20 10 2016




On September 29, 2016, the NFL made it official announcing that six-time Grammy winner Lady Gaga will headline this year’s Super Bowl 51 halftime show. Almost all of that she does is wrapped up in the Occult, Mind Control Symbolism, and the DEVIL.


Lady Gaga use a blend of contemporary music, art, fashion and film to create “intelligence imagery– a force on to itself. Intelligence imagery is a highly developed and growing science of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex for mass population control and psychological warfare.

Lady Gaga’s pop electro operas” deliberately drives demonic, occult, mind control symbolism and themes through music videos, songs, photo shoots and costumesIn a Vigilant Citizen article that I encourage everyone to read entitled, Lady Gaga Perfume Fame another Illuminati Tribute, it demonstrates that Lady Gaga is absolutely nothing to play around with. There is no specific direct evidence that links Lady Gaga to the sacred teachings, books and the hermetic philosophy and magick of Pythagoras, Kabala, Knights Temple, Rosicrucians, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, or the Great BEAST 666However, the Vigilant Citizen sets forth substantial circumstantial evidence that Lady Gaga is an accomplished freaky initiate and adept of the Satanic Cult linked to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Great BEAST 666.


It involves her perfume, Fame. One of its key ingredients, Atropa Belladonna, has a history that should scare the shit out of you and blow your socks off, “Described on the packaging the fragrances ingredients read as follows; tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchid with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops. Belladonna, Italian for ‘Beautiful Woman’ and officially known as ‘Atropa Belladonna’ is an extremely poisonous plant that causes hallucinations, delirium and other psychological effects like mind dissociation. Ancient folklore tells that Atropa Belladonna was tended to by the devil himself.


Pre-dating the middle ages and throughout history the herb Atropa Belladonna was a key ingredient in magick and was widely used by witches in aid of flying, otherwise known as astrotravel or astroprojection. It was believed that this herb had the ability to dissociate one’s mind from its physical body, putting the user into a hypnotic trance, enabling the witches to spiritually leave the body during the ritual work.”

According to Australian fashion journalist, Felix London, Lady Gaga’s perfume Fame also includes BLOOD and SEMEN. It’s no coincidence that those are two key ingredients in a number of potions and witchcraft spells.


Whilst not noted on the packaging, the next key ingredient is a synthetic pheromone based on the molecular structure of male semen. Semen is filled with pheromones that transmit an increased sexual desire to whoever smells it. Semen is also a very powerful ingredient in any spell work or Magick along with blood, which is also a key component of this fragrance. The mixing of blood and semen is straight out of hermetic magick,

Combining the two for magical purposes forms part of the Gnostic Mass, ritualized sex magick. Blood has a powerful spiritual truth inherent within it. Blood binds the spiritual and physical together. When used inside a ritual or sacrament, it will create either a contract of covenant. The synthetic ingredient in this fragrance that adds the blood was based on the exact molecular structure of a sample of Lady Gagas own blood. Essentially she has shed her blood so the masses may wear it. Perhaps ‘mother monster’ as she refers to herself is anointing her ‘little monsters’ AKA fans through her perfume and in doing so consecrating them to herself.


A.E. Waite & the Great BEAST

The Great BEAST’s mentor and foe in the “Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn” was Arthur Edward Waite aka A.E. Waite (1857-1942). He was a respected English author and translator of many ancient secret sacred works that helped form and shape the Satanic rituals and belief systems of secret societies and circles, today. He wrote occult texts on subjects of divination, esotericism, Rosicrucianism, Freemason, ceremonial magic, Kabbalism, and alchemy.


Waite is best known as the co-creator of the popular and widely used Rider-Waite Tarot deck and author of its companion volume, the Key to the Tarot. Well, if there is one man that should know what a “DEVIL WORSHIPER” looks like. It is A.E. Waite. He says that the ancient classic “DEVIL WORSHIPER” looks like this.


This is the ILLUSION that Lady Gaga create and implant in our subconscious, and it is the direct recreation of the vision of the Great BEAST and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. There is strong convincing circumstantial evidence that Lady Gaga is a “DEVIL WORSHIPER.”



 Recently, I was rather deeply shocked and distressed by a group of Def [Death] Jam Recording rappers entitled, Flatlinerz. In 1994, they released an album, U.S.A. (UNDER SATAN’S AUTHORITY). It was produced by black music mogul, Russell Simmons. From the album, it produced two blatant Luciferian videos, “Live Evil“, and “SATANIC VERSES“.[1]


Satanist Flatlinerz, Russell Simmons & Knight Templar Third Rite inside Descending Pyramid

Soon thereafter, Flatlinerz were released from Def Jam after the company decided that Black People were not ready for SATANIC vibes. Redrum (Jamel Simmons) appears to be the leader of the group. He is Russell Simmons’ nephew. By the way, Redrum is “Murder” spelled backwards. He is an Apostle of the DEVIL.


Redrum: ” … Def Jam was promoting us to a black market and black people weren’t ready for occult themes or being introduced to anything other than Christianity… Def Jam wanted us to introduce these themes to black people but black people just was not ready for that at the time. They ready for it NOW… We be studying … the occult, we study Aleister Crowley


It’s prevalent, anyone with half of a mind can just look and see it. It’s right there in front of your face in every aspect of society… It’s very simple … the television- Tell-Lie-Vision, tell lies to your vision. It’s all there to indoctrinate you … It’s put there for you to see so you can make a decision. Oh, those guys worship SATAN– I am going to listen to them. Well, you made your decision which is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE that they need for you to take … WILLING ACCEPTANCE.”[2]

First and foremost. These young men of Flatlinerz were initiated into an actual Satanic Cult that followed at least the first three (3) Knights Templar/Masonic rites and degrees.  The Third and Last Rite of the Knights’ Temple that Redrum refers to is considered to be the most impressive and inspiring degree to be found in any Masonic system. The Third Degree is called the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.


The central figure in the Third Degree ritual of Freemasonry is Hiram Abif (or Abiff)Hiram is unjustly killed, buried and then raised from the grave. Toward the conclusion of the Legend of the Third Degree, the new Master Mason is told that he should imitate Hiram Abif so that he may get into the celestial Lodge above, where the Grand Architect of the Universe (the Masonic god) presides.[3]


In the Third and Final Rite, you must vow by the Blood Oat Covenant of Secrecy to willingly accept Hiram Abif as your savior. Hiram Abif also goes by the name of SATAN.[4]


The question isn’t really if Black People are ready or not for SATANISM, SATANIC VERSES OR VIBES. The question is whether or not it is being forced down their throats by the Luciferian Music Entertainment Industry through mass systematic Ritual Satanic Programming? And, it is indeed. It is no longer a CONSPIRACY THEORY.


At the time Def [Death] Jam Recording developed its “Satanic Conspiracy” against Black People, it included primarily Lyor Cohen, Russell Simmons, and Rick Rubin.


Lyor Cohen is a dual Israeli and American citizen. He is the son of Israeli’s Ziva and Elisha Cohen, both Israeli Zionist agents. In Israel, Ziva was part of the Harel Brigade.[5] On April 16, 1948, the Israeli Palmach formed the Harel Brigade. The Palmach was the elite pre-State striking force of the Haganah, the Jews’ military organization in Palestine.[6] The Haganah clandestinely worked with Allgemeine SS Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto von Bolschwing and Himmler’s SS as a paramilitary force, and intelligence spy network about British affairs in Palestine.[7]

In New York, Ziva worked as a security (Mossad) agent for one of Israel’s most important and influential global Zionist propagandist of the 20th century, Abba Eban, that once compared the Palestinian People to the Nazis. In his career, Eban was an Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister, Education Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and Ambassador to the U.S. and U.N. He was also VP of the UN General Assembly, and President of the Weizmann Institute of Science.[8]




A lot of people don’t realize that many Israeli- American dual citizens in this country are secret Masons of the Grand Lodge of Israel.


Just before Bobbi Kristina Brown’s ritual death by a lethal Jonestown Cocktail of drugs, she and Nick Gordon were under the direct surveillance and control of the Mossad.


Their Israeli Mossad Watcher and Spy was Daphne Barak.[9]


Arnelle Simpson & Daphne Barak, Satanic Symbol of “Silence is Golden”

Arnelle, daughter of O.J. Simpson, has been quietly driven to drugs and alcoholism. Daphne is the sister of the war criminal Israeli Master Mason, Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister, and one of the leaders of a special unit of the elite Israeli Defense Forces in the early 1970s.


Ehud is an Israeli suspect in the September 9-11 Inside Job that aided and abetted in bringing down the N.Y Twin Towers and Building 7 on the American people.[10]


Due to the nature of Lyor Cohen’s cultural aggression against Black people in the entertainment music industry, I suspect that he also is a secret Mossad Master Mason. Many people may never have heard of Kabala Zionism. However, it is necessary to discuss it along with Freemasonry as a root of a Lyor Cohen, his aggressive campaign of cultural destruction, genocide, and the current state of affairs of black Satanic Cults, and Satanic Hip Hop and Rap infiltrating, invading and aggressively prevailing over the traditional values and morals of the Black Community, and its youth.


First and foremost, don’t get it twisted. He is a KABALAZionist zealot and grandson of an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) general.[11] In all things, Lyor Cohen’s agenda and game plan in America is a Zionist Agenda.

Israel and the Brutal Colonization of Ancient Palestine


Yehuda Solomon Alkalai was born in the year 1798 in Sarajevo, Bosnia. He studied in Jerusalem under different Rabbis and came under the influence of the Kabbalah. In the year 1825, he became Rabbi of Semlin, the capital of Serbia. In the year 1834, he proclaimed for the first time the idea of political independence of the Jews and the creation of the State of Israel in his pamphlet Shema Yisrael (“Listen O Israel”). Therein, he proposed erecting Jewish settlements in the land of Israel as predecessor to the Messianic redemption. But this idea was seen by the Jews as heresy because they believed that the Messianic redemption would be caused by a supernatural event caused by God. The rabbinic doctrine was that the Messiah would first lead the people of Israel in the apocalyptic war of Gog and Magog and then conquer the Land of Palestine.

But Alkalai believed after his study of the Kabala that the year 5600 (1840) would be the beginning of the Messianic Redemption and he asked the Jews to make efforts for the redemption and to found the State of Israel. He was dreaming of a worldwide organization, which should support the founding of Israel. He became a member of an association for the brutal and forceful Colonization of Israel.

His ideas were picked up later on by Theodor Herzl, whose grandfather was a friend of Alkalai. Theodor Herzl (May 2, 1860 – July 3, 1904), born Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl (lit. “Visionary of the State”) was an  Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer. He was one of the fathers of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the World Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish migration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish State (Israel). He is generally given credit for setting the development in motion, which contributed essentially to the foundation of the State of Israel in the year, 1948.[12] This is the official theory, but it can be said for sure that the idea of the foundation of Israel was much older. The force behind Zionism were and are the Cabbalists, King Solomon Freemasonry within a kabalistic foundation to establish a Satanic New World Order with Jerusalem as its center and capital.[13]



Israel, the Secret Rothschild Masonic Country


In Scotland, the Knights Templar served Robert the Bruce (1274 – 1329) as members of the Scots Guard, which two prominent families were those of the Stuarts and Sinclairs. Henry Sinclair was a supporter of Robert the Bruce, and one of descendants, William Sinclair, designed Rosslyn Chapel, a church in the village of Roslin, replete with occult symbolism, and believed to be one of the sites where the Holy Grail might be buried. The Sinclairs became the Hereditary Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland.[14]

After Queen Elizabeth I died without an heir in 1603, she was succeeded by the son of Mary Queen of Scots, James Stewart I of England, known as King James. It is for this reason that the Freemasons of the 18th century conspired to back the Stuart case, after their last monarch, James II Stuart, King of England, was deposed, and replaced by William of Orange. The Stuart Cause then became the essence of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which regarded the Stuarts as the inheritors of the Templars, who had rescued the secret tradition of the East, otherwise known as the Kabbalah.[15]


Mayer Amschel Rothschild-Knight [Templar] of Malta

Since the late 18th century, the Scottish Rite have come under the influence and leadership of the House of Rothschild. The founder of the House, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744- 1812), ordered his sons to marry their first cousins. However, the first exception was Hannah, daughter of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who married Rt. Hon. Henry Fitzroy, a direct descendant of Charles II Stuart, King of England, the father of James II Stuart.[16]

More recently, the great-great- great grandson of Nathan Mayer, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild married Mary Serena Dunn. The mother of Mary Serena was Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine, who was the daughter of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rossyln.[17]

Over the generations, the House of Rothschild have been deeply inter-weaved in the Bloodlines of the Luciferian branches of the Knights Templar, House of Stuart, ILLUMINATI, Freemasonry, Order of Jesuits, and the Scottish Rite.



The reference book; 10,000 Famous Freemasons, “lists two prominent Rothschilds, including James Mayer Rothschild (1792- 1868), son of the dynasty’s founder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. James is listed as a “33 degree adept of the French Supreme Council.” Nathan, the second son of Mayer is also listed.[18]

After Nathan Rothschild’s death in 1836– it was said that his wealth was in fact intended for a higher purpose: “to avenge the wrongs of Israel,” by securing “the re-establishment of Judah’s kingdom- then rebuilding of thy towers, Oh! Jerusalem!’” and “the restoration of Judea to our ancient race.[19]

The bottom line is that Herzl was an Ashkenazi Jew secretly financed and bankrolled by the House of Rothschild. Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845- 1943) worked closely behind the veil with Herzl. He is known in the Jewish world as the founder of the Agricultural Colonies in Palestine, that had been under the administration of the Jewish Colonization Association (Herzl).[20] Rothschild was also the power behind Chaim Weizmann, another leader of Zionism. As Rothschild once told Weizmann: “Without me Zionism would not have succeeded, but without Zionism my work would have been stuck to death.” [21] Israel is a Rothschild- ILLUMINATI Masonic owned country.


Lyor Cohen was a financial analyst for Leumi Bank. The founding fathers of Leumi Bank were Herzl and the House of Rothschild, that advocated for a “Jewish Colonial Trust” that the Zionist Movement needed to support Jewish settlers and aggression in Palestine.[22]

Today, the Zionist Agenda is a New World Order. “The term New World Order (NWO) has been used by numerous politicians through the ages, and is a generic term used to refer to a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Listen to the Zionist banker, Paul Warburg: We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent. (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).”

According to the Kabala Zionist Agenda, and its goon, Lyor Cohen, there is no place or room in the NWO for a bunch of nationalist Christian bible totting Black People, and ANCIENT PROPHESY OF THE BLACK MESSIAH. Cohen was one of the secret principal bankrollers and financers of Def [Death] Jam’s Satanic Conspiracy and Plot Against Black People, here and globally.

Rick Rubin, Lucifer’s Guru


Whereas, Def [Death] Jam’s Rick Rubin’s game plan was peeped some years ago by his secret direct association with the British Occultist, Trans-humanist, Hermaphrodite, and Satanist, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. He is an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist. He is one of  your most perfect Satanic gurus to secretly initiate selective Satanic neophytes like the black hip hop rappers, The Flatlinerz. Genesis founded second-wave industrial-gothic rock art performance groups, Throbbing Gristle and PsychThric-TV.[23]


Rick Rubin’s secluded haunted studio mansion compound in Laurel Canyon once belonged to Houdini. Its “… foundation is said to have been riddled with secret passageways, tunnels, and hidden chambers. Similarly, the grounds of the estate were (and still are) laced with trails leading to grottoes, elaborate stone structures, and hidden caves and tunnels.”[24]


In February 1992, while Orridge was in the country of Nepal, a British TV documentary accused him of Satanic (pornographic) child abuse from a Psychic TV performance-art video taken from his home. Scotland Yard seized about two tons of Orridge’ possessions and threatened to imprison him, and told him that they could not guarantee the artist’s physical safety if he returned to England. So, along with his first wife and their young daughters, Caresse and Genesse, P-Orridge fled to Cazadero, a remote community of around three hundred and fifty people in Sonoma County, California.[25]


In 1995, hidden in the Rubin’s Laurel Canyon compound they found Genesis Breyer P-Orridge that had been driven out of the compound injured by a fire. Genesis is considered one of three of the High Magi of the Left Hand PathSATANISM.[26] The other two were (British Intelligence MI-5) Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, and the CIA’s Timothy Leary.[27] Genesis is an ardent hard core Crowley devotee and the founder of the Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY).[28]


Many of the Tenets of TOPY were based upon the Satanic teachings of Robert DeGrimston, founder of the Process Church of the Final Judgment. During the 1990s, Genesis revived the Process Church.[29]

Russell Simmons, the False Prophet Out of HELL


So, that leaves Def [Death] Jam’s no-good, false ass prophet and gutless DEVIL WORSHIPING Negro Bootlicking Uncle Tom and Sellout, Russell Simmons. I don’t believe that I need to say much more.



Def [Death] Jam & Lady Gaga


In 2006, New Island Def [Death] Jam Music Group (IDJMG) and L.A. Reid jump started Stefani Germanotta hip hop/rap/popular music entertainment career with a very impressive and unusual generous $850,000 recording contract. 50% of it was kicked down directly to Sicilian Big Joe Germanotta, Stefani’s father.[30]

In 1998, Def [Death] Jam became the center of a music entertainment corporate monopoly. PolyGram was purchased by Seagram and merged with the MCA family of labels, which became Universal Music Group (UMG). It then purchased the remaining interest of Def Jam Recordings from Russell Simmons for a reported $100 million. UMG merged 14+ record labels including: Def Jam, Island Records and Mercury Records to form The Island Def Jam Music Group (IDJMG). Despite the formation of IDJMG, the Def Jam among others continued to operate as separate imprints underneath the bigger umbrella. L.A. Reid became the chairman and CEO of IDJMG in February 2004.[31]


Rosicrucian Scholar, A.E. Waite (1857-1942), was one of Aleister Crowley’s mentors in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Waite introduced Eliphas Levi’s image of the Baphomet to Western Satanic Cults during the 19th and 20th centuries. He also introduced the above Hermetic Order’s image of the “DEVIL WORSHIPER” most likely taken directly from ancient Rosicrucian grimoires (magick books). Lady Gaga is a DEVIL Worshiper straight out of from HELL HOLE of the occult.


Secret Master Mason “Crossed Arm” Symbol, Lyor Cohen & L.A. Reid

At the very least, Cohen and Reid appears to have been initiated at the Masonic  33º Rite. The man in the middle with the secret Masonic cross armed symbol, Norman Vincent Peale, has been confirmed to have been a 33º Freemason. At the center of it behind the veil was Kabala Zionist Agent and Aggressor, Lyor Cohen. He was appointed co-president of IDJMG. From that position, he watched over the window dressing Negro bootlicker puppet, Reid, for the New World Order Israeli Kabala Zionist Movement that quietly manipulated the power to decide who makes music, and the overall direction of the People’s music.

Cohen & 300 DEVILS


The Magick of 300: Author of “Freemasonry and the Kabbalah“, W. Wyn Westcott, S. Magus. Soc. Rosae Crucis in Anglia, Collectanea Hermetica, Vol. IX, Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues (1902), “The riches of Korah were so vast that it took 300 mules to carry them.There were 300 sorts of devils in Sichin. The Veil of the Temple required 300 priests to draw it aside, and 300 to cleanse it.

In 2012, Cohen left his role as the chairman and executive chief at Warner Music Group to 300 Entertainment, a company Forbes refers to as “a record label for the 21st century … capable of launching self-starting artists to the next level without the burdensome bureaucracy- and cost structure- of a major record company.” The idea: to create a boutique “independent” music collective, a gang of enduring content creators that are absolutely repugnant to the traditional religious beliefs, values and morals of Black People.[32]

The Kabala Zionist Movement sit at the power of influence to corrupt, and attempt to turn the internationally acclaimed and propound traditional generational Black Experience and Music Entertainment Industry into a monster factory of 300 types of DEMONS.


Cohen,CIA Occult Bureau, MK ULTRA/MONARCH Handler of Young Thug


One of Cohen’s 300 Committee Satanic Gang of Enduring Black Change Agents/Mind Control Victims is the Super  Lunatic Repulsive Hermaphrodite FREAK- MK ULTRA mind controlled victim, YOUNG THUG.[33]


300 Entertainment has a black Devil Worshiper, FETTY WAP.[34]


300 Entertainment has a black Satanic CRIMINAL ELEMENT, SHY GLIZZY.[35]


300 Entertainment has a (Baphomet) black SATANIC GOAT RIDER, RICH THE KIDD.[36]




You know very little if anything of what it truly means and is symbolic of.




In the case of the long-established Black Music Entertainment Industry, Luciferian influence, infiltration, and takeover is no longer a Conspiracy Theory. Don’t get it twisted. It is not Hip Hop or Gangsa Rap putting a strangle hold on traditional forms of Black Soul Music (Rhythm & Blues, Blues and Jazz).

Traditional Soul Music is disappearing from radio as Luciferian conglomerates and combinations take control of radio traffic and population. It isn’t a matter of traditional Black Music merely disappearing from radio and television. It is being deliberately SUPPRESSED by a Satanic Conspiracy and Agenda.

According to Time Magazine: “In 2013, no African-American musician had a Billboard/Hot 100 number one. This was the first time there was no number one in a year by an African American in the chart’s 55 – year history.”

Traditional forms of Black Soul Music has been under a coordinated, persistent and constant direct and covert Luciferian assault since 1994 according the revelations of Def Jam’s Flatlinerz. That constitutes a Crime Against Humanity– Cultural Genocide. SATANISM- Black People weren’t ready for it then, and we aren’t having it now.



On February 5, 2017, Super Bowl 51, the Luciferians are coming after everybody regardless of race, national origin, or religion. Lady Gaga is a very sophisticated “DEVIL WORSHIPER” and Satanic High Priestess of the New World Order. Her half time show will be no family entertainment show, but the THIRD AND FINAL RITE OF ACCEPTANCE.







[5] Goldman, Fred, Fortune’s Fool: Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Warner Music, and Industry in Crisis, Simon& Schuster, NY 92010) pg. 100










[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] Id.
















[33] Id.


[35] Id.

[36] Id.