMINATI


Ava DuVernay- ILLUMINATI Hand Symbol of Absolutely Diabolical EVIL


Three Steps Backwards, Selma- Back IMAGING of Dr. King, Selma March and Mass Resistance

One Dream Can Change the World ” … train himself to think BACKWARDS by external means, as set … (b) Let him learn to walk BACKWARDS… (e) Let him learn to read BACKWARDS …” (Crowley, Aleister. Magick: Liber ABA, book four, 1994 Ordo Templi Orientis edition, p. 639)  Oprah and Ava, High Witches of the Occult, are playing the Selma March and Dr. King BACKWARDS (in reverse) as if it was a Trance Formation Dream State, and to a point where it never took place in reality.

Ava DuVernay’s British sponsor, Pathe UK, is part of Société Pathé Frères founded in Paris, France on September 28, 1896 by brothers Charles, Émile, Théophile and Jacques Pathé, during the first part of the 20th century, Pathé became the largest film equipment and production company in the world as well as a major producer of phonograph records. It is one of Europe’s oldest and most powerful film companies. British Pathe is very close, if not an eternal part, of the British Royal Family, Empire and Freemasonry.[36]


Pathe’s universal emblem is the rooster– an ancient universal Sun Solar Symbol because its crowing announces the dawn.[37] “…not all Egyptians worship the same gods–the only two to be universally worshipped are Isis and Osiris, who, they say, is Dionysus” (II.42.2); “Horus is the Apollo, Osiris the Dionysus, of the Greeks” (Herodotus, II.144.2).[38]


The Occult Symbolism of the rooster is that it represents a specific attribute of the Greek God Apollo. A rooster was ritually sacrificed to Asclepios, son of Apollo and god of medicine, because the bird heralded the soul of the dead that it was to guide to the Otherworld. Asclepios is also the god who, by his healing powers, brought the dead back to life on earth.[39]

In 1930, Myron C. Fagan served as “Writer Director” with “Pathe Pictures, Inc.,” then owned by JKF’s ILLUMINATI father, Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James, London (1938-1940).[40] Mr. Fagan subsequently devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly “NEWS BULLETINS” for “C. E. G.” in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a UNITED NATIONS’ “One World Government.[41]

Selma the ILLUMINATI Movie, Satan, Secrecy and Smoked Mirrors


Seal [Lock] of Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment“- Ava DuVernay & U.S. Naval Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

Mae Brussell said that the late Congressman Larry McDonald was a national leader of the John Birch Society, which was exceedingly active in Dallas preceding the Kennedy Assassination, who created a organization called “Western Goals“. Western Goals had offices in Germany run by Eugene Wigner that fed data to the Hitler’s  General and Himmler’s SS Puppet/ Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s Org/CIA. On the board of Western Goals were such Cold Warriors as Edward Teller, Admiral Thomas Moorer, and Dr. Hans Senholt, once a Nazi Luftwaffe pilot.[42] Admiral Moorer had been the Pentagon Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1970 until 1974. He was at a high level of shadow government  “Blood Oath Secrecy and Concealment” with Lucifer’s Servants, the Underground THIRD REICH in America.


Ava DuVernay was recently officially Hellenized by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., as an honorary member. However, her “Elder Sign” finger symbol indicates that she had been a high ranking blood oath useful idiot for the ILLUMINATI for quite sometime.[43]


Ava DuVernay (High Level Female Mason) with the Masonic Hand (Claw) Symbol of Babylonian God Nebo.

Alpha Kappa Alpha’s International President Attorney Carolyn House Stewart presided over the formal induction.[44] The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (AKA), Inc. have embarked on a new partnership with the aim of creating global citizens and fostering new audiences to better support the United Nations and the NWO.[45]


Lucifer’s Workshop 12 Years a Slave Director, Steve McQueen & Ava DuVernay (Claw), Josef Goebbels- British Royal Wyvern’s Secret DRAGON  X Hand Gesture.


Below, former King of England, Duke of Windsor Prince Edward VIII-eldest son of King George V and Queen Mary in counsel with Nazi Propaganda Minister, Dr. Josef Goebbels.


During WWII, Prince Edward was a Nazi collaborator that initiated Goebbels into his private and secret Royal Wyvern DRAGON (Cult) Army.


Prince Edward with the DRAGON X Hands Claw Symbol


Brave New World useful Idiot Steve McQueen is a 2002 OBE- Officer of the Order of the British Empire, and an official 2011 CBE- Commander of the Order of the British Empire (Motto: For God and the Empire) just like British Secret Agent, James Bond -007.[46]


The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MEOBE) is an order of chivalry established on June 4, 1917 by King George V.[47] Queen Elizabeth II is also the Royal Patroness of the Grand Lodge of England.[48]


Ava DuVernay & Steve McQueen- Inverted Masonic Pyramid Hand Gesture


McQueen’s Boss & Masonic Hand Symbol, Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of England

Selma, Coretta Scott King- One Step Forwardselmacorretta

Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie- Carman Ejogo & Sign of the BAPHOMET, Three Steps Backward


British ILLUMINATI WHORE, Baphomet is my inlay on her Blouse

In Selma, Dr. Martin King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King are portrayed by British ILLUMINATI useful idiots, David Oyelowo and Carmen Ejogo. President Lyndon B. Johnson and former Alabama Governor George Wallace are portrayed by British actors Tom Wilkinson and Tim Roth, respectively.[49]


Carmen Ejogo, Elizabeth of France, Wife of King Philip IV (1602-1644) and King James I of England (1506-1625) displaying an ancient secret society Rosicrucian Hand/Finger Symbol . Ejogo’s unnatural finger/hand gesture or Triad Claw/Marrano gesture signals the letters M & W, which symbolize 666 from the three V’s. The letter V is “waw” in Hebrew and “vav” in Gematria and is the 6th letter in both.[50]


San Ignacio de Loyola, who founded the Jesuits by approval of Pope Paul III in 1539, came from a “Marrano” family…from every indication. In fact, strong and credible confirmation comes from none other than Benjamin Disraeli, an ethnic Jew and the Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1868 and 1874-1876, who wrote in his book “Coningsby” (London, 1844) that “the first Jesuits were Jews“. It is interesting that Loyola was compelled to repeatedly deny “Jewish” ethnicity.[51]


The term “Marrano” is a Spanish expression which means “secret Jew“, i.e. a falsely converted Jew. Therefore, on the one hand, Ignatius Loyola displayed an outward show of Catholic devotion but in dramatically contradictory fashion…appears to have been a member of “Alumbrado” which was a forerunner to the Illuminati organization (the word “Alumbrado” is simply a Spanish translation for the term “Illuminati“) and another suspected Kabbalah concoction. Alumbrado devotees manifested a strangely conflicting mixture–many expressions of “godly” sentiments in their outward displays…but bizarre goings-on in their private meetings which fit the descriptions occult practices, and even of satanic ‘possession’ or interaction. [52]


Ejogo in early photo, above, appears to have been a British MK ULTRA Programmed Sex Kitten


In another early photo in another sex kitten animal print, Elogo makes the X-Sign related to the British Royal DRAGON Race and the Knights Templar’s Cult of Mary Magdalene.


Dr. Conrad Murray, Scottish Rite Master Master & Official Master Mason- Masonic Arm Sign


LESBIANIC Cabal Master Masons- Ava DuVernay & First Lady Michelle Obama


Don’t Get it Twisted they are Extremely Dangerous Women- York Rite/ Knight of Malta Sammy Davis, Jr. and Skull and Bones Prescott Bush

Selma, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.- One Step Forward


Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie- Dr. King, Three Steps Backward


David Oyelowo is another Negro servant to the elite Global Satanic Cabals and secret British Secret Service, and Satanic Dionysian Cult


David Oyelowo is also a secret British Freemason


David Oyelowo & Universal Masonic/ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Symbol


These people conceal their true motives behind ILLUSIONS, symbols and gestures. Oyelowo as Dr. Martin King, Jr. disguised in Subliminal Masonic Symbolism. On British television, Oyelowo starred on a TV series romanizing British Intelligence, MI5.  Oyelowo’s hero is Christopher Nolan (Dark Knight Rises).


Christopher Nolan, above, leaving Dark Night Rises after party at the Freemason’s Hall in London. Freemasons’ Hall [Temple] is the headquarters of Prince Philip’s United Grand Lodge of England and the principal meeting place for Masonic Lodges in London. The notion that the Dark Knight Rises is an Anti-Masonic propaganda film is disinformation. It is said that elite powerful Luciferians usually sit in secret temple chambers and demonize and cast spells on HollyWeird films before release.


The Dark Knight Rises was the inspiration for the mass murder/slaughter of 12 innocent people by the CIA/MK ULTRA JOKER (James Holmes) in Aurora, Colorado.  I suspect that Luciferians also demonized and filled Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie with demonic spirits and energies to also drive you insance.

Oprah Winfrey, Ava DuVernay, David Oyelowo & the Son of Satan Initiation Rite


In the first instance, Oprah, David Oyelowo, and Ava DuVernay, above, appear normal in the IMAGE of an innocent mutual front of affection and admiration for each other as exceptional artists. However, these are demonic people that as general practice in the public hide behind Smoked Mirrors, false IMAGES and ILLLUSIONS. The true motives behind their unified IMAGE represents a secret Son of Satan initiation ceremonial rite that is opposite/backward to an ancient sacred [MAAT]Osirisianconfirmation ceremony” out of the Land of Kemet.[53]


The ancient Kemetic “Confirmation Ceremony” is related to the feast Appearance of the King” is likewise known from inscriptions on the Palermo stone. This feast was held immediately after the coronation, as a “Confirmation” of the king’s right to rule. The earliest known mention of this feast dates back to King Djoser king, first pharaoh of the 3rd Dynasty.[54] The Queen is Khamerernebty- Daughter of the God, Priestess of Djehuty [Thoth], Priestess of Tjazepef, One who sits with Horus, she has her right foot slightly forward initiating her husband, Pharaoh Men-Kau-Re, “Eternal is the Spirit (Ka) of Ra” fifth king of the Fourth Dynasty of Kemet to dine with the Gods.[55] In the Jewish tradition, the confirmation ceremony describe a meal Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the 70 elders met face to face and ate with GOD in a covenant confirmation (or ratification) ceremony.[56]


In the Land of Kemet, “three” was an important number signifying plurality- or unity expressed in plurality. The Menkaure Divine Triad express very complex Kemetic ideologies. Generally, the Kemetic triune conception of deities represent a god appearing under three aspects or modes with-out becoming, in fact, three gods. The members reflect three aspect of one reality.


The Kemetic Divine Triad combines the concepts and symbolism of “three” and “one” and sometimes seen as transforming polytheism in tritheism and monotheism.[57] Before the people, Menkaure has placed the Goddess Hathor and the Goddess of the 17th Nome (uten-ha/Sa-ka/ Cynopolis) sacred to the God Anubis, in the service of the royal ideology ensuring the exercise of power according to sacred symbolic Kemetic cosmology. It also express the pluralistic totality of the DIVINE.

In this case, Oprah and Ava DuVernay deliberately place themselves slightly behind David Oyelowo placing him forward to delve in the realm of (SATANIC) Gods in a REVERSE ritual of Queen Khamerernebty and the goddesses of the Menkaure Triad that placed Pharaoh Menkaure forward to delve in MAAT among the Kemetic Ennead (Cosmic Order).[58]


In both cases, above, King Menkaure step forward with his right foot with fists clenched, conveying his authority in the realm of the living.[59] In opposite, Oyelowo step forward with his left foot with clenched fests (claws) and arm in a Masonic (Brotherhood of Death) position, conveying his authority in the realm of the dead among CHAOS. The significance of the Oprah’s LESBIANIC Triune conception can only be speculated. It may represent a ceremonial link and unity between the leading American Black Satanic Cults taken over by Oprah Winfrey’s LESBIANIC Cabal and the black useful idiots of the Satanic Royal Houses of the British Empire.

David Oyelowo, False Imaging & Black Panther Party for Self Defense


In Oprah and Lee Daniels’ ILLUMINATI movie, The Butler, Oyelowo, the Son of Satan, portrayed a false inspired IMAGE of a member of the BPP. Above, Oyelowo is wearing a UK Military Black Beret.


I have no idea what kind of strange black reptilian blouse he is wearing. It is a mass media IMAGE deliberately taken out of uniform for a member of the BPP.  During the early formative years of the BPP, Chairman Bobby Seale constantly impressed upon us the importance of the IMAGE of the BBP. He stressed the significance of being on duty in professional uniform- beret, black leather jacket, black slacks, white or blue shirt, black tie, and polished black leather shoes. Bobby said that a black or white turtle neck sweater was an appropriate substitute if you didn’t have a white shirt and black tie.  Many young brothers couldn’t afford to be in uniform, but proper uniform dress was no exception, but firm BPP policy that I (highlighted below) tried to follow consistently.


Our uniform was vital and a significant part of our IMAGE to win the heart, minds and imagination of the people. Both Bobby and BPP Prime Minister Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) taught us that when the people saw us in consistent rule, discipline, and uniform in a professional manner- it automatically engender an unique positive reflection upon the masses of the people. Thus, they said that our order, discipline, uniform and IMAGE was vital to unity and the liberation of the people. The people had to recognize us as the Vanguard of the People instantly among all others in time of need, crisis, distress and struggle. Our uniform was also a death sentence. Chairman Bobby constantly warned us that under the cloak of night, death squads roamed the streets looking for an opportunity to pick us off alone.


It doesn’t appear as if any of Oprah Winfrey and Lee Daniel’s HollyWeird disordered Panthers are in proper uniform to deliberately negate any sight chance of inspiration among the masses to struggle against the New World Order. Of course, I would ‘t subject myself to being tortured psychologically by any of Oprah’s masterfully bewitched film projects. However, I am almost certain that throughout The Butler that they didn’t invoke the name of the Minister of Defense, HUEY P. NEWTON. Before I conclude, please bear with me just a few more minutes of observations of Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie.


“I am the hopeful black woman who was denied her right to vote.”Rapper Common, Golden Glove Awards[60]

“I am the hopeful black woman …” As far as I know, I am not misquoting this useful idiot Negro. He is in with the ILLUMINATI/Satanic program displaying Oprah’s Secret LESBIANIC Cult of Earth Goddess CybeleVulva Hand Symbol. The Negro portrays in Selma convicted pedophile, [61] republican right wing- underground THIRD REICH collaborator and useful idiot, Rev. James Bevel.[62]


The HollyWeird premiere of Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie was a meeting of the minds of all in with the program. In with the program of Oprah’s LESBIANIC Black Satanic Cabal- the scary and submissive Chris Rock in proper ILLUMINATI/Masonic Recognition. 


In with the program, DICK GREGORY


Dick Gregory, Body Snatching & the IMAGE OF HUEY P. NEWTON


” ‘The Hot Chick‘ sends Rob Schneider, otherwise known as “Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo” and “The Animal,” into “Tootsie” land. But apart from waking up in a nightie and leaping about in girlish underwear, the bushy-haired, stubble-faced little comic doesn’t really attempt a drag turn. Instead, he strives to find his inner woman in straight makeup.”[63]

In 2002, Dick Gregory appeared in an appalling, demeaning ILLUMINATI/Satanic, racist, and transgender fairy tale movie called “Hot Chick.” The movie was co-written by the little Zionist prick Rob Schneider veteran of Saturday Night Live. Schneider’s begins his movie plot in Ethiopia in 50 BC during the historical Kingdom of Aksum (aka as the Axum, Aksumite Kingdom, Abyssinia).[64] He says that an Ethiopian princess used a pair of enchanted earrings to open an portal into some else’s mind to escape an arranged marriage by snatching a body of a vessel he called a “slave.” When each woman wears one of the earrings, their bodies magically trade/swap places while their minds remain where they were.[65]

This body snatching concept is an old Satanic concept related to the CIA/MK ULTRA secret Star Gate out of body (Himmler’s SS Vril Society Astral Travel) experimental projects, not AFRICANS.

“Portals to the body allow demons to interact and control humans. Blood sacrifices, symbols, music, drugs and special meditation permit a higher level of demonic attachment and consequently, more spiritual powers to the follower. These powers are the classic occult tricks of divination, telepathy (in fact messages delivered by demons), creation of fire, telekinesis, etc. These are not enhancements on the individual, but merely deeds done by spirits to look like the person has ‘evolved’. “[66]


Schneider’s fairytale earrings pop up in an African– themed store where they are stolen by a white high school female student. One of the earrings is recovered in a stolen car by Schneider’s character that put on the lost earring- a cross gender transfer takes place between his character and the white female.[67] The mystery of the earrings are uncovered by a high school wiccan priestess (Eden) versed in Santeria out of Africa. The transgender shape shifting- body snatcher mystery is traced to a dance club called “Instant Tang” where Dick Gregory is the mocking, degrading and humiliating early 20th Century Negro “bathroom attendant.” He teaches the cross gender shape shifter- body snatcher how to “PEE” like a man.

Please bare with me just a few more minutes. Dick Gregory is a very clever man that often speak through riddles and puzzles. When he jokes about teaching the cross gender shape shifter- body snatcher how to “PEE,” its really a riddle. The other way to open portals to the body to allow demons and other forces to interact and control human behavior that Gregory is well aware of through his Dionysian Cult work with Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby is through CIA/MK ULTRA Ritual Trauma Based Mind Control. That very classified work programmed mind control victims such as Sheri Denise Allred, discussed above, to trade/swap places with mythological characters such as centaurs, fairies, nymphs, and stone statutes such as  Venus de Milo- Aphrodite to play out demonic fantasies such as Sir Francis Bacon’s  “A Midsummer Night’s Dream Party (Rite)  for the secret global elite DRAGON, Star and Olympian oligarchies, and ruling classes. Gregory’s expertise and experience in Hefner’s secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs would certainly have qualified him to be have been a technical adviser to Schneider’s Hot Chick.  Under the veil, he provided the character in Hot Chick with the technical background and support to cross gender shape shift, and body snatch.

One of the secret eugenic based goals of the CIA , British Intelligence and the Global Satanic Cabal through Oprah’s LESBIANIC Cabal’s, Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie, is to negatively impact and CONTROL the IMAGE and role of Black Male Messianic world figures like Dr. Martin Luther King in war, politics and nation building for a New World Order through masonic/demonic vessels like David Oyelowo. And,  gradually impact, reimage and reshape the Black male’s sphere and power of influence within society and the family through so-called diversity by shrouded racialist homosexual programs. Through MK ULTRA, Dick Gregory provided the very same technical support, “PEE” like a man, to Oprah’s LESBIANIC Black Satanic Cabal.

To negatively impact the masses’ “manly” non comprising and militaristic world IMAGE of HUEY P. NEWTON, Dick Gregory says without qualification that Huey was a “FBI agent” that used the Black Panther Party as a front for their drug dealing.[68] At least 20% of what he says about Huey may be correct, but it’s the 80% that affects the world IMAGE of Huey that he deliberately conceals. The MK ULTRA Complex is also a vast counter-intelligence operations.  The 80% of the story that affects Huey’s story involve MK ULTRA. They extended millions in medical, psychological and technical support to literally body snatch Huey to allow demons, other forces and alternative personalities to control and interact with him. That’s part of the story that Dick Gregory deliberately conceals.

For the record, he lumped Huey beside Eldridge Cleaver as FBI agents.  As far as Cleaver is concerned, I was there when he was first introduced as the BPP’s Minister of Information. At that time, I shared the same concern as the other brothers and sisters, who is he? Where did he come from? Most of us didn’t care for or trust him from the very beginning. From the April 6, 1968 Assassination of Little Bobby Hutton, I have been personally certain of what he was- a government infiltrator and agent. I was there at headquarters manning the front desk like a fly on the wall within a couple of hours before they murdered Little Bobby in cold blood.


However, Huey P. Newton is an entirely different story. There are two Hueys, one before prison and MK ULTRA and one after prison and MK ULTRA. Nevertheless,  they are still afraid of HUEY P. NEWTON even in death.


Huey’s IMAGE and his example of undying love that he expressed for the people without regard for his own life before prison will live on. The secret CIA/MK ULTRA Body Snatching project will set set him apart from others like Eldridge Cleaver that willingly combined with governmental forces and the NWO to murder and imprison our revolutionary just- warrior spirit, and destroy the Will of the People. I will expand on Huey and MK ULTRA in the next post, then conclude the Bill Cosby series.












[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] Id.





[17] Id.


































[51] Id.










[61] Id.






