5 09 2017

Donald J. Drumpf, the Master Race, Deceit & Fallen Angels

It has been ordained by the Karma of the Germanic world that he (Hitler) should wage war against the East and save the Germanic peoples—a figure of the greatest brilliance has become incarnate in his person…whom men would regard in centuries to come with the same reverence that they had accorded to Christ.”—Heinrich Himmler

What was Himmler’s Messiah? It was the “Dark Soulof Adolph Hitler. Fast forward to the 21st century, Donald J. Drumpf, and the Aryan Master Race “Dark Force Karma” is in the White House.

In November 2016, “Darkness is good,” White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter at Trump Tower, where the presidential transition team is at work. “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.” [1]

These are not poetic licenses, or sentimental prose, but words of devotion, ideology, the apostles’ creed of the hidden occult and SATANIC mythology behind the Dark Force Karma” and the Cult of Dark Messiah in America’s White House in the 21st century. Throughout the generations, many U.S. Presidents were openly Freemasons that secretly worship Lucifer as god. But no U.S. Presidential Administration White House chief official has EVER publicly officially acknowledged “darkness” and the POWER OF SATAN in the governance of ALL THE PEOPLE. 

Angel Heart & Black People in America: Have a Good Time! 

Black Folks! In lieu of rescinding Dreamers, don’t get too comfortable or secure in America with Angel Heart, Donald J. Drumpf, entrenched in the highest elected and most powerful office in this country.

Since the 1930s and the Aryan Master Race Nazi/Thule Society takeover of the entire country of Germany, they have been clandestinely back and forth in this country trying to figure out a way to infiltrate the U.S. Government and repeal the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendments of the U.S. Constitution to force Black people back into the conditions of absolute permanent Human Bondage.

Nevertheless while the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendments were on paper and in effect after the Great Civil War, the federal government stepped aside and allowed southern states to enforce evil, brutal and inhumane Black Codes that suppressed the constitutional rights and freedoms of emancipated Africans. Black Codes restricted black people’s right to education, own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces.[2]

The federal government stepped aside and allowed Black people to be burned, shot, raped, beaten and LYNCHED led by the hooded torch bearing Masonic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Drumpf defended the symbolic torch light marching white racialist nationalists (Nazis, Knights of Ku Klux Klan, etc.) that protested the removal of a statue of American traitor Confederate General Robert E. Lee, A Symbol of Universal Permanent African Human Bondage, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Drumpf said that the white nationalists torch bearers included SOME VERY FINE PEOPLE”.[3]

Charlottesville Resident Deandre Harris Savagely Beaten By NAZIS and KKK 

The Drumpf’s justice department has already publicly and blatantly began to step aside of protecting the constitutional rights of Black People.

As of this day, Charlottesville police have arrested ONLY one (1) man in connection with the globally exposed public brutal-homicidal beating of 20 year old little Deandre Harris by white nationalist KKK- NAZI– that are according the highest elected office of this country are SOME VERY FINE PEOPLE” Aryan people.[4]

“Ou’lls Mangent de la Brioche”- Let Them Eat Cake!

On April 13, 2017, Easter Sunday Week, Drumpf and his dark force karma dropped the Witch’s CauldronSS-Oberscharführer (Nazi senior squad leaderDr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr zero point energy weapon of mass environmental and human destruction on the people of Afghanistan in the region of at least 100,000 non-Aryan human beings. The bomb incinerated, melted and immolated local poor residents of the Achin District. [5],[6]

Angel Heart & Non Aryan Dreamers- Trick or Treat?

 “We are going to show great heart,” President Trump said at a news conference in February when asked about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. “We are going to deal with DACA with heart.” [7]

Drumpf isn’t lying about the “great heart” and DACA. Yet, he is universally known to be  global great pathological liar. He’s telling the truth warped inside an enigma. The problem is too many people aren’t willing to accept the truth that the clandestine ideology and soul behind his “Great Heart is the “DARK KARMA” of the Master Race.

The Obama administration created the DACA program in 2012, in response to repeated failures by Congress to create a permanent path to legal status for people who came to the US as children. Many have lived in this country almost their entire lives, have gone to school here, and have spouses and children. Under DACA, over 750,000 people have placed their names, addresses, relatives, work places and schools in the computer system data base.[8] Is it impossible to round up almost a million people, and deport them? NO! It’s all in place.

When Hitler, Thule and the Knights of the Black Sun (Aryan Master Race) took over the highest elected offices in Germany, a central Nazi-SS priority was to identify Germany’s 600,000 Jews for racial mass murder. More than 2,000 IBM multi- computer data and card sorting machines were dispatched throughout Germany and thousands more throughout German-dominated Europe. Card sorting operations were even established in every major concentration camp.[9]

The Nuremberg Laws, as they became known, did not define a “Jew” as someone with particular religious beliefs. Instead, anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identified himself or herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community.

In August 1938, German authorities decreed that by January 1, 1939, Jewish men and women bearing first names of “non-Jewish” origin had to add “Israel” and “Sara,” respectively, to their given names. All Jews were obliged to carry identity cards and passports that were keyed into the Nazi IBM computer system data base. The racial mass murder holocaust of Jews in Eastern Europe had been fully automated. It had been IBM COMPUTERIZED.

It isn’t enough for Congress to pass a bill to protect Dreamers.  It must collect and close access to the Dreamer’s Data Base, immediately. It is paramount to go behind the White House’s timing of the rescission of DACA, and uncover the real reasons and forces behind it at a critical time in this country, particularly, in the aftermath and coming recovery from Hurricane Harvey.













4 09 2017



” [Houston Flood Survivors] … have a good time.” President select Donald J. Drumpf

On Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf made his second visit to Texas since Hurricane Harvey hit the state on Aug. 25, and he still refused to acknowledge the enormous magnitude and complexity of the absolute calamity, and the  mass human mental and physical suffering that exists in Texas.

Harvey has been absolutely devastating to the region. Homes are flooded, families have lost everything, and at least 47 (forty seven) people are believed to have been killed. About 42,000 people stayed in shelters in Texas on Thursday night, and more than 50,000 were still without power. Many areas are still flooded after more than 50 inches of rain. The city of Beaumont, Texas, is still in crisis mode: flooded and without tap water for 118,000 citizens.

Drumpf visited the shelter at the NRG Center in Houston on Saturday to participate in relief efforts and meet with survivors, something he hadn’t done during his initial visit on Tuesday, Aug. 29. During his visit, Drumpf and Melinia, seemingly uncomfortable, helped hand out food.

Like on a made for  TV show with a production crew, he commented that he’d been seeing “a lot of happiness,” and called the storm response “really nice.” He said as tough as this was, “it’s been a wonderful thing, I think even for the country to watch it and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful.” Drumpf also had some eye-widening response to the ongoing damage to the region. Asked about flooding, he reportedly said, “The flooding? Oh, yeah, yeah, there’s a lot of water, but it’s leaving pretty quickly. But there’s a lot of water, a lot of water, but it’s moving out.” As he and Melinia left and bided each and everyone farewell, he instructed reporters and survivors to “have a good time.”

This photograph showing a starving Sudanese child being stalked by a vulture won Kevin Carter the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for feature photography. In March 1993, the severely weak  child was crawling toward a United Nations food camp about a little more than a mile away. Carter couldn’t tell the world that the child made it, because he left the scene immediately after taking the photo.

On July 27, 1994, Kevin Carter drove to an area where he used to play as a child, and committed suicide by taping one end of a hose to his pickup truck’s exhaust pipe and running the other end to the driver’s side window. He died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Portions of Carter’s suicide note read:

I’m really, really sorry. The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist…I am depressed …I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain…of starving or wounded children …”

Is it too much to expect CNN to have had heart and a policy of  human compassion for an immediately rescued stressed, tired and cold mother with children from a calamity and deadly flood that allowed them to assist, direct or help the young family, first and foremost, get dry clothing, warm, food and probably be seen and advised by medics, Red Cross and a counselor to relieve stress, anxiety, pain, hunger and FEAR before they tried to interview her for the benefit and TV ratings of global corporate mass media like their U.S. Commander and Chief.



” … O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness …” Ezekiel 28:16-17

President select Drumpf has enough support among Negroes to actually organize a group of legitimate vocal black supporters instead of being associated with BLACKS FOR TRUMP 2020. COM. Blinded by his False Idol Beauty, Drumpf’s Soul is corrupted, dark and evil like the “Heart of the DEVIL.” His leagues are among Lucifer’s Servants from the GATES OF HELL! 

Spaceships & Mind Control Death Cults: YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH

Maurice Symonette, Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Yaanuwn & the Mothership

Maurice Symonette is the man most visibly associated with “Blacks for Trump”. He also calls himself, “Michael the Black Man” and Maurice Woodside. Why Maurice Symonette? He sold his soul to the DEVIL and Lucifer, years ago.

Michael the Black Man” is far from a novelty and laughing matter. He was a satanic initiate of the Death Angel Cult of Yahweh Ben Yahweh that tied into a secret CIA (Shadow Government- Strategy of Tension) Black Manchurian Candidate/Death Angel Secret Society designed to permanently polarize the masses and the races.  As a death cult member, his rap sheet lists arrests for conspiracy in 14 (fourteen) murders.

Yahweh Ben Yahweh

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Luciferson of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (Isaiah 14:12-15, King James Version)

Yahweh Ben Yahweh’s secret name is “Eli-Ya-Huwa”, the incarnation of the Divine, the “Angelic being” personifying like the Son of Man. The Master Yahweh appeared in the form of “Yaanuwn” to guide its initiates to the “Promise Land” or “MOTHERSHIP” called New Jerusalem. Mount Hermon (discussed below) is the symbol of the New Jerusalem.

CLOUDS were his symbol. Yahweh’s mystery cloud was an “UFO” that hovered above the earth for 100,000 years. The name “YAANUWN” means “Oh Light … this master personified in the form of light, which is symbolic of knowledge.” According to Ben Yahweh, the pillar of clouds led the Children of Israel in their journey in the wilderness. These clouds illuminate at night. The cloud dictated every move Israel made. The “cloud ship” is able to transport and inter-galactically travel throughout space.

… in the Freemasonic worldview, the Divine Light is Lucifer and Empire of Light is his Kingdom, whilst base matter, the Empire of Darkness, is Yahweh’s Kingdom.”

Freemasons that worship LUCIFER understands that Light is nothing other than the symbol of truth and knowledge. First and foremost, the angelic being, “Oh Light”, Yaanuwn, the master personified in light symbolic of knowledge is LUCIFER– SATAN.  Second, Negroes and UFO’s are usually the signatures of the CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau.

Spaceships & Mind Control Death Angel Cults: Ronnie Flenaugh & El Constran

Among the first of the Cult of Black Angels that terrified white America during the late 1960s and early 1970s was an extreme muscular (ripped) young man with a black turban and cape. I was personally acquainted with him around campus at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland, CA. He was Ronnie Flenaugh aka ” Al Rashid of El Constran. I saw them him turn from a quiet, respectful and gentle young man out of Berkeley, CA into a murderous CIA CLONE from outer space.

Fate had it; they sent in Ronnie to deal personally with Brother Huey when he was first released from prison in 1971.  Undoubtedly, they didn’t know Brother Huey P. Newton. Huey wiped the floor with the spaceship clone. I am not sure how many people Ronnie actually shot, killed, slashed and attacked in the Oakland – San Francisco Bay Area with a gun or machete. Ronnie was subsequently murdered in Oakland in 1972. At his homicide crime scene, the Oakland Police Department found several suspect guns and a machete that had been in his possession, and tested not one of them for any of the Bay Area Black Death Angel (Zebra Killings) random attacks on and murders of white people.

I said that to say this. During the late 1980s or 1990s, I got access to review and make quick written notes for a hour or so on some of Ronnie’s secret early trauma based mind control psychiatric 51/50 court records that declared him insane. On September 7, 1967, he told Dr. Isidore Weiss that he had been drugged against his will at Santa Rita County Jail with hallucinogenic drugs (LSD).  Dr. Weiss recorded, “he says he is going to try to stop the people from exploring the universe. They are going to do this by psychological warfare. The whole population will blow up if they have their way. They keep messing with me…I told them I wanted to get on a SPACE SHIP. They are coming to pick me up.”

Including Ronnie’s statement regarding a SPACE SHIP and a psychological warfare project, he said, “I wouldn’t die, I wouldn’t join their religious group. Also, I wouldn’t commit treason, that’s why I’m in jail.” Ronnie told the doctor that people have been putting drugs in his veins and into his  .

I suspect that the religious group that Ronnie called treasonous had been Rev. Jim Jones’ CIA Peoples Temple forming in the Bay Area. There was a direct connection between the CIAPeoples Temple, Death Angels, Patty Hearst and the SLA. Ronnie and his official psychiatric records was the first time that I heard of a direct connection of CIA Black Manchurian Candidates with UFOs. And, what made what Ronnie said in 1967 so significant is that information about the CIA’s ultra-secret illegal psychological warfare, and MK ULTRA experimental hallucinogenic and mind control programs weren’t publicly exposed until 1974.  Also in 1967, psychological warfare was a specialized term used by the CIA and U.S. military intelligence.

I didn’t know Ronnie, personally, but I knew enough of him.  When he first put on the black turban and cape and showed up on campus, he and a small group of other turban wearing brothers were particularly under my radar until I left the campus for San Francisco State University. What the shadow government did clandestinely to Ronnie, and another brother that I knew, Billy Mapp, really scared me. I was very concerned about it, and what was really going on in our community. They stayed clear of me (former Panther) so I had another brother find out what he could about the group. I know now that the brother deliberately kept me constantly misinformed about Ronnie and El Constran on campus and even into the early 1990s. He was U.S. Air Force Intelligence. As far as I personally observed, Ronnie wasn’t involved in politics, radicalism, or the Black Liberation Movement. If Ronnie had shown up at a Black Power Rally, or a meeting among the down brothers and sisters, he would have been OUT OF PLACE and CHARACTER. Undoubtedly, he had been recruited for an ultra secret illegal military intelligence domestic psychological warfare operation. He must have signed his name in blood, because there was no exit clause or any retreat for him. DEATH became Ronnie’s only option out of El Constran. He was shot down dead- liquidated by a fellow cult member.



SS Von Braun & Black Sun Space Station (VRIL Mothership)

The modern “MOTHER SPACESHIP” is the invention of  SS- Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun and NASAVRIL (Sumerian: VR-IL- God- Like) Technology scientists of the Thule Society planned to develop among other things space based weapons, and anti-gravity Spaceships (Motherships) that could make physical contact with the ancient extraterrestrial Aryan civilizations. Von Braun’s mother spaceship is in the shape of a wheel. In the 1950s, Braun and Willy Ley updated the idea, in part as a way to stage spacecraft headed for Mars.

U.S. Naval Intelligence’s primary source on the VRIL and Thule Society came from Ley. He was one of the advisers to the 1931 German film, Frau im Mond (Woman in the Moon). Dr. Hermann Oberth has been considered by many to have been the original father of modern rocketry, having designed rockets and space stations from WW1 through the 1920s. One of his rockets was featured in a popular German science fiction film, “Frau im Mond”.

According to Dr. Oberth, the Nazis could not “take credit” for their advancement in an array of scientific fields. Like Von Braun, and Oberth claimed the Nazis received extensive assistance from a super-intelligent, alien life form. Dr. Oberth referred to these VRIL aliens as “people of other worlds.”

Dr. Oberth and Von Braun were under the secret direction, tutorage and influence of Maria Orsic and the Thule Society.

Braun and Ley envisioned the mother ship as a rotating wheel with a diameter of 76 meters (250 feet). The 3-deck wheel would revolve at 3 RPM to provide artificial one-third gravity. It was envisaged as having a crew of 80. In 1959, a NASA committee opined that such a space station was the next logical step. The Stanford torus proposed by NASA in 1975, is an enormous version of the same concept, that could harbor an entire city.

U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr.

Was SS Von Braun and NASA involved in secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs? YES. Freemason U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (1927-2004) was an original 1959 Project Mercury astronaut along with Gus Grissom. In 2000, Cooper exposed the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950’s and 1960’s involving gifted American school children called “Space Kids.” According to Cooper, “The space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities [Star Kids] run through a kind of MK [MKUltra CIA mental programming] program, like the things that are coming out now.” He went on to describe how NASAs mind-control program, which emphasized cultivation of the children’s psychic abilities, involved such things as telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences (OBE’s). This is strong direct eye witness testimony of events that he personally observed. He was in a special and unique position within NASA position to know.

Little Professor, Marcus Wayne Chenault of Dayton, OH

Powerful circumstantial evidence of SS Von BraunNASA and MK ULTRA come from the FBI records of the “Little Professor” – Marcus Wayne Chenault. He was part of a group of black assassins called,  “THE TROOP.” The Troop was ran out of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The “Little Professor“and “The Troop” targeted for assassination most of America’s leading Black religious and spiritual leaders straight out of COINTELPRO and Project CHAOS. The group was led by Walter Edward Brooks, Jr. The Troop was ran out of the ultra top secret Building 18, Area B, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH.

EXTERIOR WEST VIEW, BUILDING 18B (LABORATORY OFFICE) (1991). – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Area B, Building 18, Power Plant Laboratory Complex, Northeast corner of C & Fifth Streets, Dayton, Montgomery County, OH.

At the time of the Little Professor’s Assassination  of Mrs. Alberta King (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Mother), Brooks had been the maintenance man for the “Blue Room” and Building 18, Area B containing the Roswell Flying Disk under control of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis, SS Werhner von Braun, Dr. Alexander Lippisch and the Blood Covenant SS in the Interest of U.S. National Security. Building 18, Area B was classified- ultra government Top Secret.

Nazi Germany, Hanna Reitsch, Lippisch, and Willy Messerschmitt

Dr. Lippisch, a Nazi, came to the U.S. in January 1946 as a part of Operation PAPERCLIP. He was immediately stationed at Wright Field where he stayed until December 1946. He designed supersonic ramjets for the Nazis. Dr. Lippisch had also been involved with Himmler and Von Braun’s Peenemunde Rocket Team. Willy Messerschmitt built the World’s First Operational Jet Fighters for the Nazis. After WWII, he was convicted of collaboration with Nazis. Who was Hanna Reitsch?

Hanna Reitsch was Nazi- SSHimmler and Von Braun’s  most infamous Peenemunde Rocket Team test pilot, and Hitler’s heroine and pilot. She was suspected of secretly flying Hitler and Eva Braun out of Berlin in April 1945. I said that to say this, Dr. Lippisch was within the secret inner circle of the Knights of the Black Sun. He was transferred to the Naval Air Materiel Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1946-1950. Naval Air Material was another name for the Naval Aircraft Factory, and the Naval Air Experimental Station.

By the experimental designs of his jets, he had been under the secret direction, tutorage and influence of Maria Orsic , Thule Society and their saucer/disc aircraft technology.  The “Blue Room” and Building 18, Area B under the veil of U.S. National Security was so secret that I don’t think the FBI could get inside the facility to talk to Brooks or determine what he was really involved in inside the building. According to FBI documents, at some point, Brooks was wanted for questioning in the assassination of at least 2 (two) Midwest black preachers.

It is true that I was denied access to a facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, because I never got in. I can’t tell you what was inside. We both know about the rumors (concerning a captured UFO and crew members). I have never seen what I would call a UFO, but I have intelligent friends who have.” – Barry Goldwater, US Senator, Air Force General and Presidential candidate (quoted from a letter dated April 11, 1979)

Maria Orsic, a stunning beauty and an unusual medium was not an obscure personality. She was known to many celebrities of the era and had a fleet of very powerful admirers and friends both in Germany and abroad; famous, brilliant and influential people like Charles Lindbergh, Nikola Tesla, Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia, Henry Ford, Eva Peron, and the most illustrious figures in the spiritualism, parapsychological and psychical research in Great Britain. This was reported by Allies intelligence and documented by OSS operatives in Europe.”

Orsic called herself an alien (Being of Light) Vrillian– a member of a Master Race from outer space. The main objective of the Thule Society was to restore Aryans as the Master RaceBeings of Light” by restoring the knowledge of the Vril.  Membership in the Thule/Vril Society were restricted to the people of the white skin, blond hair- blue eye Aryan Race that vowed that they had no “Coloured of Jewish Blood“. On her planet Aldebaran, there were only two races, the master and the subservient. The subservient race lived on a different planet.

Maria Orsic said that “Beings of Lights“- Nephilim (Extraterrestrials from Aldebaran) descended on Mount Hermon, and later on, the Emim, their offspring populated the Earth.  Mt. Hermon’s summit straddles the border between Syria and LebanonEmim in Sumerian and Hebrew is the name of the children of Anak, and the bible referred to them as the offspring of the giants and women on earth. The angelic “Being of Light” and light bringer that fell on Mt. Hermon to make man “god like” was Lucifer.

In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation (an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group) for their sin (Enoch 6).  Jesus was transfigured on Mount Hermon after visiting Caesarea Philippi, site of the Temple of the Greek God Pan and the “Gates of Hell’, which was located at its base (Matt. 16:13; 17:1).

The “Luminous One” [der Scheinende] god of light Apollo (the Sun) was called “Phosphoros Demon” that means the light bringer demonLucifer. Many scholars of ancient texts believe that Greek mythology involving powerful superhuman beings such as Zeus and Apollo are actually references to the same fallen angels mentioned throughout the Old Testament and the Book of Enoch. In Genesis, the fallen are referred to as the Nephilim or “Sons of God” who came to earth and reproduced with humans. In the Jewish Book of Enoch, these “Angels” are mentioned as children of heaven who went among the “Children of Men” to have children of their own. These events, according to the legend, were the cause of God casting those angels from heaven.

 Drumpf’s Penthouse in New York is a shrine to the “Luminous One”. Its center art piece is a copy after Guido Reni’s fresco in the Casino dell’Aurora, in the Palazzo Pallavicini, in Rome. It was painted for Cardinal Scipione Borghese in 1614. It shows the passage of Apollo, the Sun God’s chariot, which is preceded by Aurora (Dawn), who casts roses onto earth below. She is accompanied by an “amoretto” bearing a lighted torch, who has been identified as Phosphorus [demon], the Morning Star (Lucifer).

Marie Orsic, Thule, Nazis and SS were Lucifer’s Court. She was Himmler and Hitler’s GODDESS OF THE DEVIL. The source of Donald J. Drumpf’s clandestine dark soul and Fallen Angel Heart is the Alien AryanLUCIFER.  And, the BLACKS FOR TRUMP. COM are LUCIFER’S SUBSERVIENT BLACK SERVANTS.

Don’t get it twisted. They had no love for Black People even if they loved Lucifer as much as they did. Up and until the last days of the THRID REICH, Black People and mixed races that were not absolute subservient and useful CLONES of the Master Race were slated for mass sterilization, and murderextermination.



23 09 2016

With the recent gunning down of black fathers, and the persistent racial Satanic agitation of Donald Drumpf, the mood of the Black Folk in the country is justifiably extremely troubled. Don’t get it twisted and let it be clear, our elders teach us to ask our God for strength to climb and move barriers and mountains to our enemies.




In the killing of brain traumatic injured disabled 43 years old Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina, father of seven, the Fraternal Order Police Knight, Brentley Vinson, that killed Scott is a behavior modified pseudo black military soldier. Scott’s brother said that he was shot and killed by an undercover “jump out” squad member that didn’t identify themselves as police.


Many Washington, D.C. residents call a “jump-out”, so named because of the element of shock, awe and surprise like something out of Operation Desert Storm Iraq– multiple heavily armed police officers unexpectedly jump out of an unmarked car and rush lawful assemblies of civilians. The tactic has gotten very little public attention, but it is for many black residents the mark of policing problems in the nation’s capital. It is an unjustified, arbitrary, dehumanizing militaristic police tactic.[1] 

A protest group in Washington DC called DC Ferguson describes the “jump out” as a “paramilitary tactic in which unmarked police vehicles carry 3 or more officers not wearing the standard police uniform. Their objective is to stop and intimidate ordinary citizens into submitting to interrogation or an unwarranted search.”[2] Of course in Mr. Scott’s case, a brain injured man would certainly reasonably be startled, confused, frightened when uncovered militarized group suddenly pull off a flash mob “jump out” that is designed do as it did in this disturb, shock, awe and surprise innocent citizens of color.


Keith Lamont Scott: There is a GUN.

News breaking today is disturbing. Corporate mass media and police have committed themselves that there was a GUN lying at Scott’s feet- police justified shooting.


Scott’s family has released his wife’s cell phone video that shows definitively an undercover police jump out squad, and that there is clearly NO GUN visible where corporate mass media and police committed to the world that Scott’s gun was.


The Negro that killed Scott in a militarized “jump out” went to Fork Union Military Academy in Virginia (New Atlantis) founded in 1898 on the values of Dr. William E. Hatcher. The Fork Union was/is an unjustified Lost Cause Confederate institution.[3] This is the way Dr. William E. Hatcher saw things.[4] On April 9, 1865, General Robert E. Lee was forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, blocked from joining the surviving Confederate force in North Carolina, surrounded and harassed constantly by Union cavalry, Lee and 28,000 Confederate troops faced certain death and defeat. They surrendered.


Six days after the surrender, a shabby group of horsemen riding in the rain crossed a pontoon bridge over the James River into Richmond. The entourage was headed by Lee, who was going to his temporary home on Franklin Street. (His estate in Arlington had been seized by the Union Army.) He and his horse were splattered with mud, an observer remembered, “his garments were worn in service and stained with travel.”[5] Even in the fleeting moment of passing by my gate, I was awed by his incomparable dignity,” the observer, a minister named William E. Hatcher, wrote, according to Douglas Southall Freeman’s biography of Lee. “His majestic composure, his rectitude and his sorrow, were so . . . beautiful and impressive to my eyes that I fell into violent weeping.”[6]


Black Folk saw things differently. They had been dehumanized, brutalized and enslaved for over 200 years. Brothers were waiting for General Lee and the confederate forces to just try to break through their lines. They had adequate justification to waste all of them for their Crimes against Humanity and Democracy.


To them, General Lee should have been dragged away in chains and hanged as a traitor, or left to meet his faith among some very determined, mad and angry people. Dr. Hatcher was the president of the Confederate Memorial Institute in Richmond, VA. The memorial is a shrine to the unjustified Confederate dead and as a repository for the records of the LOST CAUSE.[7] 


Brentley Vinson, they made him unjustified. The military industrial Satanic Cabal/ILLUMINATI own him not the people.




In the killing of a disabled automobile motorist, father of four, 40 year old- Terrence Crutcher, Tulsa Police Officer Betty Jo Shelby is violence prone by nature or mental conditioning. She has a history of domestic violence whether it is arguable, justifiable or not. It is still a clear history, association and compulsion for irrational VIOLENCE. Shelby was drawn to the Oklahoma Air National Guard (OK ANG). The OK ANG is the air force militia of the State of Oklahoma, U.S. of America. It is, along with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, an element of the Oklahoma National Guard. As state militia units, the units of the Oklahoma Air National Guard are not in the normal U.S. Air Force chain of command that can be federalized and deployed. They are trained and equipped by the U.S. Air Force.[8]

A police spokesman told the Tulsa World that Shelby’s husband, Dave Shelby, who is also a Tulsa police officer, was in a helicopter covering a black man, Crutcher, with a disabled SUV at the time of the shooting “by happenstance.” It just happened to be his wife that he was covering in an non-emergency that he seems to been a waste of flight fuel and time. There is more to the story then they’re saying. In one of two videos released by the police, one of the helicopter pilots says, Crutcher, “looks like a bad dude … might be on something.”[9]

These totally irrational racialist people could see all of that from a helicopter. What is frightening is that Shotgun Betty perceived the same damn threat on the ground of a “bad dude” on something. It suggests a strong case for racial profiling. She violently confronted Mr. Crutcher with her gun drawn on a citizen- who needed only a little time, help or assistance from public servants with a disabled overheated vehicle. He was treated like an enemy combatant. Well, she pumped five (5) rounds into the bad dude’s body that looked like he might have been on something.


Crutcher’s SUV Window is Closed

Shotgun Betty said that she blew him away when the “Bad Dude” reached inside his open window that she feared that he was reaching for a possible weapon- police justified shooting. Mr. Crutcher’s SUV window was not open. And it seems as though that if he didn’t have anything, they certainly intended to plant something on him. Crutcher’s SUV stalled on the way home from a music appreciation class at a community college in Tulsa. Music appreciation is teaching people what to listen for and how to understand what they are hearing in different types of music. In North America, music appreciation courses often focus on Western art music, commonly called “Classical Music“. They want us to believe that he hit up some PCP in class, after class or on his way home after bugging out on “Classical Music“. THAT DOG WON’T HUNT. They created and armed her. They, the Masonic Fraternal Order of Police own Shotgun Betty.


Felony Homicide Betty Jo Shelby & Donald Drumpf-  Incitement of Satanic Racial Hostility

On 9/22/16, Shotgun Betty [Jo Shelby] was arrested and charged by the Tulsa County DA with a Felony First Degree Manslaughter for the homicide of Mr. Terrence Crutcher.

“You take a look at the inner cities. You get no education, you get no jobs, you get shot walking down the street!” Trump added. “They’re worse – I mean honestly, places like Afghanistan are safer than some of our inner cities.”[10] That is really an interesting statement made by a member of the Satanic Cabal elite that probably has never been in Afghanistan to access how safe it is for the people. He probably needs special assistance to find the country on the map. In both the police shootings of Black citizens above, they were indeed treated, shot down and literally pissed on as if they were Taliban enemy combatants by an occupying military/police forces. In Mr. Crutcher’s case, the police stood around him as if he was no less than road kill. They refused to render him aid after they shot him. When the police pulled up on Mr. Crutcher in the middle of the road, he had committed no crime. He only needed help with his disabled vehicle.

Donald Drumpf parades around the country demonizing the Black Community and People among white people- they have no jobs, and education. They have no morals, self respect, self control- why you can get shot just walking down the street, he says. This Demon has rarely been in a Black Community to see children by the masses struggling to make the best of educational opportunities, people striving by the masses for better housing and job opportunities – striving by the masses for peace, justice and the pursuit of happiness. One thing is clear, this man hasn’t even been in the Black Community trying to help or assist anybody without a price. And, he will only lift a hand to help if we vote him into the highest public office of the land.


Drumpf’s handkerchief head- Uncle Tom promoter in the Black Community is another vicious DEMON, a convicted felon and murderer, Don King. In 1954, while growing up in the Cleveland projects while operating a criminal enterprise for the Moe Dalitz Mob, above. King shot and killed a man who he suspected of stealing from him. After beating the body with a “justifiable homicide” ruling, King pistol whipped another employee and stomped him to death on the street. A judge reduced the charges from second-degree murder to manslaughter and King received a pardon from the Ohio Governor after doing almost four years in prison.[11]


Don King says, “America needs Donald Trump, we need Donald Trump, especially black people,” King told the crowd. And then he dropped an N-bomb while talking about assimilation and Michael Jackson. “I told Michael Jackson, I said, ‘If you’re poor, you are a poor negro’—I would use the N-word,” King said onstage. “But if you rich, you are a rich negro…If you’re a dancing and sliding and gliding nigger—I mean negro—you are a dancing and sliding and gliding negro.. So you’re going to be a negro ’til you die.”[12]

dumpsterdonkingniggerIn global corporate mass media, King denigrated and insulted Black Folk by calling us out of our names with the N word. Drumpf among other whites sits there accepting and approving. In the background, retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn has a real good time cracking up. This man was the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board from July 24, 2012, to August 2, 2014. Prior to that, he served as Assistant Director of National Intelligence.[13] They gloating and laughing at themselves. 

Even coming from Don King, the N word and Drumpfs persistent campaign of  the dehumanization of Black People is nothing to laugh at or with. It is still a fighting word. Drumpf calls for a national policy and strategy of “Stop and Frisk” in Black Communities. In New York, Drumpf’s vague “Stop and Frisk” strategy has been declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL conduct. It is unconstitutional for police to bum rush U. S. citizens on the basis of race, 18 to 25-year-old black male, or anyone like a bad dude’s that looks like he MIGHT be on something.[14]


What do you have to lose?Drumpf, the Great White Father asked black voters to consider last month. “You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the HELL do you have to lose?”[15] What do we have to lose with Drumpf? Our dignity, lives and our very souls! Donald Drumpf is crisscrossing the nation flaming a climate of fear, racial divide; and intolerance for the lives of Black Folks. He is rousing, provoking, goading and inspiring white people and global audiences to express a feeling and sense of hatred, distrust and disgust for the Black Community and People. Buy the Great White Father’s magic and snake oil, and he will provide or else Black Folks have nothing to gain but HELL!  We can virtually lay the current deaths of Keith Lamont Scott, and Terrence Crutcher on the doorsteps of Lucifer’s Servant, DONALD J. DRUMPF.  I think a lot of people will be waiting in the thicket when this DEVIL tries to make his escape. 

Well in a certain sense, Drumpf may be right about Afghanistan. It may be safer than many of our cities, because the CIA’s proxy Jihad warriors, the Mujaheddin, have been covertly moved into and are deeply embedded the in the United States to serve Lucifer to help to serve, fear, hatred and CHAOS across the land. 



dumpstersandford Really, how many minutes, hours, and days does it take for corporate mass media news to cover a story about a bomb in a garbage dumpster. In corporate mass media, presidential candidate, Donald Drumpf, has also been very loud and vocal, and called it a “sad situation” that Afghan immigrant, Ahmad Khan Rahami, arrested as a suspect in the NY dumpster bombing, would receive quality medical care and legal representation.[16]


That’s quite an interesting, race-batting and two-faced statement by Drumpf when he has not raised his voice at all about his mentally ill British cousin and so-called wanna-be assassin. He hasn’t said a word about the Peppa Pig Manchurian Candidate Michael Steven Sandford, and the secret quality medical/mental treatment, and quality representation that he is receiving in this country.[17] The U.S. Shadow Government and the ILLUMINATI made them both. They own them both of them without regards to their ethnicity or place of origins.

The CIA Made the Mujaheddin


[General] Mohammad Rahami & First American Fried Chicken

Ahmad Rahami’s father, Mohammad Rahami, reportedly has ties to Jihadi warriors operating in Afghanistan. He deliberately threw his son under the bus in corporate mass media as a cover just as the parents had did in the cases of Micah X. Johnson and Gavin Eugene Long. According to a friend of the family, Jonathan Wagner, “Mohammad Rahami told him he was from Kandahar and had been part of the mujaheddin in Afghanistan that fought the Soviet Army.[18] Jihad is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain and spread the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning the act of “striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering”. A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujaheddin.[19] Operation Cyclone was the code name for the CIA program to arm and finance stirred- up Muslim Jihad warriors, Mujaheddin, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.[20]


Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carter’s principal foreign policy adviser in 1979. It was Jimmy Carter and Brzezinski that started, financed and armed the Mujaheddin.

Brzezinski: “… do you regret having supported the Islamic [integrisme], having given arms and advice to future terrorists?”

Brzezinski: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Question: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.

Brzezinski: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn’t a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism [Wahhabism], moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.”[21]


It is just so interesting that the dumpster bomb suspect’s father, Mohammad Rahami, is a ranked stirred-up fundamentalist CIA Muslim Jihad Warrior that fought in Afghanistan along beside Mujaheddin Leader, Osama bin Laden. As a teen-ager, Osama bin Laden joined the ultraconservative Wahhabi sect of Islam supported by the Saudi Arabia monarchy among others like Qatar and UAE. Bin Laden served with the police enforcing sharia laws.[22]


Mohammad Rahami is a Mujaheddin Wahhabi warrior just like Orlando Pulse Club patsy Omar Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen. Kabul-based political analyst Ahmad Saeedi said that Seddique was a captain in the ranks of the Mujaheddin who fought the Soviet occupation. Once in the U.S., he promoted himself to the rank of general.[23] So, what is senior Rahami’s new Mujaheddin rank in America?


Like Omar Mateen, Ahmad Khan Rahami is a clandestine multi-generational MK ULTRA/MONARCH “mind controlled sleeper” an asset of the CIA. There are new reported details being paraded by global mass media surrounding Rahami and the NY dumpster explosion that under normal circumstances- THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.

The local law enforcement agency said a bar owner reported to police there was “someone sleeping in a hallway [doorway]” of his Linden, NJ business, Sept. 19.


When authorities responded to “wake him up“, they “realized” it was Ahmad Rahami, the man they were HUNTING![24]




The Beltway or D.C. sniper terrorist attacks were a series of coordinated shootings that took place over three weeks in October 2002 in Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. Ten (10) people were killed and three other victims were critically injured in several locations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and along Interstate 95 in Virginia. Local law enforcement agencies blamed the shooting attacks on two (2) CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidates, John Allen Muhammad, 42 years old, and Lee Boyd Malvo, 17 years old, driving a blue 1990 Chevrolet Caprice sedan.[25] Lets get it straight from the very beginning, the Black Community had  absolutely nothing to do with creating, molding or shaping the D.C. Snipers. As you will see. You have to place them on somebody’s doorstep other than Black Folks.


From Malvo’s prison drawings, Muhammad and Malvo bear witness to being Saudi Islamic Jihadist Warriors that has absolutely nothing to do with the Black Community. During their trials, their links to the Muslim Jihad warriors, and Mujaheddin in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia was completed suppressed and covered-up.

 W A S H I N G T O N, Oct. 24 — The last cryptic message from Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose to the Washington-area sniper referred to a Cherokee Indian story about an arrogant rabbit that was duped by the duck he tried to catch. ‘You have indicated that you want us to do and say certain things. You’ve asked us to say, ‘We have caught the sniper like a duck in a noose.’ We understand that hearing us say this is important to you, Moose said late Wednesday [October 23, 2002] at a televised news briefing, called so authorities could release information on two people sought for questioning in the 13 sniper shootings.”[26]

A few hours after Chief Moose’s corporate mass media hypnotic cue was delivered, both Muhammad and Malvo were found by law enforcement agencies conveniently fast asleep in the blue Chevy Caprice, at a public rest stop, not far from I-70, a heavily-traveled Interstate highway only a few miles from the first and last DC Sniper shootings.[27]


From Malvo’s prison hand drawings of Osama bin Laden, it certainly appears that he had been secretly trained and programmed at an Islamic Wahhabi paramilitary training camp. After his arrest, authorities  claimed that Muhammad admitted that he admired and modeled himself after CIA AssetsOsama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.[28]


According to FBI sources, Muhammad was linked to Shriek Mubarek Ali Gilani’s al- Fuqra Cult of predominately black sects of jihad warriors in the United States.[29] The United Muslim Christian Forum (UMCF) is an entity of the Muslims of the Americas, whose members follow a cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Gilani that referred to his close friend, Osama Bin Laden, as a “Saudi activist.”[30]


Gilani’s Islamberg compound located near Hancock New York is off-limits to police inspection on the spurious grounds of “national security.”The camp also came to contain an illegal cemetery where bodies were buried in unmarked graves. This alone should have warranted a raid by the New York State Police. But not even dead bodies could prompt a police investigation. When Islamberg was established, Gilani presented himself as an employee of the CIA and the future jihadist, who resided in the compound, called themselves CIA operatives.[31]


Young Malvo & Muhammad

In 2012, Malvo finally admitted that he had been ritually sexually traumatized as a five (5) year old. According to MK ULTRA usual practices, age 5 and below is the idea impressionate period to begin splitting off multiple alternative personalities from the original. In the programming of children as mind control subjects, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.”[32]

Malvo as a ritual sexual abused child victim may be linked to the Caribbean Island Antigua’s Seventh Day Adventist where Muhammad picked him up. Malvo’s last senior CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH controller and handler, John Allen Muhammad, continued his ritual sexual abuse since from the age of 15 years old. Muhammad’s life was terminated by the State in 2009. Dead men tell no tales.[33]

CIA MK/ULTRA mind control programmers and handlers have had the psychological technical ability for decades to use fairy tales, legends, code words, keys or post-hypnotic suggestions to program subjects like Boyd, Muhammad, and Ahmad Khan Rahami to go to sleep at a prearranged place, thus allowing themselves to be “caught” in a noose by a police that had been told exactly who they were, what car they were driving, and where they could be found asleep.[34]


During the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy, the last real president of the 20th century, and his brother U.S. Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy made a concerted effort to shutdown illegal shadow government terrorist paramilitary training camps in America, and wherever they could be found. Both JFK and RFK were ruthlessly gunned down in cold blood by combinations of SS KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK SUN, CIA, MAFIA and the SHADOW GOVERNMENT.


Whether you know it or not, the shadow government, ILLUMINATI and its Middle East CIA partners like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Pakistan currently openly finance and operate at least 22 Wahhabi paramilitary terrorist training camps across America mostly in the south and on the east coast that front as private “No Go Zones” Islamic religious villages, communes, and compounds.[35]


Ahmad’s wife, Asia Bibi Rahami, left the United States for Pakistan not days but a number of weeks before the bombings. She was stopped by officials in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on her way back from Pakistan. UAE is a CIA collaborating terrorist funding and training asset nation like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. She had been questioned by U.S. investigators, and of course, U.S. State Department/CIA officials described her (CIA Wahhabi bag money woman) being “cooperative” and not a suspect.[36]

So, who is providing the visas and funding for the vast global travel of the Rahamis, it certainly isn’t the First American Fried Chicken shack in Governor Chris Christie’s Elizabeth, New Jersey just 13.2 miles outside of Hoboken, NJ– former home base of the hapless Peppa Pig Assassin, Michael Steven Sandford.




[2] Id.



[5] Id.

[6] Id.


























[32] Ralph Allison,  M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995






10 08 2015

The start of Black August 2015, the historical month of CRITICAL RESISTANCE,[1] has turned into a sad testament for people of color in America. At the beginning of this month, symbolically on a global level, we had to bury two young beautiful sisters that should have been celebrating the happiness and prime of their lives. Instead sadly, we celebrated their homecomings into another dimension, as if there was no room for them on earth.


Lit’ Sis Bobbie Kristina, 22 years old young, should have been protected to grow strong and worthy in the sunshine of one of the most gifted and successful global Black entertainers of all time. She should have been an inspiration of struggle among the global masses. Instead, she was abandoned to the wind, rain, Satan and Drugs like a poor lost orphaned bastard child.


Just before her demise, Bobbie Kristina had been marked with the Sign of the BEAST.


And indeed, a drug trafficking wicked Son of the Confederacy, Maxwell Lomas, cast a dark shadow over her death. He found Bobbie Kristina in the bathtub not Nick Gordon.  Yet, neither the Houston or the Brown family will touch the subject of MAXWELL LOMAS.

Sandy Bland, 28 years old, should also have been protected to welcome a new beginning, sunshine and career after graduating from college. Instead of being buried, she should have been happy and free here among the living to become the nucleus of a successful livelihood, and their own family. At 28 years young, she said that she suffered from depression, post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), and most likely stress related psychosomatic disordered brain dysfunction (epilepsy). It was as if she was suffering severe battle fatigue from tours of duty on the other side of midnight in Afghanistan.

I am happy that the Sandra Bland family and Attorney Cannon Lambert announced that a federal lawsuit has been filed against Brian Encinia, Waller County and jail officials. I won’t go into the specifics of that lawsuit, but it involves federal and constitutional violations.

They will face a battery of municipal/state attorneys, denials and delays. However, I don’t understand why these high profile cases against municipalities for crimes against democracy and humanity aren’t pursued by coalitions of lawyers, doctors, investigators, and Criminalist, because far too often these cases aren’t isolated but systemic and persistent problems perpetuated by secret satanic combinations tightly interwoven inside layers of the government and free society.


But, she also had been directed into the hands of the Sons of the DEVIL that also cast a dark masonic shadow over her death.


‘The Secret Teaching Of All Ages’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33° “I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge [Lucifer], Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed…..  { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } “ page CIV.[2]

The Bobbi Kristina and Sandy Bland’s matters are puzzles wrapped inside enigmas, smoked mirrors, and looking glass that stare back at you. The Sandy Bland Case, in particular, is wrapped tight inside circles and behind curtains of CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Satanic Masonic and Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negro Combinations.



Unless these secret satanic combinations are UNVEILED, there will more and more Bobbi Kristinas and Sandy Blands. The same problems will persist and prevail over and over again, until an entirely new system of race relations and genocide are instituted across the nation and world. It is called, MODERN SLAVERY.



The historical connections between CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH secret mind control programs and Masonic Negroes & the Divine Nine (9) remains uncharted and unexplored territory. Let’s begin with a look at one of this country’s most dangerous Negroes of the Satanic New World Order Cabal, U.S. Navy Commander Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce.

Dr. Pierce is Emeritus Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He was the first African-American full professor at Massachusetts General Hospital and is past-president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Orthopsychiatric Association. he also worked as a psychiatrist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for 25 years. .He is a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1969, he founded the Black Psychiatrists of America.[3]


In the U.S. Navy, Dr. Pierce was a (Naval Intelligence) Commander and has since been a senior consultant to multiple different global health-related organizations. He has been a vital part of the World Association of Social Psychiatry, consultant for the Children’s Television Network, the Surgeon General of the US Air Force, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Peace Corps, and Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).[4]

Dr. Pierce & MK ULTRA


 Dr. Louis Jolyon West

n 1962, we found Dr. Pierce working directly with a young and upcoming Dr. Louis Jolyon West, called the Maestro of CIA Mind Control. Dr. West had to be among the CIA’s most dangerous and twisted global mind control doctors and fixers. Dr. West became the director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and proposed (planned) the horrors of the California Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence that I believe became part of the blueprint for the Peoples Temple after his proposed center was exposed and shut down due to public uproar.[5]

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence,

” … [C]onsidering West himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock, chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens, particularly minorities.”[6]

For decades, Dr. West lurked behind the scenes of most of America’s major counterintelligence, false flag and strategy of tension operations from the Assassination of JFK (Jack Ruby) to Tim McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing.  U.S. Senate reports and declassified CIA documents identified Dr. Pierce’s Massachusetts General Hospital and MIT as major secret CIA conduits for MK ULTRA mind control funding, research, development and experiments.[7]

Dr. Pierce & Secret Radiation Studies on Americans


New Portrait of Dr. Pierce at Harvard’s Lowell House Standing Under ZEUS?

Dr. Pierce had been involved in all aspects of America’s covert human medical experimentation operations. During the 1950s, he was involved in secret experimental radiation studies on humans. He was involved in the National Research Council Study, Alaska I-131, the Evaluation of Air Force Human Health Testing in Alaska Using Radioisotope Iodine-131.[8]

Dr. Pierce & New Age/New World Order

A Humanist, Dr. Pierce was/is out of wicked freaking mind. He has been described as a fanatical New Age and New World Order (ILLUMINATI) Guru. At a 1973 conference on Educating for the New World Order, he instructed,


Dr. Pierce is not identified as part of the Masons or the Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negroes, but Harvard University has surely identified him as some type of ultra secret Greek imitate.

Dr. Pierce & the Founding of the Black Psychiatrists of America, Inc..


Dr. Pierce played a significant part in bringing Divine Nine (9) psychiatrists under the CIA umbrella through founding the Black Psychiatrists of America that most likely had been financed by the agency. However, In the covert intelligence community, Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce would be a black hierarchical KNIGHT that is far too often ignored as an early major CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH doctor.

Bill Cosby, Divine Nine (9), BOULE & MK ULTRA


Bill Cosby & the Great BEAST 666

Bill Cosby is a Divine Nine (9) Negro. He is a very dangerous member of the Beta Alpha Alpha and OMEGA PSI PHI.[10] Cosby is also ILLUMINATI Boule.[11]


Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA has been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks. According to the Navy, Bill Cosby served from 1956 to 1960 in naval hospitals, including Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he allegedly helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries.[12]


Cosby’s tenure at Bethesda Naval Hospital coincided with the presence of Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Luftwaffe Colonel Dr. Theodor Benzinger, head of the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) at Bethesda from 1947 to 1970. Dr. Benzinger was straight out of the Nazi Doctors Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany.[13] Dr. Benzinger’s NMRI at the Bethesda became a secret major front for the newly formed CIA first exposed in 1977 by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research investigation into the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.[14] The subject of Korean War injuries was also of particular covert interest to the CIA, Dr. Benzinger and Lt. Charles Savage at Bethesda, former head of Naval Intelligence’s ultra secret mind control program, Project CHATTER.[15]

Bill Cosby, Dr. Mengele & the Dachau Narco-Hypnosis Experiments


The Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Campaviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and Narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims. Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[16] Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering drugs. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, the groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition induced by drugs were considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[17] 


Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violated is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU.

Bill Cosby, Rape & MK ULTRA Drugs (The Thigh Opener)


As of now, more than forty (40) women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexually assaulting and raping them while they were under various trance formations. Cosby admitted that he obtained Quaaludes to use on women.[18] Satanist Roman Polanski used Quaaludes to ritually rape, assault and most likely “snuff” underage girls.[19]


To Cosby’s CIA buddy, Hugh Hefner, Quaaludes are “THIGH OPENING” drugs.[20]  However, they won’t touch the DEVIL, Hugh Hefner, with any rape or sexual assault charges. From Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slavery, “I knew Hugh Hefner. He is connected to the CIA. Hefner is a CIA programmer CIA sex slave handler and pimp. Hefner was also a part of running MK ULTRA super assassins and ops. He is Free Masonic Intel.”[21]


Cosby didn’t have to get any medical prescriptions for Quaaludes. At Hefner’s Playboy Mansion, CIA ULTRA/MONARCH supplied them with a lifetime supply to experiment with- on unwitting and witting women victims. I can’t be certain if Cosby is in fact a Freemason, but his late buddy Satanic Sammy was certainly a Scottish Rite York Rite Mason, and a Knight of Malta.[22]


Cosby certainly appears to a special hook up to wear Masonic apparel or he may not need permission because he is an ultra secret Prince Hall Freemason or member of the Scottish Rite. From a partial inventory after the Jonestown’s CIA Medical Experimental Station Mass Human Extermination in Guyana, at least 1,000 doses of the sedative-hypnotic drug, Quaalude, were discovered warehoused at the site.[23]


Quaaludes were/are notorious CIA MK ULTRA experimental mind control drugs linked directly to the OMEGA MAN, Bill Cosby.[24]



Beta Upsilon BOULE is certainly closer to home in the BELLY OF THE BEAST in the Oakland- San Francisco Bay Area. They have proven themselves equally as demonic, secretive and ruthless New World Order CIA- MK ULTRA Negro operatives as Dr. Pierce and Bill Cosby.

Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Jim Jones, Peoples Temple & Jonestown



First, let’s look briefly at the late Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett (1914-1997) of Beta Upsilon BOULE . He had a B.S. in Psychology from Howard University, Master’s Degree in Abnormal Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, M.D. from Meharry Medical College in Tennessee. In 1947, Dr. Goodlett became the first co-publisher of the San Francisco Sun Reporter and then publisher in 1951.[25]

During the late 1960s, I attended an extra credit evening lecture by Dr. Goodlett at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was noted to be a civil rights icon of the bay area. However, he used the platform to viciously verbally attack Brother Huey, Bobby and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. We got into it very hot and heavy. At the time, I had no idea who he was or how powerful this Negro was.  Some sources have identified him as the biggest of the “Big Negroes” in San Francisco and the State of California.[26]

When the confrontation was over as the evening lecture time ended, I remember Dr. Goodlett  silently glaring at me from across the classroom with venom in his heart as if he could cut my throat. Outside the classroom, a lot of people surrounded me and tried to support, comfort and inform me who he was, and warned me that I needed to be careful and watch my back. I wasn’t trying to hear that. I felt troubled and uneasy because I got into it publicly with was generally accepted as a respected elder of our community. But, if I had any idea of what he was doing to the people, I would have been JUSTIFIED to wipe the floor clean with his ASS.

Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Masons & the Scottish Rite


Dr. Goodlett was a Prince Hall Mason, a member of the Hannibal Lodge #1, Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons [Grand Lodge of England] of California.[27] He was also a member of the Golden Gate Consistory #295, Valley of San Francisco, Orient of California.[28] Thirty-second Degree, or Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, are called Consistories. The elective officers are, according to the [Satanic] ritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Luciferian Albert Pike] of the United States.[29] Dr. Goodlett was also a Shriner of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliation, its Officers, Constituent Temples, and Members.”[30]

Dr. Goodlett, MK ULTRA, Jim Jones & Jonestown


Jim Jones & Dr. Goodlett Share a 1977 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award

Dr. Goodlett of the Beta Upsilon BOULE was CIA Agent Jim Jones’ personal medical physician. He was the black medical doctor of the People’s Temple that fed many of his poor elderly black patients into the temple’s senior group homes. They were subsequently kidnapped, blindfolded, imprisoned and became human guinea pigs behind the vast rain forest of Guyana. Dr. Goodlett was in constant and continuous contact with Jim Jones and Jonestown through short-wave radio communications. He was code named Mr. Pritchard, Dr. Tinsley, Mr. Snyder.[31]


He had traveled to the People’s Temple (CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment) in Guyana only a few weeks prior to the great killing of over predominately black 900 men, women and children.[32] If Jim Jones was a CIA agent, and Jonestown was a secret CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment, then Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett of the Divine Nine (9) Beta Upsilon Boule had certainly been one of the dangerous CIA Negro doctors in the country with the likes of Dr. Chester Pierce.[33], [34], [35]

Before Dr. Goodlett passed in 1997, I was sitting at the microfilm reader going through some archive newspaper articles at the Oakland City Main Public Library when I suddenly spotted an aged Dr. Goodlett swiftly rifle through my research papers then hurriedly scuffle out of the door. He was far too old and fragile to chase down or confront. I must have been very dangerously close to something sensitive. But to this day. I can’t figure out what it was that suddenly drove this man out of his home in a short deep burgundy house coat or smoking jacket and slippers to check on for himself.

Beta Upsilon BOULE Anchron (Demon) Dr. Isaac Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH


 Rare Photo of CIA Doctor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter

Dr. Isaac Slaughter (1925-1995) born in Atlanta, Georgia graduated from Howard University, and was a 1958 graduate of Meharry Medical College.[36]

Dr. Slaughter & Dr. Pierce’s Black Psychiatrists of America


As President of Black Psychiatrists of America in 1994, he urged that violence in African American communities be treated (drugs, psychosurgery, electro-shock treatment) as a national mental health problem.[37] He was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest non-therapeutic experiments on human beings in medical history, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[51]

Dr. Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH


Inside Vacaville Prison, Warehouse of the Poor & Powerless

Similarly to Dr. Pierce and Dr. Goodlett, Dr. Slaughter had a peculiar, scary and extremely veiled counterintelligence background. Since 1960, Dr. Slaughter had been a head staff psychiatrist at the “Little Prison of Horrors,” the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville at the controls of the facility’s electric-shock machine in the Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit.[38]

At Vacaville, he was also a collaborator of another renowned and notorious CIA’s mind control-binder spook psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Sanford University and UC Berkeley. Dr. Hamilton, CIA Technical Services Division (TSD) Station Chief at Vacaville, conducted MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH experiments, “clinical testing of behavioural control materials” on inmates funded by a chain of front organizations,[39]  and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).[40]

Dr. Slaughter, MK ULTRA & the SLA


At Vacaville, Dr. Slaughter was the leading Black Elder of one of the CIA’s most notorious illegal domestic counterintelligence mind control operations, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA produced the infamous counterintelligence agent provocateur domestic terrorist zombie, Donald Defreeze, of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).[41]

In December 1969, Donald DeFreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic personality multiplication under the CIA’s MK ULTRA-SEARCH mind control program under Dr. Hamilton; and Dr. Slaughter.[42] Dr. Slaughter’s BCA was allegedly yet another brainchild of California Governor Ronald Reagan’s fascist/Nazi kitchen cabinet pacification expert, Dr.  William W. Herrmann.[43] Dr. Pierce’s MK ULTRA colleague, DR. LOUIS JOLLY WEST, was Dr. Slaughter’s BCA senior technical consultant.[44]


On numerous occasions, their agents on the street tried to lure me behind the walls of the Little Prison of Horrors at Vacaville on the pretext of tutoring Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Slaughter’s BCA (Donald DeFreeze and the SLA) in Black Nationalism and history. Of course, I didn’t go anywhere near Vacaville, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Slaughter or Donald DeFreeze.

Dr. Slaughter and My Father

asandyrayford  Yet, a couple of decades after my father died, my older sister moved out of town and left most of my father’s personal papers with me for safekeeping. Among those papers, I discovered to my deep and sudden grief and horror that my father had been a patient of Dr. Slaughter at the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC).


Reportedly, Dr. Slaughter had used the electric-shock machine on inmates at Vacaville like it was a panacea of black mental illness. My father (Alameda U.S. Naval Air Station Employee) had been among the first victims of the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER. Under the project beginning in 1948, the Navy had secretly continued Dr. Josef Mengele’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun) mind control experiments at Auschwitz Concentration Camp concentrating on the use of the electric-shock machine to fracture the human mind.


My father had been tortured at a secret naval hospital installation at Napa State Hospital with Dr. Mengele’s ritual series of electric-shocks. Among his effects that I discovered, hospital records recorded that he had been subjected up to thirty-five (35) continuous electric-shocks in one series. He had been experimentally and secretly electronically DEPATTERNED.

The bottom line was Dr. Slaughter was a CIA psychiatrist. I can only suspect that he continued the electric-shock series to prevent my father from ever recalling and exposing the details and secrets of Project CHATTER to anyone for the duration of his life. The continuous electric-shocks weakened and subsequently destroyed my father’s mind and heart.  I had been living in Los Angeles when he died. I recall my sister telling me that he had been in some state of “trance formation” when he died. Project CHATTER and MK ULTRA/MONARCH had been in my own house and under my nose for decades, and I just didn’t see it. I had always been in deep denial about my father’s mental illness, and the awful true nature of America.  My family knew nothing about or had any idea what happened to him. My father was and remains ULTRA and TOP SECRET government classified information. They intend to keep it secret by any means necessary.

Most of my life, I blamed my father’s shortcomings and mental illness on him- being a weak example of a father and man. Maybe that was what that CIA, Divine Nine (9), Scottish Rite NegroDr. Goodlett was looking for- to see what I discovered about my father and Project CHATTER. It wasn’t soon after that I got poisoned within inches of my life by a black (angel assassin) female neighbor with direct ties to the Alameda County DA, Sheriff’s department and Homeland Security. County officials told me in an indirect but certain manner that I would be dead before I would be able to see any court records that they stored pertaining to the commitment of my father to the state mental hospital. They sealed all his court records, and placed them in the county court recorder’s  vault. This is no game, and they aren’t playing.  Negroes like Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett and Dr. Isaac Slaughter of the BOULE were ULTRA and TOP SECRET willing and very dangerous collaborators in MK ULTRA/MONARCH.



KTRK-TV in Houston says the July 11 call that Sandra Bland made to a friend bewildered about her current predicament in Waller County jail had been made to LaVaughn Mosley of Hempstead, TX, Bland left a voice mail message on his phone that said that she’s “still just at a loss for words honestly at this whole process” and wonders, “How did switching lanes with no signal turn into all of this?”[45]

During the period of her incarceration in Waller County Jail, her luggage and some moving boxes sat at Mosley’s home. It was reported that she had been planning on staying with the 57-year-old. News sources said that he was a “counselor who is an employee of Waller County working with senior citizens.” Mosley also works as a recruiter for Prairie View A&M that allegedly first met Sandy about a decade ago when she was a student, most likely a freshman, at Prairie View. Mosley gave her a summer job.[46] Under Mosley, Bland worked for three summers as 4-H camp counselor for DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN in Huntsville, TX. She also volunteered with a senior citizens advocacy organization (Waller County Citizens Assistance Coalition) ran by Mosley. He knew Ms. Bland quite well. [47]

Mosley has publicly acknowledged and charged that Waller County has a serious race problem. He told mass media, “I talked to her Friday [July 11, 2015] and she was in good spirits … Although she was incarcerated she was in good spirits.” Yet, admitting that he knew the true nature of the county, he made absolutely no effort to visit or bail Sandy out of jail once he discovered that she was behind bars.[48]

Oddly, Mosley described as Sandy‘s friend and mentor told corporate mass media something very peculiar. The Negro told international mass media as early as July 18 before the public release of the infamous dash cam video of her arrest that he believed that Sandy was just “venting after a bad day.”[49] Mosley’s statement backed up Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith’s assertion that Sandy had been combative on the side of the road.”[50] Mosley implicated to global mass media that Sandy may have probably instigated the incident that got her beaten, assaulted and arrested. LaVaughn Mosley stabbed the young sister straight in her back.

Mosley, CIA & 4-H Clubs


“I pledge Head, Heart, Hands, Health to my Club, my Country, and the World.” 4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S. In partnership with 110 universities, 4-H life changing programs are research-backed & available through 4-H clubs, camps, after school & school enrichment programs in every county & parish in the U.S.[51]


“I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.” During the 1960s, 4-H Camps was part of a coalition of organizations serving youth and young adults in the U.S. funded through the United States Youth Council (USYC).  In 1967, the New York Times revealed that the USYC had received more than 90 percent of its funds from the CIA. USYC continued to receive funding from the United States government before disbanding in 1986.[52]

4-H Camps were originally financed by the Rockefeller foundation’s General Education Fund. The aim of 4-H Camps was to promote vocational agriculture in rural schools in out-of-school “clubs[53] especially among the so-called disadvantaged poor and Black folk of the South.

“The study [Rockefeller funded] maintained that the only education appropriate for the black man was that with a strong vocational/agricultural bias. Academic/literary education was perceived as dysfunctional for the black man because it (1) would open vistas that he could not attain in the rigidly segregated American social structure, (2) would fail to provide the appropriate skills that would make the black man a more productive worker or agriculturalist… (3) would seriously undermine the ability of the white ruling oligarchy to maintain its political hegemony in the face of demands for equality, which it was feared an academic/literary education would engender …” [54]


During the 50s and 60s, the USYC (4-H Camps, etc.) became primarily a CIA conduit to recruit and program children and young adults. Children Summer Camps became the subject of particular interest and covert funding from MK ULTRA,

“Unfortunately the vast majority of the MK Ultra experimental results, including the research guidelines/protocols that were implemented, have never been made known to the public, and a thick veil still covers most of the program. As early as 1972, Richard Helms the CIA director, had destroyed a large part of the records of 150 sub-research projects, particularly those involving children. In fact, the information we have about the actual scope of experiments, the major research axes and their applications, is minimal. At this stage in our investigation, we need to retain only four [MK ULTRA] sub-projects (that of; 102, 103, 112, and 117) whose experimental subjects were children….children provided mainly by the International Children’s Summer Camp,  and that the typical profile of these young subjects included being naturally anxious patients, either suffering from DEPRESSION, or who had experienced sexual abuse during childhood (source: August 3rd 1977, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources ).”[55]


 Sandy’s Mother- Geneva Reed Veal- Veiled 666

These covert government programs involved in programming children and young adults as assets of the agency rarely vanish or eliminated in the interest of justice, but only fall deeper into the rabbit hole shrouded in puzzles warped up inside enigmas. For decades, the isolation of summer camps have traditionally provided CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH perfect deep cover away from public eyes for secret ritual trauma based mind control experiments, drugging, programming and the Satanic (occult) indoctrination of ritually sexually abused, and mentally depressed children and YOUNG ADULTS like Sandy Bland.

Who is LaVaughn Mosley?


 LaVaughn Mosley, right with Omega purple tie, and brothers of the WALLER COUNTY CITIZENS ASSISTANCE COALITION (WCCAC). They have the same hand wrap as Knights of Omega.[56] Mosley rides the Hellenized Ram. He was initiated into the BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi at Prairie View University.[57]


Ascending Order (theory) of Masonic/Satanic Indoctrination and Mind Control 

At the time while Sandy Bland was an initial “Mentee“, Mosley was a high ranking member of the Omegas.[58]


This is most likely photos of LaVaughn Mosley at the time he began to “mentorSandy Bland.[59]


On his Facebook page, he posted the Prairie View University BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter fraternity shield.[60]


On his Facebook page, he also posted the above symbol of a Knight and the Greek letter Omega meaning “the end.”[61] It seems to indicate that he held some level of KnightKnight of Omega’s Round Table or a special secret higher Knight Templar hieratical power level within the society. The closed helmet of the armor’s mask is for SILENCE.[62] While the armored grove at the bottom of the shield can only mean to the members, the IRON HAND OF THE LETTER OF THE LAW of dark medieval Knights. Some question the presence of the crossed swords that appear on the Omega’s shield indicating a secret relationship with the Brotherhood of DeathSkull & Bones Secret Society.[63]


On his Facebook page, he also posted the above peculiar UNIDENTIFIED photo showing brothers going through some type of “twinningmind control exercise. This is an example of pledging your Head (MIND), Heart (SOUL), Hands (Hand of DEATH), and Health (My LIFE) to the Satanic NEW WORLD ORDER.


The Omegas call themselves, the Sons of Blood and Thunder. Their Gods are “Sitting on their royal purple and gold thrones high in the realms of Mount Olympus, Zeus, supreme ruler of the gods and Apollo …”[64] They say that the Gods of Mount Olympus and Moon Goddess Diana decided to let OMEGA, God of Blood and Thunder create a Man. OMEGA created with the stroke of a lightening bolt and the nourishment of his own immortal Blood, the god-like structure of the OMEGA Man.[65] There is some truth hidden in their Greek fiction about the Omega Man, and these Negroes aren’t playing.


The (MK ULTRA) LEOPARD is a Totemic Symbol of Dionysus

Born of a virgin and God Zeus, Dionysus was the last god to be accepted into Mt. Olympus.[66] Dionysus was identified with the lamb, and called “King of Kings,” “Only Begotten Son,” “Savior,” “Redeemer,” “Sin bearer,” “Anointed One,” the “Alpha and OMEGA.” The Alpha and Omega are included also in the name IAO, a Greco-Roman rendition of the Hebrew tetragrammaton which was also used as a sacred name of Bacchus/Dionysus and as “Iao Sabaoth” represented the Gnostic demiurge.[67]

The most celebrated of the ancient fraternities of artisans was that of the Dionysiac Architects. This organization was composed exclusively of initiates of the Bacchus-Dionysos Cult.[68] The Knight Templars are believed to taken many of their secret symbols and rituals from the ancient Dionysian Cults.[69]


Some ancients saw no difference between Dionysus and the DEVILEuripides echoed this belief in the “Hecuba“;  one of the god’s names was Dionysus Morychosthe dark one”, a rough equivalent of SATAN, who wore goatskins and dwelt in the underworld.[70] Euripides (c. 480 – 406 BC) was a tragedian of classical Athens. In Greek mythology, Hecuba was the second wife of Priam, King of Troy. She was the mother of Hector, Paris, and Prophetess Cassandra.[71]


The ancient Kemetic God adopted among the Hyksos and the Greeks was SET, Seth (Satan). Gods SET and Baal have the function of Gods of Thunder, Storm and CHAOS.[72], [73] The Sons of Blood and Thunder mythical translation says that the OMEGAS (Rho Theta Chapter) call themselves in reality, the BLOODY Sons of SATAN.

LaVaughn Mosley, Omega Psi Phi & Secret Masonic Freemasonry


The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33°When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” page 48.[74]


The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was founded in 1911 primarily (3 out of 4) by Prince Hall Lodge Master Masons. Dr. Ernest Everett Just, above, a principal founder of the fraternity was a Prince Hall Master Mason.[75]


Founder Bishop Edgar Amos Love was a Prince Hall Master Mason. He was a founding member of Corinthian Lodge #18 in Washington, D.C., and the Sigma Pi Phi (BOULE). He was a member of the Masonic Elks Club, Frontiers Clubs of America, and the American Legion.[76]


Founder Frank Coleman was a Prince Hall Mason, an American Legionnaire and a Congregationalist.[77] Congregationalist Churches derived out of Scrooby, England in 1606. It was brought to the New World by the pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.[78] The founders may have designed the fraternity to be a secret Masonic Blue Lodge. Omega’s secret rituals are similar if not the same first three degrees of Masonry.[79] Founded by Prince Hall Lodge Masons, it stands to reason that Omega Psi Phi is nothing less than a shrouded Satanic Masonic Secret Society.

Mosley works on a daily basis “hand and hand” through WCCA, and the small towns surrounding the area and Prairie View University with Waller County. Mosley lives right there in Hempstead, Waller County. He was born and raised in Waller County. In fact, Mosley appears to have be a multi-generational professional attachment to Prairie View University that go back to his Waller County forebears. His entire bread, butter, and livelihood comes from being a willing and secret Negro collaborator with them.


Mosley’s highly publicized call for Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith to resign from office was/is an old fashioned smokescreen or diversion.[80] You shouldn’t believe anything that comes out of the Negro’s mouth. The Omega Man, LaVaughn Mosley, was much more than Sandy Bland’s mentor, the WHORE of SATAN was her secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH Dark Masonic HANDLER.


“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [81]





[4] Id.


[6] Id.






















[28] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159


[30] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159








[38] Personal interview with former inmate of Vacaville






[44] id.









[53] file:///C:/Users/PrinceRay/Downloads/4-H%20history.pdf





[58] Id.

[59] Id.

[60] Id.

[61] Id.

[62] Smith, Jerrod, The True Alpha and Omega: (Unmasking Spiritual Wickedness in Fraternities and Sororities, Author House, Bloomington, IN (2011) pg. 8

[63] Id.


[65] Id.




[69] Hall, Manly Palmer, Secret Teachings of All Ages, H.P. Crocker, San Francisco, CA (1928), pg. 524














27 06 2013


It isn’t President Barack Hussein Obama II that is watching you. The Satanic global elite has the deepest trust in a cyber political robotoid like President Obama to follow their instructions in blind faith, because he has been programmed to trick the people of the world into a future of global fascism, perpetual warfare and genocide.


It’s the clandestine Satanic U.S. Military Intelligence Brotherhood that helped mold, shape and create President Barack Hussein Obama that’s TROLLING and WATCHING YOU.


On April 3, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered one of the most chilling, moving and prophetic oratories of the 20th Century. Dr. King’s theme of the speech, “I BEEN TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP” is still as relevant and stirring as it was at the height of the Civil Rights and Black Liberation movements of the 1960s.

“… He’s [God] allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a People, will get to the promised land!”[1]

Dr. King’s visionary themed “Promise Land” is not mythical or a land of fantasy, but is generally based on Genesis 1:26-31And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth”; and the “unalienable rights” of Life, Liberty and Happiness which the U.S. Declaration of Independence says all human beings have been given by the Creator and for the protection of which they institute governments.[2]

Dr. King stressed that there would be difficult days ahead reaching the promise land. He warned us that violent and lethal gatekeepers blocked the People’s Path to the other side of the mountain top. Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale and Stokely Carmichael of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense often stressed to the Vanguard the importance of developing the capacity of “Loving the People more than You Loved Yourself” to reach Liberation. The struggle for “Black Liberation” was always for the “Love of the People”, and the BPP’s “10-Point Plan” was basically centered on the “God given” and “unalienable” and “human” rights of the People.[3]

Yet, loving the People enough to struggle to cross over to promised land earned Dr. King and the BPP the label of being the most serious “domestic threat” to national security; and targeted to be harassed, discredited, disrupted, neutralized and destroyed (assassinated) by gatekeepers within and outside government that perpetually block the path to the “Promise Land” primary on the basis of race and bloodlines.

Unrealized by many, the problem is that the global satanic elite maintain that they are the “Chosen Ones” created in the image of God of Genesis, and that the “Promise Land” and dominion over everything that “creeps” on earth belongs exclusively to the Aryan bloodlines.


The widely followed Secret Doctrine of Satanist H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey speaks of a New Age Movement on earth led by a hierarchy of spirit-entities known as the “Ascended Masters”; Great White Brotherhood”; “Brotherhood of Luxor” or “Brotherhood of Light” that oversee the spiritual and “evolutionary” development of the human race on both an individual level and in terms of the process of global civilization. The Secret Doctrine maintain that Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, is one of the “Ascended Masters” that calls for setting-up a global White Brotherhood to usher in an early reign of peace and justice.[4]


Don’t be deceived by the talk of peace and justice of this global (One World) civilization. There will be a selection process and only people allowed in their promised land will carry the Mark of the BEAST. Barbara Marx Hubbard, above, is a member of the Rhodes Round Table- “Club of Rome,” and one of the leading advocates for establishing a U.S. Department or Room of Peace.[5] She is a Luciferian Futurist.[6] She is a director of the Lucis (LUCIFER) Trust.[7] She has been one of the most visible leaders of the New Age Movement for decades. In her Book of Co-Creation, she discusses the hidden meaning of the Revelation of St. John the Divine. Her manuscript was channeled by a demonic spirit she call “The Christ Light.” She quoted from Revelation 6:8:

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And Power was given unto them over the forth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”

Hubbard’s Christ of Light explained the true meaning of that passage:

“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend with all their heart, mind and spirit…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. Their higher self is unable to penetrate the density of their mammalian senses. They cannot be reached…They are defective seeds…

Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human… the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body…Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are riders of the pale horse. Death.

We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God. We do this for the sake of the world…

The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers. They will separate the wheat from the chaff. This the most painful period in the history of humanity… You do not have to participate in the destruction. You are to be responsible for the construction which shall begin as the tribulations come to an end.”[8]

Once in power, they intend to mass murder over 2 billion people on earth that they label defective seeds. We already know that the majority of people that they intend to slaughter are People of Color. This is not just a simple battle between the haves and have nots currently being played out around the world, particularly now in Turkey and Brazil. The global elite bloodlines of the “divine ones” and “man-gods” believe that this is their mandate from the secret space gods to have absolute dominion, rule and control over everything and the “creeping” masses of people on earth.

Edward Snowden, White Knight and the Sacred Trust


“This is someone who for whatever reason has chosen to violate a sacred trust for this country…”Former Lieut. General James R. Clapper, Jr., NDI[9]

Lieut. General Clapper’s use of language in describing the culture surrounding the National Security Agency (NSA) as “sacred trusts” is extremely interesting. It would be more comfortable if the U.S. Director of National Intelligence (DNI) used more appropriate secular language in describing their obligations as public servants instead of “sacred trusts” that overshadow the rule of law of the land (U.S. Constitution). However, he is describing a betrayal of sacred trust by a “cult member” bound to a covenant of secrecy.

Holiness, or sanctity, is in general the state of being holy (perceived by religious individuals as associated with the divine or sacred (considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion; or inspiring awe or reverence among believers in a given set of spiritual ideas).[10] Reichsfuhrer SS-I Heinrich Himmler’s SS translates most perfectly into the meaning “Knights of the Holy See” (Latin Sedes = seat/see and Sacrorum = Holy/Sacred).[11]

I am quite uneasy about the entire Edward J. Snowden Affair. Clapper’s revealing inference above suggesting that the U.S. Intelligence Community is overshadowed by a cult of guardians (knights) of sacred and secret trusts instead of the rule of law should be quite troubling to everyone.

Usually within moments, a true U.S. enemy’s entire life story is exposed and demonized from pillar to post. Yet, we still know very little about Snowden, his family or background. What little we know about his father- Lonnie, mother- Elizabeth, and older sister- Jessica is that they are all connected with the U.S. federal government.[12] They appear to be a multi-generational U.S. military industry family centered in Maryland, a leading U.S. Military Intelligence Community for the NSA- Fort Meade, The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (NSCOM/DIA) – Fort Meade, and the Chemical and Biological Warfare Nerve Center and Complex- Fort Derrick.

Snowden’s mother, Elizabeth Snowden, is an administrative clerk for Maryland’s federal courts. Snowden never graduated from high school and, for a few years, lived alone in his mom’s Ellicott City, Maryland, condominium. A neighbor said Snowden came across as “serious” and “studious” — not the type to throw parties or play loud music, “his mother dropping by with groceries about every week… he had few visitors except for a young woman with a Virginia license plate.”[13]

He has a few years window of “LOST TIME.” He was trained by U.S. Army at Fort Benning, Georgia, and then became a security guard at the Center for Advanced Study of Language at the University of Maryland in College Park. The center is affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense and studies the language needs of the U.S. Intelligence Community. He was a CIA and NSA agent.[14]


Snowden talked about the privileged life- living off the land of milk and honey in Hawaii taking in a six figure salary with a high school equivalency diploma. He talked about the TROLLING dominion “privileged access” he had over millions even the U.S. President. Even his so-called glamorous pole dancer girlfriend, Lindsey Mills, looks and sounds like a classic CIA/MK ULTRA Sex Kitten.[15]


“And for the first time in my life I feel strong enough to be on my own. Though I never imagined my hand would be so forced.”-Lindsay Mills[16]


“I don’t know how to feel normal.” –Lindsay Mills[17]

Snowden has suddenly become the new mass media darling of revolutionary consciousness. The Snowden Affair has given mass media an ILLUSIONARY false flag to suddenly distract the public away from what’s going with the People’s Rebellions in Turkey and Brazil. It distracts the public from the extremely explosive situation in Syria, biological warfare weapons of mass destruction, and the U.S. arming the very people called, “the Terrorist” that the government is spending billions if not trillions of tax payers funds to protect us against.


The more you look at the White Knight Edward Snowden, the more he appears like a typical multi-generational trauma-based MK ULTRA sacrificial son on white horse and set on a covert military intelligence mission instead of a revolutionary concerned about LIBERTY and WILL of the People.

“It begs common sense that the mainstream media would provide us with this sort of scoop. When the mainstream covers something intensively like this [Edward Snowden], there’s got to be a reason. The mainstream media is globalist in its sympathies and ownership. Thus, there is likely some sort of globalist advantage to this unprecedented leaking, however difficult it may be to unravel.”[18]

At this very moment, Snowden has been taken under the wings of Julian Assange of Wikileaks, the new pin-up boy of global investigative journalism. Assange’s most important dictatorial and arrogant directive to the masses is that he (the “Divine One”) knows what is best for the public to know,


As far as I know, Assange, the Great BEAST 666 and Clapper one of the Masonic-ILLUMINATI Duegard Finger Signs.

I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” –Julian Assange[19]

In other words, this new darling of global mass media will ignorantly control the whole narrative of America’s Reichstag Fire, the 9-11 Deception/Inside Job; and define, determine and spoon feed  global conspiracies for the masses of the people.

It appears to me that the Edward Snowden Hollywood script maybe clandestinely controlled, written, edited and played out by the U.S. Military Intelligence Satanic Brotherhood and “Divine Ones” on the hill. In this case, they control the images, ILLUSIONS and the narrative.

Listening to your phones and reading e-mails should be the least of your worries that we are well aware of. Yes, we should always be extremely worried about the excesses of the National Security Agency (NSA) and America’s Luciferian U.S. Intelligence and Surveillance State.

But, keep your eye and focus on Lieut. General James R. Clapper, he will truly define what the NSA, U.S. Intelligence Community and Elite Satanic Cabal (Imperium), the “Divine Ones” are really up to and planning for the future. Clapper and the NSA really can’t stand the light of day and that may also have prompted the sudden coming out of Edward Snowden as a diversion to manufacture, manage and control PUBLIC PERCEPTION about America’s Clandestine Security and Surveillance State.


“The notion that we’re trolling through everyone’s emails and voyeuristically reading them, or listening to everyone’s phone calls is on its face absurd.”-Lieut. General James R. Clapper, Jr.[20]

Again, Lieut. General Clapper’s choice of language and use of the word “TROLLING” is extraordinary. The U.S. State Department has recently initiated a new computer program, called Viral Peace to undermine and demoralize enemy targets, “Think of it as strategic TROLLING, in pursuit of geopolitical pwnage [to conquer to gain ownership].”[21]


During my most impressionate years as an elementary school student, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen’s Norwegian fairy tale, Three Billy Goats Gruff, had been one of my most favorite school stories.[22] Paradoxically, it was also a fairy tale that I recall had most often frightened me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, the monstrous Troll under the bridge wasn’t just a fictional character, nightmare or ILLUSION to me, but presented a file in my subconscious of a real veiled obstacle to my future goals and aspirations as I crossed over the many bridges of life and struggle in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. The Troll and the “Trick-TrapWho’s that tripping over my bridge?” haunted me throughout my impressionate years.

According to Norse and Scandinavia myths popularized by Lords of the Ring, trolls are gigantic creatures with a basic, humanoid appearance though they’re covered in thick fur or even moss. They have long noses, are immensely strong, and are often naive or easy to trick. Sometimes they lurk under bridges, as in the classic children’s story “The Three Billy Goats Gruff,” but they can also be found in thick woods and in caves according to the pagan myths. They only go abroad at night because if a troll is caught by the sun it turns to stone. This was a commonality in Norse mythology among supernatural creatures, and so well known that Thor once riddled a creature with difficult questions so that it forgot the time and was caught by the rising sun.[23]

Thor (from Old Norse Þórr) is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lighting, storms, oak trees, strength, and the protection of mankind. Thor is a prominently mentioned god throughout the recorded history of the Germanic peoples.[24] I didn’t know it at the time but in my infancy, I had actually met forms of Nordic Trolls under the bridge that could not stand the light of day.

In the autumn of 1948, my father didn’t come from work at the U.S. Naval Air Station in Alameda, California. He had been just a regular hard working humble and literate guy from rural Mississippi. For the time, he had a relatively important and well paying national defense job that provided his family of four with comfort and security.

When my mother and his family found him, the U.S. Navy had put him in Highland County Hospital in Oakland then transferred him to a classified Naval Psychiatric Unit at Napa State Mental Hospital in Napa, California. At the U.S. Naval Air Station, someone had slipped him a substantial dose of mescaline or LSD that drove him into “chemical schizophrenia.”[25]

By the time that I was reunited with my beloved father at Napa State Mental Hospital, he had no memory of me or his family. He had been “depatterned” by being subjected to among other things successive electroconvulsive shock torture. According to the medical records I saw from Napa, he had been subjected to electroconvulsive shocks up to 35 times a session that weakened his heart and devoured his mind. He had been reduced to a vegetable state. He had to learn basic human functions all over again like feeding himself and going to the bathroom.


Dr. Cameron and the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler- Secret Hidden Hand of the Masonic-ILLUMINATI  Brotherhood

During the late 1940s and 1950s, one of Dr. Ewen Cameron’s projects was an attempt to “depattern” experimental subjects. “Cameron defined ‘depatterning’ as breaking up existing patterns of behavior… by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually combined with prolonged, drug-induced sleep… Cameron claimed he could generate ‘differential amnesia.’ Creating such a state in which a man who knew too much could be made to forget had long been a prime objective [of CIA] programs.”[26]

However, before there was Dr. Cameronthat was a key CIA/MK ULTRA mind control contractor, it was the SS, Knights of the Black Sun, the Greatest Racial Mass Murderers in History, which mastered the use of “mescaline” and “depatterning” as military intelligence application tools of human torture.

In 1945, OSS Chief and Nazi Collaborator, Allen Dulles, sent Dr. Cameron directly to Nuremberg to study Hitler’s close friend and occulted psychic master, Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess.[27] He undoubtedly also studied “depatterning” and “electroshock torture” and the use of “hallucinogenic drugs” from Nazi recruits for Operation PAPERCLIP to slip into the United States; and work for the CIA.

In 1950, Dr. Cameron and my father’s leading psychiatrist at Napa, Naval Commander Dr. Wrenshall Oliver, founded the World Psychiatric Association, which was a legitimate and reputable safe haven to harbor their brotherhood Nazi and SS psychiatrists.

For my father and family, one Nordic TROLL UNDER THE BRIDGE, turned out to be war criminal Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Kurt Friedrich Plötner aka Kurt Schmitt of the SS Ahnenerbe out of the Dachau Concentration Camp.[28]

After the war, there was fierce competition between the U.S. military armed services to acquire as many Nazi-SS scientists and engineers as possible for “virtual extinction” warfare technologies. The U.S. Navy was eager to snare its share of Nazi-SS war criminals- racial mass murderers.[29]

The storyline on SS Dr. Plötner is that the Navy’s Technical Mission in Europe was hot on the trail of state-of-the-art Nazi research into interrogation (torture) techniques. The Navy’s intelligence officers came across SS experimental research papers on truth serums having been conducted by SS Dr. Plötner beginning in February 1944 at Dachau concentration camp.

US Naval Intelligence officers discovered that SS Dr. Plötner had achieved some success with mescaline as a speech – and even truth-inducing drug, enabling interrogators to extract “even the most intimate secrets from the subject when questions were cleverly put.” Plötner also reported researches into mescaline’s potential as an agent of behavioral modification or mind control.[30]

At Dachau, SS Dr. Plötner (TROLLING)had administered large doses of mescaline to Russian and Jewish victims by covertly spiking their drinks.  Many of these victims didn’t understand what was happening to them and thought they were going mad.[31]

U.S. Naval Intelligence officers recruited SS Dr. Plötner as early as 1945, permitting him to continue his mescaline interrogation research this time in the interest of the United States.[32]  In spite of being a notorious wanted war criminal, the U.S. shielded him and Dr. Josef Mengele.

Behind the veil, U.S. intelligence officers coveted Nazi-SS racialist war criminal physicians and scientists as their brotherhood medical scientific community colleagues. When Dr. Harold W. Batchelor of Fort Derrick Division of Biological and Chemical Warfare made a pilgrimage to Nuremberg Tribunal in Germany to recruit Himmler’s notorious fervent Nazi Biological Warfare specialist Reichsgesundheitsführer Dr. Kurt Blome.


Dr. Batchelor noted,

“We have friends in Germany, scientific friends, and this is an opportunity to enjoy meeting them to discuss our various problems.”[33]


A Friend! This fiend headed Nazi Germany’s Biological and Warfare Program of racial mass murder. This is the fiend that promised Himmler and the Third Reich the mother of all biological/chemical weapons of mass destruction to wipe out Allied Forces to end WWII once and for all to ensure a Nazi victory.

This hidden American medical and scientific community’s friendship, bond of Brotherhood of Evil and Secrecy with the Nazis and SS is still ever so chilling. My childhood fear of Nordic TROLLS that could not stand the light of day had been no childhood fantasy, nightmare or an ILLUSION.

I had known and subconsciously suppressed the memory of them and my traumatized father from infancy. My father had been among the first victims of the U.S. Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER is still ultra top secret and highly classified. Even today, it cannot stand the light of day.

It was an ultra secret program that brought real Nordic TROLLS (TROLLING) in America to block the paths of millions on their journey over the bridge of life to their god given human rights; and devour the body, hearts, minds and souls of the people.

Most of the secret experiments of Project CHATTER involved the DACHAU CONCENTRATION CAMP EXPERIMENTS of SS Dr. Plötner involving SS’ sadistic, barbaric inhumane medical experimentation with mescaline and possibly LSD, and mind control. It is also involved the insidious electroconvulsive shock experiments of Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz.

Even in the 21st Century, little has come to light about the activities and whereabouts of SS Dr. Plötner after he had been recruited by the U.S. Navy from 1945 to the early 1950s; and the Navy’s Technical Mission didn’t skip down the Yellow Brick Road to just happen to trip over his research papers.

Dr. Plötner was a SS Medical Corps Officer that was regulated by a blood covenant of secrecy, and closely monitored by SS-1 Himmler and SS security forces. To say the least, it was extremely dangerous to cross Himmler and SS at any level of the game. The SS medical officer’s customary and business procedure was to submit detailed weekly or monthly medical reports of their experiments to Himmler and the SS. Himmler stockpiled all SS concentration camp experimental medical corps reports.

Himmler was uncommonly demonic and absolutely shrewd. As the war came to a close, Himmler secreted SS medical corps reports in various locations, then after the war released them to those willing to strike a bargain with the DEVIL and Lucifer’s Servants.

Project CHATTER and its links to the SS and Dr. Plötner’s Dachau Experiments still can’t stand the light of day. Even my father’s civil commitment papers have been locked and secreted away in the vaults above the Alameda County Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Oakland, CA. They promised me death before I document any links between superior court files, my father and Project CHATTER. These people mean exactly what they say.



“ … The American Left has proven inept in gauging this fascist menace, much less mounting an effective response. Few are aware of the history that brought us to our current predicament. … “- Andrea Hackett[34]

Ms. Hackett continued, “In order to fight an enemy you must know that enemy. You must know their strengths and weaknesses, history and organizations, links, objectives and capabilities. You must know their operational methods and familiarize yourself with the central players. In short, you must do your homework. In the case of global fascism, you must also respect their fanaticism and willingness to use violence to further their goals.”[35]

Lately on the Internet, sources within Germany have compared the National Security Agency (NSA) to the Stasi.[36] The Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS), was created in 1950. The ministry commonly known as the Stasi (abbreviation German Staatssicherheit, literally State Security), was the official state security service of the Germany Democratic Republic or GDR, colloquially known as East Germany.[37]


THAT DOG WON’T HUNT. It is an ILLUSION and a hypocritical attempt at mass population THOUGH PERCEPTION. The true history of NSA and its central players is a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma to intentionally stifle an effective response from the people. The NSA has its secret roots in one of numerous balconies in Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s Puzzle Palace, the RSHA.


The RSHA or Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office or Reich Security Main Office or Reich Security Head Office) was a secret state wrapped inside a secret state. RSHA was the security service for Nazi Germany and the Nazi Party (Martin Bormann). The organization was completely subordinate to Heinrich Himmler in his dual capacities as Chef der Deutschen Polizei (Chief of German Police) and Reichsfuhrer SS-1. Amt III (German Amter-Office) Inland-SD headed by Nuremberg Tribunal convicted mass murderer SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf. Amt III was the SS’ domestic mass information gathering service inside Germany. It also dealt with ethnic Germans outside of Germany’s prewar borders, and matters of culture.[38]

In Nazi Germany, Heinrich Himmler and the SS represented the proverbial EVIL TROLLS UNDER THE BRIDGE-constantly TROLLING to devour millions on their path across the bridge to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

RSHA’s stated duty was to fight all “enemies of the Reich” inside and outside the borders of Nazi Germany. According to British author, Gerald Reitlinger, the RSHA “became a typical overblown bureaucracy… The complexity of RSHA was unequalled… with at least a hundred sub-sub sections”.[39]

RSHA’s data mining technology and facility was provided by IBM. In Nazi Germany, Willy Heidinger was the manager of the IBM subsidiary, Dehomag. During a tour of his facilities by Nazi Party leaders, Heidinger substantially exposed RSHA’s data mining ultimate objective,

“The physician examines the human body and determines whether …all organs are working to the benefit of the entire organism. We [Dehomag] are very much like the physician, in that we dissect, cell by cell, the German cultural body. We report every individual characteristic …on a little card. These are not dead cards, quite the contrary; they prove later on that they come to life when the cards are sorted at a rate of 25,000 per hour according to certain characteristics.
These characteristics are grouped like the organs of our cultural body and they will be calculated and determined with the help of our tabulating machine. … We are proud that we may assist in such a task, a task that provides our nation’s Physician [Adolf Hitler] with the material he needs for his examination. Our Physician can then determine whether the calculated values are in harmony with the health of the people. It also means that if such is not the case, our Physician can take corrective procedures to correct the sick circumstances. … Our characteristics are deeply rooted in race.
Therefore, we must cherish them like a holy shrine which we will – and must – keep pure. We have the deepest trust in our Physician and will follow his instructions in blind faith, because we know that he will lead our people to a great future. Hail to our German people and der Führer!”[40]

A sub-subsection of RSHA even took over German population censuses tabulated by Hollerith (IBM) machines. The census was one of several population identification systems used to track targeted groups in the Nazi state. Taken together, these systems resulted in distribution of uniform photo identity cards to all inhabitants of the Reich, mandatory under the law of September 10, 1939.[41]

The significance of IBM’s German subsidiary Dehomag, IBM machines and card systems in the Nazi persecution and extermination of the pseudo Untermensch (German for under man, sub-man, sub-human; plural: Untermenschen);[42] and its social, political and religious enemies was revolutionary satanic-demonic principled technology; and that connotation cannot be underestimated.

With IBM’s Hollerith machines and their punch cards, Himmler and the SS could TROLL people’s family and racial lineage, political and religious affiliations and track their movements by the millions. The SS-RSHA was able to trace and update its targeted enemies’ addresses, locations, occupations, wealth and associations. SS-RSHA’s IBM mass population data mining led ultimately to global racial and political persecution and mass murder unparalleled in human history.

The “ENEMIES OF THE REICH” that Himmler and the RSHA targeted for persecution, isolation and termination wasn’t just communist terrorists. It was the TROLL that blocked the path to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of the people of Germany whether Jews, disabled, non Aryans, Soviets, Poles, Gypsies, Christians, freemasons, homosexuals, intellectuals and the political dissent, etc., etc., and etc. by the millions.

The TROLLS, Himmler and SS RSHA, UNDER THE BRIDGE in Nazi Germany devoured at least 16.5 Million souls, likely over 17 Million people in the concentration camps. 7 million were the Jews and following that 3.3 million Soviet POWs.[43]


The Puzzle Palace is a book written by James Bamford, and published in 1982. It is the first major, popular work devoted entirely to the history and workings of the NSA, America’s intelligence organization and service. Bamford’s title refers to a nickname for the NSA which is headquartered in Fort Meade, Maryland.[44]

The Puzzle Palace can also be used to describe any large government building that is monolithic, secured or confusing to navigate.[45]

The NSA had its origins with a May 20, 1949 secret order and directive from U.S. Secretary of Defense, Louis A. Johnson, above. The secret directive authorized the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA) to be the umbrella organization to oversee and consolidate the military intelligence services (Army Security Agency, Naval Security Group, and Air Force Security Service). The AFSA, during the majority of the years of its existence, from 1945 to 1978, was largely a “Cold War” data gathering operation without a charter.[46] Louis A. Johnson is an interesting and peculiar historic character out of the Old South.

Johnson born in old Roanoke, Virginia was a former National Commander of the American Liberty League. The Liberty League was the private army of America’s Luciferian global elite, the Imperium “Divine Ones “on the Hill led by Pierre, Irenee, Lammot du Pont and John Jacob Raskob (Chief Executive, DuPont and General Motors, Builder of the NY Empire State Building) along with J.P. Morgan (JP Morgan & Chase Co.), and Alfred P. Sloan of General Motors (GM).[47]

The Liberty League was anti-Semitic, and an anti-Black American extension to the rise and growing power of global fascism led by Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. The American “Divine Ones” link with Nazi Germany wasn’t a matter of any fantasy.

In 1938, just months after the Nazis’ annexation of Austria, James D. Mooney, head of GM’s overseas operations, received the German Eagle with Cross, the highest medal Hitler awarded to Nazi Germany’s foreign commercial collaborators and supporters.[48]


In 1933, Louis A. Johnson’s American Liberty League was the umbrella group that led a clandestine conspiracy on behalf of the “Divine Ones” led by Prescott Bush to overthrow U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the United States Government in a coup (putsch) to implement a fascist dictatorship based around the racial pseudo geopolitical ideologies and politics of Mussolini and Hitler.[49]

The plot against the United States was widely exposed by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler of the U.S. Marine Corp.[50] U.S. Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson that implemented NSA for the Gehlen Org intelligence service, discussed below, to run amok in America. He was a fascist handmaiden and patsy of the Luciferian global elite; and the Nazis.

In March 1949, Louis A. Johnson had succeeded James Vincent Forrestal of Dillon, Read & Company as U.S. Secretary of Defense. Two days after Johnson issued the secret directive molding AFSA into a mass data gathering operation, Forrestal was dead.


James Vincent Forrestal was born in 1892 in Matteawan, New York, the son of humble Catholic Irish immigrants. Forrestal made his fortune with the ruling classes and bloodline “divine ones” on Wall Street with the investment firm of Dillon, Read & Company. He was introduced into the world of politics and the NEW DEAL by his infamous neighbor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.[51]

As Secretary of the Navy, it was Forrestal that proposed the racial integration of the U.S. Navy. Later, as Secretary of Defense, he proposed the full racial integration of the armed forces.[52] He had also opposed the creation of the State of Israel to permanently disturb the balance of power and peace in the Middle East.[53]

Dillon, Read & Company had been one of the Anglo-American Axis companies that made large loans to finance the Nazis. As former Secretary of the Navy during WWII and the Defense Secretary after the war, Forrestal had been up to his nose in the top secret SS-Nazi Ratlines and Operation Paperclip. However, the more Forrestal discovered about the true details of America’s pact with the devil, the more distressed he became.


President Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945. There is at least one source, “Closely Guarded Secrets” that claims that FDR was assassinated by a Nazi Assassination Team that would have cleared a path for the SS underground to infiltrate America under more friendly and blood secret circumstances.[54] Forrestal became the odd man out in the presidential administration of Harry Truman. Truman was a 33° freemason. September 24-25, 1940, Truman was elected the ninety-seventh Grand Master of Masons of Missouri, and served until October 1, 1941.[55]


President Truman secretly was subjected by blood covenant to a higher order, the Masonic hidden hierarchy of the Knights Templar and Order of Teutonic Knights (SS-Knights of the Black Sun) dominated by Hitler, SS-1 Himmler and Reichsleiter SS Martin Bormann.

Leading up to his death, Forrestal became far too concerned, disturbed and vocal about the fanatical Nazi-SS Biological Warfare scientists like SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s Erich Traub and Reichsgesundheitsführer Blome [56] being secretly implanted and bankrolled in America developing clandestine “Weapons of Mass Destruction”.[57]

In 1949, the clandestine movement of Nazis’ top scientists and Himmler’s SS war criminals, Wunderweapon programs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) being slipped into the United States was ultra top secret and highly classified information that couldn’t stand the light of day. It would have if exposed opened people’s eyes; outraged the world and changed the body politics of America forever.

Even though Forrestal heading the investment firm of Dillon and Read had been absolutely complicit with the Rockefellers, Dulles Brothers and Prescott Bush in a Bargain with Lucifer financing the Nazis and continuing to trade with Lucifer Servants during WWII, he would not have known about the full scope and power of Himmler’s clandestine Satanic SS objectives, and its ultra top secret Wunderweapons and biological warfare programs.

However, Forrestal was well aware of the Reinhard Gehlen Org, code named Operation Rusty, and its unfettered clandestine power and authority over U.S. Foreign Intelligence Programs ceded to it in the Secret Fort Hunt Treaty by the U.S. Pentagon (Joint Chiefs of Staff) in the fall of 1945.[58]

Forrestal pushed for the CIA to undermine and take over and control the Gehlen Org that the U.S. Government had no real authority over.[59] Additionally as U.S. Secretary of Defense, Forrestal had also rejected the Truman’s administration earlier move to make AFSA a consolidated U.S. military intelligence gathering agency in control of the Gehlen Org.[60]

However, it was far too late. Himmler’s Knights of Black Sun-SS, the world’s greatest demonic racial mass murderers, National Socialists and the Gehlen Org was too far secretly deeply imbedded within the power structure of America. Forrestal knew too much to be left to live. President Harry Truman forced Forrestal to resign; and into a military mental ward at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.

“Former Secretary of Defense James Vincent Forrestal died on May 22, 1949, after falling from the sixteenth of the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. Forrestal’s broken, bloodied body was found clad in pajamas and a bathrobe. The bathrobe cord was wound tightly around his neck. He had been hospitalized due to “operational fatigue” attributed to “excessive work.” His death was ruled a suicide, but for many people, including members of Forrestal’s family, the matter remained far from resolved. Forrestal’s brother, Henry, told reporters at the time of the death that he “believed that someone threw my brother out the window” and that he considered it quite strange that his brother died “just a few hours before I was to take him home.”[61]

Operation SHAMROCK& the TROLLS

“The sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport plane upon its arrival at Washington National Airport. It was August 24, 1945, two weeks after the surrender of Japan, three months after the German capitulation. The general was hustled into a van with no windows and whisked to Fort Hunt outside the capital. There he was attended by white-jacketed orderlies and, the next morning, fitted with a dark-grey business suit from one of Washington’s swankiest men’s stores.” –Mae Brussell[62]

Himmler SS-1 and his personal emissary SS Brigadeführer nd Generalmajor der Polizei Walter Schellenberg had been the true architects and engineers of America’s “Cold War” with the Soviet Union. According to former Abwehr official Eduard Waetjen, Himmler’s foreign policy strategy in early 1944 was to intensify the struggle against the Soviet Union, if possible through a joint operation with the Japanese and to convince the West that weakening or destroying the Soviet Union was in their interest. Himmler plotted the “Cold War” strategy as a means for the Allies to compromise a peace plan with the SS cloaking RSHA with a false mission as a western ally to weaken and destroy Communist Russia.[63]

SS Wicked Walter 

Himmler also had some pretty powerful bargaining chips to sway the west to an ultra secret compromise. He controlled access to the SS Wunderweapons (atomic bomb, etc.); V-2 rocket projects and personnel; atomic submarines and jets; important medical- neuroscience, biological patents; and alternative theory sciences like mind control-electromagnetic projects.

Project SHAMROCK was a major “Cold War” clandestine espionage program that started in August 1945 almost simultaneously with the red carpet arrival of Wehrmacht Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, Adolph Hitler’s chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union, in America.

Generalmajor Gehlen had been a subordinate of Himmler and SS Schellenberg working out of RSHA’s Soviet Union desk and espionage networks. The Reinhard Gehlen Org in charge of America’s foreign policy and intelligence agenda was made up primarily of Hitler’s General Staff; and Himmler’s fervent RSHA SD (Sicherheitsdienst – Security Service) and SS (Knights of the Black Sun) officers.[64]

SHAMROCK involved the accumulation of telegraphic data entering or exiting the United States to primarily monitor and promote the fear of domestic Soviet Union espionage activities as contrived and veiled by Himmler, Schellenberg and the SS’ foreign policy agenda. SHAMROCK would have given the Gehlen Org access to secret U.S. military, diplomatic and congressional cables, which would have compromised and leveraged the entire nation.

AFSA and its successor NSA were given direct access to daily microfilm copies of all incoming, outgoing, and transiting telegrams via the Western Union and its associates RCA and ITT that represented almost all the international telegraphic traffic in the United States. AFSA and NSA basically operated without a charter, oversight, check and balances, or warrants. Their primary job was to gather and mine data and turn it over to the Gehlen Org/CIA, National Security Council (NSC), FBI, IRS, Secret Service, U.S. Military Intelligence or the White House.

On July 1, 1969, President Richard Nixon officially chartered Project “MINARET” directing government agencies to collaborate in targeting a White House “watch list” of enemies primarily from data gathered and mined by the NSA. The NSA actually operated MINARET between 1967 and 1973 collecting information on “individuals or organizations, involved in civil disturbances, Civil Rights, Black Power, antiwar movements/demonstrations and Military deserters involved in the antiwar movement.” [65] MINARET is defined as a slender tower with balconies.” [66]

NSA targeted over 5,925 foreigners and 1,690 organizations and US citizens were included on the White House Project MINARET watch lists. NSA Director, Lew Allen, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1975 that the NSA had issued over 3,900 reports on the watch-listed Americans.[67] The Nixon White House watch list was only a sub-level governmental directive or “balcony” of SHAMROCK in the Puzzle Palace.

SHAMROCK wasn’t exposed until May 1975 when Congress began to investigate and expose the program. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Senator Frank Church concluded that Project SHAMROCK was “probably the largest government interception program affecting Americans ever undertaken.”[68]

Don’t be fooled. The NSA is TROLLING and profiling all citizens. It is being used daily primarily to clandestinely control racial nationalities, politics, religion, dissent, businesses and resources. It is used to trace and update targeted populations, groups and individual’s occupations, wealth, associations, addresses, and locations for relocations-resettlements to FEMA’s (Operation REX-84) political re-education and extermination concentration camps.

Himmler’s RSHA or Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office or Reich Security Main Office or Reich Security Head Office) wasn’t shut down as a mass murdering human rights and a war criminal organization. It just changed venue from Berlin, Nazi Germany to Washington DC.



The TROLL & Neurologically Interactive Technologies

“The right of a person to liberty, autonomy, and privacy over his or her own intellect is situated at the core of what it means to be a free person. This principle is what gives life to some of our most well-established and cherished rights. Today, as new drugs and other technologies are being developed for augmenting, monitoring, and manipulating mental processes, it is more important than ever to ensure that our legal system recognizes and protects cognitive liberty as a fundament right.” (Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics, “Frequently Asked Questions,” September 15, 2003)


In June 2010, President Barack Obama nominated Retired Air Force Lieut. General James R. Clapper of Lucifer’s U.S. Military Intelligence Community as the Director of National Intelligence. The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is the official subject to the authority, direction and control of the President who is responsible under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, serving as the principal adviser to the President, NSC, and Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security.[69]

Lieut. General Clapper is a very weird, scary and dangerous dude. Not much is publicly revealed about him personally, he usually moves deeply in the shadows of the military intelligence community. But, his thirst for power, and more raw power forced him into the daylight so that the general public can see this demonic TROLL UNDER THE BRIDGE and Master of Deception mostly for the very first time.

For over 30 years, he has been clandestinely at the forefront and at the tipping edge of neuroscience, computers, robotics-cybernetics and mind control technologies to dominate the “urban battlefield.” He is a fervent crusader in “America’s corporatist surveillances state that seek new means to elicit compliance and control over individuals as biological science is securitized under the rubric of ‘national security’”.[70]

Lieut. General Clapper has also been the TROLL UNDER THE BRIDGE clandestinely undermining human cognitive liberty by secretly militarizing life-biological sciences to blur and manipulate the distinctions between “human” and “machine.” For decades, he has been behind the veil developing brain-machine interfaces, also called “neural prosthetics” to manufacture virtual living robots subservient to a New Age and New World Order.[71]

Lieut. General Clapper position as DNI of America’s surveillance, security intelligence state is almost equivalent to Himmler’s position of ultimate command of RSHA, the original Puzzle House.

From the American Puzzle House, he has the power and authority to coordinate, control and command 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, ranging from the CIA and NSA to the FBI and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), Clapper’s former agency.[72] Clapper served as the director of the NGA from September 2001 until June 2006.[73]


Geospatial-Intelligence is uncommon and unusual terms that may still be unfolding as we speak. The definitions and usage of the terms geospatial data, geospatial information, and geospatial knowledge are also unfolding and not used consistently in the surveillance intelligence gathering community.[74]

The CIA explains Geospatial-Intelligence as follows: “A picture is worth a thousand words: a lesson every intelligence officer learns. Every day satellites in the sky capture the comings and goings of nations around the world. These images may provide the missing piece to the puzzle that can help keep the nation safe.

Geospatial Intelligence

The Intelligence Community (IC) refers to the use and analysis of geospatial information to assess geographically referenced activities on Earth as geospatial intelligence (GEOINT). It is everything you can see or know about the earth.

GEOINT consists of:

· Imagery – a likeness of any natural or man-made feature, as well as its location.

· Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) – information derived through interpreting imagery.

· Geospatial Information – information that identifies a natural or constructed feature on Earth by its geographic location and other characteristics.

GEOINT Collection

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is the prime producer and functional manager for national and allied GEOINT efforts for the IC.  CIA analysts often use NGA products to complement their analysis of a situation in finished intelligence.” [75]

NGA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) have been quietly collaborating to perfect global satellite software programs and systems to collect “geospatial data, geospatial information, and geospatial knowledge” of brain and computer electromagnetic frequencies. DARPA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military.[76]

DARPA and NGA have been awarding research and development contracts under DARPA’s Urban Reasoning and Geospatial Exploitation Technology (URGENT) program to map and interface with the human brain from the sky (Cheryl Gerber, “Seeing with Your Brain,” Military Geospatial Technology, Vol 6, Issue 3, June 5, 2008).[77]

URGENT’s primary contractor, Lockheed Martin, is developing Object Recognition via Brain-inspired Technology (ORBIT) that seeks to merge neuroscience with computers to create a technology (3-D mapping systems) that promises to deliver “situational awareness” anywhere on the planet. Under URGENT, SPADAC, a Mclean, Virginia defense contractor have been developing a program called “Signature Analyst.” It promises to deliver an interface system that will deliver “powerful and actionable insights combining predictive analytics with spatial information as well as human terrain and social networking” to artificially improve and enhance “global operational and business challenges” to a “warfighter” and “counterterrorist”.[78]

Additionally under URGENT, Lockheed Martin and their partner “Numenta”, a software company are working on a suite of software applications, “Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) based on “hierarchical temporary memory (HTM), a “computing paradigm” that mimics the structure and function of the human neocortex, the area of the brain that handles high-level thought.[79]

Geospatial Intelligence & the 9-11 Inside Job and Deception

Consistent with the SS Satanic Principle of Duality, military intelligence satellite programs that have the capability to globally target, map, and collect brain electromagnetic frequencies can also entrain brain electromagnetic frequencies to harass, disable and assassinate, and transform targeted populations and individuals into “robotoids” from space.

The NGA also has the technology to reproduce and re-create 3-D [Geospatial} images of streets,  buildings and locations across the globe like Google Maps.  They can stage events across the world and falsely report that it is taking place as live news. They also apparently have developed secret backdoors to multi-national mass media live newsrooms such as the BBC to cut in and stimulate  geospatial images as live news feeds.  On 9-11, they went through the back door of the BBC to report that New York Trade Center Building 7 had collapsed. But due to a time glitch in calculating  the time zone differences between New York and London, the BBC was caught with their pants down and reported live that Building 7 had collapsed before the building was pulled down.

Trade Center Building 7- Proof of an Inside Job

For decades, Lieut. General Clapper, TROLL UNDER THE BRIDGE, primary mission have been to block the path of liberty, happiness, individual human potential, and “invade the privacy of human thought, and infringe on the independence of our minds for “reasons of state,” transform biological/medical research into a subset of weapons development.”[80]


During the 1990s, Lieut. General Clapper headed the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) that dwelled deeply into the “satanic occult world” to gather intelligence data and information for military industrial applications.

The DIA is a designated Department of Defense combat support agency that is the central producer and manager of foreign military intelligence for the United States. As one of the principal members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, the agency works to answer national-level defense objectives for the President, the Secretary of Defense, and senior U.S. military and civilian policymakers.[81]


Michael Aquino is a Luciferian military intelligence former army lieutenant colonel sanctioned and blessed by the U.S. Pentagon as a fervent Satanist and PSYOP specialist attached to the DIA, Psychological Warfare Division.[82] Aquino is a former member of the late Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, and co-founder of the Temple of Set.[83]


Lieut. Colonel Aquino is qualified as a Special-Forces officer, Civil Affairs officer, and Defense Attaché. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the National Defense University and the Defense Intelligence College, and the State Departments’ Foreign Service Institute.” He received a doctorate at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1980, with s dissertation on “The Neutron Bomb.” He lists 16 separate military schools that he attended during 1968-87, including advanced courses in “Psychological Operations” at the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and “Strategic Intelligence” at the Defense Intelligence College, at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.[84]

“Aquino was deeply involved in what has been called the ‘revolution in military affairs’ (‘RMA’), the introduction of the most kooky ‘Third Wave,’ ‘New Age’ ideas into military long-range planning, which introduced such notions as ‘information warfare’ and ‘cyber-warfare’ into the Pentagon’s lexicon.”[85]

Lieut. Colonel Aquino is also linked to secret CIA MK-ULTRA satanic trauma based mind control programs; and a military intelligence high level nationwide pedophile ring.[86] Lieut. Colonel Aquino is the U.S. Military Intelligence Community’s expert on the “Cult of SS.” Adopting Himmler’s initiation and blood covenant rites; and a “Cult of the SS” among high ranking military officers was an effective means to avoid another “Major General Smedley Darlington Butler” from breaking ranks of the military’s shield of secrecy and brotherhood. The SS Blood Covenant of Secrecy overshadows the oath to protect the constitution; and supreme allegiance to the United States.


Aquino’s satanic activities in the military concerned the promotion of Nazi ideology; and overt support for neo-Nazi movements in the United States and Europe. On October 10, 1983, while traveling in West Germany on “official NATO business,” Aquino staged a Satanic “Wewelsburg Working” with military personnel officers at Heinrich Himmler SS-1’s Wewelsburg Castle in Bavaria to invoke the spirit of Himmler. Aquino wrote a lengthy account of the ritual, in which he invoked Himmler (“Wewelsburg Workings”): “As the Wewelsburg was conceived by Heinrich Himmler to be the ‘Mittelpunkt der Welt’ (‘Middle of the World’), and as the focus of the Hall of the Dead was to be the Gate of that Center, to summon the Powers of Darkness at their most powerful locus.”[87]

Aquino believes that Himmler was an authentic “Initiate of Satan.” Aquino invoked Himmler to adopt his secret satanic initiation rites and blood covenants to pass on the Powers of Darkness to the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon and high level staff of the U.S. Military Intelligence Community.[88]

There are some questions whether or not he worked directly for the NSA. However, when Noreen Gosch, mother of Johnny Gosch-“Why Johnny Can’t Come Home”, requested a copy of Lieut. Colonel Aquino’s “From PsyOps to Mind War, the Success of Victory,” her FOIA request was surprising directly denied by the NSA on the ground of “National Security.”[89] It appears that this notorious satanic Nazi mind controller and pedophile was also working for the NSA developing long-range mass population control plans, policy and position papers.

There is yet another important reason for adopting a clandestine “Cult of the SS” among the high ranking officers and officials of the U.S. military as outlined by Himmler SS-1 in the infamous October 4, 1943 (“Janus Face”) Speech to SS Major-Generals at Posen:

“One basic principle must be the absolute rule for the SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and to nobody else… Most of you must know what it means when 100 corpses are lying side by side, or 500 or 1000. To have stuck it out and at the same time-apart from exceptions caused by human weakness-to have remained decent fellows, that is what has made us hard. This is a page of glory in our history which has never been written and is never to be written …”[90]

Whether it is the millions slaughtered and maimed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraqi and Africa or the hundreds of thousands murdered and crippled in Libya and Syria, the “Cult of the SS” bound the U.S. military elite to be“hard” and uncompassionate to death and human suffering. It commands them to the practice of the art of deception.

U.S. Military Intelligence Secret Brotherhood with Lucifer’s Servants


SS Heinrich Rupp and Klaus Barbie

For unknown reasons probably under the veil of U.S. National Security, SS Pilot Heinrich Rupp was smuggled into the country under Operation PAPERCLIP. In 1982, Italian Waffen SS officer Licio Gelli, head of a 2400 member secret Masonic Lodge, P2, a neo-fascist organization in Italy, with Gestapo Hauptsturmführer SS Klaus Barbie and SS Heinrich Rupp, met with CIA operative Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland Island War with the British.[91] SS Rupp was also a CIA operative part of Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant Colonel) SS Otto Skorzeny’s Die Spinne Nazi-SS Underground Network along with wanted war criminal SS Barbie.

Werewolf Skorzeny

SS Skorzeny (Scarface) was Hitler and Himmler’s most ruthless, notorious and feared SS Commando that should have been hanged or faced a firing squad alone for war crimes at the Battle of the Bulge. He was called, “The Most Dangerous Man in Europe”.[92] Scarface’s legendary military WWII exploits was also idolized by the CIA. He was recruited into the CIA/Reinhard Gehlen Org. In 1953, Skorzeny was invited by CIA chief Allen Dulles, through his father-in-law, Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s ex-financial consultant and president of the Reichsbank, to help reorganize the security services of the new Republic of Egypt under General Neguib, and later Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser. Skorzeny’s salary in this undertaking was subsidized by the American Taxpayers, the CIA.[93]

In 1969, SS Skorzeny was appointed security adviser to the Cocaine Colombian Ministry of the Interior. The request for his assistance was channeled through the German ambassador in Bogota, Ernst Ludwig von Ror. In 1972, the Bolivian businessman and security adviser Klaus Altmann, otherwise known as the wanted Nazi war criminal, Gestapo Barbie, named Otto Skorzeny as the chief of the Die Spinne network which Barbie claimed commanded the loyalty of 100,000 fascist sympathizers in 22 countries and which was funded by secret Nazi Party flight capital investments (Martin Bormann) controlled by Skorzeny.[94]


In 1980, Rupp was a Die Spinne arms broker and a fellow CIA/Gehlen Org agent when he transported Nazi collaborators among others, Executive assistant to the CIA Director, Robert Gates, above, the late then CIA Deputy Director, William Casey – then Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager for U.S. President, then U.S. Presidential Vice President nominee and CIA agent, George H. W. Bush, to Paris to seal a deal for 23 tons of TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) missiles[95] from a Die Spinne affiliated network arms dealer in the Iran-Contra CIA Crack-Cocaine Scandal.[96]


In fact it appears that Gates and his mentor CIA Director, William Casey, above, secretly handled the Reinhard Gehlen Org CIA faction; and continued to push Himmler’s Soviet Union “Cold War” Strategy well into the late 1980s contrary to the CIA’s proud Soviet analytical office assessments that significantly downplayed the soviet threat. Gates and Casey purged the Soviet desk in Washington DC of analysts that didn’t go along with the Soviet Union Threat Deception.[97]


Among the U.S. Military Intelligence brotherhood, Nazi collaborator former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense U.S. Air Force Second Lieutenant Robert Gates and Clapper have been longtime associates and close friends probably dating back to the 1960s in U.S. Air Force Intelligence during America’s campaign of Terror and War of Aggression in Vietnam. True to the secretive bond of the Luciferian brotherhood, Clapper had been one of Gates’ principal trusted advisors and his undersecretary of defense for intelligence.[98] There is no reason to believe that Lieut. General Clapper wasn’t among the secret Brotherhood with Lucifer’s Servants.

Whereas through the practice and art of deception, high ranking U.S. military or government secret members of the “Cult of the SS” like Lieut. General Clapper can look the U.S. Congress and the American public straight in the face- appear exceedingly “honest” and “decent” then LIE!

In March 2013, Lieut. General Clapper told a Senate Investigative Committee that the NSA does not “collect any type of data” on Americans:

Senator Wyden: “Last summer the NSA director was at a conference and he was asked a question about the NSA surveillance of Americans. He replied, and I quote here, ‘… the story that we have millions or hundreds of millions of dossiers on people is completely false… The reason I’m asking the question is, having served on the committee now for a dozen years, I don’t really know what a dossier is in this context. So what I wanted to see is if you could give me a yes or no answer to the question: Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

Clapper: “No, sir.”

Wyden: “It does not.”

Clapper: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly.”[99]


Lieut. General Clapper told a bold face lie to Congress and the general public, and then later admitted that he had lied. On television, he appeared “honest” and “decent” when he told a television audience that it had been the “least untruthful answer” that he could think of, which was another outright bold faced lie with absolute mass deception.[100] AFSA and its predecessor NSA has been clandestinely TROLLING, collecting and mining mass data on all Americans since August 1945- Project SHAMROCK.

Consistent with the secret military elite worship of Himmler and the SS as true Initiates of Satan endowed with the secret Powers of the Occult; they adopted his “Wewelsburg Workings” initiation and blood covenant rites, but also secretly pursued the SS’ “Astral-Time Travel” exercises,[101] commonly known as “Remote Viewing” for clandestine military application.[102]

Lieut. General Clapper, Remote Viewings, Space Kids and President Barack Hussein Obama

President Obama has a far more secret unconventional tie to Lieut. Colonel Clapper then you know or ever will know.


From November 1991 to August 1995, Lieut. General Clapper was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).[103] He became the gatekeeper to Military Intelligence Satanist Lieut. Colonel Aquino of DIA’s Psychological Warfare Division conjuring up Heinrich Himmler and the “Cult of the SS.”

Lieut. General Clapper also became the gatekeeper to the DIA’s “Weird Desk”, the Advanced Technology Group (ATG) headed by Dale Graff , above, that reportedly consulted with “Witches.” Graff was also the DIA’s Branch Chief of the operation unit Star Gate out of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Remote Viewing was developed at SRI under the name STARGATE. Remote Viewing involves the use of paranormal methodologies similar to the ones used by the Rosicrucians and Scientology; “soul travel” or “astral projection” – a belief that the soul can leave the physical body and travel to other locations.[104] “Astral-Time travel” was also one of the practices of “Wewelsburg Workings” at Himmler’s Wewelsburg Castle.

In 1978, Graff headed DIA’s ATG at the Foreign Technology Division of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH when it became involved in co-funding psychic-mystic Dr. Andrija Puharich’s NASA MK ULTRA Space Kids program as part of the Stargate Project.

The STARGATE Project was the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential military and domestic applications, particularly the “remote viewing”: the purported ability to psychically “see” events, sites, or information from a great distance. These projects were active from the 1970s through 1995, and followed up early psychic research done at SRI, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), The American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) and other psychical research labs.[105]

  • obamapuhgeller

In August 1972, Dr. Puharich and Uri Geller are known to become involved in the STARGATE research program at SRI. Before that, they flew to Germantown, Maryland, to meet privately with NASA Director Allgemeine SS- Sturmbannführer (major) Werner von Braun, then onwards to San Francisco, to Stanford University (SRI) to participate in secret psychic parapsychology experiments funded by the CIA and DIA.[106]


The late NASA Astronaut U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr., one of the original seven Mercury astronauts, was one of the first to expose the Space Kids program involving gifted American schoolchildren administrated under SS von Braun in the 1950s and 1960s as a CIA/MK ULTRA program.[107] SS von Braun SS headed NASA from 1958 to 1972.[108]

Cooper said that, “the space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities run through a kind of MK [CIA-ULTRA] program like the things are coming out now.” He described how NASA’s mind control program emphasized cultivation of the children’s psychic abilities and that it involved telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body experiences (OBE’s).[109]

Virgil Ivan Grissom (April 3, 1926 – January 27, 1967), (Lt. Col, USAF), better known as Gus Grissom, was one of the original NASA Project Mercury astronauts involved in the mind control program along with Gordon Cooper.


NASA Gus Grissom with notable spaded nose and a classic military crew cut and 4 or 5 ears old Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. just before Grissom was assassinated in 1967.


It is reasonable to conclude that SS von Braun personally primed Dr. Puharich and Uri Geller to take over NASA’s Space Kids program with Barry Soetoro (Barack Obama). Within three years of that private meeting with SS von Braun, in the summer of 1975, Dr. Puharich assembled around twenty children from the ages of nine to late teens, called “Gellerlings”, or “Space Kids”. Dr. Puharich trained their psychic abilities, and claimed that they received messages from aliens. One teen claimed that they practiced remote viewing, and some of their assignments included political targets like the Kremlin and the White House. Dr. Puharich claimed that the Space Kids were able to materialize objects like trees, and that six of them arrived at his ranch via teleportation.[110]

It appears the “Space Kids” program was reclassified from secret to ULTRA TOP SECRET involving high level governmental spooks, tricks, assassinations and counterintelligence activities. Ira Einhorn was a famous pacifist and ecologist in the 1960s very close to Dr. Puharich. He claimed that he had “practically lived in mind-link with Andrija for six years” and described his former mentor as “the great psychic circus manager of this century”.[111]

In late January, 1977, Einhorn presented a paper on the Space Kids at the “Mind Over Matter” conference at Penn State University, organized by Einhorn. Other attendees included Dr. Puharich, Christopher Bird, CIA agent, and Army Psychological Warfare specialist. He also worked at the CIA-connected Rand Development Corporation.

Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden was there. Lt. Col. Bearden was a nuclear engineer, war games and weapons analyst, and military tactician. He has over 30 years experience in air defense systems, technical intelligence, Soviet electromagnetic weaponry, artificial intelligence, computerized war games, and anti-radiation missile countermeasures.[112]


Not too long after exposing the secret Space Kids Program, Einhorn became the primary suspect in the disappearance and murder of his former girlfriend, Holly Maddox, in the fall of 1977 and fled the country. At the time of her disappearance, Maddux possessed papers relating to the Space Kids research. In 1978, Dr. Puharich’s Lab Nine housing the Space Kids program mysteriously burned down. Dr. Puharich also fled the country to Mexico, claiming he was being targeted by the CIA.[113]

Just months before Lieut. General Clapper retired from DIA; Dr. Puharich’s tongue started getting a little too loose for comfort. On January 3, 1995, Dr. Puharichdied following a convenient fall down a flight of stairs.”[114]

1995 was an important year paving Barack Obama’s road to the White House. To manufacture a legend, Obama’s memoir Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance was published in July 1995 as he was preparing to launch his political career in a campaign for an Illinois office.[115]

On December 11, 1995—the first filing day for nominating petitions for a state senate seat Obama filed his nominating petitions with more than 3,000 signatures. On December 26, Obama’s promptly then filed objections to the legitimacy of the nominating petitions of his democratic opponents to disqualify them. They either dropped out or were disqualified to run. Obama therefore won the Democratic nomination unopposed. On November 5, 1996, Obama was won the race for the 13th Senate district and rest is history.[116]


That’s some really powerful power plays for a novice politician with Lieut. General Clapper and the DIA as the gatekeepers to the secrets to Nazis, Space Kids, and Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Clapper is building a huge secret spy NSA facility in Bluffdale (BILLY GOAT GRUFF-DALE), Utah the size of five capital buildings to stifle the goals and aspirations of the people to be free and determine their own destiny. Undoubtedly, It will become the satellite headquarters of the MATRIX- the MATRIX is a 1999 American-Australian science fiction action film that depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called “the MATRIX”, created by sentient machines to subdue the human population, while their bodies’ heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source.

Finally, when we feared that we were becoming absolutely overwhelmed by the power of the system,  Huey P. Newton always stressed stand firm, “THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE WILL DEFEAT THE MAN’S TECHNOLOGY”. It has happened in Eastern Europe, Korea, Cuba, Africa, Vietnam, Iraqi and now Afghanistan. It shall come to pass in America.  Let me leave you with Dr. King’s I BEEN TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP. It is as relevant today as it was decades ago.








[8] Monteith, Stanley, Brotherhood of Darkness, Hearthstone Publishing, Oklahoma City, OK (2000) pg. 134-138

















































[57] H.P. Albarelli, Jr., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, LLC, Walterville, OR (2009) p. 636


[59] Breitman, Norman, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press, NY, NY (2009) pg. 392


[61] Supra, at p. 122-123


[63] Breitman, Norman, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press, NY, NY (2009) pg. 108























































21 10 2011

Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray, to Lynch a Black Patsy on National Television

The case against Dr. Conrad Murray for culpability as the “Patsy” in the death of Michael Jackson is among the “unseen” well beyond the rule of law of the courtroom. It is a clandestine Illuminati attack upon Dr. Murray to anchor and re-image him in the mind of the world public opinion as the Lone Nut killer of Michael Jackson through a slick mass media psychological warfare persuasion, manipulation, and mind control program.

“… I believe that the CIA controls the media system in the United States.” – Media Mogul, Ted Turner[1]

I suspect that Turner, above, with the Master “Hidden Hand” gesture had been a willing participant in Operation MOCKINGBIRD all along fronting for the CIA.

CNN’s very own daring candy man, Anderson Cooper, out of Yale University received his training with the CIA. The candyman sugar-coats American Imperialism, crimes and corruption and military-industrial transgressions around the globe.

According to CNN, he worked for the CIA at Langley headquarters following his sophomore and junior years at Yale, but declined full-time employment when he graduated from college. However, Anderson was found after graduating from Yale studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi, most likely for the Company.[2] That dog won’t hunt.

The CIA is Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel). After WWII, the secret 1945 Fort Hunt Treaty between the U.S. and Nazis formed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the mold and control of the foreign intelligence division of the SS, AMT IV.[3] The CIA is an official citizen intelligence agency of the U.S. Government that is bound to an oath of secrecy, but also bound to allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, that is among the SEEN.[4]

Among the SEEN of the SS was an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, but among the UNSEEN was the more deadly and binding Blood Oath of  Secrecy to the New Order of Teutonic Knights aka the Knights of the Black Sun.[5]

The UNSEEN is also layered inside the CIA. The elite men at the genesis of the CIA with the SS (Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner) ran the Company like an order of Knights most often believed to have been Knights Templar,[6] but it was actually Himmler’s New Order of Teutonic Knights. However, both Knight Templars and Teutonic Knights of the Crusades of the Middle Ages stand at the pinnacle of Hierarchy of Freemasonry.[7]    

Billionaire Mass Media Mongol Ted Turner is an elite member of the Committee of 300. The Committee is the driving force behind the clandestine conspirator agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.[8] He is generally believed to be a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta is an order of Knights Templar.[9] He is among the Master Elite of the 1% that control over 40% of America’s resources.

CNN, the CIA’s Network headquarters in Atlanta has set his sight on Dr. Murray.[10] Its psychological warfare specialists has packaged the nationally televised “In Session” program to spin and control public access and opinion; manipulate images and illusions in Dr. Murray’s televised manslaughter trial.[11]

CNN’s other darling and candyman, Vinnie Politan, long-time CourtTV and truTV host, is the point man in charge of the spin control machine and smoked mirrors program, “In Session”.

Above, Vinnie Politan, displaying one of the 12 (twelve) Masonic Hand Gestures used in mass media, the Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. The thumb (the “Thumbs Up”) upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy). From the Book “Masonic Signals in the Press” by Johannes Rothkranz

Michael Jackson with the ILLUMINATI Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity without complete or partial subjection to hierarchy and corrupt power which maybe one of the causes of his assassination. The butterfly on shoulder suggests he was a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control victim. The picture includes the Masonic Blazing Star (Knight Watch) and Crown. I read the Crown as the Holy Roman Empire. Michael is a MONARCH under watch by Knights of the Crown and under control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Compare these recording artists with MJ showing degrees of fidelity and subjection to the Occult and ILLUMINATI by the “Thumb’s Up”Prince (Disciple of Philip Anschutz)showing complete subjection,  Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and the least possible subjection Eminem, probably because of race.

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley with the ILLUMINATI-Masonic Master Heart Gesture.

Above, Prominent Hollywood Actor Christopher Walken (Deerhunter) ILLUMINATI-Occulted Heart Gesture and Left Hand Path Mystic-Evil Facial Expression.

The other “In Sessions” host is Ryan Smith, above left, with a form of the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Notice, Ryan is Down while Philip Anschutz, of Anschutz Corporation is Above.  Ryan specializes in entertainment law and hosted a show on BET called and was worth no more than “My Two Cents” to the people.[12] 

Above, Bill Cosby, a Black High Level Luciferian ILLUMINATI exhibits the same ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture. Famed Hollywood actor Robert DeNiro, middle,  with ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture protrays “LUCIFER”.

“In Session” features illusionary and slanted reports out of Beth Karas, who has been with the network since 1994. The other two primary contributors to the show are Mike Brooks, the network’s front man for national security-law enforcement state, and legal illusionist Sunny Hostin, a former federal justice department prosecutor of the weak, oppressed and powerless.[13]

Above, Sunny and Dr. Murray share another form of the Masonic Gesture of Fidelity (Brotherhood-Sisterhood) and with Occulted Doctrine of Duality of the Unseen Hand, Light versus Dark, Good versus Evil, the Seen and UNSEEN. Dr. Murray’s Thumb extends upward leaving the Hand to Square in the Signal Position of “L” meaning-showing, ABSOLUTE and COMPLETE  Fidelity to the Elite or the Organization.

“In Session” Black Drama queens, Ryan Smith and Sunny Hostin, have as much backbone and spine of a snake. They create special illusions of racial justice. They pretend to be fair, just and balanced, but bend backyard-forward; up and down, side to side but always bend back around to the center squarely on the side of the prosecution, security state and the ILLUMINATI.

Dr. Conrad Murder & Involuntary Manslaughter-LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Respondeat superior (Latin: “let the master answer”; plural: respondeant superiores) is a legal doctrine which states that, in many circumstances, an employer is responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their employment. This rule is also called the “Master-Servant Rule”, recognized in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.[14]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute but most secret servant of the Scottish Rite to the end with another Masonic Hand Sign. He shouldn’t be alone facing manslaughter charges.  Dr. Murray closed his independent medical practice and stepped in to become Michael Jackson’s (MJ) in-house personal physican for AEG’s (Anschutz Entertainment Group) Live London tour concerts.

MJ chose Dr. Murray to fill the position, but he was contractually employed through AEG Live. AEG’s defense to the “Master-Servant Rule” is that Dr. Murray’s contract was never formerly executed with signatures. That Dog won’t hunt. Dr. Murray seemed to have partually fulfilled his end of the bargain, while AEG deliberately delayed the preparation and execution of the contract until after MJ’s death as if they had expected MJ to be murdered and Dr. Murray setup as the “Patsy” for the assassination.

The Jackson family is pursuing AEG for the wrongful death of MJ under the doctrine of Respondeat superior-Let the Master Answer.[15] Why didn’t the Los Angeles Police Deparment pursue the BIG DOG in the hunt, AEG, for corporate medical gross neglience and the death of MJ?

Expert Witnesses for the ILLUMINATI, the Spin Machine Candyman & White Knights, Dr. Alon Steinberg and Dr. Nader Kamangar

Dr. Alon Steinberg, the SEEN 

In the Dr. Conrad Murray trial, I was rather struck with the appearance, image and assertive behavior of Dr. Alon Steinberg playing up to the jury like a Mass Media Sugar-Coated Candyman. Above, the Candyman work the magick of a mystic with his hands to sugar-coat ILLUMINATI setup of Dr. Murray. Below, the Mystic-Masonic Pointer takes place in the courtroom,  Candyman with Legendary Occulted -Mind Control Pointers  Adolf Hitler and Hitler’s Guru, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley -“You Must Go in this Direction”

“In Session” Legal Analyst/Illusionist Sunny Hostin suggested the bite into the Candyman illusion and the tension of duality of racial stereotypes; she called him “Attractive”. The Candyman appearance in Dr. Murray’s trial was a big hit among those that can see but won’t see and those that can hear but cover their ears. Some of the internet buzz is that the “charismatic” Candyman had  “set hearts racing[16] while Dr. Murray remains the Big Black Brute.

Dr. Alon Steinberg, the UNSEEN & the WILL   

Alon \a-lon\ as a boy’s name is pronounced AL-en. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alon is Oak Tree.[17] The oak tree and its leaves are a staple of Druid Witchcraft and are popular as pagan symbols among nature followers of the forest Horned God Pan.[18] Freemasons commerce their mystic works underneath the Oak Tree.[19]

The Oak Tree is also sacred to the pagan mythology of the Bloodlines of Wotan. Above, Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knight’s Cross, the Nazi Iron Cross for Courage.

Above, Candyman Dr. Steinberg, displaying the very same Masonic Hand “Thumbs Up” Gestures used by Candyman Vinnie Politan in Mass Media, the Heart Sign or Sign of fidelity. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy).

It is apparent that Dr. Steinberg is the Illuminati’sHero”, the White Knight, riding to the rescue to work the UNSEEN mythical magic of a wizard-priest and slay the dark and evil dragon played out in world mass media.

Dr. Steinberg is the hero out of the Old Deep South. He attended high school in Bellaire, Texas, a predominately white enclave carved out of the City of Houston. Houston is in Harris County, a former slave colony.[20]

Dr. Steiner received his medical degree from the University of Texas Galveston School of Medicine and interned further Old Deep South at Jackson Memorial Hospital, the University of Miami.[21]  Dr. Steinberg is one of the California Medical Board’s review board cardiologists that played up to the jury like a Candyman-White Knight and Snake in the Grass. He found 6 separate and distinct deviations of standard of care against Dr. Murray – each one amounting to in his opinion, “gross negligence.”[22]

Dr. Murray is charged in violation of California Penal Code 192(b) defines “involuntary manslaughter” as an unlawful killing that takes place… during the commission of a lawful act which involves a high risk of death or great bodily harm that is committed without due caution or circumspection.

The phrase “without due caution and circumspection” is basically synonymous with California’s legal definition of “criminal negligence.” It is an act which is “aggravated, reckless and flagrant and which is such a departure from what would be the conduct of an ordinary prudent, careful person under the same circumstances as to be in disregard for human life, or an indifference to the consequences of such an act.” Criminal negligence means that the death was not the result of inattention, mistaken judgment or misadventure. But rather it was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the aggravated, reckless or negligent conduct.[23]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute

Defense Attorney Michael Flanagan … he [Dr. Murray] is a doctor? Prosecutor Walgren, objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Judge Michael Pastor, objection sustained. Defense Attorney Flanagan, he’s not a doctor?

A Negro doctor? No such thing. The boy must be lying.  I believe that you can at least  find tail and feathers on uncle. Hes be good for something!

I was surprised when the court allowed Dr. Steinberg full range to ride herd into the case to pass judgment on Dr. Murray before the jury on the ultimate issue of “gross negligence” with ugly contempt. 

It didn’t appear that he was trying to help the jury decide the question with his expert opinion. Dr. Steinberg was dictating, commanding and implanting the jury and the national/international audience with the gross negligence of Dr. Murray with reckless utter deprived racial injustice. Black medical professionals should be up in arms by the way Dr. Murray is being unjustly and unprofessionally treated in the Courtroom and in the Public Domain. They wouldn’t treat a white medical profession with such reckless contempt on the air or in the courtroom. Dr. Steinberg was WILLING Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” to be as thou.

Magick- “the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with the will.” –Aleister Crowley[24]

On direct examination by the prosecution, Dr. Steinberg was allowed to testify to his six points where he concluded “gross negligence” in the treatment of Michael Jackson by Dr. Conrad.[25] One of his points of “gross negligence” was WILLED the lack of a backup battery for a pulsoximeter. Some of Dr. Steinberg’s other points of “gross negligence” were equally as trifle and spiteful. Dr. Murray didn’t have a crash cart. He waited more than 2 minutes to call 911.[26]

Dr. Steinberg lied when he testified to the jury that he had never heard of doctors using Propofol to treat insomnia. During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan forced Dr. Steinberg to admit that he was well versed on a 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED threatment of Propofol on patients with severe insomnia. Dr. Steinberg objection to the report was basically come down to being that it wasn’t Anglo-Saxon.[27] They didn’t go there.

The court allowed Dr. Steinberg to go on and on Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” as a medical professional, which began to grow intensively to exhibit a certain amount of viciousness and arrogance. Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” was because he WILLED it had been thou.

California Medical Board’s review of Dr. Murray’s medical practice was isolated from a LAPD investigative statement that appears to be suspect and a special “singling out” of Dr. Murray for special treatment.

Dr. Steinberg acquired a copy of Dr. Murray’s voluntary LAPD statement and kept improperly referring and WILLING it to be at trial as Dr. Murray’s “testimony” and WILLED it so that Dr. Murray fed Propofol into MJ by drip with an IV bag even though there was no evidence of such.[28]

Dr. Steinberg didn’t inform Dr. Murray of any charges. Dr. Murray wasn’t noticed with any charges against him. Dr. Steinberg didn’t ask Dr. Murray’s any questions and relied on innuendo, conclusions and unknown outside sources and factors to arbitrary form his findings. Additionally, Dr. Murray didn’t appear to have any review or appeal rights. Evidence of administrative (California Medical Association) findings can be admissible unless it fails the “constitution safeguard” smell test. In federal courts, administrative investigative findings and reports can be admissible in civil proceedings if they are “trustworthy.”[29]

Dr. Nader Kamangar, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine of UCLA, was next on the stage aggressively WILLING “gross negligence” to the jury and public opinion. Dr. Kamangar is a sleep expert, an alter state (consciousness) specialist. On the national/international mass media stage, he viciously ripped into Murray’s treatment of MJ with Propofol to induce sleep as “unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension”[30] because he like Dr. Steinberg WILLED it had been thou.

During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan challenged Dr. Kamangar’s assertion that Propofol use for treatment for insomnia as “beyond comprehension”. He confronted Dr. Kamangar with 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED use of Propofol on patients to threat severe insomnia. Dr. Kamangar response was equally condescending, argumentative and dismissive as Dr. Steinberg because it was published after MJ’s death and wasn’t Anglo-Saxon approved.[31] 

Dr. Kamangar’s mean-spirited attack on Dr. Murray was cold, chilling and disturbing. According to Kamangar, he wasn’t qualified to administer CPR even if a person fell out in distress at his feet. He insisted that Dr. Murray shouldn’t touch that person, but call 911 immediately and let paramedics attend to the situation nevertheless being a practicing cardiologist and licensed physician.[32]

People v. Olquin (1994) 31 Cal. App. 4th 1355, 1371, 37 Cal. Rptr. 2d 596. An expert may not use opinion testimony to improperly usurp the fact-finding function of the jury.

Another thing that struck me about Dr. Kamangar was his presistent display of the Illuminati Pyramid Hand Symbol. Below, Illuminati Pyramid Gesture among the Powerful- German Chancellor Angela Merkel with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. I believe her hand signal and facial expression among the the first Black U.S. President and First Lady is pretty clear.

It is used so often on television, mass media and among the so-called Hip Hop Generation that I suspect it is not only an Illuminati Communication Signal but a “Mass Media Illuminati Hypnotic” experimental tool. We Control.-Evil Rules.

Thomas Mesereau, above, with the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Mesereau has also been invited on CNN to poison public opinion around Dr. Murray. Mesereau was the lawyer who successfully defended MJ’s 2005 molestation criminal trial. Mesereau may be an excellent defense counsel, but this man is extremely scary and evil. He seemed to maintain the ILLUMINATI Triangle Hand Sign throughout his TV appearance and rant against Dr. Murray.

In the ILLUMINATI Spirit, Mesereau was hateful, mean spirited, overbearing and adamantly asserts sadistically in tone and mannerism that Dr. Murray “violated every ethical obligation he had as a doctor” when he gave MJ Propofol … and deserves to go to prison because he also WILLED it as thou.

Mesereau wants to make it clear to the world as far as the Big Black Brute is concerned, “I am on the side of the prosecution.”[33]And the ILLUMINATI! Finally, I had to mute the sound and turn away from him. It was terrifying to see a man so full of venom and EVIL.

Out of the Spin, Illusions and Smoked Mirrors, Back to Reality: a Doctor’s Real World in California

In 1998, Dr. Michael Sexton, a San Rafael emergency room doctor and a California Medical Association board member said that criminalizing the medical decision-making process is proper only in extraordinarily rare cases. “To the extent that we’re seeing over the last few years an increase in these kinds of filings, I think that’s inappropriate,” he said.[34]

Dr. Sexton couldn’t think of a single case that should have drawn criminal charges against a doctor in his 24 years in emergency medicine. He argued that the California Medical Board’s review of doctors and the civil law system, where malpractice is litigated, works well.[35]

“The criminal system is designed to punish people who do things wrongly with intent,” he said. “Who’s going to want to take care of someone who has a serious illness with a high potential for a bad outcome?” And fear of prosecution could scare doctors away from developing innovative new procedures that might be second-guessed, he said.[36]

Dr. Ronald Bangasser, medical director of the Redlands-based Beaver Medical Group, has been a physician more than 20 years and is involved in peer review of doctors’ work. Even in that capacity, he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen . . . anything that comes even close to being murder.” That includes cases in which doctors did things they should not have or went beyond their expertise.[37]

I don’t think anything has changed since 1998 with the overall physican views within the California Medical Association and doctor peer review on criminalizing medical decisions and innovation in medicine only in extraordinarily rare cases. The California Medical Association has never administratively reviewed CIA-MK ULTRA mind control doctors, prison medical abuse or doctors violating the Nuremberg Code using unwitting citizens as experimental guinea pigs.

What you see in ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray played out in the public domain are illusions and smoking mirrors, We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white.[38]

Let the Master Answer, The Big Dog in the CIRCLE

Dr. Murray (“Thumbs Up”) and Philip Anschutz with the Masonic Brotherhood and Hidden Hand Gesture. Anschutz’s Left Hand form the “the Claw”.  

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live is a live entertainment promotion subsidiary of Anschutz Entertainment Group. It is the world’s second largest live show promoter.[39]

The Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) is a sporting and music entertainment presenter and a subsidiary of The Anschutz Corporation.[40] The Anschutz Corporation is a privately-held holding company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. It was started in 1958 by Fred Anschutz, an wildcatter (oil man), and the father of Philip F. Anschutz, who took over the company in 1962. The Anschutz Corporation, and affiliates Anschutz Company and Anschutz Investment Company, are vehicles for the diversified investments for Anschutz.[41]

A conglomerate is a combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate structure (a corporate group), usually involving a parent company and several (or many) subsidiaries. Often, a conglomerate is a multi-national company.[42]

The Anschutz Corporation is a multi-national conglomerate. AEG is part of a powerful I.G. Farben like corporate intra-structure setup by the World’s Greatness Racial Mass Murderers, the New Order of Teutonic Knights, the (Schutzstaffel) SS and Totenkopf (Death Heads) out of Nazi Germany.

Philip Anschutz, The Big Dog of the CIRCLE 

The BBC described Philip Anschutz as having, “A reputation as one of the hungriest of US corporate vultures.”[43]

Philip Anschutz of Denver, CO is a man of legendary GREED. In 2006, he was ranked 89 among the World’s Richest People [44] and 33rd in the United States.[45]  He is the grandson of an aristocratic immigrant of Volga Germans from Russia that settled in Russell,Kansas with enough financial resources and political-social connections to open a bank.

In 1876, Volga Germans, mostly from the area around Saratov and Samara in Russia had  began settling in and around Russell, Kansas.[46] In 1762, Catherine the Great (1729-1796), a German native of Stettin, Pomerania, displaced her husband Peter III and took the vacant Russian imperial throne. In 1762 and 1763, Catherine published manifestos inviting Prussian-Europeans, (except Jews) to immigrate and farm Russian lands while maintaining their language and culture. Most of the Prussian-German immigrants settled along the River Volga in the region of southern Russia.[47]

The prominence of Freemasonry among the aristocratic circles of Russia that included the Volga Germans were described with these words: “so many prominent Russians were Freemasons in the second half of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries that it would be easier to number those who were not than those who were.”[48] I assume that Karl Anschutz’s Prussian-Russian linage and roots had been no exception.

Freemasonry did not find favor in the eyes of Catherine, the Great. She distrusted the “secret” nature of the lodges and feared they could be used for political purposes. In 1782, Catherine outlawed all secret organizations but nevertheless exempted Freemasonry.[49] Catherine’s son, Grand Duke Paul, was a Mason. On the foreign front, her principal foe was Emperor Frederick II of Prussia, also an active Scottish Rite Mason. The rituals used by the Russian lodges were according to the Scottish, Schroeder and Swedish rites.[50]

Kansas & the Knights of the Golden CIRCLE

During the Civil War and the late 1800s, Kansas had been a stronghold for one of the most corrupt, vile, obscene and subversive Confederate Underground forces in the war against the states, the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC).

KGC was led by a terrorist and murderer, Colonel William Clarke Quantrill (July 31, 1837-?), above. Quantril had been a man among the most profane and obscene of the Civil War era. He had been described as “the bloodiest man in the annals of America.[51]

One of Quantrill’s Band of KGC was William T. “Bloody Bill” Anderson, above, with the KGC Masonic Left Hand Gesture above the Heart forming the Sign of Fidelity and “the CLAW” also known as the “DEVIL’S CLAW.” 

 Bloody Bill and his men were also among America’s most obscene, vile and deprived. They usually murdered their prisoners along with mutilating and scalping the dead. Anderson’s men adopted the practice of dangling the bloody scalps of their victims from their horse bridles.[52]

Above, John Wilkes Booth, the Assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Booth was one of the most infamous members of the obscene KGC with Left Hand Fidelity Gesture and “the DEVIL’S CLAW” with Jesse James in the background.

Among the Obscene included Frank and Jesse James that savagely attacked Union forces, Unionist homes and businesses, and anti-slavery settlements in Kansas and Missouri.[53] Above, Frank and Jesse showing the KGC Left-Hand Masonic Sign of Fidelity with “the DEVIL’S CLAW” over the Heart.

The  Knights of the Golden Circle was a Masonic Blood Oath society. Above, a rare KGC poster and look from the era. It shows their sacred CIRCLE.

Above, note the KGC Blazing Star in the middle and above the group, and SKULL and BONES (Brotherhood of Death Affiliation).

Brotherhood of Death, Mass Murderer Major-General (Brigadeführer) SS Walter Schellenberg forming the “The DEVIL’S CLAW.” You can’t go any further in the ABYSS of corrupt, vile and obscene POWER than the SS, Knights of the Black Sun, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers.  Among the SS, Himmler also had his 12 (twelve) round table (CIRCLE) of profane Knights at Wewlesburg Castle. If you believe that the KGC-SS Brotherhood of Death’s “DEVIL’S CLAW” calling card is obscure and a thing of the past. Think again. It is being re-packaged and re-imaged in Mass Media.

Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. Reid is a mass media three-time Grammy Award-winning record executive, songwriter, and record producer. Best known as the co-founder of LaFace Records, he is responsible for signing and helping bring Mariah Carey, Pink, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Kanye West, Avril Lavigne, Toni Braxton, TLC, Usher, Ciara, OutKast, and Dido to multi-platinum album sales. He currently serves as Chairman & CEO of Epic Records. Think that is just an innocent hand-fist gesture? Think again.

Here is Reid with the “DEVIL’S HORN” and the ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Gesture with popular Canadian Recording Artist and Actress Arvil Lavigne with a Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star.

Here is Reid’s entertainment industry associate, Arvil Lavigne, under the  Brotherhood of Death’s SKULL and BONES gesturing the “DEVIL’S HORNS.”

Entertainment Industry Mass Media Recording Artist and Movie Actor, Will Smith,  gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for “Hip Hop Generation” mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

In Religion, Politics and Money, here is popular right-wing Televangelist Pat Robertson gesturing “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for Middle America, again, mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

The KGC was organized out of the rank and file of the Scottish Rite by Confederate Brigadier Generals Bedford Forrest and Albert Pike to continue an underground and covert war by banding together the DEMONIC, CORRUPT and OBSCENE forces in a sacred Masonic circle against Slave-Free United States to redeem the OLD SOUTH,

“Expediency makes strange allies. Knights of the Golden Circle – Pike and bigwigs of the Confederacy’s political and military – drew into their tight little midst thieves and terrorists James, Quantrill, Younger and the Daltons…”[54]

During and following the Civil War, the terrorist, outlaws and infamous bandits of the KGC amassed millions in gold, money and loot to fund its clandestine programs for a NWO that undoubtedly include a new and modern form of slavery led by Pike’s Scottish Rite. 

In 1884, KGC moved its headquarters into Colorado Springs, Colorado and reorganized more secretly than before. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the most notable affiliate of KGC that is still visible today. Nevertheless, there are persistent stories that survive that the descendents and secret Scottish Rite affiliates of KGC still control billions of secret gold and blood money treasuries of loot from the 19th Century.[55] From a reliable source, the powerful and secret KGC exist and operate out of Colorado.

Anschutz‘s father was a land investor who had enough finanical resources to invest in ranches in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, and eventually went into the oil-drilling business. Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschütz (born November 10, 1859, in the largely German region of Samara) emigrated from Russia and started the Farmers State Bank in Russell, Kansas.[56]

Anschutz & the CIRCLE

Anschutz grew up in Hays, Kansas, with part of the family located in Wisconsin. Anschutz’s father’s oil-exploration business was called, Circle A Driling,[57] which I read “A CIRCLE.

Anschutz lived in Russell with a neighbor and friend, former powerful right wing Republican U.S. Senator Bob Dole.[58]  Another neighbor of Anschutz and Dole was former U.S. Senator (PA), Arlen Specter, inventor of the Magic Bullet Theory in the JFK Assassination.[59] Dole was a Scottish Rite Mason[60] along with Specter.[61]

In 1988, Santa Fe-Southern Pacific (SFSP), headquartered in Chicago was sold in large part to Philip Anschutz backed by Morgan Stanley. Clarity Media Group is the holding company for media properties owned by Philip Frederick Anschutz. These include the San Francisco Examiner and the Washington Examiner. On June 17, 2009, Clarity Media Group acquired The Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion journal, from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.[62]

This year in 2011, Anschutz bought the parent company of the Oklahoman Newspaper. The Oklahoman, based in Oklahoma City, is the largest newspaper in the state with daily circulation of about 143,000 and Sunday circulation of about 201,000.[63]

Anschutz, the CIRCLE, Scottish Rite & the Luciferian Doctrine

Anschutz investments also include the control of numerous entertainment companies, and co-founding Major League Soccer as well as multiple teams, including the LA Galaxy, Chicago Fire, Houston Dynamo, San Jose Earthquakes, New York / New Jersey Metro Stars and the Kansas City Wizards. Anschutz owns stakes in the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and venues including the Staples Center, O2 Arena, and the Home Depot Center. Anschutz also invests in family films such as The Chronicles of Narnia. Forbes ranks him the 34th richest person in the U.S. with an estimated net worth of $7 billion as of October 2010.[64] I really don’t believe that you can get any closer to the elusive 1% that control 40% of America than Philip Frederick Anschutz.

Anschutz and the BAPHOMET Powers of Narnia, Lords of the Ring and Baphomet

Anschutz’s links to C.S. Lewis’ BAPHOMET, The Chronicles of Narnia, is revealing to say the least. Reportedly, he had pleaded with Lewis’s heirs to produce Lewis’ books of “Narnia” into family entertainment motion pictures. J. R. R. Tolkien, creator of Luciferian “Lords of the Ring” books and movies and C.S. Lewis were both London Oxford University professors and members of a society among the professors known as “The Inklings”.[65]

C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams “his dearest friend.” Williams was a fellow Inkling. He was a specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah. He was described as a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces. Demonic Williams had a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams’ poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.”[66]

Charles Williams was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many have reason to believe that both Tolkien and Lewis were secret Luciferian members of the Golden Dawn (Masters of Corrupt and Obsense Powers). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an amalgamation of Freemasonry and Theosophy. Luciferian Madame H.P. Blavatsky was the founder of Theosophy. Theosophy is a Luciferian-Satanic/occult religious philosophy. The Golden Dawn was the domain of Baphomet and Luciferian Eliphas Levi’s Teachings of Enochian Magic.[67]

Levi’s Enochian Magic is an elaborate system of advanced Luciferian-Satanic ceremonial magic involving Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Among the first initiates of the Order of the Golden Dawn was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites and the World’s Most Renowned Luciferian, Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast 666.[68]

I certainly cannot prove that there is a definite connection between Anschutz and the Scottish Rite, BAPHOMET and KGS. Scottish Rite Freemasonry and KGS are by their very nature Blood Oath secret societies, but there is enough circumstantial evidence that tends more to suggest a connection than there isn’t.

The CIRCLE Revealed, O2 Arena

The O2 Arena in London where MJ was to perform the AEG Live tour was developed by Anschutz. I read the name of the arena as, CIRCLE Too; it is among the CIRCLE Also. O2 is a circle with (12) twelve golden pillars.[69]

The Golden Circle was run by thirteen of the best and wealthiest men in the Old South. The Master sat on the Throne of the East and gave out his wisdom and directions to twelve so-called Disciples, who in turn each had (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle was when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retired.[70]

Anschutz Corporation Logo Revealed, THE BAPHOMET TRIANGLE

Anschutz’s embolismic is an occulted inverted slanted triangle that is consistent with Baphomet’s inverted triangle or pyramid out of Aleister Crowley’s early profane Luciferian O.T.O, but may more likely represent the 3 stars that bracket Virgo Constellaton, discussed below.

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live Logo Revealed, The Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic 5-Point Star logo for AEG Live is the Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star. The masonry-stone star is taken from a Paris Lodge from the 19th Century. The Masonic Blazing Star is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry. Like many other Freemason symbols, it undoubtedly derives this importance, first, from the repeated use that is made of it as a Masonic emblem; and second, from its great antiquity, as a symbol derived from older systems.[71]

Anschutz Chicago Fire Logo Revealed, The Knights Templar Rose Croix

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Chicago Fire is within the Masonic Rose Croix. Above, Chicago Fire Logo with Knight Templar Symbol and Rose Croix. According to Jean-Pierre Bayard, two Rosicrucian-inspired Masonic rites emerged towards the end of 18th century, the Rectified Scottish Rite, widespread in Central Europe where there was a strong presence of the “Golden and Rosy Cross“, and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, first practiced in France, in which the 18th degree is called Knight of the Rose Croix.[72]

Anschutz Houston Dynamo, Masonic Blazing Star & 5-Point Star

“… the blazing star has been regard as the emblem of Ominiscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun” -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 506

Anschutz’s Los Angeles Galaxy, Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the LA Galaxy is the Dog Star scared to Freemasonry. The first degree of Freemasonry mentions the Blazing Star as one of the ornaments of the Lodge. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is located in the constellation Cannis Major, hence the name “Dog Star.”

“To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine Providence, is also fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively modern… The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 14-15.

“The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 486

Staples Center is owned and operated by the L.A. Arena Company and Anschutz Entertainment Group. The arena is home to the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA), the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL), and the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Staples Center is 3 (three) 5-Point Masonic stars. The Zodiac is built into Masonic architecture. The 3 stars form the slanted triangle found in the Anschutz Corporation above. It is most likely represented the Virgo Constellation and the three stars that bracket Virgo, Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus.

Janet Jackson is resting on the very same KGC waxing (new moon to full) moon object of head dress, Initiation and Wisdom, below. Does it represent the horns and the obscene wisdom and power of BAPOMET? Is she a disciple or MONARCH victim of Anschutz?

I believe that Philip Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschutz, was among an elite hierarchy of the Old Prussian Scottish Rite Grand Lodge under Frederick the Great, Luciferian Doctrine; and the ILLUMINATI when he came to America on a secret mission.

The ILLUMINATI helped secretly fund the Old South Seccession from the United States and Civil War to maintain a MASTER-SLAVE state of the Holy Roman Empire, the IMPERIUM (Frances Parker Yockey) of the Imperial Romans.

When the Old South was defeated, the ILLUMINATI moved in once more to help back and fund the clandestine war of resistance (Knights of the Golden Circle) against the United States; and the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln under the leadership of Masonic Master and Confederate General, Albert Pike.

An important cell of the Old South’s violent war of clandestine resistence was centered in Kansas and Missouri under the legenary KGC profane racist demonic murderers and cut-throat bandits, William Quantrill, Jesse and Frank James, the Dalton and Younger Brothers. They have also been re-packaged and re-imaged as popular heroic figures in romantic books, novels and Hollywood movies and television programs.

I believe that Karl Anschutz moved into Kansas with money and resources fronted by the ILLUMINATI to open a bank among the SEEN to among the UNSEEN financially back the KGC and laundry the spoils for further and future deeper covert operations, infiltrations and subversion to undermine the U.S. Government, Constitution and the People for the establishment of a CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER, an IMPERIUM in America.

Philip Anschulz is the secret descendant KGC MASTER that sit on the Throne of the East and give out his wisdom and directions to twelve, Disciples, who in turn each has (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle is when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retire.

Philip Anschutz is part an elite powerful Luciferian global group taking control of news, information and SUBJECTING the music-movie entertainment industry by the unseen CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS under BAPHOMET for a New World Order (NWO) and MODERN SLAVERY.

For the Assassination of Michael Jackson –LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Finally, Joe and Katherine Jackson sold Michael’s soul at an impressionate age to Lucifer for a Secret Blood Oath of Fortune and Fame. Before Michael had come of an age to protect himself, he had been beaten, abused, trauma-based MIND CONTROLLED with experimental drugs right out of the pages of CIA-MK ULTRA.

He had been Satan-ized by the ILLUMINATI. He had been hounded and persecuted for the sexual abuse of children through-out his adult life. He has been tricked, fooled, robbed, cheated and Demonized, but among all of that he has remained to be one of the most brilliant, best known and loved entertainers on the Globe even in death. Somehow surrounded by enemies, Michael found the strength, brilliance and fortitude to invest wisely to corner a market in the music industry with the valuable Beatles-Artist Musical Catalogue that would have rewarded him and his heirs wisely for decades.

Somehow against all odds, Michael gathered the strength and will to RESIST. He declared mind war and danced on BAPHOMET’s Houses of Mysteries and CORRUPT POWERS over the music industry. Michael wasn’t producing the mind numbing, polarizing and dumbing down music that subjects the music industry. Michael RESISTED and made music that tried to address some of the needs of the people. Michael tried to speak TRUTH TO POWER through the power of his God given talent. Around the World, Michael had developed UNCORRUPT POWER among the masses which is always a serious threat to the ILLUMINATI.

The MASTERS of the ILLUMINATI-NEW IMPERIUM  of CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS are a secret, violent and corrupt Oligarchy (Family-Social Groups) mixed into a Plutocracy (Rule by Wealthy Elite) for a New World Order. It is a racial hierarchy secretly following the Luciferian Doctrine of the Aryan Supremacy Myth laid out by Madame Helena Blavatsky and Nazi Germany.

National Socialism, as Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess observed, was “nothing but applied biology” which we refuse to clearly understand. Mix that with the Myth of God’s MASTER RACE and Chosen People (Calvinism) that God endowed upon them the “EARTH” as the Sons and Daughters of God that can neither Sin, Break Law (Murder, Rape, Steal) or Pollute, “Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, we have Assassinations of our most prominent watchful and peace loving UNCORRUPT POWERFUL citizens like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; 9-11-the Inside Job; Wall Street Mortgage Plunder; Wars of Aggression in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and the Continent of Africa; and Human Rights Violations across the Globe.

The ILLUMINATI/IMPERIUM assassinated Michael Jackson of UNCORRUPT POWER and redistributed almost all that he had accomplished among them. By virtue of his skin, he was not one of them to enjoy the even the simple fruits of his labor in peace and prosperity.

Dr. Conrad Murray hungry by simple GREED joined the ILLUMINATI (Scottish Rite) in a Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune and CORRUPT POWER not knowing for him and his family by virtue of skin color there was no law or honor that protected him from them. He was “Goat Meat” to be consumed at will. Dr. Murray no longer belong to us. He sold his soul to the DEVIL. He is bound by a Blood Oath of Secrecy and they will kill him and all his family if he violates the oath.

Joe and LaToya Jackson will talk about the Conspiracy that Killed Michael, but they do not have the courage to name names behind the illusions and smoked mirrors for they too are bounded by the same Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune.

From the Letters from the Birmingham Jail, I recall Dr. King saying that Civil Rights Laws were important not to make them love us but protect us from them.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

–President Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863

It seems ironic that almost 146 years after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln that we come full CIRCLE to face the same demons that seek to destroy the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” to reign CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER to redeem the way of the Old South to enslave the “All of the People” of this nation for the MASTERS of a New Imperium.  

For the Assassination of the Beloved Michael Jackson “LET THE MASTERS ANSWER.”    



[29] See Beech Aircraft Corp. v. Rainey, 488U.S. 153, 161-62 (1988) (describing

conflicting circuit court decisional law).


[35] Id.

[36] Id.

[37] Id.





