20 10 2015

Lately, it seems as though in this country when the American political system is in trouble or it appears or perceived to be in national or global trouble or crisis , it lines up and march out a hapless mind controlled Manchurian Candidate to distract and deceive the PEOPLE.  The last three, Vester Lee Flanagan III, Shannon J. Miles and Chris Harper Mercer have been BLACK.  It seems as though they are  rolling out more and more of some of society’s most powerless mentally ill  and perverted-disturbed brothers to be their PASTIES- BLACK MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES. 

In August 2015, things weren’t sitting too pretty for the National Fraternity of Police. The Sandra Bland July 13, 2015 controversial arrest and death in the hands of local police was still shaking up the nation. The police slayings of unarmed young Black males, Eric Garner in NY, 12 year old Tamir Rice of Cleveland, OH, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD, and many other people of color were still sparking protests in cities across the country, and national political upheaval.

Demonstrators had taken to the streets of Ferguson. It had become a flash-point again to mark the sad anniversary of the police slaying of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on August 9, 2014.[1] In late August 2015, a municipal court judge in Ferguson announced sweeping changes to the city’s court system, including an order to withdraw all arrest warrants issued in that city before December 31, 2014.

Ferguson’s Municipal Court was found to have engaged in racially discriminatory practices that disproportionately and unfairly affected the poor and people of color. The judge found, “The combination of racial profiling and revenue-based policing creates massive animosity between people in the community and police. It does not increase public safety.”[2]

The People would not rest. Police Abuse and the Black Lives Matter Movement was being heard Globally.

 Black Lives Matter & Deputy Darren Goforth -Slaying and Cover-up


 “He was always loyal, fiercely so. He was ethical. The right thing to do is what guided his internal compass.” Kathleen Goforth [3]


On August 28, 2015, the execution-style killing of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth by a black man in Houston, TX went global. Texas law enforcement officials tried to tie Goforth’s slaying to Black Lives Matter. President Obama immediately jumped on the bandwagon, and used the opportunity to turn the tides of global opinion against police abuse of power and executions of black and brown citizen. He openly grand stand-ed VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS. He spoke with Darren Goforth’s wife, Kathleen Goforth. The White House says Obama conveyed his condolences and told Goforth THAT he’ll keep highlighting the uncommon bravery of police officers. Obama says Goforth’s killing was contemptible and “AN AFFRONT TO CIVILIZED SOCIETY”. Obama placed the HIGHLY PUBLICIZED special call to Kathleen Goforth from Air Force One as he flew to Alaska.[4]


Shannon J. Miles was arrested and charged with the murder of Deputy Goforth. According to his mother, Shannon has suffers severe mental illness most of life like Chris Harper Mercer. In 2012, he had been declared mentally “incompetent” to stand trial for an assault on a fellow homeless man over a TV remote and programming. Of course, officials are still unclear as to what it could have been that provoked the killing, as they cannot find any connection between Goforth and Miles, because there isn’t one. Shannon has shown no interest in politics, Black nationalism or Black Lives Matter. Shannon has no work history. He couldn’t buy a gun even if he possessed the mental capacity to want to. Like Chris, due to mental instability, Shannon appears to be socially dysfunctional. He appears to have no  girlfriend or friends. Well, it comes to light that on the night of Goforth’s slaying, witnesses reported to a news station something very unusual and out of the ordinary that nobody seems willing to talk about or acknowledge.

Witnesses saw a woman in dressy clothing crying over the deputy’s body. Three weeks after Deputy Goforth was gunned down, the news station uncovered court documents shedding light on a witness to the lawman’s murder and her relationship to the deputy. The eyewitness, who is not named in the court documents dated September 16, said she had an adulterousromantic relationship” with the ever so internal “ethical” with the moral compass Goforthduring the preceding 15 months.”[5]

Hapless mentally disabled and defenseless Shannon didn’t have a motive to harm anyone unless you turned the channel from his favorite television program, but it appears that somebody at the scene could have had a motive to kill Goforth. And, it is being covered up. Shannon is like hapless mentally disabled Chris Harper Mercer, unable to help themselves even if they could. As you know, Chris is DEAD and Shannon is held indefinitely for murder most likely under a strict regiment of Psychotic Drugs and he most likely knows not where he is.


I have long consistently argued since he came into office that Barrack Obama is a manufactured DERELICT Spiritual and Physical Demonic  Human BeingBoy from Brazil,[6] Space Kid,[7] Human Cyborg,[8] and a CIA Puppet.[9]  I discovered that I was not alone, NBC 4 New York asserted in 2009 that We have our first CYBORG president, and we have only ourselves to blame.[10]


Just days after the Umpqua Community College shootings, President Obama made a special trip to Roseburg, Oregon for closed-door visits with families of the shooting victims. He is using the hapless Black Manchurian Candidate Chris Sean Harper-Mercer and the Roseburg incident, in particular, to justify using his sole presidential executive powers on national GUN CONTROL.[11]


Another DERELICT Spiritual Demonic Human being- democratic presidential candidate front-runner/war criminal Hillary Clinton made it clear during the debate also on the back of military intelligence Multiple Personality Disordered (MPD) mind controlled Pasty Chris Harper-Mercer that she doesn’t feel her fellow Democrats have been harsh enough on guns—particularly in light of the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg, Oregon.[12]

Democratic Party Debate Veils a Satanic Sadomasochist and Global War Criminal- Hilary Clinton


 Al-Qaeda Hilary & the DEVIL

Supplying illegal guns, ammunition and bombs to al-Qaeda seems to be the order of the day for Luciferians President Obama and Hilary Clinton to wickedly destabilize and destroy nations of color throughout Africa and the Middle East. The other day, the National Democratic Party combined before its nationally televised debate and decided collectively that all the candidates would circle the wagons around Hilary Clinton and veil her crimes against humanity. Opening the debates, Senator Bernie Sanders gave Clinton the seal with the Masonic Handshake said, “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your [Hilary Clinton]damn emails.[13]


Bernie & Hilary LAUGHED in the Public’s Face

The thing about Sander’s Hilary’s Email Scandal band was only a devious code for not talking about her support arming terrorism- al-Qaeda; the Benghazi Diplomatic Compound Attack, and Clinton’s War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (genocide) in Libya.  Who appointed him as the spokesman for the people? Bernie Sanders DOES NOT SPEAK FOR ME. The American people are indeed sick and tried or being sick and tried of certain elites like Hilary Clinton that are allowed to walk between the raindrops not being held accountable for their TRANSGRESSIONS and CRIMES. We are sick and tried of American political CRONYISM, CORRUPTION, RACISM, IMPERIALISM and KLEPTOCRACY.


Bernie Sanders is an arrogant demonic master of deception. He is most likely than not an invisible Freemason. His offices are currently located in the historical Washington Lodge and Elks- Masonic building in Burlington, VT. The Washington Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Vermont, Free & Accepted Masons, had been chartered in 1795. It still dominates downtown Burlington. Sanders is a vile, vicious and arrogant veiled ZIONIST as exposed by his very own constituents.

According to an investigative report in the Washington Times, U.S intelligence did not concur with then Secretary of State Clinton’s public rationale for invading Libya, a military action that was never approved by the United States Congress. She had claimed Qaddafi was planning to commit acts of genocide aimed at liquidating his regime’s detractors. But intelligence operatives “had come to the opposite conclusion: that [Qaddafi] would not risk world outrage by killing civilians en  masse even as he tried to crush the rebellion in his country.”[14]

Citing secret Libyan intelligence documents, the Washington Times reported that Libyan officials were worried back in 2011 that weapons were being directed to NATO-supported rebels with ties to al-Qaeda. “The reports included a 16-page list of weapons that Libyans supposedly tracked to the rebels from Western sources or their allies in the region,” according to the newspaper.[15]

NATO has given permission to a number of weapons-loaded aircraft to land at Benghazi airport and some Tunisian airports,” the intelligence report stated. Libyan officials said they were worried that the weapons and training provided to the anti-Qaddafi rebels would spread in the region and find their way to Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city.[16] Getting Qaddafi out of the way was long a part of President Obama’s plan to help the Islamist movement in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Qaddafi was viewed as unsympathetic to the resurgent jihadists in his region and so he had to be eliminated.


Satanic Sadomasochist Mass-Murderer

“In October 2011, Hillary visited Tripoli and pledged millions to the Libyan opposition, gushing, “I am proud to stand here on the soil of a free Libya.” Two days later, Qaddafi was sodomized with a knife and then killed; Hillary was caught on camera crowing and laughing, ‘We came, we saw, he died!’[17]

It wasn’t just Qaddafi. They wickedly tried to bomb an entire sovereign African nation back into the stone age. Libya‘s entire governmental infrastructure was destroyed. Qaddafi and his family along with at least 30,000 people were killed and 50,000 wounded in Satanic Sadomasochists Barrack Obama and Hilary Clinton’s Libyan Aggression, the Libyan interim health minister said, offering a first detailed estimate of the high cost in lives of bringing down Moammar Gadhafi.[18]

The Dragon Lady “… Hillary Clinton carried out the hit and today Libya, with the assistance of the U.S. taxpayer, is well on its way to becoming a member in good standing of the Islamic Caliphate.”[19]  And, one of the big problems that al-Qaeda Hilary is seriously dodging is that the weapons that she provided to al-Qaeda were used on the 2012 Benghazi American diplomatic compound attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean SmithBLOWBACK.[20] The 2016 National Democratic Party debates are a sham, fraud against the PEOPLE and NATIONAL PUBLIC DISGRACE!


It should be odd to any citizen of the United States and globally that in this 21st Century, there are absolutely no surveillance videos that captured Chris on the Umpqua campus or assaulting anyone. We have to believe that Chris, a confirmed intellectual or developmental disabled person, was able to beat and outwit a universal surveillance system. At 26 years old, there are only a hand full of picture photos of Chris in adulthood.  He has no work history. He has no known source of income, and nobody has stepped forward to call him a friend. It doesn’t make any sense.

Chris was on a regiment of psychotic drugs that helped stabilize him. His mother, Laurel Harper, “She said: ‘He has some psychological problems. Sometimes he takes his medication, sometimes he doesn’t. And that’s where the big problem is, when he doesn’t take his medication.’ ” In Oregon when the problem developed regarding his refusal to take his drugs, she took him back to California to a psychiatric facility, Del Amo Behavioral Health, a hospital in Torrance. The hospital specializes in Trauma Model Therapy.

Trauma models of mental disorders (alternatively called trauma models of psychopathology) emphasize the effects of psychological trauma, particularly in early development, as the key causal factor in the development of some or many psychiatric disorders, or a vulnerability for depression and anxiety, in addition to trauma as an adult as in posttraumatic stress disorder.

From the 1940s through the 1970s, CIA MK ULTRA mind control mental health professionals such as R.D. Laing of the Tavistock Institute and Dr. Gregory Bateson of the OSS and CIA proposed trauma models to understand schizophrenia. R. D. Laing maintained until his death that the cause of both schizoid personalities and schizophrenia was influenced by family [trauma] relationships. More on this subject discussed below. 


Do you have any idea who works at Del Amo Behavior Health System hospital? DR. COLIN A. ROSS, BLUEBIRD , Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists.


Lucifer Servant’s Underground in America


This is not a “I Told You So” story. I am just as much afraid today for the PEOPLE and my family as I was during the 1960s with the Black Panther Party for Self Defense facing the Wrath, Might, Viciousness and absolute EVIL of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT and entire Military Industrial Congressional Complex.


Nonetheless whatever anyone says about the PANTHERS, Huey, brothers and sisters courageously stood between the PEOPLE and the clandestine SATANIC forces concealed behind the Cloak of the Government.  According to recent declassified top secret documents, we may have faced the DEVIL Personified. One of Reichsführer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s most senior and sinister espionage SS officers, Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, the BEAST of Bucharest, Romania, changed venue from Germany to the United States in 1954.

The Late Great Mae Brussell called Baron von Bolschwing the “most important Nazi” in United States of America.[25] He also had to have been one of the “most mysterious, powerful and dangerous Nazis” on the planet- America’s Best Kept Secret. Baron von Bolschwing was one of the Nazi architects and godfathers of the current racialist state of Zionist ISRAEL.[26]


One of his first brushes with Nazi espionage work, according to captured SS records, was a role in creating a covert agreement between the Nazis and Fieval Polkes, right above, a commander of the militant Zionist organization Haganah, whom Von Bolschwing had met through business associates in the Mid-East.[27] Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine.[28]


Captured German records claim that Polkes believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage–at least temporarily–by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander’s sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS.[29]


The Haganah became a full-scale defense force following the 1936-1939 Arab revolt and, by 1941, consisted of three main units: the Field Corps (the main ground force), Guard Corps, and the Palmach. The Palmach was the elite fighting force of the Haganah, combining military training, agricultural work, and Zionist education. Its members eventually came to form the backbone of the Israeli Defense ForcesIDF’s combat forces.[30]


Baron von Bolschwing entered the country under cloak of the government and a general’s uniform as U.S. Army Captain Albert A. Eisner (mocking President Dwight Eisner-hower) as Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen’s secret representative to the CIA directed by Allen Dulles. Baron von Bolschwing boosted partly that he intended to enter the country to become a U.S. citizen to work in the clandestine design and implement the structure- “political affairs” of the National Republican Party.[31] It appears that the SS, all of Nazi Germany, British, Israel and the CIA didn’t question Baron von Bolschwing’s (Bodelschwingh) noble and barony (knightly) background from Old Prussia.[32] It is a family lineage that may go back to Charlemagne (747-814), King of France, Holy Roman Emperor (Giselbert).[33]


Around the year 1300, Teutonic Knight Giselbert I built the moat Bodelschwingh Castle on oak poles in Dortmund, Germany. Recall the Knights Templar was disbanded and persecuted by the Vatican in 1307. Templar Knights and what was left of their organization was absorbed by Maltese Knights and Teutonic Order. The Bodelschwingh castle has been the residence of the ancestors of the Knight since the 13th century and is a private residence of the family today.[34]


Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing was born in Schonbruch, East Prussia (now: Szczurkowo, Poland) on October 15, 1909.[35] In the 14th Century, Szczurkowo (Schönbruch) first appeared in the history as the conquered property of Teutonic Knights.[36] For a long time, the property in Schönbruch belonged to the knightly family of Botho-Heinrich von Eulenburg-Wicken. He had been the Prime Minister of Prussia from 1892-1894. Eulenburg was a second cousin of  Prince Philip of Eulenburg, a close friend of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, and an instrumental figure behind the scenes of German politics of the German Second Reich.[37]

Then since 1871, the property became the property of the family von Bolschwing. The place of Baron Bolschwing’s birth was sentenced to oblivion. After World War II, the village was divided by the border. The Bolschwing manor house was demolished in the 1960s on the Polish side of the border. People were displaced, and the traces of village prosperity were erased, and the place was sentenced to oblivion, most likely because of Baron von Bolschwing’s monstrous crimes against the Polish People and humanity.[38]


Baron von Bolschwing, former Nazi Gestapo agent under “The Hangman” and “The Blond BEAST,” SS Reinhard Heydrich,[39] took up residence just outside of California’s seat of power, Sacramento. He was Governor Ronald Reagan’s resident SS Officer. He was the CIA’s most clandestine senior advisors, and as the embodiment of an ancient KNIGHT and Secret Brotherhood, he was the superior to the SODOMITE  FBI Director, Edgar J. Hoover.

aaachrishoover Hoover became a Royal Arch Mason in Lafayette Chapter No. 5 in April 1921, and a Knights Templar in Washington Commandery No. l on July 20, 1921. He was created a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Almas Temple in Washington DC on March 1, 1922.[40] Baron von Bolschwing also had hundred and thousands of Masons, Shriners and black Prince Hall Masons under his thumb. His underground power and influence was also spread across Greek fraternal orders  that are secret fronts for the Masonic Order. None of them would dare mumble his name in violation of the Masonic Blood Covenant of Secrecy. The guiding hand behind the illegal Nazi Gestapo type programs, CIA Project CHAOS and the FBI COINTELPRO program, had been the BEAST of Bucharest, Baron von Bolschwing.

In fact during the 1960s-1970S, there were a number of other organizations and agencies courageously involved in protecting and defending the PEOPLE against Lucifer’s Servants. Also, there was a large and active FIFTH ESTATE of investigative journalism that were truly GUARDIANS of our form of government that kept ultra clandestine world class criminal Luciferians like Baron von Bolschwing hiding behind shadows.


Yet, the true absolute WICKED nature of, danger to, and clandestine attacks against this representative form of government continues to be unbeknown to the PEOPLE. Don’t get it twisted, we didn’t know very much of anything more about the secret state/shadow government than anyone else. When Oakland’s first black public school superintendent, Dr. Marcus A. Foster, heart and brains were laid out in the street by shotgun blasts in 1973, we couldn’t figure out who assassinated him and why. But it all involved the secret state and shadow government Secret SS Concentration Camp Plan for America, and  MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs clandestinely infiltrating the Oakland public school system. Chris Harper- Mercer Didn’t Write the Script to the Upquma Community College Massacre.



CIA MK ULTRA Satanic Manchurian Candidates

At the posting of the last article, I didn’t know anything in particular about the alleged details of Chris Harper- Mercer’s alleged 6 (six) page MANIFESTO. I didn’t know about Aleister Crowley’s 666 within the document. It is an alleged manifesto, because it has not been released to the public. If Mercer had ranted about the extremes of Islam, or screamed about Racism and Race Wars, it would certainty have been made public.

“Some early reports claimed that Mercer’s attack was racially motivated, with some connecting him to the Black Lives Matter movement. But online writings from Mercer himself showed disdain for the movement and backing of law enforcement officials.”[41]

Those details leaked from Mercer’s Manifesto to PEOPLE magazine does not link him to Black Lives Matter, ISIL, al-Qaeda or Islamic Terrorism that Project MOCKINGBIRD corporate mass media has been desperately seeking to connect him to.


“The guy did this strictly for SATANIC purposes,” the source told PEOPLE magazine. “He did it to become a God in HELL. He wants to be EVIL. That is his goal, to serve SATAN.[42]  The Manifesto link Mercer to Right Wing Conservative Republicanism and SATAN. He was a devotee to LUCIFER. He even allegedly wrote the number 666 MARK OF THE BEAST on a sheet of papers that he handed to a victim on the day of the alleged slaughter of innocence.


Modern Satanism is linked to Aleister Crowley. One source have identified the Great BEAST 666 as one of founders of the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock stemmed from the ideas of H.G. Wells, head of British Intelligence. Crowley initiated H.G. Wells and Aldous Huxley, one of the British Godfathers of CIA MK ULTRA, into the Satanic Occult. MK ULTRA is deeply rooted in Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Control Systems.

Chris‘ programming most likely involved a highly organized hierarchical and complicated Satanic Ritual System. This Satanic Ritual System programming is intended to produce a “Total Mind Controlled Slave” who is part of the army of mind-controlled slaves, who are the SOLDIERS of SATAN used by the Dark Empire of Secret Societies in its assault on Natural Moral Order on Earth. In the ritual system, there are demons, SATANS, LUCIFERS, high priests and priestesses as well as representatives of members who have authority in the person’s life. Every layer in the system has a primary trainer and various guards to keep all of alters in order and obedient- a slave to the OVERLORD which is usually SATAN. If one of alters or fragment of an alter begin to falter, resist or talk too much about the Order, a guard alter will move in.

Chris, Tavistock Institute & the KLEINIANS

 Chris Sean Harper- Mercer was a special education needs student entitled to a free and appropriate public education available to all eligible children at no cost to parents. Normally, a special education needs student receive periodic Individual Educational Plans (IEP). It seems as though Harper- Mercer home school district’s IEP team made a determination that the public school system could no longer meet his needs and that he would benefit from a referral to a nonpublic school. Harper- Mercer was referred to Switzer Learning Center, Torrance, CA.


The Center was founded in 1966 by the late Psychiatrist, Dr. Janet Switzer.[43] Dr. Switzer is linked to Harvard University’s Judge Baker Guidance Clinic in Boston. She taught at notorious MK ULTRA institutions, University of Hawaii (President Obama’s Mother, Ann Dunham) and at UCLA (CIA Mind Control Maestro, Dr. Louis “Jolly” West).[44]


Mobster Jack Ruby’s CIA Doctor-  Dr. Louis Jolyon West

Dr. Switzer’s thinking and prevailing psychoanalytic theories were clarified by the Reiss Davis Child Study Center and the Marianne Frostig Center.[45] Both are notorious TAVISTOCK INSTITUTIONS. Created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the nerve center for the “GLOBAL MANIPULATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.”


Not long after Tavistock was set up by co-founder John Rawlings Rees and others, it became the core of Britain’s Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on British soldiers. Tavistock also played a crucial role in the creation of the OSS (the precursor to the CIA), under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, with help from Allen Dulles, the German Nazis and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Tavistock Clinic notables include Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung (philosophic mysticism), MELANIE KLEIN (object relations/child psychology), R.D. Laing (anti-psychiatry), Elliott Jaques, Henry Dicks, Leonard Browne, Ronald Hargreaves,  John Rawlings Rees, Mary Luff and WILFRED BION (Intensive Conference/Group Dynamics), with Tommy Wilson as chairman, funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.

Aside from helping to create the CIA, Tavistock was also the major force behind the formation of NATO and is deeply connected to the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome works with Tavistock to create propaganda and crisis in order to manipulate the world’s population in a pre-determined direction, toward a collectivist, one world socialistic dictatorship (Psy Ops: staged events to manipulate public opinion). Other offshoot groups are known as conduits of instructions from within the Tavistock Network are Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission and the Ditchley Foundation.

“The common purpose of the Tavistock/Illuminati guerrilla war on the human psyche is to wipe clean any sense of the individual and unique because only that way can they impose the global dictatorship and have the masses accept it. Brock Chisholm, former Director of the UN World Health Organization, was right when he said: ‘To achieve One-World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism’.”

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion, while breaking down the moral fabric that has held the West together using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation. Tavistock has played an important role in the creation of several institutional centers, including, Stanford Research Institute, The Wharton School at the University of PA & The Sloan School at MIT.[46]


During the late 1940s in London, Melanie KLEIN’S ideas came into conflict with Sigmund Freud’s  psychoanalyst daughter, Anna Freud (right). During the so-called Controversial discussions, the British Psychoanalytical Society split into three separate training divisions: (1) KLEINIAN, (2) Anna Freudian, and (3) independent.[47]


The Reiss Davis Child Study Center that clarified Dr. Switzer’s psychoanalytic theories is a KLEINIAN Center molded and shaped directly by Englishman WILFRED BION, above, out of Tavistock.[48]


MELANIE KLEIN was a Tavistock’s expert (medical technician) in splitting off Alter Personalities or Alter fragments from the original self causing Dissociative Identity Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorders. She worked with children as young as 2 to unveil children’s psyches. She is considered one of the major developers of “object relations theory” which emphasizes the primacy of interpersonal relations, especially between mother and child in infancy, in influencing people’s relationships in the present.[49]

After Sigmund Freud, “the most important contribution has come from MELANIE KLEIN, whose work enlightens the idea of ‘splitting of the object’ (Objektspaltung). Some clinicians explain it like this: “… the “inner world” of patients described as consisting of internal representative of other people and the self with the notion that these internal representations are often themselves fragmented. Patients have internalized “people” and fragments of people in their “inner world”.[50] Or, tell it like it is: Blizard RA. The origins of dissociative identity disorder from an object relations and attachment theory perspective (Dissociation. 1997; 10(4): 223–229).


If the Tavistock Institute connection to shaping Chris wasn’t bad enough, it looks like a lot of people at the Reiss Davis Child Study Center, including Dr. Switzer were directly connected to DR. JOLLY WEST of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH at UCLA.[51] While Dr. West was initiating the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, he sat on Reiss Davis Child Study Center‘s Professional Advisory Committee.[52]

The Late Great Mae Brussell,


“In 1972 Dr. Jolly West of the CIA — who was Jack Ruby’s doctor at the time of Ruby’s trial, for shooting Lee Harvey Oswald — had moved out to California to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, where they planned a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. This is Ronald Reagan’s baby, and if he gets to be President you can be sure they’ll pull this one out again; out of the woodwork. This was planned in 1972 and the plans were submitted to the California Department of Health in Sacramento in April of 1973. I had written an article about this Neuropsychiatric Institute, exposed it as being a part of the CIA …”[53]

Dr. West’s Center would have been hideous, and a contemporary MONSTER FACTORY- A Clockwork Orange. It would have involved things such as psychosurgery, chemical castration of reproductive organs and the brain, chip and brain transmitter implants to remotely control behavior and whatever else racialist Anglo-Saxon/German/Nazi existentialist like Dr. Janet Switzer along with the Tavistock Reiss Davis Child Study Center could dream of to inflict upon and control the masses, People of Color and their CHILDREN. Between 1972-1973, Dr. West had planned to roll Reiss Davis Child Study Center over into the MONSTER FACTORY.

Dr. West and the CIA (controlled by Heinrich Himmler’s SSKnights of the Black Sun) had planned to use the Center as a model to connect every child in America, particularly children of color, to an universal computer data base like something out of Vietnam’s Phoenix Assassination Program for tracking, neutralization, re-education, psychosurgery, sterilization, medical drug testing and experimental mind control of every child in America through computer-satellite technology.[54], [55],[56],[57]











[9] Id.






[15] Id.

[16] Id.











[27] Id.

[28] Id.

[29] Id.












[41] Id.









[50] Noblitt, James Randall, Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (2000), pg. 11







