29 11 2017




Donald J. Drumpf & Lebensborn

In an interview for PBS, Donald J. Drumpf’s biographer Michael D’Antonio claimed Fred Trump taught his son that the family’s success was genetic. He said: “The family subscribes to a racehorse theory of human development. “They believe that there are superior people and that if you put together the genes of a superior woman and a superior man, you get a superior offspring.”  The superior offspring from a superior people does indeed dial upHELLO, LEBENSBORN!

The notion of the Master Race originated from 19th century racial theory, which posited that there is a hierarchy of races, and that cultures degenerate when distinct races mix. To ensure the genetic purity of his country, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler implemented selective human breeding through the racial pseudo-science of eugenics. As part of their Nazi genetic engineering plan to build up an Aryan “master-race” or “super-breed of humanity”, they created Lebensborn or the “Fountain of Life” program. Secret special clinics were set up across Eastern Europe where SS- Knights of the Black Sun were encouraged to mate with blue-eyed, blonde Nordic girls who had no Jewish ancestry, in order to produce “racially pure” German offspring.

Donald J. Drumpf & the One God-Cult of the Supreme Being

Donald J. Drumpf & Marquis de Sade’s ILLUMINATI Supreme Being

In September 2016, Republican Candidate for U.S. President, Donald J. Drumpf, promised to bring the nation together under One God– SUPREME BEING. “We will be one people, under one God, saluting one American flag,” he said at a speech to the National Guard Association in Baltimore. Drumpf’sUnder One God” line does indeed dial up, HELLO Hitlerian. The Nazi Party slogan was “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!” ― “One people, One empire, One leader!

I am not at all a follower of the late Psychologist Dr. Erich Fromm, but one evening I was busy trying to figure out the motives of this and what was behind that when he stopped me in my tracks. Dr. Fromm said to cast Nazi Germany’s actions as a sickness served as “a substitute for valid ethical concepts,” tending to “weaken the sense for moral values, by calling something by a psychiatric term when it should be called plainly EVIL. It’s the same with President select Donald J. Drumpf. Sickness is not Drumpf’s problem. The issue with him is plainly EvilABSOLUTE EVIL.

Donald J. Drumpf, Native Americans & the Great White Father

It was the ABSOLUTE and CLASSIC EVIL of Donald J. Drumpf to honor the families of Navajo Code Talkers, the World War II veterans, whose code breaking skills helped the US win the war, at the White House under President Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United States. The EVIL of Donald J. Drumpf mocked and humiliated them.

We can never forget or minimize the fact that [Andrew] Jackson carried out the most murderous removal campaign against American Indians — Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws and Seminoles — in U.S. history. He was directly responsible for the hideous, agonizing deaths of tens of thousands of Native Americans, beginning with the Creek War of 1813. Jackson was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Muscogee Creek people in that conflict. Jackson led armies, largely composed of Tennessee volunteers, who conducted war against noncombatants, women and children. According to contemporary Creek sources, hundreds of Creek women and children were sold into slavery. They were starved, raped and murdered. Creek children, mostly little boys, were sold for $20 each as “pets.” Orphaned children were taken off the battlefield from the bodies of their mothers as “trophies.

Subsequently, Jackson signed the Indian Removal Bill of May 28, 1830, and militarily enforced fraudulent treaties that sent thousands on the death marches. Of the Cherokee “Trail of Tears” it was said that no one under 6 or over 60 survived the hideous march west. A relatively little known fact is that Cherokees held captive in concentration camps were deprived of the use of soap, so bent was Jackson on Indian extermination. When Cherokee leaders were able to finally prevail upon the Army for the issuance of soap, Jackson, upon hearing of this, flew into a rage at The Hermitage and demanded that the order allowing for the use of soap be rescinded. This is the so-called “Peoples President.” What people? Surely not Indian people!

Yet, the Andrew Jackson Foundation [Donald J. Drumpfwants to elevate this monster, this ethnic cleanser, to the status of a great president. Jackson was a racist devil incarnate — an early-day American Hitler whose deadly legacy for American Indians remains extant to this very day. According to contemporary Creek sources, hundreds of Creek women and children were sold into slavery. They were starved, raped and murdered. Creek children, mostly little boys, were sold for $20 each as ‘pets’. Orphaned children were taken off the battlefield from the bodies of their mothers as “trophies.”



Prior to the U.S. Senate Special Election on December 12, 2017 in Alabama, Republican candidate for the senate, Judge Steward Roy Moore, will not appear in any political debates, or answer questions from any press conferences. The Judge is an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle inside a bubble. It is a bubble that is so fragile that the first rays of sunlight that hit it will burst it wide open.

The wife of Republican Alabama Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore has been her husband’s biggest defender amid a storm of allegations concerning relationships with teenage girls. But Kayla Moore was also a minor, and he very much an adult, when her future husband first took an interest in her.

I was standing at the back of the auditorium and I saw her at the front and I remember her name, it was Kayla Kisor, K.K,” he said. “It was, oh gosh, eight [8] years later or something, I met her and when she told me her name I remembered K.K.”

That [8] eight-year time frame would have meant that Moore was 29 and Kayla just 15 years old when they first met that is consistent with his customary  pedophilia predatory habits and practice of behavior stalking female minors.[1] ,[2]  In fact, Judge Moore is accused of sexually assaulting one of high school classmates.

I said that to say this. The climate in the country goes beyond a Women‘s issue. Judge Roy Moore is much more than a predatory pedophile that is contemptible and outrageous in its self. President select Drumpf, the Republican, Democratic Parties, and corporate mass media are approaching Judge Roy Moore as if but for the pedophilia allegationshe is some type of populous candidate for public office. It veils the EVIL and the BEAST!

They are deliberately ignoring and not exposing this man’s notorious neo- NAZI  white nationalist supremacy background that alone makes him not only a clear and present danger to people of color, but he is a serious threat to this form of government that has evolved out of FIRE & CHAOS, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Great Civil War. He seeks in combination with others to turn back time in this country to the era of the Evil of African Human Bondage, and White Supremacy.



U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964

What are the Judge’s views on civil rights and race in America? In a November 2017 speech at a religious revival in Jackson, Judge Roy Moore stated that “they started [to] create new rights in 1965, and today we’ve got a problem” in an apparent reference to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It would be safe to say that he has an anti- civil rights platform.

Gadsden’s Statue of Emma Sansom & General Bedford Forrest

Roy Moore was born in Gadsden, the county seat of Etowah County, Alabama. It has a confederate monument dedicated to Emma Sansom. She was an Alabama farm girl noted for her bravery during the Civil War, during which she helped Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest capture Union Commander Abel Striegh on May 2, 1863.[3]

Black Americans have not forgotten General Forrest’s Crimes Against Humanity. Nathan Bedford Forrest is one of the most EVIL and demonic figures from the Civil War era. His command was responsible for the savage massacre of hundreds of black troops, including black children, women and elders at Fort Pillow, Tennessee, in April 1864, and he served as the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan in the early years of Reconstruction that continued the South’s campaign of racial murders and terrorism against Black people.[4]

Gadsden was a hotbed climate of KKK terrorism, murder and crimes against people of color. On February 11, 1906, Bunk Richardson, about 28 years old, was lynched in the city for a crime that he may not have committed.  The lynch mob shot him in the head. Bunk’s body was suspended by his neck with twenty feet of rope on a bridge over the Coosa River. Terrified, many black families had to escape Gadsden in the middle of the night with everything that they could carry.[5]

Is Judge Roy Moore also a vicious racist and ugly racial segregationist consistent with his cultural background? In 2004, an Alabama referendum sought to put an end unconstitutional segregation-era wording, requiring separate schools for “white and coloured children” in its constitution as well as references to the poll taxes once imposed to disenfranchise blacks.[6]

John Giles, president of Alabama Christian Coalition opposed the state referendum under the cloak of increased taxation. Giles’ campaign was assisted by Judge Roy Moore, who had become a local hero since he defied a federal court order to remove a two-ton slab of granite engraved with the Ten Commandments from the rotunda of the Alabama Supreme Court.[7]

Roy Moore’s former assistant during his initial term as chief justice, Tom Parker, was elected to the Alabama Supreme Court even after it became clear that he had been handing out Confederate flags while campaigning and had attended a function honoring the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Parker ran for high public office as the protégé of Judge Roy Moore.

Neo-Confederate Pat Godwin

In July 2004, Parker made his way to the Selma home of Pat and Butch Godwin, who were holding a birthday party to honor Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and vicious racial mass murderer. The Godwins run “Friends of Forrest Inc.”, which owns a Forrest statue the Godwins spent two years unsuccessfully trying to place on public property. Standing on his friends’ Confederate battle flag-bedecked front porch, Parker rallied the crowd. Later, one listener lauded him as “a man not afraid of the flag.”[8]

The Godwins are extremist neo-Confederates. Pat Godwin’s latest crusade is to block any acknowledgement on the Capitol grounds of the 1965 Selma-to-Montgomery civil rights march — a goal of the Alabama Historical Commission. In a July E-mail, Godwin railed at “the trash that came here in 1965,” complaining that those who honor the civil rights movement “are aiding and abetting the ultimate goal of the ONE WORLD ORDER — to BROWN AmeriKa and annihilate Anglo-Celtic-European culture!”

Pat Godwin and her close friend Ellen Williams recently put together a packet of documents that they say proves that the march was the “Mother of All Orgies” and the marchers were motivated by “money, sex and alcohol.” A month earlier, in June, Parker showed up at the Elba, Alabama, funeral of Alberta Stewart Martin, believed to have been the last living widow of a Confederate veteran. He made himself a quick favorite by giving away hundreds of miniature Confederate battle flags to the 300 people, many in period dress, who gathered for this major neo-Confederate event.[9]

And, in a photo widely circulated in the neo-Confederate world, he is seen with what were apparently two friends of his: Mike Whorton, Alabama state leader of the League of the South hate group, and Leonard Wilson, a longtime segregationist who is on the national board of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a hate group that has described black people as “a retrograde species of humanity.[10] Pat and Butch Godwin’s home is known fondly in neo-Confederate circles as “Fort Dixie.”[11] Tom Parker was Moore’s spokesman and legal adviser.

Pro-Confederate activists twice held events to commemorate Alabama’s 1861 secession from the United States at the headquarters of the Foundation led at the time by Roy Moore, the new Republican nominee for US Senate.[12] The events, held at the Foundation for Moral Law’s building in 2009 and 2010, promoted a history of the Civil War sympathetic to the Confederate cause, in which the conflict is presented as one fought over the federal government violating the South’s sovereignty as opposed to one fought chiefly over the preservation of slavery.[13]

In a September 2017 speech, Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate, Judge Roy Moore disrespectfully used “reds and yellows” to describe American Native Americans and Asians fighting. Where, and When?  Moore said,

“We were torn apart in the Civil War — Brother against brother, North against South, party against party. What changed? Now, we have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting. What’s going to unite us? What’s going to bring us back together? A president?  A Congress? No. It’s going to be God.”[14]

Of course, Judge Moore won’t mention the ultimate EVIL Institution of African Human Bondage that was one of most important causes of the Great American Civil War, and the Assassination of President Abe LincolnSir Winston Churchill describes it as, “The last war between gentlemen“. They still clink to the notion that gentlemen of the North and South held respect, honor and chivalry in and out of battle. They were civil to each other even when in separate armies. It was a war between brothers. It may have been such an illusionary metaphor at first, but Black people abruptly interceded in that gentlemanly family quarrel between brothers. It soon became a war of the enslaved versus the en-slavers.

Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U.S., let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship.” Frederick Douglass[15]

No power on earth or Lucifer himself would have defeated over 4 million Africans and descendants breaking the chains and yoke of inhuman slavery.  Is Judge Roy Moore a racist and segregationist? Well, birds of the same feather flock together. YES!



Judge Roy Moore & Dangerous Nazi- White Nationalist Terrorism

Along with white nationalist terrorist groups like the League of the South, Judge Roy Moore was supported by Willis Allison Carto in an unholy alliance with the DEVIL. The late Carto ran a neo-Nazi network of secret cells and front organizations that seeks the overthrow of the U.S. government under a unified Europe ruled by a Nazi-like regime of Fuhrer Adolph Hitler. Its subterranean society was called “The Francis Parker Yockey Movement” named after the Nazi Philosopher, and Underground Third Reich collaborator.

Carto also supported Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party. In the late 1960s, it was running nearly a million dollar lobbying group (Liberty Lobby) in Washington DC. Carto was involved in writing speeches and legislation for about a dozen Washington law-makers. Carto and the Liberty Lobby argued that the holocaust was a Jewish Myth.[16]

Nationalist white supremacist Carto and the Foundation to Defend the First Amendment donated a $1,000 to its bird of featherJudge Moore’s Foundation for Moral Law. They [Carto’s Nazi Cells] have an ideology that is, “Total Nazi; and notice I didn’t say neo-Nazi,” Todd Blodgett, the former head of the white supremacist record label Resistance Records — and later an FBI informant — told HuffPost.[17]

Judge Roy Moore, the Tea Party, Freemasons & the ILLUMINATI Jacobin Club

Alabama Patriots – the Statewide Tea Party Organization endorsed Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.[18] Tea Party Express of California, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, announced its endorsement of Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.[19] In Georgia, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin endorsed Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.[20] Tea Party groups across the U.S. seem unified to endorse Republican Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.

The Tea Party took its name from identification with New England colonists who demonstrated their distrust and contempt for British government by illegally seizing and dumping imported tea in protest of increased taxes, the first salvo in what became the American Revolution culminating in independence from Britain and formation of a new government.  The Boston Tea Party was planned at the Green Dragon Tavern, also known as the “Freemasons’ Arms” and “the Headquarters of the Revolution.”[21]

The modern Tea Party Movement’s character, tactics and goals are consistent with and reminiscent of, the Masonic extremists of the French Revolution known as the ILLUMINATI Jacobin Club. Like the Tea Party, the Jacobins came to power riding a wave of populist contempt and rage at government, the first target – the failed monarchy of Louis XVI. The leaders of the Jacobins were best known for the fervor of their hatred of the monarchy and their willingness to use any means to bring it down. It was the Jacobins who insisted it was not enough to depose and imprison the king, his blood needed to be shed in order for the people to be truly free.

Tea Party Leader Newt Gingrich is compared to the firebrand (fire eater) Jacobin, Danton. In the French Revolution, Georges-Jacques Danton (1759- 1794) is credited as the chief force in the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the First French Republic (September 21, 1792).[22] Danton was President of the Jacobin Club, and a member of the famous and powerful ILLUMINATI Nine Sisters Masonic Lodge with Ben Franklin as the grand master.[23]

Tea Party Party Ted Cruz is compared to Maximilien Robespierre. The most powerful and influential Jacobin in France was Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierr (Robespierre1758- 1794), who was dubbed ‘the Incorruptible’ because of his ascetic lifestyle and unwavering commitment to the revolution. He was one of “most ardent apostles” of SATAN(ISM).

Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz 21st Century Jacobin & Masonic Hidden Hand

The Hidden Hand of Ted Cruz and Robespierre originates in “The Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry”, a degree introduced under Illuminati infiltration. The Royal Arch Degree (the 13th degree of the Scottish Rite or the 7th degree of the York Rite) is also known as the Mason of the Secret. During this Degree, initiates are said to receive great Masonic Truths.[24]

Masonic Hidden Hand Marquis de Lafayette

Called “America’s Best Friend” in Europe, Marquis de Lafayette was Thomas Jefferson’s best friend in France and America.[25] Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834) was also a Hidden Hand 33° Freemason and French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution.  Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.[26]

Both Robespierre and Ted Cruz are notable in their willingness to embrace fear and terror as legitimate political tools. Terror emanates from virtue, you needed it to have virtue manifest. Robespierre famously said, Virtue without terror is impotent, terror without virtue is cruel.” This became the guiding principle of the Jacobins which ultimately led to the deaths of more than 55,000 French citizens before Robespierre’s head finally joined the others in the basket under the guillotine.

This is the 21st Century, But Here It Is in the U.S. Senate

It’s certainly not a stretch to say that Ted Cruz is EVIL enough to embrace tactics that amount to Jacobin political terrorismshutting down the federal government; threatening default on repaying government debt; attacking the integrity and patriotism of colleagues and officials who disagree with him; supporting fratricidal primaries against fellow Republicans that are deemed insufficiently conservative.[27]



Robespierre’s Supreme Being

The Cult of the Supreme Being was established in France by Robespierre during the French Revolution as the official state religion. He studied the works of Jean Jacques Rousseau and was attracted to many of his ideas. Robespierre became intrigued by the idea of a “virtuous self“, a man who stands alone accompanied only by his conscience.

Robespierre’s study of the classics prompted him to aspire to Roman virtues, but he sought to emulate Rousseau in particular. Robespierre’s conception of revolutionary virtue and his programme for constructing political sovereignty out of direct democracy came from Rousseau, and in pursuit of these ideals he eventually became known during the Jacobin Republic as “the Incorruptible.” His religious ideas and the Cult of the Supreme Being were also heavily influenced by Rousseau.[28]

Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI was raised and taught by Jesuits, at the age of 28, he was dean of the faculty of law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria. He was obsessed with ancient Egyptian rites and rituals. He maintained contact with Freemasons. He was an avid reader of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.[29]

Rousseau’s political philosophy, particularly his formulation of social contract theory (or Contractarianism), strongly influenced the French Revolution and the development of liberal, conservative and socialist theory. His views on philosophy of education and on religion were equally controversial but nevertheless influential.[30]

Rousseau coined the term “civil religion” in Chapter 8, Book 4 of The Social Contract, to describe what he regarded as the moral and spiritual foundation essential for any modern society. Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich’s infamous “Contract with America” (Contractarianism) was the conservative action of more than 300 Republican Congressional candidates who signed it was presented at a September 27, 1994 press conference.[31] It was works of mass public deception and illusions of Jean Rousseau.

Rousseau was also a Freemason, a member of the Original Grand Orient of France that claimed responsibility for the French Revolution and enforced an atheistic and secular view of Masonry.[32]

Louis Philippe Joseph d’Orléans, above, was the son of Louis Philippe d’Orléa, Duke of Chartres, and Louise Henriette de Bourbon. Philippe was a member of the House of Orléans, a cadet branch of the French royal family. His mother came from the House of Bourbon- Conde. Philippe d’Orléans was a cousin of Louis XVI and one of the wealthiest men in France. He actively supported the Revolution of 1789, and was a strong advocate for the elimination of the absolute monarchy in favor of a constitutional monarchy. He voted the death of King Louis XVI; however, was himself guillotined in November 1793 during France’s Reign of Terror.[33]

Philippe d’Orléans was a member of the Jacobins during the French Revolution; he strongly adhered to the principles of Jean Rousseau. In addition to being a Jacobin, Philippe was also the Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Orient de France, the most powerful Masonic Obedience in worldwide Continental Freemasonry.[34]

Early, Rousseau was an initiate of Madame de Warens (1699- 1762) and was received into her household in Chambéry in Southeast France. Madame de Warens was a paid Jesuit spy and catholic converter for the House of Savoy, then part of the Kingdom of Sardinia.[35]  She was a Libertine. libertine is one devoid of most moral or sexual restraints, which are seen as unnecessary or undesirable, especially one who ignores or even spurns accepted morals and forms of behavior sanctified by the larger society.

Madame de Warens read the works of Deist authors, particularly Voltaire. While living in her household, Rousseau delved into the works of Newton, Bayle, and Voltaire. Voltaire’s works, in particular, he said, “Inspired me with a desire to write elegantly, and caused me to endeavor to imitate the colorings of that author, with whom I was so enchanted.” [36]

Voltaire was also a Freemason.  François-Marie Arouet (1694 – 1778) known by his nom de plume Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. He was enshrined in the Panthéon, after the National Assembly of France, which regarded him as a forerunner of the French Revolution.[37] He also was a freemason. He was initiated in Ben Franklin and Denton’s Lodge of the Nine Sisters, at Paris, April 7, 1778.[38]

Deists believe in a god of nature – a noninterventionist creator in the affairs of man – who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws. Like a “clockmaker god” initiating the cosmic process, the universe moves forward, without needing God’s supervision.[39]

Deism became popular during the 1700’s. Deist ideas appear in the writings of such philosophers as Rousseau and Voltaire. In America, deist ideas appear in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution. Those ideas reflect political influence of leading deists of the time: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine. The deist concept of God underlies such phrases as “In God We Trust” and “we are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights”.[40]

This is a very important religious invention of the secret ruling ILLUMINATI/Masonic planter elite in the founding principles of America’s constitutional congresses that few truly understand. This religious principle places their man’s inhumanity to manInstitution of African Human Bondage- the affairs of men beyond the questions and judgment of GOD!

It was intended that The Cult of the Supreme Being become the state religion of the new French Republic and a replacement for Roman Catholicism and its rival, the Cult of Reason.

Cult of the Supreme Being Ritual- Mound & Tree of Liberty

The concept of a Tree of Life (Liberty) has been used in science, religion, philosophy, and mythology. A tree of life is a common motif in various world theologies, mythologies, and philosophies. It alludes to the interconnection of all life on our planet and serves as a metaphor for common descent in the evolutionary sense.[41]

 Manly P. Hall 33°, in his monumental work, The Secret Teachings of All Ageswrites, “…the Tree of Life is also the appointed symbol of the Mysteries, and by partaking of its fruit man attains immortality.”[42]

French Revolution- Satanic Tree of Liberty

The ritual ceremonies of the Cult of the Supreme Being were arranged by Jacques-Louis David. David was a Freemason initiated into the  “La ModerationLucifer’s Masonic Lodge.[43] Freemason Robespierre was the minister. Many hymns were heard, including Freemason Marie Joseph Chénier’s famous hymn:

God of the people, of kings, of cities, of the countryside,

            Of Luther, of Calvin, of the children of Israel

            You whom the Gheber [Zoroaster] worships deep within his mountains,

                        In invoking the stars of heaven

            Here are gathered before your immense sight

            The sons and supports of the French empire.[44]

2012 Summer Olympics, Freemason, Mound & Tree of Liberty, London, England 

Many will argue that the French Masonic Cult of the Supreme Being, the Mountain and Tree of Liberty Ritual is a thing of the distant pass. Well, they will be hard pressed to explain why the ritual shows up in Great Britain in the 21st century with a British Freemason like French Freemason Jean Rousseau leading the ritual ceremonies.

And, people arising out of deep of the mountain (Zoroastrianism) like the sonnet of French Freemason Marie Joseph Chénier.

However, the British Royal House make no bones about supporting the Cult of the Supreme Being to become the 21st century Satanic religion of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

The Friends of the People caricatured by Isaac Cruikshank, November 15, 1792, Joseph Priestley, DEVIL and Thomas Paine. ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY by Thomas Paine (1737- 1809) The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: both are derived from the worship of the sun. The difference between their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the sun.

In Masonry many of the ceremonies of the Druids are preserved in their original state, at least without any parody. With them the sun is still the sun; and his image in the form of the sun is the great emblematical ornament of Masonic lodges and Masonic dresses. It is the central figure on their aprons, and they wear it also pendant on the breast of their lodges, and in their processions. It has the figure of a man, as at the head of the sun, as Christ is always represented.

At what period of antiquity, or in what nation, this religion was first established, is lost in the labyrinth of unrecorded time. It is generally ascribed to the ancient Egyptians, the Babylonians and Chaldeans, and reduced afterwards to a system regulated by the apparent progress of the sun through the twelve signs of the zodiac by Zoroaster the lawgiver of Persia, from whence Pythagoras brought it into Greece.[45]

Thomas Paine was specifically brought to America by Jacobin Freemason, Benjamin Franklin.  It was Franklin who, with the support of Masonic Grand Master George Washington. They made Paine’s great swelling words” an acceptable sensation in the American colonies.   Men like Thomas Paine, Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin spent years interacting with the revolutionary ILLUMINATI Jacobin Masons in France, who even set up a goddess they called Reason in the midst of the French Revolution.  This was done specifically to denounce Christianity and the BIBLE  (Book of Leviticus), which the French attempted to destroy completely from their midst.[46]

In 1792, after the guillotine was erected near the Tuileries and Robespierre and Jean-Paul Marat rounded up “priests, royalists, editors, and judges” and executed 1,400 political prisoners. Thomas Jefferson and others in his Democratic Republican Party applauded the mass atrocities. Some called themselves “Jacobins,” saluting one another as “citizens.” They excused the bloodshed as necessary EVILS in the pursuit of liberty.

Jefferson had a stunning response when his former private secretary William Short wrote him from Europe to tell him personally of “those mad and corrupted people in France who under the name of liberty have destroyed their own government.”

Jefferson replied with chilly dispassion. “The liberty of the whole earth was depending on the issue of the contest,” he wrote. “Rather than it should have failed, I would have seen half the earth desolated.”[47] That brings us right back to Judge Roy Moore. He too, will see the nation divided, burning of Troy, and half the earth desolated before he voluntarily step away from the Republican ticket for U.S. Senate.



“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will” – Aleister Crowley 666

The issue with Judge Roy Stewart Moore just as is with Donald J. Drumpf is plainly EvilABSOLUTE EVIL.

Lust’s Passions will be Served–Marquis de Sade, the ILLUMINATI

It is believed that Adam Weishaupt of the ILLUMINATI formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade), and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.  Marquis de Sade (Sadism) was a “Psychopathic Satanist” of the oligarchic ruling class. He was a Libertine, a Master of Debauchery.

Marquis de Sade like Judge Roy Moore was always on the lookout for impressionable girls to exploit. In 1772, Sade with his valet took part in an orgy of whippings, masturbation and sodomy with four girls, to whom they gave aniseed sweets soaked in Spanish Fly aphrodisiac. Two of the girls became ill and said they’d been poisoned. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Sade and his valet, but they fled the country. In their absence, Sade was sentenced to beheading for poisoning and sodomy, and his valet to hanging. When Sade heard the news, he recorded that he masturbated and discharged joyously! When he later returned to France, he was later reprieved on appeal, as was so often the case with the aristocratic class.

Marquis de Sade’s Supreme Being & Debauchery

An Orgy, Illustration From “Histoire de Juliette, by the Marquise de Sade 

During the French Revolution, Sade and joined the Section des Piques, a radical revolutionary faction in Paris. His past military experience was put to use organizing their cavalry, and in 1793 (the year of The Terror) he became president of the section. He even addressed the French National Convention in 1792 as a member, and published several political pamphlets.

The National Convention, French Convention Nationale, assembly governed France from September 20, 1792, until October 26, 1795, during the most critical period of the French Revolution. The National Convention was elected to provide a new constitution for the country after the overthrow of the monarchy (August 10, 1792). Sodomy, incest, rape, and other sexual vices proposed by Sade were presented as fraternal or sororal gestures (like brothers and sisterly).

In an essay of the period of the French National Convention heavily influenced and dominated by the ILLUMINATI Jacobin Club and Marquis de Sade, Sibalis write: “In his presentation of the newly drafted penal code to the Constituent Assembly, Le Pelletier de Saint-Fargeau commented that it outlawed only ‘true crimes’ and not ‘those phony offenses created by superstition, feudalism, the tax system and despotism.’  Although he did not list the crimes ‘created by superstition‘ — meaning the Christian religion – they undoubtedly included blasphemy, heresy, sacrilee, and witchcraft, and also quite probably bestiality, incest, pederasty (Greek-Roman Boy-Love) and sodomy. By dropping any mention of these former offenses, Revolutionary legislation simply passed over in silence acts that had once, at least in theory, merited the most severe penalties [including death].” (“The Regulation of Male Homosexuality in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, 1789-1815,” in Homosexuality in Modern France, edited by Jeffrey Merrick and Bryant T. Ragan, Jr. p. 82)

I said all of that to say this. Judge Moore’s Foundation for Moral Law (Jean Rousseau) is a secret Jacobin ILLUMINATI Cell on a mission to further confuse, divide and polarize the America people,  and drive the country into CHAOS. As far as Judge Moore’s pedophilia charges are concerned, the Jacobin God stays out of the affairs of man. And, the Jacobins don’t consider pedophilia, sexual assaults and sexual perversion societal crimes , but the divine privileges of the secret MASONIC,

Divine 9- Kappa Alpha Psi, Boule, Prince Hall Master Master


Jacobin ILLUMINATI Tea Party U.S. Congressman Joe Barton (Texas)

I have said enough!








[7] Id.





[11] Id.







































16 04 2016

I often talk about Sonny Boy Williamson. You need to know something about Sonny Boy and the strength, beauty and the classic expression of the Human Spirit. Sonny Boy grew up under so much pain, cruelty and hardship in Mississippi that he never was able to talk about it during his life, PERIOD.


The Ghouls & Dead 


The House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II) have boosted their incomes for generations by taking from the dead. When someone dies in Cornwall without leaving a will their estate is taken by the Duchy of Cornwall (Prince Charles) if they have no surviving relatives entitled to inherit from them. Similarly, when a person dies in parts of Lancashire and in other parts of England and Wales that belong to the Duchy of Lancaster, their estate is added to the wealth of that Duchy (Queen Elizabeth II).[1]

The Ghouls & Dead in Birmingham


Jefferson County’s ILLUMINATI Wheel of Fortune, Hosted by Elizabeth McElroy & Alan Lamar King

In Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, the ILLUMINATI also boost their incomes by taking from the dead. However, Jefferson County goes far beyond the British Empire, even if a person die, with or without a will, in the county with surviving relatives entitled to inherit, the dearly departed estates are given to the ILLUMINATI criminal gang to loot. Below, I set out my federal government authorities to support the contention that Jefferson County officials involved in this particular case are in fact, a designated dangerous criminal gang.

My dear elder, WWII Veteran and former coal miner, John Gregory, Jr. of Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL died suddenly in August 2011 after issues of elder abuse and racial senior-cide at the Veteran’s Hospital and Clinic in Birmingham. He was a humble yet classic god fearing Christian, and very dignified man. At over 90 years old, he was still the respected and beloved patriarchal head of his family. In his late nineties, he was still mobile, and very active in and about his home and affairs in the city. He was very active in his own legal affairs. I had the pleasure to help him in some legal affairs, but believe me, Mr. Gregory was in CHARGE of everything at his home on 429 G Street. He was a stately wise elder and counsel of his family that I ever so wished that I could have had in my own family and lifetime.

My dear elder paternal grandfather, Big Papa John Bullock, died in his sixties in Arkansas. I only met and shared an extraordinary experience with him only once after high school. My paternal grandfather, Luke Blueford, died in his fifties. Luke grew up hard in Arkansas and Louisiana. Luke was like the infamous Mississippi Bluesman, Sonny Boy Williamson (Little Boy Blue). Growing up in the South had been so hard and painful that he wouldn’t or couldn’t ever-ever talk about it.[2]

Similarly, Big Papa also grew up hard, but he grew up within an old respected large supporting extended family out of ante-bellum Pike/Marion County, MS. His father and my great grandfather, the remarkable Notorious Jake Bullock. Jake, born 1856, was an ex-bondage legendary fiddler and womanizer in his own time at the turn of the 19th century Pike/Walthall County, MS. Jake was known as the original Pac-Man. In his lifetime, Big Papa had refused to ever talk about Jake even with own children.

Even today, my mother’s paternal side of the family still refuse to discuss even with me any details that they may know of the family’s background or genealogy. I still don’t know if they arose out of bondage out of Alabama or Georgia. We are people worthy of a dignified history. However, I am certain of one thing- out of slavery, things were extremely hard for them. Out of bondage, my mother’s family had also been a stable extended and somewhat intact family. The Gregory Family had a rare opportunity to live with a lucid family historian and legend for decades. I admired that ever so much. I enjoyed so much on occasions to hear Mr. Gregory’s very settled voice of wisdom and reason over the phone.

In 2011, the elder John Gregory, Jr. passed with a blessed long line of surviving relatives entitled to inherit from him. Jefferson County Superior Probate Court Judge Alan Lamar King of the ILLUMINATI gave his very modest estate to a gang member, County Administrator, Elizabeth McElroy, the Queen Bee, to spin the wheel of fortune like in a LOTTERY on Mr. Gregory’s humble estate.

For over five (5) years, Judge King and Queen Bee held his property virtually in ransom trying to wrestle a substantial amount of cash out of his survivors. In the latter part of 2016, Queen Bee finally quitclaimed his real property to some of Mr. Gregory’s heirs without ever filling a Declaration of Heirs as mandated by law.

During this time, Mr. Gregory’s home at 429 G Street had been left vacant, and reduced to shambles. For the over five (5) years, vandals and trespassers freely entered the premises removing copper and raiding whatsoever possible valuable inside. Even though, Queen Bee released quitclaims deeds to Mr. Gregory’s property to some survivors, the Birmingham Police Department still consider Queen Bee, most likely at her insistence, still in charge and control of 429 G Street. They even threatened to arrest one of quitclaim title holders to the property if she entered the house. So my Lord, what HELL hole is this in America!


Mistress of a Million Bayonets of the State Power, Queen Bee McElroy

As mandated by law, Queen Bee refuses to account, not even once, of what money and assets she seized belonging to Mr. Gregory in over five (5) years. AND, if any money or substantial assets belonging to Mr. Gregory happens to pop up, these DEMONS reserve the right to re-open the estate as probate administrators and seize the assets. So my Lord, what HELL hole and EVIL is this in America! Maybe, these are the DEMONS that had been harassing and chasing me in my dreams as we “Countdown to Birmingham.”




This pass week had been pretty bad for me. I had been unable to sleep nights. In my last post, I talked quite a bit about the subject and language of DEMONS and DEVILS. Sometimes, it really get inside my head. At night, I dreamed about being chased by them and wake up in a cold sweat. Last night was no different, I tossed and turned. I tried to think about something else, but it just seemed to be fruitless.

During these nights, I often awoke confused. Was I somehow in league or in complicity with DEMONS and DEVILS? During my last post, I learned of a new classification and characterization of demonology and SatanismLuciferic Initiation. I have never been Luciferic Initiated, but that still didn’t ease my mind. How do you know for sure? I continued to question myself. I turned on the idiot box in an attempt to distract my attention away from the subject.


In the middle of the night, I flipped through youtube for a good movie to focus my attention on. My favorite movie genre is, of course, sci-fi and horror. I passed the movie entitled, Barracuda, a number of times. Then for some reason, I settled on watching it. I surmised that it was only about Barracudas going crazy by pesticides randomly attacking humans. Sure enough, Barracuda is a 1978 American film about a small Florida coastal town that is menaced by chemically induced and highly aggressive barracuda fish.[3] I didn’t know it when I turned it on that the alternate title and plot of the movie is: The Lucifer Project.[4]

My jaw dropped when I discovered the alternative plot right in the middle of the movie. The movie was actually about a secret CIA MK ULTRA experimental mass behavior modification project entitled, LUCIFER. The government (CIA) had been clandestinely poisoning the water with mind altering chemicals to cause widespread CHAOS turning man aggressively and violently against each other. I couldn’t believe my lying eyes.

The movie was co-written and directed by Harry Edward Kerwin, born 1930, in the giant U.S. Navy Conclave, San Diego, CA. The movie was released on January 3, 1979. By June 2, 1979, just days before his June 30th 49th birthday, Kerwin was DEAD. Barracuda had been his last movie. Basically today, Harry E. Kerwin has been rendered literally off limits among the unseen and UNKNOWN even in HollyWeird.[5],[6] After watching the movie, my sanity was reaffirmed. As I had been introduced to a new classifying term, Luciferic Initiation, I had been introduced to yet another new classification involving demonology and Satanism, the Lucifer or Luciferic Project.

It was vitally important to protect and preserve my own sanity to begin to use classifications in analyzing and describing Luciferic and Satanic human events. The use of classifications tends to keep me properly separated from Luciferic and Satanic subjects and not get lost its names, terminology, and language that possess POWER in its own uttering.

After Barracuda, the Movie, I finally fell soundly asleep with PEACE OF MIND, and an renewed affirmation to continue to march forward to the Magick (Occult) City, BIRMINGHAM & ILLUMINATI.




“The Boule’ has taken a sworn oath to maintain the state of white supremacy and to never let you know the whites that rule the world.” Kushite Prince [7]

“The Boule works in concert with their masters in maintaining the grip of Illuminati supremacy on their people. The Boule is another arm of the nefarious secret societies that recruit, indoctrinate and cull for the dark forces.” Kushite Prince [8]

The late Steve Cokely, had this to say: “Anywhere there are prominent professional Blacks, chances are they’re in the Boule”.[9]  Beta Kappa Boulé (Boulé number 56) was founded on May 17, 1981 in Birmingham, Alabama.  Beta Kappa Boulé was set apart by Phi Boulé, Montgomery- Tuskegee, Alabama. And that’s about all that you get out publicly of the Beta Kappa Boulé.[10]

Chapter Phi Boulé of Montgomery- Tuskegee was set apart in 1938. In 1956, this chapter invited a young Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to join. Other than that, you won’t get too much more out of Phi Boulé, either. [11] Consistent with their character and nature, they are classic secret societies.

Not many people other than Kushite Prince and Mbwebe Aja Ishangi (Da Ghetto and a few others dwell so deeply in the areas that I cover- black secret societies. It’s like so many people just don’t believe that “Fat Meat is Greasy.” However let me say this. I believe that my extraordinary infantile trauma-based experience in the Nazi and U.S. Navy’s ultra top secret Project CHATTER opened up a sub- dimensional portal or dimension in my mind.

In an incident related to the project, I had been so internally traumatized as a child that I went into a coma. For seconds, minutes or maybe hours, my original self and conscious went someplace (out of body) that I have no idea where. So, I don’t blame people for not knowing certain things, because they are secret. However, at some point, people must begin to peel away the layers, and become aware of the latent, hidden and growing clandestine spiritual dangers that they face on a daily basis.


Don’t get it twisted. Black Greek lettered fraternities and sororities are in fact reproductions of white collegiate satanic secret societies. A secret society is a collegiate society where significant effort is made to keep affairs, membership rolls, signs of recognition, initiation, or other aspects secret such as their rituals and false idols from the public.[12] They are organized pursuant to their traditional bylaws as the “kindred kind” to Free and Accepted Masons (Alpha Tau Omega).[13] If you don’t remember anything else, please remember this- black fraternities and sororities arekindred kindto the Freemasons and Eastern Stars.


“Kindred Kind”, in the sense of its use in the occult, is difficult to define. Kindred is defined as a group of related individuals; one’s relatives, and kinship, family relationship.[14] The Order of Knights Templar recognizes authentic Freemasons as “Kindred Spirits“, who share an inspiration and passion for ancient esoteric knowledge of the divine mechanics of consciousness of the universe. That common characteristic of both Masons and Templars should be honoured, and is sufficient and compelling reason to ensure friendly and mutually supportive relations between them.[15] The “Kindred Kind” appears to indicate a stronger Blood Ritual Kinship relationship than the spiritual bonds ofKindred Spiritsfor the ancient esoteric knowledge, but would also be an internal part of the former.


The numbers of secret society members with their Satanic false idols touching all aspects of the daily lives of Black Folk including children is absolutely mind blowing, staggering and continues to grow. It is estimated that 70- 75% of all black male lawyers are members of the secret societyAlpha Phi Alpha.[16] Virtually every black mayor, Congressman, banker or millionaire in America are members of the secret society– the Boule.[17],[18]


During this year’s Oscar ceremonies, Chris Rock admitted that to work regularly in the HollyWeird entertainment industry- black people had to be cleared through a secret society.[19]


The Masonic Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity and Loyalty



To stop the robbing of the dignity of our dear departed love ones, as my dear brother and researcher, Kushite Prince, pointed out, they [black secret societies] have become the ILLUMINATI’S first line of defense in the Black Community. The battlefield has changed drastically since the 1960s’ struggle for civil and human rights. During that time, the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), the collaborative organization of nine “Divine Nine” historically black Greek lettered fraternities, sororities; and black freemasons often fought for and along beside the masses. If they didn’t fight, they certainty for the most part didn’t openly interfere. However, when called to action, they (black secret societies) aided the ILLUMINATI slaughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who became a “renegade” member of the Boule after its mission and role in the black community were changed significantly by its “kindred Kind“, the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry.


Rev. Billy Kyles, Operation PUSH co-founder with Jesse Jackson, Boule and 33rd degree Freemason, led Dr. King to the balcony and admitted that he moved away from Dr. King to allow the assassin to get a clear shot.[21], [22] When you move up the ladder to special operation “hierarchical degrees” of a Jesse Jackson or Billy Kyles involving the assassinations of public figures, you must go through a higher degree of security and secrecy; and another higher degree of secret initiation. We don’t seem to be clear what the degrees are or the Boule initiation rituals even at the lowest levels.


However, some usual secret classical homosexual Sex Magick (booty) Rites appears to be common practice among the lower and entry level ranks.[23] That’s the way that they have rolled for quite sometime.


Without the traditional guidance and wisdom of their African elders, these strange Satanic Enochian Sex Magick Rites and practices are slowly creeping its way through the Satanic Hip Hop/Rap Cults.


Former Republican Presidents Reagan and Nixon at the Bohemian Grove, the Satanic Coven of the Powerful and Rich

“The Bohemian Grove — which I attend, from time to time — it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can’t shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.” – President Richard M. Nixon

The Boule was organized to mimic their kindred kind Skull and Bones, and the Ancient Brotherhood of Death of Germany. The Boule’s ultra secret rituals would be similar to these groups. Their rituals involve a symbolic death and rebirth as a member of “The Order.”[24]

Its’ higher and most secret degrees of the Boule are initiated by the Ritual of the Blood Brotherhoodthroat slashing of victims. “The sacrificial victims, who have been bred from birth for the role, are ritually killed by slashing the throat from left to right. This is the origin of the Freemasonic sign of pulling the flat hand across the throat from left to right, a movement which means ‘You’re dead’ ”.[25] 


High Ranking ILLUMINATI/Masonic  Boule Luciferic Initiated Pentecostal Prophetess Dr. Juanita Bynum and Rev. Billy Kyles- ILLUMINATI-Masonic Fangs Hand Symbol. Masonic Secret Finger Sign of Preservation– Columbian Order Primo Don & KGB Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin. Here’s what ILLUMINATI False Prophetess Juanita Bynum has to say about the Blood Ritual of the Brotherhood. Here’s what Dr. Bynum has to say about the Ritual of the Blood Brotherhood (1:38-4:25).

More of Juanita Bynum is briefly covered below with T.D. Jakes. It would take an entire post to cover her. Nevertheless, in some cases, it is reported that low income parents, and those addicted to drugs, are at the mercy of the secret blood sacrifice of the Boule’s kindred kind Freemasons, and Satanists operating among the social services hierarchy and judges.[26]


Rev. Jim Jones and Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Share a MLK, Jr. Humanitarian Award, An Absolute CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY

You must recall that Rev. Jim Jones and the People’s Temple‘s doctor was Boule CIA Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett.[27] The social services hierarchy and state judges of California were complicit with the CIA (Knight Order) in ordering children of color, wards of the state of California, directly into Jonestown, a CIA medical/mind experiment in Guyana, South America. The investigation into the roles of social services and state judges in Jonestown was covered-up by the then, and current governor of California, the Jesuit Priest, Jerry Brown.[28] Boule CIA Dr. Isaac Slaughter was the black elder spearhead that lured black prisoners into Vacaville Prison’s CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control/medical and radiation experimental cohort group, the Black Cultural Association.[29]

At one time, the black secret societies may not have been involved with their kindred kind in Rituals of the Blood Brotherhood, but when they became complicit in use with them in murders, assassinations, MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control projects, high levels of crime, corruption and secrecy, blood sacrifices, idol worship, kidnapping children, drug trafficking, and wars of aggressions, they are Luciferic initiated like the kindred kind.


Black Fraternities and Masons call themselves, Goat Riders, not me. The source of much of the modern lore surrounding the fraternal goat is a book written in 1902 called, The Lodge Goat: Goat Rides, Butts, and Goat Hairs, by James Pettibone. The book is written from the goat’s [God Pan] point of view.[30]


According to Pettibone, the source of goat riding can be traced back to the Middle Ages when Christianity converted the old Greco-Roman God Pan into a symbol of SATAN. PAN was described as a hairy creature with long horns, hooves, and a shaggy hide. SATANinherited Pan’s best known features of horns, beard, and cloven hooves. Renaissance artists sometimes pictured Satan as arriving in the midst of a pagan, blasphemous ceremony astride a goat.”[31]


Pettibone further points out that in England it was widely held that the custom of goat riding was assumed by the Freemasons.[32]




While in my confused state chased by demons, I confused the Babylonian Pazuza, Demon God of the Wind with the word Azusa that remained in the back of my subconscious. Don’t get it twisted. I was introduced to Pazuza by the popular HollyWeird American horror film series, The Exorcist, that began in the 1970s. The film series grossed over a half billion dollars. I am far from the only person with Pazuza implanted in my subconscious.[33] The word Azusa had also been implanted in the back of my subconscious from an old Christian ministry that I saw on the idiotic box years earlier. Nevertheless, I really wasn’t too far off the mark with loosely associating the Azusa Street Ministry with the profane and DEMONIC Pazuza. I just didn’t know how to classify what I was looking at.


“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Matthew 7:18

The infamous Azusa Street Pentecostal meetings took place in 1906 in Los Angeles. In 2006, T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, below, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Juanita Bynum (false prophets) and many other ministers of Christian faith led a highly televised Azusa Street Revival Movement, a hundred year anniversary.


“Scholarly preachers spoke up about these [1906 Azusa] meetings; such as R.A. Torrey who declared that this new Pentecostal movement was ’emphatically not of God, and founded by a Sodomite.’   G. Campbell Morgan called it, ‘the last vomit of SATAN.’[34] In 2006, I watched some of the anniversary Azusa Street Ministry on television with a great of curiosity. I noticed that the all of evangelists pounded on the same common theme. They argued that if you weren’t rich, happy and prosperous- it wasn’t anyone’s fault but your own. It wasn’t the police, no New World Order, not even Satan. It was your fault by not giving enough money to Godtheir ministries as intermediaries between the people and Christ.


The Azusa Street Ministry was very successful in fleecing the mass Christian audience. It made Paula White, Wicked Witch of the South, into a mega religious super star. In 2006, she admitted to bringing in about $40 million that year. She was so thankful to T.D. Jakes that she bought him a new convertible Bentley for his 50th Birthday.[35]


While T.D. Jakes was bringing in the money, T.V. Evangelist Benny Hinn was getting all the “Honey.”[36]


T.D. Jakes & Azusa also spiraled Evangelist Juanita Bynum career in the super star religious spotlight. She had been under Jakes’ wings since 1996. In 2003, the “million-dollar” wedding of Dr. Bynum, well-known evangelist and author of the best-selling Matters of the Heart, to Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III featured a wedding party of 80, 1,000 guests, a 12-piece orchestra, and a 7.76-carat diamond ring. The black-tie wedding cost “more than a million,” the bride said, and included flowers flown in from around the world. “My dress,” she says, “took nine months to make. All of the crystals on the gown were hand-sewn. The headpiece was sterling silver, hand-designed.”[37]

In 2007, after the Azusa Anniversary, Dr. Bynum and Bishop Weeks were found in a knock down- ugly bloody slugfest in the parking lot of the Renaissance Concourse Hotel near Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International. Dr. Bynum found the bishop a little too friendly with the “men-es” at the church. Doc said he was gay.[38] She also confessed to being “gay” and lying with women at one time, or sometime?


“Bel bows down, Nebo stoops low; their idols are borne by beasts of burden. The images that are carried about are burdensome, a burden for the weary. They stoop and bow down together …” Bible, Isaiah 46

T.D. Jakes mimic the hand symbol of the Babylonian God, Nebu or Nebo. Jakes has been secretly initiated into another dimension of space, time and science. He has become a dual-spirited Trickster, Magickian and Master of ILLUSIONS, signs, symbols and language.


 Gods Enill and Marduk

Nabu, meaning “to prophesy“, is the Babylonian god of wisdom and writing was worshipped by Babylonians as the son of Marduk. In Sumerian texts, the earlier God Enlil is the same as Marduk.[39] In the Yezidis tribes of Kurdistan mythology, a creature -who is half-lion, half-eagle called Imdugud or Anzu (Pazuza), “This monster was said to have stolen the Tablets of Destiny from the god Enlil (Ellil) … which, in its possession, gave ‘him power over the Universe as controller of the fates of all,’ enough to endanger ‘the stability of civilization,’ “ Andrew Collins writes in his book “From the Ashes of Angels.”[40]

The mysterious and mythical God Pazuza implanted in HollyWeird’s mass popular Exorcist was no coincidence. It was also no coincidence that Azusa literally constitutes part of Pazuza without the P. It is also no coincidence that I found Pazuza deeply implanted in my subconscious awaken decades later by Azusa.


The author of Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, was a CIA operative. He was there in Lebanon in the early 1950s with President Obama’s maternal family, the Dunhams. Blatty most likely attended the same Catholic school, College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, that Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had been a student at in Beirut.[41]


Additionally, guess who else was at the CIA station in Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Blatty, Dr. William Thetford.[42]


Dr. Thetford was the CIA/MK ULTRA child fantasy expert and author of Oprah Winfrey’s “A Course in Miracles.” Beirut had been “ground zero” planning the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control project (1953) with SS Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele.[43]


The Exorcist movie deliberately implanted secret subliminal images in the subconscious to impair viewers with a sense of fear and demonic possession. According to previously classified documents, the CIA started testing subliminal manipulation in movie theaters during the late 1950s. In Washington, Blatty was head of the U.S. Air Force, Policy Branch of the Psychological Warfare Division involved in mass population psychological warfare programs in the Vietnam aggression. [44]  You see. I wasn’t crazy- imagining things.


The CIA clandestine subliminal manipulation of DEMONS and DEVILS in mass media experimental projects is designed to distract the people from traditional “protest” activities.  It appears that their point is make us despair, to see ourselves as ultimately bestial, vile, decaying, ugly, unworthy- falling short of dignity and being loved by our GOD. What do you think?

This is what I believe. It is just as I had found myself distracted in deep despair chased by DEMONS doubting my own sense of worthiness. I was ugly maybe possessed of DEMONS– falling short of the Love of God or anybody else. This stuff is extremely DEEP. The Occult Bureau of the CIA has been at this for decades.

As the god of wisdom and writing, Nabu was linked by the Greeks with Hermes, by the Romans with Mercury, and with Kemetic Thoth.[45] Nebu or Neb-o in Kemet means “Lord” and in the Paleo-Hebrew language “Neb” is translated “BAAL.”[46] Lord and Master Bel (Marduk) was a chief god that I outlined in my previous post involving the Hell Fire Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cults of Europe. Nebu, Son of Bel, was the god of wisdom and literature. Contrast this with Jesus who is called, “The Word of God” and, “The Son of God.” Thus, Bel and Nebu can be seen as the cultic demonic mimic of the Father and Son (Jesus).

Nebu was said to impart the hidden Masonic Lightof wisdom; similarly, Jesus is called “the Light,” and “the Lamp.” By Jakessecret signs and symbols, he asks mockingly among the unknowing and unseeing, Who is really like the Father, the only true God? Is Nebu or his father Bel? Or is it Jesus Christ of Nazareth? This is the game that the ILLUMINATI play- a contest between the gods of Babylon and the One True God.[47] It is a game of conquest of EVIL over GOOD played out between brothers Set (Seth) and Aset (Osiris) in Kemet that goes back tens if not hundreds of thousands years ago at the dawn of human civilization.


T.D. Jakes is believed to be an ultra secret high ranking Presidential elite member of the Boule and the Freemasons. This is not by far an “idle” statement by any stretch of the imagination. The ILLUMINATI created and “puff” him as the black Billy Graham, and that also is no idle dualist and profane proclamation.


Bill Graham had been created by the ILLUMINATI. Satanist, 33rd Degree Freemason, ILLUMINATI William Randolph Hearst of the Bohemian Grove (Coven) sent a two-word telegram to every editor in his newspaper chain: “Puff Graham.”[48],[49] Like Global Evangelist Billy Graham, there is no definitive proof that T.D. Jakes is Boule or a Freemason. So, how do you prove those things that are protected by “blood oath secrecy?” Look in places of power and influence for ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry Signs and Symbols.


Below, Billy Graham, Freemason President Harry Truman, and President Eisenhower.


Below, Billy Graham, Presidents JFK and Freemason Lyndon Johnson.


Below, Billy Graham, Presidents Nixon and Reagan.


Below, Billy Graham, Presidents G.H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.


Below, T.D. Jakes, President G.W. Bush.


Below, T.D. Jakes, President H. B. Obama.





The original 1906 Azusa Street Pentecostal Movement had been sponsored by an alleged Homosexual Goat Rider, CHARLES FOX PARHAM, through one of his black disciple lovers, William J. Seymour. But that’s not half the story. The real story behind the street movement is that Parham was a Freemason, and one of the leaders of the West Coast ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN. Parham had been Luciferic Initiated. So, that made the 1906 Azusa Street Pentecostal Movement a Lucifer Project.


 Goat Rider Freemason Charles Fox Parham

Parham, a vicious psychotic racist, and Seymour fell out about Seymour baptizing– laying his hands on white people. Parham was a fervent ZIONIST advocate of the British-Israelism Theory, and the doctrine of white supremacy. British-Israelism was a racial, biological, national, and territorial theory. It claimed that Queen Victoria was descended from the Biblical King David, and was thus a descendant of the Davidic family tree that produced Jesus. It taught that the tribes of Israel wandered into northern Europe; that by this supposed genealogy, the British are the real Chosen People, and the British Empire is thus God’s empire.[50] Parham looked for the time when Israel and Judah would “become one stick.” According to Parham, the return of the Jews to Palestine was the first in a series of end-times events that would facilitate the inevitable reuniting of “All Israel.”[51]


Due to the split with Seymour, Parham setup Charles Harrison Mason that had received his Pentecost at Azusa in 1907 as the first presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ (C.O.G.I.C) in Memphis, TN.[52]


Image: Bishop Charles Harrison Mason 1953 displaying the items of nature which inspired many of his sermons. Bishop Mason would illustrate his sermons by pointing out “earthly signs” and he used “roots” to supposedly discern God’s will. Mason was a traditional “Root (Hoodoo) Man.” When C.H. Mason arrived in Los Angeles, Parham allegedly fell in love with him and decided to use Mason as the proxy for the new church, C.O.G.I.C, which would be financed by the Rothschilds and Freemasons as the Head Negroes in Charge. C.H. Mason had the name that fit perfectly in ILLUMINATI’s agenda to clandestinely control the global masses of color.[53] In America, C.O.G.I.C claim some 5,500,000 members in 15,300 local churches. In essence, the largest black church in the world was started and bankrolled by Freemasonry, the Order of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the ILLUMINATI as a underground Negro LUCIFER PROJECT.[54]

The ILLUMINATI Roots of Pentecostalism

They Claimed to be ANGELS


Jesuit Freemason- Angel Edward Irving

In the New Testament, Pentecost was the occasion of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1-31. In the western world, Pentecostalism generally traces its roots back to the early 1800’s teachings and experiences of Edward Irving, a Presbyterian Minister in Scotland. In 1830, Irving became associated with Scottish Mary Campbell that began to speak in other tongues and claimed she was divinely healed. In 1831 her sister, Mrs. Cardale, also began to speak in tongues and to prophesy. Edward Irving and elite wealthy Scottish banker, Henry Drummond, regarded these events as genuine displays from the Holy Spirit.[55]


Angel– Rosicrucian Evangelist Henry Drummond

In Scotland, Edward Irving formed his own church called the Catholic Apostolic Church. He expounded a detailed teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and gave the whole of his theology an immediacy by his expectation of the immanent second coming of the Lord. He died shortly thereafter, but the movement he started, which became known as Irvingites.” [56] It also became known as the “Drummond-Irving Cult” of Angels.[57]

“The contention of the Irvingites was that Europe was equivalent to Spiritual Israel. This European-Israelism was a heresy coincidental to yet another heresy, Anglo-Israelism. In fact, it can be shown that Anglo-Israelism was an offshoot of Irvingism, and yet has deeper roots in Rosicrucianism e.g John Dee and Francis Bacon. It was important to the cause of the early Anglican Church to find means by which to lift England above the Vatican, wherefore teaching that the English peoples were the bloodline Jews became an effective part of that cause. To this day, to keep the myth alive, the British royal family (e.g. Prince Charles) falsely claims to be descended from King David. A few Christians are still swallowing this, and even proclaiming Prince Charles to be the anti-Christ![58]

Charles Parham became a disciple of John Alexander Dowie (1847- 1907) from Edinburgh, Scotland. Dowie founded the city of Zion, Illinois, and the Christian [Catholic] Apostolic Church.[59] He was known in the U.S. as the “Ghost of Edward Irving.”[60] Dowie’s ministry and mission in Zion was portrayed as a deliberate attempt to export the “Drummond-Irving Cult” and Irvingism, a deep web of the ILLUMINATI to America.[61] Pentecostalism, the “Drummond-Irving Cult” and Irvingism in America were clandestinely bankrolled by the olde European Satanic/ILLUMINATI Bloodline Banking Families, the Rothschild and Drummonds of Scotland.[62]

Black Pentecostals, a Secret Branch of the ILLUMINATI


THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.

In 2012, Jakes, Symbol of Secrecy, joined Lillith‘s High Priestess Oprah Winfrey’s mass media parade of ILLUMINATI New World Order/New Age Mystics and Prophets.[63]



“When we look at the Boule’ closely, we find a confusion of values. Black men who felt that their advancement was edged upon a positive relationship with wealthy and influential white people.”[64]


Oprah & Hand Sign of Canaanite God EL also known as MOLOCH


Bryan Stevenson, Goatman of Montgomery, Alabama

The public display of the  “Clenched Hands” is another symbol of ILLUMINATI/Occult Secrecy. The early formation of Pentecostal “Drummond-Irving Cult” meetings in churches or (Masonic) temples were also called secret “Mystery Babylon” Schools.


As I pointed out above, the Birmingham Boulé was set apart by Phi Boulé, Montgomery– Tuskegee. The Goatmen of Birmingham are the bastard children of the Goatmen of Montgomery. Centered in Montgomery is the new mega influential Google New World Order and the Equal Justice Initiative. When I first heard him interviewed on the idiot box, I thought he made a lot of sense. I was actually excited about what he was doing and saying what he was doing. From what he was saying, I got the impression that  the Negro was out there all alone, heroically, fighting the system.


Just recently this year, Google donated $1 million to Stevenson’s Alabama-based nonprofit, Equal Justice Initiative.[65] Google World Order (Googlius Ordo Mundi) refers to an alleged theory in which Google, a powerful and secretive group, has created a secret plan to eventually rule the world via a Google as opposed to a world government.[66] The most prominent ILLUMINATI families such as the Rothschild Family, Rockefeller Family, Morgans, Kissingers, Schroders, and DuPonts, as well as European monarchs, are said to be important members. The theory claims that virtually all important persons of the international world of banking, commerce, arts, entertainment, and mass media are involved in Google New World Order.[67] Google is in fact part of the Bilderberg Group.[68]


Actually, the Equal Justice Initiative is a good sized fully-staffed legal firm, and Stevenson is actually some type of New Age charismatic blackevangelist” just as T.D. Jakes and his tree of associated false prophets are New Age religious Pentecostalevangelists.” Evangelists, in particularly, share his belief in redemption concept of God. Stevenson, “Evangelicals say we believe that we’re put on the planet to spread the gospel and share the love of Christ, but to me it’s wholly inconsistent to be committed to that task and yet to want a secular government to eliminate folks before that act of ministry and reconciliation can be completed.”[69]


Dr. Paul Farmer sits on the board of directors of Stevenson’s Equal Justice Initiative. He appears to be Stevenson’s low key mentor and controller. In 2009, Bill Clinton of the Bilderberg Group appointed the physician and Harvard University professor Dr. Farmer as the United Nations Deputy Special Envoy to Haiti.[70] Dr. Farmer is an eternal part of the Clinton Foundation, UN and NWO massive international sham that exploited and continue to exploit the people of Haiti.[71],[72]


Dr. Farmers’ longtime close friend and business partner,  Kim Yong Kim, that helped him found the global medical group, Partners in Health, took over as President of the World Bank. That’s unprecedented global power, money and the New World Order deeply seated in Montgomery, Alabama!


I contend that Bryan Stevenson is another High Level Boule ILLUMINIST and the NWO’s Controlled Puppet that Represents the Smoked Mirror of Token Resistance to Racism in America. The $1 million donation from Google to Equal Justice Initiative will be controlled by Dr. Farmer and the NWO. They will use that money to do as much for justice in America as they have done for Haitienough to be charged with the human right’s crime of GENOCIDE.[73],[74]


In Birmingham, the Boule’ Goat men are not so global or well known. They would be classified as a desperate constant tangle of black men who feel that their advancement and personal enrichment is edged upon concealing and protecting the wealthy, powerful, corrupt and racist white “kindred kind” of Jefferson County.


 In December 2015, Birmingham Kappa Alpha Psi Goat men, (PUBLIC SERVANTS)  Mayor William A. Bell and Councilor Marcus G. Lundy, got into a scandalous slugfest behind the doors of councilor chambers.[75] They didn’t reveal to police or public why they got into it. They didn’t want anyone to know, so all charges were dropped.[76] Nevertheless, the frat brothers’ fight most likely involved women or men, kickbacks and money bribes. One thing is clear is that whatever they were slugging it out had nothing to do with the black citizens of the city, or protecting their interests. These Negroes voted to raise their public salaries by 233% from a annual salary of $15,000 to $50,000, effective in 2017. The increase, combined with slightly less than $10,000 allotted for expenses per council member, means the job will pay nearly $60,000. That’s the way the Goatmen Boule’ HNIC (Head Negroes in Charge) roll these days in Birmingham, Jefferson County.



On May 27, 1975, the United States Department of Justice (“D.O.J.”) filed a lawsuit under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. §2000e, et seq., and 42 U.S.C. § 1983, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama against the Jefferson County Personnel Board, and the municipal and other governmental jurisdictions within Jefferson County. The DOJ asked the court for injunctive and monetary relief alleging a pattern or practice of discriminatory employment practices against blacks and women.[77]

After 30 years, the federal court still find that the county continually discriminates between its citizens on basis of race and gender.[78] On August 20, 2013, Jefferson County was adjudged to be in contempt for failing to comply with the requirements of the court’s consent decree entered on 12/29/82 where the county agreed to desist its discriminatory practices, and implement charges to remedy the wrongs to people of color and women.


One of the movants in the case currently seeking relief from the consent decree so that it could, I suppose, without any federal court intervention continue to discriminate against blacks and females is a “kindred Kind“, Jefferson County Probate Court Judge, Alan Lamar King.[79] The constitutional offending federal defendant, Personnel Board of Jefferson County, is headed by you know who, Judge Alan King, Chair Presiding Probate Judge. Sitting on the board with Judge King are most likely Boule’ Negroes, William Barnes, Birmingham Urban League, and Hezekiah Jackson, President, NAACP Birmingham Branch.[80]


Masonic/Goatman Fangs

We know for certain Hezekiah Jackson has a history in Birmingham of tacky political play for pay.[81] He was a long-time right-hand man for the late Birmingham Councilor, Aldrich Gunn, Jr. Interestingly, Hezekiah accused Gunn of sexual harassment. I suppose that means at least one of them was a “booty bandit.”[82] Last year, personally, I contacted the Birmingham local Urban League, NAACP and all of its branches in that part of the state to inform them of the  indignity and injustices of the probate court and what it was doing to the legacy of John Gregory, Jr. and his family.

I didn’t know that both the local Urban League and the NAACP were, in fact, sitting under and serving Judge King. The Personnel Board of Jefferson County is obviously a very important board that decides who get income jobs, and who keep well paying county jobs with rare full benefits these days. It is totally under the control of Judge King. He is surrounded and protected by his subservient Goat Riding Black Men, the Boule’.

So, you need not ask the question why aren’t black leadership necessarily aren’t interested in what happens to black people in Birmingham or whether or not Jefferson County has a long standing and traditional policy and practice of discriminating against its citizens of color. As far as Jefferson County is concerned, it has admitted its racism, and continue to be a racist system under Judge King against people of color in Birmingham as a matter of public record in federal court.

Kingfish & the GOATMAN: Alpha Tau Omega (ATO)


“Our fame has spread thro all the states, for which our rivals blame the fates, and every alien greatly longs to ride our GOAT and sing our songs.” The Alpha Tau Omega Palm, March 1906, Vol. XXVI, No. 1

As you know, I call Jefferson County Probate Judge, Alan Lamar King, the KINGFISH. Kingfish, as you also know is clearly Luciferic Initiated. Judge King is substantially involved in the “Inner Circle and Brotherhood” of the secret blood oath society, Alpha Tau Omega (ATO), the Order of 1865 . Kingfish is a LIFE LOYAL TAU: AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE MOST LOYAL MEMBERS of ATO going back to the secret Masonic societies of the rebellion and the Great Civil War.[83]


[Alpha Tau Omega] In the beginning … The ceremony, with the members hooded and gowned in white muslin … was clearly borrowed from the rites of medieval chivalry. Thereby initiates … called themselves ‘KNIGHTS OF MALTA’ and ‘KNIGHTS OF THE MALTESE CROSS,’ … The Grand Seal, formerly the coat of arms, painted while this ceremony was being used, symbolizes the IDEALS OF CHIVALRY when they pervaded the Fraternity’s esoteric concepts” (Reno 46).”[84]

By its own bylaws, ATO was organized for the purpose of a secret fraternity for the promotion and culture of friendship and brotherly love among the members, said association being of a kindred kind to the Free and Accepted Masons.[85] As pointed out above, the Satanic/ILLUMINATI, Masonic and Fraternal GOATMAN is the ancient Greek GOD PAN.


By God Pan’s Very EVIL Nature, He will F**K Anyone or ANYTHING

In Birmingham and the State of Alabama, Judge King has quietly moved into positions of extreme state power. As probate judge, he has empowered himself to count all the votes of Jefferson County, the largest county in the state. It’s fair to state that Alan King has the power to make or break every politician in the state. Along with controlling all the civil servant jobs in Jefferson County, its very easy to understand why a great deal of people “LONG TO RIDE HIS GOAT”- GOD PAN.


ATO- A Long Established Secret SATANIC Society

According to the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) that was established in 2005 to support law enforcement agencies through timely and accurate information sharing and strategic/tactical analysis of federal, state, and local law enforcement information focusing on the growth, migration, criminal activity, and association of gangs that pose a significant threat to communities throughout the United States, Alpha Tau Omega constitutes a organized criminal GANG inside ALABAMA.[86] Don’t believe me, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

The NGIC is comprised of representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), US Bureau of Prisons (BOP), United States Marshals Service (USMS), US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Department of Defense (DOD), National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This multi-agency fusion center integrates gang intelligence assets to serve as a central intelligence resource for gang information and analytical support.[87]

You can’t trust public servants that serve two masters, one public (the People), and the other secret (Lucifer). It doesn’t work and it will not-ever work.

Judge King’s ATO is a designated Organized Criminal GANG under federal investigation. Judge King’s Jefferson County Personnel Board is also under the federal noose for constitutional violations. We must demand that federal authorities tighten the noose on Judge King and ATO in the state of Alabama to protect and preserve the constitutional rights of the citizens of Alabama. Alan King, Queen Bee Elizabeth McElroy, and the GOAT PEOPLE of Jefferson have to GO!

In the highest office of the state of Alabama is also in the state of shame and scandal. Governor Robert Bentley, the most powerful breast man  in the state once had a state law enforcement helicopter deliver his wallet to him at his beach house after he accidentally left it at home, about 250 miles away. And why was the governor leaving the house in such a hurry in the first place? His wife, whom he was probably cheating on, was mad at him. Yes, the helicopter wasn’t illegal, but it was an absolute abuse of state power invested in him by the people. He used state power as if he was another KING.

Governor Robert Bentley’s affair with a married MistressRebekah Caldwell Mason, the governor’s communications director, was first exposed by the untiring work and dedication of a lone citizen couple that blog at Legal Schnauzer.  They faced jail, harassment and a million bayonets of the state of Alabama. Yet, they continued to fight facing a king, his army and giants. I extend my sincere appreciation to them. As citizens, we can make a difference.  JUSTICE DELAYED IS NO JUSTICE AT ALL FOR THE CITIZENS OF BIRMINGHAM AND JEFFERSON COUNTY. Keep the pressure on Judge King, Jefferson County and his criminal gang, Alpha Tau Omega.

U.S. District for the Northern District of Alabama

Hugo L. Black U.S. Courthouse

1729 5th Avenue North

Birmingham, AL 35203


U.S. v. Jefferson County, Case No. EE AL- 0097

Honorable Charles Lynwood Smith, Jr.

Finally, I asked volunteers to help me with the Count Down to Birmingham. I must explain and apologize by my lack of acknowledgement to your responses to my call. The hotmail email address that I had given out as a contact reference seems to have been compromised. I couldn’t pick up any volunteers from my designated email. All of the email responses to my call  were poured into a unknown email box that I don’t know anything about. Interference like this is not uncommon when working on sensitive projects. I am still trying to figure out how it happened.  I need to develop another medium of communications. However, if still interested respond normally by comment to this blog. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.









[9] Id.






















[31] Id.

[32] Id.










[42] http://












[54] Id.







[61] Id.

[62] Id.





[67] Id.




















[87] Id.


10 08 2015

The start of Black August 2015, the historical month of CRITICAL RESISTANCE,[1] has turned into a sad testament for people of color in America. At the beginning of this month, symbolically on a global level, we had to bury two young beautiful sisters that should have been celebrating the happiness and prime of their lives. Instead sadly, we celebrated their homecomings into another dimension, as if there was no room for them on earth.


Lit’ Sis Bobbie Kristina, 22 years old young, should have been protected to grow strong and worthy in the sunshine of one of the most gifted and successful global Black entertainers of all time. She should have been an inspiration of struggle among the global masses. Instead, she was abandoned to the wind, rain, Satan and Drugs like a poor lost orphaned bastard child.


Just before her demise, Bobbie Kristina had been marked with the Sign of the BEAST.


And indeed, a drug trafficking wicked Son of the Confederacy, Maxwell Lomas, cast a dark shadow over her death. He found Bobbie Kristina in the bathtub not Nick Gordon.  Yet, neither the Houston or the Brown family will touch the subject of MAXWELL LOMAS.

Sandy Bland, 28 years old, should also have been protected to welcome a new beginning, sunshine and career after graduating from college. Instead of being buried, she should have been happy and free here among the living to become the nucleus of a successful livelihood, and their own family. At 28 years young, she said that she suffered from depression, post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), and most likely stress related psychosomatic disordered brain dysfunction (epilepsy). It was as if she was suffering severe battle fatigue from tours of duty on the other side of midnight in Afghanistan.

I am happy that the Sandra Bland family and Attorney Cannon Lambert announced that a federal lawsuit has been filed against Brian Encinia, Waller County and jail officials. I won’t go into the specifics of that lawsuit, but it involves federal and constitutional violations.

They will face a battery of municipal/state attorneys, denials and delays. However, I don’t understand why these high profile cases against municipalities for crimes against democracy and humanity aren’t pursued by coalitions of lawyers, doctors, investigators, and Criminalist, because far too often these cases aren’t isolated but systemic and persistent problems perpetuated by secret satanic combinations tightly interwoven inside layers of the government and free society.


But, she also had been directed into the hands of the Sons of the DEVIL that also cast a dark masonic shadow over her death.


‘The Secret Teaching Of All Ages’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33° “I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge [Lucifer], Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed…..  { Invocant signs pact with his own blood } “ page CIV.[2]

The Bobbi Kristina and Sandy Bland’s matters are puzzles wrapped inside enigmas, smoked mirrors, and looking glass that stare back at you. The Sandy Bland Case, in particular, is wrapped tight inside circles and behind curtains of CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Satanic Masonic and Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negro Combinations.



Unless these secret satanic combinations are UNVEILED, there will more and more Bobbi Kristinas and Sandy Blands. The same problems will persist and prevail over and over again, until an entirely new system of race relations and genocide are instituted across the nation and world. It is called, MODERN SLAVERY.



The historical connections between CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH secret mind control programs and Masonic Negroes & the Divine Nine (9) remains uncharted and unexplored territory. Let’s begin with a look at one of this country’s most dangerous Negroes of the Satanic New World Order Cabal, U.S. Navy Commander Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce.

Dr. Pierce is Emeritus Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He was the first African-American full professor at Massachusetts General Hospital and is past-president of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Orthopsychiatric Association. he also worked as a psychiatrist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for 25 years. .He is a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1969, he founded the Black Psychiatrists of America.[3]


In the U.S. Navy, Dr. Pierce was a (Naval Intelligence) Commander and has since been a senior consultant to multiple different global health-related organizations. He has been a vital part of the World Association of Social Psychiatry, consultant for the Children’s Television Network, the Surgeon General of the US Air Force, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Peace Corps, and Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).[4]

Dr. Pierce & MK ULTRA


 Dr. Louis Jolyon West

n 1962, we found Dr. Pierce working directly with a young and upcoming Dr. Louis Jolyon West, called the Maestro of CIA Mind Control. Dr. West had to be among the CIA’s most dangerous and twisted global mind control doctors and fixers. Dr. West became the director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute and proposed (planned) the horrors of the California Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence that I believe became part of the blueprint for the Peoples Temple after his proposed center was exposed and shut down due to public uproar.[5]

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence,

” … [C]onsidering West himself, whose history includes controversial LSD experiments for the Central Intelligence Agency and even more controversial plans to construct secret installations for the “study” and modification — by electric shock, chemical castration and other means — of the behavior of citizens, particularly minorities.”[6]

For decades, Dr. West lurked behind the scenes of most of America’s major counterintelligence, false flag and strategy of tension operations from the Assassination of JFK (Jack Ruby) to Tim McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing.  U.S. Senate reports and declassified CIA documents identified Dr. Pierce’s Massachusetts General Hospital and MIT as major secret CIA conduits for MK ULTRA mind control funding, research, development and experiments.[7]

Dr. Pierce & Secret Radiation Studies on Americans


New Portrait of Dr. Pierce at Harvard’s Lowell House Standing Under ZEUS?

Dr. Pierce had been involved in all aspects of America’s covert human medical experimentation operations. During the 1950s, he was involved in secret experimental radiation studies on humans. He was involved in the National Research Council Study, Alaska I-131, the Evaluation of Air Force Human Health Testing in Alaska Using Radioisotope Iodine-131.[8]

Dr. Pierce & New Age/New World Order

A Humanist, Dr. Pierce was/is out of wicked freaking mind. He has been described as a fanatical New Age and New World Order (ILLUMINATI) Guru. At a 1973 conference on Educating for the New World Order, he instructed,


Dr. Pierce is not identified as part of the Masons or the Greek Lettered Divine Nine (9) Negroes, but Harvard University has surely identified him as some type of ultra secret Greek imitate.

Dr. Pierce & the Founding of the Black Psychiatrists of America, Inc..


Dr. Pierce played a significant part in bringing Divine Nine (9) psychiatrists under the CIA umbrella through founding the Black Psychiatrists of America that most likely had been financed by the agency. However, In the covert intelligence community, Dr. Chester Middlebrook Pierce would be a black hierarchical KNIGHT that is far too often ignored as an early major CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH doctor.

Bill Cosby, Divine Nine (9), BOULE & MK ULTRA


Bill Cosby & the Great BEAST 666

Bill Cosby is a Divine Nine (9) Negro. He is a very dangerous member of the Beta Alpha Alpha and OMEGA PSI PHI.[10] Cosby is also ILLUMINATI Boule.[11]


Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA has been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks. According to the Navy, Bill Cosby served from 1956 to 1960 in naval hospitals, including Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he allegedly helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries.[12]


Cosby’s tenure at Bethesda Naval Hospital coincided with the presence of Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Luftwaffe Colonel Dr. Theodor Benzinger, head of the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) at Bethesda from 1947 to 1970. Dr. Benzinger was straight out of the Nazi Doctors Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany.[13] Dr. Benzinger’s NMRI at the Bethesda became a secret major front for the newly formed CIA first exposed in 1977 by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research investigation into the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.[14] The subject of Korean War injuries was also of particular covert interest to the CIA, Dr. Benzinger and Lt. Charles Savage at Bethesda, former head of Naval Intelligence’s ultra secret mind control program, Project CHATTER.[15]

Bill Cosby, Dr. Mengele & the Dachau Narco-Hypnosis Experiments


The Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Campaviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and Narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims. Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[16] Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering drugs. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, the groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition induced by drugs were considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[17] 


Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violated is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU.

Bill Cosby, Rape & MK ULTRA Drugs (The Thigh Opener)


As of now, more than forty (40) women have come forward to accuse Cosby of sexually assaulting and raping them while they were under various trance formations. Cosby admitted that he obtained Quaaludes to use on women.[18] Satanist Roman Polanski used Quaaludes to ritually rape, assault and most likely “snuff” underage girls.[19]


To Cosby’s CIA buddy, Hugh Hefner, Quaaludes are “THIGH OPENING” drugs.[20]  However, they won’t touch the DEVIL, Hugh Hefner, with any rape or sexual assault charges. From Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slavery, “I knew Hugh Hefner. He is connected to the CIA. Hefner is a CIA programmer CIA sex slave handler and pimp. Hefner was also a part of running MK ULTRA super assassins and ops. He is Free Masonic Intel.”[21]


Cosby didn’t have to get any medical prescriptions for Quaaludes. At Hefner’s Playboy Mansion, CIA ULTRA/MONARCH supplied them with a lifetime supply to experiment with- on unwitting and witting women victims. I can’t be certain if Cosby is in fact a Freemason, but his late buddy Satanic Sammy was certainly a Scottish Rite York Rite Mason, and a Knight of Malta.[22]


Cosby certainly appears to a special hook up to wear Masonic apparel or he may not need permission because he is an ultra secret Prince Hall Freemason or member of the Scottish Rite. From a partial inventory after the Jonestown’s CIA Medical Experimental Station Mass Human Extermination in Guyana, at least 1,000 doses of the sedative-hypnotic drug, Quaalude, were discovered warehoused at the site.[23]


Quaaludes were/are notorious CIA MK ULTRA experimental mind control drugs linked directly to the OMEGA MAN, Bill Cosby.[24]



Beta Upsilon BOULE is certainly closer to home in the BELLY OF THE BEAST in the Oakland- San Francisco Bay Area. They have proven themselves equally as demonic, secretive and ruthless New World Order CIA- MK ULTRA Negro operatives as Dr. Pierce and Bill Cosby.

Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Jim Jones, Peoples Temple & Jonestown



First, let’s look briefly at the late Anchron (Demon) Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett (1914-1997) of Beta Upsilon BOULE . He had a B.S. in Psychology from Howard University, Master’s Degree in Abnormal Psychology from the University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, M.D. from Meharry Medical College in Tennessee. In 1947, Dr. Goodlett became the first co-publisher of the San Francisco Sun Reporter and then publisher in 1951.[25]

During the late 1960s, I attended an extra credit evening lecture by Dr. Goodlett at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was noted to be a civil rights icon of the bay area. However, he used the platform to viciously verbally attack Brother Huey, Bobby and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. We got into it very hot and heavy. At the time, I had no idea who he was or how powerful this Negro was.  Some sources have identified him as the biggest of the “Big Negroes” in San Francisco and the State of California.[26]

When the confrontation was over as the evening lecture time ended, I remember Dr. Goodlett  silently glaring at me from across the classroom with venom in his heart as if he could cut my throat. Outside the classroom, a lot of people surrounded me and tried to support, comfort and inform me who he was, and warned me that I needed to be careful and watch my back. I wasn’t trying to hear that. I felt troubled and uneasy because I got into it publicly with was generally accepted as a respected elder of our community. But, if I had any idea of what he was doing to the people, I would have been JUSTIFIED to wipe the floor clean with his ASS.

Dr. Carlton Goodlett, Masons & the Scottish Rite


Dr. Goodlett was a Prince Hall Mason, a member of the Hannibal Lodge #1, Prince Hall Free & Accepted Masons [Grand Lodge of England] of California.[27] He was also a member of the Golden Gate Consistory #295, Valley of San Francisco, Orient of California.[28] Thirty-second Degree, or Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, are called Consistories. The elective officers are, according to the [Satanic] ritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Luciferian Albert Pike] of the United States.[29] Dr. Goodlett was also a Shriner of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliation, its Officers, Constituent Temples, and Members.”[30]

Dr. Goodlett, MK ULTRA, Jim Jones & Jonestown


Jim Jones & Dr. Goodlett Share a 1977 Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award

Dr. Goodlett of the Beta Upsilon BOULE was CIA Agent Jim Jones’ personal medical physician. He was the black medical doctor of the People’s Temple that fed many of his poor elderly black patients into the temple’s senior group homes. They were subsequently kidnapped, blindfolded, imprisoned and became human guinea pigs behind the vast rain forest of Guyana. Dr. Goodlett was in constant and continuous contact with Jim Jones and Jonestown through short-wave radio communications. He was code named Mr. Pritchard, Dr. Tinsley, Mr. Snyder.[31]


He had traveled to the People’s Temple (CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment) in Guyana only a few weeks prior to the great killing of over predominately black 900 men, women and children.[32] If Jim Jones was a CIA agent, and Jonestown was a secret CIA Medical/Mind Control Experiment, then Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett of the Divine Nine (9) Beta Upsilon Boule had certainly been one of the dangerous CIA Negro doctors in the country with the likes of Dr. Chester Pierce.[33], [34], [35]

Before Dr. Goodlett passed in 1997, I was sitting at the microfilm reader going through some archive newspaper articles at the Oakland City Main Public Library when I suddenly spotted an aged Dr. Goodlett swiftly rifle through my research papers then hurriedly scuffle out of the door. He was far too old and fragile to chase down or confront. I must have been very dangerously close to something sensitive. But to this day. I can’t figure out what it was that suddenly drove this man out of his home in a short deep burgundy house coat or smoking jacket and slippers to check on for himself.

Beta Upsilon BOULE Anchron (Demon) Dr. Isaac Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH


 Rare Photo of CIA Doctor, Dr. Isaac Slaughter

Dr. Isaac Slaughter (1925-1995) born in Atlanta, Georgia graduated from Howard University, and was a 1958 graduate of Meharry Medical College.[36]

Dr. Slaughter & Dr. Pierce’s Black Psychiatrists of America


As President of Black Psychiatrists of America in 1994, he urged that violence in African American communities be treated (drugs, psychosurgery, electro-shock treatment) as a national mental health problem.[37] He was the director of the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC) since its inception in 1968. The WOMHC is a creature of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS conducted one of the most racist and longest non-therapeutic experiments on human beings in medical history, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[51]

Dr. Slaughter & MK ULTRA/SEARCH


Inside Vacaville Prison, Warehouse of the Poor & Powerless

Similarly to Dr. Pierce and Dr. Goodlett, Dr. Slaughter had a peculiar, scary and extremely veiled counterintelligence background. Since 1960, Dr. Slaughter had been a head staff psychiatrist at the “Little Prison of Horrors,” the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville at the controls of the facility’s electric-shock machine in the Maximum Psychiatric Diagnostic Unit.[38]

At Vacaville, he was also a collaborator of another renowned and notorious CIA’s mind control-binder spook psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Sanford University and UC Berkeley. Dr. Hamilton, CIA Technical Services Division (TSD) Station Chief at Vacaville, conducted MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH experiments, “clinical testing of behavioural control materials” on inmates funded by a chain of front organizations,[39]  and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).[40]

Dr. Slaughter, MK ULTRA & the SLA


At Vacaville, Dr. Slaughter was the leading Black Elder of one of the CIA’s most notorious illegal domestic counterintelligence mind control operations, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA produced the infamous counterintelligence agent provocateur domestic terrorist zombie, Donald Defreeze, of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).[41]

In December 1969, Donald DeFreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” From there, he was sent to Vacaville Medical Facility for a term of 6-14 years, where he was to undergo a drastic personality multiplication under the CIA’s MK ULTRA-SEARCH mind control program under Dr. Hamilton; and Dr. Slaughter.[42] Dr. Slaughter’s BCA was allegedly yet another brainchild of California Governor Ronald Reagan’s fascist/Nazi kitchen cabinet pacification expert, Dr.  William W. Herrmann.[43] Dr. Pierce’s MK ULTRA colleague, DR. LOUIS JOLLY WEST, was Dr. Slaughter’s BCA senior technical consultant.[44]


On numerous occasions, their agents on the street tried to lure me behind the walls of the Little Prison of Horrors at Vacaville on the pretext of tutoring Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Slaughter’s BCA (Donald DeFreeze and the SLA) in Black Nationalism and history. Of course, I didn’t go anywhere near Vacaville, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Slaughter or Donald DeFreeze.

Dr. Slaughter and My Father

asandyrayford  Yet, a couple of decades after my father died, my older sister moved out of town and left most of my father’s personal papers with me for safekeeping. Among those papers, I discovered to my deep and sudden grief and horror that my father had been a patient of Dr. Slaughter at the West Oakland Mental Health Center (WOMHC).


Reportedly, Dr. Slaughter had used the electric-shock machine on inmates at Vacaville like it was a panacea of black mental illness. My father (Alameda U.S. Naval Air Station Employee) had been among the first victims of the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER. Under the project beginning in 1948, the Navy had secretly continued Dr. Josef Mengele’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun) mind control experiments at Auschwitz Concentration Camp concentrating on the use of the electric-shock machine to fracture the human mind.


My father had been tortured at a secret naval hospital installation at Napa State Hospital with Dr. Mengele’s ritual series of electric-shocks. Among his effects that I discovered, hospital records recorded that he had been subjected up to thirty-five (35) continuous electric-shocks in one series. He had been experimentally and secretly electronically DEPATTERNED.

The bottom line was Dr. Slaughter was a CIA psychiatrist. I can only suspect that he continued the electric-shock series to prevent my father from ever recalling and exposing the details and secrets of Project CHATTER to anyone for the duration of his life. The continuous electric-shocks weakened and subsequently destroyed my father’s mind and heart.  I had been living in Los Angeles when he died. I recall my sister telling me that he had been in some state of “trance formation” when he died. Project CHATTER and MK ULTRA/MONARCH had been in my own house and under my nose for decades, and I just didn’t see it. I had always been in deep denial about my father’s mental illness, and the awful true nature of America.  My family knew nothing about or had any idea what happened to him. My father was and remains ULTRA and TOP SECRET government classified information. They intend to keep it secret by any means necessary.

Most of my life, I blamed my father’s shortcomings and mental illness on him- being a weak example of a father and man. Maybe that was what that CIA, Divine Nine (9), Scottish Rite NegroDr. Goodlett was looking for- to see what I discovered about my father and Project CHATTER. It wasn’t soon after that I got poisoned within inches of my life by a black (angel assassin) female neighbor with direct ties to the Alameda County DA, Sheriff’s department and Homeland Security. County officials told me in an indirect but certain manner that I would be dead before I would be able to see any court records that they stored pertaining to the commitment of my father to the state mental hospital. They sealed all his court records, and placed them in the county court recorder’s  vault. This is no game, and they aren’t playing.  Negroes like Dr. Carlton Benjamin Goodlett and Dr. Isaac Slaughter of the BOULE were ULTRA and TOP SECRET willing and very dangerous collaborators in MK ULTRA/MONARCH.



KTRK-TV in Houston says the July 11 call that Sandra Bland made to a friend bewildered about her current predicament in Waller County jail had been made to LaVaughn Mosley of Hempstead, TX, Bland left a voice mail message on his phone that said that she’s “still just at a loss for words honestly at this whole process” and wonders, “How did switching lanes with no signal turn into all of this?”[45]

During the period of her incarceration in Waller County Jail, her luggage and some moving boxes sat at Mosley’s home. It was reported that she had been planning on staying with the 57-year-old. News sources said that he was a “counselor who is an employee of Waller County working with senior citizens.” Mosley also works as a recruiter for Prairie View A&M that allegedly first met Sandy about a decade ago when she was a student, most likely a freshman, at Prairie View. Mosley gave her a summer job.[46] Under Mosley, Bland worked for three summers as 4-H camp counselor for DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN in Huntsville, TX. She also volunteered with a senior citizens advocacy organization (Waller County Citizens Assistance Coalition) ran by Mosley. He knew Ms. Bland quite well. [47]

Mosley has publicly acknowledged and charged that Waller County has a serious race problem. He told mass media, “I talked to her Friday [July 11, 2015] and she was in good spirits … Although she was incarcerated she was in good spirits.” Yet, admitting that he knew the true nature of the county, he made absolutely no effort to visit or bail Sandy out of jail once he discovered that she was behind bars.[48]

Oddly, Mosley described as Sandy‘s friend and mentor told corporate mass media something very peculiar. The Negro told international mass media as early as July 18 before the public release of the infamous dash cam video of her arrest that he believed that Sandy was just “venting after a bad day.”[49] Mosley’s statement backed up Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith’s assertion that Sandy had been combative on the side of the road.”[50] Mosley implicated to global mass media that Sandy may have probably instigated the incident that got her beaten, assaulted and arrested. LaVaughn Mosley stabbed the young sister straight in her back.

Mosley, CIA & 4-H Clubs


“I pledge Head, Heart, Hands, Health to my Club, my Country, and the World.” 4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S. In partnership with 110 universities, 4-H life changing programs are research-backed & available through 4-H clubs, camps, after school & school enrichment programs in every county & parish in the U.S.[51]


“I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the savior of our country, Adolf Hitler. I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me God.” During the 1960s, 4-H Camps was part of a coalition of organizations serving youth and young adults in the U.S. funded through the United States Youth Council (USYC).  In 1967, the New York Times revealed that the USYC had received more than 90 percent of its funds from the CIA. USYC continued to receive funding from the United States government before disbanding in 1986.[52]

4-H Camps were originally financed by the Rockefeller foundation’s General Education Fund. The aim of 4-H Camps was to promote vocational agriculture in rural schools in out-of-school “clubs[53] especially among the so-called disadvantaged poor and Black folk of the South.

“The study [Rockefeller funded] maintained that the only education appropriate for the black man was that with a strong vocational/agricultural bias. Academic/literary education was perceived as dysfunctional for the black man because it (1) would open vistas that he could not attain in the rigidly segregated American social structure, (2) would fail to provide the appropriate skills that would make the black man a more productive worker or agriculturalist… (3) would seriously undermine the ability of the white ruling oligarchy to maintain its political hegemony in the face of demands for equality, which it was feared an academic/literary education would engender …” [54]


During the 50s and 60s, the USYC (4-H Camps, etc.) became primarily a CIA conduit to recruit and program children and young adults. Children Summer Camps became the subject of particular interest and covert funding from MK ULTRA,

“Unfortunately the vast majority of the MK Ultra experimental results, including the research guidelines/protocols that were implemented, have never been made known to the public, and a thick veil still covers most of the program. As early as 1972, Richard Helms the CIA director, had destroyed a large part of the records of 150 sub-research projects, particularly those involving children. In fact, the information we have about the actual scope of experiments, the major research axes and their applications, is minimal. At this stage in our investigation, we need to retain only four [MK ULTRA] sub-projects (that of; 102, 103, 112, and 117) whose experimental subjects were children….children provided mainly by the International Children’s Summer Camp,  and that the typical profile of these young subjects included being naturally anxious patients, either suffering from DEPRESSION, or who had experienced sexual abuse during childhood (source: August 3rd 1977, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources ).”[55]


 Sandy’s Mother- Geneva Reed Veal- Veiled 666

These covert government programs involved in programming children and young adults as assets of the agency rarely vanish or eliminated in the interest of justice, but only fall deeper into the rabbit hole shrouded in puzzles warped up inside enigmas. For decades, the isolation of summer camps have traditionally provided CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH perfect deep cover away from public eyes for secret ritual trauma based mind control experiments, drugging, programming and the Satanic (occult) indoctrination of ritually sexually abused, and mentally depressed children and YOUNG ADULTS like Sandy Bland.

Who is LaVaughn Mosley?


 LaVaughn Mosley, right with Omega purple tie, and brothers of the WALLER COUNTY CITIZENS ASSISTANCE COALITION (WCCAC). They have the same hand wrap as Knights of Omega.[56] Mosley rides the Hellenized Ram. He was initiated into the BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi at Prairie View University.[57]


Ascending Order (theory) of Masonic/Satanic Indoctrination and Mind Control 

At the time while Sandy Bland was an initial “Mentee“, Mosley was a high ranking member of the Omegas.[58]


This is most likely photos of LaVaughn Mosley at the time he began to “mentorSandy Bland.[59]


On his Facebook page, he posted the Prairie View University BLOODY Rho Theta Chapter fraternity shield.[60]


On his Facebook page, he also posted the above symbol of a Knight and the Greek letter Omega meaning “the end.”[61] It seems to indicate that he held some level of KnightKnight of Omega’s Round Table or a special secret higher Knight Templar hieratical power level within the society. The closed helmet of the armor’s mask is for SILENCE.[62] While the armored grove at the bottom of the shield can only mean to the members, the IRON HAND OF THE LETTER OF THE LAW of dark medieval Knights. Some question the presence of the crossed swords that appear on the Omega’s shield indicating a secret relationship with the Brotherhood of DeathSkull & Bones Secret Society.[63]


On his Facebook page, he also posted the above peculiar UNIDENTIFIED photo showing brothers going through some type of “twinningmind control exercise. This is an example of pledging your Head (MIND), Heart (SOUL), Hands (Hand of DEATH), and Health (My LIFE) to the Satanic NEW WORLD ORDER.


The Omegas call themselves, the Sons of Blood and Thunder. Their Gods are “Sitting on their royal purple and gold thrones high in the realms of Mount Olympus, Zeus, supreme ruler of the gods and Apollo …”[64] They say that the Gods of Mount Olympus and Moon Goddess Diana decided to let OMEGA, God of Blood and Thunder create a Man. OMEGA created with the stroke of a lightening bolt and the nourishment of his own immortal Blood, the god-like structure of the OMEGA Man.[65] There is some truth hidden in their Greek fiction about the Omega Man, and these Negroes aren’t playing.


The (MK ULTRA) LEOPARD is a Totemic Symbol of Dionysus

Born of a virgin and God Zeus, Dionysus was the last god to be accepted into Mt. Olympus.[66] Dionysus was identified with the lamb, and called “King of Kings,” “Only Begotten Son,” “Savior,” “Redeemer,” “Sin bearer,” “Anointed One,” the “Alpha and OMEGA.” The Alpha and Omega are included also in the name IAO, a Greco-Roman rendition of the Hebrew tetragrammaton which was also used as a sacred name of Bacchus/Dionysus and as “Iao Sabaoth” represented the Gnostic demiurge.[67]

The most celebrated of the ancient fraternities of artisans was that of the Dionysiac Architects. This organization was composed exclusively of initiates of the Bacchus-Dionysos Cult.[68] The Knight Templars are believed to taken many of their secret symbols and rituals from the ancient Dionysian Cults.[69]


Some ancients saw no difference between Dionysus and the DEVILEuripides echoed this belief in the “Hecuba“;  one of the god’s names was Dionysus Morychosthe dark one”, a rough equivalent of SATAN, who wore goatskins and dwelt in the underworld.[70] Euripides (c. 480 – 406 BC) was a tragedian of classical Athens. In Greek mythology, Hecuba was the second wife of Priam, King of Troy. She was the mother of Hector, Paris, and Prophetess Cassandra.[71]


The ancient Kemetic God adopted among the Hyksos and the Greeks was SET, Seth (Satan). Gods SET and Baal have the function of Gods of Thunder, Storm and CHAOS.[72], [73] The Sons of Blood and Thunder mythical translation says that the OMEGAS (Rho Theta Chapter) call themselves in reality, the BLOODY Sons of SATAN.

LaVaughn Mosley, Omega Psi Phi & Secret Masonic Freemasonry


The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry’ by Manly Palmer Hall 33°When The Mason learns that the Key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” page 48.[74]


The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was founded in 1911 primarily (3 out of 4) by Prince Hall Lodge Master Masons. Dr. Ernest Everett Just, above, a principal founder of the fraternity was a Prince Hall Master Mason.[75]


Founder Bishop Edgar Amos Love was a Prince Hall Master Mason. He was a founding member of Corinthian Lodge #18 in Washington, D.C., and the Sigma Pi Phi (BOULE). He was a member of the Masonic Elks Club, Frontiers Clubs of America, and the American Legion.[76]


Founder Frank Coleman was a Prince Hall Mason, an American Legionnaire and a Congregationalist.[77] Congregationalist Churches derived out of Scrooby, England in 1606. It was brought to the New World by the pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.[78] The founders may have designed the fraternity to be a secret Masonic Blue Lodge. Omega’s secret rituals are similar if not the same first three degrees of Masonry.[79] Founded by Prince Hall Lodge Masons, it stands to reason that Omega Psi Phi is nothing less than a shrouded Satanic Masonic Secret Society.

Mosley works on a daily basis “hand and hand” through WCCA, and the small towns surrounding the area and Prairie View University with Waller County. Mosley lives right there in Hempstead, Waller County. He was born and raised in Waller County. In fact, Mosley appears to have be a multi-generational professional attachment to Prairie View University that go back to his Waller County forebears. His entire bread, butter, and livelihood comes from being a willing and secret Negro collaborator with them.


Mosley’s highly publicized call for Waller County Sheriff Glenn Smith to resign from office was/is an old fashioned smokescreen or diversion.[80] You shouldn’t believe anything that comes out of the Negro’s mouth. The Omega Man, LaVaughn Mosley, was much more than Sandy Bland’s mentor, the WHORE of SATAN was her secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH Dark Masonic HANDLER.


“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [81]





[4] Id.


[6] Id.






















[28] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159


[30] Cox, Joseph, Great Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Lincoln, Neb (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159








[38] Personal interview with former inmate of Vacaville






[44] id.









[53] file:///C:/Users/PrinceRay/Downloads/4-H%20history.pdf





[58] Id.

[59] Id.

[60] Id.

[61] Id.

[62] Smith, Jerrod, The True Alpha and Omega: (Unmasking Spiritual Wickedness in Fraternities and Sororities, Author House, Bloomington, IN (2011) pg. 8

[63] Id.


[65] Id.




[69] Hall, Manly Palmer, Secret Teachings of All Ages, H.P. Crocker, San Francisco, CA (1928), pg. 524














3 08 2015

The video clearly demonstrate that the people know what time it is in Waller County, Texas God Damn. As if it was the Final Chapter in the Sandra Bland Affair, within a couple of days before this post, Waller County released new video footage of Sandy Bland taking a booking photo in an orange jail suit to respond to widespread claims on the internet, social media and corporate mass media that she may have been dead when her booking photo was taken. They are getting ready to pack up the dog and pony show and go home. There is much more to the the Sandra Bland Affair than the Mugshots. The fact is that when journalist, concerned citizens and the public demanded to see Bland’s side booking photo. In their own arrogance, they produced a side photo that was so dark and blurry that the person in the photo could not be identified as Sandy Bland.


In fact with the same lighting conditions, camera and the photos taken just moments apart, the subject in the side photo jail uniform is a different hue or color than Sandy’s front mugshot, and the subject’s shoulders appear too narrow for a tall and broad shouldered woman like Sandy. In fact, the entire Bland Corpse Mugshot Controversy may be a designed psychological warfare false flag tactic and red herring One of the primary components of psychological warfare is a covert plan of DEMORALIZATION that includes causing and instilling distrust of one’s cause, ideas and causes. It also includes the creation of FALSE ALARMS.[1] Waller County officials may have intentionally neglected to produce a clear booking photo of Sandy or take any action to clear up the discrepancies between the front photo and side photo to further inflame public mistrust and confusion by design.


However, as you look at the scene of her alleged suicide, it is a dormitory type cell that has a capacity to house at least 5 (five) women. Why was Sandy Bland kept isolated in that cell for at least 3 (three) days even when as they say, she told them that she was suicidal; suffered from Epilepsy and didn’t have her alleged medication?


Shortly after nine a.m. on July 13, 2015, Red Neck Justice of the Peace Charles Karisch told ABC13 News, he got a call. He was needed at the jail to conduct a death inquisition.  Karisch said, “I looked at the body, asked if EMS had been there and it was a flat-line. I pronounced her dead. I did see a dark mark somewhere around the neck.” He said,I think I saw a plastic bag hanging on something …”[2] So, you tell me why weren’t just plain ordinary crime scene technicians brought to the jail cell like the ones that you see every day on television mass convicting people of color of crimes to document the “dark mark” somewhere around Sandy’s neck, and the “plastic bag” that Judge Karisch THOUGHT that he saw “hanging on something.”

It makes absolutely no sense. From these extremely outrageous circumstances and the severe departure from just ordinary and standard duty of care, and crime scene homicide investigation and documentation, it was like Sandy had been no more than a dead ANIMAL. The people were JUSTIFIED to suspect Waller County officials of criminal FOUL PLAY in her death. Waller County‘s piece mill approach to government transparency is only designed to DEMORALIZE the masses and suppress their legitimate goals and aspirations. It is a game of psychological warfare. Pressure should continue on Waller County officials to answer to the people.


It is a truly sad, haunting and an outrageous tragedy to watch a despondent Sandy sadly lurk across the jail still lost in the dark and disbelieving shock about what really happened to be brutally assaulted, battered and placed behind bars like a PATSY, like a Lee Harvey Oswald or a Sirhan Sirhan. Nevertheless, I believe the majority of people familiar with this case are now convinced and outraged that Sandra Bland had no business being in jail in the first instance and want a full and complete answer, WHY.

As far as the recent Waller County booking room video is concerned, I will remain cautious to see what happens when the experts and public get a fair change to study the video. In the meanwhile, there continues to be something awfully wrong with the Sandy Bland Waller County Incident as the facts and circumstances of her arrest and death continue to spiral out of control.

Sandy Blank, AME Churches & the FINAL CHAPTER

 Sandy was widely lauded as a faithful member of DuPage AME Church in Lisle, IL. It was the same denomination as the Masonic/MK ULTRA Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC involved in the False Flag/Strategy of Tension racial mass murder operation that shocked the conscious of the nation and world.[3] The operation allegedly took the lives of the pastor and eight high ranking parishioners of the black church on June 17, 2015.[4]


Sandy‘s pastor and mentor, Rev. Dr. James F. Miller rides the HELLENIZED Ram for the ILLUMINATI just as the Late Rev. Clementa Pinckney had rode the Ram to become an ILLUMINATI sacrifice. Some may be confused as to what the RAM that they ride looks like.


Rev. Miller is a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule– Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.[5]


While Rev. Pinckney was a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[6] That’s something to be very leery about.


This is Rev. Lavern Witherspoon and the Great BEAST 666. He was the former pastor at Mother Emanuel AME Church before his fraternity brother, Rev. Pinckney, took over the church. Rev. Witherspoon Rides the GOAT as a 33rd Master Mason and chaplain for the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. He also Rides the RAM for the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[7]


Make no mistake as to what the GOAT that Rev. Witherspoon rides look like. He is a 1995 graduate of the U.S. Army Chaplain School and Center at Fort Jackson, South Carolina,[8] and,

“As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains “to facilitate the provision of religious activities.” Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the “other” religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, “Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving ‘black masses,’ human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the ‘anti-establishment’ mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on ‘rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.’ “[9] Rev. Witherspoon facilitates the Satanic Worship of the Baphomet for Masons and the U.S. Army.


But the most chilling and real scary stuff about Witherspoon is not only is he a chaplain for Masons and the U.S. Army, but he is a U.S. Army chaplain at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey home to the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command linked to Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) and –“Artificial Telepathy” or “psychotropics” or “mind control.”[10]

BAH employs over a 1000 intelligence officer involved in ultra secret high level Twilight Zone research and development in psychological and space age warfare, and mass population mind control projects. For instance, BAH’s C41SR,

The term C4ISR is a perfect descriptor for Artificial Telepathy — a powerful fusion of signal processing technologies that allows technicians to remotely gather and collect human intelligence (HUMINT) from the brain signals (SIGINT) of other human beings. As with C4ISR, Artificial Telepathy automates “signals collection” (eavesdropping) and “intelligence analysis” (figuring out what people intend to do) by utilizing satellites and computers, and the overall goal is military command and control.

Indeed, one might define Artificial Telepathy as a subset of C4ISR with a special focus on neurology, psychology and mind control. Artificial Telepathy is an exotic form of C4ISR that allows warriors to communicate nonvocally with soldiers in the field, enables spies and intelligence agents to perform reconnaisance and surveillance nonlocally by means of “remote viewing,” and allows military officers to command and control the behavior of human minds at a distance, with the artificial aid of carefully networked satellite and computer technology.


Booz Allen Hamilton certainly has close ties to the contractors who worked on the Pentagon’s “Star Gate” program for psychic spying in the 1990s, and it took a lead role in development of the NSA’s “Total Information Awareness” projects, mentioned in earlier posts. BAH must certainly be on the short list of firms capable of designing and launching a system of space-based, mind-invasive weaponry. It has all the people, pull and know-how needed to put an “electronic concentration camp system” in place”[11]


At this level of U.S. intelligence, it requires a twisted, wicked- depraved mind, and ultra high levels of secrecy and U.S. military/pentagon intelligence clearances to operate in and among Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants. What is the likelihood of AME Churches and Divine Nine (9)/Masonic Negroes being at the basis of two of America’s most racially polarizing incidents within days of each other in the SOUTH– to explode on the GLOBAL stage? Very unlikely to none at all.


It is chilling stuff, but Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants have entered and corrupted the sanctity of the Black Church through their agents, the black Masons, Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negroes to try to usher in a New Age Luciferian Era, and bring about a FINAL CHAPTER to race relations.


Besides the clandestine BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH/ Ladies of Goddess Eulogia (Cybele), Sigma Gamma Rho, which in itself is scary stuff, but when the blood covenant secret Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negro combinations enter into the background of Sandy Bland, RED FLAGS AND SIRENS SHOULD HAVE TO GONE OFF AMONG THE MASSES LONG AGO.

Sandy Bland, Activist or Counter Intelligence Patsy


Sandy Bland also had been widely lauded as a BLACK LIVES MATTER activist. However, she appears to have been a sort of “solohashtag social media activist primarily using her Facebook page as a “Sandy Speaks” platform. She is not known to be formally associated with any organized group other than her secret SKULLS & BONES sisterhood. From the loose organizational nature, structure and network of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement that has no certain program, constitution or formal or semi-formal membership, it can easily be penetrated, infiltrated, compromised and co-opted by secret black intelligence agents, agent provocateurs, and Black Manchurian Candidates.

Sandra Bland launched “Sandy Speaks” on January 14, 2015 as a “Gateway to Children.” She didn’t at one time mention the Black Lives Matter movement. However, she didn’t fail to mention her admiration for her down to business “sorority” sisters, and children interacting with the POLICE. Listen and watch her first “Sandy Speaks“, then answer the question whether or not she was anyway, shape, form or fashion a Black Lives Matter Activist.

The bottom line is that Sandra Bland had been pushed out on a limb on a mission by her clandestine sisterhood to represent a part of the Black Lives Matter movement on a global level. She was a SKULL & BONES sister on a mission. However, with prospects of a new job, future and a chance to improve her mental health, she may have wanted out of the mission, but she was too far deep down the RABBIT HOLE to get out of the game ALIVE.

Homeland Security & the State Suppression of the BLACK LIVES MATTER Movement


 According to documents obtained by The Intercept via a Freedom of Information Act request, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been monitoring the Black Lives Matter movement, by collecting data relating to public protests, vigils, and other events, and information from social media accounts.[12]

According to The Intercept, the DHS has been monitoring the movement since protests in Ferguson, MO erupted last August following the death of Michael Brown. DHS, which is supposed to investigate terrorism, also monitored the National Moment of Silence vigils that took place around the country on August 14th. These were peaceful vigils meant to honor those who have died at the hands of police.[13]

Baher Azmy from the Center for Constitutional Rights says that what DHS calls “providing situational awareness” of America’s Black Lives Matter and Peace movement is really just surveillance. What they call situational awareness is Orwellian Speak for watching and INTIMIDATION,” said Azmy.[14]

“Over time there’s a serious harm to the associational rights of the protesters and it’s an effective way to chill protest movements. The average person would be less likely to go to a Black Lives Matter protest if the government is monitoring social media, Facebook, and their movements.”[15]

President Barrack Obama’s June 26, 2015 Grace Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME was a disguised “southern strategy statement” that abandoned the rights, goals and aspirations of Black people within the confines and boarders of the former Confederate States of America.

Waller County, Rambo & Operation Sandy

Waller County’s Operation Sandy may not have been a joint federal- state task force per se, but it was certainty state action facilitated by DHS situational awareness information and data provided to state and local police authorities to deal on a local level with a social media outside “black agitator” involved in the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, I don’t believe that the federal government told the gun-ho cowboys in Waller County everything it knew about Sandra Bland. The good ole boys may have gotten the go-ahead from DHS, but they certainty didn’t know what the U.S. Psychos department and the CIA Occult Bureau handlers were up to. The country bigots of Waller County really may not fully understand what happened to Sandy, but their ignorance, arrogance and utter blind racism certainty put them in the trick box, riddle and enigma that they find themselves trapped inside.

Sandy & John Rambo


You just don’t turn it off!John Rambo

On July 10, 2015, Sandy Bland was hunted down and attacked by a Texas state trooper that acted as if he had been injected with the Rambo Chip, a human micro chip designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream when hunting down and LIGHTENING UP Black people- the elderly, men, children and WOMEN.

The family lawyer, Cannon Lambert and Sandy‘s sister, Sharon Cooper, confirmed the fact that Sandy had been singled out and TARGETED by a John Rambo type state trooper.[16] Within under 20 seconds of retuning to his car after his staged cover, the friendly encounter with a speeding Prairie View A&M University sophomore, Officer Encinia sighted Bland’s car. Rambo reportedly looked Sandy straight in her eyes after she made a right turn in the opposite lane.[17]

Rambo immediately made a u-turn and took off after her that forced her over to the right lane to allow an emergency vehicle to pass. He had been laying in wait for Sandy. She undoubtedly had been under some type of surveillance prior to Officer John Rambo Encinia zeroing in on her. When he stopped her, there was absolutely nothing that Sandy could do to save herself from being attacked and arrested by a super adrenaline charged Rambo.

He had been debriefed with situational data that labeled Sandy Bland as an outside “black agitator” before the stop. At his level (need to know) of the special operation, the takedown of Sandy Bland involved discrediting and neutralizing her from making a name for herself, and the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. Encinia: “I … even de-escalated once we were on the pavement. You know, on the sidewalk… I’m not saying I just threw her [body slammed] to the ground. I mean, I allowed time to de-escalate and so forth. It just kept being… (LAUGH in response to something) Right I just. (sounds like ‘MAKE A NAME FOR HER.’) ….”[18] I am hoping that Encinia’s full and accurate transcript will be produced and released that will show that he had been briefed about Sandy before the notorious traffic stop.

Who is Brian Encinia?


From the Creamery to State Trooper!

Brian Encinia, 30, is a Texas A&M graduate who has been with the state Department of Public Safety for a little over a year. His LinkedIn profile has since been deleted. Encinia indicated in his work history that he was formerly a district chief at the Brenham Fire Department and had also worked at Blue Bell Creamery as an “ingredient processor.” There is not much left from being calculatingly sanitized to show that Encinia ever had any kind of a social media presence, and his LinkedIn profile was deleted not long after his name was made public.[19]

The bottom line is that Encinia’s background has been deliberately wiped squeaky clean and placed under wraps. His background has been intentionally concealed from the public. We are left with the official story line that Encinia’s background history begins and ends at Texas A&M. Encinia is a predominately Hispanic surname. It is a name associated with noble, knightly and ancient bloodline families of Spain. It is a Spanish word, “encina“, derived mostly from the region of Castile meaning “Oak Tree.”[20]

People (Men) of the Oak traditionally means Druids. Druidism is believed to have moved into ancient Spain around 450 BC.[21] Castile, Spain is also associated with the founding of an order of Knight Templars in 1164, the Order of Calatrava.[22] Encinia deliberately led Sandy out of the narrow range of the patrol car dash cam to a sidewalk. He handcuffed her hands behind the back, then his adrenaline took over. He body slammed and drove Sandy into the pavement, and later LAUGHED about it. He fabricated a battery against an officer charge against her, then delivered her to Waller County.


I believe that the most logical conclusion under these circumstances is that Brian Encinia is some type of old world bloodline Spaniard Templar Knight.

Sandy‘s Mother From HELL


When Sandy was first arrested, a local bails bondsman said, “I talked to her when she first went to jail,JOE BOOKER of Hempstead told The Daily Beast. I called her mother for her.” Then BOOKER suddenly hung up the phone, and refused to answer any further calls regarding the Sandra Bland Case.[23] Sandy‘s mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, is interesting and very strange to say the least.


So-Say supposed to be Grieving (Sign of the BEAST: no weeping, mourning or tears) Mother Geneva Reed-Veal with GOAT Rider 33rd Degree Master Mason, [24] and Divine 9 (Nine)- Boule Negro, Al Sharpton.[25]


Brother Luciferian Master Masons, Al Sharpton and Al Pike

Of course, neither Al or Geneva discussed what Hempstead, Texas Bail Bondsman JOE BOOKER said, and why she or her clandestine sisterhood didn’t bail Sandy out of jail on Monday- the evening Sandy was attacked, battered, arrested and jailed. Geneva Reed-Veal turns out to be a prominent Chicago area real estate black entrepreneur.


She studied at Northern Illinois University, and graduated from Columbia College of Chicago with a BA in Journalism. She is currently the managing broker owner of the ADONAI Realty Investment Group. [26]


In Kabbalistic Mysteries, the ascent up the Tree of Life begins with the lowest sefirah, Malkhut. The name of God associated with Malkhut is ADONAI. Adonai is the plural form of Adon (“Lord”), which was used in ordinary speech as a title of respect when addressing a superior. When applied to God, ADONAI is a title of honor that denotes God’s absolute lordship. Although ADONAI literally means “my Lords,” it is translated as “Lord.Gikatilla says that ADONAI is the name of God that is “closest to all created things.” ADONAI  is “the great provider of Creation” who “governs all creatures, gives life and death, bequeaths and enriches, brings low and exalts, makes sick and heals.” He also says that the wise draw their wisdom from ADONAI .[27]


Could be Black Kabbalah Beads. In Kabbalistic Mysteries, Black: is associated with Prosperity and wealth. It is a very powerful color that symbolizes strength and power.

Is Geneva Reed-Veal a Luciferian witch, a Cabbalist? One problem that Sandy said that she had with her mother is that she always wanted pretty babies– mixed race white-black children. It sounds as though, Sandy may have been rejected by her mother because she wasn’t WHITE enough. And that opens up the possibility that at some time in her life, she may have been sacrificed to SCIENCE by her mother.

In the final eulogy to her daughter, Reed-Veal prepared herself for what’s to come saying, “Once I put this baby in the ground, I’m ready…This means war.”[28] That war that she talks about is more likely to take place on the planet MARS than on earth. I am inclined to believe NOTHING THE WITCH SAYS!

The Mystery of Sandy Bland


 In CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled Manchurian Candidates, you always begin by looking for unexplained missing time blocks that would allow entities time to separate, isolate, ritually program, and intensively indoctrinate their victims. In 2009, Sandy graduated from Prairie View A&M University with a BS in Agriculture and Animal Science. From October 2009 – March 2010 (6 months), she worked at Prairie View A&M University as a graduate research assistant.[29] After March 2010, she was convicted of a marijuana possession in Houston, TX. In May 2010, she was sentenced to thirty (30) days in jail, then sort of dropped off the map.[30]

Bland shows back up in Illinois in January 2013 as a n assistant property manager, then works regularly at various jobs in Illinois until April 2015, when she quit her administrative assistant job for Cook’s Direct in Warrenville, IL.[31] Sandy‘s abnormal and erratic driving history for a society sorority girl picks back up in March 2013 with a speeding violation in Crestwood Township, Cook County, IL.[32] But, where was Sandy from about June or July 2010 to January 2013? On her LinkedIn professional internet page, the missing time gap between May 2010 to January 2013 is telling and glaring.

By the time, she picks back up in January 2013. At some time subsequent to January 2013 and immediately thereafter, she has manifested symptomatic Post Partum Psychosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Epilepsy that nobody seemed to have known anything about, but it didn’t just stop there. It gets even WORSE.

Sandy Bland, Occult Symbolism & MK ULTRA

On April 5, 2015, Sandra Bland was involved in strange automobile and motorcycle collision that deeply affected her. The motorcycle can be seen in her “Sandy Speaks” resting upside down (inverted) on the top of the trunk of her car. She certainty internalized the experience as a “life threatening” incident that God delivered her from. It was one more mysterious traumatic shock to her system and conscience. Sandy said that she had been on the way to a beach most likely along Lake Michigan, but appeared to be ALONE. For a beach trip, she worn usually large black double pyramid (triangle) earrings, and a black/white zebra patterned dress or blouse.


Sandy‘s “double black inverted pyramid earrings” could very well be innocent expressions of artistic preferences. However under these circumstances of “traumatic shock” when she was expressly an INITIATE of a secret Luciferian Sisterhood involved in a racially polarizing incident of global proportions, then a second look at Sandy Bland in a totally different realm is necessary.


The pyramid (triangle) is an ancient and mysterious symbol that has stirred the imagination of man for generations trying to unlock its many secrets. Sandy‘s Skull and Bones sisterhood, Sigma Gamma Rho, is basically an offspring of ancient Freemasonry. In the Masonic realm, the inverted pyramid suggests a hierarchical order from the bottom few elite UP.


It also represents an initiation of the initiate (mentee) to a higher NEW degree of revealed wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order UP.


The “inverted pyramid hierarchical order up concept” also plays an important part in early Christian doctrine and theology.[33] The inverted pyramid also represents the lunar aspects/powers of the ancient Great Earth Mother Cults.[34] It also symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into Matter (Satanism).[35]


Whereas, the black/white zebra crossings/stripes is a classic CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH theme that represents “Duality“.[36] It also acts as a MK ULTRA- MONARCH CHILDreinforcing” and an “identifier” device.[37]


The Zebra Crossings/Stripes take you round and round. WHERE IT STOPS NOBODY KNOWS.


Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop/Pop Star Rihanna


MK ULTRA Satanic Sex Kitten Pop Star Miley Cyrus


Late Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop Star Aaliyah


MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kitten Multiple Personality Disordered Nicki Minaj


MK ULTRA Rihanna Again, and



Identifiers provide a special and important safeguard in secret societies. In Oakland, a concerned brother and I tried to infiltrate a black secret society attached to a Lutheran Church in West Oakland. This group was involved in the assassination and cover-up of a prominent Oakland black businessman. The affair that we tried to infiltrate was their minister’s PUBLIC funeral, a black high ranking hierarchical Lutheran church official. During a homecoming celebration after the funeral, we tried to mix with the brothers to try to gather some inside information. We soon discovered that all the society brothers identified themselves by wearing cowboy boots. We had immediately been identified and out-ed as “outsiders.” We didn’t have the cowboy boots. I recognized some of the brothers, and of course, they knew exactly who I was. For me, it was yet another subset of brothers that I couldn’t turn my back on anyplace or time. I don’t think that I would do that again. But, I had to know. They had to know that I knew. These people will KILL you without conscience, without any weeping, mourning or tears in their fathers name, the BEAST, Lucifer.

From the looks of it with all her Luciferian identifiers, Sandra Bland was on her way to the beach to meet with a secret CIA Occult Bureau GROVE or Coven for sunset or most likely moon rise rituals. Some of the beaches along Lake Michigan have been known to be used by Satanic cults particularly for animal sacrifices and voodoo rituals.[38]


April 5, 2015 had been the night of the Waning Moon. This is the Moon of the Great Earth Mothers, CYBELE, Demeter, Ceres, Korte, Danu (Anu), and Bast. What work has been done is now gathered in and the crop offered as a sacrifice to the Mother who gave it to us in the first place. Time to harvest and time to begin renewal. A time to review endeavors and correct mistakes. Settle disputes and make amends. Nobody seems to know what happened to Sandy Bland after the motorcycle accident, but I am sure from the looks of it that it was yet another TRAUMA that caused her to return to her handlers and another alter was split from her original personality.




The LEOPARD, seemingly is a favorite of MK-ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control Programmers. The LEOPARD print clothing or dressing as a cat refers to the Sex Kitten Programming or a Cat Alter Personality. This is the MOST SEXUAL programming.


Sandy looks like a different young lady in Cat Alters. The Sex Kitten/Leopard programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.[39]


MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kitten Lady Gaga


MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kittens Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea


ILLUMINATI MONARCH Sex Kitten Kim Kardashian




ILLUMINATI MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kittens Lil Kim & Nicki Minaj 


Eartha Mae Kitt (January 17, 1927 – December 25, 2008)

HollyWeird Star and Vocalist EARTHA KITT may be the original International Sex Kitten Spy. Her MIND CONTROL programming may be linked to Post-War Nuremburg Tribunal Nazi Doctors and Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. JOSEF MENGELE. I will cover that subject in a later post related to America’s favorite ILLUMINATI/CIA Negro, BILL COSBY.



Don’t get it twisted. I am not blaming the young sister, Sandy Bland, for anything. UNVEILED under normal circumstances, Sigma Gamma Rho is simply a fraternal order of black sisterhood joined together to look one after another. Its stated AIM is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmarks of the organization.


Texas Cowboy Waller County D.A. Elton Mathis- Part of the Secret BROTHERHOOD

VEILED, its calling to form came from the Germany’s pagan Chapter of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, Yale’s Secret Society, SKULL & BONES. Sigma Gamma Rho is a secret and VEILED women society of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH. That’s not what I say. It is what they say they ARE!


All Symbols of the Secret BROTHERHOOD

It is an inverted pyramid structured society developed by Knight of the Golden Circle/KKK Founder, Master Mason Albert Pike- where the true Luciferian secret agenda of the organization is held by only a few chosen at the apex of the pyramid.


Once you step across that line like the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) Ladies of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, and take the Initiation Ritual Blood Covenant Oath of Allegiance and Secrecy to the BROTHERHOOD , you fall down the RABBIT HOLE. I am certain that the young sister, Sandy Bland, didn’t know what she was getting into by joining Sigma Gamma Rho. Sandy’s Satanic Ritual Traumatic Abuse may have began in childhood, with the sisterhood providing a cover for CIA MK ULTRAsleeper” covert operations. The CIA is basically Knights of the Secret BROTHERHOOD. Sandy Bland certainty didn’t understand what was going on like a Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan, when she was targeted, beaten, arrested, jailed and subsequently LIQUIDATED to plunge America deeper into a sinkhole of racial divine just before the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.

In this case, all it took was one person with $500 that probably have changed the game plan for Sandy Bland, but NOBODY saved her not even her own mother. During the Black Liberation Struggle of the 1960’s, they used to laugh and drop off people straight out of the insane asylum with black berets and leather jackets among our ranks. some still had on hospital gowns underneath their leather coats.  What did we do? We surrounded them and took care of our people.   We just have to do a better job educating and protecting the people, not just the YOUTH.  If she had been my friend, I know that I would have come forward to bail her out, but we all failed her by not LIFTING THE VEIL on these people soon enough, and not addressing her special needs and many more resulting from CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

Folks, the handwriting is on the wall. The ILLUMINATI and BROTHERHOOD’s plans for the FINAL CHAPTER just like the FINAL SOLUTION is in the works. They are systematically closing down your schools, classrooms and colleges. Your churches are being infiltrated, corrupted and taken over by the agents of the BROTHERHOOD. Most of our young men are under the yolk of the police state, and prison industrial system. Most of your employment opportunities are being closed down, parceled out to others, shipped out of town and over to the other side of the world.  Your classical and traditional GLOBAL industries of power, influence and wealth like the Black Music Entertainment Industry Jazz, Blues and Rhythm & Blues is slowly withering away to nothing. Our premier athletes are unorganized, and being swayed away from the people. They are under constant police state surveillance, attack and lock downs. They are under a State of SEIZE. For me, the answer is rather simple, RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! Don’t let them close the Final Chapter on SANDRA BLAND.

[1] declassified-aims-of-psychological-warfare/







[8] Id.





[13] Id.

[14] Id.

[15] Id.


























25 07 2015


Since President Barrack Obama’s Southern Strategy (Strange Fruit)  Grace Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME that abandoned Black People to the former Confederate States of America, BLOOD has began to flow throughout the SOUTH.



At this time, the Sandra Bland Incident of TEXAS has all the hallmarks of a major psychological warfare operation. The general aim of early OSS/CIA psychological warfare programs is to undermine the enemies WILL and CAPACITY to RESIST. One of the primary components of psychological warfare is a covert plan of DEMORALIZATION that includes causing and instilling distrust of one’s cause, ideas and causes. It also includes the creation of incidents such as riots, (false flags) disturbances, (strategy of tension) panics and FALSE ALARMS.[1]


Rev. Dr. James F. Miller, appeared on CNN with the extremely confused and disturbed brother, Don Lemon. Lemon asked Dr. Miller to critique the recently released police dash cam video of Sandra Bland’s arrest. The Negro said that he hadn’t even seen it. Dr. Miller had been introduced as Bland’s pastor and mentor at DuPage AME Church in Lisle, IL.[2] DuPage belongs to the same AFRICAN Methodist Episcopal/Satanic John Wesley denomination of the Mother Emanuel AME false flag and strategy of tension operation that took place in Charleston, South Carolina. Dr. Miller rides the HELLENIZED Ram for the ILLUMINATI just as the Late Rev. Clementa Pinckney (Alpha Phi Alpha) had rode the Ram to become an ILLUMINATI sacrifice. Why did the handkerchief head appear ON AIR to critique Bland’s arrest video if he hadn’t seen it?


This shameless Negro, Rev. Dr. James F. Miller, is a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule– Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.[3] He knells at the Delphic shrine, the shrine of the God Apollo. In Revelation, the “King’”of the bottomless pit, abyss, is directly named as Abbadon in the Hebrew meaning “the destroyer” and Apollyon in the Greek, also meaning “the destroyer”. Apollyon is one of the spellings of the Greek god Apollo. The DEVIL/LUCIFER and SATAN are also “the DESTROYERS”.

Sandy Bland Caught Inside an Enigma Wrapped Inside a Puzzle


 Texas Department of Public Safety trooper Brian Encinia, pulled Sandra Bland over in a traffic stop. He says to her, while standing next to the driver’s side window, “You seem very irritated.” She responds “I was getting out of your way … You were speeding up, TAILING me, so I move over, and you stop me. So yeah I am a little irritated.” Encinia asks Bland to put out her cigarette, which she refused to do, saying, “I’m in my car, I don’t have to put out my cigarette.” “Well, you can step on out now,” Encinia commanded.[4]

It should be very clear that this was no random stop for any traffic violations. Trooper Encinia had targeted and singled out Bland. He been closely tailing Bland in his patrol vehicle, then suddenly speeded up behind her car to force her over. He forced her from the car and deliberately physically pushed her out of police dash cam range to further harass, antagonize and infuriate her, then manufactured an assault/battery charge against her that took place outside of range of the camera.

This was a clearly a setup and staged event. Bland had been predicted to react in a manner in certainty to a designed set of stimuli and STRESS like an unwitting PASTY. Trooper Encinia kept probing Bland until the right circumstances existed to take her down and force her into state custody to create this national/international incident to further divide and polarize the masses.


Wow! I have to admit that this odd and scary mug shot of Sandy Bland- From her unnatural shoulders’ position, it certainty looks as if she is lying down.

Bland knew that she had been setup as an unwitting PASTY for something, but couldn’t figure it out. “They got me set at a $5,000 bond. I’m just still at a loss for words about this whole process, how this switching lanes with no signal turned into all of this, I don’t even know … “[5]

Lets Take a Closer Look at 28 year old Sandra Bland

She has been lauded and is remembered as a “Black Lives Matter Outspoken Activist.”[6] She produced a number of commentaries on her Facebook page called, “Sandy Speaks“, critical of America’s race relations, police brutality and Black Lives Matter since at least early 2015.[7]


Sandra Bland, most likely unwittingly, worshipped and rode the Hellenized and Satanic Ram to her Death. She was an active member of the Delta Alpha Chapter of the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority. In a radical departure from the norm, her sorority sisters and Black Greek Lettered Organizations (BGLO) became very vocal in protesting her arrest, death, and the Black Lives Matter movement.[8]

Bland’s open black activism was a radical and huge departure from the norm, because those that ride the Ram and the Goat don’t ride the White Horse of any human rights causes not endorsed, created or shrouded by the global Satanic Cabal or the ILLUMINATI.

These blood oath covenant Masonic Negroes are very serious. They performing a False Satanic Rite designed for them by the New World Order. They are Temple Shriners chartered by Grand Lodges of Prince Hall Masons. Even if all of them aren’t 32 and 33rd degree Master Masters, Shriner Temples are Masonic Blue Lodges. These Negroes are Lucifer’s BITCHES and his New Foot Soldiers whether they, you or I understand it or not.

charlestonpike.gif International Shriners that they imitate are “Clandestine Masonic Membership Shrines” under the jurisdiction of the Albert Pike’s Satanic Grand Lodge of Arkansas and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.[9]  Negro BGLOs are primarily off springs of Luciferian Prince Hall Masons and the Order of the Eastern Star subservient to the Global Satanic Oasis and UNDERWORLD. As such, they are not allowed to Ride the White Horse.


On July 16, 2015, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority put the clamp down on sorority sisters and fraternal order brothers getting involved in Justice for Sandra Bland, and the Black Lives Matter movement. It officially issued a statement from Bonita M. Herring, the 23rd Grand Basileus, that she said had been the will of Bland’s family calling for the end of hashtags, petitions and commenting on the death of Sandra Bland, and also asked that no protests or marches be held.[10]


Yet, Bland’s sister, Sharon Cooper, urged supporters to continue to express their solidarity via social media, in the same way Bland spoke out about other injustices. She said in absolute contradiction to the statement of the Divine Nine (9) Sigma Gamma Rho Basileus, Please keep tweeting, keep Facebooking and Instagraming,” she said. “Keep utilizing the hashtag #JusticeforSandy … Keep hashtagging #SayHerName. The minute you forget her name you forget her character.”[11]

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority had deliberately allowed Sandy Bland to ride the WHITE HORSE, and climb out on the limb as a Black Lives Matter Activist to loudly protest and hashtag the Black Lives Matter movement on a virtually daily basis until days before she was laid to waste.[12]

Lets Take a Closer Look at Bonita M. Herring of Chicago


Basileus Herring is a black Catholic, a member of St. Ailbe Catholic Church in Chicago.[13] St. Ailbe of Emly was a 6th-century Irish Bishop and Patron Saint of Wolves who reputedly baptized St. David. St Ailbe’s legend is deeply interwoven with the fables of King Arthur, Round Table and the Holy Grail. It was from St. David’s (Din Dewydd) that Cadog’s monks came to destroy King Arthur.[14]


St. Ailbe Church has a veiled history of the secret satanic ritual sexual abuse and exploitation of Black Children.[15],[16]

St. Ailbe Church, A Pedophile Paradise


At St. Ailbe, there was Father Victor Stewart, left. He is alleged to have ran a pedophile ring /club out of the church during the 1990s.[17] During the 1990s, Father John Walter Calicott was also sexually abusing children at St. Ailbe.[18]


There is also the serial pedophile, Father Daniel McCormack, at St. Ailbe for ten (10) years. McCormack’s ritual sexual abuse of children extended all the way up to Vatican Rome to Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor Pope John Paul II[19]Popes linked to the global Ninth (9th) Satanic Circle.[20] By the way, Basileus is defined as a king or emperor, and most importantly, “a Ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire.”[21] The secret Satanic/ILLUMINATI pedophile rings in Chicago is just as powerful and vicious as the ones in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C.[22] St.  Ailbe Catholic Church certainty appears to be a pedophile paradise for the ritual sexual abuse of black children. What does it say about Basileus Herring? It shows the grave level of human depravity of the Satanic elite that she is willing to tolerate. As a Ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire, she”s in league with the Roman Catholic Church’s Satanic Hierarchy and the Satanic Ritual Sexual Abuse of Black children.  Basileus Herring and Sigma Gamma Rho would certainty tolerate and be in league to set up Sandy Bland as a ILLUMINATI SACRIFICE.

They (MK ULTRA) Played with Sandy‘s Mind


 Sandy with Classic CIA/MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Pattern

Waller County, Texas is playing out the Sandy Bland Incident in corporate mass media by snowballing the public with incriminating, inconsistent, conflicting and unverified facts about Ms. Bland. It is consistent with the aims of a psychological warfare program designed to DEMORALIZE the public by instilling distrust of one’s cause, ideas and causes (Black Lives Matter).


I am with the BROTHERHOOD Hand Symbol, Good Ole Boy, Waller County, Republican D.A. Elton Raymond Mathis, Fourth Generation, Go for Bad with his own  black agitator HOUNDS, Texas Cowboy from former Confederate Stronghold, Hempstead, TX. D.A. Mathis planted CNN with information from the Harris County medical examiner that reported finding about thirty (30) “cutting scars” some “… which were in a state of healing” on Bland’s left waist to implant the suggestion among the masses that she had seriously attempted suicide before.[23] So, they are telling the public that nobody in the jail over three days didn’t notice up to thirty (30) cutting scars- some in the state of healing on her left waist. That Dog Won’t Hunt.


The DUTCHMAN via South Africa? Waller County Assistant D.A. Warren Keith Diepraam with an Int’l Fist (Claw) Symbol

The DUTCHMAN reported that the Harris County Medical Examiner’s Autopsy and Finding found a substantial amount of marijuana (THC) that D.A. Mathis claimed publicly to be a mind altering drug in Bland’s system at the time of her death to suggest that she may have had the capacity to harm herself under the influence of drugs.[24] Seattle police say that “Marijuana dissipates in about 90 minutes from the blood so 3-4 hours later we’re not getting good evidence …” so people are asking where did the substantial amounts of THC in Bland’s body come from after three days of police custody?[25]

Waller County law enforcement officials also released to politicians information that Bland had informed them that she had attempted suicide before due to a miscarriage (post partum depression) in 2014.[26] Sharon Cooper confirmed that her sister had a miscarriage in May 2014. Bland had allegedly written on a jail intake form that she had tried to kill herself at that time, using pills, though Cooper was not specifically aware of that suicide incident or any postpartum depression or psychosis diagnosis or treatment.[27]

Postpartum psychosis is a separate mental health disorder which is sometimes erroneously referred to as postpartum depression (PPD). It is less common than PPD, and it involves the onset of  psychotic symptoms that may include thought disturbances, hallucinations, delusions and/or disorganized speech or behavior.[28]

Notice that when Cooper exposed the fact that Bland didn’t sign the jail intake form alleging a post partum depression suicide attempt, George Stephanopoulos immediately cut her off and changed the subject.

The latest news is that Waller County produced unverified documents saying that Sandra Bland told officials when she was being booked into a Southeast Texas jail that she suffered from epilepsy. A suicide questionnaire that was among booking documents released Wednesday by Waller County shows that Bland also told them she was taking the anti-epileptic drug Keppra. In another document, one that was to be filled out by the inmate and that contains Bland’s verified signature, “NOis circled by the question asking if she’s currently on any medication.[29] Keppra (Levetiracetam) is also consistent with the treatment and suppression of social anxiety disorders that includes anger, apathy, depression, altered mood, mood swings, negativism, suicidal ideation, and tearfulness.[30]

Researchers found that many patients are admitted to hospitals for seizures that look like epilepsy but are actually triggered by STRESS. Seizures from STRESS, called psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), are often found in patients such as returning post traumatic STRESS disordered (PTSD) war veterans, mothers in child custody battles, and overworked professionals.[31]

Bland said that she had been dealing with depression and PTSD.[32] By all the above coming out of Waller County, Bland had clearly been subjected to severe and extreme multiple abnormal STRESSES so concealed that her family didn’t know anything about most of them. The family’s attorney, Cannon Lambert, told a packed news conference that they didn’t know anything about Sandy‘s alleged epilepsy, PTSD or drug medication.

Somebody, entity or entities had subjected Sandra Bland to a secret battery of ritual abuse and TRAUMAS. Somebody had been playing with her mind.

Lets Take a Look at the CIA, STRESS and Postpartum Psychosis


My old friend, above, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of the CIA. During the late 1960s, we captured one of his zombie Black Manchurian Candidates sent among us to most likely try to assassinate H. Rap Brown (Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin). Some of this people/female agents on the street tried to lure (honeycomb) me behind the walls of the Little Prison of Horrors, Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility to tutor his CIA/MK ULTRA black zombies  (Black Cultural Association) on how to be Black Nationalist brothers. Dr. Hamilton was the CIA’s Station Agent at Vacaville. Of course, I didn’t go anywhere near Vacaville. I didn’t know it at the time, Dr. Hamilton was feeding brothers RADIATION. I didn’t even know anything about the CIA, MK ULTRA, Project CHAOS or the FBI’s COINTELPRO. Dr. Hamilton’s people (black honey bees) on the street told me point blank, I was going to be disposed of and replaced by one of his so-called “revolutionary” boys out of Vacaville. I made it clear to them. I wasn’t moving or running, and I will see them when they come- to get a ASS you got to bring an ASS.

STRESS experiments that produce iatrogenic Multi-Personality Disorders have been the hallmark of the CIA MK ULTRA mind control programs and OSS experiments before WWII.[33] One of the OSS and CIA’s primary movers in mind control STRESS experiments had been the notorious sexually deviant Stanford University Psychiatrist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton. Since his days with OSS during WWII, Dr. Hamilton has been one of the world’s leading experts in assessing the physical, mental and emotional capabilities of agents for secret and covert operations for the United States and Great Britain.[34]

Since the beginning of MK ULTRA in 1953, Dr. Hamilton had been a leading CIA psychiatrist directly involved in assessing and developing the physical, mental and emotional capabilities of Manchurian Candidates through hallucinogens, chemicals, radiation, electricity, brain implants, trauma based programming for secret and covert CIA mind control operations.[35] Since almost from the beginning of MK ULTRA, Dr. Hamilton had been probing the state of mind of women during periods of postpartum trauma for open gateways to the mind to control behavior and implant controllable multiple alter personalities by iatrogenic meansthrough psychiatry.

It came to light that Dr. Hamilton’s MK ULTRA Subproject 140 (at that time renamed MKSEARCH # 3) concerned itself directly with secret mind control experiments regarding the stress- trauma period of Puerperium. Dr. Hamilton defined Puerperium [The “puerperium” is defined as the state of a woman while bearing a child or the period immediately thereafter — i.e., the post-partum period.][36]

In 1987, it was reported that Dr. Hamilton of the CIA had been one of the world’s leading experts in “the post-partum period” for over 32 years.[37]  Thanks to Dr. Hamilton and the CIA, the standard iatrogenic technology to use “the post-partum period” as an opening to mind control has existed for quite sometime. And if without more, it is determined that Sandy Bland actually committed suicide, don’t be surprised, it would be absolutely consistent with an implanted self destructTermination Alter“.

Lets Take a Closer look at the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority


Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was founded on November 12, 1922, at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana by black female educators. It was incorporated within the state of Indiana in December 1922 and became a national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to the Alpha chapter.[38] The sorority was founded allegedly by seven (7) educators and housewives that say that their CALLING to form the sorority came from Yale’s SKULL and BONES. That’s not what I say. It is what they state that their sisterhood CALL came from.


They put it on their SHIELD. By their own admission, they are a Sisterhood Order of the SKULL and BONES.

Skull & Bones- the Brotherhood of Death


“Those on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. More formally, for legal purposes, The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. It was also once known as the ‘Brotherhood of Death’. Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of it, call it ‘Skull & Bones’, or just plain ‘Bones’.”Anthony C. Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment, 1986 [39]

Founded in 1832, the Order of Skull and Bones (formally known as the Brotherhood of Death) is Yale’s oldest secret society. Headquartered in a “windowless tomb” on High Street.[40] “So, according to Skull and Bones lore . . . in 322 B.C., a Greek orator died. When he died, the goddess Eulogia, the goddess, whom Skull and Bones called the goddess of eloquence, arose to the heavens and didn’t happen to come back down until 1832, when she happened to take up residence in the tomb of Skull and Bones. Now Skull and Bones does everything in deference to this goddess. They have songs or . . . sacred anthems that they sing when they are encouraged to steal things, some remarkably valuable items, supposedly, they are said to be bringing back gifts to the goddess. They begin each session in the tomb, and they meet twice weekly by unveiling a sort of a guilt shrine to Eulogia. That’s the point of the society. They call themselves the Knights of Eulogia. That’s where the 322 comes in.”Alexandra Robbins, author of Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power, Pacifica Radio interview, January 22, 2004

The Eulogian Club and Lodge 322 Initiates are most commonly known as Bones men, Knights of Eulogia, and Boodle Boys. The females who have recently been permitted to become members would be known as Bones women, Ladies of Eulogia, and Boodle Girls.[41] By their own admission, the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority have been Ladies of Eulogia for quite sometime.


Most of the Skull and Bones critics believe that the Goddess Eulogia is a deliberate fabrication and secret diversion of the TRUTH. Eulogia is a word of Greek origin meaning, to be blessed.[42] It is a term related to the Christian Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion, and the Lord’s Supper. Jesus commanded his followers to “do this in memory of me,” while referring to the bread as “my body” and the wine as “my blood.” Through the Eucharistic celebration, Christians remember Christ’s sacrifice of himself once and for all on the cross.[43]


Nevertheless, most people believe that a powerful ancient satanic goddess is concealed behind Eulogia, and that their secret patron goddess unveiled is actually the Queen Mother of Babylon, Goddess Ishtar – and another name for Lucifer’s Consort, the Goddess Cybele (Lillth).[44] The Cult of Cybele was sanctioned by the Roman Senate. Known as the Great Mother or Magna Mater, the Greeks identified her with the Goddess Rhea (Mother of the OLYMPIANS) and Demeter (Goddess of the Harvest).[45]


The Cult of Cybele and the Cult of Moloch (CHILD SACRIFICE) is related to the secret ancient Roman/Venetian Satanic (Brotherhood) Death Cults.[46] 

Negro Divine Nine & the Ninth Satanic Circle


The Eucharistic celebration/ritual involves ancient secret Satanic Cannibalistic Rites. Cannibalism means the consumption of a victim’s flesh and blood to consume their spirit and essence.. [47] At one time in the world, cannibalism and human sacrifice had been a state of mankind before God Osiris ended the savage/barbaric practices to further separate Man from the BEAST.[48] However, the rituals of sacrificing a human being for the purpose of their blood, including rituals associated with self injury in order to cause blood loss had been the primary secret domain of worship of the Mother Goddess/Cybele for nearly ten thousand years.[49] The secret worship and blood sacrifices of Cybele has survived in ultra secrecy.


Some rituals of the Catholic Church are still tightly entwined with ancient Roman blood rituals of the Cult of Cybele. The worship of Attis (known across the ancient world as the Good Shepherd, the son of Cybele), had always been interwoven with the worship of his mother, the Queen of Heaven.[50]

Behind the shroud and Black Mass (False Worship), Catholics pay homage to some of their most secret supreme demonic deities. Attis is hidden behind Jesus; Cybele is secretly behind Mary; Dagon/ Ba’al/Molech behind “god”.[51] Of all the ceremonies and festivals associated with Attis, the most important was known as Black Friday or Dies Sanguinis (the Day of Blood) on or around the 25th of March, nine (9) months before the solstice festival of his birth on 25th December.[52],[53]

Today, there is a secret group, of which some are members of the Catholic hierarchy, known as The Ninth (9th) Satanic Circle. The Ninth (9th) Satanic Circle is a cult, requiring mandatory entry into the Circle, of every new pope before their assumption of office.  At Circle rituals, Satanic sacrifices called the Magisterial Privilege are made that involve the ceremonial killing of newborns, children and the consumption of their flesh and blood by the members of this cult.[54]


Behind all the prom, ceremonies and fraternal declarations, the bottom line is that behind the shroud, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority is a sisterhood of the Brotherhood of Death- SKULL and BONES. Behind the veil, It is a part of the old world SATANIC DEATH CULTS. It has absolutely no problems in setting up and sacrificing one its lesser sisters in their hierarchy like Sharon Bland for the ultimate aims of a NWO.

Henry McKee Minton & Sigma Gamma Rho – The Devil Behind the Details


The regionalization history of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority began with the Fourteenth Boule that convened in New York, New York. This Boule took place from December 27-30, 1939. The person most responsible for the Boule regionalization of the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, and most likely the DEVIL in the details behind their call to the Skull and Bones had to be one of the Boule’s primary founders, Henry McKee Minton (1870- 1946). It isn’t necessary for me to delve into the Boule, because there are many excellent preference sources existing on the internet that thoroughly explore the Boule like Kushite Kingdom and Da Ghetto Tymz. com.

Henry McKee Minton’s father, Theophilus Minton had been one of Philadelphia’s first black lawyers. He had been independently wealthy and a leader in the Philly black social class by his own right. Minton’s mother, Jenne McKee, was the daughter of one of the richest and maybe the most WICKEDEST Negro in America at the time, Colonel John McKee.


Colonel John McKee (1821- 1902), was a free born mulatto who became an extremely wealthy property owner in Philadelphia. When he died in 1902, he was one of the wealthiest Negroes in America that owned a million acres in real estate, over 300 rental units in Philadelphia and across the United States with an estimated net worth up to four (4) million dollars.[55]


His last will and testament was a virtual copy of the Last Will and Testament of Stephen Girard (May 20, 1750 – December 26, 1831).[56] Girard was a Roman Catholic Frenchman, Knight of Saint Louis under King of France, Louis XV (February 1710 – May 1774).[57] Girard was a Philadelphia ultra racist Master Mason in Union Lodge No. 8, Charleston, South Carolina. He loaned large sums of money to the colonies during war of 1812 and later established the large Stephan Girard Charity Fund which is still being administered.[58] Girard was a shipping tycoon that made his fortune in slavery [59] and Chinese opium along with the Baring Brothers, the premier merchant bank of the opium traffic from 1783 to the present day. They were some of the primary financial benefactors of Committee of 300 and the New World Order. [60]

The college Stephen Girard formed in Philadelphia, Girard College, barred Blacks until a 1968 U.S. Supreme Court let stand a lower court ruling forcing the school to desegregate.[61] In his will, Girard left large sums of money to a charity for orphan “white boys.” In his will, Col. McKee’s also left large sums of money and his real estate empire to orphans that included “colored boys” administrated by the Roman Catholic Church.

Col. McKee had been raised a guild bricklayer, Mason, in his birthplace, Alexandria, VA. When he died, he left his only grandson, Henry Minton, only $50 and his two daughters a $300 legacy. His vast multi-million dollar estate was taken over and controlled by the Roman Catholic Church even though the Negro wasn’t even a Catholic.[62]


H.H. Holmes and a Secret Masonic Artifact Alleged to be Associated with His Coven

During his lifetime, one of his properties on 1316 Callowhill Street in Philadelphia had been leased as a coven to Henry Webster Muggett AKA Dr. Henry Howard Holmes (H. H. Holmes)America’s first documented 19th century prolific (Masonic) serial mass murderer.[63] H.H. Holmes was a leader of a “Death Cult” that may have been responsible for killing at least 200 people across the United States. He was executed/hanged a Satanic Roman Catholic.[64] Col. McKee wasn’t known to be a Roman Catholic, but he was certainly in one of their ultra secret Masonic societies, satanic black masses or death cults that he passed down to his equally Satanic grandson.

Henry McKee Minton & the ILLUMINATI Phillip Exeter Academy 

Henry McKee Minton was educated, primed and groomed to serve the ILLUMINATI at Phillips Exeter Academy located on 619 acres in Exeter, New Hampshire. It is among the oldest and most prestigious preparatory schools in America. It is one of the main feeder schools for Harvard and Yale (Skull and Bones).[65] It was founded by banker Dr. John Phillips and Margaret Wendell (Satanic Americans of Royal Descent), a royal descendant of Saxon warrior King Edward I (1239- 1307) of England.[66]

Just how elusive and elitist is the academy? Its alumni base includes 19 state governors, five US senators, five Olympic athletes, two Nobel Prize winners, a US President, and even tech moguls like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg of the Bilderberg Group, and Quora founder Adam D’Angelo. Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code and the Masonic-inspired The Lost Symbol had also been groomed at the academy.[67]


Skull and Bones– Pedophile former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush attended Phillips Exeter Academy.[68] Many New World Order (NWO) millionaires, powerful political elites and a handful of billionaires are products of the Exeter community and have helped grow the school’s endowment to $1.2 billion.[69]

Henry McKee Minton & the Brotherhood of Death (Oddfellows)


An early 1915 source reported that Henry McKee Minton was member of the secret society, the Oddfellows.[70] By 1906,  Grand United Order of Oddfellows of Manchester, England established a headquarter base in Philadelphia.[71] However, it isn’t clear if Minton belonged to the Grand United Oddfellows or an older and much more secret order. The Order of the Oddfellows of the British Empire was founded in the 18th Century by blood covenant oath Masons.[72]


Albert Pike (Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan) was reportedly also an Oddfellow.[73]


Odd Fellows Masonic Spoon Ring

The Oddfellows predate the British Empire and Freemasonry by generations. They are one of the earliest and oldest secret fraternal societies, but their early history is obscure and largely undocumented. There have been legends tracing their origins back to Moses and Aaron, to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon in the Sixth Century BC, and claims that the order was brought to Europe by Jewish prisoners after the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70 CE.[74] Another Oddfellows’ legend link them to soldiers of the Roman Empire as far back as the 11th century. Another myth states that “Although no formal records exist … an Order of Odd Fellows was established in 1452 by knights who were said to have met at the pub named ‘Boulogne-sur-Mer’ in London and formed a fraternity.”[75]  Are the Oddfellows SATANIC?


Well, the BAPHOMET RAM is wearing an ODDFELLOWS’ APRON. One thing is clear that the Oddfellows certainty have identified themselves as one of the earliest, oldest and ultra secret SATANIC BROTHERHOODS OF DEATH that predate the German Order that chartered Yale’s SKULL and BONES; and the BOULE and your Negro BGLOs are all secretly part of SATAN’S OASIS on earth.

In Conclusion

I think the public is taking a serious look at the Sandy Bland Killing. Recently, I heard it on mainstream corporate media and not across the internet that the general public is taking a serious look at whether on not Sandy Bland was deceased when her mug shot was taken in county jail. There’s a valid concern in the public’s mind.  Why did the police single her out and target her in the first instance, and why did she take her BOOKING mug shot picture in an orange jail jumpsuit instead of her street clothes? I also believe that the Lafayette, La., movie theater shooting is another convenient diversion to take you away from the Sandy Bland Matter. The CIA has a stockpile of sleeper MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES. But don’t let the Sandy Bland Killing die off. It’s a RABBIT HOLE that is bound to go deeper and deeper. SO DEEP that most of you may develop Dr. Gregory Bateson’s DOUBLE BIND insanity without disease- if you don’t continue to RESIST and LIFT THE VEIL.









































[40] Id.


[42] Id.









[51] Id.

[52] Id.














[66] Id.




[70] Mather, Frank Lincoln, Who’s who of the Colored Race, A General Biographical Dictionary, Volume 1, (1915) Chicago, IL





[75] Id.


1 07 2015


Friday, June 26, 2015 turned out to be an absolutely surreal day like being in a Shroud of Shadows Mode (explained below) in and out of 21st Century technological and psychological warfare reality. I am sure that a lot of ink will be spread for quite sometime about the events that unfolded on June 26.

On the eve of President Obama addressing the EVIL of white supremacy and racism in South Carolina, covert U.S. foreign counter-intelligence forces like ISIL unleashed a reign of murder and terror across three continents. In Sousse, Tunisia, gunmen massacred at least 38 mostly white British tourists and wounded at least 39 others.[1] In France, a man stormed an American-owned chemical plant, decapitated one person and apparently tried to blow up the facility. In Kuwait, a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a mosque during communal prayers, killing at least 25 Shiite worshipers.[2]

Just as the world was awaiting President Barrack Obama’s funeral eulogy for slain Rev. Clementa Pinckney, and right in the middle of the entire South Carolina Mother Emanuel AME Church Mind Binding experience and a national conscience reformation, the U.S. Supreme Court released its ruling that basically says that pursuant to the 14th AmendmentSame-Sex Marriage is Protected by the U.S. Constitution.[3]

Don’t get it twisted. I am not saying that the Same-Sex Marriage Supreme Court ruling stole the thunder from the AME massacre and America’s race relations. That it has and that’s the way it was supposed to roll. On Saturday morning, it was all about the celebration and debate about Same-Sex Marriages spilled all over the front pages of newspapers and the lead story throughout the nation. The AME massacre and the long awaited statement on race in this country from its highest elected official was left only an after thought. That’s the way they roll. The debate over race relations, international terrorism, confederate flag and same-sex marriages are all planned major mass population psychological warfare double-bind attacks (insanity without disease), diversions and distractions.


The events that unfolded on Friday, June 26, 2015 were designed to further polarize the races, overwhelm and confuse the masses. In no way, President Obama would be allowed, even if he had the capacity, to galvanize the masses around confronting and fighting EVIL global white supremacy and racism- the SECOND CIVIL WAR AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE. It wasn’t bound to happen, and it didn’t happen or come to past.

Obama’s Cheap and ILLUSIONARY Grace

I knew that President Barrack Obama, the human Cyborg, would be a low down illusory snake in the grass like the Antichrist in paying a tribute in eulogy to the slain Rev. Clementa Carlos Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME. He was up to the task. He clawed into South Carolina on his belly under the Color of PURPLE- The WHORE OF BABYLON (Revelation 17:4).   The corporate mass media is spreading the gospel that Obama’s eulogy to Rev. Pinckney and the slaughtered AME 8 to have been one of his greatness triumphs as president. They say that Obama’s statement on race was passionate and THUNDEROUS.[4]

In most situations, politicians that manage to perform well earn the credibility and trust of the masses. According to corporate mass media and inside political pundits, Obama’s Grace Eulogy triumphant performance in South Carolina earned the president and the National Democratic Party good “POLITICAL CAPITAL“.[5] It was “Obama’s GraceThe president delivers his single most accomplished rhetorical performance, and it’s one you should watch rather than read, so said the Atlantic.[6] It was one big ILLUSION.


Obama’s Grace was the “Amazing Grace” hymn written over two hundred years ago by Rev. John Newton of the Anglican Church of the BRITISH EMPIRE. John Newton (1725- 1807) was a Middle Passage (African Holocaust) English slave ship sailor, later a trader and captain of slave ships, Duke of Argyle (1750) and African (1752–1753 and 1753–1754).[7]


Newton was a Freemason, undoubtedly a Master Mason, belonging to one of Liverpool England‘s leading Masonic lodges.[8] On April 29,1764,  Newton received deacon’s orders, and was ordained as a Anglican priest on June 17, 1764.[9] Like all mainstream western churches of that age, the Anglican Church (Church of England) agreed with the traditional view that slavery was ordained by God. To practice slavery was therefore meritorious, and to try to stop the practice was sinful. When Newton wrote the hymn, Amazing Grace, in 1779 in Olney, England, the Anglican Church was actively involved in all aspects of the Middle Passage, African Human Bondage and Holocaust.[10]  Anglicanism teaches that GRACE—a word which simply means “gift”—is God’s granting of the status of Christ to them, not because of their efforts but because of Christ’s intercession. Grace is a sharing in the life of Christ, made available through faith, manifest in the faithful reception of the Sacraments. Classical Anglicanism teaches that we are justified by faith alone, grafted into the Body of Christ by Holy Baptism, and thereby adopted by God the Father as sons and daughters.[11]


The “Grace” understood and practiced by Newton and the Church of England in Amazing Grace didn’t include Africans. It was based in fact at its inception on British Anglo-Saxon White Supremacy. Among all men, they anointed themselves, exclusively, the Divine Sons and Daughters of God. It is their “Cheap Grace” and “Forgiveness” by the Grace of God for all their wages of absolute EVIL- African Slavery. It wipes them clean for all the murders, rapes, enslavement and plunder of Mother Africa.


It is a Grace without price for their crimes against NATURE; Grace without cost for crimes against HUMANITY; Grace without SHAME or JUSTICE. One of the reasons why Black people have always been moved and mesmerized by Newton’s Amazing Grace Hymn for decades is that it is coded with the “pentatonic scale“. This scale has often been referred to as the “Slave Scale” as most Black Spirituals are composed using only the black notes of the piano.[12] Traditional Black Spirituals are recalled sacred healing energy- melodies, harmonies, sounds, vibrations and rhythms from ancient Kemetic and African Temples and structures.[13]

Particularly after the crusades, westerners gained unprecedented entry into Kemetic and African monasteries and temples to study, then took certain melodies, harmonies and scales home to exploit to create a great deal of European classical music and hymns. It had not been any divine intervention that took a twisted wretch like Rev. Newton out of the business of human blood, flesh and suffering, it was a severe stroke in 1754 that he gave up slave-trading activities. But, he continued to invest in slaving operations.[14]


I am quite sure that Rev. John Newton found the Grace of God a “Sweet Sound” and an absolutely “Amazing Grace” that you can pick up at any supermarket like a loaf of bread if you are a white Anglo Saxon of the British Empire. Obama’s Grace, Statement on Race, was a nothing more than a GRAND ILLUSION, and veiled affirmation of white supremacy and racism.


At the heart of Obama’s Grace that he deliberately chose in the era of John Newton are the dangerous underlining notions of John Calvin’s racial theological dogma. Calvin (1509-1564) was one of the most influential western religious figures of the last millennium. To a significant degree, Calvin’s view were developed from the writings of Saint Augustine (A.D. 353-430) that formed the doctrinal basis of much of modern Protestantism.[15] Calvinism argues that by a secret and special operation of the Holy Spirit, God’s “GRACE” is poured forth upon only the ELECT. Since the extension of this “GRACE” is an act of DIVINE POWER, it cannot be resisted any more than the original creation could have resisted the creative might of the Lord (Hodge 1960, 688).[16] One of the cornerstones of Calvin’s theology was the dogma of PREDESTINATION. This is the notion that, consistent with his own sovereignty, GOD, before the foundation of the world, pre-determined who would be saved and who would be lost. In view of this, when Christ died, his death was efficacious only for the “ELECT.”[17]


Certain Calvinistic systems assert without qualification that God’s intention to DESTROY some is equal to his intention to save others. Based on Calvinism, Dutch settlers and the BRISTISH EMPIRE in colonial Africa claimed that the Blacks were members of the NON-ELECT, because they were the sons of Ham, whom Noah had cursed to be SLAVES, according to Genesis 9:18-19.[18]

When Obama said Roofdidn’t know he was being used by God“, a chill went up my spine.[19] Within the Calvinistic systems, Black people are predestined and chosen to be enslaved and destroyed by the will of God. So, it would very well be said that Roof was indeed used by God. Under that system, Roof is endowed with everlasting “GRACE” and “FORGIVENESS” by race alone. According to their dogma, his GRACE is an act of DIVINE POWER that cannot be resisted or reversed no matter what he did, or what you do to protect yourself from fate.


Chillingly, at the end of the Obama Eulogy, he said that Rev. Pinckney and the slaughtered Black AME church members “… found that GRACE.”[20] If the Mother Emanuel AME Nine (9) found that GRACE, it certainty wasn’t an endowed GIFT FROM GOD. They found that special kind of GRACE through the barrel of 45 caliber Glock 41. This kind of twisted Grace African Exclusion Dogma didn’t die with Newton or Calvin. It was the hymn of the Slavocracy and the Antebellum SOUTH. It lies hidden at the basis of the South’s Second Civil War Against Black People.

In 2013, the teachings of John Calvin (PREDESTINATION) threatened to up end the nation’s largest Protestant denomination at the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). About 30 percent of Southern Baptist pastors consider their churches Calvinist, according to a poll last year by SBC-affiliated LifeWay Research.[21]


Lucifer, himself, and all his servants would be tickled to death to join President Obama’s chorus to sing and sway with that kind of “Amazing Grace“.

John F Kennedy – Secret society speech – Freemasonry – Mystery Babylon

In South Carolina God Damn, there is much more to worry about than the confederacy battle flag flying over the capital. Its original state flag presents far more everlasting danger from America’s secret societies than the battle flag.


There is a great deal of controversy whether or not President Barrack Obama is a 32° Prince Hall Mason. If he was, it would be secret. In America’s current political state of affairs, it would normally be virtually impossible to reach the high levels and halls of secrecy and brotherhood that he has reached without any type of Blood Oath Covenant of Secrecy to the Brotherhood.  That’s the way they roll at these levels in America. In the Obama Grace Eulogy, he talked assertively about taking down the South Carolina Confederacy Battle Flag, but he didn’t talk about their Masonic Pagan “Blue” state flag.


The flag of the state of South Carolina has existed in some form since 1775, being based on one of the first Revolutionary War flags. In 1775, Colonel William Moultrie (1730-1801) was asked by the Revolutionary Council of Safety to design a flag for the South Carolina troops to use during the Revolutionary War. Colonel Moultrie is a direct implanted John Dee- Sir Francis Bacon Slavocracy/Plantocracy bloodline out of Scotland and England. Moultrie‘s design had the blue of the militia’s uniforms, so they say, and the crescent moon with the word Liberty on it.[22]


There is no definitive evidence that Colonel Moultrie was a Freemason. However, his footprints come straight out of Captain Charles Shepheard’s Tavern in colonial Charleston. The tavern was a meeting place for subversive and secret society activity from the Freemasons to the Sons of Liberty. Around 1736, Shepheard’s Tavern became Solomon Temple No.1- one of the first Masonic Lodges established in the United States. In 1774, the ancient Grand Lodge of England chartered Charleston Lodge, No. 190 at Shepheard’s Tavern.[23]

On August 29, 1783, Colonel Moultrie and forty-three officers of the Continental Army residing in South Carolina met and established the Masonic-like and dominated, The Society of the Cincinnati in South Carolina at the City Tavern, Shepheard’s Tavern, Shallow’s Tavern in Charleston.[24] In 1801, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite was established at Shepheard’s Tavern. [25] One of his sons, Dr. James Moultrie (1766- 1836), was one of the founders of Charleston’s Scottish Rite Supreme Council.[26] According to the Grand Commander, Albert Pike, Dr. Moultrie, “was one of the foremost Citizens of South Carolina”.[27]

Dr. Moultrie was the Knights K.H., Minister of State and Grand Orator of the Grand Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret, in South Carolina.[28] The Knight Kadosh is a Freemasonic degree or ceremony of initiation performed by certain branches of the Scottish Rite. It is the Thirtieth Degree of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite for the United States of America.  The term “Kadosh” is derived from the Hebrew word which means HOLY or CONSECRATED. “Kadosh” and “Knight Kadosh” is often abbreviated in Masonic documents as “K–H.”[29]

So, it shouldn’t be surprising that the official state flag of South Carolina is a secret Masonic Flag. It’s Blue because of the Blue Lodge. All masons must undergo an initiation to enter the Blue Lodge. Blue Lodges are where Freemasons meet. South Carolina has been a secret Blue Lodge Masonic Path state from its formation.[30]


Sumerian Goddess Nanna

The South Carolina State Flag, “Crescent Moon” symbolizes the Architect deity, ‘Sin‘ (Akkadian: Su’en, Sîn) a.k.a. Nanna (Sumerian: DŠEŠ.KI, DNANNA) the god of the moon in Mesopotamian Mythology. Nanna is a Sumerian deity, the son of Enlil and Ninlil, and became identified with Semitic Sin. Enlil is Ashur/Assur/Asher; Yaldaboath; the god of Abraham and Moses. Ninlil, is Lilith, the ‘First Eve’ (hence the celebration of, ‘New Year’s Eve’). Enlil, alias: Shaitan, Satan, the Devil, Lucifer is the god of the Fall.”[31]


In pre- Islamic and Christian mythology, the Roman Goddess Diana like Venus was portrayed as beautiful and youthful. She wore the Crescent Moon as a diadem. It is a major attribute of Goddess Diana.[32] In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and childbirth. She was equated with the Greek Goddess Artemis, Diana was worshipped in ancient Roman religion and is revered in Roman Neopaganism and Stregheria [Ancient Etruscan Religion of Witches]. Dianic Wicca, a largely feminist form of the practice, is named for her. Diana was known to be the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, Diana, Minerva and VESTA [Birmingham, AL], who swore never to marry.[33]

Colonel Moultrie’s interpretation of Liberty on the crescent moon of the flag is far from any notion that it applies to ALL such as the Africans and Native Americans. Mackey’s Masonic Encyclopedia of the early 20th Century: The word freedom is not to be taken in modern sense of liberty, but rather in its primitive Anglo-Saxon meaning of frankness, generosity, a generous willingness to work or perform one’s duty.[34]


Masonry is a march and a struggle toward the Light. For the individual as well as the nation, Light is Virtue, Manliness, Intelligence, Liberty. (Pike, Morals & Dogmas, 2:34)[35]Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Masonic motto for instigating Revolutions since 1776 means Liberty (Liber is Bacchus, Dionysus, Templar “Green Man” aka Lucifer) from God, Equality with God and Fraternity among like minded Gnostics who believe they can become Gods. The “New Light” is Lucifer. Membership in the “New World Order” requires “Luciferian Initiation” and the “Mark of the Beast”.[36]

Charleston is far from being a “HOLY” city of anything you may know about. It is holy to Albert Pike’s initiated. Charleston is part of America’s secret Masonic initiatory chain that use esoteric magic, rituals and knowledge in pursuit of ancient wisdom, truth and knowledge to separate the ILLUMINATI/Luciferian elite from the masses for thousands of years.

POLITICAL CAPITAL & The Fallen Democrat, Rev. Clementa Pinckney


As you know by now, the June 17, 2015 Assassination of South Carolina State Senator, Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney and the Mother Emanuel AME Church Massacre in Charleston, SC by an alleged “lone wolf” killer smells to high heaven. It no ways seem plausible that Rev. Clementa Pinckney had been assassinated for any urgent reason or past political betrayal, not even for body cameras for police.[37] He was as radical, revolutionary and controversial of a black man as a grilled ham, bacon and cheese sandwich. For over a century, Mother Emanuel AME has been a powerful political organization, and a bastion of political power in the South. As the pastor of Mother Emanuel since 2010, Rev. Pinckney occupied a very commanding position. However, first and foremost, he had been a Democrat– a member of the South Carolina State Legislature since 1996.[38]

In the 2008 South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary, he had a great deal of political influence carrying the state for Senator Barrack Obama over Hilary Clinton. Rev. Pinckney had to have been a secret high ranking politician to move in the covert Luciferian circle of Barrack and Michelle Obama. He had proven to have been a loyal black democrat. He was so far down Lucifer’s Workshop rabbit hole that it was virtually impossible to get out of it alive. It appears that he became a Satanic Sacrifice/Diversion for the National Democratic Party.[39]


One of the most controversial and starling movements that Rev. Pinckney made just prior to the church massacre involved Madame Hillary Rodham (Lady Dragon) Clinton. There are some sources reporting that he met with Clinton just hours before his death.[40] Another source said that Rev. Pinckney had been campaigning for her while in Charleston.[41] Another news source said that he had been fundraising for her in Charleston.[42]

Hillary Stopped in Charleston the Day of the Massacre- Watch Her Issue 666 (MARK OF THE BEAST) 


“Vengeance …  SATAN has not yet created.” — Benjamin Netanyahu

The absolutely odd, starling and disheartening thing about Rev. Pinckney and Hillary in the Charleston connection is that the Clinton Presidential Campaign and the National Democratic Party remains silent and will not acknowledge or “own” up to whether or not they even met with the young and upcoming black minister prior to the church massacre. They don’t call Hillary, the compassion-less brutal Dragon Lady, the American version of Madame Chiang Kai-shek without justification.[43] I am quite sure that Rev. Pinckney got it loud and clear from the Dragon Lady, that he and the powerful political elite base of the South were going to be phased out.


Hillary Clinton and most likely the entire National Democratic Party also showed up in South Carolina decked out in “PURPLE“, the color of the Whore of Babylon, for Rev. Pinckney’s homecoming.[44] They rode into town high on their horses on the coat tails of Obama’s ILLUSIONARY Grace for Black People to cash in on the slaughter of the Mother Emanuel AME Nine (9) as POLITICAL CAPITAL.[45]



On June 16, it had been nearly 100 degrees sweaty hot in Charleston. Yet, Dylann Storm [Trooper] Roof showed up a little after 8:00 PM for bible study at church wearing a heavy long sleeve stained gray sweatshirt and timberland boots. Underneath the sweatshirt, he had on a plainly observable black bullet proof vest over a large white t-shirt. He parked his black Hyundai with a Confederate States of America (CSA) front license plate just outside the church doors as if the parking space had been reserved for him.

Dressed in battle gear with a small black backpack over his shoulder,[46] Roof asked particularly for the pastor, Rev. Pinckney. Without any hesitation, questions or reservations from anyone, he was led by someone directly to the state senator. He sat next to Rev. Pinckney. At the end of the class, he pulled out a 45 caliber Glock 41. They believe that Roof executed Pinckney first, then mass executed the other members of the bible study group with multiple shots, reloading several times.


Out of all the people in the room, it was only 26 year old Tywanza Sanders that was spared time to try to reason with the assassin and even repeatedly moved between Dylann and his aunt. There was some unknown reason why Dylann hadn’t shot him in the first instance as a male threat. The DRAMA between Tywanza and Roof under these circumstances is very very strange. Reportedly, Tywanza talked to Roof and urged him to point the gun at him instead but was told: “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to shoot all of you.”[47]  Wanza reportedly said: “You don’t have to do this.” Roof replied, “Yes. You are raping our women and taking over the country.”[48] 

When it came time for Tywanza’s aunt, Susie Jackson, to be shot, he reportedly stepped in front of her and took the shot. At that time, it is uncertain who was left alive other than his mother, little niece playing dead under a table, and Dylann’s death messenger, Polly Shepard, 70 years old. What did she witness? It remains unknown. Felecia Sanders and her 5 year old granddaughter survived lying in the blood of Tywanza Sanders.[49] Strangely, the details of what really went on inside the bible study class surrounding the other victims when Dylann drew his gun remains a complete mystery.


From the strange and odd sequence of events reported leading up to mass killing of nine people in the bible study class, South Carolina State Representative Bill Chumley appeared to suggest that the massacre doesn’t stand the (blame the victim diversion) smell test. Chumley is also a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.[50]


SC 2015 Honor- Scottish Rite Supreme Commander, Albert Pike

Additionally, Chumley is also one of the sponsors of the – April 2015 SC Senate Resolution HCR 4047 to recognize and honor members of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry upon their 151st Anniversary– absolutely CHILLING!

They (the victims) could and should have put up more of a fight to save themselves. “These people sit in there and waited their turn to be shot”, Chumley told a CNN reporter.[51] Chumley went further, “Why didn’t somebody, why didn’t somebody just do something? I mean, you got one skinny person shooting a gun, you know I mean, we need to take, and do what we can.”[52]


Well, from the strange and odd sequence of events leading to the mass killing and the skinny person, it can also suggest that there may have been more than one gunman, doors and windows were blocked; prior CIA- MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control programming or they had been drugged. Most importantly, State Rep. Chumley should also ask where was the 21st Century multi-million dollar technological advanced “protect and serveCharleston police force. Mother Emanuel sits in downtown Charleston, a half mile away from historic Fort Sumter, where the Civil War’s first shots were fired.[53] Mother Emanuel sits on Calhoun Street right in the middle of Charleston’s Historical District. It is the city’s main tourist thoroughfare. The police department sits on Broad Street just blocks from the church. Broad connects to Meeting Street that leads directly to Calhoun Street.[54]

Chumley’s Skinny Person Outwits Homeland Security & the Charleston PD Multi-Million Dollar Active Shooter Program?

Between June 15 and 19, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center was conducting The Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program in Charleston, SC. Part of the course description reads, “The course takes Active Shooter Threat Tactics Training to the next level by emphasizing leadership, teach backs, and adult learning as well as the traditional technical skills needed by field training officers and special agents.”[55]

It is absolutely bizarre that with the Charleston Police Department and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security just blocks away training, developing and implementing Active Shooter Threat programs that this one skinny person took his sweet time to mass murder nine people in a historic church right smack in the middle of the city’s main tourist thoroughfare, casually walk away from the crime scene, get into his car parked right smack directly in the front of the church’s parking lot and then drive away from the city and out of state.

State Rep. Chumley and this entire nation should ask where were the 21st Century multi-million dollar “protect and serveCharleston Police Department, and the multi-billon dollar technological advanced federal government interdepartmental U.S. Department Homeland Security while 9 citizens were being laid to waste just down the street. How did this skinny person outwit the entire Charleston Police Department and the U.S. Government to be literally tracked down and apprehended by a sole female FLORIST in North Carolina?

Tywanza Sanders, Dylann Roof & the Knowledge Planter


This is no I LOVE YOU. It is the Sign of the DEVIL. Look for the DEVIL in the DETAILS. 


Moments before the slaughter at Mother Emanuel AME, 26 year old Tywanza Sanders sent out a Snapchat out to friends. Snapchat is an application that users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as “Snaps“.[56]


Tywanda’s Band of Brothers


Wanza and some of his Band of Brothers. All except the young man in ‘’Pink” certainly appears to be flashing hand symbols. Wanza’s hand symbol would be the more dangerous of two, the Masonic /ILLUMINATI M symbol. In Wanza’s video snap from bible study, he captured a picture of Dylann Roof just before the carnage. The banner he placed across the snap was “Bible Study Knowledge Planter”.


Wanza was bonded with a small group of males that called themselves, the Band of Brothers. Wanza, Torrence and Tyrone Shaw, Dominique Gray and T.J. Grant had been close friends and partners for over a decade. They were all about “Fun and Games.” [57] Wanza had recently told one of the brothers, Tyrone Shaw, that he was thinking about settling down with a young lady that he had been talking to. Oddly enough at 26 years old, he isn’t reported to have had a girlfriend. It also appears that the Band of Brothers had never seen her.[58]


Wanza Sanders Flash an Unknown Hand Symbol

Wanza receive the Vulcan Sign (Brotherhood of SATAN) from one of the Band of Brothers dressed in with some type of  brown military/police attire. “Knowledge Planter” in the context of a bible study class is rather unique language and a strange code. The language also fits a particular set of circumstances in a XBOX action-adventure video game called, Xiaolin Showdown. In this game, players are able to play as the Xiaolin Apprentices, and one of the game objectives is to get the Shen Gong Wu. The Shen Gong Wu are fictional mystical artifacts possessing magical powers.[59]


The Shen Gong Wu require the use of “Chi Energy” from the player. There are 6 playable characters in the game. One of the characters is Chase Young. Chase Young was a renegade Xiaolin monk turned EVIL in exchange for superhuman strength and immortality- PACT WITH THE DEVIL. Chase was once a former Xiaolin Warrior and a near-Xiaolin Dragon. Chase served as a continuously impending villain to the Xiaolin monks.[60]


“Knowledge Planter” is found in the footsteps of Chase Young and his encounters with a mystical figure called Kepron. Kepron was once a noble shaman who could guide beast spirits to there afterlife, but a plaque corrupted a guidance ritual one night, his heart was tainted. The Mystic Kepron could walk in the Shroud of Shadows Mode. In the footsteps of Chase, he searched for Kepron if he was still here and this really isn’t what happening. “Knowledge Planter, … knowledge grower …”, Kepron uttered waving his staff so it hit all of the ancient ones. “I KNOW HE IS EVIL.”[61]

So, was Dylann Roof in the footsteps of Chase Young in the Shroud of Shadows Mode ? In this context, some of the church members involved in the bible study group had to have been “Knowledge Planters” that were EVIL. During Roof’s PLANT in the home of a childhood friend, Joey Meeks, Roof had been consumed with playing XBOX games. In fact, he wore that same stained gray sweatshirt that he wore on the day of the massacre while playing XBOX games at Meeks’ home.[62] Undoubted, there was more going on at Mother Emanuel in the Shroud of Shadows Mode than a plain and ordinary bible study.

Mother Emanuel AME & Freemasonry 


Richard Allen (1760 – 1831), founder and first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church was a Free and Accepted Mason erected by the Right Worshipful Grand Master Prince Hall subservient to the Grand Lodge of England.  There should be little doubt that over the years, Mother Emanuel AME served the community in duality, a Christian Church and a secret haven of the Luciferian Masonic Lodges.


Former AME Pastor, Rev. Alonzo William Holman (1934- 2004) was an absolute shameless Masonic Luciferian in the church pulpit- 33rd degree Prince Hall Master Mason.


This is the Master DEMON of the pulpit, former AME Pastor, Rev. Lavern Witherspoon. He is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Master Mason and Chaplin. Witherspoon is the U.S. Army Chaplin for Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Fort Monmouth is home to the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command linked to Booz Allen & 9-11 Inside Job“Artificial Telepathy” or “psychotropics” or “mind control.” 

Rev. Pinckney had been installed as the AME Pastor in 2010 primarily as a useful expendable U.S. Military Intelligence PATSY for a CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Covert Experimental XBOX MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE Mind Control Program, and Roof waited until the NINTH (9) HOUR to KILL.

The Divine Nine & Dylann Roof


It just so happened that the number of Mother Emanuel AME victims were Nine (9). It wasn’t a coincidence. Nine (9) was the ritual number that the victims and their black societies of secrecy all clearly understood.

Satanists and the Number Nine

Satanists take delight in the number nine for a couple of reasons. First, Satanists enjoy reversing, mirroring and inverting symbols, letters and numbers. When you turn the number “9” upside down you get “6” which makes up the number of the BEAST (666) as revealed in Revelation 13:18 in the Bible. Second, Satanists take perverse pleasure in commemorating the death of Christ and the death of Christ is associated with the number Nine (9). Mark 15: 34-37 reveals that Christ spoke his last words on the Cross of Calvary at the Nine (9) hour and “gave up the ghost (died).”[63]

Masonic Orders and the Number Nine

During the early 1900s, the black elite (descendants of antebellum house Negroes; and Negro bourgeoisie) were secretly initiated into subservient higher socio-economic and political closed caste secret societies separated from the masses by their traditional white secret elite Masonic and aristocratic counterparts.The establishment of the so-called “Black Greek Letteredfraternities and sororities were modeled after ILLUMINATI Greek Lettered societies that was bound by blood oath secrecy, Luciferian Initiation rites and the Mark of the Beast of their superior white counterparts, Freemasonry and the Knights Templar.[64]


Nine (9) historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs) fraternities and sororities were established to make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Collectively, they are called, “The Divine Nine (9).” According to the book “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues” by W. W. Wescott, Nine (9) holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies. He said, “There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which Nine (9) roses, Nine (9) lights, and Nine (9) knocks are used.” In fact, the number Nine (9) is the number of “the earth under evil influences.”[65]


Dr. Rob Morris (1818-1888) founded the Order of the Eastern Star (OES). He was a Master Mason and Knight Templar, LOUISVILLE COMMANDERY, No. 1. In 1856, Dr. Morris drafted the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Tem­plar of the United States, and that of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.[66] Dr. Morris was no joke. During the 19th Century, he ranked among the likes of Albert Pike as one the most foremost authorities and prophets of Knight Templars and Freemasonry in the United States.[67]


At the time the OES was formed, Dr. Morris adopted the five-pointed star pentagram as the logo of OES. He knew very well and had been so informed of such that the five-pointed star with one point down was an emblem used to represent the goat of Mendes (Baphomet of Knights Templar) and its mythological significance was one of evil– the domain of SATAN.[68]


“The phrase “Eastern Star” has a specialized meaning in occultism. It refers to the star, Sirius, which is the most significant star in SATANISM! It is sacred to the god, SET. Remember SET as the evil Egyptian god who killed Osiris? Set is probably the oldest form of SATAN! The Eastern Star is the star of SET.”[69]



Susie Jackson, age 87, Tywanza Sander’s aunt, was a “Sister of Secrets“. She was an ACTIVE member/MATRON of Eastern Light Chapter No. 360 Order of the Eastern Star (OES- Mother of ALL).[70] The OES are Masonic Blue Lodges that practice  Masonic rituals and know the order of Nine (9). The OES was founded in 1868 as a women’s auxiliary for the Masonic Lodge. It is open to all female relatives of Masons, and functions under the authority of the Masonic Lodge. A Master Mason, called the Worthy Patron MUST be present at all OES meetings. There is also another Mason, an Associate Patron, usually present. Otherwise, all the offices are held by women.[71]


As much as I (we) love, honor and respect our elders, she was at the center of a Satanic/MASONIC family. SHE RIDES THE GOAT.


Daniel L. Simmons, 74 years old, a ministerial staff member at the church and a member of Divine Nine (9) Phi Beta Sigma, died in the shooting, his daughter, Arcelia Simmons confirmed to ABC News.[72] Simmons was a “Brother of Secrets“. He was a veteran of WWII and the Vietnam Aggression, and returned home from Vietnam with a Purple Heart.[73] Phi Beta Sigma was founded in 1914 at Howard University. Over 90% of the founders of Phi Beta Sigma and Divine Nine (9) fraternities and sororities were Prince Hall Masons and Masonic matrons of the OES.[74]


It certainty appears that Simmons has on an Albert Pike Scottish Rite Double-Headed Eagle 32 or 33rd Degree necktie. He would be the Masonic Father of ALL of the black Satanic Family. With a Master Mason presiding over the AME bible study class, it becomes an OES Blue Lodge Meeting.



Rev. Clementa Pinckney was a “Brother of Secrets“. He was a “distinguished member of Divine Nine (9) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. founded 1906, Cornell University. APA first initiation was held in a Masonic Lodge.[75] APA was a pseudo Masonic Organization that was/is certainly controlled by Masons. Charles Harris Wesley (December 2, 1891 – August 16, 1987) the 14th and a five-term General President, and later National Historian for seven decades, of APA was a Master Mason. He wrote The History of APA (1929), updating it in many new editions. Wesley was also an archon (DEMON)[76] of Sigma Pi Phi (the Boule), the first of all Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLO). He was a Prince Hall Freemason, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General (33rd Degree) of the United Supreme Council (Southern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall); a member of the Old Fellows, Elks. In 1957, he received Albert Pike’s Scottish Rite Gold Medal.[77]


Soror Sharonda Coleman

Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 59 years old, and Cynthia Graham-Hurd, 54 years old, were “Sisters of Secrets”. They were members of the Divine Nine (9) Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority founded 1908 at Howard University. AKAs states that it is the first Greek-lettered sorority established and incorporated by African American college women. The AKAs is a Basileus (MONARCH). It has cultic secret initiation rites, rituals, hand symbols and hand shakes, oaths and degrees like Masons, and participate in the ILLUMINATI Luciferian Boule (Blood Oath Secret Black Skull and Bones).[78] In fact, the Divine Nine (9) are the tentacles and vessels of Boule.

Son of Sharonda, Chris Singleton, Zombie Interview

Chris Singleton is no crisis actor. Some entity has turned him into a “Mind Controlled Zombie”. He appears “drugged“. Chris has blurred and droopy eyes. He appears drowsy. Most tellingly, the persistent tongue licking outside and around his lips indicates that he has a dry mouth. Psychoactive Mind Control Drugs like Phenothiazine and Thorazine side effects include feeling of drowsiness, disorientation, shakiness, DRY MOUTH, blurred vision and an inability to concentrate. Psychoactive drugs like Prolixin and Thorazine can turn a victim into a virtual CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control “ZOMBIE.


Dyann Roof also plainly displays the same tell-tale MK ULTRA suspect persistent Psychoactive Mind Control Drug Dry Mouth.


Soror Cynthia Hurd

According to the article “Sorority Celebrates Michelle Obama’s Acceptance” (New York Times, July 14, 2008), Michelle Obama accepted honorary AKAs membership prior to President Obama’s 2008 election. Hillary Clinton declined membership.[79]


Myra Thompson was also a “Sister of Secrets”. She was a member of the Divine Nine (9) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority founded 1913 at Howard University. They make no bones about their Masonic roots. “The most direct line of descent from Greek societies to America is the Freemasons (called Masons). Historians of American fraternities and sororities trace most of our rituals, ceremonies and rites to the Masons. An examination of Masonic rituals open to scholars suggest that our Founders were also influenced by Masonic ritual, symbolism and initiation experiences.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, CANDIDATE SYLLABUS, 1987, p.30.) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority rituals and ceremonies are also heavily influence by the ILLUMANITI, and consistent with Satanic rituals and ceremonies of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.


“Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, one of the strongest and most admirable goddesses of antiquity, was chosen by the Founders as the patron of the Sorority. She serves merely as a SYMBOLIC representation of desirable archetypical attributes of mind, body, and SPIRIT. The goddess’ name derives from the ancient roots for “mind” and her domain was intellectual. Minerva was also said to be the inventor of music. It is fitting, therefore, that the exemplary attributes associated with Minerva be influential in the minds and spirits of the Sorors holding the responsibility of planning and conducting all intake activities, including induction, and orientation of new members into Delta Sigma Theta. These Sorors comprise the Minerva Circle … Wisdom! The college educated woman seeks to become wise rather than smart. That is why MINERVA, the Goddess of Wisdom, is our Sorority mentor.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, MEMBERSHIP INTAKE PROGRAM, 1987, p. 106.)

According to John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), the Third Degree of the Bavarian ILLUMINATI was called Minerva or Brother of Minerva, in honor of the goddess of learning. Later, this title was adopted for the first initiation of the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s OTO rituals (The Ceremony of Minerva and the First Degree). There was also ILLUMINATI Masters of the Minerva. The official sigil of the ILLUMINATI was the Owl of Minerva.


Wanza’s Hand Symbol with  the Thumb Extended Could be the “LOVE HAND SIGN”. Tywanza Sanders, 26 years old, was also a “Brother of Secrets”. He is also associated with the BLUE LION.


It is unknown which or what secret society or societies that he belonged to, but he openly displayed secret society and Luciferian hand symbols. I think that it is clear. He spoke the same special XBOX language of Dylann Roof that suggests that he may have been recruited, trained or programmed in a secret CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control Program.


Germany’s Homicidal Satanic Vampire, Manuela Ruda,  With the Thumb Extended with the DEVIL HORNS, This Certainly Isn’t a LOVE SIGN. The DRAMA and dialogue between Tywanza and Roof during the massacre seems to suggests that they were both DRAGON MONKS acting out a Xiaolin Showdown, but Tywanza had been betrayed, Roof had been counter-programmed to KILL.


Ethel Lance in the Picture with Some Type of Blue Alchemy (Dr. John Dee) Symbol

Ethel Lance, 70 years old, COUSIN of OES matron, Susie Jackson. She was the sexton of the church. The words “sexton” derive from the  Medieval Latin word sacristanus meaning “custodian of sacred objects“.[80] Grandmother of church, she had been with Mother Emanuel AME for over 30 years.[81]


Dr. Doctor, Rainbow & the Pyramid Gesture (My Emphasis)

Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor, Pastor of Mother Emanuel AME, 49 years old, was an admissions coordinator at Southern Wesleyan University’s Charleston learning center, according to the university’s website. She held a bachelor’s degree in biology from Columbia College, a master’s in organizational management from Southern Wesleyan, was previously manager of Charleston’s Census Bureau office and was a retired pastor.[82] She was also the retired director of Charleston County’s Community Development Block Grant Program.[83]

Universal Citation: SC Code § 19-11-90 (2013)

In any legal or quasi-legal trial, hearing or proceeding before any court, commission or committee no regular or duly ordained minister, priest or rabbi shall be required, in giving testimony, to disclose any confidential communication properly entrusted to him in his professional capacity and necessary and proper to enable him to discharge the functions of his office according to the usual course of practice or discipline of his church or religious body.


Mother Emanuel AME Trustee, Poppy Sheppard, above, discovered (in plain sight) the gravestone of a black confederate soldier (a cook) on AME burial grounds. Sheppard, Keeper of the TRUST, survived the AME massacre as a Messenger of Death. The problem is that Sheppard has dropped from sight. What she witnessed in that bible study class with Dylann Roof and the victims remains in TRUST- UNKNOWN.


Felecia Sanders, above, Tywanda’s Mother, survived the massacre. She attended Roof’s bail hearing in North Carolina. She told Roof by close circuit video, “We welcomed you Wednesday night in our Bible study with open arms …”  Who welcomed Roof to that Wednesday bible study class and when? Did Tywanza know Roof? How did Roof know in advance that the busy Rev. Pinckney would be at that bible study class that evening? What happened during bible study? Did WWII and Vietnam Vet Simmons struggle with the assailant? Who did Roof shoot first? UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN and UNKNOWN.

At least seven of Nine (9) of Mother Emanuel AME victims were members of black secret societies governed by ritual Masonic Luciferian blood covenant oath of secrecy, two Masonic and 4 (four) Divine Nine (9) members. Two (2) among the dead had been bound to various aspects of church confidentiality. That was a pretty impressive, sensitive and influential group of members that just happened to be in one bible study class with assassin Dylan Roof. From the set of absolutely bizarre and extraordinary events that took place in the basement of the church, I got to believe that this was NO ORDINARY BIBLE STUDY CLASS. They were brought together to witness some unusual event in confidence and secrecy. In advance, they had been assigned to counsel and receive Roof among and in the mist of its flock. They were betrayed by their own Luciferian Masonic initiated covenants of secrecy. They were slaughtered and SACRIFICED.

Roof & Mayberry R.F.D, North Carolina God Damn

Florist Debbie Dills is decked out in her Masonic Black & White. Take a look at Roof’s so-called capture by the local Shelby Police Department. 

 During the Post Civil War Reconstruction era,  Shelby and Cleveland County had been one of the strongholds of the KKK. Dylann Roof’s appearance in Shelby was like a script from Andy Griffin’s popular TV series, Mayberry R.F.D, North Carolina.  Even Police Chief, Jeffrey Ledford, talks out of the side of his face like a Gomer Pyle and Goober. Chief Ledford’s deputy, a Barney Fife even took Roof to Burger King for SUPPER![84]


Roof’s capture in Shelby, Cleveland County, NC was more like a welcoming home church picnic for Little Opie Taylor (Ron Howard) then the apprehension of a dangerous armed criminal and national fugitive that had just mass-executed Nine (9) Black People within the sanctuary of their church.

In Conclusion

President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the National Democratic Party has linked the Mother Emanuel AME Massacre to the Confederate Flag and Gun Control. As result of the massacre, they are calling for the battle flag of the confederacy as a matter of national policy to be removed from state capitals around the country, and gun control, They have unleashed even more Southern sick racial violent elements (KKK), Civil War Lost Cause, and Second Amendment advocates against the Black masses.

Yet, there is no national program to implement the policy. There is no U.S. governmental agency or department in charge of the policy. There is nobody on the federal level overlooking the policy not even President Obama. They got exactly what they planned to get out of the covert false flag and strategy of tension operation at Mother Emanuel, mass population psychological warfare, and POLITICAL CAPITAL.

If Black people and their institutions such as churches are attacked as a backlash or through white resistance or offensive movements, they have been left out in the cold to try to find the ILLUSIONARY and CAPRICIOUS GRACE of the forces attaching them.

Since the call for removing the battle flag and gun control as result of the Mother Emanuel Massacre, 8 (eight) Black Churches have been torched, including two in South Carolina God Damn. Who is burning Black Churches?

Call it what it is, offenses of the SECOND CIVIL WAR AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE. Huey P. Newton and BPP before CIA- MK ULTRA and FBI- COINTELPRO begged nothing from no one in defense of the people. They organized and advocated in SELF DEFENSE meting out the same degree of force that they use to attack the people. Then, there would be no question who is burning Black Churches. Let them TEST THEIR OWN CALVINIST THEORIES OF GRACE BEFORE THEIR MAKER.










[8] Aitkin, Jonathan, From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, Crossway Books, Wheaton, IL (2007) pg. 134

























[33] Id.






[39] html://









[48] Id.

[49] Id.



[52] Id.






[58] Id.
































