7 04 2017


CNN- July 27, 2017


Whether or not, you are willing to accept it, but you have just witnessed the end results of 60 to 70 years of very sophisticated and advanced CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control research, development, and programming that CNN has tried to clean up, and cover-up.

On national Live TV, CNN analyst Angela Rye saw something raising out of the floor, or suddenly felt that some demons or the DEVIL himself was drawing her down into a “Sunken Place.” Or, she began to “stink into the floor.” Whatever the case may have been.  Ms. Rye urgently needed and received an extremely strange hypnotic supernatural voodoo magick exchange of eye flashes from a mind control handler to save her, and stop the descent. On CNN, this supernatural terror and terrifying human drama took place directly in your face, live, with no actors, but with so-called legitimate professional TV newscasters. It is incredible direct visible evidence of covert deliberate Satanic mind control programming of some black TV personalities that the masses may have come to respect, trust and believe in.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH NEWS is extremely toxic and dangerous to democracy. CNN is currently the shadow government’s  corporate mass media news war hawk leading the False Flag Assad Sarin Gas Attack story line to open up a sham U.S. war front in Syria that may lead to World War 3. Just one CIA mind controlled CNN news analyst is an alarm that public news are or could be controlled by elite wealthy congressional Satanic puppet war hawks, and warmongers of the CIA and the Pentagon.

HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain Black People. The American film industry no longer make films as global propaganda to draw a veil over Racism in this country. If you really believe that the movie “GET OUT” is an innocent comedy, horror “fantasy” or a figment of anyone’s creative imagination, you have been badly misled or you have fallen for the BIG- GRAND LIE.  This SHIT IS REAL! Further coverage of Angela Rye, Voodoo Magick and Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming is below.

The Walter #GetOutChallenge in the movie “GET OUT” has disturbed and bothered me the last couple of nights. “GET OUT” and Walter has been like a storm cloud hanging over my head. And, I haven’t even watched the movie. Last night was another long, awful and painful night. My stomach boiled. I tossed and turned all night long. The same scenes about menacing secret British Satanic Cults raced through my dreams. I tried to shake them. I couldn’t. What is it that brothers me so much about “GET OUT“? Some of its very rare specialized language and terminology like solve et coagula, racialist scenarios, mind controlled characters and rare secret medieval Rosicrucian ideologies paint very clear pictures in my mind that something far more universally chilling, evil, sinister and Satanic than most people realize is going on right in the front of our faces.


“GET OUT” Director and Creator Meegan (Jordan Peele) and Eartha Kitt, “I Want to Be EVIL”


Eartha Kitt may have been among the first experimental female mind controlled leopard skin print coded sex kittens developed by Nazi SS Doctors after the Nuremberg Tribunal Doctor Trials.


GET OUT” appears to have more likely come out of the dark annals of Dr. Mengele and Aldous Huxley than the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind of a false female sex kitten alter, Meegan- Jordan Peele. The so-called American white progressives and Liberal Left are encouraging Black people to patronizeGET OUT“, and, in general, make a “Mockery of Walter”. The entire scenario is like forcing Black people out on a limb to attend and watch their own funeral, and then get laughed in their faces. Have you forgotten so soon”WALTER Scott” and “Running While Black” that can be a death sentence for a black man?

It’s like encouraging the Jews to watch the SS- Knights of the Black Sun’s Satanic systematic dehumanization and destruction of the dignity of Jewish People without an outcry from humanity; and JUSTICE.

“ … The American Left has proven INEPT in gauging this fascist [racist] menace, much less mounting an effective response. Few are aware of the history that brought us to our current predicament. … “- Andrea Hackett[34]

Ms. Hackett continued, In order to fight an enemy you must know that enemy. You must know their strengths and weaknesses, history and organizations, links, objectives and capabilities. You must know their operational methods and familiarize yourself with the central players. In short, you must do your homework. In the case of global fascism [racism], you must also respect their fanaticism and willingness to use violence to further their goals.”[35]


Walter, “GET OUT”, Color Coded: SATANIC GREEN

There is a concealed justification why Walter has become a particular targeted character for a mass deception campaign. There is something necessary to hide and veil about Walter to keep the masses from putting together an informant piece to a puzzle. They call “GET OUT” a brilliant horror movie. If that is so, why has the character Walter been singled out for a special mass population mockery campaign outside the film. For whatever reasons due to comfort,  convenience or just plain complicity, fear and racism, CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH and Black People, rarely if ever come out of the mouth of the so-called progressives constantly backing away from uncomfortable issues, or the Liberal Left.


Mama Sonya and Stephen Curry, Love for Their Father, Hail Satan!

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors is the first and only professional athlete to come out in the open to make a public “Mockery of Walter.” And, I pray that he remains the only. It appears that Chris Brown is the first among the Demonic Pop Music/Hip Hop to mock Walter.

Nevertheless mass encouragement of progressive and Liberal Left mass media pundits, the national and global mass popularity of the movie “GET OUT“; and the mass popular influences of Steph Curry and Chris Brown, the #GetOutChallenge and the deliberate “Mockery of Walter”- the masses remains strangely dubious and uneasy about the entire thing.




On CNN, Angela T. Rye appears and sounds like a strong supporter of Black people, but be very careful. Lately, she has appeared on CNN as an ILLUSION of Black Resistance. Rye is an attorney, a political commentator on CNN and a NPR political analyst.[1] She is foremost a spokesperson, advocate and defender of John Lewis, The Black Congressional Caucus, the Satanic Democratic Party, and Barack Obama.


I am not sure what this picture represents other than Ms. Rye is for sell. She was raised and bred within the DC congressional complex. With very limited experience, she was the Senior Advisor and Counsel to the House Committee on Homeland Security under Mississippi Congressman Bernie G. Thompson.[2]


California U.S. Congressperson, Kamala Harris & Angela Rye


Ms. Rye resemble a light skinned female clone of the Clinton/Podesta PIZZAGATE Clan, Kamala Harris. From the Committee on Homeland Security, she became the Executive Director and General Counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus.[3] What makes the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) exceptional is that it’s very presence in Congress has been portrayed as symbolizing the success of the often bloody civil and voting rights struggles of a half century ago of which they are the beneficiaries. Some, like John Lewis, were even notable participants. But, the CBC is only an ILLUSION of Black independent political power.

” … something more might be expected of them. That the CBC, however, regardless of who comes and goes in their congressional districts, has consistently, as a bloc, voted to send billions of US taxpayers dollars to provide weapons for a foreign government that oppresses another people of color, the Palestinians, is, under the circumstances, nothing less than shameful.”[4]


Satanic/Masonic Fingers to Chin Symbol- Kamala Harris and Angela Rye

When Ms. Rye stands up to PIZZAGATE, and Zionist Israel, I might possibly get on her bandwagon. However, that will never happen, because the Luciferians can spin Angela Rye on a dime.


This is no normal or even abnormal so-called, “eye roll” caught accidentally on Live TV. It is a flashback signature of Luciferian  Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming.


HollyWeird & Black People, the Luciferians are not playing with you. Ms. Rye tell the story that her eyes and body have psychologically fallen down HELL!


Her so-called “eye roll” is just as much of an involuntary Satanic “Hell-Cult Terror Eye Flashback Reaction” as a Uncle Al Roker.


It is also just as much of a Chris’ Satanic Hell-Cult Terror Eye Roll Flashback Reaction” in GET OUT.


Steph Curry and the NBA ILLUMINATI’s official position is that the Run Walter Run scene in the movie represents Waltertrying to escape the SUNKEN PLACE” It is what it is, an outright lie to suggest that Walter runs out of sheer fear, fright and terror of the “SUNKEN PLACE“.


Even if he does in fact run from terror in the movie, it is nothing to mock and make fun and folly for. We should be concerned of that cause of terror and danger that make an innocent black run for his life! Nevertheless, Walter has already lost his dignity, manhood and humanity in the “SUNKEN PLACE” by MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Solve et Coagula” Satanic programming. That is the NBA ILLUMINATI mass population lie, deception and trickery.


So when Misty Armitage hypnotized Chris and suggest that he “sink into the floor“, the so called “eye roll” and face of terror in reaction to the very psychological concept of the “SUNKEN PLACE” spreads across his face. Why would Chris be so horrified of the “SUNKEN PLACE” that he has never previously been too? The answer lies in MK ULTRA/MONARCH visual implant post-hypnotic programming.


Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s mentor Aldous Huxley during an MK-ULTRA experiment instructed Jolly West to hypnotize his subject(s) prior to administering LSD, in order to give them “post-hypnotic suggestions aimed at orienting the drug- induced experience in some desired direction.”[5] Like Dantean HELL.

” … the spirit of Dante Alighieri and his fourteenth-century vision of hell Through Dante’s eyes we see a place where men, women, and children are bound to a satanic master. They trusted him in the beginning and believed his promises, but now they are sinking deeper and deeper into his power, surrendering their possessions, their bodies, their children, their very souls to his mysterious purpose. With Dante we follow them to a distant place, where “sighs, lamentations, and loud wailings resound through the starless air,” making us weep in sympathy. We hear “words of pain, tones of anger, voices loud and hoarse, and with these the sound of hands, (making) a tumult which is whirling through that air forever, as small eddies in a whirlwind.” Above the cries of the damned, we might hear a single child’s voice calling out, “I’d die for you, Dad.” These were the tape-recorded words of a boy just before he took the fatal poison at the command of Jim Jones: Guyana’s twentieth-century echo from Dante’s Inferno.” Dr. Louis Jolyon West

aaaawalterhuxleydante Aldous Huxley was more than just a student of the Italian poet, Durante degli Alighieri (1265- 1321), of the Late Middle Ages.[6] He wasn’t just a disciple, either. Huxley was the re-incarnation of Dante Alighieri, a disciple of the Lucifer, and one of the main proponents of the secret Medieval Hell-Cult.

“The locality of HELL is untold; its creation and dates are left in obscurity, its names are various elaborately concealed; it is HELL, the hidden or SUNKEN PLACE. It is a lake burning with fire and brimstone, but of which the interior is unseen, it is a pit bottomless, a fire unquenchable, a worm undying, a death- the second and the last; it is “without”, yet not unvisited or unseen; they shall be tormented in the presence of the lamb and the holy angels; they shall go forth and look on the carcasses of them that are slain, whose worm dieth not. This is all, or nearly all we know of it.” (Giflillan; Bib. Muse.)[7]

Rev. George Gifillan (1816- 1878) was a “Grand Bard” of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.[8] In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional story teller, verse-maker and music composer, employed by a patron (such as a monarch, noble or the DEVIL), to commemorate one or more of the patron’s ancestors and to praise the patron’s own activities.[9]

Heaven and Hell (essay) (1954) metaphorically refer to what Aldous Huxley conceives to be two contrary mystical experiences that potentially await when one opens the “Doors of Perception“—not only in a mystical experience, but in prosaic (commonplace) life.[10]


 As Huxley instructs CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH scientists and psychiatrists, open “The Doors of Perception”orientate subject(s) to the horrors of Dantean HELL by hypnotism prior administrating a substantial dose of LSD or mescaline, it can scare the living SHIT (excuse my expression) out of anybody. “Dante’s Sinners are buried in mud, shut up in the trunks of trees, frozen solid in blocks of ice, crushed beneath stones. The Inferno is psychologically true. Many of its pains are experienced by schizophrenics, and by those who have taken mescaline or lysergic acid [LSD] under unfavorable conditions.” [11]

LOOK AGAIN. In Angela Rye’s flashback signature of her Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming, she looks directly into the eyes of the person on her right, Maria Cardona. Maria’s eyes flashes momentary “white“! My Lord, do you have any idea who this woman is?

Maria Cardona & Stones

Maria Teresa Cardona was born (1966) in the “Cocaine CapitalBogota, Colombia.[12] Bogota was a secret South American haven for Nazis and the SS Knights of the Black Sun. SS-Hauptsturmführer and Gestapo member Klaus Barbie’s Bolivian cocaine business, in a position of power clearly approved by the CIA, was the principal supplier of the drug to Colombian cartels.[13]

Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, Reichel-Dolmatoff  

In 2012, one of Colombia’s best-known anthropologists, the late Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff and onetime visiting professor at UCLA (Dr. Jolly West). The recent revelation of the secret Nazi past of Dolmatoff had shaken Colombian academic circles to its core. He wasn’t just a Nazi. The native Austrian, who immigrated to Colombia in 1939, was an elite member of the Austrian Nazi party and of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler under Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuehrer’s private army and death squad, which killed scores of rival Nazis in a June 1934 purge known as the Night of the Long Knives. According to a diary fragment that historians have identified as Reichel-Dolmatoff’s, he was also stationed at the dreaded Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich.[14]

Well, that’s somewhat laying guilt by association at Cardona’s doorstep. However, her doorstep leads directly to Bill Clinton’s ring of murderers, criminals and government corruption, and his body count- assassinated Secretary of Commerce, Ron H. Brown.

aaaawalterbrownmaria Maria Cardona and Ron Brown

Cardona spent five years at the U.S. Department of Commerce, first as Deputy Press Secretary to Secretary Ron H. Brown and in charge of the press offices of all the 14 agencies. Following the airplane crash into a mountainside in Croatia in 1996 that killed Secretary Brown, Cardona was left to handle the live press briefing alone.[15] She was the Shaun Spicer of Slick Willie and Ron H. Brown, and that shows that she was more probable than not an active South American Columbian collaborator inside Ron Brown and Bill Clinton’s criminal circle.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown & Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen

Ron Brown, deceased, U.S. Commerce Secretary was formerly under investigation by the DOJ, Special Prosecutor, FDIC, Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee; FBI; DOE; Senate Judiciary Committee; Commerce Dept; Inspector General at the time of the plane crash. 22 (twenty-two) Congressmen demanded his removal and prosecution. Among his major scandals involved: Whitewater; Mena Drug smuggling; the Denver Airport; Keating Five; Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen’s prostitution ring; $700,000 received from Russia and deposited in a Singapore Bank to drop trade embargo with Vietnam, Special favors breaks given to Brown to Democratic Party and Clinton Victory Fund; Influence Peddling by Cabinet Official $12.5K/mo. from Haitian dictator in Exile Baby Doc Duvalier; $50M sent to Vietnam Government; $360,000 townhouse purchased for Madame Lillian Madsen; illegal ChemFix Waste Mgt. account with former NYC Mayor David Dinkins, worth millions; Capitol/Pebsco illegal pension fund account with DC Mayor Marion Barry; sale of gas turbine engine to China for use in cruise missiles; illegal Iranian Muslims weapons deal into Bosnia against US/Ally Trade Embargo, money for which came from Depts. of Commerce and Agriculture slush funds, and supplied helicopter gunships, stinger missiles, land mines, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers and over 20,000 Muslim troops, including their elite Mujahedeen; illegal $500,000 cash with government loans money deal with Yolanda Hill to fund Democratic National Committee; illegal $6 Billion Saudi deal for military aircraft and hardware coupled with illegal $4 Billion AT&T contract, of which DNC and Bill Clinton were beneficiaries. [16]

In Bosnia, they found that Ron Brown had evidence of strange blunt force wounds to the head, and possibly a gunshot to the brain. Who benefited from Ron Brown’s assassination in Bosnia, the President Bill Clinton Crime Syndicate. Don’t get it twisted, there is no way in heaven or on earth that a black man of America could pull off all of this crime and corruption without the cover and protection of a vast criminal enterprise and syndicate of the shadow government. Ron H. Brown was a whipping boy, pasty and scapegoat for the Bill and Hilary Clinton government criminal corruption syndicate.


Black Pasty Ron Brown, and Bill Clinton 

This was Cardona’s circle of crooks, spooks, voodoo masters, and “guide and mentor“, Ron H. Brown, a Negro Luciferian.[17] But, wait a minute that isn’t all. In 1982, Brown was named deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. That same year, he began lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of the brutal and feared Duvalier regime and their Tonton Marcoute which was then in power in Haiti.

Feast of St. Nicholas (“Uncle Gunnysack”)

The Tonton Macoute  or simply as the Macoute was a special operations unit within the Haitian paramilitary force created in 1959 by dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier. In 1970 the militia was renamed the Milice de Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale (Militia of National Security Volunteers or MVSN), perhaps named after the Italian Fascist paramilitary organization. Haitians named this force after the Haitian Creole mythological bogeyman Tonton Macoute (“Uncle Gunnysack“), who kidnaps and punishes unruly children by snaring them in a  gunny sack (French: macoute) and carrying them off to be consumed at breakfast.


Haitian Dictator (Voodoo) Baby Doc Duvalier

Over the next four years, Brown earned $630,000 helping to persuade the Administration to continue aid to the government of Roman Catholic dictator Jean-Claude (“Baby Doc”) Duvalier. Brown refused to drop the Duvaliers despite being criticized for representing the Haitian Voodoo Master.[18]


Baby Doc’s Father- Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier

A few days after the ouster of Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier, a mob looted the home of a voodoo priestess, shattered bottles of drugs and herbal portions, tore apart her altars and stripped the house to bare plaster. On a wall outside, across the street from a mural depicting the blood sacrifice of a goat, vandals scrawled the message: “Down With Voodoo. FREE THE ZOMBIES.”[19]



Roman Catholic Cardona is a principal of the very low profile and secretive lobbying firm, Dewey Square Group (DSG). She is a part of the secret inner circle of Bill, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Under DSG, she served as a Senior Adviser to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign, serving as a campaign surrogate and spokesperson and representing the campaign on major national TV and radio, as well as Spanish-language television news and political programs. She also served on Clinton’s Hispanic Outreach Team. Following the primary, Cardona served as a key surrogate for the Obama for America general election campaign, appearing on all the major national news. shows.[20] Excuse me, but this is absolutely SCARY SHIT played out directly ON CNN RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES!


Cyborg Clone Angela Rye?

Angela Rye is most likely a presidential multiple personality disordered (MPD)  programmed /clone sex kitten. She is also programmed to vehement defend and protect the Satanic Democratic Party, Bill, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and that is absolutely indefensible, criminal, and unjustifiable.[21]




Since Obama walked away from the White House officially on January 19, 2017 and flew up and away out of DC.

Donald J. Drumpf and his white nationalist ring has blamed Barrack Obama for felonious conduct (wiretapping him and Trump Towers), and every ill of America and the World, because of the low (lowered) standards of the “black” former president. Obama and Michelle appears to be helpless or to care less about defending themselves or black people. Drumpf  says whatever he wants to scandalize the former presidential office, administration, and black people in general. The Obamas have not and will not step forward to say anything in opposition to Drumpf no matter how vicious, extreme, racialist or ridiculous it may be.  Something strange, very unusual and out of the ordinary is going on. It’s just not normal not to defend yourself. Barack and Michelle are literally “missing in action.”


However, Barack Obama, the hapless down low black gay human CIA cyborg would care less about black people, missing black children, democratic politics, or what is going on politically in this country. In the first instance, it is almost universally accepted that Obama was America’s first [clandestine cybernetically created] homosexual U.S. President. Yes, it is scientifically possible to cybernetically  create a state of the art CIA mind controlled homosexuals.

aaaawalterhealth Dr. Robert Health

In the racist twisted and sadistic mind of Dr. Robert Galbraith Health (1915- 1999), he hooked up the brains of men with various EEG wires to artificially stimulate what he had found to be the sexual pleasure center of the brain.[22] Dr. Health was founder and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University in New Orleans from 1949 to 1980.


In New Orleans, one of the most secretive and powerful figures within the secret inner circle of Tulane University was E. W. Alton Ochsner Sr., M.D., founder of the Ochsner Medical Foundation, graduated from the Tulane School of Medicine and served on the faculty from 1926-1956. Dr. Ochsner was a fluent speaking German-American from Kimball, South Dakota, and later became a leading cancer researcher and constant presence in the American Cancer Society. Argentina’s Nazi collaborator, Juan Peron, was among his patients. Dr. Ochsner is alleged by some in South America to have participated in medical ultra secret research with Nazis that would have involved directly Dr. Josef Mengele. He was a CIA ULTRA/MONARCH secret inner circle senior project manager (MK DELTA).

Dr. Ochsner was a close associate of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles and OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan. In New Orleans, he was one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA/FBI mind control handlers. After the war in 1946, he received special recognition for whatever undisclosed secret medical research that he did for the U.S. government. Fluent in German and with extensive professional medical industry links in Nazi Germany, he would have also been an important part of the highly classified and secret Operation PAPERCLIP that secretly illegally brought war criminal Nazi/SS scientists and medical professionals into the United States by the thousands. In 1957, he received special clearance by the FBI for “sensitive” government operations. Dr. Ochsner’s special recruitment by the government in 1957 most likely involved consultation with Allen Dulles and the CIA about expanding the highly “sensitive” Nazi/SS medical, mind control and torture/interrogation research projects. I said this to say that curing homosexuality was of particular interest to Dr. Mengele and the SS. Dr. Ochsner is alleged to have worked secretly with Mengele and SS doctors (MK ULTRA) in South America, and here in the U.S.


Dr. Health performed many controversial experiments involving electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB). In one procedure, Dr. Heath wired up the pleasure centers of a gay man. During a three-hour session, the subject, code-named B-19, electrically self-stimulated his reward circuitry some 1,500 times.[23]

“During these sessions, B-19 stimulated himself to a point that he was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests.” [Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 23-30, 1972.][24]

Dr. Heath believed that ESB could be used to “cure” homosexuality. Insofar as people prefer direct stimulation of the pleasure centers to having sex, ESB can “cure” heterosexuality, too. In other words, he could use homosexual stag films, other visible, physical mediums, and stimulates to create MK ULTRA/MONARCH homosexuals.[25]


Dr. Heath’s work on mind-control at Tulane was partly funded by the US military and the CIA. Dr. Heath’s subjects were African Americans. In the words of Heath’s  contemptible sick, wicked,  racist collaborator Australian psychiatrist Harry Bailey, this was “because they were everywhere and cheap experimental animals“.[26]


Dr. Harry Bailey

The people surely would have wished to have gotten their hands on the pair if the truth had been known. These people are not playing with you.




Former President Obama Frolicking with Homosexual Richard Branson

As soon as Obama had been relieved of president duties and turned over the White House keys to presidential select Drumpf on Friday, January 19, 2017, Obama has been going “buck wild” with homosexual men.


James Costos

The Obamas unpacked their suitcases late Friday at the abode of outgoing US ambassador to Spain, James Costos and his gay husband — an interior designer — Michael Smith, who’s been the White House’s decorator since 2008.[27]


James Costos & Husband Michael Smith

James Costos love to tell the world, My Mom and Dad are second-generation Greek-Americans who instilled in our middle-class family the values of hard work, self-reliance, and service, exemplified by my father’s tenure as a U.S. Marine who was stationed at Camp David under President Truman.”[28]


James Costos never expose any names behind the figure at Camp David under President Truman, a Grand Masonic Master Freemason of Missouri, an enthusiastic Masonic ritualist, and Master of lodges.[29]


James Costos of Lowell, Mass is actually James Costopoulous or Kostopolous descended from grandparents Achilleas [Achilles] and Kyriakitsa (Zingovas) Kostopoulos descendants from Thessaly, Greece. Jame’s parents were Achilleas’ son, Charles & Katherine Costos (Kostopoulos).[30]


The Kostopolous of Lowell, Mass are all AHEPANSsecret initiates of the Greek fascist underground society and cult of the Masonic/Fraternal Order of American HELLENIC Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), and the Holy Trinity HELLENIC Orthodox Church.[31]


Witch’s Sabbath (1789). Francisco Goya

The mission of the AHEPA Family is to promote HELLENISM (paganism and witchcraft), Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. An important component of AHEPA’s mission is to create an awareness of the principles of HELLENISM to society.[32]


Thessalian God Chiron & Achilles

To Homer, the HELLENES were a small tribe in southern Thessaly. In modern use in the arts, Hellenic is used of Greek work from the close of the primitive phase to the time of Alexander the Great or the Roman Conquest (succeeded by the Hellenistic). In classical times, ancient Thessalian witches were believed to control the moon- Draw Down the Moon also known as “Drawing Down the Goddess in Satanic” and Wiccan rituals.[33] Chiron was a Thessalian God.[34]


Chiron is a main homosexual black character of the 2017 Academy Award Best Movie, Moonlight.[35] James Costos’ father Charles Kostopolous and U.S. President Harry Truman at Camp David were secret society fraternal brothers of AHEPA that covertly planned the American military invasion and “White Terrorfascist takeover of Greece after the British military planned to pull out of the country in late 1946.[36]


Waffen SS in Greece

During WWII, the Greek resistance movement against the Nazis and the SS was led by the EAM (EthnikoApeleftherotiko Metopo, Greek Liberation Movement) command in the mountains of Greece.


Courageous Greek Woman Resistance Fighters

The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officially assisted and aided EAM. After the Fall of Nazi Germany, EAM and other Greek resistance groups called for democratic elections. The British opposed democratic elections. They wanted a “cold war” fascist royalist anticommunist government installed. The British Army violently oppressed and suppressed EAM, and other Greek resistance groups that fought the Nazis and SS sparking civil wars in Greece. When the British Army moved out of Greece, President Truman and the U.S. military moved in by March 12, 1947.[37]


President Roosevelt & Fraternal Masonic Brothers

Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Freemason, and an initiate of AHEPA, he opposed British atrocities in Greece, American military intervention and invasion of Greece. President Roosevelt also opposed Operation PAPERCLIP. He was liquidated on April 12, 1945.[38] Freemason Harry Truman, also an initiate of AHEPA, intervened and invaded Greece under the “cold warTruman Doctrine with the complete collaboration, alliance and “defense cooperation” of AHEPA.[39] Under the Truman Doctrine, Army Officer, Security Minister Konstantinos Maniadakis, the Greek Heinrich Himmler, led the crimes against humanity fury and the sadistic mass murder, torture and incarceration campaign and charge against democracy in Greece, and the Greek Liberation Movement. The Truman Doctrine and AHEPA repressive Greek fascist government was an embarrassment to democracy and the free world. [40]


AHEPA is a secret Masonic fascist anticommunist arm and front of the American deep state. I was surprised to find just how quietly they had infiltrated the highest elected offices of the United States. Even Freemason President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) had been a Supreme President of AHEPA when he was a powerful Texas U.S. Congressman (1937-1949).[41]

James Costos is a secret initiate of AHEPA. Allegedly in Barrack Obama’s 800-page volume, titled O Say Have I Seen: The Real Truth Behind The Red, White, And Blue, he received “strong condemnation” from some who believe they’ve been mischaracterized in the book, including a pharmacist “Charles Kostopoulos” of Seattle.[42] Is there such a person in Seattle? I couldn’t find a pharmacist or anyone else in Seattle by that name.

aaaawalteralefantis Barrack Obama & James Achilles Alefantis

Another family member of Holy Trinity Hellenic Orthodox Church, and a secret initiate of AHEPA that was too close to President Obama was Homosexual James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (PIZZAGATE).[43] ACHILLES Alefantis visited the Obama White House on the public record at least 5 (five) times (some overnight). Some have concluded that Jimmy Comet is in fact a CIA agent.[44] It appears to me that the AHEPANS are secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH senior control handlers of Obama.

On January 27, 2017, Michelle Obama left Costos’ home in Palm Springs, CA and immediately took off  on a jet for billionaire Richard Branson’s Necker Island private resort in the British Virgin Islands without Barack . The British Virgin Islands are British Overseas Territories (BOT) are territories under the “Jurisdiction and Sovereignty of the United Kingdom.” However, there is doubt whether or not she ever made it to Necker Island. 

British Intelligence took Michelle someplace in BOT in the Caribbean Sea , but it wasn’t to Branson’s Necker Island. However, there was a “Michelle Obama Impostor” with a strange deformed left hand on the island.

This is Not Michelle Obama!

With today’s extremely advanced photographic technology, the pictures of Michelle are deliberately blurred and degraded. In fact, the U.S. Secret Service is acting in concert with British Intelligence in BOT in taking and banning all cell phones cameras of anyone working and associated with the mysterious Obamas’ Caribbean Playground Vacation. If she was on the island at anytime, she certainly wasn’t in on the fun, sun & frolic with her husband, Barack. She certainly wasn’t on that boat while her husband was joyfully touching and wrestling with that old rich [“Gay?”] white male in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

She certainly wasn’t Photoshop-ed at anytime swimming with the man.

Obama Photoshop-ed Swimming on Necker Island

Obama Photoshop-ed Having Lonely Fun without Michelle

Former president and first lady was supposed to be enjoying a relaxing fun filed couples’ vacation. However, Michelle (fitness advocate) is nowhere in sight taking in the sunshine, water sports and fun with her husband on Necker Island that is right next to Jeffery Epstein’s Pedophile Island, and the secret Roman Goddess Diana’s Temple.

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson  of the British Empire is one of Queen Elizabeth’s Knights. He is an English business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies.

Branson, the Cross-Dresser, World Dictator & the Gay Agenda

aaaawaltercrossdressCross Dresser Sir Richard Branson

Whether of not Branson is a homosexual has not yet been determined one way or another, but as you observe he is an absolutely appalling, revolting and gross men-female cross-dresser.

Sir Branson, offensively, has his legs gap wide open feeding an an on-board meal to an Asian Airline executive guest passenger with a little extra something-something – a gay delight!

 Sir Branson says he has been a supporter of gay rights [agenda] around the world for many years and set up a group in 1967 to help young people coming out.

Branson, The New World Order Dictator, Haitian Child Stealing & The Clinton Foundation


Sir Branson is part of the powerful global “Hidden Hand” of the ILLUMINATI and New World Order. In 2007, as his own little world dictator, he founded a secretive group, “The Elders”, (of the Earth) on his private island that is headed by 12 (twelve) world leaders led by Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter. It is yet another global NGO designed the systematic strip and rob, particularly African, nations of their sovereign powers, and trick them out of their oil, minerals, and natural resources.

Richard Branson, Missing & Exploited Children, “ICMEC”

Scary British House Eve Branson

Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson (former British Military Officer), is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (“ICMEC“), Alexandria, VA, the goal of which is to allegedly help find missing children, and to stop the exploitation of children. She was a founding member of ICMEC’s Board of Directors in 1999. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor.

Late British Lord Pedophile, Sir Clement Freud (Satanic Tavistock Sigmund Freud Jewish Bloodline) and Sir Branson

The Board of Directors of the ICMEC are tied to organizations that donate to the Podesta (John, Tony) Group and the Clinton Foundation. Sir Freud most likely initiated Tony and John Podesta into the ultra secret powerful  British Houses of the Satanic Black/Dark Circle Cult.

All three are linked to the May 3, 2007 disappearance of three (3) year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Praia da Luz, Portugal. These people are deadly serious!


Sir Branson is a hypnotist. Above, Branson in Haiti with Hilary Clinton celebrating the opening of the Clinton Foundation Caracol Industrial complex.

aaaawaltermonicaRecently in November 2016, reporter Monica Petersen was found dead in Haiti under mysterious circumstances. Petersen had previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. According to sources close to Ms. Peterson, the Clinton Caracol Complex is a front for human trafficking and mining, and has also been linked to the human rights’ crime of selling human beings. Allegedly, Petersen stumbled upon several scandals related to PIZZAGATE, Haiti and the Clintons.

She was surely in a position in Haiti to know. Monica Petersen was listed on Alert Sense’s executive team page.  Alert Sense provides technology for Amber Alerts and FEMA Emergency response systems.  Laura Silsby works for Alert Sense under the name Laura Galyer. In 2010, Laura Silsby was convicted of felony child stealing (33 black children) in Haiti. Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation came to rescue.

Jeff Koon, the Sadistic PIG!

In James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis’ previously public Instagram account images, there is a pornographic one which is of a photograph in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Jeff Koons. All it consists of is an extreme close-up of an adult male openly penetrating and violating what is believed to be a young “small girl“. The sick PIG was, in “2002 -Appointed to the Board of Directors of the “ICMEC“. (From – biography and honors.)

If this is a little girl being raped, because it is so heartbreaking to look at even for a moment, or even think about at all.  I bloated out the offensive part of the PIG’s picture with brown.




The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust, that was first performed sometime between 1588 and Marlowe’s death in 1593.

Faustus summons a Devil in the presence of Lucifer and other Devils After he creates a magic circle and speaks an incantation through which he revokes his baptism a demon (a representative of the Devil himself) named Mephistophilis appear before him, but Faustus is unable to tolerate the hideous looks of the demon and commands it to change its appearance. Faustus, seeing the obedience of the demon in changing its form, takes pride in his skill. He tries to bind the demon to his service, but is unable to because Mephistopheles already serves Lucifer, who is also called to be the Prince of Devils. Mephistophilis also reveals that it was not Faustus‘ power that summoned him but rather his abjuration of scriptures that results in the Devil coming

Mephistophilis introduces the history of Lucifer and the other Devils while indirectly telling Faustus that hell has no circumference nor limit and is more of a “state of mind” than a physical location. Faustus’ inquiries into the nature of HELL lead to Mephistopheles saying: “Oh, Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, which strikes a terror to my fainting soul” to hope of claiming his soul.


Using Mephistopheles as a messenger, Faustus strikes a Deal with Lucifer: he is to be allotted 24 years of life on Earth, during which time he will have Mephistophilis as his personal servant and the ability to use magic; however, at the end he would give his body and soul over to Lucifer as payment and spend the rest of time as one damned to HELL. This deal is to be sealed in the form of a contract written in Faustus own blood. The powerful effect of early productions of the play is indicated by the legends that quickly accrued around them—that actual DEVILS once appeared on the stage during a performance, “to the great amazement of both the actors and spectators”, a sight that was said to have driven some spectators mad.

Jordan Peele (Esther) was very much aware of Faust, Satan and Mephistopheles. 

Sir Branson, Dante & Dr. Faustus


The Faust Tapes was the first album released on Branson’s Virgin Records in the early seventies. In 1973, he exposed his secret  elite class British orientation in Faust, but he won’t dare publicly talk about it in the 21st century. Both Goethe’s Faust and Dante’s Divine Comedy are works of grand cosmological proportions, taking us through realms of heaven and HELL populated by mythological, magical, historical, and angelic beings, evoking ancient and future times.


Dante’s HELL

The British secret elite Medieval Hell-Cult have convinced that they have a Pact with DEVIL that they are the earth’s chosen rulers that due to their Luciferian Pact and  Enlightenment that they have the divine right as overseers of Dante’s Hell.


Branson of the Secretive British Elite, sold his soul to the DEVIL early in his life. He (Virgin Records) controlled and handled Sid Vicious’ Sex Pistols and “God Save the Queen” for Queen Elizabeth’s 1977 Silver Jubilee. By 1979, Sid Vicious was dead. Tom Hurd is the British Government Director General, Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism. Branson got his island Necker on the cheap, and it is used for British Royal Arch games. Of course, Branson is an MI-6 stooge as a billionaire. Hurd said “nobody becomes a billionaire without us [British Intelligence]”.


Branson with Very Young  Alleged “Staff Members” of Necker island

Well. In 1978, Richard Branson bought Necker Island worth at least $5 million from Viscount Cobham for $180,000 on condition that he front for a British private resort being financed and built on the island within 4 (four) years.

British Viscounts Cobham, Charles and John William Lyttelton

John William Leonard Lyttelton, 11th Viscount Cobham (June 1943 – July 2006) was the son of Charles John Lyttelton, 10th Viscount Cobham, Knight of the Order of Garter, Grand Knight Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Privy Council of the United Kingdom. His son,  Viscount Cobham, a British Peerinherited Necker Island, and also inherited the family and his father’s British Empire Secret Masonic and British Crown Titles in 1977. Branson is undoubtedly a secret British Medieval Hell-Cult MK ULTRA handler.

Can Angela Rye be rescued or saved from MK ULTRA?  She is like young women trapped forever in the streams of lava hot mud in Dante’s Hell, above. By “post-hypnotic suggestion”, her “original self” is most likely raped by demons and hang from the hair in Dante’s HELL.


To escape Dante’s HELL and function in the normal conscious world, the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programmer continue to peel off alternative personalities or alters that climb over the wings of the DEVIL to freedom just as Dante had done.


Ms. Rye could literal have hundreds of different personalities all with different assignments and functions. If a skilled psychiatrist could being forth her original personality to try to unity all the alters, the “original self” would probably scream, smoke and burn in the flesh like in HELL right before your eyes. Again, can a young sister like Ms. Rye be saved for the sake of all of us? I DON’T KNOW. Could prayer help her. Yes, all of God’s Children deserve prayer, and for our very own souls, I will certainly pray for her freedom.


Some say that this picture of “Obama and the Little Asian Girl” could have been Photoshop-ed, but proof appears lacking. Here, we certainly have solid picture proof of some type of Obama meltdown, breakdown or malfunction of a type that defy and offend our moral standards, human dignity and sensibilities. On the other hand, Barack Obama is one of Dr. Mengele’s Boys from Brazil. He is man-made and created.

He is a human cyborg that comes with a microchip, keyboard and software. Nevertheless, he, also, is subject to breakdown and malfunction just like any other machine. Is there a reprogramming problem with Obama? His sudden and prolonged removal from the United States and public view may involve top secret reprogramming attempts by Britain and their American Cousins. If he can’t be reprogrammed, he poses enough of a security risk and threat to be dropped in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. What about Michelle Obama? 

Can she be saved? Certainly. Since they left the White House on January 19, 2017, Michelle has also been politically Missing-in-Action“.  She has undergone extensive secret MK ULTRA selective memory eraser procedures and amnesia blocks implantation since his/her sham vacation on Necker Island.

Kanye West went through the same CIA memory eraser procedure not because of the Jay Z, Beyonce and the ILLUMINATI charges, but because of mass public exposure of what he saw and heard in secret in Israel with the Kardashian Clan regarding the ancient Masonic World Satanic Cult of Mary Magdalene.

I will say it until I turn blue, not midnight blue, THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH YOU! 









[8] Ross, Peter, A Standard History of Freemasonry in the State of New York, The Lewis Publishing Co., NY (1899), pg. 580
















[24] Id.













[37] Id.














2 04 2016

Someone Really Loves You

One morning, a couple of sisters with tears in eyes approached me at Merritt Jr. College. They were in the college cafeteria when they heard loud racial slurs coming from some white males at a fraternity table. They asked them politely to stop. It was upsetting. They said they were cursed out and threatened. They said that one of them reached under the table to his waistband, and indicated that he was armed. In other words, they had better get away from the table. I immediately knew exactly who they were. They were a fraternity of law enforcement-police science students that were allowed to have their own carved endorsed glass table and space in the cafeteria.

I had trouble out of them before being openly disrespectful to students of color. I was always civil with them. I would talk to them respectfully and ask them to value the rights of Black students on campus. They had never once said anything, but listened with their heads down. If any further respect was repeated, I was back at the table with some brothers to get down.

So, this time. I approached the table alone, again. I calmly appealed to them to respect the rights of students of color. What they were alleged heard saying about people of color was racist, offensive and fighting words. They had never once said anything in defense. They quietly listened with their heads down just as before. Suddenly, I observed one of them reaching under the table in a threatening manner as if he had a gun in his waistband just as what had been described to me.

So, I said this is how you want it to go down. I said, “I will be back.” My apartment that I shared with some brothers was just a couple blocks away. I got strapped and picked up a couple of Panthers on the way back. I surprised them when I suddenly seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Their table was just a couple of feet from the door. I stepped inside the cafeteria door frame for possible cover, then commanded all of them to put their hands on the table. Through my peripheral vision, I saw shadows rising throughout the cafeteria. I immediate shouted, FREEZE with my hand on my gun and turned partially toward them.

Thank God, they all complied, because if any of them had moved- there was going to be a firefight with deadly force, and results. In those few precious moments, I wasn’t concerned if I lived or died. If I was dancing with the shadows of life and death, they were dancing to the same tune. I intended to draw down on them if any of them had moved. While I was gone, the law enforcement-police science students called the authorities. Whoever and whatever these people were- I don’t know to this day. All I know is that they were dressed in suits and ties.

When they complied to my demand to freeze, the sudden moments and flashes of the world of living and dying, faded. I stepped away from the doorway. I would see the fear in the eyes of the Panthers that backed me up. I didn’t run and I did not allow them to run. I stood my ground and I let that be known clear to them and whatever and whoever was in the cafeteria. We stood just outside the back of the cafeteria until we were ready to go.



After that day, there were no more trouble out of the law enforcement-police science students. They pulled up their table- not to be so visible and open to the people. I said that to say this. I did what I did not because I thought that I was a big bad-ass Panther. I had heard of and seen a lot of big bad-ass brothers in Oakland that weren’t afraid of any man or thing, but I had never heard of brothers putting their lives on the line for something other than themselves and family, until I met brothers Huey and Bobby. What I went through that day was one of those unknown qualities of man that I had never known, a Huey-ism, that I learned from Huey, Bobby and wiser brothers and sisters of the movement- LOVE THE PEOPLE, MORE THAN YOU LOVE YOURSELF.

Someone Doesn’t Care, Guess Who? 


Satan Trinity of the NCAA Basketball Playoffs, V-Sign of the Brotherhood of Satan

The 2016 NCAA Final Four basketball tournament begin in a couple of days. This years’ NCAA basketball payoffs’ commercial spots also feature a final four, a Satanic/ILLUMINATI Final Four, 3+1=4.  The Trinity of Evil, Spike Lee, Charles Barkley and Samuel L. Jackson plus 1 will appear over and over again during the final four as if they are being intentionally implanted n our subconscious. But why? These men have millions, fortune and fame. They are seasoned Black giants and leaders in the entertainment and sports industry. Their place, at this point in their careers, should be behind the desk- heads of their own corporate entertainment or sports industries.

If I didn’t know of them for what they are, I would certainty love them for overcoming what seems to be overwhelming odds and barriers to become successful in their fields. It is perplexing why these successful and influential men are on the global idiot box- shamefully cooning, shining, shuffling, bootlicking- clowning like buffoons as if they were in a dime side show.

Its the DOUBLE-BIND, it makes no sense why these particular Black men of such great global respect, renown, wealth, power, influence and stature should be making a mockery of THEMSELVES on the world stage. They love the POWER of Lucifer, more than they love the people and THEMSELVES. The Global Satanic Cabals can make them sing, dance, shine and scratch in mockery of THEMSELVES and turn against the PEOPLE. Those IMAGES too are meant to be implanted in our subconscious confusing, and discouraging our desires and aspirations for love, peace and happiness among mankind.


Spike Lee is into the KABBALAH– an early source mentions tying a red string to ward off an “evil eye” and that is in the Tosefta, an early Talmudic work (Shabbat, ch. 7-8). It according also states that tying a red string around oneself is severely prohibited. It is characterized as “Darchei Emori,”  superstitious practice, close to idol-worship READ MORE: Who or what such entity(ies) have the POWER and EVIL to pull the strings to make Spike Lee, Charles Barkley and Samuel L. Jackson DANCE FOR THE DEVIL like puppets to a shameful mockery of THEMSELVES in the face of the masses, particularly SPIKE LEE.


SPIKE LEE & KABBALAH Strings & Beads

In order to understand this story and the manifestations of pure EVIL that is now occurring and unfolding before our eyes, you need some understanding of the very complicated Portugal Inquisitions of 1531. The Inquisition was a Roman Catholic tribunal for discovery and punishment of HERESY.


Templars Being Burned to Death

Actually the Inquisitions began in the 14th Century, when Philip IV of France condemned the Knights Templars as HERETICS. On Friday, October 13, 1307, the Templars were individually hunted down, tortured and condemned to death for their crimes. The order, which had been officially recognized by the Vatican was denounced, outlawed and suppressed by Pope Clement V at the same time.[1]


The Military Order of Christ (Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ) was founded in 1318 as the continuation of the Knights Templar of Tomar, following the suppression of the Templar Order in 1312. It was established by King Denis of Portugal, who negotiated with Pope Clement V’s successor John XXII for recognition of the new order and its right to inherit the Templar assets and property.[2]


Portugal- Alleged Jewish Terrorist Being Burned Alive During Inquisition

In 1481, the Inquisition against HERETICS started in Spain. It targeted primarily the Conversos (Secret Jews) and New Christians that had been forced to convert to the Catholic faith from other world views and religious belief systems such as Judaism.[3] The majority of so-called Heretics that settled in Spain were Jews that fled the fall of the First Temple of Jerusalem in 586 BC., and those out of Babylon that had been captured and held hostages there after the fall of the second temple. They were the Jews of the Spanish Rite that were an offshoot of the Babylonian-Arabic family of Jewish Rites based on the Talmud.[4] The term “Talmud” normally refers to the collection of writings named specifically the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli).[5]

More than 13,000 Conversos were put on trial and all of their properties and wealth were confiscated during the first 12 years of the Spanish Inquisition. Hoping to eliminate ties between the Jewish community and Conversos, the Jews of Spain were expelled in 1492. The next phase of the Inquisition began in  Portugal in 1536.[6]Thousands of Sephardic Jews migrated to Portugal after the 1492 expulsion. A Spanish style Inquisition was constituted and tribunals were set up in Lisbon and other cities. Due to the confiscations of property and wealth of the accused, the Inquisitions became a highly profitable corruption and bribery racket.

By the 17th Century, the Inquisitions in Portugal were characterized, the “Holy Office of Portugal as a tribunal which served only to deprive men of their fortunes, their honor and their lives, while unable to discriminate between guilt and innocence; it was known to be holy only in name, while its works were cruelty and injustice, unworthy of rational beings, although it was always proclaiming its superior piety”.[7]


 Blanche LINDO Blackwell, Lord Chris Blackwell & Cabalistic Spike Lee

Blanche Blackwell and Lord Chris’ branch of the LINDOs had in fact been among the heretics and Conversos of Spain that the Inquisition accused of being “Judaizers“. The Lindos were closely related to many other Babylonian Sephardi cousinhood” families of note in Britain.[8]




The House of Alexandre Lino that moved into Jamaica during the 1700’s were Jews of the Spanish Rite of the Inquisitions. Alexandre Lindo (1753-1812) was a “major importer of slaves” in the late eighteenth century. In one case, he admitted to being responsible for the deaths of over 150 Africans in the Middle Passage and 20 more upon their arrival in Jamaica, though he was never punished.[9]


But it was a much deeper rabbit hole than that. Alexandre was the part of an inner core of the PORTUGUESE SYNAGOGUE in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He was part of the “French Slavery Connection” in the French West India Islands under Napoleon. He was a “Slave-Sugar Broker” for  the French government under Napoleon’s general and brother-in-law, Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc, the husband of France’s Imperial Princess, Napoleon’s sister, Pauline Bonaparte. [10] Toussaint and the courageous Haitian people put a stop to Lindo and France’s  plans in the colonial French West Indies or the mother country was in deep trouble of even more further mass depopulation of its people.


General Charles Leclerc was the liar that tricked the Great Toussaint L’Ouverture into boarding a French vessel that took him back to France where he would die in prison. L’Ouverture then signed a false and lying treaty saying that France controlled the whole island of Santo Domingo.[11] Alexander Lindo was known as a zealous Sephardic Jew that took great interest in the affairs of the congregation. He had passed through its various dignities (initiations-and secret master keys) until he became president of the Portuguese Synagogue.[12]


Spike Lee, Kabbalah Strings, and Luciferic Initiation Dragon or Lion Claw Symbol

Skip Lee is not playing. Lord Chris Blackwell, a direct descendant of Alexandre Lindo, and Island Pictures bankrolled Lee’s “She Gotta Have It.” Spike holds a certain most likely lower degree in a secret Jewish Kabbalah Satanic Cabal linked to what LINDO left behind. The two figures in the right hand cover are Frank and Jesse James with Claw Symbol– Members of Albert Pike’s ultra secret- Luciferian Knights of Golden Circle. Below is Master Mason 33 degree Ann Besant with secret Lion or Dragon Claw of the Luciferic Initiation.


Ann Besant- A Satanic Queen of the Occult


Spike Lee & Jay Z, Luciferic Initiation 



The Lindos appeared to have been associated with international banking affairs for generations. They were the first members of Lloyds and propped up Bank of England, and major international slavers, and importers of enslaved Africans.[13] Actually, the Lindos appear to be one of the two great Jewish dynasties in the past thousand years of world history, ranking only with the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds are Ashkenazim, rising to importance first in Germany and then dominating the financial world of France, Britain and Italy. The Lindos are the most renowned of all Sephardic Jewish families. They rose to prominence in Spain in the 15th century, and have since that time enormously influenced the economic and cultural life of the Netherlands, Italy, Britain, Costa Rica, Israel, Canada, the Caribbean, and in some ways the whole world.[14]


Moses de Costa Lindo- Sworn Broker of the Royal Exchange

On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fired on the Union’s Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, igniting the Civil War. Charleston, at the 33rd Parallel, is known officially as “the Mother Lodge of the World.” This Lodge had been founded by elite wealthy planter, enslaver, and importer of enslaved Africans, MOSES LINDO, as the King Solomon Lodge.[15] In other words, the Sephardic Jews had something clandestinely to do with the start of the American Civil War between the states to preserve the Institution of African based Human Bondage in the United States.

Blanche Blackwell was a Babylonia Sephardic Jew part of the House of Alexandre Lino, and the “Cousinhood” that have been international brokers of banking, slave trading, drug trafficking, crime, and corruption since 1492. The Babylonian Talmud and Shulchan Aruch contain the legal code which is the basis of today’s Judaism and Jewish law. In fact, Talmudic Judaism is primarily a legal system in a literal sense. It has little to do with religion and is more of an ancient political cult group with many followers who are not openly Jewish. This is why so many Jews openly claim to be Jewish and atheist at the same time.


James Bond’s Goldfinger and Sir James Goldsmith in Background

According to their law, Spike Lee’s benefactor, Lord Chris Blackwell, was product of the female Sephardic Jew, he was born into the 15th Century Sephardic Houses and the “Cousinhood” as a matter of law that includes the Rothschild’s ILLUMINATI Jewish bloodlines. Ian Fleming’s Goldfinger could very well have been British billionaire and global financer Sir James Goldsmith. He lived in London, Paris, and Monte Carlo. He owned casinos, oil fields, forests, newspapers, publishing houses, supermarkets, etc., etc. and etc. He had numerous mistresses, and a fortress hide-away in Mexico. Sir James was the son of Frank Goldsmith, the descendant of a Jewish banking family of the Spanish Rite from Frankfurt, Germany. Yes, he was Blanche and Lord Chris’Cousinhood.Sephardic Jew.


 One of the most intriguing things about Sir James that would have alarmed MI6 and British intelligence is that he had some heavy secret “inner core” links to the British Crown and the late Princess Diana. Sir Goldsmith may have secretly been her real father![16] Lady Diana’s mother was Frances Shand Kydd, who was born Frances Ruth Roche (Rothschild). Reportedly, Frances, in deed, had Jewish origins that she could certainly have been secretly part of the “Cousinhood.”[17] And, Fleming’s SMERSH (international criminal empire) could very well have been the “Cousinhood.”

aaaapalmerhalfmoon Half Moon Resort Royal Villa- Masonic Checkerboard

Over the decades, Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal House has chosen Half Moon as their abode of choice in Jamaica. Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry) marked the Queen’s Diamond on private retreat at Half Moon. Other notable past guests include Prince Philip, Prince of Wales and Grand Master of Masonic Lodge of England; Prince Rainier of Monaco; U.S. President John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy; and Vice President- CIA Director George H. W. Bush, along with SPIKE LEE.[18]


Satanic/ILLUMINATI Puppets Eddie Murphy, Rick James and Lil Wayne

Half Moon was also a popular choice with famous guests including Eddie Murphy, who used to stay in one of the resort’s private villas, including Lil Wayne and even Queen Elizabeth I in the 17th Century.


MASONIC “M”, Eddie Murphy and the Satanic Witch Madame de Pompador  Discussed Below

Latter, you will clearly understand  why Lil Wayne has suddenly become a mass media commercial product darling on the 2016 Super Bowl and NCAA Tournament Basketball playoffs. He has been officially Luciferic initiated into a higher degree at HELL HOUSE.


Rose Hall Great House (Masonic black and white theme) & Rose Hall Hilton Resort

Half Moon Resort was part of the Rose Hall Plantation. The Rose Hall Great House was nicknamed the “calendar house” because it originally had 365 windows, 52 doors and 12 bedrooms. The Rose Hall Mansion was said to have been built between 1770 and 1780 by Major General John Palmer, Esq., Custos and Chief Judge of Common Pleas, to honor his wife, Rosa Kelly. It was the grandest of the island’s great mansions. John and Rosa entertained the elite of the elite on the island.


Rosa was the daughter of the Priest of the St. James Parish Church of Montego Bay. Saint James the Greater, a Son of Thunder, was one of Jesus’ first disciples. The Military Order of Saint James of the Sword is a Knights Templar Portuguese order of chivalry founded in Portugal in 1170.[19] The church is set out in a Knights Templar classic Greek cross shape.


Rosa was ceremonially buried on the grounds in May, 1790.[20]


Luciferic InitiationAs Above, So Below”- Spike’s Cross is a Greek Cross not Christ!

John passed sometime around 1792.[21] The Rose Hall Mansion was passed down to John’s nephew, John Rose Palmer of England. Annie Paterson- Palmer was the wife of John Rose. The Ghost of Annie Palmer, the White Ghost of the Rosa Hall Great House, is said to haunt the mansion after she had been viciously murdered by rebelling Africans during the 1830s.

aaaapalmerannieAnnie Paterson-Palmer of Hell House

Infamous Annie, Mistress of the Rosa Hall Great House, she was said to have dabbled in witchcraft. She took enslaved Africans as lovers then slaughtered them. She is said to have conducted classical human sacrifices, especially of infants, whose bones she used to practice magick.[22] They said that Annie took to her bedroom balcony each morning to conduct and witness the torture of Africans into submission, and their slaughter. She was said to be especially brutal to black females that they were constantly beaten to death at the end of a bull whip. They say that she setup Bear traps to help keep Africans within property lines, and from escaping. They say that she slaughtered, tortured and starved to death hundreds of Africans in earthly deep pits, and in the dungeons below the mansion.


She is said to have murdered her three (3) husbands with hot grease poured into their ears. Reportedly, she also resided over secret grand orgies like something out of Rome at the mansion. They allege that she was a witch that practiced West African Vodun- Voodoo.[23] Let’s be for real. The Royal House of England and inner core of the Global Satanic Cabal and ILLUMINATI don’t publicly attach themselves to any habitat haunted by the “negative spiritual forces” of a West African religious belief system such as VODUN. The Ghost of ANNIE PALMER is a looking glass and smoked mirror. Behind the VEIL, it is a very important part in understanding the Truth and Reality behind Spike Lee.

The bottom line is the Rose Hall Plantation/Half Moon Resort is a terrible-terrible place with a woefully horrific history and absolutely EVIL and SATANIC background, and place of human BLOOD sacrifices. John Palmer, Esq., (that I couldn’t find any pictures of) is an interesting individual that is a particularly veiled character in the story about the Rose Hall Great House even today. He was one of the ruling elite lords of the island. Yet, you can’t find very much about the man. Palmer was in fact King George III’s representative to Jamaica and its extremely lucrative slave plantation sugar industry. George III (1738- 1820) was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until his death in 1803. He had been America’s last King.[24]

The Honorable John Palmer had also been a Jamaican Supreme Court justice. Oh, John Palmer had been the island’s most powerful and wealthiest of the King’s Men. Certainly, his Rosa Hall Mansion had been the island’s grandest palace. So it is rather easy to understand how he hooked up with the island’s Bluebeard Irish Mistress, Rosa Kelly. Rosa‘s father was Dublin merchant, John Kelly, that may have been one of Palmer’s island Irish collectors. Subsequently, Rev. Kelly became the rector that resided over St. James (Anglican) Parish Church on Montego Bay.

aaaapalmerrosa Rosa’ Memorable in St. James is a likeness of her. She covers the Urn with a Cloak. The Urn symbolically holds the secrets of Rosa Hall and Palmyra. It wasn’t Annie Paterson-Palmer that murdered her husbands, tortured and slaughtered Africans by the hundreds. In wasn’t Ann Palmer that slept with a bullwhip in her hand. It wasn’t a mad and wicked Annie Palmer that was smothered to death in sleep by Africans in rebellion. It was Rosa Kelly- Palmer. It was the powerful John Palmer’s enslaved Africans that he allowed to kill her in revenge. They say that all pictures of her were destroyed during the 1830s African rebellions in Jamaica. John Palmer paid a great deal of money to erect a shrine to her inside St. James Parish Church and bury her on church grounds to wipe her clean like the biblical figure, the “Woman of Samaria“. It was John Palmer, Esq. that had a lot of things to hide, and actually succeeded.




Late 1740s to 1750, James Dawkins and Robert Woods in Palmyra, Syria

James Dawkins (1722- 1757, Sutton’s Plantation, Jamaica) was a British antiquarian and Jacobite conspirator and co-discoverer (Robert Woods) of the ancient city of Palmyra between 1749 and 1751. He was a member of the Society of Dilettanti (founded 1734) by secret ballot. The society was said to consist of “The Superior Order” of 12 members.[25] During King George III’s reign, the Society of Dilettanti was an underground and secret British elite ruling class Satanic society led by Freemason Sir Francis Dashwood, 15th Baron le Despencer of England.

The Society of Dilettanti & the Hell Fire Club


The infamous and respected Freemason Benjamin Franklin (1709- 1790) had also been a member of the secret society. Recently, they unearthed the remains of 10 peoplesix children (sacrificial victims) deeply buried in the basement in his London home while it was being restored as a historical site. There is a high probability that there are more victims deeper buried in the basement floor. They did a lot more than worship Satan, get drunk and have orgies with prostitutes that also often became sacrificial victims to homicidal BLACK MASS blood sex magick rituals to conjure up Demons and DEVILS.[26]



You can be certain that King George was well aware of what was going on and did little of if anything at all to condemn or discourage their blatant secret satanic activities.


On moonlit nights during the reign of England’s King George III, immensely powerful members of His Majesty’s Government, important intellectuals, and influential artists could sometimes be seen traveling up the Thames River by gondola to a ruined abbey near West Wycombe. There, to the sonorous tolling of the deconsecrated cloister’s bell, they dressed in monkish robes and indulged in every manner of depravity, culminating in a Black Mass celebrated on the naked body of a debauched noblewoman and presided over by that notorious rake Sir Francis Dashwood. Their diabolical devotions concluded, the inner circle would adjourn to plot the course of the British Empire. This “unholy sodalily,” as it has been called, styled themselves, with suitably Gothic flair, “The Friars of St. Francis of Medmenham,” though they have been immortalized by their popular epithet “The Hell-Fire Club.”[27]


From the royal houses of England, Knight of Garter, Prince of Wales, Frederick, son of George II and Queen Caroline, joined the Hell-Fire Club sometime after 1728.[28]


In December 1745, Sir Dashwood married Sarah Ellis, widow of Sir Richard Ellis, 3rd and last Baronet. In this very same immediate bloodline, John Palmer had married Elizabeth Beckford that seemed to have been in the Ellis Bloodline. John Palmer’s daughter, Elizabeth, married John Ellis in St Catherine Parish, Jamaica. Palmer’s grandson was 1st Baron Seaford, Charles Rose Ellis.[29] Being John Palmer, he knew both Sir Francis Dashwood of the King’ court, and James Dawkins of Jamaica very well. John Cope Freeman of Jamaica was also a member Sir Francis Dashwood’s Hell Fire society that John Palmer also knew very well on the island.[30]



John Cope Freeman, Esq. of Abbots Langley Hertfordshire, England was a rich slave baron listed as a count and a sir of Irish peerage. He was even called “Count Freeman, a ‘French nobleman‘ “.[31] He was the nephew of Lord Macclethwaite, Earl of Portarlington of the Kingdom of Ireland. He was a member of the English Parliament, House of Commons.[32]

On Jamaica, the Belvidere Plantation estate had belonged to John Cope Freeman, whose will was proved 17/01/1788. Stella Frances Freeman is identified as one of two sisters of John Cope Freeman (the other being Mary Clementina Freeman) who were beneficiaries of his will alongside John Cope Freeman’s widow Susanna. His nephew Philip Dormer Stanhope (son of a third sister of John Cope Freeman, Catherine-Margaretta and her first husband Charles Stanhope of Westminster) was an annuitant on the ‘Jamaican estate’ under John Cope Freeman’s will.[33]


Earl of Chesterfield- Luciferic Initiation

Philip Dormer Stanhope was the 4th Earl of Chesterfield.[34] He was a Knight of the Garter.[35] He received an annuity from Freeman’s Belvidere Plantation in Jamaica. [36] Charles Stanhope of Westminster was the 3rd Earl of Harrington. Lord Harrington was married to Jane Fleming, daughter of Sir John Fleming, 1st Baronet. She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III (Ian Fleming forebears?).

If you don’t know it. You better ask somebody. Sir/Count John Cope Freeman and the Stanhopes were among the British Royal Crown’s most “inner circle.”. The way they talked about Belvidere Plantation, it was only a hop, skip and jump to Rose Hall and PALMYRA. And I don’t believe it to be any stretch of the imagination that the Old Bloodletting Satanist Sir John Cope Freeman was part of one of 13 ILLUMINATI Bloodline families- the FREEMANS.[37]


Earl of Sandwich, Luciferic InitiationAs Above, So Below

John Palmer was certainly well aware of the The Friars of St. Francis of Medmenham.” In fact, Jamaica‘s post master general at that time was Francis Dashwood, Esq. of England, one of the baronet’s direct bloodline.[38] Additionally, it had been the Hell Fire Club’s leaders, Sir Francis Dashwood and the John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (dispensers) that directly financed the King’s Men of Jamaica from the coffers of King George’s Court.[39]

The Dilettanti Society was a “Hell Fire” club- “A heathen tribute to the orgies of Rome. An act of rebellion against a tyrant God, The true grotto of SATAN, Of defiance and Pride.”[40] The Duke of Wharton founded the first Hellfire Club (Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe,” “The Knights of St. Francis”) in 1719, stating that the president of the club was the DEVIL. The society was accused of devil worship, human and blood sacrifices and virgin defloration. They secretly worshipped Greco-Roman gods such as Bacchus, Dionysus, Venus and the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece in CAVES hidden below Sir Dashwood’s West Wycombe’s estate .[41]


Dawkins’ Palmyra discovery had a major impact on the elite secret societies of France. Palmyra was a major theme built into Sir Dashwood’s West Wycombe Mansion and pleasure palace in Buckinghamshire, England.[42] Dashwood passed away December 11, 1781. He was buried beside his wife in St. Lawrence Church which he had transformed into a pagan chapel—a reconstruction of the Temple of the Sun at Palmyra.[43]


Rose Hall’s Underground Entrance to the Dungeons and Secret Tunnels

Being John Palmer of the Kings Court, he established his plantation estate as “Palmyra“. Both Rose Hall and Palmyra had some type of underground access, if not direct estate access, to Montego Bay‘s infamous Green Grotto Cove CAVES. In fact, part of the Great House tour package offers night tours that focus on the “Annie Palmer” legend: supposed locations of underground tunnels.[44] Green Grotto also ran under the Tryall Resort, the ultra secret nerve center for the JFK Assassination.

aaaapalmergreengrottocaves The filming of the 1973 James Bond film, Live and Let Die, used the caves for villain Doctor Kananga’s underground base beneath a cemetery on the fictional island of San Monique. It is most memorable for being the location where Bond (played for the first time by Roger Moore) kills Kananga by forcing him to swallow a bullet of compressed air, causing him to float up to the ceiling like a balloon and explode. Ian Fleming’s original novel had the villain using the real-life Jamaican caves as part of his SMERSH- funding smuggling operation.[45] From what I understand, Blanche Blackwell and Fleming also had secret access to the Green Grotto Cave system from their beach front estates, Bolt House and Goldeneye.


With the discovery of Palmyra, the Greco-Roman worship of Baal Shamin was added to the Dilettanti Society and Hell Fire’s secret pantheon of gods that they worshipped. Baal Shamin, also known as Hadad (whose symbol was the bull) was a Northwest storm and rain god similar to the God SET(SETH). Baal Shamin is the same god as the Assyrian/Babylon DEMON PAZUZU of the HollyWeird movie, The Exorcist.[46]

King George III had also been very informed and knowledgeable about Baal Shamin and PAZUZU. Architecture was a lifelong interest for George III. Sir William Chambers (1726–96) served as the future George III’s tutor and the prince’s architect from the 1750s. Sir Chambers had tutored King George on Dawkins’ co-discovery of Palmyra and Baalbek with Robert Woods during the 1750s.


Here of all things found at Palmyra, the temple of Baal Sharmin- Babylonian DEMON PAZUZU at Palmyra had been copied directly from an engraving in Robert Wood’s published volume The Ruins of Palmyra. A copy of Wood’s volume, issued in 1753, was in the Prince’s library.[47]


In the late 18th Century, John and Rose’s built into the mansion’s entrance, the occulted “Eye of Providence“. The “Eye of Providence” in western European alchemy, magick and the occult seems to be traced to Quo Modo Deum – an alchemical woodcut believed to be the 1600s’ woodcut from a book on alchemy showing an “Eye in the Sky” precursor to the “Eye of Providence“. Quo Modo Deum translates as “This is the way of God”, but what GOD or GODS?[48]


There is another thing that you should be aware of. Part of Rose Hall Plantation included an adjoining plantation place named, PALMYAR that had been created and built by John Palmer prior to his marriage to Rosa.[49] As you probably are aware of, Palmyra, Syria had been at the top of today’s news for at least the last two weeks. It has now been liberated by Syrian forces from the besiege of ISIL (Islamic State).[50]


I believe that John Palmer’sWay of God” lies in Palmyra. It is an ancient City of Palms and City of Dates. “The palm-tree is an emblem of a just and upright mason… for the name of the, Phoenicia, whence the Masonic order sprung; signifies a palm-tree.”(The Michigan Freemason: A Monthly Magazine, Vol. VIII, (1877), pg. 13)


Bel of Palmyra, depicted on the far left alongside Ba’alshamin, Yarhibol and Aglibol on a relief from Palmyra

There were primarily two main sky gods that presided over the life of Palmyra. One was called, BEL. The Temple of Bel, also known as the Temple of BAAL, was an ancient temple located in PALMYAR. The temple, consecrated to the God BEL, worshipped at Palmyra in triad with the lunar god Agibol and the sun god, Yarhibol, formed the center of religious life in Palmyar and was dedicated in 32 AD.[51]


The temple was built on a tell indicating human occupation goes back to the third millennium BC. The area was occupied in pre-Roman periods with a former temple that is usually referred to as “the First Temple of Bel” and “the Hellenistic Temple“.[52]


Just as the First Temple of Bel has a round amphitheater, Rose Hall has an amphitheater.  Bel became especially used of the Babylonian God Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in a Mesopotamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god.


God Marduk & Pine Cone

Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk’s spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk’s mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Damkina, Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili’Lady of the Gods’ in Akkadian.[53]



The other main Sky God of Palmyra was called Baal-Shamin. This god is far more complicated to identity its roots. The Baal Shamin Temple in Palmyra was built in 17 AD and it was expanded under the reign of Roman emperor Hadrian in 130 AD.[54]  Baal Shamin, also known as Hadad (whose symbol was the bull) was a Northwest Semitic storm and rain god. Hadad was also called “Pidar”, “Rapiu”, “Baal-Zephon”, or often simply Ba’ al  (Lord). Hadad was equated with the Indo-European Nasite storm-god Teshub; the Kemetic god Set; the Greek god Zeus; the Roman Jupiter, as Jupiter Dolichenus.[55] Since Sir Dashwood and his wife were interned in a replica of the Palmyra Temple of Baal Shamin (Lord of the “air” or heavens), and King George III also had a particular keen interest in the same temple, my guess is that one of John Palmer’s God’s at the Rosa Hall Great House and Palmyra was Baal Shamin.


The Roman Emperor Hadrian is important. He tried the destroy the Talmud and its Rabbis, and suppressed the second Jewish War.[56] It was the North African tribes of Sephardic Jews that rebelled against Hadrian and the Roman Empire.[57] There are many references to Baal in the bible, but there are numerous complicated references specifically to Baal Shamin in the form of Hadad (Storm God- Ba ʾalim) as an early form of YHWH in the bible.


God EL & Sir Dashwood

Did the early Israelites perhaps regard El-Berith as the God of the covenant made between YHWH and Israel? It is a noteworthy fact that Joshua made a covenant with all Israel precisely at Shechem, the city sacred to El-Berith, “the God of the Covenant” (Josh. 8:30–35; 24:1–28). Therefore, even though the late Deuteronomist editor of the Book of Judges considered Baal-Berith one of the pagan Canaanite Ba ʾalim, this term may well have been regarded in early Israel as one of the titles of YHWH. A god ilbrt, found in a second millennium hymn, has been interpreted variously as El-berith and as Ilabrat, an old Semitic deity.”[58]

I said that to say this. If Baal Shamin was the secret god of the way at Rosa Hall and Palmyra, it would also been of critical interests to the Spanish Rite Sephardic Jews and their descendants, Blanche and Lord Chris. Some claim that the Spanish Rite Jews were the tribes of the First Temple. It stands to reason that they are more familiar with the worship of old Canaanite Gods.[59] I don’t have to ask anybody. The Babylonian Talmud says that the First Temple Jews were the among the heretic idol worshippers.

“The Talmud (Yoma 9b) provides traditional theological reasons for the destruction: “Why was the first Temple destroyed? Because the three cardinal sins were rampant in society: idol worship, licentiousness, and murder… And why then was the second Temple – wherein the society was involved in Torah, commandments and acts of kindness – destroyed? Because gratuitous hatred was rampant in society. This teaches you that gratuitous hatred is equal in severity to the three cardinal sins: idol worship, licentiousness, and murder.”[60]

The Jews that appeared in Spain after the fall of the First Temple in 720 BC were “At all events their religious practices were largely PAGAN and in that sense they were not Jewish.”[61]




John W. Rollins & Peter du Pont

The Queen and British Royal Crown’s villas at Half Moon Resort were part of the Rose Hall and Palmyra Plantations. The Rose House Mansion was restored to its former splendor in the 1960s at great expense by John W. Rollins of Delaware. Rollins was deeply veiled. He possessed a great deal of unseen power and influence. He was a close friend and advisor to President Richard Nixon. The Rollins estate was the site for a Nixon disarmament summit. He was tied into the [Peter] duPont Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline and network.[62] ,[63] Rollins was a former Republican Lieutenant Governor of Delaware, Luciferian, a Knight of Malta.[64]


Witch La Voisin & Madame de Pompador

For generations, the du Pont family have maintained a tight ring of secrecy and silence behind its family background and history.[65] The family dynasty is traced back to a humble French watchmaker’s son, Samuel du Pont. His claim to fame came through being a protégé of Dr. Francois Quesnay, the personal physician of Louis XV’s verified Satanic Mistress, Madame de Pompador (Montespan).[66] She had been a devotee and part of the Black Mass Coven of Catherine Monvoisin, or Montvoisin, nee Deshayes, known as “La Voisin.” Her cult (Affair of the Poisons) was suspected to have killed anywhere between 1000-2500 people in Black Masses to conjure up the favor of the DEVIL for the rich, famous and the King’s Court.[67]


The Witch and the Madame de Montespan would call on the DEVIL, and pray to him for the King’s love. They conjured the power of DEMONS and the DEVIL for that love by sacrificing a newborn’s life by slitting its throat with a knife. Next, the baby’s body would be crushed, and the drained blood and mashed bones would be used in the mixture of a Devilish love potion. King Louis’ food was tainted in this way for almost thirteen years, until the witch was captured after a police investigation where they uncovered the remains of 2,500 infants in La Voisin’s garden. In 1666, Madame de Montespan supposedly went so far as to allow a priest, Etienne Guilbourg, to perform a Black Mass over her nude body in a blood-soaked ceremony, which was also said to have included infant sacrifice.[68]

The Satanic Cult of La Voisin, Madame de Montespan and Physiocrat Dr. Francois Quesnay had to have been some devilish influence on Samuel du Pont and the family dynasty. By the way, Dr. Quesnay was a bit of a DEVIL himself, he said, “that, since the serfs on the aristocratic landlord’s estate were only human cattle, whose income should not exceed the feeding and other care due them as a form of cattle, the only source of the profit of the estate must be the magical powers of ownership (e.g., “shareholder value”) expressed by the award of the title to the landlord.”[69]


Pierre Samuel du Pont

By the way again, Satanic Butcher Benjamin Franklin was also a close friend of Pierre Samuel du Pont, the son of Samuel. Pierre’s mother, Anne Alexandrine Montechanin, taught him to be a medium with spirits. Like his father, Pierre flourished in the inner core of the French Elite and Palace Satanist Cults and Circles.[70] Pierre was a notorious Masonic brother of Butcher Ben and probably much more secret. When Benjamin Franklin arrived Dec. 1776 in France, one of the first people who sought out to visit with was Pierre Samuel du Pont. During the next year after that, DuPont was a frequent visitor to Franklin’s residence in the village of Passy. They should dig that place up, too. In 1783, du Pont expected to sit with Franklin at the treaty table in Paris.[71]

There is a lot of speculation whether or not the family had married into the “Cousinhood.” But by and large, the du Pont Family ranks among the top 13 Satanic/ILLUMINATI families in the world, today. Of course, if any du Pont Family member had renovated the Rosa Hall Great House, a whole bunch of people would have known immediately what’s really up with that. So, John Rollins did the dirty-dirty with no cost shared.


In Ian Fleming’s novel, Goldfinger, Junius du Pont was introduced as a member of SMERSH, the “Cousinhood.” [72] Also in Goldfinger, Bond was sent to Mexico to shut down a heroin smuggling operation by fire-bombing the production facility (owned by a man named John Blackwell). Fleming’s golf partner, John Blackwell was a cousin to Blanche Blackwell.[73]





ABRAXAS is believed by some to be one of the many but highly secret God names of Freemasonry, that are slowly introduced to higher grade Freemasons as they progress up the ranks and hidden grades of the secret society. As I pointed out above, the Great House was restored to its original 365 windows, 52 doors and 12 bedrooms. The readings of the numbers leads to the occult, and Satanic secret societies. The occult calendar is divided into 4 parts of 13 weeks each- 13 x 4 = 52 weeks.[74] The twelve (12) rooms was for “The Superior Order” of 12 Hell Fire members. I believe the 365 windows are linked directly to the 365 Aeons of an extremely complicated divine and secret entity, ABRAXAS. That’s how they roll.


ABRAXAS is a gross figure not seen or exposed to many. But, there is a little known Biblical reference to the fowl and birds in Revelation, And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. Revelation 19:17-18


Rosa is said to have slept with a BULL WHIP. She had been particularly terribly and brutally abusive of Black Women often beating them to death with the bullwhip. Some of the very ultra secrets of the Abraxas worship has something to do with violently suppressing the ancient sacred feminine Earth-Mother Cults.  However, significantly, according to Irenæus (“Adversus Hæreses,” i. 24, 3-7), the Gnostic Basilides (died about 130) gave the name of ABRAXAS to the Highest Being, who presides over the 364 kingdoms of spirits (52 x 7 = 364), because the numerical value of the letters of this name is equivalent to 365 (a = 1, b = 2, r = 100, a =1, x = 60, a = 1, s = 200)—i.e., the 364 spirits + the Highest Being Himself. In a magic papyrus it is expressly stated that Abraxas is equivalent to 365, the number of days in the year.[75]

E. A. Wallis Budge : Abrasax represented the 365 Aeons or emanations from the First Cause, and as a Pantheus, i.e. All-God, he appears on the amulets with the head of a cock (Phoebus) or of a lion (Ra or Mithras), the body of a man, and his legs are serpents which terminate in scorpions, types of the Agathodaimon. In his right hand he grasps a club, or a flail, and in his left is a round or oval shield.”[76]

The Cult of Abraxas and associated Basilidian beliefs did not disappear with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century; they have persisted covertly to this day. The Knights Templar and the Cathars carried on Gnostic beliefs, and it is alleged that the emblem on one of the seals used by the Templars was derived from the ancient gem renditions of ABRAXAS. Abraxas and Gnosticism have also been associated, rightfully or wrongly, with Freemasonry, Rosicrucian Orders, and other secret societies. Most famously in modern times may be the encounters that the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) had with ABRAXAS.[77]

It is believed that at the heart of Freemasonry is a conception of God which encompasses Good and Evil. On one level Freemasons refer to God as GOATU or the Grand Architect of the Universe. On a deeper level another Masonic epithet for God is Jahbulon, which is a word derived from the God names ‘Jah‘, ‘Baal‘ and ‘Osiris‘. Jahbulon is thought to represent a divine amalgam of light and dark in a way not so dissimilar from the idea of ABRAXAS.[78]

Madame Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine, reveal a possible secret meaning of John and Rosa’s Eye of Providence at the gateway to Rose Hall; and “Way of God”, and hint to what God.

“For, as the Basilidians taught, “there was a supreme god, Abraxas, by whom was created mind” (Mahat, in Sanskrit, Nous in Greek). “From Mind proceeded the word, Logos, from the word, Providence (Divine Light, rather), then from it Virtue and Wisdom in Principalities, Powers, Angels, etc., etc.” By these (Angels) the 365 AEons were created. “Amongst the lowest, indeed, and those who made this world, he (Basilides) sets last of all the God of the Jews, whom he denies to be God (and very rightly), affirming he is one of the angels” (Ibid.).”[79]

Basilides was an early Gnostic religious teacher in Alexandria, Egypt who taught from 117 to 138 AD, and claimed to have inherited his teachings from Matthew. The followers of Basilides, the Basilidians, formed a movement that persisted for at least two centuries after him.[80]



“The letters of ἀβραξάς, in the Greek notation, make up the number 365, and the Basilidians gave the name to the 365 orders of spirits which, as they conceived, emanated in succession from the Supreme Being. These orders were supposed to occupy 365 heavens, each fashioned like, but inferior to that above it; and the lowest of the heavens was thought to be the abode of the spirits who formed the earth and its inhabitants, and to whom was committed the administration of its affairs…In addition to the word Abraxas and other mystical characters, they have often cabalistic figures engraved on them.”[81]

Sephardi tradition tends to be more overtly Kabbalistic than Ashkenazi tradition. In ancient Hebrew, Abraxas probably means “holy name,” seeing that it is often attached to Jewish divine appellations. Abrasax represented a demiurge, a divine potency elevated by some heretic Sect to the position of a god. From the papyri and the magic gems it is certain that the word refers to the use of the Ineffable Name as a master-key with which the powers of all the upper and the nether world are locked or unlocked, bound or loosened, by the great Manda da Haye (Wisdom of Life = God). There occurs in the mystical writings the name Raza Rabba (“the Great Secret”), met also in the Cabala under the name of Raza de Razin (“Secret of Secrets”). This suggests the etymology from Ab Raza, “Father of the Secret,” which is the same as “Master Secret.”[82]

Abraxas-stones, especially those which from their material are used for superstitious practices, are also of interest from the standpoint of Judaism, inasmuch as they often bear Hebraic names of God: Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Eloai. All these stones were used as amulets, and they furnish indisputable evidence of Jewish influence over the views of heathen nations of antiquity.[83]

There is a striking affinity between the symbolism of the 13th Century works of Sefer HaBahir, on the one hand, and the speculations of the Gnostics, and the theory of the “Aeons” and Abraxas. Among medieval Cabbalists, it became known as Sefer HaBahir, taken from its opening comment, “One verse says: “And now men see not the light which is bright (bahir) in the skies (Job 37:21).[84] Another interesting point in the “Bahir” is the strange emphasis laid upon a celestial trinity, which became even more accentuated in the later cabalistic writings (“Bahir,” § 48).[85]


It isn’t too strange if you look at the Trinity of Sky-Gods at Palmyra. Palmyrene deities: from left to right: the lunar god Aglibôl, the supreme god Beelshamên, the sun god Malakbêl, 1st century CE, found near Bir Wereb, Syria.


The Rosa Hall Mansion was a Pleasure Palace similar to Sir Dashwood‘s Pleasure Palace in West Wycombe, London. Sir Dashwood’s mahogany staircase and fireplace was imported from Jamaica.[86] Until the 1760s over 90 per cent of the mahogany imported into Britain came from Jamaica.[87] Rose Hall is also ornately carved doors, floors and staircases is also of mahogany.[88]


Rosa was no more than a Witch of Hell House such as Madame de Pompador of the French Royal Court that ritually covered herself with the blood, and used the body parts, and organs of Africans to conjure up DEMONS and DEVILS. Like Madame Pompador and Butcher Ben, the Witch of Hell House conducted human sacrifices, especially of infants, whose bones the Rosa Hall Hell Fire Satanic Cult used to practice magick.


When the Witch of Hell became too old and useless, John Palmer & the Jamaican Hell Fire Cult had her wasted, and her lips was sealed forever. That’s way her memorial in St. James Parish Church show her covering and shielding the urn containing the secrets of cult with her body and a cloak. That’s the way they roll with it! Rosa Hall and Palmyra were temples to the Way to God[s]- Satanic Nature of Gods that satisfied their greed for WEALTH & POWER through covenants with the DEVIL by secret blood sacrifice initiations and rituals.

At Hell House, there were/are different higher and lower levels and degrees of initiations and rituals. The highest degrees involve the master keys of Kabbalah to unlock and lock the secrets of Abraxas, while the lower degrees involve the enlightenment of lower sky gods like Baal-Shamin. The Cult’s highest levels of imitations and degrees of enlightenment would certainty be reserved for the round tableSuperior Order of 12.”



 Here, we return to Blanche and Lord Chris’ ancestor, Alexandre Lindo. He arrived in Jamaica around 1765. He may have been born in Paris or Bordeaux, France instead of Portugal. When he arrived in Jamaica, he was primarily an inter-colonial slave broker and merchant backed by several Sephardic Jewish broker-banking firms (Lindo, Aguila & Sons, Lindo, Lake & Co.) in London. As a merchant, he settled in Kingston where he purchased and distributed the whole cargoes of ships, operating a credit business with the local merchants. He acquired large properties, including a coffee estate. He bought and sold Africans. He accounted for nearly 23% of the Africans sold in Jamaica between 1779 and 1788.[89]

On the waterfront, he had his own wharf – “Lindo’s wharf”. Part of his business involved goods from ships captured (pirates) in the Caribbean. From 1775, he was involved in the importation of slaves, his company, Lindo and Lake, becoming the largest slave-importing company in the island, by the mid-1790s. He owned two ships which operated across the Atlantic.[90]


One of the ships that Lindo brokered in Kingston was one of the most recorded horrific and infamous slave ship expeditions in history. It was the Brookes Slave Ship that brought Africans (packed by sardines) across the Middle Passage. An appalling, horrific and gross example of man’s inhumanity to man.[91] Lindo’s house on Tower Street was the Biggest in Kingston, with 30 servants and 12 vehicles of various types.[92] It was the biggest and finest estate house in Jamaica until Rose Hall. John Palmer also knew him very well.

At the beginning, middle and end of Hell House, the most advanced Cabbalist with the advanced enlightenment degrees in the Babylonian Talmud and other secret knowledge books and things of Sephardic Jews on Jamaica was ALEXANDER LINDO. He had been President of the Sephardic Jewish Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam. He had been enlightened to all its dignities, degrees and those things hidden- ABRAXAS.


Ancient Palmyra had an active Jewish community. The Talmud reports that the rabbis looked upon converts from Palmyra, who evidently retained customs of idol worship. Aggadic tradition holds that Palmyrenes participated in the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and ruled over Palestine. The Talmud refers to Odenathus as Ben Naẓer and also mentions Queen Zenobia, who was considered to be sympathetic to the Jews.[93] Lucius Septimius Udaynath, Latinized as “ODENATHUS”, was the founder king of the Palmyrene Kingdom centered at the city of Palmyra.[94]

It was Lindo that attempted to personally guarantee, finance, and broker the French government’s institution of slavery in the Colonial French West Indies, particularly Haiti and Cuba, but for the African Haitian Rebellion and Revolution. Lindo was wicked enough to deliberately setup institutions to further one of the most Luciferian systems of bondage, brutality and inhumanity known to man- he would be just as wicked to be complicit enough to setup secret Luciferian Institutions and Empires to support it.  At Hell House, Lindo would initiate Palmer, the King’s Men, Elite of the island, and the British Crown in enlightenment of the higher degrees of Abraxas only enough to keep them under control for much longer than you are probably willing to expect or believe.


The LINDO SNAKE, Separated but as ONE SERPENT

The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, gave birth to her second child, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, at the LINDO Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in west London. Prince George, Prince William and Prince Harry, the Nazi, were all born in the LINDO wing.[95] Kate’s mother was surnamed, GOLDSMITH. Kate Middleton is believed to be a Sephardic Jew. She appears to be part of the “Cousinhood” along with Blanche LINDO- Blackwell, and Lord Chris.[96]


Over the decades, Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal House has chosen Half Moon Resort (Rose Hall- Palmyra) as their abode of choice in Jamaica. Other notable past guests include Prince Philip, Prince of Wales and Grand Master of Masonic Lodge of England; Prince Rainier of Monaco; U.S. President John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy; and Vice President- CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry) marked the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on private retreat at Half Moon.[97]


In 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of England, Prince Harry is known to have entered through the Eye of Providence (Abraxas) to the Way of a Satanic God. He was initiated by a blood sacrifice into one of the advanced degrees of enlightenment in one of Rosa Hall’s most secret chambers hidden under HELL HOUSE.


Tonya Lewis- Lee Loves Her Ceremonial BLACK

Spike is married to Boulé Tonya Lewis. On their first date, he took her to the party for Kabbalah Queen Madonna’s book, “SEX [Magick]” most likely to be initiated in the Satanic Jewish Cabal.  By her father’s admission, Tonya is initiated in the secret so-called mores of African-American Society– the Boulé. Her father, George Lewis, is Boulé. Spike, Tanya and family often vacation at Half Moon. The Boulé also often vacation at HELL HOUSE.[98]


Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, family also have been known to visit Half Moon/HELL HOUSE entered through the Eye of Providence, OFTEN.[99] As you clearly observe.


Secret Jewish KABBALIST Spike Lee

Through the Looking Glass and Smoked Mirrors, Spike Lee‘s manifestation of Sophia embedded in his Malcolm X HollyWeird movie, in the Nag Hammadi texts, SOPHIA is the lowest Aeon, or anthropic expression of the emanation of the light of God. She is considered to have fallen from grace in some way, in so doing creating or helping to create the material world.[100]  So, it isn’t clear up to what degrees Black people can advance, if at all, to in the advance levels in the ABRAXAS Cult of HELL HOUSE.


Boulé Tonya in her favorite Black. It’s all the same. The Boulé conceals its secrets within the urn with the lion’s paw over the opening. Rosa Hall also covers her urn of secrets with a hand, body and cloak. Spike Lee, Tonya and two children favorite jaunts is Half Moon Resort and HELL HOUSE. E.T. Williams, a retired real- estate investor and art collector who was in Tonya’s father, George Lewis’s chapter of the Boulés,  and comes from an African-American family that has been prosperous—and, by the way, free—since the late 1700s. Williams is an acquaintance of Spike and Tonya Lewis Lee’s; he last saw them for lunch in Jamaica, when he and his wife, Auldlyn, were staying at the Ritz- Carlton and the Lees were vacationing at the Half Moon.[101] According to WilliamsTonya was initiated in the secret  Luciferic mores of the bootlicking  African-American Society– the Boulé. Spike, Tonya and family often vacation at Half Moon/HELL HOUSE.[102]

There is only one way in and off Jamaica. You won’t get very far being nosey or investigative around the island. Jamaica became a British Slave Colony in 1655 and achieved its independence August 6, 1962 but remains within the Commonwealth with the British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, as its head of state. It appears that in remote Jamaica under the Satanic British Crown, many of America’s top black entertainment and business figures (Boule) are secretly being Luciferic initiated at HELL HOUSE.


Secret Cabbalist Lil Wayne with Kabbalah Black Beads, White and Green Kabbalah Strings. Green is the color of healing of his soul. I was very surprised when I saw Lil Wayne featured on super main stream media in a commercial spot during Super Bowl 50.  I couldn’t watch it. I turned away. I said to myself, “wow, Lil Wayne has been initiated into a higher order of the ILLUMINATI.

Now, I reflect back to the commercial- 4 (four) months later. Some have raised their voices, the commercial was “racist.”  And indeed, it was offensive, ugly, tasteless, racist and a dangerous piece of global mockery of Black peoplemoving on up from colonial slavery to get a piece of the pie. Yes, it has hidden meanings- it isn’t just serving a colonial slave master that is disconcerting. George Washington was the first Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22. He was of the most high Luciferic initiated, 33rd degree, Master Mason of the Scottish Rite.


It is the Eye of the Deity. The “Eye of Providence, sometimes referred to in Masonic ritual as the “All-Seeing Eye” (of Deity). It is found in the ritual of most jurisdictions, reminding a Mason that his words and deeds are being judged by the Supreme Architect of the Universe. What Deity and God? ABRAXAS.



Yes, Lil Wayne had been  Luciferic initiated at slave colonial HELL HOUSE. He is a higher level puppet and tool of the “Cousinhood.” He will get a fat slice of pie from the ILLUMINATI.

Lil Wayne’s fat slice of pie began with Super Bowl 50. In the Final Four NCAA tournament, Samsung will likely feature Lil Wayne in its Galaxy G7 commercials as it had with the NCAA Sweet 16.


Samsung is ILLUMINATI. Its early logo told its story, the triple star system– a Trinity of Stars that appears throughout ancient mythology and the OCCULT.  Osiris’s coming was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt of Orion. There is also Sirius A & B, two of the three stars that comprise the Sirian star system.

The Trilateral Commission is also a system of THREE’s. The Holy Trinity consists of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. At the NCAA Final Four, the Holy Trinity’s counterparts in a FINAL FOUR will also make itself known in the unholy trinity +1- Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet + 1, the ILLUMINATI COUSINHOOD.

















[17] Id.



































[52] Id.





















[73] Id.










[83] Id.





















12 02 2015


This is a picture poster advertising Angela Bassett’s television bio “Whitney” that opened nationally January 17, 2014. This is a HOLOGRAM. It is a holographic mathematical memory model (HMMM). HMMM describe a system where an IMAGE can be reconstructed through information that is stored throughout the hologram demonstrating a holographic associative memory that can impact the subconscious. On the surface, the Hologram’s Hand Symbol is an extremely significant occult inverted triangle (pyramid).


The above is the Emblem of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society. The darker of the two triangles, which is downward-pointing, and the lighter triangle, which is upward-pointing, symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into matter and the ascent of that life out of matter into Spirit, the perpetual opposition between the light and dark forces in nature and in man.

The latest news is that our Little Sister, Bobbi Kristina, may not survive this most recent deadly faith. My heart goes out to her innocence born into a pit of HELL, and within a circle of unparalleled human greed, among the sick and insane, and the OCCULT.


From Bobbi Kristina’s Cousin Jarod Brown- Pray for Her in Form of the All Seeing Eye of the Satanic/ILLUMINATI?

There are reports that the Brown and Houston families have agreed to take Bobbi Kristina off life support on the same date, February 11th, that Whitney Houston was assassinated at the Israeli Mossad controlled Beverly Hilton Hotel called the executive branch “Western Whitehouse.” The move is a symbolic way to keep the mother and daughter togetherfor eternity“, according to a Brown family source.[1] However, after the story was released, they may have hopefully backed away from that chilling idea.

Jonestown Cocktail & Assassination of Whitney Houston

Along with cocaine (1) and marijuana (2), Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012 with alcohol 3), Xanax (4), flexeril (muscle relaxant) (5), and diphenhydramine (benadryl) (6) in her system. Someone(s) had given Whitney a “Jonestown Cocktail” at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. From that drug cocktail, all of Whitney’s consciousness and resistance could have been blacked out. She must have collapsed semi-comatose.[2] Whitney was undressed then placed in the bathtub filled with water.

Proof of the party(ies) that murdered Whitney Houston on February 11 was captured without a doubt by the hotel’s Israeli state of the art security and surveillance system. Yet 3 (three) years later, Beverly Hilton Hotel security has not and will not release Whitney Houston’s surveillance tapes.

In addition, after Whitney’s body had been removed from her room, Beverly Hilton security controlled by the Mossad sent in a clean-up team with the mission to act in “extra vigilance” to sweep through the room.[3] The proof the crime is in the cover-up.

Of the Absolutely BIZARRE

Many members of the Brown-Houston families are seasoned adepts in the secret practice of underground cult Cabbalism as set out below. In Cabbalism, the “ruach- spirit-wind-personality” of a murdered victim have a continued existence.


“Because Satan rules over a particular partition of “dimensions” or “consciousness” that occultists and magicians associate with the Element of Air. This is also “Vav.” Thus, naturally 666 would be related to Satan. This partition is Ruach, which even means “wind,” and obviously wind is air. Ruach is the false center. The Ruach consists of 6 Sefira, and while the lowest is the Nefesh, it is still technically part of the Vav portion of the sacred diagram.”[4]



v is VAV in Hebrew with the number 6 given to it. 6 the number of Sin.[5]

The ruach of a victim of murder or injustice can’t rest or delve in another dimension until atonement (Murder of Nabolt– 1 Kings 21). The ruach may also “hover” over a stream, current- over the face of the waters between heaven and earth. If they go through along with this macabre notion, they would be condemning Bobbi Kristina’s ruach along with her mother ‘s ruach to delve “eternally”  in a void between heaven and earth in the realm of Satan – because they certainly are not looking for any atonement for Whitney’s Assassination.

According to the latest corporate media news, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston’s families are also warring over Bobbi Kristina’s pending funeral.[6]



LL Cool J and Paris Jackson’s Drawing of ILLUMINATI- Silence (Secrecy)  is Golden

“There won’t be any special announcement or tribute made for [Bobbi Kristina] Brown …” -LL Cool J- Host of 2015 Grammys[7]

Who is this Negro? A very dangerous ILLUMINATI idiot. “Brown“- it’s pretty clear that HollyWeird’s Gutless Black Satanic Cabal has coldly dissociated itself from 21 year old BOBBI KRISTINA Brown even on her death bed.
Bobbi Kristina Did It to Herself- BOBBI KRISTINA DID IT TO HERSELF

The children of celebrities that sold their souls to the DEVIL usually have no choice whether or not they become part of the ILLUMINATI. In most cases, MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI multi-personality disorder programming with amnesia blocks begin during the child’s most impressionate years, infancy to the age of 5 years old.

By the time of teen years, they simply don’t seem to know if they have been programmed or understand how deep the programming had gone. They soon discover that alternative (termination/self destruct) personalities have been implanted in their subconscious able to take over the body and mind triggered by various different codes, pictures, sounds and keys as simple as just a telephone ring or tone.[8]

Between 2012- June 2013, Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson, began resisting forced ILLUMINATI programming, she exposed in a Twit one of the secret retreats for Satanic Programming and indoctrination, the Self Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Temple in Pacific Palisades, CA.[9] Paris said that she woke up to the ILLUMINATI when she was 12 years old, but her trauma based programming most likely began in infancy like her younger brother.

bobbimichael1 Michael Jackson dangling-traumatizing his infant son, Blanket, over the 4th floor balcony railing at the Adlon Hotel in Berlin, Germany, November 19, 2002. By June 2013, 15 year old Paris was rushed to the hospital for an alleged suicide attempt. She reportedly told whoever could hear that she didn’t want to die. She recovered. She was forced into seclusion and reprogrammed. Her resistance and ILLUMINATI twits have ended.[10]


Bobbi Kristina-MK ULTRA Programming, All Seeing Eye  Satanic/ILLUMINATI Layer


Rosie Perez in with ILLUMINATI with the elite “M” Masonic Hand/Finger Symbol

Actress Rosie Perez, host of the television talk show, ABC’s The View, has come under entertainment industry fire for letting the cat out of the bag“Just thought about the movie that came out, and this is no disrespect to Angela Bassett because I love [her], but this unauthorized bio of her mom must have killed her…”[11]


This is not Bobby Brown, but Bassett’s Whitney Arlen Escarpeta (Bobby Brown) dual Hologram to ILLUMINATE, implant and mainstream Satanic/ILLUMINATI symbols in the subconscious of the masses, and DRIVE BOBBI KRISTINA and many more people INSANE.


Rosie Perez was raised in New York by the Order of Sisters of the Saint Joseph du Puy from France. The order was formed in 1650 in the ancient city of du Puy (Le Puy) by Catholic Priest Jean Piere Medaille as a French Jesuit Front- the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church. During the French Revolution, several of the order was sent to the guillotines, above, accused as Druids, and Body-Snatchers.


Carved above the doorway of the Order of Saint Joseph’s Chapel of St. Clair, Le Puy are symbols showing the phases of the moon.  This was considered the “Temple of Diana” in pre-Christian times.  The Order’s Chapel of Saint Michael in Le Puy, atop a mountain was a Druid place of worship also prior to Christian times.


Rosie Perez’s secret ILLUMINATI Hand/Finger symbol is quite legit straight out of Ancient European VATICAN/Pagan influences. bobbiangela

WHITNEY Film ILLUMINATI Witches- Suzanne Douglas (Cissy Houston) Devil Horns Hand SymbolAngela Bassett (Director) flashes the “M” ILLUMINATI Hand/Finger Symbol. Perez let it slip that Bobbi Kristina had been deliberately mentally harmed. Rosie’s statement is also important because she is one of THEM. They are calling for her head for that negligence, because the “Group Think” consensus and directive is “BOBBI KRISTINA DID IT TO HERSELF” or “Nick Gordon Did It.”

“WHITNEY” Directed by Angela Bassett


Bassett’s Whitney poster appears innocent, but the apparent HOLOGRAM translation is WHIT– usually used with a NEGATIVE) the smallest particle; iota; jot: he has changed not a whit. NEYArchaic. no (used in dissent, denial, or refusal), a negative VOTE.


Let’s Drive Bobbi Kristina Insane, the Poster also has an Ancient Crucifix In-bedded.


Face of EVIL, Angela Bassett- Inverted Pyramid Hand Symbol of the Satanic/ILLUMINATI


In recent years, Angela Bassett has become a big darling HollyWeird WITCH. There isn’t very many people around the entertainment industry with the heart and will to take her on. In Entertainment Weekly, an American magazine published by the ILLUMINATI (All Seeing Eye) Time Inc., that covers film, television, music, and popular culture, the question came up whether or not Bassett had considered casting Bobbi Kristina for a part in the bio. Bassett totally dismissed her with some rather caustic and demeaning remarks, she said :

“I did not think about that. I did not think about casting her. And probably for a number of reasons, you know. One being that she’s not an actress … [A]cting is a [body snatch- WITCH] craft. It’s an attempt to ILLUMINATE the complexities of human behavior and life.”[12]

In respect to Whitney Houston’s family, Bobbi Kristina at the very least deserved a courteous phone call from Bassett before that public statement debasing her as an aspiring actress. Bobbi Kristina could have been at the most considered a set technical advisor for authenticity about her mother and father’s life. But, Bassett totally dismissed her, and publicly humiliated her in the process.

Bobbi Kristina had been quite unhappy about Bassett’s public put down, and stepped up to the Big WITCH, and twitted some rather nasty remarks about her. It wasn’t necessarily that she didn’t get the leading role in the bio that upset Bobbi Kristina. It was the total public disrespect, the putdown, and the way that it was done. It’s also interesting that out of all the people surrounding her deathbed possessing to have cared for her not one of them stood up for Bobbi Kristina after Angela Bassett’s corporate mass media humiliating personal attack. How much of an actress is Bobbi Kristina expected to be 21 years old? Bassett would not have disrespected a young aspiring white actress, no matter how bad of an actress, in that manner. Even Tyler Perry that could have meaningfully assisted Bobbi Kristina’s budding acting career remained silent.

But there was more that upset Bobbi Kristina than the public humiliation, much more than the eye can see or the brain to process. Bobbi Kristina had been MK ULTRA programmed like Paris Jackson with alternative (termination/self destruct) personalities anchored by Satanic layers able to take over the body and mind triggered by various different codes, pictures and IMAGES. All the old WITCH had to do was play the right keys to throw Bobbie Kristina off the Ledge.


Bobbi Kristina & HollyWeird Kabbala Cult Blue Ceramic Evil Eye Beads[13]

 Undoubtedly, Bobbi Kristina was under the influence of HollyWeird’s Kabbalah Cult led by Luciferians Madonna and Lady GaGa.[14] Basically, Cabbala’s roots run out of Ancient Babylon. It was the secret religion of the Sons of the Serpent (Set, Seth- Satan). The HollyWeird Kabbalah Cult is one of Lucifer’s main clandestine vehicles for delivering the masses to Satanism.[15]


Bobbi Kristina & Fallen Angel Necklace

On Saturday morning, January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown, 21, was found unresponsive in a bathtub at her Roswell, GA. “Unresponsive” in medical terms means a person is not alert and does not respond to verbal or tactile (touch) stimulation, or a person whose vital signs and brain activity are not within normal range to sustain life. She unable to breath alone.[16]


On Tuesday, February 2, 2015, while she was still desperately fighting for her life, a lawyer representing Bobby Brown released the following statement: “To correct earlier reports, Bobbi Kristina is not and has never been married to Nick Gordon,” said Christopher L. Brown of Brown & Rosen LLC.[17 Brown is the Vice-President of the Baseball Division of Orpheus Sports & Entertainment with Joseph S. Rosen of Boston. Brown is also an adjutant professor at Boston College.[18] Boston College (BC) is a private Jesuit Catholic research university located in the village of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.[19] “Orpheus is a type of Christ … who provided a wife for himself, but through the teeth of the serpent, that is say, by counsel of Satan, lost her.” [John Block Freidman, Orpheus in the Middle Ages, Syracuse University Press (2000) pg. 181] Brown & Rosen LLC translates to by “Counsel of SATAN.”

With Nick Gordon out of the picture, her father, Bobby Brown, is subject to inherit by intestate succession the majority of her entire estate as the only heir next in kin in kind, then her half brothers and sisters of Bobby Brown should also inherit per stripes in same kind. However, that’s if there is no last will and testament. Bobbi Kristina’s demise also comes interesting at 21 years old, when she undoubtedly had legal capacity to make a will in all 51 states of the U.S.

Bobby Brown & The Ancient Rosicrucians


Pawns on the Masonic Checkerboard

There should be little doubt that Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown had sold their souls to the DEVIL for fame and fortune early in their musical entertainment careers. There should be no doubt also that both Whitney and Bobby served the ILLUMINATI. It may also be true that the faith of Bobbi Kristina had been sealed at birth by a bargain with the DEVIL– the Satanic Sacrifice of their first born. For Whitney, she discovered that there is no exist door from the ILLUMINATI short of DEATH. They play for keeps.


Here, Bobby Brown Shows Direct Early Masonic Influences. Crown with Sword is a Knights Templar Symbol  “By this sign thou shalt conquer”


Early Drawing of the Knights Templar & Horned God Baphomet

 The Rosy Cross (also called Rose Cross and Rose Croix) is a symbol largely associated with the semi-mythical Christian Rosenkreuz, CABBALIST and alchemist and founder of the Rosicrucian Order.[20] Later drawings seem to delete the “Cross and Rose” on Baphomet’s chest. However, Bobby Brown’s tie-shirt recaptures the religious cosmology of the early Knights Templar. In the early days of the revival of the Rosicrucian Order in America in 1915, Imperator H. Spencer Lewis chose to use the Latin cross ( clip_image001 ). He visualized a man standing with arms extended in the form of a cross, i.e., perpendicular to the body. This would roughly place the human heart at the crossbeams.


Early Rosicrucian temples used this concept for their floor plans. The shekina, representing the heart of the temple, was at the lines crossing. Over such a floor plan the Rosicrucian Lodge ritual enacts the Ancient Egyptian Memphite Mystery School teachings on creation. The impulses from the heart (shekina) are directed to bring wisdom to the Master stationed in the East. This is the ancient Egyptian heart-tongue connection to creation. The Master’s lectern has a left eye upon it. This represents the eye of Thoth, i.e., wisdom. The route from heart to tongue is called the Sanctum Sanctorum. The floor plan of many churches is similar to this floor plan. However, they do not use the point of crossing in any mystical sense. Their altar is in the East. There is no allusion to the ancient mystical process of creation from heart to tongue.[21]


Brown’s Red Cross inside the White Heart” is basically a covert “Rosicrucian Symbol” in plain sight.[22] It shows Brown’s progression/promotion from Freemason to higher HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE levels of the ILLUMINATI such as the Rosicrucians.


Ancient Rosicrucian Cross and Heart Symbols.


Bobbi Kristina & Bobby Brown with Cross Bones Symbol and the IRON CROSS

The Iron Cross is a cross symbol typically in black with a white or silver outline that originated after 1219 when the Kingdom of Jerusalem granted the  Teutonic Order the right to combine the Teutonic Black Cross placed above a silver Cross of Jerusalem.  These people are not playing.


During the 17th Century, Robert Fludd with the early elite  “M Hand/Finger Symbol” and Sir. Francis Bacon of the British Empire co-founded both the Rosicrucian and Freemason Order.


Bobby Brown and Bobby Kristina- Clear Ancient Rosicrucian and Freemason Order Influence and Hand Symbol

Angela Bassett, Witch’s Coven & Madame Laveau



“This is a career about IMAGES. It’s celluloid; they last for ever. I’m a black woman from America. My people were slaves in America, and even though we’re free on paper and in law, I’m not going to allow you to enslave me on film, in celluloid, for all to see.” –Angela Bassett [23]

Bassett received a B.A degree in African American Studies and Masters in Drama from Yale University, Home of Skull and Bones.[24] The above is a very interesting widely circulated gallant quote from Angela Bassett out of Satanic HollyWeird. That’s if you believe anything the Big WITCH says.

The American Horror: Coven is a popular TV series that blatantly glorify and promote the occult, Enochian magick, witchcraft and Satanism in mainstream pop culture. The series tells the story of a group of young girls who have been recruited to a witch’s coven in New Orleans that fronts as a prestigious all-girls boarding school. The purpose of the coven is to train the young women to hone their occult powers and skills and protect them from the world which seeks to destroy them.[25]


In the WITCH’S Coven, Bassett portrays the IMAGE, in celluloid, for all to see, of New Orleans’ most infamous big black Voodoo WITCH out of the 19th Century, Madame Marie Catherine Laveau. “Angela Bassett portrayed Marie Laveau as a merciless villain who uses her power of immortality, which she gained from a demonic force by the name of Papa Legba, to kill innocent beings and to seek revenge on those who have wronged her.”

“The show contains a scene where Laveau steals a baby from the hospital to sacrifice to Papa Legba in order to pay him for giving her the power of immortality. In another scene when she first makes the deal with Papa Legba, she sacrifices her first-born child, a daughter.”[26]

In some circles, Marie Laveau is considered some type of black anti-slavery heroine of New Orleans. By some sources, she was described as a descendant of French AristocracyILLUMINATI.[27]


The New Orleans artist, Charles Massicot Gandolfo, that produced the above painting certainly believed that she was ILLUMINATI showing her with the infamous secret elite M (Masonic) Hand/Finger Symbol. Gandolfo (Voodoo Charlie) founded the infamous New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum. He was raised on family stories of his great-great-great grandmother, an escaped African from Haiti who was also a New Orleans’ Voodoo Queen.[28] He would have known something about New Orleans’ secret elite Satanic Subculture.


The M (Masonic) Hand Symbol is associated with the term “Marrano” is a Spanish expression which means “Secret Jew“, i.e. a falsely converted Jew. On the one hand, Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits, had been a member of “Alumbrado” which was a forerunner to the ILLUMINATI organization (the word “Alumbrado” is simply a Spanish translation for the term “ILLUMINATI“) and another suspected Kabbalah concoction. Alumbrado devotees manifested a strangely conflicting mixture–many expressions of “godly” sentiments in their outward displays…but bizarre goings-on in their private meetings which fit the descriptions occult practices, and even of satanic ‘possession’ or interaction. [29]

Absolute Horror and EVIL of the Lalaurie Mansion

I Warn You. This video of the Real Marie Lalaurie is truly Chilling and Horrible Almost Beyond Belief

In New Orleans, Marie Laveau lived just a few blocks from the racialist mass murdering Marie Delphine Lalaurie that teamed up as a character with Laveau in the Coven televised series. In real life, they were contemporary and undoubtedly these two women met and knew each other very well. Both Lalaurie and Laveau attended Saint Louis Cathedral with Capuchin (Franciscan) Monk Pere Antoine.


By her own journal, Delphine and her third husband, Dr. Leonard LaLaurie sadistically slaughtered 62 Africans held in forced human bondage. They performed terrible and hideous terminal medical experiments on Africans. After a fire at the mansion, fire fighters discovered body parts of the slaughtered were found heaved throughout their manor. Fire fighters and authorities believed that a 70 year old African woman chained to a stove in the kitchen started the fire to alert authorities to murder, mayhem and horror going on inside the mansion. The Lalaurie Mansion exists today as an infamous “haunted mansion.”[30]

Down the streets and around the neighborhood, the terrifying screams coming from the Lalaurie Mansion were well known throughout the tight community. There is speculation that Laveau had been directly involved in some of the murderous Satanic activity at the Lalaurie Mansion.[31]  It also appears that Laveau should have been well aware of what going on at Lalaurie Mansion, and there are no records that she helped any Africans escape death, cruelty and torture at the hands of her neighbors and fellow Catholics.

Madame Laveau was a devout Catholic. She was part of the wealthy Catholic French-Creole merchant class of New Orleans. During the 1800s, Laveau and her father, Charles Laveaux, owned numerous buildings and lots in the early French Quarter. Charles Laveaux was a local tavern owner, that bonded his daughter to sell liquid spirits from a storefront.


There are several Roman statues of Miltra found at the Vatican Museum Ritually Sacrificing a Bull- a Snake, Dog and Scorpion Feed from the Blood  

However, what would explain Madame Laveau’s relationship with Delphine Lalaurie is that they were part of the Vatican’s underground Cult of Miltra (Miltras) or French Death Cult, the secret religion of the Sons of the Serpent (Set, Seth- Satan).

“Christianity resembled certain elements of Roman belief, particularly the worship of Mithra, or Mithraism. As ‘Protector of the Empire,’ Mithra was closely tied to the sun gods, Helios and Apollo … Christians took over a cave-temple dedicated to Mithra in Rome on the Vatican Hill, making it the seat of the Catholic Church. The Mithraic high priest’s title, Pater Patrum, soon became the title for the bishop of Rome, Papa or Pope. The fathers of Christianity explained the remarkable similarities of Mithraism as the work of the devil, declaring the much older legends of Mithraism to be an insidious imitation of the one true faith.”Helen Ellerbe, ‘The Dark Side of Christian History‘ ” (223)[32] Secret Mithraic rites and ceremonies involve animal and human sacrifice.[33]From the time of the Romans, the Cult of Miltra has always been practiced in strict secrecy- mostly in caves.

The Lalaurie Mansion sits atop the real property consecrated by the Ursuline Sisters. The Ursuline Sisters were the first Catholic nuns to land in the new world.[34] The Ursuline Sisters were the subject of the infamous French Witch Trials of the 17h Century. The Loudun Possessions was a notorious witchcraft trial in Loudun, France in 1634. A  convent of Urusline nuns were involved in secret SATANIC BLACK MASS and naked orgies. They said they had been visited and possessed by DEMONS and the DEVIL. [35]


The Black Mass was originally created in France by Catholic Clergy to cover up their crimes and worship the DEVIL in a form of inversion to the Catholic Mass.  All sorts of perversions would go on in the basements of monasteries or in dilapidated cathedrals.  Rumors where that French Death Cults where involved in these corrupted masses as well.  It is said that babies where eaten right after they were born from  Catholic Nuns whom were impregnated by a monk or priest.  This was to cover up the by products of the orgies that would take place during said masses. Forms of bestiality along with animal sacrifice to mimic [Cult of Mithra] ancient pagan rituals.  Then Catherine Deshayes (1640-1680)who was an abortionist and magic charm charlatan, was able to convince ordained Catholic Priests to perform such acts of debauchery and blasphemy.  The debasement of the rite was as far as the customer who paid for it would go.  Normally Catherine would use an aborted fetus as the sacrifice for the Black Mass.  Thus starting rumors of children being sacrificed to the DEVIL once again. These Black Masses become a commercial indulgence of the higher class to attain the favor of the DEVIL.

This should explain the underlining Satanic activity at the Lalaurie Mansion. It was related to the Black Mass, and the higher classes of New Orleans seeking the power of SATAN. Interestingly, it was a Capuchin Monk Tranquille  that performed the Ursuline Sisters exorcisms in France and  furnished the materials for the “History of the Devils of Loudun.” Recall above that LaLaurie and Laveau were involved with Capuchin Monk Antoine at St. Louis Cathedral Basilica whose order was known to be experts on Satanism and the Black Mass. The Satanic Reputation of the Urusline nuns followed them to early New Orleans. In the city, they were known as the coffin or “Casket Girls.” Locals believed that their coffin like travel and storage crates contained European blood vampires being smuggled into America.[36]

I have been to New Orleans over a dozen times during the 1970-80s. I have a law degree. My first love is history, the study of folklore and cultures. I also have a AA in African American Behavior Sciences, and an AB in Anthropology.  I am also extremely interested in Black Genealogy. I helped co-found the African American Genealogical Society of Northern California (AAGSNC) in Oakland.[37]  New Orleans is one of the most wicked and EVIL places on earth. It has a history of generational racial hatred, intolerance and violence almost unparalleled in the U.S. Yet, it is also an extremely interesting place to study and learn from.

The Underground Black Occult & Satanic Society in New Orleans

My Search for the Seven Sisters

After law school, I got a one way ticket out of Los Angeles for leading an effort to organize lawyers around a lawsuit to force the extremely dangerous and deadly Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) into federal court receivership to protect the constitutional rights of People of Color, and organizing the people around creating a police review board.

I decided to go DEEP SOUTH where my late dear mother had feared that they would certainly kill me. I accepted a legal associate fellowship as far south as they went where NOBODY wanted to go. I landed at Caddo-Bossier Legal Aid Society in Shreveport, Louisiana. Bossier City, across the Red River from Shreveport, was a swampy wooded area that was an extremely dangerous place. Bossier City had been a racial killing field for generations. At that time, it had been the home to the Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan, J.D. Swenson.[38]

Before my first trip to New Orleans, two local Black legal secretaries began to tease me about my maiden journey to the city. Jokingly, they said, “you’re gonna meet the ‘Seven Sisters.'” Seven Sisters, I asked, what is that? Surprisingly, fear was written all over their faces. They refused to talk about the subject. Actually, most of the Black locals that I talked to were also inherently afraid to acknowledge or discuss the subject.

While in New Orleans, I was contacted by one of the good spiritual brothers that worked with me on the police review board in LA. I met him and a local brother at my hotel on Canal Street just across the way from St. Louis Cemetery.

The local brother was Walter. Walter was another good spiritual brother and remarkable human being. Walter worked as an expert witness in racial discrimination cases for the NAACP. Walter was remarkable in the sense that he could take any pre-hire or qualifying intelligence test government or private test sight unseen and score at the 100% level each time. If he wasn’t hired or offered a job as one of the “best qualified candidates” for the job pursuant the agency or company’s guidelines for employment then his job rejection letter provided the basis for an employment discrimination lawsuit.

I asked Walter, what is the “Seven Sisters” of New Orleans? He said, “you need to talk to my mother.” We headed out to his home in the inner-city where I met his mom. I asked her, who are the “Seven Sisters” of New Orleans? She said, “I am the Seventh Sister.”

“The Seven Sisters of New Orleans were seven sisters who were powerful Hoodoo women who operated in New Orleans circa the 1920s. The sisters were well known for their psychic abilities or clairvoyance. In fact, the sisters were alleged to have the power to look at a person and be able to read that person’s mind or read that person’s future.”[39]

The “Seventh Sister” is born the most gifted and powerful among them. She said, you’re lucky, I am the GOOD Seventh Sister. She said there was also a Seventh Sister of Algiers across the river that was all EVIL. I had an all-night rap session with New Orleans most celebrated infamous “Seventh Sister.” Throughout the night into the morning over beer and gumbo, we explored the unseen power and authority that she had over city officials. We delved deeply into the Underground Black Occult Cult in the city. I found out that the Black Occult in New Orleans is not solely a separate entity based upon African customs and practices, but existed as an internal part of a larger circle of a very powerful underground Satanic Society going far back in New Orleans history- the French Death Cults dedicated to the DEVIL.

That maybe why the Underground Black Occult is still very much a forbidden subject among the people, including my family, to this very day. They know that this cold blood powerful underground Satanic Blood Oath Society in New Orleans and across the South existing along beside the Black Occult do not play games.  It is something that I would not dare to penetrate or explore the knowledge of- even in the benevolent pursuit of higher knowledge.

The Coven & Romanization of the Occult

Madame Laveau served the ILLUMINATI on some secret level for the Catholic Black Mass , Cult of Miltra and French Death Cult (Gilles de Rais’)  as one of its useful idiots. However, the master French Death Cult murderer, Marie Delphine Lalaurie, was undoubtedly a French bloodline ILLUMINATI. The Coven television series wrongfully and deceptively RE-IMAGED Marie Laveau as one the same as Marie Lalaurie, equal evil sisters in the occult, is designed to confuse and deceive the masses to Romanize SATANISM without its true history, danger, horror and the absolute DIABOBICAL EVIL it involves.

Angela Bassett & the Black Occult


“In voodoo it is believed that when a Voodoo Queen dies her spirit re-enters the river of life and moves to the next realm, adjacent to this one. Her spirit will always be here, close at hand, in New Orleans.”[40]

The American Horror: Coven (Global Satanic Cabal) entered the demonic realm of the stream, current- over the face of the waters between heaven and earth. They conjured up the immortal DEMONIC spirit of Madame Laveau hovering over the current. Angela Bassett has been chosen to ILLUMINATE that EVIL once again- put it back in the FLESH to once again serve the ILLUMINATI DEATH CULTS.

As Paris Jackson stated you can find and avoid the ILLUMINATI if you know where to look. In my case, I also could have found the Underground Black Occult linked to the greater ILLUMINATI Death Cults in New Orleans by looking in the right places. This time, the Black Occult and the ILLUMINATI are no longer underground subjected to the secrecy of hidden caves. It’s on television out in plain sight, but this is no play or stage show.


The picture above comes out of the French Ursuline Sisters Witch Trials of the 17th Century. It shows the DEVIL immersing a helpless Catholic priest or nun face down in water as part of a secret Satanic Death Ritual. Both Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown suffered the same faith. These people are deadly serious. They intend to create thousands upon thousands of Bobbi Kristinas and Paris Jacksons through modern technology and Holonomic Theories. The immortal EVIL Spirit hovering above the current of the Satanic Abyss has become part of HollyWeird’s Big Black WITCH, Angela Bassett, and that WITCH is subservient and obedient to the ILLUMINATI Satanic Death Cults just the same as Madame Laveau.

ILLUMINATI Demonization of the American Black Male


Costner confronts the “Street Nigger” Father of his Grand Daughter- Note the Black Bags of TRASH Behind the Black Father

Lastly as part of HollyWeird’s covert program to RE-IMAGE the American Black Male for elimination and the Rise of the Black Satanic LESBIANIC Cabal, Kevin Costner’s Black and White film project released January 30, 2015 the day before Bobbi Kristina was found face down in the bathtub can be added to the list.[41] In the film, he is more appropriate and adequate as a white man to step into Black family affairs and raise his bi-racial granddaughter than what he contends is an American crack head (Bobby Brown) “STREET NIGGER.”[42]

Under the veil, Kevin Costner is a dangerous clandestine right-wing- Zionist Republican playing with “Satanic Principle Dualism.” He masquerades in front of the masses as a liberal social democrat concerned about race relations in this country. He has classic English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, and Swiss-German ancestry bloodlines. His wife, Cindy Silva Costner, former Snow White of ILLUMINATI Disneyland [43] says that it was much more than occasional golf with the Bohemia Grove/Pagan Presidents of the United States. Costner was part of Freemason/Knight of Malta– Ronald Reagan’s secret team.[44] Under the veil, Costner was also closely associated with former CIA Director, Skull and Bones, Freemason pedophile President George H. W. Bush.[45]

Angela Bassett’s Whitney and the GAY Bobby Brown


This dude playing Bobby Brown in Bassett’s Whitney, Arlen Escarpeta out of the Country of BelizeILLUMINATES likes he don’t like women at all. He says, not I, that people that watched the show think that he is GAY.


The Black LESBIANIC HollyWeird Conspiracy is pushing this weak foreign Negro forward like a spiritual HERO among the masses as they did with that Satanic  British Crown Intelligence Agent, David Oyelowo, in Selma, the ILLUMINATI Movie.


Angela Bassett ILLUMINATES Whitney Houston’s  LESBIANIC Rumors


If you tuned in to see the Whitney Houston biopic on lifetime then you may have noticed the close relationship between Whitney and her LESBIANIC black body-guard Robyn Crawford. In Bassett’s ILLUMINATION, Crawford seems supportive and like she truly cares for Whitney and even got into a physical altercation trying to protect Whitney from that dysfunctional American crack head “STREET NIGGER” Bobby Brown.[46] The actress that played Robyn Crawford, Yolanda Ross, didn’t have to ILLUMINATE her natural or unnatural desire for women at all. She has been a LESBIAN in several films and Gay film festivals.


Whitney Houston was exposed to Robyn Crawford while enrolled in the Roman Catholic all-girl high school, Mount Saint Dominic Academy. The academy was officially founded in 1892 by the Sisters of St. Dominic. The Dominican congregation was initially based in Jersey City with its roots tracing back to the Convent of the Holy Cross in Regensberg, Bavaria, Germany- birthplace of the ILLUMINATI.[47]

A national survey, completed in 1996 but intentionally never publicized, estimates that a “minimum” of 34,000 Catholic nuns, or about 40 percent of all nuns in the United States, have suffered some form of sexual trauma. Some of that sexual abuse, exploitation or harassment has come at the hands of priests and other nuns in the church, the report said.[48] [Predatory Lesbian Nuns] use grooming practices similar to those employed by pederasts to seduce new victims; victims almost never report the abuse to ecclesiastical or secular authorities; and rather than being dismissed from the order, lesbian abusers are regularly transferred from convent to convent to avoid prosecution and public scandal. The Vatican has yet to address the problem of PREDATORY LESBIANISM and lesbian sexual abuse in women religious orders.[49]

Catholic schools are institutions of clandestine Homosexuality, Pedophilia and Predatory Lesbianism consistent with the objectives of the ILLUMINATI. They have vowed and combined to use their money, power, authority, influences and networks to clandestinely control, disturb and destroy the internal family structures of the masses of color to control population growth and depopulate Africa.

LESBIANIC CONSPIRACY & Conditioning Bobbi Kristina


This picture allegedly shows Bobbi Kristina being deliberately exposed and conditioned (traumatized) into Lesbianism by an older woman.

bobbikissing1 This picture also shows Bobbi Kristina being deliberately exposed and conditioned into Lesbianism by another older woman.

The bottom line of both Angela Bassett’s Whitney and Kevin Costner’s Black and White are consistent with the New World Order that the role of the Black Father is to be superseded/replaced by a LESBIANIC Black Female and the Great White Father’s power/privilege supersedes all of them to control, disrupt and destroy the internal Black family structure.


It’s hard to believe anything that comes out of the Houston and Brown families regarding the true medical conditions of Bobbi Kristina. To this day, I don’t think the public has been briefed by any medical professional regarding Bobbi Kristina’s medical condition. She remains in a critical state unable to breathe on her own. I’ll continue to pray for Little Sister, but not to that All Seeing Eye ILLUMINATI holographic image posted by her family, above. Our prayers have power more powerful than their EVIL spells and spirits hovering  above the face of the waters in a void between heaven and earth. Our prays move the air and waters itself. Our prayers are the music of the universe.

Dear Little Sister, if GOD answers our prayers and it is possible, get professional mental health help and counseling to break the power and the spell of the DEMON that they placed over you. Please get away from them as far as you can- RUN AND DON’T TURN BACK. 
















































