27 03 2018



HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain black people, or enhance the self esteem of their children. A great deal of black families have been deceived and coached by mass corporate media into the theater to subject their children to clandestine psychologically warfare- sophisticated systems and advance levels of double binds and cognitive dissonance.  Among so many other clandestine HollyWeird- CIA things, demonic spells and spirits, The Black Panther movie has been interwoven within a web of a covert New World Order Gay Agenda that is designed to deliberately harm the psyche of black children.

Vanity Fair writer Joanna Robinson reported that she’d seen footage from Black Panther in which the African king’s chief of security Ayo (Florence Kasumba) flirts with Okoye (Danai Gurira), a fellow member of King T’Challa’s elite Wakandan warrior squadron, known as the Dora Milaje.

The Black Panther & Wakanda Jungle Action- Ayo and Okoye

A few hours later, a Marvel representative said their relationship was not intended to be romantic, but the rumor of romance between the two women reappeared. E. Oliver Whitney of ScreenCrush asked the film’s co-writer, Joe Robert Cole, about whether the script ever showed Ayo and Okoyo as lesbian lovers, and Cole said, “I think the short answer is yes“. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community is upset with Disney and Marvel, because they didn’t see Avo and Okoye  get down to “every thang  is every thang“, and “knock some boot” in The Black Panther movie.

 Florence Kasumba & Danai Gurira Knock the Boots in The Black Panther for the Kids and Babies

So, was The Black Panther for the children, or secretly advance the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender agenda among black children?

Robin:  “Holy safari, Batman!”

A rock the house Jungle Actionknocking the bootslesbian love scene in the movie would have surprised a whole bunch of children.

And, there are questions whether Eric Killmonger was originally created a “Gay” black male character. Furthermore, Black Revolutionaries are not called a “killmonger“- Merchant of DeathNEVERTHELESS.

THE BLACK PANTHER is a half man or semi- human animal created by a mix of afro-futurism technology (whatever Disney believes that to be) and Vodun inspired spiritualism, including visits to the ancestral plane. The Black Panther’s abilities are not God-given powers, but stem from his consuming a very rare plant, which is made into a magical potion that is drunk only by king.

The Heart-Shaped Herb potion created by Panther Goddess Bast drank by the king has been found to be a plant mutated by a meteorite of vibranium (uranium) that landed in Wakanda millions, tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

In the 18th Dynasty Kemet, the infamous ancient Pharaoh Tutankhamun was well of the  extraterrestrial properties of heavy metals and uranium in meteorites that had fallen in Kemet tens and hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago. The knew how to separate them.

Statue of Sekhmet, Temple of Mut, Karnak, 18th Dynasty, Reign of  King Tut’s Grandfather Pharaoh Amenhotep III

Bastet or Bast, the ancient cat goddess of Lower Kemet, was occasionally given a lion head and spoken of as a devastator.  But more often she was seen as the benign counterpart of the dangerous Sekhmet:  “Sekhmet of yesterday, Bastet of today”, as a hymn from Ptolemaic Edfu (provincial town from the end of the Old Kingdom) put it.

Angela Bassett & Lotus Flower – Sacred Symbol of the Sun & Rebirth 

Angela Evelyn (Bastet) Bassett stars in The Black Panther movie. She is a HollyWeird New Age conjurer and witch associated with raising demonic entities and spirits In recent times, Sekhmet has become bastardized as a cult figure of New Age Religion. New Age Shamans use rituals to invoke Egyptian goddess Sekhmet to bring about transformation at the deepest levels of being. Sekhmet also represents to them the trans formative power of kundalini energy, or sekhem. In extreme remote antiquity, Sekhmet presented the destructive nature of Comet-Planet Venus on earth.

The Black Panther is a reborn animal-like savage destructive universal nature.



JAYBO is a harmful simianized hominoid global mass commercial black/Negro caricatureJAYBO represents the half man, half human animal like The Black Panther. It is a higher primates- half simian monkey or Great Ape Homoinoidea orangutan not unlike the Ape-Man M’Baku and the Great White Gorilla Cult of The Black Panther movie associated with the Congolese Black Africans.

The idea that the various human “races” were created independently by God or evolved from separate ape/monkey ancestors, has its origins with 18th Century French intellectuals, e.g. Voltaire and Cuvier, who divided humanity into “civilizedCaucasians (= whites) created by God and “barbaric’ Negros (= blacks) derived from the “monkey tribe”.

This tradition was continued by paleontologists, e.g. Louis Agassiz in the U.S. and in Europe by Karl Vogt. Despite Darwin’s detailed refutation of polygenism in his The Descent of Man (1871), polygenism was supported, in various guises; by eminent evolutionists (e.g. Alfred Russell Wallace and Ernst Haeckel compared Negroes to “four-handed” apes).[1]


Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, believed that mad people could be calmed by blood-letting from 20 to 40 ounces of blood at one time. Dr. Rush then developed a “tranquilizer chair” in 1811. This invention efficiently kept a person securely immobile and had a wooden box in which their head would be put into in order to keep the person subdued. Dr. Rush was the first to describe a pathological incurable medical condition called “Negrotude”. Negrotude was a mild form of leprosy which symptoms included such as blackening of the skin; big lips, flat nose, wooly hair. The only evidence of a cure was when the “skin turned white”. Dr. Rush used “disease” as a justification for African slavery and segregation. Negrotude was an immutable genetic disease that allowed blacks only to be medically cleared for work as domestic workers that had to be sexually segregated.

In 2008, research presented in a new paper by psychologists at Stanford, Pennsylvania State University and the University of California-Berkeley revealed that many Americans subconsciously associate blacks with apes [and hominoids]. In addition, the findings show that society is more likely to condone violence against black criminal suspects as a result of its broader inability to accept African Americans as fully human, according to the researchers.

Generally widely accepted commercial such as JAYBO and The Black Panther are dangerous false ILLUSIONS. They add fuel to the broader universal and global inability and unwillingness to accept Africans and African Americans as fully human whether it is conscious or subconscious. And, if leading black intelligentsia and corporate leaders don’t openly vehemently object to them, then the conscious or subconscious may become global acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to find rest in).

Co-author Jennifer Eberhardt, a Stanford associate professor of psychology who is black, said she was shocked by the results, particularly since they involved subjects born after Jim Crow and the civil rights movement.

“This was actually some of the most depressing work I have done,” she said. “This shook me up. You have suspicions when you do the work intuitions you have a hunch. But it was hard to prepare for how strong [the black-ape association] was how we were able to pick it up every time.”

The paper, “Not Yet Human: Implicit Knowledge, Historical Dehumanization and Contemporary Consequences,” is the result of a series of six previously unpublished studies conducted by Eberhardt, Pennsylvania State University psychologist Phillip Atiba Goff (the lead author and a former student of Eberhardt’s) and Matthew C. Jackson and Melissa J. Williams, graduate students at Penn State and Berkeley, respectively. The paper is scheduled to appear Feb. 7, 2008 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which is published by the American Psychological Association. Don’t get it twisted. Dehumanization and subliminal and conscious acceptance of violence against blacks is not confined to criminal suspects.



Everywhere, fear gripped German society that its racial superiority would be poisoned by Negro blood[3]

It was General von Trotha, Supreme Commander of German Southwest Africa that said, “A humane war cannot be waged against those who are not human.” Africa of Southwest Germany colonial officials and military men viewed the Herero cultural group as a form of baboon or other monkey, but not human. One German in Southwest Africa wrote: “We should burn all these dogs and baboons.[5]

The Herero were originally a group of cattle herders living in the central-eastern region of South West Africa, presently modern Namibia. The area occupied by the Herero was known as Damaraland. The Nama were pastorals and traders living to the South of the Herero. From 1904- 1907, in total some 65,000 Herero, about 80% of the Herero population, and 10,000 Nama, about 50% of the Nama population, perished. The genocide was carried out by mass slaughter, starvation and by poisoning the wells of the Herero amongst other crimes against humanity and tactics. Thousands of Herero and Nama were imprisoned in concentration camps, where the majority died of disease, abuse, and exhaustion.[6] Germany’s Southwest African war was a campaign of mass racial extermination and collective punishment that the Reich undertook against the Herero, Nama and San people. It is considered the first mass genocide of the 20th century that the world failed to take any real action against, or try to stop. The Nazi took it a giant step backward.[7]

National Socialism [Nazi Party] is nothing more than applied biology.” Rudolph Hess, Deputy Reichsfurhrer

Nazi Party eugenics was Nazi Germany’s racially based social policies that placed the biological improvement of the Aryan race or Germanic “Übermenschen” master race through eugenics at the center of Nazi ideology and geopolitics.[2] The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was created, molded, and nurtured by National Socialism (Nazi Party) to lead Germany into one of world’s most ruthless and satanic homicidal campaigns of global racial purification and annihilation in history. World War 2 could have very well been described a global race war.

Unchallenged, we tread on very dangerous grounds with the black-ape association ILLUSION even in the 21st century.


[1] https://theconversation.com/comparing-black-people-to-monkeys-has-a-long-dark-simian-history-55102

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics

[3] https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-germanys-extermination-program-for-black-africans-a-template-for-the-holocaust/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_II,_German_Emperor

[5] Id.

[6] http://combatgenocide.org/?page_id=153

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_genocide

[8] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/06/red-rosa/308500/

[9] http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/nabtaplaya.html

[10] http://www.crystalinks.com/nubia.html

[11] http://www.astrotheologyzone.com/egypt.html

[12] http://1stmuse.com/maria_orsitsch/

[13] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_thule08.htm




Jaybo, Jay Z & The Shady Lady Kingpin Cocaine Trafficker, Desiree Perez

During the CIA crack cocaine epidemic in 1994, Jay Z’s  Desiree Perez, Chief Operating Officer of Carter Enterprises, LLC, was busted in Brooklyn with 35 kilos (about 80 pounds) of cocaine with an estimated street value of at least up to $14 million. She was a part of a massive Mafia New York to Florida to Puerto Rico – Columbian cocaine distribution ring. She should have been prosecuted as a Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code, 21 U.S.C. § 848 federal drug “KINGPIN” in the Southern District of Florida.[1],[2]

U.S. Attorney Laurence Bardfeld, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, the chief federal law enforcement officer for the District, argued in Perez’s behalf to keep her out prison. The Southern District of Florida encompasses a geographical area of approximately 15,197 square miles extending south to Key West, north to Sebastian and west to Sebring. The Southern District includes the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee and Highlands.[3]

Desiree Perez is a DEA/FBI agent and informant that was released from the federal prison custody and placed on five years of supervised release. She began working at nightspots in Miami Beach and was scheduled to meet her probation officer at the Club Onyx, when she skipped town without notice in early August 1997. The fugitive Perez resurfaced nine month later in Brooklyn, where she was arrested on March 5, 1998. Perez was charged with grand larceny, criminal use of drug paraphernalia and criminal possession of a firearm. Her probation was revoked and she was sentenced to just only 9 (nine) months in prison and 3 (three) years of supervised release instead of at least life imprisonment as a major federal “kingpin” drug dealer. Perez appears to have been in business with Jay Z since at least 2002Perez’s felonious federal drug kingpin criminal records have been court sealed.[4]  Jay Z and the felonious drug trafficker Shady Lady created the racist simian-hominoid black caricature JAYBO.

On the street, drug dealers often say that they aren’t the source of the problem for drug addiction and death in the black community. They say that the n-word (niggas) want to commit suicide. They only help them KILL THEMSELVES. Black children need heroes and super heroes too, but we can’t sit by in idle silence while Jay Z and the Shady Lady profit again from the spiritual assassination and subconscious death of the masses like merchants of DEATH.  I have filed a formal objection to the JAYBO trademark application for federal protection. Whatsoever publish this demeaning black hominoid caricature in commerce to deliberately profit from the sadistic dehumanization of black people shall ACCOUNT! 


[1] https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/35-kilos-of-cocaine-worth-rs-94-crore-found-in-a-horse-sculpture-in-new-zealand-257703.html

[2] http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/iteam/damon-dash-scared-news-report-a-rod-pal-desiree-perez-blog-entry-1.2146139

[3] https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl

[4] http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/i-team/babe-ruthless-rod-shady-lady-article-1.1796578




RAYFORD BULLOCK,                   


   Opposition No.

                      Trademark No. 87517427

                             Mark: JAYBO, Pseudo Mark

                        Filing Date: July 06, 2017

                                              Publication Date: February 13, 2018






 RAYFORD BULLOCK, a Black resident of the State of California, City of Pittsburg, County of Contra Costa (hereafter called “Opposer”), believes that he will be damaged by the registration of the mark shown in Application Serial No. 87517427, filed by S. Carter Enterprise, LLC (hereafter called “Applicant”) on July 06, 2017, and opposes Application Serial No. 87517427.

The Opposer is a former member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP), Oakland, CA. The Opposer BPP membership is confirmed and verified by his name that appears above in its official newspaper organ, The Black Panther, Intercommual News Service, January 31, 1969.

The grounds for this opposition are as follows:


Applicant’s Mark is a Lying and Pretext Mark

1 .The “applicant” S. Carter Enterprises LLC [Shawn Corey Carter] is known professionally as JAY-Z– an American rapper and businessman. Applicant’s MARK is actually a caricature of JAY-Z.  The applicant is now engaged in the manufacture, distribution, sale, advertising and promotion of a wide range of promotional goods and services including clothing of the MARK’s CARICATURE, JAYBO or JAYBO, that are not: “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”

  1. In lieu of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744 (June 19, 2017) that the Lanham Act’s disparagement clause violates the Free Speech Clause, whether or not JAYBO is disparaging to any person or racial is not at issue in this case. However, it may be relevant on the issue of the Applicant’s motive to deceive the trademark act. “Our legal system provides methods for challenging the Government’s right to ask questions — lyingis not one of them.” [Making false statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001), Brogan v. United States, 396 U.S. 64, 72 (1969]


The applicant’s MARK: JAYBO does in fact identify a particular living individual that is in fact a black caricature of Shawn Corey Carter known professionally as JAY-Z.

  1. The applicant’s MARK is better described as a suitcase that hides the applicant’s racist black caricature of the rapper, JAY-Z, inside.


The applicant’s MARK: JAYBO is an attempt to DECEIVE

  1. JAYBO or JAY-BO represents a racist caricature of BOSKO re-imaged as the applicant in commerce currently bought and sold on a large scale.


Applicant’s Mark Lack Sufficiently Originality to Warrant Copyright Protection.

  1. Applicant’s Mark is complete textual “JAYBO”. Applicant’s Mark statement says that the mark consists only of “standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.”




  1. Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
Serial Number: 87517427
Filing Date: 07/06/2017

OWNER OF MARK: S. Carter Enterprises, LLC




MARK STATEMENT: This mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.

10/3/2017 12:24:30 PM

The assigned examining attorney has reviewed the referenced application and determined the following.

  1. Offc Action Outgoing

Date Sent: 10/03/2017




APPLICANT: S. Carter Enterprises, LLC



Applicant must clarify whether the name JAYBO in the mark identifies a particular living individual.  See 37 C.F.R. §2.61(b); TMEP §§813, 1206.03.  In this case, the application neither specifies whether the name in the mark identifies a particular living individual nor includes a written consent.  See TMEP §§813.01(a)-(b), 1206.04(a), 1206.05.

To register a mark that consists of or comprises the name of a particular living individual, including a first name, pseudonym, stage name, or nickname, an applicant must provide a written consent personally signed by the named individual.  15 U.S.C. §1052(c); TMEP §§813, 1206.04(a).

Accordingly, if the name in the mark does not identify a particular living individual, applicant must submit a statement to that effect (e.g., “The name shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual.”).

However, if the name in the mark does identify a particular living individual, applicant must submit both of the following:

(1)       The following statement:  “The name(s) shown in the mark identifies a living individual(s) whose consent(s) to register is made of record.”  If the name is a pseudonym, stage name, or nickname, applicant must provide the following statement:  “JAYBO identifies <specify actual name>, a living individual whose consent is of record.”

(2)       A written consent, personally signed by the named individual(s), as follows:  “I, <specify name>, consent to the use and registration  of my name, JAYBO, as a trademark and/or service mark with the USPTO.”

8. Applicant’s Response to Office Action 

Date: December 28, 2017

SERIAL NO.  8751742

MARK: https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/87517427/large

MARK STATEMENT: This mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.

NAME(S), PORTRAIT(S), SIGNATURE(S) OF INDIVIDUAL(S): The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual.

ORIGINAL PDF FILE: HS_389416710-164142961_._Signed_Declaration.pdf


SIGNATORY’S POSITION: COO [Chief Operation Officer]



  1. The Opposer maintains that the applicant’s mark at issue is a Lying and Pretext Mark.

Exhibit A-  the real “JAYBO”

  1. Exhibit A is the applicant’s true and actual “JAYBO” mark in commerce. And, by its very nature- it is not impossible, but extremely unsuitable for “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”



  1. BOSKOis a racist animated cartoon character created by1920-30s era white animators Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising of Kansas City, Missouri. In the history of the United States, Missouri was a slave state– a state in which the practice of African Human Bondage was legal.
  2. BOSKO is the first recurring character in Leon Schlesinger‘s cartoon series, and is also the star of over three dozen extremely racist Looney Tunesshorts released by Warner Bros.
  3. Hugh Harman made drawings of a new character and registered it with the copyrightoffice on January 3, 1928. The character was registered as a “Negroboy” under the name of BOSKO.
  4. The original BOSKO character clearly appears to be an adult. However in former slave states, it was a customary psychological tactic to continually humiliate and emasculate Black men by calling them “BOYS” throughout their lives from infancy to old age to satisfy a byproduct of the horrible Institution of African Human Bondage– a sick racial psycho-sexual white superiority complex.


  1. When BOSKO was created in 1928 as an ante bellum slavery classic cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human, it was well understood in the animation industry that the southern “Negro Boy” was depicted to represent a simian “MONKEY” that justified the global institutional enslavement of the African. BOSKO can procreate, but it will not be allowed by white society to create or originate just the same as a primate.
  2. BOSKO’s black skin; gruesome big lips, eyes and wooly hair constitute symptoms of a pathological incurable 18th century ante bellum slavery medical condition called “Negrotude” – a mild form of Leprosy that justified special criminal and sexual prohibitions, racial discrimination; and strict segregation of Africans within white society.
  3. BOSKO carries a lot of racial hatred, wounds and baggage. It certainly stands to reason that BOSKO is an extremely horrible and racist character and caricature that should have been left to die in the early 20st century or flushed down the toilet in the 21st century. It is certainly something to lie about, hide and conceal from the U.S. Trademark Office and public if BOSKO is resurrected in any form whatsoever and for whatsoever reasons, and the applicant is attempting to revive him. BOSKO arise, and rides again behind the veil of the power, authority, shield and sword of The Lanham Act.



18.The Lanham Act of 1946, also known as the Trademark Act (15 U.S.C.A. § 1051 et seq, ch.540, 60 Stat. 427 [1988 & Supp.V 1993]), is a federal statute that regulates the use of Trademarks in commercial activity.

  1. Trademarks are distinctive pictures, words, and other devices used by business to identify their pictures, words, and other symbols or devices used by businesses to identify their goods and services.
  2. The Lanham Act is like a shield that gives the trademark users exclusive rights to their marks, thereby protecting the time and money invested in those marks. The act also serves to reduce consumer confusion in the identification of goods and services.
  3. The Lanham Act is also like a sword that gives trademark users a plethoric of legal procedures and remedies to strike with under federal law to help enforce their rights attached to qualified trademarks.



  1. The Trademark Opposer carries the burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence to support an inference of deceptive intent (FRAUD, INTENT TO DECIEVE).
  2. The precise meaning of “clear and convincing proof” does not lend itself readily to definition. It is, in reality, a question of how strongly the minds of the trier or triers of fact must be convinced that the facts are as contended by the proponent. In the ordinary civil suit, the proponent must persuade the jury (or judge, if there is no jury) that the facts are more probably true than not true. Where clear and convincing proof is required, the proponent must convince the jury or judge, as the case may be, that it is highly probable that the facts which he asserts are true. He must do more than show that the facts are probably true. (COMMENT, EVIDENCE: CLEAR AND CONVINCING PROOF: APPELLATE REVIEW, CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW, Vol. 32, Issue 1, March 1944, pg. 75)



  1. On October 03, 2017, the USPTO identified the Mark, “JAYBO”, as a name that did not show whether or not it identified a particular living individual. USPTO asked applicant to respond, accordingly.
  2. On December 28, 2017, the applicant responded that the name, “JAYBO” shown in the mark does not identify a particular living individual. It had been so declared by the applicant by signatory Desiree Perez, COO- ” S. Carter Enterprises LLC.
  3. Desiree Perez’s declaration is in evidence, and it states the following:


The signatory  believes that: the applicant is entitled to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services specified in the application; the applicant has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce and had a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce as of the application filing date; and to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other person has the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when applied to the goods and/or services of such other person, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive. The signatory’ being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 USC §1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of the application or any registration resulting therefrom, declares that all statements made of his or her own knowledge are true and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.

Dated: ___10/20_______, 2017


By: Desiree Perez                    Title: COO

  1. Perez’s statement that the mark, “JAYBO”, does not identify a particular living individual is a false statement. JAY-BO is her business partner, the self-guru, JAY-Z.

28. Throughout the U.S. music and entertainment industry, the “JAYBO” character is known as applicant’s real trademark. It is known internationally that the “JAYBOless than human animated simian BOSKO character is the applicant’s real trademark.


  1. “The 48-year-old rapper has filed a trademark on his animated character that appeared on The Story of OJ music video last year according to a Monday report from TMZ.” (Daily Mail. Com, January 15, 2018)



Exhibit B- Shawn Jay Z Carter (JAYBO) President

  1. The Story of O.J.” is a song by Jay-Z from his thirteenth studio album 4:44 released on June 30, 2017. Roc Nation, LLC is an American entertainment company founded by Shawn “JAY-Z” Carter in 2008. Desiree Perez is also COO of Roc Nation, LLC.

Da Story of O.J., Jaybo, Roc Nation & Jay Z

  1. The creation of applicant’s mark JAYBO began with JAY-Z’s track, “The Story of OJ”. Jay Z and Mark Romanek brainstormed an idea character for a video where the track “The Story of OJ” would play over visuals of him and black people derived from old, racist [BOSKO] cartoons from the 1930s-40s. JAYBO was deliberately created as another purveyor of the cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  2. Video directors Mark Romanek and Jay-Z of Roc Nation collaborated over the course of six weeks with a team of animators, 3D modelers, and designers to produce the character caricature, JAYBO.
  3. Roc Nation employed The Mill with Titmouse to handle video character design and animation. Illustrator, vis-dev artist, art director, Rustam Hasanov, was lead character designer on the Roc Nation project. 
  4. Rustam Hasanov, Development Guide for the Character of JAYBO [Opposer added JAY Z picture to Development Guide]
  5. Rustam Hasanov, “There was a ballpark, a grey area of we could hit and if we didn’t quite get it right I knew it could be catastrophic and that it could be misconstrued and misinterpreted in term of what the intention behind the video was. So, we were very careful about how we were going to address all the stereotypes and how we were going to clarify exactly what the designs were going to say.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/
  6. Above, Rustam Hasanov’s [JAY Z] J- BOSCO [BOSKO] Turnaround- there is absolutely no doubt that JAYBO had been created in the image of BOSKO as a purveyor of the ante bellum slavery classic cognitive empathy of the majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  7. Rustam Hasanov, Imagine doing these horrible racial stereotypes and turning them into entertainment for children. If you are an artist you know exactly what you are doing and you know that it’s bad, but they did it anyway. That’s exactly what we were doing too. That was the part we were nervous about, are we just repeating the same thing and are we fetishizing these stereotypes or are we making a statement? To us very much, we were on the side that we are not regurgitating this content, we’re making a statement about it.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/)
  8. Rustam Hasanov, “I found out from Tim Delvin who was the art director. I basically came in, he pitched the project to me, what the idea was and said, ‘it is for Jay-Z.’ At that point, I didn’t know the song and I thought, ‘God this could go very wrong’ because he just showed some imagery- the racist references and cartoons were shown to me first. Yeah, that was a little unnerving.” (https://kulturehub.com/jay-z-oj-designer/)
  9. JAY-Z had himself reimagined as “JAYBO” or “JAY BO” a play off of the racist black caricature, BOSKO, for his song “The Story of O.J.” from his 13 (thirteenth) studio album 4:44 as some kind of black hominoid/simian financial and philosophical guru.

Contrary to the applicant’s sworn declarations, JAY BO, represents a living person- JAY Z [Shawn Corey Carter], and his ideology. JAY to the Z is the same live person as JAY to the BO.

  1. The music video for “The Story of O.J.” features JAY-Z reimaged as the racist caricature character JAYBO premiered on July 5, 2017 on Jay-Z’s Vevo account on YouTube a day before he applied for U.S. trademark protection. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_O.J.
  2. Jay-Z‘s “Story of O.J.”featured JAY-Z reimaged as the racist black simian or hominoid character JAYBO. It is an animated figure that appears to have been snatched directly from the minstrel show era with an uncanny resemblance to JAY-Z. The racist JAYBO or JAY BO, character image is intended to appear on merchandise coming soon after the pseudo mark, JAYBO, the Bosco/Little Black Sambo character, is trademarked officially.

(See http://hiphopwired.com/741575/get-ready-to-see-jay-zs-story-of-o-j-character-jaybo-on-merchandise-soon/)

  1. TMZreported: Hova’s company, S. Carter Enterprises, just filed docs to trademark the animated character figure, “JAYBO.” The plan is to plaster the little guy on T-shirts, sweaters, hats, blankets, shams, dinnerware, mugs, cocktail shakers and thermal containers.

It is Jay-Z’s lead characterJAYBO” from his “Story of O.J.” music video that has been drafted for a whole new role in fashion and home wares, not the pseudo nameJAYBO” or “JAY BO”.

  1. The applicant’s current U.S. Trademark application was made with the intention of putting the animated BOSKO “JAYBO” character on merchandise such as T-shirts and hats, as well as mugs and cocktail shakers, not the pseudo name “JAYBO” or “JAY BO”.
  2. In fact, the applicant has declared in its Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register, Serial No. 87517427 that its goods and services “JAYBO” or “JAY BO” include the following: “Candles; scented and perfumed candles; aromatherapy fragrance candles; votive candles; candle torches; wicks for candles; scented wax for use in candle warmers; candles for night lights; tea light candles.”



  1. Applicant’s Mark is complete textual “JAYBO”. Applicant’s Mark statement says that the mark consists only of “standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.”
  2. ETS-HOKIN v. SKYY SPIRITS INC., 225 F.3d 1068 (9th Cir. 2000), the court held that,

“[a] claim to copyright cannot be registered in a print or label consisting solely of trademark subject matter and lacking copyrightable matter.” 37 C.F.R. 202.10(b). Although a label’s “graphical illustrations” are normally copyrightable, “textual matter” is not–at least not unless the text “aid[s] or augment[s]” an accompanying graphical illustration. 1 NIMMER  2.08 [G][2], at 2-136. The label on Skyy’s vodka bottle consists only of text and does not include any pictorial illustrations.”

  1. In this case, the applicant’s Mark lacks enough originality to acquire copyright protection of their own. “Textual matter” is not copyrightable at least not unless the text “aid[s] or augment[s]” an accompanying graphical illustration. Applicant’s Mark is the same as Skyy’s vodka bottle above; it consists only of text and does not include any pictorial illustrations.




  1. Opposer avers that the public have been confused, mistaken or deceived by the Applicant’s Concealed Actual Mark that represents real people and historical events involving the Opposer and the BPP. The offensive racist simian hominoid black caricature, the “REAL JAYBO” had absolutely NOTHING to do with the BPP or its historical events. Yet, at the very least 61 million people around the world have viewed the applicant’s less than human so called U.S. Copyrighted Black Panther caricature in applicant’s mass produced, “The Story of OJ”.
  2. Opposer avers that he will be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black caricature, which misconstrue, mis-educate the public regarding true historical individuals and events, and maliciously spread the majestic falsehood around the world that black people are less than human.
  3. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black simian/hominoid caricature, which humiliate, denigrate, and DEHUMANIZE him in commerce.
  4. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, a racist black simian/hominoid caricature, to deny him rights, and remedies under The Lanham Act, 13th (Badges and Incidents of Slavery) and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (Due process and Equal Protection).
  5. Opposer avers that he has been and will continue to be damaged by the registration of the Applicant’s Lying Mark as set forth in Applicant’s Trademark Application Serial No. 87517427 that deliberately and intentionally conceals Applicant’s Actual Mark, it is an Application designed to DECIEVE the Trademark Office, Commerce and the Public.
  6. Opposer avers that the applicant is wrongfully using the Lanham Act as his sword and shield to maliciously spread in commerce the ante bellum slavery majestic falsehood that black people are less than human.
  7. So that it is crystal clear, the Opposer’s notice and petition of opposition before the U.S. Trademark office is not based on applicant’s ugly racist and horrible animated character, but the fraud and deception that applicant committed in the application process with the intent to deceive and conceal applicant’s ugly racist and horrible animated character from the Trademark Office.

WHEREFORE, this Opposer, RAYFORD BULLOCK, believes and avers that it is being and continues to be damaged by registration of the proposed JAYBO trademark as aforesaid, prays that the said Application Serial No. 87517427 be rejected in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Act, that no registration be issued thereon to Applicant, and that this Opposition be sustained in favor of Opposer.

Respectfully Submitted,



Dated: March 08, 2018






25 03 2018



The “United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States” was set up under U.S. President Gerald Ford in 1975 to investigate the activities of the CIA and other intelligence agencies within the United States. The commission was led by the U.S. Vice PresidentNelson Rockefeller, and is sometimes referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.

The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized CIA MK ULTRA. It also studied issues relating to the JFK Assassination, specifically the head snap as seen in the Zapruder film, and the possible presence of CIA agents E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis in Dallas, TX.[1] Carefully hidden behind the veil of the Rockefeller Commission were the CIA’s top secret illegal domestic operations and war against Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) in Oakland, CA.[2]

U.S. President Gerald R. Ford was initiated into Freemasonry on September 30, 1949, in Malta Lodge No. 465. (Grand Rapids, Michigan). Subsequently Ford received the degrees of Fellow Craft and Master Mason in Columbia Lodge No.3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951 respectively. Years later Ford became a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, Northern Jurisdiction.[3]

U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was a Knight of Malta (Knight Templar). He stood at the top of the hierarchical level of Freemasonry.[4]

“The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commission.” – Quoted from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper[5]

The Rockefeller Commission led by Freemasons deliberately concealed the CIA’s domestic operations against the BPP.

In June 1966, the CIA director was Richard Helms. The CIA’s secret operations against the BPP were run out of the Office of Security: 

The Director of Security (DOS) is charged with the preparation of the Agency’s security program and with the performance of security inspection functions…” Included among the responsibilities of the DOS was to “Obtain and evaluate through investigation, technical interrogation, and liaison contact with other United States agencies…Approve or Disapprove, from a security standpoint, the employment or utilization of individuals by the Agency, except certain approvals reserved for the Deputy Director (Plans)…Develop and conduct internal counterintelligence programs to detect and prevent hostile penetrations of the Agency through its employees…Furnish security advice and guidance to Agency employees.”[6]

The director of the CIA Office of Security (OS) at that time was Robert L. Bannerman.[7] Bannerman was OS deputy chief under Sheffield Edwards. OS had the responsibility to protect Agency personnel and facilities from compromising situations and unauthorized penetration. OS also performed other, more surreptitious tasks. Its agents were widely regarded as experts in carrying out “black bag” and “clean up” jobs, and were infamous for less sophisticated “hard knuckle” operations.[8]

Since 1948, Edwards had been directly involved in supervising the CIA’s PB/7 program responsible for assassinations, kidnappings, special weapons, drugs, exotic poisons, induced diseases, and other means. BLUEBIRD (Nazi SS) and the secret assassination program ARTICHOKE (Assassinations & Manchurian Candidates) were run out of OS. There is no reason to believe OS suddenly changed its stripes under Bannerman.[9]

The CIA ran two highly classified and secret programs against the Panthers out the basement of the CIA Langley headquarters. OS’ Merrimac Project employed a number of secret black agents to spy on, report on and infiltrate the Panthers. They attended meetings and rallies to identify Panthers and supporters. They had at least 12 (twelve) black agents to photograph Panthers, identify their vehicles and follow them home. The OS developed and maintained a sophisticated and comprehensive data system on the BPP.

OS’ other secret operation against the Panthers was the infamous CHAOS Project.[10] Before the beginning of the Rockefeller Commission, CIA Director, Richard Helms, one of the most dangerous men in America, linked to Operation PAPERCLIP NAZI SS, ARTICHOKE, MK ULTRA/MONARCH, and their undeclared illegal war against the PANTHERS destroyed 150-200 domestic files on the BPP to conceal them from Congress and the public. And, the Knights of Malta and Freemasons on the Rockefeller Commission in 1975 conspired with the CIA to keep their secret illegal war against the Panthers off the books, TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED.[11]

This is what I know. We knew that entities high in the government declared war against us. They told all our friends and family that they were going to kill us or put us in prison for life. We couldn’t land any decent jobs, public or private, because of government interference. However, the most chilling part is that we were warned that we had high level extrajudicial death squads out on streets employed to kill us or make us disappear. That’s why we had strict orders if presented with lethal forceRETURN IT.

In the early formation of the BPP in 1966, a secret Operation Merrimac black CIA agent had in fact made direct contact with me to try to discourage me from continuing to support Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. As far as I know now, I have had U.S Army, Air Force Intelligence, and several secret black CIA/NSA agents and agent provocateurs assigned to befriend me to identify Panthers, elders, friends, family, followers, and any supporters that gave us any aid, support and strength for planned government neutralization operations. Yes, on a personal basis it did seriously affect me mentally and socially, but we moved forward with love for the people, self-defense, self-determination, the 10-Plan, and didn’t back up.




In 1970-1971, a small group of young white teachers with Oakland Unified School District invited me to a business presentation at one of their homes. I was invited to the presentation because the business product proffered to alter the psyche of black children. The business product was “The Sun Man”. A young brother developed a black super hero called the “Sun Man” to booster the self-esteem of black children. I sat down with him for a confidential conversation. I told him that what he proposed to affect the psyche of black children was an ILLUSION.

Merriam-Webster defines ILLUSION as a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality. The magician specializes in creating ILLUSIONS, so that people believe they have seen something when they really haven’t.[53]

Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology heavily studied by the CIA that focuses on the way people process information. It looks at how we process information we receive and how the treatment of this information leads to our responses. In other words, cognitive psychology is interested in what is happening within our minds that links stimulus (input) and response (output).[54]

Perception Stimulus (Input) Processing
 BLACK CHILD   The Greatness Super Hero of Them All  


No Foundation

No History

No Mythology

No Such Hero

ILLUSION, Cognitive Bias and Dissonance.

Mental Error

Cognitive biases are mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies. It is important to distinguish cognitive biases from other forms of bias, such as cultural bias, organizational bias, or bias that results from one’s own self-interest. In other words, a cognitive bias does not result from any emotional or intellectual predisposition toward a certain judgment, but rather from subconscious mental procedures for processing information. Cognitive biases are similar to optical illusions in that the error remains compelling even when one is fully aware of its nature. Awareness of the bias, by itself, does not produce a more accurate perception. Cognitive biases, therefore, are, exceedingly difficult to overcome.[12]

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.[13]


Perception Stimulus (Input)





Hercules is a Roman Hero and God. He was the Son of Zeus (Roman equivalent Jupiter). In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his Super Strength.


Global Super Hero, Super Hero of Greek and Roman Mythology, Validation of Human Worthiness and Divine Origin

I tried to explain to the young brother that “The Sun Man” has “no objective reality” in myth or fact. He was offering black children a black super hero that they don’t have. The Sun Man doesn’t exist in legend, myth or fact. I offered to sit down with him and help develop a real black super hero from legend, mythology or fact that challenges the notions of white supremacy and that we could defend, justify, protect, and win the support of the masses, and the consent and approval of our elders.

Subconsciously, the young man was really seeking the consent and approval of white people offering them a black super hero that wouldn’t offend them or challenge white privileges and white supremacy notions. I never hear from him. The Sun Man died. The Sun Man found life again in 1985. He was copyrighted by Olmec Corporation (Yla Eason) in New York. “For too long, many black children have been unable to enjoy the fantasies of power because they could not identify with superheros who were white.” By 1993, the Sun Man died once more.[14]

So, you may ask why I am talking about the long gone Sun Man in 2018. Walt Disney and Marvel Comics’ “The Black Panther” movie opened five weeks ago in February 2018, and it’s come in No. 1 at the box office for all five of those weeks well into March 2018. There is no difference between the “The Sun Man” black super hero of the 20th century, and “The Black Pantherblack super hero of the 21st century. Both deceive and pacify the masses with the illusions of “fantasies of power”. Both “The Sun Man” and “The Black Panther” black hero do not exist in legend, myth, magic or fact. Neither black hero, “The Sun Man” or “The Black Panther” challenges the status quo, New World Order or global white supremacy, because they are absolutely ILLUSIONARY characters of fantasy black power created by the ILLUMINATI and the New World Order to negatively affect the psyche of the masses and mislead and Double Bind (insanity without disease) the psyche of the elders, and black children.



Buchenwald concentration camp near Wiemar, Germany was one of the largest on German soil, with one hundred and 30 (thirty) satellite camps and extension units. The name “Buchenwald” was given to the camp by SS I Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler on July 28, 1937. The camp’s name – “Buchenwald” – became a synonym for the Nazi SS crimes against humanity, because it was one of the most bestial. In the early 1970s, they had plans for black and brown students of the Oakland Unified School District that was a “TOUCH OF BUCHENWALD“.

Oakland Public Schools- A Buchenwald Satellite Camp & Diabolical EVIL 

Seething Energies of Lucifer, Master Mason Manley P. Hall

When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onwards and upwards he must prove his ability to properly apply (this) energy. ‘Lost Keys of Freemasonry’ page 48, Manley P Hall, 33rd degree.

Freemasonry reveals itself at a closer approach in its true light, that of a satanic sect. Freemasonry worships LuciferSatan. The higher degrees of masonry are far more secret and diabolical than the general membership. The higher degrees use their influence in all aspects of society to advance in power and control for the furtherance of what they call “the great work“, which is a New World Order.

During the 1960s and early 1970s, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) had been one of the best and most comprehensive free educational systems in the nation and the world. Its athletic department- the Division 1 Oakland Athletic League (OAL) was renowned for producing world class athletes.  Over 70% of the student population of nearly 77,000 was black. However, there was room for much improvement particularly in racial matters. There was a great need of a more diversified staff of educators and school administrators. There was a need to include the black community in the educational decision making process of the schools, because it had risen to demand change and POWER.

What very few people understood was that the secret hierarchical and diabolical Freemasonry stood at the base of POWER in city politics, and the OUSD. In other words, Oakland’s alternative interpretation is “LAND OF THE OAK TREE”.

In July 1968, Dr. Stuart Samuel Phillips, OUSD Superintendent surprised the city with his resignation effective June 30, 1969. Phillips was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason according to the [Satanicritual of the Southern Jurisdiction [Knight of the Golden Circle Albert Pike] of the United States. Phillips was slated by President Richard Nixon’s administration to become the Superintendent of the International School of Bangkok Thailand from 1969 to 1975. The international school in Thailand was a U.S. State Department school for children of the CIA, military and intelligence forces massing to assault Vietnam.[15] After Thailand, Phillips became a world traveler. He visited more than 80 countries on 6 continents- CIA.[16] 

The York Rite consists of a series of Degrees and Orders as described below.  York Rite actually begins with the Blue Lodge Degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason).  But, one is not considered to be a “York Rite Mason” until he has taken the Royal Arch series of degrees, following through with the Cryptic Mason degrees, and culminating or completing with the Templar Orders.  When you complete the York Rite series of “degrees” you become a Companion and a Sir Knight.[17]  All Nazi SS Knights of the Black Sun are secret Teutonic KnightsThe Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem.[18]

The Knight Templar Orders are a Christian series (of “degrees”) that makes a masonic brother a member of the Order of the Red Cross, a Knight of Malta and the Mediterranean Pass, and a Knight Templar.  (Among other titles that are included in the process) In many cases US intelligence services consider Masons a reliable mainstay in their secret work.[19]

Allen W. Dulles (Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta, Uncle of Jesuit Avery Dulles). John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic, Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta, Administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University). Richard Helms (Advised by Vatican Knight of Malta James Angleton). William E. Colby (Member of the Vatican military order – the Knights of Malta).[20]

On July 4, 1970, Dr. Marcus Albert Foster arrived in Oakland, CA. He had been recruited out of Philadelphia, PA by the CIA, Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, Price-Waterhouse, Freemasons and the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi) to step into the superintendent’s office as part of a special and secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH operation under CIA Director Richard Helms.

Robert W. Blackburn, above, followed Dr. Foster into Oakland as his deputy superintendent. Under the veil, Blackburn ran the daily affairs of the OUSD.[21] He was a former Peace Corps Deputy Director of Somalia (1964–66) stationed at the militarily strategic horn of Africa- Hargeisa, formerly British Somalia. He entered the Peace Corps after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Prior to the assassination, JFK and Peace Corps Director, Sargent Shriver worked hard to keep CIA agents under Deputy Director, Richard Helms, from infiltrating Peace Corps.[22]

The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) exposed Blackburn as a CIA agent while working for the Peace Corp and CIA front U.S. Agency for Independent Development (USAID) in Somalia.[23] Prior to been summoned to Oakland, he served as the executive director of the Citizens Committee on Public Education in Philadelphia, and led educational programs for the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ).[24] OPD Chief of Police- Panther Squad FBI Agent Charles Gain had been a member of the Community Relations Committee of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.[25] Alfred May, president of the Detroit Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, was also a FBI agent. NCCJ’s patron is Queen Elizabeth II.[26]

In June 1971, I got involved in an extremely heated exchange with my elder, Dr. Foster. I was a member of Peace Corp/Teacher Corp. I had worked within the school district for 2 (two) years as a teacher trainee while I earned my AB degree and teacher’s credential. OUSD had a commitment to hire us as teachers at the end of the end of the two year period. All of my credentials and ducks were in roll.  However, Dr. Foster suddenly told us that he couldn’t perform his part of the bargain to hire us. So, we argued about that in a meeting. But, it was unknown to me that everyone in the room of about 18 to 20 teacher corps members were secretly and silently already in the loop to be hired by OUSD. I was the only odd guy out.  I clearly understood the inherent, apparent and expressed powers of the school district superintendent. Brothers Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale had been my teachers. Dr. Foster and I really argued over the illusion and FANTASY OF POWER that he really secretly possessed. The problem was that I didn’t know very much at all about the diabolical, devils, demons, deceptions, illusions, Masons, and the CIA.

Dr. Marcus Foster was EVIL and the DIABOLICAL. He wrestled directly with demons and the DEVIL. He was a Goat Rider (Secret Society Greek Divine 9), and 32 or 33rd degree Freemason (Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret). The lawyer that prepared his last will and testament just before he arrived in Oakland was Leon S. Rosenthal of Philadelphia, PA. Rosenthal secretly initiated him into the Masonic higher degrees and levels to seal an ultimate level of the covenant of secrecy to cover his true mission in Oakland.

Master Mason Leon S. Rosenthal

I only found out about Rosenthal when Dr. Foster’s Last Will and Testimony was opened for probate administration in Alameda County. Rosenthal and his Philadelphia law office staff had been the witnesses to the will. The probate administrator couldn’t produce any of them to verify Dr. Foster’s will. That’s when I discovered the sudden and mysterious death of Leon S. Rosenthal in court records. Rosenthal was an extremely influential Jewish Freemason. He was the worshipful master of Athelston Lodge No. 482.  He was a member of the West Philadelphia Optimists Club, Sol C. Kraus Lodge of Brith Sholom, and Chancellor-Commander of Barbarossa Lodge, Knights of Pythias. He was also a Greek Goat Rider of Sigma Alpha Rho.[27]  Rosenthal came up mysteriously dead on September 14, 1973 just days before Dr. Foster was gunned down on November 06, 1973.

If Rosenthal hadn’t authored a couple of books about the history of Philadelphia, he might be disappeared completely.[28] Likewise, Dr. Foster was awarded the Medal of Four Chaplains for his chaplain work at Holmesburg Prison. This record has disappeared because it links Dr. Foster directly with America’s BUCHENWALDCIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Sub project Operation OFTEN. In January 1973, as CIA Director Richard Helms was leaving the Agency and James Schlesinger was coming in, Project OFTEN was abruptly canceled. And he ordered all documents pertaining to the unconscionable behavior control experiments — ARTICHOKE, MONARCH, OFTEN, Operation Midnight Crisis (collectively referred to as MK-ULTRA) destroyed.

The outgoing CIA director and his trusted protégé,  the DiabolicaSydney Gottlieb, hoped, no doubt, to wipe out all traces of the abominable experiments and all traces of their secret collaborators, and thousands of human victims.[29]

In Congressional testimony, CIA Director Richard Helms claimed that MK-OFTEN was just another name for MK-CHICKWIT, a CIA-Defense Department program for testing “medical procedures” on prisoners at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia from 1967 to 1973.[30] Project MKCHICKWIT was a CIA program conducted in cooperation with the Department of Defense, operating under the aegis of Project MK SEARCH, for the purpose of identifying and studying “new drug developments in Europe and Asia.” This project reportedly ran from 1968-1971 at the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories.[31]

Under the veil, the goal of MK OFTEN was much clandestinely broader -“test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans“. According to author Gordon Thomas’ 2007 book, Secrets and Lies, the CIA’s Operation Often was also initiated by the chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to “explore the world of black magic” and “harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach“. As part of Operation OFTEN, Dr. Gottlieb and other CIA employees visited with and recruited fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologists, mediums, psychics, specialists in DEMONOLOGY, witches and warlocks, SATANISTS, other occult practitioners, and more.[32]

Rosenthal and Dr. Foster may have been highly classified human causalities of Richard Helms’ Project MK ULTRA/MONARCH- OFTEN loose ends clean-up CIA OS operation. Helms would certainly want to destroy CIA files linked to Dr. Foster and Buchenwald Satellite by the Bay- the Oakland Unified School District.



33rd Degree Blood Oath Master Masons- President Gerald Ford, Freemason California Attorney General Evelle Younger, California Governor (President-Freemason Knight of Malta) Ronald Reagan

In January 1973, in Governor Ronald Reagan’s State of the State message, he announced plans for the establishment of a biomedical (BUCHENWALD) facility in California, The Center for the Study of the Reduction of Violence. Supported by state and federal funds (LEAA), the first center was planned for the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, headed by Dr. Louis Joylon “Jolly” West, the CIA Maestro of Mind Control.

From 1971 to 1979, Evelle J. Younger was the California Attorney General. Younger provided state cover for covert CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs and operations. California highest law enforcement official covered up California’s BUCHENWALD, Dr. Marcus Foster’s Assassination, and JONESTOWN. They are all related. When public outcry shut down California’s BUCHENWALD, it clandestinely moved into prisons; Peoples Temple then Jonestown. Under Younger, juvenile Wards of the State of California were shipped directly to the CIA’s experiment Medical Concentration Camp in Jonestown, Guyana.

“Many of the children who died in Jonestown were wards of the State of California who had been turned over to Jim Jones and other Temple members by California judges. It was illegal for these children to be removed from California yet, according to the House Foreign Affairs Committee which investigated the matter, no California official ever requested a check into the welfare or whereabouts of these children.”[33]

To the Jonestown monstrosities, they have added dogs specially trained to attack human genitals. The operations there have included the heavy hand of decapitation specialist Michael Townley Welch, an American CIA agent, as well as reported visits by Nazi war criminals Dr. Josef Mengele and Martin Bormann.”[34]

During the school year 1970-1971, I was living briefly with my mother and family in what they called the 65th Avenue Village known as San Antonio Gardens. It was located right off East 14th Street now International Avenue. It was a predominately Black housing project. It was located directly across the street from Havenscourt Jr. High School.

One day, I came home from school in the evening and found my beloved baby sister dressing to go to an evening religious service at Havenscourt Jr. High School’s auditorium. She was a fourth or fifth grader no more than 10 or 11 years old. Upon inquiry, I discovered that she had been enticed to attend the service in her classroom at Lockwood Elementary School that was adjacent to Havenscourt. I recall reading a flyer about the religious service that came directly from her classroom.

My sister wanted to go to the service, because her classmate friends intended to go. I escorted her to the service. I wanted to see for myself what was going on. Sure enough, it was a religious service taking place on school grounds at Havenscourt.

In the service, Rev. Jim Jones performed his infamous “crowd pleasing” fake miracle healing from cancer of a member of the Peoples Temple by coughing up bloody cancerous material, chicken parts. It was Jim Jones and the People Temple, because I remembered Rose Shelton being there. She was Rev. Jones’ personal nurse. Rose collected the coughed up assumed bloody cancer stuff in a white cloth and displayed it to the young horrified audience.

Elder Rose Shelton- Murdered in Jonestown, Guyana, South America

Rose Shelton became my great aunt in-law! Jim Jones and the People Temple were working inside the OUSD to recruit and pick up vulnerable and powerless black children. Before I could look into the relationship between Rev. Jim Jones and OUSD, I got into with Dr. Foster. I was pushed out of OUSD.

Evelle J. Younger was a prime example of the hidden satanic super elite bloodlines behind the veil ruling the affairs of America and California. Younger’s distant descendant, Joshua Younger, was married to the former Elizabeth Lee, and that she was the daughter of Richard Henry Lee, a founding father of our nation. It was he who made the motion on June 7, 1776, as a member of the Second Continental Congress, to declare independence from Great Britain. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and later served as a U.S. senator from Virginia. That would mean he was the great-great-great-great grandfather of Evelle Younger…signifying that Richard Henry Lee’s brother—Francis Lightfoot Lee, also a signer of the Declaration of Independence—was Younger’s great-great-great-great granduncle. (Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot also had an ancestor in common with Joshua Logan Younger, and were Evelle Younger’s first cousins 15 times removed.)

 Evelle Younger was also, it seems, related to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Richard Henry Lee had a first cousin, Henry Lee II. So…his son, Henry Lee III—known as “Light Horse Harry” for his activities as a cavalry officer in the Revolutionary War—was a second cousin of Joshua Younger; Henry Lee II’s son, the man who surrendered to Grant at Appomattox was third cousin of Henry Younger Sr.; and Lee was a third cousin four times removed from Younger.

 Evelle Younger was a distant relative of outlaws other than the Younger Brothers- Ku Klux Klan- Knights of the Golden Circle. He was a fifth cousin 10 times removed to Texas train robber Sam Bass; a ninth cousin twice removed to Golden Circle Knight Jesse James; a fifth cousin seven times removed to Butch Cassidy; and a seventh cousin once removed to John Wesley Hardin.[35] Richard Henry Lee was first cousin of Anneke Jane Edwards, great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother of Clinton. Evelle Younger was a seventh cousin twice removed to Dixie Mafia President Bill Clinton.

 President Zackary Taylor was Evelle Younger’s third cousin 14 times removed, as was President William Henry Harrison; the latter’s grandson, President Benjamin Harrison, was a fifth cousin 12 times removed. Getting into really remote relationships: President John Kennedy was a seventh cousin 10 times removed, and President Lyndon B. Johnson was an eighth cousin 10 times removed. Younger’s kin also included author Mark Twain (third cousin six times removed); newspaper publisher Bohemian Satanist William Randolph Hearst (second cousin, 12 times removed); blind author Eugenicist Helen Keller (third cousin six times removed); and War Criminal U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (third cousin 10 times removed).[36]

In Los Angeles, DA Evelle J. Younger was also instrumental in the cover-up of the assassination of the RFK Assassination; and Hoover’s COINTELPRO program to destroy the BPPYounger had also been one of 33rd Degree Master Mason J. Edgar Hoover’s top FBI agents.[37]

During WWII, Younger was U.S. Army Intelligence with the Far East Counter-Intelligence Branch of the OSS with CIA Directors Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather, Dr. Gregory Bateson.[38] Evelle Younger was a blood oath secret Goat Rider, Freemason and Shriner. He belonged to Alpha Tau OmegaInternational Shriners and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Elks are “Clandestine Masonic Membership Shrines” under the jurisdiction of the Albert Pike’s Satanic Grand Lodge of Arkansas and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.[39]

An early draft of West’s proposed UCLA BUCHENWALD center described using schools in Black and Brown neighborhoods as human guinea pigs to experiment on and screen for possible genetic defects. It also mentioned using psychosurgery as treatment on children to modify what he and the establishment perceived to be no more than anti-social behavior,

“Such programs might include control of drug or alcohol abuse, modification of chronic anti-social or impulsive aggressiveness.”[40]

Dr. West planned to use an abandoned NIKE missile base in the Santa Monica Mountains. It was a perfect Little Auschwitz, and secret adjunct to the center to experiment on California’s children and prisoners of color,

“It is accessible but relatively remote. The site is securely fenced, and includes various buildings and improvements making it suitable for prompt occupancy. If this site were made available to the Neuropsychiatric Institute as a research facility, perhaps initially as an adjunct to the new Center for Prevention of Violence, we could put it to very good use. Comparative studies could be carried out there, in an isolated but convenient location, of experimental or model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior.”[41]

Dr. West’s BUCHENWALD also proposed chemical castration, implantation of transponders in sexual organs and the brain for remote control, biological control of women’s menstrual cycles to control crime, and eventual replacement of the U.S. legal system with psychiatric control.

One of the principal school districts that would have secretly feed Black and Brown children into Dr. West’s SS-CIA Mind Control Chamber of Horrors hidden away in the remote Santa Monica Mountains was CIA agent, Freemason Dr. Marcus A. Foster’s Oakland Unified School District.

On July 27, 1973, the California Council on Criminal Justice (CCCJ) voted 19 to 0 to approve the allocation of funds ($750,000) for Dr. West’s Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. The CCCJ was an entity of the government of California that acted as the supervisory board concerning federal grants by President Nixon’s the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA).

According to government documents reviewed by the Late Great Mae Brussell at the time, they revealed that LEAA and Robert Finch of the U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare were behind Dr. West’s Violence Center. Behind the veil, it had been part of the Dr. Arnold Hutshnecker’s SS-Nazi Plan to force Black and Brown into concentration camps.[42]

In September 1973, Dr. Marcus Foster introduced a proposal to place armed police “control personnel” in schools, , and issue mandatory ID photo cards for all OUSD students K-12 from a computer data base maintained by a principal pentagon contractor, Honeywell, Inc., funded through a grant from CCCJ . They were putting in place a computer data processing center to target and track each and every black and brown student in OUSD throughout life for surveillance, control, intervention, suppression and elimination as if they were part of a Nazi Concentration Camp System, and the Racial Jewish Holocaust. However, it goes far deeper.

Honeywell at that time was linked with Lt Colonel James H. Critchfield of the CIA, the Gehlen Org and Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller.  In 1948, Critchfield had been recruited into the CIA by John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. They assigned him to literally “baby sit” the Gehlen Org and Himmler’s SS- Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Dr. Josef Mengele, Heinrich Müller, etc., from 1949 to 1956.[43]

The CIA officially assumed responsibility for the Nazi-SS spy organization in July 1949, with Critchfield taking over as Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen’s supervisor. Critchfield escorted General Gehlen on a taxpayer’s paid vacation tour across the U.S. and to a baseball game. American taxpayers even provided Gehlen with a chalet vacation home, and gave millions upon millions of dollars to Gehlen and the SS- Knights of the Black Sun.

Critchfield moved his base of operations to Pullach, setting up his office in head of the Nazi Party Chancellery Martin Bormann’s former bedroom. Pullach, officially Pullach i. Isartal, is a municipality in the district of Munich in Bavaria, GermanyGehlen had turned Pullach into its own separate world, with over two hundred of his top staff and their wives and children living and working in the compound. Before Critchfield moved in, Hitler’s General Gehlen himself had lived with his wife and four children in Bormann’s two-story house known, ironically, as the “White House.”[44]

Critchfield served as the president of a Honeywell, Inc. subsidiary called Tetra Tech International.[45] Tetra Tech was his own personal company that also masked the clandestine activities and interests of the CIA and Gehlen Org, here and abroad.

Critchfield’s CIA wife, Lois, said that the company was setup to specially aid Qaboos bin Said al Said of Oman. In a 1970 Omani coup d’état, Qaboos overthrew his father.  The coup had been planned by MI6, the Foreign Office, and the British Ministry of Defense.[46]

Honeywell, Inc. was a major contractor developing Vietnam War anti-personnel weapons such as cluster bombs and land mines for the Department of Defense.[47] Honeywell also had a “mind control” contract with the CIA.[48]

Dr. Foster and I argued because word came down from Washington DC that it didn’t want me anywhere in any position whatsoever inside the school district. In fact, they didn’t want me in the city at all. The FBI visited my home and talked to my mother. They encouraged her to talk to me about leaving town on my own while they planned to covertly implement MK ULTRA’s Violence Center, and the U.S. Pentagon’s Phoenix Program (Hamlet Evaluation System) Computer Data Base System inside OUSD.

Technically, I had worked in OUSD under Joseph Blatchford, President Richard Nixon’s head of Peace Corps. Blatchford came to the Nixon administration from Accion, a volunteer organization that accepted money from at least 2 (two) CIA fronts.[49] In 1972, it was disclosed that Blatchford employed CIA agents in Accion- Peace Corps policy decisions since at the very least 1965 with CIA (Germany Station) Cold War Agent Eric H. Biddle, Jr. – Provident Trust Company, Link-Belt; Smith, Kline and French; Bechtel Corp.; and the National Council of Churches.[50], [51]

Eric H. Biddle, Jr.

The CIA’s huge German Station, was headquartered for most of the 1950s in the massive I.G. Farben Building in downtown Frankfurt, Germany.  The CIAGerman Station sponsored West German Federal Intelligence Service (BND). BND was Hitler’s General Reinhard Gehlen, and Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun).[52]

Don’t get it twisted. When Oakland black elders nominated me to become part of Peace Corps/Teacher Corps to watch over the children as a black male teacher and mentor, Blatchford threatened to shut down the entire problem. They were indeed terrified of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense past or present. The elders told Blatchford and Nixon fine- shut it down! However, everything was in place, millions of dollars were set with hundreds involved in the implementation of Peace Corps/Teacher Corps in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. Blatchford backed away from shutting down the program in Oakland. They planned to pit me against my elder, Dr. Foster. In other words, Dr. Foster would be the “straw man” to stand in for their dirty work to end my presence in the OUSD at the conclusion of the program.

During our tense exchange in June 1971, Dr. Foster finally admitted to me that he had no power over my OUSD job commitment as an incoming teacher. The office that America’s top black administer occupied had been stripped of “express and apparent power”; he was a fantasy of power superintendent of schools. He was a Masonic ILLUSIONARY black superintendent of schools. My last words to Dr. FosterACT under your apparent power and we will defend you.

In John Bryan, This Soldier Still At War, (on Joe Remiro) Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, it reported that Dr. Marcus Foster; Huey and BPP attorney, CIA agent Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple lawyer, Charles Garry, were friends that regularly met. Charles Garry was a clandestine CIA handler that covered up the CIA’s illegal war against the Panthers, he also handled Dr. Foster.

In March 1973, Dr. Foster began to complain openly and publicly about deceptions, ILLUSIONS and his high public office. On November 06, 1973, Dr. Marcus A. Foster had his brains and heart blown out by shotgun blasts from professional assassins directly across from the place we had last argued about black power ILLUSIONS.

Gabi- SLA

As I speak, nobody has been identified that gunned down Dr. Marcus Foster. There was one unusual character of noticeable short statue among his assassins that everyone seem to agreed to. There is an assumption that the short figure had been half blind Camilla (Gabi) Hall. However, there is absolutely no proof that she had been one of the assassins.  Gabi  was executed on May 17, 1974 in Los Angeles by LA police, FBI or CIA sharp shooters with a bullet in the head.

I read early reports that immediately after Dr. Foster was assassinated that there was a brief major power failure in the area. Even the telephones went down. Police also stopped decoys in the area that included Wendy Masako Yoshimura. The FBI agent who had chased Donald DeFreeze (Cinque)  on a Cleveland bank case was none other than Tom Padden, the agent who arrested Patricia Hearst and Wendy Yoshimura. Padden worked under San Francisco SAC Charles W. BatesBates was at different times head of the FBI’s offices in Chicago, Cleveland and Omaha, Neb., and served seven years as the legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in the United Kingdom, another Hoover appointment. In the latter position, he was the chief of the FBI liaison office covering England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Bates was also CIA. Wendy was SLA- CIA

Another odd thing about Dr. Foster’s Assassination is that CIA Peace Corps Deputy Superintendent Roger Blackburn who suffered some shotgun pellet injuries that saw the assassins told police and the press that Panthers killed Dr. Foster. I was over 400 miles away from the crime scene in Los Angeles.

The LiL Racist Assassin- Stefano Delle Chiaie

However, the very noticeable short assassin fit the description of 5 (five) foot tall Stefano Delle Chiaie.  Chiaie is a racist neo-fascist Italian activist and strategy of tension global specialist with the Secret Army Organization (SAO or OAS). He is a CIA contract assassin linked to SS Otto Skorzeny , and was a friend of Licio Gelli, grandmaster of P2 masonic lodge. 

Additionally, Bay Area Black Panthers and white so called revolutionary white radicals DON’T WEAR COWBOY HATS!





[2] https://www.nytimes.com/1978/03/17/archives/cia-reportedly-recruited-blacks-for-surveillance-of-panther-party.html

[3] http://www.grandlodgescotland.com/news/250-last-masonic-president-dies

[4] http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/kmlst1.htm

[5] http://www.jamesjpn.net/conspiracy/famous-american-members-of-the-knights-of-malta/

[6] https://www.tpaak.com/cia-historical-structure/

[7] Id.

[8] Albarelli, H.P., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, LLC, Waterville, OR (2009), Pg. 26

[9] Id., Pg. 69

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_CHAOS

[11] https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/book3/pdf/ChurchB3_9_CHAOS.pdf

[12] https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/psychology-of-intelligence-analysis/art12.html

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

[14] https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1986/12/09/in-praise-of-the-sun-man-superhero/a2c0fb4d-2b7e-498e-a5a5-342f52bbf4e5/?utm_term=.311942ba90b5

[15] https://www.afterlife.co/us/obituary-walnut-creek-stuart-phillips-1272465

[16] http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/eastbaytimes/obituary.aspx?n=stuart-s-phillips&pid=146918950

[17] http://www.yorkritenv.com/

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Order

[19] http://www.yorkritenv.com/

[20] https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=63100

[21] http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/an-rpcv-remembers-peace-corps-staff-member-bob-blackburn-somalia/

[22] https://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKPOF-TPH-17B-1.aspx

[23] See AID-Peace Corp builds Schools in Somalia. Sch & Soc. 98: 338-40, Oct. 70. Also, Problems in Africa, Newsweek 75: 42, Je 29 70

[24] OUSD Superintendent’s Bulletin, vol. 52, September 21, 1970, number 1

[25] https://newspaperarchive.com/oakland-tribune-sep-28-1967-p-2/

[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Christians_and_Jews

[27] http://www.sarfraternity.org/speech.shtml

[28] http://uchs.net/Rosenthal/rosenthaltofc.html

[29] http://ahrp.org/1973-richard-helms-and-sid-gottlieb-ordered-all-records-re-mind-control-projects-destroyed/

[30] http://site.pelgranepress.com/index.php/tag/mk-often/

[31] https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/Project_MKCHICKWIT

[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKOFTEN

[33] http://www.brasscheck.com/jonestown/facts.html

[34] https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=78282

[35] http://knights-of-the-golden-circle.blogspot.com/2011/03/

[36] http://www.metnews.com/articles/2008/perspectives091708.htm

[37] https://www.ourcampaigns.com/CandidateDetail.html?CandidateID=29772

[38] Smith, Richard Harris, OSS: The Secret History of America’s Central Intelligence Agency, The Lyons Press, Guilfort, CT (2005), pg. 18

[39] http://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/CA/masons.R-Z.html

[40] http://www.maebrussell.com/Transcriptions/365.html

[41] Id.

[42] http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/mind/research/re110699e.html

[43] https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2001/03/18/cia-declassifies-its-records-on-dealings-with-ex-nazis/2fa93bad-62ee-42f2-833a-b1d04bc63079/?utm_term=.d5d52767f451

[44] https://erenow.com/modern/the-devils-chessboard-allen-dulles-the-cia/12.html

[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_H._Critchfield

[46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970_Omani_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat

[47] https://www.wri-irg.org/en/story/2006/honeywell-project

[48] http://www.abbaswatchman.com/PAGE%206%20VATICAN%20MK%20ULTRA%20PROJECTS.html

[49] https://archive.org/stream/nsia-BlatchfordJoseph/nsia-BlatchfordJoseph/Blatchford%20Joe%2002_djvu.txt

[50] https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-01601R001400110001-7.pdf

[51] http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/philly/obituary.aspx?pid=160644488

[52] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Gehlen#BND_(Federal_Intelligence_Service)

[53] https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/illusion

[54] https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-cognitive-psychology-definition-theories-quiz.html


22 03 2018




Neoslavery is an economic condition, a small knot of men exercising the property rights of their established economic order, organizing and controlling the life style of the slave as if he were in fact property. Succinctly: an economic condition which manifests itself in the total loss or absence of self-determination. Only after this is understood and accepted can we go on to the dialectic that will help us in a remedy. –George Jackson-Soledad Brother-April 17, 1970

Ticket sales over this weekend ending March 17, 2018 earned the blockbuster film $27 million more, according to studio estimates. “The Black Panther has grossed more than $605.4 million domestically and more than $1.1 billion worldwide. It’ll soon pass “The Avengers $623 million to become the top-grossing fantasy superhero film of all time in North America.[1]

Yet, I am startled that the film has glossed more money worldwide than domestically. I am startled because HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain people of color. As a rule of thumbHOLLYWEIRD DOES NOT MAKE MOVIES TO ENTERTAIN BLACK PEOPLEIf you sit thru a HollyWeird movie designed for Black audiences and global masses of color such as “The Black Panther”, you leave the theater clinically mentally ill!

The early core characters featured in “The Black Panther” weren’t developed by black scholars, social scientists, professors, teachers, writers, teachers or our elders. Actually, we know very little about the people that developed the characters in “The Black Panther” that the New World Order and the Satanic ILLUMINATI strongly encourages black people, particularly children, and global masses to attach themselves to.

They were developed by people like Irish/Scottish Don McGregor, and the CIA. McGregor worked myriad jobs as a young adult, including as a security guard, at a bank, at a movie theater, andfor my grandfather’s company, [which] printed, among other things, the patches the astronauts wore on their flights to the moon.” He additionally served as military police with the National Guard. It wouldn’t take very many pieces of silver to sell all his characters in “The Black Panther” to the CIA and Lucifer. [2]

Don McGregor

McGregor has no love for the black community or any commitment to the masses of color. Marvel’s Comic earliest clandestine gay/homosexual characters were introduced in Don McGregor’s Black Panther.[3] As far as he is concerned, every black character developed in “The Black Panther” could be openly or covertly subliminally animals, homosexual and satanic.

The Black Panther, Ape- Man & The Great White Gorilla Cult

M’Baku is really MAN- APE- Warrior of the White Gorilla Cult.

Marvel and Disney think that you may misunderstand them [white supremacyracism] if M’Baku is called the MAN- APE in the movie. So, they will not call him MAN- APE in the film. However, the glorification of the White Gorilla and animalization of Africans remains, and the Great White Gorilla Cult, too.  A GREAT WHITE GORILLA? That dog don’t hunt. It’s called induced “cognitive dissonance”–  mental discomfort (psychological stress). 

The Black Panther& Gay Africa and the DEVIL

Wakanda, Land of Fierce, Strong Lesbian Warriors

McGregor’s Black Panther character’s Venomm and Taku are a clandestine homosexual couple. Taku and Venomm aren’t in the film, but that’s the sadistic and wicked mindset behind the veil of Marvel and Disney’s The Black PantherVenomm identified with snakes because they were shunned like him. It is no slight of pen that the black male couples with the male Luciferian character. The Satanic Temple and many satanist believe that Lucifer and Satan are misunderstood and shunned because of it.

The snake (Satan) in the Garden of Eve says that the forbidden fruit will make them “like gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5).

Eric Killmonger and the Late Prince

McGregor considered making Eric Killmonger an openly Gay character. So, is Killmonger created clandestinely gay? Nevertheless, Killmonger is a fantasy character that Marvel Comics and the CIA still had the option to open his door either way in the movie, subliminally or supraliminally. Stimuli that are perceived above the threshold and thus are detected at the level of consciousness are called supraliminal. In contrast, stimuli that are not perceived at the conscious level and thus are not detected are called subliminal. Supraliminal stimuli are usually stronger in intensity and longer in duration than subliminal stimuli. Nobody but Marvel, Disney and the CIA knows for sure whether the movie was implanted with hidden “gay” stimuli to affect the psyche of the masses.

T’Challa and Killmonger- Gay Black Males Battle to Kill Each Other While Black Lesbians Watch

Nevertheless, Negro homosexual themes were indeed part of the making of the film. Gay rights activists are outraged that Marvel/Disney Studios cut the only open LGBT scene from the film.

The Black Panther movie actually featured an open lesbian scene between Okoye (Danai Gurira), left, and Ayo (Florence Kasumba). Additionally, Killmonger– a monger is a merchant dealer or trader. With respect to professions, the term is applied as a suffix (especially in the UK) to specify someone who deals in a particular kind of good- mass killing other black people or black males. It is a terrible thing to expose black children to this kind of subliminal self-destructive S.H.I.T!

There are two key HollyWeird Negro Satanic Gatekeepers, Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett, featured in this film that should have set off red flags and alarms throughout the world. They are EVIL- spiritual DEMONIC! That is enough by itself to make anybody SICK!

The Black Panther & Wicked Whitaker

For most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it; they just scroll to the bottom and click “I agree.” –Forest Whitaker [4]

Whitaker’s statement, above, has to be one of the most condescending and cutting remarks that an individual could make to mock and insult Christians, Black People, Civil Rights Movement, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The odd thing about his statement is that Christianity is most likely the foundation faith of his parents and forebears in America that fought and died to free him from African Human Bondage.

Even if Whitaker is not a Christian, it isn’t necessary to attack others’ faith in Christianity. Whitaker is uncommonly personally close to John Travolta and ScientologyWhitaker starred as the hairy alien, KER, ruling Earth with Travolta in the late Nazi-Satanist L. Ron Hubbard’s movie version of Battlefield Earth.

Scientologists do believe that an alien named XENU is their god-creator. It appears certain that Forest Whitaker will fall down and honor any entity or lord other than Christ even SATAN.

Forest Whitaker appeared in Jamie Foxx’s Hip Hop False Satanic Rite video- Blame it on the Alcohol.

It was an outright supraliminal implant hit piece encouraging teens and Hip Hop generation to consume alcohol in excess, and change their life styles and “pleasure centers” as endorsed by some of HollyWeird’s most celebrated and powerful directors, producers, actors, comedians and Hip Hop artists.

HollyWeird’s elites Ron Howard, Quincy Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Cedric the Entertainer, and Forest Whitaker, etc., made brazen cameo appearances on Foxx’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]” music video to initiate Foxx’s Hip Hop Satanic Coven from a far more clandestine mother Satanic coven.

Jamie Foxx, above, with ab absolutely bizarre black Demon Medium and coven mascot representing Satanic/Masonic Duality- Black and White.

Here is what I can recall is a revised YouTube music video,Blame it on the Alcohol [Lucifer]”,  before it disappears.

Lurking in the shadows behind Whitaker is an Italian professor named, Aldo Civico of Vatican Radio.[5] Since its inception in 1931, Vatican Radio has been controlled by the Jesuit Order.[6] Aldo is Whitaker’s Vatican puppet-master; co-founder and the Director of Whitaker’s International Institute for Peace at Rutgers University.[7] Civico markets himself as a Columbia University (NY) educated anthropologist specializing in international conflict resolution and facilitation.[8]

In 2008, it was exposed that Civico had a secret hand in influencing, molding and shaping Barak Obama as a presidential candidate. It came to light that he served as an informal adviser to presidential candidate Obama on his Western Hemisphere Foreign Policy team along with New World Order globalist and war criminals Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Henry Kissingerthe secret puppet-masters of America’s First Cyborg President, Barrak Obama.[9],[10],[11] Civico also presented the Jesuits and the Vatican as a so-called informal member on the Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign- Latin America Working Group.[12]

Wicked Whitaker is a Coon- Uncle Tom Handkerchief Head Negro that can’t find the courage to fight himself out of a paper bag. That Negro will suffocate before he would raise a hand against the system to defend or free himself or anybody else that’s not white! It makes him perfect as an ILLUSIONARY black African powerful ruler for The Black Panther film- a wicked and shameful HollyWeird global psychological warfare project.

EVIL Angela & The Black Panther

Angela Bassett is a HollyWeird WITCH! She plays the part of the reincarnation of the Satanic High Priestess of New Orleans, Marie Catherine Laveau (September 10, 1801– June 15, 1881).  In New Orleans, Madame Laveau belonged to the Satanic Coven of Lady Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-LaLaurie in French New Orleans. Her secret coven followed the path of the infamous Satanic Death Cult of Knights Templar, French Nobleman Gilles de Montmorency-Laval aka Baron Giles de Rais, that tortured, drank the blood, and ate the flesh of body parts of hundreds of poor French victims to summon the DEVIL. In Delphine LaLaurie’s case in New Orleans, it was BLACK PEOPLE!

Angela Bassett & Infamous Marie Catherine Laveau

Whether or not, Angela Bassett was born a man would be a deep cover HollyWeird secret.

All HollyWeird ILLUMINATI Negroes, including Bobbi Kristina Brown are bound by a Masonic Blood Covenant and Code of SECRECY.

On June 2014 on twitter, Bobbi Kristina that insinuated that Bassett was a literal TRANNY-TRANSGENDER. By January 31, 2015, Bobbi Kristina was found “unresponsive” face down in a water filled bathtub. Dr. John O’Dea, M.D. told HollywoodLife.com exclusively, If someone was cut off from OXYGEN for 15 to 30 minutes, they would be BRAIN DEAD. All it takes is to be cut off from OXYGEN for 5 to 10 minutes.” Bobbi Kristina was BRAIN DEAD!

The bi-crossed arm symbol is an ancient sacred salute and homage to the Kemetic mysteries, and the Great God Ashur (Osiris). The Kemetic sacred symbol has been bastardized, exploited and commercialized by secret New Age Spirituality Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia.

X-Sign Symbol- Angela Bassett & Giovanni Bellini, Maria Madgalena (1464- 1470)

Under the veil of ignorance, the Satanic medieval Cult of Sophia has been implanted in “The Black Panther” movie to further erode, destroy, and supplant the generational faith of black people. EVIL Angela along with Oprah Winfrey are HollyWeird proponents and mass media change agents of New Age Spirituality and Luciferism.

The X-Sign symbol is also a bi-cross arm symbol of a Satanic Master Mason.

The goddess Sophia was introduced into Anthroposophy by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, in his book The Goddess: From Natura to Divine Sophia and a later compilation of his writings titled Isis Mary Sophia.

Alice Walker & The Great BEAST Aleister Crowley

Sophia also figures prominently in Theosophy, a spiritual movement which Anthroposophy was closely related to Satanist Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy. She described it in her essay “What is Theosophy?” as an esoteric wisdom doctrine, and said that the “Wisdom” referred to was “an emanation of the Divine principle” typified by “… some goddesses — Metis, Neitha, Athena, the Gnostic Sophia[13]

Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God. She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[14] The Knights Templar are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.[15] Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge secret Sophia Cult still exists. Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of All (Gnostic), and the Holy Spirit (Early Christian).[16]

The “Fallen Angel” (thrown from heaven) motif universally applied to Lucifer, actually describe the Aeon Sophia, the Pleromic (abundant) goddess who fell from the heights of heaven (galactic center), according to the Gnostic star myth, the Fallen Goddess Scenario. [17]   

The Black Panther False Cult of Sophia, Nehisi Coates, Lupita Nyongi, Chadwick Boseman

My dear lord, the people don’t understand that The Black Panther movie and a bunch lost Uncle Tom- Coon Negroes have sold them out for a few pieces of silver, and are being used by the ILLUMINATI and New World Order as a vehicle to spread a New Age Luciferian Spirituality and False Religion among the masses.

My dear Lord. I pray and beg that their souls, spirit and minds shall be HEALED. I truly believe that they do not know what they are doing.

The Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Marvel Black Panther & The CIA

It is an absolute falsehood that Marvel’s Black Panther comic book character preceded the formation of “The Black Panther Party”. The Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), also known as the Black Panther Party, was started in 1965 under the leadership and direction of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)– BPP Honorary Prime Minister Stokely Carmichael.[18] 

Huey and Bobby took over the Black Panther Party name from the Black Panther Party of Northern California (Kenny Freeman) prior to October 1966. From what I understand at the time, Freeman and brothers had obtained permission directly from Brother Stokely to form the Black Panther Party of Northern California.  In fact, it had resulted in a conflict between the two groups, led by Kenny and Huey, who would take the name. From what I recall, Huey called them, “Paper Tigers”. Huey and Bobby took over the entitled “The Black Panther Party” and the official Black Panther Symbol before officially forming the BPP in October 1966. Brother Stokely was right in the middle of the mix of the formation of the BPP in Oakland, CA.[19]

However, this is what I know. Early in the formation of the BPP in 1966, I was approached by a seemingly friendly Negro with friendly advice that was undoubtedly a CIA or FBI agent or CIA contractor. He was a young man that was intelligent, well spoken and dressed- very friendly indeed.  I had seen him around campus- Merritt Jr. College in Oakland. He was concerned about me in that was so young, impressionable and so unknowing about the real world. He kindly asked me to reconsider my current position and association with Huey, Bobby and BPP. He said that there was information available that Bobby was weak and wouldn’t be able to lead the BPP if something happened to Huey P. Newton. And, I would be left out there in the world hanging on a string. In other words, I also had to be under surveillance if they knew that I that I had got too close to Huey and Bobby. However, the main point is that they had complete personality assessments of all of us before and after the formation of the BPP. The people in the business of drawing up detailed personality assessments of persons deemed a possible threat to the interests of the system was the CIA. They couldn’t control the BPP or Huey. So, the CIA planned to try to KILL BROTHER HUEY. 



Everett Kenneth Ross is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is primarily an ally of superhero Black Panther. 

Ross was created in 1998 to share the same universe or even clandestinely control the universe of The Black Panther .

Ross is a gatekeeper. He is the police state that will keep Don McGregor’s wild Satanic Homosexual Negroes of Wakanda, Killmonger and the Great White Gorilla Cult under constant surveillance and control.

He is a CIA agent and Deputy Task Force Commander of the Joint Counter-terrorism Center. Of course, he was carefully developed and created by Marvel Comics in secret collaboration, cooperation, and with the aid of the CIA. (Project MOCKINGBIRD)[20] Now, it should be clear to everybody why The Black Panther film has grossed more money abroad than domestic. If black people in Oakland, America and the people of mythical Land of Wakanda like him, people around the world certainly can trust the friendly, loving and compassionate white guys at the CIA, too.

In the Black Panther film, agent Everett Ross is a blond hair CIA operative whose selfless heroics help the Wakandans save their kingdom. He is not unlike blond Tin-Tin of Belgium and his white dog, Snowy, in the Congo. The secret to Wakanda’s superiority is vibranium, an indestructible alien element that is found only in Wakanda but is in great demand by both scientists and evil-doers. The source of vibranium is a meteor that landed in the country long ago, and (Allah Tc) T’challa’s father kept it secret from the world as he developed his nation. [21]

In “The Black Panther” fantasy movie, the CIA worked with Allah Tc to keep the world safe from the misappropriation of vibranium.[22] In the Marvel Comics Universe, the vibranium found in his native homeland of Wakanda is a rare metallic substance of extraterrestrial origin. Vibranium exists in two forms.[23] Vibranium is a word of deception for Uranium.

In the real world, it is an absolutely bizarre, cold blood, lying vicious revisionist insult to Africans and people of color. The African and the African nation that attempted to block the U.S. government and intelligence (CIA) from the secrets of uranium was Patrice Lumumba of the Congo. The M2 lineage carrying, Niger-Congo/Kordofanian speaking populations of Equatorial Africa and their New World extensions are the living bloodline descendants of the ancient people of KEMET.[24]

According to the theories developed, the Earth’s uranium was produced in one or more supernovae (“An explosive brightening of a star in which the energy radiated by it increases by a factor of ten billion … A supernova explosion occurs when a star has burned up all its available nuclear fuel and the core collapses catastrophically.” – Oxford Dictionary of Physics).

In all uranium deposits, two types of ores with different uranium contents may be distinguished. Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom. Atoms are tiny particles that make up every object in the universe. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. It is usually in a form of heavy metal, naturally occurring in most rocks, soil, and even in the ocean. It is found in many places in the world. Energy from uranium is called nuclear energy.[25] Nuclear energy is stored energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. If the nucleus of an atom is split or fused with another atom, this releases or explodes huge amounts of energy. The Sun (Ra-Re) and uranium both possess direct nuclear energy.

Kemet’s ancient metallurgists and chemists knew about the secret extraterrestrial nuclear energy properties of heavy metals like iron. They had a complex system to determine the different properties of lead and uranium in rocks and meteorites, and scientifically separate them. They also knew about the secret nuclear energy properties of the uranium atoms in the Benben Stone. That’s why it is associated with the ocean also containing ageless supernova uranium particles, the creation mound; and the fire and explosion that sparked the birth of God Atum (Atom), and launches the Benu Bird (Phoenix).

Prime Minister Lumumba and UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld 

On June 30, 1960, the Congo was granted independence from Belgium. The Congolese chose Patrice Lumumba as their Premier. Lumumba asked the United Nations, headed then by Dag Hammarskjold, to order the Belgians to withdraw from the Congo.

In 1959, Patrice Lumumba visited businessmen in New York, where he told them unequivocally, “The exploitation of the mineral riches of the Congo should be primarily for the profit of our own people and other Africans.”[26] Lumumba had also been asked whether the Americans would still have access to uranium, as they had when the Belgians ran the country. Lumumba’s response was unequivocal. “Belgium doesn’t produce any uranium,” he pointed out, adding that “it would be to the advantage of both our countries if the Congo and the US worked out their own agreements in the future.”[27]

Investors in copper and uranium in the Congo at that time included the Rockefellers, the Guggenheims and Swedish-American diplomat and politician C. Douglas Dillon. Dillon of the executive committee of National Security Council (NSC) was worried about their investments and footholds in Africa. In a NSC meeting, plans about the removal of Lumumba were discussed and put in motion.[28]

On or about January 17, 1961, the Congolese people’s hero and very remarkable man, Patrice Lumumba, was kidnapped then brutally assassinated.[29] In an open letter to CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner, John Stockwell of the CIA wrote:

Eventually he [Lumumba] was killed, not by our poisons, but beaten to death, apparently by men who had agency cryptonyms and received agency [CIA] salaries.[30]


In a cable to CIA’s finance division from William Harvey certainly indict them as the murderers of Lumumba:

QJ/WIN was sent on this trip for a specific, highly sensitive operational purpose which has been completed.[31]

QJ/WIN was run out of the CIA’s Luxembourg station, and was paid from the CIA’s Paris station. Luxembourg is bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south.[32] Arnold M. Silver was a senior CIA operations officer that worked in Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Turkey and the US. In 1960, he was the Luxembourg CIA Station Agent. Silver graduated at Tufts University and received a master’s degree in German philology from Harvard University in 1942. During WW 2, he participated in the Normandy landings and later became a prisoner-of-war interrogator (IPW), first in the IPW team of the 66th Infantry Division.

In 1947, SS Hauptsturmführer Nikolaus “Klaus Barbie”- Nazi human butcher was recruited as an agent for the 66th Detachment of the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC).[33]In September 1945, Silver joined the IPW team in Oberursel, near Frankfurt-am-Main, at the 7707th European Intelligence Center, also referred to as Camp King. “Oberursel“, as the camp was most frequently called, became the Army’s center for detailed interrogation of former Nazi military personnel, émigré personalities and potential Soviet informants.[34]

SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, One of the Most Dangerous Men on Earth

Many of the Operation PAPERCLIP scientists were recruited there and it was Silver’s task to interrogate persons such as Otto SkorzenyWalter Schellenberg and Richard Kauder (alias Klatt). After Skorzeny was acquitted of war crimes by a military court in Dachau in 1946, he was sent to Oberursel until a decision would be made what to do with him. After several interrogations by Silver, it was decided that he resettled to Spain:

G-2 and USFET (US Forces, European Theater) in Frankfurt concurred in my recommendation that he be resettled there. He became a rather successful entrepreneur in Madrid, but for years afterwards – I think I last heard about him in 1961 – he approached each succeeding US Air Force attaché in Madrid with an offer to build a network of agents in the USSR for the United States. What surprised me (or did it?) was the fact that each succeeding Air Force attaché recommened [sic] to the Pentagon that Skorzeny be taken up on his offer, although there was not the slightest shred of evidence that he had the capability of the know-how to implement his proposal. The Pentagon rejected each of the recommendations from Madrid.”[35]

Nazi Generalarzt Dr. Walter Paul Emil Schreiber

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal that the U.S. developed its post-war enhanced interrogation techniques here at Camp King, under the CIA code name Operation BLUEBIRD. The facility’s chief medical doctor was Operation PAPERCLIP’s Dr. Walter Schreiber, the former Surgeon General of the Third Reich. When Dr. Schreiber was secretly brought to America—to work for the U.S. Air Force in Texas—his position was filled with another PAPERCLIP asset, Dr. Kurt Blome, the former Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich and the man in charge of the Nazi-SS program to weaponize bubonic plague.

Threaten to Kill Everybody on Earth

The activities that went on at Camp King between 1946 and the late 1950s have never been fully accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.[36] Camp King also developed enhanced interrogation/torture techniques with LSD, and advanced clandestine assassination capabilities- Operation ARTICHOKE, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind controlled MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES.[37]

William Harvey, CIA Station Chief in Italy ran Department D that recruited in Europe for the CIA’s “Executive Action Capability(EAC). The CIA’s EAC was run through a clearing house of assassins and agent provocateurs called Aginter Press. It was under the leadership of French Secret Army Organization (OAS) officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with Robert Leroy, a former French SS officer, and Otto Skorzeny, SS Knight of the Black Sun.[38]

Sometime in early 1961, Allen Dulles’s Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Bissell instructed William Harvey, who was then Chief of the CIA foreign intelligence staff (and soon afterwards CIA station chief in Rome), to establish an “Executive Action Capability”, which would include research into a capability to assassinate foreign leaders. The Senate Intelligence Committee stated that an agent, QJ/WIN [probably an OAS (Secret Army Organization) activist], was recruited in Europe and put under Harvey’s supervision to hire killers and to identify individuals with criminal and underworld connections in order to create “an available pool of assassins”. [See Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Foreign Assassinations, Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities (New York: Norton, 1976), pp. 181–2].[39]


A highly likely CIA QJ/WIN agent cleared through SS Otto Skorzeny’s Aginter Press responsible for murdering Patrice Lumumba was a French homosexual, Jose Marie Andre Mankel.  Multiple primary documents confirm this including his CIA contract, contract extension, biography file, and in a Select Committee file listing various cryptonyms. Mankel additionally utilized pseudonyms and the false identities of a New York business person called John J. Berger and Jacques Berger a German salesperson.[40]

Richard Helms along with his close subordinate, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, oversaw the MKULTRA drug and mind-control research operation headed by SS Josef Mengele and the SS during the 1950s.[41]

Everett Kenneth Ross in the Black Panther Movie is most likely a doppelganger of one of three legendary CIA agents that were involved in assassination of Patrice Lumumba- Richard William Harvey, Richard Bissell or Richard HelmsOr, he may be each and every one of them!

Conversation between President John F. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, Director of Peace Corps in regards to the CIA clandestinely infiltrating Peace Corps:

Shriver . . . but I’m getting rather suspicious over here that, uh, despite your instructions that, uh, some of our friends over in the Central Intelligence Agency might think that they’re smarter than anybody else and that they are trying to stick fellows into the Peace Corps.

JFK: Well, would you call Dick Helms?

Shriver: Dick Helms?

JFK: Yeah. He’s the operations officer over there under . . . And just say to him that you’ve talked to me and that I don’t want anybody in there.

Shriver: Okay.

JFK: And if they are there, let’s get them out now before we have it. And if there is any problem about it that Dick Helms ought to call the President about it.[42]




[1] https://www.cnet.com/news/black-panther-rules-for-fifth-straight-week-at-box-office/

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_McGregor

[3] http://www.comicsbeat.com/marvels-earliest-gay-characters-introduced-in-don-mcgregors-black-panther-comics/

[4] https://www.nobeliefs.com/SomethingToThinkAbout.htm

[5] Civico, Aldo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011)

[6] https://www.manresa-sj.org/stamps/2_Vatican.htm

[7] http://www.unesco.org/new/en/bureau-of-strategic-planning/resources/category-2-institutes/bureau-of-strategic-planning/the-international-institute-for-peace/forest-whitaker/

[8] Id.

[9] http://ucmweb.rutgers.edu/experts/index.php?a=display&f=expert&id=1596

[10] http://rense.com/general81/abig.htm

[11] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/henry-kissinger-a-diplomatic-colossus-who-is-still-a-key-influence-in-us-amid-syria-crisis-8815533.html

[12] Civico, Adlo, Qualifications Summary, International Institute for Peace, Rutgers University (2011)

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(wisdom)#New_Age_spirituality

[14] http://www.suppressedhistories.net/articles/sophia.html

[15] http://www.sistersofearthsong.com/SOPHIA/SOPHIA.html

[16] Id.

[17] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mistic/mistic_38.htm

[18] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/02/01/lowndes-county-black-panther-party-alabama/78943998/

[19] http://www.blackpast.org/aah/lowndes-county-freedom-organization

[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everett_K._Ross

[21] https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/why-does-white-cia-agent-play-hero-killmonger-s-villain-ncna855401

[22] http://origins.osu.edu/connecting-history/searching-wakanda-african-roots-black-panther-story

[23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vibranium

[24] http://www.allempires.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=35257

[25] http://www.eschooltoday.com/energy/non-renewable-energy/what-is-uranium.html

[26] https://kennedysandking.com/articles/midnight-in-the-congo-the-assassination-of-lumumba-and-the-mysterious-death-of-dag-hammarskjold

[27] https://theconversation.com/how-a-rich-uranium-mine-thrust-the-congo-into-the-centre-of-the-cold-war-64761

[28] https://kennedysandking.com/articles/midnight-in-the-congo-the-assassination-of-lumumba-and-the-mysterious-death-of-dag-hammarskjold

[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg

[33] https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Klaus_Barbie

[34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_M._Silver

[35] Id.

[36] https://www.thedailybeast.com/what-cold-war-cia-interrogators-learned-from-the-nazis

[37] https://leaksource.wordpress.com/2014/02/22/camp-king-project-artichoke-cia-former-nazi-doctors-lsd-interrogation-behavior-modification-on-soviet-spies-during-cold-war/

[38] http://tueriesdubrabant.winnerbb.com/t2046-aginter-press

[39] Id.

[40]  https://www.tpaak.com/tpaak-blog/2015/8/1/who-was-qj-win

[41] https://boingboing.net/2005/07/21/worlds-worst-excerpt.html

[42] http://domemagazine.com/features/cov1210

[43] https://www.afterlife.co/us/obituary-walnut-creek-stuart-phillips-1272465

[44] http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/eastbaytimes/obituary.aspx?n=stuart-s-phillips&pid=146918950

[45] http://www.yorkritenv.com/

[46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Order

[47] http://www.yorkritenv.com/

[48] https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=63100

[49] http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/an-rpcv-remembers-peace-corps-staff-member-bob-blackburn-somalia/

[50] https://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKPOF-TPH-17B-1.aspx

[51] See AID-Peace Corp builds Schools in Somalia. Sch & Soc. 98: 338-40, Oct. 70. Also, Problems in Africa, Newsweek 75: 42, Je 29 70

[52] OUSD Superintendent’s Bulletin, vol. 52, September 21, 1970, number 1

[53] https://newspaperarchive.com/oakland-tribune-sep-28-1967-p-2/

[54] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Christians_and_Jews

[55] http://www.sarfraternity.org/speech.shtml

[56] http://uchs.net/Rosenthal/rosenthaltofc.html

[57] http://ahrp.org/1973-richard-helms-and-sid-gottlieb-ordered-all-records-re-mind-control-projects-destroyed/

[58] http://site.pelgranepress.com/index.php/tag/mk-often/

[59] https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/Project_MKCHICKWIT

[60] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKOFTEN

[61] http://www.brasscheck.com/jonestown/facts.html

[62] https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/?page_id=78282


13 02 2018



Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Oakland, CA

Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in October 1966 at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland.

Black Panther Caricature- Out of the Heart of the Darkness, The African Jungle

The less than human Black Panther Caricature was developed by non people of color as a fantasy character by Marvel Comics part of its “JUNGLE ACTION” series.  I was just a Manchild when I became involved in the early formation of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP). I was just a classic Hemayet (Kemet- God’s VoiceDonny Hathaway’s throw away Little Ghetto Boy.

Little ghetto boy, playing in the ghetto street
Whatcha’ gonna do when you grow up
And have to face responsiblity?
Will you spend your days and nights in the pool room?
Will you sell caps of madness to the neighborhood?
Little ghetto boy
You already know how proud life can be
’cause you’ve seen so much pain and misery …

One day, I walked on a college campus following a young lady that I was trying to get next to. I was really looking for a hole in the ground to get high and hide my ugly black face when I first met Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland, CA. Before I knew it, I was caught up in a star burst and suddenly found myself trussed out into the middle of a vast unexplored universe.

Chairman Bobby Seale introduced me to the infamous Huey P. Newton iconic photo at the beginning of the Free Huey Campaign as a fundraiser. I was only a neophyte, but there was something spiritual and sacred about that picture. It was symbolic of something much bigger (African-ness) that I don’t believe many of us but Bobby and the wiser older brothers and sisters truly understood.


From the very beginning, they intended to slaughter Huey by satanic ritual sacrifice. The secret Knights of the Black Sun initiated the battle with Huey, Bobby and the BPP as spiritual warfare like something out of ancient mythology- Gods Set and  Horus. The war against the BPP was led by the CIASS Teutonic Knight Baron Otto von Bolschwing (Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem), and FBIMaster Mason J. Edgar Hoover (Thirty-Third Degree Grand Cross, Inspector General, Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction). They organized themselves as a clandestine Black Knight Masonic Panther Squad to kill the BPP.

They decided to kill Huey ceremonially – body, soul and spirit. The Nazi Luger Pistol represents a thing of great volkish mysticism, magic, superstition, and folklore. The pistol’s mystic power is part of a unique signature of Adolf Hitler’s racialist mass executioners, Reichsführer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler and the Cult of the Dark Messiah.

On the morning of October 28, 1967 on 7th Street in West Oakland, the Oakland Police Department (OPD) stopped a car driven by Huey P. Newton. After a physical confrontation, Officer John Frey, 23 years old, was found dead from gunshot wounds. OPD Officer Herbert Heanes was found alive at the scene also suffering gunshot wounds. Huey and their Mystic Nazi Luger Pistol were missing. The German Luger was no FANTASY. It was REAL!

“Three slugs were recovered: one from Officer Frey’s hip, one from Heanes’ left knee, and a third which had been lodged in the right front door of the Volkswagen. In additiontwo 9-mm. LUGER shell casings were found at the scene. One was in the street between the two police cars, the other near the left front bumper of Heanes’ car and approximately where Frey was lying. The 9-mm. bullets had been fired from an automatic (Officers Frey and Heanes carried .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolvers). A live 9-mm. Luger cartridge was found on the floor of the Volkswagen, between the two front seats. Only Officer Heanes’ gun was found; he was holding it when the other officers arrived at the scene. Two rounds had been expended from the gun. Neither a LUGER nor Officer Frey’s revolver was found.” (THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. HUEY P. NEWTON, Defendant and Appellant. Docket No. 7753. Court of Appeals of California, First District, Division Four. May 29, 1970. 8 Cal.App.3d 359 (1970), 87 Cal. Rptr. 394)

The Mystic German Luger Pistol disappeared and remains hidden from the masses in the 21st century. Tellingly, the government did not trace the specially manufactured German Luger cartilages. On October 28, 1967, they intended to snuff out Huey’s life force with a SS-Knight of the Black Sun Mystic WeaponHuey P. Newton’s infamous photo is SACRED because it is symbolic of their failed SETHIAN ARYAN MAGIC.

In 2017, they employed their Knights Templar subservient puppet black Master Mason, Jay Z, to try to symbolically make a mockery and MONKEY of Huey.

In 2018, Marvel and Walt Disney Studios released a global mass population poster for its Black Panther film that allegedly suffered a severe backlash, because several pissed off ILLUMINATI critics compared it to the infamous iconic picture of Huey P. Newton. Their poster features the movie’s star, Chadwick Boseman, posing in costume as the titular Black Panther, the king of a fictional African nation ( an imaginary state,state of fantasy, a state to make believe), seated on his throne and (fake) looking powerful.

Marvel and Walt Disney Studios’ Black Panther is a fictional character- fictitious, fictive, invented, imaginary, made up, make-believe, unreal, fabricated, mythical fictional character. Both Marvel and Disney mass produce fantasies for the masses. The genre uses magic and other supernatural forms to create states of mind of fantasy. Be careful with the movie Black Panther– it treads on the dangerous ground of fantasy and delusions. Children may not be able to make the distinction between the two.

The most remarkable thing is that Marvel and Disney wasn’t even thinking of Brother Huey when they created a poster for a “Strong African King.” But the everlasting powerful iconic “Image of Huey P. Newton” that has become a powerful indelible global impression imprinted in the subconscious minds of the masses has made that character overwhelming human (MAAT) truth, justice, righteousness, harmony and balance; and REAL.

In fact, since Marvel’s creation of the Panther comic character in June or July 1966, it has tried desperately to distance itself from Huey, Bobby and the BPPMarvel’s Panther comic character did not precede the Black Panther Party.

The Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), also known as the Black Panther Party, was started in 1965 under the leadership and direction of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) BPP Honorary Prime Minister Stokely Carmichael. Actually, Huey and Bobby took over the Black Panther Party name from the Black Panther Party of Northern California (Kenny Freeman) prior to October 1966. Intelligentsia Freeman had also been one of my most beloved and persevering early ghetto boy Black Nationalist mentors. Freeman was another absolutely outstanding natural intellectual genius along with the minds of Huey, Bobby, and Stokely.

In extremely suspect timing on February 7, 2018, just days prior to the global release of Marvel and Walt Disney Studios’ Black Panther film, in a sensational article the ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCH bi sexual- pedophilia handler and programmer Coon, Quincy Jones, said that Marlon Brandon had been a bi-sexual whore that had anally sexed Richard Pryor.

Quincy Jones & the Spell of Lucifer

Brando and Pryor’s in-laws have disputed Jones’ claims.     

Big Bobby & Brandon

Brother Bobby and the BPP held the esteemed Oscar winning actor in very high regard as a fair and just man. He was with the BPP when the CIA, FBI, OPD, Panther Squad ambushed members of the BPP slaughtering Little Bobby Hutton. Brandon was one of the few to speak truth to power. He risked his entire career to make sure that a much broader world knew that we were for REAL. He publicly defended us. They would have killed Brandon if they could have got away with it. The lawless Black Knight Masonic Panther Squad went after him with rage, revenge and unqualified zeal like an enemy of war.

Brandon & Little Ghetto Boy Princeray

I respected Brandon and actually treated him as he had treated me like a brother. On the late night popular TV show, Joey Bishop, Brandon made it REAL. He told a global audience that the police department [Black Knight Masonic Panther Squad] was out to “Get the Panthers“. He said that Little Bobby Huttoncame out of the house with his hands up and he was told to run for the car and he was shot dead and killed.” The Panther Squad couldn’t harm Brandon like one of us or a hated white sympathetic follower because he was far too respected, public, high profile, global and beloved by millions of fans.

So Samson B. Mullins as President and on behalf of the Oakland Police Officers Association went after Brandon personally to DESTROY his global reputation and character in a sensationalized case for civil defamation. [Mullins v. Brando (1970) [Civ. No. 35362. Court of Appeals of California, Second Appellate District, Division Five. December 10, 1970.] SAMSON B. MULLINS, as President of the Oakland Police Officers Association, et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. MARLON BRANDO, Defendant and Respondent [13 Cal. App. 3d 410]]

On the night that the Panthers allegedly ambushed the OPD (strategy of tension), I was in charge of the front desk at the Oakland BPP headquarters.  It was just 2 (two) days after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had been assassinated. The orders that I got directly from Chairman Bobby Seale to communicate to ALL PANTHERS– “STAND DOWN” until further orders. No police patrols- NOTHING but continue to prepare for the oncoming “Free Huey” rally at Defremery Park in Oakland.

I was with the brothers that dropped Little Bobby off at his house for dinner. We were under so many direct threats that we’re ordered and cautioned to move in groups. When he was dropped off at home, the orders were the same. When he returned to headquarters an hour or so later, the orders that he understood when he left for dinner from Big Bobby were the same- ALL PANTHERS– “STAND DOWN”! Little Bobby loved Brother Bobby as if he had been his father and would never disobey or defy his orders.

Image result for little bobby hutton

  Little Bobby Hutton

17 year old Little Bobby was an extremely gentle respectful and quiet young brother. I never heard a negative or curse word come out of Little Bobby’s mouth. They shot Little Bobby into so many pieces from what we understood at the time were experimental high powered weapons that the morticians had to sew him back together for the funeral. They did a remarkable job. We were all deeply spiritually affected by his senseless murder, but it didn’t stop us. We continued to move in his beloved spirit and pursuit of his “Sack Full of Dreams“.

In the wake of the ILLUMINATI’s global hype for the premier of the Black Panther HollyWeird black fantasy film to disassociate it from the real Black Liberation Movement, Huey, Bobby and BPP, they threw brother Marlon Brandon under the bus once again to distract the masses from the real world.

I noticed that all the starring cast of Black Panther promoting the movie in corporate mass media are careful to stay away from the subject of making any comparisons and connections between the movie, the BPP and any real global struggles for liberation.  The movie is a bottom line virtual reality supernatural science fiction/fantasy adventure film. It’s like taking that red pill or cap of acid (LSD) for an escape from reality. They are promoting the notions that it is okay for Black Children  around the world to become lost in escapism, paranoid fantasy schizoid-ism and blind naivety- a type of MK ULTRA/MONARCH Double Bind (Insanity without Disease) than stand up and confront real issues that affect their lives. Don’t it twisted. The duality of FANTASY is reality, fact and actuality. That’s the key to striking the delicate balance between HollyWeird’s mass population fantasy escapism films designed to pacify global peoples of color, and REALITY- RACISM & WHITE SUPREMACY.

Hey. That’s Brando that they’re talking about. BE FOR REAL, WE LOVE BRANDON!



In the 21st century, Jay Z’s simian- hominoid JAYBO Caricature is a very serious violation of our human rights.

It is an extremely dangerous throwback to venomous patent Negro-Ape Metaphors of the dangerous  19th and early 20th century homicidal eugenic movement.

Metaphor– late 15th century, from Middle French metaphore (Old French metafore, 13th century), and directly from Latin metaphora, from Greek metaphora “a transfer,” especially of the sense of one word to a different word, literally “a carrying over,”  from metapherein transfer, carry over; change, alter; to use a word in a strange sense,” from meta “over, across” (see meta-) + pherein “to carry, bear,” from PIE root *bher– (1) “to carry,” also “to bear children.”[1]



The American Baseball League Cleveland Indians will finally remove the grinning red faceChief Wahooin a feathered headband logo from their uniforms beginning in the 2019 season. The logo has long been assailed as a racist Native American caricature. They have long complained, protested and sued the Cleveland Indians alleging that the image is offensive and perpetuates racist stereotypes about America’s first peoples.

In 2005, the American Psychological Association (APA) issued a resolution “Recommending the Immediate Retirement of American Indian Mascots, Symbols, Images, and Personalities by Schools, Colleges, Universities, Athletic Teams, and Organizations” due to the harm done by creating a hostile environment, the negative impact on the self-esteem of American Indian children, and discrimination that may violate civil rights. It also impacts non-natives by reinforcing mainstream stereotypes, preventing learning about Native American culture. The APA states that stereotyping is disrespectful of the beliefs, traditions and values of Native Americans. Similar resolutions have been adopted by the American Sociological Association, the American Counseling Association, and the American Anthropological Association.[2]

In 2010, the authors of a paper published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology reported the results of two studies on the effects of American Indian mascots on observers. According to the authors, “both studies show that participants primed with an American Indian sports mascot increased their stereotyping of a different ethnic minority group.” The alternative weekly publication Cleveland Scene sardonically interpreted these results to mean that “looking at Chief Wahoo, the mere existence of Chief Wahoo, can change your opinions of a whole separate ethnicity”, adding that the study “probably confirms that Clevelanders and Indians fans are inclined to stereotype and hate just about every group in the world.” The magazine Pacific Standard also framed the study in terms of the Indians’ logo, headlining their story “Chief Wahoo’s Revenge: One Stereotype Begets Another“.

Richard Lapchick, director of the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sports, has called the logo “the most blatantly offensive of all the symbols I’ve seen of Native Americans” during 40 years working in his field. An article in a 2010 psychology text cited “Chief Wahoo” as an example of a racial micro-aggression.[3]

The Negro Caricatures and the racist Jewish caricatures and cartoon propaganda of Nazi Germany are  all the same thing- vicious racial caricatures that spread hatred, prejudice and misunderstanding among the people across the world

The only difference between the racial caricatures is that fact that the black caricatures directly implant and input simian and hominoid sub humanism visualization of Black People that still goes on today.

2018 Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) Stockholm, Sweden, the Black Child is the Wild Animal Inhabitant of the Jungle, while the White Child is the Jungle Survival Expert- Great White Hunter or Tarzan of the Jungle that will conquer the animals- Monkeys and Tigers   

Black Child- Coolest Monkey in the Jungle- Little Black Sambo

Don’t get it twisted. I am saying that all racial caricatures are wicked and depraved. If you condemn one, condemn each and every one of them as byproducts of reactionary, irrational and lawless global racism, white supremacy, imperialism and aggression.

Jay Z’s  simianized JAYBO Caricature seeking current 2018 U.S. Trademark Protection is a vicious veiled throwback to the era of vicious racial eugenics, and Anglo Saxon superiority, imperialism and aggression that is secretly flaunted in the current presidential policies, especially immigration, of Donald J. Drumpf and the Dark Satanic Circle. 

These absolutely irrational and evil forces have taken over the highest elected offices of the U.S. government (for example, see Vox’s The scary [Madison Grant] ideology behind Trump’s immigration instincts).




In 1904, Ota Benga of the Twa- Batwa people of the Congo was kidnapped from the mother country. He was brought to America and confined in an animal cage. He was dehumanized and publicly humiliated. Benga was placed on exhibit as a so-called “pygmy” at the Monkey-Ape House at the zoological gardens, better known as the Bronx Zoo.[4]   My Dear Lord! The Twa is a sacred people. They trace their origins to Adam, Eve and beginning of time at the Garden of Eden at the foot of the Mountain of the Moon in Africa. Evidence strongly suggests that they were indeed the First Civilized People that populated planet earth.

Twa God Bes and a Young Prince Ramesses the Great (1279-1213 BC)

Twa God Bes as the MASTER OF THE BEASTS on an earring (Susa, Iran, 500-400s BC, now in the Louvre)

The Twa- Batwa people  may be one of the most important and significant continuous ancient cultural groups living in peace, harmony and truth (MAAT) on earth. You can’t come any closer to a global original/first people on planet earth than the TwaDancers of the Gods. They are often credited by various African groups and even by the Chinese/Southeast Asians that hold an annual festival celebrating the “Little Black People” whom they admit to have displaced as the ultimate creators and teachers of science, mathematics, and dance. These Africans were also part of the initial northward migration from Central/East Africa along the Nile River. They were an integral part of ancient Nile Valley Culture and belief systems.[5]


The Twa were well known and respected among the Ancient Greeks, and were involved in the infamous Trojan War of antiquity.[6] So, how do you begin to colonialize to exploit one of the first people of earth, globally? Simianize and Dehumanize– turn them into a tribe of Monkeys.

Very powerful and influential forces in America were secretly behind the international Negro-Ape Metaphor as justification to universally colonize, exploit and suppress the aspirations of people of color across the globe. One was Madison Grant. He was the founder and secretary of the New York Zoological Society who had personally helped negotiate the arrangement to setup Ota Benga in the zoo as a global Negro-Ape Metaphor; and missing link directly to hominoids and simians. In fact, Benga was actually billed as the missing linkon display in the Bronx Zoo cage alongside a monkey.[7]

Madison Grant (November 19, 1865 – May 30, 1937) was an affluent and powerful Yale alumni and New York attorney known primarily for his work as a eugenicist.  He was responsible for one of the most famous works of scientific racism, and played an active role in crafting strong immigration restriction and anti- miscegenation policies and laws in the U.S. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, he served on the boards of many eugenic and philanthropic, including the board of trustees at the American Museum of Natural History. He was a founder and director of the American Eugenics Society (AES), vice president of the Immigration Restriction League, a founding member of the Galton Society, and one of the eight members of the International Committee of Eugenics.[8]

The interaction between the British, American and German Eugenics societies laid the foundation for implementation of the race purification ideology behind Hitler’s Third Reich. In 1912, the First International Congress of Eugenics was held at the University of London. The president of the Congress was Major Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin and one of the first English vice presidents was Sir Winston Churchill, later Prime Minister of England.  Of interest, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of the Species By Means of Natural Selection was subtitled “The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”.

In 1921, the Second International Congress of Eugenics was held in New York City. The sponsoring committee included Herbert Clark Hoover, later President of the U.S., and the Carnegie Institute of Washington (Rockefeller)Madison Grant, a director of the American Eugenics Society, was the treasurer. The event was held at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, where Averell Harriman served on the Board of Directors.[9]

Racist Masonic and Bohemian Grove President Theodore Roosevelt

Grant was a close friend of several U.S. presidents, including Freemason and Bohemia Grove pagans, Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert C. Hoover. If Hoover wasn’t a mason, he certainly had worked closely with freemasonry and the Sovereign Grand Commander Council of the Scottish Rite.

However, President Hoover had indeed been a homosexual member of the Satanic Bohemian GroveGrant advocated restricted immigration to the U.S. through limiting immigration from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, as well as the complete end of immigration from East Asia. He also advocated efforts to purify the American population through selective breeding. He served as the vice president of the Immigration Restriction League from 1922 to his death.

Acting as an expert on world racial data, Grant also provided statistics for the Immigration Act of 1924 to set the quotas on immigrants from certain European countries. Even after passing the statute, Grant continued to be irked that even smatterings of non-Nordics were allowed to immigrate to the country each year. He also assisted in the passing and prosecution of several anti- miscegenation laws, notably the Racial Integrity Act of 1924 in the state of Virginia, where he sought to codify his particular version of the “one-drop rule” into law.[10]

Even the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler followed Madison Grant, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had got his infamous Mein Kempf  Negro-Ape Metaphors straight from Grant.

“The year after Hitler was imprisoned [1925], [German publisher] Lehmanns published the German translation of American eugenicist Madison Grant’s bestselling volume, The Passing of the Great Race , which had a profound effect on Hitler’s thinking.  Hitler was so steeped in American race science, he even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant. Der Führer’s letter called Grant’s eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race, “my bible.

 … In 1924, when Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, he frequently quoted American eugenic ideology and openly displayed a thorough knowledge of American eugenics and its phraseology. “There is today one state,” Hitler wrote, “in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.”

Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed American eugenic legislation. “I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock,” he told a fellow Nazi.”[11]

The racist homicidal/genocidal Margaret Sanger that actually plotted to make the mass murder of Black people another peculiar institution in America  was a member of Grant’s AES until the day she died.[12]

Margaret Sanger even appealed to and encouraged the Masonic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to slaughter mass murder Black U.S. citizens.

To justify the widespread criminal murder (LYNCHING) of black people across the U.S., racists openly quoted Madison Grant’s “The Passing of the Great Race” even on the floor of Congress.



Congo: Heart of Darkness

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) had used Ota Benga’s homeland, the Congo, as a setting for the 20th century Negro-Animal Metaphor. Conrad’s narrator in the book, Marlow, blatantly describes the Africans as having “faces like grotesque masks,” as animal-like creatures who lap water like animals, with ugly and horrid faces, who howl and leap around, with buttocks waggingto and fro like tails.”  Of one “savage” who has been trained to fire up a boiler, Marlow can’t resist remarking, “To look at him was as edifying as seeing a dog in a parody of breeches and a feather hat, walking on his hind legs.”[13]

Tintin Au Congo

Tintin and Snowball

“ … I flicked it open. I was astonished to see page after page of graphic representations of black African people as sub-human monkey people, bowing before a white teenager, worshipping his dog as a god and incapable of proper speech. In fact, the only black monkey caricature in the book who could speak English properly was a chimpanzee.”[14]

Tintin,” that was also centered in the Congo was the brainchild of the late Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi (better known as Hergé). Hergé depicted the Congolese as “good at heart but backwards and lazy, in need of European mastery.”[15]

The comic Tintin in the Congo was first published between 1930 and 1931, a time when the Congo was suffering under Belgian’s sadistic murderous imperial genocidal colonial rule. The Tintin stories graphically depict the Congolese people dehumanized as monkey-like, and portray them as stupid, childish, and lazy.[16]

Tintin is a little blond Anglo Saxon boy that has the brain and brawn to defeat and rule over all the black Congolese.

He is a Belgium reporter followed around by his pure white dog, Snowball. Even the dog has more intelligence than the Congolese people and also rules over them in its own right.

Tintin’s Congo guide, Coco, is an African child drawn so that his head is black as ink like Jaybo’s grandfather Bosko to highlight his white bug-eyes, his typically “pickaninny and Black Sambo” gaping mouth with huge red lips, and his frizzy black hair.

Tintin in the Congo tells a tale of the interactions between the Congolese and the Europeans entering the country. One of Conrad’s stories guides Belgian visitors in the appropriate relationships to be maintained between them and the Congolese people. Tintin leaves Coco to watch his car while he is gone. Coco is practically treated as a slave and even calls Tintin master”. Coco is beaten by another white man who steals Tintin’s car. This excerpt is a prime example of the brutality and “master-slave relationships” that whites were expected to impose on the native people of the Congo, collectively.[17]

Furthermore, Congolese adults are depicted either as stupid clowns or as duplicitous tricksters, draped in leopard skins and gaudy loincloths, and carrying shields and spears.  A monkey that appears briefly in the story is accorded as much intelligence as the Africans.  The analogy is impossible to miss.

Above all, the African characters are ignorant less than human savages easily influenced and dominated by Tintin and Snowball. Taken all together, the illustrations of Africans are inhumane, hostile, offensive, stereotypical, and racist.[18] The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) was a non-departmental public body in the United Kingdom which aimed to address racial discrimination and promote racial equality. The commission was established in 1976, and disbanded in 2007 when its functions were taken over by the newly created Equality and Human Rights Commission.[19]

The CRE received a complaint from a member of the public who saw the book in a branch of Borders chain and urged Borders and all other bookshops to remove the “Congo” book, saying it made black people “look like monkeys and talk like imbeciles”.[20] In 2007, the CRE agreed with the complainant and claimed “Tintin In The Congo” depicted “hideous racial prejudice” and that it should be removed from sale.[21] Bookstore chain Borders said it has removed copies of a book about Belgian comic’s hero Tintin’s adventures in Africa from the children’s section of its U.S. stores, as well as British outlets, amid allegations of racism.

Belgium and the African Holocaust

Allegations of racism surrounding the Tintin book are deeply sensitive in Belgium, where the cartoon reporter and his dog Snowy are a rare national symbol and for a nation whose post-colonial guilt over Belgian’s record of genocidal crimes against humanity in the Congo is acute.

Behind the Tintin and Snowball bull, the horror and atrocities that Belgian committed against the Congolese people is so frightening and horrifying that its inhumanity to man is virtually beyond belief.

The Congo remained a Belgian colony until 1960 and between 1885 and 1908 the country was brutally run as the personal fiefdom of Belgium’s King Leopold II. Between 8 (eight) to 10 (ten) million Congolese are believed to have been savagely mass murdered in this period.

Moulinsart, Avenue Louise 162 BTE 7, Brussels, B-1050, Belgium, Tintin’s publisher argues that the book “must be seen as a document of the time“. “In his portrayal of the Belgian Congo, the young Hergé reflects the colonial attitudes of the time. He depicted the African people according to the bourgeois, paternalistic stereotypes of the period,” said a statement.[22] Tintin’s bourgeois, paternalistic stereotypes of the period were used to justify the massive genocidal crimes Belgium committed against the Congolese people.

On February 10, 2012, a court in Belgium rejected “an application to ban a colonial-era” children’s book, Tintin in the Congo. The court stated, “It is clear that neither the story, nor the fact that [the book] has been put on sale, has a goal to…create an intimidating, hostile, degrading or humiliating environment.”[23]

Well that’s interesting. It’s like asking Nazi Germany and Third Reich to judge itself for crimes against humanity by a jury of SS- Knights of the Black Sun. Try pitching Tintin in the Congo to global masses of color today, right now and watch it create an instant “intimidating, hostile, degrading or humiliating environment” for anybody promoting this BELGIUM racist S.H.I.T among our children.

Recently, I discovered that over 70% of my DNA is linked to the Bantu of the Congo. My ancestral homeland is the primarily Congo. So, I am personally deeply affected and offended by a colonial, mass murdering and enslaving nation such as the Belgium finding any justification for mass Simianizing the Congolese people to dehumanize, enslave, exploit, and commit mass genocide against them. I say this.  Tintin in the Congo had better stay in the BELGIUM. As far as Belgium’s Crimes against Humanity in the Congo, it is not over.



The Negro Coon Caricature and Metaphor has to be one of the most dehumanizing, degrading and humiliating of all black caricatures. Coon is an abbreviation of an animalraccoon. The universal direct visualization of adult blacks as less than human naturally implants notions that blacks are less humanly evolved and civilized than whites.  Around the turn of the 19th century, the animals that became most popularly visually associated with blacks as a race were not raccoons, but apes (hominoid) and monkeys (simian).

The exaggerated black skinned, enormous big lip and big eyed simian and hominoid caricatures are deliberate illusionary visual implants that directly link blacks with monkeys and apes as yet another way that the antebellum South justified African Human Bondage; and destruction of their humanity and sense of self-worthiness of those enslaved. Blacks were fundamentally considered by white supremacists to be more universally simian and hominoid than human, and therefore had no self-evident rights of mankind, including freedom that they were bound to respect.



Pickaninny is, in North American usage, a racial slur which refers to a depiction of dark-skinned children of African descent also with simian and hominoid exaggerated black skin, enormous big red lips and big bug eyes. It is a racist and derogatory caricature, whose meaning and usage also grew to fruition in the antebellum South, where the institution of African Slave Trade and Human Bondage existed against the law of nature.

Don’t overlook the wicked demonic dehumanization of Black Children to justify overlooking their sexual abuse and exploitation as less than human.

If you think dehumanizing Black Children to justify their sexual abuse during the turn of 20th century is outrageous nonsense, think again. Black Children even as infants were considered real threats and exterminated in self defense of the white race.

According to the scholar Robin Bernstein, who describes the meaning in the context of the U.S, the Pickaninny is characterized by three qualities: “the figure is always juvenile, always of color, and always resistant if not immune to [human] pain“. These three qualifiers demonstrate the dehumanizing nature of the Pickaninny caricature and are reflective of the predominantly colonial society in which its use was promoted and popularized.

The use of the term was popularized in reference to the Caricature of Topsy in the 1852 book Uncle Tom’s Cabin.[24]

The Ugly and Gruesome Pickaninny Topsy Caricature– threat her as such.

The Less than Human Black Pickaninny Topsy Caricature too stupid to the master human language- Exterminate Her.



The name became especially associated with the children’s book “The Story of Little Black Sambo” by Scottish– British colonialist Helen Bannerman, published in 1899.

It is the racist story of a black boy named “Sambo” with a big “Black Mammy” who outwits a group of hungry tigers. Bannerman also wrote Little Black MingoLittle Black Quasha, and Little Black Squibba. In this book, Sambo is supposed to be the name of a boy of Southern India, but it’s a classic racial caricature of the African child. Don’t get it twisted. I am saying that Africans aren’t indigenous to India.

Originator God Ashur (Osiris) of the Land of Kemet

The Brahma Samhita is a Sanskrit Pancaratra text composed of verses of prayer spoken by Brahma glorifying the supreme Lord Krishna or Govinda at the beginning of creation. The lyrics, chapter 5 verse 38 reads: “I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who plays on His transcendental flute. His eyes are like lotus flowers, He is decorated with peacock plumes, and His bodily color resembles the color of a fresh black cloud, although His bodily features are more beautiful than millions of Cupids.[25]

Dr. Runoko Rashidi:


Exceptionally valuable writings reflecting close relationships between Africa and early India have existed for more than two thousand years. In the first century B.C.E., for example, the famous Greek historian Diodorus Siculus penned that, “From Ethiopia he (Osiris) passed through Arabia, bordering upon the Red Sea as far as India…. He built many cities in India, one of which he called Nysa, willing to have remembrance of that (Nysa) in Egypt, where he was brought up.”

Another important writer from antiquity, Apollonius of Tyana, who is said to have visited India near the end of the first century C.E., was convinced that “The Ethiopians are colonists sent from India, who follow their forefathers in matters of wisdom.” The literary work of the early Christian writer Eusebius preserves the tradition that, “In the reign of Amenophis III [the mighty Dynasty XVIII Egyptian king] a body of Ethiopians migrated from the country about the Indus, and settled in the valley of the Nile.” And still another document from ancient times, the Itinerarium Alexandri, says that “India, taken as a whole, beginning from the north and embracing what of it is subject to Persia, is a continuation of Egypt and the Ethiopians.”


In Greater India, more than a thousand years before the foundations of Greece and Rome, proud and industrious Black men and women known as Dravidians erected a powerful civilization. We are referring here to the Indus Valley civilization- -India’s earliest high-culture, with major cities spread out along the course of the Indus River. The Indus Valley Civilization was at its height from about 2200 B.C.E. to 1700 B.C.E. This phase of its history is called the Harappan, the name being derived from Harappa, one of the earliest known Indus Valley cities.

In 1922, about 350 miles northeast of Harappa, another large Indus city, Mohenjo-daro (the Mound of the Dead) was identified. Mohenjo-daro and Harappa were apparently the chief administrative centers of the Indus Valley complex, and since their identification, several additional cities, including Chanhu-daro, Kalibangan, Quetta and Lothal have been excavated.[26]

Mohenjo-daro Queen or Priestess (2500 BC)

The above statute recovered from the Indus Valley is popularly known as the Dancing Girl of Mohenjo-daro. During the early 20th century, they labeled her a dancing slave girl because of  her Black African- ness. However, they soon had to back away from that. Her arm from the shoulder down contain most likely gold bangles that is a sign of great wealth and prestige. Ancients don’t make statutes and build altars to slaves, but goddesses and revered historical spiritual figures like great priestesses and queens. One thing is clear, nobody appears to be in a hurry to uncover her true role in Mohenjo-daro.  

As we say about sassy young beautiful sisters. Even 5,000 years ago, you can’t tell her NOTHING about NOTHING!  There are also Sumerian texts that refer to trading done with the “People of the Black Land” or the “Meluhhaites”, which many historians believe refers to the Indus Valley Civilization — these date back as far as 2000 BCE.[27]

The ancient Egyptians (Egypt- Greek) referred to their land as “Kemet” which means “Land of the Blacks”. Western historians and non-blacks argue that the word “Kemet” refers to the color of the soil of the land rather than its people. But, the word “Kemet” is actually an ethnic term being a derivative of the word “Khem” (Cham or Ham) which means “burnt” or “black.”[28]

The Great AhmoseNefertari (1562- 1495 BC), the First Queen of the 18th Dynasty, and many others of the ancient “Land of the Blacks” answered that question.[29]

Queen Ahmose-Nefertari and Pharaoh Ahmose (Amosis I, “Amenes” and “Aahmes” meaning Born of God Ashur (Osiris)), these are the founders of the New Kingdom 18th Dynasty Golden Age who liberated the “Land of the Blacks” from the barbaric Hyksos foreign desert horde invaders in 1550 BC. The Great Queen in her age-less infinite divine wisdom left us overwhelming substantial visual evidence from that time that does not substantiate any notions of false African Negro-Ape Metaphors.

The Sambo Caricature is usually a little black skinned boy or black skinned childlike Negro adult male with the same exaggerated lips and big bug eyes that represent the less than human simianized African character.

The adult Sambo too is grotesque, lazy, good for nothing, silly and stupid. It is afraid of the dark and large animals. He is happily content with his condition of utter abject poverty living off the genius, paternalism of his master and white society.  The Black Sambo lacks the ability to sort out his affairs, live on his own, or care for a wife and family. The slow-witted and humorous Black Sambo character is associated with trickery, thievery, pancake- watermelon eating and stealing chickens.[30] In the meanwhile, the Mohenjo-daro queen, Ahmose-Nefertari, and Pharaoh Ahmose goes into the basement vault. You will not see or discuss any of them during Black History Month. Why? 

In the mid-nineteenth century, a group of American scientists known collectively as the “American Schoolof ethnology challenged the validity of the biblical story of creation. They proposed that, contrary to the teaching of Genesis, there had been a number of separate divine acts of creation, leading to the appearance of more than one human species within the genus homo. They ranked the species, also known as varieties or races, in terms of relative superiority, with the Caucasian in the highest position of all.

In a book published in 1830, Thoughts on the Original Unity of the Human Race, Dr. Charles Caldwell, a Kentucky plantation enslaver of Africans, theorized that humanity did not originate from one single place but from multiple acts of creation in different places across the planet. Caldwell’s book is the earliest nineteenth century American work to propose the concept of the plural origin of species of humanity, known later as POLYGENISM. Caldwell’sNew Focus” theorized that the human species had always been immutable and would not change in the future.

Caldwell’s foundation on the innate superiority of the Caucasian race depended on a hypothesis that all great civilizations since ancient times were Caucasian. Caldwell argued that no point in time can be indicated when the Caucasians were real savages.

According to the American School, the originators of the Egyptians and the Indus Valley were white because all advanced civilizations were white. The presence of Black Africans in any advanced civilizations other than slaves, domestics and entertainers of whites would naturally undermine the American School claims of white supremacy, bar none.

Crania Americana (phrenology- study of skulls) became the standard tool of reference for ethnologists and natural historians with an interest in humanity’s origins. From the study of ancient crania “skull” and ancient frescos evidence in Egypt, the American School concluded that slavery had been widespread in Egypt, and the presence of blacks in Egypt only showed Caucasian rulers with Negro slaves. Ancient Egypt was proof positive that slavery was a natural state for an inferior race like Negroes in advanced ancient white civilizations.

Dr. Caldwell proposed that man should not tyrannize the lower creatures since even they have their rights. Just as man has a duty to protect womankind, he should also protect the lower races, since not all of them have the same rights and entitlements as the higher races. The Caucasians should not enslave the Africans simply because they are able to do so. However, the inferior races such as Negroes had their natural place in advanced societies as demonstrated by history to primarily serve the higher Caucasoid master races. (see Robert A. Smith, Pittsburgh State University, Types of mankind: polygenism and scientific racism in the nineteen century U.S. scientific community)



Implanted deeply inside HollyWeird’s “Get Out” is a Black Sambo Caricature that nobody seems able to explain.

Above, Jordan Peele actually flaunts the Black Sambo Caricature as a subliminal internal part of the true theme of the movie that even he may not clearly understand.

Ask him about the Black Sambo Mask. He might tell somebody about what the Black Sambo Caricature means. In the meanwhile, a mask in this sense usually explains duality. In this case from the artist’s facial expression of Chris, it is a painful Sambo innate duality that he cannot escape. It is “immutable“(unchanging over time or unable to be changed). Discussed further below.

In the meanwhile, Peele told you in a roundabout way about the meaning of the Sunken Place that you cannot escape from no matter how hard you screen.

Pay extreme close attention to the chair with hand or arm chairs in Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” poster background.

Dr. Charles Caldwell (1772- 1853) had been a student of alchemist Freemason Dr. Benjamin Rush (1745- 1813).

While black folks were asleep at the movies watching Quentin Tarantino’s American slavery era Django Unchained, the DEVILHollyWeird, Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaprio played a wicked trick on their minds.

They slipped and implanted the racist Dr. Charles Caldwell and the American School of Ethnology into their subconsciousness.

HollyWeird Trick- Make the Negro Look Like a Monkey!

Why don’t they kill us?” asks African enslaver Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), he wants to know why the African slaves he brutalizes do not rise up and take revenge. He has the “skull” of a recently murdered black African on the dinner table. “The Science of Phrenology,” Candie announces, “is crucial to understanding the separation of our two species.” He hacks away at the back of the skull with a saw, removing a section of the cranium and pointing to an allegedly enlarged area. In Africans, Candie claims, this bump is found in the region of the brain associated with “submissiveness“.

During the Revolutionary War era, Dr. Benjamin Rush was a clandestine member of the Sons of Liberty. They were Freemasons of St. Andrews Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Scotland at the Green Dragon Inn in Boston. Dr. Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, believed that mad people could be calmed by blood-letting from 20 to 40 ounces of blood at one time. Dr. Rush then developed a “tranquilizer chair” in 1811. This invention efficiently kept a person securely immobile and had a wooden box in which their head would be put into in order to keep the person subdued. Dr. Rush was the first to describe a pathological incurable medical condition called “NEGROTUDE”.

Dr. Rush’s Immutable Negrotude & Chris

Negrotude was a mild form of leprosy which symptoms included such as blackening of the skin; big lips, flat nose, wooly hair. The only evidence of a cure from Negrotude was when the “skin turned white”. Dr. Rush used “disease” as a justification for African slavery and racial segregation. Negrotude was an immutable genetic disease that allowed blacks only to be medically cleared for domestic work who had to be sexually segregated.

Recently, British Music Entertainer (Nigerian descent) Seal (Henry Olusegun Adeola Samuel) and American “Clueless” Artist Stacey Dash got into it. Seal told Stacey,  “You live in the Sunken Place”- a reference to Peele’s Get Out“. Stacey is a conservative with an Anti-Black-everything philosophy. Even white people call Stacey a “white supremacist.”

Stacey Dash is generally known to be one of Dr. Benjamin Rush’s  perfect examples of a “Negro Turned White” that Seal associated with Get Out’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma-based tranquilizer chair and torture chamber, the “Sunken Place”.

Days after the Oprah Winfrey’s super “NegroGolden Globes speech highlighting the campaign against sexual misconduct, Seal claimed the global celebrity is a hypocrite and “part of the problem for decades“.

Saturn Sex Cult Kabbalist Harvey Weinstein & Oprah Winfrey

In other words, Oprah sucks up all HollyWeird’s satanic Masonic/Kabbalah ritual sex  ritual crimes like that “Magic Negro” in the Green Mile.

Well, Seal immediately retracted any notion that he called Oprah a “hypocrite“, but went after a less powerful black female target like Stacey Dash for supporting the backlash against him for attacking Oprah.

Well, I don’t think Seal will open his mouth again about Oprah, or the American “Sunken Place.” In her defense to living in the”Sunken Place“, Stacey Dash has not, and will not go there, either.


“Get Out” got HollyWeird’s film industry nods with 4 (four) 2018 Oscar nominations.  It received nominations for best picture for producers Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Edward H. Hamm, Jr., and Jordan Peele; best actor for Daniel Kaluuya; and best director and original screenplay for Peele. If any of them win, they should share their award with the CIA Occult Bureau that helped ghost write the movie script.[31]

Is “Get Out” really a BLACK SAMBO comedy movie and something to laugh at, not for you and me, but somebody else?

In the beginning of the film “Get Out”, Rose hit a deer driving Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) upstate to her parents’ estate. Rose’s father, Neurosurgeon Dr. Dean Armitage praises her for hitting the deer and goes on to rant about how deer are “rats” and are “destroying the ecosystem“.[32] Dean is the son of Roman and Marianne Armitage, the husband of Missy (MK ULTRA hypnotist), and the father of Rose and Jeremy. He describes himself as a [world] traveler- code words for CIA.

Roman has been to Bali. Bali is a code word for OSS/CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH anthropologists Brit Dr. Gregory Bateson and Margaret Meade. Ecosystem is the particular and specific coded human ecology language of Dr. Bateson.[33],[34] After losing the 1936 Olympics in Berlin to African American track athlete Jesse Owens, a jealous Roman Armitage perfected the transplantation of older white peoples’ brains into the bodies of young, healthy African Americans. He also founded the Order of the Coagula, a cult vying to achieve pseudo-immortality though this process. Roman raised Dean to become a neurosurgeon and continue the procedure for future generations. As such, an ailing Roman and Marianne were transplanted into the bodies of two African Americans, Walter and Georgina. They act as the family’s servants to avoid suspicion. Since then, the Armitages continued kidnapping and luring African Americans to be hypnotically prepped for Dean’s surgery. Dean himself was also raising his son, Jeremy, to be a neurosurgeon and the next leader of the cult.[35]

The Order of the Coagula is a reference to the alchemy secrets of Baphomet and the Knights Templar. The CIA- Old Boys network is an extension of the German Brotherhood of Death, and the Black Sun Teutonic Knights Templar- Reinhart Gehlen, SS Baron Otto Bolschwing, Josef Goebbels, SS Josef Mengele and SS-1 Heinrich Himmler.[36]



The totemic symbol of the deer is present throughout Get Out, beginning with Rose hitting one that was crossing the road in one of the first scenes in the film. Deer are also known as “bucks,” a term used to sometimes represent Black men.

The Big Black Buck is another deep stereotypical racist black caricature. According to popular stereotypes during the post-Reconstruction era, “Black Buck” was a black man (usually muscular or tall) who defies white will and is largely destructive to American society. He is usually hot-tempered, excessively violent, unintelligent, and sexually attracted to white women. Most often, any attempt to restrain, reprimand, or re-educate the individual will fail, necessitating the individual’s immediate liquidation. David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, was quoted in The Sun newspaper of Wichita, Kansas (23 April 1975) as saying, “White people don’t need a law against rape, but if you fill this room up with your normal black bucks, you would, because niggers are basically primitive animals.” [37]

Chris, Sunken Place & the Spirit of the White Stag

Dr. Armitage’s rant about deer as “ratsdestroying the ecosystem” is about the racial black bucks like Chris that the cult intends to covertly cull just like deer.

However, “Get Out” isn’t really exclusively about Chris and covert satanic plot against black people, particularly black males. There is a much bigger global picture, conspiracy and much deeper psychological warfare campaign against the masses.

In 1984, I got a call from a sister that I had always considered to be within a close circle of friends. She talked about the buzz coming out of black nationalist community about the recently released film, “The Brother From Outer Space [in Slave Rags].”

The first thing I did the following day was go see the movie. I had to walk away from it within 5 (five) minutes of its opening. It was about a runaway nappy head “black slave” from another planet who crashed landed in Harlem.  I had subsequently concluded that she had been a clandestine CIA or NSC/NSA agent all the days that I had known her.

The Brother From Outer Space” was a CIA mass psychological warfare project designed to create, influence, or alter certain perceptions within the subliminal subconscious of the masses. I am not sure what was supposed to happen to my psyche and subconscious if I watched the entire film. But, don’t get it twisted. I don’t think that I am smarter than these people.  I don’t play with or underestimate them. And, I do not even attempt to try to match wits with these people. I am very much afraid of them.  I immediately called her back that evening to tell her it was a very impressive film that I had enjoyed. I needed information out of her. However, she soon concluded that I wasn’t going along with the program, and had been fishing her for small bits of any information as pieces to the puzzle. I haven’t heard from her, again. I am really happy and glad, because she would have me assassinated, poisoned me with radium or LSD as they attempted to do during the late 1960s on the first opportunity she got.

The day will come when the masses will stop playing games with HollyWeird, and people like Jordan Peele. Our minds and psyche of our children are far too precious and fragile to be played with- particularly by the masters of mass population mind control, the CIA Occult Bureau.

19th Century Illuminati Rothschild  Family Red Stag Antlers

“Get Out” is really about clandestine human ecosystems, eugenics and maintaining a pseudo-scientific white supremacy satanic hierarchical order; and blatantly flaunting it in our faces thru the Knights Templar CIAHollyWeird and the satanic corporate mass media music- entertainment industry. “Get Out” the movie also openly flaunt the ancient secret Cult and Society of the White Stag.  

The Great Stag has been worshiped as a humankind totemic animal since the Paleolithic period. Neolithic Cave art depicted that the stag was used for hunting and shamanistic spiritual practice by men or women dressed in deer hide and wearing antlers. In Welsh mythology, the Stag is one of the five oldest creatures in the world along with the blackbird, the owl, the eagle and the salmon.

The antlers of the stag are compared to tree-branches and thus may represent fertility. Since they are shed and re-grown every year, they may also symbolize rejuvenation and rebirth. Cernunnos, the Celtic Horned God, was depicted with the antlers of a Stag; he is said to be a god of fertility and plenty, and to be the Lord of the Beasts. Cernunnos, Herne and Ingvi-Freyr have all been linked with the Green Man, Lord of the Beasts and the Wild Hunt imagery. According to some, the Stag’s antlers symbolize a radiation of heavenly light. In Ugric legends, the Stag, son of the Heavenly Doe, steals the Sun between his antlers.

The symbol and reverence of the Stag amongst the Anglo-Saxons is a tradition that is very likely to be rooted in the most ancient of Germanic culture and religion. The reverence of Stags was already a strong custom even in the days of Saint Augustine (354- 430 AD), for he is quoted as condemning the “filthy practice of dressing up like a horse or stag”, a tradition that seems to resemble closely the English custom of hoodening.

ILLUMINATI Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild in Diamond Encrusted Stag Horned Mask 

The Stag stands for solitary nobility, honor and a strong commitment to the protection of their herd. The Stag is a symbol of protection and sexuality. They are extremely devoted to the care, and creation, of children. Stags focus on the balance of law and are rigid in their thinking on the issues of justice.

Like so many of the other animal symbols connected to the Anglo-Saxons, we only have to look at the Sutton Hoo Ship 6th – 7th century burial site for evidence. Sutton Hoo is the name of an area spread along the bank of the River Deben opposite the harbor of the small Suffolk town of Woodbridge, England about 7 miles (11 km) from the North Sea. Within the burial was found a spectacular sceptre that was topped off with a beautiful stag figure. The sceptre to the King who carried it symbolized his power and high status. And it could be that amongst the heathens the stag was regarded as the most noble and proud of animals, and would therefore be a most appropriate symbol of a King and his leadership. Extremely strong evidence pointing to the use of stag images, but not only their images, but the worship of stags too, is found in a quote from Saint Aldhelm (639-709 AD) who wrote to a friend the following:

…where once the crude pillars (ermula) of the same foul snake and the stag were worshiped with coarse stupidity in profane shrines.

A Study of the Celtic Meaning of the Deer; the Stag held a special meaning for the Celts. They believed they were part of the fairy world and had magical powers. Celts thought deer lived deep in the forest so that they could have Secret Knowledge.[38] In Celtic tradition, the role of the white stag is often to lead the hunters to new beginnings, new places, and new insights, new knowledge, and new spiritual awakening.[39]

Cernunnos is the depiction of the “horned god” of Celtic polytheism. Cernunnos was a Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. It is depicted with the antlers of a Stag, often seated cross-legged like the Baphomet holding or wearing torcs (neck rings) known from over 50 examples in the Gallo-Roman period, mostly in north-eastern Gaul.[40] Ancient Gaul was France, Belgium, Luxemburg and parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany on the west bank of the Rhine, and the Po Valley, in present Italy.[41] Cernunnos is the Greek Horned God, Pan.

Like God Pan, Cernunnos is associated with the DEVIL and ANTICHRIST.[42]God Pan is also known as the Goat of Mendes and can be found today in the form of the horned goat God, made famous by the Knights Templars as the Baphomet. Master Freemason and Satanist, Albert Pike had written in Morals and Dogma;

The Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.”[43]

Madison Grant & the Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun

This brings us back to Ota Benga, the Twa- Batwa people of the Congo and Madison Grant. Here, we shall begin with SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Prof. Dr. med. Karl Brandt. At the Nuremberg Tribunal, SS Brandt was tried, convicted and executed as a Nazi war criminal for conspiracy to commit war crimes. He had been a Teutonic Knight of the Black Sun, and Adolf Hitler’s personal physician and the most important and powerful medical authority in the Third Reich.

In his defense, SS Brandt entered into evidence sitting forth U.S. government authority and policies that officially supports the elimination of inferior peoples- Madison Grant’sThe Passing of the Great Race: Or, The Racial Basis of European History” (1916).[44]

Grant was an elite patriciate (noble order and class) of wealthy Dutch colonialists that founded the island of Manhattan, NY in the early 17th century. During his formative years, he traveled the world. He once sat on the crumbling walls of Ancient Troy and chanted Homer’s Iliad. He must have ignored chanting anything about the War between the Twa and Cranes.

Greek geographers and writers attempted to place the Twa (Pygmies) in a geographical context. Sometimes they were located in far India, at other times near the Ethiopians of Africa. According to Homer’s Iliad, they were involved in a constant war with the cranes, which migrated in winter to their homeland on the southern shores of the earth-encircling river Oceanus.  One story describes the origin of the age-old battle, speaking of a Twa Queen named Gerana who offended the goddess Hera with her boasts of superior beauty, and was transformed into a crane.[45]

Madison Grant

At 16 years old (1881), Grant was sent to Dresden, Germany, where he was educated by private German tutors. He visited all the zoos and most of the history museums of the continent and through-out North Africa and the Middle East.

Teutonic Knights Moritizburg Castle

His most significant European  initiation into a secret knight Templar order and ancient elite White/Red Stag Cult took place at the Moritzburg Castle built between 1542 and 1546, the Baroque hunting lodge for the ILLUMINATIRich and Famous” and the super-secret elite just outside Dresden.

Moritzburg Castle Secret Antler Ritual

The castle is described as a Teutonic Knight (Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem) Architecture Castle.[46]

Moritzburg Castle’s Dining Room

Its’ collection of red deer antlers is one of the most important of its kind. The castle’s largest collection of antlers is shown in the Speisesaal (“dining room”).

Most of its 71 trophies are between 270 and 400 years old; they were purchased or acquired as presents.

Frederick III’s 66 Point Red Antlers

Among them is the heaviest red deer antler in the world, weighing 19.8 kilograms (44 lb) and spanning almost 2 metres (6.6 ft). In the Monströsensaal (“monstrosity room”), there are 39 contorted antlers. One specimen, a 66-point red deer antler is from an animal killed by Elector Frederick III of Brandenburg (House of Hohenzollern) in 1696.[47] The Duchy of Prussia was inherited in 1618 by the House of Hohenzollern who ruled Brandenburg. Several members of the House were Grand Masters of the Teutonic Order.[48]

The deer’s antlers are one of the characteristics that have made it the figure of a spiritual superiority, according to some. Like a crown, the antlers grow beyond its body, bringing it closer to the sky and making it sacred. In many cultures, the deer is a symbol of spiritual authority. During a deer’s life the antlers fall off and grow again and the animal is also a symbol of regeneration.[49]

Grant was also a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion listed as one of the ILLUMINATI/Occult branches and sub branches that secretly control our governments, businesses and churches from the local, state, federal and worldwide levels.[50] He also was a member of elite secret orders of the St. Nicholas Society of Manhattan, Society of Colonial Wars, and the Boone and Crockett Club largely comprised of eugenicists and eugenics sympathizers.[51] Madison Grant was part of America’s secret ruling elite power control satanic cabal that had/have the secret authority to identify a problem, devise a solution, get congress to legislate his solution, and the president to sign it even if it involves MASS RACIAL GENOCIDE.

The Knights Templar Masonic/Satanic secret Cult of the White Stag and CIA Occult Bureau is behind “Get Out.”

We all need to be afraid of that. I HAVE SAID ENOUGH!


[1] https://www.etymonline.com/word/metaphor

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Indians_name_and_logo_controversy

[3] Id.

[4] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/03/the-man-who-was-caged-in-a-zoo

[5] http://www.allempires.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=35257

[6] file:///C:/Users/PrinceRay/Downloads/56960-114154-2-PB.pdf

[7] https://www.rt.com/news/336335-ota-benga-caged-pygmy/

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Grant [8]

[9] http://watch.pairsite.com/reich.html

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madison_Grant

[11] https://meetmythamerica.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/hitlers-bible/

[12] https://www.angelafranks.com/margaret-sanger-and-planned-parenthood/2016/11/14/american-eugenics-society-and-sanger

[13] https://www.counterpunch.org/2012/02/15/tintin-and-racism/

[14] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/nov/04/tintin-in-the-congo

[15] http://writing.rochester.edu/celebrating/2015/FinalPaper_Lucas_Leopold’sCongo.pdf

[16] http://africasacountry.com/2012/04/the-adventures-of-tintin-in-the-land-of-the-law/

[17] https://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/shmuelmodernimperialism/?page_id=47

[18] https://www.counterpunch.org/2012/02/15/tintin-and-racism/

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commission_for_Racial_Equality

[20] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-books-tintin/tintins-troubles-in-the-congo-spread-to-u-s-idUSN1725600020070717

[21] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1557233/Ban-racist-Tintin-book-says-CRE.html

[22] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1559792/Tintin-book-accused-of-colonial-racism.html

[23] https://www.counterpunch.org/2012/02/15/tintin-and-racism/

[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickaninny

[25] https://selfuni.wordpress.com/category/african-aryan/

[26] https://tseday.wordpress.com/2008/08/24/the-african-presence-in-india-by-runoko-rashidi/

[27] http://www.ichrindia.org/golden-age-indus-valley-civilization/

[28] http://www.topix.com/forum/afam/T2OTBS4EEA84MJ67P/p2

[29] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmose-Nefertari

[30] https://wsimag.com/economy-and-politics/31924-the-brute

[31] http://variety.com/2018/film/news/oscars-get-out-nominations-jordan-peele-1202673724/

[32] http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Dean_Armitage

[33] http://911nwo.com/?p=3895

[34] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4020-6706-8_11

[35] http://villains.wikia.com/wiki/Dean_Armitage

[36] https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Buck

[38] http://www.astrologyoftheancients.com

[39] https://ztevetevans.wordpress.com/2014/04/26/mythical-beasts-the-white-stag/

[40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cernunnos

[41] https://www.ancient.eu/gaul/

[42] https://gnosticwarrior.com/cernunnos.html

[43] Id.

[44] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Passing_of_the_Great_Race

[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_(Greek_mythology)

[46] http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/Castle-Architecture-Castle-Of-The-Teutonic-Knights-416847

[47] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moritzburg_Castle

[48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert,_Duke_of_Prussia

[49] http://www.faena.com/aleph/articles/notes-on-the-symbolism-of-deer/

[50] https://www.facebook.com/killuminatisoldierssnwoll/posts/985989318104166

[51] https://www.amren.com/news/2010/07/madison_grant_a/


29 01 2018



I didn’t know about Jay Z and the Jaybo Monkey Caricature for mass global exploitation and consumption until just a couple of days ago. On his recent high profile international corporate mass media appearance on CNN’s Van Jones Show just before the 2018 Primetime Emmy Awards ceremony, they didn’t discuss Jaybo, the Simian Hominoid Caricature. However, Jay Z’s album “4:44” featuring Jaybo leads all artists with 8 (eight) nods (nominations).

Jay Z’s soul was up for sale long ago.

Jay Z is a Satanist, a Crowleyite- follower of Aleister Crowley. The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley was a vicious racist.  The Equinox (subtitle: “The Review of Scientific Illuminism“) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the magical order A.A. founded by Crowley. In texts, Crowley makes two very startling direct occult associations of simian and hominoid with black people.

The servant of Hermes, a negro uglier than an ape.” (Adonis, published in The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 7)

HERMES. Bring the old Chian. Hanuman! [The negro goes to obey. This joke- Is the accepted way of scaring folks …. ” (Adonis, published in The Equinox, Vol. No. 7)

Hermes, the God of Wisdom, known in Egypt, Syria, and Canaan as THOTH. The commonest symbolic forms of Thoth’s attendant, the dog-headed (hominid) APE. In the Judgment Scene of the Book of the Dead the dog-headed APE (Āān) is seated on the top of the beam of the Balance in which the heart of the deceased is weighed; his duty apparently is to watch the pointer and tell his master Thoth when the beam is level.  Elsewhere, it symbolizes the equinoxes; but this does not explain the APE.

Part human-part monkey, Hanuman is a central character in the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is generally depicted as a man with the face of a (simian) monkey and a long tail. The Ramayana describes him as an ideal devotee of Lord Ram. According to the epic, Hanuman and his vaanar sena – an army of monkeys – help Ram in his battle against Ravana, the Sri Lankan demon king who kidnaps his wife Sita.

Jaybo, the Simian Hominoid Caricature is very similar to both Hanuman, and the Ape of Thoth.

Black Satanic Cult Brotherhood 666- Van Jones, Beyonce & Jay Z

Beyonce and Jay Z are extremely scary advanced high level and elite SatanistsVann Jones is a fellow at The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)- a secret high level affiliate and front of the CIA Occult Bureau. According to Jack Sarfatti, a “very, very sophisticated and successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the late Brendan O Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the late Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief responsible for all mind-control research in the Bay Area in the 70s.” 

Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, founder of IONS, revealed that he had briefed then CIA director George Bush on the activities and results of the IONS mind control (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) experiments. (Mitchell, Edgar, The Way of the Explorer, GP Putnam’s Sons, 1996, pg 91). Russell Targ, “How I was a Psychic Spy for the CIA and found God,” INSTITUTE FOR NOETIC SCIENCE (IONS), November 2003. (See Alex Constantine, Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America, Feral House, Port Townsend, WA (1997), pg. 139)

Tonight, Jay Z is up for 8 (eight) nods for Emmy Awards for his “Jay: Z 4:44″ album. It is not per se a musical album. Many have wondered what the numeral title really means. Beyonce says Jay: Z 4:44 represents the number 4 in significant events of their lives. However, they are Satanists. The numbers represents events alright, but mystic and occult phenomenon.

It reads Jay (:-medium-length breath) Z, Four (:-medium-length breath)- Forty-Four. The colon punctuation is traced back to Ancient KemetJay: Z 4:44 reads like an expression of a spell, inclination or enchantment.

In Kemet, 4 (four)  is the number of totality and completeness. We see: four sides of pyramids, the four sons of Horus, four magical bricks, four pillars of the sky, four elder spirits, four cardinal points (directions: north, south, east, west). The ritual of the king’s coronation used the four directions:  four arrows were shot to the four cardinal points and four birds released. The symbolic use of the number four is frequently the one of completeness, the completeness of a square.

Z is the Canaanite Zeyin adopted as Zeta of the Greeks.  Ancient sages and kabbalists see the Hebrew Z- zayin as signifying power: It’s seventh and is shaped like a weapon (sword or Axe). It is the most important symbol of the ancient nomads and barbarians that sweep across the land of milk and honey, Heliopolis- ON (Baalbek)Canaan, and subsequently Kemet. In the 21st century, it remains the symbol of the Luciferians that seek to destroy Christianity.

There is a legend about all the letters presenting themselves before God and asking him to start creating the world with them (according to the idea that the letters are Gods bricks of creation, pieces of his eternal Lego). Zayin wants to be the cornerstone by virtue of being seventh, like the day on which the Sabbath is observed. God refuses: it’s unfit to be the basis of creation, as it denotes fighting and war. The Greeks internalized the Z in ZeusZeus is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who ruled as king of the gods of Mount Olympus.

Modern Hebrew accepted zayin’s same connotations. References to arms in revitalized Hebrew is klei zayin, literally instruments of war.” The arms race was merutz ziyun and so forth. The Greek Zeta is also related to Zeus and the lightning bolt.

Crowley,  44, is the number of the Hebrew word for “BLOOD,” spelled with the Hebrew letters DM. (see Colin D. Campbell, Thelema, An Introduction to the Life, Works & Philosophy of Aleister Crowley, Colin Campbell % Llewellyn Worldwide, Woodbury, MN (2018))

The bottom line is Jay: Z 4:44 represents the Luciferian Blood Sacrifice; and War against Christianity.



Trademark Serial Number: 87517427

Word Mark: JAYBO

Status: 681 – Publication/Issue Review Complete

Status Date: 2018-01-05

Filing Date: 2017-07-06

Mark Drawing: 4000 – Standard character mark Typeset

Published for Opposition Date: 2018-02-13

Attorney Name: Brad D. Rose, Esq. 7 Times Square
New York, NY 10036

212.326.0875 direct

212.798.6369 fax

Board Director, Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) [1]  The RJC is a rightwing “pro-Israel” lobbying organization. Rose is a racist Donald J. Drumpf Republican Kabbalah- Zohar Zionist neocon. [2] 

If JAYBO is so O.K., let him sport his JAYBO Caricature wear on the street in the presence of people of color; work and synagogue.

Law Office Assigned Location Code: L70

Employee Name: U.S. Attorney General, BUTLER, MIDGE FAE



A Caricature can be defined as: “A picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.”[3] Since at least the 18th century, grotesque (or grottoesque) has come to be used as a general adjective for the strange, hideous, ugly, incongruous, unpleasant, or disgusting. In art, performance, and literature, however, grotesque may also refer to something that simultaneously invokes in an audience a feeling of uncomfortable bizarreness as well as sympathetic pity.[4]


There is no doubt that JAYBO was created as a likeness of a Looney Tunes’s grandfather, BOSKOBosko was a classic example of a simian racial caricature deliberately manufactured  in mass corporate media to marginalize, humiliate, denigrate black people. Bosko was copyrighted on January 3, 1928 as a less than human “NEGRO BOY”.

In his book, Of Mice and Magic, Leonard Maltin states that this early version of Bosko,

“was in fact a cartoonized version of a young black boy… he spoke in a Southern Negro dialect …”




With the exception of a bunch of sellout HollyWeird Satanic Black Cult members …

the overall Kemetic background imagery and theme in my opinion is incredibly stunning, beautiful and POWERFUL. Nevertheless, The idea that the various human “races” were created independently by God or evolved from separate ape/monkey ancestors, has its origins with 18th Century French intellectuals, e.g. Voltaire and Cuvier, who divided humanity into “civilizedCaucasians (= whites) created by God and “barbaric’ Negros (= blacks) derived from the “MONKEY TRIBE. This tradition was continued by paleontologists, e.g. Louis Agassiz in the U.S. and in Europe by Karl Vogt. Despite Darwin’s detailed refutation of polygenism (theory of human origins) in his The Descent of Man (1871), polygenism was supported, in various guises; by eminent evolutionists (e.g. Alfred Russell Wallace and Ernst Haeckel compared Negroes to “four-handed” apes).[5]

Africa, Queen Ma’atkare (“Truth is the Soul of Ra) & the Divine Birth

The story of the “Divine Birth” goes back most demonstratively at least 5000 years ago to Africa (Kemet) and the most remarkable Pharaoh Queen Ma’atkare” (“truth is the soul of Ra) better known as Hatshepsut (“Foremost of Noble Ladies”) 5th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty (1507–1458 BC), the ancient splendor of the Land of Kemet in AFRICA.[6]

Queen Ma’atkare’s Divine Birth and Coronation can be found at the Temple of Deir el Bahari, Egypt. In this, God Amun calls upon a meeting of gods to announce the coming of a great and powerful queen. Amun asks the gods to bestow upon her protection and riches. As for Amun, he promises to grant her power, “I will join for her the two lands in peace… I will give her all lands and all countries.” Amun is told by the God Thoth that Queen Ahmose is to have the divine child and introduces him to her. Upon this meeting, Amun causes Ahmose to “inhale the breath of life”.


Thoth leads Amun to Ahmose’s chamber where he has taken the form of her husband, Thutmose I. Amun in disguise, presents to her the ankh of life in her hand and nostrils. They both sit on a couch supported by two goddesses, Neith and Selk. Afterwards, Amun informs Ahmose that she is to give birth to a powerful queen and she is to rule both lands of Upper and Lower Kemet.


After the encounter, Amun instructs Khnum, the potter, to construct Ma’atkare’s body and ka out of clay. Khnum bestows onto her “with life, health, and strength, and all gifts, I will make her appearance above the gods, because of her dignity of king of Upper and Lower Kemet.” Once finished, Khnum offers Ma’atkare and her ka to the god Heket, who presents them the ankh of life. After, Khnum again bestows more gifts of “offerings, all abundance.” as he praises the new queen with given divine power. Thoth relays the message to Ahmose that Ma’atkare is given “all the dignities which will be bestowed upon her, all title which will be added to her name, since she is to be the mother of such an illustrious offspring.” She is also given an important royal title of “the friend and consort of Horus”.  Queen Ahmose is led into a chamber by Khnum and Heket, along with 12 gods and goddesses to help the birth and to protect Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut is born and held by her mother Queen Ahmose, and is shown suckling from the other gods, giving her life and divinity.[7]

It is the Africans that claim “Divine Descent” from the beginning of recorded history. According to Kemetic mythology, the gods descended from the belt of Orion and Sirius– the brightest star in the sky. The ancient Kemetic civilization firmly believed that from Sirius and Orion beings came in the form of humans– Ashur (Osiris) and Aset (Isis) and they instigated the human race.[8]

 Queen Ma’atkare’s Nephew 6th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty- The Great Thutmose III  

Furthermore, mass televised corporate and entertainment IMPLANTED false broad sweeping images of the people of the Land of Kemet …


Queen Ma’atkare …

Queen Hatshepsut

Queen Ahmose, Thutmose I and Thutmose III as non-blacks and “all white EuropeansORIGINATORS

while Africans have been turned into global trained master obedient “Monkey Tribes” [MONKEY SEE- MONKEY DO] creatures of the rain forests, wind and rain, thru collaborations with Satanic Prince Hall Freemasons like Jay-Z. It is a violation of our human rights.



In any case, while they argued about where to draw the race-monkey line, intellectuals of the day believed that apes and blacks were very similar.  In this picture, from a book by Robert Knox called The Races of Men (1851), the slant of the brow is used to draw connections between the “Negro” and the “Oran Outan” and differences between those two and the “European.”[9]

The image above appeared in the The Evolution of Man (1874 edition) as part of an argument that blacks are evolutionarily close to APES.[10]

Adolf Hitler, autobiography Mein Kampf:

It does not dawn upon this depraved bourgeois world that here one has actually to do with a sin against all reason; that it is a criminal absurdity to train a born half-ape [MONKEY SEE- MONKEY DO] until one believes a lawyer has been made of him, while millions of members of the highest culture race have to remain in entirely unworthy positions; that it is a sin against the will of the eternal Creator to let hundreds and hundreds of thousands of His most talented beings degenerate in the proletarian swamp of today, while Hottentots and Zulu Kafirs [Africans] are trained for intellectual vocations. For it is training, exactly as that of the poodle, and not a scientific ‘education’.”[11]

The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion refers to Moses Maimonides as “the symbol of the pure and orthodox faith.” His Guide to the Perplexed is considered the greatest work of Jewish religious philosophy, but his view of Blacks was Hitlerian:

“[T]he Negroes found in the remote South, and those who resemble them from among them that are with us in these climes. The status of those is like that of irrational animals. To my mind they do not have the rank of men, but have among the beings a rank lower than the rank of man but higher than the rank of apes. For they have the external shape and lineaments of a man and a faculty of discernment that is superior to that of the apes.”[12]


In fact, a Kabbalah- Zohar Jew, Mark Romanek, partnered with Jay Z to create the black half human hominoid figure to globally implant and apply to traditional Black Culture across the board as a “MONKEY TRIBE”.

If JAYBO is so O.K., let him ALSO wear his “Still Nigga”  JAYBO Caricature wear on the street in the presence of people of color; school, work and synagogue.

Da Story of OJ & Monkey Tribes

Jay Z explained that JAYBO warped up in theDa Story of OJ” was about the nature of success and seeing the bigger picture.

“The Story of OJ is really a song about WE AS A [MONKEY TRIBE] CULTURE, having a plan, how we’re gonna push this forward (sic),” the rapper explained in an interview on iHeart Radio last year (17). “We all make money, and then we all lose money, as artists especially. But how, when you have some type of success, to transform that into something bigger.”[13]

Jay-Z, Shawn Corey Carter, does not have any credentials whatsoever to define or transform Black Culture on a widespread basis. He does not even possess a high school diploma.[14] He sold crack cocaine, poison, to the people. JAYBO is yet another form of mental psychological poison that he seeks to peddle to the masses. JAYBO, the half man, (higher primates) half simian monkey or Great Ape Homoinoidea orangutan has been deliberately created by Jay-Z and Romanek to depict Black People as an ethnic group and race as a “MONKEY TRIBE”.

Furthermore, an infamous beloved Black cultural, political and social heroic and revolutionary figure, Huey P. Newton, former Minister of Defense of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP), is depicted as a grotesque exaggerated dark big eyed- big lipped half-human hominoid figure. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was a historical Black Institution.

As a former member of the BPP, I am personally offended by Jay Z and his collaborator’s direct association of simian and hominoid creatures with the Black Liberation Struggle implanting suggestions of “monkey see, monkey do”.

The platform of the BPP wasn’t socialist or communist. It was the Black Nationalism that Malcolm X taught. The BPP was no band of trained monkey see, monkey do half human simians and hominoids. We sought to define and determine our own destiny. When Bros. Huey and Bobby said that [BLACKPOWER GROWS OUT OF THE BARREL OF THE GUN, they meant military, political, and economic power. We had been very clear on that point. Jay Z is the 21st century JUDAS of the masses that has and will continue to sell them out for only a few pieces of silver.

The half-human hominoid figure JAYBO has also been deliberately connected with the image of the infamous black cultural- political civil rights, musical genius icon that we love, Shemayet (user-Maat-ra-setp-en-ra Monthu-in-the-two-lands) Nina Simone.

The half-human hominoid figure JAYBO has also been deliberately connected with the image of a living infamous cultural sport’s icon, O.J. Simpson. I have not watched Jay Z’sDa Story of O.J.” and I do not intend to, but that is not the issue at this time. Manufacturing Less than Human Black Caricatures that deliberately humiliate and harass black people for global mass consumption are the issues.



La caricatura BOSKO, MEMIN PINGUIN & La caricatura JAYBO

Mexico’s Memin Pinguin Postage Stamp

In 2005, the comic book character Memin Pinguin a black Mexican who is portrayed as a monkey looking boy set a spark in the racial debate after  the Government of Mexico issued a series of five postage stamps commemorating and celebrating Pinguin.

Memin Pinguin is a comic book character created in the 1940s that is depicted as a dark skinned Jim Crow-era cartoon. He has exaggerated eyes and lips similar to Jim Crow memorabilia “pickaninnycaricatures and his mother resembles a “Mammycaricature.

In the comic book series, Memin Pinguin is humiliated, assaulted, battered, taunted and harassed by Mexican society for his bizarre less than human appearance, speech, and mannerisms invoking in an audience a feeling of uncomfortable bizarreness as well as sympathetic pity and racial hatred.

People were outraged with the national celebration of the half human simian caricature of a black youth. The Government of Mexico was condemned for its celebration of its simianpickaninny” and “mammycaricatures of black people on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives (H.Res.347 — 109th Congress (2005-2006))

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) condemns the Government of Mexico for issuing a blatantly racist series of postage stamps;

(2) calls on Mexican President Vincente Fox to immediately cease printing and distributing the postage stamps and recall from circulation those postage stamps currently on the market;

(3) calls on President Fox to apologize to the citizens of Mexico and the citizens of the United States for the decision to circulate the stamp series; and

(4) declares that the decision of the Government of Mexico to issue the postage stamps is inconsistent with United States policy to eliminate the vestiges of government sanctioned racial or ethnic discrimination and intolerance.[15]

Scott McClellan, speaking for the George W. Bush presidential administration, declared the minting of a postage stamp in Mexico, which celebrated the black caricatures, to be “offensive, and I would say racial stereotypes are offensive no matter what their origin. The Mexican government needs to take this into account. Images such as these have no place in today’s world.”[16]

Throughout the last at least 4 (four) centuries, whites have historically defined Blacks—as “caricatures”, as objects, as less than human as justification for African Human Bondage, Genocide, Racial Hatred, Exploitation, Segregation, Discrimination, Mis-Education and Mass Incarceration, etc. 

What happens if a nonwhite sports the JAYBO caricature image of black people to school or the workplace to affirm the statement calling Blacks Nigga, Niggers, and that they are a less than human– “MONKEY TRIBES”?  “NIGGER” represents a classic case of the use of “fighting words” tending to incite an immediate breach of the peace which are not protected by either the Constitution of the United States (In re Spivey, 345 N.C. 404, 480 S.E.2d 693 (1997)). 

Once a Nigga, STILL A NIGGA (Dr. Nigga, Nigga Lawyer, Nigga Teacher, Rich Nigga, Poor Nigga, Mr. Nigga, Mrs. Nigga, Young Nigga, Baby Nigga, Big Nigga, Little Nigga, So Forth and So On) like trained and untrained uncivilized MONKEYS.  It is tantamount to “FIGHTING WORDS.

Lanham Act prohibited the registration of any mark that “may disparage persons, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute.”

15 U.S. Code § 1052 – Trademarks registrable on principal register; concurrent registration

No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature unless it—


  • Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter; or matter which may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute; or a geographical indication which, when used on or in connection with wines or spirits, identifies a place other than the origin of the goods and is first used on or in connection with wines or spirits by the applicant on or after one year after the date on which the WTO Agreement (as defined in section 3501 (9) of title 19) enters into force with respect to the United States.


JAYBO is not registrable for U.S. patent right protection because it is a grotesque exaggerated dark big eyed- big lipped half-human hominoid figure that has been globally recognized since the 18th century as an African and Negro Caricature. The Black Caricature was a central tool in justifying efforts to colonize, enslave, and even exterminate people of people. They established by outrageous pseudo race science that Africans were less than human– “MONKEY TRIBES”, then it was acceptable to treat, educate and train them as such.[17]


Jay Z unquestionable calls JAYBO a NIGGA not a JIGGA. Don’t get that twisted as Rolling Stone attempts to deceive the masses. Both Jay Z and Beyonce are advanced Master Masonic Occultists. Their first and only duty and love is dedicated to Lucifer. We should always acknowledge that and treat them, accordingly. There is no local, state or U.S. law that I am aware of prohibiting mass publication of covert occult and overt racist Black Caricatures that tend to violate our human rights.  If there is such laws, please let me know immediately. However if a corporate mass media publication like Rolling Stone choose to spread racial images that are designed to globally dehumanize black people then it is incumbent upon us to protect ourselves and children from vicious racial attack and human rights abuse. In the meanwhile, on February 18, 2018 or soon thereafter, I will file an official and formal OBJECTION to JAYBO receiving U.S. Trademark protection in violation of our human rights.


[1] http://www.rjchq.org/leadership

[2] http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/republican_jewish_coalition/

[3] https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/caricature

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grotesque#Pop_culture

[5] https://theconversation.com/comparing-black-people-to-monkeys-has-a-long-dark-simian-history-55102

[6] http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/hatshepsut.html

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stories_of_divine_birth_in_the_eighteenth_dynasty

[8] https://ancient-code.com/orion-constellation/

[9] https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2012/07/12/whites-blacks-apes-in-the-great-chain-of-being/

[10] https://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-conversation-africa/comparing-black-people-to_b_9345322.html

[11] https://selfuni.wordpress.com/tag/hitlers-attitudes-towards-blacks/

[12] http://noirg.org/news/blacks-jews-facts-quotes/

[13] http://sandrarose.com/2018/01/jay-z-moves-trademark-racist-symbol-jaybo-t-shirts-hoodies-etc/

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay-Z

[15] https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/house-resolution/347/text

[16] https://mongrel4u.wordpress.com/tag/vicente-fox/

[17] Id.


24 09 2017



On Tuesday, September 19, 2017, Old Angel Heart– U.S. President select Donald J. Drumpf addressed the United Nations, and the reviews are mixed. He talked about doomsday, groom; and the U.S. blatant slaughter and overkill of a significant number of people of color, the Asian Korean people, for a second time!  Why? The Korean people refused to be an American Colony.  They refuse to be dominated by White Satanic Nationalism warped inside an enigma of American Imperialism.

The first time, U.S. Air Force estimated that North Korea’s destruction during the U.S. war invasion, and aggression in the country from 1950- 1953 was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the U.S. had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others. American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theater of World War II.

The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war’s end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those slaughtered were in the North, which had half of the population of the South; and possibly twelve to fifteen percent of the Korean population was killed, a figure close to or surpassing the proportion of Soviet citizens slaughtered by Nazis in World War II. And, they still came by one, by two, and the dozens, hundreds, thousands and fought over, and over again to drive their American aggressors across the 38th parallel military zone in Korea that they now call South Korea. 

My gentle and beautiful uncle, Chester, as a manchild had been constricted in the U.S. Army for the great slaughter of the Korean people to force them into American colonization.  The Korean Aggression had been his secret dark side that neither he or my family ever talked about it. But, he reportedly killed so many people in Korea citizens that he broke down mentally, and had to come home. At home, one evening confronted by just moments of human fear, he slaughtered at least three (3) people in Oakland- lost in trance combat flashback. As much as I loved Uncle Chester, he paid dearly for his crime against humanity, the Korean People. He lost his SOUL early in his life in Korea, and we lost part of ours for not speaking truth to ourselves, our families and to power about America’s aggression and injustice in Korea.

Why did America mass slaughter the Asian Korean people on the other side of the world and midnight following WW II?  They demanded to be free after the fall of Imperial Japan. From 1910, Korea had been a colony of Japanese Imperialism. The bottom line of the entire U.S. Korean Aggression was that the Korean people demanded to be free to determine their “own destiny” after being dominated by the Imperial Japanese for 35 years.   21st century Donald J. Drumpf is an extension of Imperious White Nationalist Colonialism that they will not bow down to.

Now, the world is beginning to take long serious notice of White Satanic Nationalism and Imperialism, Donald J. Drumpf, and his bombastic global rhetoric that threatens the future and ideals of free societies of the world. Jemele Hill may have spoke too much truth to power. Because, Drumpf is slowly and clandestinely putting in place secret dark societies to rule over the American people and the world tantamount to the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society of Nazi Germany

Donald J. Drumpf and the Triangle of SATAN


A careful analysis of more than 100 photographs of President select Donald Drumpf sitting with various world leaders, celebrities, and journalists conclusively shows that the American leader often and indiscriminately uses the “TRIANGLE OF SATAN” hand gesture.[1] Four highly-regarded body language experts, including Dr. Lola Somatis of Duke University and Dr. Frank Caldaver of UCLA, examined the photographs of President Drumpf taken over a three-year period from June 2014 to May 2017.[2]

Look closely. He puts his fingertips together with thumbs touching, forming a perfect triangle. It’s startlingly blatant and so chilling Satanic. (Credit: DDP USA/REX/Shutterstock)

The results of their analysis have many political observers, as well as Christian religious scholars, worried and paying closer attention.

We observed Mr. Trump using the ‘Reverse Steeple’ or ‘Downward Prayer Position’ hand symbol in virtually every photo we analyzed,” said Dr. Somatis. “There is simply no other conclusion we can make other than that he is indicating his allegiance to Satan and signaling a vast global network of fellow devil worshipers, telling them that he is in position and ready to rain hellfire down on earth.”[3]

The Reverse Steeple and Downward Prayer Position are familiar to religious scholars because they take classic Christian symbols — a church steeple and the traditional upward position of the hands during worshipful prayer — and flips them over, placing them in the reverse direction. Downward.

Clearly sending Satan worshipers the signal while sitting with Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain. (Credit: VOANews.com)

Still others point out that the downward position of the pointed hands forms an arrow, indicating the direction that the fallen angel, the rebellious LUCIFER, took during his descent into HELL.[4]

President select Drumpf secretly directs his demon followers to put a hex on all the G20 world leaders last week in Hamburg. (Credit: Mirror.com.uk)

We Will Not Let Them Know About Wotan

We will of course not let them know about WOTAN.”  Paul Josef Goebbels

Chancellor of Germany, and the leader of the Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War,  Paul Josef Goebbels, said that the German people will not be told about WOTAN. Most scholars believe and maintain that Goebbels was one of the sane opponents of Hitler, Himmler, and Rudolf Hess’ fanatic Germanic Mysticism and Occult. That’s not necessarily true of Goebbels if he was in combination with HitlerHimmler and the elite inner circle Nazis hiding WOTAN from public view. What am I talking about?

Guido von List (1848-1919) was the first to combine German national socialism with the occult teachings of Theosophy.  List discovered Wotanism as a young teenager. Worship of Wotan, Wodan, or Odin, an ancient German god who is still memorialized in the USA as Wednesday or Wodan’s Day. According to his later account, he developed an early interest in the pre-Christian religions of Austria, coming to believe that the catacombs beneath St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna had once been a shrine devoted to a pagan deity. He claimed that on an 1862 visit to the catacombs with his father, he knelt before a ruined altar and swore that when an adult he would construct a temple to the ancient god WOTAN.

List became known as a national socialist guru guiding a renaissance of the glorious Aryan past in Germany. He was also a self-styled master of occult socialism, claiming to be “the last of the Armanist magicians who had formerly wielded authority in the old Aryan world“. In 1908, List formed the Guido von List Society in part to promote his Ariosophist research and writings on the Armanen Order. List was fascinated by the Rune alphabet and wrote books on the subject. He was particularly infatuated with Alphabetic S-symbolism of the dual lightning-bolts that would later become the designation for Himmler’s SS. Two of his closest associates were Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Harald Gravelle. Gravelle was a leading Theosophist in Germany.

Lanz- Rule Over Dark Skinned Beastmen

In 1905, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels  published his book Theozoölogie oder die Kunde von den Sodoms-Äfflingen und dem Götter-Elektron (Theozoology) or the Science of the Sodomite-Apelings and the Divine Electron) in which he advocated sterilization of the sick and the “lower races” as well as forced labour for, “castrated chandals” and glorified the “Aryan race” as “Gottmenschen” (“god-men“). Lanz justified his esoteric racial ideology by attempting to give it a biblical foundation; according to him, EVE, whom he described as initially being divine, involved herself with a   demon and gave birth to the “lower races” in the process. Furthermore, he claimed that this led to blonde women being attracted primarily to “dark men“, something that only could be stopped by “racial demixing” so that the “Aryan-Christian master humans” could “once again rule the dark-skinned beastmen” and ultimately achieve divinity. One year later, in 1905, he founded the magazine Ostara, Briefbücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler, of which he became the sole author and editor in 1908. Lanz himself claimed to have up to 100,000 subscribers, but it is generally agreed that this figure is grossly exaggerated. Readers of this publication included Adolf Hitler, Dietrich Eckart and the British Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener among others. Lanz claimed he was visited by the young Hitler in 1909, whom he supplied with two missing issues of the magazine.  in 1907 he founded the “Ordo novi templi” (Order of the New Templars).

List and Lanz were Masters of Thule Gesellschaft. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorft was the Grand Master of the secret society. Hitler, Himmler, Goring, Albert Rosenberg, Dr. Karl Haushofer, Dietrict Eckart, Rudolf Steiner, and Dr. W. O. Schumann were among its major members that clandestinely took over highest public offices of the nation of Germany. The Thule Society was actually a secret Temple of WOTAN.

I often go on bitter nights
To WOTAN’s oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union –
The runic letter the moon makes with its magic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!

Above poem by Adolf Hitler, written in 1915 while Hitler was serving in the German Army on the Western Front. The same thing apples to Drumpf and his Dark Circle, they won’t tell you about WOTAN, either.

Closer to home, if by any chance, you may believe that this stuff is remote and irrelevant. Today, right this moment. The people closest to Donald J. Drumpf in the White House is Princess Ivanka and Jared Kushner. They are cult members of the late Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson.

Soon after arriving in America on June 23, 1941 during WW II, Rabbi Menachem Mendel out of Italy was cleared by the FBI, OSS and Naval Intelligence to be hired by the U.S. Navy as an electrical engineer for an ultra secret project at the Brooklyn Naval Yard. The ultra top secret Project Rainbow started in the Brooklyn Naval Yard. It was a Nikola Tesla project involving Scalar Fields, or what is referred to as a Scalar Value of Zero or the Zero point energy of the vacuumVRIL ENERGY, and TECHNOLOGY. It was the infamous Philadelphia Experiment to make U.S. Naval warships invisible.  VRIL technology specialist Rebbe Menachem’s disciples are in the White House.


As president, Drumpf not only have his fingers on the button of nuclear weapons, but he plays the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP  describes an entirely new class of weapons. The U.S. Navy and Air Force joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based “Star Wars” [Weather- Earthquake/Mind Control] weapon system in the remote bush country of Alaska. The “Star Wars” weapon system is based on the original secret works of Nicolas Tesla. Let world renown and respected scientist, Micho Kako, tell you something about HAARP.

Only recently it has been exposed, if it is true, TeslaMaria Orsic ,Vril Society and the Thule Gesellschaft collaborated in developing VRIL technologies. America’s weapon of mass destruction is a VRIL Technology.  HAARP is a ground-based “Star Wars” weapon which has the capability to manipulate the environment in such a way as to change weather patterns, disrupt global communications systems, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect health, and impact the Earth’s upper atmosphere in an unnatural and damaging way.

It can also create hurricanes that caused mass deaths, misery, displacement of ten of thousands, and destruction in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and across the Caribbean. The entire island of Puerto Rico of 3.4 million people may be flooded, without running water and electrical magnetic power that may last for months. It is absolutely unusual and odd. It seems as if there is an electrical magnetic shield hovering over the island.  It is uncorporated territory of the U.S of primarily people of color. In its moments of human suffering, tragedy and peril, Donald J. Drumpf has deliberately failed to step up as this country’s commander and chief to aid its citizens. HAARP can cause earthquakes such as Mexico’s most recent human tragedy. Yes, I believe that Drumpf and his racialist dark circle are playing the HAARP.  For further study, I suggest reading Nick Begich’s Angels Don’t Play This Haarp, Advances in Tesla Technology (1995).

Oakland, CA, HAARP, MK ULTRA and the Jedi Killer

1988 Seabron Flenaugh, Jedi Killer

For the record, slain Black Death Angel [Zebra] Assassin, Ronnie Flenaugh, had an older brother, Seabron Flenuagh, Jr.  Seabron went to Oakland Technical High School with my older sister, and brother Huey P. Newton. He wasn’t radical. He appeared to be just another regular hard working brother of the community. He was a U.S. veteran that served his country with honor, but he was turned into a Monster- a black CIA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate by the U.S. shadow government as a tool to continually divide and polarize the races.

On June 24, 1988, Seabron, a security guard,  killed two (2), and gunned down four (4) people, all white, with a 357 magnum for no substantial reasons. Seabron had served in the U.S. Air Force for four years from 1961 to 1965, and worked for the U.S. Navy in San Diego as a civilian housekeeper for 12 years. Recall, the U.S. Air Force and Navy developed HAARP in Alaska. Following his arrest by the Oakland Police Department (OPD)Officer Gary Premavera testified in People v. Flenaugh (Case No. 890224) that from out of nowhere Flenaugh bellowed, “May the Force Be With You”,  then there was a long pause, and heavy breathing and release. The officers were rather stunned and dumbfounded by Flenaugh’s appeal to “The Force.”  He was without doubt deranged, but his reference to “The Force” was undoubtedly linked to George Lucas’ Star War Trilogy, and “The Force”. Jedi Knights were endowed with “the Force “. Jedi Knights were the heroes and guardians of the universe. Jedi Knights represented all that was justice, and righteous. For four (4) years, Seabron had disappeared inside Alaska. Just before Ronnie was shot and killed in Oakland in 1971, he had also disappeared someplace inside Alaska.  Yes, I believe that they were related to early HAARP mind control experiments.

In a civil lawsuit for damages against Flenaugh, workplace and his security firm, a couple of attorneys for victims wanted to know what Seabron did for the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and trace his mysterious whereabouts in Alaska.  When I got his civil case file, somebody had cleared all military and Alaskan references and links from the entire case file before they turned it over to me. Plus, San Francisco’s high profile- HollyWeird celebrity attorney, Melvin Belli, entered the case representing one of the victims. I knew Belli would block any of the victim’s attorneys from going in that direction.

In the infamous Star Trek TV series, Melvin Belli was the friendly Angel, Gorgan, in the 1968 episode “And the Children Shall Lead.” The newly orphaned space kids see Gorgan as their beneficent beneficiary until Kirk exposes him for what he is. The legendary Melvin Belli was one of the CIA’s most trusted courtroom wonders (Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, pg. 54). Belli got a personal Christmas note from the Zodiac Killer. He represented Sirhan Sirhan, Jack Rudy, and Jim Jones/Peoples Temple. In civil proceedings in the Peoples Temple’s bankruptcy, he argued that the relatives of the CIA Jonestown medical/mind control experimental victims shouldn’t get anything because they committed suicide.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH never surfaced in any of these cases. Belli represented HollyWeird’s suspected Nazi SS Gestapo spy, Errol Flynn, and the Estate of Emma Goering, wife of Herman Goering- Nazi military leader, Commander of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and Hitler’s designated successor. The Nazi-SS Underground used Emma’s yacht in Germany, Carin II, to meet. Goering was also an early member of Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) and the Vril Society.



Right now, Drumpf and his dark circle are attacking legislative enactments and executive orders issued during the Obama era as if it was Reconstruction 21st Century. There have been very loud and vocal protests and unrest in St. Louis, MO after the acquittal of former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley, who had been charged with murder in the shooting of a Black driver, Anthony Lamar Smith, and President Drumpf still hasn’t said anything about the racial divide in this nation.[5],[6]

Stockley told his partner of Smith, “we’re killing this motherfucker, don’t you know,” minutes before killing Smith. Stockley’s conduct immediately after making that statement was to instruct his partner to ram Smith’s vehicle, approach Smith’s car, and almost immediately fire five shots into Smith’s body, including one that forensic analysts described as a “kill shot” likely fired within six inches of Smith.[7]

State Prosecutors alleged that Stockley planted a throwaway gun that was found in Smith’s car. Judge Wilson of Missouri must have been sleep, drunk or just didn’t gave a damn. Stockley’s DNA was found on the gun while Smith’s was not. In a video, Stockley could be seen rifling through a bag in his police vehicle after the shooting, and he was seen returning to search Smith’s car before the gun appeared.[8]

Jeff Session Wannabe 2nd Civil War Confederate General 

Within hours of Stockley’ acquittal on Friday, September 15, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jefferson [Davis] [Confederate General] Beauregard Sessions III of Deep South Alabama announced that the DOJ will be distinctly move in the “law and order” direction that President select Drumpf campaigned on. The DOJ’s new policy is designed to give local fraternal orders of police greater assistance and wide leverage (proactive policing) even if it resembles the old Black Codes, than critique and reform the police nevertheless citizens’ constitutional and civil rights.[9]

On Sunday, Drumpfthe Maniac, found time to retweet a GIF of him assaulting Hilary Clinton from the rear with a golf ball. A GIF is a digital image, static or animated in a standard format that your followers will be able to view from whatever device they access Twitter. That is a real crazy lasting image of a world leader gloating about a battery on a defenseless female from the back that is about to address the United Nations in a couple of days.

But, Jason Stockley, Police crimes and constitutional rights of citizens, execution of Anthony Lamar Smith, the racial-civil unrest and divide in St. Louis; just like his war crimes in Afghanistan, they can eat cake as far as the Mad Satanic Donald J. Drumpf and the dark circle is concerned.



September 17, 2017, Sunday evening, HollyWeird and the Emmys’ Awards show rolled out Donald J. Drumpf’s former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, on the global red carpet.

Stephen Colbert, as if he had a license, brought him out on stage during the televised Emmys Awards ceremony for a laugh out. The studio audience clapped and laughed.


Sean Spicer & HollyWeird’s Kiss of Approval 

CBS Late Late Show host English actor, comedian James Corden planted Spicer with a brand of HollyWeird approval with peck on the cheek. If you hear people laughing and you’re not, you start to question if maybe there’s something wrong with you for not getting it. You might even impulsively start laughing just to fit in, not because you think anything is funny. In fact that’s exactly how this works — PSYCOPS. One person initiates a clap on cue and suddenly everyone thinks there’s something universally approving to clap for. And then everyone fall in line clapping together on the global stage.[10]

It’s was slick mass population propaganda trick. The entire Spicer-Emmys scenario was manufactured  to re-image and re-define Donald J. DrumpfsDark Karma” war criminal regime. Spicer belongs in Hague along with Donald J. Drumpf and his Nazi dark force-black sun band as global criminal suspects in the International Criminal Court for war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Adolf Hitler, Antichrist– THE DARK MESSIAH

On April 11, 2017, Spicer talked about the Nazis, The Dark Messiah Adolf Hitler and mass population murder holocaust centers- concentration camps, while he was gloating in sheer arrogance of what the “dark force” of the White House had schemed to demonically use in Afghanistan just like the Dark Messiah and the SS secretly used on the Russians on the eastern front during WW II

On April 13, 2017 at 7:32 pm local time, U.S. Forces in Afghanistan struck an alleged ISIS tunnel complex in the Nangahar Province. What made this strike more newsworthy than most was the use of a GBU-43 (MOAB) known as the “Mother of All Bombs” in a civilian occupied province.[11] Corporate mass media news, the White House, Pentagon, and congress will not tell you the truth about the “Mother of All Bombs.” True, it isn’t necessarily called a nuclear bomb. However, you can call it a “race based (Untermensch Non Aryan) mass murder weapon” developed by the Nazi-SS that’s the next best thing to an ATOMIC BOMBThe MOAB also called the “Witch’s Cauldron” is a classified top secret project “Wunderwaffe” for “Wonder Weapon”. Wunderwaffe was a term assigned during WWII by the Nazi German propaganda ministry (Josef Goebbels) to a few revolutionary Nazi-SS “Super weapons” of mass human and environmental destruction.[12]

Sean Spicer, Little Goebbels, introduced the MOAB to the public like it was a butter spread across a piece of toast. He tossed it around our breakfast tables as easy as the day’s weather. Well, Little Goebbels didn’t misspeak the when he glorified Adolf Hitler as a WWII humanitarian that didn’t use chemical “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)” on his own people. Hitler did resist using WMD’s on his own people- Anglo/Aryan Europeans and their American and British Anglo-Saxon cousins. Jews and people of color don’t account for nothing.

September 17, 2017, Sunday evening, HollyWeird and the Emmys’ Awards clandestinely went dancing with a former White House “dark karmalittle Nazi, and his master, LUCIFER. Immediately when Stephen Colbert said, SEAN and I saw him coming from offstage, I turned the idiot box OFF as fast as I could get to the remote.



September 18, 2017, Monday afternoon, I couldn’t believe my lying eyes. Drumpf’s former Little Dark Figure White House Communication Director, Anthony Scaramucci (Mooch) of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was also being normalized on mass media HollyWeird’s  TMZ adding his Satanicdeception” and “darkness” to popular culture.

On or about August 2, 2017, Mooch said that he will “Go DARK before re-emerging as me” following his dramatic resignation from the White House.[13] Normally, going dark means going incognito, in hiding, non-communicative. Going dark also describes a psychological feeling of severance with spirit or identity. But going dark and “re-emerging as me” indicates some type of transformation. Within the White House secret inner circle, “Darkness is good”, like going back to the DEVIL to reload and re-image himself for mass population consumption.[14]

Leonardo da Vinci’s (Apr 15, 1452 – May 02, 1519) use of the up-pointed (Disciple Thomas) finger challenge Christ Lord Our Savior in the infamous painting, The Last Supper (1495-1498). Da Vinci’s finger gesture pointing to heaven refer to the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto, as above; so below”.

The Da Vinci Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Merovingian Bloodlines. Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic – associated with ancient Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, and the heresy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism (by blood) that John the Baptist secretly represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist.[15]  The earliest Freemasons adopted Saint John the Baptist as their patron. It is worthy of note that the Grand Lodge of England was revived on Saint John the Baptist’s Day, in 1717 (Constitutions, 1738, page 109). The Scottish Freemasons always kept the “Festival of the Baptist” until 1737, when the Grand Lodge changed the time of the annual election to Saint Andrew’s Day.[16]



Gone with the Wind, Infamous PRISSY & BITCH SLAP 

On Friday morning, September 16, 2017, President Donald J. Drumpf tweeted this: “ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth!

On September 23, 2017, Drumpf attacked black people in general, and singled out Black professional athletes exercising their first amendment rights to protest racism peacefully, particularly, for insult and indignation. He called them out as a “Son of Bitch“- MANBEASTS, SONS OF FEMALE DOGS!

Bitch Slap from Miss Sarah in the White House

Southern Belle- Miss Sarah and Plantation White House 

Drumpf didn’t mention Jemele’s name, but the White House press secretary, Miss Sarah-  Huckabee Sanders, singled her and called for a Prissy Bitch Slap. When the folksy slow speaking Miss Sarah, a native of Hope, Arkansas with her southern ascent was asked about Jemele Hill, she said,I think that is one of the more outrageous comments that anyone could make,” Sanders said. “It is certainly something that I think would be a “fireable” [Bitch Slap] offense by ESPN.”[17]

Prissy- Oh Miss Scarlett, “I don’t nothing bout birthin babies

In May, 2017, a reporter mistakenly referred to Sarah’s daughter as “Charlotte.” It’s Scarlett. “Gone With the Wind”, she exclaimed, suggesting that her daughter’s name was inspired by the HollyWeird movie’s heroine Scarlett O’Hara (Actress Vivian Leigh), before gently chiding the reporter: “Come on, John.”[18] When it came to Scarlett, any offense against white supremacy on or off the plantation was dealt with fist and fury to keep enslaved Africans blindly subservient, even if their only offense was a desire to be FREE. And, exercise their God given rights of human dignity and FREEDOM.

ESPN is owned by some of the most vicious racist and dangerous people on the planet, Disney and Hearst. Walt Disney was a Bohemian paganWorshiper of the Owl and Molech. He adored the Dark Messiah, Adolf Hitler. According to the New York Times, in 1938, a month after the Nazi assault on German Jews known as Kristallnacht, Walt Disney gave Hitler’s personal filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, a tour of his studio. After the war, other than the U.S. military, he was a primary private corporate employer of Operation PAPERCLIP ardent Nazis-SS, namely SS- Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) Wernher von Braun, and Heinz Haber.

St. John Finger Gesture- One God- LUCIFER

At the symposium, Heinz Haber, PhD., presented a paper on Astronomy and Space Medicine. “Heinz Haber was a German Luftwaffe reconnaissance aviator until 1942. He worked for the Luftwaffe Institute for Aviation Medicine; In order to assess the risks faced by German air force pilots, the institute performed experiments on hundreds of inmates at the Dachau concentration camp near Munich. The inmates who survived these experiments were usually killed and then dissected.” During the 1950s and 1960sthe CIA loaned Heinz Haber to Walt Disney for secret mass media psychological warfare (pysops) projects. The Nazi Haber may have been the inspiration for the Disney character, Ludwig Von Drake

Hearst is also a Bohemian pagan organization. William Randolph Hearst was a member of the Bohemian Grove Oligarchy. Rest assure, the dragon snapped its tail to Bitch Slap Jemele Hill.

Recently 9/21/17 , Jemele Hill posted on Facebook with that MK ULTRA glare- nonsense insulting and demeaning her base of strong black men, “Some high heat from Very Smart Brothers. Worth reading and thinking about it“, Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People, by Damon Young. So, homosexual and transgender black men are the heart, soul, backbone and future of black community! INSANE S.H.I.T. Don’t go there, down that rabbit hole with Jemele and Damon Young. Stay focus globally on Donald J. Drumpf, and the Dark Karma Circle silently taking over the reigns of the U.S. Government!

Damon Young– the Negro graduated from the private Canisius College in Buffalo, NY founded in 1870 by members of the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus (Jesuits) from GERMANY. It is one of 28 Jesuit institutions in the nation. He is a lost ritual black Jesuit that sold his soul to Lucifer.

Subliminal Implantation of Thule Black Racial Inferiority Complex

Zoologie is French for Zoology (animal biology). As for Jemele, if she hasn’t sold her soul to the DEVIL, she will, or go to the sullen place to be CLONED! THAT’S THE WAY THEY ROLL!


The Huckabees of Drumpf’s dark karma inner circle are full of pride for this country’s enslaving, and mass murdering Africans. That’s exactly what Jemele is talking about Drumpf surrounding himself in the White House with ardent white supremacists! The sharp and narrow focus on Drumpf and his dark circle is out there, and they can’t take it back. Jemele can’t take it back.

In the 21st Century in America- Miss Sarah’s Daddy is Proud to be a Son of the Confederacy

 Confederate Rebel Pride- Former Republican Governor of Arkansas, and 2016 Presidential Candidate, Michael Dale Huckabe

To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.”

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906

Sarah’s [Miss Scarlett O’Hara], father, Michael Huckabee, is a notable member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV).[20] The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. AFRICAN SLAVERY![21]

In March 2017, the alleged multi-million dollar federal bank (robber) defrauder, the Zionist Mystic, Zohar of the KabbalahU.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, called Drumpf a “Pathological Liar” with authoritarian ambitions. [22],[23] There doesn’t appear to have been a whimper about Sander’s outrageous comments from the White House Scarlett O’Hara or Donald J. Drumpf.

In June 2017, CNN conservative pundit, Ana Navarro called president select, Donald J. Drumpf, a crazy LUNATIC, “Listen, you ‘crazy’, ‘lunatic’, 70-year-old man-baby, stop it. You are now the president of the United States.”[24] Well, it appears as though being called a LUNATIC isn’t as offensive as being called a “white supremacist”, nor is it a “fireable offense by CNNIn Correia v. Santos (1961) 191 Cal.App.2d 844, the defendant called the plaintiff a liar, “insane in command” and so forth. The court held that the imputation of a want of integrity in one holding a private office of confidence or trust is slander per se (damages are presumed). Civ. Code § 46 is not restricted to those holding public office. 191 Cal.App.2d at 854.



Maxine Brown

At some point in 1963, Maxine Brown, a black registered nurse with impeccable credit, applied for an apartment at the Wilshire Apartments in Jamaica Estates constructed with taxpayers’ money.  Stanley Leibowitz, now 88, managed several Trump buildings in the 1960s and 1970s, including the Wilshire Apartments in Jamaica Estates. At some point in 1963, Maxine Brown, a black registered nurse with impeccable credit, applied for an apartment at the Wilshire.

She was calling me on a daily basis, wanted to know the status of the application. I had her checked out and she should have been accepted,” Leibowitz recalled. Leibowitz described what happened when he showed Brown’s application to Fred Drumpf while Donald was standing alongside his father. “I asked him, ‘What do you want me to do with this application?’ He said, “You know I don’t rent to niggers. Put it in your desk drawerDonald was alongside of him. He was maybe 16, 17 years old at the time. He was learning the business of his father. He was right at his side.” [25]

Brown and her friend Mae Wiggins filed a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, protesting the Trump practices. At this point, Donald Drumpf was working as part of the Trump Management Company, “touring construction sites in his father’s Cadillac, driven by a black chauffeur” as the New York Times reports. After the complaint, all of a sudden Brown was offered an apartment in the complex. Yet, the prejudice at Drumpf continued. State investigators in 1967 found that of the 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, only 7 (seven) were occupied by black families.[26]

In 2017, the FBI has released nearly 400 pages of records on an investigation the bureau conducted in the 1970s into alleged racial discrimination in the rental of apartments from President select Fred and Donald Drumpf’s real estate company. The files detail dozens of interviews the bureau conducted with Drumpf building tenants, management and employees, seeking indications that minority tenants were steered away from housing complexes. Records recount the stories of black rental applicants who said they were told no apartments were available, while whites sent to check on the same apartments were offered leases.[27]

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Luciferian Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, 2 (two) Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which 7 (seven) men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred C. Drumpf (Trump) of 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica for refusal to disperse. When news of the old report surfaced in 2016, Donald Drumpf vehemently denied his father’s arrest. “He was never arrested. He has nothing to do with this. This never happened. This is nonsense and it never happened,” he said to the Daily Mail. “This never happened. Never took place. He was never arrested, never convicted, never even charged. It’s a completely false, ridiculous story. He was never there! It never happened. Never took place.”[28] How does he know so certain about his father’s activities in 1927? He was even born! He doesn’t know.

Overt “white supremacy” and extreme racism would be consistent with Scandalous Fred’s character. It was even enough to hide his son behind the veil of it.



Steven Miller, Goebbels and the Fuhrer

It has been ordained by the Karma of the Germanic world that he (Hitler) should wage war against the East and save the Germanic peoples—a figure of the greatest brilliance has become incarnate in his person…whom men would regard in centuries to come with the same reverence that they had accorded to Christ.”—Heinrich Himmler

In a rather unusual heated argument with CNN’s Jim Acosta, Senior White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters the poem written by Emma Lazarus about the “huddled masses” was not part of the original Statue of Liberty. Miller said the statue was a “symbol of American liberty lighting the world” and suggested it had little to do with immigrants.[29]

Stephen Miller- Satanic White Nationalist Circle Hands Symbol

Stephen Miller is a white nationalist, and has been described as a rightwing troll. Miller grew up in a Jewish family in Santa Monica, California. He is the second of three children born to Michael Darrow Miller, a real estate investor, and Miriam (Glosser) Miller. On his mother’s side, he is descended from the Glosser (originally Glotzer) family of the “Hebrew German Society (Rodeph Shalom)” which arrived in the United States in the early 1900s, fleeing from Antopol in Belarus.[30],[31]

Antopol or Antipolia as it was known among the Jews regarded it highly because of its rabbis, famous for Torah and Kabbalah. In town lived the famous Kabalist Reb Moshe Zvi for forty-four years, from 1818 to 1862.[32] The Zohar (Hebrew, Splendor, radiance) is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah (five books of Moses), written in medieval Aramaic and medieval Hebrew.[33] Undoubtedly, the Statue of Liberty undoubtedly meant only the “huddled masses” for Stephen Miller’s Kabalist Jewish Mystic ancestors fleeing Eastern Europe.

Michael Darrow Miller and Miriam Glosser, above, are reformists – liberal Jews of the Judaic faith. Michael D is board member of the Hebrew Union College, founded in 1883 founded by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of the “Hebrew German Society (Rodeph Shalom)”.

“… [F]ormative ideas about universal ethics and social concern as the basis for religious practice were also reflected in the Pittsburgh Platform, which two of Wise’s students, Kaufman Kohler and Emil Hirsch, drafted in 1885. This authoritative platform for Reform congregations for half a century was unequivocally anti-Zionist and regarded most established Jewish ritual practices as coming out of an age that was ‘under the influence of ideas altogether foreign to our present moral and spiritual state.” What Jews were expected to draw from the “Mosaic law”—and by implication, its later Rabbinic glosses—was the “God-idea as the central religious truth for the human race.’ ”[34]

Politically, they are conservative racialist Republicans. Michael D. is a member of the conservative think tank, Claremont Institute. One of infamous staff and fellows of the institute is William John BennettBill J. Bennett.[35]

Bennett, who held prominent posts in the administrations of former presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, told a caller to his syndicated radio talk show Wednesday: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.”[36] White supremacy or white supremacism is a racist ideology based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore white people should be dominant over, and control other races. Don’t get it twisted. Bennett’s racialist ideology is far beyond domination and control of other races. It calls for the literal criminal extermination of black people in this country.

Apparently, the Claremont Institute and the Millers were/are in combination with Bennett’s pseudo racialist beliefs in black annihilation.

Columbia in an 1865, Asking the U.S. Government to Allow Black U.S. Soldiers to Vote not Enlightenment


Columbia (representing the American people) reaches out to oppressed Cuba not Enlightenment with blindfolded Uncle Sam in background; Judge Feb. 6, 1897; cartoon by Grant E. Hamilton

The Masonic Goddess Columbia is – Justitia Virtutum Regina (Latin) “Justice, the Queen of Virtues” (Latin) “Justice, the Queen of Virtues”.[37] French Grand Oriental Temple Masons brought her over to preside over these shores the veil andTorch of Reasonof Pallas Athena (Cybele) – the Statue of Liberty. In celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic in 1884, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the Masons of America, as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons (Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris).[38]

On July 4th, 1884, the finished statue was presented to the American Ambassador in Paris, Levi Morton. On August 5th, 1884, the then Grand Master of Masons in New York, William A. Brodie laid the cornerstone of the pedestal of the statue of “Liberty Enlightening the World” with full Masonic ceremony. Brodie (1841-1917) was a Scots-American businessman.[39]

The Masonic “Torch of Enlightenment” was also referred to as the “Flaming Torch of Reason“, by the Illuminati Masons in the 1700’s and in 1884, the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was placed in a solemn ceremony, by the Masonic Lodges of New York.[40]

Naturally, Stephen Miller’s view of the Statue of Liberty is that of the New York Columbian Masonic Order. “Fred Trump’s biggest contracts came from the federal government, but his political clout was more pronounced at home. He lunched with a downtown Brooklyn power-crowd known as the “Knights of the Round Table” and was a VIP at the Madison Democratic Club, the nerve-center of Brooklyn politics.”[41]

Fred and his son Donald Drumpf were political insiders of [Masonic] Tammany Hall through Brooklyn’s Madison Democratic Club. Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Masonic Columbian Order entangled and mired in racketeering, corruption, graft and patronage.



Early this month, September 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf nominated Eric Dreiband, an attorney at Jones Day law firm, to take over as head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which was founded 60 years ago this week. Dreiband previously served at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under former President George W. Bush. Dreiband’s nomination  is opposed by civil rights groups that say he’s unfit for the job.[42]

Eric Stefan Dreiband is yet another scary figure of strange and mysterious dark karma of the Drumpf White House. I became rather uneasy and concerned when I first saw an image of him and a cold posture and distant demeanor in a news photo. He remained me of someone. But, I couldn’t figure out who until it woke me up in the middle of the night with dream images of Rudolf Hess.

Not much is actually exposed about Dreiband. He was born 9/23/63 in Indianapolis IN, son of Patricia (O’Connell) and Lawrence Theodore Dreiband. He is most likely a catholic. Eric attended the Catholic Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University, Masters of Theological Studies Degree from the Harvard University Divinity School, and JD from Northwestern University School of Law.[43]

Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the oldest and most prestigious university in the United States. It was founded by Puritan settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636 as a college to train up a learned clergy. The separate institution of the Divinity School dates from 1816. During the 1800s, the theological department went Unitarian.[44]

Unitarians believe that Jesus was inspired by God in his moral teachings and is a savior, but a human being rather than a deity.[45] Undoubtedly, Dreiband was raised a Catholic and had been retained by the Archbishop of Washington, and Roman Catholic Church in a case against the Obama Administration.[46] The origin of the Dreiband surname is unknown, but it does appear to be of German- Eastern European origin.[47]

In 2008, Lawrence Theodore Dreiband, 68 years old, was associated with a (Iranian based?) Shema LL (Shema Stringer, NY) in Alexandria, VA when he was busted by the FBI for the illegal sales of 50 weapons after the revocation of his federal firearms license. He pled guilty, and came up dead in Maryland in 2009. [48],[49]

On this narrow focus, I am like Jemele Hill– WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!


[1] https://extranewsfeed.com/body-language-experts-say-trump-often-flashes-triangle-of-satan-hand-gesture-5b592002c1e8

[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.


[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/doj-shifts-from-collaborative-reform-doctrine-toward-trump-s-law/article_c3b1daa7-7dbb-5607-82d8-55ff0660460d.html

[10] https://medium.com/more-or-less/this-is-psychological-warfare-dc5beb8dde54

[11] http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/04/13/mother-all-bombs-moab-has-been-dropped-on-afghanistan-heres-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean.html

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wunderwaffe

[13] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/02/anthony-scaramucci-says-going-dark-will-re-emergeas/

[14] https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/11/18/1601619/-Steve-Bannon-Darkness-is-good-Dick-Cheney-Darth-Vader-Satan-That-s-power

[15] http://www.whale.to/b/v_s.html

[16] http://masonicdictionary.com/stjohnb.html

[17] http://variety.com/2017/politics/news/espn-anchor-sarah-huckabee-sanders-1202557103/

[18] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/05/10/meet-sean-spicers-deputy-white-houses-sarah-huckabee-sanders-aims-to-charm-disarm-the-press/?utm_term=.9082246d8215

[19] http://www.scv.org/new/

[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_Sons_of_Confederate_Veterans


[22] http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/heres-why-the-feds-are-investigating-bernie-sanders-wife-jane/article/2627530


[24] https://www.yahoo.com/news/cnns-ana-navarro-calls-trump-crazy-lunatic-70-year-old-man-baby-181038919.html

[25] http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-dad-don-rent-n-s-1963-article-1.2774947

[26] http://newcenturytimes.com/2016/08/27/woman-exposes-how-trump-denied-her-housing-because-she-was-black-video/

[27] http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2017/02/trump-fbi-files-discrimination-case-235067


[29] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-03/trump-adviser-says-statue-of-liberty-poem-not-about-immigration/8770556

[30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Miller_(political_advisor)

[31] https://rodephshalom.org/about/our-history

[32] https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/antopol1/ant001.html

[33] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-zohar

[34] http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/jews-against-israel/

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claremont_Institute

[36] http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/09/30/bennett.comments/

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia,_South_Carolina

[38] http://www.sabbathcovenant.com/christianitythegreatdeception/TheHecateTrinity.htm

[39] http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/statue_of_liberty.htm

[40] Id.

[41] http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-father-artifice-of-the-deal-213888

[42] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/eric-dreiband-doj-civil-rights-trump_us_59b0230be4b0b5e53102fb4a

[43] http://www.jewett.org/jfa_backissues/jfa_quarterly_2001_2.pdf

[44] https://www.thenewamerican.com/reviews/opinion/item/10759-how-harvard-went-from-calvinism-to-unitarianism

[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitarianism

[46] http://www.christianpost.com/news/trumps-justice-department-civil-rights-division-nominee-eric-dreiband-5-things-to-know-198177/

[47] http://www.zolynia.org/data/passenger-list-total-december-2008-acrobat.pdf

[48] https://alexandrianews.org/2008/courts-and-crime/alexandria-man-pleads-guilty-to-gun-charges/2172/

[49] http://www.genealogybank.com/explore/ssdi/all?lname=dreiband


19 04 2017



I don’t know anything about Barry Soetoro. I do not subscribe to his persistent racialist denigrating characterizations of  Barack or Michelle Obama. I condemn and stand in opposition to it. We share only one common interest, tracing the whereabouts of Barack and Michelle Obama totally for different objectives. Instead of being a CIA mind controlled hapless Black Manchurian Candidate, New World Order (NWO) patsy or a pawn, he spreads disinformation that Barack is a principal “inner circle” controller of the global Dark Satanic Cabal and Empire. He spreads nonsense that Barack has the individual independent power to control and direct the racist shadow government from abroad to deliberately harass, conspire against, illegally wiretap, and disrupt Lucifer’s son, Donald J. Drumpf ‘s presidential select administration.

Something about Michelle Obama’s MK ULTRA mind control programming is waning and that appears to happen often as you grow older, and apparently her reprogramming is not going well. It is happening right directly in front of our faces. She is in a great deal of danger. I am not a  past or present fan or defender of Michelle Obama for her fraud and crimes against democracy.  However, she has been used as a hapless mind controlled pawn by the NWO just the same as Obama. But,  Barry Soetoro treats Michelle, whether she is a man or woman, as if  “sub-human“. Whether Michelle is a he or a she, I stand for her rights as a “HUMAN BEING“. And right now, I am very concerned about his or her life! If Soetoro can help, indirectly or directly, locate Michelle Robinson- Obama, and expose the controllers, I will work through his videos for what is truthful , useful, and try to disregard the rest.

A little more than 24 hours ago, corporate news reported that Barack and Michelle Obama without Sasha and Malia were vacationing on the Island of Tahiti. About a hour ago, CNN’s Israeli AgentWolf Blitzer ran a brief story about the Obamas’ Tahitian Vacation, but there weren’t any American independent close-up pictures of either Barack or Michelle. CNN’s televised pictures of the Obamas were canned shots from a French news source, the Visual Press Agency.


The black woman impostor on deck of the David Geffen’s Raising Sun yacht is not Oprah (New World Order) Winfrey!


The Michelle Obama impostor on Geffen’s yacht covers her face just as she did in New York in the false March 2017 lunch date with British Sir Bono.


Tahiti is the largest island in the Windward group of French Colony Polynesia; the overseas island collective in the Southern Pacific Ocean referred to as part of the French Republic sometimes called a French overseas country.[1] In 2009, France rejoined the British and U.S. military and CIA/MI6 government intelligence- led integrated command in Brussels. Allegedly, France has an independent nuclear-equipped military. The French have been within NATO’s secret inner circle of covert foreign missions, plans and New World Order (NWO) secrets and agendas since the Cold War.[2]


Since leaving Palm Springs, CA on January 23, 2017 aboard a private Virgin Airway jet of Richard Branson headed outside U.S. jurisdiction for a British territorial island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, Michelle Obama hasn’t been seen up-close or close enough to determine if it is her or not. This is a highly visible woman that has never been camera shy.[3]

A little more than 24 hours ago, the British Empire intelligence propaganda specialist arm, the Daily Mail, reported internationally that Barack and Michelle are in Tahiti on a “star-studded jaunt out to sea” with Oprah Winfrey.[4] “The former First Couple joined Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks and their wives on music mogul David Geffen‘s super yacht Rising Sun on Friday, making quite the splash as they arrived at the vessel off the island of Mo’orea in a spruced up speedboat.”[5]


The black female impostor on Geffen’s grand yacht is not Michelle Obama. The impostor lacks Michelle’s broad large sloping shoulders. Where is Michelle Obama! Corporate news propaganda says that once on board, the Obama’s played tourists, posing romantically on the upper deck while they had their photograph taken. They are LYING!


It is impossible to determine one way or the other if this is actually Michelle Obama or a CIA/NATO military intelligence female impostor on David Geffen’s $300 Million Super Yacht.



KING DAVID- David Lawrence Geffen was born in Brooklyn, NY to Jewish immigrants out of British Mandate Palestine (1920- 1948).[6] If Michelle Obama’s is or was in this man’s hands, she is dead or in very serious danger. King David’s father, Abraham, was a Pole that worked for Western Union Cable Company, a WWII den for spies. Geffen’s mother, Batya Volovskaya was of Jewish  Moldovan ancestry. Moldova, officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. Abraham and Batya met in Mandate Palestine during WWII. She was born of a wealthy aristocratic Russian/Moldovan family that accounted and explained for some of her world travel expenses. She was doing something in Mandate Palestine when the Nazi invaded Ukraine in 1941, and began rounding up Jewish families.


Nazi SS Horrific and Demonic Slaughter of Jewish People in Babi Yar Kiev

The Volovskaya family in Tirapol, Ukraine became part of the Russian pogroms (racial Jewish massacres) or (and) the infamous Babi Yar Kiev killing fields and holocaust massacre. According to reports by the SS Einsatzgruppe to headquarters, 33,771 Jews were massacred in two days. It is estimated that some 100,000 people were murdered at Babi Yar.[7],[8] I said that to say this. Understandably, Batya’s psychological breakdown in Brooklyn, NY was said to be due to the mass slaughter of her family in the pogroms or (and) the Nazi Babi Yar Kiev massacre. In about 1949, at 6 (six) years old, David Geffen showed mental instability and became a direct subject of post WWII 1949 era Operation PAPERCLIP psychiatry.[9]


During the hippie rock drug era, David Geffen popped up as an internal part of the ultra secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARH Satanic/Kabala microcosm of Laurel Canyon. Geffen with the help of Elliot Roberts (born Elliot Rabinowitz) formed and created Lookout [Mountain] Management and Geffen’s Asylum Record in 1970.[10] What set Geffen and Roberts apart from the agents and managers that preceded them was that they looked exactly like their MK ULTRA Asylum inmates. They behaved like their inmates. “if Geffen was parsimonious (stingy or frugal) in his drug use, Roberts may have smoked more pot than all his clients put together. ” Nevertheless, don’t get it twisted, they were cold, vicious and powerful as any task masters and handlers. They had their feet in both camps- psychiatrists, wardens, programmers, handlers, and the inmates.[11]

Jackson Browne & Brit MK ULTRA Godfather Adolus Huxley – ALL SEEING EYE OF THE ILLUMINATI

The first artist on Asylum was Jackson Browne: “…the product of a career military family. Browne’s father was assigned to post-war ‘reconstruction’ work in Germany, which very likely means that he was in the employ of the OSS, precursor to the CIA. As readers of my ‘Understanding the F-Word” may recall, U.S. involvement in post-war reconstruction in Germany largely consisted of maintaining as much of the Nazi infrastructure as possible while shielding war criminals from capture and prosecution. Against that backdrop, Jackson Browne was born in a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany.'”[12]

Lookout Mountain Laboratory was built in Los Angeles’ Laurel Canyon area in 1941 as a secret air defense facility for the US Army. In 1947, it was converted into a top-secret film studio for use in atomic weapons research and other undisclosed projects. The facility remained in operation until at least 1969 after the “Jack the Ripper” type Charles Mansion/Sharon Tate Mass Murder Massacres in and around Laurel Canyon. Local residents had been completely unaware of its existence until the 1990s. Starting in 1945, thousands of Nazi-SS scientists and technicians were secretly transferred to the US under Project PAPERCLIP and put to work in secret military facilities. Many of these would be assigned to CIA MK ULTRA mind-control projects, where they continued the research they had been doing in Germany.[13]

Secret MK ULTRA projects included special schooling/training for young children who showed special talents or aptitudes. These children were often selected from military and intelligence agency families. The programs were started as early as 1953, but possibly earlier. “These programs used hypnosis and sometimes even trauma-induced MPD to access and/or enhance a child’s hidden talents, and any sort of long-range programming that might be desired could be implanted in their subconscious so that, at the very least, they would always choose certain behavior patterns over others under given situations. These programmed behavior patterns could be set up to be triggered by specific situational events.”[14]

In support of the above, CIA Director Richard Helms stated in a memo to the Warren Commission in 1964: “Cybernetics [or computer theory] can be used in the moulding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behaviour patterns all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.” The wording of this memo suggests that this had already been successfully achieved, and that children were the primary targets of these experiments.[15]

Svali, an ILLUMINATI Defector, stated that the Cult had a location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control“. No other place has been identified besides this one. Lookout Mountain training films were undoubtedly also a part of the MK-ULTRA program. “Were James Dean, Natalie Wood, Nick Adams and others [Marilyn Monroe] some of the first victims of the MK-Ultra experiments? One of the characteristics of Trauma-based mind control is that it breaks down in the mid 20s to 30s. If a candidate cannot be reprogrammed, they are usually dispatched in snuff films, or simply murdered in a staged suicide or accident.”[16]


Elliot Roberts & Neil Young


Beach Boy Dennis Wilson & Lucifer’s Servant Charles Manson

Laurel Canyon, Dennis Wilson of the infamous Beach Boys invited Neil Young-


over to his house to hear Lookout Mountain Laboratory’s CIA MK ULTRA Nazi Lover Charlie Manson perform.[17] They conspired to blame the Black Panther Party for Self Defense for the cold blood wanton slaughter and massacre of white people in Laurel Canyon. Charles Mansion was fed, nurtured and raised in the Laurel Canyon’s mist and circle of David Crosby, Steven Stills, Graham Nash and Neil Young managed by Jews David Geffen and Paul Rothchild. The Nazi SS, not the Panthers should have been their enemies.

The infamous Doors admired the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley as someone who’d “broken through to the other side”, and who was a master of anarchic showmanship. Jim Morrison once said, in very Crowley-ite words: “I’m interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that appears to have no meaning.”


Paul Rothchild & Jim Morrison, Co-Founder of the Doors

In 1959, Paul A. Rothchild of New York and New Jersey was in the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Corps. The primary mission of military intelligence in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders. The Army’s intelligence components produce intelligence both for Army use and for sharing across the national intelligence community- NSA, NSC and CIA.[18] By the mid-1960s, Paul Rothchild had established a footprint in the Los Angeles hippie- drug rock (acid and heavy metal) music scene, his house on Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon was inhabited by many of the future musical superstars of the 1960s and 1970s.[19] In early 1969, Geffen worked with Crosby, Stills and Nash in a house that Rothchild kept on Long Island.[20]


No matter how you cut the spellings of de Rothschild, Rothchild, Rothschild and Rothchilt. It is basically the same famous surname of Austro-German origins. It originated from a house or houses which had a “red shield” as the door marker. ROTH means “red” in German. The name ROTHSCHILD means “red shield”. During the 16th century, the King of Bohemia prescribed a flag for the Jews of Prague- a red flag with the Star of David or the “Shield of David”.[21]


It is widely accepted that David Geffen’s mother named him, “King David.” As I pointed out above, Batya Volovskaya’s Moldovan Jewish family in Tirapol, Ukraine were notably wealthy that provided her the unusual opportunity and cover for WWII world travel to end up in British Mandate Palestine. 

For Herodotus, the Scythians were outlandish barbarians living north of the Black Sea in what are now MOLDOVA, Ukraine and Crimea.

— Michael Kulikowski, Rome’s Gothic Wars from the Third Century to Alaric, pg. 14

The Volovskayas are most likely associated with ancient Bronze Age Indo- Iranian (Proto-Aryan)  settlements and industrial centers in Russian that specialized in metal production. One of their ancient mining settlement sites was Vorovskaya Yama- Kuysak- Kisenet, Russia east of the upper Ural River that run to the Caspian Sea.[22] I suspect the Volovskaya had been a wealthy Jewish mining family associated with the ancient bloodlines of the Moldovan barbarian Scythians, and the Red Shield. Batya called her son, King David, to remind him of his ancient roots.


Homosexual David Geffen & Cher

HollyWeird’s King David has been known in the industry for sometime as a homosexual that is allegedly a “chicken hawk” who prefers young men. He has been linked to a gang of notorious Hollywood pedophiles.




Geffen & the British Prince of Darkness

United Kingdom’s Lord Peter Mandelson known as the “Prince of Darkness” yachting with DreamWorks co-founder, David Geffen, with whom he dined at the Rothschild family holiday estate in Corfu, Greece. It is the fortified villa and playground of Lord (knight) Jacob and Lady Serena Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild is a British powerful investment banker.[23]


The Dark Prince’s buddy, Mr. Geffen, was an investor in Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) and attended parties at a Los Angeles mansion known as the M&C Estate with Digital Entertain Network (DEN) co-investors and executives.[24]


In 2014, former child actor, Michael Egan III, filed lawsuits against X-Men director Bryan Singer, TV executive Garth Ancier, Broadway producer Gary Goddard and ex Disney executive David Neuman in California and Hawaii alleging wide-scale ritual child sexual abuse. However, soon after, he dismissed the lawsuit for whatever reasons, but it was out there.[25]


HollyWeird Power Broker Bryan Singer

Egan alleged that had been raped by Singer and many other older men. He said that he and other young boys were forced to get naked and be sexually abused in a hot tub with Singer and his middle-aged entertainment industry friends.


In the suit, Egan alleges that Marc John Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley put him on the Digital Entertainment Network’s (DEN) payroll as an actor, giving him $1,500 a week for legitimate work. But he was given an additional $600 a week “from different accounts without any designation of job duties, title, or position,” money Egan believes was given to all the teenage males forced to have sex with older men at the M&C Estate.[26]


Chad Shackely

The M&C Estate ([Mark and Chad] Shackley) in Encino, CA was operated as an underground “pedophilic sex den” according to Egan, who was sixteen (16) years old when he says he and several other boys were groomed to submit to a life of sexual abuse (September 28, 2014, New York Magazine). Geffen socialized at the estate with other investors who, Egan was told, could be very helpful to his career.[27] The M&C Estate was home to the wild gay sex parties where HollyWeird bigwig executives gathered to allegedly prey on underage boys. It was also used to film a 1998 pilot for DEN’sgay pedophile” version of “Silver Spoons” starring an as yet unknown Sean William Scott.[28]


Silver Spoons was an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982, to May 11, 1986. Ricky Stratton was a spoiled rich kid who lived at a mansion with the father he never met to introduce himself, move in, and get to know him better.[29]


Courageous independent film producer, Amy Berg, uncovered large-scale sex abuse in the Catholic Church for her Oscar-nominated 2006 documentary, “Deliver Us From Evil“.[30] Her film project “Open Secret” followed the lives of five aspiring child stars whose innocence was destroyed by predatory older males in Hollywood. Now adults, the child stars tell how a network of Hollywood agents and managers including Bob Villard, who represented Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey McGuire when they were children, abused them. Villard was later convicted of selling images of young boys on eBay.[31]


Brock Pierce

Berg’s film revolved around an early web TV company called Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) and its owners Marc John Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce. Major Hollywood players included Singer, David Geffen and Arianna Huffington’s gay ex-husband Michael invested $150 million into the company, according to the documentary.[32] Collins-Rector, Shackley and Pierce threw lavish parties where young boys were encouraged to drink and take drugs before mandatory skinny-dipping sessions in the swimming pool and hot-tub.[33]



David Geffen & Lord Peter Mandelson

Lord Mandelson is one of the most universally recognized WICKED AND EVIL men in the United Kingdom. His title of the “Lord of Darkness” and “Prince of Darkness” didn’t come from small time virtual invisible bloggers like me or so-called “conspiracy theorists“. I never heard of him before. This man earned his EVIL titles from the people in Britain and globally that know him, worked or attempted to work with him.  It is so troubling that former President of United States Barack Obama, the highest elected public official in America, is so closely aligned with people that are undoubtedly part of the inner controlling cabal of the British Dark/Black Satanic Circle.  These people are not people that just sit at the feet of democracies and global power. These people are the controllers of banks, political leaders, governments, institutions and Satanic Cabals around the world.

Oprah & the Dark Satanic Circe

Oprah Winfrey & Sir Paul Nurse

It is also extremely disturbing that Oprah Winfrey is also part of an blackinner circle” within the greater conspiracy against democracy, the cabal, and Dark Satanic Circle. In 2009, some of the richest men and women in the world met secretly recently in New York to conspire on using their vast wealth to bring the world’s population growth under control. The meeting included some of the biggest names in the “billionaires club,” according to the London Times – Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The meeting at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize-winning biochemist and president of Rockefeller University. “The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at ‘security briefings,’” the Times reported today.

The Francis Crick Institute is the UK fertility regulator, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA). It is called “Sir Paul’s cathedral”, after its Director, Sir Paul NurseFrancis Crick  (1916- 2004) helped crack the genetic code.  He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. Click was an advocate of Eugenics that believed that the Nazis gave Eugenics a bad name. Crick famously threatened to leave a scientific group after researchers protested against a racist research proposal that posited finding evidence for supposed differences in the IQ of black and white people. Crick actually agreed there were racial IQ differences and suggested these were as a result of genetics. Crick even went so far as to advocate bribery and sterilization of certain groups of people.

Oprah will do as she is told. She would stab Michelle Obama, Black People and the global masses in the back for the New World Order and the Dark Satanic Circle in a heartbeat.


BRITISH “PRINCE OF DARKNESS”- You Really Don’t Play Games with These People 

And, they don’t play games with you, or any of us. David Geffen’s powerful British buddy, Lord Peter Mandelson, is no innocent bystander to history. He earned a reputation as one of Britain’s most ruthless New Labour Party members. He is a member of the Nazi-SS Bilderbergers global control group. He is also a powerful clandestine elite control operative of a British- CIA transatlantic security and defense network.[34]


BRITISH DARK LORD, Sir Peter Mandelson 

The “Prince of Darkness” is also alleged to be a senior member of a notorious secret British pedophile ring.[35] He is also in Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island Little “white” book with President-select Donald J. Drumpf.[36] Reportedly, the “Prince of Darkness” is also a good friend and buddy of Sir Richard Branson, and a regular on Branson’s Necker Island in the Caribbean Sea where Michelle Obama first disappeared.[37]

Dark Lord Mandelson & Lucifer’s Magick

The Dark Lord, Peter Mandelson, is also openly gay. He is one of the highest Luciferian initiates in the United Kingdom. He was trained in the Hebdomadry System of Magick, the same system used by both the Masonic Alpha Lodges and the David Myatt’s  Satanic Order of Nine Angles.[38],[39]

It is Mandelson who has helped turn Europeans into serfs for Europe’s banks. Europe is now reverting to a neo-feudalism structure with bankers as the overlords of their indentured citizenry. Britain, America and the rest of the world will go the same way. Kleptocratic politicians are merely vassals. If current debts were simply wiped off of the books the only tragedy would be the destruction of the ‘too big to fail’ banks. While politicians call that a catastrophe it would actually be freedom for millions of disenfranchised debt-serfs. That’s why it must not happen.[40]



National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is the leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. They are supposed to help children who have been abused to rebuild their lives, protect those at risk, and find the best ways of preventing abuse from ever happening.[41]

MI5: Lord Mandelson, Part of the British Axis of Evil 

Mandelson while business minister showed his true metal while holidaying on Deripaskas yacht, now Deripaska is banned under organized crime regs in the USA, but according to the Daily Mail 23rd May 2010, Nat Rothschild, Deripaska and Mandelson shook hands on a £500 million aluminum deal that cost many Britons their jobs, much of this is said to be in chemtrail drops. These 3 were joked about in the MI5 canteen as ‘the axis of evil’ and ‘the 3 jewboys’ and when Mandelson was admitted into a French hospital recently with prostate problems, the French doctors report told of felching injuries, felching is the gay sport where a cardboard tube is pushed into the rectum and a small furry animal slid down inside, our Peter apparently was scratched internally rather badly.”[42]

The fiend, “Prince of Darkness”, Peter Mandelson, is the controlling director and president of the NSPCC.[43]

If Michelle Obama isn’t dead, she is in being held prisoner someplace in the ring of the Dark Satanic Circle, and is in a lot of danger. A considerable lot more people other than I need to start asking and demanding to see her in flesh, immediately. The blurred pictures of Michelle from military intelligence propaganda arms on NATO allies’ private, restricted, and forbidden access foreign islands in the middle of the Caribbean Sea an the Pacific Ocean on the other side of the midnight are not Michelle Obama and its going on right directly in front of our faces. Ask  Corporate Mass Media, the U.S. government and the hapless and gutless Barack Obama, WHERE IS MICHELLE OBAMA? 


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahiti

[2] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/11/AR2009031100547.html

[3] http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/1/23/1624161/-Michelle-Obama-leaves-Palm-Springs-for-British-Virgin-Islands

[4] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4416814/Barack-Michelle-Obama-pose-superyacht-Tahiti.html

[5] Id.

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine

[7] http://jewishjournal.com/mobile_20111212/106401/

[8] https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005421

[9] Id.

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Roberts

[11] http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/sex-drugs-and-the-billion-dollar-rise-of-david-geffen-5384737.html

[12] http://www.illuminati-news.com/00357.html

[13] http://exposinginfragard.blogspot.com/2013/11/when-musics-over-rise-and-fall-of.html

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] http://www.mygen.com/Laurel_Canyon-David_McGowan_report.htm

[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Intelligence_Corps_(United_States_Army)

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_A._Rothchild

[20] http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/sex-drugs-and-the-billion-dollar-rise-of-david-geffen-5384737.html

[21] https://rosamondpress.com/2012/11/09/rothschild-rosamund-red-shield-of-david/

[22] http://erenow.com/ancient/the-horse-the-wheel-and-language/15.html

[23] http://okiedokie.com/_projects/greenarchitecture/greek_1.htm

[24] http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2014/04/hollywood-pedophile-rings-exposed-by.html

[25] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2836062/Bombshell-documentary-Hollywood-pedophile-ring-preying-child-actors-s-linked-X-Men-director-Bryan-Singer-premiers-New-York.html

[26] http://jezebel.com/read-the-full-lurid-sex-assault-lawsuit-against-bryan-1564455034

[27] http://www.vulture.com/2014/09/michael-egan-bryan-singer-lawsuit.html

[28] http://jezebel.com/inside-the-hollywood-sex-ring-mansion-from-the-bryan-si-1567755415

[29] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Spoons

[30] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2836062/Bombshell-documentary-Hollywood-pedophile-ring-preying-child-actors-s-linked-X-Men-director-Bryan-Singer-premiers-New-York.html

[31] Id.

[32] Id.

[33] Id.

[34] https://www.bilderberg.org/bap.htm

[35] https://www.henrymakow.com/illuminati-pedophiles-run-brit.html

[36] http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/01/epsteins-black-book-names-listed.html

[37] http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/the-times/prince-andrew-the-sex-claims-and-the-convicted-pedophile-billionaire/news-story/fba0c19ecc6562bedd48df68c949016d

[38] http://loveforlife.com.au/node/7103

[39] https://www.henrymakow.com/insiderexposesfamous.html

[40] Id.

[41] https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-we-do/about-us/

[42] http://www.whale.to/c/peter_mandelson.html

[43] https://goodnessandharmony.wordpress.com/tag/pilgrims-society/


13 03 2017



I haven’t seen either 2017 Academy Awards celebrated HollyWeird “special black experience films“, Moonlight or Fences, but I had the Blues, anyhow.  The films, Fences and Moonlight, have been dropped in our collective laps as the “black experience” like the alleged Dallas police sniper Micah Xavier Johnson, and the Baton Rouge police killer, Gavin Eugene Long as if we own them all. Right in the middle of trying to make sense of LUCIFER’S pathological lying son, Donald J. Drumpf and PIZZAGATE, the global mass population psychological warfare and mind manipulating projects, Fences and Moonlight, dropped in our laps covertly, directly with those with eyes to see, attacking the image, re-imaging and subliminally color coding America’s “Black Males“- big and small.

Pursuant to the SS Nazi Germany Dachau Concentration Camp Color Code, the face of Moonlight Chapter Three (3) is named, Black- Badge: Antisocial.

Chiron- Travante Nemour Rhodes

Moonlight and Dachau Designated Color Coded: Black

Moonlight, the coming-of-age drama about a gay black man growing up in Miami became the first film with an all-black (Satanic cabal) cast with a CIA ILLUMINATI supporting staff to win the Academy Award for best picture. Viola Davis won best supporting actress for Demonic Possession and Satanic Harassment of an impoverished Broken Heart black man in Fences. She became only the second black woman to win an Emmy, an Oscar and a Tony for acting. These so-called HollyWeird ethnic color- coded  “black experience” movies- who are the ones picking the black experiences implanted with covert programs that we don’t OWN? All of them are seeds of the CIA Occult Bureau and British Intelligence.

Colored Purple Whoopi Goldberg of the secret Sophia Spiritual Cult is the other, and the only black actor to have a so-called EGOT — an Emmy, Grammy, Tony and Oscar.

“Cross My Heart and Hope to Die”—The Mysterious Pagan “X” Sign and Factor

Alice Walker, Color Code Purple, Sign X of the PAGAN Witch

The bi-cross arm sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The ILLUMINATI elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events. These secret signs are also used as some type of mind control trigger, or a subliminal conditioning key. The “Mysterious X” will appear again in direct relation to a key moment involving the Academy Awards & Viola Davis, below. The “Mysterious X” is PAGAN sign!

There is such of thing as Walt Disney Fantasia Mind Control Programming by Coded Colors that has been secretly researched, developed and deployed over the decades, discussed further below. Right now- notice the pulsating primary colors of red, blue, green purple or violet.


This extreme disturbing and very difficult video of the Satanic ritual abuse of a child is an actual secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Color-Coded ritual rite to split off multiple personalities- notice the pulsating primary colors of red, blue, green purple or violet.


This is an official movie poster of the so-called “black experience” Academy Award Winning movie, Moonlight. It is occult color-coded to the three (3) phases of the moon. From left to right, Little (blue-green?), CHIRON (purple), and Black (blue). I am really not good at naming colors, but you should understand basically that this is clear evidence and an example of color coded programming to the Three (3) phases of the Occult Moon.

If you pulsate or strode the red, blue, blue-green, and purple in the Moonlight movie poster, it will recreate the Walt Disney Fantasia Color- Coded Mind Control Programming.


Moonlight: the life of a young black man growing up in a rough Miami neighborhood is told in three phases of the moon: Childhood- PIZZAGATE coded Pasta: Boy (played by Alex Hibbert), teenaged years, Initiated into the PIZZAGATE Homosexual Underground  (played by Ashton Sanders), and adulthood Down Low? Homosexual (played by Trevante Rhodes). MPAA Rating Restricted- R

Sexual Content:
– Portrayals of sexual activity with no nudity and some detail.
– Implied sexual activity.
– Simulated sexual activity.
– Same gender attraction.
– Embracing and kissing.
– Sexual references and language


First Phase of the Moon, Alex Hibbert is a mind controlled Monarch Child (3 Pyramids) framed, fenced in color- coded  transformation moon beam Blue, and designated Purple- GAY.


By the teen age phase, ChironWaxing/Waning Crescent Moon,  Ashton Sanders has actually sold his soul to the DEVIL/ILLUMINATI Homosexual Underground in  HollyWeird’s CIA Moonlight covert Color-Code ethnic psychological warfare project.


Chiron & Achilles (PIZZAGATE– James ACHILLES Alefantis)

You can put whatever spin on it, but KHEIRON (Chiron) don’t have a damn thing to do with the “Black Experience.” Chiron was the eldest and wisest of the Kentauroi (Centaurs), a Thessalian tribe of half-horse men. I will cover the Thessalians, Witches and the Drawing down the Moon Rite further, below.

I absolutely refuse to look at substantially or in its entirely anything of Tinseltown’sblack experience” film projects, no matter what it may be. It’s psychological warfare. It’s like running through a mine field, running through hell wearing GASOLINE DRAWERS!




Denzel Washington’s Fences is a HollyWeird adaption of a 1983 play by Black-German American playwright August Wilson (April 27, 1945 – October 2, 2005).[1] He was a man without an identity actually born Frederick August Kittel, Jr., son of a German immigrant. His mother, Daisy Wilson, was a domestic. Remarkably, her mother had walked all the way to Pennsylvania from North Carolina to get out of the South.[2]


August Wilson- Initiated Luciferian

Wilson expressed a general caustic view of Christianity. He had grown up Catholic, even serving as an altar boy in his parish church dedicated to St. Benedict. Wilson grew up in the Hill District (1727 Bedford Avenue) of Pittsburgh.[3] St. Benedict the Moor is a Roman Catholic parish located on Freedom Corner in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The church was founded in 1889 to serve African-American Catholics.[4]


St. Benedict the Moor (1526 – April 4, 1589) is the Vatican’s saint for black people. Of course, he was a loyal and obedient African slave and catholic whose parents had been stolen out of the mother country. He was born in San Fratello in the Province of Messina in the Italian region Sicily. He was a shepherd. At 21 years old and frustrated with the country’s racial prejudice, he joined an independent group of hermits who followed the Rule for a “all male” hermit life written by St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226).[5]


Francis of Assisi and the man he loved in “They Shelter in a Cave” by José Benlliure y Gil, 1926

Historical records reveal a queer (homosexual) side to Saint Francis of Assisi. The 13th-century friar is celebrated by the gay community for his love for another man and his gender nonconformity.


Francis Assisi Hermit, Lady Jacoba also known as Brother Jacoba

When Francis was a young man, he had an unnamed male companion whom he dearly loved — and who was written out of history after the first biography. Other Franciscan friars referred to Francis as “Mother” during his lifetime. He encouraged his friars to be mothers to each other when in hermitage together, and used other gender-bending metaphors to describe the spiritual life. He experienced a vision of an all-female Trinity, who in turn saluted him as “Lady Poverty,” a title that he welcomed.[6]


Young Wounded Child, August Wilson

Wilson attended a private catholic high school. For some reason, he was too wounded and helpless unable to defend himself against bullying and racism. He withdrew and dropped out of school. At Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, Wilson had been an altar boy. It is a space within the shadows and corners of the church where hundreds if not thousands of young boys suffer ritual sexual abuse by priests. He appears to have been silent about the Catholic Church, and the Vatican. Yet, when black (Christianity) ministers appeared or were spoken about on Wilson’s stage, they were objects of pity, ridicule or condescension. Never were they heroic.[7]


Ancient Jewish Passover Seder

What lies behind the veil of August Wilson was not his maternal family remarkable history and struggle in America, but a “Secret Jewish History.” He celebrated the Jewish Passover (freedom of slavery out of Egypt) without question. Yet, he made a dubious and strange distinction between their freedom, and that of his own heritage.[8]


Mordecai & Wilson

His true heroes and heroines, and assumed heritage were among the Jews. Benjamin Mordecai (1945- 2005) a theater producer was long associated with the plays of August Wilson. He first produced Wilson’s plays at the Old Skull and Bones Yale Repertory Theater where he was managing director from 1982 to 1993. At the Rep, he transferred five of Wilson’s plays to New York including “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” (1984), and “Fences” (1987).[9]

Mordecai or Mordechai is one of the main personalities in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Jair of the Tribe of Benjamin.[10] In the mid-’90s, Mordecai formed Sageworks Inc., a business partnership with Wilson that allowed the playwright greater control of his own work.[11] That should tell you a lot about the Jewish Twist to HollyWeird’s “black experience“, and the “mixed up” and deceptive character of a gutless bootlicker like August Wilson.

August Wilson is celebrated as an unparalleled chronicler of the 20th Century African-American experience. But, he was secretly a Jewish playwrights, too.[12] In my opinion, Fences is a play that should’ve died with Mordecai and Wilson. Fences is the story of Troy Maxson, a mid-century Pittsburgh sanitation worker (GARBAGE MAN) who once dreamed of a baseball career, but was too old when the major leagues began admitting black players. Fences is a clear example of HollyWeird’s clandestine racialist campaign of persistent imaging and re-imaging Black People by the subliminal and subconscious imprints of savagery, slavery, criminality, poverty, social dysfunction, mental illness, homosexuality, slums and damn GARBAGE!


Just recently, I finally came to light about one of my favorite classic black films, Cabin in the Sky (1943) starring Ethel Waters, Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Lela Horne, and Louis Armstrong. The MGM film was directed by the Sicilian descendant and baptized Roman Catholic, Vincente Minnelli, husband of Judy Garland (Wizard of Oz). The film was produced by the Jewish Arthur Freed (Wizard of Oz) that the infamous child actress, Shirley Temple, accused of being a ritual pedophile.[13]

For decades, I lived under the blind ILLUSION that this film produced by HollyWeird was some type of honest example of racial process and advancement. I had always been so struck with the remarkable and extraordinary talent of the actors, actresses and dancers in the film that I never concentrated on the subconscious imprints in the background.

One scene in the film always confused and concerned me, but I never concentrated on it. Eddie “Rochester” Anderson bought his wife, Ethel Waters, a birthday present, a new washing machine. Then, he made a curious statement. He told her that she could use it when they get electricity. They lived in a wood shack without running water or electricity. Without the extraordinary beauty of people, the grace, music and dancing in film (ILLUSIONS), the overall background subliminal imprint of the movie is marred in permanent abject poverty, abnormal sexual modes and values, criminality, social dysfunction, and DEVIL worship.


Fences Wood Cabin on Cement Cinder Blocks

The background of Fences, the play, also features a wood shack without running water or electricity sitting on top of concrete cinder blocks not unlike Cabin in the Sky. It was not unlike the one or two room wood shacks that my father and mother were born into in the deep south.


Denzel & Viola, I Surely Thank You Lawdy for This Here SLUM!

The background of Fences, the movie, is the SLUM, abject poverty and social dysfunction. It has that STOOP or front porch. It represents an image locked in my mind of my great-grandmother. I have no other images or photos of her. She was born in 1868 just after the Great Civil War. At the end of the Great War in 1865, her mother, the remarkable Alice Packwood, a sister and brother, were thrown out with nothing to the snow, wind and rain. All her life, my beloved was fenced in by the so-called badges of slavery, racial prejudice and violence of the deep south.

aaaamoonlightkennedy RFK & Inhuman Wood Shacks on Cement Blocks in the South

Senator Robert F. Kennedy was one of the few in power that was concerned about the way black people were forced to live in the deep south, and the condition of living in the slums of the North, decades ago.


We were once appalled and outraged by the SLUMS. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led movements to protest and address it. In Fences, Denzel Washington and Viola Davis receive worldwide critical acclaim and awards for living in the moment and the drama of the SLUMS. Viola Davis will talk about reviving the dead in graveyards before she would say anything in protest.


Southern Black Grandmother or Mother’s Wood Shack & Stoop on Clement Blocks

The last image of my great-grandmother was passed down to me comes from my late aunt, Mrs. Onetta Bullock Hutchinson. She said that she saw her Grandmother, my great-grandmother, Lydia Bullock, affectionate known as “Littie” only once as a little girl. In the twilight years of her grandmother, she said that she saw a very large woman sitting on the STOOP of an old shack house in the former plantation town of Tylertown, Mississippi. She was told that the large woman was her grandmother. Sometimes, I lone for an actual image of her just to touch. It still hurt to see the conditions under which they lived, and relive my life in the SLUMS after they took my father away in Project CHATTER. It is still extremely painful. That is part of the design of Fences- PAIN and REJECTION.

I suspected very well that the film’s co-star, Viola Davis, would win the academy award for best supporting actress because of a much publicized scene in the movie, the SNOT Rage (nasal mucus Satanic Attack.


The Satanic Snot Scene


A Satanic Attack or Possession may lead to gagging, coughing, choking spasms that last a few minutes or longer.  This is followed by the release of an excessive amounts of mucus down the throat or out of the nose.[14] My dear God. This Satanic stuff scares me all so much, but what they actually do is meant to be frightening and of extreme evil, horror, darkness and wickedness- UNWORLDLY.


Satanic Possession is clearly direct in your face, day after day, over and over again.  Beyonce is a PATRON of occult satanic signs, symbols and imagery, ILLUMINATI hand signs, and ILLUSIONARY sinister images created by her light shows.

Beyonce DEMONIC POSSESSION- You Won’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

She freely admits to conjuring up and becoming possessed by a PAGAN evil and demonic spirit in mass population public appearances. There is no difference between demonic possession in Hip Hop, and popular mass population media entertainment vehicles like film.


In the SNOT scene, Denzel, in character, stood up and shared a couple of moments to verbally reflect sadly back with his companion on his 18 years with a pocketful of broken dreams. The black man’s sensitive reflection back on his life wasn’t worth a dignified, humble, loving or compassionate response from his beloved companion. It conjured up a volcano of Snot, DEVIL and Demons.



See for yourself. I so wish this wasn’t so. Viola Davis, in character, shouted back in rage with red blood shot eyes, a steady storm of SNOT running down out of her nose in mad RAGE- she conjured up a harassment DEMON.

Viola Davis- Harassment DEMONIC Possession

She had been on that STOOP, too, with him for 18 years of his broken dreams. What about her being mired in slum poverty, social dysfunction, and GARBAGE with a unproductive and dysfunctional socially rejected black male. Is it her black companion’s fault? That seems to be the overall subliminal impression to internalize- the failures and betrayal of a black man. Was it great grandmother Littie’s fault fenced in by the badges of slavery, racial violence, and prejudice sitting on the STOOP with her sack full of broken dreams?


10 There shall not be found among you any one that … useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.

11 Or a … consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

In an absolutely twist of things consistent with her veiled wicked and demonic role and character in Fences. It is the icing on the cake.

In her Oscar acceptance speech for best supporting actress in Fences, Viola Davis had some rather interesting, creepy and absolutely bizarre things to say about necromancy (communication with the dead).

In all fairness, if you seek the original stories of original people, exhume those bodies– bring their stories to life. But, in context to what? In genealogical (ancestral worship), I try to tell the stories of the ancestors, bring them alive, in the context that their stories and my true heritage have been maliciously and wickedly suppressed- buried in 400 years of slavery, racial hatred, and human deprivation.

In the art of acting, language and words are carefully crafted and chosen to communicate messages, and create pictures in the minds of an audience. Viola is very seasoned actress that understands very well that her words are scripted very carefully to implant pictures and as I said, messages. She was a top nominee to win an Oscar for her performance in Fences, that means that she prepared an acceptance speech ahead of time.


Viola Davis said,

There’s one place that all the people with the greatest potential are gathered. One place. And that’s the graveyard. People ask me all the time, ‘What kind of stories do you want to tell, Viola?’ And I say exhume those bodies. Exhume those bodies. The stories of the people who dream big and never saw those dreams to fruition. People who fell in love and lost. I became an artist, and thank God I did, because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.”[15]

Exhume does, indeed, mean: to bring back from neglect or obscurity.[16] What brothers me is that in the Satanic Snot Scene is that her character faced a real live character, an ignored, neglected, dignified, but lonely black man, with a story to tell in his own lifetime. Her character turned her back on him as if he was unworthy of a story of his own dignity during his own lifetime. But, the people in graveyards are more worthy of the dignity of being dug up on general principles to tell their stories, because the DEAD dreamed big like Troy Maxson, loved and lost just like a Troy Maxson. Yet, you won’t allow him to tell his story. But, she prefers the dig up the DEAD and communicate with them- that’s the practice of Occult Necromancy.

In other words, she has more respect and compassion to listen to the stories of dead black men, then her broken down black man companion and husband. This is one formula to surely destroy a black man psychologically from within, and drive him off the living edge and “self-destructmaliciously deny him his god given story (humanity) by the ones he love and trust. However, don’t get it twisted on the “Black Experiences” , our mothers and fathers and forbears were “firm.” They taught us to love each other, and one another no matter the ups and downs, odds and obstacles.

Troy Maxson, Invisible Man


I read Ralph Ellison’s book, Invisible Man, several times when I was young. As a young man, I literally read and defined “Invisible.” So, I didn’t understand it at first. However, as soon as you begin to come of age, and try to find your place in society and the world, you understand the feeling of being “invisible” in America, whenever you try to assert your dignity, humanity and tell your story, whatever that it may be. The Snot Scene is like something out of the “invisible man“. In Troy Maxson’s greatest time of need of human dignity to tell his story, he became “invisible.” Well, you may not still believe that there is anything nefarious about Viola Davis and her role in Fences.


Secret Occult X Sign, Julius William Tennon

This man was captured cluing Viola during her Oscar acceptance speech with the occult bi-crossed arm symbol (X-Sign). This man is her husband, Julius William Tennon. He is a fellow HollyWeird actor. Other than general entertainment industry information, little of anything is known about his background.


Ancient X Sign, Homage to Asur (Osiris)

The bi-crossed arm symbol is an ancient sacred salute and homage to the Kemetic mysteries, and the Great God Asur (Osiris). The Kemetic symbol has been bastardized by secret New Age Spirituality Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia. The goddess Sophia was introduced into Anthroposophy by its founder, Rudolf Steiner, in his book The Goddess: From Natura to Divine Sophia and a later compilation of his writings titled Isis Mary Sophia.


Secret Occult X Sign, Goddess Sophia

Sophia also figures prominently in Theosophy, a spiritual movement which Anthroposophy was closely related to Satanist Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, described it in her essay What is Theosophy? as an esoteric wisdom doctrine, and said that the “Wisdom” referred to was “an emanation of the Divine principle” typified by “…some goddesses — Metis, Neitha, Athena, the Gnostic Sophia[17]

Jungian Goddess Sophia

Sofia is a pagan goddess of Wisdom (MITHRA) and wife of God. She is the creator of all. She gave breath to Adam.[18] The Knights Templar are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.[19]


Secret X Sign, Alice Walker & Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley

Sophia was, and is, one of the most worshiped Goddesses. Even today, a huge secret Sophia Cult still exists. Sophia is the Greek version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of All (Gnostic), and the Holy Spirit (Early Christian).[20] I suspect that Julius Tennon has absolutely nothing to do with respect or the study of ancient Kemetic (African) Cosmology. So, I assume that he is a follower of secret HollyWeird New Age Spirituality Satanic Cults dedicated to Goddess Sophia and or God Mithras.


The “Fallen Angel” (thrown from heaven) motif universally applied to Lucifer, actually describe the Aeon Sophia, the Pleromic (abundant) goddess who fell from the heights of heaven (galactic center), according to the Gnostic star myth, the Fallen Goddess Scenario.[21]


Satanic Cabal Julius Tennon & Viola Davis, Color Coded?

So, we are really taking the about Viola Davis and Julius Tennon, and the secret HollyWeird Black Satanic Cabal. These negroes will cut your throat for Lucifer. My Lord! Fences is an awful, horrible, wicked and heartbreaking impression to be left imprinted in the hearts, minds and souls of the beloved people.


We already know that Denzel Washington is Evil as HELL. He is a senior member of the black Satanic ILLUMINATI cabal. Now, we know that Viola Davis is another black cabal sick MK ULTRA/MONARCH Satanic ILLUMINATI Witch that will drive a stake through the hearts of the people to please her masters.




Denzel Washington plan to do a HollyWeird film project on August Wilson’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. The play chronicles the twentieth century African American experience. So, they say. The play is set in Chicago in the 1920s, and deals with issues of race, art, religion and the historic exploitation of black recording artists by white producers.[22]


The Original Black Bottom” is actually a dance that came from an earlier dance called “Jacksonville Rounders’ Dance”, printed in 1907. The word rounder was a synonym for pimp. Both “dance-songs” were written by the black pianist, composer and dancer Perry Bradford and were based on a dance done in Jacksonville, Florida, “way back.” One professional dancer stated, “That dance is as old as the hills.”[23]

During the late 1970s, I had to leave Los Angeles on a thin rail until things claimed down. I temporary relocated to Shreveport, Louisiana. It was a place that I often heard my mother talk about as I understood it, “Sweetport.” Just a couple of blocks from downtown, there was a section of the city referred to as the bottoms, the black bottoms- the SLUMS. My impressions of the bottoms was that it was racialist, and referred to black people that were fenced in at the bottom of society.


The bottoms were in fact related to black people in a sense, but it actually referred to the rich fertile “black” bottom soil of antebellum slave plantations and farms. In Shreveport, the old rich plantation soil that made cotton king was an area of the city of wood structures and buildings out of the late 19th and early 20th century that were occupied by primarily poor black families. It was a place fenced in by deep seated traditional racial prejudice, and a wicked and strange rage, hatred and violence like something out of this world.

I moved into the bottoms for about a week to go back to a historical era, condition and culture that I knew little to nothing about. It was like living in another time and era. I have a AB in anthropology and have always been interested in the study of the true Black Experience and culture of the people. The black poor of the slum bottoms in Shreveport were, indeed, treated like the bottom of the society unworthy of human dignity and respect. As soon as I got setup in the legal aid office, part of my mission and priorities were to protect and vehemently defend their rights, dignity, and humanity as a people.

This is a place where the “The Original Black Bottom” dance would have flourished during that era. However, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottoms was about something else that has nothing to do with the dignity and struggle of the people against the ravages and badges of slavery.

“Ma” Rainey’s Black Bottom, Lyrics

Now, you heard the rest
Ah, boys, I’m gonna show you the best
Ma Rainey’s gonna show you her black bottom …

Don’t you see the dance you call your big black bottom
That’ll put you in a trance

Now I’m gonna show y’all my black bottom
They stay to see that dance
Wait until you see me do my big black bottom
I’ll put you in a trance …

I done shown y’all my black bottom
You ought to learn that dance.

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is really about showing her Big Black Ass, and influencing the people to show off their black asses to introduce trance formations as a diversion from standing up for truth to power, unity, justice and righteousness.

Who is Ma Rainey Historically to the Black Experienceaaaamoonlightma

“Ma” Rainey, born Gertrude Malissa Nix Pridgett, September 1882 or April 26, 1886 – December 22, 1939, in Russell County, Alabama or Columbus, Georgia, was one of the earliest African American professional blues singers and one of the first generation of blues singers to record. She was billed as the Mother of the Blues. She was a prominent figure in the Harlem Renaissance.[24]


Ladies and the Blues, Ma Rainey & Bessie Smith

In 1925, the police raided a Harlem lesbian party hosted by Ma Rainey. When the police arrived, they found some of the women undressed and in “intimate” situations. Ma Rainey was arrested for throwing an “indecent party.” Ma Rainey mentored and initiated another famous bisexual blues singer, Bessie Smith, known as The Empress of the Blues into the homosexual subculture. Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith were close friends and lesbian lovers. As a matter of fact, it was Bessie Smith who bailed Ma Rainey out of jail in 1925. They were an internal part of the Lesbian and Homosexual Black Subculture and Underworld of that era.[25]

That leads us to the other Tinseltown’sblack experience” film project, MOONLIGHT (2016), which is no more than a soft porn “Satanic, homosexual subculture experience and initiation” masqueraded as a traditional “black experience.


The above purple-violet coded Moonlight poster was released after the Academy Awards. This poster clearly suggests that it is a gay movie. The early movie posters and trailers do not openly suggest that the movie is a gay male initiation film project. The people have made themselves clear that they want film entertainment projects under the guise of the “black experience” to feature more than just slaves, criminals, pimps, whores, comedians, gays and damn garbage men!



MOONLIGHT: CIA Color Psychology

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control slaves are programmed as little children by music and color-code programming. Dr. Josef Mengele, the original Dr. Green (discussed below), played the violin and piano while doing the color programming to slaves. He was the original master at associating “both a tone or chord with a particular color or color scheme.” He loved using Walt Disney’s Fantasia for programming.[26]


It can’t be overemphasized that Green is the highest color in Satanism–it is Satan’s color. It is not by accident that green has been used in uniforms, although the decision also was dictated by its advantage in camouflage. In the Omega computer programming a CODE GREEN for many victims means “self-destruct“, the ultimate sacrifice for one’s satanic programming.[27]


Chiron in Purple. It is not part of the book title, the Rite of Sodomy. I added the Chiron in purple movie poster only for color comparison. Purple is a color intermediate between blue and red. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a composite color made by combining red and blue.[28]

Purple Sexuality


Purple has been adopted to be associated with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. It is the symbolic color worn on Spirit Day, a commemoration that began in 2010 to show support for young people who are bullied because of their sexual orientation. Purple is now closely associated with bisexuality, largely in part to the bisexual pride flag which combines pink – representing homosexuality – and blue – representing heterosexuality – to create the bisexual purple. The purple hand is another symbol sometimes used by the LGBT community during parades and demonstrations.[29]


Moonbeams, Barry Jenkins & Tarell McCraney

Moonlight may not be HollyWeird’s first psychological color coded movie, however, it may the first ethnic-specific CIA psychological warfare mass population color coded project. They intend to a mass population psychological warfare project Moonbeam and Initiate Black Boys into HomosexualityMEET THE MOONLIGHT MOONBEAMERS.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Barry Jenkins



Moon Beam Barry M. Jenkins co-wrote Moonlight with openly gay Tarell Alvin McCraney, and the CIA Occult Bureau. Moonlight is CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH color-coded mass population mind control program.


Barry Jenkins, All-Seeing Eye Purple Symbolism

Purple is a spiritually enlightened color. The hidden magical power of the color of purple (violet) has been especially esteemed in the occult for generations. The magical properties that Masons & New Agers believe are intrinsic to purple is why the 33rd degree has written books using purple, and several New Agers have published books on purple paper. The programmers also manipulate such things so that child alters believe that color “magic” has accomplished things.[30]


Jenkins is a goat-rider and worshiper. He was initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., in 1999 through the Iota Delta Chapter of the fraternity at Florida State University in Tallahassee where he studied film.[31] If he isn’t now, he will soon be a leading member of the BOULE.


Barry and Tarell McCraney Look Like Gay Black Males

Moon Bean Jenkins is 38 years old. He says that he isn’t gay. But, he remains unmarried as far as I know and rarely appears in public in the company of a female companion, friend or escort. However, he isn’t afraid to come out of the shadows draped in ILLUMINATI symbolism.


Barry Jenkins, Lion’s Claws, Pyramids & Sophia Spiritual Cult?

And, he doesn’t mind Romanizing and flaunting ILLUMANTI Satanic symbolism in the face of the masses.


THE CLOSE, OR  CLENCHED  FISTS” is, in the Illuminist Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation, and hermeticism. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS).The fists are both clenched, in allusion to one of the penalties of the obligation, which is to have both hands chopped off to the stumps.

However, it appears that the traditional Masonic ILLUMINATI symbolism of the close or clenched may have been expanded by the Sophia Cult beyond its traditional Masonic meaning.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Tarell McCraney


Tarrell McCraney & Occult Mirror Dualism

Tarell Alvin McCraney (born October 17, 1980) is an American playwright and actor. He is the incoming chair of playwriting at the Old Skull and Bones Yale School of Drama, effective July 1, 2017. He is also a member of Teo Castellanos/ D Projects Theater Company in Miami and in 2008 became RSC/Warwick International Playwright in Residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company.


The Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) is a major British theatre company, based in Straford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.[32]


In April 2010, McCraney became the 43rd member of the Steppenwolf Theatre Ensemble. He co-wrote Moonlight, based on his own play, “In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue”; and [Color-Coded Purple (Gay)], for which he received an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.[33]

MOONLIGHT: 24, PLAN 24 & Adele Romanski

24 partnered with PLAN B and Adele Romanski to produce and finance McCraney and Jenkins’ Moonlight.[34] A24 is an American independent entertainment company founded on August 20, 2012 by Daniel Katz, David Fenkel, and John Hodges and based in New York City. It specializes in film production, finance, television production and distribution.[35]

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeams Brad Pitt & the DEVIL


HollyWeird’s Master Mason, Brad Pitt

We should be very clear on who and what Plan B is, an wicked Masonic agenda of Brad Pitt. He owns Plan B.


Moonlight is the meddling and works aided by the DEVIL, SATANIST Brad Pitt.[36]

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam Adele Romanski, The Spiritual Pagan


Adele Romanski- The Roman Witness

For whatever reasons, little if anything is known or revealed about the bewitching Adele Romanski. She is related to a chiropractors in Venice, Florida. Romanski is a habitation name for someone from any of several places in Poland called Romany, named with the personal name- Pagan– Greek spiritual element, ROMAN.[37]

It should become clear as a basic principle that the movie, Moonlight, like Fences isn’t the product or reflection of the true Black Experience and Community, at all. Moonlight is a fraud, and covert homosexual agenda imposed upon the masses.

MOONLIGHT: Moonbeam John Hodges, Wolf Clan


John Hodges, the Wolf

John Hodges previously served as head of production and development at Big Beach Films and exec produced “Our Idiot Brother” and “Safety Not Guaranteed.” He also produced Jordan Vogt-Roberts recently completed “Toy’s House.”[38]

For Hodges, 38, who graduated from York Country Day in 1996, getting to Hollywood has been an unlikely ride. He doesn’t come from a show biz family, although the family is prominent in York County. His father, George Hodges, is a retired executive at the Wolf (brotherhood) Organization, the York-based kitchen cabinet company. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is a relative, too.[39]

After graduating from Georgetown University in 2000 with a degree in American government, Hodges’ entree to the movie business came when, through a friend, he got a job as an assistant to the chairman of USA Films.[40] He then went on to positions at Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels’ production company and oversaw development at Big Beach Films, a film production company, before launching A24 with business partners Daniel Katz, and David Fenkel.[41]

MOONLIGHT: Daniel Katz, British Intelligence


Daniel Katz, British Intelligence

Daniel Katz of A24 was born in Baku, Azerbaijan and emigrated to the US at the age of four. A native bi-lingual of Russian and English, he grew up in San Francisco with exposure to Azerbaijani, Russian/Soviet, Jewish and American culture, all of which have influenced his so-called analytical (diabolical) mind. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Film from the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. In November 2010, Daniel completed his Master of Arts in International Studies and Diplomacy from SOAS, University of London and has since moved back to the San Francisco Bay Area after a 5 1/2 year stay in London, UK.[42]

SOAS, University of London (The School of Oriental and African Studies) is a public research university in London, England, and a constituent college of the University of London. Founded in 1916, it is regarded as one of the leading universities in Europe. SOAS has produced several heads of states, government ministers, diplomats, Supreme Court judges, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and many other notable leaders around the world.[43] SOAS is an institution dedicated to the ends and means of an Anglo Saxon Empire and New World Order. If SOAS was in the U.S., it would be equivalent to a CIA, State Department, and Military Intelligence school. During WWII, it was, indeed, an arm and branch of the British warfare department and intelligence.[44]



David Louis Finkel, Project MOCKINGBIRD

David Louis Finkel of A24 is an American journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2006 as a staff writer at The Washington Post. He is currently assigned to the national staff as an enterprise reporter. He has also worked for the Post′s foreign staff division. In 2014, Finkel was awarded with the Erikson Institute Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media (awarded by the Erikson Institute of the Austen Riggs Center) for his investigative reporting at The Washington Post.[45]



In 1947, Dr. Robert Palmer Knight, the former chief of staff of the OSS/CIA Menninger Foundation, came to Austen Riggs as medical director. He was a close friend of Anna Freud.


Anna Freud was the 6th and last daughter of Sigmund Freud.[46] She was the aunt of Sir Clement Freud, the son of Sigmund’s 4th child, Ernst Ludwig Freud.[47] The late Clement Freud was the tip of an iceberg to a vast underground VIP/British Royal Pedophile Ring.


Freud is directly connected to Tony and John Podesta and PIZZAGATE. Freud, the Podesta brothers are directly related to disappearance and most likely sacrifice-murder of 3 year old Madeleine Beth McCann in Portugal.[48]


Dr. Knight and Austen Riggs were also connected to some of the CIA’s most notorious psychiatrists and psychologists like Dr. Lawrence S. Kubie.[49] Knight was the American Psychoanalytic Association secretary to Dr. Bertram D. Lewin, of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute that worked with OSS/CIA Dr. Henry A. Murray of Harvard University to develop the infamous profile of Adolf Hitler.[50]


OSS/CIA Henry Murray and Erik Erikson (born in Nazi Germany)

In 1951, Dr. Henry Murray’s OSS recruit and CIA MK ULTRA operative master hypnotist, Erik Erikson, joined the staff at Riggs. Erikson was connected to OSS/CIA agents, Margaret Mead, Dr. Gregory Bateson, and Henry Murray. He was directly connected to the MK ULTRA programming of Huey P. Newton.[51],[52]

From 1951-52, Knight was the President of the American Psychoanalytic Association.[53] In 1967, after Knight’s death, Dr. Otto Allen Will, Jr., formerly of Chestnut Lodge, came to direct Austen Riggs.[54]


aaaamoonlightchestnutlodge Chestnut Lodge, a Rockville, Maryland sanitarium whose psychiatrists were in the category for the security of the CIA MK-ULTRA/MONARCH project—“Top Secret” cleared.[55] Dr. Will received his medical degree from Stanford University, School of Medicine. After his residency and service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, he received post-doctorate training at Washington School of Psychiatry and the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute.


CIA Eric and Frieda Fromm (born in Nazi Germany)

Through this training, he joined the Interpersonal psychoanalysis movement founded by Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann– former wife of deep cover Eric Fromm (Dr. Michael Maccoby- PIZZAGATE).


CIA Stack Sullivan also teamed up with Eric Fromm in the Narco-Hypnotic Mind Control programming of the infamous dancer and black heroine, Katherine Durham.[56] Dr. Wills served as Director of Psychotherapy at Chestnut Lodge from 1954-1967. [57]

The Erikson Institute awards the Erikson Institute Prize for Excellence in Mental Health Media annually “to recognize and encourage writers, journalists, and media experts who have produced sophisticated and accessible work on mental health issues.” It sounds very much like the CIA’s Journalist “MOCKINGBIRD PROJECT AWARD.”[58]


ILLUMINATI David Finkel & John Podesta

In late February 2017, John Podesta joined David Louis Finkel at The Washington Post as a contributing columnist.


It is no coincidence that Moonlight’s official movie trailer opens with A24. The movie trailer does not necessary suggest that it would predicatively involve doctrines of subculture initiation and Rites of Sodomy, or Homosexual (dual) Ecclesiastics.[59],[60]


The Rites of Sodomy is a book that explores homosexuality through the context of secret and underground initiation rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the secret continuance of unspoken and hidden ancient Greek/Roman traditions of the Roman Empire’s Satanic Do what thou Wilt” homosexual desires of Boy-Love.


Gilles de Rais & Barron, the Demon or the DEVIL, himself

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley opens the subject of Homosexual Ecclesiastics through his secret works on the rituals of 15th century Satanic Black Mass child murderer Gilles de Rais, who may have murdered/sacrificed according to Crowley  at least 800 children in dual Satanic Roman Catholic Black MassesHomosexual Ecclesiastics exists in a dual/opposite secret underground Black Mass Roman Catholic Satanic Church that co-exist and flow parallel to the Roman Catholic Church.


Letters and numbers possess secret vibrations and colors. Moonlight Colors vibrate in Moonology.


Kemet Goddess Hathor

A is generally Alpha– the Beginning. In Kemet, the Cow or Ox head represents the universal symbol A that is associated with the Great Goddess Hathor. She was often depicted in red, the color of passion, though her sacred color is turquoise (blue-to-green).[61] Along with Great Goddesses Neith and Aset (Isis), nobody knows just old they may or could be. In certain times and aspects, Hathor has had the attributes of a moon goddess, so her sacred colors are relevant to moonology, and the secret moonbeam color spectrum.[62]



At God’s Throne in Heaven, 24 Rich and Wealthy Elders with Crowns of Gold


Revelation 4:4

“And round about the throne were four and twenty seats[24]: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.”


Moonlight as a theme and title of the film did not come out of the Black Experience or Community. The Moonlight that can color- code and transform Black Boys into Blue is the domain of Witches, and MK ULTRA/MONARCH.


On June 25, 1992 in Alexandria, Virginia, Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a stunning lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder): Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality. Dr. Hammond alluded to the Nazi connection in clandestine military and CIA mind control research and development. He revealed that Greek Letter and Color Programming were specifically mentioned in the Monarch Project in relation to a form of operative conditioning. Shortly after his ground breaking speech, he received death threats. Not wanting to jeopardize the safety of his family, Dr. Hammond stopped disseminating any follow-up information.[63]

Color-coded programming also involved triggering the names of handlers and programmers. In Project CHATTER (Dachau Concentration Camp Mind Control Experiments), my father had a color-coded doctor only identified as “Dr. Jewel” (colored gemstone). During that time (1947- 1953), I have searched coast-to-coast for a psychologist, psychiatrist or mental health technician named “Dr. Jewel” without success. I had recorded this name from an official state copy of my father’s hospital medical records. Following leads to the Dr. Josef Mengele’s designed electrical-shock machine torture-mind rape and control of my father in Oakland, Alameda Co, I was told in so many words by courthouse staff that I would be dead before I get to some of the puzzles to my fathers’ case now held in a special high security vault at the Alameda County Superior Court Administration building in Oakland.


Just after WWII, the primary or initial torture for many children in western U.S. involving color programming mind control experiments took place at China Lake, CA which officially went under the designations Naval Ordinance Test Station (pronounced in short as NOTS), Naval Weapons Center, NWC, Ridgecrest (the town nearby), and Inyo-kern (the area).[64]


Weird/Satanic Jack Parson’s California Institute of Technology at Pasadena was intimately connected to China Lake’s research. Weird-Satanic Jack, at one time, had top secret U.S. government clearances. Also much of the work at the facility was for the intelligence agencies and not the military. One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake was color -programming.[65]

Hathor sacred colors’ Red and green were discovered to be the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people, children who are programmed.[66]

Color- Coded named German & British scientists/mind control programmers came to NOTS after WWII, including Josef Mengele (known as Dr. Green, or Greenbaum, and other pseudonyms). Dr. Black also reportedly worked out of China Lake. Dr. White (Dr. Ewen Cameron) worked on the east coast, although he did fly in every so often to the west coast to meet with the other top programmers. Dr. Blue was another of the important leading mind control programmers.[67]


MacBeth’s 3 Witch Sisters & Tarrell

It seems very logical to me that Tarell Alvin McCraney wouldn’t be too effective as RSC/Warwick International Playwright in Residence at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Merry Olde Briton without knowing a great deal about Sir Francis AKA William Shakespeare, and MacBeth’s three (3) Witches.[68]


Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was a famous Rosicrucian, he is considered by many to be the secret author of the works of William Shakespeare. The original engraving of this portrait is kept at the Sovereign Headquarters of the Rose Cross Order. When it is superimposed over a portrait of William Shakespeare surprising coincidental similarities between the two suggest that are one and the same.[69] The Rosicrucians of Sir Bacon’s era can very well be called a “moon cult” that believes in the “gloryof the moon,

It is from the visible Sun that every particle of physical energy comes. And it is from the spiritual invisible Sun that all our spiritual energy comes. At the present time we cannot bear to look directly at the Sun. it would blind us. But we can look at the reflected sunlight that comes from the Moon. In the same way man cannot stand the direct spiritual impulse that comes from the Sun, and therefore it had to be sent by way of the Moon, through the hands, and through the mediumship of Jehovah, the Regent of the Moon, as a race religion. Only by initiation was it possible to get into direct touch with the spiritual solar impulse. A veil hung before the temple.[70]

The Three Wise Men on the Holy Night of Christmas,

“Certain ceremonies were performed and the candidates entranced. They could not at that time be given an initiation in their full waking state, it had to be done in a trance. When the spiritual perception was awakened in them, they could look through the Earth–not seeing any detail but the Earth became transparent, as it were–and they saw the Star at Midnight.”[71]


Sir Francis Bacon had studied the Witches of Thessaly in quite detail, Francis Bacon: Sylva Sylvarum, or a natural history in ten centuries: 903,

“It is worthy the observing, that both in ancient and late times, as in the Thesslian witches, and the meetings of witches that have been recorded by so many late confessions, the great wonders which they tell, of carrying in the air, transforming themselves into their bodies …” [72]



“Three nights were lacking before the moon’s horns met, to make their complete orb. When she was shining at her fullest, and gazed on the earth, with perfect form, Medea left the palace, dressed in unclasped robes. Her feet were bare, her unbound hair streamed down, over her shoulders, and she wandered, companionless, through midnight’s still silence. Men, beasts, and birds were freed in deep sleep. There were no murmurs in the hedgerows: the still leaves were silent, in silent, dew-filled, air. Only the flickering stars moved. Stretching her arms to them she three times turned herself about, three times sprinkled her head, with water from the running stream, three times let out a wailing cry, then knelt on the hard earth, and prayed.”

~Ovid. Metamorphoses. Book 7.[73]



Medea is the High Priestess of the Goddess Hecate. Hecate, or Hekate, is the Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of the Dark Phase of the Moon. Hecate is sometimes associated with all three (3) phases of the Moon, she is, more often than not, connected with the third stage of the Moon, which is the Dark Moon. For that reason, she takes on the role of the Crone in a typical Triple Goddess formation in which there is a Maiden, a Mother and a Crone. Hecate has also been known as the “Queen of Ghosts,” the “Goddess of the Three-Way Crossroads” and the “Goddess of the Dead,” and it was there, at those three-way crossroads, that her followers held midnight rituals in her honor. She was also believed to roam the Earth on moonless nights, accompanied by her pack of hounds.[74]


Triple Phase Goddess Hecate

The “Moon” or Lunar Goddess Hecate is invoked into the high priestess by the high priest and in effect comes to possess her in what can often appear as an almost Voodoo-esque manner. Known in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft as “Aspecting”: a magical practice in which a priestess or priest channels the presence of a deity or quality, Drawing Down the Moon is intended to bring the real, actual presence of the Goddess into the Circle. From the time She overshadows the High Priestess’s consciousness, the Lunar Goddess considered to be physically present amongst the coveners.[75]


The drawing-down of the moon was the characteristic activity of Thessalian Witches. [Thessaly is in northern Greece, below Macedonia, and in antiquity was considered the country of Witches]. The author Statius in the Thebaid 3.558-9 refers to Drawing Down the Moon as “the Thessalian crime“.[76]

aaaamoonlightbluelight The Thessalian women paid a terrible price for drawing down of the moon: they lost either children or an eye.[77] In the New Age Spiritual Sophia/Mithras Cults, the Moon is drawn down for the purpose of erotic attraction magic. It is a form of ritual transformation and possession- an altered state of consciousness, a trance formation, of surrendering yourself to the will of the Goddess or a MK ULTRA/MONARCH sex slave handler or programmer.


“I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the Seas, and the silences of hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, […] Some call me Juno, others Bellona of the Battles, and still others Hecate. Principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis.”Lucius Apuleius, The Golden Ass, 2nd century AD [78]

Initiates into the Cult of Isis spoke of seeing her sending out rays of BLUE LIGHT OF GRACE AND SALVATION. [79] The blue lotus is sacred flower of the Cult of Isis.[80] Drawing down the moon  involve the goddess and entities sending out spectrums of rays of blue light. There are different color spectrums and wavelengths of rays reflecting down on earth during the phases of moon. Since at least the 2nd century AD, the blue light of the moon has been associated with God-Like metamorphoses, transformations, possessions, and trance formation.


Lucius (Lucifer) takes human form, in a 1345 illustration of the Metamorphoses (ms. Vat. Lat. 2194, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana).


For Black Boys in Moonlight, the healing and God-Like blue light of grace and salvation of the Kemetic Goddesses aren’t being reserved for them. Black Boys Look Blue when the Moon is Drawn Down on Them not to transform them into the God-Like during metamorphoses, but to MK ULTRA/MONARCH Color- Code Purple- lock, seal, fence and guide them into  the Satanic Homosexual Underworld.

Yesterday, I had the Blues, But all I got is your HEART. I thanked God, I THANKED GOD FOR YOU! 

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Wilson

[2] http://forward.com/culture/356896/the-secret-jewish-history-of-fences-author-august-wilson/

[3] https://www.yahoo.com/movies/pittsburgh-fences-august-wilsons-hill-district-202102653.html

[4] http://www.stbtmchurch.org/

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedict_the_Moor

[6] http://jesusinlove.blogspot.com/2012/10/francis-of-assisis-queer-side-revealed.html

[7] http://www.samuelfreedman.com/articles/jinterest/jpost10262005.html

[8] http://www.jpost.com/Features/August-Wilson-and-the-Jews

[9] https://www.backstage.com/news/benjamin-mordecai-longtime-producer-dies/

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordecai

[11] http://www.commercialtheaterinstitute.com/about/robert-whitehead-award/

[12] http://forward.com/culture/356896/the-secret-jewish-history-of-fences-author-august-wilson/

[13] https://theendofzion.com/tag/pedophilia/

[14] http://www.biblenews1.com/sin/choking.htm

[15] https://lindsaymdavis.com/

[16] https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exhume

[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(wisdom)#New_Age_spirituality

[18] http://www.suppressedhistories.net/articles/sophia.html

[19] http://www.sistersofearthsong.com/SOPHIA/SOPHIA.html

[20] http://www.sistersofearthsong.com/SOPHIA/SOPHIA.html

[21] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/mistic/mistic_38.htm

[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Bottom_(dance)

[23] Id.

[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Rainey

[25] http://lesbianlife.about.com/od/herstory/p/MaRainey.htm

[26] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/mindcontrol2/part04.htm#COLOR PROGRAMMING

[27] Id.

[28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purple

[29] Id.

[30] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/mindcontrol2/part04.htm

[31] https://watchtheyard.com/alphas/moonlight-alpha-phi-alpha/

[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Shakespeare_Company

[33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarell_Alvin_McCraney

[34] http://deadline.com/2015/08/barry-jenkins-moonlight-a24-plan-b-ex-machina-brad-pitt-amy-winehouse-cary-fukunaga-1201504815/

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A24_(company)

[36] http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1168942/pg1

[37] http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=romanski

[38] http://variety.com/2012/film/news/katz-fenkel-hodges-launch-a24-1118058061/

[39] id.

[40] id

[41] Id.

[42] http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1906531/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm

[43] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOAS,_University_of_London

[44] Id.

[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Finkel

[46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Freud

[47] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clement_Freud

[48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann

[49] http://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=paq.030.0286a

[50] http://www.paperlessarchives.com/adolf_hitler_oss_-_cia_files.html

[51] http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/0615.html

[52] http://ecotopia.org/huey-newton/

[53] http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Robert-Knight/28441699

[54] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austen_Riggs_Center

[55] http://www.actionlyme.org/BRITISH_PSYCHIATRY.htm

[56] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/tag/erich-fromm/

[57] https://alchetron.com/Otto-Allen-Will,-Jr-1365938-W

[58] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austen_Riggs_Center

[59] https://www.henrymakow.com/aloysius.html

[60] http://www.beyondweird.com/crowley/Banned_Lecture.html

[61] http://www.crystalinks.com/hathor.html

[62] http://www.moonology.com/moon-meditation-the-goddess-hathor/

[63] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon02.htm

[64] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/if_chapter2.htm

[65] Id.

[66] id.

[67] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/if_chapter2.htm

[68] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Witches

[69] http://www.rosicrucian-order.com/libro3.htm

[70] Id.

[71] Id.

[72] http://sirbacon.org/witchcraftmacbeth.htm

[73] http://necropolisnow.blogspot.com/2009/03/drawing-down-moon.html

[74] http://www.angelfire.com/journal/ofapoet/hecate.html

[75] http://necropolisnow.blogspot.com/2009/03/drawing-down-moon.html

[76] Id.

[77] Id.

[78] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Ass


[80] http://sacredbluelotus.com/html/roman_isis.html


7 11 2016




“I am everything that was, everything that is, that will be, and no mortal has yet dared to lift my veil.”  GODDESS ASET (Isis)

Goddess Aset is considered the underpinning knowledge of the physical and metaphysical- all things natural and unnatural- MAGIC.


Pompeii Temple of Aset (79 AD)

The Greco-Roman Mysteries of Aset (Isis) were secret society religious initiation rites performed to imitate the sacred rites of the Kemetic Goddess Aset. The Greco-Roman model of the Mysteries of Aset are deeply flawed and corrupted, because Western cultures exploited her ageless mysteries mainly for what they perceived to be her power and “Magic“. The Greco-Roman model also borrowed from other mysteries and secret Luciferian  BLOOD rites in honor of the Greek Gods and Goddesses like Apollo, Artemis, Saturn, Cybele, and the Eleusinian Mysteries  of Demeter (also related to Goddess Cybele).


Pompeii Coffin Shrine to Asur (79 AD)

They also wanted to discover and dominate the sacred Kemetic keys and rites to be Godlike- the path to immortality.  After initiation, a devotee became honored like a new Asur (Osiris), saved and regenerated (reborn) through the ineffable magical powers of Aset. It is the THIRD AND FINAL RITE passed down to the Children of Solomon, Knights Templars, Masonic brotherhoods, sisterhoods and fraternal orders.

The Greek and Roman secret societies also wanted the path to the afterlife. From a funerary inscription left by one of her initiate provides some evidence of Asetiac afterlife beliefs. It explicitly says that because the devotee had been initiated into the mysteries of the goddess, he did not “walk the dark road of the Acheron (river of woe) ” but “ran to the havens of the blessed.”

These Greco-Roman Mysteries of Aset secret societies were outlawed, but they didn’t die. They went further underground. They were hidden away in the catacombs of temples and churches. The so-called “Enlightened and ILLUMINATED Ones” of the mysteries that plot the left-hand path of new world order domination are no longer hidden away in caves, underground labyrinths, chapels and catacombs. Their high priests, princesses, initiates, surrogates and false prophets such as Lady Gaga have begun to craw and creep low on their bellies like snakes and serpents outside of darkness right into the daylight of your castles, homes and havens like vengeance is mine– right in front of your face.

Toward the end, I have included a brief background discussion of European High Renaissance Vatican art masters, Raphael, Polidoro, and Caldara Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, because they are relevant to today’s discussion of the Greco-Roman Mystery School’s secret influence over America’s Pop and Hip Hop counter cultures that impact all of us.



Lady Gaga’s “Fame” video is so absolutely spiritually DEMONIC that I can only watch a small portion. I admit too that I am actually afraid to watch it from beginning to end. With Lady Gaga, it’s only one expedient narrative paradigm, the Luciferian ONE WORLD RELIGION. It is so blatant and in your face that there is nothing to decipher, interpret or uncover, except exposing the ELITE AGENDA behind this deliberate application of Satanic Semiotics.

Semiotics is a relatively young field of study. Its simplest definition is “the study of signs.” However, semiotics is much deeper. Manipulated in its application by the elite and military, it can be used in psycho-social warfare to affect the daily social interchanges of humanity. Moreover, signs are not merely images, like the proverbial STOP sign. They are also spoken and written words. These categories of signs have long been the providence of linguistics, a subsidiary of the larger field of semiotics. All of these signs are used to communicate messages, which semioticians refer to as “texts.” A text can inhabit any medium of communication; whether verbal or nonverbal, a text always has meaning.

Lady Gaga it is a product of a larger semiotic scheme of deception. This larger semiotic deception is part of a program for cultural subversion known as “sci-fi predictive programming,” a term coined by Michael Hoffman. Elaborating on this concept, he states:

Predictive programming works by means of the propagation of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to look in the future (Hoffman 205).’”

When she takes over half time, Super Bowl 51, February 5, 2017, it will be on one basis only, in your face, mass “sci-fi predictive programming”, and the mystification of Luciferican Magick.




On September 29, 2016, the NFL made it official announcing that six-time Grammy winner Lady Gaga will headline this year’s Super Bowl 51 halftime show. The formal announcement and interview with Lady Gaga aired Sunday, Oct. 2, on FOX’s NFL Sunday pregame show.I was watching the show just before they brought her out. I thought to myself that’s really strange and unusual. I read enough about Lady Gaga to know that she is Gothic– associated with LUCIFER.


I was shocked as soon as I saw her dressed without respect for a Sunday morning family audience, I said to myself. This is a trick right in the front of my face.  I immediately switched the channel.


If you accepted Lady Gaga on traditional sacred Sunday morning with those Little obscene mac- nasty daisy dukes during Sunday morning family hours of football, a secret  RITE of ACCEPTANCE began that involves scientific mass population deceptive semiotics, and  “intelligence imagery”. Lady Gaga is like her father, Lucifer, a master trickster.


Lady Gaga – 1 Peter 2:11, PASSION OF THE FLESH

It wasn’t happenstance that Lady Gaga was welcomed on national television in her little nasty daisy dukes by NFL monitors/censors, and the only two Negro NWO MASONIC/ILLUMINATI GOAT MEN anchors of Fox NFL Sunday  Curt Menefee and Michael Strahan. It is not without precedent.

Lady Gaga & The “Aset Paradigm


Since before the time of recorded history, one of the world’s most sacred and beloved figures of human civilization have been Aset (Isis).



Metropolis (1927)- Is generally a blueprint for it means to be Human in a Luciferian New World Order Totalitarian Society.  Gaga is talking about birthing a “new race” within humanity from some type of artificial alchemy cauldron or eggMK ULTRA/MONARCH.  Only the working classes will need to become the “new race” while  people of color, particularly black people, need to be concerned about the New World Order that they envision, and will attempt to force it down our throats.


Feb. 2, 2011Lady Gaga arrived at the Grammys in an EGG. In an interview, she claimed to have stayed in the egg for 72 hours prior to the ceremony, because she wanted to be born on stage. Lady Gaga is a very sophisticated occultist. Little or anything she does is not related to secret authentic ancient foundational rituals, mythology, and Luciferian worship.

The hieroglyphic name for the most ancient Black Madonna, Aset (Isis), contains a throne and an EGG Isis hieroglyph.

The Egg Symbol also represents her father, Geb- God of Earth (So below). Her mother is Nut- Goddess of the Sky (As Above). Geb is associated with a mythological divine creator goose who had laid the  World Egg from which the sun and/or the world had sprung. Aset sprung from Geb’s Egg. The egg represents motherhood, implying Aset’s maternal role. Her name could mean “Mother Goddess“, pointing to her mythological role as the mother of Horus.

The Cult of the Black Madonna


The origin of this miraculous image of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Poland is unknown for absolute certainty. According to tradition, the painting was a portrait by St. John sometime after the Crucifixion of Christ and remained in the Holy Land until discovered by St. Helena of the Cross in the fourth century. The painting was taken to Constantinople, where St. Helena’s son, the Emperor Constantine, erected a church for its enthronement. The Black Madonna image was revered by the people of the city. Helena, St. Helena, or St. Helen (250 – 330 AD), was a Greek native from a Greek city of Asia Minor. She became the consort of Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus (306-337). She was the mother of Emperor Constantine, the Great (293- 306). Tradition credits her with a pilgrimage to Syria Palaestina, particularly to Jerusalem, during which she allegedly discovered a number of other relics including the True Cross.

At the world’s 8th largest Catholic cathedral, the  Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, there are from 65-70 chapels, and an underground secret catacomb system like something out of Knights Templar medieval Europe, and Labyrinths of Ancient Kemet.


One of its chapels is dedicated to the mysterious Cult of the Black Madonna about which little is revealed other than the image.  Yet, the entire temple complex in DC is dedicated to the ancient Knights Templar, Lady Wisdom, Cybele. See BelowMenefee and Strahan are two strategically placed black gatekeeper surrogates of mass semiotic deception, and the Elites’ Secret Cybelean Paradigm.

Curt Menefee, Secret Society Goat Rider


Curt Menefee is a high level secret society Goat-Riding Luciferian. He is a sportscaster who is the host of the Fox NFL [ILLUMINATI] Sunday with Jimmy Johnson, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, and Michael Strahan. At Coe College in Cedar Rapids, he was initiated into the Luciferian-Mysteries Sigma Nu fraternity. This Negro was shamefully inducted into the Sigma Nu Hall of Fame in 2016 along with members of the Confederacy, and the KLAN.[37]


The story of Sigma Nu began during Reconstruction following the Civil War, when a Confederate veteran, James Frank Hopkins, from Arkansas enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia. Sigma Nu owes its existence to Hopkins soon was joined by two classmates and close friends, Greenfield Quarles from Arkansas, a Kentuckian by birth, and James McIlvaine Riley from St. Louis, Missouri. Their secret society climaxed on a moonlit October night in 1868 following Bible study at the superintendent’s home, when the three met at a limestone outcropping on the edge of the VMI parade ground. Hopkins, Quarles and Riley clasped hands on the Bible and gave their solemn pledge to form a Luciferian confederate secret brotherhood of a new society they called the Legion of Honor. Hopkins established the fraternity’s rituals based upon the Masonic Order. Sigma Chi’s constitution limited membership to “bona fide WHITE MALE” students; Sigma Nu’s regulation barred Negroes and Orientals from the fraternity.[38]


John Wilkes Booth, the confederate spy assassin of President Abraham Lincoln, and James Frank Hopkins of Sigma Nu were Knights of the White Camellia.[39] The society’s name was taken from the snow-white bloom of a Southern flowering shrub as a token symbol of lily- white supremacy.


The Knights of the White Camellia was a defacto guerrilla terrorist organization and arm of the white supremacist Democratic Party of the 19th century, similar to, and associated with the Ku Klux Klan, supporting white supremacy and opposing African freedmen’s rights. the Knights of the White Camellia consisted mainly of upper class southerners, including physicians, landowners, newspaper editors, doctors, and officers. They were also usually Confederate veterans, the upper part of antebellum society. [40]


Knights of Pythias, Three Degrees and Rites, Page, Esquire and Knight

According to who you listen to, the Knights of the White Camellias was an ultra secret hierarchic Masonic “inner circle” higher and more powerful than the orders of the Ku Klux Klan and its military arm, Knights of the Golden Circle. The Golden Circle’s ritual mysteries like those of the Camellia Knights were heavily borrowed from the Masonic Lodge, Rosiscurians and later The Knights of Pythias (founded 1864).[41] I will cover Lady Gaga and her direct relationship to the Knights of Pythias in Part VI or V. But, what lowdown Negro would join  Sigma Nu- Curt Menefee.



Curt Menefee was chosen to honor and bow down to Lady Gaga, because he is a gutless, shameless and soulless ILLUMINATI Quasimodo Negro. The “Quasimodo (Quasi-Man) Class” is an essential and necessary element of the Elite’s Satanic Narrative Paradigm for a New World Order.

Michael Strahan, MK ULTRA Goat Rider


I really don’t know how to describe the sheer ugliness and utter indignity that possess a disgraceful buffoon bootlicker like Michael Strahan. The ILLUMINATI no longer just create non-operational black Buffoons and Uncle Toms. It’s not bad enough that he is paraded across the world as a Hermaphrodite, but his leopard animal pattern suggests CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Programming as well.


The U.S. Satanic Sodomite Military created Strahan. His father, U.S. Army Major Gene Strahan, a master paratrooper/assassin of the 82nd Airborne Division, was directly involved in the CIA’s War Criminal Project Phoenix Assassination Program in Vietnam. When Michael was 9 years old, he was moved to and raised at an army post in Mannheim, Germany.[42],[43]


Strahan is somewhat comparable to the Negro cyborg Charles Barkley, a MK ULTRA/MONARCH Metro-Sexual, Transsexual, Transvestite, Trans-human or a hermaphrodite CYBORG. I am not too sure what Strahan may be.


Strahan is chained to a MONARCH mind control music grinder. He will dance to any tune of the ILLUMINATI and SHADOW GOVERNMENT.


The closed or clenched fist is, in ILLUMINATI Philosophy, the symbol of secrecy, dissimulation and HERMETICISM. It veils and conceals secrets from the “profane” and the “vulgar” (the non-ILLUMINISTS). The clenched fist salute or hand sign is also well-known in Freemasonry. Both fists are clenched in allusion to one of the penalties of violation of the secrecy obligation and blood covenant, which is have both hands chopped off to the stumps.[44]


It is rather clear that Michael Strahan is a profane black Masonic/ILLUMINATI GOAT RIDER.



Michael Strahan was also chosen to honor and bow down to Lady Gaga, because he is another gutless, shameless and soulless surrogate ILLUMINATI Negro of the  Quasimodo (Quasi-Man) Class.


These blood covenant Quasimodo Negroes of Hip Hop Satanic Cults, and the NFL ILLUMINATI are extremely dangerous. Get out of line with the Satanic Narrative Paradigm, and New World Order agenda, they are programmed to cut your throat to the bone and drink your blood. They don’t dare defy their masters.

The Original Quasimodo


Quasimodo, the Quasi-Man, comes out of the infamous book, The Hunchback of NotreDame. It is a French Romantic/Gothic mass popularized novel by Victor Hugo, published in 1831. The story takes place in 15th Century France. In the novel, Quasimodo is described as a MONSTER  “A Creation of the DEVIL.” Because neither DEVIL nor his angels/demons can take on human form, and do not have physical bodies, they can only manipulate what God has already created. In describing the DEVIL’s power. He doesn’t make things, he makes the things God created worse. He can take the people God created and possess them.

Lady Gaga & Creation of Little Monsters


Lady Gaga creates “Little QUASIMODO MONSTERS” out of her fans. She takes what God has created and posses them with DEMONIC characters, natures and spirits. Their sign is the “left hand path” medieval Rosicrucian Luciferian Claw.


The Secret Claw Hand of Elite European DEVIL WORSHIPERS, Albrecht Dürer and Hans Baldung Grien


Hans Baldung Grien or Grün (1484 – September 1545) created the Witch and the Dragon, above. He was a German artist of an elite and noble family. Baldung was a painter and printmaking who was considered the most gifted student of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). It has been suggested that “Grien” came from “grienhals”, a German word for WITCH.


Lady Gaga is an elite ILLUMINATI Trickster that make wide use of deceptive intertextaualityIntertextuality is one of the most popular techniques in all media of visual communication of the postmodern world. It is based on creating a new meaning by referring to existing texts and contexts.

Postmodernism is a relativistic system of observation and thought that denies absolutes and objectivity. While no consensus exists on a precise definition, postmodernism nevertheless signals a dissatisfaction with one or more aspects of modernity. Its origins are found in the philosophies of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Marx and Freud. On some points, particularly its attitude to truth, it is similar to New Age thinking. Through the combination of the mass media entertainment industry, Lady Gaga re-images established medieval Satanic and Demonic signs and symbols for a postmodern world shaped for a New World Order.


Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters is no more than a 21st Century Dionysus/Bacchus Cult- Cocaine for the Masses. Luciferian rituals consume the minds of the masses by ecstasy, lust, drugs and alcohol while the masters climb the ladder to mystic enlightenment, authority, and power over them.


Ancient Greek/Roman Dionysus/Bacchus Cult for the Public





Victor Marie Hugo (1802- 1855) was a 19th Century DEVIL WORSHIPER, and mass communication master Trickster. He was one of the best known and celebrated French writers.


Hugo was part of La Jeune (Young) France that had a “DEVIL’s- Eye- View” of Paris and most likely everything else. La Jeune France was an elite class of young writers whose works were beset by mystical words, or angelic, diabolical or cabalistic names. They were viewed as “DEVIL WORSHIPERS.” They were consumed by German books on sorcery and demonology. Hugo had declared the DEVIL’s centrality as a hero of modern grotesque, which had given Satanhis horns, his goat hooves, his bat’s wings.” [Michael Camille, The Gargoyles of Notre Dame: Medievalism and the Monsters of Modernity, the University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL (2009), pg. 102] In other words, their works were that of the DEVIL.

Hugo was also a member of the Rosicrucians (Rose Cross Order). The backdrop of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is in Paris, and Cathedral  Notre-Dame de Paris meaning Our Lady of Paris”. The cathedral (1163- 1345 AD) is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic Architecture. It was built by the French government for the benefit of the Knights Templar secret treasury, and the Roman Catholic Vatican.


In 1163, the site of the Temple of Isis would be the location where Notre-Dame de Paris (IPA: [nɔtʁə dam də paʁi]; French for “Our Lady of Paris”) would be built, and had become the “Parisian church of the kings of Europe.” The original statue of Isis was preserved in the Abbey of St. Germain until the year 1514 when the Archbishop of Meaux had it destroyed.”

Norte Dame, or Our Lady replaced the worship of the Black Virgins, Cybele and Aset. Christianity took over the state religion, the Temple of Cybele was built over by the new blessed virgin- Basilica of Norte Dame de Fourviere (Steve Sora, The Lost Colony of the Templars: Verrazano’s Secret Mission to America, Destiny Books, Rochester, VT (2004), pg. 213). As you come to understand. Basilica of Norte Dame continued to be a secret inner sanctuary of Goddess Cybele, God Pan, Knights Templar, and the Serpent Cult.

Victor Hugo belonged to the secret old Serpent Cult Order of Rosicrucians founded by Ormus in 46 AD. Ormus is believed to have a been an Egyptian (Greek) Sage and Priest versus a Kemetic High Priest. He became a disciple of Saint Mark, or the other way around- Saint Mark had been his disciple.gagastmarkMark, the Evangelist, was a disciple of Jesus. Mark is said to have founded the Church of Alexandria. His date of birth is unknown. However, Mark’s death is linked to April 25, 68 A.D. It is commonly passed down that Ormus reformed what he understood to be Egyptian Cosmology and doctrines in accordance with the Principles of Christianity.


Ormus introduced the secret Rites of Memphis (Oriental Rite) to Europe. The disciples of Ormus were the Guardians of Ancient Egyptian Wisdom as bastardized by Christianity and Solomonian Science. They communicated this bastardized wisdom of Ancient Kemet to the Knights Templar that were known as the “Brethren of Rose Croix of the East”. They formally established the secret Rites of Memphis of the Masonic and Scottish Fraternal Orders. (Albert G. Mackey, MD, 33rd Degree, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences, The Masonic History Company, NY, NY, pg. 467 (1919))


Saint Mark’s symbol was the winged lion. In the first century, it was historically documented that the winged lion was a symbol of the Kemetic Goddess Aset, Auset (Isis). It strongly suggests that the Masonic Rites of Memphis were stolen legacies taken directly out of the Kemetic Temple of Aset.


Quasimodo Kanye West, Lady Gaga & Esmeralda’s Quasimodo

Victor Hugo’s novel, Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831), is the work of the DEVIL written in secret mystical, angelic, diabolical and cabalistic codes.

The Mystical Code Behind Esmeralda,


The heroine of the Hunchback novel, Esmeralda, is basically the precious stone, Emerald- Green Stone. The Emerald is associated with GODDESS APHRODITE, the Meter Theon- Goddess Cybele.



The ancient Babylonians believed that  the Goddess Ishtar was an aspect of CYBELE.


Goddess Cybele’s Chariot Drawn by Twin Lions

In Rosicrucian Alchemy, Emeralds are also associated with Mercury (Hermes). In the noted “Emerald Tablet“, which is said to be molded out of a single piece of this precious green crystal, the words of Hermes Trismagistus were inscribed- words that describe the alchemical process necessary for spiritual transformation and whose initial instruction describes our current knowledge of “as above, so below.”



In the Land of Kemet, Emeralds were also believed to be a gift from Thoth, and that the crystals would ensure Spring’s return and bestow eternal youth, thus Emeralds were often buried with their dead. In Hindu astrology, Emerald is the stone associated with the planet Mercury, which is considered the manifestation of the god himself whose traits embody all forms of communication, wisdom, love and beauty. The Sycamore Tree was sacred to Goddess Aset, and she is associated with the planet Venus, and the color Emerald.




In Kemet, the Lady Lion was Goddess Aset, Auset (Osiris). Hugo’s coded Knights Templar bastardization of Goddess Aset (Esmeralda) involves her GOAT, DJALI. In the novel, Djali is accused of being possessed by, representing the DEVIL.


Rosicrucians and Satanic Cults understand exactly the meaning of Hugh’s Hunchback of Notre Dame- SATANISM and the the veiled worship of GODDESS CYBELE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.


The Greek/Roman God Pan and Mother GOAT- LADY GAGA

The DEVIL GOAT MAN, GOD PAN, is her son. Cybele is the Lady Philosophy of French alchemists- Victor Hugo.

The Mystical Code Behind Quasimodo


At the end of the story, QUASIMODO was no more than a three headed MONSTER, a soulless landlord that fads into the darkness the same as a statue of stone.


QUASIMODO, a Soulless, Mindless Freak GHOUL of God  Pan and CYBELE

Quasimodo’s soul belonged to Monsignor Claude Frollo, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame. Frollo was an alchemist, magickian and sorcerer- ” … a soul lost in the mazes of the Cabala, groping in the darkness of the occult sciences, and already in the vestibule of hell. The people held much the same opinion ; all who possessed any sagacity regarded Quasimodo as the damon [demon] and Claude Frollo as the conjuror. It was evident that the bell-ringer had engaged to serve the archdeacon for a specific time, at the expiration of which he would be sure to carry off his soul by way of payment.”


The castrated or the literal quasi-castrated Monsignor Claude Frolio, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame  was a sorcerer- ” … a soul lost in the mazes of the Cabala, groping in the darkness of the occult sciences, and already in the vestibule of hell. The people held much the same opinion ; all who possessed any sagacity regarded Quasimodo as the damon [demon] and Claude Frollo as the conjuror. It was evident that the bell-ringer had engaged to serve the archdeacon for a specific time, at the expiration of which he would be sure to carry off his soul by way of payment.”

Behind Frollo hides the “Philosopher’s Stone.” The stone is not necessarily the alchemy process of making gold, but the search for spiritual initiation for god or goddess. It strongly suggests that Frollo was a blood ritual priest of Goddess Cybele called a Gallae. The Gallae is a prototype of her consort, an emasculated and castrated Attis .

The Cult of Cybele was extremely secretive. The initiation into her cult was ultra selective and elite. Under the Roman Empire, its strictures against castration and citizen participation in Magna Mater’s cult limited both the number and kind of her initiates. From the 160’s CE, citizens who sought initiation to her mysteries could offer either of two forms of bloody animal sacrifice – and sometimes both – as lawful substitutes for self-castration. The Taurobolium sacrificed a BULL, the most potent and costly victim in Roman religion; the Criobolium used a lesser victim, usually a RAM.

Cybele & the Taurobolium, the BLOOD RITUAL


The sheer expense of the Taurobolium ensured that its initiates were from Rome’s highest class, and even the lesser offering of a Criobolium would have been beyond the means of the poor. Among the Roman masses, there is evidence of private devotion to Attis, but virtually none for initiations to Magna Mater’s cult. Even today, Magna Mater’s notable initiates includes only the most secret, powerful, elite, and the wealthy.

Quasimodo sold his soul to the DEVIL. He was a Corybante– a soldier of Cybele.  By blood ritual, he was initiated into the Cult of Attis by Frolio. But along the way, Frolio lost his way to flesh (1 Peter 2:11), while Quasimodo remained faithfully blind to the cult of Attis.

Attis was born of the seed of a DEMON, Agdistis, born of Zeus and Gaia. It was a hermaphroditic MONSTER that instilled fear in the Olympian gods. They plotted its death by castration. Dionysus tricked her into castrating herself, and from then on she was known as the goddess Cybele. The blood from his genitals fell onto the earth, which was fertilized, and an almond tree grew. At some later point, Nana, daughter of the river god Sangarius, picked up almonds from the tree and kept them in her bosom. The almonds disappeared and Nana became pregnant with Attis.


Attis was beautiful and when he grew up, Agdistis/Cybele fell in love with him. However, Attis was to marry the daughter of the king of Pessinus. During the wedding, Cybele appeared in front of the guests and drove everyone mad. Both Attis and the king castrated themselves, while the bride cut off her breasts. Cybele quickly repented, and asked Zeus to keep Attis’ body intact, so that it would not decompose at all. Attis was given the immortality of gods.

Quasimodo has all the ugliness of a monster and demon, but in duality. He has the beauty of the gods. He is a blood oath devotee to Lady Wisdom, Cybele and the her son, the Goat God DEVIL, PAN.

Below is a 12-13th century relief called “Cybele, philosophy” which is on the West portal of Notre-Dame of Paris. “This Lady Wisdom, Cybele, has her feet on the earth and her head in the clouds. She holds two books, one open and one closed, symbols for exoteric and esoteric knowledge, or wisdom gained from books and from interior prayer or meditation. Leaning on her is ‘Jacob’s ladder’ , which represents the gradual way of knowledge of God leading to her scepter of wisdom, divine union.”



Hugo’s Hunchback of Notre Dame is right there plainly put in front of your face. Yet, many people are in left in the dark of what it really means. During the Middle Ages, Cybele had become just another name for the divine feminine, Our Lady Wisdom of the Bible, or Lady Philosophy of French alchemists.

Disney’s Hunchback of Norte Dame (1996) that you ACCEPT and ALLOW your children to be innocently indoctrinated in is also right there plainly put in front of your face. Mind Controlled Zombie QUASIMODO, and the GOAT (DEVIL, God Pan) are reduced to cartoon characters. It is a prefect example of Postmodernism, and deceptive intertextauality. It’s all about covertly indoctrinating the masses with the veiled worship of PAN; and the Goddess Cybele, the Lady Philosophy of  DEVIL WORSHIPERS.


Now, you may wonder what in the world does Victor Hugo, Hunchback, and Cybele have to do with anything now. Well, the false prophets and occult masters of the Hip Hop, Popular Music and Cultural Generation, Kanye West, Kardashians, Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Drake, etc., belong to an extended New World Order branch of the old French-Italian Satanic Cabals that Hugo belonged to.


Kanye West bringing Caravaggio’s 1603 Entombment of Christ out of the Vatican and back to the people.” That’s is a bunch of B.S. All of Caravaggio’s works were dedicated to the DEVIL, Vatican, elite secret societies, and Knights Templar.


Denver Bronco Von Miller & Caravaggio’s David & Goliath (1607)


Justin Bieber, Caravaggio’s Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence (1609)

It is a Hip Hop Generation Satanic Circle that have reached back to the 16th Century Medieval Europe to make the old masters like the madman, Caravaggio, their hero and teacher just as Victor Hugo and the La Jeune (Young) France had done in the early 19th Century. Hugo had  given Satanhis horns, his Goat Hooves.


Almost 300 years earlier, the old art master Caravaggio- the Antichrist of Art,   was said during his own time to have been born of the Cloven Hoof of a Goat.




Let us not insult the gods,” said he. “The gods may not have taken their departure. Jupiter does not impress me as dead. The gods are dreams, you say. Well, even in nature, such as it is to-day, after the flight of these dreams, we still find all the grand old pagan myths. Such and such a mountain with the profile of a citadel, like the Vignemale [Pyrenees Mountains], for example, is still to me the headdress of Cybele;


[I]t has not been proved to me that [Goat God] Pan does not come at night to breathe into the hollow trunks of the willows, stopping up the holes in turn with his fingers …” Les Miserables, Victor Hugo


According to The Cult of the Black Virgin, the full name of cult is the Prieuré is the Order of the Prieuré Notre Dame (Lady, Philosophy) de Sion (Priory of Sion). Former Grand Master of the Prieuré, Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair, has identified Notre Dame as Our Lady of the Light, i.e. “Lucifer, the Light-Bearer.” The Cult of the Black Virgin has been in continuous existence since the twelfth century. It has some features both of an order of chivalry and of a religious order; a secret society interested in ancient esoteric wisdom and hidden mysteries of Notre Dame, the Black Virgin.

During medieval times, the Knights Templar were involved in the financing to the building of over 1,000 churches and cathedrals throughout Europe, many in honor of the Black Virgin. Hugo’s Notre Dame de Paris was no exception.  Following the dissolution of the Templars in 1307, the Prieuré de Sion carried on quietly mainstreaming the Black Virgin through Mary Magdalene, particularly in France. Laurence Gardner wrote in Bloodline of the Holy Grail of the astrological configuration of the French cathedrals:

In accordance with the Hermetic principle of “As above, so below”, the combined ground-plan of the Notre Dame cathedrals replicates the Virgo constellation. The Notre Dame cathedrals…were mainly the work of the “Children of Solomon” – a guild of masons instructed by St. Bernard’s Cistercian Order.”


St. Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercian Order of France. They are variously called the Bernardines, after the highly influential St. Bernard. The Order was the founding monastery section of the Knights Templar. St. Bernard was born at Fontaines on the outskirts of Dijon, France, a place said to have had its own Black Virgin. He is said to have received three drops of milk taken from the breast of the Black Virgin of Chatillon while still a boy. He later went on to help the Templar order expand quickly and to preach the Second Crusade – from Vezelay, France, a centre of the Cult of the Magdalene and a Black Virgin site.

Victor Hugo & the Secret Cult of the Black Virgin


Victor Hugo & the Hidden Hand

It was believed that Hugo was not only a Rosicrucian, the ILLUMINATI, but he was also a Grand Master of the Order of the Prieuré Notre Dame, the secret Cult of the Black Virgin- CYBELE.


Caravaggio’s St. Bernard with Torch & Mary Magdalene (1607)

Caravaggio was a Vatican assassin, spy, and lunatic murderer. He was a  wicked Knight Templar on the Island of Malta (Sanctuary of Goddess Cybele).


Caravaggio was an occult master of the Luciferian art of Eye (visual art perception) Symbolism. Caravaggio’s circle of demons, occult masters, witches and elite were a secret Dionysus/Cybelean Blood Cult out of Ancient Greece and Rome. He was a madman at the center of the Knight of Malta CULT OF THE BLACK VIRGIN- CYBELE.


Polidoroda Caravaggio & Maturino?

In Giorgio Vasari’s Life of Polidoro da Caravaggio, in the 1568 edition of his book The Lives of the Artists. He says Polidoro lived with his colleague Maturino. Their “love” was so great that they “determined like brothers and true companions to live and die together”.

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (September 29, 1571 – July 18, 1610) followed in the footsteps of Polidoro Caldara (c. 1499 – 1543). Caldara, known as Polidoroda Caravaggio was an Italian painter unrelated to Michelangelo Caravaggio. Both came from the same small town, Caravaggio.


A Knight of Saint John (Occult Claw Hand), recently attributed to Polidoro da Caravaggio, c1528-30. Photograph: The National Gallery, London

Both Polidoro and Michelangelo were stone Masons, and Knights. Above, Polidoro’s portrait is known as “A Knight of Saint John of Jerusalem” (1528- 1530) that may be a self portrait, both Polidoro and  Michelangelo were most likely Knights of MaltaPolidoro had a high reputation that may have led Michelangelo Merisi to take the name with the hope that powerful people (Vatican & Serpent Cult) would associate him to Polidoro who was already a famous master in Vatican history and the art world when Caravaggio was at the beginning of his career.


Raphael, Self Portrait

Polidoro met Raphael at the Vatican, and became one of Raphael’s best students. Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino April 6 or March 28, 1483 – April 6, 1520), known as Raphael, was an Italian painter and architect of High Renaissance. His work is admired for its clarity of form, ease of composition, and visual achievement of the Neo-platonic (Greek Plato) ideal of human grandeur. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditional trinity of great masters of that period.


Raphael & Left Hand Occult Claw

Raphael was a Papal Knight of the Golden Spur (Militia). The Order officially known also as the Order of the Golden Militia is a Papal Order of Knighthood conferred upon those who have rendered distinguished service in propagating the Catholic faith, or who have contributed to the glory of the Church, either by feat of arms, by writings, or by other illustrious acts. The Order wasn’t organized for elegant pageantry and regal balls. They were the Vatican’s official cold blood knights, soldiers, assassins and spies. They viciously attacked and liquidated enemies of the Catholic Church.


Caravaggio’s Facade of Milesi Palace

One of Polidoro’s most infamous work that survived the centuries is known as the “Procession of Cybele” from the facade of the Milesi Palace in Split, Croatia.


Polidoro’s artwork recalls the Greek Myth of Nicobe. She was the daughter of the King of Phrygia or Thebes. She was mentioned in Homer’s Iliad which relates her proud hubris, foolish and excessive pride in defiance of the Gods. Niobe boasted of her fourteen children, seven male and seven female (the Niobids), to Goddess Leto who only had two children,

It was on occasion of the annual celebration in honor of Latona [Leto] and her offspring, Apollo and Diana [i.e Artemis] when the people of Thebes were assembled, their brows crowned with laurel, bearing frankincense to the altars and paying their vows, that Niobe appeared among the crowd. Her attire was splendid with gold and gems, and her face as beautiful as the face of an angry woman can be. She stood and surveyed the people with haughty looks. “What folly,” said she, “is this! to prefer beings whom you never saw to those who stand before your eyes! Why should Latona be honored with worship rather than I? My father was Tantalus, who was received as a guest at the table of the gods; my mother was a goddess. My husband built and rules this city, Thebes; and Phrygia is my paternal inheritance. Wherever I turn my eyes I survey the elements of my power; nor is my form and presence unworthy of a goddess. To all this let me add, I have seven sons and seven daughters, and look for sons-in-law and daughters-in-law of pretensions worthy of my alliance. Have I not cause for pride? Will you prefer to me this Latona, the Titan’s daughter, with her two children? I have seven times as many. Fortunate indeed am I, and fortunate I shall remain! Will any one deny this?”

In ancient Greek Mythology, Leto was a daughter of Titans, Coeus (sun) and Phoebe (moon). She was the mother of twins, Apollo and Artemis by Zeus. Niobe was punished by Leto, who sent Apollo and Artemis to slay all of her children, after which her children lay un-buried for nine days while she abstained from food. The legend says that Niobe retreated to the ancient Mount Sipylus in Manisa Province, Turkey to moan and weep. There, Zeus turned her into stone.


Polidoro Caravaggio’s Procession in Honor of Cybele (and Goat)


Weeping Rock, is a natural formation on Mount Sipylus that is associated with both Niobe and Goddess CybelePolidoro was most likely a Papal Knight, Mason of the craft loyal to the Vatican and the Golden Knight Raphael. What would be the significance of the ancient Greek Myth of Niobe? It is a Gnostic myth. The term Gnosticism comes from the Greek word for knowledge, gnosis, referring to esoteric consciousness, which is claimed by Gnostics to be the key to unlocking transcendent understanding, self-realization, and/or unity with God. The crime of Niobe was that she was a mortal that sought to become immortal like a Goddess by self-realization without the gods intervention or ritual initiation.


Vatican- Burning of Heretic Gnostics

Through the Inquisition and the Albigensian Crusade, Gnostic movements were ruthlessly suppressed, and stamped out as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church. During the 16th Century, the Vatican jealously controlled the human soul’s path to immortality through unity with God. You had to go through the Catholic Church.


Raphael’s Margarita Luti & Greek Goddess Aphrodite of Knidos

Raphael’s portrait (1518-1520) of a young woman is most likely his lover, Margarita Luti. It was found in his possession when he died. The portrait painting was known to have been deliberately altered to remove a myrtle bush in the background, and any other secret codes linking it to the Cult of the Black Virgin. However, X-Ray analyses have shown that in the background was indeed originally a myrtle bush, which was sacred to Goddess Venus.


Myrtle Bush & Aphrodite

Myrtle was sacred to the lunar aspects of Goddess Aset, and Sun God, Ra. Ean Begg (The Cult of the Black Virgin) notes a similarity between the cults of Artemis and the Black Madonnas. “They both tend to make their home in trees where they are later found. Artemis Orthia, like the Black Virgin of Bourg, was found in a hollow willow tree. Other images of her were adored in a myrtle and a cedar.” Raphael’s placement of her left hand on her right breast is not happenstance. It is the secret symbolic finger breast gesture of the Greek statute of Aphrodite of Knidos, popularly known as Venus Pudic. Since pre-historic times the divine was portrayed as a woman offering her breast to all God’s Children.


Isis-Aphrodite is a form of the great goddess Isis that emphasizes the fertility aspects associated with Aphrodite. She was concerned with marriage and childbirth and, following very ancient pharaonic prototypes, also with rebirth. Elaborate accessories, including an exaggerated calathos (the crown of Egyptian Greco-Roman divinities) emblazoned with a tiny disk and horns of Aset (Isis).




North, Kanye West &  Sts. James Cathedral

In April 2015, Kardashian West chose the historic Sts. James Cathedral in the Armenian Quarter of the city of Jerusalem, Israel for a special hour-long baptism ceremony of their daughter, North West. Why did they chose St. James Cathedral in Israel for the baptism? The secret initiation of the Cult of the Black Virgin. They are well schooled extreme patrons of the occult. The Cathedral of Sts. James is a 12th-century church near the quarter’s entry gate. The cathedral is dedicated to two Christian saints: James, Son of Zebedee (James the Greater) (one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus) and James the brother of Jesus (James the Just). Kim Kardashian, an Armenian, was raised according to Traditional Latin Rite Roman Catholicism. There was a baptism in public, alright, but the real secret Cult initiations and blood rituals too place in the catacombs underneath the cathedral. That’s the way they roll. The rituals at Sts. James also suggests that the Kardashians may be bloodlines of the ancient Armenian House of Melitene.


The Cathedral was built around 1167 AD primarily by Roman Catholic Melisende (1105-1161), Queen of Jerusalem from 1131 to 1153. She was the eldest daughter of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. Her father Baldwin was a crusader knight who carved out the Crusader State of Edessa and married Morphia, daughter of the Armenian Prince Gabriel of Melitene, in a diplomatic marriage to fortify alliances in the region. Melisende grew up in Edessa until she was 13, when her father was elected as the King Jerusalem as successor of his cousin Baldwin I.


Baldwin II was a son of Hugh, count of Réthel, in the Ardennes region of France, he held the castle of Bourcq as a feudal domain and was at first referred to as Baldwin of Bourcq. He accompanied his cousins Godrey of Bouillon and Baldwin of Boulogne (later King Baldwin I of Jerusalem) to Palestine with the First Crusade (1096). They were the main figures involved in the Knights Templar’s foundation – along with Andre de Montbard, Hughes de Payen, Bertrand de Blanchefort, and of course, St. Bernard of Clairvaux. They are believed to be all descendants of Merovingian blood.


Sts. James Cathedral’s  Knights Templar Cross Stone

Cathedral of Sts. James is most essential a classic round temple virtually identical to the Roman Temples dedicated to Goddess Venus. The Venus Goddesses, associated with ancient Moon Worship include Aset in Kemet, Inanna in Sumer, Ishtar in Babylon, Astarte in Canaan, Aphrodite in Greece, Venus in Rome and, in a way, Freya in Scandinavia / Northern Germany.


Many believe that Constantine’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built directly on top of Roman Emperor Hadrian’s Temple of Venus in Jerusalem. Hadrian ruled from 117 – 130 A.D. Emperor Hadrian reconstructed the infamous Roman Pantheon between 118 and 128 AD.


Emperor Hadrian’s Pantheon Cylindrical Temple Plans

Emperor Hadrian’s fundamentally used the architectural cyclic- cylindrical plan in building temples to Venus. The story is that Roman Emperor Constantine’s mother, St. Helena, tore down Hadrian’s temple of Venus to build a new shrine to her newly discovered Christian relics and burial spot on the very site of the former temple of Venus. And of course, Hadrian’s Temple of Venus in Jerusalem was no doubt round, exotic and like Hadrian’s Pantheon in Rome and Hadrian’s, slightly smaller, Temple of Venus in Baalbek, Lebanon. Hadrian  built, copied, rebuilt and improved on the most sacred geometric designs concerned with places of worship of antiquity. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Dedication of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher on September 26 (Gregorian), the same date as the ancient Roman festival of Venus.


Even the ancient building , the Mausoleum of  St. Helena, in Rome, Italy was ROUND.


Knights Templar’s London Headquarters

It is not wild speculation to conclude that the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (325 AD), Sts. James Cathedral (1167 AD) in Jerusalem, and the Knights Templar’s 12th Century Church Headquarters in London are imitations of cylindrical Roman Venus Temples.


Knights Templar symbols certainly are prominent decorations of the Sts. James Cathedral. During Queen Melisende’s reign in Jerusalem, St. Bernard of Clairvaux had quite a bit of weight, influence and Knights Templar jurisdiction over her court from 1131 to 1153. St. In fact, St. Bernard had been an important mentor and spiritual leader of the queen during the planning and construction of Cathedral of Sts. James.

After Innocent II (1130- 1143) was elected Pope with St. Bernard’s backing, he granted the Knights Templar the right to build and run their own churches. This was a first in the history of the Church, which ruled as an absolute power at the time. This privilege meant that the Templars were answerable only to the Pope and beyond the reach of other authorities, including kings, queens and lesser rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. It also reduced their responsibilities to the Papacy, letting them hold court, impose their own taxes and collect them. Thus they could realize their worldly ambitions free of any pressure from the Church.


Hidden behind the Templar’s Black Virgin Worship was the Gnostic (Self Realization of Unity with God) Blood Cult of the Cybele (a secret bastardized aspect of Goddess Aset) and the Goat God, Pan (DEVIL- Baphomet) led by St. Bernard of Clairvaux.  In a painting of the period immediately following the persecution of the Templars, St. Bernard is shown preaching to his fellow monks in the top panel, and in the panel below (implying either the basement, or even “Hell) he is seen conversing with a two-toed dark-skinned demon with beard, wings, and tail. The accompanying commentary identifies the demon as a depiction of the Templar’s Baphometa symbol of the prophet Muhammad, whom the Templars were accused of worshiping” (Baron Rudolf von SebottendorfThe Practice of Old Turkish Freemasonry, Leipzig, 1924, p 19, as quoted in Schrodter, ibid., pp 111 – 112).


Baron von Sebottendorf & The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler 

By now, you should be fully aware of who Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf was. He was an important figure in the activities of the Thule Society,  a post- World War I German occultist organization that influenced many members of the Nazi Party. He was a Freemason, a Sufi of the Bektashi order- after his conversation to Islam. He was  a practitioner of mysticism, mediation, astrology, numerology, alchemy and the OCCULT.  

In The Sign and the Seal, Graham Hancock states that Gothic architecture was born in 1134 AD with the construction of the north tower of Chartres Cathedral also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres located in Chartres, France. St. Bernard was behind this work. He was the Templars’ mentor and spiritual leader. He felt it important that construction symbolize in stone the cabbalistic approach and the esotericism that the Knights Templar esteemed so highly. As Graham Hancock wrote, St. Bernard, the patron of the Templars, “played a formative role in the evolution and dissemination of the Gothic architectural formula in its early days (he had been at the height of his powers in 1134 when the soaring north tower of Chartres cathedral had been built, and he had constantly stressed the principles of sacred geometry that had been put into practice in that tower and throughout the whole wonderful building.)”


The Cathedral’s Black Madonna and Child are positioned over the crypt which was a sanctuary of Aset (Isis) long before the cathedral was built.


Replica Carved Statue of Our Lady: Notre Dame de Sous-Terre

In 1789, the first Black Madonna and Child, Notre Dame de Sous-Terre (Our Lady of Under the Earth), was destroyed during the French Revolution. The first Christian church on the site of Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres was made of wood, in the earliest centuries of the Christian era (exact date unknown). It was replaced in 1020 by a stone edifice; though the original crypt and underground grotto were preserved. In the early Middle Ages, the shrine was attended by most of the Carolingian Kings, and every French king except Louis XV and Louis XVI prayed to the Virgin at Chartres. There are records of pilgrimages by several English monarchs: Matilda, Richard I and Edward III.

Recall the prophetic vision of St. Bernard. When he was very sickly, he suffered from a dangerous infection. Seeking relief, he prayed before the Black Madonna. He was reciting the prayer ‘Hail Star of the Sea’ and when he came to the part: “Show yourself a mother!” the image suddenly came alive and squeezing her breast, let three drops of milk fall onto his lip Not only was he instantly healed, body and soul, but his heart was inflamed with such love for the divine Mother that soon he would enkindle a burning devotion to her all over Europe.

He expressed his experience with an inspired theology that earned him the title “Marian doctor of the Church.” During one famous sermon he called Mary our “Aqueduct Of Divine Grace” saying: “This stream [Christ] from the heavenly source [God the Father] descends to us through an aqueduct [Mary]; … The aqueduct itself is always full, so that all may receive of its fullness, yet not the fullness itself. … an Aqueduct which, receiving the fullness of the Fountain from the Father’s heart, has transmitted it to us, if not as it is in itself, at least in so far as we could contain it.”

Presently people say, while receiving milk from the heavenly Mother, Saint Bernard was initiated into supreme consciousness and adopted as the son of God and Mary. The more medieval wording was that Mary filled him with all divine graces and purified all his sins. Hence her title “Our Lady of All Graces“. As the fame of Saint Bernard spread and his theology justified great Marian Devotion, Christians all over Europe started dreaming about being suckled by the virgin-mother for the salvation of their souls. Maybe they tapped into an ancient urge and experience of being nurtured at the breasts of a heavenly mother.


Since pre-historic times the divine was portrayed as a woman offering her breast to all God’s Children.

In 1952, among the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the caves near Qumran, there was discovered a copper scroll. The scrolls referred to another leather scroll deposited under the ruins of the Solomon’s Temple, that carried the same information. Reference was made to a pit beneath the altar of the Temple, which was capped with a marble block with a metal ring. The scroll lists gold, silver, and precious objects along with 24 scrolls hidden within the Temple, along with directions for finding 61 different hiding places. Apparently these objects were hidden when the Roman general Titus invaded and destroyed Jerusalem in 73 AD. In the copper scroll, there are listed 65 tons of silver, and 26 tons of gold.

It is believed that the Knights Templar found these treasures, and that they were the source of their great riches that was a highly guarded secret. Among those that found the King Solomon’s Temple treasures were St. Bernard and his uncle, Andre de Montbard. What we know is that when they returned to France from Palestine sometime before 1129, they were rich beyond dreams. That made them extremely powerful men among popes, kings, queens and the elite families of Europe and the Middle East.

St. Bernard financed the establishment of a string of least 68 Cistercian abbeys across France. To this very day, King Solomon’s Temple treasure is still a closely guarded secret among only a few.  Additional, St. Bernard was a warrior and fighting monk. He had no reservations about killing people by the thousands that he considered heretics, and enemies of the Catholic Church that led to the Cathar Crusade. Bernard, speaking of heretics, he held that “it would without doubt be better that they should be coerced by the sword than that they should be allowed to draw away many other persons [from the Catholic Church]into their error.” (Serm. lxvi. on Canticles ii. 15).

St. Bernard asserted in a letter to the TemplarsThe Christian who slays the unbeliever in the Holy War is sure of his reward, the more sure if he himself is slain. The Christian glories in the death of the pagan, because Christ is thereby glorified“. He also pointed out that anyone who kills an unbeliever does not commit homicide but malicide (St Bernard, De Laude Novae Militiae, III (De Militibus Christi).


Much of St. Bernard’s doctrines and writings were at the basis of the Albigensian Crusade. The Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (12091229) was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc, in the south of France. The Cathar Crusade is estimated to have killed 1 million people, not only Cathars but a significant portion of the general population of southern France.

I said that to say this. St. Bernard was nobody to play with. To call St. Bernard a mentor or adviser to Queen Melisende is putting it lightly. He ruled at the end of sword. When it came to building Roman Catholic churches and cathedrals,  St. Bernard was in total and complete control. He was a control freak and maniac that found it objectionable that people should learn “merely in order that they might know“.

Don’t get it twisted. St. Bernard was no saint in the traditional Christian sense. He is the common source of all of the 14th century Knights Templar publicly exposed heresies.  He developed a Knights Templar secretive and extreme religious belief system based on Indo-Hittite philosophy through their contact with mystical Sufis. The Knights Templar secret religious belief system extended well past architecture,  alchemy, and Kabbalism to an extended and wide range of extreme esoteric subjects. These included claims of heresy, homosexuality, sex magick, blood rituals, murder and worship of a mysterious deity called Baphomet. The origin and exact meaning of the image called Baphomet is still uncertain and secret.

St. Bernard had been initiated into an elite secret and extremely powerful European Luciferian conspiracy. A more likely etymology for Clairvaux is claire and voyance (seeing), whence is derived the word clairvoyance. The word appears to be a reference to a specific sect of ILLUMINISTS centered in Normandy, and was derived from the Latin claro (to ILLUMINATED) and probably also vox (“voice“).

Lucifer literally means Angel of Light or the Illuminated One and he was considered the most beautiful of God’s heavenly host. And, that is same way that St. Bernard describes him in sermons. He also says that God had been zealous in throwing him out of heaven for exercising his right as the SON to be as his father.

[Bernard of] Clairvaux may have an approximate meaning of something like “Voice of Lucifer” or even “Valley of the Illuminati,” although its meaning would have been delicately hidden so as to not be understood by contemporary Catholics. The name of Clairvaux is also closely related to the name of Knight Templar/Masonic powerful clan, Sinclair (William de Sancto Claro aka William Sinclair). He was the 14th-century Bishop of Dunkeld of Scotland.

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer.  The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a liberator, a guardian or guiding spirit or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.

The Luciferian Conspiracy was flushed out at least by 1231. The Gesta Treverorum records that, in 1231,  heretics began to be persecuted throughout Germany. Among them were Luciferians, principally in the Archdiocese of Trier, but also Mainz and Cologne.  Over the following three years, several people were burned as a result. According to a papal letter from Gregory IXVox in Rama, dated from July 13, 1233, one of the claims made by the Luciferians was that Lucifer had been cast out of Heaven unjustly.

Evidence of Satanism may been uncovered during these investigations into heresy. The confessions  Conrad of Marburg extracted in Germany were apparently made without torture, but under the threat of death if the victim did not confess. If these confessions were accurate, the Luciferans were full-blown Satanists. They worshiped the Devil as creator and ruler of the world, complained that he had been unjustly and treacherously banished from Heaven, and believed that he would overthrow the God of the Christians and return to Heaven, when they would enjoy eternal happiness with him. They reveled in whatever displeased the Christian God and hated whatever pleased him.


Pope Gregory & Antichrist Roman Emperor Frederick II

Within days of Pope Gregory IX’s exposure of the Luciferian Conspiracy in the Holy Roman Empire, the inquisitor Priest, Conrad of Marburg, was assassinated in Germany by knights on July 30, 1233. When the Pope exposed the Luciferian Conspiracy, he did so from refuse in the ancient city of Anagni. He had been chased out of Rome in 1232 by the King/Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick IIPope Gregory called him the “ANTICHRIST.” The war against Pope Gregory didn’t stop until he died in 1241. Luciferianism date back at least a 1000 years.

Finally, we need to briefly discuss the role of Goddess Cybele and God Pan in St. Bernard and the Knights Templar’s hidden Demonic cosmology. I believe that it can be found in the Atbash Cipher that concludes that the Baphomet is the name of the intercessor between Jehovah and the Messiah.

Using the Cipher once more, Baphomet (BPhOMTh) leads to Yahushua (YHWShO), which means The Messiah.  Thus, YHWH with the letter Shin means Yahushua. Baphomet is therefore the partner of is Jehovah and route to the Messiah. Thus, Baphomet figuratively gives birth to the Messiah from Jehovah. Baphomet therefore fulfills the age-old role of the Mother Goddess in the old sacrificial king rituals. She is Wisdom or Sophia, who brings forth the son of perfection. Thus, the repeated use of the Atbash Cipher through Baphomet, gives the same answer as the straightforward method, Sophia. Baphomet is therefore equivalent to the Shema or understanding that unites the one with God.

This is the Shekhinah or the Virgin with Child. The contemplator who has found this understanding, himself becomes the Messiah or the self who has found purity.  Through this construction, the Kabbalah shows that YHWH encompasses the sacred marriage and the sacred son. Although Holy, the Virgin and child are simply component parts that unite in the Father. Shema Israel YHWH Elehenu YHWH EChad. Hear, O Israel, YHWH, our God, YHWH is one. A 1302 English seal of the Knights Templar of England shows Baphomet as Sophia.

This seal depicts the star and crescent moon of Islam, together with a lion and two five-pointed stars. The star and crescent moon of Islam symbolize God, wisdom and love. The lion is the Lion of the Sun and of Judah and represents Q’re. The two stars are Ashima representing both the moon and wisdom (aspects of Aset (Isis), and Anatha representing fertility and love. In this case, who is the Baphomet intercessor? GOD PAN. Who is the Mother Goddess- Lady Wisdom- Goddess Cybele.


Greek God Pan & Goddess Cybele

After the three (3), Trinity, drops of milk from the breast of the Black Virgin (Aphrodite-Isis- Mother of the Fruitful Breast, Queen of Heaven, Light of the World, Creator of People, Mother of the Gods, River of Life), Saint Bernard was initiated into supreme consciousness and adopted as the Son of God and Mary. 


St. Bernard, Son of God and Mary

St. Bernard and the Cistercian Order invented Mariology, the theological study and worship of Mary (Marian). MARIOLOGY is the origin of the “FALSE MARIA.”  Bernard says, “God has willed that we should have nothing which would not pass through the hands of Mary.”


St. Bernard, Son of God and Mary

The cathedral itself is a chamber or womb of spiritual rebirth, as in the Ancient Mysteries. After embracing the Church, the congregation is reborn in the womb of the Church. Most of the congregation and masses are unable to appreciate the full significance of “Lady, Philosophy- Cybele” since only an secret elite few through initiation, and priests are educated in the Church Mysteries at their Ordination.


St. Bernard, Mary, Chris and Cybele’s Headdress

St Bernard was much more than just an enthusiast of the cult of the Virgin embodied in the cathedral. He declared of Chartres: “Leave your temporal bodies at the door, only the spirit may enter here … The Son will answer the prayers of the Mother and the Father will answer the prayers of the Son.” In other words, in order for mankind to reach self-realization, human potential, and godliness, you have to go through them, the Luciferians, the “Gatekeepers to Paradise”. They tell you that he, Lucifer, is like his Father.


METROPOLIS- The Quasi-Human Working Classes

Yet, they are shutting down schools, colleges and Christian churches. They are compromising our moral standards, the justice system, and this entire form of government. They have become the gatekeepers and guardians to the secrets and healing arts of music. We are rapidly becoming a nation without the melody of the universe, and rhyme of the stars.  Without these thing, we are trapped in a semi-human state of consciousness, the Quasi-Human Working Classes.


Beyoncé, CMA & the Luciferian False Maria

Beyoncé recently performed with the Dixie Chicks at the 2016 50th CMA Awards — one of the biggest stories of the awards show and one of the biggest stories of the entire night. It caused quite of bit of hysteria in the conservative white Christian country music industry. Contrary to the opinion of corporate mass media, it wasn’t really about race, black lives matter, or anti-police, Black Panther issues. It’s about Luciferianism, they want total control over the masses’ destiny and that it doesn’t except white Christian country music conservatives and their racialist politics.


They tell white conservative Christians also that he, Lucifer, will be like his Father, at the end of the sword and fire.

Spirit Cooking


Luciferian MysticMarina Abramović

I am far from being crazy. And do not get it twisted. Institutional Luciferianism didn’t start with Aleister Crowley or the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Don’t begin there. This stuff goes back to the Ancient Troy, Greece and Rome.


It is highly coveted secrets of old European elite and powerful families handed down today through the generations. As I often say, “these people don’t play“, and “don’t play with the GOAT!


DEMONIC Marina Abramović

It has recently come to light from WikiLeaks that the highest ranks of government are/were involved and is proved to fully knowledgeable of the activities of Marina Abramović.


Marina & John Podesta

Marina wears the Knights Templar’s Maltese Cross. She is dame of some secret order, Knight of  the Order of St. Sava, Knights of Malta? However, everybody in her inner circle clearly understand the hidden old European Solar Cult/Luciferian significance of her symbol. She was born in Belgrade in the Kingdom of Serbia. During the crusades, Belgrade was used as the seat of crusading armies marching into the holy land. During the crusades, Helen of Anjou  (1236 – 8 February 1314) was the Queen consort of the Serbian Kingdom, a spouse of King Stefan Uroš I Nemanjić, (House of Nemanjić) capet of the House of Capetian. Helen of Anjou  (House of Anjou) was the granddaughter of Baldwin II, above, the Knights Templar King of Jerusalem, and great-granddaughter in law of Armenian Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem. However, Marina has a direct association with the old European Luciferian Houses.


Lady Gaga, Marina, Guests, Black Man & Tree

In the beginning, I though that this picture had something to do with American racism and lynching. However, this is most likely a Blood Ritual scene out of the mythological pages of the Cult of Attis,

The boy, whose name was Attis, was unaware of the love Cybele bore him, but since she was a goddess, Attis’ opinion didn’t count for much. In time, Attis saw the king of Pessinus’ beautiful daughter, fell in love, and wished to marry her. The goddess Cybele became insanely jealous and drove Attis mad for revenge. Running crazy through the mountains, Attis stopped at the foot of a pine tree.There Attis castrated and killed himself. From Attis’ blood sprang the first violets. The tree took care of Attis’ spirit. Attis’ flesh would have decayed had not Zeus stepped in to assist Cybele in the resurrection of Attis.”

For most of her life, Marina Abramović lived a life of leisure and privilege in Belgrade even after the death, gloom, devastation, and ravages of WWII. She was born into a religious bourgeoisie family most likely remote descendants of the ancient House of Hugh Capet (941- 996), the first King of the Franks of the House of Capet from her maternal side of the family.


Her maternal uncle was the powerful Varnava Rosić–  Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church between 1930 and 1937. His body is interned at the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade. He believed that Hitler’s policy toward Jews and lesser races served all mankind. His last act was to oppose a Vatican Concordat to control the Orthodox Church. Knights assassinated him with poison before the final vote.

The (Orthodox) Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade, Serbia is the largest Orthodox Church currently in use. The church is dedicated to St. Sava,  founder of the Serbian church and an important figure in medieval Serbia. From its location, the temple dominates Belgrade’s skyline and is perhaps the most monumental building in the city.

Saint Sava (1174 – 1236), was known as The [Luciferian] Enlightener. He was a Serbian prince and Orthodox monk, the first Archbishop of the autocephalous Serbian Church. He was a prince of the House of Nemanjić descended from a Cabet Vukanovic Dynasty (1106- 1166) line of Hugh Cabet. I believe that this is Marina’s secret maternal East European Merovingian BLOODLINE, the House of Nemanjić.


Saint Sava & Hugh Cabet

Hugh Capet ( 941 – 996) was the first King of the Franks of the House of Capet from his election in 987 A.D. until his death. He succeeded the last Carolingian King, Louis V., descendant of the Carolingians and the Merovingians, earlier rulers of France.

The Houses of Capetians, Carolingians and the Merovingians thought that they were a different race. Their myths claim that they came out of Mythical Troy. The City of Paris was established by them in the 6th century after they became known as the Merovingians and it was named after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. It was the relationship between Prince Paris and Helen of Sparta which supposedly caused the Trojan War in which the Trojan Horse infiltration assured victory for the Spartans. Both the Trojans and the Spartans were offshoots of the same Aryan Dragon peoples.

The Merovingians established the city of Paris on a major vortex point and used an underground chamber there for their rituals, including human sacrifice to the Goddess Diana (Artemis). Here, kings in dispute over property would settle the issue in combat.


Meroveus, A Dragon that Rose from a Solar Deity

Meroveus, the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty, followed the Pagan Goddess Cult of Diana (Artemis), another symbol for Isis/Semiramis. This is not surprising because the centre for Diana (Artemis) worship was at Ephesus in Asia Minor, not far from the alleged site of Troy.

The location of the ancient underground chamber in Paris where the Merovingians worshipped and sacrificed to the Goddess Diana (Artemis) is now called the Pont and Place de L’Alma and it is still, by design, an underground chamber.

On the site today is a road tunnel and it was here that the car of Diana, Princess of Wales, crashed in the early morning of Sunday, August 31st 1997. Another offshoot of the Scythian-Sicambrian Franks-Merovingian Bloodline emigrated from northern France and Belgium in the 12th century to become the famous ruling “Scottish” (Donald Drumpf) families and some of these were the ancestors of the STUARTSDiana, Princess of Wales.

It is of alarming concern that Roman Catholic John David Podesta, Chairman of Hilary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, previous Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and current Counselor to President Barack Obama is a part of her secret Satanic inner circle. He was invited to a “spirit cooking” with Marina– another form of Mary that stands for rebellion and overthrow.

Today, people can see through the VEIL as never before in history. The internet has exploded about Marina, Posdesta, Hilary Clinton and their links to what is basically the Vatican’s Ninth Satanic Circle. So, the gutless and compromised U.S. Justice Dept. and FBI has announced that they are bailing out of the investigation of Anthony Wiener,  Hilary Clinton, Blood Rituals and Pedophilia Sex Rings. It’s a rabbit hole far too heavy, deep, scary and dangerous.  The Vatican stuff is far too onerous and threatening with a Quasimodo blood oath devotee to the Greek Goddess Athena, head of the U.S. Justice Department, Loretta Lynch, and a Jesuit Priest (Army of the Pope), General Joseph F. Dunford, in charge of the U.S. Republic, Pentagon and the U.S.. Military. These DEMONS don’t PLAY, and they haven’t played with anyone about their POWER and AUTHORITY for almost a thousand years.


Marina Abramović & Satanic Blood Ritual

One among a number of Luciferian things, Marina paints paranormal messages in pig’s blood on the wall, including, “Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk / Drink on earthquake nights.”  That’s only the tip of an iceberg that seems to be blowing the socks off of a lot of people.


Animal sacrifice is the shedding of blood; that the altars become bloody (haimassesthai) is a characteristic of the sacrificial act. On vase paintings there are white-chalked sides of the altars that are always shown splashed with blood in testimony to the sacred work. An altar in Didyma is said to be made from the blood of the victims. Ritual contact with animal blood is the ritual “Miasiam. ”


Satanic Blood Ritual Witch, Beyoncé & Jay Z

No matter how the corporate mass media may spin it if they touch the story at all, working with pig blood is “Ritual Miasiam.” You don’t have to drink the blood. The handling of pig blood, period, is an occult ritual in itself. Sacrificial Pig blood was used in purification of Orestes at Delphi by Apollo.  This freed Orestes of bloodguiltiness, if not from the pursuit of the Furies (Jury). Apollo is one of many Gods who purifies from blood.


The Furies (Eumenides), South Italian, c. 375 BC (Louvre, Paris)

The vase painting at right depicts Orestes sitting in front of the omphalos stone at Delphi. He still holds the sword he used to kill (matricide) his mother, Clytemnestra, to avenge the assassination of his father, Agamemnon. God Apollo purifies him of the blood-guilt (miasma) by dousing Orestes with the blood of a pig. The Furies lie sleeping at the left–at the far left you can just see Clytemnestra’s ghost trying to wake them and rouse them to action to continue to punish him for the crime of matricide.


Blood Ritual Witch & Blood Sacrifice Symbol (bow and arrow) Taurian Artemis

The image of the Taurian Artemis, which is presided over the human sacrifices in Colchis (Colchis was an ancient kingdom and region on the coast of the Black Sea, centered in present-day western Georgia), and was later brought to Greece by Orestes along with his sister high priestess of Delphi, Iphigeneia, are mentioned in particular as provoking purification blood rites. You also summon Demons in Blood Magic Rituals.


John Podesta & the DEVIL

Lady Gaga & Cult of Marina Abramović


Well, the old world European  Witch mentored Lady Gaga in the occult, too. They simulate old world medieval cannibalism- Open Subversion of the Moral Order and Balance.


Cannibalism & the Crusades

If the cannibal represents a subversion of the moral order, then is a subversion that crusaders embraced as their own. Richard the Lionheart and others, “the idea of cannibalism” emerged alongside Christian Europe’s early martial encounters with Islam. Europeans reveled in their reputation as brutish FLESHEATERS. King Richard I of England (1157 – 1199) consumed human flesh as if it was pork.  During the crusades, Belgrade was the East European center for the crusaders’ march to Jerusalem. Widespread Cannibalism broke out along the countryside. Marina is descended out of flesh and blood eating and drinking lineage.


Lady Gaga, Marina & Simulated Body Marinated with Blood, Siemen & Beast Milk Fluids?


I kid you not. This was no show. Lady Gaga & Marina sample the bloody flesh. It’s right in you face. I can’t take any more of this! I have to GO.

The ILLUMINATI’s DEVIL WORSHIPER, Lady Gaga, that you ACCEPT and ALLOW your youth to be innocently indoctrinated in NEW AGE SATANISM is also right there- plainly put in front of your face. Now, they are shoving her down our throats. They are coming for YOU and I on February 5, 2017, NFL Super Bowl Sunday 51.


37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curt_Menefee

[38] http://www.sigmanu.org/about-us/history

[39] https://archive.org/stream/deltasigmanufra05nugoog/deltasigmanufra05nugoog_djvu.txt

[40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_the_White_Camelia

[41] http://knights-of-the-golden-circle.blogspot.com/2010/10/jesse-james-was-one-of-his-names.html

[42] http://www.sharonherald.com/news/da-talks-of-his-black-ops-during-vietnam-war/article_87230bc8-03f2-5f11-

[43] https://www.veteransadvantage.com/va/vetfamily/michael-strahan

[44] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/codex_magica28.htm


17 09 2016



As a pre-teen, I remember my uncle, Doyle Fowler- out of Arkansas, pulling out his electric guitar and playing Elmore James, ”The Sky is Crying”, on his electric guitar. I never quite understood what it all meant, but it was some of most haunting yet beautiful and most remarkable music that I had ever heard. All of sudden, it was like an out of body experience traveling among the stars and the planets. When I finally slowed down in my life, and listened to Albert King Nelson (April 25, 1923 – December 21, 1992), it was like that old sacred feeling of inner spiritual reflection, space travel and walking among the stars and planets.

Most of us have not been born in America under any BAD SIGNS. However being born in King’s old plantation town of Indianola, Mississippi, home of the White Citizens Council, it would certainly seem as though you had been born under a BAD SIGN. All the BAD SIGNS that surrounded my family during my infancy led me directly to Auschwitz, Project CHATTER, Dr. Charles Savage, and Dr. Gregory Bateston. Any one of them alone will blow your socks off. If quiet is kept, I may as well have been born behind the walls of Buchenwald.

But the BAD SIGNS of  White Supremacy, Human Bondage, Segregation; criminal Satanic/ILLUMINATI Secret Societies and a Shadow Government that surround us and negatively and wickedly impact all our lives and institutions today have no legal place under the U.S. Constitution, and in this form of democracy. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said it best,

All we say to America is, be true to what you said on paper. If I lived in China or even Russia, or any totalitarian country … Maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic First Amendment privileges, because they hadn’t committed themselves to that over there…

In America, BAD SIGNS lead us in the direction of the works of criminal Satanic/ILLUMINATI Secret Societies and a Shadow Government. What we usually demand and call for is only what this country has committed itself too after mass bloody STRUGGLES against TYRANNY of a few.


I tried to attend all the B.B. King’s performances that I could go to unaware of the true significance of Music Master Albert King. For whatever reasons during my lifetime, I missed out on him. I always loved the Blues as an expression of an African oppressed people. But, I just believed that it wasn’t going anyplace. It was just going to wait for me.


However, the music master King like so many others had passed to the other side when I woke up. Uncle Fowler is still alive, but he is a devout Christian that will not ever play the blues again. He was a electric guitar and the blues master, but he didn’t roam the roads of Howin’ Wolf. He believes like the Wolf’s mother had that the Blues is the Devil’s Music.  I respect and love him with all my heart and soul. Uncle was  “An All The Way Lover For Christ.”



September 11, 2016 was the 15th Anniversary of 9-11 Inside Job that slaughtered almost 3,000 of its own citizens, injured thousands and brought down the New York Twin Towers, and Building 7 on the people by clandestine controlled demolition by the U.S. Shadow Government. 9-11 has been used as a pretext to an absolutely Satanic permanent state of war of global aggression and terrorism against people of color in Africa and the Middle East. And, foster permanent domestic and global racial divides.

The 9-11 Truth Movement has been growing globally year after year that exposes the U.S. Shadow Government’s Crimes Against Democracy and Humanity. The 15th Anniversary of the 9-11 Inside Job was an opportunity again to Re-Think 9/11 and advance a discussion that is a core issue among all the people of the U.S. It is a discussion that has to take place in a world seeking global TRUTH, BALANCE, JUSTICE and PEACE. There is a deliberate clandestine mass media campaign by the ILLUMINATI to divert public attention from  Re-Think 9/11, and other mass critical issues facing this country.





The Colin Kaepernick protest against standing to allegiance to the U.S. Red, White & Blue Flag during opening ceremonies of NFL football games before a global audience of hundreds of millions, because of U.S. domestic racism, and police shootings of Black People has it meritsBut, in this particular case. The narrative and the tactics of Kaepernick’s Corporate Mass Media Special Social Protest Psyop Project is clandestinely designed and controlled by the CIA & ILLUMINATI. On 9/11/16, it was used as a mass population CHAOS and diversion program. In popular global mass media programs like the Satanic NFL; and NCAA football, it is used to divide citizens against citizens, players against players, blacks against whites, politicians against citizens, military against non-military, homosexuals versus heterosexuals, and students against students. This Sunday when Kaepernick and the San Francisco 49ers meet Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers, what kind of statement will Cam make? He will put on his fairy angel too-tooSACRIFICE YOU.  


Just think what could have happened if  Kaepernick and BLM had put out a position paper on 9/11/16 to at the very least for the country and world to Re-Think 9/11, and join with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) to demand a full and independent investigation of 911. But that wasn’t possible under any circumstances. Kaepernick’s protest has been used by the ILLUMINATI as a dividing rod and distraction from 9-11 Truth, and other Truths and Discussions important to America. With Kaepernick as the patsy or sellout, they control the sideshow.





My Lord. You can’t trust any of these people of the NFL ILLUMINATI. When I heard that Kaepernick was scheduled to address the elders and Black Community at Third Street Baptist Church in San Francisco, I said to myself maybe this brother may be sincere about what he is doing- speaking TRUTH to POWER. In any mass movement, counsel with the elders and the masses are essential to sustained success in peoples’ struggles. I have had my run-ins with the handkerchief head, and Bay Area Head Negro-In-Charge, Lord of CHAOSBishop Amos C. Brown, head of the NAACP that pastures over Third Baptist in the city. But for a moment, I thought that it wouldn’t be his business as usual, a “SELL OUT.”


Bishop Brown goes back in complicity with CIA Lords of CHAOS, Jim Jones, Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett; Peoples Temple and Jonestown, Guyana.[1] As a SF supervisor, he sought to re-name Fillmore Street to honor his former buddy, Jim Jones’ personal CIA and Boule- Freemason (Goat Man) physician, Dr. Goodlett.[2],[3],[4],[5]

Bishop Brown has also been linked to an ultra secret Pedophile Ring that I am not familiar that he had been involved in. The Oakland, San Francisco-Bay Area Pedophile Ring is deep rabbit hole ultra secret and very dangerous stuff to try to uncover. Bishop Amos Brown, IT’S A BAD SIGN wherever he shows up.


During the late 1990s, I traced a high level Masonic ultra secret pedophile ring trafficking little black girls in Oakland to a well known Republican financed community activist and Black Cowboy founder, Booker T. Emery. In West Oakland, this man was producing CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind conditioned little Black 8 to 11 year old girls, even his granddaughters and friends, for secret high level Masonic Satanic sexual exploitation, abuse, torture and possible sacrifice during the 70’s and 80’s. That’s the way they roll.

nessaninthcircleIn 1969, he was then known as an enigmatic and secretive 32nd Degree (Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret) Freemason empowered by the Nixon Presidential Administration as a board director to the West Oakland Health Center of the Tuskegee Syphilis ExperimentU.S. Public Health Service. They also gave him a former 19th Century Masonic Temple at 7th Street and Adeline in Oakland for some reason. I was unable to get in there, or undercover anything about that old Masonic Temple including the deeds. It has been turned into a residential apartment house dedicated to the memory of Emery.

Emery pled guilty to numerous pedophilia charges during the late 1980s to avoid a public trial and exposing his high level Masonic/Republican links. That’s basically what he said to the court in justification for his voluntary guilty plea. Of course, he was far too dangerous to too many people to be left alone to live. He died March 15, 1989 in California’s “Little Prison of Horrors & Mind Control”  Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility before he could ever think about telling tales. After that, the trail to the these people and pedophile ring was closed off from further public exposure at my level.

However, Jonestown and the ultra secret Pedophile Rings were way before Kaepernick. So, I thought. But, I was still anxious to hear him, and see if he respected our elder system even though I am far from being any supporter of the bishop’s church. I had been one of his adversaries in U.S. federal court. Nevertheless, Colin Rand Kaepernick didn’t show up to address our church elders, and the people- the fundamental foundation and cornerstone of any peoples’ struggle. He was too busy to talk to the people even for 10 minutes less alone 10 seconds. The deep cover Islamic sect as further discussed below that they (Nessa Diab and Colin Kaepernick) follow hate all Christianity. They have no respect or love for Black People or the Masses of Color. IT’S A BAD SIGN.




It is widely being reported behind the veil that Kaepernick’s girlfriend, Nessa Diab, has a great deal to do with what he is doing. “Nessa Diab, better known to MTV and radio fans as Nessa, knows a thing or two about rising up in the hosting and on-air personality worlds. The host of a handful of MTV shows, including Girl Code LIVE and Teen Mom, isn’t just killing it TV. As the DJ and host of #Nessa3to7 on Hot97, New York City’s legendary hip hop station, she has become one of the most powerful female voices in the game.”[6]


She is an ILLUMINATI pseudo Saudi Muslim Priestess of CHAOS. Born in Southern California (San Diego), Nessa, 30 years old, is extremely interesting. Yet, she is very vague, and extremely secretively about her background and family. She seems to be related to the family of Dean Diab, 68 years old, Dean Diab, Jr., 35 years, Souad, Hossam, Hayam, and Hesham.[7] The family seemed to have been primarily centered in and around the San Diego Naval Base, CA- La Mesa, CA; just outside of San Diego- Escondido, CAjust outside of Camp Pendleton North; Del Mar Beach Area, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Campground.[8] You can find so little if anything about what they were doing in the San Diego Area.  IT’S A BAD SIGN.


Naval Base San Diego, sometimes called 32nd Street Naval Station, is one of the largest bases consisting of 50 ships and over 120 tenant commands. The base is composed of 13 piers stretched over 977 acres (3.95 km) of land and 326 acres (1.32 km) of water. The total on base population is 20,000 military personnel and 6,000 civilians.[9]


Nessa Diab, Is this a MUSLIM? Just Asking.

Somebody or entity financed CHAOS Nessa’s education at U.C. Berkeley. According to her internet sources, she just happened to show up one day at U.C., and graduated with a BA in Mass Communications when she was just 20 years old.[10] She works for the same corporation that signs Alex Jones’ psyops checks. Emmis Communications Corporation of Indianapolis signs her checks.[11],[12] IT’S ANOTHER REAL BAD SIGN.


Jeffrey Smulyan & Alex Jones

In 2015, Emmis sent her to the United Nations to discuss women empowerment issues. (“Emmis” is the Hebrew word for “truth”), which operates radio stations in the nation’s largest markets, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The Founder and CEO of Emmis is a quiet as kept well-connected Jewish ZIONIST, dual citizen, American-Israeli broadcast mini-mogul named Jeffrey H. Smulyan. He has a Doctorate Law degree from the University of Southern California School of Law and a subsequent “Tree of Life Award” from the Jewish National Fund. In 1994, Smulyan was tabbed by The White House to head the U.S. Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. As a U.S. ambassador, Smulyan negotiated an agreement between Israel and the PLO which has since hit the trash bin due to Zionist Israel’s ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.[13]


CHAOS Nessa & Kali

Nessa mentioned that she maybe Egyptian and Spanish, or she may be black as some suggest rather freely. However, she said that her family origins lie in Egypt. And, her parents are highly educated.[14] But that’s it. That’s all she has and will reveal. From the Diab’s critical locations in and around San Diego, her family has a long term mysterious background and business relationships surrounding the global industrial-warfare industry before and after 9-11. Her family is secretively involved with the U.S. Navy Base in San Diego, Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. Her father reportedly travels back and forth from Saudi Arabia and the States.[15] So who are they, and what kind of Muslim can CHAOS Nessa and the Diab Family possibly be?





She said that during her formative years (4 or 5 years old) that she was in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War (August 1990- February 1991) when Iraqi tried to invade Saudi Arabia. Was she traumatized as a child by the war? I would certainly believe so. “When 9/11 happened, it didn’t surprise me at all,” CHAOS Nessa said on the Guy Code Podcast. I really wonder why? Was her family involved in covering the trails of the 9-11 Saudi national hijack patsies.


The Diab family was active in and around San Diego when Saudi hijack patsies, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Nawaf al Hazimi, and Hani Hanjour were harbored at the Wahhabi controlled Islamic Center of San Diego.[16] They were setup by the local Wahhabists to frequent local strip clubs, and most likely local prostitutes.[17]


The Diab family is still active in Kissimmee, FL. Kissimmee is home to the 200+ acre theme park estate of the Universal Heritage Foundation (UHF) near Disney Word. It is a subsidiary of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS), secret branches of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood in North America is an international organization responsible for birthing virtually every Islamic terrorist organization in the world, including Al-Qaeda. The president and CEO of the UHF is Zulfigar Ali Shah who was formerly the president of ICNA and principal of the School for Islamic Studies in Broward County. Shah is also an Imam and was closely connected to Saudi cleric and the blind Sheik Abdur Rahman Al Sudais.[18]


The “Blind Sheikh” links up to CIA/FBI Orlando Pulse Gay Club patsy Saudi terrorist, Omar Matten, and CIA/FBI agent former U.S. Marine Marcus Dwayne Robertson aka “Abu Taubah.” of the Fundamental Islamic Knowledge group in Florida. Robertson worked as a bodyguard for “the Blind Sheikh,” who was involved in the false flag/strategy of tension 1993 World Trade Center Attack.  During the time, Robertson served as the blind sheik’s body guard, he led the group of “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” as they robbed post offices, banks, and homes at gunpoint.[19] THAT’S A BAD SIGN.




9/11 Widow Kristen Breitweiser

The U.S. government and mainstream media are playing down the long-hidden 9/11 chapter on official Saudi connections to Al Qaeda’s hijackers, hoping most Americans won’t read it themselves, as 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser observes.

“First and foremost, here is what you need to know when you hear any member of our government say the newly released  29- page chapter from the congressional 9/11 report contains no smoking gun — THEY ARE LYING. Our government’s relationship to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is no different than an addict’s relationship to heroin. Much like a heroin addict who will lie, cheat and steal to feed his vice, certain members of our government will lie, cheat and steal to continue their dysfunctional and deadly relationship with the KSA — a relationship that is rotting this nation and its leaders from the inside out.”[20]

Saudi Arabia has been investing its oil wealth for generations to advance the fundamentalist Wahhabi sect of Sunni Islam, which has inspired terrorist groups from Al Qaeda to the Islamic State. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were identified as Wahhabi Saudis. So, what kind of Muslims could they all be- Wahhabi Sunni Muslims. Nessa and the Diabs are Wahhabi Sunni Muslims. However, let me be very clear. This Wahhabism sect is a brainchild creature of British Intelligence.


“In a sense,[Kim] Philby may be said to be “godfather” to this momentous pact by which the Saudi leadership would use its clout to manage Sunni Islam on behalf of western objectives (containing socialism, Ba’athism, Nasserism, Soviet influence, Iran, etc.) – and in return, the West would acquiesce to Saudi Arabia’s soft-power Wahhabization of the Islamic ummah (with its concomitant destruction of Islam’s intellectual traditions and diversity and its sowing of deep divisions within the Muslim world).”[21]


Wahhabi Abdullah Sir John Philby & 9th Circle Pedophile Sir Kim Philby

Kim Philby was deputy head of MI6. His father, Sir John Philby, had been a Masonic Arab expert of British intelligence. Some allege that Kim was a high ranking member of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, father like son. Knight of Malta, Sir Philby, feigned himself to be a Wahhabi among the Arabs, thereby facilitating the enthronement of Masonic Ibn Saud as the first king of Saudi Arabia.[22] Son like father, Kim also became a Knight of Malta.[23]

Wahhabism- CIA Lords of CHAOS


Western inspired Wahhabism is deep rabbit hole. In 1951, 33rd Degree and 33rd President of the U.S. and Lord of CHAOS, Master Mason President Harry Truman created the Psychological Strategy Board (PBS) later renamed the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), which began to shift the focus of their efforts on Islam. The plan devised that the U.S. would favor “reform” groups like the Muslim Brotherhood over traditional Muslims.


As a report concluded: “programs which are indirect and unattributable are more likely to effective and will avoid the charge that we are trying to use religion for political purposes. Overt use of Islamic organizations for the inculcation of hard-line propaganda is to be avoided.” The CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination was responsible for the implementation of the plan.[24]


Following the assassination attempt on Egyptian President Nasser in 1954, Muslim Brotherhood conspirators were charged with treason and stripped of their Egyptian citizenship. Many of them were shuttled to the CIA’s ally Saudi Arabia. Former U.S. government prosecutor and Army intelligence officer John Loftus discovered that the British Secret Service convinced American Intelligence that the Muslim Brotherhood would be indispensable as “freedom fighters” in preparation for the next major war, which was anticipated against the Soviet Union. Kim Philby, Soviet double-agent and son of “AbdullahPhilby assisted the U.S. in recruiting members of the Muslim Brotherhood, who once brought to Saudi Arabia, says Loftus, “were given jobs as religion education instructors.”[25] THAT’S A REAL BAD SIGN.


Why would Philby, Western Intelligence Forces, CIA and Masonic Luciferians all conspire to destabilize and destroy Islam? For the ONE WORLD RELIGION– “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer (Apollo/Apolloyon).


Twisted X Finger Devil Sign, CHAOS Nessa & NFL Aldon Smith

The Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn’s medieval influence,  Hellenistic 16th century Gnostic Marsilio Ficino, developed the Twisted X Finger Symbol as a secret Mark of the Apostle of the DEVIL. I don’t know how, when and where these people are being secretly indoctrinated into Crowley-ism and Black Satanic Cults, but they are being taught consistent and uniform Satanic/ILLUMINATI doctrines that go back many generations.

Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, tried to tell us by Tweets. But, she was promptly put into a mental institution before she could tell more. However, she was able to identify one of the secret Satanic Indoctrination Centers as the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine Temple – Pacific Palisades, CA. Of course, regular and original patrons of the Lake Shrine Temple wouldn’t know about secret “HollyWeird” Satanic indoctrinations, but it takes place in what seems to be a lot of  places in BLOOD OATH SECRECY.

When CHAOS Nessa got with NFL Linebacker Aldon Smith, people was hopeful that Nessa would be a positive influence on his life. Nevertheless, his life spiraled out of control, and she moved on to Colin Kaepernick.


Smith, an Apostle of the Devil, is currently suspended from the NFL for substance abuse policy violations, past DUI convictions and pending misdemeanor charges of DUI with a prior conviction, hit and run and vandalism levied by the Santa Clara County District Attorney. To recover some of the dignity as a god-fearing man as he had been raised to be, and return to the NFL, Aldon, a big Greenwood, Mississippi Country-Boy, has to follow the teachings of elders, “TURN YOUR BACK AND RUN FROM THE DEVIL.” Don’t look back.




With these people, something real demonic and of the spiritual arcane is going on in a realm that you can’t take anything for granted. CHAOS Nessa has seated herself most ceremonially in a Gothic/Pagan Lion’s Throne Chair as a Symbol and Seal of DOMINATION (Power of Lucifer). The Lion’s Throne Chair is sacred to very ancient pagan ritual worship. The Lion’s Throne Chair goes almost back more than 8,000 years to the Earth Mother Goddess.


It goes back to the Great Dynasties of the Golden Age of Kemet.


King Tutankhamun’s 18th Dynasty Gold Lion Throne


The Lion’s Throne Chair also goes back to one of the ILLUMINATI world’s  most secret and dangerous  ancient pagan Satanic symbolic figures of the 21st Century, the Horned God Pan’s Mother, CYBELE.


CHAOS Nessa’s Golden Frame is surrounded by circle of sun bursts of her spirit- throne picture. There is a vague symbolic picture of a bearded man with long hair appearing above her head.


Her fingers represent the classic DEVIL HORN’S. Her head lies between two Pagan Horned or Lunate Crosses that have no known Christian use or practice.


The Beard of a man and Horns of the cross could represent the Pagan HORNED GOD or DEITY- Pan or the Baphomet.

Under this pseudo Islamic Wahhabism, there are categories of un-Islamic, untrue, non-devout or pseudo Muslims that get passes from being devout or fundamental Islamist Muslims on certain clandestine missions? The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Mohamed Atta and other hijackers had made “at least six trips” to Las Vegas, where they had “engaged in some decidedly un-Islamic sampling of prohibited pleasures.”

These activities were “un-Islamic” because, as the head of the Islamic Foundation of Nevada pointed out: “True Muslims don’t drink, don’t gamble, don’t go to strip clubs.”[26] They were in a category of “untrue” Muslims. At the very least, we can call CHAOS Nessa an “untrue” and “un-IslamicWahhabi sect Muslim that has a pass on a mission. In corporate mass media, CHAOS Nessa  is a Wahhabi pseudo Muslim that may not be a Muslim at all.



However, she may have converted a second soul to the DEVIL, Colin Kaepernick.


The House of Thani, the ruling family of the State of Qatar are patsies of the CIA, MI6 and Mossad.[27] The Qatari military are trained by British and French forces. According to a former US intelligence contractor: the main source of support for the Libyan rebels came from Q-SOC, the Qatari special forces. Q-SOC trained the Libyan rebels. The Qataris were the first foreign military on the ground providing military training to rebels. Qatar provided Libyan rebel air support.[28]


At a desert base, Qatar is covertly training Syrian rebels with U.S. help to fight both President Bashar al-Assad and Islamic State and may include more overtly Islamist insurgent groups, sources close to the matter say. The camp, south of the capital between Saudi Arabia’s border and Al Udeid, the largest U.S. air base in the Middle East, is being used to train the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other rebels.[29]

Syrian rebels describe their clandestine journey from the Syrian battlefield to with their American handles in Turkey and then travel to Qatar, where they receive training in the use of sophisticated weapons and fighting techniques.[30]

I said that to say this. I venture that Pagan Priestess’ father may actually be a Dr. Dean Diab that travels between the States and Doha, State of Qatar. As pointed out above, it is beyond argument that it is a partner of the CIA, MI6 and Mossad.[31] As late as July 5, 2016, Dr. Dean Diab has been living in Orlando, FL flying on frequent business between Doha, Qatar and Miami. Was Dean Diab a Saudi/Qatar money bagman for Wahhabists Omar Marteen and Robertson’s special June 12, 2016 Pulse Club False Flag Massacre Operation? [32]



There is a concert that I attended starring Blues Masters B.B. King, Bobby Blue Bland, and Millie Jackson at the legendary Circle Star Theater in San Carlos, CA. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my first blues concert. I attended the late show. I didn’t get home until 4 in the morning. It was so un-ordinary and out of this world experience that it became part of my DNA. Bobby Blue’s classic and revolutionary “Two Steps to the Blues”  was the first blues album that I ever listened to. He had a voice smooth as silk. He was classic modern blues man- somewhere between the old and new.

If you haven’t heard or seen Millie Jackson. I beg you to a take a little time to hear and witness this most beautiful, remarkable, intelligence, powerful and masterful Brigadier general  Queen DIVA entertainer. She will simply blow you away. Talk about command your station. Whatever you do, you got to be an ‘’ALL THE WAY LOVER’’.


In my most humble opinion, Brother Huey P. Newton was among many of the revolutionary “ALL THE WAY LOVERS OF THE PEOPLE.” All the Way Lover for the people, Colin Kaepernick just is not the one.

[1] http://www.eastbaytimes.com/2008/11/18/jonestown-memorial-wall-to-stand-over-hundreds-of-the-dead/

[2] http://www.beyondchron.org/i-heard-that-happy-birthday-carlton-b-goodlett/

[3] https://www.freedomofmind.com/Info/infoDet.php?id=498

[4] http://sfbetaupsilon.org/beta-upsilon/

[5] Cox, Joseph Mason Andrew, Great Black Men of Masonry, iUniverse, Inc. Lincoln, NE (1982-2002) pgs. 158-159

[6] http://pstol.com/tag/nessnitty/

[7] http://www.instantpeoplefinder.com/people-find/dean-diab

[8] http://www.sandiego.org/articles/military/military-campgrounds.aspx#xQDZSOFyot3HVMzS.97

[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Base_San_Diego

[10] http://www.bustle.com/articles/106695-who-is-nessa-diab-the-girl-code-star-is-killing-it-in-the-radio-television

[11] http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/139403/hot-97-s-nessa-goes-to-the-united-nations

[12] http://www.emmis.com/jimmy-steal-named-vice-president-of-programming-for-emmis-radio/

[13] http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=465

[14] http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2016/08/30/kaepernick-social-media-posts-laud-black-lives-matter-black-panthers-since-dating-activist-dj.html

[15] http://www.puppetstringnews.com/blog/colin-kaepernicks-girlfriend-nessa-diab-spent-years-in-saudi-arabia

[16] http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-region-terrorist-cell-was-embedded-deeply-in-san-2011sep10-story.html

[17] http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-region-terrorist-cell-was-embedded-deeply-in-san-2011sep10-story.html

[18] http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/321

[19] http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/13/report-omar-mateen-deep-ties-radical-imam-spent-years-prison/

[20] https://consortiumnews.com/2016/07/16/the-long-hidden-saudi-911-trail/

[21] http://www.tmoamerica.org/sheikhgillani/desk/504-isis-british-wahhabi/

[22] http://vaticannewworldorder.blogspot.com/2012/07/secret-intelligence-service-on-her.html

[23] http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/04/secret-membership-list-of-the-knights-of-malta/

[24] http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress4/salafism-the-cia-and-the-distortion-of-jihad/

[25] Id.

[26] http://www.globalresearch.ca/was-america-attacked-by-muslims-on-9-11/10142

[27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera

[28] http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/10/cia-control-of-qatar-and-al-jazeera-and.html

[29] http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-qatar-syria-idUSKCN0JA1BX20141126

[30] http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/syrian-rebels-describe-u-s-backed-training-in-qatar/

[31] http://jpupdates.com/2015/06/01/cia-chief-us-in-talks-with-qatar-over-five-taliban/

[32] http://onemileatatime.boardingarea.com/2015/06/21/qatar-airways-moves-atlanta-launch-forward-to-june-1-2016/