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Pulling the Veil Over Your Eyes

The Magic and Mesmerism of Queen Diva WHITNEY HOUSTON brought to the U.S. Armed Forces by the Department of Defense, Pentagon and Commander and Chief of Armed Forces, Luciferian President GEORGE H.W. BUSH as an ILLUSION to  pull the veil over the eyes of U.S. Military Forces that illegally invaded Iraq in a WAR OF AGGRESSION and GENOCIDE (Violation of Human Rights) in 1991.


Philly Sound, Michael William Masser & Linda Creed

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way

Michael Masser and Linda Creed wrote the lyrics and music to “The Greatest Love of All” for the HollyWeird movie about the life of the Great Muhammad Ali called, “The Greatest (1977)”. Masser was a blond Ashkenazi Jew, while Creed was often described as a “French Jew“, maybe because you can see the African in her.

What is important is that Masser said that he returned to Israel (Holy Land) to find some divine inspiration to help master the song. Divine inspiration is often closely tied to the concept of revelation, the belief in information being revealed or disclosed through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities. While Creed that had developed the “lyrics” to the song had been so imbedded within the Black Music Philly Sound scene, culture and community, she was generally considered- just one of the sisters.

The Holy Lands was the Land of (Milk & Honey) Canaan when the Ashkenazi Nomads invaded the country. Canaan was a colony of the people of the Kingdoms of Kush and Kemet. A lot of what is supernaturally revealed in Israel isn’t necessarily Judaism.

The true mystery of Israel was once again revealed when they uncovered the Sphinx of the Great Pharaoh Menkaure of the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid and Golden Ages of Kemet in the temple complex of Tel Hazor in Northern Israel. And, the name “Israel” may be derived from a combination of the names “Isis,” “RA” and “El.”

It is generally understood that HollyWeird global mass media projects like “The Greatest” are always implanted with subliminal demonic spells. However, one of the most important words included in the song revealed to Masser and Creed out of Canaan was “DIGNITY.”

“No matter what they take from me, They can’t take away my DIGNITY [Godliness]. Black Children in playful dance (twerking) …


The Horned Goat God’s Twerk & Kiss of Shame (Osculum Infame)  

or spirit possession honoring SATAN (twerking)? Can you be really, really be sure? Demonic Spirit Possession– that’s the way they roll, in particular, for the Future of Black Children!



“Among the earliest records of human beliefs, the early goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon carried a sun above their head as a Symbol of DIGNITY (as daughters of Ra).”


Sun Embodied in the golden sun which is His Symbol, RA is Netjer of light, life, and heat, and the power inherent in the sun which warms our planet. A special symbol of Ra via their connection to the Ben-ben, a pyramidal-shaped stone from which Ra as a Bennu (a white heron, called “Phoenix” by the Greeks) rose from Nun and sang the song of creation) in His honor.


The beautiful thing about DIGNITY is that it is a principle of MAAT. Maat has been described as ‘the key idea in the traditional African approach to life’ which today ‘recurs in most African societies as the influence of right and righteousness, justice and harmony, balance, respect and HUMAN DIGNITY.’(Asante and Abarray, 1996, p. 59)

DIGNITY just happens to be a very powerful and mysterious cosmic word in world civilized history that resonates on his own. Just that word alone has the tendency to counteract and destroy any Satanic/Demonic spells implanted in the song and music. DIGNITY has many names and faces like the Goddess Hathor. DIGNITY takes us back to RA, to the very Dawn of Creation.

Unveiled, DIGNITY is the Divine Breath of Life of God (Gods). The 1977 movie version song was performed by George Benson. In February 1985, Whitney released the song in her debut album. The Columbian Masonic/Demonic Clive Davis was initially against her recording the song, but backed down. The Greatest Love of All was released as the B-side to the single “You Give Good Love.” The song was eventually released as a single in its own right. Stephen Holden of NY Times wrote that “Houston sings it with a forceful directness that gives its message of self-worth an astounding resonance and conviction” and called the song a compelling assertion of spiritual devotion, black pride, and family loyalty, all at once.”

Another critic fearing the song and Whitney’s latent power wrote, “[w]e had laughed at that song during the seventies as a mawkish ode to self-involvement, not dreaming it would ever be taken seriously.” But it did move and inspired the MASSES. This was not at all what the Luciferians intended or dreamed would happen. This is not the Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Global Agenda for the Masses- A …



By April 1986, Linda Creed was dead at the age of 37. Whitney most likely began to be DRUGGED soon thereafter with CIA CRACK COCAINE, then placed under U.S. military jurisdiction for covert Psychological Warfare projects.

“Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside …” Twerking is not an option.


What you are about to read may and very well should alarm, upset and disturb many. It is as it is. It is the offensive, profane and vile truth as ancient mysteries have been created it to be passed down throughout the generations of Sethians (Satanist) and those that serve Satan (witches and warlocks) to 21st Century Knights, z, Satanist, Witches and Warlocks and the ILLUMINATI. Such mysteries manifest itself today. It is silently behind the Satanic Booty Cult, and Satan’s Twerk.


Goddess Hathor, giving the Divine Breath of Life to the Pharaoh, SETI, the Great

TWERK: Breath of the Dragon & Serpentine Life Force


The Devilish/Satanic Twerk

Even today as it was when it was first created, this type of erotic art (Hans Baldung Grien or Grün’s Witch and the Dragon) wasn’t intended to be viewed or studied by the general public or the masses. Art critics say that they don’t necessary know what’s going on in the woodcut. That isn’t the truth. It is a medieval Sethian illustrated secret doctrine, and a blueprint for today. By the way, the children in the woodcut are human sacrifices.


The divine breath of life from God that all of us have entered through the nostrils. So, it stands to reason in duality that the DEVIL in the form of a dragon may breathe its Satanic Life Force  through the ASS/ANUS. Those with the Breath of the Dragon and Serpentine Life Force intend to create EVIL and bring destruction to mankind.

Revelation 12:9 states: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. ” The drac (dragon) was a term synonymous with doing as much EVIL as the DEVIL himself could be supposed to desire. The Drac is also designated a demon and a malevolent spirit.[1]

“The dragon whose nature sulphur shares is often spoken of as the ‘dragon of Babel or, more accurately, the ‘dragon’s head’ (caput draconic) , which is a ‘most pernicious poison,’ a poisonous vapour breathed out by the flying dragon. The dragon’s head ‘comes with great swiftness from Babylon.’ However, the ‘winged dragon’ that stands for quicksilver becomes a poison-breathing monster only after its union with the ‘wingless dragon,’ which corresponds to sulphur. Sulphur here plays an evil role that accords well with the sinful ‘Babel.’ (Mysterium Coniunctionis, p. 117)[2]

When we get into the subject of the Dragon’s Breath of Burning Sulfur and the anus- it involves very complex and complicated issues involving theology, metaphysics, esotericism, and alchemy spanning Christianity, the Gnostics of the Knights Templars, Cathars and Rosicrucians (Order of the Dragons), and witchcraft.

Hell is said to smell like burning sulfur. It is often referred to in the Bible as “brimstone.” It is a symbol of perpetual torment and destruction.[3] However, among the Greeks, sulfur and brimstone has the same meaning as theios. Theios (thi’-os) Definition: godlike (neuter as noun, divinity)” Translated: divine, godhead“.[4] In religious terms, divinity or godhead is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being, Creator-God or spirits and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy.[5]


That means that the Dragon (Satan) has the godhead power to create another face or alter Satanic personality in witches through the anus by its creation breath and Serpentine Life Force. The DEVIL has two faces, one where the mouth is – also the anus, and the devil’s tail second tongue. Luciferians have been serving SATAN (Seth) for thousands of years. We could be a thousand years behind knowing their true secrets, because their real mysteries are revealed to only an elite select few throughout the ages.


Dürer and Baldung, The Secret Claw Hand

Hans Baldung Grien or Grün (1484 – September 1545) that created the Witch and the Dragon may have been one of that elite few. He was a German artist of an elite and noble family. Baldung was a painter and printmaking who was considered the most gifted student of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). It has been suggested that “Grien” came from “grienhals”, a German word for WITCH.[6]


The High Priestess of the ancient European Satanic Booty Cult in popular society is entrusted to Kim Kardashian.


She is a witch under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon and Serpentine Life Force. She intends to create EVIL and bring about the DESTRUCTION to mankind.


Another Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon is Miley Cyrus.


Another Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon is Jennifer Lopez.


Of course, Rihanna is a Booty Priestess under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon.


Then last but none the least is the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Multiple Personality Disordered Sex Kitten, Nicki Minaj.


Dürer and Baldung’s secret Satanic lessons and doctrines were exposed in their paintings and woodcuts that most likely weren’t intended for the world to see nor understand. Elite European Satanists like Baldung and Durer believed that women and their private parts including their asses/anuses were possessed by the DEVIL or could be spiritual possessed by him by the Serpent’s fierily breath and the “OSCULUM INFAME”Shameful Kiss.


Even at that time, witches had gained the knowledge and power of mesmerism and hypnotic trance formations (hypnotic sleep) as illustrated in Baldung’s 1544 woodcut, “The Groom Bewitched.[7] 16th Century French Franciscan theologian Jean Benedicti and French jurist and political philosopher Jean Bodin (1530–1596) named the nun’s “parties honteuses” [private parts] as the devil’s favorite entry point. Bodin elaborated, explaining that “evil spirits possess women from ‘down there’ [la-bas] and speak through their shameful body parts [parties honsteuses].”[8] In that age, they believed the DEVIL primary used women to serve him as sexual enslaved witches that recruit men and convert the world over to the DEVIL’s reign on earth.


“I [DEVIL] show Englishmen how to buy and sell slaves. And I teach their women how to be witches.” The Devil and Tom Walker, by Washington Irving [9]


Freemason (32 or 33rd Degree), clandestine Knights Templar and 1st Baronet (the holder of a rank of honor of the British Empire below a baron and above a knight) Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),[10] once observed to author, essayist, biographer, historian and Demonologist Washington Irving (1783-1859),[11] Ah! cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of. It comes no doubt from their being so familiar with warlocks and witches.”[12] Or warlocks and witches being so familiar with cats. Cats were sent by the DEVIL to help witches with their evil workings. Using a cat in your magic will double any spell’s power.[13]  Undoubtedly, Scott and Irving were among Lucifer’s Servants. Dürer and Baldung were high ranking witches, sorcerers and dragonologists part of a secret powerful German Satanic Cabal (Hungarian Order of the Dragon) most likely part of the Rosicrucian Circle that survived through the generations in secret, and still exist this moment.[14],[15]


Satanist Annie Besant (1847-1933), 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason with Devil’s Claw Hand Sign.[16]


Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. He is in the Cult.


Hallie Berry, SS Walter Schellenberg and Will Smith are part of the secret Dragon Cult.


This is one of Baldung’s Naked Witches (Woman with the Cat) that show you that the Satanic Conspiracy have used music and entertainment  along with Satan’s Spell Book for generations to lure men, women and children to SATAN. Recall that the Cat is sent by SATAN to double any spell’s power.


Izzy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez Bearing the Cross of the Satanic Booty Religion

As you see, the Booty Cult is being pushed and promoted among the masses to religious proportions by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH  Occult Bureau Witches and Sorceresses of America’s Luciferian Music and Entertainment Industry.


The Booty, the ASS is the other FACE of SATAN.


They (Sethians) believe that the Booty, the ASS is the other MOUTH of SATAN.



The “TWERK“, the blog AfroCentricQueen woke me up,

“Modern day twerking is very similar to Mapouka, a dance from Côte d’Ivoire. The dance has existed for centuries and consists of a series of movements emphasizing the buttocks. Mapouka was a celebratory dance for festivals by Africans and was widely accepted because people believed that this dance led to encounters with their Gods!!! Twerking also is typically a Bantu dance style. The African try to replicate these relics each time they came together… If you go into Cameroon where the dance actually started, you will see a couple of African Mystic tribes who dance merely by twerking. Gyrating with the waist is just an African dance that in almost every tribe in Cameroon most of them dance only with the waists and buttocks like the Bassa Assiko dancers.”[17]

Mapouka is a traditional dance from the Dabou area of southeast Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) that originated with the Aizi, Alladian and Avika people. It is also known as “la danse du fessier” or “The Dance of the Behind”.[18] Isolated from its whole, I didn’t recognize it as a form of ancient sacred ritual benevolent “Spirit Possession.” AfroCentricQueen woke me up, I saw it, the benevolent and positive twerk in Brazil within its proper spiritual context and order of things.


I have an Associated Bachelor degree in Anthropology. For my own enlightenment and enrichment, I had often traveled across the U.S. and across the sea to study Black Culture wherever it existed. During the late 1980’s, I traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil alone on an independent backpack search and study of Rio and Black Orpheus.[19] Black Orpheus has an infamous de la Macumba scene.

In Rio, Macumba pretty much have become commercialized and bastardized for tourists that I stayed clear of. For a couple of days, I stayed in a beautiful and peaceful small town of overwhelmingly people of color. It was about a five to six hour bus ride outside Rio. The town sat beside a 16th Century Wooden Spanish Colonial Fort still occupied by the Brazilian Army. I sat in the public park in the town’s square.  To my utter amazement, people went about their calm daily business while sharing common park space with a donkey, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats and a giant 1,500 to 2,000 old world longhorn bull that stood almost 7 feet at the shoulders with horns that spanned over 15 feet. I didn’t tell anyone, but I was very nervous and virtually terrified until I calmed down and followed the flow of the people, but I was still nervous. I prayed that my true nervous vibrations weren’t picked up by the animals, particularly that Big Bull. Oh, crazy Americano.


My time in this small town had to have been one of my life’s most remarkable human experiences. It was one of most peaceful and serene places among men that I had ever experienced. It was at a café across the square that I had become enchanted by a pair of extraordinary dark eyes. She was a beautiful Brazilian waitress. Each time she drew near me, it was as if we were breathing from the same nostrils. I was drifting off into a dream. I had feelings of being complete. I had to snap out of it. I was only passing through. I was committed to do what was right and just and not disrupt anyone’s path or course not even my own along my way. Back in the states, I had a lovely fiancé and small family that I promised to grow with. I returned home with a peaceful conscious, no secrets, regrets or drama.

In town, I was granted special permission by the high priestess to attend a totally authentic and sacred Macumba ritual ceremony. Macumba is the “umbrella” term used for two principle forms of African Spirit Worship: Candomble and Umbanda.[20] Candomblé is a Dance in Honor of the Gods. Music and dance are important parts of Candomblé ceremonies. It is a religion, practiced mainly in Brazil. Candomblé developed in a creolization and genius of traditional Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu beliefs of the kidnapped and enslaved from West Africa by the Portuguese. Between 1549 and 1888, the religion developed in Brazil, influenced by the knowledge of African priests who continued to teach their mythology, culture, language and spiritual religious belief systems.[21]

Practitioners of Candomblé believe in a Supreme Creator called, Oludumaré (Zambi by the Kongo and Nana Buluku by the Fon) who is served by benevolent lesser deities, which are called Orishas. The Orishas and similar figures form a link between the SPIRITUAL WORLD and the world of humans. Candomblé practitioners believe that every person has their own tutelary deity which controls his or her destiny and acts as a protector. [22]

During the ritual, the high priestess was dressed in a white suit with a white top hat instead of black. She carried a white cane. She smoked a cigar while sipping from a bottle of Bud as she moved around the temple. She called me, Oh Americano, and laughed each time she passed me during the ceremony, because she knew like a long lost child, I understood very little of what I was witnessing of an ancient African past.

As the group and initiates danced to the hypnotic rhythm of the drums, she would approach mostly young females then select one by the tap of the white cane on the floor in front of her to celebrate the fertility and motherhood rite. At the tap of the cane, each female would enter and literally drop down into spirit possession of their deity. The ritual scene in the 1999 movie, Eyes Wide Shut, is similar, but the women are under SATANIC SPIRIT POSSESSION.

Watched and supervised closely by the priestess, each began to remarkably roll and gyrate their waist, hips, the muscles of their buttocks to the drums totally independent of the movement of her other body parts and muscles. It only lasted moments, but it was as if they had unique and total control over each and every individual muscle of their lower extremities between and waist and their legs. I knew enough to know that I had never seen that type of control over the muscles and movements over that part of the body before.


My first impression was that they had practiced, trained and perfected the control over their muscles and tissues. Actual “Spirit Possession” hadn’t entered my mind. I knew very little about it. I had seen uncontrollable “Spirit Possession” and “Talking in Tongues” through the “Holy Ghost” in Black Churches most of the days of life. But this was a priestess controlled and invoked manifestation by a sacred deity that was unknown to me. It was no wonder that the high priestess continued to chuckle at me throughout the ritual. I had no idea of the lost African wonders, mysteries and experiences that I was witnessing.

The “Bounce” as Marketed/Sponsored by Corporate America & Mass Media

It is very true that “twerking” and New Orleans “bounce” dance or display removed from the context of collective African Spiritual Consciousness incorporates many of the same movements of traditional West African Sacred Dance including the emphasis on the hips and buttocks that may be an evolution of our ancient traditions.


Throughout the decades, we have often borrowed dance movements from traditional African Ceremonial Dance and popularized it. However, taking and mass popularizing a movement that directly involves sacred African Spiritual Consciousness and Possession without any spiritual guidance, supervision and controls is deeply troubling.


“Inverted twerking” also pose a serious health risk – exploding head syndrome, dizziness and vertigo. “It makes blood pool in your head, risking clot forming and raising local blood pressure since the brain isn’t equipped to pump the blood back to the heart like the legs are.  This could cause a brain hemorrhage if the pressure rises too much.  Some even claim pooling of blood in the lung can be the consequence of hanging upside down.  So usually you won’t die of it, but it can cause serious medical problems.”[23]

Isolated from its whole, the sacred moment and “Encounter with the Benevolent God(s) of Fertility” that is a mystery has been turned into an institutional Satanic Booty Cult/Spirit Worship that opens a portal for alien demonic spirits and gods to invade the sacred African Collective Spiritual Consciousness.


through the back country of Brazil, and old city of Rio, I have seen with my own eyes the remarkable strange power of ancient African spirit worship and possession. It involves entering streams of complicated hierarchies of benevolent and demonic spirits that ordinary and unknowing people can’t navigate through, replicate, invoke or control without an experience and learned African Priest or Priestess.

Twerking is out of place, order and balance. Its mystery is deliberately being manipulated covertly to initiate Satanic Booty Worship to release those ancient demonic spirits controlled by Luciferians to run amok among us. It is being used primarily by the ILLUMINATI to invoke and honor Lucifer (CHAOS) by dance and music through covert hypnotic and subliminal suggestions of Demonic/Satanic Spirit Possession.


“To the Satanist, he is his own God. SATAN is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates.”[24] Universally, Carnal relates to the physical and especially sexual appetites; worldly or earthly; of or relating to the body or flesh.[25]


The Greek God Pan is a ravenous, insatiable phallic god, whose worshipers would celebrate him with offerings and massive drunken orgies in caves and forests. He’s a god specifically of PRIMAL/CARNAL male sexuality. He loves sex, the joys of the body, and wine. He’s a bringer of panic (hence the name). He is a war god. He is also a musician and singer.[26] He was a rapist.


For generations, Satan has been known as the Lord of CHAOS.[27] The Greek God Pan brings about CHAOS in the rules of orderly societies. Pan disintegrates established orders back into CHAOS. One of the primary ancient Demonic entities directly linked to the Devil’s Other Face (ASS, ANUS) Cult known for generations to enter the unconscious and conscious portals of the mind through dance and music is the Greek God Pan.


Pan‘ is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust, homosexuality, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that they worship.”[28]  “Medieval legends say that the DEVIL CREATED THE GOAT. Satan himself often appeared with goat’s horns, and sometimes changed his shape completely into a goat.” – (Encyclopedia Mythica).”[29]  In the woodcut, PAN leads a woman to SATAN and his BOOTYSATAN’S ANUS excrement in the cauldron appears to have importance in imposing and gaining some type of mind control over initiates and people.


Claude Gillot’s Ancient Ritual Dance Booty-Twerking for the Goat God Pan

The GOAT was sacred to the Temple of Pan.[30] The Cult of Pan is linked to a temple site in city of Banyas (Panias) dated to about 200 BC located at the foot of Mt. Hermon in Northern Israel.[31] During the crusades, Knight Templars invaded, occupied and fortified Panias.[32]



CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau Demonic Rihanna Booty-Twerking for the Goat God


Not every much is known or told about Frenchman Claude Gillot (1673-1722). He was a weird and strange man, and one of France’s elite leading painters of the era. Like Dürer and Baldung, he undoubtedly was a secret elite society Satanist, Sorcerer and Witch.


Gillot was credited with creating the “HOMEAGE TO THE DEVIL”, and the Kiss of Shame (ocsulum infame). Gillot’s Sabbath took place in a dark cave, the DEVIL being shown on the right in the form of a large goat (PAN). There are two cats and a snake in the lower left corner. The snake is associated with the DEVIL and their presence at the Sabbath identify the gatherers with the evil night gatherings to worship SATAN. It also seems to show an act of shameful sodomy by a demon on a gatherer while he reads from the DEVIL’s Spell Book.


The Kiss of ShameOsculum Infame (PAN) is a recurring theme in European DEVIL’S Sabbath.


The infamous Confederate General, Knights of the Golden Circle and KKK leader, Scottish Rite Freemason, Albert Pike, also clearly associated Pan with SATAN, “… Satan is not a black god, but negation of God … this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will.  They represent this Force; under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer.” [Albert PikeMorals and Dogma, p. 102]


PAN was also one of the favorite Satanic Gods of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. Reportedly, Crowley raised the horned god in a secret all night Satanic ritual in Paris. It drove him insane and killed another.[33] Crowley also created a Satanic homosexual rite devoted to Pan in which he was ceremonially sodomized by the god.[34]


The origin of PAN dates at least back to 6th Century BC Thebes, Greece.[35] Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht) is a traditional spring festival celebrated on April 30 or May 1 in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. In Germanic folklore, Walpurgisnacht, also called Hexennacht literally “Witches’ Night“. It is believed to be the night of a witches’ meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany between the rivers Weser and Elbe. The first known written occurrence of the English translation “Walpurgis Night” is from the 19th century.[36]


Walpurgis Night- Witches Sabbath & Booty/Ass Satanic Worship

Well, that is a rather placid description of the “Witches’ Night” or the Witches’ Sabbath. Walpurgis Night is another ancient pagan ritual beside Beltane that celebrate April 30- day of the arrival of spring.[37]  These spring festivals and rituals originate in the worship of the God Pan. Pan was evoked in the springtime to ensure the fertility of both the crops and the people.[38]


PAN’s direct connection to Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath is certainly verified by Demonologist Johannes Praetorius’ Witches’ Sabbath woodcut that dates back to around 1668 from his infamous tract, Blockes-Berges [Brocken] Verrichtung, Leipzig, Germany.[39]


However, Witches’ Night had been recorded taking place in the Harz Mountains as early as the 15th Century AD.[40] It was Praetorius’ woodcut that told us more than anyone else seem to have been willing to expose about what was really going on- revels and orgies with and for the DEVILJohann Richter or Johannes Praetorius (1537 – October, 27, 1616) was a Bohemian German mathematician and astronomer.[41] He was certainly a celebrated witness of his time. Praetorius, according to one authority, “had an open eye and a sharp ear for all wonder stories, witch tales, and accounts of ghosts and sorcery current among the people.”[42]And, he certainly was aware of who the Greek God Pan was and how he factored into the 16th Century Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath as a very important and central Satanic figure.


The PAN Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was/is very-very real.


The Horned God Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was very-very real. It still exists, today …


no matter how profane, lewd, malevolent, and unworldly (anti-DIGNIFIED) it may be.


And PAN’s forbidden Ass/Anus  vulgar backward DANCE to honor SATAN that dehumanize the people; degrade and demean sacred feminine and motherhood is also unbelievable, but also was/is very-very real.


Praetorius was also very vocal about the dances that served the DEVIL (Pan) involving the touching of shameful places that he accused Satanic magicians out of Italy of inventing and spreading. One dance was the La Volta, he described it as “a new galliard… a foreign dance in which they seize each other in lewd places … a whirling dance full of scandalous, beastly gestures and immodest movements. [The volta] is responsible for the misfortune that innumerable murders and miscarriages are brought about by it. [43]


Queen Elizabeth I’s “pleasure aka ‘The Betty Hop’: The lavolta was the ‘dirty dancing’ of the Renaissance. The music was characterized by dotted-rhythms, and the dance itself was deemed quite lewd and lascivious, if not downright immoral and dangerous. The man embraces the woman, places his thigh between her buttocks, one hand on her back and the other alternately near her crotch and bust, and she leaps into the air, the flying skirts revealing glimpses of undergarments and leg. It was denounced as shamelessly obscene and suggestive.”[44]



The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland is the governing body of Freemasonry in Scotland. It was founded in 1736. The oldest records held within the Grand Lodge are meeting minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1 which date from 1599.[45]


Decades before those first minutes of Freemasonry were set to ink, witches on the peaks of Harz Mountains were “Riding the Goat” to each year at the pagan spring festival to the Witch’s Sabbath.


Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746- 1828) “Witches’ Sabbath”, which depicts a crowd of “hoary old hags” listening intently while a black goat preaches to them, and “The Great He-Goat”.[46]


In 1854, Eliphas Lévi published Dogma et Rituele de la Haute Magie, in which he described the Knight Templars’ BAPHOMET as the “Sabbatic Goat”. This is the popular image of Baphomet as the Satanic Black goat, or “Goat of Mendes” as Lévi calls it.[47]


In The Last Test, apocalyptic horror author H.P. Lovecraft makes first mention of Shub-Niggurath, “The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”. Though later descriptions of Shub-Niggurath are not terribly goat-like, its designation as a goat creates a tie between the animal and dark natural forces beyond man’s control.[48] Pan is Patron God of the Witches’ Sabbath and BLACK MASS [Eyes Wide Shut]. He is the BAPHOMET of the Knights Templar, Masons, and the ILLUMINATI. It is a Satanic force far beyond original man’s control.



Witch Beyonce’s Twerk- Feeling the Hot Sulphur  Breath of SATAN

“The owner of the ARCADIA GROUP … the star [Beyonce] on a new athletic street-wear brand. It had been reported that the global venture would launch this year.”[49] Beyonce’s direct ancestor was Joseph Broussard (1702–1765). He is also known as Beausoleil, was a leader of the Acadian people in ACADIA (Colony of New France), Canada.[50]


She admits very freely that she is under Sasha Fierce demonic “SPIRIT POSSESSION.”


Beyonce Ride the Goat to the Witch’s Sabbath and Black Mass


ACADIA is French for ARCADIA which is the Greek land of peace and harmony. It was in fact, “where God PAN was BORN“.[51]



It was no coincidence that Fuhrer Adolf Hitler chose Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath on April 30 to fake his suicide. In Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft stated that the Nuremberg Trials had totally failed to identify the real nature of evil which lay behind the “outer facade of National Socialism”; indeed, “initiation rites and black magic practices [lay at] the inner core of the Nazi leadership”. (Page xiii). From 1909-1913, “Hitler attained higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs and made a penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic …” (Page xxi). Hitler was a “WITCH.”

After his faked death in Berlin in 1945, U.S. Allied Forces followed his reported secret location in the Black Forest on the top of the Harz Mountains (Alpine Redoubt)– the ancient site of the Pan-Germanic Witches’ Sabbath where they (Hitler, Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, Wernher von Braun and top SS Knights of Black Sun) were to be transformed into “WEREWOLVES.”



Blacks in America once were a glowing example and vanguard for revolutionary struggle for the global masses of color. Across the great divide of the Atlantic Ocean on the other side of the midnight, I was surprised and deeply humbled when beautiful little sisters told me that their greatest inspiration for strength and human dignity came from America.

Even though most of them were handicapped by no more than a 2nd grade education, pictures were worth a thousand words to them. They collected and cherished such small things as Jet, Ebony, and Essence magazines that showcased Black Women in America on literally all pages in power, strength, respect and exceptional BEAUTY.

In their world of constant racial oppression, struggle, poverty, lack of equal education and employment opportunities, they clinked to the images of strong, dignified and beautiful Black women in America to inspire them and envision far greater things and opportunities for themselves and their families.


In America, World’s Greatness, the Powerful and Beautiful Florence Griffith Joyner (FloJo) Just Dropped DEAD/MURDERED.


In America, the Beautiful and Queenly Phyllis Hyman was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with DRUGS.


In America, the Beautiful QUEEN DIVA Whitney Houston was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with CIA CRACK COCAINE.

Don’t you see the sick pattern? Brothers Huey and Bobby often said that with our backs up against the wall and cornered, we had the right of the natural law of self defense and preservation to strike back with the deadly lightning fast fury of a BLACK PANTHER. However, when we are under constant direct and subliminal suggestions, influences and by deception by the ILLUMINATI, elite Global Satanic Cabals and this racialist society to turn our backs to our enemies, bend over out of the natural order of things, and TWERK,


and our women and children get down on all fours, crawl, twerk their booty muscles and behind for the enemies’ amusement and exploitation …


you can’t see what’s coming. You can’t see what the government is not doing or doing- false flags and WARS OF GLOBAL AGGRESSIONS. You can’t see who is being shot down in the streets by police or what’s happening to your schools and community, or GENOCIDE. You can’t see the enemy or strike back. Offering your ASS to your enemies is an ancient form of submission, surrender and human humiliation, and AN OLD WORLD HONOR TO SATAN. First Line of Defense- MAAT (Establish ORDER) & DIGNITY (Establish Worthiness of GOD).








[7] Schroder, Willy, A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used by Members of the Order, Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, York Beach, ME (1992), pgs. 115-116















[22] Id.










[32] Id.















[47] Id.




[51] Stutz, Bruce, Chasing Spring, Scibner, NY, NY (2006), pg. 35


13 02 2014


The January 26, 2014 56th Grammy Awards was far more flagrantly Satanic then I had envisioned. Katy Perry’s Grammy “Dark Horse” performance is widely recognized as a Satanic Rite and Open Witchcraft and Satanism on Display.”[1]


I watched Pops Golden Boy Bruno Mars halftime 2014 Super Bowl performance. Satanists identify and connect the color gold to “royal” bloodlines. Gold is called the metal and skin (God RA) [2] of the gods, but to the Anunnaki, menstrual blood was the “gold of the gods.”[3]


LiL Wanye and Bruno Mars, Mirror on the Wall, A Ceremony of Blood

Nevertheless watching Mars’ Super bowl halftime performance, I couldn’t understand or make out much of the words of his songs, particularly Locked Out of Heaven.”


“Never had much faith in love or miracles
But swimming in your water is something spiritual
I’m born again every time you spend the night

Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Cause you make me feel like, I’ve been locked out of heaven
For too long …

Open up your gates cause I can’t wait to see the light…”[4]
Locked Out of Heaven is a veiled reference to a “Fallen Angel” locked out of Heaven- Lucifer.

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Translation of Isaiah 14: 12-17 [5]


Bruno Mars, Classic MK UTRA Mind Control Animal (Sex Kitten) Pattern (BEAST)

Even though, I didn’t consciously understand the names or words of his songs, Bruno’s halftime performance had been implanted in my “subconscious”. “Your sex takes me to paradise has been properly exposed to be another veiled Satanic reference and implant. It is a reference to British Satanist Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, and exposed as a flagrant subliminal “Sex Magick Promotion.”[6]  Beta Sex Kitten Programmed Beyonce and RosicrucianSatanic Jay opened the 56th Grammy Awards with a performance of “Drunk in Love.” Their performance wasn’t so blatantly understood by most people to be open witchcraft and Satanism on display.


“Rose, my dear, you filthy whore, would you be ever so nice as to do a magick ritual with me today?”the BEAST, Aleister Crowley[7]


“Drunk in Love” introduced Beyonce’s new MK ULTRA Sex Kitten alter personality “Yoncé”, above, that is far more “FILTHY”, erotic, perverse and lustful than Demotic Sasha Fierce.

“I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking
I get FILTHY when that liquor get into me …”[8]


You must not ever forget that Beyonce and Jay Z are dedicated Advanced Crowley(es), demonologists and vehement occultists. Almost everything they do is deeply steeped in secrecy, rooted and embedded in hidden ILLUMINATI/Satanic and Rosicrucian symbolism. “Drunk in Love” like Bruno Mars Locked Out of Heaven is a veiled subliminal reference to “Fallen Angels,” Aleister Crowley, and another flagrant “Sex Magick Promotion.”

Satanic Jay- Beholden to the British Empire and Grand Lodge of England


There should be little to no doubt that Satanic Jay Z is a Prince Hall Freemason placed in a higher classic “House Negro- Scottish Rite” secret hierarchy like Dr. Conrad Murray than most lost brothers of the false craft.


These certain House Negroes are exposed to a selective amount of privileges, and so-called secrets of the craft than most Prince Hall Negro members. But again, it is a very secret selective amount of their “truths.”


Prince Hall Freemasons are subservient members of the Grand Lodge of England.[9] Queen Elizabeth’s first cousin, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, above, is the 10th Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of Freemasonry in England and Wales. He has served in that office since 1967, thus being the longest lasting Grand Master.[10] Satanic Jay’s blood covenant with the ILLUMINATI is layered by the deadly Masonic Blood Oath of Secrecy sealed by a secret allegiance to the British Crown, and the Grand Lodge of EnglandPrince Edward, Duke of Kent . Satanic Jay Z’s loyalty is not to the so-called Hip Hop Generation, or any People’s struggle. He is a secret pawn to the Britain Empire’s racial genocidal policies (Caliban Agenda), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the queen’s cousin. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent is a ruling member of the ILLUMANTI and the Committee of 300.[11]

Satanic Jay & Olympians


The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992) by John Coleman, describes the Committee – also known as the Olympians [Greek Gods]– as a secret society of aristocratic Satanists, and identifies them with the Bavarian Illuminati, and Dionysian mysteries.[12] The transmigration [Divinity] of the soul is largely believed to have been inherited by Pythagoras from the Orphic and Dionysian mystery cults that had long preceded the Pythagorean Brotherhood.[13]


The ancient Greek historian Plutarch (46 BC- 120 AD) states, “Osiris is identical with Dionysus,” and the Cult of Osiris/Dionysus that began in Greece is believed to have had its origins with the Theban Hercules,[14] the Great Sen-Wos-Ret, “Son of Wosret [Hathor],”[15] (1971 BC to 1926 BC), the second Pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty.[16]


the Great Sen-Wos-Ret- Sesostris I

The central secret ruling ideology of the oligarchy’s “Divine Order” ordained by the Gods to rule the world is shrouded in mysteries, and the mythology of Osiris/Isis/Horus. The British Empire has maintained global power within the royal families for generations by ILLUSIONS, deception; and veiled perversion of the Theban royal “Divine” ruling dynasties’ secrets, sciences, ideologies, mythologies and cosmologies. Throughout the ages, they are still known by Justice, Balance, Order and Peace, their Splendor, good works to Civilization and MANKIND.[17]


One of the Olympians’ most reverenced High Priests of the Dionysian Mysteries had been British Secret Agent 666 Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST that was used by British intelligence as a spy, for experiments in mind altering drugs, behavior modification and (CIA/MK ULTRA) mind control.[18]

The Committee of 300 was founded by British aristocracy in 1727. It is an international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts- the New World Order.[19] The  is an important and controlled part of the Committee of 300.[20]

Beyonce, Queen Elizabeth I & the Bilderberg Group

Beyonce Knowles and Satanic Jay Z’s secret alliance with the British Crown apparently has been extended by the ILLUMINATI much further than random fanaticism with the British Empire, and Satanic Jay’s British Masonic blood covenant.


They have been rewarded and inducted into the ILLUMINATI to create the ILLUSION of British “Divineness through its European French royal bloodlines. Researchers claim that their issue, Blue Ivy, to be a 23rd cousin twice- removed from the ancestry of Queen Elizabeth II.[21]

Furthermore on November 5, 2011, during the MTV Voices Dinner during the MTV (MTV Networks Europe) Europe Music Awards 2011 at the Merchant Hotel in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Beyonce was reanimated by the ILLUMINATI in the image and spirit of Queen Elizabeth I.[22]

MTV Networks Europe is a division of MTV Networks International, a subsidiary of Viacom. Sumner Redstone aka Sumner Rothstein aka ILLUMINATI is the CEO of Viacom. He is a principal member of the Bilderberg Group or BBG controlled by the Duke of Kent and the Committee of 300.[23]

Beyoncé’s Queen Elizabeth I’s alter was not random. It was created, implanted and fostered by the MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI.


Re-imaging Beyonce in the persona of the Great Witch Queen of Maafa (African Holocaust, Holocaust of Enslavement) wasn’t enough to insult the masses of color. They went further to turn her into a Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley Satanic Talisman of Fallen Angels on a national/international stage, the 2014 Grammy Awards.

Queen Elizabeth I- Arthurian Elvenfolk (half human- Devil) Witch

John 8:44-45

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the LUSTS of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Contrary to romanticized versions of the so-called “Virgin Queen,” Queen Elizabeth I was a racialist demoness, witch and Luciferian in her very own right whose court was a den of the occult filled with sorcerers, witches, and conjurers of devils, fallen angels and demons like Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley.

The House of Tudor claims direct descent from King Arthur. Queen Elizabeth I continued the Arthurian tradition in the family. The Arthurian ancestry of Elizabeth was given especial emphasis at the time of her coronation.” When Elizabeth visited Kenilworth in 1575, an Arthurian costume party and masque were held. Upon the Queen’s arrival, she was met by a woman dressed as Morgan le Fay, who greeted and ritually initiated the queen as King Arthur’s heir.[24]

Morgan le Fay was King Arthur’s half sister, a powerful sorceress  and infamous Elvenfolk Witch in the Arthurian legend. [25] She is also known as a Druid Priestess, Dark Magician, Enchantress, Sea Goddess, and a Shape-Changer.[26]


Shape-Changer- BeyonceSasha Fierce (reanimated MK ULTRA Morgan le Fay/Queen Elizabeth I)

She was one of the foremost recognized witches of all time. Morgan le Fay literally translates “the morning fairy.”[27]

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Isaiah 14:12 (KJV)

In both myth and legend, Morgan le Fay is associated with Lucifer- her right hand man. she is a willing and willful subject for the Lucifer who celebrates her evil: “A will, a horne, a wish, a longing … I never saw a more perfect specimen. Such evil! Such beauty!”


Morgan le Fay invokes Lucifer in ceremonies of veiled deception- duality of the demonic and the divine, the classic Satanic Principle,

Emperor Lucifer, prays Morgan Ie Fay, down on her knees in the chapel of the convent of the Flaming Heart, ‘ master and prince of rebellious spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated, and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the name of the mighty living God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) to appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear and intelligible voice, point by point, to all that I ask thee …'”[28]

In Morgan le Fay’s and King Arthur’s Legendary Court of Knights, Lucifer, demons and fallen angels were invoked to walk among humans to shape the power of the British Crown, and the New World Order.

Queen Elizabeth I’s Coronation in 1559 had been a revival of the secret and mysterious Old Druid Religion of the Prytani (Picti)- Painted People of King Arthur, and secretly a Luciferian Rite of Initiation and Passage.

The Great BEAST 666, Queen Elizabeth I, Dr. John Dee, Edward Kelley & Enochian (Fallen Angel) Sex Magick

Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick is a secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[29] The Enochian system of magic as practiced today is primarily the product of researches and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee, Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[30]

Dr. John Dee is important. Dee (July 13, 1527–1608 or 1609) was a Welch mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist, and chief consultant to Witch Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.[31]

“Enochian” is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the” Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the“Holy Language”, or Adamical” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term“Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language below the Great Fall.[32]


In 1582, Dr. Dee hired Edward Kelley as a medium to help him communicate and consult with spirits. The Great BEAST considered Kelley one of his prior incarnations.[33]


Dee and Kelley used crystal balls and a black obsidian scying (seeing) mirror [34] taken from the Mayans and other civilizations of great antiquity to communicate with fallen angels, spirits and demons.[35] Through their contact with fallen angels, Dee and Kelley were given instructions to create a magical talisman to make contact with them more easily.[36]

According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a talisman is “a magical figure charged with the force which it is intended to represent. In the construction of a talisman, care should be taken to make it, as far as possible, so to represent the universal forces that it should be in exact harmony with those you wish to attract, and the more exact the symbolism, the easier it is to attract the force”.[37]

With the help of several angels, Dee and Kelley were able to compose four elemental tablets containing a hierarchy of specialized angels which could be summoned to the service of the magician.[38]

Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences per instructions from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magick” can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.” Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress[39]

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[40]

Yoncé– the 2014 Grammy’s Sex Magick Show & the Scarlet Woman


Lucifer’s Color is BLUE [41]

Babalon (also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) is a goddess found in Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666’s mystical system of Thelema. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman; she is also identified with MOTHER EARTH, in her most fertile sense.[42]

At the Grammy’s, Yoncé and Satanic Jay performed an erotic piece co-written by Beyonce called “Drunk in Love.” Its lyrics express “UNBRIDLED LUST” [43] and ancient phallic-Masonic worship,[44]

I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking
I get filthy when that liquor get into me
I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking
Why can’t I keep my fingers off it, baby?

“We be all night, and everything alright
No complaints for my body, so fluorescent under these lights Boy, I’m drinking, walking in my l’assemblage …
If you scared, call that reverend

Boy, I’m drinking, INNA bring it right…”[46]



INNA generally means EARTH. It is a name associated with the Indian God/Goddess Venkateswara.[47] Lord Venkateswara is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.[48] The attributes and traits of Enki is synonymous with Lord Vishnu. For instance,


“As the Fish Avatar and Lord of Wisdom, Vishnu must be considered synonymous with Lord Enki. And in fact, one of the incarnations of Vishnu, the Matsya or Fish Avatar is identical with Sumerian Enki.”[49]


Compare Nin-imma Symbol with Hathor’s Symbolic Wig

Nin-imma(Earth Mother) is a Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian fertility goddess and deification of the female sex organs. Her parents are ENKI and Ninkurra. Her name derives from the Sumerian words nin – goddess, and immawater that created everything. [50]


ENKI- Sumerian Deity of Creation, Water and Intelligence


Inanna is the Sumerian Goddess of love, fertility, and warfare. Inanna’s name derives from Queen of Heaven (Sumerian: Nin-anna).[51] In Sumerian Mythology, Nin-anna, Nin-imma, and Enki, a son of Anu, represent the Anunnaki that landed on Earth from a distance solar system called Nibiru in far great antiquity.[52]

In Great Antiquity, Nin-imma is known by many names and spellings mainly Ninhursag (Earth Mother),[53] Ninmah (“Great Queen”) and Nintu (“Lady of Birth”). Both Nin-imma and Nin-anna traits are similar to the Kemet Goddess WORSET (Hathor).[54]


“Properly understood, Hathor should be viewed as the Egyptian counterpart of the Sumerian Inanna, the latter goddess being explicitly identified with Venus in the earliest written sources. The fundamental identity of the two goddesses is clearly revealed upon consideration of their respective epithets and characteristics. As Inanna/Venus was invoked as the ‘Lady of the Evening’ or as the ‘Evening Star,’ so too is Hathor invoked as ‘Lady of the Evening.” As Inanna/Venus is said to ‘rise’ from the horizon, so too is it said that ‘Hathor rises within the horizon.’ As Inanna was depicted ‘rising’ between the two gates of heaven, so too was it said of the Egyptian goddess: ‘[The gates?] of the horizon [are thrown open(?)] for Hathor.’ As Inanna was said to reside on the mountain of heaven, so too does Hathor live upon the ‘mountain of the west,’ the latter described as a celestial mount on which the ancient sun-god was wont to retire at night. Early illustrations of Hathor on the ‘mountain of the west’ from the Book of the Dead show the cow-headed goddess with her familiar menat-symbol (see figure one), the latter of which shows an eight-pointed star set on a disc, a striking analogue to Inanna’s star … Like Hathor, Inanna was likened to a cow in early Sumerian literature, one hymn invoking her as ‘the great cow among the gods of heaven and earth.’ As Inanna inspired terror as a fire-spewing dragon, so too did Hathor in the form of the uraeus serpent. Thus, a hymn at Philae invokes Hathor as ‘the Great One shining on the brow of her father, the glorious one who causes fear of her father.’ Other hymns describe the Egyptian goddess as a fiery serpent raging in the sky …”[55]

In Kemetic mythology, the Goddess Wosret [Hathor] (Het-Heru“the House of Horus”) is a Great Queen of antiquity. She was known as “the Great One of Many Names” and her titles and attributes are so numerous that she was important in every area of the life and death of the people of Kemet.[56] Hathor personifies the principles of love, beauty, music, dance, motherhood and joy.[57]

Goddess Hathor (Earth Mother)[58] is an extremely important and popular fertility goddess, associated with the cow. Her name refers to her position as the celestial cow which encircles the sky and hawk god, Horus. She was also a goddess of royalty and since the pharaohs were seen as related to Horus, she was seen as the divine mother of the reigning pharaoh.[59]

In the Great BEAST’S poetic work, Tannhauser, she is one of the characters that is of the “World of the Gods.” Therein she has merely one line: “Light, Truth, arise, arise!” In this work she is seen as being synonymous with Aphrodite and Mary. Venus is seen as being the “Evil and Averse HATHOOR of the “World of Demons.”[60]

Whether it is Nin-imma or Nin-anna, Yoncé’s Inna– Satanic patron goddess is associated with the Sumerian Creation God ENKI and both goddesses are synonymous with WORSET [Hathor], the Great BEAST’s Hathoor. In Yoncé and Satanic Jay’s Drunk in Love, Inna-NIN-IMMA/NIN-ANNA- HATHOOR bring it right.

Reverend Boy– the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley

Drunk in Love: “If you scared, call that reverend Boy…”


“Do What Thou Wilt” – Aleister Crowley

Reverend Boy- unlike being an ordained minister, for instance, a Reverend of the Church of Satan is who is revered by the believers or Satanists- while a priest or minister is one who dedicates their life to preaching religion to others.[61] Basically, Drunk in Love, recounts one of the Great BEAST’s continuous Satanic Tantra-Sex Magick Ritual sometimes referred to as the Babalon Workings that involves Crowley‘s satanic philosophies, and Demoness Scarlet Women.[62]

The sex ritual may involve days or weeks at a time fueled by drugs, alcohol and altered states of consciousness. “Most of Crowley’s adult life was dedicated to indulging in everything he believed God would hate: performing sex magic, taking heroin, opium, hashish, peyote and cocaine, invoking spirits, and even once offering himself to the Russian authorities to help destroy Christianity. He wrote volumes of books that he believed were dictated to him by a spirit from ancient Egypt called Aiwass.

To worship me take wine and strange drugs,” the spirit conveniently told him. “LUST, enjoy all things of sense and rapture. Fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.” [63]

Beyonce’s lyrics in the song, “We be all night, and everything alright … No complaints for my body…” supports the notion that it involves the Great BEAST’s Sex Magick Ritualistic extreme practice of LUST and pushing the human body to its extreme maximum point of exhaustion to reach higher a level of alter consciousness in tune with demonic spirits and deities such as NIN-IMMA- HATHOOR..

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[64]



In about 1586, Dr. John Dee translated a secret satanic book of antiquity from Greek called Necronomicon. The original Arabic title of the work was “Kitab al Azif” which can roughly translated as “The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn [Demons]. The Latin version of the name, “Necronomicon” retains to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead.[65]

To the believers, the Necronomicon is a very powerful textbook that is recognized by Satan and Demons as an allegorical guide that reveals secret, ancient and powerful knowledge from antiquity. It is a work that is denied by many and claimed not to exist. The true purpose of the Necronomicon is to serve as a textbook of magic for the opening the soul. “Leviathan”/ “Cthulhu,” are names for the Serpent Kundalini “who lies sleeping and dreaming.” “Narayana” probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu “Mahabharata” which is thousands of years old.[66]

Aleister Crowley was a direct, vivid and remarkable student of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley incarnated. Crowley is associated with authoring a Latin version of Necronomicon, it would have been naturally a secret translation of Dr. Dee’s 1586 original version from Greek. The 21st Century version of the Necronomicon Kundalini experience is the awakening and release of the sleeping coiled snake within.


The “serpent power”, once awakened, is coaxed up the central channel of the spine, entering the chakras (psychic energy centres) until it reaches the Crown chakra- and yogi achieves “ILLUMINATION”.[67]


Crowley‘s secret Sex Magick Rituals (Cosmic Fallen Angelic Sex Practices) awakens and release the sleeping snake (Secret Fire) within that is the Necronomicon Kundalini Experience taken from the Ancient Necronomicon- The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Demons. Crowley states that the 24th Path is attributed to the Goddess Kundalini in 777.[68]


And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Necronomicon Kundalini Experience – Release the Sleeping Snake, the Secret Fire


Necronomicon Kundalini Experience- Beyonce, the Secret Fire & the Coiled Snake 


Necronomicon Kundalini- Worship of Snakes- Stylized Inanna Star Symbol


One of the Great BEAST’s Scarlet Women


Drunk in Love & the Mysterious Watermelon Reference

Watermelons Fit for Kings


“Never tired, never tired
I been sippin’, that’s the only thing
That’s keeping me on fire, me on fire …
I’ve been drinking, WATERMELON …”

Yoncé and Satanic Jay’s Drunk in Love has a very curious reference to drinking WATERMELON, above, as part of ritual ceremonies of the Sex Magick/Babalon Workings.


Needless to say, Watermelons have become an offensive stereotypical object of ridicule and humiliation to the Black masses. My first inclination was to just dismiss it as random. However, if it part of the secret ritual revealed by them, then the veil over it has to lifted to expose its secret history, its magical, mystical and sacred properties.

Watermelon is mentioned in the Bible as a food eaten by the ancient Israelites while they were in Kemet. By the 10th century, watermelons were being cultivated in China. By the 13th Century, the Moors introduced the fruit to Europe; according to John Mariani’s Dictionary of American Food and Drink, “watermelon” made its first appearance in an English dictionary in 1615.[70] Technically, the watermelon is actually not a true melon, but an rather unique berry of the genus Citrullus. It is an old and very ancient fruit. On the basis of chloroplast DNA investigations that the cultivated and wild watermelon diverged independently from a common ancestor, possibly C. ecirrhosus from Namibia.[71]

Evidence of its cultivation in the Nile Valley can be traced back to its pre- dynastic period and throughout the Great Pyramid Age, Twelfth Dynasty of the Great Sen-Wos-Ret to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and thereafter.[72] The Citrullus was indeed a sacred plant. During the Twentieth Dynasty of the Ramseside Age (1187 to 1064 BC), the Great Rameses II’s High Priest Nibsoni was discovered buried with the leaves of the Citrullus scattered between his mummy and the sides of his coffin.[73]

Undoubtedly, King Tut and many pharaohs, queens and high priests believed that the Citrullus held some unseen-unknown secret mystical and sacred properties for use of it even in the afterlife.[74] There appears to have been a sacred tradition among the pharaohs and high priests of Kemet that the Citrullus plant and seeds had been necessary to aid the soul and the spirit in transition to the stars.

Watermelons are 80-90% water, their element. The watermelon is associated with many properties related to the liquid element, including purification, healing and changes. Bewitching secret, “Watermelons are a change oriented magical plant, lying somewhere between a vegetable and a fruit and can help you cross boundaries by cleansing your body and soul to prepare you for what’s to come.”[75]

In the great land of tens of thousands of years, Citrullus plant and its seeds possessed spiritual/mystical properties necessary to aid the soul and the spirit in the transition to the stars. Throughout the ages, covens of witches, sorcerers, magicians and Satanists have stolen the legacy of the people of Kemet and perverted its secrets and sacred sciences for their own pride, good, glory; and the cult of deception.

In Conclusion

John 8:44

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

As pointed out above, Beyonce, Satanic Jay, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars and most of the current black entertainment industry don’t sing songs for you. The ILLUMINATI promotes things like Satanism, sexual freedom- Tantric Sex Magick, drugs, homosexuality, feminism and other “anti-family” values as diversions, and interfere and destroy critical thinking among the masses. It is also designed to destroy and compound the traditional and religious values of the masses to make it easier to control them; and discourage real dissent, opposition and resistance to the global rule of an all- powerful self-appointed Olympians (Divine Gods), and the New World Order.

Ephesians 6:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

About a decade or more ago, I was informed by a black female CIA/FBI secret informant that the Black Expo in Oakland was beginning a workshop in Tantric Sex for Black people, and offered that I might want to attend. I had known her for years, but I had recently finally figured out who she really was. I asked her what patron demons or spirits that they planned to conjure up for Black folk. She looked at me for a moment in silence, than changed the subject until she could just ease away. Infiltration of the Black Community with Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Tantric-Sex Magick as a diversion and opium for the masses has been on the ILLUMINATI’S agenda for quite sometime.

The music and movie industries have been ordered to do their part by promoting the ILLUMINATI’s mass population control agenda as well. In addition to promoting evil versus good values, they also implant and dominate the popular and black entertainment industry with complex Satanic and ILLUMINATI symbolism to confuse the masses.

Stolen Legacy, by George G. M. James, [1954]

Among mankind and history of civilization, the earliest theory of salvation is the Egyptian theory. The Egyptian [Kemetic] Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals (Ancient Mysteries, C. H. Vail, P. 25).[1]

They don’t sing songs for us. The Kemetic theory of “Music (or Harmony) meant the living practice of philosophy i.e., the adjustment of human life into harmony with God, until the personal soul became identified with God, when it would hear and participate in the music of the spheres. It was therapeutic, and was used by the Egyptian Priests in the cure of diseases. Such was the Egyptian theory of salvation, through which the individual was trained to become godlike while on earth, and at the same time qualified for everlasting happiness. This was accomplished through the efforts of the individual, through the cultivation of the Arts and Sciences on the one hand, and a life of virtue on the other. There was no mediator between man and his salvation, as we find in the Christian theory.”

The adjustment of our lives into harmony with God, until the personal soul becomes identified with God doesn’t need the mediation of the Great BEAST. Reaching Human Perfection and Illumination through Satan/LUCIFERSex Magick, drugs, alcohol, talisman and a scarlet woman is a deception and diversion.


There is no doubt that both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s had become ILLUMINATI and a slave to their father, LUCIFER.

However, I sincerely believe that Donny Hathaway fought and resisted the ILLUMINATI until he was thrown from the window of his 15th story hotel room to his death to stop his melodies and harmonies to the masses. When Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston found the power and courage to resist, they were also murdered. During her struggles with CIA/MK ULTRA electronic harassment, drugging and mind control, she found the inspiration to resist if only for a moment to sing Donny’s spiritual and therapeutic-soothing melody to the world, “A Song for You.” I sincerely believe like many other artists this is what she started out to do and what she really wanted do with her life and career.

















































[49] Pinkham, Mark Amaru, Guardians of the Holy Grail, The Knights Templar, John the Baptist and Water of Life, Adventures Unlimited (2004), pg. 159
























[73] Lockyer, Sir Norman, Nature: International Journal of Science, Vol. 28, Nebu Press (2012), pg. 113





20 09 2010


All things take place under the all-seeing eye of God. For all her overt satanic symbolism, Beyonce Knowles received a seal of approval from CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) Sunday evening, September 12, 2010 on national television. Steve Kroft of CBS’ 60 Minutes news magazine under a veil puffed, “You have a really sort of clean-cut, wholesome reputation.” Kroft went on massaging Beyonce and deliberately triggered one of her subliminal disassociated and altered states of consciousness on the national television stage. Kroft stealthily called forth the alter, “And then, out there on the stage, you’re a seductress.” Sasha Fierce replied, laughing, “Okay. Thanks. I’ll take that.”[1]

“I have someone else that takes over when it’s time for me to work and when I’m on stage, this alter ego that I’ve created that kind of protects me and who I really am”.

Traditional, a seductress is a female seduced by the serpent (Devil/Lucifer-Satan) to lead mankind astray. In social science, seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in some sort of human sexual behavior. The word seduction stems from Latin and means literally “to lead astray”. As a result, the term may have a positive or negative connotation. Famous satanic seducers from history or legend include Eve, Lilith,[3] Calypso,[4] Circe, Delilah, Jezebel,[5] and Ishtar, the Whore of Babylon.[6]

Beyonce, “I’ve created an alter ego …things I do when performing I would never do normally. I reveal things about myself that I wouldn’t do in an interview. I have out-of-body experiences. If I cut my leg, if I fall, I don’t even feel it. I’m so fearless, I’m not aware of my face or my body.”[7] As you can easily observe, Beyonce and Sasha is meeant to represent absolute and different persons. Most of the images of Beyonce and Sasha is also symbolically contrasted in black and white which encompasses the ancient doctrine of dualism, the two realms of good and evil, light and darkness, order and chaos as independent principles.

Rihanna and Lady Gaga-left eye veil. Lady Gaga says it represents an Illumunation Rite.  Notice also that each face on Beyonce’s album cover above veils the left eye, symbolic again of the All-Seeing Eye. In the ancient mythological battle between Horus (order-good) and Set-Seth (chaos-evil), Horus lost a left eye (chaos-evil). Horus’ left eye was reassembled by the magic of Thoth (god of writing, moon & magic), the “All-Seeing Eye.” The African myth of Osiris, Isis and Horus classical battle against Set had been bastardized by freemasonry and satanist disinformation.


Beyonce’s alter state of consciousness, Sasha Fierce, is overtly and classically satanic, demonic and evil. A picture is worth a thousand words. Beyonce has her hands on the handle bars of a simulated bike while Baphomet (Satan) is on the grill. Sasha is the driving force behind the demon. Sasha is “the vehicle of Baphomet.”[8]

The name Baphomet then became associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn by Eliphas Lévi. The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley, the Godfather of Modern Satanism. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.”[9]

Beyonce’s preoccupation with Baphomet (Satanism) is much more than a passing fascination or an exercise of free speech or art for the sake of art. She is lifting up Baphomet as much so as the Knights Templar and the Great Beast.

Beyonce and Jay Z playing with classic dualism of the Black Sun Theology of the SS (Schutzstaffel). Beyonce is dressed in the silvery rays of the Sun (Order) with all seeing eye triangle had sign, while Jay Z is dressed in black with skull and bones (Black Sun-Chaos), emblem of the SS, Skull and Bones, and the Brotherhood of Death

Beyonce in two different, additional and intentional symbolic Baphomet costumes.

Playing with the Devil, Beyonce featuring a ring in Baphomet’s image.

Beyonce is undoubtedly more under the spell and trance of the All-Seeing Eye of Baphomet and Satanism than exercising art for art’s sake, and the freedom of exercise of Free Speech.

Strange pictures of Beyonce and Alicia Keys under the All-Seeing Eye in Rio de Janeiro appearing like mannequins and dolls.

Beyonce appears in dehumanizing animal leopard skin print popular Luciferian-Secret Doctrine sex salve/kitty kat mind control theme for women of color. For whatever reasons, Beyonce’s Kitty Kat musical video is off limits in the United States, a MK ULTRA mind control programming video? However, I stand to be corrected on that. Above, Beyonce plays with overt pussycat mind control themes. The enormous black cat is an ancient symbol of magic and mystery. Whereas, symbolic magic and mystery (pussycat mind control programming) has consumed and overpowered Beyonce. The black cat is also symbolic and stereotypical image of her alter personality Sasha Fierce, the cat of a witch.

Rihanna, an overt programmed satanic symbolic sex slave/kitty kat Luciferian mind control victim also in leopard skin caged like an animal in bondage like a sex slave.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Grace Jones and Amber Rose in racist demeaning dehumanizing naked-semi-naked Luciferian mind control sex slave and animal theme for Black women. “DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS” is shockingly and frightening inscribed above Jones’ cage, literally meaning don’t feed Black people (People of Color) knowledge, education and humanity.

On the national television stage, Beyonce and CBS were mockingly indifferent to mind control, “spirit possession” and Sasha Fierce’s Luciferian subtext for mass media consumption and public deception. Beyonce and Sasha Fierce’s sideshow wasn’t a slipshod act. It was much bigger. It was veiled. It is designed to lead astray People of Color from Christianity, moral justice and the (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., etc.) Black Messiah Complex.

By the way, it wasn’t just faith or circumstantial that CBS has given its seal of approval on the demonic possessed Beyonce. CBS has among its founding some of the world’s most villainous and dangerous New World Order (NWO) Lords of Chaos. CBS, Beyonce and Sasha Fierce were a 21st century séance. Beyonce and Sasha Fierce was a subliminal exercise of Lucifer’s power on national television.


William S. Paley, CBS Founder

Television created the capability to “out-Goebbels, Goebbels.” -William S. Paley, founder of CBS-

Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) and the All Seeing Eye was the product of William S. Paley (1901-1990), Isaac and Leon Levy.[10] During World War II, Paley was an OSS agent and deputy director of the U.S. Psychological Warfare Branch.[11]

Paley hired Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, as his chief adviser. Bernays  had authored the book,  Propaganda, in which he proclaimed,  “Those who manipulate the organizes habits and opinions of the masses constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of the country……It remains a fact that almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world…..As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented.”[12] CBS was created as a vehicle for the invisible government. You will be surprised to find out the legendary players behind its founding setting the agenda.

William Averill Harriman (1891-1986), a powerful member of the U.S. invisible government introduced Prescott Sheldon Bush (1895-1972) to Paley.[13] In 1929, Harriman had represented CBS in a merger with Paramount Studios. Harriman served as Secretary of Commerce under President Harry S. Truman and later as the 48th Governor of New York. He was a candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination in 1952, and again in 1956 when he was endorsed by President Truman but lost to Adlai Stevenson. Harriman served President Franklin D. Roosevelt as special envoy to Europe and served as the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union and U.S. Ambassador to Britain. He served in various positions in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations.[14]

In 1932, Prescott Bush took an active role in arranging the financing for Paley to purchase CBS and joined the board of directors. Throughout the 1950s, Paley admitted working with the CIA by allowing agents to pose as CBS employees. Bush’s son, George H.W. Bush also a notorious CIA agent, had known Lee Harvey Oswald’s (patsy of JFK Assassination) covert CIA handler, George de Mohrenschildt, since 1942. Mohrenschildt’s father-in-law, Walter Samuel Washington, was in charge of more than 250 CIA agents between the years of 1950-53, ten years before the JFK Assassination. Mohrenschildt also worked for Paley & CBS.[15]

“CIA director Allen Dulles, CBS chairman William Paley, and CBS board director Senator Prescott Bush were intimate associates in various sociopolitical networks of the northeastern seaboard establishment found in Washington and New York during the days of the early Cold War…Whether they would meet in their private clubs, at the Harold Pratt House of the Council on Foreign Relations, or in Wall Street corporate and bank board rooms, these old birds of a feather flocked, connived, schemed, and conspired together.”[16]

Wall Street Financers Behind CBS & Nazis- Averill Harriman, Prescott Bush & Nelson D. Rockefeller

Harriman and Nelson D. Rockefeller (1908-1979) were members of “The Knights of Pythias” that has the same emblem, skull and bones, as Heinrich Himmler’s Death’s-Head Units (SS-Totenkopfverbände) and the Skull and Bones Society. Harriman, Rockefeller and Bush were also Bones men of Yale University. Rockefeller succeeded Harriman as Governor of New York. Brown Brothers-Harriman, Prescott Bush (Skull & Bones, 1917), and his father-law George Herbert Walker funded and directed the military-industrial complex behind the worlds greatest Luciferian Adolf Hitler and the National Socialism Movement (Thule Society) of Nazi Germany. [17]

In 1942, Prescott Bush and Averill’s brother, E. Roland Harriman, of Union Banking Corporation were indicted for trading with and aiding the Nazis in war.[18] The Harriman and Bush families also helped fund the eugenics (race science) movement that fueled the Nazi death and racial extermination camps[19] that slew at least ten (10) million people.


Prescott Bush was a Wall Street executive banker, and a U.S. Senator representing  Connecticut from 1952 until January 1963. In 1924, Bush became vice-president of A. (Averill) Harriman & Co with Bush’s Yale classmate and fellow Yale Bonesman, E. Roland Harriman. The Skull and Bones is a super secret society, part of the invisible government and the New World Order (NWO). The symbol of Yale’s Skull and Bones is a skull with two cross bones, no. 322.

There is a world-wide secret society called the Brotherhood of Death Society, whose symbol is also the skull with two crossed bones. The Thule Society of Germany is alleged to be a chapter that chartered Yale’s Skull and Bones Society being chapter 322.

Thule Society is named for ancient mythical island birthplace of Aryans. Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, the legendary center of a lost advanced civilization. The secrets of lost-world Thule was retained and guarded over the ages by secret chiefs. The Secret Chiefs are ancient, highly intelligent beings similar to the supernatural beings often called the “Masters” of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood. The Thule Society believes that the truly initiated could establish contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals. The “Masters” or “Ancients” allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with supernatural strength and energy. With the help of these energies, the goal of the initiated is to create a race of Supermen of “Aryan” stock who would exterminate all “inferior” races.[20]

The German Thule Society members included the heart and soul and architects of the National Socialist Party (Nazis). It included Dietrich Eckart, who coached Adolph Hitler on his public speaking skills and had Mein Kampf dedicated to him. Hitler, Herman Goring, Karl Haushofer, Heinrich Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg were members of the Thule. Eckert believed he had been told by his guiding spirit he would have the privilege of training the coming Great One, the Anti-Christ. From the beginning of their association, Eckert believed Hitler was Anti-Christ. [21]

The Thule Society were Satanists who practiced occultic ritual magic, “solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to awareness of evil and nonhuman intelligences in the universe; and with achieving means of communication with these intelligences.” (Ravenscroft, Spear of Destiny, p. 161).

The Thule Society regularly held occultic séances, during which time they communicated with demons who were either masquerading as a dead person or who were just appearing as their guiding spirits. Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, and Adolf Hitler invoked the Anti-Christ into manifestation at the mediumistic séances of the Thule Group in Munich.” (Ravenscroft, p. 168)

“Thule members practiced a form of Sexual Magic derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member. Crowley was recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 20th Century. “The origin of this…medieval magic…can be traced to a Freemason, Robert Little, who founded the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865… (Ravenscroft, p. 164-5). Ravenscroft stated that “indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of Evil Intelligences.”

The Skull and Bones also incorporates Crowley’s sadist sexual magic rituals into their practices. “The death of the initiate will be as frightful as the use of human skeletons and ritual psychology can make it…” (Esquire Magazine, “The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones”, Ron Rosenbaum, p. 89). Sexual perversion is part of ritual psychology. Ron Rosenbaum, author of the Esquire Magazine article, stated that on initiation night, called tap night, “…if one could climb to the tower of Weir Hall, the odd castle that overlooks the Bones courtyard, one could hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb as the 15 newly tapped members were put through what sounded like a harrowing ordeal…” (Esquire, September, 1976, p. 86).

Skull and Bones, Thule Society, Aleister Crowley and ritual sexual magic connects to Pauline Robinson Pierce (1896-1949). Pauline is the mother of Barbara Bush, wife of Prescott’s elder son, George Herbert Walker Bush. Pauline Pierce as in SASHA PIERCE was a direct disciple of Aleister Crowley. Pauline was a sixth-level initiate within the OTO (the Ordo Templi Orientis, Crowley’s mystical society. [22] Pauline was a young blue-blood adventurous socialite related in bloodline to the 14th President of the United States, Franklin Pierce. Pauline was a friend of the wife of Frank (Sex is the Gateway of Life) Harris (1856-1931). Harris, “A reprobate and womanizer…he became editor of the London Evening News and Fortnightly Review, buying the Saturday Review. Marrying a rich widow, he became a Conservative parliamentary candidate, supported Oscar Wilde during the trials, brought a hotel in Monte Carlo…returned to journalism, became Winston Churchill’s literary agent, turned…to being a novelist, biographer and essayist, became…the editor of the early women’s magazine, Health & Home, had a succession of mistresses…”[23]

In late 1924, Frank Harris was Aleister Crowley’s notorious benefactor and cohabiter in Paris, France when Pauline joined them undoubtedly in wild O.T.O sexual magic rituals. In June 1925, Pauline gave birth to Barbara Pierce, Barbara Pierce Bush, the former 1st Lady Barbara Pierce Bush. At approximate the time that Barbara Bush had been conceived, her mother had a scarlet woman, a mistress of the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.Pauline Pierce died in 1949 when her husband, Marvin Pierce, allegedly accidental, ran his car into a stonewall killing her instantly.  Pauline had been rumored to be scandalously involved with five star general war hero and upcoming candidate for 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

When Eisenhower became president, Prescott Bush, the Great Demon Manipulator) was in the pocket as one of Eisenhower’s closest private (Invisible Government/Skull and Bones) advisor, controller and handler. Prescott Bush, the Great Manipulator, was also moved in as a key advisor, private chief counsel and handler of Harry S. Truman (1884-1972, the 33rd President of the United States.

Prescott Bush also groomed the 36th President, Richard Milhouse Nixon, a confirmed post-war Nazi collaborator. Bush was the father of the 41st President of the U.S., George H.W. Bush and grandfather of the 43rd U.S. President, George W. (GW) Bush. Prescott Bush was the ultimate Servant of the Luciferians that concede nothing and know no limit in their battle for absolute Power to take the heart, mind and soul of the masses for a NWO.

Whether you call them the Illuminati, Olympians, Nazis or Luciferians, they are for real. In the 20th Century, Prescott Bush aided and abetted the Nazis in bringing about WWII. The Nazis brought the world to the brink of total Chaos causing the death and destruction of least 100 million people around the world.Prescott Bush; George H.W. and Barbara Bush’s prodigy G. W. Bush ushered in the 21st Century with a permanent state of Chaos (War on Terrorism) with wars of aggression against the nations of Iraq, Afghanistan; and death squads encircling the globe. In the 9-11 Deception, Wars of Aggression, Unjust Political Abductions and Assassinations and the Karina Racial State Crime Against Democracy, G.W. Bush has demonstrated a state of indifference, racism and inhumanity unparalleled since the decade of Nazism.

Did Prescott Bush through The Brotherhood of Death (Skull and Bones) quit pro quo become Vice President of A. Harriman in 1924 for the satanic bargain for power, fame and fortune? Was Prescott Bush the secret handler of the Scarlet Woman? Did Prescott Bush through The Brotherhood of Death (Skull and Bones) trade his soul for his second born son (6/12/24) to marry the scarlet woman and Crowley’s satanic moon child, Barbara Pierce (6/8/25) and become a future President of the United States?

So what do you think? Is she the Moon Child of the Luciferians (Brotherhood of Death)? You know my answer.

Harriman and Bush’s Nazi war criminal protégé Josef Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda manipulated art and music to spread Nazism, mass racial murder, Satanism as a means of shocking themselves and others out of the mundane, linear mindset.[24] From the Dark Ages of Europe, very little if anything has changed at CBS.


“It is necessary to establish a universal regime over the whole world.” Adam Weishaupt (Writings of the Illuminati, 1780)[25]

Middle Age Images of the All-Seeing Eye of the Templars Similar to the CBS Logo

CBS has admitted that its All Seeing Eye logo is an illuminati occulted symbol from the Middle Ages. It was taken from a 19th Century Shaker’s art book.[26] The Shaking Quakers, as they were called, used the All-Seeing Eye symbol on its uniquely styled rounded barn because it scared “the devil out of the corners.”[27]

During the 18th Century, the Shakers, a Protestant sect, migrated and were forcibly expatriated to America from England. The Shakers worshiped in a wild dance of “spirit possession.”  This religion of shaking and “spirit possession” derived directly from “French Prophets,” the Camisards that fled from the Vatican Inquisitions of the Middle Ages.[28]

The Camisards, also known as the Prophets of Cevennes, was a group that arose out of the same areas of Southern France as the Cathars, and just like their predecessors had been driven out by the Vatican with military force, escaping into Geneva and London in the early part of the eighteenth century. They too hated the Catholic Church and denied the divinity of Jesus, and just like both the Cathars and the Knights Templar, they dressed themselves in white tunics.[29] During night raids, they wore black tunics burning Catholic churches and killing priests and royal troops in divine providence.[30]

“The first occurrence [of revolt] grew out of the prophetic utterance of a ten year old girl…she called for repentance…soon children all over the Cevennes were seized by the spirit and prophesied. Children as young as three were known to have exhorted the people in religious discourses. Adults, too, were seized by the spirit and spoke in tongues – their physical actions were quite excessive. They fell backwards with the body extended at full length on the ground, their bodies went through contortions including heaving of the chest and inflation of the stomach – afterwards they would prophesy, exhorting the people to repent and denounce the RC Church” (Quotes from various historical sources)[31] “…the Camisards … like the Cathars … stressed the supremacy of gnosis, or direct knowledge, over faith …”[32] The “French Prophets,” the Camisards, were among the Illuminati of France.

Illuminés of France

The movement (under the name of Illuminés) seems to have reached France from Seville in 1623, and attained some following in Picardy when joined in1634 by Pierce Guerin, curé of Saint-Georges de Roye, whose followers, known as Gurinets, were suppressed in 1635. A century later, another, more obscure body of Illuminés came to light in the south of France in 1722, and appears to have lingered till 1794, having affinities with those known contemporaneously in Britain as ‘French Prophets’, an offshoot of the Camisards. [33]


We come full circle back to Beyonce and Sasha Fierce, Schizoids of the 21st Century, courtesy of Columbia Records.”[34] Back to Columbia as CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) and 60 minutes. It’s all related. Columbia goes back to a group of Freemasons that came to this country before the founding of the constitution, who were called the Colombians, known as the Colombian faction.

They founded what we know as Columbia University. Out of that has come Columbia space shuttle, Columbia Pictures, Columbia Records and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), with the all Seeing Eye on the pyramid as their symbol. The nation’s capital, the District of Columbia, is a separate district. The District of Columbia was a section of the geography that was set aside by a very powerful group, the Colombian faction, working behind the scenes during the founding of the country.

“The Statue of Liberty is the symbolic image of the goddess worshipped by the Illuminati bloodlines since they were based in Babylon (and before). She goes under many names, including Queen Semiramis, the ‘branch bearer’, who was symbolized as a dove …When the Illuminati bloodlines moved their headquarters to Rome, the goddess was worshipped as Venus Columba or ‘Venus the Dove’. The French word for dove is still colombe. This is why a man who signed his name ‘Colon’ is known to official history as ‘Columbus’. He was bearing the branch of the dove into the Americas in 1492 and was given this symbolic name relating to the Illuminati goddess.” [35]

“Their (Illuminati) most used symbols are the lighted torch, the symbol of knowledge and the Sun. When an initiate reaches a certain level in the pyramid they are said to be ‘illuminated,’ more symbolism of the lighted torch. One of the recurring stories in the ancient world is of a hero figure who takes fire (knowledge) from the ‘gods’ and gives it to the people the chosen few people, that is … At the Rockefeller Center in New York today is a gold statue of Prometheus (gold, the solar metal of the gods) and he is holding the light, the fire, in line with the legend. To the Rockefellers this is not just a statue; it is a symbol of the whole scam they are involved in.”[36]

Columbia Records is owned by Sony.[37] Some notable owners of Sony include JP Morgan Chase Bank, Japan Trustee Bank and State Street Bank [38] JP Morgan Chase Bank connects right back up with the most dangerous families of Illuminates-Olympians-Luciferians that ever existed on earth, Dulles, Rockefeller, Harriman, and Bush. All confirmed links to funding one of the most evil and demonic forces in history, the Third Reich and its flight capital, blood money and gold after WWII.

Rockefeller’s Chase bank was among Hitler’s biggest U.S. supporters before and during WWII. The Rockefeller families’ Standard Oil of NJ was half owner of IG Farben – the industrial base of the entire Third Reich. President Barack Obama’s predecessor George Walker Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush and Prescott’s father-in-law George Herbert Walker were Wall Street bankers whose fortune was made operating and financing shipping companies, banks and steel foundries for the Nazi regime.[39]

Chase National Bank and JP Morgan aided and abetted the Third Reich by seizing bank accounts of Jewish customers, whose assets they did not return after the war. A 1945 U.S. Treasury Department report on U.S. banking activities during the war stated that the “record of the [Chase] Paris branch is one of uncalled-for responsiveness to the desires of the Germans and an apparent desire to enhance its influence with them.”[40]

JP Morgan and Chase’s unsavory assistance of racist governments is not limited to the US and Europe. The company has been the subject of a lawsuit for providing financial assistance to the apartheid government of South Africa to expand its police and security apparatus, even after the United Nations urged a boycott of the racist government in 1964 when it declared apartheid a crime against humanity.[41]

NY Daily News 12/7/98 Chase Banked On Nazis – Report “The New York-based bank controlled by the Rockefeller family closed Jewish accounts even before the Germans ordered them to do so and did business with the Nazis while they were sending Jews to the gas chambers, Newsweek magazine reports in this week’s edition. And while the U.S. was at war with the Nazis, Chase also apparently helped German banks do business with their overseas branches, the magazine reported…[42]

The relationship between Chase and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed “very special esteem” with top German officials and “a rapid expansion of deposits.” Niedermann’s letter was written in May 1942 – five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S.also went to war with Germany…[43]

In 2004, Ben Bagdikian’s revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany,  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) now Viacom — own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, and movie studios of the United States. U.S. General Electric’s NBC is a close sixth. [44]

The Columbian Luciferians aren’t interested in the artistic qualities of music, the vibrations of the universe. They want absolute control of it in the New World Order. They control the music. They control the mind and soul of the masses.

How Artists Are Used by the Illuminati
Have you ever asked yourself why some artists have reached the Top and stayed there, although their music or acting is way under the average? How can someone who does not know anything about music become a famous rock star? And how come some people with lots of talent and ideas never stand a chance? Bad luck? Hardly. The “BIG” rock stars and actors are heavily used by the Illuminati. Some of them are programmed from the day they were born to become puppets for the Elite, and some of them are picked up later in life because they have “the right attitude” and can be worked with. Those young people are introduced into the Occult; into secret orders like the Freemasons, the OTO, the Rosicrucians, Scientology and others. Within those cults they are taught how to think and (re)act in order to enhance the Agenda. This is how the Elite has planned it with regards to using art to help out with achieving the goals:

1. The Illuminati is planning a new phase in their mission to take over. Much of the planning is political and financial and is happening behind the scenes, but two of their most powerful instruments are Hollywood and the Music Industry, because that is the way they can reach the masses. So they set a new trend to promote their latest strategy.

2. They use mind controlled people (musicians/actors/producers etc.) to set the trend, promising them wealth, drugs, groupies and/or whatever they want, in order to be satisfied. Those “artists” are heavily promoted with techniques learnt from Nazi Germany, which had developed the most extraordinary techniques to manipulate the masses that this world has ever seen. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, confessed in public (to his disciples) that he used Goebbels’s Propaganda Machine to get people into the cult (and keep them there). The Illuminati has no problems promoting whatever they want, and have people responding to their favor.

3. The “Trend-Makers” (The Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Sex Pistols, Eminem, Curt Cubain, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin etc.) (Beyonce, Jay Z, Kanye West) set the direction for the new trend, and people will start worshipping those new idols.

4. Other (often more talented) musicians follow up on that trend and create their own version of the new idea. Those musicians can be ordinary people like you and me, who have never been close to Governmental Mind Control. Those musicians (and actors) don’t have to be severely mind controlled to unknowingly help out with the Agenda of the Elite. They just jump on the same train and the snowball effect is starting. Thus, the Illuminati, who started the trend, can sit back and watch. We, the citizens, are doing the rest for them.

5. Other gifted musicians and actors, who are creating art that goes outside the Agenda – or against it – have no chance to get their message out broadly, because nobody at the top of the Industry (where the money is) is willing to promote them. The International Bankers (The Illuminati) are the ones who own the Industry. As soon as someone is creating something (may be music, a new label with contrary ideas or something similar) that opposes what is next on the Agenda, the Illuminati is quick to buy it out. If the Company refuses to sell, they are threatened. We all have seen Mafia Movies. This is the way it is – but on different layers.

6. However – the Illuminati’s mind control programs (which spans through MK Ultra, Monarch and others) are not 100% workable. The human spirit is strong. Intelligent people like John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Curt Cubain, Jimi Hendrix and others (Sam Cook, Donny Hathaway, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, The Temptations, Phyllis Hyman, Whitley Houston, Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls, Michael Jackson, James Brown, etc.) started taking action AGAINST what they were programmed and controlled to do.[45]

Beyonce’s last tour took her to 12 countries and 66 cities for 110 performances, including six sold out concerts in Dublin.[46] Beyonce, along with Jay-Z and Kanye West, etc., are the Columbians’ lame vehicles for mainstreaming Schizophrenia, Mind Controlled Multiple Personalities & Satanism among the world masses.

“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [47]

When our days become dreary with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us remember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigantic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows…Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” –MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., A Testament of Hope[48]

I suspect that instead of lifting up the image of Baphomet if the Modern Slaves/21st Century Schizoids Beyonce, Jay-Z , Kanye West and Rihanna were only to mutter the names, Malcolm X,  John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy or even Huey P. Newton, or any other beloved  revolutionary heroes among the people  if for only a fleeing moment, they would be liquidated.  THEY ARE CONTROLLED & THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS STRONG!








[8] Id. At footnote 5









[17] http://


[19] http://




[23] Booth, Martin, A Magic Life, A Biography of Aleister Crowley, Coronet Books, London (2000) pg. 265








[31] Id.





[36] Id.





[41] Id.


[43] Id.



[46] Id. At Footnote 37




5 04 2010

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs of lying wonders. [miracles] [1]  2 Thessalonians 2:8-9

 During the opening run of the movie Precious, I watched a couple of trailers of an obese young sister running down a flight of stairs in underclothes. I thought to myself very innocently, “um, what’s the plot?”  

While in a medical clinic waiting room, I read approximately a five (5) page magazine movie review of Precious. The review spoke mostly about the wonderful acting “Oscar performances” of Gabourey ‘Gabby’ Sidibe as Claireece Precious Jones, and Comic Entertainer Mo’Nique as the mother. Again, I mused very innocently, “um, what’s the plot?”

A heavily advertised selling point of the movie was that it was produced by Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry. “You can’t very well depend on them to produce anything meaningful for the people”, I concluded to myself. I put Precious on the shelf as “suspect.”  Little did I know that the plot was much larger than the movie?  

In the first instance, I didn’t understand that Precious wasn’t marketed for Black People and conscious people of color as brilliantly pointed out by Oakland poet, essayist, and novelist Ishmael Reed in “The Selling of “Precious”.[2] 


Precious’ promotion poster is not my invention. The first mental image that the poster invokes is the hands of the demonic Freddy Krueger.

Freddy Krueger is Wes Craven’s fictional character from the A Nightmare on Elm Street series of horror films. Freddy Krueger is a disfigured dream stalker who uses a glove armed with razors to kill his victims in their dreams, which ultimately results in their death in the real world.[3]

The color of the poster is also significant. In illuminati symbology, red is the color of fire, blood, danger, chaos; and often symbolizes sin. While black symbolizes the blotting out of individual personality [4] as best illustrated by another Precious movie promotional poster below.  

There is a far greater sinister subliminal reflection in poster, Baphomet. Baphomet is an imagined pagan deity revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism and the occult in general. It first appeared in a late twelfth century Provençal poem as a corruption of “Muhammad”, but later it appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 1300s. However, in the 19th century the name came into popular English-speaking consciousness with the publication of various works of pseudo-history that tried to link the Knights Templar with conspiracy theories elaborating on their suppression. The name Baphomet then became associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn by Eliphas Lévi.[5] 

The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by Aleister Crowley in the early twentieth century. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass in the sentence: “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET. [6]

Notice how Baphomet consumes the body of Beyonce's Satanic Alter Sasha Fierce the same as it consumes the body of Precious

In Magick (Book 4), Crowley asserted that Baphomet was a divine androgyne [the unit of opposites within] and “the hieroglyph of arcane perfection”:

“…The Devil is historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes… This serpent SATAN is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil. He bade ‘Know Thyself!’ and taught Initiation. He is ‘The Devil of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of of arcane perfection…He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his letter is ayin, the Eve…” [7]

The hand that rises through the image’s womb has eight distinctive points. In the illuminati, it is the star of chaos and regeneration. Also, Baphomet has feminine breasts and coiled snakes arise from the womb, the womb of evil.  Eight points is also the Star of Ishtar.

The bottom line is that the Precious Promotion Poster subliminally promotes fear just like something out of a THIRD REICH racial propaganda film.   


Precious, the movie, is about a hapless 350 pound illiterate16 year old sister that borne her biological father’s two children and is also assaulted sexually by her mother. Precious’s first baby has Down syndrome and is named “Mongo” short for ‘mongoloid’ that Mo’Nique assaults (traumatize) as a “goddamn animal.”[8] 

If that isn’t enough stereotypical subliminal character implantation, according to an observation of a white critic, Mary (Mo’Nique) treats Precious like a slave. Precious is also HIV-positive. Dark-skinned Precious’s also desires a “light-skinned boyfriend.” Precious also steals and eat a bucket of finger licking good “fried chicken.” [9]

Precious also has trauma based multiple identity disorders. Precious frees herself from trauma by separating, developing multiple personality disorders to file away painful experiences in her mind, classic MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based programming. When her drunken father pins her to the bed to rape her, Precious molds herself into a star dancer on a red carpet on BET. [10]Again, red is the color of fire, blood, danger, chaos; and often symbolizes sin. 

Precious is an orgy of anti-social racial pathologies; social dysfunction; genetic abnormalities; violence, homosexuality; rape; incest; child abuse; teenage pregnancy; poverty; illiteracy.  

Again, Previous, the movie, plays out like something straight out of a THIRD REICH racial hatred propaganda film. It is a covert mind training experimental project dedicated to mass population mind control.

Precious has everything that the NWO elite controllers want white audiences to fear and loath about Black People to continually polarize the masses.

“So deeply rooted, indeed, is the preconception and aversion to the name Lucifer- meaning no worse than “lighter-bringer” (from lux, lucis,” and ferre, “to bring” – even among the educated classes…” -H.P. Blavatsky-[11]

Oprah Winfrey: Mystic Magician of the New Age

“You’re going to get to heaven and everyone’s waiting on God and it’s going to be Oprah Winfrey.” -Jamie Foxx- [12]

Jamie Foxx has been initiated into some type of superficial Hollywood Satanic Cult most likely ruled over by mystic high priestess Oprah. The video opens time frames 1-49 with the music version of the black mass played backwards in Stanley Kubrick’s classic satanic thriller, Their Eyes Wide Shut.

Again, the colors in the video are significant. The video is significantly red with flashes of blue and purple.  In illuminati symbology, red is the color of fire, blood, danger, chaos; and often symbolizes sin. In Wiccan, blue is associated with the God Zephyrus. Zephyrus is associated with fertility and love, and the hour of twilight. Blue is also associated with “blue bloods,” and Lucifer. Purple is associated with royalty but likely privilege in this instance.

At time frame 2.02, death heads impressions vaguely appear in drinks. Samuel L. Jackson appears in trance in time frames 4.12-15. At time frames 5.58-6:00, Foxx flashed the devil horns calling card with two hands and two females kiss in response. At frame 6:12, Foxx appears a panda/animal deity dancing with all females in a ritual to invoke a demon patron. At frames 6:21-28, a possessed demonic figure appears in trance similar to the demonic possession dance scene in, The Believers, until led away by a man in sun shades.

Oprah Winfrey’s television and radio programs reach extends beyond the U.S. market. Oprah’s show is highly promoted by the NWO and airs in 140 countries around the world. In the U.S., Oprah is viewed by an estimated 30 million people a week. [13]

Outside the U.S., Winfrey has been also been popularly promoted in the Arab world. The Wall Street Journal reported that MBC 4, an Arab satellite channel, centered its entire programming around reruns of her show because it was drawing record numbers of female viewers in Saudi Arabia. The New York Times reported that “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” with Arabic subtitles, is now broadcast twice each weekday on MBC 4. [14]

Scientific studies and research by University of Cambridge, University of Plymouth, and University of California concluded that Oprah’s show was involved in mass behavior modification. [15]

In Ellen DeGeneres’ stand-up comedy act several years ago, she included a joke about getting to heaven and finding again that God is a black woman named Oprah.[16]  The Oprah Show is into more than mass prosocial behavior modification. It is influencing its worldwide audience to channel into a NEW AGE RELIGION.

According to Oprah, her search for a meaningful life and GOD led her to Marianne Williamson and the new age teachings of “A Course in Miracles.”
Oprah believes that the principles of “A Course in Miracles” can change the world. Oprah promotes “A Course in Miracles” through daily classes on Oprah’s XM satellite radio channel.

Williamson said during a promotional announcement for the program, “I will be on Oprah & Friends every single day talking about the ideas in A Course in Miracles…We can have miracles. We can have greater inner peace. We can shift from an experience of fear to an experience of greater love.”

Oprah told her audience that she has no problem reconciling the differences between the new age religion she promotes and the Christian faith she claims. “I reconciled it because I was able to open my mind about the, um, the absolute, indescribable hugeness of that which we call ‘God,'” Oprah said. “I took God out of the box.”[17]

Oprah:  MK ULTRA, “A Course in Miracles” & The Great BEAST 666

MK ULTRA was the code name for a clandestine illegal CIA human medical research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence with medical research experts of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s war criminal organization, the SS (Knights of the Black Sun). MK ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods to assassinate; racial mass murder; control the mind and mass mind control populations.

Project MK ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by Congressional Hearings, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by a code of secrecy; and the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973. [18]

To this day, most specific information regarding MK ULTRA remains highly classified and TOP SECRET. MK ULTRA and its clandestine illegal programs of assassinations; racial mass murder; and control of  the mind and mass mind control populations continues, but it is far more ULTRA secret than before.  

Oprah, The CIA Keystone Spiritual Awakening: “A Course in Miracles

Dr. William Thetford, Professor of Medical Psychology, Columbia University, New York, assisted Dr. Helen Schucman as a ‘scribe’ in the initial channeling of the “A Course in Miracles “(ACIM) book originally published in 1975 by an organization called The Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena.

From 1971 to 1978, Dr. William Thetford, along with a David Saunders, headed CIA MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory while at Columbia University. In other words, Dr. Thetford was working for the CIA conducting TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments under MK-ULTRA at the same time he was the scribe for the 1975 ACIM book. [19] 

After graduating from college in 1949, Thetford worked as a research psychologist in both Chicago, and later in Washington, DC. According to Colin Ross, from 1951 to 1953, Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to MK ULTRA. He spent 1954 and 1955 as the director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut. From 1955 to 1957, he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University’s CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.

In 1958, he accepted an assistant professorship, which later developed into a full professorship, at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. During a portion of this same period he also served as the director of clinical psychology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. It was here that he would stay for the next 20 years, and it was here that he first met Dr. Helen Schucman, hiring her as a research psychologist and assistant.[20]

In other words, at the time that Dr. Schucman channeled ACIM, from a voice she resonated from a master named JESUS, she also working for the CIA[21] as a MK ULTRA mind bended (hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, psychic driving) guinea pig. 

ACIM was scribed by the CIA of Dr. Schucman’s vivid keystone awakenings. Amongst vivid dream sequences, she began to become familiar with a certain godly entity who spoke to her as JESUS in her dreams. [22]

Those who finish the ACIM Course is alleged to have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset-a New Age worldview that includes the belief that there is no sin, no evil, no devil, and that God is “in” everyone and everything.

A Course in Miracles teaches its students to rethink everything they believe about God and life. The ACIM Course Workbook bluntly states: “This is a course in mind training” and is dedicated to “thought reversal.” [23] It is CIA/MK ULTRA mass population mind control.

Dr. Thetford and Dr. Schucman’s ACIM is a covert revival of Gnostic heresies, occult and satanic teachings of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law for the masses.

Resonate with the Devil: Aleister Crowley’s Keystone Awakening & The New Age

Lucifer's Servant- Aleister Crowley, The Satanic Great BEAST 666

Crowley’s Book of the Law was channeled to him in a keystone awakening from one of the “Chief Masters,” a godly voice of Aiwass. Aiwass was a messenger to Hoor-Paar-Krat also known as Set, the god of destruction, the murderer of his Black brother Osiris. His other names included Saitan, the Arabic root from which comes the words of Satan, Messenger of the Devil. [24]

On April 8, 1904, similar to Dr. Schucman’s alleged keystone spiritual enlightenment from a master/god; a voice began to speak to Crowley over his left shoulder. “The voice was of deep timbre, musical and expressive, it tones solemn, voluptuous, tender, fierce, a rich tenor or baritone.” Crowley took down Aiwass’s spiritual dictation. The voice stopped on the third day, Crowley had written down all three sections of what is entitled, The Book of the Law. [25]

The Book of the Law, also called Liber Legis, was in effect a prose poem in three chapters in which was announced the coming of the a new age, the Aeon of Horus, commencing in 1904. Crowley was its prophet and the religion was destined to overthrow all other established religions where the acolytes were held in thrall by their gods. Its primary concept was based upon total self-fulfillment and the idea that ‘every man and woman is a star; which is to say, every individual is unique and has the divine rights to develop as it sees fit. [26] Just like Oprah, the CIA and the NWO.

Oprah: New Age Secret & Aleister Crowley  

In 2006, Oprah revealed to the world, “The Secret” to life’s success. The Secret is a best-selling book by an Australian television producer, Rhonda Byrne. The Secret is based on an ancient phenomenon, The Law of Attraction, “What we do is we attract into our lives the things we want, and that is based on what we’re thinking and feeling.” [27]

“The Secret” had 3.75 million copies in print and for days it displaced the final Harry Potter book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” from the top of, where “The Secret” sold out. The audio book, a four-CD set, had 400,000 copies in print, according to Atria, the publisher “The Secret” contained “wisdom from modern-day teachers – men and women – who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness.”[28]

Human Rights and war crimes criminal Sturmbannfüehrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun of NASA is featured as one of the “Great” men in “The Secret.” Von Braun was a fervent Nazi and warrior mystic knight of the Cult of the Black Sun; and a disciple of the Council of Nine, secret interplanetary white masters.  

Oprah’s hidden knowledge, The Law of Attraction, is again a revival of Gnostic heresies and occult teachings. The Law of Attraction is no more than the occult teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s Magick.

The Golden Dawn, a satanic cult, was primarily concerned with ritual magic and the art of causing change by exercising human “Will.” Members sought to acquire magical knowledge and practice magic.

To be a successful magician, one that to believe an individual could communicate with the universe as a whole and that, if properly discipline, the human “Will” was literally capable of anything it wished; that there were planes and levels of existence other than the physical; that there existed other intelligences apart from those who could be physical incarnations; and that humans were only partway up the ladder. [29]

The Great BEAST Satanist Aleister Crowley defined Magick as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”.[30] Crowley’s definition of Magick could precede and define Oprah and Byrne’s Law of Attraction.

Crowley also defined magic as ‘the art of communicating without obvious means’- in other words, by using one’s willpower. Another definition Crowley offered to explain Magick: “From the nature of things… life is a sacrament; in other words, all our acts are magical acts. Our spiritual consciousness acts through the will and its instruments upon material objects, in order to produce changes which will result in the establishment of the new conditions of consciousness which we wish.” [31]

The CIA’s Course In Miracles is ultimately all about forgiveness and prayer; yet this forgiveness exists in a spiritual construct devoid of basic human rights and justice, particularly forgiving the crimes of the Bushes, the ruling Oligarchy and the SS (Knights of the Black Sun).

For example, in 2004, the A Course in Miracles website had an very interesting article regarding the Abu Graib Prisoner Abuse Scandal, in which it stated the following:

Let us, then, take a closer look at the Iraq prison scandal from the perspective A Course in Miracles gives us. We will be looking at the monstrous acts of other people, but the point is not to pass judgment on these people, but to use their example to illuminate ego dynamics common to all of us. I’m reminded of what Jesus once said to Helen [Dr. Helen Schucman] before giving an account of the ego lapses she and Bill [Dr. William Thetford] had fallen into on a particular day: “There is nothing of special interest about the events described below, except their typical nature” (Absence from Felicity, by Ken Wapnick, p. 260). The “monster” revealed by the Iraq prison scandal is all too typical, but if we are willing to look at it calmly, we will put ourselves in a position to let it go through forgiveness. [32] 

Rhonda Byrne’s web site proclaims that the Secret is, “the energy you put into the world — both good and bad — is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day.”[33]

What does that mean for Precious and thousands of other miseducated abused young sisters mired in NWO poverty, drugs, imprisonment; and oppressed people of color around the world. They wished it on themselves!  

The New Age:  “Evolve or Die” 

A daring and ruler race is building itself up…. The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for a particularly strong kind of man, most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man and the elite around him will become the ‘lords of the earth’.” -The Will to Power- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche [34]

“In her first class with Eckhart Tolle, Oprah asked if people had experienced the ‘shift’ while reading Tolle’s book, A New Earth. The question reminded me of Werner Erhard’s New Age EST program in the 1970s that taught this same idea of shifting one’s perception, and then similarly asking – ‘Did you get IT?’ Obviously, there is pressure to ‘get IT’ – to feel the shift: Oprah felt the shift – did you? Are you understanding this new [age] way of looking at yourself and the world? Or, are you being blocked by your mind and your ego from seeing this New Spirituality that can save our planet? Keep logging onto our classes. Keep reading Tolle’s book – you’ll ‘get it.’”[35]

Werner Erhard, Germanic inspired mystic, is linked with Tiger Woods’ mind control program. Erhard was a disciple of Alan Watts [36] while developing the New Age EST program that is part and parcel of Tolle’s overall program. Erhard got the “Get It” from Watts. Watts got the “Get It” directly from the racialist population control master plans of CIA/MK ULTRA- Godfathers. Dr. Aldous Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963), Dr. Gregory Bateson (May 9, 1904 – July 4, 1980), and the BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley (October 12, 1875 – December 1, 1947).

Eckhart Tolle is another shadowy New Age occult mystic out of Germany that Oprah also openly promotes on her shows. Tolle is of questionable background and origins. He was born in Germany in 1948 as Ulrich Leonard Tolle.

At 29, Tolle just like Crowley and Schucman also had a mysterious keystone spiritual awakening from a voice of a Master of Life (or the Totality, or God) that told him to move from one place to another. [37]

It has been reported that Tolle changed his name from Ulrich to Eckhart to resonate with a German medieval mystic theologian, philosopher Eckhart von Hochheim O.P. (1260– 1328) commonly known as Meister Eckhart. [38]

Tolle is a mystic magician practicing Germanic Mysticism just the same as his namesake Meister Eckhart; and others like the infamous Nazi foundational mystic magicians Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Thus Spake Zarathustra),[39]  Richard Wagner, [40]Adolf Hitler,[41] Heinrich Himmler, [42] Guido Von List; [43] Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, [44]and Rudolf Steiner. [45]

The SS, Schutzstaffel, (Knights of the Black Sun) were also mystic magicians and occultist.[46] The German mystics advocated back to nature, back to the forest-oak trees, back to ancient rituals-runes, deities and Aryan paganism.  

According to Tolle, through the evolutionary process man ultimately evolved to the point of becoming fully human and is now ready to evolve mentally and spiritually as well – to realize his own godhood.[47]

Tolle makes a veiled threat to people that don’t “Get IT” and unable to spiritually evolve, he says, human beings are meant to evolve into conscious beings, and those who don’t will suffer the consequences of their unconsciousness. They are out of alignment with the evolutionary impulse of the universe.

Tolle warn that a significant portion of the earth’s population will soon recognize, if they haven’t already done so, that humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die.[48]

Precious & The Secret Doctrine (Servants of Lucifer)

There is a “Secret Doctrine,” but Oprah, Tyler Perry because of the color of their skin (genetics) is not and can’t be in resonance with.  The “Secret Doctrine” is genetically coveted and veiled in secrecy.

Explore part of the “Secret Doctrine” passed down by Austrian philosopher, social thinker, architect, and esotericist mystic Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (February 25 or 27, 1861– 30 March 30, 1925). It is extreme, bizarre, startling, and troubling.

Steiner believed that World War I was a “conspiracy against German spiritual life,” for example we came across an astonishing lecture on ‘the mission of white humankind’ in which Steiner predicts a ‘violent battle of white people against colored people’. In this 1915 lecture to an anthroposophist audience in Stuttgart, Steiner explains that spiritual characteristics are tied to skin color and that non-white skin is a sign of spiritual defects that will be expunged in the coming race war. In order to prevent the victory of these demonic and atavistic powers that people of color embody, there will have to be a cosmic showdown between the white people and non-white people. ‘But these things will never take place in the world without the most violent struggle. White humankind is on the path of absorbing the spirit deeper and deeper into its own essence… You see, we stand before something colossal that –when we understand it through spiritual science- we will in the future be able to recognize as a necessary occurrence.”  [49]

Steiner believed that Europeans had a very special role, “Germanic peoples’ is to integrate the spiritual and physical through a ‘carrying down of the spiritual impulses’ onto the physical plane and into the human body.’ This carrying down, this through impregnation of the flesh by the spirit, this is characteristic of the mission, the whole mission of white humanity. People have white skin color because the spirit works within the skin when it wants to descent to the physical plane. That the external physical body will become a container for the spirit, that is the task of the fifth cultural period.’ But when this task is imperfectectly fulfilled, its leads to a spiritual defect which is marked by non-white skin. Steiner explains that when the spirit is ‘retarded’, when it takes a demonic character and does not fully penetrate the flesh, then white skin color does not appear, because atavistic [DNA throwback] powers are present that do not allow the spirit to achieve complete harmony with the flesh.” [50]

Steiner’s frightening “infamous” 1888 declaration stated, “Jewry as such has long since outlived its time; it has no more justification within the modern life of peoples, and the fact that it exists is a mistake of world history whose consequences are unavoidable. We do not mean the forms of the Jewish religion alone, but above all the spirit of Jewry, the Jewish way of thinking.” [51]

SS Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler (The “Black Jesuit”), and other key members of the SS were fanatic occultists and followers and believers of Rudlof Steiner’s “spiritual science.” 

SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Dr. Sigmund Rausher was Dr. Joseph Mengele’s medical colleague at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland performing some of the most bizarre and heinous inhuman war criminal medical experiments on human beings. Dr. Rausher was one of Steiner’s followers. 

Dr. Rauscher was also one of Himmler’s favorites, and it was Dr. Rausher that in August 1942 developed the idea of using gas chambers for racial mass murder and the “Final Solution”. It was Steiner’s belief that potassium cyanide (like in the insecticide “Zyklon B” used in Auschwitz) from an occult point of view of “spiritual science” that potassium cyanide not only kills the body but also the soul. [52]

Form the veiled occulted point of view that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry unwittingly promote, the color of their skin is defective. According to German mystics, demonic forces are in complete harmony with their flesh. They have no justification, spiritually, with the modern life of the people of the NWO.

If you review Precious, the movie, in that light then you understand why she is allowed to have no justification, spiritually or her way of thinking, with the modern life of the people. Precious by the color of skin is incapable of evolving to their pagan “occultist spirituality” and therefore must be left to die. That is the real plot against Precious, the People of Karina (New Orleans), Haiti, Iraqi, Palestine, of Color.

Nazi Germany’s racial mass human extermination camps of Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec, Majdahek, Sobibor, and Treblinka were real. At least ten million people were mass murdered because of Germanic racial “occultist spirituality” science.

If you believe that Nazi racial “spiritual science” is nonsense and not at play in the movie, review the Precious Promotional Poster again. You can see demonic forces in complete harmony with Black flesh.

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.[53] Luke 23.24

Erykah Badu in Classic CIA MK ULTRA/Monarch Butterfly Mind Control Motif

I return to the question asked above about Precious, the movie, what is the plot? Tyler Perry, co-producer of Precious, offers that he uses stereotypical disarming figures (Modern Coon Caricatures of Stepin Fetchit, Willie Best, Mantan Moreland, etc.) Madea and Mr. Brown (Andy Brown [Amos & Andy]) as “bait” to talk about God, love and “forgiveness.”

What are Perry and Oprah using Precious as bait for? Another modern day coon caricature without modern day occulted spiritual justification, a being of laziness: ”thriftless, intemperate, insolent, dishonest, and without the most rudimentary elements of morality….Universally…general depravity and retrogression…a reversion to barbarism,” [54] unable to evolve?

Precious/Push was written by an alter personality, Sapphire. Sapphire in itself is a coon caricature taken from a female character of a white minstrel team 1920s comedy series slurring the life of Black People, written and voiced by black faced whites Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. Sapphire is a racial and ethnic slur.[55]

As if that is not troubling enough, Ramona Lofton, Sapphire, was born at Fort Ord, California. Fort Ord was an experimental military intelligence mind control center, and home to Psy-Op- psychic/occult warfare, assassination Delta Teams, and the Earth First Battalion (the Men that Stare at Goats).[56]

Ramona’s father was a US army sergeant Korean War prisoner. After returning home, he “suffered extreme deprivations and hallucinations. He once told me he had eaten his combat boot after mistaking it for a strip of bacon.” [57] In other words, Ramona’s father had to have been a prison camp Chinese Thought Reform (Brainwashing) victim as played out in the 1962 movie classic, The Manchurian Candidate.[58]

Ramona describes herself as bisexual and admits to being sexually abused at the age of eight by her father and abandoned by her mother, a nurse, when she was 13. [59]

In a New York Times bio, she claimed to have been sexually abused at 3 or 4 years old. In the same bio, she worked as a topless dancer on 42d Street, becoming a prostitute.[60]  Ramona reads like a classic victimized trauma based MK ULTRA Monarch Sex Kitten with disassociate identity disorders and a racially degrading alter personality, Sapphire.

In fact Tyler Perry and the director of the film, Lee Daniels- openly gay, both claimed to be victims of sexual abuse; and physical abuse by their fathers. [61] Perry like Lofton have MK ULTRA Monarch like dissociated alter personalities. Perry’s open alter is Madea, a strong woman-mother figure that was developed to protect him from childhood sexual abuse.

I have no intention to intentionally and personally demean the sexual and physical abuse of Perry, Lofton and Daniels, but there is something extremely odd about all of them appearing abused by their Black fathers and having promoted disassociate and alter personalities for mass media consumption.

The abusing Black fathers in these cases (Lofton, Perry and Daniels) may be screen memory plants. A screen memory is a memory that hides, or screens, another memory. Screen memories are often used in alien adduction cases.   

We face challenging days ahead. “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the LORD are against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.” 34 Psalms, 34: 13-16




[1] The Original African Heritage Study Bible (1993) James C. Winston Publishing Company



[4] Holzer, Hans, Witches: True Encounters with Wicca, Wizards, Covens, Cults and Magick (2002), Black Dog & Leventhial, NY, NY, pg. 158


[6] Id.

[7] Id.


[9] Id

[10] Id.

[11] H. P. Blavastsky, Collected Writings (1887) Vol. III, The Theosophical Publishing House, London, England, pg. 7



[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.



[19] Ross, Colin, BLUEBIRD, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, (2000) Manitou Communications, Inc., page 329


[21] Id.

[22] Id.


[24] Booth, Martin, A Magick Life, A Biography of Aleister Crowley, , (2000) Coronet Books, London, pg. 184-5

[25] Id.

[26] Id. Pg. 185



[29] Booth, Martin, A Magick Life, A Biography of Aleister Crowley, , (2000) Coronet Books, London, pg. 88


[31] Id. At pg. 82









[40] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult (1977), Dorset Press, NY, pg. 50

[41] Id.,  pg. 49

[42] Id. Pg. 90-91

[43] Id., pg. 5

[44] Id.

[45] Id. Pg. 3

[46] Id., pgs. 100-103



[49] Zegers, Peter, Staudenmaier, Peter, The Janus Face of Anthroposophy, Humanist (Oslo) 2/2001),

[50] Supra.

[51] Supra.

[52] Supra.

[53] Id., at Footnote 1







