19 12 2017



Need a Little Help Y’ALL.



We were on the eve of celebrating the denial of a key U.S. Senate seat to a dangerous white nationalist-supremacist terrorist and pedophileJudge Roy Stewart Moore of Alabama. It was dismissive and divisive to black males, but black women, in particular, WOKE UP IN ALABAMA and were given credit by corporate mass media for turning out in record numbers to defeat Judge Moore. As a backlash and payback, they got A Black Woman Civil (Psychological) War, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Omarosa and Bye Felicia.


Omarosa Manigault Newman makes a living by selling her brand as an EVIL Black Witch. However, it may in fact be MK ULTRA mind control programming.

A short 2006 special feature film recently surfaced on the internet starring Omarosa called, Soul Sistahs. We know that Luciferians love to persistently display their powers over high celebrities. And, Omarosa is no exception to the rule. The film features Omarosa in a totally unfamiliar character of a MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled and programmed patsy (Nubian Witch)- a Manchurian Candidate of a higher plot to steal some of the hair of “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe“.

Donald J. Drumpf, “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe” that will be repeated again word for word 10 (ten) years later by Omarosa in September 2016.

In the cult film, Omarosa rubbed herself with a lock of Drumpf’s hair. She became empowered with the “Seething Energies of Lucifer.” That’s why she has a spot reserved in Hell, and Lucifer’s Workshop in the Donald J. Drumpf’s Dark Satanic Circle in the White House. She calls the payback for the defeat of Judge Roy Moore, the “Black Woman Civil War.” It is a False Flag. [1]


I saw ABC’s Robin Roberts’ odd reference to Omarosa Manigault and made a mental note of it, “She said she [Omarosa] has a story to tell,” Roberts said. “And I’m sure she’ll be selling that story. … Bye, Felicia.”[2] Like the kettle calling the pot black, it’s noteworthy that Robin Roberts used the entire ABC Network to sell her breast cancer, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS– a type of bone marrow disease), dogs, cats and lesbian affair bestselling book, Everybody’s Got Something (2014).[3] She clearly has been ritually initiated by the New World Order to profit from the public for her story.

Barbara Walters

According to Roberts, she is proud to belong to one secret elite wealthy “big ole [news] sorority” and U.S. intelligence criminal enterprise headed by Ashkenazi Zionist Russian Jew, Barbara Walters.[4]

Infamous Mob Lawyer Roy Cohn, Barbara Walters & Donald J. Drumpf 

During her ABC news television network career, she blurred the lines between news- television networks and clandestine U.S. Intelligence agencies, elite satanic global criminal cabals.

Ronald, Nancy Reagan & Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters acted as a secret agent and mule passing messages from Saudi and Iranian arms merchants to Republican President Ronald Reagan shortly after the CIA Iran-Contra Affair arms-hostage scandal broke. Arms merchants’ Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi and Manucher Ghorbanifar employed ABC television journalist Barbara Walters as a secret agent and conduit to pass on to President Reagan messages and funds according to the Wall Street Journal.[5]

“Adnan Khashoggi mercenary army of global corporate criminals lives in Mafia mansions, basks in the political limelight, enjoys the privileges of royalty in tyrannical desert dystopias, and sips vodka in the shadow of gleaming Moscow spires,” wrote Alex Constantine. “They are kings, Pentagon officials, priests, S&L thieves, assassins, prostitutes, Nazis, Big Oil executives, metals merchants, New Age cultists, drug barons, boiler-room con artists, mobsters, dictators…and terrorists.”[6] 

Manucher Ghorbanifar, Iranian and Mossad operative, and a key player in U.S. Marine Lt. Oliver North’s cocaine and arms smuggling network. Ghorbanifar was a high level CIA asset, and a former Iranian SAVAK (secret police) agent who had very close ties to the Israeli Mossad.[7]

But Walters’ rabbit hole is much deeper than that. She is suspected of being a CIA Artichoke Program agent with her Zionist news crews clandestinely poisoning world leaders (Arafat, Castro and Hugo Chavez).[8],[9] Roseanne Barr insinuates that Oprah and Barbara Walters are MK ULTRA/MONARCH handlers, that holds the triggers of the mind control victims.[10]

I am the first to admit that I didn’t get it at first. I truly had no idea what the Robin Roberts’ coded reference to “Bye [auf wiedersehen], Felicia” and Omarosa was. I couldn’t believe it when I found out the meaning of “Bye, Felicia.” Robin Roberts is a vicious dark circle Cake Walking Coon controlled by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH agent and handler, Barbara Walters.

I am absolutely appalled, hurt and deeply troubled by ABC Network’s reckless and vicious Auf Wiedersehen Felicia reference to poor and struggling women of color in America.

It’s a sick SADISTRACIST low life “chicken shit” reference to the literal extermination of a poor weak young sister in the April 26, 1995 feature HollyWeird film, Friday handicapped, disabled and paralyzed from Iran-Contra – CIA crack cocaine.[11]

Friday is a wicked HollyWeird version of an evening of stereotypical decadence – drugs, madness, infidelity, crime, and widespread violence in the black community as if it was typical. Felicia’s illness, and human dignity was universally dismissed with “Bye, Felicia” like so many hundreds and thousands of wasted lives in black communities around the United States. Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine was/is a global Satanic Dark Circle– CIA genocidal campaign against people of color.

On the streets of Oakland and Los Angeles, I saw the real Felicias that ended up becoming “walking dead” like something out of a horror movie. We have seen it in the entertainment industry- Whitney Houston. THEY MURDERED WHITNEY HOUSTON!

It was a sight repeated from Oakland to Los Angeles and around the world that was so shocking and heartbreaking that I can never forget it or those responsible for it.

The 1980s- early 1990s Iran-Contra CIA crack cocaine epidemic devastated neighborhoods, destroyed families, men, women and children, and led to the mass extermination and imprisonment of hundreds and thousands from Black communities across the nation.

Gary Webb began researching “Dark Alliance” in July 1995 a few months after Friday, the movie, was released. Webb’s series was published in The Mercury News in three parts, from August 18–20, 1996, with one long article and one or two shorter articles appearing each day. It was also posted on The Mercury News website with additional information, including documents cited in the series and audio recordings of people quoted in the articles.

The website artwork showed the silhouette of a man smoking a crack pipe superimposed over the CIA seal.[12] The series examined the origins of the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles and claimed that members of the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua had played a major role in creating the trade, using cocaine profits to support their struggle. It also showed that the Contras may have acted with the knowledge and protection of the CIA. The series provoked outrage, particularly in the Los Angeles African-American community, and led to four major investigations of its charges.[13]

In Oakland, I got a rare and brief opportunity to speak directly with Gary Webb on a book tour before he was killed. I could tell that he was afraid to talk with me. But, I kept at him. I said that you said that the first crack cocaine paraphernalia appeared in Oakland. I felt the more people that knew the truth meant the more the CIA had to silence until it was impossible to silence all of us. I pushed him to tell me who he discovered was among the first to push CIA crack cocaine in city. He finally gave me the answer. It was partially true. I knew him very well, Rudolph Henderson.[14],[15] He had been my childhood friend. Rudy was a middle man drug dealer, and I knew who had been his kingpins. I talked to Rudy shortly before he was gunned down. My impression is that he certainly dealt drugs, but he was a Negro street level fall guy for the Gambino NY Mob’s West Coast Drug Syndicate. He hadn’t been initiated into higher levels of the dark circle Satanic Cabal.  As a kid, Rudy was never among the very bright. The FBI, Oakland Police Department, local political figures like Congressperson Barbara Lee knew where the drugs were really coming from.

Behind me listening carefully to Webb and I was a suspected CIA black assassin, Styles Price, who was subsequently arrested linked to the ambush murder of Berkeley Police Officer, Ronald Tsukamoto, on August 20, 1970.[16] Price had been deliberately trying to control Gary Webb’s entire presentation, the brief question and answer session. I knew Price, and he knew me well enough to know that I didn’t play with him so I got my brief audience with Webb.  Webb’sDark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the crack cocaine trade, CIA, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and Black neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism. The 20,000-word series enraged black communities across the nation, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked a vicious backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit Webb’s reporting. And, they play no games.

On December 10, 2004, Gary Webb was found dead in his suburban Sacramento home. He was 49 years old. He was found with not one, but two (2) .38-caliber bullets to the head. The coroner ruled his death a suicide. Nevertheless, “Gary Webb was MURDERED,” concluded FBI senior special agent Ted Gunderson in 2005. “He (Webb) resisted the first shot [to the head that exited via jaw] so he was shot again with the second shot going into the head [brain].” Gunderson regards the theory that Webb could have managed to shoot himself twice as “impossible!”  Charlene Fassa, “Gary Webb: More Pieces in the Suicided Puzzle,”, December 11, 2005.

I also took an opportunity to corner Ted Gunderson alone at a 9-11 Truth-Inside Job Conference in San Francisco. I wanted to know what he knew about the FBI’s covert war against Huey P. Newton, and the Panthers in Oakland, but he was shaking so bad that I didn’t push him. After that I spoke to Gunderson once or twice over the phone in Las Vegas, but I got the message that it wasn’t safe to talk about the secret war against the Panthers in Oakland, period. And, I was certain that I couldn’t trust whatever information he fed me.

They didn’t kill Gary Webb to stop him from disclosing CIA secrets. It was already exposed in “Dark Alliance.” They killed him in revenge for doing it as a message to other journalists to don’t even think about it. “Bye, Felicia” is a vicious and EVIL insult and slap in the face of the people. It is a horrifying testament of a Black Holocaust, and Racial Genocide in America.

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman– PRINCE HALL MASTER MASON? 

Omarosé Onée Manigault-Newman out of Youngstown, OH is a very clever, crafty and intelligent woman. She attended Howard University where she earned a master’s degree, and worked on doctorate in communications. She also received biblical studies training at Payne Theological Seminary in Wilberforce, OH. In the 1990s, Manigault worked in the office of Vice President Al Gore during the Dixie Mafia Bill Clinton Administration. The Mena airport in Arkansas had been used by the CIA for secret Iran- Contra cocaine smuggling operations for a long time under Bill and Hilary Clinton.[17]

In the Clinton Administration, Manigault’s title was initially Special Assistant of Logistics and that she later served as Deputy Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, however, according to an anonymous Gore staffer cited by People, her title was actually Scheduling Correspondent. Manigault, who was 23 years old at the time, was later transferred to the Commerce Department via the White House personnel office. She is a well educated candidate and qualified to work in the White House. She is a strong and very aggressive black woman. If Omarosa is anything at all, she is no dismissive “crack head” feature HollyWeird/CIA creation like a stereotypical Felicia.[18]

Nevertheless, Omarosa appears to be, undoubtedly, a ruthless opportunist and character that will cut your throat for only a few pieces of silver. She famously said, Bow Down to President Trump. “every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.” She was the director of African-American outreach for Donald Drumpf’s presidential campaign. She became Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison with the rank of Assistant to the President.[19]

She is also known as Reverend Manigault initiated assistant minister of Weller Baptist Church in Los Angeles, CA.


The church is associated with the Los Angeles chapter of the Negro opportunist National Action Network (NAN), the civil rights organization founded as a Masonic Prince Hall Freemason front by Prince Hall Master Mason Rev. Al Sharpton in 1991.[20]

Prince Hall Freemason

Weller’s Associate minister, Tony Wafford, is West Coast Director of Sharpton’s National Action Network.[21] In 2011, the National Black Women’s Network, the South Central L. A. Progressive Movement, and the Sistahs of the Black Liberation Movement called Wafford a “sexual deviant and pervert and should not be in a leadership role with any respectable leader.[22] A civil jury in 2011 found him liable of sexually harassing and physically assaulting an employee, Sharon Song Byrd.[23]



Omarosa may have been escorted out of the White House shouting profanities after being told of her firing by chief of staff John Kelly, according to a report by CCN and White House Correspondent, American Urban Radio Networks reporter, April Ryan. Omarosa said that she resigned, and had not been escorted out of the White House. Ryan tweeted. “But Gen Kelly Kicked her out [with] high drama with the [Christian] Minister offering vulgarities and curse words as she was escorted out of the building and off campus.”[24]

In a Don Lemon CNN’s Omarosa segment, he exposed reports that the White House gave permission and a green light to Republican cake walking Negro coons to go after Omarosa after the ABCGood Morning America” interview with the former NFL defensive lineman, coon Michael Strahan and Robert’s vicious racialist “Bye Felicia” comment.[25]

They [White House] told us to take the gloves off,” said coon Ayshia Connors, Former Deputy Director of African American Engagement at the Republican National Council (RNC).[26] It turned out that secret Masonic coons, goat men, and Negro Shrills across the board also got the green light to go after Omarosa. Her exit from the White House has black Republicans jubilantly clowning and declaring “the Wicked Witch is Dead.”


Manigault was a ‘tyrant,’ ‘a manipulator,’ ‘a user,’ and ‘a liar’ who kept other African-Americans out of the White House on purpose, said Sean Jackson, chairman of the Black Republican Caucus of Florida. Other black leaders celebrated Manigault’s demise for the same reasons, with one, the Maryland GOP’s Eugene Craig, telling, “She wanted to be the only [Head Negro in Charge] senior black Republican in Trump’s orbit.”[27]

She was also cooned over the national airways on CNN by cake walkers Symone Sanders, Angela Rye, and April Ryan. They are all Bill/Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Bernie Sanders Negro lackeys.


Symone D. Sander is a new Transsexual Topsy (teeth, mouth and all) out of Uncle Tom’s Cabin on the corporate mass media news’ block.

She is a new CNN Democratic strategist and political commentator. [28] Black Lives MatterLink Symone D. Sanders was a volunteer organizer with the D.C.-based Coalition for Juvenile Justice, and a member of the Omaha (NE) Chapter of the Links, Inc. The Links is an exclusive elite Negro Third Race women’s social- Masonic secret society.

The Links official colors are white, and Emerald GreenGreen Emerald is associated with the Occult, the Fallen Angel– Lucifer, and Mysteries of the Green One- Ashur (Osiris)[29] Symone Sanders grew up in Omaha, attended Sacred Heart [Catholic] High School and graduated from Creighton University in May 2013, worked as a community outreach manager for the Empowerment Network in Omaha. She was the national press secretary of the crooked mystic Kabbalah- Zohar Zionist Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.[30]


I have covered Angela Rye as a black female mentacide victim of the “Sunken Place”. So, I am not going to repeat her suspect ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programming, but I wouldn’t trust her independent judgment. She makes a lot of sense at times until it comes to the Democratic Party, Black Congressional Caucus, John Podesta, Bill and Hillary Clinton, then reason and common sense goes out of the window.[31]


April Ryan- Part of the Dark Circle Masonic Satanic Brotherhood

After being exposed as a Hillary Clinton shrill in the White House Press (WH) Corp, April Ryan has been turned into one of Drumpf and Sarah Huckabee Sander’s favorite WH press corps pets. It was exposed thru leaked emails pilfered from John Podesta’s email account and published by WikiLeaks that demonstrated a close off-the-record personal relationship between April Ryan, John Podesta and the Clinton camp. At one point in April 2015, she even suggested a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). She had contact with Marcia Louise Fudge, U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 11th congressional district, and Sheila Jackson Lee, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 18th congressional district.[32]

Many including myself were in the dark in a bizarre exchange between Drumpf and Ryan at a WH February 2017 press conference regarding setting up a meeting between him and the CBC. Ryan pointed out to the president that she was a journalist and that, while she does know members of the CBC, that’s not her role. We now know that Drumpf knew that she was lying. They had the WikiLeak emails between her and Podesta as early as September 2016 where she proposed to setup a meeting with CBC and Hillary Clinton.[33]

April Ryan to Podesta: “FYI [for your information] I also just talked with Marcia Fudge and Sheila Jackson Lee,” she wrote on April 18, 2015, referring to representatives from Ohio and Texas, respectively. “Also, Lets make the black reporters meeting happen asap.”[34]

The email was a follow-up to a request Ryan made earlier that day for Clinton to meet with black reporters. The subject line read, “Hillary Clinton needs to sit down with black reporters fast. Her efforts in the black community are not resonating.” Ryan wrote: “I would love to be a part of this sit down hopefully in DC.”[35]

April’s relationship with the John Podesta and the Clinton Camp was extraordinary uncommon for an alleged independent reporter. Email to Podesta, “I am going on MSNBC hardball is there anything I should say about Hillary Clinton on the show!” On April 18, 2015, Ryan asked the Grey Wolf Cannibal, and vile notorious child murderer, PIZZAGATE elite pedophile, and Satan’s Son, John Podesta AKA Skippy, for help in preparation of her words in praise of Lucifer’s Worship for her upcoming appearance on “Face the Nation.”[36]

Congressperson Lee and Freemason Elizabeth Aldworth- First Lodge of Ireland

Congressperson Sheila Jackson Lee is Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). AKA is associated with Canaanite Goddess Qadesh or Qetesh. In Kemet, she is Goddess Hathor.

Marcia Fudge and April Ryan, Secret Society Freemasons, Undoubtedly

Marcia Louise Fudge and April Ryan are Divine Nine- Boule of the Greek occult- secret Skull and Bones society, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority sisters- Patrons of the Greek Goddess Minerva. [37],[38]

In February 2017; Omarosa confronted April Ryan in the WH press room and accused her of fronting,  and secretly being on the Podesta and Clinton camp payroll. [39 

In April 2017, April Ryan was selected as the “2017 Journalist of the Year” by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). The annual award recognizes a black journalist who has a distinguished body of work that has extraordinary depth, scope and significance to people of the African Diaspora. So, did the Cannibal John Podesta write her acceptance speech? What a joke and fraud perpetrated against the beloved people! [40]

Omarosa Manigault NewmanAngela Rye, Simone Sanders and April Ryan are all a bunch of back stabbing Coon- Cake Walking House Negroes of Uncle Tom’s Cabin that nobody should no longer trust.



Two (2) more sick elitists Masonic Tea Party [Maquis] de Sadens have fallen from the seats of public power, authority, and trust, U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold, and Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson. Rather than face the public on pedophilia charges, Dan Johnson actually committed suicide.

Congressman Blake Farenthold- THE MASONIC MISOGYNIST SLOB 

Blake Farenthold is known as the Tea Party Caucus congressman from Corpus Christ. Blake is a member of very elite wealthy, powerful, and prominent Catholic Corpus Christi families, and bloodlines of Belgian aristocracy. The Bluntzer-Dougherty-Tarlton-Farenthold family tree abounds with all the requisite characters for a Texas dynasty: Civil War officers, oil and cattle men, lawyers, and landholders. His Alsatian great great-great-grandfather, Peter Bluntzer, brought forty families to settle the South Texas county of DeWitt in 1843. Alsace is located on France’s eastern border and on the west bank of the upper Rhine adjacent to Germany and Switzerland. His Irish great great-grandfather, Robert Dougherty, helped settle San Patricio and founded the first boys’ academy in South Texas. Great great-grandfather Nicholas Bluntzer, a Nueces County pioneer, served as Robert E. Lee’s scout during pre–Civil War punitive expeditions against the Comanche. One of his great aunts Genevieve Tarlton Dougherty, a well-known philanthropist, was conferred the Lady of the Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre by Pope Pius XII, one of the highest honors the Catholic church accords a laywoman. [41]

Blake’s step- grandmother was Frances Tarlton “Sissy” Farenthold, a former U.S. politician, attorney, activist, and educator. She is best known for her two campaigns for the office of Governor of Texas and for being placed in nomination for the office of Vice President of the United States during the 1972 Democratic National Convention.[42]

Blake’s father, Randy Farenthold, washed ashore on Mustang Island. Chains were wrapped around his chest, along with a forty-pound concrete block around his neck. Years later it would emerge that he had been murdered for threatening to testify against four Las Vegas associated Mafioso who had swindled him out of $100,000.[43]

Born elite and wealthy, Blake never had to work a day in his life. He is a dark Masonic misogynist and sadistic pig, and has little regard for the rights and dignity of common people.

Congressman Farenthold ran his office like “a frat house,” per the New York Times, and frequently bullied and harassed his staff; including making lewd comments about women and calling staffers degrading names. Farenthold was sued over accusations of sexual harassment three years ago; paid $84,000 in taxpayer money to settle charges of sexual harassment filed by a former aide, and is the focus of an open Ethics Committee investigation into behavior that has been described as both verbally abusive and sexually demeaning.[44]


Danny Ray Johnson was an evangelical pastor, and Republican member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, representing the 49th District in 2017. He was a Tea Party activist with community ties through the Heart of Fire Ministries, a religious organization he ran in Louisville.[45] 

In early December this year, Johnson was accused of having molested a member of his church in 2012 when she was 17 years old. Johnson refused to resign, stating the allegations were untrue, and committed suicide two days later.[46]

He was a dangerous vicious racist of the South’s 2nd Civil War Confederacy that would burn down all of America to replace the EVIL institution of slavery- African Human Bondage.

In 2016, while running for office, he posted ultra racist photos on his Facebook page that made President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama a pair of monkeys. He didn’t give a damn who it may have hurt or offended.[47]

People of Conscious- Stay on Focus, and Don’t Let the Spin Get You Down!  They also killed Donny. He stays so alive in my heart. I have said enough.















[13] Id.













[26] Id.







[33] Id.


[35] Id.

[36] Id.













31 10 2017



Over the last decade with Obama and now with Donald J. Drumpf as the highest elected U.S. constitutional public law, and military enforcement officials of the country, the nature of the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control game has drastically changed. More and more high profile and visible public figures and celebrities are covertly mind control programmed to SERVE a Luciferian Masonic Agenda like a Master Plan to create a terrible and frightening new satanic race of people that appears to be beginning with an experimental mass psychological assault against Black People.

Modern Slavery & De Coon Cake Walk

Margo Jefferson is a writing professor at Columbia University. In 1994, she won a Pulitzer Prize for Criticism for her work at The New York Times. In her memoir, Negroland, Jefferson describes the social pressures of her upbringing, as well as the sense of separation that it engendered. She writes that she and other members of the black elite thought of themselves as a “THIRD RACE”, poised between the masses of Negroes and all classes of Caucasians.”[1]

Race is a way of categorizing humans into groups, called races or racial groups, based on combinations of shared physical traits, ancestry, genetics, and social traits.[2] I never thought of the black elite most likely descendants of antebellum house Negro slaves as a blueprint for a separate THIRD RACE, but it makes absolute ILLUMINATI sense.

In application, I just couldn’t understand the possible existence of a Third Race, conceptually. It was alien to our school of through in 20th century America. All forms of black slavery and human bondage had been abolished. So, I was taught. So, I believed. In California, there isn’t necessarily a history of African Bondage. However, there exist silent and secret barriers placed between elite blacks with genetic physical traits of straight hair, lighter skin (mulattoes- mixed races), and darker skinned Africans carried over from the days of bondage, and deep seated secret underground southern traditions.

During my days as a Panther, a young frighten sister from the Third Race flew under my wing on the campus of Merritt Jr. College in Oakland, CA, to take refuge, and wouldn’t leave my side. She followed me wherever I went. She danced, hopped, skipped, and unraveled her hair in a circle around me. She was finally free to play, and act out like a little girl that she had never known.    All that I knew then was that she was a young sister among the black masses. Beyond the gun, the Panthers had also become like beacons of spiritual liberation among the people.

In the Black Community, she belonged to the elite Negro invitational only social societies like Jack and Jill founded by Detroit wealthy socialite, Marion Stubbs Thomas, and Links, Inc.

Jack and Jill is an ancient rhyme associated with Sun/Moon Cult Worship.

As in “Keeper of the Keys,” or “keeper rings” comes from the Kemetic Khepera, which was the title of the Scarabeus Beetle, which represented the sun at the highest point of summer.  The symbol for Capricorn is the Beetle Capri/Khepra for Cancer. Khepracorn is the opener of the New Year, it was said to hold the keys to the door of the zodiac or calendar. “This stellar story is encapsulated in nursery rhymes like Jack and Jill, etc.”[3]

The Links official colors are white, and Emerald Green. Green Emerald is associated with the Occult, the Fallen AngelLucifer, and Mysteries of the Green One- Ashur (Osiris). [4],[5]

The young lady was a Black Bourgeoisie debutante, and a leading Miss (Black) Bronze beauty pageant contestant. Her mother was a single uneducated Mulatto from Lafayette, Louisiana social climbing among the elite sectors of the black community in Oakland- San Francisco Bay Area based on the color of her skin. She would have passed as a white woman. When she took refuge under the wing of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, the young sister was in a state of an internal psychological crisis, a nervous breakdown. She couldn’t study. She was flunking out of college- contemplating suicide then face the grim reality of her world.

She tried to explain to me about the world in which she lived. She had been chosen, and promised in marriage to a son of a black prominent family. Then, she told me about a secret system and custom among the Third Race of being chosen from an early age. Concealed from the public, the custom provided for affluent and prominent white men to choose her– buy her clothes, give her and family money, and finance her education. She and her family would always get the best of perks, jobs, and opportunities a powerful secret society of white supremacy had to offer.

She told me about the secrets behind the black beauty pageants and how they would actually be on parade and review for wealthy white benefactors that had the power to pick and choose among them. She said that they usually sat upstairs in restricted blacked out areas of auditoriums, and buildings. She was afraid- about to go insane in fear. I later discovered that most of the young, black and beautiful Miss Bronze pageant winners promised HollyWeird contracts and careers had been MK ULTRA/MONARCH drugged, programmed, and turned into high end tinsel town prostitutes, and sex slaves. One of the best known pageant winners that actually became a HollyWeird star was the late Vonetta McGee.

One of the best known Miss Bronze pageant winners that actually became a HollyWeird star was the late Vonetta McGee. Being a Panther, nobody bothered the young sister while under my wing. She finally settled down. The headaches went away. Her fright and fear became manageable so that she could function normally, and concentrate on her studies. I helped her with classes so that she could get an AA degree, and pursue her career in early childhood education.  She had been raised and nurtured to SERVE in a new form of slavery as a prized pretty baby “Young Trophy Black Female” for a cabal of rich and powerful white men. Still, it took me a long time to conceptualize this secret world of the THIRD RACE, and believe that it was possible for this form of slavery to actually exist in the black community right under our collective noses.



In the past, black light skinned high profile CNN Political Commentator and NPR Political Analyst, Angela Rye, hasn’t been interested in developing any personal relationships with men. I have noticed that she is a strong spirited and willed young sister. But, she lives inside an enigma wrapped up in a puzzle.  In the limelight of corporate mass media, Angela Rye exists inside a bubble. She lives an outright lie.

Common, Descending Pyramid- Symbol of the Brotherhood of DEATH

However, she has recently confirmed in public that she is dating light skinned Common (Sense), the Rapper. I wouldn’t necessarily call them a romantic couple, per se. I call it CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH twining developed by Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland. Angela Rye and Common have been, respectively, programmed by the Satanic ILLUMINATIto fill their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen [Satanic] generations” (coined by Mengele at Auschwitz).[6]

Non-biological “twinning” is yet another bizarre feature observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non related children would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical “soul-bonding” ritual so they might be “inseparably paired for eternity” (possibly another Mengele connection?). They essentially share two halves of the programmed information, making them interdependent upon one another.”[7]

In HollyWeird, twinning has become a common process that “twin” or “pair” two or more MK ULTRA victims together to reinforce universal shared traits as result of ritual drug and trauma based mind control programming. We should be very clear that in Angela Rye’s power and zeal for individual fame and fortune. She sold her soul to Lucifer.

She went thru the process of Satanic ILLUMINATI Mentacidethe systemic effort to undermine and destroy a person’s values and beliefs, as by the use of prolonged interrogation, drugs, torture, ect., and to induce radically different Satanic ideas and alter states for the benefit of others.[8]

Millions witnessed it in her flashback of being terrorized and traumatized played out live on CNN when a spirit suddenly rose from the “SUNKEN PLACE” in front of her on air,

where she had her mind fractured into multiple alters.

Her contrived suitor, Common (Sense), is an odd brother from Chicago. Undoubtedly from his ILLUMINATI hand symbols; he has been initiated into Lucifer’s Masonic Lodges.

Common is part of the secret International Masonic Satanic Brotherhood.

Common carries the ancient occult Masonic Satanic Brotherhood’s CLAWED HAND.  Clawed Hand Sir Francis Dashwood, leader of England’s 18th century “Hell Fire Club.” It was a secret coven among the global nobility and rich that practiced ritual Satanic Magic including human sacrifice. (Witchcraft, Magic and the Supernatural, Octopus Books, London, (1974), pg. 33)

Clawed HandChurch of Satan, Anton LaVey, “SATAN SPEAKS.”

Common’s signature “two fingerV sign, in reality, is of ancient origins. It is, in fact, a sign of Satan, of malediction, of the horned God, Pan, and worse. Paranoia magazine, an interesting publication which bills itself as “the conspiracy reader” had a picture some years back of Churchill displaying the “V.” An astute reader knowledgeable of dark things wrote a letter to the editor in the next issue commenting on Churchill and his sign. Nigel A. Cornwall of Britain wrote, “The sign I believe has its origins as a symbol for a pagan horned God.” Cornwall also suggested that when the sign is given with the palm inside, it is recognized as a horribly vulgar and offensive gesture—signifying penetration of both body orifices. Done in the typical fashion, this sign literally means intercourse by the devil—to be violated sexually by the horned God. The thumb holding down the fingers creates the “vulva,” while the two largest fingers pointed up are the horns of the God (SATAN).[9]

In Chicago, he was a member of Barack Obama, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ.[10] Common was likely part of the church’s secret down low homosexual society.[11]

Tennis Super Star, Serena Williams

I realize that muscularity is a fact and reality for females. So be it. But, tennis superstar, Serena Williams, just don’t strike or impress me as a naturally born woman.

There are a lot of rumors and speculations surrounding Serena that she is actually a transgender man.

Just as there are rumors and speculations surrounding Drakethe rapper, is an ILLUMINATI homosexual.[12] Drake is in fact, Jewish Occult Kabbalah of the Zohar.[13]

Serena Williams split with Common (Sense) in 2010 after at least a one or two year-long relationship. Common, real name Lonnie Rashid Lynn, had been dating Serena since 2008.[14]

After Common stepped out, Zohar Drake stepped in with Serena– real strange secret freaky ritual Luciferian homosexual HollyWeird stuff.

Common and Drake’s ILLUMINATI mission and plot as highly visible and desirable light skinned House Negroes were and are to help normalize a new and very different race of Luciferian black people.

It truly breaks my heart to see a promising and valuable passionate and intelligent young sister like Angela Rye is drawn into the middle of this Satanic S.H.I.T. But, she laid her bed. Certainly, she sold her soul to LUCIFER, her mind, body, heart and spirit are no longer among our Lord, and the masses. But, she needs a time and space to COME BACK HOME!



We must be wary when a highly visible profiled black celebrity disappears, then suddenly pop up appearing to have been drugged. In the case of Jemele Hill, she was suspended for two (2) weeks from ESPN for allegedly violating company social media policy by advocating public boycott of NFL Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones’ sponsors and advertisers. Jones had been very vocal and hard-line about forcing black NFL players to break their 1st Amendment protests by compelling them to stand in allegiance during the rendering of the U.S. National Anthem during pre-game ceremonies.

On October 21, 2017, Jemele Hill, suddenly, in a TMZ exclusive headline story broke her silence from her two (2) week suspension from ESPN.  It looks as if the interview had been deliberately arranged and staged in a relatively quiet secure area of an airport facility for TMZ.

Mastermind Ashkenazi Jewish/Gay Harvey Levin is the creator and managing editor of All-Seeing Eye Luciferian Time Warner’s TMZ.  Harvey Levin and TMZ carry a shrouded Zionist/Satanic/ILLUMINATI agenda consistent with the Jewish Cabal of John Skipper, President of ESPN Inc. as well as the co-chairman of Disney Media Networks, and Disney CEO Bob Iger that terrorized, and suspended Jemele Hill.

Levin has also been a consistent close friend of Donald J. Drumpf for at least 12 years. In April 2017,  “Levin, a lawyer who went on to found the celebrity gossip and news website and television show, defended his hour long meeting with Trump last month, saying they were discussing future opportunities and other projects. (Levin featured Trump on a special called “Objectified,” which aired on Fox News last year.)[15]

Current and former staffers told investigative reporters at ThinkProgress that Levin is in regular contact with President Drumpf, and that he often writes the pro-Drumpf reports himself. One staffer said that during the campaign, it was “pretty common” to hear Levin’s secretary say, “Trump is calling you.” Other sources said that First Lady Melania has called Levin, as well.[16] TMZ is known to vigorously defend and promote President Drumpf during, and after, the 2016 election. Alongside regular coverage of the Kardashians and Justin Bieber, “the site often runs pro-Trump stories and reports that seems to be sourced directly to the White House.”[17]

If you had seen Jemele on ESPN, she is confident, extremely remarkably intelligent, and thinks exceptionally well on her feet. So, if she normally says something- believe it. In the TMZ interview, she clearly said, After my Donald Trump’s tweets, I deserved that suspension (highlighted emotional emphasis). I deserved it. I violated the policy… I deserved that suspension.[18]

In her mind, she clearly believes that she was suspendedpunished, terrorized in the Sunken Place for being sassy and insolent to a white man, Donald J. Drumpf. Nevertheless, the public was led to believe that ESPN suspended her for the Jerry Jones’ Dallas Cowboys NFL boycott controversy- the second violation of their social media guidelines, not her Donald Drumpf’s tweets.

In the TMZ interview, Jemele didn’t have her signature sharp razor edge. At about frames 2:31, she started to uncharacteristically and disturbingly lick her lips. From her overall appearance and odd mouth gestures, and eye movements, it appears as if she had been MK ULTRA/MONARCH ritually traumatized; and drugged– which can cause her mild dehydration- tongue out licking her lips.

On April 17, 1969, MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate Sirhan Sirhan awaiting his 1st verdict jury re-entered… Sirhan’s tongue came out- licked his lips.[19] During trial, Sirhan Sirhan just sat there at counsel’s table, licked his lips and smiled that funny little smile.[20]

During arraignment on murder charges for assassinating Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr. in July 1974, Marcus Wayne Chenault referred to himself in an alter personality, the “Hebrew”, and gave the name of the alter to the court as “Servant JACOB”. In court, Chenault was observed to be “licking his lips.”[21]

Manchurian Candidate Dylann Roof Licking His Lips

Charleston racist church shooter Dylann Roof was caught with the powerful mind-altering narcotic Suboxone that contains the MK ULTRA experimental drug BUPRENORPHINE, when apprehended by police during an incident on Feb. 28, 2015.[22]

MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mentacide occurs when even conscious Black People are ritually (Drugged/ traumatized) conditioned and forced to believe and act out of someone else’s interpretation of reality to their benefit and against their own humanity and survival. It is a state of insanity without disease (Dr. John Henri ClarkeMwalimu K. Bomani Barut, Dr. Bobby E. Wright). Certainly, Jamele chose fame, fortune, and maybe her life and the lives of her family, and faced the oppressors alone. But, Jamele like Angela Rye may need a zone of protection, time and space to recover, and COME HOME AGAIN.

The New Black Man

As the direct result of Mentacide conditioning and programming, Jemele has been deliberately and wickedly centered in mass corporate media to falsely promote and push the White Supremacy MATRIX that namely “straight black men are the white people [OPPRESSORS] of black people” implying the need for a new THIRD race of Homosexual Black Males to best SERVE the New World Order.

Early, Huey P. Newton, and Bobby Seale taught me that we didn’t need everyone to put on the black beret, leather coat, and buckle up. We needed a dedicated fearless hardcore street, but disciplined force of brothers and sisters with undying love in their hearts for the people to lead the way.  Bobby told me after Huey was imprisoned that one of our primary functions was to create an atmosphere and spirit of resistance and revolutionary movement among the people, and that an united people would help us, FREE HUEY and the masses. To accomplish our calling, we needed the love and trust of the all the people.

So, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense was more than just a safe haven and a ring of protection for run-away Third Race sex slaves. People from all walks of life with the spirit of resistance gathered behind the lines of the Panthers. We had clergy, educators, former members of civil rights groups such as Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), police, and military personnel, HollyWeird and entertainment industry celebrities, actors, actresses. We had whistle blowers, and revolutionaries of all races from all over the world seeking unity with the people.

Black NFL players don’t necessary pose any real unified threats to the military, social, or the political systems of this county. Yet, in this country’s current racial  atmosphere created by President Drumpf and the Dark Satanic Circle, they pose a real threat to white supremacy, because it is irrational and reactionary. 

I repeat it, because it is important. For generations, a black person even a child that stand up for their rights can be accused of breaking the unwritten code of racial insolence.” In America, racialist mobs backed up by the police and military have lynched black men, women and children for such insolent behavior for something as simple as refusing to step off a sidewalk to let whites pass, looking whites in the eye or protesting for rights. When Southern people speak of the “Insolence of the Negro“, it a Race License crime that injure only the South’s vanity. Missouri U.S. Senator Carl Schurz (1829 – 1906) pointed out that a Negro is called insolentwhenever his conduct varies in any manner from what a southerner was accustomed to when SLAVERY existed(Forrest G. Wood, The Racist Response to Emancipation and Reconstruction, Black Scare, University of California, Berkeley, CA (1970), pg. 141)

Jemele Hill was suspended from CNN not for violating any violations of company social media policies. It was a big lie. She was suspended from her job for something totally irrational and reactionary, white supremacy Insolence- questioning power & sassing a white man in mass media- Donald J. Drumpf

Recently, at a recent meeting of NFL owners and league executives regarding player protests, from deep in the heart of the Texas, Houston Texans owner Robert C. McNair warned his fellow owners that the black players protesting pose a threat to league.  McNair reportedly said, “We can’t have the inmates running the prison.”  In other words– slaves running the plantation.” The crime of racial insolence is completely irrational and reactionary. The crime of insolence can be violated for little as earning the same salary as whiteslooking whites in the eye, and PROTESTING FOR RIGHTS!

McNair, Sen. Mitch McConnell & Sons of the Confederacy 

Robert C. McNair was born in Florida and raised in South Carolina, both slave owning states of the Confederacy.  According to one tally, McNair was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s  largest donor from the period from Jan. 1, 2009 to Sept. 30, 2015, contributing $1,502,500.

In 2016, McNair donated $4.5 million to Donald J. Drumpf and out of all of the NFL owners McNair was the biggest donor to Drumpf.

McNair belongs to the secret Brotherhood Order of Sigma Chi. He is a primary backer and financier of the fraternity.

Clawed Hand of the Brotherhood of Death, Benj. Piatt Runkle

Benjamin Piatt Runkle was a Knight Templar, and a 32nd degree Scottish Rites Mason- a principle founder of the fraternity. Runkle was a primary designer of the fraternal order’s logo- the Cross and Shield. For all particular purposes, the fraternity is a secret Baphomet (Satanic) Masonic Knights Templar order.

At the University of Nebraska, Sigma Chi Fraternity has been accused of practicing KKK rituals during initiation activities. A Sigma Chi incident allegedly took place in January of 1997. Members of the fraternity were found in rural Lancaster County dancing drunkenly around a wooden cross they had set on fire. The burning cross is a notorious ritual of the KKK.  It was further alleged that the members of Sigma Chi were dressed in Confederate uniforms complete with Confederate flags, swords and rifles. I said of all of that to say this. Bob McNair, owner of the Houston Texans, is a vicious, dangerous and evil white supremacist and racist that can’t be sugar-coated no further just because he belongs to the NFL.


This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. In the light of these ideas, Negroes will be hunted at the North and held and flogged at the South so long as they submit to those devilish outrages and make no resistance, either moral or physical. Men may not get all they pay for in this world, but they must certainly pay for all they get. If we ever get free from the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal. We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and if needs be, by our lives and the lives of others.”

They can Shuffle Your Feet, grin, bend and de Cake Coon Walk all that you want around the issues. But, they want to return Black People to conditions of slavery. They can bow down on theirs knees before the flag and call it a protest. But be assured, those that oppress us call it a crime of insolence no matter how much de coon cake walking, and sugar and icing is on the cake.

 De Coon Cake Walk for the NFL

Jemele’s last words before she was taken to the “sunken place” was a call for the people to rise up, organize, and act in response to the violation of professional black athletes’ first amendment rights. It was a call for unity, action, resistance, and struggle among the people to support, and take the pressure off NFL protesters. It was a crime of insolence!

When Jemele called President Donald J. Drumpf a “white supremacist“,  and warned the people to also be Wary of the Evil that he surrounded himself with in this democracy, it was a crime of insolence!   Right now, today, some of that very EVIL that Jemele warned us about were in fact indicted by a federal grand jury for Crimes Against this Democracy!


Back in the day, there would be no questions or confusion about our sisters.

There would be No De Coon Cake Walking! Enough Said.







[7] Id.













[20] Garner, K.M., Father, Son, Unholy Ghost, Strategic Book Publishing, and Rights, Co., Singapore, (2016), pg. 224

