19 12 2017



Need a Little Help Y’ALL.



We were on the eve of celebrating the denial of a key U.S. Senate seat to a dangerous white nationalist-supremacist terrorist and pedophileJudge Roy Stewart Moore of Alabama. It was dismissive and divisive to black males, but black women, in particular, WOKE UP IN ALABAMA and were given credit by corporate mass media for turning out in record numbers to defeat Judge Moore. As a backlash and payback, they got A Black Woman Civil (Psychological) War, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Omarosa and Bye Felicia.


Omarosa Manigault Newman makes a living by selling her brand as an EVIL Black Witch. However, it may in fact be MK ULTRA mind control programming.

A short 2006 special feature film recently surfaced on the internet starring Omarosa called, Soul Sistahs. We know that Luciferians love to persistently display their powers over high celebrities. And, Omarosa is no exception to the rule. The film features Omarosa in a totally unfamiliar character of a MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled and programmed patsy (Nubian Witch)- a Manchurian Candidate of a higher plot to steal some of the hair of “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe“.

Donald J. Drumpf, “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe” that will be repeated again word for word 10 (ten) years later by Omarosa in September 2016.

In the cult film, Omarosa rubbed herself with a lock of Drumpf’s hair. She became empowered with the “Seething Energies of Lucifer.” That’s why she has a spot reserved in Hell, and Lucifer’s Workshop in the Donald J. Drumpf’s Dark Satanic Circle in the White House. She calls the payback for the defeat of Judge Roy Moore, the “Black Woman Civil War.” It is a False Flag. [1]


I saw ABC’s Robin Roberts’ odd reference to Omarosa Manigault and made a mental note of it, “She said she [Omarosa] has a story to tell,” Roberts said. “And I’m sure she’ll be selling that story. … Bye, Felicia.”[2] Like the kettle calling the pot black, it’s noteworthy that Robin Roberts used the entire ABC Network to sell her breast cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS– a type of bone marrow disease), dogs, cats and lesbian affair bestselling book, Everybody’s Got Something (2014).[3] She clearly has been ritually initiated by the New World Order to profit from the public for her story.

Barbara Walters

According to Roberts, she is proud to belong to one secret elite wealthy “big ole [news] sorority” and U.S. intelligence criminal enterprise headed by Ashkenazi Zionist Russian Jew, Barbara Walters.[4]

Infamous Mob Lawyer Roy Cohn, Barbara Walters & Donald J. Drumpf 

During her ABC news television network career, she blurred the lines between news- television networks and clandestine U.S. Intelligence agencies, elite satanic global criminal cabals.

Ronald, Nancy Reagan & Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters acted as a secret agent and mule passing messages from Saudi and Iranian arms merchants to Republican President Ronald Reagan shortly after the CIA Iran-Contra Affair arms-hostage scandal broke. Arms merchants’ Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi and Manucher Ghorbanifar employed ABC television journalist Barbara Walters as a secret agent and conduit to pass on to President Reagan messages and funds according to the Wall Street Journal.[5]

“Adnan Khashoggi mercenary army of global corporate criminals lives in Mafia mansions, basks in the political limelight, enjoys the privileges of royalty in tyrannical desert dystopias, and sips vodka in the shadow of gleaming Moscow spires,” wrote Alex Constantine. “They are kings, Pentagon officials, priests, S&L thieves, assassins, prostitutes, Nazis, Big Oil executives, metals merchants, New Age cultists, drug barons, boiler-room con artists, mobsters, dictators…and terrorists.”[6] 

Manucher Ghorbanifar, Iranian and Mossad operative, and a key player in U.S. Marine Lt. Oliver North’s cocaine and arms smuggling network. Ghorbanifar was a high level CIA asset, and a former Iranian SAVAK (secret police) agent who had very close ties to the Israeli Mossad.[7]

But Walters’ rabbit hole is much deeper than that. She is suspected of being a CIA Artichoke Program agent with her Zionist news crews clandestinely poisoning world leaders (Arafat, Castro and Hugo Chavez).[8],[9] Roseanne Barr insinuates that Oprah and Barbara Walters are MK ULTRA/MONARCH handlers, that holds the triggers of the mind control victims.[10]

I am the first to admit that I didn’t get it at first. I truly had no idea what the Robin Roberts’ coded reference to “Bye [auf wiedersehen], Felicia” and Omarosa was. I couldn’t believe it when I found out the meaning of “Bye, Felicia.” Robin Roberts is a vicious dark circle Cake Walking Coon controlled by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH agent and handler, Barbara Walters.

I am absolutely appalled, hurt and deeply troubled by ABC Network’s reckless and vicious Auf Wiedersehen Felicia reference to poor and struggling women of color in America.

It’s a sick SADISTRACIST low life “chicken shit” reference to the literal extermination of a poor weak young sister in the April 26, 1995 feature HollyWeird film, Friday handicapped, disabled and paralyzed from Iran-Contra – CIA crack cocaine.[11]

Friday is a wicked HollyWeird version of an evening of stereotypical decadence – drugs, madness, infidelity, crime, and widespread violence in the black community as if it was typical. Felicia’s illness, and human dignity was universally dismissed with “Bye, Felicia” like so many hundreds and thousands of wasted lives in black communities around the United States. Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine was/is a global Satanic Dark Circle– CIA genocidal campaign against people of color.

On the streets of Oakland and Los Angeles, I saw the real Felicias that ended up becoming “walking dead” like something out of a horror movie. We have seen it in the entertainment industry- Whitney Houston. THEY MURDERED WHITNEY HOUSTON!

It was a sight repeated from Oakland to Los Angeles and around the world that was so shocking and heartbreaking that I can never forget it or those responsible for it.

The 1980s- early 1990s Iran-Contra CIA crack cocaine epidemic devastated neighborhoods, destroyed families, men, women and children, and led to the mass extermination and imprisonment of hundreds and thousands from Black communities across the nation.

Gary Webb began researching “Dark Alliance” in July 1995 a few months after Friday, the movie, was released. Webb’s series was published in The Mercury News in three parts, from August 18–20, 1996, with one long article and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It was also posted on The Mercury News website with additional information, including documents cited in the series and audio recordings of people quoted in the articles.

The website artwork showed the silhouette of a man smoking a crack pipe superimposed over the CIA seal.[12] The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua had played a major role in creating the trade, using cocaine profits to support their struggle. It also showed that the Contras may have acted with the knowledge and protection of the CIA. The series provoked outrage, particularly in the Los Angeles African-American community, and led to four major investigations of its charges.[13]

In Oakland, I got a rare and brief opportunity to speak directly with Gary Webb on a book tour before he was killed. I could tell that he was afraid to talk with me. But, I kept at him. I said that you said that the first crack cocaine paraphernalia appeared in Oakland. I felt the more people that knew the truth meant the more the CIA had to silence until it was impossible to silence all of us. I pushed him to tell me who he discovered was among the first to push CIA crack cocaine in city. He finally gave me the answer. It was partially true. I knew him very well, Rudolph Henderson.[14],[15] He had been my childhood friend. Rudy was a middle man drug dealer, and I knew who had been his kingpins. I talked to Rudy shortly before he was gunned down. My impression is that he certainly dealt drugs, but he was a Negro street level fall guy for the Gambino NY Mob’s West Coast Drug Syndicate. He hadn’t been initiated into higher levels of the dark circle Satanic Cabal.  As a kid, Rudy was never among the very bright. The FBI, Oakland Police Department, local political figures like Congressperson Barbara Lee knew where the drugs were really coming from.

Behind me listening carefully to Webb and I was a suspected CIA black assassin, Styles Price, who was subsequently arrested linked to the ambush murder of Berkeley Police Officer, Ronald Tsukamoto, on August 20, 1970.[16] Price had been deliberately trying to control Gary Webb’s entire presentation, the brief question and answer session. I knew Price, and he knew me well enough to know that I didn’t play with him so I got my brief audience with Webb.  Webb’sDark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the crack cocaine trade, CIA, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and Black neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism. The 20,000-word series enraged black communities across the nation, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked a vicious backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit Webb’s reporting. And, they play no games.

On December 10, 2004, Gary Webb was found dead in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49 years old. He was found with not one, but two (2) .38-caliber bullets to the head. The coroner ruled his death a suicide. Nevertheless, “Gary Webb was MURDERED,” concluded FBI senior special agent Ted Gunderson in 2005. “He (Webb) resisted the first shot [to the head that exited via jaw] so he was shot again with the second shot going into the head [brain].” Gunderson regards the theory that Webb could have managed to shoot himself twice as “impossible!”  Charlene Fassa, “Gary Webb: More Pieces in the Suicided Puzzle,”, December 11, 2005.

I also took an opportunity to corner Ted Gunderson alone at a 9-11 Truth-Inside Job Conference in San Francisco. I wanted to know what he knew about the FBI’s covert war against Huey P. Newton, and the Panthers in Oakland, but he was shaking so bad that I didn’t push him. After that I spoke to Gunderson once or twice over the phone in Las Vegas, but I got the message that it wasn’t safe to talk about the secret war against the Panthers in Oakland, period. And, I was certain that I couldn’t trust whatever information he fed me.

They didn’t kill Gary Webb to stop him from disclosing CIA secrets. It was already exposed in “Dark Alliance.” They killed him in revenge for doing it as a message to other journalists to don’t even think about it. “Bye, Felicia” is a vicious and EVIL insult and slap in the face of the people. It is a horrifying testament of a Black Holocaust, and Racial Genocide in America.

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman– PRINCE HALL MASTER MASON? 

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman out of Youngstown, OH is a very clever, crafty and intelligent woman. She attended Howard University where she earned a master’s degree, and worked on doctorate in communications. She also received biblical studies training at Payne Theological Seminary in Wilberforce, OH. In the 1990s, Manigault worked in the office of Vice President Al Gore during the Dixie Mafia Bill Clinton Administration. The Mena airport in Arkansas had been used by the CIA for secret Iran- Contra cocaine smuggling operations for a long time under Bill and Hilary Clinton.[17]

In the Clinton Administration, Manigault’s title was initially Special Assistant of Logistics and that she later served as Deputy Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, however, according to an anonymous Gore staffer cited by People, her title was actually Scheduling Correspondent. Manigault, who was 23 years old at the time, was later transferred to the Commerce Department via the White House personnel office. She is a well educated candidate and qualified to work in the White House. She is a strong and very aggressive black woman. If Omarosa is anything at all, she is no dismissive “crack head” feature HollyWeird/CIA creation like a stereotypical Felicia.[18]

Nevertheless, Omarosa appears to be, undoubtedly, a ruthless opportunist and character that will cut your throat for only a few pieces of silver. She famously said, Bow Down to President Trump. “every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.” She was the director of African-American outreach for Donald Drumpf’s presidential campaign. She became Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison with the rank of Assistant to the President.[19]

She is also known as Reverend Manigault initiated assistant minister of Weller Baptist Church in Los Angeles, CA.


The church is associated with the Los Angeles chapter of the Negro opportunist National Action Network (NAN), the civil rights organization founded as a Masonic Prince Hall Freemason front by Prince Hall Master Mason Rev. Al Sharpton in 1991.[20]

Prince Hall Freemason

Weller’s Associate minister, Tony Wafford, is West Coast Director of Sharpton’s National Action Network.[21] In 2011, the National Black Women’s Network, the South Central L. A. Progressive Movement, and the Sistahs of the Black Liberation Movement called Wafford a “sexual deviant and pervert and should not be in a leadership role with any respectable leader.[22] A civil jury in 2011 found him liable of sexually harassing and physically assaulting an employee, Sharon Song Byrd.[23]



Omarosa may have been escorted out of the White House shouting profanities after being told of her firing by chief of staff John Kelly, according to a report by CCN and White House Correspondent, American Urban Radio Networks reporter, April Ryan. Omarosa said that she resigned, and had not been escorted out of the White House. Ryan tweeted. “But Gen Kelly Kicked her out [with] high drama with the [Christian] Minister offering vulgarities and curse words as she was escorted out of the building and off campus.”[24]

In a Don Lemon CNN’s Omarosa segment, he exposed reports that the White House gave permission and a green light to Republican cake walking Negro coons to go after Omarosa after the ABCGood Morning America” interview with the former NFL defensive lineman, coon Michael Strahan and Robert’s vicious racialist “Bye Felicia” comment.[25]

They [White House] told us to take the gloves off,” said coon Ayshia Connors, Former Deputy Director of African American Engagement at the Republican National Council (RNC).[26] It turned out that secret Masonic coons, goat men, and Negro Shrills across the board also got the green light to go after Omarosa. Her exit from the White House has black Republicans jubilantly clowning and declaring “the Wicked Witch is Dead.”


Manigault was a ‘tyrant,’ ‘a manipulator,’ ‘a user,’ and ‘a liar’ who kept other African-Americans out of the White House on purpose, said Sean Jackson, chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida. Other black leaders celebrated Manigault’s demise for the same reasons, with one, the Maryland GOP’s Eugene Craig, telling, “She wanted to be the only [Head Negro in Charge] senior black Republican in Trump’s orbit.”[27]

She was also cooned over the national airways on CNN by cake walkers Symone Sanders, Angela Rye, and April Ryan. They are all Bill/Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Bernie Sanders Negro lackeys.


Symone D. Sander is a new Transsexual Topsy (teeth, mouth and all) out of Uncle Tom’s Cabin on the corporate mass media news’ block.

She is a new CNN Democratic strategist and political commentator. [28] Black Lives MatterLink Symone D. Sanders was a volunteer organizer with the D.C.-based Coalition for Juvenile Justice, and a member of the Omaha (NE) Chapter of the Links, Inc. The Links is an exclusive elite Negro Third Race women’s social- Masonic secret society.

The Links official colors are white, and Emerald GreenGreen Emerald is associated with the Occult, the Fallen Angel– Lucifer, and Mysteries of the Green One- Ashur (Osiris)[29] Symone Sanders grew up in Omaha, attended Sacred Heart [Catholic] High School and graduated from Creighton University in May 2013, worked as a community outreach manager for the Empowerment Network in Omaha. She was the national press secretary of the crooked mystic Kabbalah- Zohar Zionist Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.[30]


I have covered Angela Rye as a black female mentacide victim of the “Sunken Place”. So, I am not going to repeat her suspect ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programming, but I wouldn’t trust her independent judgment. She makes a lot of sense at times until it comes to the Democratic Party, Black Congressional Caucus, John Podesta, Bill and Hillary Clinton, then reason and common sense goes out of the window.[31]


April Ryan- Part of the Dark Circle Masonic Satanic Brotherhood

After being exposed as a Hillary Clinton shrill in the White House Press (WH) Corp, April Ryan has been turned into one of Drumpf and Sarah Huckabee Sander’s favorite WH press corps pets. It was exposed thru leaked emails pilfered from John Podesta’s email account and published by WikiLeaks that demonstrated a close off-the-record personal relationship between April Ryan, John Podesta and the Clinton camp. At one point in April 2015, she even suggested a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). She had contact with Marcia Louise Fudge, U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 11th congressional district, and Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district.[32]

Many including myself were in the dark in a bizarre exchange between Drumpf and Ryan at a WH February 2017 press conference regarding setting up a meeting between him and the CBC. Ryan pointed out to the president that she was a journalist and that, while she does know members of the CBC, that’s not her role. We now know that Drumpf knew that she was lying. They had the WikiLeak emails between her and Podesta as early as September 2016 where she proposed to setup a meeting with CBC and Hillary Clinton.[33]

April Ryan to Podesta: “FYI [for your information] I also just talked with Marcia Fudge and Sheila Jackson Lee,” she wrote on April 18, 2015, referring to representatives from Ohio and Texas, respectively. “Also, Lets make the black reporters meeting happen asap.”[34]

The email was a follow-up to a request Ryan made earlier that day for Clinton to meet with black reporters. The subject line read, “Hillary Clinton needs to sit down with black reporters fast. Her efforts in the black community are not resonating.” Ryan wrote: “I would love to be a part of this sit down hopefully in DC.”[35]

April’s relationship with the John Podesta and the Clinton Camp was extraordinary uncommon for an alleged independent reporter. Email to Podesta, “I am going on MSNBC hardball is there anything I should say about Hillary Clinton on the show!” On April 18, 2015, Ryan asked the Grey Wolf Cannibal, and vile notorious child murderer, PIZZAGATE elite pedophile, and Satan’s Son, John Podesta AKA Skippy, for help in preparation of her words in praise of Lucifer’s Worship for her upcoming appearance on “Face the Nation.”[36]

Congressperson Lee and Freemason Elizabeth Aldworth- First Lodge of Ireland

Congressperson Sheila Jackson Lee is Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). AKA is associated with Canaanite Goddess Qadesh or Qetesh. In Kemet, she is Goddess Hathor.

Marcia Fudge and April Ryan, Secret Society Freemasons, Undoubtedly

Marcia Louise Fudge and April Ryan are Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sisters- Patrons of the Greek Goddess Minerva. [37],[38]

In February 2017; Omarosa confronted April Ryan in the WH press room and accused her of fronting,  and secretly being on the Podesta and Clinton camp payroll. [39 

In April 2017, April Ryan was selected as the “2017 Journalist of the Year” by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). The annual award recognizes a black journalist who has a distinguished body of work that has extraordinary depth, scope and significance to people of the African Diaspora. So, did the Cannibal John Podesta write her acceptance speech? What a joke and fraud perpetrated against the beloved people! [40]

Omarosa Manigault NewmanAngela Rye, Simone Sanders and April Ryan are all a bunch of back stabbing Coon- Cake Walking House Negroes of Uncle Tom’s Cabin that nobody should no longer trust.



Two (2) more sick elitists Masonic Tea Party [Maquis] de Sadens have fallen from the seats of public power, authority, and trust, U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold, and Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson. Rather than face the public on pedophilia charges, Dan Johnson actually committed suicide.

Congressman Blake Farenthold- THE MASONIC MISOGYNIST SLOB 

Blake Farenthold is known as the Tea Party Caucus congressman from Corpus Christ. Blake is a member of very elite wealthy, powerful, and prominent Catholic Corpus Christi families, and bloodlines of Belgian aristocracy. The Bluntzer-Dougherty-Tarlton-Farenthold family tree abounds with all the requisite characters for a Texas dynasty: Civil War officers, oil and cattle men, lawyers, and landholders. His Alsatian great great-great-grandfather, Peter Bluntzer, brought forty families to settle the South Texas county of DeWitt in 1843. Alsace is located on France’s eastern border and on the west bank of the upper Rhine adjacent to Germany and Switzerland. His Irish great great-grandfather, Robert Dougherty, helped settle San Patricio and founded the first boys’ academy in South Texas. Great great-grandfather Nicholas Bluntzer, a Nueces County pioneer, served as Robert E. Lee’s scout during pre–Civil War punitive expeditions against the Comanche. One of his great aunts Genevieve Tarlton Dougherty, a well-known philanthropist, was conferred the Lady of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre by Pope Pius XII, one of the highest honors the Catholic church accords a laywoman. [41]

Blake’s step- grandmother was Frances Tarlton “Sissy” Farenthold, a former U.S. politician, attorney, activist, and educator. She is best known for her two campaigns for the office of Governor of Texas and for being placed in nomination for the office of Vice President of the United States during the 1972 Democratic National Convention.[42]

Blake’s father, Randy Farenthold, washed ashore on Mustang Island. Chains were wrapped around his chest, along with a forty-pound concrete block around his neck. Years later it would emerge that he had been murdered for threatening to testify against four Las Vegas associated Mafioso who had swindled him out of $100,000.[43]

Born elite and wealthy, Blake never had to work a day in his life. He is a dark Masonic misogynist and sadistic pig, and has little regard for the rights and dignity of common people.

Congressman Farenthold ran his office like “a frat house,” per the New York Times, and frequently bullied and harassed his staff; including making lewd comments about women and calling staffers degrading names. Farenthold was sued over accusations of sexual harassment three years ago; paid $84,000 in taxpayer money to settle charges of sexual harassment filed by a former aide, and is the focus of an open Ethics Committee investigation into behavior that has been described as both verbally abusive and sexually demeaning.[44]


Danny Ray Johnson was an evangelical pastor, and Republican member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, representing the 49th District in 2017. He was a Tea Party activist with community ties through the Heart of Fire Ministries, a religious organization he ran in Louisville.[45] 

In early December this year, Johnson was accused of having molested a member of his church in 2012 when she was 17 years old. Johnson refused to resign, stating the allegations were untrue, and committed suicide two days later.[46]

He was a dangerous vicious racist of the South’s 2nd Civil War Confederacy that would burn down all of America to replace the EVIL institution of slavery- African Human Bondage.

In 2016, while running for office, he posted ultra racist photos on his Facebook page that made President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama a pair of monkeys. He didn’t give a damn who it may have hurt or offended.[47]

People of Conscious- Stay on Focus, and Don’t Let the Spin Get You Down!  They also killed Donny. He stays so alive in my heart. I have said enough.















[13] Id.













[26] Id.







[33] Id.


[35] Id.

[36] Id.













2 12 2016



I just took a moment to recall a rare godly spirit and “TALENT” that stirs my very soul. They slayed the “BLACK DIVA” in cold blood as if she was a Queen Ahhotep I or Queen Ahmose-Nefertari- Spiritual Saviors of the People. Even before Aretha Franklin began to sing the opening national anthem Thanksgiving night at the Detroit Lion’s football game, my impression was that it was a trick from the beginning.


The NFL were well aware of her planned performance, and ability to perform. Aretha, once was also able to soar into other dimensions with the voice of God like Whitney. She was drugged and suppressed, too. Her spirit was dumb down, and her wings were clipped by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH. German doctor, Dr. Max Jacobson claimed that his drug concoction was given to the Nazi military, making them more vicious. Dr. Jacobson even believed that the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, became addicted to his drug. He drugged the president, JFK, and the BLACK DIVA of the 1960-70s- Aretha Franklin. She called him what the U.S. Secret Service called him, Dr. Feelgood.

The NFL ILLUMINATI deliberately put the former Black Diva on worldwide TV only to humiliate her and people of color. 4+ minutes, I sadly turned away only after 15-20 seconds. They have tried to replace the musical genius Cult of the Singing Black Divas with false Gods, prophets, spirits, gospels, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.




Kim, Kanye, Raiders of the Lost Ark & the Satanic New World Order Want YOUR MINDS!

First, Kanye West has just been released from a psychiatric ward this morning. They also drove Whitney, insane. The Satanic ILLUMINATI Music Entertainment Industry is the same game. However, there is a very big difference between a Kanye and a Whitney. Whitney was a mega international superstar, because she was one of these types of talents that was so rare, utterly so “divine” and wonderful that it was manifest to anyone that could hear with their ears, see with their eyes, and feel with their hearts.

No, it wasn’t about his mother’s blood sacrifice, Kim’s False Flag Robbery, drugs, alcohol or godly talent that got Kanye swept up and put in padded psych ward. It was about forbidden truths and blood oath covenants that got Kanye seized and his mind cleansed. It was all about those Raiders of the Lost Ark.


The November 2015 cover of Cosmopolitan magazine crowned the Kardashians as America’s First Family. There is something wrong this picture other than the slap in the face of the Obama Presidential First Family. There are no males in the picture even though the matriarch, Kris Jenner, has a natural son of her body. These are women born of spirit and gods as if they were born on Mount Olympus.


Yet, during the biblical era their claimed roots of origin may have in fact overshadowed Mount Olympus for generations. Biblical tradition had been assumed to be the ultimate authority on the origin and history of humanity, that origin being Mount Ararat on which Noah’s Ark made landfall after the Deluge. Mount Ararat was a part of Armenia until the Armenian Genocide in 1915.[1]


Indeed, Mount Ararat is a majestic, strange and spiritual place filled with superstitions and myths. It is extraordinary that if you place a compass point on Thebes in Kemet you can draw an arc through both Dodona in Greek mythology and Metsamor at the foot of Mt. Ararat where a possible group of Noah prototypes may have lived in a remarkably advanced stone age community. These places are known as oracle centers interwoven and tied into the cosmos of the universe, and Sirius Star mysteries.[2]


The Satrapy of Armenia was a region controlled by the Orontid Dynasty (570-201 BC) was one of the satrapies of the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th Century BC, which later became an independent kingdom. The region and the people under the Ararat Mountains go back to the days of Noah and the Great Flood. Hayk is the legendary patriarch of the warring Armenians and a great-great-grandson of Noah, who, according to the 5th-century AD author Moses of Chorene, defeated the Babylonian King Bell in 2924 BC and established his nation in the Ararat region.[3]


The Kardashians claim to be Armenians. They are a guild or a lodge of the Armenian Apostle Church. The Armenian Apostolic Church is the national church of the Armenian People. Part of Oriental Orthodoxy, it is one of the most ancient Christian communities. Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity as its official religion in the 4th Century. The church claims to have originated in the missions of Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus in the 1st Century AD.[4]


It’s About ILLUMINATI Mass Population Mind Control 

Don’t get it twisted. These women are not related to the deep Kemetic Sirius Star spiritual mysteries, because the fruit that fall from their trees do not in no way reflect MAATTruth, Justice, Balance and Righteousness. They possess the keys and passwords to some stolen mysteries passed down as secrets over the generations thru their wicked lodges and guilds, but not even Lucifer have the power or knowledge to purify or illuminate the remote zone of the crust of its potential. Yet, they are still powerful Luciferian adversaries of the people with what they know. This is FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.


What do these women do in reality? They don’t necessarily have any talent for anything other than being, A CULT of Kardashians. In complicity with corporate mass media, and the New World Order, they are very sophisticated learned controllers and manipulators of people, images and ILLUSIONS. Ask yourself. What do they really do and what contribution do they actually make to the world society?


Kanye West, Kardashian Cult Member

On Thanksgiving Day 2016, America’s First Family celebrated their Thanksgiving family gathering without Kanye West in mind or matter. He was confined in an UCLA psychiatric ward 5150. Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code authorizes a qualified officer or clinician to involuntary confine a person suspected to have a mental disorder that makes them a danger to themselves, a danger to others, and/or gravely disabled.[5]

Kanye was taken to the psych ward handcuffed on a gurney. Dehydration and sleep deprivation turned into a mental disorder and grave disability. Yea- right. He is reportedly on suicide watch, due to “delusional” behavior before being transported to UCLA Medical Center. He is allegedly “having hallucinations, and is paranoid,” according to inside sources. Right before being taken to the hospital, he screamed that people were trying to kill him.[6] He was also afraid of the doctors, who he refused to be touched by when he was rushed to the hospital on Monday, November 21, 2016.[7] The clinician that declared Kanye 5150 was Dr. Michael Karzam of Cedar Sinai Hospital of Los Angeles. The Cedar Sinai Hospital roots go back to the Jewish Bikur Holim Society.[8] The earliest Jewish Bikur holim society on record dates back to the Middle Ages. Bikur holim comes out of Torah and the Talmud.[9]


The Talmud encompasses specific teachings involving demonology, legends and myths. Regarding demonology in Europe, author and historian, Nesta Webster wrote of the preoccupation of the Talmudic rabbis with demons. The Talmud teachings are entwined with magical practices and superstition. [10]


Quasimodo Kanye West & the Putto

Yes, Kanye West had been indoctrinated into the Cabbalistic medieval 16th Century hierarchy of Angels, Cherubs and Putti.

“Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions. The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body. Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant…”[11]


The night that Kanye went 5150, America’s First Family were in New York City on Cipriani Wall Street for the 20th-annual Angel Ball. The late Robert Kardashian, one of Kanye’s guardian spirits, was being honored that evening. The first ladies off of Mt. Olympus attended the gala affair except Kim Kardashian. The matriarch said not one word about her infamous son-in-law being in the trouble of his life.


The Angel Ball is sponsored annually by Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research created by the Masonic Polish Jewish descendant, “Lady Joy“, Denise Rich (Reich).[12]




Most of the Jewish political leaders, including bankers, business men, military officers and industrial leaders, have embraced Zionism which is a Cabalistic system working to bring their messiah into power. These people have rejected the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and have embraced the Luciferian teaching of the Cabala.”[13]


Denise was married to Lucifer’s Banker, multi-billionaire- Marc Rich (Reich). An international Zionist criminal, Rich would later tell biographer Daniel Ammann that he had made his “most important and most profitable” business deals by violating international trade embargoes and doing business with the apartheid regime of South Africa, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania, and Augusto Pinochet’s Chile among the clients he serviced. According to Ammann, “he had no regrets whatsoever….[14]

The secret dirty dealings of Marc Rich were interlocked with U.S./French/Israeli espionage-linked Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI, and the Vatican.

A principal partner to Marc Rich and his pirates has been the Family of George Herbert Walker Bush—that is, the Elder Bush and his sons, George W., Jeb, and Neil. As shown by secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, the Bush Family laundered the proceeds from worldwide illegal dealings through a joint account with the Queen of England, through the Bank owned by the British Monarch, Coutts Bank London.”[15]

Marc Rich was a major asset of the CIA, Mossad, Russian Jewish Mafia, and the Vatican. Denise, a demoness, was right in the middle of all of Marc Rich’s international criminal enterprises. Marc and Denise would sell sulphur to SATAN.

Her maiden name, Denise Eisenberg, appeared in the Federal Register on April 30, 2012 in a quarterly list of Americans who renounced their U.S. citizenship and permanent residents who handed in their green cards primarily to avoid paying taxes. (


Denise is a hub of international political corruption. She was directly involved in paying bribes to the Clintons thru the Clinton Foundation to buy her husband’s presidential Bill Clinton pardon. She gave $450,000 for the Clinton Library; more than $100,000 for Hillary’s Senate campaign; more than $1 million for the Democratic National Committee, not to mention many millions more raised at Democratic fund-raisers in her apartment.[16]


Denise is a New Age devotee. She consults with gurus and psychics. She says that Jews don’t usually pray to angels. That isn’t true at all. Judaism has so many angels in religion that they have an angelic hierarchy, and an angelology. And Denise, most likely, knows all of them. King Solomon had secret formulas and a ring that conjured up and controlled both angels and demons.[17] They also conjure up the power of angels, devils, demons and spirits thru ancient secret BLOOD rituals. Actually nevertheless what she claims, Denise fervently believes in calling on angels and spirits for everything. Even King Solomon discovered that demons were among the angels that were called forth. She says, “I got a whole angel chorus up there humming. I really believe angels are happiest when you’re happy.” After she petitions HER angels, she claims.[18]


So, what is the connection between the late Marc, Denise, and The Angel Ball calling forth the spirit of Robert Kardashian, above, for special recognition and honors? Marc and Denise ran the Russian Jewish Mafia.[19]

Kardashians, Russia & Rasputin


The Masonic stone carver Kardashian (Kardaschoffs) family moved out of Russia into Turkey during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II (1894-1917).[20] For the record during that time, Nicholas and the Russian Royal Court had fell under the mysticism of Rasputin, an alleged Khlysty. They were a CULT OF RASPUTIN.


Rasputin with the Masonic Clawed Hand had the Russian Royal Court all spellbound by Spells, Magick, Mesmerism, and Sex Magick.


Before Rasputin came upon the royal court of Russia, he was first prepared by French and English Freemasonry through Rosicrucian, Martinist and Mizraim Masonic Lodges.[21]


The mystic Molokan/Khlysty Kardaschoffs were associated with the Russian Lodges associated with Rasputin and favor of Nicholas II. The Molokan/Khlysty mystic groups were escorted out of Russia into Turkey under Russian army guard and protection. Robert Kardashian worked part of Rich’s Russian Jewish Mafia in America thru the BLOODLINE Masons, and the ancient secret Molokan/Khlysty Masonic Lodges.

What is the demoness’ interest in the Hip Hop generation and Kanye West? Denise is a Grammy nominated popular music songwriter and a rhythm-and-blues lyricist that worked with singers such as Sister Sledge, Phyllis Hyman, Celine Dion, Jessica Simpson, Marc Anthony, Patti LaBelle, Chaka Khan, and Diana Ross.[22]

Denise is a rabbit hole of the CIA, Mossad, Russian Jewish Mafia, and the Vatican. All of these forces are directly involved in the covert control, and management over the Black Entertainment Music Industry. They intend to transform the Hip Hop Generation into a Satanic New Age Reform Movement.


Denise’s Angel Ball was a gathering of spirit worshipers, demonologists, and angelologistsKardashians, discussed below. The ball of angels was no more or less than a secret kabalistic ritual that passed a spell of demons and spirits to BLOOD oath sacrifice of an offending cult member, Kanye West. Naturally, these people raised money to support the nation’s leading cancer research scientists whose work focuses on finding less toxic treatments for those living with BLOOD cancers.[23] Yes, it’s about the BLOOD, too.




“can I devil worship with the new iphone?? LOL”
—Kanye West

Kanye West’s trouble began when he sold his soul to the DEVIL. There is nothing to argue about whether or not he sold his soul to the DEVIL. He admitted it, himself. “I sold my soul to the devil that’s a crappy deal. Least it came with a few toys like a happy meal. This game you could never win.”[24]


Don’t get it twisted. You shall know them by their fruit. Both Quasimodo Negroes Lamar Odom and Kanye West have been medically certified to have been driven out of their minds.  The Kardashians are not of the prehistoric divine and spiritual people that settled at the foot of Mount Ararat in Armenia after the prehistoric Great Flood. Those people left ancient footprints that linked them to the oldest known and continuous civilization known to mankind.


Prehistoric Footsteps with Eye of Ra on a mountainside in the Land of Kemet, right- Footprints Found at the Footsteps of Mount Ararat, Armenia. 


left, Prehistoric Footprints of Mt. Ararat, right- The Ancient Land of Kemet 

The Kardashians represent part of the warring pagan hordes that swept down out of the Caucasoid Mountains on the civilized world during the Bronze Age with weapons of bronze plundering, and killing every man, woman, and child in sight. So, if Kanye knew of all this about the DEVIL in the first place. Why did he still sell his soul to the DEVIL? He didn’t trust and respect the wisdom of his elders and ancestors.

During the late 1960’s, I was asked to join a black Greek “divine nine” letter fraternal order to help radicalize it so that brothers could live in dignity within the organization. Of course, I declined. I trusted the wisdom and warnings of my elders. I had to willingly go through the Third and Final Rite of Acceptance to become a member. I had to vow an allegiance, and pledge my soul to a Greek gods like Zeus or ApolloTHINGS not of our nature. It was like taking the Red Pill inside the Matrix. I turned by back and RAN!

Quasimodo Negroes & Kanye West


Don’t get it twisted. I call brothers like Kanye West Quasimodos not out of love and respect for them, but because they have done exactly that- taken the Red Pill inside the Matrix then dwell forever in Wonderland. They have willingly chosen and joined blood oath union with forces that treat them like, and render them “quasi-men” as a matter of rule and nature.


It’s like brothers that became confederate soldiers during the Civil War to fight to maintain themselves and their people enslaved 3/4’s human- less than men. Quasimodo Negroes are programmed MK ULTRA MONARCHS that will “CUT OUR COLLECTIVE THROATS”.

akanyerebelFirst, it is no game. Yes, it was a struggle and battle that Kanye could never win from within Lucifer’s workshop and den.


The Negro even calls him “Yeezus” like it’s a some kind of new savior. He has been completely brainwashed- MK ULTRA-ED sealed with by league of demons attached to him, and a blood oath covenant that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Quasimodo  just didn’t go crazy a week ago. He has been insane for quite sometime. I am sure that he grew up with the same Black spiritual and religious values passed down from generation to generation- Lucifer and strange religions- RUN! He had been warned. Yet, he still sacrificed his own mother to run to join leagues with the DEVIL.


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West leaving a Kabbalah Center

Yes, Kanye West had been indoctrinated and initiated into the demonic Kabbalah.

Kanye West & the Spirit of Robert Kardashian


In tribute of his recent album and tour, The Life of Saint Pablo, he gave credit to his late mother Donda West and father-in-law Robert Kardashian for watching over the production of his album. Of the late Kardashian, West said, “He’s still doing deals for controversial black people from up in heaven.” It is a reference to Kardashian’s work on the OJ Simpson Defense Team.[25]


Most philosophers would understand the guardian spirit of a mother to her child. A Mother’s Love represents one of the most powerful spiritual forces known to mankind. It comes naturally, but Robert KardashianKanye never met the man. That spirit had to have been conjured up, unnaturally. And that spirituality was completely alien and contrary to Kanye’s natural spirituality. Robert Kardashian was a pious member of the Armenian Apostle Church. His mother attended St. James Armenian Church in Inglewood, California. Kardashian was associated with an Armenian Russia Mafia laundering money, drug trafficking, escort prostitution services, and sport bookings and gambling rings.


All of the lovie dovie and heartwarming interracial friendship BS stories between Kardashian and OJ Simpson aside, their criminal enterprises along with AC Cowlings centered around Joey Ippolito, above, second generation Mafia. He was one of several powerful successors of Meyer Lansky.[26]


OJ Simpson’s best friend along with Kardashian, Cowlings, was “allegedly an occasional bodyguard to Ippolito. When police came to arrest the gangster and found Cowlings visiting, they also questioned him about Joey the Ip’s [sic] business.”[27]

In an August 24, 1994, Boston Herald article by Ralph Ranalli on the Joey Ippolito-Cowlings-Simpson connection,”Cowlings was a close associate of New Jersey Mafia soldier Joseph ‘Joey’ Ippolito when Ippolito was running a popular Santa Monica restaurant — and a thriving cocaine-dealing business…. Telephone records for the restaurant, obtained by federal prosecutors and the FBI in Los Angeles, also show calls from Ippolito’s restaurant to O.J. Simpson’s Brentwood estate…sources said.”[28]

Robert Kardashian’s religious and spiritual roots are centered in Eastern European Prguny. His great-grandparents, Saghatel (“Sam”) and Harom Kardaschoff, were ethnic Armenian Spiritual Christian Prygun.[29] The Kardashians were ancient “stone carvers“.[30] Stone carving is one of the processes which may be used by an artist when creating a sculpture, and refers to the activity of Masons in dressing stone blocks for use in architecture, and building churches and temples.[31] The Armenian Masons were extremely active in Temple building projects in ancient Jerusalem.+

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian & the Armenian Holy Archangels Church of Jerusalem


The Armenian Holy Archangels Church of Jerusalem is situated within St. James Convent. It is known as the wedding chapel. Armenian couples take their vows in this 12th-century stone church. However, the Holy Archangels is also known to some as the House of Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the High Priest (John 18:19-24). There, they believe, Jesus was brought after his arrest in Gethsamane to await trial with the high priest. Church tradition says that Jesus was tied to an Olive Tree on the premises, and that olive tree still exists today.[32]


Kanye, Frightened North at St. James Cathedral in Jerusalem

The Hebrew word for angel is “malach,” which means messenger, for the angels are God’s messengers to perform various missions. Michael and Gabriel are recognized as archangels in Judaism, Islam and by most Christians. Protestants recognize Gabriel as an angel but consider Michael to be the only archangel. Raphael– mentioned in the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit is recognized in Catholic and Orthodox churches.[33]

The Holy  Archangels  Monastery has  been  under  the  care  of  the  Armenians ever  since  the spread  of Christianity,  its  foundation  was laid  by Greek Queen Heghine  (Helen),  the  wife of King Abgar V of Edessa. Edessa was Armenian Mesopotamia’s capital city. The County of Edessa was one of the first Christian kingdoms established after the First Crusade.[34] The Seljuk Turks who drove the crusaders out of Edessa on Christmas Day in 1144.[35]

Christians had been defeated at the Siege of Edessa and most of the county had fallen into the hands of the Seljuk Turks. The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the other Crusader states were threatened with similar disaster. Deputations of the bishops of Armenia solicited aid from the pope, and the King of France also sent ambassadors. In 1144, Eugene III commissioned Bernard to preach the Second Crusade.[36]

Ancient  records  state  since  time  immemorial  these  have  been  Armenian properties  in Jerusalem,  their  construction  ascribed  to  Queen  Heghine,  “who  is the first founder of the Holy Places.”  Atajanian  reports  that  these  places  since  that  time  have  been  protected secretly  and  openly  by  Armenian  monks  and  faithful  hermits  until  the  time  of the second Heghine (Helena), the mother of Constantine the Great.[37] The Armenians are still secret blood oath guardians of Jerusalem’s Holy Places.

Blood Oath Armenian Stonemasons were significantly involved in construction of the Holy Places in Jerusalem since the construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The church was consecrated on September 3, 335 AD.


On April 13, 2015, Kanye daughter, North West, was not only baptized- she was inductedinitiated into the Armenian Apostolic Church. All of the Kardashians are secret blood covenant initiates of the Ancient Armenian Brotherhood and Cult that goes back as far as the 3rd Century AD, and the Knights Templars. Their initiation degrees may go up to the 37th Degree.


They are allowed by virtue of bloodline entry into the most secret underground chambers, temples and catacombs of the old Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and St. James Cathedral in Jerusalem.


Kanye West is not an initiate of the Kardashian Masonic Lodge or the Armenian Apostle Church for the lack of Armenian BLOOD.


However as a Negro Quasimodo, Kanye had been initiated up to at least the Third and Final Rite of Acceptance in a subservient Masonic Lodge.


Kanye West, 32rd or 33rd Degree Master Mason?

Nevertheless, if he had been exposed to any secrets in Jerusalem, no matter how small, his Masonic blood oath covenant of secrecy barred him from revealing anything- I mean ANYTHING!


Pryuny had a number of religious elements borrowed from the Khlysty. They believed in a possibility of direct communication with the Holy Spirit and of his embodiment in living people. The central idea of Khlystys’ ideology was to practice “asceticism“. Khlysty practiced the attainment of divine grace for sin in “ecstatic” rituals that were rumored to sometimes turn into sexual orgies. Flagellation was also rumored, possible due to the their name to the word for “whip.”[38]

Kanye West & Mary Magdalene


Michelangelo Caravaggio’s Mary Magdalene, 1598

On the album, Life of Pablo, West said, “This is a gospel album with a whole lot of cursing on it, but it’s still a gospel album,” he said with a laugh. “It’s the gospel, according to ‘Ye. It’s not exactly what happened in the Bible, but it’s a story of this idea of Mary Magdalene becoming Mary.”[39] WAIT! STOP THE MUSIC.


Titian’s Mary Magdalene (1530-60)

There are some people that if mention Mary Magdalene, they turn it into a gospel rap and dance to it. Yet, there some forces. You mention Mary Magdalene within a circle, and the room will get cold and quiet.


Vatican Burning Alive Templar Grand Master de Molay and Magdalen Knights

The bottom line is that the secrets of the Temple o Jerusalem Treasure, and  Mary Magdalene may have led directly to Grand Master Jacques de Molay, and  Magdalen Knights Templar being burned alive for heresy in the 14th Century.


The secrets of Mary Magdalene was also at the bottom of the Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229). It was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III and Vatican to eliminate Catharism (Mary Magdalene’s Bloodlines, Temples, Churches and Priests) in Languedoc, in the south of France that slaughtered over a million people. The bloodshed didn’t stop there. The killings, and search for the secrets and treasures of the Knights Templar continues to this day, and very hour.


That’s right- “Mary Magdalene becoming Mary”. Where did Kanye get such an ideal like that? Straight out of JERUSALEM– sacred secrets of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Knights Templar and the Merovingian Bloodline.


Kirk Franklin collaborated with Kanye on the album. The album has been described as “… one the most vile, demonic  musical works that I have ever heard of. A Gospel album full of cussing? A project that changes the bible characters to make Mary Magdalene the mother of Jesus (which takes away the virgin birth and makes Jesus born of an unclean woman?[40]

 akanyemaryincaveMary Magdalene in the Cave, Hughes Merle (French, 1868)

Mary Magdalene strikes at the very heart of Judea- Christianity. It is a deep rabbit hole going back generations. Many do not speak of Mary Magdalene not necessarily because she was alleged to have been a prostitute. But, because she may have been Jesus‘ most controversial and influential apostles, and his wife.


Sandro Boicelli, Birth of Venus (1486)

There is a serious connection between the figure of Mary Magdalene and the figure of Virgo- the Virgin. She may have been a high priestess of Goddess Aset (Isis), Inanna, Ishtar or Venus.


Sandro Botticelli, Twisted X Secret Hand Symbol, was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.


Saint Mary Magdalene, Church of the Dominicans, Augsburg, Germany?

So, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Gregor Erhart’s Saint Mary Magdalene (1515-20) is similar if not the same figure as Botticelli’s Venus. Not much is known or revealed about Erhart’s background.


God Pan, Aphrodite and Eros

Botticelli’s nakedness of Venus also suggest a relationship between Mary Magdalene with the attributes of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite- Goddess of Love. It also demonstrates that there was a 15th and 16th  “secret gospel” and a secret brotherhood existed between Botticelli and Erhart.

Mary Magdalene is literally translated as Mary the Magdalene or Mary of Magdala. In 2009, Israel Antiquities Authority found the fourth synagogue – Magdala – when they did archaeological activities at Magdala Beach on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The synagogue was put to use in the Second Temple era (year 50 B.C.-100 A.D.) It is one of the 6 synagogues that were found in the Second Temple era and one of the oldest synagogues in Israel.[41]

The Magdala Synagogue is believed to have been home to Mary Magdalene, and a temple that Jesus may have preached in.[42] On site, they found the Magdala carved stone with rare secret symbols. Stone carvers were undoubtedly in high demand throughout the holy land, and among kings, priests and wealthy classes. They were extremely important and wealthy guild Masons. However, they had to maintain secrets, keys and passwords to symbols they recreated from magic scrolls and books, and the sources of the sacred symbols.

According to the Bible, she traveled with Jesus. She is said to have witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Within the four Gospels, she is named at least 12 (twelve) times, more than most of the apostles. Based off texts of the early Christian era in the third century, it seems that her status as an “apostle” rivals even Peter.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Sex Magick & Knights Temple

The historical Knights Templar had their first headquarters on the Temple Mount, which had been assigned to them by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Some researchers believe that the Templars discovered some of Solomon’s treasure hidden in catacombs beneath the Temple. They are said to have also discovered documents “proving” that Jesus survived the Crucifixion.




The Magdalen Templars led by St. Bernard of Clairvaux believe in the secret Grail family, descendants of Christ himself. They believe Mary had a ritualizedsexual” relationship with Jesus. They say there exist proof that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children by her. In gospels that were strategically excluded from the New Testament when the selection was made in 397 AD at the Council of Carthage, Mary Magdalene is classified as the “spouse and consort” of the Messiah. Even Cathar documents from Provence, as late as the 13th century, make it plain that in Gnostic circles, she was “always understood to be the wife of Jesus.”[43]

However, it goes much deeper. Some contend that Mary Magdalene had a ritualizedsacredsex magick relationship with Jesus, in keeping with certain religious beliefs as his “initiator” and “illuminator” into the secret sacred mysteries. According to ancient traditions, Mary’s maternal family were Syrians of a powerful city-state of Mari. Her paternal family were Judaea Royalty- Hasmonaean Priest-Kings of Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE.

Originally, the Hasmonaeans were a Jewish priestly family, who claimed descent from a man named Hašmôn, who was the father or great-grandfather of the first known member of the family, Mattathias. Since 167 BCE, Mattathias organized the armed resistance against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 BC), who had started a persecution of the Jews. In 165, his son Judas the Maccabaean (perhaps “battle hammer”) was able to re-conquer the Temple of Jerusalem and restore the cult, an event that is still celebrated by the Jews at the annual Hanuka festival.[44] Coming from king-priestly families on both sides, Mary Magdalene was undoubtedly a leaded “Mystic.”

Mary Magdalene, Mari & Ecstaticism


Mesopotamian City State Mari

A Mystic is a person who is initiated into the mysteries or claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as by direct communication with the divine or immediate in tuition in a state of spiritual ecstasyEcstasy is a state of being beyond reason and self-control. It is a state of overwhelming emotion; especially :  rapturous delight. It is also a state of TRANCE FORMATIONespecially :  a mystic or prophetic trance.[45]

One of the prophetic titles of the city-state Mari is “ecstatic” or “to become ecstatic.” The range of behavior may involve self-wounding, as suggested by a text from Ugarit (“my brothers bathe with their own BLOOD …” [Vol. 5, Page 479] [Vol. 5, Page 479]. “Ecstatics” are associated with the deities Nergal, Itur-Mer, Ninhursaga, Annunitum, and especially Dagan.

One Mari text details some notes on the “ecstaticsof the Cult of Ishtar. The “ecstatic” “gets up/comes and speaks,” sometimes in association with sacrifice. Also, it is recorded that an assertive “ecstatic” requests a lamb from the king, which he proceeds to eat raw—possibly reflecting an oath ceremony. He then assembles the elders at a city gate to hear his message and ends by requesting a garment, which he is provided (Durand 1988: 434–35).[46]


This is an extremely powerful testament from the 15th Century. It is a wall panel taken from a chapel church built during the 1400s dedicated to La Chapelle Saint Anthony the Great, said the Hermit of Egypt (251-356 AD).


La Chapelle Saint Anthony

The chapel sits on an Alps mountain road or hillside leading to the city of Nice, France. The chapel acknowledge’s the Saint AnthonyBook of Hidden Knowledge.” It shows Mary Magdalene kneeling at the feet of Christ on the cross. Two angels with goblets collect Christ’s blood from the wound of Longius’ Spear. What do they do with the blood? They drink it. Over Mary stands the Black Madonna- Aset- ISIS. The testament implies that both Mary Magdalene and Christ were secret initiates of the cult. So, it is quite possible that Mary Magdalene of “Mari” could have been an “Ecstatic“, “Initiator” or “Illuminator” of a BLOOD Cult of the Great Mother Ishtar. Great Mother of the Gods was worshiped in the Middle East as the creative force in nature. She was worshiped under many names including Aset/Isis (Kemet), Ishtar (Babylon), Astarte (Syria), Ceres (Rome), Cybele (Phrygia), and Demeter (Greece).[47]


St. Anthony’s symbol had been a serpent as a circle above the cross bar forming the ankh with the Hebrew word for “serpent” engraved on the upright, and also including the Triple Tau- a symbol for hidden treasure. It was also the symbol for St. Anthony– later to become the symbol and patron for the Knights Templar of St. Anthony of Leith in Scotland. St. Anthony lived in the 4th Century AD and is credited with establishing Monasticism in Egypt, and the story goes that he sold all his possessions after hearing from the Lord and marched off into the wilderness to become a hermit. On his travels, he learned from various sages in Egypt and grew for himself a large following. He was solely tempted by the DEVIL in the form of “creeping things” and serpents.

In one episode, he follows a trail of gold to a temple, which is infested with serpents, and takes up residence, needing little food for sustenance other than bread and water. He is said to have lived 105 years, and due to this longevity he is credited with protective powers. The Order of the Hospitalers of St. Anthony, who would later take much of the Templar wealth, brought many relics to France in the 11th Century. Previously, there were said to have been secretly deposited somewhere in Egypt just after his death and then later to have found their way to Alexandria. All of this is symbolic of the truth.

And that leads right back to the ancient Russian Kardasidian Pryuny and (Molokan Jumpers/Khlysty), being heretic ecstatics.Kanye learned about the secret Cult of Mary Magdalene of “Mari” from Kardasidian initiates while in Jerusalem. It isn’t about Mary Magdalene being an unclean woman. It’s about secret BLOODLINES, and the rule and domination of the world.

“Kim is fed up. They’ve been bickering constantly – she didn’t want Kanye to do the tour in the first place. She wanted him by her side as she recovered from her traumatic robbery in Paris. She lost days with him while he’s touring and then he made a rash decision to end the concert after ten minutes and go on a rant.”[48]

Corporate mass media is widely reporting that Kanye’s mental breakdown resulted from rifts with Kim Kardasdian. Certainly, Kanye was not to address anything in public of what he had learned in secret in Jerusalem. However, Kanye has taken some of the forbidden knowledge that he learned in Jerusalem, and tossed it like a salad in his Saint Pablo TourKanye took some of that sacred knowledge of Jerusalem to make mass public riddles out of.



Who is Saint Pablo? Kanye says,

akanyesanpablotour“Which Pablo? Pablo Picasso? Pablo Escobar, of course. Apostle Paul [Pablo in Spanish]. He really influenced and was the strongest influencer of Christianity. Pablo Escobar was the biggest mover of product and Pablo Picasso is the biggest mover of art. That mix between message, product, and art is The Life of Pablo.”[49]

Kanye and Apostle Paul


Let’s begin with Apostle Paul. The greatest promoter of celibacy for Christians was Paul (Saul). He is called “Paul of Tarsus” because he came from Tarsus that borders ancient Armenia, an area of modern-day Turkey.

Apostle Paul, Attis and the Mystery Cult of Goddess Cybele


Christ,The Good Shepard.

What people generally don’t know is that in Tarsus of Paul’s Day, they worshipped God Attis. He was a dying and resurrecting god.


God Apollo,The Good Shepard.


He was called “The Good Shepard”, and his earliest depictions show him with a sheep across his shoulders. Asur (Osiris) of Kemet was known from the dawn of history as “The Good Shepard.


Recall, Attis was the lover and Son of Lady Wisdom, Goddess Cybele.


On their wedding night, Attis decided to make the supreme BLOOD ritual sacrifice and offer his testicles on the altar of his love. In a fit of ecstasy. He ran into the forest and tied himself to a pine tree. He cut off his testicles, then bled to death. He was resurrected from the dead by Zeus.

It is believed that Tarsus of Paul had also been involved in the Cybelan rituals where their priesthood, the Galli, would imitate their god by driving themselves into a holy “Ecstatic” frenzy, emasculating themselves and offering their testicles and a BLOOD bath as holy sacrifices.[50] The “Ecstatic” blood rituals of Attis deeply influenced Paul and colored a secret and hidden version of Christianity that dismiss the true historical significance and influence of Mary Magdalene, and its relationship to older pagan cults.

Pablo Picasso & PRIORY OF SION


Picasso’s Vision of El Greco, Mother Child, and Bull Cult

Picasso was born in the ancient city of Magala, Spain. It predates Mary Magdalene. The city was founded in 8th Century BC by the Canaanite trading colony from most likely Magdala, Sea of Galilee, Northern Canaan. In recent years, there have been attempts by several researchers and scholars of Picasso (Melvin Becraft and Mark Harris among them) to link the artist and his work with “occult wisdom”, claiming that much of the symbolism in his paintings is derived from alchemy, Hermetic thought, Gnosticism and other schools of the western “esoteric” tradition.[52] Some of these researchers are even claiming that Picasso may have been initiated into the shadowy Prieure de Sion ( Priory of Sion) that figures prominently in the mystery surrounding Berenger Sauniere and Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France.


Jean Cocteau, Angels & the Black Sun

This is in part due to the fact that Picasso was a contemporary and good friend of the French artist and mystic Jean Cocteau, a reputed Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. According to some accounts, Cocteau once described his communication with Picasso has almost “telepathic.” The use of the words “telepathic communication” might have been Cocteau’s cryptic way of saying that, as members of a secret society, they were a closed-mouth lot on certain “esoteric” subjects. There are also certain tell-tale symbols that both artists incorporated into their work, such as the BLACK SUN motif and pentagonal geometry.[53]


Kanye West & Saint Pablo Black Sun

Pablo Picasso and the Priory of Sion (PON) are all about Saint Mary Magdalene. PON protects Merovingian dynasts because they may be the lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The legendary Holy Grail is simultaneously the womb of Saint Mary Magdalene and the sacred royal bloodline she gave birth to; and the Church tried to kill off all remnants of this bloodline and their supposed guardians, the Cathars and Templars, so popes could hold the Episcopal throne through apostolic succession of Peter without fear of it ever being usurped by an antipope from the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.[54]

Pablo Escobar & Magdalena


So, what is Escobar’s connection to Mary Magdalene? Kanye said that he was the biggest mover of product. Escobar became the most powerful drug lord in Columbia, when he took control of the Magdalena River. The Magdalena is Colombia’s longest river, and stretches from the most southern tip of the Huila Department in southern Colombia to the Caribbean Sea. It takes its name, Mary Magdalene, from 16th Century Spanish Conquistadors.[55] The river became his major passage for ships of drug cargoes, and a poplar dumping ground for corpse after massacres.[56] Just who does Kanye West think that he is playing games with? These people are powerful and ruthless international Satanic cabals. They play no games.

In Jerusalem, Kanye was exposed to the fact that the Kardasdians were not only part of the secret Jerusalem Guardian Temple Cult, but also discovered that they were secret guardians of the closely guarded Mysteries of Mary Magdalene.

Kanye’s Saint Pablo Tour began August 25, 2016, but trouble began on October 3, 2016 when Kim was allegedly robbed on the other side of midnight in Paris, France. Kanye was in concert at Citi Field in New York City when he heard about the robbery. He terminated the concert, and flew out of town.

akanyerobberySurveillance evidence of Kim minutes after the alleged robbery, she said that she had been bound at the wrists during the heist. For $10 million worth of jewelry, Kim should have been dead. For that type of money and at those odds, If she had been tied up at the wrists, it would show. Kim’s robbery may have been a False Flag to distance her by mass public empathy from the planned MK ULTRA implanted psychotic rants and future mental breakdown of Kanye West.[57] However, Kim may not be completely out of danger. She may have been been in Paris on her knees pleading her case. In fact, the entire Kardasidian Cult may be in trouble.


Big German, Pascal Duvier

On the night of the robbery, her security was deliberately pulled. Her German bodyguard, Pascal Duvier, was pulled from her apartment just prior to the robbery. The robbery was a pretext. Duvier is out. The Mossad and the Israeli Security Forces have officially moved in. HollyWeird Actor,  Aaron Cohen, Brotherhood of Warriors, of the Israeli Mossad became security for both, Kanye and Kim after the robbery.


Fabio Calendar Boy- Aaron Cohen is a “slave hunter,” a specialist in identifying and, in some cases, retrieving the unfortunate human beings who are trafficked for labor and/or sexual purposes — a remarkably prevalent and lucrative global trade. So far the job has brought him to dozens of countries like Colombia, Sudan and Cambodia, where the business of human flesh is of special concern to the U.S. State Department and other agencies or governments who subcontract his services. He is what is known in covert operations as a NOC, a special agent working under “non-official cover,” but unlike an agency man, Cohen’s primary allegiance is to people, not political agendas or the Jewish Messiah. Yea. Right. So, where was the HollyWeird Dream Boy Crusader and the Mossad when Kanye went 5150? On the other side of the Psychotronics  pushing buttons cleansing Kanye, driving him insane.




Mary Magdalene, Guido Cagnacci (1601-1663) & Donald Drumpf

President Select Donald Drumpf does not follow any traditional national democratic or republican platforms. He is a wicked and fraudulent snake oil pitchman shooting selling lies and illusions. This may be the first time in history that a man has been put in the highest public office of this country without an established political, social or economic platform. We have an Emperor of the Republic of the U.S.- A DEVIL IN THE WHITE HOUSE.  He is also making a lot of people very nervous the way he appoints people to his new cabinet and administration. Drumpf choose people like loyal subjects as if he has a king’s court. One of the first appointments to his Court was Irish Catholic– Steve Bannon (O’Banion), the emperor’s MERLIN- CHIEF of staff, adviser, prophet and magician.


Some people in Ireland say that they have some reason to believe that the Merlin Bannon’s ancestral land lies in Longford, County. St. Bernard, Spiritual Leader of the Knights Templar, setup the first Cistercian Abbey in Ireland about 1142 AD at Abbeyshrule, County Longford with proceeds from treasures that they found in catacombs buried beneath the 2nd Temple of Jerusalem. James Bannona former Irish Fine Gael elected politician, said that he intends to check on the Lord of Darkness in the Homeland, then report back.   According to Merlin, people, and I suspect James Bannon too, will never be able to figure out what he and the emperor are up to. He says, yea baby- “DARKNESS IS GOOD.” It is so-so GOOD!


I recall Drumpf and Bannon’s mentor, Ronald Reagan, telling the world that America was against the “Evil and Dark Empire.” Well, anyhow.  Bannon is excited about the prospects of this new dynamic combination running the country. He gloats, yeah, baby, “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER.  How old is the man, again? 63 years old. Huh. He says that he’s got the Dark Empire, Darth Vader, Dick Cheney, and SATANBannon may be right.


If he has all that everything else should be just a piece of cake, a walk in the park and WINDOW DRESSING in Donald Drumpf’s COURT. By the way, Drumpf has promised U.S. support to rebuild that 3rd Temple of Jerusalem on the temple mount of the 2nd Temple destroyed in 70 AD. The ANTICHRIST– will it be the Virgin Mary (Vatican) or Mary Magdalene (Merovingian Dynasts) that will occupy the 3rd Temple?


Right now. It isn’t clear.Nobody is talking, because it is forbidden knowledge among the masses, and it sets the stage for a future veiled struggle that may turn into another protracted world armed conflict or World War III.


Palestine and Vatican Foreign Ministers Riod al-Malki and Paul Gallagher Exchange Executed Treaties

On June 26th, 2015, the Vatican signed its first treaty with the “State of Palestine”. When the pontiff John Paul II ascended to the Temple Mount in 2000, also Judaism’s most holy site, he wasn’t welcomed by Israeli officials, but by representatives of the Palestinian Authority, and the holy complex was bedecked in Arab flags. It was the Pope’s implicit recognition of Islamic hegemony. It was taken to mean that Islam and Christianity superseded Judaism and have the right to “inherit” its holy places.The Vatican (Virgin Mary) isn’t particularly thrilled about Drumpf’s selection (Mary Magdalene) as president, but Israel, Mossad and the Masons are absolutely overjoyed.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene in Scotland


Mary Magdalene, Callanish Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis, Scottish Hebridean Island

Most of the detailed tales and myths about Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Scotland seems to come from a Scottish literary writer, William Sharp (using the pseudonym Fiona MacLeod) in his essay Iona (1900). He refers to “the old prophecy that Christ shall come again upon Iona.” This presupposes that Christ had already visited Iona according to an ancient oral tradition. Fiona’s elder mentor of his tales comes from an old fisherman, also a MacLeod– Seumas, an old authority on Fairy Mythology.


They say, “… just 80 miles due north of Iona is to be found another small Hebridean island, located in Dunvegan Bay, off the west coast of the Scottish Isle of Skye. It is called Eilean Isa (currently spelt Isay) which translates from the gaelic as the “island of Jesus”. Isa is the Middle Eastern arabic name for Jesus, whereas His name in gaelic is Iosa. So why do we find the appellation of this island with the arabic spelling rather than the gaelic.”[58]

They quote from the work of Christine Hartley, in her classic work, The Western Mystery Tradition (1968): “ ‘There is a legend too that Mary Magdalene lies buried in Iona.’ Writing about Mary Magdalene’s legendary association with Scotland, Hartley further says, “Wandering the hills of Scotland, she came to Knoydart.” Knoydart is a peninsula located on the west coast of Scotland adjacent to the Isle of Skye which, as we have seen, has a possible association with Jesus. Some ten miles or so, south of Knoydart, can be found another west coast peninsula named Moidart where, on old maps, can be seen the place name Essa Hill, which may relate to the presence of Jesus/Isa there. Pertinently, during the 1st century A. D., Jesus was known in the Egyptian Christian Coptic Church as Essa, which is the phonetic pronunciation of Isa. It is intriguing to note that legends and place names appear to link both Jesus and Mary

On the tombstone of Anna MacLean, the last Prioress of the Nunnery on Iona, who died in 1543, is an effigy of a woman and child with an inscribed dedication to “St. Maria”. The presumption would be that this relates to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Christ child. However, this woman is portrayed with long hair and is flanked by twin towers, both medieval symbols to denote St. Mary Magdalene. Margaret Starbird refers to “the lore of the Mary called Magdalen, who dried the feet of Jesus with her [long] hair and whose epithet means ‘tower’ in Hebrew.” (The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, 1993) Magdalene to the hebridean western isles and the west coast of Scotland.”[59]



Mary Magdalene & Baby John Martinus?

They believe that a John Martinus was Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s last son,”Professor Hugh Montgomery in his treatise The God-Kings of Europe: The Descendants of Jesus traced through the Odonic and Davidic Dynasties (2006) provides the interesting information, ‘John Martinus was believed in the early Christian Period to be the last son of Jesus by Mary Magdalene. In some versions he was born on Iona.’ Curiously, as Christine Hartley has pointed out, the holy isle of Iona was also known as the Isle of John. Could this relate to the presence of the child of Christ, John Martinus, on Iona?”[60]

They argue that in Kilmuir Parish on the Isle of Skye that there was a Chapel Kilmartin that may have been a place name for John Martinus, or possibly some of his descendants who would have continued the spiritual work initiated by their “illustrious and holy forbears.”

Interestingly, Otta F. Swire, a Scottish folklorist, comments on an early medieval carved tombstone, in the style of those found on Iona, located in the old graveyard of Kilmuir on the Isle of Skye, saying: ‘It marks the grave of Angus Gille Martin, the first member of the Martin family to settle in Skye.‘ (Skye: The Island and its Legends, 1961).”[61]

From other sources, we find,Jesus was referred to as “THE DOVE,” . . . The various names of Jesus, are in fact spiritual titles, all meaning roughly “light-bearer.”The Isle of Iona is also known as The Island of the Dove. “The sacred Island of Iona lies on the Fortingall (Christos Frequency) and Montrose (Mount Rose) Ley lines axis. . . . This is where the surviving Grail son was born to Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

“. . . the Isle of Iona has at least 60 kings buried in its sacred ground. These include 48 Scottish kings, 8 Norwegian, and 4 Irish kings. Others list 4 French kings as well.” (They were buried there because of the “The DOVE – Christos frequency” is anchored there).”

It is believed that Christ personally attuned the island (Iona) to this perfect frequency (Christos frequency)for the purpose of initiates to receive the frequency.[62]

Don’t dismiss this, yet. Below is the “Stone of Magdala” recovered from the ruins of Mary Magdalene’s Temple on the shore of Sea of Galilee (Northeast Israel) where Jesus is believed to have preached.


Carved Stone of Magdala

The stone is covered with the six-pedaled rosette, the ancient Flower of Life. The rosette itself symbolizes the actual veil before the Holy of Holies. First-century Romano-Jewish scholar, historian Josephus describes this veil as being decorated with flower.


On the tombstone of Anna MacLean, the last Prioress of the Nunnery on Iona (1543), the 1st Century six-pedaled Flower of Life found at Mary Magdalene’s Temple decorates the tombstone in the Isles of Skye, Scotland.  


The Sun Symbol represents ancient Apollo and Helios. Beit She’an’ goes back to  the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III. It sits at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley, controlling access from Jordan and the inland to the coast, as well as from Jerusalem and Jericho to the Galilee. The Monastery of Lady Mary, Lady Magdalene (567-635 AD) was located in the city. Many believe that monastery was dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Mary means “wise woman/lady.


However, I don’t believe that Jesus’ mother, Mary the Virgin, was referred to as Lady Mary. Inside the ruin monastery, a beautiful mosaic floor was discovered. The Lost Gospel believe in the sacred marriage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, his identification with “Helios,” the Sun God Apollo, and her association with the Mysteries of Moon Goddess Artemis, Diana, and Isis.


Flower of Life- Knights Templar Tombstone, St. Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall (founded 1137 AD) in the Northern Isles of Scotland.




Dunvegan Castle is a castle a mile and a half to the north of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye. It is the seat of the MacLeod of MacLeod, chief the President Select Donald Drumpf’s Clan MacLeod. The castle is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland and has been the stronghold of the chiefs of the clan for more than 800 years.[63]

So, it isn’t hard to conclude that Sharp’s source information about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and John Martinus on Iona and Skye came from Donald Drumpf’s chiefs of Clan MacLeodDunvegan Castle. Very little would have taken place on the isles without their knowledge or approval.

Dunvegan Castle, related to the Crusades and Knights Templar, is full of secrets, myths, mysterious and magical things. One of its heirlooms is the mysterious Fairy Flag known for the numerous traditions of fairies, and magical properties associated with it. The flag is associated with some secret “divine feminine” property. It is said to have originated as a gift from the fairies to an infant chieftain; a gift to a chief from a departing fairy-lover; or a reward for defeating a female evil spirit.[64]


Robert, the Bruce, was king of the Scots from 1306-1329.  On March 19, 1314, Grand Master de Molay was burned alive. It is believed that before he died, de Molay secretly directed ships loads of Templar treasure, holy land relics and heirlooms to land in Scotland under veil of Robert the Bruce. Clan MacLeod of the Isles of Skye and Lewis were extraordinarily powerful and mythical contemporary  knights and soldiers of  Robert the Bruce.


William Sharp (1855- 1905) alias Fiona MacLeod, was a poet, writer, mystic and psychic of the Satanic Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.


That seems to suggest that Sharp’s essay on the Isle of Iona wasn’t necessarily public information, but inside Luciferian peer review material. [65] MacLeod wasn’t just an alias of Sharp. He was actually two separate people. He was possessed of a divine feminine Sidhe (faery) Spirit of the Twilight, Fiona of Clan MacLeod. The clan is part Sidhe and part human, because one of their ancient chiefs married a Sidhe and fathered a half human and half Sidhe heir in Dunvegan Castle.

Don’t get it twisted. They were/are extremely serious about these Gaelic supernatural and paranormal beings, studies, tales and mythology. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip stayed at the Castle.  Sharp studied university poetry, philosophy, occultism, spiritualism and folklore. He led an extremely serious 19th Century “Scottish Renaissance” and “Celtic (Twilight) Revival in Scotland, Ireland and England. These people were/are serious about tapping into sources of unknown and unseen demonic POWER reservoirs whether it is through the BLOOD, from above or below. However, don’t start packing these people away, quite yet.  The path of DARKNESS and the Raiders of the Lost Art are still moving over the people.


Darkness & Satanic Hermetic Order, Goat Rider- CIARA


Darkness & Hermetic Order Baphomet: LADY GAGA


Darkness & Hermetic Order Baphomet: KANYE WEST

So, what’s so important about Noah’s Ark and the Flood? Noah and the eight souls on the ark represented a race of the people before the flood that some say lived over 900 years. There was a big difference between the people on earth before and after the flood. However, Noah and the souls that were saved from among all others on earth from destruction, because they walked with GOD. In the eyes of God, Noah was a “just man and perfect in his generations“. (Genesis 6:9) In other words, God gave them the world to control, exploit and enjoy as “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


There a lot of people like the Kardashians where “Silence is Golden”.  They claim in the depths of their secret sanctuaries, holes, cults, and lodges also to be perfect in generations by virtue of being Armenians born at the foot of Ararat Mountain where God created his first born after the flood. There a lot of people like Donald Drumpf that claim to be godly by communion- walking with spirits, angels, gods, goddesses and god by virtue of his birth and his very existence. These all are Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Donald Drumpf is also a  SON OF MARY. Mary Anne MacLeod was from the Hebridean Island of Lewis, part of the Clan MacLeod.[66] Clan MacLeod of Lewis home lands are traditionally: the ISLE OF SKYE and the DUNVEGAN CASTLE.[67]

The aos sí  is the Irish term for a supernatural race in Scottish mythology (usually spelled Sìth, however pronounced the same), comparable to the fairies or elves. They are said to live underground in fairy mounds, across the western sea, or in an invisible world that coexists with the world of humans. This world is described in the Lebor Gabála Érenn as a parallel universe in which the aos sí walk amongst the living. In the Irish language,  aos sí means “people of the mounds” (the mounds are known in Irish as “the sídhe“). In Irish literature the people of the mounds are also called daoine sídhe; in Scottish mythology they are daoine sìth. They are variously said to be the ancestors, the spirits of nature, or goddesses and gods.

From the Clan MacLeod BLOODLINES out of  Dunvegan Castle came a race of people half human and half supernatural beings out of holes in the ground. Scandalous Fred Drumpf of the Luciferian Masonic Colombians planned it from the beginning. They wanted to produce some kind of freak of nature and human hybrid to take control of the world even if it was just based on wild legends, tales, and myths from the other side of midnight, and that is exactly what you got in the White House. The CONTROLLERS think that they are GODS.











[11] Id.
















[27] Id.

[28] Id.

























[53] Id.







[60] Id.

[61] Id.








20 10 2016




On September 29, 2016, the NFL made it official announcing that six-time Grammy winner Lady Gaga will headline this year’s Super Bowl 51 halftime show. Almost all of that she does is wrapped up in the Occult, Mind Control Symbolism, and the DEVIL.


Lady Gaga use a blend of contemporary music, art, fashion and film to create “intelligence imagery– a force on to itself. Intelligence imagery is a highly developed and growing science of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex for mass population control and psychological warfare.

Lady Gaga’s pop electro operas” deliberately drives demonic, occult, mind control symbolism and themes through music videos, songs, photo shoots and costumesIn a Vigilant Citizen article that I encourage everyone to read entitled, Lady Gaga Perfume Fame another Illuminati Tribute, it demonstrates that Lady Gaga is absolutely nothing to play around with. There is no specific direct evidence that links Lady Gaga to the sacred teachings, books and the hermetic philosophy and magick of Pythagoras, Kabala, Knights Temple, Rosicrucians, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, or the Great BEAST 666However, the Vigilant Citizen sets forth substantial circumstantial evidence that Lady Gaga is an accomplished freaky initiate and adept of the Satanic Cult linked to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Great BEAST 666.


It involves her perfume, Fame. One of its key ingredients, Atropa Belladonna, has a history that should scare the shit out of you and blow your socks off, “Described on the packaging the fragrances ingredients read as follows; tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchid with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops. Belladonna, Italian for ‘Beautiful Woman’ and officially known as ‘Atropa Belladonna’ is an extremely poisonous plant that causes hallucinations, delirium and other psychological effects like mind dissociation. Ancient folklore tells that Atropa Belladonna was tended to by the devil himself.


Pre-dating the middle ages and throughout history the herb Atropa Belladonna was a key ingredient in magick and was widely used by witches in aid of flying, otherwise known as astrotravel or astroprojection. It was believed that this herb had the ability to dissociate one’s mind from its physical body, putting the user into a hypnotic trance, enabling the witches to spiritually leave the body during the ritual work.”

According to Australian fashion journalist, Felix London, Lady Gaga’s perfume Fame also includes BLOOD and SEMEN. It’s no coincidence that those are two key ingredients in a number of potions and witchcraft spells.


Whilst not noted on the packaging, the next key ingredient is a synthetic pheromone based on the molecular structure of male semen. Semen is filled with pheromones that transmit an increased sexual desire to whoever smells it. Semen is also a very powerful ingredient in any spell work or Magick along with blood, which is also a key component of this fragrance. The mixing of blood and semen is straight out of hermetic magick,

Combining the two for magical purposes forms part of the Gnostic Mass, ritualized sex magick. Blood has a powerful spiritual truth inherent within it. Blood binds the spiritual and physical together. When used inside a ritual or sacrament, it will create either a contract of covenant. The synthetic ingredient in this fragrance that adds the blood was based on the exact molecular structure of a sample of Lady Gagas own blood. Essentially she has shed her blood so the masses may wear it. Perhaps ‘mother monster’ as she refers to herself is anointing her ‘little monsters’ AKA fans through her perfume and in doing so consecrating them to herself.


A.E. Waite & the Great BEAST

The Great BEAST’s mentor and foe in the “Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn” was Arthur Edward Waite aka A.E. Waite (1857-1942). He was a respected English author and translator of many ancient secret sacred works that helped form and shape the Satanic rituals and belief systems of secret societies and circles, today. He wrote occult texts on subjects of divination, esotericism, Rosicrucianism, Freemason, ceremonial magic, Kabbalism, and alchemy.


Waite is best known as the co-creator of the popular and widely used Rider-Waite Tarot deck and author of its companion volume, the Key to the Tarot. Well, if there is one man that should know what a “DEVIL WORSHIPER” looks like. It is A.E. Waite. He says that the ancient classic “DEVIL WORSHIPER” looks like this.


This is the ILLUSION that Lady Gaga create and implant in our subconscious, and it is the direct recreation of the vision of the Great BEAST and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. There is strong convincing circumstantial evidence that Lady Gaga is a “DEVIL WORSHIPER.”



 Recently, I was rather deeply shocked and distressed by a group of Def [Death] Jam Recording rappers entitled, Flatlinerz. In 1994, they released an album, U.S.A. (UNDER SATAN’S AUTHORITY). It was produced by black music mogul, Russell Simmons. From the album, it produced two blatant Luciferian videos, “Live Evil“, and “SATANIC VERSES“.[1]


Satanist Flatlinerz, Russell Simmons & Knight Templar Third Rite inside Descending Pyramid

Soon thereafter, Flatlinerz were released from Def Jam after the company decided that Black People were not ready for SATANIC vibes. Redrum (Jamel Simmons) appears to be the leader of the group. He is Russell Simmons’ nephew. By the way, Redrum is “Murder” spelled backwards. He is an Apostle of the DEVIL.


Redrum: ” … Def Jam was promoting us to a black market and black people weren’t ready for occult themes or being introduced to anything other than Christianity… Def Jam wanted us to introduce these themes to black people but black people just was not ready for that at the time. They ready for it NOW… We be studying … the occult, we study Aleister Crowley


It’s prevalent, anyone with half of a mind can just look and see it. It’s right there in front of your face in every aspect of society… It’s very simple … the television- Tell-Lie-Vision, tell lies to your vision. It’s all there to indoctrinate you … It’s put there for you to see so you can make a decision. Oh, those guys worship SATAN– I am going to listen to them. Well, you made your decision which is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE that they need for you to take … WILLING ACCEPTANCE.”[2]

First and foremost. These young men of Flatlinerz were initiated into an actual Satanic Cult that followed at least the first three (3) Knights Templar/Masonic rites and degrees.  The Third and Last Rite of the Knights’ Temple that Redrum refers to is considered to be the most impressive and inspiring degree to be found in any Masonic system. The Third Degree is called the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.


The central figure in the Third Degree ritual of Freemasonry is Hiram Abif (or Abiff)Hiram is unjustly killed, buried and then raised from the grave. Toward the conclusion of the Legend of the Third Degree, the new Master Mason is told that he should imitate Hiram Abif so that he may get into the celestial Lodge above, where the Grand Architect of the Universe (the Masonic god) presides.[3]


In the Third and Final Rite, you must vow by the Blood Oat Covenant of Secrecy to willingly accept Hiram Abif as your savior. Hiram Abif also goes by the name of SATAN.[4]


The question isn’t really if Black People are ready or not for SATANISM, SATANIC VERSES OR VIBES. The question is whether or not it is being forced down their throats by the Luciferian Music Entertainment Industry through mass systematic Ritual Satanic Programming? And, it is indeed. It is no longer a CONSPIRACY THEORY.


At the time Def [Death] Jam Recording developed its “Satanic Conspiracy” against Black People, it included primarily Lyor Cohen, Russell Simmons, and Rick Rubin.


Lyor Cohen is a dual Israeli and American citizen. He is the son of Israeli’s Ziva and Elisha Cohen, both Israeli Zionist agents. In Israel, Ziva was part of the Harel Brigade.[5] On April 16, 1948, the Israeli Palmach formed the Harel Brigade. The Palmach was the elite pre-State striking force of the Haganah, the Jews’ military organization in Palestine.[6] The Haganah clandestinely worked with Allgemeine SS Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto von Bolschwing and Himmler’s SS as a paramilitary force, and intelligence spy network about British affairs in Palestine.[7]

In New York, Ziva worked as a security (Mossad) agent for one of Israel’s most important and influential global Zionist propagandist of the 20th century, Abba Eban, that once compared the Palestinian People to the Nazis. In his career, Eban was an Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister, Education Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Ambassador to the U.S. and U.N. He was also VP of the UN General Assembly, and President of the Weizmann Institute of Science.[8]




A lot of people don’t realize that many Israeli- American dual citizens in this country are secret Masons of the Grand Lodge of Israel.


Just before Bobbi Kristina Brown’s ritual death by a lethal Jonestown Cocktail of drugs, she and Nick Gordon were under the direct surveillance and control of the Mossad.


Their Israeli Mossad Watcher and Spy was Daphne Barak.[9]


Arnelle Simpson & Daphne Barak, Satanic Symbol of “Silence is Golden”

Arnelle, daughter of O.J. Simpson, has been quietly driven to drugs and alcoholism. Daphne is the sister of the war criminal Israeli Master Mason, Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister, and one of the leaders of a special unit of the elite Israeli Defense Forces in the early 1970s.


Ehud is an Israeli suspect in the September 9-11 Inside Job that aided and abetted in bringing down the N.Y Twin Towers and Building 7 on the American people.[10]


Due to the nature of Lyor Cohen’s cultural aggression against Black people in the entertainment music industry, I suspect that he also is a secret Mossad Master Mason. Many people may never have heard of Kabala Zionism. However, it is necessary to discuss it along with Freemasonry as a root of a Lyor Cohen, his aggressive campaign of cultural destruction, genocide, and the current state of affairs of black Satanic Cults, and Satanic Hip Hop and Rap infiltrating, invading and aggressively prevailing over the traditional values and morals of the Black Community, and its youth.


First and foremost, don’t get it twisted. He is a KABALAZionist zealot and grandson of an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) general.[11] In all things, Lyor Cohen’s agenda and game plan in America is a Zionist Agenda.

Israel and the Brutal Colonization of Ancient Palestine


Yehuda Solomon Alkalai was born in the year 1798 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He studied in Jerusalem under different Rabbis and came under the influence of the Kabbalah. In the year 1825, he became Rabbi of Semlin, the capital of Serbia. In the year 1834, he proclaimed for the first time the idea of political independence of the Jews and the creation of the State of Israel in his pamphlet Shema Yisrael (“Listen O Israel”). Therein, he proposed erecting Jewish settlements in the land of Israel as predecessor to the Messianic redemption. But this idea was seen by the Jews as heresy because they believed that the Messianic redemption would be caused by a supernatural event caused by God. The rabbinic doctrine was that the Messiah would first lead the people of Israel in the apocalyptic war of Gog and Magog and then conquer the Land of Palestine.

But Alkalai believed after his study of the Kabala that the year 5600 (1840) would be the beginning of the Messianic Redemption and he asked the Jews to make efforts for the redemption and to found the State of Israel. He was dreaming of a worldwide organization, which should support the founding of Israel. He became a member of an association for the brutal and forceful Colonization of Israel.

His ideas were picked up later on by Theodor Herzl, whose grandfather was a friend of Alkalai. Theodor Herzl (May 2, 1860 – July 3, 1904), born Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl (lit. “Visionary of the State”) was an  Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer. He was one of the fathers of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the World Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish migration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish State (Israel). He is generally given credit for setting the development in motion, which contributed essentially to the foundation of the State of Israel in the year, 1948.[12] This is the official theory, but it can be said for sure that the idea of the foundation of Israel was much older. The force behind Zionism were and are the Cabbalists, King Solomon Freemasonry within a kabalistic foundation to establish a Satanic New World Order with Jerusalem as its center and capital.[13]



Israel, the Secret Rothschild Masonic Country


In Scotland, the Knights Templar served Robert the Bruce (1274 – 1329) as members of the Scots Guard, which two prominent families were those of the Stuarts and Sinclairs. Henry Sinclair was a supporter of Robert the Bruce, and one of descendants, William Sinclair, designed Rosslyn Chapel, a church in the village of Roslin, replete with occult symbolism, and believed to be one of the sites where the Holy Grail might be buried. The Sinclairs became the Hereditary Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland.[14]

After Queen Elizabeth I died without an heir in 1603, she was succeeded by the son of Mary Queen of Scots, James Stewart I of England, known as King James. It is for this reason that the Freemasons of the 18th century conspired to back the Stuart case, after their last monarch, James II Stuart, King of England, was deposed, and replaced by William of Orange. The Stuart Cause then became the essence of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which regarded the Stuarts as the inheritors of the Templars, who had rescued the secret tradition of the East, otherwise known as the Kabbalah.[15]


Mayer Amschel Rothschild-Knight [Templar] of Malta

Since the late 18th century, the Scottish Rite have come under the influence and leadership of the House of Rothschild. The founder of the House, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744- 1812), ordered his sons to marry their first cousins. However, the first exception was Hannah, daughter of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who married Rt. Hon. Henry Fitzroy, a direct descendant of Charles II Stuart, King of England, the father of James II Stuart.[16]

More recently, the great-great- great grandson of Nathan Mayer, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild married Mary Serena Dunn. The mother of Mary Serena was Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine, who was the daughter of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rossyln.[17]

Over the generations, the House of Rothschild have been deeply inter-weaved in the Bloodlines of the Luciferian branches of the Knights Templar, House of Stuart, ILLUMINATI, Freemasonry, Order of Jesuits, and the Scottish Rite.



The reference book; 10,000 Famous Freemasons, “lists two prominent Rothschilds, including James Mayer Rothschild (1792- 1868), son of the dynasty’s founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. James is listed as a “33 degree adept of the French Supreme Council.” Nathan, the second son of Mayer is also listed.[18]

After Nathan Rothschild’s death in 1836– it was said that his wealth was in fact intended for a higher purpose: “to avenge the wrongs of Israel,” by securing “the re-establishment of Judah’s kingdom- then rebuilding of thy towers, Oh! Jerusalem!’” and “the restoration of Judea to our ancient race.[19]

The bottom line is that Herzl was an Ashkenazi Jew secretly financed and bankrolled by the House of Rothschild. Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845- 1943) worked closely behind the veil with Herzl. He is known in the Jewish world as the founder of the Agricultural Colonies in Palestine, that had been under the administration of the Jewish Colonization Association (Herzl).[20] Rothschild was also the power behind Chaim Weizmann, another leader of Zionism. As Rothschild once told Weizmann: “Without me Zionism would not have succeeded, but without Zionism my work would have been stuck to death.” [21] Israel is a Rothschild- ILLUMINATI Masonic owned country.


Lyor Cohen was a financial analyst for Leumi Bank. The founding fathers of Leumi Bank were Herzl and the House of Rothschild, that advocated for a “Jewish Colonial Trust” that the Zionist Movement needed to support Jewish settlers and aggression in Palestine.[22]

Today, the Zionist Agenda is a New World Order. “The term New World Order (NWO) has been used by numerous politicians through the ages, and is a generic term used to refer to a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Listen to the Zionist banker, Paul Warburg: We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent. (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).”

According to the Kabala Zionist Agenda, and its goon, Lyor Cohen, there is no place or room in the NWO for a bunch of nationalist Christian bible totting Black People, and ANCIENT PROPHESY OF THE BLACK MESSIAH. Cohen was one of the secret principal bankrollers and financers of Def [Death] Jam’s Satanic Conspiracy and Plot Against Black People, here and globally.

Rick Rubin, Lucifer’s Guru


Whereas, Def [Death] Jam’s Rick Rubin’s game plan was peeped some years ago by his secret direct association with the British Occultist, Trans-humanist, Hermaphrodite, and Satanist, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. He is an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist. He is one of  your most perfect Satanic gurus to secretly initiate selective Satanic neophytes like the black hip hop rappers, The Flatlinerz. Genesis founded second-wave industrial-gothic rock art performance groups, Throbbing Gristle and PsychThric-TV.[23]


Rick Rubin’s secluded haunted studio mansion compound in Laurel Canyon once belonged to Houdini. Its “… foundation is said to have been riddled with secret passageways, tunnels, and hidden chambers. Similarly, the grounds of the estate were (and still are) laced with trails leading to grottoes, elaborate stone structures, and hidden caves and tunnels.”[24]


In February 1992, while Orridge was in the country of Nepal, a British TV documentary accused him of Satanic (pornographic) child abuse from a Psychic TV performance-art video taken from his home. Scotland Yard seized about two tons of Orridge’ possessions and threatened to imprison him, and told him that they could not guarantee the artist’s physical safety if he returned to England. So, along with his first wife and their young daughters, Caresse and Genesse, P-Orridge fled to Cazadero, a remote community of around three hundred and fifty people in Sonoma County, California.[25]


In 1995, hidden in the Rubin’s Laurel Canyon compound they found Genesis Breyer P-Orridge that had been driven out of the compound injured by a fire. Genesis is considered one of three of the High Magi of the Left Hand PathSATANISM.[26] The other two were (British Intelligence MI-5) Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, and the CIA’s Timothy Leary.[27] Genesis is an ardent hard core Crowley devotee and the founder of the Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY).[28]


Many of the Tenets of TOPY were based upon the Satanic teachings of Robert DeGrimston, founder of the Process Church of the Final Judgment. During the 1990s, Genesis revived the Process Church.[29]

Russell Simmons, the False Prophet Out of HELL


So, that leaves Def [Death] Jam’s no-good, false ass prophet and gutless DEVIL WORSHIPING Negro Bootlicking Uncle Tom and Sellout, Russell Simmons. I don’t believe that I need to say much more.



Def [Death] Jam & Lady Gaga


In 2006, New Island Def [Death] Jam Music Group (IDJMG) and L.A. Reid jump started Stefani Germanotta hip hop/rap/popular music entertainment career with a very impressive and unusual generous $850,000 recording contract. 50% of it was kicked down directly to Sicilian Big Joe Germanotta, Stefani’s father.[30]

In 1998, Def [Death] Jam became the center of a music entertainment corporate monopoly. PolyGram was purchased by Seagram and merged with the MCA family of labels, which became Universal Music Group (UMG). It then purchased the remaining interest of Def Jam Recordings from Russell Simmons for a reported $100 million. UMG merged 14+ record labels including: Def Jam, Island Records and Mercury Records to form The Island Def Jam Music Group (IDJMG). Despite the formation of IDJMG, the Def Jam among others continued to operate as separate imprints underneath the bigger umbrella. L.A. Reid became the chairman and CEO of IDJMG in February 2004.[31]


Rosicrucian Scholar, A.E. Waite (1857-1942), was one of Aleister Crowley’s mentors in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Waite introduced Eliphas Levi’s image of the Baphomet to Western Satanic Cults during the 19th and 20th centuries. He also introduced the above Hermetic Order’s image of the “DEVIL WORSHIPER” most likely taken directly from ancient Rosicrucian grimoires (magick books). Lady Gaga is a DEVIL Worshiper straight out of from HELL HOLE of the occult.


Secret Master Mason “Crossed Arm” Symbol, Lyor Cohen & L.A. Reid

At the very least, Cohen and Reid appears to have been initiated at the Masonic  33º Rite. The man in the middle with the secret Masonic cross armed symbol, Norman Vincent Peale, has been confirmed to have been a 33º Freemason. At the center of it behind the veil was Kabala Zionist Agent and Aggressor, Lyor Cohen. He was appointed co-president of IDJMG. From that position, he watched over the window dressing Negro bootlicker puppet, Reid, for the New World Order Israeli Kabala Zionist Movement that quietly manipulated the power to decide who makes music, and the overall direction of the People’s music.

Cohen & 300 DEVILS


The Magick of 300: Author of “Freemasonry and the Kabbalah“, W. Wyn Westcott, S. Magus. Soc. Rosae Crucis in Anglia, Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. IX, Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues (1902), “The riches of Korah were so vast that it took 300 mules to carry them.There were 300 sorts of devils in Sichin. The Veil of the Temple required 300 priests to draw it aside, and 300 to cleanse it.

In 2012, Cohen left his role as the chairman and executive chief at Warner Music Group to 300 Entertainment, a company Forbes refers to as “a record label for the 21st century … capable of launching self-starting artists to the next level without the burdensome bureaucracy- and cost structure- of a major record company.” The idea: to create a boutique “independent” music collective, a gang of enduring content creators that are absolutely repugnant to the traditional religious beliefs, values and morals of Black People.[32]

The Kabala Zionist Movement sit at the power of influence to corrupt, and attempt to turn the internationally acclaimed and propound traditional generational Black Experience and Music Entertainment Industry into a monster factory of 300 types of DEMONS.


Cohen,CIA Occult Bureau, MK ULTRA/MONARCH Handler of Young Thug


One of Cohen’s 300 Committee Satanic Gang of Enduring Black Change Agents/Mind Control Victims is the Super  Lunatic Repulsive Hermaphrodite FREAK- MK ULTRA mind controlled victim, YOUNG THUG.[33]


300 Entertainment has a black Devil Worshiper, FETTY WAP.[34]


300 Entertainment has a black Satanic CRIMINAL ELEMENT, SHY GLIZZY.[35]


300 Entertainment has a (Baphomet) black SATANIC GOAT RIDER, RICH THE KIDD.[36]




You know very little if anything of what it truly means and is symbolic of.




In the case of the long-established Black Music Entertainment Industry, Luciferian influence, infiltration, and takeover is no longer a Conspiracy Theory. Don’t get it twisted. It is not Hip Hop or Gangsa Rap putting a strangle hold on traditional forms of Black Soul Music (Rhythm & Blues, Blues and Jazz).

Traditional Soul Music is disappearing from radio as Luciferian conglomerates and combinations take control of radio traffic and population. It isn’t a matter of traditional Black Music merely disappearing from radio and television. It is being deliberately SUPPRESSED by a Satanic Conspiracy and Agenda.

According to Time Magazine: “In 2013, no African-American musician had a Billboard/Hot 100 number one. This was the first time there was no number one in a year by an African American in the chart’s 55 – year history.”

Traditional forms of Black Soul Music has been under a coordinated, persistent and constant direct and covert Luciferian assault since 1994 according the revelations of Def Jam’s Flatlinerz. That constitutes a Crime Against Humanity– Cultural Genocide. SATANISM- Black People weren’t ready for it then, and we aren’t having it now.



On February 5, 2017, Super Bowl 51, the Luciferians are coming after everybody regardless of race, national origin, or religion. Lady Gaga is a very sophisticated “DEVIL WORSHIPER” and Satanic High Priestess of the New World Order. Her half time show will be no family entertainment show, but the THIRD AND FINAL RITE OF ACCEPTANCE.







[5] Goldman, Fred, Fortune’s Fool: Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Warner Music, and Industry in Crisis, Simon& Schuster, NY 92010) pg. 100










[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.
















[33] Id.


[35] Id.

[36] Id.


9 06 2016


As a Jehovah Witness, Prince didn’t vote. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) as a New (Dawn) Age Religion do not vote and never get involved in the political process. So, what was Prince’s secret mission inside the peoples’ White House with President Barack Obama, the highest political office of this nation? When God’s Spokesmen governing JW discovered that Prince had developed a secret liaison with President Obama inside the Oval Office, they remained SILENT. Why? Prince’s clandestine relationship with the Highest Public Official in the United States had a great deal to do with his assassination.


God is Not Dead, Yet. God Just Needs a Sex Change

I say this often. Secret Societies are one of the most serious threats to this form of government, and the peoples’ humanly pursuit of love, peace and happiness. You may believe that what I am about to talk about is that of long lost empires. You may believe that the Secret Cult of Cybele died along with Romans, but you would be wrong. Prince said, “Prophecy is what we all have to go by now.” It’s like Purple Rain and When Doves Cry, you really don’t know what PROPHECY that he is really talking about, because he spoke by a secret society code.


You may only hear this word once,  Skoptsy. The Skoptsy was an ultra secret cult of the Disciples of Cybele that was believed to only have existed in Russia. After being widely persecuted around 1910 in Russia, they went far underground. They hold that the surest way of attaining ecstasy and gift of PROPHECY is to set the spirit free from the body’s desires. In order to unite himself with God, he must become similar to the angels- and they are sexless. It is symbolical appellation of white DOVES. So, they castrated themselves. (The Religion, Anatole L. Beaulieu, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY, pg. 422, 1896) In India, many of the goddess’ castrated disciples are called, transsexuals. We will talk about the “sexless”  disciple, Prince Rogers Nelson, further below.

MATTHEW 19:12 (kjv)

“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuch, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”

Origen of Alexandria (185—254 C.E.) Origen (Son of Horus) of Alexandria is considered one of the greatest Christian theologians. He castrated himself in literal obedience to Matthew 19:12. Much debate surround Origen. Some called him a heretic and mystic, because his castration was more personal spiritual ecstasy (Mystical Marriage/Rites of Cybele) than solely obedience to Matthew 19:12, and he believed that the DEVIL and DEMONS could be saved.


In 1865, Boston Corbett is famously known to have killed John Wilkes Booth that assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. In some circles, he is a 19th Century Jack Ruby that assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, a member of Ruby’s secret circle. Corbett and Booth secretly belonged to the same Masonic circle, the Knights of the Golden Circle. But, Corbett didn’t kill Booth. He killed a patsy so that Booth could escape. In Christian religion, Corbett followed Origen of Alexandria (Matthew 19:12). However, he was a secret castrated- transsexual  Skoptsy of the Cult of Cybele. Corbett was a High Priest of Cybele, out of England not Russia, deeply imbedded in one of America’s most secret and dangerous Masonic cults that changed the course of history linked to the Luciferic Scottish Rite Confederate General, Albert Pike.


Lucifer represents the Age of Aquarius. Lucifer represents honor and respect for gods of old, as well as PAGAN spiritual heritage.[1] America’s global ILLUMINATI gay agenda has very little to do with civil rights. It is essentially a secret state revival of archaicbarbaric esoteric spirituality and androgynous sexuality led by President Barack Obama and elite Satanic Cabals.


Above is a 12-13th Century relief called “Cybele, philosophy” which is on the West portal of Notre-Dame of Paris. This Lady Wisdom, Cybele, has her feet on the EARTH and her head in the CLOUDS. She holds two books, one open and one closed, symbols for exoteric and esoteric knowledge, or wisdom gained from books and from interior prayer or meditation. Leaning on her is “JACOB’S LADDER”, which represents the gradual way of knowledge of God leading to her scepter of wisdom, divine union. They want you on that ladder. DEATH may be your only option to get off.


According to Alice Walker, High Priestess of the Earth Mother, Cybele, Wiccan Cult, [COLOR PURPLE] “is the pagan transformation of GOD from patriarchal male supremacist into trees, stars, wind and everything else …”[2] Even- A WOMAN.


In many of the ancient Mystery School religions, enthusiasmos included transvestism. The Galli, for example, or Priests of CYBELE with World in her hand (or Kybele, Phrygian Great Mother Goddess, or Magna Mater) ritually dressed in resplendent female attire. The Cult of Cybele, was presided over by “castrated male priests.” In that ancient pagan cult, emasculation of the male was a symbol of salvation with the gods. The physical emasculation and (homosexual) feminization of males was a transformation that lifted male worshippers to divine mystification, – a sacred marriage with the gods.[3] We revisit CYBELE at the end.


Carolina Panther Cam Newton & Transvestism, Transvestism is deeply rooted Satanic PAGAN spiritual ritual and heritage. Newton is on Cybele’s Ladder. He is a world class athlete that has no known spiritual or historical  connection to the Cult of Transvestism, but here he is dressed provocatively as fairy ANGEL. Is it because he has attached himself to a pagan spiritual throwback as result of a vacuum in his mind, or have some entities deliberately implanted  these alien spiritual layers, spirits and natures in his mind? This Satanic PAGAN spiritual heritage is slowly creeping into the NFL. This pagan EVIL has turned the game into a FRAUD just because we love it. I am convinced that Cam threw NFL Super Bowl 50. In the 4th quarter with the game on the line, a crucial fumbled ball bounced back right in front of him, that Negro jumped back to Timbuktu to avoid recovering the ball.


This is the NFL’s 50th Super Bowl Most Valuable Player, a closet down-low brother Denver Bronco Von Miller, dressed in a serious throwback  Satanic PAGAN spiritual and ritual heritage to a Demonic Medieval Lunatic that he has no known spiritual or historical connection to Knight Templar Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio- David with the Head of Goliath.


Von Miller with the Owl associated with the Pagan Worship of Minerva, Athena, Lilith = The Great Mother, CYBELE.


Von Miller is also on Cybele’s Ladder. The mysteries that they have entered into involves ancient deep spiritual and ritual conversions of nature that they know little or nothing about.

aaaaprincebacchus1  Caravaggio, the Young Bacchus

Highly Veiled Satanic Spiritualism has infiltrated  the NFL. It have may changed the entire nature of the game. I have little doubt that Cam Newton threw Super Bowl 50 by Evil Design of the secret Infiltration of  Black Sun Cults that have infiltrated America’s music and film entertainment industry . In the Gnostic Gospel According to Thomas: …When you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male will not be male, and the female not be female … then shall you enter the Kingdom.” [4] Caravaggio has a deep spiritual and ritual heritage linked to the secret mystery schools of God Pan, Dionysus-Bacchus, and the ancient Hermaphrodite Cults. It is not a coincidence that Von Miller honors him.


In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus or Hermaphroditos, god of effeminate men, was the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. According to Ovid, born a remarkably handsome boy with whom the water nymph Salmacis fell in love and she prayed to be united with him forever. A god in answer to her prayer merged their two forms into one and transformed them into an androgynous form. His name is compounded of his parents names, Hermes and Aphrodite. He was one of the Erotes, winged love gods. His name is the basis for the word hermaphrodite. He is portrayed in Greco-Roman art as a female figure with male genitals.[5]


Greek God Dionysus was also a hermaphrodite creature that dressed in women’s clothing. He was one of Hermaphroditus’ lovers. Dionysus is said to be the son of Zeus and a mortal high priestess of his temple, Semele, daughter of the hero, Cadmus. Another version, he is the son of Zeus, and Persephone or Demeter, Queen of the Underworld. It is said of the god Dionysus, that during his infancy the goddess Persephone placed him with Queen Ino who raised him as a girl, so that he grew up to be effeminate, unable to differentiate feminine from masculine functioning in himself.[6] We are told that priests at the temples of Baal and Astarte dressed themselves as women, rouged their faces and eyes. Dufour, in his History of Prostitution, says that the priests of Baal were handsome, un-bearded young men, their entire bodies being depilated and perfumed with fragrant salves. And in the Hysteria, “Festivals of Aphrodite” held in Argos, Greeceboth sexes were seen to Cross-Dress.[7]


Dionysus is a god of  mystery religious rites, such as those practiced in honor of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis near Athens. In the Thracian mysteries, he wears the “bassaris” or fox-skin, symbolizing new life. His own rites the Dionysian Mysteries were the most secretive of all. Dionysus also wore and carried the Leopard Skin, the Ancient Symbol of High Priesthood that indicates that he initiated followers into higher and more deeper secret levels of Occult Mysteries.


Bacchus and Dionysus

Around the turn of the millennium, the Cults and Mystery Schools of Hermaphroditus and Dionysus, the Bacchanals (Bacchus Cults), became highly disfavored even in Rome. The Roman counterpart of Dionysus was Bacchus.


There was a brutal “pitiless repression” to stamp out the matres bacchicae (Bacchanals) in 186 BCE. A hermaphrodite was found — and killed — in Umbria (historical central Italy).[8] As Roman historian Titus Livy (64-59 BC- 17 AD) tells it, the celebrants feasted, drank wine and,

“… all feelings of shame extinguished, they abandoned themselves to all kinds of debauchery… not limited to faceless coupling of male and female… also poisonings and internal murders, to the point that sometimes the body could not even be found for burial… This violence was hidden by the shouts and noise of the drums and cymbals so that none of the cries for help could be heard… There is no crime or misdeed which they have not committed. There is more debauch between men than with women.”[9]

The Rome Senate offered a reward to anyone who denounced participants in the Bacchanalia. Officials were ordered to “seek out the priests of these cults, whether men or women,” in Rome and in the provinces. Edicts outlawed any meetings of initiates of the mysteries or any religious ceremony of the same kind.” Devotees were to be arrested, and vigilant watch kept for secret rites or meetings.[10]


Hermaphrodites became Associated with Alchemy, Occult and Horned Demonic Forces

A witch hunt swept across Europe to suppress the Bacchanals, hermaphrodites, mystery schools, secret nocturnal meetings; initiation of children into the cults by ecstatic rites with music, dancing and cries; celebrating a feast followed by debauched orgies; the highlighting of gay sex among allegations of ritual murder and other terrible crimes.[11] The Bacchanals, hermaphrodites, and their mystery schools were not eradicated, but forced deep underground in antiquity, and became among the hidden internal foundations of masonic societies, fraternities, sororities, and BLACK SUN ORDERS.


God Pan Rejects Hermaphroditus

Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the commune of Pompeii. It was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesurvius in AD 79.[12] In the evidence preserved in volcanic ash chambers, the God PAN is captured in a fiasco running from and rejecting Hermaphroditus when he discovered that she was really a “man.” That is substantial evidence at the turn of the millennium there was a change of public perceptions and attitude about Hermaphrodites preserved and captured in a rare, time capsule in Pompeii. In the House of Dioscuri on the Island of Pompeii, it shows without a doubt that the people of ancient Rome had come to a point to reject the Hermaphroditus and Dionysus Black Sun Cults.


Earlier in Greece and Rome, God Pan had been a devoted “Disciple of the Hermaphroditus Cult and Dionysus.”

Even the lustful Pansexual God PAN that would even stoop to bestalitity to satisfy his carnal barbaric sexual passion and nature totally rejected Hermaphroditus when she was discovered to be a “MAN.” That is undeniable ancient evidence. But under President Barack Obama, and the most powerful nation in the world, tranvestism, the Bacchanals, and hermaphrodites have resurfaced to rejoice and parade in the streets again just as it were in Ancient Rome. This time they are drunken under naked federal and state power.


The Commander and Chief of the U.S. has gone as far as to threaten other nations across the globe if they restrict or do not open up Pagan Ritual Bacchanals’ Tranvestism.


Don’t be fooled by the power, fame and money, both Barack Obama & Prince Rogers Nelson have multiple faces that serve several secret MASTERS that conspire to make the pursuit of love and happiness for the people a prey of secret Satanic societies. Again, don’t get it twisted. I am not interested in how Prince Rogers Nelson lived his private life, or what went on behind the gates of Paisley Park. That belonged to Prince. However, If a homicide occurred behind the gates of Paisley Park (Prince was found dead) that would be public business since it is a possible crime against our SOCIETY.

AND, if Prince Rogers Nelson conspired by secret liaisons with the highest Public Official in the United States, the President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces to arrest the pursuit of happiness of the people, that also is public BUSINESS- a Crime against Democracy, and a clear violation of the tenets of a FREE and OPEN government.


The WINGED SUN DISK is a complex SUN symbol associated with divinity, royalty and power out of Ancient Kemet.[13] It is a symbol that is often misappropriated, misused and bastardized by powerful western secret societies for their own wicked designs. What was JW Prince’s secret mission with President Barack Obama and the White House under the mysteries of the winged solar disk? Sit back and study. It may not surprise all, but many.

Global Dark Mission of the Masonic/ILLUMINATI SUN CULT

“We are convinced that the Order [Freemasonry] is being controlled by some SUN ORDER, after the nature of the ILLUMINATI, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, 1794 [14]


The 18th Century secret SUN ORDER threat to Freemasonry was, undoubtedly, the infiltration of “The Rosicrucians.Rosicrucians claim to be connected to the Great and Mysterious Kemetic SUN GOD, Amen-Ra. One group even claims ties to the Great Pharaoh Thutmose III (“Thoth” is born) of the Eighteen Dynasty, about 1500 B.C. in Egypt (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 1915). Their founder is generally claimed to be Christian Rosenkreuz, supposedly born in 1378 and died in 1484 (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 1915).[15]


Behind all of these ancient mysteries of Rosicrucian SUN CULTS was an even far deeper and evil element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the BLACK SUN (OBS), an organization so secret, dangerous and globally feared that it is illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany. The OBS was one of the secret societies that formed the Vril-Gesellschaft society in Germany. Out of the OBS of the Vril Society, Reichsfuhrer Henrich Himmler formed the SS, the Knights of the Black Sun. We will discuss the Black Sun Order further below, and link it to Prince Rogers Nelson.[16]


Himmler’s SS Wewelsburg Castle has several secret Round Temples and Chambers, and Pyramid Roof Shapes built into his Temple Complex.


The Paisley Complex represents some type of Secret Sun Temple Formula: 6 to the Pyramid Power

However first and foremost, the $10 million Paisley Park complex was created out of Knights Templar/Masonic sacred geometry. The symbols of sacred geometry at Prince’s Paisley Park are undeniable, and it was no accident that Paisley Park was located there. It is part of a long lost ancient sacred site most likely located on an ancient secret magnetic grid line.

Lost Atlantis in Chanhassen, Minnesota

Paisley Park is located in Clanhassen (sweet sap of the tree), MN that had been inhabited by the Dakota Native People. Consistent with long lost knowledge of ancient grid and magnetic lines, Clanhassen had been an ancient settlement site by the Minnesota River that may go back 8,000 years.[17] In 4,000 B.C., there was a vast mysterious ancient city built along the river that was buried below the water around 1256 BC by a series of earthquakes.[18] What is the Masonic connection of the name, PAISLEY?

PAISLEY was the birthplace of Red-Haired CELTIC King Robert the Bruce


“In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded, as he had arranged, by his grandson, Robert II, the first of the Stuart Dynasty. Before his death, he had expressed the wish that his heart be removed, placed in a casket, taken to Jerusalem and buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330, therefore, Sir James Douglas, Sir William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at least two other knights [templars]embarked for the Holy Land. . .” [Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple & The Lodge, Arcade Pub., 1989, p. 39][19]


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, above, is a circular building raised over the supposed site of Christ’s tomb, and Templar churches followed this design.

Ancient Solar Disc Temples in Jerusalem & Britain


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the Round Temple that is also found in Cambridge, England.[20] Knights Templars had occupied Jerusalem until 1291, when the Holy Land fell to the Saracens.  Following the dissolution of the Knights Templar in 1312 and death of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in 1314, many fugitive knights fled to Scotland, which was not under Papal control and where they were welcomed by the St Clair family. It was during this period that Robert the Bruce rose to prominence as the central figure in Scotland’s struggle for independence from England’s domination and  restoration of the CELTIC religion.  According to The Temple and The Lodge and other Masonic literature, Robert the Bruce was well-connected to the sacred Merovingian bloodline.[21]


The London church was consecrated in 1185 by Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, on land granted by King Henry II. King Henry was central to forming what is now known as the island/country of Ireland. Pope Adrian IV declared that the island was “illumined” by “CHRIST the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS.” In 1155 AD, he issued a Bull that empowered King Henry II of England to conquer Ireland.[22] It had been King Henry that first brought the Knights Templar into Ireland to help quell the “savage” state.[23] The Templar round church in England was used for secret Templar initiation rites. The Marshal family, Earls of Pembroke, were benefactors and several generations were buried in the church, including the 1st Earl who was instrumental in the negotiations that led to Magna Carta.[24]


Prince’s Solar Disc Temple at Paisley Park

Paisley Park was designed, created and built in esoteric metaphysical spiritual heritages by powerful secret Occulted Black Sun entities far greater and advanced than Prince Rogers Nelson.


Inside Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Jesus’ Circular Tomb


Inside England’s Templar Round Church


Inside Prince’s Paisley Park’s Round Symbolic Initiation Compound

Prince helped design Paisley Park. He asked for the pyramids. He loved pyramids like the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We’ll return to the subject, below.



Goddess Nekhbet of the Land of Kemet

Palsm 91.4: “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge…”  Just as the wings represents the will and power of the disc to move, the dual serpents the intelligent of the disk from both sides of the brain, wings also represents its ability to protect and shield the disk’s inner secrets.


Edward Bulwer Lytton’s Vril-Ya Angels

One very stunning secret of a powered disk is the Thule’s flying vril discs powered by a secret dualism of the Golden Sun and Dark Sun inside earth. The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of “Prima Materia” which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril radiation propels flying discs. They teach themselves that the Vril-ya people of Black Sun built the SUN PYRAMIDS with secret Vril energy and psychic power.[25]

In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince AdeptAlbert Pike said, “There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.[26]

The Vril Society latched on to a very old archetype already in the minds of alchemists and magicians, which was only re-interpreted, by French Magus Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet disciple, Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803- 1873), in light of that Age of Occult revival.[27] “This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton’s novel The Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.”[28]


Magus Eliphas Levi- Instead of Triangles, These Look Like the Vril Power of the Golden Sun and Black Sun Pyramids


NBA Super Star, Lebron James and Levi’s Triangles or Golden and Black Sun Pyramids, is climbing Cybele’s Ladder as a Hermaphrodite, his Female Alter is LeBre’sha.

Lytton’s Occult Master, Eliphas Levi was a freemason under the Grand Orient of France, and former Catholic priest. Interested in the Occult in 1825, Levi gained rare access to some of the Vatican‘s unseen works on the Occult, and secret works collected from the Knights Templar inquisitions. In 1809, Napoleon Bonaparte had arrested Pope Pius VII, and removed the contents of the world’s oldest library,Vatican Library, to Paris. Most of its contents were returned in 1817, there years after the defeat of Napoleon, but some rare volumes and documents remained secret in Paris.[29] In 1861, Levi joined the Masonic order outlining the original purpose of the fraternity, bringing back the lost traditions, and proving that the Qabalah was the root of Masonic symbolism.” [30]


Levi’s book titled Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie introducing the Knights Templar’s BAPHOMET GOD was translated into English by Arthur Edward Waite as Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual and the Baphomet became the foundation of creating Aleister Crowley’s Masonic Circle, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (HOGD).[31] Another secret re-interpreter of Kemet’s SUN PYRAMID SYSTEM, VRIL and the BLACK SUN during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century founded Prince’s JW in 1870, Charles Taze Russell, discussed further below. Aleister Crowley’s HOGD established it first temple, Isis- Urania, in London in 1888.[32] Prince’s JW, Crowley and the Golden Dawn are secretly connected, also discussed further below.

Prince & Strange CELTIC Bedfellow: Sinead O’Connor


“I am a dyke …big lesbian mule.” Sinead O’Connor [33]

Sinead’s CELTIC Cross  Tattoo on her head is a 4 (four) spoked SUN CROSS symbol appropriated from ancient pagan SUN WHEELS into Christian worship symbols.[34] It is a square cross interlocking with or surrounded by circle is one of the most popular symbols used by individuals and organizations to represent white nationalism, white supremacy, Neo-Nazism, and white pride. The CELTIC Cross was adopted as a symbol during WWII by Norwegian Order of the SS- Knights of the BLACK SUN.[35]


The controversial Irish singer, Sinead O’Connor, is an enigma. At times, you can’t tell if she is a demon or a saint. She has the hallmarks of a CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled multiple personality disordered victim.


Up Cybele’s Ladder Satanic Black HollyWeird Hermaphrodites: Eddie & His Bitch, Arsenio Hall

In the wake of Prince’s death, Sinead brought some junk out of the closet. On about May 5, 2016, she posted on Facebook that she informed the Carver County Sheriff’s Department and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) that Eddie Murphy’s Bitch- Arsenio Hall supplied Prince Rogers Nelson with drugs. She said, “Anyone imagining Prince was not a hard drug user is living in cloud cuckoo land.” [36] In 1990, she recorded Prince’s song “Nothing Compares 2 U” with international success. She became so close to Prince’s inner circle that when he summoned her to Paisley Park, she immediately took off even though she said that they “detested” each other. She recalled one incident in the early 1990s that she had to escape out of a window at Prince’s compound at about 5 a.m. He chastised her for cussing during public interviews. She told him to “fuck off.” They got into a slugfest.[37]


She recalled another night in Los Angeles during that period when they got into it, again. She had a wild foot and car chase with Prince in the Hollywood Hills. She said that she was trying to “spit” on him, and he was trying to “hit” her. [38] The important thing is that during the early 1990s, Sinead ran in the secret homosexual HollyWeird Black Satanic Cult inner circles of Prince, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. At their HollyWeird (Eyes Wide Shut) Satanic mansion parties, it is said that they have a little demonic ritual something-something lesbian stuff (trauma based sexual abuse programming) for female initiates, too.


In fact, Alex Jones [Welsh- Celtic] and shock jock Erich “Mancow” Muller claims that Prince was one of their fans. They say that Prince told them that they were the only ones telling the truth.[39] On May 13, 2016, Muller said on the above youtube video that Prince revealed to them that he had attended secret “Eyes Wide Shut” Satanic Rituals (frames 7:00- 7:15). Nevertheless, wherever Alex Jones shows up, I would be extremely cautious with all involved. They give you the popcorn TV drama and entertainment ILLUMINATI journalism, but no concrete answers or solutions.


Eddie Murphy has been the Ladder for Quite Sometime

On Facebook, Sinead revealed that during a 1991 post-Grammy party at Eddie Murphy’s mansion her marijuana had been spiked with a drug by Arsenio, then he ran his tongue down her mouth.[40],[41] It appears as though Sinead’s Facebook posts have been taken down. Corporate mass media didn’t want the masses looking in that direction. They want the people under that Purple Rain. That also will be discussed further, below. The dragon snapped its tail on Sinead. In Ireland, they took custody of her 12 year old son, Shane.

aaaaprincetubman On May 12, 2016, she appears to have been threatened, she posted a poster and quote from Harriet Tubman, symbol of resistance, on her page in response.[42] On Sunday, May 15, 2016, Sinead went missing after a 6 a.m. bike ride in the Wilmette area, a Chicago suburb. She was found safe at a motel the following morning. She was taken to a hospital.[43] TMZ reported that she was “missing suicidal” and suggested that she has mental problems- justification to waste her if necessary.[44] TMZ is a Warner Brothers’ company that had taken Prince’s back catalog.[45] Arsenio said that she’s CRAZY.[46] I am not so sure.

Sinead O’Connor has been ritually physically, sexually, psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally abused in Catholic schools in Ireland, then locked away to indefinite servitude in the notorious inhumane and brutal Magdalene Laundries behind the Catholic Church. Yes, she talked about suicide because of that abuse, and the continued ritual mental and sexual abuse within the music entertainment industry, but she was committed to live and struggle to raise her children.[47]

Out of it all, Sinead O’Connor courageously developed a bold crusading social conscious. She stood up against the powerful Vatican and child abuse. She even tried to openly intervene with raunchy- pansexual MK ULTRA sex kitten pop artist, Miley Cyrus, to help dignify her as a socially responsible human being and woman.[48] One thing is certain, she hated Arsenio Hall for what he did to her, and others in the entertainment industry. In his $5 million lawsuit against her for libel, Sinead responded, “I do not like drugs killing musicians. And I do not like Arsenio Hall. He can suck my dick. That isn’t if he isn’t too busy sucking someone else’s dick.”[49]


Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall have little if any connection to, or love for the people and the struggle. It has been replaced with an implanted alien Pagan False Spirituality.  Sinead makes sure it is clear that she has no real love for, or spiritual bond with Black People. With little or no consciousness or love for the people, Arsenio has little power to kick the Bitch to the curb when she gets out of pocket with her mass racist ideology and propaganda. In regards to the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, she remains among the very few that has spoken at least some TRUTH TO POWER. However, due to the amount of scientific ritual type CIA- MK ULTRA trauma based abuse and HollyWeird Satanic circles that she may have been exposed to or infiltrated,  they can turn this Pagan CELTIC High Priestess on a dime.


There is no question about it. When they found Sinead in that hotel alone after she went missing for a day, she suddenly became speechless or powerless to speak about what happened to her during the time she went missing. Nobody is talking about her or Prince Rogers Nelson.


As for Prince believing that an elevator was the “DEVIL,” look at its source, L.A. Reid. It is disinformation. The Negro is dangerous. He is part of the secret Hermaphrodite Satanic ILLUMINATI entertainment industry.


Power Entertainment Industry Hermaphrodites: Clive Davis & Antonio L.A. Reid

Reid is the hand-picked successor to the infamous DEVIL himself, Clive Davis, at Arista Records. Davis, a now open Hermaphrodite with a spiritual heritage with the Occult, is a member of the Masonic order of the Columbians of New York. The vicious Clive Davis is not the one to hand pick anyone for a position of power and control, unless you are Luciferic initiated– a member of the cult. That is the way they roll. The Columbians are named after Christopher Columbus of the Knights Templar.[50] The Knights Templar held secrets essential to creating and forming the Thule-Vril BLACK SUN.[51]


THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps. Unlike Clive Davis, Reid is still a vicious down-low homosexual predator preying on young men in the music entertain industry.[52] Also, as far as Charlamagne of the Breakfast Club claiming on radio that Prince could levitate, float on air and disappear at will.[53] That also is deliberate disinformation. The ILLUMINATI intends to mystify Prince.


Charlamagne has on a Pagan Throwback T-Shirt dedicated to Roman Emperor Caligula (August 31, AD 12 – January 24, AD 41). Charlamagne has no known spiritual or historical connection to Caligula that was known even during his own time as a madman and monster. His reign was a legendary frenzy of lunacy. He raped his own grandmother, Antonia. He was a god upon himself. He often paraded through the streets of Rome dressed as Dionysus/Bacchus and Venus.[54]


Caravaggio’s Young Dionysus/Bacchus

Caligula was the personification of Dionysus of the BLACK SUN. I can’t make this stuff up. He was known for indulging in homosexuality, incest, bestiality, pedophilia and infanticide.[55] He was the Devil’s Double. Caligula was a madman. They had to kill him at 29 years old to save Rome.  The Negro is up the Ladder. Prince couldn’t conquer a Polly flower, let alone fly.


By the way, just so you know how deep this SHIT is, please excuse my expression, but scientific Levitation does, indeed, involve mysteries of the Black Sun. Himmler’s SS Black Sun scientific specialist was Professor Winfred Otto (W.O.) Schumann. In 1937, the occult Vril Gesellschaft Society began its continued disc development program with official Nazi Party backing under Schumann of the Technical University of Munich who worked on the JFM (Jenseitsflugmachine), flying disc, from 1922-1924.[56]

Professor Schumann invented the SM-Levitator from the JFM research and he put the device to work in a series of “ROUND AIRCRAFT“- the Rundflugzeug series.[57] Additionally, the Schumann Resonance is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum mastered by Nikola Tesla. The terrestrial stationary waves phenomenon is named after SS- Knight of the Black Sun physicist Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.[58] The next time that you see Prince, he will be a flying holograph singing, dancing and playing his guitar across the midnight sky like a DEMI-GOD to the song, Purple Rain, Purple Rain, the ILLUMINATI only want to see you laughing [being TRANSFORMED]under that Purple Rain, Purple Rain.

In the first instance, Sinead may seem like a strange bedfellow, but Sinead, Prince, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall were/are high ranking HollyWeird Satanic Cultist, and students of the mysteries and occult. They were/are experimental ILLUMINATI  Puppets of the super elite and secret SOLAR SUN Crafts.


Barack Obama: He Got to Have It


Blazing Roman Sun God Apollo & Barack Obama

The powers at be knew very well that President Hussein Barack Obama had been secretly created, raised and programmed to be an experimental Aphrodite/hermaphrodite type male with the sexual desires of a woman. He had to have it and they clandestinely made sure he got it, man or men, through out his entire political career.


Baby Obama, left, compared to normal child about his age, has very unusual large dark bags under his eyes as if he had suffered severe ritual sleep deprivation. From the day that he was born, Barack Obama had been artificially created to be a TOP SECRET programmed “Hermaphrodite” Cyborg. Obama had been ritually traumatized, sexually abused and programmed since birth. At the time that Obama was born in 1961, within 4 (four) years of his birth, there were only two (2) people in the world that had the expertise to seed humans in the field of artificial insemination and possessed spiritually that type of pure EVIL DESIGN, German Gynecology Professor/Scientist Dr. Karl Clauberg, and Dr. Josef Mengele, both SS Knights of the Black Sun.


Dr. Clauberg (1898- 1957) is still well respected as a scientific gynecological expert in the medical industry. In 1957, Dr. Clauberg thought that he could and tried to commercialize and profit from his world’s leading artificial insemination expertise that he acquired from human medical experiments on SS concentration camp inmates. Himmler didn’t play that, and he wasn’t dead. Dr. Clauberg must not have known that. After the fall of Nazi Germany, he had been interned as a Nazi prisoner of war of particular interest in Russian until October 1955. Dr. Clauberg suddenly turned up dead leaving Dr. Mengele as the BLACK SUN’s most leading world expert in artificial insemination. Dr. Mengele had monitored, studied and worked under Dr. Clauberg by special secret orders of Himmler. Mengele had been a diehard SS Knight, and officer.

aaaaprincebabyobamastripes Baby Obama & Classic “Inmate Stripe” Shorts

During that period, Dr. Mengele was also the world’s leading expert in ritual sexual and trauma based mind control and iatrogenic multiple personality disorders working for the MK ULTRA and Occult Bureau of the CIA. This stuff is out of this world TOP SECRET. Obama’s primary personality could very well have been programmed as an “Hermaphrodite.” During his impressionate ages, he was raised and trained by a male Transvestite,


and a notorious black male PAN-SEXUAL Handler, CIA Occult Bureau Agent- This was TOP SECRET CIA STUFF NOT THE WORK OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY!


Frank Marshall Davis was a U.S. double agent. He worked the Communist Party as a spy and informer. They don’t turn over a valuable top secret MK ULTRA experiment to a member of the Communist Party. Davis was a PAN-SEXUAL fiend. He was like his father, God PAN. That means no limits to PAGAN SPIRITUAL LUST. NO LIMIT.


As you will come to realize, it placed Frank Marshall Davis high up Cybele’s Ladder. Barack Hussein Obama is a polished Hermaphrodite public political/presidential model alter personality with Satanic layers for future covert operations. The technology, opportunity and the pure EVIL and wickedness was there to create a Human Cyborg. (see Part II, The Boy from Brazil, Barack Hussein Obama II, the SS & Dr. Josef Mengele)

Not Only in the Roman Empire and HollyWeird


In Washington DC, Barack Obama has always had to have it, a man or men. He always had to have a high salaried special “body man” just like the Roman Senators. The first was his public financed “11-16 Hour Man“, Nick Colvin.[59] In 2006, Colvin gave an interview to The Michigan Daily titled Alum’s job: Be friends with a senator, where he described his job duties as Senator Obama’s personal assistant. He said that very few senators had salaried personal assistants at the time. His duties included waking up Obama every morning. He also most likely bathed and dressed him. And Michelle? In fact, Obama’s body men spend more intimate time with him than his wife. In fact, Michelle once slipped up and admitted that she was really a”single mom“.[60] They say that Nick had to go when rumors began to circulate in Washington that Obama and Nick were knocking the boots behind closed doors.[61]


During Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign, he hooked up a romantic relationship with actor, Kal Penn, and continued when “Obama asked Penn to move to Washington so they could be close to one another and the two could have sex more frequently.”[62] 


Obama’s White House “body man” was Reggie Love. He “is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners.” [Wayne] Madsen also discloses that Love received a salary of $109,000 a year as Obama’s “body man.[63]


Love, above, “passed out drunk at a University of North Carolina frat party” and was “tea bagged” by “white frat boys” (a gay sexual practice wherein one man dips his testicles into the mouth of another).”[64]

The presidency of Barack Obama began on January 20, 2009, when he became the 44th President of the United States. But, it was around May 2008, about 6 (six) months before the general election when the freaky provocative homosexual photos of his “body man” began to circulate on the internet. It seems as if the “white frat boys” were playing games with some of the world’s most clandestine, powerful, dangerous and demonic forces of the Black Sun that wanted a CIA- MK ULTRA experimental transhuman-hermaphrodite in the highest elected office of the United States. The frat boys internet campaign was a deliberate “Shaming of Reggie Love” designed to adversely affect Obama’s democratic presidential campaign. As soon as one set of pictures were taken down, another set appeared in another place on the internet.[65] In the photos, Reggie Love of rival Duke University was identified as Barack Obama’samusingly named ‘body man’.[66]

The compromising pictures of Reggie Love were taken in the basement of a well-known but unnamed fraternity house on the Chapel Hill campus of the University of North Carolina (UNC). Undoubtedly, they had many pictures of Reggie with their naked “balls” in his mouth. They were determined to shame the democratic nominee in the eyes of the public. If they didn’t know it then. They certainly know it now. They had gotten themselves in the middle of extremely cold blood high stakes politics that take no hostages- the ends justify the means. Beginning in December 2007, 3 (three) homosexual members of Obama’s Down Low” club at Trinity Baptist Church in Chicago were silenced by murder within 6 (six) weeks each other.[67] They weren’t about to allow some black gays or white conservative college frat boys block their road to the White House.

aaaaprincecourtsmith In August 2009, an Archdale (NC) police officer stopped a man driving on I-40 who had called 911 saying he was suicidal and, allegedly, carrying a pistol. When the man, allegedly, pointed a gun at an officer, the officer blew him away with a 357 Magnum. The man turned out to be a 21 year old UNC junior, Courtland Benjamin Smith, President of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity on Chapel Hill.[68]

” The original investigative report stated that Smith had commented to friends [at the frat house] on the day of his death about possible suicidal ideas. But on Oct. 21 the investigative report was amended to say, “There is no evidence that prior to this [Smith’s claim that he had a gun in the car] he had expressed suicidal thoughts or intent.”[69]

Courtland Smith was shot dead while unarmed. There was no gun at the scene or in the car. He had been executed in cold blood. Nevertheless the evidence that Smith did not point a weapon at a police officer as alleged, a Superior Court judge in Randolph County ruled against the release of the dashboard camera video from inside the police car. He went on to seal the video from public record under court order.[70] The officer, former county deputy sheriff Jeremy Paul Flinchum, had only been with the Archdale police since April 2008 at about the time the pictures of Reggie Love began to surface.[71] Even though the UNC frat house at the bottom of the Reggie Love Scandal wasn’t named, it is suspected that it had been the late Courtland Benjamin Smith’s powerful Delta Kappa Epsilon, UNC’s first frat house founded in 1844. Delta Kappa Epsilon members have included five of forty-four presidents and one vice president- all RepublicansRutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Dan Quayle.[72]

The masses had no idea that Barack Obama was the hermaphrodite cyborg that he is. His 2008 campaign slogan was the single word “FORWARD.”[73] They didn’t know that he wasn’t talking about the American People moving forward, but the elite secret societies moving in formation with their agendas to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. The idealization of homosexual androgyny being pushed by President Barack Obama across the country and world is a PAGAN archaic spiritual passion, consciousness, and fundamental Satanic ideological commitment that is deeply veiled, hidden and concealed from the public. It is indeed, spiritual warfare, waged against the people that respects no law.



Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803- 1882) Up Cybele’s Ladder, “If I am the DEVIL’s CHILD, I live then from the DEVIL. No law can be sacred to me but, that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to this or that.”[74] Emerson, further, “The deliberate act of power which defiantly declares good and evil files in the face of the creator’s designs and in so doing jumps into the waiting arms of the tempter. One may wonder if this joining of the opposites is possible implication of the Serpent’s word, … knowing good and evil.’ [Satanic Sacred Marriage of Opposites][75]


In 2014, the Late Joan Rivers put it very bluntly and shockingly on the world stage, Barack Obama is this country’s first “GAY PRESIDENT” and Michelle Obama is our first “TRANNY FIRST LADY“.[76] The first lady another up the ladder “Hermaphrodite.” I didn’t believe it. I was already outside the Twilight Zone and Outer Limits calling Obama a Human Cyborg. I just thought they couldn’t get anymore bizarre than that. I was WRONG – outside my wildest imagination.The Obama Administration has turned out to be one of the most secretive presidency in history, because it is the most dysfunctional and freakish of them all. They have had the most to hide from the masses.


In December 2013, Barack and Michelle Obama were involved in quite an abnormal and freakish public spectacle and debacle during the Nelson Mandela National Memorial in Johannesburg, South Africa.  During the event, Barack was disrespectfully laughing and having a good time flirting with Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.  The two were even photographed as they were disrespectfully taking a “selfie” during the ceremony that didn’t include Michelle.[77]


Like a 10 year old child, President Obama was made to switch seats with Michelle. The impertinent flirting obliviously got next to her. Don’t get it twisted, it wasn’t Obama’s childlike indignity of the office that really got under her skin, but the fact that he was openly enjoying flirting with a real female.


Maybe beside the Royal Houses of Great Britain, Barack and Michelle Obama have to be one of the most carefully watched, observed, studied and recorded couples on the planet.


Yet that didn’t seem to matter with them on a day of great celebration of the Life, Legacy and Struggle of the Late Nelson Mandela, they clowned on world center stage as if they were two jealous elementary school children instead of powerful and dignified heads of state representing the United States of America. But, this absolute public craziness in the high office don’t stop there.

The White House Romper Room with Steph Curry

Just days before Prince’s death, the Oval Office was turned into Obama’s personal special romper room to play with reigning handsome pretty boy NBA MVP Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors while the world, particularly in Palestine, Syria, Libya and Africa, was going to hell in a hand basket. With almost childlike behavior, President Obama and Curry filmed a public service announcement promoting the “My Brother’s Keeper” mentorship program. What about the Sisters? Huh! In it, Obama personally gives Curry unusal up close hands-on résumé advice, a connect four math game lesson (ages 6-14), tweaks his jumper, and helps him with an elementary school science experiment of an exploring (penis) volcano. Their comedic timing was described to have been “pretty spot-on.”[78]

Don’t get it twisted. Barack Obama is nobody’s Brother’s Keeper and give out special trips to the White House with the president if you don’t look handsome, “delicious” and “desirable” like a Steph Curry to an unfettered homosexual male with an age old programmed hermaphrotic tradition behind him.

Curry and the Order of the Black Sun


NBA ILLUMINATI Super Star, Stephen Curry, “Up the Ladder”

Let me say this about Stephen Curry. President Obama has an unnatural special interest in and underlining homosexual desire for the young man. If Curry wasn’t part of the ILLUMINATI before, he is now. He was initiated into some secret Masonic subset of it by the direct handlers of President Obama.


Jordan Fliegel is a Zionist/Israeli Founder, President & Chairman of The venture-backed company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and features over 14,000 private coaches and trainers nationwide, who conduct in-person 1on1 and group training sessions in everything from basketball, soccer and football, to yoga, fitness and dance. Curry has been set up in Fliegel’s ILLUMINATI/ New World Order network. Curry is a business co-founder and partner of CoachUp. Agencies such as private digital mind control programs controlled by the Zionist ILLUMINATI will become the future prerequisite for athletes to enter professional sports.[79]


While at the racist Bowdoin College in Maine, Fliegel won the Confederate President Jefferson Davis Book Award. Fliegel played professional basketball for the Hapoel Migdal Jerusalem, and Hapoel Kfar Saba of Israel. However most tellingly, Fliegel is the proud godson of Guido Goldmann, founder of the German Marshall Fund. Goldman’s father Nahum Goldmann, born in what is now Belarus and raised in Germany, founded the World Jewish Congress and negotiated post-war repatriation settlements for Jewish survivors in Europe. His mother was from Berlin. Born in Switzerland, Guido Goldman moved with his parents to New York in 1940 as refugees fleeing the war.[80]


Kissinger & Goldmann

Growing up, luminaries such as Knight of Malta– former German/Nazi Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (Operation Paperclip, Spy Chief Reinhart Gehlen) and Rothschild Jewish Presidential Court Jew and Factor Bernard Baruch of the One World Government were frequent guests at Goldmann’s home on Central Park West. In 1959, Goldmann went to Harvard where Obama’s Jewish handlers former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of his undergraduate tutors and Henry Kissinger was one of his PhD advisors.[81],[82]


You can’t reach anymore of a dangerous top level ILLUMINATI initiation than that. They are the MASTERS OF THE BLACK SUN.


Curry also has a new “Up the LadderKabbalah tattoo(brand) featuring a verse from 1 Corinthians 13:8 code written in Hebrew.

aaaaprincemariamontessori Some believe that Curry was indoctrinated into Jewish Mysticism, and pushed up the “Ladder” in Luciferic Occult by his mother, Sonya Curry. Sonya own and run a Maria Montessori Christian School.[83] The Italian educator, Maria Montessori (1870-1952), is directly linked to Madame Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner’s Satanic Para-Masonic- Thule Theosophical Society. At least one source said that Montessori had been a clandestine member since May 23, 1899.[84] So, I am wondering if Stephen Curry was part of that secret White House Night of 666 Luciferic crowd singing along with Prince and Stevie Wonder, Signed, Sealed and Delivered to the ILLUMINATI.


One week in April, President Obama was obsessed with handsome pretty boy Curry. The next week, he was fixated with the passing of another handsome pretty boy Prince Rogers Nelson.


The elder statesman occupying the highest public office of this nation has been lately consumed with risky and freaky feelings for Curry and the late Prince so much so that it has adversely affected and impacted his judgment in the Oval Office.


The President of the United States was much more than an abnormal FAN of Prince. He had an abnormal love for him. After Prince’s sudden death, a source that works close with a White House staffer says that President Barack Obama was “inconsolable” and heartbroken. The staffer said, President Obama “sequestered himself in the Oval Office with a laptop playing non-stop Prince music” including several hours where the song “Purple Rain” was said to have played on repeat. The staffer alleges that the President “cut short some meetings on Friday so he could properly mourn the loss of Prince”. They said that Obama’s behavior and mindset became even more bizarre in the wake of Prince’s sudden death.[85]

“He (Obama), saw those tributes that they did to the Superdome and Madison Square Garden, covering those buildings in purple light, and he wanted to do that to the Washington Monument and the White House,” alleges the source close to the staffer. Secret Service and Homeland Security vetoed that idea.[86]

President Obama allegedly spent the remainder of the weekend brainstorming a plan to create a proper tribute to Prince on the White House grounds. “The President is going to paint the Lincoln Bedroom PURPLE to ‘honor Prince in a fitting fashion’, his words – not mine,” claims the source.[87] If I hadn’t known about Prince’s June 15, 2015 secret rendezvous at the White House, I may have said that somebody was putting out false rumors about President Obama. What went on between Prince and President at the White House? How many times have Prince visited the White House, secretly? As far as the Obama Oval Office is concerned, it’s nobody’s business not even the people of the United States.


In June 2011, it was no secret that Prince had been a staunch critic of digital music and had refused to allow his back catalog to be sold digitally online. He told the press, “I personally can’t stand digital music. You’re getting sounds in bits… It affects a different place in your brain. When you play it back, you can’t feel anything. We’re analog people, not digital.” He further told the press that he was scheduled to go to the Obama White House and discuss his copyright issues.[88]

It can’t be confirmed or denied that Prince ever made it to the Oval Office. The White House contend that its visitor logs are not subject to the freedom of information act. At that time, the president’s “body man“, Reggie Love, was still at the White House until November 2011. He maintained his very own visitor’s list and log to the White House. I said that to say this. Off the public record, Prince had several possible ways to get semi-secret access inside the Oval Office. In 2011, Prince seemed certain that he had direct access to the White House, and I assume he went as scheduled. So, what changed between 2011 and 2015, when Prince turned his music and gigs over to Jay Z’s Tidal digital music streaming service? Nevertheless, all lips are sealed tight about Prince and Obama enforced by federal criminal law under strict non-disclosure secret covenants. Back at the White House, once the reality of Prince’s death set in, Obama stepped up to share his thoughts about Prince, even going as far as to quote the singer while celebrating his spirit. Referring to Prince’s quote that doubles as an ode to weirdness, “A strong spirit transcends rules,” Obama wrote that, “nobody’s spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative.”[89]


Prince & Crowleyanity



Artwork by Aleister Crowley (from the frescoes of the Abbey of Thelema)[90]

“A strong spirit transcends rules,” is only a different way of saying, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” dictated to the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley by a disembodied DEMONIC entity named Aiwass. Crowley took Aiwass’ dictation for three hours on April 8–10, scribbling in longhand to keep pace with the voice. The sessions lasted exactly one hour each. The 65 pages of handwritten material composed the Liber Legis, or The Book of the Law, which Crowley saw as the herald Aiwass of the New Aeon or a new religion. Each chapter carried the voice of an Egyptian deity: Nut, the goddess of the heavens, and two aspects of Horus, Ha-Kadit, a solar aspect, and Ra-Hoor-Kuit, or “Horus of the Two Horizons.”

For years, Crowley remained in awe of Aiwass. In The Equinox of the Gods, he acknowledged that he never fully understood the nature of Aiwass. He alternately called the entity “a God or demon or DEVIL,” a praeterhuman intelligence, a minister or messenger of other gods, his own Guardian Angel, and his own subconscious (the last he rejected in favor of the Holy Guardian Angel). Crowley also said he was permitted from time to time to see Aiwass in a physical appearance, inhabiting a human body, as much a material man as Crowley was himself. C. S. Jones, who ran the Vancouver, British Columbia, lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis, said he underwent a series of magical initiations that revealed to him that Aiwass was in truth an EVIL DEMON and the enemy of humanity…

Aiwass told Crowley that he had been selected by the “Secret Chiefs,” the master adepts behind the Golden Dawn, to be the prophet for the coming Aeon of Horus, the third great age of humanity. Crowley genuinely believed that the Aeon of Horus would spread around the world as a new religion—Crowleyanity—and replace all other religions. “[91]

Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) or Watchtower Society (WS) is a secret SUN CULT overseen by a council of elders governed by the Governing Body. The Governing Body is said to provide “spiritual food” for JW worldwide. Until late 2012, the Governing Body described itself as the representative and SPOKESMEN“- the Sun Cults’ most high priests for God’sfaithful and discreet SLAVE CLASS.


Behind the veil, Prince was a SLAVE to TWO (2) MASTERS, Warner Bros. and “GOD’s SPOKESMEN“, the Solar High Priests of the WATCHTOWER.In 2009, The WS indicated that the dissemination of “new spiritual light” is the responsibility of only “a limited number” of the “slave class“, asking: “Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths? No.[92]  Was Prince Rogers Nelson part of the limited number of the “JW Slave Class” allowed to illuminate the “new spiritual light“? Yes, clandestinely through his music.


Golden Dawn High Priest Samuel Mathers

JW’s Watchtower complex evocational (Act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, god or angel) designs have its sole origin in the Enochian Magic System revealed to the 16th Century Elizabethan magician, sorcerer and spy Dr. John Dee (007) and his scryer Edward Kelley, which was later developed into a working system of magic by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers.[93] Mathers was a British occultist primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (HOGD). HOGD was a basically an Anglo Saxon High Priest- SUN CULT based upon their interpretation of Kemetic Solar Cosmology.[94]


Golden Dawn High Priest Aleister Crowley

Just so you know. A story recorded in the first millennium BC, tells of how the wicked God Set disguised himself as a leopard to desecrate the body of Asar (Osiris). He was seized by Anubis and branded all over with a hot iron. This according to Kemetic myth, is how the leopard got its spots. Anubis than flayed Set and wore his bloody skin as a warning to those that would disturb the dead. It was Anubis who then decreed that PRIESTS should wear leopard skins to honor this triumph over Set.[95]

Mathers was a Master Freemason initiated into Hengist Lodge No.195 on 4 October 1877. In 1882 he was admitted to the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, England. He was awarded an honorary 8th Degree in 1886. In that same year, he lectured on the Kabbalah to Madame Blavasky and Maria Montessori’s tTheosophical Society. Mathers‘ friend and student disciple and high priest had been the BEAST, Aleister Crowley.[96]


Dr. Dee’s Angelic Four Quarters Angelic WATCHTOWER System

Among the surviving records of Dr. Dee that Mathers and Golden Dawn revived and expounded was the Angelic Operations, A Book of Supplications and Invocations which “deals with the Invocation of the Angels who preside over the [WATCHTOWER] Four Quarters of the Terrestrial sphere“.[97]


I can’t stress just how important the still mysterious Dr. Dee was in exploring and forming this country. Dee promoted the science of navigation and cartography. He studied closely with Gerald Mercator, and owned an important collection of maps, globes and astronomical instruments that English pilots used to voyage to America. Dee served as an advisor to the English voyages of discovery and personally selected pilots and trained them in navigation.[98] Dr. Dee was also a secret initiate of Knights Templar’s mechanics and sacred geometry. He was the rector of at least 2 (two) Knights Templar settlement temples in England, Temple Bruer in Leadenham, and Upton- Upon Severn in Worcestershire were built upon newly discovered secret sacred landscape geometry.[99]

The Golden Dawn & JW


Not only that disk is used by the Rosicrucians but also by the Kabbalists who depicts Jehovah with that disk. The relationship of Russell with occultism don’t stop there, the name of the organization and their main publication is what the occultists call the magic universe, the “watchtowers”. In the Enochian magic, there are regions known as “watchtowers” of fire, air, water and earth. These correspond to the elements of the world. A society of Enochian magic deriving from the Masons was known under the name “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn”…


Golden Dawn is close to the name of the Golden Age magazine edited in the past by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.”[100]  Their symbol is a GOLDEN DAWN.


Prince was a priestly level “JW Class Slave.” His real calling card to America’s highest civil servant, U.S. President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces was actually the secret Enochian Magic System “Watchtower”, and the clandestine Scottish Rite Masonic “Crown and Cross.”


Prince had the President of the United States “Up the Ladder” under that PURPLE RAIN


The MATRIX, Purple Rain, Crowley and Whore of Babylon

JW is a secret alter ego of Aleister Crowley and Mathers’ Anglo SUN CULT, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Prince appeared to have been a witting SLAVE of a clandestine Crowleyan SUN CULT. It is telling when Prince described his transformation from a Seventh Day Adventist to a Jehovah’s Witness as a “realization“, “It’s like Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix.”[101] It just happens that the science fiction cult classic, The Matrix (1999) is the product of the minds of the Wachowski Brothers, Andy and Larry.


Andy and Larry Wachowski

The brothers are believed to be students of Thelema, secret members of Aleister Crowley’s OTO. One thing is certain in the industry is that they are seriously dedicated adherents of the OCCULT.[102] They also belong to HollyWeird’s (Beverly Hills) Kabbalah Cult.[103] I was able to understand some of the Matrix after watching it a couple of times. However, I have not been able to watch any of the other two movies of the Matrix Trinity. Now, I know exactly why.


Hitler’s lifelong fascination with Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is corroborated by the fact that the Nazis essentially made the Nietzsche Archives of Weimar  the official shrine of their regime in 1933.  Even as late as 1944, the green Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger  (1889-1976) went so far as to say that Nietzsche was the spiritual inspiration of Hitler. The Wachowski Brothers are disciples of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).[104] Prince’s quote, “A strong spirit transcends rules,” is also another way of quoting Nietzsche’s infamous, the “Will to Power.”[105] Crowley made Nietzsche a saint in the Eclesia Gnostica Catholica and wrote in Magick without Tears that “Nietzsche may be regarded as one of our prophets.”[106] Nietzsche called himself the last disciple of the philosopher DIONYSUS.[107]


Dionysus represents as Plutarch (Priest of the Pythian Apollo) observed, “the whole WET element in nature, blood, semen, sap, wine, and life giving juice.”[108] “He [Prince] is our Dionysus, and his lyrics are full of beasts. ‘You’re just as soft as a lion tamed,’ he crooned.”[109]


“Dionysus is the depiction of transcendent primordial light, life that persists even during the absence of Apollo (the Sun)- for as much as Apollo is the Golden Sun, Dionysus is the Black … Sun, reigning in the world below ground whilst Apollo’s presence departs for another hemisphere, dead to the people of the people of Delphi, the Winter Sun [Dark God] reigns in Apollo’s absence.”[110] Most tellingly, Nietzsche wrote the book, The Anti-Christ. In the book, he proclaimed the death of GOD and placed MAN in place as GOD, and put a curse on Christianity.[111] In the Wachowski Brothers’ Nietzsche and Crowleyan worldview, the Matrix’s NEO represents the Anti-Christ because he is not the ONE, while MORPHEUS and the “realization” represents Lucifer or the False Prophet in mass media covert Luciferic subliminal implantation.[112]


Nietzsche was allegedly a covert homosexual. He was certainly interested in things beyond homosexuality. He wrote a book called, The Gay Science. It is a book that pays homage to St. Januarius, Januarius I of Benevento, Italy. St. Januarius was the Bishop of Benevento during the Roman Emperor Diocletian’s (244- 311 AD) persecution of Christians. St. Januarius was arrested and thrown to the lions (“soft as a lion tamed“) and tigers, but when the animals did not attack him, he was beheaded around 305 A.D.[114],[115] The martyr was a man with striking feminine characteristics. He had a soft beauty and experienced periodic bleeding. Legend associated his martyr’s blood with menstrual blood. Considered both man and woman, he became the Saint of Androgyny.”[116] Androgyny is the combination or blurring in one being of certain identifiable sex-differentiate traits. The may display both male and female characteristics at once, but often remains so sexual ambiguous that these traits blend into each other and sexual identification is impossible.[117] Whereas, the Hermaphrodite has gender-ambiguous sexual organs.

A St. Januarius vial or capsule of his blood is a Christian relic. On September 19 of each year, his blood is ritually celebrated as a miracle. Each time it is removed from a safe, the blood liquefies in a state in which blood is normally found.[118] Some believe that Januarius’ blood is his actual menstrual cycle blood. Nietzsche was unnaturally obsessed with ANDROGYNY.

On the Oprah Show, Prince acknowledged and then denied that psychiatrists or psychologists had been involved with him in programs of secret psychoanalysis and psycho-therapy. He said that they informed him that he had an alter personality inside of him that he had created at 5 years old. It is a key age for classic CIA MK ULTRA mind control programs.[119]


Dr. Ralph Allison is a New Age Shaman and Exorcist/Psychiatrist out of the military-industrial handmaiden, Stanford University- Medical School. He is a former USAF Flight Surgeon, Keeslor AFB, Mississippi. Dr. Allison is one of America’s most quiet “dissociation” and “multiple personality disorder” experts and specialists in America via the clandestine association of Dr. James A. Hamilton (Stanford U Medical School, CIA Station Chief- Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility), Dr. Gregory Bateson, CIA Occult Bureau and MK ULTRA.[120]

In the early 1970s, British Godfather of MK ULTRA, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Anthropologist, Dr. Bateston, moved his clandestine CIA SHIT HOUSE into the small surf city and mountain area, Santa Cruz, CA at the UC Santa Cruz. It suddenly became the Serial Mass Murderer capital of the U.S.[121] ,[122] Accompanying the sudden appearance of murders and mass murderers in the city and surrounding mountains, there was also a sudden mass appearance of people possessed by demons needing emergency psychiatric intervention. In stepped Dr. Ralph Allison to cover the rash of demonic possessions, and cover Bateson’s secret MK ULTRA assassin mind control and demonic possession experiments in the remote Santa Cruz Mountains area, and explain everything away.[123]

In the mind control of children as subjects, Dr. Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.”[124]

In a 2005 unpublished paper, Dr. Allison maintained that Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is an appropriate label for the first alter-personality created before the age of six. There is no resident Original Personality, and dozens of alter-personalities manifest itself. Disassociate Identity Disorder (DID) is appropriate for usual single alter-personality created after the age of six. There is a resident Original Personality that is usually quite socially.[125]

Prince is referring to being ambiguous to either gender- suggesting that he is a true androgyne instead of a hermaphrodite. In the Occult, there is a big spiritual difference between the two. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the difference. According to very old religious texts, God created several beings in his image. As I recall, the first creation was all spirit. God said that this is not good. The next creation were beings that had no sex or gender. These beings were one in spirit with everything. So, all they did was sit around and meditate because they knew everything. God said, this is not god. So,  God created the sexes,  man and womanGod said that this was good, and they multiplied. The androgyne is a spiritual being knowing everything, while the hermaphrodite is man ambiguous to the sexes.


Dionysus is not the true androgyne any more than Hippolyte was, for he has not come to peace with his Feminine side. His Masculine and Feminine aspects are not fused, they are merely confused … Dionysus as god of madness, ecstasy, drunkenness and frenzy—was given to wild outbursts of excitement, performed preferably before an audience.”

Prince told Oprah that he wasn’t aware of the sex of his first alter-personality. However, “On June 7, 1993–his 35th birthday–Prince legally changed his name to a symbol, which combined the male and female signs with the ALCHEMY symbol for SOAPSTONE. To this day, the inspiration for the change remains unclear, but it was certainly not the first time Prince had experimented with multiple identities. In 1987–after the release of his double-album masterwork, Sign o’ the Times–Prince claimed to be caught between two personalities: “Camille” (his good side) and “Spooky Electric” (his dark side). Fortunately, Spooky Electric appears to have been vanquished during the 1988 Lovesexy Tour …”[126]


SOAPSTONE grinding cauldrons can be a witch and shaman’s ancient MAGICK mixing bowl. So, it is reasonable to understand that with Prince’s male and female alchemy symbols mixed or grinded together in a shaman’s cauldron that would spiritually transform him into a Magick Androgyne, whereas he enters into the realm of the sacred marriage of being a God- the DEVIL.  “Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and the female into as single one, so that the male will not be male and the female (not) be female…then shall you enter (the Kingdom).” Gnostic Gospel of Thomas


Make absolutely no mistake about it. There is absolutely nothing funny or amusing about these people. It is an important ILLUMINATI New World Order Agenda to control procreation of the global masses. They are serious and extremely dangerous. In real life, the Wachowski Brothers have, in fact, transformed/transmuted themselves into some new types of transhumant androgynes as a homage of the metaphysical alchemist Satanic philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, and NWO agenda.

Larry has transformed himself “Up the Ladder”  into “Lana Wachowski.”


Andy has transformed himself “Up the Ladder” into “Lilly Wachowski.”


Nietzsche and his disciples used music as a language for the conveying of mental, spiritual content- the Luciferic Worldview. PRINCE was not the ONE.



Revelation 17:4 …’And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

HYMN TO PAN- Aleister Crowley 666


Dip the purple of passionate prayer
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare,
The soul that startles in eyes of blue …

To watch thy wantonness weeping through
The tangled grove, the gnarled bole
Of the living tree that is spirit and soul
And body and brain — come over the sea,
(Io Pan! Io Pan!) DEVIL or god, to me, to me … [127]

Undoubtedly, Crowley reference to the woman arrayed in purple and scarlet color, is the WHORE OF BABYLON. It also shouldn’t be surprised to find a clandestine relationship between Prince, the Great BEAST 666, Golden Dawn, and the Baphomet (God PAN).


The WHORE is associated with the ANTI-CHRIST and the BEAST of Revelation by connection with an equally EVIL kingdom.[128] What’s the WHORE’s relationship to GOD PAN? In his earliest appearance in literature, Pindar’s Pythian Ode iii. 78, GOD PAN is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or CYBELEPindar refers to virgins worshipping CYBELE and PAN near the poet’s house in Boeotia, Greece.[129]


GODDESS CYBELE with her FOOT on the WORLD Holding a PINECONE- Masonic Symbol of the Pineal Gland- THIRD EYE

For whatever reasons, Tyka Nelson in her house slippers greeted Prince’s fans at Paisley Park. She also had to open her PINEAL GLAND with purple crystals. She is a (Cybele?) Mystic controlled on Crack. Tyka is under sequestration. She is not talking under any circumstances.

aaaaprincetykaglandThe popularity of the CYBELE CULT in the city of Rome and throughout the empire is thought to have inspired the author of Book of Revelation to allude to her in his portrayal of the mother of harlots who rides the BEAST.[130] PAN’S mother was CYBELE. And some sources say that Nietzsche’s DIONYSUS had been his FATHER.[131]


Charles Taze Russell (1852- 1916), the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW), was a 33rd degree Knights Templar Freemason of the York Rite in Allegheny, PA. Russell’s Masonic records are sealed secret in Ireland.[132] Russell was also, indeed, a pyramidologist. Russell went into great detail of the various measurements inside the pyramid, using “pyramid inches” in effort to prove that the construction of the pyramid was inspired by God to stand as a corroborating witness to the Bible, as well as reveal the dates of Christ’s Second Coming. The man was even buried in a pyramid.[133]  Prince told Boto Architects that designed and built Paisley Park that he loved pyramids, and may also have been an Occult Pyramidologist.


The significance of the shape of the pyramid is hotly debated and unknown for certain, but many scholars believe that the pyramids represent Rays of the Sun as seen coming down from behind a cloud. In mortuary temples, there are references to the soul of the king ascending along the ramp of the Sun’s Rays to the Sun God himself. It is a great ancient SUN TEMPLE/MONUMENT.[134]  Russell taught that pyramids contained prophetic [BLACK SUN] secrets known only to him. Russell and his followers spent a small fortune trekking to the Ancient Land of Kemet to study them. According to Russell, only by reading his books could one understand the pyramid mysteries and how they fit into theDivine Plan.”


In the 16th Century, the Alchemist Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magic and Angelic Language was introduced into Scotland and Ireland by Sir William St. Clair of the Knights Templar. The Grand Lodge of Ireland, the second most senior Masonic Lodge in world, helped create Russell’s early Watchtower Society in America. The Russell Family settled in Northern Ireland from Germany and Scotland as part of Pope Adrian IV, Henry II and the Knights Templar’s 12th Century plan to conjure, and pacify Ireland.[135]


According to one source, Enochian Magic and Angelic Language have been secret rituals of JW’s elite members since the beginning.[136] That explains Irish Masonic High Priestess Sinead O’Connor as a control agent being deeply embedded within Prince’s inner circle of the HollyWeird Black Satanic Cult. Prince admitted on Oprah that his symbols are pure ALCHEMY MAGICK. In the Oprah interview, he had also admitted an invocation and communion with an Angel (Angelic Language) at an early age.[137] The PURPLE RAIN that Prince, JW and the BLACK SUN CULTS want the President of the United States and America under, CROSS-DRESSING, FREAKING OFF and laughing under is  the REIGN of GOD PAN’S MOTHER- GODDESS CYBELE, the WHORE OF BABYLON.


I could never listen to Prince’s music, and I have always loved music. I like Purple Rain– but I have no idea what he was talking about until now- EVOCATION OF DEMONIC SPIRITS. When the DOVES CRY, it didn’t touch my heart and inner soul. DOVES CRYING, I didn’t see it. I couldn’t envision it. I had no conscious reference to nor understood DOVES CRYING. For generations, even among the ancients they understood that music heals, and John Coltrane showed me it that it leads to the colors of the universe, and travel along the planets and stars.  None of Prince’s music seem to soothe my soul. I have always left it alone.

Eric Clapton, that also SOUL HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL, was asked about how it felt to be the World’s Best Guitarist. His response: “I don’t know. Ask PRINCE“. Beyond the two DEMONS, Clapton should have paid homage to the late B.B. KING instead of a fellow DEMON OF MUSIC.








[7] Id.


[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.















[26] Id.

[27] Id.

[28] Id.










[38] Id.



















[57] Id.

[58] Id.











[69] Id.

[70] Id.





[75] Id.





[80] Id.






[86] Id.

[87] Id.



















[106] Id.


[108] Id.
















[124] Ralph Allison,  M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995















23 12 2015

Pulling the Veil Over Your Eyes

The Magic and Mesmerism of Queen Diva WHITNEY HOUSTON brought to the U.S. Armed Forces by the Department of Defense, Pentagon and Commander and Chief of Armed Forces, Luciferian President GEORGE H.W. BUSH as an ILLUSION to  pull the veil over the eyes of U.S. Military Forces that illegally invaded Iraq in a WAR OF AGGRESSION and GENOCIDE (Violation of Human Rights) in 1991.


Philly Sound, Michael William Masser & Linda Creed

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way

Michael Masser and Linda Creed wrote the lyrics and music to “The Greatest Love of All” for the HollyWeird movie about the life of the Great Muhammad Ali called, “The Greatest (1977)”. Masser was a blond Ashkenazi Jew, while Creed was often described as a “French Jew“, maybe because you can see the African in her.

What is important is that Masser said that he returned to Israel (Holy Land) to find some divine inspiration to help master the song. Divine inspiration is often closely tied to the concept of revelation, the belief in information being revealed or disclosed through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities. While Creed that had developed the “lyrics” to the song had been so imbedded within the Black Music Philly Sound scene, culture and community, she was generally considered- just one of the sisters.

The Holy Lands was the Land of (Milk & Honey) Canaan when the Ashkenazi Nomads invaded the country. Canaan was a colony of the people of the Kingdoms of Kush and Kemet. A lot of what is supernaturally revealed in Israel isn’t necessarily Judaism.

The true mystery of Israel was once again revealed when they uncovered the Sphinx of the Great Pharaoh Menkaure of the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid and Golden Ages of Kemet in the temple complex of Tel Hazor in Northern Israel. And, the name “Israel” may be derived from a combination of the names “Isis,” “RA” and “El.”

It is generally understood that HollyWeird global mass media projects like “The Greatest” are always implanted with subliminal demonic spells. However, one of the most important words included in the song revealed to Masser and Creed out of Canaan was “DIGNITY.”

“No matter what they take from me, They can’t take away my DIGNITY [Godliness]. Black Children in playful dance (twerking) …


The Horned Goat God’s Twerk & Kiss of Shame (Osculum Infame)  

or spirit possession honoring SATAN (twerking)? Can you be really, really be sure? Demonic Spirit Possession– that’s the way they roll, in particular, for the Future of Black Children!



“Among the earliest records of human beliefs, the early goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon carried a sun above their head as a Symbol of DIGNITY (as daughters of Ra).”


Sun Embodied in the golden sun which is His Symbol, RA is Netjer of light, life, and heat, and the power inherent in the sun which warms our planet. A special symbol of Ra via their connection to the Ben-ben, a pyramidal-shaped stone from which Ra as a Bennu (a white heron, called “Phoenix” by the Greeks) rose from Nun and sang the song of creation) in His honor.


The beautiful thing about DIGNITY is that it is a principle of MAAT. Maat has been described as ‘the key idea in the traditional African approach to life’ which today ‘recurs in most African societies as the influence of right and righteousness, justice and harmony, balance, respect and HUMAN DIGNITY.’(Asante and Abarray, 1996, p. 59)

DIGNITY just happens to be a very powerful and mysterious cosmic word in world civilized history that resonates on his own. Just that word alone has the tendency to counteract and destroy any Satanic/Demonic spells implanted in the song and music. DIGNITY has many names and faces like the Goddess Hathor. DIGNITY takes us back to RA, to the very Dawn of Creation.

Unveiled, DIGNITY is the Divine Breath of Life of God (Gods). The 1977 movie version song was performed by George Benson. In February 1985, Whitney released the song in her debut album. The Columbian Masonic/Demonic Clive Davis was initially against her recording the song, but backed down. The Greatest Love of All was released as the B-side to the single “You Give Good Love.” The song was eventually released as a single in its own right. Stephen Holden of NY Times wrote that “Houston sings it with a forceful directness that gives its message of self-worth an astounding resonance and conviction” and called the song a compelling assertion of spiritual devotion, black pride, and family loyalty, all at once.”

Another critic fearing the song and Whitney’s latent power wrote, “[w]e had laughed at that song during the seventies as a mawkish ode to self-involvement, not dreaming it would ever be taken seriously.” But it did move and inspired the MASSES. This was not at all what the Luciferians intended or dreamed would happen. This is not the Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Global Agenda for the Masses- A …



By April 1986, Linda Creed was dead at the age of 37. Whitney most likely began to be DRUGGED soon thereafter with CIA CRACK COCAINE, then placed under U.S. military jurisdiction for covert Psychological Warfare projects.

“Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside …” Twerking is not an option.


What you are about to read may and very well should alarm, upset and disturb many. It is as it is. It is the offensive, profane and vile truth as ancient mysteries have been created it to be passed down throughout the generations of Sethians (Satanist) and those that serve Satan (witches and warlocks) to 21st Century Knights, z, Satanist, Witches and Warlocks and the ILLUMINATI. Such mysteries manifest itself today. It is silently behind the Satanic Booty Cult, and Satan’s Twerk.


Goddess Hathor, giving the Divine Breath of Life to the Pharaoh, SETI, the Great

TWERK: Breath of the Dragon & Serpentine Life Force


The Devilish/Satanic Twerk

Even today as it was when it was first created, this type of erotic art (Hans Baldung Grien or Grün’s Witch and the Dragon) wasn’t intended to be viewed or studied by the general public or the masses. Art critics say that they don’t necessary know what’s going on in the woodcut. That isn’t the truth. It is a medieval Sethian illustrated secret doctrine, and a blueprint for today. By the way, the children in the woodcut are human sacrifices.


The divine breath of life from God that all of us have entered through the nostrils. So, it stands to reason in duality that the DEVIL in the form of a dragon may breathe its Satanic Life Force  through the ASS/ANUS. Those with the Breath of the Dragon and Serpentine Life Force intend to create EVIL and bring destruction to mankind.

Revelation 12:9 states: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. ” The drac (dragon) was a term synonymous with doing as much EVIL as the DEVIL himself could be supposed to desire. The Drac is also designated a demon and a malevolent spirit.[1]

“The dragon whose nature sulphur shares is often spoken of as the ‘dragon of Babel or, more accurately, the ‘dragon’s head’ (caput draconic) , which is a ‘most pernicious poison,’ a poisonous vapour breathed out by the flying dragon. The dragon’s head ‘comes with great swiftness from Babylon.’ However, the ‘winged dragon’ that stands for quicksilver becomes a poison-breathing monster only after its union with the ‘wingless dragon,’ which corresponds to sulphur. Sulphur here plays an evil role that accords well with the sinful ‘Babel.’ (Mysterium Coniunctionis, p. 117)[2]

When we get into the subject of the Dragon’s Breath of Burning Sulfur and the anus- it involves very complex and complicated issues involving theology, metaphysics, esotericism, and alchemy spanning Christianity, the Gnostics of the Knights Templars, Cathars and Rosicrucians (Order of the Dragons), and witchcraft.

Hell is said to smell like burning sulfur. It is often referred to in the Bible as “brimstone.” It is a symbol of perpetual torment and destruction.[3] However, among the Greeks, sulfur and brimstone has the same meaning as theios. Theios (thi’-os) Definition: godlike (neuter as noun, divinity)” Translated: divine, godhead“.[4] In religious terms, divinity or godhead is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being, Creator-God or spirits and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy.[5]


That means that the Dragon (Satan) has the godhead power to create another face or alter Satanic personality in witches through the anus by its creation breath and Serpentine Life Force. The DEVIL has two faces, one where the mouth is – also the anus, and the devil’s tail second tongue. Luciferians have been serving SATAN (Seth) for thousands of years. We could be a thousand years behind knowing their true secrets, because their real mysteries are revealed to only an elite select few throughout the ages.


Dürer and Baldung, The Secret Claw Hand

Hans Baldung Grien or Grün (1484 – September 1545) that created the Witch and the Dragon may have been one of that elite few. He was a German artist of an elite and noble family. Baldung was a painter and printmaking who was considered the most gifted student of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). It has been suggested that “Grien” came from “grienhals”, a German word for WITCH.[6]


The High Priestess of the ancient European Satanic Booty Cult in popular society is entrusted to Kim Kardashian.


She is a witch under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon and Serpentine Life Force. She intends to create EVIL and bring about the DESTRUCTION to mankind.


Another Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon is Miley Cyrus.


Another Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon is Jennifer Lopez.


Of course, Rihanna is a Booty Priestess under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon.


Then last but none the least is the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Multiple Personality Disordered Sex Kitten, Nicki Minaj.


Dürer and Baldung’s secret Satanic lessons and doctrines were exposed in their paintings and woodcuts that most likely weren’t intended for the world to see nor understand. Elite European Satanists like Baldung and Durer believed that women and their private parts including their asses/anuses were possessed by the DEVIL or could be spiritual possessed by him by the Serpent’s fierily breath and the “OSCULUM INFAME”Shameful Kiss.


Even at that time, witches had gained the knowledge and power of mesmerism and hypnotic trance formations (hypnotic sleep) as illustrated in Baldung’s 1544 woodcut, “The Groom Bewitched.[7] 16th Century French Franciscan theologian Jean Benedicti and French jurist and political philosopher Jean Bodin (1530–1596) named the nun’s “parties honteuses” [private parts] as the devil’s favorite entry point. Bodin elaborated, explaining that “evil spirits possess women from ‘down there’ [la-bas] and speak through their shameful body parts [parties honsteuses].”[8] In that age, they believed the DEVIL primary used women to serve him as sexual enslaved witches that recruit men and convert the world over to the DEVIL’s reign on earth.


“I [DEVIL] show Englishmen how to buy and sell slaves. And I teach their women how to be witches.” The Devil and Tom Walker, by Washington Irving [9]


Freemason (32 or 33rd Degree), clandestine Knights Templar and 1st Baronet (the holder of a rank of honor of the British Empire below a baron and above a knight) Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),[10] once observed to author, essayist, biographer, historian and Demonologist Washington Irving (1783-1859),[11] Ah! cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of. It comes no doubt from their being so familiar with warlocks and witches.”[12] Or warlocks and witches being so familiar with cats. Cats were sent by the DEVIL to help witches with their evil workings. Using a cat in your magic will double any spell’s power.[13]  Undoubtedly, Scott and Irving were among Lucifer’s Servants. Dürer and Baldung were high ranking witches, sorcerers and dragonologists part of a secret powerful German Satanic Cabal (Hungarian Order of the Dragon) most likely part of the Rosicrucian Circle that survived through the generations in secret, and still exist this moment.[14],[15]


Satanist Annie Besant (1847-1933), 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason with Devil’s Claw Hand Sign.[16]


Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. He is in the Cult.


Hallie Berry, SS Walter Schellenberg and Will Smith are part of the secret Dragon Cult.


This is one of Baldung’s Naked Witches (Woman with the Cat) that show you that the Satanic Conspiracy have used music and entertainment  along with Satan’s Spell Book for generations to lure men, women and children to SATAN. Recall that the Cat is sent by SATAN to double any spell’s power.


Izzy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez Bearing the Cross of the Satanic Booty Religion

As you see, the Booty Cult is being pushed and promoted among the masses to religious proportions by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH  Occult Bureau Witches and Sorceresses of America’s Luciferian Music and Entertainment Industry.


The Booty, the ASS is the other FACE of SATAN.


They (Sethians) believe that the Booty, the ASS is the other MOUTH of SATAN.



The “TWERK“, the blog AfroCentricQueen woke me up,

“Modern day twerking is very similar to Mapouka, a dance from Côte d’Ivoire. The dance has existed for centuries and consists of a series of movements emphasizing the buttocks. Mapouka was a celebratory dance for festivals by Africans and was widely accepted because people believed that this dance led to encounters with their Gods!!! Twerking also is typically a Bantu dance style. The African try to replicate these relics each time they came together… If you go into Cameroon where the dance actually started, you will see a couple of African Mystic tribes who dance merely by twerking. Gyrating with the waist is just an African dance that in almost every tribe in Cameroon most of them dance only with the waists and buttocks like the Bassa Assiko dancers.”[17]

Mapouka is a traditional dance from the Dabou area of southeast Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) that originated with the Aizi, Alladian and Avika people. It is also known as “la danse du fessier” or “The Dance of the Behind”.[18] Isolated from its whole, I didn’t recognize it as a form of ancient sacred ritual benevolent “Spirit Possession.” AfroCentricQueen woke me up, I saw it, the benevolent and positive twerk in Brazil within its proper spiritual context and order of things.


I have an Associated Bachelor degree in Anthropology. For my own enlightenment and enrichment, I had often traveled across the U.S. and across the sea to study Black Culture wherever it existed. During the late 1980’s, I traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil alone on an independent backpack search and study of Rio and Black Orpheus.[19] Black Orpheus has an infamous de la Macumba scene.

In Rio, Macumba pretty much have become commercialized and bastardized for tourists that I stayed clear of. For a couple of days, I stayed in a beautiful and peaceful small town of overwhelmingly people of color. It was about a five to six hour bus ride outside Rio. The town sat beside a 16th Century Wooden Spanish Colonial Fort still occupied by the Brazilian Army. I sat in the public park in the town’s square.  To my utter amazement, people went about their calm daily business while sharing common park space with a donkey, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats and a giant 1,500 to 2,000 old world longhorn bull that stood almost 7 feet at the shoulders with horns that spanned over 15 feet. I didn’t tell anyone, but I was very nervous and virtually terrified until I calmed down and followed the flow of the people, but I was still nervous. I prayed that my true nervous vibrations weren’t picked up by the animals, particularly that Big Bull. Oh, crazy Americano.


My time in this small town had to have been one of my life’s most remarkable human experiences. It was one of most peaceful and serene places among men that I had ever experienced. It was at a café across the square that I had become enchanted by a pair of extraordinary dark eyes. She was a beautiful Brazilian waitress. Each time she drew near me, it was as if we were breathing from the same nostrils. I was drifting off into a dream. I had feelings of being complete. I had to snap out of it. I was only passing through. I was committed to do what was right and just and not disrupt anyone’s path or course not even my own along my way. Back in the states, I had a lovely fiancé and small family that I promised to grow with. I returned home with a peaceful conscious, no secrets, regrets or drama.

In town, I was granted special permission by the high priestess to attend a totally authentic and sacred Macumba ritual ceremony. Macumba is the “umbrella” term used for two principle forms of African Spirit Worship: Candomble and Umbanda.[20] Candomblé is a Dance in Honor of the Gods. Music and dance are important parts of Candomblé ceremonies. It is a religion, practiced mainly in Brazil. Candomblé developed in a creolization and genius of traditional Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu beliefs of the kidnapped and enslaved from West Africa by the Portuguese. Between 1549 and 1888, the religion developed in Brazil, influenced by the knowledge of African priests who continued to teach their mythology, culture, language and spiritual religious belief systems.[21]

Practitioners of Candomblé believe in a Supreme Creator called, Oludumaré (Zambi by the Kongo and Nana Buluku by the Fon) who is served by benevolent lesser deities, which are called Orishas. The Orishas and similar figures form a link between the SPIRITUAL WORLD and the world of humans. Candomblé practitioners believe that every person has their own tutelary deity which controls his or her destiny and acts as a protector. [22]

During the ritual, the high priestess was dressed in a white suit with a white top hat instead of black. She carried a white cane. She smoked a cigar while sipping from a bottle of Bud as she moved around the temple. She called me, Oh Americano, and laughed each time she passed me during the ceremony, because she knew like a long lost child, I understood very little of what I was witnessing of an ancient African past.

As the group and initiates danced to the hypnotic rhythm of the drums, she would approach mostly young females then select one by the tap of the white cane on the floor in front of her to celebrate the fertility and motherhood rite. At the tap of the cane, each female would enter and literally drop down into spirit possession of their deity. The ritual scene in the 1999 movie, Eyes Wide Shut, is similar, but the women are under SATANIC SPIRIT POSSESSION.

Watched and supervised closely by the priestess, each began to remarkably roll and gyrate their waist, hips, the muscles of their buttocks to the drums totally independent of the movement of her other body parts and muscles. It only lasted moments, but it was as if they had unique and total control over each and every individual muscle of their lower extremities between and waist and their legs. I knew enough to know that I had never seen that type of control over the muscles and movements over that part of the body before.


My first impression was that they had practiced, trained and perfected the control over their muscles and tissues. Actual “Spirit Possession” hadn’t entered my mind. I knew very little about it. I had seen uncontrollable “Spirit Possession” and “Talking in Tongues” through the “Holy Ghost” in Black Churches most of the days of life. But this was a priestess controlled and invoked manifestation by a sacred deity that was unknown to me. It was no wonder that the high priestess continued to chuckle at me throughout the ritual. I had no idea of the lost African wonders, mysteries and experiences that I was witnessing.

The “Bounce” as Marketed/Sponsored by Corporate America & Mass Media

It is very true that “twerking” and New Orleans “bounce” dance or display removed from the context of collective African Spiritual Consciousness incorporates many of the same movements of traditional West African Sacred Dance including the emphasis on the hips and buttocks that may be an evolution of our ancient traditions.


Throughout the decades, we have often borrowed dance movements from traditional African Ceremonial Dance and popularized it. However, taking and mass popularizing a movement that directly involves sacred African Spiritual Consciousness and Possession without any spiritual guidance, supervision and controls is deeply troubling.


“Inverted twerking” also pose a serious health risk – exploding head syndrome, dizziness and vertigo. “It makes blood pool in your head, risking clot forming and raising local blood pressure since the brain isn’t equipped to pump the blood back to the heart like the legs are.  This could cause a brain hemorrhage if the pressure rises too much.  Some even claim pooling of blood in the lung can be the consequence of hanging upside down.  So usually you won’t die of it, but it can cause serious medical problems.”[23]

Isolated from its whole, the sacred moment and “Encounter with the Benevolent God(s) of Fertility” that is a mystery has been turned into an institutional Satanic Booty Cult/Spirit Worship that opens a portal for alien demonic spirits and gods to invade the sacred African Collective Spiritual Consciousness.


through the back country of Brazil, and old city of Rio, I have seen with my own eyes the remarkable strange power of ancient African spirit worship and possession. It involves entering streams of complicated hierarchies of benevolent and demonic spirits that ordinary and unknowing people can’t navigate through, replicate, invoke or control without an experience and learned African Priest or Priestess.

Twerking is out of place, order and balance. Its mystery is deliberately being manipulated covertly to initiate Satanic Booty Worship to release those ancient demonic spirits controlled by Luciferians to run amok among us. It is being used primarily by the ILLUMINATI to invoke and honor Lucifer (CHAOS) by dance and music through covert hypnotic and subliminal suggestions of Demonic/Satanic Spirit Possession.


“To the Satanist, he is his own God. SATAN is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates.”[24] Universally, Carnal relates to the physical and especially sexual appetites; worldly or earthly; of or relating to the body or flesh.[25]


The Greek God Pan is a ravenous, insatiable phallic god, whose worshipers would celebrate him with offerings and massive drunken orgies in caves and forests. He’s a god specifically of PRIMAL/CARNAL male sexuality. He loves sex, the joys of the body, and wine. He’s a bringer of panic (hence the name). He is a war god. He is also a musician and singer.[26] He was a rapist.


For generations, Satan has been known as the Lord of CHAOS.[27] The Greek God Pan brings about CHAOS in the rules of orderly societies. Pan disintegrates established orders back into CHAOS. One of the primary ancient Demonic entities directly linked to the Devil’s Other Face (ASS, ANUS) Cult known for generations to enter the unconscious and conscious portals of the mind through dance and music is the Greek God Pan.


Pan‘ is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust, homosexuality, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that they worship.”[28]  “Medieval legends say that the DEVIL CREATED THE GOAT. Satan himself often appeared with goat’s horns, and sometimes changed his shape completely into a goat.” – (Encyclopedia Mythica).”[29]  In the woodcut, PAN leads a woman to SATAN and his BOOTYSATAN’S ANUS excrement in the cauldron appears to have importance in imposing and gaining some type of mind control over initiates and people.


Claude Gillot’s Ancient Ritual Dance Booty-Twerking for the Goat God Pan

The GOAT was sacred to the Temple of Pan.[30] The Cult of Pan is linked to a temple site in city of Banyas (Panias) dated to about 200 BC located at the foot of Mt. Hermon in Northern Israel.[31] During the crusades, Knight Templars invaded, occupied and fortified Panias.[32]



CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau Demonic Rihanna Booty-Twerking for the Goat God


Not every much is known or told about Frenchman Claude Gillot (1673-1722). He was a weird and strange man, and one of France’s elite leading painters of the era. Like Dürer and Baldung, he undoubtedly was a secret elite society Satanist, Sorcerer and Witch.


Gillot was credited with creating the “HOMEAGE TO THE DEVIL”, and the Kiss of Shame (ocsulum infame). Gillot’s Sabbath took place in a dark cave, the DEVIL being shown on the right in the form of a large goat (PAN). There are two cats and a snake in the lower left corner. The snake is associated with the DEVIL and their presence at the Sabbath identify the gatherers with the evil night gatherings to worship SATAN. It also seems to show an act of shameful sodomy by a demon on a gatherer while he reads from the DEVIL’s Spell Book.


The Kiss of ShameOsculum Infame (PAN) is a recurring theme in European DEVIL’S Sabbath.


The infamous Confederate General, Knights of the Golden Circle and KKK leader, Scottish Rite Freemason, Albert Pike, also clearly associated Pan with SATAN, “… Satan is not a black god, but negation of God … this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will.  They represent this Force; under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer.” [Albert PikeMorals and Dogma, p. 102]


PAN was also one of the favorite Satanic Gods of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. Reportedly, Crowley raised the horned god in a secret all night Satanic ritual in Paris. It drove him insane and killed another.[33] Crowley also created a Satanic homosexual rite devoted to Pan in which he was ceremonially sodomized by the god.[34]


The origin of PAN dates at least back to 6th Century BC Thebes, Greece.[35] Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht) is a traditional spring festival celebrated on April 30 or May 1 in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. In Germanic folklore, Walpurgisnacht, also called Hexennacht literally “Witches’ Night“. It is believed to be the night of a witches’ meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany between the rivers Weser and Elbe. The first known written occurrence of the English translation “Walpurgis Night” is from the 19th century.[36]


Walpurgis Night- Witches Sabbath & Booty/Ass Satanic Worship

Well, that is a rather placid description of the “Witches’ Night” or the Witches’ Sabbath. Walpurgis Night is another ancient pagan ritual beside Beltane that celebrate April 30- day of the arrival of spring.[37]  These spring festivals and rituals originate in the worship of the God Pan. Pan was evoked in the springtime to ensure the fertility of both the crops and the people.[38]


PAN’s direct connection to Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath is certainly verified by Demonologist Johannes Praetorius’ Witches’ Sabbath woodcut that dates back to around 1668 from his infamous tract, Blockes-Berges [Brocken] Verrichtung, Leipzig, Germany.[39]


However, Witches’ Night had been recorded taking place in the Harz Mountains as early as the 15th Century AD.[40] It was Praetorius’ woodcut that told us more than anyone else seem to have been willing to expose about what was really going on- revels and orgies with and for the DEVILJohann Richter or Johannes Praetorius (1537 – October, 27, 1616) was a Bohemian German mathematician and astronomer.[41] He was certainly a celebrated witness of his time. Praetorius, according to one authority, “had an open eye and a sharp ear for all wonder stories, witch tales, and accounts of ghosts and sorcery current among the people.”[42]And, he certainly was aware of who the Greek God Pan was and how he factored into the 16th Century Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath as a very important and central Satanic figure.


The PAN Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was/is very-very real.


The Horned God Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was very-very real. It still exists, today …


no matter how profane, lewd, malevolent, and unworldly (anti-DIGNIFIED) it may be.


And PAN’s forbidden Ass/Anus  vulgar backward DANCE to honor SATAN that dehumanize the people; degrade and demean sacred feminine and motherhood is also unbelievable, but also was/is very-very real.


Praetorius was also very vocal about the dances that served the DEVIL (Pan) involving the touching of shameful places that he accused Satanic magicians out of Italy of inventing and spreading. One dance was the La Volta, he described it as “a new galliard… a foreign dance in which they seize each other in lewd places … a whirling dance full of scandalous, beastly gestures and immodest movements. [The volta] is responsible for the misfortune that innumerable murders and miscarriages are brought about by it. [43]


Queen Elizabeth I’s “pleasure aka ‘The Betty Hop’: The lavolta was the ‘dirty dancing’ of the Renaissance. The music was characterized by dotted-rhythms, and the dance itself was deemed quite lewd and lascivious, if not downright immoral and dangerous. The man embraces the woman, places his thigh between her buttocks, one hand on her back and the other alternately near her crotch and bust, and she leaps into the air, the flying skirts revealing glimpses of undergarments and leg. It was denounced as shamelessly obscene and suggestive.”[44]



The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland is the governing body of Freemasonry in Scotland. It was founded in 1736. The oldest records held within the Grand Lodge are meeting minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1 which date from 1599.[45]


Decades before those first minutes of Freemasonry were set to ink, witches on the peaks of Harz Mountains were “Riding the Goat” to each year at the pagan spring festival to the Witch’s Sabbath.


Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746- 1828) “Witches’ Sabbath”, which depicts a crowd of “hoary old hags” listening intently while a black goat preaches to them, and “The Great He-Goat”.[46]


In 1854, Eliphas Lévi published Dogma et Rituele de la Haute Magie, in which he described the Knight Templars’ BAPHOMET as the “Sabbatic Goat”. This is the popular image of Baphomet as the Satanic Black goat, or “Goat of Mendes” as Lévi calls it.[47]


In The Last Test, apocalyptic horror author H.P. Lovecraft makes first mention of Shub-Niggurath, “The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”. Though later descriptions of Shub-Niggurath are not terribly goat-like, its designation as a goat creates a tie between the animal and dark natural forces beyond man’s control.[48] Pan is Patron God of the Witches’ Sabbath and BLACK MASS [Eyes Wide Shut]. He is the BAPHOMET of the Knights Templar, Masons, and the ILLUMINATI. It is a Satanic force far beyond original man’s control.



Witch Beyonce’s Twerk- Feeling the Hot Sulphur  Breath of SATAN

“The owner of the ARCADIA GROUP … the star [Beyonce] on a new athletic street-wear brand. It had been reported that the global venture would launch this year.”[49] Beyonce’s direct ancestor was Joseph Broussard (1702–1765). He is also known as Beausoleil, was a leader of the Acadian people in ACADIA (Colony of New France), Canada.[50]


She admits very freely that she is under Sasha Fierce demonic “SPIRIT POSSESSION.”


Beyonce Ride the Goat to the Witch’s Sabbath and Black Mass


ACADIA is French for ARCADIA which is the Greek land of peace and harmony. It was in fact, “where God PAN was BORN“.[51]



It was no coincidence that Fuhrer Adolf Hitler chose Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath on April 30 to fake his suicide. In Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft stated that the Nuremberg Trials had totally failed to identify the real nature of evil which lay behind the “outer facade of National Socialism”; indeed, “initiation rites and black magic practices [lay at] the inner core of the Nazi leadership”. (Page xiii). From 1909-1913, “Hitler attained higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs and made a penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic …” (Page xxi). Hitler was a “WITCH.”

After his faked death in Berlin in 1945, U.S. Allied Forces followed his reported secret location in the Black Forest on the top of the Harz Mountains (Alpine Redoubt)– the ancient site of the Pan-Germanic Witches’ Sabbath where they (Hitler, Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, Wernher von Braun and top SS Knights of Black Sun) were to be transformed into “WEREWOLVES.”



Blacks in America once were a glowing example and vanguard for revolutionary struggle for the global masses of color. Across the great divide of the Atlantic Ocean on the other side of the midnight, I was surprised and deeply humbled when beautiful little sisters told me that their greatest inspiration for strength and human dignity came from America.

Even though most of them were handicapped by no more than a 2nd grade education, pictures were worth a thousand words to them. They collected and cherished such small things as Jet, Ebony, and Essence magazines that showcased Black Women in America on literally all pages in power, strength, respect and exceptional BEAUTY.

In their world of constant racial oppression, struggle, poverty, lack of equal education and employment opportunities, they clinked to the images of strong, dignified and beautiful Black women in America to inspire them and envision far greater things and opportunities for themselves and their families.


In America, World’s Greatness, the Powerful and Beautiful Florence Griffith Joyner (FloJo) Just Dropped DEAD/MURDERED.


In America, the Beautiful and Queenly Phyllis Hyman was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with DRUGS.


In America, the Beautiful QUEEN DIVA Whitney Houston was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with CIA CRACK COCAINE.

Don’t you see the sick pattern? Brothers Huey and Bobby often said that with our backs up against the wall and cornered, we had the right of the natural law of self defense and preservation to strike back with the deadly lightning fast fury of a BLACK PANTHER. However, when we are under constant direct and subliminal suggestions, influences and by deception by the ILLUMINATI, elite Global Satanic Cabals and this racialist society to turn our backs to our enemies, bend over out of the natural order of things, and TWERK,


and our women and children get down on all fours, crawl, twerk their booty muscles and behind for the enemies’ amusement and exploitation …


you can’t see what’s coming. You can’t see what the government is not doing or doing- false flags and WARS OF GLOBAL AGGRESSIONS. You can’t see who is being shot down in the streets by police or what’s happening to your schools and community, or GENOCIDE. You can’t see the enemy or strike back. Offering your ASS to your enemies is an ancient form of submission, surrender and human humiliation, and AN OLD WORLD HONOR TO SATAN. First Line of Defense- MAAT (Establish ORDER) & DIGNITY (Establish Worthiness of GOD).








[7] Schroder, Willy, A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used by Members of the Order, Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, York Beach, ME (1992), pgs. 115-116















[22] Id.










[32] Id.















[47] Id.




[51] Stutz, Bruce, Chasing Spring, Scibner, NY, NY (2006), pg. 35


9 12 2015



 The love of my sister lies on yonder shore, the river is between us; a crocodile lurks upon the bank.

Yet, will I delve into the depths; my courage is high upon the stream, the waves are like land to my feet.

It’s her love that makes me mighty, that is the magic that smite the crocodile.[1]

These young beautiful prancing J-Setting sisters of Alabama State University may appear to be isolated phenomena. However, leading these young ladies in the procession is a line of male drum majors (soldiers) and police.


Following the prancing ladies are the drummers,

aaalovedrummersthen the football players (soldier/warriors- HEROES).


The beautiful prancing Alabama State Stingettes are an essential part of a powerful sacred feminine ritual welcoming procession that go back to man’s earliest civilizations. They are part of the secret power of ritual Beauty, Art, Music and Dance in active motion within man’s mysterious universe and cosmos.


The Westcar Papyrus is an ancient Kemetic text containing five stories of some of the magic and miracles performed by priests and magicians of the Old Kingdom. One of the stories shows the healing, internal rejuvenating and mysterious power of Love, Music, Dance and Beauty- the sacred feminine. The Kemetic tales in the Westcar Papyrus are known as “King Cheops and the Magicians” and “The Tales of King Cheops’ Court”. The tales come from the royal court of Pharaoh [Khufu] Cheops (2589–2566 BC).[2]


From the Court of the Great Pharaoh Khufu, his son Baufra, relates an ancient magical tale from the 24 or 40 year reign of his grandfather, Pharaoh Sneferu- One of Beauty or Bringer of Beauty (2613 BC to 2589 BC), founder of the 4th Dynasty.[3]


According to the Westcar Papyrus, King Sneferu is in a melancholic mood. He is bored and so he wanders through every room of his palace, to seek some distraction. When unsuccessful, he orders to his servants: “Go and bring the high lector priest and scribe of the books, Djadjaemankh, to me.” The summoned is brought to Sneferu at once. Sneferu says to Djadjaemankh: “I have passed every chamber of my palace to find some distraction, but I couldn’t find any.” Djadjaemankh replies: “May thy majesty go to the lake of the palace, after a bark has been prepared with all the beauties from inside the palace. The heart of highness will be cheering up seeing them rowing to and fro. You will see the beautiful bird’s marshes of the lake and their banks then and thine heart will become happy when recognizing their beautiful realms.”

Sneferu says: “Truly, I shall arrange such a rowing trip. Let me be brought 20 oars made of ebony, decorated with gold, their handles made of seqab-wood, covered with dja’am. Let me also be brought 20 virgin maidens with perfect bodies and well-developed bosoms, compassed with braided hairs. Let them be draped in nets after they have disrobed their clothes.”


King Sneferu’s Royal Boat

All things Sneferu wished are done. And so they row to and fro and Sneferu’s heart is gladdened when he sees the girls row. Then it happens that the stroke maiden goes through her braids with her fingers and a hair pendant in the shape of a fish, made of malachite, falls into the water of the lake. The stroke maiden becomes silent in shock and grief and stops specifying the clock. Her complete line of rowers becomes silent, too, and they all stop rowing. Sneferu asks: “Shouldn’t you row…?”

The rowers answer: “Our stroke became silent, without rowing.” Sneferu consults the stroke maiden: “That you don’t row any further, has which reason?” The woman answers: “This fish-pendant made of fresh beaten malachite is the reason. It fell into the water.” Sneferu brings the stroke maiden back to her seat and offers: “Let me give you a duplicate of your pendant as a substitute.”

The woman says: “I prefer to receive my property back than having a duplicate.” The king orders now: “Go and bring the high lector priest Djadjaemankh to me.” And Djadjaemankh is brought to Sneferu at once. The ruler says: “Djadjaemankh, my brother, I have done all things that you have advised and the heart of thy majesty was refreshed when seeing the maidens rowing. Then a fish pendant made of fresh beaten malachite, belonging to the stroke maiden, fell into the water. She became silent, without rowing. So it came that she distracted the whole rowing line. I asked her: ‘Why don’t you row?’ and she said: ‘That fish-pendant made of fresh beaten malachite is the reason. It fell into the water.’ And I replied to her: ‘Row! See, I’m someone who replaces it.’ But the maiden said: ‘I prefer my own property before some substitute.'”


Djadjaemankh utters a secret spell which makes the waters of the lake move, so that one half side of the lake now rests on the other half. The water which had been 12 cubits in height becomes now 24 cubits at one side, whilst the other side is dry now. Djadjaemankh enters the lake’s ground and picks up the lost fish-pendant, which was lying on a pot-shard. He brings the amulet back to the stroke maiden and then removes the waters magically back to their original positions. Sneferu spends the rest of the day celebrating together with his royal palace and Djadjaemankh is rewarded generously by the king.[5]


Malachite is one of the most ancient stones ever used in jewelry and ornaments. It was also a magical, spiritual energy and healing stone which calms and soothes frayed nerves. The ancients used the Power of Malachite to effect great change within their physical bodies, healing at the cellular level. This many layered stone assist in grounding nervous or excess energy, allowing the Crown Charka to open more fully allowing the channeling of higher energy frequencies.[6] Malachite mines were developed in Kemet around 4000 B.C. It was also used to prepare cosmetic and eye ointments. In Ancient Kemet, Malachite was devoted to Goddess Hathor. She was called the “Lady of Greenstone and Malachite.”[7]

Pharaoh Sneferu, Djadaejankh, and the beautiful young women isn’t an ancient pornographic tale about a nasty old man and his lust being re-awaken by the naked bodies of young women. It is much more and its message is as complex as it is hidden and ancient. It is a textbook passed down throughout the ages of the sacred feminine. It is about secret female science and mysteries involving energy stones, mysteries, magic and unseen energy forces of power generated by their motions, vibrations, voices and their seer presence and sight in active motion within the cosmos.

Pharaoh Sneferu was no insignificant figure in human history. His Horus name was Nebmaat. As pharaoh, he was Kemet’s GREAT GRAND MASTER, High Priest and Guardian of Osirisian/Isis Mysteries. He had to have been one of the most important pharaohs in the history of Kemet. He founded the Pyramid and Golden Age of the 4th dynasty of Kemet. Sneferu may probably be credited with developing the pyramid into its true form. He built a series of “regional” or provincial pyramids across the “Two Lands” all the way up south to Elephantine Island.[8]

The 4th Dynasty was the Great Pyramid Age. These pharaohs and their societies were the world’s first Mega-Builders. They erected stone structures with skills, feats and power that 5,000 years later- it stills defy the laws of nature and science.


Pharaoh Kharfre, “Appearing like Re”

Sneferu’s son was Khufu: builder of the Great Pyramid. Menkaure (2575 to 2465 BC)  was his great grandson: builder of the Third Pyramid of Giza. Sneferu’s grandson was Kharfre: builder of the Second Pyramid.[9]  Sneferu was deified as Kemet’s ideal” king, who’s deeds were emulated by later kings to justify their legitimacy to the throne. Ancient literature repeatedly depicts him as a humble ruler who would address common people as “my friend” and “my brother“. He was also a feared Warrior-King that secured the borders of Kemet up to Libya.[10] The Third Dynasty and Sneferu’s Fourth Dynasty also extended Kemet’s empire most likely beyond the Land of Canaan (Israel).


In 2013, part of Sneferu’s great grandson Menkaure’s Sphinx was unearthed at the archaeological palace-temple site of Tel Hazor, north of the Sea of Galilee, Israel.[11]


This is a well preserved powerful Sphinx of Amenemhat III (1844–1797 B.C) of the 12th Dynasty that may give some idea of what Menkaure’s Sphinx may have looked like.


It appears that King Menkaure followed his great-grandfather’s teachings in that the above timeless amazing and beautiful work of art demonstrates without a doubt that he loved and adorned Goddess Hathorsacred feminine. She also loved and adorned the King and held him in balance with the cosmos of the universe for all the world to see.


Sneferu’s Tale is an example of the supreme love and adoration of the sacred feminine, and that the nation’s greatness mysteries, magic, power and miracles will be sacrificed to maintain the spiritual happiness and even the smile of the very least among their queens. The story demonstrate MA’ATTruth, Justice, Balance, and Order of the cosmos of human civilization within the universe.

GODDESS HATHOR, the Great One of Many Names


Horned Women XVIII: the Lady of Aouanrhet in the Tassili-n- Ajjer (“Plateau of the Rivers”) of southern Algeria, one of the greatest rock art galleries in the world. Her rock art shows interplay between her horns and lunar crescent.[12]

The Horned Women’s culture can be traced back at least 12,000 years. Cave paintings and rock art galleries of this age have been found in the Hoggar Mountains of Algeria, in Libya and in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. In the most remote mythical antiquity of human history and civilization, these areas of Africa have long been considered to have harbored a colony from the Lost Continent of Atlantis that sank below the Atlantic Ocean about 10,000 years ago. In myth, Atlas had ruled Atlantis. Nevertheless, Kemet is neither myth or legend.[13]


The Cow Horned Hathor is an extremely ancient and complex African goddess whose cult is clearly demonstrated in the time of King Narmer that may go back at least to the 34th century BC. Narmer was the unifier of Kemet and founder of the First Dynasty, the first king of a unified Kemet (Egypt).[14] Hathor is also deeply associated and an internal part of the Osirisian myths. Her name means “Mansion of Horus,” although Horus is traditionally described as the son of Isis and Osiris. Other traditions regard Hathor as his mother. In the form Heru-ur, meaning “Horus the Elder,” Hathor is his wife.[15]

Hathor was known as “the Great One of Many Names“. She is a goddess who personified the principles of Love, Beauty, Music, Dance, Motherhood and Joy. She was also known as “the “Mistress of Life” and was seen as the embodiment of Romance, Perfume, and Alcohol. She was especially connected with the fragrance of myrrh incense, which was considered to be very precious and to embody all of the finer qualities of the female sex. Hathor was also associated with turquoise, gold and copper. She was “the Mistress of Turquoise[16]

Since before recorded time, the Power of Love between the sexes has been the source of great human Power, Magic, Spirit, Strength and Rejuvenation among the people of the Land of Kemet that is clearly documented in the personification of the Goddess Hathor; ancient myths, art and love poems.

The power and beauty of Love, Joy, Dance & Music and Romance is a secret energy circuit generated between the male and female that is far beyond basic human drives. The mysterious unseen power of the sacred feminine has long been celebrated and adorned among the people since the beginning of time.

Fool and Folly? I think not. America’s ILLUMINATI Imperial Military-Congressional Complex has long since been aware of the power of these intangibles in War and Bloodshed and Psychological Warfare.

Here in 1991, they dressed up Whitney Houston in a special military outfit instead of a fish net garment. In Sneferu’s Tale, even the young ladies’ “fish net garments” hold deep hidden spiritual meanings that transcended time and the knowledge of human civilization.

In ancient Kemet, both Osiris and Horus are associated with the mysteries of the Fish. In mythology at a time in prehistoric human history that nobody knows, Set killed Osiris and dismembered his body. Set threw his brother’s body parts into the Nile River. A species of Nile fish known as the Oxyrhynchus (Pike Specie) consumed the Phallus of Osiris.[17]


The Oxyrhynchus Fish is sacred to Goddess Hathor (House of Horus).[18] Horus, who predated Christ by thousands of years share the following in common in that Horus was “the Fisher” associated with the Fish- first and foremost.[19]

The symbology and mystery of the fishnet appears throughout the bible.[20],[21] The Pythagoreans that had gained some access to Kemetic sacred mysteries associated the fisherman’s net to the image of the “Flower of Life.”[22] Recall, Hathor was called, “The Mistress of Life.”

At the Naval Station Northfolk in Virginia that boarders the mighty Atlanta Ocean, the U.S. Military Complex led by the secret Sodomite/NATO Army attempted to tap into Whitney’s unseen power source to aid its major illegal invasion and war of aggression in Iraq.

Naval Station Norfolk is the WORLD’S LARGEST NAVAL STATION supporting 75 ships and 134 aircraft alongside 14 piers and 11 aircraft hangars. The base houses the largest concentration of U.S. Navy forces. Air Operations conducts an average of 275 flights per day or one every six minutes. It is the hub for Navy logistics going to the European and Central Command theaters of operations, and to the Caribbean.[23]

Here are the Masons secretly and ritually tapping into the unseen nature and mysteries of Sneferu’s Tale, and the sacred feminine. However, the king had 20 (twenty) to power.


 Satan’s Agents of CHAOS


Rainbow Colors of the Gay Agenda

The Wizard of Oz taught that “Somewhere over the Rainbow” is the “Happy Place”. CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH dissociative and multiple personality disordered sex slaves must go “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and dissociate, effectively separating their minds from their bodies to escape pain and trauma.[24] A big part of the promotion of the ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda is to disrupt and cause CHAOS in the natural balance and harmonious order of things among mass populations- Psychological Warfare. It is about causing “mass insanity without disease” that the late ILLUMINATI CIA/MK ULTRA Anthropologist and Social Scientist, Dr. Gregory Bateson, coined the DOUBLE BIND. Double binds are often utilized as a form of control without open coercion—the use of confusion makes them both difficult to respond to as well as to RESIST.[25]

Throughout the ages, the highest stage of human illumination and enlightenment is achieved through the internalization of duality and the equilibrium between opposing forces such as good and evil, male and female. Freemasons call equilibriummagnum opus“- The Great Work.[26] The natural opposite or antonyms for illumination and enlightenment is darken, dull, extinguish, complicate, and obscure.[27]

Prancing Elites, Somewhere over the Rainbow

These are the Prancing Elites as isolated phenomena in an absolutely spooky and eerie J-Setting before the semi-secret ORDER OF PAN and a personification of the demonic creature sitting on stage in Mobile, AL. Pan is discussed further below. However, keep this in mind as you read further. Pan represents the principle of animal life. Pan brings about CHAOS in the rules and order of civilization. Since ancient times, he has been known as a DEMON that disorders the intellect. He is free of laws and responsibility. He represents the animal’s extreme sexual nature that even sacred gods and goddesses are not safe from.


This is one of the best known and most characteristic representations of the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, sexually assaulted by the goat-legged Pan from about 100 BC found on Delos Island, Greece. The naked goddess attends to hide and protect her womanhood, while threatening to strike Pan with her sandal. Little Eros (LOVE) hovers over her shoulder, seizing Pan’s horn in an attempt to help his mother ward off his animalistic sexual nature and aggression. I don’t believe that you can argue against this. It is also significant that the Ancient Greeks identified HATHOR with the Goddess Aphrodite. Pan is also known as the Goat of Mendes and can be found today in the form of the horned goat God, made famous by the Knights Templars, BAPHOMET.


 PAN, Horned and Hoofed God of Ancient Greece- One of the Most Important Entities of Witchcraft and Satanism


The word “J-Setting” is an informal word or slang that means to dance like the Prancing J-Settes, the dance team of the Jackson State University’s Sonic Boom of the South marching band.[28]


Prancing Elites with Classic B/W Masonic MK ULTRA Mind Control Checkerboard Theme

Here, the Prancing Elites’ transexual J-Setting performance isolated from the whole, out of order and balance, and without drums does not invoke the spirit of calmness and quiet. It causes pandemonium, confusion, and CHAOS. Compare the spirit invoked by the Alabama State Stingettes or even the secret Masonic Secret Ritual Dance above and the Prancing Elites performance above, you will immediately notice the glaring difference.

 Even America’s largest corporations have quietly become involved in creating PAN-DEMON-IUM & CHAOS to destroy the family fabric, particularly the Black Family- The REAL THING, the CULT OF THE BOOTY.

NBC, Prancing Elites & Knights of Pythias & the HOUSE OF THE SNAKES


The Prancing Elites are showcased on the Oxygen Channel.[29] Oxygen is an American digital cable and satellite television channel that is owned by Oxygen Media, LLC, a subsidiary of the NBC Universal Cable division of NBC Universal.[30] NBC Universal, Inc. is a merger between General Electric’s National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and French Vivendi’s Vivendi Universal Entertainment (UMG).[31] UMG ” … it’s origins go back to the formation of  Decca Records. Decca Records originates in England, which is one of the main control hubs of the Illuminati.” [32]

In America, ” … they [Decca] set up their studio headquarters in the Pythian Temple [HOUSE OF THE SNAKES] located in New York City… UMG has it’s roots in the Illuminati, at a specific level of the pyramid. Music was [IS] to be used strictly for control purposes. As we see today, most forms of human art and creation are now being used as tools of manipulation and deception.”[33]


Lurking in the background of UMG and NBC Universal are the Knights of Pythias (Pythian Temple). They are a powerful elite ultra secret society whose heraldic shields and coats of armor incorporate the symbol of the Skull and Bones of the Germanic Satanic Brotherhood of Death.[34]


Freemason Justus Henry Rathbone that founded the Knights of Pythias had belonged to three other secret Masonic fraternal orders – the Sons of Malta, Order of Red Men, and Freemason Lodge. He initially prepared the rituals based on the myth of Greek SODOMITES, Damon and Pythias.[35]


Damon and Pythias were two inseparable friends of 4th century BC Syracuse, now Sicily. Dionysius l, the ruler of Syracuse, accused Pythias of plotting against him. Pythias was imprisoned and condemned to death. Pending his death sentence, the myth is that Damon took his friend’s place in prison while he put his house in order for the last time. If Pythias did not return, Dionysius intended to execute Damon. Pythias returned to prison in time to meet his fate, but Dionysius was so impressed with true friendship of Damon and Pythias, he pardoned both men.[36]


In the Greek tradition, true male friendship was often a marker for intense same-sex homosexual relationships between males. Dionysius had been a tyrant, despot and wicked SODOMITE.[37] In Syracuse, Dionysius I and his son, Dionysius II, were known for maintaining infamous Greek Gymnasias of boys for their sick erotic pleasures and perverted sexual deprivations.[38]


The bottom line was that the Greek Gymnasia was the showcase for “naked” athletic boys and the practice of pederasty.[39] Pederasty or paederasty is a (usually erotic) homosexual relationship between an adult male and a pubescent or adolescent male. The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) “Love of Boys“.[40] Dionysius II’s court was known in particular for its Love of Boys“.[41] Unlike King Sneferu of Kemet, few if any called the Dionysiuses of SyracuseKings“.


During the Great Civil War in 1864, out of this tyrannical upside down world and background of Greek sexual perversion and oppression, Rathbone founded the Knights of Pythias with the intention of creating a militaristic fraternal society. This fraternity was wildly popular, and by 1870 the Knights of Pythias had thousands of members. [42] However, there is something deeper to the Cult of Damon and Pythias. And it is indeed a secret CULT. In Greek, the meaning of the name Damon is: Gentle. To tame.[43]


The name of Pythias is associated with Pythia, the Oracle of the Temple of Apollo.


The Pythia, commonly known as the Oracle of Delphi, was the name of any priestess throughout the history of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The Pythia was widely credited for her prophecies inspired by Apollo. The name “Pythia” derived from Pytho, which in myth was the original name of Delphi. The Greeks derived this place name from the verb, pythein (πύθειν, “to rot”), which refers to the decomposition of the body of the monstrous PYTHON after he was slain by Apollo. Pythia was the HOUSE OF THE SNAKES.[44]


Among the powerful highly ranked public servants of Knights of Pythias secret Greek Love, and of the CULT OF THE HOUSE OF THE SNAKES were U.S. PresidentsWilliam McKinley, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. Vice PresidentsHubert Horatio Humphrey and Nelson A. Rockefeller. It included U.S. Supreme Court Justices- Hugo Black and Benjamin Cardozo.[45]



“My [family of the PYTHON] anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun” From Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda [46]


In the New World Order, there will be no adoration, sacrifices, , magic or miracles for  the best to the very least. Women, particularly Black women, will be reduced to Satanic sexual objects, predation, control and oppression.


Here, Nicki Minaj is in a CIA-MK ULTRA/MONARCHBarbie Doll” alter personality trance formation and disassociated state. Nicki concedes that she suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). One of her gay boy alter personalities, Roman Zolanski, is a knockoff of international fugitive MK ULTRA Satanist and Pedophile, Roman Polanski.[47] The bottom line is that she is a mind controlled Luciferian global showcase and promotion. Nicki’s mission as an ILLUMINATI change agent and puppet is to normalize and masquerade MK ULTRA type mental illnesses like Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD), implant and advance covert psychological warfare programs among the Hip Hop Generation, and create CHAOS.

She is an essential and internal part of the ILLUMINATI and New World Order’s clandestine Satanic Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Agenda for the mass population control of the masses.[48] Nicki’s mission in promoting “Anaconda” in global mass media is patent. She is showcased in an all-female jungle gym (Greek Gymnasia) training, exercising, and perfecting the “TWERK“. [49]


In the racial stereotypical and demeaning jungle gym, young attractive and shapely athletic women, particularly black, are on display for future and projected mass sexual exploitation for the Joy and Perversion of Satan and select powerful elite Pagan SNAKE Sex Cults.[50]


Nicki down on all fours “twerking” like an animal and something out of the strange ancient Pagan Erotic Sex Rituals of Pompeii (79 AD). The “TWERK” is not a celebration of ritual Beauty, Art, Music and Dance- sacred feminine. It is the Pagan Ritual manipulation, twerk and bouncing of the gluteus maximus (booty) muscles in a sexually provocative, demeaning and ancient SATANIC MANNER.


These English woodcuts out of the 17th Century illustrate some awfully strange and ultra secret bizarre SATANIC CULT Ritual Beliefs of the “Booty” and Anus.  Look at the below,


That should curl your toes at night.


“Twerking” universally represents a continuation of mass global racial cultural degradation, deprivation and humiliation.


It reduces Black Women to a 19th century stereotypical “one dimensional” hapless and savage big booty cartoon character unlike the timeless celebrated mysterious and adored nation building multi- dimensional, universal conscious and spiritual Black Women of Kemet as coded and illustrated in Sneferu’s Tale.


ILLUMINATI Puppet Taylor Swift, SNAKE & Satanic Cult Ritual of the BOOTY (twerking)

The bottom is that the ILLUMINATI & HOUSE OF THE SNAKE intend to arrest, control and disrupt the sacred feminine, and motherhood through intensive clandestine psychological warfare programs and subliminal NeuroLinguistic Programming and suggestions.


The ILLUMINATI, NWO and the HOUSE OF THE SNAKE covertly intend to re-imagine, disrupt and destroy the family structure of undesirables and the masses through corporate mass media outlets, entertainment industry, and the Satanic subcultures of HOLLY-WEIRD.



The “TWERK” or the “bounce BOOTY CULT is promoted globally by showcasing and marketing a notorious New Orleans, LA secret Masonic black male transsexual, BIG FREEDIA, in global mass media.[51] 


Big Freedia is marketed globally as the “QUEEN DIVA” on Fuse TV.[52] Fuse is the national music television network of The Madison Square Garden Company (MSG).[53] MSG’s parent company was billionaire Donald F. Dolan and Cablevision, Inc.[54]


The NBC Peacock and Gay Rainbow Agenda Symbol

Roman Catholic Dolan belongs to the NBC syndicate and cabal. NBC was a minority partner of Cablevision, Inc.[55] In 2014, the Latin NUVOtv cable channel backed by Jennifer Lopez (JLO) bought into Fuse for $226 million.[56] Fuse channel work hand and hand in programming with Nuvo TV’s chief creative officer, JLO.[57]


JLO is also an essential and internal ILLUMINATI change (CHAOS) agent in the Black/Brown Entertainment Industrypart of the New World Order’s (NWO) clandestine Satanic LGBT Agenda for the mass population control and create CHAOS.


The Satanic Booty Cult (Religion) is clandestinely and subliminally promoted by ILLUMINATI Puppets JLO and Izzy Azelea holding up the CROSS. In 2013, JLO and her production company, Nuyorican (Puerto Rican-New York Culture), co-produced a television series of a new kind of NWO family, The Fosters, on the ABC Family Network channel for global indoctrination, consumption and nuclear family re-imaging without the universal balance, justice, and the equilibrium of MAN. The series follows the lives of the title Foster family, consisting of a bi-racial lesbian couple raising a (concentration camp) multi-ethnic blended family of biological, adopted and foster children.[58]


Here is NUVOtv cable channel’s chief creative officer mass promoting and commercializing the depravation and imagery of “TREWKING“. Yet, JLO maintains a respected independent sharp business woman industry reputation and “as a triple threat because she Acts, Sings, and Dances.”[59]


By the way, this NWOone dimensional” transsexual, ILLUMINATI Goddess of the Bounce and Twerk, can’t light a candle to true BLACK QUEEN DIVAS. Time or space will not allow me to demonstrate just how utter insidious, appalling and demeaning it is to the peoples’ struggle to market this female imposter as a QUEEN DIVA within the Global Black Experience if only for a twinkle of a moment.

In 1985 or 1986, I developed one of the first of its kind that I knew of lecture-film slide presentations on Black Women of Antiquity. A person that I had sincerely believed for decades had been a friend asked to review and study my notes and slides, I gave it to her. It was never returned. Subsequently, I discovered that she had been an undercover clandestine CIA (Occult Bureau?), NSC or NSA Negro agent all the days that I had known her since the Black Liberation Struggle of the 1960s.


The Great Sphinx was already old and ancient when King Narmer unified the Two Lands in the 32nd or 34th century BC. Some argue that the Great Sphinx is over 10,000 years old. Nobody knows just how old the sphinx may be, but it represents the face of a Black Queen Diva or Goddess that Nobody Knows How Old She Is or Could Possibly BE.


Neithhotep (or Hetepu-Neith) was the first Queen Diva of Kemet- cofounder of the First Dynasty along beside King Narmer that created one of the most oldest, glorious and advanced civilizations known to mankind. She remains the earliest woman in history whose name is known. The name Neithhotep means “[The Goddess] Neith is satisfied”. Neith is similar to Goddess Hathor and Great Sphinx in the history of civilization, Nobody Knows How Old She Is or Could Possibly BE.[60]


The Beloved Divine Queen Mother Ahmose-Nefertari (1562-1495 BC) of Kemet had many titles, including those of hereditary princess, “Most Beautiful”, ”Great of Praises”, ”King’s Mother”, ”Royal Daughter”, “Royal Sister”, “Great Royal Wife”, “Royal Mother”, “Great Ruler”, and “Mistress of Both Lands.”[61] After her brother, King Kamose was slain in battle with Seth’s (Satan) Worshippers. She may have been one of the most wanted renegade Queen Mothers of all antiquity. Martin Bernal in Black Athena suggested that the Queen may have formed the resistance and liberation campaign from Satan’s Army, the Hyksos, on the Greek Island, Crete.[62]

Queen Diva- Order Out of CHAOS


Let’s jump to the 21st Century and Queen Diva Whitney Houston. In January 1991, President George H.W. Bush and the secret Satanic/NATO SODOMITE army desperately needed to stir the emotions and inspire the masses of the nation in its illegal false flag invasion and war of aggression on the people of Iraq.

About ten (10) days into the invasion, the U.S. Military/Congressional Complex rolled out the Queen Diva before a audience of about 750 million people worldwide at NFL Superbowl XXV in 1991 in Tampa, FL to literally OPEN UP THE SKY, galvanize, and MESMERIZE a captive audience with her mysterious god given unseen magic and power. The rest is history.

Houston‘s powerful “Star Spangled Banner” performance came at a poignant, patriotic time in the 1991 Gulf War. “I think it might well be the best Super Bowl performance of all time, “ said Billboard Magazine editor Danyel Smith.[63]


Former CIA Director and President George H.W. Bush with PAN (Baphomet) Symbol & Eye ILLUMINATI Eye of Horus

After President George H. Bush and the secret Satanic SODOMITE Army’s September 11, 2001 false flag attack on NY’s Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon, Houston’sThe Star Spangled Banner” was re-released to arouse and stir the nation again in the U.S. military’s illegal invasion and assault on Iraq for the second time. Houston was the first musical entertainer and most likely still the only one to take the national anthem to the Top 10 in the US, and have it certified platinum.[64]

SODOMITE and pederast George H.W. (Skull & Bones- Magog) and George W. Bush are rumored to be Freemasons. However, they are both Knights of Malta and that would certainty place them in the higher hierarchy of all Freemasonry. King Sneferu would certainty be one of their secret ancient Masonic GRAND MASTERS and they would have been very familiar with Kemetic Mysteries and the power of the Sacred Feminine because it would involve maintaining and sustaining their unnatural bastardized Satanic (Sethian) manipulation and false spiritual base of POWER.[65]


Both Bushes practice Crowleian Occult Magick and may in fact be secret descendants of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley via Barbara Pierce Bush.[66] Both Georges are members of SKULLS & BONES– the Germanic Brotherhood of Death.[67] Again, it is recorded history that Diva Whitney Houston had been a Masonic U.S. Military Complex asset and a secret psychological warfare weapon for the Secret New World Order.



I watched the traditional 2015 Thanksgiving Day NFL football game between the Lions and Eagles along with approximately 32 million people on Fox Broadcasting Company network television.[68] Just before halftime, I briefly broke away from the game to take care of some house chores.  When I returned, I was stunned to see a rapper that I wasn’t familiar with- so-say performing the musical halftime show. Another thing that also immediately shocked me was that the so-say performance of a rap entitled “BLESSINGS” was a glaringly horrible display and showcase of American Black Music as if to globally mock the once beautiful, powerful, stable, independent and prosperous art, market and industry. In a flash reaction, I instantly switched the channel to a college football game.


Big Sean ILLUMINATI Eye of Horus & the Great BEAST No. 666

Rap as an entertainment industry has become so intertwined with Satanism and the ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda that out of fear, I had this sudden flash and instant apprehension that Fox was using the traditional large captured audience on thanksgiving day as an opportunity for a display of Lucifer’s Showcase.


Big Sean- DEVIL HORNS & ILLUMINATI Pyramid Symbol

The rapper that took the halftime center stage as an assassin of America’s Black Music on America’s most-watched show of the 2015 fall TV season was indeed an ILLUMINATI sell-out and vile black Luciferian, BIG SEAN.[69]


” … song by Big Sean, Drake and Kanye West called “Blessings“. What “blessings” are they referring 2 in this song ??? Well Satan’s worldly blessings that are in fact satanic curses! These men have gained the world and in the process have lost their souls! I also point out how these men are actually male role models leading many down the path of destruction!”[70]


Big Sean was the Satanic consort of sick MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex KittenPop Princess Ariana Grande.


She says that she is “… haunted by demons. Like, literal demons. Fang-toothed, horn-headed, hoof-having, devil’s minions type demons.”[71]  Ariana Grande is a self described Demonic – Satanic KABBALIST.[72] 


Like Ncki Minjai and JLO, Grande is another booty “twerking”  MK ULTRA/MONARCH  Mind Controlled Sex Kitten, Booty Cult member, and social change agent for the ILLUMINATI and New World Order’s clandestine LGBT Agenda. Industry High Profile Rappers Drake and Kanye West are reportedly vile and notorious black Satanic/ILLUMINATI SODOMITES and they have most likely joined the ranks of New Age PANSEXUALS.[73], [74],[75],[76],[77],[78] PANSEXUALITY, or omnisexuality, is sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity (transsexual). The prefix pan– comes from an Ancient Greek term meaning “all” or “every”.[79] Pan could also be a prefix for Greek god Pan, who was the god of fertility and mischief.[80]


Ancient Greek God Pan Chasing an African Youth- Rape Victim

PAN is the demonic pagan god of Sexual Perversion, Pedophilia and RAPE. He’s often portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk and lascivious, rapings  boys, women, nymphs and BEASTS.


That should also make anybody’s toes curl and body tremble at night worrying about the safety of children in this society.


Rumors circulate around Big Sean that he is also an ILLUMINATI SODOMITE.[81]  Above, Big Sean with alleged gay boyfriend male model, Pony Zion.


According to his internet profiles, Pony Zion is also a choreographer, artistic director, dancer, recording artist, and founder of the dance group Vogue Evolution which competed on America’s Best Dance Crew.[82]


Big Sean with Skulls & Bones Symbol reportedly has a deep secret gender (homosexuality) identity or multiple personality (MPD) problem and crisis.


The Sodomite Negro Drake sold his soul to the Devil.

I guess the Negro+ had an organism just thinking about Lit’l Wayne. Something is seriously CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH strange and spiritual wrong with the young brother.


Kanye West is linked to notorious homosexual relationships with French fashion designer Olivier Rousteing, a friend of Kim Kardashian,[83] and openly gay Italian Fashion Designer Ricardo Tisci.[84]


However, it is extremely alarming that Kanye West may also be linked to the ultra secret and powerful international Satanic Pythian (SNAKE) Sex Cults, discussed above.  West’s 2010 album, POWER, the ancient Greek Myth of the Sword of Damocles is its center piece art symbol. In ancient Syracuse, courtier Damocles served in the court of SODOMITE tyrant, Dionysius II. Damocles made it known that he wished to trade places with Dionysius and live like a king. Dionysius granted his wish and ” … gave orders that the man be placed on a golden couch covered with a most beautiful woven rug, embroidered with splendid works; he adorned many sideboards with chased silver and gold;


then he gave orders that chosen boys of outstanding beauty should stand by his table and that they, watching for a sign from Damocles, should attentively wait on him [sexually]; there were unguents and garlands; perfumes were burning; tables were piled up with the most select foods. Damocles seemed to himself fortunate.”[85]


In the evening a banquet was held, where Damocles very much enjoyed being waited upon like a king. Only at the end of the meal did he look up and notice a sharpened sword hanging by a single piece of horsehair directly above his head. Immediately, he lost all taste for the fine foods and beautiful boys and asked leave of the tyrant, saying he no longer wanted to be so fortunate.[86]


Damocles opted out of that type of Satanic Cult and POWER. However, Kanye West Sold his Soul to the DEVIL for POWER. He can’t opt out of the Cult’s taste for oppression and sexual perversion. He finds myself beheaded (dissociated) with Satan’s crown on his head and Damocles’ sword embedded in the side of his head, and he loves it.


Apparently, Big Sean’s Luciferian Showcase was a significant and high-quality musical performance for Uncle Tom Michael Strahan, who started singing Satan’sBLESSINGS” in the NFL FOX studio while holding hands with his co-hosts- cohorts.[87] Big Sean, Drake, and Kanye West don’t know anything about “Christ’s Blessing”  any further. They are talking about the “BLESSINGS of Lucifer” after selling their souls to the DEVIL and that is a bargain agreement with HELL, not a “BLESSING”.


That is same deal that Strahan got with a happy meal, and a SKIRT.


On all fours “Twerking” his BOOTY like an animal.


Check out the above ABC’s Kelly & Michael paying tribute to the Satanic Booty Cult and Miley Cyrus, If you really don’t believe this Negro was on the floor BOOTY TWERKING.



FINALLY, things have become so bad in the music industry that the 58th GRAMMY Award program in 2015 opened with AC/DC’sHIGHWAY TO HELL“, and the audience wore illuminated “DEVIL HORNS” to celebrate the music industry’s descent.[88]


The entire 2015 MTV Video Music Awards program was turned over to that self- described PAN- SEXUAL and ILLUMINATItwekingLit’l Demon, Miley Cyrus.[89] She is a Mad Lit’l Demonic Minion of Satanic perversion, debauchery and BEASTALITY.


Miley, Pan- Sexuality and Bestiality


Miley, Pan- Sexuality and Females


Miley, Pan- Sexuality and Debauchery


The 2015 MTV Video Music Awards (VMA)  was turned into Lucifer’s Showcase for Pan-Sexuals in secret honor and celebration of God Pan and Miley Cyrus, one of his most recent HollyWeird Satanic Devotees. Most notably, the notorious CIA/MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Satanic Amber Rose with absolutely NEGATIVE FEMININE ENERGY, 


and her Pan-Sexual Booty Subculture, cohort Bla China and two male transsexuals (Faggot), were showcased on the show’s VMV Red Carpet dressed in patent battle gear (Bitch, Whore, Slut, Stripper, Golddigger) on full attack against the Sacred Feminine. 


Miley Cyrus and a group of transsexual drag queens from Rupaul’s Drag Race alumni dressed in ILLUMINATISATANIC and MASONIC symbolic clothing ended Lucifer’s Showcase in CHAOS and PAN- DEMON- IUM.

Personally in my lifetime, I never seen so many things upside down and so many people embracing, accepting of SATAN and his WORKS in this country, and not running from him as my elders had done for generations. Where are the once powerful and fearless legions of ministers and flocks of God’s love, righteousness and justice and RESISTANCE to unseen and difficult to define spiritual wickedness and warfare?

So many times during the struggle, I found myself alone, afraid and heartbroken. Taking up arms and moving into the vanguard of the struggle for liberation at such an early age, I often found myself alone in silent tears.  Many days, I have found it so difficult to go on. Only God knows how and why the Lord allowed me to weather the storm this far. But along the lone, lonely and dangerous path, I found the GREATEST LOVE of all was happening to me. 

” … The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself [AND THE PEOPLE]
It is the greatest love of all.”

Wise brothers and sisters of the movement always taught us, first and foremost, “Love the People More than You Love Yourself”.

There is no doubt in my mind that Whitney and her remarkable unseen, intangible and undefinable God given “sacred feminine power” had been used as a U.S. Military Complex Psychological Warfare weapon. They well understood Whitney’s remarkable power to inspire the masses through her extraordinary magic, music and song. At slightest sign of resistance, they enslaved and neutralized Whitney with drugs fearing her power to mesmerize the masses, plus she knew too much. They killed her, and destroyed her DNA, Bobbie Kristina.

Inspiring and teaching the masses to Love Themselves and Live in Dignity was far too great of a message for the people that would/could wake up too many, and threaten the mass control of the ILLUMINATI. I said that to say this, one way to RESIST them immediately is to Heart, Body and Soul clink to GOD, Art, Beauty, LOVE and MA’AT (Order of Things) with both hands as if it had a handle. DON’T LET GO! 


Take some of battle plan from the wise of the Ancient Greeks. Don’t attack with stones or swords. Defeat them with Eros (part of LOVE constituting a passionate, intense desire for something). LOVE Yourself and the People. Tell yourself that Satan and all his Works are below my HUMAN DIGNITY. PAN-SEXUALITY- sexual relations with ALL manners and forms of man, things and BEAST are below my HUMAN DIGNITY. Satanic Booty Cults are below my HUMAN DIGNITY. “TWERKING” on all four limbs like an animal is below my HUMAN DIGNITY. Gunning us down in the streets as if we are no more than animals is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION.



































[33] Id.





[38] Williams, Craig A., Roman Homosexuality, 2d Ed., Oxford University Press, NY, NY (2010), pg. 68
























[62]. Bernal, Martin.  Black Athena–The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization: Vol. II: The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991.





























10 08 2015

The start of Black August 2015, the historical month of CRITICAL RESISTANCE,[1] has turned into a sad testament for people of color in America. At the beginning of this month, symbolically on a global level, we had to bury two young beautiful sisters that should have been celebrating the happiness and prime of their lives. Instead sadly, we celebrated their homecomings into another dimension, as if there was no room for them on earth.


Lit’ Sis Bobbie Kristina, 22 years old young, should have been protected to grow strong and worthy in the sunshine of one of the most gifted and successful global Black entertainers of all time. She should have been an inspiration of struggle among the global masses. Instead, she was abandoned to the wind, rain, Satan and Drugs like a poor lost orphaned bastard child.


Just before her demise, Bobbie Kristina had been marked with the Sign of the BEAST.


And indeed, a drug trafficking wicked Son of the Confederacy, Maxwell Lomas, cast a dark shadow over her death. He found Bobbie Kristina in the bathtub not Nick Gordon.  Yet, neither the Houston or the Brown family will touch the subject of MAXWELL LOMAS.

Sandy Bland, 28 years old, should also have been protected to welcome a new beginning, sunshine and career after graduating from college. Instead of being buried, she should have been happy and free here among the living to become the nucleus of a successful livelihood, and their own family. At 28 years young, she said that she suffered from depression, post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), and most likely stress related psychosomatic disordered brain dysfunction (epilepsy). It was as if she was suffering severe battle fatigue from tours of duty on the other side of midnight in Afghanistan.

I am happy that the Sandra Bland family and Attorney Cannon Lambert announced that a federal lawsuit has been filed against Brian Encinia, Waller County and jail officials. I won’t go into the specifics of that lawsuit, but it involves federal and constitutional violations.

They will face a battery of municipal/state attorneys, denials and delays. However, I don’t understand why these high profile cases against municipalities for crimes against democracy and humanity aren’t pursued by coalitions of lawyers, doctors, investigators, and Criminalist, because far too often these cases aren’t isolated but systemic and persistent problems perpetuated by secret satanic combinations tightly interwoven inside layers of the government and free society.


But, she also had been directed into the hands of the Sons of the DEVIL that also cast a dark masonic shadow over her death.


‘The Secret Teaching Of All Ages’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33° “I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge [Lucifer], Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed…..  { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } “ page CIV.[2]

The Bobbi Kristina and Sandy Bland’s matters are puzzles wrapped inside enigmas, smoked mirrors, and looking glass that stare back at you. The Sandy Bland Case, in particular, is wrapped tight inside circles and behind curtains of CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Satanic Masonic and Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negro Combinations.



Unless these secret satanic combinations are UNVEILED, there will more and more Bobbi Kristinas and Sandy Blands. The same problems will persist and prevail over and over again, until an entirely new system of race relations and genocide are instituted across the nation and world. It is called, MODERN SLAVERY.



The historical connections between CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH secret mind control programs and Masonic Negroes & the Divine Nine (9) remains uncharted and unexplored territory. Let’s begin with a look at one of this country’s most dangerous Negroes of the Satanic New World Order Cabal, U.S. Navy Commander Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce.

Dr. Pierce is Emeritus Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He was the first African-American full professor at Massachusetts General Hospital and is past-president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Orthopsychiatric Association. he also worked as a psychiatrist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for 25 years. .He is a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1969, he founded the Black Psychiatrists of America.[3]


In the U.S. Navy, Dr. Pierce was a (Naval Intelligence) Commander and has since been a senior consultant to multiple different global health-related organizations. He has been a vital part of the World Association of Social Psychiatry, consultant for the Children’s Television Network, the Surgeon General of the US Air Force, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Peace Corps, and Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).[4]

Dr. Pierce & MK ULTRA


 Dr. Louis Jolyon West

n 1962, we found Dr. Pierce working directly with a young and upcoming Dr. Louis Jolyon West, called the Maestro of CIA Mind Control. Dr. West had to be among the CIA’s most dangerous and twisted global mind control doctors and fixers. Dr. West became the director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and proposed (planned) the horrors of the California Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence that I believe became part of the blueprint for the Peoples Temple after his proposed center was exposed and shut down due to public uproar.[5]

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence,

” … [C]onsidering West himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock, chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens, particularly minorities.”[6]

For decades, Dr. West lurked behind the scenes of most of America’s major counterintelligence, false flag and strategy of tension operations from the Assassination of JFK (Jack Ruby) to Tim McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing.  U.S. Senate reports and declassified CIA documents identified Dr. Pierce’s Massachusetts General Hospital and MIT as major secret CIA conduits for MK ULTRA mind control funding, research, development and experiments.[7]

Dr. Pierce & Secret Radiation Studies on Americans


New Portrait of Dr. Pierce at Harvard’s Lowell House Standing Under ZEUS?

Dr. Pierce had been involved in all aspects of America’s covert human medical experimentation operations. During the 1950s, he was involved in secret experimental radiation studies on humans. He was involved in the National Research Council Study, Alaska I-131, the Evaluation of Air Force Human Health Testing in Alaska Using Radioisotope Iodine-131.[8]

Dr. Pierce & New Age/New World Order

A Humanist, Dr. Pierce was/is out of wicked freaking mind. He has been described as a fanatical New Age and New World Order (ILLUMINATI) Guru. At a 1973 conference on Educating for the New World Order, he instructed,


Dr. Pierce is not identified as part of the Masons or the Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negroes, but Harvard University has surely identified him as some type of ultra secret Greek imitate.

Dr. Pierce & the Founding of the Black Psychiatrists of America, Inc..


Dr. Pierce played a significant part in bringing Divine Nine (9) psychiatrists under the CIA umbrella through founding the Black Psychiatrists of America that most likely had been financed by the agency. However, In the covert intelligence community, Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce would be a black hierarchical KNIGHT that is far too often ignored as an early major CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH doctor.

Bill Cosby, Divine Nine (9), BOULE & MK ULTRA


Bill Cosby & the Great BEAST 666

Bill Cosby is a Divine Nine (9) Negro. He is a very dangerous member of the Beta Alpha Alpha and OMEGA PSI PHI.[10] Cosby is also ILLUMINATI Boule.[11]


Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA has been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks. According to the Navy, Bill Cosby served from 1956 to 1960 in naval hospitals, including Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he allegedly helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries.[12]


Cosby’s tenure at Bethesda Naval Hospital coincided with the presence of Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Luftwaffe Colonel Dr. Theodor Benzinger, head of the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) at Bethesda from 1947 to 1970. Dr. Benzinger was straight out of the Nazi Doctors Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany.[13] Dr. Benzinger’s NMRI at the Bethesda became a secret major front for the newly formed CIA first exposed in 1977 by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research investigation into the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.[14] The subject of Korean War injuries was also of particular covert interest to the CIA, Dr. Benzinger and Lt. Charles Savage at Bethesda, former head of Naval Intelligence’s ultra secret mind control program, Project CHATTER.[15]

Bill Cosby, Dr. Mengele & the Dachau Narco-Hypnosis Experiments


The Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Campaviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and Narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims. Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[16] Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering drugs. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, the groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition induced by drugs were considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[17] 


Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violated is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU.

Bill Cosby, Rape & MK ULTRA Drugs (The Thigh Opener)


As of now, more than forty (40) women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexually assaulting and raping them while they were under various trance formations. Cosby admitted that he obtained Quaaludes to use on women.[18] Satanist Roman Polanski used Quaaludes to ritually rape, assault and most likely “snuff” underage girls.[19]


To Cosby’s CIA buddy, Hugh Hefner, Quaaludes are “THIGH OPENING” drugs.[20]  However, they won’t touch the DEVIL, Hugh Hefner, with any rape or sexual assault charges. From Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slavery, “I knew Hugh Hefner. He is connected to the CIA. Hefner is a CIA programmer CIA sex slave handler and pimp. Hefner was also a part of running MK ULTRA super assassins and ops. He is Free Masonic Intel.”[21]


Cosby didn’t have to get any medical prescriptions for Quaaludes. At Hefner’s Playboy Mansion, CIA ULTRA/MONARCH supplied them with a lifetime supply to experiment with- on unwitting and witting women victims. I can’t be certain if Cosby is in fact a Freemason, but his late buddy Satanic Sammy was certainly a Scottish Rite York Rite Mason, and a Knight of Malta.[22]


Cosby certainly appears to a special hook up to wear Masonic apparel or he may not need permission because he is an ultra secret Prince Hall Freemason or member of the Scottish Rite. From a partial inventory after the Jonestown’s CIA Medical Experimental Station Mass Human Extermination in Guyana, at least 1,000 doses of the sedative-hypnotic drug, Quaalude, were discovered warehoused at the site.[23]


Quaaludes were/are notorious CIA MK ULTRA experimental mind control drugs linked directly to the OMEGA MAN, Bill Cosby.[24]



Beta Upsilon BOULE is certainly closer to home in the BELLY OF THE BEAST in the Oakland- San Francisco Bay Area. They have proven themselves equally as demonic, secretive and ruthless New World Order CIA- MK ULTRA Negro operatives as Dr. Pierce and Bill Cosby.

Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Jim Jones, Peoples Temple & Jonestown



First, let’s look briefly at the late Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett (1914-1997) of Beta Upsilon BOULE . He had a B.S. in Psychology from Howard University, Master’s Degree in Abnormal Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, M.D. from Meharry Medical College in Tennessee. In 1947, Dr. Goodlett became the first co-publisher of the San Francisco Sun Reporter and then publisher in 1951.[25]

During the late 1960s, I attended an extra credit evening lecture by Dr. Goodlett at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was noted to be a civil rights icon of the bay area. However, he used the platform to viciously verbally attack Brother Huey, Bobby and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. We got into it very hot and heavy. At the time, I had no idea who he was or how powerful this Negro was.  Some sources have identified him as the biggest of the “Big Negroes” in San Francisco and the State of California.[26]

When the confrontation was over as the evening lecture time ended, I remember Dr. Goodlett  silently glaring at me from across the classroom with venom in his heart as if he could cut my throat. Outside the classroom, a lot of people surrounded me and tried to support, comfort and inform me who he was, and warned me that I needed to be careful and watch my back. I wasn’t trying to hear that. I felt troubled and uneasy because I got into it publicly with was generally accepted as a respected elder of our community. But, if I had any idea of what he was doing to the people, I would have been JUSTIFIED to wipe the floor clean with his ASS.

Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Masons & the Scottish Rite


Dr. Goodlett was a Prince Hall Mason, a member of the Hannibal Lodge #1, Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons [Grand Lodge of England] of California.[27] He was also a member of the Golden Gate Consistory #295, Valley of San Francisco, Orient of California.[28] Thirty-second Degree, or Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, are called Consistories. The elective officers are, according to the [Satanic] ritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Luciferian Albert Pike] of the United States.[29] Dr. Goodlett was also a Shriner of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliation, its Officers, Constituent Temples, and Members.”[30]

Dr. Goodlett, MK ULTRA, Jim Jones & Jonestown


Jim Jones & Dr. Goodlett Share a 1977 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award

Dr. Goodlett of the Beta Upsilon BOULE was CIA Agent Jim Jones’ personal medical physician. He was the black medical doctor of the People’s Temple that fed many of his poor elderly black patients into the temple’s senior group homes. They were subsequently kidnapped, blindfolded, imprisoned and became human guinea pigs behind the vast rain forest of Guyana. Dr. Goodlett was in constant and continuous contact with Jim Jones and Jonestown through short-wave radio communications. He was code named Mr. Pritchard, Dr. Tinsley, Mr. Snyder.[31]


He had traveled to the People’s Temple (CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment) in Guyana only a few weeks prior to the great killing of over predominately black 900 men, women and children.[32] If Jim Jones was a CIA agent, and Jonestown was a secret CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment, then Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett of the Divine Nine (9) Beta Upsilon Boule had certainly been one of the dangerous CIA Negro doctors in the country with the likes of Dr. Chester Pierce.[33], [34], [35]

Before Dr. Goodlett passed in 1997, I was sitting at the microfilm reader going through some archive newspaper articles at the Oakland City Main Public Library when I suddenly spotted an aged Dr. Goodlett swiftly rifle through my research papers then hurriedly scuffle out of the door. He was far too old and fragile to chase down or confront. I must have been very dangerously close to something sensitive. But to this day. I can’t figure out what it was that suddenly drove this man out of his home in a short deep burgundy house coat or smoking jacket and slippers to check on for himself.

Beta Upsilon BOULE Anchron (Demon) Dr. Isaac Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH


 Rare Photo of CIA Doctor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter

Dr. Isaac Slaughter (1925-1995) born in Atlanta, Georgia graduated from Howard University, and was a 1958 graduate of Meharry Medical College.[36]

Dr. Slaughter & Dr. Pierce’s Black Psychiatrists of America


As President of Black Psychiatrists of America in 1994, he urged that violence in African American communities be treated (drugs, psychosurgery, electro-shock treatment) as a national mental health problem.[37] He was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest non-therapeutic experiments on human beings in medical history, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[51]

Dr. Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH


Inside Vacaville Prison, Warehouse of the Poor & Powerless

Similarly to Dr. Pierce and Dr. Goodlett, Dr. Slaughter had a peculiar, scary and extremely veiled counterintelligence background. Since 1960, Dr. Slaughter had been a head staff psychiatrist at the “Little Prison of Horrors,” the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville at the controls of the facility’s electric-shock machine in the Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit.[38]

At Vacaville, he was also a collaborator of another renowned and notorious CIA’s mind control-binder spook psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Sanford University and UC Berkeley. Dr. Hamilton, CIA Technical Services Division (TSD) Station Chief at Vacaville, conducted MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH experiments, “clinical testing of behavioural control materials” on inmates funded by a chain of front organizations,[39]  and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).[40]

Dr. Slaughter, MK ULTRA & the SLA


At Vacaville, Dr. Slaughter was the leading Black Elder of one of the CIA’s most notorious illegal domestic counterintelligence mind control operations, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA produced the infamous counterintelligence agent provocateur domestic terrorist zombie, Donald Defreeze, of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).[41]

In December 1969, Donald DeFreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic personality multiplication under the CIA’s MK ULTRA-SEARCH mind control program under Dr. Hamilton; and Dr. Slaughter.[42] Dr. Slaughter’s BCA was allegedly yet another brainchild of California Governor Ronald Reagan’s fascist/Nazi kitchen cabinet pacification expert, Dr.  William W. Herrmann.[43] Dr. Pierce’s MK ULTRA colleague, DR. LOUIS JOLLY WEST, was Dr. Slaughter’s BCA senior technical consultant.[44]


On numerous occasions, their agents on the street tried to lure me behind the walls of the Little Prison of Horrors at Vacaville on the pretext of tutoring Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Slaughter’s BCA (Donald DeFreeze and the SLA) in Black Nationalism and history. Of course, I didn’t go anywhere near Vacaville, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Slaughter or Donald DeFreeze.

Dr. Slaughter and My Father

asandyrayford  Yet, a couple of decades after my father died, my older sister moved out of town and left most of my father’s personal papers with me for safekeeping. Among those papers, I discovered to my deep and sudden grief and horror that my father had been a patient of Dr. Slaughter at the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC).


Reportedly, Dr. Slaughter had used the electric-shock machine on inmates at Vacaville like it was a panacea of black mental illness. My father (Alameda U.S. Naval Air Station Employee) had been among the first victims of the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER. Under the project beginning in 1948, the Navy had secretly continued Dr. Josef Mengele’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun) mind control experiments at Auschwitz Concentration Camp concentrating on the use of the electric-shock machine to fracture the human mind.


My father had been tortured at a secret naval hospital installation at Napa State Hospital with Dr. Mengele’s ritual series of electric-shocks. Among his effects that I discovered, hospital records recorded that he had been subjected up to thirty-five (35) continuous electric-shocks in one series. He had been experimentally and secretly electronically DEPATTERNED.

The bottom line was Dr. Slaughter was a CIA psychiatrist. I can only suspect that he continued the electric-shock series to prevent my father from ever recalling and exposing the details and secrets of Project CHATTER to anyone for the duration of his life. The continuous electric-shocks weakened and subsequently destroyed my father’s mind and heart.  I had been living in Los Angeles when he died. I recall my sister telling me that he had been in some state of “trance formation” when he died. Project CHATTER and MK ULTRA/MONARCH had been in my own house and under my nose for decades, and I just didn’t see it. I had always been in deep denial about my father’s mental illness, and the awful true nature of America.  My family knew nothing about or had any idea what happened to him. My father was and remains ULTRA and TOP SECRET government classified information. They intend to keep it secret by any means necessary.

Most of my life, I blamed my father’s shortcomings and mental illness on him- being a weak example of a father and man. Maybe that was what that CIA, Divine Nine (9), Scottish Rite NegroDr. Goodlett was looking for- to see what I discovered about my father and Project CHATTER. It wasn’t soon after that I got poisoned within inches of my life by a black (angel assassin) female neighbor with direct ties to the Alameda County DA, Sheriff’s department and Homeland Security. County officials told me in an indirect but certain manner that I would be dead before I would be able to see any court records that they stored pertaining to the commitment of my father to the state mental hospital. They sealed all his court records, and placed them in the county court recorder’s  vault. This is no game, and they aren’t playing.  Negroes like Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett and Dr. Isaac Slaughter of the BOULE were ULTRA and TOP SECRET willing and very dangerous collaborators in MK ULTRA/MONARCH.



KTRK-TV in Houston says the July 11 call that Sandra Bland made to a friend bewildered about her current predicament in Waller County jail had been made to LaVaughn Mosley of Hempstead, TX, Bland left a voice mail message on his phone that said that she’s “still just at a loss for words honestly at this whole process” and wonders, “How did switching lanes with no signal turn into all of this?”[45]

During the period of her incarceration in Waller County Jail, her luggage and some moving boxes sat at Mosley’s home. It was reported that she had been planning on staying with the 57-year-old. News sources said that he was a “counselor who is an employee of Waller County working with senior citizens.” Mosley also works as a recruiter for Prairie View A&M that allegedly first met Sandy about a decade ago when she was a student, most likely a freshman, at Prairie View. Mosley gave her a summer job.[46] Under Mosley, Bland worked for three summers as 4-H camp counselor for DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN in Huntsville, TX. She also volunteered with a senior citizens advocacy organization (Waller County Citizens Assistance Coalition) ran by Mosley. He knew Ms. Bland quite well. [47]

Mosley has publicly acknowledged and charged that Waller County has a serious race problem. He told mass media, “I talked to her Friday [July 11, 2015] and she was in good spirits … Although she was incarcerated she was in good spirits.” Yet, admitting that he knew the true nature of the county, he made absolutely no effort to visit or bail Sandy out of jail once he discovered that she was behind bars.[48]

Oddly, Mosley described as Sandy‘s friend and mentor told corporate mass media something very peculiar. The Negro told international mass media as early as July 18 before the public release of the infamous dash cam video of her arrest that he believed that Sandy was just “venting after a bad day.”[49] Mosley’s statement backed up Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith’s assertion that Sandy had been combative on the side of the road.”[50] Mosley implicated to global mass media that Sandy may have probably instigated the incident that got her beaten, assaulted and arrested. LaVaughn Mosley stabbed the young sister straight in her back.

Mosley, CIA & 4-H Clubs


“I pledge Head, Heart, Hands, Health to my Club, my Country, and the World.” 4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S. In partnership with 110 universities, 4-H life changing programs are research-backed & available through 4-H clubs, camps, after school & school enrichment programs in every county & parish in the U.S.[51]


“I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.” During the 1960s, 4-H Camps was part of a coalition of organizations serving youth and young adults in the U.S. funded through the United States Youth Council (USYC).  In 1967, the New York Times revealed that the USYC had received more than 90 percent of its funds from the CIA. USYC continued to receive funding from the United States government before disbanding in 1986.[52]

4-H Camps were originally financed by the Rockefeller foundation’s General Education Fund. The aim of 4-H Camps was to promote vocational agriculture in rural schools in out-of-school “clubs[53] especially among the so-called disadvantaged poor and Black folk of the South.

“The study [Rockefeller funded] maintained that the only education appropriate for the black man was that with a strong vocational/agricultural bias. Academic/literary education was perceived as dysfunctional for the black man because it (1) would open vistas that he could not attain in the rigidly segregated American social structure, (2) would fail to provide the appropriate skills that would make the black man a more productive worker or agriculturalist… (3) would seriously undermine the ability of the white ruling oligarchy to maintain its political hegemony in the face of demands for equality, which it was feared an academic/literary education would engender …” [54]


During the 50s and 60s, the USYC (4-H Camps, etc.) became primarily a CIA conduit to recruit and program children and young adults. Children Summer Camps became the subject of particular interest and covert funding from MK ULTRA,

“Unfortunately the vast majority of the MK Ultra experimental results, including the research guidelines/protocols that were implemented, have never been made known to the public, and a thick veil still covers most of the program. As early as 1972, Richard Helms the CIA director, had destroyed a large part of the records of 150 sub-research projects, particularly those involving children. In fact, the information we have about the actual scope of experiments, the major research axes and their applications, is minimal. At this stage in our investigation, we need to retain only four [MK ULTRA] sub-projects (that of; 102, 103, 112, and 117) whose experimental subjects were children….children provided mainly by the International Children’s Summer Camp,  and that the typical profile of these young subjects included being naturally anxious patients, either suffering from DEPRESSION, or who had experienced sexual abuse during childhood (source: August 3rd 1977, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources ).”[55]


 Sandy’s Mother- Geneva Reed Veal- Veiled 666

These covert government programs involved in programming children and young adults as assets of the agency rarely vanish or eliminated in the interest of justice, but only fall deeper into the rabbit hole shrouded in puzzles warped up inside enigmas. For decades, the isolation of summer camps have traditionally provided CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH perfect deep cover away from public eyes for secret ritual trauma based mind control experiments, drugging, programming and the Satanic (occult) indoctrination of ritually sexually abused, and mentally depressed children and YOUNG ADULTS like Sandy Bland.

Who is LaVaughn Mosley?


 LaVaughn Mosley, right with Omega purple tie, and brothers of the WALLER COUNTY CITIZENS ASSISTANCE COALITION (WCCAC). They have the same hand wrap as Knights of Omega.[56] Mosley rides the Hellenized Ram. He was initiated into the BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi at Prairie View University.[57]


Ascending Order (theory) of Masonic/Satanic Indoctrination and Mind Control 

At the time while Sandy Bland was an initial “Mentee“, Mosley was a high ranking member of the Omegas.[58]


This is most likely photos of LaVaughn Mosley at the time he began to “mentorSandy Bland.[59]


On his Facebook page, he posted the Prairie View University BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter fraternity shield.[60]


On his Facebook page, he also posted the above symbol of a Knight and the Greek letter Omega meaning “the end.”[61] It seems to indicate that he held some level of KnightKnight of Omega’s Round Table or a special secret higher Knight Templar hieratical power level within the society. The closed helmet of the armor’s mask is for SILENCE.[62] While the armored grove at the bottom of the shield can only mean to the members, the IRON HAND OF THE LETTER OF THE LAW of dark medieval Knights. Some question the presence of the crossed swords that appear on the Omega’s shield indicating a secret relationship with the Brotherhood of DeathSkull & Bones Secret Society.[63]


On his Facebook page, he also posted the above peculiar UNIDENTIFIED photo showing brothers going through some type of “twinningmind control exercise. This is an example of pledging your Head (MIND), Heart (SOUL), Hands (Hand of DEATH), and Health (My LIFE) to the Satanic NEW WORLD ORDER.


The Omegas call themselves, the Sons of Blood and Thunder. Their Gods are “Sitting on their royal purple and gold thrones high in the realms of Mount Olympus, Zeus, supreme ruler of the gods and Apollo …”[64] They say that the Gods of Mount Olympus and Moon Goddess Diana decided to let OMEGA, God of Blood and Thunder create a Man. OMEGA created with the stroke of a lightening bolt and the nourishment of his own immortal Blood, the god-like structure of the OMEGA Man.[65] There is some truth hidden in their Greek fiction about the Omega Man, and these Negroes aren’t playing.


The (MK ULTRA) LEOPARD is a Totemic Symbol of Dionysus

Born of a virgin and God Zeus, Dionysus was the last god to be accepted into Mt. Olympus.[66] Dionysus was identified with the lamb, and called “King of Kings,” “Only Begotten Son,” “Savior,” “Redeemer,” “Sin bearer,” “Anointed One,” the “Alpha and OMEGA.” The Alpha and Omega are included also in the name IAO, a Greco-Roman rendition of the Hebrew tetragrammaton which was also used as a sacred name of Bacchus/Dionysus and as “Iao Sabaoth” represented the Gnostic demiurge.[67]

The most celebrated of the ancient fraternities of artisans was that of the Dionysiac Architects. This organization was composed exclusively of initiates of the Bacchus-Dionysos Cult.[68] The Knight Templars are believed to taken many of their secret symbols and rituals from the ancient Dionysian Cults.[69]


Some ancients saw no difference between Dionysus and the DEVILEuripides echoed this belief in the “Hecuba“;  one of the god’s names was Dionysus Morychosthe dark one”, a rough equivalent of SATAN, who wore goatskins and dwelt in the underworld.[70] Euripides (c. 480 – 406 BC) was a tragedian of classical Athens. In Greek mythology, Hecuba was the second wife of Priam, King of Troy. She was the mother of Hector, Paris, and Prophetess Cassandra.[71]


The ancient Kemetic God adopted among the Hyksos and the Greeks was SET, Seth (Satan). Gods SET and Baal have the function of Gods of Thunder, Storm and CHAOS.[72], [73] The Sons of Blood and Thunder mythical translation says that the OMEGAS (Rho Theta Chapter) call themselves in reality, the BLOODY Sons of SATAN.

LaVaughn Mosley, Omega Psi Phi & Secret Masonic Freemasonry


The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33°When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” page 48.[74]


The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was founded in 1911 primarily (3 out of 4) by Prince Hall Lodge Master Masons. Dr. Ernest Everett Just, above, a principal founder of the fraternity was a Prince Hall Master Mason.[75]


Founder Bishop Edgar Amos Love was a Prince Hall Master Mason. He was a founding member of Corinthian Lodge #18 in Washington, D.C., and the Sigma Pi Phi (BOULE). He was a member of the Masonic Elks Club, Frontiers Clubs of America, and the American Legion.[76]


Founder Frank Coleman was a Prince Hall Mason, an American Legionnaire and a Congregationalist.[77] Congregationalist Churches derived out of Scrooby, England in 1606. It was brought to the New World by the pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.[78] The founders may have designed the fraternity to be a secret Masonic Blue Lodge. Omega’s secret rituals are similar if not the same first three degrees of Masonry.[79] Founded by Prince Hall Lodge Masons, it stands to reason that Omega Psi Phi is nothing less than a shrouded Satanic Masonic Secret Society.

Mosley works on a daily basis “hand and hand” through WCCA, and the small towns surrounding the area and Prairie View University with Waller County. Mosley lives right there in Hempstead, Waller County. He was born and raised in Waller County. In fact, Mosley appears to have be a multi-generational professional attachment to Prairie View University that go back to his Waller County forebears. His entire bread, butter, and livelihood comes from being a willing and secret Negro collaborator with them.


Mosley’s highly publicized call for Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith to resign from office was/is an old fashioned smokescreen or diversion.[80] You shouldn’t believe anything that comes out of the Negro’s mouth. The Omega Man, LaVaughn Mosley, was much more than Sandy Bland’s mentor, the WHORE of SATAN was her secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH Dark Masonic HANDLER.


“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [81]





[4] Id.


[6] Id.






















[28] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159


[30] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159








[38] Personal interview with former inmate of Vacaville






[44] id.









[53] file:///C:/Users/PrinceRay/Downloads/4-H%20history.pdf





[58] Id.

[59] Id.

[60] Id.

[61] Id.

[62] Smith, Jerrod, The True Alpha and Omega: (Unmasking Spiritual Wickedness in Fraternities and Sororities, Author House, Bloomington, IN (2011) pg. 8

[63] Id.


[65] Id.




[69] Hall, Manly Palmer, Secret Teachings of All Ages, H.P. Crocker, San Francisco, CA (1928), pg. 524














12 02 2015


This is a picture poster advertising Angela Bassett’s television bio “Whitney” that opened nationally January 17, 2014. This is a HOLOGRAM. It is a holographic mathematical memory model (HMMM). HMMM describe a system where an IMAGE can be reconstructed through information that is stored throughout the hologram demonstrating a holographic associative memory that can impact the subconscious. On the surface, the Hologram’s Hand Symbol is an extremely significant occult inverted triangle (pyramid).


The above is the Emblem of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society. The darker of the two triangles, which is downward-pointing, and the lighter triangle, which is upward-pointing, symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into matter and the ascent of that life out of matter into Spirit, the perpetual opposition between the light and dark forces in nature and in man.

The latest news is that our Little Sister, Bobbi Kristina, may not survive this most recent deadly faith. My heart goes out to her innocence born into a pit of HELL, and within a circle of unparalleled human greed, among the sick and insane, and the OCCULT.


From Bobbi Kristina’s Cousin Jarod Brown- Pray for Her in Form of the All Seeing Eye of the Satanic/ILLUMINATI?

There are reports that the Brown and Houston families have agreed to take Bobbi Kristina off life support on the same date, February 11th, that Whitney Houston was assassinated at the Israeli Mossad controlled Beverly Hilton Hotel called the executive branch “Western Whitehouse.” The move is a symbolic way to keep the mother and daughter togetherfor eternity“, according to a Brown family source.[1] However, after the story was released, they may have hopefully backed away from that chilling idea.

Jonestown Cocktail & Assassination of Whitney Houston

Along with cocaine (1) and marijuana (2), Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012 with alcohol 3), Xanax (4), flexeril (muscle relaxant) (5), and diphenhydramine (benadryl) (6) in her system. Someone(s) had given Whitney a “Jonestown Cocktail” at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. From that drug cocktail, all of Whitney’s consciousness and resistance could have been blacked out. She must have collapsed semi-comatose.[2] Whitney was undressed then placed in the bathtub filled with water.

Proof of the party(ies) that murdered Whitney Houston on February 11 was captured without a doubt by the hotel’s Israeli state of the art security and surveillance system. Yet 3 (three) years later, Beverly Hilton Hotel security has not and will not release Whitney Houston’s surveillance tapes.

In addition, after Whitney’s body had been removed from her room, Beverly Hilton security controlled by the Mossad sent in a clean-up team with the mission to act in “extra vigilance” to sweep through the room.[3] The proof the crime is in the cover-up.

Of the Absolutely BIZARRE

Many members of the Brown-Houston families are seasoned adepts in the secret practice of underground cult Cabbalism as set out below. In Cabbalism, the “ruach- spirit-wind-personality” of a murdered victim have a continued existence.


“Because Satan rules over a particular partition of “dimensions” or “consciousness” that occultists and magicians associate with the Element of Air. This is also “Vav.” Thus, naturally 666 would be related to Satan. This partition is Ruach, which even means “wind,” and obviously wind is air. Ruach is the false center. The Ruach consists of 6 Sefira, and while the lowest is the Nefesh, it is still technically part of the Vav portion of the sacred diagram.”[4]



v is VAV in Hebrew with the number 6 given to it. 6 the number of Sin.[5]

The ruach of a victim of murder or injustice can’t rest or delve in another dimension until atonement (Murder of Nabolt– 1 Kings 21). The ruach may also “hover” over a stream, current- over the face of the waters between heaven and earth. If they go through along with this macabre notion, they would be condemning Bobbi Kristina’s ruach along with her mother ‘s ruach to delve “eternally”  in a void between heaven and earth in the realm of Satan – because they certainly are not looking for any atonement for Whitney’s Assassination.

According to the latest corporate media news, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston’s families are also warring over Bobbi Kristina’s pending funeral.[6]



LL Cool J and Paris Jackson’s Drawing of ILLUMINATI- Silence (Secrecy)  is Golden

“There won’t be any special announcement or tribute made for [Bobbi Kristina] Brown …” -LL Cool J- Host of 2015 Grammys[7]

Who is this Negro? A very dangerous ILLUMINATI idiot. “Brown“- it’s pretty clear that HollyWeird’s Gutless Black Satanic Cabal has coldly dissociated itself from 21 year old BOBBI KRISTINA Brown even on her death bed.
Bobbi Kristina Did It to Herself- BOBBI KRISTINA DID IT TO HERSELF

The children of celebrities that sold their souls to the DEVIL usually have no choice whether or not they become part of the ILLUMINATI. In most cases, MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI multi-personality disorder programming with amnesia blocks begin during the child’s most impressionate years, infancy to the age of 5 years old.

By the time of teen years, they simply don’t seem to know if they have been programmed or understand how deep the programming had gone. They soon discover that alternative (termination/self destruct) personalities have been implanted in their subconscious able to take over the body and mind triggered by various different codes, pictures, sounds and keys as simple as just a telephone ring or tone.[8]

Between 2012- June 2013, Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson, began resisting forced ILLUMINATI programming, she exposed in a Twit one of the secret retreats for Satanic Programming and indoctrination, the Self Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Temple in Pacific Palisades, CA.[9] Paris said that she woke up to the ILLUMINATI when she was 12 years old, but her trauma based programming most likely began in infancy like her younger brother.

bobbimichael1 Michael Jackson dangling-traumatizing his infant son, Blanket, over the 4th floor balcony railing at the Adlon Hotel in Berlin, Germany, November 19, 2002. By June 2013, 15 year old Paris was rushed to the hospital for an alleged suicide attempt. She reportedly told whoever could hear that she didn’t want to die. She recovered. She was forced into seclusion and reprogrammed. Her resistance and ILLUMINATI twits have ended.[10]


Bobbi Kristina-MK ULTRA Programming, All Seeing Eye  Satanic/ILLUMINATI Layer


Rosie Perez in with ILLUMINATI with the elite “M” Masonic Hand/Finger Symbol

Actress Rosie Perez, host of the television talk show, ABC’s The View, has come under entertainment industry fire for letting the cat out of the bag“Just thought about the movie that came out, and this is no disrespect to Angela Bassett because I love [her], but this unauthorized bio of her mom must have killed her…”[11]


This is not Bobby Brown, but Bassett’s Whitney Arlen Escarpeta (Bobby Brown) dual Hologram to ILLUMINATE, implant and mainstream Satanic/ILLUMINATI symbols in the subconscious of the masses, and DRIVE BOBBI KRISTINA and many more people INSANE.


Rosie Perez was raised in New York by the Order of Sisters of the Saint Joseph du Puy from France. The order was formed in 1650 in the ancient city of du Puy (Le Puy) by Catholic Priest Jean Piere Medaille as a French Jesuit Front- the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church. During the French Revolution, several of the order was sent to the guillotines, above, accused as Druids, and Body-Snatchers.


Carved above the doorway of the Order of Saint Joseph’s Chapel of St. Clair, Le Puy are symbols showing the phases of the moon.  This was considered the “Temple of Diana” in pre-Christian times.  The Order’s Chapel of Saint Michael in Le Puy, atop a mountain was a Druid place of worship also prior to Christian times.


Rosie Perez’s secret ILLUMINATI Hand/Finger symbol is quite legit straight out of Ancient European VATICAN/Pagan influences. bobbiangela

WHITNEY Film ILLUMINATI Witches- Suzanne Douglas (Cissy Houston) Devil Horns Hand SymbolAngela Bassett (Director) flashes the “M” ILLUMINATI Hand/Finger Symbol. Perez let it slip that Bobbi Kristina had been deliberately mentally harmed. Rosie’s statement is also important because she is one of THEM. They are calling for her head for that negligence, because the “Group Think” consensus and directive is “BOBBI KRISTINA DID IT TO HERSELF” or “Nick Gordon Did It.”

“WHITNEY” Directed by Angela Bassett


Bassett’s Whitney poster appears innocent, but the apparent HOLOGRAM translation is WHIT– usually used with a NEGATIVE) the smallest particle; iota; jot: he has changed not a whit. NEYArchaic. no (used in dissent, denial, or refusal), a negative VOTE.


Let’s Drive Bobbi Kristina Insane, the Poster also has an Ancient Crucifix In-bedded.


Face of EVIL, Angela Bassett- Inverted Pyramid Hand Symbol of the Satanic/ILLUMINATI


In recent years, Angela Bassett has become a big darling HollyWeird WITCH. There isn’t very many people around the entertainment industry with the heart and will to take her on. In Entertainment Weekly, an American magazine published by the ILLUMINATI (All Seeing Eye) Time Inc., that covers film, television, music, and popular culture, the question came up whether or not Bassett had considered casting Bobbi Kristina for a part in the bio. Bassett totally dismissed her with some rather caustic and demeaning remarks, she said :

“I did not think about that. I did not think about casting her. And probably for a number of reasons, you know. One being that she’s not an actress … [A]cting is a [body snatch- WITCH] craft. It’s an attempt to ILLUMINATE the complexities of human behavior and life.”[12]

In respect to Whitney Houston’s family, Bobbi Kristina at the very least deserved a courteous phone call from Bassett before that public statement debasing her as an aspiring actress. Bobbi Kristina could have been at the most considered a set technical advisor for authenticity about her mother and father’s life. But, Bassett totally dismissed her, and publicly humiliated her in the process.

Bobbi Kristina had been quite unhappy about Bassett’s public put down, and stepped up to the Big WITCH, and twitted some rather nasty remarks about her. It wasn’t necessarily that she didn’t get the leading role in the bio that upset Bobbi Kristina. It was the total public disrespect, the putdown, and the way that it was done. It’s also interesting that out of all the people surrounding her deathbed possessing to have cared for her not one of them stood up for Bobbi Kristina after Angela Bassett’s corporate mass media humiliating personal attack. How much of an actress is Bobbi Kristina expected to be 21 years old? Bassett would not have disrespected a young aspiring white actress, no matter how bad of an actress, in that manner. Even Tyler Perry that could have meaningfully assisted Bobbi Kristina’s budding acting career remained silent.

But there was more that upset Bobbi Kristina than the public humiliation, much more than the eye can see or the brain to process. Bobbi Kristina had been MK ULTRA programmed like Paris Jackson with alternative (termination/self destruct) personalities anchored by Satanic layers able to take over the body and mind triggered by various different codes, pictures and IMAGES. All the old WITCH had to do was play the right keys to throw Bobbie Kristina off the Ledge.


Bobbi Kristina & HollyWeird Kabbala Cult Blue Ceramic Evil Eye Beads[13]

 Undoubtedly, Bobbi Kristina was under the influence of HollyWeird’s Kabbalah Cult led by Luciferians Madonna and Lady GaGa.[14] Basically, Cabbala’s roots run out of Ancient Babylon. It was the secret religion of the Sons of the Serpent (Set, Seth- Satan). The HollyWeird Kabbalah Cult is one of Lucifer’s main clandestine vehicles for delivering the masses to Satanism.[15]


Bobbi Kristina & Fallen Angel Necklace

On Saturday morning, January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown, 21, was found unresponsive in a bathtub at her Roswell, GA. “Unresponsive” in medical terms means a person is not alert and does not respond to verbal or tactile (touch) stimulation, or a person whose vital signs and brain activity are not within normal range to sustain life. She unable to breath alone.[16]


On Tuesday, February 2, 2015, while she was still desperately fighting for her life, a lawyer representing Bobby Brown released the following statement: “To correct earlier reports, Bobbi Kristina is not and has never been married to Nick Gordon,” said Christopher L. Brown of Brown & Rosen LLC.[17 Brown is the Vice-President of the Baseball Division of Orpheus Sports & Entertainment with Joseph S. Rosen of Boston. Brown is also an adjutant professor at Boston College.[18] Boston College (BC) is a private Jesuit Catholic research university located in the village of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.[19] “Orpheus is a type of Christ … who provided a wife for himself, but through the teeth of the serpent, that is say, by counsel of Satan, lost her.” [John Block Freidman, Orpheus in the Middle Ages, Syracuse University Press (2000) pg. 181] Brown & Rosen LLC translates to by “Counsel of SATAN.”

With Nick Gordon out of the picture, her father, Bobby Brown, is subject to inherit by intestate succession the majority of her entire estate as the only heir next in kin in kind, then her half brothers and sisters of Bobby Brown should also inherit per stripes in same kind. However, that’s if there is no last will and testament. Bobbi Kristina’s demise also comes interesting at 21 years old, when she undoubtedly had legal capacity to make a will in all 51 states of the U.S.

Bobby Brown & The Ancient Rosicrucians


Pawns on the Masonic Checkerboard

There should be little doubt that Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown had sold their souls to the DEVIL for fame and fortune early in their musical entertainment careers. There should be no doubt also that both Whitney and Bobby served the ILLUMINATI. It may also be true that the faith of Bobbi Kristina had been sealed at birth by a bargain with the DEVIL– the Satanic Sacrifice of their first born. For Whitney, she discovered that there is no exist door from the ILLUMINATI short of DEATH. They play for keeps.


Here, Bobby Brown Shows Direct Early Masonic Influences. Crown with Sword is a Knights Templar Symbol  “By this sign thou shalt conquer”


Early Drawing of the Knights Templar & Horned God Baphomet

 The Rosy Cross (also called Rose Cross and Rose Croix) is a symbol largely associated with the semi-mythical Christian Rosenkreuz, CABBALIST and alchemist and founder of the Rosicrucian Order.[20] Later drawings seem to delete the “Cross and Rose” on Baphomet’s chest. However, Bobby Brown’s tie-shirt recaptures the religious cosmology of the early Knights Templar. In the early days of the revival of the Rosicrucian Order in America in 1915, Imperator H. Spencer Lewis chose to use the Latin cross ( clip_image001 ). He visualized a man standing with arms extended in the form of a cross, i.e., perpendicular to the body. This would roughly place the human heart at the crossbeams.


Early Rosicrucian temples used this concept for their floor plans. The shekina, representing the heart of the temple, was at the lines crossing. Over such a floor plan the Rosicrucian Lodge ritual enacts the Ancient Egyptian Memphite Mystery School teachings on creation. The impulses from the heart (shekina) are directed to bring wisdom to the Master stationed in the East. This is the ancient Egyptian heart-tongue connection to creation. The Master’s lectern has a left eye upon it. This represents the eye of Thoth, i.e., wisdom. The route from heart to tongue is called the Sanctum Sanctorum. The floor plan of many churches is similar to this floor plan. However, they do not use the point of crossing in any mystical sense. Their altar is in the East. There is no allusion to the ancient mystical process of creation from heart to tongue.[21]


Brown’s Red Cross inside the White Heart” is basically a covert “Rosicrucian Symbol” in plain sight.[22] It shows Brown’s progression/promotion from Freemason to higher HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE levels of the ILLUMINATI such as the Rosicrucians.


Ancient Rosicrucian Cross and Heart Symbols.


Bobbi Kristina & Bobby Brown with Cross Bones Symbol and the IRON CROSS

The Iron Cross is a cross symbol typically in black with a white or silver outline that originated after 1219 when the Kingdom of Jerusalem granted the  Teutonic Order the right to combine the Teutonic Black Cross placed above a silver Cross of Jerusalem.  These people are not playing.


During the 17th Century, Robert Fludd with the early elite  “M Hand/Finger Symbol” and Sir. Francis Bacon of the British Empire co-founded both the Rosicrucian and Freemason Order.


Bobby Brown and Bobby Kristina- Clear Ancient Rosicrucian and Freemason Order Influence and Hand Symbol

Angela Bassett, Witch’s Coven & Madame Laveau



“This is a career about IMAGES. It’s celluloid; they last for ever. I’m a black woman from America. My people were slaves in America, and even though we’re free on paper and in law, I’m not going to allow you to enslave me on film, in celluloid, for all to see.” –Angela Bassett [23]

Bassett received a B.A degree in African American Studies and Masters in Drama from Yale University, Home of Skull and Bones.[24] The above is a very interesting widely circulated gallant quote from Angela Bassett out of Satanic HollyWeird. That’s if you believe anything the Big WITCH says.

The American Horror: Coven is a popular TV series that blatantly glorify and promote the occult, Enochian magick, witchcraft and Satanism in mainstream pop culture. The series tells the story of a group of young girls who have been recruited to a witch’s coven in New Orleans that fronts as a prestigious all-girls boarding school. The purpose of the coven is to train the young women to hone their occult powers and skills and protect them from the world which seeks to destroy them.[25]


In the WITCH’S Coven, Bassett portrays the IMAGE, in celluloid, for all to see, of New Orleans’ most infamous big black Voodoo WITCH out of the 19th Century, Madame Marie Catherine Laveau. “Angela Bassett portrayed Marie Laveau as a merciless villain who uses her power of immortality, which she gained from a demonic force by the name of Papa Legba, to kill innocent beings and to seek revenge on those who have wronged her.”

“The show contains a scene where Laveau steals a baby from the hospital to sacrifice to Papa Legba in order to pay him for giving her the power of immortality. In another scene when she first makes the deal with Papa Legba, she sacrifices her first-born child, a daughter.”[26]

In some circles, Marie Laveau is considered some type of black anti-slavery heroine of New Orleans. By some sources, she was described as a descendant of French AristocracyILLUMINATI.[27]


The New Orleans artist, Charles Massicot Gandolfo, that produced the above painting certainly believed that she was ILLUMINATI showing her with the infamous secret elite M (Masonic) Hand/Finger Symbol. Gandolfo (Voodoo Charlie) founded the infamous New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum. He was raised on family stories of his great-great-great grandmother, an escaped African from Haiti who was also a New Orleans’ Voodoo Queen.[28] He would have known something about New Orleans’ secret elite Satanic Subculture.


The M (Masonic) Hand Symbol is associated with the term “Marrano” is a Spanish expression which means “Secret Jew“, i.e. a falsely converted Jew. On the one hand, Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits, had been a member of “Alumbrado” which was a forerunner to the ILLUMINATI organization (the word “Alumbrado” is simply a Spanish translation for the term “ILLUMINATI“) and another suspected Kabbalah concoction. Alumbrado devotees manifested a strangely conflicting mixture–many expressions of “godly” sentiments in their outward displays…but bizarre goings-on in their private meetings which fit the descriptions occult practices, and even of satanic ‘possession’ or interaction. [29]

Absolute Horror and EVIL of the Lalaurie Mansion

I Warn You. This video of the Real Marie Lalaurie is truly Chilling and Horrible Almost Beyond Belief

In New Orleans, Marie Laveau lived just a few blocks from the racialist mass murdering Marie Delphine Lalaurie that teamed up as a character with Laveau in the Coven televised series. In real life, they were contemporary and undoubtedly these two women met and knew each other very well. Both Lalaurie and Laveau attended Saint Louis Cathedral with Capuchin (Franciscan) Monk Pere Antoine.


By her own journal, Delphine and her third husband, Dr. Leonard LaLaurie sadistically slaughtered 62 Africans held in forced human bondage. They performed terrible and hideous terminal medical experiments on Africans. After a fire at the mansion, fire fighters discovered body parts of the slaughtered were found heaved throughout their manor. Fire fighters and authorities believed that a 70 year old African woman chained to a stove in the kitchen started the fire to alert authorities to murder, mayhem and horror going on inside the mansion. The Lalaurie Mansion exists today as an infamous “haunted mansion.”[30]

Down the streets and around the neighborhood, the terrifying screams coming from the Lalaurie Mansion were well known throughout the tight community. There is speculation that Laveau had been directly involved in some of the murderous Satanic activity at the Lalaurie Mansion.[31]  It also appears that Laveau should have been well aware of what going on at Lalaurie Mansion, and there are no records that she helped any Africans escape death, cruelty and torture at the hands of her neighbors and fellow Catholics.

Madame Laveau was a devout Catholic. She was part of the wealthy Catholic French-Creole merchant class of New Orleans. During the 1800s, Laveau and her father, Charles Laveaux, owned numerous buildings and lots in the early French Quarter. Charles Laveaux was a local tavern owner, that bonded his daughter to sell liquid spirits from a storefront.


There are several Roman statues of Miltra found at the Vatican Museum Ritually Sacrificing a Bull- a Snake, Dog and Scorpion Feed from the Blood  

However, what would explain Madame Laveau’s relationship with Delphine Lalaurie is that they were part of the Vatican’s underground Cult of Miltra (Miltras) or French Death Cult, the secret religion of the Sons of the Serpent (Set, Seth- Satan).

“Christianity resembled certain elements of Roman belief, particularly the worship of Mithra, or Mithraism. As ‘Protector of the Empire,’ Mithra was closely tied to the sun gods, Helios and Apollo … Christians took over a cave-temple dedicated to Mithra in Rome on the Vatican Hill, making it the seat of the Catholic Church. The Mithraic high priest’s title, Pater Patrum, soon became the title for the bishop of Rome, Papa or Pope. The fathers of Christianity explained the remarkable similarities of Mithraism as the work of the devil, declaring the much older legends of Mithraism to be an insidious imitation of the one true faith.”Helen Ellerbe, ‘The Dark Side of Christian History‘ ” (223)[32] Secret Mithraic rites and ceremonies involve animal and human sacrifice.[33]From the time of the Romans, the Cult of Miltra has always been practiced in strict secrecy- mostly in caves.

The Lalaurie Mansion sits atop the real property consecrated by the Ursuline Sisters. The Ursuline Sisters were the first Catholic nuns to land in the new world.[34] The Ursuline Sisters were the subject of the infamous French Witch Trials of the 17h Century. The Loudun Possessions was a notorious witchcraft trial in Loudun, France in 1634. A  convent of Urusline nuns were involved in secret SATANIC BLACK MASS and naked orgies. They said they had been visited and possessed by DEMONS and the DEVIL. [35]


The Black Mass was originally created in France by Catholic Clergy to cover up their crimes and worship the DEVIL in a form of inversion to the Catholic Mass.  All sorts of perversions would go on in the basements of monasteries or in dilapidated cathedrals.  Rumors where that French Death Cults where involved in these corrupted masses as well.  It is said that babies where eaten right after they were born from  Catholic Nuns whom were impregnated by a monk or priest.  This was to cover up the by products of the orgies that would take place during said masses. Forms of bestiality along with animal sacrifice to mimic [Cult of Mithra] ancient pagan rituals.  Then Catherine Deshayes (1640-1680)who was an abortionist and magic charm charlatan, was able to convince ordained Catholic Priests to perform such acts of debauchery and blasphemy.  The debasement of the rite was as far as the customer who paid for it would go.  Normally Catherine would use an aborted fetus as the sacrifice for the Black Mass.  Thus starting rumors of children being sacrificed to the DEVIL once again. These Black Masses become a commercial indulgence of the higher class to attain the favor of the DEVIL.

This should explain the underlining Satanic activity at the Lalaurie Mansion. It was related to the Black Mass, and the higher classes of New Orleans seeking the power of SATAN. Interestingly, it was a Capuchin Monk Tranquille  that performed the Ursuline Sisters exorcisms in France and  furnished the materials for the “History of the Devils of Loudun.” Recall above that LaLaurie and Laveau were involved with Capuchin Monk Antoine at St. Louis Cathedral Basilica whose order was known to be experts on Satanism and the Black Mass. The Satanic Reputation of the Urusline nuns followed them to early New Orleans. In the city, they were known as the coffin or “Casket Girls.” Locals believed that their coffin like travel and storage crates contained European blood vampires being smuggled into America.[36]

I have been to New Orleans over a dozen times during the 1970-80s. I have a law degree. My first love is history, the study of folklore and cultures. I also have a AA in African American Behavior Sciences, and an AB in Anthropology.  I am also extremely interested in Black Genealogy. I helped co-found the African American Genealogical Society of Northern California (AAGSNC) in Oakland.[37]  New Orleans is one of the most wicked and EVIL places on earth. It has a history of generational racial hatred, intolerance and violence almost unparalleled in the U.S. Yet, it is also an extremely interesting place to study and learn from.

The Underground Black Occult & Satanic Society in New Orleans

My Search for the Seven Sisters

After law school, I got a one way ticket out of Los Angeles for leading an effort to organize lawyers around a lawsuit to force the extremely dangerous and deadly Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) into federal court receivership to protect the constitutional rights of People of Color, and organizing the people around creating a police review board.

I decided to go DEEP SOUTH where my late dear mother had feared that they would certainly kill me. I accepted a legal associate fellowship as far south as they went where NOBODY wanted to go. I landed at Caddo-Bossier Legal Aid Society in Shreveport, Louisiana. Bossier City, across the Red River from Shreveport, was a swampy wooded area that was an extremely dangerous place. Bossier City had been a racial killing field for generations. At that time, it had been the home to the Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan, J.D. Swenson.[38]

Before my first trip to New Orleans, two local Black legal secretaries began to tease me about my maiden journey to the city. Jokingly, they said, “you’re gonna meet the ‘Seven Sisters.'” Seven Sisters, I asked, what is that? Surprisingly, fear was written all over their faces. They refused to talk about the subject. Actually, most of the Black locals that I talked to were also inherently afraid to acknowledge or discuss the subject.

While in New Orleans, I was contacted by one of the good spiritual brothers that worked with me on the police review board in LA. I met him and a local brother at my hotel on Canal Street just across the way from St. Louis Cemetery.

The local brother was Walter. Walter was another good spiritual brother and remarkable human being. Walter worked as an expert witness in racial discrimination cases for the NAACP. Walter was remarkable in the sense that he could take any pre-hire or qualifying intelligence test government or private test sight unseen and score at the 100% level each time. If he wasn’t hired or offered a job as one of the “best qualified candidates” for the job pursuant the agency or company’s guidelines for employment then his job rejection letter provided the basis for an employment discrimination lawsuit.

I asked Walter, what is the “Seven Sisters” of New Orleans? He said, “you need to talk to my mother.” We headed out to his home in the inner-city where I met his mom. I asked her, who are the “Seven Sisters” of New Orleans? She said, “I am the Seventh Sister.”

“The Seven Sisters of New Orleans were seven sisters who were powerful Hoodoo women who operated in New Orleans circa the 1920s. The sisters were well known for their psychic abilities or clairvoyance. In fact, the sisters were alleged to have the power to look at a person and be able to read that person’s mind or read that person’s future.”[39]

The “Seventh Sister” is born the most gifted and powerful among them. She said, you’re lucky, I am the GOOD Seventh Sister. She said there was also a Seventh Sister of Algiers across the river that was all EVIL. I had an all-night rap session with New Orleans most celebrated infamous “Seventh Sister.” Throughout the night into the morning over beer and gumbo, we explored the unseen power and authority that she had over city officials. We delved deeply into the Underground Black Occult Cult in the city. I found out that the Black Occult in New Orleans is not solely a separate entity based upon African customs and practices, but existed as an internal part of a larger circle of a very powerful underground Satanic Society going far back in New Orleans history- the French Death Cults dedicated to the DEVIL.

That maybe why the Underground Black Occult is still very much a forbidden subject among the people, including my family, to this very day. They know that this cold blood powerful underground Satanic Blood Oath Society in New Orleans and across the South existing along beside the Black Occult do not play games.  It is something that I would not dare to penetrate or explore the knowledge of- even in the benevolent pursuit of higher knowledge.

The Coven & Romanization of the Occult

Madame Laveau served the ILLUMINATI on some secret level for the Catholic Black Mass , Cult of Miltra and French Death Cult (Gilles de Rais’)  as one of its useful idiots. However, the master French Death Cult murderer, Marie Delphine Lalaurie, was undoubtedly a French bloodline ILLUMINATI. The Coven television series wrongfully and deceptively RE-IMAGED Marie Laveau as one the same as Marie Lalaurie, equal evil sisters in the occult, is designed to confuse and deceive the masses to Romanize SATANISM without its true history, danger, horror and the absolute DIABOBICAL EVIL it involves.

Angela Bassett & the Black Occult


“In voodoo it is believed that when a Voodoo Queen dies her spirit re-enters the river of life and moves to the next realm, adjacent to this one. Her spirit will always be here, close at hand, in New Orleans.”[40]

The American Horror: Coven (Global Satanic Cabal) entered the demonic realm of the stream, current- over the face of the waters between heaven and earth. They conjured up the immortal DEMONIC spirit of Madame Laveau hovering over the current. Angela Bassett has been chosen to ILLUMINATE that EVIL once again- put it back in the FLESH to once again serve the ILLUMINATI DEATH CULTS.

As Paris Jackson stated you can find and avoid the ILLUMINATI if you know where to look. In my case, I also could have found the Underground Black Occult linked to the greater ILLUMINATI Death Cults in New Orleans by looking in the right places. This time, the Black Occult and the ILLUMINATI are no longer underground subjected to the secrecy of hidden caves. It’s on television out in plain sight, but this is no play or stage show.


The picture above comes out of the French Ursuline Sisters Witch Trials of the 17th Century. It shows the DEVIL immersing a helpless Catholic priest or nun face down in water as part of a secret Satanic Death Ritual. Both Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown suffered the same faith. These people are deadly serious. They intend to create thousands upon thousands of Bobbi Kristinas and Paris Jacksons through modern technology and Holonomic Theories. The immortal EVIL Spirit hovering above the current of the Satanic Abyss has become part of HollyWeird’s Big Black WITCH, Angela Bassett, and that WITCH is subservient and obedient to the ILLUMINATI Satanic Death Cults just the same as Madame Laveau.

ILLUMINATI Demonization of the American Black Male


Costner confronts the “Street Nigger” Father of his Grand Daughter- Note the Black Bags of TRASH Behind the Black Father

Lastly as part of HollyWeird’s covert program to RE-IMAGE the American Black Male for elimination and the Rise of the Black Satanic LESBIANIC Cabal, Kevin Costner’s Black and White film project released January 30, 2015 the day before Bobbi Kristina was found face down in the bathtub can be added to the list.[41] In the film, he is more appropriate and adequate as a white man to step into Black family affairs and raise his bi-racial granddaughter than what he contends is an American crack head (Bobby Brown) “STREET NIGGER.”[42]

Under the veil, Kevin Costner is a dangerous clandestine right-wing- Zionist Republican playing with “Satanic Principle Dualism.” He masquerades in front of the masses as a liberal social democrat concerned about race relations in this country. He has classic English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, and Swiss-German ancestry bloodlines. His wife, Cindy Silva Costner, former Snow White of ILLUMINATI Disneyland [43] says that it was much more than occasional golf with the Bohemia Grove/Pagan Presidents of the United States. Costner was part of Freemason/Knight of Malta– Ronald Reagan’s secret team.[44] Under the veil, Costner was also closely associated with former CIA Director, Skull and Bones, Freemason pedophile President George H. W. Bush.[45]

Angela Bassett’s Whitney and the GAY Bobby Brown


This dude playing Bobby Brown in Bassett’s Whitney, Arlen Escarpeta out of the Country of BelizeILLUMINATES likes he don’t like women at all. He says, not I, that people that watched the show think that he is GAY.


The Black LESBIANIC HollyWeird Conspiracy is pushing this weak foreign Negro forward like a spiritual HERO among the masses as they did with that Satanic  British Crown Intelligence Agent, David Oyelowo, in Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie.


Angela Bassett ILLUMINATES Whitney Houston’s  LESBIANIC Rumors


If you tuned in to see the Whitney Houston biopic on lifetime then you may have noticed the close relationship between Whitney and her LESBIANIC black body-guard Robyn Crawford. In Bassett’s ILLUMINATION, Crawford seems supportive and like she truly cares for Whitney and even got into a physical altercation trying to protect Whitney from that dysfunctional American crack head “STREET NIGGER” Bobby Brown.[46] The actress that played Robyn Crawford, Yolanda Ross, didn’t have to ILLUMINATE her natural or unnatural desire for women at all. She has been a LESBIAN in several films and Gay film festivals.


Whitney Houston was exposed to Robyn Crawford while enrolled in the Roman Catholic all-girl high school, Mount Saint Dominic Academy. The academy was officially founded in 1892 by the Sisters of St. Dominic. The Dominican congregation was initially based in Jersey City with its roots tracing back to the Convent of the Holy Cross in Regensberg, Bavaria, Germany- birthplace of the ILLUMINATI.[47]

A national survey, completed in 1996 but intentionally never publicized, estimates that a “minimum” of 34,000 Catholic nuns, or about 40 percent of all nuns in the United States, have suffered some form of sexual trauma. Some of that sexual abuse, exploitation or harassment has come at the hands of priests and other nuns in the church, the report said.[48] [Predatory Lesbian Nuns] use grooming practices similar to those employed by pederasts to seduce new victims; victims almost never report the abuse to ecclesiastical or secular authorities; and rather than being dismissed from the order, lesbian abusers are regularly transferred from convent to convent to avoid prosecution and public scandal. The Vatican has yet to address the problem of PREDATORY LESBIANISM and lesbian sexual abuse in women religious orders.[49]

Catholic schools are institutions of clandestine Homosexuality, Pedophilia and Predatory Lesbianism consistent with the objectives of the ILLUMINATI. They have vowed and combined to use their money, power, authority, influences and networks to clandestinely control, disturb and destroy the internal family structures of the masses of color to control population growth and depopulate Africa.

LESBIANIC CONSPIRACY & Conditioning Bobbi Kristina


This picture allegedly shows Bobbi Kristina being deliberately exposed and conditioned (traumatized) into Lesbianism by an older woman.

bobbikissing1 This picture also shows Bobbi Kristina being deliberately exposed and conditioned into Lesbianism by another older woman.

The bottom line of both Angela Bassett’s Whitney and Kevin Costner’s Black and White are consistent with the New World Order that the role of the Black Father is to be superseded/replaced by a LESBIANIC Black Female and the Great White Father’s power/privilege supersedes all of them to control, disrupt and destroy the internal Black family structure.


It’s hard to believe anything that comes out of the Houston and Brown families regarding the true medical conditions of Bobbi Kristina. To this day, I don’t think the public has been briefed by any medical professional regarding Bobbi Kristina’s medical condition. She remains in a critical state unable to breathe on her own. I’ll continue to pray for Little Sister, but not to that All Seeing Eye ILLUMINATI holographic image posted by her family, above. Our prayers have power more powerful than their EVIL spells and spirits hovering  above the face of the waters in a void between heaven and earth. Our prays move the air and waters itself. Our prayers are the music of the universe.

Dear Little Sister, if GOD answers our prayers and it is possible, get professional mental health help and counseling to break the power and the spell of the DEMON that they placed over you. Please get away from them as far as you can- RUN AND DON’T TURN BACK. 



















































13 02 2014


The January 26, 2014 56th Grammy Awards was far more flagrantly Satanic then I had envisioned. Katy Perry’s Grammy “Dark Horse” performance is widely recognized as a Satanic Rite and Open Witchcraft and Satanism on Display.”[1]


I watched Pops Golden Boy Bruno Mars halftime 2014 Super Bowl performance. Satanists identify and connect the color gold to “royal” bloodlines. Gold is called the metal and skin (God RA) [2] of the gods, but to the Anunnaki, menstrual blood was the “gold of the gods.”[3]


LiL Wanye and Bruno Mars, Mirror on the Wall, A Ceremony of Blood

Nevertheless watching Mars’ Super bowl halftime performance, I couldn’t understand or make out much of the words of his songs, particularly Locked Out of Heaven.”


“Never had much faith in love or miracles
But swimming in your water is something spiritual
I’m born again every time you spend the night

Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Cause you make me feel like, I’ve been locked out of heaven
For too long …

Open up your gates cause I can’t wait to see the light…”[4]
Locked Out of Heaven is a veiled reference to a “Fallen Angel” locked out of Heaven- Lucifer.

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Translation of Isaiah 14: 12-17 [5]


Bruno Mars, Classic MK UTRA Mind Control Animal (Sex Kitten) Pattern (BEAST)

Even though, I didn’t consciously understand the names or words of his songs, Bruno’s halftime performance had been implanted in my “subconscious”. “Your sex takes me to paradise has been properly exposed to be another veiled Satanic reference and implant. It is a reference to British Satanist Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, and exposed as a flagrant subliminal “Sex Magick Promotion.”[6]  Beta Sex Kitten Programmed Beyonce and RosicrucianSatanic Jay opened the 56th Grammy Awards with a performance of “Drunk in Love.” Their performance wasn’t so blatantly understood by most people to be open witchcraft and Satanism on display.


“Rose, my dear, you filthy whore, would you be ever so nice as to do a magick ritual with me today?”the BEAST, Aleister Crowley[7]


“Drunk in Love” introduced Beyonce’s new MK ULTRA Sex Kitten alter personality “Yoncé”, above, that is far more “FILTHY”, erotic, perverse and lustful than Demotic Sasha Fierce.

“I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking
I get FILTHY when that liquor get into me …”[8]


You must not ever forget that Beyonce and Jay Z are dedicated Advanced Crowley(es), demonologists and vehement occultists. Almost everything they do is deeply steeped in secrecy, rooted and embedded in hidden ILLUMINATI/Satanic and Rosicrucian symbolism. “Drunk in Love” like Bruno Mars Locked Out of Heaven is a veiled subliminal reference to “Fallen Angels,” Aleister Crowley, and another flagrant “Sex Magick Promotion.”

Satanic Jay- Beholden to the British Empire and Grand Lodge of England


There should be little to no doubt that Satanic Jay Z is a Prince Hall Freemason placed in a higher classic “House Negro- Scottish Rite” secret hierarchy like Dr. Conrad Murray than most lost brothers of the false craft.


These certain House Negroes are exposed to a selective amount of privileges, and so-called secrets of the craft than most Prince Hall Negro members. But again, it is a very secret selective amount of their “truths.”


Prince Hall Freemasons are subservient members of the Grand Lodge of England.[9] Queen Elizabeth’s first cousin, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, above, is the 10th Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of Freemasonry in England and Wales. He has served in that office since 1967, thus being the longest lasting Grand Master.[10] Satanic Jay’s blood covenant with the ILLUMINATI is layered by the deadly Masonic Blood Oath of Secrecy sealed by a secret allegiance to the British Crown, and the Grand Lodge of EnglandPrince Edward, Duke of Kent . Satanic Jay Z’s loyalty is not to the so-called Hip Hop Generation, or any People’s struggle. He is a secret pawn to the Britain Empire’s racial genocidal policies (Caliban Agenda), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the queen’s cousin. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent is a ruling member of the ILLUMANTI and the Committee of 300.[11]

Satanic Jay & Olympians


The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992) by John Coleman, describes the Committee – also known as the Olympians [Greek Gods]– as a secret society of aristocratic Satanists, and identifies them with the Bavarian Illuminati, and Dionysian mysteries.[12] The transmigration [Divinity] of the soul is largely believed to have been inherited by Pythagoras from the Orphic and Dionysian mystery cults that had long preceded the Pythagorean Brotherhood.[13]


The ancient Greek historian Plutarch (46 BC- 120 AD) states, “Osiris is identical with Dionysus,” and the Cult of Osiris/Dionysus that began in Greece is believed to have had its origins with the Theban Hercules,[14] the Great Sen-Wos-Ret, “Son of Wosret [Hathor],”[15] (1971 BC to 1926 BC), the second Pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty.[16]


the Great Sen-Wos-Ret- Sesostris I

The central secret ruling ideology of the oligarchy’s “Divine Order” ordained by the Gods to rule the world is shrouded in mysteries, and the mythology of Osiris/Isis/Horus. The British Empire has maintained global power within the royal families for generations by ILLUSIONS, deception; and veiled perversion of the Theban royal “Divine” ruling dynasties’ secrets, sciences, ideologies, mythologies and cosmologies. Throughout the ages, they are still known by Justice, Balance, Order and Peace, their Splendor, good works to Civilization and MANKIND.[17]


One of the Olympians’ most reverenced High Priests of the Dionysian Mysteries had been British Secret Agent 666 Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST that was used by British intelligence as a spy, for experiments in mind altering drugs, behavior modification and (CIA/MK ULTRA) mind control.[18]

The Committee of 300 was founded by British aristocracy in 1727. It is an international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts- the New World Order.[19] The  is an important and controlled part of the Committee of 300.[20]

Beyonce, Queen Elizabeth I & the Bilderberg Group

Beyonce Knowles and Satanic Jay Z’s secret alliance with the British Crown apparently has been extended by the ILLUMINATI much further than random fanaticism with the British Empire, and Satanic Jay’s British Masonic blood covenant.


They have been rewarded and inducted into the ILLUMINATI to create the ILLUSION of British “Divineness through its European French royal bloodlines. Researchers claim that their issue, Blue Ivy, to be a 23rd cousin twice- removed from the ancestry of Queen Elizabeth II.[21]

Furthermore on November 5, 2011, during the MTV Voices Dinner during the MTV (MTV Networks Europe) Europe Music Awards 2011 at the Merchant Hotel in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Beyonce was reanimated by the ILLUMINATI in the image and spirit of Queen Elizabeth I.[22]

MTV Networks Europe is a division of MTV Networks International, a subsidiary of Viacom. Sumner Redstone aka Sumner Rothstein aka ILLUMINATI is the CEO of Viacom. He is a principal member of the Bilderberg Group or BBG controlled by the Duke of Kent and the Committee of 300.[23]

Beyoncé’s Queen Elizabeth I’s alter was not random. It was created, implanted and fostered by the MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI.


Re-imaging Beyonce in the persona of the Great Witch Queen of Maafa (African Holocaust, Holocaust of Enslavement) wasn’t enough to insult the masses of color. They went further to turn her into a Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley Satanic Talisman of Fallen Angels on a national/international stage, the 2014 Grammy Awards.

Queen Elizabeth I- Arthurian Elvenfolk (half human- Devil) Witch

John 8:44-45

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the LUSTS of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Contrary to romanticized versions of the so-called “Virgin Queen,” Queen Elizabeth I was a racialist demoness, witch and Luciferian in her very own right whose court was a den of the occult filled with sorcerers, witches, and conjurers of devils, fallen angels and demons like Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley.

The House of Tudor claims direct descent from King Arthur. Queen Elizabeth I continued the Arthurian tradition in the family. The Arthurian ancestry of Elizabeth was given especial emphasis at the time of her coronation.” When Elizabeth visited Kenilworth in 1575, an Arthurian costume party and masque were held. Upon the Queen’s arrival, she was met by a woman dressed as Morgan le Fay, who greeted and ritually initiated the queen as King Arthur’s heir.[24]

Morgan le Fay was King Arthur’s half sister, a powerful sorceress  and infamous Elvenfolk Witch in the Arthurian legend. [25] She is also known as a Druid Priestess, Dark Magician, Enchantress, Sea Goddess, and a Shape-Changer.[26]


Shape-Changer- BeyonceSasha Fierce (reanimated MK ULTRA Morgan le Fay/Queen Elizabeth I)

She was one of the foremost recognized witches of all time. Morgan le Fay literally translates “the morning fairy.”[27]

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Isaiah 14:12 (KJV)

In both myth and legend, Morgan le Fay is associated with Lucifer- her right hand man. she is a willing and willful subject for the Lucifer who celebrates her evil: “A will, a horne, a wish, a longing … I never saw a more perfect specimen. Such evil! Such beauty!”


Morgan le Fay invokes Lucifer in ceremonies of veiled deception- duality of the demonic and the divine, the classic Satanic Principle,

Emperor Lucifer, prays Morgan Ie Fay, down on her knees in the chapel of the convent of the Flaming Heart, ‘ master and prince of rebellious spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated, and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the name of the mighty living God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) to appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear and intelligible voice, point by point, to all that I ask thee …'”[28]

In Morgan le Fay’s and King Arthur’s Legendary Court of Knights, Lucifer, demons and fallen angels were invoked to walk among humans to shape the power of the British Crown, and the New World Order.

Queen Elizabeth I’s Coronation in 1559 had been a revival of the secret and mysterious Old Druid Religion of the Prytani (Picti)- Painted People of King Arthur, and secretly a Luciferian Rite of Initiation and Passage.

The Great BEAST 666, Queen Elizabeth I, Dr. John Dee, Edward Kelley & Enochian (Fallen Angel) Sex Magick

Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick is a secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[29] The Enochian system of magic as practiced today is primarily the product of researches and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee, Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[30]

Dr. John Dee is important. Dee (July 13, 1527–1608 or 1609) was a Welch mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist, and chief consultant to Witch Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.[31]

“Enochian” is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the” Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the“Holy Language”, or Adamical” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term“Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language below the Great Fall.[32]


In 1582, Dr. Dee hired Edward Kelley as a medium to help him communicate and consult with spirits. The Great BEAST considered Kelley one of his prior incarnations.[33]


Dee and Kelley used crystal balls and a black obsidian scying (seeing) mirror [34] taken from the Mayans and other civilizations of great antiquity to communicate with fallen angels, spirits and demons.[35] Through their contact with fallen angels, Dee and Kelley were given instructions to create a magical talisman to make contact with them more easily.[36]

According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a talisman is “a magical figure charged with the force which it is intended to represent. In the construction of a talisman, care should be taken to make it, as far as possible, so to represent the universal forces that it should be in exact harmony with those you wish to attract, and the more exact the symbolism, the easier it is to attract the force”.[37]

With the help of several angels, Dee and Kelley were able to compose four elemental tablets containing a hierarchy of specialized angels which could be summoned to the service of the magician.[38]

Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences per instructions from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magick” can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.” Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress[39]

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[40]

Yoncé– the 2014 Grammy’s Sex Magick Show & the Scarlet Woman


Lucifer’s Color is BLUE [41]

Babalon (also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) is a goddess found in Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666’s mystical system of Thelema. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman; she is also identified with MOTHER EARTH, in her most fertile sense.[42]

At the Grammy’s, Yoncé and Satanic Jay performed an erotic piece co-written by Beyonce called “Drunk in Love.” Its lyrics express “UNBRIDLED LUST” [43] and ancient phallic-Masonic worship,[44]

I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking
I get filthy when that liquor get into me
I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking
Why can’t I keep my fingers off it, baby?

“We be all night, and everything alright
No complaints for my body, so fluorescent under these lights Boy, I’m drinking, walking in my l’assemblage …
If you scared, call that reverend

Boy, I’m drinking, INNA bring it right…”[46]



INNA generally means EARTH. It is a name associated with the Indian God/Goddess Venkateswara.[47] Lord Venkateswara is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.[48] The attributes and traits of Enki is synonymous with Lord Vishnu. For instance,


“As the Fish Avatar and Lord of Wisdom, Vishnu must be considered synonymous with Lord Enki. And in fact, one of the incarnations of Vishnu, the Matsya or Fish Avatar is identical with Sumerian Enki.”[49]


Compare Nin-imma Symbol with Hathor’s Symbolic Wig

Nin-imma(Earth Mother) is a Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian fertility goddess and deification of the female sex organs. Her parents are ENKI and Ninkurra. Her name derives from the Sumerian words nin – goddess, and immawater that created everything. [50]


ENKI- Sumerian Deity of Creation, Water and Intelligence


Inanna is the Sumerian Goddess of love, fertility, and warfare. Inanna’s name derives from Queen of Heaven (Sumerian: Nin-anna).[51] In Sumerian Mythology, Nin-anna, Nin-imma, and Enki, a son of Anu, represent the Anunnaki that landed on Earth from a distance solar system called Nibiru in far great antiquity.[52]

In Great Antiquity, Nin-imma is known by many names and spellings mainly Ninhursag (Earth Mother),[53] Ninmah (“Great Queen”) and Nintu (“Lady of Birth”). Both Nin-imma and Nin-anna traits are similar to the Kemet Goddess WORSET (Hathor).[54]


“Properly understood, Hathor should be viewed as the Egyptian counterpart of the Sumerian Inanna, the latter goddess being explicitly identified with Venus in the earliest written sources. The fundamental identity of the two goddesses is clearly revealed upon consideration of their respective epithets and characteristics. As Inanna/Venus was invoked as the ‘Lady of the Evening’ or as the ‘Evening Star,’ so too is Hathor invoked as ‘Lady of the Evening.” As Inanna/Venus is said to ‘rise’ from the horizon, so too is it said that ‘Hathor rises within the horizon.’ As Inanna was depicted ‘rising’ between the two gates of heaven, so too was it said of the Egyptian goddess: ‘[The gates?] of the horizon [are thrown open(?)] for Hathor.’ As Inanna was said to reside on the mountain of heaven, so too does Hathor live upon the ‘mountain of the west,’ the latter described as a celestial mount on which the ancient sun-god was wont to retire at night. Early illustrations of Hathor on the ‘mountain of the west’ from the Book of the Dead show the cow-headed goddess with her familiar menat-symbol (see figure one), the latter of which shows an eight-pointed star set on a disc, a striking analogue to Inanna’s star … Like Hathor, Inanna was likened to a cow in early Sumerian literature, one hymn invoking her as ‘the great cow among the gods of heaven and earth.’ As Inanna inspired terror as a fire-spewing dragon, so too did Hathor in the form of the uraeus serpent. Thus, a hymn at Philae invokes Hathor as ‘the Great One shining on the brow of her father, the glorious one who causes fear of her father.’ Other hymns describe the Egyptian goddess as a fiery serpent raging in the sky …”[55]

In Kemetic mythology, the Goddess Wosret [Hathor] (Het-Heru“the House of Horus”) is a Great Queen of antiquity. She was known as “the Great One of Many Names” and her titles and attributes are so numerous that she was important in every area of the life and death of the people of Kemet.[56] Hathor personifies the principles of love, beauty, music, dance, motherhood and joy.[57]

Goddess Hathor (Earth Mother)[58] is an extremely important and popular fertility goddess, associated with the cow. Her name refers to her position as the celestial cow which encircles the sky and hawk god, Horus. She was also a goddess of royalty and since the pharaohs were seen as related to Horus, she was seen as the divine mother of the reigning pharaoh.[59]

In the Great BEAST’S poetic work, Tannhauser, she is one of the characters that is of the “World of the Gods.” Therein she has merely one line: “Light, Truth, arise, arise!” In this work she is seen as being synonymous with Aphrodite and Mary. Venus is seen as being the “Evil and Averse HATHOOR of the “World of Demons.”[60]

Whether it is Nin-imma or Nin-anna, Yoncé’s Inna– Satanic patron goddess is associated with the Sumerian Creation God ENKI and both goddesses are synonymous with WORSET [Hathor], the Great BEAST’s Hathoor. In Yoncé and Satanic Jay’s Drunk in Love, Inna-NIN-IMMA/NIN-ANNA- HATHOOR bring it right.

Reverend Boy– the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley

Drunk in Love: “If you scared, call that reverend Boy…”


“Do What Thou Wilt” – Aleister Crowley

Reverend Boy- unlike being an ordained minister, for instance, a Reverend of the Church of Satan is who is revered by the believers or Satanists- while a priest or minister is one who dedicates their life to preaching religion to others.[61] Basically, Drunk in Love, recounts one of the Great BEAST’s continuous Satanic Tantra-Sex Magick Ritual sometimes referred to as the Babalon Workings that involves Crowley‘s satanic philosophies, and Demoness Scarlet Women.[62]

The sex ritual may involve days or weeks at a time fueled by drugs, alcohol and altered states of consciousness. “Most of Crowley’s adult life was dedicated to indulging in everything he believed God would hate: performing sex magic, taking heroin, opium, hashish, peyote and cocaine, invoking spirits, and even once offering himself to the Russian authorities to help destroy Christianity. He wrote volumes of books that he believed were dictated to him by a spirit from ancient Egypt called Aiwass.

To worship me take wine and strange drugs,” the spirit conveniently told him. “LUST, enjoy all things of sense and rapture. Fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.” [63]

Beyonce’s lyrics in the song, “We be all night, and everything alright … No complaints for my body…” supports the notion that it involves the Great BEAST’s Sex Magick Ritualistic extreme practice of LUST and pushing the human body to its extreme maximum point of exhaustion to reach higher a level of alter consciousness in tune with demonic spirits and deities such as NIN-IMMA- HATHOOR..

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[64]



In about 1586, Dr. John Dee translated a secret satanic book of antiquity from Greek called Necronomicon. The original Arabic title of the work was “Kitab al Azif” which can roughly translated as “The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn [Demons]. The Latin version of the name, “Necronomicon” retains to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead.[65]

To the believers, the Necronomicon is a very powerful textbook that is recognized by Satan and Demons as an allegorical guide that reveals secret, ancient and powerful knowledge from antiquity. It is a work that is denied by many and claimed not to exist. The true purpose of the Necronomicon is to serve as a textbook of magic for the opening the soul. “Leviathan”/ “Cthulhu,” are names for the Serpent Kundalini “who lies sleeping and dreaming.” “Narayana” probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu “Mahabharata” which is thousands of years old.[66]

Aleister Crowley was a direct, vivid and remarkable student of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley incarnated. Crowley is associated with authoring a Latin version of Necronomicon, it would have been naturally a secret translation of Dr. Dee’s 1586 original version from Greek. The 21st Century version of the Necronomicon Kundalini experience is the awakening and release of the sleeping coiled snake within.


The “serpent power”, once awakened, is coaxed up the central channel of the spine, entering the chakras (psychic energy centres) until it reaches the Crown chakra- and yogi achieves “ILLUMINATION”.[67]


Crowley‘s secret Sex Magick Rituals (Cosmic Fallen Angelic Sex Practices) awakens and release the sleeping snake (Secret Fire) within that is the Necronomicon Kundalini Experience taken from the Ancient Necronomicon- The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Demons. Crowley states that the 24th Path is attributed to the Goddess Kundalini in 777.[68]


And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Necronomicon Kundalini Experience – Release the Sleeping Snake, the Secret Fire


Necronomicon Kundalini Experience- Beyonce, the Secret Fire & the Coiled Snake 


Necronomicon Kundalini- Worship of Snakes- Stylized Inanna Star Symbol


One of the Great BEAST’s Scarlet Women


Drunk in Love & the Mysterious Watermelon Reference

Watermelons Fit for Kings


“Never tired, never tired
I been sippin’, that’s the only thing
That’s keeping me on fire, me on fire …
I’ve been drinking, WATERMELON …”

Yoncé and Satanic Jay’s Drunk in Love has a very curious reference to drinking WATERMELON, above, as part of ritual ceremonies of the Sex Magick/Babalon Workings.


Needless to say, Watermelons have become an offensive stereotypical object of ridicule and humiliation to the Black masses. My first inclination was to just dismiss it as random. However, if it part of the secret ritual revealed by them, then the veil over it has to lifted to expose its secret history, its magical, mystical and sacred properties.

Watermelon is mentioned in the Bible as a food eaten by the ancient Israelites while they were in Kemet. By the 10th century, watermelons were being cultivated in China. By the 13th Century, the Moors introduced the fruit to Europe; according to John Mariani’s Dictionary of American Food and Drink, “watermelon” made its first appearance in an English dictionary in 1615.[70] Technically, the watermelon is actually not a true melon, but an rather unique berry of the genus Citrullus. It is an old and very ancient fruit. On the basis of chloroplast DNA investigations that the cultivated and wild watermelon diverged independently from a common ancestor, possibly C. ecirrhosus from Namibia.[71]

Evidence of its cultivation in the Nile Valley can be traced back to its pre- dynastic period and throughout the Great Pyramid Age, Twelfth Dynasty of the Great Sen-Wos-Ret to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and thereafter.[72] The Citrullus was indeed a sacred plant. During the Twentieth Dynasty of the Ramseside Age (1187 to 1064 BC), the Great Rameses II’s High Priest Nibsoni was discovered buried with the leaves of the Citrullus scattered between his mummy and the sides of his coffin.[73]

Undoubtedly, King Tut and many pharaohs, queens and high priests believed that the Citrullus held some unseen-unknown secret mystical and sacred properties for use of it even in the afterlife.[74] There appears to have been a sacred tradition among the pharaohs and high priests of Kemet that the Citrullus plant and seeds had been necessary to aid the soul and the spirit in transition to the stars.

Watermelons are 80-90% water, their element. The watermelon is associated with many properties related to the liquid element, including purification, healing and changes. Bewitching secret, “Watermelons are a change oriented magical plant, lying somewhere between a vegetable and a fruit and can help you cross boundaries by cleansing your body and soul to prepare you for what’s to come.”[75]

In the great land of tens of thousands of years, Citrullus plant and its seeds possessed spiritual/mystical properties necessary to aid the soul and the spirit in the transition to the stars. Throughout the ages, covens of witches, sorcerers, magicians and Satanists have stolen the legacy of the people of Kemet and perverted its secrets and sacred sciences for their own pride, good, glory; and the cult of deception.

In Conclusion

John 8:44

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

As pointed out above, Beyonce, Satanic Jay, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars and most of the current black entertainment industry don’t sing songs for you. The ILLUMINATI promotes things like Satanism, sexual freedom- Tantric Sex Magick, drugs, homosexuality, feminism and other “anti-family” values as diversions, and interfere and destroy critical thinking among the masses. It is also designed to destroy and compound the traditional and religious values of the masses to make it easier to control them; and discourage real dissent, opposition and resistance to the global rule of an all- powerful self-appointed Olympians (Divine Gods), and the New World Order.

Ephesians 6:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

About a decade or more ago, I was informed by a black female CIA/FBI secret informant that the Black Expo in Oakland was beginning a workshop in Tantric Sex for Black people, and offered that I might want to attend. I had known her for years, but I had recently finally figured out who she really was. I asked her what patron demons or spirits that they planned to conjure up for Black folk. She looked at me for a moment in silence, than changed the subject until she could just ease away. Infiltration of the Black Community with Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Tantric-Sex Magick as a diversion and opium for the masses has been on the ILLUMINATI’S agenda for quite sometime.

The music and movie industries have been ordered to do their part by promoting the ILLUMINATI’s mass population control agenda as well. In addition to promoting evil versus good values, they also implant and dominate the popular and black entertainment industry with complex Satanic and ILLUMINATI symbolism to confuse the masses.

Stolen Legacy, by George G. M. James, [1954]

Among mankind and history of civilization, the earliest theory of salvation is the Egyptian theory. The Egyptian [Kemetic] Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals (Ancient Mysteries, C. H. Vail, P. 25).[1]

They don’t sing songs for us. The Kemetic theory of “Music (or Harmony) meant the living practice of philosophy i.e., the adjustment of human life into harmony with God, until the personal soul became identified with God, when it would hear and participate in the music of the spheres. It was therapeutic, and was used by the Egyptian Priests in the cure of diseases. Such was the Egyptian theory of salvation, through which the individual was trained to become godlike while on earth, and at the same time qualified for everlasting happiness. This was accomplished through the efforts of the individual, through the cultivation of the Arts and Sciences on the one hand, and a life of virtue on the other. There was no mediator between man and his salvation, as we find in the Christian theory.”

The adjustment of our lives into harmony with God, until the personal soul becomes identified with God doesn’t need the mediation of the Great BEAST. Reaching Human Perfection and Illumination through Satan/LUCIFERSex Magick, drugs, alcohol, talisman and a scarlet woman is a deception and diversion.


There is no doubt that both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s had become ILLUMINATI and a slave to their father, LUCIFER.

However, I sincerely believe that Donny Hathaway fought and resisted the ILLUMINATI until he was thrown from the window of his 15th story hotel room to his death to stop his melodies and harmonies to the masses. When Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston found the power and courage to resist, they were also murdered. During her struggles with CIA/MK ULTRA electronic harassment, drugging and mind control, she found the inspiration to resist if only for a moment to sing Donny’s spiritual and therapeutic-soothing melody to the world, “A Song for You.” I sincerely believe like many other artists this is what she started out to do and what she really wanted do with her life and career.

















































[49] Pinkham, Mark Amaru, Guardians of the Holy Grail, The Knights Templar, John the Baptist and Water of Life, Adventures Unlimited (2004), pg. 159
























[73] Lockyer, Sir Norman, Nature: International Journal of Science, Vol. 28, Nebu Press (2012), pg. 113





11 03 2013


THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL-The Fictional Exploits of Dr. Josef Mengele

“You’re traveling through another dimension — a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone! You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone. There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call “The Twilight Zone”. –Introduction, Rod Sterling[1]


As usually as I have done for decades, I watched the early 2012 national presidential elections on television. At the time, Republican candidate Mitt Romney was far ahead of the incumbent President Barack Obama. I turned off the television and went to bed, because I knew by the time that I woke up in the morning nothing would change and that Barack Obama would be re-elected as America’ highest elected official. In war and peace, he has been a blind zombie-surrogate for the secret Power Elite- the Satanic 1000 Year Reich.

Under President Obama, U.S. MASS MURDER, Inc., is engrossed in unlimited and perpetual global warfare against and the poor, middle class and particularly People of Color.[2] Under President Obama, one study calculated that during his administration, “the single largest transfer of wealth from people of color to whites since slavery” took place and continue quietly right under own collective noses.[3]

I do not subscribe to any such platforms of the so-called “Birthers” movement regarding U.S. President Barack Obama being a foreigner that should be removed from office on constitutional grounds. I do not subscribe to the notion that President Obama is any type of communist conspiracy. These are simply “red herrings.” The power structure and the war state of America will not allow a communist or a Muslim to obtain the highest office of the country without he or she being a virtually mindless zombie under their complete power and absolute power and control. They will kill anything that would even remotely expose or compromise the Imperium’s Power Elite.


Already, President Obama has claimed the unparalleled power and  authority to secretly KILL, Torture and  Imprison you or I for life at his WHIM even if he remotely suspects based on NO EVIDENCE that you would- or could threaten him or the Power Elite. The Obama Administration has instituted its version of Chilean General AUGUSTO PINOCHET’s secret Nazi Colonia Dignidad murder, interrogation and torture chambers throughout the world.

The United States have become an extremely jealous and racialist war state brutally and savagely attempting to annihilate independent Nations; and People of Color like something out of Nazi Germany. The unseen extremely imperial racialist forces that truly rule the affairs of America and their motives are shrouded by smoked mirrors, trickery, deceptions, false images and ILLUSIONS. One of their Master ILLUSIONS leading this nation to the brink of COLLAPSE is Barack Hussein Obama II.

The man that we know as Barack Hussein Obama II was fabricated and created to veil a hidden agenda and policy of global geo-political and economical warfare and genocide hidden behind him.

The partisans of eugenic planning hear that other music, the music that says that there shall be nothing random in the world, nothing independent, nothing moved by its own vitality, nothing out of keeping with some idea: even our children must not be our progeny, but our creation. -Charles Frankel[4]

Charles Frankel was an American philosopher, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State under President Lyndon B. Johnson, professor, and founding director of the National Humanities Center.[5]

When I say that Obama was fabricated and created, I mean CLONED. Obama Hussein Obama II is the design by some of the most diabolical forces out of some other dimension of demonic understanding that ever walked the face of the earth.

They have explored other summits of human imagination that produced revolutionary breakthroughs in medicine and science; atomic bombs and space ships; and global mass murder by the millions and chaos unlike anything seen in recorded human history.

They are in the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and they lay between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge; and they exists so far from our basic religious, social and political understanding of the known order of things that you won’t believe your lying eyes.


As the old folks say, “You don’t believe that fat meat is greasy” until you slip on it and fall flat on your face close to oblivion. Behind the veil of Barack Hussein Obama II, The Boy From Brazil,  the ILLUMINATI Power Elite intend to bring this nation to the edge of destruction; and create  a police-security state of utter and complete FASCISM.

The Clandestine Birth of the Boy from Brazil


Barack Obama II is allegedly a seed of a native Kenyan, Barack Obama, Sr. and an American woman, Stanley Ann Dunham, with Scottish-Gaelic roots. Yet, there is little or no evidence that they ever lived together as husband and wife to procreate a child. The above photo of Obama, Sr. and Stanley Ann was taken at the international airport in Hawaii around Christmas 1971.

In fact, when Obama, Sr. arrived in Hawaii to attend the University of Hawaii; he was greeted by a contingent of U.S. Naval personnel and Stanley Armour Dunham, Stanley Ann’s father. A national security analyst contends that the CIA might well have assigned Dunham to keep an eye on Obama. In other words, “Grams” Dunham had been Barack Obama, Sr.’s CIA handler.[6]

At the time of Obama’s February 2, 1961 marriage to Stanley Ann, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) suspected from suspicious circumstances surrounding the pair that they weren’t really husband and wife. What was of INS concern was that Obama Sr. and Dunham were not living together as husband and wife, and their marriage might have been arranged solely for immigration purposes.[7]

The Obama-Dunham wedding had no minister of any faith. There were no bridesmaids, witnesses or guests, nor friends or parents. There doesn’t appear to be any wedding photo albums, a record of the happy event. There is no wedding license or marriage certificate in the divorce papers. Is fat meat greasy or what?

In fact, after interviewing Obama, Sr., INS concluded that they weren’t living together; and they were contemplating giving the baby to the Salvation Army for adoption.[8] This is not what I am saying, it’s the conclusions of the INS that investigated the marriage and actually interrogated Obama Sr. about his possible “SHAM” marriage to Stanley Ann Dunham.

The INS memo memorializing the conversation with Obama, Sr., and their conclusions and speculations concerning the marriage were dated, February 12, 1961,  almost 6 months before Barack Obama II’s birth.[9] The INS memo also shows conclusively that Obama, Sr. had some notable “dissociation” with the baby; so much so, he openly contemplated giving the child away.

Additionally, on August 31, 1961, just days after Obama II was born, Obama, Sr. executed an INS document requesting to extend to his stay in the United States. INS asked him, “if married, provide name and address of children”. By all accounts, Obama, Sr. was a man of unusual and exceptional intellect, but he left this section completely “BLANK” suggesting that he was so distant, “dissociated” with the child that he didn’t really know where Stanley Ann and the child were.

He hadn’t seen the child; and at the most wasn’t particularly interested in seeing the child or his wife. “Pieced together, the available evidence supports the theory the Obama-Dunham marriage was a cover-up from the start, designed to designate Obama as the father, without any expectation the two would ever live as husband and wife or that he would help raise the baby.”[10]

Furthermore and extremely significant is the fact that, “[T]here is a six-and-a-half-month time period in which there is no record of Dunham’s whereabouts – from Jan. 31, 1961, when she concluded her first semester at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, until Sept. 25, 1961, when the University of Washington at Seattle documents she was enrolled for extension classes on campus.”[11]

In fact, Stanley Ann disappeared around the time that would have been the first trimester of pregnancy. By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed. The baby has arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes and can open and close its fists and mouth.[12]

It is also interesting that nobody seems to have seen her pregnant and nobody has any idea where she was sequestered whether in Hawaii, Africa, Germany, Canada or in Brazil after allegedly her first trimester of pregnancy. It is also noteworthy that the federal and state record travel archives of people that moved in and out of Hawaii covering January to September 1961 is conveniently missing.


It also appears that Obama, Sr. may have seen and met his alleged son, Barack H. Obama II, only once in December 1971 at the Hawaii International Airport for a staged photo shot for the Legend.[13] Other than that, during his life, Obama, Sr. was patently disinterested and “dissociated” from his alleged son all the days of his life. If Barack H. Obama, Sr. didn’t know what or who Barack H. Obama II was, what makes you so certain that anyone really knows what or who he really is?

Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama, Sr., Rev. Jim Jones & the Gehlen Org


In the summer of 1960 Stanley Ann Dunham reportedly told her friends: “I don’t need to date or marry to have children”.[14]

I wonder where Stanley Ann developed such unnatural notions suggesting the replacement of procreation (Beyond Lebensborn) by the manufactury of children.

Jim Jones: Dusting the Trail of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Rudolf Mengele


Within days of Stanley Ann surfacing at the University of Washington, CIA Field Agent Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple and a CIA Soviet Specialist Jon S. Lodeesen mysteriously appears somewhere in the picture in Hawaii.


Special agent Lodeesen was like something of a Ian Fleming’s James Bond Movie. Lodeesen had been a spy for much of his life. According to Soviet intelligence officers, he was a CIA Special agent who taught at the US intelligence school in Garmisch Partenkirchen, West Germany—-a sort of West Point for spooks.[15]

Garmisch, or officially known as Garmisch-Partenkirchen, is a beautiful resort town nestled in the Bavarian Alps on the German/Austrian border north of Munich. In May 1945, the 10th Armored Division captured Garmisch and shortly thereafter, the Garmisch Military Post and the Garmisch Recreation Area (now Edelweiss Lodge and Resort) were established.[16]

The US Army Counter intelligence Corps (CIC) setup a major operation out of the Garmisch-Partenkirchen office. It was used as a resort, interrogation center and briefing station for Nazi Operation PAPERCLIP scientists and way station/safe house for the Reinhard Gehlen Org’s SS-CIA agents.

It was the place that the U.S. Army CIC and Allen Dulles OSS assembled four hundred of Obergruppenguhrer SS Dr. Ing (Engineer) Hans Kammler’s Peenemunde rocket team that included Sturmbannführer SS Werner von Braun and Brigadeführer SS Walter Robert Dornberger for interrogation and briefing.[17]


May 1945 in Germany, SS CULT Leaders Walter Dornberger and SS Wernher von Braun Surrender

Lodeesen was not only a CIA Soviet specialist, but he was right in the middle of America’s most TOP SECRET Operations, Project PAPERCLIP and Operation CAMPUS. In May 1945, Lodeesen (br. about 1924) would have been a young army officer about 21 years old during CIC’s interrogation and briefing at Garmisch of some of Hitler and Himmler’s most treacherous and sinister Nazis and blood oath SS Teutonic Knights (The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary)[18], among the likes of Reinhard Gehlen, SS von Braun, SS Dornberger and the Germany High Command.

It was likely the other way around at Garmisch; Lodeesen was a student and initiate of the SS CULT. He had been taught Soviet espionage activities by Reinhard Gehlen, and Himmler’s SS; such as Baron Otto von Bolschwing and Hitler’s Commando Otto Skorzeny. Lodeesen was part of the CIA’s most secretive, dangerous,  treacherous and Satanic fraction, The SS CULT,  the Reinhard Gehlen Org.


Since the Secret Fort Hunt Treaty of August 1945,[19] General Reinhard Gehlen and SS Baron von Bolschwing had been running an independent SS CULT fraction of the CIA out of a U.S. Military Top Secret program, Operation CAMPUS, at the 66th CIC Detachment at Hallschlag University in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany.[20],[21] Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany shares borders with France and the states of Rhineland Palatinate, Heese and Bavaria.[22]

Despite the presence of CIA liaison officers, the 66th CIC Detachment succeeded in keeping its huge CAMPUS operation secret and out of reach of U.S. Military Intelligence G2. At the CAMPUS, Gehlen and SS Bolschwing were able to re-assemble key SS personnel such as wanted war criminals Dr. Josef Mengele, Klaus Barbie and SS networks that ultimately became the Gehlen Org. It became a safe house for some of Himmler’s most fervent and hardcore SS Knight Officers. The secret Gehlen Org-CIA fraction became an important and secretive key part of Allen Dulles’ powerful Old Boys’ network.[23]

In May 1968, the Los Angeles Times reported that 34 year old Jon S. Lodeesen’s cover as an undercover CIA Agent had been blown by Izvestia, a Soviet Newspaper. Izvestia accused Lodeesen from Miami of posing as the U.S. Embassy Second Secretary-Cultural Officer practicing espionage and psychological subversion in Russian Circles. Lodessen’s mission as the cultural officer was to watch movements in art, literature and theatre. The newspaper accused him of associating with Russian lovers of vodka, dirty rumors and gossip that were potential allies of the U.S. in case of war. He wasn’t officially expelled from the country, but with his cover blown he immediately left the country for a U.S. mission to NATO in Brussels.[24]

“While one cannot say that Jones’ 1960 visit to Cuba was necessarily a spying mission, the circumstantial evidence suggests that it was. Virtually every element of the trip can be shown to have been of particular interest to the CIA.” Jim Hougan, Independent Investigator[25]


Jon Lodeesen was Jim Jones’ CIA handler. In 1961, Lodeesen sent Jones on an urgent assignment in Hawaii. Jones’s whereabouts from 10/61 until 4/62 is unknown and his U.S. Passport for that period is conveniently unaccounted for. Jones’ U.S. Passport #0111788 is accounted for, but it was issued in his name at Indianapolis on January 30, 1962 well after and during his presence in Cuba and Hawaii.[26]

From October 6, 1961 to April 1962, Jim Jones whereabouts is secret, which covers Obama Sr.’s sensitive presence at UH, and within days of Stanley Ann Dunham suddenly resurfacing at the University of Washington in Seattle. In fact, how Stanley Ann and Obama II got to Seattle, WA in August 1961 is an absolute mystery.[27]

At least one source placed Jim Jones in Hawaii in October 1961 most likely at the University of Hawaii (UH) with Barrack Obama, Sr., “On what would become a two-year sojourn, Jones made his first stop in Honolulu, where he explored a job as a university chaplain…”[28] At least one other source place both Lodeesen and Jones in Hawaii from 1961 to 1962 working with the CIA station in Honolulu.[29]

By Lodeesen being established as one of Jim Jones’ primary CIA handlers, we get a clear understanding of what his mission would have been in Hawaii- that is psychological subversive intelligence activity. Jim Jones would have clandestinely moved about UH closely monitoring rumors and gossip about Obama, Sr., Stanley Ann and Obama II.

Jim Jones would have recruited and influenced potential allies to spread friendly misleading information, gossip, rumors and join in the interest of the agency’s psychological disinformation project. Jones would have run a similar psychological warfare field operation in Cuba preceding Allen Dulles’ April 17-19, 1961 Bay of Pigs military invasion and aggression.[30]

Recall that from January to late August 1961, officials of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in Hawaii were hot on the trail to undercover the details of a sham marriage between Obama, Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham which would have opened Pandora Box to a major TOP SECRET CIA operation.

Naturally, Jim Jones would have assessed the damages of Barack Sr.’s noted “playboy” activities with other women on campus; and leaks from the university and the INS that could potentially threaten to destroy the legend and cover of the marriage.[31]

Additionally, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie was undoubtedly recruited to provide false cover to the Obama, Sr., Stanley Ann and Obama II Legend. He told Fox News that he was there when Obama II was born than changed the story that he was there with them at UH, “We not only saw him and were with them, but were introduced to him of course at our gatherings, our student gatherings…” [32]

However other sources contradict Abercrombie, Boston Globe reporter Sally H. Jacobs who had access to what appears to be Obama Sr.’s un-redacted Immigration and Naturalization Service files wrote on page 118 of her book, The Bold and Reckless Life of Obama’s Father, that Obama Sr. “said nothing of his new girl friend [Stanley Ann Dunham] to most of his friends on campus.” Yet on the same page, she insisted that Gov. Abercrombie saw them on campus within days of the birth of Obama II. [33]

My intention is not to question where Obama II was born, but show that there is a great deal of mystery surrounding whether or not Obama, Sr. actually ever co-habituated with Stanley Ann, and show that were gaps and loose ends in the UH legend that the CIA needed to cover.

Jim Jones with a turned around collar was most likely assigned directly to Obama, Sr. to supervise him and clean up his act around UH. It appears that after the appearance of Jim Jones in Hawaii and UH, the INS backed away from Obama, Sr. It also appears that INS didn’t question Stanley Ann, Stanley Armour or Madelyn Dunham about the marriage.

After graduating with honors, Obama, Sr. left UH on June 22, 1962 to tour the states and attend Harvard all the way in Boston, then the INS active investigation of Obama. Sr. picked up again in 1964 forcing him out of the United States.[34] In January 1964, Stanley Ann also initiated uncontested divorce proceedings against Obama, Sr.[35]

Somebody wanted Obama, Sr. out of way as far from Stanley Ann and Obama II as could be manufactured to continue stacking the early Legend of Barack Hussein Obama II. Stanley Ann Dunham returned to Hawaii almost immediately after Obama Sr. left the island, and resumed her study of Mathematics in the spring of 1963 at the UH.[36]

Stanley Ann, Obama, Sr. & Operation BLOODSTONE

Obama, Sr. and the Mysterious Boston Lithuanian Maiden


Sometime between May and June 1964; Obama, Sr. was quietly eased out by Harvard through conspiring with the INS and returned to Kenya. He didn’t leave alone. He left the country followed by a little talked about 27-year old white female, named Ruth Nidesand. If she was 27 years old in 1964, she was born somewhere around 1937. However, some sources say that she was born around 1940-1941.[37] She won’t discuss age or background.[38]

Ruth is a mysterious white Russian- a descendent of the Eastern European country of Lithuania that goes by several names, Ruth Ndesandjo, Ruth Baker and Ruth Beatrice Baker. Her real identity, roots and background is unusually shaded in mystery.

The INS had recorded that someone called and complained to Harvard University that Obama Sr. was taking their daughter out of the country. Some sources identified the daughter as “Ruth Nidesand.”[39] However, it may have been “Ruth Beatrice Baker.” The matter could be easily cleared up, but Ruth refuses to discuss her names, age, family and true background.

Nevertheless, she has been generally linked and associated with a Yiddish family of immigrant white Russians with the surname of “BAKER”.[40] Strangely, her alleged parents, Maurice Joseph and Ida Ethel Baker, didn’t become naturalized U.S. citizens until August 31, 1942 during WW II even though they had been in the country since the early 1900s.[41] On August 23, 1942, the Nazis began a massive air attack on Stalingrad.[42]

Out of a union with Obama, Sr. in Kenya where she remains, Ruth had two boys, David and Mark. One survived that goes by the name of Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo who has been tucked away in China for over a decade. He carries an uncanny striking resemblance to Obama, II. [43]


Above, David Ndesandjo (br. 1967) and his younger brother, Mark Ndesandjo.


Strangely and troubling, Mark resembles Barack Obama II more than his biological brother in rather an eerie way. So much for the nonsense that Frank Marshall Davis or Malcolm X could be Obama II’s true father.

As far as the uncanny resemblance between Mark and Obama II, he can happen, but it is still odd under these circumstances. Undoubtedly, Mark and Obama II share some common DNA source.

Mark’s biological brother David was killed in 1987 in a mysterious motorcycle accident when he was about 20 years old. It was 4 years after Obama, Sr. was found on the road dead at the age of 46. There appears to be little details regarding David’s death, but he may have lost his head in the accident.

Mark Ndesandjo is another Obama family link who is shrouded in mystery. He is extremely strange and belligerently evasive about his past and background. His actual birthrate is a big secret like his mothers. He graduated from Brown University; studied physics at Stanford University received an MBA from Emory University.[44] He is notably intelligent, but an intelligence for whom? He worked with handmaidens of the America’s military industrial complex and the CIA; Lucent Technologies [45] and Nortel Networks.[46] He said that he fled America after 9-11 but refuses to discuss what intelligence communication work he was involved in doing the 9-11 deception operation.

Mark chose to carry the surname of his stepfather, Ruth’s second husband- Simeon Njdesandjo, who had been a close friend of his father. Simeon turns out to be an interesting character. Mark and David attended U.S. State Department “International Schools” in Nairobi, which means one of both parents was working in the interest of the U.S. Military, Government or its corporate interests.[47]


Simeon is a well connected Kenyan referred to as “one of the top persons in Voice of Kenya.”[48] The Voice of Kenya was actually the state run radio station, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), which had been established in 1928 by and for white British colonials.[49]

In 1964, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) was nationalized into Voice of Kenya (VoK) through an Act of parliament.[50] It was after the assassination of JFK and in the middle of the cold war that it went from KBC to VoK similar to the CIA’s Voice of America[51] that seemed to reflect a similar anti-communist philosophical mission; and share broadcasters in common.[52]


In 1979, Simeon became Chairman of CBS Records Kenya, a new subsidiary of CBS Records, International.[53] CBS Records International simply referred to as CBS in logo, was the international arm of the Columbia Records unit of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.[54] CBS (Columbian Broadcasting System) was/is the “CIA’s most valuable asset.”[55] CBS Records was run by our old friend and Whitney Houston’s most valuable ILLUMINATI-Columbian high priest, CLIVE DAVIS.

Simeon and Obama, Sr. had been part of the Kenyan bourgeois ruling class manipulated by American, British and French Intelligence to protect western imperial-corporate monopolies and pre-colonial interests like Shell Oil Company. Former U.S. Ambassador of Kenya, William Hollingsworth Atwood, wrote a book in 1967, Reds and the Blacks (London 1967) gloating how he and most likely the CIA manipulated and controlled the aspirations of the Africans through the petty bourgeois ruling classes in Africa.

Unfortunately for whatever reasons, Obama, Sr. became no longer useful. He was a loose end that knew too much to be left to prosper and live. Ruth Beatrice Baker just moved on to another prominent and powerful Black Kenyan, Simeon Njdesandjo, in the western imperialistic exploitation mix that needed to be watched, monitored and controlled. It also explains why Mark chose the Njdesandjo surname and travels so fluidly, comfortably and quietly from country to country.

After being widely exposed when he met with his half brother, President Obama, in China in November 2009, Mark’s semi-autobiographical story, “Nairobi to Shenzhen” A Love Novel in the East, appeared that primarily focused on the established CIA legend of Obama, Sr. as a “Big Black Brute,” a drunken abusive parent that beat his wives and children.[56] What is strange and unusual about his semi-autobiographical story supporting the demonization of Obama, Sr. is that it was actually published October 20, 2009 just days ahead of President Obama’s arrival to China.[57] Was it a psychological warfare tactic to control focus to direct attention away from Mark Nsesandjo’s military intelligence background and the 9-11 Deception?

Stanley Ann, The Boy From Brazil and the Seattle Lithuanian Safe house


When Stanley Ann and Obama II had suddenly re-surfaced in Seattle in August 1961, they settled in the safe house of Mary Toutonghi whose husband, Joseph, also allegedly of Lithuanian descent. Mary says that she had been Obama II’s babysitter in infancy. There is some information on the internet that links a “Joseph Toutonghi” to a post WWII Egyptian immigrant that married a woman from a post WWII misplaced persons camp in Germany. Her home land had been Riga, Latvia. Note, The CIA sent Hitler’s Commando  SS Otto Skorzeny of the Gehlen Org to replace King Farouk of Egypt with an Egyptian general named Mohammed Naguib. “Scarface” aka SS Skorzeny felt at home in the Middle East where he saw a chance to renew his anti-Semitic, fascist propensities. In 1952, he threw his support behind rising star Gamal Abdel Nasser to overthrow King Farouk and used CIA money to import over 100 former SS cronies to aid in his efforts.The Egyptian/Lativia Toutonghi family helped found a Latvian Émigré Center in the State of Washington. [58]


Obama II had to be just weeks old when he and Stanley Ann surfaced in Seattle. For whatever reasons, there are few pictures of Obama II in infancy. Take a good look at one of the few existing pictures of Obama II as a 5-6 month old infant, above,


First, note Baby Obama’s pinstriped pants, which could mean little to nothing. Nevertheless, it is a significant piece of history of the people that I discuss.


Second, look at the unusual heavy-dark bags under the eyes, and it’s not the lighting. Look at the shadow under his left arm pit in the full body picture above.


Compare his eyes with a small sampling of the eyes of children approximately the same age as infant Obama. People that are stressed generally have more prominent or visible dark circles under their eyes, and under situations of exhaustively stressful lifestyles, some people may be able to attribute the formation of dark circles around the eyes completely to the stress that fills their lives.[59] Yes, I believe that during the time he had been unaccounted for during his most impressionate years that he had been subjected to significant ritual satanic abuse and stress.

Mary is still alive in Alaska, but she like the other links to Obama’s past will not discuss her background, Obama II or Stanley Ann beyond simple and general questions.

Lodeesen and Eastern European Émigrés: Operation BLOODSTONE

What is extremely interesting about these East European links to Stanley Ann and Obama, Sr. surrounds CIA Special Agent Jon S. Lodeesen, again. During the early 1950s, Lodeesen headed the Russian Service of the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Fund in Washington, DC.[60] He had been Director of the Planning and Research Department of Radio Liberty.[61]

After the fall of the Nazis and the end of WWII, millions were displaced from their homes and countries in Eastern Europe from the ravages of war. Many found shelter, food and refuge in camps for displaced persons.

A displaced persons camp was a temporary facility for displaced persons coerced into forced migration. Most of the camps were established in West Germany West and in Austria as well as in the United Kingdom, primarily for refugees from Eastern Europe and for the former inmates of the Nazi Concentration Camps.[62]

SS-Nazi war criminals and their Eastern European collaborators also used the camps for cover. The CIA under Allen Dulles, the notorious Frank G. Wisner and the Gehlen Org used the displaced camps to find and recruit Nazis as agents to assassinate enemies and communists leaders; and to move them into the United States as a THIRD REICH “Fifth Column.” It was called, Operation BLOODSTONE.

According to Christopher Simpson, Blowback America’s recruitment of Nazis, and its disastrous effect on our domestic and foreign policy,

Many of the Bloodstone recruits-both Nazi collaborators and anti-Nazis-were passed along to two heavily funded CIA psychological warfare projects that are still in operation. These two enterprises were authorized under the “subversion against hostile states” and ‘propaganda’ sections of NSC 10/2 and are probably the largest and most expensive political warfare efforts ever undertaken by the United States. They are certainly the longest-running and best-publicized ‘secret’ operations ever. Their names are Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberation from Bolshevism, the latter of which is better known as Radio Liberation or Radio Liberty.”[63]

Operation Bloodstone had been nothing more than CIA Director Allen Dulles and the Gehlen Org’s Nazi Ratline ran through a Top Secret operation through Lodeesen’s RFE/RL Fund.

On June 1, 1949, a group of prominent American businessmen, lawyers, and philanthropists – including Allen Dulles, who would become Director of Central Intelligence in 1953 – launched the National Committee for Free Europe (NCFE) at a press release in New York. Only a handful of people knew that NCFE was actually the public face of an innovative “psychological warfare” project undertaken by the CIA. That operation gave rise to Radio Free Europe.[64]

Operation Bloodstone had begun on a relatively modest scale, with about 250 sponsored immigrants per year. By 1950, however, CIA representatives approached Congress with a plan to authorize special importation of some 15,000 CIA-sponsored refugees per year, in addition to those entering under the Displaced Persons Act and other more conventional immigration channels. They were to be émigrés “whose presence in the US would be deemed in the national interest,” according to Department of State documentation,” as a result of the prominent or active part they played in the struggle against Communism.” [65]

The REF/RL was NCFE’s major anti-communist CIA psychological warfare front developed by the infamous Frank G. Wisner of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPD). NCFE and other projects (such as the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1950, and Radio Liberty, which began broadcasts to the Soviet Union in 1953) rallied anti-Communist intellectuals, politicians, and activists to fight the Soviets in a contest for the peoples’ “minds and loyalties.”[66]

A major theme of REF/RL was to establish the credibility and legitimacy of exiled Eastern European politicians-former Nazi collaborators and non-collaborators alike-in the eyes of the American public. Through NCFE and a new CIA-financed group, the Crusade for Freedom (CFF), the covert operations division of the agency became instrumental in introducing into the American political mainstream many of the right-wing extremist émigré politicians’ plans to “liberate” Eastern Europe and to “roll back communism.[67]

In 1952, at MCA, Actors’ Guild president Ronald Reagan was recruited by Crusade for Freedom to raise funds for the resettlement of Nazis and their collaborators some designated as displaced persons in the U.S.[68]  During WWII,

Lithuania didn’t have a SS unit per se, but they continued to engage in fighting the Soviet occupation forces well into the 1950’s. The last of the Lithuaniananti-communist Soviet partisan forces are thought to have been wiped out around the time of 1955-56,[69] or entered the U.S. through the CIA’s Operation BLOODSTONE.


However, its neighbor, Latvia, had its Waffen-SS Legion created in January 1943 by Reichsfuhrer SS- Heinrich Himmler. Their notorious SS death squad was the notorious Arajs Kommando unit, responsible for atrocities committed against Jews, Roma, and civilians along Latvia’s border.[70] They would have idea recruits under Operation BLOODSTONE to enter the U.S. for CIA special operations; and swell the hardcore ranks of Republican Right Wing in the country.

During the 1950s when Lodeesen was directing REF/RL, security agencies of the government gave tacit support to private refugee relief committees, the stated goals of which included assisting thousands of Waffen SS veterans in secretly immigrating to the United States.

In 1954, Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing,Reinhard Gehlen’s second-in-command entered the country in the interested of U.S. National Security most likely funded by Lodeesen’s REF/RF and CF funds.

Simeon Ndesandjo’s high positions with the CIA’s most valuable asset, CBS, and Voice of Kenya, it certainty would have brought him within Lodessen’s sphere of influence and web of CIA collaborators. Now, you should understand why Mark adopted his stepfather’s name instead of his fathers. It is absolutely consistent with intelligence methods for Stanley Ann and Obama, Sr. to have been watchfully moved through a series of covert East European-African assets and safe houses.

As you see, Jon S. Lodeesen was in an extremely sensitive and unique position in the CIA to possess an entire clandestine underground Eastern European Network of CIA Operation BLOODSTONE assets, agents, safe houses and assassins and operatives at his disposal.

The Assassination of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES


On November 24, 1982, while Obama II was a student attending Columbia University, Barack Obama, Sr. was found dead in Kenya. The cover story is that Obama, Sr. drove his car into a tree following a day of drinking in Nairobi.[71] However, Obama, Sr.,’s family, sister, Hawa Auma Obama, and his friend Patrick Ngei believe that he had been assassinated, “Obama didn’t die out of pure accident…. Bright Luos were eliminated by the Kenyatta government.”[72]

So, what did Stanley Ann really mean when she suggested to her friends that she could bear children without dating and marriage? Her comment suggests an unusual acute awareness for 1960 of the existence of in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, and artificial insemination technology– positive eugenics.

Beyond Lebensborn,  Himmler’s Secret

CIA- All in the Family


Stanley Ann’s father, Stanley Armour Dunham, had been Obama, Sr.’s CIA handler. Stanley Ann’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, above, also managed the agency’s secrets. In 1960, she started working at the Hawaii’s largest bank, Bank of Hawaii, and was promoted to be one of the first female bank vice presidents in 1970.[73]

Madelyn Dunham’s expertise had been in the bank’s escrow accounts department described to be primarily used for 3rd party money transfer accounts between two people who basically do not trust each other and still need a deal to be done.[74] Madelyn handled the secret escrow-payoff accounts of the CIA front company, Bishop Baldwin Rewald Dillingham Wong (BBRDW), Ltd.[75]


BBRDW was primarily run by Ronald R. Rewald. Rewald was a CIA agent recruited to spy on the student radical movement in America in the 1960’s.[76]Now Bishop Baldwin expanded its operations greatly. Satellite offices opened up in more than a dozen cities worldwide. It now employed a staff of nearly 200 people. Rewald lived in a Hawaiian estate near Diamond Head valued at over a million dollars in 1980. Bishop Baldwin had a fleet of cars and a chauffeur to drive around Rewald and Bishop Baldwin’s clients. The company which had four accounts at its incorporation in 1979 had 110 by 1983. And in such exotic places as Hong Kong and the Cayman Islands. Rewald was now meeting with people like the Sultan of Brunei and Vice-President George Bush and arranging secret arms deals with Rajiv Gandhi of India. In fact, this last seems to have been the major CIA use of the company i.e. to spirit weapons and arms of all types into Pacific Rim countries. Bishop Baldwin also used businessmen to collect intelligence and to direct the flow of capital into American companies. It also was used as a cover for more sinister assignments like the assassinations of leftist leaders and sympathizers.”[77]

BBRDW and Rewald’s cover was blown in Hawaii by a tip to a news reporter in 1983.[78] Just prior to their cover being blown, CIA Special Agent Jon S. Lodeesen just happened to show up at their doorstep January 12, 1983 for a special assignment in Hawaii.[79]

During the Falkland Islands War of April 1982 between Argentina and Britain, Ron Rewald met with the Gehlen Org’s SS/CIA representatives in Uruguay, Licio Gelli of the Masonic Lodge P2, Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp, to arrange for the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile used in war.[80]

BBRDW and Rewald had also been a pipeline for the Reinhard Gehlen Org. Madelyn Dunham retired from the Bank of Hawaii in 1986,[81] so and it is highly likely that Stanley Ann’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, handled the Gehlen Org’s secret transfer account to buy Exocet Missiles through the Bank of Hawaii. Stanley Ann Dunham had been a multi-generational asset deeply imbedded in the Reinhard Gehlen SS-CIA fraction.

The perfection of positive eugenics was a top secret mission of the THIRD REICH and a clandestine project of Reichsfuhrer SS-I Heinrich Himmler and the SS. Even today, two of Himmler’s SS doctors stand at the pentacle of Human Fertilization and Embryology to Fabricate Aryans from scientific genetic material; and in duality (Satanic Principle) Annihilate non-Aryan genetic material.

Himmler’s top in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination specialists were SS Teutonic-Knights of the Black Sun and neither one of them were tried at Nuremberg. One was captured in 1945 by the Soviets and may have been turned into a Soviet mole in West Germany, and the other escaped justice under the shroud of the Gehlen Org and Operation CAMPUS.

In 1961-1962, this agency doctor was in Brazil with Lodeesen and Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple. This particularly doctor was known to be involved in clandestine artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization projects. He is the subject of the popular 1978 movie thriller, The Boys From Brazil.

Dr. Mengele and Obama II: Timeline of the BOY FROM BRAZIL

Jim Jones idolized Dr. Josef Mengele. There is cause to believe that while in Brazil in 1961, Jones had met his mentor and had been initiated into the CULT OF THE SS. Additionally, Jones’ Peoples Temple mind control experiments were an extension of Mengele’s Auschwitz experiments.[82]

At Mendocino State Mental Hospital were the entire staff was dismissed and replaced by Jim Jones’s personnel, according to mind-control survivors, Dr. Mengele had been there in association with Jim Jones programming patients and inmates.[83] It is reported that Dr. Mengele also visited Jonestown, Guyana.[84]

On May 11, 1960, the Israeli MOSSAD captured Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Adolf Eichmann one of the major organizers of the Final Solution in San Fernando, an industrial community north of the center of Buenos Aires.[85] MOSSAD agents had been Argentina since April 1960.  At the time, Dr. Mengele was also discovered to have been living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. MOSSAD agents ound Dr. Mengele’s address and actually took pictures that they determined “beyond any doubt” the identity of the notorious Demon of Death of Auschwitz. The MOSSAD walked away from Dr. Mengele, one of the world’s most wanted Nazi war criminals. I gather that he was a little” too big for their boots” protected by U.S. National Security like SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing. [86]

Between April and May 1960, Dr. Mengele was confirmed to have been in Buenos Aires. Just before or after the capture of SS Eichmann, Mengele disappeared off the radar map. Obama II was born in August 1961. Normally, it would mean that he was conceived in December 1960 during the period of Dr. Mengele’s most secretive disappearance episode during the early 1960s. In fact, his trail remained cold until he reportedly surfaced in Brazil in the late 1960s.[87]

Now, you should have some idea where Stanley Ann could have got her notions of having children without natural procreation-beyond Lebensborn and why Jim Jones showed up in Hawaii She had been primed for the job as a multi-national CIA/MK ULTRA asset by the satanic (Negative Eugenics) plans of Dr. Josef Mengele; and Jim Jones showed up in Hawaii to dust the trail of his mentor and master.

Dr. Mengele’s Land of Aryan Twins

In a recent book, Mengele: the Angel of Death in South America, the Argentine historian Jorge Camarasa, a specialist in the post-war Nazi flight to South America, contends that Dr. Mengele re-surfaced in about 1962 or early 1963 in the enclave of Colonias Unidas, Paraguay that was founded by German immigrants in 1900. From there in 1963, Dr. Mengele began to make regular trips to another predominantly German community just over the border in Brazil – the farming community of Candido Godoi.[88]

In Candido Godoi, people remembered that Dr. Mengele “talked of artificial insemination in human beings, and that he continued working with animals, proclaiming that he was capable of getting cows to produce male twins.”[89] “Nobody knows for sure exactly what date Mengele arrived in Candido Godoi, but the first twins were born in 1963, the year in which we first hear reports of his presence,” Camarasa said. “I think Candido Godoi may have been Mengele’s laboratory, where he finally managed to fulfill his dreams of creating a master race of blond haired, blue eyed Aryans,” he said.[90]


Dr. Mengele also worked out of the infamous post-war compound of Cologna Dignidad near Paral, Chile founded in 1961 by Nazis straight out of Germany. The UN commission found that the above”’Dictator for life’”General AUGUSTO PINOCHET’s military intelligence agency DINA-sponsored torture chambers at Colonia Dignidad. Its underground bunker and chambers were used as “research center” to continue Dr. Mengele’s work of refining the art of torture,

“…prisoners have allegedly been subjected to different ‘experiments’ without any interrogation… Prisoners charge that torture is ‘personalized’ through an initial interrogation which establishes the personal traits of the individual… This data is then used to program the torture sessions so that the result is a totally debilitated person who will comply with any demand.”[91]

According to a UN report, “… in Colonia Dignidad there is a specially equipped underground torture center with small soundproofed cells, hermetically sealed. The detainees’ heads are covered with leather hoods, which are stuck to their faces with substances that are supposedly chemicals. In these cells, interrogations are carried out through electronic equipment, including loudspeakers and microphones, while detainees are tied naked to metal frames to receive electric shocks.” [92]

The CIA Medical Experimental Compound at Jim Jones’ field station and agricultural commune in Jonestown, Guyana had been established as a U.S. “Shadow” of Cologna Dignidad.[93] Jeannie Mills, a white overseer and ring leader of the Peoples Temple that had been assassinated in Berkeley in 1980, claimed to have seen films taken inside a Chilean torture camp while at Jonestown. These films were either taken at the Colonia Dignidad or another located at Pisagua.[94] At that time, the only source possible for the films had to have been the CIA, DINA or Dr. Mengele.

Contrary to HollyWeird and government propaganda, Dr. Mengele didn’t appear to be a frighten fugitive constantly on the run from the law. To the contrary, after the capture, conviction and execution of Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Adolf Eichmann in 1962the Great Nazi Satanist appeared to have travelled freely throughout South America, Canada, Germany and the United States without a care in the world polarizing the populations, spreading death, destruction and CHAOS..

In 1985, Senator Alfonse M. D’Amato (R-N.Y.) testified at a Senate hearing that the U.S. Government had evidence from Cables and other documents indicate that Mengele “had a network available to him in raising large sums of money” and that “high officials (in South America) gave him protection…”[95] In other words, Dr. Mengele didn’t die in 1979 and was right in the middle of the CIA Iran-Contra CRACK Cocaine Scandal. Of course, U.S. Government agencies claimed they didn’t know what Senator D’Amato was talking about, because the CIA had also been protecting and supporting him since it was formed in 1947.

Out of everyone in the world, SS Dr. Josef Mengele and the underground SS Knights of the Black Sun had been the most secretive, treacherous and satanic forces to that would have conceived such a diabolical plan. Dr. Mengele disappeared during the time of conception and birth of Obama II. During that time, Dr. Mengele was secretly deeply involved in clandestine artificial insemination in human beings. When Obama II and Stanley Ann returned to Hawaii in 1962, Dr. Mengele was exposed by Argentine historian Jorge Camarasa artificially creating the master race of blond haired, blue eyed Aryans in twins by the dozens in Candido Godoi, Paraguay.

Don’t forget pursuant to the SS SCIENTIFIC SATANIC PRINCIPLE of the DIVINE  POWER of  OPPOSITIES that if they had the power to create the MASTER RACE in duality they had to power to create the SUBSERVIENT.


They had the money, technology, resources, clandestine support, international networks and motive to put a covert Diabolical Black Human Cyborg in the Whitehouse to continue the 1000 Year THIRD REICH and its Satanic Principle of Aryan Planet Domination and the Annihilation of People of Color. An African-American Brother? You never seen anything like him. KEEP DREAMING THAT THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL IS A WORK OF PURE SCIENCE FICTION- AND THAT FAT MEAT ISN’T GREASY!

In Part II, I intend to show where, when and how Dr. Josef Mengele and the SS developed Artificial Insemination and Fertilization that even still today THE CULT OF THE SS stand at the pinnacle and forefront of Modern Genetic and Reproductive Technology. 




[4] Charles Frankel. “The Specter of Eugenics.” Commentary, March 1977, page 27.
















[20] Reese, Mary Ellen, General Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA Connection, George Mason University Press, Fairfax, VA (1990) pg. 135



[23] Reese, Mary Ellen, General Reinhard Gehlen, the CIA Connection, George Mason University Press, Fairfax, VA (1990) pg. 135














[37] See Alfy comment,


[39] Id.







































[78] Id.

[79], see footnote 83















