17 05 2018



Darkness is good,” Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re BLIND to who we are and what we’re doing.” Steve Bannon, President- select Donald J. Drumpf’s Chief Strategist, November 2016

Today, the highest elected office of the United States is occupied by Donald J. Drumpf that represent the “Darkness” and the POWER OF SATAN. That’s not what I say. They told the entire WORLD directly who they are and what they represent. Whether it is here in America, Europe, Africa, Palestine, ad the Middle East, it’s all the same under the Emperor Donald J. Drumpf, THE GATES OF HELL ARE OPEN! 

Donald J. Drumpf has appointed Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as the highest judicial officer of the United States. He is named behind a U.S. Civil War confederate general and Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.

They called him, LUCIFER!

The highest elected office of the state of California is occupied by Jerry Brown. He is a Jesuit Priest– a soldier of Jesus- VATICAN AND THE NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE! He is the Jonestown- Peoples Temple’s governor that blocked any state investigation into the mass slaughter of over 900 US civilians in Guyana, South American. Many of the Children killed in Guyana were WARDS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA judicially awarded to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Agent Rev. Jim Jones to become medical human guinea pigs.

In 2017, a California Deputy Attorney General was charged with possession of child porn. Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, was charged after law enforcement agencies found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI/CIA agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. He directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal. Raymond Liddy and his elite PIZZAGATE PEDOPHILE RING have been folded into the fabric and disappeared.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart and racial mass murder of 6 (six) innocent Black Children is another case that at least 5 (five) different states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, California, and the U.S. Justice Department (FBI) are trying to fold into fabric and make it vanish into darkness right before your eyes. However, we are not BLIND to who you are and what you are doing in this country and across the planet.



Jennifer and Sarah Hart (Witches of Buchenwald) are not the story of optimistic “do gooder” and “dreamer” white “All American Lesbian Couple” that overwhelmed themselves in a heroic struggle to help and rescue 6 (six) black drug babies. It is an ILLUSION provided to the mass public blind. What is not an ILLUSION or subject to blindness is that 6 (six) beautiful black children (human beings) had been all been racially targeted, enslaved for possible ILLUMINATI- NAZI SS Black Sun organ harvesting. The white “All American Lesbian Couple” had more love and respect for their pet dogs, cats and animals then black children. They were cold blood wicked female Knights and SS like concentration camp wardens that treated the Children less than their pets and animals to demonstrate their zeal to hate and destroy black people, their religion and culture for all the world to see.

Abigail (Nahko T Shirt), Jennifer Hart (Paul Bunyon Jaw)

In 2013, “Abigail insisted that it was Jennifer who hit the her with a closed fist, not Sarah. Abigail also stated that Jennifer put two hands around her throat and put her head under cold water [waterboarding?]. Abigail hit her head during this attack. Abigail also reported that Jennifer hit her with a closed fist, and also denied the child food as punishment.”[1]

In this era of the dark satanic circles of America, corporate mass media want us to be blind, and believe the ILLUSION that a series of coincidental and random governmental oversight breakdowns over 10 years across four states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington, contributed to the deaths of the black children.

The Hart Witches and Black Children didn’t just “slip through the cracks of the failing CPS system.” That also is an ILLUSION for the blind. There are at least four 911 calls on the public record from concerned citizens and mandated reporters who expressed serious concern for the children.[2]  The governmental oversight breakdowns in this case is evidence of a consistent pattern, design, and purpose of a powerful dark network that is well beyond coincidental and random acts of wayward do- gooders and malfunctioning governmental officials.

So, the question should be. What is the pattern, design, purpose and the VEIL pulled over our eyes behind the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children? CHILD TRAFFICKINGOrgan Harvesting, Medical Experimentation, Sex Traffic, Human Sacrifice or ALL OF ABOVE!

As of today, the FBI, California Highway Patrol, Mendocino County Sheriff nor Clark County Sheriff’s Department in Washington have not and will not make a positive ID of Jennifer Hart at Safeway Supermarket in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. Mendocino County Sheriff Department,  Lt. Shannon Barney, goes as far as saying that this woman looks “like” and resemble” Jennifer Hart. The racial mass murder investigation of 6 (sex) innocent black children is warping up as if it was in fact Jennifer Hart in Safeway. Well, many of us are not as blind as Lt. Barney. We can make a reasonable positive ID of Jennifer Hart.

Jennifer Hart is a rugged rustic outdoors-man. She is the strong female “forest and mountain spouse”- the Paul Bunyan of Hart Tribe. She’s a Jennifer of the Woods. She has a very distinctive stable jaw structure, and her ear line on her skull lines up with her nose.

The Jennifer Hart impostor in Safeway is a pudgy TV couch potato Mary Poppins that looks more like Roseanne Barr and Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby than Jennifer Hart. Her jaw structure is totally different from Jennifer Hart’s jaw structure. The impostor’s ear line on her skull lines up with her mouth.

If it is not Jennifer Hart in Safeway, and it is NOT JENNIFER HART, then the case of racial mass murder of the black children is evidence of a widespread web of state conspiracy and corruption. It’s not necessarily widespread “darkness” spreading across America, but the extent to which the “dark webs” and dark satanic circles have infiltrated high levels of state and federal government power and authority.

In Mendocino County since at least 2008, Deputy Sheriff/Coroner Lt. Shannon Barney is alleged to have been running his own wild thing sadomasochisticbunga bunga sex tribe cult, and marijuana farm. They want our eyes closed and blind to allegations that involve wife swapping and drunkenness among sheriff deputies while “on duty” in Covelo, Mendocino County – two of the deputies involved in Barney’s Sex Tribe and secrecy have come up dead.[3]

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Barney and his Sex Cult is a mockery of the American justice system. It would be absolutely hilarious if only we close our eyes to the racial mass slaughter of 4 (four) of 6 (six) beautiful innocent black children on his watch. The true PICTURE that emerges of Lt. Sergeant Barney is that of a barbaric brutal and dangerous tribal sex cult leader who uses his power to absolutely control his subordinates and savagely enforce a code of secrecy among them. The brute is alleged to have interfered with the administration of justice, misuse state power, failed to perform his sworn duty, normally applied unequal enforcement of the law, and being drunk and invoking “bunga bunga sex rituals on duty. The brute terrorized and imposed sexual requirements on deputies under his command for his entire term of office. The “Covelo Way” was that Lt. Barney expected deputies under his command to have sex with his wife, Deanna, and he was to have sex with their wives. Lt. Barney is alleged to be a wild vicious ritual sexual predator.[4]

Sheriff Allman- In Plain Sight Scumbag Feed Asian Child Popcorn from his Filthy Hat 

Yet in 2010, the big brute was promoted by Masonic Master Mason/Knights Templar Sheriff Tom D.  Allman to the powerful state position of the Deputy County Coroner. We must not be blind to this fact.


Folding your three middle fingers down while holding out your thumb and pinky, the gesture, called The Shaka Sign originated in Hawaii. The sign can be interpreted as “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Have a nice day,” “Take it easy,” “Good luck,” or, the most popular definition, “Hang loose”.[5]

However, I doubt very seriously that Satan’s Moroccan PAN-sexual Daughter of the international Bunga Bunga Sex Cult, Ruby the Heart-breaker (Karima El-Mahroug), alleged “Shaka” hand symbol (Devil’s Horns) can be interpreted as a HawaiianHave a Nice Day.”

Sex Kitten, Ruby the Heart-breaker

On the deceptive credibility and ILLUSIONS created by Lucifer’s Servants, Sheriff Allman and Deputy Sheriff Barney, don’t go blind -pack up your tent up and go home based on anything whatsoever they say about the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children. Don’t get it twisted. I am not pushing the blacks against the whites agenda to confuse and divide the masses. As a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, I had enough potential deadly and other encounters with white police officers to be blind to the fact that Sheriff Allman and Deputy Barney are not typically among them. That’s why Jennifer and Sarah’s Coven had to travel over 10 hours and 570 highway miles from Oregon to California to get to a Satanic Safety Network, Mendocino County, to manufacturer ILLUSIONS and smoked mirrors among the masses to execute the veiled works of the Horned God.



Malnutrition in children is common globally and may result in both short and long term irreversible negative health outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that malnutrition accounts for 54 percent of child mortality worldwide,about 1 million children. Another estimate also by WHO states that childhood underweight is the cause for about 35% of all deaths of children under the age of five years worldwide.[6] Malnutrition increases the risk of infection and infectious disease, and moderate malnutrition weakens every part of the immune system. Court documents say that Jeremiah, but not his brother (Devonte) or sister (Siera) was born with drugs in his system. It is an outright and vicious lie that all 6 (six) children of the Hart Tribe were society’s severely disabled black drug babies.

During the Nazi era, Child Euthanasia was the name given to the organised murder of severely mentally and physically handicapped children and young people up to 16 years old in over 30 so-called special children’s wards.

We can plainly see malnutrition in Sierra compared to the Children of Auschwitz.

In 2013, all 6 (six) children had clinical symptoms of being malnourished (adjective)- suffering from malnutrition. Malnourished– weak and in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of food that is good for you.[7]


Hart Tribe friend Max Ribner of publicly took issue with the notion the wreck was something other than a tragic accident. Ribner is a band member of Nahko and Medicine for the People. He said that the couple adopted many of their children from “hard backgrounds,” he said. “They transformed these kids’ lives”- from the gates to heaven to the DEATH OF HELL![8] He said the Hart Witches were “amazing parents”. Of the children, Ribner said, “They were readers, they were writers, they were poets, they were dancers. And they were brave. They didn’t have any judgment. But they also felt pain, too.” In 2013, Ribner began offering music classes to kids at his home in Southeast Portland. He said that all six of the Hart children participated in the program and that he and the children wrote songs together and played music twice a month for nearly a year while they were being physically attached and abused and clinically malnourished. “They exposed their children to conscious music with a message. Music that talks about social revolution and racial equality.” So, he says and lies.[9] We are not blind. We can see on our own that 6 (six) malnourished black children had been starved, and tortured for over 10 (ten) years, then slaughtered by the Witches and their Coven that Max Ribner had been a party to.

Nahko, the Bear, was another so called close personal friend (handler?) of Jennifer, Sarah and the Hart Tribe that was often seen in close physical association with the Children during forest musical rainbow gatherings and the Shangri-La (Shambhala) festivals at Harmony Grove in Minnesota. We cannot be blind to this fact. As has been duly noted, Nahko has not shown any particular public personal sympathy for the senseless racial mass slaughter of the innocent Children[10]

Yet, the abused and malnourished Black Children always sang their LOVE for him; and their praise and blessings of Nahko.

Devonte even worked to donate to Nahko’s causes and charity.


Nahko and his Coven of rainbow gathering has turned a BLIND EYE ON THEM THAT HAD LOVED HIM.


On April 3, 2018, Nahko tweeted, “These amazing kids were all adopted from the same horrible situation, save one boy who was the eldest. these angels came to these two amazing mothers completely by chance. miracles happen. tragedy happens. consider the legacy they left behind. there is another side of story.” On April 4, 2018, a mysterious April Dawn that joined Twitter in April 2018 to suddenly add another side of Nahko’s story. She said that she knew them well. “They were taking turns reading chapters from their current books out loud to each other Jeremiah: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Abbi: Black Elk Speaks. This went on for hours … HOURS … until they started their nightly dance party. They’ve been doing this every night since. I don’t know why.”[11].

Horned God & Children’s Circle Dance

We are not blind. The Children’s nightly so called “party dance” that she claimed that she didn’t know or deliberately withheld the whys of was the infamous European old religion  witch’s endless occult circle dance to conjure and become possessed with spirits and demons from other spheres and dimensions.


he Phoenix, the Bennu Bird, is an eternal part of the ancient cosmology of Kemet.  The bird was primarily associated with Atum and Re, but inevitably, its connection with rebirth came to associate it also with God Ashur (Osiris). In quoting from the Book of the Dead, Wallis Budge quotes a passage that reads, “I go in like the Hawk, and I come forth like the Bennu, the Morning Star (i.e., the planet Venus) of Ra; I am the Bennu which is in Heliopolis” and he goes on to say that the scholion on this passage expressly informs us that the Benu is Ashur (Osiris). In essence, the Benu was considered a manifestation of the resurrected God Ashur of Kemet. The true meaning and mystery of the Phoenix and Bennu Bird was never revealed to the Greeks. According to Freemasonry, these magnificent birds lives at any one time, and lives to be about 500 years old.  Then, it self-immolates and its body is reduced to ashes; however, a new Phoenix Bird immediately arises out of these ashes, to live another 500 years. [Manly P. Hall]

In old western European occult cosmology, the Phoenix Bird has become a symbol of Lucifer: “The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant. This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.” [Bill Schnoebelen][12]

Catholics rely on Black Elk and the archetypal images and symbols in Black Elk Speaks and The Sacred Pipe for new directions in worship and liturgy could make a similar mistake. While Black Elk did not reject all Lakota practices, he found their essence present, or even deeper, in the practices of the Catholic Church – a pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. Many Catholics may not relish the idea that to “be like Black Elk” really means to evangelize and pray the Rosary.[13]

April Dawn speaks directly of a mind control device taken out of the annals of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. The Children of the Hart Tribe were kept isolated, group thought indoctrinated in spiritualism, resurrection, and reincarnation by day and evening. At night, they danced in a circle most of the fallen sun to prevent their minds, bodies and spirits from straying and rebelling.

By the way, Spirit Gangster Nahko is an Oregonian Apache, Puerto Rican and Filipino orphan raised by a white couple from MK ULTRA/MONARCH impressionate  9 (nine) months old to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[14]

David Chilly Love & Hart Tribe

Hart Tribe handler David Chilly Love is a South Korean orphan also raised by a white couple to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[15] 

Nahko and Chilly Love are Wookiefoots of the Tribadelic Spaceship that host and headline their own Global Conscious Gathering called Shangri~La Festival at Harmony Park in Southern MN.[16] In 2013 while the Hart Family were surrounded by so many fair heart friends and defenders of the Witches of Buchenwald, the Children were medically measured by a doctor as being shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. Abigail, then nearly 10 years old, was the height of an average 6-year-old girl. At 11 years old, Hannah, at 50 pounds and 3’9″, was the size of a typical 6-year-old girl.[17]

All 6 (six) children were extremely small for their ages even though they came from 2 two different biological families. A developmental pediatrician said it was unlikely that all 6 (six) children had medical conditions that would explain their extremely small bodies. Seeing all 6 (six) children who all appeared very small should had given the doctor reasons to look further into their histories. It should have also given people around the Children notice that they were being harmed. Yet to deliberately veil the doctor and medical malfeasance, their case worker deliberately wrote in her notes that “being adopted, no medical history is known for each child.” It was an outright vicious lie.The case worker has not been publicly identified. [18]

In today’s society, doctors and physicians are known as people who help us return to, and maintain, good health. Nevertheless, an osteopathic (practice in all areas of medicine) female doctor who worked at a Providence clinic in Clackamas, Oregon concluded she had “no concerns whatsoever” about their well- being. Someone in her office deliberately falsified the file and wrote a note that said the children’s heights and weights were not troubling because they were proportionately small. That is also a false ILLUSION for the blind.[19] 

The doctor abandoned the Children to continue to suffer malnutrition under the witches until they were mass murdered, organs harvested or sacrificed by their coven. The name of the osteopathist was heavily redacted so she also has not been publicly identified. Clackamas is a suburb of Portland, OR. Without the name of the doctor or the Children’s state case worker, we have to dig deeper to look at the greater Catholic Church of Portland and the Vatican to try to explain why one of their doctors under their jurisdiction would have “no concerns whatsoever” about the well being even though they were in fact substantially clinically malnourished 6 (six) black children shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. The doctor completely abandoned the medical ethics of Beneficence- taking actions that serve the best interests of patients.[20] And, it appears to be a fact that the doctor nor the state case worker have been investigated or suffered any consequences for their deceptions, malfeasance and 21st century inhumanity to man. However, it appears that Providence Clinic in Clackamas is part of the clandestine dark circle network and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Child Sex Trafficking/Sacrifice Circle. Providence Health & Services



Portland’s Notorious Catholic Pedophile Priest- Father Maurice Grammond,

In 2004, sexual abuse cases bankrupted the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oregon in Portland. In Oregon, litigation from victims threatened to overwhelm the 356,000-strong archdiocese of the west-coast state, which at the time faced a further 60 court cases. In 2004, 196 people have filed accusations against 41 priests in claims dating back to the early 1950s. Its settlements are second only to those of Boston, which paid out $85 million. One case in Portland, OR was brought by a 51-year-old cattle rancher, James Devereux, sought $130 million damages for abuse he claims he suffered at the hands of a priest, Father Maurice Grammond, in the 1960s when he was a teenage altar boy. The other case, involving the same priest in the 1980s, was brought by an anonymous litigant who claimed he was abused between the ages of eight and 10. Grammond, who died at the age of 82 in 2002, is the source of many of the cases against the church, whose officials were accused of ignoring complaints against the priest and moving him on to new parishes whenever they surfaced – said to be a common feature of the church’s handling of alleged serial abusers.

Grammond had been accused of abusing at least 50 (fifty) boys during a 40-year career, was said to have molested boys in his car, in the rectory, on camping trips and even during confessionsbut was never prosecuted. He apparently claimed that he had no responsibility because children “threw themselves” at him.[21] Grammond was also notorious for his open interference and influence over Portland’s juvenile court, child protective services (CPS), and the foster care system to set him up with some of his pedophilia child victims.[22]

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (Archidioecesis Portlandensis in Oregonia) is an archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the Pacific Northwest covered up Grammond’s pedophilia crimes. And, it came down from the Vatican’s highest priesthood of the ultra secret elite Ninth Satanic Circle. However, the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole runs deeper- extremely deeper than covering up the Vatican’s Priest Pedophile Child Satanic Sex Rings and the elite Ninth Satanic Circle.



A reader of In Search of Black Assassins offered me one name and lead in regards to the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole– CLARE BRONFMAN. I disregard and dismiss nothing. In order to explore the Clare Bronfman lead, we must return to Providence Health & Services in Portland where the Children’s designed euthanasia malnutrition plan was deliberately and blatantly covered-up. Providence Health & Services in Oregon is a not-for-profit Catholic network of hospitals, care centers, health plans, physicians, clinics, home health care and affiliated services guided by a Mission of caring that the SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE began in the West nearly 160 years ago.[23] 

Saint Theodora Guerin

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are an apostolic congregation of Catholic women founded by the French Saint Theodora Guerin (known colloquially as Saint Mother Theodore) at Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana. Saint Mary of the Woods existed in Indiana before the arrival of the official catholic church. The earliest land records in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods date back to 1825, when George and Polly Smith acquired a land patent signed by Knights Templar/Freemason President Andrew Jackson. George Smith served as an aide and dispatch bearer to Knights Templar/Freemason President George Washington during American Revolution.[24]

It is claimed that Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) initiated President George Washington into the higher hierarchy of ultra-secret Knights Templar with the above secret skull, cross & bones Knights Templar/Masonic Apron. Called “America’s Best Friend” in Europe, Marquis de Lafayette was Thomas Jefferson’s best friend in France and America. Lafayette was also a Hidden Hand 33° Freemason and French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution.  Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.

The meaning of the apron may go back to the 14th century inquisition by Philip, King of France and Pope Clement Vof the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem also known as the Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Hospitalier or Hospitallers .[25] The Templars went underground.

The 7th President of the U.S., Andrew Jackson (1829- 1837) worshiped by President Donald J. Drumpf was a Freemason, having been initiated at Masonic Lodge, Harmony No. 1 in Tennessee; he also participated in chartering several other lodges in Tennessee. He was the only U.S. president to have been a Grand Master of a State Lodge until Harry S. Truman in 1945. His Masonic apron is on display in the Tennessee State Museum. An obelisk and bronze Masonic plaque decorate his tomb at The Hermitage, Nashville, TN.[26] Jackson was a Scottish descent Royal Arch Mason, the first part of the York Rite system of the Masonic degrees. Royal Arch Masons meet as a Chapter, and the Royal Arch Chapter confers four degrees: Mark Master Mason, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. The Royal Arch Mason degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar. Did Jackson become a Knight Templar? Yes, I believe that he did, because THAT IS THE WAY THEY ROLL![27]

Mother Theodore and her companions left the Sisters of Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir, North Western France, at the invitation of Célestine René Laurent Guynemer de la Hailandière of Rennes, Brittany, France, the Bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, to found the Sisters of Providence in the United States.[28] In 1840, Mother Theodore arrived in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with several companions and found a dense forest with few buildings. There she established the congregation of women.[29]

In 1918,  the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes of Saint Bernadette was built in a ravine on the south side of the motherhouse grounds. The grotto at the Woods was based upon the blueprints of the renowned grotto in Lourdes, France. Lourdes and the Pyrenees Mountain Range is a little more than 400 miles outside of Ruillé-sur-Loir.  A few stones from Lourdes are embedded within the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods grotto.

The grotto is based on the Marian (Saint Mary) apparitions in 1858, when Mystic Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl, admitted to her mother that a “lady” spoke to her in the cave of Massabielle. Bernadette said that the lady revealed to her that she is the Immaculate ConceptionMother of Jesus.

Mystic Bernadette Soubirous

Bernadette’s native country of the Pyrenees, a mountain region haunted by tales of fairies, witches and miraculous groves and springs.

Knights Templar & The Cult of Mary Magdalene

LUKE 8:2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils ...”

Saint Mary Magdalene is the first Mystic of the Catholic Church.[30] Saint Mary Magdalene, the New Testament Disciple and supporter of Jesus, is a Saint of the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran Churches, honored as a Heroine of the Faith by Protestant Churches. In addition to being a canonized Saint, in Southern France and throughout much of Europe Mary Magdalene was venerated as a Gnostic Apostle by the tradition known as the “Cult of Mary Magdalene”, which arose in Provence France during the 11th century. It is based upon the widespread belief among Catholic scholars that Mary and her companions fled persecution in Jerusalem, crossed the Mediterranean in a boat, and landed near Arles in the South of France (since named “Saintes Maries de la Mer”).

And so, when fleeing into France, Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus, carried the Sangréal in the sacred chalice of her womb.

Mary Magdalene & Angels Descend (Holy Eucharist)

She retired to the Holy Cave (“Sainte-Baume”) on a hill in the Marseille region, and converted all of Provence to Christianity. [31]

Southern France, especially the Mary Magdalene site of Aix en Provence, was always a major stronghold of the Knights Templar, since the inception of the Order in 1118 AD: A public square in Aix en Provence preserves a 19th century statute of Rene d’Anjou (1409-1480 AD), Duke of the Templar dynastic House of Anjou, and titular King of Jerusalem descendant from the founding Templar King Fulk d’Anjou.

Joan of Arc

Rene was the son of Princess Yolande of Aragon (1384-1442 AD), who was the primary proponent and patron of Saint Joan of Arc, who was a hereditary Templar Countess of Anjou. Yolande was the daughter of King John I of Aragon Spain, where many of the Knights Templar had survived the French persecution from 1307 AD. As a result, many later Templar descendants thrived as an underground network in Southern France, under the dynastic support of the Templar House of Anjou.

Therefore, the 11th century “Cult of Mary Magdalene” had a special connection – and a powerful appeal – to the 12th century Knights Templar, and was always a major component of authentic Templar heritage even into the modern era. While not all Templars necessarily considered Mary Magdalene to be a Gnostic Apostle, many historically did. As Catholics, in any case, the Knights Templar strongly favoured her as their special Saint. Throughout the Middle Ages, at every possible opportunity the Templars used seemingly normal references to “Mary”, appearing to mean “Mother Mary”, to instead privately emphasize the central importance of Mary Magdalene in their hearts and in their prayers, as a pillar of Templar culture.[32]

So, the Mary of the Woods mystic grotto could very well be a “cave temple” dedicated to Templar’s Cult of Mary Magdalene. That’s why the origins of Mary of the Woods in Indiana remain a mystery, because it is the Templar’s Mary Magdalene of the Woods.

To those who travel to the South of France and climb the mountain through the FOREST up to her cave – the summit of human and divine affections. May you be blessed abundantly. (Paula Lawlor ‘A Love Devout’)[33]

Mary Magdalene spent the last 30 years of her life in prayer and meditation in a mountain cave in the Sacred FOREST of La Saint Baume”. As the story goes, her only sustenance was the Holy Eucharist (eat the flesh and drink the blood), which she received on a daily basis from angels. During her waning years, the angels descended from heaven and transported her to an undisclosed location.[34]

Sisters of Providence of Montreal

The Women of Providence in Collaboration (WPC) is an association of congregations of Catholic women religious in North America who bear the name and charism of Providence. They come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence. One congregation that comprise the WPC is the Sisters of Providence, Montreal, Quebec.[35] Sisters of Providence of the Bronfman’s Montreal was established by Emilie Tavernier Gamelin Jean-Baptiste Gamelin in 1840.[36]

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin (Mary of the Woods) Grand Priory of the Knights Templar

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory

Founded in 1806 at Ruillé-sur-Loir, France, by Father Jacques François Dujarié with Mère M. Madeleine (MARY MAGDALENE) in 1818 and Mère Marie in 1822, the Sisters of Providence arrived on one side in England.

Early French (Mary Magdalene/Knights Templar) Shield of Father Dujarie and Saint Theodore

On the other side, the Sisters arrived in Indiana with Mère Théodore in 1840.

From the very beginning, Mary of the Woods and the Sister of Providence were part of the secret French underground Mary Magdalene- Knights Templar Baphometic lodge or sect.

The Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory of the Knights Templar consist of 15 (fifteen) women and men from seven different countries, including Denmark, Finland, Germany, Canada, England, Estonia and the United States. They come from various Christian traditions: Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Catholic and Presbyterian, and include a Jewish rabbi.[37] The Saint Mother Theodore Priory is part of the International Grand Magisterial Council. The Magisterial Council presides as the international authority of the Order. This council is comprised of the Grand Priors of each member country. The council elects and appoints executive officers to provide the administration of the Sovereign Military Order of The Temple of Jerusalem (Knights Templars).[38]

[Sisters of] Providence Health & Services in Portland is part of the secret network of underground Baphometic Masonic Knights Templar. The Catholic Sisters of Providence are more interested in taking souls then healing people. In regards to Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, its blatant departure from established medical practices was not just a fall  through the cracks. It was a matter of a grand deception.

Clare and Sara Bronfman (Rainbow Cultural Garden)  of Montreal

Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman of Montreal heads the funding for the secretive “Sex Cult” and pedophile ring called NXIVM.  Sara was CEO of Rainbow Cultural Garden School in London. The original Rainbow Cultural Garden school is near the NXIVM mother ship.

CIA MK ULTRA Rainbow Gathering: Fantuzzi, Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children

Clare oversees everything to do with the finances, and the personnel, and the management of RainbowRainbow Cultural Garden is the concept for Keith Raniere, arrested leader of NXIVM, to indoctrinate very young children to be raised by multiple caregivers. Raniere is the alleged cult kingpin/leader of NXIVM.  Rainbow Cultural Garden School is a human experiment conceived and conducted by an alleged sex trafficker and known pedophile of children whose parents have been brainwashed by his insidious teachings and hypnosis skills. Raniere, a MK-ULTRA/MONARCH programmer has been accused of raping a 12-year-old girl in Upstate New York, according to new court documents.

Buddhist Dalai Lama & Keith Raniere

In 2009, Dalai Lama,  part of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism, presented Keith Raniere, with the “Scarf of Purity.” What Keith Raniere is practicing is Tantra that nails all female energy down in a misogynistic paradigm, that these Dalai Lamas and the other Lama sects all practice, while putting on their grand theater and using traditional Mahayana Buddhism, and humble monk personas to fool people in the West.

Maria Orsic’s Nazi Shambhala

Shanghai La and Shambhala represents a idea of a lost kingdom somewhere in the Himalayas has also circulated in Tibetan Buddhist teaching for centuries, and may well itself have been told at the court of Akbar. The name Shambala first appears in a text known as the Kalachakra Tantra – or Wheel of Time teaching. The Kalachakra doctrine belongs to the highest level of Buddhist Mahayana teaching.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart of the Harmony Park Grove in Minnesota followed Shangri-La and the highest level of Mahayana Buddhism tradition.

Thích Nhất Hạnh quoted by Chilly David Love (Wookiefoot), and Trevor Hall (Rampriya Dass) all above, follow the Rama Dass Mahayana Tradition of Buddhism.

 Priestess Heather Salmon is a Buddhist that follows Tantric Sex Practices with her partner, Donny Regal. The High Priestess of Isis indoctrinated the Children in Pantheists Buddhism.

Devonte was indoctrinated and trained to serve Shangri La and Shambhala in Buddhist Rituals like a Human Pet.

The Dalai Lama with Venerable (impressive dignity) Lama Tenzin, who had a special “knock the boots” relationship with Sara Bronfman.

 Sir Richard Branson’s “Bunga Bunga” Necker Island-  Lama Tenzin & Sara Bronfman

The Bronfman family are the Jewish ILLUMINATI family that runs Canada. The Bronfman is one of the powerful New World Order families that controls what the masses read, hear, see and entertained with.  Clare and Sara Bronfman, who fund NXIVM and Keith Raniere, are the granddaughters of the Jewish patriarch, Samuel Bronfman, born in Imperial Russia.[39]

Clare and Sara Bronfman

Clare and Sara are the daughters of Samuel Bronfman I– the son of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., son of the patriarch- Samuel. Edgar, Sr. is the founder and president of the billion-dollar Distillers Corp-Seagram Ltd.[40] The Bronfmans are part of the  Committee of 300. The Committee is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 allegedly rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.

The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Wind.  The Committee of 300’s front organizations are the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford University and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.41] In 1924, Samuel Bronfman opened a distillery in Montreal. In 1926, the Distillery Corporation of London [DCL] owned by Field Marshal Haig, Lord Dewar, Lord Woolavington, and others, and which controlled more than half the world market in scotch whiskey, partnered with Bronfman. They formed a holding company with DCL’s William Ross as president, Sam Bronfman vice-president.  Bronfman became a ‘cutout’ for the men behind DCL, and the dispensation of distribution rights was a decision made by His Majesty the King. It began as a three-way contract between Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cutout), and Rothstein (the distributor). It evolved into a nationally organized crime syndicate.[42] Rothstein was assigned the job of “reorganizing” crime networks. He set up syndicates on the East Coast with the help of Torrio. A special bureau was set up by Meyer Lansky and  Benny “Bugs” SiegelMurder, Inc. was formed as a regulatory commission to police “free enterprise” advocates who might try to buck the syndicate and interfere with booze sales.[43]

The Bronfmans in Canada is a subject in itself far too much to handle here. But, they comprise the foundation and backbone of the political and financial power structure of the New World Order. They are linked to Donald J. Drumpf’s mentor, Roy Cohn They are dark circle other-dimensional “master deceivers“. They are vicious cohorts and puppets of the “fallen angel” LUCIFER. The Bronfmans of Montreal are an underground Knights Templar family linked to the old Sisters of Providence– part of the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI and the global, Ninth Satanic Child Trafficking Circle.

In 1969, Sam Bronfman was made a Knight of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem – Her Majesty’s official chivalric order.[44]  The Order of St John formally the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (French: l’ordre très vénérable de l’Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem) and also known as St John International is a British royal order of chivalry first constituted in 1888 by royal charter from Queen Victoria. It evolved from a faction of the Order of Malta that emerged in France in the 1820s and moved to Britain in the early 1830s.

Mendocino County Sheriff , Tom Allman, is a Knight Templar.

 California Governor Jerry Brown is a Jesuit Priest- Soldier of the VATICAN. He covered up Rev. Jim Jones, Peoples Temple, and the 1978 Jonestown Guyana Massacre in California.

Looking forward to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice stepping into the case to investigate the crimes of racial mass murder across state lines, and the blatant violation of the Constitutional Rights of the Children and their Biological Parents is like waiting for the Laurel and Hardy’s infamous comical March of the Wooden Soldiers.



Courageous Tiny Hannah & Biological Brother, Markis

Courageously, Tiny Hannah and her damaged and malnourished body did all that she could to escape the Witches of Buchenwald. In the middle of a winter November night along the mountains in Woodland,Washington, she jumped from a second story window covered with only a blanket to escape. Steve Frkovich overheard a private confidential conversation between his daughter, Dana DeKalb, and wife about Hannah’s heroic dash for freedom and the Children. He lives in Tacoma, Washington– a little more than a hundred miles away. He was so disturbed by what he had overheard about Tiny Hannah that he called 9-11 to report the incident to try to try to get for Hannah and the Children.

There was a Washington police state power- child protective services stand down not a breakdown, and nobody responded to our so dear and precious Tiny Hannah’s heart wrenching cry for human compassion and help. On or about May 10, 2018, a Mendocino County’s sheriff’s deputy was called to the area of North Highway 1 and Hardy Creek in Westport around 7:15 p.m. Wednesday. On an ocean beach, a local resident found a pair of girl’s jeans with a shoe entangled in one of the pant legs. An inspection led to discovering human remains of what appeared to be a human foot inside of the shoe. The remains were found about a mile away from where the Hart SUV plunged over a cliff onto rocks at the edge of the ocean on March 25 or March 26, 2018. The foot was delivered to Mendocino County’s Coroners, Knights Templar Sheriff Tom Allman and Sex Cult Guru Lt. Shannon Barney.

As far as I am aware, Allman and Barney have not released to the public any final reports detailing autopsy findings of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children. And, I suspect that they will not release any detailed autopsy findings in the case that indicate whether or not the Children had any vital organs. And as far as I am aware, the alleged bodies of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children have been cremated and permanently disposed of.

In lieu of the pending DNA tests on the foot, our most precious Tiny Hannah is still missing, presumed dead. I had suspected that only the body parts of Tiny Hannah and Devonte would be recovered, because I believe that they had sacrificed, organs removed- harvested, and bodies burned. It seems to me that the Children’s forced special malnourished diet had something to do with harvesting and marketing their organs to an elite class.

To get to the bottom of the Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, there must be a citizens task force, review or council formed because the Rabbit Hole runs far too deep in this matter for justice to prevail ordinarily. And,  the Luciferians have infiltrated the highest offices of local, state and federal power and authority to make it virtually impossible for Justice to be done. I will stay on the case. I have said enough.



[2] Id.
















[18] Id.

[19] Id.








[27] Id







[34] Id









[43] Id.

[44] Id.


23 01 2018



Shemayet (userMA’ATra-setp-en-ra Monthu-in-the-two-lands) Mahalia Jackson’s Trouble of the World is no simple minded tear jerker. Don’t get that twisted. It is complex ageless sacred  inner sanctum temple music personified. Shemayet connects Heaven and Earth. Shemayet is the “God [Goddess] Voice” and “Divine Vibration” that link fellow man with each other and the DivineShemayet, the divine voice and vibrationis discussed further below.

Donald Drumpf & Dark Satanic Global Cabal

President select Donald J. Drumpf believes, so he said that Africa is a “Shithole” country. Don’t get it twisted from my title. Africa is the mother country of the universe, and I mean it literally.  Donald J. Drumpf means the terms “Shithole” and “Shithouse” to be applied to Africa both as an adjective, and a noun.[1] Please excuse my language in this post. I mean no disrespect to the elders or the people. It is not used intentional just for the sake of being evil, foul and vulgar. “Shithole” and “Shithouse” appear only to demonstrate how irrational, insidious, fraudulent, idiotic and evil racism is. Additional, whenever it is Kemet, it is the Mother Continent, AFRICA.

Throughout the generations in this country, our elders stress that if Anglo Saxons and Aryans as a whole knew better that they would do better. And, many believe that Drumpf’s offensive statement disparaging the Mother Continent that we often call the “Mother Country”  is the result of being badly misinformed.  I don’t believe for one minute that it is true, particularly in regards to Donald J. Drumpf and the Dark Satanic Circles. They are motivated by EVIL for the sake of EVIL, and trickery. Many tried to warn the nation of the ultimate EVIL of DRUMPF before he stepped into the OVAL Office.

Now, DRUMPF, Mike Pence and the Dark Satanic Circle has the entire U.S. government in a strangle hold. Even if some knew better about the Mother Country, they would cover their eyes, and continue their EVIL plans of mass exploitation, deception, and genocide. The Donald J. Drumpf statement about Africa is purely deliberate. IT IS JOSEF GOEBBELS’ UNTRUTH THAT SHALL NOT HAVE A LIFE OF ITS OWN.



We have persistently demanded that society present and treat us in a dignified manner.

We have always rejected wicked racist notions, and black stereotypical caricatures casting black people as monkeys (coons)less than human.

Racist caricatures of Black people are intentionally designed to humiliate, demean and depreciate our human, cultural and social value in global civil societies.

These images are intended to be ironic, and to cater to the White notion that Black coons are too stupid to understand that their efforts to assimilate into White culture only emphasize their inherent inferiority.”[2]

Freemason Jay Z- Lucifer’s Hip Hop COON

“Do What Thou Wilt” Aleister Crowley, The Great BEAST 666 & Jay Z

Shawn Corey Carter known professionally as JAY-Z is a satanic hip hop black rapper and businessman. He is one of the most highly corporate promoted and bestselling MASONIC New Agemusicians” of all time, having sold more than 100 million records, while receiving 21 Grammy Awards for what has become the “music” and “art” promoted by and spoon fed by Luciferians to the masses.

Jay Z (Jaybo) with Simian Oran Outan Face

If that wasn’t enough for Jay-Z to promote the Luciferian agenda to depreciate traditional black folk art and promote the “music” created and promoted by Masonic Luciferians for mass consumption and CHAOS, he has reached for a new low to attack, demean our right of humanity, and to self-determination.

Jay Z’s deliberate mass corporate denigration of black people and their culture in the images and notions of antebellum Simian Coonery is a violation of our human rights (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Article 27).

Jay Z- Jaybo the Hip Hop Coon

The deliberate wicked association and depiction of Blacks as monkeys and apes (coons) are significant visible imagery implants that the antebellum South used to justify African Human Bondage, and the SHITHOUSE institution of American Slavery.

Dark Baphomet Knights Templar Mark Romanek

Jay-Z has combined with a racist Ashkenazi Kabbalah-Zohar Russian Jewish descendant, film maker Mark Romanek, to manufacture and distribute images that wickedly globally defame, demean, humiliate, and insult Black people, Huey P. Newton, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) with offensive simian coon images. Brother Huey was no coon associated with coonery.[3]

I can still hear that click-click- the lock and load of Huey’s shotgun. Huey didn’t play!

I also recall Huey’s Smile when I was only a seed. I was that “Little Ghetto Boy” running around a college campus getting high and chasing young ladies. While I was so high gloating on myself rolling around in utter chaos and nothingness, I often found myself under the scolding eyes of Laverne. She was Huey’s most significant other. Whenever I found myself under scorn, I always looked at Huey, because I knew that I was shamefully stumbling around responsibility and manhood. I was what I was. I thought that he would despise me. But, he never did. Brother Huey would give me a slight smile, but it was a smile nonetheless from one of the most powerful, feared and respected young brothers in the community. It came to represent in me, the Faith in a Mustard Seed. In the BPP, they often called me, Little Brother.

I further recall when Brother Huey first took the picture, above. We (BPP) were in awe, speechless and spellbound when we saw it, because the symbolic imagery was so powerful, moving and beautiful. There was something unspoken and sacred to us about the picture that those that understand seek to mock and belittle. This is the Huey P. Newton that made a statement to the world of his unconditional and undeniable love for his African-ness that spiritually made our bonds and love for him and the Mother Continent so much stronger. Brother Huey didn’t have to wear an African Dashiki to prove anything to anybody. They are still afraid of everlasting images of resistance of Huey P. Newton. Wickedly representing Brother Huey as a simian coon will not change our undying love and respect for him.

Freemason Jay Z pays tribute to the blood drinking and flesh eating cannibal, Lucifer’s High Priestess, MARINA ABRAMOVIC.

In 2009, Atlantic Records has combined with Jay Z the Coon to deliver a deal with Lucifer to promote and distribute his album, The Blueprint 3. The album was self-distributed by Atlantic Records; his music videos are distributed and partially owned by Atlantic Records.[4]

Cardi B- Lucifer’s Coon Daughter

I first heard of Belcalis Almanzar, known professionally as Cardi B, promoted on the Wendy Williams Show. They are undeniable self- confessed Coon Daughters of Lucifer. I was under the false impression that Cardi B  was an up and coming traditional R&B vocalist until she opened their mouth to rap something about “Bodak Yellow“.

Devil Horns- Bodak Yellow & Church of Satan

Cardi B says as a theme of that rap,

It’s Cardi, ayy
Said, “I’m the shit, they can’t fuck with me if they wanted to…

Said little bitch, you can’t fuck with me
If you wanted to
These expensive, these is red bottoms
These is bloody shoes.[5]

Bodak Yellow” is the ever persistent language of sadistic divide and violence. I sat in front of the TV and watched her perform for a few minutes.  I was startled and confused to discover that Cardi B lacked any remarkable musical talent or abilities. I immediately turned off the idiot box. In 2017, Bodak Yellow (Money Moves) topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart number 1.[6]

She may have been initiated into HollyWeird’s Satanic Sex Magic 99 Lodge headed by Warlock Charlie Sheen.

Adolf Hitler belonged to the Satanic German Masonic 99 Lodge.

The title “Bodak Yellow” is related to the insidious stereotypical color code and reference to her skin, and the rapper Dieuson OctaveKodak Black.”

Kodak Black, Atlantic Records Rap Artist

Kodak Black is a mind (MK ULTRA) control troubled and confused young man in and out of jail on various criminal offenses.

But, he is an Atlantic Records rap artist.[7]

Kodak Black has come to believe that he is a Kabbalah-Zohar Satanic Israeli Jew. His puppet-master can spin him on a dime to make him believe anything.

Cardi B is a hood chick proudly associated with Blood Street Gangs. She is a former stripper born and raised in the Bronx, NY.[8]

In February 2017, Cardi B, the Luciferian “Gangsta Bitch Music rap artist signed a multi-million dollar deal with Atlantic Records to promote among the masses a vicious chaotic SHITHOLE Satanic lifestyle.

Donny Hathaway

Donny Hathaway was an Atlantic Records vocalist and musician when he was thrown out a 15th story hotel window in New York City. Donny’s most infamous last words before he was killed,  “White people are trying to kill me, they have my brain hooked up to a machine, trying to steal my songs and sound.” Music and Sound is important. How important? EXTREMELY! EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

From Donny to Jay Z and Cardi B, it makes me want to cry … Because, they are promoted globally as the dualistic opposites of Donny. Hemayet Donny linked us with Heaven and the Divine. They seek to DELIVER us to the DEVIL AND HELL.



From 1947, the Tavistock Institute, Frankfurt School, Alsos Mission/Manhattan Nuclear Bomb Project, and the U.S. government have clandestinely combined to try to depreciate, control and shape the art of black folk music (gospels, spirituals, chants, blues, jazz, rhythm & blues). For clarity, I will call them, Scepter (Emblem of Imperial Power). Scepter’s interests in the art of black folk music have never revolved around appreciating it or honoring its value, legacy or sacredness. Their interest are destroying and replacing it, and developing the black music into a major tool of satanic mass population control and manipulation.

“As L. Marcus (1974) writes in his excellent investigation piece; ‘Reesian methods rely, completely and consciously, on the destruction of the mental life of world society and a forced march into universal sadism.”…. Within this lies their affinity- men as mindless beasts whose minds, according to Tavistock, are something to be manipulated and destroyed.

…. “The Tavistock- and Reesian method- that the class war should be waged with “weapons that affect morale more than they take life”- has become, in the post-war period, the primary weapon system of the Rockefeller forces, including their own covert arm, the Central Intelligence Agency.’ ”[9]

The function of Reesian-Lewinite Brainwashing is to deliberately recreate infantile paranoid states of mind. The “Reesian Method” was developed by John Rawlings Rees.

J.R. Rees, Knight of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, was one of the key figures at the original Tavistock Clinic and became its medical director from 1933. Rees was appointed consulting psychiatrist to the British Army during WWII, and obtained the rank of brigadier general. After the war, he was a member of a group who referred to themselves as the ‘invisible college’. This group orchestrated “Operation Phoenix“, making plans for Tavistock to rise from the ashes of war. They founded the Tavistock Institute with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation.[10]

Phoenix, Fire & Benben Stone

The Phoenix is neither Greek nor Roman mythology. It is very deep ancient African (Shithole) cosmology that we shall discuss further in detail. Nevertheless to begin with the Benben Stone was the up thrust (explosive) sacred stone of Heliopolis; benu (bennu) describes a bird (The Phoenix) that was an important avian deity. Originally of solar associations, the Benu bird came to be connected with three important gods consisting of Atum, Re and Ashur (Osiris). As an aspect of God Atum, the Benu bird was said to have flown over the waters of Nun before the original creation. According to this tradition, the bird came to rest on a rock from which its cry broke the primeval silence and this determined what was and what was not to be in the unfolding creation.[11]

London Olympics, Phoenix Launch from the Conical Benben Stone

If you believe that Shithouse Benu Bird (Phoenix) and Benben Stone was a foregone passing occult fancy of British intelligence, think again. The concept was a major theme in the closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Summer Olympics.[12]

Lewinite refers to Dr. Kurt Lewin, a German Kabbalah-Zohar Jewish Frankfurt School refugee who had been brought to the U.S. by the Rockefeller family. He joined Tavistock Clinic or Institute sometime about 1946. Author Jim Keith, who died in mysterious circumstances, has written:

Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing applying the results of repeated trauma and torture (of individuals) in mind control to society at large.”[13]

At Atlantic Records, Scepter thru its agents Theo Adorno and Thomas John “Tom” Dowd had controlled its sound studios since it was founded in 1947. It earned a reputation as one of the most important American recording labels, specializing in Jazz, R&B and soul recordings by Black musicians including Donny Hathaway, John Coltrane, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Sam and Dave, Ruth Brown, Otis Reading, and so many others. For black artists, signing with major recording labels was a literal pact with the DEVIL.

Atlantic Records’ business partner, Jerry Wexler, was a son of Polish and German Ashkenazi Kabbalah -Zohar Jews.  According to Wexler, Atlantic was in the business of Luciferian Shitholing taking the gospel songs and putting the devil’s words to them.” They weren’t representing Black culture, but a self-destructive Black sub-culture in violation of our human rights. They were promoting icons that spoke for society’s underbelly: unrestrained sexuality, violence, and drugs.[14]

In 1967, Atlantic Records became a wholly owned subsidiary of Warner Bros.-Seven Arts.[15] Since 1989, it is a subsidiary of Time Warner, formed as a merger between the conglomerates Time, Inc. and Warner Communications.[16]

Theo Adorno was a Frankfurt School and Tavistock musicologist scholar involved in musical research. Adorno was interested in perverting the aesthetics of mass culture, as a part of a social engineering strategy through criticism, particularly music. The path of so-called pop culture and its subculture associates which emerged in the 1960s was shaped in significant part by Adorno. Perhaps the best known propaganda works of Adorno are The Authoritarian Personality, Dialectic of Enlightenment and Negative Dialectics.

Both Tavistock and the Frankfurt School paid close attention to Nazi Third Reich propaganda techniques, which they willingly incorporated into their research. The aim of the project, as stated in (Theodore) Adorno’s Introduction to the Sociology of Music,”… was to “program a mass culture as a form of extensive social control that would steadily degrade [Shithole] its consumers.”[17]

As an institutional corporate European policy, Adorno and Scepter finds no intrinsic value in the genres of traditional black music.

“On Jazz, Adorno wrote,

The relationship between jazz and black people is similar to that between salon music and the wandering fiddle players whom it so firmly believes it has transcended – the gypsies. According to Bartok, the gypsies are supplied with this music by the cities; like commodity consumption itself, the manufacture (Herstellung) of jazz is also an urban phenomenon and the skin of the black man functions as much as a coloristic effect as does the silver of the saxophone. In no way does a triumphant vitality make its entrance in these bright musical commodities; the European-American entertainment business has subsequently hired the [supposed] triumphant victors to appear as their flunkies and as figures in advertisements, and their triumph is merely a confusing parody of colonial imperialism. To the extent that we can speak of black elements in the beginnings of jazz, in Ragtime perhaps, it is still less archaic-primitive self-expression than the music of slaves; even in the autochtonal [aboriginal] music of the African interior, syncopation within the example of a maintained measured time seems only to belong to the lower [social] level. Psychologically, the primal structure of jazz (Ur-Jau.) may most closely suggest the spontaneous singing of servant girls.[18]

Don’t get it twisted. I don’t intend to argue tit for tat to prove Adorno and Scepter wrong about Black Folk Music. If he was alive today, I would touch not one hair of Adorno. My love is primarily for the people- to point out the contradictions. Then, it becomes the duty of the masses to defend its dignity as a people, and respond to the enemy as necessary. They have never failed. Adorno’s mass corporate assertion that Black Folk Music is tantamount to the mere CRIES OF SLAVES is the untruthIT IS JOSEF GOEBBELS’ UNTRUTH THAT SHALL NOT HAVE A LIFE OF ITS OWN.

At age 18, Thomas John “Tom” Dowd was drafted into the military with the rank of sergeant. He continued his work in physics at Columbia University. Refugees from National Socialist- Nazi Germany, the Frankfurt School changed venue and moved to Columbia University in New York City in 1934. The U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) recruited heavily from Columbia for the Manhattan Project. The OSRD was also interested in psychology and psycho-acoustics.[19]

Psychoacoustics is essentially the study of the perception of sound. This includes how we listen, our psychological responses, and the physiological impact of music and sound on the human nervous system. Psychoacoustics involves music- sound, frequency, and vibration.[20] In physics, sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid.[21] The vibratory nature of matter is mentioned in the Bible.  John’s Gospel starts with “In the beginning was the Word…” (John 1:1) and teaches us that this vibration is from God, and is God Himself. The “Word” in this verse is the Greek word “logos”. We know that speech means not just any kind of a vibration, but a vibration that carries information, is uttered by a living person and embodies a concept or an idea. In this case, it means that the living Creator, our Father God, created an intelligent vibration which then created everything else. The new theory named “The Geometric Concept of Matter”, confirms that matter is a vibratory structure and explains that what we know as gravity is a direct consequence of that particular vibration.[22]

Dr. Andrija Puharich was known as a brilliant, but notorious CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH (subproject 58) medical physician and electronics expert consultant.[23] In 1990, Dr. Puharich found a way to split water molecules by tuning in on the vibrations of their atoms and breaking the molecules into hydrogen, which could become fuel, and oxygen. A former   physician, Puharich discovered the water-splitting technique a dozen years ago but has only recently presented his findings publicly. Originally, he was investigating the Psychoacoustic DISRUPTIVE EFFECT of electrical resonances on blood clots and noticed a peculiar thing: in dilute blood, a SPECIFIC FREQUENCY made bubbles appear in the liquid. Lab analysis showed that the bubbles were composed of oxygen and hydrogen. A barrel-shaped cavity contains the water in Puharich’s recently refined system.  He introduces alternating current at A KEY FREQUENCY of 600 cycles per second.

The cavity resonates with the impulses in somewhat the same way the body of a violin resonates with the sound of one string, ADDING HIGHER AND LOWER HARMONICS TO THE PRINCIPAL TONE. The additional harmonics, Puharich says, cause the proton in the hydrogen atom TO ROTATE, further forcing the hydrogen to split from the oxygen.[24]

In 2014 for the first time, scientists captured the sound a single atom makes when it moves. They found the atom makes a “D-note,” about 20 octaves above the highest note on the piano and a pitch inaudible to the human ear.[25] Musical notes in ancient Kemet were regarded as spiritual elements, and were conceived as independent structural entities.[26] D is a musical note a whole tone above C, and is known as Re.[27]

The nearest concept or element to that of “justice” in Kemet (Africa) is the notion of MA-AT, which is personified as a goddess, the daughter of Atum, and after the 18th dynasty as the daughter of RE, who establishes MA-AT at the time of creation.[28]

If vibration is a source of creation, pursuant to Knights of the Black Sun’s Satanic Principle of Dualism, opposite of creation vibration are destruction, ruin and endOSRD’s S-1 Section later became the Manhattan Project and developed the first atomic weapons.[29] Dowd worked on the Manhattan Project. He planned to obtain a degree in nuclear physics when he completed his work on the Manhattan Project. However, because his work was top secret, the university did not recognize it, and Dowd decided not to continue, since the university’s curriculum would not have been able to further his physics education. His research for the military was more advanced than academic courses at that time.[30]

The question is why were Scepter (Global Satanic Cabal), Adorno (International Social Scientist), and Dowd (Top Secret Nuclear Scientist) so deeply mixing in the kool- aide of Black Folk Music if it is out of Shithouse Africa, and amounts to no little more than the spontaneous singing of servant girls? If it was such archaic-primitive self-expressions “the music of slaves”, it would die a natural death. So, you would seem to believe.



Science, Creation of the Universe

Scientists have gathered a lot of evidence and information about the Universe. They have used their observations to develop a theory called the Big Bang. The theory states that about 13.7 billion years ago all the matter in the Universe was concentrated into a single incredibly tiny point. This began to enlarge rapidly in a hot explosion, and it is still expanding today. Scientists have also detected a Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). This is received from all parts of the Universe and is thought to be the heat left over from the original explosion.[31]

Kemet, Creation of the Universe

God Atum (Atom)

We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe.” – 33 degree Freemason Manly P. Hall

The African God Atum is the most ancient secretScience of the Atom.”

Hermopolis in Africa was a provincial capital of the Two Lands of Kemet since the Old Kingdom period. The Old Kingdom is the period in the third millennium (2686-2181 BC) also known as the “Age of the Pyramids” or “Age of the Pyramid Builders” as it includes the great 4th Dynasty when King Sneferu perfected the art of pyramid building and the pyramids of Giza were constructed under the kings Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.[32]

God Thoth, Wisdom and Music

Hermopolis means “the city of Hermes” in Greek. The Greeks gave it that name because it was a major cult center of the god Thoth who they associated with their god Hermes, but the people of ancient Kemet knew it as Khmunu (“the City of the Eight“). The Hermopolitans claimed that their theory of creation was older than any other in Africa and that it was the Ogdoad who gave birth to both the Sun and God Atum.

The Ogdoad was a system of eight deities, four gods and their consorts (the number four was considered to represent completeness). Each pair represented the male and female aspects of the four creative powers or sources. Nun and Naunet represented the primeval (ocean) waters; Heh and Hauhet represented eternity; Kuk and Kuaket represented darkness; and Amun and Amunet represented air (or that which is hidden). However, the gods differ from one source to another. Primeval darkness was sometimes represented by Gereh and Gerehet and Heh and Hehet are sometimes included as forces of chaos, possibly representing the currents of the primeval waters. When God Amun rose in prominence as a creator god in his own right, he and Amunet were replaced by Nia and Niat, gods of the void.

These eight elements interacted causing an explosion (The Big Bang) and the burst of energy which was released caused the mound (located at Hermopolis, but originally known as the “Isle of Flame“) to rise from the water. It was thought the gods and goddesses of the Ogdoad then ruled the earth during the Golden Age. When they died they took up residence in the “Duat” (or “Tuat” – the Underworld). The ensured that the Nile continued to flow, that the inundation would come every year and caused the sun to rise each day.[33]

Tutankhamen, Tutankhaten, Tutankhamon possibly Nibhurrereya (as referenced in the Amarna letters) was a pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled 1332–1323 BC), during the period of the Golden Age of the New Kingdom. In his tomb, some very remarkable virtually timeless and priceless “Big Bang” artifacts were found.[34]

One of artifacts was a scarab pectoral necklace inlaid with carnelian, lapis lazuli, calcite, obsidian turquoise, and red, blue, green, black and white glass. Geologists performed a chemical composition test on King Tut’s scarab necklace and determined the scarab was made out of mysterious desert glass. Chemical and geological evidence suggest the greenish-yellow desert glass was made in an impact by either a meteorite or comet on the desert sand 500 miles from his home.

The glass that formed the scarab was formed as a result of meteor impact in the far distant past. Specimens of natural glass found in Kemetic deserts are products of meteorite slamming earth 100,000 to 200,000 years ago. Known locally as Dakhla glass, it represents first clear evidence of a meteorite impact. At time of impact, the Dakhla Oasis (Africa), in western part of modern-day Egypt, resembled other African savannas and was inhabited by early humans, according to archaeological evidence.

Scientists also found that a dagger’s blade found in King Tut’s tomb had a composition of iron, nickel and cobalt that strongly suggests it also had been of extraterrestrial origin. What’s more, it is nearly identical to the composition of a prehistoric meteor found in the seaport city of Marsa Matruh, 150 miles west of Alexandria.[35]

Benben Stone

Meteorites play an essential role in ancient Kemetic cosmology. For example, the “Benben ” stone worshiped in the sun temple of the god Ra at Heliopolis is thought to have possibly been a meteorite. The word “Benben ” is derived from the verb “weben”, meaning “to rise”, “rise in brilliance”  “to shine”.[36] From the beginning of the 19th Dynasty (approximately 1295 BC) a new hieroglyphic word for iron appeared: “bi-A-n-pt”, which literally translates as “Iron From the Sky”.

Heliopolis in Africa was also one of the oldest cities of ancient Kemet occupied since the Predynastic Period. It was principally notable as the cult center of the sun god Atum, who came to be identified with Ra and then Horus. The primary temple of the city was known as the Great House or House of Atum. Its priests maintained that Atum or Ra- Re was the first being, rising self-created from the primeval waters.[37]

According to Heliopolis-era creation stories in the beginning, Atum emerged from the Isfet (chaos) of Nu (primordial (ocean) waters). Atum created the god Shu (personification of air/cool dryness) and goddess Tefnut (personification of moisture) from Nu. Shu is depicted in the Kemet iconography as an ostrich feather.

I have grasped the stake… I take the measuring cord in the company of Seshat. I consider the progressive movements of the stars. My eye is fixed upon the Bull’s Thigh [Ursa Major]. I count off time … and establish the corners of the Temple”.

The above text is an inscription from the Temple of Horus at Edfu accompanying the relief showing “Stretching the Cord” Ceremony.[38] It has been suggested that the temples of prehistoric Kemet were located according to geodetic (science of measurement of the earth) principles. These temples include some of the greatest colossus structures ever built on earth with precision and purpose.

Baalbek (Heliopolis (On) Megaliths 

Romans knew the site of Baalbek in Lebanon by its Greek name, Heliopolis (On)Baalbek is named for Baal, the Canaanite deity – cousin of Kemet.

The “Stone of the South” at Baalbek, Lebanon is the largest worked monolith on Earth, weighing in at a staggering 1242 tons. 

Map showing Baalbek in relation to Giza (Heliopolis)

The style of masonry and colossus construction employed is similar to what we find on the Giza plateau, an area that was also once called Heliopolis (On) in Kemet.

Baalbek’s connection to Giza and the pyramid complex is also interesting, as the wooden boats that were found buried on the Giza plateau are made from Cedar-wood, from trees that potentially come from the famous Cedar forests that once thrived on the slopes that Baalbek sits upon.

Baalbek- Stone of the South

Both sites were equinoctial, they both show the same incredibly skilled masonry techniques, and they are separated by almost exact degrees of longitude and latitude.

Great Pyramid Giza, Megalith Stones 50- 70 Tons

Additionally, geometric alignments have been shown to extend from both Giza and Karnak (Thebes).[39]

What power on earth build the mysterious virtually impossible Colossal Megalithic Monuments across the planet with purpose …

that modern science has no answers to?



HEKA & MA’AT, Brother and Sister at Creation

MA’AT is said to have been born of the sun god Ra (ATUM- ATOM) at the beginning of creation through the power HEKA, who was magic personified. Her name means “that which is straight” implying order, justice, and harmony. She is thought to have been present from the beginning of time when, from the primordial waters of Nun, the Benben (first mound of dry land) rose with ATUM (or Ra, the sun god) standing upon it in the presence of the invisible HEKA. In the moment that RA- RE SPOKE THE WORLD INTO CREATION, MA’AT was born. Her spirit of harmony and balance infused the creation and caused the world to operate rationally according to purpose.[40]

“…to me belonged the universe before you gods had come into being. You have come afterwards because I am Heka.” – Coffin texts, part of spell 261, First Intermediate Period to Middle Kingdom.

To reaffirm: “I am one with Atum when he still floated alone in Nun, the waters of chaos, before any of his strength had gone into creating the cosmos. I am Atum at his most inexhaustible – the potence and potential of all that is to be. This is my magic protection and it’s older and greater than all the gods together!” – Book of Coming Forth By Day, New Kingdom.

While HEKA is the medium that can influence existence it was the principle of MAAT adhered to by the people of Kemet that kept HEKA functioning as that fundamental medium. It circulates in the universe. HEKA has no EVIL connotation. It is a divine energy and force that existed before creation and dualism. It is a force that even the gods and goddesses draw from.

Any alignment of the physical with the spiritual, of earthly with heavenly forcesrequired the activation of HEKA and resulted in MA’ATHEKA is beyond which there is NOTHING STRONGER.

The mysterious Benben  Stone first appeared during Sep Tepi or “point of first creation,” as a “mound,” after the waters of “Creation,” called Nun had subsided.  The Benben Stone has also been described as a conical and pyramidal-shaped object based upon ancient eyewitness reports. The Beben Stone was said to represent the cosmic seed of all life produced from the “sperm” of Atum (Atom), the Supreme God.[41]

The Benben Stone exemplified the cosmically consummated spiritual connection between heaven and earth.  As the primordial Womb, the Benben Stone carried the great cosmic seed of life, Atum’s spirit, the ‘light’.[42]

The Benben Stone of Heliopolis is said to have been shaped like a mound or pyramid, and was displayed on top of a tall pillar worshipped in the primary temple dedicated to God Atum, which was known by the name Per-Aat (pr-at; “Great House“).

However, there appears to have been another temple in Heliopolis the “Mansion of the Benben”, also known as the “Mansion of the Phoenix”, which is believed to have been a sacred precinct in which in the middle of an open courtyard, stood a stone pillar, on top of which sat the “benben stone”. It was seen as the solidified seed of Atum, the Stone of Creation, a magical stone, and some have concluded that it was of meteoric origin, “shining” in the sky, but when fallen on earth, black.[43]

Ancient Kemet’s metallurgists and chemists worked with meteorite materials for thousands of years. They had developed infinite knowledge of its content on an orderly scientific basis. Two kinds of lead can exist in different parts of the same meteorite. The results for the stone meteorite samples show a more radiogenic lead than can be accounted for by their lead to uranium. By counting the radiogenic lead atoms and the remaining uranium atoms in a fragment, the time elapsed since the uranium began to decay in the rock can be calculated. In other words, meteorites contain elements of extraterrestrial uranium atoms.[44] According to the theories developed, the Earth’s uranium was produced in one or more Big Bang supernovae (“An explosive brightening of a star in which the energy radiated by it increases by a factor of ten billion … A supernova explosion occurs when a star has burned up all its available nuclear fuel and the core collapses catastrophically.” – Oxford Dictionary of Physics).

The main process concerned was the rapid capture of neutrons on seed nuclei at rates greater than disintegration through radioactivity. The neutron fluxes required are believed to occur during the catastrophically explosive stellar events called supernovaeGravitational compression of iron (the island of nuclear stability, incapable of further exothermic fusion reactions) and sudden collapse in the center of a massive star triggers the explosive ejection of much of the star into space, together with a flood of neutrons. Remnants of hundreds of supernovae have been found, and scientists “witnessed” one in Magellanic Clouds in 1987. The Earth’s uranium was produced through this process in one or more supernovae, and that this material was inherited by the solar system of which the Earth is a part.[45]

Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. It is usually in a form of heavy metal, naturally occurring in most rocks, soil, and even in the ocean. It is found in many places in the world. Energy from uranium is called nuclear energy.[46] Nuclear energy is stored energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. If the nucleus of an atom is split or fused with another atom, this releases or explodes huge amounts of energy. The Sun (Ra-Re) and uranium both possess direct nuclear energy. It’s been said that all of the Sun and stars in the sky are powered by “Fusion“. It’s the opposite of Fission energy.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the people of ancient Kemet deliberately added lead salts to their black eyeliner to ward off bacterial infections. In samples of ancient Kemetic eyeliner, scientists identified 2 (two) types of lead salt not found in nature. That means that ancient Kemetic eyeliner had to be purposefully synthesized by an advanced scientific process. Making lead salt is a complicated and delicate process that requires laboratory weeks. In lab experiments, research scientists added lead salts to human skin cells called “keratinocytes”, which were grown in the lab. The researchers hypothesized that the lead would stress the cells and cause them to make hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and other compounds involved in the body’s immune response. And indeed, cells treated with lead began pumping out more nitric oxide than did control cells.

They determined that nitric oxide sets off a series of biochemical processes in the body that ultimately send immune cells called macrophages to the site of infection, where they engulf invading organisms. The nitric oxide released by keratinocytes possessed the power and energy to directly kill eye-disease-causing bacteria on the skin or near the eye by breaking down a bacterium’s structure or DNA.[47] The people of Kemet believed that this makeup also had a “magical” role in which the ancient gods Horus and Ra-Re would protect wearers against several illnesses.

In earlier research, the scientists analyzed 52 samples from ancient Kemetic makeup containers preserved in the Louvre museum in Paris. They identified four (4) different lead-based substances in the makeup. In a new study, they found that the substances boosted production of nitric oxide by up to 240 per cent in cultured human skin cells. Eye infections caused by bacteria can be a serious problem in tropical marshy areas such as the Nile area during flood. [48]

Elements of lead were indeed synthesized in a lab in antiquity.  Modern science shows that there are no other conclusions. Luis Pellegrini, former director of the magazine Planeta, current director of the digital magazine Oásis, journalist, writer, translator, author of the books “The winged feet of Mercury” and “The Tree of Time“, both by Axis Mundi Editora, and “Madame Blavatsky “, said he believed that the ancient people of Kemet knew the atomic decomposition and uranium. It was one of the issues known to their priests and rulers.[49],[50] The mechanical and metal analysis of the sandstone samples extracted from the corridor leading to the royal chamber in the pyramid of Khufu in 1986 contain sand “specifically” on the proportion of heavy metals and some of the ratio of 7.7% and this gives two possibilities:

  1. The pharaohs used the uraniumand of course the necessary special settings“.
  2. Either they separated the uranium from the sandand this indicates that the Pharaohs deliberately prepared the sand in particular and the process of separation[51]

It is generally understood that one of the priests in the picture pour sand to move the monument, while the priest above him appear to be a HEKA/MA’AT chironomist, discussed below. However in lieu of new scientific evidence, the priest is pouring heavy metal (uranium) sand and salts while the other priest control its divine energy and force (HEKA) with the sound and voice of MA’AT.

In other words, Kemet’s metallurgists and chemists knew about the special extraterrestrial nuclear energy properties of heavy metals like iron. They had a complex system to determine the different properties of lead and uranium in rocks and meteorites, and scientifically separate them. They also knew about the special nuclear energy properties of the uranium atoms in the Benben Stone. That’s why it is associated with the ocean also containing ageless supernova uranium particles, the creation mound; and the fire and explosion that sparked the birth of God Atum (Atom), and launch the Benu Bird (Phoenix).

Karnak is the modern-day name for the ancient site of the Temple of Amun at Thebes in Kemet. The people of Kemet called the site Nesut-Towi, “Throne of the Two Lands“, Ipet-Iset, “The Finest of Seats” as well as Ipt-Swt, “Selected Spot” (also given as Ipetsut, “The Most Select of Places“). Thebes was yet another city that claimed that it was the first city founded on the primordial mound which rose from the waters of chaos at the beginning of the world. At that time, the creator-God Atum (sometimes Ptah) stood on the mound to begin the work of creation. The site of the temple was thought to be this original ground and the temple was raised at this spot for that reason. Karnak is believed to have been an ancient observatory as well as a place of worship where the God Amun would interact directly with the people of earth.[52]

Shemayet Nehmes Bastet

Shemayet Nehmes Bastet

According to an inscription on a wooden plaque found in her tomb, Nehmes Bastet was “chantress [shemayet] of Amun” – voice and vibration of the gods during the Twenty-Second Dynasty (945-712 BC). She was a vocalist and a master of the MA’AT ‘s harmony and the harp.

She was the daughter of the High Priest of Amun. The discovery of her tomb is important because it shows that the Valley of the Kings was also used for the burial of highly respected and beloved temple singers and musicians.  Nehmes Bastet was undoubtedly an eminent and valued member of the priesthood and the people because until the discovery of her tomb, the only tombs found in the historic Valley of Kings were those linked to Kemet’s ancient royal families.[53] Nehmes Bastet’s title of Shemayet (user- MA’AT ra-setp-en-ra Monthu-in-the-two-lands) brings us back to Goddess MA-AT. The Shemayet was the master of the production of sound or vibration (singing or chant), “herw (literally, ‘voice’)” associated with those gods deemed to be skilled in creative power and forces of “magicpersonifiedHEKA.

Sheymayet Whitney Houston

Someone on TWITTER respectfully honored Whitney Houston with title Shemayet Nehmes Bastet.

Sheymayet Meresamun


Sheymayet Meresamun (“Amun Loves Her”) was another highly celebrated singer in Kemet. She was an inner sanctum singer-priestess in about 800 BC.[54] Her coffin states that she was a “Singer in the Interior of the Temple of Amun” at Karnak. She also had been a part of the divine choir.

See her, her hand shaking the rattles to give pleasure to the god, her father Amun. How lovely she moves, her hair bound with ribbon, songstress with perfect features….Pleasure there is in her lip’s motions…. her heart is all kindness, her words gentle to those upon earth. One lives just to hear her voice.

The percussive rhythm of their ritual rattles (sistrums) and beaded necklaces (menats) was meant to calm the god and make him more amenable to protecting and helping mankind. Three times a day, a priest ceremonially opened the doors of Amun’s inner sanctuary, purified the divine statue, offered it food and drink, and then adorned it with clothing, jewelry and perfumes. While this was going on, grand ladies like Priestess Meresamun would make music and sing to the god with a sweet voice.[55]

Shemayet Diesehebsed

The fragment of sandstone relief, above, shows two women: Diese-heb-sed to the left and the God’s Wife of Amun, Amunirdis II or Amenirdis II, to the right. Both women wear fine, almost transparent linen gowns and sandals with looped toes.” The “god’s wife wears the vulture headdress.” “Inscriptions from other sources indicate that Diese-heb-sed was an attendant of Amunirdis. In that subservient role, she stands with her arms passively at her sides as Amunirdis raises her hands in adoration of the deity who was once shown to the right.

Pharaoh Taharqa

The above block came from the now lost tomb or tomb chapel of Diesehebsed of the 25th Dynasty of Kemet. Amenirdis II was the daughter of the Pharaoh Taharqa, and adopted daughter of the God’s Wife of Amun Shepenwepet II.[56]  Shemayet Diesehebsed also bore the title “Singer in the Interior of the Temple of Amun” at Karnak, indicating that she was part of a divine chorus that entertained the god during offering rituals. He father was a priest of Amun and Scribe of the Offering Table.[57],[58]

Shemayet Tjayasetimu

Temple singer of the inner sanctum and royal choir, Shemayet Tjayasetimu of the 26th Dynasty, left behind her elaborate image on her gilded sarcophagus in ancient Thebes in 800 BC. She was also a chantress of God Amun at the Temple of Karnak.  She died a celebrated and beloved singer of the temple at 7 years old.  She was granted the best mummification. She had been wrapped in painted bandages; her face was covered with a delicate veil hidden by a golden mask. She had been placed in a gilded sarcophagus.[59]

The detail above shows a clarinetist, flutists, a chironomist, dancers, and hand clappers. In the whole banquet scene there is an “eleven- man ensemble, consisting of two harpists, two flautists, a man playing an unusually long clarinet, and six chironomists.” see Lisa Manniche, Music and Musicians in Ancient Egypt, page 29. In ancient Kemet, “chironomists” practiced the art known as ‘chironomy’, whereby a series of hand-gestures would direct the musicians, akin to modern conducting. Overall, the Kemetic musical tuning, performance, and singing had to observe strict rules to keep ORDER OF MA-AT. Why?

Goddess MA-AT, identified with the principle of order, equilibrium and musical cosmic harmony that is found not only in the inner-most sanctuary of the temple, but also on the decoration on the harpHarpist of MA-AT. Kemetic temple hieroglyphs considered MA-AT to be the Queen of [musical] Harmony.[60] Recall in the moment that RA- RE SPOKE THE WORLD INTO CREATION from atop the Benben Stone mound. MA’AT was born in the presence of the invisible HEKA. She is HEKA personified. Her spirit of harmony and balance infused the creation and caused the world to operate rationally according to purpose. The title of Shemayet (userMA’ATra-setp-en-ra Monthu-in-the-two-lands) means the master ritual chanter or singer for the gods.

Nobody is certain what the invisible HEKA may be that was present on the Benben Stone with God Atum and Goddess MA’AT at creation. The strict rules of ORDER OF MA-AT personified in HEKA was strictly observed and transcended across religion, all disciplines, science and architecture- pyramid and colossus construction in ancient Giza, Heliopolis (On), Kemet, Heliopolis (On), Lebanon, and across the ancient world. HEKA is an invisible creative power and energetic force that I believe is related to the nuclear/atomic energy,  frequency and vibration of the Benben Stone. Recall that sound and vibration (words-voice) can possibly split and manipulate the power of extraterrestrial (universe) ultra-compressed explosive nuclear atoms in heavy metals like uranium in ways we still don’t understand.

From the example of celebrated 7 year old Shemayet  Tjayasetimu of the 26th Dynasty, the sound(s)-voice of HEKA personified in MA’AT may be acquired or inherited. She was undoubtedly a very remarkable and musical master child prodigy. The preservation of her name for thousands of years, and her grand burial is certainly a testament to her mastery of the voice of the gods, and the love the people had for her.  I believe that the variants of the ancient sound(s) HEKA personified in MA’AT survive in some sacred African chants, black spirituals, and gospels.



SCEPTER has always known about the magnetic powerful magical and spiritual ancient sound(s) HEKA personified in MA’AT and the singers and musicians that have mastered the sweetness of justice, the invisible power and energy of AMUN-RA and MA’AT. Among them were music and chanter masters, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Killed 39 years old), Malcolm X (Killed 39 years old), Sam Cooke (killed 33 years old), Donny Hathaway (killed 33 years old), Whitney Houston (killed 48 years old), Phyllis Hyman (dead 45 years old), John Coltrane (dead 40 years old), Wes Montgomery (dead 45 years old), Otis Redding (killed 26 years old), Teddy Pendergrass (killed 59 years old), Marvin Gaye (killed 44 years old), Ricky Nelson (killed 45 years old), Luther Vandross (dead 54 years old), James Brown (Killed 73 years old), Michael Jackson (Killed 50 years old), Prince (Killed 54 years old), just to name a few.

Their sounds or “voice” of the music helped to connect people to the invisible force of creation inherent to the gods. Whether they knew it or not, they produced sound, divine voices that unto themselves were the magical spiritual power of power no greater than itself of generation, regeneration, resurrection, and the power of change and transformation. From the navel, they brought forth in breath magical power over the emotions of others that had been recorded and documented by the ancient Greeks that were like children among the giants of Kemet. Herodotus and Strabo noted the grand processions led by flute and reed-players, where the growing crowd of pilgrims lost themselves in “ecstatic” abandonment, demonstrating the power of the instrumental voice of God.[61]

President Drumpf said that he wants more immigrants from Scandinavian nations like Denmark to enter the country instead of people from “shithouse” or “shithole” countries like Africa. He seems to possess the notion that Scandinavia hadn’t been touched by the Mother Continent Africa. It also lies deep at its ROOTS.

One of the precious beads found buried along with a Bronze Age woman at a grave-site in the town of Olby in Denmark came from Africa. Researchers said, another was discovered in a necklace together with four pieces of amber at the burial location of a second woman. The glass beads discovered in 3,400-year-old Danish graves were Kemetic in origin made by King Tutankhamun’s Workshop.

Analysis revealed that the beads buried with the women were created at a workshop located in Amarna, the capital city newly established and built by Pharaoh Akhenaten during the late 18th Dynasty and abandoned following his death in 1332 BC.

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, Akhenaten- Neferkheperure

Glass from this same workshop was used in Tutankhamun’s death mask during his funeral in 1323 BC.

Without the Mother Continent AFRICA, Donald J. Drumpf could be sitting atop on the Benben Stone in the mist of CHAOS in the 21st century still waiting for the Magic- King Among the Frogs.

Let me close on the invisible magical power of voice and sound (HEKA) of Sheymayet Whitney Houston. SHEYMAYET (user- MA’AT- ra-setp-en-ra Monthu-in-the-two-lands), I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUI need not say nothing else!









































[39] Id.






















