17 05 2018



Darkness is good,” Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re BLIND to who we are and what we’re doing.” Steve Bannon, President- select Donald J. Drumpf’s Chief Strategist, November 2016

Today, the highest elected office of the United States is occupied by Donald J. Drumpf that represent the “Darkness” and the POWER OF SATAN. That’s not what I say. They told the entire WORLD directly who they are and what they represent. Whether it is here in America, Europe, Africa, Palestine, ad the Middle East, it’s all the same under the Emperor Donald J. Drumpf, THE GATES OF HELL ARE OPEN! 

Donald J. Drumpf has appointed Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as the highest judicial officer of the United States. He is named behind a U.S. Civil War confederate general and Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.

They called him, LUCIFER!

The highest elected office of the state of California is occupied by Jerry Brown. He is a Jesuit Priest– a soldier of Jesus- VATICAN AND THE NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE! He is the Jonestown- Peoples Temple’s governor that blocked any state investigation into the mass slaughter of over 900 US civilians in Guyana, South American. Many of the Children killed in Guyana were WARDS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA judicially awarded to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Agent Rev. Jim Jones to become medical human guinea pigs.

In 2017, a California Deputy Attorney General was charged with possession of child porn. Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, was charged after law enforcement agencies found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI/CIA agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. He directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal. Raymond Liddy and his elite PIZZAGATE PEDOPHILE RING have been folded into the fabric and disappeared.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart and racial mass murder of 6 (six) innocent Black Children is another case that at least 5 (five) different states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, California, and the U.S. Justice Department (FBI) are trying to fold into fabric and make it vanish into darkness right before your eyes. However, we are not BLIND to who you are and what you are doing in this country and across the planet.



Jennifer and Sarah Hart (Witches of Buchenwald) are not the story of optimistic “do gooder” and “dreamer” white “All American Lesbian Couple” that overwhelmed themselves in a heroic struggle to help and rescue 6 (six) black drug babies. It is an ILLUSION provided to the mass public blind. What is not an ILLUSION or subject to blindness is that 6 (six) beautiful black children (human beings) had been all been racially targeted, enslaved for possible ILLUMINATI- NAZI SS Black Sun organ harvesting. The white “All American Lesbian Couple” had more love and respect for their pet dogs, cats and animals then black children. They were cold blood wicked female Knights and SS like concentration camp wardens that treated the Children less than their pets and animals to demonstrate their zeal to hate and destroy black people, their religion and culture for all the world to see.

Abigail (Nahko T Shirt), Jennifer Hart (Paul Bunyon Jaw)

In 2013, “Abigail insisted that it was Jennifer who hit the her with a closed fist, not Sarah. Abigail also stated that Jennifer put two hands around her throat and put her head under cold water [waterboarding?]. Abigail hit her head during this attack. Abigail also reported that Jennifer hit her with a closed fist, and also denied the child food as punishment.”[1]

In this era of the dark satanic circles of America, corporate mass media want us to be blind, and believe the ILLUSION that a series of coincidental and random governmental oversight breakdowns over 10 years across four states, Texas, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington, contributed to the deaths of the black children.

The Hart Witches and Black Children didn’t just “slip through the cracks of the failing CPS system.” That also is an ILLUSION for the blind. There are at least four 911 calls on the public record from concerned citizens and mandated reporters who expressed serious concern for the children.[2]  The governmental oversight breakdowns in this case is evidence of a consistent pattern, design, and purpose of a powerful dark network that is well beyond coincidental and random acts of wayward do- gooders and malfunctioning governmental officials.

So, the question should be. What is the pattern, design, purpose and the VEIL pulled over our eyes behind the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children? CHILD TRAFFICKINGOrgan Harvesting, Medical Experimentation, Sex Traffic, Human Sacrifice or ALL OF ABOVE!

As of today, the FBI, California Highway Patrol, Mendocino County Sheriff nor Clark County Sheriff’s Department in Washington have not and will not make a positive ID of Jennifer Hart at Safeway Supermarket in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. Mendocino County Sheriff Department,  Lt. Shannon Barney, goes as far as saying that this woman looks “like” and resemble” Jennifer Hart. The racial mass murder investigation of 6 (sex) innocent black children is warping up as if it was in fact Jennifer Hart in Safeway. Well, many of us are not as blind as Lt. Barney. We can make a reasonable positive ID of Jennifer Hart.

Jennifer Hart is a rugged rustic outdoors-man. She is the strong female “forest and mountain spouse”- the Paul Bunyan of Hart Tribe. She’s a Jennifer of the Woods. She has a very distinctive stable jaw structure, and her ear line on her skull lines up with her nose.

The Jennifer Hart impostor in Safeway is a pudgy TV couch potato Mary Poppins that looks more like Roseanne Barr and Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby than Jennifer Hart. Her jaw structure is totally different from Jennifer Hart’s jaw structure. The impostor’s ear line on her skull lines up with her mouth.

If it is not Jennifer Hart in Safeway, and it is NOT JENNIFER HART, then the case of racial mass murder of the black children is evidence of a widespread web of state conspiracy and corruption. It’s not necessarily widespread “darkness” spreading across America, but the extent to which the “dark webs” and dark satanic circles have infiltrated high levels of state and federal government power and authority.

In Mendocino County since at least 2008, Deputy Sheriff/Coroner Lt. Shannon Barney is alleged to have been running his own wild thing sadomasochisticbunga bunga sex tribe cult, and marijuana farm. They want our eyes closed and blind to allegations that involve wife swapping and drunkenness among sheriff deputies while “on duty” in Covelo, Mendocino County – two of the deputies involved in Barney’s Sex Tribe and secrecy have come up dead.[3]

Deputy Sheriff Lt. Barney and his Sex Cult is a mockery of the American justice system. It would be absolutely hilarious if only we close our eyes to the racial mass slaughter of 4 (four) of 6 (six) beautiful innocent black children on his watch. The true PICTURE that emerges of Lt. Sergeant Barney is that of a barbaric brutal and dangerous tribal sex cult leader who uses his power to absolutely control his subordinates and savagely enforce a code of secrecy among them. The brute is alleged to have interfered with the administration of justice, misuse state power, failed to perform his sworn duty, normally applied unequal enforcement of the law, and being drunk and invoking “bunga bunga sex rituals on duty. The brute terrorized and imposed sexual requirements on deputies under his command for his entire term of office. The “Covelo Way” was that Lt. Barney expected deputies under his command to have sex with his wife, Deanna, and he was to have sex with their wives. Lt. Barney is alleged to be a wild vicious ritual sexual predator.[4]

Sheriff Allman- In Plain Sight Scumbag Feed Asian Child Popcorn from his Filthy Hat 

Yet in 2010, the big brute was promoted by Masonic Master Mason/Knights Templar Sheriff Tom D.  Allman to the powerful state position of the Deputy County Coroner. We must not be blind to this fact.


Folding your three middle fingers down while holding out your thumb and pinky, the gesture, called The Shaka Sign originated in Hawaii. The sign can be interpreted as “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Have a nice day,” “Take it easy,” “Good luck,” or, the most popular definition, “Hang loose”.[5]

However, I doubt very seriously that Satan’s Moroccan PAN-sexual Daughter of the international Bunga Bunga Sex Cult, Ruby the Heart-breaker (Karima El-Mahroug), alleged “Shaka” hand symbol (Devil’s Horns) can be interpreted as a HawaiianHave a Nice Day.”

Sex Kitten, Ruby the Heart-breaker

On the deceptive credibility and ILLUSIONS created by Lucifer’s Servants, Sheriff Allman and Deputy Sheriff Barney, don’t go blind -pack up your tent up and go home based on anything whatsoever they say about the Hart Witches of Buchenwald and 6 (six) Black Children. Don’t get it twisted. I am not pushing the blacks against the whites agenda to confuse and divide the masses. As a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, I had enough potential deadly and other encounters with white police officers to be blind to the fact that Sheriff Allman and Deputy Barney are not typically among them. That’s why Jennifer and Sarah’s Coven had to travel over 10 hours and 570 highway miles from Oregon to California to get to a Satanic Safety Network, Mendocino County, to manufacturer ILLUSIONS and smoked mirrors among the masses to execute the veiled works of the Horned God.



Malnutrition in children is common globally and may result in both short and long term irreversible negative health outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that malnutrition accounts for 54 percent of child mortality worldwide,about 1 million children. Another estimate also by WHO states that childhood underweight is the cause for about 35% of all deaths of children under the age of five years worldwide.[6] Malnutrition increases the risk of infection and infectious disease, and moderate malnutrition weakens every part of the immune system. Court documents say that Jeremiah, but not his brother (Devonte) or sister (Siera) was born with drugs in his system. It is an outright and vicious lie that all 6 (six) children of the Hart Tribe were society’s severely disabled black drug babies.

During the Nazi era, Child Euthanasia was the name given to the organised murder of severely mentally and physically handicapped children and young people up to 16 years old in over 30 so-called special children’s wards.

We can plainly see malnutrition in Sierra compared to the Children of Auschwitz.

In 2013, all 6 (six) children had clinical symptoms of being malnourished (adjective)- suffering from malnutrition. Malnourished– weak and in bad health because of a lack of food or a lack of food that is good for you.[7]


Hart Tribe friend Max Ribner of publicly took issue with the notion the wreck was something other than a tragic accident. Ribner is a band member of Nahko and Medicine for the People. He said that the couple adopted many of their children from “hard backgrounds,” he said. “They transformed these kids’ lives”- from the gates to heaven to the DEATH OF HELL![8] He said the Hart Witches were “amazing parents”. Of the children, Ribner said, “They were readers, they were writers, they were poets, they were dancers. And they were brave. They didn’t have any judgment. But they also felt pain, too.” In 2013, Ribner began offering music classes to kids at his home in Southeast Portland. He said that all six of the Hart children participated in the program and that he and the children wrote songs together and played music twice a month for nearly a year while they were being physically attached and abused and clinically malnourished. “They exposed their children to conscious music with a message. Music that talks about social revolution and racial equality.” So, he says and lies.[9] We are not blind. We can see on our own that 6 (six) malnourished black children had been starved, and tortured for over 10 (ten) years, then slaughtered by the Witches and their Coven that Max Ribner had been a party to.

Nahko, the Bear, was another so called close personal friend (handler?) of Jennifer, Sarah and the Hart Tribe that was often seen in close physical association with the Children during forest musical rainbow gatherings and the Shangri-La (Shambhala) festivals at Harmony Grove in Minnesota. We cannot be blind to this fact. As has been duly noted, Nahko has not shown any particular public personal sympathy for the senseless racial mass slaughter of the innocent Children[10]

Yet, the abused and malnourished Black Children always sang their LOVE for him; and their praise and blessings of Nahko.

Devonte even worked to donate to Nahko’s causes and charity.


Nahko and his Coven of rainbow gathering has turned a BLIND EYE ON THEM THAT HAD LOVED HIM.


On April 3, 2018, Nahko tweeted, “These amazing kids were all adopted from the same horrible situation, save one boy who was the eldest. these angels came to these two amazing mothers completely by chance. miracles happen. tragedy happens. consider the legacy they left behind. there is another side of story.” On April 4, 2018, a mysterious April Dawn that joined Twitter in April 2018 to suddenly add another side of Nahko’s story. She said that she knew them well. “They were taking turns reading chapters from their current books out loud to each other Jeremiah: Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Abbi: Black Elk Speaks. This went on for hours … HOURS … until they started their nightly dance party. They’ve been doing this every night since. I don’t know why.”[11].

Horned God & Children’s Circle Dance

We are not blind. The Children’s nightly so called “party dance” that she claimed that she didn’t know or deliberately withheld the whys of was the infamous European old religion  witch’s endless occult circle dance to conjure and become possessed with spirits and demons from other spheres and dimensions.


he Phoenix, the Bennu Bird, is an eternal part of the ancient cosmology of Kemet.  The bird was primarily associated with Atum and Re, but inevitably, its connection with rebirth came to associate it also with God Ashur (Osiris). In quoting from the Book of the Dead, Wallis Budge quotes a passage that reads, “I go in like the Hawk, and I come forth like the Bennu, the Morning Star (i.e., the planet Venus) of Ra; I am the Bennu which is in Heliopolis” and he goes on to say that the scholion on this passage expressly informs us that the Benu is Ashur (Osiris). In essence, the Benu was considered a manifestation of the resurrected God Ashur of Kemet. The true meaning and mystery of the Phoenix and Bennu Bird was never revealed to the Greeks. According to Freemasonry, these magnificent birds lives at any one time, and lives to be about 500 years old.  Then, it self-immolates and its body is reduced to ashes; however, a new Phoenix Bird immediately arises out of these ashes, to live another 500 years. [Manly P. Hall]

In old western European occult cosmology, the Phoenix Bird has become a symbol of Lucifer: “The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant. This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.” [Bill Schnoebelen][12]

Catholics rely on Black Elk and the archetypal images and symbols in Black Elk Speaks and The Sacred Pipe for new directions in worship and liturgy could make a similar mistake. While Black Elk did not reject all Lakota practices, he found their essence present, or even deeper, in the practices of the Catholic Church – a pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. Many Catholics may not relish the idea that to “be like Black Elk” really means to evangelize and pray the Rosary.[13]

April Dawn speaks directly of a mind control device taken out of the annals of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. The Children of the Hart Tribe were kept isolated, group thought indoctrinated in spiritualism, resurrection, and reincarnation by day and evening. At night, they danced in a circle most of the fallen sun to prevent their minds, bodies and spirits from straying and rebelling.

By the way, Spirit Gangster Nahko is an Oregonian Apache, Puerto Rican and Filipino orphan raised by a white couple from MK ULTRA/MONARCH impressionate  9 (nine) months old to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[14]

David Chilly Love & Hart Tribe

Hart Tribe handler David Chilly Love is a South Korean orphan also raised by a white couple to be a “honoraryAryan of Maria Orsic’s mythical place of Shanghai-La (Shambhala).[15] 

Nahko and Chilly Love are Wookiefoots of the Tribadelic Spaceship that host and headline their own Global Conscious Gathering called Shangri~La Festival at Harmony Park in Southern MN.[16] In 2013 while the Hart Family were surrounded by so many fair heart friends and defenders of the Witches of Buchenwald, the Children were medically measured by a doctor as being shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. Abigail, then nearly 10 years old, was the height of an average 6-year-old girl. At 11 years old, Hannah, at 50 pounds and 3’9″, was the size of a typical 6-year-old girl.[17]

All 6 (six) children were extremely small for their ages even though they came from 2 two different biological families. A developmental pediatrician said it was unlikely that all 6 (six) children had medical conditions that would explain their extremely small bodies. Seeing all 6 (six) children who all appeared very small should had given the doctor reasons to look further into their histories. It should have also given people around the Children notice that they were being harmed. Yet to deliberately veil the doctor and medical malfeasance, their case worker deliberately wrote in her notes that “being adopted, no medical history is known for each child.” It was an outright vicious lie.The case worker has not been publicly identified. [18]

In today’s society, doctors and physicians are known as people who help us return to, and maintain, good health. Nevertheless, an osteopathic (practice in all areas of medicine) female doctor who worked at a Providence clinic in Clackamas, Oregon concluded she had “no concerns whatsoever” about their well- being. Someone in her office deliberately falsified the file and wrote a note that said the children’s heights and weights were not troubling because they were proportionately small. That is also a false ILLUSION for the blind.[19] 

The doctor abandoned the Children to continue to suffer malnutrition under the witches until they were mass murdered, organs harvested or sacrificed by their coven. The name of the osteopathist was heavily redacted so she also has not been publicly identified. Clackamas is a suburb of Portland, OR. Without the name of the doctor or the Children’s state case worker, we have to dig deeper to look at the greater Catholic Church of Portland and the Vatican to try to explain why one of their doctors under their jurisdiction would have “no concerns whatsoever” about the well being even though they were in fact substantially clinically malnourished 6 (six) black children shorter and lighter than 90 percent of children their age. The doctor completely abandoned the medical ethics of Beneficence- taking actions that serve the best interests of patients.[20] And, it appears to be a fact that the doctor nor the state case worker have been investigated or suffered any consequences for their deceptions, malfeasance and 21st century inhumanity to man. However, it appears that Providence Clinic in Clackamas is part of the clandestine dark circle network and the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Child Sex Trafficking/Sacrifice Circle. Providence Health & Services



Portland’s Notorious Catholic Pedophile Priest- Father Maurice Grammond,

In 2004, sexual abuse cases bankrupted the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oregon in Portland. In Oregon, litigation from victims threatened to overwhelm the 356,000-strong archdiocese of the west-coast state, which at the time faced a further 60 court cases. In 2004, 196 people have filed accusations against 41 priests in claims dating back to the early 1950s. Its settlements are second only to those of Boston, which paid out $85 million. One case in Portland, OR was brought by a 51-year-old cattle rancher, James Devereux, sought $130 million damages for abuse he claims he suffered at the hands of a priest, Father Maurice Grammond, in the 1960s when he was a teenage altar boy. The other case, involving the same priest in the 1980s, was brought by an anonymous litigant who claimed he was abused between the ages of eight and 10. Grammond, who died at the age of 82 in 2002, is the source of many of the cases against the church, whose officials were accused of ignoring complaints against the priest and moving him on to new parishes whenever they surfaced – said to be a common feature of the church’s handling of alleged serial abusers.

Grammond had been accused of abusing at least 50 (fifty) boys during a 40-year career, was said to have molested boys in his car, in the rectory, on camping trips and even during confessionsbut was never prosecuted. He apparently claimed that he had no responsibility because children “threw themselves” at him.[21] Grammond was also notorious for his open interference and influence over Portland’s juvenile court, child protective services (CPS), and the foster care system to set him up with some of his pedophilia child victims.[22]

The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (Archidioecesis Portlandensis in Oregonia) is an archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in the Pacific Northwest covered up Grammond’s pedophilia crimes. And, it came down from the Vatican’s highest priesthood of the ultra secret elite Ninth Satanic Circle. However, the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole runs deeper- extremely deeper than covering up the Vatican’s Priest Pedophile Child Satanic Sex Rings and the elite Ninth Satanic Circle.



A reader of In Search of Black Assassins offered me one name and lead in regards to the Hart Tribe Rabbit Hole– CLARE BRONFMAN. I disregard and dismiss nothing. In order to explore the Clare Bronfman lead, we must return to Providence Health & Services in Portland where the Children’s designed euthanasia malnutrition plan was deliberately and blatantly covered-up. Providence Health & Services in Oregon is a not-for-profit Catholic network of hospitals, care centers, health plans, physicians, clinics, home health care and affiliated services guided by a Mission of caring that the SISTERS OF PROVIDENCE began in the West nearly 160 years ago.[23] 

Saint Theodora Guerin

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are an apostolic congregation of Catholic women founded by the French Saint Theodora Guerin (known colloquially as Saint Mother Theodore) at Saint Mary of the Woods, Indiana. Saint Mary of the Woods existed in Indiana before the arrival of the official catholic church. The earliest land records in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods date back to 1825, when George and Polly Smith acquired a land patent signed by Knights Templar/Freemason President Andrew Jackson. George Smith served as an aide and dispatch bearer to Knights Templar/Freemason President George Washington during American Revolution.[24]

It is claimed that Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) initiated President George Washington into the higher hierarchy of ultra-secret Knights Templar with the above secret skull, cross & bones Knights Templar/Masonic Apron. Called “America’s Best Friend” in Europe, Marquis de Lafayette was Thomas Jefferson’s best friend in France and America. Lafayette was also a Hidden Hand 33° Freemason and French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution.  Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.

The meaning of the apron may go back to the 14th century inquisition by Philip, King of France and Pope Clement Vof the Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem also known as the Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Hospitalier or Hospitallers .[25] The Templars went underground.

The 7th President of the U.S., Andrew Jackson (1829- 1837) worshiped by President Donald J. Drumpf was a Freemason, having been initiated at Masonic Lodge, Harmony No. 1 in Tennessee; he also participated in chartering several other lodges in Tennessee. He was the only U.S. president to have been a Grand Master of a State Lodge until Harry S. Truman in 1945. His Masonic apron is on display in the Tennessee State Museum. An obelisk and bronze Masonic plaque decorate his tomb at The Hermitage, Nashville, TN.[26] Jackson was a Scottish descent Royal Arch Mason, the first part of the York Rite system of the Masonic degrees. Royal Arch Masons meet as a Chapter, and the Royal Arch Chapter confers four degrees: Mark Master Mason, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. The Royal Arch Mason degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar. Did Jackson become a Knight Templar? Yes, I believe that he did, because THAT IS THE WAY THEY ROLL![27]

Mother Theodore and her companions left the Sisters of Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir, North Western France, at the invitation of Célestine René Laurent Guynemer de la Hailandière of Rennes, Brittany, France, the Bishop of Vincennes, Indiana, to found the Sisters of Providence in the United States.[28] In 1840, Mother Theodore arrived in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with several companions and found a dense forest with few buildings. There she established the congregation of women.[29]

In 1918,  the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes of Saint Bernadette was built in a ravine on the south side of the motherhouse grounds. The grotto at the Woods was based upon the blueprints of the renowned grotto in Lourdes, France. Lourdes and the Pyrenees Mountain Range is a little more than 400 miles outside of Ruillé-sur-Loir.  A few stones from Lourdes are embedded within the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods grotto.

The grotto is based on the Marian (Saint Mary) apparitions in 1858, when Mystic Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl, admitted to her mother that a “lady” spoke to her in the cave of Massabielle. Bernadette said that the lady revealed to her that she is the Immaculate ConceptionMother of Jesus.

Mystic Bernadette Soubirous

Bernadette’s native country of the Pyrenees, a mountain region haunted by tales of fairies, witches and miraculous groves and springs.

Knights Templar & The Cult of Mary Magdalene

LUKE 8:2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils ...”

Saint Mary Magdalene is the first Mystic of the Catholic Church.[30] Saint Mary Magdalene, the New Testament Disciple and supporter of Jesus, is a Saint of the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran Churches, honored as a Heroine of the Faith by Protestant Churches. In addition to being a canonized Saint, in Southern France and throughout much of Europe Mary Magdalene was venerated as a Gnostic Apostle by the tradition known as the “Cult of Mary Magdalene”, which arose in Provence France during the 11th century. It is based upon the widespread belief among Catholic scholars that Mary and her companions fled persecution in Jerusalem, crossed the Mediterranean in a boat, and landed near Arles in the South of France (since named “Saintes Maries de la Mer”).

And so, when fleeing into France, Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus, carried the Sangréal in the sacred chalice of her womb.

Mary Magdalene & Angels Descend (Holy Eucharist)

She retired to the Holy Cave (“Sainte-Baume”) on a hill in the Marseille region, and converted all of Provence to Christianity. [31]

Southern France, especially the Mary Magdalene site of Aix en Provence, was always a major stronghold of the Knights Templar, since the inception of the Order in 1118 AD: A public square in Aix en Provence preserves a 19th century statute of Rene d’Anjou (1409-1480 AD), Duke of the Templar dynastic House of Anjou, and titular King of Jerusalem descendant from the founding Templar King Fulk d’Anjou.

Joan of Arc

Rene was the son of Princess Yolande of Aragon (1384-1442 AD), who was the primary proponent and patron of Saint Joan of Arc, who was a hereditary Templar Countess of Anjou. Yolande was the daughter of King John I of Aragon Spain, where many of the Knights Templar had survived the French persecution from 1307 AD. As a result, many later Templar descendants thrived as an underground network in Southern France, under the dynastic support of the Templar House of Anjou.

Therefore, the 11th century “Cult of Mary Magdalene” had a special connection – and a powerful appeal – to the 12th century Knights Templar, and was always a major component of authentic Templar heritage even into the modern era. While not all Templars necessarily considered Mary Magdalene to be a Gnostic Apostle, many historically did. As Catholics, in any case, the Knights Templar strongly favoured her as their special Saint. Throughout the Middle Ages, at every possible opportunity the Templars used seemingly normal references to “Mary”, appearing to mean “Mother Mary”, to instead privately emphasize the central importance of Mary Magdalene in their hearts and in their prayers, as a pillar of Templar culture.[32]

So, the Mary of the Woods mystic grotto could very well be a “cave temple” dedicated to Templar’s Cult of Mary Magdalene. That’s why the origins of Mary of the Woods in Indiana remain a mystery, because it is the Templar’s Mary Magdalene of the Woods.

To those who travel to the South of France and climb the mountain through the FOREST up to her cave – the summit of human and divine affections. May you be blessed abundantly. (Paula Lawlor ‘A Love Devout’)[33]

Mary Magdalene spent the last 30 years of her life in prayer and meditation in a mountain cave in the Sacred FOREST of La Saint Baume”. As the story goes, her only sustenance was the Holy Eucharist (eat the flesh and drink the blood), which she received on a daily basis from angels. During her waning years, the angels descended from heaven and transported her to an undisclosed location.[34]

Sisters of Providence of Montreal

The Women of Providence in Collaboration (WPC) is an association of congregations of Catholic women religious in North America who bear the name and charism of Providence. They come together to share and promote the evolving theology and spirituality of Providence. One congregation that comprise the WPC is the Sisters of Providence, Montreal, Quebec.[35] Sisters of Providence of the Bronfman’s Montreal was established by Emilie Tavernier Gamelin Jean-Baptiste Gamelin in 1840.[36]

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin (Mary of the Woods) Grand Priory of the Knights Templar

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory

Founded in 1806 at Ruillé-sur-Loir, France, by Father Jacques François Dujarié with Mère M. Madeleine (MARY MAGDALENE) in 1818 and Mère Marie in 1822, the Sisters of Providence arrived on one side in England.

Early French (Mary Magdalene/Knights Templar) Shield of Father Dujarie and Saint Theodore

On the other side, the Sisters arrived in Indiana with Mère Théodore in 1840.

From the very beginning, Mary of the Woods and the Sister of Providence were part of the secret French underground Mary Magdalene- Knights Templar Baphometic lodge or sect.

The Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Grand Priory of the Knights Templar consist of 15 (fifteen) women and men from seven different countries, including Denmark, Finland, Germany, Canada, England, Estonia and the United States. They come from various Christian traditions: Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Catholic and Presbyterian, and include a Jewish rabbi.[37] The Saint Mother Theodore Priory is part of the International Grand Magisterial Council. The Magisterial Council presides as the international authority of the Order. This council is comprised of the Grand Priors of each member country. The council elects and appoints executive officers to provide the administration of the Sovereign Military Order of The Temple of Jerusalem (Knights Templars).[38]

[Sisters of] Providence Health & Services in Portland is part of the secret network of underground Baphometic Masonic Knights Templar. The Catholic Sisters of Providence are more interested in taking souls then healing people. In regards to Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, its blatant departure from established medical practices was not just a fall  through the cracks. It was a matter of a grand deception.

Clare and Sara Bronfman (Rainbow Cultural Garden)  of Montreal

Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman of Montreal heads the funding for the secretive “Sex Cult” and pedophile ring called NXIVM.  Sara was CEO of Rainbow Cultural Garden School in London. The original Rainbow Cultural Garden school is near the NXIVM mother ship.

CIA MK ULTRA Rainbow Gathering: Fantuzzi, Jennifer Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children

Clare oversees everything to do with the finances, and the personnel, and the management of RainbowRainbow Cultural Garden is the concept for Keith Raniere, arrested leader of NXIVM, to indoctrinate very young children to be raised by multiple caregivers. Raniere is the alleged cult kingpin/leader of NXIVM.  Rainbow Cultural Garden School is a human experiment conceived and conducted by an alleged sex trafficker and known pedophile of children whose parents have been brainwashed by his insidious teachings and hypnosis skills. Raniere, a MK-ULTRA/MONARCH programmer has been accused of raping a 12-year-old girl in Upstate New York, according to new court documents.

Buddhist Dalai Lama & Keith Raniere

In 2009, Dalai Lama,  part of the Gelug or “Yellow Hat” school of Tibetan Buddhism, presented Keith Raniere, with the “Scarf of Purity.” What Keith Raniere is practicing is Tantra that nails all female energy down in a misogynistic paradigm, that these Dalai Lamas and the other Lama sects all practice, while putting on their grand theater and using traditional Mahayana Buddhism, and humble monk personas to fool people in the West.

Maria Orsic’s Nazi Shambhala

Shanghai La and Shambhala represents a idea of a lost kingdom somewhere in the Himalayas has also circulated in Tibetan Buddhist teaching for centuries, and may well itself have been told at the court of Akbar. The name Shambala first appears in a text known as the Kalachakra Tantra – or Wheel of Time teaching. The Kalachakra doctrine belongs to the highest level of Buddhist Mahayana teaching.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart of the Harmony Park Grove in Minnesota followed Shangri-La and the highest level of Mahayana Buddhism tradition.

Thích Nhất Hạnh quoted by Chilly David Love (Wookiefoot), and Trevor Hall (Rampriya Dass) all above, follow the Rama Dass Mahayana Tradition of Buddhism.

 Priestess Heather Salmon is a Buddhist that follows Tantric Sex Practices with her partner, Donny Regal. The High Priestess of Isis indoctrinated the Children in Pantheists Buddhism.

Devonte was indoctrinated and trained to serve Shangri La and Shambhala in Buddhist Rituals like a Human Pet.

The Dalai Lama with Venerable (impressive dignity) Lama Tenzin, who had a special “knock the boots” relationship with Sara Bronfman.

 Sir Richard Branson’s “Bunga Bunga” Necker Island-  Lama Tenzin & Sara Bronfman

The Bronfman family are the Jewish ILLUMINATI family that runs Canada. The Bronfman is one of the powerful New World Order families that controls what the masses read, hear, see and entertained with.  Clare and Sara Bronfman, who fund NXIVM and Keith Raniere, are the granddaughters of the Jewish patriarch, Samuel Bronfman, born in Imperial Russia.[39]

Clare and Sara Bronfman

Clare and Sara are the daughters of Samuel Bronfman I– the son of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., son of the patriarch- Samuel. Edgar, Sr. is the founder and president of the billion-dollar Distillers Corp-Seagram Ltd.[40] The Bronfmans are part of the  Committee of 300. The Committee is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 allegedly rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.

The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Wind.  The Committee of 300’s front organizations are the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford University and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.41] In 1924, Samuel Bronfman opened a distillery in Montreal. In 1926, the Distillery Corporation of London [DCL] owned by Field Marshal Haig, Lord Dewar, Lord Woolavington, and others, and which controlled more than half the world market in scotch whiskey, partnered with Bronfman. They formed a holding company with DCL’s William Ross as president, Sam Bronfman vice-president.  Bronfman became a ‘cutout’ for the men behind DCL, and the dispensation of distribution rights was a decision made by His Majesty the King. It began as a three-way contract between Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cutout), and Rothstein (the distributor). It evolved into a nationally organized crime syndicate.[42] Rothstein was assigned the job of “reorganizing” crime networks. He set up syndicates on the East Coast with the help of Torrio. A special bureau was set up by Meyer Lansky and  Benny “Bugs” SiegelMurder, Inc. was formed as a regulatory commission to police “free enterprise” advocates who might try to buck the syndicate and interfere with booze sales.[43]

The Bronfmans in Canada is a subject in itself far too much to handle here. But, they comprise the foundation and backbone of the political and financial power structure of the New World Order. They are linked to Donald J. Drumpf’s mentor, Roy Cohn They are dark circle other-dimensional “master deceivers“. They are vicious cohorts and puppets of the “fallen angel” LUCIFER. The Bronfmans of Montreal are an underground Knights Templar family linked to the old Sisters of Providence– part of the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI and the global, Ninth Satanic Child Trafficking Circle.

In 1969, Sam Bronfman was made a Knight of Grace of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem – Her Majesty’s official chivalric order.[44]  The Order of St John formally the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (French: l’ordre très vénérable de l’Hôpital de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem) and also known as St John International is a British royal order of chivalry first constituted in 1888 by royal charter from Queen Victoria. It evolved from a faction of the Order of Malta that emerged in France in the 1820s and moved to Britain in the early 1830s.

Mendocino County Sheriff , Tom Allman, is a Knight Templar.

 California Governor Jerry Brown is a Jesuit Priest- Soldier of the VATICAN. He covered up Rev. Jim Jones, Peoples Temple, and the 1978 Jonestown Guyana Massacre in California.

Looking forward to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice stepping into the case to investigate the crimes of racial mass murder across state lines, and the blatant violation of the Constitutional Rights of the Children and their Biological Parents is like waiting for the Laurel and Hardy’s infamous comical March of the Wooden Soldiers.



Courageous Tiny Hannah & Biological Brother, Markis

Courageously, Tiny Hannah and her damaged and malnourished body did all that she could to escape the Witches of Buchenwald. In the middle of a winter November night along the mountains in Woodland,Washington, she jumped from a second story window covered with only a blanket to escape. Steve Frkovich overheard a private confidential conversation between his daughter, Dana DeKalb, and wife about Hannah’s heroic dash for freedom and the Children. He lives in Tacoma, Washington– a little more than a hundred miles away. He was so disturbed by what he had overheard about Tiny Hannah that he called 9-11 to report the incident to try to try to get for Hannah and the Children.

There was a Washington police state power- child protective services stand down not a breakdown, and nobody responded to our so dear and precious Tiny Hannah’s heart wrenching cry for human compassion and help. On or about May 10, 2018, a Mendocino County’s sheriff’s deputy was called to the area of North Highway 1 and Hardy Creek in Westport around 7:15 p.m. Wednesday. On an ocean beach, a local resident found a pair of girl’s jeans with a shoe entangled in one of the pant legs. An inspection led to discovering human remains of what appeared to be a human foot inside of the shoe. The remains were found about a mile away from where the Hart SUV plunged over a cliff onto rocks at the edge of the ocean on March 25 or March 26, 2018. The foot was delivered to Mendocino County’s Coroners, Knights Templar Sheriff Tom Allman and Sex Cult Guru Lt. Shannon Barney.

As far as I am aware, Allman and Barney have not released to the public any final reports detailing autopsy findings of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children. And, I suspect that they will not release any detailed autopsy findings in the case that indicate whether or not the Children had any vital organs. And as far as I am aware, the alleged bodies of Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the Children have been cremated and permanently disposed of.

In lieu of the pending DNA tests on the foot, our most precious Tiny Hannah is still missing, presumed dead. I had suspected that only the body parts of Tiny Hannah and Devonte would be recovered, because I believe that they had sacrificed, organs removed- harvested, and bodies burned. It seems to me that the Children’s forced special malnourished diet had something to do with harvesting and marketing their organs to an elite class.

To get to the bottom of the Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the 6 (six) Black Children, there must be a citizens task force, review or council formed because the Rabbit Hole runs far too deep in this matter for justice to prevail ordinarily. And,  the Luciferians have infiltrated the highest offices of local, state and federal power and authority to make it virtually impossible for Justice to be done. I will stay on the case. I have said enough.



[2] Id.
















[18] Id.

[19] Id.








[27] Id







[34] Id









[43] Id.

[44] Id.


30 04 2018





THE GREEK GOAT GOD PAN, is the Greek God of Forests. Anyone who is familiar with Satanism and the Occult knows that “The Great God Pan” is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust, homosexuality, rape, pedophilia … 

and bestiality.


The Divine Daemon of Socrates, the Diablo or the DEVIL are directly related with the God Pan, which is in a relation with LUCIFER, the unrestrained forces of nature- THE ORIGINAL HOOCHIE COOCHIE MAN.


Yesterday on April 28, 2018, Lucifer’s Janelle Monáe declared herself Pan-Sexual  of the Great God Pan in a new interview with Rolling Stone, putting to rest many years of speculation surrounding her sexuality. “Being a queer Black woman in America, someone who has been in relationships with both men and women – I consider myself to be a free-ass motherf-cker,” she said a few days before the release of her highly-anticipated third album Dirty Computer. My dear Lord, don’t they understand?

The whole wide world know we’re (Muddy Waters and Mick Jagger) here“. There is a clear lack of evidence that Muddy Waters was a Freemason. However, it was made plain and apparent that they belong to a brotherhood that could only be of Demons and the DEVIL. When you talk about Muddy Watersyou may be and could be talking about the works of the HORNED GOD, THE DEVIL. He says in one of his songs, “I been dealin’ with the devil.

As far as Mick Jagger may be concerned. The name of the Rolling Stones’s 1967 album, above, is “Their Satanic Majesties Request.” The first song is titled, “Sympathy For The Devil.” It is no coincidence that Mick Jagger is a known homosexual pervert with a “Pan- Sexual” persona. Reportedly, the CIA and its friends have taken a strong interest in Mick Jagger. The CIA plan is to control the minds of the musicians and then use the musicians to control the minds of the populace. The CIA uses drugs and Satanism when it mind-controls the stars. A key link between the Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones and the Satanic Process Church is Kenneth Anger, a follower of the “founding father” of modern Satanism, Aleister Crowley. Anger, born in 1930, and a child Hollywood movie star, became a devoted disciple of the Great BEAST 666. While in the UK, Anger worked on a film ’dedicated to Aleister Crowley’, called “Lucifer Rising”, which was renamed “Invocation of My Demon Brother.” Mick Jagger had a starring role in the film and he composed the music.



President Donald J. Drumpf, America’s Top Hoochie Coochie Man

The gypsy woman told my mother / Before I was born / I got a boy child’s comin’ / He’s gonna be a son of a gun / He gonna make pretty women’s / Jump and shout / Then the world. Cause you know I’m here/Everybody know I’m here/Yeah, you know I’m a Hoochie Coochie man/Everybody knows I’m here [in the White House].

In March 2018, the Washington Post explored the subject of the legality of Melania Drumpf’s immigration in some detail, and questioned whether Melania Trump, then Melania Knauss, was really qualified for a special visa through the EB-1 program. The visas, according to the Post, were “designed for renowned academic researchers, multinational business executives or those in other fields, such as Olympic athletes and Oscar-winning actors, who demonstrated ‘sustained national and international acclaim.'” Well, that’s really strange.

Melania’s career highlight was appearing on the January 2000 cover issue of British GQ, when she was Donald J. Drumpf’s then girlfriend. He lobbied hard to have the “lad’s mag” feature his new paramour and then requested to have the images sent to his office. She appeared naked on the cover wearing a diamond choker and laying on a fur rug under the cover lines: “Sex [DOING THE HOOCHIE COOCHIE] and 30,000 ft, Melania Knauss earns her air miles.” This the first lady that the DEVIL has brought into the people’s highest and most respected house- the White House.

Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted a felonious “girl love” pedophile. He ran an elite (CIA- Mossad linked) espionage and intelligence sex slave trafficking ring that provided CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH ritually sexual abused/mind control underage girls for him and his pedophile clients, many of whom were global VIP figures in business, politics, and the British Monarchy. Epsteinbought” a girl from Eastern Europe, and was gifted three (3)  12 year olds for his birthday by a wealthy European pedophile pal.

One of the leading CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH’s Hoochie Coochie Men occupy the highest and most powerful elected office in America.

And. We haven’t heard very much from Donald J. Drumpf’s very close employee Omarose Onee Manigault-Newman since she was exposed wearing the FBI exposed the secret network symbol of pedophiliagirl love” that is consistent with Drumpf’s stated preference for women on the “YOUNGER SIDE”. Donald J. Drumpf allegedly had multiple encounters with women, both consensual and non-consensual. Some have sued him for sexual assault and rape. At least 19 (nineteen) women have come forward publicly with allegations about their interactions with the America’s official top  Hoochie Coochie man.

Satan’s Daughter- Stormy Daniels

The HOOCHIE COOCHIE stripper and former porn star, Stormy Daniels, reportedly had an affair with Drumpf after meeting him at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006. Daniels has sued to break an agreement that keeps her from telling her side of the story of “knocking boots” with the President of the United States.

We know Drumpf’s type and preference for women. So, I am wondering what dump, hole or den Donald J. Drumpf really got his racist COOCHIE press secretary, Daughter of the (Luciferian) Confederacy- Sarah Huckabee Sanders, out of.

America’s Favorite Hoochie Coochie Uncle Tom- Bill Cosby


The other day, one CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Hoochie Coochie Man, Bill Cosby, was found by a jury found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home nearly 14 years ago. The National Organization for Women called the verdict a “notice to sexual predators everywhere”- if you’re black, 80 years old and half or more blind.[1] Bill Cosby was just an ILLUMINATI sacrifice to deceive the masses. They just threw out some “red meat” the symbolic black male that the masses have been wickedly influenced to hate for generations. They simply threw one of their boot-licking- handkerchief head Masonic Uncle Toms under the bus. I can’t say anything about it, because the Negro sold his soul to the DEVIL decades ago.

For so long, Cosby thought that he was one of the “good ole boys” of the ruling Satanic elite. For decades, Cosby’s crimes against women and the masses just didn’t fall through the cracks.

Very powerful and clandestine forces in America ordered the Masonic Fraternal Orders of Police to STAND-DOWN.



Most people are being misled down the road to believe that the Hart Witches and the Children just happened to slip through the cracks for a over a decade in 4 (four) different states- Texas, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington. Each and every city, county, state where the witches and the children settled, the system(s) failed. If you believe that, “you don’t think that fat meat is greasy.” Common sense should tell anyone “That Dog Don’t Hunt”. The Hart Witches and the Black Children represents a series of “Stand Downs” ordered by an ultra powerful and clandestine state force in America, today. The only power I know with that type of authority, power, control and wickedness reside in Langley, VA.

HOOCHIE COOCHIE Man Mendocino County Sheriff Thomas D. Allman & Asian Child

I won’t go there. But oh yes, I will go there. Sheriff Allman, a guardian of the state, is feeding a little Asian girl popcorn from his nasty ass greasy hat as if she is a bird, animal or THING.

Barrack Obama, The Hoochie Coochie Man

Nobody but nobody has been able to explain what America’s highest elected official and guardian of the state is doing with this child. The miraculous system breakdown (stand-down) of state action in regards to the Hart Witches and the Children even continued in Mendocino County. Of all the counties in Washington, Oregon and California,  the Hart Witches or their impostors had to get to  Mendocino County where Sheriff Thomas D. Allman and Deputy Sheriff Lt. Shannon Barney were in total authority and control.

Everybody Knows I’m Here!

The majestic rugged and oceanfront Mendocino County paints a picture of an extremely small, friendly and cozy lily white country place that you expect with a basket full of smiles a HollyWeird Mayberry Sheriff Andy Taylor and Deputy Barney Fite would run where everybody gets along.

However behind the curtain and lights, we may be so disarmed by HollyWeird false images of small town heroic white law enforcement officers like Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Fite that we would never suspect that they are running a major “HOOCHIE COOCHIEsex club/sex tribe and lucrative marijuana enterprise right out of their office of the color of state power and authority.

In 2007, newly elected Sheriff Tom Allman, who had been Big HOOCHIE COOCHIE Barney Rumble’s immediate superior brought him to Ukiah so he could “rebuild” the Covelo deputy residency. A year later, Allman appointed HOOCHIE COOCHIE Chief Deputy Sergeant Coroner, and subsequently, Coordinator of MCSO Emergency Services with command authority over all county resources in a declared state of emergency. Sheriff Allman is the coroner. As far as I know, County Coroner Sheriff Allman is no doctor. And his Chief Deputy Sergeant Coroner Lt. Big Barney Rumble, is no doctor, either.

That’s like the outlaw- Masonic Knight of the Golden Circle Jesse James being president of the Wells Fargo Bank hiring his brother Frank James as vice president to help run the public trust.

Tim Stoen & Rev. Jim Jones

That’s on top of having HOOCHIE COOCHIE man Rev. Jim Jones right-hand, Tim Stoen, running the Mendocino County District Attorney office in Fort Bragg. Allman and Barney are Luciferians– corrupt and as crooked as a dog’s hind legs, and extremely dangerous. Two possible Sheriff’s whistle blowing deputies (Eric Gore and Brett White) are dead. Lt. Barney was in the house with Sheriff Deputy Brett White allegedly “shot himself“. There was no investigation into the suicide. They just took Barney’s word for what happened. Pretty convenient that both witnesses tied to Allman and Barney’s criminal enterprises are now dead, Allman was in charge of the investigation and coroner’s inquest if one ever took place at all.[2]

In the November, 2006 election runoff for sheriff, Allman won 54-46% with major support from marijuana growers in the third district where in some precincts he got 90% of the vote. Mendocino County is an Emerald Triangle stronghold with deep roots in the cannabis trade, and wider attention inside (Washington, Oregon?) California’s burgeoning marijuana industry.

The national/international PR or spin (propaganda) person and spokesperson for the Hart Tribe, Jennifer Hart, and the Hart family in South Dakota, Ava Nusheen Bakhtiar (marijuana Greensky Collective), is bankrolled by a major ILLUMINATI global Portland, OR based marijuana enterprise and corporation, The Yoshida Group.[3]  Bakhtiar confirmed the fact that there is no evidence that Jennifer Hart drank alcohol. She said that she didn’t. So, regardless of what Mendocino coroners, Allman and Barney, say until we see the bodies, the two women alleged to have been found in the SUV wreckage at the bottom of the cliff. It may not have been Jennifer and Sarah Hart in that SUV because she didn’t consume alcohol. The woman found dead at the bottom of cliff alleged to be Jennifer did in fact consume alcohol.

In 2006, that same month a Mendocino County Sheriff whisper blower  Jason Cox allegedly obtained conclusive evidence of a 300-plant marijuana farm on land owned by a named named Brian Hurt. According to Brian and other sources, the grow was a project of Tim Hurt and good ole Sergeant Barney. After Cox turned this evidence over to the Major Crimes Task Force, he was informed by Mendocino Major Crimes Task Force Interim Special Agent/Commander in Charge, Lt. Darrin Brewster, that they were not going to bust it. The task force is made up of the Sheriff’s office and local police that until 2017 was ran under the state justice department.[4] Jason Cox filed a major public lawsuit against Mendocino County, Allman and Barney to put it all out in the open. The lawsuit was settled in 2009.[5] Lt. Barney now heads the Sheriff’s Investigative Services Bureau in the Hart Witches’ murder case.[6]

HOOCHIE COOCHIE Man Lt. Shannon Barney

For over a decade, Shannon Barney, former Tribal Chairman of Round Valley Pomos, and today Mendocino Sheriff Department’s Coordinator of Emergency Services and Chief Deputy Coroner operated his own notorious clandestine HOOCHIE COOCHIE sex cult/sex tribe (The Covelo Way) in the sheriff’s deputy coroner residency out of Covelo, Mendocino County. Some sources claim that the town was named after a Northern European village in Switzerland. However, others maintain that there is no village in Switzerland by that name. Covelo may be a misspelling of Covolo, a fort in Pederobba, Veneto, Italy near Switzerland.[7]

Barney & Betty

According to verified allegations in the Cox v. Mendocino County lawsuit, Lt. Barney pandered his wife, Deana, to fellow deputy officers and demanded they pander their wives to the Big HOOCHIE COOCHIE Man thus forming a secretsex cult or tribe with himself as chief” at night as well as sergeant by day.[8] 

The bottom line is that Allman and Barney are so wicked, dirty and corrupt that you can’t trust anything they say or have said about the Witches and the Children. If it was King Kong lying dead at the bottom of that cliff, it would still “LOOK LIKE JENNIFER HART” to the HOOCHIE COOCHIE Man.

Furthermore, Sheriff Allman of Mendocino County is a member of Aahmes in September 2010 and is a member of the Pomo Shrine Club. He was a 33 degree Past Master Mason of the Willits Masonic Lodge when he was awarded a Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on September 28, 2010 in Sacramento, Ca. The Medal of Valor is the highest state award to a public safety officer. The Attorney General’s Office receives nominations from public safety agencies which are then reviewed by the Medal of Valor Review Board which makes a recommendation to the Attorney General (Jerry Brown or Kamala Harris).[9]

Baphomet, Mystic God of the Knights Templar 

“The Shriners” (Sheriff Allman) is composed of Knights Templars or of 32nd degree Scottish Rite Masons all endowed in mysticism from the medieval Templars.

The Masonic Hall, also known as the Masonic Temple and Mendocino Lodge No. 179, is an historic Masonic building located at 10500 Lansing Street in Mendocino, California. It was built in 1866 of local redwood by Eric Albertson and John Gschwend. Eric Albertson, who was the first worshipful master of Mendocino Lodge No. 179 also crafted from a single redwood trunk the unique sculpture of Time and the Maiden which adorns the top of the hall’s cupola. Also known as Father Time and the Virgin, the sculpture also incorporates a book and a fallen column and has become a local landmark. While its exact symbolic meaning is shrouded in Masonic secrecy, one Mason has interpreted its meaning as Time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things.[10]

I believe that it has some mysterious Masonic meaning in the Impermanence also called Anicca or Anitya, is one of the essential doctrines and a part of three marks of existence in Buddhism. The doctrine asserts that all of conditioned existence, without exception, is “transient, evanescent, inconstant“.[11]

Albert Pike & the Horned God

Albert Pike contrasted the immortality of the soul with the temporary nature of earthly things. To illustrate the impermanence of the body as opposed to the soul, Pike notes that, when we die, our bodies return again to the earth. The minerals of which the body was composed may scatter far. Those minerals may be picked up again by the roots of plants, grow into food, and be eaten by other men. One anti-Masonic writer suggests, is pagan Masonic communioneating the dead! [12]

Jennifer Hart Appears to All Her Teeth

Jennifer Hart constantly posted about “impermanence” in the couple of years leading to the Race with the Horned God and the senseless murders of the children. She was obsessed with “impermanence” —

it was what she posted about Tiny Hannah’s lost tooth.[13]  One or both of the Hart Witches knocked Tiny Hannah’s permanent teeth out of her head.



I asked who is this man in the picture with Devonte and Abigail. The answer came back- DAVID CHILLY LOVE. He was much more than just a “Hart Tribe” friend. I had suspected as much.  

Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible.” Thich Nhat Hanh

David Chilly Love and the Children

David Chilly Love also happens to obsessed with “impermanence.” He posted Thich Nhat Hanh’s “Impermanence” quoted above beside the picture, below. It is extremely interesting and eerie to say the least.

The stag deer represents “Hart” the surname of the Witches. It represents the racial mass murdering pagan secret Cult of the White Stag featured in the HollyWeird film, “Get Out“; and the “SUNKEN PLACE” designed to mind control and reprogram black people.

Jordan Peele & Symbol of the Old European Stag Cult

On Chilly’s Facebook page, he has many pictures of the Children. Chilly presents a picture of a man lost in fantasies that pretends that he never wants to grow up and get married.

Chilly is a big Star Wars fan. George Lucas, production staff, and have stated that many themes, plots, designs, and even terms used in Star Wars were indeed inspired by Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler and the SS- Knights of the Black Sun. The Force Awakens writer/director J. J. Abrams said that the First Order is inspired by the theory of ODESSA, which allegedly involved SS officers fleeing to Argentina following World War II.[14]

I am sure Chilly knows the links between the Nazi-SS Occult and the Shangri- La that he seems to love and promote.

Chilly Love is a WookieFoot Ambassador of Harmony Tribe (Harmony Park, MN). WookieFoot is a high energy magical and mysticism phenomenon practiced by tribe of players and believers.

The WookieFoot are the wizards, witches, high priests and priestesses in charge of the secret sacred rituals and plays that take place at Harmony Park’s Harvestfest and Project Earth festival.

Chilly Love was a close family friend of Jennifer, Sarah and the Hart Tribe. Even with public proof that the Children were starved, abused and senselessly slaughtered, he still remains real “Chilly” about the racial mass murder and slaughter of the Children. He is one in the dark circle that seek to honor the Hart Witches and their “dark deeds”. It appears that Chilly was more than a Hart family friend.

Children Programmers- Jennifer Hart & Chilly Love

David Chilly Love is a clandestine CIA MK OFTEN occult/satanic high priest, handler and programmer. The white male sitting is Steve Sklar. The woman standing above Devonte and Jeremiah is Johnna Morrow. The white male Devonte has arm around is Reed Grimm.

Reed Grimm is vocalist and drummer that appeared on Fox’s American Idol.


Sklar & Morrow

Steve Sklar is a musician, sound healer, and the leading teacher and performer of Khoomei (Tuvan/Mongolian throat-singing) and Tibetan “low chordal” chanting voice outside central Asia. Johnna Morrow is a musician, singer/songwriter, and sound healer.

Morrow plays the sacred frame drum of the Great Mother Goddess Cybele. It was introduced into Greece in the 6th century BC with the cult of the Ancient Cult of Cybele, the frame drum is depicted as being played by maenads and was also a cult instrument in rites of the Orphic religion.

God Anubus & the Framed Drum

The frame drum played a central role in ancient Goddess cultures, music and mystery rites across the Mediterranean world- in Kemet, Sumer, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome, as well as India and throughout Judaism, Christianity and Islamic religions. Morrow also plays the didgeridoo, numerous world flutes, acoustic guitar, singing bowls, gongs, waterphone and other exotic percussion and wind instruments, and is the only active female didgeridoo performer in MN.

The didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia potentially within the last 1,500 years. However, the mysterious and unique blowing technique to play the didgeridoo is very ancient known to go back to Kemet. The ancient acoustical wind pipe can mind control and levitate matter.  Sklar and Morrow conjure up Spirits– Chaco Spirits that the Children were forced fed and filed with.

Goddess Cybele and their mystic musical instruments are associated with God Saturn, Baby (human) Sacrifices, Trances and Mind Control. Under some aspects, she is the mother or the wife of the horned god, PAN 

Have you really forgotten what these people are about so soon!

On Chilly Love’s Facebook page, he says,

I was adopted from Seoul, South Korea in 1975. I was named David Jr. after adopted father. He was a good human and my best friend. Even though David Sr. passed away, he still continues to inspire me daily. Remembering my hero.”

David Chilly Love was part of the outflow of adopted South Korean children that continued long after the Korean war that began the tide of adoptions. Since then South Korea has sent overseas around 200,000 of its orphaned or abandoned children, three-quarters of them to America. At the peak of the exodus, in the mid-1980s, 24 babies left their birth country every day to be taken into the care of foreigners.[15]

Chilly was raised by a white couple to be an “Aryan Superman.” Apparently, he believes that he is one of those Aldebaran Solar System Aryan demigods that belongs to the coming mythical Shangri-La and Shambhala. It is a mythical space where other races such as black people serve with no exceptions the master Aryan race.

David Chilly Love was an inner circle member of the Jennifer and Sarah Hart’s Minnesota Harmony Park Grove of New Age Druids and Witches. And, it looks as if he was one of Children’s trusted handlers.

9/23/2013, Southside Weird post Shangri-La decompression at my place of residency in South mpls ready for flight– David Chilly Love

This is picture evidence that Chilly Love in fact at times kept the Children captive in his home in South Minneapolis. He handled Devonte just the same as Jennifer. He also openly subjected/prostituted Devonte to serve white people with the best “free hugs”, and maybe other things. He helped the Witches, Coven and CIA starve, torture and mind control the Children to force them to serve white people. The Children were forced into modern 21 st century slavery.

Buddhist Chilly, Emory Hall, Trevor Hall (Rampriya Das) and Devonte

Above Chilly Love is hands on handling Sierra while white males seem to hands on handle Tiny Hannah and Devonte. They are only children on stage after the sun went down at a Harmony Park Grove ritual festival.

A man in Cambodia prepares his face for the Buddhism annual Lok Ta Pring KaEk festival, designed honor the spirits to bring good fortune and rain for their crops.


Devonte and Jeremiah 

Devonte and Jeremiah also had their bodies and faces painted by Chilly Love and Jennifer Hart for a secret Buddhist ritual or festival.


Chilly Love and Jennifer Hart appears to be devotees to Neem Karoli Baba or Neeb Karori Baba (1900 c. – September 11, 1973), also known to followers as Maharaj-ji, Hindu guru, mystic and devotee of the Hindu monkey god deity, Hanuman.

God Hanuman

Maharaj-ji is known outside India for being the guru of a number of Americans who traveled to India in the 1960s and 1970s, the most well-known being the spiritual teachers Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert) and Bhagavan Das, and the musicians Krishna Das and Jai Utta, Trevor Hall (Rampriya Das).[16]


Emory Hall is the wife of Trevor Hall (Rampriya Das). She traveled to Nepal, visiting the desert Gangetic plains to isolated villages in the high Himalayas. She met Trevor Hall for the first time in India.[17]

Buddhist David Chilly Love

It doesn’t look as if Chilly Love has ever missed a meal like the Children. Nevertheless, Chilly and Hall are part of the CIA’s clandestine experimental Drugs/Mind/Body/Spirit pioneer New Age Movement that would popularize yoga, vegetarianism, and Eastern mysticism among the growing dissenting anti-establishment and anti-war youth in the Western world.

Buddhist Trevor Hall (Rampriya Das)

The CIA’s mass population control new age program was designed to influence the flower youth to “Tune In- Drop Out” of the affairs of war and politics, racial relations, the shadow government and dark Satanic cabals and circles. Some of the pioneers of that experimental drug movement were Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, and Allen Ginsberg. 

Buddhist Ram Das

Ram Das, above, in particular, is an avowed enemy of orthodox Judeo-Christian religious tradition and proponent of a mass conversion to Hinduism and other forms of Eastern mysticism. I will brief return to his compatriot his Buddhist Allen Ginsberg, briefly.

Chilly is also one of Prince’s Rainbow Children with a New Age Covenant with LUCIFER. Although the rainbow seems to be only a colored arc of light refracted through (purple) rain- drops, to both Christians and New Agers it has a deep meaning. According to the Bible, the rainbow is symbolic of God’s everlasting covenant that he would never again destroy the earth by a flood. However, the New Age Movement uses rainbows to signify their building of the Rainbow Bridge (antahkarana) between man and LUCIFER who, they say, is the over-soul.[18]

Ginsberg & Orlovsky

In 1962, Allen Ginsberg and his lover, Peter Orlovsky, traveled India looking for a spiritual teacher. There were visits to the Himalayas to the caves of Ajanta and Ellora, to Buddhist shrines in Sanchi and Sarnath, protracted stays in Calcutta and Benares, and meetings with mystics, yogis, poets, writers, musicians, and religious leaders like the Dalai Lama. He also met, without knowing, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the Tibetan lama who would come to the U.S. in the 1970s, set up the Näropa Institute at Boulder, Colorado, and become Ginsberg’s teacher.[19]

But it wasn’t until 197o through Ram Dass—Richard Alpert—who was an old CIA friend from the 50-60s that he met Muktananda, and he asked me if I had a meditation practice, and, since, as a matter of fact, I still didn’t have one, he invited me to Dallas for a weekend and taught me a practice which I did for a year and a half until I met Trungpa, who suggested a more rounded form. So from 1972, I worked with the Trungpa in the Tibetan Vajrayana style.[20]


In India, Criminal Investigation Department of India got on Ginsberg’s back. They suspect him being a CIA spy. Leary himself once said “The LSD movement was started by the CIA… It was all planned and scripted by the Central Intelligence,  and I’m all in favor of Central Intelligence.”[21] In a small-press book called “Poems All Over the Place,” Allen Ginsberg mused at length about this, writing in his journal, “Am I ‘Allen Ginsberg’ the by-product of one of the CIA’s lamentable, ill advised, or triumphantly successful experiments in mind Control?[22] The answer is YES! I said that to say this.

Allen Ginsberg, the Buddhist Pedophile 

Of all of the Buddhist spiritual and mysticism that he learned on the other side of midnight and in this country, Allen Ginsberg, was a notorious low life HOOCHIE COOCHIE Chicken Hawk– a “Lover of Boys“. He was an open member and defender of North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). NAMBLA is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.

NAMBLA was a member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) that achieved United Nations (UN) consultative status. In 1994, ILGA expelled NAMBLA. However before 1994, it had part of the Gay Movement. Although ILGA removed NAMBLA, the UN reversed its decision to grant ILGA special consultative status. Repeated attempts by ILGA to regain special status with the UN succeeded in 2006.

Ginsberg said: “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance … I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too—everybody does, who has a little humanity.

The ILLUSIONS of Buddhism is shaped by American media, which usually portrays Buddhists as pure, serene, and incorruptible. UPI’s Uwe Siemon-Netto (under the headline “Buddhism’s pedophile monks“) showed the dark side of some Buddhist practice: “Sex between clergymen and boys is by no means a uniquely Catholic phenomenon, a noted American scholar said Wednesday- it’s been going on in Buddhist monasteries in Asia for centuries.”

Since the 1960’s, the New Age Buddhists have been invading America’s West Coast, slowly turning hippies, flower children, and revolutionary leftists into a bunch of (Tune-In- Drop Out) drug addicts and Pan-sexual- sexual maniacs. Theosophy is a blend of distorted forms of Hinduism and Buddhism with Western occultism.the movement founded by Madame Blavatsky, combines eastern religion, Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, the Kabbalah, mysticism, spiritualism, occult and New Age thought into an esoteric and erotic religious system.



The mix of Buddhism that Jennifer, Sarah and Chilly Love forced on the Children is practiced in remote areas of the hills, mountains and deep remote areas of forests. It is a form of worship of Pantheism. It’s central belief is that Nature evokes religious feelings of awe and belonging“.

In the 21st century, there has been a revival of reverence of the ancient god, PAN, as a figure representing not only traditional and neo- Pagan forms of PASTORAL worship that is symbolic of PAN- antheistic or PAN-entheistic notions of divinity or deity. Consistently through out the generations of mankind, the very essence of the Great Greek God Pan is sexual perversion. PAN” is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust, homosexuality, rape, bestiality and PEDOPHILIAPan and Lucifer are the same God/Being just known by a different name. Traditional Buddhism has become a mix of Luciferian New Age ideologies, sexual perversions and the world rule of Lucifer-Satan’sWhite Brotherhood” enlightened masters.

They hide behind the veil of love, world peace,  harmony, and “FREE HUGS“. No matter how much pain, ritual torture and suffering the Children went thru from the Hart Witches, David Chilly Love and the Luciferian CovenTHEY DID NOT SELL THEIR SOULS TO LUCIFER.  THEY COULD NOT LIVE TO TELL TALES. 


There are pictures on the internet that I have seen. It shows over a dozen New Age Buddhist/Hindu males with their hands all over the child- handling him physically. Did they turn out Jeremiah all the way out?
























[20] Id.


[22] Id.


15 04 2018



It was the adopted and adapted religion of the Prophet Nat Turner, and my forebears that broke the chains of African Human Bondage. It was the religion that led the Civil Rights Movement and institutional racism in America. For decades, the Black Church represented the moral conscious of the nation. It took a stand against America’s aggression in South East Asian (Vietnam) and across the globe. It was the religion of my mother, father, sisters and brothers- its good enough for me. It is not a religion of war and revolution. It preach and practice ORDERPEACE, LOVE and FORGIVENESS. In my youthful days growing up in the Black Church, it was a secure sanctuary and peaceful haven from a troubled world and CHAOS. But, that’s not the problem with Black Christianity in America, today. It is under attack. There is a covert war against the ORDER of the Black Church.

However, others also have their own Old Time Religion that preach and practice the dark demonic-satanic forces of HATE, DEATH, DESTRUCTION, AND CHAOS that existed since the beginning of civilization.

It is a dark force belief system and religion of the sheer animal lust of the forest horned goat god; human sacrifice and cannibalism. They, Luciferians, seek the control of the WORLD.



Never before in the history of United States has a presidential administration begun its reign by telling it citizens that SATANIC “dark forces” and its POWER are good to RULE the country. Yet, that is exactly what happened in America in November 2016. Satan’s Son president select Donald J. Drumpf’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, for the new administration told The Hollywood Reporter that “darkness is good.

Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

Don’t get it twisted, Jennifer and Sarah Hart are no HollyWeird romanticized episodes of Laverne and Shirley, or Thelma and Louise. They are New Age Witches- part of this country’s SATANIC “dark forces” and Open Gates of Hell aided and abetted, and concealed by the highest levels of this government. The masses are blind to, and don’t know what they’re doing.

Yesterday, Satan’s Son and Luciferians of France and England have attacked an independent nation on the other side of midnight, Syria, for alleged human rights violations. But at the same time, America is unwilling to lift a finger or take a stand against Israel’s current mass violations of the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza.

Drumpf and Netanyahu 

That’s because they call America- BIG SATAN, and Israel- LITTLE SATAN. America has become the Open Gates of HELL.

The Hart Witches & the Racial Mass Slaughter of Innocence

Also a couple of days ago, news broke that one of white females, alleged to be Sarah Hart, and 2 (two) of the children that died in the plunge off the sea cliff in Mendocino County tested positive for “significant” amounts of Diphenhydramine. The drug can be found in many over the counter medicines. But when victims and murder are involved, you must consider that the drug may have been a factor to incapacitate a victim. Diphenhydramine can in fact be used to incapacitate victims.

On Websleuths, an anesthetist noted that an oral dosing of benadryl (diphenhydramine), an average adult dose of 50 mg is more than sufficient to cause pronounced drowsiness, and anesthetists actually exploit the drowsiness effects of the drug for use in some patients. More than 100 mg would cause marked sleepiness.

All 6 (six) children were deliberately kept seriously malnourished and underweight by the witches. Significant amounts of Diphenhydramine dosing could have caused a great deal of damage to incapacitate them. And, diphenhydramine could very well have been used to keep the children MK ULTRA/MONARCH sedated and under control until they could be wickedly and quietly removed and be disposed of.

Evidence of diphenhydramine drugging is an extremely significant factor in this case. Diphenhydramine was also found in the system of Whitney Houston when she was assassinated from a Jonestown’s Cocktail of a deadly combination of drugs on February 11, 2012 at the Western White House in Berkeley Hills, CA. It was determined that Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) did not contribute to her death. Naturally, Benadryl would not have been a factor in killing Whitney, but it could have been a factor to keep her sedated and quiet while she died alone in the hotel room- allegedly face down in bathtub of water.

In January 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown was also incapacitated and subsequently died as the result of a Jonestown Cocktail that included benzodiazepines (medications used for sedation). She also drowned alone in a bathroom- allegedly face down in bathtub of water.

Witch Angela Bassett, American Horror Story

I say that Witches & Satanic Blood Oath Covenants were a factor in her death. (see, Let’s Drive Bobbi Kristina Insane- Witches & Whitney, the Illuminati Bio)

Four (4) precious black children are not confirmed DEAD slaughtered by Jennifer and Sarah Hart and a deep cover coven of witches. Recently, a black child has been found on the ocean surf at Juan Creek and Highway 1, in Mendocino County. It is either Hannah, age 16 or Sierra, age 12.

It bothers me that the bodies of Markis, Abigail, and Jeremiah were found along with 2 (two) white females and vehicle wreckage landed on rock beds below the cliff. It appears plainly and so clearly above. Yet, we are led to believe that the bodies of Sierra, Hannah and Devonte were somehow washed out of the SUV or off the rock beds into the sea. That Dog Don’t Hunt! My fear is that is that the body recently discovered and rescued from the ocean by tourists is precious Little Sierra.

It strongly suggests that Little Sierra was killed someplace else and her body was thrown from Juan Creek Bridge. I pray that the swift wings of the sacred Sparrow rescue her most precious soul and lift HER home.

It also strongly suggests that Hannah and Devonte weren’t in that SUV when it went over the cliff.

Hannah and Devonte are heroic in spirit and strength. They are firm in faith. It is clear that they resisted Jennifer, Sarah, and an extremely powerful deep cover satanic coven’s attempt to sacrifice their bodies and souls to Lucifer. My prayer is that they are still alive and fighting for their lives. If we can find them, the results won’t be the same as it turned out in the State of Washington. The Witches won’t escape the Wrath of the People.



Jennifer Hart & The CIA Pagan Fantuzzi

Jennifer Hart & Fantuzzi

Above, Jennifer Hart’s Tribe and the infamous Woodstock Pagan August 15–17, 1969, Fantuzzi. He is friends with Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert), and the late Timothy Leary leaders of the LSD-ILLUMINATI, the clandestine higher consciousness spiritual movement through psychedelic chemicals. In the early 1960s, Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert ran the Harvard Psychedelic Club, formerly the Harvard Psilocybin Project, a school-sponsored drug research project at the university.

“1954-59: Leary is director of clinical research and psychology at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland. He devises a personality test, “THE LEARY,” which is used by CIA to test prospective employees. He has also become a close friend to Frank Barron, a graduate school classmate who has been working for CIA since at least 1953. Barron works at the Berkeley Institute for Personality Assessment and Research, which Leary will later acknowledge is “funded and staffed by OSS-CIA psychologists.”

Aldous Huxley, British Godfather of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH

Huxley’s Devils of Loudun purports to be the true story of a seventeenth century case of WITCHCRAFT in France. Huxley was also part of that ultra secret OLD TIME RELIGION AND WITCH CULT.

“1960-61: Barron founded the Harvard Psychedelic Drug Research Center. Leary follows Barron to Harvard and becomes a lecturer in psychology… He later admits to knowing, at the time, that “some powerful people in Washington (CIA) have sponsored all this drug research.” In addition to Barron, Leary’s associates and assistants during this period include former OSS chief psychologist Harry Murray, who had monitored military experiments on Truth-Drug brainwashing and interrogation, and Martin Orne, a researcher receiving funds from CIA. Leary also consults British philosopher Aldous Huxley, author of the psychedelic manifesto, The Doors of Perception (from which Jim Morrison would later take name his band). Huxley, who is at Harvard on a visiting professorship, urges Leary to form a secret order of LSD-ILLUMINATI, to launch and lead a psychedelic conspiracy to brainwash influential people for the purposes human betterment.”

Leary belonged to the deep level Agency- MK ULTRA ILLUMINATI. If you’re a friend of Tim Leary, you’re a friend of the CIA.

Jennifer Hart, Rosemary’s Baby and Laura Louise in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA

Minnie Castevet of Roman Polanski’s Satanic Coven Classic  Rosemary’s Baby calls forth the image of faithful Lucifer’ Servant, Laura Louie, to provide secret cover for Jennifer Hart in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA. The frantic drive from Woodland, Washington to Fort Bragg must have drastically negatively affected Jennifer Hart’s vision, because she suddenly slowed up in town wearing LAURA LOUISE dark rim glasses.

It also changed Jenn‘s body type and very distinctive NOSE!

Jennifer Hart has a distinctive “spaded” nose type that is similar to the nose of the late NASA Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom -Master Mason.

NASA Master Mason Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grissom

Barack Obama had been clandestinely raised as a NASA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Space or Star Kid.

Obama and Guss Grissom

The above picture was released by the Obama White House that was alleged to be him and his late grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, but even with Photoshop touch ups- it is clearly NASA Astronaut Virgil Grissom.

Stanley Armour Dunham

Dunham looked absolutely nothing similar to Gus Grissom.

It is “very grainy,” Lt. Barney told The Oregonian. “It looks like Jen.” Laura Louise’ nose points up, and Jenn Hart’s nose points DOWN TO THE GROUND LIKE A SHADE. Don’t get it twisted. I am extremely serious about this subject and the children. The stakes are extremely high, and the DRAGON will always snap its tail. But, there is no statute of limitations for MURDER, ESPECIALLY INNOCENT CHILDREN!



In the secret Town of the Oak Tree, Oakland, CA, I worked on Alameda County foster child care corruption that made a lot of people filthy rich on the backs of destroying black families and children. It was a downright dirty and wicked racket.

I traced the sudden new found wealth of well respected black attorney, old handkerchief head  Wilmont Sweeney, the Alameda County Juvenile Court Judge in charge of the county’s foster care system, who suddenly started driving a new Rolls Royce around town, to a white female and Bodega Bay, CA approximately 40 miles northwest of San Francisco. Bodega Bay was the setting for the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock classic, The Birds.[1]

In the masonic Town of the Oak Tree, Sweeney was part of Oakland’s infamous sell-out Negro Old Guard of attorneys that included bootlickers Lionel Wilson, Clinton White, Allen Broussard and Carl Metoyer linked to Prince Hall Freemasonry.

SS Bolschwing & Ronald Reagan

Judge Sweeney was appointed to the Municipal Court in Berkeley by then-Governor Ronald Reagan controlled by Gehlen Org  SS Baron Bolschwing. In 1979, then the Jonestown Jesuit Governor, Jerry Brown, appointed Judge Sweeney to the Alameda County Superior Court.[2]

Gov. Jerry Brown & CIA Agent Jim Jones

I traced the money of one non profit large foster care California corporation that was banking millions from the Alameda County and state foster care system by taking particularly black children from their homes. It was called Aspire at the time. The monthly subsidies that it received for black children forced into foster care ran into the thousands.

The particularly case that I was working on involved Aspire taking in at the very least $3,500 for each of 3 (three) children- over $10,000 a month for kids that had been categorized as “special needs” children. I worked with an extremely stable devoted black Christian grandmother that wanted her 3 (three) grandchildren at home with her. The children had become the innocent collateral damage, casualties and victims of the CIA Crack Epidemic in Oakland. Her grandchildren had been deeply traumatized by being locked in a room for days with the corpse of an overdosed dead crack cocaine addict.

She worked for decades as a secretary with the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). She owned her own home. She was also a well respected anchor elder member of a very large, important and established church (Beebe Memorial Cathedral) congregation and community in Oakland. I thought that she was in a relatively safe and secure position more than others to fight the powers. She couldn’t understand why her grandchildren couldn’t live with her and church community instead of being confined in an alien foster care system. The children wanted to be with their grandmother. I needed to know the answer to that question, too. It involved the welfare and safety of thousands of black children in Oakland. From inside her case, I was able to work deeply inside the county juvenile court and foster care system. I started by following the money.

I traced Aspire’s foster care money flow to the very wealthy Marin County across the bay from Oakland. In 2013, the median income for couples filing jointly in Marin was $133,389 — the highest in the state, and also it had the highest median income for individual taxpayers. It ranks among the 20 wealthiest counties in the entire United States. It has a black population ranging from 2.1 to 2.6%.[3]

Aspire was a nonprofit tentacle of a corporate structure that had profit making corporate tentacles.  In other words, the money from the California non profit tentacle was invested principally in bayfront real estate, particularly, valuable San Pablo Bay tidelands owned by the state. It was property unavailable for sell to private investment. The real properties purchased by the foster care non profit was then sold its profit making subsidiaries for pennies on the dollar then developed commercially. The millions from the county and state foster care system were turned over for billions in high end bay-front commercial and  residential real estate development. It was public corruption and a racket that ran all the way up to the California State Legislature. I had obtained the key public documents directly from Marin County to prove the case.

I constantly reminded the grandmother that this was a case where the stakes were very high. Wherever the stakes are high, it becomes an extremely dangerous pursuit for justice. I was getting too close and they knew it. She believed in justice, but she didn’t truly understand the nature of the fight that she was getting into with Luciferians. A lot of people suddenly and understandably become afraid and friends suddenly become enemies when the ILLUMINATI begin to cash in its chips.

 On April 29, 1999, Judge Sweeney suddenly turned up dead. He was 74 years old. Suddenly, OUSD cut the grandmother’s hours at work to the point so drastically that she could no longer even maintain her house payments. They even tried to purge her from the Church that she loved. We fought off the purge, but it took its toll. She was in tears the last time I talked to her. She was bound to lose everything if she continued to cooperate with me about Alameda County’s foster child care corruption from inside her case. The DRAGON snapped its tail.

The Late Yusuf Bey and Oakland’s Black Muslim Brothers

However, the battle was far from over. I started working with a mother whose minor daughter accused Yusuf Bey of Your Black Muslim Bakery of pedophilia molestation and rape. She had been one of his wives. I was surprised. I didn’t have to fight with Yusuf Bey or any of the brothers. I had to fight the power of the state, Alameda County Child Protective Services, that threatened to use its power to remove her daughter on a permanent basis (foster careif she persisted in pursuing a case against Brother Bey.  She was in tears the last time I saw her, too, when the DRAGON snapped its tail.

The love of a mother for her children is one of the most powerful forces known to mankind. I can’t do anything if that relationship has been threatened.  As for me, it was yet another straw on the camel’s back that subsequently got me another one way ticket and a virtual police escort out of the city of birth, masonic Town of the Oak Tree. I had been slapped with several private and county lawsuits to restraint from getting into the affairs of black people. A county superior court judge slapped me a permanent injunction barring me from the affairs of a church that I had summoned to by church elders.

Working inside the county juvenile system, I got another surprise. In about 1997, I was approached by a small group of upset teachers at Fremont Junior High School in Oakland.  They told me about a teacher in the school that I knew, Styles Price.  From my own personal experiences with him, I had concluded that he was a deep cover strategy of tension/false flag black counterintelligence agent. The teachers told me that they knew of him to be a convicted pedophile. He was a child molesting “boy lover.” They couldn’t figure out how he remained to be a teacher and still be allowed to be around children. I searched from the top to the bottom of the criminal court system in Alameda County. I couldn’t find anything at all regarding his pedophilia conviction(s). I totally believed them, but I just couldn’t find his criminal conviction records.

Whenever I go to juvenile court, I go from floor to floor to look around. My surprise was that I found Styles Price sitting outside one of the juvenile court offices. He’s a man that love to talk about himself. I sat down with him and discovered that the reason why I couldn’t find his pedophilia conviction(s). His criminal records were being ran through Judge Sweeney and the juvenile court system where court records are strictly confidential and SEALED.


In 2005, the Berkeley Police Department arrested Styles Price for the ambush murder of Berkeley Police officer Ron Tsukamoto who was shot and killed on University Avenue in the early morning hours in August 1970. They claimed that the Panthers killed Tsukamoto. However, the Alameda County DA outright refused to prosecute Styles and the deep cover black intelligence operative walked.

In Oakland, I suddenly found myself sitting on the crust of the late 32 or 33 degree Master Mason Booker T. Emery‘s extremely powerful and dangerous ultra secret -deep cover Masonic-Republican Pedophile Ring in Oakland. And, I didn’t realize it. The felonious convicted vicious pedophile died in Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Prison (Little Prison of CIA Horrors) in 1989 within a year or two of being imprisoned.  DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.

Emery was a black Republican. During the late 1960s and 1970s, all the millions of anti-poverty funds that came into Oakland from the Republican Nixon Administration had strings attached. Those strings seem to always one way of another be attached to Emery. The roots of the Oakland’s high level pedophile ring and its steady supply of innocent black children lies at the feet of  Booker T. Emery, the Old Masonic Temple and properties located on the corner of 7th and Peralta Street that is getting or will be getting millions in city, state and maybe federal historical preservation funds. They are extremely well represented at city, county, state and federal government high levels. They are dangerous. They usually kill first and ask questions later.

The DRAGON has snapped its tail in the case of the New Age Lesbian Witches, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, and at least 5 (five) innocent children are confirmed to be DEAD! And, it is more than likely that the witches received way more than $270,000 from the state of Texas to help care for the children. Most families who adopt children out of foster care from Texas get monthly payments that only range from $400 to $545 per child to help cover care costs until the child turns 18, according to the newspaper. However, Jennifer and Sarah weren’t most families. They were CIA Occult Bureau.[4]

Chloe Johnson, Paper Trail

Don’t be deceived. Monthly subsidies for adopted children are significantly increased for children with “special needs”. On November 14, 2014, Chloe Johnson ran a story about Devonte in the Paper TrailChloe Johnson is the co-founder of Paper – a news and views website that’s all about adding value to people’s day. She has been a journalist in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom where she covered law and order, health, education, politics, travel and entertainment news. She is/was a communications adviser in New Zealand.

Johnson said, “Devonte Hart entered the world 12 years ago with drugs pumping through his tiny newborn body. By the time he was 4 years old he had smoked, consumed alcohol, handled guns, been shot at, and suffered severe abuse and neglect. He knew only a handful of words, including fuck and shit, and he struggled to identify with the names of food, body parts and everyday objects. Devonte was a violent toddler and his health was weighed down by a heavy list of disabilities.”[5]



Jennifer Hart & Devonte

Jennifer Hart told her, “He [Devonte] inspires me every single day. He has proven doctors, psychologists and teachers wrong.[6] Don’t be deceived. Devonte was a “special needs” adoptee that had a team of social workers, doctors, psychologists and an attorney that also take a very big bite out of the state treasury. They have all of a sudden disappeared from Devonte’s case walking between the raindrops. All the children turned over to the Hart Witches were “special needs” adoptees. That’s the way CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones and Peoples Temple rolled. All of the adopted children had doctors, psychologists and attorneys that also need to come to light like the Hart Witches and be held responsible. And, $270,000 is just a low ballpark figure of what the Hart Witches actually took away from the Texas foster care system, state and maybe the federal treasury.

The Hart Tribe as it had been called by the Harmony Park Grove Coven in Minnesota was a Touch of Buchenwald and the Shadow of Jonestown. The Nazi-SS fed inmates in camps a meager diet of thin soup and bread. A characteristic camp illness was starvation sickness. It was usually accompanied by diarrhea (often bloody), swollen legs, impaired vision and hearing, memory loss, nervous breakdown and, above all, exhaustion to the point of collapse. The Peoples Temple’s Jonestown daily diet also consisted of rice soup and bread that caused serious problems for the residents that struck over half the experimental medical camp in February 1978 with high fevers and diarrhea The Hart Tribe had to have been, among other things, a nutritional experimental step for Modern Slaves above Buchenwald and Jonestown.

Here are the estimated weights and heights of the three missing children who were not recovered from the crash site: Devonte Hart, 5’1, 90 lbs, 15 years old; Sierra Hart, 4’5, 60 lbs, 15 years old; Hannah Hart, 4’1, 45 lbs, 16 years old. These are nowhere near age appropriate stats for children of their age. They were being starved. They were literally withering away.[7]

It should be Sierra 12 years old, and 4’1, 45 lbs, and Hannah,  4’5, 60 lbs.  All the children were seriously underweight for their ages.  Hannah was underweight about 50 (fifty) pounds for her age. One of main reasons why Jonestown had to be terminated as a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH medical and mind control experimental concentration camp, particularly for black youth, was because the majority of the people in the camp were sick from from fever and diarrhea.  It was an experimental concentration camp in the middle of a South American rain forest that the infamous Attorney Charles Garry called “Paradise“. The dead tell no tells. Whatever the Hart Witches  were feeding the 6 (six) black children was also experimental, and it was driving them into sheer desperation.

Perfecting the Jonestown Diet and Drug program for Black Children- Devonte and a 13-year-old orphan, a survivor of the Nazi-SS Mauthausen Concentration Camp.


Court records in Minnesota show Sarah Hart in 2011 received a 90-day suspended jail sentence and a year of probation after Abigail arrived at Woodland Elementary School with bruises on her stomach and back. Her teacher contacted social services and police.

Abigail told authorities her adopted mother sadistically struck her repeatedly with a closed fist, submerged her head under cold water and withheld meals from her for misbehaving, according to report by police in Alexandria, a small town northwest of Minneapolis where the family lived. Sarah Hart pleaded guilty April 7, 2011, to misdemeanor domestic assault.[8]

Previously, Hannah said in September 2008 it was her adopted mother Jennifer who struck her with a belt, causing a bruise on her arm that attracted notice — and a call to authorities, according to the newly obtained Alexandria police report. In an interview, the Hart Witches told a police sergeant and social worker they had no idea how Hannah, who was 6 years old at the time, got the bruise but said she had recently “fallen down the stairs” in their home.[9]

Hannah should have been looking forward to her high school sophomore prom instead of a death sentence. The witches shockingly investigative officials that the little girl was adopted and “has been going through food issues, where she’ll steal other people’s food at school or eat out of garbage cans or off the floor, [like an animal]” the police report shows.[10]



Alexandrian Wicca or Alexandrian Witchcraft is a tradition of the Neo-pagan religion of Wicca founded by Alex Sanders, 1926 – 1988, (also known as “King of the Witches“) who, with his wife Maxine Sanders, established the tradition in the UK in the 1960s. Alexandrian Wicca is similar in many ways to Gardnerian (Gerald Gardner) Wicca, and receives regular mention in books on Wicca as one of the religion’s most widely recognized traditions. Roman Polanski (Rosemary’s Baby), Sharon Tate (Eye of the Devil) Murders, Charles Manson and the Dark Satanic Circles in Laurel Canyon (HollyWeird) involved English Alexandrian Wiccan Witchcraft and SatanismSharon Tate and Laura Louise were “Alexandrian Wiccan Witches“.

Gerald Gardner(1884 – 1964) & Demon

The secret Witches tradition and network in the U.S. is based largely upon Gardnerian Wicca, in which Sanders was trained, and the practice also contains elements of ceremonial magic and Kabbalah, which Sanders had studied independently. The name of the tradition is a reference both to Alex Sanders and to the ancient occult Library of Alexandria, which was one of the first libraries in the world. The choice of name was inspired by a view of the library as an early attempt to bring together the knowledge and wisdom of the world into one place.

CIA & Sybil Leek, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, Witch of the New Forest

The CIA Occult Bureau was officially called MK OFTEN headed by Richard Helms and the Jewish Kabbalist Sidney Gottlieb called the Black Sorcerer“. MK OFTEN employed operational Satanism, Witchcraft, and Black Magic.

“Initially, Operation [MK-]OFTEN was a joint CIA/Army Chemical Corps drug project, based out of Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland and using inmates of the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia as test subjects. It came under the aegis of the CIA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD), which was concerned with parapsychology and the application of supernatural powers for military purposes. Later, OFTEN would become a kind of grab bag of CIA investigations into the paranormal, and would include everything from séances and witchcraft to remote viewing and exotic drugs. Agents of Operation OFTEN would consult with such occult luminaries as Sybil Leek …” 

The CIA MK OFTEN expert consultant for witchcraft was British Sybil Leek, Witch of the New Forest. Leek was the High Priestess of a powerful secret international Old European Witch Cult Circle that had tentacles across Europe, and AmericaGerald Gardner (Gardnerian Wicca) had been initiated into Leek’s Coven of the New Forest, and an ultra secret international circle of Old Religion Witches that included Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, and other global leaders.

In England, Sybil Leek’s maternal grandmother was an initiate of the secret Old Religion.  Leeks’ father was an intellectual and expert in metaphysics. Her mother was a theosophist (Madame Blavatsky- Rudolf Steiner). Her grandmother, a Russian psychic, taught her the Craft of the Wise (Old Religion)H. G. Wells, Lawrence of Arabia and the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley had been regular visitors at her family home.

Gorge du Loup

Once her preliminary instruction was completed, as a young initiate Leek and her grandmother journeyed to France, to the Gorge du Loup where she was initiated into the world’s oldest religion. It was called the Coven of the Red Dragon in Gorge du Loup (Wolf Gorge)At the French coven, based in the hills above Nice, Leek replaced a distant relative of her grandmother as High Priestess.

Leek lived with Romany Gypsies in the Forest. She lived with the Gypsies for a year, learning more about the Forest, ancient folklore and herbs. During this time, she also attended rituals of the Horsa (Horse) Coven in the New Forest, which they claimed had existed for over 700 years, and for a short time she was High Priestess, and therefore a member of the “Nine Covens” council.

The Goddess Bastet & Black Panther Movie Angela Bassett

The Goddess Bastet Cult featured in Marvel and Disney’s The Black Panther superhero movie for black children is the animal totem for the Coven of the Catta (Latin for cat). HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain black people. Bassett’s ancestry and early background is an enigma. Nevertheless, Disney has never shown any respect for the humanity and dignity of black children. Yet, when they tell people that they have created a wonderful “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” black superhero out of thin air for kids- millions line up to take the train to Buchenwald to go on vacation.

On the plantation, Johnny, white plantation owner’s child, learned a series of life lessons from Uncle (Tom) Remus (James Baskett- the Cat Goddess) in the form of stories about the animated Br’er Rabbit and his quest to evade Br’er Fox (Baskett) and Br’er Bear. Included among this Disney cartoon interludes is the spell,  “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” , which Baskett won the Oscar in 1948 for Best Original Song.

James Baskett (Uncle Tom Remus) could not even attend the premiere of Disney’s “Song of the South” in Atlanta because a black man would not have been allowed to participate in any of the festivities in that racially segregated city. Similar to Angela Bassett, his background and ancestry remains a mystery. Witchcraft/Satanism is yet another deep covert psychological warfare subliminal indoctrination implantation in Disney’s Black Panther film. The Coven of the Cat is in the lineage of the Horse– the animal totem of Sybil Leek’s Coven of the Horsa from the New Forest in England. Before that the Red Dragon was the animal totem of the Coven de la Dragon Rouge in SE France.

During WWII, New Forest Coven witches Leek and Gardner worked for British Secret Intelligence. British Intelligence used Leek as an astrologist to covertly influence the behavior of occultist world leaders like Hitler and Rudolf Hess thru clandestine horoscopes. After WW II, British Intelligence continued to use Leek to secretly influence the behavior and decisions of world leaders with contrived horoscopes. Leek was the astrologist for California Governor/U.S. President Ronald and Nancy Reagan.

CIA Project MK OFTEN brought Leek to America under the veil of an international book and television lecture tour. She moved into Los Angeles, where she met Dr. Israel Regardie (Xth degree initiate of Crowley’s O.T.O)Aleister Crowley’s old secretary and an authority on Qabalah (Hermetic Qabalah) and ritual magic, and they spent much of their time together discussing and practicing Golden Dawn rituals, and working clandestinely for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

It is generally believed that Leek initiated Kabbalist Sidney Gottlieb into the ultra secret powerful Coven of the New Forest or the parent Coven of the Red Dragon. Gottlieb was the head of the CIA’s Technical Services Staff (TSS) that ran Project ARTICHOKE (assassinations) and MK ULTRA/MONARCH. Gottlieb held the post until his retirement in 1972. Before he left the Agency, he and Richard Helms destroyed some 80 percent of the CIA’s most damaging (Manchurian Candidate, Sybil Leek, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, etc.) files. He was a Pagan that herded GOATS.

The global Red Dragon Cult is far too ancient, powerful and vast to discuss at this point. But, it is important to note its influence and the British Royal Family connections to secret Witch Cults in America.

Margaret Alice Murray (1863- 1963) is considered the foremost folklorist on Old European Witch Cults. She is referred to as the “Grandmother of Wicca“. Murray’s witch-cult theories provided the blueprint for the contemporary Pagan Religion of Wicca. According to Murray, members joined the cult either as children or adults through what she called “admission ceremonies“; Murray asserted that applicants had to agree to join of their own free will, and agree to devote themselves to the service of their deity. She also claimed that in some cases, these individuals had to sign a blood oath covenant or were baptized into the faith. At the same time, in some Covens the religion was largely passed down hereditary lines. Murray described the religion as being divided into covens containing thirteen members, led by a coven officer who was often termed the “Devil” in the trial accounts, but who was accountable to a “Grand Master“. According to Murray, the records of the Coven were kept in a secret book, with the Coven also disciplining its members, to the extent of executing those deemed traitors.

It is customary for Druids to meet from time to time, sharing their experiences and discoveries. Christians have congregations, Druids have Groves like the Bohemian Grove.  The Grove is a name chosen in honor of the trees, great beings of nature. A grove is a term which denotes not only a sacred clearing in the forest but also a group of Druids. In addition to celebrating the eight seasonal festivals, they may come together to perform rites of passage, for example when a Grove member wants to name their child, or when members marry or pass over. Occasionally, it refers to a group of Pagans who gather to worship under the guidance of a WitchesCoven; this kind of “Grove” is also called a “congregation” or “outer circle,” as distinct from the “inner circle,” which is composed of the priests and priestesses of the Coven.

The Hart Pagan Tribe!

This may explain why in over 10 (ten) years, none of the 6 (six) children held by the witches Jennifer and Sarah Hart had never been able to escape to safety.

Devonte and Abigail (A Thing) in the Forest 

The children were always confined to isolated remote rural areas (groves, woods and forests) of the country, and within secret WiccaDruid and Masonic controlled circles, compounds and communities. From May 2017 to March 2018, it appears during that time that at the gate of  Mount St. Helens in rural Woodland, Washington some of the children tried so desperately to call for help and escape. They (things) were always returned to the witches until they could be killed and found dead in the remote seaside area of Mendocino County, California. The children were driven 11 hours– over 570 miles to Fort Bragg, CA to be thrown off an ocean front cliff. Between Woodland and Fort Bragg, there were many places to commit the heinous crime of racial mass murder.

CIA and Tim Stoen are in POWER in  Mendocino County.  CIA Agent Stoen is/was Mendocino County’s attorney with the county’s DA office. He was the attorney and president of the Peoples Temple, the second most powerful man behind Rev Jim Jones. He had been implanted inside the San Francisco DA’s office to protect Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples TempleStoen had been the shadow of Jim Jones. He had been responsible for drawing up the plans for the Peoples Temple CIA Medical/Mind Control Experimental Concentration Camp in the vast rain forest of Jonestown, Guyana. (see David Talbot, Season of the Witch, Free Press, NY, NY (2012))

Leek also secretly worked for the U.S. Pentagon (Lt Col. Anthony Aquino). Sybil Leek from the “Final Events” book – according to which, she allegedly channeled a DEMON for US intelligence personnel, to answer questions on the UFO phenomenon.


Leek and Gardner revealed and discussed little about the New Forest Coven or the Coven of the Red Dragon, and there is a current push to influence the public to believe that they never existed at all.


However, Gerald Gardner did reveal that he believed that the New Forest Coven was indeed a survival of the European Witch-Cult,  a pre-Christian pagan religion that worshiped a Horned God and a Triple Goddess and which had been persecuted during the Early Modern period.


Originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth among early Greek and Egyptian civilizations, Hecate (or Hekate or Hekat) achieved her connotations as a goddess of sorcery and her role as the “Queen of Ghosts” in Ptolemaic Alexandria in the final centuries BC. In modern times, she has become a prevalent figure in Neo-pagan religions, and a version of Hecate has been appropriated by Wicca, Hellenic Reconstruction-ism and other modern magic-practicing traditions, and she is widely considered the Goddess of Witches.

Greek Goat God Pan & Knights Templar Goat God Baphomet

The horned god is the Greek God Pan also known as the Goat of Mendes and can be found today in the form of the Horned Goat God, made famous by the Knights TemplarsBaphomet. 33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Pike had written in Morals and DogmaThe Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” (1) This is confirmed by the Greek Neo-Platonist philosopher, Proclus who describes Jupiter, in one of the Orphic Hymns, to be both male and female, (hermaphrodite).

The International Order of Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain, is a global Masonic Order, membership of which is available to men and women on equal terms, regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity. The Order is founded on the ancient teachings and traditions of Freemasonry, using Masonic ritual and symbolism. Le Droit Humain is a global fraternity with many Federations and Jurisdictions worldwide, each of which work the Scottish Rite from the 1st to the 33rd degree. The Order is administered by the Supreme Council, which has its headquarters in Paris.

Incorporated in aspects of the Leek/Gardnerian tradition of witchcraft is a highly unique, highly sophisticated and idiosyncratic practice. The Leek/Gardnerian practice of witchcraft developed for the CIA has a great deal of syncretism between Wicca and  comasonry, Rosicrucianism, spiritualism, and Luciferism. In the Leek/Gardnerian tradition of witchcraft and satanism, it is highly likely that Jennifer and Sarah Hart have been initiated into the Mansion of Freemasonry with its many rooms to significantly expand their levels and veils of secrecy and protection among the international fraternal secret orders of the brotherhood, sisterhood and POLICE.



First settled in 1858, it was named after brothers Alexander and William Kinkead from Maryland. The Kinkeads were descendants of Ireland or Scotland. The form of the name of the city alludes to ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, a center of learning and civilization. Alchemy traditions originate in Hermetic texts from Alexandria in Hellenized Egypt, dated to the first and second centuries AD but containing much older authentic ancient Egyptian traditions related to the god Thoth. Alexandria could very well be a secret center of alchemy, oriental mystery schools, and ALEXANDRIAN WICCAN. One thing is certain is that Alexandria is the center of The Kensington Runestone–  a 200-pound slab of greywacke covered with pre Columbian Knights Templar runes on its.

Records show the Hart’s adopted children enrolled in Alexandria public schools Sept. 8, 2009 — seven months after Jennifer and Sarah finalized their adoption of siblings Devonte, Jeremiah and Sierra in Harris County, Texas. The witches had previously adopted siblings Markis, Abigail and Hannah from Colorado County, Texas, in September 2006. Two and a half years after enrolling, the children were suddenly pulled from public schools. Markis was a seventh-grader at Discovery Middle School, and the other five children, who ranged from kindergarten to third grade, attended WOODLAND Elementary. The school is situated on a 48-acre site in Alexandria, Minnesota.[11]

Greek God Pan, Circle Dance & Woodlands

The Greek Horned God Pan was the son of the messenger of the gods, Hermes. His mother was a wood nymph.[12] He is the god of woods (woodland) and pastures.[13] Scott Heckert, the principal of Woodland at the time, recalled the Harts as an insular family whose children — despite being amiable and outgoing among their peers — rarely spent time with others outside the classroom. “They stayed under the radar and liked to be alone and away from other people,” Heckert said of Jennifer and Sarah, adding the children received extra attention from teachers and faculty after the abuse allegations.[14]

The family relocated to West Linn, Oregon sometime in 2013, according to friends. The town of Willamette is located on a Native American trail which ran south from Willamette Falls, an important gathering place for many tribes. The Clowewalla tribe lived in a village on the West Linn side of the falls. West Linn was incorporated in 1913 and merged with the adjacent town of Willamette in 1916.[15]

Witches Jennifer and Sarah Spiritually Connected to West Linn, Oregon

Willamette/West Lind has an Earth Based Spirituality Meetup that cater to those people who are Witches, Wiccan, Druids, Goddess Worshipers and those who follow a Shamanic path, Faeries, Feri, Asatru, Vodou, Santeria, etc.[16] The Clackamas Education Service District, which oversees West Linn, said it had no record of the children. [17] After the family moves to West Linn, family friend Alexandra Argyropoulos tells Oregon child welfare officials that the Hart Witches have been depriving their kids of food as punishment. The witches break off contact with her when they learn of it. Argyropoulos says she was told the children had been interviewed by Oregon officials; it was apparent that each child had been coached by their mothers on what to say; and nothing more could be done by the Oregon Department of Human Services.[18]

WOODLAND- Greek God Pan & Circle Dance of Children


In May 2017, Jennifer and Sarah Hart bought the two-story, 3-bedroom home on 2 acres of land in WOODLAND of Clark County, Washington, property records show.[19]

Sold: $375,000

2501 NW 389th Street, Woodland, WA: Private setting, 2.19 acre property, the Horned God’s WOODLAND address, LaCenter Schools. Updated home, new carpet, new roof. Large great room with lots of windows, fireplace, laminate floors, patio. Updated kitchen w/ built in pantry hutch. 3 bedrooms,2 baths, craft room/den, large family/bonus room, all appliances. Oversized 2 car garage. 2 stall barn with storage room, pasture and paddocks. Chicken coop.RV Parking. Beautiful property w/mountain views.[20]

Well news broke yesterday, it’s turning out that the Hart Witches neighbors, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, in WOODLAND weren’t quite telling the truth. They weren’t to help anyone but the Hart Witches. They called county child protective services on March 23, 2018. Dana told her mother about the children and the Hart Witches around the middle of November 2017. And, her mother told her father about it. The DeKalbs said that Hannah told them that the Witches were RACIST and begged them for HELP!

Hannah, Cried for HELP!

My Son-In-Law Don’t Want to Get Involved‘, Steve Frkovich

On November 18, 2017, 3 (three) or 4 (four) days after the incident with HannahSteve Frkovich, 80, Dana Dekalb’s father called police and told the Clark County, Washington dispatcher that “the other night, a little girl jumped out of the second-story window on the roof and then down onto the ground and ran to my daughter — and this was like two in the morning — begging them to help her.

NOBODY but the Dekalbs talked to 16 year old Hannah before she was killed! Now, we know they’re lying, too. The Witches told everyone that the bright and beautiful Hannah was born drug addicted. She was a bipolar child. Well, the DeKalbs didn’t involved until it was time to stage the escape of the Hart Witches from Witch Mountain, and mass slaughter the black children. They called Clark County Child Protective Services (CPS) on March 23, 2018, and CPS responded on spot on que to set to stage the Escape from Witch Mountain and the racial mass murder of the black children.




Noses are Different, Sarah & Jennifer Hart?

There is no conclusion to this story. The two women above just don’t look like the Hart Witches. There is a veil of secrecy surrounding the Hart Witches and the racial mass murders of 6 (six) innocent black adopted children. Devonte and Hannah are out there someplace- hopefully alive and well, but in great danger.

The so-called free press have laid down in this case. There has been no funerals for the Hart Witches and none of their family members have shown their faces.

Hart SUV Appears Nearly in the Sea 

Who did Mendocino County really find at the bottom of the cliff in the SUV perched on ROCKS not in the ocean- Laura Louise and somebody other than Sarah Hart?

Hart SUV on Rocks Not in the Ocean

The Hart SUV is perched on ROCKS at the bottom of the cliff. The mass media pictures of the Hart SUV nearly in the ocean at the bottom of the cliff is trick Photoshop to make it appear as though it landed virtually in the ocean to explain away the absence of Sierra, Devonte, and Hannah at the crash site. They were not swept into the ocean and lost. They ain’t talking and when they are talking. THEY ARE LYING!







[6] Id.



[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.








[19] Id.





8 08 2017





August 2, 2017 was the 10th Anniversary of the Assassination of Journalist Chauncey Bailey. It came and it went as if he has been forgotten. Nevertheless our vast differences, he was my Beloved misguided Brother that I remember. His assassination was far above my head, our community and the Your Black Muslim Bakery.

Slain in Cold Blood- Chauncey Bailey, Where is His Briefcase?

They blew his brains out, and left him in a river of blood and flesh with his feet on the sidewalk. Chauncey always carried a large distinctive medium brown leather briefcase with straps. In the briefcase, he worked from two or three computer data disks that he used on a computer in my office. I know it, because I saw it. At the scene of the crime, his briefcase is missing. Whoever assassinated Chauncey took his briefcase. That briefcase has never been recovered, and police investigators don’t seem to have ever looked for it. Of course, homicide detectives have never interviewed me about Chauncey and my office.

We weren’t friends, but we had known each other for decades from Merritt Jr. College on old Grove Street in Oakland, CA.  We never exchanged words or greetings even if we were in the same room across the table from each other. From the very beginning, Chauncey and I were at opposite poles of everything religious, social and political. I was one of those dangerous “Field Negroes” that Chauncey, House Negro, had been warned to stay away from to remain in good terms with his many masters.

Over the years, I was behind only one news article that I got out of him, but I needed a group of senior citizens as interlopers. During the meeting, if he addressed me at all- it was only once with little to no eye contact. When the article hit the stands on the abuses of state conservatorship and Black senior home owners, he caught holy hell for it.

One morning just days before he was assassinated, I was busy working at my desk in the office that I paid monthly rent for. I turned around and Chauncey Bailey was also busy working on an office computer behind me. I was told that Chauncey was working on an investigative news piece that he couldn’t trust to work on at his regular work space at the Oakland Post Newspaper Group less than a block away.

At that particular time, I shared an office space with a flake local preacher activist- a clandestine FBI Black Ghetto Informant that had secretly been assigned to shadow, keep an eye on, and try to control and influence my intellectual work content and activity in the community. The Oakland shadow government had put me on a future short rail out of Oakland, or be harmed. I figured it was safer at that time to keep them in front of me for a while, instead of behind. I couldn’t rent another office in downtown Oakland, since I had to run for my life and abandon my former office space that I had occupied for at least 10 (ten) years.

When Chauncey came into my office, he asked the FBI informant about my office time and work schedule. I suspected that he had been assigned to set me up, but they didn’t appreciate the fact that Chauncey and I had a long history of mistrust, and maybe even fear of each other. Chauncey was pompous and extremely clandestine. He most likely didn’t even know how much trouble he was really in.

I fully appreciated the danger I was in. It prompted me to immediately radically change my entire schedule. I worked at the office from midnight to about 5 A.M to avoid any contact with him. I slept at home for a few hours, then worked on my laptop in public places under a sign-in and out log, and under surveillance cameras during day hours.

I had also been warned about Chauncey by a government MK ULTRA/MONARCH severely mentally, sexually abused and traumatized  “Black Angel” assassin out of New Orleans that I had befriended. She was ultra intelligent.  At times, she reminded me that she could have killed me long ago. I never attempted to try to outsmart or discover too much out of her. I don’t remember how we met in the first instance, but I knew who and what she was by the content of her covert reference- CIA Vacaville California Medical Facility (CMF) Station Agent, Dr. James A. Hamilton and the Black Cultural Association (BCA).

Her beloved fiancé had recently died from a mysterious, rare, and un-treatable malignancy that turned his organs into masses of bloody tissues and fluids. I knew him from the streets as a North Oakland opportunist hustler and gang member. I ran into him in the 1990s, he said that he did time in prison back east in the Nebraska area. However, he had turned his life around to try to help the community. He ran a community based organization fully funded by the state.  Later, we sort of got into it at a community meeting surrounding the Oct. 20, 1997  assassination of a local drug leader, and his girlfriend (16 year old LoEshé Adanma Lacy). He stirred up things by advocating an immediate light the torches approach to directly go after young black males in West Oakland. He was a propaganda end of a strategy of tension operation in the community to confuse, distract, and demonize young black males.  I sat him and his lieutenants down.  The 4 (four) fully hooded masked assailants that walked up to a van parked across from Oakland’s McClymonds High School and killed  LoEshé and then simply walked away to vanish into the thin air had all the signatures of a Chinese Triad Drug Gang hit that were moving into the crack cocaine market.

FULLY HOODED MASKED collaborated organized assassins with high powered weapons matched the recent activity of Oakland’s Chinese Triad Drug Gang activity, not local young black brothers out of West Oakland. They don;t walk away from assassinations, and vanish into the thin air.  In the Lacy case, the Oakland Police Department arrested and convicted 1 (one)  lonely institutionalized psychological abused and traumatized 16 (sixteen) year old individual with ties to foster homes and psychiatric care institutions for murdering LoEshé, when witnesses saw at least 4 (four) ski masked individuals with automatic weapons kill her. The young man, Christopher Smith, didn’t have the facts, assailants’ attire, or guns straight in his confession yet he lingers in prison for a crime that he didn’t commit [People v. Smith (1999) Alameda County Superior Court, Case No. 136764]. Now almost 10 (years) later, Christopher remains the only one charged with the 4 (four) man crime.

I didn’t know the Moody that I knew by another first name had been Dr. Hamilton’s CIA BCACecil Moody.” In her time of severe mental distress and confusion,  nobody even his doctors knew what was going on. Nobody would touch the matter. I didn’t run from her. I assisted her to the best my abilities to pursue malpractice claims against the doctors and medical service care facilities, but even they couldn’t get close to the cause of his malignancy. It was CIA stuff. Her fiancé was Cecil Moody, former president of Dr. Hamilton’s ultra secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH experimental medical/mind control cohort group at Vacaville- The Little Prison of Horrors. Moody appears briefly in Patty Hearst, Her Own Story, Patricia Campbell Hearst, Avon Books, NY, (1982).

The CIA has located three additional documents that describe on their face CIA support for human experiments involving radiation as part of project MKULTRA.”

“Document 3 is a letter dated March 30, 1965, from Dr. James A. Hamilton concerning research under MKULTRA Subproject 140 (at that time renamed MKSEARCH # 3).” 

“Dr. Hamilton has informed staff that the CIA provided him funds to set up and operate a laboratory, whereby he could do his own research but also do research for the CIA at their request.  Dr. Hamilton stated that he therefore set up a lab in the Vacaville California Prison Medical Facility and did radioisotope studies to measure thyroid uptake in male prisoners as part of his own research in understanding the effects of the thyroid on post-partum depression.  The stated that the prisoners were paid and were informed about what he was doing.

[Dr. Hamilton said he would send the Committee a bibliography of his publications on this research.]  He stated further that the CIA never utilized the lab before his relationship with CIA was made public and the lab was shut down.  He states that he did, however, provide information to the CIA on the effects of LSD and other drugs based on his clinical experience as a psychiatrist.  Dr. Hamilton also stated that he did experiments concerning covert markers using flourescents, but not radiation, on himself and his assistants.”

Dr. Hamilton died in his late 1990s in San Francisco County. And, there doesn’t appear to be one obituary on him. Even Stanford University was silent about the death of its notorious CIA alumni, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton.

Under these circumstances, I don’t have to be a doctor to say that Cecil Moody died from radiation poisoning. Black CIA agent, Colston Westbrook that ran the BCA inside Vacaville also died from radiation poisoning– an absolutely horrific suffering and death.  As I said before, they tried desperately to convince me to go into Vacaville as a volunteer BCA tutor.  I had been warned that they wanted me dead so that Dr. Hamilton’s mind controlled Black Manchurian Candidates (Black Mafia) would move smoothly transition into the community to take it over. Its plan included Cecil Moody.

I said that to say this. One late evening, she paid me a visit at the office. She warned me about Chauncey Bailey with only 4 (four) words, “Chauncey is a “[Roman] CATHOLIC.” Whatever Chauncey Bailey was into was dangerous and clandestine– “Far Above My Head”.

The Black Muslim Bakery Bey brothers and associate crack head, Devaughndre Brousard,  convicted of Chauncey Bailey’s murder were only CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidate Patsies.  Nevertheless, let me say this clearly for the record. From what I personally observed before he was killed- Chauncey didn’t show any signs of distress or concern about any threats against his life. He was the same old pompous and clandestine Chauncey that I never trusted. If Chauncey had defied his masters and spoke personally to me about any concerns that he had about anything, I would’ve listened.  When he found some refuge in my office, I didn’t turn him away even though I suspected that he intended to betray me. I left. If he would have called. We would have answered. We would have supported and surrounded him. But, it was so far above our heads to see what was really going on. He was a Roman Catholic. Nevertheless, since the 1960s, we have always welcomed our misguided brothers and sisters to “COME BACK HOME.”



An absolutely shocking and striking piece of news almost escaped my note. Daily, I pay close attention to local, national and international news, but it wasn’t widely reported. And, it very well should have been an item of significant local and national concern and interest. On Tuesday, July 25, 2017, high profile and powerful California Deputy Attorney General (AG), Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53 years old, had been arrested and charged in San Diego federal court with possessing child pornography at his Coronado home.[1]

Liddy wasn’t just an ordinary deputy AG of Kamala Harris. Behind the veil, Raymond Liddy had become an unseen Roman Catholic Republican power establishment- a raising bright shining white knight on a white horse within the AG office. Nationally, he had rose to a who’s who of the deputy prosecuting AG’s in America. Liddy is a tip of an iceberg of PIZZAGATE in America. Liddy’s arrest and public exposure, at the very least, had absolutely nothing to do with President select Donald J. Drumpf, or (H)is U.S. AG Jeff Sessions.

Starry Starry Night, Courtney and Raymond Liddy

October 29, 2014, supporters of Voices for Children arrived to a South of France inspired soiree to their Starry Starry Night gala that evoked the artistry of Van Gogh. Co-chairs of the event were sparkling with happiness thanking guests in aiding Voices for Children’s advocacy for San Diego’s 5000 foster children in court, schools and the community.[2]  They are talking in code.

The “Cathar heresy” that struck Southern France in the 13th century, and which was viciously persecuted by the Church, remains a pool of interest and intrigue. What really happened, and what did they truly believe?Philip Coppens [3]

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by the mad Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it depicts the view from the east-facing window of his insane asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of a village.[4] Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, twelve miles northeast of Arles in Southern France was mentioned on several occasions by Nostradamus, who was born nearby and knew it a Roman Catholic Franciscan convent.[5]

The solar Samhain, arrives under a waning Moon. Samhain Witches’ Ball and Circle Dance of the Druids, which occurs October 29-31 by our modern calendar, is the turning point of the Celtic year. Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the “darker half” of the year.[6]

Samhain is believed to have Celtic pagan origins and there is evidence it has been an important date since ancient times. The Mound of the Hostages, a Neolithic passage tomb at the hill of Tara, is aligned with the Samhain sunrise. It is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and many important events in Irish mythology happen or begin on Samhain. It was the time when cattle were brought back down from the summer pastures and when livestock were slaughtered for the winter. As at Bealtaine, special bonfires were lit. These were deemed to have protective and cleansing powers and there were rituals involving them. Like Bealtaine, Samhain was seen as a liminal time, when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld could more easily be crossed. This meant the Aos Sí, the ‘spirits’ or ‘fairies‘, could more easily come into our world.[7]

The bonfires were also used in divination rituals. In 18th century Ochtertyre, a ring of stones—one for each person—was laid round the fire, perhaps on a layer of ashes. Everyone then ran round it with a torch, “exulting“. In the morning, the stones were examined and if any was mislaid it was said that the person it represented would not live out the year. A similar custom was observed in north Wales and in Brittany. James Frazer says that this may come from “an older custom of actually burning them” (i.e. HUMAN SACRIFICE) or may have always been symbolic.[8]



The recent arrest of Liddy for child pornography is particularly interesting and at the very same, extremely troubling. Author William H. Kennedy wrote the important book that links Lucifer’s Lodge‘s (Catholic Church Boston/Burlington Diocese) Cult of Pedophilia and Satanism to the Vatican and Roman Catholic Churches. Don’t get it twisted, it wasn’t Catholic Church bashing. Kennedy was a lifelong dedicated Roman Catholic. I had no idea that he was DEAD!

Kennedy said that the subject of his book came directly from the Boston/Burlington Diocese Chancery in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The diocese is a group of churches under one archbishop. Kennedy was able to access church chancery pedophilia records only after the then Roman Catholic Massachusetts AG Thomas Reilly came to some settlement and agreement to open diocese files on a particular select category of pedophile priests.

Kennedy believed that somebody in the chancery deliberately leaked files on priests in the category of Pedophilia and SATANISM among the opened files. Kennedy said that he recognized this particular category of files immediately, and produced the book, Lucifer’s Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church (2004). It appears that the book has become a rare collector’s item.

Kennedy,  radio host of Sphinx Radio,  said that his life had been threatened a numerous times. And, he had been concerned. On August 14, 2013, William H. “Teddy” Kennedy, 49 years old, of Everett, Washington was found suddenly dead in his home. He was a cousin of President John F. Kennedy, Senators Robert F. Kennedy, and his nick-namesake Edward M. “Teddy” Kennedy.  There were no indications of prior illness.

It is also alleged that all 4 (four) contributing researchers to Lucifer’s Lodge are now dead. One of them , Alfred Kunz, was found murdered and his murder has never been solved.[9]

In 2012, Kennedy and Philip Coppens were collaborating on a special joint investigative project involving Boston University, John Silber, South America, and Transcendental Meditation when Coppens also died suddenly.[10] Coppens was a frequent guest of the popular Aliens series on cable TV. An eulogy for Coppens, published in Intrepid’s January print edition, included a quotation from Coppens’ final post to his personal blog: “I was diagnosed with an extremely rare case of cancer, angiosarcoma, which affects less than 200 people in the U.S. (each year). Each case is almost by default unique… and so I found that the man who normally studies anomalies, has become a medical enigma as well.”

Roughly a fortnight later, Coppens suddenly died, December 30, 2012.[11] END OF STORY- Not Really.

 Ted had put SphinxRadio on ice for some time while working on other projects. He had many extremely controversial guests on that program. Often he reopened topics and debates that had been quiet for several years. One of his guests, G. GORDON LIDDY, said that Ted had “brass balls” for daring to broach the subjects he did.”[12]



Raymond Joseph Liddy worked under former California AG, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (2011- 2017).[13] Contrary to what some parties are alleging on YOUTUBE and the internet, President select Donald J. Drumpf, and U.S. AG Jeff Sessions had little to anything at all to do with busting Liddy. The investigation of Libby began after an electronic service provider sent a leak to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in January 2017 that a user had uploaded an image that appeared to be child porn. About a month later, another service provider sent a similar leak to the organization reporting that a user had uploaded 10 such images via a messaging program.

The leaks from service providers appeared to have deliberately bypassed direct referrals to local law enforcement agencies and the FBI. It certainly appears that they developed from experience a total lack of confidence in local law enforcement agencies to pursue crimes against children against the elite,  rich and powerful- SAN DIEGO HIGH SOCIETY. Maybe the U.S. Military or the CIA!

Casablanca- Ray & G. Gordon Liddy, Scott Johnson

Casablanca” co-chaired by Mrs. Courtney Liddy: A Black & White Gala—What a party and what a theme. The magnificent outdoor courtyard at the Natural History Museum was filled with guests in black and white attire with many of the men wearing the black top hats and sporting the black canes and many of the women waving the white flower wands, all given as favors as we entered.

Jeffrey Strauss even outdid himself, catering an elegantly-served Moroccan dinner as Casablanca, the movie, played over the head of the band. It was a truly great party!”  It may have been far too dangerous to go directly to the local law enforcement agencies and the FBI.

The NCMEC is a private, non-profit organization established in 1984 by the U.S. Congress. Primarily funded by the Justice Department, the NCMEC normally acts as an information clearinghouse and resource for parents, children, law enforcement agencies, schools, and communities to assist in locating missing children and to raise public awareness about ways to prevent child abduction, child sexual abuse and child pornography. John Walsh, Noreen Gosch, and others advocated establishing the center as a result of frustration stemming from a lack of resources and coordination between law enforcement and other government agencies.[14]

NCMEC forwarded the leaks to the San Diego Internet Crimes Against Children task force. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) is a task-force started by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention  (OJJDP) in 1998. Its primary goals are to provide state and local law enforcement agencies the tools to prevent internet crimes against children by encouraging multi-jurisdictional cooperation, as well as educating law enforcement agents, parents, and teachers. The aims of ICAC task forces are to catch distributors of child pornography on the Internet, whether delivered on-line or solicited on-line and distributed through other channels and to catch sexual predators who solicit victims on the Internet through chat rooms, forums and other methods. Currently all fifty states participate in ICAC.[15]

The investigation into the criminal child porn internet activities of Liddy began on January 23, 2017. According to news, two FBI agents and a task force officer finally interviewed Liddy at his home 6 (six) months later in July. Liddy admitted to using Internet services by the first provider and the screen name associated with the second provider, as well as other linked email addresses, according to the complaint. He said he used the screen name and other aliases to share sexual fantasies online. With whom?

The criminal complaint stated that he told law enforcement that he often downloaded sexual images but deleted them shortly after. Liddy said he might have forwarded some of the images before deleting them, the document says. To whom? Liddy further explained that most of the images were of adults, but that it is possible some may have been of children, the complaint states. Investigators then served a search warrant on his home and found numerous photographs” on a computer and thumb drive of “minors engaged in sexual conduct, the complaint states. “One image was of a nude girl blindfolded with her hands bound together, the document says.[16]

It looks as though they packaged a case for Liddy from beginning to end to make him out as just a “Lone Nut” closet Pedophile that needs a little psychiatric counseling and intervention in his life. The results of the 6 (six) months law enforcement agencies investigation of Liddy isn’t discussed, and I suspect that all his internet pedophile links have had enough time to disappear.

It doesn’t appear that the Drumpf/Sessions’ justice department will pursue Liddy as a part of a larger inner circle of elite child pornographers and pedophiles even though there appears to be substantial grounds to do so, or- cover it up.

U.S. Marine Major Raymond Liddy & CIA G. Gordon Liddy

Raymond Joseph Liddy is the son of one of Nixon’s fanatic German descendants of the White House (WH) Nazi Berlin Wall, and a member of the infamous WH Plumbers, George Gordon Battle LiddyG. Gordon Liddy. He is very scary and clandestine. G. Gordon Liddy is still one of the most frightening demonstrative demonic, dangerous and twisted men in American History alive in America, today. He will conjure up heaven, hell and the DEVIL to protect his son.



The Fuhrer Adolph Hitler was G. Gordon Liddy’s first political hero. Liddy was made to salute the Stars and Stripes Nazi-style by the nuns at his school; even now, he admits, “at assemblies where the national anthem is played, I must suppress the urge to snap out my right arm.” His beloved Nazi nanny taught him that Hitler had — through sheer will-power — “dragged Germany from weakness to strength.”[17] When he listened to Hitler on the shortwave radio, it “made me feel a strength inside I had never known before,” he explains. “Hitler’s sheer animal confidence and power of will [entranced me]. He sent an electric current through my body.” He describes seeing the Nazis’ doomed technological marvel the Hindenburg flying over New Jersey as an almost religious experience. “Ecstatic, I drank in its colossal power and felt myself grow. Fear evaporated and in its place came a sense of personal might and power.”[18]

Liddy was a pagan like his idols and heroes, Himmler and the SS. He loved and worshiped Lucifer’s Sons, the Teutonic SSKnights of the Black Sun.[19] The Roman Catholic Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem evolved out of the Knights Templar. They also revered the Templar’s idol- the BaphometDEVIL with the head of a goat. Liddy is a notorious member of America’s Shadow Government.According to Liddy,

The ability for the government to keep government activities secret is an essential function of government according to Plato, who in  Republic, wrote that the public is often unqualified (or incapable) of carrying out or comprehending the responsibilities of government.”[20]

Plato & Hindu Kamala Harris- One God- Lucifer, God Set

G. Gordon Liddy believes and practice occult mysticism, kabbalah, and NEO-PLATONISM.

“The most valuable course I took at Fordham was logic, part of the required program. It honed the mind and thinking process along mathematical lines and prepared us for the [Neo-Platonic] study of Aristotle and [St. Thomas] Aquinas.” [21]

 St. Thomas Aquinas was the spiritual child of the Pseudo- Dionysius. It’s important to note that in the occult tradition is Albertus Magnus, both scholastic and magician, studied in Arab schools and inspired StThomas Aquinas. Magnus and Aquinas are associated with secret occult societies such as the Rosicrucians as transmitters of a secret doctrine, the hidden and mysterious teaching (Kabbalah Rosicrucian Magick) of the Great White Brotherhood (Hierarchy of Adepts, the Great White Lodge, the Secret Chiefs, the Great White Brotherhood, the Masters, or The People of the Secret). [22],[23],[24]

The dangerous fanatic Nazi Liddy was educated privately by the Roman Catholic Order of Benedictines and Jesuits.[25] He is a Luciferian Master Freemason of the Scottish RiteLiddy, G. Gordon – Born 30 November 1930. Former U.S. Army Officer during Korea; former Special Agent of the FBI; Lawyer, Prosecutor, FAA licensed private pilot; Actor in TV shows “Perry Mason”, “Miami Vice” and “Airwolf”; recently retired radio broadcaster; noted for his role in “Watergate“. Sentence commuted by President Jimmy Carter. Bro. Liddy later joined and is life member of Deadwood Lodge #7 in Deadwood, South Dakota, the Scottish Rite (32°) and Naja Shriners.[26]Naja comes the Serpent– “Wise as the Serpent.”[27]

On June 17, 1972, 5 (five) burglars were arrested at the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee. They were charged with attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications. On September 15, 1972, G. Gordon Liddy was one of the burglars indicted by a Grand Jury along with the truly dark CIA figure, E. Howard Hunt. Six (6) out of 7 of the burglars were found to be CIA agents or contractors. Libby is alleged to have been the only non CIA agent or contractor on the job.

Which makes no sense at all-  he planned and organized the CIA Watergate secret mission, Liddy was as dark CIA as E. Howard Hunt.[28] In 1992, G. Gordon Liddy enrolled with the Israeli Defense Force Paratroop School at Tel Nov, qualified for, and was awarded his wings. In October 2001, he re-qualified, and has made three additional jumps with the elite IDF parachute regiment. In January 2003, he was granted the honor of leading the stick out of the aircraft. Having visited Israel five times, as well as Egypt, Turkey, Kuwait, and Iraq in March 2006Liddy hit the ground with Pentagon Officials in Iraq and Kuwait spending two weeks on the battle lines with U.S. Military.[29]

On April 10, 2006, Fox News interviewed G. Gordon Liddy, who boasted that Iraqi mobile-chemical biological warfare truck existed, and his son “Major Raymond Liddy” of the 23rd Marines, 2th Battalion, discovered one less than a block from the U.N. in New York. It was a BIG LIE.[30]

Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who fled Iraq in 1995, confessed that he made up the stories of mobile bio-weapons trucks and clandestine factories in Iraq in an attempt to bring down Saddam Hussein’s regime. Mr. al-Janabi initially spoke to the German secret service, the BND, but the information was passed to the CIA and was eventually included in a notorious 2003 speech at the United Nations by Colin Powell, then US Secretary of State. [31]

2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines (2/23) is a reserve infantry battalion in the U.S. Marine Corps located throughout the Western United States consisting of approximately 1000 Marines and Sailors. 2/23 provide trained combat personnel and units to augment and reinforce the active component in time of war, national emergency, and at other times as national security requires.[32]

Liddy’s very presence says a great deal in the history of William H. Kennedy, and Lucifer’s Lodge. Gordon Liddy is an authentically dangerous man. Back in the 1970s, he was the Nixon’s fanatic Nazi campaign operative who proposed firebombing the Brookings Institution, murdering the news columnist Jack Anderson, and hiring yachts as floating brothels for the purposes of blackmailing delegates to the Democratic National Convention. And he did all this from inside the executive branch, the highest elected office of the U.S. government. Even Nixon’s felonious attorney general, John Mitchell, thought Liddy was a LUNATIC.

It is more than likely, Raymond Joseph is a clandestine multi-generational CIA agent walking in the shoes of his daddy. He also appears that he is a sick initiate of the CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau, and a powerful elite Satanic pedophile ring.




Kamala Harris, AKA Boule & the Women of the Rings of Qetesh

California’s former AG Kamala Harris is Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (BOULE).[33] Their patron goddess is Qetesh. She was a complicated ancient Kemetic fertility goddess of beauty that may have originated in Kush and spread with its colonies into the Land of Canaan. However, we shall not be talking about her Kemetic nature within an American Greek secret society.[34]

Cleopatra VII  & Ring of Qetesh

The nature of the Greek AKA Sorority Qetesh is to be found in the secret society women of the “Rings of Qetesh” during the “Reign of Cleopatra VII”. They are noted as saying “We walk in the dark places no one else will enter”.[35] In their Greek nature, they are the “sacred whores and prostitutes” that protect the monarchy and kingdom.

The secret society was a ‘power-base’ protecting the regent of Egypt against plots to take her throne. Cleopatra knew that there were whispers and intrigue and attempted plots against her and her court. The women of the Rings of Qetesh were ordered to sleep with the dissenters and find out their secrets. Cleopatra was reported to say “What better way to block an attempted conspiracy than from the whispers associated with scented pillows.[36]

After the death of Cleopatra and the fall of the Egyptian Empire, the Keepers of The Rings of Qetesh sponsored a group of the strongest and bravest noblemen and named them “Men of Romance“. The group then left Egypt and spread out to the new Empires of Greece and Rome. The Men of Romance dedicated their lives to protecting Kings and Queens, Poets and Painters throughout history. Two of the famous men they protected were Alexandra the Great and the Painter Michelangelo. Most interestingly it had also been rumored that Robin Hood and His Merry Men were members of The Men of Romance, protecting King Richard’s land of England.[37]

Kamala Harris, Pact with the DEVIL & Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests

Kamala Harris started her political career as the sex handmaiden of powerful, corrupt, and demonic San Francisco politician, Willie Brown.[38]

Cardinal William Levada &  San Francisco MK ULTRA TRANCE Kamala Harris

In 2010, SF Weekly’s attempts to obtain her office’s files on Roman Catholic clergy abuse under the state Public Records Act suggested San Francisco D.A. Kamala Harris favored deliberate concealment over transparency. The records at issue may have answered questions of great public concern: What did senior Catholic officials know, and what did they do behind the scenes, while priests accused of molesting children were shielded from punishment?

Pope Benedict XVI & Cardinal Levada

Cardinal William Levada was archbishop of the San Francisco Diocese until 2005. He became a top Vatican official and the Holy See’s most prominent defender of Pope Benedict XVI against allegations that the pontiff had failed to adequately deal with pedophile priests. In San Francisco, Levada was known as a key architect of the church’s practice of keeping abuse allegations secret, protecting abusive priests, and punishing church whistleblowers. During the 1990s and 2000s, Levada helped keep allegations against pedophile priests shrouded in secrecy.[39]

DA Harris possessed San Francisco Archdiocese files containing details of how the church dealt with pedophile priests that go back as far as 80 years. But, Harris rebuffed reporters’ efforts to view those files, despite statements by former DA Terence Hallinan saying they should be released. SF Weekly asked Harris’ office over and over again to comply with the request under the California Public Records Act, but she ardently refused to release anything as if she had a blanket secrecy privilege, and a PACT WITH THE DEVIL. Kamala Harris protected the Roman Catholic Church’s pedophile priests, pedophile rings, and Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Circle. [40]

In 2011, the Pope Benedict XVI and top Vatican cardinals of the Ninth Satanic Circle had been accused of possible crimes against humanity for sheltering pedophile Catholic priests, in formal complaints to the International Criminal Court.

The complaint names Pope Benedict XVI, partly in his former role as leader of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in 2001 explicitly gained responsibility for overseeing abuse cases; Cardinal William Levada, who now leaded that office; Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican secretary of state under Pope John Paul II; and Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who held that post. Lawyers for the victims say rape, sexual violence and torture are considered a Crime against Humanity as described in the international treaty that spells out the court’s mandate. The complaint also accuses Vatican officials of creating policies that perpetuated the damage, constituting an attack against a civilian population.[41]

Kamala Harris & the Knights Templar Masonic Fraternal Order of Police

In 2015, AG Kamala Harris was found to be running a really strange clandestine Masonic Fraternal Order of Police that claimed to be direct descendants of the Roman Catholic Knights Templar.”[42]

In May 2015, three people (David Inkk Henry aka Henry X, Tonette Hayes, Brandon Kiel) linked to the authority of her office were busted in San Clarita, CA organized as the Knights Templar Masonic Police Department. Henry X was the grandmaster.

Tonette Hayes & Henry X

They claimed police jurisdiction over secretMasonic Matters.” The really strange thing is that AG Kamala Harris didn’t officially or publicly disown them.


Hayes & Baphomet Penchant Necklace

According to her press secretary, Kiel didn’t interact with the state attorney on a regular basis.[43]

Freemason Brandon Kiel, AG Deputy Director  

They had proper state business permits and licenses. They also had state private security guard permits. Henry X’s son in law, Brandon Kiel, had proper California AG credentials. He was Harris’ official over $67,000 per year Deputy Director of Community Affairs.[44]

The most interesting part of the trio was David HenryHenry X was, in fact, a HollyWeird Fox News Emmy Award winning investigative journalist. In 2007, he got an Emmy for reporting on Islamic terrorist groupshuman trafficking and terror connection between the Tri-Border region of South AmericaHenry X and Hayes were legitimate film makers and producers.[45],[46]

Grandmaster Henry’s Skull and Bones Masonic Jewelry

David Henry claims to have worked for Fox News for 17.5 years, and 25 years with Geraldo Rivera and his longtime producer Greg Hart.

Greg Hart & Rivera

As early as 2002, there is public evidence that Henry X has thanked Geraldo Rivera and Ice-T for being “behind my career”. He claimed to have been an original member of Ice-T’s Hip Hop Rhyme Syndicate and there is no reason to disbelieve him.

The Rhyme Hip Hop group was formed in 1987 by Ice-T, who wanted to unite East and West Coast rappers, DJs and record producers.

The Big Pimp, Ice-T, is former U.S. Military, 25th Infantry Army Division, in Hawaii.

Geraldo Rivera is a lifelong Zionist Jew that “would die for Israel.” At some point, the talented  and promising young man became confused, corrupted, ILLUMINATI– MK ULTRA’ed.


I have always suspected that AG Harris’ Knights Templar Masonic Police were directly connected to ultra secret child trafficking ratlines of delinquent juvenile wards of the state. In Oakland, a female crack and heroin addict hustler loosely told me about the foster care and state ward child sex ring in downtown ran out of a county office in the large office building on the corner of 14th and Broadway across from Walgreens. She was an associate of that flake preacher FBI Ghetto Informant in my office, above. She openly told me about the pedophile sex parties with the city’s rich, powerful and elite that she had attended to earn money before she grew too old. She spoke candidly about it as if I was in the know among them. I remained quiet, listened and pretended to be disinterested. I just didn’t trust her.

It was far too dangerous to show any interest or ask any questions about the secret child sex party rings that she talked about. I discovered that the preacher had access to a strange world of black sexual perverts, rapists- criminals and fugitives that he and the FBI could spin any of them on a dime. They were the throw-aways and expendables.

Around the time for the preacher’s payouts, he was always anxious for his money. He often complained and talked. I learned of 2 (two). One was a minister in San Francisco linked to the Rev. Amos Brown circle. I recognized his Oakland paymaster, Maalik El-Maalik AKA Henry Crump. He was one of Dr. Hamilton’s CIA handlers of  Ghetto MK ULTRA assassins, and as Maalik called them, Black Mafia.  Maalik El-Maalik of “Prison Reform Group” has been described as a close associate of  CIA agent, Colston Westbrook, and a fellow lecturer in Afro-American Studies of UC Berkeley. Maalik organized trips to Dr. Hamilton, and Westbrook’s BCA meetings led by Cecil Moody at Vacaville Prison. Maalik also died of fast moving Malignant tumors.

In regards to me, they weren’t aware how much I knew, or what I knew. The preacher’s mission was clear- control, convert, corrupt or have me harmed by one of the throw-aways and expendables. I was very afraid of Maalik. Betray Maalik, he was capable of blowing you away in an instant sitting across from him at the meeting table. He had killed in cold blood before. I was so far above my head, but I held a lot of background information about them, behaviors and their systems to walk a tightrope until I could safety walk away.

But, I almost didn’t make it. It was the woman next door from New Orleans. Her husband before he separated from her told me that she worked for a bunch of attorneys. I stayed away from her like the plague. On a sunny Saturday, she rolled out her 5 or 6 year daughter’s lemon-aide and cookie stand next door. I had nothing to fear about her daughter. So, I went over to help support her daughter raise some money. I bought a cookie and a cup of lemon-aide. Suddenly, Kathy said, hey. You don’t have enough ice. She took my cup to the back to her apartment. She returned with the cup and ice. I should have known better. I sat on my front pouch to eat the cookie and drink the lemon-aide as I watched her suddenly begin to rapidly close down the lemon-aide stand, and pack everything in the back of her car. I should have known better. As soon as I walked in the house and closed the door behind me, I collapsed to the floor as Kathy sped away from the scene. I had been severely, but not fatally poisoned with some sort of very potent Salmonella  E. Coli Bacteria to mimic ordinary food poisoning. Don’t get it twisted, that house Negro meant to kill me, but for the grace of god.

Months later, I was strong to get back to the street. At the Alameda County Courthouse, I ran into Kathy exiting the DA’s office on the 2nd floor.  Subsequently, I followed her around the Alameda County Superior Courthouse building from one department to another until she crossed the street and went up to the County Sheriff’s Headquarters. She may have worked for a bunch of attorneys before, but I found that worked behind the County DA, Sheriff’s Department and most likely, U.S. Homeland Security. From the very beginning, I figured that it would have been useless or even fatal for me to call OPD for anything.  I also discovered that she been had formally trained in poisons in New Orleans. She was another government trauma based CIA- MK DELTA Black Angel Female Assassin out of New Orleans. For me, that had been No. 3! 



The moral contradiction and dilemma of what Grandmaster Henry X really became involved in (child sex trafficking) became far too heavy of a load to carry. He could no longer control or marshal among his many alter personalities. He claimed that his Fox News colleague, investigative journalist Marin Burns, had been murdered for getting to close and exposing them in the TV investigative journalist series, State Child Protective Services and Lost Children. [47],[48]

Investigative Report Martin Burns

Award-Winning Journalist Martin Burns Was A Champion Advocate Against Child Abuse

 “His death has been added to a growing list of prominent child justice campaigners who all died just ahead of a planned release of either, a documentary containing highly sensitive information, or a bid for new legislation to contain child trafficking and abuse.”[49]

Burns was investigating and reporting on the underbelly of the “system”; in this particular case, “the system of child protective services that routinely permits children to be victimized, kidnapped, sexually abused and illegally removed from the country.”[50] On August 25, 2013, Burns was found dead at the foot of a mountain. Officially while out hiking in the Angeles National Forest, he suffered a possible heart attack and fell off a cliff.[51]

On April 18, 2016, Henry X, Hayes, and Kiel appeared in a San Fernando courtroom to answer charges for impersonating a police officer. Charges against co-defendant Brandon Kiel were dismissed.

Within hours after the hearing, Grandmaster Henry X of the ILLUMINATI and Masonic Police suddenly dropped DEAD from a pulmonary embolism at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, Valencia, CA.[52]

When it involves pedophile priests, pedophiles, pedophile rings, child trafficking and sexual abuse of children in California, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris appears to be attached to a BODY COUNT.








[7] Id.

[8] Id.


[10] Id.


[12] Id.






[18] Id.



[21] Liddy, G. Gordon, WILL, the autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy, St. Martin’s Press, NY, NY (1996), pg. 36









[30] Rampton, Sheldon, The Best War Ever, Lies, Damned Lies, and the Mess in Iraq, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, NY, (2006)






[36] Id.

[37] Id.



[40] Id.







[47] Id.



[50] Id.

[51] Id.



9 12 2016



We know this much about Ancient Kemet. There were many healing temples in the land. They weren’t filled with blood altars, serpents, snakes, deities or demons.



There was no flesh eating, drinking or bathing in blood to feel brand new. The Temples of Kemet were filled with music. They treated the human body like a finely tuned string instrument. Revolutionary spiritual musicians like John Coltrane understood that stars, planets, planetary objects and the universe make music and sing harmonies. He suddenly came up dead. The late Paul Robeson was a rare prophet of music. He traveled the world teaching the universal language of music going back to the time when an united people across the globe danced like the Sun and planets, and played the music of the stars. They took away his passport, and he also came up dead. The unseen magnetism and vibrations of harmonies could make you feel brand new. Before Donny Hathaway was thrown through a high rise New York hotel window, he was studying harmonies and melodies hoping to incorporate more of it in his music to influence others.


Lucifer is a fallen angel who was the head of the ministry and director of music in Heaven. Ezekiel 28:13 “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” Tabrets  are similar to the modern tambourines. The tympanum [tambourine] was used in the feasts of Cybele (Herod. 4. 76) and is said to have been the invention of Dionysus and Rhea (Eurip. Bacch. 59). It was played by women, who beat it with the palms of their hands (Ovid, Met. 4:29)  Lucifer had pipes inside him and before he was thrown from heaven when he spoke he actually sang the words. Lucifer knows music, he hates God and God’s Music. Lucifer and Fallen Angels do not play harmonies. So, you know him/them by their music- the lack of universal harmony. Lucifer’s music don’t make you feel brand new.

The American people have been demonically bamboozled and deceived for at least another 4 (four) years. Yet, another Dark Empire has taken over the highest public office of the nation. The only difference between the Obama Satanic presidential administration and the Drumpf Luciferian administration is that they told you in very beginning up front who they were, “WE ARE THE DARK LORDS.” Donald Drumpf promised a presidency and government that would be inclusive of all the people. It was deception. Drumpf’s government inclusive of all of the people is a maze of demonic trickery, crime and corruption- IT’S ALL DISHARMONY ACROSS THE WORLD. You shall know the dark lords by their disharmony in all their fruit and business. For the masses, it adds yet another layer to this puzzle palace warped inside an enigma.


Bannon says that we will never figure out what he is doing, because he moves in “darkness” like Darth Vader of Star Wars. But its worst than that. Bannon is an agent of another government. Again, we look at Donald Drumpf’s Merlinpresidential chief of staff, Steve Bannon. It is an extremely strange choice to appoint Bannon of the Breitbart News Network as the presidential chief of staff. A lot of people are holding their collective breath.

At least Howard Dean didn’t mix any words about him. He called Bannon an outright NAZI and that is real deep serious and heavy stuff. But, we won’t go there right now. We are going someplace else.


Andrew James Breitbart (February 1, 1969 – March 1, 2012) that created the Breitbart News Network was an American conservative publisher, commentator for the Washington Times, journalist, author, and television and radio personality on various news programs, who served as an editor for the Drudge Report website.[1]

Behind his ultra brand of racial bias and conservatism was a mystic, alchemist and cabbalist. Breitbart identified his religion as Judaism.[2] Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion, with the Torah as its foundation text (part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible), and supplemental oral tradition represented by later texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud.[3]

“Woe to the man who sees in the Torah (the law) only simple recitals and ordinary words! Because, if in truth it contained only these, we would even today be able to compose a Torah much more worthy of admiration. But it is not so. Each word of the Torah contains an elevated meaning and a sublime mystery…The recitals of the Torah are the vestments of the Torah. Woe to him who takes this vestment of the Torah for the Torah itself!…The simple take notice of the garments and recitals of the Torah alone. They know no other thing. They see not that which is concealed under the vestment. The more instructed men do not pay attention to the vestment, but to the boy which it envelops.”[4]

Judaism and the Torah encompasses secrecy regarding deep matters and the invariable use of allegories where the mass of the people are permitted to come in contact with. They involve unseen occult truths realized only through multiple parables. Christ always spoke to the multitude in parables, afterward privately explaining to his disciples the deeper meaning contained therein. On several occasions, he imposed secrecy upon them in regard to such private teachings. Apostle Paul’s methods are also in harmony with this, for he gives “milk” or the more elementary teachings to the “babes” in the faith, reserving the “meat” or deeper teachings for the “strong“–those who had qualified themselves to understand and receive them. (I Corinthians 3:1-3)


Photograph of staff of Breitbart News, Andrew Breitbart with Master Mason of the 33rd degree Israeli Head of State, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [5] Breitbart News Network was created in Israel for Israeli military and police intelligence objectives. It is an extreme right wing pro- Israel- pro-Zionist propaganda news service.[6] Bannon was one of the network’s original creators. He is branded on his ass for life as a “Friend of Israel.” Breitbart News Network was created in Israel as a BLOOD COVENANT arm of the Mossad. Bannon works for Benjamin Netanyahu.[7] Bannon reeks of a big pile of rotting flesh on the White House floor. If Bannon goes into the Drumpf White House as chief of staff in January 2017, he will succeed another Luciferian Servant, an abominable damn CANNIBAL- JOHN PODESTA.


Yes, the LORD OF DARKNESS will replace a Satanic CANNIBAL in the White House.


Cannibal John Podesta & 14 Body Parts of God Ausar (Osiris)

It’s about blood and the human body parts, and Podesta has most likely, ritually, eaten all fourteen (14) in pools of blood and fluids.


Lady Gaga and  Marina Abramović sampling the taste of a woman’s body marinated in blood, breast milk, and only god knows what else. Marina Abramović is Podesta’s Occult Spirit Cook. If it is public such as above, it is an art exhibit. If it is private, it’s real. They drink BLOOD and eat FLESH.


Ausar & Oxyrhynchus- Extreme Deep Mysteries

In Kemetic Mythology, Podesta’s fish symbol represents Oxyrhynchus, the fish that ate Ausar’s phallus, the 14th body part. The fish is an important part of the Zodiac (Pisces), star charts- star travel. Podesta’s symbol and number represent a secret advanced but western Judaea bastardized alchemy formula of personal other dimensional spiritual journey at the expense of somebody else’s flesh and blood. HUMAN BLOOD is the life force, their fire and fuel.


Podesta & Gollum- Harry Porter’s Witchcraft

It’s also about very ancient Witchcraft & Magick. Almost 5 (five) years ago, at least one man was interested in exposing the Podesta’s White House insane Satanic pedophile-cannibalistic cult even-


if he had to die for it, AND HE DID!




Podesta, Slick Willie, Pope Paul II, Ninth Satanic Circle,

Podesta, Son of the Vatican, is a lifetime practicing Italian-Greek Roman Catholic out of Chicago, IL. He is known to be more catholic than the pope. Bill Clinton was the first to bring him into the White House. Podesta’s Satanic pedophile ring is much larger, powerful and goes well beyond the Clinton Foundation. Podesta’s circle is a globetrotting pedophile and CANNIBAL ring of the ultra rich, powerful and elite. It is an ancient Saturn Death Blood Cult.[8]


It is the NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE of the Vatican. Bill Clinton connects to the Vatican’s John Podesta (Pedophile/Cannibal) and Jeffrey Epstein (Convicted Pedophile)- Podesta leads to the Barrack Obama White House. Podesta connects to Breitbart News (Assassination of Andrew Breitbart) and Steve Bannon (The Israeli Lord of Darkness).

For whatever reason, Andrew James Breitbart and Podesta had bumped heads. The conflict had reached the point of the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” In 1971, the late Saul Alinksy published Rules for Radicals. Rule Number 13 states the rule of the Politics of Personal Destructions, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”[9] Breitbart decided to hit back at Podesta. However, he hit back at Podesta using classified and secret information in not so much of a secret way.


Recall, Breitbart worked for Netanyahu and the Mossad. They were all dirty. They were wiping each others’ asses. But, Breitbart may not have known just how deep the rabbit hole ran, or how dirty the game was. Or, he just didn’t give a damn. He went after John Podesta in personal vengeance.


Within days of his Tweets. On the early morning hours of March 1, 2012, Breitbart collapsed on a street near his home in Brentwood, CA. Breitbart was dead- only 43 years old. The Nazi– Steve Bannon was appointed executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network after his death.  He has insisted Breitbart died of natural causes and to suggest anything else is irresponsible. He said, “Breitbart had an enlarged heart … He had been hospitalized for the problem last year and told to lose weight that he did not lose.”[10] Yeah, right.


DEAD. Michael Cormier, Breitbart’s Coroner Investigator

Only two months after Breitbart’s passing, the coroner that investigated the cause of death may have succumbed to arsenic poisoning. Veteran Los Angeles coroner forensic technician Michael Cormier died due to arsenic poisoning. Cormier was discovered dead on April 20th – the same day the city officials had released their preliminary autopsy report on the death of Breitbart. According to early reports, Cormier was “seemingly healthy,” yet “suddenly stricken” with a fatal condition – just like Breitbart.


Bannon didn’t know Breibart’s Tweets would resurface almost 5 (five) years later with his foot in the White House. They all knew what Podesto and the Clintons were doing. Bannon and Brietbart News were doing and covering up the very same thing for the Mossad.



Clinton Foundation Child Snatching in Haiti


Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said, “There is organ trafficking for children and other persons also, because they need all types of organs …”[11] In Haiti, children were even disappearing out of hospitals.


On January 12, 2010 in the aftermath of Haiti’s great earthquake, a group of ten American Baptist missionaries from Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican border with 33 (Magick Masonic Number) Haitian children. The group was New Life Children’s Refuge (NLCR) led by Laura Silsby. The group was arrested in Haiti for child trafficking.[12] Following the trail of declassified Wikileaks emails, the road led directly to Huma Abedin who had been “constantly forwarding emails to Hillary Clinton” about the Laura Silsby organization.[13]


Bill Clinton, UN Special Envoy to Haiti, negotiated the release of 9 (Magic Masonic Number) of the missionaries. It was one of the first things that Slick Willie did when he rolled into the country.


Sephardic Jewish Human Trafficking Counterintelligence Agent- Jorge Puello Torres

NLCR’s legal advisor and gatekeeper was Jorge Puello Torres. The police in El Salvador said that Torres was suspected of leading a sex slave trafficking ring involving Central American and Caribbean women and girls.

Torres, President of Jews of El Salvador and Dominican Republic


Torres is part of the Jewish Chabad  Movement. Chabad also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch. It is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Torres served in the U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit. He worked undercover with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. Torres founded the DR Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Community in 2007, the Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of El Salvador in 2008, and the for-profit Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of America in Florida in 2009.

Torres used the Jewish Chabad network as a cover to smuggle sex slave women and children internationally. Torres’ sex ring was exposed when three young girls, 14, 15, and 16 escaped from the house and went to police to report they had been forced to pose naked to promote the sex business. Multiple passports were found in the house inside a Sephardic Jewish community in San Salvador, including one in the name of Sephardic Jew Jorge Torres Orellana.[14] Torres looks like a CIA/Mossad Op.


Israelis may have been harvesting internal organs from Palestinian prisoners without consent for many years. In 2002 the service reported:

The revelation of illegally stored body parts in the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute has prompted MK Anat Maor, chairman of the Knesset Science Committee, to demand the immediate suspension of the director, Prof. Yehuda Hiss.”

In 2001, an Israeli Health Ministry investigation found that Hiss had been involved for years in taking body parts, such as legs, ovaries and testicles, without family permission during autopsies, and selling them to medical schools for use in research and training. He was appointed chief pathologist in 1988. Hiss was never charged with any crime, but in 2004 he was forced to step down from running the state morgue, following years of complaints.”[15]

On January 15, 2010, Haaretz reported that:

The Israel Defense Forces’ aid mission to Haiti left Israel overnight (January 14) with equipment for setting up an emergency field hospital. Around 220 soldiers and officers (were) in the delegation, including 120 medical staff (to) operate the hospital in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.”

According to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it includes “40 doctors, 25 nurses, paramedics, a pharmacy, a children’s ward, a radiology department, an intensive care unit, an internal department and a maternity ward (able to) treat approximately 500 patients each day,” including in two surgery rooms.

On January 20, Lebanon’s Al-Manar TV reported on the mission, citing a damning You Tube video posted by an American named T. West from a group called AfriSynergy Productions.

The video presents something to think about while exploiting the horrible tragedy that has befallen Haiti where Israeli occupation soldiers are engaged in organ trafficking.”[16]

They [Israel] pay ‘the poor and the hungry to slowly dismantle their bodies’ or simply take what they want from fresh corpses. Body parts are commodities, to be harvested and sold to the rich, even though organ sales are prohibited in most countries, but not in international law.”[17]

“OUT OF NORTH KOREA … they need all types of organs.”


Little Girl, Euna Lee and Laura Ling

Under “Pizza” (Pedophile Secret Code for Little Girls)  search of John Podesta’s Email Chain, this picture came up, “As John said, it doesn’t get any better than this.” To which another man named Justin Cooper responds, “Nice.”


The pizza picture little girl looks like Euna Lee’s 6 year old daughter, Hana. I am not going to speculate or offer any opinion on anything! I just wait and see where it all leads.


Jeffrey Epstein with a Young Asian Girl

Nevertheless, Euna Lee and Laura Ling are international journalists that were captured and imprisoned in North Korea in 2009 for allegedly body snatching children. They went into North Korea under the cloak to report on sex trafficking of women. At first glance, it is a most noble endeavor of great courage.


Bill Clinton & Son of the Vatican in North Korea

On August 4, 2009, Bill Clinton made an unannounced trip to Pyongyang, North Korea. Western and South Korean media speculated that Clinton went to Pyongyang in order to negotiate the release of Lee and Ling. The day after Clinton arrived, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il pardoned the two. After being released from custody by the North Koreans, Lee and Ling were flown back to Los Angeles with Clinton and his delegation in a Boeing 737(Air Fuck 3) owned by Hollywood producer and Clinton friend Steve Bing’s company, Shangri-La Entertainment.[18]


Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the second son and third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, another frequent flyer of the Lolita Express.


Bing, Burkle & Slick Willie

Bing is part of Slick Willie’sdepraved” billionaire playboy’s party club. Clinton spent years traveling and partying with Ron Burkle and Steve Bing, billionaire bachelors with a penchant for very-very young girls.


Very Young Girls!

Clinton spent so much time on Burkle’s private plane that it came to be known in Burkle’s circle as “Air Fuck One.”


Jeffrey Epstein and Very Young Girl

Epstein that should have been arrested and convicted for pedophilia long ago is also a member of this rich man playboy party club on board of the Lolita Express- Air Fuck Two.”[19]


Another wicked pedophile billionaire playboy on board the Lolita Express, Donald Drumpf.[20]



On their private orgy island in the American Virgin Islands, Jeffrey Epstein built a multi-colored round temple on the island with a gold dome, and a statute of a golden owl on top. It is believed that it is the Owl of Minerva. Minerva is the Roman Goddess of Wisdom. She is equal to the Greek Goddess Athena. Athena is equal to Cybele, and Cybele connects to Aset (Isis).


The owl symbol connects with the current Moloch Cult of the Bohemian Grove, and initiate degrees of the ILLUMINATI.


Minerval Seals of the Illuminati: two of three known to still exist. P.M.C.V.stands for Per Me Caeci Vident (Through me the blind become sighted). An owl holding an opened book (signifying learning), surrounded by a Laurel wreath (a symbol of learning or graduation); Per Me Caeci Vident was a reminder to the Superiors of the class, whose responsibility it was to properly instruct the Minervals. These medallions were worn around the necks of Minerval initiates.[21]


In the front of the temple sits a statute of Poseidon with a trident spear. Poseidon was one of the caretakers of the Oracle at Delphi before Olympian Apollo took it over. Apollo and Poseidon worked closely in many realms: in colonization, for example, Delphic Apollo provided the authorization to go out and settle, while Poseidon watched over the colonists on their way, and provided the lustral water for the foundation-sacrifice.[22]


All of the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses above except the Kemetic Goddess Aset (Isis) demanded or welcomed the human sacrifices of ancient days.[23]


Decades ago, SS Knight of the Black Sun  Klaus Barbie of the Italian Masonic Lodge Propaganda 2 (P2) figured out that they could better control minds of groups by indoctrinating and initiating them into Satanic rites, cults and Masonic Lodges, then sealing their tongues under the threat of death, and a cloak of blood oath secrecy.

abannongirldevil Epstein’s Temple is used to terrorize, traumatize, indoctrinate and initiate young- very young and impressionate girls into the Occult and Underworld to keep them under constant fear and strict mind control.


The Temple is meant to instill the fear of God in them, or anyone else joining the island’s secret dark rituals. They give the children to the DEVIL. These people are extreme racialist and racists. No young black girls or women were/are allowed on orgy island or among their parties. However, don’t get it twisted- it isn’t just benign racism. Podesta and these people concealed and used governmental funds, power and influence to actively pursue a covert plan of genocide against people of color.


In his Tweets, Breitbart said that he knew of specific incidents of H8 (hate crimes) of Podesta, Clinton, and Obama against people of color, but he was liquidated before he gave any other clues. Could he have been talking about Haiti? Or, something else. Local.




Tony and John Podesta’s cryptic E-mail messages use secret food-related code words. For instance, “Cheese Pizza” is code word for “Little Girls“, and a common slang for child porn among pedophiles in online communities. In the Son of the Vatican‘s chain of cryptic E-mail messages, there is the secret use of the word, walnuts. Some researchers believe that term refers to Black Children, others think that it refers to underdeveloped virgin girls like cracking the cherry. It makes sense, but I think that it is the former. I think that it adds up better with my past experiences and knowledge of pedophile rings targeting black children in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. In April 2015, there was a E-mail discussion between John Podesta and Jim Steyer about “Walnut Sauce”. Podesta does in fact cook a well known traditional walnut sauce.

Jim Steyer: ” … walnut sauce for pasta? Mary piz tell us the straight story, was the sauces actually very tasty”. In response, Mary Podesta asked if “walnut growing California knows and celebrates walnut pasta sauce?Steyer replied: “Indeed Mary.”

Steyer knew about walnut pasta sauce all along. “I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!” Eryn Sepp—another recipient in the email chain—said of Steyer’s conversation “Haha [Steyer] has no idea what he’s talking about.”


Billionaires James & Tom Steyer

There isn’t anything strange or unusual about using walnut sauce on pasta, especially, for a fine, rich (billionaire) and cultured man like Steyer. James‘ brother is billionaire Tom Steyer. I suspect that both are interested in religion and theology. And, the Steyer brothers’ blood money in combination with George Soros and other Zionists are behind covert funding of Black Lives Matter. The Steyers’ father was Roy Henry Steyer, a law partner of Sullivan & Cromwell. Sullivan & Cromwell should always raise a lot of red flags. It was the CIA MK ULTRA Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles‘ powerful and clandestine law firm. The elder Steyer (Lt. Roy H. Steyer, USNR) was an OSS Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor. The Dulles brothers used their law firm partners to collaborate with and cherry pick SS-Knights of Black Sun and Nazis for Operation PAPERCLIP.

My Dear Lord. These are the BLOODLINES of the operators and conductors of the Vatican SS Nazi Ratlines, and the Guardians of Himmler’sTHE DEVIL’S GOLD. Don’t get it twisted. Of course, Jim Steyer knew exactly what Podesta was talking about. Podesta was the Steyer brothers’ advisor and teacher. Podesta was taught straight out of the Vatican and its vast ancient library. In ancient Satanic rituals, The Son of the Vatican goes all the way back to the secret mystery Greek Cult of Oxyrhynchus.

The City/Cult of Oxyrhynchus lies west of the main course of the River Nile. In ancient times, the city on the site was called Per-Medjed, named after the medjed, a species of elephantfish of the Nile worshiped there as the fish that ate the penis of Ausar (Osiris). After Alexander the Great entered Kemet in 332 BC, the city was reestablished as a Greek town, called Oxyrrhynkhoupolis. In Hellenistic times, Oxyrhynchus was a prosperous regional capital, the third-largest city in Egypt. After Egypt was Christianized, it became famous for its many churches and monasteries.


For some time, the Steyer brothers, particularly Jim, has been a close friend of Kamala Harris, former DA of San Francisco, and State Attorney General. Kamala had been an Alameda County DA in the pipeline of the extremely scary Germanic Clan, D. Lowell Jenson and Edwin Meese III, the Alameda County Mafia.

Steyer was even a member of her SF DA transaction team in 2003. She popped up in the Chauncey Bailey Assassination Case. From what I can remember, it came down from her office that nobody in the city was to touch my cases or the Mt. Zion Spiritual Temple Matter in Oakland. I had been working with a large and prominent law firm in the city warping up the case, when they suddenly dropped us like a hot potato. Through the grapevine in the city, the word was coming down from high up on the chain to stay away from us by such people like DA Kamala Harris. I was extremely puzzled. I couldn’t figure out how she figured into anything. I heard about her as a raising black public political figure, but I really didn’t know who she was. For the large part, I really didn’t dismiss it. I just kept an eye open behind my back.

I had been informed, quiet as kept, about a high level powerful pedophile ring operating deep underneath the surface of the Church in Oakland. I had one crack cocaine female addict tell me some specifics of a wing of it that operated out of a city funded poverty program. Instead of helping them with addiction, housing and employment issues, they were taking advantage of young addicted females as sex slaves. She told about secret “sex parties and orgies” with powerful people.  I had to be extremely careful with her. I always acted as if I was only passively interested in what she talked about. She would drop a dime on you for as little as a nickle bag of crack cocaine.

They had gatekeepers of the pedophile ring in the Alameda County DA’s office. A DA investigator came by my house under the pretext of looking into a fraud and corruption matter involving the Church that I submitted to the office for investigation. I was immediately warned that he was gatekeeper. He was fishing about what I knew about the pedophile and sex ring, and bust me for sometime. As I said before, I immediately named him as a party defendant in a 1983 Civil Rights lawsuit in federal court to try to keep him and the County DA’s office out on a level playing field. With the exposure of Pizzagate, Kamala Harris and things are becoming crystallized.


Cardinal William Levada, right, was archbishop of San Francisco until 2005. He became the second most powerful man in the Vatican behind Pope Benedict XVI of Germany, left above. When Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Levada became head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Levada became second in command of the Vatican as the “papal enforcer.”


Wicked Nazi Joseph Ratzinger

Who was Joseph Ratzinger? ” … Jesuit archival records make reference to a child sacrificial cult known as The Knights of Darkness, established by the Nazi Waffen S.S. Division in 1933 with Jesuit backing. The archives identify former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, as a member of the Knights and as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany, where he participated in sacrificial rites using children transported to the camp or kidnapped from political prisoners.”


Pope Benedict XVI was a participant in the Ninth Circle Satanic Circle rape, killing and sacrifice of children. Cardinal Levada was known as a key architect of the church’s practice of keeping ritual sexual abuse allegations secret, protecting pedophile priests, and punishing church whistleblowers.


Kamala Harris, Dark-Wicked Surrogate of the Ninth Satanic Circle

In SF, DA Kamala Harris helped Cardinal Levada and the Vatican maintain a cloud of secrecy over the rape, molestation and murder of children by priests in SF, than the State of California. She resisted all public records act requests inquiring into the DA and Attorney General’s records regarding Cardinal Levada and pedophile Catholic priests. Harris’ refusal to release any public documents regarding the Vatican and the sexual exploitation and abuse of children was a deliberate policy of protection, secrecy, and cover-up.

Kamala did more than just conceal horrific crimes against poor and powerless state foster care black children by the Ninth Satanic Circle. I believe she fed them (Walnuts) to the pedophiles and the cannibals. What I didn’t know at the time was the Church that I had in fact re-established as a California Religious Corporation had been a secret Masonic network that fed black sex slave children, homosexuals and abused drug addicted young females into the tentacles of the Ninth Satanic Circle.

Soon thereafter, I was poisoned within 2 inches of my life by a woman from inside the County DA’s office. She lived next door. Her husband told me that she worked for a bunch of lawyers. That wasn’t a good sign. I stayed far away from her. On a Saturday afternoon, I was drawn outside to support their daughter’s lemonade stand. When I bought my cup of lemonade, she said that she needed more ice and took my cup inside her apartment. She returned and I began to consume the lemonade and cookie. While I was eating the cookie and drinking the lemonade, she suddenly began to shut down the stand, and started throwing stuff in the truck of her car. I should have been more cautious. However, I drank the lemonade, entered my front door and closed it behind me. As soon as the door was closed, I collapsed on the floor in a fetal position. I was conscious, but there was so much pain in my abdomen I couldn’t stand or walk. So, I began to crawl to a back bedroom. I could see the driveway from the dining room window. I saw her speeding out of the driveway.

I didn’t call 9-11, because I suspected that it was yet another setup. I wouldn’t have survived a hospital stay. I put it in God’s Hands.  Within about 4 (four) months, I was able to recover enough health and strength to get back in the middle of the struggle. While I was at the municipal courthouse in downtown Oakland, I suddenly locked eyes with Kathy, the Black Angel Assassin that poisoned me.  She was walking out the County DA’s office. Like a cold blood snake, she stared at me momentarily- turned her head and walked away. I later discovered that she had been trained in poisons in New Orleans.

The only thing that I can say is God was with me. At times, I followed her around the courthouse. She would be so consumed- high with power and position that I could stand just feet from her, and she couldn’t see me. I followed her between various department court clerks to the County DA’s Office, to the County Sheriff.  Whenever, I saw Kamala Harris’ name on the ballot, I unconsciously momentarily went into trance. I never understood why. Of course, I never voted for the Witch. I couldn’t. But wait, there’s more.




John — Hosting pizza party at Belmont for HFA on April 10. Maya Harris is joining, but need you. Can you come? Thanks much, Tony



Kamala Harris’ younger sister, Maya, is deeply imbedded in the Podestas Pizzagate Email Party Chain. She worked directly under John Podesta at the Center for American Process, and Slick Willie and Hilary Clinton.


Kamala Devi Harris (born October 20, 1964), Hindu, is an American lawyer, politician, and member of the Democratic Party. She is Alpha Kappa Alpha (BOULE). Her pagan patron goddess is Qetesh. As of 2016 she is the Attorney General of California. On November 8, 2016, she was elected to replace outgoing Democratic senator Barbara Boxer becoming the second black woman and first Indian American elected to serve in the United States Senate.

Maya L. Harris (born in 1967) is an American lawyer and public policy advocate. She was appointed to be one of three senior policy advisers to lead the development of an agenda for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She was formerly a senior fellow at John Podesta’s Center for American Process. From 2008 until she took her current position, she was Vice President for Democracy, Rights and Justice at the Ford Foundation. Prior to joining the Ford Foundation, she served as the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern California.

Their late (sacrificed?) mother was Dr. Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a breast cancer specialist, who immigrated from Chennai, India. Dr. Harris had primary custody of the two girls, who were raised in Berkeley, Oakland, and Montreal, Quebec where their mother took a position doing research at the Jewish General Hospital and teaching at McGill University, a notorious CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution.




The extremely scary part about Kamala Harris is that in May 2015, three people (David Henry, Tonette Hayes and Brandon Kiel) linked to the authority of her state attorney general office were busted in San Clarita, CA organized as the Knights Templar Masonic Police Department. They had proper state business permits and licenses. They also had state private security guard permits. Brandon had state attorney general credentials.


Hayes & Henry- Uniform Masonic Police with Uniformed Police Officer

The department claimed long traditional original jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico in “police powers” over Masonic affairs.


They were an uniformed private police force of the Masonic Order. They had badges and black uniforms. Clearly, they told the police that they asserted jurisdiction only over Masonic affairs and business. State Attorney General Deputy Director Brandon Kiel and most likely Tonette Hayes presented official California State Attorney General Department credentials. They informed the San Clarita Police Department that they had opened headquarters in the city. Nevertheless, the police subsequently investigated and busted the trio for impersonating police officers.


Slick Willie, Moonbean Jerry Brown & David Henry

The most interesting part of the trio was David Henry. Henry was, in fact, a HollyWeird Fox News Emmy Award winning investigative journalist. In 2007, he got an Emmy for reporting on Islamic terrorist groups, human trafficking and terror connection between the Tri-Border region of South America. Rev. Tonette and Henry were film makers and producers.

This is a video where the Masonic Police Department (Tonette Hayes, Brandon Kiel) have express authorization from Kamala Harris to represent the California Attorney General’s office in a public meeting. As far as I could see, Brandon Kiel, David Henry and Tonette Hayes were strange Masonic/Scottish Rite advocates, defenders and secret soldiers of Kamala Harris. She knew about them. They worked out of her office. On Monday, April 18, 2016, 47-year-old David Inkk Henry (a.k.a. “Grandmaster Henry X”) suddenly dropped like a sack of potatoes-  dead of a pulmonary embolism just like 43 year old,  Andrew Breitbart.


Grandmaster Henry X dropped dead just hours after he appeared before a judge, reports the L.A. Times. Just hours earlier that day, charges were dropped against his co-defendant Brandon Kiel, Kamala Harris’ Deputy Director. The Grandmaster grew beyond sight of his blood oath covenant of secrecy. That was a death sentence in itself. Henry X became delusional, loud and grandiose- most likely  CIA MK-ULTRA-ED or Artichoked. He was discredited, isolated and then quietly liquidated. The Masonic Police Department has undoubtedly gone WHITE– taken over by deep cover military-intelligence counterintelligence forces. The Masonic Police Department was wrongfully prosecuted, discredited, isolated and removed from the public scene and debate to clear the way for Kamala Harris to move into the U.S. Senate.

David Henry told some people that he had been given a license by law enforcement agencies to pull cars over. What was Kamala Harris using the Masonic police for?  I say that they were secretly  a layer in international human trafficking, transporting and escorting state ward black children and addicted young black women as Ninth Satanic Circle walnuts, and sex slaves just like Jim Jones and Peoples Temple. Is that what Andrew Brietbart was talking about? I DON’T KNOW.


[2] Id.















[17] Id.








20 06 2012

The Man without a Face, the Assassination of Brother Waajid Aljawaad Bey & the Fall of Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.

“My brother was good, honest man who worked hard and never hurt anyone. I hope they find who did this.”


Above, The Pillars of  Oakland’s Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc., the Late Beautiful Faithful and Good Brother Waajid Aljawaad Bey and Late Founder-CEO Yusuf Bey. Combined with about a generation of wise business experience, they craved out a niche in a highly competitive market with products that were all natural, delicious, highly nutritious, and vital to the health of the community.  The firm that they maintained employed about 200 people, and became an institution and  pillar of strength and self sufficiency in the community. Within two years of becoming targets of the U.S. Government’s illegal COINTELPRO-CHAOS Racial Assassination-Divestment Projects, both would be dead. Their institution would lie in shambles to be wiped from the map.

In Oakland, Brother Waajid Bey is a man without a face. 51-year-old Waajid Bey had been a trusted and most able and wise adviser and manager to Your Black Muslim Baker, Inc. and its founder and CEO, the late Yusuf Ali Bey, Sr. Waajid [Carl Hambrick] grew up in Tyler, Texas. He attended the University of Texas on a football scholarship.[1] He moved to San Francisco after college. He worked for many years as head waiter for the Hyatt Regency, his family said. He also operated his own catering business in the late 1980s and early 1990s. After his conversion to Islam, Brother Waajid moved and began his affiliation with Your Black Muslim Bakery chain about 11 years ago [1992].

In 1991, Brother Waajid had earned a degree from the School of Accounting of Golden Gate University (GGU) in San Francisco. GGU is an accredited and renowned educational institutional with a 110 year history.[2] Brother Waajid managed one of YBMB’s stores in Vallejo for about four years but moved back to Oakland after his wife died in 2001, his sister said.[3]

For several years, he served as the manager at Your Black Muslim Bakery’s main outlet at 5832 San Pablo Ave. With Waajid’s education, expertise, wisdom, and undying love for the people, he maintained YBMB, Inc. in order, balance and justice.

In September of 2003 before his death, Yusuf Bey, Sr. had named Waajid to succeed him as YBMB’s CEO and President. On Feb. 29, 2004, five months after Waajid took over as YBMB as CEO, he was adducted while on his way home. It was obvious to anyone that had eyes to see and ears to hear the Oakland Police Department (OPD) wasn’t extending very much effort looking for Brother Waajid.

On July 20, 2004, Waajid’s body was found wrapped in a blue tarp with black duct tape in a shallow grave on a fire trail in King Estate Park off Fontaine Street just below Interstate 580 and the Oak Knoll area.[4] Brother Waajid, the “good” and “honest” man had been a homicide victim.[5]

Eight (8) years after Waajid’s murder, it is obvious to anyone that have eyes to see and ears to hear that OPD isn’t extending very much effort looking for the killers of our Good Brother. He is a man without a face.

“I get the opportunity to work with black people, in a black environment from the top to the bottom,” Brother Waajid, the quiet and humble servant and visionary, told the East Bay Business Times in a 2001 story. “Our success is a result of our efforts, and we represent all black people.”[6]

Waajid Aljawwaad Bey knew that the Corporation, Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc., that he helped built unified in Faith and Brotherhood with Yusuf Bey, Sr. was much bigger and was by nature spiritual, designed to endure individuals and generations.

It represented the very life and “Body of Black People.” It was a BLACK INSTITUTION. The Assassination of Waajid Aljawwaad Bey was much bigger, diabolical and part of a wider conspiracy and criminal attack against Black People and their institutions than you ever suspect.

Those that know-know that Brother Waajid’s assassination and his face will not be forgotten. In their wisdom and genius, the late Yusuf Bey, Sr. and Brother Waajid built a Corporation (BLACK INSTITUTION) among the people that was of an ancient and spiritual design from the very dawn of history and human civilization on earth. It evolved out of cosmic CHAOS into order and balance of the universe.


The word “corporation” derives from corpus, the Latin word for body, or a “body of people.”[7]


The ancient Egyptians called themselves KM or Kam-Au which means Black People or Black God-People, and their country Kemet (Kamit/Khemit), which means land of the Black People and the Black Land.[8] Above, 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III’s grandson, the infamous Tutankhamun, ascended to Kingship (Pharaoh) in the Gorgeous Eighteen Dynasty of Kemet (Egypt) in 1333 BC, at the age of nine or ten, taking the THRONE name of Tutankhamun.[9]

At his young age, Tutankhamun had very powerful and trusted counselors and advisers. King Tut’s trusted tutors, counselors, and advisors included General Horemheb (Military), the Vizier Ay (Priesthood-Political), and Maya (Economics), the “Overseer of the Treasury”. General Horemheb records that the king appointed him ‘Lord of the Land’ as hereditary prince to maintain law.[10]

Under the law, King Tut was a God and spiritual leader of the nation, “the body of the people”. King Tut became one of the most influential persons of antiquity, and his era was known for world peace, justice and harmony among nations; religious awaking, literature and its great works of art.

At the time of King Tut, Kemet was already an ancient land whose kingships, military, priesthood and economic system had been maintained in balance and order by Maat for thousands of years, in virtual perpetuity. It was a BLACK INSTITUTION unified in Faith and Brotherhood.

Corporations, Black Institutions & the Khepresh

In the late 18th century, Stewart Kyd, the author of the first treatise on corporate law in English, defined a corporation as,

a collection of many individuals united into one body, under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested, by policy of the law, with the capacity of acting, in several respects, as an individual, particularly of taking and granting property, of contracting obligations, and of suing and being sued, of enjoying privileges and immunities in common, and of exercising a variety of political rights, more or less extensive, according to the design of its institution, or the powers conferred upon it, either at the time of its creation, or at any subsequent period of its existence.

—A Treatise on the Law of Corporations, Stewart Kyd (1793-1794)[11]

In the Temple of (Atum-Re) Ra in Heliopolis (City of the Sun among the Greeks), as “On” in the bible, and Lunu among the people of Kemet,[12] the Greek Herodotus, the so-called Father of History, had been taught by the priesthood thru documentation that since King Min, 330 pharaohs had ruled.[13]

There is much debate about who the first Pharaoh that unified Kemet was. However, it is generally believed to have been King Min, the historic Menes of the First Dynasty. Menes reign in Kemet is also hotly debated but range between 2320BC to as late as 5867 BC.[14] Herodotus visited Kemet during the Twenty-Seventh Dynasty (404-398).[15]

However you find the date of the reign of King Menes, when the Greek Herodotus visited Kemet it already had been a BLACK INSTITUTION maintained in Maat (Order-Balance-Justice) for several thousand years. When King Tut came to rule during the Eighteen Dynasty, his counselors and advisors had been from the world’s most enduring religious, civil and cultural institution and corporation of people that mankind has ever known. The name, Menes, means “He who endures”,[16] “continue to exist.”[17]

“Christianity and the world’s culture owe much to the Church of Egypt. When the era of persecution ended, it was here that monastic life began to flourish with Anthony (circa 251-356) and Pachomius (287-347) transmitting its ideals to Benedict and the entire civilization of Europe. Here the school of Alexandria with Clement and Origen fashioned a magnificent synthesis, combining the best of ancient Greek thought with Christianity, influencing western metaphysics still today. Here, thanks to Cyril, there was the first definition of the dogma of Theotokos, Mother of God, without which the Church could not be called “holy” and infallible”. Even the name Pope, was attributed first to the Patriarch of Alexandria and then passed to the Bishop of Rome. Still today Copt-Orthodox and Greek-Orthodox patriarchs are still addressed as ‘holiness’, like the Pope of Rome.”[18]

It should be no surprise that the world’s oldest and most enduring corporation is based in ancient African tradition and religion, the Benedictine (Saint Benedict of Nursia [c.480–543]) Order of the Vatican.

The Benedictine Order incorporated in 529 AD[19] comprises monks living under the Rule of St. Benedict, and commonly known as “BLACK MONKS”.[20] Saint Augustine introduced Christianity into southern England in 597 AD. He brought with him the BLACK MONKS, the Benedictine Order.[21] Aurelius Augustinus is more commonly “St. Augustine of Hippo,” often simply “Augustine”] (354–430 C.E.): rhetor, Christian Neoplatonist, North African Bishop, Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church.[22]


The Catholic Church also borrowed quite liberally from Kemetic thought and mythology for their use. Above, St. Augustine and King Tut’s Grandfather, Amenhotep III of the 18th Dynasty, dons the pharaoh’s third crown. The pharaoh’s third crown is the Blue Crown, known as Khepresh.

The Blue Crown was originally a battle crown and may have actually doubled as a helmet. It was blue leather or cloth with gold disks and uraeus. King Tut’s grandfather, Amenhotep III of the XVIII dynasty (who ruled from 1380’s to the 1360’s) was commonly depicted wearing the blue crown. However, the Khepresh is much older.


Above, Amenhotep IV-Akhenaton (THRONE name), and King Tut of the 18th Dynasty donning the battle crown.

Neferhotep III is recorded donning the Khepresh in battle during the 16th Dynasty to expel foreigners from Kemet.[23] Neferhotep called Thebes, “My City.” In other words, this is our BLACK INSTITUION. He is said to be “Adorned with the Khepresh, the living image of Re, lord of terror”.[24]

The Blue Crown became popular during Kemet’s Golden Age when pharaohs were commonly depicted with the battle crown.[25] It shouldn’t be too much of a stretch of speculation to conclude that the very idea of corporation sought to duplicate in a civil form the longevity of the world’s greatest, oldest and most successful and virtual perpetual religious, civil and cultural BLACK INSTITUTION and corporation (body of the people) that mankind has ever known.


The Pharaoh & the Pope


“When crowned, with appropriate rites and prayers, the king could not only forgive sins like a priest, but he became, in a sense, the Vicar of God on earth, the Infallible, and the personated Deity. In this way some see a great propriety in the assumption of papal infallibility. It was truly the top stone of the Church edifice, which was incomplete without it. The Pope now is virtually the successor of the Pharaohs. He is priest and king. He is the thrice crowned. He is the earth personification of Deity, who rules by him. He is the ultimatum of appeal in all questions of faith and morals, as the Pharaoh was. But, until the recent proclamation of the Council at Rome, that the Pope was infallible, the parallel was incomplete; for the deified and adored Pharaoh was assumed to be the Infallible.”[26]

The Jesuits, the Pope’s Private Secret Army

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

Just like the Pharaohs, the Pope has his own military advisors. The Jesuits are one of the Pope’s most important, aggressive and clandestine Military Orders of the Roman Catholic Church. They were found by Ignacio de Loyola (1491 – July 31, 1556), a Spanish knight from a Basque noble family. They are the soldiers of the Pope subject to blood covenants of secrecy and blind obedience to him and the order’s General, known as the Black Pope,

“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

“I am applying the truth I was brought up on.” The truth of the Jesuits’ founder, Ignatius Loyola, whose principles, says Brown, have “worked for 400 years.” – Jerry Brown

Jesuits are also known as “God’s Marines” and as “The Company” like the CIA. In 1958, Jerry Brown above with his father, Governor Edmund G. Brown, completed a three-year study at the Jesuit-seminary Sacred Heart Novitiate. Brown’s fourth year, he was at U.C. Berkeley and graduated a year later with a BA degree. This would strongly suggest that his studies at Jesuit Novitiate were undergraduate work and he completed the fourth year of Jesuit studies at U.C. Berkeley. Four years is generally considered the time required to become a full fledged clandestine Vatican II (infiltrate secular society) Jesuit Priest, a foot soldier for the Pope and the Catholic Church.

CHAOS & Covert Battle for the THRONE


Don’t think one moment that these people aren’t serious about perpetual clandestine spiritual warfare for THRONE. Above, the Great pyramid builder of the Old Kingdom and Forth Dynasty, King Khufu (2551-2580 BC);[27] and FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover donning the North African Moroccan Fez.

During King Khufu’s reign Morocco would have been part of Kemet’s western neighboring country, Ancient Libya called Tmh’.[28] The Fez is undoubtedly African, but its origins reach back to the THRONE headdresses of Kemet at the dawn of human history.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the U.S. Department of Justice initiated a secret wide spread domestic terrorism counter-intelligence program with its wicked sister, CIA, called COINTELPRO to continue to perpetuate an ancient spiritual battle between good and evil, ORDER and CHAOS for world domination which stage had been set in Kemet.

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the FBI aimed at surveillance, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations[29].

COINTELPRO CHAOS tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination.

CHAOS is real. Project CHAOS is the actual code name for an illegal and racialist domestic espionage and assassination project conducted by the CIA.[30]

J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, was among an inner circle Knight of Malta. Knights of Malta are generally synonymous with the medieval Order of Knights of Malta also known as Knights Hospitaller or, among other names, Order of St. John.[31]

Knights of Malta are also a Masonic order closely associated with the Masonic Knights Templar.[32]Knights Templar is the forerunner of European Freemasonry. OPUS DEI is a subordinate organization to the Pope in Vatican City, who controls the Order of Knights.[33]

“All Knights Templar are members of the world’s oldest fraternal organization known as “The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons” or more commonly known as Masons.”

Hoover was also a “devoted” and fanatic Freemason, again, among an inner secret circle of super elite masons directly connected to the racialist world domination agenda of Albert Pike. During the Civil War, Pike was a confederate general, and one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan Post-Civil War. Pike was also a conspirator in the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln; and the plot to keep Black People in a state of perpetual SLAVERY.

Hoover had been raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his 26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many medals, awards and decorations. Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in Albert Pike’s Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[34]

Both Knights of Malta and Scottish Rite Freemasonry are branches of the VATICAN Confirmed Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller of the Middle Ages, both stressed the supremacy of gnosis, or direct knowledge, over faith. They were persecuted, outlawed and suppressed by King Philip IV (April–June 1268 – November 29, 1314) of France [35] and the Pope for heresy, infidelity, and sexual misconduct. Many were burned alive, but most were driven underground along with the treasures of wealth and hidden knowledge from the Land of Canaan.

The Templars, whose full name was “Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon”, were founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.[36]

A secret elite inner circle of Templar Knights amassed enormous power stolen from the hidden treasure troves of wealth and knowledge from Solomon’s Temple in Palestine, Israel (Biblical Canaan) and helped finance wars of some European monarchs. They also dwelled deeply into the Canaanite-Osirian Mysteries of Kemet and took bits and pieces back to Europe to exploit.

A circle of knights also brought the divine and sacred Aset-Heru (Black Madonna) worship to Europe. The knights also secretly identified with and worshipped the Kemetic God Set, the LORD OF CHAOS and followed the Guardians of Dark for world domination of the “THRONE.”

Legends of their hidden treasures, secret rituals and power have been popularized for mass media consumption over the years in films and bestsellers such as “The Da Vinci Code”.[37]

The BEAST Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, Teutonic Knights, CIA & Assassinations and Racial Divestment in California


California’s Resident Nazi SS Officer, Lucifer’s Servant Baron Otto von Bolschswing,

In February 1954, the original Lord of CHAOS Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, was clandestinely brought into the United States by the CIA in the interest of U.S. National Security. SS Baron von Bolschwing had been Adolf Hitler’s original racialist Jewish Affairs specialist and “Economic Hit Man” that designed Nazi Germany’s protocols to systematically steal and divest European Jews of their institutions, businesses, property, wealth and money with a license to KILL. SS von Bolschwing also was a key international war criminal and Nazi espionage spy master. After the Fall of the Nazis, the U.S. Counterintelligence Corps employed SS Baron von Bolschwing and his East European espionage-assassination ring.

Baron von Bolschwing’s work for the U.S. military counterintelligence service in Germany and Eastern Europe is still classified and TOP SECRET. Bolschwing work for the CIA domestically, as well, is still classified and TOP SECRET under national security. The subject of SS Baron von Bolschwing, the U.S. Government and California is a highly classified project all in itself. NOTHING about him is being released pursuant to national security.

Baron von Bolschwing came from a branch of the noble family of Bodelschwingh, an ancient name of a bank of the Rhine River. He was born October 15, 1909 in the village of Szczurkowo (German: Schönbruch), East Prussia on land that since the 14th Century (1302 A.D) had been property of the “Chivalrous” Order of the Teutonic Knights. This line of warrior knights were most likely associated with land grants linked with the ascend of Siegfried von Feuchtwangen (1302-1311 A.D) as the 15th Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights in East Prussia in that same year 1302 A.D.

The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (Official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem), or for short the Teutonic Order (Today: German Order), is a German Catholic religious order of the VATICAN. It was also formed to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals to care for the sick and injured (Germans). Its members have commonly been known as the Teutonic Knights, since they also served as a crusading military order during the Middle Ages

During the VATICAN Inquisitions of the Knights Templar of the Middle Ages, the Order of the Teutonic Knights absorbed their outlawed brothers into their order. During the reign of the Nazis, Baron von Bolschwing and other hereditary knights formed Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s Order of Knights of the Black Sun; the SS. Himmler was a devout Catholic. The SS (Schutzstaffel) was a secret branch of the VATICAN’s Teutonic Knights embellished by exercises, disapline and blood covenants of the Jesuits.

“The SS had been organized by [Heinrich] Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola [Ed. Note: the founder of the Jesuit Order] constituted a model which [Heinrich] Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.”  -Walter Shellenberg ((Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst (SD))

In 1969, America’s most secretive and dangerous man moved into Roseville, just 15 miles outside Sacramento, CA and 84.54 miles to Oakland. Baron von Bolschwing’s spy ring operative, Helene van Damm, was setup as Governor Ronald Reagan’s chief appointment secretary. She screened all of Reagan’s appointments and appointees to state departments and offices. Helene van Damm also signed gubernatorial orders and directives.

Baron von Bolschswing of the Teutonic Knights and CIA was one of Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet secret chief advisors, counselors and racialist economic hit men from 1967 to 1975 with a license to steal and kill under the sanction of the U.S. Government just like out of Nazi Germany. Baron von Bolschwing ran California’s Shadow Government during Reagan and Jerry Brown’s Governmental-Jonestown administration (1975-1983). He ran California’s Project CIA-CHAOS Pacification Plan-War against the Black Panthers, Black Muslims and the Left; and the CIA’s 1978 Racial Mind Control/Medical Experiment and Massacre in Jonestown.

On March 4, 1968, Edgar Hoover issued a target memorandum expanding its COINTELPRO activities against “Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,” and warning that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., among others, could emerge as a “Black Messiah’ who could unify and electrify the Black Nationalist movement.” The target memorandum called for the use of “imaginative” techniques, and required a report on accomplishments within 30 days. Exactly 30 days later, on April 4, Dr. King was assassinated. Hoover’s cooperation with military intelligence units conducting surveillance for more U.S. Government illegal and deadly operations against King has been documented in several studies and books that includes Dr. William Pepper’s book Orders to Kill.[38]

Hoover and COINTELPRO also specifically identified Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam as primary targets of COINTELPRO and CHAOS.[39] It is also clearly unqualified documentation and undisputable evidence that COINTELPRO was a major veiled Luciferian program initiated to suppress the rise of the mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH”, Black leaders and institutions that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony.

The FBI target memo is totally arbitrarily. It targets anyone, both heroes and heroines who could unify and electrify the masses. The covert war against the goals, religious, political and economic aspirations of Black People remains secret U.S. Government official policy.

The U.S. Government’s illegal domestic terrorism policy and mandate against Black citizens is so broadly breathed that its program of CHAOS is advanced if only for evil or a totally white supremacy economic agenda out of Nazi Germany.

It has been clandestinely used to infringe constitutional rights and protections; and the pursuit of independent economic development, and religious freedom and expressions that predates 9-11 for decades.

In the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area, the Bolschswing Racial Divestment-Assassination Protocols (Project CHAOS) and Hoover’s Black Messiah Directive (COINTELPRO) has morphed into Squad 13 with a license to KILL that was found by a federal jury responsible for the diabolical bombing and illegal persecution in Oakland of First Earth organizers, Judy Bari and Darryl Cherney.[40] It is responsible for Crimes Against Democracy (CAD); and the  DESTRUCTION OF OAKLAND’S BLACK INSTITUTIONS.


Charles Alex Gregory, The Man Nobody Knows in Oakland


Above, Charles A. Gregory and his lovely wife, Angela, who was also murdered. He was a beautiful young prince that was darker than blue whose genius was unified in Faith and Brotherhood.

Charles’ plane went down just like John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s small plane in a nose dive that killed everyone on board that included his wife and seeds. Like JFK, Jr.’s assassination that killed him, wife and seed, it had been a clandestine high level CIA governmental domestic crime.[41]

Charles Alex Gregory was born in Birmingham, Alabama. He attended Tuskegee University majoring in Physics. Charles attended Boalt Hall at U.C. Berkeley and earned a JD degree. He had been a gifted U.S. government physicist; U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer and attorney, but his passion and genius appeared to be urban planning and development, real estate financing, development and construction. In the Bay Area, he pioneered in urban redevelopment “infield development.”

Infield development or Infill in its broadest meaning is material that fills in an otherwise unoccupied space. The term is commonly used in association with construction techniques such as wattle and daub, and civil engineering activities such as land reclamation. In the urban planning and development industries, infill is the use of land within a built-up area for further construction, especially as part of a community redevelopment or growth management program or as part of smart growth. It focuses on the reuse and repositioning of obsolete or underutilized buildings and sites. This type of development is essential to renewing blighted neighborhoods and knitting them back together with more prosperous communities. Redevelopment is development that occurs on previously developed land. Infill buildings are constructed on vacant or underutilized property or between existing buildings.[42]

Charles was also a very screw businessman that left little of his genius to chance, faith or providence. By the time Charles introduced city officials, urban planners, developers and investors to infield development as an untapped vast urban redevelopment and renewal design, resource and tool, he had already locked up most of Oakland’s unoccupied, underutilized, and obsolete spaces.

During the 18th and early 19th Centuries, railroads were granted large stretches of public trust lands such as tidelands to run their tracks. The right-of-ways, strip of land, granted through easements or other mechanisms such as “Railroad Charters”, were for solely for transportation purposes.

The right-of-ways reserved were large enough for the purposes of maintenance or expansion of existing services with the right-of-way. These easements and right-of-ways revert to its original owners (State) if the facility or rail lines were abandoned.[43]

Abandoned in 20th Century, the majority of state tidelands, railroad right-of-ways and facilities were left to the wind and rain to become obsolete and blighted properties. Charles had realized the vast potential of these properties and snatched them up by one devise or another.

Behind the scenes, Charles had been quietly building a BLACK INSTITUION locking up obsolete and abandoned tidelands, railroad charter right of ways, and obsolete public school properties which was instant equity that was worth millions.

His family reported that he had a large plot map in his office listing the properties identified by a system of various colored stick pins showing properties that had been secured and those in the process of being secured. Within moments of his plane going down, Charles’ plot map disappeared from the office.

At the time of his death, he also had been somehow involved in the development of a valuable and busy strip mall shopping center (Marina Square Outlet Shopping Center) built on 15 acres of obsolete railroad charter and public school property along the 880 Interstate Highway in San Leandro.[44] The property was acquired by a white real estate speculator and developed in 1993 just after Charles’s death.[45]

Charles’ probate estate attorney, the late Felix Stuckey, secretly shredded all of his court documents linking him to the project. We found the reference to the shopping mall purely by accident. It fitted Charles’ methods, theories and operation. Stuckey had recorded some handwritten probate court notes on the back of one of the shredded court documents.

Unbeknown to the family, U.S. Federal Court files, FBI 302s (investigative reports) and tax documents linked Stuckey directly to the criminal syndicate network of Mr. Steve (Steve Wilson) and the Iran-Contra CIA Crack Cocaine Conspiracy in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.


Additionally, the mop up operation had cleaned out all of Charles’ phone logs for a period of about 6 months prior to his death. In the logs that remained, we found a telephone log to Charles from Denise Smith of Taboloff & Company of Oakland [46] regarding a piece of real property on Skyline Blvd in Oakland. In 1994, she started Royal Reality & Loan Service of Oakland. [47]

In 1993, Stephen M. Wilson, (Mr. Steve) son of Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson, was indicted by a federal grand jury on four cocaine charges: conspiracy and attempting to possess cocaine for sale between May and December 1988, and two counts of using a telephone to negotiate the acquisition of cocaine.[48]

U.S. Federal Court files, FBI 302s and documents also linked Denise directly to Mr. Steve. She had been his close business confident and lover. Stuckey and Smith somehow escaped federal indictment for conspiracy.

Before Charles’ probate estate closed, Felix Stuckey suddenly turned up dead. Vernon C. Goins II of Taylor & Goins suddenly turned up in the Estate of Charles Gregory to collect Stuckey’s highly disputed attorney fees.

Before his death, Charles had become Oakland’s official prime infill developer. At the time of his death, Gregory Construction, Inc. had a substantial agreement with the city to develop most all of its previously developed and underutilized properties as a vital part of its urban redevelopment plans and strategy. After his death, his entire city portfolio of infill lots turned up piece by piece in the hands of Chinese Triads. Subsequently pursuant to our to public records requests, the City of Oakland claimed that it didn’t know Charles Alex Gregory.

Prior to his death, Charles was never quite sure what it really meant when one of his associates made an unsettling comment during a private business meeting to implement a pioneering economic and real estate development plan for the revival of West Oakland. His colleague asked the group. Who is watching Charles? Quite a few extremely dangerous people beside Mr. Steve’s criminal syndicate were watching Charles!


One of Gregory Construction’s last housing development projects was in West Oakland on the 27th hundred block of Adeline Street. The project provided badly needed transitional housing for young Black mothers.

If you passed by 27th and Adeline, you could miss it because it was built on an odd oblong lot nested between existing structures. It was one of Charles’ classic infill projects taking an obsolete lot and turning it into instant equity.

He collaborated in a partnership on the housing project with a well-known trusted community advisor and counselor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter. Gregory’s vision was to create an on-site intensive entrepreneurial university and transitional home for Black students and young West Oakland families.

Charles was also a devoted Christian and gifted musician. He was an out of this world visionary. Charles’ family said that he envisioned reaching goals far greater than the King of Love, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I got to believe that Charles had also been to the mountain top and saw the promise land. He not only saw the promise land, but was there on the ground already building.

In June 1990, the Great Nelson and Winnie Mandela of South Africa made a historic tour of Oakland.[49] He visited Charles’ West Oakland project on 27th Street and admired the young man, his work, concept and vision. Mandela’s visit to Charles’ project put his genius in the national and international spotlight.

While the young Black entrepreneurial genius was trying to turn West Oakland into an oasis of opportunity for its Black residents, a military-industrial-medical-congressional complex sentinel had been clandestinely posted at his door to undermine his efforts and transform West Oakland into CHAOS, a little Buchenwald.

That sentinel that collected at Gregory’s door was that same well known community counselor and advisor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter, one of the most clandestine and dangerous Negroes in America. The late Dr. Isaac Slaughter was a prominent member of the notorious and dangerous group of black collaborators and agents of CHAOS, the BOULE.[50]

He was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Clinic (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest non-therapeutic experiments on human beings in medical history, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[51]

Furthermore, Dr. Isaac Slaughter was a California Department of Corrections head psychiatrist that had a direct connection with CIA doctors and medical mind control experiments MK ULTRA-MK SEARCH and more, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. William W. Herrmann and Dr. Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West at the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville.

The notorious Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence directed by Dr. West secretly targeted Black and Brown people and children for pacification; and MK ULTRA human medical experiments that included among other things brain butchery, psychosurgery, was reportedly the brainchild of Dr. William W. Herrmann. Dr. Herrmann was one of SS Otto von Bolschwing’s Eastern European handmaidens in Governor Ronald Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet.[52]

Before his death, Charles told family that he had become concerned. He had looked up and found out that he had been surrounded. In Gregory Construction, Inc., Charles’ primary assistant, Keith Ragsdale, was a ritually abused victim whose profile set out in the book below was like something out of annals of MK ULTRA. Keith’s mentor and wanted-to-be mentor, advisor and counselor to Charles, Roland Gilbert, founder of SIMBA, Inc. and author of the book, Ghetto Solutions,[53] had been a former inmate of Lompoc Federal Penitentiary.

Just before his death in April 1992, Charles was drawn inside SIMBA, Inc. In prison, Gilbert had gone through some type of MK ULTRA operant conditioning experimental behavior modification program like Timothy Leary. Charles didn’t understand it but SIMBA Inc. was nothing more than Lompoc’s experimental operant conditioning program covertly repackaged as SIMBA’S “The GHETTO SOLUTION” targeting Black children, particularly males that conditioned them and their adult mentors, one of which was Charles Alex Gregory, into “altered states of consciousness” — a hypnotic state used in mind control in which the mind becomes highly susceptible to suggestion. Gilbert’s mind control paradigm program for SIMBA Inc. was straight out of the grand masters of CHAOS and CIA MK ULTRA, Dr. Gregory Bateson, Abraham Maslow and Aldous Huxley’s Esalen Institute; and it singled out and targeted Charles’s independence and genius for obstruction.

Other shady figures surrounding Charles and Gregory Construction before his death pretending to be his close trusted advisors and counselors were former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Commanding Officer and Mayor of Berkeley, Warren H. Widener and his wife, Mary Lee Widener.

Mary was the president of the Neighborhood Housing Services of America (NHSA), a nonprofit agency she helped found in 1974 with $250,000 to clean up the blighted neighborhoods of Oakland, which in 2000 net assets was about $352 million. In that same year, she was chairwoman of Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco.[54] Warren is an attorney practicing law in SS Otto van Bolshwing’s old abode outside of Sacramento, Roseville, CA.[55]

The Widener’s covert design and scheme was to influence Charles to turn over the control and resources of his real estate development empire into Mary’s NHSA for covert divestment. The scheme was bound for failure. Such a scheme struck at the very essence and heart of Charles Alex Gregory. Charles loved the people and his family; and the freedom in the pursuit of happiness. He cherished his independence and freedom of thought and association, and the right to compete in a so-called free market society.

On April 12, 1992, Sunday afternoon, Oakland Black Millionaire and Prince Charles Alex Gregory, 40; his wife, Angela Louise Gregory, 37; and their children, Alexis, 8; Samantha, 4, and Charles Jr., 2 were killed in a plane crash in the Sierra Nevada.[56]

Within minutes of the plane crash, a professional mop up team was in Charles’s office and home clearing out deeds, maps, financial records and bank accounts, documents, computers, hard drives, and phone logs.

Charles’ family said that after his death and the mop up team operation, Mary Lee Widener combed through the office even crawling on the office floor of Gregory Construction, Inc. trying to locate anything left behind. They killed Charles and his family, and deliberately gutted Gregory Construction, Inc., a BLACK INSTITUITON. I am sure if you asked the Wideners and Ragsdale, they don’t know who Charles Alex Gregory is, either.

By the way, we asked the U.S. Air Force about Charles’ reserved officer status. They don’t know who Charles Alex Gregory is, either. In the case of the Assassination of Charles Alex Gregory and his family, we still don the Khepresh and WE NEVER FORGET CHARLES AND HIS FAMILY.



Mount Zion Spiritual Temple (MZST) in West Oakland was founded by a remarkable genius of a man and extraordinary gospel vocalist and musician, the Late Bishop-King Louis H. Narcisse. He was born Louis Herbert Narcisse on April 27, 1921 in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the youngest son of Stella and Jesse Narcisse. His father, Jesse passed before his birth. The youngest of four siblings, King Narcisse came from a deeply religious family. At an early age, young Louis knew that he had been touched by the hand of God. King Narcisse was called into the ministry in the summer of 1939.

The Lord spoke to him in 1943, saying go to California and establish a temple and help my people. The Lord brought a young Louis H. Narcisse to settle in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. Good paying jobs brought thousands of black people West during the war including my father who settled in Oakland in 1939 or 1940.

An extraordinary brilliant, innovative and revolutionary feature of King Narcisse’s church was his “kingdom”. The Church was governed by a monarchy, which included kings, queens, dukes, bishops, earls, princes and princesses, etc., straight out of the book from the Bible (Kings 1& Kings 2) and the Land of Kemet. MZST was ruled by a spiritual King like the Pharaoh King Tut, and that’s why he was referred to by title as “His Grace” King Louis H. Narcisse. It was a BLACK INSTITUTION built in Faith and Brotherhood.

The King Tut Corporation


Pharaoh King and King Narcisse don similar Khepreshes, Ancient Ceremonial Battle Crowns.

There was something else, King Narcisse morphed most all the Church and Kingdom’s real estate holdings into a little known and seldom used ancient ecclesiologic-legal creature called, Corporation Sole. I call it the “King Tut Corporation.”

Corporation Sole is a corporate creature generally recognized by most states of the union. It turned out to be a master maneuver and brilliant strategy to preserve the Church and Kingdom.

In California, Corporation Sole may be formed by the bishop, chief priest or any religious denomination or Church for the purpose of administrating and managing the affairs, and properties of the Church [California Corporation Code, Sec. 1002].

Upon the death of the incumbent, his successor, properly appointed and qualified, takes the place of his predecessor, and no probate or other proceedings are required to vest the title to the church property which, in contemplation of law, remains always in the corporation sole, regardless of who may be, for the time being, the incumbent.[57]

Upon the death of King Narcisse, all properties, whether real or personal of Corporation Sole, is immediately invested in the next succeeding king creating virtual perpetuity KINGSHIP, “He who endures.”

Another important feature of his Church and Kingdom was its reliance on complete “self governance and self sufficiency.” King Narcisse’s dream was to establish a completely self sufficient kingdom community in the Sacramento California Valley. At the time of his death, he had land banked at least twenty or more lots for future development of the Kingdom’s self sufficient community with farms, homes, schools, churches, and hospitals.

King Narcisse lived lavishly as a King, but I discovered that this remarkable man was taking tiles that he was receiving from his predominately Black parishioners and the poor and investing in property in the name of the Kingdom and the Church. He promised, and was quietly preparing a self sufficient place, refuse and safe haven and kingdom for his body of people in their lifetime.

At the time of his death in 1989, the Church institution was richly endowed with real estate holdings in Arizona, California, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico and Louisiana worth I estimate from inside MZST, $500,000,000, about a half billion dollars.

King Narcisse’s ultimate vision was that the Church live perpetually. He unselfishly laid the foundation and the groundwork for the Church to live forever as a self sufficient institutional spiritual benevolent diversified Kingdom nation and a civil-human rights platform for the benefit of our people, and that was a big problem in America.

On February 2, 1989, King Narcisse passed away at 67 years old at his 42 room King’s Palace mansion in Detroit, Michigan. The Kingdom had a church and large following in the city. Some members of the Church believe that King Narcisse was murdered. There are many suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, but there is no doubt as to what happened to the Kingdom of “His Grace” Louis H. Narcisse after his death. It was as if Mount Zion Spiritual Temple, Inc. (MZST) had never existed.

Like Charles Alex Gregory, within minutes of his death, a professional mop up team had breached the King’s Palace in Oakland. His large safe had been entered from the bottom from what appeared to be by lasers or thermal torches and the contents removed. The King’s library at 721 Calmar Street just down the street from the palace  containing the Church’s historic records was sold from under the Church in a series of fraudulent deeds, and the contents of the library disappeared. OPD and the Alameda County Mafia looked the other way.

After the passing of Great King Narcisse, there was a classic church fight revolving around the control of the Church’s Board of Trustees. The Church, MZST, had been incorporated in California as a nonprofit religious corporation, but the genius of King Narcisse had shrouded the true power of the Church into truly classical enigmas of ecclesiastical dogmas, and monarchy dominion.

The reactionary racist cabal and extremely violent fascist forces knew the secret to Narcisse’s BLACK INSTITUTION, and could only penetrate and solve the King’s great ecclesiastical enigma to covertly destroy the Black Kingdom was to get the King’s most inner circle to selfishly look at the trees and “miss the HEAVENLY FOREST” while the Church and its structure collapsed.

In California, the entire multi-million dollar Kingdom was placed into the hands of King Narcisse’s private secretary, Princess Lillian Roberts. Princess Roberts had been a longtime devoted follower of King Narcisse, and parishioner of the Church Kingdom, but she was limited by her extreme lack of education, ecclesiastic credentials, organizational skills and business experience. Under Roberts, MZST, Inc. virtually ceased to function as a Church and Kingdom for the people it served.

She was patently weak and unable to manage the affairs of a multi-million dollar and multi-layered ecclesiastical diocese and a monarchy dominion. The Church headquarters on 14th Street in Oakland had been burnt down and remained in ruins. The King’s Palace in Detroit was also burnt to the ground. That was the plan to keep the Church dysfunctional and in CHAOS until each and every piece of valuable church real property and holdings would be looted and divested piece by piece for pennies on the dollar by white real estate speculators and developers.

In about 2004, I became involved with Mount Zion when a small group of brothers and sisters with a certain amount of dedication, expertise and background that had been assembled by Church bishops, elders and members that wanted their Church to continue. Before the Church Archbishops, Bishops and Elders, I joined MZST and thus officially became Prince Ray.

MZST and King Narcisse wasn’t a strangler to me. Growing up in West Oakland not far from the church, I had visited the Church several times. King Narcisse often greeted us as kids as he rode through the neighbor in his Silver Shadow Rolls Royce.

On Sundays, my mother would often tune our household in on MZST services on the radio. My sister had been fascinated by King Narcisse and his music and attended the Church often. He often helped the poor, powerless and needy. He had a vision for our people. It was a vital Oakland BLACK INSTITUTION. We donned the “Khepresh” to battle the Church’s enemies.

It wasn’t difficult to peel away the layers of MZST to identify the agent of CHAOS. Deeply imbedded in MZST as its chief counsel and advisor we found, Clinton Killian.


Killian is a black Oakland attorney, real estate speculator and a real strange dude. At the time, Clinton Killian was Mayor Jerry Brown’s lackey director of Oakland’s Planning Commission. He was combining with Church trustees to covertly convert and divest the Church’s West Oakland real estate charitable assets to friendly real estate developers.

In one case, Killian had a buyer’s condo building plans for Church property (parking lot) pushed through and approved by the planning commission. Procedurally, the sale of substantially assets of a Church’s charitable assets requires a 20-day notice to the California Attorney General [California Corporation Code, sec. 5913]. MZST had been systematically looted and divested of its valuable charitable assets without compliance with the state’s nonprofit corporate provision set out in sec. 5000 et seq. It is a matter of public record and the California Attorney General’s also deliberately looked the other way while the Church was looted.

A MZST Board of Trustees was called and convened. The Bishops also convened and chose a new Bishop KING to succeed the late “His Grace” Louis H. Narcisse (Sole Corporation). Elections were held and a new MZST Board was elected and installed. The new board removed Lillian Roberts; and Clinton Killian was released as MZST Chief Counsel and Advisor.

The Dragon Snaps its Tail

Betrothed, Killian and Roberts as MZST’s CEO subsequently filed for a temporary restraining order to block the Succeeding KING from managing MZST in order, peace and justice. An Alameda County Superior Court Judge denied Killian and Robert’s motion and application for a restraining order. The judge ruled basically that it had no jurisdiction over an ecclesiastical dispute.

What authority do the civil courts have to review church or denominational decisions regarding the selection of clergy? The United States Supreme Court has ruled that “[f]reedom to select the clergy, where no improper methods of choice are proven, we think, must now be said to have federal constitutional protection as a part of free expression of religion against state inference” [Kedroff v. St. Nicholas Cathedral (1952) 344 U.S. 94, 116]. This principal has been applied in several cases. For example, one court has ruled that it had no jurisdiction to determine whether or not an interim minister was improperly appointed, since “[t]he appointment of a minister to is a purely ecclesiastical matter which should not be the subject of review by a civil or secular court” [Wilkerson v. Battiste (1980) 393 So.2d 195]. This was basically the Law of the Land.

The dragon came out of its cave and snapped its tail. A close blood relative called me to invite me to meet and break bread with VATICAN II Jesuit Priest, Jerry Brown, at his WE THE PEOPLE Warehouse. My relative was a Brown appointee to a local West Oakland board. I wasn’t interested in meeting the Jesuit Priest; and Zen Buddhist Green DRAGON.[58] My relative then spread the message in so many words among my family; I wouldn’t live to control MZST.

By the way, Jerry Brown’s WE THE PEOPLE $4.73 million warehouse and commune [59] that sits on Oakland’s waterfront (California Tidelands) on 3rd Street is spitting distance to railroad rail lines. He didn’t buy it. Access to the warehouse and property had been passed down to him through his father, former California Governor Edmund “Pat” Brown. Pat Brown had one of the early Oakland Board of Port Commissioners. The warehouse and property is public trust tidelands and railroad charter property that belongs to the State of California. Brown sold the warehouse to Covenant House California.[60] It turns out that Covenant House is an arm of OPUS DEI, which ties back into the Knights Templar.[61]

The attorney for the Church, Vernon Charles Goins II of Taylor & Goins, suddenly withdrew from our case. Killian got his civil cause for a permanent injunction and his numerous lawsuits against me into the Alameda County Mafia’s STAR CHAMBER, Cecilia Castellanos’ Courtroom. I wouldn’t go. What does Judge Castellanos and COINTELPRO-CHAOS care about the U.S. Constitution, and Law of the Land?

Previously, she had taken over a frivolous and absolutely bizarre lawsuit against Charles’ brother, John Earl Gregory, for partition and fraud. In summary, the case alleged that Mr. Gregory had made some of Charles’ estate real properties DISAPPEAR defrauding a CHAOS collaborating sibling, Janet Gregory-McCarroll, of her property.

Ms. McCarroll’s chief advisor and counselor was white Oakland Attorney Michael Robert Lauer out of the Alameda County Mafia and CIA’s Handmaiden, UC Berkeley-Boalt Hall School of Law.[62] Lauer has a shaded and shrouded background. There appears to be no public pictures of him. Lauer led almost a decade long perpetual harassment of the Gregory Family to keep them in constant legal CHAOS [Gregory v. Gregory, Case No. RG-05-204857; McCarroll v. Gregory, Case No. RGO7-343536]. His billable hours had to be in the hundreds-thousands. Locked in the trenches in almost hand-to-hand legal battles, he certainly wasn’t getting that type of money out of the plaintiff Ms. McCarroll, the Gregory Family or Charles’ estate. He had to be covertly financed by someone or some entity with extremely deep pockets.

An anomalous tip told us that Lauer’s bankrollers were in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. This would explain Lauer’s frequent trips during court proceedings out of the country in ITALY. Not too long after the tip, Lauer suddenly withdrew from the case and substituted in the infamous black Attorney Faydine Coulter of YBMB, Inc. to cover the road to the VATICAN and continue the dirty work.[63] She was yet another UC Berkeley-Boalt Hall link to the Alameda County Mafia.

Mr. Gregory had been the Alameda County Superior Probate Court’s executor and Officer of the Court in the administration of Charles’ estate. All of the properties alleged to have DISAPPEARED were court file documented sold or deposed of by superior court probate orders.

Judge Castellanos threw Mr. Gregory in jail for contempt when he couldn’t make the properties APPEAR before her during his testimony. She slapped him with over a $300,000, a quarter of a million dollar, judgment to underhandedly permanently sack whatever was left of Charles’ legacy and institution in Oakland.

We prayed and donned the Khepresh once again. We immediately gave notice and demand to the Alameda County Counsel and all of the superior court probate judges that signed orders for sale and disposition of Charles’ estate property that John made DISAPPEAR which included Sandra Lynn Margulies, a former probate judge sitting on the California’s First Appellate District in San Francisco, in indemnify and contribute their portion of liability for making Charles’ real estate DISAPPEAR.

We also issued subpoenas to each of them to appear in Judge Castellanos’ Star Chamber to set forth their defense or lack of defense in the conspiracy of DISAPPEARANCES in the Matter of Charles Alex Gregory.

Subsequently, Judge Castellanos set aside the judgment against Mr. Gregory. Her public record excuse, she didn’t read any of Charles’ probate court records because they hadn’t been copied and entered electronically in the court’s computer system.

In her depraved, evil and corrupt mind, she still said in the public record in McCarroll v. Gregory, Case No. RGO7-343536 that Mr. Gregory had something [supernatural] fraudulently to do with estate property DISAPEARING.


What does Judge Castellanos, the former Mexican National, care about the U.S. Constitution and the Law of the Land? Apparently, absolutely nothing! Her oath of alliance is undoubtedly not in the U.S. Constitution, but a covert and superior blood oath covenant with the VATICAN. She slapped me with an illegal permanent injunction barring me from MZST; and put a million bayonets (Tyrannical State Power) in the Church to block the New KING, and at my doorsteps.[64]

Above, Former U.S. President Bill Clinotn flash Judge Castellanos’ secret Jesuit greeting or symbol of obedience hand gesture to the Jesuit Priest, Jerry Brown.

Attorney Chilton Killian is also a newspaper columnist with Paul Cobb’s Post Publishing Group. He is a close associate to Paul Cobb at the Post, which ties back directly into the Assassinations of Chauncey Bailey, Brother Waajid Bey, and the Fall of Yusuf Bey, Sr., and Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.

The same small circle of ugly heads from the Oakland MATRIX often rise from the Dragon’s Abyss as some sort of secret collaborating and containment team for the LORDS OF CHAOS in the Fall of Black Institutions: Faydine Coulter (Charles Alex Gregory, Yusuf Bey, YBMB), Law Offices of Taylor and Goins (Charles Alex Gregory, MZST, Yusuf Bey, YBMB), Alameda County Mafia Superior Court Judge Marshall Whitley (Charles Alex Gregory, Yusuf Bey, YBMB), Alameda County Mafia Superior Court Judge Cecilia Castellanos (Charles Alex Gregory, MZST).

In death, the Good Brother Waajid joins an unique line and legacy of unsung heroes and heroines like Charles Alex Gregory and King Narcisse, etc. that wanted only to do and leave good works in perpetuity for the people.  In death, Brother Waajid had no marches,  parades or protests for justice. Very few people sang his praises or even saw his face. The Good and Faithful Brother Waajid can’t be forgotten and his killers won’t go unknown.

To add insult to injury, Brothers Ali Saleem Bey and John Bey have been pursuing Waajid’s murder investigation for almost eight years.  OPD has treated Waajid’s homicide investigation as some sort of sick racialist joke. When the Brothers asked OPD about Waajid’s murder investigation; and the investigation of the deadly 2005 assault against Brother John Bey, it’s a joke. They misplaced or lost the investigative files. We are bound to don the KHEPRESH.

Waajid Pic0002_thumb

Our Most Beautiful and Faithful Brother Waajid Aljawaad Bey, you are no longer, “The Man without a Face” and the Black Institution that you helped build into a pillar in the Community will live again.

Part II will explore the Rise of the Young Wolves of YBMB, Inc., the Coup and Conspiracy, Waajid and Chauncey Bailey’s Assassinations, Squad 13 and More.



[3] Id.



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[10] Id.






















[32] Id.





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[63] McCarroll v. Gregory, Alameda County Superior Court, Case No. RG07-343536
