Birmingham God Damn & New Rome, Slavocracy’s Lost Cause and the Secret Second Civil War Against Black People

11 06 2015


South Carolina, God Damn- the Second Civil War

 The Second Civil War- Secret Organized War of Domestic Terrorism Against Black People in America


The Face of Ultimate EVIL,  Facebook Photo ShowsDylann Storm [Trooper] Roof, Standing in Front of a Swamp Traditionally Used for Generations by the KKK and White Citizen Leagues to Dump the Bodies of Black Murder Victims


The flag on top of Roof’s jacket is an apartheid era South African flag dating back to 1928, which the country replaced in 1994 after the end of apartheid. Initial reports from the scene said that a 21 year old white male suspect had carried out a mass execution inside a historical Black church in Charleston, South Carolina. Indeed, at sometime before 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 18, 2015,  21 year old “soulless creature” Dyann Roof out of Lexington, SC on a mission of the “SECRET WORK” had executed 9 Black women and men with a high caliber 45 Glock 41 inside Demark Vesey’s historic Emanuel AME Church that happens to be in downtown. Roof was able to shoot victims multiple times, exterminate 9 Black lives (100% kill rate), reload his weapon at least five times, casually pass time to talk to parishioners- told one of them to spread the word about white supremacy-second civil war terrorism against black people, then walk away- get in his car and drive away from the scene.


Roof’s second flag was used to represent the unrecognized state of Rhodesia (Cecil Rhodes) from 1968 through 1979, after the former British colony of South Rhodesia fractured and a white minority attempted to take control of the country. An ensuing civil war ended in 1979.

How did they know for certain that the white male murder suspect was indeed 21 years old? The church was built in the 19th Century. Echoes from the rounds from a 45 caliber weapon should have been heard throughout the church. Does it seem reasonable to believe that nobody inside Emanuel AME Church seemed to have had a cell phone to call police to report a shooting in process in downtown? Does it seem plausible in a large major metropolitan city with national and local heightened terrorist alerts and outrageously expensive anti-terrorist training, preparation and equipment that the police would arrive in force after all the killing had been done right in the heart of the city? No! They want us to believe that the murder suspect slew 9 Black people, then nonchalantly drove out of city limits, out of the state, in the same (his) car that he drove to the scene bearing unique-calling card license plates. AND. A lone female FLORIST in North Carolina, NOT THE POLICE, was the primary party responsible for his apprehension. He’s a loner. Yet, somebody is taking pictures to set him up as the “Lone Nut Assassin“.


Another Facebook picture shows Roof sitting on the hood of his car with his legs straddling a license plate for the “CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA.” They knew who this homegrown “White Supremacist Domestic Terrorist” was all along. We are the ones “Lost in the Fog” and caught like a “Deer in the Headlights” unprepared to know the people that have made Black People- the ENEMYthat can just walk in any Black church or school in America armed and blow our beloved elders, women and children away.  FORGIVENESS” has its proper place, but the national debate should primarily focused on protecting our elders and children; self-preservation and defense from unprovoked attacks and a secret racist campaign of (bloodshed) warfare on people of color.    

At times, I am asked why my blogs are so long. When I was in law school, I asked too why are the class casebooks so expensive and long – over 1,500 pages long. I read and studied every page and each and every word. I was a Manchild born in America with only ILLUSIONARY privileges with adversaries opposed to my very BEING & BLACKNESS hiding behind IMAGES. At times, only one misinterpreted,  misread or misunderstood word could leave you, particularly me in a hostile environment, packing for home. I read every page and word of my casebooks because I was in constant struggle not just to survive but to MASTER. It’s the same in struggle, only one misstep, mistake or misread as in South Carolina can lead to imprisonment or certain death. I don’t write from the privileges of joy and profit. I don’t write for the casual Sunday morning reader. I write for those in battle and constant struggle.



Terracotta Warrior, City of Xian, 3rd Century BC

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” –Sun Tzu (MASTER) 6th Century BC, the Art of War



“The slave auctioneer’s bell and the church-going bell chime in with each other, and the bitter cries of the heart-broken slave are drowned in the religious shouts of his pious master… The dealer gives his blood-stained gold to support the pulpit, and the pulpit, in return, covers his infernal business with the garb of Christianity. Here we have religion and robbery the allies of each other—DEVILS dressed in angels’ robes, and hell presenting the semblance of paradise.”Frederick DouglassNarrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


The Union Army Entering Richmond, VA., April 3, from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, April 25, 1865. As depicted in the above illustration, Black Soldiers led the way into Richmond when it was captured near the end of the Civil War. 

In mid-June, 1864, Union General Ulysses S. Grant shifted his forces around Richmond to Petersburg, Virginia, an important junction for southern railroads through the Carolinas into southern Virginia. Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s main army arrived in the city to halt the Union‘s advance to ultimate victory in the Great War.

Lee’s forces could not last through a long siege of Petersburg surrounded by two Union armies. In March 1865, Lee’s forces failed to break through Petersburg. General Grant’s forces increased his strangle hold around Lee and Petersburg. At Petersburg, General Lee and the Confederacy were surrounded and faced certain annihilation- Final Defeat. He rejected a fall back Confederate guerrilla war strategy that was also bound to fail in imprisonment, and total destruction most likely at the hands of gallant Black Union Soldiers.

Lee ordered his army to abandon Richmond and Petersburg. He moved his dwindling army west hoping to eventually move south to join up with Confederate forces under General Joseph Johnston in North Carolina. However, Union forces blocked his retreat near Appomattox Court House, Virginia on April 9, 1865.  There were seven Black Troop units, approximately 2,000 men, or 3% of the Federal force, which made the journey all the way to Appomattox Court House with Major General Edward Ord’s Union Army of the James and arrived in time to be involved in the final fighting.


Dressed in his finest Confederate gray uniform, General Lee met with General Grant that afternoon to sign the terms of surrender to save the lives of his last 7,500 remaining soldiers. Lee and his defeated army were allowed to walk away from Appomattox and returned to Richmond as if he was Godly, instead of a DEVIL, traitor and war criminal that led the armed revolt against the Union in defense of Absolute African Bondage that remains America‘s bloodiest domestic conflict in history.

General Lee’s blood oath covenant had been to the Plantocracy, also known as a Slavocracythe ruling class, political order or government composed of or dominated by wealthy plantation owners of the antebellum South.

The Secret EVIL Re-Union

 Original sin standeth not in the following of Adam (as the Pelagians do vainly talk), but it is the corruption of the nature of every [person], that naturally is engendered of the offspring of Adam, whereby [human beings are] very far fone from original righteousness, and of [one’s] own nature inclined to EVIL, and that continually.

Original Sin led to man’s ouster from the Garden of Eden. Slavery was America’s Original Sin. The label “Sin” affixed to “Slavery” as an absolute EVIL institution with all its doctrinal weight radically expand the concept of “Sin” beyond the power of Christ’s atonement. President Abraham Lincoln once told the nation that the bloodbath of the Civil War was the price demanded by God for America’s EVIL and Original Sin of building the republic on the backs of Enslaved Africans.

No later than 5 (five) days after General Lee surrendered, while attending a special performance of the comedy, “Our American Cousin,” President Lincoln was shot on the evening of April 14, 1865. He died the next day on April 15. It had been the work of Confederate secret counter-intelligence and Albert Pike’s Knights of the Golden Circle.


Upon Lee’s death five years later in 1870, the New York Herald had declared that “here in the North we . . . have claimed him as one of ourselves” and “extolled his virtue as reflecting upon us.” Frustrated and perplexed by such eulogies, Frederick Douglass complained bitterly that he could scarcely find a northern newspaper “that is not filled with nauseating flatteries of the late Robert E. Lee,” whose military accomplishments in the name of a “bad cause” seemed somehow to entitle him “to the highest place in heaven.”

 Rise of New Rome


John Wilkes Booth, Hidden Hand Symbol of Pike’s Knights of the Golden Circle

Dr. Ray Neff was a health sciences professor at Indiana State University with a chemistry background. He was a leading proponent of an alternative theory about the assassination of  Abraham Lincoln and his killer, John Wilkes Booth. Neff died on September 11, 2009.


General Lafayette C. Baker, Hidden Hand Symbol of Pike’s Knights of the Golden Circle? 

Neff published a well-received family history and edited a new edition of Civil War memoirs written by Lafayette Curry BakerBaker had been a Union spymaster and U.S. Brigadier-General, chief of the U. S. Secret Service, or a secret Confederate counterspy/intelligence agent during the Civil War. He had been responsible to protect the life of President Lincoln, and uncovering the Confederate plot to assassinate the president.


Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton (1814 – 1869), Blood Covenant Freemason- Steubenville Lodge No. 45, Steubenville, Ohio, Washington Lodge No. 253, Pittsburgh, PA

During his investigation and studies, Neff discovered and decoded a “Baker’s Confession” concealed in the margins of pages in a Colburn’s United Service Magazine, an English military journal that Baker once owned, dated February 5, 1868 that read as follows: “I am constantly being followed. They are professionals. I cannot fool them. In new Rome there walked three men, a Judas [Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War], a Brutus [John Wilkes Booth] and a spy. Each planned that he should be king when Abraham should die. One trusted not the other but they went on for that day, waiting for the final moment when, with pistol in his hand, one of the sons of Brutus could sneak behind that cursed man and put a bullet in his brain and lay his clumsey [sic] corpse away. As the fallen man lay dying, Judas came and paid respects to the one he hated, and when at last he saw him die, he said ‘Now the ages have him and the nation now have I’ But alas, fate would have it Judas slowly fell from grace, and with him went Brutus down to their proper place. But lest one is left to wonder what happened to the spy, I can safely tell you this, it was I [Lafayette C. Baker].”


 “I understood from the meeting that the president was his [Confederate General Albert Pike] subordinate in Masonry….”- General Gordon Granger

 In 1866, General Gordon Granger offered testimony before the U.S. Congressional Judiciary Committee regarding the secret influence of Albert Pike, Freemasonry and Scottish Rite during Lincoln’s presidential successor Andrew Johnson’s impeachment proceedings. General Granger offered testimonial evidence that suggested the President of the United States had been subordinate to war criminal Albert Pike. Pike was wanted by the Union army on conspiracy charges in the assassination of the president. Pike fled to British controlled Canada after Lincoln‘s assassination. He was then pardoned by President Andrew Johnson, giving rise to charges of TREASON.

In Slavocracy’s Mudsill Theory– there must always be a slave class to provide labor for the master classes. There must be a permanent divide between the superior white and inferior black races, and There must always be a lower class for the upper class to rest upon just the same as Ancient Athens, Greece, and Rome.


Greek Philosopher/Mathematician Plato & Goddess Athena

General Robert E. Lee was the “Spiritual God Father” of a underground secret and silent New Rome that rose in place of the Union. New Rome’s PLATO had been and still is, ALBERT PIKE. For New Rome under Slavocracy, the Ultimate Evil and the Original Sin of African Human Bondage was washed away behind the blood oath secrecy and ritual magic of New Rome’s PLATO of Athens. They simply changed gods-  Set (Lucifer) to Zeus, while hiding behind the Images and ILLUSIONS of the Christian God.

Pike was called by some the Plato of Freemasonry.” He held the teachings of Plato in high esteem (Hall, 2006). In Morals and Dogma, Pike (1956) reveals his position that Plato is among the greatest revelers of truth and light. Pike stated that Plato expounded and expressed the noble doctrine of nature “in the most beautiful and luminous manner” (p. 617). Mackey (1882) in The Symbolism of Freemasonry stated, “And Plato says that the design of initiation was to restore the soul to that state of perfection from which it had originally fallen”. This being taken from the Phædo, it is evident the general esoteric goal of both the ancient mysteries and modern Freemasonry are similar in concept.


For Black People, Pike and New Rome promised the DAMNATION of HELL in America far greater than SLAVERY.

Louisiana, God Damn


I do not subscribe to the notion that all white people of the SOUTH are racist or EVIL. After the death of my mother and graduating from law school, I went “DEEP SOUTH” alone. My mother’s life experiences growing up in the South had been so racially traumatizing and horrific that she wouldn’t have had a day of rest if I was in the South alone. She often told me with my state of mind of human dignity, that the “they” the ultimate EVIL of the South would kill me. But, I had to experience the legendary ancestral lands of my forebears- the dreaded SOUTH.

After the death of my beloved, I went as far Deep South as I could go under a fellowship that dropped me alone for a year in Shreveport, Caddo-Bossier Parish, Louisiana. It was about 126 miles west of my mother’s birthplace around Bastrop, Morehouse Parish, LA.

At that time, Bossier Parish was known as the home of the Ku Klux Klan and the Grand Dragon. I must admit that there were some places of the parish that I traveled on behalf of the legal rights of the people that I wasn’t sure that I would ever see the light of day again.


On one occasion, I had to meet some people in the backwoods in the immediate home area of the legendary Grand Dragon. I am a city boy. I have never seen real southern backwoods and swamps. In fact, I had never been in the South. It was like being in a dense green tropical rain forest like something I seen on television, movies and Bigfoot specials. They told me that particular area of the swamp masked a lot of skeletons. For at least a generation, the Klan and the White Citizens League/Councils reportedly had dumped bodies there for the swamp, quicksand and backwoods to consume forever.


The locals told me that the Klan warned them that our meeting wasn’t going to take place. They were understandingly alarmed and afraid. I was more afraid than they were that I wouldn’t make it over, but I wasn’t going to back up. Fortunately, the Klan didn’t show up. I subsequently incorporated the small social/political/civil association that they asked me to help them form.

In Louisiana, out of state law graduates from accredited law schools were allowed to pass its common law part of the bar exam and receive a conditional license to practice law on condition that you later take a state approved class, and pass the civil code part of the bar exam that was based exclusively on French and Spanish law. I held a conditional license to practice law in Louisiana.

In Caddo-Bossier Parish, I worked with quite a few white judges, lawyers, and citizens of the South that were fair and just that I believe some would have placed their lives in jeopardy to help me make it over, if I was ever threatened by the absolute racist and ultimate EVIL of the SOUTH. It was truly a remarkable learning experience that I will value all the days of my life.


My work with legal aid was only small stakes and “short change” mostly among the poor and powerless.  Just before my wife and family called me back home to California, I had been called to a place outside of New Iberia, not far outside of New Orleans. They had discovered a vast oil reserve worth millions underneath land that had been owned by a generation of Black people. Instead of new found wealth and becoming a generation of wealthy oil barons, an ultimate EVIL of the South began mysteriously, but systematically killing them off taking their land. People were afraid to venture there, investigate or touch the case.  I was still very much young and naive about the true reality of the South.  I had planned to go in and join the families in resistance. I am almost certain that there, I was bound to meet the DEVIL, myself. It would have been difficult to make it over, but there would have been a struggle and BATTLE for the people.  My individual experiences in the Deep South didn’t discount or diminish “Mother’s Wit.” I just didn’t stay in Louisiana long enough to wrestle with the DEVIL.

Alabama, God Damn


However, I have never been in the State of Alabama, and never wanted to be found in the state. The act of absolute unspeakable ultimate EVIL that ripped apart four little girls at Sunday school with a bomb at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham (bombingham) in 1963 had once brought me to uncontrollable tears in my youth. It deeply traumatized, troubled and touched me like so many others. It still bothers and troubles me, today.

The violent racial turmoil of the city during the 1960s civil rights struggle also deeply troubled my waters. Birmingham, alone, had an early impact and somewhat shaped my world view and the way I looked at myself. It truly made me afraid and unsure about America.

I have worked in the legal field for decades always on behalf of the poor and powerless. In this field, the “they” often hide their true motives behind IMAGES and ILLUSIONS of the Love of the Law, Blind Justice, and Justice for ALL. The EVIL of their ways most often have to be flushed out after persistent and constant struggle in and out of court- War without Bloodshed. Some do change.

Birmingham, God Damn

Yet, Birmingham has an absolute EVIL that doesn’t conceal itself before God or the Just, but seems to MANIFEST itself among the people as a prime mover, and the Coming Antichrist & Prophecy of the World.


The lightning bolt represents the “Satanic S” that means “Destroyer“. In ancient and secret mythology, it was the weapon of Zeus. The lightning bolt symbol is believed to give magical power over others. It was worn as a symbol of Lucifer’s Power by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun, the SS of Nazi Germany.[1]


55-foot-tall cast-iron statue of the Roman Vulcan God of Fire and Armor Thrusting a Lightning Bolt—an Unlikely Overseer of the City of Birmingham.


Birmingham also calls itself the “Magic City.” Magic is a very board term. In the esoteric world, Albert Pike says that it is that which it is; it is by itself, like the mathematics; for it is the exact and absolute science of Nature and its laws.[2] To the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, there are several ways to view what Magick is. It can be defined as any willed action leading to intended change. It can also be seen as the general set of methods used to accomplish the Great Work of mystical attainment. At the practical level, Magick most often takes several practices and forms of ritual, including banishing, invocation and evocation, Eucharistic ritual, consecration and purification, astral travel, yoga, sex magic, and divination.[3]

In this particular case, the story begins and ends in unforgiving Birmingham. Most of the time, it isn’t often clearly understood the motives behind a person’s actions especially when it involves the EVIL that manifest itself. We don’t live in a country that you can line up and shoot down those that have been perceived to have wronged the people. But where do the poor and often powerless begin the struggle against those that wickedly offend us, maintain the high ground and win the hearts and minds of the people?

I often quote from a line in Bruce Lee’s Classic film “Enter the Dragon.” It talks about “Lifting the Veil” of the enemy hiding their EVIL true motives behind IMAGES and ILLUSIONS– break through the looking glass and smoked mirrors, you can defeat them. Let’s begin to break through the “Looking Glass” and Lift the Veil of certain forces behind smoked mirrors in Birmingham God Damn to explore their EVIL and motives behind actions that amount to gross human rights violations- inhumanity to man.

At first, it may seem so bizarre and outlandish that you may not believe your LYING EYES WIDE OPEN. But, you have very little idea what really takes place behind the curtains in the secret esoteric magical world of the rising NEW WORLD ORDER.

ALABAMABirmingham & New Rome

Grandson of Alabama African Absolute Bondsmen, WWII Veteran and former coal miner, 96 year old John Gregory, Jr., a model and loyal citizen, died suddenly on August 19, 2011 after being treated/wasted at the Birmingham Veteran Hospital. Failing and Raising all these years, this very humble and quiet God-Fearing Christian man got over hard times: abandonment, sharecropping (another form of slavery), poverty, domestic Klan terrorism and racism. By the Grace of God, he to rose to become a patriarch of a large loving family. He left behind a small house that he had built with his own hands and lot on what was formerly “Wilson Alley.” During the early 1900s, Wilson Alley was a segregated area of the city that primarily housed Black Families struggling- working the coal mines, railroads and iron foundries. At his death, Mr. Gregory left enough cash resources to pay the insurance, taxes and maintenance on his home for a couple of years.

No Rest Even in Death for Black Weary Souls in the DAMNATION of New Rome


Alabama Power Broker, Jefferson County Probate Judge, Alan L. King

Mr. Gregory left a Will of his Last Testament. His heirs only wanted to probate and carry out his Will at death. They petitioned the Jefferson County Probate Court to open a probate estate to properly carry out his last wishes by a family executor that he had chosen. That is when they met for the first time the manifestation of diabolical EVIL, the KINGFISHJudge Alan L. King.


Jefferson County Public Administrator, Elizabeth “BETH” W. McElroy

Almost two years after Mr. Gregory’s heirs petitioned the probate court to open his estate, KINGFISH denied opening probating Mr. Gregory’s Last Will, and appointed Elizabeth W. McElroy, public administrator of John Gregory, Jr.’s Estate. KINGFISH’s order denying probate of Mr. Gregory’s Last Will and appointing McElroy public administrator had not been filed and served. From the facts and circumstances of the case, it appeared that the order had been deliberately concealed until after the statute of limitations for appeal had expired.

Within a reasonable time after discovering the order, they appealed to the Jefferson County Circuit Court for relief and review of that order. Consistent with most modern court jurisdictions, the circuit court is also a court of equity. The heirs paid all the proper filing fees. To their surprise, QUEEN BEE first manifested herself in ultimate EVIL, and intervened directly in their appeal before the circuit court. She filed a motion to dismiss the family’s appeal because its filing was technically beyond the statute of limitation for notice of appeal, but it was filed within a reasonable time after the un-served order of the court was discovered.

I have been involved in numerous appeals in state and federal courts. Usually, the respondent court that issued an order on appeal is universally represented by a county or state counsel, justice department lawyers or appointed legal counsel, not a local public probate administrator which I believe is totally unprecedented and unheard of.

Generally, the Public Administrator serves in a fiduciary capacity to provide professional estate management services to county residents who die without someone willing or able to handle their affairs. In Alabama particularly, estate administration involves three broad categories of activities: (1) collecting and managing the assets of the estate, (2) paying obligations of the estate, and (3) distributing what’s left to the beneficiaries of the estate.[4]

In a series of court rulings from probate court, circuit court to the Supreme Court reviewing QUEEN BEE’s conduct/misconduct as a Jefferson County “Public Administrator“, the Alabama Supreme Court confirmed the proposition that her primary job is “marshaling and distributing assets on behalf of a decedent’s estate.” Supreme Court of Alabama, Ex parte Samuel RODGERS (IN RE: Samuel Rodgers v. Elizabeth McElroy, as personal representative of the estate of Ron’Drequez Cortez White, deceased). 1111509. Decided: March 29, 2013.


Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge, Michael G. Graffeo

Directly intervening in the appellate proceedings of decedent’s heirs as a primary “party proponent” is far beyond “marshaling and distributing assets on behalf of a decedent’s estate.” Yet, based on her “irregular” appearance in circuit court as “some sort of birdie that flew in off the street to land on the shoulder of a circuit court judge to deliver tales from the hood”, a circuit court judge, without a hearing, granted QUEEN BEE’s motion to dismiss the appeal. That when the heirs met the manifestation of EVIL, Circuit Judge Michael G. Graffeo for the first time.

In the meanwhile, QUEEN BEE refused to discuss anything at all with Mr. Gregory’s heirs beyond telling her where their father’s MONEY was. One of Mr. Gregory’s heirs filed a federal court action in equity to toll the lapse of Mr. Gregory’s federal wrongful death tort claim against the VA Hospital and doctor that caused his death. A federal court equitable STAY was granted while the heirs sought state court remedies to remove QUEEN BEE as public representative of the estate so that the federal wrongful tort claim against the VA Hospital could be pursued in federal court.

The heirs went back to KINGFISH and petitioned the probate court to remove QUEEN BEE as the administrator of the estate for CAUSE. KINGFISH ruled that he lacked jurisdiction to remove her, because the matter had been removed to circuit court on appeal. KINGFISH’S blood brother, Judge Tom King, Jr., sits on the circuit court panel. The heirs went back to circuit court to petition to that court to remove QUEEN BEE as the administrator of the estate for CAUSE or officially remand the case back to the KINGFISH for hearing. However, Judge Graffeo also refused jurisdiction to remove her, and directed the court clerks to deny the heir the right to even file the petition for removal.

Judge Graffeo went so far to direct the court clerks to encourage the petitioning heir to leave the court building, immediately. Then, Judge Graffeo literally purged the heirs’ appeal from the civil docket rolls, and ordered the clerk of the court to also purge the petitioner’s jury fees from files.


Judge Graffeo slammed the door to the circuit court to Mr. Gregory’s heirs to protect and shield the QUEEN BEE.


Referring to Elizabeth “Beth” McElroy as “Queen Bee” is no idle gesture within the multiple “MAGIC” magical context of Birmingham. The Queen Bee has an important place in prehistoric and ancient esoteric mythology, rituals and knowledge.[5]


“Minoan and Greek mythology … adopted the sacred bee as a vital element of their society, depicting bees on the statues of their most important gods and goddesses. They also developed the coveted position of female bee shamans, called Melissa’s, which later evolved into priestesses known as SYBIL’S.”[6]In Freemasonry, the beehive represents all that is proper in society, and could arguably be regarded as its most important symbol. The priestesses of the Great Pagan Goddess Cybele (Kybele – Cave Dweller) was transformed by the Greeks into the Sibyls. [7] Cybele is one of the ancient “Bee Goddesses.”[8]The Greeks gave Sibylline Priestesses the amusing name of “Melissae“, which means “honey bees” and indeed, they seemed to swarm about the temple in a state of constant activity, much like bees around a hive.[9]


Birmingham‘s Actual (Beehive) Sibyl Temple That Still Overlook the City

I will connect up the Greek Sibyls with Birmingham, Graffeo and Kingfish later. Locked in a virtual game of judicial PING-PONG between KINGFISH at probate court and Judge Graffeo at circuit court, a timely state court remedy to remove QUEEN BEE was deliberately obstructed. The federal court STAY to preserve Mr. Gregory’s federal tort claim LAPSED.

LIFT THE VEIL & the Making of Birmingham


 Birmingham & the Second Civil War

Birmingham, Alabama is a city that was established in 1871 during the Reconstruction Era after the Great Civil War. Birmingham was founded by a real estate land speculating company, Elyton Land Company. The Elyton Co. sold land lots that formed the new city near the planned crossing of the Alabama & Chattanooga and South & North railroads.[10]

From its very beginning, Elyton Land Company excluded Black People from buying and owning any lots or developing any type of foothold in the new city. They were also barred from using any lands dedicated to public use such as schools and parks.[11] Most of the shareholders of the company had been “Lost Cause” Southern Confederate officers, former “Cotton” slave plantation owners and merchants; and Albert Pike’s Master Masons. They universally maintained that blacks belonged to a backward, savage, semi- animal, criminal, inferior breed of humanity that had to be controlled, regulated through involuntarily servitude and separated from the superior civilized and divine white race at any cost.[12]

The “Lost Cause” was a Romanticized antebellum fable that maintained that the southern secession, even the defense of Absolute African Chattel Property Bondage was an honorable and noble state’s right issue, but was destined to failure because of the industrial superiority of the North.[13]

The “Lost Cause” Fable is an important reference to keep fresh in your mind as you read further. The president of Elyton Land Co., Dr. Henry Martin Caldwell, was a Confederate Officer and a Free and Accepted Freemason.[14] Josiah Morris, the majority shareholder, was a Montgomery banker and a “Cotton” trader.[15] Col. James Robert Powell, another principal shareholder, was a Confederate, and large Mississippi “Cotton” plantation owner.[16] Major Samuel M. Tate, shareholder, was also a Confederate officer.[17] Judge William S. Mudd, a principal shareholder, was a Free and Accepted Freemason.[18] Bolling Hall, another shareholder, was also a multi-generational Free and Accepted Freemason,[19] and a “Cotton” plantation owner. He served as Colonel of the Confederate 59th Alabama Infantry Regiment during the Civil War.[20]

It stands to reason that Birmingham‘s first land title from Elyton Land Company went to a Master Mason, Andrew Marre, who was a merchant and “Cotton” trader. He was a founding member of the Birmingham Lodge No. 384 of Free & Accepted Masons in December 1871.[21]

By 1901, the city of Birmingham became one of the strongest Masonic secret society cities in Alabama. It was also the only city in the South that established a Scottish Rite presence and stronghold.[22] Masonry is a treasure trove of secret Kabbalistic (esoteric) wisdom. Confederate General Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction, being the champion of this research in Masonry. The Scottish Rite was the recognized boss of the southern white freemasonic order.[23]

Birmingham was a haven for 19th Century Confederate- Masonic esoteric secret societies that the Ku Klux Klan evolved out of. One of the missions of the Klan is to restore the honor of the antebellum south, and return Black People to the status as “Absolute Chattel Property Bondsmen” – Slavery.


The Klan openly ran the city’s race relations. Birmingham is a city comprised of fairly recent late 19th Century migrants from other parts of Alabama, United States and immigrants from around the World. However, Alabama is the Deep South.” “Cotton” has always been “King” in Alabama. The state was founded on Absolute African Bondage and Cotton. It defended the institution of slavery as a necessary EVIL.[24]

LIFT THE VEIL, Judge Michael G. Graffeo


In February 2015, Judge Graffeo made national news officiating over a same sex marriage in Alabama amid state controversy. Michael G. “Mike” Graffeo was born March 28, 1952 in Ensley, Alabama. Ensley is a large community located in Opossum Valley in the western section of Birmingham.   It is named for its founder and promoter Enoch Ensley and was home of the once mammoth Ensley Works operated by the Tennessee Coal Iron & Railroad Company (TCI), a division of U.S. Steel after 1907. Originally independent, the city was annexed into Birmingham in 1910.  The northeastern section of the city, clustered around St. Joseph Catholic Church, became home to numerous Italian immigrant families and was called “Little Italy“.[25]


“In Birmingham’s Little Italy, the Klan frequently marched or patrolled the streets during the city’s crime waves, but their concern was not so much Catholics as it was illegal whiskey dealers. “The KKK was after the bootleggers,” recalled one woman living with her family on the Italian community’s main street. She and her children often hid under their beds as the Klan cars passed. “When they went out there at night,” she recalled, ‘we’d hear them coming—the swish of all those cars going by late at night . . . We were scared.’ “[26]


 As long as they kept quiet and didn’t interfere in the city’s race relations, Little Italy was allowed to grow and prosper, then become absorbed within the fabric of the so-called Magic City as it was and is. Mike Graffeo out of “Little Italy” became an attorney and a judge in the 10th Judicial Circuit of California. He is a 1970 graduate of the private John Carroll Catholic High School. He is a graduate of University of Alabama [’76, B.A.] and the University of Alabama School of Law [’79, J.D.] He was admitted to the Alabama State Bar in 1979. Mike Graffeo clerked in U.S. District Court, for two U.S. Magistrates, and then worked for the Richard Arrington, Jr., Mayor of the City of Birmingham as a lobbyist and administrative assistant. Mayor Arrington had been the first elected Black Mayor of Birmingham.


Mayor Richard Arrington served as the city’s mayor for 20 years before he stepped down in 1999.[27] In 1987, Graffeo was elected to the City Council of Birmingham, but failed to be re-elected two years later. It doesn’t appear that he had ever interfered or was overly concerned with the city’s status quo race relations. [28]

In January 1992, Mayor Arrington asserted that a federal investigation into his conduct of city business was part of a conspiracy by justice department prosecutors of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Administration to single out, target and harass black elected officials. In a national protest, he led hundreds of his supporters draped in chains, from the 16th Street Baptist Church to the Federal courthouse, and surrendered to United States marshals under a contempt of court citation.[29]


Birmingham Denaburg Family Tradition

While on the city council, Graffeo worked with the Birmingham law firm of Dajjar Denaburg. The Denaburgs are descended from a family of Ukrainian Jews out of Odessa. The law firm’s founder is Charles Denaburg. Charles is the son of Country Joe Denaburg (Levy’s Jewelry).


Country Joe was an infamous individual in the city, because of his special relationship with the leadership of the KKK. Out of Cousin Joe’s Pawn Shop, he supplied the local Klan with guns and white sheets. He was most likely a member of a Secret Jewish Kabbalah Priesthood closely associated with the esoteric rituals of Solomon Temple Masonry and Pike’s KKK.

“Kluxers often yelled the brotherhood’s secret greeting to “Cousin Joe” as they entered the store and offered him the secret Kluxer handshake.”[30]

Denaburg began the law firm with the late Thomas Charles Najjar. Najjar was a descendant of Lebanese (Mount Lebanon) immigrants that settled in Marietta, Georgia. They were Syrian Orthodox (i.e. Christians, but part of the Eastern Orthodox Church, not the Western, or Catholic, branch of that church). From Temples of the East to Churches of the West, it ties directly into the Apocalyptic Sibylic Prophecies, discussed below.


Mike Graffeo- Vestavia New Rome Noble

Mike Graffeo assumed the bench in January, 2007, after his election in November, 2006. In November, 2012, Judge Graffeo was reelected without opposition. According to Mike Graffeo in his posted Jefferson County judge profile, he makes a special point to say that he is one of the gatekeepers (Leadership) of Vestavia Hills.[31] Another Vestavia Hills gatekeeper is the KINGFISH– Jefferson County probate judge, Alan L. King.[32]


Alan L. King, Vestavia New Rome Noble 

As you will discover. There is absolutely nothing funny about the Kingdom of Vestavia, New Rome.  Kingfish‘s secret ILLUMINATI fraternal brotherhood and rabbit hole runs deep throughout the United States. He rides the Hellenized Ram and is a secret Keeper of the Flame– Confederate Lost Cause Fable and the Second Civil War.

LIFT THE VEIL, KINGFISH- the Flower of the South


Former Louisiana Governor Huey P. Long, Jr. (1893-1935) is the original “Kingfish” of the South. One of Long’s followers dubbed him “the Kingfish” after the Master of the Mystic Knights of the Sea Masonic Lodge to which the fictional Amos and Andy belonged. As the political boss of the state, he commanded wide networks of supporters and was willing to take forceful action.[33] The political prominence of the Alan L. King’s Family in Birmingham goes back to his segregationist and power broker father, John Thomas (Tom) King (1923-2007).[34]

As you will see, our Mystic Knight Kingfish is also in the process of commanding wide networks of supporters along with his agenda willing to take forceful action for New Rome, the Second Civil War;  Great Secret Work, and “LOST CAUSE” of the Confederacy.
kingconfederateJudge King, ’71 University of Alabama, Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) is heavily, deeply and openly involved in the Fraternal Order of 1865. It was the first fraternal order established among white gentlemen of the Confederate South after the Civil War.[35]

ATO is one-third of the what is known as the Lexington Triad along with Sigma Nu and Kappa Alpha. The founders of the triad listed CONFEDERATE GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE’s chivalry and gentlemanly conduct as an inspiration, and he was designated the “Spiritual Founder” of the Orders.[36] GENERAL LEE is also a hero of the Confederate Lost Cause Fable.[37]


In 1865, ATO was founded by a confederate officer, Otis Allan Glazebrook, of the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington, Virginia. Glazebrook‘s task was to re-establish secret fraternal orders throughout the South that had been disrupted by the Great War. ATO was seeded by the very Flower of the South- “officers in the Confederate Army and others, sons of distinguished southern men” based on esoteric rituals, magic and a “Secret (Great) Work.”[38]


The Secret Work is Masonic esoteric knowledge (Magnum Opus) that begins with King Solomon, Solomon’s Temple on Mount Zion, Jerusalem and ends in Antichrist– JERUSALEM that was developed as early as 1857 by Confederate General Albert Pike of Scottish Rite, FreemasonryKnights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan.[39]

The Triad’s Masonic scientific system, actually a form of Witchcraft, is based on Alchemy and Magic. Its process is one of Universal Motion, designed to purposely foment diabolical chaos so that order may come out of two dynamic competing forces, Ordo Ah Chao. Their objective is the Secret Great Work, the changing of man created in God’s image into the image of a serpent-being void of morality and void of righteous, just values. In other words, the Secret Work is designed to create and produce a race of soul-less satanic creatures.[40]

To affect their Secret Great Work, to transform and transmutate the world and humanity into the “new soul-less creature,” heaven and earth must be destroyed, crushed, and thoroughly converted into a new paradigm. In essence, heaven and earth are to become HELL. The will of SATAN shall be done on Earth as it is in HELL. This is the exalted, “Royal SecretWork.[41]
kingsecretsocietiesThe fraternal orders hide their true motives behind “Honor and Charity.” They are a “Secret Brotherhood” behind which the Luciferian Agenda of White Supremacy ranks supreme, and General Pike’s Freemasonry and Scottish Rite lurks. The first ATO chapter established in 1881 north of the Mason and Dixie Line was the work of Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith of the fraternal Order of Phi Kappa Psi. Dr. Smith was a vice-provost of the University of Pennsylvania. He was the Grand Master of the University of Pennsylvania, Masonic Lodge 601 of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge. He received the 33d Degree in the Freemasons of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (Northern Jurisdiction) in 1895. [42] Sir Knight Fahn Smith was knighted in Palestine Commandery No. 33, Springfield, Ohio on January 29, 1886.[43]

Kappa Alpha (Order of Christian Knights) of the Triad had been founded in 1866 by Confederate Officers and Master Masons Samuel Zenas Ammen and James Ward Wood at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia when General Robert E. Lee was president of the university. General Ammen designed and created secret rituals for the Kappas. He was entitled the, “Knight Commander.”[44] The KA secret rituals were based on Craft Freemasonry and the Knights Templar.[45]

Sigma Nu (Secret Legion of Honor) was founded by James Frank Hopkins also at VMI in Lexington, Virginia in 1869. In Hopkinsthird year at VMI, he joined the Masonic Lodge in Lexington. The masons inspired him to create a similar organization at VMI that became Sigma Nu. It remained an all-white fraternal order until the late 1960s.[46]

ATO is certainly the perfect secret order to cloak “Lost Cause” motives behind. You can be a secret closet racialist, elitist, confederateFreemason, Satanist and a Knight Templar all in one fraternal order. However, keep in mind that all ATO’s secret rituals and ceremonies are based on the LUCIFERIAN esoteric knowledge (Magnum Opus) of Albert Pike.

What is so special about the Kingdom oVestavia (Hills) to Mike Graffeo and the Kingfish?

LIFT THE VEIL, Kingdom of Vestavia, New Rome


Vestavia Hills is Birmingham’s second wealthiest suburb (after Mountain Brook) and its second highest rated school system. Vestavia Hills is a large (30,000) overwhelmingly (89.38%) white upper-middle class suburb.[47] They say that Denmark is the only place on earth actually whiter than Vestavia Hills. Their legend is that God created Vestavia in six days and went golfing on the seventh.[48] Vestavia is a place created by secret “esoteric” rituals and ceremonies out of Ancient ROME, ITALY.


Vestavia Hills was created out of the former estate of Birmingham’s former mayor, George B. Ward (1867-1940). He had named the estate exotic Vestavia. George B was an interesting historic character. He was the son of Antebellum Slave Plantation owners George and Margaret Ketchum Ward (Mother of Birmingham) out of ROME, Georgia.

Ward, Rome, Italy, [New] Rome, Georgia & Gone with the Wind


The Wolf, Romulus, Remus Between Two Masonic Pillars in Rome, GA

In 1834, Colonel Daniel R. Mitchell suggested the name, Rome, as he thought the city’s topography mirrored that of Ancient Rome, Italy, and its seven hills- Palatine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine. In 1929, an exact replica of the famous Etruscan statue of the Capitoline wolf nursing the orphaned twins, Romulus and Remus, was sent to Rome, Georgia, from Rome, Italy during the rule of Benito Mussolini. It still stands in front of City Hall. Today, Rome, Georgia is called the City of Seven Hills.[49]


Margaret Ketchum Ward

On November 15, 1883, Mrs. Ward (1840- 1919) testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Relations between Labor and Capital which met at her Relay House (Hotel) in Birmingham. In her lengthy testimony, she described her romanticized observations of African Absolute Bondsmen and their families during her years in antebellum Georgia. She also talked about her experiences during the Civil War and the Reconstruction policies of the United States afterward.[50]


Mrs. Ward’s distorted picture of the Old South is believed to have resonated with Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 infamous novel, Gone with the Wind.[51] Seeing similarities between his mother’s testimony and Mitchell’s novel, George B. Ward mailed a copy of Mrs. Ketchum Ward’s testimony to her, who was thrilled to receive it and lavished it with praise. Margaret Mitchell (1900- 1949) had in fact lived in Birmingham for a short while.[52] Margaret Mitchell also spent many weekends in Mrs. Ward’s hometown, [New] Rome, Georgia, with a young female friend, Ages Fahy.[53]


Some Birmingham locals claim that the prostitute Belle Waiting in the novel and HollyWeird movie, Gone with the Wind, was based on a local character and notorious prostitute, Madame Louise Lou” Catharine Wooster (1842- 1913).


Julius Caesar of Rome- Confederate Assassin Son of Brutus, Left

John Wilkes (Marc Anthony), Brother Edwin (Brutus) and Father Junius BRUTUS Booth (Cassius) preformed a production of (Sir Francis Bacon) Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in 1864 just five months before the Lincoln Assassination.  It is extremely interesting that Wooster connects directly to President Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Wilkes Booth, of Albert Pike’s secret Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan and the Underground Confederacy.[54]


George B. Ward’s estate Vestavia in the hills overlooking Birmingham was patterned after the Temple Complex of Goddesses Vesta and Sybil in Tivoli, Italy outside of Rome that dates back to the early 1st century BC.[55]

Birmingham‘s Temple of Vestavia

 The Inner Sacred Space

kinghestiaRoman Goddess Vestavia 

Vestavia (Vesta) is the Roman version of the virgin Greek Goddess Hestia. She sits at the center of every household and every city and state (in the ‘town hall’ or prytaneion, a place women did not normally enter) and even at the center of Delphi, the very navel of Greece and the world. She attends all Greece’s hearth. Hestia in fact means ‘hearth‘-another god (like Hermes) who gets her name from a stone structure or piece of topography.

Both Hestia and Hermes are considered “epichthonic” deities, i.e. dwelling or acting primarily on the earth rather than above (the Uranian/Olympian ones) or below (the chthonic ones) or inside the earth. Both act as mediators between the regions above and those below. Both dwell in or at the house, but she never leaves it, and he is always leaving it.[56]

The Goddess Vesta was tended by the famed Vestal Virgins charged with maintaining the eternal flame burning at Rome’s center. Like Vesta, Hestia was both the Goddess and Protector of HEARTH and HOME. She represented the fire burning at the center of the earth and maintained the fire at the center of Olympus. At the symbolic center of every Greek town–the public hearth or prytaneum–an altar was made to her. She was held in such high esteem that the first portion of sacrifices was offered to her, as were the first and last libations at festivals.[57]

Birmingham‘s Temple of Sibyl


Ward’s Sibyl Temple Overlooking Birmingham

From Darkness to Light

In Ancient Rome, Sibyls (Sybils) had been wise women who inhabited shrines, temples, and caves, and who, being blessed “by the gods” with the gift of prophecy, read the signs of nature in order to foretell the future. These seers “Sibyls” were named after the Greek word for prophetess (“sibulla”).[58]

The Sibyl Temple that Ward created as a gateway to the estate was dedicated to the Tiburtine Sybil: “by name Albunea, who is worshipped at Tibur [modern Tivoli] as a goddess, near the banks of the river Anio, in the depths of which her statue is said to have been found, holding in her hand a book. The senate transferred her oracles into the Capitol.”[59]

Prophecy of the Tiburtine Sybil & Old Aristocratic Birmingham

The Tiburtine Sybil is infamous in history for her mystic meeting with the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus; and her prophecy about the coming of the Antichrist. ” … the PRINCE OF INIQUITY who will be called ANTICHRIST will arise from the Tribe of Dan. He will be the Son of Perdition, the head of pride, the master of error, the fullness of malice who will overturn the world and do wonders and great signs through dissimulation. He will delude many by magic art so that fire will seem to come down from heaven. … When the Roman Empire shall have ceased, then the Antichrist will be openly revealed and will sit in the HOUSE OF THE LORD IN JERUSALEM.”[60]

Originally, the Tiburtine Sibyl “prophesied” Constantine the Great, who would rule for 30 years, advance true religion, fulfill the law and do justice. Later it prophesied an Emperor Constans would reign for 112 years in peace and plenty over all the Christians, destroy pagan lands, baptize them and convert their temples to churches. After 120 years, the Jews would be converted. Gog and Magog would appear and be defeated by the Emperor, who would surrender his rule over all Christians to God at Jerusalem before the Antichrist. After a short rule, the Antichrist would be defeated by Christ and perpetual universal peace and a New World Order would be established. The Last World Emperor prophecy enormously enhanced the apocalyptic aura of eleventh-century Jerusalem and helped stimulate the first four Crusades, and the Knights Templar attempt to recover Jerusalem and take over the East.[61]


On special occasions, Ward opened the estate for public tours. In his Temple to Vesta, he hosted parties featuring guests in togas, barefoot dancing maidens, and servants dressed as Roman soldiers. On ponds surrounding the estate, Ward floated models of Roman ships.[62]


Labeled “Le Temple Grec in Paris, France, it was actually modeled after the Roman Temple of Sybil in Tivoli, Italy.[63] Ward, Cumberland College, ‘1886-87, was a member of the secret Pi Beta Phi fraternity/society. Beta Theta Pi relied upon the legacy of the ancient Greek Mysteries and its approach to seeking wisdom and personal transformation through initiation. Beta Theta Pi in its original formulation and constitution drew upon the inspiration of the ancient Greek Mysteries, Freemasonry and related elements in the institution of Knights Templar Knighthood.[64]


Inside Birmingham’s Temple of Vesta, the Goddess stands between the traditional Masonic Two PillarsBoaz and Jachin. The right-hand column was called Jachin and it is associated with law and order; the left-hand column is called Boaz and symbolizes strength. It is said that after the great flood, Pythagoras found the two pillars that had once stood at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon.  The Goddess Vesta holds the patera- libation bowl in her left hand, and the Sacred Flame in the right, So above- So below.


The Baphomet between the Solomon Temple’s Two Pillars. All the secrets of Geometry were said to have been inscribed upon the two pillars, Pythagoras together with Hermes Trismegistos, took these secrets to the Greeks.


Solomon Temple- From Darkness to Light


Birmingham‘s oligarchic Ancient Roman Cult overlooking the city was no sideshow or joke. It was a serious temple complex dedicated to secret ancient Masonic esoteric Greek/Roman initiations, rituals and knowledge that had been sacred to the Masonic PlatoAlbert Pike, for a covert magical order of Birmingham’s white elite whose souls had been restored to that state of perfection from which it had originally fallen.


What exists above Birmingham in Vestavia, New Rome was/is a serious part of a secret initiatory chain that has been a fundamental part of the secret shadow government’s pursuit of ancient wisdom, truth and knowledge to separate the elite Slavocracy from the masses for thousands of years.

In Conclusion

Jefferson County Public Administrator Elizabeth “Beth” McElroy‘s position in the Matter of the Estate of Gregory is indefensible. She had a duty to file an Inventory of Assets within 45 (forty-five) days of her appointment as administrator on May 22, 2013, that is over 2 (two) years outstanding, and she still refuses to file it. There has not been an accounting of the Matter of the Estate of Gregory in almost 4 (four) years. The heirs and the general public don’t know what exactly McElroy has collected and seized that belonged to the decedent and the heirs. Her GROSS nonfeasance alone may be grounds to disbar her.

As pointed out by the highest court of Alabama in particular to her, McElroy fiduciary duty as a public administrator is to help collect assets, pay bills of the estate and disperse what is left to the heirs. It does not authorize her to go on indefinite fishing expeditions and treasure hunts for MONEY as some sort of PRIVATEER under the cloak of public office. It doesn’t extend to her the privilege to violate criminal statutes in an attempt to EXTORT money from heirs.

As to Judge Mike Graffeo, undoubtedly, he has board judicial immunity across the board for whatever he does on the bench. However, Obstruction of Justice is a criminal offense of interfering with the (1) administration or process of law. The crime of obstruction of justice generally includes crimes committed by JUDGES.

The principal statutes in this area contained in chapter 73 of United States Code Title 18 are: section 1503 (felony provision that targets efforts to influence or injure a court officer or juror, as well as other obstructionary efforts); section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees); section 1506 (felony to steal or alter a court record or provide a phony bail surety).

Section 1503 offers broad protection to the “due administration of justice” by stating that a person who “corruptly or by threats of force, or by threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice” is guilty of the crime of obstruction of justice.

The government must prove that there was a pending federal judicial proceeding, the defendant knew of the proceeding, and the defendant had corrupt intent to interfere with or attempted to interfere with the proceeding, in order to obtain a conviction under Section 1503.  Under the statute, actual obstruction is not necessary as an element of proof to sustain a conviction.  The defendant’s endeavor to obstruct justice is sufficient. [65]

It is well clarified and established in Rogers v. MCELROY, etc., District Court Northern District of Alabama Southern Division, Case No. CV-14-BE-1728-S that the heirs begged for and was granted federal relief (STAY) while they pursued timely state court proceedings and remedies (Probate Court Alan L. King and Circuit Court Judge Mike Graffeo) to remove MCELROY as the administrator of the estate for CAUSE. Both Judges King and Graffeo deliberately obstructed and closed the doors to justice pending federal court proceedings.

ALA CODE § 13A-10-2 : Alabama Code – Section 13A-10-2: OBSTRUCTING GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS

a) A person commits the crime of obstructing governmental operations if, by means of intimidation, physical force or interference or by any other independently unlawful act, he:

(1) Intentionally obstructs, impairs or hinders the administration of law or other governmental function ..[66].

At this point, not much is known about Queen Bee’s true background. She born in Shreveport, Louisiana- Elizabeth Woods. I am not yet sure how she exactly fits in New Rome. However, the degree of the risks taken by both Kingfish and Graffeo to protect and shield her indicates Queen Bee is certainly indeed high among the secretly initiated. Nevertheless, MCELROY’s nonfeasance- failure to act where action is required -willfully or in neglect can be established by time alone. Her misfeasance- willful inappropriate action or intentional incorrect action (Where is your Father’s Money) may also be established. Judge Graffeo’s obstruction by deliberating purging Julia Rogers-Gregory as a appellant and petitioner from the Jefferson County Circuit Court civil docket rolls and ordering the removal/purge of the litigant’s jury fees may stand alone also as a SMOKING GUN.

Judge King cleverly stands right in middle of everything in this case. He is the KINGFISH- the inside Masonic power broker. Don’t get it twisted. My intention in the above legal references is not to advise, convince or inform you what the law is or define any legal terms, but to illustrate BY THE FACTS that when it comes to the struggle to establish PEACE and restore DIGNITY to our dearly beloved departed elder and his family, WE STAND ON THE HIGH GROUND TO JUSTICE. 


It will be a long and difficult road and struggle ahead. The DRAGON will snap its tail, but when it comes to getting what the Good and Faithful Mr. Gregory has been promised by God and Country, and is entitled to as a Citizen of the United States, we  intend to advance step by step ahead until VICTORY. 

Hopefully more sooner than later, our precious elders like John Gregory, Jr. (96 years old) and those slaughtered in Charleston,  Ethel Lee Lance, 70 years old, Rev. Daniel L. Simmons, Sr., 74 years, Susie Jackson, 87 years, and the young and upcoming, Tywanza Sanders, 26 years old, Rev. Clementa Pinckney, 41 years old, Rev. Sharonda Singleton, 45 years old, Rev. Depayne Middleton- Doctor, 49 years old, and Myra Thompson, 59 years old, when their souls look back and wonder, they will be happy to know, WE, ALL the PEOPLE of CONSCIENCE, helped them make it over.

HELP FREE ELDER JOHN GREGORY, JR.’S SOUL, send your pennies, nickles and dimes, over-payment of the worth of Queen Bee’s Probate Representative Fees, to the Estate of John Gregory, Jr. (Case No. CV 2013 000611):

Baxley, Dillard, McKnight, James & McElroy, 2008 Third Ave. South, Birmingham, AL 35233, email:








[6] Id.





[11] Wilson v. Lakeview Land Co. 39 Southern Reporter (1905) pg. 303


[13] Id.









[22] Morcombe, Joseph E., The American tyler-keystone, August 15, 1901, pg. 92














































