27 03 2018



HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain black people, or enhance the self esteem of their children. A great deal of black families have been deceived and coached by mass corporate media into the theater to subject their children to clandestine psychologically warfare- sophisticated systems and advance levels of double binds and cognitive dissonance.  Among so many other clandestine HollyWeird- CIA things, demonic spells and spirits, The Black Panther movie has been interwoven within a web of a covert New World Order Gay Agenda that is designed to deliberately harm the psyche of black children.

Vanity Fair writer Joanna Robinson reported that she’d seen footage from Black Panther in which the African king’s chief of security Ayo (Florence Kasumba) flirts with Okoye (Danai Gurira), a fellow member of King T’Challa’s elite Wakandan warrior squadron, known as the Dora Milaje.

The Black Panther & Wakanda Jungle Action- Ayo and Okoye

A few hours later, a Marvel representative said their relationship was not intended to be romantic, but the rumor of romance between the two women reappeared. E. Oliver Whitney of ScreenCrush asked the film’s co-writer, Joe Robert Cole, about whether the script ever showed Ayo and Okoyo as lesbian lovers, and Cole said, “I think the short answer is yes“. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community is upset with Disney and Marvel, because they didn’t see Avo and Okoye  get down to “every thang  is every thang“, and “knock some boot” in The Black Panther movie.

 Florence Kasumba & Danai Gurira Knock the Boots in The Black Panther for the Kids and Babies

So, was The Black Panther for the children, or secretly advance the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender agenda among black children?

Robin:  “Holy safari, Batman!”

A rock the house Jungle Actionknocking the bootslesbian love scene in the movie would have surprised a whole bunch of children.

And, there are questions whether Eric Killmonger was originally created a “Gay” black male character. Furthermore, Black Revolutionaries are not called a “killmonger“- Merchant of DeathNEVERTHELESS.

THE BLACK PANTHER is a half man or semi- human animal created by a mix of afro-futurism technology (whatever Disney believes that to be) and Vodun inspired spiritualism, including visits to the ancestral plane. The Black Panther’s abilities are not God-given powers, but stem from his consuming a very rare plant, which is made into a magical potion that is drunk only by king.

The Heart-Shaped Herb potion created by Panther Goddess Bast drank by the king has been found to be a plant mutated by a meteorite of vibranium (uranium) that landed in Wakanda millions, tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In the 18th Dynasty Kemet, the infamous ancient Pharaoh Tutankhamun was well of the  extraterrestrial properties of heavy metals and uranium in meteorites that had fallen in Kemet tens and hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago. The knew how to separate them.

Statue of Sekhmet, Temple of Mut, Karnak, 18th Dynasty, Reign of  King Tut’s Grandfather Pharaoh Amenhotep III

Bastet or Bast, the ancient cat goddess of Lower Kemet, was occasionally given a lion head and spoken of as a devastator.  But more often she was seen as the benign counterpart of the dangerous Sekhmet:  “Sekhmet of yesterday, Bastet of today”, as a hymn from Ptolemaic Edfu (provincial town from the end of the Old Kingdom) put it.

Angela Bassett & Lotus Flower – Sacred Symbol of the Sun & Rebirth 

Angela Evelyn (Bastet) Bassett stars in The Black Panther movie. She is a HollyWeird New Age conjurer and witch associated with raising demonic entities and spirits In recent times, Sekhmet has become bastardized as a cult figure of New Age Religion. New Age Shamans use rituals to invoke Egyptian goddess Sekhmet to bring about transformation at the deepest levels of being. Sekhmet also represents to them the trans formative power of kundalini energy, or sekhem. In extreme remote antiquity, Sekhmet presented the destructive nature of Comet-Planet Venus on earth.

The Black Panther is a reborn animal-like savage destructive universal nature.



JAYBO is a harmful simianized hominoid global mass commercial black/Negro caricatureJAYBO represents the half man, half human animal like The Black Panther. It is a higher primates- half simian monkey or Great Ape Homoinoidea orangutan not unlike the Ape-Man M’Baku and the Great White Gorilla Cult of The Black Panther movie associated with the Congolese Black Africans.

The idea that the various human “races” were created independently by God or evolved from separate ape/monkey ancestors, has its origins with 18th Century French intellectuals, e.g. Voltaire and Cuvier, who divided humanity into “civilizedCaucasians (= whites) created by God and “barbaric’ Negros (= blacks) derived from the “monkey tribe”.

This tradition was continued by paleontologists, e.g. Louis Agassiz in the U.S. and in Europe by Karl Vogt. Despite Darwin’s detailed refutation of polygenism in his The Descent of Man (1871), polygenism was supported, in various guises; by eminent evolutionists (e.g. Alfred Russell Wallace and Ernst Haeckel compared Negroes to “four-handed” apes).[1]


Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, believed that mad people could be calmed by blood-letting from 20 to 40 ounces of blood at one time. Dr. Rush then developed a “tranquilizer chair” in 1811. This invention efficiently kept a person securely immobile and had a wooden box in which their head would be put into in order to keep the person subdued. Dr. Rush was the first to describe a pathological incurable medical condition called “Negrotude”. Negrotude was a mild form of leprosy which symptoms included such as blackening of the skin; big lips, flat nose, wooly hair. The only evidence of a cure was when the “skin turned white”. Dr. Rush used “disease” as a justification for African slavery and segregation. Negrotude was an immutable genetic disease that allowed blacks only to be medically cleared for work as domestic workers that had to be sexually segregated.

In 2008, research presented in a new paper by psychologists at Stanford, Pennsylvania State University and the University of California-Berkeley revealed that many Americans subconsciously associate blacks with apes [and hominoids]. In addition, the findings show that society is more likely to condone violence against black criminal suspects as a result of its broader inability to accept African Americans as fully human, according to the researchers.

Generally widely accepted commercial such as JAYBO and The Black Panther are dangerous false ILLUSIONS. They add fuel to the broader universal and global inability and unwillingness to accept Africans and African Americans as fully human whether it is conscious or subconscious. And, if leading black intelligentsia and corporate leaders don’t openly vehemently object to them, then the conscious or subconscious may become global acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to find rest in).

Co-author Jennifer Eberhardt, a Stanford associate professor of psychology who is black, said she was shocked by the results, particularly since they involved subjects born after Jim Crow and the civil rights movement.

“This was actually some of the most depressing work I have done,” she said. “This shook me up. You have suspicions when you do the work intuitions you have a hunch. But it was hard to prepare for how strong [the black-ape association] was how we were able to pick it up every time.”

The paper, “Not Yet Human: Implicit Knowledge, Historical Dehumanization and Contemporary Consequences,” is the result of a series of six previously unpublished studies conducted by Eberhardt, Pennsylvania State University psychologist Phillip Atiba Goff (the lead author and a former student of Eberhardt’s) and Matthew C. Jackson and Melissa J. Williams, graduate students at Penn State and Berkeley, respectively. The paper is scheduled to appear Feb. 7, 2008 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which is published by the American Psychological Association. Don’t get it twisted. Dehumanization and subliminal and conscious acceptance of violence against blacks is not confined to criminal suspects.



Everywhere, fear gripped German society that its racial superiority would be poisoned by Negro blood[3]

It was General von Trotha, Supreme Commander of German Southwest Africa that said, “A humane war cannot be waged against those who are not human.” Africa of Southwest Germany colonial officials and military men viewed the Herero cultural group as a form of baboon or other monkey, but not human. One German in Southwest Africa wrote: “We should burn all these dogs and baboons.[5]

The Herero were originally a group of cattle herders living in the central-eastern region of South West Africa, presently modern Namibia. The area occupied by the Herero was known as Damaraland. The Nama were pastorals and traders living to the South of the Herero. From 1904- 1907, in total some 65,000 Herero, about 80% of the Herero population, and 10,000 Nama, about 50% of the Nama population, perished. The genocide was carried out by mass slaughter, starvation and by poisoning the wells of the Herero amongst other crimes against humanity and tactics. Thousands of Herero and Nama were imprisoned in concentration camps, where the majority died of disease, abuse, and exhaustion.[6] Germany’s Southwest African war was a campaign of mass racial extermination and collective punishment that the Reich undertook against the Herero, Nama and San people. It is considered the first mass genocide of the 20th century that the world failed to take any real action against, or try to stop. The Nazi took it a giant step backward.[7]

National Socialism [Nazi Party] is nothing more than applied biology.” Rudolph Hess, Deputy Reichsfurhrer

Nazi Party eugenics was Nazi Germany’s racially based social policies that placed the biological improvement of the Aryan race or Germanic “Übermenschen” master race through eugenics at the center of Nazi ideology and geopolitics.[2] The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was created, molded, and nurtured by National Socialism (Nazi Party) to lead Germany into one of world’s most ruthless and satanic homicidal campaigns of global racial purification and annihilation in history. World War 2 could have very well been described a global race war.

Unchallenged, we tread on very dangerous grounds with the black-ape association ILLUSION even in the 21st century.


[1] https://theconversation.com/comparing-black-people-to-monkeys-has-a-long-dark-simian-history-55102

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics

[3] https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-germanys-extermination-program-for-black-africans-a-template-for-the-holocaust/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_II,_German_Emperor

[5] Id.

[6] http://combatgenocide.org/?page_id=153

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_genocide

[8] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/06/red-rosa/308500/

[9] http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/nabtaplaya.html

[10] http://www.crystalinks.com/nubia.html

[11] http://www.astrotheologyzone.com/egypt.html

[12] http://1stmuse.com/maria_orsitsch/

[13] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_thule08.htm




Jaybo, Jay Z & The Shady Lady Kingpin Cocaine Trafficker, Desiree Perez

During the CIA crack cocaine epidemic in 1994, Jay Z’s  Desiree Perez, Chief Operating Officer of Carter Enterprises, LLC, was busted in Brooklyn with 35 kilos (about 80 pounds) of cocaine with an estimated street value of at least up to $14 million. She was a part of a massive Mafia New York to Florida to Puerto Rico – Columbian cocaine distribution ring. She should have been prosecuted as a Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code, 21 U.S.C. § 848 federal drug “KINGPIN” in the Southern District of Florida.[1],[2]

U.S. Attorney Laurence Bardfeld, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, the chief federal law enforcement officer for the District, argued in Perez’s behalf to keep her out prison. The Southern District of Florida encompasses a geographical area of approximately 15,197 square miles extending south to Key West, north to Sebastian and west to Sebring. The Southern District includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee and Highlands.[3]

Desiree Perez is a DEA/FBI agent and informant that was released from the federal prison custody and placed on five years of supervised release. She began working at nightspots in Miami Beach and was scheduled to meet her probation officer at the Club Onyx, when she skipped town without notice in early August 1997. The fugitive Perez resurfaced nine month later in Brooklyn, where she was arrested on March 5, 1998. Perez was charged with grand larceny, criminal use of drug paraphernalia and criminal possession of a firearm. Her probation was revoked and she was sentenced to just only 9 (nine) months in prison and 3 (three) years of supervised release instead of at least life imprisonment as a major federal “kingpin” drug dealer. Perez appears to have been in business with Jay Z since at least 2002Perez’s felonious federal drug kingpin criminal records have been court sealed.[4]  Jay Z and the felonious drug trafficker Shady Lady created the racist simian-hominoid black caricature JAYBO.

On the street, drug dealers often say that they aren’t the source of the problem for drug addiction and death in the black community. They say that the n-word (niggas) want to commit suicide. They only help them KILL THEMSELVES. Black children need heroes and super heroes too, but we can’t sit by in idle silence while Jay Z and the Shady Lady profit again from the spiritual assassination and subconscious death of the masses like merchants of DEATH.  I have filed a formal objection to the JAYBO trademark application for federal protection. Whatsoever publish this demeaning black hominoid caricature in commerce to deliberately profit from the sadistic dehumanization of black people shall ACCOUNT! 


[1] https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/35-kilos-of-cocaine-worth-rs-94-crore-found-in-a-horse-sculpture-in-new-zealand-257703.html

[2] http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/iteam/damon-dash-scared-news-report-a-rod-pal-desiree-perez-blog-entry-1.2146139

[3] https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl

[4] http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/i-team/babe-ruthless-rod-shady-lady-article-1.1796578




RAYFORD BULLOCK,                   


   Opposition No.

                      Trademark No. 87517427

                             Mark: JAYBO, Pseudo Mark

                        Filing Date: July 06, 2017

                                              Publication Date: February 13, 2018






 RAYFORD BULLOCK, a Black resident of the State of California, City of Pittsburg, County of Contra Costa (hereafter called “Opposer”), believes that he will be damaged by the registration of the mark shown in Application Serial No. 87517427, filed by S. Carter Enterprise, LLC (hereafter called “Applicant”) on July 06, 2017, and opposes Application Serial No. 87517427.

The Opposer is a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP), Oakland, CA. The Opposer BPP membership is confirmed and verified by his name that appears above in its official newspaper organ, The Black Panther, Intercommual News Service, January 31, 1969.

The grounds for this opposition are as follows:


Applicant’s Mark is a Lying and Pretext Mark

1 .The “applicant” S. Carter Enterprises LLC [Shawn Corey Carter] is known professionally as JAY-Z– an American rapper and businessman. Applicant’s MARK is actually a caricature of JAY-Z.  The applicant is now engaged in the manufacture, distribution, sale, advertising and promotion of a wide range of promotional goods and services including clothing of the MARK’s CARICATURE, JAYBO or JAYBO, that are not: “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”

  1. In lieu of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744 (June 19, 2017) that the Lanham Act’s disparagement clause violates the Free Speech Clause, whether or not JAYBO is disparaging to any person or racial is not at issue in this case. However, it may be relevant on the issue of the Applicant’s motive to deceive the trademark act. “Our legal system provides methods for challenging the Government’s right to ask questions — lyingis not one of them.” [Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001), Brogan v. United States, 396 U.S. 64, 72 (1969]


The applicant’s MARK: JAYBO does in fact identify a particular living individual that is in fact a black caricature of Shawn Corey Carter known professionally as JAY-Z.

  1. The applicant’s MARK is better described as a suitcase that hides the applicant’s racist black caricature of the rapper, JAY-Z, inside.


The applicant’s MARK: JAYBO is an attempt to DECEIVE

  1. JAYBO or JAY-BO represents a racist caricature of BOSKO re-imaged as the applicant in commerce currently bought and sold on a large scale.


Applicant’s Mark Lack Sufficiently Originality to Warrant Copyright Protection.

  1. Applicant’s Mark is complete textual “JAYBO”. Applicant’s Mark statement says that the mark consists only of “standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.”




  1. Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Serial Number: 87517427
Filing Date: 07/06/2017

OWNER OF MARK: S. Carter Enterprises, LLC




MARK STATEMENT: This mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.

10/3/2017 12:24:30 PM

The assigned examining attorney has reviewed the referenced application and determined the following.

  1. Offc Action Outgoing

Date Sent: 10/03/2017




APPLICANT: S. Carter Enterprises, LLC



Applicant must clarify whether the name JAYBO in the mark identifies a particular living individual.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.61(b); TMEP §§813, 1206.03.  In this case, the application neither specifies whether the name in the mark identifies a particular living individual nor includes a written consent.  See TMEP §§813.01(a)-(b), 1206.04(a), 1206.05.

To register a mark that consists of or comprises the name of a particular living individual, including a first name, pseudonym, stage name, or nickname, an applicant must provide a written consent personally signed by the named individual.  15 U.S.C. §1052(c); TMEP §§813, 1206.04(a).

Accordingly, if the name in the mark does not identify a particular living individual, applicant must submit a statement to that effect (e.g., “The name shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual.”).

However, if the name in the mark does identify a particular living individual, applicant must submit both of the following:

(1)       The following statement:  “The name(s) shown in the mark identifies a living individual(s) whose consent(s) to register is made of record.”  If the name is a pseudonym, stage name, or nickname, applicant must provide the following statement:  “JAYBO identifies <specify actual name>, a living individual whose consent is of record.”

(2)       A written consent, personally signed by the named individual(s), as follows:  “I, <specify name>, consent to the use and registration  of my name, JAYBO, as a trademark and/or service mark with the USPTO.”

8. Applicant’s Response to Office Action 

Date: December 28, 2017

SERIAL NO.  8751742

MARK: https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/87517427/large

MARK STATEMENT: This mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.

NAME(S), PORTRAIT(S), SIGNATURE(S) OF INDIVIDUAL(S): The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual.

ORIGINAL PDF FILE: HS_389416710-164142961_._Signed_Declaration.pdf


SIGNATORY’S POSITION: COO [Chief Operation Officer]



  1. The Opposer maintains that the applicant’s mark at issue is a Lying and Pretext Mark.

Exhibit A-  the real “JAYBO”

  1. Exhibit A is the applicant’s true and actual “JAYBO” mark in commerce. And, by its very nature- it is not impossible, but extremely unsuitable for “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”



  1. BOSKOis a racist animated cartoon character created by1920-30s era white animators Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising of Kansas City, Missouri. In the history of the United States, Missouri was a slave state– a state in which the practice of African Human Bondage was legal.
  2. BOSKO is the first recurring character in Leon Schlesinger‘s cartoon series, and is also the star of over three dozen extremely racist Looney Tunesshorts released by Warner Bros.
  3. Hugh Harman made drawings of a new character and registered it with the copyrightoffice on January 3, 1928. The character was registered as a “Negroboy” under the name of BOSKO.
  4. The original BOSKO character clearly appears to be an adult. However in former slave states, it was a customary psychological tactic to continually humiliate and emasculate Black men by calling them “BOYS” throughout their lives from infancy to old age to satisfy a byproduct of the horrible Institution of African Human Bondage– a sick racial psycho-sexual white superiority complex.


  1. When BOSKO was created in 1928 as an ante bellum slavery classic cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human, it was well understood in the animation industry that the southern “Negro Boy” was depicted to represent a simian “MONKEY” that justified the global institutional enslavement of the African. BOSKO can procreate, but it will not be allowed by white society to create or originate just the same as a primate.
  2. BOSKO’s black skin; gruesome big lips, eyes and wooly hair constitute symptoms of a pathological incurable 18th century ante bellum slavery medical condition called “Negrotude” – a mild form of Leprosy that justified special criminal and sexual prohibitions, racial discrimination; and strict segregation of Africans within white society.
  3. BOSKO carries a lot of racial hatred, wounds and baggage. It certainly stands to reason that BOSKO is an extremely horrible and racist character and caricature that should have been left to die in the early 20st century or flushed down the toilet in the 21st century. It is certainly something to lie about, hide and conceal from the U.S. Trademark Office and public if BOSKO is resurrected in any form whatsoever and for whatsoever reasons, and the applicant is attempting to revive him. BOSKO arise, and rides again behind the veil of the power, authority, shield and sword of The Lanham Act.



18.The Lanham Act of 1946, also known as the Trademark Act (15 U.S.C.A. § 1051 et seq, ch.540, 60 Stat. 427 [1988 & Supp.V 1993]), is a federal statute that regulates the use of Trademarks in commercial activity.

  1. Trademarks are distinctive pictures, words, and other devices used by business to identify their pictures, words, and other symbols or devices used by businesses to identify their goods and services.
  2. The Lanham Act is like a shield that gives the trademark users exclusive rights to their marks, thereby protecting the time and money invested in those marks. The act also serves to reduce consumer confusion in the identification of goods and services.
  3. The Lanham Act is also like a sword that gives trademark users a plethoric of legal procedures and remedies to strike with under federal law to help enforce their rights attached to qualified trademarks.



  1. The Trademark Opposer carries the burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence to support an inference of deceptive intent (FRAUD, INTENT TO DECIEVE).
  2. The precise meaning of “clear and convincing proof” does not lend itself readily to definition. It is, in reality, a question of how strongly the minds of the trier or triers of fact must be convinced that the facts are as contended by the proponent. In the ordinary civil suit, the proponent must persuade the jury (or judge, if there is no jury) that the facts are more probably true than not true. Where clear and convincing proof is required, the proponent must convince the jury or judge, as the case may be, that it is highly probable that the facts which he asserts are true. He must do more than show that the facts are probably true. (COMMENT, EVIDENCE: CLEAR AND CONVINCING PROOF: APPELLATE REVIEW, CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW, Vol. 32, Issue 1, March 1944, pg. 75)



  1. On October 03, 2017, the USPTO identified the Mark, “JAYBO”, as a name that did not show whether or not it identified a particular living individual. USPTO asked applicant to respond, accordingly.
  2. On December 28, 2017, the applicant responded that the name, “JAYBO” shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual. It had been so declared by the applicant by signatory Desiree Perez, COO- ” S. Carter Enterprises LLC.
  3. Desiree Perez’s declaration is in evidence, and it states the following:


The signatory  believes that: the applicant is entitled to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services specified in the application; the applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce and had a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce as of the application filing date; and to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other person has the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when applied to the goods and/or services of such other person, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive. The signatory’ being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 USC §1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of the application or any registration resulting therefrom, declares that all statements made of his or her own knowledge are true and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.

Dated: ___10/20_______, 2017


By: Desiree Perez                    Title: COO

  1. Perez’s statement that the mark, “JAYBO”, does not identify a particular living individual is a false statement. JAY-BO is her business partner, the self-guru, JAY-Z.

28. Throughout the U.S. music and entertainment industry, the “JAYBO” character is known as applicant’s real trademark. It is known internationally that the “JAYBOless than human animated simian BOSKO character is the applicant’s real trademark.


  1. “The 48-year-old rapper has filed a trademark on his animated character that appeared on The Story of OJ music video last year according to a Monday report from TMZ.” (Daily Mail. Com, January 15, 2018)



Exhibit B- Shawn Jay Z Carter (JAYBO) President

  1. The Story of O.J.” is a song by Jay-Z from his thirteenth studio album 4:44 released on June 30, 2017. Roc Nation, LLC is an American entertainment company founded by Shawn “JAY-Z” Carter in 2008. Desiree Perez is also COO of Roc Nation, LLC.

Da Story of O.J., Jaybo, Roc Nation & Jay Z

  1. The creation of applicant’s mark JAYBO began with JAY-Z’s track, “The Story of OJ”. Jay Z and Mark Romanek brainstormed an idea character for a video where the track “The Story of OJ” would play over visuals of him and black people derived from old, racist [BOSKO] cartoons from the 1930s-40s. JAYBO was deliberately created as another purveyor of the cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  2. Video directors Mark Romanek and Jay-Z of Roc Nation collaborated over the course of six weeks with a team of animators, 3D modelers, and designers to produce the character caricature, JAYBO.
  3. Roc Nation employed The Mill with Titmouse to handle video character design and animation. Illustrator, vis-dev artist, art director, Rustam Hasanov, was lead character designer on the Roc Nation project. 
  4. Rustam Hasanov, Development Guide for the Character of JAYBO [Opposer added JAY Z picture to Development Guide]
  5. Rustam Hasanov, “There was a ballpark, a grey area of we could hit and if we didn’t quite get it right I knew it could be catastrophic and that it could be misconstrued and misinterpreted in term of what the intention behind the video was. So, we were very careful about how we were going to address all the stereotypes and how we were going to clarify exactly what the designs were going to say.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/
  6. Above, Rustam Hasanov’s [JAY Z] J- BOSCO [BOSKO] Turnaround- there is absolutely no doubt that JAYBO had been created in the image of BOSKO as a purveyor of the ante bellum slavery classic cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  7. Rustam Hasanov, Imagine doing these horrible racial stereotypes and turning them into entertainment for children. If you are an artist you know exactly what you are doing and you know that it’s bad, but they did it anyway. That’s exactly what we were doing too. That was the part we were nervous about, are we just repeating the same thing and are we fetishizing these stereotypes or are we making a statement? To us very much, we were on the side that we are not regurgitating this content, we’re making a statement about it.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/)
  8. Rustam Hasanov, “I found out from Tim Delvin who was the art director. I basically came in, he pitched the project to me, what the idea was and said, ‘it is for Jay-Z.’ At that point, I didn’t know the song and I thought, ‘God this could go very wrong’ because he just showed some imagery- the racist references and cartoons were shown to me first. Yeah, that was a little unnerving.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/)
  9. JAY-Z had himself reimagined as “JAYBO” or “JAY BO” a play off of the racist black caricature, BOSKO, for his song “The Story of O.J.” from his 13 (thirteenth) studio album 4:44 as some kind of black hominoid/simian financial and philosophical guru.

Contrary to the applicant’s sworn declarations, JAY BO, represents a living person- JAY Z [Shawn Corey Carter], and his ideology. JAY to the Z is the same live person as JAY to the BO.

  1. The music video for “The Story of O.J.” features JAY-Z reimaged as the racist caricature character JAYBO premiered on July 5, 2017 on Jay-Z’s Vevo account on YouTube a day before he applied for U.S. trademark protection. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_O.J.
  2. Jay-Z‘s “Story of O.J.”featured JAY-Z reimaged as the racist black simian or hominoid character JAYBO. It is an animated figure that appears to have been snatched directly from the minstrel show era with an uncanny resemblance to JAY-Z. The racist JAYBO or JAY BO, character image is intended to appear on merchandise coming soon after the pseudo mark, JAYBO, the Bosco/Little Black Sambo character, is trademarked officially.

(See http://hiphopwired.com/741575/get-ready-to-see-jay-zs-story-of-o-j-character-jaybo-on-merchandise-soon/)

  1. TMZreported: Hova’s company, S. Carter Enterprises, just filed docs to trademark the animated character figure, “JAYBO.” The plan is to plaster the little guy on T-shirts, sweaters, hats, blankets, shams, dinnerware, mugs, cocktail shakers and thermal containers.

It is Jay-Z’s lead characterJAYBO” from his “Story of O.J.” music video that has been drafted for a whole new role in fashion and home wares, not the pseudo nameJAYBO” or “JAY BO”.

  1. The applicant’s current U.S. Trademark application was made with the intention of putting the animated BOSKO “JAYBO” character on merchandise such as T-shirts and hats, as well as mugs and cocktail shakers, not the pseudo name “JAYBO” or “JAY BO”.
  2. In fact, the applicant has declared in its Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register, Serial No. 87517427 that its goods and services “JAYBO” or “JAY BO” include the following: “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”



  1. Applicant’s Mark is complete textual “JAYBO”. Applicant’s Mark statement says that the mark consists only of “standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.”
  2. ETS-HOKIN v. SKYY SPIRITS INC., 225 F.3d 1068 (9th Cir. 2000), the court held that,

“[a] claim to copyright cannot be registered in a print or label consisting solely of trademark subject matter and lacking copyrightable matter.” 37 C.F.R. 202.10(b). Although a label’s “graphical illustrations” are normally copyrightable, “textual matter” is not–at least not unless the text “aid[s] or augment[s]” an accompanying graphical illustration. 1 NIMMER  2.08 [G][2], at 2-136. The label on Skyy’s vodka bottle consists only of text and does not include any pictorial illustrations.”

  1. In this case, the applicant’s Mark lacks enough originality to acquire copyright protection of their own. “Textual matter” is not copyrightable at least not unless the text “aid[s] or augment[s]” an accompanying graphical illustration. Applicant’s Mark is the same as Skyy’s vodka bottle above; it consists only of text and does not include any pictorial illustrations.




  1. Opposer avers that the public have been confused, mistaken or deceived by the Applicant’s Concealed Actual Mark that represents real people and historical events involving the Opposer and the BPP. The offensive racist simian hominoid black caricature, the “REAL JAYBO” had absolutely NOTHING to do with the BPP or its historical events. Yet, at the very least 61 million people around the world have viewed the applicant’s less than human so called U.S. Copyrighted Black Panther caricature in applicant’s mass produced, “The Story of OJ”.
  2. Opposer avers that he will be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black caricature, which misconstrue, mis-educate the public regarding true historical individuals and events, and maliciously spread the majestic falsehood around the world that black people are less than human.
  3. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black simian/hominoid caricature, which humiliate, denigrate, and DEHUMANIZE him in commerce.
  4. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black simian/hominoid caricature, to deny him rights, and remedies under The Lanham Act, 13th (Badges and Incidents of Slavery) and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (Due process and Equal Protection).
  5. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, it is an Application designed to DECIEVE the Trademark Office, Commerce and the Public.
  6. Opposer avers that the applicant is wrongfully using the Lanham Act as his sword and shield to maliciously spread in commerce the ante bellum slavery majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  7. So that it is crystal clear, the Opposer’s notice and petition of opposition before the U.S. Trademark office is not based on applicant’s ugly racist and horrible animated character, but the fraud and deception that applicant committed in the application process with the intent to deceive and conceal applicant’s ugly racist and horrible animated character from the Trademark Office.

WHEREFORE, this Opposer, RAYFORD BULLOCK, believes and avers that it is being and continues to be damaged by registration of the proposed JAYBO trademark as aforesaid, prays that the said Application Serial No. 87517427 be rejected in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Act, that no registration be issued thereon to Applicant, and that this Opposition be sustained in favor of Opposer.

Respectfully Submitted,



Dated: March 08, 2018






17 08 2017



All day yesterday, people of all colors, nationalities and walks of life expressed shock and fear on news stations from across the nation. People by the dozens are walking away from the White House. The DEVIL, President select Donald J. Drumpf, has his trigger finger on America’s NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

They say that they never seen it or heard of it before. People are in fear- in TEARS. They never thought it could be that the President of the United States- Leader of the Free World would openly embolden “THE MARCH OF THE DEVIL.”



James Alex Fields, Jr. 

If nobody is willing to say it, but if it walks like a duck, and quack like a duck, it is a duck- hapless James Alex Fields, Jr., 20 years old, is a CIA MK ULTRA MONARCH MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE PATSY. Fields has been diagnosed with SCHIZOPHRENIA when he was younger, and had been prescribed a regiment of ANTI-PSYCHOTIC medication to control him.[1]

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not hear, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation. People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, major depressive illness, or substance- use disorders.[2]

Antipsychotics also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers, are a class of  medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or disordered thought), principally in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. They are increasingly being used in the management of non-psychotic disorders. Antipsychotics are usually effective in relieving symptoms of psychosis in the short term.[3]

TMZ obtained 911 records from a police agency in Kentucky from 2010 and 2011, when Fields was 13 and 14 years old. In one incident, a friend of Fields’ wheelchair-bound mom called 911, saying the boy was threatening his mother, spit in her face and stood behind her with a 12-inch knife. The mother wanted her son taken away and he was arrested and then detained as a juvenile. In another incident the mother called 911, saying she told her son to stop playing video games and he exploded in anger, smacking her in the head and putting his hand over her mouth. She locked herself in the bathroom and called 911, telling the dispatcher he was on medications to control his anger.

As a high school student, James Alex Fields Jr. wore a belt with swastikas on it, and he drew the symbol everywhere. By senior year, he’d come to be known as “the Nazi of the School.” He was infatuated with ADOLF HITLER.

The truth is that Hitler was a Satanist. Being a politician, he worked at being diplomatic, given the power of the Christian Churchs at that time. Hitler was the long awaited leader that many German Satanic Lodges were working to bring into being. They needed a leader. Hitler, himself was a member of one of these Satanic Lodges. Excerpt: ‘I would like to pass on some of the information which, according to Otti Votavova, she received directly from Franz Bardon. According to her, Adolf Hitler was a member of a 99 Lodge. Besides this, Hitler and some of his confidants were members of the Thule Order, which was simply the external instrument of a group of powerful Tibetan black magicians which used the members of the Thule Order for their own purposes.’ “

While in high school, Fields toured Germany, and had taken German classes for two years.[4] 

NEVERTHELESS, Fields’ mental disorder – illness, love and fancy with NAZIS, and the FUHRER. The U.S. Army confirm that James Alex Fields, Jr. reported for basic military training in August of 2015, said Army spokeswoman Lt. Col. Jennifer Johnson. “He was, however, released from active duty due to a failure to meet training standards in December of 2015,” she said.[5] Fields reported “IN SERVICE” at Fort Benning, GA for basic training. Basic training is the first step in preparing you to be a soldier. It starts with basic combat training or Army boot camp. Then comes specialized training in a career field.[6]  Fields worked for Securitas from May 5, 2016 to July 5, 2016 and again from November 23, 2016 to the present.

On Saturday, September 17, 2016, at about 8:45 p.m., a mass stabbing occurred at the Crossroads Center Shopping Mall in St. Cloud, MN. Ten people were injured by an assailant wearing a security guard uniform. The attacker, Dahir A. Adan, age 22, was shot dead inside the mall by an off-duty law enforcement officer. Until June, Adan had worked as a part-time security guard on weekends at Electrolux, a home appliance shop, inside the mall. He was a mind controlled Wahhabis al Shabaab warrior used in a domestic CIA clandestine strategy of tension or false flag operation. He was an employee of Securitas.

Securitas AB, based in Stockholm, Sweden, is one of the largest global private security, clandestine paramilitary-counterintelligence spy organizations in the world. In 2003, it bought out the classic Pinkerton Detective Agency. During the 19th century, Pinkerton was the country’s Military Intelligence, CIA and FBIPinkerton spied for the Union Army during the Civil War and investigated cases of counterfeiting. It was Pinkerton that introduced the mugs shot and the rap sheet.

The driver of the homicide vehicle does not look like baby- pudgy face 20 year old Fields. The man behind the wheel of that vehicle was a cool and calm seasoned wicked veteran ASSASSIN that had the trained capacity and experience to drive that car backwards at a high rate of speed up the street by the rear mirror. Additionally, a reader accurately pointed out that the yellow racing stripes on the homicide vehicle are reflections of the “double yellow stripes” on the street. THANKS!

The video below shows the homicide vehicle drive down the street right through and by city and state police absolutely unmolested, and it appears that a professional camera crew actually captured a picture of the driver while it drove down the street.

The U.S. Army was very well aware in the very first instance that Fields was a hapless disabled schizophrenia on a regiment of anti-psychotic medication. Undoubtedly, the Army supplied him with his anti-psychotics, and other experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH hallucinogenic drugs from August to December 2015 to create another sleeper MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE- PATSY. You can add Fields to a long list of the throw-away mentally disabled persons used by the Shadow Government and military intelligence for clandestine special psyop operations. Marcus Wayne Chenault’s FBI FOIA documents demonstrate that MK ULTRA victims can be transformed into Nazis or Saints by a flip of a switch.



Barely 5 foot tall Marcus Wayne Chenault wore coke bottle thick glasses on a large head and in front of big eyes. The “Little Professor” would stand out among a long parade of men and midgets.  FBI documents say that he had a scar on his head that indicated a prior brain surgery that Chenault couldn’t remember. I suspect that he had an early experimental mind control “Brain-Chip” Implant by the ease and speed of control they had over him.

He was clandestinely trained by the U.S. Military Intelligence as a Manchurian Candidate at U.S. Army Base, Fort Jackson, NC.

This authentic FBI FD 204 of 7/12/74 says that “An anonymous caller advised that office on July 2, 1974 that xxxxx located about two miles east of Pageland, South Carolina, on Highway 109, recognized subject [Marcus Wayne Chenault] as one of  occupants of three or four caravans that stopped at xxxxx place of business several times in recent past, apparently through.”  Pageland and Highway 109 leads to Fort Jackson, SC.

Mrs. Alberta King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mrs. Coretta King

Mrs. Alberta King, mother of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed on June 30, 1974, at age 69, by Chenault, a 23 years old who shot her from two pistols as she sat at the organ of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Chenault stated that he shot her because “ALL CHRISTIANS ARE MY ENEMIES,” and had been programmed that black ministers were a menace to black people. He said his original target had been Martin Luther King, Sr., but while in TRANCE- she was caught in his direct line of fire on the pulpit in the area where the Senior Pastor King normally stood on Sunday mornings. Edward Boykin, one of the church’s deacons, was also killed in the attack, and a woman was wounded. Chenault said that he didn’t actually remember shooting anybody.



Chris Harper Mercer, 26 years old, was a severely disturbed “head banger.” He was a seriously mentally and developmentally disabled individual that required a daily regimen of psychotic drugs including LITHIUM to control his behavior and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Chris like Fields, didn’t have a girlfriend, and was extremely violent toward his mother. He couldn’t function without drugs.

NEVERTHELESS! Chris Harper Mercer reported  “IN SERVICE” at Fort Jackson, NC, for basic training. Undoubtedly, the Army also supplied him with his anti-psychotics, and other experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH hallucinogenic drugs to transform him also into a “sleeper” CIA Occult Bureau Manchurian Candidate.

They allege that Chris purchased over the internet a reproduction World War II SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV) Death Head Captain’s  (Lauri Allan Törni) Cap for about $155.00. Additionally over the internet, he identified himself by the  Nazi  handle,  Scarface’s  IRON CROSS 45, 1945– the year that the Nazi SS went underground (SS Skorzeny’s ODESSA), and changed their venue to the United States.[7]

Dr. Colin A. Ross

Harper-Mercer had been managed mentally and medically hands off exclusively by Dr. Colin A. Ross’ Institute for Psychological TraumaDel Amo Behavior Health System of Southern CA in Torrance, CA. Yes, that is Colin A. Ross, M.D., author of Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists: The CIA Doctors, Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists. Dr. Ross still remains silent about Chris. If he didn’t have anything to do with Chris, he should say something.  Dr. Ross, was one of your institute’s patients, Chris, a CIA developed robot assassin or Manchurian Candidate Patsy?

The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, OR United States. Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Seven to nine others were injured. It isn’t possible that they cannot be sure how many were injured. Roseburg police detectives responding to the incident engaged Harper-Mercer in an alleged brief shootout. After being wounded, he killed himself by shooting himself in the head. He also allegedly targeted “CHRISTIANS” for death.



Confederate Military commander Brigadier General Albert Pike co-founded the Masonic secret blood covenant Order of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Among many other things, Pike was a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737.

One of the Victims of the Devil’s Works in Charlottesville

Agents of the Devil’s Works (CHAOS) in Charlottesville

Allegedly, Marcus Martin had been suddenly slammed into  by a speeding car and violently flipped over it. Yet, he has the presence of mind to brace himself before it hit the ground

But wait a minute, he had also had time enough to push his girlfriend out the way of the speeding car, then prepare himself to hit the ground.

It seems very odd that after being struck and violently flipped over a sudden speeding car that Marcus Martin doesn’t seemed visibly injured anywhere. He appears to be bearing weight on the right foot without stress, and by the look of his clothes. It’s difficult to believe that he had ever hit ground at all.

Girlfriend Marissa Blair, Marcus Martin- Broken Right Lower Leg

Marissa Blair, Patron of Goddess Minerva

Marissa Blair, Heyer’s coworker at the Miller Law Group, was pushed out of the way of the car on Saturday by Marcus Martin, her fiancé. She was born and raised in Amherst, VA. Since she was five years old, she knew she wanted to be an attorney. Marissa attended James Madison University where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Justice Studies with a minor in Philosophy. After graduating from JMU, she moved to Charlotte, NC to attended law school. Three years later, she received her Juris Doctorate from Charlotte School of Law.[8] 

Marissa is a secret blood covenant member of the BOULE Divine 9 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc at Howard University in 1913. They make no bones about their Masonic roots. “The most direct line of descent from Greek societies to America is the Freemasons (called Masons). Historians of American fraternities and sororities trace most of our rituals, ceremonies and rites to the Masons. An examination of Masonic rituals open to scholars suggest that our Founders were also influenced by Masonic ritual, symbolism and initiation experiences.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, CANDIDATE SYLLABUS, 1987, p.30.) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority rituals and ceremonies are also heavily influence by the ILLUMINATI, and consistent with Satanic rituals and ceremonies of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.

Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, one of the strongest and most admirable goddesses of antiquity, was chosen by the Founders as the patron of the Sorority. She serves merely as a SYMBOLIC representation of desirable archetypical attributes of mind, body, and SPIRIT. The goddess’ name derives from the ancient roots for “mind” and her domain was intellectual. Minerva was also said to be the inventor of music. It is fitting, therefore, that the exemplary attributes associated with Minerva be influential in the minds and spirits of the Sorors holding the responsibility of planning and conducting all intake activities, including induction, and orientation of new members into Delta Sigma Theta. These Sorors comprise the Minerva Circle … Wisdom! The college educated woman seeks to become wise rather than smart. That is why MINERVA, the Goddess of Wisdom, is our Sorority mentor.” (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, MEMBERSHIP INTAKE PROGRAM, 1987, p. 106.)

According to John Robison’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), the Third Degree of the Bavarian ILLUMINATI was called Minerva or Brother of Minerva, in honor of the goddess of learning. Later, this title was adopted for the first initiation of the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s OTO rituals (The Ceremony of Minerva and the First Degree). There was also ILLUMINATI Masters of the Minerva. The official sigil of the ILLUMINATI was the Owl of Minerva. I said that to say this.

U.S. Marine Sgt. Marcus Martin, a squad leader with Guard Force Platoon, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, and 32-year-old native of Charlottesville, VA, practices Pashto with Afghan boys while providing security outside the Garmsir district center here, Nov. 28, 2011. In November 2011, the Marines and sailors of ‘America’s Battalion’ began their final Afghanistan deployment to Helmand province’s Garmsir district. After six combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq since 2004, they’re finally coming home. During their seven months in Garmsir, they advised and developed Afghan forces preparing to take the lead in providing security for the district. As the Afghan forces grew in number and capability, commerce expanded and successful district community council elections were held in April 2012. ‘America’s Battalion’ transferred control of coalition positions in Garmsir to Kilo Co., 3rd Bn., 8th Marines, May 14. Future of Garmsir in Afghan hands, ‘America’s Battalion’ completes final Helmand tour 111127-M-MM918-001. There is a clear age discrepancy between Stg. Marcus Martin and Marissa Blair’s Marcus Martin. But her Marcus don’t seem to have a traceable footprint or identity anywhere else, but possibly military- U.S. Department of Defense.

Was Heather D. Heyer actually killed on Saturday in Charlottesville, Va., after a car crashed into demonstrators protesting a white supremacy rally? With good friends like Marissa Blair and Marcus Martin, I DON’T KNOW!

Brennan M. Gilmore was deliberately planted in the right place in the right time to film the Chancellorsville terrorist homicide vehicle then planted a scripted narrative to the media about “domestic terrorism” and “ideologies.” Gilmore is a “CIA SPOOK” that under State Dept cover ran CIA Special Ops Psyops in Central Africa.[9]  Was he rounding a clear-up operation after the fact? Or, was he stroking and inflaming that mass population fear and racial divine, the police had a difficult job to do- STANDING DOWN!


[1] http://time.com/4898983/charlottesville-car-james-fields-nazism/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipsychotic

[4] https://news.vice.com/story/charlottesville-attack-james-alex-field-jr

[5] http://time.com/4898983/charlottesville-car-james-fields-nazism/

[6] http://beta.militaryonesource.mil/-/army-basic-training-and-officer-candidate-school-what-to-expect?inheritRedirect=true

[7] http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/609395/Chris-Harper-Mercer-shooter-Oregon-Umpqua-Community-College

[8] https://www.millerlawgrouppc.com/firmbios/support-staff/marissa-blair/

[9] https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2017/08/13/charlottesville-attack-brennan-gilmore-and-the-stop-kony-2012-pysop-what/


7 04 2017


CNN- July 27, 2017


Whether or not, you are willing to accept it, but you have just witnessed the end results of 60 to 70 years of very sophisticated and advanced CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control research, development, and programming that CNN has tried to clean up, and cover-up.

On national Live TV, CNN analyst Angela Rye saw something raising out of the floor, or suddenly felt that some demons or the DEVIL himself was drawing her down into a “Sunken Place.” Or, she began to “stink into the floor.” Whatever the case may have been.  Ms. Rye urgently needed and received an extremely strange hypnotic supernatural voodoo magick exchange of eye flashes from a mind control handler to save her, and stop the descent. On CNN, this supernatural terror and terrifying human drama took place directly in your face, live, with no actors, but with so-called legitimate professional TV newscasters. It is incredible direct visible evidence of covert deliberate Satanic mind control programming of some black TV personalities that the masses may have come to respect, trust and believe in.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH NEWS is extremely toxic and dangerous to democracy. CNN is currently the shadow government’s  corporate mass media news war hawk leading the False Flag Assad Sarin Gas Attack story line to open up a sham U.S. war front in Syria that may lead to World War 3. Just one CIA mind controlled CNN news analyst is an alarm that public news are or could be controlled by elite wealthy congressional Satanic puppet war hawks, and warmongers of the CIA and the Pentagon.

HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain Black People. The American film industry no longer make films as global propaganda to draw a veil over Racism in this country. If you really believe that the movie “GET OUT” is an innocent comedy, horror “fantasy” or a figment of anyone’s creative imagination, you have been badly misled or you have fallen for the BIG- GRAND LIE.  This SHIT IS REAL! Further coverage of Angela Rye, Voodoo Magick and Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming is below.

The Walter #GetOutChallenge in the movie “GET OUT” has disturbed and bothered me the last couple of nights. “GET OUT” and Walter has been like a storm cloud hanging over my head. And, I haven’t even watched the movie. Last night was another long, awful and painful night. My stomach boiled. I tossed and turned all night long. The same scenes about menacing secret British Satanic Cults raced through my dreams. I tried to shake them. I couldn’t. What is it that brothers me so much about “GET OUT“? Some of its very rare specialized language and terminology like solve et coagula, racialist scenarios, mind controlled characters and rare secret medieval Rosicrucian ideologies paint very clear pictures in my mind that something far more universally chilling, evil, sinister and Satanic than most people realize is going on right in the front of our faces.


“GET OUT” Director and Creator Meegan (Jordan Peele) and Eartha Kitt, “I Want to Be EVIL”


Eartha Kitt may have been among the first experimental female mind controlled leopard skin print coded sex kittens developed by Nazi SS Doctors after the Nuremberg Tribunal Doctor Trials.


GET OUT” appears to have more likely come out of the dark annals of Dr. Mengele and Aldous Huxley than the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind of a false female sex kitten alter, Meegan- Jordan Peele. The so-called American white progressives and Liberal Left are encouraging Black people to patronizeGET OUT“, and, in general, make a “Mockery of Walter”. The entire scenario is like forcing Black people out on a limb to attend and watch their own funeral, and then get laughed in their faces. Have you forgotten so soon”WALTER Scott” and “Running While Black” that can be a death sentence for a black man?

It’s like encouraging the Jews to watch the SS- Knights of the Black Sun’s Satanic systematic dehumanization and destruction of the dignity of Jewish People without an outcry from humanity; and JUSTICE.

“ … The American Left has proven INEPT in gauging this fascist [racist] menace, much less mounting an effective response. Few are aware of the history that brought us to our current predicament. … “- Andrea Hackett[34]

Ms. Hackett continued, In order to fight an enemy you must know that enemy. You must know their strengths and weaknesses, history and organizations, links, objectives and capabilities. You must know their operational methods and familiarize yourself with the central players. In short, you must do your homework. In the case of global fascism [racism], you must also respect their fanaticism and willingness to use violence to further their goals.”[35]


Walter, “GET OUT”, Color Coded: SATANIC GREEN

There is a concealed justification why Walter has become a particular targeted character for a mass deception campaign. There is something necessary to hide and veil about Walter to keep the masses from putting together an informant piece to a puzzle. They call “GET OUT” a brilliant horror movie. If that is so, why has the character Walter been singled out for a special mass population mockery campaign outside the film. For whatever reasons due to comfort,  convenience or just plain complicity, fear and racism, CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH and Black People, rarely if ever come out of the mouth of the so-called progressives constantly backing away from uncomfortable issues, or the Liberal Left.


Mama Sonya and Stephen Curry, Love for Their Father, Hail Satan!

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors is the first and only professional athlete to come out in the open to make a public “Mockery of Walter.” And, I pray that he remains the only. It appears that Chris Brown is the first among the Demonic Pop Music/Hip Hop to mock Walter.

Nevertheless mass encouragement of progressive and Liberal Left mass media pundits, the national and global mass popularity of the movie “GET OUT“; and the mass popular influences of Steph Curry and Chris Brown, the #GetOutChallenge and the deliberate “Mockery of Walter”- the masses remains strangely dubious and uneasy about the entire thing.




On CNN, Angela T. Rye appears and sounds like a strong supporter of Black people, but be very careful. Lately, she has appeared on CNN as an ILLUSION of Black Resistance. Rye is an attorney, a political commentator on CNN and a NPR political analyst.[1] She is foremost a spokesperson, advocate and defender of John Lewis, The Black Congressional Caucus, the Satanic Democratic Party, and Barack Obama.


I am not sure what this picture represents other than Ms. Rye is for sell. She was raised and bred within the DC congressional complex. With very limited experience, she was the Senior Advisor and Counsel to the House Committee on Homeland Security under Mississippi Congressman Bernie G. Thompson.[2]


California U.S. Congressperson, Kamala Harris & Angela Rye


Ms. Rye resemble a light skinned female clone of the Clinton/Podesta PIZZAGATE Clan, Kamala Harris. From the Committee on Homeland Security, she became the Executive Director and General Counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus.[3] What makes the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) exceptional is that it’s very presence in Congress has been portrayed as symbolizing the success of the often bloody civil and voting rights struggles of a half century ago of which they are the beneficiaries. Some, like John Lewis, were even notable participants. But, the CBC is only an ILLUSION of Black independent political power.

” … something more might be expected of them. That the CBC, however, regardless of who comes and goes in their congressional districts, has consistently, as a bloc, voted to send billions of US taxpayers dollars to provide weapons for a foreign government that oppresses another people of color, the Palestinians, is, under the circumstances, nothing less than shameful.”[4]


Satanic/Masonic Fingers to Chin Symbol- Kamala Harris and Angela Rye

When Ms. Rye stands up to PIZZAGATE, and Zionist Israel, I might possibly get on her bandwagon. However, that will never happen, because the Luciferians can spin Angela Rye on a dime.


This is no normal or even abnormal so-called, “eye roll” caught accidentally on Live TV. It is a flashback signature of Luciferian  Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming.


HollyWeird & Black People, the Luciferians are not playing with you. Ms. Rye tell the story that her eyes and body have psychologically fallen down HELL!


Her so-called “eye roll” is just as much of an involuntary Satanic “Hell-Cult Terror Eye Flashback Reaction” as a Uncle Al Roker.


It is also just as much of a Chris’ Satanic Hell-Cult Terror Eye Roll Flashback Reaction” in GET OUT.


Steph Curry and the NBA ILLUMINATI’s official position is that the Run Walter Run scene in the movie represents Waltertrying to escape the SUNKEN PLACE” It is what it is, an outright lie to suggest that Walter runs out of sheer fear, fright and terror of the “SUNKEN PLACE“.


Even if he does in fact run from terror in the movie, it is nothing to mock and make fun and folly for. We should be concerned of that cause of terror and danger that make an innocent black run for his life! Nevertheless, Walter has already lost his dignity, manhood and humanity in the “SUNKEN PLACE” by MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Solve et Coagula” Satanic programming. That is the NBA ILLUMINATI mass population lie, deception and trickery.


So when Misty Armitage hypnotized Chris and suggest that he “sink into the floor“, the so called “eye roll” and face of terror in reaction to the very psychological concept of the “SUNKEN PLACE” spreads across his face. Why would Chris be so horrified of the “SUNKEN PLACE” that he has never previously been too? The answer lies in MK ULTRA/MONARCH visual implant post-hypnotic programming.


Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s mentor Aldous Huxley during an MK-ULTRA experiment instructed Jolly West to hypnotize his subject(s) prior to administering LSD, in order to give them “post-hypnotic suggestions aimed at orienting the drug- induced experience in some desired direction.”[5] Like Dantean HELL.

” … the spirit of Dante Alighieri and his fourteenth-century vision of hell Through Dante’s eyes we see a place where men, women, and children are bound to a satanic master. They trusted him in the beginning and believed his promises, but now they are sinking deeper and deeper into his power, surrendering their possessions, their bodies, their children, their very souls to his mysterious purpose. With Dante we follow them to a distant place, where “sighs, lamentations, and loud wailings resound through the starless air,” making us weep in sympathy. We hear “words of pain, tones of anger, voices loud and hoarse, and with these the sound of hands, (making) a tumult which is whirling through that air forever, as small eddies in a whirlwind.” Above the cries of the damned, we might hear a single child’s voice calling out, “I’d die for you, Dad.” These were the tape-recorded words of a boy just before he took the fatal poison at the command of Jim Jones: Guyana’s twentieth-century echo from Dante’s Inferno.” Dr. Louis Jolyon West

aaaawalterhuxleydante Aldous Huxley was more than just a student of the Italian poet, Durante degli Alighieri (1265- 1321), of the Late Middle Ages.[6] He wasn’t just a disciple, either. Huxley was the re-incarnation of Dante Alighieri, a disciple of the Lucifer, and one of the main proponents of the secret Medieval Hell-Cult.

“The locality of HELL is untold; its creation and dates are left in obscurity, its names are various elaborately concealed; it is HELL, the hidden or SUNKEN PLACE. It is a lake burning with fire and brimstone, but of which the interior is unseen, it is a pit bottomless, a fire unquenchable, a worm undying, a death- the second and the last; it is “without”, yet not unvisited or unseen; they shall be tormented in the presence of the lamb and the holy angels; they shall go forth and look on the carcasses of them that are slain, whose worm dieth not. This is all, or nearly all we know of it.” (Giflillan; Bib. Muse.)[7]

Rev. George Gifillan (1816- 1878) was a “Grand Bard” of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.[8] In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional story teller, verse-maker and music composer, employed by a patron (such as a monarch, noble or the DEVIL), to commemorate one or more of the patron’s ancestors and to praise the patron’s own activities.[9]

Heaven and Hell (essay) (1954) metaphorically refer to what Aldous Huxley conceives to be two contrary mystical experiences that potentially await when one opens the “Doors of Perception“—not only in a mystical experience, but in prosaic (commonplace) life.[10]


 As Huxley instructs CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH scientists and psychiatrists, open “The Doors of Perception”orientate subject(s) to the horrors of Dantean HELL by hypnotism prior administrating a substantial dose of LSD or mescaline, it can scare the living SHIT (excuse my expression) out of anybody. “Dante’s Sinners are buried in mud, shut up in the trunks of trees, frozen solid in blocks of ice, crushed beneath stones. The Inferno is psychologically true. Many of its pains are experienced by schizophrenics, and by those who have taken mescaline or lysergic acid [LSD] under unfavorable conditions.” [11]

LOOK AGAIN. In Angela Rye’s flashback signature of her Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming, she looks directly into the eyes of the person on her right, Maria Cardona. Maria’s eyes flashes momentary “white“! My Lord, do you have any idea who this woman is?

Maria Cardona & Stones

Maria Teresa Cardona was born (1966) in the “Cocaine CapitalBogota, Colombia.[12] Bogota was a secret South American haven for Nazis and the SS Knights of the Black Sun. SS-Hauptsturmführer and Gestapo member Klaus Barbie’s Bolivian cocaine business, in a position of power clearly approved by the CIA, was the principal supplier of the drug to Colombian cartels.[13]

Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, Reichel-Dolmatoff  

In 2012, one of Colombia’s best-known anthropologists, the late Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff and onetime visiting professor at UCLA (Dr. Jolly West). The recent revelation of the secret Nazi past of Dolmatoff had shaken Colombian academic circles to its core. He wasn’t just a Nazi. The native Austrian, who immigrated to Colombia in 1939, was an elite member of the Austrian Nazi party and of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler under Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuehrer’s private army and death squad, which killed scores of rival Nazis in a June 1934 purge known as the Night of the Long Knives. According to a diary fragment that historians have identified as Reichel-Dolmatoff’s, he was also stationed at the dreaded Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich.[14]

Well, that’s somewhat laying guilt by association at Cardona’s doorstep. However, her doorstep leads directly to Bill Clinton’s ring of murderers, criminals and government corruption, and his body count- assassinated Secretary of Commerce, Ron H. Brown.

aaaawalterbrownmaria Maria Cardona and Ron Brown

Cardona spent five years at the U.S. Department of Commerce, first as Deputy Press Secretary to Secretary Ron H. Brown and in charge of the press offices of all the 14 agencies. Following the airplane crash into a mountainside in Croatia in 1996 that killed Secretary Brown, Cardona was left to handle the live press briefing alone.[15] She was the Shaun Spicer of Slick Willie and Ron H. Brown, and that shows that she was more probable than not an active South American Columbian collaborator inside Ron Brown and Bill Clinton’s criminal circle.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown & Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen

Ron Brown, deceased, U.S. Commerce Secretary was formerly under investigation by the DOJ, Special Prosecutor, FDIC, Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee; FBI; DOE; Senate Judiciary Committee; Commerce Dept; Inspector General at the time of the plane crash. 22 (twenty-two) Congressmen demanded his removal and prosecution. Among his major scandals involved: Whitewater; Mena Drug smuggling; the Denver Airport; Keating Five; Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen’s prostitution ring; $700,000 received from Russia and deposited in a Singapore Bank to drop trade embargo with Vietnam, Special favors breaks given to Brown to Democratic Party and Clinton Victory Fund; Influence Peddling by Cabinet Official $12.5K/mo. from Haitian dictator in Exile Baby Doc Duvalier; $50M sent to Vietnam Government; $360,000 townhouse purchased for Madame Lillian Madsen; illegal ChemFix Waste Mgt. account with former NYC Mayor David Dinkins, worth millions; Capitol/Pebsco illegal pension fund account with DC Mayor Marion Barry; sale of gas turbine engine to China for use in cruise missiles; illegal Iranian Muslims weapons deal into Bosnia against US/Ally Trade Embargo, money for which came from Depts. of Commerce and Agriculture slush funds, and supplied helicopter gunships, stinger missiles, land mines, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers and over 20,000 Muslim troops, including their elite Mujahedeen; illegal $500,000 cash with government loans money deal with Yolanda Hill to fund Democratic National Committee; illegal $6 Billion Saudi deal for military aircraft and hardware coupled with illegal $4 Billion AT&T contract, of which DNC and Bill Clinton were beneficiaries. [16]

In Bosnia, they found that Ron Brown had evidence of strange blunt force wounds to the head, and possibly a gunshot to the brain. Who benefited from Ron Brown’s assassination in Bosnia, the President Bill Clinton Crime Syndicate. Don’t get it twisted, there is no way in heaven or on earth that a black man of America could pull off all of this crime and corruption without the cover and protection of a vast criminal enterprise and syndicate of the shadow government. Ron H. Brown was a whipping boy, pasty and scapegoat for the Bill and Hilary Clinton government criminal corruption syndicate.


Black Pasty Ron Brown, and Bill Clinton 

This was Cardona’s circle of crooks, spooks, voodoo masters, and “guide and mentor“, Ron H. Brown, a Negro Luciferian.[17] But, wait a minute that isn’t all. In 1982, Brown was named deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. That same year, he began lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of the brutal and feared Duvalier regime and their Tonton Marcoute which was then in power in Haiti.

Feast of St. Nicholas (“Uncle Gunnysack”)

The Tonton Macoute  or simply as the Macoute was a special operations unit within the Haitian paramilitary force created in 1959 by dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier. In 1970 the militia was renamed the Milice de Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale (Militia of National Security Volunteers or MVSN), perhaps named after the Italian Fascist paramilitary organization. Haitians named this force after the Haitian Creole mythological bogeyman Tonton Macoute (“Uncle Gunnysack“), who kidnaps and punishes unruly children by snaring them in a  gunny sack (French: macoute) and carrying them off to be consumed at breakfast.


Haitian Dictator (Voodoo) Baby Doc Duvalier

Over the next four years, Brown earned $630,000 helping to persuade the Administration to continue aid to the government of Roman Catholic dictator Jean-Claude (“Baby Doc”) Duvalier. Brown refused to drop the Duvaliers despite being criticized for representing the Haitian Voodoo Master.[18]


Baby Doc’s Father- Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier

A few days after the ouster of Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier, a mob looted the home of a voodoo priestess, shattered bottles of drugs and herbal portions, tore apart her altars and stripped the house to bare plaster. On a wall outside, across the street from a mural depicting the blood sacrifice of a goat, vandals scrawled the message: “Down With Voodoo. FREE THE ZOMBIES.”[19]



Roman Catholic Cardona is a principal of the very low profile and secretive lobbying firm, Dewey Square Group (DSG). She is a part of the secret inner circle of Bill, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Under DSG, she served as a Senior Adviser to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign, serving as a campaign surrogate and spokesperson and representing the campaign on major national TV and radio, as well as Spanish-language television news and political programs. She also served on Clinton’s Hispanic Outreach Team. Following the primary, Cardona served as a key surrogate for the Obama for America general election campaign, appearing on all the major national news. shows.[20] Excuse me, but this is absolutely SCARY SHIT played out directly ON CNN RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES!


Cyborg Clone Angela Rye?

Angela Rye is most likely a presidential multiple personality disordered (MPD)  programmed /clone sex kitten. She is also programmed to vehement defend and protect the Satanic Democratic Party, Bill, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and that is absolutely indefensible, criminal, and unjustifiable.[21]




Since Obama walked away from the White House officially on January 19, 2017 and flew up and away out of DC.

Donald J. Drumpf and his white nationalist ring has blamed Barrack Obama for felonious conduct (wiretapping him and Trump Towers), and every ill of America and the World, because of the low (lowered) standards of the “black” former president. Obama and Michelle appears to be helpless or to care less about defending themselves or black people. Drumpf  says whatever he wants to scandalize the former presidential office, administration, and black people in general. The Obamas have not and will not step forward to say anything in opposition to Drumpf no matter how vicious, extreme, racialist or ridiculous it may be.  Something strange, very unusual and out of the ordinary is going on. It’s just not normal not to defend yourself. Barack and Michelle are literally “missing in action.”


However, Barack Obama, the hapless down low black gay human CIA cyborg would care less about black people, missing black children, democratic politics, or what is going on politically in this country. In the first instance, it is almost universally accepted that Obama was America’s first [clandestine cybernetically created] homosexual U.S. President. Yes, it is scientifically possible to cybernetically  create a state of the art CIA mind controlled homosexuals.

aaaawalterhealth Dr. Robert Health

In the racist twisted and sadistic mind of Dr. Robert Galbraith Health (1915- 1999), he hooked up the brains of men with various EEG wires to artificially stimulate what he had found to be the sexual pleasure center of the brain.[22] Dr. Health was founder and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University in New Orleans from 1949 to 1980.


In New Orleans, one of the most secretive and powerful figures within the secret inner circle of Tulane University was E. W. Alton Ochsner Sr., M.D., founder of the Ochsner Medical Foundation, graduated from the Tulane School of Medicine and served on the faculty from 1926-1956. Dr. Ochsner was a fluent speaking German-American from Kimball, South Dakota, and later became a leading cancer researcher and constant presence in the American Cancer Society. Argentina’s Nazi collaborator, Juan Peron, was among his patients. Dr. Ochsner is alleged by some in South America to have participated in medical ultra secret research with Nazis that would have involved directly Dr. Josef Mengele. He was a CIA ULTRA/MONARCH secret inner circle senior project manager (MK DELTA).

Dr. Ochsner was a close associate of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles and OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan. In New Orleans, he was one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA/FBI mind control handlers. After the war in 1946, he received special recognition for whatever undisclosed secret medical research that he did for the U.S. government. Fluent in German and with extensive professional medical industry links in Nazi Germany, he would have also been an important part of the highly classified and secret Operation PAPERCLIP that secretly illegally brought war criminal Nazi/SS scientists and medical professionals into the United States by the thousands. In 1957, he received special clearance by the FBI for “sensitive” government operations. Dr. Ochsner’s special recruitment by the government in 1957 most likely involved consultation with Allen Dulles and the CIA about expanding the highly “sensitive” Nazi/SS medical, mind control and torture/interrogation research projects. I said this to say that curing homosexuality was of particular interest to Dr. Mengele and the SS. Dr. Ochsner is alleged to have worked secretly with Mengele and SS doctors (MK ULTRA) in South America, and here in the U.S.


Dr. Health performed many controversial experiments involving electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB). In one procedure, Dr. Heath wired up the pleasure centers of a gay man. During a three-hour session, the subject, code-named B-19, electrically self-stimulated his reward circuitry some 1,500 times.[23]

“During these sessions, B-19 stimulated himself to a point that he was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests.” [Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 23-30, 1972.][24]

Dr. Heath believed that ESB could be used to “cure” homosexuality. Insofar as people prefer direct stimulation of the pleasure centers to having sex, ESB can “cure” heterosexuality, too. In other words, he could use homosexual stag films, other visible, physical mediums, and stimulates to create MK ULTRA/MONARCH homosexuals.[25]


Dr. Heath’s work on mind-control at Tulane was partly funded by the US military and the CIA. Dr. Heath’s subjects were African Americans. In the words of Heath’s  contemptible sick, wicked,  racist collaborator Australian psychiatrist Harry Bailey, this was “because they were everywhere and cheap experimental animals“.[26]


Dr. Harry Bailey

The people surely would have wished to have gotten their hands on the pair if the truth had been known. These people are not playing with you.




Former President Obama Frolicking with Homosexual Richard Branson

As soon as Obama had been relieved of president duties and turned over the White House keys to presidential select Drumpf on Friday, January 19, 2017, Obama has been going “buck wild” with homosexual men.


James Costos

The Obamas unpacked their suitcases late Friday at the abode of outgoing US ambassador to Spain, James Costos and his gay husband — an interior designer — Michael Smith, who’s been the White House’s decorator since 2008.[27]


James Costos & Husband Michael Smith

James Costos love to tell the world, My Mom and Dad are second-generation Greek-Americans who instilled in our middle-class family the values of hard work, self-reliance, and service, exemplified by my father’s tenure as a U.S. Marine who was stationed at Camp David under President Truman.”[28]


James Costos never expose any names behind the figure at Camp David under President Truman, a Grand Masonic Master Freemason of Missouri, an enthusiastic Masonic ritualist, and Master of lodges.[29]


James Costos of Lowell, Mass is actually James Costopoulous or Kostopolous descended from grandparents Achilleas [Achilles] and Kyriakitsa (Zingovas) Kostopoulos descendants from Thessaly, Greece. Jame’s parents were Achilleas’ son, Charles & Katherine Costos (Kostopoulos).[30]


The Kostopolous of Lowell, Mass are all AHEPANSsecret initiates of the Greek fascist underground society and cult of the Masonic/Fraternal Order of American HELLENIC Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), and the Holy Trinity HELLENIC Orthodox Church.[31]


Witch’s Sabbath (1789). Francisco Goya

The mission of the AHEPA Family is to promote HELLENISM (paganism and witchcraft), Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. An important component of AHEPA’s mission is to create an awareness of the principles of HELLENISM to society.[32]


Thessalian God Chiron & Achilles

To Homer, the HELLENES were a small tribe in southern Thessaly. In modern use in the arts, Hellenic is used of Greek work from the close of the primitive phase to the time of Alexander the Great or the Roman Conquest (succeeded by the Hellenistic). In classical times, ancient Thessalian witches were believed to control the moon- Draw Down the Moon also known as “Drawing Down the Goddess in Satanic” and Wiccan rituals.[33] Chiron was a Thessalian God.[34]


Chiron is a main homosexual black character of the 2017 Academy Award Best Movie, Moonlight.[35] James Costos’ father Charles Kostopolous and U.S. President Harry Truman at Camp David were secret society fraternal brothers of AHEPA that covertly planned the American military invasion and “White Terrorfascist takeover of Greece after the British military planned to pull out of the country in late 1946.[36]


Waffen SS in Greece

During WWII, the Greek resistance movement against the Nazis and the SS was led by the EAM (EthnikoApeleftherotiko Metopo, Greek Liberation Movement) command in the mountains of Greece.


Courageous Greek Woman Resistance Fighters

The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officially assisted and aided EAM. After the Fall of Nazi Germany, EAM and other Greek resistance groups called for democratic elections. The British opposed democratic elections. They wanted a “cold war” fascist royalist anticommunist government installed. The British Army violently oppressed and suppressed EAM, and other Greek resistance groups that fought the Nazis and SS sparking civil wars in Greece. When the British Army moved out of Greece, President Truman and the U.S. military moved in by March 12, 1947.[37]


President Roosevelt & Fraternal Masonic Brothers

Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Freemason, and an initiate of AHEPA, he opposed British atrocities in Greece, American military intervention and invasion of Greece. President Roosevelt also opposed Operation PAPERCLIP. He was liquidated on April 12, 1945.[38] Freemason Harry Truman, also an initiate of AHEPA, intervened and invaded Greece under the “cold warTruman Doctrine with the complete collaboration, alliance and “defense cooperation” of AHEPA.[39] Under the Truman Doctrine, Army Officer, Security Minister Konstantinos Maniadakis, the Greek Heinrich Himmler, led the crimes against humanity fury and the sadistic mass murder, torture and incarceration campaign and charge against democracy in Greece, and the Greek Liberation Movement. The Truman Doctrine and AHEPA repressive Greek fascist government was an embarrassment to democracy and the free world. [40]


AHEPA is a secret Masonic fascist anticommunist arm and front of the American deep state. I was surprised to find just how quietly they had infiltrated the highest elected offices of the United States. Even Freemason President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) had been a Supreme President of AHEPA when he was a powerful Texas U.S. Congressman (1937-1949).[41]

James Costos is a secret initiate of AHEPA. Allegedly in Barrack Obama’s 800-page volume, titled O Say Have I Seen: The Real Truth Behind The Red, White, And Blue, he received “strong condemnation” from some who believe they’ve been mischaracterized in the book, including a pharmacist “Charles Kostopoulos” of Seattle.[42] Is there such a person in Seattle? I couldn’t find a pharmacist or anyone else in Seattle by that name.

aaaawalteralefantis Barrack Obama & James Achilles Alefantis

Another family member of Holy Trinity Hellenic Orthodox Church, and a secret initiate of AHEPA that was too close to President Obama was Homosexual James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (PIZZAGATE).[43] ACHILLES Alefantis visited the Obama White House on the public record at least 5 (five) times (some overnight). Some have concluded that Jimmy Comet is in fact a CIA agent.[44] It appears to me that the AHEPANS are secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH senior control handlers of Obama.

On January 27, 2017, Michelle Obama left Costos’ home in Palm Springs, CA and immediately took off  on a jet for billionaire Richard Branson’s Necker Island private resort in the British Virgin Islands without Barack . The British Virgin Islands are British Overseas Territories (BOT) are territories under the “Jurisdiction and Sovereignty of the United Kingdom.” However, there is doubt whether or not she ever made it to Necker Island. 

British Intelligence took Michelle someplace in BOT in the Caribbean Sea , but it wasn’t to Branson’s Necker Island. However, there was a “Michelle Obama Impostor” with a strange deformed left hand on the island.

This is Not Michelle Obama!

With today’s extremely advanced photographic technology, the pictures of Michelle are deliberately blurred and degraded. In fact, the U.S. Secret Service is acting in concert with British Intelligence in BOT in taking and banning all cell phones cameras of anyone working and associated with the mysterious Obamas’ Caribbean Playground Vacation. If she was on the island at anytime, she certainly wasn’t in on the fun, sun & frolic with her husband, Barack. She certainly wasn’t on that boat while her husband was joyfully touching and wrestling with that old rich [“Gay?”] white male in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

She certainly wasn’t Photoshop-ed at anytime swimming with the man.

Obama Photoshop-ed Swimming on Necker Island

Obama Photoshop-ed Having Lonely Fun without Michelle

Former president and first lady was supposed to be enjoying a relaxing fun filed couples’ vacation. However, Michelle (fitness advocate) is nowhere in sight taking in the sunshine, water sports and fun with her husband on Necker Island that is right next to Jeffery Epstein’s Pedophile Island, and the secret Roman Goddess Diana’s Temple.

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson  of the British Empire is one of Queen Elizabeth’s Knights. He is an English business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies.

Branson, the Cross-Dresser, World Dictator & the Gay Agenda

aaaawaltercrossdressCross Dresser Sir Richard Branson

Whether of not Branson is a homosexual has not yet been determined one way or another, but as you observe he is an absolutely appalling, revolting and gross men-female cross-dresser.

Sir Branson, offensively, has his legs gap wide open feeding an an on-board meal to an Asian Airline executive guest passenger with a little extra something-something – a gay delight!

 Sir Branson says he has been a supporter of gay rights [agenda] around the world for many years and set up a group in 1967 to help young people coming out.

Branson, The New World Order Dictator, Haitian Child Stealing & The Clinton Foundation


Sir Branson is part of the powerful global “Hidden Hand” of the ILLUMINATI and New World Order. In 2007, as his own little world dictator, he founded a secretive group, “The Elders”, (of the Earth) on his private island that is headed by 12 (twelve) world leaders led by Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter. It is yet another global NGO designed the systematic strip and rob, particularly African, nations of their sovereign powers, and trick them out of their oil, minerals, and natural resources.

Richard Branson, Missing & Exploited Children, “ICMEC”

Scary British House Eve Branson

Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson (former British Military Officer), is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (“ICMEC“), Alexandria, VA, the goal of which is to allegedly help find missing children, and to stop the exploitation of children. She was a founding member of ICMEC’s Board of Directors in 1999. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor.

Late British Lord Pedophile, Sir Clement Freud (Satanic Tavistock Sigmund Freud Jewish Bloodline) and Sir Branson

The Board of Directors of the ICMEC are tied to organizations that donate to the Podesta (John, Tony) Group and the Clinton Foundation. Sir Freud most likely initiated Tony and John Podesta into the ultra secret powerful  British Houses of the Satanic Black/Dark Circle Cult.

All three are linked to the May 3, 2007 disappearance of three (3) year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Praia da Luz, Portugal. These people are deadly serious!


Sir Branson is a hypnotist. Above, Branson in Haiti with Hilary Clinton celebrating the opening of the Clinton Foundation Caracol Industrial complex.

aaaawaltermonicaRecently in November 2016, reporter Monica Petersen was found dead in Haiti under mysterious circumstances. Petersen had previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. According to sources close to Ms. Peterson, the Clinton Caracol Complex is a front for human trafficking and mining, and has also been linked to the human rights’ crime of selling human beings. Allegedly, Petersen stumbled upon several scandals related to PIZZAGATE, Haiti and the Clintons.

She was surely in a position in Haiti to know. Monica Petersen was listed on Alert Sense’s executive team page.  Alert Sense provides technology for Amber Alerts and FEMA Emergency response systems.  Laura Silsby works for Alert Sense under the name Laura Galyer. In 2010, Laura Silsby was convicted of felony child stealing (33 black children) in Haiti. Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation came to rescue.

Jeff Koon, the Sadistic PIG!

In James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis’ previously public Instagram account images, there is a pornographic one which is of a photograph in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Jeff Koons. All it consists of is an extreme close-up of an adult male openly penetrating and violating what is believed to be a young “small girl“. The sick PIG was, in “2002 -Appointed to the Board of Directors of the “ICMEC“. (From jeffkoons.com – biography and honors.)

If this is a little girl being raped, because it is so heartbreaking to look at even for a moment, or even think about at all.  I bloated out the offensive part of the PIG’s picture with brown.




The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust, that was first performed sometime between 1588 and Marlowe’s death in 1593.

Faustus summons a Devil in the presence of Lucifer and other Devils After he creates a magic circle and speaks an incantation through which he revokes his baptism a demon (a representative of the Devil himself) named Mephistophilis appear before him, but Faustus is unable to tolerate the hideous looks of the demon and commands it to change its appearance. Faustus, seeing the obedience of the demon in changing its form, takes pride in his skill. He tries to bind the demon to his service, but is unable to because Mephistopheles already serves Lucifer, who is also called to be the Prince of Devils. Mephistophilis also reveals that it was not Faustus‘ power that summoned him but rather his abjuration of scriptures that results in the Devil coming

Mephistophilis introduces the history of Lucifer and the other Devils while indirectly telling Faustus that hell has no circumference nor limit and is more of a “state of mind” than a physical location. Faustus’ inquiries into the nature of HELL lead to Mephistopheles saying: “Oh, Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, which strikes a terror to my fainting soul” to hope of claiming his soul.


Using Mephistopheles as a messenger, Faustus strikes a Deal with Lucifer: he is to be allotted 24 years of life on Earth, during which time he will have Mephistophilis as his personal servant and the ability to use magic; however, at the end he would give his body and soul over to Lucifer as payment and spend the rest of time as one damned to HELL. This deal is to be sealed in the form of a contract written in Faustus own blood. The powerful effect of early productions of the play is indicated by the legends that quickly accrued around them—that actual DEVILS once appeared on the stage during a performance, “to the great amazement of both the actors and spectators”, a sight that was said to have driven some spectators mad.

Jordan Peele (Esther) was very much aware of Faust, Satan and Mephistopheles. 

Sir Branson, Dante & Dr. Faustus


The Faust Tapes was the first album released on Branson’s Virgin Records in the early seventies. In 1973, he exposed his secret  elite class British orientation in Faust, but he won’t dare publicly talk about it in the 21st century. Both Goethe’s Faust and Dante’s Divine Comedy are works of grand cosmological proportions, taking us through realms of heaven and HELL populated by mythological, magical, historical, and angelic beings, evoking ancient and future times.


Dante’s HELL

The British secret elite Medieval Hell-Cult have convinced that they have a Pact with DEVIL that they are the earth’s chosen rulers that due to their Luciferian Pact and  Enlightenment that they have the divine right as overseers of Dante’s Hell.


Branson of the Secretive British Elite, sold his soul to the DEVIL early in his life. He (Virgin Records) controlled and handled Sid Vicious’ Sex Pistols and “God Save the Queen” for Queen Elizabeth’s 1977 Silver Jubilee. By 1979, Sid Vicious was dead. Tom Hurd is the British Government Director General, Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism. Branson got his island Necker on the cheap, and it is used for British Royal Arch games. Of course, Branson is an MI-6 stooge as a billionaire. Hurd said “nobody becomes a billionaire without us [British Intelligence]”.


Branson with Very Young  Alleged “Staff Members” of Necker island

Well. In 1978, Richard Branson bought Necker Island worth at least $5 million from Viscount Cobham for $180,000 on condition that he front for a British private resort being financed and built on the island within 4 (four) years.

British Viscounts Cobham, Charles and John William Lyttelton

John William Leonard Lyttelton, 11th Viscount Cobham (June 1943 – July 2006) was the son of Charles John Lyttelton, 10th Viscount Cobham, Knight of the Order of Garter, Grand Knight Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Privy Council of the United Kingdom. His son,  Viscount Cobham, a British Peerinherited Necker Island, and also inherited the family and his father’s British Empire Secret Masonic and British Crown Titles in 1977. Branson is undoubtedly a secret British Medieval Hell-Cult MK ULTRA handler.

Can Angela Rye be rescued or saved from MK ULTRA?  She is like young women trapped forever in the streams of lava hot mud in Dante’s Hell, above. By “post-hypnotic suggestion”, her “original self” is most likely raped by demons and hang from the hair in Dante’s HELL.


To escape Dante’s HELL and function in the normal conscious world, the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programmer continue to peel off alternative personalities or alters that climb over the wings of the DEVIL to freedom just as Dante had done.


Ms. Rye could literal have hundreds of different personalities all with different assignments and functions. If a skilled psychiatrist could being forth her original personality to try to unity all the alters, the “original self” would probably scream, smoke and burn in the flesh like in HELL right before your eyes. Again, can a young sister like Ms. Rye be saved for the sake of all of us? I DON’T KNOW. Could prayer help her. Yes, all of God’s Children deserve prayer, and for our very own souls, I will certainly pray for her freedom.


Some say that this picture of “Obama and the Little Asian Girl” could have been Photoshop-ed, but proof appears lacking. Here, we certainly have solid picture proof of some type of Obama meltdown, breakdown or malfunction of a type that defy and offend our moral standards, human dignity and sensibilities. On the other hand, Barack Obama is one of Dr. Mengele’s Boys from Brazil. He is man-made and created.

He is a human cyborg that comes with a microchip, keyboard and software. Nevertheless, he, also, is subject to breakdown and malfunction just like any other machine. Is there a reprogramming problem with Obama? His sudden and prolonged removal from the United States and public view may involve top secret reprogramming attempts by Britain and their American Cousins. If he can’t be reprogrammed, he poses enough of a security risk and threat to be dropped in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. What about Michelle Obama? 

Can she be saved? Certainly. Since they left the White House on January 19, 2017, Michelle has also been politically Missing-in-Action“.  She has undergone extensive secret MK ULTRA selective memory eraser procedures and amnesia blocks implantation since his/her sham vacation on Necker Island.

Kanye West went through the same CIA memory eraser procedure not because of the Jay Z, Beyonce and the ILLUMINATI charges, but because of mass public exposure of what he saw and heard in secret in Israel with the Kardashian Clan regarding the ancient Masonic World Satanic Cult of Mary Magdalene.

I will say it until I turn blue, not midnight blue, THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH YOU! 


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Rye

[2] http://dodoodad.com/angela-rye-biography/

[3] http://www.impact-dc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/sponsorship-packet.pdf

[4] http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/09/05/congressional-black-caucus-deep-in-the-israel-lobbys-pocket/

[5] http://www.earthops.org/cult/west.html

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_Alighieri

[7] http://www.gracetheology.com/newtestament/revelation/rev09.htm

[8] Ross, Peter, A Standard History of Freemasonry in the State of New York, The Lewis Publishing Co., NY (1899), pg. 580

[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bard

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven_and_Hell_(essay)

[11] https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/5tt3q3/aldous_huxley_heaven_and_hell_on_schizophrenia/

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Cardona

[13] http://www.express.co.uk/expressyourself/60629/The-Nazi-cocaine-connection

[14] http://articles.latimes.com/2012/nov/13/world/la-fg-colombia-nazi-20121114

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Cardona

[16] https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-1996-09-12/html/CREC-1996-09-12-pt1-PgH10355.htm

[17] https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/ron-brown-and-michael-a-brown-amid-a-fathers-legacy-a-sons-own-path/2011/03/26/AFD3Fh5B_story.html?utm_term=.04aac911ebf8

[18] http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/president/players/brown.html

[19] http://articles.latimes.com/1986-03-07/news/mn-16184_1_voodoo-priest

[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Cardona

[21] https://www.redflagnews.com/headlines-2016/cnn-panelist-bill-clinton-rape-allegations-are-f-ing-ridiculous-dude

[22] https://www.paradise-engineering.com/brain/

[23] https://www.wireheading.com/robert-heath.html

[24] Id.

[25] https://www.wireheading.com/robert-heath.html

[26] https://www.wireheading.com/robert-heath.html

[27] http://www.tmz.com/2017/01/18/obama-family-stay-ambassador-home-palm-springs/

[28] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-costos/a-passion-for-service_b_3894647.html

[29] http://freemasoninformation.com/masonic-education/famous/united-states-masonic-presidents/

[30] https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2013-07-30/html/CREC-2013-07-30-pt1-PgS6068.htm

[31] http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/lowellsun/obituary.aspx?n=george-costos&pid=122835949

[32] http://www.ahepafirst.com/2-4BriefAhepaHist.htm

[33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drawing_down_the_Moon_(ritual)

[34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiron

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonlight_(2016_film)

[36] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truman_Doctrine

[37] Id.

[38] http://www.reformation.org/assassination-of-president-roosevelt.html

[39] https://ahepa.org/uploads/pdf/06-30-08AHEPA.pdf

[40] https://web.stanford.edu/~ichriss/Couvaras.htm

[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_B._Johnson

[42] http://www.theonion.com/article/obama-publishes-tell-all-book-about-america-26520

[43] https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1566968

[44] http://www.whale.to/c/james_alefantis_and_comet_pizza.html

[45] https://pando.com/2015/07/15/apa-cia/

[46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_Organization

[47] http://www.assatashakur.com/cointelpro-blackpanthers.htm

[48] http://www.alternet.org/investigations/was-rfks-confessed-assassin-subject-govt-program-create-hypnotized-killers

[49] http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389×3101300


30 09 2016



September 8, 2016


Across America, September 2016, THE SATANIC 9TH (NINTH MONTH) has been an extraordinary month of Shadow Government- Masonic false flags, strategy of tension, and coordinated CIA- Military Intelligence psychological warfare diversion operations, campaigns and programs. Most of the racial tension, murders, stabbings, and bombings moving across America are for the most part manufactured. For each and every of them, corporate mass media write the scripts and spread the narratives coordinated with U.S. intelligence agencies and agents. For the most part, the journalists are intelligence assets- part of Project MOCKINGBIRD.

For those unfamiliar, Project MOCKINGBIRD (Propaganda BranchReich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda ) was a SS Knights of the Black Sun and CIA clandestine operation that began in the 1950s around Operation PAPERCLIP (infiltration of the SS in America) to force and control public opinion. They, the men in black suits without the lightning bolts, swastikas and cross and bones insignias, intimidated and forced journalists across the United States to combine with the Project. Project MOCKINGBIRD is still clandestine, and deeply embedded in the fabric of American journalism. The scope of SS/CIA MOCKINGBIRD infiltration of the media was vast, encompassing newspapers, periodicals, press services, news agencies, radio and television stations, book publishers and foreign media outlets.

From 2015 emails from Hilary Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs at the time, Philip J. Crowley, it exposed the U.S. State Department of “planting” a number of “questions and concerns” to manipulate and control the narrative of a CBS News 60 minutes piece on WikiLeaks, featuring Julian Assange. Project MOCKINGBIRD is stronger than ever.

For September 2016, they put Colin Kaepernick at the top their agenda for the 15th Anniversary of Rethink September 9-11. All they had to do was puff up his protest- refusal to stand before the flag and the singing of the American National Anthem during globally popular televised NFL football games that reach hundreds of millions at one of the most sensitive times of the 21st century to divide the nation against itself.


One image that Project MOCKINGBIRD and corporate mass media exploited for psychological warfare diversion and distraction objectives was particularly chilling. It showed Kaepernick, (Clandestine Luciferian Masonic Knight) refusing to stand during the national anthem while a wounded veteran that loss his legs for his country bracing himself on his wheel chair to stand in allegiance to his flag and nation during the national anthem.

All the global sensationalized mass slayings, stabbings, murders and bombings that happened during Project MOCKINGBIRD’s “September 2016 Fear Campaignin the U.S. has to be re-evaluated, reconsidered and reclassified as U.S. intelligence PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE- PSYOPS.

Re-Thinking Colin Kaepernick    


Colin Kaepernick does exactly what he is told by the Masonic Luciferian Shadow Government, and the ILLUMINATI. He is undoubtedly BOULE-  A DAMN GOAT RIDER.


He was initiated into the Masonic Fraternal Order of Kappa Alpha Psi on the pagan Delphic Altar.[1]


Kneeling Knight Templar in Prayer

KNIGHTS’ HELMET ON THE KAPPA ALPHA PSI SHIELD: It was customary to place a helmet above the shield after battle or fray. The visor is closed. It makes an excellent symbol of brotherhood secrecy.


Kneeling Knights in Prayer

Don’t get it twisted. Kappas are serious “Knights of the Alpha” like something out of the bowels of the myths of medieval Luciferian Knights Templar, and Fallen Angels, King Arthur and the Round Table. The KNEEL ON ONE KNEE  is symbolic of a KNIGHT in PRAY to his god, the BAPHOMET.


Their creed is a brotherhood of secrecy. One of the DIVINE 9 (NINE) Negro Luciferian societies, Kappa Alpha Psi was founded in 1911 as a secret college front for Prince Hall Freemasons, and the Grand Masonic Lodge of England.[2]


In preparations for ALL their meetings and their initiation process, “the Altar of Kappa Alpha Psi, which is the Sacred Delphic Shrine, shall be placed in the center of the room and covered with a crimson and cream coverlet (p.14 of ritual book).” The Delphic Shrine is significant in the Greek polytheistic religion because it was the shrine of the GOD APOLLO. It was his most important place of worship where his oracle presided and prophesied. Kappa Alpha Psi’s members kneel at the Delphic shrine, the shrine of the god Apollo and swear their allegiance to it.[3]


APOLLO is identified with Lucifer, originally a Roman god associated with the morning star.[4] Well, it looks as if Colin Kaepernick is fading out into the background after 9-11. He never did address the elders and Black Folk on his sensational corporate mass media U.S. flag protest as he said that he would. He hasn’t donated that million dollars to organizations that concentrate on police brutality, either. When he does set it up through a web page, you’ll have to crawl and beg for the money. The NFL ILLUMINATI’s U.S. flag protest doesn’t appear to be such a big deal after all to corporate mass media any longer, particularly, after the covert 9-11 15th anniversary mass diversion campaign.


Kaepernick and George Washington, Kneeling Knights & Freemasons in Prayer

In fact, the ILLUMINATI has turned him completely around on the masses, and has thrown him right back in our faces as an American PATRIOT.


He is a Knight, a Masonic GOAT MAN, Patron of God Pan, first and foremost.


Kaepernick & the Dark Knight, Kneeling Knights

Kaepernick is dual- GOOD and EVIL. He is a Knight of the DARK and the LIGHT.


He is linked directly to a secret Saudi Wahhabi Satanic Imperialist, Nessa Diab, that has no Respect or Love for the People.



September 20, 2016


For the past couple of days, I have been overly consumed with the facts and circumstances surrounding the case of Keith Lamont Scott, and the sudden rash of psychological warfare (psyop) divisive Muslim terror attacks around the nation.

I wake up in the middle of the night sweating, perplexed and afraid.  Something just isn’t right, I keep saying to myself. I have been consumed reading some extraordinary racial inflammatory blogs and posts about Scott, his family and Black Folk in general. I have been preoccupied trying to respond to some of the more racially inflammatory sites. Basically, I saying that the way the Charlotte PD are handling the Scott’s case is unusual and strange according to my own working experience dealing with police misconduct and abuse cases.


In Los Angeles, I worked at the Greater Watts Justice Center on Central Avenue in the heart of the 1965 Watts Rebellion. The center was built on top of once was nothing but burned rubble and ashes. The center was unique in the country, because it was setup as a legal office that provided residents with free legal assistance in criminal cases.


The center’s board of directors and attorneys decided that the center would make police brutality, abuse and misconduct cases a program priority. I was a senior law student, but I legally sat at the defense table as an essential part of the legal team. That’s the way they were rolling with senior white and black patsy law students to merge them quietly into the system, and the DA had teams of them. So, I rolled right in with the flow. Everybody knew that I was one of Huey’s Princes out of Oakland, and I had absolutely no intention of joining their covenant of silence, sacred Satanic clubs or secret inner circles. They hated my presence so much at the defense table that you would have thought that I was the lead attorney. The DA would usually re-organize his entire team and case theory to try to neutralize my presence and appearance in the courtroom. The white lead attorney from the center would always tell me when the judge called him into chambers to offer him things, club memberships, jobs and opportunities to get me off the defense table. Every case that I worked at the defense table was tense, charged with sparks of electricity. The kitchen was sizzling hot, and I wasn’t going nowhere until we fought blow for blow until justice was done. It wasn’t any game fighting toe to toe against the rich, powerful, and people with guns and a license to kill. Yes, I was very much personally afraid, but it didn’t seem to no longer matter when we drew the line and locked horns in battle.

This man is identified as Scott’s brother.  I find that it hard to believe that he has no tears for his brother. As as a people, we were taught ages ago to weep and moan for our dead and departed (Old Mary Don’t You Weep, Tell Martha Not to Moan …). I know this that I would have moaned and cried out at the sudden death of my beloved. I am not sure who he really is, but what he cries in crisis and CHAOS serves the interest of the ILLUMINATI.

This is allegedly Keith Scott’s sister that also seems, unnaturally, has  no tears for her slain brother. On video tape, she refused to identify herself. Nevertheless, she also has been identified as Scott’s daughter, Lyric. Who is she if she is not Lyric? I am not sure, but what she screams in crisis and CHAOS also serves the interest of the ILLUMINATI.

I must admit that I had been emotionally caught up going over the video tapes at Scott’s crime scene. Usually corporate mass media will delete or edit out graphic racist, incendiary and inflammatory language. But in Scott’s case, all of the race baiting, and racial divisive language from black folk are in video news soundtracks down to the smallest details as if it is deliberate. Then like on cue, all of the State’s global white and black professional (psyops) and Operation MOCKINGBIRD race baiting pundits move in mass- see, black people are racist. On the black hand side, there are people saying yes-yes. The Scott’s case is proof positive that you are justified in your suspicions that the white man is the DEVIL. I have responded to those also. Let’s return to science, fact gathering and balanced reason would call out in the back of my mind.

The Charlotte PD throw out a bone of contention in corporate mass media. We rush over and bite it. See-See, we say among the masses. They throw out another bone. We rush over and bite. See-See, we say. They throw out one after another. Since Scott’s slaying on September 20, 2016, I have been caught up in the same mass hysteria of biting one bone after another like a mob. Then, I realized that I was being manipulated. I had been caught in Dr. Gregory Bateson’s Classic Double Bind- Mass Manipulated Insanity Without Disease. I had to go back to basics, science, fact gathering and balance reason would call out in the back of my mind.

It should be crystal clear that the Charlotte PD is playing a game with the masses by deliberately releasing details of evidence in the case by the piecemeal. “In the interest of full transparency, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police must stop releasing information to the public on a piecemeal basis and disclose all remaining body and dash camera footage, as well as audio of dispatch recordings, of the moments before and after Mr. Scott was killed,” Susanna Birdsong, Policy Counsel for the ACLU of North Carolina, said Monday.

The public and Mr. Scott’s family deserve to see and hear all available information about whether something was in his hand and why a man who was suspected of no crime, other than the newly disclosed accusation that he possessed a minor amount of marijuana, is now dead,” she added.[5]

We live in the 21st Century. There is a well established police science to all of this. We can stand by science and determine in Keith Lamont Scott’s case whether what we see disclosed is actual NATURAL AND PHYSICAL EVIDENCE or LYING EVIDENCE.


However, there is another complex and significant wrinkle in the case. Charlotte sits inside a literal matrix of a vast Satanic Military Industrial Complex that includes Kay Griggs’ Fort Bragg; and U.S. Marine Base Camp Lejeune, the Center of the New World Order Pedophile and Satanic Matrix that maybe clandestinely involved in shadows of the case.  The bottom line is who benefits in the global big picture from mass public hysteria and CHAOS in Charlotte and across America?




I was so caught up in the hysteria that I also started to spread it. I was emotionally shaken and traumatized by what appears to have been the visible slaying of Keith Scott that there was a SCREAM for Scott and his family inside of me. I lost sight of some of the small details of the fight and struggle. In these type of cases, we must arm ourselves with natural and physical science, and controlled balanced emotion. Scott was allegedly shot four (4) times. Yet, there doesn’t appear to be not any blood at the crime scene.

myconfusionnoblood You have the visible play between the black and red shirt officers with the black gloves. They put them on. They take them off. They throw them on the ground, then pick them up.

You wouldn’t necessarily do that if there are body fluids present from the victim. And, there should be some bodily fluids present at a scene of a victim shot multiple times.


Charlotte PD are seen manually moving Scott’s body without black gloves. They took his pants off without gloves. There doesn’t seem to be any blood anyplace. The cop that allegedly shot Scott didn’t turn on his police body cam in clear violation of Charlotte PD policy, and that is arguable the deliberate suppression of the silent video witness in the case.[6] They didn’t want the masses to witness a critical piece of history and evidence. There has been no mention of Scott’s scientific medical autopsy.

myconfusionrayetta Shoot and slaughter my wife or family member in front of me, I most likely would have lost my mind and my life, too. I just don’t hear the anguish in Rakeyia Scott’s heart and soul coming from her voice who is allegedly personally witnessing the cold blood slaying of her beloved husband. I must admit to watch it and hear it played out on video was so painful for me that the pain that I felt, and the SCREAM that I heard was my very own.


Keith had worked as a security guard with PSC Security in Gastonia, NC.[7] PSC was founded in 1985 by Moshe Alon, a former Israeli Secret Service AgentPSC began as a consulting firm to Fortune 500 companies with the threats of terrorism worldwide.[8] Talk about a real big BAD and extremely DANGEROUS SIGN! The Israeli Secret Service is the dreaded MOSSAD.[9]


Moshe Alon was Elizabeth Taylor, and Michael Jackson’s bodyguard and, quiet as kept, [fallen] guardian angel that may have been at the center of his liquidation.[10] In 1985, Alon was brought into the country as a consultant for the dreaded LAPD. He’s founded his own 700-employee Pacific Security Consultants (PSC).[11] He is a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), and a major elite international criminal public corruption figure in the country.[12],[13] Alon and the MOSSAD may be linked to the sudden rash of national false flag Manchurian Candidate Muslim terrorist attacks at shopping centers. I believe that PSC is a covert CIA/MOSSAD cutout and front.


Scott’s mother has disclosed that he was a devout Muslim. His family members and witnesses said that he read the Holy Quran daily, and had been reading the Quran just before the “jump out boys” attacked him. What kind of Muslim was Scott? What mosque did he attend? Nobody has come forth to say anything about Scott’s Muslim affiliation other than his mother.

So what kind of devout Muslim could Keith Lamont Scott have been? Other than his mother, the record is empty. If he belonged to a mosque, his brothers have not stepped forward to grieve or comfort his family. It is as if he was no Muslim at all- A Pseudo Muslim that fit the description of Wahhabi Influences. That’s the way the CIA and Mossad roll these days.

The Islamic State

“When the fictional Al Qaeda had outlived its usefulness, the intelligence agencies responsible for 9/11 continued their collaboration, creating an actual Islamic terrorist organization capable of centralizing all radical Islamic actions across the world, using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest. This organization is known as The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL‎), Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) or the Islamic State (IS).

Key members of IS were trained by US CIA and Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012. The US, Turkish and Jordanian intelligence were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region, conveniently near the borders to both Syria and Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the two Gulf monarchies most involved in funding the war against Syria’s Assad, financed the Jordan IS training.

The leader of IS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been reputed to be a Mossad-trained operative whose real name is Elliot Shimon, the son of Jewish parents, who took intensive military training for a year from Mossad as well as courses in theology and Arabic speech.

IS revives the violent Wahhabi imperialism of the first Saudi state as well as its original purpose. Targeting especially Syria, Iraq and Iran, their goal is to turn the entire Middle East into vassal states of the British-American-Israeli alliance by any means possible. This plot is unfolding as we speak.”[14]



September 17, 2016


On September 17, 2016, at about 9:30 a.m., a pipe bomb exploded in a trash can along the route of a U.S. Marine Corps charity run in Seaside Park. No one was injured. Later that day, at about 8:30 p.m., a homemade pressure cooker bomb exploded on West 23rd Street in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.[15]

On September 19, 2016, the FBI identified Ahmad Khan Rahami as a primary suspect in all of the incidents. He was captured hours later after a shootout in Linden, New Jersey. The shootout left Rahami and three police officers injured.[16] Rahami’s father, Mohammad Rahami, has ties to CIA Saudi Wahhabi Jihadi warriors operating in Afghanistan. According to a friend of the family, Jonathan Wagner, “Mohammad Rahami told him he was from Kandahar and had been part of the mujaheddin [Osama bin Laden] in Afghanistan that fought the Soviet Army.[17]


The weird story line is that Rahami was discovered sleeping after 6:00 a.m. in a small glass enclosed vestibule of Harinder Bains’ Merdie’s Tavern in Linden, NJ. A little after 9:00 a.m., Bains said that the police responded to the call that a man that may match the description of the Chelsea bombing suspect may be sleeping in the bar’s vestibule like a “Duck in a Noose“. Do you really believe that the police that seems be scared of everybody brown-skinned would approach Rahami asleep in the small glass disclosure without their guns drawn? No!


CIA MK/ULTRA mind control programmers and handlers have had the psychological technical ability for decades to use fairy tales, legends, code words, keys or post-hypnotic suggestions to program subjects like Ahmad Khan Rahami to go to sleep at a prearranged place,


thus allowing themselves to be “caught” in a noose by a police that had been told exactly who they were, what car they were driving, and where they could be found asleep like a baby wrapped in a blanket inside a cradle nicely tucked away inside a display window on the corner.[18] You can’t get any more absolutely unbelievable and preposterous than that. But, that is the official police story line.

According to Bains, the police responded to his call immediately because it was a possibility of the sleeper being the Chelsea bomber, but the police officers that arrived on the scene found him found him sleeping like a “Duck in a Noose“, but treated Rahami like a courtesy wake up and move along call. Rahami pulled a gun from a fanny pack and started firing at police through the glass from inside the vestibule. He wounded two to three officers in a running gun battle. THAT DOG DON’T HUNT. Now contrast this story line with Keith Lamont Scott suspected of possessing a marijuana blunt and a hand gun inside a vehicle With guns drawn, it was like come out or we’ll bust the windows in.


Ahmad’s wife, Asia Bibi Rahami, returned to the U.S. overnight September 22, 2016. Asia Rahami’s travel comes before Ahmad’s mother, Najiba, and brother left the U.S. on August 24, 2016 for Turkey.[19]


Most recently as of September 28, 2016, Mohammad Rahami told ABC News that his wife and one of this sons have been detain in Afghanistan, after being suddenly pulled off a flight in Dubai for questioning or debriefing by authorities. According to Mohammed, Asia Rahami had left the U.S. in June, 2016 for dental work in Afghanistan.[20] As I observed before, where are the Rahami’s getting that type of money to travel so freely internationally on the other side of midnight even for dental appointments, when they live above the Elizabethan CHICKEN SHACK in Governor Chris Christie’s State of New Jersey.

myconfusionrahamisleep Ahmad Khan Rahami is a hapless multi-generational Manchurian Candidate and a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Saudi Wahhabi Jihadi warrior that as of September 26, 2016 was still unconscious- fast asleep like a ZOMBIE.


“Allahu Akbar” & the ZOMBIE MALL STABBER

September 17, 2016


On Saturday, September 17, 2016, at about 8:45 p.m., a mass stabbing occurred at the Crossroads Center Shopping Mall in St. Cloud, MN. Ten people were injured by an assailant wearing a security guard uniform. The attacker, Dahir A. Adan, age 22, was shot dead inside the mall by an off-duty law enforcement officer. Until June, Adan had worked as a part-time security guard on weekends at Electrolux, a home appliance shop, inside the mall. He was an employee of Securitas.[21]

Securitas AB, based in Stockholm, Sweden, is one of the largest global private security, clandestine paramilitary-counterintelligence spy organizations in the world. In 2003, it bought out the classic Pinkerton Detective Agency. During the 19th century, Pinkerton was the country’s Military IntelligenceCIA and FBI. Pinkerton spied for the Union Army during the Civil War and investigated cases of counterfeiting. It was Pinkerton that introduced the mugs shot and the rap sheet.[22]

“He looked me dead in the eyes,” Ryan Schliep, a stabbing victim, told The Washington Post. “He had a pretty emotionless face, just a blank stare.”[23]

It appears like the manufactured mass stabbing event in St. Cloud was no more than a little gay festive affair by the glee of the U.S. Military “Five Minute Stabbing Victim”, and CRISIS ACTOR.



The victims that survived the infamous unprovoked MK ULTRA Zebra Murders and false flag racial attacks of the early 1970s described their assailants as virtual robots: Angela Roselli, He had this ZOMBIE LOOK…”“His face was devoid of emotion; There was no hostility in it, just BLANK, STARING EYES”; “…he looked to be in some kind of state”; “It was like he was in a TRANCEhe was looking at me, but he was looking through me.[24]


The first officer on the scene of the Beatle John Lennon 1980 assassination described Mark David Chapman, above, as having a BLANK STARE, like a programmed killer.”[25]

Adan was born in Kenya and moved to the U.S. at the age of two. He was described by a community spokesman as having no record of violence, and as a good student throughout his educational career at [God] Apollo High School. He had last attended St. Cloud State University in the spring of 2016. He had three previous encounters with police for minor traffic violations.

However, nobody talked about his mother and father. Adan’s family are part of a large community of Somali Muslims in St. Cloud. Both the CIA and the Wahhabis al Shabaab are using the Minnesota Somali community as prime recruiting grounds and it appears that the global security giant Securitas in secretly right in the middle of it all.

In 2015, Abdirizak Mohamed Warsame, 20, of Eagan, was charged with one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization and one count of providing such support. Warsame had been recruited out of his $14 a hour job with Securitas AB to join Wahhabi Jihad Warriors most likely for a substantial bigger paycheck fighting in Syria with al-Shabab. About a dozen Minnesota residents have traveled to Syria to join jihadist groups there since late 2013. In addition, more than 22 young men from Minnesota’s Somali community have left the state since 2007 to join al-Shabab in Somalia, Turkey and Syria. 

Adan resigned from his part-time job with Securitas AB in June 2016, but it appears that he had been recruited by intelligence agencies to infiltrate and spy on al-Shabab, but he knew far too much to just walk away, or he had been a double agent. Roughly 12 hours after the stabbings, a news agency said to speak for ISIL went to Twitter to claim credit for the mall violence. “The executor of the stabbing attacks in Minnesota yesterday was a soldier of the Islamic State and carried out the operation in response to the citizens of countries belonging to the crusader coalition,” the posting by the AMAQ news agency read.[26]

What kind of Muslim was Adan? The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL‎), Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) or the Islamic State (IS) claimed him as a Saudi Wahhabi Muslim Warrior.[27]



September 23, 2016


On September 23, 2016, five people were killed in a mass shooting at the Cascade [Shopping] Mall in Burlington, Washington by an assassin armed with a BX-25 Ruger 10/22 rifle with a high capacity 25 round magazine. The perpetrator was an immigrant from Adana, Turkey, Arcan Cetin, 20-years-old. There is no established motive for the mass killings.[28] Multiple sources seem to confirm that Cetin was a Turkish Muslim.[29]


Cetin was born in Turkey in 1996, and brought into America at seven (7) years old. He had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. He had been taken unspecified medications in the past, and most likely law enforcement agencies and corporate mass media will not disclose his MK ULTRA psychotic drug regimen.[30] He graduated last year from a high school and had resided in Oak Harbor, a rural community in western Washington about 30 miles from the mall where he is accused of opening fire.


U.S. Navy Whidbey Island Project Olympic, “I suggest peninsula residents stock up on tin foil- double-laying the foil will help protect your brain from mind-control waves.”[31]


Oak Harbor is a military town on Whidbey Island (Naval Air Station Whidbey Island), reached by bridge or ferry. The US Navy on Whidbey Island is secretly involved in Northwest Electromagnetic Radiation Warfare research, development, training and experimentation (Project Olympic).[32]

Britain’s Daily Mail wrote that research in electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the USA and Russia since the 1950’s and that previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes. High doses of microwave can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behavior or even drive victims to suicide.[33]


The Washington Navy Yard alleged shooter Aaron Alexis’ detailed career with U.S. intelligence agencies will remain inside a deep freezer. In the State of Washington, while working on a classified project for the U.S. Navy, Alexis suffered, including anxiety, paranoia and hearing voices inside his skull while passing the Whidbey area by car twice in June 2013 (Alexis: My Casio G-shock watch malfunctioned and the radio went dead.) Naval Reserve Intelligence Area One/Northwest (ONI) is based at Whidbey Island.[34]


A Whidbey Island Navy base spokesman confirmed to The Washington Post that Cetin worked at the commissary on the base between 2012 and 2013 when he was in high school. It was the same time that Alexis had been in the area. The spokesman did in fact confirm that Cetin was a dependent of a U.S. Navy retiree but did not, of course, specify who that was because it was/is likely a foreign (Turkey) national secret ONI or CIA asset. Cetin also had a dependent’s identification card that allowed him access to various facilities that mostly include ONI at the Naval base.[35] Google it. Corporate mass media will not openly as they normally would do in mass shootings investigate or expose Cetin’s father, step-father or mother’s name or their occupations. That’s O.K., because we should be able to figure out the rest of the story. Since 1955, the U.S. government has maintained the vital Incirlik Air Base in a quarter of the city of Adana, Turkey that boarders Syria. This is where Cetin was born and his step-father, and mother came from.[36]


Cetin, and mother, above, and step-father are believed to be Turkish takfiri Wahhabi Muslims. One of the main tenets of Abd al-Wahhab’s doctrine has become the key idea of takfir. Under the takfiri doctrine, Abd al-Wahhab and his followers could deem fellow Muslims infidels should they engage in activities that in any way could be said to encroach on the sovereignty of the absolute Authority (that is, the King). Abd al-Wahhab denounced all Muslims who honored the dead, saints, or angels. He held that such sentiments detracted from the complete subservience one must feel towards God, and only God. Wahhabi Islam thus bans any prayer to saints and dead loved ones, pilgrimages to tombs and special mosques, religious festivals celebrating saints, the honoring of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, and even prohibits the use of gravestones when burying the dead.[37]

Their home base, Adana, Turkey conceals a large training ground for ISIL Islamic State Jihadist terrorists and the Free Syrian Army, a 20-year-old jihadist captured by the Kurdish YPG told Sputnik, “In August 2014, I was training in the Turkish town of Adana with one of ISIL’s Emirs,” Abdulhadi said, adding his month-long training was completed with 60 other fighters in a camp “not far from the [Incirlik Air Base] airport.”[38] Arcan Cetin is a foreign national ONI asset, and also a multi-generational Wahhabi Jihadist CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate.


[1] http://watchtheyard.com/kappas/kappa-alpha-psi-colin-kaepernick-time-magazine/

[2] http://www.deltonalodge756.org/default.asp?PageID=10008546

[3] http://www.dontgogreek.com/downloads/GLOexpose.pdf

[4] http://www.angelfire.com/dragon3/understandinglucifer/

[5] http://www.wafb.com/story/33206681/aclu-stop-releasing-piecemeal-information-release-entire-keith-scott-video

[6] http://reason.com/blog/2016/09/26/no-body-cam-from-cop-who-killed-keith-sc

[7] http://www.twcnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2016/09/26/court-records-details-keith-scott-s-criminal-history.html#/1

[8] http://pscsite.com/

[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad

[10] http://alchrista.tumblr.com/post/5547129382/moshe-alon-ex-bodyguard-of-mj-and-bodyguard

[11] http://nypost.com/2000/08/06/israeli-goes-from-secret-service-to-celeb-service/

[12] http://www.icsc.org/

[13] http://www.floridabulldog.org/2015/12/firm-tied-to-us-rep-lois-frankel-gets-no-bid-contract-owner-gives-her-campaign-11k/

[14] https://medium.com/@AspieSavant/the-wahhabi-connection-a04191cd7e93#.yhd21a70h

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_New_York_and_New_Jersey_bombings

[16] Id.

[17] http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/09/20/nynj-bombers-wife-mia/

[18] http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1725.cfm

[19] http://abc7ny.com/news/wife-of-bombing-suspect-ahmad-khan-rahami-returns-to-united-states/1521898/

[20] http://abc7ny.com/news/ahmad-rahamis-dad-speaks-out-in-abc-news-interview/1529986/

[21] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/19/dahir-adan-the-somali-computer-student-who-stabbed-nine-in-minne/

[22] http://old.post-gazette.com/headlines/20000213security1.asp

[23] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/09/18/man-shot-dead-after-stabbing-8-people-in-a-minnesota-mall/?utm_term=.7136a367c0cb

[24] http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/mass/zebra_murders/6.html

[25] http://www.alef.net/ALEFWorks/Notices/ALEFNotices-2011-01-08.Asp

[26] http://pamelageller.com/2016/09/minnesota-mall-jihad-stabbed-idd-as-dahir-adan-muslim-migrant.html/

[27] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alastair-crooke/isis-wahhabism-saudi-arabia_b_5717157.html

[28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Cascade_Mall_shooting

[29] http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/09/24/arcan-cetin-burlington-shooter-id-immigrant-turkey/

[30] http://abc7ny.com/news/docs-alleged-washington-mall-shooter-arcan-cetin-confessed/1526852/

[31] http://www.behindmyback.org/category/electronic-warfare/page/2/

[32] http://www.wanttoknow.info/secrecynewsstories-0-10000

[33] http://www.globalresearch.ca/psychotronic-and-electromagnetic-weapons-remote-control-of-the-human-nervous-system/5319111

[34] http://rockthetruth2.blogspot.com/2014/03/fire-away-friday-aggravation-of-aaron.html


[36] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incirlik_Air_Base

[37] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alastair-crooke/isis-wahhabism-saudi-arabia_b_5717157.html

[38] https://www.rt.com/news/327222-isis-fighters-turkey-training/


16 07 2016


In this post about Micah X. Johnson and the July 7, 2016 Dallas False Flag, I had mulled over that association for hours before I posted it whether or not it was Justin J. Everman or Jason Everman that co-founded The Academy of Combative Warrior Arts (A.C.W.A.). There was a lot of confusion on the internet about the two names. After constant study of the subject, I concluded that the J in Justin’s middle was Jason that accounted for the confusion. However, I have been so informed by a comment that it is Justin J. Everman, not Jason Everman, formerly of Nirvana, that founded ACWA. However, I anticipated to be corrected on some facts regarding the civilian mercenary warrior community. I respect that. Thank You. I hereby retract any association of Justin J. Everman with Jason Everman that I had concluded in this post. I regret any misinformation that has been generated because of the confusion of the two names. However, I stand my assertion that ACWA’s had been Micah X. Johnson’s military intelligence and CIA handler.


MICAH XAVIER JOHNSON DIDN’T DO IT. Don’t it TWISTED. He was a Black Manchurian Candidate/Patsy of the Luciferian New World Order. It seems as though every Boot-licking Handkerchief Head Negro in America including his own mother had father have given up the Ghost that 25 year old Micah Johnson was the lone wolf Dallas Assassin.  Along with the boot-licking jack leg black Masonic Goat-Riders in Congress, State, Local Government, Entertainers, Sports and Churches, even the so-called “black left” such as Black Agenda Report, Black Lives Matter and progressive radio stations like Pacifica KPFA will not speak TRUTH to POWER.

Their lips are sealed about Lucifer, the ILLUMINATI, New World Order, False Flag and Strategy of Tension Operations as if these terms are not part of the English Language, or of this WORLD. We, as a people, didn’t have a DAMN THING to do with killing white police officers in the Long Horn State of Texas. This SHIT will not be LEFT ON OUR DOOR STEP.

During the 1960s, we were taught certain cardinal rules. One of the rules that we were instructed to observe was that this system is reactionary. Where there is an action, particularly by Black people, there will be a reaction. It was like being constantly on guard against the Snap of the Dragon’s Tail. But, here, right now in America, the ILLUMINATI believe that they can SNAP THEIR TAIL whenever and for whatever reasons they choose and create- that is open criminal AGGRESSION against the People (CRIMES AGAINST DEMOCRACY) that has to be confronted and stopped. And, if the inner circle of Black Lives Matter can’t seem to develop strategies to protect and defend themselves, and the people that want to represent, they need to get out the game. Because right now, they appear as a front for the NWO to advance their agendas against the people without a defensive strategy.

August 2015, things weren’t sitting too pretty for the National Fraternity of Police. The Sandra Bland July 13, 2015 controversial arrest and death in the hands of Long Horn State Texas local police was still shaking up the nation. The police slayings of unarmed young Black males, Eric Garner in NY, 12 year old Tamir Rice of Cleveland, OH, Michael Brown of Ferguson, MO, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, MD, and many other people of color sparked protests in cities across the country, and national political upheaval.

Globally today in America, we sit in the very same position as in August 2015. Things aren’t sitting too pretty for this government, and the National Fraternity [Masonic] Order of Police. The masses were slowly reaching the conclusion that the Orlando Pulse Night Club Massacre was a false flag operation. James Wesley Howell had suddenly appeared out of the woodwork to squarely point the finger at the CIA in collaboration with the FBI and Masonic Order of Police for the massacre.

Now, there are protests and rallies sweeping across the country to express outrage over the recent viral cell phone video execution deaths of two black men at the hands of police, 37 year old Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, and 32 year old Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota. We should have expected the DRAGON TO SNAP ITS TAIL.

Texas God Damn


Dallas Police Chief, David Brown, At least “Two Snipers.”

On July 7, 2016 (777) in the Long Star State of Texas in the city of Dallas, shots rang out along the route of a Black Lives Matter protest and march that targeted police officers. They were 12 Dallas Police officers shot, five fatally. Dallas Police Chief Brown told an early morning press conference that “… snipers were working together with rifles, triangulated at elevated positions in different points in the downtown area where the march ended up going, the route of the march.”[1]


In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was fell by a triangulation (cross fire) of gunfire by a team of professional snipers and sharpshooters , above. Not long ago, I noted that triangulation (cross fire) of gunfire was used in the assassination of Dr. Marcus Foster and resident news reporter Chauncey Bailey in Oakland, CA. These assassinations were planned and executed by Strategy of Tension Professional, Gladio type, Hit Teams not stoned out local LSD and Crack-Cocaine abusers. In each case, the killings were blamed on local political dissenting groups. I had been caught up in the middle of both assassinations. I wasn’t sure of what was going on.


Well, OSWALD didn’t do it just the same that MICAH XAVIER JOHNSON didn’t do it!  The Washington Post reported at the time that Dallas Chief David Brown confirmed that there were four suspects: Dallas Police Chief David Brown…believes the four suspects worked together with rifles….”[2] It was widely reported by corporate mass media, multiple law enforcement agencies and the Dallas Police Department that the rifles used by the Dallas snipers were an antique East Block rifle designed in the 1940’s, the SKS.[3] It is consistent as a sniper weapon. The SKS sniper carbine was created in 1944 as a main Soviet Army sniper rifle. It is still used today as a sniper rifle.[4] The SKS was chambered for the 7.62X39mm, M43 round.[5]


A Saiga AK-74 style semiautomatic rifle was found beside Micah X. Johnson’s body, not a SKS sniper rifle. An AK-74 is chambered for the 5.45x39mm round, but can be converted to accept the 7.62X39mm clip and rounds.[6] However, people familiar the weapon say that the Dead Giveaway with the weapon shown above is that the hand guard is exclusively found on converted Saiga rifles. The mag is the right angle for a 5.45, not a 7.62. Since law enforcement agencies were so clear that the weapon used by snipers was the SKS, there can only be one conclusion that they found 7.62X39mm, M43 rounds at the crime scene.



In this recent sad and tragic leaked photo, it is tragic in the sense that 25 year old Johnson was most probably a betrayed U.S. Shadow Government black Patsy in Dallas, we find that Johnson’s attire and pants were basically beige not at all unlike Academi/Blackwater mercenary civilian warriors, discussed further below. Furthermore, Micah wasn’t blown-up and apart by C-4 explosives as we had been led to believe. In the early 1970’s, my friend and beloved brother in the struggle, Tommie, was blown-up by a planted C-4 bomb by a white female U.S. Agent Provocateur. There wasn’t enough left of Brother Tommie to piece together. My last words to Tommie was that as a nationalist brother, he had to find a way spiritually to resist people outside the community offering gift baskets to the struggle. I advised him to stay away from THEM. Brother Tommie was a good brother. Nevertheless, it looks as though Micah’s clothing and hands can be tested for gun residue to determine if he ever fired any weapon at all that evening.


I suspect that the true, dedicated and loyal soldier, Micah [“who is like God”], Xavier [“Jesuit Loyola”], was drawn into the Dallas false flag/strategy of tension operation believing it was a live shooter police/military drill that suddenly turned into something out of the scenes of the Parallax View. The Associated Press reported that Johnson scrawled the initials, RB, on the walls of the parking garage [El Centro College Building Not Garage] where he was holed up in a standoff with police. He used his own blood [the blood sacrifice] from an injury to write out the initials in a stairwell in the car garage, said UK Telegraph.[7] Rubidium is a chemical element with symbol Rb and atomic number 37, 3 Sevens (777), the secret code name of the Dallas Drill.[8]


The first appearance of kabbalah mystic, mysterious and magic 777 involving ancient alchemy elements of the Tree of Life was published anonymously in 1909 after the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley, had allegedly written it from memory in just a week. An introduction to one edition by “Frater N” states that Crowley may have published it anonymously because it was taken from a Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn manuscript that was obligatory for initiates to memorize.[9] The mystical term, “hermetic” is further discussed below.


Like Chris Sean Harper, the shadow government Black Manchurian Candidate/Pasty for the Umpqua Community College False Flag Massacre that occurred on October 1, 2015 in Oregon, Micah wasn’t very bright. He was a well below average student at Horn High School, in Mesquite, TX, who earned a 1.98 GPA, ranking him 430 of 453 among his peers.[10] He was very similar to Chris in another aspect, he doesn’t ever seemed to have had a girlfriend. Both Chris and Micah tried attending college, but either completed a class. Micah was a good soldier in this aspect- he was taught to follow SMEACmilitary field orders and his so-called “manifesto/journal” reflect that in which he had detailed “combativetactical movements to tried to memorize. It is an important piece to puzzle that led to his final demise.[11]


Strategy of Tension & Black Lives Matter

Scare Them, You Can Herd Them.


Secret for over 40 years, Gladio is a NATO-backed network of armed soldiers inside the nations of Europe, and the United States organized for effecting clandestine influence and control over national governments and democratic states of government.[12]

In addition to neutralizing and discrediting dissention and dissenting political groups, there had been a second, even darker aim behind Gladio, namely to inculcate a climate of fear among the general populace. This was known as the “Strategy of Tensionwhich was intended to generate a pervasive sense of fear which would encourage the population to appeal to the state for protection.[13] “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force the people, and the public in general to turn to the state to ask for greater security.[14]


Allen Franocovich’s very credible documentary on Gladio was broadcast, in full, on UK television on June 10, 1992, he described the aim of Gladio’s Strategy of Tension as to “‘destabilize in order to stabilize’… ‘To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.’[15] That’s the way they roll.


SNAP OF THE DRAGON’S TAIL, Shannon J. Miles & Texas God Damn


Insane Shannon J. Miles, February 2016, left from August 2015, right.

On August 28, 2015, the killing of Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth by a black man in Houston, TX went global. Texas law enforcement officials tried to tie Goforth’s slaying to the dissenting Black Lives Matter Movement.


Long Horn Texas Fraternal (Masonic) Order of Police

President Obama immediately jumped on that bandwagon, and used the opportunity to turn the tides of global opinion against police abuse of power, and the extra judicial executions of black and brown citizen. He openly grand stand-ed VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE OFFICERS, and for further Gun Control Laws as he did yesterday in the wake of the Dallas Strategy of Tension False Flag Operation that left 5 police officers dead.


Shannon J. Miles had been your last Long Horn Texas alleged global Black Lives Matter Terrorist accused of gunning down a law enforcement officer. Then, the case suddenly fell off the headlines. Why? Miles was/is confirmed medically and judicially mentally and clinically SCHIZOPHRENIC and INSANE.[16]  It isn’t necessary to terminate Shannon- DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. He is incapable of defending himself. They will take the most weakness and defenseless among us and use them as Black Manchurian Candidates and Patsies to advance the New World Order Agenda. They have been clandestinely rolling like that for decades in the Snap of the Dragon’s Tail.


During the late 1960s, CIA Project CHAOS, FBI CONINTELPRO, and the Oakland Police Department PANTHER SQUAD used to get a big kick and laugh out of dropping off schizophrenic patients, some still dressed in hospital gowns, at Black Panther Party rallies and meetings to join our ranks, and cause CHAOS in the Party. Being naturally inquisitive. If time, opportunity and circumstances allowed, I always asked questions about unusual Party situations and circumstances designed to cause CHAOS and DISCREDIT- snap of the dragon’s tail- that I was personally able to observe. In one case, I recall a female mental patient confessed to us that the police had her dropped off at one of our rallies deliberately to cause disruption and chaos. In tears, she said that she loved the Party and even though she was mentally disabled– she couldn’t and wouldn’t do it. Of course, the community at large moved in immediately to surround, protect, comfort and heal her.

I also clearly recall in others instances witnesses reporting seeing ambulances dumping mental patients off at our rallies, then speeding away. The beautiful thing about the Panthers and community at the time was that as soon as they were observed, and identified, community brothers and sisters with medical and psychological skills, moved in immediately to protect and take care of them. Whereas, we were able to move right back in order.

In another case, I saw it myself at a Free Huey Rally at Bobby Hutton Memorial Park in Oakland. It may have been a hour or so before the rally. We were called into order and formation, I observed an extremely large brother, about 6′ 8′, 350+ pounds, among us. He wasn’t a member, but at public rallies we were always inclusive of all the people. It wasn’t an unusual occasion. However, I observed a fresh hospital gown under his black leather jacket. He was acting erratic, strange and peculiar, and that stood out too. He was straight out of a psychiatric ward.

Even though, he was very sick mentally. He was still used as an agent provocateur and we had to take that very seriously. As unusual, we expected hundreds of women, children and elders to attend the rally along with writers, journalists, national and international news, political figures and mass media celebrity guests that reach thousands if not millions around the world. It was an idea time for the dragon to snap its tail.

They had dressed him up with a black beret and leather jacket and dropped him off at the rally. Soon, it became very clear that this brother knew the evil, and the mission (SMEAC) that he was to carry out. He had been promised drugs or other some earthly reward. He was too weak in mind and flesh to resist. The only reward that we could offer him was spiritual. He was an extremely large, strong and aggressive schizophrenic sent in to disrupt and harm the rally to discredit, and neutralize the reputation of the Panthers before the eyes of the masses.

This particularly brother. We had to handle, and de-escalate the threat to the people. I was one of the brothers that moved in to surround him to protect him from himself. We had to stick by love with his brother during the entire rally, and 24 hours. Whatever harm and damage to the people and community that he could do that day, and he was drugged/programmed and indeed tried to cause substantial harm, was to be directly connected to the Panthers and the Free Huey Rally.

De-escalating the threat from this particular brother running at muck in the community was extremely trying, tense and very dangerous at times. After 24 hours of what seemed like never ending hell, whatever psychotic drugs or power of suggestion that he had been suffering under finally wore down. He finally came to some sense of love, respect and responsibility to his community. He took off the black beret and leather jacket and went home with a great deal of love and respect that he expressed for the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. We at no time harmed this brother. We just have to do more to be aware of the snap of the tail of the dragon, help and protect our defenseless, weak and sick not only from us, but from themselves.


In the killing of Deputy Goforth alleged to have been a Black Lives Matter Terrorist attack against police officers, there is a grainy surveillance photo of a black man similar to Shannon J. Miles with a gun allegedly moving toward the gas station where Goforth was shot. But, there is no surveillance footage evidence of Shannon shooting Goforth or harming anybody. As far as I know, Shannon was not tested by Long Horn Texas for simple Gun Shot Residue, or GSR. It is a very simple and inexpensive means of testing whether or not an individual may have discharged a firearm, especially a person previously adjudicated by the state to be SCHIZOPHRENIC and INSANE. At the time of the shooting of Deputy Goforth, Shannon didn’t possess the mental capacity to plan and execute an elaborate plan to gun down police officers and escape capture. Clinically, Shannon wasn’t even capable of following the most simplest instructions to carry out a SMEAC field order to kill anyone, unless he had been hypnotized/mind controlled to do so. Shannon is a poor defenseless Model Pasty for a global Black Lives Matter Terrorist. Since last year, Shannon J. Miles has been hidden away, and deposed of in an asylum for the mentally insane. If they want to talk about Black Lives Matter Terrorist, then let us talk about and explore Shannon before the masses. We must not forget about him and ask questions.




Likewise, Micah X. Johnson has nothing to do with Black Nationalism or the Pan African Movement. If anything, they tried to sheep-dip him into becoming a pseudo black military intelligence asset. I don’t believe that he even had the mental capacity to pull that off for all. And indeed, he had been exposed and banned from joining Dallas- Houston area black nationalist organizations. Micah was not a Black Lives Matter Terrorist, if there is actually such a thing. He was a U.S. military asset and spy. Don’t allow Project MOCKINGBIRD to mix you up, and get that TWISTED.


Micah’s selfie in an African print dashiki in front of a hair salon with a black power salute does not make this man any kind of Black Nationalist. That comes from the love of the people. Micah was a multigenerational family military asset that nobody in his family seemed to have had any real tears for. Not his mother.



nor his father.



His father served in the U.S. military. When Micah graduated from high school in 2009, he joined the U.S. Army Reserve serving in the 420th Engineer Brigade based at Seagoville, Texas where he was initiated as a carpentry and masonry specialist of a Military Masonic Guild/Lodge sealed by an oath and code of secrecy.


U.S. Army Reserve Staff Sgt. Thomas Gambrel  of North Dakota appears to be the man that made Micah a carpentry and Masonic specialist. For whatever reasons, he is Linkedin with Delphene Johnson, Micah’s mother. While Micah was in Afghanistan, October 2013 – September 2014, Gambrel was working as a Squad Leader and project leader during Operation Enduring Freedom. He was charged with leading and developing anywhere from 8-20 soldiers at a given time. As well as functioning as a Squad Leader, he was Operations NCO for 20 soldiers and 17 missions. From what it appears he was doing much more than plumbing, carpentry, and masonry work in Afghanistan, Gambrel was a combat soldier. He took Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, Completed 2004. He took the Warrior Leader Course, Completed 2012. He was even a Sexual Harassment Assault Response Program Victims Advocate, Completed 2013. This should give you some idea where Micah’s  military sexual harassment charges came from.


Micah was manufactured into a clandestine U.S. military intelligence/NATO Gladio Strategy of Tension tool and asset. In the service, Johnson received several medals for his tour of duty in Afghanistan, including an Army Achievement Medal, and a NATO Medal. Effective 31 July 2006, U.S. service members serving in Afghanistan were eligible for the NATO Medals after they meet the requirements of 30 consecutive days or 90 consecutive days in the area of responsibility working for NATO. Some U.S. soldiers served in Afghanistan as part of a national unit, but in support of NATO operations under a NATO Commander. Johnson had been part of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, June 1, 2013 – Dec. 31, 2014.[17] Johnson deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 as part of ISAF and served eight months under cover of the 420th Engineer Brigade. A woman who served with Johnson in Afghanistan posted on Facebook that Johnson had been “my battle buddy, my brother in arms.” Sarah Castañeda wrote.[18] So, Johnson was a clandestine NATO combat soldier/assassin in Afghanistan.

The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was a NATO led security mission in Afghanistan, established by the United Nations Security Council  in December 2001 by Resolution 1386 as envisaged by the Bonn Agreement. Its main purpose was to train the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and assist Afghanistan in rebuilding key government institutions, but was also engaged in the 2001-present war with the Taliban insurgency.[19] In Afghanistan, Johnson was stationed at Bagram air base with 40,000 “Bureaucrats, administrators, logisticians and thousands of ISAF civilian contractors ..,.” British photographer Edmund Clark- “Unless you go out on patrol, you exist only on base.[20]

ISAF relied heavily on private firms in Afghanistan. According to a Department of Defense report, more than 85,000 contractors were working for U.S. Central Command at Bagram Airfield. Of these, approximately 14,000 provided security, with the rest performing functions like construction and base support. According to Laurie Arellano, an ISAF spokeswoman, ISAF also employs some private contractors specifically “to assist ISAF” in training Afghan security forces.[21] In November 2013, according to a DOD report, private firms “continue security operations on ISAF bases and escort functions for ISAF convoys.[22]


Academi/Blackwater Uniform– Beige/White Pants, Beige Bullet Proof Vests and Desert Colored Shoes and Boots- Same as Micah and the 7/7/16 Dallas Shooters.


Despite a sordid and deadly reputation in Iraq, the mercenary army/civilian warriors that began as Blackwater and is now known as Academi was a top recipient of Pentagon contracts for training Afghanistan’s security forces from 2002 to 2014, a government watchdog reported.[23] In 12 years of war, the report says, Academi Training Center Inc. received $569 million in contracts, or 31.9 percent of the total, of the Pentagon’s $1.8 billion Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities Fund for Afghanistan. The program, known as “DOD CN,” was designed to stabilize Afghanistan by training the country’s security forces to support military operations against drug traffickers and other armed groups.[24]


The total placed Academi, which acquired Blackwater in 2011, far ahead of the Pentagon’s top contractors, including Northrop Grumman, CACI, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, all of which obtained multi-million dollar contracts under DOD CN.[25]


Sitting on top of the board of directors of Academi is the Alphabet Man, Bobby Ray Inman. He served as Director of Naval Intelligence (DNI) from September 1974 to July 1976, then moved to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) where he served as Vice Director until 1977. He next became the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA). Inman held this post until 1981. His last major position was as the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), a post he held from February 12, 1981 to June 10, 1982. Inman has also served on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).[26] Inman also sits inside Wackenhut GS4 (Orlando Pulse Night Club False Flag), the Shadow CIA.[27]



SOCEITAS DRACONIS is an ultra secret closed fraternity of individuals, representing those who trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient Grail and Dragon families. The Dragon Society is based upon an ancient bloodline tradition descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks. The Tuatha De Danann, also known “The Dragon Lords of Anu” were said to be the offspring of the fallen angels (ANUNNAKI). They believe that the GODS have chosen them to be LORDS OF THE WORLD.


On the wicked and dark side, the Alphabet Man, Bobby Ray Inman, is a DRAGON member of the Bohemian Grove.[28]


The Bohemians’ patron is Catholic Saint John of Nepomuk (1345 – 1393), who legend says suffered death at the hands of Wenceslaus IV, King Bohemia– Germany (formally King of the Romans) rather than disclose the confessional secrets of Anna of Schweidnitz, German Queen and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. A large wood carving of St. John of Nepomuk in cleric robes with his index finger over his lips stands at the shore of the lake in the Grove, symbolizing the secrecy kept by the Grove’s attendees throughout its long history.[30]


In Afghanistan, Micah X. Johnson worked along beside Academi/Blackwater that served under ISAF NATO Commander [JESUIT] U.S. Marine General, Joseph Francis Dunford, Jr.Assistant Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corp, and the Pentagon’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff- THE DRAGON.


This alleged 17th Century Jesuit Artwork presents a newborn child directly from the womb given with open arms to High Jesuit Priests as a sacrifice to conjure up the Powers of DEVILS, and DEMONS. The above picture is a 1650’s illustration of High Jesuits engaged in Satanic worship and pictures a baby preparing to be sacrificed in the background. Also notice in the top left hand corner an owl, the owl is a symbol of Moloch- Molech (the god of Child Sacrifices). Moloch is a key figure of worship at the Bohemian Grove.


Medieval Women Sacrificing Their Babies to the DEVIL

General Dunford is the highest ranking officer in America.[31] Micah came out a DRAGON’S NEST and Lucifer’s Workshop, not the Black Community. As I have often stressed, Katherine Griggs is vitally important to understanding how the Marine Corps and Navy work. She states that it is nearly impossible to rise to colonel / commander or above without participating in SATANIC Gay [Secret Cybelean] Sex Rituals which dominate the upper reaches of the US Navy.[32]


On May 6, 2016, reportedly, President Barrack Obama executed an Executive Order (EO)– Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. Normally, a presidential transition or presidential interregnum refers to the period of time between the end of a presidential election and the inauguration of a new President of a country. During this time, the incoming President usually designates new government personnel, including selecting new Cabinet positions and government department or agency heads.[33] The early May 6 publication of the presidential transition EO is said to provide the mechanism for the transition of power between US, Inc., President Obama to the reconstituted Republic of the United States of America that is said to be under the DRAGON–  “fervent” Irish Catholic Jesuit, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford.[34]

General Joseph F. Dunford, Vatican Hill, St. Peter’s Basilicas & the Secret Temple of Cybele

aaaaamicahpinecone “Of equal obscure origin is the colossal pinecone (pigma), over 11 feet tall, which dominated the immediate approach to the basilica as the centerpiece of the fountain in the atrium. Signed by its maker, the freedman Publius Cincius Salvius, the pigma has been dated on the basis of the letter forms to the first century CE… In late antiquity, the most conspicuous use of the ancient regenerative symbolism was made by the Cultists of Cybele, whose rites, as noted earlier were practiced on St. Peter’s doorstep until the very end of the fourth century. the pine tree signified Cybele’s fickle lover, Attis, and the ritual felling of pine on the spring equinox, during the public festival called Hilaria baldly symbolized Attis’ castration, thanks to which he was able to rise to a higher order of being. Pine trees with prominent cones appear on most of the Taurobolium [blood sacrifice] altars that have survived, including those attributable to the Vatican Phrygianum.”[35]


On June 19, 2016, General Dunford, the interim president, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made a special visit to Vatican Hill, Rome, to tour St. Peter’s Basilica. Recall that St. Peter’s Basilica sits on top of the secret catacombs and underground chambers of the ancient Roman Maetreum (Temple) of Cybele where Ninth Satanic Circle secret human- baby sacrifices and blood eating continue to this day.[36]


This one of a handful of official DoD photos, below, of General Dunford and U.S. Ambassador of the Holy See, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, Ken Hackett, taken by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Dominique A. Pineiro at St. Peter’ Basilica at the door of the Tomb of Pope Alexander VII, Vatican Hill, Rome is as if it has some spiritual significance. And, it very well has a great deal of ancient mystic-mysterious occult significance.[37] 2016 was the first time in nearly 70 years that a full moon and the summer solstice concur on the same day. The 2016 summer solstice’s full moon will rise just as the Sun sets. The moment of the full moon is early Monday on June 20. Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with festivals and rituals around that time with themes of religion or fertility. The Arch-DruidDRAGON race’s “Midsummer’s Eve” festival is a celebration of pagan origins intended to coincide with the summer solstice. The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child sacrifice ceremonies take place on the Summer Solstice.


The first thing you might notice about the statue figures facing General Dunford is that “Truth” [Goddess Cybele] stands with her foot on a globe of the earth, symbolizing her power over the world. She clutches in her arms, the Sun (God Apollo), probably symbolizes Truth’s love for the light rather than darkness, and that the Truth that is revealed by the light of her Torch of Enlightenment. From a translation of an ancient Greek inscription, God Apollo was called, Apollo Mithras HELIOS.[38]


SATURN, the Romans also called it “Sol“. The Greeks called it the god “HELIOS.


SATURN is the Greek CRONUS or Kronos, the King of the TITANS, CYBELE’s HUSBAND. Gen. Joseph F. Dunford presence on Vatican Hill, Rome during the Ninth Satanic Circle’s 2016 Summer Solstice Blood Eating Rituals involved a higher Cybelean-Whore of Babylon ILLUMINATI/ANTICHRIST initiation ritual that has some serious impact on the BALANCE OF WORLD POWER.  In Greek mythology, Lucifer is comparable to both Hermes and Apollo; Hermes because he was a messenger and a healer, and Apollo as a solar deity. Lucifer is God Apollo, the light bringer and lord of reason.[39] 




Thrice Greatest” Three Times Great) Bernini with Secret Society Hand Heart Symbol

The statues were the work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini (December 7, 1598 – November 28, 1680). He was a medieval pre-eminent Italian sculptor and architect of that era. Under Pope Alexander VII (1599- 1667), he gained artistic domination and continued to be held in high regard by the Vatican.  As one scholar has commented, “What Shakespeare is to drama, Bernini may be to sculpture: the first pan-European sculptor whose name is instantaneously identifiable with a particular manner and vision, and whose influence was inordinately powerful...”[40]


The open space which lies before St. Peter’s Basilica was redesigned by Bernini from 1656 to 1667, under the direction of Alexander VII, as an appropriate forecourt, designed to be the open arms of the mother church “so that the greatest number of people could see the Pope give his blessing, either from the middle of the façade of the church or from a window in the Vatican Palace.”[41]


There is little doubt that Bernini and Pope Alexander VII designed St. Peter’s Square to reflect secret Rosicrucian heliocentric and Hermetic principles. St. Peter’s Brasilia is a secret Sun Temple. In the middle of square, there is the obelisk that generally symbolize the Kemetic Sun God Ra. However, “The Obelisk’s real name is ‘Tekken’ and it was the phallus symbolism (or penis) representation for the god Osiris [Asur].”[42]

aaaaamicahopenarms11650’s Jesuit Baby Blood Sacrifice- Open Arms of Apollo Mithras Helios



Rosicrucianism is an early 17th Century secret society movement which incorporates the Hermetic Philosophy- the sacred and secret knowledge of the ancients and Gods. The Hermetic Tradition is a set of metaphysical, philosophical and religious beliefs based primarily upon the writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, who is put forth as a wise sage and Egyptian priest, and who is commonly seen as synonymous with the God Thoth.[43]


The ancient Kemetic God Thoth was referred to as “twice greatest” and “thrice greatest” (three times great), which in Greek translated to “Trismegistus.” Thus creating the name Hermes Trismegistus literally “thrice-great Hermes” in Latin “Mercurius ter Maximus”. As a divine fountain of writing, Hermes Trismegistus was credited with tens of thousands of writings of high standing, reputed to be of immense antiquity. Plato’s Timaeus and Critias state that in the temple of Neith at Sais, there were secret halls containing historical records which had been kept for 9,000 years. Clement of Alexandria was under the impression that the Egyptians had forty-two sacred writings by Hermes [Thoth], encapsulating all the training of Egyptian priests.[44]

The sources dating the existence of the Rosicrucians to the very beginning of the 17th century are three German pamphlets: the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis (1614), the Confessio Fraternitatis (1615), and The Chymical [Chemistry, Chemical]Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (1616), the founder of the Rosicrucians that studied sacred books of Hermes Trismegistus in Egypt.[45]




After returning home from Afghanistan, Johnson wasn’t successful in infiltrating any Black Nationalist groups or organizations for any significant amount of time as corporate mass media is leading the global mass to believe. Johnson immediately hooked up with a deep cover former CIA-U.S. Special Forces member, and joined as for as I have recently been informed a member of Justin J. Everman not Jason Everman’s Academy of Combative Warrior Arts, a clandestine school of urban assassins in Richardson and Forth Worth, Texas. Everman told the press, “We train for the streets and due to this, we expect to engage with multiple attackers so it makes no sense to be on the ground any longer than necessary,” the academy says on its website. Many of the academy’s members are [urban] COPS, Everman said.[46]


Jason Everman not Justin J. Everman really is a very strange dude deeply connected with CIA Psyops, and Occult Bureau for decades. He is the former guitarist for Kurt Cobain’s Satanic/CIA band, Nirvana. After Nirvana, Everman joined the BROTHERHOOD, and became an elite member of the U.S. Army Special Forces, one of those bearded guys riding around on horseback in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban.[47]


Kurt Cobain, Jason Everman & Nirvana

Cobain said that Everman was kicked out of the band for having an affair with the band bassist Chris Novoselić‘s “burly Yugoslavian” father, Krsto Novoselić.[48] Chris is the son of Croatian immigrants, Marija/Mary (Mustach) and Krsto Novoselić. Marija is from Privlaka, Zadar County. Krsto is from Iž.[49]Cobain said that he was “definitely gay in spirit” and “probably could be bisexual,” adding, “If I wouldn’t have found Courtney, I probably would have carried on with a bisexual lifestyle.”[50] Kurt Cobain allegedly committed suicide on April 5, 1994. He was “obsessed with Anton LaVey” (Mojo Magazine, Sept. 1999, p. 86). Anton LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan and the author of the Satanic Bible. So obsessed was Cobain with Satanist Anton LaVey that he sought to enlist LaVey by having him play cello on Nirvana’sNevermind,” album.[51]


Cobain’s love of the occult would eventually lead him into developing a relationship with another notorious military intelligence occultist-CIA Assassin William Burroughs.[52]  Stephen Davis, the biographer of the Led Zeppelin saga “Hammer of the Gods”, compares Burroughs to Satanist Aleister Crowley, stating: “Like Crowley, Burroughs was an urbane and genial human Lucifer, a modern magus, a legendary addict, and an artist whose influence extended far beyond literature to music, painting and film” (Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods, Ballantine Books, New York, 1985, p. 237).

“What’s been worrying the spooks lately is the sway black radicalism has gained over the minds of white teenagers, to counter this ‘they’ve been pushing Nation of Islam style separatism among rappers’. Likewise, the white Grunge movement spearheaded by [Everman] Nirvana was backed by the CIA because ‘they wanted to divide youngsters on racial lines, if black and white kids linked up, they’d pose a serious threat to the system. The whole point of Grunge is to instill in teenagers a sense of hopelessness, to fill them with self-hate and prevent them from changing the world.’ Apparently, the CIA got hold of Cobain when he was still unknown, then using drugs, hypnosis and medical torture; they broke his will and rebuilt his personality. ‘Most of the time he’d act relatively normal,’ I was told, ‘but all it took was a few key words spoken over the phone and Cobain would carry out the deeds he’d been programmed to enact.’ My contact was convinced that the singer had been brainwashed into committing suicide at the peak of his success because the CIA figured this would reduce his potentially rebellious fans to complete despair. However, the conspiracy theorist admitted several of his fellow researchers thought Cobain had taken his own life as the only means of breaking free from the influence of his controllers. If this is the case, then the rock star is a hero rather than simply a victim, and his death provides grounds for a fresh outbreak of teenager rebellion.”[53]


Combatives training was initialized in the U.S. by Rex Applegate during WWII. It was popularized in his book Kill or Get Killed (1943). American combatives’ foundation lies in the close quarters combat techniques developed by British Intelligence armed forces officers William E. Fairbairn and Eric A. Sykes while working for the Shanghai Municipal Police between 1907-1940.[54]

Justin Everman’s Academy of Combative Warrior Arts is a franchise chain with locations in Frisco, Addison, Richardson, Plano and Fort Worth. Primarily based on Krav Maga, an Israeli military combative, this program meets the credentials for a Military Combatives Program.[55] Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing threat neutralization, simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers, and aggression. Krav Maga has been aggressively used mainly by the Israel Defense Forces’ special units, reconnaissance brigades and recently by regular infantry brigades against the Palestinian people from the initial formation of the Zionist Israeli state. Several closely related variations of Krav Maga have been developed and adopted by law enforcement and intelligence organizations, Mossad and Shin Bet.[56]

Krav Maga was developed by Imre Lichtenfeld of Budapest, Hungary, and Bratislava (Slovakia). After making his way to Israel, Lichtenfeld joined Israel’s pre-state Zionist terrorist Haganah paramilitary organization. In 1944, Lichtenfeld began training fighters in his areas of expertise: physical fitness, swimming, wrestling, use of the knife, and defense against knife attacks. During this period, Lichtenfeld trained several elite units of the Haganah including Palmach (striking force of the Haganah and forerunner of the special units of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)) and the Pal-Yam, as well as groups of police officers.[57]

Under a secret arrangement with the Nazis, the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine. Captured German records claim that Haganah Commander Fieval Polkes, believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage-at least temporarily-by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander’s sole source of income was secret funds from Himmler’s SS (Baron Otto Von Bolschwing).[58]

All military and police offices in Israel are trained in Krav Maga, and so are many Special Forces Units around the world. In the U.S., the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Marine Corps, the CIA, and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Anti-terrorism Specialty Team all learn Krav Maga as part of their physical training.[59] NATO soldiers are also drilled in Krav Maga.[60]

There is speculation that Lichtenfeld’s Krav Maga overlapped with the WWII combatives developed by William Fairbairn of British Intelligence and the OSS Special Forces’ Rex Applegate.[61] No matter how the line is drawn between the British, Israelis and the U.S., these were/are SPECIAL SCHOOLS FOR SPIES AND ASSASSINS.[62] “… the OSS maintained a secret training center, modeled on SOE’s [British Intelligence’s Special Operations Executive] Camp X, a ‘school for mayhem and murder,’ as one notable American attendee dubbed it, that taught such esoteric skills as ‘silent killing” and ‘close in fighting.’ “[63]

Nevertheless Justin J. Everman’s public assertions to the contrary, Everman and Johnson were very friendly and talked in Facebook conversations in August 2014. Everman knew Johnson had been out of the country. Johnson been deployed under NATO in Afghanistan at that time. Everman suggested that Johnsonlet me know when you make it down this way.” “Will be great to get you back in the academy,” Everman said, according to a comment thread saved by the AP before Johnson’s Facebook profile was taken down. “I concur!” Johnson replied.[64] So, it looks as though that Micah had been clandestinely trained at an fully credentialed military combatives program (School for Assassins) for NATO special combat deployment in Afghanistan against the Taliban.

Micah served in the U.S. Army Reserve from March 2009 to April 2015. He was deployed to Afghanistan in November 2013. He returned in July 2014. While he was trying to infiltrate Black Nationalist Groups around Dallas after returning from Afghanistan, he was reporting directly to Justin J. Everman. As late as May 8, 2015, it is documented and verified by a police report from the Richardson Police Department that investigated a suspicious individual in a SUV that Micah was training at Everman’s Academy of Combative Warrior Arts. Police verified the information and closed the case. Richardson is a Dallas suburb.[65] Micah had been kept on the string by the CIA as a Patsy for another special assignment, and Everman had been his special handler.

Jason Everman not Justin F. Everman & the Dark Side


DEVIL WORSHIPERS, Cellini & Everman

In September 1994 initiated into a higher level of the CIA Occult Bureau, Everman says that he was influenced by renaissance artist and philosopher icon, Benvenuto Cellini (1500- 1571), to join the U.S. Army’s 2nd Ranger Battalion and latter the Special Forces, serving tours in Afghanistan and Iraq.[66] Benvenuto Cellini is extremely interesting. He was an Italian artist, alchemist, goldsmith, pedophile, devil worshiper, and a sorcerer that conjured up DEMONS. Cellini was also an notorious homosexual,  “When Benvenuto Cellini was called a ‘dirty sodomite’ by one Bandinelli, he [Cellini] humorously replied: ‘I wish to God I did know how to indulge in such a noble practice; after all, we read that Jove enjoyed it with Ganymede in paradise.[67] Cellini was convicted twice of homosexuality (sodomy) in Florence, Italy in 1523 and in 1557.[68]


One of Cellini‘s most masterful and remarkable works of gold was “The Salt of Cellini“. The Salt of Cellini is a piece of silverware in gold, executed between 1539 and 1543 for King Francis I of France. It was dubbed the “Mona Lisa of Sculptures“, On an oval ebony block, two figures carved in gold face each other. On one side, seated on an animal allegory, Earth, represented by Cybele, left hand on her breast as if to squirt milk- secret sacred knowledge. On the other side, Neptune, God of the Sea holding the trident. The block is carried by sea horses with golden mane, according to mythology. The base itself is decorated with enameled figures. They symbolize the four seasons, as the prevailing winds, and the four stages of day: dawn, day, dusk and night. The curve of Cybele legs alluded to the mountains and plains. Cybele and Neptune legs intersect, referring to the mixture of the earth and the sea from which arises SALT.[69]

When we talk about SALT in Alchemy, we are not talking about table salt, physical salt, the salt you use in your food. The SALT in alchemy is something more subtle; it is a symbol that represents any kind of matter. Physical matter is “SALT,” alchemically speaking. So our body is SALT in alchemy, and that is why Jesus in the gospels said: “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5). That was an alchemical statement. Our SALT, our body produced by EARTH (Cybele) and OCEAN (Neptune), is this first element in understanding and mastering the ancient sacred esoteric knowledge of Alchemy.[70] Cellini sold his soul to the DEVIL for sacred esoteric knowledge and conjuring up DEMONS that begins with the mysteries of the ancient Earth Goddess, CYBELE, and so had Jason Everman.[71],[72]

Finally, what is happening in NATO’S TURKEY, right now, has some direct relationship with the CHAOS developing on America’s streets, and it involves the Luciferian General Joseph F. Dunford and his DRAGON SOCIETY’S TAKE OVER OF WORLD POWER. 

[1] http://allnewspipeline.com/Dallas_Lone_Gunman_Narrative_Falls_Apart.php

[2] Id.

[3] http://www.ammoland.com/2016/07/rifle-used-dallas-ambush-common-sks-not-assault-rifle-assault-weapon/#axzz4EESI3FQr

[4] http://www.enemyforces.net/firearms/sks.htm

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKS

[6] http://www.warriortalk.com/showthread.php?75630-Help-with-bullet-guide

[7] http://heavy.com/news/2016/07/rb-micah-johnson-xavier-x-meaning-dallas-shooter-theories-gunman-write-stairwell-garage-why-what-does-it-mean-blood-david-brown-police-chief-writings-manifesto/

[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubidium

[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/777_and_Other_Qabalistic_Writings_of_Aleister_Crowley

[10] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684640/I-hate-did-Parents-Micah-Johnson-break-revealing-wanted-COP-disappointed-military-experience-prior-deadly-Dallas-attack.html

[11] http://heavy.com/news/2016/07/rb-micah-johnson-xavier-x-meaning-dallas-shooter-theories-gunman-write-stairwell-garage-why-what-does-it-mean-blood-david-brown-police-chief-writings-manifesto/

[12] wikispooks.com/wiki/Operation_Gladio

[13] https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Operation_Gladio#The_Strategy_of_Tension

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/12/23/alleged-texas-cop-killer-incompetent-stand-trial-say-lawyers/

[17] http://www.armytimes.com/story/military/2015/12/07/nato-medal-authorized-operation-resolute-support/76796088/

[18] http://www.rightsidenews.com/us/islam-in-america/dallas-mass-cop-murderer-follower-nation-islam/

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Security_Assistance_Force

[20] http://www.wired.com/2015/02/edmund-clark-the-mountains-of-majeed/

[21] http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/13446/as-u-s-draws-down-in-afghanistan-role-continues-for-private-security-firms

[22] Id.

[23] https://www.thenation.com/article/blackwater-still-top-pentagon-contractor-afghanistan-training/

[24] Id.

[25] Id.

[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Ray_Inman

[27] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_wackenhut06.htm

[28] http://www.nytimes.com/1994/01/19/us/a-nominee-s-withdrawal-inman-withdraws-as-clinton-choice-for-defense-chief.html?pagewanted=all

[29] https://reptiliandimension.wordpress.com/2015/03/01/bohemian-grove-is-run-by-the-jesuit-order-and-vatican/

[30] http://www.opsecnews.com/the-bohemian-grove/

[31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Dunford

[32] http://theamericanchronicle.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-murder-of-admiral-jeremy-boorda.html

[33] https://geopolitics.co/2016/05/08/did-obama-sign-presidential-transition-eo-specifically-for-gen-joseph-dunford/

[34] Id.

[35] http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/41034/what-is-the-meaning-of-the-large-statue-of-a-pine-cone-in-vatican-city

[36] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican18a.htm

[37] http://federalnewsradio.com/defense/2016/06/joint-chiefs-chairman-travels-to-vatican-city-un-times-square/slide/3/

[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithraism

[39] http://www.angelfire.com/dragon3/understandinglucifer/

[40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gian_Lorenzo_Bernini

[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Peter%27s_Square

[42] https://criticxxtreme.wordpress.com/2013/06/30/the-yes-they-were-black-series-worshipping-a-big-black-penis-osiris/

[43] http://www.golden-dawn.com/eu/displaycontent.aspx?pageid=115-hermetic-tradition

[44] http://ambrosiasociety.org/research/hermes-and-hermeticism

[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermeticism#Rosicrucianism

[46] http://nypost.com/2016/07/08/dallas-sniper-was-an-army-vet/

[47] http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/02/magazine/evermans-war.html?_r=0

[48] https://www.guitar.com/articles/nirvana-kurt-cobain-interview

[49] http://ethnicelebs.com/krist-novoselic

[50] http://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/people/2013/10/24/rediscovered-interview-reveals-kurt-cobain-thought-he-was-gay

[51] http://panachereport.com/MyraPanacheOnBlackHollywodConspiracies-PanacheReport.htm

[52] http://letsrollforums.com/kurt-cobain-mind-control-t17443.html

[53] http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3097

[54] https://instituteofcombativearts.com/programs/combatives-defensive-tactics-cdt/

[55] http://www.examiner.com/article/best-combatives-training-programs-fort-worth

[56] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krav_Maga

[57] Id.

[58] http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Fascism/Brunner_B_CS.html

[59] http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Krav%20Maga

[60] http://www.kravmaga-thessaloniki.gr/0E4507A6.en.aspx

[61] http://www.kravmaga.com/forum/forum/krav-maga-worldwide-forums/general-km-related-topics/1910-krav-maga-and-wwii-hand-to-hand-combat

[62] http://www.combatives.info/rex-applegate.php

[63] Albarelli, H.P. Jr., A Terrible Mistake, Trine Day LLC, Walterville, OR, 2009, pgs. 322-323

[64] http://www.theintelligencer.net/news/top-headlines/2016/07/suspect-taunted-cops-for-two-hours-during-dallas-standoff/

[65] http://www.cbsnews.com/news/dallas-gunman-micah-johnson-honed-tactics-local-combat-school/

[66] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Everman

[67] http://rictornorton.co.uk/famous.htm

[68] http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=13115942

[69] https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salière_de_Cellini

[70] https://gnosticteachings.org/courses/alchemy/3363-the-secret-of-azoth.html

[71] http://listverse.com/2016/04/15/10-cursed-souls-who-made-deals-with-the-devil/

[72] https://gnosticteachings.org/courses/alchemy/3363-the-secret-of-azoth.html


12 05 2016



“The GOAT …  has to do with fertility and is symbolic of the Magnum Opus of alchemy when one’s energies from Kundalini increase. Spiritual alchemy …  is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead. This is completing our Creator God Satan’s [DEVIL] work.”[1]



Baphomet first became known when the Knights Templar were tried for blasphemy, homosexuality, and DEVIL worship by the Inquisition in the 13th century. According to confessions given by members, Baphomet was their idol of the “DEVIL“.[2] “In Ingolsstadt, Cagliostro is believed to have met Adam Weishaupt, professor of philosophy and canon law at the university, who in 1776, had founded the sect of Illuminati. Calling themselves Heirs to the Knights Templar …”[3]


 The ILLUMINATI- Count Cagliostro and Adam Weishaupt

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was initiated into the ILLUMINATI at Frankfort, Germany, 1781, under the authority of “the Grand Masters of the Templars.”[4] So, those that argue that the ILLUMINATI do not worship the DEVILyou can argue with the WIND.


“Just When You Thought You Were Safe”

Prince’s last Instagram really doesn’t sound like a man in any eminent drug or medical crisis. More and more, it seems as if Prince died all alone underneath a freeway overpass in Los Angeles instead of his castle. All the people surrounding Prince, his music and millions suddenly have no names or faces. They want us to believe that Prince, a giant in the American music industry for decades, took off into the ocean on a rowboat without a paddle, or took off on the interstate highway on a skateboard.


The bottom line is that for those that have possessed to have loved him, and those like I that believe he sold his SOUL TO THE DEVIL, in America, the DEVIL’S CHILDREN have the same basic rights as anyone else. But Prince was no more protected in his home and castle then a man living underneath the freeway. If you believe the corporate mass media Prince Storyline, then you will fall for anything, and that endangers this nation’s democracy. The public has a right to answers in a case of homicide, a possible crime against SOCIETY. Right now, Prince’s death is a puzzle wrapped up inside an enigma. This is the time to stop crying with the doves whatever that means, stop partying like its 1999, ask and demand answers, and make this system act like its a democracy versus a secret society and an island for the few.


Prince’s Private Residential Compound: THE DEVIL’S DEATH SQUAD


“Only people with flowers have been allowed to approach the gates at Paisley Park …”[5]


Prince’s Paisley Park is a secured residential compound surrounded by a heavy metal link fence that is designed to keep people OUT.

On April 20, 2016, the storyline is that Prince’s “team” called Dr. Howard Kornfeld in California and begged his assistance to intervene with Prince in a drug dependence medical crisis in Minnesota. Addiction medicine expert Dr. Stuart Gitlow questioned why Dr. Howard Kornfeld sent his son, Andrew, on a flight to Prince’s home in Minnesota rather than calling for emergency help. The Kornfelds’ lawyer, William Mauzy, said that Prince’s [unidentified] representatives told Dr. Kornfeld that Prince was “dealing with a grave medical emergency” when they first contacted him the day before the musician’s death. Dr. Gitlow says if a doctor believes there is a medical emergency, “his obligation is to call an ambulance and get the patient to emergency personnel who can assess the situation — not to fly to the patient.[6] They have not and will not reveal who on Prince’steam” called Dr. Kornfeld allegedly on Prince’s behalf. Prince may not even have been aware of the call to Dr. Kornfeld. Neither the doctor nor Andrew met or spoke with Prince before they invaded his home.[7]

On April 21, 2016, morning, Prince sent out a cryptic Instagram message from his home in Paisley Park, “Just when you thought you were safe.[8] In other words, he had been lured into thinking that he had been safe in his castle. Suddenly, something changed at Paisley Park that made him believe that he was no longer safe in his home. This Instagram would be his last cry out.


On April 21, 2016, Dr. Kornfeld’s son, Andrew Kornfeld was part of a DEATH SQUAD that invaded Prince’s secured compound and home without his knowledge or consent. We know for certain that Prince didn’t open the gate and door to invite them in, and didn’t authorize anyone to open the gates to his home to stranglers.

April 21, 2016, at 9:43 AM, Prince was discovered by unknown and non identified individuals loosely known as Prince’steam” lying in an elevator “unresponsive“.[9] One of the unknown persons running around Prince’s home when he was found dead has been confirmed for certain to have been Andrew Kornfeld of California.

Death Squad Cover-up: Carver County Sheriff’s Department


On April 22, 2016, the day after Prince was found dead, the Carver County Sheriff, Jim Olson told reporters at a press conference that on Thursday (April 21), [un-named] members of Prince’s staff became worried when they couldn’t contact him on Thursday morning. They went over to the house to find him unresponsive on the first floor of the house in the elevator.”[10]

During the press conference, Sheriff Jim Olson noted that Prince was a very private person, and the sheriff encouraged people to respect the singer’s privacy even though he was dead. A dead man no longer possess a right to privacy. I suppose that Sheriff Olson was asking the public not to ask too many questions about Prince’s death.[11] If un-named people were worried about Prince so much, why didn’t they respect his privacy by calling 9-11 before invading and trespassing his home?

During the press conference, Sheriff Jim Olson concealed and covered-up the fact that there was/were person(s) or entities (DEATH SQUAD) not part of Prince’s staff, Andrew Kornfeld, on the compound chasing him then allegedly found him dead. Sheriff Jim Olson concealed and covered-up the fact that Andrew had illegal drugs concealed in his backpack. Did they intend to drug Prince forcibly and covertly against his will? The Kornfelds are now represented by a high profile Minnesota white collar criminal defense attorney. They aren’t talking and answering any questions, and Sheriff Jim Olson isn’t talking about the evidence that he concealed from the public– the Kornfelds and the illegal drugs that AndrewBuprenorphine. The corporate mass news media aren’t pushing for answers about the Kornfelds, and Prince’s right to left alone by trespassers, stranglers and interlopers even if in fact he had serious drug or medical problems.


Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg

Today as I speak, two news media agencies, Los Angeles Times and Minneapolis Star Tribune, obtained copies of a county search warrant that identified yet another medical specialist that was at Prince’s home on the morning he was found dead.  Sheriff Olson also withheld the exposure of Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg of North Memorial Medical Center, Robbinsdale, MN that was also at Prince’s home when he was found dead. Dr. Schulenberg issued the prescriptions that Prince were filling at WalgreensDr. Schulenberg said that he just happened to drop by the house to deliver some medical results. He showed up and invaded Prince’s home with the DEATH SQUAD to cover his tracks, and the crack of his ASS. Dr. Schulenberg has removed himself from the medical center, and now, he is not answering any questions from anyone either.

According to CNN, the U.S. Justice Department and DEA entered the investigation of Prince’s Death. As of yesterday, May 10, 2016, the Carver County Sheriff Department is backing up, revisiting the crime scene at Paisley Park.  It should have closed off as a crime scene, period, the day Prince was found DEAD!  Even Bremer Bank shouldn’t have been allowed to enter that property until the federal investigation was completed. The search warrant documents obtained by the Times and Star Tribune are no longer publicly available. The documents are under seal and they say that those warrants should not have been released in the first instance, according to Nancy Peters of the Hennepin County District Court. Just as in the case of Whitney Houston’s murder, the compound’s video surveillance system isn’t being discussed by anyone as if it doesn’t exist.


Buprenorphine & THE DEVIL’S BREW


Buprenorphine is a very complex drug with many clandestine and covert (CIA MK ULTRA) uses, implications and secrets. It a semisynthetic opioid derivative of thebine.[12] Thebaine (paramorphine), also known as codeine methyl enol ether, is an opiate alkaloid– a minor constituent of opium. Thebaine is chemically similar to both morphine and codeine, but has stimulatory rather than depressant effects.[13]

Buprenorphine was first developed as an analgesic. An analgesic or painkiller is any member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain. It appears that buprenorphine is gaining some acceptability within in the medical community for being used to treat anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and depression. An anxiolytic (also anti-panic or anti-anxiety agent) is a medication or other intervention that inhibits anxiety. Buprenorphine is similar to methadone in that it is used in opiate replacement therapy as well as pain management.[14] Opiates are found naturally in the opium poppy plant which has psychoactive compounds including morphine, codeine and thebaine.

D-IX was an experimental performance enhancer secretly developed by the Nazis in 1944 for military application. The researcher who rediscovered this project, Wolf Kemper, said that “the aim was to use D-IX to redefine the limits of human endurance.” The formula contained in each tablet: 5 mg of oxycodone (semisynthetic opioid synthesized from thebaine): 5 mg of cocaine and 3 mg of methamphetamine.[15] Percocet is acetaminophen and oxycodone.[16] Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of oxycodone.[17] However,  Buprenorphine  could have been used to keep Prince appearing normal as an ILLUSION to PARTY DOWN LIKE IT WAS 1999 until the time was ripe to LIQUIDATE HIM.


On Friday, April 15, 2016, Prince’s private plane had to make an emergency landing to hospitalize him. He was treated and discharged within hours. It was widely reported that the emergency hospitalization had been due to a Percocet overdose.[18] Today as I speak, a Carver County Search Warrant revealed that Prince was carried off the plane “unresponsive” by a body guard. He was treated with Narcan. Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan among others, is a medication used to block the effects of opioids,  especially in overdose. The drug Suboxone, above, is a combination of Buprenorphine (opioid) and Naloxone. Buprenorphine takes you up, while Naloxone bring you down at the same time in the same area of the brain.


“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” SS Josef Mengele

There is a similar drug used for mind control that was secretly developed by Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. The drug (opioid) developed at Auschwitz was used on children experimentally to induce severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or inject the drug, most likely an opioid, and it would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance, which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. (See Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y. (1974))

On Saturday, April 16, the day after he was released from the hospital, Prince took the stage at a dance party as nothing had happened the day before.[19] A combination of opioids like the Nazis’ secret D-IX could push you beyond the threshold of human pain, while you can use SuboxoneBuprenorphine to create euphoria (pain relief) while at the same the Naloxone take you down.

On Wednesday, April 20 around 7 pm, Prince was spotted at Walgreens for the 4th time that week near Paisley Park picking up prescriptions believed to have been Percocet.[20] On Thursday, April 21, Andrew Kronfeld invaded Paisley Park with Buprenorphine. You should be aware that Percocet and buprenorphine” can both cause breathing to slow down, combining the two can result in serious injury or death.”[21] Both these links are involved in Prince’s Death, Percocet from Dr. Michael T. Schulenberg, and Buprenorphine from Andrew Kronfeld. Both Schulenberg and Kronfeld were at the crime scene at the time Prince was found DEAD.


Percocet and buprenorphine is a JONESTOWN COCKTAIL of lethal drugs, the DEVIL’S BREW. The DEVIL got his due from Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown with a JONESTOWN COCKTAIL, a lethal combination of drugs.


Prince’s Financial Affairs: THE DEVIL IN CONTROL


THIRD EYE Tyka Nelson, Former Crack-Cocaine Addict

Corporate mass media is making it seem as though Prince hadn’t incorporated or legally organized any of his business affairs. According to the sheriff, he had some kind of a so-called authorized management “team” over Prince’s affairs before he died. It was a “team” that had the power to call in Dr. Kornfeld without Prince’s knowledge or consent, open his gates and the doors to his home. But, Prince’s sister, Tyka Nelson, who may be drugged, stated in probate court that an emergency existed to the appoint a special administrator without notice in Prince’s estate, because immediate action and decisions need to be made to continue the ongoing management and supervision of prince’s business interests. What happened to Prince’s team?


The Comte de ST. GERMAIN of the Old World ILLUMINATI was a notorious charlatan and alchemist, whom many believed to be immortal. He was the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and had become an acquaintance of Louis XV, King of France, and his mistress Madame de PompadourTHE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER.[22] Tyka nominated Bremer Trust, National Association on 1100 ST. GERMAIN Street, St. Cloud, MN. So, in fact, Bremer Trust was appointed, without notice, the special administrator of Prince’s decedent estate.[23]

In her moving papers, Tyka said that Bremer Bank, National Association, has provided financial services to the Prince for a number of years and has knowledge of his personal financial and business financial affairs. Its affiliate, Bremer Trust, National Association, is in the best position of any corporate trust company to protect the Decedent’s assets pending the appointment of a personal representative. Bremer Trust is a holding company of banks.[24]

Tyka Nelson is represented by the law firm of Gray, Plant, Mooty, et. al., at 1010 West ST. GERMAIN Street, St. Cloud next door to Bremer Bank. So, do you believe that Bremer went to Tyka and brought their neighbor Gray, Plant, Mooty, et. al. along for the ride. Or, did the Tyka and the law firm bring Bremer along for the ride. The answer to these questions will become plain and simple, below.

I beg to question if Bremer Bank/Trust had provided Prince with financial and business services, guidance, advice and support for years, why didn’t they advise Prince to incorporate some or all of his business affairs, draw up a trust or will? It seems like Bremer should be held liable for malpractice instead of being put in charge of Prince’s financial affairs to cover their tracks.




Freemason DEVIL Worshippers


Before his death, Prince removed all his videos, tracks, music and songs from online sharing platforms and YouTube, then licensed everything to Jay Z’s subscriber streaming service, TIDAL.[25] Tidal (checkerboard panel) was launched in 2014 by Norwegian/Swedish public company Aspiro.

aaaaprinceaspiroIn the first quarter of 2015, the parent company Aspiro was acquired for about $56 million by Project Panther Ltd., which is owned by Jay Z.[26]


Tidal is a serious GLOBAL threat. The ILLUMINATI/DEVIL boldly intend to control the music that you hear, the music performers that you see, and content of songs to open into the minds of listeners and subscribers.


The founding of Aspiro is linked directly to the Vodafone Group, a British multinational telecommunications company headquartered in London. The evolution of Vodafone started in 1982 with the establishment of the Racal Strategic Radio Ltd subsidiary of Racal Electronics, the UK’s largest maker of military radio technology, which formed a joint venture with Millicom called “Racal“, which evolved into the present day Vodafone.[27]

Vodafone has been accused of covertly sharing its subscriber data with UK intelligence and security organization, Government Communications (GCHQ).[28] In fact, Vodafone had been developed in close association and collaboration with U.S. corporate military-intelligence industrial handmaiden, General Electric (GE). For decades, GE has worked covertly to advance the cause of New World Order (NWO) global markets and the CIA agenda.[29]


Vodafone has Old World ILLUMINATI and THE DEVIL written all over it. Basically, it was founded by an elite circles of Knights of the British Empire. Vodafone was founded by Sir Ernest Harrison OBE, The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is the “order of chivalry of British constitutional monarchy”; Sir Gerry Whent, CBE, Commander of the Order of the British Empire; and Lord Arnold Weinstock, Baron Weinstock of GE.[30]


Lord Weinstock was knighted in 1970. He was a Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn (since 1982). He became a Commander of the Ordine al Merito (Order of Knighthood) of Italy in 1991 and an Officer of the Legion of Honor of France in 1992.[31]


You should keep a future reference to Gray’s Inn of Great Britain. The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, commonly known as Gray’s Inn, goes back to 16th Century Queen Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare. The Inn was home to Sir Francis Bacon, New Atlantis, and African Human Bondage in America.[32] Gray’s Inn was the Inner Temple of the Knights Templar.[33] Everything Jay-Z touches clandestinely trace back and support the hidden agenda of the Knights Templar, Satanic Dragon Bloodlines of Old Britain, and THE DEVIL.




There isn’t much useful background information on Otto Bremer that founded Bremer Bank, and Bremer Trust, National Association. Bremer, the son of a wealthy and influential banker, was born 1867 in Seesen, Duchy of Brunswick, Germany. Otto migrated to America in the late 19th Century, and started buying up banks in Wisconsin, South Dakota and Minnesota. During the Great Depression, from 1929 thru the 1930s, Bremer, often showing up with a satchel of cash, saved local bank from failing then bought them. By the mid 1930s, he held stock in 55 banks. Bremer served as Treasurer of the City of St. Paul for over 10 years and was an elite inside “court or factor advisor” (covered below) to presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was subsequently appointed by Roosevelt to manage the Federal Home Owner’s Loan Corporation of Minnesota.[34]

Otto had three older brothers, Charles E., Carl and William, that arrived in America first. It is from William that we learn where all of Otto’s money came from, and his true mission and agenda in United States. William founded the city of Bremerton, OR. Bremerton is home to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap. In the late 19th Century, William bought up the land around Puget Sound in Oregon, then sold it to the U.S. Navy at substantial profits.[35]


Israel Jacobson

The Bremers were actually foreign lender “disciples” and banking agents of the Jacobson (school) Institute in Seesen, the Duchy of Brunswick, Germany.[36] The Jacobson Institute was founded by Israel Jacobson (1768–1828), a German financier and pioneer of Reform Judaismrelief and freedom from Orthodox Judaism.[37] Jacobson was a man that the Rothschilds, ILLUMINATI, the secret super rich emulated and followed his wicked business model and agenda for the clandestine control of governments. Israel Jacobson was a “Court Jew” for the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry. A traditional Court Jew or Factor was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to the Houses of old European Royalty and Nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, power, control including noble status.[38]

Jacobson had been referred to as “Jacobin, Son of Israel.” Jacobson had served as the financial agent of German Freemason Grand Master, and ILLUMINATUS Duke of Brunswick (Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel (1721-92) – Illuminatus, February 1783) sponsor of the Frankist/Sabbatean Asiatic Brethren, and Napoleon. [39],[40],[41]


The Scary Black Duke, Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1771- 1815)

The Dukes of Brunswick were members of the ILLUMINATI, and Grand Masters of the German Freemasonry. However by the late 18th Century, in 1794, the Duke of Brunswick, wrote a letter to his brethren recommending the dissolution of the entire freemason order, due to the fact that it had been infiltrated, and had been manipulated by an occult order.

“I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being black magic, that is to say, electromagnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. We see our edifice…crumbling and covering the ground with ruins, we see the destruction that our hands no longer arrest…a great sect arose, which taking for its motto the good and the happiness of man, worked in the darkness of the conspiracy to make the happiness of humanity a prey for itself.

This sect is known to everyone, its brothers are known no less than its name. It is they who have undermined the foundations of the Order to the point of complete overthrow; it is by them that all humanity has been poisoned and led astray for several generations…They began by casting odium on religion…Their masters had nothing less in view than the thrones of the earth, and the governments of the nations was to be directed by their nocturnal clubs…the misuse of our order…has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today…we must from this moment dissolve the whole Order.” Duke of Brunswick, Grand Master of German Freemasonry, 1794

The ILLUMINATI, just 18 years after its official formation, was so powerful and influential that its infiltration into Masonry caused the Duke of Brunswick to try and “dissolve the whole order.” [42] Bremer Trust, and the Bremer brothers of Germany were secret financial arms and agents of the Old World Occult ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry. The brothers had been sent to America to buy or wickedly secure secret influence over the powers of government, and take control of the banking and financial industry for the Satanic Houses of Old European Royalty and Nobility.

It’s been widely reported that Bremer Trust/ILLUMINATI immediately went into Prince’s home and drilled open his basement walk-in vault that he had entrusted the combination to nobody. Naturally, it is a secret what they removed, concealed or destroyed. With Bremer going into Prince’s vault without an independent auditor, they will make sure that no operative wills, trusts, papers or legal instruments will be exposed to the public record to change their plans to control ALL of Prince’s estate affairs.[43]



“HIV/AIDS has yet to be confirmed officially as the cause of death. But if he died from some other cause, just two days after we heard he was dying of HIV/AIDS . . . well, it would be a remarkable coincidence.”[44]

Before Prince’s death, it was widely reported that Prince had been extremely sick for a couple of weeks before his death. His publicist said that he had been diagnosed and suffered from dehydration and influenza.[45] Influenza is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus that shouldn’t be dismissed, especially, for a person suffering immune depression. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptoms include: a high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing and feeling tired.


Influenza viruses are RNA viruses that act like ZIKA and HIV. Influenza infection and replication is a multi-step process: First, the virus has to bind to and enter the cell, then deliver its genome to a site where it can produce new copies of viral proteins and RNA, assemble these components into new viral particles, and, last, exit the host cell just the same as ZIKA and HIV.[46]


Yet, it was coming to light that Prince was actually suffering complications from AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Zika and Influenza viral infections could very well be fatal for a person with AIDS if left untreated- if the diseases could be treatable at all.

If that had been confirmed that he had AIDS, Prince’s stock and brand would have certainly been severely impacted. It may have caused a fire storm among people he kept the disease secret from including the WHITE HOUSE. It would not have been pretty. It wouldn’t have been a “Party like it was 1999“. And, it certainly would not have been a an international celebration of his life, music; and album sales off the charts.


Before his death, Prince was exactly at the level of superstars Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston were when they suddenly came up dead, they were worth more DEAD to the ILLUMINATI music industry than alive. PRINCE IS A HOMICIDE THAT IS BEING COVERED-UP!

[1] http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Baphomet.html

[2] http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Baphomet

[3] http://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/the-order-of-the-illuminati/

[4] http://www.conspiracyschool.com/illuminati

[5] http://www.mtv.com/news/2871656/prince-paisley-park-memorial-fans/

[6] http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/latest-lawyer-addiction-doctor-son-met-prince-38876031

[7] Id.

[8] https://zeekly.com/video/16065/prince8217s-8217eerie8217-last-instagram-message-just-when-you-thought-you-were-safe-

[9] http://www.cbsnews.com/news/prince-911-call-transcript-paisley-park-minnesota/

[10] http://www.businessinsider.com/prince-death-press-conference-carver-county-sheriff-2016-4

[11] http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/2033855-sheriff-no-reason-to-believe-prince-death-was-suicide-no-body-trauma-signs-found/

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buprenorphine

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thebaine

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiolytic

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-IX

[16] http://www.rxlist.com/percocet-drug.htm

[17] http://www.drugs.com/percocet.html

[18] http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_29800711/report-prince-overdosed-percocet-six-days-before-his

[19] http://www.tmz.com/2016/04/21/prince-walgreens-death/#disqus_thread

[20] http://www.celebuzz.com/2016-04-21/prince-walgreens-writing-a-memoir/

[21] https://www.sharecare.com/health/analgesic-pain-relief/can-take-percocet-taking-buprenorphine

[22] http://www.conspiracyschool.com/illuminati

[23] https://cbsminnesota.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/petition-for-formal-appointment-of-special-administrator-for-prince-estate.pdf

[24] Id.

[25] http://www.biography.com/people/prince-9447278#in-recent-years

[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_%28service%29

[27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vodafone

[28] http://www.iamwire.com/2014/03/union-home-ministry-accuses-vodafone-sharing-data-british-intelligence/25776

[29] http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html

[30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vodafone

[31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Weinstock

[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray%27s_Inn

[33] http://lovkap.blogspot.com/2010/11/freemasonry-in-bar-and-courtroom.html

[34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Bremer

[35] http://www.bremertonwa.com/bremerton-history.html

[36] http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~jtenlen/wbremer.txt

[37] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0011_0_09920.html

[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_Jew

[39] http://www.digplanet.com/wiki/Israel_Jacobson

[40] https://archive.org/stream/TheSabbatean-frankistMessianicConspiracyPartiallyExposed/TheSabbatean-frankistMessianicConspiracyPartiallyExposed_djvu.txt

[41] http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/tag/duke-of-brunswick/

[42] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/atlantean_conspiracy/atlantean_conspiracy07.htm

[43] http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/2052524-princes-vault-drilled-open-what-do-we-know-is-inside/

[44] http://www.smobserved.com/story/2016/05/02/news/sources-prince-died-from-hivaids-andamp-complications/1258.html

[45] http://www.smobserved.com/story/2016/05/02/news/sources-prince-died-from-hivaids-andamp-complications/1258.html

[46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza


26 03 2016

Our UNDYING loving relationships with the sacred feminine have the power to launch a THOUSAND SHIPS!

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”Morpheus to Neo[1]

The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of REALITY (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of ILLUSIONS (blue pill). The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film, The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the fabricated reality of the Matrix, therefore living the “ignorance of ILLUSION“, while the red pill would lead to his escape from the Matrix and into the real world, therefore living the “TRUTH OF REALITY” even though it is a harsher, more difficult life.[2]

The other day, I couldn’t stop sneezing from a sudden serious seasonal hay fever attack. My usual hay fever medicine didn’t work. I had to take a red pill (Diphenhydramine HCI). The red pills always put me in a zone. So, I rarely take one of them unless it is an emergency. The pills make me drowsy, sleepy and my head spin. So, I went upstairs to lie down. While lying down, I watched some of the 2016 NCAA Basketball Playoff Rounds on the idiot box.


While in a zone and through a fog, I saw IMAGES of a black dysfunctional family with a NBA player in drag posing as a mother during a commercial run. The family was called, the Hoopers. “… The Hoopers, an all-star American family. Various NBA players star as Dad (Chris Paul- LA Clippers), Mom (DeAndre Jordan- LA Clippers), Son (Kevin Love- Cleveland Cavaliers), Grampa (Kevin Garnett- Minnesota Timberwolves) and Baby (Damian Lillard- Portland Trail Blazers). Additionally, a State Farm agent plays the Hoopers’ helpful neighbor who assists them with the problems they encounter.”[3]



All Hooper family members were black NBA players except Kevin Love of Cleveland. The were no IMAGES of females. The one character that was by nature supposed to be a motherhood/female was turned into an ILLUSION of a monstrous tall hairy male figure.


HOOPER GRAMPA- A IMAGE of a Lazy Steppin Fletchin

Under the influence of the red pill, I saw some racialist sensitive IMAGES of Black people on global television networks that I didn’t think was possible in the 21st Century. As a fan, I had abandoned the NBA years ago. I didn’t know anything about the NBA Hoopers.


 HOOPER BABY- The IMAGE of a Stereotypical Picaninny

I thought the IMAGES of the Hoopers would go away, but the idiot box kept repeating the IMAGES over and over again like every twenty minutes or so like PSYCHIC DRIVING. It wasn’t happenstance that IMAGES and ILLUSIONS of Hoopers continued to parade through my dreams as I fell off in deep sleep. While I experienced the “March MadnessNCAA Basketball Tournament 2016, the idiot box was turned into a psychotronic mind (behavior modification) control weapon.

“Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…”

For me, the Hoopers was electronic torture and terrorism. The commercial spots were designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter my body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, even incapacitate me. The commercial spots were used as clandestine psychological weapons aimed to “control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism… [T]he goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body [mind] in [balance, order: MAAT] equilibrium.”[4]

The “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the NBA Hoopers was that it was an EVIL. It was a vicious attack and veiled affront against the sacred feminine, and the dignity of the BLACK FAMILY UNIT and STRUCTURE. It is no laughing matter as the NBA and NCAA seasons continue through the year.

The EVIL of the Hoopers’ commercial spots were created out of a partnership renewal between the NBA and State Farm Insurance.

“State Farm has enjoyed a very successful relationship with the National Basketball Association over the past few years, and we’re excited to be continuing it,” State Farm advertising director Ed Gold said in a statement. “Our integrated NBA marketing campaigns have become a terrific platform for differentiating the State Farm brand, demonstrating the value of an assist, and connecting with customers through the lens of basketball.”[5]

In other words, the ILLUMINATI NBA is working hand and hand in combination with State Farm in setting up these Negroes and the black coonery family structure for international mockery, ridicule and humiliation.


The State Farm Logo represents the very complicated and ancient “Tripod of Life” (also known as “Borromean rings“) that is formed from a third circle being added to the Vesica Piscis (Cosmic Womb of Goddess Nut), where the third circle’s center point is placed at the intersection of the first two circles’ circumferences. To some, it represents the mind, body, and spirit. Most notably, in (Christian) religion, the Tripod of Life symbolizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity. What remains of it today is the altered version in religion where it vaguely identifies God, son and holy spirit after the cosmic sacred feminine woman teaching was thrown out of holy books.[6]


The Rothschild ILLUMINATI obtained certain secret ancient Illuminated manuscripts that represented the “Tripod of Life” form to be a triangle position as the sacred feminine womb of stars down pointing triangle when seen on eastern horizon when rising. The bottom line is that the ILLUMINATI and Freemasonry deliberately bastardized the symbol and its extremely deep inner ancient universal teaching and lessons of the sacred feminine and created the BAPHOMET to intentionally confuse its mass of followers and the people.[7]

State Farm and Freemasonry


“Every man who accomplishes anything worthwhile in this life will leave behind him many temples still unfinished when he departs this life.” These words were spoken to his employees by George Jacob Mecherle, the founder of State Farm Mutual Insurance Companies and a very dedicated Freemason … [He] drew much of his philosophy from the lessons he learned at the Masonic altar.” Illustrious George Jacob Mecherle, 33 Degree[8]

Luciferian George J. Mecherle started State Farm Mutual Insurance Company in Bloomington, Illinois, on June 8, 1922. The name of the company was inspired by the original clientele, the farmers of the state of Illinois. Mecherle was a member of Bloomington, Illinois, Lodge No. 43, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Bloomington Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch Masons; Peoria Council No. 11, Royal and Select Masters; DeMolay Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar; and Mohammed Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was a very active member of Bloomington Consistory, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.[9]

At one time, he arranged for State Farm to rent office space from the Scottish Rite. During his lifetime, a large number of Scottish Rite Masons were employed by State Farm. Twice a year, these Brethren enjoyed lining up in front of the State Farm building and marching two blocks to the Consistory building for a Scottish Rite Reunion. Mecherle served as Thirtieth Degree Master for a ritualistic team composed totally of State Farm employees. On September 29, 1943, he was awarded the 33rd Degree during the meeting of the Supreme Council in Buffalo, New York.[10]

As you know, Freemasonry, Scottish Rite and the Civil War Criminal-Confederate General Albert Pike spawned the secret Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan to drive Black people back into SLAVERY.

State Farm and the Luciferian Doctrine


 Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p.321)[11]

Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859 to 1891, is one of the most honored and influential American Freemasons of all time. The Supreme Council exalts Pike by saying: “Albert Pike remains today an inspiration for Masons everywhere. His great book Morals and Dogma endures as the most complete exposition of Scottish Rite philosophy. He will always be remembered and revered as the Master Builder of the Scottish Rite.” (The House of the Temple of the Supreme Council 1988)[12] George J. Mecherle, founder of State Farm, is also listed among the secret and powerful ILLUMINATI in America.[13] The racialist Hoopers Family of the NBA was spawned by Pike’s clandestine Luciferian Scottish Rite Temple and the secret ILLUMINATI.

Dangerous Cartoon (Coonery) Characters and Satanic Brotherhood V Sign

There were other IMAGES that also screened through my conscious and subconscious. It included the Satanic ILLUMINATI Coonery Trio of dangerous handkerchief heads, Charles Barkley, Samuel L. Jackson and Spike Lee that was also totally “VOID” of female IMAGES. Like the Hoopers, the Coonery of Jackson, Barkley and Lee appeared (psychic driven) in constant and persistent time sequences throughout the televised NCAA tournament playoff games. The IMAGES of Hoopers and Coon trio swam through my conscious and subconscious for a couple of days. What follows is the “TRUTH OF REALITY” of the Coon Trio IMAGES that I really experienced and envisioned. I will start with CHARLES BARKLEY.

1. The “TRUTH OF REALITYof Charles Barkley



“The only problem I had with Kenny’s, umm,  open letter was, umm, I don’t think anytime something bad happens in the black community we have to talk about slavery. Listen, slavery is, uh, well, I shouldn’t say one of the worst things ever, because I don’t know anything about it other than what I read or what my grandmother told me.” Charles Barkley[14]

I not quite sure what or who Charles Barkley may be. He is far more then a traditional Uncle Tom, Handkerchief head and bootlicker. The ILLUMINATI may have created him as an experimental MK ULTRA/MONARCH black “CYBORG.” Don’t laugh, yet. Barkley publicly calls himself a “METROSEXUAL.”


Charles Barkley in Women’s Satin Outfit with Purse

As late as March 14, 2016, he confirmed that over mass media that he was a “METROSEXUAL.”[15] Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of man, the metrosexual shows his soft, sensitive, feminine side. The neologistic term is popularly thought to describe heterosexual men who adopt fashions and lifestyles stereotypically associated with homosexual men. [16]


ILLUMINATI SYMBOL, Ava DuVernay (Selma), Charles Barkley & Prince Philip– Royal House of England, Grand Master of Freemans of England and Wales. This is far from being a laughing matter. It is one of the most scary, dangerous and clandestine programs of the New World Order and ILLUMINATI that seek to re-image, re-design and re-create Mankind to serve them- Transhumanism.


“Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.”[17]

Charles Barkley presents a new specie of freakish post gender men-forms of ILLUMINATI Transhumanism that will tend to blur the lines of universal order, balance, and ultimately destroy the SACRED FEMININE. I am sure that Charles Barkley has been programmed to cross the lines of his manhood, and sadly serve the BROTHERHOOD with his Mouth and Ass.


Postgenderism is a diverse social, political and cultural movement whose adherents affirm the voluntary elimination of gender in the human species through the application of advanced biotechnology and assistive reproductive technologies.[18] The elite of the world will be the ones who will have exclusive and sole access to the secret technologies to change MANKIND.[19] Charles (Chuck o Licious) Wade Barkley was born and raised in Leeds, Alabama, ten miles outside Birmingham.[20]  He says absolutely bizarre things through mass media that unlikely came from his humble background. He says things like he would in fact “work for ‘the Klan’ if they paid me enough.” It is isn’t the money. It is MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disordered (MPD) mind control programming. This Negro can be programmed to slaughter all of us. [21]



I believe that Charles Barkley had been initiated into Freemasonry like his associate, Shaquille Rashaun O’Neal as a front to access their individual psyche. Shaq with a military complex background seems also to have been subjected to similar frightening (electrical shock) trauma based multiple personality disorder (MPD) programming.


Shaq- Secret Masonic MK ULTRA/MONARCH black Male Sex Kitten Cyborg Programming

In regards to Shaq and the ILLUMINATI plans to destroy the sacred feminine. It was Shaq that introduced the world to the female transsexuals, PRANCING ELITES.


Shaq first tweeted his praises of the group through a video of the dance group’s performance at a basketball game, which became an Internet hit.[22] As I said before, this SHIT is far beyond funny. It is criminal and major International HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.

2. TheTRUTH OF REALITYof Samuel L. Jackson



Samuel L. Jackson doesn’t attribute his talents to God. When asked if he thought his talents were God-given, Jackson replied: “No, because I work at it. I still learn, I read.”[23] Jackson was mentored into HollyWeird and EVIL by Morgan Freeman.


Morgan Freeman says,

“After God, I think I should play Satan. Remember when Al Pacino played Satan in The Devil’s Advocate? Like that.” He continued, “I think that God and the Devil are one. They’re not one in the same, but they’re in the same body, and it depends on which one of them surfaces.” Freeman insinuated that he believed all people have GOD and SATAN inside of them. He added that his faith in a GOD is his faith in himself. “The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from, and my belief in God is my belief in myself.[24]


King Diamond is a Danish heavy metal “quasi-Satanic stage persona” that maintain the same Satanic thought pattern of Morgan Freeman.[25]


In August 2015, Freeman’s step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines, was slaughtered on a Manhattan, New York street in what has been described as an exorcism, “Get out, devils! I cast you out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast you out!” the killer yelled as he plunged a hunting knife into 33-year-old E’Dena Hines’ chest, according to George Hudacko, who witnessed the 3 a.m. attack from his apartment window in Washington Heights, New York City.[26] In September 2015, her boyfriend, Lamar Davenport, pleaded not guilty to the murder. He appears out of his mind. He was alleged to be possessed by Demons, God and SATAN.[27] Since 2009, it had been widely reported that Freeman and E’Dena had been romantically involved since she was teenager. Reportedly, she had hoped to have a baby and marry SATANMorgan Freeman.[28] So, we should be very clear that if E’Dena was possessed by the DEVIL– we know who put the DEVIL in her.


A few internet sites celebrate Samuel L. Jackson as formerly associated with or in fact being a member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). During the Summer of 1969 in Atlanta, Jackson said that he hooked up with gun running operations with Kwame Touré (Stokely Carmichael), “Honorary Prime Minister“, Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) “Minister of Justice” of the BPP.[29], [30],[31]

There are several big problems with Jackson‘s timeline. August 29th, 1968, the New York Times reported that the Republican Party leader of the House, Gerald Ford of Michigan, stated it was time to slam the door on H. Rap Brown and other Black power advocates. However, there had already been a clandestine illegal full press government program since July 1967 to kill or jail Stokely and H. Rap. But, they particularly wanted to kill and silence H. Rap, forever.

In the summer of 1969, H. Rap was already facing two violations of the Federal Firearms Act out of Louisiana, and Federal charges in Maryland for Counseling to Arson, and Inciting to Arson and Riot. H. Rap was under intense federal travel restrictions. He may not have been in Atlanta, at all. In 1969, they were chasing Rap like something out of Slavery (Fugitive Slave Act). That summer, Stokely and H. Rap were under very intense, 7 days a week-24 hours a day, federal and state surveillance.[32]


Stokely, H. Rap and Brother Bobby Seale- 1968

Additionally, it was impossible for Samuel L. Jackson to be associated with Stokely and H. Rap Brown as members of the BPP in the summer of 1969. In January 1969, Stokely and Rap were expelled from the BPP in what is known as the Great Purge of 1969 at the height of the FBI’s COINTELPRO Program and the CIA’s Project CHAOS’ clandestine criminal campaign to destroy the BPP. Stokely and Rap were on the top of the list as expelled “Renegade Members.” The BPP threatened to deal (death warrants) with them on sight. I bottomed out the list- purged as a “Counter-Revolutionary.” The BPP Central Committee chairman that proudly put his name as the head of the Great Purge was Virtual Murrell.[33]



Murrell is a negro selloutconvicted federal felon for municipal government (Oakland) corruption, fraud and bribery. He is a current principal/owner of The Pegasus Group, a deep-cover beltway lobbyist Virginia-based public (GOVERNMENT) relations firm, secretly connected to inner workings and multi-million contracts of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.[34]


Murrell & Rich and Elite Michelle Nunn

Murrell is tied into the powerful deep cover House of Samuel Augustus “Sam” Nunn, Jr. Nunn’s political experience and credentials on national defense reportedly had put him into consideration as a CIA chief, and potential running mate for Democratic presidential candidates John Kerry (2004) and Barack Obama (2008).[35] In 2014, Murrell was caught up and exposed as a key fundraiser for Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn, daughter of Sam Nunn.[36] That should let you know who and what was really secretly behind the Great BPP Purge of 1969.


At the time of the purge, I didn’t even know that Murrell was on the BPP Central Committee. Needless to say, I was very happy to be listed on the same historical document with internationally renown and respected brothers, Stokely and Rap. Kwame Touré  was poisoned and died in the Motherland. The Bold and Beautiful Brother Iman Jamil Al Amin (H. Rap Brown) is a Political Prisoner in North Carolina.


Interestingly, Samuel L. Jackson was a former cheerleader for the Morehouse pep squad when he allegedly became a “revolutionary brother” along beside Stokely and Rap collecting guns for the revolution.[37] I say that it was a highly unlikely situation. Stokely, in particular, because of constant COINTELPRO- Project CHAOS death threats, harassment and surveillance, maintained a tight security ring around him. Additionally, there were also many FBI ghetto informants, military intelligence and agent provocateurs constantly trying to infiltrate his inner circle. I know this, because his team called me on occasion of a subject of interest claiming to be close to Oakland BPP, and my inner circle that was turning up in Washington DC on a number of occasions on Stokely’s doorstep trying to get in.

I knew who they were talking about. On several occasions, he had tried to incite me to try to physically harm him. I knew it was a deep setup to discredit, jail or kill me. He was very scary. He foamed at the ends of his mouth (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) when he got excited. He didn’t work anyplace that I knew of to pay for airline passage across the U.S. To this day, I am not sure who this (pedophile) brother works for, and he remains a very dangerous (ghetto informant) individual in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.

Samuel L. Jackson said that he was among a group of former G.I.’s, which led him to H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. “It was my ‘kill whitey’ period,” he said. “I really thought there’d be an armed struggle between blacks and whites. So we began to collect guns.”[38] It sounds as if Jackson had been part of an agent provocateur group of U.S. Army Phoenix Project Assassination/Suppression Teams out of Vietnam that led secret BPP Assassination Goon Squads in the U.S. to murder members, oppress, neutralize, terrorize, and destroy the party. I know, because I faced some of them, directly. The Oakland BPP Goon Squad was led by a former U.S. Army Ranger out of Vietnam.

Yes, I was very much afraid. I faced him several times, but I was also heavily armed- to defend myself. They had a U.S. Government license to kidnap, torture and kill. The Ranger, that I know of directly, was linked to two murders of young BPP brothers. He is featured as a loyal Panther in the recent BPP documentary on PBS, The Black Panthers, The Vanguard of the Revolution.[39]

As soon as the PBS documentary internet site opens, it features a late female undercover FBI infiltration agent out of San Diego by the name of Dixie. I remember when she first walked through the doors of Merritt Jr. College from out of nowhere. She was an extremely fine and most beautiful young sister, but a wicked and EVIL individual. I sensed it almost immediately. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor. She had no problem in penetrating the inner circle of the BPP. I will not and can’t venture to look at that documentary. It still hurts.

Samuel L. Jackson claims that after the FBI paid a visit to his mother about his direct involvement in the Black Liberation Movement and Panthers– he immediately left Atlanta for Bel Air, an affluent neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. By my own experience with my mother and a FBI visit, there is some truth to that. However, Jackson appeared to have went to work immediately for the State of CaliforniaLos Angeles County Department of Social Services.[40] The FBI don’t ever just forget about real Black Nationalists. They watch and hound you for life. You just don’t roll over into a State Job unless they owe or own you. Nevertheless, we understand clearly that Samuel L. Jackson has very little if any true love for the people.


ILLUMINATI British Transsexual Jodie Harsh and Samuel L. Jackson


Samuel L. Jackson’s BET network- WITCH Impersonation of the wicked DEMON Bitch Nicki Minaj. The Witch and Cat combined, increase  the power of magic and spells.  Jackson, mainly because of his fake  IMAGE as a down Black Nationalist or even a Panther, is supposed to be some type of HollyWeird Bad-BoyBAD ASS. It is only a HOLLYWEIRD ILLUSION. This Negro is a LUCIFERIAN, breed, trained and committed to the New World Order Satanic Cabals.


Samuel L. Jackson is a HollyWeird Darling because he belongs to a powerful International Circle of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS setup by British MK ULTRA/MONARCH GODFATHER, Aldous Huxley to blindly serve the New World Order.


Samuel L. Jackson is one of the leaders of the black Satanic/ILLUMINATI Cabal that will cut your THROAT for his master, SATAN.

3. The TRUTH OF REALITY of Spike Lee


Stylized 666 NOLA DARLING

The above is a international movie poster. I am not certain if it has been altered, but 666 symbols are implanted in it. Shelton Jackson “Spike” Lee was born in Atlanta and also attended Morehouse College in the city. He made his directorial debut with She’s Gotta Have It (1986).[41] I went to see the movie when it first came out to support his debut, but I came out confused with odd mixed emotions. You see I though that I had a balanced undying love and respect for Black women and the sacred feminine before I saw the movie.


Somehow, the movie got into my head. It had appealed to my basic carnal nature. I wondered if I needed myself a NO- Love (La La) to satisfy my very own carnal nature.  It shook me up for a while and confused me so much that I have avoided watching any of Spike’s movies with the exception Malcolm X. I only watch the last scenes, hour or half of the movie.


SOPHIA & BAPHOMET “What occurs above so reflects below, or As above so below”

At a special meeting that I may have crashed in on with the late Chicago Black Intellectual Steve Cokely in Oakland after the release of Spike’s Malcolm X,  I was startled when he told the group that the SOPHIA (White Woman) scenes in the first half of the movie were at the insistence of FBI censors. I donated $50 to help finance a trip for Brother Cokely to meet with Spike privately to further clarify the FBI’s role in the movie.  I gave him a check with my name, address and phone number, intentionally, to document it. I was hoping to buy myself an update or invite to the next meeting, but sadly either happened. To date, I have found no other references by Cokely on the FBI’s role in scripting the movie. On April 11, 2012, Brother Cokely died under what I believe to be suspicious circumstances. He had finally publicly promised to reveal what he really knew about President Barack Obama in Chicago in an upcoming radio broadcast, but never lived to see the day.


Subliminally implanted, Sophia is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion. Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom by Gnostics, as well as by some Neo-pagan, New Age, and Goddess spirituality groups.[42] As you can observe above, the Hermetic/Baphomet axiom “as above, so below” is implanted in Spike’s Malcolm X movie poster.



Keep this in mind as you continue to read this section. In the script before their first sexual interactions, there is a Sophian implant, she says, “Malcolm, look at them. Have you ever seen white breasts like these? Put your black hands on them” and “Am I the first white woman you’ve been with?… THAT ISN’T A WHORE [but a Goddess] ?[43]


She’s Gotta Have It features a young black sister, Nola Darling (Tracy Camilla Johns).[44] NOLA is a name that is significantly meaningless (white shoulder), unless you give it meaning to the word, NO; or the subject of James Bond 007’s debut in Dr. NO (discussed below).


The movie centers around black female sexual sensuality as if Spike Lee had any expertise on the subject, and the attempt to re-image traditional black womanhood, motherhood, the nuclear family structure, and the classic Christian moral code of black families.



The bottom line is that Spike’s She’s Gotta Have It quite frankly and seriously marginalizes and demean Black Womanhood. He presented the sister to the world universally as a black female sexually liberatedSocial Deviant” and “SYMBOLIC WHORE.”[45] Spike Lee’s NOLA presents the WHORE OF BABYLON. Miss Ophelia: “Do you know who made you?” Topsy: “Nobody as I know on,” replied the child, “I ‘spect I jest growed.”[46]



In the movie, Spike Lee made Nola the center of the attention of three friends in which she was laying sexually with each and every one of them. She was a classic “TOPSY” without a god, church, mother, father, family, guidance, direction and wisdom. “I ‘spect she jest growed.” TOPSY was designed and created as the absolute opposite of SOPHIA.


Nola was molded for mass media consumption in the IMAGE of Black woman as “OVERSEXED” African Savages. Such vicious and dehumanizing false myths about Black Women have persisted in America culture from the days of the EVIL empire of human bondage- Slavery.



Spike Lee created Nola as a classic racial stereotypical oversexed Negress- a “Social Deviant” and “A SYMBOLIC WHORE OF BABYLON” that white society and the ILLUMINATI feel quite at home and comfortable to buy into, and distribute globally. And Spike Lee found the planet’s most corrupt and dangerous EVIL forces, the DEVIL himself, to spread the message around the WORLD.




Black ILLUMINATI Luciferians, Charles Barkley & Bill Cosby

THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.


MI6 Lord of the Island of JAMAICA, Sir Chris Blackwell & Spike Lee

She’s Gotta Have It  was distributed globally by ISLAND PICTURES, a film division of Island Records primarily co-founded by English Businessman, Lord Chris Blackwell from the island of Jamaica. Chris Blackwell’s Island Records was financed partially by Stanley Borden of RKO Records,[47] a records division of RKO Pictures that has Joseph Kennedy and Howard Hughes of the CIA/ILLUMINATI embedded in its background and historical records.[48] The Blackwell family was one of sugar plantation complex of 21 colonial families that have controlled the island of Jamaica since Slavery.



WWII, Super Spy Sir William Stephenson of British Intelligence MI6 (Man Called INTREPID) played a key role in the creation of the CIA. As Winston Churchill’s personal representative to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the war, Stephenson became a close advisor to FDR and suggested he put William J. Donovan in charge of all U.S. intelligence services. Donovan, a good friend of Stephenson, founded the U.S. wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which eventually became the SS Gehlen OrgCIA.[49] It is believed that Stephenson was a key player in combination with others that hit JFK in Dallas in November 1963.[50]

After WWII, William Stephenson bought a 22 acre beach house, Hillowton, on Jamaica overlooking Montego Bay. His close friends, Lord Beaverbrook, William Donovan, Ian Fleming, Sir Ivar Bryce and Sir Noel Coward also purchased beach property on the island.[51] Sir Max Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, was a British newspaper magnate and vicious Anglo propagandist. He was an intimate of Hitler’s inner circle and became a very good friend of Rudolph Hess. He was a secret society member of the 1001 Club (New World Order International Satanic/Criminal Network Involved in the Assassination of JFK), Le Cercle and a co-founder of the British Roundtable (Masonic New Order Order) Group with Cecil Rhodes.[52]

Sir Ivar Bryce was a key British intelligence officer connected with the CIA and its Operation (Propaganda) Mockingbird through INTREPID- Stephenson. He was a key player in developing the movie character, Agent 007, James Bond.[53] Bryce may have been involved in the assassination of two U.S. Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.[54] These people were part of the most dangerous inner core of the New World Order, Global Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI. They were centered on the island of Jamaica.

Lord Chris Blackwell (Island Records-Picture) is the son of the notorious Islander socialite, Blanche Blackwell. She was a Cabbalist Sephardic Jew descended from Lindo Clan that had fled Portugal during the Knights Templar Inquisition that settled on the island during the 1700s.[55] The Lindo Clan was also among the island’s early freemasons. She was the infamous host of the Blackwell’s Bolt House.[56] The Bolt House played a significant role in the social life of the island that hosted such luminaries as Charlie Chaplin and the Queen Mother of England. Blanche Blackwell was right smack in the middle of the secret inner core of the Global Elite Satanic Cabal, and the ILLUMINATI.

On the island of Jamaica, Blanche was friends and lovers of Errol Flynn, the HollyWeird Nazi Spy,[57] and the infamous British Intelligence Agent Ian Fleming (James Bond) of MI5. Fleming resided at a small home which he called Goldeneye and playwright, novelist Noel Coward also resided on the island. Coward was also a notorious secret British Intelligence Agent.[58] All three of them, hosted parties together, with HollyWeird’s elite like Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, Sophia Lauren; and the Royal House of England, Queen of England.[59]


It has been claimed that Blanche was “the inspiration for Dr. NO’s Honeychile Ryder, whom Bond first sees emerging from the waves – naked in the book, bikini-clad in the movie.” As well as Honeychile Ryder it has been argued that Fleming based the character of Pussy Galore, who appeared in Goldfinger on Blanche.[60] Lord Chris Blackwell developed Fleming’s Goldeneye into a deluxe resort for the ILLUMINATI, crooked, rich and famous.[61]


Lord Chris Blackwell was recruited into British Intelligence MI6 by Ian Fleming during the filming of the first James Bond movie, Dr. NO (1962) in the Caribbean. It makes a lot sense for British intelligence to recruit Lord Chris, and initiate him into their secret societies to commit him to an oath of secrecy and silence. Here’s why. Sir Stephenson had been head of the North American Desk of MI6. Stephenson ran a super secret counter intelligence division, Special Operation Executive (SOE). He was involved in appointing Major Mortimer Louis Bloomfield of Canada to run the FBI’s counter-intelligence service, Division Five. SOE was secretly centered between Stephenson’s Hillowton Estate and the 2200 acre Tryall Resort Complex on Montego Bay.

In March 1963, Stephenson and Bloomfield began to work for what is believed to have been a review of the strategy for JFK Assassination. The Tryall Resort became a nerve center for the assassination. A number of core committee meetings took place at the resort. One of those seen at the Tryall meetings on a number of occasions was CLAY SHAW of New Orleans.[62]

Tryall Resort was created in 1957 by a syndicate of some of the most dangerous and notorious ILLUMINATI bloodline groups in history that included John D. Rockefeller. The syndicate included Lord Louis Mountbatten’s personal pilot, George Breary Girardet.[63] Lord Mountbatten was King Philip’s cousin of the Royal House of England. He was a Rothschild, and SATANIST that supported Adolf Hitler.[64] The Bronfman crime syndicate family of Canada that owned Seagrams also had an interest in Tryall. They had ran a bootleg operation and sugar plantation on Montego Bay since the late 19th Century.[65]


During the 1950s, Texas entrepreneurs including John Connally, later governor of Texas, and Lloyd Bentsen, who would become a U.S. Senator bought into Tryall. In 1957, they founded the Tryall Club as a private villa resort. Recall, Connally suffered a gunshot wound in the JFK Dallas motorcade crossfire. Connally famously cried out, “My God, they are going to kill us all![66]


So, it made absolute sense to initiate Lord Chris like his mother Blanche, right down the road from Tryall, Montego Bay, into MI6, and the global Satanic/ILLUMINATI, and CIA network.


According to Bunny Wailer, Lord Chris Blackwell play a key part in assassinating both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh in order to steal the Wailers pre-Island Records albums as well as the wealth of the Marley Estate.[67] Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS Officer Dr. Josef Issels, a colleague of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz, and part of Lord Chris’ ILLUMINATI/CIA network finished killing off Bob Marley.[68] 


Part of the story of the emasculation and feminization of Black Men, particularly in America, often ignore is the ILLUMINATI’s collectively marginalization and clandestinely forced invisibility of Black Womanhood and Motherhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the above NBA Hoopers’ Family and their storyline. It is no coincidence, and it seems that NBA Negroes do not the guts or heart to speak up for their people, or protect and preserve the IMAGES of their families and very own dignity and manhood. There are deliberately no Black Women (Sacred Feminine) visible with the Negro Coonery Trio of Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee and Negro Cyborg Chuck-o-Licous.


Half Moon Resort on Montego Bay was an infamous haunt of Queen Elizabeth II,  the Royal House of England, Dr. NO, James Bond 007, ILLUMINATI and by the waySPIKE LEE.[69],[70] CONTINUED ON PART II


[1] http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/Redpill

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_pill_and_blue_pill

[3] http://www.ispot.tv/ad/AZyq/state-farm-meet-the-hoopers-ft-chris-paul-kevin-love

[4] https://geeldon.wordpress.com/category/group-stalking/

[5] http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/2015/12/23/kevin-garnett-chris-paul-deandre-jordan-damian-lillard-kevin-love-hoopers-nba-ad-state-farm/77833970/

[6] http://www.thehiddenrecords.com/earth-flag

[7] Id.

[8] http://srjarchives.tripod.com/1998-03/UZZEL.HTM

[9] Id.

[10] http://srjarchives.tripod.com/1998-03/UZZEL.HTM

[11] http://www.ritualabusefree.org/Immorals%20and%20Dogma.htm

[12] Id.

[13] http://awn.bz/Illuminati-History-Part1.html

[14] http://sports.politicususa.com/2014/12/05/charles-barkley-says-he-doesnt-know-if-slavery-was-really-all-that-bad.html

[15] http://wgntv.com/2016/03/14/charles-barkley-out-of-touch-with-touchscreen/

[16] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metrosexual

[17] http://henrymakow.com/2015/08/Transhumanism-How-the-Illuminati-Depose-God.html

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postgenderism

[19] http://exposingthematrix.blogspot.com/2012/04/transhumanism-symbolism.html

[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Barkley

[21] http://www.celebtricity.com/charles-barkley-if-they-paid-me-enough-id-work-for-the-klan/

[22] http://time.com/3809687/prancing-elites-dance-troupe/

[23] http://atlantablackstar.com/2013/08/29/8-black-celebrities-dont-believe-god/

[24] http://www.breathecast.com/articles/morgan-freeman-god-devil-are-one-people-can-be-either-on-inside-13712/

[25] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Diamond

[26] http://nypost.com/2015/08/16/man-stabs-ex-girlfriend-to-death-on-sidewalk/

[27] http://www.people.com/article/lamar-davenport-pleads-not-guilty-to-murdering-Edena-Hines

[28] http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2015/08/morgan-freeman-had-affair-with-slain-grandchild-before-her-death/

[29] http://www.watchtheyard.com/colleges/samuel-l-jackson-morehouse-hostage/

[30] http://hollowverse.com/samuel-l-jackson/

[31] http://www.cracked.com/article_18905_11-celebrities-who-were-secretly-total-badasses.html

[32] http://americanascherrypie.tripod.com/id3.html

[33] http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/bpp/bpp250169.htm

[34] https://www.linkedin.com/in/virtual-murrell-7162ab26

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Nunn

[36] http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2014/07/11/ga-senate-candidate-nunn-will-return-money-from-felon-donor/


[38] http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/magazine/how-samuel-l-jackson-became-his-own-genre.html?_r=0

[39] http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/films/the-black-panthers-vanguard-of-the-revolution/

[40] http://www.watchtheyard.com/colleges/samuel-l-jackson-morehouse-hostage/

[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Lee

[42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(wisdom)

[43] https://sassysavvyfilm.wordpress.com/2010/05/22/women-and-spike-lee-ii-white-women-as-tool-of-oppression/

[44] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/She%27s_Gotta_Have_It

[45] https://dra243blackfemalesexualityinfilm.wordpress.com/2015/03/01/film-analysis-of-shes-got-to-have-it/

[46] http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/childrn/cbcbhbat.html

[47] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_Records

[48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RKO_Pictures

[49] http://strangeye.blogspot.com/2009/11/superspook-sir-william-stephenson-gets.html

[50] http://www.illuminatirex.com/secret-societies/

[51] http://spartacus-educational.com/2WWstephensonW.htm

[52] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_1001club01.htm

[53] http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19172

[54] http://www.reformation.org/assassination-of-president-roosevelt.html

[55] http://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/theatre/321342/Blanche-Blackwell-The-muse-who-inspired-Bond-and-Noel-Coward

[56] Id.

[57] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/5799641/Errol-Flynn-worked-as-a-Nazi-spy-and-met-Adolf-Hitler.html

[58] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No%C3%ABl_Coward

[59] http://www.bolthousejamaica.com/history.php

[60] http://spartacus-educational.com/WNblackwell.htm

[61] http://blog.cvent.com/blog/executiveoasis/jamaican-hideaways

[62] http://www.geocities.ws/rasmikaelenoch/blackwell.html

[63] http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2012_10_01_archive.html

[64] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/hitler_was_a_rothschild.htm

[65] http://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2012_10_01_archive.html

[66] Id.

[67] http://www.18karatreggae.com/2015/09/22/bob-marley-was-killed-by-rita-marley-and-chris-blackwell-according-to-bunny-wailer/

[68] http://truth11.com/2012/07/22/bob-marley-spirit-of-the-resistance/

[69] http://www.caribbeantravelmag.com/article/Shades-of-Excess

[70] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055928/locations

[71] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/kenan-thompson-blames-snl-lack-ethnic-gender-diversity-weak-talent-pool-article-1.1487449


10 09 2015


False flags often describe covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by individuals, entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.[2]

The Strategy of Tension is basically a concept for control and manipulation of public opinion through the use of fear, propaganda, agents provocateurs, terrorism, etc. The aim is to instill fear into the populace while framing political and targeted opponents, groups for terrorist activities and atrocities.[3]

In America, all the signs and symbols of false flags and strategy of tension are there to see if your EYES AREN’T WIDE SHUT. Well, just as we were beginning to learn more about the signs and symbols of the August 26, 2015 made for mass consumption strategy of tension assassination of WDBJ’s reporter Alison Parker and camera man Adam Ward by alleged shooter 41 year old Vester Lee Flanagan III, another Black Manchurian Candidate was suddenly unleashed for yet another sensationalized wicked blood thirsty false flag operation. I will call it Operation GOFORTH- Black Lives Will Never Matter.

In fact, since the July 13, 2015 Sandra Bland Strategy of Tension Operation broke out on the global scene, there has been about four (4) CIA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates, three (3) people of color candidates unleashed in special operations to distract and divert public attention, influence and manufacture public consensus.

And lo and behold, when citizen investigative journalists widely began to expose the problematic deceptive signs and symbols of all videos coming of Waller County of Sandra Bland to prove that she was alive when her mug shots were taken had been edited, manufactured, and rendered unauthenticated by the deliberate deletion of video evidence time/date stamps, a Manchurian Candidate was suddenly unleashed.


Muhammad Abdulazee, left, has almost virtually the same silly “MK ULTRA SMILE” as the Mad Batman Colorado Theater Shooter Pasty, James Egan Holmes. On July 16, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazee of Kuwait was triggered in a rushed poorly planned special operation. He allegedly attacked two separate military facilities which resulted in the death of four (4) American servicemen in Tennessee.


Well, one of the signs and symbols of a false flag appear when it was discovered that one of his marine victims, Lance Corporal Larry L. Wells, was reported to have been killed in Iraq in 2004.[4]


Another of Abdulazee’s victims was Marine Gunnery Sgt. Thomas J. Sullivan. Well, Sgt. Sullivan also appears to have died before July 16, 2015. In 2009, he died from widespread organ and cardiovascular degeneration.[5] When the false flag signs and symbols of the Abdulazee Manchurian Candidacy began to be exposed by citizen investigative journalists, suddenly yet another False Flag MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate was unchained and unleashed.


John Russell Houser, the MK ULTRA Empty Stare

On July 24, 2015, a “lone wolf drifter” gunman, 59 year old John Russell Houser, without a motive, shot and killed two and himself in a Lafayette, Louisiana theatre. The counter-intelligence signs and symbols of Houser’s candidacy was exposed when it was widely reportedly that he had been so mentally ill and violent that his wife hid his guns and his family had him hospitalized in most likely a MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution.[6]

Operation GOFORTH- Black Lives Will Never Matter


Slain Texas Deputy & Shannon Miles, Miles has an interest in revolutionary Black Nationalism/Black Lives Matter no more than the MAN IN THE MOON.  Again, when citizen investigative journalists began to pick the Vester Flanagan false flag operation apart, another Black Manchurian Candidate was released. On August 31, 2015, 30 year old Shannon J. Miles allegedly gunned down Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth in cold blood at a Houston-area gas station. The suspect in the gas station video of the Goforth shooting was a black male.[7]


The man that allegedly gunned down Deputy Goforth was dressed in a tie shirt and shorts. They are implicating that Miles had the presence of mind  and aforethought to change clothes, hide the murder weapon, shorts and tie shirt, then go shopping with his mother like nothing happened to establish an alibi for something they can’t show he ever had any interest in or could even develop, while most likely under the influence of psychotic drugs and SCHIZOPHRENIA.

In immediate response to the shooting, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman, said, “Our system of justice absolutely requires a law enforcement presence to protect our communities, so at any point where the rhetoric ramps up to the point where calculated cold-blooded assassination of police officers happen(s). This rhetoric has gotten out of control,” Hickman said. He added, “We’ve heard black lives matter; all lives matter. Well cops’ lives matter too; so why don’t we just drop the qualifier and just say lives matter and take that to the bank,” Hickman’s remarks and outrage were directed at the Black Lives Matter Movement.[8]


Shannon Miles is being held in solidary confinement so nobody can come in contact with him. He may not even be not aware of where he is. In 2013, he had been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent. He didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. On the morning of September 1, 2015, news began to surface that Miles has absolutely nothing to do with Black Lives Matter.


He is in fact one hapless former unstable schizoid mental health patient of the Texas Department of State Health Services most likely under a regiment of mind control drugs- thorazine (chemical lobotomy), or other MK ULTRA Jonestown drugs like Quaaludes, Valium, Morphine, Demerol, chloral hydrate (a hypnotic chemical agent), and Thallium that confuses thinking.[9] All you have to do with a Black Manchurian Candidate zombie like Shannon J. Miles, programmed by the State of Texas, is put a gun into his hand and point him toward the action.


Local Cop or U.S. Soldier? Military Fanatic- GI Joe Gliniewicz

When news of his wretched psychotic mental state was exposed nationally on the morning on September 1, around 7:50 a.m., a Chicago area Lake County Police Officer, GI JOE Lieutenant Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, was allegedly killed in Fox Lake, ILL by a BLACK MALE and two white male suspects that, yes of course, are completely unknown and got away. Corporate mass media conveniently suddenly broke away from the Miles and Goforth Cop Killer story to chase some other demon and more convenient- truly Phantom Cop Killers.[10] Yes, it appears from most of the signs and symbols to be yet another clandestine false flag and strategy of tension operation. GI Joe served in the U.S. Army from 1981-2007. From 1985, he was both a Lake County Police Officer and took orders from the U.S. Army– Posse Comitatus. The Posse Comitatus Act is an act that prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces as a posse comitatus for law enforcement.  If anyone actually killed this man, it wasn’t mere criminals, but deep cover U.S. military intelligence operatives and assassins of the BROTHERHOOD.

I AM So Fancy- Satan, White Privilege and Supremacy

As a the direct result of American government war criminal aggression of absolutely demonic proportions, and wicked (ILLUMINATI Puppets Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama) campaigns of mass human rights violations, genocide- mass murder and destabilization in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, LIBYA, and Africa , Europe, Middle East and Africa is going to hell in a hand basket while America continue to bask in the sunlight of  I AM SO FANCY – guilt free and held HARMLESS of International War Crimes and Crimes against Democracy and Humanity by the Global Satanic Cabals.


The other day, as many as 71 bodies believed to be those of Syrian migrants were found in an abandoned truck near the Austrian-Hungary border highlights the global crisis Europe faces in dealing with the greatest deluge of displaced people since World War II. So far, there are no solutions in sight from the I AM SO FANCY American political system to the growing world calamity, and the American Global Political Satanic Oasis sits by and watch the world catastrophe like an innocent peanut gallery spectator.[11] The deep state’s hidden agenda is to destabilize and depopulate Africa and Middle East that may as a result permanently change the face of Europe.  Peace in the Middle East certainty isn’t one of the ILLUMINATI’S objectives unless the people demand it.


A big black perverted BRUTE allows the American political system to become the “I am so Fancy” Iggy Azaleas of the world. Donald Drumpf (Trump)- Primo Don, the leading republican presidential candidate can make national headlines and fill up stadiums across the country talking about his natural blond hair, and Mexican migrants.[12] It allows the democratic presidential candidate Libyan War Criminal/Mass Murderer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to sit back casually and be so fancy highlighting the crimes of Vester Flanagan for national gun control.[13] Instead of facing a 2016 U.S. presidential election, Hilary Clinton should be facing a prison sentence and firing squad from an international war crimes tribunal.


Iggy Azalea is popular because of white corporate ownership of the hip hop brand. She is popular because she is being marketed as the “blond white Australian woman who is running ‘Hip Hop.’ She is popular because women of color are habitually denied a stage to talk about the invisibilization of their life experiences. She is popular not because of her lyrical ability, but because she is an embodiment of Western beauty ideals and a perfect vehicle for proving the prevalence, the naivety, and the power of WHITE SUPREMACY.”[14]

That’s only part of the story. In the video,” I am So Fancy”, Iggy is immersed, but dominate the Black Rap and Hip Hop Culture as an iconic symbolic white figure. With her blond hair, dark eyes and whiteness, she says that I AM, not Hip Hop or anything else, So Fancy. It (White Privilege and Supremacy) is a fantasy that we (people of color) can not touch.


Iggy & the Great BEAST 666 Mocking the Crucifixion

So as she appears so innocently immersed in the Black Rap and Hip Hop Culture, there’s a flip side to her more dangerous, demonic and insidious than you can ever imagine. Fancy is defined as imagination or fantasy, especially as exercised in a capricious manner.[15]


On the other side of that sweet innocent image, Iggy Azealea is a classic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disorder (MPD) candidate. In one of her alter personalities, she is a classic Sex Kitten.


In another one of her alters, she is a Masonic Demon/ess and Sorceress.

However in her most important role, she is a classic MK ULTRA counterintelligence cultural change agent. Iggy Azalea raps, “First things first, I’m the REALIST. Drop this, and LET THE WHOLE WORLD FEEL IT.”[16] A lot of people are still in the dark about what she really meant dropping that rhyme. In reality, it is quite a propound statement that is much more than an innocent young white girl out of racist and wicked Australia just trying to bust a few rhymes. There is a much border picture to be realized, and discussion that has to take place involving White Supremacy and the Iggy Azaleas of the world subliminally implanting notions and fantasies of white privilege and supremacy among masses of color.


Well, the REALIST was a newsletter project “Telling Truth to Power” for the people made infamous by the Late Great Mae Brussell. In issue 98, February 1974 Realist newsletter, Mae opened, “You only need to have a tape recorder to set up a revolutionary movement today.” FBI Director, Charles Bates[17]

The military intelligence complex has known for decades that you only need a microphone, tape recorder, the complicity, control and coordination of mass corporate (Operation MOCKINGBIRD)[18] media and the entertainment industry to sublimely influence and manipulate the hearts and minds of the people.


CIA MK ULTRA Godfather Aldous Huxley & Iggy Azalea- The Eye of HORUS

Aldous Huxley, the British Grandfather of MK ULTRA, taught the New World Order and ILLUMINATI how best to sustain Anglo superiority and dominance without mass popular resistancethey are the REALIST that create realities to control the minds and aspirations of the masses through scientifically implanting subliminal fantasies, fears and ILLUSIONS. What does Iggy Azalea have to do with Black Manchurian Candidate Vester Lee Flanagan III?

VESTER FLANAGAN- MK ULTRA Priest/Monk of Satan’s Army


This is all about the counter-intelligence Satanic Signs and Symbols of Vester Lee Flanagan III and SEX MAGICK. Above, somebody or entity had been messing with Vester’s head.  Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989) is often called the “father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb,” but while in Gorki, Russia somebody and entity had been messing with his head, too- deliberate high tension electromagnetic radiation bombardment. “Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect”- such technology has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with “voices” or deliver undetectable instructions to a MK ULTRA/MONARCH programmed assassin.



“This is a manifesto for every man and every woman who recognizes their own right to Divine Kingship, those who recognize themselves to be Stars. The aim is the complete establishment of the Kingdom of RA-HOOR-KHUIT upon earth. That is, the permeating and infiltration of all facets of life with the sublime Word of Thelema.” Manifesto of RA HOOR KHUIT [19]  When I first took notice of Kanye West with the sign and symbol of the Kemetic Horus, I thought he was manipulating a form of Horus in Kemetic mythology for the ILLUMINATI.  It’s a totally different ball game. I didn’t know anything about RA HOOR KHUIT and its Satanic/Setian function to absolutely and deliberately BASTARDIZE Kemetic Cosmology for White Supremacy and the New World Order.  I’ll connect up RA HOOR KHUIT with Flanagan below. 

Vester Flanagan III & the U.S. Clandestine Military Sodomite BROTHERHOOD


Television News Reporter Bryce Williams AKA Vester Lee Flanagan III

Especially on CNN News 24-7 for a week or more, confused and abused MK ULTRA/MONARCH victim, Vester Flanagan III, had become America’s mass media’s international political distraction and diversion. In this country, he was a “big black BRUTE” and a perverted homosexual that had suddenly become the global poster child of wickedness, and new international whipping boy for National Gun Control.

March 2012 – Bryce Williams, an alter personality of Vester Flanagan, was hired by WDBJ-TV in Roanoke, Virginia. In February 2013, Williams was fired by WDBJ- over two (2) years ago.[20] Flanagan was a big black man. He stood about 6 feet 3, and may have weighted over 250 pounds, but he had no history or background of violence. Even in that so called road rage incident used to denigrate him in the public eyes, he made absolutely no aggressive moves toward the man recording the video, Brandon Foster.[21]

It appears that it was Foster that was raging, and it was him that became intimidated and paranoid by Flanagan’s size and blackness. Flanagan remained clam and was even respectful to Foster even though he was being provoked. The so-called road rage incident demonstrated that Flanagan was by nature mild mannered, respectable and humble even under a state of the stress of provocation.


However what you should note unusual about Flanagan is not only is he driving a late model Ford Mustang, but he is wearing military camouflaged pants and boots. He appears that he had some immediate connection with a military exercise, and that can be very troublesome in the State of Virginia. Washington DC (District of Goddess Columbia) sits at the heart of the State of Virginia while the state is the heart of the nation’s ultra clandestine military-intelligence complex and security state.

The BROTHERHOOD: Secret Satanic Military Sodomite Underground in Virginia 


Kay & Marine U.S. Marine Col. George Griggs

Katherine Griggs of Virginia Beach, VA was the wife of 11 years to alcoholic Colonel George Raymond Griggs USMC, Intelligence Operations, head of special (psychological) operations under Admiral Celso at NATO. Roanoke is approximately 500 miles outside of Virginia Beach. Kay Griggs was a member of the board in NATO’s wives club, and assistant director of the Virginia Center for World Trade in Norfolk, VA. Marine Col. Griggs’ background includes NATO’s college at Rome, and then Princeton. His intelligence spy career began in Vietnam.[22] She maintains her former husband, Marine Col. Griggs, runs a military intelligence Murder, Inc. of trained assassins that he calls the “firm” or “The BROTHERHOOD” that were “sexually perverted “. Kay Griggs said that The BROTHERHOOD had its origins in the secret Germany Illness, the Pink TriangleSodomite SSKnights of the Black Sun/Nazis out of Operation PAPERCLIP. [23]


At the scene of the Flanagan shooting at Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta, Virginia, there appears to be unidentified military personnel on the scene dressed like Flanagan in camouflaged pants and military boots. WDBJ’s camera man Adam Ward body allegedly still lies in place at the plaza. It doesn’t appear to be much or any blood at the scene where three people were supposedly shot multiple times.

 In a series of interviews around 1998 through 1999, she blew the whistle on the Satanic/Homosexual/Pedophilic links between the military and members of the Virginia elite. At the beginning of the interview, she appeared somewhat reluctant to discuss Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS secretly brought into the U.S. after WWII.  However, she loosened her tongue and told us that from New York Wall Street to Washington DC- the men in secret current hierarchical power in the U.S. are the children and descendants of the Nazi/SS Knights. It’s a very important clue,  and keep in mind as you read further that the SS are European KNIGHTS. Himmler organized and created NOTHING without a thread to German/Aryan pagan magick, mythology, cosmology and antiquity.


The SS Knights of the Black Sun were/is a 20th Century branch of the medieval German Teutonic Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem. The German Teutonic Order was a branch of Knight Templars (Temple Knights) of the 12th Century crusades. It’s important to keep in mind as you read further that according to medieval Christian theologians, angels are organized into several orders, or “Angelic Choirs.Seraphim (singular “Seraph“)  literally translated “burning ones“, the word seraph is normally a synonym for serpents when used in the Bible. Mentioned in Isaiah 6:1-7, SERAPHIM are the highest angelic class and they serve as the caretakers of God’s Throne and continuously shout praises: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”


According to Isaiah 6:1-8,  the Seraphim are described as fiery six-winged beings; with two wings he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.



One early source for information and study on Angelology and Demonology is the prophet Zoroaster.  A “Fallen Angel” is an angel that has been exiled or banished from Heaven [fallen being a a metaphor for “cast out” or ostracized. Of course, the best known fallen angel is LUCIFER. Among the Seraphim, the highest order of angelsthat fell from heaven in that category were Lucifer, Belial, LEVIATHAN and Satan, and those who believed and joined their cause became the first DEMONS.

LEVIATHAN is related to the BAPHOMET, the guiding spiritual light and god of the Knight Templars that include the Teutonic Order. Also among the fallen angels is an entity Samael. Samael is a major demon in Jewish demon lore and Christian demonology. He also plays important roles within occultism. He is credited as being in the heavenly hierarchies as well as being among the fallen angels. In the Chronicles of Jerahmeel Samael is described as being “Chief of the SATANS.” Even though this work depicted him as being one of the most wickedest angels, he is nevertheless said to be an angel in the service of the Lord. A. E. Waite in his work The Holy Kabbalah defines Samael as the “severity of God” and also equates him with SATAN and the Serpent, LILITH being his bride. In Moncure Daniel Conway’s Demonology and Devil-Lore, Samael, functioning as the left hand of God, is consort of both the voluptuous maiden Naamah and the arch-SHE DEVIL LILITH.


The BAPHOMET is a rebirth of Samael and Lilith through the Seraph Dragon LEVIATHAN. (see Michael Ford, Luciferian Witchcraft- Book of the Serpent, Succubus Productions, Houston, TX (2009), pg. 335) The SS-Knights of the Black Sun are followers of the Secret Knowledge of the SERAPH, LEVIATHAN, a Fallen Angel. I will connect up the Secret Knowledge of the SERAPH with Vester Flanagan, below.

Kay Griggs said that there is a substantial and powerful military/elite underground in Virginia. She said that the U.S. Military is run by sexual deviants, especially on the homosexual side. Individual’s like Jeffery Dahmer, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, Lee Harvey Oswald and a host of others who have a SEXUAL DEVIANT background are sought by people in the army for advancement in to intelligence type work because they are so easy to control, become mind slaves and in a sense the whole military is a MIND CONTROL operation.[24]

“THE term “ORION GROUP” refers to an utterly clandestine group of hard-core Satanists within the USAF whose names and purposes will never be officially published nor acknowledged as such by the USAF and for obvious reasons… There are many different operations in the USAF and US military, going by names that may indeed include ORION GROUP, OMEGA GROUP, etc. But their hard-core black-ops like the hidden SATANIC NWO “ORION GROUP” you will never read about openly.”[25]


Recently, citizen journalists exposed that Flanagan’s victim Alison Bailey Parker’s true boyfriend was actually the dark haired U.S. Marine Daniel Wulz– Part of The BROTHERHOOD or the Firm.  Her corporate mass media blond boyfriend on the right, Chris Hurst, is a military/police intelligence “Crisis Actor”. It’s also extremely odd that mild mannered and humble Vester had lived in Roanoke for over 3 (three) years and yet nobody has appeared publicly as his friends and associates, and nobody touches what he did (riding around in popular late model rental cars) in Virginia (Queen Elizabeth I- Virgin(ia) Queen) since he was fired from WDBJ in February 2013- over 2 (two) years ago.


Recently, a mysterious Robert Lee Avent of Vallejo, CA suddenly popped up claiming to have been a friend. One thing is clear. He didn’t display any grief, tears or mourning at the death of his so-called friend. It is the Sign of the BEAST. I call him, Frenchy. He shared a four bedroom house with Flanagan in Vallejo from 2006 to 2012. In Vallejo, Flanagan was doing his thing. Frenchy claims that he wasn’t a same-sex prostitute, but Flanagan made it pretty clear that he wasn’t comfortable and was somewhat paranoid of straight black males, and they weren’t comfortable with him. It doesn’t seem possible that a straight black male would have lived with an obvious same-sex prostitute running an illicit racket out of your home for six (6) years without being mixed up in the trick and trade.[26] Frenchy favors Flanagan in that both were big bluff light skinned (bi-racial?) homosexual NegroMandingoes.

Frenchy also has some residential connection to Kay Griggs’ hometown, Virginia Beach, VA, and the area of Col. Griggs’ massive U.S. Marine Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base on the Virginia coast, near Norfolk and Virginia Beachan area which Kay says is an area that constitutes a massive underground military/homosexual nexus of power. It’s also fairly close to the Fort Bragg nexus of power. Frenchy claimed that what really bothered Flanagan was growing fear about getting older and becoming less attractive to his sex magick clientele. He also said that Flanagan told him on day of the operation that he had “NO OTHER CHOICE” being involved.[27] All that Avent was allowed to reveal publicly only destroyed Flanagan’s false flag ILLUMINATIrace war” assassination motive. For whatever reasons, Flanagan had absolutely NO CHOICE (Black Manchurian Candidate) in being complicit in the operation.


Flanagan & Virginia State Trooper Pamela Neff- SIGN and SYMBOL of BROTHERHOOD Hand over Hand (X-Symbol) CROSSED BONES

Officer Neff was the first to spot Flanagan’s car on the highway. Contrary to mass corporate media notions, there was no car chase. At all time, Flanagan was driving normally and casually along the road.


Trooper Neff allegedly first spotted Flanagan’s car and started the so-called car (false) chase. On the day of the operation, Franz Strasser, a video journalist with BBC, and his colleague Tara McKelvey were en route to Roanoke to report on the shooting when they happened upon Flanagan’s car crash site near the tiny town of Linden, Virginia. They pulled over into the median of the highway and Strasser began rolling.[28]


For a suicide shooting most likely a head shot, there doesn’t seem to be any blood trail, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence trail at the scene at Flanagan’s crash scene that any emergency attempt had been made to save his life especially when he was shot sometime in the morning and died after 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. Strasser kept rolling as he approached the crash site surrounded by a dozen Virginia State Police (VSP) vehicles. When VSP officers spotted Strasser, about six of them rushed toward him.


They followed him back to his car, and told Strasser and McKelvey that they had to get away from the scene. Strasser says the cop then told him his car was going to be towed for being illegally parked and his camera seized because it “might contain evidence.” The VSP officer took the camera out of the reporter’s hands.[29] When Strasser said he was willing to go but that he needed his car and camera to do his job, the cop forced him to delete the footage he had just recorded first. “He was very close to me, looking at the screen and looking at every step I took, making sure that I did hit ‘delete’ and did hit ‘submit,'” Strasser says. “Towing the car wasn’t brought up again.”[30] Strasser Tweeted right after it happened, “Reason for confiscating camera was that it was EVIDENCE. … But why they are then okay with DELETING ‘EVIDENCE’ makes one question their reasoning.”[31]


BROTHERHOOD Inverted Triangle (Pyramid) Secret SIGN and SYMBOLWaller County, TX D.A. Elton Mathis of the Sandra Bland Matter and Virginia State Police Sgt. Rick C. Garletts reporting the initial Flanagan August 26, 2015 shootings at Bridgewater Plaza. Flanagan was pronounced dead shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the Inova Fairfax Hospital. At approximately 9:40 a.m, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said that police are chasing the suspect.[32] So, it is quite possible that Flanagan was alive at the time of his alleged capture on the side of the freeway, or somewhere else. It was reported that he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after a police car chase.[33]


Frenchy claimed that Flanagan allegedly told him by phone during the police chase that he was going to shoot/kill himself backing up the police version. However, his phone records show that the police chase had taken place between 8:15 and 8:33 a.m., an hour earlier than the governor said the chase was in process.[34]


Yet, like the crime scene in the case of the Chattanooga shooting, there is no blood evidence that any shooting ever took place.

Frenchy also claimed that in Flanagan’s last letter to him, he claimed that Flanagan revealed that he wrote to his father a month before the shooting, saying he didn’t want a funeral and wanted to be cremated, NO FUNERAL when he died.[35] Frenchy is pushing for the further DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE. It isn’t too difficult to realize who benefits from the cremation of Flanagan’s body, if there is a body to cremate in the first instance.



Vester Flanagan III was no more interested in sparking a potential “race war” over Dylann Storm and the South Carolina Mother Emanuel Slaughter than the “MAN ON THE MOON.” Don’t get it twisted, Flanagan wasn’t a male escort. The man had been a compulsive and psychotic- one tract mind  “MALE PROSTITUTE.”  For decades, his brain pleasure centers had been focused primarily on sexual gratification and perversion. Black nationalism, justice and righteousness for mankind just wasn’t on this man’s agenda to the extent that he would be willing to kill and commit revolutionary suicide. IT’S A SICK SORRY JOKE.

Mostly all of the dead MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates leave behind so called CIA authored “Manifestos.” Flanagan was no exception to the rule. In Flanagan’s so called “Manifesto“, it states, “ … I was influenced by Seung–Hui Cho. That’s my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold got…just sayin.”[36] Approximately forty-two (42) miles outside of Roanoke at Blacksburg, Virginia, Seung-Hui Choi, the South Korean Intelligence agent, and mass murderer who allegedly and most unlikely killed 32 people and wounded 17 others on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech also left behind a so-called “Manifesto.”[37]


Seung-Hui Choi had been a local story. He was a satanic ritually abused CIA- MK ULTRA victim and Manchurian Candidate.[38],[39],[40],[41] Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold (Dylann Storm) of the Columbine (Columbian) Colorado Massacre were also satanic ritually abused victims and MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidates.[42],[43],[44],[45]

It is interesting to note that Vester (alter Bryce Williams) joined Twitter only on August 12, 2015 to setup an electronic paper trail of an alleged motive for the August 26 false flag operation.[46] On Aug. 19, 2015, a week before the operation, Flanagan, under the username of @bryce_williams7, Tweeted to his 16 followers, “Hell yeah I’ve been a high paid ‘companion.’ You wish u could too!! Lol.” The word “companion” in itself certainly suggests that he had maintained an established select clientele that he served. The Tweet was accompanied by four photos of Flanagan from his younger days, posing and flexing for the camera.[47] Just days before the operation, Vester was too busy boosting about his FREAK than developing any farfetched and distant notions of “Revolutionary Suicide.” Sex Magick and his FREAK not revenge had been his fancy and the opium to Vester’s brain.[48]

Until he was triggered or keyed to be a Black Manchurian Candidate, Vester was too occupied and busy with porn, sexual perversion and boosting about his ability to sexually satisfy an older and more affluent perverted white military intelligence complex clientele inside/outside the Roanoke, Virginia area to be concerned about MK ULTRA/MONARCH mass murderers. When law enforcement agencies entered and seized his apartment, they found nothing but porn, sex toys and numerous reflective images of Flanagan in the place. The hard drive of Vester’s computer was taken, and I am absolutely certain that there was nothing about Dylann Storm, Emanuel AME, Choi or the Columbine Massacre Programmed Assassins on that computer. Law enforcement and intelligence authorities were more interested in seizing and concealing Vester’s sexual client electronic data base on the computer than establishing any killer motives. In fact, the hard disk is not even listed on the police warrant inventory return list.


As you can see, somebody had ripped Vester’s hard drive out of the computer inside the home.[49]

Vester, From Sex Toy Male Prostitute to Black Manchurian Candidate


In July 2015, Vester purchased not 1 (one), but 2 (two) state of art 9 mm Gen 3 Glock model 19 handguns.[50] However, 2 (two) new Glocks with ammunition and clips had to add up to over a $1,000.[51] Vester was unemployed. Where did the money come from to pay month to month rent on an Roanoke apartment, rent multiple cars, buy guns and ammunition? Tricks and the CIA?

Vester Flanagan, Jehovah Witnesses & Mind Control, Ritually Sexual Abuse of Children


On his Twitter account, Vester left clear clues and unquestionable coded references to his upbringing and influences during his most formative childhood years among the Central Oakland Congregation of the Jehovah Witnesses during the 1970-1990s. On August 19, 2015, he Tweeted, “Ooooooh as a Jehovah’s Witness I wasn’t supposed 2b celebrating b-days [birthdays] but “mommy” was cool (most of the time) lol.”


The pictures suggest that as early as 12 months old (1974), he had been under the power and influence of a Satanic CULT. Jehovah’s Witnesses were/are deeply shrouded in secrecy, freemasonry and trauma based mind control.[52]

The Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Watchtower Society, is another ILLUMINATI religion used for mind control and a front for Satanism. It systematically disconnects its members from non-members in the way of all mind-control cults. From the start, the Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, has been a front for Enochian MagicSatanism. They placed the flying Sun disk on the front of their books, an ancient Illuminati symbol going back to Kemet and Babylon. The Watchtower magazine has always been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolism and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code.[53]


Notice the Teutonic Order Black Cross on the Jehovah’s Witnesses Watch Tower. “The Jehovah’s Witness organization is named over and over by survivors of trauma-based mind control for being involved, like the Mormon Church, in unspeakable mind control projects. The Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the same organization at the top level where the El-ders of the Mormons and the Watchtower Society operate a very different agenda to the one revealed to their followers.”[54]


Jehovah Witnesses were founded and basically established by Irish/Scottish descendent Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916), and Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford (November 8, 1869 – January 8, 1942) during the 19th Century. Some sources insist that Russell was a Master Mason.[55]


Question: What does Masonry’s emblem/sign/symbol of the ‘Cross and Crown’ actually symbolize? The Cross of Freemasonry is a philosophical cross, according to Albert Pike, ‘Morals and Dogma,‘ p. 771. It is philosophical in the sense that it represents the generating fecundating principle by the perpendicular shaft, 350 MASONIC AND OCCULT SYMBOLS ILLUSTRATED and the matrix or womb of nature, the female producing principle by the horizontal shaft. The philosophy of the Masonic cross is totally phallic. “The ‘Crown’ of this Masonic emblems is also phallic, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth….”[56] The Sephiroth is another name for the SERAPHIM, Fallen Angels. 


Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Cross and Crown is in honor of the Knights Templar, but its Knight Helmet, Armor and Crossed Sword and Ax (X Symbol) also honor the Knights.  Its Shepherd’s Crook is associated with the king and was used to write the word “ruler” and “rule” in hieroglyphics.


The Jehovah’s Witnesses Knight’s Ax is similar to the Teutonic Knight Battle Ax.

A former Mason also explains: “The other York Rite jewelry you may see is the Templar symbol….It is a large Maltese cross with a circle in the center.  Inside the circle is a red Latin cross within a crown. Around the arms of the cross is the Commandery Motto, ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces.’ (In this sign, YOU WILL CONQUER!)”[57] The Commandery Motto is originally attributed to the Emperor Constantine, who used it in conjunction with a supposedly heavenly vision to begin the subversion and politicization of Biblical Christianity into the false, apostate Alexandrian Cult.[58]


Charles Taze Russell was an occultist and a practitioner of Elizabethan Sorcerer Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magick. The Enochian system of magick as practiced today is primarily the product of research and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY.[59]


Enochian is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the “Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the “Holy Language” or “Adamical Language” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term “Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language below the Great Fall of MAN.[60]

Jehovah Witnesses teach that “the servant class on earth are directed by the Lord through his duly constituted deputies or angels. “ (Light. Volume II.1930 p. 20). “Visible human creatures had to do with that message, yet in fact, it was a message of the Lord sent through his invisible angels, because without a doubt these are clothed with authority to direct the course of earthly members of God’s organization.” (Light Vol.1 l930, p.106).[61]


The big problem with Dr. Dee’s Secret Rites of Enochian Magick is that the angels that he was conjuring up were actually demonic spirits. Edward Kelley warned Dr. Dee the “angels” they were talking to were really DEMONS, and that angles had told him their goal was to destroy humanity.[62]

Charles Taze Russell membership in secret cults such as the Freemasons, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias, etc., is still deeply veiled. If he was a secret Master Mason of the York Rite, and I believe that he was, it would be consistent with Freemasonry’ mission of clandestinely setting up Masonic blue lodge fronts among the masses, and infiltrating groups and institutions to take over.


However, Russell’s successor, Judge Joseph (Joe) Franklin Rutherford, that coined the organizational name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” was confirmed to have been a member of the Knights of Pythias, a fraternal order founded in 1864. He was so prominent in the Knights of Pythias that he was the toastmaster at the dedication of their castle in Boonville, Missouri in January 1899. He was also a member of the Woodman of the World (WoodmenLife).[63]


Joseph Cullen Root, above, founded the Modern Woodmen of America. He sought light in Masonry in Lyons Lodge No. 93. He was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on July 20, 1877, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on December 28, 1877, and was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on March 30, 1880. He received the 32nd Degree on March 14, 1884. After relocating to Omaha, Nebraska, he became a member of Mount Moriah Lodge of Perfection, Semper Fidelis Chapter of Rose Croix, Saint Andrew’s Council of Kadosh, and Nebraska Consistory (Scottish Rite). On October 19, 1897, he was elected a Knight Commander of the Court of Honour. On December 4, 1899, he received the 33°. He also held membership in the Knights Templar, the Knights of Pythias, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Brotherhood of Death).[64]


The Woodmen are similar if not another front for a secret white male Masonic/Satanic Blue Lodge and Brotherhood. They have three degrees-morning, noon, and night–but most members only undergo the first, consisting of a welcoming ritual in which new members are passed beneath a tunnel formed by the crossed axes of the existing members.


In 1868, the Ancient Order of United Workingmen merged with the Woodmen of the World and the Masonic Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The founding mythology of the Woodmen of the World posits an ancient code of brotherhood among woodmen. who are sworn to help one another in time of need. The myth additionally holds that woodmen worldwide have developed a body of wisdom inspired by Woodcraft. much as the Masons are inspired by operative masonry. In 1896 grassroots pressure from the lodges led to the creation of a “Uniform Rank” for the purpose of organizing military-type drill instruction, including distinctive Woodmen Axe Drills.[65] Very scary stuff!


As for the Knights of Pythias, under the veil and shroud, the Greek mythology and legacy of Warriors Damon and Pythias (Cult of the Knights of Pythia) were of a same sex couple whom death could never sever.[66]


This is a sign and symbol for Robert Avent@Buttflyzzz. I cannot prove that this symbol belongs to Frenchy, but it is his name and it does reference the Butt (Sodomy). It suggests Butt-flys (homosexual or bi-sexual male clients), and ZZZ (MK ULTRA sleepers). If it isn’t Frenchy’s symbol, it is a most strange and remarkable twist of fate. Regarding the Latin phrase above the symbol and sign, it is also relevant to this case. Among the Scottish Rite Freemasonry brotherhood, it is the Fourteenth Degree Motto: Virtus Junxit, Mors Non Separabit (Virtue has united and death shall not separate).[67]

Fallen Angels, Jehovah Witnesses & Enochian Sex Magick


Jehovah’s Witnesses have practiced Enochian Magick for over a hundred years. You must understand that communion with spirits, angels, demons and the DEVIL by Enochian Magick always command the calling forth by secret symbols, signs, rites and rituals. The practice of Enochian Magick involve Fallen Angel Sex Magick.


The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick is a Secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[68] Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences per instructions from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magick can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.”Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress.[69]

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[70]

Most practitioners of Enochian Sex Magick agree with the Great BEAST 666 that every means of arousal may be used, such as physical stimulation, genital stimulation, psychological stimulation, devices (such as SEX TOYS) to reach Eroto-comatose lucidity. Eroto-comatose lucidity places the individual in a state between full sleep and full wakefulness as well as exhaustion, allowing the practitioner to commune with their god- the DEVIL.[71]


In HollyWeird, Enochian Sex Magick is also known as “Dark Sex.” A popular Satanic Negro actor alleged to be a practitioner of Enochian Sex Magick is Terrence Howard.[72] He calls himself “SATAN” and the “ANTICHRIST‘.[73] Above, he has Triangles (pyramids), the Moloch Owl and a form of the Ourboros snake. The Serpent biting its own tail is first seen as early as 1600 years BC in Kemet as a symbol of the sun, and represented the travels of the sun disk. From there it moved to their cousins, Canaanites (Phoenicians) and then to the Greeks, who gave it its name, Ouroboros, which means devouring its tail.

The possession of SEX TOYS in the trade of male prostitution certainly isn’t any conclusive proof of the practice of Crowleian/Enochian Sex Magic, but if you factor in Jehovah’s Witnesses– their secret and clandestine practice of Enochian Magick, and Flanagan’s clandestine residence in the belly of the nation’s underground Satanic  Sodomite military/intelligence community then SEX TOYS would be undoubtedly be considered the Signs and Symbols of the practice of Enochian Sex Magick.

Jehovah Witnesses, Pedophiles & Secret Ritual Sexual Abuse of Children


“ ‘You come to us first. Don’t tell anybody. … You don’t warn parents in the congregation. We’ll decide what happens here.’ That’s their policy.” — Irwin Zalkin, attorney for Jose Lopez, describing the system he believes the Witnesses have created [74]

For Jose Lopez, it took almost three decades to find some semblance of justice after he’d been ritually sexually molested during the 1990s– when he was 7 years old by a church elder pedophile who’d operated within a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in San Diego with impunity.[75] In Sidney, Australia alone, from 1950 to 2014, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah Witnesses) amassed 5,000 files detailing sexual abuse of Australian children by 1,006 of its members.[76]

For 25 years, the leadership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn, NY has instructed its elders to keep cases of child sexual abuse secret from law enforcement and members of their own congregations, according to an examination of thousands of pages of documents in recent cases.[77] In the last few years, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been hit with an increasing barrage of lawsuits claiming the organization has covered up child sexual abuse. A pair of sisters in Vermont filed a suit in September claiming that a member of their congregation molested them when they were as young as MK ULTRA prime 4 years old, the idea age range to begin the process to create multiple personality disorder (MPS). [78]

When they reported the abuse to the elders in the congregation, they said, they were called liars. The next month in Dallas, five women and one man filed a joint lawsuit alleging that an elder in their congregation sexually abused them while they were all younger than 13 years old.[79]

The order of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a CULT that is controlled and governed by a secret ILLUMINATI/Satanic Cabal Circle (roundtable) that the CIA MK ULTRA Occult Bureau is believed to have infiltrated and control.[80]

According to Vester, he had been exposed to the Jehovah Witnesses since early infancy. It had been alleged and charged that some type of experimental Satanic Trauma Based Mind Control was/is being used to create Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) and control children born into the ILLUMINATI within the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Society.[81]


From the pictures that he had posted on Twitter, Vester suggests that he may have been ritually traumatically sexually abused, and his original self had been fractured (Multiple Personality Disorder) since infancy. One thing is certain, he had been turned out as some type of MK ULTRA Male Sex Toy for a secret affluent white (military intelligence) cabal, and intelligence operations.

Vester Lee Flanagan III AKA Bryce Williams had been a closet homosexual most of his life. Most likely in his teens, he had turned his CIA MK ULTRA Sex Toy alter personality into a secret profitable/professional male prostitution racket and enterprise. It was a wicked enterprise that he continued to engage in secret in Roanoke, Virginia that nobody will discuss.


However, MK ULTRA/MONARCH also always program a victim with one or several assassin alters along with termination alters. In the raid on Vester’s apartment after the shooting incident, police reportedly found “manySEX TOYS that still had “human material” on them.[82] The trade of his profession included the Great BEAST 666’S SEX TOYS. Flanagan was a sexual deviant and clandestine practitioner of Enochian Sex Magick who had been recruited by the Secret Sodomite BROTHERHOOD inside the U.S. Military and Government.

Again, what does Iggy Azalea have to do with Vester Flanagan III?

Bryce Williams, Resurrection & Afterlife

Vester was not allowed to leave behind any clear references to the occult. However, he did slip us a clue to an extremely important sign and symbol of the occult just days before he was triggered as a Black Manchurian Candidate.


On August 19, he posted this blurred photo of a New Orleans Saints football player on Twitter. It is completely out of place. It is one of the few photos that he was allowed to post just days before the false flag operation that wasn’t obviously a reflection of himself. The clue can be found on the player’s uniform. It is the sign and symbolFleur de lis.”


The “Fleur de lis” is ultimately derived from the “Crown of Aset [Osiris]” which is derived from the Kemetic symbol of the scared Lotus flower or the tree of life.


The “Fleur de lis” glyph also denotes sacred knowledge associated with the Kemetic God Hu (Divine and Authoritative Utterance) that is revealed to few.[83] The sacred Lotus flower was used RITUALLY in Ancient Kemet to represent the concept RESURRECTION.[84] The sacred knowledge associated with God Hu denotes the three stems of the three sacred lotus lilies.[85]


Hu was particularly important because he was the epitome of the power and command of the ruler. Even after death, Hu was of the utmost importance to the Kings of Ancient Kemet. Hu acted as the Kings companion as the King entered the Afterlife. Through Hu, the King maintained his royal authority in the Afterlife. Hu was the personification of Divine Utterance. However, some legends maintain that he was not just a part of creation, but that he was the creator. With each breath Hu expelled, creation took place. The first breath created the Soul of Aset (Osiris). His last creation was the Sun. So it is said that Hu is the Word of God, the first and the last breaths, HU- HU.[86]


The glyph on the right (Babe in the Lotus) denotes the sacred knowledge associated with Hu is formed by the three stems of the three sacred lotus lilies.  This sacred knowledge was known only to the privileged few … for example the Priests. The druid glyph on the left denotes the Sacred Knowledge of Hu.[87] Somebody or entity programmed and promised one of Vester’s operational alter personalities RESURRECTION and an AFTERLIFE thru the divine knowledge and utterances and spells of Hu.

Heru-Behutet & Winged Sun Disk


And Ra Heru-khuti [Ra (who is) Horus on the Horizon] said to Thoth, “Thou shalt make this Winged Disk to be in every place wherein I seat myself (or, dwell), and in [all] the seats of the gods in the South, and in [all] the seats of the gods in the Land of the North …… in the Country of Horus, 2 that it may drive away the evil ones from their domains.” Then Thoth made the image of the Winged Disk to be in every sanctuary and in every temple, where they now are, wherein are all the gods and all the goddesses from this day onwards. Now through the Winged Disk which is on the temple-buildings of all the gods and all the goddesses of the Land of the Lily, and the Land of the Papyrus, [these buildings] become shrines of Heru-Behutet [Horus of Edfu].[88]


As a principle, Heru-Behutet represents “Divine Justice and Law” that in the form of a winged sun disk being that defeated God Set and his followers (EVIL).[89] Heru-Behutet– the winged sun disc as a symbol of protection have been found on Kemetic stelas and above temple gates since the Middle Kingdom.[90]

Heru-Behutet, Satanists & the Great BEAST 666


Crowley’s Drawing of the Mysterious Lam Entity

Aleister Crowley believed Aiwass and Lam to be the same entity. Lam incorporates the Babylonian Moloch- Owl God. The Great BEAST’s The Book of the Law, Liber Al vel Legis, is the sacred knowledge of Hu as revealed to him by an ANGEL, Aiwass.[91] Aiwass was the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat. Hoor-paar-kraat is more commonly referred to by the Greek transliteration Harpocrates, meaning “Horus the Child“, whom Crowley considered to be the central deity within Thelemic cosmology.[92] Crowley refers to Aiwass as SATAN. He also refers to Satan as ADONAI.[93]


Recall in the Sandra Brand Matter, her mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, own and run ADONAI Realty Investment Group in Chicago.[94] She sold her soul to the DEVIL some years ago. Who is Sandra Bland’s father? Who is/was Geneva married to?

Also known as “The Babe in the Lotus“, Hoor-paar-kraat is sometimes thought of as the baby RA-HOOR-KHUIT.[95]


Crowley’s The Book of the Law, and Jehovah’s WitnessesThe Divine Plan of the AgesSacred Knowledge of Hu and Horus. There are three (3) speakers of The Book of the Law: Nuit, Hadit and RA-HOOR-KHUIT. The three (3) speakers predicted that the 20th century would mark the ending of the Christian God and Christian theism and the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, an age of apostasy into pantheist monism, creative destruction, force and fire wrought by demonized god-men and their masses of disciples- a self-absorbed, destructive generation, the followers of a new ethical code, an anti-morality summed up as, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”[96]

Among 21st Century Satanist and the ILLUMINATI, Heru-Behutet [the winged sun disk] presents a Secret Ancient Worship revealed only to special ILLUMINATED initiates. This Secret Worship has to do with the originals for Nuit and Hadit. Nuit is the ancient Kemetic Goddess Nut, and Hadit is Behutet, Goddess Nut and Heru Behutet [Horus].[97] The Great BEAST’s The Book of the Law, Liber Al vel Legis, is an absolutely bastardarized, counterfeit, demonic turned upside-down version of the ancient Kemetic/Maatic Cosmology.


How are Iggy Azalea and Vester Lee Flanagan III related? Iggy and Vester’s primary core MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming were anchored in Satanism. Both were programmed as Crowley-iates- Monks/Priests and Warriors of the RA HOOR KHUIT (Satan) ARMY. They are among the DEMONIZED. These Crowley-iates- the demonized god-men and their masses of disciples- a self-absorbed, destructive generation are among many nationalities of  “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” They are becoming bolder and more daring daily. They are all around us among the police, military, politicians, corporate business leaders, journalists, teachers and popular entertainment industry with our EYES WIDE SHUT.


HollyWeird’s Elite White Crowley-iates- Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, George Clooney

In 2012, The Daily Currant (an American satirical news blog [98]) revealed that HollyWeird celebrities celebrated President Barrack Obama’s reelection with a 300 person ancient Roman centurion SEX ORGY at actor’s George Clooney’s house.[99] Elite Satanic HollyWeird entertainers such as Sean Penn, Eva Longoria, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Warren Beatty were among those joyously ringing in four more years of Cyborg Barrack Obama’s ILLUMINATI puppet administration with a ritual of demonic debauchery- a sexual (Crowleian: Do What Thou Wilt) free-for-all that lasted all night and went into the afternoon of the next day.[100]


Brad Pitt,  Vester Lee Flanagan III’s Satanic Clue, the SIGN & SYMBOL,Fleur de lis.Freemason Brad Pitt says, What can I say. WE [The BROTHERHOOD] HAVE NO MORAL VALUES.


Master Mason Brad Pitt says, So we wanted a president who didn’t have any either. And we got him. WE’RE PRETTY HAPPY ABOUT THAT.”[101]


The Satanic/ILLUMINATI also have the top law enforcement and prosecuting officer under the President of the United States, Greek Divine Nine (9)  Soro Delta Sigma Theta Loretta Lynch.


The  Delta Sigma Theta’s Patron Wisdom Lord and their Sacred Secret Knowledge, Signs and Symbols come from the Greek Goddess Athena/Roman Goddess Minerva and the Owl. The BROTHERHOOD and the FIRM is pretty happy about that, too.


[1] http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/4109942-signs-and-symbols-rule-the-world-not-words-nor-laws

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag

[3] http://www.truthmove.org/content/operation-gladio/

[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a63Xbu_4wT8

[5] http://www.thelibertybeacon.com/2015/07/21/this-may-be-a-wild-coincidence-but-if-not-looks-like-we-may-have-another-false-flag/

[6] http://www.letsrollforums.com/forum/forum/the-last-american-forum/government-media-corporate-hoaxes/439220-lafayette-u-s-false-flag-5-0-this-decade

[7] http://www.cbsnews.com/news/prosecutor-gunman-shot-texas-deputy-15-times/

[8] http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/sheriff-blames-black-lives/2015/08/29/id/672608/

[9] http://nstarzone.com/JONESTOWN.html

[10] http://www.cnn.com/videos/justice/2015/09/01/police-officer-shot-illinois-three-suspects-search.cnn

[11] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34083337

[12] http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/27/politics/donald-trump-hair-toupee/

[13] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3212029/Hillary-blames-Virginia-news-crew-shooting-guns-readily-available-touring-machine-shop-students-learn-gunsmithing.html

[14] http://www.newblackmaninexile.net/2014/08/why-iggy-azalea-is-not-changing-game.html

[15] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fancy

[16] http://www.npr.org/2015/06/14/414374888/how-iggy-azalea-fell-from-fancy-to-cancelled

[17] http://www.ep.tc/realist/98/

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird

[19] http://thelemicstudies.com/Manifesto.pdf

[20] http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/71491179/virginia-television-shooting-a-timeline-of-events

[21] http://wtvr.com/2015/08/28/vester-flanagan-road-rage-incident-in-july-caught-on-camera/

[22] https://gabrielbenshalom.wordpress.com/2015/07/09/the-beirut-diary-an-interview-with-kay-griggs/

[23] http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/2005/07jul/kgriggs.html

[24] Id. at footnote 22

[25] http://americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com/2009/02/exposing-satanism-in-us-military-usafs.html

[26] http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/exclusive-virginia-killer-wrote-notes-sex-life-article-1.2342431

[27] Id.

[28] http://reason.com/blog/2015/08/28/virginia-state-cop-forced-bbc-reporter-t

[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] http://www.wbbjtv.com/news/local/The-Latest-on-TV-shooting-Station-manager-speaks-of-suspect-322980411.html

[33] http://liveblogwp.wtop.com/Event/Va_reporter_cameraman_shot_killed_during_live_shot?Page=0

[34] http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/exclusive-virginia-killer-wrote-notes-sex-life-article-1.2342431

[35] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3216957/When-heads-stop-turning-s-AWFUL-TV-gunman-complained-lack-sex-lamented-glory-days-2-000-night-prostitute-suicide-letter.html

[36] http://abcnews.go.com/US/shooting-alleged-gunman-details-grievances-suicide-notes/story?id=33336339

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seung-Hui_Cho

[38] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread302030/pg1

[39] http://www.sott.net/article/130645-Project-Paperclip-MKULTRA-Dr-Greenbaum-and-Seung-Hui-Cho-Was-the-VA-Tech-Gunman-Mind-Programmed

[40] http://fightingforliberty.ning.com/profiles/blogs/cia-mind-control-ops-paperclip

[41] https://votesmart.org/public-statement/285337/seung-hui-cho-investigation-manipulated-from-with-in#.VeEdwfZVhBc

[42] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread294508/pg1

[43] http://www.whale.to/b/desborough2.html

[44] http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php/353851-MK-Ultra-Mind-Controlled-Killers-The-Columbine-Shooters-Patsy-Ramsey-Ted-Bundy-and-more

[45] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/category/col-michael-aquino/

[46] http://heavy.com/news/2015/08/lester-lee-flanagan-flanighan-flanigan-wdbj-tv-disgruntled-employee-virginia-shooting-suspect-cameraman-photos-video-chase-gun-gunman-arrested/


[48] http://www.people.com/article/shooter-vester-lee-flanigan-once-paid-escort

[49] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11827315/Virginia-shooting-Gunman-Bryce-Williams-told-by-TV-station-to-seek-medical-help-after-colleagues-complaints-live.html

[50] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/28/new-gun-laws-wouldnt-have-stopped-va-gunman-wh/

[51] http://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.htm?C=305

[52] http://www.cultwatch.com/jw.html

[53] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/matrix/matrix16.htm

[54] Id.

[55] http://spaceforswashbuckling.blogspot.com/2014/09/exposed-jehovahs-witnesses-watchtower.html

[56] http://watch.pair.com/lahaye.html

[57] Id.

[58] Id.

[59] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magick

[60] Id.

[61] http://www.letusreason.org/JW39.htm

[62] http://usminc.org/enochian.html

[63] http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/jehovahs-witness/TMKD6NCLPTF6KEHE7/p2

[64] http://srjarchives.tripod.com/1998-09/UZZEL.HTM

[65] http://www.world-news-research.com/cbooks8.html

[66] http://www.gaychristian101.com/are-there-any-same-sex-couples-in-ancient-history.html

[67] http://scottishrite.org/about/questions/

[68] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magick

[69] http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Sex_Magick.html

[70] http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/06/modern-porn-mimics-aleister-crowleys-sex-magick-philosophies/

[71] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eroto-comatose_lucidity

[72] http://diaryofahollywoodstreetking.com/former-terrence-howard-girlfriend-speaks-out-against-actor/

[73] http://www.inquisitr.com/935995/terrence-howard-calls-himself-satan-and-antichrist-threatens-suicide-in-fight-with-ex-wife/


[75] Id.

[76] https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/jehovahs-witnesses-face-child-sex-abuse-investigation-in-australia/2015/08/14/d8a58eda-406e-11e5-9561-4b3dc93e3b9a_story.html

[77] https://www.revealnews.org/article/jehovahs-witnesses-use-1st-amendment-to-hide-child-sex-abuse-claims/

[78] Id.

[79] Id.

[80] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/mind_control_cults.htm

[81] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/bloodlines/russell.htm

[82] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11827256/Vester-Lee-Flanagan-Inside-the-home-of-gunman-Bryce-Williams-where-he-prepared-for-murder.html

[83] http://ancientegypt.hypermart.net/treeoflife/

[84] http://www.lotusflowermeaning.net/

[85] http://ancientegypt.hypermart.net/treeoflife/

[86] http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/hu.htm

[87] http://www.washingtonlass.com/Runes_SecretMeaning.html

[88] http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/texts/horus_of_behutet.htm

[89] http://tribes.tribe.net/kmt/thread/317b8d21-8639-465e-8b60-8c61b5c13829

[90] http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/symbols/winged_sun_disc.htm

[91] St. John, Oliver, The Ending of the Words – Magical Philosophy of Aleister Crowley, Ordo Astri Imprimator (www.ordoastri.org), pg. 13

[92] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiwass

[93] http://www.arcane-archive.org/religion/satanism/order-of-kaos/thelema-is-satanic-satanism-is-thelemic-1.php

[94] https://www.linkedin.com/pub/geneva-reed-veal/17/15/617

[95] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heru-ra-ha

[96] http://patriotsandliberty.com/lindas-latest/2015/4/10/the-20th-century-beginning-of-the-age-of-demonized-god-men

[97] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal21a.htm

[98] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Currant

[99] http://dailycurrant.com/2012/11/07/celebrities-celebrate-obama-victory-epic-roman-orgy/

[100] http://dailycurrant.com/2012/11/07/celebrities-celebrate-obama-victory-epic-roman-orgy/

[101] http://dailycurrant.com/2012/11/07/celebrities-celebrate-obama-victory-epic-roman-orgy/


22 05 2014


The events which transpired five thousand years ago; Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years From now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event.”  Dr. John Henrik Clarke -–


The FBI’s COINTELPRO program was a major veiled Luciferian-ILLUMINATI program initiated to suppress the rise of a mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH” that would unity the world, defeat and expel EVIL and return mankind to Universal Love, Peace, Balance, Harmony, and Justice forever. You won’t learn this in any school or university, but the Prophesy of the Deliverer and BLACK MESSIAH maybe one of the world’s most suppressed and greatness secrets.

On March 4, 1968, the FBI under the U.S. Justice Department issued the infamous official U.S. Government target memorandum of March 4, 1968 to “Prevent the Rise of a Messiah” among Black People “who could unify and electrify” the masses. This directive is broad and arbitrary enough to sweep under its web the inclusion of anyone in the Entertainment and Sport’s Industry across the globe. This directive has not been retracted. It remains effective official U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICY and plans deemed even today to be necessary to establish a New World Order (NWO) without Black People and the threat and the Prophesy of the BLACK MESSIAH.[1]

The Forces of EVIL


African-Moroccan-born Karima El Mahroug AKA Ruby the Heart Stealer beside the Ancient Etruscan Typhon (Set-Seth-SATAN) bracing himself beneath the land . Ruby the Heart Stealer was the international MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten used to bring down ILLUMINATI billionaire Italian Prime Silvio Berlusconi.[2] The downfall of Berlusconi was a power play, shift- ILLUMINATI house cleaning.


In June 2013, three-time Satanic Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, above, was sentenced to seven years in jail for paying for sex with a minor, Mahroug, and covering it up.[3] Remember, the Luciferian Hauptsturmführer-SS (Captain) Dr. Josef Mengele, the Demon of Death, was one of the main architects of the CIA’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control program. Sex Kittens go through an advanced process of Eindeutschung (trauma based mind control-multiple personality programming) that was developed and perfected primarily by SS Josef Mengele in Nazi Concentration Camps. One of his most insidious programs involved programming children, some from infancy, thru Eindeutschung to become future assassins and sex slave espionage-change agents for the New World Order with Lucifer as GOD.

Karima El Mahroug- Caged Sex Kitten

Mahroug’s ritual sex abuse began when she was viciously raped at 9 years old. At that age, she also perfected in the mental survival art of “DISSOCIATION” to deal with the pain, mental suffering and human degradation. As early as 16 years old, Mahroug had been become one of Berlusconi’s favorite sex kittens.[4] Luciferian MK ULTRA Sex Kitten- Mahroug reduced to a wild “Animal Nature.”

When we discuss MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kittens, you can’t separate it from Dr. Mengele and National Socialism’s designs for a NWO, and its pseudo race theory worldview of “applied biology” and GENOCIDE of perceived inferior races- the Untermensch.[5]


Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, “IT TYRANNIZES” –Marquis de Sade, ILLUMINATI (1740-1814)

The ILLUMINATI/Satanic secret political and wealthy international (EYES WIDE SHUT) sex dens, sex parties, pedophile rings and circles of lust, control, espionage and “whitemail” that MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kittens worked within, Mahroug called the BUNGA BUNGA.[6]  NWO Sex Kittens have also become part and partial of a Satanic Underworld that is consuming the professional Entertainment and Sport’s Industry that Blacks have become most prominent.




People in Glass Houses Don’t Throw Stones

They are beginning to sling very heavy bricks in the NBA ILLUMINATI. Things and secret agendas are being revealed that have been kept behind closed doors and veiled for generations.

Don’t be confused by the media spin, neither Vanessa Perez aka Vivian Stiviano or Magic Johnson has the influence, ability or power to bring down, Donald Sterling, a principal member of the ILLUMINATI, and a powerful, rich and influential secret Jewish cabal. They are only pawns and pasties in the game. They can’t make any independent moves on this scale without enticement, directions and collaboration of the Shadow Government and powerful Secret Societies. This is a power struggle, play and shift within the cabal that is rapidly spinning out of their control of public perceptions.

Magic Johnson is a front and puppet Negro for the secretive billionaire Guggenheim Partners that has the power, money and craving to seize the Los Angeles Clippers out of Sterling‘s hands.[7] Meyer Guggenheim was the patriarch of what became known as the “Guggenheim Family.” He was born in Lengnau, Aargau, Switzerland, was of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and emigrated to the United States in 1847.[8] The powerful “Guggenheim Family” is intermarried within the Ashkenazi-ILLUMINATI House of Rothschild.[9]

Bernard Mannes Baruch (August 19, 1870 – June 20, 1965) was an Ashkenazi -Jewish American financier, stock investor, philanthropist, statesman, and political consultant to U.S. Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.[10] Behind the veil, he was the virtual Zionist House of Rothschild dictator and a principal profiteer (raider of public treasury) of America during WWI and WWII. During WWI, Baruch delivered most of the profits of the copper industry to the “Guggenheim Family.” Baruch was the principal proponent of the “open conspiracy” of WWI and WWII; and the establishment of the Zionist State of Israel, and the One/New World Order with Jerusalem as its capital.[11]

Sterling won’t dare open his mouth about the “Guggenheim Family,” the House of Rothschild or the Ashkenazi Cabals. However, someone is going to pay the price for these disclosures. There will be a BODYCOUNT. Nevertheless, Sterling thinks that he has the leverage and license to out, demonize and expose the contradictions of their pasty front man, EarvinMagic” Johnson.


“See God gave us the Talent, but the DEVIL make us Famous.”Barry Sanders[12]

Above, legendary NFL running back Barry Sanders and Scott Stapp of Creed, Stapp is a known Satanist and is reported to enjoy eating his own Shit.[13] Donald Sterling’s recent CNN television interview with CIA (Project MOCKINGBIRD) gay propaganda specialist Anderson Cooper got out of hand, or maybe it had been designed that way.[14]

Donald Sterling: “What has he done? Can you tell me? Big Magic Johnson, what has he done?… He’s got AIDS.”[15]

Donald Sterling: “Well, what kind of a guy [Magic Johnson]goes to every city, has sex with every girl, then he catches HIV? Is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about?”… “I think he should be ashamed of himself. I think he should go into the background. But what does he do for the black people? He doesn’t do anything.”[16]

Sterling said Jewish people spend great amounts of money helping other Jews who are poor while rich black people turn their backs to people in need.

Donald Sterling: “That’s one problem I have. Jews when they get successful they will help their people and some of the African-Americans — maybe I’ll get in trouble again — they don’t want to help anybody.”[17]

Richard Pryor- Blacks & the BUNGA BUNGA HollyWeird Underground

The Late Richard Pryor (December 1, 1940 – December 10, 2005) wasn’t the strongest among us and he never pretended that he was. He was a fragile human being that sold his soul to the DEVIL for fame and fortune. Under the veil of his humor, he often used comedy to send serious messages to the masses. In this video under the cover of a Celebrity Roast, he let it all out exposing the HollyWeird BUNGA- BUNGA that aspiring Blacks in the entertainment industry are subjected to for fame and fortune. It hasn’t stopped. It is expanding becoming MORE and MORE threatening and frightening layered deeply in SATANISM. It’s growing widespread in the HollyWeird Entertainment and in the Professional Sports Industry- MK ULTRA Satanic Ritual Abuse (Multiple Personality Disorder) Mind Control.

Ervin Magic Johnson & the GLASS HOUSE

Magic JohnsonHelp Black People! Sterling knows that Magic‘s house is built of GLASS. That’s the way they’re made it for the Negro Satanic Cabal. They build their house to look through, shake, rattle and splatter like GLASS. He knows very well that Magic may not even be able to help himself or his family.

Since 1991, there has been persistent rumors that Magic Johnson was bisexual and was infected with the AIDS virus through a homosexual relationship. In January 2014, an odd photo was posted on the internet of Magic Johnson at one of Jerry Buss’ Lakers Picnics. Magic is carried away by what appears to be a naked man. They say that the man has on tight-tight short-shorts which may be true yet still puzzling, but look at the dude in the background with his hands on his hips.[18] Where are the other Lakers?


In a recent interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Magic Johnson said that when he first arrived in Los Angeles Lakers’ owner Jerry Buss took him to a private party at Sterling’s beach house 35 years ago.[19] 35 years ago in 1979, the Lakers selected Magic Johnson with the first overall pick of the NBA Draft.[20] Sterling‘s Malibu beach house maybe the site where the picture was actually taken at. And, there’s probably more incriminating photos of Magic Johnson in uncompromising positions with white men.

Furthermore, I suspect this was the site where Earvin Magic Johnson signed and sealed his Covenant with the Ashkenazi Luciferian-ILLUMINATI for Fame and Fortune as Richard Pryor plainly implies with dehumanizing acts of sodomy. Sterling may actually know a lot more about Magic Johnson then we suspect. He may have turned the Negro him out- BUNGA- BUNGA.

Magic Johnson: “Tyler Perry called me right after the interview. He was so upset … I mean, look, we help each other, you know, and we ….and what we try to do is band together [twin]… “[21]

That’s really interesting that out of all the people in the world, Magic said that the first person that called him after Sterling’s Rant had been former MK ULTRA/MONARCH Child Sex Slave and notorious cross dresser, Tyler Perry.


Magic Johnson– BLANK Eyes and Emotion Impersonalizing a Female Hockey Player- A Sad Joke of a Man to the ILLUMINATI. That’s the way he’s been programmed. Furthermore, either Magic sacrificed his son, E.J., to the ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda, or they Eindeutschung-Ritually Satanic AbusedRAPED him as a CHILD.


EJ Johnson with boyfriend in Gothic Black with Classic MK ULTRA Mind Control Programming- Animal Patterned (Sex Kitten) Leopard Print- SHOES


EJ Johnson Satanic- Eyes Wide Shut


EJ Johnson Satanic- Eyes Wide Shut


EJ Johnson- Animal Patterned (Sex Kitten) Leopard Print- SHOES

The Leopard Print dressing as a cat refers to the Sex Kitten Programming or Cat alter. This is the most sexual programming. Yes, even men have this alter. BETA- referred to as “sexual” programming. This programming eliminates al learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.

THELEMAZayin: The name of the Hebrew letter corresponding to the Number 7 and the Hebrew word for “sword“. The sword is a symbol of the Divine Word cutting through the circle of infinity- or non duality- to begat creation. The existence of such creation depends on the dualistic nature of mind. The principle embodied by the sword is division and therefore doubling- a principle also associated with the Kemetic GodSET. The name of Set is related to the word Sept, meaning “SEVEN”.[22]


Demonic EJ & Francis Borgia –1510-1572- THE CLAW HAND SYMBOL. Borgia– 4th Duke of Gandia, 3rd Superior General of the Society of Jesus. (Formerly known as Los Allumbrados, the ILLUMINATI, and the Knights Templar.[23]

Don Lemon & the GLASS HOUSE



Don Lemon & Dating Partner CNN Producer Ben Tinker

CNN’s Don Lemon is the latest to enter the Donald Sterling NBA ILLUMINATI sling fest. Late April on CNN, Lemon called Rush Limbaugh a “stunt king” for a offhand remark on the air that Sterling was in so much trouble because he hadn’t donated enough money to President Obama. Limbaugh threw a brick back on the air that Don Lemon is someone “who sleeps with men, proudly.”[24] In other words, don’t throw bricks too far in your Glass House.” Betcha By Golly Wow, he left Limbaugh alone.

Don Lemon is also some type of Operation MOCKINGBIRD CIA operative with an ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda. He is allowed a lot of unlimited airtime and exposure to promote the Gay Agenda, and particularly confuse the masses; belittle, bash and demonize Blacks.[25] He jumped right in the middle of the Ashkenazi Power Struggle with Donald Sterling. Lemon (br. 1966) came out of the closet a couple of years ago. He admits beginning in about 1971 to being ritually sexually abused from the CIA/MK ULTRA’s idea iatrogenic Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) impressionate years of 5 thru about 12 years old.[26] He said that his sexual abusers had been neighborhood teens. What group of teenagers and young adults would have the cohesiveness of a cult to criminally sexual abuse and RAPE him for seven years? The more likely scenario is that he belonged to a CIA MK ULTRA children’s subproject of “twinning” Satanic Abused Children programmed to become future agents.[27]

For years, Tyler Perry had been making the same accusations that people in his black neighborhood had been responsible for his ritual sexual abuse and RAPE as a child. On the air on Oprah’s Show, he slipped and admitted that he had been ritually sexually abused by nurses in hospital gowns- Iatrogenic/CIA/MK ULTRA.

Nonetheless, the bottom line is that if Lemon was a CIA MK ULTRA Satanic ritually abused child and I believe that he was- 7 years of Eindeutschung ritual mental and sexual abuse would have “fractured” his subconscious into dozens of “alter personalities.” What we know is Don Lemon is very strange and atypical of an ordinary black man. In his so-called bio, Transparent, he alludes to associating with and dating exclusively “white men.”[28] Lemon’s role model is past former California Governor/U.S. President Ronald Reagan– the alter ego of Knight of the Black Sun SSHauptsurmfuhrer Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing. We also know that he is a Negro lap dog and subservient of Fox News JESUIT- Bill O’ Rilley.[29]

Lemon’s MPD impressionate years was spent at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Baton Rouge where he was first most likely violated, and the scientific satanic ritual sexual abuse really began there. Saint Francis Xavier, born in 1506, was a co-founder of the JESUIT Order- The Military Order of the Roman Catholic Church.[30]


Saint Francis Xavier impersonating God Ausar and Good Heart-MAAT of Osiris, bi-crossed arm symbol across the chest- the pharaohic homage to the Great God Ausar- OSIRIS.

“[Francis] Xavier was once again remarkably successful in converting tens of thousands of Japanese to Christianity, according to Ryu Ohta, a long-time researcher into the Illuminati agenda to conquer Japan. The blueprint was the same – employing the knowledge of black magic and mind control to target the ‘ruling class’ and ‘opinion formers’, who would then influence the population.” [31]


Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President George W. Bush & The Inverted Triangle Occult Symbolism

“The alchemical/magical symbol for water is an inverted triangle, symbolizing downward flow. The downward pointing triangle is an ancient symbol of femininity, being a representation of female genitalia. One of the four alchemical elements, water has the properties cold and moist, and symbolizes intuition, the unconscious mind, and the enclosing forces of the womb.”[32]


Here, Don Lemon shows a lot of pain and emotion acknowledging and subjecting himself to ILLUMINATI Occult Symbolism and the Satanic Inverted Triangle Hand Symbol

“In esoterica, pyramids are symbols of the comprehensive, secret, but lost, knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, a knowledge that cannot be confirmed.”—following this definition, the inverted pyramid could mean both the abandonment of the arcane for convention, or the rebelling against convention in favour of the arcane. More generally, it could simply mean that one has devoted their life to esoteric knowledge.” Source: The Illustrated Signs & Symbols Sourcebook” by Adele Nozedar ; “The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols” edited by Udo Becker


Donald Sterling’s now infamous recorded rant to his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, included a chilling statement that fraternizing with Black People was like “TALKING TO THE ENEMY.”[33]

ENEMY” is a strong word, and emotions associated with the enemy would include anger, hatred, frustration, ENVY, JEALOUSY, FEAR, distrust, and possibly GRUDGING RESTPECT. As a political concept, an enemy is likely to be met with HATE, VIOLENCE, BATTLE and WAR.[34]

The question has not been asked- why is a powerful, rich and influential secret Jewish cabal carrying on a permanent clandestine battle and rage of war against Black People?  Well, it appears that either not many people understand the true ramifications of that statement or it’s being swept under the rug, covered up and dumb down. If you believe that the ILLUMINITI isn’t serious and worried about the implications of Sterling‘s statements, take a good look at who they are fronting todumb down the public.



Richard Parsons, African-American Front Man was CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Zionist Rulers of the Time-Warner Media Empire.”[35]

Above, Richard Parsons and William Randolph Hearst with the ILLUMINATI Hidden Hand Symbol. To divert the attention of the masses away from Sterling’s Rant that went well beyond the confines of basketball to the designs of a New World Order without Black People, the NBA has applied an old faithful BOOTLICKER, Richard (DICK) Parsons, like “SHOE POLISH” to act as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sterling’s’ Los Angeles Clippers.[36] Don’t be fooled for one moment, Parsons has only the ILLUSIONS of black power.


Parsons is a “Rockefeller Republican.” He was a direct Omega Psi Phi 6′ 4″- 23 year old Black Mandingo Basketball Stud product of former New York Governor and Vice President of the United States, Nelson D. Rockefeller (July 8, 1908 — January 26, 1979);[37] and the Rockefeller’sThe Old-Boy Network.”[38] The Rockefeller Family have been loyal allies of the Ashkenazi– House of Rothschild since the later part of the 19th Century. The Rockefellers owe their enormous wealth and fortune to ties with the Rothschilds and remain loyal to their interests- Israel, One-World Government, Freemasonry and the ILLUMINATI.[39] Parsons is a longstanding member and supporter of the New World Order (NWO) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its genocidal agendas.[40] Former CEO of Time Warner, he is a leading and dangerous propagandist for the ILLUMINATI.

One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company- the worlds leading vaccine manufacturer.Dr. Len Horowitz, “Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda” [41]


Don Lemon & Richard Parsons- Satanic Inverted Triangle Hand Symbol

You may think that describing DICK Parsons as a BOOTLICKER is a little too harsh and insensitive for an aspiring Negro in America. When Parsons took over Dime Bancorp in 1994, one of his own Jewish sponsors- billionaire self-proclaimed “ardent Zionist” former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg,[42] told it as it is that DICK was just “The Rockefeller Protégé Who’s Polishing the Dime.”[43]


Dick even married an Ashkenazi (explained below) woman, Laura Ann Bush.[44] They live on one of the houses on the late John D. Rockefeller’s Kykuit Estate in New York that has been home to four generations of the family.[45]


We are accustomed to being constant victims to pseudo eugenic racial theories and white supremacy. However, designating Black People as an institutional ENEMY is quite another affair and dimension. It’s not going away by sticking DICK up the public’s you know what- A-HOLE.



Donald Sterling- Rape, Oppression and Control of Black Women

“The girl is black. I like her. I’m jealous that she’s with other black guys.” -Donald Sterling [46]

Sexual Blaxploitation of Women

Mass Media reports that Vanessa Perez aka Vivian Stiviano was demonizingly born of a rape of her mother by a black man, but no evidence has come forth to substantiate the claim. Nevertheless, she is part African and Latino raised within a humble poverty challenged and struggling Latino family in San Antonio, Texas.[47] Next, she showed up at Roosevelt High School in Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles while her mother seemed to have remained in Texas. Vanessa graduated in 2000, the same high school that Donald Sterling graduated from.[48] In 2000, she also showed up at a music video shoot for Tyrese Gibson’s “We Like Them Girls.”[49]


TYPHON-LUCIFER RAISING- BUNGA- BUNGA Sex Kitten Ruby the Heart Stealer & Vanessa Perez

Not much is yet known of her impressionate years, but at 17 years old, Vanessa Perez made it known to concerns shooting and directing the musical video that she was ready and willing to give her Soul to the DEVIL for fame and fortune.

Hypocritical: Sterling told his girlfriend V. Stiviano (pictured left and right), who is Mexican and African-American, that she can sleep with black people but shouldn't bring them to Clippers games

“V wanted to do it all, bottom line, acting modeling, her own TV show… she loves to style people. She wants to be a jack of all trades and to master everything she wants to do.”[50]

In 2002, Vanessa Perez at 19 years old was picked up by police for shoplifting at Ross Dress for Los Angeles. Instead of promises of fortune and fame, she was being turned out. Two years later in 2004, she shows up again on the police blotter arrested for shoplifting. At 21 years old, Perez entered an Old Navy store and tried to steal 11 items worth $174.50. She had turned into a common “booster (shoplifter)” to support a drug habit or a pimp or hustler.[51]

Satanic V. Stiviano and with another “MAGIC” Negro – Former Chicago Pimp-ologist so-called Bishop Don “Magic” Juan

The televised Oprah Winfrey Show began national broadcast on September 8, 1986.[52] One of her first guests was Chicago Pimp 333 Donald Campbell aka DonMagicJuan from “Pimp Stick to Pulpit, It’s Magic” (1994 Vantage Press). He told Pimpmagazine that he had been under a PCP (Angel Dust) binge when God began to “purge” him.[53] Phencyclidine (PCP- Angel Dust) is a CIA- U.S. Department of Defense dissociative drug. It was brought to market in the 1950s as an anesthetic pharmaceutical drug but was taken off the market in 1965 due to itsdissociative hallucinogenicside effects.[54]


Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive and Satanic Number of the BEAST- 666. Regarding the number 3, intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. Obviously twice 333 is 666.[55] Don Juan’s ILLUSIONARY transformation from a pimp to a preacher was a demonic event stamped with the Sacred Occult Number 333 an Occult Signature on that event.[56] Aleister Crowley’s perception of Magick is the art of making changes to realty by “Willed Intent.[57] In HollyWeird Satanic Circles, DonMagicJuan is most likely one of their Pimp-ologist dominance specialist- a MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Handler and Trainer.


At 21, Perez appeared aged beyond her years and under very clear signs of MK Ultra/Monarch DEMONIC influence. We know that she at sometime showed up in Los Angeles Lakers’ owner, Jerry Buss and Magic Johnson’s sex dens and circles as aBUNGA- BUNGA Sex Kitten.[58]

The late Jerry Buss was a pedophilic sexual predator, “a world-class Playmate aficionado who frequently dated teenage girls and used to host his birthday party at a brothel,” in a tribute aptly headlined, “Jerry Buss, Surrounded by Boobs” that’s illustrated exactly like it sounds.”[59]

“A couple of years ago Dr. Jerry Buss had a black female on his payroll. She goes by the name Eve. She’s tall, slim and keeps a bald head. Eve dressed very expensive, Jerry leased her a blue Lamborghini so she could attract the girls. Eve would mack on exotic girls, she would persuade the chics to live at a home owned by Jerry Buss. They had 12 girls living in that house, the girls were paid an allowance and taken out three to four times a week… none of the girls were over 23 years old …”[60]


MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kittens- V. Stiviano and confessed Multiple Personality Disorder Barbie Doll Nicki Minja in Leopard Print- Drawing Animal Sexual Nature


V. Stiviano Teddy Bear Programming (Programmer, helpless teddy bear slave connotation)[61] Teddy  Bear Disassociation Exercise: even the MEANESS, hairy  and heavy-set man will by ILLUSIONS be soft, cuddly, comforting, and safe.[62]

They called BussDoctor.” He earned both a masters degree and Ph.D in chemistry at the University of Southern California. Buss started out as a federal employee working as a chemist for the United States Bureau of Mines, and then worked briefly in the aerospace industry (Douglas Aircraft Company).[63] Of course, McDonnell Douglas was/is a major military intelligence contractor involved with CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI and other government agency clandestine research projects involving MK ULTRA stuff like UFOs, ESP and SS-1 Reichsfuhrer Henrich Himmler’s VRIL” remote viewing studies.[64]

At least one good reliable source of information has clearly identified Jerry Buss as a MK ULTRA BUNGA- BUNGA programmer and handler, and his daughter Jeanie Buss, a MK ULTRA Sex Kitten.[65] Jeanie’s husband, NBA star coach Phil Jackson, is called the “Zen Master” and has been heavy involved in LSD drug experimentation.[66] Buss is known to keep his den of young Sex Kittens supplied with drugs like Cocaine, and most likely experimental mind altering drugs like LSD.[67]


V. Stiviano’s MK ULTRA Satanic Layer- Luciferian Dark Angel

Buss’ BUNGA- BUNGA Sex Kittens were undoubtedly passed down to Magic Johnson to work other black professional athletes and entertainers, “The Lakers point guard neither drank alcohol nor did drugs, but his parties were odes to excess and extravagance. Many Lakers agree the most beautiful women they ever met were encountered at Johnson’s. They were models, strippers, actresses, exotic dancers. There was no hotter ticket than an invite to the mansion, but—while Laker players and opponents were almost always allowed—women had to meet certain criteria. First, they had to be gorgeous. Second, they had to be promiscuously dressed. Third, they had to be willing to do . . . things.” [68]


Another V. Stiviano’s MK ULTRA Satanic Layer- Luciferian Dark Fallen Angel


V. Stiviano with Prominent and Influential Los Angeles Black Politicians Chris Holden and Father Nate Holden in possible MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Espionage/Compromise Assignment?


Instagram photo of V. Stiviano in complete withdrawal and DISSOCIATION as an animal with an atypical sexual nature, a Bunny Rabbit.

In 2010, Vanessa Perez met Donald Sterling thru Jerry Buss . She became his favorite BUNGA- BUNGA silly little rabbit.”[69]


I refuse to slam Vanessa Perez aka Vivian Stiviano a whore, slut or gold digger. She is a mind control “Satanic Sexual Abuse Victim” as is hundreds and thousands of promising beautiful young women of color around the country. The Institutional Sexual Blaxploitation of young women of color crushing their promises to the world have been going on for quite sometime. Even I failed to comprehend how deep institutional Sexual Blaxploitation ran and how it would be expanded GLOBALLY through the Satanic NWO, CIA/MK ULTRA and Shadow Government’s clandestine policies and objectives of population control, and genocide.

One of my first loves that I met in college had been a young lady named, Genie. Genie was one of the most naturally gifted and beautiful women in God’s creation. She was LOVED, respected and feared by her peers and family. Her strange hypnotic exotic eyes, lips and hour glass figure drew eyes from everywhere. Everywhere we went, she was constantly harassed with cat calls, whispers, whistles and car horns. The opposite sex’s most often instant reaction to her was offensively, “Sex Pot” and “Bedroom Eyes.” They harassed her everywhere on the street and on campus.

Once at school, I watched a blind man drop his cover of darkness- stop dead in his tracks and take a long look at her in a white silk form fitting dress. We shared laugher as if we had never known the joy of our youth. Outside of the hustle and bustle, Genie and I were close as if our lives had once intertwined in some previous space or time. Years later, I found out that our surnames “Bullock and Youngblood” were in a remote time just after the Civil War locked in the same African genetic and spiritual stock that once toiled in the black earth of Mississippi on the same plantations of human struggle and tragedy.


Oakland’s Legendary Late Pimps Frank and Ted Ward

Genie was from a very poor and dysfunctional family background of serious drug-dealing, drug-alcoholic addiction, and prostitution. Genie didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. Living in the world of hustlers and pimps like the infamous Ward Brothers, particularly Frank and Ted Ward, of Oakland wanted her bad. She was worth a lot of money in the sex industry. She always told me that she was smarter than that and could start her own (female pimp) sex-trade business filled with stupid women if she wanted.


 The Mack- Max Julian as Frank Ward with China Doll

Genie reminded me of the beautiful actress, Annazette Chase, that portrayed China Doll [70] in the infamous movie about Frank Ward, The Mack.[71] She favored Genie, but in my opinion. Genie was equally if not more naturally and stunningly beautiful. Genie often called herself, “The Baddish Bitch in Town.” She tried to juggle college and a Hustler’s World. In Oakland, the Hustler’s Commandment was “You’ll do anything to make a dime even sell a piece of your ass.” That played right into the DEVIL’s Workshop.

I remember the day when I turned my back and walked away from her. I had purchased a new car. Genie offered to buy my old VW. When I met her to seal the deal on the car, I was surprised that she was accompanied by a young white male in a business suit. She told me that she had become a sex broker for a powerful rich cabal of Oakland Jewish bankers and financers. I knew that she had become part of a marijuana trade out of Los Angeles, but I tried to always stick beside her. However, I had nothing to do with selling poison to our people even if it was only marijuana.

For the first time, she told me that the large upper class neighborhood house that her family lived in had been provided by them. She told me that they paid for secret safe houses and apartments around Oakland that she managed. They provided money allowances and most likely also drugs to harbor- sexually exploit- RAPE poor and struggling young black women (girls). She tried to convince me that it didn’t involve sex and only involved entertaining and arousing old men from time to time.

When the male began to address me about the condition and providing the seed money to buy the car. For a moment, I moved toward him to knock him out. However, I stopped, turned and walked away from them. I heard her in the background as her voice faded away. She told me that I was being disrespectful and if I joined them that they had the ability with their money and resources to do so more for me than a bunch of broke N****rs.

My vision and dream for Genie was to finish college and enter the business word as a corporate executive. She had all that there was to be successful in that environment. I would see Genie enter a corporate board room like a queen, take over and rule. Genie was godly beautiful, intelligent and ambitious, but lacked wisdom and understanding that GOD and Love of the People was enough and the source of her strength.  I didn’t understand it than that she had made a Pact with the DEVIL. Early on, I had been tempted by Ashkenazi LUCIFERIANS. It still haunts to this day- feeling powerless and realizing what they were really doing- raping them, robbing and sapping the soul and spirit of young sisters forever.

My Beautiful Genie like Vanessa Perez and so-many other desperate young and gifted women want the ILLUSIONS of material wealth and success- “car, the house, the clothes, the designer stuff.” Genie’s overwhelming inter-desire had been to get a college education something that would have been a first for her family of in-laws. But, she was determined and head-strong to make it on her own terms. She also linked human respect to material things and false ILLUSIONS of success. The world only wanted to and did in fact “ravish” her soul, mind, natural beauty and strength. They corrupted and crushed their god given natural spirit, intelligence, intuition and Love for the People like an ENEMY. The People and I only had LOVE to give. We lost a young woman with dreams and the potential and STRENGTH of a QUEEN.

The Plot to Re-Image Donald Sterling

Lately, National Mass Media have began a campaign to try to back away from Sterling‘s starling revelations that has mass institutional and worldwide implications. It stands as a glaring example of not only America but Israel’s hypocrisy and contradictions. It is a potential wake up call and teachable moment for the masses. To divert, change and influence public perceptions, they are beginning to flood the airways with ILLUSIONS that Sterling is not a vehement and institutional racialist with an secret society hidden agenda.

They are trying to re-image the public picture/perception of Sterling from a fervent racist into a poor victim of his own human folly, weakness and passions, JEALOUSY.[72] However, Sterling has never confessed any human LOVE for Stiviano. Nevertheless, Sterling‘s individual passionate JEALOUSY just does not explain how and why Black People are his/their declared secret collective internal ENEMY.

Nonetheless, JEASOUSY and his secret society’s stated inflexible basic necessity to control and dominate Black Women may partly be the truth, but it is deeply veiled. It is a forgotten and hidden “JEALOUSY” and the need to control the “BLACK FEMALE PRINCIPLE” that spans remote generations, continents and strike at the heart and very essence of human civilization.

Donald Sterling, Sexual Blaxploitation & DOMINATION RAPE


I want her [Black Woman- V. Stiviano]… I’m trying to have sex with her. I’m trying to play with her …” -Donald Sterling [73]

Play- RAPE and CONTROL her! Sterling by his own public statements doesn’t have the capacity or HEART to LOVE a Black Woman by his own inflexible strict society/cult codes.[74] Want can generally be defined as having a desire to “possess.”[75] Possess is to have and hold as property; to seize and take control of; DOMINATE.[76] In other words, it is commanded by the inflexible-strict secret society codes that he seize, control and dominate Black Women as if they are “PROPERTY.”

“The physical act of rape damages the body, but much more so the soul. White slave masters practiced rape without impunity as a means of eroding the psychological well being of both slave men and women… In her novel, Harriet Jacobs recounted stories of her repeated sexual abuse by her master, Mr. Flint. Jacobs harps on the notion that “there is no shadow of law to protect her from insult, from violence, or even from death” (Harriet Jacobs 27) … One can only speculate as to why rape is so numerous and frequent in slave societies, but by mentally degrading female slaves, masters ensured the damaged state of their psyche would contribute to their unwavering obedience. This process not only destroyed the lives of black women, but extended also to black men. Most likely, “when white men raped black women they did so not only to subject these females to a violent and dehumanizing experience, but also to emasculate husbands and male kin” (Brenda E. Stevenson 168). Not only are females subjected to immense physical and psychological duress, the humiliation felt by the males due to the fact that they had no control over the rape further reasserted themes of dominance and submission by white owners over slaves.”[77]



Donald Sterling & The Ashkenazi- The Chosen Race

Donald Sterling’s parents, Susan and Mickey, are alleged to have been Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants.[78]  Most of Sterling‘s fellow NBA team owners and the commissioner are linked to this closed cliquish culture and secret business society of ancestral ASHKENAZI JEWRY.[79] Sterling‘s ancestral link to Ashkenazi Jews of Central Europe is believable. Sterling‘s very nature should be understood as that of an Ashkenazi as set forth by a closed culture’s codes, morals, customs, traditions and its system of belief passed down through the generations.

Ashkenazi & the ILLUMINATI


“The ‘ILLUMINATI’ was a name used by a German sect that existed in the 15th century. They practiced the occult, and professed to possess the ‘light’ that Lucifer had retained when he became Satan.” -Red Ice Creations [80]

Château de Ferrières

House of Rothschild’s Mentmore Towers Mansion in England- Scene of Satanic Classics 9th Gate and Eyes Wide Shut

The pivotal group that helped finance the “ILLUMINATI” was the House of Rothschild, members of the Ashkenazi Jews.[81] Their overall master plan is to finance, influence and lead by war or politics sovereign nations and world religions toward an agenda for a Satanic New World Order (NWO) with Lucifer as God and Jerusalem serving as its capital city.[82] Whatever Donald Sterling slip and revealed about the agenda of the ILLUMINATI and its plans of worldwide genocide of people of color must not be underestimated, because it runs far deeper than “PLANTATION MENTALITIES“.


The Ashkenazi Jews are ancestrally linked to the Khazars. The ancient Khazar Empire, was once a major power in Eastern Europe, which in 740 A.D. converted to Judaism. Khazaria, a conglomerate of Aryan Turkish tribes, were almost wiped out by the forces of Genghis Han (1162? – August 1227), but evidence indicates that the Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Ashkenazim Jewry.[83]

“We found that most of the maternal lineages [Genetic Roots of Ashkenazi Jews] don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,” said coauthor Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in the U.K.[84]


RED HAIRED Tattooed Mummy of an Ancient Eastern European Scythian

The origin of the Khazars and their earliest history is hidden within other peoples of ancient Scythian (Saka) nomadic stock that claim to trace some of their origins to the Amazons and the Lost Continent of Atlantis at a time before the biblical Great Flood.[85] The ancient warlike barbaric Scythians were connected not only to the Hyksos (Shepherd Kings) that infiltrated and overran the Lands of Canaan (Ancient Palestine/Israel) and Lower Kemet during the 17th Century BC, but also to the Ancient Iranians.[86]


RED HAIRED Khazarian

The RED JEWS were a legendary Jewish nation that appear in vernacular sources in Germany during the medieval era until about 1600 AD. Many medieval sources connected them with the Lost Tribes of Israel, owing to the Khazars’ adoption of Judaism, and they are described in Arabic sources as having RED HAIR, a trait associated with the Devil in medieval Germany and possibly the source of the term “RED JEWS“.[87]

The Declaration of Arbroath is an early document written in Latin and promulgated on April 6th, 1320, at Arbroath Abbey in Scotland that claims an early connection between the British Isles and the Scythians, and also link them to the Exodus of the Children (Lost Tribe) of Israel from Egypt.

The Declaration of Arbroath was written to convince Pope John XXII (1244 – 4 December 1334) that Scotland was an independent country. This rebutted the English claim to rule Scotland. To protect its customary sovereign state, Scottish leader, Robert the Bruce (July 11, 1274 – June 7, 1329), defeated the English at Bannockburn in 1314, and recaptured Berwick-on-Tweed (a city on the border with England) from the English in 1319.

The Declaration claimed a direct connection between the Scots and nomadic bands of Scythians coming down out of Spain, and it also mentioned the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. The ancient tribe of the Scythians once lived in the area to which the “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel were deported by the Assyrian Empire (according to the Bible and historical sources).[88]

Ancient European Anglo-Saxon stocks were descendants of the Scythian-Khazarian-Hyksos. There is no reason to doubt the Irish classic record that documents and link the ancient Scythians as invaders in Israel and Kemet. In no way do I intend to link them directly with biblical or orthodox Jewry, which is the cause of some contention. The Scythian-Khazarian pagan bands did in fact overrun and occupied ancient Canaan- Palestine/Israel.

The Scythians that made up some of the foreign barbaric hordes and kings that invaded Ancient IsraelCanaan and Kemet. These nomadic invaders were called Shepherd KingsHyksos.[89]

Hyksos & the ILLUMINATI

Additionally, Dan Brown, author of popular ILLUMINATI novels, The Lost Symbol, The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons,[90] divulges an important secret of the ILLUMINATI bloodline link to the Scythians and Hyksos.


RED HAIRED Scottish Heritage

It is RED HAIR, which of course is at its highest concentration in Scotland. RED HAIR, having been introduced by their Scythian ancestors, is believed to be its characteristic trait, a mark of their LUCIFERIAN nature. Brown makes repeated references to the importance of RED HAIR, and most importantly, carefully notes that Mary Magdalene was portrayed by Da Vinci as having RED HAIR, as a deliberate reference to her “sacred” heritage.

Piero di Cosimo, Saint Mary Magdalene [RED HAIR] (1490)

According to Dan Brown, Rosslyn takes its name from the rose, which the traditional secret symbol of Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail. As Brown explains:

The chapel’s geographic coordinates fall precisely on the north-south meridian that runs through Glastonbury. This longitudinal Rose Line is the traditional marker of King Arthur’s Isle of Avalon and is considered the central pillar of Britain’s sacred geometry. It is from this hallowed Rose Line that Rosslyn — originally spelled Roslin— takes its name… or, as Grail academics preferred to believe, from the Line of Rose— the ancestral lineage of Mary Magdalene.[91]



The Legend of Osiris, Isis and Set (Seth-Typhon) goes back to an age before recorded time maybe 100,000, 50,000 to 10,000 years ago. Nobody knows for sure. According to the Diodorus, who was born at Agyrium in Sicily in the latter half of the first century B.C., relating in his famous history the following concerning Osiris, Isis and Typhon:

“After Hephaistos, the next king who reigned over Egypt was Kronos (in Egyptian, Keb), who married his sister Rhea (in Egyptian, Nut), and became the father of Osiris and Isis. Others say that Zeus and Hera were the rulers of Egypt, and that from them five gods were born, one upon each of the five epagomenal days, viz., Osiris, Isis, Typhon, Apollo, and Aphrodite.”[92]



Above all, it transformed them from nomad hunters and thieves into a settled people with a god, a priesthood, and a worship, and taught them to believe in divine incarnation, and gave them a hope of resurrection and immortality, and of an existence in heaven, which, they were taught, could only be attained by those who had lived righteous lives upon earth, and through the mercy of Osiris.” [93]

“One of the first acts related of Osiris in his reign was to deliver the Egyptians from their destitute and brutish manner of living. This he did by showing them the fruits of cultivation, by giving them laws, and by teaching them to honor the gods. Later he traveled over the whole earth civilizing it without the slightest need of arms, but most of the peoples he won over to his way by the charm of his persuasive discourse combined with song and all manner of music. Hence the Greeks came to identify him with Dionysus. During his absence the tradition is that Typhon attempted nothing revolutionary because Isis, who was in control, was vigilant and alert …”[94]

” … Seth [Typhon] the Evil One, their brother, envied Osiris and hated Isis. The more the people loved and praised Osiris, the more Seth hated him; and the more good he did and the happier mankind became, the stronger grew Seth’s desire to kill his brother and rule in his place.” [95]

Beyond the early dynasties, God Set (Typhon), above, had become universally known as the “JEALOUS” and EVIL brother of Ausar and Asset. Along with 72 conspirators, Set tricked his brother into a coffin that he nailed tight killing his brother. Set then cut Ausar’s body into 14 pieces and spread the pieces throughout Kemet.


The mutilation of Ausar’s body represented the fragmenting of consciousness, and the separation of Ausar from Asset represented the disruption of the balance of the male and female principles. In Kemetic mythology, Ausar and Asset represented evolution of man and woman into a divine state of being– to subdue their passions and circumscribe their desires on the terrestrial plane which we call earth- to be in harmony with all that existed and show reverence to the “Hidden One” that manifested within the man and woman.[96]



The Scythian-Khazarian- Hyksos hordes entered Canaan and Kemet not to worship or praise, but as nomadic invaders and plunderers. While occupying Lower Kemet as conquerors, they adopted as their spiritual force and God- Ausar and Asset’s JEALOUS and EVIL brother, Set (Seth) known by the Greeks as Typhon.  They chose Set as God justified in JEALOUSY and the EVIL HEART (lack of consciousness-unbelief). They sought to do “SETH’S WORKS” to kill off the Royal Houses of Kemet not in league with them, usurp the throne and all the majesty and MYSTERIES of the Set’s brother and sister, Ausar and Asset.

Most religions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam have significant roots from ancient “Kemet” as it was then known (which means Land of the Blacks). These religions and freemasonry- “… corrupted/distorted the original ancient Kemetian teachings and practices, and this corruption is a result of the nature of the people, who were called, by many Kemetians, Typhonians (meaning Satans or people of Satan). They claim to be the Illuminati (meaning people of Light or enlightenment or inner lightenment).”[97] Seth [Typhon] is identified with the name “Sata” whence comes “SATAN.”[98]

SATAN is known as the Devil and sometimes referred to as Lucifer. The Devil (Satan-Lucifer) is believed in many religions, myths and cultures to be a supernatural entity that is the personification of EVIL and the ENEMY OF GOD AND HUMANDKIND. The nature of the role varies greatly, ranging from being an effective opposite force to the creator god, locked in an eons long struggle for human souls on what may seem even terms (to the point of  dualistic ditheism- opposed principles of good and evil /bitheism- belief in the existence of two gods).[99]


Hebrews 3:12-13 (KJV) states:

 “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an EVIL HEART of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”

An important part of the Kemetic Soul was thought to be the Ib (jb), or HEART. The Ib or metaphysical heart was believed to be formed from one drop of blood from the child’s mother’s heart, taken at conception. The heart was the seat of emotion, thought, will and intention. This is evidenced by the many expressions in the Kemetic language which incorporate the word ib, Awt-ib: happiness (literally, wideness of heart), Xak-ib: estranged (literally, truncated (short) of heart).

EVIL is the desire to act contrary to God’s righteous character and commands. EVIL is the production of a WILL given over to an EVIL HEART.

Donald Sterling (DS): You think I’m a racist, and wouldn’t—

V. Stiviano (V). : I don’t think you’re a racist.

DS: Yes you do. Yes you do.

V: I think you, you—

Donald Sterling: EVIL HEART.

Donald Sterling: It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.

Donald Sterling denies that he is a racist, but doesn’t deny that he has the EVIL HEART that he immediately and directly connected to ISRAEL and its treatment of “BLACKS” like DOGS.

The Scythian-Khazarian-Shepherd Kings treated the BLACKS of Canaan and Kemet like DOGS by the same ancient EVIL HEART that was contrary to God’s righteous character and commands. They were non- believers of MAAT; TRUTH, JUSTICE, HARMONY and BALANCE. They were adversaries and enemies of Osiris- Isis- Horus.


Manetho, Aegyptiaca., frag. 42, 1.75-79.2- The ATROCITIES OF THE HYKSOS

Tutimaeus [0]. In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly, from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our land. By main force they easily overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the natives with a cruel hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery the wives and children of others.[100]

“In the Kemetic metaphysical system, Set-Typhon, the conspirer against Ausar [Osiris], is the embodiment of every perversity … He is the negative creation; He is black magick and sorcery, the black brotherhood. In the initiation rites Typhon is also the ‘tester’ or ‘Tryer’ (the Lord who is against us) personifying ambition the patron of ruin.”[101]

Canaan- A Colony of OSIRIS

The Land of Canaan (Ancient Israel) had been established by a colony of Cushites out of Ethiopia that had also established Kemet in the remote antiquity of human civilization. The Canaanites called themselves, Cushites (Kushites). They were first cousins to the people of the Land of Kemet.[102]

Greek Historian Diodorus Siculus or Diodorus of Sicily between 60 and 30 BC , tells us that Ethiopia is the origin of the Kemetic civilization, and that Ethiopians colonized as far as India:

“They [the Ethiopians] say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris [“King of Kings and God of Gods“] having been the leader of the colony . . . they add that the Egyptians have received from them, as from authors and their ancestors, the greater part of their laws.”
Osiris being come to the borders of Ethiopia, raised high banks on either side of the river, lest, in the time of its inundation it should overflow the country more than was convenient make it marish and boggy; and made flood-gates to let in the water by degrees, as far as was necessary. Thence he passed through Arabia, bordering upon the Red sea as far as to India, and the utmost coasts that were inhabited; he built likewise many cities in India, one of which he called Nysa, willing to have a remembrance of that in Egypt where he was brought up…he planted ivy, which grows and remains here only of all other places in India…”[103]

SETH’S WORKS – The Israelite Massacre of the Canaanites- the Children of Ausar and Asset

Deuteronomy 7

King James Version (KJV)

7 When the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee … Canaanites … mightier than thou;

2 And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.

After the massacre (campaign of genocide) of the Canaanites and laying waste to their cities by the Israelites in the 13th Century BC, Joshua after the death of Moses was directed to “put the people [Israeli Tribes] in possession of the land.” [104]

The Canaanites massacred and dispossessed of their lands by the Scythian-Khazarian- Hyksos- Israeli  were Osirian colonist. They were the Children of Ausar-Asset and Heru. The massacres and taking of their lands was the work of Sethian Worshippers.



Queen Ahmose-Nefertari (1562-1495 BC), reigned as Queen of Kemet during the 17th Dynasty at the time of the country’s occupation by the Hyksos. The Hyksos had been forewarned that a queenly messianic “Divine One” that represented the country “Providence and Prophesy” would come to deliver

Queen Ahhotep I


Kemet out of their hands. Her father, Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao II, refused to deliver any of God Seth’s hated brother and sister, the Ausar and Asset Cult, secrets to them. The Hyksos viciously assassinated Pharaoh Seqenenre as part of the plan to stop the “Rise of the Black Messiah.” That left Queen Ahhotep I a widower with daughters Ahhotep II, Ahmose-Nefertari, sons Ahmose and Kamose as King.


It is generally accepted that King Kamose, above, was killed in battle with the Hyksos.[105] That made his wife, Queen Ahhotep II, also a widower. The Hyksos were intent to assassinate and kill anyone of the Theban Royal Houses that threatened to rise among the people.

The Beloved Divine Queen Ahmose-Nefertari had many titles, including those of hereditary princess, “Most Beautiful”, “Great of Praises”, “King’s Mother”, “Royal Daughter”, “Royal Sister”, “Great Royal Wife”, “Royal Mother”, “Great Ruler”, and “Mistress of Both Lands.”[106]

After her brother, King Kamose was killed in battle with the Hyksos- Seth Worshippers. Ahmose, above, became king. Queen Ahhotep II and Queen Nefertari may have been two of the most wanted renegade Queens of all time. They must have scorched the earth searching for the Queens of Kemet. Martin Bernal in Black Athena once suggested that the Queens may have formed resistance and liberation campaigns from aboard the Great Green Sea on the Greek Island, CRETE.[107] King Ahmose may also had found refuge on the Island of CRETE.


Minoans, above, inhabitants of the Island of Crete,[108] living at Avaris in lower Kemet must have joined an alliance with Theban King Ahmose and Queens Nefetari and Ahhotep II in the war against the Hyksos. A ceremonial Minoan War Axe, below, was found dedicated to  Ahhotep II. It was found among her grave goods.[109]


It was bronze inlaid with a Cretan-style griffin and called Queen Ahhotep II– “Mistress of the Shores Beyond the Islands“, refers to the Kemetic term for lands bordering the Aegean Sea.[110] The Aegean Sea lies between the coast of Greece and Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). It contains over 2,000 islands which were settled later by the ancient Greeks; the largest among them being Crete (Kriti) and the best known and most often photographed, Santorini (Thera or Thira).[111] The love, respect, jurisdiction and power of the Queens of Kemet reached far beyond yonder shores.


Around 1570 BC, Kemet re-united for a final and decisive battle against the Hyksos under Pharaoh Ahmose, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, and Ahhotep II. It was also the messianic Black Divas, Queens of Kemet, that rallied the country and led armies and legions of troops into battle beside the pharaoh to defeat and expel the Hyksos from the Land of Kemet.

Great Hymn to Wesir (Ausar-Osiris) from the Stela of Amenmose, 18th Dynasty

“In Praise of Wesir by the Overseer of the Amun, Amenmose, He says:

Hail to you Wesir,

Lord of eternity, king of the gods,

With many names, with awesome visible forms,

With mysterious rites in the temples.

A splendid spirit, firs to the everlasting, …

Praised by the Nine Great Gods,

Whom the Lesser Ennead loved.

His sister Aset served as his protector,

Drove off his enemies, put a stop to the misdeeds;

Removed the Enemy by power of her spell-

Golden-tongued, her speech cannot fail …”[112]


In Life, Battle and Death, Great Ahmose had been One with God Ausar

After the victory and expulsion of the Hyksos from Kemet,Pharaoh Ahmose built a vast adoration complex at Osiris’ birthplace to forever commemorate, record and celebrate Kemet’s victory over the Hyksos for all mankind. At Abydos, Pharaoh Ahmose demonstrated in reliefs battles against the Hyksos, and he let it be known throughout the ages that he had been in unity in mind, spirit and soul with God OSIRIS.

Pharaoh Ahmose is universally honored as the Great Liberator over the Hyksos. But, the pharaoh was well aware it was the unity of the Osirian Divine State of Things“. As acknowledged by the Overseer of Amun above, it was the balance and harmony of the male and female principles, spirit, mind represented by God Ausar and Goddess Asset. It was MAGIC (words and phenomenon) from the Gods and Goddess Asset. It had been in reference to the Hidden One manifested in them that prevailed. It was remaining faithful to the way and GOOD of the forces and Cult of Ausar and Asset that once again prevailed over the forces of EVIL.[113]

In very special praise and honor to the Black Women of Kemet and Divas for the victory over the Hyksos. Ahmose built temples, monuments and pyramids to his sisters, Queen Ahmose Nefertari, Queen Ahhotep II, and his grandmother Little Ti (Queen Tetisheri) beside his own monuments at Abydos in Upper Kemet, the ancient celebrated traditional birthplace of God Ausar- OSIRIS.

It is extremely ironic that there may have been once a custom in Kemet of offering as human sacrifices RED HAIRED strangers associated with Set, Seth- Typhon to God Osiris as revenge. According to Kemetic Priest-Historian Manetho,  it had been Amosis- the Great Ahmose that abolished the custom if there had been one.

Donald Sterling’s declaration that Black People are an internal ENEMY has absolutely nothing to do with the way you smell, if so he wouldn’t seek the comfort of Black Women in any form or fashion. It has nothing to do with “Sagging Pants”, the “Badges of Slavery” or even Plantation Mentality.” Behind the veil, it is that age old ways of a JEALOUSY and EVIL brother, Seth, Set-Typhon, and SATAN. It has to with Providence and Prophesy”

The Hyksos either didn’t understand, appreciate or ignored the majesty and power of the Female Principle in Kemetic Cosmology. They may have somewhat honored the Female Principle in their way of life, but it wasn’t of any insignificance. Queens, Goddesses and the Female Principle didn’t seem to be necessary within their hierarchal power structure, religion or system of belief. The mighty Hyksos were pagans, wanderers and nomads. The males were the principle leaders, hunters and warriors that sustained their culture of war, conquest and plunder. Likewise, their primarily focus would have been on adversary male warriors and their magic that could aide or defeat them.

The Queens and the Kemetic Female Principle would have assumed to be only a nominal threat of warring “opponents.” It has been a gloss mistake and lesson of conquest that Sethian Worshippers, Forces of EVIL and the ILLUMINATI haven’t forgotten or ignored. Particularly in African based and influenced belief systems where females are POWER, glorified, loved, honored, and reverend authorities, the Conquest and Control of the Kemetic Female Principle is down to a science. This is part of science that has been expressed and exposed in Donald Sterling’s ILLUMINATI stereotypical statements, systemic treatment and worldview of Black Women.

If you for only one moment don’t believe it, they have begun to re-image GODDESS ASSET as an ILLUMINATI controllable Sexual Object as a “MODEL FOR FUTURE GENERATION” rather than the people’s GODDESS OF HIDDEN MYSTERY AND ENPOWERMENT.

Rihanna, High Priestess of the Satanic-ILLUMINATI, placing Goddess Asset under her breast above her vagina as if the body of a woman is the temple to her ancient mysteries amounts to religious and cultural SACRILEGE and HERESY, and an insult to the masses and the memory of our ancestors.


GODDESS ASSET (ISIS) does not belong to the Satanic- Sethian ILLUMINATI.

In August 2013, something most remarkable was unearthed out of the soil from the remote past in Israel that further heightens its ILLUSIONS, lies, contradictions and utter hypocrisy.

Leviticus,  20:24

King James Version (KJV)

24 But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people.

According to Israel Press to the World,

Tel Hazor in northern Israel has long been a treasure trove for archeologists, but a recent discovery of part of a 4,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx has been a most unexpected find. Inexplicably buried far from Egypt, the paws of a sphinx statue, resting on its base, have been unearthed with an inscription in hieroglyphs naming King Mycerinus [Pharaoh Menkaure]. The pharaoh ruled in 2500 BC and oversaw the construction of one of the three Giza pyramids, where he was enshrinedAs for the biggest question of all — how the sphinx got to Tel Hazor — it will likely remain a mystery.”[114]


Pharaoh Menkaure (“Eternal Like the Souls of Re“), called “Mycerinus” by the Greeks, was a king of the 4th Dynasty during the Old Kingdom. He was the successor of King Khafre. Menkaure became famous for building the 3rd Pyramid at Giza called Netjer-er-Menkaure which means “Menkaure is Divine“. In Menkaure’s Pyramid, a wooden coffin was discovered with the inscription, Osiris, King of the Upper and Lower Kemet “… Menkaure,  given life for ever, born of the sky, the sky goddess Nut above you…”[115] To be identified with Osiris was a honor of all who were considered worthy at the Judgment Day (MAAT) at the weighting of the HEARTS. All took the form of God Ausar (Osiris) and were addressed as one with the deity and resided with him in the stars.

The Cult of Ausar and Asset had been of paramount importance in the building of the Pyramid Complex at Giza. The pyramids were centered around planetary worship and celestial body veneration to the Gods Ra and Ausar. They believed that God Ausar (Osiris) had his soul embodied in the Orion constellation.[116]


Orion Constellation as the God Ausar holding the Star Aldebaran


4,514 Years Ago- The Beauty and Peace of Pharaoh Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty II

Khamerernebty II was a daughter of Pharaoh Khafra and Queen Khamerernebty I.[117] In the Cult of Ausar and Asset, she is not subservient, lesser, inferiority to the pharaoh. She signals the “Divine State of Things” between the male and female principles by her gestures and posture“… her legitimization of Menkaure as pharaoh. She is shown in the act of presenting him, indicating to the world that he is the man whom she is identifying and establishing as pharaoh. Her pose, in fact, deliberately imitates that of the goddess Hathor in the triad statues and with whom she is clearly intended to be identified. The statue itself is a representation of this act of confirmation, and perhaps even a record of part of an actual confirmation ceremony.”[118]

More than a thousand years before the arrival of the Scythian-Khazarian-Shepherd Kings, Canaan (Land of Milk and Honey) had been the domain and creation of the Children of Ausar and Asset. They toiled the land to make it fertile. They dug the dykes and canals. They were the cultivators, farmers and husbandry that made Canaan a “Land of Milk and Honey.” They built the cities and the city of Hazor had been established as their capital.

The ASHKENAZI know damn well why the Sphinx of Pharaoh Menkaure was here. It’s right where it belongs. It’s there in Genesis, Chapter 13, Leviticus and other books of the bible. They burned down Hazor, massacred the inhabitants and razed the monuments and statues in the images of the Children of Ausar and Asset in Canaan. They tried to destroy all memory and records of ancient Canaanites. It was the works of the same Sethian Conspiracy to establish a New World Order with Seth-SATAN as god.

Gerald Massey (May 29, 1828 –October 29, 1907) was an English poet and writer on Spiritualism and Ancient Kemet. From about 1870 onwards, Massey became increasingly interested in Egyptology and the similarities that exist between ancient Kemetic mythology and the Gospel stories. He studied the extensive Egyptian records housed in the Assyrian and Egyptology section of the British Museum in London where he worked closely with the curator, and other leading Egyptologists of his day, even learning hieroglyphics at the time the Temple of Horus at Edfu was first being excavated.[119]

In this new Jerusalem on earth it was to be as it had been in the MAAT upon the MOUNT, where … OSIRIS imaged the eternal on his seat who presided over the pole of heaven (Rit., ch. 7).” “[T]he meek shall inherit the LAND, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Their inheritance shall be forever. But the wicked [Donald Sterling- Worshippers of Set (Satan)] shall perish.” Gerald Massey‘Ancient Egypt[120]


The rise of the Sphinx of Pharaoh Menkaure in Zionist Israel that they vehemently fallaciously DENY is Providence and Prophesy” of a New Jerusalem presided over once more by the Divine Order of Things, and AUSAR and ASSET.

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[120] http://www.sodahead.com/living/the-old-and-new-testament-stories-can-all-be-traced-back-to-ancient-egyptian-pagan-rituals/question-2197439/?page=2


23 01 2013

In the late evening of January 8, 2013, Katt Williams was released from jail on a $100.000 bail bond on a Sacramento, CA arrest warrant issued for missing his court appearance. He was captured on a TMZ video being led away from jail by a white security team.[1] Usually anything regarding Katt Williams, TMZ  will spread it all over the world. However in this one case, this particular video of Williams being led away from a Yolo County Jail in California by a special security team has limited circulation for whatever reasons.  The TMZ video can be reviewed at UPDATE: Katt Williams Release from Jail on 100K for Missing Court Date


One guy in a green shirt is seen wearing a U.S. Army or Navy “Special Forces” cap similar to the one below.


The guy in green also has a surveillance earpiece designed for military, police, secret service, first responders and security personnel.[2] It has a Bluetooth pairing with a fast push-to-talk design microphone to communicate with band radio frequencies.[3]

So, why are U.S. Army Special Forces, former members of the Special Forces or an advanced professional security team connected to a secure central command station extracting Katt Williams from jail, but to deliver him to secure secret cybernetic mind control laboratory to repair a blown circuit, the Human Will and Compassion to be FREE. Nevertheless, I pray that I am wrong and they were his bail bondsmen. I also fear that it may be one of the last times we may see or hear from Katt close to his original conscious self.

Comedian Katt Williams was the first to coin the world, Niggadom (Kingdom). I don’t subscribe to such degrading terminology or jargon regarding African Descendants so I call it, Negrodom. But it isn’t really a physical place with borders and boundaries, Katt Williams must be making reference to a imprisoned state of consciousness; Delusional State of Mind, or an particular insanity among Black People of HollyWeird, CA.


Criticism of Django Unchained: “American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western. It Was A Holocaust. My Ancestors Are Slaves. Stolen From Africa. I Will Honor Them,” –Director Spike Lee[4]

HollyWeird’s House Negroes and attack dogs are all over Spike Lee for his mere expression of opinion and criticism of Django Unchained as if he committed a crime against humanity, democracy or like Katt Williams violated a scared Luciferian oath or pact of secrecy.


The Luciferian HollyWeird elite Implant-Conceal many Satanic images and ILLUSIONS that isn’t easy to recognize in films to subliminal traumatize the masses . Red represents the color of the “Blood Sacrifice.”


In the Django Unchained Poster, above, there are at least four (4) Ancient Double Crosses of Loraine, Emblem of the Royal Secret

“When various members of the House of Anjou plotted to topple the Valois dynasty of France, the symbol of the conspirators was the Cross of Lorraine, the heraldic emblem of René d’Anjou, said by Charles Peguy to represent the “arms of Christ”, “the arms of Satan”, and, strangely, the blood of both. René was the Angevin monarch who, at the time of the renaissance, single-handedly spearheaded a Hermetic revival in Europe. It was he who personally convinced Cosimo de Medici to translate many ancient texts such as the Corpus Hermeticum into various European tongues for the first time ever. And when Corpus Hermeticum was first published in France, the dedication it bore was to Marie de Guise, wife of James Stuart V, mother of Mary Queen of Scots, and a descendant of René who also adopted the Cross of Lorraine as a personal symbol.

That the Cross of Lorraine is a symbol embodying the Hermetic ideal is fairly obvious. The Angevins were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels. This isn’t at all inconsistent with the perennially Luciferian overtones associated with the entire Angevin saga.

Interestingly, the Cross of Lorraine bears an uncanny resemblance to the sigil of Baphomet employed by British Magus Aleister Crowley, and the meaning of the two symbols would appear to be virtually synonymous. Baphomet is, after all, the penultimate hermetic symbol, whether depicted by Crowley in the form of a cross, or by Eliphas Levi as a goat-headed hermaphrodite. And the sigil used by Crowley was also employed by ancient alchemists as a device whose meaning was literally “very poisonous.” In fact, the symbol was commonly affixed to containers of toxic substances in Europe as recently as the mid-twentieth century. To the alchemists, of course, the symbol and its very meaning had far more esoteric connotations. To them, poison represented an agent of transformation, a vehicle for the reconciliation of opposites. And there is an alchemical myth about a poison which for most men is extremely deadly, while for the elect it confers mastership and absolute power. Echoes of this idea recur as a motif in various aspects of the Grail lore. It would seem that the alchemists accorded this symbol very much the same meaning attributed it by Crowley, which in turn echoes what the Cross of Lorraine embodied for Rene d’Anjou. It is little known, but the Cross of Lorraine was also the official emblem of the Knights Templar

Though they are more frequently associated with the symbol of the red equilateral cross, their true symbol first and foremost was the Cross of Lorraine, and many Templars awaiting death at the stake pursuant to the Friday the 13th persecutions drew the emblem on the walls of their cells. There is still a degree in certain rites of Freemasonry called the Knights Templar, whose symbol is the Cross of Lorraine. It is interesting to note that even the less esoteric-looking equilateral cross used by the Templars had essentially the same meaning: that of the union of opposites, the intersection of creative force and destructive force, or the union of male and female principles. It was a fundamental occult symbol, and it was in deference to the idea which it embodied that medieval occult rituals were often held at crossroads.

The Cross of Lorraine is far more explicit in it’s iconography: the bar above mirroring the bar below, both of which are symmetrically affixed to a central pillar that provides balance and equilibrium. As above, so below is, after all, a Hermetic maxim. And the three bars of which the cross is composed echo Eliphas Levi’s concept of the true trinity. Levi posited that the world is governed by two primordial forces, one creative, the other destructive. The equilibrium between these two forces constitutes a third force, and the union of the three constitutes what some might refer to as… God.

The central role of the principle of equilibrium in various occult arts cannot be overstressed. For Master Mason Albert Pike, equilibrium represented the Royal Secret, the pivotal principle upon which the universe is ordered. And Pike’s specific designation of equilibrium as a royal secret is of particular significance because, as previously mentioned, Hermeticism has traditionally been known as the Royal Art, and its central tenet is essentially that of equilibrium. And too, when Pike calls it a Royal secret, he isn’t speaking figuratively, but strictly in literal terms. Hermes, according to legend, was the sole receptacle of the secret doctrine of the antediluvian world, which he revived after the flood and passed down to the Kings. As you’ll recall, this secret knowledge was thought to have been taught to man by a race of Gods or fallen angels. This knowledge was kept secret because it was probably recognized that for all but an elect few, such thought would no doubt bring about their ruin. This brings to mind the concept of the alchemical poison. Kings and aristocrats would understand how to wield and apply the secret doctrine because it was believed that they were in fact flesh and blood descendants of the Forgotten Race which had come down to take the wives of men.

References to this Forgotten Race occur repeatedly in numerous religions and mythologies throughout the world, and should most likely be known to readers of this magazine. Their doctrines have been enshrined in myth, legend, and many religious symbols, in which they are looked upon by many, and recognized by but a few. They are, and shall remain, the Royal Secret. The Cross of Lorraine is a sigil of that Royal Secret, the doctrine of the Forgotten Ones.”

The Satanic Cross

In the Satanic Bible in LaVeyan Satanism, the Satanic Cross can also be interpreted as a combination of the Lorraine crossand the mathematical symbol for infinity, or a phallic re-imagining of the cross, with the infinity symbol representing a scrotum. It is often interpreted as a symbol of Satanism, because Anton LaVey adopted it from the Cross of Lorraine or even the Patriarchal, which is also a symbol of Christianity and Hermeticism. Hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance used the emblem as a symbol of earth and spirit by combining the square earth cross with the cross of Christ. When drawn symmetrically, it symbolized the hermetic maxim, “As above, so below”.


Baphomet & WICKED Tarantino, “As above, so below”

In the Django Unchained Deception, Legendary Black Comedian and Civil Rights  Activist, Dick Gregory, has been making news around the internet. Dick Gregory publicly singled out and attacked Spike Lee for criticizing Quentin Tarantino and Django Unchained. In defense of the Tarantino film, Gregory called Spike Lee a “Thug” and “Punk.”[5] In Spike Lee’s line of profession in the community, Gregory’s chosen words spread across the world constitute insulting “fighting words.”[6]


Dick Gregory & President Barack Obama, Look for the ILLUMINATI “Hidden Hand of Power” Gesture

“I’ve seen Django Unchained, I’ve seen that 12 times. Never in the history of Hollywood, have they ever made anything that freed the inside of me. The inside. I’m 80 years-old, I saw cowboy movies, wasn’t no Black folks in cowboy movies. I’m looking at a Western, plus a love story. To those of you all that see it, you’ll never see a love story about a Black man and a Black woman where it wasn’t some foul sex and foul language, huh. And Spike Lee can’t appreciate that. That little thug ain’t even seen the movie, he’s acting like he’s White.”[7]


If you multiple 12 times 176, the number of times that Katt Williams said the script contained the word “N**ger” with damning adjectives (An adjective is a word that describes, identifies, modifies, or quantifies something [a noun or a pronoun] like f**king, it means that Dick Gregory subjected himself to 2112 scientific subliminal self inflicted mental head wounds from the “n word” determined by the highest court of the land to injure the Black Psyche [Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568 (1942)]. Dick Gregory may be immune to being called the “n word”, but it negatively affects and hurt our children and many other of us just don’t play that.


I am quite sure that each time Chicago Mafioso Frankie “One Ear” Fratto[8] pulled the trigger, it was preceded by the “n word” with adjectives like f**king, no good, dirty, stinking and useless, etc. It’s Russian roulette and it’s a physical form and method of scientific “Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control.”[9]


This is a subliminal hypnotic self (alternative personality) inflicted form of scientific traumatic torture that Brandy and Wicked Tarantino appears to be well aware of.

Out of Negrodom, Gregory also said he’d never seen a black man and a black woman ride off into the sunset in a movie, and that’s part of the beauty of Django Unchained.[10]

Beauty or ILLUSION? I wouldn’t call riding off in the middle of the Deep South in the 1850s during universal inhumane and vicious enslavement of (4) four million Africans exactly beautiful, unless, I am delusional or fed a grand ILLUSION of the actual barbaric racist affairs and attitudes of the country during this period.

Anyhow, Wicked Tarantino made it loud and clear to Negrodom early in the film that the storyline is about the Wagnerian Germanic Folktale of Broomhilda and Siegfried, a tale beloved by Adolf Hitler and Paul Josef Goebbels and the THRID REICH.[11]

Broomhilda (Brunhilde) is one of WOTAN’s (Odin) daughters. She is a Valkyrie.”[12] That’s exactly what a Valkyrie does. She rides off into the sunset with the chosen hero to Valhalla, WOTAN’s castle in the sky.[13]


Wicked Tarantino & The Kiss of the Luciferian Brotherhood

This is a very secret and ancient reflection of patriarchal bonding going back to the days of the war state societies of Greece and Rome. During these ancient empires, homosexual male bonding in the militaries of ancient Greece was regarded as contributing to morale. The Sacred Band of Thebes (Greece), a unit said to have been formed of same-sex couples, and the Spartan tradition of military heroism has been explained as being fostered by strong emotional bonds resulting from homosexual relationships. Various ancient Greek sources record incidents of courage in battle and interpret them as motivated by homoerotic bonds. You would also be surprised to know that this ancient tradition and practice of male bonding lay at the birth of the Nazi Nationalist War State. (See Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, 5th Edition for Internet)


Danny Glover & Harry Belafonte, The Kiss of Luciferian Brotherhood in HollyWeird


L’ll Wayne & Birdman-Steve J, The Kiss of Luciferian Brotherhood in Hip Hop

Nevertheless what Tarantino says, out of Negrodom, Dick Gregory (House Negro Role) claims that the real inspiration of Django is Dangerfield Newby.[14] THAT DOG WON’T HUNT!

During the John Brown raid in October 1859, the first raider killed was a black man by the name of Dangerfield Newby. Dangerfield had been freed by his white father, but he had a wife and seven children held in slavery in Warrenton, Virginia. His wife’s master had told him that for the sum of $1,500 he could buy his wife and his youngest baby, who had just started to crawl. Dangerfield earned that amount of money and went back to Warrenton to purchase his wife and baby, only to have his wife’s master raise the price. The free black man then joined John Brown in the hope of freeing not only his wife and youngest baby, but his entire family.[15]

During the assault on Harpers Ferry to raid an armory to supply weapons for a rebellion, one man defending the armory was shooting 6 inch spikes from his powder loaded gun. One of those spikes hit the throat of Newby. He was killed instantly. The people of Harpers Ferry took the body of Newby and savagely stabbed it repeatedly with their rusty knives. They left the mutilated body in the alley to be eaten by hungry hogs.[16]

I suppose that Dick Gregory want us to be delusional, caught in the DOUBLE BIND and believe an ILLUSION that this act of a courageous and desperate man with all his God given human loving compassion stoke out to free his beloved wife and seven children from the horror of slavery; and the absolute horrible and barbaric reprisals against the body of this man can somehow be visualized as “beauty” and “riding off in the sunset” is absolutely insane. It is deliberate absolute mass DECEPTION in its broadest terms.

As far as credits for the film are concerned, Quentin Tarantino is the screenwriter. He credits the character development, Django, to a Italian spaghetti western based on no known slavery historical facts. Tarantino later explained the genesis of the idea: “I was writing a book about Sergio Cobucci when I came up with a way to tell the story. One of the things that’s fun when you write about subtextual criticism …”[17] Sergio Corbucci (December 6, 1927 – December 1, 1990) was an Italian film director. He is best known for his very violent spaghetti westerns.[18] Negrodom, Tarantino doesn’t  doesn’t possess the Godly human capacity to care or have any compassion about the true heroic struggles, tribulations or issues of enslaved Africans.


According to Wicked Tarantino, I want to do movies that deal with America’s horrible past with slavery and stuff but do them like spaghetti westerns, not like big issue movies.”[19] “Slavery and stuff,” he just wanted to play around with it like an Italian spaghetti western, play games with the hearts and minds of the masses. Does Quentin Tarantino even know Dick Gregory in any cinematic sense of production or have any independent historical knowledge whatsoever of Dangerfield or his wife Harriet Newby? I doubt it.

Straight from Negrodom, Gregory continues:

So it must be something personal because when I look and all them Black entertainers that know Spike Lee, how you gone attack this man [Quentin Tarantino]and don’t be attacking them? Are you saying everyone’s a fool but me? ‘Well, it offended my ancestors,’ but when you did She’s Got To Have It and some of those other thug movies you did, you took Malcolm X and put a Zoot suit on him — did that offend your ancestors, punk?[20]


Good Old Uncle Luke, ILLUMINATI Silence is Golden & Mark of the BEAST 666


Also out of Negrodom, the dissectible Uncle [Real Tom] Luther Campbell of 2 Live Crew fame that happens to call himself “Uncle” [21] Luke was also sent on the attack. He called Spike Lee a resident house Negro…conniving and scheming Uncle Tom”.[22]


Luther Campbell has to be the nation’s leading Hip Hop artist to openly promote desecration and the exploitation of African descendent female flesh. Uncle (Tom) Luke will place young black females on the sexual slavery(MONARCH/MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL) auction block for only a few pieces of silver with a big grin and a slap on his ass by the ILLIMUNTI and the New World Order.


Comedian-Actor- Black Luciferian Jamie Foxx called Spike Lee “Shady…Irresponsible” for criticizing Tarantino’s artistic works. [23] Yet, Jamie Foxx is another dissectible House Negro that has done his fair share to desecrate the image, negatively impact and undermine the worldview of African Destiny, Manhood and Fatherhood for the New Luciferian World Order.


Samuel L. Jackson & Eye of Lucifer

One of the leading actors in Django Unchained, Satanic and ILLUMINATI House Negro, Samuel L. Jackson, added his two cents to the mix. He suggested that Spike Lee may be jealous of Quentin Tarantino’s film making success- “I don’t know if it’s jealousy”.[24]

Also, House Negro director of the film “Training Day” starting Denzil Washington, another ILUMINATI House Negro, also rode to Tarantino’s rescue to defend him publicly. Antoine Fugua admonished Spike Lee,

“That’s just not the way you do things,” said Fuqua, who admitted to not seeing the film yet himself, at the Capri event. “If you disagree with the way a colleague did something, call him up, invite him out for a coffee, talk about it. But don’t do it publicly.”[25]

In other words, we criticize HollyWeird’s Luciferian-Satanic powerful and elite, Quentin Tarantino, in secrecy, behind the scenes- closed doors. That’s the way it’s done by House Negroes in HollyWeird, CA.

Yet, there is my underlining suspicious that this will all play out to be a trick of mass deception. They create the false flag controversy between Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino to lure unsuspecting masses to the film. Django Unchained has nothing to do with our true African Ancestors’ struggle and heroics during human bondage in America.

The film is a crude and vicious “red herring” designed to suck the masses into experimental cinematic subliminal mass hypnotics of self inflicted torture; and polarize the races. Django Unchained is a retelling of tales of Wagnerian Gods, Goddesses and the Mythology of the Germanic Pagan WOTAN played out with black faces.

In regards to Katt Williams and his criticism of the film and Wicked Tarantino seem to have fallen by the wayside, I suspect that the ILLUMINATI entertainment industry knows that everything is already in the works to neutralize him, and that he will be clandestinely dealt with by the highest levels of the ILLUMINATI and the (FEDS) U.S. Military-Industrial-Congressional System.


Still, the most wickedness attack on Spike Lee for discouraging the masses of people of color from being subjected to self-inflicted torture and abuse, ILLUSIONS and historic re-imaging of events close to their heart, soul and spirit, came from the Eye of Lucifer, Dick Gregory.


During the late 1990s, I had a rare opportunity to meet with a small group with the Late Great Steve Cokely in Oakland. As an Oak Town Field Negro, I wasn’t particularly invited. I found out about the time and place of the meeting, and went. Part of Cokely’s discussion was regarding Spike Lee’s 1992 film, Malcolm X.[26] Even at that time; it was common knowledge among brothers and sisters that half of movie involving Malcolm in a zoot suit, crime and chasing the blue eyed blond goddess was a tradeoff. It was the work of CIA Project MOCKINGBIRD originally established in 1947 on Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon, HollyWeird, CA.[27]

The HollyWeird film industry regularly clear scripts directed toward targeted audiences, particularly the Black and Brown masses, through the CIA and FBI. They have their own psychiatrists, psychologists and social scientists to mode cinema to control the mass psyche. They have script-screen writers, producers and directors in their back pocket with the power to revise film scripts and control film narratives.[28]


During the 1950s, it is documented that the CIA influenced HollyWeird’s film producers to plant negroes” who were “well-dressed” (Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, for example) in movies, as Cold War propaganda to manipulate and control mass world opinion and ILLUSIONS involving race relations in America.[29]

During this particular session with Cokely, he said that he knew Spike Lee well enough to command an audience. He asked us to help finance a trip to meet privately with Spike on the West Coast regarding further exploring the FBI/CIA’s role in developing, controlling and influencing the film Malcolm X and Black Cinema in general.

Cokely promised to keep the group, particularly the people that helped finance the trip, informed of the Spike Lee meeting. I intentionally gave Cokely a check with my name, address and phone number so there would be no excuse not to include me on the contact list, but as usual I was left out of the loop. I never heard from the group or Cokely again. However, it was generally understood among brothers and sisters, including Dick Gregory, of CIA/FBI involvement in the final film production of Malcolm X. In Chicago Gregory had been a close research protégée and friend of Steve Cokely.[30] He knew very that Malcolm X in that zoot suit chasing that blue eyed blond wasn’t his work.

R.I.P Steve Cokely passed from congestive heart failure April 11, 2011 in Chicago, IL. Cokely gained widespread notoriety when he served as special assistant to the former mayor of Chicago, Eugene Sawyer. He was also assistant to the special committee on rules under the late then Mayor Harold Washington.[31]

In Chicago, Cokely watched and befriended Barack Obama as he rose from a community organizer to a U.S. Senator which put this astute and highly intelligent, very vocal nationalist researcher and lecturer in a great deal of danger.

After several years of silence, Cokely finally promised to reveal all he knew about Chicago Politics and the “Obama Team.” Some entity and hidden hand forces in Chicago had gift wrapped Obama and delivered him to the masses like a Christmas gift, but Brother Cokely never lived long enough out of a coma to tell the story.[32]

It is disingenuous and an act of deception for Dick Gregory to single out Spike Lee for portraying Malcolm X as a slick zoot suit criminal chasing a blue eyed blond throughout half of the film knowing that it was the work of Project MOCKINGBIRD.

The CIA project is a MOCKINGBIRD of Reichsfuhrer Paul Josef Goebbels’ Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda that surreptitiously controlled the content of the THIRD REICH’s cinema and entertainment industry.[33]


The Late Great Mae Brussell worked with a circle of lawyers, writers, journalist and researchers pursuing the “TRUTHS” behind the Assassinations of the Beloved, Malcolm X, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Civil Rights Leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., and U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Among these circles Brussell discovered what she called an elite “Power Control Group” that had a secret license from the government to control public access to real TRUTHS, and steer research and public exposures away from inconvenient Truths like the SS-REINHART GEHLEN ORG deeply imbedded in the deep cover (shadow) government, and the clandestine political assassinations of Malcolm X, the Kennedys, Dr. King and many-many others.


Dick Gregory, Author Robert Groden and Attorney Mark Lane had been among this elite “Power Control Group.”Lane and Gregory co-authored, Murder in Memphis: The FBI and the Assassination of Martin Luther King. Gregory became a leading outspoken critic of the Warren Commission findings that President JFK was assassinated by the lone wolf assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.[34]

On March 6, 1975, Gregory and assassination researcher Robert Groden appeared on Geraldo Rivera’s late night ABC talk show Goodnight America. An important historical event happened that night when the famous Zapruder film of JFK’s assassination was shown to the public on TV for the first time in history. The public’s response and outrage to that showing led to the forming of the Hart-Schweiker investigation, which contributed to the Church Committee Investigation on Intelligence Activities by the United States, which resulted in the House Select Committee on Assassination investigation.[35]

Hitler’s General Reinhart Gehlen’s Org, SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing, and Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis in America and their clandestine involvement in shadow government political assassinations in America was completely veiled from any public or congressional inquiry.

During the 1970s, Gregory became grossly entangled as some sort of personal assistant to Millionaire Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine.[36] On March 6, 1978, while leaving a court room in Georgia an attempt was made on Flynt’s life that left him partially paralyzed from the waist down, and with permanent spinal damage. He had been targeted by a sniper, believed to have been white supremacist serial killer, Joseph Paul Franklin.[37]

During the 1980s, Flynt became actively involved with financing a political assassination research group that included Mae Brussell. He financed a short-lived revolutionary classic publication, The Rebel. In January 1984, The Rebel published Mae Brussell’s classic article, The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy.[38]


CIA/Gehlen Spooks Mitchell Werbell III, Gordon Novel & G. Gordon Liddy are Enough to Scare the Pants off of Anyone.

Merchant of Death, Mitchell Werbell, Richard Nixon White House Plumber operatives G. Gordon Liddy and Gordon Novel was dispatched into Flynt’s publishing enterprise and into his mansion as “house quests” to fix it, shut down Rebel, Mae Brussell and forcible turn Flynt, and in turn his close friend Dick Gregory who also had been residing at Flynt’s mansion in Beverly Hills-HollyWeird, CA.[39]

These were extremely dangerous people to say the least. In 1942, WerBell joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and served in China, Burma, and French Indochina. As a guerrilla operative during World War II, he carried out a secret mission for the OSS under the command of Paul Helliwell in China with assassins E. Howard Hunt, Lucien Conein, John K. Singlaub, and Ray Cline that became major players in the world opium trade out of Southeast Asia. Werbell worked for Batista in pre-Castro Cuba. He was involved in political assassinations all across the Caribbean. He worked with U.S. Mercenary Gerry Patrick Hemmings on the Anti-Castro CIA training camps in Operation MONGOOSE to topple Castro in Cuba. He specialized in developing assassination weapons and silencers for the Gehlen/CIA. He was a major general of the U.S. Army. He is also linked to the JFK assassination team in Dallas.[40]

Gordon Novel is linked with the international assassination network linked with ardent Nazi Gruppenführer (Major General) SS Dr. Walter Robert Dohrnberger of Bell Helicopter and Permindex.[41] White House Plumber G. Gordon Liddy worshiped Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler’s SS.[42]

WerBell, was put on Flynt’s payroll as his million dollar bodyguard.[43] Mae Brussell said they had given Flynt painkillers that fucked his judgment up and made him want to jump from an airplane to his death to protest the New York Times’ refusal to let him buy a full page carrying his view of the KAL 007 disaster that killed U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald of the John Birch Society.[44]

After Werbell, Liddy and Novel departed, Flynt was left in almost a vegetable state, his wife was dead from AIDS, and his prized Hustler Magazine was purged of its investigative articles and writing team and by early 1984 Rebel Magazine had been eliminated from existence altogether.[45] By 1988, R.I.P. Mae Brussell turned up dead.


“The stone-age Negro denizens of Africa, Haiti, New Guinea and the southern Philippines are fascinated by clocks, radios and even sails.” –Willis Carto, The IMPERIUM [46]

Did they turn Dick Gregory? Judge it for yourself. Gregory and his buddy Mark Lane became part of the quasi-Nazi far right wing Liberty Lobby created by Willis A. Carto.[47] Gregory is alleged to have been a board director.[48]

In 1955, Carto founded the Liberty Lobby, an American political advocacy organization. He also ran an organization called Youth for [George] Wallace, which later became the White Nationalist organization the National Alliance. He also was involved in the Populist Party until political opponents took control over the party.[49]


“All we know for certain about the Egyptians is that they were Caucasian, and that they, like all slavemasters, mingled their blood with that of their Negro slaves. As for the so-called Amerindian civilizations, we now know without doubt that civilization was superimposed upon the Indian savages by a White racial stock.” -Willis Carto, The IMPERIUM [50]


Carto had founded Western Destiny, a magazine which during the 1960s produced racist, Nazi-tinged articles; and Noontide Press, which continues to publish and offer for sale anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi books. One such book was Francis Parker Yockey’s 600-page Imperium, which was dedicated to Adolf Hitler and featured a 35-page introduction written by Carto. Yockey, an outspoken admirer of Hitler and Nazi SS Collaborator, was arrested in Oakland, CA across the street from Lake Merritt in 1960 on passport fraud charges; and subsequently committed suicide in a San Francisco jail. His book offers a rehash of Nazi doctrine — it denounced, for example, “the Church-State-Nation-People-Race of the Jew” as “distorters of culture.”[51]

Carto was a vicious racist as well as an anti-Semite. During the 1950s, Carto complained that “only a few Americans are concerned about the inevitable niggerfication of America.” In October 1966, the late columnist Drew Pearson published the contents of a letter written by Carto which stated:


“Hitler’s defeat was the defeat of Europe. And of America. How could we have been so blind? The blame, it seems, must be laid at the door of the international Jews. It was their propaganda, lies and demands which blinded the West to what Germany was doing. . . . If Satan himself, with all of his superhuman genius and diabolical ingenuity at his command had tried to create a permanent disintegration and force for the destruction of the nations, he could have done no better than to invent the Jews.”

In a subsequent memo, Carto elaborated on these beliefs:

Who is using who [sic]? Who is calling the shots? History supplies the answer to this. History tells us plainly who our Enemy is. Our Enemy today is the same Enemy of 50 years ago and before — and that was before Communism. The Communists are ‘using’ the Jews we are told. . . . [W]ho was ‘using the Jews 50 years ago –100 or 1,000 years ago. History supplies the answer. The Jews came first and remain Public Enemy No. 1.”[52]

I said all of this to say that Dick Gregory has been a scared running dog controlled by the SS-Knights of Black Sun and the Luciferian ILLUMINATI elite for quite some time. Yet, we have continued to love and respect the brother.


However, he has become far too comfortable in Negrodom acting as an ILLUMINATI black Goon attacking and calling his pathetically powerless ILLUMINATI  brother Spike Lee out of his name in the world spotlight, and selling out the masses of people with grand ILLUSIONS and False Images of Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained for a few pieces of silver, a big grin on his face and pat on his ass for a job well done by the Luciferian New World Order. This is game.


The little evil genius, Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels, and the Wickedness Man on Earth, the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley wouldn’t have done a better job with Django Unchained at designing a more diabolical and sinister project that clandestinely destroy the mind, heart, spirit and unity of a people under the veil of their own racial history, entertainment and enjoyment for a New Luciferian World Order.

Especially for my Dear Brother,  Katt Williams, I pray that you come HOME and your CHILDREN are returned without further harm,

The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the LORD for ever. 

(Psalm 23, The Original African Heritage Study Bible)

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