9 02 2017



This year, there are extremely informative material that seems to cover ILLUMINATI NFL Super Bowl LI in excellent detail, as above. I hope to contribute a little to the story.   However, pray for Lady Gaga, alone?


We can also LOVE her with POWER. The LOVE that implements the DEMANDS OF JUSTICE!

Maybe for about the third or fourth time in my life, I didn’t watch the NFL Super Bowl that I have always loved. The New England Patriots are subliminally tied into the powerful global race patriots of the Luciferian Anglo-Saxon British/American Pilgrim Society and the ILLUMINATI.


Aldous Huxley, British Godfather of MK ULTRA/MONARCH & ILLUMINATI Terrific Tom,  The ILLUMINATI EYE OF EVIL. As a tactic of mass psychological warfare, they love to throw ILLUMINATI Tom and the right-wing secret society symbolic New England Patriots in our faces to mock the masses.

The U.S. Congress or Senate confirmed the race patriot Rex Tillerson as secretary of state without asking him one single question about his membership in the Pilgrim Society. What is the Pilgrim Society?


Even today it’s members consist of the wealthiest businessman and the most influential politicians… Still, 99% of the world has never heard of it. We’re talking about the Pilgrims Society. An aristocratic Anglo-American dining club … Above all, it seems that the Pilgrims Society represents that old dream of Cecil Rhodes to create a worldwide English-speaking free-trade zone (his exact words), with the dominant position for the Anglo-Saxon race. Rhodes had also been speculating about a network of secret societies that had to absorb the wealth of the world. In fact, the enormous fortune he left behind was probably used to set up the Pilgrims Society just 4 months after he died. But especially these days, ’free-trade’ policies seem to be nothing more than a tool by which western companies wrestle control of foreign markets.”[1]  The Pilgrim Society is a “creation of an elite of race patriots derived directly from Plato’s Republic.” [2]


Lucifer’s Servant, ILLUMINATI Tom Brady & Devil Horns

In NFL Super Bowl LI (51), ILLUMINATI Terrific Tom pulled off an ILLUSIONARY false victory in America just like a Demonic Donald J. Drumpf.

aasandlerdonalddevil I didn’t necessarily boycott Lady Gaga’s super bowl half time performance. In the mist of this particular political, social and strange world climate with Donald J. Drumpf and Steve Bannon of the Dark Force leading the so-called FREE WORLD, I just refused to be drawn into any of the ILLUMINATI NFL Super Bowl LI (The Big Lie).


Lucifer’s Servant, Lady Gaga, Super Bowl LI & Devil Horns

There is a lot of deliberate disinformation circulating on the internet that claim that Lady Gaga’s Super bowl performance wasn’t so bad. There wasn’t so much Satanic ILLUMINATI symbolism openly exhibited, embedded and implanted in the half time performance. It’s safe to watch. I completely disagree.




Pope Francis, above, Jesuits, and the Church of England of the 9th Satanic Circle are alleged by an international tribunal in Brussels, France to be involved in child sacrifice, trafficking, ritual sexual abuse and genocide.


Mary, Untier of Knots,  St. Peter in Perlack, Augsburg, Germany (1700)

It is no coincidence that Pope Francis has Schmidtner’s Mary, Untier of Knots featured in the background. He became a devotee, initiated into to the Cult of Mary, Unitier of Knots while studying in Germany. The painting, executed in the Baroque style by German painter, Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner (1625-1707), shows the  Blessed Virgin Mary standing on the crescent moon (the usual way of depicting Mary under her title of the Immaculate Conception), surrounded by angels and with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove hovering above her circle of stars as she unties knots into a long strip and at the same time rests her foot on the head of a “knotted” snake. The serpent represents the devil, and her treatment of him fulfills the prophecy in Genesis  3:15: “I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel“. She is not crushing the snake (victory over Satan) with her foot. Her right foot “rests” on the neck of the DEVIL like a pet.

Pope Francis, Mario Bergoglio, was born in Flores, a neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. During Argentina’s Dirty War (Operation Condor) against the left and dissidents from 1974–1982, it is claimed by two priests that Pope Francis handed them and other leftists to the sadistic military death squads, and did not attempt to protect lay people who then became part of the 30,000 “disappeared” in Argentina. Bergoglio as head of the Jesuits, turned a blind eye to the Argentinian Military Junta’s atrocities and crimes against humanity. The testimony of Argentine war criminals in tribunals showed that Catholic priests and chaplains played a central role in the torture and murder of dissidents by blessing torture chambers and absolving troops of their sins after they had thrown dozens of bound and drugged dissidents from a plane into the 50-mile-wide Rio de la Plata River. Super Bowl LI(E)- was it actually scary crazy or what?



aasandlerladygagajohngesturSuper Bowl LI (Big Lie) So Above, da Vinci’s John the Baptist Gesture & Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga opens her half time show in challenge of  “Christ the Savior.” The Masonic tradition is that the primitive or Mother Lodge was held at Jerusalem, and dedicated to Saint John, first “The Baptist, then the Evangelist, and finally to both.


The John Gesture, 1st U.S. President, Master Mason, George Washington (1694–1743)

The Lodge was called “The Lodge of the Holy Saint John of Jerusalem.” From this Lodge all other Lodges re supposed figuratively to descend (Fallen).


17th Century, Unknown Artist. St. John the Baptist with Wings “Angel of the Desert”

Lady Gaga is a well educated and extremely sophisticated “DEVIL WORSHIPER” and Satanic High Priestess and mass media false prophet specialist of the ILLUMINATI. Her half time show was no family entertainment show. It was a mass population (111 million people) MASONIC THIRD AND FINAL RITE OF ACCEPTANCE.


Super Bowl LI (Big Lie), Lady Gaga, Luciferian Fallen Angel (Demon) Mythology

Lady Gaga is not flying. She is falling to earth like the so many myths of Lucifer and the Falling Angels. Lucifer, the angel, was thrown from heaven to earth. Not so bad, huh! Satanist Madame Blavatsky like Albert Pike and Freemasons worshipped Lucifer, whom she described as a Fallen Angel, cruelly expelled from Heaven by a tyrannical God. Isaiah 14:12, says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.”

“It’s prevalent, anyone with half of a mind can just look and see it. It’s right there in front of your face in every aspect of society… It’s very simple … the television- Tell-Lie-Vision, tell lies to your vision. It’s all there to indoctrinate you … It’s put there for you to see so you can make a decision. Oh, those guys worship SATAN– I am going to listen to them. Well, you made your decision which is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE that they need for you to take … WILLING ACCEPTANCE.”[3]


Leonardo da Vinci’s (Apr 15, 1452 – May 02, 1519) use of the up-pointed (Disciple Thomas) finger challenge Christ Lord Our Savior in the infamous painting, The Last Supper (1495-1498). Da Vinci’s finger gesture pointing to heaven refer to the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto.As above; so below.


Pharrell Williams, the “John Gesture”

The da Vinci Code controversy revolves around the contention that Leonardo da Vinci’s works are full of Rosicrucian symbolic allusions to secrets claimed to have been preserved by successors (secret society) of the outlawed Knights Templar.[4]


Oscars, Chris Rock & The John Gesture

The Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Merovingian Bloodlines. Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic – associated with ancient Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, and the heresy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism (by blood) that John the Baptist secretly represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist.[5]

The earliest Freemasons adopted Saint John the Baptist as their patron. It is worthy of note that the Grand Lodge of England was revived on Saint John the Baptist’s Day, in 1717 (Constitutions, 1738, page 109). The Scottish Freemasons always kept the “Festival of the Baptist” until 1737, when the Grand Lodge changed the time of the annual election to Saint Andrew’s Day.[6]



Hiram Abiff is a Metaphor for Many Druid/Rosicrucian Mysteries


From the journey of the Sun through the twelve signs came the legend of the twelve labors of Hercules, and the incarnations of Vishnu and Buddha. Hence came the legend of the murder of Khūrūm [Hiram], representative of the Sun, by the three Fellow-crafts, symbols of the three Winter signs, Capricornus, Aquarius, and Pisces, who assailed him at the three gates of Heaven and slew him at the Winter Solstice. Hence the search for him by the nine Fellow-crafts, the other nine signs, his finding, burial, and resurrection (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 1871, p. 448).”

Some are also saying that Lady Gaga toned down the ILLUMINATI/Satanic imagery and symbolism during her super bowl performance. I disagree with that also. It is what it was, a secret MASONIC THIRD AND FINAL RITE OF ACCEPTANCE or someone other than Christ (John the Baptist or Hiram Abiff- the DEVIL) as our SAVIOR.


Freemasons believe, “In a word, Hiram Abiff is the Christ-principle immanent in every soul; crucified, dead and buried in all who are not alive to its presence, but resident in all as a saving force– “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Freemasons and the Christ-principle in their Demonic heroes makes a mockery of the death and resurrection of the Christ. Hiram Abiff of the Masonic Lodge is a “saving force” that takes the place of Christ. Accept and acknowledge that without protest or open rejection, it is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE of the MASONIC BLUE LODGE. That’s no big deal, huh!









3 responses

9 02 2017

Why do you worry so? There will always be others who think and behave differently than you. Seek and live in peace.

9 02 2017
Kushite Prince

Thank you for this Princeray! This was a very thorough post! Thank you for exposing the satanic Super Bowl ritual. Another Black Assassins classic!

9 02 2017
Kushite Prince

This sports symbolism is pretty deep. Many people think it’s just a game. I noticed in the Patriots logo the hat is blue but the tail end looks like red horns. Could this represent the Beast(Satan)? I think the Patriots lie and cheat(deflate-gate) to show the world they represent the white man(Devil). This is why they wanted Brady to win the most Super Bowls. I watched a brother break down the symbolism of the Patriots beating teams in the Super Bowl that are related to African(Kemetic) history. Also Amerikkka seems to go to war every time the patriots win a Super Bowl. Have you noticed that? It’s to make the masses become more patriotic in my opinion.
2002- Patriots beat the St Louis Rams. The Ram represents the Kemetic deity Osiris.
2004- Patriots beat the Carolina “Black” Panthers
2005-Patriots beat the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagle(Horus) in Kemet was used to indicate the influence of a regime. Eventually it became a falcon representing the Sun God.
2015-Patriots beat the Seattle Seahawks. If you look at the Seahawks logo the eye looks very similar to the Eye of RA. The Eye of RA represents the Goddess Wadjet.
2017- Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcon as I said before represents the Kemetic god Horus or Heru.
So you see Princeray it’s all about symbolism. It’s not just a game being played. It’s too much money involved to leave the games up to chance. They believe there is power in harvesting spiritual energy. So they use these games as a way of manifesting their reality. They want to rule this world and the spiritual realm as well. Yeah this sports stuff is pretty deep.

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