19 12 2017



Need a Little Help Y’ALL.



We were on the eve of celebrating the denial of a key U.S. Senate seat to a dangerous white nationalist-supremacist terrorist and pedophileJudge Roy Stewart Moore of Alabama. It was dismissive and divisive to black males, but black women, in particular, WOKE UP IN ALABAMA and were given credit by corporate mass media for turning out in record numbers to defeat Judge Moore. As a backlash and payback, they got A Black Woman Civil (Psychological) War, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Omarosa and Bye Felicia.


Omarosa Manigault Newman makes a living by selling her brand as an EVIL Black Witch. However, it may in fact be MK ULTRA mind control programming.

A short 2006 special feature film recently surfaced on the internet starring Omarosa called, Soul Sistahs. We know that Luciferians love to persistently display their powers over high celebrities. And, Omarosa is no exception to the rule. The film features Omarosa in a totally unfamiliar character of a MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled and programmed patsy (Nubian Witch)- a Manchurian Candidate of a higher plot to steal some of the hair of “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe“.

Donald J. Drumpf, “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe” that will be repeated again word for word 10 (ten) years later by Omarosa in September 2016.

In the cult film, Omarosa rubbed herself with a lock of Drumpf’s hair. She became empowered with the “Seething Energies of Lucifer.” That’s why she has a spot reserved in Hell, and Lucifer’s Workshop in the Donald J. Drumpf’s Dark Satanic Circle in the White House. She calls the payback for the defeat of Judge Roy Moore, the “Black Woman Civil War.” It is a False Flag. [1]


I saw ABC’s Robin Roberts’ odd reference to Omarosa Manigault and made a mental note of it, “She said she [Omarosa] has a story to tell,” Roberts said. “And I’m sure she’ll be selling that story. … Bye, Felicia.”[2] Like the kettle calling the pot black, it’s noteworthy that Robin Roberts used the entire ABC Network to sell her breast cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS– a type of bone marrow disease), dogs, cats and lesbian affair bestselling book, Everybody’s Got Something (2014).[3] She clearly has been ritually initiated by the New World Order to profit from the public for her story.

Barbara Walters

According to Roberts, she is proud to belong to one secret elite wealthy “big ole [news] sorority” and U.S. intelligence criminal enterprise headed by Ashkenazi Zionist Russian Jew, Barbara Walters.[4]

Infamous Mob Lawyer Roy Cohn, Barbara Walters & Donald J. Drumpf 

During her ABC news television network career, she blurred the lines between news- television networks and clandestine U.S. Intelligence agencies, elite satanic global criminal cabals.

Ronald, Nancy Reagan & Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters acted as a secret agent and mule passing messages from Saudi and Iranian arms merchants to Republican President Ronald Reagan shortly after the CIA Iran-Contra Affair arms-hostage scandal broke. Arms merchants’ Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi and Manucher Ghorbanifar employed ABC television journalist Barbara Walters as a secret agent and conduit to pass on to President Reagan messages and funds according to the Wall Street Journal.[5]

“Adnan Khashoggi mercenary army of global corporate criminals lives in Mafia mansions, basks in the political limelight, enjoys the privileges of royalty in tyrannical desert dystopias, and sips vodka in the shadow of gleaming Moscow spires,” wrote Alex Constantine. “They are kings, Pentagon officials, priests, S&L thieves, assassins, prostitutes, Nazis, Big Oil executives, metals merchants, New Age cultists, drug barons, boiler-room con artists, mobsters, dictators…and terrorists.”[6] 

Manucher Ghorbanifar, Iranian and Mossad operative, and a key player in U.S. Marine Lt. Oliver North’s cocaine and arms smuggling network. Ghorbanifar was a high level CIA asset, and a former Iranian SAVAK (secret police) agent who had very close ties to the Israeli Mossad.[7]

But Walters’ rabbit hole is much deeper than that. She is suspected of being a CIA Artichoke Program agent with her Zionist news crews clandestinely poisoning world leaders (Arafat, Castro and Hugo Chavez).[8],[9] Roseanne Barr insinuates that Oprah and Barbara Walters are MK ULTRA/MONARCH handlers, that holds the triggers of the mind control victims.[10]

I am the first to admit that I didn’t get it at first. I truly had no idea what the Robin Roberts’ coded reference to “Bye [auf wiedersehen], Felicia” and Omarosa was. I couldn’t believe it when I found out the meaning of “Bye, Felicia.” Robin Roberts is a vicious dark circle Cake Walking Coon controlled by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH agent and handler, Barbara Walters.

I am absolutely appalled, hurt and deeply troubled by ABC Network’s reckless and vicious Auf Wiedersehen Felicia reference to poor and struggling women of color in America.

It’s a sick SADISTRACIST low life “chicken shit” reference to the literal extermination of a poor weak young sister in the April 26, 1995 feature HollyWeird film, Friday handicapped, disabled and paralyzed from Iran-Contra – CIA crack cocaine.[11]

Friday is a wicked HollyWeird version of an evening of stereotypical decadence – drugs, madness, infidelity, crime, and widespread violence in the black community as if it was typical. Felicia’s illness, and human dignity was universally dismissed with “Bye, Felicia” like so many hundreds and thousands of wasted lives in black communities around the United States. Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine was/is a global Satanic Dark Circle– CIA genocidal campaign against people of color.

On the streets of Oakland and Los Angeles, I saw the real Felicias that ended up becoming “walking dead” like something out of a horror movie. We have seen it in the entertainment industry- Whitney Houston. THEY MURDERED WHITNEY HOUSTON!

It was a sight repeated from Oakland to Los Angeles and around the world that was so shocking and heartbreaking that I can never forget it or those responsible for it.

The 1980s- early 1990s Iran-Contra CIA crack cocaine epidemic devastated neighborhoods, destroyed families, men, women and children, and led to the mass extermination and imprisonment of hundreds and thousands from Black communities across the nation.

Gary Webb began researching “Dark Alliance” in July 1995 a few months after Friday, the movie, was released. Webb’s series was published in The Mercury News in three parts, from August 18–20, 1996, with one long article and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It was also posted on The Mercury News website with additional information, including documents cited in the series and audio recordings of people quoted in the articles.

The website artwork showed the silhouette of a man smoking a crack pipe superimposed over the CIA seal.[12] The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua had played a major role in creating the trade, using cocaine profits to support their struggle. It also showed that the Contras may have acted with the knowledge and protection of the CIA. The series provoked outrage, particularly in the Los Angeles African-American community, and led to four major investigations of its charges.[13]

In Oakland, I got a rare and brief opportunity to speak directly with Gary Webb on a book tour before he was killed. I could tell that he was afraid to talk with me. But, I kept at him. I said that you said that the first crack cocaine paraphernalia appeared in Oakland. I felt the more people that knew the truth meant the more the CIA had to silence until it was impossible to silence all of us. I pushed him to tell me who he discovered was among the first to push CIA crack cocaine in city. He finally gave me the answer. It was partially true. I knew him very well, Rudolph Henderson.[14],[15] He had been my childhood friend. Rudy was a middle man drug dealer, and I knew who had been his kingpins. I talked to Rudy shortly before he was gunned down. My impression is that he certainly dealt drugs, but he was a Negro street level fall guy for the Gambino NY Mob’s West Coast Drug Syndicate. He hadn’t been initiated into higher levels of the dark circle Satanic Cabal.  As a kid, Rudy was never among the very bright. The FBI, Oakland Police Department, local political figures like Congressperson Barbara Lee knew where the drugs were really coming from.

Behind me listening carefully to Webb and I was a suspected CIA black assassin, Styles Price, who was subsequently arrested linked to the ambush murder of Berkeley Police Officer, Ronald Tsukamoto, on August 20, 1970.[16] Price had been deliberately trying to control Gary Webb’s entire presentation, the brief question and answer session. I knew Price, and he knew me well enough to know that I didn’t play with him so I got my brief audience with Webb.  Webb’sDark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the crack cocaine trade, CIA, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and Black neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism. The 20,000-word series enraged black communities across the nation, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked a vicious backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit Webb’s reporting. And, they play no games.

On December 10, 2004, Gary Webb was found dead in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49 years old. He was found with not one, but two (2) .38-caliber bullets to the head. The coroner ruled his death a suicide. Nevertheless, “Gary Webb was MURDERED,” concluded FBI senior special agent Ted Gunderson in 2005. “He (Webb) resisted the first shot [to the head that exited via jaw] so he was shot again with the second shot going into the head [brain].” Gunderson regards the theory that Webb could have managed to shoot himself twice as “impossible!”  Charlene Fassa, “Gary Webb: More Pieces in the Suicided Puzzle,”, December 11, 2005.

I also took an opportunity to corner Ted Gunderson alone at a 9-11 Truth-Inside Job Conference in San Francisco. I wanted to know what he knew about the FBI’s covert war against Huey P. Newton, and the Panthers in Oakland, but he was shaking so bad that I didn’t push him. After that I spoke to Gunderson once or twice over the phone in Las Vegas, but I got the message that it wasn’t safe to talk about the secret war against the Panthers in Oakland, period. And, I was certain that I couldn’t trust whatever information he fed me.

They didn’t kill Gary Webb to stop him from disclosing CIA secrets. It was already exposed in “Dark Alliance.” They killed him in revenge for doing it as a message to other journalists to don’t even think about it. “Bye, Felicia” is a vicious and EVIL insult and slap in the face of the people. It is a horrifying testament of a Black Holocaust, and Racial Genocide in America.

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman– PRINCE HALL MASTER MASON? 

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman out of Youngstown, OH is a very clever, crafty and intelligent woman. She attended Howard University where she earned a master’s degree, and worked on doctorate in communications. She also received biblical studies training at Payne Theological Seminary in Wilberforce, OH. In the 1990s, Manigault worked in the office of Vice President Al Gore during the Dixie Mafia Bill Clinton Administration. The Mena airport in Arkansas had been used by the CIA for secret Iran- Contra cocaine smuggling operations for a long time under Bill and Hilary Clinton.[17]

In the Clinton Administration, Manigault’s title was initially Special Assistant of Logistics and that she later served as Deputy Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, however, according to an anonymous Gore staffer cited by People, her title was actually Scheduling Correspondent. Manigault, who was 23 years old at the time, was later transferred to the Commerce Department via the White House personnel office. She is a well educated candidate and qualified to work in the White House. She is a strong and very aggressive black woman. If Omarosa is anything at all, she is no dismissive “crack head” feature HollyWeird/CIA creation like a stereotypical Felicia.[18]

Nevertheless, Omarosa appears to be, undoubtedly, a ruthless opportunist and character that will cut your throat for only a few pieces of silver. She famously said, Bow Down to President Trump. “every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.” She was the director of African-American outreach for Donald Drumpf’s presidential campaign. She became Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison with the rank of Assistant to the President.[19]

She is also known as Reverend Manigault initiated assistant minister of Weller Baptist Church in Los Angeles, CA.


The church is associated with the Los Angeles chapter of the Negro opportunist National Action Network (NAN), the civil rights organization founded as a Masonic Prince Hall Freemason front by Prince Hall Master Mason Rev. Al Sharpton in 1991.[20]

Prince Hall Freemason

Weller’s Associate minister, Tony Wafford, is West Coast Director of Sharpton’s National Action Network.[21] In 2011, the National Black Women’s Network, the South Central L. A. Progressive Movement, and the Sistahs of the Black Liberation Movement called Wafford a “sexual deviant and pervert and should not be in a leadership role with any respectable leader.[22] A civil jury in 2011 found him liable of sexually harassing and physically assaulting an employee, Sharon Song Byrd.[23]



Omarosa may have been escorted out of the White House shouting profanities after being told of her firing by chief of staff John Kelly, according to a report by CCN and White House Correspondent, American Urban Radio Networks reporter, April Ryan. Omarosa said that she resigned, and had not been escorted out of the White House. Ryan tweeted. “But Gen Kelly Kicked her out [with] high drama with the [Christian] Minister offering vulgarities and curse words as she was escorted out of the building and off campus.”[24]

In a Don Lemon CNN’s Omarosa segment, he exposed reports that the White House gave permission and a green light to Republican cake walking Negro coons to go after Omarosa after the ABCGood Morning America” interview with the former NFL defensive lineman, coon Michael Strahan and Robert’s vicious racialist “Bye Felicia” comment.[25]

They [White House] told us to take the gloves off,” said coon Ayshia Connors, Former Deputy Director of African American Engagement at the Republican National Council (RNC).[26] It turned out that secret Masonic coons, goat men, and Negro Shrills across the board also got the green light to go after Omarosa. Her exit from the White House has black Republicans jubilantly clowning and declaring “the Wicked Witch is Dead.”


Manigault was a ‘tyrant,’ ‘a manipulator,’ ‘a user,’ and ‘a liar’ who kept other African-Americans out of the White House on purpose, said Sean Jackson, chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida. Other black leaders celebrated Manigault’s demise for the same reasons, with one, the Maryland GOP’s Eugene Craig, telling, “She wanted to be the only [Head Negro in Charge] senior black Republican in Trump’s orbit.”[27]

She was also cooned over the national airways on CNN by cake walkers Symone Sanders, Angela Rye, and April Ryan. They are all Bill/Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Bernie Sanders Negro lackeys.


Symone D. Sander is a new Transsexual Topsy (teeth, mouth and all) out of Uncle Tom’s Cabin on the corporate mass media news’ block.

She is a new CNN Democratic strategist and political commentator. [28] Black Lives MatterLink Symone D. Sanders was a volunteer organizer with the D.C.-based Coalition for Juvenile Justice, and a member of the Omaha (NE) Chapter of the Links, Inc. The Links is an exclusive elite Negro Third Race women’s social- Masonic secret society.

The Links official colors are white, and Emerald GreenGreen Emerald is associated with the Occult, the Fallen Angel– Lucifer, and Mysteries of the Green One- Ashur (Osiris)[29] Symone Sanders grew up in Omaha, attended Sacred Heart [Catholic] High School and graduated from Creighton University in May 2013, worked as a community outreach manager for the Empowerment Network in Omaha. She was the national press secretary of the crooked mystic Kabbalah- Zohar Zionist Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.[30]


I have covered Angela Rye as a black female mentacide victim of the “Sunken Place”. So, I am not going to repeat her suspect ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programming, but I wouldn’t trust her independent judgment. She makes a lot of sense at times until it comes to the Democratic Party, Black Congressional Caucus, John Podesta, Bill and Hillary Clinton, then reason and common sense goes out of the window.[31]


April Ryan- Part of the Dark Circle Masonic Satanic Brotherhood

After being exposed as a Hillary Clinton shrill in the White House Press (WH) Corp, April Ryan has been turned into one of Drumpf and Sarah Huckabee Sander’s favorite WH press corps pets. It was exposed thru leaked emails pilfered from John Podesta’s email account and published by WikiLeaks that demonstrated a close off-the-record personal relationship between April Ryan, John Podesta and the Clinton camp. At one point in April 2015, she even suggested a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). She had contact with Marcia Louise Fudge, U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 11th congressional district, and Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district.[32]

Many including myself were in the dark in a bizarre exchange between Drumpf and Ryan at a WH February 2017 press conference regarding setting up a meeting between him and the CBC. Ryan pointed out to the president that she was a journalist and that, while she does know members of the CBC, that’s not her role. We now know that Drumpf knew that she was lying. They had the WikiLeak emails between her and Podesta as early as September 2016 where she proposed to setup a meeting with CBC and Hillary Clinton.[33]

April Ryan to Podesta: “FYI [for your information] I also just talked with Marcia Fudge and Sheila Jackson Lee,” she wrote on April 18, 2015, referring to representatives from Ohio and Texas, respectively. “Also, Lets make the black reporters meeting happen asap.”[34]

The email was a follow-up to a request Ryan made earlier that day for Clinton to meet with black reporters. The subject line read, “Hillary Clinton needs to sit down with black reporters fast. Her efforts in the black community are not resonating.” Ryan wrote: “I would love to be a part of this sit down hopefully in DC.”[35]

April’s relationship with the John Podesta and the Clinton Camp was extraordinary uncommon for an alleged independent reporter. Email to Podesta, “I am going on MSNBC hardball is there anything I should say about Hillary Clinton on the show!” On April 18, 2015, Ryan asked the Grey Wolf Cannibal, and vile notorious child murderer, PIZZAGATE elite pedophile, and Satan’s Son, John Podesta AKA Skippy, for help in preparation of her words in praise of Lucifer’s Worship for her upcoming appearance on “Face the Nation.”[36]

Congressperson Lee and Freemason Elizabeth Aldworth- First Lodge of Ireland

Congressperson Sheila Jackson Lee is Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). AKA is associated with Canaanite Goddess Qadesh or Qetesh. In Kemet, she is Goddess Hathor.

Marcia Fudge and April Ryan, Secret Society Freemasons, Undoubtedly

Marcia Louise Fudge and April Ryan are Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sisters- Patrons of the Greek Goddess Minerva. [37],[38]

In February 2017; Omarosa confronted April Ryan in the WH press room and accused her of fronting,  and secretly being on the Podesta and Clinton camp payroll. [39 

In April 2017, April Ryan was selected as the “2017 Journalist of the Year” by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). The annual award recognizes a black journalist who has a distinguished body of work that has extraordinary depth, scope and significance to people of the African Diaspora. So, did the Cannibal John Podesta write her acceptance speech? What a joke and fraud perpetrated against the beloved people! [40]

Omarosa Manigault NewmanAngela Rye, Simone Sanders and April Ryan are all a bunch of back stabbing Coon- Cake Walking House Negroes of Uncle Tom’s Cabin that nobody should no longer trust.



Two (2) more sick elitists Masonic Tea Party [Maquis] de Sadens have fallen from the seats of public power, authority, and trust, U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold, and Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson. Rather than face the public on pedophilia charges, Dan Johnson actually committed suicide.

Congressman Blake Farenthold- THE MASONIC MISOGYNIST SLOB 

Blake Farenthold is known as the Tea Party Caucus congressman from Corpus Christ. Blake is a member of very elite wealthy, powerful, and prominent Catholic Corpus Christi families, and bloodlines of Belgian aristocracy. The Bluntzer-Dougherty-Tarlton-Farenthold family tree abounds with all the requisite characters for a Texas dynasty: Civil War officers, oil and cattle men, lawyers, and landholders. His Alsatian great great-great-grandfather, Peter Bluntzer, brought forty families to settle the South Texas county of DeWitt in 1843. Alsace is located on France’s eastern border and on the west bank of the upper Rhine adjacent to Germany and Switzerland. His Irish great great-grandfather, Robert Dougherty, helped settle San Patricio and founded the first boys’ academy in South Texas. Great great-grandfather Nicholas Bluntzer, a Nueces County pioneer, served as Robert E. Lee’s scout during pre–Civil War punitive expeditions against the Comanche. One of his great aunts Genevieve Tarlton Dougherty, a well-known philanthropist, was conferred the Lady of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre by Pope Pius XII, one of the highest honors the Catholic church accords a laywoman. [41]

Blake’s step- grandmother was Frances Tarlton “Sissy” Farenthold, a former U.S. politician, attorney, activist, and educator. She is best known for her two campaigns for the office of Governor of Texas and for being placed in nomination for the office of Vice President of the United States during the 1972 Democratic National Convention.[42]

Blake’s father, Randy Farenthold, washed ashore on Mustang Island. Chains were wrapped around his chest, along with a forty-pound concrete block around his neck. Years later it would emerge that he had been murdered for threatening to testify against four Las Vegas associated Mafioso who had swindled him out of $100,000.[43]

Born elite and wealthy, Blake never had to work a day in his life. He is a dark Masonic misogynist and sadistic pig, and has little regard for the rights and dignity of common people.

Congressman Farenthold ran his office like “a frat house,” per the New York Times, and frequently bullied and harassed his staff; including making lewd comments about women and calling staffers degrading names. Farenthold was sued over accusations of sexual harassment three years ago; paid $84,000 in taxpayer money to settle charges of sexual harassment filed by a former aide, and is the focus of an open Ethics Committee investigation into behavior that has been described as both verbally abusive and sexually demeaning.[44]


Danny Ray Johnson was an evangelical pastor, and Republican member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, representing the 49th District in 2017. He was a Tea Party activist with community ties through the Heart of Fire Ministries, a religious organization he ran in Louisville.[45] 

In early December this year, Johnson was accused of having molested a member of his church in 2012 when she was 17 years old. Johnson refused to resign, stating the allegations were untrue, and committed suicide two days later.[46]

He was a dangerous vicious racist of the South’s 2nd Civil War Confederacy that would burn down all of America to replace the EVIL institution of slavery- African Human Bondage.

In 2016, while running for office, he posted ultra racist photos on his Facebook page that made President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama a pair of monkeys. He didn’t give a damn who it may have hurt or offended.[47]

People of Conscious- Stay on Focus, and Don’t Let the Spin Get You Down!  They also killed Donny. He stays so alive in my heart. I have said enough.















[13] Id.













[26] Id.







[33] Id.


[35] Id.

[36] Id.













24 09 2017



On Tuesday, September 19, 2017, Old Angel Heart– U.S. President select Donald J. Drumpf addressed the United Nations, and the reviews are mixed. He talked about doomsday, groom; and the U.S. blatant slaughter and overkill of a significant number of people of color, the Asian Korean people, for a second time!  Why? The Korean people refused to be an American Colony.  They refuse to be dominated by White Satanic Nationalism warped inside an enigma of American Imperialism.

The first time, U.S. Air Force estimated that North Korea’s destruction during the U.S. war invasion, and aggression in the country from 1950- 1953 was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the U.S. had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others. American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theater of World War II.

The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war’s end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those slaughtered were in the North, which had half of the population of the South; and possibly twelve to fifteen percent of the Korean population was killed, a figure close to or surpassing the proportion of Soviet citizens slaughtered by Nazis in World War II. And, they still came by one, by two, and the dozens, hundreds, thousands and fought over, and over again to drive their American aggressors across the 38th parallel military zone in Korea that they now call South Korea. 

My gentle and beautiful uncle, Chester, as a manchild had been constricted in the U.S. Army for the great slaughter of the Korean people to force them into American colonization.  The Korean Aggression had been his secret dark side that neither he or my family ever talked about it. But, he reportedly killed so many people in Korea citizens that he broke down mentally, and had to come home. At home, one evening confronted by just moments of human fear, he slaughtered at least three (3) people in Oakland- lost in trance combat flashback. As much as I loved Uncle Chester, he paid dearly for his crime against humanity, the Korean People. He lost his SOUL early in his life in Korea, and we lost part of ours for not speaking truth to ourselves, our families and to power about America’s aggression and injustice in Korea.

Why did America mass slaughter the Asian Korean people on the other side of the world and midnight following WW II?  They demanded to be free after the fall of Imperial Japan. From 1910, Korea had been a colony of Japanese Imperialism. The bottom line of the entire U.S. Korean Aggression was that the Korean people demanded to be free to determine their “own destiny” after being dominated by the Imperial Japanese for 35 years.   21st century Donald J. Drumpf is an extension of Imperious White Nationalist Colonialism that they will not bow down to.

Now, the world is beginning to take long serious notice of White Satanic Nationalism and Imperialism, Donald J. Drumpf, and his bombastic global rhetoric that threatens the future and ideals of free societies of the world. Jemele Hill may have spoke too much truth to power. Because, Drumpf is slowly and clandestinely putting in place secret dark societies to rule over the American people and the world tantamount to the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society of Nazi Germany

Donald J. Drumpf and the Triangle of SATAN


A careful analysis of more than 100 photographs of President select Donald Drumpf sitting with various world leaders, celebrities, and journalists conclusively shows that the American leader often and indiscriminately uses the “TRIANGLE OF SATAN” hand gesture.[1] Four highly-regarded body language experts, including Dr. Lola Somatis of Duke University and Dr. Frank Caldaver of UCLA, examined the photographs of President Drumpf taken over a three-year period from June 2014 to May 2017.[2]

Look closely. He puts his fingertips together with thumbs touching, forming a perfect triangle. It’s startlingly blatant and so chilling Satanic. (Credit: DDP USA/REX/Shutterstock)

The results of their analysis have many political observers, as well as Christian religious scholars, worried and paying closer attention.

We observed Mr. Trump using the ‘Reverse Steeple’ or ‘Downward Prayer Position’ hand symbol in virtually every photo we analyzed,” said Dr. Somatis. “There is simply no other conclusion we can make other than that he is indicating his allegiance to Satan and signaling a vast global network of fellow devil worshipers, telling them that he is in position and ready to rain hellfire down on earth.”[3]

The Reverse Steeple and Downward Prayer Position are familiar to religious scholars because they take classic Christian symbols — a church steeple and the traditional upward position of the hands during worshipful prayer — and flips them over, placing them in the reverse direction. Downward.

Clearly sending Satan worshipers the signal while sitting with Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain. (Credit:

Still others point out that the downward position of the pointed hands forms an arrow, indicating the direction that the fallen angel, the rebellious LUCIFER, took during his descent into HELL.[4]

President select Drumpf secretly directs his demon followers to put a hex on all the G20 world leaders last week in Hamburg. (Credit:

We Will Not Let Them Know About Wotan

We will of course not let them know about WOTAN.”  Paul Josef Goebbels

Chancellor of Germany, and the leader of the Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War,  Paul Josef Goebbels, said that the German people will not be told about WOTAN. Most scholars believe and maintain that Goebbels was one of the sane opponents of Hitler, Himmler, and Rudolf Hess’ fanatic Germanic Mysticism and Occult. That’s not necessarily true of Goebbels if he was in combination with HitlerHimmler and the elite inner circle Nazis hiding WOTAN from public view. What am I talking about?

Guido von List (1848-1919) was the first to combine German national socialism with the occult teachings of Theosophy.  List discovered Wotanism as a young teenager. Worship of Wotan, Wodan, or Odin, an ancient German god who is still memorialized in the USA as Wednesday or Wodan’s Day. According to his later account, he developed an early interest in the pre-Christian religions of Austria, coming to believe that the catacombs beneath St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna had once been a shrine devoted to a pagan deity. He claimed that on an 1862 visit to the catacombs with his father, he knelt before a ruined altar and swore that when an adult he would construct a temple to the ancient god WOTAN.

List became known as a national socialist guru guiding a renaissance of the glorious Aryan past in Germany. He was also a self-styled master of occult socialism, claiming to be “the last of the Armanist magicians who had formerly wielded authority in the old Aryan world“. In 1908, List formed the Guido von List Society in part to promote his Ariosophist research and writings on the Armanen Order. List was fascinated by the Rune alphabet and wrote books on the subject. He was particularly infatuated with Alphabetic S-symbolism of the dual lightning-bolts that would later become the designation for Himmler’s SS. Two of his closest associates were Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Harald Gravelle. Gravelle was a leading Theosophist in Germany.

Lanz- Rule Over Dark Skinned Beastmen

In 1905, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels  published his book Theozoölogie oder die Kunde von den Sodoms-Äfflingen und dem Götter-Elektron (Theozoology) or the Science of the Sodomite-Apelings and the Divine Electron) in which he advocated sterilization of the sick and the “lower races” as well as forced labour for, “castrated chandals” and glorified the “Aryan race” as “Gottmenschen” (“god-men“). Lanz justified his esoteric racial ideology by attempting to give it a biblical foundation; according to him, EVE, whom he described as initially being divine, involved herself with a   demon and gave birth to the “lower races” in the process. Furthermore, he claimed that this led to blonde women being attracted primarily to “dark men“, something that only could be stopped by “racial demixing” so that the “Aryan-Christian master humans” could “once again rule the dark-skinned beastmen” and ultimately achieve divinity. One year later, in 1905, he founded the magazine Ostara, Briefbücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler, of which he became the sole author and editor in 1908. Lanz himself claimed to have up to 100,000 subscribers, but it is generally agreed that this figure is grossly exaggerated. Readers of this publication included Adolf Hitler, Dietrich Eckart and the British Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener among others. Lanz claimed he was visited by the young Hitler in 1909, whom he supplied with two missing issues of the magazine.  in 1907 he founded the “Ordo novi templi” (Order of the New Templars).

List and Lanz were Masters of Thule Gesellschaft. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorft was the Grand Master of the secret society. Hitler, Himmler, Goring, Albert Rosenberg, Dr. Karl Haushofer, Dietrict Eckart, Rudolf Steiner, and Dr. W. O. Schumann were among its major members that clandestinely took over highest public offices of the nation of Germany. The Thule Society was actually a secret Temple of WOTAN.

I often go on bitter nights
To WOTAN’s oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union –
The runic letter the moon makes with its magic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!

Above poem by Adolf Hitler, written in 1915 while Hitler was serving in the German Army on the Western Front. The same thing apples to Drumpf and his Dark Circle, they won’t tell you about WOTAN, either.

Closer to home, if by any chance, you may believe that this stuff is remote and irrelevant. Today, right this moment. The people closest to Donald J. Drumpf in the White House is Princess Ivanka and Jared Kushner. They are cult members of the late Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson.

Soon after arriving in America on June 23, 1941 during WW II, Rabbi Menachem Mendel out of Italy was cleared by the FBI, OSS and Naval Intelligence to be hired by the U.S. Navy as an electrical engineer for an ultra secret project at the Brooklyn Naval Yard. The ultra top secret Project Rainbow started in the Brooklyn Naval Yard. It was a Nikola Tesla project involving Scalar Fields, or what is referred to as a Scalar Value of Zero or the Zero point energy of the vacuumVRIL ENERGY, and TECHNOLOGY. It was the infamous Philadelphia Experiment to make U.S. Naval warships invisible.  VRIL technology specialist Rebbe Menachem’s disciples are in the White House.


As president, Drumpf not only have his fingers on the button of nuclear weapons, but he plays the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP  describes an entirely new class of weapons. The U.S. Navy and Air Force joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based “Star Wars” [Weather- Earthquake/Mind Control] weapon system in the remote bush country of Alaska. The “Star Wars” weapon system is based on the original secret works of Nicolas Tesla. Let world renown and respected scientist, Micho Kako, tell you something about HAARP.

Only recently it has been exposed, if it is true, TeslaMaria Orsic ,Vril Society and the Thule Gesellschaft collaborated in developing VRIL technologies. America’s weapon of mass destruction is a VRIL Technology.  HAARP is a ground-based “Star Wars” weapon which has the capability to manipulate the environment in such a way as to change weather patterns, disrupt global communications systems, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect health, and impact the Earth’s upper atmosphere in an unnatural and damaging way.

It can also create hurricanes that caused mass deaths, misery, displacement of ten of thousands, and destruction in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and across the Caribbean. The entire island of Puerto Rico of 3.4 million people may be flooded, without running water and electrical magnetic power that may last for months. It is absolutely unusual and odd. It seems as if there is an electrical magnetic shield hovering over the island.  It is uncorporated territory of the U.S of primarily people of color. In its moments of human suffering, tragedy and peril, Donald J. Drumpf has deliberately failed to step up as this country’s commander and chief to aid its citizens. HAARP can cause earthquakes such as Mexico’s most recent human tragedy. Yes, I believe that Drumpf and his racialist dark circle are playing the HAARP.  For further study, I suggest reading Nick Begich’s Angels Don’t Play This Haarp, Advances in Tesla Technology (1995).

Oakland, CA, HAARP, MK ULTRA and the Jedi Killer

1988 Seabron Flenaugh, Jedi Killer

For the record, slain Black Death Angel [Zebra] Assassin, Ronnie Flenaugh, had an older brother, Seabron Flenuagh, Jr.  Seabron went to Oakland Technical High School with my older sister, and brother Huey P. Newton. He wasn’t radical. He appeared to be just another regular hard working brother of the community. He was a U.S. veteran that served his country with honor, but he was turned into a Monster- a black CIA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate by the U.S. shadow government as a tool to continually divide and polarize the races.

On June 24, 1988, Seabron, a security guard,  killed two (2), and gunned down four (4) people, all white, with a 357 magnum for no substantial reasons. Seabron had served in the U.S. Air Force for four years from 1961 to 1965, and worked for the U.S. Navy in San Diego as a civilian housekeeper for 12 years. Recall, the U.S. Air Force and Navy developed HAARP in Alaska. Following his arrest by the Oakland Police Department (OPD)Officer Gary Premavera testified in People v. Flenaugh (Case No. 890224) that from out of nowhere Flenaugh bellowed, “May the Force Be With You”,  then there was a long pause, and heavy breathing and release. The officers were rather stunned and dumbfounded by Flenaugh’s appeal to “The Force.”  He was without doubt deranged, but his reference to “The Force” was undoubtedly linked to George Lucas’ Star War Trilogy, and “The Force”. Jedi Knights were endowed with “the Force “. Jedi Knights were the heroes and guardians of the universe. Jedi Knights represented all that was justice, and righteous. For four (4) years, Seabron had disappeared inside Alaska. Just before Ronnie was shot and killed in Oakland in 1971, he had also disappeared someplace inside Alaska.  Yes, I believe that they were related to early HAARP mind control experiments.

In a civil lawsuit for damages against Flenaugh, workplace and his security firm, a couple of attorneys for victims wanted to know what Seabron did for the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and trace his mysterious whereabouts in Alaska.  When I got his civil case file, somebody had cleared all military and Alaskan references and links from the entire case file before they turned it over to me. Plus, San Francisco’s high profile- HollyWeird celebrity attorney, Melvin Belli, entered the case representing one of the victims. I knew Belli would block any of the victim’s attorneys from going in that direction.

In the infamous Star Trek TV series, Melvin Belli was the friendly Angel, Gorgan, in the 1968 episode “And the Children Shall Lead.” The newly orphaned space kids see Gorgan as their beneficent beneficiary until Kirk exposes him for what he is. The legendary Melvin Belli was one of the CIA’s most trusted courtroom wonders (Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, pg. 54). Belli got a personal Christmas note from the Zodiac Killer. He represented Sirhan Sirhan, Jack Rudy, and Jim Jones/Peoples Temple. In civil proceedings in the Peoples Temple’s bankruptcy, he argued that the relatives of the CIA Jonestown medical/mind control experimental victims shouldn’t get anything because they committed suicide.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH never surfaced in any of these cases. Belli represented HollyWeird’s suspected Nazi SS Gestapo spy, Errol Flynn, and the Estate of Emma Goering, wife of Herman Goering- Nazi military leader, Commander of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and Hitler’s designated successor. The Nazi-SS Underground used Emma’s yacht in Germany, Carin II, to meet. Goering was also an early member of Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) and the Vril Society.



Right now, Drumpf and his dark circle are attacking legislative enactments and executive orders issued during the Obama era as if it was Reconstruction 21st Century. There have been very loud and vocal protests and unrest in St. Louis, MO after the acquittal of former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley, who had been charged with murder in the shooting of a Black driver, Anthony Lamar Smith, and President Drumpf still hasn’t said anything about the racial divide in this nation.[5],[6]

Stockley told his partner of Smith, “we’re killing this motherfucker, don’t you know,” minutes before killing Smith. Stockley’s conduct immediately after making that statement was to instruct his partner to ram Smith’s vehicle, approach Smith’s car, and almost immediately fire five shots into Smith’s body, including one that forensic analysts described as a “kill shot” likely fired within six inches of Smith.[7]

State Prosecutors alleged that Stockley planted a throwaway gun that was found in Smith’s car. Judge Wilson of Missouri must have been sleep, drunk or just didn’t gave a damn. Stockley’s DNA was found on the gun while Smith’s was not. In a video, Stockley could be seen rifling through a bag in his police vehicle after the shooting, and he was seen returning to search Smith’s car before the gun appeared.[8]

Jeff Session Wannabe 2nd Civil War Confederate General 

Within hours of Stockley’ acquittal on Friday, September 15, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jefferson [Davis] [Confederate General] Beauregard Sessions III of Deep South Alabama announced that the DOJ will be distinctly move in the “law and order” direction that President select Drumpf campaigned on. The DOJ’s new policy is designed to give local fraternal orders of police greater assistance and wide leverage (proactive policing) even if it resembles the old Black Codes, than critique and reform the police nevertheless citizens’ constitutional and civil rights.[9]

On Sunday, Drumpfthe Maniac, found time to retweet a GIF of him assaulting Hilary Clinton from the rear with a golf ball. A GIF is a digital image, static or animated in a standard format that your followers will be able to view from whatever device they access Twitter. That is a real crazy lasting image of a world leader gloating about a battery on a defenseless female from the back that is about to address the United Nations in a couple of days.

But, Jason Stockley, Police crimes and constitutional rights of citizens, execution of Anthony Lamar Smith, the racial-civil unrest and divide in St. Louis; just like his war crimes in Afghanistan, they can eat cake as far as the Mad Satanic Donald J. Drumpf and the dark circle is concerned.



September 17, 2017, Sunday evening, HollyWeird and the Emmys’ Awards show rolled out Donald J. Drumpf’s former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, on the global red carpet.

Stephen Colbert, as if he had a license, brought him out on stage during the televised Emmys Awards ceremony for a laugh out. The studio audience clapped and laughed.


Sean Spicer & HollyWeird’s Kiss of Approval 

CBS Late Late Show host English actor, comedian James Corden planted Spicer with a brand of HollyWeird approval with peck on the cheek. If you hear people laughing and you’re not, you start to question if maybe there’s something wrong with you for not getting it. You might even impulsively start laughing just to fit in, not because you think anything is funny. In fact that’s exactly how this works — PSYCOPS. One person initiates a clap on cue and suddenly everyone thinks there’s something universally approving to clap for. And then everyone fall in line clapping together on the global stage.[10]

It’s was slick mass population propaganda trick. The entire Spicer-Emmys scenario was manufactured  to re-image and re-define Donald J. DrumpfsDark Karma” war criminal regime. Spicer belongs in Hague along with Donald J. Drumpf and his Nazi dark force-black sun band as global criminal suspects in the International Criminal Court for war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Adolf Hitler, Antichrist– THE DARK MESSIAH

On April 11, 2017, Spicer talked about the Nazis, The Dark Messiah Adolf Hitler and mass population murder holocaust centers- concentration camps, while he was gloating in sheer arrogance of what the “dark force” of the White House had schemed to demonically use in Afghanistan just like the Dark Messiah and the SS secretly used on the Russians on the eastern front during WW II

On April 13, 2017 at 7:32 pm local time, U.S. Forces in Afghanistan struck an alleged ISIS tunnel complex in the Nangahar Province. What made this strike more newsworthy than most was the use of a GBU-43 (MOAB) known as the “Mother of All Bombs” in a civilian occupied province.[11] Corporate mass media news, the White House, Pentagon, and congress will not tell you the truth about the “Mother of All Bombs.” True, it isn’t necessarily called a nuclear bomb. However, you can call it a “race based (Untermensch Non Aryan) mass murder weapon” developed by the Nazi-SS that’s the next best thing to an ATOMIC BOMBThe MOAB also called the “Witch’s Cauldron” is a classified top secret project “Wunderwaffe” for “Wonder Weapon”. Wunderwaffe was a term assigned during WWII by the Nazi German propaganda ministry (Josef Goebbels) to a few revolutionary Nazi-SS “Super weapons” of mass human and environmental destruction.[12]

Sean Spicer, Little Goebbels, introduced the MOAB to the public like it was a butter spread across a piece of toast. He tossed it around our breakfast tables as easy as the day’s weather. Well, Little Goebbels didn’t misspeak the when he glorified Adolf Hitler as a WWII humanitarian that didn’t use chemical “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)” on his own people. Hitler did resist using WMD’s on his own people- Anglo/Aryan Europeans and their American and British Anglo-Saxon cousins. Jews and people of color don’t account for nothing.

September 17, 2017, Sunday evening, HollyWeird and the Emmys’ Awards clandestinely went dancing with a former White House “dark karmalittle Nazi, and his master, LUCIFER. Immediately when Stephen Colbert said, SEAN and I saw him coming from offstage, I turned the idiot box OFF as fast as I could get to the remote.



September 18, 2017, Monday afternoon, I couldn’t believe my lying eyes. Drumpf’s former Little Dark Figure White House Communication Director, Anthony Scaramucci (Mooch) of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was also being normalized on mass media HollyWeird’s  TMZ adding his Satanicdeception” and “darkness” to popular culture.

On or about August 2, 2017, Mooch said that he will “Go DARK before re-emerging as me” following his dramatic resignation from the White House.[13] Normally, going dark means going incognito, in hiding, non-communicative. Going dark also describes a psychological feeling of severance with spirit or identity. But going dark and “re-emerging as me” indicates some type of transformation. Within the White House secret inner circle, “Darkness is good”, like going back to the DEVIL to reload and re-image himself for mass population consumption.[14]

Leonardo da Vinci’s (Apr 15, 1452 – May 02, 1519) use of the up-pointed (Disciple Thomas) finger challenge Christ Lord Our Savior in the infamous painting, The Last Supper (1495-1498). Da Vinci’s finger gesture pointing to heaven refer to the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto, as above; so below”.

The Da Vinci Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Merovingian Bloodlines. Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic – associated with ancient Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, and the heresy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism (by blood) that John the Baptist secretly represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist.[15]  The earliest Freemasons adopted Saint John the Baptist as their patron. It is worthy of note that the Grand Lodge of England was revived on Saint John the Baptist’s Day, in 1717 (Constitutions, 1738, page 109). The Scottish Freemasons always kept the “Festival of the Baptist” until 1737, when the Grand Lodge changed the time of the annual election to Saint Andrew’s Day.[16]



Gone with the Wind, Infamous PRISSY & BITCH SLAP 

On Friday morning, September 16, 2017, President Donald J. Drumpf tweeted this: “ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth!

On September 23, 2017, Drumpf attacked black people in general, and singled out Black professional athletes exercising their first amendment rights to protest racism peacefully, particularly, for insult and indignation. He called them out as a “Son of Bitch“- MANBEASTS, SONS OF FEMALE DOGS!

Bitch Slap from Miss Sarah in the White House

Southern Belle- Miss Sarah and Plantation White House 

Drumpf didn’t mention Jemele’s name, but the White House press secretary, Miss Sarah-  Huckabee Sanders, singled her and called for a Prissy Bitch Slap. When the folksy slow speaking Miss Sarah, a native of Hope, Arkansas with her southern ascent was asked about Jemele Hill, she said,I think that is one of the more outrageous comments that anyone could make,” Sanders said. “It is certainly something that I think would be a “fireable” [Bitch Slap] offense by ESPN.”[17]

Prissy- Oh Miss Scarlett, “I don’t nothing bout birthin babies

In May, 2017, a reporter mistakenly referred to Sarah’s daughter as “Charlotte.” It’s Scarlett. “Gone With the Wind”, she exclaimed, suggesting that her daughter’s name was inspired by the HollyWeird movie’s heroine Scarlett O’Hara (Actress Vivian Leigh), before gently chiding the reporter: “Come on, John.”[18] When it came to Scarlett, any offense against white supremacy on or off the plantation was dealt with fist and fury to keep enslaved Africans blindly subservient, even if their only offense was a desire to be FREE. And, exercise their God given rights of human dignity and FREEDOM.

ESPN is owned by some of the most vicious racist and dangerous people on the planet, Disney and Hearst. Walt Disney was a Bohemian paganWorshiper of the Owl and Molech. He adored the Dark Messiah, Adolf Hitler. According to the New York Times, in 1938, a month after the Nazi assault on German Jews known as Kristallnacht, Walt Disney gave Hitler’s personal filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, a tour of his studio. After the war, other than the U.S. military, he was a primary private corporate employer of Operation PAPERCLIP ardent Nazis-SS, namely SS- Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) Wernher von Braun, and Heinz Haber.

St. John Finger Gesture- One God- LUCIFER

At the symposium, Heinz Haber, PhD., presented a paper on Astronomy and Space Medicine. “Heinz Haber was a German Luftwaffe reconnaissance aviator until 1942. He worked for the Luftwaffe Institute for Aviation Medicine; In order to assess the risks faced by German air force pilots, the institute performed experiments on hundreds of inmates at the Dachau concentration camp near Munich. The inmates who survived these experiments were usually killed and then dissected.” During the 1950s and 1960sthe CIA loaned Heinz Haber to Walt Disney for secret mass media psychological warfare (pysops) projects. The Nazi Haber may have been the inspiration for the Disney character, Ludwig Von Drake

Hearst is also a Bohemian pagan organization. William Randolph Hearst was a member of the Bohemian Grove Oligarchy. Rest assure, the dragon snapped its tail to Bitch Slap Jemele Hill.

Recently 9/21/17 , Jemele Hill posted on Facebook with that MK ULTRA glare- nonsense insulting and demeaning her base of strong black men, “Some high heat from Very Smart Brothers. Worth reading and thinking about it“, Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People, by Damon Young. So, homosexual and transgender black men are the heart, soul, backbone and future of black community! INSANE S.H.I.T. Don’t go there, down that rabbit hole with Jemele and Damon Young. Stay focus globally on Donald J. Drumpf, and the Dark Karma Circle silently taking over the reigns of the U.S. Government!

Damon Young– the Negro graduated from the private Canisius College in Buffalo, NY founded in 1870 by members of the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus (Jesuits) from GERMANY. It is one of 28 Jesuit institutions in the nation. He is a lost ritual black Jesuit that sold his soul to Lucifer.

Subliminal Implantation of Thule Black Racial Inferiority Complex

Zoologie is French for Zoology (animal biology). As for Jemele, if she hasn’t sold her soul to the DEVIL, she will, or go to the sullen place to be CLONED! THAT’S THE WAY THEY ROLL!


The Huckabees of Drumpf’s dark karma inner circle are full of pride for this country’s enslaving, and mass murdering Africans. That’s exactly what Jemele is talking about Drumpf surrounding himself in the White House with ardent white supremacists! The sharp and narrow focus on Drumpf and his dark circle is out there, and they can’t take it back. Jemele can’t take it back.

In the 21st Century in America- Miss Sarah’s Daddy is Proud to be a Son of the Confederacy

 Confederate Rebel Pride- Former Republican Governor of Arkansas, and 2016 Presidential Candidate, Michael Dale Huckabe

To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.”

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906

Sarah’s [Miss Scarlett O’Hara], father, Michael Huckabee, is a notable member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV).[20] The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. AFRICAN SLAVERY![21]

In March 2017, the alleged multi-million dollar federal bank (robber) defrauder, the Zionist Mystic, Zohar of the KabbalahU.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, called Drumpf a “Pathological Liar” with authoritarian ambitions. [22],[23] There doesn’t appear to have been a whimper about Sander’s outrageous comments from the White House Scarlett O’Hara or Donald J. Drumpf.

In June 2017, CNN conservative pundit, Ana Navarro called president select, Donald J. Drumpf, a crazy LUNATIC, “Listen, you ‘crazy’, ‘lunatic’, 70-year-old man-baby, stop it. You are now the president of the United States.”[24] Well, it appears as though being called a LUNATIC isn’t as offensive as being called a “white supremacist”, nor is it a “fireable offense by CNNIn Correia v. Santos (1961) 191 Cal.App.2d 844, the defendant called the plaintiff a liar, “insane in command” and so forth. The court held that the imputation of a want of integrity in one holding a private office of confidence or trust is slander per se (damages are presumed). Civ. Code § 46 is not restricted to those holding public office. 191 Cal.App.2d at 854.



Maxine Brown

At some point in 1963, Maxine Brown, a black registered nurse with impeccable credit, applied for an apartment at the Wilshire Apartments in Jamaica Estates constructed with taxpayers’ money.  Stanley Leibowitz, now 88, managed several Trump buildings in the 1960s and 1970s, including the Wilshire Apartments in Jamaica Estates. At some point in 1963, Maxine Brown, a black registered nurse with impeccable credit, applied for an apartment at the Wilshire.

She was calling me on a daily basis, wanted to know the status of the application. I had her checked out and she should have been accepted,” Leibowitz recalled. Leibowitz described what happened when he showed Brown’s application to Fred Drumpf while Donald was standing alongside his father. “I asked him, ‘What do you want me to do with this application?’ He said, “You know I don’t rent to niggers. Put it in your desk drawerDonald was alongside of him. He was maybe 16, 17 years old at the time. He was learning the business of his father. He was right at his side.” [25]

Brown and her friend Mae Wiggins filed a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, protesting the Trump practices. At this point, Donald Drumpf was working as part of the Trump Management Company, “touring construction sites in his father’s Cadillac, driven by a black chauffeur” as the New York Times reports. After the complaint, all of a sudden Brown was offered an apartment in the complex. Yet, the prejudice at Drumpf continued. State investigators in 1967 found that of the 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, only 7 (seven) were occupied by black families.[26]

In 2017, the FBI has released nearly 400 pages of records on an investigation the bureau conducted in the 1970s into alleged racial discrimination in the rental of apartments from President select Fred and Donald Drumpf’s real estate company. The files detail dozens of interviews the bureau conducted with Drumpf building tenants, management and employees, seeking indications that minority tenants were steered away from housing complexes. Records recount the stories of black rental applicants who said they were told no apartments were available, while whites sent to check on the same apartments were offered leases.[27]

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Luciferian Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, 2 (two) Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which 7 (seven) men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred C. Drumpf (Trump) of 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica for refusal to disperse. When news of the old report surfaced in 2016, Donald Drumpf vehemently denied his father’s arrest. “He was never arrested. He has nothing to do with this. This never happened. This is nonsense and it never happened,” he said to the Daily Mail. “This never happened. Never took place. He was never arrested, never convicted, never even charged. It’s a completely false, ridiculous story. He was never there! It never happened. Never took place.”[28] How does he know so certain about his father’s activities in 1927? He was even born! He doesn’t know.

Overt “white supremacy” and extreme racism would be consistent with Scandalous Fred’s character. It was even enough to hide his son behind the veil of it.



Steven Miller, Goebbels and the Fuhrer

It has been ordained by the Karma of the Germanic world that he (Hitler) should wage war against the East and save the Germanic peoples—a figure of the greatest brilliance has become incarnate in his person…whom men would regard in centuries to come with the same reverence that they had accorded to Christ.”—Heinrich Himmler

In a rather unusual heated argument with CNN’s Jim Acosta, Senior White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters the poem written by Emma Lazarus about the “huddled masses” was not part of the original Statue of Liberty. Miller said the statue was a “symbol of American liberty lighting the world” and suggested it had little to do with immigrants.[29]

Stephen Miller- Satanic White Nationalist Circle Hands Symbol

Stephen Miller is a white nationalist, and has been described as a rightwing troll. Miller grew up in a Jewish family in Santa Monica, California. He is the second of three children born to Michael Darrow Miller, a real estate investor, and Miriam (Glosser) Miller. On his mother’s side, he is descended from the Glosser (originally Glotzer) family of the “Hebrew German Society (Rodeph Shalom)” which arrived in the United States in the early 1900s, fleeing from Antopol in Belarus.[30],[31]

Antopol or Antipolia as it was known among the Jews regarded it highly because of its rabbis, famous for Torah and Kabbalah. In town lived the famous Kabalist Reb Moshe Zvi for forty-four years, from 1818 to 1862.[32] The Zohar (Hebrew, Splendor, radiance) is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah (five books of Moses), written in medieval Aramaic and medieval Hebrew.[33] Undoubtedly, the Statue of Liberty undoubtedly meant only the “huddled masses” for Stephen Miller’s Kabalist Jewish Mystic ancestors fleeing Eastern Europe.

Michael Darrow Miller and Miriam Glosser, above, are reformists – liberal Jews of the Judaic faith. Michael D is board member of the Hebrew Union College, founded in 1883 founded by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of the “Hebrew German Society (Rodeph Shalom)”.

“… [F]ormative ideas about universal ethics and social concern as the basis for religious practice were also reflected in the Pittsburgh Platform, which two of Wise’s students, Kaufman Kohler and Emil Hirsch, drafted in 1885. This authoritative platform for Reform congregations for half a century was unequivocally anti-Zionist and regarded most established Jewish ritual practices as coming out of an age that was ‘under the influence of ideas altogether foreign to our present moral and spiritual state.” What Jews were expected to draw from the “Mosaic law”—and by implication, its later Rabbinic glosses—was the “God-idea as the central religious truth for the human race.’ ”[34]

Politically, they are conservative racialist Republicans. Michael D. is a member of the conservative think tank, Claremont Institute. One of infamous staff and fellows of the institute is William John BennettBill J. Bennett.[35]

Bennett, who held prominent posts in the administrations of former presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, told a caller to his syndicated radio talk show Wednesday: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.”[36] White supremacy or white supremacism is a racist ideology based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore white people should be dominant over, and control other races. Don’t get it twisted. Bennett’s racialist ideology is far beyond domination and control of other races. It calls for the literal criminal extermination of black people in this country.

Apparently, the Claremont Institute and the Millers were/are in combination with Bennett’s pseudo racialist beliefs in black annihilation.

Columbia in an 1865, Asking the U.S. Government to Allow Black U.S. Soldiers to Vote not Enlightenment


Columbia (representing the American people) reaches out to oppressed Cuba not Enlightenment with blindfolded Uncle Sam in background; Judge Feb. 6, 1897; cartoon by Grant E. Hamilton

The Masonic Goddess Columbia is – Justitia Virtutum Regina (Latin) “Justice, the Queen of Virtues” (Latin) “Justice, the Queen of Virtues”.[37] French Grand Oriental Temple Masons brought her over to preside over these shores the veil andTorch of Reasonof Pallas Athena (Cybele) – the Statue of Liberty. In celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic in 1884, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the Masons of America, as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons (Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris).[38]

On July 4th, 1884, the finished statue was presented to the American Ambassador in Paris, Levi Morton. On August 5th, 1884, the then Grand Master of Masons in New York, William A. Brodie laid the cornerstone of the pedestal of the statue of “Liberty Enlightening the World” with full Masonic ceremony. Brodie (1841-1917) was a Scots-American businessman.[39]

The Masonic “Torch of Enlightenment” was also referred to as the “Flaming Torch of Reason“, by the Illuminati Masons in the 1700’s and in 1884, the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was placed in a solemn ceremony, by the Masonic Lodges of New York.[40]

Naturally, Stephen Miller’s view of the Statue of Liberty is that of the New York Columbian Masonic Order. “Fred Trump’s biggest contracts came from the federal government, but his political clout was more pronounced at home. He lunched with a downtown Brooklyn power-crowd known as the “Knights of the Round Table” and was a VIP at the Madison Democratic Club, the nerve-center of Brooklyn politics.”[41]

Fred and his son Donald Drumpf were political insiders of [Masonic] Tammany Hall through Brooklyn’s Madison Democratic Club. Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Masonic Columbian Order entangled and mired in racketeering, corruption, graft and patronage.



Early this month, September 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf nominated Eric Dreiband, an attorney at Jones Day law firm, to take over as head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which was founded 60 years ago this week. Dreiband previously served at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under former President George W. Bush. Dreiband’s nomination  is opposed by civil rights groups that say he’s unfit for the job.[42]

Eric Stefan Dreiband is yet another scary figure of strange and mysterious dark karma of the Drumpf White House. I became rather uneasy and concerned when I first saw an image of him and a cold posture and distant demeanor in a news photo. He remained me of someone. But, I couldn’t figure out who until it woke me up in the middle of the night with dream images of Rudolf Hess.

Not much is actually exposed about Dreiband. He was born 9/23/63 in Indianapolis IN, son of Patricia (O’Connell) and Lawrence Theodore Dreiband. He is most likely a catholic. Eric attended the Catholic Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University, Masters of Theological Studies Degree from the Harvard University Divinity School, and JD from Northwestern University School of Law.[43]

Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the oldest and most prestigious university in the United States. It was founded by Puritan settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636 as a college to train up a learned clergy. The separate institution of the Divinity School dates from 1816. During the 1800s, the theological department went Unitarian.[44]

Unitarians believe that Jesus was inspired by God in his moral teachings and is a savior, but a human being rather than a deity.[45] Undoubtedly, Dreiband was raised a Catholic and had been retained by the Archbishop of Washington, and Roman Catholic Church in a case against the Obama Administration.[46] The origin of the Dreiband surname is unknown, but it does appear to be of German- Eastern European origin.[47]

In 2008, Lawrence Theodore Dreiband, 68 years old, was associated with a (Iranian based?) Shema LL (Shema Stringer, NY) in Alexandria, VA when he was busted by the FBI for the illegal sales of 50 weapons after the revocation of his federal firearms license. He pled guilty, and came up dead in Maryland in 2009. [48],[49]

On this narrow focus, I am like Jemele Hill– WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!



[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.


[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.
































[40] Id.











4 08 2017



On July 16, 2017, Fox so-called News- Roman Catholic Judge Jeanine Pirro blurred out on national TV about riding the “TROLLEY TO HELL” for POWER. She exposed an inside secretcode word” with a giant neon sign with flashing lights, parade bands, and dancing clowns with balloons.

She didn’t totally get, “Silence is Golden.” And, it looks as though Fox News has pulled all her official TROLLEY TO HELL opening statements from YOUTUBE. The above is one of last remaining videos of Judge Pirro’sTROLLEY TO HELL” opening statement.

The Italian Poet Durante degli Alighieri called Dante (1265 – 1321) has been called one of the “celebrated geniuses of whom the Catholic faith.”[1] Dante says that the DEVIL, once the most beautiful angel (Lucifer means “light-bearer”) resides in the Ninth Circle of HELL.[2] Since July 16, Judge Jeanine has been uncharacteristically quiet like a shrinking lily. She hasn’t opened her mouth again about that trolley to the NINTH GATE.



There is no requirement for full religious disclosure, and there should very well be for public officers in the high offices of the country. The Roman Catholic Mooch, Anthony Scaramucci, is gone from the national spotlight of the White House (WH).


He will sink back into the abyss, underworld and swamp of a powerful Satanic criminal cabal. The Mooch was a testament to his own Hebrew proclamation that the fish stinks from the head down. Mooch was not created in a vacuum. Mooch’s fish head leads to Bilderberger James A. Johnson, Goldman and Sachs, and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Cosimo de’ Medici & Bilderberger James A. Johnson

But, it is far more deeper than that. Mooch sits on CFR with James Johnson, Director of Goldman and Sachs, and a reigning member of the Bilderbergers. Johnson is called most unusually and very troublesome, “Washington DC’s Medici”.[3]  Whether you realize it or not, “DC Medici” is an extremely profound, and horrific association to make.  

Cosimo de’ Medici (1389-1464) founder of one of the bloodlines of the Medici family, the Black Nobility, ruled Florence, Italy from 1434 to 1537. “This one family supplied four popes and two queens of France, and ran Florence, with a couple of interruptions, for almost 400 years. Its power emanated originally from the family bank. Italian financiers (known generically, and inaccurately, as “Lombards”, hence London’s Lombard Street) were pre-eminent in their age. And among them the house of the Medici was pre-eminent, the most powerful financial institution in all of 15th-century Europe.”[4] Most of the Medici bank’s lending was to the Vatican and royalty, to finance military campaigns or lavish princely lifestyles. The Medici were for a long while put in charge of papal finances. Until 1434, more than half of the bank’s revenues came from its Rome “branch” which followed the pope around on his travels.[5]

Medici led an elite Satanic/Rosicrucian cabal called the “The Society” often referred to as the Kiriath-Sepher – language of the giants [FALLEN ANGELS]. The Medici’s “secret Societyis the granddaddy of Capitol police officer Henry Cabrera’s fraternal Order of Kappa Sigma.[6] 

The Medici Family is a dynasty of the DEVIL and Demon worshipers and masters. They have been master conjurers, sorcerers and alchemists though-out the generations. They have been high priests and priestesses of secret murder cults, ritual sacrifice of children and of the Black Mass.

Madame Serpent Catherine de Medici

Madame Serpent Catherine de Medici (1519- 1559) was an infamous Black Mass Witch that sacrificed children. It is reported that she had an innocent young child dressed in white prepared to receive the Holy Communion, and then had her sorcerer chop off his head. The bleeding head was placed on a black host and both placed it on an altar with burning lights. Her sorcerer recited incantations and demanded that the DEVIL speak through the lips of the severed head. The ritual was performed to save the dying king of France, Charles IX. He died anyway.

The son of Catherine de Medici, Henri de Valois, continued the practice of ritual Satanic sacrifices of children, magick and the Black Mass in the turrets of his castle in the Bois de Vincennes, Paris. After he died a whole collection of Black Mass and black magic items were discovered. There were two silver satyrs turning their backs on the cross and with large crystal bowls behind them. These were used for potions, drugs, libations. There was also the “dressed skin of a child“, black candles, and other weird objects used La sorcery.[7]

Cosimo I de’ Medici (1519 – 1574), first Grand Duke of Tuscany found his own secret knight order. The Order of Saint Stephen (Official: Sacro Militare Ordine di Santo Stefano Papa e Martire, “Holy Military Order of St. Stephen Pope and Martyr“) is a Roman Catholic Tuscan dynastic military order founded in 1561. The Order is a model of The Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, also known as the Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers, Knights Hospitaller, Knights Hospitalier or Hospitallers- Knights Templar. [8]

New information suggests that there is a centralized command center at the top of the elitist organization known as the “Council.” The membership of this Council is determined by bloodlines, and only 13 (thirteen) families on the planet are considered eligible for membership.[9] It has been claimed that researchers have discovered who the “Council” is comprised of. Membership of the top level of control in the secret organization is restricted to the 13 (thirteen) most powerful and influential families in the world. It is believed that these families think that they entitled to rule the entire world as they are the direct descendants of ancient gods. The families in question have been identified as the Rothschild family, the Bruce family, the Kennedys, the Medici family, the House of Hanover, the House of Hapsburg, the Krupp family, the House of Plantagenet, the Rockefeller family, the House of Romanov, the Sinclair family, the Warburg family and the House of Windsor.[10]

It is believed that there are millions of members of the ILLUMINATI operating all over the world, many of whom are in positions of incredible power and influence. Various politicians, CEOs, bankers and even Hollywood celebrities have been suspected of membership of the organization over the years. These people essentially comprise what it is referred to as the top 1% of the population. They are groomed and rewarded handsomely by the Council for their efforts in securing the goals of the secret society. However, the inner workings of the ILLUMINATI are almost as inscrutable to the common membership as it is to the outside world. They are not privy to the so-called “master plan” that their leaders hope will eventually lead to world domination and they do not even know who sits on the “COUNCIL”.[11]

In the WH, Mooch and his “BADASS” and foul mouth vulgarity like Judge Jeanine was a globally televised daily neon sign with a parade of a million member marching band on the road down a rabbit hole as big as the state of Texas that leads only one way to the ILLUMINATI, and DANTE’s NINE GATES OF HELL.

Allegedly, President select Drumpf, and the new WH Chief of Staff, John Francis Kelly, fired Mooch, and had him escorted off WH grounds. WH spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters after his dismissal: “The president certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropriate for a person in that position“.[12] That certainly isn’t the truth. Because in the days leading up to Mooch being fired, it had been widely reported that Drumpfloved” the utter vulgarity of his new “BADASSfoul mouthed communications director.[13] It was the Council, Bilderbergers, CFR and the ILLUMINATI that removed Mooch from the global spotlight. Mooch was asked about his future, he said, “I am now going to go DARK, Then I will reemerge as me.”

Steven Bannon, “DARKNESS is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”



The prefix pseudo- (from Greek ψευδής, pseudes, “lying, false”) is used to mark something that superficially appears to be (or behaves like) one thing, but is something else.

A Boston native raised in an Irish- Roman Catholic family. 4- Star General John Francis Kelly served in the Marines and commanded troops in Iraq before heading up the U.S. Southern Command, from which he retired early last year. On December 7, 2016, Drumpf nominated General Kelly to head the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a cabinet level position.[14]


Drumpf replaced Chief of Staff, Reinhold RichardReince” Priebus, with General Kelly. The WH Communications Bureau is now in the hands of General Kelly and the Roman Catholic Church. He doesn’t speak “Truth to Power” as he has told Congress. General Kelly is a Drumpf fanatic loyalist, enabler, and part of Drumpf’s WH Dark Empire. The man is a “tin solider” that works for one man only-Donald J. Drumpf- the U.S. Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces.

Kelly’s son, 1st Lt. Michael Kelly, served in the Marines in Afghanistan and was killed by a land mine in 2010. According to emails published in The Washington Post, Kelly said he had turned to his Roman Catholic faith for support as a worried father. “We are doing a novena a minute down here, and there is no end in sight,” Kelly said in one message to family members. “Pray. Pray. Pray. He’s such a good boy … and Marine,” he told his older sister in another email.[15]

The people of Drumpf’s Dark Empire speak in riddles and codes. NOVENA is a keystone code word from Latin: novem, “NINE (9)”.[16] “The novena has its roots in the Greek and Roman pagan religious practice of spending nine days in mourning following a death. Early converts to Christianity translated that tradition into nine days of prayer, drawing on the nine days that the Virgin Mary and the apostles prayed in the upper room between Christ’s Ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.”[17]

Novena (9) is a ritual that has its origins in Greece. If it comes out of Greece, it is a pagan ritual! St. Augustine, Alcuin, Amalarius, Durandus, say that there is paganism and superstition in this custom. the pagans deplored their dead for nine days, and on the ninth day collected their ashes and committed them to the tomb.”[18]

Number 9 in Greek Mythology

Circle Dance of the Nine Muses

The 9 (NINE) Muses in Greek mythology were daughters of Zeus and Titan Mnemosyne (Memory). Zeus and Mnemosyne had a love affair that lasted 9 (NINE) nights. The Muses were the goddesses who inspired gifted artists, musicians, dancers and authors. The Muses were followers of the Illustrious god Apollo, but also good friends of the goddess Athena (Patron Goddess of Athens)/ Minerva (Roman mythology) Plato built an altar for the Nine Muses in the library of his famous school, The Academy.[19] When Plato founded the Academy, he dedicated a shrine to the goddesses of learning. Aristotle’s school, the Peripatos, also possessed a shrine which contained their statues. The famous Museum at Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy I, was a temple of learning dedicated to them. As a custom, before poets or storytellers would recite their work, they first invoke the inspiration and protection of the Muses. The Muses weren’t necessarily guardian angels. They were goddesses of inspiration of the arts. But in some aspects, they functioned as guardians.

Number 9 in Christian Theology

In mystical Christian theology, there are 9 (NINE) ORDER OF ANGELS by Pseudo-St. Dionysius the Aeropagite. Dionysius also known as Pseudo-Denys, was a Christian theologian and philosopher of the late 5th to early 6th century AD, who wrote a set of works known as the Corpus Areopagiticum or Corpus Dionysiacum.[20] The author pseudonymously identifies himself in the corpus as “Dionysios“, portraying himself as the figure of Dionysius the Areopagite, the Athenian convert of Paul of Tarsus mentioned in Acts 17:34. This false attribution to the earliest decades of Christianity resulted in the work being given great authority in subsequent theological writing in both East and West.[21]


The Dionysian writings and their mystical teaching were universally accepted throughout the East, and also had a strong impact in later mediaeval western mysticism, most notably the German Meister (Master) Eckhart (1260 – 1328 AD).[22] Eckhart is also one of the early mystic masters of the Rosicrucians.[23]

Dionysius known as an “Apostolic Father of Christianity” is the author of three long treatises (The Divine NamesThe Celestial Hierarchy, and The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy) one short treatise (The Mystical Theology) and ten letters expounding various aspects of Christian Philosophy from a mystical and Neoplatonic perspective.[24]

In recent decades, interest has increased again in the Corpus Areopagiticum, for three main reasons: because of a recovery of the huge impact of Dionysian thought in later Christian thought, because of an increasing repudiation of older criticisms that Dionysius’ thought represented a fundamentally NEOPLATONIC approach to theology, and finally because of interest in parallels between aspects of modern linguistic theory and Dionysius’ reflections on language and negative theology.[25]


A system of idealistic, spiritualistic philosophy, tending towards mysticism, which flourished in the pagan world of Greece and Rome during the first centuries of the Christian era. It is of interest and importance, not merely because it is the last attempt of Greek thought to rehabilitate itself and restore its exhausted vitality by recourse to Oriental religious ideas, but also because it definitely entered the service of pagan polytheism and was used as a weapon against Christianity. It derives its name from the fact that its first representatives drew their inspiration from Plato’s doctrine, although it is well known that many of the treatises on which they relied are not genuine works of Plato. It originated in Egypt, a circumstance which would, of itself, indicate that while the system was a characteristic product of the Hellenistic spirit, it was largely influenced by the religious ideals and mystic tendencies of Oriental thought.[26]



Dionysian’s  9 (NINE) ORDERS OF ANGELS are directly connected to Former FBI Director, James Brien Comey, Jr.. He is a close associate of General Kelly. Kelly said he was so upset and almost walked away from his public servant job because Drumpf fired him.  Comey is also a Roman Catholic Mystic raised in Allendale, NY within the Guardian Angel Roman Catholic Church. According to the Catholic theology, the Guardian Angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group, kingdom, or country. Belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity. The concept of tutelary (guardian) angels and their hierarchy was extensively developed by PSEUDO- DIONYSIUS.


Since the time of Dionysius, there are 9 (NINE) Choirs or Orders of Angels of which each three form a hierarchy. In accordance with Holy Scripture these are called: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Principalities, Powers, Strengths [Virtues], Highnesses [Dominations], Archangels, and Angels. Cf. Is. 6:2 et seq., Gen. 3: 24; Col. 1:16; Eph. 1:21; 3:10; Rom. 8:38 et seq.; Jud. 9; 1 Thess. 4:16.

The division of the Angel-world into NINE ORDERS and the ILLUMINATION of the lower Orders through the higher Orders– a teaching which stems from NEO- PLATONISM. The same applies to the grouping of Angels by the Schoolmen, which goes back to Dan. 7:10, into angeli assistentes and angel ministrantes [assistants at the Thronemessengers of God]. To the former group are allocated the upper six choirs, to the latter group the lower three.[27] Dionysius’ name in itself reveals a lot.


“The Cult of Dionysus is strongly associated with satyrs, centaurs, and sileni, and its characteristic symbols are the bull, the serpent, tigers/leopards, the ivy, and the wine. The Dionysia and Lenaia festival in Athens were to Dionysus, as well as the Phallic processions. Initiates worshipped him in the Dionysian Mysteries, which were comparable to and linked with the Orphic Mysteries, and may have influence Gnosticism. Orpheus was said to have invented the Mysteries of Dionysus.”

The theology of angels and tutelary spirits has undergone many refinements since the 5th century to try to re-image it as something more than just mere angelology (FALLEN ANGELS), and demonology for the few, and ruling elite. Belief in both the East and the West is that guardian angels serve to protect whichever person God assigns them to, and present prayer to God on that person’s behalf. This angelical philosophy does not exclude the Angel, Lucifer, God’s First Born Son.

Pseudo-Dionysius, Proclus and the Pagan Gods


Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite was a student of one or the other of Greek Neo-Platonist philosophers, Proclus (412- 485 AD) or Plotinus (204/5 – 27 AD). Proclus, “Every month he sanctified himself according to the rites devoted to the Mother of the Gods [Cybele] by the Romans, and before them by the Phrygians.”

Plotinus was a student of Alexandrian Philosopher, Ammonius Saccas, “It was Ammonius who first taught that every religion was based on one and the same truth; which is the wisdom found in the Books of Thoth (Hermes), from which Pythagoras and Plato had learned their philosophy”. (Madame Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, pg. 444)

Pseudo- Dionysius & St. Denis

Briefly, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite is also known as the Bishop of Paris, and martyr often identified as St. Denis. Born in Italy, nothing is definitely known of the time or place, or of his early life. He is usually represented with his head in his hands because, according to the legend, after his execution the corpse rose again and carried the head for some distance.[28] According to legend, Dionysius and two deacons had been sent into Gaul by Pope Fabian (236-250 AD). Ancient Gaul included France, Luxembourg, Belgium, most of Switzerland, Northern Italy, as well as the parts of the Netherlands. In about 275 AD, they were scourged, imprisoned, racked, thrown to wild beasts, burnt at the stake, and finally beheaded at the behest of jealous pagan priests.[29] From the reign of King Dagobert (622-638) the church and the Benedictine monastery attached the veneration of St. Denis to degrees of national devotion. Dagobert was the last Frankish king of the Merovingian Dynasty.



Don’t get it twisted. I am not talking about a long lost ancient history. Just recently, I introduced you to current U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Burlington, VT), Roman Catholic Cardinal Bernard Francis Law (Burlington Diocese’s Lucifer’s Lodge), Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, and Pope Francis 9th (NINTH) Satanic Pedophile- Child Sacrifice Circle at the Vatican. August 12, 2017, court witnesses testified, eyewitnesses confirm that Pope Francis raped, and killed children in the NINTH Satanic Circle.

Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo

Monsignor Sorondo revealed,

“ ‘I invited Cardinal Law to an event that I organized through the Academy of Thomas Aquinas,’ Sorondo said. ‘And he explained very well the mission and the role of Thomas Aquinas and the Church.’ ”[30]

If you have read much Saint Thomas Aquinas, you know that he loves Pseudo- Dionysius the Areopagite. Aquinas cites Dionysius 1,700 times. That’s really important, because it means that Dionysius is one of the most quoted sources for Aquinas.

This anonymous, mysterious, monastic genius taught the foremost Christians for ten centuries both in the East and West, for nearly every great mediaeval scholar made use of his writings, and his authority came to be almost final. A modern writer says that even the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas — the Angelic Doctor — is but ‘a hive in whose varied cells he duly stored the honey which he gathered’ from the writings of Dionysius, and he became the bee-bread on which all the great mystics fed.”[31]

Thomas Aquinas was the spiritual child of the Pseudo- Dionysius. It’s important to note that in the occult tradition is Albertus Magnus, both scholastic and magician, studied in Arab schools and inspired StThomas Aquinas. Magnus and Aquinas are associated with secret occult societies such as the Rosicrucians as transmitters of a secret doctrine, the hidden and mysterious teaching (Kabbalah Rosicrucian Magick) of the Great White Brotherhood (Hierarchy of Adepts, the Great White Lodge, the Secret Chiefs, the Great White Brotherhood, the Masters, or The People of the Secret). [32],[33],[34]

This Kabbalah Rosicrucian Magick and Secret Doctrine transmitted by teachings and writings of Magnus and Aquinas at its very foundation is really based upon the  Lucifer’s Legendary Emerald Table that he lost when he was thrown from Heaven.[35]  What does it all mean? Right now, today. The secret teachings of Magnus and Aquinas in Kabbalah Rosicrucian Magick and the White Brotherhood Secret Doctrine is part of the Roman Catholic Church’s current mission. That’s not what I say. It came directly out of Monsignor Sorondo’s mouth- not mine.

Australian Cardinal Prelate George Pell

For decades, the Fox was in charge of guarding the Hen House. In July 2017, Cardinal Pell, Australia’s highest-ranking Catholic and Pope Francis’s top financial adviser, was formally charged with sexually abusing multiple people years ago in his Australian home state of Victoria, making him the most senior Vatican official ever criminally charged with Pedophilia. Details of the charges have yet to be released to the public, though police have described them as “historical” sexual assault offences – meaning crimes that occurred years ago.

Why can’t prosecutors in the U.S. similarly charge high ranking Catholics like Cardinal Law with pedophilia criminal charges?  James Comey, once one of the top law enforcement officials in America wasn’t just a common student of Catholicism. The man was a fervent Roman Catholic scholar and practitioner. He attends Catholic Mass every Sunday. He graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1982, majoring in chemistry (alchemy- Magnus/Aquinas?) and religion. The man is a Pseudo Roman Catholic Cardinal of the Vatican.

Now, we have a pseudo Roman Catholic Bishop that took over the WH Chief of Staff.  Donald Drumpf”s nature is deception, and concealment. He is fully aware of what and who John Francis Kelly really isHe is a deeply veiled and dualistic figure in a public position of constitutional high trust. We currently know little to nothing about the extent of Kelly’s religious commitments to Pope Francis, and the Vatican.  We don’t know what Church he belongs to. It appears that he performed the paganistic Novena Ritual himself. The ritual is an extraordinary Catholic prayer practice that usually require unusual ecclesiastical intervention, supervision, approval and control.

Within the Roman Catholic tradition, Novena Prayers typically include of a praise of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ or saint, acknowledgment of the Christian doctrines, and a personal petition. Other than the petition, the rest of much used prayers used in a public setting is studied by the clergy and then approved to be free from doctrinal and moral errors. The approval is given in the form of an Imprimator, Nihil Obstat, and Imprimi potest. These ecclesiastical approval are usually granted by a bishop or any ranking prelate for publication and approval.

Pseudo Roman Catholic High Priests, John Francis Kelly and James Brien Comey, Jr. are initiates of secret Catholic orders. According to the “Sodalian Oath”, they can not reveal any truth which should totally disqualify them from any public service. They speak only in broad dark analogies.

Sodalian Oath : An irrevocable pledge, implying that the final mysteries had been communicated to one so bound by oath (sod signifying secret, mystery). “The penalty of death followed the breaking of the Sodalian oath or pledge. The oath and the Sod (the secret learning) are earlier than the Kabbalah or Tradition, and the ancient Midrashim treated fully of the Mysteries or Sod before they passed into the Zohar. Now they are referred to as the Secret Mysteries of the Thorah, or Law, to break which is fatal.” Steven Bannon

Comey and Kelly very comfortable in their dualistic positions of high public trust representing the democracy, and the secret Luciferian Underworld advancing its agenda for world domination and control. Why? According to their twisted teachings, they really don’t believe that they are against Christianity and the Democracy (divine sacredness of all mankind) . According to the Satanist Madame BlavatskyJesus’ design was not to abolish the intercourse with gods and demons (spirits), but simply to purify the ancient religions of the philosopher kings and guardians of NEO- PLATONISM. Their veiled religious theology is part of the most ultra secret ancient Apollonian and Dionysian schools–  the Aset (Isis) Mysteries and Rites of  PYTHAGORAS and PLATO.[3]’

Steven Bannon is correct in one aspect, we’re blind to who they are and what they are doing. WHAT IS THY NATURE, SONS OF AN ILLUSTRIOUS FATHER IN THE WHITE HOUSE– CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION. “What is invisible cannot be fought – and true knowledge makes the invisible become visible.”






[5] Id.





[10] Id.

[11] Id.







[18] The English Review, Vol. X, June -December, Francis & John Rivington, St. Paul’s Church Yard, London, (1848), pg. 347



[21] Id.




[25] Id.













24 07 2017



Fox News, Roman Catholic Judge Jeanine Pirro: ” … if the Devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I’d be on the first trolley to Hell to get it.” From her statement, I can safety infer that the DEVIL has her number as a DEVIL WORSHIPER, and an Apostle of HELL. I have no problem with Judge Pirro being a DEVIL WORSHIPER.

But, I do have a big problem with her complete lack of transparency and the wide ramifications of her deception. She was a public servant prosecutor and a public servant judge on the taxpayer payroll pursuant to an oath to honor and obey the law, and the U.S. Constitution, not the lawlessness and chaos of the DEVIL!  Well, Judge Jeanine’s Trolley to Hell stops at the 9th Gate and Circle. And neither one of them, Judge Jeanine or Bernie Sanders, that sit on substantial public pensions will open their mouths about the crimes of the Vatican Ninth Satanic Child Sacrifice CultPedophile Catholic Priests, Satanism or PIZZAGATE.

Illustration (DEVIL) from Dantes’ Inferno (Antonio Zatta 1757-58)

According to a “Genius of Catholic Faith“- Dante (Durante degli Alighier), the DEVIL resides at the 9th Circle in Hell. On any given day on the Trolley to Hell, she will not be alone. You may find public servant U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and his veiled Opus Dei wife, Mary Jane O’Meara- Sanders on the same 9th Gate Hell Trolley.


First, the ego maniac President- select Donald J. Drumpf isn’t a proponent of the global PIZZAGATEPedophile Predator Priest, and child trafficking crackdown movement.  He has replaced Catholic Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary, with another strange, but extremely weird New World Order elitist Roman Catholic called the good old boy puppy, “Mooch”,  that knows nothing about the job.

The V-Sign is the Sign of the occult, Satanic Sabbatean/Frankists. Scaramucci channels energy into the Abyss to raise Typhon (Set, Seth, Lucifer) to use for his own purposes.

Anthony Sacramucci is a Wall Street member of the Masonic Cecil Rhodes Roundtable’s Council on Foreign Relations. For the record, PIZZAGATE and Pedophile Priests have not breached the tongues of President select Drumpf or Spicer, and will not breach his tongue, also. 


 Half Jewish and Italian, Sacramucci is a member of the Catholic Church St. Mary’s Manhasset, NY, Diocese of Rockville- a Haven for Satanic Pedophile Priests. In 2003, a grand jury panel found that the Diocese of Rockville Centre  with protecting at least 58 sexually abusive priests through what it called a “sham” policy designed to protect the church’s reputation and minimize payouts to victims. The grand jury also heard testimony about the diocesan policy from imprisoned for child abuse, Fr. Michael Hands, who had agreed to cooperate with authorities in return for sentencing considerations (NCR, Jan. 17). The history of the Diocese of Rockville Centre demonstrated that as an institution they are incapable of properly handling issues relating to the sexual abuse of children by priests, and unwilling to protect children from pedophile priests. The report documented “Satanic Pedophile Catholic Priests Gone Wild“, there were “allegations of the rape of cheerleaders and altar boys, of acts of molestation and seductions in churches, rectories, on camping trips, and in the homes of the minors who were abused. It tells of instances in which priests provided minors with pornography and alcohol, and of cases in which the diocese received allegations and didn’t report them to police, but instead transferred the accused priests to other parishes“.

The Emerald Green Bishop (discussed below), William F. Murphy

The Rockville Centre diocese, led by Bishop William Murphy, is the nation’s sixth largest, with 1.3 million Catholics. Prior to becoming bishop of Rockville Centre, Murphy had been chief assistant (Master Mason) to Cardinal Bernard Law, discussed further below, former archbishop of Boston and Grand Master of Lucifer’s Lodge in Burlington, VT. Like Judge Pirro, Anthony Scaramucci also seems willing to hop on that Trolley to Hell if called.

In no uncertain terms, he has confessed his undivided LOVE of the DEVIL’s Son, Donald J. Drumpf, and not this country.



OJ Butchering the Truth or the Shadow Government Concealing the Truth?

Yesterday, there was an absolute circus on the idiot box surrounding O.J. Simpson’s parole hearing.  It isn’t about OJ “Butchering the Truth.” It’s about “Concealing the Truth.” The public hysterical generated around a black killer getting away with the alleged murder of 2 (two) white people could be averted by the government, and corporate mass media just reporting the TRUTH. The O.J. Simpson case is still being used as a psychological warfare model for mass population diversion; and to divide and polarize the races/masses.

The Truth Concealed is that Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were killed by at least 2 (two) professional assassins. Don’t get it twisted. I am not saying that. It came out during trial testimony of a forensics’ expert under oath in the infamous O.J. Simpson Murder Trial August 28-September 1, 1995 that there were in fact 2 (two) sets of bloody footprints at the crime scene.

Henry C. Lee, perhaps the most prominent criminalist in the world, testified Tuesday that he detected a second set of footprints outside Nicole Brown Simpson’s condominium on Bundy Drive, where she and Ronald Goldman were slashed and stabbed to death, that could not have come from Bruno Magli shoes.”[1]

Physical evidence don’t lie. The Truth Concealed is that there wasn’t physical evidence that linked O.J. to the crime. If there were any physical evidence linking him to the crime scene at all, it was more than a very high probability that he would have been convicted of double murder. The Truth Concealed is that skin under Nicole’s fingernails didn’t belong to O.J., Brown-Simpson or Ron. Hair evidence taken from a black skull cap found on the scene didn’t match O.J.’s hair. Blood drops on Nicole’s back didn’t match those of O.J. Forensic tests indicated that 2 (two) knives had been used in the crime, one with a straight edge and one with a serrated edge.[2]

I said that to say this. One of the black assassins that I traced for years that I faced several times during the late 1960s was a former Vietnam U.S. Army Ranger. He was a professional assassin that crossed the U.S. killing people in the FBI’s Cointelpro and CIA’s CHAOS programs. It is unknown just how many people he killed, but I do know for certain of 2 (two) victims. The first time I faced him, I was on his Black Nationalists’ active kill list, but that evening I wasn’t his immediate intended victim that was slain a couple blocks away. I was very much afraid. I knew that he had been a military assassin in Nam. I had my hand on a small 9 mm all the time I faced him.

The second time. He called for me by name, and asked my associates of my whereabouts on campus. Rory Bernel Hithe and the certified “Lunatic” George Sams, Jr. were with him. There were about 25- 30 other brothers also looking for me on campus at that time. I was a dead man that most likely would have been dumped in the San Francisco Bay. Earlier in the morning, I had got into with Chairman Bobby Seale about two of heavily armed goons following and threatening me. I was on guard that afternoon. From a second floor window, I saw scaling fences surrounding the campus, and block any possible escape routes. I had enough time to secure myself in a virtually invisible room on the second floor campus building that was almost like a cease in a hall of illusions. The campus building was an old Gothic building that I had come to know well, and particularly every inch of. They couldn’t find me to add a body to their kill list. Just days after that, Williams and Hithe were arrested and charged with 1st degree murder of Alex Rackely, a 17 year old poor, harmless and powerless young brother in New Haven, CT. Black Assassins, Williams and Hithe, just walked away from prison sentences after being convicted of his death. That’s the work of the CIA and shadow government. Subsequently, Hithe was killed 11/8/73 by Jim Jones’ bodyguard, Christopher Wesley Lewisin San Francisco. Hithe was one of the black brutal enforcers and strong arms of CIA Agent, Rev. Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple. The last that I know, Williams was a CEO of a corporation in the South.

I said that to say this. I discovered a public document stored safety away in federal storage in San Bruno, CA that alleged that this very particular former Vietnam U.S. Army Ranger assassin was directly involved in the killing of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. The document was executed by his former wife. Of course, he wasn’t investigated. His wife was dismissed as “crazy“, then she disappeared from public.

I also know that during the time that Nicole and Ron were slain June 1994 that he was still active. In the 1990s, I saw Williams and the hair on my head stood up. That’s when I realized that he was also a silent killer. I spotted him silently trying to move in on a victim that was sitting alone just outside the Alameda County Recorder Office in Oakland, CA waiting for me. His potential victim had gotten a lot of direct and indirect threats against his life. Four (4) people had already lost their lives involving U.S. shadow government deep rabbit hole secrets that I still don’t and may never fully understand.

I swiftly moved toward the assassin to get between him and his intended victim. He spotted me. I knew him very well, and he knew me. He moved out and away from us. It had come too close for comfort. I was so afraid for the lives of both of us. I know that I was no match with a hand to hand combat trained assassin, but if it went down- I was fighting, man to man, for something far more valuable and genuine then he, Truth and Justice.

trolleypopebernieNinth Satanic Circle, U.S. Bernie Sanders, Pope Francis, and Monsignor Marcelo Sorondo

Likewise, pedophilia cases can be significantly impacted and reduced if the government, corporate mass media, and the VATICAN tell the people the TRUTH. April 8, 2016, a high profile flap developed in the Vatican over the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences‘ controversial decision to invite Bernie Sanders to address a conference in Rome while the pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate was in a crucial moment of his campaign against Hillary Clinton.


Jeffrey Sachs, Lebensborn SS

The Vatican also drew criticism for partnering with Jeffrey Sachs, arguably the world’s foremost proponent of mass population fertility control since Himmler and negative Lebensborn SS. Few knew of his public stand for abortion as a covert way to reduce fertility of people of color. He made a plea for legalizing abortion as a cost-effective way to eliminate so called third world “unwanted children” when contraception fails in his 2008 book “Commonwealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet.”[3]

trolleyberniesachsSurprisingly, Bernie Sanders was invited to speak on the same platform with Sachs. Bernie told reporters that he was “delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy.”[4] Sachs and Sanders’ link to the Vatican appears to be Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, who hosted the Vatican Conference together with Sachs’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Sánchez Sorondo sits on the group’s Leadership Council.[5]


Monsignor Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo

Amid conflicting reports about just how Bernie Sanders ended up at the Vatican conference, and actually meeting personally with Pope Francis, one claim is that he was all arranged by Bishop Sorondo of Argentina.[6] He explained that “because we have two presidents coming from Latin America, I thought it would be good to have an authoritative voice from North America.” He maintained that the invite “does not signify any support of the campaign.”[7] Sorondo’s connection to New World Order eugenic population control New World Order elites is crystal clear, not only from his bringing them to the Vatican but also their feting him and having him sit on the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an organization launched by then-U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. On the leadership council, alongside Sorondo, are Jeffrey Sachs and Ted Turner, two of the best-known promoters of coercive population control in the world. Turner held an event at the posh Harvard Club in New York City to celebrate Sorondo’s work on Sept. 25, 2015.[8]

Sorondo & Cavaliere di Gran Croce

Sorondo may be one of the world’s most dangerous and powerful secret society knights behind Pope Francis. He was decorated as Cavaliere di Gran Croce of the Italian Republic (1999), official of honour of the Légion d’Honneur of France (2000),

Sorondo & Grão Mestre da Ordem de Rio Branco of Brazil

Grão Mestre da Ordem de Rio Branco of Brazil (2004), official of Austria (2004) and, knight of Chile (2006)- Order of Merit (Spanish: Orden del Mérito) is a Chilean military, Officer (Spanish: Official);

Sorondo & CHL Order of Merit of Chile – Knight.

Monsignor Sorondo was appointed Chaplain Grand Cross of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in 2006 by Infante Carlos, Duke of Calabria and Vice-Grand Prior of the Order in 2008.[9]




Lucifer’s Lodge Grand Master Mason, Cardinal Bernard Law

When Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston and Grand Master of Lucifer’s Lodge, fled to the Vatican from the Burlington/Boston Diocese in 2002, he left behind at least 550 victims ritually sexually and mentally abused by Satanic pedophile parish priests, and court judgments that eventually topped $85 million.[10] Massachusetts Attorney General, Thomas F. Reilly, refused to close down Lucifer’s Lodge, charge and arrest Cardinal Law for anything.

Cardinal Law, “Child, Be My Victim”

AG Reilly read the ritual sex crimes/sorceries of the Burlington/Boston Diocese like a spreadsheet instead of an indictment of crimes against humanity- CHILDREN.

The ILLUMINATI and Corporate Mass Media has demonized O.J. Simpson’s face, the face of global human outrage, while the the face of Cardinal Law and his cohorts goes UNKNOWN!  What about busting Cardinal Law for running a criminal enterprise lodge of “Satanic Pedophile Priests“- racketeering? A state prosecutor can indict a “Ham Sandwich.”


Bernie, Happy Bishop Coyne, and Cardinal Law

AG Reilly also refused to charge and arrest Cardinal Law’s primary cohort Satanic Brotherhood lieutenant and mouthpiece of Lucifer’s Lodge. Happy, Bishop Christopher J. Coyne of the Burlington Diocese, was U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ business partner in the corrupt land deal, Cambrian Rise, Burlington, VT,  that will end up costing the American taxpayers almost $7 million.


Irish Roman Catholic AG Reilly

It’s important to note that AG Reilly is a subordinate Irish Catholic out of the strange neo-pagan town, Dingle, Ireland.[11] Dingle is connected to the Ogham Stones that some believe go back to the Scythians and the biblical Nimrod.[12]  

Semiramis/CYBELE, is the wife of Nimrod and Queen of Babylon. CYBELE is the wife of SATURN, and accounted mother (Magna Mater) of the gods. SATURN ritually eats CHILDREN. All public servants on the taxpayer’s payroll should be required to report the secret societies that are part of just as citizens are required to report felonies that they have been convicted of.  AG Reilly attended  Cathedral High School in Springfield, MA. After high school, he attended St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia. After St. Francis, he went to the American International College in Springfield.[13] American International was originally established on July 18, 1885, as the French Protestant College by Rev. Calvin E. Amaron, who sought to create an institution of higher learning that would provide the local French Protestant minority with access to higher education.[14] The AG office had enough cause and grounds to shut down Lucifer’s Lodge of the Boston- Burlington Catholic Diocese, forever. The Massachusetts AG’s office was/is a covert Vatican Puppet House of Smoked Mirrors.


Masonic Keystone Corner, Cancelleria Building

In August 2015, Cardinal Law was alive, free and well in St. Peters. “He lives in a very nice building,” Sorondo said of Law. “This is a famous building made by one of the more important architects of the Renaissance time. The name is the [Palazzo della] Cancelleria. The Cancelleria is near here, it’s in the [Corso] Vittorio Emmanuele [II] and he lives in this new apartment in the Cancelleria. It’s not in the center of the Vatican, but this part also belongs to the Vatican.”[15] Bishop Sorondo is a longtime extremely powerful and influential friend of Law.[16]

I invited Cardinal Law to an event that I organized through the Academy of Thomas Aquinas,” Sorondo said. “And he explained very well the mission and the role of Thomas Aquinas and the Church.”[17]

It certainly appears that Cardinal Law is part of one of Pope Francis, and Sorondo’s ultra secret powerful Vatican Satanic circles. That the “Genius of the Catholic Faith“, Dante (1265- 1321) and his HELL, was influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas is incontrovertible. St. Thomas (1225–1274) is extremely interesting.


St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas was a members of the mystical Brotherhood of the Rosicrucian fraternity. Alchemist and their writings begin in the 13th century with the writings of Albertus Magnus and Aquinas. Aquinas had been Magnus’ favorite pupil.[18]

Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, and LUCIFER


Albertus Magnus & Roger Bacon (1214-1294)

” … they supposedly communicated with the DEVIL, receiving the inspiration for inventions like artificial intelligence; they performed incredible feats of transfiguration on themselves, the bodies of others, and all sorts of physical material; and generations of alchemists tinkered away, either hopelessly attempting to turn lesser metals into gold, struggling to create the elixir of life, or cleverly devising ways to fool royals into giving them more money.”[19]

Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) was also known as Saint Albert the Great and Albert of Cologne, was a Dominican friar who became famous as the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. He was the first medieval scholar to apply Aristotle’s philosophy to Christian thought at the time. Catholicism honors him as a Doctor of the Church Universalis, one of only 33 (Masonic Angelic Number) men and women with that honor.

Albertus was an occult alchemist. He was alleged to be a magician, since he was repeatedly charged by some of his unfriendly contemporaries with communing with the DEVIL, practicing the craft of magic, and with the making of a demonic automata able to speak. He was also one of the alchemists reputed to have succeeded in discovering the Philosopher’s Stone.[20]

Albertus Magnus was an ardent disciple of Hermes Trismegistus. Hermes is the purported author of the Hermetic Corpus, a series of sacred texts that are the basis of Hermeticism.  The mythical Hermes goes back long before the time of Moses.

A mysterious plate made of some green material, which legend says is a half of a fragment of an emerald lost by Lucifer when he/she was cast out and fell to Earth (the remaining half is said to have been used to forge the Holy Grail). The Tablet was found, according to the legend, by one of the soldiers of Alexander the Great in a tomb at Ebron, in the hands of the mummy of Hermes Trismegistus, defined as “all alchemists’ father”. The Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes, is a text said to reveal the secret of primordial substances and transmutations. It claims to be the work of Hermes Trismegistus (“Hermes the Thrice-Great”), a legendary Egyptian sage or god, variously identified with the Egyptian god Thoth and/or the Greek god Hermes.”[21]

Marble. 2nd century Roman version of a Greek original of the 5th century BCE Hermes. Rome, Vatican Museums, Pius-Clementine Museum, Gallery of statues, 5 (Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio-Clementino, Galleria delle statue)

Emerald Tablet- Perennial Philosophy of Lucifer/Hermes

The Secret of HermesThe Emerald Tablet, Aldous Huxley dubbed the “ ‘Perennial Philosophy,a timeless science of soul that keeps popping up despite centuries of effort to suppress it. The basic idea is that there exists a divine or archetypal level of mind that determines physical reality, and individuals can access that realm through direct knowledge of God.”[22]

The “Emerald Tablet” is linked with Hermes, God Set, Seth, Apophis (Dragon), Lucifer and the DEVIL. The history of the tablet is complicated and confused with the Corpus Hermeticum of the Middle Ages. The seventeen treatises of the Corpus expand on the principles of the Emerald Tablet and appear to be records of intimate conversations between Hermes and his disciples. For over three centuries, they were thought by the Catholic Church to be very ancient and held in the highest esteem. The church fathers believed the Corpus Hermeticum lent support to Christian doctrines, and the documents were required reading for European scholars. Images of Hermes adorned cathedrals all over Europe, and to this day, a giant fresco dominates the Borgia Apartments of the Vatican that shows Hermes, adorned with Hermetic symbols, walking in the company of Moses.[23]

Goddess Isis (Aset), the Wise, teaching Moses and Hermes Trismegistus; this painting by the Renaissance painter Pinturicchio (1454- 1513) is from the Borgia family apartments. In a treatise attributed to Albertus Magnus, we are told that the tomb of Hermes was near Hebron, Palestine that suggests that he was a high priest and sorcerer of the Emerald Tablet. Officially part of the Emerald Tablet, and Corpus Hermeticum suffered the fate of all writings attributed to Hermes at the Vatican, it went underground in a variety of secret organizations such as the Knights Templar,  Rosicrucians and Freemasonry whose God is LUCIFER.[24]

666 Pope Francis -Ninth Satanic Child Sacrifice Circle 

Pope Francis told both the BBC in England and Der Spiegel in Germany that he intended to meet a group of sex abuse victims in a month after comparing the “ugly crime” to performing “a Satanic Mass”.[25] The International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, Belgium named Pope Francis as one accused in the use and murder via Satanic ritual (Ninth Satanic Circle) of countless children states that his statement or reference to “Satanic Mass” in relation to catholic child rape constitutes “his tacit knowledge” of such a crime.[26] Pope Francis has more than tacit knowledge of the Vatican’s secret ritual “magical non procreative sexual abuse and sacrifice of children“.

Pope Honorious III & The Great BEAST 666

Pope Honorious III (1216-1227) was considered to be the greatest black arts magician of the 13th Century.  He didn’t invent ancient Luciferian magic, but was initiated into one of Lucifer’s ancient secret orders,  he published the first “Grimoire” (magic textbook) in history-the infamous “Grimoire of Honorious the Great“- the mother of all Luciferian Satanic magic textbooks.

Baal- Moloch- Child Sacrifice 

Unlike modern Satanist groups that worship names like Satan/Devil – Pope Honorious wrote of Moloch the most ancient dark god of the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Sadducces, and Satanists. Moloch- god of eternal fire and damnation, from where we get the word “Immolate” – to literally sacrifice people to fire.[27]

“The Holy Apostolic Chair, unto which the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven were given by those words that Christ Jesus addressed to St. Peter: I give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and unto thee alone the Power of commanding the Prince of Darkness and his angels, who, as slaves of their Master, do owe him honour, glory and obedience, by those other words of Christ Jesus: Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve–hence by the Power of these Keys the Head of the Church has been made the Lord of Hell. But seeing that until this present the Sovereign Pontiffs have alone possessed the Power of using invocations and commanding Spirits, His Holiness Honorius the Third, being moved by his Pastoral care, has benignly desired to communicate the methods and faculty of invoking and controlling Spirits to his venerable Brethren in Jesus Christ, adding the Conjurations which must be used in such case, the whole being contained in the Bull which here follows.



Servant of the Servants of God, unto all and each of our venerable Brethren of the Holy Roman Church, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots; unto all and each of our sons in Jesus Christ, Priests, Deacons, Subdeacons, Acolytes, Exorcists, Cantors, Pastors, Clerks both Secular and Regular, Health and Apostolic Benediction. In those days when the Son of God, Saviour of the World, generated in the fulness of time, and born, according to the flesh, of the Race of David, did live on this earth, Whose Most Holy Name is Jesus, before which the heavens., earth and hell do bend the knee; we have seen with what Power He commanded demons, which Power was also transmitted to St. Peter by that utterance: Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it. These words were addressed to St. Peter as the Head and Foundation of the Church. We then, who, by the mercy of God, and despite the Poverty of our merit, have succeeded to the Sovereign Apostolate, and, as lawful successor of St. Peter, have the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven committed to our hands, desiring to communicate the Power of invoking and commanding Spirits, which hath been reserved unto us alone, and our Possessors did alone enjoy; wishing, I repeat, by Divine inspiration, to share it with our venerable Brethren and dear sons in Jesus Christ, and fearing lest in the exorcism of the Possessed, they might otherwise be appalled at the frightful figures of those rebellious angels who in sin were cast into the abyss, lest also they should be insufficiently learned in those things which must be Performed and observed, and that those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ may not be tormented by any witchcraft or possessed by the demon, we have included in this Bull the manner of their invocation, which same must be observed inviolably. And because it is meet that the ministers of the Altar should have authority over the rebellious Spirits, we hereby depute unto them all powers which we possess, in virtue of the Holy Apostolic Chair, and we require them, by our Apostolic authority, to observe what follows inviolably, lest by some negligence unworthy of their character they should draw down on themselves the wrath of the Most High.[28]

Pope Honorious’ Grimoire” is an very early secret CATHOLIC papal reference and admission to “child sacrifices.” The book was published between 1629 and 1670. The book is based on aspects of Christian and Cabalist lore.

Baphomet and Knights Templar, Innocent III and Honorius III

Its important to note that Honorius III along with Pope Innocent III initiated the Fourth and Fifth Crusade to retake the Holy Land 1213- 1221. That would have place them directly as the spiritual leaders, high priests and sorcerers of Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights, and the Knights Hospitaller– the BAPHOMET. Like the Baphomet, the “Grimoire” wasn’t invented by either Innocent or Honorius. They had been initiated into the far ancient dark circle of Hermes. The Baphomet, Moloch and the Grimoire had been passed down to them, and both were Satanic and “EVIL AS HELL”!

Popes Innocent III and Honorius III were the spiritual leaders of the Knights Templar that led the 20 year Albigensian Crusade or Cathar (heresy) Crusade and military campaign aggression (1209–1229) in the south of France. It resulted in the wholesale slaughter- genocide (mass murder) of about 200,000 to 1,000,000 people.

CHILD SACRIFICE: Honorious’s Grimoire, Great BEAST & the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Baphomet & A.L. Constant AKA Eliphas Levi

Eliphas Levi construed the “Grimoire” in the Key of the Great Mysteries (1861). He summed the book up as “a veritable monument of human perversity.”[29] According to Eliphas Levi (1810- 1875), Neo-Catholic Occultist, High Priest and Sorcerer of Hermes’ Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn revealed that Pope Honorious’ Grimoire” contains instruction to ritually “sacrifice a live kid“- a “human kid” as opposed to a male goat. The “Grimoire” proves the Vatican’s secret Gothic sorceries involving the non- procreative sex magickmasturbatory, homosexuality, and menstrual cycle blood of the sorceress. All of these ritual sexual sorceries are used to converse with, seek control and dominion over the DEVIL, powerful demons, the forces of evil and darkness. (see Witcha, A Book of Cunning, Nathaniel J. Harris, Mandrake of Oxford, Oxford, England (2004), pg. 240)

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley was an infamous member of Hermes’ Golden Dawn. He was ran out of Italy by Mussolini surrounding allegations that he had been involved in the secret abduction, and ritually sacrifice of children. Crowley:  “ … the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best …  by sacrificing a female lamb one would not obtain any appreciate quantity of the fierce energy useful to a Magician who was invoking Mars. In such a case a ram would be more suitable. And this ram should be virgin — the whole potential of its original total energy should not have been diminished in any way. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim.”

Finally, Bernie Sanders and Mary Jane O’Meara are under a current federal investigation for fraud and public corruption in the Burlington College- Burlington/Boston Diocese land deal that gave the Catholic diocese and the 9th Circle Lucifer’s Lodge $10 million in almost all tax-free taxpayer money- $303, 303, 303 per acre for patent Masonic 33 acres for a money laden filled TROLLEY TO HELL. In 2008, O.J. Simpson was convicted and sentenced up to a patent Masonic 33 years in prison for armed robbery and kidnapping in a failed attempt to recover his stolen sports memorabilia from two collectibles dealers.

The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, a child sacrifice group composed of global elites, appears to be routinely raping, torturing and murdering children.”  Testimony of a former Argentine civil servant during the 1970s Dirty War who took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials. Pope Francis’ fast ascension to head the Argentine Catholic Church was a suspected result of his agreement to traffick missing political prisoner children from Catholic orphanages.”[30]

Dante’s Inferno, the 9th Circle is considered the most evil because it opposes God’s greatest gift to mankind, LOVE. Circle 9 is known as the circle of treachery. SATAN, Lucifer, the DEVIL  himself resides in this region of the NINTH CIRCLE.[31]





[5] Id.












[17] Id.







[24] Id.





[29] Waite, Arthur Edward, the book of black magic and of pacts, The de Laurence Co., Chicago, IL (1910), pg. 79




14 07 2017




U.S. Capital Police Officer, Henry Cabrera

THE PARTY CRASHER does not respect or recognize any political party lines, Republican or Democrat, Left, Right, Radials or Progressives, moderates, even when it involves Congress, and its direct interference with child and human trafficking, part of the underworld New World Order Masonic Satanic agenda in America.


On May 25, 2017, U.S. Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA) posted a video on his YouTube channel and on his Twitter feed discussing recently passed bills in the House to target child predators and to provide protection for human trafficking victims. “The sad truth is that human trafficking is a real problem plaguing each and every community in the United States,” Scalise said. “This week the House took strong action to stand up for the victims of human trafficking, passing tough bills to provide them protection and to target child predators.”[1]


On June 6, 2017, U.S. Representative Brad Wenstrup (R-VA) published an op-ed on the topic titled Human Trafficking: As Easy as Ordering a Pizza. “It is true – with the rise of the Internet, human trafficking has become one of the fastest growing businesses of organized crime in the world,” Wenstrup wrote. Wenstrup cited that human trafficking generates billions annually in illegal profits around the globe and as many as 17,500 people may be trafficked into the country every year while approximately100,000 American citizens may be victims of trafficking within the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Congressional Research Service.[2] Wenstrup outlined twelve bills the House of Representatives recently passed during Combating Trafficking and Child Protection Week in Congress to fight child abuse and exploitation. “The bills also ensure investigators have more efficient access to critical evidence necessary to stop child predators, strengthen tools for the prosecution of perpetrators, increase the requirements for lifelong registration and reporting for offenders, and better equip law enforcement to protect children from harm,” Wenstrup wrote.[3]


President- select Republican Donald J. Drumpf is an anti-child predator- human trafficking proponent- THAT DOG DON’T HUNT! He is a grand deceiver, and an old fashion snake oil salesman that people continue to buy his liniment.


Drumpf should have been prosecuted as a child predator, and pedophile right along beside his partner in pedophilia, Jeffrey Epstein of Pedophile Island.




Congressman Steve Scalise, Left Hip Blood Wound was Horrific & REAL!

On June 14, 2017, , Rep. Steve Scalise was shot and wounded during an assassination attempt in the infamous GOP baseball practice field assault. On Wednesday, July 5, 2017, still in the hospital from the June 14th assassination attempt, Scalise suddenly developed an infection and was readmitted to an intensive care unit in serious condition, MedStar Washington Hospital Center.[4]


Thursday, June 22, 2017, Mika & Washington National Outfielder, Jayson Werth

The Washington Post: “A shooter opened fire at a GOP baseball practice. Here’s what happened, in maps and photos- updated June 15, at 4:28 p.m.” The article does not mention the above U.S. Capital Police Officer Henry Cabrera, the “THE PARTY CRASHER” as if he wasn’t there. [5] Am I missing something? But, Officer Cabrera was there, behind the 1st base dugout,  engaging an alleged assassin in an alleged firefight. Why didn’t they simply fact-check their story?  Congressional charity baseball game volunteer, Matt Mika, above, a lobbyist for Tyson Foods, was allegedly shot multiple times (how many?) in his chest (area of numerous vital internal organs) and arm. He allegedly suffered massive trauma at the June 14, 2017 GOP baseball practice field assault. On Thursday, June 22, he didn’t appear to have been in any distress or shot at all mugging with Jayson Werth. He was released from the hospital on Friday, June 23, 2017. At first, I assumed that he was shot with the same bullets that hit Steve Scalise.[6] But, it appears that he wasn’t shot in the chest and arm by any assassin assault or sniper weapon. If he was hit with anything, it had to be rock salt, rubber or plastic bullets.


Part of a Mass False Flag HollyWeird Show Production- Absolutely Shameful!


False Flag Dramatic Photo Opportunity

Greek Goat Rider Texas congressional staffer for U.S. Representative John Roger Williams (R- TX),  Zachary Barth (Secret Society: Beta Upsilon Chi Christian), was wounded allegedly shot in the leg at the June 14, 2017 GOP baseball practice field assault. But, he didn’t spend not one day in the hospital for an alleged assault rifle gunshot wound. That cannot be with standard assault weaponry and ammunition.


Zack had to have been shot with a BB gun not an assault weapon that is designed to inflict maximum horrific wounds to human flesh and tissue just as in the case of Steve Scalise. An assault weapon and ammunition are designed to critically wound, cripple, and take down an adversary immediately. Hey Zack, am I missing something? Where exactly in the leg was he possibly shot? And, his partner, Rep Williams, must have bruised that them there BONE in his ankle.


Rep. Williams (R- TX), is a Disciple of Christ. Former infamous Disciples were President Lyndon B. Johnson, President Ronald Reagan, and Rev. James Warren Jones, Peoples Temple.[7]


Rev. Jim Jones

The secret Medical/Mind Control Experimental Concentration Camp that was hidden away in the deep rain forest of Jonestown, Guyana in 1978 was a spawn of the Disciples of Christ,

They welcomed Jim Jones into their denomination with open arms. Then, eight years prior to the Guyana mass murder, they  received detailed evidence of his fake healings. I personally warned their bishop in 1970 (directly and by letter). Later, upon getting an earful of Jones’ atrocities (beatings, the abuse of children in “survival outings” where they were forced to eat raw bugs, lizards, and their own vomit), the Disciples leaders continued to defend a monster in their midst… when one of their theologians … confronted them in one high-level secret meeting just days after the Guyana tragedy, they sent him home with orders to burn “the stencils” of his proposition. They further warned that he should “not mention this to our communications office.” …  Had they but a twit of courage and integrity, Jones would have gone nowhere in California. Children and adults, hundreds of them, would therefore not have died in agony… A journalist, the most courageous and honest of the many I worked with, summed it up most succinctly: The Disciples of Christ ‘stink on dry ice.’ [8]

Rev. Jim Jones was CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.[9] If the Disciples provided cover for Rev. Jim Jones, they covered for the CIA and the secret Nazi-SS Underground in America.  U.S. Rep. john Rogers Williams is part of the ultra secret treasonous 9-11 Bush-Cheney Cabal.[10]

In a CBS This Morning televised interview on the morning after the shooting, neither Zach or Congressman Roger Williams, that sprained his ankle in the incident, mentioned Henry Cabrera– “THE PARTY CRASHER“. Yet, they specially singled out and thanked Capital Police Officers David Bailey and Crystal Griner for being heroic, and saving them. But, they must have seen him engaged in the firefight, or no firefight actually took place at all. They were all in the same 1st base dugout with everybody else that said Cabrera was there during the so-called firefight. [11] Hey Roger and Zack, am I missing something like the Big Lie– FALSE FLAG!

ABC Night David Muir Never Mentioned Henry Cabrera!

Shot in the hip, corporate mass media reported that Scalise, the No. 3 Republican leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, had been improving in recent weeks since June 14, 2017 following surgeries to repair broken bones, and injured “internal organs”.[12]



Compared to the Chest– what “internal organs” are in the Left Hip? Nevertheless, if you look at the Hip Bone like,

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones, The thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone …The hip bone’s connected to the back bone, The back bone’s connected to the neck bone, The neck bone’s connected to the head bone … Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones.[13]

The Republican majority whip may be in the hospital for the rest of 2017, then some in 2018 with another chorus of Dem bones.


Officer David Bailey- Bruised That BONE Therapeutic Blue Sock?

The hero U.S. Capital Police Officer David Bailey is a secret society Alpha Phi Alpha BOULE Negro. The BOULE is one of the most powerful and treacherous ILLUMINATI Masonic secret societies in the Black Community. Officer Bailey must have been treated at the hospital for getting his feet tangled up and bruising DEM BONES, because he certainly wasn’t shot by ANYTHING! Neither Bailey or Crystal Griner, that may shot herself in the foot, have mentioned their partner in the alleged firefight, Officer Henry Cabrera, THE PARTY CRASHER“.


Scalise & Officer Crystal Griner

There has been no explanation why Scalise needed a THREE (3)- person security team. Had he been threatened, and why?  Also, there is no explanation why his entire security detail was chilling in the 1st base dugout instead securing the perimeter of the baseball field if he was under threats.  Steve Scalise– was he shot at close or long range? Nothing is being released about the ballistics reports. What type of bullet struck him in the hip?


Homesick Hapless Manchurian Candidate Patsy, James T. Hodgkinson

It appears that Hodgkinson’s body has been cremated. The same questions stand out with the shooting death of Hodgkinson. Was he shot at close or long range? Nothing is being released about the ballistics or his autopsy report. What type of bullet(s) struck him and killed him? When and where did he die? Why was he pronounced dead by President- select Donald J. Drumpf instead of the FBI, police or hospital officials?[14]



Since my last visit, Cabrera’s Facebook page has recently been cleansed of any and all military (Fort Jackson, SC), police photos and references.[15] The CIA recruits assassins straight out of Fort Jackson.[16] There is an odd reference to “bct 3 a co 3-34 alpha assassins Fort Jackson address; Building Southeastern Columbia, Ft. Jackson” where soldiers and recruits become assassins.[17]


Roman Catholic Katherine Griggs of Virginia Beach, VA was the wife of 11 years to alcoholic Colonel George Raymond Griggs, USMC, Intelligence Operations, head of special (psychological) operations under Admiral Celso of NATO. She maintains her former husband, Marine Col. Griggs, ran a military intelligence Murder, Inc. of trained assassins that he called the “firm” or “The BROTHERHOOD” that were “sexually perverted” (Hermaphrodites).

sandersfortjackson Kay Griggs said that the BROTHERHOOD had its origins in the secret German illness, the Pink Triangle–Sodomite SS and Nazis out of Operation PAPERCLIP. South Carolina around the Columbia, Fort Jackson backwoods veils the BROTHERHOOD’s ultra secret U.S. military grounds, camps and fields for home-grown trained pseudo false flag domestic terrorists, and assassins.[18]


On June 14. 2017, the deadliest and most lethal military trained human being with an assault weapon on the baseball field was the aptly named PARTY CRASHERHenry Cabrera, U.S. Army, 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson. After his mission, the assassin is trained to fall back and  clandestinely blend into the background as if he was never there.


The problem is most of corporate mass media, many members of the U.S. Congress and the FBI seem willing to let him slip into the DARKNESS. The Steven Scalise Hit was a clandestine CIA PIZZAGATE Cover-up Assassination Attempt.





The simplest way to describe the hoofed foot horned goat god, Baphomet (God Pan), and gestures, As Above, So Below, is “Satan Equals God.”[19] It is “Four Words That Open the Doorway to Satanism.”[20] It is the entry way to the “Occult” to become equal on earth with the creator, above. They worship in the dark, in underground temples, caves and grottos. Guardian spirit guides, demons and fallen angels consume and take control, but must be appeased with the ritual blood sacrifice of animals, men, women, children and infants.

Thru the POWER of the “Occult“, Satan’s disciples, apostles, servants and accomplices are ILLUMINATED above all others. So, they believe. Opposites, like black and white, above and below, masculine and feminine, good and bad, take on new meanings. They say, “You cannot have one without the other.” That means you cannot have evil without good, or good without evil. Then, since good and evil are simply opposites, that means ONE IS NOT BETTER THAN ANOTHER. They are all the same. There is no bad or evil.[21]

James T. Hodgkinson and the attempted assassination of Steve Scalise had absolutely nothing to do with political ideologies, philosophies, divisions or parties. It is as it were tens and thousands of years ago that Satan, Set, Seth, Devil, Lucifer, Apophis (Dragon) and his evil disciples, apostles, servants and accomplices combined and decided that it was their time to rule the world. One of the primary goals of (Set) Lucifer’s deception is to keep people from worshipping his good brother, God (Aset).


Nancy Pelosi is an illusionary, looking glass, and smoked mirror Democrat that is a clandestine apostle of the Goat God. She secretly runs Goat Hill Pizza in Francisco, CA.[22] Corporate mass media chase and spread the wild false conspiracy theory that James T. Hodgkinson was a radical Democrat liberal left wing disciple of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont that violently targeted Republicans.


However, Hodgkinson can’t be something that Bernie Sanders just isn’t- a radical left wing Democrat liberal. Politically, Sanders is an illusionary “Independent” politician. In 2016, he made a pact with the DEVIL to run for the Democrat presidential seat.[23]


Bernie & Washington Masonic Temple of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons

Bernie Sanders’ offices are located in the Masonic Lodge (Temple) HQ in Burlington, VT. A Masonic Temple is a monument in stone to “AS ABOVE, SO BELOW“. Sanders’ office in a Masonic temple isn’t necessarily in itself suspect. However, if you factor in AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, then you should consider it as a factor in Sanders’ access to the BELOW: Masonic underground Satanic ritual dungeons, grottos and tunnel systems beneath the temple for ritual blood sacrifices, and conjuring fallen angels, demons, spirits, and the DEVIL.


They go hand and hand with 18th century Satanic Cults, Freemasons, and Masonic Temples worshiping the DEVIL- below. Please, don’t dismiss me, yet. There are much more actual concrete links and connections to the story. Sander’s abode, Washington Masonic Temple of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons in Burlington, had been chartered in 1795. It was charted by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Boston.


In Boston, its Masonic tunnels underneath the city are somewhat well exposed, ” … in the 19th century workmen discovered that a house at 453 Commercial Street had a large stone arch in its cellar that connected to a subterranean tunnel. The tunnel was 14 feet wide, five feet high, and was made of imported bricks. It angled away from Commercial Street towards Salem Street. The tunnel had been sealed off, so no one knew where it ended. The house at 453 Commercial was demolished in 1906.”[24] On the History channel, there is a show called “Cities of the Underworld” that featured Boston.  They showed smuggling tunnels under a church (Old North Church) that date back to colonial times. There are also 40 tombs that once held the bodies of over 1000 Freemasons.  There are even tunnels in the basements of houses said to have been used by King George’s pirates.

King George’s War (1744–1748) is the name given to the military operations in North America that formed part of the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748). It was the third of the four French and Indian Wars. It took place primarily in the British provinces of New York, Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and Nova Scotia. In French, it is known as the Third Intercolonial War.[25]


Sanders is a ZIONIST directly connected with Ivanka and Jared Kushner’s Kabbalah of the Zohar, and the Chabad-Lubavitch (Hasidic) Movement through the worship of the late 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneersoh of the Hasidic Movement. The Movement is directly associated with the rise of the ultra secret ancient horrific BLOOD LIBEL  rituals and sacrifices.  Sanders has more connections to the Satanic BELOW.



It has been recently exposed that Sanders wife, Mary Jane O’Meara, is subject of a pending FBI corruption investigation involving students, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, 10 (ten) million dollars, and a Masonic symbolic 33 (Thirty-Three) acres of land.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington is a diocese of the Vatican in the New England region of the U.S. comprising the entire state of Vermont. It is led by a prelate bishop, who serves as pastor of the mother church, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, in the city of Burlington. The Diocese of Burlington was canonically erected on July 29, 1853 by Pope Pius IX. ITS TERRITORIES WERE TAKEN FROM THE FORMER DIOCESE OF BOSTON. The Burlington See is a suffragan diocese of the Archdiocese of Boston.[26]


From Jane O’Meara’s Original Storefront Burlington College, Burlington, VT

Jane O’Meara- Sanders, President of Burlington College (2003-2011), was involved with a secret deal with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington to receive appropriately $4 million over the highest appraised value of the diocese’s 33-acre headquarters in a sale to Burlington College in 2010. The diocese headquarters built in 1881 slopes down to a beach on Lake Champlain.[27]


To Jane O’Meara’s $10 Million Beachfront Burlington College

It was a deal that the Burlington/Boston Roman Catholic Diocese was overjoyed, and so very happy with the Bernie – Mary Jane O’Meara- Sanders land deal. Jane O’Meara was happy, too. At the expense of the state and federal taxpayers, she had almost a $7 million cash cow to milk.  Two of her children may have joined the feeding frenzy collecting 6 figure salaries. They were smiling all the way to the bank, and the GATES OF HELL!


Happy Demons, Jane O’Meara & Bishop Christopher J. Coyne

The Happy Bishop added, “At the time, we were very satisfied with the $10 million purchase price on a property that was assessed … at $6 million. So the offer from Burlington College was about $4 million more than the property was worth …[28] It was a deal made in Heaven (ABOVE)- so it seemed on Earth (BELOW).

VI- 666



BE MY SACRIFICE- Cardinal Bernard Law, Boston Archdiocese

The following is absolutely CHILLING!The Happy Bishop Coyne was the public relations man for the disgraced Cardinal Bernard Law of the Archdiocese of Boston. Bishop Coyne was Law’s spokesman in 2002, when sexual abuse scandals erupted in the Boston diocese. Law resigned months after a judge unsealed court records in January 2002 that showed he had allowed priests with confirmed histories of molesting children to continue working in parishes.[29]


Late Boston Diocese Pedophile Catholic Priest, John Geoghan

The pedophile priest cover-up in Boston was horrific. In civil lawsuits in just one example, more than 130 people have claimed Priest John Geoghan sexually abused them as children during his three decades as a priest at Boston-area parishes. He was convicted in 2002 of indecent assault and battery for fondling a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool. Geoghan often targeted boys from broken homes, ingratiating himself during frequent visits or fun outings. One victim said Geoghan molested him as the two were driving home from getting an ice cream cone. Others said Geoghan molested them after visiting their rooms at bedtime to tuck them in, sometimes while whispering prayers.[30]

The church abuse scandal, which has had repercussions worldwide, broke in early 2002 with revelations that the Boston archdiocese had shuttled Geoghan from parish to parish despite warnings about his pedophilic behavior. The scandal mushroomed after a judge ordered the release of archdiocese files involving dozens of priests, showing repeated examples of the archdiocese shipping priests to different parishes when allegations arose. The scandal mushroomed after a judge ordered the release of archdiocese files involving dozens of priests, showing repeated examples of the archdiocese shipping priests to different parishes when allegations arose.[31]


David Clohessy, national director of the Chicago-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said what made Geoghan’s case more “than just a single case about a single predator” was that it revealed the corruption in the church. In 2003, Geoghan, serving a 10 year sentence in prison, died after apparently being strangled by a fellow inmate convicted of murder.[32]


The Attorney General of Massachusetts, Thomas Reilly, called the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston “the greatest tragedy to befall children – ever” in Massachusetts, one that involved far more priests and many more victims than 18 months of traumatic public disclosures have suggested.[33] Reilly, in releasing the report on a 16 (sixteen) month investigation, said that over six decades at least 237 priests and 13 other church employees were accused of molesting at least 789 minors. Reilly said the actual number of victims may be much higher, and probably exceeds 1,000.[34] But he also said that, though he wished it were otherwise, he could find no criminal statute under which he could prosecute church leaders, including Cardinal Law. Nonetheless, he concluded that Law, his two predecessors as archbishop, and numerous subordinate bishops facilitated the years of abuse, protecting priests time and again while leaving children vulnerable. “The mistreatment of children was so massive and so prolonged that it borders on the unbelievable,” Reilly said. Church leaders, he said, “in effect, sacrificed children for many, many years.”  The report also cited evidence that Lawhad firsthand knowledge of the problem of clergy sexual abuse of children for many years” – even before he became archbishop of Boston in 1984.[35] Reilly’s office, which had to use grand jury subpoenas to force disclosures by church officials, discovered fresh evidence of efforts by Law’s deputies, five of whom now head their own dioceses, to hide the problem from the public, and sometimes from inquiring law enforcement officials.

For example:


1984 Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary of Boston, Bishop Robert Joseph Banks

1985 Auxiliary Bishop of the Boston Archdiocese

Bishop Robert J. Banks in 1984 urged prosecutors and a judge to be lenient toward the Rev. Eugene M. O’Sullivan, who had pleaded guilty to raping an altar boy. Banks, according to the report, knew something prosecutors didn’t – that O’Sullivan had other victims. Banks is now the bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, as mentioned in the chapter on Father Kunz.”


Monsignor Alfred C. Hughes

Msg. Hughes is the Grand Prior of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The Cross of Godfrey of Bouillon (1060- 1100) is the Knights Templar Crusaders Cross”.  Substantial evidence of the secret Knights Templar/Catholic Satanic Ritual Black Mass Murder Cults can be traced back to the 15th century,  Knights Templar French Nobleman Giles de Montmorency-Lava AKA Baron Giles de Rais.

After a Hingham pastor, the Rev. John R. Hanlon, was indicted on rape charges in 1992, Bishop Alfred C. Hughes did not disclose to the law enforcement officials who contacted him that a second victim of Hanlon had complained to the archdiocese. Hughes is now archbishop of New Orleans.”

‘Even now’ the report said, ‘the process protects priests at the expense of victims’ when complaints are lodged by giving the archbishop discretion on whether to investigate. Also, Reilly said, the lay review board does not have independence from the archbishop, and there is still no provision to monitor the behavior of accused priests who have been removed from ministry.”

The total number of diocesan and religious order priests accused in the Diocese of Boston, according to Reilly’s report, is 237, which includes a handful of religious brothers. Reilly’s report does not say how many of the 237 are diocesan priests. Citing that evidence, the report said that Law ‘bears ultimate responsibility for the tragic treatment of children that occurred during his tenure.”[36]

The AG never charged Cardinal Bernard Law with any crime, claiming that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had no laws on the books to cover the prelate’s action and policies. Nevertheless in 2002, Cardinal Law fled to Rome.[37]The Happy Bishop Coyne is part of the Vatican’s deep PEDOPHILE PRIEST cover-up and protection ring and cabal of the Ninth Satanic Circle.[38]


Cardinal Law & Bishop Coyne

Cardinal Bernard Law was not only complicit in the operation of a ring of pedophile priests, some of whom were practicing Satanists. Cardinal Law, Bishop Coyne, and the Vatican were involved in a major cover-up in Boston involving the Church which was paying off former victims for their silence and using forms of intimidation to quell others who suffered under these vile priests. Some of the victims in Boston suffered under the nefarious activities of a group of DEVIL-worshiping Catholic priests.[39] Under Cardinal Law and Bishop Coyne, the Burlington Diocese was running LUCIFER’S LODGE.


Don’t get it twisted. These Catholic Satanic/DEVIL Worshiping Cults are not fly by night cults. They go back generations to medieval Europe.  Knights Templars even trace their origins back to the Kemetic evil God Set of the Hyksos Shepard Kings of 14th century BC. Some find their philosophical pseudo religious origins and ideology all the way back to the Nephilim  of the Bible,

Genesis 6 King James Version (KJV)

6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.


Cardinal Law and the Happy Bishop allowed Father Robert Meffan  to recruit junior high school girls as young as 12 years old for the Catholic ministry, and then rape and brainwash them for his absolutely wild bizarre and blasphemous ancient Luciferian Sex Magic cult, The Brides of Christ, until his full retirement from the priesthood in 1996.


He had been initiated into the Occult and Satanism, by a mysterious figure called, “THE MYSTIC”, “Like [Great BEAST 666] Crowley, Meffan considered himself an incarnation of Jesus Christ. Like Crowley, he recruited young, emotionally disturbed women. Like Crowley, he offered these girls unique mystical experiences for participating in occult ceremonies.


Like Crowley, Meffan employed visualization and sex rituals (one may recall that Meffan told the girls to think of themselves as “brides of Christ having sex with Jesus in Heaven”) to confirm his own divinity in his own mind.”[40]


Lucifer’s Lodge Grand Master, Cardinal Bernard Law

Even though Cardinal Law knew of Meffan’s satanic beliefs that he was AS ABOVE, SO BELOW Christ/Satan on Earth, and his wholesale rape of children, he wrote the following upon the priest’s retirement: Without doubt over these years of generous care, the lives and hearts of many people have been touched by your sharing of the Lord’s Spirit. We are truly grateful.[41]


While Father Meffan was running his Sex Magick Cult of Lucifer’s Lodge, his superior, Monsignor Frederick J. Ryan was running an outshot of the Satanic Process Church that had been headquartered in Boston. In 1970, the Boston Chapter of the Process was established at 29 Inman Street in Cambridge.[42] Msgr. Ryan had been a top aide to Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Humberto Medeiros. He died in 1983; he was succeeded by Cardinal Law.


Whereas Meffan sought sex from girls training to be nuns, his boss Msgr. Ryan went after boys. As mentioned, Ryan had one victim tattooed with a Devil figure in some strange sex ceremony. This is remarkably similar to the practices of the Process Church of the Final Judgment because of its division of members into groups. It reflects the theology of the cult, according to which some members would attach themselves to Christ, while others dedicated themselves to Luciferian rituals. The only two cases we know of in the Kingston County area of Massachusetts, those of Meffan and Ryan, strongly support the theory that the Archdiocese of Boston was in fact allowing a Satanist coven similar to the Process Church to operate in its geographical area of authority, and even went out of its way to protect the members of this sect.”[43]


Deal With the Goat God and Lucifer’s Lodge, Multi-Millionaire Tony Pomerleau and Bernie Sanders

Jane, Bernie and Burlington College financed the structure of the Burlington/Boston Diocese deal with loans from several sources. Lucifer’s Lodge kicked in $3.5 million in illusionary seller financing on paper. Local real estate developer and Sanders supporter French Canadian Catholic Tony Pomerleau [most likely Opus Dei], who helped broker the secret deal with the diocese from the beginning, provided an illusionary $500,000 bridge loan on paper. As planned, the real and actual financing for Burlington College came from $6.5 million in tax-free revenue bonds issued by the Vermont Educational and Health Buildings Finance Authority (VEHBFA) that was subsequently purchased by the federally insured, People’s United Bank.[44]The VEHBFA provides eligible [Sanders’ Corrupt Influence] private nonprofit libraries, educational, and health care providers with access to tax-exempt [capital] financing for the construction and renovation of facilities and the purchase of equipment, furnishings and other real or personal property.[45] In August of 2014, within a year of Jane’s leaving the college in 2013,  the college defaulted on that VEHBFA loan.


Nevertheless, the Bernie, Happy Jane and the Smiling Bishop of Lucifer’s Lodge were still overjoyed, “We’re very satisfied with the outcome at the end, even though we didn’t receive the full $10 million,” Coyne says of the settlement. “We walked away with a pretty good price, and at this point we’re not interested in pursuing any further matter in this.”[46] Jane’s $200,000 Golden Parachute 2013 severance package from Burlington College had to come from taxpayers, because the school had been milked dry.

The diocese’s headquarters, formerly St. Josephs Orphan Asylum that became Sanders’ Burlington College Campus facility (351 North Avenue) was sold to the private investor, Eric Farrell, for $6,075,100.00 as reported by the city assessor’s office. $3.5 of that purchase price went to Lucifer’s Lodge to pay part of the college’s $3.65 million original indebtedness to it. So, the diocese  didn’t lose a nickel in the deal in the end . Here’s the kicker. According to the Burlington Free Press, the building was sold to help pay for settlements of about two dozen sexual ritual abuse PEDOPHILE/Satanic abuse lawsuits against the Burlington diocese- Lucifer’s Lodge.[47] I didn’t say it. It came from the Burlington Free Press, and nobody has denied the intended primary purpose of the diocese’s real estate deal was/is to bail them out of their PEDOPHILE/Satanic abuse cases. And, the Sanders are all up in mixing that Kool-aid with sugar.  The diocese moved its administration offices to spaces owned by owned by of things, PIZZAGALLI Properties.[48]

All along, the Sanders- Burlington Diocese land deal was a cover for Lucifer’s Lodge to raise a covert “hush money” nest egg on the taxpayers’ backs. It had been secretly brokered thru the (Opus Dei?) Tony Pomerleau’s multi-million dollar real estate network.  Eric Farrell bought the Burlington Diocese land deal from Burlington College. Farrell, a Catholic, went to St. Michaels College (100% residential) in Colchester, VT.[49] The College was founded in 1889 by priests from the Society of Saint Edmund to serve French Speaking Catholics. The society fled to the U.S. after widespread anticlericism seized France.[50]


Cambrian Rise Proposed Development

Developer Eric Farrell has proposing to build 733 units of housing in 10 buildings. The project (Cambrian Rise) includes roughly 40,000 square feet of commercial space and 1,100 parking spaces on 33 acres. Both 733 and 33 seem to have hidden Masonic, occult and biblical significance. As I speak, the project is rolling smooth- straight dead ahead with no holds barred. And, it just so happens to be the very project that Tony Pomerleau had planned to develop out of the Burlington Diocese real estate portfolio from the very beginning. This was all along planned and schemed by deep layer Opus Dei stuff that will leave taxpayers holding the bag for $6.5 million that it gave to the Sanders, Pomerleau, and Lucifer’s Lodge. They will turn everything all around and cash in on the back end from Lucifer’s  Lodge covert multi-million dollar Burlington Diocese beachfront land private commercial conversion and development, Cambrian Rise. That’s the way, they roll.


It’s hard and very difficult to believe in the 21st century, but the Sanders aren’t the people’s champion socialist, liberal, progressive, independent, and radical politicians that they pretend to be. It’s all ILLUSIONS, SMOKED MIRRORS and the LOOKING GLASS. It’s a master piece of Mass Population DECEPTION.  They, first and foremost, are  Apostles of  the DEVIL. It’s well documented and the Lucifer’s Lodge, the Burlington Diocese, admitted that the Ten (10) Million Dollars of taxpayers’ funds that the Sanders’ Cabal covertly poured into its coffers are for PIZZAGATE/PEDOPHILE settlement and covert HUSH funds. The Cambrian Rise Complex Development is a clandestine project to shield and transmute the diocese’s valuable real estate into Opus Dei private property hands to veil it from mounting PIZZAGATE/PEDOPHILE lawsuits. For the job, they turned to the Vermont politically powerful and secret HASIDIC Mystic Jew politician, Kabbalah of the Zohar- Bernie Sanders, and his clandestine Opus Dei wife.


Previously, it has always been beneath his dignity to even acknowledge PIZZAGATE and PEDOPHILE Child Predators. The problem and the very subject has always been a big joke to Bernie, whether he eat Pizza with a fork or not. Well, it’s no longer a joke. Sanders has hired a team of lawyers to defend he and his wife in a Federal probe of fraud and corruption in the Burlington Diocese- Burlington College land deals. Sanders’ top adviser Jeff Weaver told CBS News the couple has sought legal protection over federal agents’ allegations from a January 2016 complaint accusing then-President of Burlington College, Ms. Sanders, of distorting donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People’s United Bank to purchase 33 acres of land for the institution. According to Politico, prosecutors might also be looking into allegations that Sen. Sanders’ office inappropriately urged the bank to approve the loan. But please don’t get it twisted. It isn’t fake news from my over reactive imagination. It’s not coming from me!


Mueller & Mr. Magoo, 9-11 Inside Job, “It Fits My Dear Man!”

Even if they pass the case down to former 9-11  Inside Job FBI Director Mr. Magoo- Bob Mueller, to sit on it for next 1,000 years, it’s the absolute hypocrisy of American politics that has been exposed. With Bernie Sanders, we are through the LOOKING GLASS! Now, the road has narrowed very significantly for Bernie. He has been caught red-handed embellishing and sweetening the pot of a PIZZAGATE Child Pedophile Protection & Defense Ring Fund

Unlike Jane and John Doe that get tens and dozens of years in prison for stealing from banks, the Sanders may never be prosecuted, and convicted of high crimes and corruption. Boston, part of the diocese of Burlington, is an Opus Dei stronghold of very powerful, influential, secretive and elite power brokers. Opus Dei, Latin for “work of God” is extremely defensive about being secretive.


Nevertheless, LOUIS JOSEPH FREEH, a former judge who served as the Fifth Director of the FBI from 1993 to 2001 is OPUS DEI.[51]


Called the pious Catholic “Cardinal“- JAMES COMEY, former FBI Chief is OPUS DEI.[52]


The new FBI Director, Christopher Wray, is an elitist Georgia Southern understudy of Cardinal Comey. He is primarily just another Donald J. Drumpf damming mouthpiece and manipulator for the Middle East, and Russian Interests, “The most troubling issue that Wray may face is the fact that his law firm — King & Spalding — represents Rosneft and Gazprom,  two of Russia’s largest state-controlled oil companies. The law firm’s representation of Gazprom raises even more serious conflict issues for Wray. Gazprom was a partner in RosUrEnergo AG (“RUE”), which is controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash.   He is under federal indictment in Chicago for racketeering charges, has had numerous financial dealings with former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and is generally considered to be a member of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.”


Wray is the personal attorney for New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. I don’t think Congress even asked Wray about Child Predators, Human Sex Trafficking priories and enforcement. Lucifer’s Lodge runs deep, very deep in Washington DC, and the shadow government. It was in its best interest to try to assassinate Steve Scalise by employing “The Party Crasher Assassin.” Laying him away with his legislative national agenda to target child pedophile predators would most certainly help protect, shield and benefit the mass of Child Predators and PEDOPHILES of the  Vatican, and the Burlington Diocese.[53]


[2] Id.

[3] Id.













[16] Russell, Dick, On the Trail of JFK Assassins, Skyhouse Publishing, NY, NY (2008)





[21] Id.









[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] Id.


[34] Id.

[35] Id.

[36] Id.



[39] Id.







[46] Id. at footnote 5









22 06 2017




And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Job 1:7

Steven Bannon is a senior key adviser to the highest elected public office in this country, the President of the United States. This has absolutely nothing to do with whatever I have to say. This is about what Bannon says about the country’s vision and policy of the dark power circle people that occupy its highest government offices. He talks about Donald J. Drumpf’s like “SATAN and the COMING OF THE ANTICHRIST.”


THIS IS A U.S. GOVERNMENT FACT AND POLICY. Steve Bannon forewarned each and every man, woman and child in America of the Donald J. Drumpf’ Presidential Administration’s vision and policy. For America, he said, “DARKNESS IS GOOD

” ‘Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN [Lucifer, Set, Seth, Apophis- DRAGON]. That’s power,’ Bannon told the Hollywood Reporter. ‘It only helps us when [the media and liberals] get it wrong. When they’re blind of who we are and what we’re doing.’ ” He later added that the media is , which is why they couldn’t better predict TRUMP’S COMING.”


Donald J. Drumpf, Whence comest thou? Then Drumpf answered, and said,”From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” They told you. They warned you, and most people still don’t get the “F**K of what Bannon is talking about, and what’s really going on in this country.

In the 20th Century, the world witnessed the “DARK POWERforce and energy of SATAN take over governments and states before. Even their most gifted secular world renowned scientists, doctors, and philosophers of the Black Sun called it, the  “SATANIC PRINCIPLE.”  In America, this very  “DARK POWER” took my father in Project CHATTER.

Barely 4 months into Drumpf’s presidential administration, on Thursday, April 13, 2017, the “dark power circle” dropped a dark energy force weapon of mass destruction, a ZERO- POINT ENERGY BOMB, on people of color in Afghanistan. In Nazi Germany, it was called the WITCH’S CAULDRON. Developed by SS-Oberscharführer Dr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr, the SS/MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) is a high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX)- ATOMIC BOMB undertaken by the President of the Reichstag, Herman Goering, the German Luftwaffe, and SS Dr. Zippermayr. Again, this isn’t a matter of anything that I am speculating about.  This is now a matter of fact, ingrained in war crimes of U.S. History. Am I afraid for this country, citizens and people of color, here and abroad? YES!



On January 20, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., Donald J. Drumpf (Trump) was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States.On that day, we went through the “Looking Glass.” And, they told and warned citizens of this country of what was going to happen in this country. One person that got ready for the “Coming” of the dark force was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL. He quit his job on New Year’s Eve, 2016. He dissolved his business on January 20, 2017. He took on the personification of the Zionist Independent U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Just how radical is that?

Bernie Sanders has been identified as a “Radical Jewish” politician, but a radical leftist democrat? Bernie Sanders has a Chassidic Jew serving as a political adviser. Sanders has connections to the ChabadLubavitch Movement and Cult.


Rebbe Schneerson, Bernie Sanders & James T. Schneerson

Sanders is a Jewish Mystic of the Kabbalah of the Zohar. He was a fervent follower of the late Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, just the very same as Drumpf’s daughter, Ivanka Drumpf and son-in law, Jared Kushner.


Behind the veil, Hodgkinson was in reality a Manchurian Candidate personification of a  Jewish Mystic of the Kabbalah of the Zohar directly linked to Bannon and Drumpf’s Satanic Dark Circle in the People’s White House. The Mysticism of Kabbalah was part of Hodgkinson’s secret mind control programming.


The Late Messiah, Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson, just may fool you. In Leningrad, Soviet Union in 1925, the 6th Rebbe Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn and Professor Alexander Vasilyevitch Barchenko of the coming KGB  initiated the 7th Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, into the mystical Satanic Masonic Lodge of ETB- The United Labor Brotherhood. Rebbe Menachem Mendel was dedicated to the Lucifer, KGB, and Barchenko’s ETB’s search for the lost “Vril Energies” of  Red Shambhala. In late March or early April 2017, Illinois roughneck  Hodgkinson left Belleville, IL for Alexandria, VA to work on, of all things, s U.S. Federal Tax bracket, with most likely a couple cases of Budweiser beer, flip flops and  a gym bag- THAT DOG DON’T HUNT.




On June 14, 2017, Hodgkin became an infamous “lone nutCIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate assassin with that old fashion “hit list” to scare the socks off old ladies. 66 year old Budweiser James T. Hodgkinson, there’s another 6 (666) someplace. In Gematria, “James” in the English Gematria system equals 156, [1+5=6, 6]. The number 6 (six) is there no matter how you crush the numbers in gematria.[1] And, he allegedly starred the rampage on the ball field at the time, 07-09, both important occult and alchemy numbers and symbols.


Roughneck Budweiser Hodgkinson-  No Democratic Political Activist

I doubt very seriously if Hodgkinson had been any kind of Occupy Wall Street Movement radical left activist at any time in his life. He fits more the profile of a violent Midwestern Hooters’ homebody flag waving, gun toting, dog loving Budweiser beer belly roughneck than any type of political radicalized liberal leftist terrorist.


If this man was at an Occupy Wall Street Movement rally and he had been once in 2011 in St. Louis, MO, he was an infiltrator or a spy on protesters for the police or the FBI.[2] However, I wouldn’t go as far to link Hodgkinson to FBI Division 5 without anything further other than an internet reference that said that he was.[3] Division 5 is an extremely dangerous ultra secret power elite group that assassinate presidents and heads of state. Expendable Manchurian Candidate sleepers and roughnecks like Budweiser Hodgkinson of rural Belleville are not included. Nevertheless, released FBI surveillance documents of the Occupy Movement provided no clear evidence of government infiltration. However, they do suggest the FBI used information from local law enforcement agencies gathered by individuals observing Occupy activists on the ground.[4]

On Facebook, Hodgkinson became was the personification or alter personality of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. He had two Facebook accounts, and a Twitter account that he barely used. On his Facebook pages, only 9% of his posts were ever political within a 2 (two) year period. So, it’s very difficult to brand this guy a radicalized liberal democrat.[5] Plus, pasting Bernie Sanders’ face on one of  his Facebook pages doesn’t make him a radicalized liberal. Consistent with the modus operandi (MO) of a law enforcement asset, spy and infiltrator, he crept into Bernie Sanders’ campaign as a volunteer campaign worker.[6]


In Alexandria, VA, Hodgkinson lived out of his truck and a gym bag. Witnesses at the YMCA were he washed up, and local restaurants always observed him alone- quietly working on a laptop tanking down 5-6 Budweiser beers. He barely if ever spoke to or with anyone.[7]


On the morning of the shooting, a witness, Falisa Peoples, was just leaving the YMCA next to the ball field when she saw the shooter open fire. “He was just very calm. He was just walking and shooting,” she said of the man, whom she described as white and wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She said he was using a long gun and exchanging fire with law enforcement officers.[8]

If James T. Hodgkinson had a “7.62 caliber rifle” according to a law enforcement joint statement, a long gun according to a witness instead of a M4 type carbine assault rifle as first widely reported, we should able to see Hodgkinson’s rifle for public clarity. The M4 is used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. [9]

Hodgkinson was described by the witness as being in a dissociated trance formation,  ” … calm … just walking and shooting ” a long (barrel- rifle) gun dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts like he just got out of the shower. Hold on, she said there was no noise coming from Hodgkinson’s rifle!  Hodgkinson wasn’t even acting like an assassin lying in wait to ambush or kill anybody. He was most probably just washing up with a towel in shorts and flip flops at the YMCA when they flipped the switch on him. An unloaded long gun may have been placed outside for him to pick up.

Missing his home, wife and dogs, Hodgkinson had been immediately looking forward to driving back home to Illinois.[10] On the date of the shooting, he had been suddenly triggered like a “Zombiepatsy distraction armed with weapons for certain justified self- termination, while an assassin or assassins went for their real target- Congressman Steve Scalise. There isn’t any physical evidence at the ballpark in the public domain that show that Hodgkinson even shot off any rounds from his rifle. There isn’t evidence of blood or blood trials. There are any evidence cones identifying spent shells at the crime scene.  According the news source in the above video, the two, so-called, capital police officers shot themselves. THAT DOG DON’T HUNT.

Escorted and surrounded by the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, Sue, Hodgkinson’s wife of 30 (thirty) years said during a press conference that she didn’t know what James did from January to March-April 2017, before he left for Washington DC to work on “tax brackets“.


They want us to believe that James T. sold his business and everything he owned to travel to Washington DC, live out a gym bag and his truck for two months to work on outdated  Reaganomic tax policies with NOBODY! That Dog Won’t Hunt. By the way, who is the guy with the white hair in the background of the above picture? James’ wife may have been able to provide some answers, but of all people, a county chief deputy sheriff blocked her from even getting close to the subject.  In a tightly rehearsed brief answer period of the press conference, Chief Deputy Sheriff Rick Wagner physically manipulated, handled and coached Sue Hodgkinson from a script that he seemed to have known all the answers. He deflected and shielded questions from the press as if he was Sue’s personal guardian and protective angel. He controlled her responses. She looked up to him for answers. Well, that’s exactly what happened.

With James T. dead, Sue Hodgkinson is an important and vital public witness in what they are selling globally as a major political crime against democracy.


Why is a local law enforcement officer physically controlling, shaping and manipulating the testimony of a major witness in this case over than conspire to conceal pertinent and substantial evidence from the public. From Chief Deputy Wagner‘s conduct in this case, it creates an extremely strong inference that the Hodgkinsons were in fact law enforcement- FBI assets. Chief Deputy Wagner made sure that Sue didn’t reveal any clues or pieces to the puzzle as to James T’s missing period from January to March 2017, when he was trained and programmed to go to Washington DC on a special operation mission.

James T. and Sue Hodgkinson of Belleville, ILJohn and Sally Doe of innocent middle America just don’t seem to add up. Belleville is the eighth-most populated city outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area. It is the county seat of St. Clair County, and the seat of the Roman Catholic diocese of Belleville and National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows. Due to its proximity to Scott Air Force Base, the population receives a boost from military and federal civilian personnel, defense contractors.[11]





Hunter S. Thompson

Another innocent John Doe of Midwestern or Southern America (Louisville, KY), Hunter S. Thompson, began his USAF career at Lackland Air Force Base , Texas, and was then recruited to the special ops wing of USAF intelligence & transferred to USAF 1st Special Operations Wing at Scott Air Force Base in middle America and then promoted to the Air Force Special Operations Command HQ division at Eglin/Hurlburt Field USAF base at Fort Walton Beach, Florida.[12]


Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter Thompson produced ultra secret pedophile porn and snuff films. Recently, the FBI released his surveillance and investigation file, but admitted most of it had been destroyed in the 1990s under President Bill Clinton.[13] Like Hodgkinson allegedly to President- Select Donald J. Drumpf, Thompson had an open hatred of a U.S. president, Richard M. Nixon. Thompson was one of his loudest critics. “Some of my best friends have hated Nixon all their lives,” Thompson explained in Nixon’s obituary, published by Rolling Stone in 1994. “My mother hates Nixon, my son hates Nixon, I hate Nixon, and this hatred has brought us together.”[14]


Hunter S. Thompson was accused of involvement in ultra secret powerful elite pedophile, and child slavery rings in the 1980s that rose all the way up to the White House. John DeCamp’s infamous book, The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, relates many interviews and discussions revolving around a severely satanic ritually traumatized young man, Paul Bonacci, who claimed to have been involved with the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch.


Bonacci told horrific tales of being forced into sex with adults and other children. In one case, he recalls being flown into Nevada with another young boy whom he did not know. They took on another passenger there and headed to a secluded location where Bonacci says he was forced to have sex with the younger boy. The young boy, Bonacci claims in this book, was also forced to have sex with adult males, who then killed the boy with a gunshot to the head. Bonacci says he was then forced to have sex with the corpse. The passenger they took on in Nevada filmed the entire thing, and Bonacci recalled that his name was Hunter Thompson.[15]


Satanic U.S. Military Pedophile “Mickie”

Paul Bonacci was alleged to have been involved in a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH murder, homosexual pedophilia, and a necrophilic orgy Dark Satanic Cult. The Cult was linked to Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, Psychological Warfare Division of the US Army, and founder of the occult “Temple of Set“.[16] Set, Seth, Apophis is a legendary Evil DRAGON.


Hunter S. Thompson & HollyWeird’s Johnny Depp

He testified in the Nebraska court that the satanic murder/sacrifice of the young boy, above, and his actions were videotaped by “Hunter Thompson,” at a location later identified as the Bohemian Grove in California. Immediately after being exposed, Thompson typed the single word “COUNSELOR” on his typewriter, then shot himself in the head on February 20, 2005. He was 67 years old.[17] I said that to say this. Scott Air Force Base had a special ops wing involved in secret Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH pedophile ring operations. James T. and Sue Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL were deeply involved as “handlers” in a ring running severely ritually abused and tortured foster care children in Belleville just in the case of the Franklin Cover-Up.


About 70% of children who are trafficked come from foster care…


Wanda Ashley Stock

In 1996, the Hodgkinson’s foster child, Wanda Ashley Stock, 17, was so severely traumatized that she allegedly committed suicide by setting herself on fire with gasoline which is an extremely rare occurrence for teen-age suicides. Several years later, the family fostered another teen girl, whom they later lost custody of after Hodgkinson was accused of abusing her. And, he had been in fact arrested for abusing her.[18]


Aimee Moreland

I read that James T. had been armed with a shotgun when he got involved in a violent criminal confrontation with a young lady, then-19-year-old Aimee Moreland, that had been described as his “daughter” and her boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t his and Sue’s daughter. Aimee was a ward of the state under their state “guardianship“. She was a daughter of a local businesswoman, Beth Roussel. As far as I know, none of their foster children had been legally adopted by them. [19]


Frank Szachta Under the Caption: “Some say Crossroads owner Frank Szachta is a godsend; others say he’s made a deal with the devil.” In 2005, Aimee was in Szachta’s Crossroads teen drug abuse counseling program. Crossroads fed into the drug abuse counseling network of racist ex-convict, anti-drug guru, Bob Meehan.


Bob Meehan

Lucifer also underlines Meehan’s philosophy. He refers to Jesus as a “dead … – boy on a stick”. He calls his program, Cornerstone. For hundreds of years it has been customary to have Freemasons perform a dedication ritual to “bless” the Cornerstone.


It has been alleged that Chuck Dieterich (Synanon), Art Barker (the Seed), Joe Ricci (Elan), John Gould (Hyde), Lester Rolloff (Rolloff Schools), David Wilkerson (Teen Challenge), and Bob Meehan’s Cornerstone are part of a clandestine MATRIX of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH experimental youth drug-mind control centers. CIA conduit, the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH), funded several drug treatment programs patterned after the cultic Synanon. NIH had even started its own experimental Synanon at the federal lockup hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. This program was called MATRIX.


In 1972, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Director Dr. Robert DuPont (du Pont Satanic Bloodline) administered a $1.8 million contract to an experimental, start-up Synanon for kidsonly called “The Seed” ran by Art Barker in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Art Barker- “Father of The Seed”

Art Barker was like Bob Meehan, they had a total lack of credentials to run drug abuse treatment and counseling centers for children and teens. Nevertheless, The Seed received a $1.8 million U.S. government grant from Dr. DuPont soon after it opened.

Human experimentation was the furtive mission of The Seed.

It is important you understand that back in the 1970s Senator Irvin was not conducting a study of The Seed, he was studying any programs funded by the federal government which used drugs, psycho-surgery or thought control on American citizens in possible violation of their constitutional rights. And it was with that purpose in mind that he found out about The Seed. For example, the report discussed a psychiatrist at Georgetown University (where Robert DuPont and Richard Schwartz now teach) who had performed over 4,000 frontal lobotomies using only a serialized ice-pick in a special chair in his office. The pick was trust through the eye and this psychiatrist had shown that he could permanently disable two people at once.”


Eventually, Dr. DuPont left government service and became a paid consultant for Straight, which had replaced “The Seed” after a Senate investigation found that it was engaged in mind control and “brainwashing.”

In 2006, Roughneck Hodgkinson charged into a neighbor’s home where Aimee was hanging out with a boyfriend. One source, identified the foster child as Cathy Hodgkinson. Nevertheless, he was alleged to have smacked Aimee in the face “with a closed fist.” At one point, he allegedly pointed a shotgun at Moreland’s boyfriend, Joel Fernandez, that ran off. Hodgkinson popped off one round behind him.[20]

Hodgkinson was also seen “throwingAimee“ around the bedroom,” according to a police report. When she tried to escape, he “started hitting her arms, pulling her hair, and started grabbing her off the bed.”[21] According to his foster daughter, he was always angry,” Aimee Moreland told the newspaper, Daily Beast. “She was really unhappy there. She had come over to get away from them.” During the dispute, Aimee said, she jumped in a car with a friend, but Hodgkinson opened the vehicle’s door and hit her, then used a knife to cut the seat belt off his foster daughter.


James T DISSOCIATE Facial Expression

In 2006, he was arrested for domestic battery and discharge of a firearm, but the charges were later dropped. Ten years later In 2015, Aimee died from a drug overdose.[22]



James T. and Sue Hodgkinson were doing a lot more with hapless powerless dependent (female) wards of the State of Illinois than meet the eye. The girls had been severely ritually abused and traumatized!

In late March 2017, days before Hodgkinson left town for Washington DC, a neighbor, Bill Schaumleffel, called the St. Clair Sheriff’s Office to complain about Hodgkinson firing a rifle toward houses when his grandchildren were outside. The sheriff’s deputies didn’t file charges, but they were familiar with Hodgkinson.

Hodgkinson had a lengthy criminal record which includes charges, but no convictions, for DUI, domestic battery, pointing a gun at a relative. He has a history of gun violence, previously pointing one at a man during a family argument in 2006. He was once arrested for domestic battery and faced other charges for DUI, attempting to elude police and obstructing a police officer.


Nevertheless, Chief Deputy Sheriff Wagner- BLIND Mr. MAGOO reflected on Budweiser Hodgkinson’s frequent roughneck interactions with the police and still said, “He never tipped us off or gave any indication that he was violent in any way” – that dog won’t hunt. [23] This also strongly suggests that Hodgkinson had been a secret law enforcement-FBI asset and patsy. Hodgkinson was allowed to run amok until he was triggered operational as a sleeper Manchurian Candidate. That’s the way they roll.




The DEVIL’S DISCIPLE, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

Just minutes after the shootings, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe wickedly used the sad moments of national shock during a national/global news conference carried on most of the television and cable networks to deliberately shift paradigms and implant a “Double Bind (Insanity without Disease)” on the collective conscious of the masses, he said, There are too many guns on the street. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”[24]

I was lost and reeling in McAuliffe’s sudden paradigm shift and “Double Bind,” when my wife woke me up. She asked me, “did you hear what he said?” He said 93 million peoplethat’s not right. It was an absolute bold-face lie, and vicious fabrication of the TRUTH. The current population of the entire United States of America is 326,369,079, a little over 326 million people as of Friday, June 16, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.[25] It may have been a gross mistake that McAuliffe corrected later in the news conference to 93 people a day, but it had been implanted in the masses’ psyche.


Governor McAuliffe, Jesuit Coadjutor or Priest

Governor McAuliffe has an interesting background that suggests that it may not have been a mistake at all. It was part of a hidden agenda. He is a secret society member of the Black Sun Nazi Bilderberg Group.[26]


McAuliffe is at the very least a Jesuit coadjutor.[27] In 1975, he graduated from Bishop Ludden Junior-Senior High School, a Catholic Diocesan co-institutional high school located in Syracuse, NY. In 1979, McAuliffe graduated from The Catholic University of America, then worked for President Jimmy Carter’s re-election campaign. In 1984, McAuliffe graduated from the Jesuit School, Georgetown University Law Center. He also served as one of a five member board of directors of the International Child Trafficking Clinton Foundation.[28]


McAuliffe was invited to join the secret society Knight of Malta. In response, he applied for membership, but the public has been kept in dark about whether or not he had been accepted.[29] They invited him to join them knowing his views about abortion, so that should’ve been an obstacle to membership. It’s all about secret fraternal Satanic Masonic global power and mass control, not a woman’s reproductive rights.


Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is a Dark Satanic Circle DEVIL Disciple (The Baphomet).


Dark Satanic Circle Ritual Hand Symbol “I AM ILLUMINATI”

On March 18, 2015, Charles, Prince of Wales, one of the senior elite leaders of the ILLUMINATIBilderbergers, and Camilla Parker- Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall were royally greeted and received by Governor McAuliffe at Mount Vernon, VA.[30]


Dark Satanic Circle, Prince Harry, Prince Charles, and Prince William

Even with Barack Obama, everything appears absolutely normal and customary receiving and greeting the Prince of Wales, right.


“I AM ILLUMINATI” Dark Satanic Circle, Former U.S. President Barack Obama

The governor of the State of Virginia setting a welcoming carpet out for some of Britain’s royal monarchy is a fairly common and routine occurrence in America.

But, Governor McAuliffe is inherently Masonic wicked and demonic. Lucifer, the Dragon, is his Masonic god.[31] He doesn’t involve himself in common and routine matters as governor of the State of Virginia. Governor McAuliffe is involved in something entirely different- a covert secret society false agendas and mass population alternative paradigm shifts that you are not supposed to see with open eyes.


Queen Elizabeth II in her Maltese robe. She is the Sovereign Head of the Order of Knights of Malta. Prince Charles is the Great MASTER of the Order.[32]


So, Governor McAuliffe met with his secret society Bilderbergers’ superior, and Masonic Knight of Malta Great Master at Mount Vernon, former home of Masonic (Grand Lodge of England) Grand Master, George Washington.



Prince Charles couldn’t have chosen a better history lesson on the British Royal Family and Dragon Bloodlines than Vlad the Impaler, because if it had come from my mouth it would have been no more than a flight of fantasy, and a conspiracy theory. But, the Order of the DRAGON, Vlad and Royal Family Bloodlines come directly from the Prince of Wales. He told you. He warned you, and most people still don’t get the “F**K of what’s going on.


The British Order of the DRAGON is linked to Henry V (1386- 1422) King of England, and Sigismund of Luxemburg (1368- 1437) King of Hungary during his state visit to England in 1416. Sigismund was the leader of the last West European Crusade – the Crusade of Nicopolis of 1396. Soon after 1408, Sigismund founded a Knights Templar Order of the DRAGON. In 1414, he was coroneted as the Holy Roman Emperor. In an alliance, Sigismund was initiated a Knight of the Garter whilst Henry V was initiated into Hungary’s Order of the Dragon. In homage to the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller, who wore the Sign of The Cross as a symbol of their oaths. The Order of the Dragon decreed that all members must wear the badge of a white dragon, with a red cross on its back, being attacked by its own tail. The red cross represents Christ’s resurrection, as well as the dragon-slaying St George, and the imagery of rebirth is repeated in the strange pose of the self-strangling dragon.


This ancient symbol, called the “Ouroboros” by medieval alchemists, represented the endless cycle of creation and destruction as well as life, death and despair. Between 1431 and 1437, he invited the Princes of Wallachia (modern Romania), Bulgaria, Croatia and various Italian city states to take the Draconist Oath.




The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler …” Charles, Prince of Wales[33]

He’s proud of it. It’s important to him, his Satanic Bloodline and inherited nature of the DRAGONSatan, Lucifer,  the DEVIL. Vlad, or Dracula, was born in 1431 in Transylvania into a noble family. His father was a “FALLEN ANGEL” called “Dracul,” meaning “dragon” or “devil” in Romanian because he belonged to the Order of the Dragon. “Dracula” means “Son of Dracul” in Romanian. Therefore young Vlad was “Son of the Dragon” or “Son of the DEVIL.”[34] They brought many sacrifices to the DRAGON, the DEVIL!


Vlad wore black capes and dragon insignia medallions as a symbol of the Beast, the DEVIL. He may have mass murdered tens or even a 100,000 people, especially by impaling and torture. He murdered “unchaste” women, “bad” wives, and entire families and villages suspected of disloyalty. He killed off poor workers, blind, crippled, sick, vagabonds, beggars, etc. by burning them to death at banquets. Vlad brutally nailed hats to heads of certain religious visitors. He enjoyed watching victims suffer and die. He took babies away to be sacrificed to the DRAGON. Vlad practiced CANNIBALISM and DRANK BLOOD.


Finally, I was puzzled by the British Royal Crown and Prince Charles’ close personal relationship with Jimmy Savile, England’s most prolific Satanic homicidal pedophiles.


Sir Angus Ogilvy & Dragon Bloodline- Princess Alexandra

When I found out about Savile’s close personal relationship with British Royal Princess Alexandra and her husband Sir Angus James Bruce Ogilvy (1928- 2004), that’s when I began to realize that Jimmy Savile wasn’t just an strange product of the Prince of Wales’ Satanic Circle.


Princess Alexandra, Masonic Knight Order of the Garter

Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, Order of the Garter, and Royal Victorian Order, a dynastic order of knighthood established in 1896 by Queen Victoria, is the youngest granddaughter of King George V and Queen Mary. She is a powerful Masonic, and also a military leader- Royal Colonel, and Colonel-in- Chief of military units and divisions across the globe.[35] I mentioned her not because Alexandria, VA is named after her British Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline, but because of her hushed up secret relationships that she had with Jimmy Savile.


In a 2009 police investigative interview of Savile, he told Surrey Police detectives that the first time he attended Duncroft Approved School for Girls in Staines, Surrey where it is also claimed that he abused girls at the school, was with Princess Alexandra. He told detectives, “… right I went there, with Princess Alexandra, and Alex was a friend of mine anyway, still is”Savile later added: “Now that was a great day we all had, the first time I ever went there.” He wrote in Duncroft’s visitor book, “Jimmy Savile called – and fell in love with all!!! I wonder if it’s legal to have 20 wives.” [36]


Chillingly, Savile wrote in a 1974 biography, “Princess Alex is a patron of a hostel for girls in care. At this place I’m a cross between a term-time boyfriend and a fixer of special [Child Trafficking] trips out .”[37] In criminal investigations of Savile’s pedophilia and murder charges, police deliberately redacted from police reports all Savile’s references to the British Crown, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Charles .[38]


Sir Ogilvy & Jimmy Savile

Early, Savile had been very close to Princess Alexandra’s husband, Sir Angus Ogilvy, Knight of the Royal Victorian Order. Ogilvy was also a close personal friend of Prince Charles. He was born the second son of the 12th Earl of Airline and Lady Alexandra Coke, the daughter of the 3rd Earl of Leicester. Many of his relatives had close links with the Dragon Bloodlines of British Royal Family. They are a secret bloodline that serve DRAGONS. His grandmother, Mabell Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie, was a close friend and Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Mary. His father was a Lord-in-Waiting to King George V and Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother).[39] Lords-in-Waiting (female Baroness-in-Waiting) are peers who hold office in the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom. These are the traditional bonds of secrecy of the royal household. [40] 


Committee of 300– Lady Dragon Ogilvy & Sir David Ogilvy

Princess Alexandra and Angus’ older brother, Sir David Ogilvy (13th Earl of Airlie), were members of the ILLUMINATI Committee of 300.”[41] Lord Airlie was a merchant banking executive of the notorious Nazi Financer, J. Henry Schroder. He was Lord Chamberlain for Queen Elizabeth, Knight Grand Cross of Royal Victorian Order, Grand Master Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and he sat on Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council– a formal body of advisers to the Sovereign of the United kingdom.[42] Back to the Prince of Wales for a moment. His trip to Mount Vernon also involved a Washington DC tour.


The DEVIL’S Disciples Come in All Colors, Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, Congressman Elijah Cummings & Jesse Jackson


Black DEVIL Disciples- Congresspersons Terri Sewell, Elijah Cummings & Jesse Jackson

Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, in Royal British Red, is in close company with the Satanic Dark Circle Prince and the Duchess as they visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on the second day of their visit to the United States on March 18, 2015 in Washington, DC. That’s also pretty routine stuff for congresspersons to receive and greet foreign dignitaries. However, British Commonwealth (Oxford) scholar Terri A. Sewell is also inherently Masonicwicked and goonish. Lucifer, the Dragon, is also her Masonic god.[43]


She calls Michelle Robinson (Obama) her big sister. They met in London when Michelle was a Cecil Rhodes’ Roundtable scholar at Oxford University.[44]


Strange Terri & Gay Barack Obama

Terri was once married to a Theodore C. Dixie, but there were no children of the union. So, I really don’t know what is going on behind those black thighs. She appears to be very odd and unnatural if not just plain DEMONIC.


Terri is a democrat in her fourth term representing Alabama’s 7th Congressional District.  Sewell is a member of the elite black society Links, Silver Star Society of London and the BOULE (black version of the ILLUMINATI)- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.


She is a multi-generational ILLUMINATI Goat Rider of the Divine 9 and the Boule.[45] The Divine 9 and the Boule were founded by Prince Hall Masons as elitist Satanic secret societies.[46] Prince Hall Masons are under jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of EnglandQueen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, and the Prince of Wales.[47]


The ILLUMINATI black master of deception, Reverend Jesse Jackson, also serve the Dark Prince and Duchess. He is a 33 Degree Prince Hall Freemason.


Allegedly, he was made a Master Mason in May 1987. However, he was most likely a CIA/FBI secret Scottish Rite Master Mason well before that time. However, Jackson is a now officially part of the Harmony Lodge No. 88 (Grand Lodge of England) in Chicago, IL.[48] Lucifer, the Dragon, is his Masonic god.[49]


Congressman John Cummings- Clandestine Master Mason.

Finally. Mircea Hava, the mayor of the Transylvanian city of Alba Iulia, in a letter to Prince Charles, the mayor said, Transylvania has become Charles’ second home, and he has become the region’s most valuable ambassador. “Moreover, you claim your roots from our legendary Prince Vlad.” The letter continued, according to The Romania Journal. “As you love Transylvania so much, we thought,What if instead of only being ‘The Prince of Wales,’ you would be known from now on as ‘The Prince of Wales AND Transylvania’?”[51]


Savile (Mason Knight) Served the DRAGON BLOODLINES AS A ROYAL GOON. He was the Ogilvy House covert royal apprentice- executioner that serve the SECRETS of the DRAGON BLOODLINES of the British Royal House- human sacrifices to the DEVIL, pedophilic blood rites, cannibalism, and blood drinking, etc.,.


Renfield served Count Dracula by bringing him blood and flesh victims by light of day.


Jimmy Savile did the same thing for Prince Charles, Princess Alexandra and the British DRAGON Bloodlines, he brought them dozens of  blood and flesh victims by light of day through radio and television, the British Broadcasting Company, the BBC.

Master Mason Goons & Pedophile Rings in Oakland


DEVIL Disciples and Masonic Goons serve DRAGON  BLOODLINES. In Oakland, I traced a major ultra secret elite pedophile ring to a black 32nd or 33rd Masonic Master Mason, Black Republican Booker T. Emery. Not too long after he was convicted and imprisoned at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility for pedophilic crimes against democracy and black little girls, Emery suddenly dropped dead in the Little CIA Prison of Horrors.

Booker T. Emery was prosecuted by the Alameda County MAFIA District Attorney as a Pea in the Pot, instead of busting the entire pedophile ring which as I came to understand it included some of the D.A’s staff. This I know. A D.A. investigator came to my home and talked to me about a criminal matter that I complained about. But, I didn’t know it at the time that the pedophile ring underlined the case that I discussed with him. Thereafter, I was immediately warned to be careful. He was in to try to set me up for something, anything he could find. He was known to be part of Oakland’s secret powerful underground pedophile ring. At times, I found myself surrounded by strange and different looking people with red blood shot eyes like something out of a Caribbean Island Cult threatening me. They often milled around looking as if they were going to do something to me. I had to be constantly on the lookout for machetes and knives. They would break out my SUV’s windows when I wasn’t around, but they would never step up face to face. But, I was always concerned for the safety of my family and I.

I immediately named the D.A. investigator as a party defendant in a federal lawsuit to keep him in front of me, and level the playing field.  I had hoped to get him in the middle of discovery to flush him out, and protect my LIFE. In court, Emery admitted that he pleaded guilty to protect the ring, and NO news group ever picked up the story before they killed him.


Masonic Goon Booker T. Emery fed CHILDREN, even his very own grandchildren, to DRAGONS. I said that to say this. Congresswoman Terri Sewell and Congressman Elijah Cummings will not open their mouths about pedophilia, sex slave trafficking, missing and exploited children or PIZZAGATE. The Elijah Cummings Youth Program send children to Israel (feed them to the MOLOCH, DEMONS and the DRAGON) as a bunch of future Negro pasties to learn and develop “Fallen Angel”  (Kabbalah of the Zohar)  ZIONIST leadership and mass deception skills.

Master Mason Goon Jesse Jackson, Pedophiles & PIZZAGATE Negroes


Melvin “Mel” J. Reynolds & Dark Circle Master Mason Jesse Jackson

Masonic Goon Jesse Jackson is down with PIZZAGATE, and Pedophiles. On August 22, 1995, Cecil Rhodes- Roundtable (Oxford University, London)  and Democrat Mel Reynolds of the U.S. House of Representatives of the 2nd District (Chicago)  was convicted on 12 counts of PEDOPHILIC sexual assault on a 16 year old; obstruction of justice, and solicitation of CHILD PORNOGRAPY. Again, Reynolds was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney like a Pea in the Pot allowing the ring to move on and continue.  Why was Mel Reynolds soliciting CHILD PORNOGRAPY, from whom in Chicago, and for who and what?


In January 2001, Reynolds was hired by Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/Push Coalition as a “youth counselor” to decrease the number of black youth going to prison. On February 18, 2014, Reynolds was arrested for sexual exploiting women and most likely children in Africa- Zimbabwe. That’s his PIZZAGATE M.O. He was arrested in possession of PORNOGRAPHIC materials. Reynolds is currently a fugitive from justice hiding in Africa.

If a disciple Freemason or ILLUMINATI of the dark circle speak TRUTH to POWER about pedophilia, missing and exploited children or PIZZAGATE, it may constitute a breach of the oath of secrecy, but it most certainly constitute DISLOYALTY TO THE DRAGON BLOODLINES. According to the Vlad the Impaler bloodlines, it is a seriously enough offense for the DRAGON to snap its tail!  There are a lot of people including myself that believe that the real target of the Alexandria Republican baseball park ambush was to assassinate Congressman Steve Scalise. He was in the public lead in the Congressional House in taking strong political and legislative action to protect victims of Human Trafficking and bring child pedophile (PIZZAGATE) predators to justice.[52]

That was enough to try to KILL HIM!

Finally, you can very well dismiss everything I say virtually on the basis that it is Twilight Zone Stuff. It is so BIZARRE. But this stuff about DRAGON BloodlinesVlad the Impaler, and Count Dracula comes directly from Charles, Prince of Wales of England, right now- today– THIS VERY MOMENT. He is one of the richest, most powerful and Satanic (Son of the DEVIL) people on the face of the planet. Prince Charles command banks, countries, armies, paramilitaries, secret societies, secret Knights and Freemasons all over the world. You cannot dismiss what he says!

DONALD J. DRUMPF is a DRAGON Bloodline through his mother’s DNA- the MacLeods. The DRAGON Society trace its roots back to at least the 12th Dynasty of Kemet and the invading Shepherd Kings Hyksos when they adopted the EVIL God Set- Seth- Apophis the DRAGON as their god. Drumpf’s presidential cabal’s “dark power force” psychic and occult egregorethought form or collective group mind” an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people, proceeds from the old Pole, the red star or astarot– tail of the DRAGON via House of Rurik and the Varangs, part of the ancient Court of the DRAGON ORDER. The House of Rurik is Donald J. Drumpf’s bloodline to the same DRAGON of Vlad the Impaler bloodlines, Prince Charles and the British Royal Family.

It’s exactly as Steve Bannon says right now, today, at this very moment, the WORLD is “just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea of what’s going on!












[11] ps://,_Illinois



[14] Id.






[20] Id.

[21] Id.

[22] Id.















[37] Id.

[38] Id.
















20 10 2015

Lately, it seems as though in this country when the American political system is in trouble or it appears or perceived to be in national or global trouble or crisis , it lines up and march out a hapless mind controlled Manchurian Candidate to distract and deceive the PEOPLE.  The last three, Vester Lee Flanagan III, Shannon J. Miles and Chris Harper Mercer have been BLACK.  It seems as though they are  rolling out more and more of some of society’s most powerless mentally ill  and perverted-disturbed brothers to be their PASTIES- BLACK MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES. 

In August 2015, things weren’t sitting too pretty for the National Fraternity of Police. The Sandra Bland July 13, 2015 controversial arrest and death in the hands of local police was still shaking up the nation. The police slayings of unarmed young Black males, Eric Garner in NY, 12 year old Tamir Rice of Cleveland, OH, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD, and many other people of color were still sparking protests in cities across the country, and national political upheaval.

Demonstrators had taken to the streets of Ferguson. It had become a flash-point again to mark the sad anniversary of the police slaying of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on August 9, 2014.[1] In late August 2015, a municipal court judge in Ferguson announced sweeping changes to the city’s court system, including an order to withdraw all arrest warrants issued in that city before December 31, 2014.

Ferguson’s Municipal Court was found to have engaged in racially discriminatory practices that disproportionately and unfairly affected the poor and people of color. The judge found, “The combination of racial profiling and revenue-based policing creates massive animosity between people in the community and police. It does not increase public safety.”[2]

The People would not rest. Police Abuse and the Black Lives Matter Movement was being heard Globally.

 Black Lives Matter & Deputy Darren Goforth -Slaying and Cover-up


 “He was always loyal, fiercely so. He was ethical. The right thing to do is what guided his internal compass.” Kathleen Goforth [3]


On August 28, 2015, the execution-style killing of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth by a black man in Houston, TX went global. Texas law enforcement officials tried to tie Goforth’s slaying to Black Lives Matter. President Obama immediately jumped on the bandwagon, and used the opportunity to turn the tides of global opinion against police abuse of power and executions of black and brown citizen. He openly grand stand-ed VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS. He spoke with Darren Goforth’s wife, Kathleen Goforth. The White House says Obama conveyed his condolences and told Goforth THAT he’ll keep highlighting the uncommon bravery of police officers. Obama says Goforth’s killing was contemptible and “AN AFFRONT TO CIVILIZED SOCIETY”. Obama placed the HIGHLY PUBLICIZED special call to Kathleen Goforth from Air Force One as he flew to Alaska.[4]


Shannon J. Miles was arrested and charged with the murder of Deputy Goforth. According to his mother, Shannon has suffers severe mental illness most of life like Chris Harper Mercer. In 2012, he had been declared mentally “incompetent” to stand trial for an assault on a fellow homeless man over a TV remote and programming. Of course, officials are still unclear as to what it could have been that provoked the killing, as they cannot find any connection between Goforth and Miles, because there isn’t one. Shannon has shown no interest in politics, Black nationalism or Black Lives Matter. Shannon has no work history. He couldn’t buy a gun even if he possessed the mental capacity to want to. Like Chris, due to mental instability, Shannon appears to be socially dysfunctional. He appears to have no  girlfriend or friends. Well, it comes to light that on the night of Goforth’s slaying, witnesses reported to a news station something very unusual and out of the ordinary that nobody seems willing to talk about or acknowledge.

Witnesses saw a woman in dressy clothing crying over the deputy’s body. Three weeks after Deputy Goforth was gunned down, the news station uncovered court documents shedding light on a witness to the lawman’s murder and her relationship to the deputy. The eyewitness, who is not named in the court documents dated September 16, said she had an adulterousromantic relationship” with the ever so internal “ethical” with the moral compass Goforthduring the preceding 15 months.”[5]

Hapless mentally disabled and defenseless Shannon didn’t have a motive to harm anyone unless you turned the channel from his favorite television program, but it appears that somebody at the scene could have had a motive to kill Goforth. And, it is being covered up. Shannon is like hapless mentally disabled Chris Harper Mercer, unable to help themselves even if they could. As you know, Chris is DEAD and Shannon is held indefinitely for murder most likely under a strict regiment of Psychotic Drugs and he most likely knows not where he is.


I have long consistently argued since he came into office that Barrack Obama is a manufactured DERELICT Spiritual and Physical Demonic  Human BeingBoy from Brazil,[6] Space Kid,[7] Human Cyborg,[8] and a CIA Puppet.[9]  I discovered that I was not alone, NBC 4 New York asserted in 2009 that We have our first CYBORG president, and we have only ourselves to blame.[10]


Just days after the Umpqua Community College shootings, President Obama made a special trip to Roseburg, Oregon for closed-door visits with families of the shooting victims. He is using the hapless Black Manchurian Candidate Chris Sean Harper-Mercer and the Roseburg incident, in particular, to justify using his sole presidential executive powers on national GUN CONTROL.[11]


Another DERELICT Spiritual Demonic Human being- democratic presidential candidate front-runner/war criminal Hillary Clinton made it clear during the debate also on the back of military intelligence Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) mind controlled Pasty Chris Harper-Mercer that she doesn’t feel her fellow Democrats have been harsh enough on guns—particularly in light of the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg, Oregon.[12]

Democratic Party Debate Veils a Satanic Sadomasochist and Global War Criminal- Hilary Clinton


 Al-Qaeda Hilary & the DEVIL

Supplying illegal guns, ammunition and bombs to al-Qaeda seems to be the order of the day for Luciferians President Obama and Hilary Clinton to wickedly destabilize and destroy nations of color throughout Africa and the Middle East. The other day, the National Democratic Party combined before its nationally televised debate and decided collectively that all the candidates would circle the wagons around Hilary Clinton and veil her crimes against humanity. Opening the debates, Senator Bernie Sanders gave Clinton the seal with the Masonic Handshake said, “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your [Hilary Clinton]damn emails.[13]


Bernie & Hilary LAUGHED in the Public’s Face

The thing about Sander’s Hilary’s Email Scandal band was only a devious code for not talking about her support arming terrorism- al-Qaeda; the Benghazi Diplomatic Compound Attack, and Clinton’s War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (genocide) in Libya.  Who appointed him as the spokesman for the people? Bernie Sanders DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ME. The American people are indeed sick and tried or being sick and tried of certain elites like Hilary Clinton that are allowed to walk between the raindrops not being held accountable for their TRANSGRESSIONS and CRIMES. We are sick and tried of American political CRONYISM, CORRUPTION, RACISM, IMPERIALISM and KLEPTOCRACY.


Bernie Sanders is an arrogant demonic master of deception. He is most likely than not an invisible Freemason. His offices are currently located in the historical Washington Lodge and Elks- Masonic building in Burlington, VT. The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795. It still dominates downtown Burlington. Sanders is a vile, vicious and arrogant veiled ZIONIST as exposed by his very own constituents.

According to an investigative report in the Washington Times, U.S intelligence did not concur with then Secretary of State Clinton’s public rationale for invading Libya, a military action that was never approved by the United States Congress. She had claimed Qaddafi was planning to commit acts of genocide aimed at liquidating his regime’s detractors. But intelligence operatives “had come to the opposite conclusion: that [Qaddafi] would not risk world outrage by killing civilians en  masse even as he tried to crush the rebellion in his country.”[14]

Citing secret Libyan intelligence documents, the Washington Times reported that Libyan officials were worried back in 2011 that weapons were being directed to NATO-supported rebels with ties to al-Qaeda. “The reports included a 16-page list of weapons that Libyans supposedly tracked to the rebels from Western sources or their allies in the region,” according to the newspaper.[15]

NATO has given permission to a number of weapons-loaded aircraft to land at Benghazi airport and some Tunisian airports,” the intelligence report stated. Libyan officials said they were worried that the weapons and training provided to the anti-Qaddafi rebels would spread in the region and find their way to Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city.[16] Getting Qaddafi out of the way was long a part of President Obama’s plan to help the Islamist movement in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Qaddafi was viewed as unsympathetic to the resurgent jihadists in his region and so he had to be eliminated.


Satanic Sadomasochist Mass-Murderer

“In October 2011, Hillary visited Tripoli and pledged millions to the Libyan opposition, gushing, “I am proud to stand here on the soil of a free Libya.” Two days later, Qaddafi was sodomized with a knife and then killed; Hillary was caught on camera crowing and laughing, ‘We came, we saw, he died!’[17]

It wasn’t just Qaddafi. They wickedly tried to bomb an entire sovereign African nation back into the stone age. Libya‘s entire governmental infrastructure was destroyed. Qaddafi and his family along with at least 30,000 people were killed and 50,000 wounded in Satanic Sadomasochists Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton’s Libyan Aggression, the Libyan interim health minister said, offering a first detailed estimate of the high cost in lives of bringing down Moammar Gadhafi.[18]

The Dragon Lady “… Hillary Clinton carried out the hit and today Libya, with the assistance of the U.S. taxpayer, is well on its way to becoming a member in good standing of the Islamic Caliphate.”[19]  And, one of the big problems that al-Qaeda Hilary is seriously dodging is that the weapons that she provided to al-Qaeda were used on the 2012 Benghazi American diplomatic compound attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean SmithBLOWBACK.[20] The 2016 National Democratic Party debates are a sham, fraud against the PEOPLE and NATIONAL PUBLIC DISGRACE!


It should be odd to any citizen of the United States and globally that in this 21st Century, there are absolutely no surveillance videos that captured Chris on the Umpqua campus or assaulting anyone. We have to believe that Chris, a confirmed intellectual or developmental disabled person, was able to beat and outwit a universal surveillance system. At 26 years old, there are only a hand full of picture photos of Chris in adulthood.  He has no work history. He has no known source of income, and nobody has stepped forward to call him a friend. It doesn’t make any sense.

Chris was on a regiment of psychotic drugs that helped stabilize him. His mother, Laurel Harper, “She said: ‘He has some psychological problems. Sometimes he takes his medication, sometimes he doesn’t. And that’s where the big problem is, when he doesn’t take his medication.’ ” In Oregon when the problem developed regarding his refusal to take his drugs, she took him back to California to a psychiatric facility, Del Amo Behavioral Health, a hospital in Torrance. The hospital specializes in Trauma Model Therapy.

Trauma models of mental disorders (alternatively called trauma models of psychopathology) emphasize the effects of psychological trauma, particularly in early development, as the key causal factor in the development of some or many psychiatric disorders, or a vulnerability for depression and anxiety, in addition to trauma as an adult as in posttraumatic stress disorder.

From the 1940s through the 1970s, CIA MK ULTRA mind control mental health professionals such as R.D. Laing of the Tavistock Institute and Dr. Gregory Bateson of the OSS and CIA proposed trauma models to understand schizophrenia. R. D. Laing maintained until his death that the cause of both schizoid personalities and schizophrenia was influenced by family [trauma] relationships. More on this subject discussed below. 


Do you have any idea who works at Del Amo Behavior Health System hospital? DR. COLIN A. ROSS, BLUEBIRD , Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists.


Lucifer Servant’s Underground in America


This is not a “I Told You So” story. I am just as much afraid today for the PEOPLE and my family as I was during the 1960s with the Black Panther Party for Self Defense facing the Wrath, Might, Viciousness and absolute EVIL of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT and entire Military Industrial Congressional Complex.


Nonetheless whatever anyone says about the PANTHERS, Huey, brothers and sisters courageously stood between the PEOPLE and the clandestine SATANIC forces concealed behind the Cloak of the Government.  According to recent declassified top secret documents, we may have faced the DEVIL Personified. One of Reichsführer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s most senior and sinister espionage SS officers, Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, the BEAST of Bucharest, Romania, changed venue from Germany to the United States in 1954.

The Late Great Mae Brussell called Baron von Bolschwing the “most important Nazi” in United States of America.[25] He also had to have been one of the “most mysterious, powerful and dangerous Nazis” on the planet- America’s Best Kept Secret. Baron von Bolschwing was one of the Nazi architects and godfathers of the current racialist state of Zionist ISRAEL.[26]


One of his first brushes with Nazi espionage work, according to captured SS records, was a role in creating a covert agreement between the Nazis and Fieval Polkes, right above, a commander of the militant Zionist organization Haganah, whom Von Bolschwing had met through business associates in the Mid-East.[27] Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine.[28]


Captured German records claim that Polkes believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage–at least temporarily–by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander’s sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS.[29]


The Haganah became a full-scale defense force following the 1936-1939 Arab revolt and, by 1941, consisted of three main units: the Field Corps (the main ground force), Guard Corps, and the Palmach. The Palmach was the elite fighting force of the Haganah, combining military training, agricultural work, and Zionist education. Its members eventually came to form the backbone of the Israeli Defense ForcesIDF’s combat forces.[30]


Baron von Bolschwing entered the country under cloak of the government and a general’s uniform as U.S. Army Captain Albert A. Eisner (mocking President Dwight Eisner-hower) as Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s secret representative to the CIA directed by Allen Dulles. Baron von Bolschwing boosted partly that he intended to enter the country to become a U.S. citizen to work in the clandestine design and implement the structure- “political affairs” of the National Republican Party.[31] It appears that the SS, all of Nazi Germany, British, Israel and the CIA didn’t question Baron von Bolschwing’s (Bodelschwingh) noble and barony (knightly) background from Old Prussia.[32] It is a family lineage that may go back to Charlemagne (747-814), King of France, Holy Roman Emperor (Giselbert).[33]


Around the year 1300, Teutonic Knight Giselbert I built the moat Bodelschwingh Castle on oak poles in Dortmund, Germany. Recall the Knights Templar was disbanded and persecuted by the Vatican in 1307. Templar Knights and what was left of their organization was absorbed by Maltese Knights and Teutonic Order. The Bodelschwingh castle has been the residence of the ancestors of the Knight since the 13th century and is a private residence of the family today.[34]


Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing was born in Schonbruch, East Prussia (now: Szczurkowo, Poland) on October 15, 1909.[35] In the 14th Century, Szczurkowo (Schönbruch) first appeared in the history as the conquered property of Teutonic Knights.[36] For a long time, the property in Schönbruch belonged to the knightly family of Botho-Heinrich von Eulenburg-Wicken. He had been the Prime Minister of Prussia from 1892-1894. Eulenburg was a second cousin of  Prince Philip of Eulenburg, a close friend of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, and an instrumental figure behind the scenes of German politics of the German Second Reich.[37]

Then since 1871, the property became the property of the family von Bolschwing. The place of Baron Bolschwing’s birth was sentenced to oblivion. After World War II, the village was divided by the border. The Bolschwing manor house was demolished in the 1960s on the Polish side of the border. People were displaced, and the traces of village prosperity were erased, and the place was sentenced to oblivion, most likely because of Baron von Bolschwing’s monstrous crimes against the Polish People and humanity.[38]


Baron von Bolschwing, former Nazi Gestapo agent under “The Hangman” and “The Blond BEAST,” SS Reinhard Heydrich,[39] took up residence just outside of California’s seat of power, Sacramento. He was Governor Ronald Reagan’s resident SS Officer. He was the CIA’s most clandestine senior advisors, and as the embodiment of an ancient KNIGHT and Secret Brotherhood, he was the superior to the SODOMITE  FBI Director, Edgar J. Hoover.

aaachrishoover Hoover became a Royal Arch Mason in Lafayette Chapter No. 5 in April 1921, and a Knights Templar in Washington Commandery No. l on July 20, 1921. He was created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Almas Temple in Washington DC on March 1, 1922.[40] Baron von Bolschwing also had hundred and thousands of Masons, Shriners and black Prince Hall Masons under his thumb. His underground power and influence was also spread across Greek fraternal orders  that are secret fronts for the Masonic Order. None of them would dare mumble his name in violation of the Masonic Blood Covenant of Secrecy. The guiding hand behind the illegal Nazi Gestapo type programs, CIA Project CHAOS and the FBI COINTELPRO program, had been the BEAST of Bucharest, Baron von Bolschwing.

In fact during the 1960s-1970S, there were a number of other organizations and agencies courageously involved in protecting and defending the PEOPLE against Lucifer’s Servants. Also, there was a large and active FIFTH ESTATE of investigative journalism that were truly GUARDIANS of our form of government that kept ultra clandestine world class criminal Luciferians like Baron von Bolschwing hiding behind shadows.


Yet, the true absolute WICKED nature of, danger to, and clandestine attacks against this representative form of government continues to be unbeknown to the PEOPLE. Don’t get it twisted, we didn’t know very much of anything more about the secret state/shadow government than anyone else. When Oakland’s first black public school superintendent, Dr. Marcus A. Foster, heart and brains were laid out in the street by shotgun blasts in 1973, we couldn’t figure out who assassinated him and why. But it all involved the secret state and shadow government Secret SS Concentration Camp Plan for America, and  MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs clandestinely infiltrating the Oakland public school system. Chris Harper- Mercer Didn’t Write the Script to the Upquma Community College Massacre.



CIA MK ULTRA Satanic Manchurian Candidates

At the posting of the last article, I didn’t know anything in particular about the alleged details of Chris Harper- Mercer’s alleged 6 (six) page MANIFESTO. I didn’t know about Aleister Crowley’s 666 within the document. It is an alleged manifesto, because it has not been released to the public. If Mercer had ranted about the extremes of Islam, or screamed about Racism and Race Wars, it would certainty have been made public.

“Some early reports claimed that Mercer’s attack was racially motivated, with some connecting him to the Black Lives Matter movement. But online writings from Mercer himself showed disdain for the movement and backing of law enforcement officials.”[41]

Those details leaked from Mercer’s Manifesto to PEOPLE magazine does not link him to Black Lives Matter, ISIL, al-Qaeda or Islamic Terrorism that Project MOCKINGBIRD corporate mass media has been desperately seeking to connect him to.


“The guy did this strictly for SATANIC purposes,” the source told PEOPLE magazine. “He did it to become a God in HELL. He wants to be EVIL. That is his goal, to serve SATAN.[42]  The Manifesto link Mercer to Right Wing Conservative Republicanism and SATAN. He was a devotee to LUCIFER. He even allegedly wrote the number 666 MARK OF THE BEAST on a sheet of papers that he handed to a victim on the day of the alleged slaughter of innocence.


Modern Satanism is linked to Aleister Crowley. One source have identified the Great BEAST 666 as one of founders of the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock stemmed from the ideas of H.G. Wells, head of British Intelligence. Crowley initiated H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley, one of the British Godfathers of CIA MK ULTRA, into the Satanic Occult. MK ULTRA is deeply rooted in Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Control Systems.

Chris‘ programming most likely involved a highly organized hierarchical and complicated Satanic Ritual System. This Satanic Ritual System programming is intended to produce a “Total Mind Controlled Slave” who is part of the army of mind-controlled slaves, who are the SOLDIERS of SATAN used by the Dark Empire of Secret Societies in its assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. In the ritual system, there are demons, SATANS, LUCIFERS, high priests and priestesses as well as representatives of members who have authority in the person’s life. Every layer in the system has a primary trainer and various guards to keep all of alters in order and obedient- a slave to the OVERLORD which is usually SATAN. If one of alters or fragment of an alter begin to falter, resist or talk too much about the Order, a guard alter will move in.

Chris, Tavistock Institute & the KLEINIANS

 Chris Sean Harper- Mercer was a special education needs student entitled to a free and appropriate public education available to all eligible children at no cost to parents. Normally, a special education needs student receive periodic Individual Educational Plans (IEP). It seems as though Harper- Mercer home school district’s IEP team made a determination that the public school system could no longer meet his needs and that he would benefit from a referral to a nonpublic school. Harper- Mercer was referred to Switzer Learning Center, Torrance, CA.


The Center was founded in 1966 by the late Psychiatrist, Dr. Janet Switzer.[43] Dr. Switzer is linked to Harvard University’s Judge Baker Guidance Clinic in Boston. She taught at notorious MK ULTRA institutions, University of Hawaii (President Obama’s Mother, Ann Dunham) and at UCLA (CIA Mind Control Maestro, Dr. Louis “Jolly” West).[44]


Mobster Jack Ruby’s CIA Doctor-  Dr. Louis Jolyon West

Dr. Switzer’s thinking and prevailing psychoanalytic theories were clarified by the Reiss Davis Child Study Center and the Marianne Frostig Center.[45] Both are notorious TAVISTOCK INSTITUTIONS. Created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the nerve center for the “GLOBAL MANIPULATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.”


Not long after Tavistock was set up by co-founder John Rawlings Rees and others, it became the core of Britain’s Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on British soldiers. Tavistock also played a crucial role in the creation of the OSS (the precursor to the CIA), under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, with help from Allen Dulles, the German Nazis and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Tavistock Clinic notables include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung (philosophic mysticism), MELANIE KLEIN (object relations/child psychology), R.D. Laing (anti-psychiatry), Elliott Jaques, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves,  John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and WILFRED BION (Intensive Conference/Group Dynamics), with Tommy Wilson as chairman, funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

Aside from helping to create the CIA, Tavistock was also the major force behind the formation of NATO and is deeply connected to the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome works with Tavistock to create propaganda and crisis in order to manipulate the world’s population in a pre-determined direction, toward a collectivist, one world socialistic dictatorship (Psy Ops: staged events to manipulate public opinion). Other offshoot groups are known as conduits of instructions from within the Tavistock Network are Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission and the Ditchley Foundation.

“The common purpose of the Tavistock/Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique because only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organization, was right when he said: ‘To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism’.”

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion, while breaking down the moral fabric that has held the West together using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation. Tavistock has played an important role in the creation of several institutional centers, including, Stanford Research Institute, The Wharton School at the University of PA & The Sloan School at MIT.[46]


During the late 1940s in London, Melanie KLEIN’S ideas came into conflict with Sigmund Freud’s  psychoanalyst daughter, Anna Freud (right). During the so-called Controversial discussions, the British Psychoanalytical Society split into three separate training divisions: (1) KLEINIAN, (2) Anna Freudian, and (3) independent.[47]


The Reiss Davis Child Study Center that clarified Dr. Switzer’s psychoanalytic theories is a KLEINIAN Center molded and shaped directly by Englishman WILFRED BION, above, out of Tavistock.[48]


MELANIE KLEIN was a Tavistock’s expert (medical technician) in splitting off Alter Personalities or Alter fragments from the original self causing Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorders. She worked with children as young as 2 to unveil children’s psyches. She is considered one of the major developers of “object relations theory” which emphasizes the primacy of interpersonal relations, especially between mother and child in infancy, in influencing people’s relationships in the present.[49]

After Sigmund Freud, “the most important contribution has come from MELANIE KLEIN, whose work enlightens the idea of ‘splitting of the object’ (Objektspaltung). Some clinicians explain it like this: “… the “inner world” of patients described as consisting of internal representative of other people and the self with the notion that these internal representations are often themselves fragmented. Patients have internalized “people” and fragments of people in their “inner world”.[50] Or, tell it like it is: Blizard RA. The origins of dissociative identity disorder from an object relations and attachment theory perspective (Dissociation. 1997; 10(4): 223–229).


If the Tavistock Institute connection to shaping Chris wasn’t bad enough, it looks like a lot of people at the Reiss Davis Child Study Center, including Dr. Switzer were directly connected to DR. JOLLY WEST of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH at UCLA.[51] While Dr. West was initiating the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, he sat on Reiss Davis Child Study Center‘s Professional Advisory Committee.[52]

The Late Great Mae Brussell,


“In 1972 Dr. Jolly West of the CIA — who was Jack Ruby’s doctor at the time of Ruby’s trial, for shooting Lee Harvey Oswald — had moved out to California to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, where they planned a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. This is Ronald Reagan’s baby, and if he gets to be President you can be sure they’ll pull this one out again; out of the woodwork. This was planned in 1972 and the plans were submitted to the California Department of Health in Sacramento in April of 1973. I had written an article about this Neuropsychiatric Institute, exposed it as being a part of the CIA …”[53]

Dr. West’s Center would have been hideous, and a contemporary MONSTER FACTORY- A Clockwork Orange. It would have involved things such as psychosurgery, chemical castration of reproductive organs and the brain, chip and brain transmitter implants to remotely control behavior and whatever else racialist Anglo-Saxon/German/Nazi existentialist like Dr. Janet Switzer along with the Tavistock Reiss Davis Child Study Center could dream of to inflict upon and control the masses, People of Color and their CHILDREN. Between 1972-1973, Dr. West had planned to roll Reiss Davis Child Study Center over into the MONSTER FACTORY.

Dr. West and the CIA (controlled by Heinrich Himmler’s SSKnights of the Black Sun) had planned to use the Center as a model to connect every child in America, particularly children of color, to an universal computer data base like something out of Vietnam’s Phoenix Assassination Program for tracking, neutralization, re-education, psychosurgery, sterilization, medical drug testing and experimental mind control of every child in America through computer-satellite technology.[54], [55],[56],[57]











[9] Id.






[15] Id.

[16] Id.











[27] Id.

[28] Id.

[29] Id.












[41] Id.









[50] Noblitt, James Randall, Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (2000), pg. 11







