14 07 2017




U.S. Capital Police Officer, Henry Cabrera

THE PARTY CRASHER does not respect or recognize any political party lines, Republican or Democrat, Left, Right, Radials or Progressives, moderates, even when it involves Congress, and its direct interference with child and human trafficking, part of the underworld New World Order Masonic Satanic agenda in America.


On May 25, 2017, U.S. Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA) posted a video on his YouTube channel and on his Twitter feed discussing recently passed bills in the House to target child predators and to provide protection for human trafficking victims. “The sad truth is that human trafficking is a real problem plaguing each and every community in the United States,” Scalise said. “This week the House took strong action to stand up for the victims of human trafficking, passing tough bills to provide them protection and to target child predators.”[1]


On June 6, 2017, U.S. Representative Brad Wenstrup (R-VA) published an op-ed on the topic titled Human Trafficking: As Easy as Ordering a Pizza. “It is true – with the rise of the Internet, human trafficking has become one of the fastest growing businesses of organized crime in the world,” Wenstrup wrote. Wenstrup cited that human trafficking generates billions annually in illegal profits around the globe and as many as 17,500 people may be trafficked into the country every year while approximately100,000 American citizens may be victims of trafficking within the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Congressional Research Service.[2] Wenstrup outlined twelve bills the House of Representatives recently passed during Combating Trafficking and Child Protection Week in Congress to fight child abuse and exploitation. “The bills also ensure investigators have more efficient access to critical evidence necessary to stop child predators, strengthen tools for the prosecution of perpetrators, increase the requirements for lifelong registration and reporting for offenders, and better equip law enforcement to protect children from harm,” Wenstrup wrote.[3]


President- select Republican Donald J. Drumpf is an anti-child predator- human trafficking proponent- THAT DOG DON’T HUNT! He is a grand deceiver, and an old fashion snake oil salesman that people continue to buy his liniment.


Drumpf should have been prosecuted as a child predator, and pedophile right along beside his partner in pedophilia, Jeffrey Epstein of Pedophile Island.




Congressman Steve Scalise, Left Hip Blood Wound was Horrific & REAL!

On June 14, 2017, , Rep. Steve Scalise was shot and wounded during an assassination attempt in the infamous GOP baseball practice field assault. On Wednesday, July 5, 2017, still in the hospital from the June 14th assassination attempt, Scalise suddenly developed an infection and was readmitted to an intensive care unit in serious condition, MedStar Washington Hospital Center.[4]


Thursday, June 22, 2017, Mika & Washington National Outfielder, Jayson Werth

The Washington Post: “A shooter opened fire at a GOP baseball practice. Here’s what happened, in maps and photos- updated June 15, at 4:28 p.m.” The article does not mention the above U.S. Capital Police Officer Henry Cabrera, the “THE PARTY CRASHER” as if he wasn’t there. [5] Am I missing something? But, Officer Cabrera was there, behind the 1st base dugout,  engaging an alleged assassin in an alleged firefight. Why didn’t they simply fact-check their story?  Congressional charity baseball game volunteer, Matt Mika, above, a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, was allegedly shot multiple times (how many?) in his chest (area of numerous vital internal organs) and arm. He allegedly suffered massive trauma at the June 14, 2017 GOP baseball practice field assault. On Thursday, June 22, he didn’t appear to have been in any distress or shot at all mugging with Jayson Werth. He was released from the hospital on Friday, June 23, 2017. At first, I assumed that he was shot with the same bullets that hit Steve Scalise.[6] But, it appears that he wasn’t shot in the chest and arm by any assassin assault or sniper weapon. If he was hit with anything, it had to be rock salt, rubber or plastic bullets.


Part of a Mass False Flag HollyWeird Show Production- Absolutely Shameful!


False Flag Dramatic Photo Opportunity

Greek Goat Rider Texas congressional staffer for U.S. Representative John Roger Williams (R- TX),  Zachary Barth (Secret Society: Beta Upsilon Chi Christian), was wounded allegedly shot in the leg at the June 14, 2017 GOP baseball practice field assault. But, he didn’t spend not one day in the hospital for an alleged assault rifle gunshot wound. That cannot be with standard assault weaponry and ammunition.


Zack had to have been shot with a BB gun not an assault weapon that is designed to inflict maximum horrific wounds to human flesh and tissue just as in the case of Steve Scalise. An assault weapon and ammunition are designed to critically wound, cripple, and take down an adversary immediately. Hey Zack, am I missing something? Where exactly in the leg was he possibly shot? And, his partner, Rep Williams, must have bruised that them there BONE in his ankle.


Rep. Williams (R- TX), is a Disciple of Christ. Former infamous Disciples were President Lyndon B. Johnson, President Ronald Reagan, and Rev. James Warren Jones, Peoples Temple.[7]


Rev. Jim Jones

The secret Medical/Mind Control Experimental Concentration Camp that was hidden away in the deep rain forest of Jonestown, Guyana in 1978 was a spawn of the Disciples of Christ,

They welcomed Jim Jones into their denomination with open arms. Then, eight years prior to the Guyana mass murder, they  received detailed evidence of his fake healings. I personally warned their bishop in 1970 (directly and by letter). Later, upon getting an earful of Jones’ atrocities (beatings, the abuse of children in “survival outings” where they were forced to eat raw bugs, lizards, and their own vomit), the Disciples leaders continued to defend a monster in their midst… when one of their theologians … confronted them in one high-level secret meeting just days after the Guyana tragedy, they sent him home with orders to burn “the stencils” of his proposition. They further warned that he should “not mention this to our communications office.” …  Had they but a twit of courage and integrity, Jones would have gone nowhere in California. Children and adults, hundreds of them, would therefore not have died in agony… A journalist, the most courageous and honest of the many I worked with, summed it up most succinctly: The Disciples of Christ ‘stink on dry ice.’ [8]

Rev. Jim Jones was CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.[9] If the Disciples provided cover for Rev. Jim Jones, they covered for the CIA and the secret Nazi-SS Underground in America.  U.S. Rep. john Rogers Williams is part of the ultra secret treasonous 9-11 Bush-Cheney Cabal.[10]

In a CBS This Morning televised interview on the morning after the shooting, neither Zach or Congressman Roger Williams, that sprained his ankle in the incident, mentioned Henry Cabrera– “THE PARTY CRASHER“. Yet, they specially singled out and thanked Capital Police Officers David Bailey and Crystal Griner for being heroic, and saving them. But, they must have seen him engaged in the firefight, or no firefight actually took place at all. They were all in the same 1st base dugout with everybody else that said Cabrera was there during the so-called firefight. [11] Hey Roger and Zack, am I missing something like the Big Lie– FALSE FLAG!

ABC Night David Muir Never Mentioned Henry Cabrera!

Shot in the hip, corporate mass media reported that Scalise, the No. 3 Republican leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, had been improving in recent weeks since June 14, 2017 following surgeries to repair broken bones, and injured “internal organs”.[12]



Compared to the Chest– what “internal organs” are in the Left Hip? Nevertheless, if you look at the Hip Bone like,

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, The thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone …The hip bone’s connected to the back bone, The back bone’s connected to the neck bone, The neck bone’s connected to the head bone … Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones.[13]

The Republican majority whip may be in the hospital for the rest of 2017, then some in 2018 with another chorus of Dem bones.


Officer David Bailey- Bruised That BONE Therapeutic Blue Sock?

The hero U.S. Capital Police Officer David Bailey is a secret society Alpha Phi Alpha BOULE Negro. The BOULE is one of the most powerful and treacherous ILLUMINATI Masonic secret societies in the Black Community. Officer Bailey must have been treated at the hospital for getting his feet tangled up and bruising DEM BONES, because he certainly wasn’t shot by ANYTHING! Neither Bailey or Crystal Griner, that may shot herself in the foot, have mentioned their partner in the alleged firefight, Officer Henry Cabrera, THE PARTY CRASHER“.


Scalise & Officer Crystal Griner

There has been no explanation why Scalise needed a THREE (3)- person security team. Had he been threatened, and why?  Also, there is no explanation why his entire security detail was chilling in the 1st base dugout instead securing the perimeter of the baseball field if he was under threats.  Steve Scalise– was he shot at close or long range? Nothing is being released about the ballistics reports. What type of bullet struck him in the hip?


Homesick Hapless Manchurian Candidate Patsy, James T. Hodgkinson

It appears that Hodgkinson’s body has been cremated. The same questions stand out with the shooting death of Hodgkinson. Was he shot at close or long range? Nothing is being released about the ballistics or his autopsy report. What type of bullet(s) struck him and killed him? When and where did he die? Why was he pronounced dead by President- select Donald J. Drumpf instead of the FBI, police or hospital officials?[14]



Since my last visit, Cabrera’s Facebook page has recently been cleansed of any and all military (Fort Jackson, SC), police photos and references.[15] The CIA recruits assassins straight out of Fort Jackson.[16] There is an odd reference to “bct 3 a co 3-34 alpha assassins Fort Jackson address; Building Southeastern Columbia, Ft. Jackson” where soldiers and recruits become assassins.[17]


Roman Catholic Katherine Griggs of Virginia Beach, VA was the wife of 11 years to alcoholic Colonel George Raymond Griggs, USMC, Intelligence Operations, head of special (psychological) operations under Admiral Celso of NATO. She maintains her former husband, Marine Col. Griggs, ran a military intelligence Murder, Inc. of trained assassins that he called the “firm” or “The BROTHERHOOD” that were “sexually perverted” (Hermaphrodites).

sandersfortjackson Kay Griggs said that the BROTHERHOOD had its origins in the secret German illness, the Pink Triangle–Sodomite SS and Nazis out of Operation PAPERCLIP. South Carolina around the Columbia, Fort Jackson backwoods veils the BROTHERHOOD’s ultra secret U.S. military grounds, camps and fields for home-grown trained pseudo false flag domestic terrorists, and assassins.[18]


On June 14. 2017, the deadliest and most lethal military trained human being with an assault weapon on the baseball field was the aptly named PARTY CRASHERHenry Cabrera, U.S. Army, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson. After his mission, the assassin is trained to fall back and  clandestinely blend into the background as if he was never there.


The problem is most of corporate mass media, many members of the U.S. Congress and the FBI seem willing to let him slip into the DARKNESS. The Steven Scalise Hit was a clandestine CIA PIZZAGATE Cover-up Assassination Attempt.





The simplest way to describe the hoofed foot horned goat god, Baphomet (God Pan), and gestures, As Above, So Below, is “Satan Equals God.”[19] It is “Four Words That Open the Doorway to Satanism.”[20] It is the entry way to the “Occult” to become equal on earth with the creator, above. They worship in the dark, in underground temples, caves and grottos. Guardian spirit guides, demons and fallen angels consume and take control, but must be appeased with the ritual blood sacrifice of animals, men, women, children and infants.

Thru the POWER of the “Occult“, Satan’s disciples, apostles, servants and accomplices are ILLUMINATED above all others. So, they believe. Opposites, like black and white, above and below, masculine and feminine, good and bad, take on new meanings. They say, “You cannot have one without the other.” That means you cannot have evil without good, or good without evil. Then, since good and evil are simply opposites, that means ONE IS NOT BETTER THAN ANOTHER. They are all the same. There is no bad or evil.[21]

James T. Hodgkinson and the attempted assassination of Steve Scalise had absolutely nothing to do with political ideologies, philosophies, divisions or parties. It is as it were tens and thousands of years ago that Satan, Set, Seth, Devil, Lucifer, Apophis (Dragon) and his evil disciples, apostles, servants and accomplices combined and decided that it was their time to rule the world. One of the primary goals of (Set) Lucifer’s deception is to keep people from worshipping his good brother, God (Aset).


Nancy Pelosi is an illusionary, looking glass, and smoked mirror Democrat that is a clandestine apostle of the Goat God. She secretly runs Goat Hill Pizza in Francisco, CA.[22] Corporate mass media chase and spread the wild false conspiracy theory that James T. Hodgkinson was a radical Democrat liberal left wing disciple of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont that violently targeted Republicans.


However, Hodgkinson can’t be something that Bernie Sanders just isn’t- a radical left wing Democrat liberal. Politically, Sanders is an illusionary “Independent” politician. In 2016, he made a pact with the DEVIL to run for the Democrat presidential seat.[23]


Bernie & Washington Masonic Temple of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons

Bernie Sanders’ offices are located in the Masonic Lodge (Temple) HQ in Burlington, VT. A Masonic Temple is a monument in stone to “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW“. Sanders’ office in a Masonic temple isn’t necessarily in itself suspect. However, if you factor in AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, then you should consider it as a factor in Sanders’ access to the BELOW: Masonic underground Satanic ritual dungeons, grottos and tunnel systems beneath the temple for ritual blood sacrifices, and conjuring fallen angels, demons, spirits, and the DEVIL.


They go hand and hand with 18th century Satanic Cults, Freemasons, and Masonic Temples worshiping the DEVIL- below. Please, don’t dismiss me, yet. There are much more actual concrete links and connections to the story. Sander’s abode, Washington Masonic Temple of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons in Burlington, had been chartered in 1795. It was charted by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Boston.


In Boston, its Masonic tunnels underneath the city are somewhat well exposed, ” … in the 19th century workmen discovered that a house at 453 Commercial Street had a large stone arch in its cellar that connected to a subterranean tunnel. The tunnel was 14 feet wide, five feet high, and was made of imported bricks. It angled away from Commercial Street towards Salem Street. The tunnel had been sealed off, so no one knew where it ended. The house at 453 Commercial was demolished in 1906.”[24] On the History channel, there is a show called “Cities of the Underworld” that featured Boston.  They showed smuggling tunnels under a church (Old North Church) that date back to colonial times. There are also 40 tombs that once held the bodies of over 1000 Freemasons.  There are even tunnels in the basements of houses said to have been used by King George’s pirates.

King George’s War (1744–1748) is the name given to the military operations in North America that formed part of the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748). It was the third of the four French and Indian Wars. It took place primarily in the British provinces of New York, Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and Nova Scotia. In French, it is known as the Third Intercolonial War.[25]


Sanders is a ZIONIST directly connected with Ivanka and Jared Kushner’s Kabbalah of the Zohar, and the Chabad-Lubavitch (Hasidic) Movement through the worship of the late 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneersoh of the Hasidic Movement. The Movement is directly associated with the rise of the ultra secret ancient horrific BLOOD LIBEL  rituals and sacrifices.  Sanders has more connections to the Satanic BELOW.



It has been recently exposed that Sanders wife, Mary Jane O’Meara, is subject of a pending FBI corruption investigation involving students, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, 10 (ten) million dollars, and a Masonic symbolic 33 (Thirty-Three) acres of land.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington is a diocese of the Vatican in the New England region of the U.S. comprising the entire state of Vermont. It is led by a prelate bishop, who serves as pastor of the mother church, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, in the city of Burlington. The Diocese of Burlington was canonically erected on July 29, 1853 by Pope Pius IX. ITS TERRITORIES WERE TAKEN FROM THE FORMER DIOCESE OF BOSTON. The Burlington See is a suffragan diocese of the Archdiocese of Boston.[26]


From Jane O’Meara’s Original Storefront Burlington College, Burlington, VT

Jane O’Meara- Sanders, President of Burlington College (2003-2011), was involved with a secret deal with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington to receive appropriately $4 million over the highest appraised value of the diocese’s 33-acre headquarters in a sale to Burlington College in 2010. The diocese headquarters built in 1881 slopes down to a beach on Lake Champlain.[27]


To Jane O’Meara’s $10 Million Beachfront Burlington College

It was a deal that the Burlington/Boston Roman Catholic Diocese was overjoyed, and so very happy with the Bernie – Mary Jane O’Meara- Sanders land deal. Jane O’Meara was happy, too. At the expense of the state and federal taxpayers, she had almost a $7 million cash cow to milk.  Two of her children may have joined the feeding frenzy collecting 6 figure salaries. They were smiling all the way to the bank, and the GATES OF HELL!


Happy Demons, Jane O’Meara & Bishop Christopher J. Coyne

The Happy Bishop added, “At the time, we were very satisfied with the $10 million purchase price on a property that was assessed … at $6 million. So the offer from Burlington College was about $4 million more than the property was worth …[28] It was a deal made in Heaven (ABOVE)- so it seemed on Earth (BELOW).

VI- 666



BE MY SACRIFICE- Cardinal Bernard Law, Boston Archdiocese

The following is absolutely CHILLING!The Happy Bishop Coyne was the public relations man for the disgraced Cardinal Bernard Law of the Archdiocese of Boston. Bishop Coyne was Law’s spokesman in 2002, when sexual abuse scandals erupted in the Boston diocese. Law resigned months after a judge unsealed court records in January 2002 that showed he had allowed priests with confirmed histories of molesting children to continue working in parishes.[29]


Late Boston Diocese Pedophile Catholic Priest, John Geoghan

The pedophile priest cover-up in Boston was horrific. In civil lawsuits in just one example, more than 130 people have claimed Priest John Geoghan sexually abused them as children during his three decades as a priest at Boston-area parishes. He was convicted in 2002 of indecent assault and battery for fondling a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool. Geoghan often targeted boys from broken homes, ingratiating himself during frequent visits or fun outings. One victim said Geoghan molested him as the two were driving home from getting an ice cream cone. Others said Geoghan molested them after visiting their rooms at bedtime to tuck them in, sometimes while whispering prayers.[30]

The church abuse scandal, which has had repercussions worldwide, broke in early 2002 with revelations that the Boston archdiocese had shuttled Geoghan from parish to parish despite warnings about his pedophilic behavior. The scandal mushroomed after a judge ordered the release of archdiocese files involving dozens of priests, showing repeated examples of the archdiocese shipping priests to different parishes when allegations arose. The scandal mushroomed after a judge ordered the release of archdiocese files involving dozens of priests, showing repeated examples of the archdiocese shipping priests to different parishes when allegations arose.[31]


David Clohessy, national director of the Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said what made Geoghan’s case more “than just a single case about a single predator” was that it revealed the corruption in the church. In 2003, Geoghan, serving a 10 year sentence in prison, died after apparently being strangled by a fellow inmate convicted of murder.[32]


The Attorney General of Massachusetts, Thomas Reilly, called the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston “the greatest tragedy to befall children – ever” in Massachusetts, one that involved far more priests and many more victims than 18 months of traumatic public disclosures have suggested.[33] Reilly, in releasing the report on a 16 (sixteen) month investigation, said that over six decades at least 237 priests and 13 other church employees were accused of molesting at least 789 minors. Reilly said the actual number of victims may be much higher, and probably exceeds 1,000.[34] But he also said that, though he wished it were otherwise, he could find no criminal statute under which he could prosecute church leaders, including Cardinal Law. Nonetheless, he concluded that Law, his two predecessors as archbishop, and numerous subordinate bishops facilitated the years of abuse, protecting priests time and again while leaving children vulnerable. “The mistreatment of children was so massive and so prolonged that it borders on the unbelievable,” Reilly said. Church leaders, he said, “in effect, sacrificed children for many, many years.”  The report also cited evidence that Lawhad firsthand knowledge of the problem of clergy sexual abuse of children for many years” – even before he became archbishop of Boston in 1984.[35] Reilly’s office, which had to use grand jury subpoenas to force disclosures by church officials, discovered fresh evidence of efforts by Law’s deputies, five of whom now head their own dioceses, to hide the problem from the public, and sometimes from inquiring law enforcement officials.

For example:


1984 Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary of Boston, Bishop Robert Joseph Banks

1985 Auxiliary Bishop of the Boston Archdiocese

Bishop Robert J. Banks in 1984 urged prosecutors and a judge to be lenient toward the Rev. Eugene M. O’Sullivan, who had pleaded guilty to raping an altar boy. Banks, according to the report, knew something prosecutors didn’t – that O’Sullivan had other victims. Banks is now the bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, as mentioned in the chapter on Father Kunz.”


Monsignor Alfred C. Hughes

Msg. Hughes is the Grand Prior of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The Cross of Godfrey of Bouillon (1060- 1100) is the Knights Templar Crusaders Cross”.  Substantial evidence of the secret Knights Templar/Catholic Satanic Ritual Black Mass Murder Cults can be traced back to the 15th century,  Knights Templar French Nobleman Giles de Montmorency-Lava AKA Baron Giles de Rais.

After a Hingham pastor, the Rev. John R. Hanlon, was indicted on rape charges in 1992, Bishop Alfred C. Hughes did not disclose to the law enforcement officials who contacted him that a second victim of Hanlon had complained to the archdiocese. Hughes is now archbishop of New Orleans.”

‘Even now’ the report said, ‘the process protects priests at the expense of victims’ when complaints are lodged by giving the archbishop discretion on whether to investigate. Also, Reilly said, the lay review board does not have independence from the archbishop, and there is still no provision to monitor the behavior of accused priests who have been removed from ministry.”

The total number of diocesan and religious order priests accused in the Diocese of Boston, according to Reilly’s report, is 237, which includes a handful of religious brothers. Reilly’s report does not say how many of the 237 are diocesan priests. Citing that evidence, the report said that Law ‘bears ultimate responsibility for the tragic treatment of children that occurred during his tenure.”[36]

The AG never charged Cardinal Bernard Law with any crime, claiming that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had no laws on the books to cover the prelate’s action and policies. Nevertheless in 2002, Cardinal Law fled to Rome.[37]The Happy Bishop Coyne is part of the Vatican’s deep PEDOPHILE PRIEST cover-up and protection ring and cabal of the Ninth Satanic Circle.[38]


Cardinal Law & Bishop Coyne

Cardinal Bernard Law was not only complicit in the operation of a ring of pedophile priests, some of whom were practicing Satanists. Cardinal Law, Bishop Coyne, and the Vatican were involved in a major cover-up in Boston involving the Church which was paying off former victims for their silence and using forms of intimidation to quell others who suffered under these vile priests. Some of the victims in Boston suffered under the nefarious activities of a group of DEVIL-worshiping Catholic priests.[39] Under Cardinal Law and Bishop Coyne, the Burlington Diocese was running LUCIFER’S LODGE.


Don’t get it twisted. These Catholic Satanic/DEVIL Worshiping Cults are not fly by night cults. They go back generations to medieval Europe.  Knights Templars even trace their origins back to the Kemetic evil God Set of the Hyksos Shepard Kings of 14th century BC. Some find their philosophical pseudo religious origins and ideology all the way back to the Nephilim  of the Bible,

Genesis 6 King James Version (KJV)

6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.


Cardinal Law and the Happy Bishop allowed Father Robert Meffan  to recruit junior high school girls as young as 12 years old for the Catholic ministry, and then rape and brainwash them for his absolutely wild bizarre and blasphemous ancient Luciferian Sex Magic cult, The Brides of Christ, until his full retirement from the priesthood in 1996.


He had been initiated into the Occult and Satanism, by a mysterious figure called, “THE MYSTIC”, “Like [Great BEAST 666] Crowley, Meffan considered himself an incarnation of Jesus Christ. Like Crowley, he recruited young, emotionally disturbed women. Like Crowley, he offered these girls unique mystical experiences for participating in occult ceremonies.


Like Crowley, Meffan employed visualization and sex rituals (one may recall that Meffan told the girls to think of themselves as “brides of Christ having sex with Jesus in Heaven”) to confirm his own divinity in his own mind.”[40]


Lucifer’s Lodge Grand Master, Cardinal Bernard Law

Even though Cardinal Law knew of Meffan’s satanic beliefs that he was AS ABOVE, SO BELOW Christ/Satan on Earth, and his wholesale rape of children, he wrote the following upon the priest’s retirement: Without doubt over these years of generous care, the lives and hearts of many people have been touched by your sharing of the Lord’s Spirit. We are truly grateful.[41]


While Father Meffan was running his Sex Magick Cult of Lucifer’s Lodge, his superior, Monsignor Frederick J. Ryan was running an outshot of the Satanic Process Church that had been headquartered in Boston. In 1970, the Boston Chapter of the Process was established at 29 Inman Street in Cambridge.[42] Msgr. Ryan had been a top aide to Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Humberto Medeiros. He died in 1983; he was succeeded by Cardinal Law.


Whereas Meffan sought sex from girls training to be nuns, his boss Msgr. Ryan went after boys. As mentioned, Ryan had one victim tattooed with a Devil figure in some strange sex ceremony. This is remarkably similar to the practices of the Process Church of the Final Judgment because of its division of members into groups. It reflects the theology of the cult, according to which some members would attach themselves to Christ, while others dedicated themselves to Luciferian rituals. The only two cases we know of in the Kingston County area of Massachusetts, those of Meffan and Ryan, strongly support the theory that the Archdiocese of Boston was in fact allowing a Satanist coven similar to the Process Church to operate in its geographical area of authority, and even went out of its way to protect the members of this sect.”[43]


Deal With the Goat God and Lucifer’s Lodge, Multi-Millionaire Tony Pomerleau and Bernie Sanders

Jane, Bernie and Burlington College financed the structure of the Burlington/Boston Diocese deal with loans from several sources. Lucifer’s Lodge kicked in $3.5 million in illusionary seller financing on paper. Local real estate developer and Sanders supporter French Canadian Catholic Tony Pomerleau [most likely Opus Dei], who helped broker the secret deal with the diocese from the beginning, provided an illusionary $500,000 bridge loan on paper. As planned, the real and actual financing for Burlington College came from $6.5 million in tax-free revenue bonds issued by the Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Finance Authority (VEHBFA) that was subsequently purchased by the federally insured, People’s United Bank.[44]The VEHBFA provides eligible [Sanders’ Corrupt Influence] private nonprofit libraries, educational, and health care providers with access to tax-exempt [capital] financing for the construction and renovation of facilities and the purchase of equipment, furnishings and other real or personal property.[45] In August of 2014, within a year of Jane’s leaving the college in 2013,  the college defaulted on that VEHBFA loan.


Nevertheless, the Bernie, Happy Jane and the Smiling Bishop of Lucifer’s Lodge were still overjoyed, “We’re very satisfied with the outcome at the end, even though we didn’t receive the full $10 million,” Coyne says of the settlement. “We walked away with a pretty good price, and at this point we’re not interested in pursuing any further matter in this.”[46] Jane’s $200,000 Golden Parachute 2013 severance package from Burlington College had to come from taxpayers, because the school had been milked dry.

The diocese’s headquarters, formerly St. Josephs Orphan Asylum that became Sanders’ Burlington College Campus facility (351 North Avenue) was sold to the private investor, Eric Farrell, for $6,075,100.00 as reported by the city assessor’s office. $3.5 of that purchase price went to Lucifer’s Lodge to pay part of the college’s $3.65 million original indebtedness to it. So, the diocese  didn’t lose a nickel in the deal in the end . Here’s the kicker. According to the Burlington Free Press, the building was sold to help pay for settlements of about two dozen sexual ritual abuse PEDOPHILE/Satanic abuse lawsuits against the Burlington diocese- Lucifer’s Lodge.[47] I didn’t say it. It came from the Burlington Free Press, and nobody has denied the intended primary purpose of the diocese’s real estate deal was/is to bail them out of their PEDOPHILE/Satanic abuse cases. And, the Sanders are all up in mixing that Kool-aid with sugar.  The diocese moved its administration offices to spaces owned by owned by of things, PIZZAGALLI Properties.[48]

All along, the Sanders- Burlington Diocese land deal was a cover for Lucifer’s Lodge to raise a covert “hush money” nest egg on the taxpayers’ backs. It had been secretly brokered thru the (Opus Dei?) Tony Pomerleau’s multi-million dollar real estate network.  Eric Farrell bought the Burlington Diocese land deal from Burlington College. Farrell, a Catholic, went to St. Michaels College (100% residential) in Colchester, VT.[49] The College was founded in 1889 by priests from the Society of Saint Edmund to serve French Speaking Catholics. The society fled to the U.S. after widespread anticlericism seized France.[50]


Cambrian Rise Proposed Development

Developer Eric Farrell has proposing to build 733 units of housing in 10 buildings. The project (Cambrian Rise) includes roughly 40,000 square feet of commercial space and 1,100 parking spaces on 33 acres. Both 733 and 33 seem to have hidden Masonic, occult and biblical significance. As I speak, the project is rolling smooth- straight dead ahead with no holds barred. And, it just so happens to be the very project that Tony Pomerleau had planned to develop out of the Burlington Diocese real estate portfolio from the very beginning. This was all along planned and schemed by deep layer Opus Dei stuff that will leave taxpayers holding the bag for $6.5 million that it gave to the Sanders, Pomerleau, and Lucifer’s Lodge. They will turn everything all around and cash in on the back end from Lucifer’s  Lodge covert multi-million dollar Burlington Diocese beachfront land private commercial conversion and development, Cambrian Rise. That’s the way, they roll.


It’s hard and very difficult to believe in the 21st century, but the Sanders aren’t the people’s champion socialist, liberal, progressive, independent, and radical politicians that they pretend to be. It’s all ILLUSIONS, SMOKED MIRRORS and the LOOKING GLASS. It’s a master piece of Mass Population DECEPTION.  They, first and foremost, are  Apostles of  the DEVIL. It’s well documented and the Lucifer’s Lodge, the Burlington Diocese, admitted that the Ten (10) Million Dollars of taxpayers’ funds that the Sanders’ Cabal covertly poured into its coffers are for PIZZAGATE/PEDOPHILE settlement and covert HUSH funds. The Cambrian Rise Complex Development is a clandestine project to shield and transmute the diocese’s valuable real estate into Opus Dei private property hands to veil it from mounting PIZZAGATE/PEDOPHILE lawsuits. For the job, they turned to the Vermont politically powerful and secret HASIDIC Mystic Jew politician, Kabbalah of the Zohar- Bernie Sanders, and his clandestine Opus Dei wife.


Previously, it has always been beneath his dignity to even acknowledge PIZZAGATE and PEDOPHILE Child Predators. The problem and the very subject has always been a big joke to Bernie, whether he eat Pizza with a fork or not. Well, it’s no longer a joke. Sanders has hired a team of lawyers to defend he and his wife in a Federal probe of fraud and corruption in the Burlington Diocese- Burlington College land deals. Sanders’ top adviser Jeff Weaver told CBS News the couple has sought legal protection over federal agents’ allegations from a January 2016 complaint accusing then-President of Burlington College, Ms. Sanders, of distorting donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People’s United Bank to purchase 33 acres of land for the institution. According to Politico, prosecutors might also be looking into allegations that Sen. Sanders’ office inappropriately urged the bank to approve the loan. But please don’t get it twisted. It isn’t fake news from my over reactive imagination. It’s not coming from me!


Mueller & Mr. Magoo, 9-11 Inside Job, “It Fits My Dear Man!”

Even if they pass the case down to former 9-11  Inside Job FBI Director Mr. Magoo- Bob Mueller, to sit on it for next 1,000 years, it’s the absolute hypocrisy of American politics that has been exposed. With Bernie Sanders, we are through the LOOKING GLASS! Now, the road has narrowed very significantly for Bernie. He has been caught red-handed embellishing and sweetening the pot of a PIZZAGATE Child Pedophile Protection & Defense Ring Fund

Unlike Jane and John Doe that get tens and dozens of years in prison for stealing from banks, the Sanders may never be prosecuted, and convicted of high crimes and corruption. Boston, part of the diocese of Burlington, is an Opus Dei stronghold of very powerful, influential, secretive and elite power brokers. Opus Dei, Latin for “work of God” is extremely defensive about being secretive.


Nevertheless, LOUIS JOSEPH FREEH, a former judge who served as the Fifth Director of the FBI from 1993 to 2001 is OPUS DEI.[51]


Called the pious Catholic “Cardinal“- JAMES COMEY, former FBI Chief is OPUS DEI.[52]


The new FBI Director, Christopher Wray, is an elitist Georgia Southern understudy of Cardinal Comey. He is primarily just another Donald J. Drumpf damming mouthpiece and manipulator for the Middle East, and Russian Interests, “The most troubling issue that Wray may face is the fact that his law firm — King & Spalding — represents Rosneft and Gazprom,  two of Russia’s largest state-controlled oil companies. The law firm’s representation of Gazprom raises even more serious conflict issues for Wray. Gazprom was a partner in RosUrEnergo AG (“RUE”), which is controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash.   He is under federal indictment in Chicago for racketeering charges, has had numerous financial dealings with former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and is generally considered to be a member of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.”


Wray is the personal attorney for New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. I don’t think Congress even asked Wray about Child Predators, Human Sex Trafficking priories and enforcement. Lucifer’s Lodge runs deep, very deep in Washington DC, and the shadow government. It was in its best interest to try to assassinate Steve Scalise by employing “The Party Crasher Assassin.” Laying him away with his legislative national agenda to target child pedophile predators would most certainly help protect, shield and benefit the mass of Child Predators and PEDOPHILES of the  Vatican, and the Burlington Diocese.[53]


[2] Id.

[3] Id.













[16] Russell, Dick, On the Trail of JFK Assassins, Skyhouse Publishing, NY, NY (2008)





[21] Id.









[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] Id.


[34] Id.

[35] Id.

[36] Id.



[39] Id.







[46] Id. at footnote 5









6 07 2017



Well, the United States finally has its Emperor CALIGULA in the highest elected office of the nation, the presidency. Caligula is arguably the most notorious Roman Emperor in history. He was a spoiled, narcissistic megalomaniac who wanted to reign as an  autocrat and take all (the largely symbolic and fictive) power away from the Senate. Renowned as a sexual deviant, murderer and a raving LUNATIC that believed he was a GOD.  Rumors have persisted for centuries that he made his horse (Incitatus) a member of the senate. He slept with his sisters and killed many members of his own family.


It seems that more and more people are embolden to go out on the limb with President- Select Donald J. Drumpf to say that the “Emperor Has No Clothes“, and even calling him a “LUNATIC.” In the past, people were fired, severely ostracized, condemned and punished for going there with the president. Now, after just not even 6 (six) months in office, the thrill has worn paper thin with the new president.

As far as I know, nothing has happened to Ana Navarro Flores for calling Drumpf a crazy, LUNATIC on national  cable TV. She is a Nicaraguan-American Republican strategist and political commentator for various news outlets, including CNN, CNN Espanol, ABC News, Telemundo, and The View.[1] It doesn’t look as if she has even been criticized for calling the president a LUNATIC.


Luciferian Ana Navarro

But, Navarro’s use of 666 ILLUMINATI symbol, flashing the DEVIL horns (Baphomet Sign), and the Masonic Sign of Preservation during her mass televised commentaries is troubling, and shows that she is not trustworthy. Navarro has another hidden elitist satanic agenda inconsistent with the legitimate aims, desires and aspirations of the people. She might cut your throat.


Navarro & Gene Prescott

Navarro’s longtime significant other is Gene Prescott, a “Friend of Bill” and  Clinton fundraiser who owns the grand Biltmore hotel in Coral Gables, Florida, “which hosts more Democratic and Republican political fundraisers than most any address in America.” Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush both work out at the plush Biltmore. Rubio even celebrated his 2010 surprise win for the Senate in one of the Biltmore’s ballrooms.[2] Additionally, it’s rather difficult to stop people from dishing out the same language as the president of the United States. Drumpf told Time magazine, “CNN in the morning, Chris Cuomo, he’s sitting there like a chained LUNATIC. He’s like a boiler ready to explode …[3]

I am not sure who the cable or channel newscaster is in this video, but he clearly reported, inequitably, that the U.S. Capital Police Officers shot themselves (FRAMES 1:55- 205). Contrary to what is universally reported, Manchurian Candidate Patsy James T. Hodgkinson didn’t shot the capital police in the baseball park shootings. Yet, nobody seems to have verified the facts or picked up the game- changing story but him. The news reporter called it a “funny thing” in Washington. I call it, cover-up, and evidence falsification and suppression. It is also a funny thing that President Drumpf has personally set himself up right smack in the middle of the Steve Scalise attempted assassination- a psychological warfare,  Strategy of Tension- FALSE FLAG OPERATION.





Henry Cabrera is a name that mass media don’t talk very much about. He was the 4th and most dangerous shooter at the ball park on June 14, 2017. Cabrera, allegedly, was shooting at the gunman from behind the first-base dugout, where Latter-Day Saint (Mormon)  Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake (Ariz.) was hiding. “I yelled out, ‘Is this friendly? Is this friendly? Are you friendly?to the person who was firing behind our dugout, and gratefully it was a member of the Capitol Police,” the Flake told CBS News.


“Just Be Chillin” FBI Evidence Response Team at Ball Park

For a deadly firefight between at least 4 (four) gunmen with auto or semi-automatic weapons covering a baseball ball park, this picture suggests that the FBI Evidence Response Team maybe weren’t supposed to recovered any physical evidence at all.


Can you believe this? The FBI has a budget of hundreds of millions. Yet, not one member of the FBI Evidence Response Team have a metal detector to help recover ballistic evidence in grass.  As I said before, maybe they weren’t supposed to recover anything that may help recreate the events of the crime scene.


Maybe, There is Physical Evidence in the Trees- Up in the Sky.

Was Cabrera out of uniform wearing plain clothes?  What weapon did he use in the so-called firefight? Flake described Cabrera’s assault attack as “Friendly Fire”. Friendly fire is an attack by a military force on non-enemy, own, allied or neutral, forces while attempting to attack the enemy, either by misidentifying the target as hostile, or due to errors or inaccuracy. Some even  contend that Cabrera shot and killed Hodgkinson, not David Bailey or Crystal Griner.  I suspect his bullets will also be recovered from Steve Scalise, and Capital Police Officer Crystal Griner. There will be little truth about anything to come out of Flake. The Mormons are a secretive Masonic fraternal order.



U.S. Capital Police, Henry Cabrera, THE MILITARY ASSASSIN


Party Crasher- Former U.S. Army Military Killer, Henry Cabrera

Just weeks before the baseball field shootings, Cabrera was assigned to a special operational Squid Tactical Squad. He is a U.S. Army veteran, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment- Fort Jackson, SC. Assassins come out of Fort Jackson.

Manchurian Candidates- Marcus Wayne Chenault & Chris Sean Harper Mercer

Black Manchurian Candidate False Flag Patsies, Chris Sean Harper, and the “Little Professor” Marcus Wayne Chenault that shot down Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s mother in cold blood came out  of Fort Jackson.



U.S. Capital Police, David Bailey, THE ALPHA BOULE NEGRO


David Bailey is a secret society Masonic Goat Rider. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha/Boule created by Grand Lodge of England Prince Hall Masons.[4] If he hadn’t been shot, don’t you think they should say so![5] The Negro may not even have been shot at all. He suffered a minor injury that he has  refused to be truthful about. What was the minor injury and why the lack of truthfulness with the public? There will be little truth about anything to come out of this Boule Negro bound to a secret society and covenant of secrecy.

U.S. Capital Police, Crystal Griner, THE LESBIAN LOVER


On Duty- Crystal Griner

With flowers a day after the shooting, Drumpf and the First Lady visited the so-called “heroic” U.S. Capital Police Officer, Lesbian Crystal Griner, and a woman, Tiffany Dyar that she is allegedly married to, in the hospital. Little to nothing not even pictures has been exposed about Griner’s secretivesame sex” marriage, or Drumpf’s hospital visit.[6] Nevertheless new laws and changing society tolerance, homosexuals still form secret- semi- secret codes and circles. Funny thing- Griner has yet to release a public statement about her so-called “heroics.” I think that is it because she or her fellow special agents U.S. Capital Police shot her in the foot, not a 6-pack Budweiser Beer Tanker, James T. Hodgkinson.




In November 2016, Lindy Li of Princeton University, 26 years old, was well on her way to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress endorsed by some of the most absolute EVIL on planet earth. There are few words that can describe the elitist former war criminal mass murdering “dangerous cold hearted, Lucifer worshipping, New World Order ILLUMINATI witch and bi*ch”, U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright. She is a member of the Rhodes Roundtable Council on Foreign Relations, co-investor with Jacob Rothschild and George Soros.


Madeleine Albright Dropped in for Lunch with Congressional Candidate Lindy Li


Lindy Li and then U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden

But, Democrat Li was forced to withdraw from the Chester County, Pennsylvania -based congressional race, according to a court order. In the state of Pennsylvania, each Congressional candidate must submit 1,000 signatures in order to appear on the primary ballot. Each petition, which contains 30 signatures, has to be signed and stamped by a notary public in order to be considered valid in the court of law.


Lindy Li and Former President “Slick Willie” Clinton

In her Congressional run, Miss Li and Democratic Party had all the spotlights, pageantry and glamour of a HollyWeird grand production starring a new rising false star in politics.


Lindy Li and Powerful HollyWeird Actor, Richard Gere


Lindy Li and  Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman, Thomas E. Perez

But, all they had to do was be honest if only for a few minutes and count simply to 1000, and she most likely would have been the youngest female ever elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.  But, they couldn’t even do that. They were so busy bathing in the limelight of corruptible power that they must have thought that they only had to count only up to 357- valid lawful voter signatures. Challenged in court by her republican opponent, the court ruled that she had in fact failed to come up at least 1,000 valid and lawful signatures even though they sat on top a goose egg of a million dollar Congressional campaign budget.[7]


Lindy Li, Fort Detrick & George W. Merck

After graduating from Princeton in 2012, Miss Li went to work in the Corporate Finance division of the pharmaceutical giant, Merck & Co. Inc., founded by George Wilhelm Herman Emanuel Merck of the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Warfare division- Fort Detrick, and the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control program. George and Merck & Co led the U.S. in secret medical and mind control experiments on unwitting American citizens. [8], [9]


On August 15, 2015, Lindy Li posted a smiley face on James T. Hodgkinson’s Facebook page photo. What are the odds of this democratic party fairyland princess that works for an infamous MK ULTRA contractor working on mass population behavior modification projects innocently or by happenstance end up liking the face of what she saw- an actual operational CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate mind control sleeper in the mix? Zero to NONE!


Lindy Li and Secretary of the U.S. Army, John M. McHugh

In September 2013, Lindy Li told Forbes magazine that she works in the DARK subliminal circles, “Starting at Princeton, a group of friends and I will launch the Do It in the Dark Campaign at campuses throughout the United States, in an attempt to trigger cultural change and transform mentalities on a vast scale.”[10] That sounds like a MK ULTRA/MONARCHthink group“. Miss Li said, “This is an open invitation. I invite anyone who is interested in using gamification and behavior modification to spur positive transformation in his or her community to get in touch with me …”[11]

That certainly would include the CIA. It had been interested in gamification techniques to help randomize how situations may arise in their work. Virtual reality can help them understand the way a situation may unfold unexpectedly. However, the one thing that virtual reality may not be able to teach how their co-workers will react, work together (GROUP THINK) in the same situation.[12] The entire assassination team that tried to kill Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise on June 14, 2017 on a baseball field in Washington DC was most likely trained in gamification and behavior modification techniques by a new age of young future MK ULTRA/MONARCH specialists, controllers and handlers like Miss Li.

Don’t get it twisted. I am not saying anything. She said that her “think group” was linked to the British Crown. Lindy Li said, “Our advisory board consists of several Marshall and Rhodes [Oxford University, London, UK] scholars from schools across the country.”[13] The Marshall Scholarship is a postgraduate scholarship for “intellectually distinguished young Americans [and] their country’s future leaders” to study at any university in the U.K. Created by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1953 as a living gift to the U.S. in recognition of the generosity of Secretary of State George C. Marshall between the two countries. The scholarships are awarded by the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission and are largely funded by the British Government.[14]


One Marshall Scholar is Alabama Congressperson Terri Sewell in a stylized British royal red coat playing homage to the DRAGON bloodline, Prince Charles of Wales and Transylvania, and Duchess Camilla of Cornish, in Washington, DC.[15]


British racist colonist Freemason Cecil Rhodes said that he wanted to use the Rhodes Scholarship scheme to breed an American elite of philosopher-kings who would have the United States rejoin the British Empire. As Rhodes also respected and admired the Germans and their Kaiser, he allowed German students to be included in the Rhodes scholarships. He believed that eventually the United Kingdom (including Ireland), and their Anglo Saxon cousins, US, and Germany together would dominate the world, and the New World Order.[16]


I had previously reported that former First Lady Michelle Obama had been a Rhodes Scholar. That is not true. Susan Rice, the 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017, had been the Rhodes Scholar that befriended Congressperson Terri Sewell at Oxford, not Michelle Obama. They first met at Princeton University. [17] For decades, Princeton has been a prime recruitment ground for the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the dozen or so other organizations that make up the U.S. “intelligence community.”

Li’s Princetonthink group” was undoubtedly underwritten by the MI-5 or 6, Merck and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH as a secret joint project that she exposed in Forbes in 2013. The CIA is still extremely interested in developing both gamification and behavior modification techniques to train employees, operatives; and Manchurian Candidates to “GROUP THINK” on special missions and operations.

It appears that Lindy Li had been one of James T. Hodgkinson’s cutout gamification and behavior modification MI-5 or 6, Merck and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH team specialists, evaluators and trainers. In direct response to be outed in the ball park shootings case and James T. Hodgkinson, Li said that the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings and the need for gun control thereafter, is one of the reasons she has pursued a run for office.[18] Funny, that she mentions gun control, and Sandy Hook out of all the mass shootings in this country within the last five (5) years. Or, is it really innocent such as liking the face of a CIA sleeper assassin?


Lindy Li Addressing the UN

In 2012, it was widely reported that “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton … announced the Obama Administration will be working hand in glove with the United Nations to pass a new GLOBAL, “Small Arms Treaty.” The treaty was/is designed to “register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens …” The treaty aims is to confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms; create an international gun registry, and set the stage for full-scale gun confiscation. It’s really no secret that the UN wants to openly and underhandedly get rid of all the guns in the hands of the masses by any means necessary including false flags, leaving only the government, military, police and the New World Order elite with registered firearms.[19]

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre was a CIA false flag operation to push for mandatory mass public gun control just as Miss Li insists. Please review the baffling infamous “early bird” tweets, tributes and articles posted online documented by Jennifer Lake on WordPress, where time stamps show that they were posted before the Shady Hook shooting actually happened and victims’ names were released. There are so many other inconsistencies in the Sandy Hook Massacre such as the suppression of death reports and information; contradictory reports on what weapon was actually used; who actually or how many people carried out the shooting; fraudulent and doctored photographs; the systematic demolition of the site, harkening to the ground zero demolition after 9/11 that suggests it was a grand mass population false flag psychological warfare operation that Miss Li may have worked on.[20]

Well, just as in Sandy Hook, Hodgkinson’s death report and even pictures of his body are still hidden from the public. There are still contradictory reports on what weapon was actually used in any of the assaults, when all it takes is for the FBI to release a picture of the assault weapon, or the bullets and shells involved in the shootings. How many shells were found at the scene of the “so-calledfire fight? Where’s Steve Scalise’sTrail of Blood“, and physical evidence cones on the baseball field? Where are the bullets that came out of the so called “heroic” Capital Police? Did they shoot themselves as reported? It can easily be denied or confirmed since the FBI has declared publicly that Hodgkinson acted alone. [21]


John Podesta of PIZZAGATE was awfully concerned about Steve Scalise’s congressional bills targeting pedophiles. The Democratic House Majority PAC & John Podesta petitioned for Steve Scalise to resign via e-mail the same day in January of 2015 that the Senate introduced a bill to end sex trafficking titled the Combat Human Trafficking Act authored by Senators Rob Portman and Dianne Feinstein, according to Time.[22]

As of July 4, 2017, Senator Steve Scalise is still in the hospital. As far as I know, the bill to end sex trafficking, pursue and punish serial pedophiles like Podesta is still tabled. From what I understand, Capital Police Officers Cabrera, Griner and Bailey were Scalicse’s security detail. Why? Was he under any threats before he was shot? If so, his security must have been in deliberate “stand down”, or Griner and Bailey were ambushed by a real military assassin, Henry Cabrera. Nobody is talking.

Finally, Amongst the complex jumble of ruins of the ancient site, Palatine Hill in Rome, archeologists have brought to light a cryptoporticus, or underground passage and tunnel, that is almost certainly the site at which the Lunatic Roman Emperor Caligula was killed by his own Praetorian Guard in January, 41 AD.

Roman TribuneCornelius Sabinus, who was the other conspirator and faced Gaius [Caligula], stabbed him in the breast1. Others say that Sabinus, after getting rid of the crowd through centurions who were in the plot, asked for the watchword, as soldiers do; and that when Gaius gave him “Jupiter,” he cried “So be it,”2, and as Gaius looked around, he split his jawbone with a blow of his sword. As he lay upon the ground and with writhing limbs called out that he still lived, the others dispatched him with thirty wounds; for the general signal was ” Strike again.” Some even thrust their swords through his privates. At the beginning of the disturbance his bearers ran to his aid with their poles3, and presently the Germans of his body-guard, and they slew several of his assassins, as well as some inoffensive senators.”

The White House, the Secret  Tunnels

The Washington Metro is a subway system that serves the Washington DC area. It “officially” has 106 miles of track serving 86 stations in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. Planning for the Metro system began in the 1950s during the height of the cold war. President Eisenhower created a secret rail planning commission that directed the development of a secondary secret underground rail system built alongside the public one.  This secret tunnel system currently connects the White House to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door, the New Executive Office Building (NEOB), the bunker under the Blair House, the bunker under the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory, the U.S. Capitol, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, the Pentagon, the State Department, and some other federal buildings in between. There is also a secret train that runs between DC’s Union Station and Mt. Weather and is under the protection of the TSA Federal Air Marshals. Long-term plans call for the expansion of the White House tunnel system to go south past the Pentagon; west past the CIA to Mount Weather; and north past Camp David up to Site R in Pennsylvania. The estimated completion date and exact route of this ambitious tunnel expansion plan remains classified.

Unofficially“, old Washington DC, particular DuPont (ILLUMINATI) Circle, and the old Masonic Grand Lodge of Washington DC sit atop miles of secret tunnels that go back to the 19th century. Donald J. Drumpf’s daughter and son-in- law, Ivanka Drumpf and Jareb Kushner’s manor sits on top of  secret underground tunnel system accessible by PIZZAGATE’s James Alefantis, Tony and John Podesta, Barack Obama, Mossad, Russians, and Embassy Row, etc.

I say that to say this that Donald J. Drumpf’s growing deteriorating mental stability may threaten the peace and security of the entire planet. He has his finger on the nuclear option.  The battle for the democracy between the patriots and the agents of tyranny may take place in the vast tunnels, and grottos beneath Washington DC just as it did over 2,000 years ago in Rome. And, you may not hear a sound.












[11] Id.


[13] Id.











13 03 2017



I haven’t seen either 2017 Academy Awards celebrated HollyWeird “special black experience films“, Moonlight or Fences, but I had the Blues, anyhow.  The films, Fences and Moonlight, have been dropped in our collective laps as the “black experience” like the alleged Dallas police sniper Micah Xavier Johnson, and the Baton Rouge police killer, Gavin Eugene Long as if we own them all. Right in the middle of trying to make sense of LUCIFER’S pathological lying son, Donald J. Drumpf and PIZZAGATE, the global mass population psychological warfare and mind manipulating projects, Fences and Moonlight, dropped in our laps covertly, directly with those with eyes to see, attacking the image, re-imaging and subliminally color coding America’s “Black Males“- big and small.

Pursuant to the SS Nazi Germany Dachau Concentration Camp Color Code, the face of Moonlight Chapter Three (3) is named, Black- Badge: Antisocial.

Chiron- Travante Nemour Rhodes

Moonlight and Dachau Designated Color Coded: Black

Moonlight, the coming-of-age drama about a gay black man growing up in Miami became the first film with an all-black (Satanic cabal) cast with a CIA ILLUMINATI supporting staff to win the Academy Award for best picture. Viola Davis won best supporting actress for Demonic Possession and Satanic Harassment of an impoverished Broken Heart black man in Fences. She became only the second black woman to win an Emmy, an Oscar and a Tony for acting. These so-called HollyWeird ethnic color- coded  “black experience” movies- who are the ones picking the black experiences implanted with covert programs that we don’t OWN? All of them are seeds of the CIA Occult Bureau and British Intelligence.

Colored Purple Whoopi Goldberg of the secret Sophia Spiritual Cult is the other, and the only black actor to have a so-called EGOT — an Emmy, Grammy, Tony and Oscar.

“Cross My Heart and Hope to Die”—The Mysterious Pagan “X” Sign and Factor

Alice Walker, Color Code Purple, Sign X of the PAGAN Witch

The bi-cross arm sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. These secret signs are also used as some type of mind control trigger, or a subliminal conditioning key. The “Mysterious X” will appear again in direct relation to a key moment involving the Academy Awards & Viola Davis, below. The “Mysterious X” is PAGAN sign!

There is such of thing as Walt Disney Fantasia Mind Control Programming by Coded Colors that has been secretly researched, developed and deployed over the decades, discussed further below. Right now- notice the pulsating primary colors of red, blue, green purple or violet.


This extreme disturbing and very difficult video of the Satanic ritual abuse of a child is an actual secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Color-Coded ritual rite to split off multiple personalities- notice the pulsating primary colors of red, blue, green purple or violet.


This is an official movie poster of the so-called “black experience” Academy Award Winning movie, Moonlight. It is occult color-coded to the three (3) phases of the moon. From left to right, Little (blue-green?), CHIRON (purple), and Black (blue). I am really not good at naming colors, but you should understand basically that this is clear evidence and an example of color coded programming to the Three (3) phases of the Occult Moon.

If you pulsate or strode the red, blue, blue-green, and purple in the Moonlight movie poster, it will recreate the Walt Disney Fantasia Color- Coded Mind Control Programming.


Moonlight: the life of a young black man growing up in a rough Miami neighborhood is told in three phases of the moon: Childhood- PIZZAGATE coded Pasta: Boy (played by Alex Hibbert), teenaged years, Initiated into the PIZZAGATE Homosexual Underground  (played by Ashton Sanders), and adulthood Down Low? Homosexual (played by Trevante Rhodes). MPAA Rating Restricted- R

Sexual Content:
– Portrayals of sexual activity with no nudity and some detail.
– Implied sexual activity.
– Simulated sexual activity.
– Same gender attraction.
– Embracing and kissing.
– Sexual references and language


First Phase of the Moon, Alex Hibbert is a mind controlled Monarch Child (3 Pyramids) framed, fenced in color- coded  transformation moon beam Blue, and designated Purple- GAY.


By the teen age phase, ChironWaxing/Waning Crescent Moon,  Ashton Sanders has actually sold his soul to the DEVIL/ILLUMINATI Homosexual Underground in  HollyWeird’s CIA Moonlight covert Color-Code ethnic psychological warfare project.


Chiron & Achilles (PIZZAGATE– James ACHILLES Alefantis)

You can put whatever spin on it, but KHEIRON (Chiron) don’t have a damn thing to do with the “Black Experience.” Chiron was the eldest and wisest of the Kentauroi (Centaurs), a Thessalian tribe of half-horse men. I will cover the Thessalians, Witches and the Drawing down the Moon Rite further, below.

I absolutely refuse to look at substantially or in its entirely anything of Tinseltown’sblack experience” film projects, no matter what it may be. It’s psychological warfare. It’s like running through a mine field, running through hell wearing GASOLINE DRAWERS!




Denzel Washington’s Fences is a HollyWeird adaption of a 1983 play by Black-German American playwright August Wilson (April 27, 1945 – October 2, 2005).[1] He was a man without an identity actually born Frederick August Kittel, Jr., son of a German immigrant. His mother, Daisy Wilson, was a domestic. Remarkably, her mother had walked all the way to Pennsylvania from North Carolina to get out of the South.[2]


August Wilson- Initiated Luciferian

Wilson expressed a general caustic view of Christianity. He had grown up Catholic, even serving as an altar boy in his parish church dedicated to St. Benedict. Wilson grew up in the Hill District (1727 Bedford Avenue) of Pittsburgh.[3] St. Benedict the Moor is a Roman Catholic parish located on Freedom Corner in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The church was founded in 1889 to serve African-American Catholics.[4]


St. Benedict the Moor (1526 – April 4, 1589) is the Vatican’s saint for black people. Of course, he was a loyal and obedient African slave and catholic whose parents had been stolen out of the mother country. He was born in San Fratello in the Province of Messina in the Italian region Sicily. He was a shepherd. At 21 years old and frustrated with the country’s racial prejudice, he joined an independent group of hermits who followed the Rule for a “all male” hermit life written by St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226).[5]


Francis of Assisi and the man he loved in “They Shelter in a Cave” by José Benlliure y Gil, 1926

Historical records reveal a queer (homosexual) side to Saint Francis of Assisi. The 13th-century friar is celebrated by the gay community for his love for another man and his gender nonconformity.


Francis Assisi Hermit, Lady Jacoba also known as Brother Jacoba

When Francis was a young man, he had an unnamed male companion whom he dearly loved — and who was written out of history after the first biography. Other Franciscan friars referred to Francis as “Mother” during his lifetime. He encouraged his friars to be mothers to each other when in hermitage together, and used other gender-bending metaphors to describe the spiritual life. He experienced a vision of an all-female Trinity, who in turn saluted him as “Lady Poverty,” a title that he welcomed.[6]


Young Wounded Child, August Wilson

Wilson attended a private catholic high school. For some reason, he was too wounded and helpless unable to defend himself against bullying and racism. He withdrew and dropped out of school. At Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, Wilson had been an altar boy. It is a space within the shadows and corners of the church where hundreds if not thousands of young boys suffer ritual sexual abuse by priests. He appears to have been silent about the Catholic Church, and the Vatican. Yet, when black (Christianity) ministers appeared or were spoken about on Wilson’s stage, they were objects of pity, ridicule or condescension. Never were they heroic.[7]


Ancient Jewish Passover Seder

What lies behind the veil of August Wilson was not his maternal family remarkable history and struggle in America, but a “Secret Jewish History.” He celebrated the Jewish Passover (freedom of slavery out of Egypt) without question. Yet, he made a dubious and strange distinction between their freedom, and that of his own heritage.[8]


Mordecai & Wilson

His true heroes and heroines, and assumed heritage were among the Jews. Benjamin Mordecai (1945- 2005) a theater producer was long associated with the plays of August Wilson. He first produced Wilson’s plays at the Old Skull and Bones Yale Repertory Theater where he was managing director from 1982 to 1993. At the Rep, he transferred five of Wilson’s plays to New York including “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” (1984), and “Fences” (1987).[9]

Mordecai or Mordechai is one of the main personalities in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Jair of the Tribe of Benjamin.[10] In the mid-’90s, Mordecai formed Sageworks Inc., a business partnership with Wilson that allowed the playwright greater control of his own work.[11] That should tell you a lot about the Jewish Twist to HollyWeird’s “black experience“, and the “mixed up” and deceptive character of a gutless bootlicker like August Wilson.

August Wilson is celebrated as an unparalleled chronicler of the 20th Century African-American experience. But, he was secretly a Jewish playwrights, too.[12] In my opinion, Fences is a play that should’ve died with Mordecai and Wilson. Fences is the story of Troy Maxson, a mid-century Pittsburgh sanitation worker (GARBAGE MAN) who once dreamed of a baseball career, but was too old when the major leagues began admitting black players. Fences is a clear example of HollyWeird’s clandestine racialist campaign of persistent imaging and re-imaging Black People by the subliminal and subconscious imprints of savagery, slavery, criminality, poverty, social dysfunction, mental illness, homosexuality, slums and damn GARBAGE!


Just recently, I finally came to light about one of my favorite classic black films, Cabin in the Sky (1943) starring Ethel Waters, Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Lela Horne, and Louis Armstrong. The MGM film was directed by the Sicilian descendant and baptized Roman Catholic, Vincente Minnelli, husband of Judy Garland (Wizard of Oz). The film was produced by the Jewish Arthur Freed (Wizard of Oz) that the infamous child actress, Shirley Temple, accused of being a ritual pedophile.[13]

For decades, I lived under the blind ILLUSION that this film produced by HollyWeird was some type of honest example of racial process and advancement. I had always been so struck with the remarkable and extraordinary talent of the actors, actresses and dancers in the film that I never concentrated on the subconscious imprints in the background.

One scene in the film always confused and concerned me, but I never concentrated on it. Eddie “Rochester” Anderson bought his wife, Ethel Waters, a birthday present, a new washing machine. Then, he made a curious statement. He told her that she could use it when they get electricity. They lived in a wood shack without running water or electricity. Without the extraordinary beauty of people, the grace, music and dancing in film (ILLUSIONS), the overall background subliminal imprint of the movie is marred in permanent abject poverty, abnormal sexual modes and values, criminality, social dysfunction, and DEVIL worship.


Fences Wood Cabin on Cement Cinder Blocks

The background of Fences, the play, also features a wood shack without running water or electricity sitting on top of concrete cinder blocks not unlike Cabin in the Sky. It was not unlike the one or two room wood shacks that my father and mother were born into in the deep south.


Denzel & Viola, I Surely Thank You Lawdy for This Here SLUM!

The background of Fences, the movie, is the SLUM, abject poverty and social dysfunction. It has that STOOP or front porch. It represents an image locked in my mind of my great-grandmother. I have no other images or photos of her. She was born in 1868 just after the Great Civil War. At the end of the Great War in 1865, her mother, the remarkable Alice Packwood, a sister and brother, were thrown out with nothing to the snow, wind and rain. All her life, my beloved was fenced in by the so-called badges of slavery, racial prejudice and violence of the deep south.

aaaamoonlightkennedy RFK & Inhuman Wood Shacks on Cement Blocks in the South

Senator Robert F. Kennedy was one of the few in power that was concerned about the way black people were forced to live in the deep south, and the condition of living in the slums of the North, decades ago.


We were once appalled and outraged by the SLUMS. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led movements to protest and address it. In Fences, Denzel Washington and Viola Davis receive worldwide critical acclaim and awards for living in the moment and the drama of the SLUMS. Viola Davis will talk about reviving the dead in graveyards before she would say anything in protest.


Southern Black Grandmother or Mother’s Wood Shack & Stoop on Clement Blocks

The last image of my great-grandmother was passed down to me comes from my late aunt, Mrs. Onetta Bullock Hutchinson. She said that she saw her Grandmother, my great-grandmother, Lydia Bullock, affectionate known as “Littie” only once as a little girl. In the twilight years of her grandmother, she said that she saw a very large woman sitting on the STOOP of an old shack house in the former plantation town of Tylertown, Mississippi. She was told that the large woman was her grandmother. Sometimes, I lone for an actual image of her just to touch. It still hurt to see the conditions under which they lived, and relive my life in the SLUMS after they took my father away in Project CHATTER. It is still extremely painful. That is part of the design of Fences- PAIN and REJECTION.

I suspected very well that the film’s co-star, Viola Davis, would win the academy award for best supporting actress because of a much publicized scene in the movie, the SNOT Rage (nasal mucus Satanic Attack.


The Satanic Snot Scene


A Satanic Attack or Possession may lead to gagging, coughing, choking spasms that last a few minutes or longer.  This is followed by the release of an excessive amounts of mucus down the throat or out of the nose.[14] My dear God. This Satanic stuff scares me all so much, but what they actually do is meant to be frightening and of extreme evil, horror, darkness and wickedness- UNWORLDLY.


Satanic Possession is clearly direct in your face, day after day, over and over again.  Beyonce is a PATRON of occult satanic signs, symbols and imagery, ILLUMINATI hand signs, and ILLUSIONARY sinister images created by her light shows.

Beyonce DEMONIC POSSESSION- You Won’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

She freely admits to conjuring up and becoming possessed by a PAGAN evil and demonic spirit in mass population public appearances. There is no difference between demonic possession in Hip Hop, and popular mass population media entertainment vehicles like film.


In the SNOT scene, Denzel, in character, stood up and shared a couple of moments to verbally reflect sadly back with his companion on his 18 years with a pocketful of broken dreams. The black man’s sensitive reflection back on his life wasn’t worth a dignified, humble, loving or compassionate response from his beloved companion. It conjured up a volcano of Snot, DEVIL and Demons.



See for yourself. I so wish this wasn’t so. Viola Davis, in character, shouted back in rage with red blood shot eyes, a steady storm of SNOT running down out of her nose in mad RAGE- she conjured up a harassment DEMON.

Viola Davis- Harassment DEMONIC Possession

She had been on that STOOP, too, with him for 18 years of his broken dreams. What about her being mired in slum poverty, social dysfunction, and GARBAGE with a unproductive and dysfunctional socially rejected black male. Is it her black companion’s fault? That seems to be the overall subliminal impression to internalize- the failures and betrayal of a black man. Was it great grandmother Littie’s fault fenced in by the badges of slavery, racial violence, and prejudice sitting on the STOOP with her sack full of broken dreams?


10 There shall not be found among you any one that … useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

11 Or a … consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

In an absolutely twist of things consistent with her veiled wicked and demonic role and character in Fences. It is the icing on the cake.

In her Oscar acceptance speech for best supporting actress in Fences, Viola Davis had some rather interesting, creepy and absolutely bizarre things to say about necromancy (communication with the dead).

In all fairness, if you seek the original stories of original people, exhume those bodies– bring their stories to life. But, in context to what? In genealogical (ancestral worship), I try to tell the stories of the ancestors, bring them alive, in the context that their stories and my true heritage have been maliciously and wickedly suppressed- buried in 400 years of slavery, racial hatred, and human deprivation.

In the art of acting, language and words are carefully crafted and chosen to communicate messages, and create pictures in the minds of an audience. Viola is very seasoned actress that understands very well that her words are scripted very carefully to implant pictures and as I said, messages. She was a top nominee to win an Oscar for her performance in Fences, that means that she prepared an acceptance speech ahead of time.


Viola Davis said,

There’s one place that all the people with the greatest potential are gathered. One place. And that’s the graveyard. People ask me all the time, ‘What kind of stories do you want to tell, Viola?’ And I say exhume those bodies. Exhume those bodies. The stories of the people who dream big and never saw those dreams to fruition. People who fell in love and lost. I became an artist, and thank God I did, because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.”[15]

Exhume does, indeed, mean: to bring back from neglect or obscurity.[16] What brothers me is that in the Satanic Snot Scene is that her character faced a real live character, an ignored, neglected, dignified, but lonely black man, with a story to tell in his own lifetime. Her character turned her back on him as if he was unworthy of a story of his own dignity during his own lifetime. But, the people in graveyards are more worthy of the dignity of being dug up on general principles to tell their stories, because the DEAD dreamed big like Troy Maxson, loved and lost just like a Troy Maxson. Yet, you won’t allow him to tell his story. But, she prefers the dig up the DEAD and communicate with them- that’s the practice of Occult Necromancy.

In other words, she has more respect and compassion to listen to the stories of dead black men, then her broken down black man companion and husband. This is one formula to surely destroy a black man psychologically from within, and drive him off the living edge and “self-destructmaliciously deny him his god given story (humanity) by the ones he love and trust. However, don’t get it twisted on the “Black Experiences” , our mothers and fathers and forbears were “firm.” They taught us to love each other, and one another no matter the ups and downs, odds and obstacles.

Troy Maxson, Invisible Man


I read Ralph Ellison’s book, Invisible Man, several times when I was young. As a young man, I literally read and defined “Invisible.” So, I didn’t understand it at first. However, as soon as you begin to come of age, and try to find your place in society and the world, you understand the feeling of being “invisible” in America, whenever you try to assert your dignity, humanity and tell your story, whatever that it may be. The Snot Scene is like something out of the “invisible man“. In Troy Maxson’s greatest time of need of human dignity to tell his story, he became “invisible.” Well, you may not still believe that there is anything nefarious about Viola Davis and her role in Fences.


Secret Occult X Sign, Julius William Tennon

This man was captured cluing Viola during her Oscar acceptance speech with the occult bi-crossed arm symbol (X-Sign). This man is her husband, Julius William Tennon. He is a fellow HollyWeird actor. Other than general entertainment industry information, little of anything is known about his background.


Ancient X Sign, Homage to Asur (Osiris)

The bi-crossed arm symbol is an ancient sacred salute and homage to the Kemetic mysteries, and the Great God Asur (Osiris). The Kemetic symbol has been bastardized by secret New Age Spirituality Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia. The goddess Sophia was introduced into Anthroposophy by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, in his book The Goddess: From Natura to Divine Sophia and a later compilation of his writings titled Isis Mary Sophia.


Secret Occult X Sign, Goddess Sophia

Sophia also figures prominently in Theosophy, a spiritual movement which Anthroposophy was closely related to Satanist Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, described it in her essay What is Theosophy? as an esoteric wisdom doctrine, and said that the “Wisdom” referred to was “an emanation of the Divine principle” typified by “…some goddesses — Metis, Neitha, Athena, the Gnostic Sophia[17]

Jungian Goddess Sophia

Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God. She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[18] The Knights Templar are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.[19]


Secret X Sign, Alice Walker & Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley

Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge secret Sophia Cult still exists. Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of All (Gnostic), and the Holy Spirit (Early Christian).[20] I suspect that Julius Tennon has absolutely nothing to do with respect or the study of ancient Kemetic (African) Cosmology. So, I assume that he is a follower of secret HollyWeird New Age Spirituality Satanic Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia and or God Mithras.


The “Fallen Angel” (thrown from heaven) motif universally applied to Lucifer, actually describe the Aeon Sophia, the Pleromic (abundant) goddess who fell from the heights of heaven (galactic center), according to the Gnostic star myth, the Fallen Goddess Scenario.[21]


Satanic Cabal Julius Tennon & Viola Davis, Color Coded?

So, we are really taking the about Viola Davis and Julius Tennon, and the secret HollyWeird Black Satanic Cabal. These negroes will cut your throat for Lucifer. My Lord! Fences is an awful, horrible, wicked and heartbreaking impression to be left imprinted in the hearts, minds and souls of the beloved people.


We already know that Denzel Washington is Evil as HELL. He is a senior member of the black Satanic ILLUMINATI cabal. Now, we know that Viola Davis is another black cabal sick MK ULTRA/MONARCH Satanic ILLUMINATI Witch that will drive a stake through the hearts of the people to please her masters.




Denzel Washington plan to do a HollyWeird film project on August Wilson’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. The play chronicles the twentieth century African American experience. So, they say. The play is set in Chicago in the 1920s, and deals with issues of race, art, religion and the historic exploitation of black recording artists by white producers.[22]


The Original Black Bottom” is actually a dance that came from an earlier dance called “Jacksonville Rounders’ Dance”, printed in 1907. The word rounder was a synonym for pimp. Both “dance-songs” were written by the black pianist, composer and dancer Perry Bradford and were based on a dance done in Jacksonville, Florida, “way back.” One professional dancer stated, “That dance is as old as the hills.”[23]

During the late 1970s, I had to leave Los Angeles on a thin rail until things claimed down. I temporary relocated to Shreveport, Louisiana. It was a place that I often heard my mother talk about as I understood it, “Sweetport.” Just a couple of blocks from downtown, there was a section of the city referred to as the bottoms, the black bottoms- the SLUMS. My impressions of the bottoms was that it was racialist, and referred to black people that were fenced in at the bottom of society.


The bottoms were in fact related to black people in a sense, but it actually referred to the rich fertile “black” bottom soil of antebellum slave plantations and farms. In Shreveport, the old rich plantation soil that made cotton king was an area of the city of wood structures and buildings out of the late 19th and early 20th century that were occupied by primarily poor black families. It was a place fenced in by deep seated traditional racial prejudice, and a wicked and strange rage, hatred and violence like something out of this world.

I moved into the bottoms for about a week to go back to a historical era, condition and culture that I knew little to nothing about. It was like living in another time and era. I have a AB in anthropology and have always been interested in the study of the true Black Experience and culture of the people. The black poor of the slum bottoms in Shreveport were, indeed, treated like the bottom of the society unworthy of human dignity and respect. As soon as I got setup in the legal aid office, part of my mission and priorities were to protect and vehemently defend their rights, dignity, and humanity as a people.

This is a place where the “The Original Black Bottom” dance would have flourished during that era. However, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottoms was about something else that has nothing to do with the dignity and struggle of the people against the ravages and badges of slavery.

“Ma” Rainey’s Black Bottom, Lyrics

Now, you heard the rest
Ah, boys, I’m gonna show you the best
Ma Rainey’s gonna show you her black bottom …

Don’t you see the dance you call your big black bottom
That’ll put you in a trance

Now I’m gonna show y’all my black bottom
They stay to see that dance
Wait until you see me do my big black bottom
I’ll put you in a trance …

I done shown y’all my black bottom
You ought to learn that dance.

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is really about showing her Big Black Ass, and influencing the people to show off their black asses to introduce trance formations as a diversion from standing up for truth to power, unity, justice and righteousness.

Who is Ma Rainey Historically to the Black Experienceaaaamoonlightma

“Ma” Rainey, born Gertrude Malissa Nix Pridgett, September 1882 or April 26, 1886 – December 22, 1939, in Russell County, Alabama or Columbus, Georgia, was one of the earliest African American professional blues singers and one of the first generation of blues singers to record. She was billed as the Mother of the Blues. She was a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance.[24]


Ladies and the Blues, Ma Rainey & Bessie Smith

In 1925, the police raided a Harlem lesbian party hosted by Ma Rainey. When the police arrived, they found some of the women undressed and in “intimate” situations. Ma Rainey was arrested for throwing an “indecent party.” Ma Rainey mentored and initiated another famous bisexual blues singer, Bessie Smith, known as The Empress of the Blues into the homosexual subculture. Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith were close friends and lesbian lovers. As a matter of fact, it was Bessie Smith who bailed Ma Rainey out of jail in 1925. They were an internal part of the Lesbian and Homosexual Black Subculture and Underworld of that era.[25]

That leads us to the other Tinseltown’sblack experience” film project, MOONLIGHT (2016), which is no more than a soft porn “Satanic, homosexual subculture experience and initiation” masqueraded as a traditional “black experience.


The above purple-violet coded Moonlight poster was released after the Academy Awards. This poster clearly suggests that it is a gay movie. The early movie posters and trailers do not openly suggest that the movie is a gay male initiation film project. The people have made themselves clear that they want film entertainment projects under the guise of the “black experience” to feature more than just slaves, criminals, pimps, whores, comedians, gays and damn garbage men!



MOONLIGHT: CIA Color Psychology

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control slaves are programmed as little children by music and color-code programming. Dr. Josef Mengele, the original Dr. Green (discussed below), played the violin and piano while doing the color programming to slaves. He was the original master at associating “both a tone or chord with a particular color or color scheme.” He loved using Walt Disney’s Fantasia for programming.[26]


It can’t be overemphasized that Green is the highest color in Satanism–it is Satan’s color. It is not by accident that green has been used in uniforms, although the decision also was dictated by its advantage in camouflage. In the Omega computer programming a CODE GREEN for many victims means “self-destruct“, the ultimate sacrifice for one’s satanic programming.[27]


Chiron in Purple. It is not part of the book title, the Rite of Sodomy. I added the Chiron in purple movie poster only for color comparison. Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue.[28]

Purple Sexuality


Purple has been adopted to be associated with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. It is the symbolic color worn on Spirit Day, a commemoration that began in 2010 to show support for young people who are bullied because of their sexual orientation. Purple is now closely associated with bisexuality, largely in part to the bisexual pride flag which combines pink – representing homosexuality – and blue – representing heterosexuality – to create the bisexual purple. The purple hand is another symbol sometimes used by the LGBT community during parades and demonstrations.[29]


Moonbeams, Barry Jenkins & Tarell McCraney

Moonlight may not be HollyWeird’s first psychological color coded movie, however, it may the first ethnic-specific CIA psychological warfare mass population color coded project. They intend to a mass population psychological warfare project Moonbeam and Initiate Black Boys into HomosexualityMEET THE MOONLIGHT MOONBEAMERS.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Barry Jenkins



Moon Beam Barry M. Jenkins co-wrote Moonlight with openly gay Tarell Alvin McCraney, and the CIA Occult Bureau. Moonlight is CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH color-coded mass population mind control program.


Barry Jenkins, All-Seeing Eye Purple Symbolism

Purple is a spiritually enlightened color. The hidden magical power of the color of purple (violet) has been especially esteemed in the occult for generations. The magical properties that Masons & New Agers believe are intrinsic to purple is why the 33rd degree has written books using purple, and several New Agers have published books on purple paper. The programmers also manipulate such things so that child alters believe that color “magic” has accomplished things.[30]


Jenkins is a goat-rider and worshiper. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., in 1999 through the Iota Delta Chapter of the fraternity at Florida State University in Tallahassee where he studied film.[31] If he isn’t now, he will soon be a leading member of the BOULE.


Barry and Tarell McCraney Look Like Gay Black Males

Moon Bean Jenkins is 38 years old. He says that he isn’t gay. But, he remains unmarried as far as I know and rarely appears in public in the company of a female companion, friend or escort. However, he isn’t afraid to come out of the shadows draped in ILLUMINATI symbolism.


Barry Jenkins, Lion’s Claws, Pyramids & Sophia Spiritual Cult?

And, he doesn’t mind Romanizing and flaunting ILLUMANTI Satanic symbolism in the face of the masses.


THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.

However, it appears that the traditional Masonic ILLUMINATI symbolism of the close or clenched may have been expanded by the Sophia Cult beyond its traditional Masonic meaning.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Tarell McCraney


Tarrell McCraney & Occult Mirror Dualism

Tarell Alvin McCraney (born October 17, 1980) is an American playwright and actor. He is the incoming chair of playwriting at the Old Skull and Bones Yale School of Drama, effective July 1, 2017. He is also a member of Teo Castellanos/ D Projects Theater Company in Miami and in 2008 became RSC/Warwick International Playwright in Residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company.


The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is a major British theatre company, based in Straford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.[32]


In April 2010, McCraney became the 43rd member of the Steppenwolf Theatre Ensemble. He co-wrote Moonlight, based on his own play, “In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue”; and [Color-Coded Purple (Gay)], for which he received an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.[33]

MOONLIGHT: 24, PLAN 24 & Adele Romanski

24 partnered with PLAN B and Adele Romanski to produce and finance McCraney and Jenkins’ Moonlight.[34] A24 is an American independent entertainment company founded on August 20, 2012 by Daniel Katz, David Fenkel, and John Hodges and based in New York City. It specializes in film production, finance, television production and distribution.[35]

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeams Brad Pitt & the DEVIL


HollyWeird’s Master Mason, Brad Pitt

We should be very clear on who and what Plan B is, an wicked Masonic agenda of Brad Pitt. He owns Plan B.


Moonlight is the meddling and works aided by the DEVIL, SATANIST Brad Pitt.[36]

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Adele Romanski, The Spiritual Pagan


Adele Romanski- The Roman Witness

For whatever reasons, little if anything is known or revealed about the bewitching Adele Romanski. She is related to a chiropractors in Venice, Florida. Romanski is a habitation name for someone from any of several places in Poland called Romany, named with the personal name- Pagan– Greek spiritual element, ROMAN.[37]

It should become clear as a basic principle that the movie, Moonlight, like Fences isn’t the product or reflection of the true Black Experience and Community, at all. Moonlight is a fraud, and covert homosexual agenda imposed upon the masses.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam John Hodges, Wolf Clan


John Hodges, the Wolf

John Hodges previously served as head of production and development at Big Beach Films and exec produced “Our Idiot Brother” and “Safety Not Guaranteed.” He also produced Jordan Vogt-Roberts recently completed “Toy’s House.”[38]

For Hodges, 38, who graduated from York Country Day in 1996, getting to Hollywood has been an unlikely ride. He doesn’t come from a show biz family, although the family is prominent in York County. His father, George Hodges, is a retired executive at the Wolf (brotherhood) Organization, the York-based kitchen cabinet company. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is a relative, too.[39]

After graduating from Georgetown University in 2000 with a degree in American government, Hodges’ entree to the movie business came when, through a friend, he got a job as an assistant to the chairman of USA Films.[40] He then went on to positions at Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels’ production company and oversaw development at Big Beach Films, a film production company, before launching A24 with business partners Daniel Katz, and David Fenkel.[41]

MOONLIGHT: Daniel Katz, British Intelligence


Daniel Katz, British Intelligence

Daniel Katz of A24 was born in Baku, Azerbaijan and emigrated to the US at the age of four. A native bi-lingual of Russian and English, he grew up in San Francisco with exposure to Azerbaijani, Russian/Soviet, Jewish and American culture, all of which have influenced his so-called analytical (diabolical) mind. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Film from the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. In November 2010, Daniel completed his Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy from SOAS, University of London and has since moved back to the San Francisco Bay Area after a 5 1/2 year stay in London, UK.[42]

SOAS, University of London (The School of Oriental and African Studies) is a public research university in London, England, and a constituent college of the University of London. Founded in 1916, it is regarded as one of the leading universities in Europe. SOAS has produced several heads of states, government ministers, diplomats, Supreme Court judges, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and many other notable leaders around the world.[43] SOAS is an institution dedicated to the ends and means of an Anglo Saxon Empire and New World Order. If SOAS was in the U.S., it would be equivalent to a CIA, State Department, and Military Intelligence school. During WWII, it was, indeed, an arm and branch of the British warfare department and intelligence.[44]



David Louis Finkel, Project MOCKINGBIRD

David Louis Finkel of A24 is an American journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2006 as a staff writer at The Washington Post. He is currently assigned to the national staff as an enterprise reporter. He has also worked for the Post′s foreign staff division. In 2014, Finkel was awarded with the Erikson Institute Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media (awarded by the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) for his investigative reporting at The Washington Post.[45]



In 1947, Dr. Robert Palmer Knight, the former chief of staff of the OSS/CIA Menninger Foundation, came to Austen Riggs as medical director. He was a close friend of Anna Freud.


Anna Freud was the 6th and last daughter of Sigmund Freud.[46] She was the aunt of Sir Clement Freud, the son of Sigmund’s 4th child, Ernst Ludwig Freud.[47] The late Clement Freud was the tip of an iceberg to a vast underground VIP/British Royal Pedophile Ring.


Freud is directly connected to Tony and John Podesta and PIZZAGATE. Freud, the Podesta brothers are directly related to disappearance and most likely sacrifice-murder of 3 year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Portugal.[48]


Dr. Knight and Austen Riggs were also connected to some of the CIA’s most notorious psychiatrists and psychologists like Dr. Lawrence S. Kubie.[49] Knight was the American Psychoanalytic Association secretary to Dr. Bertram D. Lewin, of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute that worked with OSS/CIA Dr. Henry A. Murray of Harvard University to develop the infamous profile of Adolf Hitler.[50]


OSS/CIA Henry Murray and Erik Erikson (born in Nazi Germany)

In 1951, Dr. Henry Murray’s OSS recruit and CIA MK ULTRA operative master hypnotist, Erik Erikson, joined the staff at Riggs. Erikson was connected to OSS/CIA agents, Margaret Mead, Dr. Gregory Bateson, and Henry Murray. He was directly connected to the MK ULTRA programming of Huey P. Newton.[51],[52]

From 1951-52, Knight was the President of the American Psychoanalytic Association.[53] In 1967, after Knight’s death, Dr. Otto Allen Will, Jr., formerly of Chestnut Lodge, came to direct Austen Riggs.[54]


aaaamoonlightchestnutlodge Chestnut Lodge, a Rockville, Maryland sanitarium whose psychiatrists were in the category for the security of the CIA MK-ULTRA/MONARCH project—“Top Secret” cleared.[55] Dr. Will received his medical degree from Stanford University, School of Medicine. After his residency and service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he received post-doctorate training at Washington School of Psychiatry and the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute.


CIA Eric and Frieda Fromm (born in Nazi Germany)

Through this training, he joined the Interpersonal psychoanalysis movement founded by Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann– former wife of deep cover Eric Fromm (Dr. Michael Maccoby- PIZZAGATE).


CIA Stack Sullivan also teamed up with Eric Fromm in the Narco-Hypnotic Mind Control programming of the infamous dancer and black heroine, Katherine Durham.[56] Dr. Wills served as Director of Psychotherapy at Chestnut Lodge from 1954-1967. [57]

The Erikson Institute awards the Erikson Institute Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media annually “to recognize and encourage writers, journalists, and media experts who have produced sophisticated and accessible work on mental health issues.” It sounds very much like the CIA’s Journalist “MOCKINGBIRD PROJECT AWARD.”[58]


ILLUMINATI David Finkel & John Podesta

In late February 2017, John Podesta joined David Louis Finkel at The Washington Post as a contributing columnist.


It is no coincidence that Moonlight’s official movie trailer opens with A24. The movie trailer does not necessary suggest that it would predicatively involve doctrines of subculture initiation and Rites of Sodomy, or Homosexual (dual) Ecclesiastics.[59],[60]


The Rites of Sodomy is a book that explores homosexuality through the context of secret and underground initiation rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the secret continuance of unspoken and hidden ancient Greek/Roman traditions of the Roman Empire’s Satanic Do what thou Wilt” homosexual desires of Boy-Love.


Gilles de Rais & Barron, the Demon or the DEVIL, himself

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley opens the subject of Homosexual Ecclesiastics through his secret works on the rituals of 15th century Satanic Black Mass child murderer Gilles de Rais, who may have murdered/sacrificed according to Crowley  at least 800 children in dual Satanic Roman Catholic Black MassesHomosexual Ecclesiastics exists in a dual/opposite secret underground Black Mass Roman Catholic Satanic Church that co-exist and flow parallel to the Roman Catholic Church.


Letters and numbers possess secret vibrations and colors. Moonlight Colors vibrate in Moonology.


Kemet Goddess Hathor

A is generally Alpha– the Beginning. In Kemet, the Cow or Ox head represents the universal symbol A that is associated with the Great Goddess Hathor. She was often depicted in red, the color of passion, though her sacred color is turquoise (blue-to-green).[61] Along with Great Goddesses Neith and Aset (Isis), nobody knows just old they may or could be. In certain times and aspects, Hathor has had the attributes of a moon goddess, so her sacred colors are relevant to moonology, and the secret moonbeam color spectrum.[62]



At God’s Throne in Heaven, 24 Rich and Wealthy Elders with Crowns of Gold


Revelation 4:4

“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats[24]: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.”


Moonlight as a theme and title of the film did not come out of the Black Experience or Community. The Moonlight that can color- code and transform Black Boys into Blue is the domain of Witches, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH.


On June 25, 1992 in Alexandria, Virginia, Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a stunning lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder): Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality. Dr. Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection in clandestine military and CIA mind control research and development. He revealed that Greek Letter and Color Programming were specifically mentioned in the Monarch Project in relation to a form of operative conditioning. Shortly after his ground breaking speech, he received death threats. Not wanting to jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond stopped disseminating any follow-up information.[63]

Color-coded programming also involved triggering the names of handlers and programmers. In Project CHATTER (Dachau Concentration Camp Mind Control Experiments), my father had a color-coded doctor only identified as “Dr. Jewel” (colored gemstone). During that time (1947- 1953), I have searched coast-to-coast for a psychologist, psychiatrist or mental health technician named “Dr. Jewel” without success. I had recorded this name from an official state copy of my father’s hospital medical records. Following leads to the Dr. Josef Mengele’s designed electrical-shock machine torture-mind rape and control of my father in Oakland, Alameda Co, I was told in so many words by courthouse staff that I would be dead before I get to some of the puzzles to my fathers’ case now held in a special high security vault at the Alameda County Superior Court Administration building in Oakland.


Just after WWII, the primary or initial torture for many children in western U.S. involving color programming mind control experiments took place at China Lake, CA which officially went under the designations Naval Ordinance Test Station (pronounced in short as NOTS), Naval Weapons Center, NWC, Ridgecrest (the town nearby), and Inyo-kern (the area).[64]


Weird/Satanic Jack Parson’s California Institute of Technology at Pasadena was intimately connected to China Lake’s research. Weird-Satanic Jack, at one time, had top secret U.S. government clearances. Also much of the work at the facility was for the intelligence agencies and not the military. One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake was color -programming.[65]

Hathor sacred colors’ Red and green were discovered to be the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people, children who are programmed.[66]

Color- Coded named German & British scientists/mind control programmers came to NOTS after WWII, including Josef Mengele (known as Dr. Green, or Greenbaum, and other pseudonyms). Dr. Black also reportedly worked out of China Lake. Dr. White (Dr. Ewen Cameron) worked on the east coast, although he did fly in every so often to the west coast to meet with the other top programmers. Dr. Blue was another of the important leading mind control programmers.[67]


MacBeth’s 3 Witch Sisters & Tarrell

It seems very logical to me that Tarell Alvin McCraney wouldn’t be too effective as RSC/Warwick International Playwright in Residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Merry Olde Briton without knowing a great deal about Sir Francis AKA William Shakespeare, and MacBeth’s three (3) Witches.[68]


Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was a famous Rosicrucian, he is considered by many to be the secret author of the works of William Shakespeare. The original engraving of this portrait is kept at the Sovereign Headquarters of the Rose Cross Order. When it is superimposed over a portrait of William Shakespeare surprising coincidental similarities between the two suggest that are one and the same.[69] The Rosicrucians of Sir Bacon’s era can very well be called a “moon cult” that believes in the “gloryof the moon,

It is from the visible Sun that every particle of physical energy comes. And it is from the spiritual invisible Sun that all our spiritual energy comes. At the present time we cannot bear to look directly at the Sun. it would blind us. But we can look at the reflected sunlight that comes from the Moon. In the same way man cannot stand the direct spiritual impulse that comes from the Sun, and therefore it had to be sent by way of the Moon, through the hands, and through the mediumship of Jehovah, the Regent of the Moon, as a race religion. Only by initiation was it possible to get into direct touch with the spiritual solar impulse. A veil hung before the temple.[70]

The Three Wise Men on the Holy Night of Christmas,

“Certain ceremonies were performed and the candidates entranced. They could not at that time be given an initiation in their full waking state, it had to be done in a trance. When the spiritual perception was awakened in them, they could look through the Earth–not seeing any detail but the Earth became transparent, as it were–and they saw the Star at Midnight.”[71]


Sir Francis Bacon had studied the Witches of Thessaly in quite detail, Francis Bacon: Sylva Sylvarum, or a natural history in ten centuries: 903,

“It is worthy the observing, that both in ancient and late times, as in the Thesslian witches, and the meetings of witches that have been recorded by so many late confessions, the great wonders which they tell, of carrying in the air, transforming themselves into their bodies …” [72]



“Three nights were lacking before the moon’s horns met, to make their complete orb. When she was shining at her fullest, and gazed on the earth, with perfect form, Medea left the palace, dressed in unclasped robes. Her feet were bare, her unbound hair streamed down, over her shoulders, and she wandered, companionless, through midnight’s still silence. Men, beasts, and birds were freed in deep sleep. There were no murmurs in the hedgerows: the still leaves were silent, in silent, dew-filled, air. Only the flickering stars moved. Stretching her arms to them she three times turned herself about, three times sprinkled her head, with water from the running stream, three times let out a wailing cry, then knelt on the hard earth, and prayed.”

~Ovid. Metamorphoses. Book 7.[73]



Medea is the High Priestess of the Goddess Hecate. Hecate, or Hekate, is the Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of the Dark Phase of the Moon. Hecate is sometimes associated with all three (3) phases of the Moon, she is, more often than not, connected with the third stage of the Moon, which is the Dark Moon. For that reason, she takes on the role of the Crone in a typical Triple Goddess formation in which there is a Maiden, a Mother and a Crone. Hecate has also been known as the “Queen of Ghosts,” the “Goddess of the Three-Way Crossroads” and the “Goddess of the Dead,” and it was there, at those three-way crossroads, that her followers held midnight rituals in her honor. She was also believed to roam the Earth on moonless nights, accompanied by her pack of hounds.[74]


Triple Phase Goddess Hecate

The “Moon” or Lunar Goddess Hecate is invoked into the high priestess by the high priest and in effect comes to possess her in what can often appear as an almost Voodoo-esque manner. Known in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft as “Aspecting”: a magical practice in which a priestess or priest channels the presence of a deity or quality, Drawing Down the Moon is intended to bring the real, actual presence of the Goddess into the Circle. From the time She overshadows the High Priestess’s consciousness, the Lunar Goddess considered to be physically present amongst the coveners.[75]


The drawing-down of the moon was the characteristic activity of Thessalian Witches. [Thessaly is in northern Greece, below Macedonia, and in antiquity was considered the country of Witches]. The author Statius in the Thebaid 3.558-9 refers to Drawing Down the Moon as “the Thessalian crime“.[76]

aaaamoonlightbluelight The Thessalian women paid a terrible price for drawing down of the moon: they lost either children or an eye.[77] In the New Age Spiritual Sophia/Mithras Cults, the Moon is drawn down for the purpose of erotic attraction magic. It is a form of ritual transformation and possession- an altered state of consciousness, a trance formation, of surrendering yourself to the will of the Goddess or a MK ULTRA/MONARCH sex slave handler or programmer.


“I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the Seas, and the silences of hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, […] Some call me Juno, others Bellona of the Battles, and still others Hecate. Principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis.”Lucius Apuleius, The Golden Ass, 2nd century AD [78]

Initiates into the Cult of Isis spoke of seeing her sending out rays of BLUE LIGHT OF GRACE AND SALVATION. [79] The blue lotus is sacred flower of the Cult of Isis.[80] Drawing down the moon  involve the goddess and entities sending out spectrums of rays of blue light. There are different color spectrums and wavelengths of rays reflecting down on earth during the phases of moon. Since at least the 2nd century AD, the blue light of the moon has been associated with God-Like metamorphoses, transformations, possessions, and trance formation.


Lucius (Lucifer) takes human form, in a 1345 illustration of the Metamorphoses (ms. Vat. Lat. 2194, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana).


For Black Boys in Moonlight, the healing and God-Like blue light of grace and salvation of the Kemetic Goddesses aren’t being reserved for them. Black Boys Look Blue when the Moon is Drawn Down on Them not to transform them into the God-Like during metamorphoses, but to MK ULTRA/MONARCH Color- Code Purple- lock, seal, fence and guide them into  the Satanic Homosexual Underworld.

Yesterday, I had the Blues, But all I got is your HEART. I thanked God, I THANKED GOD FOR YOU! 























[23] Id.




[27] Id.


[29] Id.










[39] id.

[40] id

[41] Id.



[44] Id.





















[65] Id.

[66] id.




[70] Id.

[71] Id.





[76] Id.

[77] Id.


