7 04 2017


CNN- July 27, 2017


Whether or not, you are willing to accept it, but you have just witnessed the end results of 60 to 70 years of very sophisticated and advanced CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control research, development, and programming that CNN has tried to clean up, and cover-up.

On national Live TV, CNN analyst Angela Rye saw something raising out of the floor, or suddenly felt that some demons or the DEVIL himself was drawing her down into a “Sunken Place.” Or, she began to “stink into the floor.” Whatever the case may have been.  Ms. Rye urgently needed and received an extremely strange hypnotic supernatural voodoo magick exchange of eye flashes from a mind control handler to save her, and stop the descent. On CNN, this supernatural terror and terrifying human drama took place directly in your face, live, with no actors, but with so-called legitimate professional TV newscasters. It is incredible direct visible evidence of covert deliberate Satanic mind control programming of some black TV personalities that the masses may have come to respect, trust and believe in.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH NEWS is extremely toxic and dangerous to democracy. CNN is currently the shadow government’s  corporate mass media news war hawk leading the False Flag Assad Sarin Gas Attack story line to open up a sham U.S. war front in Syria that may lead to World War 3. Just one CIA mind controlled CNN news analyst is an alarm that public news are or could be controlled by elite wealthy congressional Satanic puppet war hawks, and warmongers of the CIA and the Pentagon.

HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain Black People. The American film industry no longer make films as global propaganda to draw a veil over Racism in this country. If you really believe that the movie “GET OUT” is an innocent comedy, horror “fantasy” or a figment of anyone’s creative imagination, you have been badly misled or you have fallen for the BIG- GRAND LIE.  This SHIT IS REAL! Further coverage of Angela Rye, Voodoo Magick and Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming is below.

The Walter #GetOutChallenge in the movie “GET OUT” has disturbed and bothered me the last couple of nights. “GET OUT” and Walter has been like a storm cloud hanging over my head. And, I haven’t even watched the movie. Last night was another long, awful and painful night. My stomach boiled. I tossed and turned all night long. The same scenes about menacing secret British Satanic Cults raced through my dreams. I tried to shake them. I couldn’t. What is it that brothers me so much about “GET OUT“? Some of its very rare specialized language and terminology like solve et coagula, racialist scenarios, mind controlled characters and rare secret medieval Rosicrucian ideologies paint very clear pictures in my mind that something far more universally chilling, evil, sinister and Satanic than most people realize is going on right in the front of our faces.


“GET OUT” Director and Creator Meegan (Jordan Peele) and Eartha Kitt, “I Want to Be EVIL”


Eartha Kitt may have been among the first experimental female mind controlled leopard skin print coded sex kittens developed by Nazi SS Doctors after the Nuremberg Tribunal Doctor Trials.


GET OUT” appears to have more likely come out of the dark annals of Dr. Mengele and Aldous Huxley than the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind of a false female sex kitten alter, Meegan- Jordan Peele. The so-called American white progressives and Liberal Left are encouraging Black people to patronizeGET OUT“, and, in general, make a “Mockery of Walter”. The entire scenario is like forcing Black people out on a limb to attend and watch their own funeral, and then get laughed in their faces. Have you forgotten so soon”WALTER Scott” and “Running While Black” that can be a death sentence for a black man?

It’s like encouraging the Jews to watch the SS- Knights of the Black Sun’s Satanic systematic dehumanization and destruction of the dignity of Jewish People without an outcry from humanity; and JUSTICE.

“ … The American Left has proven INEPT in gauging this fascist [racist] menace, much less mounting an effective response. Few are aware of the history that brought us to our current predicament. … “- Andrea Hackett[34]

Ms. Hackett continued, In order to fight an enemy you must know that enemy. You must know their strengths and weaknesses, history and organizations, links, objectives and capabilities. You must know their operational methods and familiarize yourself with the central players. In short, you must do your homework. In the case of global fascism [racism], you must also respect their fanaticism and willingness to use violence to further their goals.”[35]


Walter, “GET OUT”, Color Coded: SATANIC GREEN

There is a concealed justification why Walter has become a particular targeted character for a mass deception campaign. There is something necessary to hide and veil about Walter to keep the masses from putting together an informant piece to a puzzle. They call “GET OUT” a brilliant horror movie. If that is so, why has the character Walter been singled out for a special mass population mockery campaign outside the film. For whatever reasons due to comfort,  convenience or just plain complicity, fear and racism, CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH and Black People, rarely if ever come out of the mouth of the so-called progressives constantly backing away from uncomfortable issues, or the Liberal Left.


Mama Sonya and Stephen Curry, Love for Their Father, Hail Satan!

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors is the first and only professional athlete to come out in the open to make a public “Mockery of Walter.” And, I pray that he remains the only. It appears that Chris Brown is the first among the Demonic Pop Music/Hip Hop to mock Walter.

Nevertheless mass encouragement of progressive and Liberal Left mass media pundits, the national and global mass popularity of the movie “GET OUT“; and the mass popular influences of Steph Curry and Chris Brown, the #GetOutChallenge and the deliberate “Mockery of Walter”- the masses remains strangely dubious and uneasy about the entire thing.




On CNN, Angela T. Rye appears and sounds like a strong supporter of Black people, but be very careful. Lately, she has appeared on CNN as an ILLUSION of Black Resistance. Rye is an attorney, a political commentator on CNN and a NPR political analyst.[1] She is foremost a spokesperson, advocate and defender of John Lewis, The Black Congressional Caucus, the Satanic Democratic Party, and Barack Obama.


I am not sure what this picture represents other than Ms. Rye is for sell. She was raised and bred within the DC congressional complex. With very limited experience, she was the Senior Advisor and Counsel to the House Committee on Homeland Security under Mississippi Congressman Bernie G. Thompson.[2]


California U.S. Congressperson, Kamala Harris & Angela Rye


Ms. Rye resemble a light skinned female clone of the Clinton/Podesta PIZZAGATE Clan, Kamala Harris. From the Committee on Homeland Security, she became the Executive Director and General Counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus.[3] What makes the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) exceptional is that it’s very presence in Congress has been portrayed as symbolizing the success of the often bloody civil and voting rights struggles of a half century ago of which they are the beneficiaries. Some, like John Lewis, were even notable participants. But, the CBC is only an ILLUSION of Black independent political power.

” … something more might be expected of them. That the CBC, however, regardless of who comes and goes in their congressional districts, has consistently, as a bloc, voted to send billions of US taxpayers dollars to provide weapons for a foreign government that oppresses another people of color, the Palestinians, is, under the circumstances, nothing less than shameful.”[4]


Satanic/Masonic Fingers to Chin Symbol- Kamala Harris and Angela Rye

When Ms. Rye stands up to PIZZAGATE, and Zionist Israel, I might possibly get on her bandwagon. However, that will never happen, because the Luciferians can spin Angela Rye on a dime.


This is no normal or even abnormal so-called, “eye roll” caught accidentally on Live TV. It is a flashback signature of Luciferian  Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming.


HollyWeird & Black People, the Luciferians are not playing with you. Ms. Rye tell the story that her eyes and body have psychologically fallen down HELL!


Her so-called “eye roll” is just as much of an involuntary Satanic “Hell-Cult Terror Eye Flashback Reaction” as a Uncle Al Roker.


It is also just as much of a Chris’ Satanic Hell-Cult Terror Eye Roll Flashback Reaction” in GET OUT.


Steph Curry and the NBA ILLUMINATI’s official position is that the Run Walter Run scene in the movie represents Waltertrying to escape the SUNKEN PLACE” It is what it is, an outright lie to suggest that Walter runs out of sheer fear, fright and terror of the “SUNKEN PLACE“.


Even if he does in fact run from terror in the movie, it is nothing to mock and make fun and folly for. We should be concerned of that cause of terror and danger that make an innocent black run for his life! Nevertheless, Walter has already lost his dignity, manhood and humanity in the “SUNKEN PLACE” by MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Solve et Coagula” Satanic programming. That is the NBA ILLUMINATI mass population lie, deception and trickery.


So when Misty Armitage hypnotized Chris and suggest that he “sink into the floor“, the so called “eye roll” and face of terror in reaction to the very psychological concept of the “SUNKEN PLACE” spreads across his face. Why would Chris be so horrified of the “SUNKEN PLACE” that he has never previously been too? The answer lies in MK ULTRA/MONARCH visual implant post-hypnotic programming.


Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s mentor Aldous Huxley during an MK-ULTRA experiment instructed Jolly West to hypnotize his subject(s) prior to administering LSD, in order to give them “post-hypnotic suggestions aimed at orienting the drug- induced experience in some desired direction.”[5] Like Dantean HELL.

” … the spirit of Dante Alighieri and his fourteenth-century vision of hell Through Dante’s eyes we see a place where men, women, and children are bound to a satanic master. They trusted him in the beginning and believed his promises, but now they are sinking deeper and deeper into his power, surrendering their possessions, their bodies, their children, their very souls to his mysterious purpose. With Dante we follow them to a distant place, where “sighs, lamentations, and loud wailings resound through the starless air,” making us weep in sympathy. We hear “words of pain, tones of anger, voices loud and hoarse, and with these the sound of hands, (making) a tumult which is whirling through that air forever, as small eddies in a whirlwind.” Above the cries of the damned, we might hear a single child’s voice calling out, “I’d die for you, Dad.” These were the tape-recorded words of a boy just before he took the fatal poison at the command of Jim Jones: Guyana’s twentieth-century echo from Dante’s Inferno.” Dr. Louis Jolyon West

aaaawalterhuxleydante Aldous Huxley was more than just a student of the Italian poet, Durante degli Alighieri (1265- 1321), of the Late Middle Ages.[6] He wasn’t just a disciple, either. Huxley was the re-incarnation of Dante Alighieri, a disciple of the Lucifer, and one of the main proponents of the secret Medieval Hell-Cult.

“The locality of HELL is untold; its creation and dates are left in obscurity, its names are various elaborately concealed; it is HELL, the hidden or SUNKEN PLACE. It is a lake burning with fire and brimstone, but of which the interior is unseen, it is a pit bottomless, a fire unquenchable, a worm undying, a death- the second and the last; it is “without”, yet not unvisited or unseen; they shall be tormented in the presence of the lamb and the holy angels; they shall go forth and look on the carcasses of them that are slain, whose worm dieth not. This is all, or nearly all we know of it.” (Giflillan; Bib. Muse.)[7]

Rev. George Gifillan (1816- 1878) was a “Grand Bard” of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.[8] In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional story teller, verse-maker and music composer, employed by a patron (such as a monarch, noble or the DEVIL), to commemorate one or more of the patron’s ancestors and to praise the patron’s own activities.[9]

Heaven and Hell (essay) (1954) metaphorically refer to what Aldous Huxley conceives to be two contrary mystical experiences that potentially await when one opens the “Doors of Perception“—not only in a mystical experience, but in prosaic (commonplace) life.[10]


 As Huxley instructs CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH scientists and psychiatrists, open “The Doors of Perception”orientate subject(s) to the horrors of Dantean HELL by hypnotism prior administrating a substantial dose of LSD or mescaline, it can scare the living SHIT (excuse my expression) out of anybody. “Dante’s Sinners are buried in mud, shut up in the trunks of trees, frozen solid in blocks of ice, crushed beneath stones. The Inferno is psychologically true. Many of its pains are experienced by schizophrenics, and by those who have taken mescaline or lysergic acid [LSD] under unfavorable conditions.” [11]

LOOK AGAIN. In Angela Rye’s flashback signature of her Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming, she looks directly into the eyes of the person on her right, Maria Cardona. Maria’s eyes flashes momentary “white“! My Lord, do you have any idea who this woman is?

Maria Cardona & Stones

Maria Teresa Cardona was born (1966) in the “Cocaine CapitalBogota, Colombia.[12] Bogota was a secret South American haven for Nazis and the SS Knights of the Black Sun. SS-Hauptsturmführer and Gestapo member Klaus Barbie’s Bolivian cocaine business, in a position of power clearly approved by the CIA, was the principal supplier of the drug to Colombian cartels.[13]

Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, Reichel-Dolmatoff  

In 2012, one of Colombia’s best-known anthropologists, the late Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff and onetime visiting professor at UCLA (Dr. Jolly West). The recent revelation of the secret Nazi past of Dolmatoff had shaken Colombian academic circles to its core. He wasn’t just a Nazi. The native Austrian, who immigrated to Colombia in 1939, was an elite member of the Austrian Nazi party and of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler under Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuehrer’s private army and death squad, which killed scores of rival Nazis in a June 1934 purge known as the Night of the Long Knives. According to a diary fragment that historians have identified as Reichel-Dolmatoff’s, he was also stationed at the dreaded Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich.[14]

Well, that’s somewhat laying guilt by association at Cardona’s doorstep. However, her doorstep leads directly to Bill Clinton’s ring of murderers, criminals and government corruption, and his body count- assassinated Secretary of Commerce, Ron H. Brown.

aaaawalterbrownmaria Maria Cardona and Ron Brown

Cardona spent five years at the U.S. Department of Commerce, first as Deputy Press Secretary to Secretary Ron H. Brown and in charge of the press offices of all the 14 agencies. Following the airplane crash into a mountainside in Croatia in 1996 that killed Secretary Brown, Cardona was left to handle the live press briefing alone.[15] She was the Shaun Spicer of Slick Willie and Ron H. Brown, and that shows that she was more probable than not an active South American Columbian collaborator inside Ron Brown and Bill Clinton’s criminal circle.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown & Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen

Ron Brown, deceased, U.S. Commerce Secretary was formerly under investigation by the DOJ, Special Prosecutor, FDIC, Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee; FBI; DOE; Senate Judiciary Committee; Commerce Dept; Inspector General at the time of the plane crash. 22 (twenty-two) Congressmen demanded his removal and prosecution. Among his major scandals involved: Whitewater; Mena Drug smuggling; the Denver Airport; Keating Five; Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen’s prostitution ring; $700,000 received from Russia and deposited in a Singapore Bank to drop trade embargo with Vietnam, Special favors breaks given to Brown to Democratic Party and Clinton Victory Fund; Influence Peddling by Cabinet Official $12.5K/mo. from Haitian dictator in Exile Baby Doc Duvalier; $50M sent to Vietnam Government; $360,000 townhouse purchased for Madame Lillian Madsen; illegal ChemFix Waste Mgt. account with former NYC Mayor David Dinkins, worth millions; Capitol/Pebsco illegal pension fund account with DC Mayor Marion Barry; sale of gas turbine engine to China for use in cruise missiles; illegal Iranian Muslims weapons deal into Bosnia against US/Ally Trade Embargo, money for which came from Depts. of Commerce and Agriculture slush funds, and supplied helicopter gunships, stinger missiles, land mines, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers and over 20,000 Muslim troops, including their elite Mujahedeen; illegal $500,000 cash with government loans money deal with Yolanda Hill to fund Democratic National Committee; illegal $6 Billion Saudi deal for military aircraft and hardware coupled with illegal $4 Billion AT&T contract, of which DNC and Bill Clinton were beneficiaries. [16]

In Bosnia, they found that Ron Brown had evidence of strange blunt force wounds to the head, and possibly a gunshot to the brain. Who benefited from Ron Brown’s assassination in Bosnia, the President Bill Clinton Crime Syndicate. Don’t get it twisted, there is no way in heaven or on earth that a black man of America could pull off all of this crime and corruption without the cover and protection of a vast criminal enterprise and syndicate of the shadow government. Ron H. Brown was a whipping boy, pasty and scapegoat for the Bill and Hilary Clinton government criminal corruption syndicate.


Black Pasty Ron Brown, and Bill Clinton 

This was Cardona’s circle of crooks, spooks, voodoo masters, and “guide and mentor“, Ron H. Brown, a Negro Luciferian.[17] But, wait a minute that isn’t all. In 1982, Brown was named deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. That same year, he began lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of the brutal and feared Duvalier regime and their Tonton Marcoute which was then in power in Haiti.

Feast of St. Nicholas (“Uncle Gunnysack”)

The Tonton Macoute  or simply as the Macoute was a special operations unit within the Haitian paramilitary force created in 1959 by dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier. In 1970 the militia was renamed the Milice de Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale (Militia of National Security Volunteers or MVSN), perhaps named after the Italian Fascist paramilitary organization. Haitians named this force after the Haitian Creole mythological bogeyman Tonton Macoute (“Uncle Gunnysack“), who kidnaps and punishes unruly children by snaring them in a  gunny sack (French: macoute) and carrying them off to be consumed at breakfast.


Haitian Dictator (Voodoo) Baby Doc Duvalier

Over the next four years, Brown earned $630,000 helping to persuade the Administration to continue aid to the government of Roman Catholic dictator Jean-Claude (“Baby Doc”) Duvalier. Brown refused to drop the Duvaliers despite being criticized for representing the Haitian Voodoo Master.[18]


Baby Doc’s Father- Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier

A few days after the ouster of Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier, a mob looted the home of a voodoo priestess, shattered bottles of drugs and herbal portions, tore apart her altars and stripped the house to bare plaster. On a wall outside, across the street from a mural depicting the blood sacrifice of a goat, vandals scrawled the message: “Down With Voodoo. FREE THE ZOMBIES.”[19]



Roman Catholic Cardona is a principal of the very low profile and secretive lobbying firm, Dewey Square Group (DSG). She is a part of the secret inner circle of Bill, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Under DSG, she served as a Senior Adviser to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign, serving as a campaign surrogate and spokesperson and representing the campaign on major national TV and radio, as well as Spanish-language television news and political programs. She also served on Clinton’s Hispanic Outreach Team. Following the primary, Cardona served as a key surrogate for the Obama for America general election campaign, appearing on all the major national news. shows.[20] Excuse me, but this is absolutely SCARY SHIT played out directly ON CNN RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES!


Cyborg Clone Angela Rye?

Angela Rye is most likely a presidential multiple personality disordered (MPD)  programmed /clone sex kitten. She is also programmed to vehement defend and protect the Satanic Democratic Party, Bill, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and that is absolutely indefensible, criminal, and unjustifiable.[21]




Since Obama walked away from the White House officially on January 19, 2017 and flew up and away out of DC.

Donald J. Drumpf and his white nationalist ring has blamed Barrack Obama for felonious conduct (wiretapping him and Trump Towers), and every ill of America and the World, because of the low (lowered) standards of the “black” former president. Obama and Michelle appears to be helpless or to care less about defending themselves or black people. Drumpf  says whatever he wants to scandalize the former presidential office, administration, and black people in general. The Obamas have not and will not step forward to say anything in opposition to Drumpf no matter how vicious, extreme, racialist or ridiculous it may be.  Something strange, very unusual and out of the ordinary is going on. It’s just not normal not to defend yourself. Barack and Michelle are literally “missing in action.”


However, Barack Obama, the hapless down low black gay human CIA cyborg would care less about black people, missing black children, democratic politics, or what is going on politically in this country. In the first instance, it is almost universally accepted that Obama was America’s first [clandestine cybernetically created] homosexual U.S. President. Yes, it is scientifically possible to cybernetically  create a state of the art CIA mind controlled homosexuals.

aaaawalterhealth Dr. Robert Health

In the racist twisted and sadistic mind of Dr. Robert Galbraith Health (1915- 1999), he hooked up the brains of men with various EEG wires to artificially stimulate what he had found to be the sexual pleasure center of the brain.[22] Dr. Health was founder and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University in New Orleans from 1949 to 1980.


In New Orleans, one of the most secretive and powerful figures within the secret inner circle of Tulane University was E. W. Alton Ochsner Sr., M.D., founder of the Ochsner Medical Foundation, graduated from the Tulane School of Medicine and served on the faculty from 1926-1956. Dr. Ochsner was a fluent speaking German-American from Kimball, South Dakota, and later became a leading cancer researcher and constant presence in the American Cancer Society. Argentina’s Nazi collaborator, Juan Peron, was among his patients. Dr. Ochsner is alleged by some in South America to have participated in medical ultra secret research with Nazis that would have involved directly Dr. Josef Mengele. He was a CIA ULTRA/MONARCH secret inner circle senior project manager (MK DELTA).

Dr. Ochsner was a close associate of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles and OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan. In New Orleans, he was one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA/FBI mind control handlers. After the war in 1946, he received special recognition for whatever undisclosed secret medical research that he did for the U.S. government. Fluent in German and with extensive professional medical industry links in Nazi Germany, he would have also been an important part of the highly classified and secret Operation PAPERCLIP that secretly illegally brought war criminal Nazi/SS scientists and medical professionals into the United States by the thousands. In 1957, he received special clearance by the FBI for “sensitive” government operations. Dr. Ochsner’s special recruitment by the government in 1957 most likely involved consultation with Allen Dulles and the CIA about expanding the highly “sensitive” Nazi/SS medical, mind control and torture/interrogation research projects. I said this to say that curing homosexuality was of particular interest to Dr. Mengele and the SS. Dr. Ochsner is alleged to have worked secretly with Mengele and SS doctors (MK ULTRA) in South America, and here in the U.S.


Dr. Health performed many controversial experiments involving electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB). In one procedure, Dr. Heath wired up the pleasure centers of a gay man. During a three-hour session, the subject, code-named B-19, electrically self-stimulated his reward circuitry some 1,500 times.[23]

“During these sessions, B-19 stimulated himself to a point that he was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests.” [Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 23-30, 1972.][24]

Dr. Heath believed that ESB could be used to “cure” homosexuality. Insofar as people prefer direct stimulation of the pleasure centers to having sex, ESB can “cure” heterosexuality, too. In other words, he could use homosexual stag films, other visible, physical mediums, and stimulates to create MK ULTRA/MONARCH homosexuals.[25]


Dr. Heath’s work on mind-control at Tulane was partly funded by the US military and the CIA. Dr. Heath’s subjects were African Americans. In the words of Heath’s  contemptible sick, wicked,  racist collaborator Australian psychiatrist Harry Bailey, this was “because they were everywhere and cheap experimental animals“.[26]


Dr. Harry Bailey

The people surely would have wished to have gotten their hands on the pair if the truth had been known. These people are not playing with you.




Former President Obama Frolicking with Homosexual Richard Branson

As soon as Obama had been relieved of president duties and turned over the White House keys to presidential select Drumpf on Friday, January 19, 2017, Obama has been going “buck wild” with homosexual men.


James Costos

The Obamas unpacked their suitcases late Friday at the abode of outgoing US ambassador to Spain, James Costos and his gay husband — an interior designer — Michael Smith, who’s been the White House’s decorator since 2008.[27]


James Costos & Husband Michael Smith

James Costos love to tell the world, My Mom and Dad are second-generation Greek-Americans who instilled in our middle-class family the values of hard work, self-reliance, and service, exemplified by my father’s tenure as a U.S. Marine who was stationed at Camp David under President Truman.”[28]


James Costos never expose any names behind the figure at Camp David under President Truman, a Grand Masonic Master Freemason of Missouri, an enthusiastic Masonic ritualist, and Master of lodges.[29]


James Costos of Lowell, Mass is actually James Costopoulous or Kostopolous descended from grandparents Achilleas [Achilles] and Kyriakitsa (Zingovas) Kostopoulos descendants from Thessaly, Greece. Jame’s parents were Achilleas’ son, Charles & Katherine Costos (Kostopoulos).[30]


The Kostopolous of Lowell, Mass are all AHEPANSsecret initiates of the Greek fascist underground society and cult of the Masonic/Fraternal Order of American HELLENIC Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), and the Holy Trinity HELLENIC Orthodox Church.[31]


Witch’s Sabbath (1789). Francisco Goya

The mission of the AHEPA Family is to promote HELLENISM (paganism and witchcraft), Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. An important component of AHEPA’s mission is to create an awareness of the principles of HELLENISM to society.[32]


Thessalian God Chiron & Achilles

To Homer, the HELLENES were a small tribe in southern Thessaly. In modern use in the arts, Hellenic is used of Greek work from the close of the primitive phase to the time of Alexander the Great or the Roman Conquest (succeeded by the Hellenistic). In classical times, ancient Thessalian witches were believed to control the moon- Draw Down the Moon also known as “Drawing Down the Goddess in Satanic” and Wiccan rituals.[33] Chiron was a Thessalian God.[34]


Chiron is a main homosexual black character of the 2017 Academy Award Best Movie, Moonlight.[35] James Costos’ father Charles Kostopolous and U.S. President Harry Truman at Camp David were secret society fraternal brothers of AHEPA that covertly planned the American military invasion and “White Terrorfascist takeover of Greece after the British military planned to pull out of the country in late 1946.[36]


Waffen SS in Greece

During WWII, the Greek resistance movement against the Nazis and the SS was led by the EAM (EthnikoApeleftherotiko Metopo, Greek Liberation Movement) command in the mountains of Greece.


Courageous Greek Woman Resistance Fighters

The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officially assisted and aided EAM. After the Fall of Nazi Germany, EAM and other Greek resistance groups called for democratic elections. The British opposed democratic elections. They wanted a “cold war” fascist royalist anticommunist government installed. The British Army violently oppressed and suppressed EAM, and other Greek resistance groups that fought the Nazis and SS sparking civil wars in Greece. When the British Army moved out of Greece, President Truman and the U.S. military moved in by March 12, 1947.[37]


President Roosevelt & Fraternal Masonic Brothers

Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Freemason, and an initiate of AHEPA, he opposed British atrocities in Greece, American military intervention and invasion of Greece. President Roosevelt also opposed Operation PAPERCLIP. He was liquidated on April 12, 1945.[38] Freemason Harry Truman, also an initiate of AHEPA, intervened and invaded Greece under the “cold warTruman Doctrine with the complete collaboration, alliance and “defense cooperation” of AHEPA.[39] Under the Truman Doctrine, Army Officer, Security Minister Konstantinos Maniadakis, the Greek Heinrich Himmler, led the crimes against humanity fury and the sadistic mass murder, torture and incarceration campaign and charge against democracy in Greece, and the Greek Liberation Movement. The Truman Doctrine and AHEPA repressive Greek fascist government was an embarrassment to democracy and the free world. [40]


AHEPA is a secret Masonic fascist anticommunist arm and front of the American deep state. I was surprised to find just how quietly they had infiltrated the highest elected offices of the United States. Even Freemason President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) had been a Supreme President of AHEPA when he was a powerful Texas U.S. Congressman (1937-1949).[41]

James Costos is a secret initiate of AHEPA. Allegedly in Barrack Obama’s 800-page volume, titled O Say Have I Seen: The Real Truth Behind The Red, White, And Blue, he received “strong condemnation” from some who believe they’ve been mischaracterized in the book, including a pharmacist “Charles Kostopoulos” of Seattle.[42] Is there such a person in Seattle? I couldn’t find a pharmacist or anyone else in Seattle by that name.

aaaawalteralefantis Barrack Obama & James Achilles Alefantis

Another family member of Holy Trinity Hellenic Orthodox Church, and a secret initiate of AHEPA that was too close to President Obama was Homosexual James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (PIZZAGATE).[43] ACHILLES Alefantis visited the Obama White House on the public record at least 5 (five) times (some overnight). Some have concluded that Jimmy Comet is in fact a CIA agent.[44] It appears to me that the AHEPANS are secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH senior control handlers of Obama.

On January 27, 2017, Michelle Obama left Costos’ home in Palm Springs, CA and immediately took off  on a jet for billionaire Richard Branson’s Necker Island private resort in the British Virgin Islands without Barack . The British Virgin Islands are British Overseas Territories (BOT) are territories under the “Jurisdiction and Sovereignty of the United Kingdom.” However, there is doubt whether or not she ever made it to Necker Island. 

British Intelligence took Michelle someplace in BOT in the Caribbean Sea , but it wasn’t to Branson’s Necker Island. However, there was a “Michelle Obama Impostor” with a strange deformed left hand on the island.

This is Not Michelle Obama!

With today’s extremely advanced photographic technology, the pictures of Michelle are deliberately blurred and degraded. In fact, the U.S. Secret Service is acting in concert with British Intelligence in BOT in taking and banning all cell phones cameras of anyone working and associated with the mysterious Obamas’ Caribbean Playground Vacation. If she was on the island at anytime, she certainly wasn’t in on the fun, sun & frolic with her husband, Barack. She certainly wasn’t on that boat while her husband was joyfully touching and wrestling with that old rich [“Gay?”] white male in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

She certainly wasn’t Photoshop-ed at anytime swimming with the man.

Obama Photoshop-ed Swimming on Necker Island

Obama Photoshop-ed Having Lonely Fun without Michelle

Former president and first lady was supposed to be enjoying a relaxing fun filed couples’ vacation. However, Michelle (fitness advocate) is nowhere in sight taking in the sunshine, water sports and fun with her husband on Necker Island that is right next to Jeffery Epstein’s Pedophile Island, and the secret Roman Goddess Diana’s Temple.

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson  of the British Empire is one of Queen Elizabeth’s Knights. He is an English business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies.

Branson, the Cross-Dresser, World Dictator & the Gay Agenda

aaaawaltercrossdressCross Dresser Sir Richard Branson

Whether of not Branson is a homosexual has not yet been determined one way or another, but as you observe he is an absolutely appalling, revolting and gross men-female cross-dresser.

Sir Branson, offensively, has his legs gap wide open feeding an an on-board meal to an Asian Airline executive guest passenger with a little extra something-something – a gay delight!

 Sir Branson says he has been a supporter of gay rights [agenda] around the world for many years and set up a group in 1967 to help young people coming out.

Branson, The New World Order Dictator, Haitian Child Stealing & The Clinton Foundation


Sir Branson is part of the powerful global “Hidden Hand” of the ILLUMINATI and New World Order. In 2007, as his own little world dictator, he founded a secretive group, “The Elders”, (of the Earth) on his private island that is headed by 12 (twelve) world leaders led by Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter. It is yet another global NGO designed the systematic strip and rob, particularly African, nations of their sovereign powers, and trick them out of their oil, minerals, and natural resources.

Richard Branson, Missing & Exploited Children, “ICMEC”

Scary British House Eve Branson

Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson (former British Military Officer), is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (“ICMEC“), Alexandria, VA, the goal of which is to allegedly help find missing children, and to stop the exploitation of children. She was a founding member of ICMEC’s Board of Directors in 1999. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor.

Late British Lord Pedophile, Sir Clement Freud (Satanic Tavistock Sigmund Freud Jewish Bloodline) and Sir Branson

The Board of Directors of the ICMEC are tied to organizations that donate to the Podesta (John, Tony) Group and the Clinton Foundation. Sir Freud most likely initiated Tony and John Podesta into the ultra secret powerful  British Houses of the Satanic Black/Dark Circle Cult.

All three are linked to the May 3, 2007 disappearance of three (3) year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Praia da Luz, Portugal. These people are deadly serious!


Sir Branson is a hypnotist. Above, Branson in Haiti with Hilary Clinton celebrating the opening of the Clinton Foundation Caracol Industrial complex.

aaaawaltermonicaRecently in November 2016, reporter Monica Petersen was found dead in Haiti under mysterious circumstances. Petersen had previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. According to sources close to Ms. Peterson, the Clinton Caracol Complex is a front for human trafficking and mining, and has also been linked to the human rights’ crime of selling human beings. Allegedly, Petersen stumbled upon several scandals related to PIZZAGATE, Haiti and the Clintons.

She was surely in a position in Haiti to know. Monica Petersen was listed on Alert Sense’s executive team page.  Alert Sense provides technology for Amber Alerts and FEMA Emergency response systems.  Laura Silsby works for Alert Sense under the name Laura Galyer. In 2010, Laura Silsby was convicted of felony child stealing (33 black children) in Haiti. Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation came to rescue.

Jeff Koon, the Sadistic PIG!

In James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis’ previously public Instagram account images, there is a pornographic one which is of a photograph in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Jeff Koons. All it consists of is an extreme close-up of an adult male openly penetrating and violating what is believed to be a young “small girl“. The sick PIG was, in “2002 -Appointed to the Board of Directors of the “ICMEC“. (From – biography and honors.)

If this is a little girl being raped, because it is so heartbreaking to look at even for a moment, or even think about at all.  I bloated out the offensive part of the PIG’s picture with brown.




The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust, that was first performed sometime between 1588 and Marlowe’s death in 1593.

Faustus summons a Devil in the presence of Lucifer and other Devils After he creates a magic circle and speaks an incantation through which he revokes his baptism a demon (a representative of the Devil himself) named Mephistophilis appear before him, but Faustus is unable to tolerate the hideous looks of the demon and commands it to change its appearance. Faustus, seeing the obedience of the demon in changing its form, takes pride in his skill. He tries to bind the demon to his service, but is unable to because Mephistopheles already serves Lucifer, who is also called to be the Prince of Devils. Mephistophilis also reveals that it was not Faustus‘ power that summoned him but rather his abjuration of scriptures that results in the Devil coming

Mephistophilis introduces the history of Lucifer and the other Devils while indirectly telling Faustus that hell has no circumference nor limit and is more of a “state of mind” than a physical location. Faustus’ inquiries into the nature of HELL lead to Mephistopheles saying: “Oh, Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, which strikes a terror to my fainting soul” to hope of claiming his soul.


Using Mephistopheles as a messenger, Faustus strikes a Deal with Lucifer: he is to be allotted 24 years of life on Earth, during which time he will have Mephistophilis as his personal servant and the ability to use magic; however, at the end he would give his body and soul over to Lucifer as payment and spend the rest of time as one damned to HELL. This deal is to be sealed in the form of a contract written in Faustus own blood. The powerful effect of early productions of the play is indicated by the legends that quickly accrued around them—that actual DEVILS once appeared on the stage during a performance, “to the great amazement of both the actors and spectators”, a sight that was said to have driven some spectators mad.

Jordan Peele (Esther) was very much aware of Faust, Satan and Mephistopheles. 

Sir Branson, Dante & Dr. Faustus


The Faust Tapes was the first album released on Branson’s Virgin Records in the early seventies. In 1973, he exposed his secret  elite class British orientation in Faust, but he won’t dare publicly talk about it in the 21st century. Both Goethe’s Faust and Dante’s Divine Comedy are works of grand cosmological proportions, taking us through realms of heaven and HELL populated by mythological, magical, historical, and angelic beings, evoking ancient and future times.


Dante’s HELL

The British secret elite Medieval Hell-Cult have convinced that they have a Pact with DEVIL that they are the earth’s chosen rulers that due to their Luciferian Pact and  Enlightenment that they have the divine right as overseers of Dante’s Hell.


Branson of the Secretive British Elite, sold his soul to the DEVIL early in his life. He (Virgin Records) controlled and handled Sid Vicious’ Sex Pistols and “God Save the Queen” for Queen Elizabeth’s 1977 Silver Jubilee. By 1979, Sid Vicious was dead. Tom Hurd is the British Government Director General, Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism. Branson got his island Necker on the cheap, and it is used for British Royal Arch games. Of course, Branson is an MI-6 stooge as a billionaire. Hurd said “nobody becomes a billionaire without us [British Intelligence]”.


Branson with Very Young  Alleged “Staff Members” of Necker island

Well. In 1978, Richard Branson bought Necker Island worth at least $5 million from Viscount Cobham for $180,000 on condition that he front for a British private resort being financed and built on the island within 4 (four) years.

British Viscounts Cobham, Charles and John William Lyttelton

John William Leonard Lyttelton, 11th Viscount Cobham (June 1943 – July 2006) was the son of Charles John Lyttelton, 10th Viscount Cobham, Knight of the Order of Garter, Grand Knight Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Privy Council of the United Kingdom. His son,  Viscount Cobham, a British Peerinherited Necker Island, and also inherited the family and his father’s British Empire Secret Masonic and British Crown Titles in 1977. Branson is undoubtedly a secret British Medieval Hell-Cult MK ULTRA handler.

Can Angela Rye be rescued or saved from MK ULTRA?  She is like young women trapped forever in the streams of lava hot mud in Dante’s Hell, above. By “post-hypnotic suggestion”, her “original self” is most likely raped by demons and hang from the hair in Dante’s HELL.


To escape Dante’s HELL and function in the normal conscious world, the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programmer continue to peel off alternative personalities or alters that climb over the wings of the DEVIL to freedom just as Dante had done.


Ms. Rye could literal have hundreds of different personalities all with different assignments and functions. If a skilled psychiatrist could being forth her original personality to try to unity all the alters, the “original self” would probably scream, smoke and burn in the flesh like in HELL right before your eyes. Again, can a young sister like Ms. Rye be saved for the sake of all of us? I DON’T KNOW. Could prayer help her. Yes, all of God’s Children deserve prayer, and for our very own souls, I will certainly pray for her freedom.


Some say that this picture of “Obama and the Little Asian Girl” could have been Photoshop-ed, but proof appears lacking. Here, we certainly have solid picture proof of some type of Obama meltdown, breakdown or malfunction of a type that defy and offend our moral standards, human dignity and sensibilities. On the other hand, Barack Obama is one of Dr. Mengele’s Boys from Brazil. He is man-made and created.

He is a human cyborg that comes with a microchip, keyboard and software. Nevertheless, he, also, is subject to breakdown and malfunction just like any other machine. Is there a reprogramming problem with Obama? His sudden and prolonged removal from the United States and public view may involve top secret reprogramming attempts by Britain and their American Cousins. If he can’t be reprogrammed, he poses enough of a security risk and threat to be dropped in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. What about Michelle Obama? 

Can she be saved? Certainly. Since they left the White House on January 19, 2017, Michelle has also been politically Missing-in-Action“.  She has undergone extensive secret MK ULTRA selective memory eraser procedures and amnesia blocks implantation since his/her sham vacation on Necker Island.

Kanye West went through the same CIA memory eraser procedure not because of the Jay Z, Beyonce and the ILLUMINATI charges, but because of mass public exposure of what he saw and heard in secret in Israel with the Kardashian Clan regarding the ancient Masonic World Satanic Cult of Mary Magdalene.

I will say it until I turn blue, not midnight blue, THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH YOU! 









[8] Ross, Peter, A Standard History of Freemasonry in the State of New York, The Lewis Publishing Co., NY (1899), pg. 580
















[24] Id.













[37] Id.














9 06 2016


As a Jehovah Witness, Prince didn’t vote. Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) as a New (Dawn) Age Religion do not vote and never get involved in the political process. So, what was Prince’s secret mission inside the peoples’ White House with President Barack Obama, the highest political office of this nation? When God’s Spokesmen governing JW discovered that Prince had developed a secret liaison with President Obama inside the Oval Office, they remained SILENT. Why? Prince’s clandestine relationship with the Highest Public Official in the United States had a great deal to do with his assassination.


God is Not Dead, Yet. God Just Needs a Sex Change

I say this often. Secret Societies are one of the most serious threats to this form of government, and the peoples’ humanly pursuit of love, peace and happiness. You may believe that what I am about to talk about is that of long lost empires. You may believe that the Secret Cult of Cybele died along with Romans, but you would be wrong. Prince said, “Prophecy is what we all have to go by now.” It’s like Purple Rain and When Doves Cry, you really don’t know what PROPHECY that he is really talking about, because he spoke by a secret society code.


You may only hear this word once,  Skoptsy. The Skoptsy was an ultra secret cult of the Disciples of Cybele that was believed to only have existed in Russia. After being widely persecuted around 1910 in Russia, they went far underground. They hold that the surest way of attaining ecstasy and gift of PROPHECY is to set the spirit free from the body’s desires. In order to unite himself with God, he must become similar to the angels- and they are sexless. It is symbolical appellation of white DOVES. So, they castrated themselves. (The Religion, Anatole L. Beaulieu, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY, pg. 422, 1896) In India, many of the goddess’ castrated disciples are called, transsexuals. We will talk about the “sexless”  disciple, Prince Rogers Nelson, further below.

MATTHEW 19:12 (kjv)

“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuch, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”

Origen of Alexandria (185—254 C.E.) Origen (Son of Horus) of Alexandria is considered one of the greatest Christian theologians. He castrated himself in literal obedience to Matthew 19:12. Much debate surround Origen. Some called him a heretic and mystic, because his castration was more personal spiritual ecstasy (Mystical Marriage/Rites of Cybele) than solely obedience to Matthew 19:12, and he believed that the DEVIL and DEMONS could be saved.


In 1865, Boston Corbett is famously known to have killed John Wilkes Booth that assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. In some circles, he is a 19th Century Jack Ruby that assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, a member of Ruby’s secret circle. Corbett and Booth secretly belonged to the same Masonic circle, the Knights of the Golden Circle. But, Corbett didn’t kill Booth. He killed a patsy so that Booth could escape. In Christian religion, Corbett followed Origen of Alexandria (Matthew 19:12). However, he was a secret castrated- transsexual  Skoptsy of the Cult of Cybele. Corbett was a High Priest of Cybele, out of England not Russia, deeply imbedded in one of America’s most secret and dangerous Masonic cults that changed the course of history linked to the Luciferic Scottish Rite Confederate General, Albert Pike.


Lucifer represents the Age of Aquarius. Lucifer represents honor and respect for gods of old, as well as PAGAN spiritual heritage.[1] America’s global ILLUMINATI gay agenda has very little to do with civil rights. It is essentially a secret state revival of archaicbarbaric esoteric spirituality and androgynous sexuality led by President Barack Obama and elite Satanic Cabals.


Above is a 12-13th Century relief called “Cybele, philosophy” which is on the West portal of Notre-Dame of Paris. This Lady Wisdom, Cybele, has her feet on the EARTH and her head in the CLOUDS. She holds two books, one open and one closed, symbols for exoteric and esoteric knowledge, or wisdom gained from books and from interior prayer or meditation. Leaning on her is “JACOB’S LADDER”, which represents the gradual way of knowledge of God leading to her scepter of wisdom, divine union. They want you on that ladder. DEATH may be your only option to get off.


According to Alice Walker, High Priestess of the Earth Mother, Cybele, Wiccan Cult, [COLOR PURPLE] “is the pagan transformation of GOD from patriarchal male supremacist into trees, stars, wind and everything else …”[2] Even- A WOMAN.


In many of the ancient Mystery School religions, enthusiasmos included transvestism. The Galli, for example, or Priests of CYBELE with World in her hand (or Kybele, Phrygian Great Mother Goddess, or Magna Mater) ritually dressed in resplendent female attire. The Cult of Cybele, was presided over by “castrated male priests.” In that ancient pagan cult, emasculation of the male was a symbol of salvation with the gods. The physical emasculation and (homosexual) feminization of males was a transformation that lifted male worshippers to divine mystification, – a sacred marriage with the gods.[3] We revisit CYBELE at the end.


Carolina Panther Cam Newton & Transvestism, Transvestism is deeply rooted Satanic PAGAN spiritual ritual and heritage. Newton is on Cybele’s Ladder. He is a world class athlete that has no known spiritual or historical  connection to the Cult of Transvestism, but here he is dressed provocatively as fairy ANGEL. Is it because he has attached himself to a pagan spiritual throwback as result of a vacuum in his mind, or have some entities deliberately implanted  these alien spiritual layers, spirits and natures in his mind? This Satanic PAGAN spiritual heritage is slowly creeping into the NFL. This pagan EVIL has turned the game into a FRAUD just because we love it. I am convinced that Cam threw NFL Super Bowl 50. In the 4th quarter with the game on the line, a crucial fumbled ball bounced back right in front of him, that Negro jumped back to Timbuktu to avoid recovering the ball.


This is the NFL’s 50th Super Bowl Most Valuable Player, a closet down-low brother Denver Bronco Von Miller, dressed in a serious throwback  Satanic PAGAN spiritual and ritual heritage to a Demonic Medieval Lunatic that he has no known spiritual or historical connection to Knight Templar Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio- David with the Head of Goliath.


Von Miller with the Owl associated with the Pagan Worship of Minerva, Athena, Lilith = The Great Mother, CYBELE.


Von Miller is also on Cybele’s Ladder. The mysteries that they have entered into involves ancient deep spiritual and ritual conversions of nature that they know little or nothing about.

aaaaprincebacchus1  Caravaggio, the Young Bacchus

Highly Veiled Satanic Spiritualism has infiltrated  the NFL. It have may changed the entire nature of the game. I have little doubt that Cam Newton threw Super Bowl 50 by Evil Design of the secret Infiltration of  Black Sun Cults that have infiltrated America’s music and film entertainment industry . In the Gnostic Gospel According to Thomas: …When you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male will not be male, and the female not be female … then shall you enter the Kingdom.” [4] Caravaggio has a deep spiritual and ritual heritage linked to the secret mystery schools of God Pan, Dionysus-Bacchus, and the ancient Hermaphrodite Cults. It is not a coincidence that Von Miller honors him.


In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus or Hermaphroditos, god of effeminate men, was the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. According to Ovid, born a remarkably handsome boy with whom the water nymph Salmacis fell in love and she prayed to be united with him forever. A god in answer to her prayer merged their two forms into one and transformed them into an androgynous form. His name is compounded of his parents names, Hermes and Aphrodite. He was one of the Erotes, winged love gods. His name is the basis for the word hermaphrodite. He is portrayed in Greco-Roman art as a female figure with male genitals.[5]


Greek God Dionysus was also a hermaphrodite creature that dressed in women’s clothing. He was one of Hermaphroditus’ lovers. Dionysus is said to be the son of Zeus and a mortal high priestess of his temple, Semele, daughter of the hero, Cadmus. Another version, he is the son of Zeus, and Persephone or Demeter, Queen of the Underworld. It is said of the god Dionysus, that during his infancy the goddess Persephone placed him with Queen Ino who raised him as a girl, so that he grew up to be effeminate, unable to differentiate feminine from masculine functioning in himself.[6] We are told that priests at the temples of Baal and Astarte dressed themselves as women, rouged their faces and eyes. Dufour, in his History of Prostitution, says that the priests of Baal were handsome, un-bearded young men, their entire bodies being depilated and perfumed with fragrant salves. And in the Hysteria, “Festivals of Aphrodite” held in Argos, Greeceboth sexes were seen to Cross-Dress.[7]


Dionysus is a god of  mystery religious rites, such as those practiced in honor of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis near Athens. In the Thracian mysteries, he wears the “bassaris” or fox-skin, symbolizing new life. His own rites the Dionysian Mysteries were the most secretive of all. Dionysus also wore and carried the Leopard Skin, the Ancient Symbol of High Priesthood that indicates that he initiated followers into higher and more deeper secret levels of Occult Mysteries.


Bacchus and Dionysus

Around the turn of the millennium, the Cults and Mystery Schools of Hermaphroditus and Dionysus, the Bacchanals (Bacchus Cults), became highly disfavored even in Rome. The Roman counterpart of Dionysus was Bacchus.


There was a brutal “pitiless repression” to stamp out the matres bacchicae (Bacchanals) in 186 BCE. A hermaphrodite was found — and killed — in Umbria (historical central Italy).[8] As Roman historian Titus Livy (64-59 BC- 17 AD) tells it, the celebrants feasted, drank wine and,

“… all feelings of shame extinguished, they abandoned themselves to all kinds of debauchery… not limited to faceless coupling of male and female… also poisonings and internal murders, to the point that sometimes the body could not even be found for burial… This violence was hidden by the shouts and noise of the drums and cymbals so that none of the cries for help could be heard… There is no crime or misdeed which they have not committed. There is more debauch between men than with women.”[9]

The Rome Senate offered a reward to anyone who denounced participants in the Bacchanalia. Officials were ordered to “seek out the priests of these cults, whether men or women,” in Rome and in the provinces. Edicts outlawed any meetings of initiates of the mysteries or any religious ceremony of the same kind.” Devotees were to be arrested, and vigilant watch kept for secret rites or meetings.[10]


Hermaphrodites became Associated with Alchemy, Occult and Horned Demonic Forces

A witch hunt swept across Europe to suppress the Bacchanals, hermaphrodites, mystery schools, secret nocturnal meetings; initiation of children into the cults by ecstatic rites with music, dancing and cries; celebrating a feast followed by debauched orgies; the highlighting of gay sex among allegations of ritual murder and other terrible crimes.[11] The Bacchanals, hermaphrodites, and their mystery schools were not eradicated, but forced deep underground in antiquity, and became among the hidden internal foundations of masonic societies, fraternities, sororities, and BLACK SUN ORDERS.


God Pan Rejects Hermaphroditus

Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the commune of Pompeii. It was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesurvius in AD 79.[12] In the evidence preserved in volcanic ash chambers, the God PAN is captured in a fiasco running from and rejecting Hermaphroditus when he discovered that she was really a “man.” That is substantial evidence at the turn of the millennium there was a change of public perceptions and attitude about Hermaphrodites preserved and captured in a rare, time capsule in Pompeii. In the House of Dioscuri on the Island of Pompeii, it shows without a doubt that the people of ancient Rome had come to a point to reject the Hermaphroditus and Dionysus Black Sun Cults.


Earlier in Greece and Rome, God Pan had been a devoted “Disciple of the Hermaphroditus Cult and Dionysus.”

Even the lustful Pansexual God PAN that would even stoop to bestalitity to satisfy his carnal barbaric sexual passion and nature totally rejected Hermaphroditus when she was discovered to be a “MAN.” That is undeniable ancient evidence. But under President Barack Obama, and the most powerful nation in the world, tranvestism, the Bacchanals, and hermaphrodites have resurfaced to rejoice and parade in the streets again just as it were in Ancient Rome. This time they are drunken under naked federal and state power.


The Commander and Chief of the U.S. has gone as far as to threaten other nations across the globe if they restrict or do not open up Pagan Ritual Bacchanals’ Tranvestism.


Don’t be fooled by the power, fame and money, both Barack Obama & Prince Rogers Nelson have multiple faces that serve several secret MASTERS that conspire to make the pursuit of love and happiness for the people a prey of secret Satanic societies. Again, don’t get it twisted. I am not interested in how Prince Rogers Nelson lived his private life, or what went on behind the gates of Paisley Park. That belonged to Prince. However, If a homicide occurred behind the gates of Paisley Park (Prince was found dead) that would be public business since it is a possible crime against our SOCIETY.

AND, if Prince Rogers Nelson conspired by secret liaisons with the highest Public Official in the United States, the President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces to arrest the pursuit of happiness of the people, that also is public BUSINESS- a Crime against Democracy, and a clear violation of the tenets of a FREE and OPEN government.


The WINGED SUN DISK is a complex SUN symbol associated with divinity, royalty and power out of Ancient Kemet.[13] It is a symbol that is often misappropriated, misused and bastardized by powerful western secret societies for their own wicked designs. What was JW Prince’s secret mission with President Barack Obama and the White House under the mysteries of the winged solar disk? Sit back and study. It may not surprise all, but many.

Global Dark Mission of the Masonic/ILLUMINATI SUN CULT

“We are convinced that the Order [Freemasonry] is being controlled by some SUN ORDER, after the nature of the ILLUMINATI, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, 1794 [14]


The 18th Century secret SUN ORDER threat to Freemasonry was, undoubtedly, the infiltration of “The Rosicrucians.Rosicrucians claim to be connected to the Great and Mysterious Kemetic SUN GOD, Amen-Ra. One group even claims ties to the Great Pharaoh Thutmose III (“Thoth” is born) of the Eighteen Dynasty, about 1500 B.C. in Egypt (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 1915). Their founder is generally claimed to be Christian Rosenkreuz, supposedly born in 1378 and died in 1484 (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 1915).[15]


Behind all of these ancient mysteries of Rosicrucian SUN CULTS was an even far deeper and evil element: a secret order known to initiates as the Order of the BLACK SUN (OBS), an organization so secret, dangerous and globally feared that it is illegal to even print their symbols and insignia in modern Germany. The OBS was one of the secret societies that formed the Vril-Gesellschaft society in Germany. Out of the OBS of the Vril Society, Reichsfuhrer Henrich Himmler formed the SS, the Knights of the Black Sun. We will discuss the Black Sun Order further below, and link it to Prince Rogers Nelson.[16]


Himmler’s SS Wewelsburg Castle has several secret Round Temples and Chambers, and Pyramid Roof Shapes built into his Temple Complex.


The Paisley Complex represents some type of Secret Sun Temple Formula: 6 to the Pyramid Power

However first and foremost, the $10 million Paisley Park complex was created out of Knights Templar/Masonic sacred geometry. The symbols of sacred geometry at Prince’s Paisley Park are undeniable, and it was no accident that Paisley Park was located there. It is part of a long lost ancient sacred site most likely located on an ancient secret magnetic grid line.

Lost Atlantis in Chanhassen, Minnesota

Paisley Park is located in Clanhassen (sweet sap of the tree), MN that had been inhabited by the Dakota Native People. Consistent with long lost knowledge of ancient grid and magnetic lines, Clanhassen had been an ancient settlement site by the Minnesota River that may go back 8,000 years.[17] In 4,000 B.C., there was a vast mysterious ancient city built along the river that was buried below the water around 1256 BC by a series of earthquakes.[18] What is the Masonic connection of the name, PAISLEY?

PAISLEY was the birthplace of Red-Haired CELTIC King Robert the Bruce


“In 1329, Bruce died, to be succeeded, as he had arranged, by his grandson, Robert II, the first of the Stuart Dynasty. Before his death, he had expressed the wish that his heart be removed, placed in a casket, taken to Jerusalem and buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In 1330, therefore, Sir James Douglas, Sir William Sinclair, Sir William Keith and at least two other knights [templars]embarked for the Holy Land. . .” [Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple & The Lodge, Arcade Pub., 1989, p. 39][19]


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, above, is a circular building raised over the supposed site of Christ’s tomb, and Templar churches followed this design.

Ancient Solar Disc Temples in Jerusalem & Britain


The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the Round Temple that is also found in Cambridge, England.[20] Knights Templars had occupied Jerusalem until 1291, when the Holy Land fell to the Saracens.  Following the dissolution of the Knights Templar in 1312 and death of their Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, in 1314, many fugitive knights fled to Scotland, which was not under Papal control and where they were welcomed by the St Clair family. It was during this period that Robert the Bruce rose to prominence as the central figure in Scotland’s struggle for independence from England’s domination and  restoration of the CELTIC religion.  According to The Temple and The Lodge and other Masonic literature, Robert the Bruce was well-connected to the sacred Merovingian bloodline.[21]


The London church was consecrated in 1185 by Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, on land granted by King Henry II. King Henry was central to forming what is now known as the island/country of Ireland. Pope Adrian IV declared that the island was “illumined” by “CHRIST the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS.” In 1155 AD, he issued a Bull that empowered King Henry II of England to conquer Ireland.[22] It had been King Henry that first brought the Knights Templar into Ireland to help quell the “savage” state.[23] The Templar round church in England was used for secret Templar initiation rites. The Marshal family, Earls of Pembroke, were benefactors and several generations were buried in the church, including the 1st Earl who was instrumental in the negotiations that led to Magna Carta.[24]


Prince’s Solar Disc Temple at Paisley Park

Paisley Park was designed, created and built in esoteric metaphysical spiritual heritages by powerful secret Occulted Black Sun entities far greater and advanced than Prince Rogers Nelson.


Inside Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Jesus’ Circular Tomb


Inside England’s Templar Round Church


Inside Prince’s Paisley Park’s Round Symbolic Initiation Compound

Prince helped design Paisley Park. He asked for the pyramids. He loved pyramids like the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We’ll return to the subject, below.



Goddess Nekhbet of the Land of Kemet

Palsm 91.4: “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge…”  Just as the wings represents the will and power of the disc to move, the dual serpents the intelligent of the disk from both sides of the brain, wings also represents its ability to protect and shield the disk’s inner secrets.


Edward Bulwer Lytton’s Vril-Ya Angels

One very stunning secret of a powered disk is the Thule’s flying vril discs powered by a secret dualism of the Golden Sun and Dark Sun inside earth. The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of “Prima Materia” which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril radiation propels flying discs. They teach themselves that the Vril-ya people of Black Sun built the SUN PYRAMIDS with secret Vril energy and psychic power.[25]

In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince AdeptAlbert Pike said, “There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.[26]

The Vril Society latched on to a very old archetype already in the minds of alchemists and magicians, which was only re-interpreted, by French Magus Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet disciple, Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803- 1873), in light of that Age of Occult revival.[27] “This secret society was founded, literally, on Bulwer Lytton’s novel The Coming Race (1871). The book describes a race of men psychically far in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that made them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They are said to live in caves in the center of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us.”[28]


Magus Eliphas Levi- Instead of Triangles, These Look Like the Vril Power of the Golden Sun and Black Sun Pyramids


NBA Super Star, Lebron James and Levi’s Triangles or Golden and Black Sun Pyramids, is climbing Cybele’s Ladder as a Hermaphrodite, his Female Alter is LeBre’sha.

Lytton’s Occult Master, Eliphas Levi was a freemason under the Grand Orient of France, and former Catholic priest. Interested in the Occult in 1825, Levi gained rare access to some of the Vatican‘s unseen works on the Occult, and secret works collected from the Knights Templar inquisitions. In 1809, Napoleon Bonaparte had arrested Pope Pius VII, and removed the contents of the world’s oldest library,Vatican Library, to Paris. Most of its contents were returned in 1817, there years after the defeat of Napoleon, but some rare volumes and documents remained secret in Paris.[29] In 1861, Levi joined the Masonic order outlining the original purpose of the fraternity, bringing back the lost traditions, and proving that the Qabalah was the root of Masonic symbolism.” [30]


Levi’s book titled Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie introducing the Knights Templar’s BAPHOMET GOD was translated into English by Arthur Edward Waite as Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual and the Baphomet became the foundation of creating Aleister Crowley’s Masonic Circle, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (HOGD).[31] Another secret re-interpreter of Kemet’s SUN PYRAMID SYSTEM, VRIL and the BLACK SUN during the late 19th Century and early 20th Century founded Prince’s JW in 1870, Charles Taze Russell, discussed further below. Aleister Crowley’s HOGD established it first temple, Isis- Urania, in London in 1888.[32] Prince’s JW, Crowley and the Golden Dawn are secretly connected, also discussed further below.

Prince & Strange CELTIC Bedfellow: Sinead O’Connor


“I am a dyke …big lesbian mule.” Sinead O’Connor [33]

Sinead’s CELTIC Cross  Tattoo on her head is a 4 (four) spoked SUN CROSS symbol appropriated from ancient pagan SUN WHEELS into Christian worship symbols.[34] It is a square cross interlocking with or surrounded by circle is one of the most popular symbols used by individuals and organizations to represent white nationalism, white supremacy, Neo-Nazism, and white pride. The CELTIC Cross was adopted as a symbol during WWII by Norwegian Order of the SS- Knights of the BLACK SUN.[35]


The controversial Irish singer, Sinead O’Connor, is an enigma. At times, you can’t tell if she is a demon or a saint. She has the hallmarks of a CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled multiple personality disordered victim.


Up Cybele’s Ladder Satanic Black HollyWeird Hermaphrodites: Eddie & His Bitch, Arsenio Hall

In the wake of Prince’s death, Sinead brought some junk out of the closet. On about May 5, 2016, she posted on Facebook that she informed the Carver County Sheriff’s Department and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) that Eddie Murphy’s Bitch- Arsenio Hall supplied Prince Rogers Nelson with drugs. She said, “Anyone imagining Prince was not a hard drug user is living in cloud cuckoo land.” [36] In 1990, she recorded Prince’s song “Nothing Compares 2 U” with international success. She became so close to Prince’s inner circle that when he summoned her to Paisley Park, she immediately took off even though she said that they “detested” each other. She recalled one incident in the early 1990s that she had to escape out of a window at Prince’s compound at about 5 a.m. He chastised her for cussing during public interviews. She told him to “fuck off.” They got into a slugfest.[37]


She recalled another night in Los Angeles during that period when they got into it, again. She had a wild foot and car chase with Prince in the Hollywood Hills. She said that she was trying to “spit” on him, and he was trying to “hit” her. [38] The important thing is that during the early 1990s, Sinead ran in the secret homosexual HollyWeird Black Satanic Cult inner circles of Prince, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall. At their HollyWeird (Eyes Wide Shut) Satanic mansion parties, it is said that they have a little demonic ritual something-something lesbian stuff (trauma based sexual abuse programming) for female initiates, too.


In fact, Alex Jones [Welsh- Celtic] and shock jock Erich “Mancow” Muller claims that Prince was one of their fans. They say that Prince told them that they were the only ones telling the truth.[39] On May 13, 2016, Muller said on the above youtube video that Prince revealed to them that he had attended secret “Eyes Wide Shut” Satanic Rituals (frames 7:00- 7:15). Nevertheless, wherever Alex Jones shows up, I would be extremely cautious with all involved. They give you the popcorn TV drama and entertainment ILLUMINATI journalism, but no concrete answers or solutions.


Eddie Murphy has been the Ladder for Quite Sometime

On Facebook, Sinead revealed that during a 1991 post-Grammy party at Eddie Murphy’s mansion her marijuana had been spiked with a drug by Arsenio, then he ran his tongue down her mouth.[40],[41] It appears as though Sinead’s Facebook posts have been taken down. Corporate mass media didn’t want the masses looking in that direction. They want the people under that Purple Rain. That also will be discussed further, below. The dragon snapped its tail on Sinead. In Ireland, they took custody of her 12 year old son, Shane.

aaaaprincetubman On May 12, 2016, she appears to have been threatened, she posted a poster and quote from Harriet Tubman, symbol of resistance, on her page in response.[42] On Sunday, May 15, 2016, Sinead went missing after a 6 a.m. bike ride in the Wilmette area, a Chicago suburb. She was found safe at a motel the following morning. She was taken to a hospital.[43] TMZ reported that she was “missing suicidal” and suggested that she has mental problems- justification to waste her if necessary.[44] TMZ is a Warner Brothers’ company that had taken Prince’s back catalog.[45] Arsenio said that she’s CRAZY.[46] I am not so sure.

Sinead O’Connor has been ritually physically, sexually, psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally abused in Catholic schools in Ireland, then locked away to indefinite servitude in the notorious inhumane and brutal Magdalene Laundries behind the Catholic Church. Yes, she talked about suicide because of that abuse, and the continued ritual mental and sexual abuse within the music entertainment industry, but she was committed to live and struggle to raise her children.[47]

Out of it all, Sinead O’Connor courageously developed a bold crusading social conscious. She stood up against the powerful Vatican and child abuse. She even tried to openly intervene with raunchy- pansexual MK ULTRA sex kitten pop artist, Miley Cyrus, to help dignify her as a socially responsible human being and woman.[48] One thing is certain, she hated Arsenio Hall for what he did to her, and others in the entertainment industry. In his $5 million lawsuit against her for libel, Sinead responded, “I do not like drugs killing musicians. And I do not like Arsenio Hall. He can suck my dick. That isn’t if he isn’t too busy sucking someone else’s dick.”[49]


Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall have little if any connection to, or love for the people and the struggle. It has been replaced with an implanted alien Pagan False Spirituality.  Sinead makes sure it is clear that she has no real love for, or spiritual bond with Black People. With little or no consciousness or love for the people, Arsenio has little power to kick the Bitch to the curb when she gets out of pocket with her mass racist ideology and propaganda. In regards to the death of Prince Rogers Nelson, she remains among the very few that has spoken at least some TRUTH TO POWER. However, due to the amount of scientific ritual type CIA- MK ULTRA trauma based abuse and HollyWeird Satanic circles that she may have been exposed to or infiltrated,  they can turn this Pagan CELTIC High Priestess on a dime.


There is no question about it. When they found Sinead in that hotel alone after she went missing for a day, she suddenly became speechless or powerless to speak about what happened to her during the time she went missing. Nobody is talking about her or Prince Rogers Nelson.


As for Prince believing that an elevator was the “DEVIL,” look at its source, L.A. Reid. It is disinformation. The Negro is dangerous. He is part of the secret Hermaphrodite Satanic ILLUMINATI entertainment industry.


Power Entertainment Industry Hermaphrodites: Clive Davis & Antonio L.A. Reid

Reid is the hand-picked successor to the infamous DEVIL himself, Clive Davis, at Arista Records. Davis, a now open Hermaphrodite with a spiritual heritage with the Occult, is a member of the Masonic order of the Columbians of New York. The vicious Clive Davis is not the one to hand pick anyone for a position of power and control, unless you are Luciferic initiated– a member of the cult. That is the way they roll. The Columbians are named after Christopher Columbus of the Knights Templar.[50] The Knights Templar held secrets essential to creating and forming the Thule-Vril BLACK SUN.[51]


THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps. Unlike Clive Davis, Reid is still a vicious down-low homosexual predator preying on young men in the music entertain industry.[52] Also, as far as Charlamagne of the Breakfast Club claiming on radio that Prince could levitate, float on air and disappear at will.[53] That also is deliberate disinformation. The ILLUMINATI intends to mystify Prince.


Charlamagne has on a Pagan Throwback T-Shirt dedicated to Roman Emperor Caligula (August 31, AD 12 – January 24, AD 41). Charlamagne has no known spiritual or historical connection to Caligula that was known even during his own time as a madman and monster. His reign was a legendary frenzy of lunacy. He raped his own grandmother, Antonia. He was a god upon himself. He often paraded through the streets of Rome dressed as Dionysus/Bacchus and Venus.[54]


Caravaggio’s Young Dionysus/Bacchus

Caligula was the personification of Dionysus of the BLACK SUN. I can’t make this stuff up. He was known for indulging in homosexuality, incest, bestiality, pedophilia and infanticide.[55] He was the Devil’s Double. Caligula was a madman. They had to kill him at 29 years old to save Rome.  The Negro is up the Ladder. Prince couldn’t conquer a Polly flower, let alone fly.


By the way, just so you know how deep this SHIT is, please excuse my expression, but scientific Levitation does, indeed, involve mysteries of the Black Sun. Himmler’s SS Black Sun scientific specialist was Professor Winfred Otto (W.O.) Schumann. In 1937, the occult Vril Gesellschaft Society began its continued disc development program with official Nazi Party backing under Schumann of the Technical University of Munich who worked on the JFM (Jenseitsflugmachine), flying disc, from 1922-1924.[56]

Professor Schumann invented the SM-Levitator from the JFM research and he put the device to work in a series of “ROUND AIRCRAFT“- the Rundflugzeug series.[57] Additionally, the Schumann Resonance is a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum mastered by Nikola Tesla. The terrestrial stationary waves phenomenon is named after SS- Knight of the Black Sun physicist Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.[58] The next time that you see Prince, he will be a flying holograph singing, dancing and playing his guitar across the midnight sky like a DEMI-GOD to the song, Purple Rain, Purple Rain, the ILLUMINATI only want to see you laughing [being TRANSFORMED]under that Purple Rain, Purple Rain.

In the first instance, Sinead may seem like a strange bedfellow, but Sinead, Prince, Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall were/are high ranking HollyWeird Satanic Cultist, and students of the mysteries and occult. They were/are experimental ILLUMINATI  Puppets of the super elite and secret SOLAR SUN Crafts.


Barack Obama: He Got to Have It


Blazing Roman Sun God Apollo & Barack Obama

The powers at be knew very well that President Hussein Barack Obama had been secretly created, raised and programmed to be an experimental Aphrodite/hermaphrodite type male with the sexual desires of a woman. He had to have it and they clandestinely made sure he got it, man or men, through out his entire political career.


Baby Obama, left, compared to normal child about his age, has very unusual large dark bags under his eyes as if he had suffered severe ritual sleep deprivation. From the day that he was born, Barack Obama had been artificially created to be a TOP SECRET programmed “Hermaphrodite” Cyborg. Obama had been ritually traumatized, sexually abused and programmed since birth. At the time that Obama was born in 1961, within 4 (four) years of his birth, there were only two (2) people in the world that had the expertise to seed humans in the field of artificial insemination and possessed spiritually that type of pure EVIL DESIGN, German Gynecology Professor/Scientist Dr. Karl Clauberg, and Dr. Josef Mengele, both SS Knights of the Black Sun.


Dr. Clauberg (1898- 1957) is still well respected as a scientific gynecological expert in the medical industry. In 1957, Dr. Clauberg thought that he could and tried to commercialize and profit from his world’s leading artificial insemination expertise that he acquired from human medical experiments on SS concentration camp inmates. Himmler didn’t play that, and he wasn’t dead. Dr. Clauberg must not have known that. After the fall of Nazi Germany, he had been interned as a Nazi prisoner of war of particular interest in Russian until October 1955. Dr. Clauberg suddenly turned up dead leaving Dr. Mengele as the BLACK SUN’s most leading world expert in artificial insemination. Dr. Mengele had monitored, studied and worked under Dr. Clauberg by special secret orders of Himmler. Mengele had been a diehard SS Knight, and officer.

aaaaprincebabyobamastripes Baby Obama & Classic “Inmate Stripe” Shorts

During that period, Dr. Mengele was also the world’s leading expert in ritual sexual and trauma based mind control and iatrogenic multiple personality disorders working for the MK ULTRA and Occult Bureau of the CIA. This stuff is out of this world TOP SECRET. Obama’s primary personality could very well have been programmed as an “Hermaphrodite.” During his impressionate ages, he was raised and trained by a male Transvestite,


and a notorious black male PAN-SEXUAL Handler, CIA Occult Bureau Agent- This was TOP SECRET CIA STUFF NOT THE WORK OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY!


Frank Marshall Davis was a U.S. double agent. He worked the Communist Party as a spy and informer. They don’t turn over a valuable top secret MK ULTRA experiment to a member of the Communist Party. Davis was a PAN-SEXUAL fiend. He was like his father, God PAN. That means no limits to PAGAN SPIRITUAL LUST. NO LIMIT.


As you will come to realize, it placed Frank Marshall Davis high up Cybele’s Ladder. Barack Hussein Obama is a polished Hermaphrodite public political/presidential model alter personality with Satanic layers for future covert operations. The technology, opportunity and the pure EVIL and wickedness was there to create a Human Cyborg. (see Part II, The Boy from Brazil, Barack Hussein Obama II, the SS & Dr. Josef Mengele)

Not Only in the Roman Empire and HollyWeird


In Washington DC, Barack Obama has always had to have it, a man or men. He always had to have a high salaried special “body man” just like the Roman Senators. The first was his public financed “11-16 Hour Man“, Nick Colvin.[59] In 2006, Colvin gave an interview to The Michigan Daily titled Alum’s job: Be friends with a senator, where he described his job duties as Senator Obama’s personal assistant. He said that very few senators had salaried personal assistants at the time. His duties included waking up Obama every morning. He also most likely bathed and dressed him. And Michelle? In fact, Obama’s body men spend more intimate time with him than his wife. In fact, Michelle once slipped up and admitted that she was really a”single mom“.[60] They say that Nick had to go when rumors began to circulate in Washington that Obama and Nick were knocking the boots behind closed doors.[61]


During Obama’s 2008 Presidential Campaign, he hooked up a romantic relationship with actor, Kal Penn, and continued when “Obama asked Penn to move to Washington so they could be close to one another and the two could have sex more frequently.”[62] 


Obama’s White House “body man” was Reggie Love. He “is also reportedly one of Obama’s regular gay sex partners.” [Wayne] Madsen also discloses that Love received a salary of $109,000 a year as Obama’s “body man.[63]


Love, above, “passed out drunk at a University of North Carolina frat party” and was “tea bagged” by “white frat boys” (a gay sexual practice wherein one man dips his testicles into the mouth of another).”[64]

The presidency of Barack Obama began on January 20, 2009, when he became the 44th President of the United States. But, it was around May 2008, about 6 (six) months before the general election when the freaky provocative homosexual photos of his “body man” began to circulate on the internet. It seems as if the “white frat boys” were playing games with some of the world’s most clandestine, powerful, dangerous and demonic forces of the Black Sun that wanted a CIA- MK ULTRA experimental transhuman-hermaphrodite in the highest elected office of the United States. The frat boys internet campaign was a deliberate “Shaming of Reggie Love” designed to adversely affect Obama’s democratic presidential campaign. As soon as one set of pictures were taken down, another set appeared in another place on the internet.[65] In the photos, Reggie Love of rival Duke University was identified as Barack Obama’samusingly named ‘body man’.[66]

The compromising pictures of Reggie Love were taken in the basement of a well-known but unnamed fraternity house on the Chapel Hill campus of the University of North Carolina (UNC). Undoubtedly, they had many pictures of Reggie with their naked “balls” in his mouth. They were determined to shame the democratic nominee in the eyes of the public. If they didn’t know it then. They certainly know it now. They had gotten themselves in the middle of extremely cold blood high stakes politics that take no hostages- the ends justify the means. Beginning in December 2007, 3 (three) homosexual members of Obama’s Down Low” club at Trinity Baptist Church in Chicago were silenced by murder within 6 (six) weeks each other.[67] They weren’t about to allow some black gays or white conservative college frat boys block their road to the White House.

aaaaprincecourtsmith In August 2009, an Archdale (NC) police officer stopped a man driving on I-40 who had called 911 saying he was suicidal and, allegedly, carrying a pistol. When the man, allegedly, pointed a gun at an officer, the officer blew him away with a 357 Magnum. The man turned out to be a 21 year old UNC junior, Courtland Benjamin Smith, President of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity on Chapel Hill.[68]

” The original investigative report stated that Smith had commented to friends [at the frat house] on the day of his death about possible suicidal ideas. But on Oct. 21 the investigative report was amended to say, “There is no evidence that prior to this [Smith’s claim that he had a gun in the car] he had expressed suicidal thoughts or intent.”[69]

Courtland Smith was shot dead while unarmed. There was no gun at the scene or in the car. He had been executed in cold blood. Nevertheless the evidence that Smith did not point a weapon at a police officer as alleged, a Superior Court judge in Randolph County ruled against the release of the dashboard camera video from inside the police car. He went on to seal the video from public record under court order.[70] The officer, former county deputy sheriff Jeremy Paul Flinchum, had only been with the Archdale police since April 2008 at about the time the pictures of Reggie Love began to surface.[71] Even though the UNC frat house at the bottom of the Reggie Love Scandal wasn’t named, it is suspected that it had been the late Courtland Benjamin Smith’s powerful Delta Kappa Epsilon, UNC’s first frat house founded in 1844. Delta Kappa Epsilon members have included five of forty-four presidents and one vice president- all RepublicansRutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Dan Quayle.[72]

The masses had no idea that Barack Obama was the hermaphrodite cyborg that he is. His 2008 campaign slogan was the single word “FORWARD.”[73] They didn’t know that he wasn’t talking about the American People moving forward, but the elite secret societies moving in formation with their agendas to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself. The idealization of homosexual androgyny being pushed by President Barack Obama across the country and world is a PAGAN archaic spiritual passion, consciousness, and fundamental Satanic ideological commitment that is deeply veiled, hidden and concealed from the public. It is indeed, spiritual warfare, waged against the people that respects no law.



Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803- 1882) Up Cybele’s Ladder, “If I am the DEVIL’s CHILD, I live then from the DEVIL. No law can be sacred to me but, that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to this or that.”[74] Emerson, further, “The deliberate act of power which defiantly declares good and evil files in the face of the creator’s designs and in so doing jumps into the waiting arms of the tempter. One may wonder if this joining of the opposites is possible implication of the Serpent’s word, … knowing good and evil.’ [Satanic Sacred Marriage of Opposites][75]


In 2014, the Late Joan Rivers put it very bluntly and shockingly on the world stage, Barack Obama is this country’s first “GAY PRESIDENT” and Michelle Obama is our first “TRANNY FIRST LADY“.[76] The first lady another up the ladder “Hermaphrodite.” I didn’t believe it. I was already outside the Twilight Zone and Outer Limits calling Obama a Human Cyborg. I just thought they couldn’t get anymore bizarre than that. I was WRONG – outside my wildest imagination.The Obama Administration has turned out to be one of the most secretive presidency in history, because it is the most dysfunctional and freakish of them all. They have had the most to hide from the masses.


In December 2013, Barack and Michelle Obama were involved in quite an abnormal and freakish public spectacle and debacle during the Nelson Mandela National Memorial in Johannesburg, South Africa.  During the event, Barack was disrespectfully laughing and having a good time flirting with Danish Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.  The two were even photographed as they were disrespectfully taking a “selfie” during the ceremony that didn’t include Michelle.[77]


Like a 10 year old child, President Obama was made to switch seats with Michelle. The impertinent flirting obliviously got next to her. Don’t get it twisted, it wasn’t Obama’s childlike indignity of the office that really got under her skin, but the fact that he was openly enjoying flirting with a real female.


Maybe beside the Royal Houses of Great Britain, Barack and Michelle Obama have to be one of the most carefully watched, observed, studied and recorded couples on the planet.


Yet that didn’t seem to matter with them on a day of great celebration of the Life, Legacy and Struggle of the Late Nelson Mandela, they clowned on world center stage as if they were two jealous elementary school children instead of powerful and dignified heads of state representing the United States of America. But, this absolute public craziness in the high office don’t stop there.

The White House Romper Room with Steph Curry

Just days before Prince’s death, the Oval Office was turned into Obama’s personal special romper room to play with reigning handsome pretty boy NBA MVP Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors while the world, particularly in Palestine, Syria, Libya and Africa, was going to hell in a hand basket. With almost childlike behavior, President Obama and Curry filmed a public service announcement promoting the “My Brother’s Keeper” mentorship program. What about the Sisters? Huh! In it, Obama personally gives Curry unusal up close hands-on résumé advice, a connect four math game lesson (ages 6-14), tweaks his jumper, and helps him with an elementary school science experiment of an exploring (penis) volcano. Their comedic timing was described to have been “pretty spot-on.”[78]

Don’t get it twisted. Barack Obama is nobody’s Brother’s Keeper and give out special trips to the White House with the president if you don’t look handsome, “delicious” and “desirable” like a Steph Curry to an unfettered homosexual male with an age old programmed hermaphrotic tradition behind him.

Curry and the Order of the Black Sun


NBA ILLUMINATI Super Star, Stephen Curry, “Up the Ladder”

Let me say this about Stephen Curry. President Obama has an unnatural special interest in and underlining homosexual desire for the young man. If Curry wasn’t part of the ILLUMINATI before, he is now. He was initiated into some secret Masonic subset of it by the direct handlers of President Obama.


Jordan Fliegel is a Zionist/Israeli Founder, President & Chairman of The venture-backed company is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and features over 14,000 private coaches and trainers nationwide, who conduct in-person 1on1 and group training sessions in everything from basketball, soccer and football, to yoga, fitness and dance. Curry has been set up in Fliegel’s ILLUMINATI/ New World Order network. Curry is a business co-founder and partner of CoachUp. Agencies such as private digital mind control programs controlled by the Zionist ILLUMINATI will become the future prerequisite for athletes to enter professional sports.[79]


While at the racist Bowdoin College in Maine, Fliegel won the Confederate President Jefferson Davis Book Award. Fliegel played professional basketball for the Hapoel Migdal Jerusalem, and Hapoel Kfar Saba of Israel. However most tellingly, Fliegel is the proud godson of Guido Goldmann, founder of the German Marshall Fund. Goldman’s father Nahum Goldmann, born in what is now Belarus and raised in Germany, founded the World Jewish Congress and negotiated post-war repatriation settlements for Jewish survivors in Europe. His mother was from Berlin. Born in Switzerland, Guido Goldman moved with his parents to New York in 1940 as refugees fleeing the war.[80]


Kissinger & Goldmann

Growing up, luminaries such as Knight of Malta– former German/Nazi Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (Operation Paperclip, Spy Chief Reinhart Gehlen) and Rothschild Jewish Presidential Court Jew and Factor Bernard Baruch of the One World Government were frequent guests at Goldmann’s home on Central Park West. In 1959, Goldmann went to Harvard where Obama’s Jewish handlers former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of his undergraduate tutors and Henry Kissinger was one of his PhD advisors.[81],[82]


You can’t reach anymore of a dangerous top level ILLUMINATI initiation than that. They are the MASTERS OF THE BLACK SUN.


Curry also has a new “Up the LadderKabbalah tattoo(brand) featuring a verse from 1 Corinthians 13:8 code written in Hebrew.

aaaaprincemariamontessori Some believe that Curry was indoctrinated into Jewish Mysticism, and pushed up the “Ladder” in Luciferic Occult by his mother, Sonya Curry. Sonya own and run a Maria Montessori Christian School.[83] The Italian educator, Maria Montessori (1870-1952), is directly linked to Madame Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner’s Satanic Para-Masonic- Thule Theosophical Society. At least one source said that Montessori had been a clandestine member since May 23, 1899.[84] So, I am wondering if Stephen Curry was part of that secret White House Night of 666 Luciferic crowd singing along with Prince and Stevie Wonder, Signed, Sealed and Delivered to the ILLUMINATI.


One week in April, President Obama was obsessed with handsome pretty boy Curry. The next week, he was fixated with the passing of another handsome pretty boy Prince Rogers Nelson.


The elder statesman occupying the highest public office of this nation has been lately consumed with risky and freaky feelings for Curry and the late Prince so much so that it has adversely affected and impacted his judgment in the Oval Office.


The President of the United States was much more than an abnormal FAN of Prince. He had an abnormal love for him. After Prince’s sudden death, a source that works close with a White House staffer says that President Barack Obama was “inconsolable” and heartbroken. The staffer said, President Obama “sequestered himself in the Oval Office with a laptop playing non-stop Prince music” including several hours where the song “Purple Rain” was said to have played on repeat. The staffer alleges that the President “cut short some meetings on Friday so he could properly mourn the loss of Prince”. They said that Obama’s behavior and mindset became even more bizarre in the wake of Prince’s sudden death.[85]

“He (Obama), saw those tributes that they did to the Superdome and Madison Square Garden, covering those buildings in purple light, and he wanted to do that to the Washington Monument and the White House,” alleges the source close to the staffer. Secret Service and Homeland Security vetoed that idea.[86]

President Obama allegedly spent the remainder of the weekend brainstorming a plan to create a proper tribute to Prince on the White House grounds. “The President is going to paint the Lincoln Bedroom PURPLE to ‘honor Prince in a fitting fashion’, his words – not mine,” claims the source.[87] If I hadn’t known about Prince’s June 15, 2015 secret rendezvous at the White House, I may have said that somebody was putting out false rumors about President Obama. What went on between Prince and President at the White House? How many times have Prince visited the White House, secretly? As far as the Obama Oval Office is concerned, it’s nobody’s business not even the people of the United States.


In June 2011, it was no secret that Prince had been a staunch critic of digital music and had refused to allow his back catalog to be sold digitally online. He told the press, “I personally can’t stand digital music. You’re getting sounds in bits… It affects a different place in your brain. When you play it back, you can’t feel anything. We’re analog people, not digital.” He further told the press that he was scheduled to go to the Obama White House and discuss his copyright issues.[88]

It can’t be confirmed or denied that Prince ever made it to the Oval Office. The White House contend that its visitor logs are not subject to the freedom of information act. At that time, the president’s “body man“, Reggie Love, was still at the White House until November 2011. He maintained his very own visitor’s list and log to the White House. I said that to say this. Off the public record, Prince had several possible ways to get semi-secret access inside the Oval Office. In 2011, Prince seemed certain that he had direct access to the White House, and I assume he went as scheduled. So, what changed between 2011 and 2015, when Prince turned his music and gigs over to Jay Z’s Tidal digital music streaming service? Nevertheless, all lips are sealed tight about Prince and Obama enforced by federal criminal law under strict non-disclosure secret covenants. Back at the White House, once the reality of Prince’s death set in, Obama stepped up to share his thoughts about Prince, even going as far as to quote the singer while celebrating his spirit. Referring to Prince’s quote that doubles as an ode to weirdness, “A strong spirit transcends rules,” Obama wrote that, “nobody’s spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative.”[89]


Prince & Crowleyanity



Artwork by Aleister Crowley (from the frescoes of the Abbey of Thelema)[90]

“A strong spirit transcends rules,” is only a different way of saying, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” dictated to the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley by a disembodied DEMONIC entity named Aiwass. Crowley took Aiwass’ dictation for three hours on April 8–10, scribbling in longhand to keep pace with the voice. The sessions lasted exactly one hour each. The 65 pages of handwritten material composed the Liber Legis, or The Book of the Law, which Crowley saw as the herald Aiwass of the New Aeon or a new religion. Each chapter carried the voice of an Egyptian deity: Nut, the goddess of the heavens, and two aspects of Horus, Ha-Kadit, a solar aspect, and Ra-Hoor-Kuit, or “Horus of the Two Horizons.”

For years, Crowley remained in awe of Aiwass. In The Equinox of the Gods, he acknowledged that he never fully understood the nature of Aiwass. He alternately called the entity “a God or demon or DEVIL,” a praeterhuman intelligence, a minister or messenger of other gods, his own Guardian Angel, and his own subconscious (the last he rejected in favor of the Holy Guardian Angel). Crowley also said he was permitted from time to time to see Aiwass in a physical appearance, inhabiting a human body, as much a material man as Crowley was himself. C. S. Jones, who ran the Vancouver, British Columbia, lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis, said he underwent a series of magical initiations that revealed to him that Aiwass was in truth an EVIL DEMON and the enemy of humanity…

Aiwass told Crowley that he had been selected by the “Secret Chiefs,” the master adepts behind the Golden Dawn, to be the prophet for the coming Aeon of Horus, the third great age of humanity. Crowley genuinely believed that the Aeon of Horus would spread around the world as a new religion—Crowleyanity—and replace all other religions. “[91]

Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) or Watchtower Society (WS) is a secret SUN CULT overseen by a council of elders governed by the Governing Body. The Governing Body is said to provide “spiritual food” for JW worldwide. Until late 2012, the Governing Body described itself as the representative and SPOKESMEN“- the Sun Cults’ most high priests for God’sfaithful and discreet SLAVE CLASS.


Behind the veil, Prince was a SLAVE to TWO (2) MASTERS, Warner Bros. and “GOD’s SPOKESMEN“, the Solar High Priests of the WATCHTOWER.In 2009, The WS indicated that the dissemination of “new spiritual light” is the responsibility of only “a limited number” of the “slave class“, asking: “Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths? No.[92]  Was Prince Rogers Nelson part of the limited number of the “JW Slave Class” allowed to illuminate the “new spiritual light“? Yes, clandestinely through his music.


Golden Dawn High Priest Samuel Mathers

JW’s Watchtower complex evocational (Act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, god or angel) designs have its sole origin in the Enochian Magic System revealed to the 16th Century Elizabethan magician, sorcerer and spy Dr. John Dee (007) and his scryer Edward Kelley, which was later developed into a working system of magic by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers.[93] Mathers was a British occultist primarily known as one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (HOGD). HOGD was a basically an Anglo Saxon High Priest- SUN CULT based upon their interpretation of Kemetic Solar Cosmology.[94]


Golden Dawn High Priest Aleister Crowley

Just so you know. A story recorded in the first millennium BC, tells of how the wicked God Set disguised himself as a leopard to desecrate the body of Asar (Osiris). He was seized by Anubis and branded all over with a hot iron. This according to Kemetic myth, is how the leopard got its spots. Anubis than flayed Set and wore his bloody skin as a warning to those that would disturb the dead. It was Anubis who then decreed that PRIESTS should wear leopard skins to honor this triumph over Set.[95]

Mathers was a Master Freemason initiated into Hengist Lodge No.195 on 4 October 1877. In 1882 he was admitted to the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, England. He was awarded an honorary 8th Degree in 1886. In that same year, he lectured on the Kabbalah to Madame Blavasky and Maria Montessori’s tTheosophical Society. Mathers‘ friend and student disciple and high priest had been the BEAST, Aleister Crowley.[96]


Dr. Dee’s Angelic Four Quarters Angelic WATCHTOWER System

Among the surviving records of Dr. Dee that Mathers and Golden Dawn revived and expounded was the Angelic Operations, A Book of Supplications and Invocations which “deals with the Invocation of the Angels who preside over the [WATCHTOWER] Four Quarters of the Terrestrial sphere“.[97]


I can’t stress just how important the still mysterious Dr. Dee was in exploring and forming this country. Dee promoted the science of navigation and cartography. He studied closely with Gerald Mercator, and owned an important collection of maps, globes and astronomical instruments that English pilots used to voyage to America. Dee served as an advisor to the English voyages of discovery and personally selected pilots and trained them in navigation.[98] Dr. Dee was also a secret initiate of Knights Templar’s mechanics and sacred geometry. He was the rector of at least 2 (two) Knights Templar settlement temples in England, Temple Bruer in Leadenham, and Upton- Upon Severn in Worcestershire were built upon newly discovered secret sacred landscape geometry.[99]

The Golden Dawn & JW


Not only that disk is used by the Rosicrucians but also by the Kabbalists who depicts Jehovah with that disk. The relationship of Russell with occultism don’t stop there, the name of the organization and their main publication is what the occultists call the magic universe, the “watchtowers”. In the Enochian magic, there are regions known as “watchtowers” of fire, air, water and earth. These correspond to the elements of the world. A society of Enochian magic deriving from the Masons was known under the name “The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn”…


Golden Dawn is close to the name of the Golden Age magazine edited in the past by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.”[100]  Their symbol is a GOLDEN DAWN.


Prince was a priestly level “JW Class Slave.” His real calling card to America’s highest civil servant, U.S. President and Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces was actually the secret Enochian Magic System “Watchtower”, and the clandestine Scottish Rite Masonic “Crown and Cross.”


Prince had the President of the United States “Up the Ladder” under that PURPLE RAIN


The MATRIX, Purple Rain, Crowley and Whore of Babylon

JW is a secret alter ego of Aleister Crowley and Mathers’ Anglo SUN CULT, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Prince appeared to have been a witting SLAVE of a clandestine Crowleyan SUN CULT. It is telling when Prince described his transformation from a Seventh Day Adventist to a Jehovah’s Witness as a “realization“, “It’s like Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix.”[101] It just happens that the science fiction cult classic, The Matrix (1999) is the product of the minds of the Wachowski Brothers, Andy and Larry.


Andy and Larry Wachowski

The brothers are believed to be students of Thelema, secret members of Aleister Crowley’s OTO. One thing is certain in the industry is that they are seriously dedicated adherents of the OCCULT.[102] They also belong to HollyWeird’s (Beverly Hills) Kabbalah Cult.[103] I was able to understand some of the Matrix after watching it a couple of times. However, I have not been able to watch any of the other two movies of the Matrix Trinity. Now, I know exactly why.


Hitler’s lifelong fascination with Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche is corroborated by the fact that the Nazis essentially made the Nietzsche Archives of Weimar  the official shrine of their regime in 1933.  Even as late as 1944, the green Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger  (1889-1976) went so far as to say that Nietzsche was the spiritual inspiration of Hitler. The Wachowski Brothers are disciples of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).[104] Prince’s quote, “A strong spirit transcends rules,” is also another way of quoting Nietzsche’s infamous, the “Will to Power.”[105] Crowley made Nietzsche a saint in the Eclesia Gnostica Catholica and wrote in Magick without Tears that “Nietzsche may be regarded as one of our prophets.”[106] Nietzsche called himself the last disciple of the philosopher DIONYSUS.[107]


Dionysus represents as Plutarch (Priest of the Pythian Apollo) observed, “the whole WET element in nature, blood, semen, sap, wine, and life giving juice.”[108] “He [Prince] is our Dionysus, and his lyrics are full of beasts. ‘You’re just as soft as a lion tamed,’ he crooned.”[109]


“Dionysus is the depiction of transcendent primordial light, life that persists even during the absence of Apollo (the Sun)- for as much as Apollo is the Golden Sun, Dionysus is the Black … Sun, reigning in the world below ground whilst Apollo’s presence departs for another hemisphere, dead to the people of the people of Delphi, the Winter Sun [Dark God] reigns in Apollo’s absence.”[110] Most tellingly, Nietzsche wrote the book, The Anti-Christ. In the book, he proclaimed the death of GOD and placed MAN in place as GOD, and put a curse on Christianity.[111] In the Wachowski Brothers’ Nietzsche and Crowleyan worldview, the Matrix’s NEO represents the Anti-Christ because he is not the ONE, while MORPHEUS and the “realization” represents Lucifer or the False Prophet in mass media covert Luciferic subliminal implantation.[112]


Nietzsche was allegedly a covert homosexual. He was certainly interested in things beyond homosexuality. He wrote a book called, The Gay Science. It is a book that pays homage to St. Januarius, Januarius I of Benevento, Italy. St. Januarius was the Bishop of Benevento during the Roman Emperor Diocletian’s (244- 311 AD) persecution of Christians. St. Januarius was arrested and thrown to the lions (“soft as a lion tamed“) and tigers, but when the animals did not attack him, he was beheaded around 305 A.D.[114],[115] The martyr was a man with striking feminine characteristics. He had a soft beauty and experienced periodic bleeding. Legend associated his martyr’s blood with menstrual blood. Considered both man and woman, he became the Saint of Androgyny.”[116] Androgyny is the combination or blurring in one being of certain identifiable sex-differentiate traits. The may display both male and female characteristics at once, but often remains so sexual ambiguous that these traits blend into each other and sexual identification is impossible.[117] Whereas, the Hermaphrodite has gender-ambiguous sexual organs.

A St. Januarius vial or capsule of his blood is a Christian relic. On September 19 of each year, his blood is ritually celebrated as a miracle. Each time it is removed from a safe, the blood liquefies in a state in which blood is normally found.[118] Some believe that Januarius’ blood is his actual menstrual cycle blood. Nietzsche was unnaturally obsessed with ANDROGYNY.

On the Oprah Show, Prince acknowledged and then denied that psychiatrists or psychologists had been involved with him in programs of secret psychoanalysis and psycho-therapy. He said that they informed him that he had an alter personality inside of him that he had created at 5 years old. It is a key age for classic CIA MK ULTRA mind control programs.[119]


Dr. Ralph Allison is a New Age Shaman and Exorcist/Psychiatrist out of the military-industrial handmaiden, Stanford University- Medical School. He is a former USAF Flight Surgeon, Keeslor AFB, Mississippi. Dr. Allison is one of America’s most quiet “dissociation” and “multiple personality disorder” experts and specialists in America via the clandestine association of Dr. James A. Hamilton (Stanford U Medical School, CIA Station Chief- Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility), Dr. Gregory Bateson, CIA Occult Bureau and MK ULTRA.[120]

In the early 1970s, British Godfather of MK ULTRA, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Anthropologist, Dr. Bateston, moved his clandestine CIA SHIT HOUSE into the small surf city and mountain area, Santa Cruz, CA at the UC Santa Cruz. It suddenly became the Serial Mass Murderer capital of the U.S.[121] ,[122] Accompanying the sudden appearance of murders and mass murderers in the city and surrounding mountains, there was also a sudden mass appearance of people possessed by demons needing emergency psychiatric intervention. In stepped Dr. Ralph Allison to cover the rash of demonic possessions, and cover Bateson’s secret MK ULTRA assassin mind control and demonic possession experiments in the remote Santa Cruz Mountains area, and explain everything away.[123]

In the mind control of children as subjects, Dr. Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.”[124]

In a 2005 unpublished paper, Dr. Allison maintained that Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is an appropriate label for the first alter-personality created before the age of six. There is no resident Original Personality, and dozens of alter-personalities manifest itself. Disassociate Identity Disorder (DID) is appropriate for usual single alter-personality created after the age of six. There is a resident Original Personality that is usually quite socially.[125]

Prince is referring to being ambiguous to either gender- suggesting that he is a true androgyne instead of a hermaphrodite. In the Occult, there is a big spiritual difference between the two. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the difference. According to very old religious texts, God created several beings in his image. As I recall, the first creation was all spirit. God said that this is not good. The next creation were beings that had no sex or gender. These beings were one in spirit with everything. So, all they did was sit around and meditate because they knew everything. God said, this is not god. So,  God created the sexes,  man and womanGod said that this was good, and they multiplied. The androgyne is a spiritual being knowing everything, while the hermaphrodite is man ambiguous to the sexes.


Dionysus is not the true androgyne any more than Hippolyte was, for he has not come to peace with his Feminine side. His Masculine and Feminine aspects are not fused, they are merely confused … Dionysus as god of madness, ecstasy, drunkenness and frenzy—was given to wild outbursts of excitement, performed preferably before an audience.”

Prince told Oprah that he wasn’t aware of the sex of his first alter-personality. However, “On June 7, 1993–his 35th birthday–Prince legally changed his name to a symbol, which combined the male and female signs with the ALCHEMY symbol for SOAPSTONE. To this day, the inspiration for the change remains unclear, but it was certainly not the first time Prince had experimented with multiple identities. In 1987–after the release of his double-album masterwork, Sign o’ the Times–Prince claimed to be caught between two personalities: “Camille” (his good side) and “Spooky Electric” (his dark side). Fortunately, Spooky Electric appears to have been vanquished during the 1988 Lovesexy Tour …”[126]


SOAPSTONE grinding cauldrons can be a witch and shaman’s ancient MAGICK mixing bowl. So, it is reasonable to understand that with Prince’s male and female alchemy symbols mixed or grinded together in a shaman’s cauldron that would spiritually transform him into a Magick Androgyne, whereas he enters into the realm of the sacred marriage of being a God- the DEVIL.  “Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and the female into as single one, so that the male will not be male and the female (not) be female…then shall you enter (the Kingdom).” Gnostic Gospel of Thomas


Make absolutely no mistake about it. There is absolutely nothing funny or amusing about these people. It is an important ILLUMINATI New World Order Agenda to control procreation of the global masses. They are serious and extremely dangerous. In real life, the Wachowski Brothers have, in fact, transformed/transmuted themselves into some new types of transhumant androgynes as a homage of the metaphysical alchemist Satanic philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, and NWO agenda.

Larry has transformed himself “Up the Ladder”  into “Lana Wachowski.”


Andy has transformed himself “Up the Ladder” into “Lilly Wachowski.”


Nietzsche and his disciples used music as a language for the conveying of mental, spiritual content- the Luciferic Worldview. PRINCE was not the ONE.



Revelation 17:4 …’And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

HYMN TO PAN- Aleister Crowley 666


Dip the purple of passionate prayer
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare,
The soul that startles in eyes of blue …

To watch thy wantonness weeping through
The tangled grove, the gnarled bole
Of the living tree that is spirit and soul
And body and brain — come over the sea,
(Io Pan! Io Pan!) DEVIL or god, to me, to me … [127]

Undoubtedly, Crowley reference to the woman arrayed in purple and scarlet color, is the WHORE OF BABYLON. It also shouldn’t be surprised to find a clandestine relationship between Prince, the Great BEAST 666, Golden Dawn, and the Baphomet (God PAN).


The WHORE is associated with the ANTI-CHRIST and the BEAST of Revelation by connection with an equally EVIL kingdom.[128] What’s the WHORE’s relationship to GOD PAN? In his earliest appearance in literature, Pindar’s Pythian Ode iii. 78, GOD PAN is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or CYBELEPindar refers to virgins worshipping CYBELE and PAN near the poet’s house in Boeotia, Greece.[129]


GODDESS CYBELE with her FOOT on the WORLD Holding a PINECONE- Masonic Symbol of the Pineal Gland- THIRD EYE

For whatever reasons, Tyka Nelson in her house slippers greeted Prince’s fans at Paisley Park. She also had to open her PINEAL GLAND with purple crystals. She is a (Cybele?) Mystic controlled on Crack. Tyka is under sequestration. She is not talking under any circumstances.

aaaaprincetykaglandThe popularity of the CYBELE CULT in the city of Rome and throughout the empire is thought to have inspired the author of Book of Revelation to allude to her in his portrayal of the mother of harlots who rides the BEAST.[130] PAN’S mother was CYBELE. And some sources say that Nietzsche’s DIONYSUS had been his FATHER.[131]


Charles Taze Russell (1852- 1916), the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW), was a 33rd degree Knights Templar Freemason of the York Rite in Allegheny, PA. Russell’s Masonic records are sealed secret in Ireland.[132] Russell was also, indeed, a pyramidologist. Russell went into great detail of the various measurements inside the pyramid, using “pyramid inches” in effort to prove that the construction of the pyramid was inspired by God to stand as a corroborating witness to the Bible, as well as reveal the dates of Christ’s Second Coming. The man was even buried in a pyramid.[133]  Prince told Boto Architects that designed and built Paisley Park that he loved pyramids, and may also have been an Occult Pyramidologist.


The significance of the shape of the pyramid is hotly debated and unknown for certain, but many scholars believe that the pyramids represent Rays of the Sun as seen coming down from behind a cloud. In mortuary temples, there are references to the soul of the king ascending along the ramp of the Sun’s Rays to the Sun God himself. It is a great ancient SUN TEMPLE/MONUMENT.[134]  Russell taught that pyramids contained prophetic [BLACK SUN] secrets known only to him. Russell and his followers spent a small fortune trekking to the Ancient Land of Kemet to study them. According to Russell, only by reading his books could one understand the pyramid mysteries and how they fit into theDivine Plan.”


In the 16th Century, the Alchemist Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magic and Angelic Language was introduced into Scotland and Ireland by Sir William St. Clair of the Knights Templar. The Grand Lodge of Ireland, the second most senior Masonic Lodge in world, helped create Russell’s early Watchtower Society in America. The Russell Family settled in Northern Ireland from Germany and Scotland as part of Pope Adrian IV, Henry II and the Knights Templar’s 12th Century plan to conjure, and pacify Ireland.[135]


According to one source, Enochian Magic and Angelic Language have been secret rituals of JW’s elite members since the beginning.[136] That explains Irish Masonic High Priestess Sinead O’Connor as a control agent being deeply embedded within Prince’s inner circle of the HollyWeird Black Satanic Cult. Prince admitted on Oprah that his symbols are pure ALCHEMY MAGICK. In the Oprah interview, he had also admitted an invocation and communion with an Angel (Angelic Language) at an early age.[137] The PURPLE RAIN that Prince, JW and the BLACK SUN CULTS want the President of the United States and America under, CROSS-DRESSING, FREAKING OFF and laughing under is  the REIGN of GOD PAN’S MOTHER- GODDESS CYBELE, the WHORE OF BABYLON.


I could never listen to Prince’s music, and I have always loved music. I like Purple Rain– but I have no idea what he was talking about until now- EVOCATION OF DEMONIC SPIRITS. When the DOVES CRY, it didn’t touch my heart and inner soul. DOVES CRYING, I didn’t see it. I couldn’t envision it. I had no conscious reference to nor understood DOVES CRYING. For generations, even among the ancients they understood that music heals, and John Coltrane showed me it that it leads to the colors of the universe, and travel along the planets and stars.  None of Prince’s music seem to soothe my soul. I have always left it alone.

Eric Clapton, that also SOUL HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL, was asked about how it felt to be the World’s Best Guitarist. His response: “I don’t know. Ask PRINCE“. Beyond the two DEMONS, Clapton should have paid homage to the late B.B. KING instead of a fellow DEMON OF MUSIC.








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[124] Ralph Allison,  M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995












