7 04 2017


CNN- July 27, 2017


Whether or not, you are willing to accept it, but you have just witnessed the end results of 60 to 70 years of very sophisticated and advanced CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control research, development, and programming that CNN has tried to clean up, and cover-up.

On national Live TV, CNN analyst Angela Rye saw something raising out of the floor, or suddenly felt that some demons or the DEVIL himself was drawing her down into a “Sunken Place.” Or, she began to “stink into the floor.” Whatever the case may have been.  Ms. Rye urgently needed and received an extremely strange hypnotic supernatural voodoo magick exchange of eye flashes from a mind control handler to save her, and stop the descent. On CNN, this supernatural terror and terrifying human drama took place directly in your face, live, with no actors, but with so-called legitimate professional TV newscasters. It is incredible direct visible evidence of covert deliberate Satanic mind control programming of some black TV personalities that the masses may have come to respect, trust and believe in.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH NEWS is extremely toxic and dangerous to democracy. CNN is currently the shadow government’s  corporate mass media news war hawk leading the False Flag Assad Sarin Gas Attack story line to open up a sham U.S. war front in Syria that may lead to World War 3. Just one CIA mind controlled CNN news analyst is an alarm that public news are or could be controlled by elite wealthy congressional Satanic puppet war hawks, and warmongers of the CIA and the Pentagon.

HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain Black People. The American film industry no longer make films as global propaganda to draw a veil over Racism in this country. If you really believe that the movie “GET OUT” is an innocent comedy, horror “fantasy” or a figment of anyone’s creative imagination, you have been badly misled or you have fallen for the BIG- GRAND LIE.  This SHIT IS REAL! Further coverage of Angela Rye, Voodoo Magick and Satanic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming is below.

The Walter #GetOutChallenge in the movie “GET OUT” has disturbed and bothered me the last couple of nights. “GET OUT” and Walter has been like a storm cloud hanging over my head. And, I haven’t even watched the movie. Last night was another long, awful and painful night. My stomach boiled. I tossed and turned all night long. The same scenes about menacing secret British Satanic Cults raced through my dreams. I tried to shake them. I couldn’t. What is it that brothers me so much about “GET OUT“? Some of its very rare specialized language and terminology like solve et coagula, racialist scenarios, mind controlled characters and rare secret medieval Rosicrucian ideologies paint very clear pictures in my mind that something far more universally chilling, evil, sinister and Satanic than most people realize is going on right in the front of our faces.


“GET OUT” Director and Creator Meegan (Jordan Peele) and Eartha Kitt, “I Want to Be EVIL”


Eartha Kitt may have been among the first experimental female mind controlled leopard skin print coded sex kittens developed by Nazi SS Doctors after the Nuremberg Tribunal Doctor Trials.


GET OUT” appears to have more likely come out of the dark annals of Dr. Mengele and Aldous Huxley than the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind of a false female sex kitten alter, Meegan- Jordan Peele. The so-called American white progressives and Liberal Left are encouraging Black people to patronizeGET OUT“, and, in general, make a “Mockery of Walter”. The entire scenario is like forcing Black people out on a limb to attend and watch their own funeral, and then get laughed in their faces. Have you forgotten so soon”WALTER Scott” and “Running While Black” that can be a death sentence for a black man?

It’s like encouraging the Jews to watch the SS- Knights of the Black Sun’s Satanic systematic dehumanization and destruction of the dignity of Jewish People without an outcry from humanity; and JUSTICE.

“ … The American Left has proven INEPT in gauging this fascist [racist] menace, much less mounting an effective response. Few are aware of the history that brought us to our current predicament. … “- Andrea Hackett[34]

Ms. Hackett continued, In order to fight an enemy you must know that enemy. You must know their strengths and weaknesses, history and organizations, links, objectives and capabilities. You must know their operational methods and familiarize yourself with the central players. In short, you must do your homework. In the case of global fascism [racism], you must also respect their fanaticism and willingness to use violence to further their goals.”[35]


Walter, “GET OUT”, Color Coded: SATANIC GREEN

There is a concealed justification why Walter has become a particular targeted character for a mass deception campaign. There is something necessary to hide and veil about Walter to keep the masses from putting together an informant piece to a puzzle. They call “GET OUT” a brilliant horror movie. If that is so, why has the character Walter been singled out for a special mass population mockery campaign outside the film. For whatever reasons due to comfort,  convenience or just plain complicity, fear and racism, CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH and Black People, rarely if ever come out of the mouth of the so-called progressives constantly backing away from uncomfortable issues, or the Liberal Left.


Mama Sonya and Stephen Curry, Love for Their Father, Hail Satan!

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors is the first and only professional athlete to come out in the open to make a public “Mockery of Walter.” And, I pray that he remains the only. It appears that Chris Brown is the first among the Demonic Pop Music/Hip Hop to mock Walter.

Nevertheless mass encouragement of progressive and Liberal Left mass media pundits, the national and global mass popularity of the movie “GET OUT“; and the mass popular influences of Steph Curry and Chris Brown, the #GetOutChallenge and the deliberate “Mockery of Walter”- the masses remains strangely dubious and uneasy about the entire thing.




On CNN, Angela T. Rye appears and sounds like a strong supporter of Black people, but be very careful. Lately, she has appeared on CNN as an ILLUSION of Black Resistance. Rye is an attorney, a political commentator on CNN and a NPR political analyst.[1] She is foremost a spokesperson, advocate and defender of John Lewis, The Black Congressional Caucus, the Satanic Democratic Party, and Barack Obama.


I am not sure what this picture represents other than Ms. Rye is for sell. She was raised and bred within the DC congressional complex. With very limited experience, she was the Senior Advisor and Counsel to the House Committee on Homeland Security under Mississippi Congressman Bernie G. Thompson.[2]


California U.S. Congressperson, Kamala Harris & Angela Rye


Ms. Rye resemble a light skinned female clone of the Clinton/Podesta PIZZAGATE Clan, Kamala Harris. From the Committee on Homeland Security, she became the Executive Director and General Counsel to the Congressional Black Caucus.[3] What makes the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) exceptional is that it’s very presence in Congress has been portrayed as symbolizing the success of the often bloody civil and voting rights struggles of a half century ago of which they are the beneficiaries. Some, like John Lewis, were even notable participants. But, the CBC is only an ILLUSION of Black independent political power.

” … something more might be expected of them. That the CBC, however, regardless of who comes and goes in their congressional districts, has consistently, as a bloc, voted to send billions of US taxpayers dollars to provide weapons for a foreign government that oppresses another people of color, the Palestinians, is, under the circumstances, nothing less than shameful.”[4]


Satanic/Masonic Fingers to Chin Symbol- Kamala Harris and Angela Rye

When Ms. Rye stands up to PIZZAGATE, and Zionist Israel, I might possibly get on her bandwagon. However, that will never happen, because the Luciferians can spin Angela Rye on a dime.


This is no normal or even abnormal so-called, “eye roll” caught accidentally on Live TV. It is a flashback signature of Luciferian  Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming.


HollyWeird & Black People, the Luciferians are not playing with you. Ms. Rye tell the story that her eyes and body have psychologically fallen down HELL!


Her so-called “eye roll” is just as much of an involuntary Satanic “Hell-Cult Terror Eye Flashback Reaction” as a Uncle Al Roker.


It is also just as much of a Chris’ Satanic Hell-Cult Terror Eye Roll Flashback Reaction” in GET OUT.


Steph Curry and the NBA ILLUMINATI’s official position is that the Run Walter Run scene in the movie represents Waltertrying to escape the SUNKEN PLACE” It is what it is, an outright lie to suggest that Walter runs out of sheer fear, fright and terror of the “SUNKEN PLACE“.


Even if he does in fact run from terror in the movie, it is nothing to mock and make fun and folly for. We should be concerned of that cause of terror and danger that make an innocent black run for his life! Nevertheless, Walter has already lost his dignity, manhood and humanity in the “SUNKEN PLACE” by MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Solve et Coagula” Satanic programming. That is the NBA ILLUMINATI mass population lie, deception and trickery.


So when Misty Armitage hypnotized Chris and suggest that he “sink into the floor“, the so called “eye roll” and face of terror in reaction to the very psychological concept of the “SUNKEN PLACE” spreads across his face. Why would Chris be so horrified of the “SUNKEN PLACE” that he has never previously been too? The answer lies in MK ULTRA/MONARCH visual implant post-hypnotic programming.


Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s mentor Aldous Huxley during an MK-ULTRA experiment instructed Jolly West to hypnotize his subject(s) prior to administering LSD, in order to give them “post-hypnotic suggestions aimed at orienting the drug- induced experience in some desired direction.”[5] Like Dantean HELL.

” … the spirit of Dante Alighieri and his fourteenth-century vision of hell Through Dante’s eyes we see a place where men, women, and children are bound to a satanic master. They trusted him in the beginning and believed his promises, but now they are sinking deeper and deeper into his power, surrendering their possessions, their bodies, their children, their very souls to his mysterious purpose. With Dante we follow them to a distant place, where “sighs, lamentations, and loud wailings resound through the starless air,” making us weep in sympathy. We hear “words of pain, tones of anger, voices loud and hoarse, and with these the sound of hands, (making) a tumult which is whirling through that air forever, as small eddies in a whirlwind.” Above the cries of the damned, we might hear a single child’s voice calling out, “I’d die for you, Dad.” These were the tape-recorded words of a boy just before he took the fatal poison at the command of Jim Jones: Guyana’s twentieth-century echo from Dante’s Inferno.” Dr. Louis Jolyon West

aaaawalterhuxleydante Aldous Huxley was more than just a student of the Italian poet, Durante degli Alighieri (1265- 1321), of the Late Middle Ages.[6] He wasn’t just a disciple, either. Huxley was the re-incarnation of Dante Alighieri, a disciple of the Lucifer, and one of the main proponents of the secret Medieval Hell-Cult.

“The locality of HELL is untold; its creation and dates are left in obscurity, its names are various elaborately concealed; it is HELL, the hidden or SUNKEN PLACE. It is a lake burning with fire and brimstone, but of which the interior is unseen, it is a pit bottomless, a fire unquenchable, a worm undying, a death- the second and the last; it is “without”, yet not unvisited or unseen; they shall be tormented in the presence of the lamb and the holy angels; they shall go forth and look on the carcasses of them that are slain, whose worm dieth not. This is all, or nearly all we know of it.” (Giflillan; Bib. Muse.)[7]

Rev. George Gifillan (1816- 1878) was a “Grand Bard” of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.[8] In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional story teller, verse-maker and music composer, employed by a patron (such as a monarch, noble or the DEVIL), to commemorate one or more of the patron’s ancestors and to praise the patron’s own activities.[9]

Heaven and Hell (essay) (1954) metaphorically refer to what Aldous Huxley conceives to be two contrary mystical experiences that potentially await when one opens the “Doors of Perception“—not only in a mystical experience, but in prosaic (commonplace) life.[10]


 As Huxley instructs CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH scientists and psychiatrists, open “The Doors of Perception”orientate subject(s) to the horrors of Dantean HELL by hypnotism prior administrating a substantial dose of LSD or mescaline, it can scare the living SHIT (excuse my expression) out of anybody. “Dante’s Sinners are buried in mud, shut up in the trunks of trees, frozen solid in blocks of ice, crushed beneath stones. The Inferno is psychologically true. Many of its pains are experienced by schizophrenics, and by those who have taken mescaline or lysergic acid [LSD] under unfavorable conditions.” [11]

LOOK AGAIN. In Angela Rye’s flashback signature of her Medieval Hell-Cult mind control programming, she looks directly into the eyes of the person on her right, Maria Cardona. Maria’s eyes flashes momentary “white“! My Lord, do you have any idea who this woman is?

Maria Cardona & Stones

Maria Teresa Cardona was born (1966) in the “Cocaine CapitalBogota, Colombia.[12] Bogota was a secret South American haven for Nazis and the SS Knights of the Black Sun. SS-Hauptsturmführer and Gestapo member Klaus Barbie’s Bolivian cocaine business, in a position of power clearly approved by the CIA, was the principal supplier of the drug to Colombian cartels.[13]

Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, Reichel-Dolmatoff  

In 2012, one of Colombia’s best-known anthropologists, the late Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff and onetime visiting professor at UCLA (Dr. Jolly West). The recent revelation of the secret Nazi past of Dolmatoff had shaken Colombian academic circles to its core. He wasn’t just a Nazi. The native Austrian, who immigrated to Colombia in 1939, was an elite member of the Austrian Nazi party and of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler under Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich, the Fuehrer’s private army and death squad, which killed scores of rival Nazis in a June 1934 purge known as the Night of the Long Knives. According to a diary fragment that historians have identified as Reichel-Dolmatoff’s, he was also stationed at the dreaded Dachau Concentration Camp near Munich.[14]

Well, that’s somewhat laying guilt by association at Cardona’s doorstep. However, her doorstep leads directly to Bill Clinton’s ring of murderers, criminals and government corruption, and his body count- assassinated Secretary of Commerce, Ron H. Brown.

aaaawalterbrownmaria Maria Cardona and Ron Brown

Cardona spent five years at the U.S. Department of Commerce, first as Deputy Press Secretary to Secretary Ron H. Brown and in charge of the press offices of all the 14 agencies. Following the airplane crash into a mountainside in Croatia in 1996 that killed Secretary Brown, Cardona was left to handle the live press briefing alone.[15] She was the Shaun Spicer of Slick Willie and Ron H. Brown, and that shows that she was more probable than not an active South American Columbian collaborator inside Ron Brown and Bill Clinton’s criminal circle.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown & Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen

Ron Brown, deceased, U.S. Commerce Secretary was formerly under investigation by the DOJ, Special Prosecutor, FDIC, Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee; FBI; DOE; Senate Judiciary Committee; Commerce Dept; Inspector General at the time of the plane crash. 22 (twenty-two) Congressmen demanded his removal and prosecution. Among his major scandals involved: Whitewater; Mena Drug smuggling; the Denver Airport; Keating Five; Haitian Madame Lillian Madsen’s prostitution ring; $700,000 received from Russia and deposited in a Singapore Bank to drop trade embargo with Vietnam, Special favors breaks given to Brown to Democratic Party and Clinton Victory Fund; Influence Peddling by Cabinet Official $12.5K/mo. from Haitian dictator in Exile Baby Doc Duvalier; $50M sent to Vietnam Government; $360,000 townhouse purchased for Madame Lillian Madsen; illegal ChemFix Waste Mgt. account with former NYC Mayor David Dinkins, worth millions; Capitol/Pebsco illegal pension fund account with DC Mayor Marion Barry; sale of gas turbine engine to China for use in cruise missiles; illegal Iranian Muslims weapons deal into Bosnia against US/Ally Trade Embargo, money for which came from Depts. of Commerce and Agriculture slush funds, and supplied helicopter gunships, stinger missiles, land mines, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers and over 20,000 Muslim troops, including their elite Mujahedeen; illegal $500,000 cash with government loans money deal with Yolanda Hill to fund Democratic National Committee; illegal $6 Billion Saudi deal for military aircraft and hardware coupled with illegal $4 Billion AT&T contract, of which DNC and Bill Clinton were beneficiaries. [16]

In Bosnia, they found that Ron Brown had evidence of strange blunt force wounds to the head, and possibly a gunshot to the brain. Who benefited from Ron Brown’s assassination in Bosnia, the President Bill Clinton Crime Syndicate. Don’t get it twisted, there is no way in heaven or on earth that a black man of America could pull off all of this crime and corruption without the cover and protection of a vast criminal enterprise and syndicate of the shadow government. Ron H. Brown was a whipping boy, pasty and scapegoat for the Bill and Hilary Clinton government criminal corruption syndicate.


Black Pasty Ron Brown, and Bill Clinton 

This was Cardona’s circle of crooks, spooks, voodoo masters, and “guide and mentor“, Ron H. Brown, a Negro Luciferian.[17] But, wait a minute that isn’t all. In 1982, Brown was named deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee. That same year, he began lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of the brutal and feared Duvalier regime and their Tonton Marcoute which was then in power in Haiti.

Feast of St. Nicholas (“Uncle Gunnysack”)

The Tonton Macoute  or simply as the Macoute was a special operations unit within the Haitian paramilitary force created in 1959 by dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier. In 1970 the militia was renamed the Milice de Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale (Militia of National Security Volunteers or MVSN), perhaps named after the Italian Fascist paramilitary organization. Haitians named this force after the Haitian Creole mythological bogeyman Tonton Macoute (“Uncle Gunnysack“), who kidnaps and punishes unruly children by snaring them in a  gunny sack (French: macoute) and carrying them off to be consumed at breakfast.


Haitian Dictator (Voodoo) Baby Doc Duvalier

Over the next four years, Brown earned $630,000 helping to persuade the Administration to continue aid to the government of Roman Catholic dictator Jean-Claude (“Baby Doc”) Duvalier. Brown refused to drop the Duvaliers despite being criticized for representing the Haitian Voodoo Master.[18]


Baby Doc’s Father- Dictator Papa Doc Duvalier

A few days after the ouster of Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier, a mob looted the home of a voodoo priestess, shattered bottles of drugs and herbal portions, tore apart her altars and stripped the house to bare plaster. On a wall outside, across the street from a mural depicting the blood sacrifice of a goat, vandals scrawled the message: “Down With Voodoo. FREE THE ZOMBIES.”[19]



Roman Catholic Cardona is a principal of the very low profile and secretive lobbying firm, Dewey Square Group (DSG). She is a part of the secret inner circle of Bill, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Under DSG, she served as a Senior Adviser to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign, serving as a campaign surrogate and spokesperson and representing the campaign on major national TV and radio, as well as Spanish-language television news and political programs. She also served on Clinton’s Hispanic Outreach Team. Following the primary, Cardona served as a key surrogate for the Obama for America general election campaign, appearing on all the major national news. shows.[20] Excuse me, but this is absolutely SCARY SHIT played out directly ON CNN RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES!


Cyborg Clone Angela Rye?

Angela Rye is most likely a presidential multiple personality disordered (MPD)  programmed /clone sex kitten. She is also programmed to vehement defend and protect the Satanic Democratic Party, Bill, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and that is absolutely indefensible, criminal, and unjustifiable.[21]




Since Obama walked away from the White House officially on January 19, 2017 and flew up and away out of DC.

Donald J. Drumpf and his white nationalist ring has blamed Barrack Obama for felonious conduct (wiretapping him and Trump Towers), and every ill of America and the World, because of the low (lowered) standards of the “black” former president. Obama and Michelle appears to be helpless or to care less about defending themselves or black people. Drumpf  says whatever he wants to scandalize the former presidential office, administration, and black people in general. The Obamas have not and will not step forward to say anything in opposition to Drumpf no matter how vicious, extreme, racialist or ridiculous it may be.  Something strange, very unusual and out of the ordinary is going on. It’s just not normal not to defend yourself. Barack and Michelle are literally “missing in action.”


However, Barack Obama, the hapless down low black gay human CIA cyborg would care less about black people, missing black children, democratic politics, or what is going on politically in this country. In the first instance, it is almost universally accepted that Obama was America’s first [clandestine cybernetically created] homosexual U.S. President. Yes, it is scientifically possible to cybernetically  create a state of the art CIA mind controlled homosexuals.

aaaawalterhealth Dr. Robert Health

In the racist twisted and sadistic mind of Dr. Robert Galbraith Health (1915- 1999), he hooked up the brains of men with various EEG wires to artificially stimulate what he had found to be the sexual pleasure center of the brain.[22] Dr. Health was founder and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University in New Orleans from 1949 to 1980.


In New Orleans, one of the most secretive and powerful figures within the secret inner circle of Tulane University was E. W. Alton Ochsner Sr., M.D., founder of the Ochsner Medical Foundation, graduated from the Tulane School of Medicine and served on the faculty from 1926-1956. Dr. Ochsner was a fluent speaking German-American from Kimball, South Dakota, and later became a leading cancer researcher and constant presence in the American Cancer Society. Argentina’s Nazi collaborator, Juan Peron, was among his patients. Dr. Ochsner is alleged by some in South America to have participated in medical ultra secret research with Nazis that would have involved directly Dr. Josef Mengele. He was a CIA ULTRA/MONARCH secret inner circle senior project manager (MK DELTA).

Dr. Ochsner was a close associate of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles and OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan. In New Orleans, he was one of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA/FBI mind control handlers. After the war in 1946, he received special recognition for whatever undisclosed secret medical research that he did for the U.S. government. Fluent in German and with extensive professional medical industry links in Nazi Germany, he would have also been an important part of the highly classified and secret Operation PAPERCLIP that secretly illegally brought war criminal Nazi/SS scientists and medical professionals into the United States by the thousands. In 1957, he received special clearance by the FBI for “sensitive” government operations. Dr. Ochsner’s special recruitment by the government in 1957 most likely involved consultation with Allen Dulles and the CIA about expanding the highly “sensitive” Nazi/SS medical, mind control and torture/interrogation research projects. I said this to say that curing homosexuality was of particular interest to Dr. Mengele and the SS. Dr. Ochsner is alleged to have worked secretly with Mengele and SS doctors (MK ULTRA) in South America, and here in the U.S.


Dr. Health performed many controversial experiments involving electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB). In one procedure, Dr. Heath wired up the pleasure centers of a gay man. During a three-hour session, the subject, code-named B-19, electrically self-stimulated his reward circuitry some 1,500 times.[23]

“During these sessions, B-19 stimulated himself to a point that he was experiencing an almost overwhelming euphoria and elation, and had to be disconnected, despite his vigorous protests.” [Moan, C.E., & Heath, R.G. Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual activity in a homosexual male. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 23-30, 1972.][24]

Dr. Heath believed that ESB could be used to “cure” homosexuality. Insofar as people prefer direct stimulation of the pleasure centers to having sex, ESB can “cure” heterosexuality, too. In other words, he could use homosexual stag films, other visible, physical mediums, and stimulates to create MK ULTRA/MONARCH homosexuals.[25]


Dr. Heath’s work on mind-control at Tulane was partly funded by the US military and the CIA. Dr. Heath’s subjects were African Americans. In the words of Heath’s  contemptible sick, wicked,  racist collaborator Australian psychiatrist Harry Bailey, this was “because they were everywhere and cheap experimental animals“.[26]


Dr. Harry Bailey

The people surely would have wished to have gotten their hands on the pair if the truth had been known. These people are not playing with you.




Former President Obama Frolicking with Homosexual Richard Branson

As soon as Obama had been relieved of president duties and turned over the White House keys to presidential select Drumpf on Friday, January 19, 2017, Obama has been going “buck wild” with homosexual men.


James Costos

The Obamas unpacked their suitcases late Friday at the abode of outgoing US ambassador to Spain, James Costos and his gay husband — an interior designer — Michael Smith, who’s been the White House’s decorator since 2008.[27]


James Costos & Husband Michael Smith

James Costos love to tell the world, My Mom and Dad are second-generation Greek-Americans who instilled in our middle-class family the values of hard work, self-reliance, and service, exemplified by my father’s tenure as a U.S. Marine who was stationed at Camp David under President Truman.”[28]


James Costos never expose any names behind the figure at Camp David under President Truman, a Grand Masonic Master Freemason of Missouri, an enthusiastic Masonic ritualist, and Master of lodges.[29]


James Costos of Lowell, Mass is actually James Costopoulous or Kostopolous descended from grandparents Achilleas [Achilles] and Kyriakitsa (Zingovas) Kostopoulos descendants from Thessaly, Greece. Jame’s parents were Achilleas’ son, Charles & Katherine Costos (Kostopoulos).[30]


The Kostopolous of Lowell, Mass are all AHEPANSsecret initiates of the Greek fascist underground society and cult of the Masonic/Fraternal Order of American HELLENIC Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), and the Holy Trinity HELLENIC Orthodox Church.[31]


Witch’s Sabbath (1789). Francisco Goya

The mission of the AHEPA Family is to promote HELLENISM (paganism and witchcraft), Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. An important component of AHEPA’s mission is to create an awareness of the principles of HELLENISM to society.[32]


Thessalian God Chiron & Achilles

To Homer, the HELLENES were a small tribe in southern Thessaly. In modern use in the arts, Hellenic is used of Greek work from the close of the primitive phase to the time of Alexander the Great or the Roman Conquest (succeeded by the Hellenistic). In classical times, ancient Thessalian witches were believed to control the moon- Draw Down the Moon also known as “Drawing Down the Goddess in Satanic” and Wiccan rituals.[33] Chiron was a Thessalian God.[34]


Chiron is a main homosexual black character of the 2017 Academy Award Best Movie, Moonlight.[35] James Costos’ father Charles Kostopolous and U.S. President Harry Truman at Camp David were secret society fraternal brothers of AHEPA that covertly planned the American military invasion and “White Terrorfascist takeover of Greece after the British military planned to pull out of the country in late 1946.[36]


Waffen SS in Greece

During WWII, the Greek resistance movement against the Nazis and the SS was led by the EAM (EthnikoApeleftherotiko Metopo, Greek Liberation Movement) command in the mountains of Greece.


Courageous Greek Woman Resistance Fighters

The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officially assisted and aided EAM. After the Fall of Nazi Germany, EAM and other Greek resistance groups called for democratic elections. The British opposed democratic elections. They wanted a “cold war” fascist royalist anticommunist government installed. The British Army violently oppressed and suppressed EAM, and other Greek resistance groups that fought the Nazis and SS sparking civil wars in Greece. When the British Army moved out of Greece, President Truman and the U.S. military moved in by March 12, 1947.[37]


President Roosevelt & Fraternal Masonic Brothers

Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a Freemason, and an initiate of AHEPA, he opposed British atrocities in Greece, American military intervention and invasion of Greece. President Roosevelt also opposed Operation PAPERCLIP. He was liquidated on April 12, 1945.[38] Freemason Harry Truman, also an initiate of AHEPA, intervened and invaded Greece under the “cold warTruman Doctrine with the complete collaboration, alliance and “defense cooperation” of AHEPA.[39] Under the Truman Doctrine, Army Officer, Security Minister Konstantinos Maniadakis, the Greek Heinrich Himmler, led the crimes against humanity fury and the sadistic mass murder, torture and incarceration campaign and charge against democracy in Greece, and the Greek Liberation Movement. The Truman Doctrine and AHEPA repressive Greek fascist government was an embarrassment to democracy and the free world. [40]


AHEPA is a secret Masonic fascist anticommunist arm and front of the American deep state. I was surprised to find just how quietly they had infiltrated the highest elected offices of the United States. Even Freemason President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) had been a Supreme President of AHEPA when he was a powerful Texas U.S. Congressman (1937-1949).[41]

James Costos is a secret initiate of AHEPA. Allegedly in Barrack Obama’s 800-page volume, titled O Say Have I Seen: The Real Truth Behind The Red, White, And Blue, he received “strong condemnation” from some who believe they’ve been mischaracterized in the book, including a pharmacist “Charles Kostopoulos” of Seattle.[42] Is there such a person in Seattle? I couldn’t find a pharmacist or anyone else in Seattle by that name.

aaaawalteralefantis Barrack Obama & James Achilles Alefantis

Another family member of Holy Trinity Hellenic Orthodox Church, and a secret initiate of AHEPA that was too close to President Obama was Homosexual James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (PIZZAGATE).[43] ACHILLES Alefantis visited the Obama White House on the public record at least 5 (five) times (some overnight). Some have concluded that Jimmy Comet is in fact a CIA agent.[44] It appears to me that the AHEPANS are secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH senior control handlers of Obama.

On January 27, 2017, Michelle Obama left Costos’ home in Palm Springs, CA and immediately took off  on a jet for billionaire Richard Branson’s Necker Island private resort in the British Virgin Islands without Barack . The British Virgin Islands are British Overseas Territories (BOT) are territories under the “Jurisdiction and Sovereignty of the United Kingdom.” However, there is doubt whether or not she ever made it to Necker Island. 

British Intelligence took Michelle someplace in BOT in the Caribbean Sea , but it wasn’t to Branson’s Necker Island. However, there was a “Michelle Obama Impostor” with a strange deformed left hand on the island.

This is Not Michelle Obama!

With today’s extremely advanced photographic technology, the pictures of Michelle are deliberately blurred and degraded. In fact, the U.S. Secret Service is acting in concert with British Intelligence in BOT in taking and banning all cell phones cameras of anyone working and associated with the mysterious Obamas’ Caribbean Playground Vacation. If she was on the island at anytime, she certainly wasn’t in on the fun, sun & frolic with her husband, Barack. She certainly wasn’t on that boat while her husband was joyfully touching and wrestling with that old rich [“Gay?”] white male in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

She certainly wasn’t Photoshop-ed at anytime swimming with the man.

Obama Photoshop-ed Swimming on Necker Island

Obama Photoshop-ed Having Lonely Fun without Michelle

Former president and first lady was supposed to be enjoying a relaxing fun filed couples’ vacation. However, Michelle (fitness advocate) is nowhere in sight taking in the sunshine, water sports and fun with her husband on Necker Island that is right next to Jeffery Epstein’s Pedophile Island, and the secret Roman Goddess Diana’s Temple.

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson  of the British Empire is one of Queen Elizabeth’s Knights. He is an English business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He founded the Virgin Group, which controls more than 400 companies.

Branson, the Cross-Dresser, World Dictator & the Gay Agenda

aaaawaltercrossdressCross Dresser Sir Richard Branson

Whether of not Branson is a homosexual has not yet been determined one way or another, but as you observe he is an absolutely appalling, revolting and gross men-female cross-dresser.

Sir Branson, offensively, has his legs gap wide open feeding an an on-board meal to an Asian Airline executive guest passenger with a little extra something-something – a gay delight!

 Sir Branson says he has been a supporter of gay rights [agenda] around the world for many years and set up a group in 1967 to help young people coming out.

Branson, The New World Order Dictator, Haitian Child Stealing & The Clinton Foundation


Sir Branson is part of the powerful global “Hidden Hand” of the ILLUMINATI and New World Order. In 2007, as his own little world dictator, he founded a secretive group, “The Elders”, (of the Earth) on his private island that is headed by 12 (twelve) world leaders led by Nelson Mandela and Jimmy Carter. It is yet another global NGO designed the systematic strip and rob, particularly African, nations of their sovereign powers, and trick them out of their oil, minerals, and natural resources.

Richard Branson, Missing & Exploited Children, “ICMEC”

Scary British House Eve Branson

Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson (former British Military Officer), is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (“ICMEC“), Alexandria, VA, the goal of which is to allegedly help find missing children, and to stop the exploitation of children. She was a founding member of ICMEC’s Board of Directors in 1999. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor.

Late British Lord Pedophile, Sir Clement Freud (Satanic Tavistock Sigmund Freud Jewish Bloodline) and Sir Branson

The Board of Directors of the ICMEC are tied to organizations that donate to the Podesta (John, Tony) Group and the Clinton Foundation. Sir Freud most likely initiated Tony and John Podesta into the ultra secret powerful  British Houses of the Satanic Black/Dark Circle Cult.

All three are linked to the May 3, 2007 disappearance of three (3) year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Praia da Luz, Portugal. These people are deadly serious!


Sir Branson is a hypnotist. Above, Branson in Haiti with Hilary Clinton celebrating the opening of the Clinton Foundation Caracol Industrial complex.

aaaawaltermonicaRecently in November 2016, reporter Monica Petersen was found dead in Haiti under mysterious circumstances. Petersen had previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. According to sources close to Ms. Peterson, the Clinton Caracol Complex is a front for human trafficking and mining, and has also been linked to the human rights’ crime of selling human beings. Allegedly, Petersen stumbled upon several scandals related to PIZZAGATE, Haiti and the Clintons.

She was surely in a position in Haiti to know. Monica Petersen was listed on Alert Sense’s executive team page.  Alert Sense provides technology for Amber Alerts and FEMA Emergency response systems.  Laura Silsby works for Alert Sense under the name Laura Galyer. In 2010, Laura Silsby was convicted of felony child stealing (33 black children) in Haiti. Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation came to rescue.

Jeff Koon, the Sadistic PIG!

In James (Jimmy Comet) Achilles Alefantis’ previously public Instagram account images, there is a pornographic one which is of a photograph in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Jeff Koons. All it consists of is an extreme close-up of an adult male openly penetrating and violating what is believed to be a young “small girl“. The sick PIG was, in “2002 -Appointed to the Board of Directors of the “ICMEC“. (From – biography and honors.)

If this is a little girl being raped, because it is so heartbreaking to look at even for a moment, or even think about at all.  I bloated out the offensive part of the PIG’s picture with brown.




The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust, that was first performed sometime between 1588 and Marlowe’s death in 1593.

Faustus summons a Devil in the presence of Lucifer and other Devils After he creates a magic circle and speaks an incantation through which he revokes his baptism a demon (a representative of the Devil himself) named Mephistophilis appear before him, but Faustus is unable to tolerate the hideous looks of the demon and commands it to change its appearance. Faustus, seeing the obedience of the demon in changing its form, takes pride in his skill. He tries to bind the demon to his service, but is unable to because Mephistopheles already serves Lucifer, who is also called to be the Prince of Devils. Mephistophilis also reveals that it was not Faustus‘ power that summoned him but rather his abjuration of scriptures that results in the Devil coming

Mephistophilis introduces the history of Lucifer and the other Devils while indirectly telling Faustus that hell has no circumference nor limit and is more of a “state of mind” than a physical location. Faustus’ inquiries into the nature of HELL lead to Mephistopheles saying: “Oh, Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, which strikes a terror to my fainting soul” to hope of claiming his soul.


Using Mephistopheles as a messenger, Faustus strikes a Deal with Lucifer: he is to be allotted 24 years of life on Earth, during which time he will have Mephistophilis as his personal servant and the ability to use magic; however, at the end he would give his body and soul over to Lucifer as payment and spend the rest of time as one damned to HELL. This deal is to be sealed in the form of a contract written in Faustus own blood. The powerful effect of early productions of the play is indicated by the legends that quickly accrued around them—that actual DEVILS once appeared on the stage during a performance, “to the great amazement of both the actors and spectators”, a sight that was said to have driven some spectators mad.

Jordan Peele (Esther) was very much aware of Faust, Satan and Mephistopheles. 

Sir Branson, Dante & Dr. Faustus


The Faust Tapes was the first album released on Branson’s Virgin Records in the early seventies. In 1973, he exposed his secret  elite class British orientation in Faust, but he won’t dare publicly talk about it in the 21st century. Both Goethe’s Faust and Dante’s Divine Comedy are works of grand cosmological proportions, taking us through realms of heaven and HELL populated by mythological, magical, historical, and angelic beings, evoking ancient and future times.


Dante’s HELL

The British secret elite Medieval Hell-Cult have convinced that they have a Pact with DEVIL that they are the earth’s chosen rulers that due to their Luciferian Pact and  Enlightenment that they have the divine right as overseers of Dante’s Hell.


Branson of the Secretive British Elite, sold his soul to the DEVIL early in his life. He (Virgin Records) controlled and handled Sid Vicious’ Sex Pistols and “God Save the Queen” for Queen Elizabeth’s 1977 Silver Jubilee. By 1979, Sid Vicious was dead. Tom Hurd is the British Government Director General, Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism. Branson got his island Necker on the cheap, and it is used for British Royal Arch games. Of course, Branson is an MI-6 stooge as a billionaire. Hurd said “nobody becomes a billionaire without us [British Intelligence]”.


Branson with Very Young  Alleged “Staff Members” of Necker island

Well. In 1978, Richard Branson bought Necker Island worth at least $5 million from Viscount Cobham for $180,000 on condition that he front for a British private resort being financed and built on the island within 4 (four) years.

British Viscounts Cobham, Charles and John William Lyttelton

John William Leonard Lyttelton, 11th Viscount Cobham (June 1943 – July 2006) was the son of Charles John Lyttelton, 10th Viscount Cobham, Knight of the Order of Garter, Grand Knight Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Privy Council of the United Kingdom. His son,  Viscount Cobham, a British Peerinherited Necker Island, and also inherited the family and his father’s British Empire Secret Masonic and British Crown Titles in 1977. Branson is undoubtedly a secret British Medieval Hell-Cult MK ULTRA handler.

Can Angela Rye be rescued or saved from MK ULTRA?  She is like young women trapped forever in the streams of lava hot mud in Dante’s Hell, above. By “post-hypnotic suggestion”, her “original self” is most likely raped by demons and hang from the hair in Dante’s HELL.


To escape Dante’s HELL and function in the normal conscious world, the MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programmer continue to peel off alternative personalities or alters that climb over the wings of the DEVIL to freedom just as Dante had done.


Ms. Rye could literal have hundreds of different personalities all with different assignments and functions. If a skilled psychiatrist could being forth her original personality to try to unity all the alters, the “original self” would probably scream, smoke and burn in the flesh like in HELL right before your eyes. Again, can a young sister like Ms. Rye be saved for the sake of all of us? I DON’T KNOW. Could prayer help her. Yes, all of God’s Children deserve prayer, and for our very own souls, I will certainly pray for her freedom.


Some say that this picture of “Obama and the Little Asian Girl” could have been Photoshop-ed, but proof appears lacking. Here, we certainly have solid picture proof of some type of Obama meltdown, breakdown or malfunction of a type that defy and offend our moral standards, human dignity and sensibilities. On the other hand, Barack Obama is one of Dr. Mengele’s Boys from Brazil. He is man-made and created.

He is a human cyborg that comes with a microchip, keyboard and software. Nevertheless, he, also, is subject to breakdown and malfunction just like any other machine. Is there a reprogramming problem with Obama? His sudden and prolonged removal from the United States and public view may involve top secret reprogramming attempts by Britain and their American Cousins. If he can’t be reprogrammed, he poses enough of a security risk and threat to be dropped in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. What about Michelle Obama? 

Can she be saved? Certainly. Since they left the White House on January 19, 2017, Michelle has also been politically Missing-in-Action“.  She has undergone extensive secret MK ULTRA selective memory eraser procedures and amnesia blocks implantation since his/her sham vacation on Necker Island.

Kanye West went through the same CIA memory eraser procedure not because of the Jay Z, Beyonce and the ILLUMINATI charges, but because of mass public exposure of what he saw and heard in secret in Israel with the Kardashian Clan regarding the ancient Masonic World Satanic Cult of Mary Magdalene.

I will say it until I turn blue, not midnight blue, THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT PLAYING WITH YOU! 









[8] Ross, Peter, A Standard History of Freemasonry in the State of New York, The Lewis Publishing Co., NY (1899), pg. 580
















[24] Id.













[37] Id.














10 09 2015


False flags often describe covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by individuals, entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.[2]

The Strategy of Tension is basically a concept for control and manipulation of public opinion through the use of fear, propaganda, agents provocateurs, terrorism, etc. The aim is to instill fear into the populace while framing political and targeted opponents, groups for terrorist activities and atrocities.[3]

In America, all the signs and symbols of false flags and strategy of tension are there to see if your EYES AREN’T WIDE SHUT. Well, just as we were beginning to learn more about the signs and symbols of the August 26, 2015 made for mass consumption strategy of tension assassination of WDBJ’s reporter Alison Parker and camera man Adam Ward by alleged shooter 41 year old Vester Lee Flanagan III, another Black Manchurian Candidate was suddenly unleashed for yet another sensationalized wicked blood thirsty false flag operation. I will call it Operation GOFORTH- Black Lives Will Never Matter.

In fact, since the July 13, 2015 Sandra Bland Strategy of Tension Operation broke out on the global scene, there has been about four (4) CIA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates, three (3) people of color candidates unleashed in special operations to distract and divert public attention, influence and manufacture public consensus.

And lo and behold, when citizen investigative journalists widely began to expose the problematic deceptive signs and symbols of all videos coming of Waller County of Sandra Bland to prove that she was alive when her mug shots were taken had been edited, manufactured, and rendered unauthenticated by the deliberate deletion of video evidence time/date stamps, a Manchurian Candidate was suddenly unleashed.


Muhammad Abdulazee, left, has almost virtually the same silly “MK ULTRA SMILE” as the Mad Batman Colorado Theater Shooter Pasty, James Egan Holmes. On July 16, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazee of Kuwait was triggered in a rushed poorly planned special operation. He allegedly attacked two separate military facilities which resulted in the death of four (4) American servicemen in Tennessee.


Well, one of the signs and symbols of a false flag appear when it was discovered that one of his marine victims, Lance Corporal Larry L. Wells, was reported to have been killed in Iraq in 2004.[4]


Another of Abdulazee’s victims was Marine Gunnery Sgt. Thomas J. Sullivan. Well, Sgt. Sullivan also appears to have died before July 16, 2015. In 2009, he died from widespread organ and cardiovascular degeneration.[5] When the false flag signs and symbols of the Abdulazee Manchurian Candidacy began to be exposed by citizen investigative journalists, suddenly yet another False Flag MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate was unchained and unleashed.


John Russell Houser, the MK ULTRA Empty Stare

On July 24, 2015, a “lone wolf drifter” gunman, 59 year old John Russell Houser, without a motive, shot and killed two and himself in a Lafayette, Louisiana theatre. The counter-intelligence signs and symbols of Houser’s candidacy was exposed when it was widely reportedly that he had been so mentally ill and violent that his wife hid his guns and his family had him hospitalized in most likely a MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution.[6]

Operation GOFORTH- Black Lives Will Never Matter


Slain Texas Deputy & Shannon Miles, Miles has an interest in revolutionary Black Nationalism/Black Lives Matter no more than the MAN IN THE MOON.  Again, when citizen investigative journalists began to pick the Vester Flanagan false flag operation apart, another Black Manchurian Candidate was released. On August 31, 2015, 30 year old Shannon J. Miles allegedly gunned down Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth in cold blood at a Houston-area gas station. The suspect in the gas station video of the Goforth shooting was a black male.[7]


The man that allegedly gunned down Deputy Goforth was dressed in a tie shirt and shorts. They are implicating that Miles had the presence of mind  and aforethought to change clothes, hide the murder weapon, shorts and tie shirt, then go shopping with his mother like nothing happened to establish an alibi for something they can’t show he ever had any interest in or could even develop, while most likely under the influence of psychotic drugs and SCHIZOPHRENIA.

In immediate response to the shooting, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman, said, “Our system of justice absolutely requires a law enforcement presence to protect our communities, so at any point where the rhetoric ramps up to the point where calculated cold-blooded assassination of police officers happen(s). This rhetoric has gotten out of control,” Hickman said. He added, “We’ve heard black lives matter; all lives matter. Well cops’ lives matter too; so why don’t we just drop the qualifier and just say lives matter and take that to the bank,” Hickman’s remarks and outrage were directed at the Black Lives Matter Movement.[8]


Shannon Miles is being held in solidary confinement so nobody can come in contact with him. He may not even be not aware of where he is. In 2013, he had been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent. He didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. On the morning of September 1, 2015, news began to surface that Miles has absolutely nothing to do with Black Lives Matter.


He is in fact one hapless former unstable schizoid mental health patient of the Texas Department of State Health Services most likely under a regiment of mind control drugs- thorazine (chemical lobotomy), or other MK ULTRA Jonestown drugs like Quaaludes, Valium, Morphine, Demerol, chloral hydrate (a hypnotic chemical agent), and Thallium that confuses thinking.[9] All you have to do with a Black Manchurian Candidate zombie like Shannon J. Miles, programmed by the State of Texas, is put a gun into his hand and point him toward the action.


Local Cop or U.S. Soldier? Military Fanatic- GI Joe Gliniewicz

When news of his wretched psychotic mental state was exposed nationally on the morning on September 1, around 7:50 a.m., a Chicago area Lake County Police Officer, GI JOE Lieutenant Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, was allegedly killed in Fox Lake, ILL by a BLACK MALE and two white male suspects that, yes of course, are completely unknown and got away. Corporate mass media conveniently suddenly broke away from the Miles and Goforth Cop Killer story to chase some other demon and more convenient- truly Phantom Cop Killers.[10] Yes, it appears from most of the signs and symbols to be yet another clandestine false flag and strategy of tension operation. GI Joe served in the U.S. Army from 1981-2007. From 1985, he was both a Lake County Police Officer and took orders from the U.S. Army– Posse Comitatus. The Posse Comitatus Act is an act that prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces as a posse comitatus for law enforcement.  If anyone actually killed this man, it wasn’t mere criminals, but deep cover U.S. military intelligence operatives and assassins of the BROTHERHOOD.

I AM So Fancy- Satan, White Privilege and Supremacy

As a the direct result of American government war criminal aggression of absolutely demonic proportions, and wicked (ILLUMINATI Puppets Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama) campaigns of mass human rights violations, genocide- mass murder and destabilization in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, LIBYA, and Africa , Europe, Middle East and Africa is going to hell in a hand basket while America continue to bask in the sunlight of  I AM SO FANCY – guilt free and held HARMLESS of International War Crimes and Crimes against Democracy and Humanity by the Global Satanic Cabals.


The other day, as many as 71 bodies believed to be those of Syrian migrants were found in an abandoned truck near the Austrian-Hungary border highlights the global crisis Europe faces in dealing with the greatest deluge of displaced people since World War II. So far, there are no solutions in sight from the I AM SO FANCY American political system to the growing world calamity, and the American Global Political Satanic Oasis sits by and watch the world catastrophe like an innocent peanut gallery spectator.[11] The deep state’s hidden agenda is to destabilize and depopulate Africa and Middle East that may as a result permanently change the face of Europe.  Peace in the Middle East certainty isn’t one of the ILLUMINATI’S objectives unless the people demand it.


A big black perverted BRUTE allows the American political system to become the “I am so Fancy” Iggy Azaleas of the world. Donald Drumpf (Trump)- Primo Don, the leading republican presidential candidate can make national headlines and fill up stadiums across the country talking about his natural blond hair, and Mexican migrants.[12] It allows the democratic presidential candidate Libyan War Criminal/Mass Murderer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to sit back casually and be so fancy highlighting the crimes of Vester Flanagan for national gun control.[13] Instead of facing a 2016 U.S. presidential election, Hilary Clinton should be facing a prison sentence and firing squad from an international war crimes tribunal.


Iggy Azalea is popular because of white corporate ownership of the hip hop brand. She is popular because she is being marketed as the “blond white Australian woman who is running ‘Hip Hop.’ She is popular because women of color are habitually denied a stage to talk about the invisibilization of their life experiences. She is popular not because of her lyrical ability, but because she is an embodiment of Western beauty ideals and a perfect vehicle for proving the prevalence, the naivety, and the power of WHITE SUPREMACY.”[14]

That’s only part of the story. In the video,” I am So Fancy”, Iggy is immersed, but dominate the Black Rap and Hip Hop Culture as an iconic symbolic white figure. With her blond hair, dark eyes and whiteness, she says that I AM, not Hip Hop or anything else, So Fancy. It (White Privilege and Supremacy) is a fantasy that we (people of color) can not touch.


Iggy & the Great BEAST 666 Mocking the Crucifixion

So as she appears so innocently immersed in the Black Rap and Hip Hop Culture, there’s a flip side to her more dangerous, demonic and insidious than you can ever imagine. Fancy is defined as imagination or fantasy, especially as exercised in a capricious manner.[15]


On the other side of that sweet innocent image, Iggy Azealea is a classic CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple personality disorder (MPD) candidate. In one of her alter personalities, she is a classic Sex Kitten.


In another one of her alters, she is a Masonic Demon/ess and Sorceress.

However in her most important role, she is a classic MK ULTRA counterintelligence cultural change agent. Iggy Azalea raps, “First things first, I’m the REALIST. Drop this, and LET THE WHOLE WORLD FEEL IT.”[16] A lot of people are still in the dark about what she really meant dropping that rhyme. In reality, it is quite a propound statement that is much more than an innocent young white girl out of racist and wicked Australia just trying to bust a few rhymes. There is a much border picture to be realized, and discussion that has to take place involving White Supremacy and the Iggy Azaleas of the world subliminally implanting notions and fantasies of white privilege and supremacy among masses of color.


Well, the REALIST was a newsletter project “Telling Truth to Power” for the people made infamous by the Late Great Mae Brussell. In issue 98, February 1974 Realist newsletter, Mae opened, “You only need to have a tape recorder to set up a revolutionary movement today.” FBI Director, Charles Bates[17]

The military intelligence complex has known for decades that you only need a microphone, tape recorder, the complicity, control and coordination of mass corporate (Operation MOCKINGBIRD)[18] media and the entertainment industry to sublimely influence and manipulate the hearts and minds of the people.


CIA MK ULTRA Godfather Aldous Huxley & Iggy Azalea- The Eye of HORUS

Aldous Huxley, the British Grandfather of MK ULTRA, taught the New World Order and ILLUMINATI how best to sustain Anglo superiority and dominance without mass popular resistancethey are the REALIST that create realities to control the minds and aspirations of the masses through scientifically implanting subliminal fantasies, fears and ILLUSIONS. What does Iggy Azalea have to do with Black Manchurian Candidate Vester Lee Flanagan III?

VESTER FLANAGAN- MK ULTRA Priest/Monk of Satan’s Army


This is all about the counter-intelligence Satanic Signs and Symbols of Vester Lee Flanagan III and SEX MAGICK. Above, somebody or entity had been messing with Vester’s head.  Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989) is often called the “father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb,” but while in Gorki, Russia somebody and entity had been messing with his head, too- deliberate high tension electromagnetic radiation bombardment. “Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect”- such technology has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with “voices” or deliver undetectable instructions to a MK ULTRA/MONARCH programmed assassin.



“This is a manifesto for every man and every woman who recognizes their own right to Divine Kingship, those who recognize themselves to be Stars. The aim is the complete establishment of the Kingdom of RA-HOOR-KHUIT upon earth. That is, the permeating and infiltration of all facets of life with the sublime Word of Thelema.” Manifesto of RA HOOR KHUIT [19]  When I first took notice of Kanye West with the sign and symbol of the Kemetic Horus, I thought he was manipulating a form of Horus in Kemetic mythology for the ILLUMINATI.  It’s a totally different ball game. I didn’t know anything about RA HOOR KHUIT and its Satanic/Setian function to absolutely and deliberately BASTARDIZE Kemetic Cosmology for White Supremacy and the New World Order.  I’ll connect up RA HOOR KHUIT with Flanagan below. 

Vester Flanagan III & the U.S. Clandestine Military Sodomite BROTHERHOOD


Television News Reporter Bryce Williams AKA Vester Lee Flanagan III

Especially on CNN News 24-7 for a week or more, confused and abused MK ULTRA/MONARCH victim, Vester Flanagan III, had become America’s mass media’s international political distraction and diversion. In this country, he was a “big black BRUTE” and a perverted homosexual that had suddenly become the global poster child of wickedness, and new international whipping boy for National Gun Control.

March 2012 – Bryce Williams, an alter personality of Vester Flanagan, was hired by WDBJ-TV in Roanoke, Virginia. In February 2013, Williams was fired by WDBJ- over two (2) years ago.[20] Flanagan was a big black man. He stood about 6 feet 3, and may have weighted over 250 pounds, but he had no history or background of violence. Even in that so called road rage incident used to denigrate him in the public eyes, he made absolutely no aggressive moves toward the man recording the video, Brandon Foster.[21]

It appears that it was Foster that was raging, and it was him that became intimidated and paranoid by Flanagan’s size and blackness. Flanagan remained clam and was even respectful to Foster even though he was being provoked. The so-called road rage incident demonstrated that Flanagan was by nature mild mannered, respectable and humble even under a state of the stress of provocation.


However what you should note unusual about Flanagan is not only is he driving a late model Ford Mustang, but he is wearing military camouflaged pants and boots. He appears that he had some immediate connection with a military exercise, and that can be very troublesome in the State of Virginia. Washington DC (District of Goddess Columbia) sits at the heart of the State of Virginia while the state is the heart of the nation’s ultra clandestine military-intelligence complex and security state.

The BROTHERHOOD: Secret Satanic Military Sodomite Underground in Virginia 


Kay & Marine U.S. Marine Col. George Griggs

Katherine Griggs of Virginia Beach, VA was the wife of 11 years to alcoholic Colonel George Raymond Griggs USMC, Intelligence Operations, head of special (psychological) operations under Admiral Celso at NATO. Roanoke is approximately 500 miles outside of Virginia Beach. Kay Griggs was a member of the board in NATO’s wives club, and assistant director of the Virginia Center for World Trade in Norfolk, VA. Marine Col. Griggs’ background includes NATO’s college at Rome, and then Princeton. His intelligence spy career began in Vietnam.[22] She maintains her former husband, Marine Col. Griggs, runs a military intelligence Murder, Inc. of trained assassins that he calls the “firm” or “The BROTHERHOOD” that were “sexually perverted “. Kay Griggs said that The BROTHERHOOD had its origins in the secret Germany Illness, the Pink TriangleSodomite SSKnights of the Black Sun/Nazis out of Operation PAPERCLIP. [23]


At the scene of the Flanagan shooting at Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta, Virginia, there appears to be unidentified military personnel on the scene dressed like Flanagan in camouflaged pants and military boots. WDBJ’s camera man Adam Ward body allegedly still lies in place at the plaza. It doesn’t appear to be much or any blood at the scene where three people were supposedly shot multiple times.

 In a series of interviews around 1998 through 1999, she blew the whistle on the Satanic/Homosexual/Pedophilic links between the military and members of the Virginia elite. At the beginning of the interview, she appeared somewhat reluctant to discuss Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS secretly brought into the U.S. after WWII.  However, she loosened her tongue and told us that from New York Wall Street to Washington DC- the men in secret current hierarchical power in the U.S. are the children and descendants of the Nazi/SS Knights. It’s a very important clue,  and keep in mind as you read further that the SS are European KNIGHTS. Himmler organized and created NOTHING without a thread to German/Aryan pagan magick, mythology, cosmology and antiquity.


The SS Knights of the Black Sun were/is a 20th Century branch of the medieval German Teutonic Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem. The German Teutonic Order was a branch of Knight Templars (Temple Knights) of the 12th Century crusades. It’s important to keep in mind as you read further that according to medieval Christian theologians, angels are organized into several orders, or “Angelic Choirs.Seraphim (singular “Seraph“)  literally translated “burning ones“, the word seraph is normally a synonym for serpents when used in the Bible. Mentioned in Isaiah 6:1-7, SERAPHIM are the highest angelic class and they serve as the caretakers of God’s Throne and continuously shout praises: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”


According to Isaiah 6:1-8,  the Seraphim are described as fiery six-winged beings; with two wings he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.



One early source for information and study on Angelology and Demonology is the prophet Zoroaster.  A “Fallen Angel” is an angel that has been exiled or banished from Heaven [fallen being a a metaphor for “cast out” or ostracized. Of course, the best known fallen angel is LUCIFER. Among the Seraphim, the highest order of angelsthat fell from heaven in that category were Lucifer, Belial, LEVIATHAN and Satan, and those who believed and joined their cause became the first DEMONS.

LEVIATHAN is related to the BAPHOMET, the guiding spiritual light and god of the Knight Templars that include the Teutonic Order. Also among the fallen angels is an entity Samael. Samael is a major demon in Jewish demon lore and Christian demonology. He also plays important roles within occultism. He is credited as being in the heavenly hierarchies as well as being among the fallen angels. In the Chronicles of Jerahmeel Samael is described as being “Chief of the SATANS.” Even though this work depicted him as being one of the most wickedest angels, he is nevertheless said to be an angel in the service of the Lord. A. E. Waite in his work The Holy Kabbalah defines Samael as the “severity of God” and also equates him with SATAN and the Serpent, LILITH being his bride. In Moncure Daniel Conway’s Demonology and Devil-Lore, Samael, functioning as the left hand of God, is consort of both the voluptuous maiden Naamah and the arch-SHE DEVIL LILITH.


The BAPHOMET is a rebirth of Samael and Lilith through the Seraph Dragon LEVIATHAN. (see Michael Ford, Luciferian Witchcraft- Book of the Serpent, Succubus Productions, Houston, TX (2009), pg. 335) The SS-Knights of the Black Sun are followers of the Secret Knowledge of the SERAPH, LEVIATHAN, a Fallen Angel. I will connect up the Secret Knowledge of the SERAPH with Vester Flanagan, below.

Kay Griggs said that there is a substantial and powerful military/elite underground in Virginia. She said that the U.S. Military is run by sexual deviants, especially on the homosexual side. Individual’s like Jeffery Dahmer, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, Lee Harvey Oswald and a host of others who have a SEXUAL DEVIANT background are sought by people in the army for advancement in to intelligence type work because they are so easy to control, become mind slaves and in a sense the whole military is a MIND CONTROL operation.[24]

“THE term “ORION GROUP” refers to an utterly clandestine group of hard-core Satanists within the USAF whose names and purposes will never be officially published nor acknowledged as such by the USAF and for obvious reasons… There are many different operations in the USAF and US military, going by names that may indeed include ORION GROUP, OMEGA GROUP, etc. But their hard-core black-ops like the hidden SATANIC NWO “ORION GROUP” you will never read about openly.”[25]


Recently, citizen journalists exposed that Flanagan’s victim Alison Bailey Parker’s true boyfriend was actually the dark haired U.S. Marine Daniel Wulz– Part of The BROTHERHOOD or the Firm.  Her corporate mass media blond boyfriend on the right, Chris Hurst, is a military/police intelligence “Crisis Actor”. It’s also extremely odd that mild mannered and humble Vester had lived in Roanoke for over 3 (three) years and yet nobody has appeared publicly as his friends and associates, and nobody touches what he did (riding around in popular late model rental cars) in Virginia (Queen Elizabeth I- Virgin(ia) Queen) since he was fired from WDBJ in February 2013- over 2 (two) years ago.


Recently, a mysterious Robert Lee Avent of Vallejo, CA suddenly popped up claiming to have been a friend. One thing is clear. He didn’t display any grief, tears or mourning at the death of his so-called friend. It is the Sign of the BEAST. I call him, Frenchy. He shared a four bedroom house with Flanagan in Vallejo from 2006 to 2012. In Vallejo, Flanagan was doing his thing. Frenchy claims that he wasn’t a same-sex prostitute, but Flanagan made it pretty clear that he wasn’t comfortable and was somewhat paranoid of straight black males, and they weren’t comfortable with him. It doesn’t seem possible that a straight black male would have lived with an obvious same-sex prostitute running an illicit racket out of your home for six (6) years without being mixed up in the trick and trade.[26] Frenchy favors Flanagan in that both were big bluff light skinned (bi-racial?) homosexual NegroMandingoes.

Frenchy also has some residential connection to Kay Griggs’ hometown, Virginia Beach, VA, and the area of Col. Griggs’ massive U.S. Marine Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base on the Virginia coast, near Norfolk and Virginia Beachan area which Kay says is an area that constitutes a massive underground military/homosexual nexus of power. It’s also fairly close to the Fort Bragg nexus of power. Frenchy claimed that what really bothered Flanagan was growing fear about getting older and becoming less attractive to his sex magick clientele. He also said that Flanagan told him on day of the operation that he had “NO OTHER CHOICE” being involved.[27] All that Avent was allowed to reveal publicly only destroyed Flanagan’s false flag ILLUMINATIrace war” assassination motive. For whatever reasons, Flanagan had absolutely NO CHOICE (Black Manchurian Candidate) in being complicit in the operation.


Flanagan & Virginia State Trooper Pamela Neff- SIGN and SYMBOL of BROTHERHOOD Hand over Hand (X-Symbol) CROSSED BONES

Officer Neff was the first to spot Flanagan’s car on the highway. Contrary to mass corporate media notions, there was no car chase. At all time, Flanagan was driving normally and casually along the road.


Trooper Neff allegedly first spotted Flanagan’s car and started the so-called car (false) chase. On the day of the operation, Franz Strasser, a video journalist with BBC, and his colleague Tara McKelvey were en route to Roanoke to report on the shooting when they happened upon Flanagan’s car crash site near the tiny town of Linden, Virginia. They pulled over into the median of the highway and Strasser began rolling.[28]


For a suicide shooting most likely a head shot, there doesn’t seem to be any blood trail, and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence trail at the scene at Flanagan’s crash scene that any emergency attempt had been made to save his life especially when he was shot sometime in the morning and died after 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. Strasser kept rolling as he approached the crash site surrounded by a dozen Virginia State Police (VSP) vehicles. When VSP officers spotted Strasser, about six of them rushed toward him.


They followed him back to his car, and told Strasser and McKelvey that they had to get away from the scene. Strasser says the cop then told him his car was going to be towed for being illegally parked and his camera seized because it “might contain evidence.” The VSP officer took the camera out of the reporter’s hands.[29] When Strasser said he was willing to go but that he needed his car and camera to do his job, the cop forced him to delete the footage he had just recorded first. “He was very close to me, looking at the screen and looking at every step I took, making sure that I did hit ‘delete’ and did hit ‘submit,'” Strasser says. “Towing the car wasn’t brought up again.”[30] Strasser Tweeted right after it happened, “Reason for confiscating camera was that it was EVIDENCE. … But why they are then okay with DELETING ‘EVIDENCE’ makes one question their reasoning.”[31]


BROTHERHOOD Inverted Triangle (Pyramid) Secret SIGN and SYMBOLWaller County, TX D.A. Elton Mathis of the Sandra Bland Matter and Virginia State Police Sgt. Rick C. Garletts reporting the initial Flanagan August 26, 2015 shootings at Bridgewater Plaza. Flanagan was pronounced dead shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the Inova Fairfax Hospital. At approximately 9:40 a.m, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said that police are chasing the suspect.[32] So, it is quite possible that Flanagan was alive at the time of his alleged capture on the side of the freeway, or somewhere else. It was reported that he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after a police car chase.[33]


Frenchy claimed that Flanagan allegedly told him by phone during the police chase that he was going to shoot/kill himself backing up the police version. However, his phone records show that the police chase had taken place between 8:15 and 8:33 a.m., an hour earlier than the governor said the chase was in process.[34]


Yet, like the crime scene in the case of the Chattanooga shooting, there is no blood evidence that any shooting ever took place.

Frenchy also claimed that in Flanagan’s last letter to him, he claimed that Flanagan revealed that he wrote to his father a month before the shooting, saying he didn’t want a funeral and wanted to be cremated, NO FUNERAL when he died.[35] Frenchy is pushing for the further DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE. It isn’t too difficult to realize who benefits from the cremation of Flanagan’s body, if there is a body to cremate in the first instance.



Vester Flanagan III was no more interested in sparking a potential “race war” over Dylann Storm and the South Carolina Mother Emanuel Slaughter than the “MAN ON THE MOON.” Don’t get it twisted, Flanagan wasn’t a male escort. The man had been a compulsive and psychotic- one tract mind  “MALE PROSTITUTE.”  For decades, his brain pleasure centers had been focused primarily on sexual gratification and perversion. Black nationalism, justice and righteousness for mankind just wasn’t on this man’s agenda to the extent that he would be willing to kill and commit revolutionary suicide. IT’S A SICK SORRY JOKE.

Mostly all of the dead MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates leave behind so called CIA authored “Manifestos.” Flanagan was no exception to the rule. In Flanagan’s so called “Manifesto“, it states, “ … I was influenced by Seung–Hui Cho. That’s my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold got…just sayin.”[36] Approximately forty-two (42) miles outside of Roanoke at Blacksburg, Virginia, Seung-Hui Choi, the South Korean Intelligence agent, and mass murderer who allegedly and most unlikely killed 32 people and wounded 17 others on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech also left behind a so-called “Manifesto.”[37]


Seung-Hui Choi had been a local story. He was a satanic ritually abused CIA- MK ULTRA victim and Manchurian Candidate.[38],[39],[40],[41] Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold (Dylann Storm) of the Columbine (Columbian) Colorado Massacre were also satanic ritually abused victims and MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidates.[42],[43],[44],[45]

It is interesting to note that Vester (alter Bryce Williams) joined Twitter only on August 12, 2015 to setup an electronic paper trail of an alleged motive for the August 26 false flag operation.[46] On Aug. 19, 2015, a week before the operation, Flanagan, under the username of @bryce_williams7, Tweeted to his 16 followers, “Hell yeah I’ve been a high paid ‘companion.’ You wish u could too!! Lol.” The word “companion” in itself certainly suggests that he had maintained an established select clientele that he served. The Tweet was accompanied by four photos of Flanagan from his younger days, posing and flexing for the camera.[47] Just days before the operation, Vester was too busy boosting about his FREAK than developing any farfetched and distant notions of “Revolutionary Suicide.” Sex Magick and his FREAK not revenge had been his fancy and the opium to Vester’s brain.[48]

Until he was triggered or keyed to be a Black Manchurian Candidate, Vester was too occupied and busy with porn, sexual perversion and boosting about his ability to sexually satisfy an older and more affluent perverted white military intelligence complex clientele inside/outside the Roanoke, Virginia area to be concerned about MK ULTRA/MONARCH mass murderers. When law enforcement agencies entered and seized his apartment, they found nothing but porn, sex toys and numerous reflective images of Flanagan in the place. The hard drive of Vester’s computer was taken, and I am absolutely certain that there was nothing about Dylann Storm, Emanuel AME, Choi or the Columbine Massacre Programmed Assassins on that computer. Law enforcement and intelligence authorities were more interested in seizing and concealing Vester’s sexual client electronic data base on the computer than establishing any killer motives. In fact, the hard disk is not even listed on the police warrant inventory return list.


As you can see, somebody had ripped Vester’s hard drive out of the computer inside the home.[49]

Vester, From Sex Toy Male Prostitute to Black Manchurian Candidate


In July 2015, Vester purchased not 1 (one), but 2 (two) state of art 9 mm Gen 3 Glock model 19 handguns.[50] However, 2 (two) new Glocks with ammunition and clips had to add up to over a $1,000.[51] Vester was unemployed. Where did the money come from to pay month to month rent on an Roanoke apartment, rent multiple cars, buy guns and ammunition? Tricks and the CIA?

Vester Flanagan, Jehovah Witnesses & Mind Control, Ritually Sexual Abuse of Children


On his Twitter account, Vester left clear clues and unquestionable coded references to his upbringing and influences during his most formative childhood years among the Central Oakland Congregation of the Jehovah Witnesses during the 1970-1990s. On August 19, 2015, he Tweeted, “Ooooooh as a Jehovah’s Witness I wasn’t supposed 2b celebrating b-days [birthdays] but “mommy” was cool (most of the time) lol.”


The pictures suggest that as early as 12 months old (1974), he had been under the power and influence of a Satanic CULT. Jehovah’s Witnesses were/are deeply shrouded in secrecy, freemasonry and trauma based mind control.[52]

The Jehovah’s Witnesses, or Watchtower Society, is another ILLUMINATI religion used for mind control and a front for Satanism. It systematically disconnects its members from non-members in the way of all mind-control cults. From the start, the Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, has been a front for Enochian MagicSatanism. They placed the flying Sun disk on the front of their books, an ancient Illuminati symbol going back to Kemet and Babylon. The Watchtower magazine has always been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolism and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code.[53]


Notice the Teutonic Order Black Cross on the Jehovah’s Witnesses Watch Tower. “The Jehovah’s Witness organization is named over and over by survivors of trauma-based mind control for being involved, like the Mormon Church, in unspeakable mind control projects. The Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the same organization at the top level where the El-ders of the Mormons and the Watchtower Society operate a very different agenda to the one revealed to their followers.”[54]


Jehovah Witnesses were founded and basically established by Irish/Scottish descendent Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916), and Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford (November 8, 1869 – January 8, 1942) during the 19th Century. Some sources insist that Russell was a Master Mason.[55]


Question: What does Masonry’s emblem/sign/symbol of the ‘Cross and Crown’ actually symbolize? The Cross of Freemasonry is a philosophical cross, according to Albert Pike, ‘Morals and Dogma,‘ p. 771. It is philosophical in the sense that it represents the generating fecundating principle by the perpendicular shaft, 350 MASONIC AND OCCULT SYMBOLS ILLUSTRATED and the matrix or womb of nature, the female producing principle by the horizontal shaft. The philosophy of the Masonic cross is totally phallic. “The ‘Crown’ of this Masonic emblems is also phallic, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth….”[56] The Sephiroth is another name for the SERAPHIM, Fallen Angels. 


Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Cross and Crown is in honor of the Knights Templar, but its Knight Helmet, Armor and Crossed Sword and Ax (X Symbol) also honor the Knights.  Its Shepherd’s Crook is associated with the king and was used to write the word “ruler” and “rule” in hieroglyphics.


The Jehovah’s Witnesses Knight’s Ax is similar to the Teutonic Knight Battle Ax.

A former Mason also explains: “The other York Rite jewelry you may see is the Templar symbol….It is a large Maltese cross with a circle in the center.  Inside the circle is a red Latin cross within a crown. Around the arms of the cross is the Commandery Motto, ‘In Hoc Signo Vinces.’ (In this sign, YOU WILL CONQUER!)”[57] The Commandery Motto is originally attributed to the Emperor Constantine, who used it in conjunction with a supposedly heavenly vision to begin the subversion and politicization of Biblical Christianity into the false, apostate Alexandrian Cult.[58]


Charles Taze Russell was an occultist and a practitioner of Elizabethan Sorcerer Dr. John Dee’s Enochian Magick. The Enochian system of magick as practiced today is primarily the product of research and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY.[59]


Enochian is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the “Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the “Holy Language” or “Adamical Language” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term “Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language below the Great Fall of MAN.[60]

Jehovah Witnesses teach that “the servant class on earth are directed by the Lord through his duly constituted deputies or angels. “ (Light. Volume II.1930 p. 20). “Visible human creatures had to do with that message, yet in fact, it was a message of the Lord sent through his invisible angels, because without a doubt these are clothed with authority to direct the course of earthly members of God’s organization.” (Light Vol.1 l930, p.106).[61]


The big problem with Dr. Dee’s Secret Rites of Enochian Magick is that the angels that he was conjuring up were actually demonic spirits. Edward Kelley warned Dr. Dee the “angels” they were talking to were really DEMONS, and that angles had told him their goal was to destroy humanity.[62]

Charles Taze Russell membership in secret cults such as the Freemasons, Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias, etc., is still deeply veiled. If he was a secret Master Mason of the York Rite, and I believe that he was, it would be consistent with Freemasonry’ mission of clandestinely setting up Masonic blue lodge fronts among the masses, and infiltrating groups and institutions to take over.


However, Russell’s successor, Judge Joseph (Joe) Franklin Rutherford, that coined the organizational name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” was confirmed to have been a member of the Knights of Pythias, a fraternal order founded in 1864. He was so prominent in the Knights of Pythias that he was the toastmaster at the dedication of their castle in Boonville, Missouri in January 1899. He was also a member of the Woodman of the World (WoodmenLife).[63]


Joseph Cullen Root, above, founded the Modern Woodmen of America. He sought light in Masonry in Lyons Lodge No. 93. He was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on July 20, 1877, passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft on December 28, 1877, and was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on March 30, 1880. He received the 32nd Degree on March 14, 1884. After relocating to Omaha, Nebraska, he became a member of Mount Moriah Lodge of Perfection, Semper Fidelis Chapter of Rose Croix, Saint Andrew’s Council of Kadosh, and Nebraska Consistory (Scottish Rite). On October 19, 1897, he was elected a Knight Commander of the Court of Honour. On December 4, 1899, he received the 33°. He also held membership in the Knights Templar, the Knights of Pythias, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Brotherhood of Death).[64]


The Woodmen are similar if not another front for a secret white male Masonic/Satanic Blue Lodge and Brotherhood. They have three degrees-morning, noon, and night–but most members only undergo the first, consisting of a welcoming ritual in which new members are passed beneath a tunnel formed by the crossed axes of the existing members.


In 1868, the Ancient Order of United Workingmen merged with the Woodmen of the World and the Masonic Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The founding mythology of the Woodmen of the World posits an ancient code of brotherhood among woodmen. who are sworn to help one another in time of need. The myth additionally holds that woodmen worldwide have developed a body of wisdom inspired by Woodcraft. much as the Masons are inspired by operative masonry. In 1896 grassroots pressure from the lodges led to the creation of a “Uniform Rank” for the purpose of organizing military-type drill instruction, including distinctive Woodmen Axe Drills.[65] Very scary stuff!


As for the Knights of Pythias, under the veil and shroud, the Greek mythology and legacy of Warriors Damon and Pythias (Cult of the Knights of Pythia) were of a same sex couple whom death could never sever.[66]


This is a sign and symbol for Robert Avent@Buttflyzzz. I cannot prove that this symbol belongs to Frenchy, but it is his name and it does reference the Butt (Sodomy). It suggests Butt-flys (homosexual or bi-sexual male clients), and ZZZ (MK ULTRA sleepers). If it isn’t Frenchy’s symbol, it is a most strange and remarkable twist of fate. Regarding the Latin phrase above the symbol and sign, it is also relevant to this case. Among the Scottish Rite Freemasonry brotherhood, it is the Fourteenth Degree Motto: Virtus Junxit, Mors Non Separabit (Virtue has united and death shall not separate).[67]

Fallen Angels, Jehovah Witnesses & Enochian Sex Magick


Jehovah’s Witnesses have practiced Enochian Magick for over a hundred years. You must understand that communion with spirits, angels, demons and the DEVIL by Enochian Magick always command the calling forth by secret symbols, signs, rites and rituals. The practice of Enochian Magick involve Fallen Angel Sex Magick.


The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick is a Secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[68] Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences per instructions from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magick can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.”Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress.[69]

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[70]

Most practitioners of Enochian Sex Magick agree with the Great BEAST 666 that every means of arousal may be used, such as physical stimulation, genital stimulation, psychological stimulation, devices (such as SEX TOYS) to reach Eroto-comatose lucidity. Eroto-comatose lucidity places the individual in a state between full sleep and full wakefulness as well as exhaustion, allowing the practitioner to commune with their god- the DEVIL.[71]


In HollyWeird, Enochian Sex Magick is also known as “Dark Sex.” A popular Satanic Negro actor alleged to be a practitioner of Enochian Sex Magick is Terrence Howard.[72] He calls himself “SATAN” and the “ANTICHRIST‘.[73] Above, he has Triangles (pyramids), the Moloch Owl and a form of the Ourboros snake. The Serpent biting its own tail is first seen as early as 1600 years BC in Kemet as a symbol of the sun, and represented the travels of the sun disk. From there it moved to their cousins, Canaanites (Phoenicians) and then to the Greeks, who gave it its name, Ouroboros, which means devouring its tail.

The possession of SEX TOYS in the trade of male prostitution certainly isn’t any conclusive proof of the practice of Crowleian/Enochian Sex Magic, but if you factor in Jehovah’s Witnesses– their secret and clandestine practice of Enochian Magick, and Flanagan’s clandestine residence in the belly of the nation’s underground Satanic  Sodomite military/intelligence community then SEX TOYS would be undoubtedly be considered the Signs and Symbols of the practice of Enochian Sex Magick.

Jehovah Witnesses, Pedophiles & Secret Ritual Sexual Abuse of Children


“ ‘You come to us first. Don’t tell anybody. … You don’t warn parents in the congregation. We’ll decide what happens here.’ That’s their policy.” — Irwin Zalkin, attorney for Jose Lopez, describing the system he believes the Witnesses have created [74]

For Jose Lopez, it took almost three decades to find some semblance of justice after he’d been ritually sexually molested during the 1990s– when he was 7 years old by a church elder pedophile who’d operated within a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in San Diego with impunity.[75] In Sidney, Australia alone, from 1950 to 2014, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah Witnesses) amassed 5,000 files detailing sexual abuse of Australian children by 1,006 of its members.[76]

For 25 years, the leadership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Brooklyn, NY has instructed its elders to keep cases of child sexual abuse secret from law enforcement and members of their own congregations, according to an examination of thousands of pages of documents in recent cases.[77] In the last few years, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been hit with an increasing barrage of lawsuits claiming the organization has covered up child sexual abuse. A pair of sisters in Vermont filed a suit in September claiming that a member of their congregation molested them when they were as young as MK ULTRA prime 4 years old, the idea age range to begin the process to create multiple personality disorder (MPS). [78]

When they reported the abuse to the elders in the congregation, they said, they were called liars. The next month in Dallas, five women and one man filed a joint lawsuit alleging that an elder in their congregation sexually abused them while they were all younger than 13 years old.[79]

The order of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a CULT that is controlled and governed by a secret ILLUMINATI/Satanic Cabal Circle (roundtable) that the CIA MK ULTRA Occult Bureau is believed to have infiltrated and control.[80]

According to Vester, he had been exposed to the Jehovah Witnesses since early infancy. It had been alleged and charged that some type of experimental Satanic Trauma Based Mind Control was/is being used to create Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) and control children born into the ILLUMINATI within the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Society.[81]


From the pictures that he had posted on Twitter, Vester suggests that he may have been ritually traumatically sexually abused, and his original self had been fractured (Multiple Personality Disorder) since infancy. One thing is certain, he had been turned out as some type of MK ULTRA Male Sex Toy for a secret affluent white (military intelligence) cabal, and intelligence operations.

Vester Lee Flanagan III AKA Bryce Williams had been a closet homosexual most of his life. Most likely in his teens, he had turned his CIA MK ULTRA Sex Toy alter personality into a secret profitable/professional male prostitution racket and enterprise. It was a wicked enterprise that he continued to engage in secret in Roanoke, Virginia that nobody will discuss.


However, MK ULTRA/MONARCH also always program a victim with one or several assassin alters along with termination alters. In the raid on Vester’s apartment after the shooting incident, police reportedly found “manySEX TOYS that still had “human material” on them.[82] The trade of his profession included the Great BEAST 666’S SEX TOYS. Flanagan was a sexual deviant and clandestine practitioner of Enochian Sex Magick who had been recruited by the Secret Sodomite BROTHERHOOD inside the U.S. Military and Government.

Again, what does Iggy Azalea have to do with Vester Flanagan III?

Bryce Williams, Resurrection & Afterlife

Vester was not allowed to leave behind any clear references to the occult. However, he did slip us a clue to an extremely important sign and symbol of the occult just days before he was triggered as a Black Manchurian Candidate.


On August 19, he posted this blurred photo of a New Orleans Saints football player on Twitter. It is completely out of place. It is one of the few photos that he was allowed to post just days before the false flag operation that wasn’t obviously a reflection of himself. The clue can be found on the player’s uniform. It is the sign and symbolFleur de lis.”


The “Fleur de lis” is ultimately derived from the “Crown of Aset [Osiris]” which is derived from the Kemetic symbol of the scared Lotus flower or the tree of life.


The “Fleur de lis” glyph also denotes sacred knowledge associated with the Kemetic God Hu (Divine and Authoritative Utterance) that is revealed to few.[83] The sacred Lotus flower was used RITUALLY in Ancient Kemet to represent the concept RESURRECTION.[84] The sacred knowledge associated with God Hu denotes the three stems of the three sacred lotus lilies.[85]


Hu was particularly important because he was the epitome of the power and command of the ruler. Even after death, Hu was of the utmost importance to the Kings of Ancient Kemet. Hu acted as the Kings companion as the King entered the Afterlife. Through Hu, the King maintained his royal authority in the Afterlife. Hu was the personification of Divine Utterance. However, some legends maintain that he was not just a part of creation, but that he was the creator. With each breath Hu expelled, creation took place. The first breath created the Soul of Aset (Osiris). His last creation was the Sun. So it is said that Hu is the Word of God, the first and the last breaths, HU- HU.[86]


The glyph on the right (Babe in the Lotus) denotes the sacred knowledge associated with Hu is formed by the three stems of the three sacred lotus lilies.  This sacred knowledge was known only to the privileged few … for example the Priests. The druid glyph on the left denotes the Sacred Knowledge of Hu.[87] Somebody or entity programmed and promised one of Vester’s operational alter personalities RESURRECTION and an AFTERLIFE thru the divine knowledge and utterances and spells of Hu.

Heru-Behutet & Winged Sun Disk


And Ra Heru-khuti [Ra (who is) Horus on the Horizon] said to Thoth, “Thou shalt make this Winged Disk to be in every place wherein I seat myself (or, dwell), and in [all] the seats of the gods in the South, and in [all] the seats of the gods in the Land of the North …… in the Country of Horus, 2 that it may drive away the evil ones from their domains.” Then Thoth made the image of the Winged Disk to be in every sanctuary and in every temple, where they now are, wherein are all the gods and all the goddesses from this day onwards. Now through the Winged Disk which is on the temple-buildings of all the gods and all the goddesses of the Land of the Lily, and the Land of the Papyrus, [these buildings] become shrines of Heru-Behutet [Horus of Edfu].[88]


As a principle, Heru-Behutet represents “Divine Justice and Law” that in the form of a winged sun disk being that defeated God Set and his followers (EVIL).[89] Heru-Behutet– the winged sun disc as a symbol of protection have been found on Kemetic stelas and above temple gates since the Middle Kingdom.[90]

Heru-Behutet, Satanists & the Great BEAST 666


Crowley’s Drawing of the Mysterious Lam Entity

Aleister Crowley believed Aiwass and Lam to be the same entity. Lam incorporates the Babylonian Moloch- Owl God. The Great BEAST’s The Book of the Law, Liber Al vel Legis, is the sacred knowledge of Hu as revealed to him by an ANGEL, Aiwass.[91] Aiwass was the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat. Hoor-paar-kraat is more commonly referred to by the Greek transliteration Harpocrates, meaning “Horus the Child“, whom Crowley considered to be the central deity within Thelemic cosmology.[92] Crowley refers to Aiwass as SATAN. He also refers to Satan as ADONAI.[93]


Recall in the Sandra Brand Matter, her mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, own and run ADONAI Realty Investment Group in Chicago.[94] She sold her soul to the DEVIL some years ago. Who is Sandra Bland’s father? Who is/was Geneva married to?

Also known as “The Babe in the Lotus“, Hoor-paar-kraat is sometimes thought of as the baby RA-HOOR-KHUIT.[95]


Crowley’s The Book of the Law, and Jehovah’s WitnessesThe Divine Plan of the AgesSacred Knowledge of Hu and Horus. There are three (3) speakers of The Book of the Law: Nuit, Hadit and RA-HOOR-KHUIT. The three (3) speakers predicted that the 20th century would mark the ending of the Christian God and Christian theism and the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, an age of apostasy into pantheist monism, creative destruction, force and fire wrought by demonized god-men and their masses of disciples- a self-absorbed, destructive generation, the followers of a new ethical code, an anti-morality summed up as, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”[96]

Among 21st Century Satanist and the ILLUMINATI, Heru-Behutet [the winged sun disk] presents a Secret Ancient Worship revealed only to special ILLUMINATED initiates. This Secret Worship has to do with the originals for Nuit and Hadit. Nuit is the ancient Kemetic Goddess Nut, and Hadit is Behutet, Goddess Nut and Heru Behutet [Horus].[97] The Great BEAST’s The Book of the Law, Liber Al vel Legis, is an absolutely bastardarized, counterfeit, demonic turned upside-down version of the ancient Kemetic/Maatic Cosmology.


How are Iggy Azalea and Vester Lee Flanagan III related? Iggy and Vester’s primary core MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming were anchored in Satanism. Both were programmed as Crowley-iates- Monks/Priests and Warriors of the RA HOOR KHUIT (Satan) ARMY. They are among the DEMONIZED. These Crowley-iates- the demonized god-men and their masses of disciples- a self-absorbed, destructive generation are among many nationalities of  “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” They are becoming bolder and more daring daily. They are all around us among the police, military, politicians, corporate business leaders, journalists, teachers and popular entertainment industry with our EYES WIDE SHUT.


HollyWeird’s Elite White Crowley-iates- Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, George Clooney

In 2012, The Daily Currant (an American satirical news blog [98]) revealed that HollyWeird celebrities celebrated President Barrack Obama’s reelection with a 300 person ancient Roman centurion SEX ORGY at actor’s George Clooney’s house.[99] Elite Satanic HollyWeird entertainers such as Sean Penn, Eva Longoria, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and Warren Beatty were among those joyously ringing in four more years of Cyborg Barrack Obama’s ILLUMINATI puppet administration with a ritual of demonic debauchery- a sexual (Crowleian: Do What Thou Wilt) free-for-all that lasted all night and went into the afternoon of the next day.[100]


Brad Pitt,  Vester Lee Flanagan III’s Satanic Clue, the SIGN & SYMBOL,Fleur de lis.Freemason Brad Pitt says, What can I say. WE [The BROTHERHOOD] HAVE NO MORAL VALUES.


Master Mason Brad Pitt says, So we wanted a president who didn’t have any either. And we got him. WE’RE PRETTY HAPPY ABOUT THAT.”[101]


The Satanic/ILLUMINATI also have the top law enforcement and prosecuting officer under the President of the United States, Greek Divine Nine (9)  Soro Delta Sigma Theta Loretta Lynch.


The  Delta Sigma Theta’s Patron Wisdom Lord and their Sacred Secret Knowledge, Signs and Symbols come from the Greek Goddess Athena/Roman Goddess Minerva and the Owl. The BROTHERHOOD and the FIRM is pretty happy about that, too.

























[24] Id. at footnote 22



[27] Id.


[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.























[54] Id.



[57] Id.

[58] Id.


[60] Id.















[75] Id.



[78] Id.

[79] Id.












[91] St. John, Oliver, The Ending of the Words – Magical Philosophy of Aleister Crowley, Ordo Astri Imprimator (, pg. 13












28 02 2014


For the past couple of days, I had been reflecting on the Jordan Davis and Michael Dunn Affair. The other night, I tossed and turned in my sleep until the roosters cracked the dawn. Visions and images of people of different races and wide varieties of colors had danced in and out of my dreams and subconscious- something isn’t right- something ain’t right my deep intuition kept telling me. There is something un-natural about this entire affair. My dreams concluded with, “these are DELTA People.” I couldn’t sleep any longer.

The Brain Wave Frequency Series-Mind Control 

“There are four types of brain waves: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. The four basic models of Monarch slaves have the same names as these four types of brain waves. High level Illuminati models may have programming that includes all of these types. According to one ex(?)-government source, the CIA has been labeling their harmonic-created total Mind-controlled slaves by the following:  Bravo 2 series models are men programmed to run the Beast computers. Delta series are models for espionage and assassination. Juliet series are sexual mind controlled slaves. Kilo 5 series is military espionage. Michael 1 [Michael Dunn] series slaves are CIA agents under total mind-control.. Much of the high level programming in the 1980s and 1990s is no longer done with human programmers, but is done via programmed machines using drugs, electricity and harmonicsDelta programming is military-assassin programming that has trickled into popular consciousness through movies like La Femme Nikita, its American remake, Point of No Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight.”[1]

My Ordeal with a BETA Trauma Based Black Series  (Black Angel) Female Assassin


Alpha, beta, delta and theta, sometimes all that stuff just go over your head. For almost a decade, I had a trauma based Beta programmed female assassin (self educated Para-legal) implanted in my office. From time to time, she would discuss being Beta programmed at Stanford (Stanford Research Institute). She talked about it as a sleeping disorder, and she told me that she stayed in Beta. It was stuff that was way over my head at the time. One day, I found her sleep on the office sofa. For about a hour,  I made enough noise in the office to wake any normal person, but she stayed in this zone. I thought about her talk about being in Beta all the time. She told me that she once had a TOP SECRET Clearance at Boeing. She said that she loved the police.  I thought about how she constantly talked about harming-  killing people, and mass murder. Not too long ago, I had to finally conclude that she had in fact alter and multiple personalities. I also had to conclude that she was rifling all of my files and computer files when I was out of the office. Before his death, she had been meeting regularly with Charles Garry (Jim Jones and Jonestown attorney) at his San Francisco law office. Recently, she had applied for social security disability due to a malignant ulcer, but came away with a disabling mental disorder,  psychiatrist and a psychologist. I got spooked and left the office. I asked her to leave on many occasions, but she threatened to kill as many people as she could in the building.  I just couldn’t take the chance that she wouldn’t do what she promised.

At times, the government will let you know if you’re getting too close to solving puzzles. I was too close to something that I wasn’t supposed to be near. She got the word to take me out. I knew she had a gun in her car supplied by a Richmond City Police Detective. My shooting was pre-planned through the Oakland Police Department (OPD) under the ruse that was “ A BIG BLACK BRUTE” that had threaten her life and had been harnessing her. She had planted a story in the office building, among my clients and friends that I was harassing her and had TAKEN DOWN THE DOOR TO THE OFFICE to mentally abuse her. On the evening that it was supposed to go down, she started an argument with me. Then, I watched her change skin tones and go through different facial expression. I knew that she was calling forth an assassin alter personality. She suddenly left the office to go downstairs to get the It seems as though various agencies working with CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs are assigned brain waves frequencies are assigned brain wave frequencies to work with. Each agency has its own people. gun from her car. I packed up everything that I could hold, and bolted down the back stairs and made it out of the delivery exit. That evening, a OPD detective left a voice message on my home phone regarding allegations of threatening and harassing the woman. Of course, I abandoned my office.

It seems as though various agencies working with clandestine CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs may be assigned the assorted brain waves frequencies to work with. Each agency has its own people and can be identified by signature frequencies, Alpha, Beta, Theta and DELTA.


MK DELTA, and its associated program MK ULTRA were on the surface essentially secret mind control and torture/interrogation operations run by the CIA. Both MK ULTRA and MK DELTA involved the surreptitious use of  LSD and other bio-chemicals in clandestine operations.[2] However, MK DELTA was actually related to the clandestine mind control and (JFK) assassination operations of a high level military intelligence, anti-communist-ultra conservative and an extreme racist, Dr. Alton Ochsner. He was centered in New Orleans at Tulane University Medical School, and the Tulane’s DELTA Regional Primate Center.[3]


Dr. Ochsner’s mentor and protégé had been his German uncle or cousin, Dr. Albert John Ochsner (A.J. Ochsner). Dr. A.J. Ochsner, left, had been very close to Alton‘s father, and was largely responsible for guiding him through his medical training.[4]

In the United States and around Europe, Dr. A.J. Ochsner became a powerful and influential force in medicine. He had studied and pursued medicine among the elite in the field of medicine in London, Vienna, Berlin, Zurich and Hamburg. He was president of the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America from 1910 to 1912; one of the founders of the American College of Surgeons, of which he was president 1923–1924; president of the American Surgical Association in 1924; and editor of Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. During World War I, Ochsner served in base Hospital Unit 11 with the Rank of Major. He received the LLD degree from the University of Wisconsin and was an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.[5]

Dr. A.J. Ochsner often had Alton travel with him across the globe, and introduced Alton to some of his most powerful international inside connections and influences particularly in Zurich and Frankfurt, Germany. Alton became fluent in several languages particularly the mother tongue, German.[6]

As early as 1899, Dr. A.J. Ochsner, had advocated covert compulsory vasectomy instead of castration of prisoners to avoid public outrage “to eliminate all habitual criminals from the possibility of having children.”  In this way, Dr. A.J. Ochsner hoped to reduce not only the numbers of “born criminals” but also “chronic inebriates, imbeciles, perverts and paupers.” Dr. Ochsner had been one of the guiding lights of the radical eugenics movement which was the crucial inspiration for American/Nazi pseudo “race science“.[7]

It is interesting to note that Dr. A J. Ochsner had also been at the forefront of covertly denying Black People the advantages of the advancement of medical science and procedures to promote their morbidity and mortality rates,

My own ignorance,” said A.J. Ochsner, “is founded on the lectures I have heard and the books I have read and also every Negress I have ever examined has had fibroids …


The bottom line was the powerful A.J. Ochsner encouraged white physicians to allow Black Women, in particular, to die from cysts and other treatable aliments without consideration of corrective surgeries and treatments that was openly challenged directly and exposed by brilliant and courageous Black pioneering medical professionals like Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 – August 4, 1931), above.[8]

In 1927, Dr. Alton Ochsner arrived at Tulane University in New Orleans as chairman of the Tulane Department of Surgery.[9] The imperial German Alton Ochsner settled in and became comfortable and entrenched as a welcomed element of the Old South Antebellum White Aristocracy.

During WWII, Dr. Ochsner inside connections with elite scientists and medical professionals inside Nazi Germany made him an essential part of U.S. military intelligence. As early as 1941, he had been pressed into service as part of a very classified still secret government operation. He was a close associate of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles and OSS Chief Wild Bill Donovan. After the war in 1946, he received special recognition for whatever undisclosed secret medical research that he did for the government. He would have also been an important part of the highly classified and secret Operation PAPERCLIP that secretly illegally brought war criminal Nazi/SS scientists and medical professionals into the United States by the thousands. In 1957, he received special clearance by the FBI for “sensitive” government operations.[10] Dr. Ochsner’s special recruitment by the government in 1957 most likely involved consultation with Allen Dulles and the CIA about expanding highly “sensitive” Nazi/SS medical, mind control and torture/interrogation research projects.

In 1957, Dr. Ewen Cameron had been recruited by his friend, Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA, to cover and run some of these secret very “sensitive” MK ULTRA projects at Allen Memorial Institute in Canada involving the medical, mind control (Project MONARCH) and human torture/interrogation experiments of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazi-SS doctors like Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele. [11]


In 1961, Dr. Oshsner formed a clandestine organization of southern anti-communist racist ultra conservatives, Information Council of the Americas (INCA) to be used as a military intelligence clandestine group; and to protect and expand the global interests of the New Orleans economic elite in Latin America. In New Orleans, INCA had been a key principal setting up Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone wolf “communist” assassin of President John F. Kennedy.[12]


During the early 1960s, even U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon was also secretly consulting with Dr. Ochsner in New Orleans.[13] Dr. Ochsner was also a consultant to the United States Air Force on the medical side of secret “subversive matters.” Clandestine U.S. mercenary Gerry Hemming says that Dr. Ochsner also ran an “assassination school for doctors” in Latin America.[14]

The source work of Dr. Ochsner’s MK DELTA project has also been linked to the secret experimentations of Dr. Mengele. A member of the Norwegian Journalist Union made an explosive discovery that U.S. Guantanamo Base Detention Center in Cuba is referred to as CAMP DELTA.” Camp Delta is the center of human torture/interrogation and programming after Dr. Mengele’s secret torture/mind control CIA projects.[15]

DELTA is also most likely a military intelligence regional code word for Dr. Ochsner’s related special operations involving racist, Masonic and anti-communist asset oligarchs and institutions of the Mississippi River DELTA Basin.


One of Dr. Ochsner’s main ultra conservative- anti-communist secret cohorts and benefactors at Tulane University (MK ULTRA/DELTA) and INCA (JFK Assassination)[16] had been Louisiana Coca-Cola heir, Tulane alumnus and board member Richard West (RW) Freeman or Richard W. Freeman, left above.[17]  Coca-Cola has also been directly implicated in clandestine operations, and the covert assassination of JFK through Phillip A. Twombly, Executive Vice President of Coca Cola for their Caribbean operations. Twombly owned a bank in Fullerton, California, which was used to distribute CIA funds for covert operations.[18]

Dr. Alton Ochsner, RW Freeman and DELTA AIRLINES

Dr. Ochsner’s powerful operative and a notorious segregationist RW Freeman had been the CEO of Delta Airlines from 1955-1965.[19] At least up to the 1980s with President Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, the Coca-Cola Freeman/Tulane/MK DELTA family were patently behind the operations at Delta through various means such as the Delta Airlines Political Action Committee.[20] Both Dr. Ochsner and RW Freeman were vicious racist. They would have no hesitation to abuse, and setup clandestine networks to continuously take advantage of the Black Folk that worked under and around them for secret experimentation. More likely than not, they could have been among the first abused, experimented on and programmed.

No matter how you look at it. Ronald Davis, Lucia McBath and Jordan Davis were in fact DELTA PEOPLE. They were subject to be abused, and controlled. Something ain’t right. There is something absolutely un-natural about this entire Jordan Davis- Michael Dunn murderous affair


Jordan‘s mother, Lucia Kay McBath, had been a DELTA PEOPLE LIFER for over three decades as a flight attendant and a senior recruiter for Delta Airlines. Her husband, Samuel McBath, is also a DELTA PEOPLE LIFER. [21] Jordan‘s father, Ronald Davis, had also been a DELTA PEOPLE LIFER also for over three decades. He retired from Delta Airlines as a flight purser in 2006.[22]

Jordan had been a DELTA baby. Lucia raised Jordan largely alone from the time he was three years old after divorce from Ronald Davis. Ronald took Jordan every other weekend so Lucia could double-shift and stay home weekdays. In 2002, Ron remarried and moved 350 miles south to Jacksonville. Jordan allegedly took one-hour DELTA flights to see his dad on alternate weekends.[23]

Lucia says that when Jordan was nine, she pulled him from grade school to teach him herself for five years. Well, how is that possible for her to home school Jordan if she was a flight attendant working double-shifts just to stay home weekends. Something just ain’t right.

At 15 years old, Lucia sent Jordan to live with his father. The truth was that Jordan began to develop and manifest behavior problems that she couldn’t handle. It was far from the truth when one source reported, “In the two years that they lived together, the father and son built a bond that was unmatched; they went fishing and crabbing together and sat quietly among the palm trees and waterway in Davis’ posh backyard, where they fed ducks while planning for the future.”[24]

However, Jordan’s life with his father was far from a tip-toe through the tulips as persistently being alleged by mass media, and both Lucia McBath and Ronald Davis. At Samuel W. Wolfson High School in Southside Jacksonville, “The hard boys stepped to him in the yard; he was mugged for his phone after school. He sulked through most of a year, flunked a statewide test and was dumped in remedial reading, of all places. His father didn’t put up with it for a minute. ‘He’d be up late talking to girls, so I took away his cell phone, then his TV and Xbox, too. Then I took the door off his room. He’d say, ‘But those are my things,’ and I’d say, ‘No, they’re mine; the power they use, that’s mine, too.’”[25]

I can very well understand a father’s difficulty in raising a problem son, but why the mass deceptions about Jordan.

No Real Tears for Jordan Davis

Possible MONARCH- Aliyah Harris


It really didn’t seem to be a lot of real tears shed for Jordan Davis. His so-called girlfriend, Aliyah Harris, was the state’s first prosecution witness. She was composed and oddly enough didn’t exhibit very much emotion one way or another about Jordan during direct testimony and didn’t seem to shed too many tears if any at all for him.

During cross-examination, defense counsel brought out the fact that she been Jordan’s girlfriend for only about 60 days and just showed up for the first time at Wolfson High School in September 2012 two months prior to his death. He didn’t ask where she came from.

According to Ronald Davis, Jordan‘s strange and odd relationship with Aliyah had been closely monitored to the point that she may have been no more than a female escort or WATCHER.

“They were Wolfson’s power couple, though chaste in the way that church kids are, never finding alone time for sex. ‘Whether it was me or my wife, someone was always here when Aliyah drove him home from school,’ says Ron. ‘We love that girl, but we weren’t having surprises. Her father felt the same way.’[26]

However, according to the Rolling Stone April 25, 2013 article, A Most American Way to Die, Jordan and Aliyah’s relationship was off and on. On November 24, 2012 the day he died, their relationship was on the off switch.[27]

Delta Series- Ronald Davis

On November 27, 2012, three days after the slaying of his son, an unusually composed Ronald Davis’ primary stated interest was becoming an advocate for handgun control. And, he had no shame actively soliciting jobs as a gun control spokesman.


I know that the saying is that a man is not supposed to cry, but it also seems odd that Ronald Davis has never seemed to be a grieving father. His relationship with his son appears to have been bizarre and repressive.


He took down his son’s bedroom door and excessively monitored his son’s relationships with girls as if Jordan had any prior history with girls other than phone conversations. Jordan don’t seem to have had many girlfriends contrary to his gangster aggressive behavior and attitude exhibited on the night of the fatal confrontation with Michael Dunn. It doesn’t seem to all add up.

Delta Series ILLUMINATI- Lucia Kay McBath



Lucia (female Lucius- Son of LUCIFER[28] Kay McBath, the ILLUMINATI, also don’t seem to be a grieving parent. She is Soror McBath (Sorority Sister), DELTA Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. that was founded on January 13, 1913 by 22 collegiate women at Howard University.


Lucia says since the death of her son that she has been riding high on a NEW high wave of notoriety, fame and fortune.


Lucia’s primary interest is also gun control and gun violence. She has become a National Spokesman for Shannon Watts’ Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA).[29] MDA was formed by Watts on December 15, 2012, just a day after the Sandy Hook School (ILLUMINATI- false flag) massacre. Boasting “tens of thousands of members and over 80 local chapters,”[1] the organization seeks to accomplish for gun control what Mothers Against Drunk Driving did for sobriety behind the wheel.[30]

Shannon Watts really has been exposed as a female Josef Goebbels professional propaganda specialist. She has spent two decades quietly behind the scenes as an extremely ambitious executive at several major public relations firms and Fortune 500 companies and military intelligence industrial giants like Monsanto. WattsLinked In profile indicates that she formally left the PR profession in June 2012, just six months before the Sandy Hook event.[31] At that time Watts headed up her own “boutique” firm, VoxPop Public Relations, while working as a freelance consultant for clients of public relations behemoth Fleishman-Hillard. Watts began VoxPop in 2008, the same year she was recognized by the foremost public relations trade journal, PR Week, as one of its “40 Under 40,” for notable achievements and future promise in the industry.[32]

Twenty-eight people allegedly died: 27 children and adults, including Adam Lanza, at the school, and his mother, Nancy Lanza, in her home at 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown. However, there is no direct proof of their death: no photographic evidence or video footage was released to confirm the official story that these 28 persons actually died. In fact, no video surveillance footage shows anything—not even Adam shooting out the front plate-glass window or walking through the halls like Rambo, even though this is a school that had updated its security system at the start of the 2012-13 academic year.[33]

In addition, tweets about the shooting began before it occurred, a tribute was apparently uploaded one month before the event, and web pages honoring the victims, including a Facebook page R.I.P. Victoria Soto, were established before they had “officially” died.


At one point in a televised interview with CIA/CNN Anderson Cooper, Lucia briefly slipped and said that Jordan was a “Great-Great FAITH FOUNDATION …’ (Frames 9:12-14) Once, she realized what she had said, she stopped in the middle of completing the statement then switched subjects.

Jordan Davis, DELTA PEOPLE, Fabianism and the FAITH FOUNDATION

Under these particular circumstances, it makes perfect sense that Lucia was referring to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION.

Tony Blair has to one of the most demonic, dangerous and scariest human beings on earth. Britain’s Tony Blair is more than a politician, war criminal and a degenerate; he’s a top stooge for the British Royal Family. He’s been a member of the Queen’s Privy Council since 1994.[34]


He is a notorious- don’t give a damm “Liar.” Tony Blair is a Luciferian 33rd Degree Master Mason.[35] He is a Knight of Malta.[36] Tony Blair is a Bilderberger.[37] The ILLUMINATI want to establish a new One World Religion to go along with their New World Order through President George W. Bush’s twinning master of deception, former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair and his Faith Foundation. The philosophical basis of Tony Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION is based upon the Anglo Saxon imperial and racialist empire ideas of George Bernard Shaw and the Fabian Society.[38]

jordanblair666 In 1900, the Fabian Society produced Fabianism and the Empire, the first statement of its views on foreign affairs, drafted by George Bernard Shaw and incorporating the suggestions of 150 Fabian members. It claimed that the classical liberal political economy was outdated, and that imperialism was the new stage of the international polity. The question was whether Britain would be the centre of a world empire or whether it would lose its colonies and end up as just two islands in the North Atlantic. It expressed support for Britain in the Boar War because small nations, such as the Boers were anachronisms in the age of empires. In order to hold onto the Empire, the British needed to fully exploit the trade opportunities secured by war; maintain the British armed forces in a high state of readiness to defend the Empire; the creation of a citizen army to replace the professional army … a combination of physical exercises, technical education, education in civil citizenship…and field training in the use of modern weapons”.[39]

The Fabian Society intend to control every aspect of human life that would be arranged by educated white men under the ruse for the benefit of all. The Anglo Saxon dreamers included men of great ability and wealth, who devoted their talents and fortunes to carrying out the British Crown’s covert plans for world domination.

The most prominent of these individuals were Andrew Carnegie, and of course members of the Fabian Society, particularly the African Holocaust Maniac and Masonic New World Order Criminal, Cecil Rhodes, and Satanic MI5 head H. G. Wells.[40]

The FAITH FOUNDATION has a Face to Faith children’s program that even warped up in Christmas paper is nothing more than another cult-like (one-think) mass indoctrination and mind control program for children.[41]


Lucifer’s Daughter slip of the tongue about Jordan‘s relationship with Tony Blair’s demonicFAITH FOUNDATION” wasn’t misspeak by any stretch of the imagination.


The current CEO of Delta Airlines is Richard H. Anderson, former 2007 CEO of UnitedHealth- Ingenix.[42] Ingenix is the data crunching unit of UnitedHealth. Ingenix has an annual revenue of $1.6 billion, and is poised to establish a national (Global) digital clearinghouse to ensure the accuracy of medical payments and provide a centralized service for checking the credentials of physicians.
In 2007, UnitedHealth was poised to profit from (Global) health reform. Its decade-long series of acquisitions has made the company a coast-to-coast Leviathan enmeshed in the lives of 70 million Americans. United’s AmeriChoice unit is the largest government contractor administering state Medicaid programs for the poor and federally sponsored plans for children.[43]


Britain’s Simon Stevens leads UnitedHealth Group’s international businesses and U.S. health reform groups. As chairman of both the UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform and Modernization and the Optum Institute, Mr. Stevens also directs the company’s work on U.S. health care modernization and implementation of the new President Barrack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. He previously served as CEO of UnitedHealth Group’s Medicare company, serving one-in-five older Americans nationwide.

Mr. Stevens has had a varied career as an executive leading major hospital systems, primary care, and payer organizations in the United States and internationally. Previously he was British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s health policy director at 10 Downing Street and the U.K. Department of Health, where he led the high profile reform of the British National Health Service (NHS).[44]

UnitedHealth’s largest employer clients is DELTA Air Lines.[45]Lucia, Ronald Davis and Jordan‘s DELTA Airlines healthcare provider is UnitedHealth directly under the control of at least two of Tony Blair’s ILLUMINATI Global New World Order/ILLUMINATI stooges, Richard H. Anderson, and Simon Stevens of the British Crown.

Tony Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION is covert arm of the British Crown and the Vatican to control a One World Religion for a New World Order with LUCIFER as god.

“For more than 80 years, Catholic international organizations and the the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta) have promoted Catholic solidarity (Counter-Reformation agendas) within the Community of Nations, first at the League of Nations (the precursor to the United Nations) and later at the United Nations (UN) and its global UN agencies.”[46]

Tony Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION ties directly into a Global clearing house controlled by global commuter and monitoring systems being created and dominated by UnitedHealth that would move to insure that each and every child is tied into compulsory education Faith and Globalization mind control indoctrination as part of a total healthcare package.

It will be Dr. Arnold Hutshnecker’s Plan repackaged. Dr. Hutschnecker proposed mandatory testing all, particularly Black and Brown children, for “anti-social” tendencies as part of America’s overall national healthcare package through the U.S. Department Health, Education and Welfare under President Richard Milhous Nixon.[47] Dr. Hutschnecker was an actually confessed Nazi/SS Knight of the Black Sun of the THIRD REICH implanted in America. Dr. Hutschnecker’s final recommendation to the highest elected office of this country- the establishment of government camps for incorrigible teen-age boys, “For the severely disturbed, the young hard-core criminal, there may be a need to establish camps with group activities under the guidance of counselors, under the supervision of psychologists, who have empathy (most important) but also firmness.”[48]

Dr. Hutschnecker’s plan was stopped only by public exposure and outrage. Those children that don’t pass muster with Blair’s Faith and Globalization indoctrination will be subjected to be drugged, placed in government camps, or liquidated.

Out of Lucias mouth, Jordan Davis went through Tony Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION (one think) experimental educational children’s indoctrination program through her employer’s healthcare program, UnitedHealth.


When Jordan Davis didn’t adjust to the program, he was psychologically wounded through behavior modification programs like hypnotism, forced drug therapy or aversion punishment, and most likely blamed his parents; and began to act out. Like Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis was sacrificed as a much bigger picture to further divide and confuse the masses, races; and demonize Black Youth for a final and clandestine solution of the ILLUMINATI!

Next, we get into Michael Dunn and how it relates to MK ULTRA, Gangster Rap, Satanic Jay’s Holy Grail, Magna Carta















































