6 01 2018



In a comment to a recent blog observation that Donny Hathaway was murdered like Whitney Houston, I was asked why they would kill Donny. When I wrote it, it had truly troubled the waters, because, I knew that I had failed to explain who, where and why. So, I was touched and again troubled by the question, and my lack of explanations.



I am inspired by many people, but rarely am I inspired as much as I am by the soulful message of Donny Hathaway. His melodic, deep, smooth and focused delivery is matched by few.

Before reading I would like you to listen to this interview with Donny Hathaway! Specifically at the 2:20 mark until the end, basically the last 40 seconds. If you can take the time to listen to the entire interview that would be beneficial.

Donny passed too soon for the world to hear the fullness of his voice and underlying messages of strength, thoughtfulness, power, activism, and worship to Almighty Most High God.  Donny was by all accounts the voice that Marvin Gay and Stevie Wonder looked up to.

Donny’s story ended tragically with what some determined to be suicide.  However, I believe a different account, that his death was planned.  Donny Hathaway was targeted and murdered.

Many artists have the skill to make their audience feel emotion, but rarely is an audience touched so deeply that their collective soul is pierced, their mind awakened to consciousness, and their body ready to take action. Donny was a powerful voice of activism after the death of Martin Luther King.[1]

At times, it is so difficult to put into words how I feel about the spiritual musical genius of an artist like Donny Hathaway. But the above from Swagger Nation speaks volumes for me as if I wrote it myself. Sometimes, I am so selfish that I think that Donny speaks only to my individual deep soul and inner consciousness.

Donny Hathaway (October 18, 1945 – January 13, 1979), the grandson of gospel singer Martha Crumwell, was born in Chicago and reared in St. Louis by her. He began singing as a 3-year-old and was billed as “America’s Youngest Gospel Singer.”[2] She was the one who tried to develop his musical talents. She took him around singing in different programs, because it was evident from a very early age that he had been endowed with extraordinary musical talent and insight.

He could hear things that he couldn’t play at first, but by the age of four he was able to sit down at a piano and play the things he could hear in his head. He would tell his grandmother, ‘I hear the most beautiful music in my head, grandma’. So she purchased a piano – she was a musician too – and he began to play.”[3]

Donny was very- very special. He was “paranormal”. Donny was a brilliant musician, arranger, songwriter and vocalist. At the height of his musical career, he spoke about transcending, creating and conducting a concerto with the Boston Pops Symphony. He was exploring melodies, soft and elegant voices. He talked about exploring classical music and “melodic” patterns and motions, repetitive patterns that can be used with any scale. The use and practice of “melodic” patterns go back to the dawn of civilization, the Lands of Sumer and Kemet. Some of the ancient Kemetic “melodic” patterns have survived. One example of it can be found as the “Egyptian Melody” in Louis Armstrong’s 1928 “Tight Like This.”[4]

Maybe that was some of Donny’s genius being able to remarkably supernaturally hear, reconciled, and distinguish “melodic patterns.”  He was able to recapture some of the mysterious ancient “melodic” patterns surviving in Africa/Black spiritual gospel music and in silky smooth eloquence incorporate it in our everyday lives and struggles. They say that Donny literally sat in the studio and cried when he heard the playback of his final mix of the song “Someday We’ll All Be Free“.[5] It is also very moving, emotional and spiritual for me. At times, I listen to the song and reflect on my grandchildren and children of the world and fall into deep prayer for their future health, safety and well bring. I also often break down in tears. The song seems to cleanse, heal, inspire and then rejuvenate me to get up and continue the struggle with renewed vigor and commitment.

Donny’s melodic “I Love You More Than You‘ll Ever Know” also mysteriously stirs and heals my individual soul. In some kind of mysterious way, it explains for me the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, and why so many good brothers and sisters put their lives on the line for only the LOVE OF THE PEOPLE. And why, if we get knocked down, we pick ourselves right back up again.

They say that Donny’s 1972 four movements of “Everything is Everything” and “Voices Inside” reflect on his latent paranoid schizophrenia. Don’t get it twisted. Donny’s not talking about any severe psychiatric disorder with symptoms of emotional instability, detachment from reality, and withdrawal into the self. He’s talking about “Lets gone get on down” with the exploding “melodic” and other dimensional experiences thru music and movements, not DRUGS. Willie Weeks!Feel pretty good, huh.”

According to his widow, Eulaulah Hathaway, Donny had been confined on several occasions in psychiatric facilities in New York instead of Chicago. New York was a hotbed of clandestine MK ULTRA activity. They are always careful not to expose who treated Donny, and the mental institutions and hospitals that he had been confined at.

He was hospitalized on several occasions. I guess by ’73 or ’74 it was determined that he was a paranoid schizophrenic.”[6]

By 1974, Donny dropped completely out of sight of the music entertainment industry until January 19795 (five) years. The bottom line is that Donny had extraordinary and paranormal abilities. He could see, hear, explore, develop, and capture the universal sacred art of music science practiced by healing temples of the most ancient, advanced and mysterious civilizations. Much of what is called “classical music” was taken directly from secret Kemetic, Canaanite, Arabian and African healing temples. And, we just don’t understand the Universal Power of Music enough to try to keep it out of the power, control and influences of Luciferians.

Ancient Kemetic Healing Temple- Mysterious Law of Physics Tuning Rods?

“Egyptian [Kemetic] Temples were used in setting resonant frequencies for the purpose of healing the etheric body. Healing with sound, color, light and music was integral to the ancient process of re-harmonizing the body back to a state of total health. This process aided in resetting the person’s own unique frequency signature (much like doing a computer restore point). Health was equated with being in tune with one’s true soul path. The body was seen as an earthly vehicle which housed the soul and was treated, ‘like God’s Holy Temple.’ Living a life in resonance and loving service to others was what the tenets of Saqqara priesthood were all about.” [7]

Donny Hathaway was a genius of music theory, a master pianist and songwriter, and possibly had the most beautiful male voice in soul music-EVER!”[8]

Needless to say, Donny and his remarkable musical works just didn’t belong to me. We dearly, collectively, loved Donny as much as he loved God and us.  According to fellow musician James Mtume at the recording studio, Hathaway said that white people were trying to kill him and had connected his brain to a machine, for the purpose of stealing his music and his sound.”

Because of Hathaway’s mental state, the recording session was aborted and all of the musicians went home instead of asking Donny the what, who, when and the why.[9] It was important to ask these things, because Donny had been out of the music recording studios as a free man since 19745 (five) years. In February 1978, Atlantic Records had to get permission from a hospital to fly Hathaway out for the recording sessions of “The Closer I Get to You” with Roberta Flack.[10] WHAT HOSPITAL?

At Mtume’s studio recording session on January 13, 1979, Donnie still wasn’t free. Donny did not leave the recording studio alone, and ended up at the hotel. According to Reggie Lucas, Donny was supposed to be under the 24 hour watchful supervision of David Franklin per Atlantic Records and that HOSPITAL. Lucas said that Donny was heavily DRUGGED that evening. He last saw Donny Saturday evening leaving Roberta Flacks’ apartment with his official appointed chaperone and guardian, David McCoy Franklin, headed back to the Essex House Hotel.[11].

David McCoy Franklin & Ahmet Ertegun, Co-Founder of Atlantic Records

Lucas said that Franklin and Roberta Flack showed up at the morgue on Monday to identify Donny’s body.[12] It appears that no questions were asked about where Franklin was Saturday evening between the time he and Donny left Flack’s apartment and Donny’s death. And, it appears that Franklin didn’t offer any answers why he left him alone if Donny was indeed left alone in that hotel room. Franklin’s answers to these questions should be part of Donny’s historical record. They are not! Donny’s mental institution and the doctors that Franklin reported to should also be part of Donny’s historical record. They are not!

David M. Franklin was a “quiet as keptWashington DC/Atlanta black attorney that worked closely with Ahmet Ertegun at Atlantic Records with black artists.[13] Franklin was known to work behind the veil on a lot of political things for Washington DC. He was the chief economic development consultant of the Cooperative Assistance Fund (CAF) in Washington from 1970 to 1975. CAF was established in 1968 by a group of foundations to make investments in minority and low-income communities thru CAF. In other words, it was a multi-million charity- slush money laundering operation ran by a bunch of insider Washington DC political head Negro in Charge Coons and Uncle Toms.[14] David was the husband of Shirley Franklin, 58th Mayor of Atlanta, GA.[15]

Franklin and Flack, ILLUMINATI/BOULE One God/One Eye Masonic Symbolism

Shirley Franklin and Roberta Flack are Delta Sigma ThetaDivine 9 BOULE Negroes.[16] I am not sure what black secret society that David Franklin belonged to.

They Play the Music, He’ll Cakewalk

But double speak and master of deception coon, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Prince Hall Master Mason and Omega Divine 9 Boule, planted a new false cover for Donny’s death among the masses.  Rev. Jackson delivered Donny’s eulogy, he said, “It appeared to be neither homicide nor suicide. It seems to have been an accident. Donny died with his coat, scarf and cap on, and it’s not likely that anyone would go through the preparation of putting on full attire just to jump out of a window.” It was an ACCIDENT! Maybe, he already had on his coat, scarf and cap on when he was thrown out the window.

Could it be that Mtume and Lucas had been warned, and were too afraid to ask him any questions? When Donny brought up “white people” and psychotronic interface brain machines, they scattered like flies. Could it be that they had to scatter because Donny began exposing too much about what they were doing to him, and what had happened to him while they were being watched?

But, we are now quite certain that the technology existed then, and the white knights of CIA were very- very active in that every same thing- the paranormal, psychotronics, and mind control, clandestinely. And, we know somebody had taken complete control over Donny’s mind and thoughts at the time of his death. He talked too much, and they threw DONNY HATHAWAY out of the window.

Synthetic telepathy also known as techlepathy or psychotronics – is a term used to describe the process in brain-computer interfaces by which human thought (as electromagnetic radiation) is intercepted, processed by computer and a return signal generated that is perceptible by the human brain.[17]

Navy Admiral Stansfield Turner, CIA Director 1979

Navy Admiral Stansfield Turner, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

The CIA director in 1979 was full four star Admiral Stansfield Turner, former President of the Naval War College and Commander-in-Chief of NATO’s Southern Flank. Under Turner’s direction, the CIA emphasized technical intelligence (TECHINT) and signal intelligence (SIGINT) more than human intelligence (HUMINT) – Parapsychology.[18]  It’s on public record that MK ULTRA, the mind control research which Turner admitted to in 1977 spent millions of dollars studying the paranormalVoodoo, witchcraft, and psychics. Turner disclosed that the CIA had been conducting mind control on countless numbers of unsuspecting victims for years, without their knowledge or consent.

On August 3, 1977, Turner went before congress. He told senate hearings about MK ULTRA/MONARCH. He gave an account of a CIA established network, including 80 medical universities, hospitals, and prisons – together with 185 high-ranking U.S. scientists, researchers and doctors. It was mentioned that the program had begun under the Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, in 1953.[19]   That pretty much says it all. There is a link between what was going on with Frank Olson in the early 1950s and Donny Hathaway in the 1970s.  U.S. Civilians were unwitting drugged with LSD (instant Schizophrenia) during the 1950s under the U.S. Navy’s Schizophrenia and MK ULTRA from 1953 into the 1970s.  Undoubtedly, Donny was confined during the 1970s at one of the MK ULTRA mental hospitals right up until the time of his death.

Hours after the sudden aborted recording session on January 13, 1979, Hathaway was found below the window of his 15th-floor room of New York’s 48 floors Essex House Hotel, 160 Central Park S, New York, NY, overlooking Central Park. While seemingly odd that the safety glass window to his room had been meticulously removed and was on the bed, his hotel door was double locked from the inside, and there were no signs of struggle, investigators ruled Hathaway’s death a suicide.

It was a cold and winter Saturday night in New York City. Seven hundred miles away in Chicago, the infamous Chicago blizzard of 1979 hit the city, leaving 19 inches of snow and an after period of unrelenting bitterly cold weather.[20] Donny was found dead below his hotel window with his coat, scarf, and cap on. It appears that the window in his room was already on the bed when he entered, or was forced into it in frigid cold circumstances.

Snap In, Pop Out Guest Room Windows at Essex- No, No and No!

Any other scenario implies that Donny brought along a special tool kit designed to remove hotel safety glass frame and windows. The assumed scenario couldn’t even be repeated in the infamous October 1, 2017 Las Vegas Flag shooting.

Investigative law enforcement agencies still will not commit themselves on how the alleged mass murder dead suspect, Stephen Paddock, broke thru the safety glass windows at the Mandalay Bay Resort to assault the crowds at the country music venue. They don’t know if he knocked them out with a hedge hamper or shot them out. If it was possible to remove the hotel safety glass windows, they would have been removed.

In Donny’s case, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever that the Essex House Hotel would install code compliant safety glass windows to prevent suicides that can be easily and neatly removed without any special knowledge and tools by quests. It is not reasonable or logical to believe that they did in Donny’s case and that room. Furthermore, Donny was under the influence  of psychotropic drugs.

In 1972, at the very height of his career and a string of hits among the masses, Donny suddenly became depressed and paranoid schizoid.  They say, “It was found that he was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and was known to have taken up to 14 pills two to three times a day to control this disease.[21] What kind of pills and why so many? Who were the doctor(s) prescribing these medications? It appears that they were more interested in keeping Donny quiet then helping heal him. 

Donny’s death in the way was consistent with the CIA Assassination Manual. His death was primarily meant to not permanently silence him, but also send a terrifying message to others to keep their mouths shut about Donny, “white people” and “psychotronic mind machines”. What they don’t say is where Donny’s schizophrenia suddenly came from. In Frank Olson’s case, it came from clandestine CIA- LSD poisoning hidden in a glass of brandy.[22]

The hotel safety glass removable scenario also didn’t even happen in the case of Frank Olson, 26 years earlier in New York, New York. Evidence suggests that the hotel’s safety glass window was first broken, and then Olson was thrown thru his Statler hotel room window to his death.



Frank Olson (July 17, 1910 – November 28, 1953) was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee under Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, who worked at Camp Detrick (now Fort Detrick) in Maryland.

Frank Olson- The Where

Olson was at first said to have taken his own life from the 13th floor at the New York Statler Hotel, operated as The Statler Hilton, 401 7th Ave, New York, NY. It was the 13th floor, but the room number didn’t include the 13 (thirteen). It was room number 1081A.[23]

On January 13 (thirteen), 1979, Donny was on the 15th floor, but fell 13 (thirteen) stories like Olson to his death in New York.[24]  The CIA maintained that Olson had leapt through the closed window to his death as result of a schizophrenic episode just the same as Donny. Olson’s room also had been locked from the inside just like Donny’s. However, an autopsy conducted forty years later revealed an injury to Olson’s skull was most likely caused by a blow to the head. And, there was no evidence of any cuts to the body from broken glass. It seems that Olson, exactly as recommended in CIA assassination manual, was struck on the head (possible while drugged) and thrown from the window to his death 13 (thirteen) floors below.

Frank Olson- The Who

On the night that Olson was found dead. The Statler Hilton had a special new bellboy on the job with access to the hotel rooms’ passkey. It was Jean- Pierre Lafitte. Lafitte of the Corsican (French Connection) Mob was descended from the notorious French Masonic late 18th century Lafitte brothers, Jean, Pierre, and Alexander (Dominique You) of New Orleans. They were slave boat runners, and pirates. Jean Lafitte was a deep cover CIA, FBI and Federal Bureau of Narcotics’ contractor since 1952. He was an extremely deep cover CIA- Artichoke (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) assassin linked to the high profile deaths of foreign and domestic heads of state, Patrice Lumumba and JFK.

Colonel George Hunter White

Lafitte just happened to be working as a bellman at the Statler Hotel the night Frank Olson crashed through the security glass window and dropped to his death. In 1953, Lafitte had been working undercover doing lowly work in several New York hotels, probably for the FBN, certainly for the notorious Colonel George White. He was on duty for more reasons than one at the Hotel Statler when Olson was thrown from the window. It now believed that Lafitte was one of Olson’s dark assassins.

Lafitte also has an even more intriguing connection to the JKF assassination. On May 9, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald applied for work at the William B. Reily Coffee Company in New Orleans. Reily was a rabid anti-communist who gave financial support both to Sergio Arcacha Smith’s Crusade to Free Cuba Committee and Ed Butler’s partially CIA-funded propaganda outfit, the Information Council of the Americas (INCA). The Reily vice-president, William Monaghan, was a former FBI agent and was a charter member of INCA. New Orleans’ DA Jim Garrison believed that Reily’s was part of a special clandestine U.S. intelligence apparatus. A view bolstered somewhat by Gerry Patrick Hemming’s claim that William Reily had worked for the CIA for years. Oswald worked for Reily May through July, 1963 and H. P. Albarelli (investigative journalist, A Secret Order, A Terrible Mistake) notes that “Around the time of JFK assassination’ Lafitte too was working for the Reily company.”[25]

Jean Pierre Lafitte, a long‐time professional police informant with underworld connections who, through the auspices of Colonel George Hunter White, was enlisted by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH to assist in Operation Midnight Climax with the sadist Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Stanford University, CIA Station Agent, Vacaville’s California Men’s Mental Health Facility.[26]

White’s actions were driven by pure Elitism, Racism, Sadism and Evil: “I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun,” White later said. “Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?[27]

Operation Midnight Climax was an operation known only to Richard Helms and Gottlieb’s Technical Support Division; it was a free-wheeling illicit criminal operation headed by White, an Army Captain, OSS officer, veteran agent of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) who was also a CIA operative. During the day, White worked as an FBN agent to keep psychoactive drugs out of circulation, and when night fell, he and his minions dispensed these drugs widely to strangers in in San Francisco and New York. Thousands of unwitting men were lured to CIA-sponsored drug and sex sessions by prostitutes at CIA’ssafe houses.” The prostitutes received $100 a night and were guaranteed protection from police harassment. The walls of CIA’s bordellos were decorated with photos of women in bondage and other suggestive sexual images. White had unrestricted use of surveillance technology; LSD and other mind-altering substances were slipped into the johns’ liquor by the hookers, and their sexual encounters were monitored and recorded from behind two-way mirrors. These taped sexual encounters were useful for blackmailing johns — some of who were prominent upstanding citizens.[28]

Frank Olson- The Why

Allegations pointed to the CIA having assassinated Frank Olson over fears that he would reveal the entire illegal Nazi-U.S. biological warfare and mind control programs, as well as the chemical interrogation programs, to the press. Olson knew quite a bit.

Dr. Harold Batchelor was the Army scientist in charge of consultations with Nazi doctor and former Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich, Dr. Kurt Blome.

Dr. Blome at Nuremberg Tribunal 

Blome served in the Stürm Abteilung (SA) during the Nazi regime, eventually rising to the rank of major general. During World War II, Blome was the biological warfare (BW) representative on the Reich Research Council.

Dr. Blome, middle

Blome was extremely dangerous Nazi. He was an expert on bacteriological warfare and biological weapons. He had a longstanding interest in the “military use of carcinogenic substances” and cancer-causing viruses. In 1942, Blome became director of a unit affiliated with the Central Cancer Institute at the University of Posen, which is now in Poland. Blome worked on methods for the storage and dispersal of biological agents like plague, cholera, anthrax, and typhoid. He is known to have infected concentration camp prisoners with plague in order to test vaccines. Blome was an expert in aerosol dispersants and the transmission of malaria to humans. At Auschwitz, he sprayed nerve agents like Tabun and Sarin from aircraft on prisoners.[29]

In March of 1945, Blome fled from Posen just ahead of the Red Army. He was unable to destroy evidence of his experiments. On May 17, 1945, he was taken into custody in Munich by U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (Baron Otto von Bolschwing) personnel detailed to work for the ALSOS Mission.

The ALSOS Mission was an organized effort by a team of United States military, scientific, and intelligence personnel to discover enemy scientific developments during World War II. Its chief focus was on the Nazi-SS nuclear energy project, but it also investigated both chemical and biological weapons and the means to deliver them. One of Blome’s principal responsibilities during the Nazi regime had been to report on the political reliability of German scientists and technicians; therefore, his knowledge was invaluable to ALSOS in helping the United Kingdom and United States to identify Nazi and SS weapon experts who might work for them.

The ALSOS Mission was commanded by Colonel Boris Pash, a former Manhattan Project security officer, with Samuel Goudsmit as chief scientific advisor. It was jointly staffed by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), the Manhattan Project, and Army Intelligence (G-2).[30] He was subsequently arrested as a Nazi war criminal, and tried at the Doctors’ Trial in 1947 on charges of practicing euthanasia and conducting (BW) experiments on concentration camp prisoners. Blome admitted he had worked on Nazi-SS bacteriological warfare projects and had experimented on concentration camp prisoners with bubonic plague and sarin gas at Auschwitz.[31]

However, in a shocking decision, Blome was acquitted. It is widely believed that he was saved from the gallows by clandestine American intervention. In return, Blome provided information and assistance to the United States and Great Britain on germ warfare.[32] Dr. Blome was a mass murdering “psychopathic personality.” He was a fiend that promised Himmler and the Third Reich the “Mother of All Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction” to wipe out Allied Forces to end WWII once and for all to ensure a Nazi victory.

In 1951, Dr. Blome was officially hired and paid by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps under Project 63, which was one of the successors to Operation Paperclip. He was employed at the European Command Intelligence Center at Oberursel, West Germany and worked on chemical warfare projects. Dr. Blome also conducted secret research on viruses and cancer.[33]

Batchelor and Frank Olson were assigned to the program at Camp King in Germany, where Dr. Blome was chief physician. They recruited and worked directly under Dr. Blome after the fall of Nazi Germany. Their assignment, according to documents obtained through the FOIA and interviews with Olson’s former partner, Norman Cournoyer, was to use unconventional interrogation techniques on Soviet prisoners, including dosing them with LSD.

Dulles, Helms and Wisner

In April 1950, Frank Olson was issued a diplomatic passport. Olson was not a diplomat; the passport allowed him to carry items in a diplomatic pouch that would not be subject to searches by customs officials. Olson began taking trips to Germany, flying to Frankfurt and making the short drive out to Camp King. In one of the rare, surviving official documents from the program, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles sent a secret memo to Richard Helms and CIA Deputy Director for Plans Frank Wisner regarding the specific kinds of interrogation techniques that would be used.

In our conversation of 9 February 1951, I outlined to you the possibilities of augmenting the usual interrogation methods by the use of drugs, hypnosis, shock, etc., and emphasized the defensive aspects as well as the offensive opportunities in this field of applied medical science,” wrote Dulles. “The enclosed folder, ‘Interrogation Techniques,’ was prepared in my Medical Division to provide you with a suitable background.” Camp King was the perfect location to conduct these radical trials. Overseas locations were preferred for Artichoke interrogations, explained Dulles, since foreign governments “permitted certain activities which were not permitted by the United States government (i.e. anthrax etc.).”

The next trip on record made by Frank Olson occurred on June 12, 1952. Olson arrived at Frankfurt from the Hendon military airport in England and made the short drive west into Oberursel. There, Artichoke interrogation experiments were taking place at a safe house called Haus Waldorf. “Between 4 June 1952 and 18 June 1952, an IS&O [CIA Inspection and Security Office] team… applied Artichoke techniques to two operational cases in a safe house,” explains an Artichoke memorandum, written for CIA Director Dulles, and one of the few action memos on record not destroyed by Richard Helms when he was CIA director.

The two individuals being interrogated at the Camp King safe house “could be classed as experienced, professional type agents and suspected of working for Soviet Intelligence.” These were Soviet spies captured by the Nazi SS spy ring, the Gehlen Organization, now being run by the CIA. “In the first case, light dosages of drugs coupled with hypnosis were used to induce a complete hypnotic trance,” the memo reveals. “This trance was held for approximately one hour and forty minutes of interrogation with a subsequent total amnesia produced.” The plan for the enhanced interrogation program was meant to be straightforward: drug the spies, interrogate the spies, and give them amnesia to make them forget. The clandestine experimental operations that took place at Camp King in Germany headed by Nazi SS doctors evolved into MK ULTRA.[34]

Olson also appeared to have had deep misgivings about the illegal and inhumane use of secret Nazi mass murder biological and chemical weapons in the Korean Aggression (1950-53).[35]  During the Korean Warthe U.S. killed up to 30 % of its population. It sounds to me like the U.S. clandestinely exploited the EVIL racist, fiendish and psychopathic works of Dr. Blome to a certain extent in Korea. If any of this information had been exposed publicly by Olson, it would have caused a diplomatic and Nuremberg international massive human rights violation- war crimes crisis. And, it absolutely should have![36] Frank Rudolph Olson was assassinated- tossed through his hotel window like a rag doll on November 28, 1953.



Atlantic Records

All Seeing Eye, Herbert Abramson, Jerry Wexler, and Ahmet Eretegun

Donny Hathaway was signed by record label, Atco Records and Herbert AbramsonAtlantic Records Company. Atlantic Records was founded in 1947 in Washington DC by Turkish former Swiss, French, and the United Kingdom citizen, Ahmet Ertegun, and Herb Abramson, who was his family’s Jewish former U.S. Army dentist. Ertegun and Jerry Wexler [at Atlantic] signed him in 1969.[37] With his first hit single for the Atco label, “The Ghetto”, in early 1970, Rolling Stone magazine “marked him as a major new force in soul music”.[38]

Donny’s very rare quality as an extremely gifted musician became well-known in the corporate entertainment industry by 1970. According to a psychopathology profile of Donny, he began to exhibit odd behavior and severe episodes of depression in 1970.

Richard Helms- FATHER OF MK ULTRA- Manchurian Candidate

In 1970, one of the most dangerous and clandestine figures of the 20th century was CIA Director, Richard McGarrah Helms, the Father of MK ULTRA- Olsen’s CIA superior.  

Helms created just such a rule in MKULTRA and spent his entire career trying to perfect it through testing drugs on unwitting subjects, carrying out hypno-programing experiments, and plotting coups, assassinations, and cover-ups while manipulating others.”

Under the leadership of Allen Dulles, Helms began to formulate Operation MK ULTRA (“Ultra” was a “wave” to the World War II operation that broke Nazi codes, and MK probably stood for “Mind Kontrol”).[39] Officially, MK ULTRA was established on 13 April 1953, at Richard Helms’ suggestion as “ultra-sensitive work.” The focal point of MK ULTRA was the use of humans as unwitting subjects [without their knowledge]. The CIA sponsored numerous experiments of this kind. Regardless of a report by the CIA’s Inspector General in 1963 recommending the termination of testing on unwitting subjects, DCI Richard Helms continued to advocate covert testing on the grounds that “we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances in this field.” On the subject of moral issues, Helms commented, “we have no answer to the moral issue.”[40]

Helms and the CIA had no moral issue about using unwitting citizens for MK ULTRA mind control and drug experiments. By 1971, wife and friends said Donny became delusional. By the end of 1973, he allegedly dropped out of public sight to deal with his mental illness until just before his death on January 13, 1979. We now know that wasn’t exactly the case. Donny had been removed and it looks involuntarily committed and confined to a (MK ULTRA) mental institution by Ertegun and Atlantic Records. They controlled whether he left or stayed in the mental institution- not Donny, his wife or family.

Atlantic Records & Theodor W. Adorno

The Frankfurt School Road to MK ULTRA & The Scientific Dictatorship

He was a Frankfurt School of Thought philosopher, socialist and musical composer. It is believed that Adorno of the Frankfurt School had been implanted at Atlantic Records during the 1940s. Behind the veil, Adorno was the mysterious German Professor engineering and controlling the company’s sound studio like a dictator.

The story about Atlantic’s first sound engineer is intriguing.  Atlantic moved out of Washington, DC. and into a building at 234 W 56th Street in New York in 1947. There a  “German Professor” helped the young businessmen record their first jazz albums. Ertegun told this story many times, but no one ever found out who the “German Professor” actually was. There are clues though.  According to Ertegun, “the studio had this German professor who did the bulk of the engineering.” The professor was “a little middle-aged German doctor” who was really difficult to work with. Ertegun claimed that, the professor “wouldn’t let us turn up the bass, or touch anything, but we were told he was a master, so we put up with him.”

Why was a German social scientist, Theo Adorno, controlling the sound studio at Atlantic Records? Most of the following comes from “From Cybernetics to Littleton: Techniques of Mind Control” by Jeffrey Steinberg.

Immediately after World War II, when there was a concerted effort launched, by the Frankfurt School and the London Tavistock Institute, to use the Marxist/Freudian perversion of psychology and other social sciences, as instruments for mass social control and brainwashing. The two pillars of the assault on the American intellectual tradition were cybernetics and the drug counterculture. Lord Bertrand Russell of the Frankfurt School was an advocate for clandestine Mass Social Engineering. In his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote:

[M]ass psychology. . . . Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called `education.’ Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part. . . . It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.”

Russell continued, “The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. . . . The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black.” 

Russell’s description of a “scientific dictatorship” was matched by the account of Aldous Huxley, author of the Utopian tract Brave New World, in a speech on the U.S. State Department’s Voice of America, in 1961, of a world of pharmacologically manipulated slaves, living in a “concentration camp of the mind,” enhanced by propaganda and psychotropic drugs, learning to “love their servitude,” and abandoning all will to resist. “This,” Huxley concluded, “is the final revolution.”

Speaking at the California Medical School in San Francisco, Huxley announced: “There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

Theodor W. Adorno was born Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund (1903 – 1969) to a Jewish family in Frankfurt, Germany. In May 1944, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) established a Department of Scientific Research, which was headed by Frankfurt School director Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer established a project, called Studies in Prejudice, with generous funding from the AJC and other agencies, including the Rockefeller foundations. The Studies in Prejudice (SIP) employed a number of Frankfurt School members such as Herbert Marcuse and Franz Neumann that were brought into the Research and Analysis Section of the OSS with Dulles, Helms and Col. White. Adorno worked on SIP, and, under Horkheimer’s direction, they all formally reconstituted the International Institute of Social Research, the transplanted incarnation of the original Frankfurt School of Weimar Germany.

One of the most significant studies produced by SIP during 1944-50, was The Authoritarian Personality.  Dr. William Morrow, the leading protégé of Dr. Kurt Lewin, who was one key, bridge figure between the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute, was a research director for the Authoritarian Personality project. The SIP studies proposed to create a cultural paradigm shift away from the so-called “authoritarianmatrix of man in the living image of God (imago viva Dei), the sanctity of the nuclear family, and the superiority of the republican form of nation-state over all other forms of political organization. They proposed to transform American culture toward an erotic, perverse matrix, associated with the present “politically correct” tyranny of tolerance for dehumanizing drug abuse, sexual perversion, and the glorification of violence.

Adorno was a “psychopathic personality“. In his 1948 work on The Philosophy of Modern Music, Adorno argued that the purpose of modern music is to literally drive the listener insane. He justified this by asserting that modern society was a hotbed of evil, authoritarianism, and potential fascism, and that, only by first destroying civilization, through the spread of all forms of cultural pessimism and perversity, could liberation occur. On the role of modern music, he wrote, “It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music imprints upon itself an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration. . . . He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality. . . . Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health.Necrophilia, he added, is the ultimate expression of “true health” in this sick society.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of “PANSEXUALISM”: the search for indiscriminate sexual pleasure, the promotion of “unisex”, the blurring of distinctions between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women, and, finally, the undermining of heterosexuality at the expense of homosexuality — as, for example, in the idea of “same-sex marriage” and the adoption of children by homosexual couples.”[41]

Under the growing influence of Christianity around the first century AD, the pagan Sun Cults of Mithras were essentially outlawed and driven underground. Powerful forces of the secret pagan sun cults like the Frankfurt School have been committed to effecting an erosion and destruction of Christianity and its influence, from within. As they erode Christianity, the underground and outlawed Sun Cults of Mithras are arising dropping their veils of secular disguise to become the explicit and open worship of the Cybele, Mithras, and Satan-Baal-Lucifer.[42]

Powerful institutions, academic universities, oligarchies, and now the U.S. government is bent upon eradicating the kind of institutional forms of society which Christianity and true human nature demand and require of the divine. The persistent erosion of society’s core Christian values open people of weak character and constitution to be recruited, and victims including children to be kidnapped, ritually abused, brainwashed and mind controlled to act as a force for EVIL, a form of evil like the ancient Phrygian Cult of Cybele-Dionysus.

Theodor W. Adorno had been employed at Atlantic Records to make sure that it happened with popular folk music on an established scientific basis. It was a Frankfort School clandestine company mission, policy and principle since it began in 1947.

Adorno was a vivid racist that looked at black culture through the lenses of wickedness, prejudice and bias. He hated black Jazz. He preached among the elite institutions that there was nothing spiritual or special about it. He dismissed black jazz as a debasement of music. He found no authenticity in jazz, and sneered that “the skin of the Negro as well as the silver of the saxophone were only colorist effects (die Haut der Neger so gut wie das Silber der Saxophone ein koloristischer Effekt)”.  In his essays on jazz, Adorno perpetuated this prejudice by confining his analysis to the commercialistic white jazz of big name swing bands and flagrantly denying or belittling the black contribution to jazz. Adorno refused to acknowledge the autonomy, complexity, creativity and ancient history of African cultural forms of music.

If the black contributed anything to Jazz, claimed Adorno, it was its origin in the blacks’ half-resentful, half-complacent submission to slavery, expressed in spirituals and slave songs.

Thomas John “Tom” Dowd, the Father of Atlantic Sound

Thomas John Dowd

In 1947, Adorno was called away from Atlantic Records. He was replaced by Tom Dowd, a Columbia University student straight from the OSRD’s super ultra-secret ALSOS Mission- Manhattan Project (Atomic Bomb)Dowd with ultra-sensitive top secret military and government clearances had a degree from NY’s Columbia University in nuclear physics. The purpose of his work with the Manhattan Project is still classified and secret.[44]

Dowd had recorded Donny and Roberta Flack. He was vice president of Atlantic Records‘ sound engineering department. He was most likely the sound engineer on January 13, 1979 and heard Donny talking about white people were trying to kill him and had connected his brain to a machine, for the purpose of stealing his music and his sound.”  Flack was managed at Atlantic by company VP Ottoman Empire Turkish-born record producer and arranger, Arif Mardin, who also may have been there. Luther Vandross would have been there. He is dead, too!

Arif Mardin with Donny (1973)

This photo was taken for an Aretha Franklin session for “Until You Come Back to Me” where he was playing electric piano. Arif Mardin was most likely another clandestine Sabbatean guarding the hen house.  “Sabbatean/Frankists, also referred to as the “Cult of the All-Seeing Eye” (look on the back of your one dollar bill to begin to understand their influence in YOUR life), are political and religious chameleons. They are everywhere…there is power. They are the good guys AND the bad guys. The World War Two era is a prime example. The following leaders were members of the “Cult of the All-Seeing Eye” (Sabbatean/Frankists): Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Adolph Hitler; Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII); Francisco Franco; Benito Mussolini; Hirohito and Mao Tse-Tung.” 

At Atlantic, Donny was surrounded by circle  of “WATCHERS” and Masonic/Greek Boule back-stabbing coon uncle toms. Any one of them would have dropped a dime on Donny on Saturday, January 13th, because of his loose talk implicating MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

Donny was a devoted Christian spreading the Love of Christ in his music among the masses as a living testament of his faith. Donny and his extraordinary talent had been trapped in a Hell Hole at Atlantic Records. They wanted to turn his remarkable god given talent into a force for EVIL, or totally destroy it.

Don’t get it twisted. Ertegun and Atlantic Records had no love for black culture and its forms of music.  According to Ertegun’s partner Jerry Wexler, Atlantic was in the business of taking the gospel songs and putting the devil’s words to them.” They weren’t representing Black culture, but a self-destructive Black sub-culture. They were promoting icons that spoke for society’s underbelly: UNRESTRAINED SEXUALITY, VIOLENCE, AND DRUG!

Ahmet Ertegun was raised in Turkey as a Muslim. However, he has belonged to a secret Turkish Kabbalistic American- Israeli Zionist circle related to the Sabbateans for decades.

Former U.S. Secretary of State (1973 –1977), 8th U.S. Security Council Adviser (1969- 1975) Henry Kissinger and Ertegun traveled “… to many foreign countries, though as the son of a distinguished Turkish diplomat, he was quite at home everywhere. We went together to India, China, Nepal, and World Cup tournaments in Spain, Italy and France and, of course, to Turkey.”[45]

The secret group emerged into the light of day at the April 1992 gala celebration of the Quincentennial Foundation. The foundation had been created in 1989 to organize the 5OOth anniversary celebration, in 1992, of the Ottoman Empire’s acceptance of Jews who had fled Spain.  The objective of the Quincentennial Foundation from an Israeli and U.S. standpoint has been to rope in Turkey as an expendable, regional military instrument of the New World Order directed by the German Jew- Henry Kissinger.[46]

Atlantic moved out of Washington, DC and into a building at 234 W 56th Street in New York in 1947. Ertegun would go on to monopolize the Jazz, R&B, and Rock music industries. He made a fortune off Ray Charles, Bobby Darin, Aretha Franklin, the Rolling Stones, Otis Redding, Bette Midler, Wilson Pickett, Percy Sledge, Booker T. and the MGs, Sam and Dave, Cream, the Bee Gees, Led Zeppelin, the Coasters, John Coltrane, Charlie Mingus, Roberta Flack, the Spinners, the Allman Brothers, Genesis, Foreigner, Pete Townshend, Stevie Nicks, Buffalo Springfield, the Blues Brothers, Tori Amos, and Phil Collins, among many others.[47]

Ertegun and Abramson didn’t create Atlantic Records because of their love for American Folk music. It was about TOTAL CONTROL AND SATANIC INFLUENCE!  According to Ertegun’s partner Jerry Wexler, Atlantic was in the business of “taking the gospel songs and putting the devil’s words to them.” They weren’t representing Black culture, but a self-destructive Black sub-culture. They were promoting icons that spoke for society’s underbelly: unrestrained sexuality, violence, and drugs.

Frank Carlucci

Ertegun was also well connected with powerful figures of the Zionism, Satanic Cabals and the American Shadow Government. He sat on the board of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board with former U.S. Defense Department Secretary- CIA DirectorFrank Carlucci. Carlucci was also the chairman of The Carlyle Group, a defense contractor with ties to the 9/11 Inside Job, Former President and CIA Director George Bush, Sr., Saudi Royal Family and the Bin Ladens.[



J. Willard Marriott, High Priest, More than a Friend to the CIA

In 1979, the Essex House Hotel in New York, NY where Donny was murdered was owned and managed by J. Willard Marriott. Nobody but nobody could tell J. Willard that he wasn’t the highest of the high.  He dined with U.S. presidents, heads of government and state, and the elite of the elite. He was more than a friend to the CIA.

Marriott was a Masonic  Latter-day Saint High Priest. He was a Washington DC (All-Highest) “StakeHigh Council president for a decade in 1973.[49] In the Mormon Church, a stake is an administrative unit composed of multiple congregations, or wards. A stake may be compared to a diocese in the Roman Catholic Church. The name “stake” derives from the metaphor employed by Isaiah, comparing Zion to a tent fastened securely by stakes:

Look upon Zion … a tabernacle that shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken.

Isaiah 33:20

Enlarge the place of thy tent … lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes.

Isaiah 54:2 [50]

Marriott also belonged to the Greek secret society, Phi Delta Theta, Utah 1926.[51] Their patron Greek divinity is Pallas Athena and her Owl.[52]

Marriott was one of leading principal figures behind President Richard M. Nixon, CREEP and Watergate. He was behind Nixon’s presidential inaugural and Committee for the Re-Election of the President (CREEP). Besides its re-election activities, CREEP illegally laundered money and slush funds and was deeply involved in secret financing the infamous CIA Watergate burglary.[53]

Howard Hughes and Donald Nixon

Marriott provided cover for Donald Nixon, president’s brother, fronting for Howard Hughes. The Howard Hughes syndicate was a front for the CIA. To cover Donald Nixon, Marriott hired him. As a newly hired vice president of Marriott Corp., Donald Nixon had deep cover for CIA slush funds laundered out of the Howard Hughes outfit, and to travel the world. He dined with right wingNazi officials of the Greek military junta and met with Venezuelan cabinet ministers. [54],[55] Donald Nixon made two secret trips to Greece for a $10-million Loan from Marriott Corporation during the time Republicans were seeking money to silence the Watergate defendants.

After the burglars’ arrest in the Watergate Scandal, Martha Elizabeth Beall Mitchell, wife of U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell, Chairman of CREEP threatened to talk about its “dirty tricks” and name names in the Watergate Scandal. She was taken prisoner by at least 5 (five) men. Reporter Helen Thomas said, “In an interview later, Martha [Mitchell] told me, “I want to be sure my side is revealed and that people know I’m not sitting here a mental case or an alcoholic.”    What happened in that villa? She later told me a hair-raising story: “They threw me down on the bed—five persons did it—a doctor, a nurse, Lea Jablonsky . . . pulled my pants down and stuck a needle in my behind, the longest needle you ever saw. I’ve never been treated like this before.” She had a gash in her hand that she said required eleven stitches”.

After that incident, Martha Mitchell found herself in New York. She was kidnapped from California and taken to a CIA safe house at the MARRIOTT Essex House Hotel in New York (Room 710, Marriott Suite) under an assumed name. It was where, according to Martha Mitchell, the Washington bosses stayed while in New York. She could have been held there, and MK ULTRA-ed.  

Richard Nixon told interviewer David Frost (in September 1977 on Frost on America) “If it hadn’t been for Martha Mitchell, there’d have been no Watergate.”  More accurately, if it hadn’t been for Martha Mitchell, Nixon would have been able to make Watergate go away. They opened a new field of psychiatry for Martha Mitchell. The psychological term “the Martha Mitchell effect” arose as a result of her experiences with mental health professionals who originally believed her to be “delusional” when she exposed matters related to the CREEP and the Watergate Scandal—matters that turned out to be true. Martha Mitchell died in New York City on May 31, 1976, two years after her diagnosis of multiple myeloma, a rare bone cancer. Interestingly, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They wouldn’t get a chance to hear the mouth that roared, Martha Mitchell.

J. W. Marriott also provided deep cover for Nixon’s White House aide, Jeb Stuart Magruder. He was the director then deputy director of CREEP, and served seven months in prison for his role in the Watergate scandal that forced Richard Nixon to resign from the presidency in 1974. Marriott also hired him as a corporate vice president Marriott Corp.[56]

J. W. Marriott was former WWII U.S. Navy, and was president of the U.S. Naval Academy Foundation. The Marriott Corp headquarters is located in BethesdaMaryland that was right around the block from former CIA MK ULTRA director, U.S. Navy Admiral Stansfield Turner. The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Bethesda Naval Hospital) is in Bethesda. Walter Reed is a notorious CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH hospital.[57]

Research into drugs for mind-control began in 1947 at Bethesda Naval Hospital. A CIA report described this research as to “isolate and synthesize pure drugs for use in effecting psychological entry and control of the individual.” Other hospitals which began working with the intelligence agencies with dispensing MK ULTRA/MONARCH drugs for mind control include the Mayo Clinic.[58] J. W. Marriott was also a board member of the Mayo Clinic.[59]

So, Marriott’s Essex House Hotel in New York appears to have had a clandestine MK ULTRA/MONARCH history with shadow government figures. It was one of the best places for shadow figures to remove and set that safety glass window on the bed, and for assassins to use a hotel passkey to enter Donny’s hotel room toss him out of the window, exit and lock the door behind with the blessings of the All-Highest- J. Willard Marriott.



The CIA MK-ULTRA program was also interested in profiling personalities- work that the Frankfurt School had been concentrating on for the US Government since the final years of the war. In the late 1930’s, the Tavistock Institute developed a symbiotic relationship with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Their collaboration led them to analyze the culture of a population from a Neo-Freudian standpoint. Nazism just happened to be one of its patients on the psychiatric couch.[60]

Both Tavistock and the Frankfurt School paid close attention to Nazi propaganda techniques, which they willingly incorporated into their research. The aim of the project, as stated in (Theodore) Adorno’s Introduction to the Sociology of Music,” … was to “program a mass culture as a form of extensive social control that would steadily degrade its consumers.”[61]

MK-ULTRA teams tried to map out the beliefs and insecurities of certain ethnic groups, like Blacks; and social groups, like lower-class inner-city residents; and religious groups like Evangelical Christians. They were building a database of how to manipulate ethnic politics and special interest groups.”[62] 

Lastly, let me address briefly the Black Culture and the HollyWeird film, “The Green Mile (2000).” It’s important and very relevant to this piece. In a comment, it was suggested that I was passing false information about the film. In that Coffey didn’t do the crime, a white man really raped and killed the little girls. If I had watched the movie, I would have discovered the truth.

Well, why didn’t they leave the image and impression with the masses of the white man with his own wicked, twisted, horrific and disturbing works- the Corpus delicti (Latin: “body of the crime“; plural: corpora delicti)- two dead bodies of raped little white girls instead of the black man.

John Coffey, a 6 foot 8 over 300 pound black man afraid of the dark is a safe-harmless protagonist instead of WILL – Nat Turner Rebellion.

Nat Turner, “Will Laid Him Dead, with a Blow of His Axe

Coffey heals white people by sucking the diseases/ailments out of them and regurgitating them. He is on death row in Deep South, Louisiana, for raping and murdering two little white girls. He is taken to the warden’s house to heal the warden’s cancerous wife. A white character, William “Wild Bill” Wharton grabs John’s arm. This contact allows the “Magic Negro” to see inside Wild Bill’s heart and it reveals that Wild Bill actually raped and murdered two young girls, the crime that John Coffey will be executed for by society. To keep Wild Bill from causing more trouble, the guards give him a drugged RC Cola that knocks him out while they smuggle John Coffey out of the prison. When John Coffey is returned to prison, he regurgitates the disease into a white prison guard, who then shoots Wild Bill to death before going into a catatonic state. When asked why he did this, John said that “[He] punished them bad men. [He] punished them both.” John Coffey was executed, but he refused the customary hood, as he was afraid of the dark. Truly, what kind of sick and twisted S.H.I.T is this?

If the white protagonist in the film, William “Wild Bill” Wharton, raped and murdered the two little 9 year old white girls in the film, let him answer for the outrageous wicked and perverted crimes not the black man. The subliminally images and messages of “The Green Mile” seek to transform the black culture toward an erotic and perverse matrix. Let’s go back to Adorno and the Frankfurt School,

It is not that schizophrenia is directly expressed therein; but the music [IMAGES] imprints upon itself an attitude similar to that of the mentally ill. The individual brings about his own disintegration. . . . He imagines the fulfillment of the promise through magic, but nonetheless within the realm of immediate actuality. . . . Its concern is to dominate schizophrenic traits through the aesthetic consciousness. In so doing, it would hope to vindicate insanity as true health.Necrophilia, he [ADORNA] added, is the ultimate expression of “true health” in this sick society.

Necrophilia, also known as necrophilism, necrolagnia, necrocoitus, necrochlesis, and thanatophilia, is a sexual attraction or sexual act involving corpses. It is classified as a paraphilia by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association.

How much pain, ugliness and sacrifices must black people continue to bear mentally, physically and subliminally for the Wickedness and Evil of white people? If the white man did the crime, don’t play with the minds of the innocent. Let him be arrested, condemned and executed for his own crimes against humanity not an innocent black man. No! Don’t lay this kind of stuff on the door step of black culture.

The Green Mile has latent and hidden Masonic and Satanic symbolism. Traveling the Green Mile is the road of the left hand path. The Green represents Lucifer’s Green Tablet that fell to earth when he was tossed from heaven. The Green Man is Satan. The Yezidi’ still call Satan, Al-Khadir which means “The Green Man“. The God Dionysus who also represents Satan was also called “The Green Man” and so was the most ancient God Ashur (Osiris). Recently, there is the Horned Green God and Wendy Williams’ connection.

 The Green Mile is a sick piece of dark double-bind S.H.I.T for colonized and decolonized Black people to watch under any circumstances and become confused. It’s another example of white people receiving false divine grace for their EVIL and CRIMES against society through the Masonic Satanic blood sacrifices of Black people.

For a few pieces of silver, HollyWeird persistently use and portray coon cake walking uncle toms as harmless “Magic Negroes” compelled to “suck up” responsibly and accept condemnation for the EVIL of white people. No! I am not the one to sit through this kind of asinine and wicked S.H.I.T without crying out!

Donny wasn’t one of those shameless cake walking uncle tom coons willing to sell out his people for a few pieces of silver. He refused to be part of the CIA ’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH secret erotic, satanic, perverted and psychopathic matrix to undermine the strength, unity and rich culture of the Black masses. He refused to allow his musical works to be part of Lucifer’s workshop. Donny was so special to us in mysterious spiritual ways that isn’t cataloged in their black data bases. Donny proved them to be outright lying about the beauty, richness, spirituality, complexity and antiquity of the black culture, and its forms of music held scared to the people. Donny refused to sell-out.  Donny wouldn’t even succumb under regiments of psychological terror, torture, psychotronic drugs, shock treatment, and brainwashing. Through-out all his ordeals and confinements, he still tried had the heart to speak truth to power and the people. Donny’s music strengthened and inspired the masses. They killed Donny, but he lives on in our hearts, mind, soul and spirit. Donny’s voice is still powerful, crystal clear, soft, silky and shining through it all as if it was only yesterday.





[3] Id.








[11] Lordi, Emily J., Donny Hathaway Live, Bloomsburg Academic, NY, NY (2016), pgs. 106-107

[12] Id.





















[33] Id.

































[61] Id.




2 12 2016



I just took a moment to recall a rare godly spirit and “TALENT” that stirs my very soul. They slayed the “BLACK DIVA” in cold blood as if she was a Queen Ahhotep I or Queen Ahmose-Nefertari- Spiritual Saviors of the People. Even before Aretha Franklin began to sing the opening national anthem Thanksgiving night at the Detroit Lion’s football game, my impression was that it was a trick from the beginning.


The NFL were well aware of her planned performance, and ability to perform. Aretha, once was also able to soar into other dimensions with the voice of God like Whitney. She was drugged and suppressed, too. Her spirit was dumb down, and her wings were clipped by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH. German doctor, Dr. Max Jacobson claimed that his drug concoction was given to the Nazi military, making them more vicious. Dr. Jacobson even believed that the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, became addicted to his drug. He drugged the president, JFK, and the BLACK DIVA of the 1960-70s- Aretha Franklin. She called him what the U.S. Secret Service called him, Dr. Feelgood.

The NFL ILLUMINATI deliberately put the former Black Diva on worldwide TV only to humiliate her and people of color. 4+ minutes, I sadly turned away only after 15-20 seconds. They have tried to replace the musical genius Cult of the Singing Black Divas with false Gods, prophets, spirits, gospels, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.




Kim, Kanye, Raiders of the Lost Ark & the Satanic New World Order Want YOUR MINDS!

First, Kanye West has just been released from a psychiatric ward this morning. They also drove Whitney, insane. The Satanic ILLUMINATI Music Entertainment Industry is the same game. However, there is a very big difference between a Kanye and a Whitney. Whitney was a mega international superstar, because she was one of these types of talents that was so rare, utterly so “divine” and wonderful that it was manifest to anyone that could hear with their ears, see with their eyes, and feel with their hearts.

No, it wasn’t about his mother’s blood sacrifice, Kim’s False Flag Robbery, drugs, alcohol or godly talent that got Kanye swept up and put in padded psych ward. It was about forbidden truths and blood oath covenants that got Kanye seized and his mind cleansed. It was all about those Raiders of the Lost Ark.


The November 2015 cover of Cosmopolitan magazine crowned the Kardashians as America’s First Family. There is something wrong this picture other than the slap in the face of the Obama Presidential First Family. There are no males in the picture even though the matriarch, Kris Jenner, has a natural son of her body. These are women born of spirit and gods as if they were born on Mount Olympus.


Yet, during the biblical era their claimed roots of origin may have in fact overshadowed Mount Olympus for generations. Biblical tradition had been assumed to be the ultimate authority on the origin and history of humanity, that origin being Mount Ararat on which Noah’s Ark made landfall after the Deluge. Mount Ararat was a part of Armenia until the Armenian Genocide in 1915.[1]


Indeed, Mount Ararat is a majestic, strange and spiritual place filled with superstitions and myths. It is extraordinary that if you place a compass point on Thebes in Kemet you can draw an arc through both Dodona in Greek mythology and Metsamor at the foot of Mt. Ararat where a possible group of Noah prototypes may have lived in a remarkably advanced stone age community. These places are known as oracle centers interwoven and tied into the cosmos of the universe, and Sirius Star mysteries.[2]


The Satrapy of Armenia was a region controlled by the Orontid Dynasty (570-201 BC) was one of the satrapies of the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th Century BC, which later became an independent kingdom. The region and the people under the Ararat Mountains go back to the days of Noah and the Great Flood. Hayk is the legendary patriarch of the warring Armenians and a great-great-grandson of Noah, who, according to the 5th-century AD author Moses of Chorene, defeated the Babylonian King Bell in 2924 BC and established his nation in the Ararat region.[3]


The Kardashians claim to be Armenians. They are a guild or a lodge of the Armenian Apostle Church. The Armenian Apostolic Church is the national church of the Armenian People. Part of Oriental Orthodoxy, it is one of the most ancient Christian communities. Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity as its official religion in the 4th Century. The church claims to have originated in the missions of Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus in the 1st Century AD.[4]


It’s About ILLUMINATI Mass Population Mind Control 

Don’t get it twisted. These women are not related to the deep Kemetic Sirius Star spiritual mysteries, because the fruit that fall from their trees do not in no way reflect MAATTruth, Justice, Balance and Righteousness. They possess the keys and passwords to some stolen mysteries passed down as secrets over the generations thru their wicked lodges and guilds, but not even Lucifer have the power or knowledge to purify or illuminate the remote zone of the crust of its potential. Yet, they are still powerful Luciferian adversaries of the people with what they know. This is FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.


What do these women do in reality? They don’t necessarily have any talent for anything other than being, A CULT of Kardashians. In complicity with corporate mass media, and the New World Order, they are very sophisticated learned controllers and manipulators of people, images and ILLUSIONS. Ask yourself. What do they really do and what contribution do they actually make to the world society?


Kanye West, Kardashian Cult Member

On Thanksgiving Day 2016, America’s First Family celebrated their Thanksgiving family gathering without Kanye West in mind or matter. He was confined in an UCLA psychiatric ward 5150. Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code authorizes a qualified officer or clinician to involuntary confine a person suspected to have a mental disorder that makes them a danger to themselves, a danger to others, and/or gravely disabled.[5]

Kanye was taken to the psych ward handcuffed on a gurney. Dehydration and sleep deprivation turned into a mental disorder and grave disability. Yea- right. He is reportedly on suicide watch, due to “delusional” behavior before being transported to UCLA Medical Center. He is allegedly “having hallucinations, and is paranoid,” according to inside sources. Right before being taken to the hospital, he screamed that people were trying to kill him.[6] He was also afraid of the doctors, who he refused to be touched by when he was rushed to the hospital on Monday, November 21, 2016.[7] The clinician that declared Kanye 5150 was Dr. Michael Karzam of Cedar Sinai Hospital of Los Angeles. The Cedar Sinai Hospital roots go back to the Jewish Bikur Holim Society.[8] The earliest Jewish Bikur holim society on record dates back to the Middle Ages. Bikur holim comes out of Torah and the Talmud.[9]


The Talmud encompasses specific teachings involving demonology, legends and myths. Regarding demonology in Europe, author and historian, Nesta Webster wrote of the preoccupation of the Talmudic rabbis with demons. The Talmud teachings are entwined with magical practices and superstition. [10]


Quasimodo Kanye West & the Putto

Yes, Kanye West had been indoctrinated into the Cabbalistic medieval 16th Century hierarchy of Angels, Cherubs and Putti.

“Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions. The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body. Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant…”[11]


The night that Kanye went 5150, America’s First Family were in New York City on Cipriani Wall Street for the 20th-annual Angel Ball. The late Robert Kardashian, one of Kanye’s guardian spirits, was being honored that evening. The first ladies off of Mt. Olympus attended the gala affair except Kim Kardashian. The matriarch said not one word about her infamous son-in-law being in the trouble of his life.


The Angel Ball is sponsored annually by Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research created by the Masonic Polish Jewish descendant, “Lady Joy“, Denise Rich (Reich).[12]




Most of the Jewish political leaders, including bankers, business men, military officers and industrial leaders, have embraced Zionism which is a Cabalistic system working to bring their messiah into power. These people have rejected the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and have embraced the Luciferian teaching of the Cabala.”[13]


Denise was married to Lucifer’s Banker, multi-billionaire- Marc Rich (Reich). An international Zionist criminal, Rich would later tell biographer Daniel Ammann that he had made his “most important and most profitable” business deals by violating international trade embargoes and doing business with the apartheid regime of South Africa, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania, and Augusto Pinochet’s Chile among the clients he serviced. According to Ammann, “he had no regrets whatsoever….[14]

The secret dirty dealings of Marc Rich were interlocked with U.S./French/Israeli espionage-linked Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI, and the Vatican.

A principal partner to Marc Rich and his pirates has been the Family of George Herbert Walker Bush—that is, the Elder Bush and his sons, George W., Jeb, and Neil. As shown by secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, the Bush Family laundered the proceeds from worldwide illegal dealings through a joint account with the Queen of England, through the Bank owned by the British Monarch, Coutts Bank London.”[15]

Marc Rich was a major asset of the CIA, Mossad, Russian Jewish Mafia, and the Vatican. Denise, a demoness, was right in the middle of all of Marc Rich’s international criminal enterprises. Marc and Denise would sell sulphur to SATAN.

Her maiden name, Denise Eisenberg, appeared in the Federal Register on April 30, 2012 in a quarterly list of Americans who renounced their U.S. citizenship and permanent residents who handed in their green cards primarily to avoid paying taxes. (


Denise is a hub of international political corruption. She was directly involved in paying bribes to the Clintons thru the Clinton Foundation to buy her husband’s presidential Bill Clinton pardon. She gave $450,000 for the Clinton Library; more than $100,000 for Hillary’s Senate campaign; more than $1 million for the Democratic National Committee, not to mention many millions more raised at Democratic fund-raisers in her apartment.[16]


Denise is a New Age devotee. She consults with gurus and psychics. She says that Jews don’t usually pray to angels. That isn’t true at all. Judaism has so many angels in religion that they have an angelic hierarchy, and an angelology. And Denise, most likely, knows all of them. King Solomon had secret formulas and a ring that conjured up and controlled both angels and demons.[17] They also conjure up the power of angels, devils, demons and spirits thru ancient secret BLOOD rituals. Actually nevertheless what she claims, Denise fervently believes in calling on angels and spirits for everything. Even King Solomon discovered that demons were among the angels that were called forth. She says, “I got a whole angel chorus up there humming. I really believe angels are happiest when you’re happy.” After she petitions HER angels, she claims.[18]


So, what is the connection between the late Marc, Denise, and The Angel Ball calling forth the spirit of Robert Kardashian, above, for special recognition and honors? Marc and Denise ran the Russian Jewish Mafia.[19]

Kardashians, Russia & Rasputin


The Masonic stone carver Kardashian (Kardaschoffs) family moved out of Russia into Turkey during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II (1894-1917).[20] For the record during that time, Nicholas and the Russian Royal Court had fell under the mysticism of Rasputin, an alleged Khlysty. They were a CULT OF RASPUTIN.


Rasputin with the Masonic Clawed Hand had the Russian Royal Court all spellbound by Spells, Magick, Mesmerism, and Sex Magick.


Before Rasputin came upon the royal court of Russia, he was first prepared by French and English Freemasonry through Rosicrucian, Martinist and Mizraim Masonic Lodges.[21]


The mystic Molokan/Khlysty Kardaschoffs were associated with the Russian Lodges associated with Rasputin and favor of Nicholas II. The Molokan/Khlysty mystic groups were escorted out of Russia into Turkey under Russian army guard and protection. Robert Kardashian worked part of Rich’s Russian Jewish Mafia in America thru the BLOODLINE Masons, and the ancient secret Molokan/Khlysty Masonic Lodges.

What is the demoness’ interest in the Hip Hop generation and Kanye West? Denise is a Grammy nominated popular music songwriter and a rhythm-and-blues lyricist that worked with singers such as Sister Sledge, Phyllis Hyman, Celine Dion, Jessica Simpson, Marc Anthony, Patti LaBelle, Chaka Khan, and Diana Ross.[22]

Denise is a rabbit hole of the CIA, Mossad, Russian Jewish Mafia, and the Vatican. All of these forces are directly involved in the covert control, and management over the Black Entertainment Music Industry. They intend to transform the Hip Hop Generation into a Satanic New Age Reform Movement.


Denise’s Angel Ball was a gathering of spirit worshipers, demonologists, and angelologistsKardashians, discussed below. The ball of angels was no more or less than a secret kabalistic ritual that passed a spell of demons and spirits to BLOOD oath sacrifice of an offending cult member, Kanye West. Naturally, these people raised money to support the nation’s leading cancer research scientists whose work focuses on finding less toxic treatments for those living with BLOOD cancers.[23] Yes, it’s about the BLOOD, too.




“can I devil worship with the new iphone?? LOL”
—Kanye West

Kanye West’s trouble began when he sold his soul to the DEVIL. There is nothing to argue about whether or not he sold his soul to the DEVIL. He admitted it, himself. “I sold my soul to the devil that’s a crappy deal. Least it came with a few toys like a happy meal. This game you could never win.”[24]


Don’t get it twisted. You shall know them by their fruit. Both Quasimodo Negroes Lamar Odom and Kanye West have been medically certified to have been driven out of their minds.  The Kardashians are not of the prehistoric divine and spiritual people that settled at the foot of Mount Ararat in Armenia after the prehistoric Great Flood. Those people left ancient footprints that linked them to the oldest known and continuous civilization known to mankind.


Prehistoric Footsteps with Eye of Ra on a mountainside in the Land of Kemet, right- Footprints Found at the Footsteps of Mount Ararat, Armenia. 


left, Prehistoric Footprints of Mt. Ararat, right- The Ancient Land of Kemet 

The Kardashians represent part of the warring pagan hordes that swept down out of the Caucasoid Mountains on the civilized world during the Bronze Age with weapons of bronze plundering, and killing every man, woman, and child in sight. So, if Kanye knew of all this about the DEVIL in the first place. Why did he still sell his soul to the DEVIL? He didn’t trust and respect the wisdom of his elders and ancestors.

During the late 1960’s, I was asked to join a black Greek “divine nine” letter fraternal order to help radicalize it so that brothers could live in dignity within the organization. Of course, I declined. I trusted the wisdom and warnings of my elders. I had to willingly go through the Third and Final Rite of Acceptance to become a member. I had to vow an allegiance, and pledge my soul to a Greek gods like Zeus or ApolloTHINGS not of our nature. It was like taking the Red Pill inside the Matrix. I turned by back and RAN!

Quasimodo Negroes & Kanye West


Don’t get it twisted. I call brothers like Kanye West Quasimodos not out of love and respect for them, but because they have done exactly that- taken the Red Pill inside the Matrix then dwell forever in Wonderland. They have willingly chosen and joined blood oath union with forces that treat them like, and render them “quasi-men” as a matter of rule and nature.


It’s like brothers that became confederate soldiers during the Civil War to fight to maintain themselves and their people enslaved 3/4’s human- less than men. Quasimodo Negroes are programmed MK ULTRA MONARCHS that will “CUT OUR COLLECTIVE THROATS”.

akanyerebelFirst, it is no game. Yes, it was a struggle and battle that Kanye could never win from within Lucifer’s workshop and den.


The Negro even calls him “Yeezus” like it’s a some kind of new savior. He has been completely brainwashed- MK ULTRA-ED sealed with by league of demons attached to him, and a blood oath covenant that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Quasimodo  just didn’t go crazy a week ago. He has been insane for quite sometime. I am sure that he grew up with the same Black spiritual and religious values passed down from generation to generation- Lucifer and strange religions- RUN! He had been warned. Yet, he still sacrificed his own mother to run to join leagues with the DEVIL.


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West leaving a Kabbalah Center

Yes, Kanye West had been indoctrinated and initiated into the demonic Kabbalah.

Kanye West & the Spirit of Robert Kardashian


In tribute of his recent album and tour, The Life of Saint Pablo, he gave credit to his late mother Donda West and father-in-law Robert Kardashian for watching over the production of his album. Of the late Kardashian, West said, “He’s still doing deals for controversial black people from up in heaven.” It is a reference to Kardashian’s work on the OJ Simpson Defense Team.[25]


Most philosophers would understand the guardian spirit of a mother to her child. A Mother’s Love represents one of the most powerful spiritual forces known to mankind. It comes naturally, but Robert KardashianKanye never met the man. That spirit had to have been conjured up, unnaturally. And that spirituality was completely alien and contrary to Kanye’s natural spirituality. Robert Kardashian was a pious member of the Armenian Apostle Church. His mother attended St. James Armenian Church in Inglewood, California. Kardashian was associated with an Armenian Russia Mafia laundering money, drug trafficking, escort prostitution services, and sport bookings and gambling rings.


All of the lovie dovie and heartwarming interracial friendship BS stories between Kardashian and OJ Simpson aside, their criminal enterprises along with AC Cowlings centered around Joey Ippolito, above, second generation Mafia. He was one of several powerful successors of Meyer Lansky.[26]


OJ Simpson’s best friend along with Kardashian, Cowlings, was “allegedly an occasional bodyguard to Ippolito. When police came to arrest the gangster and found Cowlings visiting, they also questioned him about Joey the Ip’s [sic] business.”[27]

In an August 24, 1994, Boston Herald article by Ralph Ranalli on the Joey Ippolito-Cowlings-Simpson connection,”Cowlings was a close associate of New Jersey Mafia soldier Joseph ‘Joey’ Ippolito when Ippolito was running a popular Santa Monica restaurant — and a thriving cocaine-dealing business…. Telephone records for the restaurant, obtained by federal prosecutors and the FBI in Los Angeles, also show calls from Ippolito’s restaurant to O.J. Simpson’s Brentwood estate…sources said.”[28]

Robert Kardashian’s religious and spiritual roots are centered in Eastern European Prguny. His great-grandparents, Saghatel (“Sam”) and Harom Kardaschoff, were ethnic Armenian Spiritual Christian Prygun.[29] The Kardashians were ancient “stone carvers“.[30] Stone carving is one of the processes which may be used by an artist when creating a sculpture, and refers to the activity of Masons in dressing stone blocks for use in architecture, and building churches and temples.[31] The Armenian Masons were extremely active in Temple building projects in ancient Jerusalem.+

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian & the Armenian Holy Archangels Church of Jerusalem


The Armenian Holy Archangels Church of Jerusalem is situated within St. James Convent. It is known as the wedding chapel. Armenian couples take their vows in this 12th-century stone church. However, the Holy Archangels is also known to some as the House of Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the High Priest (John 18:19-24). There, they believe, Jesus was brought after his arrest in Gethsamane to await trial with the high priest. Church tradition says that Jesus was tied to an Olive Tree on the premises, and that olive tree still exists today.[32]


Kanye, Frightened North at St. James Cathedral in Jerusalem

The Hebrew word for angel is “malach,” which means messenger, for the angels are God’s messengers to perform various missions. Michael and Gabriel are recognized as archangels in Judaism, Islam and by most Christians. Protestants recognize Gabriel as an angel but consider Michael to be the only archangel. Raphael– mentioned in the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit is recognized in Catholic and Orthodox churches.[33]

The Holy  Archangels  Monastery has  been  under  the  care  of  the  Armenians ever  since  the spread  of Christianity,  its  foundation  was laid  by Greek Queen Heghine  (Helen),  the  wife of King Abgar V of Edessa. Edessa was Armenian Mesopotamia’s capital city. The County of Edessa was one of the first Christian kingdoms established after the First Crusade.[34] The Seljuk Turks who drove the crusaders out of Edessa on Christmas Day in 1144.[35]

Christians had been defeated at the Siege of Edessa and most of the county had fallen into the hands of the Seljuk Turks. The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the other Crusader states were threatened with similar disaster. Deputations of the bishops of Armenia solicited aid from the pope, and the King of France also sent ambassadors. In 1144, Eugene III commissioned Bernard to preach the Second Crusade.[36]

Ancient  records  state  since  time  immemorial  these  have  been  Armenian properties  in Jerusalem,  their  construction  ascribed  to  Queen  Heghine,  “who  is the first founder of the Holy Places.”  Atajanian  reports  that  these  places  since  that  time  have  been  protected secretly  and  openly  by  Armenian  monks  and  faithful  hermits  until  the  time  of the second Heghine (Helena), the mother of Constantine the Great.[37] The Armenians are still secret blood oath guardians of Jerusalem’s Holy Places.

Blood Oath Armenian Stonemasons were significantly involved in construction of the Holy Places in Jerusalem since the construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The church was consecrated on September 3, 335 AD.


On April 13, 2015, Kanye daughter, North West, was not only baptized- she was inductedinitiated into the Armenian Apostolic Church. All of the Kardashians are secret blood covenant initiates of the Ancient Armenian Brotherhood and Cult that goes back as far as the 3rd Century AD, and the Knights Templars. Their initiation degrees may go up to the 37th Degree.


They are allowed by virtue of bloodline entry into the most secret underground chambers, temples and catacombs of the old Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and St. James Cathedral in Jerusalem.


Kanye West is not an initiate of the Kardashian Masonic Lodge or the Armenian Apostle Church for the lack of Armenian BLOOD.


However as a Negro Quasimodo, Kanye had been initiated up to at least the Third and Final Rite of Acceptance in a subservient Masonic Lodge.


Kanye West, 32rd or 33rd Degree Master Mason?

Nevertheless, if he had been exposed to any secrets in Jerusalem, no matter how small, his Masonic blood oath covenant of secrecy barred him from revealing anything- I mean ANYTHING!


Pryuny had a number of religious elements borrowed from the Khlysty. They believed in a possibility of direct communication with the Holy Spirit and of his embodiment in living people. The central idea of Khlystys’ ideology was to practice “asceticism“. Khlysty practiced the attainment of divine grace for sin in “ecstatic” rituals that were rumored to sometimes turn into sexual orgies. Flagellation was also rumored, possible due to the their name to the word for “whip.”[38]

Kanye West & Mary Magdalene


Michelangelo Caravaggio’s Mary Magdalene, 1598

On the album, Life of Pablo, West said, “This is a gospel album with a whole lot of cursing on it, but it’s still a gospel album,” he said with a laugh. “It’s the gospel, according to ‘Ye. It’s not exactly what happened in the Bible, but it’s a story of this idea of Mary Magdalene becoming Mary.”[39] WAIT! STOP THE MUSIC.


Titian’s Mary Magdalene (1530-60)

There are some people that if mention Mary Magdalene, they turn it into a gospel rap and dance to it. Yet, there some forces. You mention Mary Magdalene within a circle, and the room will get cold and quiet.


Vatican Burning Alive Templar Grand Master de Molay and Magdalen Knights

The bottom line is that the secrets of the Temple o Jerusalem Treasure, and  Mary Magdalene may have led directly to Grand Master Jacques de Molay, and  Magdalen Knights Templar being burned alive for heresy in the 14th Century.


The secrets of Mary Magdalene was also at the bottom of the Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229). It was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III and Vatican to eliminate Catharism (Mary Magdalene’s Bloodlines, Temples, Churches and Priests) in Languedoc, in the south of France that slaughtered over a million people. The bloodshed didn’t stop there. The killings, and search for the secrets and treasures of the Knights Templar continues to this day, and very hour.


That’s right- “Mary Magdalene becoming Mary”. Where did Kanye get such an ideal like that? Straight out of JERUSALEM– sacred secrets of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Knights Templar and the Merovingian Bloodline.


Kirk Franklin collaborated with Kanye on the album. The album has been described as “… one the most vile, demonic  musical works that I have ever heard of. A Gospel album full of cussing? A project that changes the bible characters to make Mary Magdalene the mother of Jesus (which takes away the virgin birth and makes Jesus born of an unclean woman?[40]

 akanyemaryincaveMary Magdalene in the Cave, Hughes Merle (French, 1868)

Mary Magdalene strikes at the very heart of Judea- Christianity. It is a deep rabbit hole going back generations. Many do not speak of Mary Magdalene not necessarily because she was alleged to have been a prostitute. But, because she may have been Jesus‘ most controversial and influential apostles, and his wife.


Sandro Boicelli, Birth of Venus (1486)

There is a serious connection between the figure of Mary Magdalene and the figure of Virgo- the Virgin. She may have been a high priestess of Goddess Aset (Isis), Inanna, Ishtar or Venus.


Sandro Botticelli, Twisted X Secret Hand Symbol, was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.


Saint Mary Magdalene, Church of the Dominicans, Augsburg, Germany?

So, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Gregor Erhart’s Saint Mary Magdalene (1515-20) is similar if not the same figure as Botticelli’s Venus. Not much is known or revealed about Erhart’s background.


God Pan, Aphrodite and Eros

Botticelli’s nakedness of Venus also suggest a relationship between Mary Magdalene with the attributes of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite- Goddess of Love. It also demonstrates that there was a 15th and 16th  “secret gospel” and a secret brotherhood existed between Botticelli and Erhart.

Mary Magdalene is literally translated as Mary the Magdalene or Mary of Magdala. In 2009, Israel Antiquities Authority found the fourth synagogue – Magdala – when they did archaeological activities at Magdala Beach on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The synagogue was put to use in the Second Temple era (year 50 B.C.-100 A.D.) It is one of the 6 synagogues that were found in the Second Temple era and one of the oldest synagogues in Israel.[41]

The Magdala Synagogue is believed to have been home to Mary Magdalene, and a temple that Jesus may have preached in.[42] On site, they found the Magdala carved stone with rare secret symbols. Stone carvers were undoubtedly in high demand throughout the holy land, and among kings, priests and wealthy classes. They were extremely important and wealthy guild Masons. However, they had to maintain secrets, keys and passwords to symbols they recreated from magic scrolls and books, and the sources of the sacred symbols.

According to the Bible, she traveled with Jesus. She is said to have witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Within the four Gospels, she is named at least 12 (twelve) times, more than most of the apostles. Based off texts of the early Christian era in the third century, it seems that her status as an “apostle” rivals even Peter.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Sex Magick & Knights Temple

The historical Knights Templar had their first headquarters on the Temple Mount, which had been assigned to them by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Some researchers believe that the Templars discovered some of Solomon’s treasure hidden in catacombs beneath the Temple. They are said to have also discovered documents “proving” that Jesus survived the Crucifixion.




The Magdalen Templars led by St. Bernard of Clairvaux believe in the secret Grail family, descendants of Christ himself. They believe Mary had a ritualizedsexual” relationship with Jesus. They say there exist proof that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children by her. In gospels that were strategically excluded from the New Testament when the selection was made in 397 AD at the Council of Carthage, Mary Magdalene is classified as the “spouse and consort” of the Messiah. Even Cathar documents from Provence, as late as the 13th century, make it plain that in Gnostic circles, she was “always understood to be the wife of Jesus.”[43]

However, it goes much deeper. Some contend that Mary Magdalene had a ritualizedsacredsex magick relationship with Jesus, in keeping with certain religious beliefs as his “initiator” and “illuminator” into the secret sacred mysteries. According to ancient traditions, Mary’s maternal family were Syrians of a powerful city-state of Mari. Her paternal family were Judaea Royalty- Hasmonaean Priest-Kings of Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE.

Originally, the Hasmonaeans were a Jewish priestly family, who claimed descent from a man named Hašmôn, who was the father or great-grandfather of the first known member of the family, Mattathias. Since 167 BCE, Mattathias organized the armed resistance against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 BC), who had started a persecution of the Jews. In 165, his son Judas the Maccabaean (perhaps “battle hammer”) was able to re-conquer the Temple of Jerusalem and restore the cult, an event that is still celebrated by the Jews at the annual Hanuka festival.[44] Coming from king-priestly families on both sides, Mary Magdalene was undoubtedly a leaded “Mystic.”

Mary Magdalene, Mari & Ecstaticism


Mesopotamian City State Mari

A Mystic is a person who is initiated into the mysteries or claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as by direct communication with the divine or immediate in tuition in a state of spiritual ecstasyEcstasy is a state of being beyond reason and self-control. It is a state of overwhelming emotion; especially :  rapturous delight. It is also a state of TRANCE FORMATIONespecially :  a mystic or prophetic trance.[45]

One of the prophetic titles of the city-state Mari is “ecstatic” or “to become ecstatic.” The range of behavior may involve self-wounding, as suggested by a text from Ugarit (“my brothers bathe with their own BLOOD …” [Vol. 5, Page 479] [Vol. 5, Page 479]. “Ecstatics” are associated with the deities Nergal, Itur-Mer, Ninhursaga, Annunitum, and especially Dagan.

One Mari text details some notes on the “ecstaticsof the Cult of Ishtar. The “ecstatic” “gets up/comes and speaks,” sometimes in association with sacrifice. Also, it is recorded that an assertive “ecstatic” requests a lamb from the king, which he proceeds to eat raw—possibly reflecting an oath ceremony. He then assembles the elders at a city gate to hear his message and ends by requesting a garment, which he is provided (Durand 1988: 434–35).[46]


This is an extremely powerful testament from the 15th Century. It is a wall panel taken from a chapel church built during the 1400s dedicated to La Chapelle Saint Anthony the Great, said the Hermit of Egypt (251-356 AD).


La Chapelle Saint Anthony

The chapel sits on an Alps mountain road or hillside leading to the city of Nice, France. The chapel acknowledge’s the Saint AnthonyBook of Hidden Knowledge.” It shows Mary Magdalene kneeling at the feet of Christ on the cross. Two angels with goblets collect Christ’s blood from the wound of Longius’ Spear. What do they do with the blood? They drink it. Over Mary stands the Black Madonna- Aset- ISIS. The testament implies that both Mary Magdalene and Christ were secret initiates of the cult. So, it is quite possible that Mary Magdalene of “Mari” could have been an “Ecstatic“, “Initiator” or “Illuminator” of a BLOOD Cult of the Great Mother Ishtar. Great Mother of the Gods was worshiped in the Middle East as the creative force in nature. She was worshiped under many names including Aset/Isis (Kemet), Ishtar (Babylon), Astarte (Syria), Ceres (Rome), Cybele (Phrygia), and Demeter (Greece).[47]


St. Anthony’s symbol had been a serpent as a circle above the cross bar forming the ankh with the Hebrew word for “serpent” engraved on the upright, and also including the Triple Tau- a symbol for hidden treasure. It was also the symbol for St. Anthony– later to become the symbol and patron for the Knights Templar of St. Anthony of Leith in Scotland. St. Anthony lived in the 4th Century AD and is credited with establishing Monasticism in Egypt, and the story goes that he sold all his possessions after hearing from the Lord and marched off into the wilderness to become a hermit. On his travels, he learned from various sages in Egypt and grew for himself a large following. He was solely tempted by the DEVIL in the form of “creeping things” and serpents.

In one episode, he follows a trail of gold to a temple, which is infested with serpents, and takes up residence, needing little food for sustenance other than bread and water. He is said to have lived 105 years, and due to this longevity he is credited with protective powers. The Order of the Hospitalers of St. Anthony, who would later take much of the Templar wealth, brought many relics to France in the 11th Century. Previously, there were said to have been secretly deposited somewhere in Egypt just after his death and then later to have found their way to Alexandria. All of this is symbolic of the truth.

And that leads right back to the ancient Russian Kardasidian Pryuny and (Molokan Jumpers/Khlysty), being heretic ecstatics.Kanye learned about the secret Cult of Mary Magdalene of “Mari” from Kardasidian initiates while in Jerusalem. It isn’t about Mary Magdalene being an unclean woman. It’s about secret BLOODLINES, and the rule and domination of the world.

“Kim is fed up. They’ve been bickering constantly – she didn’t want Kanye to do the tour in the first place. She wanted him by her side as she recovered from her traumatic robbery in Paris. She lost days with him while he’s touring and then he made a rash decision to end the concert after ten minutes and go on a rant.”[48]

Corporate mass media is widely reporting that Kanye’s mental breakdown resulted from rifts with Kim Kardasdian. Certainly, Kanye was not to address anything in public of what he had learned in secret in Jerusalem. However, Kanye has taken some of the forbidden knowledge that he learned in Jerusalem, and tossed it like a salad in his Saint Pablo TourKanye took some of that sacred knowledge of Jerusalem to make mass public riddles out of.



Who is Saint Pablo? Kanye says,

akanyesanpablotour“Which Pablo? Pablo Picasso? Pablo Escobar, of course. Apostle Paul [Pablo in Spanish]. He really influenced and was the strongest influencer of Christianity. Pablo Escobar was the biggest mover of product and Pablo Picasso is the biggest mover of art. That mix between message, product, and art is The Life of Pablo.”[49]

Kanye and Apostle Paul


Let’s begin with Apostle Paul. The greatest promoter of celibacy for Christians was Paul (Saul). He is called “Paul of Tarsus” because he came from Tarsus that borders ancient Armenia, an area of modern-day Turkey.

Apostle Paul, Attis and the Mystery Cult of Goddess Cybele


Christ,The Good Shepard.

What people generally don’t know is that in Tarsus of Paul’s Day, they worshipped God Attis. He was a dying and resurrecting god.


God Apollo,The Good Shepard.


He was called “The Good Shepard”, and his earliest depictions show him with a sheep across his shoulders. Asur (Osiris) of Kemet was known from the dawn of history as “The Good Shepard.


Recall, Attis was the lover and Son of Lady Wisdom, Goddess Cybele.


On their wedding night, Attis decided to make the supreme BLOOD ritual sacrifice and offer his testicles on the altar of his love. In a fit of ecstasy. He ran into the forest and tied himself to a pine tree. He cut off his testicles, then bled to death. He was resurrected from the dead by Zeus.

It is believed that Tarsus of Paul had also been involved in the Cybelan rituals where their priesthood, the Galli, would imitate their god by driving themselves into a holy “Ecstatic” frenzy, emasculating themselves and offering their testicles and a BLOOD bath as holy sacrifices.[50] The “Ecstatic” blood rituals of Attis deeply influenced Paul and colored a secret and hidden version of Christianity that dismiss the true historical significance and influence of Mary Magdalene, and its relationship to older pagan cults.

Pablo Picasso & PRIORY OF SION


Picasso’s Vision of El Greco, Mother Child, and Bull Cult

Picasso was born in the ancient city of Magala, Spain. It predates Mary Magdalene. The city was founded in 8th Century BC by the Canaanite trading colony from most likely Magdala, Sea of Galilee, Northern Canaan. In recent years, there have been attempts by several researchers and scholars of Picasso (Melvin Becraft and Mark Harris among them) to link the artist and his work with “occult wisdom”, claiming that much of the symbolism in his paintings is derived from alchemy, Hermetic thought, Gnosticism and other schools of the western “esoteric” tradition.[52] Some of these researchers are even claiming that Picasso may have been initiated into the shadowy Prieure de Sion ( Priory of Sion) that figures prominently in the mystery surrounding Berenger Sauniere and Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France.


Jean Cocteau, Angels & the Black Sun

This is in part due to the fact that Picasso was a contemporary and good friend of the French artist and mystic Jean Cocteau, a reputed Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. According to some accounts, Cocteau once described his communication with Picasso has almost “telepathic.” The use of the words “telepathic communication” might have been Cocteau’s cryptic way of saying that, as members of a secret society, they were a closed-mouth lot on certain “esoteric” subjects. There are also certain tell-tale symbols that both artists incorporated into their work, such as the BLACK SUN motif and pentagonal geometry.[53]


Kanye West & Saint Pablo Black Sun

Pablo Picasso and the Priory of Sion (PON) are all about Saint Mary Magdalene. PON protects Merovingian dynasts because they may be the lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The legendary Holy Grail is simultaneously the womb of Saint Mary Magdalene and the sacred royal bloodline she gave birth to; and the Church tried to kill off all remnants of this bloodline and their supposed guardians, the Cathars and Templars, so popes could hold the Episcopal throne through apostolic succession of Peter without fear of it ever being usurped by an antipope from the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.[54]

Pablo Escobar & Magdalena


So, what is Escobar’s connection to Mary Magdalene? Kanye said that he was the biggest mover of product. Escobar became the most powerful drug lord in Columbia, when he took control of the Magdalena River. The Magdalena is Colombia’s longest river, and stretches from the most southern tip of the Huila Department in southern Colombia to the Caribbean Sea. It takes its name, Mary Magdalene, from 16th Century Spanish Conquistadors.[55] The river became his major passage for ships of drug cargoes, and a poplar dumping ground for corpse after massacres.[56] Just who does Kanye West think that he is playing games with? These people are powerful and ruthless international Satanic cabals. They play no games.

In Jerusalem, Kanye was exposed to the fact that the Kardasdians were not only part of the secret Jerusalem Guardian Temple Cult, but also discovered that they were secret guardians of the closely guarded Mysteries of Mary Magdalene.

Kanye’s Saint Pablo Tour began August 25, 2016, but trouble began on October 3, 2016 when Kim was allegedly robbed on the other side of midnight in Paris, France. Kanye was in concert at Citi Field in New York City when he heard about the robbery. He terminated the concert, and flew out of town.

akanyerobberySurveillance evidence of Kim minutes after the alleged robbery, she said that she had been bound at the wrists during the heist. For $10 million worth of jewelry, Kim should have been dead. For that type of money and at those odds, If she had been tied up at the wrists, it would show. Kim’s robbery may have been a False Flag to distance her by mass public empathy from the planned MK ULTRA implanted psychotic rants and future mental breakdown of Kanye West.[57] However, Kim may not be completely out of danger. She may have been been in Paris on her knees pleading her case. In fact, the entire Kardasidian Cult may be in trouble.


Big German, Pascal Duvier

On the night of the robbery, her security was deliberately pulled. Her German bodyguard, Pascal Duvier, was pulled from her apartment just prior to the robbery. The robbery was a pretext. Duvier is out. The Mossad and the Israeli Security Forces have officially moved in. HollyWeird Actor,  Aaron Cohen, Brotherhood of Warriors, of the Israeli Mossad became security for both, Kanye and Kim after the robbery.


Fabio Calendar Boy- Aaron Cohen is a “slave hunter,” a specialist in identifying and, in some cases, retrieving the unfortunate human beings who are trafficked for labor and/or sexual purposes — a remarkably prevalent and lucrative global trade. So far the job has brought him to dozens of countries like Colombia, Sudan and Cambodia, where the business of human flesh is of special concern to the U.S. State Department and other agencies or governments who subcontract his services. He is what is known in covert operations as a NOC, a special agent working under “non-official cover,” but unlike an agency man, Cohen’s primary allegiance is to people, not political agendas or the Jewish Messiah. Yea. Right. So, where was the HollyWeird Dream Boy Crusader and the Mossad when Kanye went 5150? On the other side of the Psychotronics  pushing buttons cleansing Kanye, driving him insane.




Mary Magdalene, Guido Cagnacci (1601-1663) & Donald Drumpf

President Select Donald Drumpf does not follow any traditional national democratic or republican platforms. He is a wicked and fraudulent snake oil pitchman shooting selling lies and illusions. This may be the first time in history that a man has been put in the highest public office of this country without an established political, social or economic platform. We have an Emperor of the Republic of the U.S.- A DEVIL IN THE WHITE HOUSE.  He is also making a lot of people very nervous the way he appoints people to his new cabinet and administration. Drumpf choose people like loyal subjects as if he has a king’s court. One of the first appointments to his Court was Irish Catholic– Steve Bannon (O’Banion), the emperor’s MERLIN- CHIEF of staff, adviser, prophet and magician.


Some people in Ireland say that they have some reason to believe that the Merlin Bannon’s ancestral land lies in Longford, County. St. Bernard, Spiritual Leader of the Knights Templar, setup the first Cistercian Abbey in Ireland about 1142 AD at Abbeyshrule, County Longford with proceeds from treasures that they found in catacombs buried beneath the 2nd Temple of Jerusalem. James Bannona former Irish Fine Gael elected politician, said that he intends to check on the Lord of Darkness in the Homeland, then report back.   According to Merlin, people, and I suspect James Bannon too, will never be able to figure out what he and the emperor are up to. He says, yea baby- “DARKNESS IS GOOD.” It is so-so GOOD!


I recall Drumpf and Bannon’s mentor, Ronald Reagan, telling the world that America was against the “Evil and Dark Empire.” Well, anyhow.  Bannon is excited about the prospects of this new dynamic combination running the country. He gloats, yeah, baby, “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER.  How old is the man, again? 63 years old. Huh. He says that he’s got the Dark Empire, Darth Vader, Dick Cheney, and SATANBannon may be right.


If he has all that everything else should be just a piece of cake, a walk in the park and WINDOW DRESSING in Donald Drumpf’s COURT. By the way, Drumpf has promised U.S. support to rebuild that 3rd Temple of Jerusalem on the temple mount of the 2nd Temple destroyed in 70 AD. The ANTICHRIST– will it be the Virgin Mary (Vatican) or Mary Magdalene (Merovingian Dynasts) that will occupy the 3rd Temple?


Right now. It isn’t clear.Nobody is talking, because it is forbidden knowledge among the masses, and it sets the stage for a future veiled struggle that may turn into another protracted world armed conflict or World War III.


Palestine and Vatican Foreign Ministers Riod al-Malki and Paul Gallagher Exchange Executed Treaties

On June 26th, 2015, the Vatican signed its first treaty with the “State of Palestine”. When the pontiff John Paul II ascended to the Temple Mount in 2000, also Judaism’s most holy site, he wasn’t welcomed by Israeli officials, but by representatives of the Palestinian Authority, and the holy complex was bedecked in Arab flags. It was the Pope’s implicit recognition of Islamic hegemony. It was taken to mean that Islam and Christianity superseded Judaism and have the right to “inherit” its holy places.The Vatican (Virgin Mary) isn’t particularly thrilled about Drumpf’s selection (Mary Magdalene) as president, but Israel, Mossad and the Masons are absolutely overjoyed.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene in Scotland


Mary Magdalene, Callanish Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis, Scottish Hebridean Island

Most of the detailed tales and myths about Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Scotland seems to come from a Scottish literary writer, William Sharp (using the pseudonym Fiona MacLeod) in his essay Iona (1900). He refers to “the old prophecy that Christ shall come again upon Iona.” This presupposes that Christ had already visited Iona according to an ancient oral tradition. Fiona’s elder mentor of his tales comes from an old fisherman, also a MacLeod– Seumas, an old authority on Fairy Mythology.


They say, “… just 80 miles due north of Iona is to be found another small Hebridean island, located in Dunvegan Bay, off the west coast of the Scottish Isle of Skye. It is called Eilean Isa (currently spelt Isay) which translates from the gaelic as the “island of Jesus”. Isa is the Middle Eastern arabic name for Jesus, whereas His name in gaelic is Iosa. So why do we find the appellation of this island with the arabic spelling rather than the gaelic.”[58]

They quote from the work of Christine Hartley, in her classic work, The Western Mystery Tradition (1968): “ ‘There is a legend too that Mary Magdalene lies buried in Iona.’ Writing about Mary Magdalene’s legendary association with Scotland, Hartley further says, “Wandering the hills of Scotland, she came to Knoydart.” Knoydart is a peninsula located on the west coast of Scotland adjacent to the Isle of Skye which, as we have seen, has a possible association with Jesus. Some ten miles or so, south of Knoydart, can be found another west coast peninsula named Moidart where, on old maps, can be seen the place name Essa Hill, which may relate to the presence of Jesus/Isa there. Pertinently, during the 1st century A. D., Jesus was known in the Egyptian Christian Coptic Church as Essa, which is the phonetic pronunciation of Isa. It is intriguing to note that legends and place names appear to link both Jesus and Mary

On the tombstone of Anna MacLean, the last Prioress of the Nunnery on Iona, who died in 1543, is an effigy of a woman and child with an inscribed dedication to “St. Maria”. The presumption would be that this relates to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Christ child. However, this woman is portrayed with long hair and is flanked by twin towers, both medieval symbols to denote St. Mary Magdalene. Margaret Starbird refers to “the lore of the Mary called Magdalen, who dried the feet of Jesus with her [long] hair and whose epithet means ‘tower’ in Hebrew.” (The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, 1993) Magdalene to the hebridean western isles and the west coast of Scotland.”[59]



Mary Magdalene & Baby John Martinus?

They believe that a John Martinus was Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s last son,”Professor Hugh Montgomery in his treatise The God-Kings of Europe: The Descendants of Jesus traced through the Odonic and Davidic Dynasties (2006) provides the interesting information, ‘John Martinus was believed in the early Christian Period to be the last son of Jesus by Mary Magdalene. In some versions he was born on Iona.’ Curiously, as Christine Hartley has pointed out, the holy isle of Iona was also known as the Isle of John. Could this relate to the presence of the child of Christ, John Martinus, on Iona?”[60]

They argue that in Kilmuir Parish on the Isle of Skye that there was a Chapel Kilmartin that may have been a place name for John Martinus, or possibly some of his descendants who would have continued the spiritual work initiated by their “illustrious and holy forbears.”

Interestingly, Otta F. Swire, a Scottish folklorist, comments on an early medieval carved tombstone, in the style of those found on Iona, located in the old graveyard of Kilmuir on the Isle of Skye, saying: ‘It marks the grave of Angus Gille Martin, the first member of the Martin family to settle in Skye.‘ (Skye: The Island and its Legends, 1961).”[61]

From other sources, we find,Jesus was referred to as “THE DOVE,” . . . The various names of Jesus, are in fact spiritual titles, all meaning roughly “light-bearer.”The Isle of Iona is also known as The Island of the Dove. “The sacred Island of Iona lies on the Fortingall (Christos Frequency) and Montrose (Mount Rose) Ley lines axis. . . . This is where the surviving Grail son was born to Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

“. . . the Isle of Iona has at least 60 kings buried in its sacred ground. These include 48 Scottish kings, 8 Norwegian, and 4 Irish kings. Others list 4 French kings as well.” (They were buried there because of the “The DOVE – Christos frequency” is anchored there).”

It is believed that Christ personally attuned the island (Iona) to this perfect frequency (Christos frequency)for the purpose of initiates to receive the frequency.[62]

Don’t dismiss this, yet. Below is the “Stone of Magdala” recovered from the ruins of Mary Magdalene’s Temple on the shore of Sea of Galilee (Northeast Israel) where Jesus is believed to have preached.


Carved Stone of Magdala

The stone is covered with the six-pedaled rosette, the ancient Flower of Life. The rosette itself symbolizes the actual veil before the Holy of Holies. First-century Romano-Jewish scholar, historian Josephus describes this veil as being decorated with flower.


On the tombstone of Anna MacLean, the last Prioress of the Nunnery on Iona (1543), the 1st Century six-pedaled Flower of Life found at Mary Magdalene’s Temple decorates the tombstone in the Isles of Skye, Scotland.  


The Sun Symbol represents ancient Apollo and Helios. Beit She’an’ goes back to  the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III. It sits at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley, controlling access from Jordan and the inland to the coast, as well as from Jerusalem and Jericho to the Galilee. The Monastery of Lady Mary, Lady Magdalene (567-635 AD) was located in the city. Many believe that monastery was dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Mary means “wise woman/lady.


However, I don’t believe that Jesus’ mother, Mary the Virgin, was referred to as Lady Mary. Inside the ruin monastery, a beautiful mosaic floor was discovered. The Lost Gospel believe in the sacred marriage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, his identification with “Helios,” the Sun God Apollo, and her association with the Mysteries of Moon Goddess Artemis, Diana, and Isis.


Flower of Life- Knights Templar Tombstone, St. Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall (founded 1137 AD) in the Northern Isles of Scotland.




Dunvegan Castle is a castle a mile and a half to the north of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye. It is the seat of the MacLeod of MacLeod, chief the President Select Donald Drumpf’s Clan MacLeod. The castle is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland and has been the stronghold of the chiefs of the clan for more than 800 years.[63]

So, it isn’t hard to conclude that Sharp’s source information about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and John Martinus on Iona and Skye came from Donald Drumpf’s chiefs of Clan MacLeodDunvegan Castle. Very little would have taken place on the isles without their knowledge or approval.

Dunvegan Castle, related to the Crusades and Knights Templar, is full of secrets, myths, mysterious and magical things. One of its heirlooms is the mysterious Fairy Flag known for the numerous traditions of fairies, and magical properties associated with it. The flag is associated with some secret “divine feminine” property. It is said to have originated as a gift from the fairies to an infant chieftain; a gift to a chief from a departing fairy-lover; or a reward for defeating a female evil spirit.[64]


Robert, the Bruce, was king of the Scots from 1306-1329.  On March 19, 1314, Grand Master de Molay was burned alive. It is believed that before he died, de Molay secretly directed ships loads of Templar treasure, holy land relics and heirlooms to land in Scotland under veil of Robert the Bruce. Clan MacLeod of the Isles of Skye and Lewis were extraordinarily powerful and mythical contemporary  knights and soldiers of  Robert the Bruce.


William Sharp (1855- 1905) alias Fiona MacLeod, was a poet, writer, mystic and psychic of the Satanic Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.


That seems to suggest that Sharp’s essay on the Isle of Iona wasn’t necessarily public information, but inside Luciferian peer review material. [65] MacLeod wasn’t just an alias of Sharp. He was actually two separate people. He was possessed of a divine feminine Sidhe (faery) Spirit of the Twilight, Fiona of Clan MacLeod. The clan is part Sidhe and part human, because one of their ancient chiefs married a Sidhe and fathered a half human and half Sidhe heir in Dunvegan Castle.

Don’t get it twisted. They were/are extremely serious about these Gaelic supernatural and paranormal beings, studies, tales and mythology. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip stayed at the Castle.  Sharp studied university poetry, philosophy, occultism, spiritualism and folklore. He led an extremely serious 19th Century “Scottish Renaissance” and “Celtic (Twilight) Revival in Scotland, Ireland and England. These people were/are serious about tapping into sources of unknown and unseen demonic POWER reservoirs whether it is through the BLOOD, from above or below. However, don’t start packing these people away, quite yet.  The path of DARKNESS and the Raiders of the Lost Art are still moving over the people.


Darkness & Satanic Hermetic Order, Goat Rider- CIARA


Darkness & Hermetic Order Baphomet: LADY GAGA


Darkness & Hermetic Order Baphomet: KANYE WEST

So, what’s so important about Noah’s Ark and the Flood? Noah and the eight souls on the ark represented a race of the people before the flood that some say lived over 900 years. There was a big difference between the people on earth before and after the flood. However, Noah and the souls that were saved from among all others on earth from destruction, because they walked with GOD. In the eyes of God, Noah was a “just man and perfect in his generations“. (Genesis 6:9) In other words, God gave them the world to control, exploit and enjoy as “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


There a lot of people like the Kardashians where “Silence is Golden”.  They claim in the depths of their secret sanctuaries, holes, cults, and lodges also to be perfect in generations by virtue of being Armenians born at the foot of Ararat Mountain where God created his first born after the flood. There a lot of people like Donald Drumpf that claim to be godly by communion- walking with spirits, angels, gods, goddesses and god by virtue of his birth and his very existence. These all are Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Donald Drumpf is also a  SON OF MARY. Mary Anne MacLeod was from the Hebridean Island of Lewis, part of the Clan MacLeod.[66] Clan MacLeod of Lewis home lands are traditionally: the ISLE OF SKYE and the DUNVEGAN CASTLE.[67]

The aos sí  is the Irish term for a supernatural race in Scottish mythology (usually spelled Sìth, however pronounced the same), comparable to the fairies or elves. They are said to live underground in fairy mounds, across the western sea, or in an invisible world that coexists with the world of humans. This world is described in the Lebor Gabála Érenn as a parallel universe in which the aos sí walk amongst the living. In the Irish language,  aos sí means “people of the mounds” (the mounds are known in Irish as “the sídhe“). In Irish literature the people of the mounds are also called daoine sídhe; in Scottish mythology they are daoine sìth. They are variously said to be the ancestors, the spirits of nature, or goddesses and gods.

From the Clan MacLeod BLOODLINES out of  Dunvegan Castle came a race of people half human and half supernatural beings out of holes in the ground. Scandalous Fred Drumpf of the Luciferian Masonic Colombians planned it from the beginning. They wanted to produce some kind of freak of nature and human hybrid to take control of the world even if it was just based on wild legends, tales, and myths from the other side of midnight, and that is exactly what you got in the White House. The CONTROLLERS think that they are GODS.











[11] Id.
















[27] Id.

[28] Id.

























[53] Id.







[60] Id.

[61] Id.








26 03 2016

Our UNDYING loving relationships with the sacred feminine have the power to launch a THOUSAND SHIPS!

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”Morpheus to Neo[1]

The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of REALITY (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of ILLUSIONS (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film, The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the “ignorance of ILLUSION“, while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the “TRUTH OF REALITY” even though it is a harsher, more difficult life.[2]

The other day, I couldn’t stop sneezing from a sudden serious seasonal hay fever attack. My usual hay fever medicine didn’t work. I had to take a red pill (Diphenhydramine HCI). The red pills always put me in a zone. So, I rarely take one of them unless it is an emergency. The pills make me drowsy, sleepy and my head spin. So, I went upstairs to lie down. While lying down, I watched some of the 2016 NCAA Basketball Playoff Rounds on the idiot box.


While in a zone and through a fog, I saw IMAGES of a black dysfunctional family with a NBA player in drag posing as a mother during a commercial run. The family was called, the Hoopers. “… The Hoopers, an all-star American family. Various NBA players star as Dad (Chris Paul- LA Clippers), Mom (DeAndre Jordan- LA Clippers), Son (Kevin Love- Cleveland Cavaliers), Grampa (Kevin Garnett- Minnesota Timberwolves) and Baby (Damian Lillard- Portland Trail Blazers). Additionally, a State Farm agent plays the Hoopers’ helpful neighbor who assists them with the problems they encounter.”[3]



All Hooper family members were black NBA players except Kevin Love of Cleveland. The were no IMAGES of females. The one character that was by nature supposed to be a motherhood/female was turned into an ILLUSION of a monstrous tall hairy male figure.


HOOPER GRAMPA- A IMAGE of a Lazy Steppin Fletchin

Under the influence of the red pill, I saw some racialist sensitive IMAGES of Black people on global television networks that I didn’t think was possible in the 21st Century. As a fan, I had abandoned the NBA years ago. I didn’t know anything about the NBA Hoopers.


 HOOPER BABY- The IMAGE of a Stereotypical Picaninny

I thought the IMAGES of the Hoopers would go away, but the idiot box kept repeating the IMAGES over and over again like every twenty minutes or so like PSYCHIC DRIVING. It wasn’t happenstance that IMAGES and ILLUSIONS of Hoopers continued to parade through my dreams as I fell off in deep sleep. While I experienced the “March MadnessNCAA Basketball Tournament 2016, the idiot box was turned into a psychotronic mind (behavior modification) control weapon.

“Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…”

For me, the Hoopers was electronic torture and terrorism. The commercial spots were designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter my body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, even incapacitate me. The commercial spots were used as clandestine psychological weapons aimed to “control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism… [T]he goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body [mind] in [balance, order: MAAT] equilibrium.”[4]

The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the NBA Hoopers was that it was an EVIL. It was a vicious attack and veiled affront against the sacred feminine, and the dignity of the BLACK FAMILY UNIT and STRUCTURE. It is no laughing matter as the NBA and NCAA seasons continue through the year.

The EVIL of the Hoopers’ commercial spots were created out of a partnership renewal between the NBA and State Farm Insurance.

“State Farm has enjoyed a very successful relationship with the National Basketball Association over the past few years, and we’re excited to be continuing it,” State Farm advertising director Ed Gold said in a statement. “Our integrated NBA marketing campaigns have become a terrific platform for differentiating the State Farm brand, demonstrating the value of an assist, and connecting with customers through the lens of basketball.”[5]

In other words, the ILLUMINATI NBA is working hand and hand in combination with State Farm in setting up these Negroes and the black coonery family structure for international mockery, ridicule and humiliation.


The State Farm Logo represents the very complicated and ancient “Tripod of Life” (also known as “Borromean rings“) that is formed from a third circle being added to the Vesica Piscis (Cosmic Womb of Goddess Nut), where the third circle’s center point is placed at the intersection of the first two circles’ circumferences. To some, it represents the mind, body, and spirit. Most notably, in (Christian) religion, the Tripod of Life symbolizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. What remains of it today is the altered version in religion where it vaguely identifies God, son and holy spirit after the cosmic sacred feminine woman teaching was thrown out of holy books.[6]


The Rothschild ILLUMINATI obtained certain secret ancient Illuminated manuscripts that represented the “Tripod of Life” form to be a triangle position as the sacred feminine womb of stars down pointing triangle when seen on eastern horizon when rising. The bottom line is that the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry deliberately bastardized the symbol and its extremely deep inner ancient universal teaching and lessons of the sacred feminine and created the BAPHOMET to intentionally confuse its mass of followers and the people.[7]

State Farm and Freemasonry


“Every man who accomplishes anything worthwhile in this life will leave behind him many temples still unfinished when he departs this life.” These words were spoken to his employees by George Jacob Mecherle, the founder of State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies and a very dedicated Freemason … [He] drew much of his philosophy from the lessons he learned at the Masonic altar.” Illustrious George Jacob Mecherle, 33 Degree[8]

Luciferian George J. Mecherle started State Farm Mutual Insurance Company in Bloomington, Illinois, on June 8, 1922. The name of the company was inspired by the original clientele, the farmers of the state of Illinois. Mecherle was a member of Bloomington, Illinois, Lodge No. 43, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Bloomington Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons; Peoria Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters; DeMolay Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar; and Mohammed Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was a very active member of Bloomington Consistory, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.[9]

At one time, he arranged for State Farm to rent office space from the Scottish Rite. During his lifetime, a large number of Scottish Rite Masons were employed by State Farm. Twice a year, these Brethren enjoyed lining up in front of the State Farm building and marching two blocks to the Consistory building for a Scottish Rite Reunion. Mecherle served as Thirtieth Degree Master for a ritualistic team composed totally of State Farm employees. On September 29, 1943, he was awarded the 33rd Degree during the meeting of the Supreme Council in Buffalo, New York.[10]

As you know, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite and the Civil War Criminal-Confederate General Albert Pike spawned the secret Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan to drive Black people back into SLAVERY.

State Farm and the Luciferian Doctrine


 Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.321)[11]

Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859 to 1891, is one of the most honored and influential American Freemasons of all time. The Supreme Council exalts Pike by saying: “Albert Pike remains today an inspiration for Masons everywhere. His great book Morals and Dogma endures as the most complete exposition of Scottish Rite philosophy. He will always be remembered and revered as the Master Builder of the Scottish Rite.” (The House of the Temple of the Supreme Council 1988)[12] George J. Mecherle, founder of State Farm, is also listed among the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI in America.[13] The racialist Hoopers Family of the NBA was spawned by Pike’s clandestine Luciferian Scottish Rite Temple and the secret ILLUMINATI.

Dangerous Cartoon (Coonery) Characters and Satanic Brotherhood V Sign

There were other IMAGES that also screened through my conscious and subconscious. It included the Satanic ILLUMINATI Coonery Trio of dangerous handkerchief heads, Charles Barkley, Samuel L. Jackson and Spike Lee that was also totally “VOID” of female IMAGES. Like the Hoopers, the Coonery of Jackson, Barkley and Lee appeared (psychic driven) in constant and persistent time sequences throughout the televised NCAA tournament playoff games. The IMAGES of Hoopers and Coon trio swam through my conscious and subconscious for a couple of days. What follows is the “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the Coon Trio IMAGES that I really experienced and envisioned. I will start with CHARLES BARKLEY.

1. The “TRUTH OF REALITYof Charles Barkley



“The only problem I had with Kenny’s, umm,  open letter was, umm, I don’t think anytime something bad happens in the black community we have to talk about slavery. Listen, slavery is, uh, well, I shouldn’t say one of the worst things ever, because I don’t know anything about it other than what I read or what my grandmother told me.” Charles Barkley[14]

I not quite sure what or who Charles Barkley may be. He is far more then a traditional Uncle Tom, Handkerchief head and bootlicker. The ILLUMINATI may have created him as an experimental MK ULTRA/MONARCH black “CYBORG.” Don’t laugh, yet. Barkley publicly calls himself a “METROSEXUAL.”


Charles Barkley in Women’s Satin Outfit with Purse

As late as March 14, 2016, he confirmed that over mass media that he was a “METROSEXUAL.”[15] Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of man, the metrosexual shows his soft, sensitive, feminine side. The neologistic term is popularly thought to describe heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexual men. [16]


ILLUMINATI SYMBOL, Ava DuVernay (Selma), Charles Barkley & Prince Philip– Royal House of England, Grand Master of Freemans of England and Wales. This is far from being a laughing matter. It is one of the most scary, dangerous and clandestine programs of the New World Order and ILLUMINATI that seek to re-image, re-design and re-create Mankind to serve them- Transhumanism.


“Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.”[17]

Charles Barkley presents a new specie of freakish post gender men-forms of ILLUMINATI Transhumanism that will tend to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE. I am sure that Charles Barkley has been programmed to cross the lines of his manhood, and sadly serve the BROTHERHOOD with his Mouth and Ass.


Postgenderism is a diverse social, political and cultural movement whose adherents affirm the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of advanced biotechnology and assistive reproductive technologies.[18] The elite of the world will be the ones who will have exclusive and sole access to the secret technologies to change MANKIND.[19] Charles (Chuck o Licious) Wade Barkley was born and raised in Leeds, Alabama, ten miles outside Birmingham.[20]  He says absolutely bizarre things through mass media that unlikely came from his humble background. He says things like he would in fact “work for ‘the Klan’ if they paid me enough.” It is isn’t the money. It is MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disordered (MPD) mind control programming. This Negro can be programmed to slaughter all of us. [21]



I believe that Charles Barkley had been initiated into Freemasonry like his associate, Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal as a front to access their individual psyche. Shaq with a military complex background seems also to have been subjected to similar frightening (electrical shock) trauma based multiple personality disorder (MPD) programming.


Shaq- Secret Masonic MK ULTRA/MONARCH black Male Sex Kitten Cyborg Programming

In regards to Shaq and the ILLUMINATI plans to destroy the sacred feminine. It was Shaq that introduced the world to the female transsexuals, PRANCING ELITES.


Shaq first tweeted his praises of the group through a video of the dance group’s performance at a basketball game, which became an Internet hit.[22] As I said before, this SHIT is far beyond funny. It is criminal and major International HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.

2. TheTRUTH OF REALITYof Samuel L. Jackson



Samuel L. Jackson doesn’t attribute his talents to God. When asked if he thought his talents were God-given, Jackson replied: “No, because I work at it. I still learn, I read.”[23] Jackson was mentored into HollyWeird and EVIL by Morgan Freeman.


Morgan Freeman says,

“After God, I think I should play Satan. Remember when Al Pacino played Satan in The Devil’s Advocate? Like that.” He continued, “I think that God and the Devil are one. They’re not one in the same, but they’re in the same body, and it depends on which one of them surfaces.” Freeman insinuated that he believed all people have GOD and SATAN inside of them. He added that his faith in a GOD is his faith in himself. “The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from, and my belief in God is my belief in myself.[24]


King Diamond is a Danish heavy metal “quasi-Satanic stage persona” that maintain the same Satanic thought pattern of Morgan Freeman.[25]


In August 2015, Freeman’s step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines, was slaughtered on a Manhattan, New York street in what has been described as an exorcism, “Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!” the killer yelled as he plunged a hunting knife into 33-year-old E’Dena Hines’ chest, according to George Hudacko, who witnessed the 3 a.m. attack from his apartment window in Washington Heights, New York City.[26] In September 2015, her boyfriend, Lamar Davenport, pleaded not guilty to the murder. He appears out of his mind. He was alleged to be possessed by Demons, God and SATAN.[27] Since 2009, it had been widely reported that Freeman and E’Dena had been romantically involved since she was teenager. Reportedly, she had hoped to have a baby and marry SATANMorgan Freeman.[28] So, we should be very clear that if E’Dena was possessed by the DEVIL– we know who put the DEVIL in her.


A few internet sites celebrate Samuel L. Jackson as formerly associated with or in fact being a member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). During the Summer of 1969 in Atlanta, Jackson said that he hooked up with gun running operations with Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), “Honorary Prime Minister“, Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) “Minister of Justice” of the BPP.[29], [30],[31]

There are several big problems with Jackson‘s timeline. August 29th, 1968, the New York Times reported that the Republican Party leader of the House, Gerald Ford of Michigan, stated it was time to slam the door on H. Rap Brown and other Black power advocates. However, there had already been a clandestine illegal full press government program since July 1967 to kill or jail Stokely and H. Rap. But, they particularly wanted to kill and silence H. Rap, forever.

In the summer of 1969, H. Rap was already facing two violations of the Federal Firearms Act out of Louisiana, and Federal charges in Maryland for Counseling to Arson, and Inciting to Arson and Riot. H. Rap was under intense federal travel restrictions. He may not have been in Atlanta, at all. In 1969, they were chasing Rap like something out of Slavery (Fugitive Slave Act). That summer, Stokely and H. Rap were under very intense, 7 days a week-24 hours a day, federal and state surveillance.[32]


Stokely, H. Rap and Brother Bobby Seale- 1968

Additionally, it was impossible for Samuel L. Jackson to be associated with Stokely and H. Rap Brown as members of the BPP in the summer of 1969. In January 1969, Stokely and Rap were expelled from the BPP in what is known as the Great Purge of 1969 at the height of the FBI’s COINTELPRO Program and the CIA’s Project CHAOS’ clandestine criminal campaign to destroy the BPP. Stokely and Rap were on the top of the list as expelled “Renegade Members.” The BPP threatened to deal (death warrants) with them on sight. I bottomed out the list- purged as a “Counter-Revolutionary.” The BPP Central Committee chairman that proudly put his name as the head of the Great Purge was Virtual Murrell.[33]



Murrell is a negro selloutconvicted federal felon for municipal government (Oakland) corruption, fraud and bribery. He is a current principal/owner of The Pegasus Group, a deep-cover beltway lobbyist Virginia-based public (GOVERNMENT) relations firm, secretly connected to inner workings and multi-million contracts of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.[34]


Murrell & Rich and Elite Michelle Nunn

Murrell is tied into the powerful deep cover House of Samuel Augustus “Sam” Nunn, Jr. Nunn’s political experience and credentials on national defense reportedly had put him into consideration as a CIA chief, and potential running mate for Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry (2004) and Barack Obama (2008).[35] In 2014, Murrell was caught up and exposed as a key fundraiser for Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, daughter of Sam Nunn.[36] That should let you know who and what was really secretly behind the Great BPP Purge of 1969.


At the time of the purge, I didn’t even know that Murrell was on the BPP Central Committee. Needless to say, I was very happy to be listed on the same historical document with internationally renown and respected brothers, Stokely and Rap. Kwame Touré  was poisoned and died in the Motherland. The Bold and Beautiful Brother Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) is a Political Prisoner in North Carolina.


Interestingly, Samuel L. Jackson was a former cheerleader for the Morehouse pep squad when he allegedly became a “revolutionary brother” along beside Stokely and Rap collecting guns for the revolution.[37] I say that it was a highly unlikely situation. Stokely, in particular, because of constant COINTELPRO- Project CHAOS death threats, harassment and surveillance, maintained a tight security ring around him. Additionally, there were also many FBI ghetto informants, military intelligence and agent provocateurs constantly trying to infiltrate his inner circle. I know this, because his team called me on occasion of a subject of interest claiming to be close to Oakland BPP, and my inner circle that was turning up in Washington DC on a number of occasions on Stokely’s doorstep trying to get in.

I knew who they were talking about. On several occasions, he had tried to incite me to try to physically harm him. I knew it was a deep setup to discredit, jail or kill me. He was very scary. He foamed at the ends of his mouth (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) when he got excited. He didn’t work anyplace that I knew of to pay for airline passage across the U.S. To this day, I am not sure who this (pedophile) brother works for, and he remains a very dangerous (ghetto informant) individual in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.

Samuel L. Jackson said that he was among a group of former G.I.’s, which led him to H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. “It was my ‘kill whitey’ period,” he said. “I really thought there’d be an armed struggle between blacks and whites. So we began to collect guns.”[38] It sounds as if Jackson had been part of an agent provocateur group of U.S. Army Phoenix Project Assassination/Suppression Teams out of Vietnam that led secret BPP Assassination Goon Squads in the U.S. to murder members, oppress, neutralize, terrorize, and destroy the party. I know, because I faced some of them, directly. The Oakland BPP Goon Squad was led by a former U.S. Army Ranger out of Vietnam.

Yes, I was very much afraid. I faced him several times, but I was also heavily armed- to defend myself. They had a U.S. Government license to kidnap, torture and kill. The Ranger, that I know of directly, was linked to two murders of young BPP brothers. He is featured as a loyal Panther in the recent BPP documentary on PBS, The Black Panthers, The Vanguard of the Revolution.[39]

As soon as the PBS documentary internet site opens, it features a late female undercover FBI infiltration agent out of San Diego by the name of Dixie. I remember when she first walked through the doors of Merritt Jr. College from out of nowhere. She was an extremely fine and most beautiful young sister, but a wicked and EVIL individual. I sensed it almost immediately. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor. She had no problem in penetrating the inner circle of the BPP. I will not and can’t venture to look at that documentary. It still hurts.

Samuel L. Jackson claims that after the FBI paid a visit to his mother about his direct involvement in the Black Liberation Movement and Panthers– he immediately left Atlanta for Bel Air, an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. By my own experience with my mother and a FBI visit, there is some truth to that. However, Jackson appeared to have went to work immediately for the State of CaliforniaLos Angeles County Department of Social Services.[40] The FBI don’t ever just forget about real Black Nationalists. They watch and hound you for life. You just don’t roll over into a State Job unless they owe or own you. Nevertheless, we understand clearly that Samuel L. Jackson has very little if any true love for the people.


ILLUMINATI British Transsexual Jodie Harsh and Samuel L. Jackson


Samuel L. Jackson’s BET network- WITCH Impersonation of the wicked DEMON Bitch Nicki Minaj. The Witch and Cat combined, increase  the power of magic and spells.  Jackson, mainly because of his fake  IMAGE as a down Black Nationalist or even a Panther, is supposed to be some type of HollyWeird Bad-BoyBAD ASS. It is only a HOLLYWEIRD ILLUSION. This Negro is a LUCIFERIAN, breed, trained and committed to the New World Order Satanic Cabals.


Samuel L. Jackson is a HollyWeird Darling because he belongs to a powerful International Circle of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS setup by British MK ULTRA/MONARCH GODFATHER, Aldous Huxley to blindly serve the New World Order.


Samuel L. Jackson is one of the leaders of the black Satanic/ILLUMINATI Cabal that will cut your THROAT for his master, SATAN.

3. The TRUTH OF REALITY of Spike Lee


Stylized 666 NOLA DARLING

The above is a international movie poster. I am not certain if it has been altered, but 666 symbols are implanted in it. Shelton Jackson “Spike” Lee was born in Atlanta and also attended Morehouse College in the city. He made his directorial debut with She’s Gotta Have It (1986).[41] I went to see the movie when it first came out to support his debut, but I came out confused with odd mixed emotions. You see I though that I had a balanced undying love and respect for Black women and the sacred feminine before I saw the movie.


Somehow, the movie got into my head. It had appealed to my basic carnal nature. I wondered if I needed myself a NO- Love (La La) to satisfy my very own carnal nature.  It shook me up for a while and confused me so much that I have avoided watching any of Spike’s movies with the exception Malcolm X. I only watch the last scenes, hour or half of the movie.


SOPHIA & BAPHOMET “What occurs above so reflects below, or As above so below”

At a special meeting that I may have crashed in on with the late Chicago Black Intellectual Steve Cokely in Oakland after the release of Spike’s Malcolm X,  I was startled when he told the group that the SOPHIA (White Woman) scenes in the first half of the movie were at the insistence of FBI censors. I donated $50 to help finance a trip for Brother Cokely to meet with Spike privately to further clarify the FBI’s role in the movie.  I gave him a check with my name, address and phone number, intentionally, to document it. I was hoping to buy myself an update or invite to the next meeting, but sadly either happened. To date, I have found no other references by Cokely on the FBI’s role in scripting the movie. On April 11, 2012, Brother Cokely died under what I believe to be suspicious circumstances. He had finally publicly promised to reveal what he really knew about President Barack Obama in Chicago in an upcoming radio broadcast, but never lived to see the day.


Subliminally implanted, Sophia is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion. Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and Goddess spirituality groups.[42] As you can observe above, the Hermetic/Baphomet axiom “as above, so below” is implanted in Spike’s Malcolm X movie poster.



Keep this in mind as you continue to read this section. In the script before their first sexual interactions, there is a Sophian implant, she says, “Malcolm, look at them. Have you ever seen white breasts like these? Put your black hands on them” and “Am I the first white woman you’ve been with?… THAT ISN’T A WHORE [but a Goddess] ?[43]


She’s Gotta Have It features a young black sister, Nola Darling (Tracy Camilla Johns).[44] NOLA is a name that is significantly meaningless (white shoulder), unless you give it meaning to the word, NO; or the subject of James Bond 007’s debut in Dr. NO (discussed below).

The movie centers around black female sexual sensuality as if Spike Lee had any expertise on the subject, and the attempt to re-image traditional black womanhood, motherhood, the nuclear family structure, and the classic Christian moral code of black families.



The bottom line is that Spike’s She’s Gotta Have It quite frankly and seriously marginalizes and demean Black Womanhood. He presented the sister to the world universally as a black female sexually liberatedSocial Deviant” and “SYMBOLIC WHORE.”[45] Spike Lee’s NOLA presents the WHORE OF BABYLON. Miss Ophelia: “Do you know who made you?” Topsy: “Nobody as I know on,” replied the child, “I ‘spect I jest growed.”[46]



In the movie, Spike Lee made Nola the center of the attention of three friends in which she was laying sexually with each and every one of them. She was a classic “TOPSY” without a god, church, mother, father, family, guidance, direction and wisdom. “I ‘spect she jest growed.” TOPSY was designed and created as the absolute opposite of SOPHIA.


Nola was molded for mass media consumption in the IMAGE of Black woman as “OVERSEXED” African Savages. Such vicious and dehumanizing false myths about Black Women have persisted in America culture from the days of the EVIL empire of human bondage- Slavery.



Spike Lee created Nola as a classic racial stereotypical oversexed Negress- a “Social Deviant” and “A SYMBOLIC WHORE OF BABYLON” that white society and the ILLUMINATI feel quite at home and comfortable to buy into, and distribute globally. And Spike Lee found the planet’s most corrupt and dangerous EVIL forces, the DEVIL himself, to spread the message around the WORLD.




Black ILLUMINATI Luciferians, Charles Barkley & Bill Cosby

THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.


MI6 Lord of the Island of JAMAICA, Sir Chris Blackwell & Spike Lee

She’s Gotta Have It  was distributed globally by ISLAND PICTURES, a film division of Island Records primarily co-founded by English Businessman, Lord Chris Blackwell from the island of Jamaica. Chris Blackwell’s Island Records was financed partially by Stanley Borden of RKO Records,[47] a records division of RKO Pictures that has Joseph Kennedy and Howard Hughes of the CIA/ILLUMINATI embedded in its background and historical records.[48] The Blackwell family was one of sugar plantation complex of 21 colonial families that have controlled the island of Jamaica since Slavery.



WWII, Super Spy Sir William Stephenson of British Intelligence MI6 (Man Called INTREPID) played a key role in the creation of the CIA. As Winston Churchill’s personal representative to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the war, Stephenson became a close advisor to FDR and suggested he put William J. Donovan in charge of all U.S. intelligence services. Donovan, a good friend of Stephenson, founded the U.S. wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which eventually became the SS Gehlen OrgCIA.[49] It is believed that Stephenson was a key player in combination with others that hit JFK in Dallas in November 1963.[50]

After WWII, William Stephenson bought a 22 acre beach house, Hillowton, on Jamaica overlooking Montego Bay. His close friends, Lord Beaverbrook, William Donovan, Ian Fleming, Sir Ivar Bryce and Sir Noel Coward also purchased beach property on the island.[51] Sir Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, was a British newspaper magnate and vicious Anglo propagandist. He was an intimate of Hitler’s inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess. He was a secret society member of the 1001 Club (New World Order International Satanic/Criminal Network Involved in the Assassination of JFK), Le Cercle and a co-founder of the British Roundtable (Masonic New Order Order) Group with Cecil Rhodes.[52]

Sir Ivar Bryce was a key British intelligence officer connected with the CIA and its Operation (Propaganda) Mockingbird through INTREPID- Stephenson. He was a key player in developing the movie character, Agent 007, James Bond.[53] Bryce may have been involved in the assassination of two U.S. Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.[54] These people were part of the most dangerous inner core of the New World Order, Global Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI. They were centered on the island of Jamaica.

Lord Chris Blackwell (Island Records-Picture) is the son of the notorious Islander socialite, Blanche Blackwell. She was a Cabbalist Sephardic Jew descended from Lindo Clan that had fled Portugal during the Knights Templar Inquisition that settled on the island during the 1700s.[55] The Lindo Clan was also among the island’s early freemasons. She was the infamous host of the Blackwell’s Bolt House.[56] The Bolt House played a significant role in the social life of the island that hosted such luminaries as Charlie Chaplin and the Queen Mother of England. Blanche Blackwell was right smack in the middle of the secret inner core of the Global Elite Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI.

On the island of Jamaica, Blanche was friends and lovers of Errol Flynn, the HollyWeird Nazi Spy,[57] and the infamous British Intelligence Agent Ian Fleming (James Bond) of MI5. Fleming resided at a small home which he called Goldeneye and playwright, novelist Noel Coward also resided on the island. Coward was also a notorious secret British Intelligence Agent.[58] All three of them, hosted parties together, with HollyWeird’s elite like Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, Sophia Lauren; and the Royal House of England, Queen of England.[59]


It has been claimed that Blanche was “the inspiration for Dr. NO’s Honeychile Ryder, whom Bond first sees emerging from the waves – naked in the book, bikini-clad in the movie.” As well as Honeychile Ryder it has been argued that Fleming based the character of Pussy Galore, who appeared in Goldfinger on Blanche.[60] Lord Chris Blackwell developed Fleming’s Goldeneye into a deluxe resort for the ILLUMINATI, crooked, rich and famous.[61]


Lord Chris Blackwell was recruited into British Intelligence MI6 by Ian Fleming during the filming of the first James Bond movie, Dr. NO (1962) in the Caribbean. It makes a lot sense for British intelligence to recruit Lord Chris, and initiate him into their secret societies to commit him to an oath of secrecy and silence. Here’s why. Sir Stephenson had been head of the North American Desk of MI6. Stephenson ran a super secret counter intelligence division, Special Operation Executive (SOE). He was involved in appointing Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield of Canada to run the FBI’s counter-intelligence service, Division Five. SOE was secretly centered between Stephenson’s Hillowton Estate and the 2200 acre Tryall Resort Complex on Montego Bay.

In March 1963, Stephenson and Bloomfield began to work for what is believed to have been a review of the strategy for JFK Assassination. The Tryall Resort became a nerve center for the assassination. A number of core committee meetings took place at the resort. One of those seen at the Tryall meetings on a number of occasions was CLAY SHAW of New Orleans.[62]

Tryall Resort was created in 1957 by a syndicate of some of the most dangerous and notorious ILLUMINATI bloodline groups in history that included John D. Rockefeller. The syndicate included Lord Louis Mountbatten’s personal pilot, George Breary Girardet.[63] Lord Mountbatten was King Philip’s cousin of the Royal House of England. He was a Rothschild, and SATANIST that supported Adolf Hitler.[64] The Bronfman crime syndicate family of Canada that owned Seagrams also had an interest in Tryall. They had ran a bootleg operation and sugar plantation on Montego Bay since the late 19th Century.[65]


During the 1950s, Texas entrepreneurs including John Connally, later governor of Texas, and Lloyd Bentsen, who would become a U.S. Senator bought into Tryall. In 1957, they founded the Tryall Club as a private villa resort. Recall, Connally suffered a gunshot wound in the JFK Dallas motorcade crossfire. Connally famously cried out, “My God, they are going to kill us all![66]


So, it made absolute sense to initiate Lord Chris like his mother Blanche, right down the road from Tryall, Montego Bay, into MI6, and the global Satanic/ILLUMINATI, and CIA network.


According to Bunny Wailer, Lord Chris Blackwell play a key part in assassinating both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in order to steal the Wailers pre-Island Records albums as well as the wealth of the Marley Estate.[67] Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Officer Dr. Josef Issels, a colleague of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, and part of Lord Chris’ ILLUMINATI/CIA network finished killing off Bob Marley.[68] 


Part of the story of the emasculation and feminization of Black Men, particularly in America, often ignore is the ILLUMINATI’s collectively marginalization and clandestinely forced invisibility of Black Womanhood and Motherhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the above NBA Hoopers’ Family and their storyline. It is no coincidence, and it seems that NBA Negroes do not the guts or heart to speak up for their people, or protect and preserve the IMAGES of their families and very own dignity and manhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the Negro Coonery Trio of Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee and Negro Cyborg Chuck-o-Licous.


Half Moon Resort on Montego Bay was an infamous haunt of Queen Elizabeth II,  the Royal House of England, Dr. NO, James Bond 007, ILLUMINATI and by the waySPIKE LEE.[69],[70] CONTINUED ON PART II








[7] Id.


[9] Id.



[12] Id.












































[56] Id.










[66] Id.




