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The Late Great Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973)was much more closer to the People’s Struggle then you are allowed to believe. Bruce couldn’t meet with us personally and we fully understood it. Nevertheless, the ILLUMINATI and the San Francisco Chinese Triads warned Bruce to stay away from the struggle, particularly the Black Liberation Movement.

Yet during the late 1960s, we were able to train and spiritually reconnect with our Asian Brothers under Bruce’s directions somewhat behind the scenes. I didn’t understand it then, because I was so young. But, I learned that there were many battles to fight without our fists.  Bruce’s “Art of Fighting without Fighting” required physical, mental and spiritual exercises and training before you ever threw a punch or a kick.

It isn’t happenstance that in Enter the Dragon that Bruce reconnected us with our ancestral spiritual training to fight and destroy ILLUMINATII-Luciferian images and “ILLUSIONS.” 

“The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work’ with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.”
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 116

The knowledge of escaping the embrace of illusions (slavery) created by the ILLUMINATI’s Scientific Dictatorship” is an ancient mystery far beyond the written history of mankind. Lord Vishnu is also called Hari, or one who removes the darkness of ILLUSION. From the beginning of history, ILLUSIONS mark the idea that living beings live separate and in darkness without connection to GOD.


The counterpart of Vishnu, below right, is the Ancient Osiris of Ta Merry shown above dreaming while sleeping on the back of the Crocodile God Sebek of the primordial abyss.


Of ILLUSIONS and Smooth Deceits (Trancelike States), the scriptures provide that Lord GOD, “Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. And he shall break it as the breaking of the potter’s vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare : so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or take water withal out of the pit.” Isaiah 30:13-14

ILLUSIONS are no longer the domain and power of Gods and Goddesses, but manipulated by ILLUMINATI oligarchies and their GOONS of the “Brave New World” offering the masses trinkets, entertainment, drugs, and distractions, placated with vicarious tokens and lost in a dream world of “happiness” keeping the people away from GOD and dumbing them down so they won’t awaken and revolt against the Luciferian Masters of Deceptions and ILLUSIONS.



“Goebbels… was a deceiver, an ILLUSIONIST, by vocation, and ‘no ILLUSIONIST believes in the ILLUSIONS he himself fosters.” -Hans-Otto Meisner



“National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology.”Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess

It seems that ordinary people even like me are at times absolutely unable to fathom the notion that a group of people exist from one generation to the next with an evil design to bring about total racial destruction of a people.

Very few understand the political meaning of “applied biology” within National Socialism (Nazism). Also, very few understand that the genocidal designs and works of the Nazis often take place right under our collective noses right here in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area behind ILLUSIONS, smoked mirrors and the Looking Glass.


Yet, we don’t talk about it. The Late Great Mae Brussell was among a very few that was courageous enough to persistently educate us about the Nazis behind the veil in America. She was literally banned from the white liberal so-called free speech KFPA airways because she refused to be quiet to conceal the truth from us. Even though Mae has been dead for over two decades, her voice is still silenced over liberal and progressive airways.

The list of Bay Area white progressive-Negro journalists’ forbidden subjects continue to grow larger year after year from the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, Jr., RFK, to Jonestown, 9-11Deception and the Libyan Aggression to the Chauncey Bailey Assassination, Your Black Muslim Bakery and Yusuf Bey IV.


What the Nazis considered “applied biology” was actually Darwin’s theory of evolution and eugenics or artificial selection. The Nazis furthered the development of a world view of what they promoted as a blue-eyed, blond-haired Ancient Germanic Master Aryan Race to dominate and control the world.

The Nazis worldview was that the human gene pool could be improved by using selective breeding similar to how farmers breed superior cattle strains. In the formulation of their racial policies, National Socialism relied heavily upon Darwinism to protect the superior Master Aryan Race. Nazism sought to prevent the so-called “inferior races” permanently from mixing, polluting and the contamination of the Master Race’s gene pool by a FINAL SOLUTION, racial mass murder- Genocide.

Sometimes their genocidal agenda appears only through illusions, smoke mirrors and beyond the looking glass. Looking Glass Genocide often takes place in other ways than overt mass murder. The attack on the target group, particular Black people in America, manifests itself through the deliberate destruction or deconstruction of their educational systems, institutions, culture and economic abilities.

Basically, it is a comprehensive and intentional attack on the target race’s social and economic existences. The destruction lies in the end of annihilating their way of life, social networks, institutions and values of the community.[1]


CIA-MK ULTRA is basically a vast multi-million dollar pharmaceutical-trauma based and genetic covert mind control industry developed by the Demon of Death of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Hauptsfuhrer (Captain) SS Josef Rudolf Mengele.

Yet only through the Looking Glass are we able to see, discuss or explore “applied biology” and the works of the SS (Schutzstaffel) and Dr. Mengele that secretly took place in America after the end of WWII.

Mae Brussell was the first to expose wanted international war criminal, Dr. Mengele, as a U.S. Citizen.[2] During the 1960s, Mengele may have been living in the USA or Canada busy working for the CIA rather than hiding in Argentina or Brazil. Dr. Mengele’s rabbit hole in America runs far deeper than anyone is ready to pursue. “MENGELE told my informant THAT HE personally did the training on Oswald… Oswald was trained as a ‘patsy’ only.”[3]


Reportedly, Dr. Mengele lived in Montreal during 1962, “suspectedly to work in setting up MK ULTRA experiments at the Allan Memorial branch of McGill University in Canada.”[4] That means Dr. Mengele trained the notorious master CIA MK ULTRA Psychiatrist, Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, head of Allan Memorial.[5]

Dr. Cameron was one of the most influential psychiatrists in the world. He was a member of the Nuremberg Tribunal that ignored pursuing Dr. Mengele as a war criminal. One thing is clear; he shared the same Master Aryan Race GENOCIDIST vision with Dr. Mengele and the SS,

“Cameron’s idea for a societal cure differs from Freud’s, where Freud proposed a talking cure, Cameron did not believe in a cure but a form of quarantine and extermination. Cameron wanted better societal functions, to expose mental deficiencies, environments that might frustrate the mentally weak, however help to reinforce the authority of the psychiatric society. Where Freud saw symptoms of repression, Cameron saw genetic weakness, biological determination and symptoms of social contamination as causes for mental illness. Cameron’s elemental construction of society is not based on repression or the unconscious, id, ego and superego, but is socio-biologically determined as founded on genetics. Cameron’s own use of authority, discipline and control is not seen as any materialization of an unconscious drive.”[6]

When I discuss MK ULTRA Black Manchurian Candidates, you can’t separate it from Dr. Mengele and National Socialism’s designs and worldview of “applied biology,” GENOCIDE.

Black Manchurian Candidates are often used as tools, patsies and pawns in veiled genocidal programs, targeting Black leaders for assassinations, and the destruction and deconstruction of Black Institutions.


As it turns out, Donald Defreeze and Yusuf Bey VI maybe two of the Bay Area’s most significant Black Manchurian Candidates and “pasties” of GENOCIDE in the destruction and deconstruction of an educational system and an independent institution vital and necessary to the prosperity, well being and economic needs of Black People.

Donald David Defreeze (Cinque) was used as a shrouded “patsy” as the means to deconstruct the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). OUSD had become a vital free comprehensive educational institution to People of Color. It was one of best educational systems in America if not the world. At the time of the Assassination of Dr. Marcus A. Foster, OUSD was home to over 66,000 students that over 70% were Black. It also provided over 4,000 jobs. OUSD provided a livelihood to many residents of Oakland, the majority People of Color.

Yusuf Bey IV (Spiritual Leader of Your Black Muslim Bakery) also was used as a shrouded “patsy” as the means to destroy Oakland’s Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB). YBMB had become a vital business and religious institution to People of Color. Over the decades, it had single-handedly carved out a niche in a highly competitive bakery goods market. It produced vital bakery products from raw materials. It provided healthy, nutritious and quality bakery goods to an often ignored target market group, Black People.

It also provided over 200 jobs with a potential of growth and development. YBMB was an inspiration to the community. It was one of the few remaining successful independently owned Black owned corporations in the Bay Area if not the State of California. It also provided a livelihood and a religious haven to many residents of Oakland, the majority People of Color.

Over and over again, the question has been raised why Black People don’t resist drugs, crime and corruption, a Black Holocaust in the community. Why do they allow themselves to be burdened by helplessness, drugs and crimes? Why don’t they produce anything?

They also ask how several thousand Jews could permit themselves to be shot, one by one, with no more than thirty or forty rifles aimed at them.[7]

I think some explanations to both cases are partial answers to the questions. The Nazis and the SS were ingenious in their deployment of elaborate deceptions, illusions and smoked mirrors in veiling in secrecy its policy and practice of genocide.


Lucifer Servants– Knights of the Black Sun, the SS, were the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderer Cult. They were Teutonic sorcerers, magikians, quintessential illuminists, two faces of JANUS , and the “Masters of Deception.” Jews were led to believe they were being transported to work sites and received detailed instructions on what to bring with them on the trains. And when they arrived, music would be blaring to “welcome” them inside the camp.[8]

As for the Jewish People, “It wasn’t difficult for the Jews to accept these deceptions. After all, there was nothing in the history of the world to prepare them for what awaited. It was possible to believe that they were being taken to labor camps, that the Germans needed them for free labor, but what civilized person was willing to entertain the notion that the Nazis had constructed gas chambers where shower heads spewed deadly gas that would kill innocent men, women, and children, all destined to death for the simple reason of being Jewish? It is human nature to believe what we want to believe, and the Jews were no exception to this rule.”[9]


As for Black People, we weren’t aware that these same veiled absolute evil, the THIRD REICH and the SS that slaughtered over 6 million people in Eastern Europe had been slipped by the thousands into the United States to continue the 1000 YEAR REICH and prey upon People of Color behind a shroud of secrecy. Without the Nazi uniforms and swastikas, with the exception of Hitler, they would look just like people that we encounter daily.

There was nothing in the history of the world to also prepare us to understand the nature of, or the presence of Lucifer’s Servants like Dr. Mengele clandestinelyimbedded within the bowels of the U.S. government, military, police, corporations, banks, hospitals and universities.

We have been under the ILLUSION that Lucifer’s Servants, the Nazis and SS were defeated, polarized and neutralized. They were tried, convicted, and hanged or had been imprisoned for their crimes against People of Color at the Nuremberg Tribunal.

We were led to believe that the THIRD REICH was truly repugnant to a civilized nation, our practiced form of religion, and the very roots of an open and free democracy.

Beside the Late Great Mae Brussell, white journalist and researchers aren’t particularly interested in pursuing truths or getting behind what was/is really going on in the Black Community.

Far too many of them accept, pander and conspire in collaboration with the ILLUMINATI to mask the footprints, the two faces and works of absolute evil in our community.

Without the particular background research and work of the likes of Mae Brussell that is in the vital interest and concern of the Black Community, we would have to accept the magikians’ ILLUSIONS and tall tales as facts like the Late Jim Garrisons would say is as tall as the tale that “an elephant can hang from a cliff with his tail tied to a daisy.”[10]

Lucifer Servant’s footprint, ILLUSIONS and their designs run throughout the creation of Looking Glass MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidates Donald David Defreeze and Yusuf Bey IV.


“The Elephant Hanging Off a Cliff with his Tail Tied to a Daisy in Our Community: the Terrorist Donald Defreeze, “Field Marshal Cinque”

Donald David Defreeze (November 15, 1943 – May 17, 1974), also known as Cinque Mtume, was the leader of the America guerilla group Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), a group operating in the mid-1970s, under the nom de guerre “Field Marshal Cinque.” Defreeze, along with Patricia Soltyski founded the SLA and soon recruited members for his group. The group perpetrated a number of crimes, the most infamous being the vicious slaying of Oakland Schools Superintendent Dr. Marcus A. Foster Marcus and the abduction, torture, rape, and brainwashing of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst. Defreeze is primarily suspected of having murdered Foster and shooting Assistant Superintendent Robert Blackburn.[11]

How is it possible to continue to spread the lie that the brown skin Defreeze is suspected of murdering Dr. Foster when all the assailants were described to have long straight hair and tan or olive complexions?


“The murder team was described by a witness who saw them fleeing the murder scene as between 15 to 20 years of age, all with dark, shoulder length hair or wigs, and all of medium height and slender build. According to this witness, each wore a uniform of dark pants, knit hat and a denim jacket with a white patch on the right breast. Their complexion was described as olive or tan, and it was indicated that one or more of the team could be female.” [12]

Donald Defreeze, the CIA and SS ILLUSIONISTS Behind the Veil

Back in 1974, Mae Brussell appears to be the first journalist-researcher to connect Colston Westbrook and Field Marshal Cinque to a CIA Mastermind Planner, Dr. William Herrmann.[13]

In 1974, not much was actually known about Dr. Herrmann in California and since then not much more has been revealed about him in the United States other than Brussell’s original findings.


“I know that the Thatchers and the Reagans will be out in a few years. We have to survive till then.”-Olof Palme[14]

A decade later, Dr. Herrmann raised his ugly head across the Atlantic Ocean as a key international military intelligence ILLUSIONIST behind the political assassination of Sweden’s 26th Prime Minister, Sven Olof Joachim Palme.[15]

On February 28, 1986, Olof Palme was shot in the back of the neck at close range by an assassin in central Stockholm. Palme died instantly. His wife was also shot in the back but survived. By most accounts, Palme had been very vocal against the CIA, U.S. Vietnam Aggression and South Africa’s Apartheid System. He had been an uncooperative head of state to the New World Order.[16]

Palme’s assassination may be linked to Swedish business and right winged Police; and CIA foreign and domestic intelligence circles of former CIA director, U.S. Vice President and President, George Herbert Walker Bush.[17]

From 1991 to 1993, William Herrmann operated as a disinformant (U.S. Disinformation Intelligence Officer). In the investigation of the assassination of Palme, Dr. Herrmann was exposed as one of the National Security Council (NSC) and CIA’s major arms dealers. In the Iran-Contra Cocaine Connection, “the CIA and the FBI made sure that Herrmann was kept out of all congressional hearings.”[18]

In a 1986 interview with the Sunday Telegraph (London), Herrmann said he was 50 years old and born in Poland. He lived in Little Falls, New Jersey. He became a US citizen in 1956, and served in the US military until 1967, when he claimed had reached the rank of colonel. He claimed that he through the most recent decade (i. e. approx. 1976-86) had been a CIA agent in Iran and Iraq and also worked for the FBI.[19]

In 1956, Dr. Herrmann was slipped into the country by the CIA under the veil of national security in the ABOVE TOP SECRET program, Operation BLOODSTONE. [20]

Operation BLOODSTONE was a secret army of CIA operatives, executioners and assassins made up of Nazi-SS and their Eastern European SS collaborators recruited by General Reinhard Gehlen of the Gehlen Org (1947-1968)[21], CIA Director Allen Dulles (1953-1963), and Directorate of Plans, Frank Wisner, Sr. (1947-1958)[22]

Dr. Herrmann didn’t reveal what he did between 1967 and 1976, which was during the creation and making and mind control of Field Marshal Cinque and formation of the SLA at California Men’s Medical Facility with Colston Westbrook at Vacaville.

The U.S. House of Representatives Iran-Contra investigation team questioned and revealed approximately 10 named so-called “allegators”, including William Herrmann. For example, Herrmann is specifically named in Robert Parry ‘s book Trick or Treason, The October Surprise Mystery, Sheridan Square Press (1993:289):
“The House team repudiated other October Surprise ‘witnesses’ as well. None was telling the truth about Republican-Iranian contacts, the House investigators concluded. Yet, most of the so-called ‘allegators’ – including pilot Heinrich Rupp [..], American arms dealer William Herrmann, and [..] – stuck by their stories about Casey’s supposed hostage initiatives.”[23]

Above, the House team connects Dr. Herrmann with SS Pilot Heinrich Rupp. Rupp was a Project PAPERCLIP-Teutonic Knight Magikian that also had been slipped into the country under the veil of U.S. National Security.[24]

Both Herrmann and Rupp were connected to the highest elected official in the United States, California Governor and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. They were also connected to the highest seen and unseen intelligence agency officials in the country, CIA Chief William Casey,[25] and SS Captain Baron Otto Von Bolschwing of the Gehlen Org.[26]

On May 17, 1985, Dr. Herrmann was arrested in London after three million dollars in counterfeit notes was found in his hotel room (Parry 1993:133). At the time, Herrmann was also arranging a sale of 10,000 TOW missiles from the U.S. and Israel through Iranian arms dealer, Cyrus Hashemi. According to Herrmann, “In early 1985, I got the orders from Oliver North to issue pro-forma invoices for 10,000 TOW missiles from Cyrus Hashemi via Bank Melli.” (Bainerman, Joel (1992): The Crimes of a President. SPI Books, 1992: 239)

TOW” is an acronym that stands for “Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire command data link, guided missile”.[27]

For the record, U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North was at the center of national attention during the Iran-Contra Affair, a political scandal of the late 1980s. North was a National Security Council (NSC) staff member involved in the clandestine sale of weapons to Iran, which served to encourage the release of U.S. hostages from Lebanon. North formulated the second part of the plan: diverting proceeds from the arms sales to support the Contra rebel groups in Nicaragua (funding to the Contras had been prohibited under the Boland Amendment amidst widespread public opposition in the U.S. and controversies surrounding human rights abuses by the Contras). [28]

During Dr. Herrmann’s trial in London, he explained that he had acted as a deep cover infiltrator in a counterfeiter gang on assignment from the FBI. In an interview with author Joe Bainerman (Bainerman, 1992:240), Herrmann said he had infiltrated the Belgian terrorist group Action Directe on behalf of the FBI. They, too, had a counterfeiting department that allegedly had turned the false money over to Herrmann for whitewashing.

This is consistent with what the FBI agent John Mencer said during the trial, that Herrmann was informer for the FBI and had provided information on international terrorists and espionage (Sunday Telegraph 1986b). It had been confirmed that Dr. Herrmann also worked for the FBI (Parry, 1993:133), the FBI’s own telexes show that Herrmann days before the arrest was in contact with two FBI agents – one in New Jersey and one at the US embassy in London – about how the money was to be delivered and received. Thus, we find that the entire operation was a sting operation and it was a part of the design that he was arrested by Scotland Yard and sentenced to five years imprisonment (Parry 1993:133).

This sting operation and “arrest” occurred in May 1985. The Iran-Contra scandal broke in November 1986, and investigations of people involved began a month later. Herrmann was obviously one of those Congress wanted to hear.[29]

Dr. Herrmann was also associated as a clandestine arms dealer and international terrorist network group expert with Oliver North and the NSC. Dr. Herrmann and the rabbit hole ran far deeper than Iran-Contra. The hole delved deep down into international SS terrorist networks, mercenaries and clandestine ILLUMINATI overthrow of sovereign nations; assassinations, and international drug rings and trafficking.

From March 1986 to February 1987, British Intelligence MI-5 and MI-6 kept Dr. Herrmann undercover and shielded him in protective custody from the Iran-Contra-Cocaine Crimes U.S. Congressional inquiries.

In December 1989, Dr. Herrmann was allegedly released from a prison in Pennsylvania. By that time, the Iran-Contra congressional inquiries had concluded.[30] At this time, Dr. William Herrmann remains shrouded in secrecy. He is still not officially part of any public record in any significant way.

Both Dr. Herrmann and Westbrook were psychological warfare experts, experienced in the formation and indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres among other things.

At the time of the creation and making of Field Marshal Cinque and the formation of the SLA at Vacaville, Dr. Herrmann and Westbrook were also undoubtedly members of the FBI’s special clandestine international counterintelligence and assassination group, Division 5, led by J. Edgar Hoover, the Masters of Deception, the SS, and SS Wernher von Braun of NASA. [31] Dr. Herrmann, Westbrook and the CIA weren’t just another one of Brussell’s kooky conspiracy theories.

This SHIT (excuse my expression) was REAL!

The Timeline of the Making of an ILLUSION, the LEGEND of Donald David Defreeze, Alias General Field Marshal Cinque-SIN, Spiritual Leader of the Symbionese Liberation Army


“I was slowly becoming a nothing.” Donald D. Defreeze[32]

Donald David Defreeze was born on November 15, 1943 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was the oldest of eight children. He was often beaten by his father. Reportedly, his father broke two of his arms. He completed the ninth grade and then left home to live with a cousin in Newark, NJ at 13 or14 years old.[33]

Donald Defreeze ended up living with Christian Minister Reverend William L. Foster, Buffalo, N.Y, and reportedly became deeply religious.[34]

At age 14, he was arrested for robbing a parking meter; later, for stealing a car and a weapon. He spent two years in a reformatory, surrounded by “hell,” loneliness, fear, hatred. Tried to keep out of fights and avoid homosexual advances.[35]

1962, Newark, New Jersey

Defreeze was released from reform school. Subsequently, he would describe his incarceration as living in prison and a mental hospital. I can’t find any references as to which reform school Defreeze had been sent to or where the juvenile offenses occurred, but he revolved around Buffalo and Newark.

However, his activities appeared to have been centered in Newark with his blood relatives. Not too long after being released from reform school, he married an older young lady in Newark, New Jersey.

Donald Defreeze, MK SEARCH and Bordentown Reformatory

It seems more than likely that Defreeze had been sent from Newark to Bordentown Reformatory in New Jersey, a home away from home for “juvenile delinquents.” In those days, Bordentown would have been equally a “prison” and experimental “mental hospital.”

For decades, Bordentown Reformatory had been a notorious OSS and CIA experimental medical and psychological human guinea pig farm.


During World War II and also in 1951 through to at least 1964 when Defreeze may have been there, Bordentown Reformatory had been the site of secret CIA and U.S. Army mind control experiments. Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer, above, of Emory University, Atlanta and the University of Illinois Medical School oversaw some of these experiments, which were intended to both study and trigger “a model psychosis characterized by visual and auditory hallucinations.”[36]

Earlier, during World War II, the Bordentown Reformatory was used by the OSS, precursor to the CIA, for truth drug experiments. These experiments included Dr. James A. Hamilton’s close associates OSS officer Capt. George White and New York psychiatrist Lawrence Kubie, also discussed later.[37]


In the late 1950s, Kubie wrote White a letter within which he “fondly” recalls their time together conducting drug experiments at Bordentown and at a state prison in Baltimore. Wrote Kubie: “I look back fondly on those days. What great fun we had.”[38]

Dr. Pfeiffer had been a CIA MK ULTRA-SEARCH researcher along with Dr. James A. Hamilton of Vacaville.[39]

From Bordentown Reformatory to the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy


Furthermore, Luis Angel Castillo of Chicago and Wisconsin was captured in the Philippines in March 1967.  He had been sent in to assassinate President Ferdinand Marcos. Philippine intelligence found that Castillo suffered Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). They were able to uncover at least six different layers of programmed alters that had been implanted by a woman with a heavy German accent named, Mrs. Kreps. They also found out that Castillo was linked to the 1963 JFK assassination in Dallas. Castillo was a CIA assassin linked to Bordentown Reformatory at the same time it was a notorious MK ULTRA- SEARCH hallucinogen mind control site.[40]

It seems that Bordentown Reformatory connects perfectly with the major CIA-MK ULTRA-SEARCH players in the clandestine- creation of Field Marshal Cinque and the formation of the SLA.

Defreeze would have been their perfect candidate for a major operation like the SLA. He had a long jacket with covert MK ULTRA drug testing, research and experimentation beginning with Dr. Carl Pfeiffer at Bordentown Reformatory.

As illustrated in the case of Luis Angel Castillo, Bordentown had been a secret MK ULTRA- SEARCH routing station for potential MPD mind controlled assassins and operatives to be passed down the pipe to the CIA and military intelligence for future ABOVE TOP SECRET special operations.

Donald Defreeze from Newark to California

At 19 years old, he married Glory Thomas, 23 years old, mother of three children in Newark, New Jersey. They had three more children. In 1965, after being arrested for firing a weapon at his house, the family moved to California.[41]

The marriage was filled with rejection, disappointment. Defreeze tried to work and support his wife and children, but differences drove him to California. In California, Defreeze began drinking, taking drugs, and collecting weapons.

In California, Donald David Defreeze became a ghetto informer for the Los Angeles Police Department’s “black desk” since the August 1965 Watts Rebellion. His job had been to report on Black Militants- Black Liberation Politics.[42]

From 1967 to 1969

Defreeze worked as a police informer for the Los Angeles Police Department, (LAPD) under Detective R. G. Farwell, Public Disorder Intelligence Unit, Criminal Conspiracy Section.[43]

At the time, the LAPD was supplying weapons and bombs to BLACKPROS Ron Karenga and US (United Slaves) and hiring them by contract assignments to kill Black Panthers. Defreeze worked with police agent-provocateur Karenga, head of the US Organization, to disrupt and destroy the Black Panther Party. Later, he continued collaboration with Karenga and US at Colston Westbrook’s Black Cultural Association (BCA) at the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville.[44]

US used the 7-headed cobra, later adopted by the SLA, for its symbol. Nothing in Defreeze’s background indicated a political consciousness while he worked as a police intelligence informer.

June 9, 1967, Los Angeles, CA

Defreeze was arrested for robbery violation 211 of the California Penal Code. He had been charged with two counts of possession of explosives, and one count of possession of a concealed weapon. On March 31, 1965, Defreeze had been arrested in possession of a bomb, knife and sawed off shotgun. He got five more years tacked on his prior probation. He was placed on probation even though he had violated probation on priors; Penal Code Sections 836.3, 459, and 12020.[45]

December 2, 1967, Los Angeles, CA

Defreeze was arrested for the fifth time on an arms charge. He had robbed and beaten a prostitute. He was arrested by LAPD officers Toles and R.G. Farwell. Defreeze allegedly escaped from police custody, but never was charged on escape charges.[46]

On December 6, 1967, Defreeze led police to an apartment where a cache of 200 stolen weapons were found. On December 2, 1967, Defreeze aka Steven Robinson, Ronald Coleman, Donald Williams, John Williams, Donald and Ronald Steven Coleman had been arrested for a November 22, 1967 burglary of Western Surplus Store at 8505 S. Western Avenue in Torrance, CA; buying and receiving stolen property (pistols and rifles); and possession of marijuana.[47]

Defreeze was given a relatively low bail. Subsequently, he had five (5) more years tacked on to his probation and walked again.[48]

April 4, 1968, Inglewood, CA

Defreeze arrested again on burglary PC 459 and PC 836.3 (Escape from Custody). He was released no charges filed. Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4.[49] It is likely that in lieu of the Black Outrage and Rebellions that broke out in Los Angeles and across the country, Defreeze got some emergency assignments from the LAPD.[50]

August 16, 1968, Los Angeles, CA

Defreeze arrested again for Grand Larceny, PC 487.3. On August 24, 1968, Glory Defreeze wrote to authorities, following the arrest of her husband, reminding them that they had promised him protection from arrest while he worked for them. Defreeze was released.[51]

By this time, Defreeze was working with Officer Farwell in the LAPD Criminal Conspiracy Section (CCS) in an illegal war against the Black Panther Party.[52]

April 20, 1969, Los Angeles, CA

Defreeze was arrested with unlawful possession of a dangerous weapon “military type semi-automatic M-68 Nine (9) MM Rifle” loaded with 32 bullet clip designed for military or police work. Defreeze told the judge that the weapon had been registered to him for a police officer friend. The weapon was intended for police work.[53]

It had been Defreeze’s 7th arrest, but these charges also violated federal weapon charges. Nevertheless, he was released on concurrent bail (one bail-numerous offenses) in the interest of the CCS of the LAPD, FBI and CIA.[54]

May 9, 1969, Newark, NJ

Defreeze had been involved in a kidnapping and assault of Alfred Whiters, building superintendant at the Temple B’nia Abraham in Newark, NJ.[55]

The cover story was that Whiters had been kidnapped to raise $5,000 for the criminal defense of a jailed Black Panther brother called, the Enforcer.[56]

A co-defendant in Whiters’ kidnapping, Ralph Cobb, was a Newark Black Panther leader. After a trial, Cobb was acquitted of all charges. Cobb’s attorney suspected that the Whiters kidnapping had been a FBI COINTELPRO special covert operation to neutralize, discredit and disrupt the Newark, New Jersey Black Panther Party for Self Defense.[57]

Newark’s DA Office declined to extradite and prosecute Defreeze for the Whiters kidnapping because he was behind bars in California. They were surprised that he was let out of jail and put back on the streets.

October 11, 1969, Cleveland, OH

Defreeze was arrested in Cleveland outside a bank in possession of a 38 revolver, .25 caliber semi-automatic pistol, hand grenade and burglary tools.[58]

He was given a low $5,000 bail even though he was in violation of his probation and crossed state boundaries, a federal violation of the law. Subsequently, charges were never filed.

Defreeze had been arrested in Cleveland by FBI Special Agent Tom Padden. Padden was the arresting agent of Patty Hearst and Wendy Yoshimura in San Francisco.[59]

He returned to California, and then arrested for robbing a woman at gun point for a $1,000 check. He told the judge that he had been high on pills.[60] Disposition of that case is unknown, but we know that Defreeze was put right back on the street.

November 25, 1969, Los Angeles

Defreeze exchanged gun shots with a bank guard and wounded him – using a .32 caliber Beretta automatic pistol, one of the 200 stolen guns from the November 1967 Western Surplus Store burglary that LAPD had apparently allowed him to keep.[61]

During 1969, Defreeze had also maintained a nice house, only a few blocks from the Los Angeles Airport. He was in the business of pimping for black judges and airport officials, fixing them up with women. He drove around in a city truck during the day, and gave the impression to one of his women that he was employed by the city.[62]

Undoubtedly, Defreeze was an escort-pandering partner with LAPD and the CIA involved in a covert sexual entrapment operation similar to the Lawrence King-Craig Spence Franklin Credit Union CIA child-sexual entrapment and whitemail operation.[63]

In 1969, Defreeze subpoenaed his superior, LA Distinct Attorney Evelle Younger, to testify in his behalf. Younger has always maintained close contact and collaboration with LAPD’s Criminal Conspiracy Section (CDS).[64]

In December, 1969, Defreeze received his most ambitious special assignment that finally would make him the infamous “somebody” that he had always desired to be.

Defreeze was sent to Chino for “psychiatric testing.” Medical reports at Chino described Defreeze as “disorganized; had impaired social adjustment; was a schizoid personality, passive-aggressive, needs 24-hour program of treatment.” Defreeze was sent on to Vacaville Medical Facility.[65]

Behind the walls of Vacaville on a prison term of 6-14 years, Dr. Fredrick Hacker, an expert on “terrorism” and Tavistock Institute Behavior-Mind Control Modification Programs Expert was assigned to Donald Defreeze for “psychiatric evaluation.”[66]


Dr. Hacker had an interesting and most convenient background related to the CIA and the creation of Manchurian Candidates. He was born in Vienna, Austria. In 1939, he graduated from the University of Basel, Switzerland when the THIRD REICH shared borders. Dr. Hacker was yet another well-situated “former escapee from Nazi Germany.”[67]

In 1940, he entered the U.S. at the outbreak of World War II as a medical intern at Saint Francis Hospital in New Jersey from 1940 to 1941. He did his residency at Columbia University’s Psychiatric Institute from 1941 to 1942. He practiced at Manhattan State Hospital on Ward’s Island in New York.[68]

Dr. Hacker’s most significant training took place from 1942 to 1944 with the infamous U.S. Army Neuropsychiatrist Dr. William C. Menninger at the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, KS.[69]

During WWII, Dr. Menninger became Director of the Psychiatry Consultants Division in the office of the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army. [70]

William and his brother Karl, co-founder of the Menninger Clinic, collaborated with OSS agents Stanley Lowell and New York Psychiatrist Lawrence Kubie (Bordentown Reformatory) to program a hypnotically (mind) controlled German prisoner to hate the Gestapo and the Nazi regime then give the subject a hypnotic suggestion to assassinate the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler.[71] Reportedly, they concluded that it wouldn’t work. THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.

Chemist Stanley P. Lovell became a CIArecruiter for “Wild Bill” Donovan and chief of the CIA’s Research and Development Department.[72]: Kubie, a master hypnotist, subsequently worked with CIA Division of Technical Services (TS) Chief, Dr. Sidney Gottieb. Gottieb, a Dr. Mengele Clone, was the notorious TS director during its Artichoke (Assassination) and MK-ULTRA (Mind Control) programs.[73] Kubie and Vacaville CIA Chief James A. Hamilton had been key operatives in Gottieb-Dr. Mengele’s TS Division.[74]

Dr. Hacker later became a consultant to Patty Hearst’s father, Randolph Hearst, after she was kidnapped by the SLA. He had access to Patty Hearst and psychologically examined her.[75]

During the 1969 Sharon Tate-La Bianca murder investigation, Dr. Hacker, LA County Criminal-Psychological Profiler, rejected the idea of satanic ritual murders or drug-related vendetta. He provided the LA County Coroner, Thomas Noguche, with a detailed profile of the killer fitting Charles Manson before he was arrested.[76]

1970, Los Angeles County

While in prison, Defreeze wanted to “confess,” and end a life of running from the police — or working with them.


“I think they think I am nuts.” Donald D. Defreeze [77]

In 1970, Defreeze wrote to LA County Superior Court Judge William L. Ritzi that he “wanted to tell everything.” “I want to let you know what really happened and why. I am going to talk to you truthfully like I am talking to God. I will tell you things no one has ever known before.” Judge Ritzi wasn’t allowed to be interested. Good Old “Bill Ritzi” had been Evelle Younger’s specially chosen LA Assistant District Attorney.[78] Younger was a key member of a covert government domestic terrorist team, Squad 19.[79]

In 1970, Colston Westbrook became the CIA control officer for Defreeze and the group that was to become the SLA. Westbrook headed the CIA’s experimental behavior modification unit called the Black Cultural Association (BCA), at Vacaville.

Under Dr. James A. Hamilton’s BCA Behavior Modification Unit, Defreeze was to undergo a drastic and ultimately fatal personality change under MK ULTRA-SEARCH stress and hallucinogenic drug experiments.

After mind control programming, Defreeze assumed a militant anti-white alter personality, while at the same time meeting with white SLA counterintelligence agents who were brought into the prison system.

While in prison, Defreeze was programmed as a triple agent, for Westbrook and the CIA, the California Department of Corrections (Raymond Procunier) and Bureau of Criminal Intelligence and Investigation (Evelle Younger). Defreeze was responsible to California Attorney General Evelle Younger (1971-1979), who was also a FBI Special Agent.[80]

November 1972, Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility


Above, left, is yet another and different historic image of CIA Manchurian Candidate Donald Defreeze. Whichever Defreeze was teamed with inmate, Thero Wheeler, left, for one month. FBI-CIA operative Thero Wheeler’s brother was a San Francisco Police Department officer.[81]

December 1972, Vacaville to Soledad Prison

Defreeze was transferred to Soledad Prison. He was placed in South Facility, set up for trusted inmates, and a holding section for informers. One inmate described Defreeze’s departure from Soledad:

“While Donald Defreeze was here, I had a few conversations with him. I have always questioned his departure as being a simple walk-away. I didn’t come into contact with him personally until his last couple of week here. There weren’t many who would associate with him. He tried to give the impression of being super cool, and he came across as cold. When I met him, he was working in the maintenance shop. I asked him if he was happy on his job, because if not, I might be able to find him something else.”[82]

“He replied that within a few days, he was going to be assigned to work in the boiler room at the South Facility. I questioned that, because he didn’t have enough time here to be given that trust. I know cons that have been turned down for that position. He wouldn’t comment; he only gave me a big smile. I should explain that no prisoners were kept at the South Facility at that time, because it had no security. No gun towers were in operation, and there were no guards posted.”[83]

“A few prisoners with proven records of trust were taken from Central Facility to South Facility to perform certain duties; then they would be returned to Central after their shift. A few days later, Defreeze did get that job. Midnight to 8 a.m. shift, in the boiler room, South Facility. On his first night, he was dropped off at midnight, and given a few instructions. His job was automatic; it only required an overseer. He was left to himself, and when an officer returned an hour later to check on him, he was gone.”[84]

A few months after leaving Vacaville, Defreeze was given a special privilege at Soledad prison. He was allowed to use the marital trailers for visits with women, a privilege normally reserved for married men.[85]

March 5, 1973, Walk Away from Soledad Prison

Donald Defreeze walked out of Soledad prison. His transportation to the Bay area was allegedly arranged by Deputy Superintendent James Nelson. Another former employee from Soledad, currently owner of a liquor store in Sacramento, assisted in the departure, which was later classified as an “escape.”[86]

In spring of 1973, Bernard Keaton, a double for Donald Defreeze, visited the Foster family in Buffalo, New York. He passed himself off as Defreeze, who had lived with the family 15 years ago, and he knew intimate details of their life.[87]

August 2, 1973- Walk Away from Vacaville Prison

Thero Wheeler walked away from Vacaville Medical Facility. From August to October 1973, Defreeze and Wheeler met “at least twenty times” with the SLA in Oakland. Wheeler and a notorious Black Panther infiltrator, Melvin “Cotton” Smith[88] provided Defreeze and the SLA with money, guns and ammunition then Wheeler disappeared. [89]

November 6, 1973- Assassination of OUSD Superintendent Dr. Marcus A. Foster


An unknown left-wing urban guerrilla group called the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) took credit for the assassination. Defreeze made his public appearance as General Field Marshal Cinque following the assassination. According to Mae Brussell, it was the beginning of terror and psychological sabotage, in the same vein Germany had been subjected to in the 1930s.[90]

February 4, 1974- Kidnapping of Patty Hearst


19-year-old UC Berkeley student Patty Hearst was kidnapped from her apartment, she shared with her fiancé Steven Weed by the SLA. General Field Marshal Cinque becomes a world renowned ILLUSIONARY sensational revolutionary figure.[91]

February 23, 1974- Assassination of William F. Knowland


Knowland, Editor of the Oakland Tribune was found dead suicided at his summer home near Guerneville, CA. Knowland was a strict U.S. Constitutionist. He hated President Nixon and his Nazi Masters with a passion.[92] When Patty Hearst was kidnapped, the CIA-Project MOCKINGBIRD (Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry) sent down a SLA-Patty Hearst LEGEND for Knowland and the Oakland Tribune to follow. Knowland was already unset about the U.S. Military-Intelligence slaying of Dr. Marcus A. Foster. Knowland was uncooperative and became no longer useful to the NWO. He was CIA-ARTICHOKED.[93]

March 1974, Oakland-Berkeley

Defreeze publicly named Colston Westbrook, Chris Brother Thompson, and Wheeler’s look alike Patty Hearst girlfriend, Robyn Steiner, as CIA and FBI informers.[94]

May 4, 1974, San Francisco, CA

Donald Freed, writer, and Lake Headley, independent investigator, held a press conference in San Francisco. They presented 400 pages of documentation on Defreeze’s arrest records, the work of Colston Westbrook with the CCS and CII (Criminal Identification and Investigation), and evidence of links of the CIA to Police Departments.[95]

May 17, 1974, Los Angeles, CA

New York Times carried the story of Defreeze and the LAPD. That same day, General Field Marshal Cinque was liquidated and cremated by the LAPD.[96]

The LAPD did not notify Defreeze’s family of his death for three days. His remains were sent to Cleveland, Ohio, with the head and the fingers missing.

In California, Donald David Defreeze had been arrested on 9 (nine ) separate occasions. The charges involved possession of bombs and explosives, knife, sawed-off shotguns; robbery, assault, possession of 200 firearms, grand larceny, kidnapping, and escaping arrest.[97]

In Ohio, he had been arrested for attempted bank robbery, possession of burglary tools and explosives.

In New Jersey, he was wanted on a capital offense of kidnapping, assault and battery, and extortion. Through a scheme of series of concurrent bails and tack on probation sentencing, jail had become nothing more than a revolving door for a Black Manchurian Candidate.

Donald David Defreeze, Manchurian Candidate Body Count: 9

Dead: Dr. Marcus Foster (Superintendent of Oakland Unified School District), William F. Knowland (Editor of Oakland Tribune), Donald David Defreeze (Cinque), Nancy Ling Perry (Fahizah), Angela Atwood (General Gelina), Camilla Hall (Gabi), Willie Wolfe (Kahjoh), Patricia Soltysik (Mizmoon, Zoya), and Myrna Opsahl.[98]

Donald David Defreeze, Manchurian Candidate Mission Objective

COINTELPRO- Neutralize, Discredit and Destroy Bay Area Black Nationalist and the Left; Permanently Undermine and Deconstruct Oakland’s Comprehensive Free Educational System.

GENOCIDE- the deliberate destruction or deconstruction of educational systems, institutions, culture and economic abilities of Black People.


The Elephant Hanging Off a Cliff with his Tail Tied to a Daisy in Our Community: the Terrorist Yusuf Bey IV, “CEO and Spiritual Leader of Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.”


Dirty Derwin and the Wizard of Oz Straw man, “If I only had a brain”

Oakland Police Department (OPD) Detective Sergeant Derwin Longmire has to be a 21st Century version of a cold blooded military-police counterintelligence BLACKPRO without compassion or love for justice, the people; and  a brain of his own. 


Derwin Longmire began his career with OPD sometime in 1991, twenty-one years ago.[99] Where he was created or crawled out of hole from into Oakland is unknown.

According to Longmire’s mouthpiece and a police officer’s best friend and defender, Attorney Mike Rains, Rains Lucia Stern, PC, Longmire bleed “Blue” something like a cold blooded transhumant cyborg.

According to Rains that by the way recently penned The Saga of Oakland Police Sergeant Derwin Longmire” on the internet, he was a homicide detective “par excellence” bar none.

“At the time of Chauncey Bailey’s murder, Sgt. Derwin Longmire had been a member of the Oakland Police Department for over 21 years and had an unblemished, discipline-free record. He had served his last 10 years in a variety of investigative positions, much of it in the Homicide Section, where OPD sent its best, brightest, most capable and hardest working investigators. Derwin had received countless accolades and commendations from district attorneys for his investigative work and his testimony at trials.”[100]

Derwin Longmire, I call him, Dirty Derwin, like Hollywood’s Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry. He stood tall and independent like a John Wayne. He was rough and ready, a no nonsense detective, a classic Gestapo styled cop. He was the government’s straw man for the deliberate racial attack on and destruction of YBMB.

A straw man is one who deliberately accepts a liability.[101] “Straw man” is also one of the best-named fallacies, because it is memorable and vividly illustrates the nature of the fallacy. Imagine a fight in which one of the combatants sets up a man of straw, attacks it, then proclaims victory. All the while, the real opponent stands by untouched.[102]

In the Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow (straw man) must prove himself worthy to receive the benevolence from Oz. Scarecrow is asked the question, “How can you talk without a brain? Scarecrow answers, “Some people without a brain can do a lot of talking.” The Straw man believes that the Oz will give him a brain when he is worthy by completing a series of ordeals.[103]

The Wizard of Oz was some being ALL POWERFUL and KNOWING. Yet in reality, the wizard-magikian (ILLUMINATI) was just an old man that was a master of deception hiding behind a veil-ILLUSION (LUCIFER).[104]

For his trials and ordeals, the Oz was to setup Dirty Derwin in a coveted job as an Alameda County D.A. Investigator. Dirty Derwin’s first assignment had been to begin collecting investigative data on YBMB for a hit. If he only had a brain.

According to Rains,

“He had first gone into the Bakery in 1991, working as a Beat cop and assigned to the beat where the Bakery was located. He met Mustafa Bey, the Bakery’s counter-man at that time, and would pay occasional visits to the Bakery and discuss with Bey his perceptions of the distrust between members of the Bakery and the police. Even after Derwin’s assignment to that Beat ended, he would occasionally run into Bey in the community and would shake his hand and say hello.”[105]

Lorna Brown, attorney for Yusuf Bey IV, said that Longmire had acted as a “mentor” for her client. She said: “I always had the feeling that Longmire had Yusuf’s best interests at heart, and that he was trying to help another young African American guy.”[106]

She said that Longmire had become like an older brother to her client after the two met in 2005 when the detective investigated the shooting death of Bey IV’s brother, Antar Bey.[107]

Furthermore according to Longmire’s mouthpiece, Mike Rains confirmed Brown’s statement that at the time of the takeover of the bakery by Antar and Yusuf IV that Stg. Longmire had been acting as an “older brother” and “mentor” to Bey IV, he was setting him up as a pawn to destroy YBMB.

“In 2002, Derwin had been assigned to the OPD Intelligence Unit and, upon his arrival, talked to one of the Unit’s members who had devoted considerable time to intelligence gathering concerning the Bakery and its members. Derwin learned that the Bakery was participating in conduct involving fraud. He sought the commitment from the Police Chief at the time to obtain assistance from the FBI to conduct extensive surveillance and an investigation of the Bakery as a criminal enterprise.”[108]


Actually from 2002 to 2007, Det. Longmire’s Oz had been a special interagency terrorist division called, Squad 13. The squad was an all powerful and knowing joint division behind a veil-ILLUSION of U.S. National Security. It was comprised of OPD Intelligence, FBI and U.S. Homeland Security, and the CIA.[109]

Contrary to the illusion that Rains creates that it had only one FBI agent, Squad 13 was essentially a large and extensive well established FBI COINTELPRO division.

Instead of getting a brain and job with the D.A., the wicked magikians threatened Longmire with fire, like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. They also intended to dismember him like the Scarecrow. For them it is not an idle threat.

Far too late in the game, Longmire was confronted with reality, the Satanic Principle, GOOD AND EVIL – (The two faces of Janus).

Janus was the god of gates and doors (ianua), beginnings and endings, and hence represented with a double-faced head, each looking in opposite directions.[110]

You can’t make a pact with Lucifer’s Squad and expect to walk away without selling your mind, heart, body and soul to the DEVIL. “If only Derwin Longmire had a brain.”

There is little doubt that they used him, and how want Derwin Longmire disposed of just like a classic patsy.

Lucifer’s Twisted Sisters, Squad 13 and Southern California’s Squad 19

Squad 13 is a “GOON SQUAD,” an American version of the Nazi GESTAPO. John J. Reikes was a Supervisory FBI Station Agent in charge of Squad 13, when they targeted, bombed and framed Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney of Earth First in Oakland as domestic terrorists in March 1990.[111]

The OPD-FBI Squad 13 is similar to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)-FBI, CIA-White House Counter-Intelligence, Squad 19, first exposed in Louis Tackwood’s book, The Glass House Tapes.[112] Tackwood said that an internal part of Squad 19 was a LAPD DEVIL Worshipping Cult centered in Altadena, CA,[113] called, The Order of the Temple of Astarte (OTA).[114]


  Poke Runyon, aka Frater Thabion, Founder of OTA, Freemason-Scottish Rite Former U.S. Army Green Beret [115]

During a press conference in mid-September 1971, Tackwood said he had been contacted by two CIA agents when he worked with the FBI on Squad 19 – a special group that was set up to plan disruptions at the Republican Convention, then slated for San Diego. Louis Tackwood stated:

There is a plan right now that is so monstrous that it is pathetic. It entails a detailed plan to blow up the Republican Convention. It has been worked out by the super-agencies…The blame will fall on militant organizations demonstrating at the convention. The President will then be asked to declare a state of national emergency and martial law. Within 48 hours, they will arrest all known militants on the left, and a police state will then exist…I am only giving up two names. There’s ‘Martin’ and there’s ‘White.’ Alright now, ‘Martin’ was the code name for my contact, and I’m going to tell you he’s CIA all the way. Are you ready for this? He was in Dallas when they got Kennedy; he left out of there for the Caribbean. And ‘Martin’ is in on the cancellation of elections, and some way in on the concentration camp thing. Do you see what I’m saying? Now the control, the man over ‘Martin’ is ‘White.’ I only heard a little about him, but they say he is the money man, nobody’s over him but the top dogs. ‘Martin’ and ‘White’ that’s all I’m going to give you now. This is my life insurance.[116]

Tackwood told The Washington Post he:

…sat in on meetings where plans were made by federal and local agents to disrupt the 1972 San Diego Republican convention and blame it on the leftists. The object: To create a situation which would permit the President to invoke special emergency powers leading to the arrest and detention of political activists throughout the country; that the C.C.S. had prior knowledge of last year’s Marin County Courthouse shootout and George Jackson’s fatal escape attempt from San Quentin – and allowed both to proceed despite certainty that lives would be lost.[117]

On November 22, 1971, Louis Tackwood testified in the Los Angeles Panther 13 trial. He said that Melvin Cotton Smith, the principal witness, was a police informant and had not turned State’s evidence as the police suggested. His testimony was preceded by that of Ronald Farwell who said that he first met Louis Tackwood in early 1970, and had used him as an informer against the Black Panthers.[118]

In June 1972, eight months after Louis Tackwood went public; it was revealed that White House Plumber, E. HOWARD HUNT, had used the name “White” during Watergate. His name appeared in Eugenio Martinez address book as “White H.” CIA Agent and security official of the National Republican Committee and Committee to Re-Elect the President, JAMES W. McCORD, told the police that his name was “Martin” when he was arrested at Watergate. [DC PD arrest rec.] The CIA reported:

At approximately 7:45 p.m., Mr. Arnold L. Parham, a Special Agent of the FBI Field Office in Alexandria, Virginia, called to request a name trace on ‘James Martin’ who had been arrested while demonstrating at Watergate. This call was taken by a security duty officer, and referred to the responsible senior security officer for night calls. [Memo Cary to [Richard] Helms Message Pref. #480889] [119]

Squad 19’s orders came directly from the White House, CIA, FBI, California Department of Justice, and the Los Angeles County District Attorney.[120]

Squad 13, Lucifer’s Squad, Dirty Derwin and YBMB

In Western culture, the number 13 is generally considered to be unlucky. The number 13 has commonly been avoided. Yet, it wasn’t happenstance that the interagency terrorist task force chose the number 13. It was a deliberate occulted rendering.

“The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33, 39. Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention.”[121]


There are 13 leaves on the left olive branch with 13 berries. 13 stripes on the middle shield. 13 arrows on the right. 13 stars above the eagles head. 13 letters in the “E Pluribus Unum” on the ribbon. 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis. There are 13 blocks top to bottom on the pyramid. Fritz Springmeir in his The 13 Bloodlines says these 13 blocks represent the 13 Satanic family’s. [122]

Judas Iscariot was the 13th person at the Last Supper, and he betrayed Jesus Christ, and was thought to be possessed by Satan himself. It might also have to do with the fact that Judas’ Satanic decision to betray Christ cost Judas his own sanity, which caused him to commit suicide.[123]


The number, ’13’ is the occult number of Depravity and Rebellion.[124] The number 19 also has occulted significance. The number 19 represents manifestation, being the number of paths that have some existence below the Abyss (in the phenomenal world).[125] The OKC Bombing took place on April 19. The Number 19 continues to arise in the context of the 9/11 attacks and other terror-related matters, 19 Hijackers.

Similarly, Squad 19’s Northern California Luciferian twisted sister, Squad 13, gets its orders from the same Luciferian power bases; and it is capable of anything wicked and twisted, criminal, racist and two faced.

BLACKPRO Dirty Derwin was sent in to handle the deconstruction of YBMB from the inside. He infiltrated YBMB and offered Yusuf Bey IV and his Jr. Mafia post adolescent gang money, fame and fortune beyond their dreams to sell their souls to Lucifer.

Squad 13 & the Creation of a Junior Black Mafia

As we come to know it, Mafia (Murder, Inc) is an ethnic secret blood covenant criminal organization that may control everything from unions, street crime, prostitution, protection rackets and drug trafficking to governmental corruption.

The Mafia’s business interests have also gone beyond the “traditional” murder, Inc., extortion, prostitution, contraband and drug dealing. It has infiltrated deep and hides inside important corporate sectors of legitimate economies.

Mafia businesses are set up like any other company, with a business structure that includes a CEO, managers, department heads and consultants.[126]

BLACKPRO Maalik El Maalik had been one of the handlers of the CIA- MK ULTRA Bay Area Death Angel Cult called, El Constran, linked to Colston Westbrook. The killer and drug trafficking cult was ran out of a California Department of Corrections and OPD supported Oakland half way house for experimental mind controlled paroled felons called, Alternative House.

I most vividly recall the moments of eerie exhilaration that I saw in the eyes and demeanor of Maalik El Maalik when he talked about El Contran and what it had been designed to become, a Black Mafia (Murder, Inc.) allowed to control everything in the Black Community.

Maalik could only have dreamed of running a criminal killer cult shielded behind a long established legitimate corporate business structure with a CEO, managers, department heads, consultants, treasury of money, resources and community goodwill.

However, BLACKPRO Dirty Derwin received that distinction. Like Donald David Defreeze, they had developed early extensive psychological profiles of the brothers Antar and Yusuf Bey.

They wanted all the fame, power, glory, women and money (BLING) that their father had, but mostly lacked the God given innate intelligence and inner faith to achieve their goals to raise to the top. Indeed, they proved to the weakest link in the Bey Family chain.


YBMB was a corporate creature of the State of California. The State had the regulatory power and authority over YBMB.[127] When Antar and Yusuf IV gained control of YBMB through murder, fraud and the collaboration of OPD and Squad 13, they acted under the protection of the State. They literally had a license to Kill with a million bayonets behind them to destroy YBMB, Inc. brick by brick.

Within 15 months of Yusuf Bey IV’s takeover of YBMB and under the direct tutorship of Stg. Longmire, OPD and Squad 13, he and seven associates got a fleet of expensive luxury cars; guns and ammunition; at least 19 loans totaling more than $6 million from 10 different lenders to buy 12 houses in Oakland, Richmond, Hayward and Antioch, according to the Alameda County district attorney, bankruptcy court records and real estate documents. Of these transactions, Bey IV and his girlfriend borrowed $2.4 million to buy five houses during just seven months in 2006.[128] They didn’t do it alone. The Junior Mafia had a lot of legitimate professional business and corporate help to destroy the bakery.


Remember that prior to the Jr. Mafia mentorship with Dirty Derwin and OPD, particularly Yusuf Bey IV beginning in October 2005; YBMB’s post adolescents had no significant (Lifestyle) history of mental illnesses, criminal activity, drugs or violence.

Additionally, beginning in August 2005, OPD began taking Yusuf Bey VI off the street for possible mind control programming. Both Ronnie Flenaugh and Billy Mapp of the El Contran Death Angel Cult had been taken off the street by police then covertly traumatized and MK ULTRA programmed.

In 1967, Ronnie was kidnapped off the street by the Berkeley Police Department. Ronnie said that they began poisoning him with hallucinogenic drugs while in city jail then driven insane at Santa Rita County Jail in Dublin.

During WWII, Santa Rita had been a terrible Nazi POW camp. It had barbaric and inhumane “tiger cage” cells with a guard cat walk built along the top of the cells to look down on prisoners. It became the infamous Santa Rita Jail “Little and Big Graystone Prison.” Nobody was really sure what was going on behind prison walls. For decades, public and press access to Graystone had been closed and then highly restricted.[129]

Ronnie’s programming may be connected with the MK ULTRA research of Dr. Valerie Hunt of NASA and Dr. Julian Silverman of Esalen Institute at Big Sur.

In 1969, Billy had been kidnapped off the street by OPD. He was beaten and taken to Santa Rita where significant personality-alters suddenly took shape. A reliable Alameda County Mafia informant, Joseph Spencer, connected Billy with Stanford Research Institute and Dr. Gregory Bateson, the British Godfather of MK ULTRA.

Like Ronnie Flenaugh, Bey VI appears to have received similar NASA“Mother-Spaceship” programming.[130]


The Timeline of the Making of an ILLUSION, the LEGEND of Junior Mafia CEO and Spiritual Leader of YBMB, Yusuf Bey IV, and the Deconstruction of the Institutional Bakery

September 30, 2003

Within a year of being targeted by Lucifer’s Squad for destruction, and a couple weeks after being charged and arrested on September 19, 2002 by OPD for 27 felony counts of lewd conduct with a minor, Yusuf Bey, Sr. suddenly died from colon cancer.[131] Before he passed, the faithful and good brother, Waajid Aljawwaad, was chosen to succeed him as CEO and President of Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc.

February 27, 2004


The Murder of the Faithful Brother

Within 5 months of Waajid taking over as YBMB CEO and President, the Faithful Brother disappeared, and was found dead in July 2004, buried in a shallow grave in the Oakland hills (RD#04-65105). [132] OPD claims that it can’t find the murder investigative file. I suspect that Dirty Derwin was the lead homicide detective.

Murder is one of the highest crimes against society. There is no statute of limitations for that category of crimes. Solve the murder of the Faithful Brother, you move closer to solving the riddle. You will see beyond the Looking Glass.


Squad 13 and OPD took the opportunity to step the stage to Antar Bey, age 23, to begin to set him up as CEO and President of YBMB based on forged corporate board meeting documents. Antar had no significant executive business experience or education beyond a California High School Equivalency Diploma.

June 29, 2005

YBMB brain trust and business leader, John Bey, was assaulted and wounded outside his home in an ambush. OPD investigators established then that Antar and Yusuf Bey IV in a takeover of the bakery had the clear motive for the deadly assault upon the life of John Bey.[133] Yet, OPD made absolutely no arrests in the case.

If the OPD determined the Antar-Yusuf Bey IV gang had a motive to try to kill YBMB Businessman John Bey in the takeover of the bakery, then why didn’t they pursue the same suspects in the assassination of CEO Aljawwaad that opened the LEGEND for the takeover? EVEN THE BLIND CAN SEE THAT!

August 5, 2005

OPD investigating a carjacking at 5800 San Pablo arrested Yusuf Bey IV.[134] Disposition of the case is unknown. How long Bey IV was taken off the street in their custody and control is also unknown.

October 25, 2005

Antar Bey, CEO, was murdered. The OPD storyline is that he was killed in a fatal carjacking. Dirty Derwin was the lead homicide detective. I suspect that Antar became consumed with power then failed to follow the script, the LEGEND.


Antar began to believe that he had become like his father a true “spiritual leader” and defender of Black People like Donald David Defreeze. He developed his own version of his father’s longtime cable television show, “True Solutions.” Antar began to espouse his father’s brand of Black Nationalism which undoubtedly wasn’t part of the LEGEND.

He was liquidated. Yusuf Bey IV stepped in as CEO and President. Bey IV stayed on script. He never strayed from the program. He was their “Junior Black Mafia” all the way to the end.

November 15, 2005

20 days after his elder brother, Antar, the bakery’s CEO, was killed in an apparent attempted carjacking — Bey IV, according to police reports, used bogus ID and financial data to buy a 2002 Mercedes CL 500 for $55,000 from a Vallejo used car dealer; he later was charged with felony Grand Theft California Penal Code, Sec. 487, feloniously using a driver’s license with someone else’s name and filing false financial statements (California Penal Codes 484-502.9).

He pleaded no contest in this case. He was sentenced to eight months in jail. However, a Solano County judge let Bey remain free on bail until his trial on a more serious case that occurred while this one was pending. [135]

November 23, 2005

Bey and a group of post adolescents wearing suits and bow ties in a highly sensational public spectacle entered two North Oakland liquor stores smashed bottles and tore down merchandise displays demanding that the stores stop selling liquor to African Americans.

Identified by police from the video surveillance tapes, Bey IV turned himself in six days after the spree and was released on bail. Bey was most likely released pursuant to concurrent bail to the November 15, 2005 felony offenses.[136]

Concurrent is also used for bail amounts. Sometimes the judge will see a defendant who is arrested on several charges, and instead of giving a separate bail amount for each charge, he or she will issue one bail amount that will release the defendant on all the charges from that court. When this happens, the bail amount is shown for one charge from that court, and the rest of them will say either “CRNT” or “Concurrent.”

January 26, 2006

Emeryville Police Department responded to two men being chased by members of YBMB that included Bey IV (Report No. 0601-3127). No known disposition of the case.[137]

February 16, 2006

Berkeley Police Department arrested Yusuf Bey IV for Grand Theft (PC 487). No known disposition of the case.[138]

April 6, 2006

Bey IV is again arrested on a warrant in the company of Gary Popoff and Rasoul Bey. No known disposition of the case either.[139]

April 28, 2006

San Francisco Police Department said Bey IV tried to use his car to run down bouncers outside the New Century strip club on Larkin Street in San Francisco; he’d been thrown out of the club moments earlier for bad behavior. He was charged with three counts of assault with a deadly weapon (California PC, Sec. 245).[140]

June 7, 2006

Oakland Police Department (OPD) said Bey IV used a bogus driver’s license with the name Yasir Human but his real Social Security number to buy a single-family home at 2514 61st Ave. in Oakland, secured by two deeds of trust through the Cit Group/Consumer Finance Inc.: one for $440,000, the other for $110,000 (Felonious Grand Theft PC 487, Filing False Financial Statements PC 484-502.9).[141] The house, built in 1912, was worth no more than $120,000.[142]

August 14, 2006

Vallejo PD arrested Bey IV for possession of a 9 mm pistol. Vallejo PD Report number is 06-16635. No known disposition of the case either, particularly, with Bey IV wanted on a warrant.[143]

November 16, 2006

Bey IV was arrested by the California Highway Patrol for driving a stolen U-Haul truck with a bulletproof vest inside (CHP # F-866-370-1207). No known disposition of the case either or Bey IV’s outstanding warrant.[144]

December 2006

OPD implicated Bey IV in the shooting up of a car becoming to Cameron Cook with an AR-47 assault rifle. Cook and Bey IV had become entangled in a bitter love triangle.[145]

December 18, 2006

Bey IV was arrested by OPD for Battery (PC 242) in the parking lot at 1440 High Street (RD #06-112505). No known disposition of the case either or Bey IV’s outstanding warrant.[146]

January 9, 2007

OPD didn’t arrest but only cited Bey IV on suspicion of Misdemeanor Shoplifting (PC 484), after workers at a Walgreens on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland saw him stealing condoms (RD #07-003071). A juvenile relative of Bey IV’s also was seen shoplifting, but wasn’t cited.[147]

January 18, 2007

OPD comes in contact with Bey IV attempting to execute an illegal eviction. Again, they let him walk on an outstanding warrant.[148]

May 17, 2007

Five men kidnapped two women at gunpoint, taking them to a vacant East Oakland house owned by Bey IV’s brother-in-law. Police reports say one of the women was beaten and threatened with torture and murder as the masked men whom they couldn’t identify demanded to know where to find her money and that of an acquaintance. A police officer happened by and the suspects fled on foot, leaving behind cars and other evidence that led to the warrant for Joshua Bey’s arrest in the Aug. 3 raid. Later Bey IV, Bey V, Tamon Halfin and Richard Lewis were charged with various felonies in the case (PC 207-210, 245, etc.).[149] There is no known disposition of the case.

July 8, 2007

OPD found Odell Roberson slain on the south sidewalk of the 1000 block of 60th Street near YBMB. Roberson had been murdered by bullets matching an AR-47 assault rifle which had been associated with Bey IV in the December 2006 Cameron Cook Incident.[150]

July 11, 2007

Bey IV representing Your Black Muslim Bakery as its CEO appealed to U.S. Congressperson Barbara Lee for assistance with the IRS and its defrauded creditors in bankruptcy. Bey IV didn’t even pretend that he had any business-management interest, education or experience to run a major corporation. At all times, Brothers Saleem Bey and Bey had outspokenly publicly challenged Antar and Yusuf’s gangster takeover of the company by murder, corruption, intimidation, fraud and collaboration with BLACKPRO Det. Sgt. Derwin Longmire and the OPD.

July 12, 2007

Bey IV missed a court appearance for a pretrial hearing in this case- Failure to Appear, California PC 853.7, and it was the $375,000 bench warrant issued that day on which he was initially arrested in the August 3 raid of Your Black Muslim Bakery.[151]

July 12, 2007

OPD found Michael Wills slain in the 6200 block of San Pablo Avenue near YBMB. Wills had also been murdered by bullets matching an AR-47 assault rifle which had been associated with Bey IV in the December 2006 Cook Incident. OPD found that the bullets from the murder victims matched the bullets (7.62 mm) left at the Cook crime scene implicating Bey IV.[152]

July 31, 2007

In fact, two days before Chauncey Bailey was gunned down, Brother Saleem Bey personally fully and vehemently sat down and informed the congressperson’s office of Bey IV’s frauds and felonious crimes at a meeting at her office with Bey IV sitting in attendance. They were deaf and dumb to Bey IV’s lack of business, management and intellectual credentials to run a multi-million industry and his crimes.

August 1, 2007

The congressperson’s staffer and scheduler, Sandra Andrews, personally hand delivered a letter to Bankruptcy Judge Edward Jellen in support of YBMB that endorsed Bey IV’s leadership and business skills.[153]

Additionally, former U.S. Congressman and former Oakland Mayor, Ronald Dellums, was also deaf and dumb. Dellums also issued a letter in support of YBMB that also endorsed Bey IV’s leadership and business skills.[154]

Thereafter, Saleem Bey found out that he was no longer welcome at Congressperson Lee’s office in Oakland. They called Federal Security to escort the brother off federal grounds. Congressperson later issued a statement that she wasn’t informed of the crimes of Junior Black Mafia. THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.


Above, former California Assembly member Sandré R. Swanson (D-Alameda) and Congressperson Lee with some of YBMB’s established business-corporate brain trust, Brothers John Bey and Saleem Bey. She knew exactly what was going on with Junior Black Mafia and the takeover and deconstruction of the bakery by a government criminal enterprise and conspiracy.

August 1, 2007

A massive armed and expensive interagency law enforcement taskforce raid to arrest Bey VI for outstanding warrants; and raid YBMB as a criminal enterprise was intentionally stood down by OPD.

August 2, 2007

On his way to work, Black Journalist Chauncey Bailey was gunned down in the street by triangulation of gunfire blowing off Chauncey’s head and blowing out his heart by shotgun blasts just like Dr. Marcus A. Foster had been slain. Chauncey Bailey’s briefcase disappeared from the scene of the crime controlled by OPD.

August 3, 2007

The massive interagency taskforce executed an arrest warrant for Yusuf Bey IV and raided YBMB.

August 4, 2007

At the time that U.S. Congressperson Lee and former Congressman and former Oakland Mayor Dellums issued letters of support for Junior Black Mafia CEO Bey IV, he had committed 12 felony counts: four counts of forgery; three counts of attempting to file a false or forged instrument; two counts of grand theft; and one count each of obtaining money, labor or property by false pretenses, possession of a forged driver’s license and identity theft.[155] And, he had an outstanding warrant issued for his arrest.

Yet, a violent wanted felon was welcomed in the congressperson’s office as the CEO of YBMB while the real trustees of YBMB like Brother Saleem Bey would be ejected from the entire federal building under the power and authority of the U.S. Government.

Lee and Dellums had no comment when confronted about throwing their weight behind Jr. Mafia; and Bey IV as YBMB’s CEO, President and Spiritual Leader.

From the Jonestown Massacre to the Betrayal of Maurice Bishop in Grenada,[156] sacred cows like Lee and Dellums seem to believe that they aren’t accountable to anyone that they can walk between the raindrops.

Court records say Bey IV told police that day, “We have the best lawyers, that’s why I’m not in jail.”[157] Undoubtedly, he also had the best and most influential federal congresspersons behind him.

He also had powerful collaborating Bay Area politicians, and a State and Federal interagency law enforcement force (Squad 13) behind him. Bey IV was allowed to commit most of his crimes against society under a shroud of protection while on concurrent bails, unexecuted warrants, uncharged and pending serious felony and misdemeanor charges.

Yusuf Bey IV, Manchurian Candidate Body Count: 6


Dead: Yusuf Bey, Sr., Waajid Aljawwaad, Odell Robinson, Michael Wills, Chauncey Bailey; and Omar Sharif Allah (Ronnie Brown) October 27, 2007, above. Brown was found dead in a shallow grave in San Francisco bound with black electrical tape and covered with a blue tarp like the crime scene of Good Brother Aljawwaad.[158]

Yusuf Bey IV, Manchurian Candidate Mission Objective 

COINTELPRO– Neutralize, Discredit and Destroy YBMB Nationalist Sect.

GENOCIDE– Undermine and Deliberately Destroy the Economic Abilities of Black People.


1. DESTROY the IMAGES and ILLUSIONS. The scriptures say break the potter’s vessel into shreds. Ancient wisdoms say destroy the image. Come to reality, turning over YBMB, Inc. to Yusuf Bey IV and the Jr. Black Mafia was like giving the keys to a multi-million corporation to Daffy Duck and Looney (Moon Madness) Tunes characters.

2. EDUCATE, RESEARCH and REALIZE that People of Color Worldwide are under covert Genocidal ATTACK by the deliberate destruction or deconstruction of their educational systems, institutions, culture and economic abilities.

3. SOLVE the murder of Dr. Marcus A. Foster and the Faithful Brother, Waajid Aljawwaad, find Chauncey Bailey’s BREIFCASE and the ILLUMINATI in the Bay Area will be exposed to the LIGHT OF DAY, then fall in the hearts and minds of the people like a tower of deck of cards.

[1] Shaw, Martin, What is Genocide?, Cambridge Press: Polity Press (2007)

[2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMUEK4AJfc8

[3] http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008/09/mengele-mossad-and-cia.html

[4] http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2008/09/mengele-mossad-and-cia.html

[5] http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message728273/pg1

[6] http://www.edutarian.com/2011/08/donald-e-cameron-and-german-collective.html

[7] http://www.netplaces.com/jewish-history-heritage/the-holocaust/jewish-resistance.htm

[8] http://www.netplaces.com/jewish-history-heritage/the-holocaust/jewish-resistance.htm

[9] http://www.netplaces.com/jewish-history-heritage/the-holocaust/jewish-resistance.htm

[10] http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/JFK_(film)

[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_DeFreeze

[12] http://www.powmadeak47.com/drugwar/dwslareport.html

[13] http://www.american-buddha.com/phoenixprog23.htm.

[14] http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/28/newsid_2802000/2802181.stm

[15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olof_Palme

[16] http://www.leopoldreport.com/JohnA.html

[17] Id.

[18] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[19] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[20] http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Fascism/Bloodstone_B_CS.html

[21] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Nazi%20Connection%20to%20JFK%20Assass.html

[22] http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Fascism/Guerrillas_B_CS.html

[23] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[24] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/operationpaperclip.htm

[25] http://www.rumormillnews.com/HARRY_MARTIN_OCTOBER_SURPRISE.htm

[26] http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-465-the-gipper-and-the-underground-reich/

[27] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BGM-71_TOW

[28] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_North

[29] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[30] http://www.ibiblio.org/sullivan/CNN/RWR/ps174/icontra/ictimtxt.htm

[31] http://www.newsmakingnews.com/torbitt.htm

[32]New York Magazine, Defreeze: the Jersey Connection, June 10, 1974, pg. 70

[33] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[34] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[35] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[36] http://deconstructingthemanifest.blogspot.com/2010/01/author-hp-albarelli-jr-on-connections.html

[37] http://deconstructingthemanifest.blogspot.com/2010/01/author-hp-albarelli-jr-on-connections.html

[38] http://deconstructingthemanifest.blogspot.com/2010/01/author-hp-albarelli-jr-on-connections.html

[39] http://www.gts.net/waynesworld/mind01-07

[40] http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7165

[41] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[42] Headley, Lake, Vegas P.I., Thunder Mouth Press, NY (1993) pg. 127

[43] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[44] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[45] http://www.scribd.com/doc/63755707/CIA-Involvement-in-SLA-Discussed

[46] http://www.scribd.com/doc/63755707/CIA-Involvement-in-SLA-Discussed

[47] Headley, Lake, Vegas P.I., Thunder Mouth Press, NY (1993) pg. 126

[48] Id.

[49] Id.

[50] Id.

[51] Id.

[52] Id.

[53] Headley, Lake, Vegas P.I., Thunder Mouth Press, NY (1993) pg. 128-129

[54] Id.

[55]New York Magazine, Defreeze: the Jersey Connection, June 10, 1974, pg. 70

[56] New York Magazine, Defreeze: the Jersey Connection, June 10, 1974, pg. 70

[57] New York Magazine, Defreeze: the Jersey Connection, June 10, 1974, pg. 70

[58] Headley, Lake, Vegas P.I., Thunder Mouth Press, NY (1993) pg. 129-130

[59] http://www.scribd.com/doc/63755707/CIA-Involvement-in-SLA-Discussed

[60] Headley, Lake, Vegas P.I., Thunder Mouth Press, NY (1993) pg. 130

[61] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%204.html

[62] Id.

[63] http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=224644&st=15

[64] ://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%204.html

[65] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%204.html

[66] Id.

[67] http://www.paulmorantz.com/cult/escape-from-the-sla/


[69] Id.

[70] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_C._Menninger

[71] Marks, John, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Dell Publications, NY, 1988, pg. 2

[72] https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/oss/art08.htm

[73] http://forwardamerica.blogspot.com/2007/05/mkultra-government-mind-control_11.html

[74] http://crimemagazine.com/part-two-mysterious-death-cia-scientist-frank-olson

[75] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%204.html

[76] http://www.paulmorantz.com/the_synanon_story/60s-books/


[78] http://www.metnews.com/articles/2008/perspectives080608.htm

[79] http://www.newsmakingnews.com/mbwhywasmartha.htm

[80] http://www.ctka.net/pr598-rfk.html

[81] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%204.html

[82] Headley, Lake, Vegas P.I., Thunder Mouth Press, NY (1993) pg. 132-133

[83] Id.

[84] Id.

[85] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%204.html

[86] Id.

[87] Id.

[88] http://www.blackelectorate.com/articles.asp?ID=626

[89] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[90] http://www.maebrussell.com/About%20Mae%20Brussell/About%20Mae%20Brussell.html

[91] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patty_Hearst#Kidnapping_and_the_SLA


[93] http://www.prouty.org/brussell/hearst_1.html

[94] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[95] Id.

[96] Id.

[97] Id.

[98] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbionese_Liberation_Army

[99] http://www.rlslawyers.com/component/content/article/331

[100] http://www.rlslawyers.com/component/content/article/331

[101] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man_(law)

[102] http://www.fallacyfiles.org/strawman.html

[103] http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oz.htm

[104] Id.

[105] http://www.rlslawyers.com/component/content/article/331

[106] http://www.islam-watch.org/AdrianMorgan/Oakland-Black-Muslims-Murder-Torture-Fraud.htm

[107] http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2033429/posts

[108] http://www.rlslawyers.com/component/content/article/331

[109] http://www.judibari.org/

[110] http://www.pantheon.org/articles/j/janus.html

[111] http://www.judibari.org/

[112] http://doubleuoglobe.com/9410/0012.html

[113] http://doubleuoglobe.com/9410/0012.html

[114] http://www.whale.to/b/constantine1.html

[115] http://maelstrompress.info/TOA/Magister.php

[116] http://ajweberman.com/noduleX26-HUNT,%20BARKER%20&%20PHILLIPS%20POST%20COUP.htm

[117] http://ajweberman.com/noduleX26-HUNT,%20BARKER%20&%20PHILLIPS%20POST%20COUP.htm

[118] http://ajweberman.com/noduleX26-HUNT,%20BARKER%20&%20PHILLIPS%20POST%20COUP.htm

[119] http://ajweberman.com/noduleX26-HUNT,%20BARKER%20&%20PHILLIPS%20POST%20COUP.htm

[120] http://www.newsmakingnews.com/mbwhywasmartha.htm

[121] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/13_33_freemason_sig.htm

[122] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/13_33_freemason_sig.htm

[123] http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_is_the_number_thirteen_related_to_Lucifer

[124] http://www.sabbathcovenant.com/doctrine/information_awareness_office.htm

[125] http://www.gnostics.com/maat.html

[126] http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=6238022&page=1

[127] http://www.corp.ca.gov/

[128] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/2009/08/02/bailey-suspects-associates-left-behind-6-million-trail-of-bad-loans/

[129] KQED, Inc. v. Houchins (1976) 546 F.2d 284

[130] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/2009/04/29/yusuf-bey-iv-discusses-religious-beliefs-in-jail-calls/

[131] http://www.monitor.net/monitor/0802a/copyright/chaunceybailey6.html

[132] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[133] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[134] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[135] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/2007/10/19/bey-ivs-rap-sheet-spans-wide-range-of-criminal-charges/

[136] Id.

[137] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[138] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[139] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[140] Id.

[141] Id.

[142] http://www.trulia.com/homes/California/Oakland/sold/120070-2514-61st-Ave-Oakland-CA-94605

[143] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[144] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[145] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[146] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[147] Id.

[148] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[149] Id.

[150] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[151] Id.

[152] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/images/CruzSearchWarrant.pdf

[153] http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Bakery-s-power-struggle-swept-up-journalist-3169438.php#page-2

[154] http://www.insidebayarea.com/oaklandtribune/localnews/ci_6590816

[155] Id.

[156] http://keywiki.org/index.php/Carlottia_Scott

[157] Id.

[158] http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/S-F-victim-had-ties-to-Oakland-bakery-group-3224152.php


26 08 2011

A Tempest in a Tea Pot, Code Phase for Cover-Up

On July 25, 2011, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Thomas M. Reardon postponed the sentencing of Yusuf Bey IV and Antoine Mackey until August 12 to, allegedly, investigate “Devaughndre Broussard & Perjury,” he off handedly remarked that the issue might be “a tempest in a teapot.”[1] Judge Reardon’s remark has proven to have been more than any off handed remark. It was a covert PLAN of re-imaging and ILLUSION to hide behind.

On August 12, 2011, I had been caught in that ILLUSION. I though if only for a moment that there was glimmer of hope that the issue would be open and a full and fair public hearing would take place on the perjury issue with the parties under oath. In this case, “A Tempest in a Teapot” has been used as a code phase of re-imaging Broussard’s mental instability; a cover-up & containment.

Whatever public tempest (storm) over Broussard committing perjury in the conviction of Yusuf Bey IV and Antoine Mackey for Chauncey’s murder was about to be contained in a literal teapot. The entire proceeding on Broussard’s perjury couldn’t come to light of the day.

In fact, the Chauncey Bailey Assassination has seemed to come to the point of a JFK, Dr. King and RFK cover-up, it can’t stand the light. Judge Reardon’s Broussard perjury investigation was held “in camera” classified and concealed behind the judge’s chambers more like ALL THE PEAS IN A POT.[2]

All the Peas in the Pot & A Company and Conspiracy of Silence

In camera (Latin: “in a chamber”) is a legal term meaning “in private“. It is also sometimes termed in chambers or in curia. In camera describes court cases (or portions thereof) that the public and press are not admitted to. In camera is the opposite of trial in open court where all the parties and witnesses testify in a public courtroom, and attorneys make their arguments in public to the trier of fact. Entire cases may be heard in camera when, for example, matters of national security are involved.[3]

After the ALL THE PEAS IN A POT private hearing which included LeRue Grim (Broussard’s attorney) and Thomas Peete, journalist of the Chauncey Bailey Project (CBP), so much for protecting the public’s right to know, Judge Reardon proclaimed that he had seen nothing that would “undermine my confidence” in the belief that “Mr. Broussard’s testimony was truthful.”[4]

In other words, you are not to believe your lying eyes and ears. There was no fabrication of evidence even though it was admitted publicly that Broussard fabricated evidence to convict Bey VI and Mackey of 1st degree murder. All the mental instability, dissociated behavior, crack cocaine psychosis that Broussard displayed during the trial was just an illusion. Judge Reardon had heard and “seen nothing.”

He was play acting and reading word to word from a carefully worded script. Judge Reardon is a “master” at creating ILLUSIONS and IMAGES from scripts. From the play, Once upon a Mattress, Judge Reardon played the “Court Jester.”[5]


A jester, joker, jokester, fool, wit-cracker, prankster or buffoon was a person employed to tell jokes and provide general entertainment, typically by a European monarch. The root of the word “fool” is from the Latin follis, which means “bag of wind” or that which contains air or breath.[6]

SQUAD 13: Write Any Script, Play Any Tune and America will Follow


Behind the curtains of the Chauncey Bailey Assassination play in the Alameda County Superior Court, the real script writers and the Monarch can be found. The script writers and protectors of the Monarch in the Chauncey Bailey Assassination Cover-up and Frame-up is Squad 13, a joint counterintelligence-terrorism division of OPD, Homeland Security, FBI, NSC, DIA and the CIA.

OPD Sgt. Derwin Longmire outed and publicly exposed Squad 13 for the first time in a Federal Court Deposition (Longmire Deposition, pg. 40, Longmire v. Oakland, U.S. Federal Court, Case No. C-10-01465 JSW]). Sgt. Longmire didn’t fit in.They turned on him. They set Sgt. Longmire up.  The number 13 has an overwhelming occulted significance.

Revelation 13: And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns were ten crowns, and upon his heads the names of blasphemy.[7]


The Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley, Freemason 33°, 90°, 95°, X° [8] believed that he was the BEAST of the 13th Chapter of Revelations. Squad 13 is a chosen clandestine order that believe in magic and blood rituals, a secret priesthood, who believe in Albert Pike’s “eternal law” that the dual worship of good and evil gods brings “balance” to the universe. They give Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley their greatness honors.[9]


“Their hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say without bothering the brains but by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult – all this is the dangerous element and the element I have taken over. Don’t you see that our party must be of this character?…An Order, that is what it has to be – an Order, the hierarchical Order of a secular priesthood.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kempf, discussing freemasonry in the Nazi Party

Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler not only tried but did in fact idealize the SS as a twentieth century incarnation of the German Order of the Teutonic Knights.[10] Himmler’s secret Teutonic Knight Order of aristocracy based on traditional values of honor, obedience, courage and loyalty was adopted lock, stock and barrel by Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, among others, of the CIA.


According to the 1945 Secret Fort Hunt Treaty between Nazi Der Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, Himmler’s SS and U.S. Government, they created and molded the CIA (Frank Wisner, etc.) as an aristocratic privileged caste;[11] an extension of the Himmler’s secret New Order of Teutonic Knights masqueraded as the more acceptable Knights Templar.[12] Sitting atop the Freemasonry ancient hierarchical order is the Vatican’s knight crusaders of the Middle Ages, Knights Templar 13] and the secret Teutonic Knights.[14]


Frank Wisner brought Josef Goebbels’ well-funded mass media propaganda-population mind control machine to America. He called his covert control (Project Mockingbird) over America’s media, whether it is television, radio, movies or theatre, “Wisner’s Wurlitzer.”[15] Theatre Play Actor, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Thomas Matthew Reardon, below.


“Frank Wisner who ran Mockingbird in its earliest days once boasted that the operation was like a ‘mighty Wurlitzer … I can play any tune I want on it and America will follow along.’”[16]

Superior Court Judge Tom Reardon, Song and Dance Man for the New World Order


“We sing the Broadway songbook and call ourselves the Broadway Babies.” –Superior Court Judge Tom Reardon[17]

This Real Strange Song and Dance Man that also plays a Alameda County Superior Court Judge has quite a stage presence and is no stranger to wonderlands and fantasies. In the theatre circuit, Judge Reardon, 46 or 47 years old, is known as a good ole boy of the system and a Broadway Baby. Good Ole Boy Tom is really a NWO song and dance man which is exactly what happened on August 12, 2011 written and directed by the Ruling Monarch and Priesthood of Squad 13. The so-called perjury investigation of Broussard was a “Song and Dance.” It was an old time-good time flea circus. It was an illusion.

teapotreardon Judge Reardon has a history of playing detectives, fantasy-evil roles and song and dance. In the Diablo Theatre Company (DTC) production of the play Curtains, Oakland’s Tom Reardon plays Lieutenant Frank Cioffi, a Boston homicide detective investigating the death of a musical theater diva. The actor, Judge Reardon, has performed with a number of Bay Area companies, including Contra Costa Civic Theatre. He previously appeared in DTC productions of Peter Pan (he was Captain Hook in 2007), and last year he was Henry Higgins in the Lamplighters production of My Fair Lady.[18]

Judge Reardon & the Sisyphus Complex


In sentencing a young 23 year old Black man, Jermaine Anthony Givens, to life in prison without the possibility of parole for murder in slinging and rolling CIA Crack-Cocaine, Judge Reardon said, “Some of us in the criminal justice system feel like we’re Sisyphus pushing a rock up that hill” and Oakland’s rising murder toll is a “disaster that creeps in every day.”[19]

Sisyphus is a reference to Greek Mythology. Sisyphus was the mythical founder and first king of Corinth. He was a cunning trickster, known for his abilities to deceive gods and humans alike. He was also known as a murderer in his own kingdom, as he would often entertain himself by killing travelers to his city.[20]

Sisyphus was deemed guilty of his belief that he could outsmart the gods, and that he had betrayed a secret of Zeus as if it were his place to be involved in the affairs of a god. As punishment, he was condemned to spend eternity rolling a boulder up a hill. Each time the boulder would near the summit, it would roll back down to the bottom. Sisyphus would then be forced to repeat his task over and over again.[21]

Sisyphus is an interesting use of an ancient analogue for the White Man’s Burden, trying continually to civilize “Demons and Devils” feels like the Rock of Sisyphus.

White Man’s Burden, by Rudyard Kipling (1899)

Take up the White Man’s burden
Send forth the best ye breed

Go, bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need
To wait, in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild–
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.

This spectacle of scenes out of Greek Mythology; and inquisition of young Black men as “Demons and Devils” entrapped in an illegal racialist CIA Crack Cocaine Conspiracy; and COINTELPRO counterintelligence operations is a window into Judge Reardon’s obsession with mythology, fantasies, and white supremacy in the people’s courtroom.


“Do as thou wilt. That is the whole of The Law”

-The Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley-

Judge Reardon knew exactly what the Sisyphus Myth meant but twisted it and turned it inside out. Man (Sisyphus) is “god.” The bottom line is that Judge Reardon and LeRue Grim and secret Squad 13 Luciferian Priesthood and the NWO see eye on eye on this point.

In 2004, Alameda County Public Defenders appeared before Judge Reardon to demand that he remove himself from their cases. Reardon was the calendar judge. He moderated discussions between defense attorneys and prosecutors to determine whether plea bargains can be worked out and then, as necessary, assigns cases to trial judges. Reardon sentenced defendants who agree to plea deals in his court.[22]

Defense attorneys were complaining that Reardon was vetoing a substantial percentage of proposed plea bargains. Reardon subscribed to the practice and pattern that the punishment offered in plea bargains rises the nearer a case gets to jury trial.[23] This underhanded practice allowed him to consistently ease the burden of Sisyphus by putting more and more of his re-imaged uncivilized poor, Black and Brown defendants behind bars with stiffer, longer and harsher sentences. Judge Reardon may be strange and entertaining song and dance man but he is no laughing matter.

The Cover-Up and Pasty Disposal: From Sirhan Sirhan to Broussard

After the perjury cover-up and flea circus, the song and dance man went on to enter Broussard’s guilty plea into the public record and hurriedly sentenced him to 25 to life in prison without a trial and any hearing or independent evidence of Broussard’s mental history or state.[24]

In entering a guilty plea and sentencing him to prison for 25 years, Broussard joins a elite group of CIA-MK ULTRA convicted COVER-UP pasties, Jack Ruby, James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan. Sirhan had a jury trial, but his attorneys tried to dispose of him by making him plead guilty to capital murder. When that didn’t work, his own defense attorney, Grant Cooper, asked him on the stand in a MK ULTRA state of mind before the jury if he had killed U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, he responded, “Yes, Sir”, [25] just like Devaughndre Broussard. At the time of the trial of Sirhan Sirhan, there were chilling connecting dots linking his defense counsel, Grant Cooper, with the infamous CIA Contractor Mobster John Roselli of JFK Assassination and Cover-Up.[26]

The Chauncey Bailey Case and 9-11

9-11, An Inside Job


Black Folk for 9-11 Truth

It seems as though Chauncey Bailey, Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) and 9-11 has the same common effect on the psyche of Black Folk in the Bay Area. They won’t talk about either one. Over the years, I have missed only one Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland.

This year, the 9-11 film festival begin Thursday, September 8, 2011 beginning at 1:00 pm at the Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Ave., Oakland, and on Sunday, September 11, beginning at 1:00 pm at the Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. Usually, only a hand full of Black Folk attends the film festival. This year, I hope it will be different. I strongly recommend and encourage that Black Folk for 9-11 Truth attend, participate, learn, organize and join the movement.

But, this 9-11 reluctance may not be confined to the Bay Area. I regularly read the blogs and commentaries on the website, Black Agenda Report (BAR). For the 10th sad and tragic 9-11 Anniversary of the blatant clandestine CIA, Pentagon and Executive office’s crimes against democracy and humanity, I asked myself what are the learned, scholarly and articulate brothers and sisters at BAR saying about 9-11. To my absolute surprise, they didn’t talk about it. Operation Mockingbird labels anyone that questions the official mass media-population storyline a nut job and wacko conspiracy theorist.

I was under the impression that BAR spoke TRUTH to POWER no matter the threat, subject, labeling or bad jacket. One of America’s greatest crimes of the 21st Century against its own people, mass murder, and they won’t talk about it, acknowledge it pro or con. At this point, I’m not really sure why 9-11 TRUTH to POWER seems to be so taboo among the so-called Hip Hop Generation and our scholarly and articulate brothers and sisters.

Nevertheless ten years later, there are 1,540 licensed architects and engineers, over 12,000 supporters and the families of 9-11 WTC victims that don’t believe the government mass media-population storyline any longer. People and groups across the country and around the world aren’t buying the government lies, falsehood, and bad-jacketing propaganda. They are unifying and demand TRUTH to POWER, an independent World Trade Center (WTC) investigation.

An Inside Job: Chauncey Bailey Murder & Cover-Up

In order to understand Chauncey’s Assassination, YBMB and 9-11, we must have a clear working acknowledge of the Fort Hunt Treaty, Operation PAPERCLIP, CIA-MK ULTRA and Project CHAOS.

In Oakland and a few miles away in Vacaville, the CIA Occult Bureau’s Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Stanford University ran a diabolical, sinister and clandestine MK ULTRA racket right under our collective noses. He ran an ex-con mind control Black Assassin operation out of a half-way house at 32nd and Telegraph Avenue in Oakland; and the Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville.[27]

The FBI paymaster of the COINTELPRO Ghetto Informant that brought Chauncey Bailey into my office was one of Dr. Hamilton’s boys out of the UC Berkeley Black Studies Department that fronted for the MK ULTRA Black Mafia “Executive Action” program, Black Cultural Association, at Vacaville.

Some of Dr. Hamilton’s Black Mafia Boys out of Vacaville was also involved in the CIA mass-wholesale genocidal distribution racket of crack-cocaine in Northern California. All of this clandestine stuff has been rolled up in SQUAD 13 that undoubtedly wanted Chauncey dead; and neutralize and destroy YBMB.

They can’t any of the indestructible “BLACK BOXES” from the three 9-11hijacked planes and they can’t find Chauncey’s “BRIEFCASE”. The Assassination of Chauncey Bailey was like 9-11, an inside job. and like 9-11, the Hip Hop Generation and intellectual Black Folk won’t talk about it, whether on radio, television or the internet.

Nevertheless just like 9-11, the government mass media-population storyline is falling apart. The cover-up officially showed its ugly face on August 12, 2011 and will continue to play out on August 25, 2011 when SQUAD 13’s song and dance man follow the script and deny Yusuf Bey VI and Antoine Mackey’s Motion for a New Trial and sentence them to life in prison for a murder that it would prove impossible for them to commit, because Devaughndre Broussard was like Sirhan Sirhan. There was a “SECOND GUN.” It was impossible for him, by the physical evidence, to have murdered Chauncey Bailey.

I hope it will not take another 6 years on Chauncey’s 10th Anniversary of his horrific slaying to become united and demand TRUTH from POWER, a Special Prosecutor to pursue official and governmental Crimes against Democracy, Murder and Conspiracy; and an independent investigation of the Assassination of Chauncey Bailey, Dr. Marcus Foster and the Destruction of YBMB; Oakland Black Community and its revolutionary and business leaders like Little Bobby Hutton, Huey P. Newton, and Charles Alex Gregory and his family.


[1] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/2011/07/06/sentencing-postponed-in-bailey-murder-trial/

[2] http://www.baycitizen.org/crime/story/chauncey-baileys-killer-sentenced-25/

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_camera

[4] http://articles.sfgate.com/2011-08-13/bay-area/29883200_1_chauncey-bailey-aundra-dixon-judge-thomas-reardon

[5] http://www.pleasantonplayhouse.com/showSupport.php?supportID=30&showID=6

[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jester

[7] The Original African Heritage Study Bible, King James Version, World Bible Publishers, Iowa Falls, IA (1998)

[8] http://www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/aqc/crowley.html

[9] http://itwasjohnson.impiousdigest.com/3indxa.htm

[10] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/himmler.html

[11] http://spitfirelist.com/news/the-secret-treaty-of-fort-hunt/

[12] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread415529/pg1

[13] http://www.co-masonry.org/History/KnightsTemplar.aspx

[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Order_of_Knights

[15] http://shermsays.blogspot.com/2010/08/mockingbird-controlling-opinion.html

[16] http://www.blazingtrailers.com/show/441/

[17] http://www.theaterdogs.net/2010/02/12/it%E2%80%99s-curtains-for-diablo-theatre-company/

[18] Id.

[19] http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local&id=4578525

[20] http://www.ancient-mythology.com/greek/sisyphus.php

[21] Id.

[22] http://www.nlada.org/DMS/Documents/1101309742.3/0,1413,82~1726~2555828,00.html

[23] Id.

[24] http://www.chaunceybaileyproject.org/2011/08/12/broussard-gets-25-years-for-killing-chauncey-bailey-odell-roberson/

[25] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirhan_Sirhan

[26] http://www.ebonyshowcase.org/reopenrfkassassinationcase/

[27] http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/dir/mstreet/commeet/meet11/brief11/tab_i/br11i3.txt