24 04 2018




It’s Sunday morning. I must admit that I have a beautiful little girl named Sierra in my life, my niece. In the Sierra at the heart of this matter, I saw a reflection of my very own most precious granddaughter. Since that child has been born- she has never been out of my sight or circle of protection as if she is my very own promise. I am old school. For her, I launch a thousand ships. Ever since the story broke and I have been begotten of her image, the little girl that I called Little Sierra, below, has been special to me.

Tiny Hannah

Since last night, she again weighted heavy on my heart and soul. I looked at her remarkably small body and frame. I was convinced in my own eyes that she was the youngest of the Children, 12 years old. I was wrong in judgement by calling her Sierra, her name is Hannah and I sincerely apologize.

Tiny Hannah, above, is still missing.

I have called the above child, Hannah. But, she is actually Abigail. During her short life, she and the other Children suffered from absolutely SADISTIC physical and mental abuse by the witches. Abigail’s school called child welfare authorities after she was seen eating out of the garbage and taking food. Records indicate school officials stopped telling the Hart Witches when their children took food at school so that the children would not be punished. I admit that I am partially blinded by my love for the Children. My heart cries out that she matters so much to me as if she had been my very own in my circle of Love and Protection of a Thousand Ships. 

I have called this beautiful child, Abigail. But, she was Sierra. She is also special to me, because, strikingly, I see in her a remarkable reflection of the blood of blood of my own beloved sister when she was her age. Names are important. They (Luciferians) deliberately keep the Children nameless to avoid humanizing them in the eyes of the masses. I call out her name, SIERRA.

Pharaoh Smenkhkare and Queen Meritaten

From the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Kemet,


I breathe the sweet breath that comes from thy mouth,

I contemplate thy beauty everyday,

It’s my desire to hear thy lovely voice

Like the north wind.

Love will rejuvenate my limbs.

Give me thy hands that hold thy soul,

I shall embrace and live by it.

Call me by name even unto eternity

And I shall never fail without response.

I say upon the lost and murdered Children that I also breathe thy sweet breath. I contemplate thy beauty everyday. It is my desire to hear thy lovely voices again like the North wind. LOVE for you rejuvenates my limbs. Remember and never forget your parents and ones that love you. Give them thy hands that hold thy soul. They have embraced you forever and live by it upon death,  to hear your voice again, To see thy smile, again.

Hannah & the Rainbow Bridge

Sierra (Ciera)

Recently, Sierra has been confirmed dead. She was stolen from “His Eye is the Sparrow” by Witches. She was born a special child of God. She was precious and beautiful in our eyes; and the Eyes of the Lord. That’s what we teach and practice with our children from infancy. Yet, we don’t know anything about Sierra– what books she read or what songs she sang and enjoyed, the games she played or friends she had. We don’t know if she ever enjoyed pizza or took a trip to McDonald’s. She wore bandannas because her hair was mated and uncombed. She was denied contact with her biological loved ones and all contact outside the  Hart Witches’ Coven and Dark Circle. Precious Sierra was malnourished confined to a special vegan diet or at times no FOOD and WATER at all.

Sierra  lived under the terror and conditions of a Nazi Concentration Camp inmate. At seven (7) years old, she looks 30 to 40 pounds. At 15 years old, Sierra, 4’5, weighted a chilling 60 lbs. From the nature of her existence confined behind a dark veil of secrecy, she had been beaten and abused. Her human dignity and humanity had been taken away from her. From what you are about to read, Little Sierra had also been terrified and diabolically terrorized beyond anybody’s imagination by a MK OFTEN Witches’ Coven and Black Circle Initiates. She didn’t walk over the Rainbow Bridge and disappear “Somewhere over the Rainbow“. THAT CHILD WAS ABUSED, DRUGGED AND PUSHED OVER!

The Children & the Satanic Rainbow Deception 

Rev. Jim Jones’ Rainbow Family was predominately black– full of ChildrenWitches and Wizards- A Secret Satanic Cult of Death for Innocent Black Children.

The Rainbow with its seven colors has long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, which exposes the New Age Occult Movement, says that the Rainbow also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge is used as a hypnotic device. The Supreme Council of the 33rd° of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism as in Illuminati Druidism, the 21 Lessons of Merlyn– the Rainbow is described as “A true sign of Magic…it exists in both worlds at once!

Jennifer Hart, Children & Fantuzzi

There is no doubt that Jennifer and Sarah Hart forced the Children to follow the “Rainbow Gathering” and the “Rainbow People“. Fantuzzi has performed a major role in the Rainbow Family since the original Woodstock Festival in 1969.  Fantuzzi occupy a space in the RAINBOW with LUCIFER.

The other day, Minnesota officials finally announced after nearly a two year so-called criminal investigation that charges will not be filed in relation to Prince’s April 20, 2016 death. Prince died from a fentanyl overdose that he didn’t know was fentanyl in that Vicodin. The bottom line is that fentanyl has a unique chemical signature and blueprint that can be traced. Minnesota don’t do any tracing in the case of Hart Witches or Prince.  I really don’t believe very many people really expected any investigation in Minnesota to result in any criminal charges in the first place. The Hart Witches were raised and initiated by secret backwoods and forest Satanic covens of Minnesota that they don’t know anything about either.

Prince & The Rainbow Deception

Prince knew what he was doing when he sold his soul to the DEVIL. It’s hard to say anything when they come to collect. In 2001, Prince produced the album, “The Rainbow Children“, to familiarize the general public with the nature and mysteries of the Luciferic New Age. In the album, he said that the Rainbow Children with the accurate understanding of God and His law went about the work of building a New Nation flying upon the wings of the New Translation of the Covenant. Yes, this Rainbow stuff is the very thing with Rev. Jim Jones, Fantuzzi, Prince, and the Hart WitchesCIA Satanic MK (Occult Bureau) OFTEN. After all the trials and tribulations they had gone thru, Sierra and not one of the children sold their souls to the DEVIL.

By absolutely no fault of her own, precious Sierra was subjected to something (Thing) like out of Jonestown, Guyana that Rev. Jim Jones and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH called the “Rainbow Family“. The bottom line is Our Little Precious Sierra that no rational and reasonable person could deny- ended up like something out of Jonestown- DRUGGED AND SLAIN thrown like a rag doll over the Rainbow Bridge into the mix of the eternal sea.  To add insult to injury to our broken hearts and misery of Sierras loved ones in Texas, they have no rights to claim her body. The HUMAN rights of her beloved and broken heart biological family- the State of Texas TERMINATED in adoption. All of the children’ bodies belong to the Coven of WITCHES! 

Sierra’s soul is free, now. Free for the swift wings of the sparrow to carry to heaven. But, we still want and demand JUSTICE for the crimes committed against Hannah and the Children, and our HUMANITY!



In other words, America’s Foster Care and Adoption System will pay ALL SCANDINAVIAN WITCHES, DEMONS, GOBLINS & WIZARDS to abuse, torture, drink the blood and kill Black Children!

Dehumanized Black Children- THINGS 1-6.

For years, investigators believe, the Turpin kids lived in filth and isolation — with little access to food or hygiene — until their rescue from their family’s home in Perris, California, earlier this year. Allegedly held captive in an intensifying cycle of abuse, most of David and Louise Turpin’s children were severely malnourished when police discovered them in squalid conditions on Jan. 14, according to prosecutors. Some of them were even chained to their beds. Only the youngest, a toddler, seemed somewhat spared and had not been underfed.

Many believe that the THING t-shirts mean little if anything because the shirts are sold on the internet and families customarily wear the shirts to Disneyland. The THING concept is harmless. It comes from Dr. Seuss and “The Cat with the Hat“. Well, they’re full of S.H.I.T!

The Cat in the Hat, Race, Mind Control & Dumbing Down the Masses

U.S. Army Captain Dr. Seuss

During WWII, Son of German Immigrants, Theodor (DrSeuss) Geisel (1904-1991) was a “GOAT” man, a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon. Geisel’s master was the Horned God- PAN.

His philosophy was the OCCULT. The man thought like and acted on behalf of the GOAT GOD! Everything he touched should be suspected to Satanic Masonic mass population trickery and deception.

Fraternity- Freemasonry & the GOAT- Order of Their Establishment 

Dr. Seuss & Sig Ep

There is a direct link between Sig Ep and Freemasonry. It was founded by four (4) Freemasons. William Hugh Carter, was the High Priest of Royal Arch Masons, and a Knight Templar, Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia.  Thomas Temple Wright, member of the Warsaw-Bauman Masonic Lodge #332 in Warsaw, VA. William Lazell Phillips, Freemason, member of the Royal Arch Chapter, Knights Templar and Shrine. Thomas Vaden McCaul, Master Mason, Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar.

Captain Dr. Seuss had been a U.S. Military Intelligence Propaganda Specialist. He was U.S. Army captain and commander of The First Motion Picture Unit (FMPU), later 18th Army Air Forces Base Unit. The Unit was the primary film production unit of the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) during WWII. It was the first military unit made up entirely of professionals from the film industry. It produced propaganda films.

Geisel worked directly under  General Henry Harley “Hap” Arnold. General Arnold was initiated, passed, and raised in Union Lodge #7 in 1927 in Junction City, KS. He joined the Scottish Rite on April 11, 1929, in Leavenworth, KS, and received the 33° on October 19, 1945. He was an American general officer holding the grades of General of the Army and General of the Air Force. Arnold founded the military handmaiden think tank Rand CorporationRobert A. Lovett, as well as General Arnold,  General Carl Andrew “Tooey” Spaatz, and others, such as Curtis E. LeMay set the groundwork for Operation PAPERCLIP– the ultra secret smuggling of the Nazis and Himmler’s SS into the U.S.

“… About the “Cat in the Hat” which incorporates symbolic content of the mind control programs. See Cat in the Hat movie book showing symbolism, such as the RED and WHITE Lighthouse Signal Stovepipe Hat with the GRAMOPHONE HORN inside aka Victor Listening to his MASTERS Voice, FEEline Basement, and holding a “HOE”. Dr. Seuss worked for Army Propaganda and had ties to Standard Oil.

Geisel was a vicious institutional RACIST!


In 1981, Geisel revealed the true genesis of The Cat in the Hat,

“I did it for a textbook house and they sent me a word list. That was due to the [John] Dewey revolt in the twenties, in which they threw out phonics reading and went to a word recognition as if you’re reading a Chinese pictograph instead of blending sounds or different letters. I think killing phonics was one of the greatest causes of illiteracy in the country.” 

John Dewey

“Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”- John Dewey

(See Enter the Dragon: The Secret Order, First Lady, the Cat in the Hat, South Africa & War of Aggression Against the People of Libya) The hidden “mystic puzzle” of  The Cat in the Hat represents symbolically the number “THREE.” He has three rings around his hat, three fingers, three loops to his tie, and three candles on his cake. In Proto-Norse, the THREE brothers’ names were alliterating, *Wódin, Wili, Wé (Proto-Germanic *Wōdinaz, Wiljon, Wǣhaz), so that they can be taken as forming a triad of *wódz, wiljon, wǣhaz, approximately “inspiration (transcendent, manic or prophetic knowledge), cognition (will, desire, internal thought that leads to action) and numen (spiritual power residing in the external world, in sacred objects)”.] Keyser interprets the triad as “Spirit, Will and Holiness”, postulating a kind of Germanic Trinity in Vili and Vé to be “blended together again in the all-embracing World-spirit – in Odin. […] he alone is Al-father, from whom all the other superior, world-directing beings, the Æsir, are descended.

In the opening scenes of Geisel’s animated film version of Cat in the Hat, he suggests quite candidly that there is in fact a “mystic puzzle” layered and hidden in the story.  Later in the film, the Cat actually tells us and do in fact search for something THREE-HEADED, the Wotan triad-“Spirit, Will and Holiness”, in the story which is unseen.

Confronted and challenged by morals of the fish (Christianity), the Pagan Cat wreaks havoc and absolute chaos in the cosmic domain after performing tricks and unleashing Two (2) THINGS of CHAOS into the cosmos. The fish and the public finally agree and demand that the Cat leave their space. The Cat packs up the things (agents of chaos) and leaves the cosmos in absolute CHAOS. In the Crisis of the Absolute CHAOS, the fish confined to a small glass bowl and the American public is unable to restore order.

“That is good,” said the fish.
“He ahs gone away. Yes.
But your mother will come.
she will find this big mess!
And this mess is so big
And so deep and so tall,
We can not pick it up.
There is no way all!”

At the point of the absolute flashpoint of the Crisis, the Cat with his mysteries returns to the cosmic domain of the story, he says, “Have no fear of this mess…”[36]

The Cat restores order to the mess of CHAOS with Magkic and a Luciferian illusion. Finally, Freya Rides and Wotan Reigns again.

The cosmos is restored to its natural order and beauty (archaic paganism), and the fish is left with the dilemma of the Cat People’s ILLUMINATED mysticism, magic; and the mysterious SECRET ORDER over CHAOS; and Christianity. The Cat in the Hat represents the unseen SECRET ORDER (Imperium) that they know nothing about but knows what is best for the masses. The SECRET ORDER have the infinite Pagan wisdom and mysticism unhindered and blinded by the restrains and weakness of Christianity to control the affairs of the world for the good and best interest and order of the Cosmos. According to Dr. Seuss, THINGS are the mind controlled social and religious agents of Secret Order (White Brotherhood) and Masonic CHAOS.



It’s important to say this. Growing up in the Black Community, we were aware of issues of Voodoo, but my mother and elders were afraid to death of it. They would have absolutely nothing to do with it. So, I had absolutely nothing to do with it. We were taught to run from it all. We normally know absolutely nothing AT ALL about Satanic EVILS such as secret Satanism, Wicca, Groves, Covens and SCANDINAVIAN Witchcraft until it bite us in the ASS! That has to change.

Hart meaning a “STAG” was found as heorot in Old English, as well as in German and with variants in Dutch and Swedish. The name Hart has been documented associated with Witches in SE Essex – old witch Hart of Rochford swimming in the Crouch river in the 1740’s and Harriet Hart of Latchingdon, the last in a line of Hart Witches a century later. Furthermore the Harts of South Dakota appear to be related to John Hart (1651- 1714) of Pennsylvania, a wealthy high member of the Friends of Society, of Witney, Oxfordshire, England. In the 17th century, he accompanied William Penn to America to settle Pennsylvania.

The Witch of Ridley Creek

The last time someone was put on trial for witchcraft in Pennsylvania, William Penn was governor and the year was 1684. The trial of two Delaware County women named Margaret Matson and a Mrs. Gethro Hendrickson happened 8 years before the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. The Salem trials resulted in the execution of 20 people and the arrests of over 100. In Pennsylvania, the outcome was much different.

Margaret Matson and her husband, Neels, were Swedish-Finnish settlers who spoke very little English and lived on a farm near Ridley Creek in Eddystone, Pennsylvania. The land they settled, called “New Sweden,” eventually came to be occupied by British settlers.Some of the new settlers claimed that Margaret, a traditional Finnish healer, bewitched their cattle and other animals. They also alleged that livestock gave little milk and that some died because of witchcraft. William Penn oversaw the trial himself in Philadelphia. An infamous Witch of Salem was Elizabeth Hutchinson Hart (1622- 1700).

Harriet Hart was notorious for having committed the commonplace crimes of witchcraft, causing storms, blighting crops in the field and bewitching pigs.  Unlike others of her kind, however, she seemed to have been blessed with a sense of humor.”  Harriet ended up in the Maldon union workhouse in Essex where she died in 1897.

The New Age Hart Witches (Jennifer & Sarah) death body count of innocent black children is now 4 (four); Markis, Abigail, Jeremiah, Sierra with 2 (two) children still missing; Devonte, 16 years, and Hannah, 15 of 16 years old. Four (4) black innocent children have be confirmed slaughtered at the direct evil of Jenn and Sarah Hart, and everybody in the world still dance around the issue including black folk that the bottom line is that Jennifer and Sarah Hart were/are New Age Witches.

They will talk about the Harts belonging to a group of New Age conscious movement initiates that they followed New Age Conscious/Pagan movement musicians from remote forest to forest (Greek Goat God Pan), but they won’t call it a “Grove” or “Covens”. They won’t mention the Hart WitchesShranga- La or Shambala connections to White Supremacy/Secret Doctrine ideology of Vril, Madame Blavatsky, Maria Orsic, Thule, Himmler and the SS occult pseudo-scientific research bureau, Ahnenerbe.



Oprah- Wicked Witch of the West

It should be no surprise at all to anyone that the New Age Witches like Oprah Winfrey and Wizards over the Rainbow would rally to control Satanic narratives to deceive the masses with illusions and trickery in order to take the high moral ground in the case of the Hart Witches and the Black Children.

On the national stage on the idiot box, the Wizard of OZ spoke on the case with all his tricks, smoked mirrors, and the looking glass.

Oprah’s new age pseudoscience doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice chair of the Department of Surgery at Columbia University and medical director of the Integrative Medicine Program (i.e., Columbia’s “quackademic” medicine) program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital to control narratives and explain away the Washington’s Child Protective Services (CPS), Hart Witches and the Children.

His role as a daytime pseudoscience television medical show host is called appropriately, The Dr. Oz Show.

The OZ is merely an ILLUMINATI snake oil salesmen hiding behind a curtain bought and paid for by the New Age Wicked Witch of the West, Oprah Winfrey.

The Children, DeKalbs and the Looking Glass

On April 17, 2018, The Hart Witches’ next door neighbors, Dana and Bruce DeKalb, appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, True Crime Investigations. Dr. Oz described them as the people that tried to help the Childrenthe Witch and Wizard that tried to save the Children from Witches. That Dog won’t Hunt. They were on The OZ Show to control and manufacture the narratives of the Children.

All of a sudden, Dana became the public relations (PR) spokesperson for the Clark County Child Protective Services (CPS) in Washington. She was the CPS expert qualified to explain away to the masses what CPS in Washington should, could and couldn’t do to investigate child abuse cases. Oh, in Washington, she said that they just can’t interview kids without the parents’ permission. The OZ said that CPS can’t do anything about a parent whipping a child. Well, he was lying, too.

On March 15, 2018, the DeKalbs told police that they saw vehicles coming and going at the Hart House just before the Witches made their escape with the Children, but The OZ nor the Dekalbs went there. It certainly suggests that more people, in fact, were involved in the abduction and murders of the Children.

Police said the family of eight were driving a “five- seater 2003 GMC Sierra truck” at the time (file photo). It certainly suggests that the kids may have taken away from Woodland in different vehicles like the reported “2003 GMC Sierra Truck” …

Jennifer Hart on Top Her Brown or Tan SUV

that is substantially different from Jennifer Hart’s brown or tan GMC 9 (nine) seat Yukon SUV with dark tinted windows and black wheels. 

Bruce DeKalb talked about that “little black girl” as if she was only a nameless DEHUMANIZED THING that suddenly appeared banging on his door in the middle of the night crying for help in August in one conversation then November 2017 in another conversation on-air with The OZ.

Tiny Hannah, 16 years old & 19 year old Markis

My so dear little sister, your life matter so much if only you weren’t stolen from the bosom of your family, elders and the community that truly loved you. The bottom line is that to the DeKalbs– Hannah’s cry for help didn’t amount to a cry from a wounded cat, dog or horse, or the DeKalbs are part of the web of the witches’ coven in Woodland, WA. I believe the latter. They turned over wounded Tiny Hannah, a beautiful precious child of God, back over to the Hart Witches then kept their mouths shut until it was time for the witches to escape Witch Mountain with the Children.

Then the Race with the HORNED GOD began – you better be fast as hell to save the children. Not much is said about the background of the Race with the Devil.  The movie script was co-written by Wes Bishop aka Charles William Pelletieri of Nashville, TN. Pelletieri was an intelligence officer of the U.S. Army 82nd Air Borne Division at Fort Bragg, NC. The elite group, the 82nd Airborne Division, trains for extraordinary highly ultra top secret and classified special missions for the Pentagon and Shadow Government. The CIA recruits highly from the 82nd Airborne’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate trained and programmed killers and assassins.

Just before and after a special operation, social histories and public records of the people directly involved simply disappear from the internet just like Jenn and Sarah Hart. Bruce and Dana DeKalb are no exceptions. However, Bruce DeKalb has a footprint linked directly to Vacaville, CA, home of the CIA’s Little California Prison of Horrors, Vacaville Men’s Medical Health facility, and Lawrence F. Dekalb. Lawrence has a footprint and background linked to wealthy Kansas railroad employees and the town of La Grange on the infamous Oregon Trail. Lawrence and Bruce are linked to a shadowy Dexanna, LTD connected to special transportation and courier services. Dana D. Ashley- DeKalb is linked with La Center, Oregon, and Elk Grove, CA- Sacramento area. We have absolutely no idea what these SCANDINAVIANS do.


Woodland is a visible gateway and pathway to both native American sacred mountains Mount St. Helens and Fort Hood (Bridges to the Gods) for WITCHES, too.[1] The most sad and disturbing part about The Oz Show featuring the DeKalbs is that we didn’t hear a word from Hannah, Devonte, Markis, Jeremiah, Abigail, and Sierra before they were taken across state lines where most of them are now confirmed to have been silenced forever- murdered. If the DeKalbs are lying about when the “little black girl” banged on their door in the middle of the night in August 2017 then November 2017, then they’re lying about other things that they knew, witnessed and heard from the Children. And, Dana’s father, Steve Frkovich, 80, did in fact, expose them as deliberately LYING and concealing information about the Witches and the Children.

Dana’s father told police on a 911 call that it was Bruce that deliberately kept the pair quiet about the Children. Now, Frkovich also won’t talk about the DeKalbs or the Children.

Absolutely WICKED!

At the end of The Oz Show, Dana DeKalb said that she wants everyone listening and watching her to “LOOK INTO THE LOOKING GLASS and SMOKED MIRROR“-if you see something, say something! It made me want to SCREAM! Dana also said that she asked Devonte if he went to school in West Linn, Oregon. For somebody that claimed not to know very much about the Children, from the beginning what did she know about them and West Linn, Oregon?  



In West Linn, Oregon, the Harts raised chickens and “GOATS” and grew vegetables, said neighbor Bill Groener. Sidney Gottlieb in charge of CIA MK OFTEN (Occult Bureau) enjoyed his final days on land he bought with an old log cabin outside a small Virginia town, Boston, where he practiced two of his lifelong hobbies “HERDING GOATS”.[2] Groener isn’t necessarily truthful. The Hart Witches rented a residential house in the city just blocks from the Willamette River. West Linn is another native American sacred place.

It was home to the Willamette Meteorite, officially named Willamette. It is an iron-nickel meteorite found in the U.S. state of Oregon. It is the largest meteorite found in North America and the sixth largest in the world. There was no impact crater at the discovery site; researchers believe the meteorite landed in what is now Canada or Montana, and was transported as a glacial erratic to the Willamette Valley during the Missoula Floods at the end of the last Ice Age (~13,000 years ago). It was long held sacred by indigenous peoples of the Willamette Valley. The indigenous peoples referred to this stone with the name Tomonowos (the visitor from the sky).[3] The meteorite is on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, which acquired it in 1906. I said that to say this. Everywhere the Hart Witches perched and anchored themselves and the children, it was directly connected to the spiritualoccult centers of Wiccamasonic, metaphysical and pseudo-scientific beliefs.

The Witches’ Ride in West Linn

Plus, West Linn has an active Witch Coven. There was a school near their rented house, but the witches deliberately kept the children isolated and confined away from school, neighbors and other children. They didn’t have a television, phones or computers. But, the real the story behind the Children and the Witches in West Linn is the Heart 2 Heart Farms.



The Children and Hart Witches were regulars at a food pantry and farm about 40 minutes south of Portland in Sherwood, Oregon, where they could pick up organic produce. Sherwood lies a more than 16 miles (25 minutes) outside of West Linn.

They were taken regularly to Heart 2 Heart Farms (Good Neighbor Family Pantry) operated by Tyler and Elizabeth Boggs.  Most believe that the surname name, Boggs, actually came from the area called Boak in the parish of Kirkholm. Kirkholm is now Salaspils in Latvia. The Republic of Latvia is an independent republic in the Baltic region of Northern Europe (SCANDINAVIA).

The pantry provides imperfect fruits and vegetables from supermarkets at no cost. Soon, the Harts began to volunteer at the farm, said Boggs’ wife, Elizabeth Boggs. The farm looks like something out of the Jonestown, Guyana Agricultural Compound. The kids would help for a while, then play with the Boggses’ animals or read in the sun.

Devonte was probably the most outspoken and social. Sierra and Hannah and Abigail were quiet. They would read a lot when they were here. They all loved the animals,” Tyler said. The children talked with passion about social justice and the outdoors. “They were focused on the world being a better place, and I think that comes from being raised by people where the emphasis is love and treating the planet carefully,” he said. “They certainly were not stereotypical teenagers.”

Tyler Boggs spent time with the children at the farm — away from their parents — feeding “GOATS” or cows. He said he never saw indications that the children were being abused or deprived of food. If they were, they “had opportunities in abundance to reach out,” Tyler said.[4]

Heart 2 Heart Farms may not intimidate grown people. However, the slaughter and screaming of lambs bother and harm children.

Screaming of the Lambs!

Well, there is quite of bit of Luciferian controversy surrounding Heart 2 Heart Farms, both Elizabeth and Tyler Boggs.

Tyler Boggs– “ …  his guy is the scum of the earth! He pretends he’s a nice farmer that cares about people, animals and the environment but it’s all a scam to take people’s money. He shoots and kills old horses and chops them up for dog meat. He has dead animals rotting all over his “organic” farm. He also thinks he is a smart guy, but really is the dumbest fckwad I’ve ever met. He thinks he is better than everyone else and that he will never be caught for all his illegal bullshit he does. He’s such a creepier, being around him for just a few seconds is all it takes to realized this guy is a sleazeball.”[5] 

The Children were justified to be very much afraid of crazy Elizabeth.

She is accused of being a witch that often cast spells. And, they had to have been extremely afraid of Butcher Tyler Boggs. 

Ritual Slaughter of Animals, Tyler Boggs and Maria Abramovic

Some people say that the Boggs are completely insane.

They are also suspected of practicing witchcraft, and “lots of weird shit!

This piece of artwork is an image of a child and a young teenager who is disassociating during their sexual abuse and torture. This is normal for people and children who live through horrors. Frequently, there is no memory of the abuse and this actually needs to be dredged up from the memory.

They are suspected of being involved in satanic ritual animal sacrificeThe Boggs sacrifice their own farm animals and “drink their blood.”[6]

Tyler Boggs & Miron- Aku

The Children were too afraid to run away from the farm. The Boggs’ magkic was Old Religion and powerful. Miron- Aku watched over the farm. Walpurgishall:Miron-Aku was one of the last infamous SCANDINAVIAN Finnish witches, the keeper of the ancient knowledge. Her rituals were recorded for studies during the Maria Orsic Ahnenerbe expedition, which was led by Yrjö von Grönhagen by the personal appointment from SS-1 Henrich Himmler.

Ancient tree and forest spirits also blocked their escape from the farm. Imprisoned in totally alien demonic Satanic world, the Children were kept strictly isolated and scared out of their minds.

In fact, Jennifer Hart admitted, particularly Devonte and Tiny Hannah, had been severely traumatized by the ritualistic DEATHS OF CATS & ANIMALS!

In Jordan, MN, 2 and ½ hours outside of Alexandria, MN where the Children were raised, 37 children made allegations of the manufacture of child pornography, ritualistic animal sacrifice, coprophagia (consumption of faeces), urophagia (consumption of urine) and infanticide. In the 1980s, twenty-four adults were arrested and charged with acts of sexual abuse, child pornography and other crimes claimed to be related to Satanic Ritual Abuse; three went to trial, two were acquitted and one convicted.[7] Former Jordan trash collector, James Rud, was convicted of 10 (ten) counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct for 10 (ten) different boys and girls, according to civil commitment papers filed by Scott County, MN.Two defendants were tried and acquitted when one child witness recanted his accusation of abuse. (Chicago Tribune, 1984). The prosecutor dropped the charges against all other defendants to avoid releasing 126 pages of police notes containing allegations that implicated some of the former defendants in ritualistic child murders. (Ogintz, 1984). [9]

SCANDINAVIAN Boggs and Their Bones

Bones by themselves are not necessarily necromantic – they are just used as means of communicating with the spirits.



Dangerous Iranian ILLUMINATI DOPE HEAD- Ava Nusheen Bakhtiar 

Recently, family friend Persian (pan-sexual?)  Nusheen Bakhtiar has come forward to tell the world that Jennifer Hart was a loving mother. “We weren’t duped, that love wasn’t fake,” Bakhtair said. “They loved their children, they weren’t WHITE SUPREMACISTS. They just were isolated, they were in pain. She was in constant anxiety.”

Happy- Bakhtiar and her Female Little Bear

Still, Bakhtiar has a hard time believing the crash was intentional. “We loved them, they loved their children, they were spiritual, they were about nature they loved animals, they were rescuers. I don’t feel like I didn’t know them,” Bakhtiar added. RESCUERS? She is a former office manager of DOPE Magazine.

Bakhtiar boyfriend is Samuel Watson, above. He ran a marijuana dispensary called GreenSky Collective with his wife, Erika Yoshida Watson.  Erika is the daughter of sauce tycoon Junki Yoshida, and although her father doesn’t invest directly in cannabis, her real-estate company, Expanse, is backed by the Yoshida Group.

Sensei Junki Yoshida is a 7th Degree Black Belt of Japan Karate Federation Ryobukai. He runs a martial arts dojo in Portland. Yoshida’s parent dojo is in Tokyo, Japan, led by Grand Master Yasuhiro (Takehiro) Konishi upon which Ryobukai was founded. He would very well be Oregon and Washington’s Ninja.

Junki is the CEO and Chairman of the Yoshida Group, a Portland-based conglomerate of 20 diverse companies. Is there a Japanese ILLUMINATI? Yes. The Queen’ of England’s [Coven of the Red Dragon] representative in her Japanese reign is the Emperor of Japan.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and  Masonic Grand Master of England greet Emperor Akihito of Japan and Empress Michiko as they arrive at a lunch for Sovereign Monarch’s held in honor of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, at Windsor Castle, on May 18, 2012 in Windsor, England. In a generational change in the Western secret government, David Rockefeller has ceded power to his nephew Senator Jay Rockefeller. He is the thirteen (13) most powerful person in the ILLUMINATI.

Former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator, Jay Rockefeller 

Baron David Rothschild

Evylin Rothschild, for his part, has ceded power to Baron David Rothschild. According to Ninja  Shiramine, American Ninjas now report to Jay Rockefeller.

Wealthy International Ring- Junki and Erika Yoshida

It’s the first real-estate company in Oregon to specialize in WEED properties. In 2015, state officials closed the Watsons’ GreenSky marijuana dispensary and their Step by Step Child Care Center. n 2015, state regulators forced licensed childcare providers to make a choice: profit from pot or kids, not both. New rules prohibited anyone who applies for a childcare license from growing or distributing marijuana, either at the day care or elsewhere. Watson’s girlfriend, Bakhtiar, is the front trying to reopen the Concordia (Step by Step/GreenSky) day care, in the same location. In January 2017, she re-opened the GreenSky marijuana dispensary as a co-owner under a new name- Jefferies. And Watson is trying to open a new state-licensed marijuana shop in the North Portland storefront he previously used for medical marijuana.

The International Yoshida Group Control the Narrative about Jennifer Hart

Bakhtiar, Yoshida, Watson & the Hart Tribe

Bakhtiar and the international ring, Yoshida Group, certainly adds a mysterious dark circle spin to the Satanic Ritual Abuse and Programming of the Children. In fact, Bakhtiar bankrolled by the Yoshida Group are officially in charge of public relations– fostering the national/international false image of Jennifer Hart after the racial mass murders of the Children. In fact,  Bakhtiar is the official public relations (PR) spokesperson for the Lutheran Hart Family in South Dakota that have all agreed not to talk to the press about Jennifer Hart.

From the day that Jennifer Hart’s SUV went off the cliff, California State Highway Patrol, Mendocino County, and the FBI have been working closely with law enforcement officials in South Dakota to control the narratives about the Hart Witches.  Bakhtiar works hand and hand with Jennifer’s aunt, Georgene Wilson-Becker of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to spin the story and control the narrative about Jennifer Hart. Their racialist based narrative is that it was the hopeless social deviant and misfit drug addicted black Children that drove an idealistic social conscious activist and optimist Jennifer Hart off the deep end.  According to the Hart Family PR spokesperson, Bakhtiar, the bodies of Jenn and the Children have been cremated. Their ashes will be sent to Georgene in South Dakota. Bakhtiar will then take the ashes back to Oregon. She was asked about the Children’s black biological parents and loved ones in Texas- whether or not they had been contacted. Bakhtiar dismissed them entirely as a bunch of drug addicts that abused and malnourished the Children. F-K YOU, END OF STORY!

The woman is not only a vicious sick elitist Racist- she’s absolutely CRAZY!  Bakhtiar said Hart may have been both a great mother and someone capable of killing her family in a “MOMENT OF DARKNESS“. Darkness! She should know better about international dark circles.



Elizabeth Boggs with Parrot/Macaw perched on her shoulder, and the Viscount Tredegar circa 1935, with Blue Boy the macaw perched on his shoulder.

Old Religion Witch of the New Forest- Sybil Leek & her Bird

During the 1930s in Britain, Aleister Crowley and Aldous Huxley were linked to the Satanic Coven of British bi-sexual/homosexual Devil Worshiper, Lord Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar that the Great BEAST hailed as the Adept of Adepts.

Crowley said that his family was descended from King Arthur. The legendary city of Camelot was supposed to have been at the nearby Roman site of Caerleon. Crowley even described his lordship as “The Rightful Heir to Excalibur”.

Queen Mary, Old Religion- Coven of the Red Dragon

Lord Morgan & Cherub X Sign in Sacred Reverend to Him

The image of chubby-cheeked babies with wings cherub actually wasn’t around until the Renaissance, when artists depicted the lower-order angels as children. Queen Mary of England (Coven of the Red Dragon), the present queen’s grandmother, called Lord Tredegar “My favourite bohemian”.

The Black Panther, T’Challa,  Sacred X Sign in Reverend to Lucifer

Lord Tredegar was known as the Grand Master of the Black Mass.[10] 


Old Religion Satanic Black Mass

Knight of Malta Lord Tredegar elite British underground homosexual Satanic coven and cult was called, “THE BLACK CIRCLE.” John, Duke of Bedford, in his autobiography “A Silver Spoon” recounts the occasion when Evan conducted a divination in the Kings Room of Tredegar (Evan’s bedroom). He describes how Evan entered wearing the robes of a “dead, Egyptian witch”, and brandishing this witch’s mummified hand, proceeded to cast a fortune as “the fire light danced across the four poster bed, an overheated room became icy cold, and owls flew ever around the cornice!”[11]

Secret Black Circle Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess

The BLACK CIRCLE included Nazi Germany’s Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess of the Thule–Gesellschaft (Thule Society), one of Hitler’s closest confidants. Lord Tredegar had also visited the German home of Ernst Rohm (Thule Society), the head of the SA, and they shared a male lover.

Secret Black Circle Vicious Homicidal Homosexual Ernst Julius Günther Röhm

Ernst Julius Günther Röhm was a German military officer and an early member of the Nazi Party. As one of the members of its predecessor, the German Workers’ Party,  he was a close friend and early ally of Adolf Hitler and a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung (SA, “Storm Battalion“), the Nazi Party’s militia, and later was its commander.

Based on  accounts by the  contemporaries of Evan Frederic Morgan ( 1893-1949 ),  the last  Viscount Tredegar,  author  William Cross  reveals a  shocking   story of  a  dangerous, predatory  homosexual  with a  taste  for seducing  the native boys of  Bali and  North Africa.  An  early  example  of  sex  tourist,   Evan  twisted,  charmed  and  lied  his way around  the world  in  pursuit  of   avarice,   high- jinx,   self-gratification and  adventure .  Morgan   was  openly   degenerate,  his  wealth, position  and  arrogance   combined  to  make   it  easy  for him  to  pick  up   ‘rough trade’  on  streets and  in  cafes  and  lure   his  young, often innocent  victims  into drugs, sexual shenanigans, black mass rituals and flagellation.  Even under Vatican control and surveillance  by  MI5,  Evan Morgan escaped  any  scrutiny or restraint and carried on  regardless.

In the case of the Hart Witches and the  mass racial murders of six (6) black children, the dark satanic circles, witches’ covens, groves and their crimes against humanity have also escaped scrutiny and restraint in this country. It also continues and carry on regardless.



California Highway Patrol Lt. Commander Bruce Carpenter said that the Hart Witches drove about 77 miles upstate Washington to the small town of Naselle, Washington before their alleged drive to the California.

Naselle in Pacific County, Washington is an extremely isolated, secluded and rugged area of the state. It is a Scandinavian town surrounded by lakes.  It is very near the Columbia River estuary, the valley’s Naselle River flows west into nearby Willapa Bay and then into the Pacific Ocean. Close about the town lie the evergreen-covered Willapa Hills. The Willapa Hills receive abundant rainfall and a number of rivers originate in the region, including the Chehalis River, Willapa River, North River, Bone River, Niawiakum River, Palix River, Bear River, Naselle River, Grays River, and Elochoman River, among others.

You have to wonder why an Amber Alert wasn’t issued on the Hart SUV and why Lt. Shannon Barney of Mendocino County Sheriff’s department never did alert the public of the license plate number or the color of Jennifer Hart’s SUV that it was racing with. There are no surveillance videos of Jenn’s brown SUV in the Safeway store parking lot or around Ft. Bragg, CA? Maybe, it shows that Jennifer, Sarah, Devonte and Little Hannah were never in California at the time the SUV went off the cliff.

Lt. Commander Carpenter said that investigators were trying to determine why they stopped in Naselle and whether they contacted anyone. Well, there has not been an update on the Hart Naselle connection and contact even though there may be no more than 500 people in the entire town . And, I don’t expect any further law enforcement updates on Jennifer, Sarah, Children and Naselle. It could very well be a fact that Jennifer and Sarah never even drove to California with the Children.

Even Hitler must be rolling over in his grave laughing about chasing Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby-  looking like Jenn Hart. That certainly wasn’t Jennifer Hart in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. That woman looks nothing at all like Jennifer Hart.

Naselle and the Finnish-American Folk Festival

Jennifer Hart was baptized a LutheranScandinavian Finnish roots also run deep in Lutheranism. The Lutheran Church is the national church of Finland. The secret old religion GOAT (Horned Godis also at the roots of Naselle, Washington.  At the beginning of the early modern period (1500-1800), Finland was famous for her witches, and especially the great shamans in Lapland.

New witchcraft theories (i.e. the theory of flying witches who traveled to the Devil’s Sabbath) arrived in Finland in the 1660s. The colorful stories regarding Finnish witches were well based: The amount of people accused of witchcraft and magic was quite large.

They Offer Their Children to the Horned Goat God

St. Nick & The Horned Devil God

Finnish Lapland is the only authentic home of Krampus. According to legend, Krampus is a demon who punishes misbehaving children around the holidays, while St. Nicholas (AKA Santa Claus), rewards good children. In 2010, the population of Naselle was 419. The community first flourished as a logging town, and logging remains the dominant private industry. Settled primarily by Finnish and Scandinavian immigrants. The history of Scandinavia is the history of the region of northern Europe comprising Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland are at times considered part of Scandinavia. The Nesalle community has maintained its cultural heritage. Since 1982, Naselle has hosted a “Finnish-American Folk Festival” every other year, and in 2006 co-hosted, with the nearby city of Astoria, OR, the national festival FinnFest USA.

Astoria, Oregon-  the Goonie Cult and Coven lies directly across the Columbia River from Naselle. The Goonie House fly the Israeli Zionist flag of the Star and Shield of David. Even the Hart Witches’ home in Alexandria, Minnesota was a SCANDINAVIAN town surrounded by lakes.

If Devonte and Tiny Hannah were Black Mass blood sacrificed in and around the rivers and forests around Naselle,Washington, their bodies may never be found. I have said enough!



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Hood

[2] https://www.nytimes.com/1999/03/10/us/sidney-gottlieb-80-dies-took-lsd-to-cia.html

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willamette_Meteorite

[4] http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article208294694.html

[5] https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/portland/douche-bag-farmer-tyler-boggs/#post-1423507

[6] https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/portland/douche-bag-farmer-tyler-boggs/#post-1423507

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism

[8] http://gentlemanspy.blogspot.com/2013/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html

[9] https://www.sfwar.org/pdf/Ritual_Abuse/RA_RA-Info_1997.pdf

[10] http://gentlemanspy.blogspot.com/2013/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html


[11] Id.


15 04 2018



It was the adopted and adapted religion of the Prophet Nat Turner, and my forebears that broke the chains of African Human Bondage. It was the religion that led the Civil Rights Movement and institutional racism in America. For decades, the Black Church represented the moral conscious of the nation. It took a stand against America’s aggression in South East Asian (Vietnam) and across the globe. It was the religion of my mother, father, sisters and brothers- its good enough for me. It is not a religion of war and revolution. It preach and practice ORDERPEACE, LOVE and FORGIVENESS. In my youthful days growing up in the Black Church, it was a secure sanctuary and peaceful haven from a troubled world and CHAOS. But, that’s not the problem with Black Christianity in America, today. It is under attack. There is a covert war against the ORDER of the Black Church.

However, others also have their own Old Time Religion that preach and practice the dark demonic-satanic forces of HATE, DEATH, DESTRUCTION, AND CHAOS that existed since the beginning of civilization.

It is a dark force belief system and religion of the sheer animal lust of the forest horned goat god; human sacrifice and cannibalism. They, Luciferians, seek the control of the WORLD.



Never before in the history of United States has a presidential administration begun its reign by telling it citizens that SATANIC “dark forces” and its POWER are good to RULE the country. Yet, that is exactly what happened in America in November 2016. Satan’s Son president select Donald J. Drumpf’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, for the new administration told The Hollywood Reporter that “darkness is good.

Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”

Don’t get it twisted, Jennifer and Sarah Hart are no HollyWeird romanticized episodes of Laverne and Shirley, or Thelma and Louise. They are New Age Witches- part of this country’s SATANIC “dark forces” and Open Gates of Hell aided and abetted, and concealed by the highest levels of this government. The masses are blind to, and don’t know what they’re doing.

Yesterday, Satan’s Son and Luciferians of France and England have attacked an independent nation on the other side of midnight, Syria, for alleged human rights violations. But at the same time, America is unwilling to lift a finger or take a stand against Israel’s current mass violations of the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza.

Drumpf and Netanyahu 

That’s because they call America- BIG SATAN, and Israel- LITTLE SATAN. America has become the Open Gates of HELL.

The Hart Witches & the Racial Mass Slaughter of Innocence

Also a couple of days ago, news broke that one of white females, alleged to be Sarah Hart, and 2 (two) of the children that died in the plunge off the sea cliff in Mendocino County tested positive for “significant” amounts of Diphenhydramine. The drug can be found in many over the counter medicines. But when victims and murder are involved, you must consider that the drug may have been a factor to incapacitate a victim. Diphenhydramine can in fact be used to incapacitate victims.

On Websleuths, an anesthetist noted that an oral dosing of benadryl (diphenhydramine), an average adult dose of 50 mg is more than sufficient to cause pronounced drowsiness, and anesthetists actually exploit the drowsiness effects of the drug for use in some patients. More than 100 mg would cause marked sleepiness.

All 6 (six) children were deliberately kept seriously malnourished and underweight by the witches. Significant amounts of Diphenhydramine dosing could have caused a great deal of damage to incapacitate them. And, diphenhydramine could very well have been used to keep the children MK ULTRA/MONARCH sedated and under control until they could be wickedly and quietly removed and be disposed of.

Evidence of diphenhydramine drugging is an extremely significant factor in this case. Diphenhydramine was also found in the system of Whitney Houston when she was assassinated from a Jonestown’s Cocktail of a deadly combination of drugs on February 11, 2012 at the Western White House in Berkeley Hills, CA. It was determined that Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) did not contribute to her death. Naturally, Benadryl would not have been a factor in killing Whitney, but it could have been a factor to keep her sedated and quiet while she died alone in the hotel room- allegedly face down in bathtub of water.

In January 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown was also incapacitated and subsequently died as the result of a Jonestown Cocktail that included benzodiazepines (medications used for sedation). She also drowned alone in a bathroom- allegedly face down in bathtub of water.

Witch Angela Bassett, American Horror Story

I say that Witches & Satanic Blood Oath Covenants were a factor in her death. (see, Let’s Drive Bobbi Kristina Insane- Witches & Whitney, the Illuminati Bio)

Four (4) precious black children are not confirmed DEAD slaughtered by Jennifer and Sarah Hart and a deep cover coven of witches. Recently, a black child has been found on the ocean surf at Juan Creek and Highway 1, in Mendocino County. It is either Hannah, age 16 or Sierra, age 12.

It bothers me that the bodies of Markis, Abigail, and Jeremiah were found along with 2 (two) white females and vehicle wreckage landed on rock beds below the cliff. It appears plainly and so clearly above. Yet, we are led to believe that the bodies of Sierra, Hannah and Devonte were somehow washed out of the SUV or off the rock beds into the sea. That Dog Don’t Hunt! My fear is that is that the body recently discovered and rescued from the ocean by tourists is precious Little Sierra.

It strongly suggests that Little Sierra was killed someplace else and her body was thrown from Juan Creek Bridge. I pray that the swift wings of the sacred Sparrow rescue her most precious soul and lift HER home.

It also strongly suggests that Hannah and Devonte weren’t in that SUV when it went over the cliff.

Hannah and Devonte are heroic in spirit and strength. They are firm in faith. It is clear that they resisted Jennifer, Sarah, and an extremely powerful deep cover satanic coven’s attempt to sacrifice their bodies and souls to Lucifer. My prayer is that they are still alive and fighting for their lives. If we can find them, the results won’t be the same as it turned out in the State of Washington. The Witches won’t escape the Wrath of the People.



Jennifer Hart & The CIA Pagan Fantuzzi

Jennifer Hart & Fantuzzi

Above, Jennifer Hart’s Tribe and the infamous Woodstock Pagan August 15–17, 1969, Fantuzzi. He is friends with Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert), and the late Timothy Leary leaders of the LSD-ILLUMINATI, the clandestine higher consciousness spiritual movement through psychedelic chemicals. In the early 1960s, Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert ran the Harvard Psychedelic Club, formerly the Harvard Psilocybin Project, a school-sponsored drug research project at the university.

“1954-59: Leary is director of clinical research and psychology at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland. He devises a personality test, “THE LEARY,” which is used by CIA to test prospective employees. He has also become a close friend to Frank Barron, a graduate school classmate who has been working for CIA since at least 1953. Barron works at the Berkeley Institute for Personality Assessment and Research, which Leary will later acknowledge is “funded and staffed by OSS-CIA psychologists.”

Aldous Huxley, British Godfather of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH

Huxley’s Devils of Loudun purports to be the true story of a seventeenth century case of WITCHCRAFT in France. Huxley was also part of that ultra secret OLD TIME RELIGION AND WITCH CULT.

“1960-61: Barron founded the Harvard Psychedelic Drug Research Center. Leary follows Barron to Harvard and becomes a lecturer in psychology… He later admits to knowing, at the time, that “some powerful people in Washington (CIA) have sponsored all this drug research.” In addition to Barron, Leary’s associates and assistants during this period include former OSS chief psychologist Harry Murray, who had monitored military experiments on Truth-Drug brainwashing and interrogation, and Martin Orne, a researcher receiving funds from CIA. Leary also consults British philosopher Aldous Huxley, author of the psychedelic manifesto, The Doors of Perception (from which Jim Morrison would later take name his band). Huxley, who is at Harvard on a visiting professorship, urges Leary to form a secret order of LSD-ILLUMINATI, to launch and lead a psychedelic conspiracy to brainwash influential people for the purposes human betterment.”

Leary belonged to the deep level Agency- MK ULTRA ILLUMINATI. If you’re a friend of Tim Leary, you’re a friend of the CIA.

Jennifer Hart, Rosemary’s Baby and Laura Louise in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA

Minnie Castevet of Roman Polanski’s Satanic Coven Classic  Rosemary’s Baby calls forth the image of faithful Lucifer’ Servant, Laura Louie, to provide secret cover for Jennifer Hart in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA. The frantic drive from Woodland, Washington to Fort Bragg must have drastically negatively affected Jennifer Hart’s vision, because she suddenly slowed up in town wearing LAURA LOUISE dark rim glasses.

It also changed Jenn‘s body type and very distinctive NOSE!

Jennifer Hart has a distinctive “spaded” nose type that is similar to the nose of the late NASA Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom -Master Mason.

NASA Master Mason Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grissom

Barack Obama had been clandestinely raised as a NASA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Space or Star Kid.

Obama and Guss Grissom

The above picture was released by the Obama White House that was alleged to be him and his late grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, but even with Photoshop touch ups- it is clearly NASA Astronaut Virgil Grissom.

Stanley Armour Dunham

Dunham looked absolutely nothing similar to Gus Grissom.

It is “very grainy,” Lt. Barney told The Oregonian. “It looks like Jen.” Laura Louise’ nose points up, and Jenn Hart’s nose points DOWN TO THE GROUND LIKE A SHADE. Don’t get it twisted. I am extremely serious about this subject and the children. The stakes are extremely high, and the DRAGON will always snap its tail. But, there is no statute of limitations for MURDER, ESPECIALLY INNOCENT CHILDREN!



In the secret Town of the Oak Tree, Oakland, CA, I worked on Alameda County foster child care corruption that made a lot of people filthy rich on the backs of destroying black families and children. It was a downright dirty and wicked racket.

I traced the sudden new found wealth of well respected black attorney, old handkerchief head  Wilmont Sweeney, the Alameda County Juvenile Court Judge in charge of the county’s foster care system, who suddenly started driving a new Rolls Royce around town, to a white female and Bodega Bay, CA approximately 40 miles northwest of San Francisco. Bodega Bay was the setting for the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock classic, The Birds.[1]

In the masonic Town of the Oak Tree, Sweeney was part of Oakland’s infamous sell-out Negro Old Guard of attorneys that included bootlickers Lionel Wilson, Clinton White, Allen Broussard and Carl Metoyer linked to Prince Hall Freemasonry.

SS Bolschwing & Ronald Reagan

Judge Sweeney was appointed to the Municipal Court in Berkeley by then-Governor Ronald Reagan controlled by Gehlen Org  SS Baron Bolschwing. In 1979, then the Jonestown Jesuit Governor, Jerry Brown, appointed Judge Sweeney to the Alameda County Superior Court.[2]

Gov. Jerry Brown & CIA Agent Jim Jones

I traced the money of one non profit large foster care California corporation that was banking millions from the Alameda County and state foster care system by taking particularly black children from their homes. It was called Aspire at the time. The monthly subsidies that it received for black children forced into foster care ran into the thousands.

The particularly case that I was working on involved Aspire taking in at the very least $3,500 for each of 3 (three) children- over $10,000 a month for kids that had been categorized as “special needs” children. I worked with an extremely stable devoted black Christian grandmother that wanted her 3 (three) grandchildren at home with her. The children had become the innocent collateral damage, casualties and victims of the CIA Crack Epidemic in Oakland. Her grandchildren had been deeply traumatized by being locked in a room for days with the corpse of an overdosed dead crack cocaine addict.

She worked for decades as a secretary with the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). She owned her own home. She was also a well respected anchor elder member of a very large, important and established church (Beebe Memorial Cathedral) congregation and community in Oakland. I thought that she was in a relatively safe and secure position more than others to fight the powers. She couldn’t understand why her grandchildren couldn’t live with her and church community instead of being confined in an alien foster care system. The children wanted to be with their grandmother. I needed to know the answer to that question, too. It involved the welfare and safety of thousands of black children in Oakland. From inside her case, I was able to work deeply inside the county juvenile court and foster care system. I started by following the money.

I traced Aspire’s foster care money flow to the very wealthy Marin County across the bay from Oakland. In 2013, the median income for couples filing jointly in Marin was $133,389 — the highest in the state, and also it had the highest median income for individual taxpayers. It ranks among the 20 wealthiest counties in the entire United States. It has a black population ranging from 2.1 to 2.6%.[3]

Aspire was a nonprofit tentacle of a corporate structure that had profit making corporate tentacles.  In other words, the money from the California non profit tentacle was invested principally in bayfront real estate, particularly, valuable San Pablo Bay tidelands owned by the state. It was property unavailable for sell to private investment. The real properties purchased by the foster care non profit was then sold its profit making subsidiaries for pennies on the dollar then developed commercially. The millions from the county and state foster care system were turned over for billions in high end bay-front commercial and  residential real estate development. It was public corruption and a racket that ran all the way up to the California State Legislature. I had obtained the key public documents directly from Marin County to prove the case.

I constantly reminded the grandmother that this was a case where the stakes were very high. Wherever the stakes are high, it becomes an extremely dangerous pursuit for justice. I was getting too close and they knew it. She believed in justice, but she didn’t truly understand the nature of the fight that she was getting into with Luciferians. A lot of people suddenly and understandably become afraid and friends suddenly become enemies when the ILLUMINATI begin to cash in its chips.

 On April 29, 1999, Judge Sweeney suddenly turned up dead. He was 74 years old. Suddenly, OUSD cut the grandmother’s hours at work to the point so drastically that she could no longer even maintain her house payments. They even tried to purge her from the Church that she loved. We fought off the purge, but it took its toll. She was in tears the last time I talked to her. She was bound to lose everything if she continued to cooperate with me about Alameda County’s foster child care corruption from inside her case. The DRAGON snapped its tail.

The Late Yusuf Bey and Oakland’s Black Muslim Brothers

However, the battle was far from over. I started working with a mother whose minor daughter accused Yusuf Bey of Your Black Muslim Bakery of pedophilia molestation and rape. She had been one of his wives. I was surprised. I didn’t have to fight with Yusuf Bey or any of the brothers. I had to fight the power of the state, Alameda County Child Protective Services, that threatened to use its power to remove her daughter on a permanent basis (foster careif she persisted in pursuing a case against Brother Bey.  She was in tears the last time I saw her, too, when the DRAGON snapped its tail.

The love of a mother for her children is one of the most powerful forces known to mankind. I can’t do anything if that relationship has been threatened.  As for me, it was yet another straw on the camel’s back that subsequently got me another one way ticket and a virtual police escort out of the city of birth, masonic Town of the Oak Tree. I had been slapped with several private and county lawsuits to restraint from getting into the affairs of black people. A county superior court judge slapped me a permanent injunction barring me from the affairs of a church that I had summoned to by church elders.

Working inside the county juvenile system, I got another surprise. In about 1997, I was approached by a small group of upset teachers at Fremont Junior High School in Oakland.  They told me about a teacher in the school that I knew, Styles Price.  From my own personal experiences with him, I had concluded that he was a deep cover strategy of tension/false flag black counterintelligence agent. The teachers told me that they knew of him to be a convicted pedophile. He was a child molesting “boy lover.” They couldn’t figure out how he remained to be a teacher and still be allowed to be around children. I searched from the top to the bottom of the criminal court system in Alameda County. I couldn’t find anything at all regarding his pedophilia conviction(s). I totally believed them, but I just couldn’t find his criminal conviction records.

Whenever I go to juvenile court, I go from floor to floor to look around. My surprise was that I found Styles Price sitting outside one of the juvenile court offices. He’s a man that love to talk about himself. I sat down with him and discovered that the reason why I couldn’t find his pedophilia conviction(s). His criminal records were being ran through Judge Sweeney and the juvenile court system where court records are strictly confidential and SEALED.


In 2005, the Berkeley Police Department arrested Styles Price for the ambush murder of Berkeley Police officer Ron Tsukamoto who was shot and killed on University Avenue in the early morning hours in August 1970. They claimed that the Panthers killed Tsukamoto. However, the Alameda County DA outright refused to prosecute Styles and the deep cover black intelligence operative walked.

In Oakland, I suddenly found myself sitting on the crust of the late 32 or 33 degree Master Mason Booker T. Emery‘s extremely powerful and dangerous ultra secret -deep cover Masonic-Republican Pedophile Ring in Oakland. And, I didn’t realize it. The felonious convicted vicious pedophile died in Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Prison (Little Prison of CIA Horrors) in 1989 within a year or two of being imprisoned.  DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.

Emery was a black Republican. During the late 1960s and 1970s, all the millions of anti-poverty funds that came into Oakland from the Republican Nixon Administration had strings attached. Those strings seem to always one way of another be attached to Emery. The roots of the Oakland’s high level pedophile ring and its steady supply of innocent black children lies at the feet of  Booker T. Emery, the Old Masonic Temple and properties located on the corner of 7th and Peralta Street that is getting or will be getting millions in city, state and maybe federal historical preservation funds. They are extremely well represented at city, county, state and federal government high levels. They are dangerous. They usually kill first and ask questions later.

The DRAGON has snapped its tail in the case of the New Age Lesbian Witches, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, and at least 5 (five) innocent children are confirmed to be DEAD! And, it is more than likely that the witches received way more than $270,000 from the state of Texas to help care for the children. Most families who adopt children out of foster care from Texas get monthly payments that only range from $400 to $545 per child to help cover care costs until the child turns 18, according to the newspaper. However, Jennifer and Sarah weren’t most families. They were CIA Occult Bureau.[4]

Chloe Johnson, Paper Trail

Don’t be deceived. Monthly subsidies for adopted children are significantly increased for children with “special needs”. On November 14, 2014, Chloe Johnson ran a story about Devonte in the Paper TrailChloe Johnson is the co-founder of Paper Trail.co.nz – a news and views website that’s all about adding value to people’s day. She has been a journalist in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom where she covered law and order, health, education, politics, travel and entertainment news. She is/was a communications adviser in New Zealand.

Johnson said, “Devonte Hart entered the world 12 years ago with drugs pumping through his tiny newborn body. By the time he was 4 years old he had smoked, consumed alcohol, handled guns, been shot at, and suffered severe abuse and neglect. He knew only a handful of words, including fuck and shit, and he struggled to identify with the names of food, body parts and everyday objects. Devonte was a violent toddler and his health was weighed down by a heavy list of disabilities.”[5]



Jennifer Hart & Devonte

Jennifer Hart told her, “He [Devonte] inspires me every single day. He has proven doctors, psychologists and teachers wrong.[6] Don’t be deceived. Devonte was a “special needs” adoptee that had a team of social workers, doctors, psychologists and an attorney that also take a very big bite out of the state treasury. They have all of a sudden disappeared from Devonte’s case walking between the raindrops. All the children turned over to the Hart Witches were “special needs” adoptees. That’s the way CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones and Peoples Temple rolled. All of the adopted children had doctors, psychologists and attorneys that also need to come to light like the Hart Witches and be held responsible. And, $270,000 is just a low ballpark figure of what the Hart Witches actually took away from the Texas foster care system, state and maybe the federal treasury.

The Hart Tribe as it had been called by the Harmony Park Grove Coven in Minnesota was a Touch of Buchenwald and the Shadow of Jonestown. The Nazi-SS fed inmates in camps a meager diet of thin soup and bread. A characteristic camp illness was starvation sickness. It was usually accompanied by diarrhea (often bloody), swollen legs, impaired vision and hearing, memory loss, nervous breakdown and, above all, exhaustion to the point of collapse. The Peoples Temple’s Jonestown daily diet also consisted of rice soup and bread that caused serious problems for the residents that struck over half the experimental medical camp in February 1978 with high fevers and diarrhea The Hart Tribe had to have been, among other things, a nutritional experimental step for Modern Slaves above Buchenwald and Jonestown.

Here are the estimated weights and heights of the three missing children who were not recovered from the crash site: Devonte Hart, 5’1, 90 lbs, 15 years old; Sierra Hart, 4’5, 60 lbs, 15 years old; Hannah Hart, 4’1, 45 lbs, 16 years old. These are nowhere near age appropriate stats for children of their age. They were being starved. They were literally withering away.[7]

It should be Sierra 12 years old, and 4’1, 45 lbs, and Hannah,  4’5, 60 lbs.  All the children were seriously underweight for their ages.  Hannah was underweight about 50 (fifty) pounds for her age. One of main reasons why Jonestown had to be terminated as a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH medical and mind control experimental concentration camp, particularly for black youth, was because the majority of the people in the camp were sick from from fever and diarrhea.  It was an experimental concentration camp in the middle of a South American rain forest that the infamous Attorney Charles Garry called “Paradise“. The dead tell no tells. Whatever the Hart Witches  were feeding the 6 (six) black children was also experimental, and it was driving them into sheer desperation.

Perfecting the Jonestown Diet and Drug program for Black Children- Devonte and a 13-year-old orphan, a survivor of the Nazi-SS Mauthausen Concentration Camp.


Court records in Minnesota show Sarah Hart in 2011 received a 90-day suspended jail sentence and a year of probation after Abigail arrived at Woodland Elementary School with bruises on her stomach and back. Her teacher contacted social services and police.

Abigail told authorities her adopted mother sadistically struck her repeatedly with a closed fist, submerged her head under cold water and withheld meals from her for misbehaving, according to report by police in Alexandria, a small town northwest of Minneapolis where the family lived. Sarah Hart pleaded guilty April 7, 2011, to misdemeanor domestic assault.[8]

Previously, Hannah said in September 2008 it was her adopted mother Jennifer who struck her with a belt, causing a bruise on her arm that attracted notice — and a call to authorities, according to the newly obtained Alexandria police report. In an interview, the Hart Witches told a police sergeant and social worker they had no idea how Hannah, who was 6 years old at the time, got the bruise but said she had recently “fallen down the stairs” in their home.[9]

Hannah should have been looking forward to her high school sophomore prom instead of a death sentence. The witches shockingly investigative officials that the little girl was adopted and “has been going through food issues, where she’ll steal other people’s food at school or eat out of garbage cans or off the floor, [like an animal]” the police report shows.[10]



Alexandrian Wicca or Alexandrian Witchcraft is a tradition of the Neo-pagan religion of Wicca founded by Alex Sanders, 1926 – 1988, (also known as “King of the Witches“) who, with his wife Maxine Sanders, established the tradition in the UK in the 1960s. Alexandrian Wicca is similar in many ways to Gardnerian (Gerald Gardner) Wicca, and receives regular mention in books on Wicca as one of the religion’s most widely recognized traditions. Roman Polanski (Rosemary’s Baby), Sharon Tate (Eye of the Devil) Murders, Charles Manson and the Dark Satanic Circles in Laurel Canyon (HollyWeird) involved English Alexandrian Wiccan Witchcraft and SatanismSharon Tate and Laura Louise were “Alexandrian Wiccan Witches“.

Gerald Gardner(1884 – 1964) & Demon

The secret Witches tradition and network in the U.S. is based largely upon Gardnerian Wicca, in which Sanders was trained, and the practice also contains elements of ceremonial magic and Kabbalah, which Sanders had studied independently. The name of the tradition is a reference both to Alex Sanders and to the ancient occult Library of Alexandria, which was one of the first libraries in the world. The choice of name was inspired by a view of the library as an early attempt to bring together the knowledge and wisdom of the world into one place.

CIA & Sybil Leek, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, Witch of the New Forest

The CIA Occult Bureau was officially called MK OFTEN headed by Richard Helms and the Jewish Kabbalist Sidney Gottlieb called the Black Sorcerer“. MK OFTEN employed operational Satanism, Witchcraft, and Black Magic.

“Initially, Operation [MK-]OFTEN was a joint CIA/Army Chemical Corps drug project, based out of Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland and using inmates of the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia as test subjects. It came under the aegis of the CIA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD), which was concerned with parapsychology and the application of supernatural powers for military purposes. Later, OFTEN would become a kind of grab bag of CIA investigations into the paranormal, and would include everything from séances and witchcraft to remote viewing and exotic drugs. Agents of Operation OFTEN would consult with such occult luminaries as Sybil Leek …” 

The CIA MK OFTEN expert consultant for witchcraft was British Sybil Leek, Witch of the New Forest. Leek was the High Priestess of a powerful secret international Old European Witch Cult Circle that had tentacles across Europe, and AmericaGerald Gardner (Gardnerian Wicca) had been initiated into Leek’s Coven of the New Forest, and an ultra secret international circle of Old Religion Witches that included Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, and other global leaders.

In England, Sybil Leek’s maternal grandmother was an initiate of the secret Old Religion.  Leeks’ father was an intellectual and expert in metaphysics. Her mother was a theosophist (Madame Blavatsky- Rudolf Steiner). Her grandmother, a Russian psychic, taught her the Craft of the Wise (Old Religion)H. G. Wells, Lawrence of Arabia and the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley had been regular visitors at her family home.

Gorge du Loup

Once her preliminary instruction was completed, as a young initiate Leek and her grandmother journeyed to France, to the Gorge du Loup where she was initiated into the world’s oldest religion. It was called the Coven of the Red Dragon in Gorge du Loup (Wolf Gorge)At the French coven, based in the hills above Nice, Leek replaced a distant relative of her grandmother as High Priestess.

Leek lived with Romany Gypsies in the Forest. She lived with the Gypsies for a year, learning more about the Forest, ancient folklore and herbs. During this time, she also attended rituals of the Horsa (Horse) Coven in the New Forest, which they claimed had existed for over 700 years, and for a short time she was High Priestess, and therefore a member of the “Nine Covens” council.

The Goddess Bastet & Black Panther Movie Angela Bassett

The Goddess Bastet Cult featured in Marvel and Disney’s The Black Panther superhero movie for black children is the animal totem for the Coven of the Catta (Latin for cat). HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain black people. Bassett’s ancestry and early background is an enigma. Nevertheless, Disney has never shown any respect for the humanity and dignity of black children. Yet, when they tell people that they have created a wonderful “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” black superhero out of thin air for kids- millions line up to take the train to Buchenwald to go on vacation.

On the plantation, Johnny, white plantation owner’s child, learned a series of life lessons from Uncle (Tom) Remus (James Baskett- the Cat Goddess) in the form of stories about the animated Br’er Rabbit and his quest to evade Br’er Fox (Baskett) and Br’er Bear. Included among this Disney cartoon interludes is the spell,  “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” , which Baskett won the Oscar in 1948 for Best Original Song.

James Baskett (Uncle Tom Remus) could not even attend the premiere of Disney’s “Song of the South” in Atlanta because a black man would not have been allowed to participate in any of the festivities in that racially segregated city. Similar to Angela Bassett, his background and ancestry remains a mystery. Witchcraft/Satanism is yet another deep covert psychological warfare subliminal indoctrination implantation in Disney’s Black Panther film. The Coven of the Cat is in the lineage of the Horse– the animal totem of Sybil Leek’s Coven of the Horsa from the New Forest in England. Before that the Red Dragon was the animal totem of the Coven de la Dragon Rouge in SE France.

During WWII, New Forest Coven witches Leek and Gardner worked for British Secret Intelligence. British Intelligence used Leek as an astrologist to covertly influence the behavior of occultist world leaders like Hitler and Rudolf Hess thru clandestine horoscopes. After WW II, British Intelligence continued to use Leek to secretly influence the behavior and decisions of world leaders with contrived horoscopes. Leek was the astrologist for California Governor/U.S. President Ronald and Nancy Reagan.

CIA Project MK OFTEN brought Leek to America under the veil of an international book and television lecture tour. She moved into Los Angeles, where she met Dr. Israel Regardie (Xth degree initiate of Crowley’s O.T.O)Aleister Crowley’s old secretary and an authority on Qabalah (Hermetic Qabalah) and ritual magic, and they spent much of their time together discussing and practicing Golden Dawn rituals, and working clandestinely for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

It is generally believed that Leek initiated Kabbalist Sidney Gottlieb into the ultra secret powerful Coven of the New Forest or the parent Coven of the Red Dragon. Gottlieb was the head of the CIA’s Technical Services Staff (TSS) that ran Project ARTICHOKE (assassinations) and MK ULTRA/MONARCH. Gottlieb held the post until his retirement in 1972. Before he left the Agency, he and Richard Helms destroyed some 80 percent of the CIA’s most damaging (Manchurian Candidate, Sybil Leek, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, etc.) files. He was a Pagan that herded GOATS.

The global Red Dragon Cult is far too ancient, powerful and vast to discuss at this point. But, it is important to note its influence and the British Royal Family connections to secret Witch Cults in America.

Margaret Alice Murray (1863- 1963) is considered the foremost folklorist on Old European Witch Cults. She is referred to as the “Grandmother of Wicca“. Murray’s witch-cult theories provided the blueprint for the contemporary Pagan Religion of Wicca. According to Murray, members joined the cult either as children or adults through what she called “admission ceremonies“; Murray asserted that applicants had to agree to join of their own free will, and agree to devote themselves to the service of their deity. She also claimed that in some cases, these individuals had to sign a blood oath covenant or were baptized into the faith. At the same time, in some Covens the religion was largely passed down hereditary lines. Murray described the religion as being divided into covens containing thirteen members, led by a coven officer who was often termed the “Devil” in the trial accounts, but who was accountable to a “Grand Master“. According to Murray, the records of the Coven were kept in a secret book, with the Coven also disciplining its members, to the extent of executing those deemed traitors.

It is customary for Druids to meet from time to time, sharing their experiences and discoveries. Christians have congregations, Druids have Groves like the Bohemian Grove.  The Grove is a name chosen in honor of the trees, great beings of nature. A grove is a term which denotes not only a sacred clearing in the forest but also a group of Druids. In addition to celebrating the eight seasonal festivals, they may come together to perform rites of passage, for example when a Grove member wants to name their child, or when members marry or pass over. Occasionally, it refers to a group of Pagans who gather to worship under the guidance of a WitchesCoven; this kind of “Grove” is also called a “congregation” or “outer circle,” as distinct from the “inner circle,” which is composed of the priests and priestesses of the Coven.

The Hart Pagan Tribe!

This may explain why in over 10 (ten) years, none of the 6 (six) children held by the witches Jennifer and Sarah Hart had never been able to escape to safety.

Devonte and Abigail (A Thing) in the Forest 

The children were always confined to isolated remote rural areas (groves, woods and forests) of the country, and within secret WiccaDruid and Masonic controlled circles, compounds and communities. From May 2017 to March 2018, it appears during that time that at the gate of  Mount St. Helens in rural Woodland, Washington some of the children tried so desperately to call for help and escape. They (things) were always returned to the witches until they could be killed and found dead in the remote seaside area of Mendocino County, California. The children were driven 11 hours– over 570 miles to Fort Bragg, CA to be thrown off an ocean front cliff. Between Woodland and Fort Bragg, there were many places to commit the heinous crime of racial mass murder.

CIA and Tim Stoen are in POWER in  Mendocino County.  CIA Agent Stoen is/was Mendocino County’s attorney with the county’s DA office. He was the attorney and president of the Peoples Temple, the second most powerful man behind Rev Jim Jones. He had been implanted inside the San Francisco DA’s office to protect Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples TempleStoen had been the shadow of Jim Jones. He had been responsible for drawing up the plans for the Peoples Temple CIA Medical/Mind Control Experimental Concentration Camp in the vast rain forest of Jonestown, Guyana. (see David Talbot, Season of the Witch, Free Press, NY, NY (2012))

Leek also secretly worked for the U.S. Pentagon (Lt Col. Anthony Aquino). Sybil Leek from the “Final Events” book – according to which, she allegedly channeled a DEMON for US intelligence personnel, to answer questions on the UFO phenomenon.


Leek and Gardner revealed and discussed little about the New Forest Coven or the Coven of the Red Dragon, and there is a current push to influence the public to believe that they never existed at all.


However, Gerald Gardner did reveal that he believed that the New Forest Coven was indeed a survival of the European Witch-Cult,  a pre-Christian pagan religion that worshiped a Horned God and a Triple Goddess and which had been persecuted during the Early Modern period.


Originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth among early Greek and Egyptian civilizations, Hecate (or Hekate or Hekat) achieved her connotations as a goddess of sorcery and her role as the “Queen of Ghosts” in Ptolemaic Alexandria in the final centuries BC. In modern times, she has become a prevalent figure in Neo-pagan religions, and a version of Hecate has been appropriated by Wicca, Hellenic Reconstruction-ism and other modern magic-practicing traditions, and she is widely considered the Goddess of Witches.

Greek Goat God Pan & Knights Templar Goat God Baphomet

The horned god is the Greek God Pan also known as the Goat of Mendes and can be found today in the form of the Horned Goat God, made famous by the Knights TemplarsBaphomet. 33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Pike had written in Morals and DogmaThe Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” (1) This is confirmed by the Greek Neo-Platonist philosopher, Proclus who describes Jupiter, in one of the Orphic Hymns, to be both male and female, (hermaphrodite).

The International Order of Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain, is a global Masonic Order, membership of which is available to men and women on equal terms, regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity. The Order is founded on the ancient teachings and traditions of Freemasonry, using Masonic ritual and symbolism. Le Droit Humain is a global fraternity with many Federations and Jurisdictions worldwide, each of which work the Scottish Rite from the 1st to the 33rd degree. The Order is administered by the Supreme Council, which has its headquarters in Paris.

Incorporated in aspects of the Leek/Gardnerian tradition of witchcraft is a highly unique, highly sophisticated and idiosyncratic practice. The Leek/Gardnerian practice of witchcraft developed for the CIA has a great deal of syncretism between Wicca and  comasonry, Rosicrucianism, spiritualism, and Luciferism. In the Leek/Gardnerian tradition of witchcraft and satanism, it is highly likely that Jennifer and Sarah Hart have been initiated into the Mansion of Freemasonry with its many rooms to significantly expand their levels and veils of secrecy and protection among the international fraternal secret orders of the brotherhood, sisterhood and POLICE.



First settled in 1858, it was named after brothers Alexander and William Kinkead from Maryland. The Kinkeads were descendants of Ireland or Scotland. The form of the name of the city alludes to ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, a center of learning and civilization. Alchemy traditions originate in Hermetic texts from Alexandria in Hellenized Egypt, dated to the first and second centuries AD but containing much older authentic ancient Egyptian traditions related to the god Thoth. Alexandria could very well be a secret center of alchemy, oriental mystery schools, and ALEXANDRIAN WICCAN. One thing is certain is that Alexandria is the center of The Kensington Runestone–  a 200-pound slab of greywacke covered with pre Columbian Knights Templar runes on its.

Records show the Hart’s adopted children enrolled in Alexandria public schools Sept. 8, 2009 — seven months after Jennifer and Sarah finalized their adoption of siblings Devonte, Jeremiah and Sierra in Harris County, Texas. The witches had previously adopted siblings Markis, Abigail and Hannah from Colorado County, Texas, in September 2006. Two and a half years after enrolling, the children were suddenly pulled from public schools. Markis was a seventh-grader at Discovery Middle School, and the other five children, who ranged from kindergarten to third grade, attended WOODLAND Elementary. The school is situated on a 48-acre site in Alexandria, Minnesota.[11]

Greek God Pan, Circle Dance & Woodlands

The Greek Horned God Pan was the son of the messenger of the gods, Hermes. His mother was a wood nymph.[12] He is the god of woods (woodland) and pastures.[13] Scott Heckert, the principal of Woodland at the time, recalled the Harts as an insular family whose children — despite being amiable and outgoing among their peers — rarely spent time with others outside the classroom. “They stayed under the radar and liked to be alone and away from other people,” Heckert said of Jennifer and Sarah, adding the children received extra attention from teachers and faculty after the abuse allegations.[14]

The family relocated to West Linn, Oregon sometime in 2013, according to friends. The town of Willamette is located on a Native American trail which ran south from Willamette Falls, an important gathering place for many tribes. The Clowewalla tribe lived in a village on the West Linn side of the falls. West Linn was incorporated in 1913 and merged with the adjacent town of Willamette in 1916.[15]

Witches Jennifer and Sarah Spiritually Connected to West Linn, Oregon

Willamette/West Lind has an Earth Based Spirituality Meetup that cater to those people who are Witches, Wiccan, Druids, Goddess Worshipers and those who follow a Shamanic path, Faeries, Feri, Asatru, Vodou, Santeria, etc.[16] The Clackamas Education Service District, which oversees West Linn, said it had no record of the children. [17] After the family moves to West Linn, family friend Alexandra Argyropoulos tells Oregon child welfare officials that the Hart Witches have been depriving their kids of food as punishment. The witches break off contact with her when they learn of it. Argyropoulos says she was told the children had been interviewed by Oregon officials; it was apparent that each child had been coached by their mothers on what to say; and nothing more could be done by the Oregon Department of Human Services.[18]

WOODLAND- Greek God Pan & Circle Dance of Children


In May 2017, Jennifer and Sarah Hart bought the two-story, 3-bedroom home on 2 acres of land in WOODLAND of Clark County, Washington, property records show.[19]

Sold: $375,000

2501 NW 389th Street, Woodland, WA: Private setting, 2.19 acre property, the Horned God’s WOODLAND address, LaCenter Schools. Updated home, new carpet, new roof. Large great room with lots of windows, fireplace, laminate floors, patio. Updated kitchen w/ built in pantry hutch. 3 bedrooms,2 baths, craft room/den, large family/bonus room, all appliances. Oversized 2 car garage. 2 stall barn with storage room, pasture and paddocks. Chicken coop.RV Parking. Beautiful property w/mountain views.[20]

Well news broke yesterday, it’s turning out that the Hart Witches neighbors, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, in WOODLAND weren’t quite telling the truth. They weren’t to help anyone but the Hart Witches. They called county child protective services on March 23, 2018. Dana told her mother about the children and the Hart Witches around the middle of November 2017. And, her mother told her father about it. The DeKalbs said that Hannah told them that the Witches were RACIST and begged them for HELP!

Hannah, Cried for HELP!

My Son-In-Law Don’t Want to Get Involved‘, Steve Frkovich

On November 18, 2017, 3 (three) or 4 (four) days after the incident with HannahSteve Frkovich, 80, Dana Dekalb’s father called police and told the Clark County, Washington dispatcher that “the other night, a little girl jumped out of the second-story window on the roof and then down onto the ground and ran to my daughter — and this was like two in the morning — begging them to help her.

NOBODY but the Dekalbs talked to 16 year old Hannah before she was killed! Now, we know they’re lying, too. The Witches told everyone that the bright and beautiful Hannah was born drug addicted. She was a bipolar child. Well, the DeKalbs didn’t involved until it was time to stage the escape of the Hart Witches from Witch Mountain, and mass slaughter the black children. They called Clark County Child Protective Services (CPS) on March 23, 2018, and CPS responded on spot on que to set to stage the Escape from Witch Mountain and the racial mass murder of the black children.




Noses are Different, Sarah & Jennifer Hart?

There is no conclusion to this story. The two women above just don’t look like the Hart Witches. There is a veil of secrecy surrounding the Hart Witches and the racial mass murders of 6 (six) innocent black adopted children. Devonte and Hannah are out there someplace- hopefully alive and well, but in great danger.

The so-called free press have laid down in this case. There has been no funerals for the Hart Witches and none of their family members have shown their faces.

Hart SUV Appears Nearly in the Sea 

Who did Mendocino County really find at the bottom of the cliff in the SUV perched on ROCKS not in the ocean- Laura Louise and somebody other than Sarah Hart?

Hart SUV on Rocks Not in the Ocean

The Hart SUV is perched on ROCKS at the bottom of the cliff. The mass media pictures of the Hart SUV nearly in the ocean at the bottom of the cliff is trick Photoshop to make it appear as though it landed virtually in the ocean to explain away the absence of Sierra, Devonte, and Hannah at the crash site. They were not swept into the ocean and lost. They ain’t talking and when they are talking. THEY ARE LYING!


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodega_Bay

[2] https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Wilmont-Sweeney-2933666.php

[3] https://spacexrace.wordpress.com/marin-county-and-the-canal-district/

[4] http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2018/04/jennifer_hart_likely_got_over.html

[5] https://web.archive.org/web/20160114125558/http://papertrail.co.nz/meet-devonte-little-boy-big-heart/

[6] Id.



[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] http://greece.mrdonn.org/greekgods/pan.html

[13] http://www.maicar.com/GML/Pan.html


[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Linn,_Oregon

[16] https://www.meetup.com/Willamette-Earth-Based-Spirituality/?_cookie-check=Hw7UogbUYBdTzvAo



[19] Id.

[20] https://www.redfin.com/WA/Woodland/2501-NW-389th-St-98674/home/14631942




7 04 2018




Yes, I see the large MONARCH BUTTERFLY blazon over the children in the background. The Sparrow has a far deeper spiritual connection, meaning and universal lesson than the Luciferians seem to understand or fully understand and cleverly wickedly turn those truths against the people.  They are indeed stumbling blocks and mountains. But, our elders so wisely teach:

Lord, don’t move the mountain 
Give me the strength to climb 
Lord, don’t move my stumbling blocks 
But lead me all around.

In the Black Church, I have heard “His Eye Is on the Sparrow, and He Watches Me” about a half dozen times that I can recall. My beloved maternal mother’s first cousin that we lovingly call “Little Sister” sang the song so spiritually, moving and touching at my most beloved nephew’s funeral, Kevin Bullock. She always said that she had been called by God.

While I was away exiled from Oakland, my nephew wandered away into an alien world. He died much too soon. Yet, I must admit I never quite understood “His Eye Is on the Sparrow“. When I saw Devonte alone with tears in his eyes in the mist of a hostile alien world, my heart was broken. I weeped once more.

His Eye Is on the Sparrow” is inspired by the words of David in the Psalms and Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible: “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye (Psalm 32:8). “Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26) and “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29–31).

The people of ancient Kemet considered sparrows sacred. They believed sparrows with their swift wings caught the souls of individuals who passed away to carry them to heaven. Thus, sailors before going on their journey would tattoo the image of a sparrow believing that, if they died in the course of their journey, these tiny birds would carry their souls away to the afterlife. In Kemetic cosmology, every living thing on Earth seemed to have been significant and have meaning in the plan of the Gods and the Peace, Harmony and Balance of the Universe. In the bible, sparrows were used as offerings given by the very poor, and represent the concern of God for even the smallest and most insignificant lifeforms. In other texts, the sparrow has been used to represent the presence of God and Thy Love for everything.[1]

Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. The sparrows were not only very insignificant, they were also very needy. They needed a house, they needed a place of shelter—and they found it at God’s altar. How needy, also, are we! Though we are insignificant, our needs are anything but insignificant. How much we need! Who can tell what we do not need?[2] As we speak, 15 year old Devonte (Hart?) had been removed from His Eye of Sparrow, Love of God, and Wisdom of the Elders by a coven of New Age Druid Witches from Harmony Park in Clarks Grove, MN, and the child remains MISSING.

The Goonie Devonte & CIA MK ULTRA White Witch, Jennifer Hart

What is the code to Devonte,  “The Goonies” and the “Skull and Bones”? The Goonies is a 1985 Steven Spielberg Cult film. One of the child stars of the film was 13 year old Corey Feldman.


For years, Feldman has alleged that he and other child stars had been sexually molested, abused and mind controlled by a powerful MK ULTRA “HollyWeird Pedophile Ring”.[3]

ILLUMINATI All Seeing Eye- Skull & the Goonies

A goonie is a person whom is likable but also an oddball, outcast, nerd, dork and/or weirdo, who are often are seen in and part of a group of other “Goonies“.[4] The firm features a group of pre-teens that seek the treasure of a 17th century Knights Templar pirate’s booty. The film was directed by Richard Donner. He is part of a secret masonic cult of Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Robert Zemeckis. Donner directed the remarkable satanic masonic occult anti-Christ cult classic, “The Omen”.[5] The Goonie is a covert ILLUMINATI MK ULTRA/MONARCH initiate.

Goonies was filmed in Astoria, Oregon. The city was named after John Jacob Astor. The Astor Satanic Bloodlines of America and England are descendants of the Knights Templar Astorga family found in Southern Italy before the 1600s. The most likely meaning of the name is that both Astorga and Astor are variations meaning “Astarte”.

Her name is also Semiramis/Cybele. They were priests, priestesses, followers and initiates of the Cult of Astarte/ Cybele from remote times that Christianity and the Vatican forced underground.[6] Astor was initiated into the Cult of Astarte, and John Calvin’s Masonic Temple in Germany during the late 18th Century. He had learned the ancient secret knowledge, rituals and global links of the occult and the craft that was far beyond anyone’s knowledge in colonial America. This would explain his rapid rise within the “inner circle” of colonial America’s Ultra Secret Masonic Satanic Power Control Group(PCG).

When Astor arrived in America, he moved in to take control of The Grand Lodge of New York (officially, the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York). It is the largest and oldest independent organization of Freemasons in the state of New York. It was at one time the largest grand lodge in the world in terms of membership. It is not known when the first Freemason set foot in the American colony of New York, but the first documented presence dates from the mid-1730s, when Daniel Coxe, Jr. (1673–1739), was appointed Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons for the provinces of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania by the Duke of Norfolk, the Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge of England (known to historians as the “Moderns“).

Astor first joined Holland Lodge, No. 8, New York City, then served as Master of Holland Lodge in 1788. Later, he took over the Grand Lodge serving as the Grand Treasurer [Jul 17, 1763- Mar 29, 1848]. Astor took total and complete advantage of the secret privileges and behind the veil  deals and spoils of the Royal Masonic Dark Brotherhood. Dope, Inc. shows that the Astor family was the first American family to get into the Opium trade like an exclusive charter from the Masonic Satanic royal houses and ruling classes of England. The Astors were also granted privileges by Scottish Rite President Thomas Jefferson (descendant of Robert the Bruce) to control the early fur trade (American Fur Company) in all early Northwest America.[7]

The Astors have played major roles in organizations such as the Hellfire Club, CFR, Bilderberger’s, Club of Rome, Fabian Society and Skull & Bones to name some. In the name of its founding Satanic masonic master and father, Astoria is a hotbed for the secret Masonic Secret Societies and Satanic Covens in the State of Oregon.[8]

What is the code to Devonte,  “The Goonies” and the “Skull and Bones”? Devonte had been initiated into the mysteries of a secret society. All of the Hart adopted children were initiated into the kid’s Goonie Secret Cult.

Goonies Devonte, Abigail, Hannah, Jeremiah &  Background Witches in Black

The Hart Witches’ 6 (six) Goonie Initiates 

For their blood oath covenants of secrecy, they had been promised a pirates’ adventure, a hidden treasure of riches, fame and LIGHT at the end of long secret dark subterranean tunnels. They lied to the children. Their Masonic blood covenants weren’t play, a game or fantasy. They were for real. They wanted them enslaved to Lucifer. They wanted their SOULS. Devonte led the children in resistance. He wouldn’t give his up.

The Masonic ILLUMINATI wanted each and every child of color around the world to watch the HollyWeird film, “The Black Panther“. They promised them mystery (Goddess Bast) hidden treasure and riches (VrilVibranium: Uranium) and a super black hero (T’Challa with Animal Claws and black leather THIGHS) in an illusionary African kingdom.

In the very same kingdom for the children, they promised the LGBT community a vast new open territory to roam in that each and every child of color around the world would be indoctrinated with a Lesbian homosexual rite (Okoye and Ayo Knocking Boots).

They also didn’t tell people of color that King T’Challa works for the CIA (CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY).  We are also being deceived and lied to about the innocent and precious GOOD, Devone, Jeremiah, Maris, Abigail, Hanna, Sierra, and the EVIL, Lesbians Jennifer and Sarah Hart. All of our SOULS are being threatened by the ILLUMINATI and the powerful global Dark Satanic Circle at the center of the U.S. government.



The cold blood torture and mass slaughter of 6 (six) Innocent children is no sick-ass HollyWeird romanticized white lesbian Thelma & Louise  adventure. The Hart Witches are dangerous interstate racist- white supremacist criminal mass murderers that until their bodies turn up- they are still AT-LARGE! 

May 23, 2005: Sarah Margaret Gengler, then 26, petitioned to change her name to Sarah Margaret Hart, taking the surname of her groom, Jen Hart. The mysterious women met in college at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota.

It appears that the witches were recruited by the CIA Occult Bureau out of Northern State.

In September 2006, Jennifer and Sarah Hart adopted black children (Things 7, 4, and 3)  Maris, Hannah & Abigail from Colorado County, Texas.

Your lying eyes are not deceiving you. The Hart Witches called the black children “THINGS.” They made the red t-shirts mocking, humiliating and degrading them, THING 1-6.

February 2009: Jen and Sarah Hart adopt another set of precious black children from southeast Texas, this time from Harris County: Jeremiah, Devonte and Sierra (Things 2, 6 and 5).

As far as I can find,  Jen and Sarah Hart had no prior history, background or connection to the State of Texas before entering their foster care system, and Texas officials ain’t talking very much at all. Also, the children’s parents and love ones haven’t or can’t come forward to be identified or talk. This is all extremely high level powerful shadow government CIA operation, power and corruption. I will discuss the Orr Sisters and links, further below.

Jenn, Sarah, Black People, Beasts & the Things

In the world of the witches, Jenn & Sarah Hart, people are subdivided into masters, White God-like people (Aryans), and other different human or sub races. The other races have a spiritual development inferior to the God- like people. Many Christian ministers and theologians taught that whites were the Chosen people, blacks were cursed to be servants.


The Negro: What Is His Ethnological Status?” It was published in 1867 under the pseudonym “Ariel.” In fact, the author was a Southern clergyman, the Rev. Buckner H. Payne of Nashville, Tenn. Rev. Payne argued that Negroes weren’t descended from Adam and Eve.

… Adam and Eve being white, … they could never be the father or mother of the kinky-headed, low forehead, flat nose, thick lip and black-skinned negro…

The minister continued: “[I]t follows, beyond all the reasonings of men on earth to controvert, that [the negro] was created before Adam, that, like all beasts and cattle, they have no souls.”

Rev. Payne then broke it down scientifically: “[W]e take up the monkey, and trace him … through his upward and advancing orders – baboon, ourang-outang and gorilla, up to the negro, another noble animal, the noblest of the beast creation. The difference between these higher orders of the monkey and the negro is very slight, and consists mainly in this one thing: the negro can utter sounds that can be imitated; hence he could talk with Adam and Eve, for they could imitate his sounds.”[9]

Global White Supremacy is alive and well in the 21st century. They are Not Playing even with the precious innocent children. It comes down to this.

Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6:26) and “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29–31).

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping THING that creepeth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26 King James Version)

The Late Sheymayet- Voice of God

The [Hart?] children were removed and isolated in an alien environment where they were denied the peace, security, and the Love of their traditional Community, Lord and God. They were denied “His Eye Is on the Sparrow, and He Watches Me.” Removed, they became as insignificant as the sparrow and other things that creepeth on Earth that God-like people (Aryans) teach themselves that they have dominion over. All the [Hart?] children are DEAD! Who weeps for them? I know that I am heartbroken. I weep and mourn for the children. But, I speak for me. I run to do battle! 



It is customary for Druids to meet from time to time, sharing their experiences and discoveries. Wiccans have Covens, Christians have congregations, Druids have Groves like the Bohemian Grove.

The Grove is a name chosen in honor of the trees, great beings of nature. A grove is a term which denotes not only a sacred clearing in the forest but also a group of Druids. In addition to celebrating the eight seasonal festivals, they may come together to perform rites of passage, for example when a Grove member wants to name their child, or when members marry or pass over.[10] Occasionally, it refers to a group of Pagans who gather to worship under the guidance of a WitchesCoven; this kind of “Grove” is also called a “congregation” or “outer circle,” as distinct from the “inner circle,” which is composed of the priests and priestesses of the coven.[11]

The Hart Witches joined the congregation, outer circle, and or the inner circle of the Harmony Park, Clark’s Grove, Minnesota. 

It appears that all the 6 six [Hart ?] children were forced to be humiliated, used and abused in all the the grove’s pagan and satanic rites and festivals, particularly, Earth Project and Shanghai La Fest. There were also Oaktobefest, October 5, and Bella Fiore, May 24.

Can anyone identify this man with Devonte and Hanna– all in pagan ritual clothing? Dead children can’t talk! 

Harmony Park Pagan Festival- Jeremiah, Devonte, Abigail and Hannah

The Druids of Harmony Park Grove has celebrated the Shanghai La Festival for at least 20 years over Labor Day weekend, August 30 to September 2. Shanghai-LaA mythical Utopia and Earthly Paradise known as a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world, the people who live at Shanghai-La are almost immortal, living years beyond the normal lifespan and only very slowly aging in appearance. A place of great beauty and peace.[12]

Max Ribner (pagan free love pan-sexual?) is one of very few of the Harmony Park Grove initiates to come forward to try to defend the Hart Witches, but he had no stated compassion for the slaughtered black children. He said that he has known the Hart Tribe (6 Six Children)  since 2012, said allegations from neighbors don’t square with what he knows about the Harts. “They (Hart Witches) are beautiful examples of opening arms to strangers, helping youth, supporting racial equality,” Ribner, who lives in Portland, told the AP. “They brought so much joy to the world. They represented a legacy of love.[13]

Max & 6 six [Hart ?] Tribe

Max is part of the new age pagan spiritual band, Nahko and Medicine for the People.  Nahko and Ribner are (High Priestsinitiates of the Harmony Park- Shangri La Grove.

Ribner is a Jewish (Kabbalah) surname linked to New England.[14] Below, Devonte dances on night stage with Nahko and band- notice the child with “DEVIL HORNS“.

Devonte [Hart]Nahko and Medicine for the People- Project Earth 2012- Harmony Park Grove

[Hart?] Children with Pagan Nahko Bear- He Takes Hold of Jeremiah

Fantuzzi is a (CIA?) Pagan that goes back to CIA consultants Timothy Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert’s A Gathering of the Tribes” (January 14, 1967) in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. It was called “The Human Be-In” that  introduced the anti-Vietnam- anti- Racist “Flower Children” to Charles Manson and CIA LSD- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

Fantuzzi was corporate mass media’s infamous crazy Pagan at Woodstock.

Below, Pagan Fantuzzi, Jennifer Hart & [Hart?] Children.

The Real Fantuzzi-  33 degree Scottish Rite Master Master/Knight Templar,

Who in Shangri- La and the among the so-called free- loving Pagans condemned the Hart Witches, or weeped for Devonte and the other black children?




I often discuss Aldebaran, Shanghai La, and Nazis, but I had absolutely nothing to do with creating that subject matter in this case. In the 21st century, the 6 six [Hart?] black children lived in Shanghai La. They are all DEAD!

Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth’s core. It is related to the Hollow Earth theory and is a popular subject in Esotericism. Agartha is one of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers.  Shamballa (also known as SHANGHAI LA) is sometimes said to be its capital city. The mythical PARADISE of Shamballa is known under many different nNahko and Medicine for the Peopleames. It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, the Land of Radiant Spirits, the Land of Living Fire, the Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Hindus have known it as Aryavarta (literally: The Land or Realm of The Aryans; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones”) – the land from which the Vedas come. Throughout Asia, it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning “the place of peace, of tranquility”. It is a paradise of tranquility only for Aryan kings, nobles, worthy ones and bloodlines.[15]

Maria Orsic, the Vril Goddess of the Devil, directed the Nazis on the legendary expedition in Tibet, where Heinrich Himmler and SS- Knights of Black Sun were certain to locate the mystic Aryan kingdom of Shambhala (Shanghai-La), and recover the secrets of the long lost Aryan Superman race.[16] 

Orsic advocated that the true “divine”origin of Aryans weren’t on Earth, but extraterrestrial. She identified the Aryan extra planetary homeland in the Aldebaran Solar SystemAldebaran, designated Alpha Tauri (α Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, α Tau), is an orange giant star located about 65 light years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. It is the brightest star in its constellation and usually the  fourteenth- brightest star in the nighttime sky, though it varies slowly in brightness between magnitude 0.75 and 0.95. It is likely that Aldebaran hosts a planet several times the size of Jupiter.[17] Linguistically (epistemologically and etymologically) Aldebaran, Abrum, Sumerian- Akkadian word “Ne. bi. Rim”, Aldebaran ( the Constellation of Ashtari) is the home of Maria Orsic Aldebaran’s extraterrestrials and Anunnaki.

Devonte & New Age Light Beings

New Age spiritualism  have a belief in the divine SELF, the SELF as God.  Theosophical ideas expressed by Satanists Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley along with many other New Age gurus, worship Lucifer and Apollo  as the ultimate “Light Beings.”

Orsic defined Aldebaran as the solar system of divine cosmic energy, and their inhabitants as “beings of light”. She said that the Aryan extraterrestrials are the offsprings of a higher race (the Anunnaki) which visited Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, and created the earliest civilizations on Earth. Some lived on Earth for thousands of years, but eventually returned back to Aldebaran. Others got stuck on Earth could not make it home Consequently, they lost their extraterrestrial genes, and began to look like humans. According to Orsic, they created all the wonders on Earth. She said that some were killed by the Great Deluge, and who survived returned to among other places to: Mount Hermon (Jabal Haramoun), Himalaya Mountains, Scandinavia, and [western] Tibet (Shambhala, Shangri- La).[18]

Devonte, Little Animal with a Tail

Consistent with the Secret Doctrine of the Great White Brotherhood that God-like people (Aryans) have dominion over everything that that creepeth on Earth, the witches made Devonte dress as an animal with a tail. Devonte is holding on to Australian singer-songwriter Xavier Rudd at the 2013 “Beloved FestivalSacred ArtMusic & Yoga” in Tidewater Falls, Oregon, which is described as “finding connection, healing, and integration in the forest.”

 “We’ve invited all the Hindu gods to be here, we’ve invited the Sufi notion of the Beloved to be here and we’ve also invited Jesus to be here.”

Beloved is named in honor of Persian poet Rumi Mo’avia (1207- 1273). Rumi was asleep one day in his palace. A strange man came and awakened him. “Who are you?” he asked. “I AM LUCIFER.” “And what do you want?” “It’s time for your prayer, and you’re still asleep.” Mo’avia was impressed. But why was the Prince of Darkness, who always wants the souls of men of little faith, trying to help the poet fulfill a religious duty? Lucifer explained, “Re-member, I grew up as an ANGEL OF LIGHT. Despite everything that happened in my life, I cannot forget my roots.

Devonte- Wiccan Circle Dance

Jen Hart, December 27, 2014

Abbi ended her 11th birthday celebration with an epic dance party last night. While I would LOVE to share more clips from the evening, apparently not all the kids are thrilled with the notion of everyone seeing them shake their booties in their underwear.  Most of the kids danced for over 4 hours straight- until 1:00 am. This kid outlasted me. Elton John glasses, underwear, Joni Mitchell, fishy accessories, dance ’til dawn: just your average Friday night.”

The Hart Witches forced the children to Wiccan Circle Dance for hours until possessed with demons and spirits. Joni Mitchell got involved in the Bohemian thing in Paris and finally she behaved so badly according to the people of Paris, with the DEVIL’s witchcraft and all- that she was kicked out of Paris. They did it very politely by refusing to renew her passport.

I said all of this to say that Devonte and 5 (five) other black children were taken from under God’s Watchful Eyes and the Sparrow to serve and be sacrificed to Lucifer. In a news release, Mendocino County deputies say Jennifer Hart was spotted at a Safeway in Fort Bragg just after 8 am on Sunday, March 25, 2018. The woman that deputies claim is one of the Hart Witches looks absolutely nothing similar to Jenn Hart. They are lying!

The DARK SUV that the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department said that Jennifer Hart was driving was also a big LIE! They knew the license plate numbers, and exact and precise color of the SUV.




Someone were able to determine the Patsy Stand- In for Jennifer Hart with the ILLUMINATI pyramid symbol bought 5 (five) bananas for 5 (five) people in the SUV pushed over the cliff.

Surveillance footage possibly showing her was of “poor quality” and the Dark Satanic Circle in the FBI is working to enhance the images.[19]

Chris Wray and FBI will also lie about Jennifer, Sarah Hart and the children at the bottom of the cliff. Even Mr. Magoo can see the difference between the two women.

The Hart Witches at the Bridge of the Gods

It was also no incidence that Jennifer and Sarah landed in Woodland just outside of Portland, Oregon from Minnesota for cover.

The Greek God Pan is the God of the Rustic Woodlands. The Hart Witches and the 6 (six) black children had lived for about a year in virtual seclusion in a three-bedroom split-level house on NW 389th Street in rural Woodland, a city that is the gateway to Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument. Mt. St. Helen is home to Big Foot and UFOs.  Native Americans call St. Helen the “Bridge of the Gods.” Woodland is located in Clark and Cowlitz counties in the State of Washington about 25 miles north of Portland, Oregon.

Neighbors Dana and Bruce DeKalb, who for 22 years have lived two miles from Interstate 5 on a winding, wooded road in remote Clark County, said they awoke at 1:30 a.m. one night to find Hannah on their doorstep covered in weeds. The child had jumped from a second story window to escape. Hannah had apparently tried to crawl through the blackberry bushes on the DeKalbs’ property to get to another house, the couple told reporters Wednesday. She gave up when she came across a fence and ended up pounding on their front door. Bruce answered. He thought Hannah was 7 or 8 because she was missing her two front teeth, he told reporters. Bruce was stunned to find out she was nearly a teenager. The DeKalbs told The Washington Post that Hannah Hart dashed inside the house and made her way upstairs after Bruce opened the door. She woke up Dana DeKalb, and the Hart Tribe soon came to look for the girl claiming that she was disturbed after her cat was killed. Hannah was crouching between the DeKalbs’ bed and a dresser.

Hannah & Devonte were Determined to Fight for their Souls, Lives, and the Other Children

The DeKalbs said that Devonte made a daily habit of sneaking next door and asking for tortillas, cured meats, and non-perishable food items. He sometimes visited the neighbors multiple times a day and even around midnight. The DeKalbs said Devonte claimed his mothers didn’t feed him and “they would withhold food from him as a punishment.” Devonte pleaded with them to call child protective services.

Abigail, Sierra & Hannah All  Appear to Have Their Teeth Knocked Out

The DeKalbs also said they were alarmed by how thin and small the kids were, and the fact that one daughter was missing her two front teeth at the age of 12. “They were all small,” Bruce DeKalb said. “One girl who was 12 looked like she was 7. Both of her teeth were missing, front teeth, and we questioned [the mothers], ‘What’s up with the teeth thing‘ and they said that the teeth had been knocked out, ‘She didn’t want them replaced.’ We thought that was a little weird.”[31] The DeKalbs called Clark and Cowlitz County Child Protective Services that contacted the witches regarding possible child neglect and abuses that were reported at the house. The witches suddenly took off with the children.

The bottom line is that the children were living in a virtual state of hostage. They were locked down without access to the outside world, TV, radio, phones, and computers. Not one of them had a voice outside of the witches. The children were growing older, stronger and wiser. The children, particularly Devonte and Hannah, were growing beyond the witch’s influence and control. The experiment had to be terminated, and the entire Woodland community incident and escape from CPS may have been staged to end their secret CIA Occult Bureau project.

Portland and the Hart Witches’ Tribe

Portland is a major outpost for Pizzagate Pedophile Rings. One recent study has found that Portland is a hub of child sex trafficking. It is also a hub for satanic pedophile rings.

One of the most satanic themed (and most illogically-located) businesses in the world has got to be “Voodoo Donuts” in Portland.

Tres Shannon and Kenneth Pogson

Voodoo Doughnut owners Tres Shannon and Kenneth “Cat Daddy” Pogson celebrate their 666 pound record-breaking box of doughnuts on the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland.

Richard “Tres” Shannon of Voodoo also owns an MK ULTRA strip club (the Kit Kat Club), works in a band at Dante’s [Hell] Strip Club and works as a Vagina Beauty Pageant Judge at Club Rouge, which is currently under investigation by the FBI for Child Sex Trafficking.[20]

The business, located right next to two deviant hellholes, one of them being Dante’s [Hell] Satanic Strip Club, as well as being right on top of the confirmed infamous Child Trafficking SHANGHAI TUNNELS.[21]

On December 2, 2014, Mandy McMoran Walter re-posted a fox and friends weekend tweet of a picture of Devonte referencing “I have yet to meet a better hugger”.[22] It doesn’t say much other than that. However, the same unknown man previously photographed with Devonte and Hanna at the Harmony Park Grove is in the picture.

On January 25, 2016, Walter tweeted to American SAK punk rock band Reel Big Fish of Orange County, CA a picture of Voodoo Doughnuts with its “boy love symbol” that has been determined to be a pedophilia code according to the FBI not me. Devonte and Voodoo Doughnuts pedophile ring in Portland connected? Yes, I think so!

Walter is a veteran of the U.S. Army 60th Infantry Regiment, Fort Jackson, SC.[23] I really don’t think the link between Devonte and Voodoo Donuts is a coincidence.



From Woodland,Portland, Oregon to Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA, it was no coincidence either.

 Lucifer had established a major outpost in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County for witches and pedophilia rings.  The CIA Occult Bureau and MK ULTRA also setup Fort Bragg and Mendocino County as an outpost and haven for witch covens, and Manchurian Candidate experimental assassins and satanic serial mass murderers and covert pedophilia centers: Kenneth Parnell; Tree Frog Johnson; Leonard Lake and Charles Ng; Charles Manson; Rev. Jim Jones; Guyana; 22 children allegedly molested at Jubilation Day Care Center.[24]

During the 1960s, a vast covert CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH program and network had been developed around Mendocino County, and the Mendocino County Department of Mental Health. In the late 1960s and 1970s, Mendocino County and the Department of Health became the headquarters and training ground of Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple.

 Timothy Oliver Stoen is best known for his central role as a member of the Peoples Temple. Stoen’s battle led to an investigation of the Peoples Temple’s settlement at Jonestown. Stoen’s son died on a nearby airstrip while 918 (predominately black) people were slaughtered in a remote rain forest Guyana, South America in 1978. Stoen works as a deputy district attorney in Mendocino County, CA, where he is assigned to the District Attorney’s Fort Bragg office.[25]

Once CIA- you belong to the Agency. It was Tim Stoen, a former member and top aide to Jim Jones, that pressured and lured U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan to visit Jonestown to be assassinated.[26] Congressman Ryan is recorded as saying that he went to Jonestown to “retrieve Tim Stoen’s son.” Ryan had been the most vocal anti-CIA critic in the U.S. Congress. He was persistent on a campaign to blow the cover off of the CIA. As a threat, they wanted him Artichoked– liquidated.[27] There wouldn’t have been a better or more idea place to assassinate him than Guyana, South America.

Timothy O. Stoen had been the Peoples Temple’s top attorney, strategist and close confidante and friend of CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones. It was Stoen who appeared to be a classic agent provocateur, compliments of the U.S. government, during his years in Peoples Temple, pushing terrorist ideas as extreme as building bomb factories and poisoning the water supply of Washington, D.C. Stoen came to Peoples Temple as a far right wing ideologue who had run CIA spying missions to East Berlin in the early sixties under Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, both architects of MK ULTRA/MONARCH, and the CIA Occult Bureau.[28] 

With Stoen in the seat of power and authority in Mendocino County as the eyes and ears of the CIA, the Agency controls Fort Bragg and Mendocino County.

Jennifer and Sarah Hart, the 21st century Orr Sisters, are part of the CIA’s Occult Bureau’s covert network of spiritually committed “feminist” and lesbian women affiliated with or organized into shadow government covens of “Wiccans“— or New Age Witches and Mystics. They lead solstice celebrations and secret satanic rituals around the nation.

Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino

They are similar to the Satanic Sisterhood Orr Sisters, Barbara and Sharon, of Fort Bragg, CA. They were part of the same covert Satanic network of the Wiccan feminist-lesbian sisterhood. In September 1988, the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the U.S.. Army began investigating Satanist/High Priest of the Temple of SetLt. Col. Michael Aquino, U.S. Army and Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon in multiple jurisdictions, including Mendocino and Sonoma Counties in Northern California. There is a direct correlation between Michael Aquino, Temple of Set, and organized pedophile rings, U.S. Military Psi Ops, CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH, mind control, etc.

CID’s investigation of Lt. Col. Aquino also included alleged victims from the Jubilation Day Care Center/Fort Bragg (Orr Case).[29] Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Sept. 9, 1998 1984, FORT BRAGG, CALIFORNIA, Barbara and Sharon Orr’s Daycare Closed by State, License Permanently Revoked.Overview: Pamela Hudson, L.C.S.W. assessed and treated over 27 children from a Fort Bragg daycare case called the Jubilation Daycare in Mendocino County between the years 1983 and 1990.

The children stated the daycare operators and their “friends” abused them. Ms. Hudson described having no prior experience or training about ritual abuse but came to understand it after many years of treating these particular victims. Some of the symptoms the children exhibited were defecating on the floor in certain patterns and lying spread-eagled on the floor as if in crucification. She described children reporting being locked in a cage, their parents were threatened, they were buried in the ground in “boxes,” held under water, threatened with guns and knives, injected with needles, bled and drugged, photographed during the abuse, tied upside down over a “star,” hung from poles and hooks, had blood poured on their heads, and witnessed the ritual sacrifices of babies, after which they were forced to chant “Baby Jesus is Dead.”

Jubilation Daycare, operated by Sharon and Barbara Orr (who presented themselves as Christians who held “Bible Study” meetings) was closed in 1984 and their license was permanently revoked after the State Department of Social Services investigated and found sufficient evidence of “child endangerment.” There were no medical facilities in that immediate area that could evaluate child sexual abuse, but of all the children taken out of county to medical facilities, all were diagnosed with sexual molestation. Because the perpetrators had four months advanced warning, no other evidence was found, and no criminal charges were filed. Children from this case also identified Lt. Col. Aquino as one of their abusers.

From a 1989 Press Democrat news article: “Local authorities for almost four years have insisted their investigations are inconclusive about repeated allegations from Debi and Greg Withrow that his two sons, from a former marriage were victims of ritual molestation during ceremonies witnessed by a large group of adults…

Last week, criminal investigators with the Army reportedly questioned lt. Col Michael Aquino the satanic priest implicated in the Presidio case, about allegations he was involved in molestation cases in Mendocino and Sonoma counties. Besides the Withrow angle, Aquino was questioned about sexual abuse at the Jubilation Day Care Center in Fort Bragg.

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Lilith Aquino were open satanists and High Priest and Priestess of their own cult, the Temple of Set, for 20 years while Aquino served in the Armed forces. See book publications: “Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse,” edited by Valerie Sinason, pgs. 71- 81, 1994, and “Ritual Child Abuse: Discovery, Diagnosis and Treatment,” by Pamela S. Hudson, L.C.S.W., Jan 1, 1991; “Satanic Chief tied to Mendocino Sex Abuse,”Press Democrat, May 15, 1989.[30]

The Hart Witches’ Decoy, the 2003 GMC Sierra Truck

March 23, 26, and 27, 2018: CPS officials tried to contact the Hart family on three separate occasions.[32] According to the DeKalbs, Jennifer and Sarah packed up in a hurry and fled with all six kids in their 2003 GMC Sierra truck.[33]  A key crash report for the incident states that the couple’s 2003 GMC Sierra truck was driving south alongside Highway 1 on Monday when it pulled into a mud turnout alongside the street and, for unknown causes, continued instantly off the cliff. In a photograph of the crash, launched by the California Highway Patrol, the truck is seen on its roof on rocks.[34]

At a press conference Wednesday afternoon, Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman said law enforcement is hoping to get information about the family’s travels in a DARK-colored 2003 GMC Yukon XL sport utility vehicle from people they may have met along the way.[35]  There is a big difference between a Sierra truck and a Yukon XL. The Sierra with an extra cab seats 5 (five), while the Yukon XL seats 9 (nine) people. So, it is highly likely and consistent that the 5 (five) homicide victims found at the crime scene were in a Sierra truck instead of large SUV Yukon.

Mendocino County law enforcement agencies have retracted  their official statement that the 2 (two) females found in the SUV were locked in seat-belts. They said that 3 (three) kids found dead at the scene weren’t locked in seat-belts. The county now say that none of the 5 (five) victims found at the scene were locked in seat-belts. Not one of the SUV’s doors are seen to have been thrown open in the crash at the bottom of the cliff. So, how does it happen that all 6 (six) kids were allegedly thrown about the rocks and into the sea, and the 2 (two) white females weren’t? It didn’t happen. They’re lying!

Mendocino County law enforcement agencies will not show or give a detailed description to the public of what and who they found at the bottom of the cliff. Where are the Hart Witches’ bodies?  What did they do with the childrens’ bodies? We have to take their word that Jennifer and Sarah were found dead in the pancaked vehicle. I am certain that the body of the female patsy Jenn stand-in with the ILLUMINATI clothing was found at the bottom of the cliff.

Devonte 15, Hannah, 16, and Sierra, 12, were not in that Sierra SUV when it went off the cliff just off the Pacific Coast Highway, about 150 miles north of San Francisco. Capt. Greg Baarts of the California Highway Patrol said the Hart vehicle had stopped at a pull-off area before the crash. Court documents stated the speedometer of the vehicle was pinned at 90 mph. Nevertheless any possible malfunction of the vehicle’s equipment in the crash, all 5 (five) victims could have been unconscious when the truck went off the cliff, and the 3 (three) other children are alive or were murdered someplace else. However, I am certain that all the precious children have been killed, but so far there is no evidence and no information is available to the public that would confirm that the 2 (two) white female bodies found dead at the scene were the Hart Witches. 

My dear lord. I wish that I could deliver an ending other than DEATH freed these children from EVIL. However, what I can say is all the EVIL that they saw and were possessed in, the inhumane humiliation, denigration, indignation, and enslavement that they suffered, and through-out all their physical and mental abuse and human suffering, they resisted. Somehow they found the inspiration and the strength of mind of their own divine self, conviction and human dignity in the eyes of god that they weren’t the animals and THINGS roaming the woods and forests naked as they wanted them to be.

Devonte, He Wasn’t Heavy

In their hearts, even as children, alone and isolated in their darkness hours most of their lives, they were still strong and firm, “His Eye Is on the Sparrow, and He Watches Me“. My dear lord, Let Devonte, Hannah, and Sierra survive, and please watch over them and lead them home.

I said enough, right now.


[1] https://mysticurious.com/symbolic-meaning-of-sparrows

[2] http://www.spurgeongems.org/vols52-54/chs3041.pdf

[3] http://www.reddirtreport.com/rustys-film/hollywood-pedophiles-run-wild-young-lives-destroyed

[4] https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=goonie

[5] http://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2013/03/steven-spielberg-symbolism-mystery.html

[6] http://aletheia.consultronix.com/7.html

[7] http://impiousdigest.com/bloodlines-of-the-illuminati-fritz-springmeir/


[9] http://undercoverblackman.blogspot.com/2007/08/black-people-as-monkeys-wit-and-wisdom.html

[10] https://www.druidry.org/community/groves-groups

[11] http://www.angelfire.com/fl/wikkan/CovensCirclesGroves.html

[12] https://shangrilafest.com/

[13] https://baltimorejewishlife.com/news/print.php?ARTICLE_ID=100809

[14] https://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/nehfes/names.html

[15] http://www.crystalinks.com/agartha.html

[16] http://thegoddessofthedevil.com/uploads/Introduction-to-The-Goddess-Of-The-Devil.pdf

[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran

[18] De Lafayetta, Maximillen, Maria Orsic, The Woman Who Originated and Created Earth’s First Flying Saucers, Vol. 2, Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine, NY, Berlin (2013), pg. 140


[20] http://themetalden.com/?p=61517

[21] https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1525813

[22] https://twitter.com/mandy_mcmoran/media


[24] http://theava.com/archives/70409

[25] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Stoen

[26] http://www.freedommag.org/english/vol29i4/page04.htm

[27] https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/Jonestown_com/CIA.htm

[28] Id.

[29] http://www.napanet.net/~moiraj/wwwboard/messages/2374.html

[30] http://illuminati-bloodlines.blogspot.com/2009/04/satanism-and-ritual-abuse-case-by-case.html


[32] Id.


[34] http://proviralmedia.com/three-kids-missing-after-california-crash-that-killed-parents-and-siblings/

[35] http://www.advocate-news.com/article/NM/20180328/NEWS/180329993


[37] https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/02/us/family-suv-pacific-coast-crash-what-we-know/index.html

[38] https://www.calltobrotherhood.com/