19 12 2017



Need a Little Help Y’ALL.



We were on the eve of celebrating the denial of a key U.S. Senate seat to a dangerous white nationalist-supremacist terrorist and pedophileJudge Roy Stewart Moore of Alabama. It was dismissive and divisive to black males, but black women, in particular, WOKE UP IN ALABAMA and were given credit by corporate mass media for turning out in record numbers to defeat Judge Moore. As a backlash and payback, they got A Black Woman Civil (Psychological) War, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Omarosa and Bye Felicia.


Omarosa Manigault Newman makes a living by selling her brand as an EVIL Black Witch. However, it may in fact be MK ULTRA mind control programming.

A short 2006 special feature film recently surfaced on the internet starring Omarosa called, Soul Sistahs. We know that Luciferians love to persistently display their powers over high celebrities. And, Omarosa is no exception to the rule. The film features Omarosa in a totally unfamiliar character of a MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled and programmed patsy (Nubian Witch)- a Manchurian Candidate of a higher plot to steal some of the hair of “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe“.

Donald J. Drumpf, “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe” that will be repeated again word for word 10 (ten) years later by Omarosa in September 2016.

In the cult film, Omarosa rubbed herself with a lock of Drumpf’s hair. She became empowered with the “Seething Energies of Lucifer.” That’s why she has a spot reserved in Hell, and Lucifer’s Workshop in the Donald J. Drumpf’s Dark Satanic Circle in the White House. She calls the payback for the defeat of Judge Roy Moore, the “Black Woman Civil War.” It is a False Flag. [1]


I saw ABC’s Robin Roberts’ odd reference to Omarosa Manigault and made a mental note of it, “She said she [Omarosa] has a story to tell,” Roberts said. “And I’m sure she’ll be selling that story. … Bye, Felicia.”[2] Like the kettle calling the pot black, it’s noteworthy that Robin Roberts used the entire ABC Network to sell her breast cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS– a type of bone marrow disease), dogs, cats and lesbian affair bestselling book, Everybody’s Got Something (2014).[3] She clearly has been ritually initiated by the New World Order to profit from the public for her story.

Barbara Walters

According to Roberts, she is proud to belong to one secret elite wealthy “big ole [news] sorority” and U.S. intelligence criminal enterprise headed by Ashkenazi Zionist Russian Jew, Barbara Walters.[4]

Infamous Mob Lawyer Roy Cohn, Barbara Walters & Donald J. Drumpf 

During her ABC news television network career, she blurred the lines between news- television networks and clandestine U.S. Intelligence agencies, elite satanic global criminal cabals.

Ronald, Nancy Reagan & Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters acted as a secret agent and mule passing messages from Saudi and Iranian arms merchants to Republican President Ronald Reagan shortly after the CIA Iran-Contra Affair arms-hostage scandal broke. Arms merchants’ Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi and Manucher Ghorbanifar employed ABC television journalist Barbara Walters as a secret agent and conduit to pass on to President Reagan messages and funds according to the Wall Street Journal.[5]

“Adnan Khashoggi mercenary army of global corporate criminals lives in Mafia mansions, basks in the political limelight, enjoys the privileges of royalty in tyrannical desert dystopias, and sips vodka in the shadow of gleaming Moscow spires,” wrote Alex Constantine. “They are kings, Pentagon officials, priests, S&L thieves, assassins, prostitutes, Nazis, Big Oil executives, metals merchants, New Age cultists, drug barons, boiler-room con artists, mobsters, dictators…and terrorists.”[6] 

Manucher Ghorbanifar, Iranian and Mossad operative, and a key player in U.S. Marine Lt. Oliver North’s cocaine and arms smuggling network. Ghorbanifar was a high level CIA asset, and a former Iranian SAVAK (secret police) agent who had very close ties to the Israeli Mossad.[7]

But Walters’ rabbit hole is much deeper than that. She is suspected of being a CIA Artichoke Program agent with her Zionist news crews clandestinely poisoning world leaders (Arafat, Castro and Hugo Chavez).[8],[9] Roseanne Barr insinuates that Oprah and Barbara Walters are MK ULTRA/MONARCH handlers, that holds the triggers of the mind control victims.[10]

I am the first to admit that I didn’t get it at first. I truly had no idea what the Robin Roberts’ coded reference to “Bye [auf wiedersehen], Felicia” and Omarosa was. I couldn’t believe it when I found out the meaning of “Bye, Felicia.” Robin Roberts is a vicious dark circle Cake Walking Coon controlled by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH agent and handler, Barbara Walters.

I am absolutely appalled, hurt and deeply troubled by ABC Network’s reckless and vicious Auf Wiedersehen Felicia reference to poor and struggling women of color in America.

It’s a sick SADISTRACIST low life “chicken shit” reference to the literal extermination of a poor weak young sister in the April 26, 1995 feature HollyWeird film, Friday handicapped, disabled and paralyzed from Iran-Contra – CIA crack cocaine.[11]

Friday is a wicked HollyWeird version of an evening of stereotypical decadence – drugs, madness, infidelity, crime, and widespread violence in the black community as if it was typical. Felicia’s illness, and human dignity was universally dismissed with “Bye, Felicia” like so many hundreds and thousands of wasted lives in black communities around the United States. Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine was/is a global Satanic Dark Circle– CIA genocidal campaign against people of color.

On the streets of Oakland and Los Angeles, I saw the real Felicias that ended up becoming “walking dead” like something out of a horror movie. We have seen it in the entertainment industry- Whitney Houston. THEY MURDERED WHITNEY HOUSTON!

It was a sight repeated from Oakland to Los Angeles and around the world that was so shocking and heartbreaking that I can never forget it or those responsible for it.

The 1980s- early 1990s Iran-Contra CIA crack cocaine epidemic devastated neighborhoods, destroyed families, men, women and children, and led to the mass extermination and imprisonment of hundreds and thousands from Black communities across the nation.

Gary Webb began researching “Dark Alliance” in July 1995 a few months after Friday, the movie, was released. Webb’s series was published in The Mercury News in three parts, from August 18–20, 1996, with one long article and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It was also posted on The Mercury News website with additional information, including documents cited in the series and audio recordings of people quoted in the articles.

The website artwork showed the silhouette of a man smoking a crack pipe superimposed over the CIA seal.[12] The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua had played a major role in creating the trade, using cocaine profits to support their struggle. It also showed that the Contras may have acted with the knowledge and protection of the CIA. The series provoked outrage, particularly in the Los Angeles African-American community, and led to four major investigations of its charges.[13]

In Oakland, I got a rare and brief opportunity to speak directly with Gary Webb on a book tour before he was killed. I could tell that he was afraid to talk with me. But, I kept at him. I said that you said that the first crack cocaine paraphernalia appeared in Oakland. I felt the more people that knew the truth meant the more the CIA had to silence until it was impossible to silence all of us. I pushed him to tell me who he discovered was among the first to push CIA crack cocaine in city. He finally gave me the answer. It was partially true. I knew him very well, Rudolph Henderson.[14],[15] He had been my childhood friend. Rudy was a middle man drug dealer, and I knew who had been his kingpins. I talked to Rudy shortly before he was gunned down. My impression is that he certainly dealt drugs, but he was a Negro street level fall guy for the Gambino NY Mob’s West Coast Drug Syndicate. He hadn’t been initiated into higher levels of the dark circle Satanic Cabal.  As a kid, Rudy was never among the very bright. The FBI, Oakland Police Department, local political figures like Congressperson Barbara Lee knew where the drugs were really coming from.

Behind me listening carefully to Webb and I was a suspected CIA black assassin, Styles Price, who was subsequently arrested linked to the ambush murder of Berkeley Police Officer, Ronald Tsukamoto, on August 20, 1970.[16] Price had been deliberately trying to control Gary Webb’s entire presentation, the brief question and answer session. I knew Price, and he knew me well enough to know that I didn’t play with him so I got my brief audience with Webb.  Webb’sDark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the crack cocaine trade, CIA, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and Black neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism. The 20,000-word series enraged black communities across the nation, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked a vicious backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit Webb’s reporting. And, they play no games.

On December 10, 2004, Gary Webb was found dead in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49 years old. He was found with not one, but two (2) .38-caliber bullets to the head. The coroner ruled his death a suicide. Nevertheless, “Gary Webb was MURDERED,” concluded FBI senior special agent Ted Gunderson in 2005. “He (Webb) resisted the first shot [to the head that exited via jaw] so he was shot again with the second shot going into the head [brain].” Gunderson regards the theory that Webb could have managed to shoot himself twice as “impossible!”  Charlene Fassa, “Gary Webb: More Pieces in the Suicided Puzzle,”, December 11, 2005.

I also took an opportunity to corner Ted Gunderson alone at a 9-11 Truth-Inside Job Conference in San Francisco. I wanted to know what he knew about the FBI’s covert war against Huey P. Newton, and the Panthers in Oakland, but he was shaking so bad that I didn’t push him. After that I spoke to Gunderson once or twice over the phone in Las Vegas, but I got the message that it wasn’t safe to talk about the secret war against the Panthers in Oakland, period. And, I was certain that I couldn’t trust whatever information he fed me.

They didn’t kill Gary Webb to stop him from disclosing CIA secrets. It was already exposed in “Dark Alliance.” They killed him in revenge for doing it as a message to other journalists to don’t even think about it. “Bye, Felicia” is a vicious and EVIL insult and slap in the face of the people. It is a horrifying testament of a Black Holocaust, and Racial Genocide in America.

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman– PRINCE HALL MASTER MASON? 

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman out of Youngstown, OH is a very clever, crafty and intelligent woman. She attended Howard University where she earned a master’s degree, and worked on doctorate in communications. She also received biblical studies training at Payne Theological Seminary in Wilberforce, OH. In the 1990s, Manigault worked in the office of Vice President Al Gore during the Dixie Mafia Bill Clinton Administration. The Mena airport in Arkansas had been used by the CIA for secret Iran- Contra cocaine smuggling operations for a long time under Bill and Hilary Clinton.[17]

In the Clinton Administration, Manigault’s title was initially Special Assistant of Logistics and that she later served as Deputy Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, however, according to an anonymous Gore staffer cited by People, her title was actually Scheduling Correspondent. Manigault, who was 23 years old at the time, was later transferred to the Commerce Department via the White House personnel office. She is a well educated candidate and qualified to work in the White House. She is a strong and very aggressive black woman. If Omarosa is anything at all, she is no dismissive “crack head” feature HollyWeird/CIA creation like a stereotypical Felicia.[18]

Nevertheless, Omarosa appears to be, undoubtedly, a ruthless opportunist and character that will cut your throat for only a few pieces of silver. She famously said, Bow Down to President Trump. “every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.” She was the director of African-American outreach for Donald Drumpf’s presidential campaign. She became Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison with the rank of Assistant to the President.[19]

She is also known as Reverend Manigault initiated assistant minister of Weller Baptist Church in Los Angeles, CA.


The church is associated with the Los Angeles chapter of the Negro opportunist National Action Network (NAN), the civil rights organization founded as a Masonic Prince Hall Freemason front by Prince Hall Master Mason Rev. Al Sharpton in 1991.[20]

Prince Hall Freemason

Weller’s Associate minister, Tony Wafford, is West Coast Director of Sharpton’s National Action Network.[21] In 2011, the National Black Women’s Network, the South Central L. A. Progressive Movement, and the Sistahs of the Black Liberation Movement called Wafford a “sexual deviant and pervert and should not be in a leadership role with any respectable leader.[22] A civil jury in 2011 found him liable of sexually harassing and physically assaulting an employee, Sharon Song Byrd.[23]



Omarosa may have been escorted out of the White House shouting profanities after being told of her firing by chief of staff John Kelly, according to a report by CCN and White House Correspondent, American Urban Radio Networks reporter, April Ryan. Omarosa said that she resigned, and had not been escorted out of the White House. Ryan tweeted. “But Gen Kelly Kicked her out [with] high drama with the [Christian] Minister offering vulgarities and curse words as she was escorted out of the building and off campus.”[24]

In a Don Lemon CNN’s Omarosa segment, he exposed reports that the White House gave permission and a green light to Republican cake walking Negro coons to go after Omarosa after the ABCGood Morning America” interview with the former NFL defensive lineman, coon Michael Strahan and Robert’s vicious racialist “Bye Felicia” comment.[25]

They [White House] told us to take the gloves off,” said coon Ayshia Connors, Former Deputy Director of African American Engagement at the Republican National Council (RNC).[26] It turned out that secret Masonic coons, goat men, and Negro Shrills across the board also got the green light to go after Omarosa. Her exit from the White House has black Republicans jubilantly clowning and declaring “the Wicked Witch is Dead.”


Manigault was a ‘tyrant,’ ‘a manipulator,’ ‘a user,’ and ‘a liar’ who kept other African-Americans out of the White House on purpose, said Sean Jackson, chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida. Other black leaders celebrated Manigault’s demise for the same reasons, with one, the Maryland GOP’s Eugene Craig, telling, “She wanted to be the only [Head Negro in Charge] senior black Republican in Trump’s orbit.”[27]

She was also cooned over the national airways on CNN by cake walkers Symone Sanders, Angela Rye, and April Ryan. They are all Bill/Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Bernie Sanders Negro lackeys.


Symone D. Sander is a new Transsexual Topsy (teeth, mouth and all) out of Uncle Tom’s Cabin on the corporate mass media news’ block.

She is a new CNN Democratic strategist and political commentator. [28] Black Lives MatterLink Symone D. Sanders was a volunteer organizer with the D.C.-based Coalition for Juvenile Justice, and a member of the Omaha (NE) Chapter of the Links, Inc. The Links is an exclusive elite Negro Third Race women’s social- Masonic secret society.

The Links official colors are white, and Emerald GreenGreen Emerald is associated with the Occult, the Fallen Angel– Lucifer, and Mysteries of the Green One- Ashur (Osiris)[29] Symone Sanders grew up in Omaha, attended Sacred Heart [Catholic] High School and graduated from Creighton University in May 2013, worked as a community outreach manager for the Empowerment Network in Omaha. She was the national press secretary of the crooked mystic Kabbalah- Zohar Zionist Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.[30]


I have covered Angela Rye as a black female mentacide victim of the “Sunken Place”. So, I am not going to repeat her suspect ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programming, but I wouldn’t trust her independent judgment. She makes a lot of sense at times until it comes to the Democratic Party, Black Congressional Caucus, John Podesta, Bill and Hillary Clinton, then reason and common sense goes out of the window.[31]


April Ryan- Part of the Dark Circle Masonic Satanic Brotherhood

After being exposed as a Hillary Clinton shrill in the White House Press (WH) Corp, April Ryan has been turned into one of Drumpf and Sarah Huckabee Sander’s favorite WH press corps pets. It was exposed thru leaked emails pilfered from John Podesta’s email account and published by WikiLeaks that demonstrated a close off-the-record personal relationship between April Ryan, John Podesta and the Clinton camp. At one point in April 2015, she even suggested a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). She had contact with Marcia Louise Fudge, U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 11th congressional district, and Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district.[32]

Many including myself were in the dark in a bizarre exchange between Drumpf and Ryan at a WH February 2017 press conference regarding setting up a meeting between him and the CBC. Ryan pointed out to the president that she was a journalist and that, while she does know members of the CBC, that’s not her role. We now know that Drumpf knew that she was lying. They had the WikiLeak emails between her and Podesta as early as September 2016 where she proposed to setup a meeting with CBC and Hillary Clinton.[33]

April Ryan to Podesta: “FYI [for your information] I also just talked with Marcia Fudge and Sheila Jackson Lee,” she wrote on April 18, 2015, referring to representatives from Ohio and Texas, respectively. “Also, Lets make the black reporters meeting happen asap.”[34]

The email was a follow-up to a request Ryan made earlier that day for Clinton to meet with black reporters. The subject line read, “Hillary Clinton needs to sit down with black reporters fast. Her efforts in the black community are not resonating.” Ryan wrote: “I would love to be a part of this sit down hopefully in DC.”[35]

April’s relationship with the John Podesta and the Clinton Camp was extraordinary uncommon for an alleged independent reporter. Email to Podesta, “I am going on MSNBC hardball is there anything I should say about Hillary Clinton on the show!” On April 18, 2015, Ryan asked the Grey Wolf Cannibal, and vile notorious child murderer, PIZZAGATE elite pedophile, and Satan’s Son, John Podesta AKA Skippy, for help in preparation of her words in praise of Lucifer’s Worship for her upcoming appearance on “Face the Nation.”[36]

Congressperson Lee and Freemason Elizabeth Aldworth- First Lodge of Ireland

Congressperson Sheila Jackson Lee is Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). AKA is associated with Canaanite Goddess Qadesh or Qetesh. In Kemet, she is Goddess Hathor.

Marcia Fudge and April Ryan, Secret Society Freemasons, Undoubtedly

Marcia Louise Fudge and April Ryan are Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sisters- Patrons of the Greek Goddess Minerva. [37],[38]

In February 2017; Omarosa confronted April Ryan in the WH press room and accused her of fronting,  and secretly being on the Podesta and Clinton camp payroll. [39 

In April 2017, April Ryan was selected as the “2017 Journalist of the Year” by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). The annual award recognizes a black journalist who has a distinguished body of work that has extraordinary depth, scope and significance to people of the African Diaspora. So, did the Cannibal John Podesta write her acceptance speech? What a joke and fraud perpetrated against the beloved people! [40]

Omarosa Manigault NewmanAngela Rye, Simone Sanders and April Ryan are all a bunch of back stabbing Coon- Cake Walking House Negroes of Uncle Tom’s Cabin that nobody should no longer trust.



Two (2) more sick elitists Masonic Tea Party [Maquis] de Sadens have fallen from the seats of public power, authority, and trust, U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold, and Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson. Rather than face the public on pedophilia charges, Dan Johnson actually committed suicide.

Congressman Blake Farenthold- THE MASONIC MISOGYNIST SLOB 

Blake Farenthold is known as the Tea Party Caucus congressman from Corpus Christ. Blake is a member of very elite wealthy, powerful, and prominent Catholic Corpus Christi families, and bloodlines of Belgian aristocracy. The Bluntzer-Dougherty-Tarlton-Farenthold family tree abounds with all the requisite characters for a Texas dynasty: Civil War officers, oil and cattle men, lawyers, and landholders. His Alsatian great great-great-grandfather, Peter Bluntzer, brought forty families to settle the South Texas county of DeWitt in 1843. Alsace is located on France’s eastern border and on the west bank of the upper Rhine adjacent to Germany and Switzerland. His Irish great great-grandfather, Robert Dougherty, helped settle San Patricio and founded the first boys’ academy in South Texas. Great great-grandfather Nicholas Bluntzer, a Nueces County pioneer, served as Robert E. Lee’s scout during pre–Civil War punitive expeditions against the Comanche. One of his great aunts Genevieve Tarlton Dougherty, a well-known philanthropist, was conferred the Lady of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre by Pope Pius XII, one of the highest honors the Catholic church accords a laywoman. [41]

Blake’s step- grandmother was Frances Tarlton “Sissy” Farenthold, a former U.S. politician, attorney, activist, and educator. She is best known for her two campaigns for the office of Governor of Texas and for being placed in nomination for the office of Vice President of the United States during the 1972 Democratic National Convention.[42]

Blake’s father, Randy Farenthold, washed ashore on Mustang Island. Chains were wrapped around his chest, along with a forty-pound concrete block around his neck. Years later it would emerge that he had been murdered for threatening to testify against four Las Vegas associated Mafioso who had swindled him out of $100,000.[43]

Born elite and wealthy, Blake never had to work a day in his life. He is a dark Masonic misogynist and sadistic pig, and has little regard for the rights and dignity of common people.

Congressman Farenthold ran his office like “a frat house,” per the New York Times, and frequently bullied and harassed his staff; including making lewd comments about women and calling staffers degrading names. Farenthold was sued over accusations of sexual harassment three years ago; paid $84,000 in taxpayer money to settle charges of sexual harassment filed by a former aide, and is the focus of an open Ethics Committee investigation into behavior that has been described as both verbally abusive and sexually demeaning.[44]


Danny Ray Johnson was an evangelical pastor, and Republican member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, representing the 49th District in 2017. He was a Tea Party activist with community ties through the Heart of Fire Ministries, a religious organization he ran in Louisville.[45] 

In early December this year, Johnson was accused of having molested a member of his church in 2012 when she was 17 years old. Johnson refused to resign, stating the allegations were untrue, and committed suicide two days later.[46]

He was a dangerous vicious racist of the South’s 2nd Civil War Confederacy that would burn down all of America to replace the EVIL institution of slavery- African Human Bondage.

In 2016, while running for office, he posted ultra racist photos on his Facebook page that made President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama a pair of monkeys. He didn’t give a damn who it may have hurt or offended.[47]

People of Conscious- Stay on Focus, and Don’t Let the Spin Get You Down!  They also killed Donny. He stays so alive in my heart. I have said enough.















[13] Id.













[26] Id.







[33] Id.


[35] Id.

[36] Id.













9 12 2016



We know this much about Ancient Kemet. There were many healing temples in the land. They weren’t filled with blood altars, serpents, snakes, deities or demons.



There was no flesh eating, drinking or bathing in blood to feel brand new. The Temples of Kemet were filled with music. They treated the human body like a finely tuned string instrument. Revolutionary spiritual musicians like John Coltrane understood that stars, planets, planetary objects and the universe make music and sing harmonies. He suddenly came up dead. The late Paul Robeson was a rare prophet of music. He traveled the world teaching the universal language of music going back to the time when an united people across the globe danced like the Sun and planets, and played the music of the stars. They took away his passport, and he also came up dead. The unseen magnetism and vibrations of harmonies could make you feel brand new. Before Donny Hathaway was thrown through a high rise New York hotel window, he was studying harmonies and melodies hoping to incorporate more of it in his music to influence others.


Lucifer is a fallen angel who was the head of the ministry and director of music in Heaven. Ezekiel 28:13 “Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” Tabrets  are similar to the modern tambourines. The tympanum [tambourine] was used in the feasts of Cybele (Herod. 4. 76) and is said to have been the invention of Dionysus and Rhea (Eurip. Bacch. 59). It was played by women, who beat it with the palms of their hands (Ovid, Met. 4:29)  Lucifer had pipes inside him and before he was thrown from heaven when he spoke he actually sang the words. Lucifer knows music, he hates God and God’s Music. Lucifer and Fallen Angels do not play harmonies. So, you know him/them by their music- the lack of universal harmony. Lucifer’s music don’t make you feel brand new.

The American people have been demonically bamboozled and deceived for at least another 4 (four) years. Yet, another Dark Empire has taken over the highest public office of the nation. The only difference between the Obama Satanic presidential administration and the Drumpf Luciferian administration is that they told you in very beginning up front who they were, “WE ARE THE DARK LORDS.” Donald Drumpf promised a presidency and government that would be inclusive of all the people. It was deception. Drumpf’s government inclusive of all of the people is a maze of demonic trickery, crime and corruption- IT’S ALL DISHARMONY ACROSS THE WORLD. You shall know the dark lords by their disharmony in all their fruit and business. For the masses, it adds yet another layer to this puzzle palace warped inside an enigma.


Bannon says that we will never figure out what he is doing, because he moves in “darkness” like Darth Vader of Star Wars. But its worst than that. Bannon is an agent of another government. Again, we look at Donald Drumpf’s Merlinpresidential chief of staff, Steve Bannon. It is an extremely strange choice to appoint Bannon of the Breitbart News Network as the presidential chief of staff. A lot of people are holding their collective breath.

At least Howard Dean didn’t mix any words about him. He called Bannon an outright NAZI and that is real deep serious and heavy stuff. But, we won’t go there right now. We are going someplace else.


Andrew James Breitbart (February 1, 1969 – March 1, 2012) that created the Breitbart News Network was an American conservative publisher, commentator for the Washington Times, journalist, author, and television and radio personality on various news programs, who served as an editor for the Drudge Report website.[1]

Behind his ultra brand of racial bias and conservatism was a mystic, alchemist and cabbalist. Breitbart identified his religion as Judaism.[2] Judaism is an ancient monotheistic religion, with the Torah as its foundation text (part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible), and supplemental oral tradition represented by later texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud.[3]

“Woe to the man who sees in the Torah (the law) only simple recitals and ordinary words! Because, if in truth it contained only these, we would even today be able to compose a Torah much more worthy of admiration. But it is not so. Each word of the Torah contains an elevated meaning and a sublime mystery…The recitals of the Torah are the vestments of the Torah. Woe to him who takes this vestment of the Torah for the Torah itself!…The simple take notice of the garments and recitals of the Torah alone. They know no other thing. They see not that which is concealed under the vestment. The more instructed men do not pay attention to the vestment, but to the boy which it envelops.”[4]

Judaism and the Torah encompasses secrecy regarding deep matters and the invariable use of allegories where the mass of the people are permitted to come in contact with. They involve unseen occult truths realized only through multiple parables. Christ always spoke to the multitude in parables, afterward privately explaining to his disciples the deeper meaning contained therein. On several occasions, he imposed secrecy upon them in regard to such private teachings. Apostle Paul’s methods are also in harmony with this, for he gives “milk” or the more elementary teachings to the “babes” in the faith, reserving the “meat” or deeper teachings for the “strong“–those who had qualified themselves to understand and receive them. (I Corinthians 3:1-3)


Photograph of staff of Breitbart News, Andrew Breitbart with Master Mason of the 33rd degree Israeli Head of State, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [5] Breitbart News Network was created in Israel for Israeli military and police intelligence objectives. It is an extreme right wing pro- Israel- pro-Zionist propaganda news service.[6] Bannon was one of the network’s original creators. He is branded on his ass for life as a “Friend of Israel.” Breitbart News Network was created in Israel as a BLOOD COVENANT arm of the Mossad. Bannon works for Benjamin Netanyahu.[7] Bannon reeks of a big pile of rotting flesh on the White House floor. If Bannon goes into the Drumpf White House as chief of staff in January 2017, he will succeed another Luciferian Servant, an abominable damn CANNIBAL- JOHN PODESTA.


Yes, the LORD OF DARKNESS will replace a Satanic CANNIBAL in the White House.


Cannibal John Podesta & 14 Body Parts of God Ausar (Osiris)

It’s about blood and the human body parts, and Podesta has most likely, ritually, eaten all fourteen (14) in pools of blood and fluids.


Lady Gaga and  Marina Abramović sampling the taste of a woman’s body marinated in blood, breast milk, and only god knows what else. Marina Abramović is Podesta’s Occult Spirit Cook. If it is public such as above, it is an art exhibit. If it is private, it’s real. They drink BLOOD and eat FLESH.


Ausar & Oxyrhynchus- Extreme Deep Mysteries

In Kemetic Mythology, Podesta’s fish symbol represents Oxyrhynchus, the fish that ate Ausar’s phallus, the 14th body part. The fish is an important part of the Zodiac (Pisces), star charts- star travel. Podesta’s symbol and number represent a secret advanced but western Judaea bastardized alchemy formula of personal other dimensional spiritual journey at the expense of somebody else’s flesh and blood. HUMAN BLOOD is the life force, their fire and fuel.


Podesta & Gollum- Harry Porter’s Witchcraft

It’s also about very ancient Witchcraft & Magick. Almost 5 (five) years ago, at least one man was interested in exposing the Podesta’s White House insane Satanic pedophile-cannibalistic cult even-


if he had to die for it, AND HE DID!




Podesta, Slick Willie, Pope Paul II, Ninth Satanic Circle,

Podesta, Son of the Vatican, is a lifetime practicing Italian-Greek Roman Catholic out of Chicago, IL. He is known to be more catholic than the pope. Bill Clinton was the first to bring him into the White House. Podesta’s Satanic pedophile ring is much larger, powerful and goes well beyond the Clinton Foundation. Podesta’s circle is a globetrotting pedophile and CANNIBAL ring of the ultra rich, powerful and elite. It is an ancient Saturn Death Blood Cult.[8]


It is the NINTH SATANIC CIRCLE of the Vatican. Bill Clinton connects to the Vatican’s John Podesta (Pedophile/Cannibal) and Jeffrey Epstein (Convicted Pedophile)- Podesta leads to the Barrack Obama White House. Podesta connects to Breitbart News (Assassination of Andrew Breitbart) and Steve Bannon (The Israeli Lord of Darkness).

For whatever reason, Andrew James Breitbart and Podesta had bumped heads. The conflict had reached the point of the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” In 1971, the late Saul Alinksy published Rules for Radicals. Rule Number 13 states the rule of the Politics of Personal Destructions, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”[9] Breitbart decided to hit back at Podesta. However, he hit back at Podesta using classified and secret information in not so much of a secret way.


Recall, Breitbart worked for Netanyahu and the Mossad. They were all dirty. They were wiping each others’ asses. But, Breitbart may not have known just how deep the rabbit hole ran, or how dirty the game was. Or, he just didn’t give a damn. He went after John Podesta in personal vengeance.


Within days of his Tweets. On the early morning hours of March 1, 2012, Breitbart collapsed on a street near his home in Brentwood, CA. Breitbart was dead- only 43 years old. The Nazi– Steve Bannon was appointed executive chairman of the Breitbart News Network after his death.  He has insisted Breitbart died of natural causes and to suggest anything else is irresponsible. He said, “Breitbart had an enlarged heart … He had been hospitalized for the problem last year and told to lose weight that he did not lose.”[10] Yeah, right.


DEAD. Michael Cormier, Breitbart’s Coroner Investigator

Only two months after Breitbart’s passing, the coroner that investigated the cause of death may have succumbed to arsenic poisoning. Veteran Los Angeles coroner forensic technician Michael Cormier died due to arsenic poisoning. Cormier was discovered dead on April 20th – the same day the city officials had released their preliminary autopsy report on the death of Breitbart. According to early reports, Cormier was “seemingly healthy,” yet “suddenly stricken” with a fatal condition – just like Breitbart.


Bannon didn’t know Breibart’s Tweets would resurface almost 5 (five) years later with his foot in the White House. They all knew what Podesto and the Clintons were doing. Bannon and Brietbart News were doing and covering up the very same thing for the Mossad.



Clinton Foundation Child Snatching in Haiti


Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said, “There is organ trafficking for children and other persons also, because they need all types of organs …”[11] In Haiti, children were even disappearing out of hospitals.


On January 12, 2010 in the aftermath of Haiti’s great earthquake, a group of ten American Baptist missionaries from Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican border with 33 (Magick Masonic Number) Haitian children. The group was New Life Children’s Refuge (NLCR) led by Laura Silsby. The group was arrested in Haiti for child trafficking.[12] Following the trail of declassified Wikileaks emails, the road led directly to Huma Abedin who had been “constantly forwarding emails to Hillary Clinton” about the Laura Silsby organization.[13]


Bill Clinton, UN Special Envoy to Haiti, negotiated the release of 9 (Magic Masonic Number) of the missionaries. It was one of the first things that Slick Willie did when he rolled into the country.


Sephardic Jewish Human Trafficking Counterintelligence Agent- Jorge Puello Torres

NLCR’s legal advisor and gatekeeper was Jorge Puello Torres. The police in El Salvador said that Torres was suspected of leading a sex slave trafficking ring involving Central American and Caribbean women and girls.

Torres, President of Jews of El Salvador and Dominican Republic


Torres is part of the Jewish Chabad  Movement. Chabad also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch. It is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. Torres served in the U.S. Army in a military intelligence unit. He worked undercover with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. Torres founded the DR Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Community in 2007, the Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of El Salvador in 2008, and the for-profit Sephardic Orthodox Jewish Council of America in Florida in 2009.

Torres used the Jewish Chabad network as a cover to smuggle sex slave women and children internationally. Torres’ sex ring was exposed when three young girls, 14, 15, and 16 escaped from the house and went to police to report they had been forced to pose naked to promote the sex business. Multiple passports were found in the house inside a Sephardic Jewish community in San Salvador, including one in the name of Sephardic Jew Jorge Torres Orellana.[14] Torres looks like a CIA/Mossad Op.


Israelis may have been harvesting internal organs from Palestinian prisoners without consent for many years. In 2002 the service reported:

The revelation of illegally stored body parts in the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute has prompted MK Anat Maor, chairman of the Knesset Science Committee, to demand the immediate suspension of the director, Prof. Yehuda Hiss.”

In 2001, an Israeli Health Ministry investigation found that Hiss had been involved for years in taking body parts, such as legs, ovaries and testicles, without family permission during autopsies, and selling them to medical schools for use in research and training. He was appointed chief pathologist in 1988. Hiss was never charged with any crime, but in 2004 he was forced to step down from running the state morgue, following years of complaints.”[15]

On January 15, 2010, Haaretz reported that:

The Israel Defense Forces’ aid mission to Haiti left Israel overnight (January 14) with equipment for setting up an emergency field hospital. Around 220 soldiers and officers (were) in the delegation, including 120 medical staff (to) operate the hospital in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince.”

According to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it includes “40 doctors, 25 nurses, paramedics, a pharmacy, a children’s ward, a radiology department, an intensive care unit, an internal department and a maternity ward (able to) treat approximately 500 patients each day,” including in two surgery rooms.

On January 20, Lebanon’s Al-Manar TV reported on the mission, citing a damning You Tube video posted by an American named T. West from a group called AfriSynergy Productions.

The video presents something to think about while exploiting the horrible tragedy that has befallen Haiti where Israeli occupation soldiers are engaged in organ trafficking.”[16]

They [Israel] pay ‘the poor and the hungry to slowly dismantle their bodies’ or simply take what they want from fresh corpses. Body parts are commodities, to be harvested and sold to the rich, even though organ sales are prohibited in most countries, but not in international law.”[17]

“OUT OF NORTH KOREA … they need all types of organs.”


Little Girl, Euna Lee and Laura Ling

Under “Pizza” (Pedophile Secret Code for Little Girls)  search of John Podesta’s Email Chain, this picture came up, “As John said, it doesn’t get any better than this.” To which another man named Justin Cooper responds, “Nice.”


The pizza picture little girl looks like Euna Lee’s 6 year old daughter, Hana. I am not going to speculate or offer any opinion on anything! I just wait and see where it all leads.


Jeffrey Epstein with a Young Asian Girl

Nevertheless, Euna Lee and Laura Ling are international journalists that were captured and imprisoned in North Korea in 2009 for allegedly body snatching children. They went into North Korea under the cloak to report on sex trafficking of women. At first glance, it is a most noble endeavor of great courage.


Bill Clinton & Son of the Vatican in North Korea

On August 4, 2009, Bill Clinton made an unannounced trip to Pyongyang, North Korea. Western and South Korean media speculated that Clinton went to Pyongyang in order to negotiate the release of Lee and Ling. The day after Clinton arrived, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il pardoned the two. After being released from custody by the North Koreans, Lee and Ling were flown back to Los Angeles with Clinton and his delegation in a Boeing 737(Air Fuck 3) owned by Hollywood producer and Clinton friend Steve Bing’s company, Shangri-La Entertainment.[18]


Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the second son and third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, another frequent flyer of the Lolita Express.


Bing, Burkle & Slick Willie

Bing is part of Slick Willie’sdepraved” billionaire playboy’s party club. Clinton spent years traveling and partying with Ron Burkle and Steve Bing, billionaire bachelors with a penchant for very-very young girls.


Very Young Girls!

Clinton spent so much time on Burkle’s private plane that it came to be known in Burkle’s circle as “Air Fuck One.”


Jeffrey Epstein and Very Young Girl

Epstein that should have been arrested and convicted for pedophilia long ago is also a member of this rich man playboy party club on board of the Lolita Express- Air Fuck Two.”[19]


Another wicked pedophile billionaire playboy on board the Lolita Express, Donald Drumpf.[20]



On their private orgy island in the American Virgin Islands, Jeffrey Epstein built a multi-colored round temple on the island with a gold dome, and a statute of a golden owl on top. It is believed that it is the Owl of Minerva. Minerva is the Roman Goddess of Wisdom. She is equal to the Greek Goddess Athena. Athena is equal to Cybele, and Cybele connects to Aset (Isis).


The owl symbol connects with the current Moloch Cult of the Bohemian Grove, and initiate degrees of the ILLUMINATI.


Minerval Seals of the Illuminati: two of three known to still exist. P.M.C.V.stands for Per Me Caeci Vident (Through me the blind become sighted). An owl holding an opened book (signifying learning), surrounded by a Laurel wreath (a symbol of learning or graduation); Per Me Caeci Vident was a reminder to the Superiors of the class, whose responsibility it was to properly instruct the Minervals. These medallions were worn around the necks of Minerval initiates.[21]


In the front of the temple sits a statute of Poseidon with a trident spear. Poseidon was one of the caretakers of the Oracle at Delphi before Olympian Apollo took it over. Apollo and Poseidon worked closely in many realms: in colonization, for example, Delphic Apollo provided the authorization to go out and settle, while Poseidon watched over the colonists on their way, and provided the lustral water for the foundation-sacrifice.[22]


All of the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses above except the Kemetic Goddess Aset (Isis) demanded or welcomed the human sacrifices of ancient days.[23]


Decades ago, SS Knight of the Black Sun  Klaus Barbie of the Italian Masonic Lodge Propaganda 2 (P2) figured out that they could better control minds of groups by indoctrinating and initiating them into Satanic rites, cults and Masonic Lodges, then sealing their tongues under the threat of death, and a cloak of blood oath secrecy.

abannongirldevil Epstein’s Temple is used to terrorize, traumatize, indoctrinate and initiate young- very young and impressionate girls into the Occult and Underworld to keep them under constant fear and strict mind control.


The Temple is meant to instill the fear of God in them, or anyone else joining the island’s secret dark rituals. They give the children to the DEVIL. These people are extreme racialist and racists. No young black girls or women were/are allowed on orgy island or among their parties. However, don’t get it twisted- it isn’t just benign racism. Podesta and these people concealed and used governmental funds, power and influence to actively pursue a covert plan of genocide against people of color.


In his Tweets, Breitbart said that he knew of specific incidents of H8 (hate crimes) of Podesta, Clinton, and Obama against people of color, but he was liquidated before he gave any other clues. Could he have been talking about Haiti? Or, something else. Local.




Tony and John Podesta’s cryptic E-mail messages use secret food-related code words. For instance, “Cheese Pizza” is code word for “Little Girls“, and a common slang for child porn among pedophiles in online communities. In the Son of the Vatican‘s chain of cryptic E-mail messages, there is the secret use of the word, walnuts. Some researchers believe that term refers to Black Children, others think that it refers to underdeveloped virgin girls like cracking the cherry. It makes sense, but I think that it is the former. I think that it adds up better with my past experiences and knowledge of pedophile rings targeting black children in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area. In April 2015, there was a E-mail discussion between John Podesta and Jim Steyer about “Walnut Sauce”. Podesta does in fact cook a well known traditional walnut sauce.

Jim Steyer: ” … walnut sauce for pasta? Mary piz tell us the straight story, was the sauces actually very tasty”. In response, Mary Podesta asked if “walnut growing California knows and celebrates walnut pasta sauce?Steyer replied: “Indeed Mary.”

Steyer knew about walnut pasta sauce all along. “I’m coming to town the week after next and will bring some walnuts!” Eryn Sepp—another recipient in the email chain—said of Steyer’s conversation “Haha [Steyer] has no idea what he’s talking about.”


Billionaires James & Tom Steyer

There isn’t anything strange or unusual about using walnut sauce on pasta, especially, for a fine, rich (billionaire) and cultured man like Steyer. James‘ brother is billionaire Tom Steyer. I suspect that both are interested in religion and theology. And, the Steyer brothers’ blood money in combination with George Soros and other Zionists are behind covert funding of Black Lives Matter. The Steyers’ father was Roy Henry Steyer, a law partner of Sullivan & Cromwell. Sullivan & Cromwell should always raise a lot of red flags. It was the CIA MK ULTRA Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles‘ powerful and clandestine law firm. The elder Steyer (Lt. Roy H. Steyer, USNR) was an OSS Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor. The Dulles brothers used their law firm partners to collaborate with and cherry pick SS-Knights of Black Sun and Nazis for Operation PAPERCLIP.

My Dear Lord. These are the BLOODLINES of the operators and conductors of the Vatican SS Nazi Ratlines, and the Guardians of Himmler’sTHE DEVIL’S GOLD. Don’t get it twisted. Of course, Jim Steyer knew exactly what Podesta was talking about. Podesta was the Steyer brothers’ advisor and teacher. Podesta was taught straight out of the Vatican and its vast ancient library. In ancient Satanic rituals, The Son of the Vatican goes all the way back to the secret mystery Greek Cult of Oxyrhynchus.

The City/Cult of Oxyrhynchus lies west of the main course of the River Nile. In ancient times, the city on the site was called Per-Medjed, named after the medjed, a species of elephantfish of the Nile worshiped there as the fish that ate the penis of Ausar (Osiris). After Alexander the Great entered Kemet in 332 BC, the city was reestablished as a Greek town, called Oxyrrhynkhoupolis. In Hellenistic times, Oxyrhynchus was a prosperous regional capital, the third-largest city in Egypt. After Egypt was Christianized, it became famous for its many churches and monasteries.


For some time, the Steyer brothers, particularly Jim, has been a close friend of Kamala Harris, former DA of San Francisco, and State Attorney General. Kamala had been an Alameda County DA in the pipeline of the extremely scary Germanic Clan, D. Lowell Jenson and Edwin Meese III, the Alameda County Mafia.

Steyer was even a member of her SF DA transaction team in 2003. She popped up in the Chauncey Bailey Assassination Case. From what I can remember, it came down from her office that nobody in the city was to touch my cases or the Mt. Zion Spiritual Temple Matter in Oakland. I had been working with a large and prominent law firm in the city warping up the case, when they suddenly dropped us like a hot potato. Through the grapevine in the city, the word was coming down from high up on the chain to stay away from us by such people like DA Kamala Harris. I was extremely puzzled. I couldn’t figure out how she figured into anything. I heard about her as a raising black public political figure, but I really didn’t know who she was. For the large part, I really didn’t dismiss it. I just kept an eye open behind my back.

I had been informed, quiet as kept, about a high level powerful pedophile ring operating deep underneath the surface of the Church in Oakland. I had one crack cocaine female addict tell me some specifics of a wing of it that operated out of a city funded poverty program. Instead of helping them with addiction, housing and employment issues, they were taking advantage of young addicted females as sex slaves. She told about secret “sex parties and orgies” with powerful people.  I had to be extremely careful with her. I always acted as if I was only passively interested in what she talked about. She would drop a dime on you for as little as a nickle bag of crack cocaine.

They had gatekeepers of the pedophile ring in the Alameda County DA’s office. A DA investigator came by my house under the pretext of looking into a fraud and corruption matter involving the Church that I submitted to the office for investigation. I was immediately warned that he was gatekeeper. He was fishing about what I knew about the pedophile and sex ring, and bust me for sometime. As I said before, I immediately named him as a party defendant in a 1983 Civil Rights lawsuit in federal court to try to keep him and the County DA’s office out on a level playing field. With the exposure of Pizzagate, Kamala Harris and things are becoming crystallized.


Cardinal William Levada, right, was archbishop of San Francisco until 2005. He became the second most powerful man in the Vatican behind Pope Benedict XVI of Germany, left above. When Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Levada became head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Levada became second in command of the Vatican as the “papal enforcer.”


Wicked Nazi Joseph Ratzinger

Who was Joseph Ratzinger? ” … Jesuit archival records make reference to a child sacrificial cult known as The Knights of Darkness, established by the Nazi Waffen S.S. Division in 1933 with Jesuit backing. The archives identify former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, as a member of the Knights and as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany, where he participated in sacrificial rites using children transported to the camp or kidnapped from political prisoners.”


Pope Benedict XVI was a participant in the Ninth Circle Satanic Circle rape, killing and sacrifice of children. Cardinal Levada was known as a key architect of the church’s practice of keeping ritual sexual abuse allegations secret, protecting pedophile priests, and punishing church whistleblowers.


Kamala Harris, Dark-Wicked Surrogate of the Ninth Satanic Circle

In SF, DA Kamala Harris helped Cardinal Levada and the Vatican maintain a cloud of secrecy over the rape, molestation and murder of children by priests in SF, than the State of California. She resisted all public records act requests inquiring into the DA and Attorney General’s records regarding Cardinal Levada and pedophile Catholic priests. Harris’ refusal to release any public documents regarding the Vatican and the sexual exploitation and abuse of children was a deliberate policy of protection, secrecy, and cover-up.

Kamala did more than just conceal horrific crimes against poor and powerless state foster care black children by the Ninth Satanic Circle. I believe she fed them (Walnuts) to the pedophiles and the cannibals. What I didn’t know at the time was the Church that I had in fact re-established as a California Religious Corporation had been a secret Masonic network that fed black sex slave children, homosexuals and abused drug addicted young females into the tentacles of the Ninth Satanic Circle.

Soon thereafter, I was poisoned within 2 inches of my life by a woman from inside the County DA’s office. She lived next door. Her husband told me that she worked for a bunch of lawyers. That wasn’t a good sign. I stayed far away from her. On a Saturday afternoon, I was drawn outside to support their daughter’s lemonade stand. When I bought my cup of lemonade, she said that she needed more ice and took my cup inside her apartment. She returned and I began to consume the lemonade and cookie. While I was eating the cookie and drinking the lemonade, she suddenly began to shut down the stand, and started throwing stuff in the truck of her car. I should have been more cautious. However, I drank the lemonade, entered my front door and closed it behind me. As soon as the door was closed, I collapsed on the floor in a fetal position. I was conscious, but there was so much pain in my abdomen I couldn’t stand or walk. So, I began to crawl to a back bedroom. I could see the driveway from the dining room window. I saw her speeding out of the driveway.

I didn’t call 9-11, because I suspected that it was yet another setup. I wouldn’t have survived a hospital stay. I put it in God’s Hands.  Within about 4 (four) months, I was able to recover enough health and strength to get back in the middle of the struggle. While I was at the municipal courthouse in downtown Oakland, I suddenly locked eyes with Kathy, the Black Angel Assassin that poisoned me.  She was walking out the County DA’s office. Like a cold blood snake, she stared at me momentarily- turned her head and walked away. I later discovered that she had been trained in poisons in New Orleans.

The only thing that I can say is God was with me. At times, I followed her around the courthouse. She would be so consumed- high with power and position that I could stand just feet from her, and she couldn’t see me. I followed her between various department court clerks to the County DA’s Office, to the County Sheriff.  Whenever, I saw Kamala Harris’ name on the ballot, I unconsciously momentarily went into trance. I never understood why. Of course, I never voted for the Witch. I couldn’t. But wait, there’s more.




John — Hosting pizza party at Belmont for HFA on April 10. Maya Harris is joining, but need you. Can you come? Thanks much, Tony



Kamala Harris’ younger sister, Maya, is deeply imbedded in the Podestas Pizzagate Email Party Chain. She worked directly under John Podesta at the Center for American Process, and Slick Willie and Hilary Clinton.


Kamala Devi Harris (born October 20, 1964), Hindu, is an American lawyer, politician, and member of the Democratic Party. She is Alpha Kappa Alpha (BOULE). Her pagan patron goddess is Qetesh. As of 2016 she is the Attorney General of California. On November 8, 2016, she was elected to replace outgoing Democratic senator Barbara Boxer becoming the second black woman and first Indian American elected to serve in the United States Senate.

Maya L. Harris (born in 1967) is an American lawyer and public policy advocate. She was appointed to be one of three senior policy advisers to lead the development of an agenda for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She was formerly a senior fellow at John Podesta’s Center for American Process. From 2008 until she took her current position, she was Vice President for Democracy, Rights and Justice at the Ford Foundation. Prior to joining the Ford Foundation, she served as the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern California.

Their late (sacrificed?) mother was Dr. Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a breast cancer specialist, who immigrated from Chennai, India. Dr. Harris had primary custody of the two girls, who were raised in Berkeley, Oakland, and Montreal, Quebec where their mother took a position doing research at the Jewish General Hospital and teaching at McGill University, a notorious CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution.




The extremely scary part about Kamala Harris is that in May 2015, three people (David Henry, Tonette Hayes and Brandon Kiel) linked to the authority of her state attorney general office were busted in San Clarita, CA organized as the Knights Templar Masonic Police Department. They had proper state business permits and licenses. They also had state private security guard permits. Brandon had state attorney general credentials.


Hayes & Henry- Uniform Masonic Police with Uniformed Police Officer

The department claimed long traditional original jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico in “police powers” over Masonic affairs.


They were an uniformed private police force of the Masonic Order. They had badges and black uniforms. Clearly, they told the police that they asserted jurisdiction only over Masonic affairs and business. State Attorney General Deputy Director Brandon Kiel and most likely Tonette Hayes presented official California State Attorney General Department credentials. They informed the San Clarita Police Department that they had opened headquarters in the city. Nevertheless, the police subsequently investigated and busted the trio for impersonating police officers.


Slick Willie, Moonbean Jerry Brown & David Henry

The most interesting part of the trio was David Henry. Henry was, in fact, a HollyWeird Fox News Emmy Award winning investigative journalist. In 2007, he got an Emmy for reporting on Islamic terrorist groups, human trafficking and terror connection between the Tri-Border region of South America. Rev. Tonette and Henry were film makers and producers.

This is a video where the Masonic Police Department (Tonette Hayes, Brandon Kiel) have express authorization from Kamala Harris to represent the California Attorney General’s office in a public meeting. As far as I could see, Brandon Kiel, David Henry and Tonette Hayes were strange Masonic/Scottish Rite advocates, defenders and secret soldiers of Kamala Harris. She knew about them. They worked out of her office. On Monday, April 18, 2016, 47-year-old David Inkk Henry (a.k.a. “Grandmaster Henry X”) suddenly dropped like a sack of potatoes-  dead of a pulmonary embolism just like 43 year old,  Andrew Breitbart.


Grandmaster Henry X dropped dead just hours after he appeared before a judge, reports the L.A. Times. Just hours earlier that day, charges were dropped against his co-defendant Brandon Kiel, Kamala Harris’ Deputy Director. The Grandmaster grew beyond sight of his blood oath covenant of secrecy. That was a death sentence in itself. Henry X became delusional, loud and grandiose- most likely  CIA MK-ULTRA-ED or Artichoked. He was discredited, isolated and then quietly liquidated. The Masonic Police Department has undoubtedly gone WHITE– taken over by deep cover military-intelligence counterintelligence forces. The Masonic Police Department was wrongfully prosecuted, discredited, isolated and removed from the public scene and debate to clear the way for Kamala Harris to move into the U.S. Senate.

David Henry told some people that he had been given a license by law enforcement agencies to pull cars over. What was Kamala Harris using the Masonic police for?  I say that they were secretly  a layer in international human trafficking, transporting and escorting state ward black children and addicted young black women as Ninth Satanic Circle walnuts, and sex slaves just like Jim Jones and Peoples Temple. Is that what Andrew Brietbart was talking about? I DON’T KNOW.


[2] Id.















[17] Id.








2 12 2016



I just took a moment to recall a rare godly spirit and “TALENT” that stirs my very soul. They slayed the “BLACK DIVA” in cold blood as if she was a Queen Ahhotep I or Queen Ahmose-Nefertari- Spiritual Saviors of the People. Even before Aretha Franklin began to sing the opening national anthem Thanksgiving night at the Detroit Lion’s football game, my impression was that it was a trick from the beginning.


The NFL were well aware of her planned performance, and ability to perform. Aretha, once was also able to soar into other dimensions with the voice of God like Whitney. She was drugged and suppressed, too. Her spirit was dumb down, and her wings were clipped by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH. German doctor, Dr. Max Jacobson claimed that his drug concoction was given to the Nazi military, making them more vicious. Dr. Jacobson even believed that the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, became addicted to his drug. He drugged the president, JFK, and the BLACK DIVA of the 1960-70s- Aretha Franklin. She called him what the U.S. Secret Service called him, Dr. Feelgood.

The NFL ILLUMINATI deliberately put the former Black Diva on worldwide TV only to humiliate her and people of color. 4+ minutes, I sadly turned away only after 15-20 seconds. They have tried to replace the musical genius Cult of the Singing Black Divas with false Gods, prophets, spirits, gospels, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.




Kim, Kanye, Raiders of the Lost Ark & the Satanic New World Order Want YOUR MINDS!

First, Kanye West has just been released from a psychiatric ward this morning. They also drove Whitney, insane. The Satanic ILLUMINATI Music Entertainment Industry is the same game. However, there is a very big difference between a Kanye and a Whitney. Whitney was a mega international superstar, because she was one of these types of talents that was so rare, utterly so “divine” and wonderful that it was manifest to anyone that could hear with their ears, see with their eyes, and feel with their hearts.

No, it wasn’t about his mother’s blood sacrifice, Kim’s False Flag Robbery, drugs, alcohol or godly talent that got Kanye swept up and put in padded psych ward. It was about forbidden truths and blood oath covenants that got Kanye seized and his mind cleansed. It was all about those Raiders of the Lost Ark.


The November 2015 cover of Cosmopolitan magazine crowned the Kardashians as America’s First Family. There is something wrong this picture other than the slap in the face of the Obama Presidential First Family. There are no males in the picture even though the matriarch, Kris Jenner, has a natural son of her body. These are women born of spirit and gods as if they were born on Mount Olympus.


Yet, during the biblical era their claimed roots of origin may have in fact overshadowed Mount Olympus for generations. Biblical tradition had been assumed to be the ultimate authority on the origin and history of humanity, that origin being Mount Ararat on which Noah’s Ark made landfall after the Deluge. Mount Ararat was a part of Armenia until the Armenian Genocide in 1915.[1]


Indeed, Mount Ararat is a majestic, strange and spiritual place filled with superstitions and myths. It is extraordinary that if you place a compass point on Thebes in Kemet you can draw an arc through both Dodona in Greek mythology and Metsamor at the foot of Mt. Ararat where a possible group of Noah prototypes may have lived in a remarkably advanced stone age community. These places are known as oracle centers interwoven and tied into the cosmos of the universe, and Sirius Star mysteries.[2]


The Satrapy of Armenia was a region controlled by the Orontid Dynasty (570-201 BC) was one of the satrapies of the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th Century BC, which later became an independent kingdom. The region and the people under the Ararat Mountains go back to the days of Noah and the Great Flood. Hayk is the legendary patriarch of the warring Armenians and a great-great-grandson of Noah, who, according to the 5th-century AD author Moses of Chorene, defeated the Babylonian King Bell in 2924 BC and established his nation in the Ararat region.[3]


The Kardashians claim to be Armenians. They are a guild or a lodge of the Armenian Apostle Church. The Armenian Apostolic Church is the national church of the Armenian People. Part of Oriental Orthodoxy, it is one of the most ancient Christian communities. Armenia was the first country to adopt Christianity as its official religion in the 4th Century. The church claims to have originated in the missions of Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus in the 1st Century AD.[4]


It’s About ILLUMINATI Mass Population Mind Control 

Don’t get it twisted. These women are not related to the deep Kemetic Sirius Star spiritual mysteries, because the fruit that fall from their trees do not in no way reflect MAATTruth, Justice, Balance and Righteousness. They possess the keys and passwords to some stolen mysteries passed down as secrets over the generations thru their wicked lodges and guilds, but not even Lucifer have the power or knowledge to purify or illuminate the remote zone of the crust of its potential. Yet, they are still powerful Luciferian adversaries of the people with what they know. This is FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.


What do these women do in reality? They don’t necessarily have any talent for anything other than being, A CULT of Kardashians. In complicity with corporate mass media, and the New World Order, they are very sophisticated learned controllers and manipulators of people, images and ILLUSIONS. Ask yourself. What do they really do and what contribution do they actually make to the world society?


Kanye West, Kardashian Cult Member

On Thanksgiving Day 2016, America’s First Family celebrated their Thanksgiving family gathering without Kanye West in mind or matter. He was confined in an UCLA psychiatric ward 5150. Section 5150 is a section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code authorizes a qualified officer or clinician to involuntary confine a person suspected to have a mental disorder that makes them a danger to themselves, a danger to others, and/or gravely disabled.[5]

Kanye was taken to the psych ward handcuffed on a gurney. Dehydration and sleep deprivation turned into a mental disorder and grave disability. Yea- right. He is reportedly on suicide watch, due to “delusional” behavior before being transported to UCLA Medical Center. He is allegedly “having hallucinations, and is paranoid,” according to inside sources. Right before being taken to the hospital, he screamed that people were trying to kill him.[6] He was also afraid of the doctors, who he refused to be touched by when he was rushed to the hospital on Monday, November 21, 2016.[7] The clinician that declared Kanye 5150 was Dr. Michael Karzam of Cedar Sinai Hospital of Los Angeles. The Cedar Sinai Hospital roots go back to the Jewish Bikur Holim Society.[8] The earliest Jewish Bikur holim society on record dates back to the Middle Ages. Bikur holim comes out of Torah and the Talmud.[9]


The Talmud encompasses specific teachings involving demonology, legends and myths. Regarding demonology in Europe, author and historian, Nesta Webster wrote of the preoccupation of the Talmudic rabbis with demons. The Talmud teachings are entwined with magical practices and superstition. [10]


Quasimodo Kanye West & the Putto

Yes, Kanye West had been indoctrinated into the Cabbalistic medieval 16th Century hierarchy of Angels, Cherubs and Putti.

“Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions. The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body. Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant…”[11]


The night that Kanye went 5150, America’s First Family were in New York City on Cipriani Wall Street for the 20th-annual Angel Ball. The late Robert Kardashian, one of Kanye’s guardian spirits, was being honored that evening. The first ladies off of Mt. Olympus attended the gala affair except Kim Kardashian. The matriarch said not one word about her infamous son-in-law being in the trouble of his life.


The Angel Ball is sponsored annually by Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research created by the Masonic Polish Jewish descendant, “Lady Joy“, Denise Rich (Reich).[12]




Most of the Jewish political leaders, including bankers, business men, military officers and industrial leaders, have embraced Zionism which is a Cabalistic system working to bring their messiah into power. These people have rejected the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and have embraced the Luciferian teaching of the Cabala.”[13]


Denise was married to Lucifer’s Banker, multi-billionaire- Marc Rich (Reich). An international Zionist criminal, Rich would later tell biographer Daniel Ammann that he had made his “most important and most profitable” business deals by violating international trade embargoes and doing business with the apartheid regime of South Africa, the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya, Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania, and Augusto Pinochet’s Chile among the clients he serviced. According to Ammann, “he had no regrets whatsoever….[14]

The secret dirty dealings of Marc Rich were interlocked with U.S./French/Israeli espionage-linked Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI, and the Vatican.

A principal partner to Marc Rich and his pirates has been the Family of George Herbert Walker Bush—that is, the Elder Bush and his sons, George W., Jeb, and Neil. As shown by secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, the Bush Family laundered the proceeds from worldwide illegal dealings through a joint account with the Queen of England, through the Bank owned by the British Monarch, Coutts Bank London.”[15]

Marc Rich was a major asset of the CIA, Mossad, Russian Jewish Mafia, and the Vatican. Denise, a demoness, was right in the middle of all of Marc Rich’s international criminal enterprises. Marc and Denise would sell sulphur to SATAN.

Her maiden name, Denise Eisenberg, appeared in the Federal Register on April 30, 2012 in a quarterly list of Americans who renounced their U.S. citizenship and permanent residents who handed in their green cards primarily to avoid paying taxes. (


Denise is a hub of international political corruption. She was directly involved in paying bribes to the Clintons thru the Clinton Foundation to buy her husband’s presidential Bill Clinton pardon. She gave $450,000 for the Clinton Library; more than $100,000 for Hillary’s Senate campaign; more than $1 million for the Democratic National Committee, not to mention many millions more raised at Democratic fund-raisers in her apartment.[16]


Denise is a New Age devotee. She consults with gurus and psychics. She says that Jews don’t usually pray to angels. That isn’t true at all. Judaism has so many angels in religion that they have an angelic hierarchy, and an angelology. And Denise, most likely, knows all of them. King Solomon had secret formulas and a ring that conjured up and controlled both angels and demons.[17] They also conjure up the power of angels, devils, demons and spirits thru ancient secret BLOOD rituals. Actually nevertheless what she claims, Denise fervently believes in calling on angels and spirits for everything. Even King Solomon discovered that demons were among the angels that were called forth. She says, “I got a whole angel chorus up there humming. I really believe angels are happiest when you’re happy.” After she petitions HER angels, she claims.[18]


So, what is the connection between the late Marc, Denise, and The Angel Ball calling forth the spirit of Robert Kardashian, above, for special recognition and honors? Marc and Denise ran the Russian Jewish Mafia.[19]

Kardashians, Russia & Rasputin


The Masonic stone carver Kardashian (Kardaschoffs) family moved out of Russia into Turkey during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II (1894-1917).[20] For the record during that time, Nicholas and the Russian Royal Court had fell under the mysticism of Rasputin, an alleged Khlysty. They were a CULT OF RASPUTIN.


Rasputin with the Masonic Clawed Hand had the Russian Royal Court all spellbound by Spells, Magick, Mesmerism, and Sex Magick.


Before Rasputin came upon the royal court of Russia, he was first prepared by French and English Freemasonry through Rosicrucian, Martinist and Mizraim Masonic Lodges.[21]


The mystic Molokan/Khlysty Kardaschoffs were associated with the Russian Lodges associated with Rasputin and favor of Nicholas II. The Molokan/Khlysty mystic groups were escorted out of Russia into Turkey under Russian army guard and protection. Robert Kardashian worked part of Rich’s Russian Jewish Mafia in America thru the BLOODLINE Masons, and the ancient secret Molokan/Khlysty Masonic Lodges.

What is the demoness’ interest in the Hip Hop generation and Kanye West? Denise is a Grammy nominated popular music songwriter and a rhythm-and-blues lyricist that worked with singers such as Sister Sledge, Phyllis Hyman, Celine Dion, Jessica Simpson, Marc Anthony, Patti LaBelle, Chaka Khan, and Diana Ross.[22]

Denise is a rabbit hole of the CIA, Mossad, Russian Jewish Mafia, and the Vatican. All of these forces are directly involved in the covert control, and management over the Black Entertainment Music Industry. They intend to transform the Hip Hop Generation into a Satanic New Age Reform Movement.


Denise’s Angel Ball was a gathering of spirit worshipers, demonologists, and angelologistsKardashians, discussed below. The ball of angels was no more or less than a secret kabalistic ritual that passed a spell of demons and spirits to BLOOD oath sacrifice of an offending cult member, Kanye West. Naturally, these people raised money to support the nation’s leading cancer research scientists whose work focuses on finding less toxic treatments for those living with BLOOD cancers.[23] Yes, it’s about the BLOOD, too.




“can I devil worship with the new iphone?? LOL”
—Kanye West

Kanye West’s trouble began when he sold his soul to the DEVIL. There is nothing to argue about whether or not he sold his soul to the DEVIL. He admitted it, himself. “I sold my soul to the devil that’s a crappy deal. Least it came with a few toys like a happy meal. This game you could never win.”[24]


Don’t get it twisted. You shall know them by their fruit. Both Quasimodo Negroes Lamar Odom and Kanye West have been medically certified to have been driven out of their minds.  The Kardashians are not of the prehistoric divine and spiritual people that settled at the foot of Mount Ararat in Armenia after the prehistoric Great Flood. Those people left ancient footprints that linked them to the oldest known and continuous civilization known to mankind.


Prehistoric Footsteps with Eye of Ra on a mountainside in the Land of Kemet, right- Footprints Found at the Footsteps of Mount Ararat, Armenia. 


left, Prehistoric Footprints of Mt. Ararat, right- The Ancient Land of Kemet 

The Kardashians represent part of the warring pagan hordes that swept down out of the Caucasoid Mountains on the civilized world during the Bronze Age with weapons of bronze plundering, and killing every man, woman, and child in sight. So, if Kanye knew of all this about the DEVIL in the first place. Why did he still sell his soul to the DEVIL? He didn’t trust and respect the wisdom of his elders and ancestors.

During the late 1960’s, I was asked to join a black Greek “divine nine” letter fraternal order to help radicalize it so that brothers could live in dignity within the organization. Of course, I declined. I trusted the wisdom and warnings of my elders. I had to willingly go through the Third and Final Rite of Acceptance to become a member. I had to vow an allegiance, and pledge my soul to a Greek gods like Zeus or ApolloTHINGS not of our nature. It was like taking the Red Pill inside the Matrix. I turned by back and RAN!

Quasimodo Negroes & Kanye West


Don’t get it twisted. I call brothers like Kanye West Quasimodos not out of love and respect for them, but because they have done exactly that- taken the Red Pill inside the Matrix then dwell forever in Wonderland. They have willingly chosen and joined blood oath union with forces that treat them like, and render them “quasi-men” as a matter of rule and nature.


It’s like brothers that became confederate soldiers during the Civil War to fight to maintain themselves and their people enslaved 3/4’s human- less than men. Quasimodo Negroes are programmed MK ULTRA MONARCHS that will “CUT OUR COLLECTIVE THROATS”.

akanyerebelFirst, it is no game. Yes, it was a struggle and battle that Kanye could never win from within Lucifer’s workshop and den.


The Negro even calls him “Yeezus” like it’s a some kind of new savior. He has been completely brainwashed- MK ULTRA-ED sealed with by league of demons attached to him, and a blood oath covenant that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Quasimodo  just didn’t go crazy a week ago. He has been insane for quite sometime. I am sure that he grew up with the same Black spiritual and religious values passed down from generation to generation- Lucifer and strange religions- RUN! He had been warned. Yet, he still sacrificed his own mother to run to join leagues with the DEVIL.


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West leaving a Kabbalah Center

Yes, Kanye West had been indoctrinated and initiated into the demonic Kabbalah.

Kanye West & the Spirit of Robert Kardashian


In tribute of his recent album and tour, The Life of Saint Pablo, he gave credit to his late mother Donda West and father-in-law Robert Kardashian for watching over the production of his album. Of the late Kardashian, West said, “He’s still doing deals for controversial black people from up in heaven.” It is a reference to Kardashian’s work on the OJ Simpson Defense Team.[25]


Most philosophers would understand the guardian spirit of a mother to her child. A Mother’s Love represents one of the most powerful spiritual forces known to mankind. It comes naturally, but Robert KardashianKanye never met the man. That spirit had to have been conjured up, unnaturally. And that spirituality was completely alien and contrary to Kanye’s natural spirituality. Robert Kardashian was a pious member of the Armenian Apostle Church. His mother attended St. James Armenian Church in Inglewood, California. Kardashian was associated with an Armenian Russia Mafia laundering money, drug trafficking, escort prostitution services, and sport bookings and gambling rings.


All of the lovie dovie and heartwarming interracial friendship BS stories between Kardashian and OJ Simpson aside, their criminal enterprises along with AC Cowlings centered around Joey Ippolito, above, second generation Mafia. He was one of several powerful successors of Meyer Lansky.[26]


OJ Simpson’s best friend along with Kardashian, Cowlings, was “allegedly an occasional bodyguard to Ippolito. When police came to arrest the gangster and found Cowlings visiting, they also questioned him about Joey the Ip’s [sic] business.”[27]

In an August 24, 1994, Boston Herald article by Ralph Ranalli on the Joey Ippolito-Cowlings-Simpson connection,”Cowlings was a close associate of New Jersey Mafia soldier Joseph ‘Joey’ Ippolito when Ippolito was running a popular Santa Monica restaurant — and a thriving cocaine-dealing business…. Telephone records for the restaurant, obtained by federal prosecutors and the FBI in Los Angeles, also show calls from Ippolito’s restaurant to O.J. Simpson’s Brentwood estate…sources said.”[28]

Robert Kardashian’s religious and spiritual roots are centered in Eastern European Prguny. His great-grandparents, Saghatel (“Sam”) and Harom Kardaschoff, were ethnic Armenian Spiritual Christian Prygun.[29] The Kardashians were ancient “stone carvers“.[30] Stone carving is one of the processes which may be used by an artist when creating a sculpture, and refers to the activity of Masons in dressing stone blocks for use in architecture, and building churches and temples.[31] The Armenian Masons were extremely active in Temple building projects in ancient Jerusalem.+

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian & the Armenian Holy Archangels Church of Jerusalem


The Armenian Holy Archangels Church of Jerusalem is situated within St. James Convent. It is known as the wedding chapel. Armenian couples take their vows in this 12th-century stone church. However, the Holy Archangels is also known to some as the House of Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the High Priest (John 18:19-24). There, they believe, Jesus was brought after his arrest in Gethsamane to await trial with the high priest. Church tradition says that Jesus was tied to an Olive Tree on the premises, and that olive tree still exists today.[32]


Kanye, Frightened North at St. James Cathedral in Jerusalem

The Hebrew word for angel is “malach,” which means messenger, for the angels are God’s messengers to perform various missions. Michael and Gabriel are recognized as archangels in Judaism, Islam and by most Christians. Protestants recognize Gabriel as an angel but consider Michael to be the only archangel. Raphael– mentioned in the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit is recognized in Catholic and Orthodox churches.[33]

The Holy  Archangels  Monastery has  been  under  the  care  of  the  Armenians ever  since  the spread  of Christianity,  its  foundation  was laid  by Greek Queen Heghine  (Helen),  the  wife of King Abgar V of Edessa. Edessa was Armenian Mesopotamia’s capital city. The County of Edessa was one of the first Christian kingdoms established after the First Crusade.[34] The Seljuk Turks who drove the crusaders out of Edessa on Christmas Day in 1144.[35]

Christians had been defeated at the Siege of Edessa and most of the county had fallen into the hands of the Seljuk Turks. The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the other Crusader states were threatened with similar disaster. Deputations of the bishops of Armenia solicited aid from the pope, and the King of France also sent ambassadors. In 1144, Eugene III commissioned Bernard to preach the Second Crusade.[36]

Ancient  records  state  since  time  immemorial  these  have  been  Armenian properties  in Jerusalem,  their  construction  ascribed  to  Queen  Heghine,  “who  is the first founder of the Holy Places.”  Atajanian  reports  that  these  places  since  that  time  have  been  protected secretly  and  openly  by  Armenian  monks  and  faithful  hermits  until  the  time  of the second Heghine (Helena), the mother of Constantine the Great.[37] The Armenians are still secret blood oath guardians of Jerusalem’s Holy Places.

Blood Oath Armenian Stonemasons were significantly involved in construction of the Holy Places in Jerusalem since the construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The church was consecrated on September 3, 335 AD.


On April 13, 2015, Kanye daughter, North West, was not only baptized- she was inductedinitiated into the Armenian Apostolic Church. All of the Kardashians are secret blood covenant initiates of the Ancient Armenian Brotherhood and Cult that goes back as far as the 3rd Century AD, and the Knights Templars. Their initiation degrees may go up to the 37th Degree.


They are allowed by virtue of bloodline entry into the most secret underground chambers, temples and catacombs of the old Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and St. James Cathedral in Jerusalem.


Kanye West is not an initiate of the Kardashian Masonic Lodge or the Armenian Apostle Church for the lack of Armenian BLOOD.


However as a Negro Quasimodo, Kanye had been initiated up to at least the Third and Final Rite of Acceptance in a subservient Masonic Lodge.


Kanye West, 32rd or 33rd Degree Master Mason?

Nevertheless, if he had been exposed to any secrets in Jerusalem, no matter how small, his Masonic blood oath covenant of secrecy barred him from revealing anything- I mean ANYTHING!


Pryuny had a number of religious elements borrowed from the Khlysty. They believed in a possibility of direct communication with the Holy Spirit and of his embodiment in living people. The central idea of Khlystys’ ideology was to practice “asceticism“. Khlysty practiced the attainment of divine grace for sin in “ecstatic” rituals that were rumored to sometimes turn into sexual orgies. Flagellation was also rumored, possible due to the their name to the word for “whip.”[38]

Kanye West & Mary Magdalene


Michelangelo Caravaggio’s Mary Magdalene, 1598

On the album, Life of Pablo, West said, “This is a gospel album with a whole lot of cursing on it, but it’s still a gospel album,” he said with a laugh. “It’s the gospel, according to ‘Ye. It’s not exactly what happened in the Bible, but it’s a story of this idea of Mary Magdalene becoming Mary.”[39] WAIT! STOP THE MUSIC.


Titian’s Mary Magdalene (1530-60)

There are some people that if mention Mary Magdalene, they turn it into a gospel rap and dance to it. Yet, there some forces. You mention Mary Magdalene within a circle, and the room will get cold and quiet.


Vatican Burning Alive Templar Grand Master de Molay and Magdalen Knights

The bottom line is that the secrets of the Temple o Jerusalem Treasure, and  Mary Magdalene may have led directly to Grand Master Jacques de Molay, and  Magdalen Knights Templar being burned alive for heresy in the 14th Century.


The secrets of Mary Magdalene was also at the bottom of the Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229). It was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III and Vatican to eliminate Catharism (Mary Magdalene’s Bloodlines, Temples, Churches and Priests) in Languedoc, in the south of France that slaughtered over a million people. The bloodshed didn’t stop there. The killings, and search for the secrets and treasures of the Knights Templar continues to this day, and very hour.


That’s right- “Mary Magdalene becoming Mary”. Where did Kanye get such an ideal like that? Straight out of JERUSALEM– sacred secrets of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Knights Templar and the Merovingian Bloodline.


Kirk Franklin collaborated with Kanye on the album. The album has been described as “… one the most vile, demonic  musical works that I have ever heard of. A Gospel album full of cussing? A project that changes the bible characters to make Mary Magdalene the mother of Jesus (which takes away the virgin birth and makes Jesus born of an unclean woman?[40]

 akanyemaryincaveMary Magdalene in the Cave, Hughes Merle (French, 1868)

Mary Magdalene strikes at the very heart of Judea- Christianity. It is a deep rabbit hole going back generations. Many do not speak of Mary Magdalene not necessarily because she was alleged to have been a prostitute. But, because she may have been Jesus‘ most controversial and influential apostles, and his wife.


Sandro Boicelli, Birth of Venus (1486)

There is a serious connection between the figure of Mary Magdalene and the figure of Virgo- the Virgin. She may have been a high priestess of Goddess Aset (Isis), Inanna, Ishtar or Venus.


Sandro Botticelli, Twisted X Secret Hand Symbol, was a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.


Saint Mary Magdalene, Church of the Dominicans, Augsburg, Germany?

So, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Gregor Erhart’s Saint Mary Magdalene (1515-20) is similar if not the same figure as Botticelli’s Venus. Not much is known or revealed about Erhart’s background.


God Pan, Aphrodite and Eros

Botticelli’s nakedness of Venus also suggest a relationship between Mary Magdalene with the attributes of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite- Goddess of Love. It also demonstrates that there was a 15th and 16th  “secret gospel” and a secret brotherhood existed between Botticelli and Erhart.

Mary Magdalene is literally translated as Mary the Magdalene or Mary of Magdala. In 2009, Israel Antiquities Authority found the fourth synagogue – Magdala – when they did archaeological activities at Magdala Beach on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. The synagogue was put to use in the Second Temple era (year 50 B.C.-100 A.D.) It is one of the 6 synagogues that were found in the Second Temple era and one of the oldest synagogues in Israel.[41]

The Magdala Synagogue is believed to have been home to Mary Magdalene, and a temple that Jesus may have preached in.[42] On site, they found the Magdala carved stone with rare secret symbols. Stone carvers were undoubtedly in high demand throughout the holy land, and among kings, priests and wealthy classes. They were extremely important and wealthy guild Masons. However, they had to maintain secrets, keys and passwords to symbols they recreated from magic scrolls and books, and the sources of the sacred symbols.

According to the Bible, she traveled with Jesus. She is said to have witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Within the four Gospels, she is named at least 12 (twelve) times, more than most of the apostles. Based off texts of the early Christian era in the third century, it seems that her status as an “apostle” rivals even Peter.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Sex Magick & Knights Temple

The historical Knights Templar had their first headquarters on the Temple Mount, which had been assigned to them by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Some researchers believe that the Templars discovered some of Solomon’s treasure hidden in catacombs beneath the Temple. They are said to have also discovered documents “proving” that Jesus survived the Crucifixion.




The Magdalen Templars led by St. Bernard of Clairvaux believe in the secret Grail family, descendants of Christ himself. They believe Mary had a ritualizedsexual” relationship with Jesus. They say there exist proof that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children by her. In gospels that were strategically excluded from the New Testament when the selection was made in 397 AD at the Council of Carthage, Mary Magdalene is classified as the “spouse and consort” of the Messiah. Even Cathar documents from Provence, as late as the 13th century, make it plain that in Gnostic circles, she was “always understood to be the wife of Jesus.”[43]

However, it goes much deeper. Some contend that Mary Magdalene had a ritualizedsacredsex magick relationship with Jesus, in keeping with certain religious beliefs as his “initiator” and “illuminator” into the secret sacred mysteries. According to ancient traditions, Mary’s maternal family were Syrians of a powerful city-state of Mari. Her paternal family were Judaea Royalty- Hasmonaean Priest-Kings of Jerusalem in the 2nd century BCE.

Originally, the Hasmonaeans were a Jewish priestly family, who claimed descent from a man named Hašmôn, who was the father or great-grandfather of the first known member of the family, Mattathias. Since 167 BCE, Mattathias organized the armed resistance against the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-164 BC), who had started a persecution of the Jews. In 165, his son Judas the Maccabaean (perhaps “battle hammer”) was able to re-conquer the Temple of Jerusalem and restore the cult, an event that is still celebrated by the Jews at the annual Hanuka festival.[44] Coming from king-priestly families on both sides, Mary Magdalene was undoubtedly a leaded “Mystic.”

Mary Magdalene, Mari & Ecstaticism


Mesopotamian City State Mari

A Mystic is a person who is initiated into the mysteries or claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as by direct communication with the divine or immediate in tuition in a state of spiritual ecstasyEcstasy is a state of being beyond reason and self-control. It is a state of overwhelming emotion; especially :  rapturous delight. It is also a state of TRANCE FORMATIONespecially :  a mystic or prophetic trance.[45]

One of the prophetic titles of the city-state Mari is “ecstatic” or “to become ecstatic.” The range of behavior may involve self-wounding, as suggested by a text from Ugarit (“my brothers bathe with their own BLOOD …” [Vol. 5, Page 479] [Vol. 5, Page 479]. “Ecstatics” are associated with the deities Nergal, Itur-Mer, Ninhursaga, Annunitum, and especially Dagan.

One Mari text details some notes on the “ecstaticsof the Cult of Ishtar. The “ecstatic” “gets up/comes and speaks,” sometimes in association with sacrifice. Also, it is recorded that an assertive “ecstatic” requests a lamb from the king, which he proceeds to eat raw—possibly reflecting an oath ceremony. He then assembles the elders at a city gate to hear his message and ends by requesting a garment, which he is provided (Durand 1988: 434–35).[46]


This is an extremely powerful testament from the 15th Century. It is a wall panel taken from a chapel church built during the 1400s dedicated to La Chapelle Saint Anthony the Great, said the Hermit of Egypt (251-356 AD).


La Chapelle Saint Anthony

The chapel sits on an Alps mountain road or hillside leading to the city of Nice, France. The chapel acknowledge’s the Saint AnthonyBook of Hidden Knowledge.” It shows Mary Magdalene kneeling at the feet of Christ on the cross. Two angels with goblets collect Christ’s blood from the wound of Longius’ Spear. What do they do with the blood? They drink it. Over Mary stands the Black Madonna- Aset- ISIS. The testament implies that both Mary Magdalene and Christ were secret initiates of the cult. So, it is quite possible that Mary Magdalene of “Mari” could have been an “Ecstatic“, “Initiator” or “Illuminator” of a BLOOD Cult of the Great Mother Ishtar. Great Mother of the Gods was worshiped in the Middle East as the creative force in nature. She was worshiped under many names including Aset/Isis (Kemet), Ishtar (Babylon), Astarte (Syria), Ceres (Rome), Cybele (Phrygia), and Demeter (Greece).[47]


St. Anthony’s symbol had been a serpent as a circle above the cross bar forming the ankh with the Hebrew word for “serpent” engraved on the upright, and also including the Triple Tau- a symbol for hidden treasure. It was also the symbol for St. Anthony– later to become the symbol and patron for the Knights Templar of St. Anthony of Leith in Scotland. St. Anthony lived in the 4th Century AD and is credited with establishing Monasticism in Egypt, and the story goes that he sold all his possessions after hearing from the Lord and marched off into the wilderness to become a hermit. On his travels, he learned from various sages in Egypt and grew for himself a large following. He was solely tempted by the DEVIL in the form of “creeping things” and serpents.

In one episode, he follows a trail of gold to a temple, which is infested with serpents, and takes up residence, needing little food for sustenance other than bread and water. He is said to have lived 105 years, and due to this longevity he is credited with protective powers. The Order of the Hospitalers of St. Anthony, who would later take much of the Templar wealth, brought many relics to France in the 11th Century. Previously, there were said to have been secretly deposited somewhere in Egypt just after his death and then later to have found their way to Alexandria. All of this is symbolic of the truth.

And that leads right back to the ancient Russian Kardasidian Pryuny and (Molokan Jumpers/Khlysty), being heretic ecstatics.Kanye learned about the secret Cult of Mary Magdalene of “Mari” from Kardasidian initiates while in Jerusalem. It isn’t about Mary Magdalene being an unclean woman. It’s about secret BLOODLINES, and the rule and domination of the world.

“Kim is fed up. They’ve been bickering constantly – she didn’t want Kanye to do the tour in the first place. She wanted him by her side as she recovered from her traumatic robbery in Paris. She lost days with him while he’s touring and then he made a rash decision to end the concert after ten minutes and go on a rant.”[48]

Corporate mass media is widely reporting that Kanye’s mental breakdown resulted from rifts with Kim Kardasdian. Certainly, Kanye was not to address anything in public of what he had learned in secret in Jerusalem. However, Kanye has taken some of the forbidden knowledge that he learned in Jerusalem, and tossed it like a salad in his Saint Pablo TourKanye took some of that sacred knowledge of Jerusalem to make mass public riddles out of.



Who is Saint Pablo? Kanye says,

akanyesanpablotour“Which Pablo? Pablo Picasso? Pablo Escobar, of course. Apostle Paul [Pablo in Spanish]. He really influenced and was the strongest influencer of Christianity. Pablo Escobar was the biggest mover of product and Pablo Picasso is the biggest mover of art. That mix between message, product, and art is The Life of Pablo.”[49]

Kanye and Apostle Paul


Let’s begin with Apostle Paul. The greatest promoter of celibacy for Christians was Paul (Saul). He is called “Paul of Tarsus” because he came from Tarsus that borders ancient Armenia, an area of modern-day Turkey.

Apostle Paul, Attis and the Mystery Cult of Goddess Cybele


Christ,The Good Shepard.

What people generally don’t know is that in Tarsus of Paul’s Day, they worshipped God Attis. He was a dying and resurrecting god.


God Apollo,The Good Shepard.


He was called “The Good Shepard”, and his earliest depictions show him with a sheep across his shoulders. Asur (Osiris) of Kemet was known from the dawn of history as “The Good Shepard.


Recall, Attis was the lover and Son of Lady Wisdom, Goddess Cybele.


On their wedding night, Attis decided to make the supreme BLOOD ritual sacrifice and offer his testicles on the altar of his love. In a fit of ecstasy. He ran into the forest and tied himself to a pine tree. He cut off his testicles, then bled to death. He was resurrected from the dead by Zeus.

It is believed that Tarsus of Paul had also been involved in the Cybelan rituals where their priesthood, the Galli, would imitate their god by driving themselves into a holy “Ecstatic” frenzy, emasculating themselves and offering their testicles and a BLOOD bath as holy sacrifices.[50] The “Ecstatic” blood rituals of Attis deeply influenced Paul and colored a secret and hidden version of Christianity that dismiss the true historical significance and influence of Mary Magdalene, and its relationship to older pagan cults.

Pablo Picasso & PRIORY OF SION


Picasso’s Vision of El Greco, Mother Child, and Bull Cult

Picasso was born in the ancient city of Magala, Spain. It predates Mary Magdalene. The city was founded in 8th Century BC by the Canaanite trading colony from most likely Magdala, Sea of Galilee, Northern Canaan. In recent years, there have been attempts by several researchers and scholars of Picasso (Melvin Becraft and Mark Harris among them) to link the artist and his work with “occult wisdom”, claiming that much of the symbolism in his paintings is derived from alchemy, Hermetic thought, Gnosticism and other schools of the western “esoteric” tradition.[52] Some of these researchers are even claiming that Picasso may have been initiated into the shadowy Prieure de Sion ( Priory of Sion) that figures prominently in the mystery surrounding Berenger Sauniere and Rennes-le-Chateau in the south of France.


Jean Cocteau, Angels & the Black Sun

This is in part due to the fact that Picasso was a contemporary and good friend of the French artist and mystic Jean Cocteau, a reputed Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. According to some accounts, Cocteau once described his communication with Picasso has almost “telepathic.” The use of the words “telepathic communication” might have been Cocteau’s cryptic way of saying that, as members of a secret society, they were a closed-mouth lot on certain “esoteric” subjects. There are also certain tell-tale symbols that both artists incorporated into their work, such as the BLACK SUN motif and pentagonal geometry.[53]


Kanye West & Saint Pablo Black Sun

Pablo Picasso and the Priory of Sion (PON) are all about Saint Mary Magdalene. PON protects Merovingian dynasts because they may be the lineal descendants of the historical Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The legendary Holy Grail is simultaneously the womb of Saint Mary Magdalene and the sacred royal bloodline she gave birth to; and the Church tried to kill off all remnants of this bloodline and their supposed guardians, the Cathars and Templars, so popes could hold the Episcopal throne through apostolic succession of Peter without fear of it ever being usurped by an antipope from the hereditary succession of Mary Magdalene.[54]

Pablo Escobar & Magdalena


So, what is Escobar’s connection to Mary Magdalene? Kanye said that he was the biggest mover of product. Escobar became the most powerful drug lord in Columbia, when he took control of the Magdalena River. The Magdalena is Colombia’s longest river, and stretches from the most southern tip of the Huila Department in southern Colombia to the Caribbean Sea. It takes its name, Mary Magdalene, from 16th Century Spanish Conquistadors.[55] The river became his major passage for ships of drug cargoes, and a poplar dumping ground for corpse after massacres.[56] Just who does Kanye West think that he is playing games with? These people are powerful and ruthless international Satanic cabals. They play no games.

In Jerusalem, Kanye was exposed to the fact that the Kardasdians were not only part of the secret Jerusalem Guardian Temple Cult, but also discovered that they were secret guardians of the closely guarded Mysteries of Mary Magdalene.

Kanye’s Saint Pablo Tour began August 25, 2016, but trouble began on October 3, 2016 when Kim was allegedly robbed on the other side of midnight in Paris, France. Kanye was in concert at Citi Field in New York City when he heard about the robbery. He terminated the concert, and flew out of town.

akanyerobberySurveillance evidence of Kim minutes after the alleged robbery, she said that she had been bound at the wrists during the heist. For $10 million worth of jewelry, Kim should have been dead. For that type of money and at those odds, If she had been tied up at the wrists, it would show. Kim’s robbery may have been a False Flag to distance her by mass public empathy from the planned MK ULTRA implanted psychotic rants and future mental breakdown of Kanye West.[57] However, Kim may not be completely out of danger. She may have been been in Paris on her knees pleading her case. In fact, the entire Kardasidian Cult may be in trouble.


Big German, Pascal Duvier

On the night of the robbery, her security was deliberately pulled. Her German bodyguard, Pascal Duvier, was pulled from her apartment just prior to the robbery. The robbery was a pretext. Duvier is out. The Mossad and the Israeli Security Forces have officially moved in. HollyWeird Actor,  Aaron Cohen, Brotherhood of Warriors, of the Israeli Mossad became security for both, Kanye and Kim after the robbery.


Fabio Calendar Boy- Aaron Cohen is a “slave hunter,” a specialist in identifying and, in some cases, retrieving the unfortunate human beings who are trafficked for labor and/or sexual purposes — a remarkably prevalent and lucrative global trade. So far the job has brought him to dozens of countries like Colombia, Sudan and Cambodia, where the business of human flesh is of special concern to the U.S. State Department and other agencies or governments who subcontract his services. He is what is known in covert operations as a NOC, a special agent working under “non-official cover,” but unlike an agency man, Cohen’s primary allegiance is to people, not political agendas or the Jewish Messiah. Yea. Right. So, where was the HollyWeird Dream Boy Crusader and the Mossad when Kanye went 5150? On the other side of the Psychotronics  pushing buttons cleansing Kanye, driving him insane.




Mary Magdalene, Guido Cagnacci (1601-1663) & Donald Drumpf

President Select Donald Drumpf does not follow any traditional national democratic or republican platforms. He is a wicked and fraudulent snake oil pitchman shooting selling lies and illusions. This may be the first time in history that a man has been put in the highest public office of this country without an established political, social or economic platform. We have an Emperor of the Republic of the U.S.- A DEVIL IN THE WHITE HOUSE.  He is also making a lot of people very nervous the way he appoints people to his new cabinet and administration. Drumpf choose people like loyal subjects as if he has a king’s court. One of the first appointments to his Court was Irish Catholic– Steve Bannon (O’Banion), the emperor’s MERLIN- CHIEF of staff, adviser, prophet and magician.


Some people in Ireland say that they have some reason to believe that the Merlin Bannon’s ancestral land lies in Longford, County. St. Bernard, Spiritual Leader of the Knights Templar, setup the first Cistercian Abbey in Ireland about 1142 AD at Abbeyshrule, County Longford with proceeds from treasures that they found in catacombs buried beneath the 2nd Temple of Jerusalem. James Bannona former Irish Fine Gael elected politician, said that he intends to check on the Lord of Darkness in the Homeland, then report back.   According to Merlin, people, and I suspect James Bannon too, will never be able to figure out what he and the emperor are up to. He says, yea baby- “DARKNESS IS GOOD.” It is so-so GOOD!


I recall Drumpf and Bannon’s mentor, Ronald Reagan, telling the world that America was against the “Evil and Dark Empire.” Well, anyhow.  Bannon is excited about the prospects of this new dynamic combination running the country. He gloats, yeah, baby, “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER.  How old is the man, again? 63 years old. Huh. He says that he’s got the Dark Empire, Darth Vader, Dick Cheney, and SATANBannon may be right.


If he has all that everything else should be just a piece of cake, a walk in the park and WINDOW DRESSING in Donald Drumpf’s COURT. By the way, Drumpf has promised U.S. support to rebuild that 3rd Temple of Jerusalem on the temple mount of the 2nd Temple destroyed in 70 AD. The ANTICHRIST– will it be the Virgin Mary (Vatican) or Mary Magdalene (Merovingian Dynasts) that will occupy the 3rd Temple?


Right now. It isn’t clear.Nobody is talking, because it is forbidden knowledge among the masses, and it sets the stage for a future veiled struggle that may turn into another protracted world armed conflict or World War III.


Palestine and Vatican Foreign Ministers Riod al-Malki and Paul Gallagher Exchange Executed Treaties

On June 26th, 2015, the Vatican signed its first treaty with the “State of Palestine”. When the pontiff John Paul II ascended to the Temple Mount in 2000, also Judaism’s most holy site, he wasn’t welcomed by Israeli officials, but by representatives of the Palestinian Authority, and the holy complex was bedecked in Arab flags. It was the Pope’s implicit recognition of Islamic hegemony. It was taken to mean that Islam and Christianity superseded Judaism and have the right to “inherit” its holy places.The Vatican (Virgin Mary) isn’t particularly thrilled about Drumpf’s selection (Mary Magdalene) as president, but Israel, Mossad and the Masons are absolutely overjoyed.

Jesus, Mary Magdalene in Scotland


Mary Magdalene, Callanish Standing Stones, Isle of Lewis, Scottish Hebridean Island

Most of the detailed tales and myths about Jesus and Mary Magdalene in Scotland seems to come from a Scottish literary writer, William Sharp (using the pseudonym Fiona MacLeod) in his essay Iona (1900). He refers to “the old prophecy that Christ shall come again upon Iona.” This presupposes that Christ had already visited Iona according to an ancient oral tradition. Fiona’s elder mentor of his tales comes from an old fisherman, also a MacLeod– Seumas, an old authority on Fairy Mythology.


They say, “… just 80 miles due north of Iona is to be found another small Hebridean island, located in Dunvegan Bay, off the west coast of the Scottish Isle of Skye. It is called Eilean Isa (currently spelt Isay) which translates from the gaelic as the “island of Jesus”. Isa is the Middle Eastern arabic name for Jesus, whereas His name in gaelic is Iosa. So why do we find the appellation of this island with the arabic spelling rather than the gaelic.”[58]

They quote from the work of Christine Hartley, in her classic work, The Western Mystery Tradition (1968): “ ‘There is a legend too that Mary Magdalene lies buried in Iona.’ Writing about Mary Magdalene’s legendary association with Scotland, Hartley further says, “Wandering the hills of Scotland, she came to Knoydart.” Knoydart is a peninsula located on the west coast of Scotland adjacent to the Isle of Skye which, as we have seen, has a possible association with Jesus. Some ten miles or so, south of Knoydart, can be found another west coast peninsula named Moidart where, on old maps, can be seen the place name Essa Hill, which may relate to the presence of Jesus/Isa there. Pertinently, during the 1st century A. D., Jesus was known in the Egyptian Christian Coptic Church as Essa, which is the phonetic pronunciation of Isa. It is intriguing to note that legends and place names appear to link both Jesus and Mary

On the tombstone of Anna MacLean, the last Prioress of the Nunnery on Iona, who died in 1543, is an effigy of a woman and child with an inscribed dedication to “St. Maria”. The presumption would be that this relates to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Christ child. However, this woman is portrayed with long hair and is flanked by twin towers, both medieval symbols to denote St. Mary Magdalene. Margaret Starbird refers to “the lore of the Mary called Magdalen, who dried the feet of Jesus with her [long] hair and whose epithet means ‘tower’ in Hebrew.” (The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, 1993) Magdalene to the hebridean western isles and the west coast of Scotland.”[59]



Mary Magdalene & Baby John Martinus?

They believe that a John Martinus was Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s last son,”Professor Hugh Montgomery in his treatise The God-Kings of Europe: The Descendants of Jesus traced through the Odonic and Davidic Dynasties (2006) provides the interesting information, ‘John Martinus was believed in the early Christian Period to be the last son of Jesus by Mary Magdalene. In some versions he was born on Iona.’ Curiously, as Christine Hartley has pointed out, the holy isle of Iona was also known as the Isle of John. Could this relate to the presence of the child of Christ, John Martinus, on Iona?”[60]

They argue that in Kilmuir Parish on the Isle of Skye that there was a Chapel Kilmartin that may have been a place name for John Martinus, or possibly some of his descendants who would have continued the spiritual work initiated by their “illustrious and holy forbears.”

Interestingly, Otta F. Swire, a Scottish folklorist, comments on an early medieval carved tombstone, in the style of those found on Iona, located in the old graveyard of Kilmuir on the Isle of Skye, saying: ‘It marks the grave of Angus Gille Martin, the first member of the Martin family to settle in Skye.‘ (Skye: The Island and its Legends, 1961).”[61]

From other sources, we find,Jesus was referred to as “THE DOVE,” . . . The various names of Jesus, are in fact spiritual titles, all meaning roughly “light-bearer.”The Isle of Iona is also known as The Island of the Dove. “The sacred Island of Iona lies on the Fortingall (Christos Frequency) and Montrose (Mount Rose) Ley lines axis. . . . This is where the surviving Grail son was born to Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

“. . . the Isle of Iona has at least 60 kings buried in its sacred ground. These include 48 Scottish kings, 8 Norwegian, and 4 Irish kings. Others list 4 French kings as well.” (They were buried there because of the “The DOVE – Christos frequency” is anchored there).”

It is believed that Christ personally attuned the island (Iona) to this perfect frequency (Christos frequency)for the purpose of initiates to receive the frequency.[62]

Don’t dismiss this, yet. Below is the “Stone of Magdala” recovered from the ruins of Mary Magdalene’s Temple on the shore of Sea of Galilee (Northeast Israel) where Jesus is believed to have preached.


Carved Stone of Magdala

The stone is covered with the six-pedaled rosette, the ancient Flower of Life. The rosette itself symbolizes the actual veil before the Holy of Holies. First-century Romano-Jewish scholar, historian Josephus describes this veil as being decorated with flower.


On the tombstone of Anna MacLean, the last Prioress of the Nunnery on Iona (1543), the 1st Century six-pedaled Flower of Life found at Mary Magdalene’s Temple decorates the tombstone in the Isles of Skye, Scotland.  


The Sun Symbol represents ancient Apollo and Helios. Beit She’an’ goes back to  the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III. It sits at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley, controlling access from Jordan and the inland to the coast, as well as from Jerusalem and Jericho to the Galilee. The Monastery of Lady Mary, Lady Magdalene (567-635 AD) was located in the city. Many believe that monastery was dedicated to Mary Magdalene. Mary means “wise woman/lady.


However, I don’t believe that Jesus’ mother, Mary the Virgin, was referred to as Lady Mary. Inside the ruin monastery, a beautiful mosaic floor was discovered. The Lost Gospel believe in the sacred marriage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, his identification with “Helios,” the Sun God Apollo, and her association with the Mysteries of Moon Goddess Artemis, Diana, and Isis.


Flower of Life- Knights Templar Tombstone, St. Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall (founded 1137 AD) in the Northern Isles of Scotland.




Dunvegan Castle is a castle a mile and a half to the north of Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye. It is the seat of the MacLeod of MacLeod, chief the President Select Donald Drumpf’s Clan MacLeod. The castle is the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland and has been the stronghold of the chiefs of the clan for more than 800 years.[63]

So, it isn’t hard to conclude that Sharp’s source information about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and John Martinus on Iona and Skye came from Donald Drumpf’s chiefs of Clan MacLeodDunvegan Castle. Very little would have taken place on the isles without their knowledge or approval.

Dunvegan Castle, related to the Crusades and Knights Templar, is full of secrets, myths, mysterious and magical things. One of its heirlooms is the mysterious Fairy Flag known for the numerous traditions of fairies, and magical properties associated with it. The flag is associated with some secret “divine feminine” property. It is said to have originated as a gift from the fairies to an infant chieftain; a gift to a chief from a departing fairy-lover; or a reward for defeating a female evil spirit.[64]


Robert, the Bruce, was king of the Scots from 1306-1329.  On March 19, 1314, Grand Master de Molay was burned alive. It is believed that before he died, de Molay secretly directed ships loads of Templar treasure, holy land relics and heirlooms to land in Scotland under veil of Robert the Bruce. Clan MacLeod of the Isles of Skye and Lewis were extraordinarily powerful and mythical contemporary  knights and soldiers of  Robert the Bruce.


William Sharp (1855- 1905) alias Fiona MacLeod, was a poet, writer, mystic and psychic of the Satanic Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.


That seems to suggest that Sharp’s essay on the Isle of Iona wasn’t necessarily public information, but inside Luciferian peer review material. [65] MacLeod wasn’t just an alias of Sharp. He was actually two separate people. He was possessed of a divine feminine Sidhe (faery) Spirit of the Twilight, Fiona of Clan MacLeod. The clan is part Sidhe and part human, because one of their ancient chiefs married a Sidhe and fathered a half human and half Sidhe heir in Dunvegan Castle.

Don’t get it twisted. They were/are extremely serious about these Gaelic supernatural and paranormal beings, studies, tales and mythology. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip stayed at the Castle.  Sharp studied university poetry, philosophy, occultism, spiritualism and folklore. He led an extremely serious 19th Century “Scottish Renaissance” and “Celtic (Twilight) Revival in Scotland, Ireland and England. These people were/are serious about tapping into sources of unknown and unseen demonic POWER reservoirs whether it is through the BLOOD, from above or below. However, don’t start packing these people away, quite yet.  The path of DARKNESS and the Raiders of the Lost Art are still moving over the people.


Darkness & Satanic Hermetic Order, Goat Rider- CIARA


Darkness & Hermetic Order Baphomet: LADY GAGA


Darkness & Hermetic Order Baphomet: KANYE WEST

So, what’s so important about Noah’s Ark and the Flood? Noah and the eight souls on the ark represented a race of the people before the flood that some say lived over 900 years. There was a big difference between the people on earth before and after the flood. However, Noah and the souls that were saved from among all others on earth from destruction, because they walked with GOD. In the eyes of God, Noah was a “just man and perfect in his generations“. (Genesis 6:9) In other words, God gave them the world to control, exploit and enjoy as “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


There a lot of people like the Kardashians where “Silence is Golden”.  They claim in the depths of their secret sanctuaries, holes, cults, and lodges also to be perfect in generations by virtue of being Armenians born at the foot of Ararat Mountain where God created his first born after the flood. There a lot of people like Donald Drumpf that claim to be godly by communion- walking with spirits, angels, gods, goddesses and god by virtue of his birth and his very existence. These all are Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Donald Drumpf is also a  SON OF MARY. Mary Anne MacLeod was from the Hebridean Island of Lewis, part of the Clan MacLeod.[66] Clan MacLeod of Lewis home lands are traditionally: the ISLE OF SKYE and the DUNVEGAN CASTLE.[67]

The aos sí  is the Irish term for a supernatural race in Scottish mythology (usually spelled Sìth, however pronounced the same), comparable to the fairies or elves. They are said to live underground in fairy mounds, across the western sea, or in an invisible world that coexists with the world of humans. This world is described in the Lebor Gabála Érenn as a parallel universe in which the aos sí walk amongst the living. In the Irish language,  aos sí means “people of the mounds” (the mounds are known in Irish as “the sídhe“). In Irish literature the people of the mounds are also called daoine sídhe; in Scottish mythology they are daoine sìth. They are variously said to be the ancestors, the spirits of nature, or goddesses and gods.

From the Clan MacLeod BLOODLINES out of  Dunvegan Castle came a race of people half human and half supernatural beings out of holes in the ground. Scandalous Fred Drumpf of the Luciferian Masonic Colombians planned it from the beginning. They wanted to produce some kind of freak of nature and human hybrid to take control of the world even if it was just based on wild legends, tales, and myths from the other side of midnight, and that is exactly what you got in the White House. The CONTROLLERS think that they are GODS.











[11] Id.
















[27] Id.

[28] Id.

























[53] Id.







[60] Id.

[61] Id.





