19 04 2017



I don’t know anything about Barry Soetoro. I do not subscribe to his persistent racialist denigrating characterizations of  Barack or Michelle Obama. I condemn and stand in opposition to it. We share only one common interest, tracing the whereabouts of Barack and Michelle Obama totally for different objectives. Instead of being a CIA mind controlled hapless Black Manchurian Candidate, New World Order (NWO) patsy or a pawn, he spreads disinformation that Barack is a principal “inner circle” controller of the global Dark Satanic Cabal and Empire. He spreads nonsense that Barack has the individual independent power to control and direct the racist shadow government from abroad to deliberately harass, conspire against, illegally wiretap, and disrupt Lucifer’s son, Donald J. Drumpf ‘s presidential select administration.

Something about Michelle Obama’s MK ULTRA mind control programming is waning and that appears to happen often as you grow older, and apparently her reprogramming is not going well. It is happening right directly in front of our faces. She is in a great deal of danger. I am not a  past or present fan or defender of Michelle Obama for her fraud and crimes against democracy.  However, she has been used as a hapless mind controlled pawn by the NWO just the same as Obama. But,  Barry Soetoro treats Michelle, whether she is a man or woman, as if  “sub-human“. Whether Michelle is a he or a she, I stand for her rights as a “HUMAN BEING“. And right now, I am very concerned about his or her life! If Soetoro can help, indirectly or directly, locate Michelle Robinson- Obama, and expose the controllers, I will work through his videos for what is truthful , useful, and try to disregard the rest.

A little more than 24 hours ago, corporate news reported that Barack and Michelle Obama without Sasha and Malia were vacationing on the Island of Tahiti. About a hour ago, CNN’s Israeli AgentWolf Blitzer ran a brief story about the Obamas’ Tahitian Vacation, but there weren’t any American independent close-up pictures of either Barack or Michelle. CNN’s televised pictures of the Obamas were canned shots from a French news source, the Visual Press Agency.


The black woman impostor on deck of the David Geffen’s Raising Sun yacht is not Oprah (New World Order) Winfrey!


The Michelle Obama impostor on Geffen’s yacht covers her face just as she did in New York in the false March 2017 lunch date with British Sir Bono.


Tahiti is the largest island in the Windward group of French Colony Polynesia; the overseas island collective in the Southern Pacific Ocean referred to as part of the French Republic sometimes called a French overseas country.[1] In 2009, France rejoined the British and U.S. military and CIA/MI6 government intelligence- led integrated command in Brussels. Allegedly, France has an independent nuclear-equipped military. The French have been within NATO’s secret inner circle of covert foreign missions, plans and New World Order (NWO) secrets and agendas since the Cold War.[2]


Since leaving Palm Springs, CA on January 23, 2017 aboard a private Virgin Airway jet of Richard Branson headed outside U.S. jurisdiction for a British territorial island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, Michelle Obama hasn’t been seen up-close or close enough to determine if it is her or not. This is a highly visible woman that has never been camera shy.[3]

A little more than 24 hours ago, the British Empire intelligence propaganda specialist arm, the Daily Mail, reported internationally that Barack and Michelle are in Tahiti on a “star-studded jaunt out to sea” with Oprah Winfrey.[4] “The former First Couple joined Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks and their wives on music mogul David Geffen‘s super yacht Rising Sun on Friday, making quite the splash as they arrived at the vessel off the island of Mo’orea in a spruced up speedboat.”[5]


The black female impostor on Geffen’s grand yacht is not Michelle Obama. The impostor lacks Michelle’s broad large sloping shoulders. Where is Michelle Obama! Corporate news propaganda says that once on board, the Obama’s played tourists, posing romantically on the upper deck while they had their photograph taken. They are LYING!


It is impossible to determine one way or the other if this is actually Michelle Obama or a CIA/NATO military intelligence female impostor on David Geffen’s $300 Million Super Yacht.



KING DAVID- David Lawrence Geffen was born in Brooklyn, NY to Jewish immigrants out of British Mandate Palestine (1920- 1948).[6] If Michelle Obama’s is or was in this man’s hands, she is dead or in very serious danger. King David’s father, Abraham, was a Pole that worked for Western Union Cable Company, a WWII den for spies. Geffen’s mother, Batya Volovskaya was of Jewish  Moldovan ancestry. Moldova, officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. Abraham and Batya met in Mandate Palestine during WWII. She was born of a wealthy aristocratic Russian/Moldovan family that accounted and explained for some of her world travel expenses. She was doing something in Mandate Palestine when the Nazi invaded Ukraine in 1941, and began rounding up Jewish families.


Nazi SS Horrific and Demonic Slaughter of Jewish People in Babi Yar Kiev

The Volovskaya family in Tirapol, Ukraine became part of the Russian pogroms (racial Jewish massacres) or (and) the infamous Babi Yar Kiev killing fields and holocaust massacre. According to reports by the SS Einsatzgruppe to headquarters, 33,771 Jews were massacred in two days. It is estimated that some 100,000 people were murdered at Babi Yar.[7],[8] I said that to say this. Understandably, Batya’s psychological breakdown in Brooklyn, NY was said to be due to the mass slaughter of her family in the pogroms or (and) the Nazi Babi Yar Kiev massacre. In about 1949, at 6 (six) years old, David Geffen showed mental instability and became a direct subject of post WWII 1949 era Operation PAPERCLIP psychiatry.[9]


During the hippie rock drug era, David Geffen popped up as an internal part of the ultra secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARH Satanic/Kabala microcosm of Laurel Canyon. Geffen with the help of Elliot Roberts (born Elliot Rabinowitz) formed and created Lookout [Mountain] Management and Geffen’s Asylum Record in 1970.[10] What set Geffen and Roberts apart from the agents and managers that preceded them was that they looked exactly like their MK ULTRA Asylum inmates. They behaved like their inmates. “if Geffen was parsimonious (stingy or frugal) in his drug use, Roberts may have smoked more pot than all his clients put together. ” Nevertheless, don’t get it twisted, they were cold, vicious and powerful as any task masters and handlers. They had their feet in both camps- psychiatrists, wardens, programmers, handlers, and the inmates.[11]

Jackson Browne & Brit MK ULTRA Godfather Adolus Huxley – ALL SEEING EYE OF THE ILLUMINATI

The first artist on Asylum was Jackson Browne: “…the product of a career military family. Browne’s father was assigned to post-war ‘reconstruction’ work in Germany, which very likely means that he was in the employ of the OSS, precursor to the CIA. As readers of my ‘Understanding the F-Word” may recall, U.S. involvement in post-war reconstruction in Germany largely consisted of maintaining as much of the Nazi infrastructure as possible while shielding war criminals from capture and prosecution. Against that backdrop, Jackson Browne was born in a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany.'”[12]

Lookout Mountain Laboratory was built in Los Angeles’ Laurel Canyon area in 1941 as a secret air defense facility for the US Army. In 1947, it was converted into a top-secret film studio for use in atomic weapons research and other undisclosed projects. The facility remained in operation until at least 1969 after the “Jack the Ripper” type Charles Mansion/Sharon Tate Mass Murder Massacres in and around Laurel Canyon. Local residents had been completely unaware of its existence until the 1990s. Starting in 1945, thousands of Nazi-SS scientists and technicians were secretly transferred to the US under Project PAPERCLIP and put to work in secret military facilities. Many of these would be assigned to CIA MK ULTRA mind-control projects, where they continued the research they had been doing in Germany.[13]

Secret MK ULTRA projects included special schooling/training for young children who showed special talents or aptitudes. These children were often selected from military and intelligence agency families. The programs were started as early as 1953, but possibly earlier. “These programs used hypnosis and sometimes even trauma-induced MPD to access and/or enhance a child’s hidden talents, and any sort of long-range programming that might be desired could be implanted in their subconscious so that, at the very least, they would always choose certain behavior patterns over others under given situations. These programmed behavior patterns could be set up to be triggered by specific situational events.”[14]

In support of the above, CIA Director Richard Helms stated in a memo to the Warren Commission in 1964: “Cybernetics [or computer theory] can be used in the moulding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behaviour patterns all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.” The wording of this memo suggests that this had already been successfully achieved, and that children were the primary targets of these experiments.[15]

Svali, an ILLUMINATI Defector, stated that the Cult had a location in California which made all of the training films for “Trauma-based mind control“. No other place has been identified besides this one. Lookout Mountain training films were undoubtedly also a part of the MK-ULTRA program. “Were James Dean, Natalie Wood, Nick Adams and others [Marilyn Monroe] some of the first victims of the MK-Ultra experiments? One of the characteristics of Trauma-based mind control is that it breaks down in the mid 20s to 30s. If a candidate cannot be reprogrammed, they are usually dispatched in snuff films, or simply murdered in a staged suicide or accident.”[16]


Elliot Roberts & Neil Young


Beach Boy Dennis Wilson & Lucifer’s Servant Charles Manson

Laurel Canyon, Dennis Wilson of the infamous Beach Boys invited Neil Young-


over to his house to hear Lookout Mountain Laboratory’s CIA MK ULTRA Nazi Lover Charlie Manson perform.[17] They conspired to blame the Black Panther Party for Self Defense for the cold blood wanton slaughter and massacre of white people in Laurel Canyon. Charles Mansion was fed, nurtured and raised in the Laurel Canyon’s mist and circle of David Crosby, Steven Stills, Graham Nash and Neil Young managed by Jews David Geffen and Paul Rothchild. The Nazi SS, not the Panthers should have been their enemies.

The infamous Doors admired the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley as someone who’d “broken through to the other side”, and who was a master of anarchic showmanship. Jim Morrison once said, in very Crowley-ite words: “I’m interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that appears to have no meaning.”


Paul Rothchild & Jim Morrison, Co-Founder of the Doors

In 1959, Paul A. Rothchild of New York and New Jersey was in the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Corps. The primary mission of military intelligence in the United States Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and synchronized intelligence and electronic warfare support to tactical, operational and strategic-level commanders. The Army’s intelligence components produce intelligence both for Army use and for sharing across the national intelligence community- NSA, NSC and CIA.[18] By the mid-1960s, Paul Rothchild had established a footprint in the Los Angeles hippie- drug rock (acid and heavy metal) music scene, his house on Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon was inhabited by many of the future musical superstars of the 1960s and 1970s.[19] In early 1969, Geffen worked with Crosby, Stills and Nash in a house that Rothchild kept on Long Island.[20]


No matter how you cut the spellings of de Rothschild, Rothchild, Rothschild and Rothchilt. It is basically the same famous surname of Austro-German origins. It originated from a house or houses which had a “red shield” as the door marker. ROTH means “red” in German. The name ROTHSCHILD means “red shield”. During the 16th century, the King of Bohemia prescribed a flag for the Jews of Prague- a red flag with the Star of David or the “Shield of David”.[21]


It is widely accepted that David Geffen’s mother named him, “King David.” As I pointed out above, Batya Volovskaya’s Moldovan Jewish family in Tirapol, Ukraine were notably wealthy that provided her the unusual opportunity and cover for WWII world travel to end up in British Mandate Palestine. 

For Herodotus, the Scythians were outlandish barbarians living north of the Black Sea in what are now MOLDOVA, Ukraine and Crimea.

— Michael Kulikowski, Rome’s Gothic Wars from the Third Century to Alaric, pg. 14

The Volovskayas are most likely associated with ancient Bronze Age Indo- Iranian (Proto-Aryan)  settlements and industrial centers in Russian that specialized in metal production. One of their ancient mining settlement sites was Vorovskaya Yama- Kuysak- Kisenet, Russia east of the upper Ural River that run to the Caspian Sea.[22] I suspect the Volovskaya had been a wealthy Jewish mining family associated with the ancient bloodlines of the Moldovan barbarian Scythians, and the Red Shield. Batya called her son, King David, to remind him of his ancient roots.


Homosexual David Geffen & Cher

HollyWeird’s King David has been known in the industry for sometime as a homosexual that is allegedly a “chicken hawk” who prefers young men. He has been linked to a gang of notorious Hollywood pedophiles.




Geffen & the British Prince of Darkness

United Kingdom’s Lord Peter Mandelson known as the “Prince of Darkness” yachting with DreamWorks co-founder, David Geffen, with whom he dined at the Rothschild family holiday estate in Corfu, Greece. It is the fortified villa and playground of Lord (knight) Jacob and Lady Serena Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild is a British powerful investment banker.[23]


The Dark Prince’s buddy, Mr. Geffen, was an investor in Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) and attended parties at a Los Angeles mansion known as the M&C Estate with Digital Entertain Network (DEN) co-investors and executives.[24]


In 2014, former child actor, Michael Egan III, filed lawsuits against X-Men director Bryan Singer, TV executive Garth Ancier, Broadway producer Gary Goddard and ex Disney executive David Neuman in California and Hawaii alleging wide-scale ritual child sexual abuse. However, soon after, he dismissed the lawsuit for whatever reasons, but it was out there.[25]


HollyWeird Power Broker Bryan Singer

Egan alleged that had been raped by Singer and many other older men. He said that he and other young boys were forced to get naked and be sexually abused in a hot tub with Singer and his middle-aged entertainment industry friends.


In the suit, Egan alleges that Marc John Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley put him on the Digital Entertainment Network’s (DEN) payroll as an actor, giving him $1,500 a week for legitimate work. But he was given an additional $600 a week “from different accounts without any designation of job duties, title, or position,” money Egan believes was given to all the teenage males forced to have sex with older men at the M&C Estate.[26]


Chad Shackely

The M&C Estate ([Mark and Chad] Shackley) in Encino, CA was operated as an underground “pedophilic sex den” according to Egan, who was sixteen (16) years old when he says he and several other boys were groomed to submit to a life of sexual abuse (September 28, 2014, New York Magazine). Geffen socialized at the estate with other investors who, Egan was told, could be very helpful to his career.[27] The M&C Estate was home to the wild gay sex parties where HollyWeird bigwig executives gathered to allegedly prey on underage boys. It was also used to film a 1998 pilot for DEN’sgay pedophile” version of “Silver Spoons” starring an as yet unknown Sean William Scott.[28]


Silver Spoons was an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 25, 1982, to May 11, 1986. Ricky Stratton was a spoiled rich kid who lived at a mansion with the father he never met to introduce himself, move in, and get to know him better.[29]


Courageous independent film producer, Amy Berg, uncovered large-scale sex abuse in the Catholic Church for her Oscar-nominated 2006 documentary, “Deliver Us From Evil“.[30] Her film project “Open Secret” followed the lives of five aspiring child stars whose innocence was destroyed by predatory older males in Hollywood. Now adults, the child stars tell how a network of Hollywood agents and managers including Bob Villard, who represented Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey McGuire when they were children, abused them. Villard was later convicted of selling images of young boys on eBay.[31]


Brock Pierce

Berg’s film revolved around an early web TV company called Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) and its owners Marc John Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce. Major Hollywood players included Singer, David Geffen and Arianna Huffington’s gay ex-husband Michael invested $150 million into the company, according to the documentary.[32] Collins-Rector, Shackley and Pierce threw lavish parties where young boys were encouraged to drink and take drugs before mandatory skinny-dipping sessions in the swimming pool and hot-tub.[33]



David Geffen & Lord Peter Mandelson

Lord Mandelson is one of the most universally recognized WICKED AND EVIL men in the United Kingdom. His title of the “Lord of Darkness” and “Prince of Darkness” didn’t come from small time virtual invisible bloggers like me or so-called “conspiracy theorists“. I never heard of him before. This man earned his EVIL titles from the people in Britain and globally that know him, worked or attempted to work with him.  It is so troubling that former President of United States Barack Obama, the highest elected public official in America, is so closely aligned with people that are undoubtedly part of the inner controlling cabal of the British Dark/Black Satanic Circle.  These people are not people that just sit at the feet of democracies and global power. These people are the controllers of banks, political leaders, governments, institutions and Satanic Cabals around the world.

Oprah & the Dark Satanic Circe

Oprah Winfrey & Sir Paul Nurse

It is also extremely disturbing that Oprah Winfrey is also part of an blackinner circle” within the greater conspiracy against democracy, the cabal, and Dark Satanic Circle. In 2009, some of the richest men and women in the world met secretly recently in New York to conspire on using their vast wealth to bring the world’s population growth under control. The meeting included some of the biggest names in the “billionaires club,” according to the London Times – Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The meeting at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize-winning biochemist and president of Rockefeller University. “The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at ‘security briefings,’” the Times reported today.

The Francis Crick Institute is the UK fertility regulator, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA). It is called “Sir Paul’s cathedral”, after its Director, Sir Paul NurseFrancis Crick  (1916- 2004) helped crack the genetic code.  He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. Click was an advocate of Eugenics that believed that the Nazis gave Eugenics a bad name. Crick famously threatened to leave a scientific group after researchers protested against a racist research proposal that posited finding evidence for supposed differences in the IQ of black and white people. Crick actually agreed there were racial IQ differences and suggested these were as a result of genetics. Crick even went so far as to advocate bribery and sterilization of certain groups of people.

Oprah will do as she is told. She would stab Michelle Obama, Black People and the global masses in the back for the New World Order and the Dark Satanic Circle in a heartbeat.


BRITISH “PRINCE OF DARKNESS”- You Really Don’t Play Games with These People 

And, they don’t play games with you, or any of us. David Geffen’s powerful British buddy, Lord Peter Mandelson, is no innocent bystander to history. He earned a reputation as one of Britain’s most ruthless New Labour Party members. He is a member of the Nazi-SS Bilderbergers global control group. He is also a powerful clandestine elite control operative of a British- CIA transatlantic security and defense network.[34]


BRITISH DARK LORD, Sir Peter Mandelson 

The “Prince of Darkness” is also alleged to be a senior member of a notorious secret British pedophile ring.[35] He is also in Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island Little “white” book with President-select Donald J. Drumpf.[36] Reportedly, the “Prince of Darkness” is also a good friend and buddy of Sir Richard Branson, and a regular on Branson’s Necker Island in the Caribbean Sea where Michelle Obama first disappeared.[37]

Dark Lord Mandelson & Lucifer’s Magick

The Dark Lord, Peter Mandelson, is also openly gay. He is one of the highest Luciferian initiates in the United Kingdom. He was trained in the Hebdomadry System of Magick, the same system used by both the Masonic Alpha Lodges and the David Myatt’s  Satanic Order of Nine Angles.[38],[39]

It is Mandelson who has helped turn Europeans into serfs for Europe’s banks. Europe is now reverting to a neo-feudalism structure with bankers as the overlords of their indentured citizenry. Britain, America and the rest of the world will go the same way. Kleptocratic politicians are merely vassals. If current debts were simply wiped off of the books the only tragedy would be the destruction of the ‘too big to fail’ banks. While politicians call that a catastrophe it would actually be freedom for millions of disenfranchised debt-serfs. That’s why it must not happen.[40]



National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is the leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. They are supposed to help children who have been abused to rebuild their lives, protect those at risk, and find the best ways of preventing abuse from ever happening.[41]

MI5: Lord Mandelson, Part of the British Axis of Evil 

Mandelson while business minister showed his true metal while holidaying on Deripaskas yacht, now Deripaska is banned under organized crime regs in the USA, but according to the Daily Mail 23rd May 2010, Nat Rothschild, Deripaska and Mandelson shook hands on a £500 million aluminum deal that cost many Britons their jobs, much of this is said to be in chemtrail drops. These 3 were joked about in the MI5 canteen as ‘the axis of evil’ and ‘the 3 jewboys’ and when Mandelson was admitted into a French hospital recently with prostate problems, the French doctors report told of felching injuries, felching is the gay sport where a cardboard tube is pushed into the rectum and a small furry animal slid down inside, our Peter apparently was scratched internally rather badly.”[42]

The fiend, “Prince of Darkness”, Peter Mandelson, is the controlling director and president of the NSPCC.[43]

If Michelle Obama isn’t dead, she is in being held prisoner someplace in the ring of the Dark Satanic Circle, and is in a lot of danger. A considerable lot more people other than I need to start asking and demanding to see her in flesh, immediately. The blurred pictures of Michelle from military intelligence propaganda arms on NATO allies’ private, restricted, and forbidden access foreign islands in the middle of the Caribbean Sea an the Pacific Ocean on the other side of the midnight are not Michelle Obama and its going on right directly in front of our faces. Ask  Corporate Mass Media, the U.S. government and the hapless and gutless Barack Obama, WHERE IS MICHELLE OBAMA? 






[5] Id.




[9] Id.





[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.















[31] Id.

[32] Id.

[33] Id.







[40] Id.


