23 09 2016

With the recent gunning down of black fathers, and the persistent racial Satanic agitation of Donald Drumpf, the mood of the Black Folk in the country is justifiably extremely troubled. Don’t get it twisted and let it be clear, our elders teach us to ask our God for strength to climb and move barriers and mountains to our enemies.




In the killing of brain traumatic injured disabled 43 years old Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina, father of seven, the Fraternal Order Police Knight, Brentley Vinson, that killed Scott is a behavior modified pseudo black military soldier. Scott’s brother said that he was shot and killed by an undercover “jump out” squad member that didn’t identify themselves as police.


Many Washington, D.C. residents call a “jump-out”, so named because of the element of shock, awe and surprise like something out of Operation Desert Storm Iraq– multiple heavily armed police officers unexpectedly jump out of an unmarked car and rush lawful assemblies of civilians. The tactic has gotten very little public attention, but it is for many black residents the mark of policing problems in the nation’s capital. It is an unjustified, arbitrary, dehumanizing militaristic police tactic.[1] 

A protest group in Washington DC called DC Ferguson describes the “jump out” as a “paramilitary tactic in which unmarked police vehicles carry 3 or more officers not wearing the standard police uniform. Their objective is to stop and intimidate ordinary citizens into submitting to interrogation or an unwarranted search.”[2] Of course in Mr. Scott’s case, a brain injured man would certainly reasonably be startled, confused, frightened when uncovered militarized group suddenly pull off a flash mob “jump out” that is designed do as it did in this disturb, shock, awe and surprise innocent citizens of color.


Keith Lamont Scott: There is a GUN.

News breaking today is disturbing. Corporate mass media and police have committed themselves that there was a GUN lying at Scott’s feet- police justified shooting.


Scott’s family has released his wife’s cell phone video that shows definitively an undercover police jump out squad, and that there is clearly NO GUN visible where corporate mass media and police committed to the world that Scott’s gun was.


The Negro that killed Scott in a militarized “jump out” went to Fork Union Military Academy in Virginia (New Atlantis) founded in 1898 on the values of Dr. William E. Hatcher. The Fork Union was/is an unjustified Lost Cause Confederate institution.[3] This is the way Dr. William E. Hatcher saw things.[4] On April 9, 1865, General Robert E. Lee was forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, blocked from joining the surviving Confederate force in North Carolina, surrounded and harassed constantly by Union cavalry, Lee and 28,000 Confederate troops faced certain death and defeat. They surrendered.


Six days after the surrender, a shabby group of horsemen riding in the rain crossed a pontoon bridge over the James River into Richmond. The entourage was headed by Lee, who was going to his temporary home on Franklin Street. (His estate in Arlington had been seized by the Union Army.) He and his horse were splattered with mud, an observer remembered, “his garments were worn in service and stained with travel.”[5] Even in the fleeting moment of passing by my gate, I was awed by his incomparable dignity,” the observer, a minister named William E. Hatcher, wrote, according to Douglas Southall Freeman’s biography of Lee. “His majestic composure, his rectitude and his sorrow, were so . . . beautiful and impressive to my eyes that I fell into violent weeping.”[6]


Black Folk saw things differently. They had been dehumanized, brutalized and enslaved for over 200 years. Brothers were waiting for General Lee and the confederate forces to just try to break through their lines. They had adequate justification to waste all of them for their Crimes against Humanity and Democracy.


To them, General Lee should have been dragged away in chains and hanged as a traitor, or left to meet his faith among some very determined, mad and angry people. Dr. Hatcher was the president of the Confederate Memorial Institute in Richmond, VA. The memorial is a shrine to the unjustified Confederate dead and as a repository for the records of the LOST CAUSE.[7] 


Brentley Vinson, they made him unjustified. The military industrial Satanic Cabal/ILLUMINATI own him not the people.




In the killing of a disabled automobile motorist, father of four, 40 year old- Terrence Crutcher, Tulsa Police Officer Betty Jo Shelby is violence prone by nature or mental conditioning. She has a history of domestic violence whether it is arguable, justifiable or not. It is still a clear history, association and compulsion for irrational VIOLENCE. Shelby was drawn to the Oklahoma Air National Guard (OK ANG). The OK ANG is the air force militia of the State of Oklahoma, U.S. of America. It is, along with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, an element of the Oklahoma National Guard. As state militia units, the units of the Oklahoma Air National Guard are not in the normal U.S. Air Force chain of command that can be federalized and deployed. They are trained and equipped by the U.S. Air Force.[8]

A police spokesman told the Tulsa World that Shelby’s husband, Dave Shelby, who is also a Tulsa police officer, was in a helicopter covering a black man, Crutcher, with a disabled SUV at the time of the shooting “by happenstance.” It just happened to be his wife that he was covering in an non-emergency that he seems to been a waste of flight fuel and time. There is more to the story then they’re saying. In one of two videos released by the police, one of the helicopter pilots says, Crutcher, “looks like a bad dude … might be on something.”[9]

These totally irrational racialist people could see all of that from a helicopter. What is frightening is that Shotgun Betty perceived the same damn threat on the ground of a “bad dude” on something. It suggests a strong case for racial profiling. She violently confronted Mr. Crutcher with her gun drawn on a citizen- who needed only a little time, help or assistance from public servants with a disabled overheated vehicle. He was treated like an enemy combatant. Well, she pumped five (5) rounds into the bad dude’s body that looked like he might have been on something.


Crutcher’s SUV Window is Closed

Shotgun Betty said that she blew him away when the “Bad Dude” reached inside his open window that she feared that he was reaching for a possible weapon- police justified shooting. Mr. Crutcher’s SUV window was not open. And it seems as though that if he didn’t have anything, they certainly intended to plant something on him. Crutcher’s SUV stalled on the way home from a music appreciation class at a community college in Tulsa. Music appreciation is teaching people what to listen for and how to understand what they are hearing in different types of music. In North America, music appreciation courses often focus on Western art music, commonly called “Classical Music“. They want us to believe that he hit up some PCP in class, after class or on his way home after bugging out on “Classical Music“. THAT DOG WON’T HUNT. They created and armed her. They, the Masonic Fraternal Order of Police own Shotgun Betty.


Felony Homicide Betty Jo Shelby & Donald Drumpf-  Incitement of Satanic Racial Hostility

On 9/22/16, Shotgun Betty [Jo Shelby] was arrested and charged by the Tulsa County DA with a Felony First Degree Manslaughter for the homicide of Mr. Terrence Crutcher.

“You take a look at the inner cities. You get no education, you get no jobs, you get shot walking down the street!” Trump added. “They’re worse – I mean honestly, places like Afghanistan are safer than some of our inner cities.”[10] That is really an interesting statement made by a member of the Satanic Cabal elite that probably has never been in Afghanistan to access how safe it is for the people. He probably needs special assistance to find the country on the map. In both the police shootings of Black citizens above, they were indeed treated, shot down and literally pissed on as if they were Taliban enemy combatants by an occupying military/police forces. In Mr. Crutcher’s case, the police stood around him as if he was no less than road kill. They refused to render him aid after they shot him. When the police pulled up on Mr. Crutcher in the middle of the road, he had committed no crime. He only needed help with his disabled vehicle.

Donald Drumpf parades around the country demonizing the Black Community and People among white people- they have no jobs, and education. They have no morals, self respect, self control- why you can get shot just walking down the street, he says. This Demon has rarely been in a Black Community to see children by the masses struggling to make the best of educational opportunities, people striving by the masses for better housing and job opportunities – striving by the masses for peace, justice and the pursuit of happiness. One thing is clear, this man hasn’t even been in the Black Community trying to help or assist anybody without a price. And, he will only lift a hand to help if we vote him into the highest public office of the land.


Drumpf’s handkerchief head- Uncle Tom promoter in the Black Community is another vicious DEMON, a convicted felon and murderer, Don King. In 1954, while growing up in the Cleveland projects while operating a criminal enterprise for the Moe Dalitz Mob, above. King shot and killed a man who he suspected of stealing from him. After beating the body with a “justifiable homicide” ruling, King pistol whipped another employee and stomped him to death on the street. A judge reduced the charges from second-degree murder to manslaughter and King received a pardon from the Ohio Governor after doing almost four years in prison.[11]


Don King says, “America needs Donald Trump, we need Donald Trump, especially black people,” King told the crowd. And then he dropped an N-bomb while talking about assimilation and Michael Jackson. “I told Michael Jackson, I said, ‘If you’re poor, you are a poor negro’—I would use the N-word,” King said onstage. “But if you rich, you are a rich negro…If you’re a dancing and sliding and gliding nigger—I mean negro—you are a dancing and sliding and gliding negro.. So you’re going to be a negro ’til you die.”[12]

dumpsterdonkingniggerIn global corporate mass media, King denigrated and insulted Black Folk by calling us out of our names with the N word. Drumpf among other whites sits there accepting and approving. In the background, retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn has a real good time cracking up. This man was the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board from July 24, 2012, to August 2, 2014. Prior to that, he served as Assistant Director of National Intelligence.[13] They gloating and laughing at themselves. 

Even coming from Don King, the N word and Drumpfs persistent campaign of  the dehumanization of Black People is nothing to laugh at or with. It is still a fighting word. Drumpf calls for a national policy and strategy of “Stop and Frisk” in Black Communities. In New York, Drumpf’s vague “Stop and Frisk” strategy has been declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL conduct. It is unconstitutional for police to bum rush U. S. citizens on the basis of race, 18 to 25-year-old black male, or anyone like a bad dude’s that looks like he MIGHT be on something.[14]


What do you have to lose?Drumpf, the Great White Father asked black voters to consider last month. “You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the HELL do you have to lose?”[15] What do we have to lose with Drumpf? Our dignity, lives and our very souls! Donald Drumpf is crisscrossing the nation flaming a climate of fear, racial divide; and intolerance for the lives of Black Folks. He is rousing, provoking, goading and inspiring white people and global audiences to express a feeling and sense of hatred, distrust and disgust for the Black Community and People. Buy the Great White Father’s magic and snake oil, and he will provide or else Black Folks have nothing to gain but HELL!  We can virtually lay the current deaths of Keith Lamont Scott, and Terrence Crutcher on the doorsteps of Lucifer’s Servant, DONALD J. DRUMPF.  I think a lot of people will be waiting in the thicket when this DEVIL tries to make his escape. 

Well in a certain sense, Drumpf may be right about Afghanistan. It may be safer than many of our cities, because the CIA’s proxy Jihad warriors, the Mujaheddin, have been covertly moved into and are deeply embedded the in the United States to serve Lucifer to help to serve, fear, hatred and CHAOS across the land. 



dumpstersandford Really, how many minutes, hours, and days does it take for corporate mass media news to cover a story about a bomb in a garbage dumpster. In corporate mass media, presidential candidate, Donald Drumpf, has also been very loud and vocal, and called it a “sad situation” that Afghan immigrant, Ahmad Khan Rahami, arrested as a suspect in the NY dumpster bombing, would receive quality medical care and legal representation.[16]


That’s quite an interesting, race-batting and two-faced statement by Drumpf when he has not raised his voice at all about his mentally ill British cousin and so-called wanna-be assassin. He hasn’t said a word about the Peppa Pig Manchurian Candidate Michael Steven Sandford, and the secret quality medical/mental treatment, and quality representation that he is receiving in this country.[17] The U.S. Shadow Government and the ILLUMINATI made them both. They own them both of them without regards to their ethnicity or place of origins.

The CIA Made the Mujaheddin


[General] Mohammad Rahami & First American Fried Chicken

Ahmad Rahami’s father, Mohammad Rahami, reportedly has ties to Jihadi warriors operating in Afghanistan. He deliberately threw his son under the bus in corporate mass media as a cover just as the parents had did in the cases of Micah X. Johnson and Gavin Eugene Long. According to a friend of the family, Jonathan Wagner, “Mohammad Rahami told him he was from Kandahar and had been part of the mujaheddin in Afghanistan that fought the Soviet Army.[18] Jihad is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain and spread the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning the act of “striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering”. A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujaheddin.[19] Operation Cyclone was the code name for the CIA program to arm and finance stirred- up Muslim Jihad warriors, Mujaheddin, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.[20]


Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carter’s principal foreign policy adviser in 1979. It was Jimmy Carter and Brzezinski that started, financed and armed the Mujaheddin.

Brzezinski: “… do you regret having supported the Islamic [integrisme], having given arms and advice to future terrorists?”

Brzezinski: What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?

Question: Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.

Brzezinski: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn’t a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism [Wahhabism], moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.”[21]


It is just so interesting that the dumpster bomb suspect’s father, Mohammad Rahami, is a ranked stirred-up fundamentalist CIA Muslim Jihad Warrior that fought in Afghanistan along beside Mujaheddin Leader, Osama bin Laden. As a teen-ager, Osama bin Laden joined the ultraconservative Wahhabi sect of Islam supported by the Saudi Arabia monarchy among others like Qatar and UAE. Bin Laden served with the police enforcing sharia laws.[22]


Mohammad Rahami is a Mujaheddin Wahhabi warrior just like Orlando Pulse Club patsy Omar Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen. Kabul-based political analyst Ahmad Saeedi said that Seddique was a captain in the ranks of the Mujaheddin who fought the Soviet occupation. Once in the U.S., he promoted himself to the rank of general.[23] So, what is senior Rahami’s new Mujaheddin rank in America?


Like Omar Mateen, Ahmad Khan Rahami is a clandestine multi-generational MK ULTRA/MONARCH “mind controlled sleeper” an asset of the CIA. There are new reported details being paraded by global mass media surrounding Rahami and the NY dumpster explosion that under normal circumstances- THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.

The local law enforcement agency said a bar owner reported to police there was “someone sleeping in a hallway [doorway]” of his Linden, NJ business, Sept. 19.


When authorities responded to “wake him up“, they “realized” it was Ahmad Rahami, the man they were HUNTING![24]




The Beltway or D.C. sniper terrorist attacks were a series of coordinated shootings that took place over three weeks in October 2002 in Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. Ten (10) people were killed and three other victims were critically injured in several locations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and along Interstate 95 in Virginia. Local law enforcement agencies blamed the shooting attacks on two (2) CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Black Manchurian Candidates, John Allen Muhammad, 42 years old, and Lee Boyd Malvo, 17 years old, driving a blue 1990 Chevrolet Caprice sedan.[25] Lets get it straight from the very beginning, the Black Community had  absolutely nothing to do with creating, molding or shaping the D.C. Snipers. As you will see. You have to place them on somebody’s doorstep other than Black Folks.


From Malvo’s prison drawings, Muhammad and Malvo bear witness to being Saudi Islamic Jihadist Warriors that has absolutely nothing to do with the Black Community. During their trials, their links to the Muslim Jihad warriors, and Mujaheddin in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia was completed suppressed and covered-up.

 W A S H I N G T O N, Oct. 24 — The last cryptic message from Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose to the Washington-area sniper referred to a Cherokee Indian story about an arrogant rabbit that was duped by the duck he tried to catch. ‘You have indicated that you want us to do and say certain things. You’ve asked us to say, ‘We have caught the sniper like a duck in a noose.’ We understand that hearing us say this is important to you, Moose said late Wednesday [October 23, 2002] at a televised news briefing, called so authorities could release information on two people sought for questioning in the 13 sniper shootings.”[26]

A few hours after Chief Moose’s corporate mass media hypnotic cue was delivered, both Muhammad and Malvo were found by law enforcement agencies conveniently fast asleep in the blue Chevy Caprice, at a public rest stop, not far from I-70, a heavily-traveled Interstate highway only a few miles from the first and last DC Sniper shootings.[27]


From Malvo’s prison hand drawings of Osama bin Laden, it certainly appears that he had been secretly trained and programmed at an Islamic Wahhabi paramilitary training camp. After his arrest, authorities  claimed that Muhammad admitted that he admired and modeled himself after CIA AssetsOsama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.[28]


According to FBI sources, Muhammad was linked to Shriek Mubarek Ali Gilani’s al- Fuqra Cult of predominately black sects of jihad warriors in the United States.[29] The United Muslim Christian Forum (UMCF) is an entity of the Muslims of the Americas, whose members follow a cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Gilani that referred to his close friend, Osama Bin Laden, as a “Saudi activist.”[30]


Gilani’s Islamberg compound located near Hancock New York is off-limits to police inspection on the spurious grounds of “national security.”The camp also came to contain an illegal cemetery where bodies were buried in unmarked graves. This alone should have warranted a raid by the New York State Police. But not even dead bodies could prompt a police investigation. When Islamberg was established, Gilani presented himself as an employee of the CIA and the future jihadist, who resided in the compound, called themselves CIA operatives.[31]


Young Malvo & Muhammad

In 2012, Malvo finally admitted that he had been ritually sexually traumatized as a five (5) year old. According to MK ULTRA usual practices, age 5 and below is the idea impressionate period to begin splitting off multiple alternative personalities from the original. In the programming of children as mind control subjects, Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Allison made the following important observation; “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life-threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.”[32]

Malvo as a ritual sexual abused child victim may be linked to the Caribbean Island Antigua’s Seventh Day Adventist where Muhammad picked him up. Malvo’s last senior CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH controller and handler, John Allen Muhammad, continued his ritual sexual abuse since from the age of 15 years old. Muhammad’s life was terminated by the State in 2009. Dead men tell no tales.[33]

CIA MK/ULTRA mind control programmers and handlers have had the psychological technical ability for decades to use fairy tales, legends, code words, keys or post-hypnotic suggestions to program subjects like Boyd, Muhammad, and Ahmad Khan Rahami to go to sleep at a prearranged place, thus allowing themselves to be “caught” in a noose by a police that had been told exactly who they were, what car they were driving, and where they could be found asleep.[34]


During the 1960s, President John F. Kennedy, the last real president of the 20th century, and his brother U.S. Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy made a concerted effort to shutdown illegal shadow government terrorist paramilitary training camps in America, and wherever they could be found. Both JFK and RFK were ruthlessly gunned down in cold blood by combinations of SS KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK SUN, CIA, MAFIA and the SHADOW GOVERNMENT.


Whether you know it or not, the shadow government, ILLUMINATI and its Middle East CIA partners like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Pakistan currently openly finance and operate at least 22 Wahhabi paramilitary terrorist training camps across America mostly in the south and on the east coast that front as private “No Go Zones” Islamic religious villages, communes, and compounds.[35]


Ahmad’s wife, Asia Bibi Rahami, left the United States for Pakistan not days but a number of weeks before the bombings. She was stopped by officials in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on her way back from Pakistan. UAE is a CIA collaborating terrorist funding and training asset nation like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. She had been questioned by U.S. investigators, and of course, U.S. State Department/CIA officials described her (CIA Wahhabi bag money woman) being “cooperative” and not a suspect.[36]

So, who is providing the visas and funding for the vast global travel of the Rahamis, it certainly isn’t the First American Fried Chicken shack in Governor Chris Christie’s Elizabeth, New Jersey just 13.2 miles outside of Hoboken, NJ– former home base of the hapless Peppa Pig Assassin, Michael Steven Sandford.




[2] Id.



[5] Id.

[6] Id.


























[32] Ralph Allison,  M.D., Abstract, MPD and DID are Two Different Post-Traumatic Disorders, 1995






20 10 2015

Lately, it seems as though in this country when the American political system is in trouble or it appears or perceived to be in national or global trouble or crisis , it lines up and march out a hapless mind controlled Manchurian Candidate to distract and deceive the PEOPLE.  The last three, Vester Lee Flanagan III, Shannon J. Miles and Chris Harper Mercer have been BLACK.  It seems as though they are  rolling out more and more of some of society’s most powerless mentally ill  and perverted-disturbed brothers to be their PASTIES- BLACK MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES. 

In August 2015, things weren’t sitting too pretty for the National Fraternity of Police. The Sandra Bland July 13, 2015 controversial arrest and death in the hands of local police was still shaking up the nation. The police slayings of unarmed young Black males, Eric Garner in NY, 12 year old Tamir Rice of Cleveland, OH, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD, and many other people of color were still sparking protests in cities across the country, and national political upheaval.

Demonstrators had taken to the streets of Ferguson. It had become a flash-point again to mark the sad anniversary of the police slaying of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on August 9, 2014.[1] In late August 2015, a municipal court judge in Ferguson announced sweeping changes to the city’s court system, including an order to withdraw all arrest warrants issued in that city before December 31, 2014.

Ferguson’s Municipal Court was found to have engaged in racially discriminatory practices that disproportionately and unfairly affected the poor and people of color. The judge found, “The combination of racial profiling and revenue-based policing creates massive animosity between people in the community and police. It does not increase public safety.”[2]

The People would not rest. Police Abuse and the Black Lives Matter Movement was being heard Globally.

 Black Lives Matter & Deputy Darren Goforth -Slaying and Cover-up


 “He was always loyal, fiercely so. He was ethical. The right thing to do is what guided his internal compass.” Kathleen Goforth [3]


On August 28, 2015, the execution-style killing of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth by a black man in Houston, TX went global. Texas law enforcement officials tried to tie Goforth’s slaying to Black Lives Matter. President Obama immediately jumped on the bandwagon, and used the opportunity to turn the tides of global opinion against police abuse of power and executions of black and brown citizen. He openly grand stand-ed VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS. He spoke with Darren Goforth’s wife, Kathleen Goforth. The White House says Obama conveyed his condolences and told Goforth THAT he’ll keep highlighting the uncommon bravery of police officers. Obama says Goforth’s killing was contemptible and “AN AFFRONT TO CIVILIZED SOCIETY”. Obama placed the HIGHLY PUBLICIZED special call to Kathleen Goforth from Air Force One as he flew to Alaska.[4]


Shannon J. Miles was arrested and charged with the murder of Deputy Goforth. According to his mother, Shannon has suffers severe mental illness most of life like Chris Harper Mercer. In 2012, he had been declared mentally “incompetent” to stand trial for an assault on a fellow homeless man over a TV remote and programming. Of course, officials are still unclear as to what it could have been that provoked the killing, as they cannot find any connection between Goforth and Miles, because there isn’t one. Shannon has shown no interest in politics, Black nationalism or Black Lives Matter. Shannon has no work history. He couldn’t buy a gun even if he possessed the mental capacity to want to. Like Chris, due to mental instability, Shannon appears to be socially dysfunctional. He appears to have no  girlfriend or friends. Well, it comes to light that on the night of Goforth’s slaying, witnesses reported to a news station something very unusual and out of the ordinary that nobody seems willing to talk about or acknowledge.

Witnesses saw a woman in dressy clothing crying over the deputy’s body. Three weeks after Deputy Goforth was gunned down, the news station uncovered court documents shedding light on a witness to the lawman’s murder and her relationship to the deputy. The eyewitness, who is not named in the court documents dated September 16, said she had an adulterousromantic relationship” with the ever so internal “ethical” with the moral compass Goforthduring the preceding 15 months.”[5]

Hapless mentally disabled and defenseless Shannon didn’t have a motive to harm anyone unless you turned the channel from his favorite television program, but it appears that somebody at the scene could have had a motive to kill Goforth. And, it is being covered up. Shannon is like hapless mentally disabled Chris Harper Mercer, unable to help themselves even if they could. As you know, Chris is DEAD and Shannon is held indefinitely for murder most likely under a strict regiment of Psychotic Drugs and he most likely knows not where he is.


I have long consistently argued since he came into office that Barrack Obama is a manufactured DERELICT Spiritual and Physical Demonic  Human BeingBoy from Brazil,[6] Space Kid,[7] Human Cyborg,[8] and a CIA Puppet.[9]  I discovered that I was not alone, NBC 4 New York asserted in 2009 that We have our first CYBORG president, and we have only ourselves to blame.[10]


Just days after the Umpqua Community College shootings, President Obama made a special trip to Roseburg, Oregon for closed-door visits with families of the shooting victims. He is using the hapless Black Manchurian Candidate Chris Sean Harper-Mercer and the Roseburg incident, in particular, to justify using his sole presidential executive powers on national GUN CONTROL.[11]


Another DERELICT Spiritual Demonic Human being- democratic presidential candidate front-runner/war criminal Hillary Clinton made it clear during the debate also on the back of military intelligence Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) mind controlled Pasty Chris Harper-Mercer that she doesn’t feel her fellow Democrats have been harsh enough on guns—particularly in light of the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg, Oregon.[12]

Democratic Party Debate Veils a Satanic Sadomasochist and Global War Criminal- Hilary Clinton


 Al-Qaeda Hilary & the DEVIL

Supplying illegal guns, ammunition and bombs to al-Qaeda seems to be the order of the day for Luciferians President Obama and Hilary Clinton to wickedly destabilize and destroy nations of color throughout Africa and the Middle East. The other day, the National Democratic Party combined before its nationally televised debate and decided collectively that all the candidates would circle the wagons around Hilary Clinton and veil her crimes against humanity. Opening the debates, Senator Bernie Sanders gave Clinton the seal with the Masonic Handshake said, “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your [Hilary Clinton]damn emails.[13]


Bernie & Hilary LAUGHED in the Public’s Face

The thing about Sander’s Hilary’s Email Scandal band was only a devious code for not talking about her support arming terrorism- al-Qaeda; the Benghazi Diplomatic Compound Attack, and Clinton’s War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (genocide) in Libya.  Who appointed him as the spokesman for the people? Bernie Sanders DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ME. The American people are indeed sick and tried or being sick and tried of certain elites like Hilary Clinton that are allowed to walk between the raindrops not being held accountable for their TRANSGRESSIONS and CRIMES. We are sick and tried of American political CRONYISM, CORRUPTION, RACISM, IMPERIALISM and KLEPTOCRACY.


Bernie Sanders is an arrogant demonic master of deception. He is most likely than not an invisible Freemason. His offices are currently located in the historical Washington Lodge and Elks- Masonic building in Burlington, VT. The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795. It still dominates downtown Burlington. Sanders is a vile, vicious and arrogant veiled ZIONIST as exposed by his very own constituents.

According to an investigative report in the Washington Times, U.S intelligence did not concur with then Secretary of State Clinton’s public rationale for invading Libya, a military action that was never approved by the United States Congress. She had claimed Qaddafi was planning to commit acts of genocide aimed at liquidating his regime’s detractors. But intelligence operatives “had come to the opposite conclusion: that [Qaddafi] would not risk world outrage by killing civilians en  masse even as he tried to crush the rebellion in his country.”[14]

Citing secret Libyan intelligence documents, the Washington Times reported that Libyan officials were worried back in 2011 that weapons were being directed to NATO-supported rebels with ties to al-Qaeda. “The reports included a 16-page list of weapons that Libyans supposedly tracked to the rebels from Western sources or their allies in the region,” according to the newspaper.[15]

NATO has given permission to a number of weapons-loaded aircraft to land at Benghazi airport and some Tunisian airports,” the intelligence report stated. Libyan officials said they were worried that the weapons and training provided to the anti-Qaddafi rebels would spread in the region and find their way to Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city.[16] Getting Qaddafi out of the way was long a part of President Obama’s plan to help the Islamist movement in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Qaddafi was viewed as unsympathetic to the resurgent jihadists in his region and so he had to be eliminated.


Satanic Sadomasochist Mass-Murderer

“In October 2011, Hillary visited Tripoli and pledged millions to the Libyan opposition, gushing, “I am proud to stand here on the soil of a free Libya.” Two days later, Qaddafi was sodomized with a knife and then killed; Hillary was caught on camera crowing and laughing, ‘We came, we saw, he died!’[17]

It wasn’t just Qaddafi. They wickedly tried to bomb an entire sovereign African nation back into the stone age. Libya‘s entire governmental infrastructure was destroyed. Qaddafi and his family along with at least 30,000 people were killed and 50,000 wounded in Satanic Sadomasochists Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton’s Libyan Aggression, the Libyan interim health minister said, offering a first detailed estimate of the high cost in lives of bringing down Moammar Gadhafi.[18]

The Dragon Lady “… Hillary Clinton carried out the hit and today Libya, with the assistance of the U.S. taxpayer, is well on its way to becoming a member in good standing of the Islamic Caliphate.”[19]  And, one of the big problems that al-Qaeda Hilary is seriously dodging is that the weapons that she provided to al-Qaeda were used on the 2012 Benghazi American diplomatic compound attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean SmithBLOWBACK.[20] The 2016 National Democratic Party debates are a sham, fraud against the PEOPLE and NATIONAL PUBLIC DISGRACE!


It should be odd to any citizen of the United States and globally that in this 21st Century, there are absolutely no surveillance videos that captured Chris on the Umpqua campus or assaulting anyone. We have to believe that Chris, a confirmed intellectual or developmental disabled person, was able to beat and outwit a universal surveillance system. At 26 years old, there are only a hand full of picture photos of Chris in adulthood.  He has no work history. He has no known source of income, and nobody has stepped forward to call him a friend. It doesn’t make any sense.

Chris was on a regiment of psychotic drugs that helped stabilize him. His mother, Laurel Harper, “She said: ‘He has some psychological problems. Sometimes he takes his medication, sometimes he doesn’t. And that’s where the big problem is, when he doesn’t take his medication.’ ” In Oregon when the problem developed regarding his refusal to take his drugs, she took him back to California to a psychiatric facility, Del Amo Behavioral Health, a hospital in Torrance. The hospital specializes in Trauma Model Therapy.

Trauma models of mental disorders (alternatively called trauma models of psychopathology) emphasize the effects of psychological trauma, particularly in early development, as the key causal factor in the development of some or many psychiatric disorders, or a vulnerability for depression and anxiety, in addition to trauma as an adult as in posttraumatic stress disorder.

From the 1940s through the 1970s, CIA MK ULTRA mind control mental health professionals such as R.D. Laing of the Tavistock Institute and Dr. Gregory Bateson of the OSS and CIA proposed trauma models to understand schizophrenia. R. D. Laing maintained until his death that the cause of both schizoid personalities and schizophrenia was influenced by family [trauma] relationships. More on this subject discussed below. 


Do you have any idea who works at Del Amo Behavior Health System hospital? DR. COLIN A. ROSS, BLUEBIRD , Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists.


Lucifer Servant’s Underground in America


This is not a “I Told You So” story. I am just as much afraid today for the PEOPLE and my family as I was during the 1960s with the Black Panther Party for Self Defense facing the Wrath, Might, Viciousness and absolute EVIL of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT and entire Military Industrial Congressional Complex.


Nonetheless whatever anyone says about the PANTHERS, Huey, brothers and sisters courageously stood between the PEOPLE and the clandestine SATANIC forces concealed behind the Cloak of the Government.  According to recent declassified top secret documents, we may have faced the DEVIL Personified. One of Reichsführer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s most senior and sinister espionage SS officers, Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, the BEAST of Bucharest, Romania, changed venue from Germany to the United States in 1954.

The Late Great Mae Brussell called Baron von Bolschwing the “most important Nazi” in United States of America.[25] He also had to have been one of the “most mysterious, powerful and dangerous Nazis” on the planet- America’s Best Kept Secret. Baron von Bolschwing was one of the Nazi architects and godfathers of the current racialist state of Zionist ISRAEL.[26]


One of his first brushes with Nazi espionage work, according to captured SS records, was a role in creating a covert agreement between the Nazis and Fieval Polkes, right above, a commander of the militant Zionist organization Haganah, whom Von Bolschwing had met through business associates in the Mid-East.[27] Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine.[28]


Captured German records claim that Polkes believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage–at least temporarily–by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander’s sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS.[29]


The Haganah became a full-scale defense force following the 1936-1939 Arab revolt and, by 1941, consisted of three main units: the Field Corps (the main ground force), Guard Corps, and the Palmach. The Palmach was the elite fighting force of the Haganah, combining military training, agricultural work, and Zionist education. Its members eventually came to form the backbone of the Israeli Defense ForcesIDF’s combat forces.[30]


Baron von Bolschwing entered the country under cloak of the government and a general’s uniform as U.S. Army Captain Albert A. Eisner (mocking President Dwight Eisner-hower) as Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s secret representative to the CIA directed by Allen Dulles. Baron von Bolschwing boosted partly that he intended to enter the country to become a U.S. citizen to work in the clandestine design and implement the structure- “political affairs” of the National Republican Party.[31] It appears that the SS, all of Nazi Germany, British, Israel and the CIA didn’t question Baron von Bolschwing’s (Bodelschwingh) noble and barony (knightly) background from Old Prussia.[32] It is a family lineage that may go back to Charlemagne (747-814), King of France, Holy Roman Emperor (Giselbert).[33]


Around the year 1300, Teutonic Knight Giselbert I built the moat Bodelschwingh Castle on oak poles in Dortmund, Germany. Recall the Knights Templar was disbanded and persecuted by the Vatican in 1307. Templar Knights and what was left of their organization was absorbed by Maltese Knights and Teutonic Order. The Bodelschwingh castle has been the residence of the ancestors of the Knight since the 13th century and is a private residence of the family today.[34]


Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing was born in Schonbruch, East Prussia (now: Szczurkowo, Poland) on October 15, 1909.[35] In the 14th Century, Szczurkowo (Schönbruch) first appeared in the history as the conquered property of Teutonic Knights.[36] For a long time, the property in Schönbruch belonged to the knightly family of Botho-Heinrich von Eulenburg-Wicken. He had been the Prime Minister of Prussia from 1892-1894. Eulenburg was a second cousin of  Prince Philip of Eulenburg, a close friend of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, and an instrumental figure behind the scenes of German politics of the German Second Reich.[37]

Then since 1871, the property became the property of the family von Bolschwing. The place of Baron Bolschwing’s birth was sentenced to oblivion. After World War II, the village was divided by the border. The Bolschwing manor house was demolished in the 1960s on the Polish side of the border. People were displaced, and the traces of village prosperity were erased, and the place was sentenced to oblivion, most likely because of Baron von Bolschwing’s monstrous crimes against the Polish People and humanity.[38]


Baron von Bolschwing, former Nazi Gestapo agent under “The Hangman” and “The Blond BEAST,” SS Reinhard Heydrich,[39] took up residence just outside of California’s seat of power, Sacramento. He was Governor Ronald Reagan’s resident SS Officer. He was the CIA’s most clandestine senior advisors, and as the embodiment of an ancient KNIGHT and Secret Brotherhood, he was the superior to the SODOMITE  FBI Director, Edgar J. Hoover.

aaachrishoover Hoover became a Royal Arch Mason in Lafayette Chapter No. 5 in April 1921, and a Knights Templar in Washington Commandery No. l on July 20, 1921. He was created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Almas Temple in Washington DC on March 1, 1922.[40] Baron von Bolschwing also had hundred and thousands of Masons, Shriners and black Prince Hall Masons under his thumb. His underground power and influence was also spread across Greek fraternal orders  that are secret fronts for the Masonic Order. None of them would dare mumble his name in violation of the Masonic Blood Covenant of Secrecy. The guiding hand behind the illegal Nazi Gestapo type programs, CIA Project CHAOS and the FBI COINTELPRO program, had been the BEAST of Bucharest, Baron von Bolschwing.

In fact during the 1960s-1970S, there were a number of other organizations and agencies courageously involved in protecting and defending the PEOPLE against Lucifer’s Servants. Also, there was a large and active FIFTH ESTATE of investigative journalism that were truly GUARDIANS of our form of government that kept ultra clandestine world class criminal Luciferians like Baron von Bolschwing hiding behind shadows.


Yet, the true absolute WICKED nature of, danger to, and clandestine attacks against this representative form of government continues to be unbeknown to the PEOPLE. Don’t get it twisted, we didn’t know very much of anything more about the secret state/shadow government than anyone else. When Oakland’s first black public school superintendent, Dr. Marcus A. Foster, heart and brains were laid out in the street by shotgun blasts in 1973, we couldn’t figure out who assassinated him and why. But it all involved the secret state and shadow government Secret SS Concentration Camp Plan for America, and  MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs clandestinely infiltrating the Oakland public school system. Chris Harper- Mercer Didn’t Write the Script to the Upquma Community College Massacre.



CIA MK ULTRA Satanic Manchurian Candidates

At the posting of the last article, I didn’t know anything in particular about the alleged details of Chris Harper- Mercer’s alleged 6 (six) page MANIFESTO. I didn’t know about Aleister Crowley’s 666 within the document. It is an alleged manifesto, because it has not been released to the public. If Mercer had ranted about the extremes of Islam, or screamed about Racism and Race Wars, it would certainty have been made public.

“Some early reports claimed that Mercer’s attack was racially motivated, with some connecting him to the Black Lives Matter movement. But online writings from Mercer himself showed disdain for the movement and backing of law enforcement officials.”[41]

Those details leaked from Mercer’s Manifesto to PEOPLE magazine does not link him to Black Lives Matter, ISIL, al-Qaeda or Islamic Terrorism that Project MOCKINGBIRD corporate mass media has been desperately seeking to connect him to.


“The guy did this strictly for SATANIC purposes,” the source told PEOPLE magazine. “He did it to become a God in HELL. He wants to be EVIL. That is his goal, to serve SATAN.[42]  The Manifesto link Mercer to Right Wing Conservative Republicanism and SATAN. He was a devotee to LUCIFER. He even allegedly wrote the number 666 MARK OF THE BEAST on a sheet of papers that he handed to a victim on the day of the alleged slaughter of innocence.


Modern Satanism is linked to Aleister Crowley. One source have identified the Great BEAST 666 as one of founders of the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock stemmed from the ideas of H.G. Wells, head of British Intelligence. Crowley initiated H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley, one of the British Godfathers of CIA MK ULTRA, into the Satanic Occult. MK ULTRA is deeply rooted in Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Control Systems.

Chris‘ programming most likely involved a highly organized hierarchical and complicated Satanic Ritual System. This Satanic Ritual System programming is intended to produce a “Total Mind Controlled Slave” who is part of the army of mind-controlled slaves, who are the SOLDIERS of SATAN used by the Dark Empire of Secret Societies in its assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. In the ritual system, there are demons, SATANS, LUCIFERS, high priests and priestesses as well as representatives of members who have authority in the person’s life. Every layer in the system has a primary trainer and various guards to keep all of alters in order and obedient- a slave to the OVERLORD which is usually SATAN. If one of alters or fragment of an alter begin to falter, resist or talk too much about the Order, a guard alter will move in.

Chris, Tavistock Institute & the KLEINIANS

 Chris Sean Harper- Mercer was a special education needs student entitled to a free and appropriate public education available to all eligible children at no cost to parents. Normally, a special education needs student receive periodic Individual Educational Plans (IEP). It seems as though Harper- Mercer home school district’s IEP team made a determination that the public school system could no longer meet his needs and that he would benefit from a referral to a nonpublic school. Harper- Mercer was referred to Switzer Learning Center, Torrance, CA.


The Center was founded in 1966 by the late Psychiatrist, Dr. Janet Switzer.[43] Dr. Switzer is linked to Harvard University’s Judge Baker Guidance Clinic in Boston. She taught at notorious MK ULTRA institutions, University of Hawaii (President Obama’s Mother, Ann Dunham) and at UCLA (CIA Mind Control Maestro, Dr. Louis “Jolly” West).[44]


Mobster Jack Ruby’s CIA Doctor-  Dr. Louis Jolyon West

Dr. Switzer’s thinking and prevailing psychoanalytic theories were clarified by the Reiss Davis Child Study Center and the Marianne Frostig Center.[45] Both are notorious TAVISTOCK INSTITUTIONS. Created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the nerve center for the “GLOBAL MANIPULATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.”


Not long after Tavistock was set up by co-founder John Rawlings Rees and others, it became the core of Britain’s Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on British soldiers. Tavistock also played a crucial role in the creation of the OSS (the precursor to the CIA), under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, with help from Allen Dulles, the German Nazis and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Tavistock Clinic notables include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung (philosophic mysticism), MELANIE KLEIN (object relations/child psychology), R.D. Laing (anti-psychiatry), Elliott Jaques, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves,  John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and WILFRED BION (Intensive Conference/Group Dynamics), with Tommy Wilson as chairman, funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

Aside from helping to create the CIA, Tavistock was also the major force behind the formation of NATO and is deeply connected to the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome works with Tavistock to create propaganda and crisis in order to manipulate the world’s population in a pre-determined direction, toward a collectivist, one world socialistic dictatorship (Psy Ops: staged events to manipulate public opinion). Other offshoot groups are known as conduits of instructions from within the Tavistock Network are Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission and the Ditchley Foundation.

“The common purpose of the Tavistock/Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique because only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organization, was right when he said: ‘To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism’.”

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion, while breaking down the moral fabric that has held the West together using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation. Tavistock has played an important role in the creation of several institutional centers, including, Stanford Research Institute, The Wharton School at the University of PA & The Sloan School at MIT.[46]


During the late 1940s in London, Melanie KLEIN’S ideas came into conflict with Sigmund Freud’s  psychoanalyst daughter, Anna Freud (right). During the so-called Controversial discussions, the British Psychoanalytical Society split into three separate training divisions: (1) KLEINIAN, (2) Anna Freudian, and (3) independent.[47]


The Reiss Davis Child Study Center that clarified Dr. Switzer’s psychoanalytic theories is a KLEINIAN Center molded and shaped directly by Englishman WILFRED BION, above, out of Tavistock.[48]


MELANIE KLEIN was a Tavistock’s expert (medical technician) in splitting off Alter Personalities or Alter fragments from the original self causing Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorders. She worked with children as young as 2 to unveil children’s psyches. She is considered one of the major developers of “object relations theory” which emphasizes the primacy of interpersonal relations, especially between mother and child in infancy, in influencing people’s relationships in the present.[49]

After Sigmund Freud, “the most important contribution has come from MELANIE KLEIN, whose work enlightens the idea of ‘splitting of the object’ (Objektspaltung). Some clinicians explain it like this: “… the “inner world” of patients described as consisting of internal representative of other people and the self with the notion that these internal representations are often themselves fragmented. Patients have internalized “people” and fragments of people in their “inner world”.[50] Or, tell it like it is: Blizard RA. The origins of dissociative identity disorder from an object relations and attachment theory perspective (Dissociation. 1997; 10(4): 223–229).


If the Tavistock Institute connection to shaping Chris wasn’t bad enough, it looks like a lot of people at the Reiss Davis Child Study Center, including Dr. Switzer were directly connected to DR. JOLLY WEST of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH at UCLA.[51] While Dr. West was initiating the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, he sat on Reiss Davis Child Study Center‘s Professional Advisory Committee.[52]

The Late Great Mae Brussell,


“In 1972 Dr. Jolly West of the CIA — who was Jack Ruby’s doctor at the time of Ruby’s trial, for shooting Lee Harvey Oswald — had moved out to California to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, where they planned a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. This is Ronald Reagan’s baby, and if he gets to be President you can be sure they’ll pull this one out again; out of the woodwork. This was planned in 1972 and the plans were submitted to the California Department of Health in Sacramento in April of 1973. I had written an article about this Neuropsychiatric Institute, exposed it as being a part of the CIA …”[53]

Dr. West’s Center would have been hideous, and a contemporary MONSTER FACTORY- A Clockwork Orange. It would have involved things such as psychosurgery, chemical castration of reproductive organs and the brain, chip and brain transmitter implants to remotely control behavior and whatever else racialist Anglo-Saxon/German/Nazi existentialist like Dr. Janet Switzer along with the Tavistock Reiss Davis Child Study Center could dream of to inflict upon and control the masses, People of Color and their CHILDREN. Between 1972-1973, Dr. West had planned to roll Reiss Davis Child Study Center over into the MONSTER FACTORY.

Dr. West and the CIA (controlled by Heinrich Himmler’s SSKnights of the Black Sun) had planned to use the Center as a model to connect every child in America, particularly children of color, to an universal computer data base like something out of Vietnam’s Phoenix Assassination Program for tracking, neutralization, re-education, psychosurgery, sterilization, medical drug testing and experimental mind control of every child in America through computer-satellite technology.[54], [55],[56],[57]











[9] Id.






[15] Id.

[16] Id.











[27] Id.

[28] Id.

[29] Id.












[41] Id.









[50] Noblitt, James Randall, Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (2000), pg. 11










26 02 2015


This Whitney Hologram TV film poster Hides the DEVIL HORNS, ROSICRUCIAN CROSS and PENTAGRAM STAR with what looks like a PHALLIC like Shadow pointing to the CROSS with BLACK FINGERS also pointing to the CROSS.  Even the HAIR hides shadows that form IMAGES that the PROGRAMMED can VISUALIZE.

Bobbi Kristina- Time to Die!

Bobbi Kristina- Time to be Whitney Houston, take your Jonestown drug cocktail, lay down in a bathtub full of water  and DROWN.  Bobbi Kristina- Time to be Whitney Houston!  Bobbi Kristina- Time to be Whitney Houston. DEAD!

Bobbie Kristina’s Medical Condition- Unchanged

The most current news is that Bobbi Kristina’s medical condition is unchanged. However, some unnamed sources report that her organs are failing, but family sources have denied that her organs are shutting down.[1] After weeks of Jerod Brown’s press and public statements about his cousin. He has been silenced. Jerod is Bobby Brown’s nephew, son of his late oldest sister, Elizabeth. Bobby Brown’s Orpheus/Jesuit Counsel, Michael Brown, issued a statement to quiet Jerod Brown to favor the confusion, diversion, deception and ILLUSIONS of their master, LUCIFER.


Jerod Brown aka YF Kennedy wearing Kabbalah SymbolicTree of Life– jewelry.

Jerod had been part of Bobby Brown’s international Member’s Only Elite rapping crew.[2] Undoubtedly, he also had been initiated into one of Bobby Brown’s Negro false rite Rosicrucian solar societies for fame and fortune.


Jerod wears what appears to be a Mithras/Mithra false rite solar society medallion and all-seeing-eye stylized suspenders. They can’t wear the real ancient Satanic Solar Society robes, metals and medallions. So, they hide and play behind symbolic Satanic jewelry and clothing.


Mystic Rosicrucian Robert Fludd (1595 – 1637) Past Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion.[3] Also, take note the Mithras/Mithra Sunburst Symbol in upper right corner. Again, Bobby Brown and Bobbi Kristina– A certain ancient Rosicrucian/Satanic Salute Left Hand Gesture.

bobbibobbyThe cross that Bobby Brown wears below is a from of the ancient Maltese Cross. The cross symbol is directly associated with the Knights Hospitaller (the Knights of Malta). The cross is eight-pointed and has the form of four “V”-shaped elements, each joining the others at its vertex, leaving the other two tips spread outward symmetrically. Its design is based on crosses used since the First Crusade.[4]


Brown’s Black Cross has been the symbol of the  Teutonic Order from the 12th century to present. It is the predecessor to the Iron Cross that originated in 1219 when the Kingdom of Jerusalem  granted the Teutonic Order the right to combine the Teutonic Black Cross placed above a silver Cross of Jerusalem.[5] 


ILLUMINATI Sun-Solar, All-Seeing-Right Eye, Bobbie Kristina & New Commercialized Rosicrucian Rap Sensation, Iggy Azalea

In May 2014, Forbes magazine declared that “Hip-Hop [Rap] Is Run by a White, Blonde, Australian Woman …”- Iggy Azalea. Iggy Azalea, “I have a place, and I don’t care what other people have to say about it. I was a fan of rap music growing up, and I didn’t  feel like there were enough characters that represented me and my situation. So I think it’s needed.” You should very well be afraid of this woman. This is the ILLUMINATI/Rosicrucian Solar Deity’s bold move to dominate the Hip Hop industry, and subjugate Black Culture to the mandates of Seth-Set- SATAN.    


Iggy Azalea doesn’t have to play with or conceal the Satanic Sun Deity’s signs and symbols.  She has been anointed by the CIA/MK ULTRA Occult Bureau as its new RAP High Priestess. She is the embodiment of the Kemetic Winged-Sun Disc, the Rosicrucian Sun-Burst Cross on her chest.


Godfrey of Bouillon with Cross of Jerusalem as depicted in a late medieval fresco (Castello della Manta, Piedmont, Italy 1420.) Famous leader of the First Crusade and the Knights Templar movement. It appears that Iggy also has Godfrey of Bouillon’s Cross of Jerusalem on her right shoulder. She has the Omega Symbol, Five-Pointed Pentagram Star, and Bobby Brown’s Teutonic Knight Cross on her right arm,  bottom appears to be the Kundalini Symbol- “She who is coiled.”


Ancient Kundalini Snake (Luciferian) Symbol is related to Mystic Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon’s Shakespeare’s Tempest Opening Ceremony of the Paralympics.

Bobby Brown sold Bobbi Kristina off into a Negro Rosicrucian Satanic Solar Circle that is a cell of a greater more powerful and ultra secret assemblage, the Ninth Satanic Circle. This explains why Jerod by deception posted an ILLUMINATI All-Seeing-Eye picture of Bobbi Kristina for the masses to falsely pray to.


ILLUMINATI Bastardized Left Eye of Horus– Bobbi Kristina & Satanic High Priestess- Lady GaGa

From very early times in the Land of Kemet, the sun and the moon were regarded as the eyes of the great falcon God Horus,  though the two eyes eventually became differentiated, with the left eye (the “Eye of Horus“) often being regarded as the symbol of the moon and the right eye (the “Eye of Re“) being that of the sun. One of the most prominent myths concerning the moon relates its cycle to the battle between Horus and Set- Seth/SATAN. During this famous battle over the inheritance of Osiris-Aset, Seth steals the Left Eye of Horus, damages it, and divides it into six parts.[7]

It Happened in Roswell

Bobbi Kristina’s mysterious bathtub drowning incident happened in a place called Roswell. That bathtub drowning incident is eerily or MOCKINGLY familiarly similar to Whitney Houston’s deadly fate in Beverly Hills.[8] Just as in the case of the Roswell Incident and the Assassination of Whitney Houston, the public is totally unnecessarily left out in the dark and absolutely “clueless” as to what happened to Bobbi Kristina in Roswell, and her actual medical condition.


In July of 1947, something extraordinary happened in a place called “Roswell” that sparked the fear and the imagination of this nation for decades. It was reported that the government secretly recovered from Roswell crashed alien spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings from another world. According to Joseph P. Farrell, author of Roswell and the Reich, Roswell is “no-man’s- land.” In the grand scheme of things, it is a momentous fear, confusion, diversion and DECEPTION for the masses conceded by Lucifer’s Servants, the SS, that will forever delve in a void somewhere between magic, myth, fact and fiction.[9] Bobbi Kristina’sno-man’s- land” of myth, fact and fiction out of Roswell continues to swing into puzzles warped inside enigmas. Things become stranger, wilder and bizarre by the day.

At the end of the day, it looks as though the DEVIL will not be denied his end of the bargain, one way or another- it will get Bobbi Kristina’s Soul. That’s the way they roll. That’s the way they have been rolling for over a thousand years.

It Happened in Roswell: Bobbie Kristina’s Strange Automobile Accident


Image of a random Jeep Liberty

Bobbi Kristina Brown lost control of her Jeep Liberty when a tire blew out on Jan. 27, crossing into oncoming traffic and colliding with another vehicle. Police in the Atlanta suburb of Roswell described ‘extensive damage’ to both vehicles. Brown’s passenger and the other car’s driver were hospitalized. Brown blamed tire failure, and officers found a nail in the Jeep’s blown-out right rear tire, the incident report says.”[10]

That is really strange for an off-road SUV Jeep Liberty to hydroplane completely out of control from a nail puncture in a right rear tire. The Jeep Liberty replaced the Jeep Cherokee. It marked a few firsts for Jeep. It was the first Jeep vehicle to come with rack and pinion steering, and front independent steering. It has front and rear wheel drive.[11]

Most off road vehicles also come with superior puncture resistant tires. A tire blow out and a vehicle hydroplaning out of control from a nail in an off road 21st century technological puncture resistant tire is possible, but highly unlikely.[12] It is also extremely strange and unusual that everyone involved in the accident had sought and obtained professional medical treatment and advice, but for Bobbi Kristina. Or should I say, strangely. No pictures of Bobbi Kristina’s damaged SUV have surfaced, and nothing has yet come to light whether or not Bobbi Kristina was in fact treated or seen by medical professions after the accident.

Five days ago, a lawyer for the other driver, Russell Eckerman, of a Midsize Ford Taurus involved in the accident said that he was still in critical condition- unable [or not allowed] to speak.[13] Bobbi Kristina’s vehicle had been deliberately tampered with to intentionally cause a serious and dangerous life threatening accident.

Bobbie Kristina, Angela Bassett & the ILLUMINATI Gay/Transgender Conspiracy


Angela Bassett V-Sign, the V-Peace Symbol Also Hides an Occult Meaning

Recently, Angela Bassett compared Bobbi Kristina’s case with opening up generally- conversations about long-term care of the elderly. That’s what she is doing- stepping up and taking care of the long-term health concerns of her elder in-laws.[14] She said that Bobbi Kristina’s current situation is “tragic.“I do try to keep my ear open to what some of the developments are,” she told ABC News today.[15] In the comment section of this article, I discovered that her twins are somewhat adopted- cloned. People Magazine headline, March 27, 2006, “After a Seven-Year Struggle to Have Children, Angela Bassett and Husband Courtney B. Vance Welcome Twins with the Help of a Surrogate Mother.”[16]


When Bobbi Kristina found out that she had been completely disassociated and washed out from the entire Whitney TV biopic film project, she lashed out at Angela Bassett in June 2014 on twitter that insinuated that Bassett was a literal TRANNY- TRANSGENDER,



Whether or not, Angela Bassett was born a man would be a deep cover secret. As all ILLUMINATI, Bobbi Kristina was bound by a Blood Covenant of SECRECY.


By January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina was found “unresponsive” face down in a water filled bathtub. Dr. John O’Dea, M.D. told exclusively, “If someone was cut off from OXYGEN for 15 to 30 minutes, they would be BRAIN DEAD. All it takes is to be cut off from OXYGEN for 5 to 10 minutes.”[17]

Joan Rivers & the ILLUMINATI Gay/Transgender Conspiracy

Previously in a July 2014 unprompted outburst to the press, Joan Rivers said that Barrack Obama was our first GAY president. River’s then offered, “You know Michelle is a TRANNY. When the reporter attempted to clarify, she responded: “A TRANSGENER. We all know.”[18] I was certainly among those that didn’t know.  As all ILLUMINATI/Jewish Cabal, Joan Rivers was bound by a Blood Covenant of SECRECY. By September 4, 2014, 81 year old popular comedian Joan Rivers suddenly came up dead from “anoxic encephalopathy due to hypoxic arrest,” a medical description of BRAIN DAMAGE caused by a lack of OXYGEN.[19]

It’s extremely scary stuff if Michelle is actually a Michael. I have always defended Michelle Obama in the image of a beautiful black woman that had been influenced and corrupted SATANICALLY. Just the very thought of it is absolutely mind blowing deep-deep stuff. But, this is no laughing matter as some believe that it is. If she is a Michael, it would be a master craft of mass population LUCIFERIAN DECEPTION and ILLUSION. If they say that he is a she over and over again, we come to believe the lie.

Study the above video carefully then take a second study of the HANDS, facial and body features of Angela Bassett.


Some sources believe that the Obama daughters, Malia and Sasha, were secretly adopted out of Morocco or they are surrogate children like Bassett’s twins. They claim that there are no pictures or records of Michelle Obama being pregnant or with a newborn baby. And, Malia and Sasha have no public birth records.[20] They were born before Barrack Obama became President of the United States.


For about 5 years, I have contended consistently that Barrack Hussein Obama is part of a highly classified One Step Beyond/Outer Limits CIA/MK ULTRA Secret Human Cyborg Project that goes back to Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Rudolf Mengele. However, it never crossed my mind that Michelle Obama could be a man. It had been a notion too bizarre to even consider in the first place. if Michelle is actually a Michael, it would stand as one of this nation’s most egregious breaches of FAITH, and Crimes Against Democracy.

Over the decades, we have come to know for certain that the system is reactionary. If you come too close to exposing forbidden truths, the DRAGON will snap its tail. It snapped its tail on Bobbie Kristina and Joan Rivers. Now, I starting to come to the realization that the DRAGON may have snapped its tail on popular black Comedian Tracy Morgan.

Tracy Morgan & the ILLUMINATI Gay/Transgender Conspiracy


I have never been a fan of the demeaning little demon, Tracy Morgan. He is just as much of an ILLUMINATI Negro WHORE as Kevin Hart.


In June 2011, Tracy Morgan showed signs of resistance to the ILLUMINATI homosexual agenda, and seriously got out of line with the agenda and game plan. He said that gays were not “born this way,” and lesbians don’t really like women, they just hate men. Morgan also said that if he found out his son were gay, he would pull out a knife and stab the “little nigga” to death. Subsequently, he was forced to go on an “apology to Gays tour.”[21]


A Hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes.

Interestingly, Joan Rivers had been one of the few HollyWeird celebrities that said publicly, Tracy Morgan should not apologizeto Gays. [22] Morgan appears to be an extraordinary intelligent brother, but as Katt Williams found out that no matter how clever that you think you be may, once you sell your soul to the DEVIL- the Satanic Circle/Cabal play no games. But, Morgan continued to play and toy with the ILLUMINATI’s Gay/Hermaphroditic notions and agenda. As all ILLUMINATI, Tracy Morgan is bound by a Blood Covenant of SECRECY.


In June, 2014, Tracy Morgan was seriously injured in a multi-car collision in New Jersey. His limo had been flipped over killing one passenger. In November 2014, Morgan’s lawyer said that he sustained a BRAIN INJURY in that limo van accident that was so traumatic that he may never again bethe Tracy Morgan he once was.”[23]


The ramifications of a covert ILLUMINATI Lesbianic- Hermaphroditic Conspiracy hidden in open at the highest elected office of this country designed to control, limit and destroy populations of color is absolutely mind-blobbing stuff. It is almost unbelievable. It is so wild that they certainty don’t expect us to believe it. But, just look at the body count, and remember that the crime is always revealed in the cover-up.


Knights Templar Not Only Shared the Horse, They Shared the Bed As Well

Amongst the Blasphemy Charges against the Knights Templar were the following: “… 2. That they then received the kiss of the templar, who officiated as receiver, on the mouth, and afterwards were obliged to kiss him in ano, on the navel, and sometimes on the generative member; … 4. That they practiced unnatural vice together …” Jean de St. Loup, who held the office of master of the house of templars at Soisiac, said that, on his reception into the order, he received the injunction notto have intercourse with women, but, if he could not persevere in continence, he might have the same intercourse with men; and others were told that it would “be better to satisfy their lust among themselves, whereby the order would escape evil report, than if they went to women.’ “

This is a secret, strange and ancient perverted ritual passed down thru the generations for population control, and ultimate power and control of individuals that even some Knights objected to and refused to engage in. But, it is an actual historical ritual adopted by the ILLUMINATI and the Satanic Cabals that has been secretly imposed at the highest levels of the government (Black Obama White House), the Black Family Structure and Satanic cells mostly through CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA  Trauma Based Mind Control Programming. It is absolutely bizarre snuff beyond the Sign Post Ahead, it is on the Outer Limits of ordinary Human Imagination.

HollyWeird BIOPIC- Whitney’s Fabricated Dramatization

A biopic is nothing new in the HollyWeird movie and film industry. It is a film that is based on the life of a very important or well-known person. The term biopic is the abbreviation for the term biographical motion picture. Many biopics contain various degrees of fabrications.[24] For decades, biopics have been a movie and film industry accepted form of fabricated dramatizations. Which in itself is problematic, when forgeries, lies, fakes, falsehoods, and untruths are deliberately directed at target audiences.[25]

Biopics also become problematic in itself, when it is used to create false perceptions or ideas and mental images by the deliberate misinterpretation of things that actually exist- ILLUSIONS.[26] With modern clandestine breakthroughs in holographic technologies, Biopics can be a Crime Against Democracy– created as subliminal vehicles of lies, falsehoods and ILLUSIONS to covertly control, change and modify human perceptions and behavior, or drive you insane.

Rosie Perez: Whitney’s Fabricated/False Biopic Did It to Her

I believe what Rosie Perez said that Angela Bassett’s TV biopic, Whitney, played a significant part in putting Bobbi Kristina in the place that she lies today, at the brink of DEATH. Don’t get it twisted, Perez wasn’t making any public service statement. She says that she “love” Angela Bassett. She is one of them, ILLUMINATI Satanic Cabal. It was a serious slip of the tongue to directly link Bobbi Kristina’s bathtub drowning with Bassett’s TV biopic of her mother, and they are surely calling for her head and curtailment of Perez’s television host career.[27]



Notice How Similar Will I Am’s Foundation Logo is the Jesuit Logo

HollyWeird Actress Rosie Perez is a devout VATICAN Catholic raised by the  FRENCH Order of the Sisters of Saint Joseph (Josephites), a front for the Jesuit Order.[28]

Rosie Perez, Jesuit Order and the Ninth Satanic Circle


In late May 2014, FRENCH Catholic Jesuit head Adolfo Panchon, above, announced his resignation after the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels linked him to international Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies.[29] Evidence of a Catholic Jesuit Order document called the “Magisterial Privilege” was presented in court by the Chief Prosecutor. The record dated Dec. 25 1967 was said to show that every new Pope was required to participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Ritual sacrifices of newborn children, including drinking their blood.[30]

“Documents from Vatican secret archives presented to court clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits had a premeditated plan to ritually murder kidnapped newborn babies and then consume their blood,” the Chief Prosecutor told the five international judges and 27 jury members.[31]

“The plan was born of a twisted notion to derive spiritual power from the lifeblood of the innocent, thereby assuring political stability of the Papacy in Rome. These acts are not only genocidal but systemic and institutionalized in nature. Since at least 1773, they appear to have been performed by the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits and every Pope.”[32]

Well, if you believe the HollyWeird Jesuit Rosie Perez and I certainly do, then she says that the path to uncovering the mysterious cause/force behind Bobbi Kristina being intentionally rendered near BRAIN DEAD leads to ANGELA BASSETT. Follow the mysterious, Bassett leads us to another devout CATHOLIC of an ancient FRENCH Catholic Satanic Circle, and FRENCH Order of Ursuline (Blood Witch) Nuns in New Orleans- the infamous Voodoo Priestess Madame Marie LaveauMadame Laveau leads us to the BLOOD SACRIFRICE  Da Vinci Code Merovingian Race,  Enochian Magic, Cabbalism, the Saint Louis Catholic Cathedral, Knights Templar, an ancient FRENCH Ninth Satanic Death Circle of Old New Orleans, and the Priory of Sion.

The Merovingian Jesus Bloodlines

The Merovingian Bloodline Theory is that Jesus had a child, a daughter named Sarah, with Mary Magdalene, with whom he was married. The descendants of this child became the Merovingian Kings of France. The Church has suppressed the truth about Mary Magdalene and the Jesus bloodline for 2000 years. This is principally because they fear the power of the sacred feminine, which they have become DEMONIZED as SATANIC.

Angela Bassett, Madame Laveau & the American Horror Story


American Horror Story is a Satanic television series created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Described as an anthology series, each season is conceived as a self-contained miniseries, following a disparate set of characters and settings, and a storyline with its own “beginning, middle, and end.[33] Ryan Murphy (left) is a gay JACOBITE Irish Roman Catholic.[34] Brad Falchuk (right) is a Republican Zionist. His mother is the past president (2007) of Hadassah, the Women Zionist Org of America.[35]


Hadassah (sweet myrtle) is another name for the biblical Queen Ester. According to Kabbalah, each of her names corresponds to a different spiritual level. The name Hadassah represents righteousness. As such, it corresponds to a heavenly sphere representing G‑d’s infinity. The name Esther (Heb. אסתר) is derived from the Hebrew word hester (Heb. הסתר), which means “hiddenness.”[36] “The [ILLUMINATI] Rothschilds have always been the true force behind the Zionist Movement. Zionism is in fact SIONism, Sion = the Sun, hence the name of the elite secret society behind the Merovingian bloodline, the Priory of Sion.”[37]

American Horror Story, Season 3: Coven (2013-2014)


The Coven ties in the ancestors and spirits of the Salem Witch Trials with the voodoo practitioners of New Orleans. On TV, Ryan and Falchuk setup a historic racial grudge between Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett) and so-called socialite serial killer Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates) when no such grudge ever existed.[38]

Quote from Greek Philosopher Plato:

“The gods don’t communicate to mortals directly but intermediary spirits. So mortals need figures to communicate with the gods, and thus daimon (demon) becomes the figure needed of the petition, a source evolving into sacrifices and initiations, incantations, prophecies, divination, and magic spells, sacred poems.” The Demon and the Angel: Searching for the Source of Artistic Inspiration” P.60-61 by Edward Hirsch

In this age, elite HollyWeird actors and actresses like Angela Bassett and Cathy Bates are secretly deliberately channeling/invoking demonic spirits to enhance their performances. “These actors that are channeling these spirits to act, fall under the form of intentional channeling, and these are lying demonic spirits that are using these actors and actresses as a host to lead people away from Jesus Christ, and to eternal damnation, also the Anti-Christ morals they promote in the films they do.”[39] In the Coven, the ILLUMINATI has used Angela Bassett to host the demonic spirit possession of Madame Marie Laveau to serve them.


The Cast of Players in the Whitney Fabricated Drama, Larry Sanitsky in Middle, Shem Bitterman Right End

The “them” hidden behind Angela Bassett’s Whitney is a powerful elite and silent HollyWeird Jewish Ashkenazi Circle– producers Larry Sanitsky (Kabbbalist, Sinai Temple, LA)[40], Frank Konigsberg(Jewish Königsberg, Germany)[41], and script writer Shem Bitterman (Polish Jew)[42].


Rare Photo of Frank Konigsberg

These same demonic forces combined in the February 2, 2013 television biopic, Betty and Coretta, starring Angela Bassett as widow Coretta King and Mary J. Blige as the widow Betty Shabazz.[43] Just the same as in biopic Whitney, the families of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the will of the people were deliberated spiritually disassociated and disemboweled from the production and authenticity of the film.


“Lifetime’s “Betty and Coretta” … portray their dynamic friendship through the feminist [housewives] lens of independent womanhood, separate from the looming shadows of their husbands.”[44]

“While Martin was portrayed as he typically is – conciliatory and in love with his own martyrdom, instead of the union advocating, anti-war activist that he was publicly transitioning into before he was gunned down for his efforts –, Malcolm’s courage under enemy fire (both from the United States government and the Nation of Islam), and unwavering dedication to human rights over civil rights were tossed aside in favor of attempts to show how much he had ‘changed.’ “[45]  Within months of the release of Betty and Coretta, a heir to Malcolm X’s Legacy would be dead (blood sacrificed) just as in the case of Bobbi Kristina to Whitney Houston’s Legacy.


Malcolm Latif Shabazz:

” … prior to my date of departure to Iran, Lifetime television released a television bio-picture called ‘Betty & Coretta’ which was a sensationalistic misrepresentation of my grandparents, my mother and me. This film aside from being poorly acted, and shallow in depth, also threatened to inflame old controversies and open unhealed wounds, and to remind the public of sad outcomes without ever identifying B.O.S.S.I., the C.I.A., F.B.I. and other forces that set the climate for my grandfather’s assassination, and made my family a long-suffering casualty of COINTELPRO, and other anti-Black repression programs. Naturally, anything done to stir up old hatred of The Shabazz Family will impact me as the name-sake, and first male heir of Malcolm X, and whether I am high or low in fortunes does not exempt me from this reality.”[46]

Malcolm Latif Shabazz, 29 years old, son of Qubilah Shabazz and grandson of Malcolm X (Al-Hajj Malik el Shahbaz) died on the street or in a Mexico City hospital as result of a racial beating on Thursday, May 9, 2013.[47] In February 2013, Shabazz had been arrested by the Middletown Police Department before he was scheduled to appear in Tehran, Iran on an international forum to discuss “Hollywood and Violence.”[48]

Kabbalism & Knights Templar


Cabbalism and Kabbalistic rituals secretly brought out of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem by the Knights Templar lay at the religious foundation of Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, the Scottish Rite freemasons, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Ku Klux Klan, and the BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis. Raziel is an (fallen) archangel “Keeper of Secrets” and “Angel of Mysteries” that transmitted KABBALAH (Jewish Mysticism) to King Solomon and the rabbis.[49]

Saint Louis Cathedral- (Orleans) New Orleans, (New France) Louisiana


 Saint Louis IX with Merovingian Race Crystal Ball

New Orleans was founded on May 7, 1718. It was named after the Duke of Orleans– the future King Louis XV of France (1710- 1774). As early as 1726, King Louis XV of France decided that three Ursuline Nuns from Rouen accompanied by the Jesuits should go to New Orleans to establish a hospital for poor sick people and to provide education for young girls of wealthy [Merovingian-Capetian- Satanic JESUS Bloodline] families.[50] The St. Louis Cathedral is named for Catholic Saint Louis. He was Louis IX, King of France. Louis IX (1214 –1270), commonly Saint Louis, was a Capertian King of France who reigned from 1226 until his death. Louis was crowned in Reims at the age of 12, following the death of his father Louis VIII the Loin.


His mother, Blanche of Castile, above with the CLAW hand symbol, was the Queen Mother Regent that really ruled the kingdom in his minority. [51] Queen Mother and King Louis IX led the Seventh Holy Crusade and European invasion of the holy lands from 1248 to 1254.[52] The Capertians were sometimes called “the Third Race of [DRAGON] Kings“, the Merovingians being the first, and the  Carolingians being the second. The first Capetian King was known as Hugh Capet.[53] The Royal Capetian and Carolingians bloodline of France are Satanic Bloodlines closely intertwined with the Merovingians.[54] They believe that “they” rule by the divine and sacred right of God.

Queen Mother Blanche of Castile was the third daughter of King Alphonso VIII (1155- 1214) and Queen Eleanor of Spain. Blanche’ mother was also commonly known as Eleanor of England. She was the sixth child and second daughter of King Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine.[55]


Himmler & King Henry the Fowler with Merovingian Crystal Ball

These bloodlines go back to Henry the Fowler. Henry the Fowler (Heinrich der Finkler or Heinrich der Vogler) (876 – 936) was the Duke of Saxony from 912 and the first of the Ottonian Dynasty of German kings and emperors, he is generally considered to be the founder and first king of the medieval German state, known until then as EAST FRANCIA. An avid hunter, he obtained the epithet “the Fowler” because he was allegedly fixing his birding nets when messengers arrived to inform him that he was to be king.[56] Reichsführer SS-1 Henrich Himmler believed that he was the reincarnation of King Henry, the Fowler.[57]

The First Merovingian Race, Da Vinci Code & the Saint Louis Cathedral


Dagobert I (603- 639) was the king of Austrasia  (623–634), King of all the Franks (629–634), and King of Neustra and Burgundy (629–639). He was the last king of the Merovingian JESUS Bloodline Dynasty to wield any real royal power. Dagobert was the first of the Frankish Kings to be buried in the royal tombs at Saint Denis Basilica.[58]


Dagobert II- Two Finger Symbol for Benediction with Merovingian Crystal Ball

Dagobert II (650- 679) was the last Merovingian to hold the title “Holy Roman Emperor.” The Merovingian “priest-kings” who were believed by their subjects to have magical powers derived from their long red hair. These “priest-kings” were the constant subject of rumors of witchcraft, fortune telling and crystal-ball gazing, among others.

In fact, portraits of Merovingian Kings customarily depict them holding one of these crystal balls in the left hand. Since the time of Carolingian Clovis I (Charlemagne), the Merovingians had presided over the Holy Roman Empire, but by the time Dagobert II was born, the power of the throne had already been weakened, with authority increasingly being usurped by court chancellors known as “Mayors of the Palace”.[59]


JESUS with Merovingian Crystal Ball-Two Finger Symbol of Benediction, Salvator Mundi (1570)Tiziano Vecelli or Tiziano Vecellio (c. 1488/1490– 1576), known in English as Titian was an Italian painter the most important member of the 16th-century Venetian School.[60]

Merovingian JESUS Bloodlines & Saint Louis Cathedral in New Orleans

A little more than a thousand years later, Capuchin Monk Father Dagobert de Longuory (a.k.a. Père Dagobert) arrived in New Orleans from Quebec, Canada in 1722. In 1745, he became priest of Saint Louis Cathedral, and later was appointed as Vicar General of the Diocese. He was active regionally for over 50 years and died in 1776.[61] Father Père Dagobert was an ancestral “priest-kings” Merovingian Bloodline endowed with same demonic magickal powers and agenda of his ancestors. Even today, the Merovingian Bloodline are generally believed to be the Satanic Bloodline of the Anti-Christ.[62] The Ancient European Satanic Bloodlines weren’t fleeing the old country. They were coming to America and landed in NEW ORLEANS to begin a new clandestine SATANIC UNDERWORLD.

The Merovingians and Knights Templars

In the popular Da Vinci Code conspiracies,[63] the Priory of Sion is a powerful hidden society founded with one objective, to restore the Merovingian House to the throne of France and the continent of Europe. During the crusades and European armed invasion of the ancient holy lands, the Priory of Sion was directly responsible for the existence of the Knights Templar (the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon) whose military wing they are alleged to have been.[64]

Saint Louis Cathedral & Lucifer’s Servants- Freemasonry


The imposing central tower of St. Louis Cathedral was designed by one of America’s most infamous European Freemason architects, Benjamin Henry Latrobe. He received a commission from the New Orleans Diocese to begin building the tower in 1819, during the vicarage of Spanish “Vicar and Ecclesiastical Judge of New Orleans” Capuchin Friar Pere Antoine (Francisco Ildefonso Mareno).[67] From 1803- 1813, Benjamin Henry Latrobe of the Masonic Order designed and constructed the South Wing of the Capital in Washington DC under President Thomas Jefferson.[68] Latrobe died in New Orleans during one of its Yellow Fever plagues.

Saint Louis Cathedral & Capuchin Friar Pere Antoine


Antonio de Sedella aka Friar Pere Antoine, O.F. Cap (1748-1829) from Sedalla, Spain served as the leading religious authority of the Catholic Church during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. His ghost along with the ghost of Madame Marie Laveau is said to walk an alley now named for him which runs alongside the city’s cathedral.[69]

Why did Friar Pere Antoine’s ghost at times walk in company with the infamous black voodoo priestess? Madame Laveau attended daily Catholic mass with Friar Pere Antoine. He allowed her to use church grounds for secret Black Mass/Voodoo Rituals for her mostly African followers.[70] For at least a hundred years, the Capuchin Monks had been the Vatican’s leading Catholic orders that were known to be experts in Witchcraft and SATANISM of the Middle Ages. In secret sacred Duality of the Church and hidden Mithraism, SATAN through the Black Mass was just as much of a Divine and Powerful Lord to call forth as GOD. SATAN was called forth by the BLOOD SACRIFICE.


Madame Laveau wasn’t schooled in Witchcraft and Satanism by some idiotic false rite Luciferian Zombie Negro called Papa Legba.  It was Saint Louis Cathedral, a clandestine Satanic Merovingian/Knights Templar/Freemason Cathedral. Angela Bassett and Madame Laveau are only false flags to a much greater and powerful Satanic Underground in America.

In Old New Orleans, among Friar Antoine’s devoted Catholic/Satanic flock was the racial mass murderer Marie Delphine Lalaurie, an Irish Knights Templar/Knights of Saint Louis Bloodline. The mass murder, torture and mayhem of Africans took place just down the street from Saint Louis Cathedral, and Madame Laveau, and they didn’t  hear the SCREAMS coming from the Lalaurie Mansion throughout the nights. The Black Holocaust of Africans in New Orleans wasn’t committed in madness or a void. It was part of the Old French Ancient Ninth Satanic Circle’s BLACK MASS/Blood Sacrifices raising the DEVIL and the PRINCES of HELL for the Favor, Power, Fortune and Wealth of the ELITE DRAGON Bloodlines by the BLOOD, INTERNAL ORGANS, BODY PARTS, SOULS and LIVES of PEOPLE OF COLOR in New Orleans.

They didn’t raise up the spirit of Madame Laveau in the vessel of Angela Bassett to stir up African Gods and Spirits. They don’t roll like that but on TV and HollyWeird movies. They raised up Madame Laveau in the vessel of Angela Bassett to confuse and deceive the masses of People of Color- to lead them astray. In old New Orleans,  Madame Laveau and her voodoo hid MONSTERS- the Merovingian Underworld Satanic Bloodlines, and the Old European Satanic Blood Sacrifice Circles like the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons that feed from the innocence and ignorance of the masses of the people.

In HollyWeird, Angela Bassett also hide MONSTERS that also feds from the minds, souls, innocence and ignorance of the masses. To understand the enigmas behind Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina, you need to look beyond Bassett and flush out in the light the real Sorcerers, Witches, Necronomicon Mystics, DEMONS and DEVIL WORSHIPERS out  of the shadows to bring them ALL including Angela Bassett to ORDER, BALANCE and JUSTICE.

NEXT, we explore more into Saint Louis Cathedral, and some of the secret Old European Blood Sacrifice Circles transplanted and embedded in America’s Underworld related to Angela Bassett and her Spirit Possession of Madame Marie Laveau and the institutional DEMONIZING of Bobbie Kristina and People of Color.









[9] Farrell, Joseph P., Roswell and the Reich, the Nazi Connection, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL (2010) Prologue, xi






[15] Id.









[24] http://www







[31] Id.

[32] Id.





































