27 03 2018



HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain black people, or enhance the self esteem of their children. A great deal of black families have been deceived and coached by mass corporate media into the theater to subject their children to clandestine psychologically warfare- sophisticated systems and advance levels of double binds and cognitive dissonance.  Among so many other clandestine HollyWeird- CIA things, demonic spells and spirits, The Black Panther movie has been interwoven within a web of a covert New World Order Gay Agenda that is designed to deliberately harm the psyche of black children.

Vanity Fair writer Joanna Robinson reported that she’d seen footage from Black Panther in which the African king’s chief of security Ayo (Florence Kasumba) flirts with Okoye (Danai Gurira), a fellow member of King T’Challa’s elite Wakandan warrior squadron, known as the Dora Milaje.

The Black Panther & Wakanda Jungle Action- Ayo and Okoye

A few hours later, a Marvel representative said their relationship was not intended to be romantic, but the rumor of romance between the two women reappeared. E. Oliver Whitney of ScreenCrush asked the film’s co-writer, Joe Robert Cole, about whether the script ever showed Ayo and Okoyo as lesbian lovers, and Cole said, “I think the short answer is yes“. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community is upset with Disney and Marvel, because they didn’t see Avo and Okoye  get down to “every thang  is every thang“, and “knock some boot” in The Black Panther movie.

 Florence Kasumba & Danai Gurira Knock the Boots in The Black Panther for the Kids and Babies

So, was The Black Panther for the children, or secretly advance the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender agenda among black children?

Robin:  “Holy safari, Batman!”

A rock the house Jungle Actionknocking the bootslesbian love scene in the movie would have surprised a whole bunch of children.

And, there are questions whether Eric Killmonger was originally created a “Gay” black male character. Furthermore, Black Revolutionaries are not called a “killmonger“- Merchant of DeathNEVERTHELESS.

THE BLACK PANTHER is a half man or semi- human animal created by a mix of afro-futurism technology (whatever Disney believes that to be) and Vodun inspired spiritualism, including visits to the ancestral plane. The Black Panther’s abilities are not God-given powers, but stem from his consuming a very rare plant, which is made into a magical potion that is drunk only by king.

The Heart-Shaped Herb potion created by Panther Goddess Bast drank by the king has been found to be a plant mutated by a meteorite of vibranium (uranium) that landed in Wakanda millions, tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In the 18th Dynasty Kemet, the infamous ancient Pharaoh Tutankhamun was well of the  extraterrestrial properties of heavy metals and uranium in meteorites that had fallen in Kemet tens and hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago. The knew how to separate them.

Statue of Sekhmet, Temple of Mut, Karnak, 18th Dynasty, Reign of  King Tut’s Grandfather Pharaoh Amenhotep III

Bastet or Bast, the ancient cat goddess of Lower Kemet, was occasionally given a lion head and spoken of as a devastator.  But more often she was seen as the benign counterpart of the dangerous Sekhmet:  “Sekhmet of yesterday, Bastet of today”, as a hymn from Ptolemaic Edfu (provincial town from the end of the Old Kingdom) put it.

Angela Bassett & Lotus Flower – Sacred Symbol of the Sun & Rebirth 

Angela Evelyn (Bastet) Bassett stars in The Black Panther movie. She is a HollyWeird New Age conjurer and witch associated with raising demonic entities and spirits In recent times, Sekhmet has become bastardized as a cult figure of New Age Religion. New Age Shamans use rituals to invoke Egyptian goddess Sekhmet to bring about transformation at the deepest levels of being. Sekhmet also represents to them the trans formative power of kundalini energy, or sekhem. In extreme remote antiquity, Sekhmet presented the destructive nature of Comet-Planet Venus on earth.

The Black Panther is a reborn animal-like savage destructive universal nature.



JAYBO is a harmful simianized hominoid global mass commercial black/Negro caricatureJAYBO represents the half man, half human animal like The Black Panther. It is a higher primates- half simian monkey or Great Ape Homoinoidea orangutan not unlike the Ape-Man M’Baku and the Great White Gorilla Cult of The Black Panther movie associated with the Congolese Black Africans.

The idea that the various human “races” were created independently by God or evolved from separate ape/monkey ancestors, has its origins with 18th Century French intellectuals, e.g. Voltaire and Cuvier, who divided humanity into “civilizedCaucasians (= whites) created by God and “barbaric’ Negros (= blacks) derived from the “monkey tribe”.

This tradition was continued by paleontologists, e.g. Louis Agassiz in the U.S. and in Europe by Karl Vogt. Despite Darwin’s detailed refutation of polygenism in his The Descent of Man (1871), polygenism was supported, in various guises; by eminent evolutionists (e.g. Alfred Russell Wallace and Ernst Haeckel compared Negroes to “four-handed” apes).[1]


Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, believed that mad people could be calmed by blood-letting from 20 to 40 ounces of blood at one time. Dr. Rush then developed a “tranquilizer chair” in 1811. This invention efficiently kept a person securely immobile and had a wooden box in which their head would be put into in order to keep the person subdued. Dr. Rush was the first to describe a pathological incurable medical condition called “Negrotude”. Negrotude was a mild form of leprosy which symptoms included such as blackening of the skin; big lips, flat nose, wooly hair. The only evidence of a cure was when the “skin turned white”. Dr. Rush used “disease” as a justification for African slavery and segregation. Negrotude was an immutable genetic disease that allowed blacks only to be medically cleared for work as domestic workers that had to be sexually segregated.

In 2008, research presented in a new paper by psychologists at Stanford, Pennsylvania State University and the University of California-Berkeley revealed that many Americans subconsciously associate blacks with apes [and hominoids]. In addition, the findings show that society is more likely to condone violence against black criminal suspects as a result of its broader inability to accept African Americans as fully human, according to the researchers.

Generally widely accepted commercial such as JAYBO and The Black Panther are dangerous false ILLUSIONS. They add fuel to the broader universal and global inability and unwillingness to accept Africans and African Americans as fully human whether it is conscious or subconscious. And, if leading black intelligentsia and corporate leaders don’t openly vehemently object to them, then the conscious or subconscious may become global acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to find rest in).

Co-author Jennifer Eberhardt, a Stanford associate professor of psychology who is black, said she was shocked by the results, particularly since they involved subjects born after Jim Crow and the civil rights movement.

“This was actually some of the most depressing work I have done,” she said. “This shook me up. You have suspicions when you do the work intuitions you have a hunch. But it was hard to prepare for how strong [the black-ape association] was how we were able to pick it up every time.”

The paper, “Not Yet Human: Implicit Knowledge, Historical Dehumanization and Contemporary Consequences,” is the result of a series of six previously unpublished studies conducted by Eberhardt, Pennsylvania State University psychologist Phillip Atiba Goff (the lead author and a former student of Eberhardt’s) and Matthew C. Jackson and Melissa J. Williams, graduate students at Penn State and Berkeley, respectively. The paper is scheduled to appear Feb. 7, 2008 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which is published by the American Psychological Association. Don’t get it twisted. Dehumanization and subliminal and conscious acceptance of violence against blacks is not confined to criminal suspects.



Everywhere, fear gripped German society that its racial superiority would be poisoned by Negro blood[3]

It was General von Trotha, Supreme Commander of German Southwest Africa that said, “A humane war cannot be waged against those who are not human.” Africa of Southwest Germany colonial officials and military men viewed the Herero cultural group as a form of baboon or other monkey, but not human. One German in Southwest Africa wrote: “We should burn all these dogs and baboons.[5]

The Herero were originally a group of cattle herders living in the central-eastern region of South West Africa, presently modern Namibia. The area occupied by the Herero was known as Damaraland. The Nama were pastorals and traders living to the South of the Herero. From 1904- 1907, in total some 65,000 Herero, about 80% of the Herero population, and 10,000 Nama, about 50% of the Nama population, perished. The genocide was carried out by mass slaughter, starvation and by poisoning the wells of the Herero amongst other crimes against humanity and tactics. Thousands of Herero and Nama were imprisoned in concentration camps, where the majority died of disease, abuse, and exhaustion.[6] Germany’s Southwest African war was a campaign of mass racial extermination and collective punishment that the Reich undertook against the Herero, Nama and San people. It is considered the first mass genocide of the 20th century that the world failed to take any real action against, or try to stop. The Nazi took it a giant step backward.[7]

National Socialism [Nazi Party] is nothing more than applied biology.” Rudolph Hess, Deputy Reichsfurhrer

Nazi Party eugenics was Nazi Germany’s racially based social policies that placed the biological improvement of the Aryan race or Germanic “Übermenschen” master race through eugenics at the center of Nazi ideology and geopolitics.[2] The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was created, molded, and nurtured by National Socialism (Nazi Party) to lead Germany into one of world’s most ruthless and satanic homicidal campaigns of global racial purification and annihilation in history. World War 2 could have very well been described a global race war.

Unchallenged, we tread on very dangerous grounds with the black-ape association ILLUSION even in the 21st century.


[1] https://theconversation.com/comparing-black-people-to-monkeys-has-a-long-dark-simian-history-55102

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics

[3] https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-germanys-extermination-program-for-black-africans-a-template-for-the-holocaust/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_II,_German_Emperor

[5] Id.

[6] http://combatgenocide.org/?page_id=153

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_genocide

[8] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/06/red-rosa/308500/

[9] http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/nabtaplaya.html

[10] http://www.crystalinks.com/nubia.html

[11] http://www.astrotheologyzone.com/egypt.html

[12] http://1stmuse.com/maria_orsitsch/

[13] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_thule08.htm




Jaybo, Jay Z & The Shady Lady Kingpin Cocaine Trafficker, Desiree Perez

During the CIA crack cocaine epidemic in 1994, Jay Z’s  Desiree Perez, Chief Operating Officer of Carter Enterprises, LLC, was busted in Brooklyn with 35 kilos (about 80 pounds) of cocaine with an estimated street value of at least up to $14 million. She was a part of a massive Mafia New York to Florida to Puerto Rico – Columbian cocaine distribution ring. She should have been prosecuted as a Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code, 21 U.S.C. § 848 federal drug “KINGPIN” in the Southern District of Florida.[1],[2]

U.S. Attorney Laurence Bardfeld, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, the chief federal law enforcement officer for the District, argued in Perez’s behalf to keep her out prison. The Southern District of Florida encompasses a geographical area of approximately 15,197 square miles extending south to Key West, north to Sebastian and west to Sebring. The Southern District includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee and Highlands.[3]

Desiree Perez is a DEA/FBI agent and informant that was released from the federal prison custody and placed on five years of supervised release. She began working at nightspots in Miami Beach and was scheduled to meet her probation officer at the Club Onyx, when she skipped town without notice in early August 1997. The fugitive Perez resurfaced nine month later in Brooklyn, where she was arrested on March 5, 1998. Perez was charged with grand larceny, criminal use of drug paraphernalia and criminal possession of a firearm. Her probation was revoked and she was sentenced to just only 9 (nine) months in prison and 3 (three) years of supervised release instead of at least life imprisonment as a major federal “kingpin” drug dealer. Perez appears to have been in business with Jay Z since at least 2002Perez’s felonious federal drug kingpin criminal records have been court sealed.[4]  Jay Z and the felonious drug trafficker Shady Lady created the racist simian-hominoid black caricature JAYBO.

On the street, drug dealers often say that they aren’t the source of the problem for drug addiction and death in the black community. They say that the n-word (niggas) want to commit suicide. They only help them KILL THEMSELVES. Black children need heroes and super heroes too, but we can’t sit by in idle silence while Jay Z and the Shady Lady profit again from the spiritual assassination and subconscious death of the masses like merchants of DEATH.  I have filed a formal objection to the JAYBO trademark application for federal protection. Whatsoever publish this demeaning black hominoid caricature in commerce to deliberately profit from the sadistic dehumanization of black people shall ACCOUNT! 


[1] https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/35-kilos-of-cocaine-worth-rs-94-crore-found-in-a-horse-sculpture-in-new-zealand-257703.html

[2] http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/iteam/damon-dash-scared-news-report-a-rod-pal-desiree-perez-blog-entry-1.2146139

[3] https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl

[4] http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/i-team/babe-ruthless-rod-shady-lady-article-1.1796578




RAYFORD BULLOCK,                   


   Opposition No.

                      Trademark No. 87517427

                             Mark: JAYBO, Pseudo Mark

                        Filing Date: July 06, 2017

                                              Publication Date: February 13, 2018






 RAYFORD BULLOCK, a Black resident of the State of California, City of Pittsburg, County of Contra Costa (hereafter called “Opposer”), believes that he will be damaged by the registration of the mark shown in Application Serial No. 87517427, filed by S. Carter Enterprise, LLC (hereafter called “Applicant”) on July 06, 2017, and opposes Application Serial No. 87517427.

The Opposer is a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP), Oakland, CA. The Opposer BPP membership is confirmed and verified by his name that appears above in its official newspaper organ, The Black Panther, Intercommual News Service, January 31, 1969.

The grounds for this opposition are as follows:


Applicant’s Mark is a Lying and Pretext Mark

1 .The “applicant” S. Carter Enterprises LLC [Shawn Corey Carter] is known professionally as JAY-Z– an American rapper and businessman. Applicant’s MARK is actually a caricature of JAY-Z.  The applicant is now engaged in the manufacture, distribution, sale, advertising and promotion of a wide range of promotional goods and services including clothing of the MARK’s CARICATURE, JAYBO or JAYBO, that are not: “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”

  1. In lieu of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744 (June 19, 2017) that the Lanham Act’s disparagement clause violates the Free Speech Clause, whether or not JAYBO is disparaging to any person or racial is not at issue in this case. However, it may be relevant on the issue of the Applicant’s motive to deceive the trademark act. “Our legal system provides methods for challenging the Government’s right to ask questions — lyingis not one of them.” [Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001), Brogan v. United States, 396 U.S. 64, 72 (1969]


The applicant’s MARK: JAYBO does in fact identify a particular living individual that is in fact a black caricature of Shawn Corey Carter known professionally as JAY-Z.

  1. The applicant’s MARK is better described as a suitcase that hides the applicant’s racist black caricature of the rapper, JAY-Z, inside.


The applicant’s MARK: JAYBO is an attempt to DECEIVE

  1. JAYBO or JAY-BO represents a racist caricature of BOSKO re-imaged as the applicant in commerce currently bought and sold on a large scale.


Applicant’s Mark Lack Sufficiently Originality to Warrant Copyright Protection.

  1. Applicant’s Mark is complete textual “JAYBO”. Applicant’s Mark statement says that the mark consists only of “standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.”




  1. Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Serial Number: 87517427
Filing Date: 07/06/2017

OWNER OF MARK: S. Carter Enterprises, LLC




MARK STATEMENT: This mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.

10/3/2017 12:24:30 PM

The assigned examining attorney has reviewed the referenced application and determined the following.

  1. Offc Action Outgoing

Date Sent: 10/03/2017




APPLICANT: S. Carter Enterprises, LLC



Applicant must clarify whether the name JAYBO in the mark identifies a particular living individual.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.61(b); TMEP §§813, 1206.03.  In this case, the application neither specifies whether the name in the mark identifies a particular living individual nor includes a written consent.  See TMEP §§813.01(a)-(b), 1206.04(a), 1206.05.

To register a mark that consists of or comprises the name of a particular living individual, including a first name, pseudonym, stage name, or nickname, an applicant must provide a written consent personally signed by the named individual.  15 U.S.C. §1052(c); TMEP §§813, 1206.04(a).

Accordingly, if the name in the mark does not identify a particular living individual, applicant must submit a statement to that effect (e.g., “The name shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual.”).

However, if the name in the mark does identify a particular living individual, applicant must submit both of the following:

(1)       The following statement:  “The name(s) shown in the mark identifies a living individual(s) whose consent(s) to register is made of record.”  If the name is a pseudonym, stage name, or nickname, applicant must provide the following statement:  “JAYBO identifies <specify actual name>, a living individual whose consent is of record.”

(2)       A written consent, personally signed by the named individual(s), as follows:  “I, <specify name>, consent to the use and registration  of my name, JAYBO, as a trademark and/or service mark with the USPTO.”

8. Applicant’s Response to Office Action 

Date: December 28, 2017

SERIAL NO.  8751742

MARK: https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/87517427/large

MARK STATEMENT: This mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.

NAME(S), PORTRAIT(S), SIGNATURE(S) OF INDIVIDUAL(S): The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual.

ORIGINAL PDF FILE: HS_389416710-164142961_._Signed_Declaration.pdf


SIGNATORY’S POSITION: COO [Chief Operation Officer]



  1. The Opposer maintains that the applicant’s mark at issue is a Lying and Pretext Mark.

Exhibit A-  the real “JAYBO”

  1. Exhibit A is the applicant’s true and actual “JAYBO” mark in commerce. And, by its very nature- it is not impossible, but extremely unsuitable for “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”



  1. BOSKOis a racist animated cartoon character created by1920-30s era white animators Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising of Kansas City, Missouri. In the history of the United States, Missouri was a slave state– a state in which the practice of African Human Bondage was legal.
  2. BOSKO is the first recurring character in Leon Schlesinger‘s cartoon series, and is also the star of over three dozen extremely racist Looney Tunesshorts released by Warner Bros.
  3. Hugh Harman made drawings of a new character and registered it with the copyrightoffice on January 3, 1928. The character was registered as a “Negroboy” under the name of BOSKO.
  4. The original BOSKO character clearly appears to be an adult. However in former slave states, it was a customary psychological tactic to continually humiliate and emasculate Black men by calling them “BOYS” throughout their lives from infancy to old age to satisfy a byproduct of the horrible Institution of African Human Bondage– a sick racial psycho-sexual white superiority complex.


  1. When BOSKO was created in 1928 as an ante bellum slavery classic cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human, it was well understood in the animation industry that the southern “Negro Boy” was depicted to represent a simian “MONKEY” that justified the global institutional enslavement of the African. BOSKO can procreate, but it will not be allowed by white society to create or originate just the same as a primate.
  2. BOSKO’s black skin; gruesome big lips, eyes and wooly hair constitute symptoms of a pathological incurable 18th century ante bellum slavery medical condition called “Negrotude” – a mild form of Leprosy that justified special criminal and sexual prohibitions, racial discrimination; and strict segregation of Africans within white society.
  3. BOSKO carries a lot of racial hatred, wounds and baggage. It certainly stands to reason that BOSKO is an extremely horrible and racist character and caricature that should have been left to die in the early 20st century or flushed down the toilet in the 21st century. It is certainly something to lie about, hide and conceal from the U.S. Trademark Office and public if BOSKO is resurrected in any form whatsoever and for whatsoever reasons, and the applicant is attempting to revive him. BOSKO arise, and rides again behind the veil of the power, authority, shield and sword of The Lanham Act.



18.The Lanham Act of 1946, also known as the Trademark Act (15 U.S.C.A. § 1051 et seq, ch.540, 60 Stat. 427 [1988 & Supp.V 1993]), is a federal statute that regulates the use of Trademarks in commercial activity.

  1. Trademarks are distinctive pictures, words, and other devices used by business to identify their pictures, words, and other symbols or devices used by businesses to identify their goods and services.
  2. The Lanham Act is like a shield that gives the trademark users exclusive rights to their marks, thereby protecting the time and money invested in those marks. The act also serves to reduce consumer confusion in the identification of goods and services.
  3. The Lanham Act is also like a sword that gives trademark users a plethoric of legal procedures and remedies to strike with under federal law to help enforce their rights attached to qualified trademarks.



  1. The Trademark Opposer carries the burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence to support an inference of deceptive intent (FRAUD, INTENT TO DECIEVE).
  2. The precise meaning of “clear and convincing proof” does not lend itself readily to definition. It is, in reality, a question of how strongly the minds of the trier or triers of fact must be convinced that the facts are as contended by the proponent. In the ordinary civil suit, the proponent must persuade the jury (or judge, if there is no jury) that the facts are more probably true than not true. Where clear and convincing proof is required, the proponent must convince the jury or judge, as the case may be, that it is highly probable that the facts which he asserts are true. He must do more than show that the facts are probably true. (COMMENT, EVIDENCE: CLEAR AND CONVINCING PROOF: APPELLATE REVIEW, CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW, Vol. 32, Issue 1, March 1944, pg. 75)



  1. On October 03, 2017, the USPTO identified the Mark, “JAYBO”, as a name that did not show whether or not it identified a particular living individual. USPTO asked applicant to respond, accordingly.
  2. On December 28, 2017, the applicant responded that the name, “JAYBO” shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual. It had been so declared by the applicant by signatory Desiree Perez, COO- ” S. Carter Enterprises LLC.
  3. Desiree Perez’s declaration is in evidence, and it states the following:


The signatory  believes that: the applicant is entitled to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services specified in the application; the applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce and had a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce as of the application filing date; and to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other person has the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when applied to the goods and/or services of such other person, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive. The signatory’ being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 USC §1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of the application or any registration resulting therefrom, declares that all statements made of his or her own knowledge are true and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.

Dated: ___10/20_______, 2017


By: Desiree Perez                    Title: COO

  1. Perez’s statement that the mark, “JAYBO”, does not identify a particular living individual is a false statement. JAY-BO is her business partner, the self-guru, JAY-Z.

28. Throughout the U.S. music and entertainment industry, the “JAYBO” character is known as applicant’s real trademark. It is known internationally that the “JAYBOless than human animated simian BOSKO character is the applicant’s real trademark.


  1. “The 48-year-old rapper has filed a trademark on his animated character that appeared on The Story of OJ music video last year according to a Monday report from TMZ.” (Daily Mail. Com, January 15, 2018)



Exhibit B- Shawn Jay Z Carter (JAYBO) President

  1. The Story of O.J.” is a song by Jay-Z from his thirteenth studio album 4:44 released on June 30, 2017. Roc Nation, LLC is an American entertainment company founded by Shawn “JAY-Z” Carter in 2008. Desiree Perez is also COO of Roc Nation, LLC.

Da Story of O.J., Jaybo, Roc Nation & Jay Z

  1. The creation of applicant’s mark JAYBO began with JAY-Z’s track, “The Story of OJ”. Jay Z and Mark Romanek brainstormed an idea character for a video where the track “The Story of OJ” would play over visuals of him and black people derived from old, racist [BOSKO] cartoons from the 1930s-40s. JAYBO was deliberately created as another purveyor of the cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  2. Video directors Mark Romanek and Jay-Z of Roc Nation collaborated over the course of six weeks with a team of animators, 3D modelers, and designers to produce the character caricature, JAYBO.
  3. Roc Nation employed The Mill with Titmouse to handle video character design and animation. Illustrator, vis-dev artist, art director, Rustam Hasanov, was lead character designer on the Roc Nation project. 
  4. Rustam Hasanov, Development Guide for the Character of JAYBO [Opposer added JAY Z picture to Development Guide]
  5. Rustam Hasanov, “There was a ballpark, a grey area of we could hit and if we didn’t quite get it right I knew it could be catastrophic and that it could be misconstrued and misinterpreted in term of what the intention behind the video was. So, we were very careful about how we were going to address all the stereotypes and how we were going to clarify exactly what the designs were going to say.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/
  6. Above, Rustam Hasanov’s [JAY Z] J- BOSCO [BOSKO] Turnaround- there is absolutely no doubt that JAYBO had been created in the image of BOSKO as a purveyor of the ante bellum slavery classic cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  7. Rustam Hasanov, Imagine doing these horrible racial stereotypes and turning them into entertainment for children. If you are an artist you know exactly what you are doing and you know that it’s bad, but they did it anyway. That’s exactly what we were doing too. That was the part we were nervous about, are we just repeating the same thing and are we fetishizing these stereotypes or are we making a statement? To us very much, we were on the side that we are not regurgitating this content, we’re making a statement about it.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/)
  8. Rustam Hasanov, “I found out from Tim Delvin who was the art director. I basically came in, he pitched the project to me, what the idea was and said, ‘it is for Jay-Z.’ At that point, I didn’t know the song and I thought, ‘God this could go very wrong’ because he just showed some imagery- the racist references and cartoons were shown to me first. Yeah, that was a little unnerving.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/)
  9. JAY-Z had himself reimagined as “JAYBO” or “JAY BO” a play off of the racist black caricature, BOSKO, for his song “The Story of O.J.” from his 13 (thirteenth) studio album 4:44 as some kind of black hominoid/simian financial and philosophical guru.

Contrary to the applicant’s sworn declarations, JAY BO, represents a living person- JAY Z [Shawn Corey Carter], and his ideology. JAY to the Z is the same live person as JAY to the BO.

  1. The music video for “The Story of O.J.” features JAY-Z reimaged as the racist caricature character JAYBO premiered on July 5, 2017 on Jay-Z’s Vevo account on YouTube a day before he applied for U.S. trademark protection. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_O.J.
  2. Jay-Z‘s “Story of O.J.”featured JAY-Z reimaged as the racist black simian or hominoid character JAYBO. It is an animated figure that appears to have been snatched directly from the minstrel show era with an uncanny resemblance to JAY-Z. The racist JAYBO or JAY BO, character image is intended to appear on merchandise coming soon after the pseudo mark, JAYBO, the Bosco/Little Black Sambo character, is trademarked officially.

(See http://hiphopwired.com/741575/get-ready-to-see-jay-zs-story-of-o-j-character-jaybo-on-merchandise-soon/)

  1. TMZreported: Hova’s company, S. Carter Enterprises, just filed docs to trademark the animated character figure, “JAYBO.” The plan is to plaster the little guy on T-shirts, sweaters, hats, blankets, shams, dinnerware, mugs, cocktail shakers and thermal containers.

It is Jay-Z’s lead characterJAYBO” from his “Story of O.J.” music video that has been drafted for a whole new role in fashion and home wares, not the pseudo nameJAYBO” or “JAY BO”.

  1. The applicant’s current U.S. Trademark application was made with the intention of putting the animated BOSKO “JAYBO” character on merchandise such as T-shirts and hats, as well as mugs and cocktail shakers, not the pseudo name “JAYBO” or “JAY BO”.
  2. In fact, the applicant has declared in its Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register, Serial No. 87517427 that its goods and services “JAYBO” or “JAY BO” include the following: “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”



  1. Applicant’s Mark is complete textual “JAYBO”. Applicant’s Mark statement says that the mark consists only of “standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.”
  2. ETS-HOKIN v. SKYY SPIRITS INC., 225 F.3d 1068 (9th Cir. 2000), the court held that,

“[a] claim to copyright cannot be registered in a print or label consisting solely of trademark subject matter and lacking copyrightable matter.” 37 C.F.R. 202.10(b). Although a label’s “graphical illustrations” are normally copyrightable, “textual matter” is not–at least not unless the text “aid[s] or augment[s]” an accompanying graphical illustration. 1 NIMMER  2.08 [G][2], at 2-136. The label on Skyy’s vodka bottle consists only of text and does not include any pictorial illustrations.”

  1. In this case, the applicant’s Mark lacks enough originality to acquire copyright protection of their own. “Textual matter” is not copyrightable at least not unless the text “aid[s] or augment[s]” an accompanying graphical illustration. Applicant’s Mark is the same as Skyy’s vodka bottle above; it consists only of text and does not include any pictorial illustrations.




  1. Opposer avers that the public have been confused, mistaken or deceived by the Applicant’s Concealed Actual Mark that represents real people and historical events involving the Opposer and the BPP. The offensive racist simian hominoid black caricature, the “REAL JAYBO” had absolutely NOTHING to do with the BPP or its historical events. Yet, at the very least 61 million people around the world have viewed the applicant’s less than human so called U.S. Copyrighted Black Panther caricature in applicant’s mass produced, “The Story of OJ”.
  2. Opposer avers that he will be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black caricature, which misconstrue, mis-educate the public regarding true historical individuals and events, and maliciously spread the majestic falsehood around the world that black people are less than human.
  3. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black simian/hominoid caricature, which humiliate, denigrate, and DEHUMANIZE him in commerce.
  4. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black simian/hominoid caricature, to deny him rights, and remedies under The Lanham Act, 13th (Badges and Incidents of Slavery) and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (Due process and Equal Protection).
  5. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, it is an Application designed to DECIEVE the Trademark Office, Commerce and the Public.
  6. Opposer avers that the applicant is wrongfully using the Lanham Act as his sword and shield to maliciously spread in commerce the ante bellum slavery majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  7. So that it is crystal clear, the Opposer’s notice and petition of opposition before the U.S. Trademark office is not based on applicant’s ugly racist and horrible animated character, but the fraud and deception that applicant committed in the application process with the intent to deceive and conceal applicant’s ugly racist and horrible animated character from the Trademark Office.

WHEREFORE, this Opposer, RAYFORD BULLOCK, believes and avers that it is being and continues to be damaged by registration of the proposed JAYBO trademark as aforesaid, prays that the said Application Serial No. 87517427 be rejected in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Act, that no registration be issued thereon to Applicant, and that this Opposition be sustained in favor of Opposer.

Respectfully Submitted,



Dated: March 08, 2018






17 07 2017



For a cable news station that touts itself as “Fair and Balanced“, Fox News has reached a new low in professional journalism. Just out of curiosity, I stopped only for a moment to watch Judge Jeanine (Pirro). Normally, I immediately turn away from her as soon as I hear her irritating loud raving rants that Fox News apparently calls journalism. Nevertheless, I wanted to hear her spin on Donald Trump, Jr., and his meeting with Russians that allegedly had government dirt” on Hillary Clinton that could have a negative impact on her upcoming presidential election contest. I was really startled and surprised by what came out of her mouth on national television about Satan, Set, Lucifer, Apophis, the DEVIL.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Revelation 12:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

I was disturbed by what she said about the Donald Trump, Jr. situation. She said that she had no bounds to the Constitution, laws of the land, truth or justice if the DEVIL called her.


Judge Jeanine Pirro & the DEVIL- Her Trolley to HELL

If the DEVIL called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent I’d be on the first trolley to hell to get it

The above didn’t come from me or my wild imagination. It came out of the mouth of the host of Fox News Channel’s Justice with Judge Jeanine , and I take what she says, very seriously. That pretty much means that if she, personally, doesn’t like the opposing viewpoint, opinion, position or even the looks of anyone, she would resort to fake news, lies, deception, EVIL- even make up something to destroy them.

Jeanine Pirro was a public officer- Assistant District Attorney in New York’s Westchester County. In November 1990, she was elected to public office- Westchester County Court Judge. Her stated Aleister Crowley like Satanic philosophy,  prejudice and latent psychological disabling raving hatred, and “absolutely EVIL designs and invidiousness” toward people that she don’t like may be serious enough grounds to review, and if necessary reopen some if not all of the witch’s cases that she touched in the public domain.




Fran Becque & Pi Beta Phi

Thanks to Fran Becque, PhD, a Pi Beta Phi Historian, she provided a rundown of the members of secret orders of fraternal “Brotherhood” that that were on the baseball field when U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (Rep- LA) was shot down June 14, 2017. And that seems to be the primary “Trolley to HELL” that prevents the people from getting to the truth in Scalise’s horrific gunning down.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is a member of Acacia. Zack Barth, a Congressional Aide, is a Sigma Nu. Matt Mika, a Lobbyist for Tyson Foods, is a Phi Kappa Sigma. Two of the three members of the Capitol Police Force who are came to the aid of the players are fraternity men. Special Agent David Bailey is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.  Henry Cabrera is a Kappa Sigma.”[1]


Acacia [Masonic]Fraternity was founded on 12 May 1904, by a group of 14 Freemasons attending the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. From the time of its founding, members of other fraternities were eligible for membership in Acacia. During the first two decades of the 20th century, Acacia was evolving from its roots as a successful Masonic club into the more standardized model of the other collegiate fraternities of the day. While maintaining its history and the symbolism derived from the Masonic fraternity, because of what Baird’s cites (pIII-1) as a decline in the number of student Masons in undergraduate schools, Acacia opted in 1931 to relax the requirement that members must be Masons, removing the provision entirely in 1933.[2]

The Sprig of Acacia is one of many Acacia symbols with roots in the Masonic Brotherhood. The Sprig of Acacia, symbolically, is a symbol of immortality among Masons, giving assurance that death is not the end. It is used by that organization during or after a funeral service, to honor a brother who has died. According to tradition, the symbol also reminds participants of the obligation that Masons must provide for the widow and children of their fallen brother. The Acacia fraternity has adopted this and other Masonic symbols, retaining them in linkage to its heritage.[3],[4]


Mo Brooks, June 14, 2017

Other members of the Brotherhood on the field that morning, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) Theta Chi at Duke (75) was there. After the gunning down of Scalise, he had a lot of tales to spread to news networks about the shootings.


He said that Zack Barth (Sigma Nu) had a bullet hole in his leg (calf) that he dressed with a tourniquet. It appears that Barth’s bullet hole disappeared even before the day was over.


He also said that officer David Bailey (Alpha Phi Alpha-BOULE) had been shot. He wasn’t shot. Bailey suffered some kind of minor injury from getting his feet tangled with each other.

Former U.S. Naval Commander Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale (01) was there. In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One to Iraq with troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.[5] The Bronze Star Medal, unofficially the Bronze Star, is a  U.S. decoration awarded to members of the U.S. Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, heroic service, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service in a combat zone.[6]


DeSantis said that he talked to the “confrontational” assassin before the shooting and “passed it on” to Capital Police before he left the baseball field. The story just can’t get any juicer than that. The first person that the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate Patsy, Hodgkinson, personally spoke with just prior to the ballpark shootings was a former Special Operations SEAL Team One -U.S. Naval  Lt. Commander. SEALS refer to themselves as the “most lethal and effective warriors this planet will ever know.” They’ve been called ghosts, guerrillas, and ASSASSINS![7]

Of course, DeSantis‘ story has changed. He says that he reported talking to Hodgkinson to Capital Police after the shooting. DeSantis said in an interview with NBC News. “It was a little strange but we didn’t think necessarily anything of it, by the time we got back to Capitol Hill, and the news broke, Jeff and I immediately talked to each other, we said ‘look, we’ve gotta report this guy.'”[8] However, you hear exactly what he said in the first instance.

My guess is that after DeSantis accessed the baseball field security situation just before leaving the field, he gave Hodgkinson the final trigger code to proceed. DeSantis also got tripped up in the above ABC TV rapid fire interview by George  Stephanopoulos by saying that the long gun assassin had “dark hair.”


DARK HAIR ASSASSIN, Hodgkinson or Henry Cabrera?

In regards to an experienced U.S. Naval officer combat trained eyes, ears and observation- DeSantis said that the assassin had “dark hair.” Who among the active shooters at the ballpark with the exception of the 2 (two) black capital police officers had the distinctive “dark hair“- Hodgkinson or David Cabrera?


Rep. Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R- OH) Sigma Alpha Epsilon at University of Cincinnati (80) was there dressing Scalise’s wound(s) as a medical physician in the field. Prior to the shooting, he co-sponsored Scalise’s bills to target child predators and human traffickers. Wenstrup, a doctor and a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve had said, “Human trafficking: As easy as ordering a pizza.”[9] But since the shooting, he has had very little to say publicly other than Scalise’s wound(s) was similar to what he had experienced in the combat zones of Iraq. Other than that, he has said literally nothing about child predators, human traffickers, and the ballpark shootings.[10]

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R- KY) was also there during the so-called firefight with Budweiser Hodgkinson.[11] Nevertheless, I was really surprised to find David Cabrera, “The Party Crasher“, among the list of members of “The Brotherhood” at the baseball park on the morning of June 14. All members of the Brotherhood are bound by the covenant of secrecy. Yet, some of the orders on the field that day were far more dangerous than the others. Also, it is now clear why Scalise had a special capital police detail, he was majority whip and third-ranking GOP member of the House, one of nine lawmakers who have security details in Washington.[12]


VCU’s House of Masonic Initiation with Boaz and Jachin Pillars

Cabrera graduated from an unusual, deeply Rosicrucian- one of the most esteemed educational institutions in the country, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia. The university actually began in an Egyptian Building in 1845, above, dedicated to Imhotep, the “first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity.”[13] Prominent throughout the occult building is the use of the Winged sun disk. On the exterior it is found repeated in the cavetto cornices that cap the pylons. This winged disk represents Horus, as a sun disk with outstretched wings, flanked by the goddesses Bekbet and Uaset in the form of snakes.


Horus Behdety

This is the form Horus took in Egyptian mythology when he battled the god Set. Later the image took on other meanings with the Sun disc representing eternity, the serpent representing wisdom, and finally the wings representing the spirit.[14]


On the interior, the lotus flower design is used repeatedly. The interior colors have intentional symbolic meaning: red represents divine love; blue represents divine intelligence; and the golden yellow represents the mercy of God. Hieroglyphs are incorporated in the antechamber decorations and the floor tiles depict a large scarab beetle.[15]


The hieroglyphics in the antechamber to auditorium come from a Kemetic hymn to the gods Amun and Aten in the reign of Amenophis III (Amenhotep III), (1390-1353 B.C.). The right side of the jambs reads “I never took pleasure in any conversation wherein were words of exaggeration and lies.” The left side of the jambs reads “Thou didst make me great because I was performing my duty.” [16]


The lintel, or horizontal part of the doorjamb, bears a different set of messages. On the left it reads, “Tutankhamen: To whom life is given forever” and on the right it reads, “Tutankhamen: Living image of Amon.”[17] You had better ask somebody, because they aren’t playing.


Cabrera’s VCU chapter, Lambda-Zeta, is a colony of Kappa Sigma.[18] According to the traditions of the fraternity, Kappa Sigma evolved from an ancient order, known in some accounts as “Kirjath Sepher” linked to Manuel Chrysoloras.[19] Kiriath-sepher (A. V., Kirjath-sepher), kir’-i-ath-se’-pher (Heb.)- city of engravingscity of scribes; city of the scrolls; city of books; city of numbers; city of writings; city of instruction; city of learning.[20]

In the biblical days of Joshua, about 600 years after Abraham, the giant Anakites had a city in south Canaan called Debir (Joshua 11:21). The giants called it Kiriath Sepher, which means “City of Scribes” or “City of Books.” The city’s other name was Kiriath Sannah, which means “City of Instruction” (Joshua 15:49). Bible scholars believe Kiriath Sepher was a major center of learning and culture for all of Canaan. It probably had a huge library full of scrolls, and was the city where giants (Sons of GodFallen Angels) went to learn.[21]

Kappa Sigma’s granddaddy secret society Kiriath-sepher is most likely based upon the secret mysteries of the religious scrolls looted from the city. According to the Biblical Numbers 13 during the 12th-13th century BC, Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, was one of 12 spies that may have included Joshua sent by Moses into Canaan. Their task, over a period of 40 days, was to explore and access the surrounding area for a war of invasion, rape and plunder.[22] Caleb promised the hand of his daughter Achsad to whoever conquered the land of DebirKiriath-sepher. Othniel rose to the challenge. He slew the people, looted and burned the city to the ground.[23]



The secret society, Kiriath-sepher, existed long before Manuel Chrysoloras. He had been initiated into “The Society” by NICCOLO DE NICCOLI’ (1363-1437), an Italian humanist. He was one of the chief figures in the company of learned men which gathered round Cosimo de’ Medici.[24]


Cosimo de’ Medici (1389-1464) founder of one of the bloodlines of the Medici family, the Black Nobility, ruled Florence, Italy from 1434 to 1537. “This one family supplied four popes and two queens of France, and ran Florence, with a couple of interruptions, for almost 400 years. Its power emanated originally from the family bank. Italian financiers (known generically, and inaccurately, as “Lombards”, hence London’s Lombard Street) were pre-eminent in their age. And among them the house of the Medici was pre-eminent, the most powerful financial institution in all of 15th-century Europe.”[25] Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to the Vatican and royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles. The Medici were for a long while put in charge of papal finances. Until 1434, more than half of the bank’s revenues came from its Rome “branch” which followed the pope around on his travels.[26] Cosimo de’ Medici ordered Niccoli’ to travel through Europe and search for ancient occult and magick manuscripts.[27]

King Rene of Anjou & Cosimo de’ Medici


An illuminated portrait of René of Anjou with the GOAT most likely out of the Kabbalah of the Zohar, from Georg von Ehingen’s travel diary, Germany, late 15th[28] René of Anjou (1408- 1480) ruled with Cosimo de Medici. Mary Queen of Scots was his granddaughter. René was versed in the occult, and his court included a Jewish Kabbalist known as Jean de Saint-Remy (1394- 1468), who, according to some accounts, was the grandfather of Nostradamus. René’s interests included Arthurian and Grail romances. It appears that largely through his influence that Cosimo de Medici embarked on the projects of translating the Neo-platonic, Gnostic and Hermetic texts.[29] René had one of the greatest libraries of the medieval period. He also had a valuable historic collection of relics. One of prize possessions was a cup that had been used at the marriage of Cana, a marriage incidentally that René and the Templars believe united Jesus and Mary Magdalene.[30]


Painting of a crowned corpse with templar 5-Cross Jerusalem Flag from the Book of Hours made for King Rene of Anjou. Dated 15th Century.


The Jerusalem Flag is a symbol of Monsignor Alfred C. Hughes, and the Grand Prior of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem linked to the Order of Knights Templar, Lucifer’s Lodge, the Burlington Catholic Diocese, and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Circle that ritually sacrifice, murder, sexually exploit, abduct, abuse, and traffic in children on a global scale.


Rene of Anjou was a dynastic descendant of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem (a founding royal patron and original Knight of the Templar Order), and thus was a hereditary Grand Master of the Order during its years as a secret society. Rene of Anjou was part of the French Royal Army, and became Duke of Lorraine, the region where Joan of Arc was raised.[31]


René of Anjou was related to Joan of Arc (1412-1431 AD). Joan of Arc was in fact a hereditary Countess of Anjou of the royal House of King Fulk d’Anjou of Jerusalem, and was thus also a hereditary Templar. Joan of Arc knowingly and purposefully continuing the living tradition of the Order of the Temple of Solomon. [32]


Let’s not forget that one of her main lieutenants and companions was Knights Templar Gilles de Rais, one of the greatest Catholic Satanic ritual black mass murderers of children in history.[33] Peel away the layers, the secretSociety” granddaddy of Manuel Chrysoloras  and the present Kappa Sigma Fraternity was the Order of the Temple of Solomon- the Knights Templar– the Occult knowledge of the BAPHOMET- the DEVIL. Not only was Henry Cabrera the most deadly military trained killer on the baseball field on June 14, 2017, he belonged to one of the most secretive, dangerous and Satanic fraternal orders in history. The feared secretSociety” of a New Order have been perpetrators of wars, global conflict’s, assassinations, and mass murders for generations. They have toppled democracies, governments for and by the people, and established Satanic regimes, governments and religions around the world.

cabreraskullbonesHenry Cabrera’s insignias are the Satanic 5-Star Inverted PentagramCrescent Moon,  the ancient Rod of Thoth or Hermes, the CADUCEUS, and SKULL AND BONES- the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH!

[1] http://www.franbecque.com/page/2/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acacia_(fraternity)

[3] Id.

[4] http://gawker.com/tell-us-about-your-fraternitys-racist-history-and-or-pr-1691338200

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_DeSantis

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Star_Medal

[7] http://specialoperations.com/28267/us-navy-seals-history/

[8] http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Florida-Congressman-Ron-DeSantis-Shooter-Asked-If-Republicans-or-Democrats-Were-on-Field-428446803.html

[9] http://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/scalise-and-wenstrup-human-trafficking-legislation/70651947/

[10] http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/read-lawmakers-accounts-congressional-baseball-shooting/

[11] http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/06/gunmen-shoots-congressman-at-baseball-practice.html

[12] http://www.latimes.com/politics/washington/la-na-essential-washington-updates-why-the-capitol-police-were-with-1497464893-htmlstory.html

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Building

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Building

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Kappa_Sigma_chapters

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_Sigma

[20] https://www.truthunity.net/mbd/kiriath-sepher

[21] https://remnantofgiants.wordpress.com/tag/kiriath-sepher/

[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caleb

[23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othniel

[24] http://www.theodora.com/encyclopedia/n/niccolo_de_niccoli.html

[25] http://www.economist.com/node/347333

[26] Id.

[27] https://sexycodicology.net/blog/codicology/medieval-scripts/humanistic-script/

[28] https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/08/arts/international/fitzwilliam-museum-celebrates-the-birth-and-glory-of-color-manuscripts.html

[29] http://www.conspiracyschool.com/rosicrucians-and-freemasons

[30] Boren, Kerry Ross, Following the Ark of the Covenant: The Treasure of God, Bonneville Books, Springdale, UT (2000), pg. 85

[31] http://www.knightstemplarorder.org/templar-joan-of-arc/

[32] Id.

[33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilles_de_Rais


3 06 2013


U.S. Presidential Monarch Programmed Marionettes, Barack and Michelle Obama exhibit the downward ILLUMINATI pyramid hand gesture.

In Part I, Barack Hussein Obama II, The Boy from Brazil, I covered his absolute bizarre birth and upbringing, plus his family’s unquestionable Reinhard Gehlen Org-CIA MK ULTRA background.  As you see by his most recent national security national televised address and current events, President Barack Hussein Obama II more than likely controls nothing but his god given natural human body functions. Barack Obama has no control over the U.S. military, national security, foreign policy or the IRS. President Obama and the first lady are literally human clone “talking points” for the Satanic Global High Cabal /Imperium that secretly controls America. Barack Obama was created cyborg- robotoid.

In 1970, the Luciferian “divine rulers” informed the world that they would introduce human “cyborgs” into the body of American politics to deliberately undermine this constitutional “one person-one vote” form of government.  These illuminated ones believes that original citizens are unable to govern themselves. In that year, Zbigniew Brzezinski authored the book, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era”, which he advocated the control of populations by an elite political class via technotronic manipulation. The book had been commissioned by the Club of Rome, “The book is an open announcement of the manner and methods to be used to control the United States in the future. It also gave notice of cloning, “robotoids,” i.e., people who acted like people and who seemed to be people, but who were not.” (Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300, America West Publishers, Carson City, NV (1992), pg. 27)

When Barack Obama was born in August 1961, everything take place in order for the Satanic Global High Cabal/Imperium to clone an experimental political “BOY FROM BRAZIL” to act like a president and seem to be a president, but who was not the President of the United States.  In the secret technology to create a Luciferian Robotoid, of course, we begin with the BEAST, the SS, the mass murdering blood covenant Knights of the Black Sun, and Hauptsturmfuhrer (Captain) SS Josef Rudolf Mengele.

The Young Prince and National Socialism


Josef Mengele was born of money, privilege and class in Gunzburg, Bavaria on March 16, 1911. His father had founded a powerful agricultural machine factory, Mengele and Sons, which dominated the economy affairs of the city. As a child, Josef was gifted, studious, privileged, rich and an arrogant “biological soldier” of the THIRD REICH.[1]


In October 1933, highly influenced by the pseudo racial ideology of Commissar of Supervision of Intellectual and Ideological Education of the DSDAP, Alfred Rosenberg, above, Mengele joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) Storm Troopers. In 1937, Mengele joined the Nazi Party. In 1938, he received his medical degree and joined the SS. Mengele was conscripted into the army in 1940 and later volunteered to the medical service of the Waffen-SS, the combat arm of the SS, where he distinguished himself as a soldier. Hitler declared war against the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Later that same month, Mengele was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for his heroism at the Ukrainian Front. In January 1942, while serving with the 5th SS Panther Division behind Soviet lines, he pulled two German soldiers from a burning tank and was awarded the Iron Cross First Class, as well as the Wound Badge in Black and the Medal for the Care of the German People. Mengele was medically unfit for combat, and was then posted to the Race and Resettlement Office in Berlin. Mengele resumed an association with his mentor, Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer (Rockefeller Institute), who was at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics in Berlin. Just before he was transferred to Auschwitz, Mengele was promoted to the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain) in April 1943.[2]


Despite notions to the contrary, Dr. Mengele had been a highly decorated battle tested fearless soldier which placed him in a special class of respect among hierarchy and the ranks of the SS. He was proven to be a foremost loyal and duty bound Teutonic Knight of the Blood Order-Black Sun.

Dr. Mengele had been one of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s classic SS dual natured, two faced-Janus Knights of the Black Sun. He was a medical doctor, but only pursuant to the agenda of the SS and the THIRD REICH. He was truly an extremely shrewd, dangerous and treacherous human being.

The Two Faced Prince and Auschwitz:Arbeit Macht Frei”[3]


Work Will Set You Free- Entry Gate to Auschwitz

“This is not a sanatorium; there is no place for the sick. The prisoners are here to work or [and] to die.” Auschwitz Kommandant Rudolf Höss [4]


From most accounts at Auschwitz, one face of Dr. Josef Mengele was described as an aristocratic, impeccable and elegantly dressed gentleman down to his boots. His orderlies often carried an extra pair of boots if the pair he was wearing became soiled in mud.[5] He was often described as kind and gentle. As the appointed Chief SS Medical Officer of Auschwitz -Birkenau Concentration Camp in Poland,[6] interned women described him as a white angel,-savior, a legendary “Siegfried.”[7]

“… Survivors tell how as children in Auschwitz they were visited by a smiling “Uncle Mengele” who brought them candy and clothes. Then he had them delivered to his medical laboratory either in trucks painted with the Red Cross emblem or in his own personal car to undergo his experiments.”[8]

His other face was cold-hearted and disassociated from human compassion. Dr. Mengele was a fervent fan of Richard Wagner. During his dreaded selection process, prisoners selected for death, he always whistled a Wagner operatic aria.[9] Dr. Mengele exercised his power over life and death not only at the railroad yard ramps as the imprisoned entered the camp from loaded boxcars, but also routinely inside Birkenau at compound hospitals and holding blocks,

“Dr. Mengele never gave any warning of his visits and would appear at any hour of the day or night. When he suddenly surged into a block all exists barred by the S.S., the women huddled together in terror, knowing full well that their lives hung by the thread. They knew that they had to put on a good appearance. They hoped to escape death. Despite an all-devouring anguish, the poor, scrawny bodies were drawn to their full height. Heads lifted, the stride became firmer. Prisoners were told to undress. They were crammed into the corner of the block, and filed, one at a time, past the chief medical officer, seated, whistling, in the middle of the room…As each prisoner walked pass, the officer made a gesture with thumb to the left, to the right…He loved to encounter the terrified gave of those who found themselves in the left-hand file and condemned to almost certain death. When the march-past came to an end, Dr. Mengele rose to his feet, gracefully, and smilingly announced: “The right-hand group will be evacuated.” With that, he walked away whistling.”[10]


The people interned at Auschwitz didn’t want to see this face, because it may have been the last thing you saw. He was an architect of Racial Mass Murder. He was a gentleman Teutonic Knight with a duty to kill by the masses. Dr. Mengele’s body count at Auschwitz is absolutely staggering estimated at least 400,000 people.[11]

The Prince, Auschwitz and the Sadistic Little Genius, the Father of Positive (Artificial Insemination) and Negative Eugenics (Sterilization)


The Supreme Commander of Auschwitz and all Nazi concentration camps was bar none, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was known to issue direct orders to the camp commanders, bypassing all other chains of command, in response to his own directives. Himmler would also occasionally receive broad instructions from Adolf Hitler or Herman Goring, which he would then interpret as he saw fit and transmit to the Auschwitz Camp Commander, SS- Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss.[12]

Concentration camps were not free enterprise zones for human medical experiments. Concentration camp medical corps was secret blood oath SS doctors strictly controlled, supervised and unconditionally duty bound to Himmler and the SS. Access to human “in vitro” material for scientific investigation at the camps was through permission only from the Reichsfuhrer. Himmler was uncannily shrewd. He hired out the SS medical corps and its experiments and inmates to research pharmaceuticals and universities not only to profit, but to control it and direct science toward the goals of National Socialism-Aryan Supremacy and Racial Genocide.


Some of the most significant experiments and SS doctors most germane to the Nazi’s breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination was Professor Dr. Karl Clauberg.

In 1941, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and sterilization. Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit.

Yet unlike Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Clauberg was openly ambiguous contrary to Himmler’s fervent policy of blood oath secrecy. Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist. He was a renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. His open ambition and ego may have been an individual fatal flaw in his bargain with the DEVIL, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler and the dreaded Knights of the Black Sun.

During WWI, Dr. Clauberg had served in the Germany Army and had been a British prisoner of war.[13] On April 1, 1933, Dr. Clauberg joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Later that year he became an SA-Sanitätssturmführer (SA-Medical).[14] The Sturmabteilung (SA) Storm Detachment or Assault Division, or Brownshirts functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.[15]

In 1940, Dr. Clauberg was promoted to the SS highest commissioned rank of Gruppenführer (colonel general). His mission in the SS was to establish his own institute for research on reproduction where he could cure the sterility issues of “Aryans” and perfect a simple and discreet means of sterilizing all other people. In this endeavor, he could link the two aspects, positive and negative (Satanic Principle), of Nazi demographic policy; to increase the pure Nordic race and decrease inferior races.[16]

In 1941, Clauberg was already a famous and brilliantly internationally distinguished gynecologist. He was five-foot tall and balding. His expressions were described as remarkably cruel. Dr. Clauberg subsequently proved to be indeed, a sadistic evil little genius. He received his medical diploma from the University of Kiel in 1925 and was for some years a medical assistant in the gynecological service. He was a noted specialist in female sex hormones. He was transferred to the University of Koenigsberg, where he obtained a fellowship in 1933 and obtained a chair in 1939. At the time, he worked in close collaboration with laboratories and invented for the firm Schering-Kahlbaum two preparations to counter sterility which are still produced today. The Clauberg Test, which measures the action of progesterone, is still currently used in gynecology.[17]

Progesterone is one extremely important and vital hormone in reproductive science. It is a hormone manufactured first by the ovaries and then by the placenta starting around the second trimester. Progesterone keeps the placenta functioning properly and the uterine lining healthy and thick, and it stimulates the growth of breast tissue. It also cracks down on pre-pregnancy’s natural contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterus, allowing the baby to grow in the expanding (and expanding, and expanding…) womb. Not intending to be redundant but technically, Progesterone, the hormone secreted by the female reproductive system functions mainly to regulate the condition of the inner lining (endometrium) of the uterus. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands. The term progestin is used to describe progesterone and synthetic steroid hormones with progesterone-like properties, such as the progestogen levonorgestrel.[18]

Simply, Dr. Clauberg was seeking to unlock the mind-body keys to the human mystery of pregnancy. In other words, he sought the keys to be able to fool the body and brain with progesterone-like properties to fertilize an egg whether produced in vitro or naturally. The key to unlock the mind-body processes to pregnancy also gave Dr. Clauberg the keys (Satanic Principle) to lock the mind-body processes to procreation with artificially produced hormones and chemicals. It literally gave the dreaded SS the scientific key to Life and Death, a way to promote an Aryan nation and annihilate nations of color.

Today, one of SRI’s (Stanford Research Institute), a military industrial handmaiden, key in vivo (within the living body) research studies involves, [Carl] Clauberg-McPhail Endometrial (inner membrane of the mammalian uterus) Proliferation, which is pretty scary stuff in their hands.[19]

The Nazi Paradigm Shift One Step Beyond Lebensborn


In 1942, Himmler’s SS Lebensborn natural procreation and racial annihilation paradigm wasn’t producing the mass results as rapidly as he had hoped. So, he finally sat down with Dr. Clauberg to discuss another way from a scientific and laboratory perspective. Dr. Clauberg’s proposal to promote eugenic reproduction by scientific research and development of artificial insemination, impregnation and in duality sterilization began to make a great deal of sense.

In 1942, Dr. Clauberg held a series of top secret meetings with Himmler, SS doctors and other high officers of the SS involved in management of concentration camps setting forth his eugenic theories and experimental plans. Finally on July 8, 1942, Dr. Clauberg finally obtained the backing, funding and vast resources from Himmler, the SS and the THRID REICH to have “…at his disposal the necessary [human] material for all experiments he wished to undertake.” He was bound to make regular reports of his progress to Himmler. [20] Everyone involved in Dr. Clauberg’s experiments were to be bounded by blood oath secrecy.

In August 1942, Dr. Clauberg moved into the notorious human medical experimental cell Block 10 at Auschwitz. At Block 10, where from 800 to 1000 women were regularly maintained for SS medical experiments. Dr. Clauberg always had about two hundred women permanently at his disposal to use as he wished particularly for experimental artificial impregnation. In most cases, successfully artificially impregnated women and the babies were put to death. After sperm experiments, bodies were dissected and reproductive body parts- uteruses, ovaries and fallopian tubes were sent to various institutes for detailed study and analysis. As his victims died off or killed, Dr. Clauberg sent out the Garrison Physician Sturmbannführer SS Dr. Eduard Wirths to choose replacements when a new convoy of prisoners arrived.[21]

Dr. Mengele regularly visited Block 10 to monitor the development of SS human medical experiments and also conduct his own individual infamous macabre against humanity.[22] The amount of collaboration that took place between Dr. Clauberg and Mengele in Block 10 was secret and still remains unknown and off the record. In fact, Dr. Clauberg and Mengele’s research mission had been similar.

Mengele’s stated mission at Auschwitz was to perform research on human genetics. Even his work had been fully funded through a grant to the SS that Professor von Verschuer had secured through the German Research Council in August of 1943. The goal of Mengele’s work was to unlock the secrets of genetic engineering, and to devise methods for eradicating inferior gene strands from the human population as a means to creating a Germanic Super-Race.[23]

Of the reports from survivors rescued from Auschwitz and Ravensbruck at the end of the war, Dr. Clauberg’s artificial insemination experiments involved an unknown sperm or hormone substance. The little evil sadistic genius often taunted his victims by telling women that he had put animal sperm inside them and that they had beasts growing in their bellies. Whether it was truly human sperm or animal sperm is unknown.[24]

Yet, it would have been absolutely natural and within the interest of the SS agenda of “Positive Eugenics” for Dr. Clauberg and Mengele to have collaborated in artificial insemination-in fertilization experiments at Block 10. Dr. Clauberg’s sperm-egg substances had to contain human Aryan sliced genetic material to pass to the children that they wished to produce.

Additionally, Dr. Mengele had to know the keys to the impregnation-reproductive processes to induce and fool the mind-body with Dr. Clauberg’s progesterone-like properties to fertilize genetically-gene sliced altered eggs and sperm. Dr. Mengele’s dedicated studious behavior for scientific detail would have put him constantly at Dr. Clauberg’s side to realize his mission to create a Germanic Aryan Super Race.

In January 1945, Dr. Clauberg fled Auschwitz in advance of the Soviet army with medical records and photographs to continue his experiments in nearby Koenigshuttte and Ravensbruck Women’s Concentration Camp about 50 miles north of Berlin. On April 30, 1945, Ravensbruck was liberated by the Soviets.[25]

On June 8, 1945, Dr. Clauberg was captured by Soviets while trying to escape to Schleswig-Holstein hoping to link up with Heinrich Himmler and a SS force.[26] Up to the time of at least the end of April 1945, Dr. Clauberg should still have been making regular progress reports to Himmler and the SS.

Dr. Clauberg was tried by the Russians for crimes against humanity and sentenced to prison. On October 11, 1955, after the Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange agreement had been signed between the USSR and Germany, he was released and returned to West Germany. He only served 7 of his 25 year sentence. The odd thing about the Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange agreement is that it involved 9000 Germany prisoners captured on Russian soil mostly doing Hitler’s failed military onslaught on Stalingrad.

The Russians picked up Dr. Clauberg within the boundaries of the German State of Schleswig-Holstein. According to Allied Forces Agreements, the Russians had been bound to turn him over to the Nuremberg Tribunal. From February 4-11 1945, “The Big Three”, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, along with U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Leader Josef Stalin, held secret meetings at the Yalta Conference sometimes called the Crimea Conference and codenamed the Argonaut Conference to discuss the re-organization of war torn Europe after the Fall of Nazi Germany.[27] At the Yalta Conference and in Berlin in 1945, “The Big Three” reaffirmed the October 1943 Moscow Declaration that a War Crimes Tribunal should follow the conclusion of the war.[28]

The October 1943 Moscow Declaration had been signed by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, stating that at the time of an armistice persons deemed responsible for war crimes would be sent back to those countries in which the crimes had been committed and adjudged according to the laws of the nation concerned.[29]

So, why was Dr. Clauberg tried for crimes against humanity in Russia in 1948,[30] and then slipped into Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange. Konrad Hermann Josef Adenauer (January 5, 1876 – April 19, 1967) that brokered the Adenauer-Bulganin Agreement was the first Chancellor of West Germany from 1949–1963 after the Fall of Nazis.[31]

In 1956, Adenauer chose Hitler’s Spy Master Reinhard Gehlen as the initial chief of the BND, West Germany’s post-war intelligence agency that succeeded the Gehlen Organization. Earlier, Adenauer had allowed the Gehlen Org to run amuck throughout Germany undoubtedly at the recommendation and collaboration of the OSS then CIA. The Gehlen Org was comprised primarily of Himmler’s SS.[32]

Gehlen had been the spiritual father of Stay Behind in Germany and his role was known to the West German leader, Konrad Adenauer, from the outset. Adenauer signed a secret protocol with the US on West Germany’s entry into NATO in May 1955 in which it was agreed that the West German authorities would refrain from active legal pursuit of known right-wing extremists-Nazi-SS.[33]

In addition, Adenauer was also a Knight (THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA).[34] In reality, Dr. Clauberg had been dropped right back into the lap of the Teutonic-Knights of the Black Sun, the SS.

Back in Germany, Dr. Clauberg attempted to continue his SS special projects out in the open. He even openly advertised re-establishing the Research Institute of Reich for Biology and Reproduction at the University of Kiel specializing in “Positive Eugenics” and “Sterilization” for profit.[35] In other words, he intended to expose the secret SS Aryan sperm hormones and sterilization research, development and projects perfected at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck, and people that had been involved.

On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after he was freed from the USSR, he was arrested by German officials allegedly because of an outcry from his surviving victims, women and Jewish groups. The same voices had also cried out more vehemently for HauptsturmführerSS Dr. Josef Mengele. Yet, America and West Germany shielded him. Four months later in March 1956, Dr. Josef Mengele flew into Germany’s neighbor Switzerland on a 120 day passport in Engelberg  out of Argentina, South Africa while Dr. Clauberg was under arrest in Germany.  It makes sense that Dr. Mengele would have  debriefed Dr. Clauberg for the Gehlen Org and CIA.


On August 9, 1957, Dr. Clauberg, 59 years old, died suddenly (alleged heart attack) while awaiting trial in Kiel for criminal conduct that “caused severe bodily harm” to large numbers of Jewish women at Ravensbruck and Auschwitz.[36] Not much is known about Dr. Mengele from 1956 until he resurfaces in Paraguay in May 1959 under the veil of Paraguay’s German-descended dictator, Alfredo Stroessner;  and under his own name just months before Barack Obama II is conceived in December 1960. After surfacing in Paraguay in 1959, Dr. Mengele disappears again until he resurfaces again in Brazil from 1961 to 1962 after Obama II is born.

Artificial Insemination and sterilization technology developed under the Blood Oath Secrecy of Himmler and the SS at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck belonged exclusively to the benefit of Himmler and underground SS networks that controlled the CIA and West German Intelligence; exposure of the technology and competition with Dr. Clauberg to control and profit from that technology and its development just wasn’t going to happen.

Dr. Clauberg may have mistakenly believed that the dreaded Himmler truly died in British custody in May 1945; and that he was no longer bound by the SS blood oath of secrecy. He had been out of loop in Soviet’s hands since January 1945. However, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Himmler was far too powerful, wealthy, shrewd and treacherous to have been captured while skipping through the tulips in the merry month of May around the city of Bremervörde (Lower Saxony) in Germany.[37]


It was well established that most of the Nazi leadership regularly maintained secret doppelgangers, doubles and decoys. Himmler was a Knight and leader of an ancient Order of Teutonic Knights. He had thousands of powerful fellow Knights like OSS Allen Dulles and millions of Freemasons bound by a blood oath of secrecy at his feet and whim all over the world.

He also had access to millions if not billons in gold, securities, bonds and notes stashed all over the world. In May 1945, he still had over a million SS Waffen goons in Italy and probably a half million or more Allgemeine-SS Knights underground still active that would have fought to the last man to protect him. He had the Gehlen Org-CIA in his pocket. Additionally, he controlled access to secret nuclear technology-weapons and futuristic rockets, missiles, jets and U-boats. The man had access to spaceships. He had secret multi-national corporate and international banker goons in high places around the world. He held potential patents to secret revolutionary medical technologies that are still priceless even today. Yet, one of the world’s most powerful, richest, clandestine and dangerous men on earth was caught just merrily skipping among the daisies on a bright and sunny day along the Germany countryside on May 21, 1945, then conveniently committed suicide. That Dog Won’t Hunt.


Tellingly, no known DNA exists to prove definitively that it was Himmler that committed suicide. The body was buried in a secret grave than may have been exhumed and the body cremated. Everything surrounding Himmler’s alleged body is sealed, classified and TOP SECRET from Britain to America.


The body that was claimed to be Himmler’s had on the wrong glasses he commonly wore and it lacked his celebrated “Y” shaped dueling scar on the left cheek.[38] Himmler cherished that scar as a badge of ancient knightly chivalry. We also have a fairly good idea who put it there during the 1920s.[39] It had been his personal adjutant staffer, Standartenführer or Obersturmbannführer SS Dr. [Richard] Stahl.[40]


Then again, it is obvious that the Russians had abducted Dr. Clauberg out of Germany on more than the pretense of Crimes against Humanity. Surely, the outrages that he committed against humanity at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck were capital crimes that he should have swung the gallows or faced a firing squad for. Dr. Clauberg’s body count is estimated to have been numbered in the hundreds or in the thousands. Yet, it may have been Dr. Clauberg’s medical knowledge and expertise gained from the secret human experiment programs at Auschwitz that the Soviets were after.

The Soviets had their own secret team called, BB Apparat, which focused primarily on pursuing Nazi technical and scientific advanced warfare personnel, plans and technologies. The “BB Apparat” was a totally separate and independent operation that remains shrouded in mystery.[41] The Russians kept him alive and healthy for 7 years to begin a new day within days of release from captivity. I suspect that Russians abducted Dr. Clauberg also to keep him away from the special interests of the American, British and French forces.

“His [Dr. Clauberg] articles on experimental hormone research were published in the main German gynecological journal (1929-1940). He is represented in the Library of Congress in Washington with two books on neuroendocrinology experiments, especially with animals, which he published in 1933 and 1937. He also published on obstetrics. Clauberg is reputed to be an expert who developed a test to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage. He published important articles on infertility or so-called women diseases, especially on “follicle hormone cures” and on uterotubla insufflations, which he completed with a hysterosalpinogram in order to check the treatments’ success and to achieve “blowing up residual adhesions by pressure with the contrast fluid.”[42]

Undoubtedly, BB Aparat knew Dr. Clauberg’s scientific background and what he was doing at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck for the SS. They intensively interrogated him for at least 3 years before they finally put him on trial for crimes against humanity in 1948. He may have revealed the details about Himmler’s SS secret eugenic scientific agendas and programs.

He may have been turned into a soviet spy-mole and returned in the mass prisoner exchange. When Dr. Clauberg returned to West Germany, his ego and ambition got the best of him and went on public television to sell himself. He threatened to expose everything he told Russian intelligence for profit, it would have made their special information worthless and useless. The Soviets would also have a motive in liquidating him.

One Step Beyond- Dr. Clauberg, Dr. Mengele and Modern Genetic and Reproductive Technology

“We do know…that the scientific basis of modern gene and reproductive technology was firmly established in the Third Reich.” –Karl Heinz Roth[43]

The raw data that Dr. Clauberg, Neuroendocrinologist, and his colleague Dr. Mengele, Geneticist, developed in genetic and reproductive technology through the SS is priceless even today. The Nazis were at the forefront of revolutionizing biological and obstetric sciences for all the wrong demonic reasons (Duality-Satanic Principle),

I. Promote those worthy of reproduction and,

II. Eliminate those forms unworthy of reproduction.

During the war, Nazi reproductive focus took a radical turn from Lebensborn (promotion of sexual unions between pure Aryans to procreate the race) to laboratory research genetics and development. The Genetics Department at the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research in Berlin was at the forefront of basic gene research in the area of breeding and selection. The institute was supported by the Emergency Organization of German Science (Notgemeinschaft det Deutschen Wissenschaft), Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations.

One of the leading German firms behind the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research in developing sex hormone research was Schering-Kahbaum AG that Dr. Clauberg worked for and with at Auschwitz. In fact, Dr. Clauberg’s aide at Block 10 was Dr. Johannes Goebel, above, chief chemist with the Schering-Kahbaum AG pharmaceutical firm.[44]

It also appears that Himmler and the SS had secretly implemented and fully funded Dr. Clauberg’s proposals, a Reich Institute for Research on Reproductive Biology (Research Institute of the Reich for Biology and Reproduction); an animal experimental station; and two departments, one for the treatment of infertile women desirable for reproduction, and clinical advanced research on previous apparent hopeless cases of infertility, the other department to perform sterilization on women in an ambulant nonsurgical way- women not worthy of reproduction or not desirable for reproduction were to be used to test the operationless method.[45]

Dr. Clauberg’s infertile clinic operated out of two clinics outside Auschwitz, the Gynecological Clinic in Koenigshuttte, and the maternity and convalescent home of the National Socialist Welfare Service (NSV)- called the “City of Mothers” with a capacity of 800 mothers and 200 small children.[46]

Dr. Clauberg’s department that performed experimental sterilizations ran out of Auschwitz and Ravensbruck Concentration Camps. Dr. Clauberg’s Reich Institute of Reproductive Biology was most likely operated out of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the German University of Koenisberg.[47] Russian Intelligence must have been fully informed of Dr. Clauberg’s clandestine SS programs and sent out a special detail to capture him before the American; British or French military intelligence could sequester him out of sight and mind.

With Dr. Karl Clauberg eliminated, the secret SS genetic and reproductive technology fell in the hands of their most secretive, loyal and dangerous Knight, Dr. Josef Mengele, and Dr. Mengele had been sequestered by Allen Dulles’ OSS then the Gehlen Org and the CIA.

Dr. Mengele and the Satanic Principle

Dr. Mengele’s dedicated SS mission had been to create an Aryan master race to rule the world- Positive-Divine Eugenics. It also gave him the dual mission to create a subservient race to do their will; and work for the master race- Negative-Profane Eugenics. It makes it possible and feasible to take bits of genetic material from one human and make somebody almost like him to function as an allegorical subhuman servant not only for consumption (work will set you free), but also mass political deception through mass hypnotism with imperfect ILLUSIONS of the Power and Will of the people.


Dr. W.O. Schumann to the SS:

In all areas, there are two principles that determine events, light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the positive and negative in electricity. This is always one way or another! These two principles designated concretely how the creative and destructive principles determine also our technical means […]

The destructive principle is the work of the devil, the creative principle, the work of God […]

Any technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be satanic technology. The new era that will be the age of a new technique, positive and divine! […] (Excerpt from the secret archives of the SS)[48]

Dr. Winfried Otto (W.O.) Schumann (1888-1974) was born in Tubingen, Germany, the son of a physical chemist. His early years were spent in Kassel and in Bergdorf, a town near Vienna. He majored in electrical engineering at the Technical College in Karlsruhe. In 1912, he gained a doctorate with high-voltage technology as his thesis. During 1920, he was made a professor at the Technical University in Stuttgart, where he had previously been employed as a research assistant. He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena. In 1924, he was made professor and director of the Electro physical Laboratory at the Technical University of Munich. During 1947-1948 he worked at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, USA and then returned to his post in Munich.[49]

Like Dr. Clauberg, Dr. W.O. Schumann was a world renowned and distinguished scientific genius. When he talks about “Alternative SS Technologies and Theories”, a lot of people including I stop to listen. It gives us a rare opportunity into some insight of these people with other dimensional thought processes that caused so much death, destruction and chaos across the globe.

Behind the veil, Dr. W.O. Schumann was an Operation PAPERCLIP SS Nazi, an eminent international specialist in electromagnetic low-frequency resonances.[50] He founded the Schumann (electromagnetic) resonance of the earth. He was an ardent occultist, a member of the Thule and Vril Societies. He was an initiate of infamous Nazi VRIL MAIDENS. He developed a series of magnetic levitators-VRIL DRIVES for the SS’s Top Secret “Flying Discs”.[51] During 1947-1948, Dr. Schumann was an employee of the U.S. military at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.[52]

Dr. Schumann was an essential part of the SS’s advanced development of virtual “flying saucers.” On January 22, 1944, Dr. Schumann, Hitler, Himmler and Kunkel of the Vril Society met in a top secret meeting to plan to drive a flying disc through a worm hole, inter-dimensional space travel.[53]

Dr. W.O. Schumann had a very rare discernment into this other “dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind- Twilight Zone.” If Dr. Mengele and his SS and its “Alternative Technologies and Theories” had anything to do with creating Obama, then in our normal understanding of the order of things,

We’re talking about our government!

We’re talking about a crime.

You must think on a different level, like the CIA does.

We’re through the looking glass.

White is black.

And black is white. -JFK, the Movie[54]

Hussein Barack Obama II, DEMON SEED, the Son of NONE


“He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world”. –A phrase found underscored by Fuhrer Adolf Hitler [55]

The Sacred Birth

“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” -Palms 139: 13-14- The Original African Heritage Study Bible, KJV

Whatever dimension of mind(s) that created Hussein Barack Obama II has to be explored. If he was created and I am certain that he was, it opens a great moral, religious, ethical and spiritual debate that has existed since the beginning of recorded history.

In the “Divine Birth” scene of Queen Mutemwiya, the mother of Amenhotep III; in a Luxor Scared Temple, Queen-Mother Mutemwiya is shown in scenes depicting the divine birth of her son Amenhotep III. The scenes resemble (and in some cases copy) scenes of the divine birth of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari. Hatshepsut had used the birth story to reinforce her claims to the throne. Amenhotep was the son of a ruling Pharaoh and it seems that the birth scene is used to stress the semi-divine nature of Amenhotep III. In a key scene Mutemwiya is shown seated on a bed receiving the god Amun who had taken the form of her husband Thutmosis IV. They are in the presence of the goddesses Selket and Neith. The scenes show Amenhotep III to be the result of the union of his mother with the god Amun himself. A pregnant queen Mutemwiya is later shown being led to the birthing room by Isis and Khnum.[56]

Amenhotep III’s “Divine Birth” also included the entire Ogdoad of Hermopololis, primeval gods who, according to the Hermopolitian teachings, came into existence at the dawn of creation.[57]

Genesis 1:26-28, King James Version (KJV)

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

In other words, since the beginning of recorded history, birth of human beings always involved the divine and sacred work of GOD(S). Biblically, human beings are made by God. They are created while still in the womb. God is the one who designed mankind, making them unique and special. The passages above supports the sanctity of life. God knows every embryo; every fetus is a unique individual made by God.

Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Genesis 20:12

The Bible says that we are to bring up our children in “the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). It is not just the Christian bible that teaches us this, but it’s the age old recognition that the mother and father- family has been responsible for socialization of the child. Socialization describes a process which may lead to desirable, or ‘moral’, outcomes in the opinion of said society.[58] More than anything else, a child needs to know love, because a child’s relationship with a loving mother-father- family will teach the child the love for others and God.


As we know, Obama II had an absolutely weird and bizarre upbringing and background for a U.S. President. Obama II was a scientific-satanic ritually sexual and trauma based abused child.   He wasn’t raised by a father or even a father figure. He was only raised sporadically by his mother, Stanley Ann. She was a secular humanist,[59] she that condemns the concept of God.[60] In Indonesia, he was raised by Evie, above, the outcast transgender male prostitute.[61] In Hawaii, he was raised by GRAMS (grandfather), “the Red Light District” pot smoking drunk;[62] and by POPS, an UK ULTRA-MONARCH Handler, Frank Marshall Davis, the vile pedophile, a hideous and absolutely “ungodly” bisexual man.[63] 

Hussein Barack Obama II nurtured an absolutely unnatural attraction and so-called intellectual love for T.S. Eliot,[64] not Karl Marx, Fanon, or even Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama II was a “T.S. Eliot Conservative”,[65] whatever that may be. Who was T.S. Eliot? He was vicious intellectual anti-Semite. May 10, 1940, Poet and essayist T. S. Eliot wrote that the Jews are the modern world’s foremost “Forces of Evil.” He claims that they have “made the modern world vile.”[66]


T.S. Eliot was among the ILLUMINATI-Luciferian High Priests of Cecil Rhodes’ Children of the Sun.[67] Trained at Toynbee’s Oxford, Aldous Huxley was also one of the initiates in the “’Children of the Sun,’ a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were  W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover. It was Huxley, furthermore, who would launch the legal battle in the 1950s to have Lawrence’s pornographic novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover allowed into the United States on the ground that it was a misunderstood “work of art’.”[68]

Obama was abnormally fixated with T.S. Eliot. He was an avid and astute student of Eliot’s “The Waste Land” (1922) and clearly understood Eliot’s aims as a Aquarian poet and public figure at that time.[69] Behind the veil of the “The Waste Land”, critics claim that T.S. Eliot’s French male lover, Jean Verdenal, might be the real-life figure behind the poem’s characters Phlebas the Phoenician and the hyacinth girl.[70]


Above, In 1981,  Obama II had his own “Waste Land” drama going on holding hands with his Pakistani lover and roommate, Sohale Siddiqi.

Obama II’s creators and handlers have done everything possible and consistent with nurturing and grooming a BOY FROM BRAZIL for the highest elected office of the United States, a cybernetic and robotoid, A SON OF NONE and a  “DEMONIC SEED.’ In Part III, I will review baby Barack Hussein Obama II, Dr. Gregory Bateson, University of Hawaii, U.S. military industrial complex and the socialization project of the secret robotoid and cyborg, then in Part IV explore some of Barack Hussein Obama’s puppet masters such as Fritz KraemerZbigniew Brzezinski , Henry Kissinger, SS and Satanic Global High Cabal.

[1] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pgs. 78-80

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele

[3] http://www.escape2poland.co.uk/auschwitz_gate.html

[4] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[5] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg 91

[6] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[7] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 106

[8] http://www.auschwitz.dk/Mengele.htm

[9] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 105

[10] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[11] http://www.ptla.us/TaylorW.html

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_command_of_Auschwitz_concentration_camp#Senior_chain_of_command

[13] http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/3264.html

[14] http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/3264.html

[15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmabteilung

[16] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[17] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pgs. 156-7

[18] http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/478202/progesterone

[19] http://www.sri.com/research-development/developmental-reproductive-toxicology

[20] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 160

[21] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[22] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[23] http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/history/mengele/aus_4.html

[24] http://www.bigeye.com/sexeducation/naziinsemination.html

[25] http://www.chgs.umn.edu/museum/exhibitions/ravensbruck/liberation.html

[26] http://simbahayan.tripod.com/B5-kclauberg.html

[27] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yalta_Conference

[28] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Trials

[29] http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007069

[30] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/Clauberg.html

[31] http://moversandshakersofthesmom.blogspot.com/2008/08/konrad-adenauer.html

[32] http://moversandshakersofthesmom.blogspot.com/2008/08/konrad-adenauer.html

[33] http://moversandshakersofthesmom.blogspot.com/2008/08/konrad-adenauer.html

[34] http://www.mosquitonet.com/~prewett/caqsmom25.1.html

[35] Gutman, Yisrael, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press (1998) pg. 307

[36] http://simbahayan.tripod.com/B5-kclauberg.html

[37] http://www.deathcamps.org/reinhard/himmler.html

[38] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_decoy#Heinrich_Himmler.2Funknown_.28.3F.E2.80.931945.29

[39] Amberger, Christoph, The Lararus Smile (The Stahl Unholy Grail Papers), Secret Archives Press, Baltimore, MD (2008), pgs. 194-5

[40] http://www.mazal.org/archive/nmt/08/NMT08-T0534.htm

[41] Aarons, Mark, Unholy Trinity, How the Vatican’s Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets, St. Martin Press, NY, NY (1991), pg. 272

[42] Kaupen-Hass, Heidrun, Experiment Obstetrics and National Socialism: The Conceptual Basis of Reproductive Technology Today, Reproductive and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-132, 1988/ http://www.finrrage.org/pdf_files/RepTech%20General/Experimental_Obstetrics_and_National_Socialism.pdf

[43] Roth, Karl H., Brave New Man. The Change of Paradigms of Classical Genetics and its Effects on the Population Biology of the “Third Reich” (1986)

[44] http://www.holocaust-history.org/lifton/LiftonT272.shtml

[45] Kaupen-Hass, Heidrun, Experiment Obstetrics and National Socialism: The Conceptual Basis of Reproductive Technology Today, Reproductive and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-132, 1988

[46] Id.

[47] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 237

[48] http://hyperboreanvibrations.blogspot.com/2011/04/vril-society-secret-societies-and-their.html

[49] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winfried_Otto_Schumann

[50] Id.

[51] http://greyfalcon.us/restored/THE%20NAZI%20UFO%20ENIGMA.htm

[52] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winfried_Otto_Schumann

[53] http://www.thelivingmoon.com/43ancients/20nazi_ufos/Vril_01.html

[54] http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/j/jfk-script-transcript-oliver-stone.html

[55] http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/hitler,nazis%20and%20the%20occult.htm

[56] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutemwiya

[57] Blavastsky, H.P., H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings 1887, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL(1960), pgs. 376-377

[58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialization

[59] http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/addiction-in-society/201104/obamas-search-his-mother-0/comments

[60] http://www.secular-humanism.com/

[61] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/05/evie-obamas-transgender-nanny-indonesia_n_1320927.html

[62] http://servv89pn0aj.sn.sourcedns.com/~gbpprorg/obama/ObamaFamily.html

[63] http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2066754/posts

[64] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/02/obama-t-s-eliot-_n_1472524.html

[65] http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/09/opinion/young-obama-an-eliot-conservative.html?_r=0

[66] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/Chronology_1940.html

[67] http://dc252.4shared.com/doc/aI67vjnp/preview.html

[68] http://dc252.4shared.com/doc/aI67vjnp/preview.html

[69] http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/05/t-s-eliot-scholars-give-high-marks-to-obamas-analysis/

[70] http://world.std.com/~raparker/pub/jean.html


20 06 2012

The Man without a Face, the Assassination of Brother Waajid Aljawaad Bey & the Fall of Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.

“My brother was good, honest man who worked hard and never hurt anyone. I hope they find who did this.”


Above, The Pillars of  Oakland’s Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc., the Late Beautiful Faithful and Good Brother Waajid Aljawaad Bey and Late Founder-CEO Yusuf Bey. Combined with about a generation of wise business experience, they craved out a niche in a highly competitive market with products that were all natural, delicious, highly nutritious, and vital to the health of the community.  The firm that they maintained employed about 200 people, and became an institution and  pillar of strength and self sufficiency in the community. Within two years of becoming targets of the U.S. Government’s illegal COINTELPRO-CHAOS Racial Assassination-Divestment Projects, both would be dead. Their institution would lie in shambles to be wiped from the map.

In Oakland, Brother Waajid Bey is a man without a face. 51-year-old Waajid Bey had been a trusted and most able and wise adviser and manager to Your Black Muslim Baker, Inc. and its founder and CEO, the late Yusuf Ali Bey, Sr. Waajid [Carl Hambrick] grew up in Tyler, Texas. He attended the University of Texas on a football scholarship.[1] He moved to San Francisco after college. He worked for many years as head waiter for the Hyatt Regency, his family said. He also operated his own catering business in the late 1980s and early 1990s. After his conversion to Islam, Brother Waajid moved and began his affiliation with Your Black Muslim Bakery chain about 11 years ago [1992].

In 1991, Brother Waajid had earned a degree from the School of Accounting of Golden Gate University (GGU) in San Francisco. GGU is an accredited and renowned educational institutional with a 110 year history.[2] Brother Waajid managed one of YBMB’s stores in Vallejo for about four years but moved back to Oakland after his wife died in 2001, his sister said.[3]

For several years, he served as the manager at Your Black Muslim Bakery’s main outlet at 5832 San Pablo Ave. With Waajid’s education, expertise, wisdom, and undying love for the people, he maintained YBMB, Inc. in order, balance and justice.

In September of 2003 before his death, Yusuf Bey, Sr. had named Waajid to succeed him as YBMB’s CEO and President. On Feb. 29, 2004, five months after Waajid took over as YBMB as CEO, he was adducted while on his way home. It was obvious to anyone that had eyes to see and ears to hear the Oakland Police Department (OPD) wasn’t extending very much effort looking for Brother Waajid.

On July 20, 2004, Waajid’s body was found wrapped in a blue tarp with black duct tape in a shallow grave on a fire trail in King Estate Park off Fontaine Street just below Interstate 580 and the Oak Knoll area.[4] Brother Waajid, the “good” and “honest” man had been a homicide victim.[5]

Eight (8) years after Waajid’s murder, it is obvious to anyone that have eyes to see and ears to hear that OPD isn’t extending very much effort looking for the killers of our Good Brother. He is a man without a face.

“I get the opportunity to work with black people, in a black environment from the top to the bottom,” Brother Waajid, the quiet and humble servant and visionary, told the East Bay Business Times in a 2001 story. “Our success is a result of our efforts, and we represent all black people.”[6]

Waajid Aljawwaad Bey knew that the Corporation, Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc., that he helped built unified in Faith and Brotherhood with Yusuf Bey, Sr. was much bigger and was by nature spiritual, designed to endure individuals and generations.

It represented the very life and “Body of Black People.” It was a BLACK INSTITUTION. The Assassination of Waajid Aljawwaad Bey was much bigger, diabolical and part of a wider conspiracy and criminal attack against Black People and their institutions than you ever suspect.

Those that know-know that Brother Waajid’s assassination and his face will not be forgotten. In their wisdom and genius, the late Yusuf Bey, Sr. and Brother Waajid built a Corporation (BLACK INSTITUTION) among the people that was of an ancient and spiritual design from the very dawn of history and human civilization on earth. It evolved out of cosmic CHAOS into order and balance of the universe.


The word “corporation” derives from corpus, the Latin word for body, or a “body of people.”[7]


The ancient Egyptians called themselves KM or Kam-Au which means Black People or Black God-People, and their country Kemet (Kamit/Khemit), which means land of the Black People and the Black Land.[8] Above, 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III’s grandson, the infamous Tutankhamun, ascended to Kingship (Pharaoh) in the Gorgeous Eighteen Dynasty of Kemet (Egypt) in 1333 BC, at the age of nine or ten, taking the THRONE name of Tutankhamun.[9]

At his young age, Tutankhamun had very powerful and trusted counselors and advisers. King Tut’s trusted tutors, counselors, and advisors included General Horemheb (Military), the Vizier Ay (Priesthood-Political), and Maya (Economics), the “Overseer of the Treasury”. General Horemheb records that the king appointed him ‘Lord of the Land’ as hereditary prince to maintain law.[10]

Under the law, King Tut was a God and spiritual leader of the nation, “the body of the people”. King Tut became one of the most influential persons of antiquity, and his era was known for world peace, justice and harmony among nations; religious awaking, literature and its great works of art.

At the time of King Tut, Kemet was already an ancient land whose kingships, military, priesthood and economic system had been maintained in balance and order by Maat for thousands of years, in virtual perpetuity. It was a BLACK INSTITUTION unified in Faith and Brotherhood.

Corporations, Black Institutions & the Khepresh

In the late 18th century, Stewart Kyd, the author of the first treatise on corporate law in English, defined a corporation as,

a collection of many individuals united into one body, under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested, by policy of the law, with the capacity of acting, in several respects, as an individual, particularly of taking and granting property, of contracting obligations, and of suing and being sued, of enjoying privileges and immunities in common, and of exercising a variety of political rights, more or less extensive, according to the design of its institution, or the powers conferred upon it, either at the time of its creation, or at any subsequent period of its existence.

—A Treatise on the Law of Corporations, Stewart Kyd (1793-1794)[11]

In the Temple of (Atum-Re) Ra in Heliopolis (City of the Sun among the Greeks), as “On” in the bible, and Lunu among the people of Kemet,[12] the Greek Herodotus, the so-called Father of History, had been taught by the priesthood thru documentation that since King Min, 330 pharaohs had ruled.[13]

There is much debate about who the first Pharaoh that unified Kemet was. However, it is generally believed to have been King Min, the historic Menes of the First Dynasty. Menes reign in Kemet is also hotly debated but range between 2320BC to as late as 5867 BC.[14] Herodotus visited Kemet during the Twenty-Seventh Dynasty (404-398).[15]

However you find the date of the reign of King Menes, when the Greek Herodotus visited Kemet it already had been a BLACK INSTITUTION maintained in Maat (Order-Balance-Justice) for several thousand years. When King Tut came to rule during the Eighteen Dynasty, his counselors and advisors had been from the world’s most enduring religious, civil and cultural institution and corporation of people that mankind has ever known. The name, Menes, means “He who endures”,[16] “continue to exist.”[17]

“Christianity and the world’s culture owe much to the Church of Egypt. When the era of persecution ended, it was here that monastic life began to flourish with Anthony (circa 251-356) and Pachomius (287-347) transmitting its ideals to Benedict and the entire civilization of Europe. Here the school of Alexandria with Clement and Origen fashioned a magnificent synthesis, combining the best of ancient Greek thought with Christianity, influencing western metaphysics still today. Here, thanks to Cyril, there was the first definition of the dogma of Theotokos, Mother of God, without which the Church could not be called “holy” and infallible”. Even the name Pope, was attributed first to the Patriarch of Alexandria and then passed to the Bishop of Rome. Still today Copt-Orthodox and Greek-Orthodox patriarchs are still addressed as ‘holiness’, like the Pope of Rome.”[18]

It should be no surprise that the world’s oldest and most enduring corporation is based in ancient African tradition and religion, the Benedictine (Saint Benedict of Nursia [c.480–543]) Order of the Vatican.

The Benedictine Order incorporated in 529 AD[19] comprises monks living under the Rule of St. Benedict, and commonly known as “BLACK MONKS”.[20] Saint Augustine introduced Christianity into southern England in 597 AD. He brought with him the BLACK MONKS, the Benedictine Order.[21] Aurelius Augustinus is more commonly “St. Augustine of Hippo,” often simply “Augustine”] (354–430 C.E.): rhetor, Christian Neoplatonist, North African Bishop, Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church.[22]


The Catholic Church also borrowed quite liberally from Kemetic thought and mythology for their use. Above, St. Augustine and King Tut’s Grandfather, Amenhotep III of the 18th Dynasty, dons the pharaoh’s third crown. The pharaoh’s third crown is the Blue Crown, known as Khepresh.

The Blue Crown was originally a battle crown and may have actually doubled as a helmet. It was blue leather or cloth with gold disks and uraeus. King Tut’s grandfather, Amenhotep III of the XVIII dynasty (who ruled from 1380’s to the 1360’s) was commonly depicted wearing the blue crown. However, the Khepresh is much older.


Above, Amenhotep IV-Akhenaton (THRONE name), and King Tut of the 18th Dynasty donning the battle crown.

Neferhotep III is recorded donning the Khepresh in battle during the 16th Dynasty to expel foreigners from Kemet.[23] Neferhotep called Thebes, “My City.” In other words, this is our BLACK INSTITUION. He is said to be “Adorned with the Khepresh, the living image of Re, lord of terror”.[24]

The Blue Crown became popular during Kemet’s Golden Age when pharaohs were commonly depicted with the battle crown.[25] It shouldn’t be too much of a stretch of speculation to conclude that the very idea of corporation sought to duplicate in a civil form the longevity of the world’s greatest, oldest and most successful and virtual perpetual religious, civil and cultural BLACK INSTITUTION and corporation (body of the people) that mankind has ever known.


The Pharaoh & the Pope


“When crowned, with appropriate rites and prayers, the king could not only forgive sins like a priest, but he became, in a sense, the Vicar of God on earth, the Infallible, and the personated Deity. In this way some see a great propriety in the assumption of papal infallibility. It was truly the top stone of the Church edifice, which was incomplete without it. The Pope now is virtually the successor of the Pharaohs. He is priest and king. He is the thrice crowned. He is the earth personification of Deity, who rules by him. He is the ultimatum of appeal in all questions of faith and morals, as the Pharaoh was. But, until the recent proclamation of the Council at Rome, that the Pope was infallible, the parallel was incomplete; for the deified and adored Pharaoh was assumed to be the Infallible.”[26]

The Jesuits, the Pope’s Private Secret Army

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

Just like the Pharaohs, the Pope has his own military advisors. The Jesuits are one of the Pope’s most important, aggressive and clandestine Military Orders of the Roman Catholic Church. They were found by Ignacio de Loyola (1491 – July 31, 1556), a Spanish knight from a Basque noble family. They are the soldiers of the Pope subject to blood covenants of secrecy and blind obedience to him and the order’s General, known as the Black Pope,

“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

“I am applying the truth I was brought up on.” The truth of the Jesuits’ founder, Ignatius Loyola, whose principles, says Brown, have “worked for 400 years.” – Jerry Brown

Jesuits are also known as “God’s Marines” and as “The Company” like the CIA. In 1958, Jerry Brown above with his father, Governor Edmund G. Brown, completed a three-year study at the Jesuit-seminary Sacred Heart Novitiate. Brown’s fourth year, he was at U.C. Berkeley and graduated a year later with a BA degree. This would strongly suggest that his studies at Jesuit Novitiate were undergraduate work and he completed the fourth year of Jesuit studies at U.C. Berkeley. Four years is generally considered the time required to become a full fledged clandestine Vatican II (infiltrate secular society) Jesuit Priest, a foot soldier for the Pope and the Catholic Church.

CHAOS & Covert Battle for the THRONE


Don’t think one moment that these people aren’t serious about perpetual clandestine spiritual warfare for THRONE. Above, the Great pyramid builder of the Old Kingdom and Forth Dynasty, King Khufu (2551-2580 BC);[27] and FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover donning the North African Moroccan Fez.

During King Khufu’s reign Morocco would have been part of Kemet’s western neighboring country, Ancient Libya called Tmh’.[28] The Fez is undoubtedly African, but its origins reach back to the THRONE headdresses of Kemet at the dawn of human history.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the U.S. Department of Justice initiated a secret wide spread domestic terrorism counter-intelligence program with its wicked sister, CIA, called COINTELPRO to continue to perpetuate an ancient spiritual battle between good and evil, ORDER and CHAOS for world domination which stage had been set in Kemet.

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the FBI aimed at surveillance, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations[29].

COINTELPRO CHAOS tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination.

CHAOS is real. Project CHAOS is the actual code name for an illegal and racialist domestic espionage and assassination project conducted by the CIA.[30]

J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, was among an inner circle Knight of Malta. Knights of Malta are generally synonymous with the medieval Order of Knights of Malta also known as Knights Hospitaller or, among other names, Order of St. John.[31]

Knights of Malta are also a Masonic order closely associated with the Masonic Knights Templar.[32]Knights Templar is the forerunner of European Freemasonry. OPUS DEI is a subordinate organization to the Pope in Vatican City, who controls the Order of Knights.[33]

“All Knights Templar are members of the world’s oldest fraternal organization known as “The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons” or more commonly known as Masons.”

Hoover was also a “devoted” and fanatic Freemason, again, among an inner secret circle of super elite masons directly connected to the racialist world domination agenda of Albert Pike. During the Civil War, Pike was a confederate general, and one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan Post-Civil War. Pike was also a conspirator in the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln; and the plot to keep Black People in a state of perpetual SLAVERY.

Hoover had been raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his 26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many medals, awards and decorations. Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in Albert Pike’s Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[34]

Both Knights of Malta and Scottish Rite Freemasonry are branches of the VATICAN Confirmed Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller of the Middle Ages, both stressed the supremacy of gnosis, or direct knowledge, over faith. They were persecuted, outlawed and suppressed by King Philip IV (April–June 1268 – November 29, 1314) of France [35] and the Pope for heresy, infidelity, and sexual misconduct. Many were burned alive, but most were driven underground along with the treasures of wealth and hidden knowledge from the Land of Canaan.

The Templars, whose full name was “Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon”, were founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.[36]

A secret elite inner circle of Templar Knights amassed enormous power stolen from the hidden treasure troves of wealth and knowledge from Solomon’s Temple in Palestine, Israel (Biblical Canaan) and helped finance wars of some European monarchs. They also dwelled deeply into the Canaanite-Osirian Mysteries of Kemet and took bits and pieces back to Europe to exploit.

A circle of knights also brought the divine and sacred Aset-Heru (Black Madonna) worship to Europe. The knights also secretly identified with and worshipped the Kemetic God Set, the LORD OF CHAOS and followed the Guardians of Dark for world domination of the “THRONE.”

Legends of their hidden treasures, secret rituals and power have been popularized for mass media consumption over the years in films and bestsellers such as “The Da Vinci Code”.[37]

The BEAST Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, Teutonic Knights, CIA & Assassinations and Racial Divestment in California


California’s Resident Nazi SS Officer, Lucifer’s Servant Baron Otto von Bolschswing,

In February 1954, the original Lord of CHAOS Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, was clandestinely brought into the United States by the CIA in the interest of U.S. National Security. SS Baron von Bolschwing had been Adolf Hitler’s original racialist Jewish Affairs specialist and “Economic Hit Man” that designed Nazi Germany’s protocols to systematically steal and divest European Jews of their institutions, businesses, property, wealth and money with a license to KILL. SS von Bolschwing also was a key international war criminal and Nazi espionage spy master. After the Fall of the Nazis, the U.S. Counterintelligence Corps employed SS Baron von Bolschwing and his East European espionage-assassination ring.

Baron von Bolschwing’s work for the U.S. military counterintelligence service in Germany and Eastern Europe is still classified and TOP SECRET. Bolschwing work for the CIA domestically, as well, is still classified and TOP SECRET under national security. The subject of SS Baron von Bolschwing, the U.S. Government and California is a highly classified project all in itself. NOTHING about him is being released pursuant to national security.

Baron von Bolschwing came from a branch of the noble family of Bodelschwingh, an ancient name of a bank of the Rhine River. He was born October 15, 1909 in the village of Szczurkowo (German: Schönbruch), East Prussia on land that since the 14th Century (1302 A.D) had been property of the “Chivalrous” Order of the Teutonic Knights. This line of warrior knights were most likely associated with land grants linked with the ascend of Siegfried von Feuchtwangen (1302-1311 A.D) as the 15th Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights in East Prussia in that same year 1302 A.D.

The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (Official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem), or for short the Teutonic Order (Today: German Order), is a German Catholic religious order of the VATICAN. It was also formed to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals to care for the sick and injured (Germans). Its members have commonly been known as the Teutonic Knights, since they also served as a crusading military order during the Middle Ages

During the VATICAN Inquisitions of the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages, the Order of the Teutonic Knights absorbed their outlawed brothers into their order. During the reign of the Nazis, Baron von Bolschwing and other hereditary knights formed Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s Order of Knights of the Black Sun; the SS. Himmler was a devout Catholic. The SS (Schutzstaffel) was a secret branch of the VATICAN’s Teutonic Knights embellished by exercises, disapline and blood covenants of the Jesuits.

“The SS had been organized by [Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola [Ed. Note: the founder of the Jesuit Order] constituted a model which [Heinrich] Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.”  -Walter Shellenberg ((Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst (SD))

In 1969, America’s most secretive and dangerous man moved into Roseville, just 15 miles outside Sacramento, CA and 84.54 miles to Oakland. Baron von Bolschwing’s spy ring operative, Helene van Damm, was setup as Governor Ronald Reagan’s chief appointment secretary. She screened all of Reagan’s appointments and appointees to state departments and offices. Helene van Damm also signed gubernatorial orders and directives.

Baron von Bolschswing of the Teutonic Knights and CIA was one of Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet secret chief advisors, counselors and racialist economic hit men from 1967 to 1975 with a license to steal and kill under the sanction of the U.S. Government just like out of Nazi Germany. Baron von Bolschwing ran California’s Shadow Government during Reagan and Jerry Brown’s Governmental-Jonestown administration (1975-1983). He ran California’s Project CIA-CHAOS Pacification Plan-War against the Black Panthers, Black Muslims and the Left; and the CIA’s 1978 Racial Mind Control/Medical Experiment and Massacre in Jonestown.

On March 4, 1968, Edgar Hoover issued a target memorandum expanding its COINTELPRO activities against “Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,” and warning that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., among others, could emerge as a “Black Messiah’ who could unify and electrify the Black Nationalist movement.” The target memorandum called for the use of “imaginative” techniques, and required a report on accomplishments within 30 days. Exactly 30 days later, on April 4, Dr. King was assassinated. Hoover’s cooperation with military intelligence units conducting surveillance for more U.S. Government illegal and deadly operations against King has been documented in several studies and books that includes Dr. William Pepper’s book Orders to Kill.[38]

Hoover and COINTELPRO also specifically identified Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam as primary targets of COINTELPRO and CHAOS.[39] It is also clearly unqualified documentation and undisputable evidence that COINTELPRO was a major veiled Luciferian program initiated to suppress the rise of the mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH”, Black leaders and institutions that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony.

The FBI target memo is totally arbitrarily. It targets anyone, both heroes and heroines who could unify and electrify the masses. The covert war against the goals, religious, political and economic aspirations of Black People remains secret U.S. Government official policy.

The U.S. Government’s illegal domestic terrorism policy and mandate against Black citizens is so broadly breathed that its program of CHAOS is advanced if only for evil or a totally white supremacy economic agenda out of Nazi Germany.

It has been clandestinely used to infringe constitutional rights and protections; and the pursuit of independent economic development, and religious freedom and expressions that predates 9-11 for decades.

In the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area, the Bolschswing Racial Divestment-Assassination Protocols (Project CHAOS) and Hoover’s Black Messiah Directive (COINTELPRO) has morphed into Squad 13 with a license to KILL that was found by a federal jury responsible for the diabolical bombing and illegal persecution in Oakland of First Earth organizers, Judy Bari and Darryl Cherney.[40] It is responsible for Crimes Against Democracy (CAD); and the  DESTRUCTION OF OAKLAND’S BLACK INSTITUTIONS.


Charles Alex Gregory, The Man Nobody Knows in Oakland


Above, Charles A. Gregory and his lovely wife, Angela, who was also murdered. He was a beautiful young prince that was darker than blue whose genius was unified in Faith and Brotherhood.

Charles’ plane went down just like John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s small plane in a nose dive that killed everyone on board that included his wife and seeds. Like JFK, Jr.’s assassination that killed him, wife and seed, it had been a clandestine high level CIA governmental domestic crime.[41]

Charles Alex Gregory was born in Birmingham, Alabama. He attended Tuskegee University majoring in Physics. Charles attended Boalt Hall at U.C. Berkeley and earned a JD degree. He had been a gifted U.S. government physicist; U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer and attorney, but his passion and genius appeared to be urban planning and development, real estate financing, development and construction. In the Bay Area, he pioneered in urban redevelopment “infield development.”

Infield development or Infill in its broadest meaning is material that fills in an otherwise unoccupied space. The term is commonly used in association with construction techniques such as wattle and daub, and civil engineering activities such as land reclamation. In the urban planning and development industries, infill is the use of land within a built-up area for further construction, especially as part of a community redevelopment or growth management program or as part of smart growth. It focuses on the reuse and repositioning of obsolete or underutilized buildings and sites. This type of development is essential to renewing blighted neighborhoods and knitting them back together with more prosperous communities. Redevelopment is development that occurs on previously developed land. Infill buildings are constructed on vacant or underutilized property or between existing buildings.[42]

Charles was also a very screw businessman that left little of his genius to chance, faith or providence. By the time Charles introduced city officials, urban planners, developers and investors to infield development as an untapped vast urban redevelopment and renewal design, resource and tool, he had already locked up most of Oakland’s unoccupied, underutilized, and obsolete spaces.

During the 18th and early 19th Centuries, railroads were granted large stretches of public trust lands such as tidelands to run their tracks. The right-of-ways, strip of land, granted through easements or other mechanisms such as “Railroad Charters”, were for solely for transportation purposes.

The right-of-ways reserved were large enough for the purposes of maintenance or expansion of existing services with the right-of-way. These easements and right-of-ways revert to its original owners (State) if the facility or rail lines were abandoned.[43]

Abandoned in 20th Century, the majority of state tidelands, railroad right-of-ways and facilities were left to the wind and rain to become obsolete and blighted properties. Charles had realized the vast potential of these properties and snatched them up by one devise or another.

Behind the scenes, Charles had been quietly building a BLACK INSTITUION locking up obsolete and abandoned tidelands, railroad charter right of ways, and obsolete public school properties which was instant equity that was worth millions.

His family reported that he had a large plot map in his office listing the properties identified by a system of various colored stick pins showing properties that had been secured and those in the process of being secured. Within moments of his plane going down, Charles’ plot map disappeared from the office.

At the time of his death, he also had been somehow involved in the development of a valuable and busy strip mall shopping center (Marina Square Outlet Shopping Center) built on 15 acres of obsolete railroad charter and public school property along the 880 Interstate Highway in San Leandro.[44] The property was acquired by a white real estate speculator and developed in 1993 just after Charles’s death.[45]

Charles’ probate estate attorney, the late Felix Stuckey, secretly shredded all of his court documents linking him to the project. We found the reference to the shopping mall purely by accident. It fitted Charles’ methods, theories and operation. Stuckey had recorded some handwritten probate court notes on the back of one of the shredded court documents.

Unbeknown to the family, U.S. Federal Court files, FBI 302s (investigative reports) and tax documents linked Stuckey directly to the criminal syndicate network of Mr. Steve (Steve Wilson) and the Iran-Contra CIA Crack Cocaine Conspiracy in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.


Additionally, the mop up operation had cleaned out all of Charles’ phone logs for a period of about 6 months prior to his death. In the logs that remained, we found a telephone log to Charles from Denise Smith of Taboloff & Company of Oakland [46] regarding a piece of real property on Skyline Blvd in Oakland. In 1994, she started Royal Reality & Loan Service of Oakland. [47]

In 1993, Stephen M. Wilson, (Mr. Steve) son of Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson, was indicted by a federal grand jury on four cocaine charges: conspiracy and attempting to possess cocaine for sale between May and December 1988, and two counts of using a telephone to negotiate the acquisition of cocaine.[48]

U.S. Federal Court files, FBI 302s and documents also linked Denise directly to Mr. Steve. She had been his close business confident and lover. Stuckey and Smith somehow escaped federal indictment for conspiracy.

Before Charles’ probate estate closed, Felix Stuckey suddenly turned up dead. Vernon C. Goins II of Taylor & Goins suddenly turned up in the Estate of Charles Gregory to collect Stuckey’s highly disputed attorney fees.

Before his death, Charles had become Oakland’s official prime infill developer. At the time of his death, Gregory Construction, Inc. had a substantial agreement with the city to develop most all of its previously developed and underutilized properties as a vital part of its urban redevelopment plans and strategy. After his death, his entire city portfolio of infill lots turned up piece by piece in the hands of Chinese Triads. Subsequently pursuant to our to public records requests, the City of Oakland claimed that it didn’t know Charles Alex Gregory.

Prior to his death, Charles was never quite sure what it really meant when one of his associates made an unsettling comment during a private business meeting to implement a pioneering economic and real estate development plan for the revival of West Oakland. His colleague asked the group. Who is watching Charles? Quite a few extremely dangerous people beside Mr. Steve’s criminal syndicate were watching Charles!


One of Gregory Construction’s last housing development projects was in West Oakland on the 27th hundred block of Adeline Street. The project provided badly needed transitional housing for young Black mothers.

If you passed by 27th and Adeline, you could miss it because it was built on an odd oblong lot nested between existing structures. It was one of Charles’ classic infill projects taking an obsolete lot and turning it into instant equity.

He collaborated in a partnership on the housing project with a well-known trusted community advisor and counselor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter. Gregory’s vision was to create an on-site intensive entrepreneurial university and transitional home for Black students and young West Oakland families.

Charles was also a devoted Christian and gifted musician. He was an out of this world visionary. Charles’ family said that he envisioned reaching goals far greater than the King of Love, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I got to believe that Charles had also been to the mountain top and saw the promise land. He not only saw the promise land, but was there on the ground already building.

In June 1990, the Great Nelson and Winnie Mandela of South Africa made a historic tour of Oakland.[49] He visited Charles’ West Oakland project on 27th Street and admired the young man, his work, concept and vision. Mandela’s visit to Charles’ project put his genius in the national and international spotlight.

While the young Black entrepreneurial genius was trying to turn West Oakland into an oasis of opportunity for its Black residents, a military-industrial-medical-congressional complex sentinel had been clandestinely posted at his door to undermine his efforts and transform West Oakland into CHAOS, a little Buchenwald.

That sentinel that collected at Gregory’s door was that same well known community counselor and advisor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter, one of the most clandestine and dangerous Negroes in America. The late Dr. Isaac Slaughter was a prominent member of the notorious and dangerous group of black collaborators and agents of CHAOS, the BOULE.[50]

He was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Clinic (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest non-therapeutic experiments on human beings in medical history, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[51]

Furthermore, Dr. Isaac Slaughter was a California Department of Corrections head psychiatrist that had a direct connection with CIA doctors and medical mind control experiments MK ULTRA-MK SEARCH and more, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. William W. Herrmann and Dr. Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West at the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville.

The notorious Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence directed by Dr. West secretly targeted Black and Brown people and children for pacification; and MK ULTRA human medical experiments that included among other things brain butchery, psychosurgery, was reportedly the brainchild of Dr. William W. Herrmann. Dr. Herrmann was one of SS Otto von Bolschwing’s Eastern European handmaidens in Governor Ronald Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet.[52]

Before his death, Charles told family that he had become concerned. He had looked up and found out that he had been surrounded. In Gregory Construction, Inc., Charles’ primary assistant, Keith Ragsdale, was a ritually abused victim whose profile set out in the book below was like something out of annals of MK ULTRA. Keith’s mentor and wanted-to-be mentor, advisor and counselor to Charles, Roland Gilbert, founder of SIMBA, Inc. and author of the book, Ghetto Solutions,[53] had been a former inmate of Lompoc Federal Penitentiary.

Just before his death in April 1992, Charles was drawn inside SIMBA, Inc. In prison, Gilbert had gone through some type of MK ULTRA operant conditioning experimental behavior modification program like Timothy Leary. Charles didn’t understand it but SIMBA Inc. was nothing more than Lompoc’s experimental operant conditioning program covertly repackaged as SIMBA’S “The GHETTO SOLUTION” targeting Black children, particularly males that conditioned them and their adult mentors, one of which was Charles Alex Gregory, into “altered states of consciousness” — a hypnotic state used in mind control in which the mind becomes highly susceptible to suggestion. Gilbert’s mind control paradigm program for SIMBA Inc. was straight out of the grand masters of CHAOS and CIA MK ULTRA, Dr. Gregory Bateson, Abraham Maslow and Aldous Huxley’s Esalen Institute; and it singled out and targeted Charles’s independence and genius for obstruction.

Other shady figures surrounding Charles and Gregory Construction before his death pretending to be his close trusted advisors and counselors were former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Commanding Officer and Mayor of Berkeley, Warren H. Widener and his wife, Mary Lee Widener.

Mary was the president of the Neighborhood Housing Services of America (NHSA), a nonprofit agency she helped found in 1974 with $250,000 to clean up the blighted neighborhoods of Oakland, which in 2000 net assets was about $352 million. In that same year, she was chairwoman of Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco.[54] Warren is an attorney practicing law in SS Otto van Bolshwing’s old abode outside of Sacramento, Roseville, CA.[55]

The Widener’s covert design and scheme was to influence Charles to turn over the control and resources of his real estate development empire into Mary’s NHSA for covert divestment. The scheme was bound for failure. Such a scheme struck at the very essence and heart of Charles Alex Gregory. Charles loved the people and his family; and the freedom in the pursuit of happiness. He cherished his independence and freedom of thought and association, and the right to compete in a so-called free market society.

On April 12, 1992, Sunday afternoon, Oakland Black Millionaire and Prince Charles Alex Gregory, 40; his wife, Angela Louise Gregory, 37; and their children, Alexis, 8; Samantha, 4, and Charles Jr., 2 were killed in a plane crash in the Sierra Nevada.[56]

Within minutes of the plane crash, a professional mop up team was in Charles’s office and home clearing out deeds, maps, financial records and bank accounts, documents, computers, hard drives, and phone logs.

Charles’ family said that after his death and the mop up team operation, Mary Lee Widener combed through the office even crawling on the office floor of Gregory Construction, Inc. trying to locate anything left behind. They killed Charles and his family, and deliberately gutted Gregory Construction, Inc., a BLACK INSTITUITON. I am sure if you asked the Wideners and Ragsdale, they don’t know who Charles Alex Gregory is, either.

By the way, we asked the U.S. Air Force about Charles’ reserved officer status. They don’t know who Charles Alex Gregory is, either. In the case of the Assassination of Charles Alex Gregory and his family, we still don the Khepresh and WE NEVER FORGET CHARLES AND HIS FAMILY.



Mount Zion Spiritual Temple (MZST) in West Oakland was founded by a remarkable genius of a man and extraordinary gospel vocalist and musician, the Late Bishop-King Louis H. Narcisse. He was born Louis Herbert Narcisse on April 27, 1921 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the youngest son of Stella and Jesse Narcisse. His father, Jesse passed before his birth. The youngest of four siblings, King Narcisse came from a deeply religious family. At an early age, young Louis knew that he had been touched by the hand of God. King Narcisse was called into the ministry in the summer of 1939.

The Lord spoke to him in 1943, saying go to California and establish a temple and help my people. The Lord brought a young Louis H. Narcisse to settle in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. Good paying jobs brought thousands of black people West during the war including my father who settled in Oakland in 1939 or 1940.

An extraordinary brilliant, innovative and revolutionary feature of King Narcisse’s church was his “kingdom”. The Church was governed by a monarchy, which included kings, queens, dukes, bishops, earls, princes and princesses, etc., straight out of the book from the Bible (Kings 1& Kings 2) and the Land of Kemet. MZST was ruled by a spiritual King like the Pharaoh King Tut, and that’s why he was referred to by title as “His Grace” King Louis H. Narcisse. It was a BLACK INSTITUTION built in Faith and Brotherhood.

The King Tut Corporation


Pharaoh King and King Narcisse don similar Khepreshes, Ancient Ceremonial Battle Crowns.

There was something else, King Narcisse morphed most all the Church and Kingdom’s real estate holdings into a little known and seldom used ancient ecclesiologic-legal creature called, Corporation Sole. I call it the “King Tut Corporation.”

Corporation Sole is a corporate creature generally recognized by most states of the union. It turned out to be a master maneuver and brilliant strategy to preserve the Church and Kingdom.

In California, Corporation Sole may be formed by the bishop, chief priest or any religious denomination or Church for the purpose of administrating and managing the affairs, and properties of the Church [California Corporation Code, Sec. 1002].

Upon the death of the incumbent, his successor, properly appointed and qualified, takes the place of his predecessor, and no probate or other proceedings are required to vest the title to the church property which, in contemplation of law, remains always in the corporation sole, regardless of who may be, for the time being, the incumbent.[57]

Upon the death of King Narcisse, all properties, whether real or personal of Corporation Sole, is immediately invested in the next succeeding king creating virtual perpetuity KINGSHIP, “He who endures.”

Another important feature of his Church and Kingdom was its reliance on complete “self governance and self sufficiency.” King Narcisse’s dream was to establish a completely self sufficient kingdom community in the Sacramento California Valley. At the time of his death, he had land banked at least twenty or more lots for future development of the Kingdom’s self sufficient community with farms, homes, schools, churches, and hospitals.

King Narcisse lived lavishly as a King, but I discovered that this remarkable man was taking tiles that he was receiving from his predominately Black parishioners and the poor and investing in property in the name of the Kingdom and the Church. He promised, and was quietly preparing a self sufficient place, refuse and safe haven and kingdom for his body of people in their lifetime.

At the time of his death in 1989, the Church institution was richly endowed with real estate holdings in Arizona, California, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico and Louisiana worth I estimate from inside MZST, $500,000,000, about a half billion dollars.

King Narcisse’s ultimate vision was that the Church live perpetually. He unselfishly laid the foundation and the groundwork for the Church to live forever as a self sufficient institutional spiritual benevolent diversified Kingdom nation and a civil-human rights platform for the benefit of our people, and that was a big problem in America.

On February 2, 1989, King Narcisse passed away at 67 years old at his 42 room King’s Palace mansion in Detroit, Michigan. The Kingdom had a church and large following in the city. Some members of the Church believe that King Narcisse was murdered. There are many suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, but there is no doubt as to what happened to the Kingdom of “His Grace” Louis H. Narcisse after his death. It was as if Mount Zion Spiritual Temple, Inc. (MZST) had never existed.

Like Charles Alex Gregory, within minutes of his death, a professional mop up team had breached the King’s Palace in Oakland. His large safe had been entered from the bottom from what appeared to be by lasers or thermal torches and the contents removed. The King’s library at 721 Calmar Street just down the street from the palace  containing the Church’s historic records was sold from under the Church in a series of fraudulent deeds, and the contents of the library disappeared. OPD and the Alameda County Mafia looked the other way.

After the passing of Great King Narcisse, there was a classic church fight revolving around the control of the Church’s Board of Trustees. The Church, MZST, had been incorporated in California as a nonprofit religious corporation, but the genius of King Narcisse had shrouded the true power of the Church into truly classical enigmas of ecclesiastical dogmas, and monarchy dominion.

The reactionary racist cabal and extremely violent fascist forces knew the secret to Narcisse’s BLACK INSTITUTION, and could only penetrate and solve the King’s great ecclesiastical enigma to covertly destroy the Black Kingdom was to get the King’s most inner circle to selfishly look at the trees and “miss the HEAVENLY FOREST” while the Church and its structure collapsed.

In California, the entire multi-million dollar Kingdom was placed into the hands of King Narcisse’s private secretary, Princess Lillian Roberts. Princess Roberts had been a longtime devoted follower of King Narcisse, and parishioner of the Church Kingdom, but she was limited by her extreme lack of education, ecclesiastic credentials, organizational skills and business experience. Under Roberts, MZST, Inc. virtually ceased to function as a Church and Kingdom for the people it served.

She was patently weak and unable to manage the affairs of a multi-million dollar and multi-layered ecclesiastical diocese and a monarchy dominion. The Church headquarters on 14th Street in Oakland had been burnt down and remained in ruins. The King’s Palace in Detroit was also burnt to the ground. That was the plan to keep the Church dysfunctional and in CHAOS until each and every piece of valuable church real property and holdings would be looted and divested piece by piece for pennies on the dollar by white real estate speculators and developers.

In about 2004, I became involved with Mount Zion when a small group of brothers and sisters with a certain amount of dedication, expertise and background that had been assembled by Church bishops, elders and members that wanted their Church to continue. Before the Church Archbishops, Bishops and Elders, I joined MZST and thus officially became Prince Ray.

MZST and King Narcisse wasn’t a strangler to me. Growing up in West Oakland not far from the church, I had visited the Church several times. King Narcisse often greeted us as kids as he rode through the neighbor in his Silver Shadow Rolls Royce.

On Sundays, my mother would often tune our household in on MZST services on the radio. My sister had been fascinated by King Narcisse and his music and attended the Church often. He often helped the poor, powerless and needy. He had a vision for our people. It was a vital Oakland BLACK INSTITUTION. We donned the “Khepresh” to battle the Church’s enemies.

It wasn’t difficult to peel away the layers of MZST to identify the agent of CHAOS. Deeply imbedded in MZST as its chief counsel and advisor we found, Clinton Killian.


Killian is a black Oakland attorney, real estate speculator and a real strange dude. At the time, Clinton Killian was Mayor Jerry Brown’s lackey director of Oakland’s Planning Commission. He was combining with Church trustees to covertly convert and divest the Church’s West Oakland real estate charitable assets to friendly real estate developers.

In one case, Killian had a buyer’s condo building plans for Church property (parking lot) pushed through and approved by the planning commission. Procedurally, the sale of substantially assets of a Church’s charitable assets requires a 20-day notice to the California Attorney General [California Corporation Code, sec. 5913]. MZST had been systematically looted and divested of its valuable charitable assets without compliance with the state’s nonprofit corporate provision set out in sec. 5000 et seq. It is a matter of public record and the California Attorney General’s also deliberately looked the other way while the Church was looted.

A MZST Board of Trustees was called and convened. The Bishops also convened and chose a new Bishop KING to succeed the late “His Grace” Louis H. Narcisse (Sole Corporation). Elections were held and a new MZST Board was elected and installed. The new board removed Lillian Roberts; and Clinton Killian was released as MZST Chief Counsel and Advisor.

The Dragon Snaps its Tail

Betrothed, Killian and Roberts as MZST’s CEO subsequently filed for a temporary restraining order to block the Succeeding KING from managing MZST in order, peace and justice. An Alameda County Superior Court Judge denied Killian and Robert’s motion and application for a restraining order. The judge ruled basically that it had no jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical dispute.

What authority do the civil courts have to review church or denominational decisions regarding the selection of clergy? The United States Supreme Court has ruled that “[f]reedom to select the clergy, where no improper methods of choice are proven, we think, must now be said to have federal constitutional protection as a part of free expression of religion against state inference” [Kedroff v. St. Nicholas Cathedral (1952) 344 U.S. 94, 116]. This principal has been applied in several cases. For example, one court has ruled that it had no jurisdiction to determine whether or not an interim minister was improperly appointed, since “[t]he appointment of a minister to is a purely ecclesiastical matter which should not be the subject of review by a civil or secular court” [Wilkerson v. Battiste (1980) 393 So.2d 195]. This was basically the Law of the Land.

The dragon came out of its cave and snapped its tail. A close blood relative called me to invite me to meet and break bread with VATICAN II Jesuit Priest, Jerry Brown, at his WE THE PEOPLE Warehouse. My relative was a Brown appointee to a local West Oakland board. I wasn’t interested in meeting the Jesuit Priest; and Zen Buddhist Green DRAGON.[58] My relative then spread the message in so many words among my family; I wouldn’t live to control MZST.

By the way, Jerry Brown’s WE THE PEOPLE $4.73 million warehouse and commune [59] that sits on Oakland’s waterfront (California Tidelands) on 3rd Street is spitting distance to railroad rail lines. He didn’t buy it. Access to the warehouse and property had been passed down to him through his father, former California Governor Edmund “Pat” Brown. Pat Brown had one of the early Oakland Board of Port Commissioners. The warehouse and property is public trust tidelands and railroad charter property that belongs to the State of California. Brown sold the warehouse to Covenant House California.[60] It turns out that Covenant House is an arm of OPUS DEI, which ties back into the Knights Templar.[61]

The attorney for the Church, Vernon Charles Goins II of Taylor & Goins, suddenly withdrew from our case. Killian got his civil cause for a permanent injunction and his numerous lawsuits against me into the Alameda County Mafia’s STAR CHAMBER, Cecilia Castellanos’ Courtroom. I wouldn’t go. What does Judge Castellanos and COINTELPRO-CHAOS care about the U.S. Constitution, and Law of the Land?

Previously, she had taken over a frivolous and absolutely bizarre lawsuit against Charles’ brother, John Earl Gregory, for partition and fraud. In summary, the case alleged that Mr. Gregory had made some of Charles’ estate real properties DISAPPEAR defrauding a CHAOS collaborating sibling, Janet Gregory-McCarroll, of her property.

Ms. McCarroll’s chief advisor and counselor was white Oakland Attorney Michael Robert Lauer out of the Alameda County Mafia and CIA’s Handmaiden, UC Berkeley-Boalt Hall School of Law.[62] Lauer has a shaded and shrouded background. There appears to be no public pictures of him. Lauer led almost a decade long perpetual harassment of the Gregory Family to keep them in constant legal CHAOS [Gregory v. Gregory, Case No. RG-05-204857; McCarroll v. Gregory, Case No. RGO7-343536]. His billable hours had to be in the hundreds-thousands. Locked in the trenches in almost hand-to-hand legal battles, he certainly wasn’t getting that type of money out of the plaintiff Ms. McCarroll, the Gregory Family or Charles’ estate. He had to be covertly financed by someone or some entity with extremely deep pockets.

An anomalous tip told us that Lauer’s bankrollers were in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. This would explain Lauer’s frequent trips during court proceedings out of the country in ITALY. Not too long after the tip, Lauer suddenly withdrew from the case and substituted in the infamous black Attorney Faydine Coulter of YBMB, Inc. to cover the road to the VATICAN and continue the dirty work.[63] She was yet another UC Berkeley-Boalt Hall link to the Alameda County Mafia.

Mr. Gregory had been the Alameda County Superior Probate Court’s executor and Officer of the Court in the administration of Charles’ estate. All of the properties alleged to have DISAPPEARED were court file documented sold or deposed of by superior court probate orders.

Judge Castellanos threw Mr. Gregory in jail for contempt when he couldn’t make the properties APPEAR before her during his testimony. She slapped him with over a $300,000, a quarter of a million dollar, judgment to underhandedly permanently sack whatever was left of Charles’ legacy and institution in Oakland.

We prayed and donned the Khepresh once again. We immediately gave notice and demand to the Alameda County Counsel and all of the superior court probate judges that signed orders for sale and disposition of Charles’ estate property that John made DISAPPEAR which included Sandra Lynn Margulies, a former probate judge sitting on the California’s First Appellate District in San Francisco, in indemnify and contribute their portion of liability for making Charles’ real estate DISAPPEAR.

We also issued subpoenas to each of them to appear in Judge Castellanos’ Star Chamber to set forth their defense or lack of defense in the conspiracy of DISAPPEARANCES in the Matter of Charles Alex Gregory.

Subsequently, Judge Castellanos set aside the judgment against Mr. Gregory. Her public record excuse, she didn’t read any of Charles’ probate court records because they hadn’t been copied and entered electronically in the court’s computer system.

In her depraved, evil and corrupt mind, she still said in the public record in McCarroll v. Gregory, Case No. RGO7-343536 that Mr. Gregory had something [supernatural] fraudulently to do with estate property DISAPEARING.


What does Judge Castellanos, the former Mexican National, care about the U.S. Constitution and the Law of the Land? Apparently, absolutely nothing! Her oath of alliance is undoubtedly not in the U.S. Constitution, but a covert and superior blood oath covenant with the VATICAN. She slapped me with an illegal permanent injunction barring me from MZST; and put a million bayonets (Tyrannical State Power) in the Church to block the New KING, and at my doorsteps.[64]

Above, Former U.S. President Bill Clinotn flash Judge Castellanos’ secret Jesuit greeting or symbol of obedience hand gesture to the Jesuit Priest, Jerry Brown.

Attorney Chilton Killian is also a newspaper columnist with Paul Cobb’s Post Publishing Group. He is a close associate to Paul Cobb at the Post, which ties back directly into the Assassinations of Chauncey Bailey, Brother Waajid Bey, and the Fall of Yusuf Bey, Sr., and Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.

The same small circle of ugly heads from the Oakland MATRIX often rise from the Dragon’s Abyss as some sort of secret collaborating and containment team for the LORDS OF CHAOS in the Fall of Black Institutions: Faydine Coulter (Charles Alex Gregory, Yusuf Bey, YBMB), Law Offices of Taylor and Goins (Charles Alex Gregory, MZST, Yusuf Bey, YBMB), Alameda County Mafia Superior Court Judge Marshall Whitley (Charles Alex Gregory, Yusuf Bey, YBMB), Alameda County Mafia Superior Court Judge Cecilia Castellanos (Charles Alex Gregory, MZST).

In death, the Good Brother Waajid joins an unique line and legacy of unsung heroes and heroines like Charles Alex Gregory and King Narcisse, etc. that wanted only to do and leave good works in perpetuity for the people.  In death, Brother Waajid had no marches,  parades or protests for justice. Very few people sang his praises or even saw his face. The Good and Faithful Brother Waajid can’t be forgotten and his killers won’t go unknown.

To add insult to injury, Brothers Ali Saleem Bey and John Bey have been pursuing Waajid’s murder investigation for almost eight years.  OPD has treated Waajid’s homicide investigation as some sort of sick racialist joke. When the Brothers asked OPD about Waajid’s murder investigation; and the investigation of the deadly 2005 assault against Brother John Bey, it’s a joke. They misplaced or lost the investigative files. We are bound to don the KHEPRESH.

Waajid Pic0002_thumb

Our Most Beautiful and Faithful Brother Waajid Aljawaad Bey, you are no longer, “The Man without a Face” and the Black Institution that you helped build into a pillar in the Community will live again.

Part II will explore the Rise of the Young Wolves of YBMB, Inc., the Coup and Conspiracy, Waajid and Chauncey Bailey’s Assassinations, Squad 13 and More.

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