3 06 2013


U.S. Presidential Monarch Programmed Marionettes, Barack and Michelle Obama exhibit the downward ILLUMINATI pyramid hand gesture.

In Part I, Barack Hussein Obama II, The Boy from Brazil, I covered his absolute bizarre birth and upbringing, plus his family’s unquestionable Reinhard Gehlen Org-CIA MK ULTRA background.  As you see by his most recent national security national televised address and current events, President Barack Hussein Obama II more than likely controls nothing but his god given natural human body functions. Barack Obama has no control over the U.S. military, national security, foreign policy or the IRS. President Obama and the first lady are literally human clone “talking points” for the Satanic Global High Cabal /Imperium that secretly controls America. Barack Obama was created cyborg- robotoid.

In 1970, the Luciferian “divine rulers” informed the world that they would introduce human “cyborgs” into the body of American politics to deliberately undermine this constitutional “one person-one vote” form of government.  These illuminated ones believes that original citizens are unable to govern themselves. In that year, Zbigniew Brzezinski authored the book, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era”, which he advocated the control of populations by an elite political class via technotronic manipulation. The book had been commissioned by the Club of Rome, “The book is an open announcement of the manner and methods to be used to control the United States in the future. It also gave notice of cloning, “robotoids,” i.e., people who acted like people and who seemed to be people, but who were not.” (Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300, America West Publishers, Carson City, NV (1992), pg. 27)

When Barack Obama was born in August 1961, everything take place in order for the Satanic Global High Cabal/Imperium to clone an experimental political “BOY FROM BRAZIL” to act like a president and seem to be a president, but who was not the President of the United States.  In the secret technology to create a Luciferian Robotoid, of course, we begin with the BEAST, the SS, the mass murdering blood covenant Knights of the Black Sun, and Hauptsturmfuhrer (Captain) SS Josef Rudolf Mengele.

The Young Prince and National Socialism


Josef Mengele was born of money, privilege and class in Gunzburg, Bavaria on March 16, 1911. His father had founded a powerful agricultural machine factory, Mengele and Sons, which dominated the economy affairs of the city. As a child, Josef was gifted, studious, privileged, rich and an arrogant “biological soldier” of the THIRD REICH.[1]


In October 1933, highly influenced by the pseudo racial ideology of Commissar of Supervision of Intellectual and Ideological Education of the DSDAP, Alfred Rosenberg, above, Mengele joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) Storm Troopers. In 1937, Mengele joined the Nazi Party. In 1938, he received his medical degree and joined the SS. Mengele was conscripted into the army in 1940 and later volunteered to the medical service of the Waffen-SS, the combat arm of the SS, where he distinguished himself as a soldier. Hitler declared war against the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Later that same month, Mengele was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for his heroism at the Ukrainian Front. In January 1942, while serving with the 5th SS Panther Division behind Soviet lines, he pulled two German soldiers from a burning tank and was awarded the Iron Cross First Class, as well as the Wound Badge in Black and the Medal for the Care of the German People. Mengele was medically unfit for combat, and was then posted to the Race and Resettlement Office in Berlin. Mengele resumed an association with his mentor, Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer (Rockefeller Institute), who was at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics in Berlin. Just before he was transferred to Auschwitz, Mengele was promoted to the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain) in April 1943.[2]


Despite notions to the contrary, Dr. Mengele had been a highly decorated battle tested fearless soldier which placed him in a special class of respect among hierarchy and the ranks of the SS. He was proven to be a foremost loyal and duty bound Teutonic Knight of the Blood Order-Black Sun.

Dr. Mengele had been one of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s classic SS dual natured, two faced-Janus Knights of the Black Sun. He was a medical doctor, but only pursuant to the agenda of the SS and the THIRD REICH. He was truly an extremely shrewd, dangerous and treacherous human being.

The Two Faced Prince and Auschwitz:Arbeit Macht Frei”[3]


Work Will Set You Free- Entry Gate to Auschwitz

“This is not a sanatorium; there is no place for the sick. The prisoners are here to work or [and] to die.” Auschwitz Kommandant Rudolf Höss [4]


From most accounts at Auschwitz, one face of Dr. Josef Mengele was described as an aristocratic, impeccable and elegantly dressed gentleman down to his boots. His orderlies often carried an extra pair of boots if the pair he was wearing became soiled in mud.[5] He was often described as kind and gentle. As the appointed Chief SS Medical Officer of Auschwitz -Birkenau Concentration Camp in Poland,[6] interned women described him as a white angel,-savior, a legendary “Siegfried.”[7]

“… Survivors tell how as children in Auschwitz they were visited by a smiling “Uncle Mengele” who brought them candy and clothes. Then he had them delivered to his medical laboratory either in trucks painted with the Red Cross emblem or in his own personal car to undergo his experiments.”[8]

His other face was cold-hearted and disassociated from human compassion. Dr. Mengele was a fervent fan of Richard Wagner. During his dreaded selection process, prisoners selected for death, he always whistled a Wagner operatic aria.[9] Dr. Mengele exercised his power over life and death not only at the railroad yard ramps as the imprisoned entered the camp from loaded boxcars, but also routinely inside Birkenau at compound hospitals and holding blocks,

“Dr. Mengele never gave any warning of his visits and would appear at any hour of the day or night. When he suddenly surged into a block all exists barred by the S.S., the women huddled together in terror, knowing full well that their lives hung by the thread. They knew that they had to put on a good appearance. They hoped to escape death. Despite an all-devouring anguish, the poor, scrawny bodies were drawn to their full height. Heads lifted, the stride became firmer. Prisoners were told to undress. They were crammed into the corner of the block, and filed, one at a time, past the chief medical officer, seated, whistling, in the middle of the room…As each prisoner walked pass, the officer made a gesture with thumb to the left, to the right…He loved to encounter the terrified gave of those who found themselves in the left-hand file and condemned to almost certain death. When the march-past came to an end, Dr. Mengele rose to his feet, gracefully, and smilingly announced: “The right-hand group will be evacuated.” With that, he walked away whistling.”[10]


The people interned at Auschwitz didn’t want to see this face, because it may have been the last thing you saw. He was an architect of Racial Mass Murder. He was a gentleman Teutonic Knight with a duty to kill by the masses. Dr. Mengele’s body count at Auschwitz is absolutely staggering estimated at least 400,000 people.[11]

The Prince, Auschwitz and the Sadistic Little Genius, the Father of Positive (Artificial Insemination) and Negative Eugenics (Sterilization)


The Supreme Commander of Auschwitz and all Nazi concentration camps was bar none, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was known to issue direct orders to the camp commanders, bypassing all other chains of command, in response to his own directives. Himmler would also occasionally receive broad instructions from Adolf Hitler or Herman Goring, which he would then interpret as he saw fit and transmit to the Auschwitz Camp Commander, SS- Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss.[12]

Concentration camps were not free enterprise zones for human medical experiments. Concentration camp medical corps was secret blood oath SS doctors strictly controlled, supervised and unconditionally duty bound to Himmler and the SS. Access to human “in vitro” material for scientific investigation at the camps was through permission only from the Reichsfuhrer. Himmler was uncannily shrewd. He hired out the SS medical corps and its experiments and inmates to research pharmaceuticals and universities not only to profit, but to control it and direct science toward the goals of National Socialism-Aryan Supremacy and Racial Genocide.


Some of the most significant experiments and SS doctors most germane to the Nazi’s breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination was Professor Dr. Karl Clauberg.

In 1941, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and sterilization. Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit.

Yet unlike Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Clauberg was openly ambiguous contrary to Himmler’s fervent policy of blood oath secrecy. Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist. He was a renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. His open ambition and ego may have been an individual fatal flaw in his bargain with the DEVIL, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler and the dreaded Knights of the Black Sun.

During WWI, Dr. Clauberg had served in the Germany Army and had been a British prisoner of war.[13] On April 1, 1933, Dr. Clauberg joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Later that year he became an SA-Sanitätssturmführer (SA-Medical).[14] The Sturmabteilung (SA) Storm Detachment or Assault Division, or Brownshirts functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.[15]

In 1940, Dr. Clauberg was promoted to the SS highest commissioned rank of Gruppenführer (colonel general). His mission in the SS was to establish his own institute for research on reproduction where he could cure the sterility issues of “Aryans” and perfect a simple and discreet means of sterilizing all other people. In this endeavor, he could link the two aspects, positive and negative (Satanic Principle), of Nazi demographic policy; to increase the pure Nordic race and decrease inferior races.[16]

In 1941, Clauberg was already a famous and brilliantly internationally distinguished gynecologist. He was five-foot tall and balding. His expressions were described as remarkably cruel. Dr. Clauberg subsequently proved to be indeed, a sadistic evil little genius. He received his medical diploma from the University of Kiel in 1925 and was for some years a medical assistant in the gynecological service. He was a noted specialist in female sex hormones. He was transferred to the University of Koenigsberg, where he obtained a fellowship in 1933 and obtained a chair in 1939. At the time, he worked in close collaboration with laboratories and invented for the firm Schering-Kahlbaum two preparations to counter sterility which are still produced today. The Clauberg Test, which measures the action of progesterone, is still currently used in gynecology.[17]

Progesterone is one extremely important and vital hormone in reproductive science. It is a hormone manufactured first by the ovaries and then by the placenta starting around the second trimester. Progesterone keeps the placenta functioning properly and the uterine lining healthy and thick, and it stimulates the growth of breast tissue. It also cracks down on pre-pregnancy’s natural contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterus, allowing the baby to grow in the expanding (and expanding, and expanding…) womb. Not intending to be redundant but technically, Progesterone, the hormone secreted by the female reproductive system functions mainly to regulate the condition of the inner lining (endometrium) of the uterus. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands. The term progestin is used to describe progesterone and synthetic steroid hormones with progesterone-like properties, such as the progestogen levonorgestrel.[18]

Simply, Dr. Clauberg was seeking to unlock the mind-body keys to the human mystery of pregnancy. In other words, he sought the keys to be able to fool the body and brain with progesterone-like properties to fertilize an egg whether produced in vitro or naturally. The key to unlock the mind-body processes to pregnancy also gave Dr. Clauberg the keys (Satanic Principle) to lock the mind-body processes to procreation with artificially produced hormones and chemicals. It literally gave the dreaded SS the scientific key to Life and Death, a way to promote an Aryan nation and annihilate nations of color.

Today, one of SRI’s (Stanford Research Institute), a military industrial handmaiden, key in vivo (within the living body) research studies involves, [Carl] Clauberg-McPhail Endometrial (inner membrane of the mammalian uterus) Proliferation, which is pretty scary stuff in their hands.[19]

The Nazi Paradigm Shift One Step Beyond Lebensborn


In 1942, Himmler’s SS Lebensborn natural procreation and racial annihilation paradigm wasn’t producing the mass results as rapidly as he had hoped. So, he finally sat down with Dr. Clauberg to discuss another way from a scientific and laboratory perspective. Dr. Clauberg’s proposal to promote eugenic reproduction by scientific research and development of artificial insemination, impregnation and in duality sterilization began to make a great deal of sense.

In 1942, Dr. Clauberg held a series of top secret meetings with Himmler, SS doctors and other high officers of the SS involved in management of concentration camps setting forth his eugenic theories and experimental plans. Finally on July 8, 1942, Dr. Clauberg finally obtained the backing, funding and vast resources from Himmler, the SS and the THRID REICH to have “…at his disposal the necessary [human] material for all experiments he wished to undertake.” He was bound to make regular reports of his progress to Himmler. [20] Everyone involved in Dr. Clauberg’s experiments were to be bounded by blood oath secrecy.

In August 1942, Dr. Clauberg moved into the notorious human medical experimental cell Block 10 at Auschwitz. At Block 10, where from 800 to 1000 women were regularly maintained for SS medical experiments. Dr. Clauberg always had about two hundred women permanently at his disposal to use as he wished particularly for experimental artificial impregnation. In most cases, successfully artificially impregnated women and the babies were put to death. After sperm experiments, bodies were dissected and reproductive body parts- uteruses, ovaries and fallopian tubes were sent to various institutes for detailed study and analysis. As his victims died off or killed, Dr. Clauberg sent out the Garrison Physician Sturmbannführer SS Dr. Eduard Wirths to choose replacements when a new convoy of prisoners arrived.[21]

Dr. Mengele regularly visited Block 10 to monitor the development of SS human medical experiments and also conduct his own individual infamous macabre against humanity.[22] The amount of collaboration that took place between Dr. Clauberg and Mengele in Block 10 was secret and still remains unknown and off the record. In fact, Dr. Clauberg and Mengele’s research mission had been similar.

Mengele’s stated mission at Auschwitz was to perform research on human genetics. Even his work had been fully funded through a grant to the SS that Professor von Verschuer had secured through the German Research Council in August of 1943. The goal of Mengele’s work was to unlock the secrets of genetic engineering, and to devise methods for eradicating inferior gene strands from the human population as a means to creating a Germanic Super-Race.[23]

Of the reports from survivors rescued from Auschwitz and Ravensbruck at the end of the war, Dr. Clauberg’s artificial insemination experiments involved an unknown sperm or hormone substance. The little evil sadistic genius often taunted his victims by telling women that he had put animal sperm inside them and that they had beasts growing in their bellies. Whether it was truly human sperm or animal sperm is unknown.[24]

Yet, it would have been absolutely natural and within the interest of the SS agenda of “Positive Eugenics” for Dr. Clauberg and Mengele to have collaborated in artificial insemination-in fertilization experiments at Block 10. Dr. Clauberg’s sperm-egg substances had to contain human Aryan sliced genetic material to pass to the children that they wished to produce.

Additionally, Dr. Mengele had to know the keys to the impregnation-reproductive processes to induce and fool the mind-body with Dr. Clauberg’s progesterone-like properties to fertilize genetically-gene sliced altered eggs and sperm. Dr. Mengele’s dedicated studious behavior for scientific detail would have put him constantly at Dr. Clauberg’s side to realize his mission to create a Germanic Aryan Super Race.

In January 1945, Dr. Clauberg fled Auschwitz in advance of the Soviet army with medical records and photographs to continue his experiments in nearby Koenigshuttte and Ravensbruck Women’s Concentration Camp about 50 miles north of Berlin. On April 30, 1945, Ravensbruck was liberated by the Soviets.[25]

On June 8, 1945, Dr. Clauberg was captured by Soviets while trying to escape to Schleswig-Holstein hoping to link up with Heinrich Himmler and a SS force.[26] Up to the time of at least the end of April 1945, Dr. Clauberg should still have been making regular progress reports to Himmler and the SS.

Dr. Clauberg was tried by the Russians for crimes against humanity and sentenced to prison. On October 11, 1955, after the Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange agreement had been signed between the USSR and Germany, he was released and returned to West Germany. He only served 7 of his 25 year sentence. The odd thing about the Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange agreement is that it involved 9000 Germany prisoners captured on Russian soil mostly doing Hitler’s failed military onslaught on Stalingrad.

The Russians picked up Dr. Clauberg within the boundaries of the German State of Schleswig-Holstein. According to Allied Forces Agreements, the Russians had been bound to turn him over to the Nuremberg Tribunal. From February 4-11 1945, “The Big Three”, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, along with U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Leader Josef Stalin, held secret meetings at the Yalta Conference sometimes called the Crimea Conference and codenamed the Argonaut Conference to discuss the re-organization of war torn Europe after the Fall of Nazi Germany.[27] At the Yalta Conference and in Berlin in 1945, “The Big Three” reaffirmed the October 1943 Moscow Declaration that a War Crimes Tribunal should follow the conclusion of the war.[28]

The October 1943 Moscow Declaration had been signed by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, stating that at the time of an armistice persons deemed responsible for war crimes would be sent back to those countries in which the crimes had been committed and adjudged according to the laws of the nation concerned.[29]

So, why was Dr. Clauberg tried for crimes against humanity in Russia in 1948,[30] and then slipped into Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange. Konrad Hermann Josef Adenauer (January 5, 1876 – April 19, 1967) that brokered the Adenauer-Bulganin Agreement was the first Chancellor of West Germany from 1949–1963 after the Fall of Nazis.[31]

In 1956, Adenauer chose Hitler’s Spy Master Reinhard Gehlen as the initial chief of the BND, West Germany’s post-war intelligence agency that succeeded the Gehlen Organization. Earlier, Adenauer had allowed the Gehlen Org to run amuck throughout Germany undoubtedly at the recommendation and collaboration of the OSS then CIA. The Gehlen Org was comprised primarily of Himmler’s SS.[32]

Gehlen had been the spiritual father of Stay Behind in Germany and his role was known to the West German leader, Konrad Adenauer, from the outset. Adenauer signed a secret protocol with the US on West Germany’s entry into NATO in May 1955 in which it was agreed that the West German authorities would refrain from active legal pursuit of known right-wing extremists-Nazi-SS.[33]

In addition, Adenauer was also a Knight (THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA).[34] In reality, Dr. Clauberg had been dropped right back into the lap of the Teutonic-Knights of the Black Sun, the SS.

Back in Germany, Dr. Clauberg attempted to continue his SS special projects out in the open. He even openly advertised re-establishing the Research Institute of Reich for Biology and Reproduction at the University of Kiel specializing in “Positive Eugenics” and “Sterilization” for profit.[35] In other words, he intended to expose the secret SS Aryan sperm hormones and sterilization research, development and projects perfected at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck, and people that had been involved.

On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after he was freed from the USSR, he was arrested by German officials allegedly because of an outcry from his surviving victims, women and Jewish groups. The same voices had also cried out more vehemently for HauptsturmführerSS Dr. Josef Mengele. Yet, America and West Germany shielded him. Four months later in March 1956, Dr. Josef Mengele flew into Germany’s neighbor Switzerland on a 120 day passport in Engelberg  out of Argentina, South Africa while Dr. Clauberg was under arrest in Germany.  It makes sense that Dr. Mengele would have  debriefed Dr. Clauberg for the Gehlen Org and CIA.


On August 9, 1957, Dr. Clauberg, 59 years old, died suddenly (alleged heart attack) while awaiting trial in Kiel for criminal conduct that “caused severe bodily harm” to large numbers of Jewish women at Ravensbruck and Auschwitz.[36] Not much is known about Dr. Mengele from 1956 until he resurfaces in Paraguay in May 1959 under the veil of Paraguay’s German-descended dictator, Alfredo Stroessner;  and under his own name just months before Barack Obama II is conceived in December 1960. After surfacing in Paraguay in 1959, Dr. Mengele disappears again until he resurfaces again in Brazil from 1961 to 1962 after Obama II is born.

Artificial Insemination and sterilization technology developed under the Blood Oath Secrecy of Himmler and the SS at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck belonged exclusively to the benefit of Himmler and underground SS networks that controlled the CIA and West German Intelligence; exposure of the technology and competition with Dr. Clauberg to control and profit from that technology and its development just wasn’t going to happen.

Dr. Clauberg may have mistakenly believed that the dreaded Himmler truly died in British custody in May 1945; and that he was no longer bound by the SS blood oath of secrecy. He had been out of loop in Soviet’s hands since January 1945. However, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Himmler was far too powerful, wealthy, shrewd and treacherous to have been captured while skipping through the tulips in the merry month of May around the city of Bremervörde (Lower Saxony) in Germany.[37]


It was well established that most of the Nazi leadership regularly maintained secret doppelgangers, doubles and decoys. Himmler was a Knight and leader of an ancient Order of Teutonic Knights. He had thousands of powerful fellow Knights like OSS Allen Dulles and millions of Freemasons bound by a blood oath of secrecy at his feet and whim all over the world.

He also had access to millions if not billons in gold, securities, bonds and notes stashed all over the world. In May 1945, he still had over a million SS Waffen goons in Italy and probably a half million or more Allgemeine-SS Knights underground still active that would have fought to the last man to protect him. He had the Gehlen Org-CIA in his pocket. Additionally, he controlled access to secret nuclear technology-weapons and futuristic rockets, missiles, jets and U-boats. The man had access to spaceships. He had secret multi-national corporate and international banker goons in high places around the world. He held potential patents to secret revolutionary medical technologies that are still priceless even today. Yet, one of the world’s most powerful, richest, clandestine and dangerous men on earth was caught just merrily skipping among the daisies on a bright and sunny day along the Germany countryside on May 21, 1945, then conveniently committed suicide. That Dog Won’t Hunt.


Tellingly, no known DNA exists to prove definitively that it was Himmler that committed suicide. The body was buried in a secret grave than may have been exhumed and the body cremated. Everything surrounding Himmler’s alleged body is sealed, classified and TOP SECRET from Britain to America.


The body that was claimed to be Himmler’s had on the wrong glasses he commonly wore and it lacked his celebrated “Y” shaped dueling scar on the left cheek.[38] Himmler cherished that scar as a badge of ancient knightly chivalry. We also have a fairly good idea who put it there during the 1920s.[39] It had been his personal adjutant staffer, Standartenführer or Obersturmbannführer SS Dr. [Richard] Stahl.[40]


Then again, it is obvious that the Russians had abducted Dr. Clauberg out of Germany on more than the pretense of Crimes against Humanity. Surely, the outrages that he committed against humanity at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck were capital crimes that he should have swung the gallows or faced a firing squad for. Dr. Clauberg’s body count is estimated to have been numbered in the hundreds or in the thousands. Yet, it may have been Dr. Clauberg’s medical knowledge and expertise gained from the secret human experiment programs at Auschwitz that the Soviets were after.

The Soviets had their own secret team called, BB Apparat, which focused primarily on pursuing Nazi technical and scientific advanced warfare personnel, plans and technologies. The “BB Apparat” was a totally separate and independent operation that remains shrouded in mystery.[41] The Russians kept him alive and healthy for 7 years to begin a new day within days of release from captivity. I suspect that Russians abducted Dr. Clauberg also to keep him away from the special interests of the American, British and French forces.

“His [Dr. Clauberg] articles on experimental hormone research were published in the main German gynecological journal (1929-1940). He is represented in the Library of Congress in Washington with two books on neuroendocrinology experiments, especially with animals, which he published in 1933 and 1937. He also published on obstetrics. Clauberg is reputed to be an expert who developed a test to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage. He published important articles on infertility or so-called women diseases, especially on “follicle hormone cures” and on uterotubla insufflations, which he completed with a hysterosalpinogram in order to check the treatments’ success and to achieve “blowing up residual adhesions by pressure with the contrast fluid.”[42]

Undoubtedly, BB Aparat knew Dr. Clauberg’s scientific background and what he was doing at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck for the SS. They intensively interrogated him for at least 3 years before they finally put him on trial for crimes against humanity in 1948. He may have revealed the details about Himmler’s SS secret eugenic scientific agendas and programs.

He may have been turned into a soviet spy-mole and returned in the mass prisoner exchange. When Dr. Clauberg returned to West Germany, his ego and ambition got the best of him and went on public television to sell himself. He threatened to expose everything he told Russian intelligence for profit, it would have made their special information worthless and useless. The Soviets would also have a motive in liquidating him.

One Step Beyond- Dr. Clauberg, Dr. Mengele and Modern Genetic and Reproductive Technology

“We do know…that the scientific basis of modern gene and reproductive technology was firmly established in the Third Reich.” –Karl Heinz Roth[43]

The raw data that Dr. Clauberg, Neuroendocrinologist, and his colleague Dr. Mengele, Geneticist, developed in genetic and reproductive technology through the SS is priceless even today. The Nazis were at the forefront of revolutionizing biological and obstetric sciences for all the wrong demonic reasons (Duality-Satanic Principle),

I. Promote those worthy of reproduction and,

II. Eliminate those forms unworthy of reproduction.

During the war, Nazi reproductive focus took a radical turn from Lebensborn (promotion of sexual unions between pure Aryans to procreate the race) to laboratory research genetics and development. The Genetics Department at the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research in Berlin was at the forefront of basic gene research in the area of breeding and selection. The institute was supported by the Emergency Organization of German Science (Notgemeinschaft det Deutschen Wissenschaft), Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations.

One of the leading German firms behind the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research in developing sex hormone research was Schering-Kahbaum AG that Dr. Clauberg worked for and with at Auschwitz. In fact, Dr. Clauberg’s aide at Block 10 was Dr. Johannes Goebel, above, chief chemist with the Schering-Kahbaum AG pharmaceutical firm.[44]

It also appears that Himmler and the SS had secretly implemented and fully funded Dr. Clauberg’s proposals, a Reich Institute for Research on Reproductive Biology (Research Institute of the Reich for Biology and Reproduction); an animal experimental station; and two departments, one for the treatment of infertile women desirable for reproduction, and clinical advanced research on previous apparent hopeless cases of infertility, the other department to perform sterilization on women in an ambulant nonsurgical way- women not worthy of reproduction or not desirable for reproduction were to be used to test the operationless method.[45]

Dr. Clauberg’s infertile clinic operated out of two clinics outside Auschwitz, the Gynecological Clinic in Koenigshuttte, and the maternity and convalescent home of the National Socialist Welfare Service (NSV)- called the “City of Mothers” with a capacity of 800 mothers and 200 small children.[46]

Dr. Clauberg’s department that performed experimental sterilizations ran out of Auschwitz and Ravensbruck Concentration Camps. Dr. Clauberg’s Reich Institute of Reproductive Biology was most likely operated out of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the German University of Koenisberg.[47] Russian Intelligence must have been fully informed of Dr. Clauberg’s clandestine SS programs and sent out a special detail to capture him before the American; British or French military intelligence could sequester him out of sight and mind.

With Dr. Karl Clauberg eliminated, the secret SS genetic and reproductive technology fell in the hands of their most secretive, loyal and dangerous Knight, Dr. Josef Mengele, and Dr. Mengele had been sequestered by Allen Dulles’ OSS then the Gehlen Org and the CIA.

Dr. Mengele and the Satanic Principle

Dr. Mengele’s dedicated SS mission had been to create an Aryan master race to rule the world- Positive-Divine Eugenics. It also gave him the dual mission to create a subservient race to do their will; and work for the master race- Negative-Profane Eugenics. It makes it possible and feasible to take bits of genetic material from one human and make somebody almost like him to function as an allegorical subhuman servant not only for consumption (work will set you free), but also mass political deception through mass hypnotism with imperfect ILLUSIONS of the Power and Will of the people.


Dr. W.O. Schumann to the SS:

In all areas, there are two principles that determine events, light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the positive and negative in electricity. This is always one way or another! These two principles designated concretely how the creative and destructive principles determine also our technical means […]

The destructive principle is the work of the devil, the creative principle, the work of God […]

Any technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be satanic technology. The new era that will be the age of a new technique, positive and divine! […] (Excerpt from the secret archives of the SS)[48]

Dr. Winfried Otto (W.O.) Schumann (1888-1974) was born in Tubingen, Germany, the son of a physical chemist. His early years were spent in Kassel and in Bergdorf, a town near Vienna. He majored in electrical engineering at the Technical College in Karlsruhe. In 1912, he gained a doctorate with high-voltage technology as his thesis. During 1920, he was made a professor at the Technical University in Stuttgart, where he had previously been employed as a research assistant. He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena. In 1924, he was made professor and director of the Electro physical Laboratory at the Technical University of Munich. During 1947-1948 he worked at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, USA and then returned to his post in Munich.[49]

Like Dr. Clauberg, Dr. W.O. Schumann was a world renowned and distinguished scientific genius. When he talks about “Alternative SS Technologies and Theories”, a lot of people including I stop to listen. It gives us a rare opportunity into some insight of these people with other dimensional thought processes that caused so much death, destruction and chaos across the globe.

Behind the veil, Dr. W.O. Schumann was an Operation PAPERCLIP SS Nazi, an eminent international specialist in electromagnetic low-frequency resonances.[50] He founded the Schumann (electromagnetic) resonance of the earth. He was an ardent occultist, a member of the Thule and Vril Societies. He was an initiate of infamous Nazi VRIL MAIDENS. He developed a series of magnetic levitators-VRIL DRIVES for the SS’s Top Secret “Flying Discs”.[51] During 1947-1948, Dr. Schumann was an employee of the U.S. military at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.[52]

Dr. Schumann was an essential part of the SS’s advanced development of virtual “flying saucers.” On January 22, 1944, Dr. Schumann, Hitler, Himmler and Kunkel of the Vril Society met in a top secret meeting to plan to drive a flying disc through a worm hole, inter-dimensional space travel.[53]

Dr. W.O. Schumann had a very rare discernment into this other “dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind- Twilight Zone.” If Dr. Mengele and his SS and its “Alternative Technologies and Theories” had anything to do with creating Obama, then in our normal understanding of the order of things,

We’re talking about our government!

We’re talking about a crime.

You must think on a different level, like the CIA does.

We’re through the looking glass.

White is black.

And black is white. -JFK, the Movie[54]

Hussein Barack Obama II, DEMON SEED, the Son of NONE


“He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world”. –A phrase found underscored by Fuhrer Adolf Hitler [55]

The Sacred Birth

“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” -Palms 139: 13-14- The Original African Heritage Study Bible, KJV

Whatever dimension of mind(s) that created Hussein Barack Obama II has to be explored. If he was created and I am certain that he was, it opens a great moral, religious, ethical and spiritual debate that has existed since the beginning of recorded history.

In the “Divine Birth” scene of Queen Mutemwiya, the mother of Amenhotep III; in a Luxor Scared Temple, Queen-Mother Mutemwiya is shown in scenes depicting the divine birth of her son Amenhotep III. The scenes resemble (and in some cases copy) scenes of the divine birth of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari. Hatshepsut had used the birth story to reinforce her claims to the throne. Amenhotep was the son of a ruling Pharaoh and it seems that the birth scene is used to stress the semi-divine nature of Amenhotep III. In a key scene Mutemwiya is shown seated on a bed receiving the god Amun who had taken the form of her husband Thutmosis IV. They are in the presence of the goddesses Selket and Neith. The scenes show Amenhotep III to be the result of the union of his mother with the god Amun himself. A pregnant queen Mutemwiya is later shown being led to the birthing room by Isis and Khnum.[56]

Amenhotep III’s “Divine Birth” also included the entire Ogdoad of Hermopololis, primeval gods who, according to the Hermopolitian teachings, came into existence at the dawn of creation.[57]

Genesis 1:26-28, King James Version (KJV)

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

In other words, since the beginning of recorded history, birth of human beings always involved the divine and sacred work of GOD(S). Biblically, human beings are made by God. They are created while still in the womb. God is the one who designed mankind, making them unique and special. The passages above supports the sanctity of life. God knows every embryo; every fetus is a unique individual made by God.

Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Genesis 20:12

The Bible says that we are to bring up our children in “the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). It is not just the Christian bible that teaches us this, but it’s the age old recognition that the mother and father- family has been responsible for socialization of the child. Socialization describes a process which may lead to desirable, or ‘moral’, outcomes in the opinion of said society.[58] More than anything else, a child needs to know love, because a child’s relationship with a loving mother-father- family will teach the child the love for others and God.


As we know, Obama II had an absolutely weird and bizarre upbringing and background for a U.S. President. Obama II was a scientific-satanic ritually sexual and trauma based abused child.   He wasn’t raised by a father or even a father figure. He was only raised sporadically by his mother, Stanley Ann. She was a secular humanist,[59] she that condemns the concept of God.[60] In Indonesia, he was raised by Evie, above, the outcast transgender male prostitute.[61] In Hawaii, he was raised by GRAMS (grandfather), “the Red Light District” pot smoking drunk;[62] and by POPS, an UK ULTRA-MONARCH Handler, Frank Marshall Davis, the vile pedophile, a hideous and absolutely “ungodly” bisexual man.[63] 

Hussein Barack Obama II nurtured an absolutely unnatural attraction and so-called intellectual love for T.S. Eliot,[64] not Karl Marx, Fanon, or even Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama II was a “T.S. Eliot Conservative”,[65] whatever that may be. Who was T.S. Eliot? He was vicious intellectual anti-Semite. May 10, 1940, Poet and essayist T. S. Eliot wrote that the Jews are the modern world’s foremost “Forces of Evil.” He claims that they have “made the modern world vile.”[66]


T.S. Eliot was among the ILLUMINATI-Luciferian High Priests of Cecil Rhodes’ Children of the Sun.[67] Trained at Toynbee’s Oxford, Aldous Huxley was also one of the initiates in the “’Children of the Sun,’ a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were  W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover. It was Huxley, furthermore, who would launch the legal battle in the 1950s to have Lawrence’s pornographic novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover allowed into the United States on the ground that it was a misunderstood “work of art’.”[68]

Obama was abnormally fixated with T.S. Eliot. He was an avid and astute student of Eliot’s “The Waste Land” (1922) and clearly understood Eliot’s aims as a Aquarian poet and public figure at that time.[69] Behind the veil of the “The Waste Land”, critics claim that T.S. Eliot’s French male lover, Jean Verdenal, might be the real-life figure behind the poem’s characters Phlebas the Phoenician and the hyacinth girl.[70]


Above, In 1981,  Obama II had his own “Waste Land” drama going on holding hands with his Pakistani lover and roommate, Sohale Siddiqi.

Obama II’s creators and handlers have done everything possible and consistent with nurturing and grooming a BOY FROM BRAZIL for the highest elected office of the United States, a cybernetic and robotoid, A SON OF NONE and a  “DEMONIC SEED.’ In Part III, I will review baby Barack Hussein Obama II, Dr. Gregory Bateson, University of Hawaii, U.S. military industrial complex and the socialization project of the secret robotoid and cyborg, then in Part IV explore some of Barack Hussein Obama’s puppet masters such as Fritz KraemerZbigniew Brzezinski , Henry Kissinger, SS and Satanic Global High Cabal.

[1] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pgs. 78-80



[4] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[5] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg 91

[6] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[7] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 106


[9] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 105

[10] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82






[16] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[17] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pgs. 156-7



[20] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 160

[21] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[22] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169













[35] Gutman, Yisrael, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press (1998) pg. 307




[39] Amberger, Christoph, The Lararus Smile (The Stahl Unholy Grail Papers), Secret Archives Press, Baltimore, MD (2008), pgs. 194-5


[41] Aarons, Mark, Unholy Trinity, How the Vatican’s Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets, St. Martin Press, NY, NY (1991), pg. 272

[42] Kaupen-Hass, Heidrun, Experiment Obstetrics and National Socialism: The Conceptual Basis of Reproductive Technology Today, Reproductive and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-132, 1988/

[43] Roth, Karl H., Brave New Man. The Change of Paradigms of Classical Genetics and its Effects on the Population Biology of the “Third Reich” (1986)


[45] Kaupen-Hass, Heidrun, Experiment Obstetrics and National Socialism: The Conceptual Basis of Reproductive Technology Today, Reproductive and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-132, 1988

[46] Id.

[47] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 237



[50] Id.







[57] Blavastsky, H.P., H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings 1887, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL(1960), pgs. 376-377















14 04 2010

“It seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing…a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.” ALDOUS HUXLEY, quoted in John Marks, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, 1980

Ancient ISHTAR Gate also known as the LIONS GATE, The Gate to Babylon

Dumbing Down the Masses 

In the first week of April 2010, Lions Gate Entertainment, Inc. released movie Mongol Tyler Perry’s latest movie, Why Did I Get Married Too. By the way Lions Gate is controlled by America’s two biggest corporate predators, billionaires Carl Icahn and Dr. Mark Rachesky. You are not likely to see any return of your investment in the movie industry.  

Terry Perry’s movie plot, “I wrote this because this was the only group of characters that I’d written where I felt like they had more to say. So just following it up, I love working with this cast, I love working with this team, so I wanted I waned to come back together with them and recreate the fun we had on the first one. So that’s what it was about more than anything: feeling like the characters had more to say.” [1] 

That’s it. Four Black couples reunite for their annual vacation in order to socialize and to spend time analyzing their marriages. By the way, very few if any of the cast are actually married, including the scriptwriter, Tyler Perry, who has never been married. [2]

I presume that the pressure of thinking about their neighborhood schools being targeted and shutdown or the intentional divestment of the future for the children is a little too complicated for the Black folk to ponder. What about at least thinking about 9-11, CIA drug peddling, assassinations; the prison industry, Wall Street, governmental corruption, the economy, jobs, mortgage foreclosures, healthcare? The illegal wars in Iraqi and Afghanistan, the crimes against the people of Katrina, Haiti, and Palestine are also too complex for them to even wonder about.

Let the ruling oligarchies and NWO run the world. The British MK ULTRA- Godfather of the Brave New World, Dr. Aldous Huxley, would be proud of Tyler Perry’s body of work of distractions gifted warped for Black Folk.

Tyler Perry says. “Let me tell you what: Madea, Brown and all of these characters are bait. Disarming, charming, make-you-laugh bait so that I can slap Madea in something and talk about God, love, faith, forgiveness…”[3]

The Art of Forgiveness

“Through our practical application of lessons in the art of forgiveness and in the psychology of self-responsibility, we are awakened to the memory of our Divine Inheritance.” -Marianne Williams,  A Course in Miracles- [4]

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is commonly known as “the Bible of the New Age.”  ACIM is heavily promoted by Oprah Winfrey as a roadmap to a “New Age” spiritual awakening. ACIM was the fruit of CIA agent, Dr. William Thetford, of Columbia University, courtesy of MK ULTRA, subproject 130.[5]

Would it surprise you if Terry Perry’s scripts are written within the framework of the CIA’s “A Course in Miracles”? And he is more like Norman Bates (DID) of Psycho than Multiple Miggs (schizophrenia) of Silence of the Lambs.

Psycho & the Movie Mogul

Norman Bates & Dissociative Identity Disorder

A mother is a boy’s best friend.” –Norman Bates- 

The Remarkable Norman Bates Protrayed by Hollywood Film Star Anthony Perkins

Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID sufferers have alternate identities and are capable of switching between them.  The main personality is referred to as the host, while the other(s) are referred to as alters.  The host is usually not the person’s original personality. 

In most cases, DID are victims of repetitive, often torturous, sexual or physical abuse at a very young age.  Alternate personalities are thought to arise in response to this abuse as a means to escape the brutal reality. 

 Later, something in the physical or social environment will trigger the personalities to emerge.  Therefore, most cases of DID are diagnosed in adulthood.  On average, a person with DID has at least 15 distinct personalities. 

In most cases, there is at least a child personality (the original), an opposite gender personality, a self-helper personality, and a persecutory personality (one that hurts others or themselves).  Separate identities may or may not be aware of each other.  If they are not, the person will demonstrate bouts of amnesia.  When the personalities are aware of each other, termed co-consciousness, they will carry on conversations with each other and even offer each other advice.

In Alfred Hitchcock’s Hollywood cult horror classic, Psycho, Norman Bates had three distinct personalities that took control of him.  In a few brief moments, viewers see him dressed as his mother and talking in her voice.  He has the personality of a little boy (the original personality), Norman (host personality), and his mother (an alter personality). 

As previously mentioned, alter personalities tend to emerge in adulthood when they are triggered. When Norman kills his mother, he starts to act and dresses like her. He wanted his mother to be as jealous of him as he was of her.  To fulfill his fantasies, he dressed as his mother and stabbed the women that turned him on.  Stabbing is symbolic of rape.  When he dressed as his mother, he did to others what she did to him.  When he dressed up like her, he dressed very matronly-unlike the way she probably really dressed.  This was his way of creating the mother that he wanted, needed, and deserved. 

At the end of the film, the mother personality dominates.  She says something to the effect of I am not even going to swat that fly.  They are probably watching me right now.  They will say, Why, she wouldn’t even hurt a fly. This statement concludes that the mother is trying to hide something.  She is clearly guilty because she wants the authorities to think that she is harmless.  The sheer fact that Norman has several distinct personalities is what distinguishes his disorder as DID and not schizophrenia.  [6]

Tyler Perry & Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Tyler Perry& Mythical Bird from Madea Goes to Jail Promotional Poster

For whatever reasons, Tyler Perry’s background is clearly veiled. This is some background information that can be pieced together from the public domain. 

On September 13, 1969, Perry was born in New Orleans, Louisiana as Emmitt Perry, Jr., named after his father, a construction worker. His mother was Willie Maxine Perry born February 12, 1945.  

He told Larry King an extremely odd story about his father being found at 2 years old in a drainage ditch by a white man and given to a 14 year old to raise. If Emmitt Sr. was about the same age as Maxine, then it had to have been sometime after the end of WWII that he was allegedly found in a ditch. There is no other information on Emmitt, Sr. other than he was an abuser. Perry’s mother was unable to protect him from his father’s physical and mental abuse.

The family consisted of three siblings. In regards to Perry’s siblings, little if anything is known or has been publicly released about them. Emmitt Jr. was either the youngest or oldest of the children. He had a sister in the middle.

In about 1979 at ten years old, Perry was sexually abused by a male church member(s) that he won’t talk about. His mother took him to church each week where she continued to be unable to protect him.

 In 1985, at age 16, he had his first name legally changed from Emmitt to Tyler in an effort to distance himself from his father. Tyler is an unusual choice. Tyler is from an English surname meaning “tiler of roofs”. [7] He recalled attempting to commit suicide (self mutilation-waists) after being beaten by his father. He admitted that he had tried to commit suicide several times.[8]

School allowed Perry to create a make-believe world in which he was a comedic figure. He engaged in endless antics in class to escape the crushing weight of abuse. Perry found relief through drawing which brought his fantasies to life, releasing his pent up frustrations. Perry subsequently dropped out of high school. 

Between 1985 and 1992, Perry was a carpenter apprentice. Emmitt Sr. was a carpenter. During this time, Perry went through some type of transformation. Perry recounts the transformation this way, “I was watching Oprah Winfrey one day when she said that writing down one’s experiences could be cathartic. After I found a dictionary and looked up cathartic, I realized what she was saying, so I started writing things down. ‘God’s little flashes of light,’ [9] he called them. 

Unsure of how to approach the craft of writing, Perry converted people in his make-believe world into characters with pseudonyms. The character transformations of Perry’s cathartic musings were adapted to the musical stage production of I Know I’ve Been Changed. [10]

I Know I’ve Been Changed was based upon the voices of molested children subjected to what had to have been ritual sexual abuse; and the forgiveness (induced amnesia) of the sexual predators.

In 1998, after a telephone conversation with his parents, Emmitt and Maxine, Perry reportedly bared his soul to the people who had hurt him the most. He recalled: “I told them everything that I had wanted to say as a little boy. I talked about all of the things that they had done to me and told them that I knew that I was not responsible for it.” [11]

With T.D. Jakes, Perry collaborated in Woman Thou Art Loosed to cash in and profit from a new “genre” of entertainment productions centered on the self destructive behaviorism of Black folk based on a book by Jakes; again on the same theme, it was centered on the rape of a little girl.[12]  Jakes’ new entertainment genre was bankrolled by Oprah, Danny Glover, Cedric the Entertainer and other high profile blacks. 

After seeing the film Precious, Perry said it triggered accounts of being molested by a friend’s mother and by another friend’s father at age 10, and finding out that his own father was molesting a friend.

Like Norman Bates, Perry also has three distinct personalities. By his own admissions of early life experiences as set above, it quite reasonable to conclude that he has DID. As Madea, viewers see him dressed as his mother and talking in her voice.  He has the personality of a molested little boy, Emmitt, Jr. (the original personality), Tyler (host personality), and his mother Maxine (an alter personality-Madea). 

As previously mentioned above, alter personalities tend to emerge in adulthood when they are triggered. Perry’s memories of child abuse and the abused children alters was triggered by the Oprah Show that is involved in remote mass behavior modification experiments.

When Perry finds empowerment and finds strength, he starts to act and dresses like a mother figure. When he dressed up as a mother figure, she is loud, aggressive, vengeful, bodacious, and pistol packing. This was his way of creating the mother that he wanted, needed, and deserved to protect him.  

In the first instance, it may seem rather ironic that the same mother that was powerless to protect her son from ritual sexual and physical abuse would be for most of her life a preschool teacher at the New Orleans Jewish Community Center powerless to protect the children under her care and watch.

In Nick Bryant’s The Franklin Scandal, there is a document related to the CIA inducing dissociation and MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).[13] For those unfamiliar with the Franklin Scandal, basically it involves the CIA use of children as mind controlled sexual slaves to entrap politicians and subjects of interest in clandestine operations. The means of producing children sex slaves was by means of iatrogenic dissociation and multiple personality disorders. Iatrogenic means created by therapist or doctor. [14]

The CIA document stated that one of the means to inducing iatrogenic “dissociated states” was by qualitative stimuli “drawings and ideas with special associations.” [15]

Perry’s practice of drawings and cathartic (purging) writings to “disassociate” is consistent with CIA MPD methodology.

MPD: Dissociate States & Flashes of Light  

-After I found a dictionary and looked up cathartic, I realized what she was saying, so I started writing things down. “God’s little flashes of light.” –Tyler Perry- 

In CIA-type mind control (MK ULTRA), some mind-control victims have reported they were hit with flashing lights.. When the eyes cannot process the lights, the brain/mind tends to shut down its active thinking function.

In July 1972, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a study paper entitled Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) –Eurasian and Communist Countries, ST-CS-01-169-72. DIA,, July, 1972, pp. 77-86. Part VI of the study paper is written about “Light and Color as a Means of Altering Human Behavior.” [16]

This DIA also reported on an American symposium held at Tulane University in Covington, LA in 1957 concerning the effects of flickering light on the brain. The participants of the 1957 American symposium drew up a paper with 11 conclusions, which included a. flickering light interferes with the human nervous system, b. flickering light can put a person to sleep or into a trance, c. flickering light can interfere with the brains s alpha waves, and d. “photo driving of the EEG by periodic flicker is a well known phenomenon although many subjects do not show the effect…” [17]

In a Chicago Tribune (June 7, 1959) article, Dr. William Kroger wrote about a flashing light mind control device, “New Device To Induce Hypnosis Developed. Dr. Kroger had tested the use of flashing lights on 200 obstetric patients at the Edgewater hospital in Chicago. The article said, “The pulsing pattern in reality an electronic brain wave ‘achieves control’ of the brain’s alpha rhythm, thus inducing a drowsy state, according to Dr. Kroger.” “The apparatus…operates on the principal of subliminal and photic stimulation of brain waves…about 30 per cent of the subjects who had received no explanation or had no knowledge of what the brain wave synchronizer would do were hypnotized to various degrees.” [18]

By 1969, Tulane University of New Orleans was at least a decade ahead into producing trances and dissociated states with flashes of light.


The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death- 

MK DELTA was a special procedure designed by the CIA to oversee MK ULTRA research conducted abroad in the 1950s. It involved the use of drugs in interrogation, therefore physicians, most likely psychiatrists, were direct participants. MK DELTA also funded research on the use of biological materials for “harassment, discrediting, or disabling purposes.” [19]

According to the research of Edward T. Haslam in New Orleans, author of Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus, The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory, he speculates that Dr. O (Alton Ochsner) former head of Surgery of Tulane Medical School and director of the Ochsner Clinic of New Orleans secretly headed MK Delta.[20] Dr. O was heavily implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Haslam also speculates that MK DELTA is linked directly to clandestine research at Tulane’s Delta Regional Primate Center in Covington, LA. Tulane’s primate center was the site of the 1957 American symposium on the effects of flashing lights and human nervous center above. Tulane was involved in both NIH (National Institute of Health) and CIA-sponsored projects, especially research with psychoactive drugs. [21] 

Oddly enough, the source of the work of MK DELTA has been linked to the secret experimental mind control research of Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele. Recently, a Member of the Norwegian journalist Union made an explosive discovery that U.S. Guantanamo Base Detention Center in Cuba is referred to as “Camp Delta.” Camp Delta is the center of tortures and of human programming after Josef Mengele’s CIA Projects. [22]

These details were taken from police undercover operations revolving around Norwegian Kjell Inge Røkke. Røkke was a Norwegian CIA asset that flew secretly kidnapped civilians across Europe to CIA torture centers around the world including Guantanamo. [23]

 In 1995 at President Clinton’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments,Valerie Wolf, a New Orleans therapist, brought forth some remarkable revelations regarding MK ULTRA trauma based mind control experiments on children in New Orleans.

It appears that the CIA had funded a large scale ongoing children trauma based mind control operation in New Orleans revolving around Tulane University involving some of the most infamous CIA mind benders, Dr. Robert G. Heath of Tulane University, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Morris “Morse” Allen, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Robert A. Cleghorn, Dr. John Gittinger, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Martin T. Orne, Dr Otto Menninger, Col. George White, and Jewish Dr. Luther Wilson Greene.[24]

Rare Newspaper Picture of The Nazi Angel of Death's Assistant, Dr. Luther Wilson Greene

Claudia Mullen of New Orleans was a ritually sexual abused mind controlled child victim/sex slave of the CIA from 1958 to 1988.[25] Mullen’s CIA sex slave ordeal in New Orleans somewhat parallels Perry’s time frame of ritual sexual and physical abuse. 

According to Mullen, the sadistic Dr. Robert G. Heath of Tulane and Dr. Luther Wilson Greene headed the New Orleans’ CIA mind control operations. The Jewish Dr. Greene admitted he had worked directly with the Nazi Angel (Demon) of Death, Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele of Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland. [26]

Auschwitz was established as a Nazi “…experimental physiological, pathological station” that a number of universities and research centers benefited from. It was connected to the great centers of German medicine at Heidelberg, Munich, Berlin and Konigssberg. [27]

At Auschwitz, Mengele’s experiments included experimental electro-shock treatment resulting in the torture and death of hundreds, dissection of internal organs, limbs and eyes by the thousands from unsedated patients for study. Mengele also supervised secret experimental drug testing on adults and children for pharmaceutical companies. Bayer, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical, had a representative on site providing drugs and direct funding for human medical experiments. [28] Mengele was personally responsible for the death of about 400,000 people. He may well have been the “World’s Greatest Mass Murderer” war criminal behind Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler.

There was one certain drug developed at Auschwitz that was used on children to induce severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or inject the drug and it would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance, which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. Dr. Mengele was the CIA’s quintessential expert in iatrogenic dissociation and multiple personality disorders. [29]

The New Orleans Jewish Community Center where Maxine Perry worked was only blocks from Tulane University, Dr. Heath and Dr. Greene. They were all uptown on St. Charles Street. Perry recalls that he had to see a doctor every Tuesday for allergy shots. I can only speculate that he was being seen at Tulane, and it wasn’t for allergies.

On Terry Perry’s 60 Minutes television interview, nevertheless the healing and forgiveness he claims changed his life, he refused to discuss the man from the church that had sexually molested him. It would have opened a Pandora’s box of ritualistic childhood sexual abuse. I also suspect that matchbox cars may have been programmed triggers.

“I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old when I went over to play with her son and Matchbox cars. She opened the door in skimpy lingerie. There was a man sitting on the couch, smoking. She told me that her son was in the bedroom. I was there playing with him about 20 minutes when I heard the man arguing with her. He said he was leaving and slammed the door. She came into the bedroom and told me that I had to go home. She told her son to take a bath and she locked him in the bathroom. I was at the front door trying to get out, when she came in and laid on the sofa and asked me if I wanted the key. I told her I had to go home as it was getting dark. She put the key inside of herself and told me to come get it, pulling me on top of her.”[30] 

“When my mother left to visit some friends I heard what sounded like water running in a tub but it was sporadic. She came and got me out of the living room leaving my Matchbox cars on the floor. She said she was going to kill these germs on me once and for all. She gave me a bath in ammonia.”[31]

More than likely, Perry has layers of trauma insulation, but he can not peel away the details or the layers because it would possibly expose his true programmers, and shallow his tongue like Multiple Miggs. Perry had to come within the matrix, “The Color Purple.”



“The woman was dressed in PURPLE  and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. This title was written on her forehead: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus. Book of Revelations: 17:4-6

The matrix that holds Tyler Perry and a tight secret network together is “The Color Purple.” Within that Matrix, Oprah is Queen Bee of the coven.

The Color Purple Matrix-Purple is not only the color of the WHORE OF BABYLON, it is the color of PRIVILEGE

As demonstrated by Terry Perry, covert subliminal triggers are exposed on the Oprah Show opening up alternative personalities and flashbacks of ritualistic trauma based abuse, then they come within “The Color Purple.

Behind leading female characters in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Toni Morrison’s Beloved is believed to be the myth of Lilith. [32] Both authors and books are heavily endorsed and promoted within Oprah Winfrey’s coven and television industry.

Appealing to both magicians and feminists past and present, Lilith, or Lilitu (“wind-spirit” in Assyrian-Babylonian mythology) was a ravenous sexual entrepreneur. In legend, Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She was either created as Adam’s twin (joined together at the back), or was made from the earth. Lilith demanded equality with Adam. [33]

In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was said to have driven Lilith, an Anzu bird, and a “snake which fears no spell” from a tree that was in a sacred grove dedicated to the Goddess ISHTAR/Inanna/Asherah. Other legends describe the malevolent Anzu birds as “lion-headed” and pictures them as eagle monsters, likewise to this a later amulet from Arslan Tash site features a sphinx like creature with wings devouring a child and has an incantation against Lilith or similar demons, incorporating Lilith’s correlating animals of lions and owls. [34]

Lilith is associated with the Anzu bird, lions, owls, and serpents, which are animals associated with the Lilitu. It is from this mythology that the later Kabbalah depictions of Lilith as the serpent in the Garden of Eden and her associations with serpents are probably drawn.

Dr. Greene often inserted Kabbalah symbolism in his mind control programming. [35] Kabbalah is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the mystical aspect of Judaism. It is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal/mysterious Creator and the mortal/finite universe (His creation).[36] Whatever Kabbalah had been its ritual magic has been kept alive, influenced and popularized by Satanist: the French magician Eliphas Levi, S.L. Mathers, A.E. Waite, Israel Regardie, Dion Fortune, and the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley of the English Order of the Golden Dawn. [37]

To the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, Lilith symbolized the Biblical Babylon, the Whore which rides the Dragon with seven heads. Crowley was fascinated with the Babylonian Whore which many believed to have been his inspiration for his Scarlet Women. [38]

Behind Tyler Perry’s Madea, I suspect is the Greek Mythology of Medea. Medea is one of the oldest of witches in Greek Mythology. She was the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, niece of the sorceress Circe, granddaughter of the sun god Helios, and later wife to the hero Jason, with whom she had two children: Mermeros and Pheres. In Euripides’s play Medea, Jason leaves Medea when Creon, king of Corinth, offers him his daughter, Glauce. The play tells of how Medea gets her revenge on her husband by killing Mermeros and Pheres for this betrayal.[39]  Recall that Perry has two siblings that he doesn’t discuss. Is this more symbolic revenge, Madea-Mazine (Medea) against Emmitt, Sr. for betraying Emmitt., Jr.? 

Greek myth tells of witch goddess, Medea, who used a Cauldron (represent the fifth element of Spirit and the Mystic Center) an iron pot in which poisons, ointments and philtres were brewed to restore a person’s youth. [40]

Nipplegate & Ritual Rising of ISHTAR

Janet Jackson stars in Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too. Of all things, she plays the role of a psychologist along with her on screen husband, Malik Yoba. They both also appear to be within Oprah’s satanic coven.  

“Theoretically… a Christian” and “philosophically… a Buddhist”Malik Yoba-

Stars of Why Did I get Married Too, Janet Jackson & Malik Yoba, Yoba has Facist Iron Cross on T-Shirt and a Christian Cross
Malik Yoba wears the Christian Cross & Iron Cross- A Symbol of Nazi Fascism

On February 1, 2004 during a halftime musical performance of the Super Bowl, Justin Timberlake shocked and outraged CBS television audiences and spectators when he torn open Janet Jackson’s leather/silver laced garment revealing one breast. It is referred to as a wardrobe malfunction and Nipplegate.

The stunt had been approved by the top brass of CBS. [41]  Pop stars Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera were all members of the New Mickey Mouse Club. All of them are associated in one form of the other with ritualistic Kabbalah and Satanism.  


Janet Jackson’s nipple shield is the 8-point Star of ISHTAR surrouned by silver buttoned garments. The eight lines are symbolic of the four corners of space (north, south, east, and west) and time (two solstices and two equinoxes).  The 8 pointed star is also a Gnostic symbol, known as the octagram of creation. It is related to Venus, and is also sacred to ISHTAR.  In Nordic traditions the octagram is used to invoke Aleister Crowleyian Magick. [42]

It wasn’t a wardrobe malfunction. It was a ritual involving the rising or release of ISHTAR. Venus and Mars, ISHTAR and Marduk, Inanna and Utu, whichever you choose to call them, the attributes are the same. You will find the goddess bearing her breast, as in Lady Liberty, and the male is worshiped as the Sun, while silver is the metal of the goddess and she is worshiped as the moon. ISHTAR was one of the most popular female deity of the Assyro-Babylonian pantheon and patron of the famous ISHTAR Gate. She is the Akkadian counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna and the cognate to the goddess Astarte. The Greeks associated her with Aphrodite (Latin Venus), and sometimes Hera.

ISHTAR was worshipped as a Great Goddess of fertility and sexuality, but also of war and death, and the guardian of prostitutes. She was also called the Great Whore and sacred prostitution formed part of her cult or those of cognate goddesses.

The earliest origin of ISHTAR is the ancient city of Babylon, a major metropolis in Mesopotamia. Babylon is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (bāb-ilû), meaning “Gateway of the god”. It was the “holy city” of Babylonia from around 2300 BC, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 612 BC.

Compare ISHTAR, The Bird God & Tyler Perry's Mystical Bird

Her breast offering pose suggested her function as the goddess of all nourishment. Eventually Christian writers belittled her Holy sexual character by calling her also the Whore of Babylon and Mother of Harlots (Revelation 17:5). [43]

Lions Gates opens to Babylon and “The Gateway to the Goddess ISHTAR.

Yoba's Devil Horns Calling Card Handshake

Aleister Crowley, a 20th century satanist wrote a book, Manual on Magic. On pages 481-482, he advises:  “Think backward, write backward, speak backward, walk backward are the ways to get into the other world.” Thus, “I am he” would be said, “eh ma I”.

Oprah’s production company is HARPO. HARPO is Oprah spelled backward. Oprah also created a new cable television network  called OWN, the NWO (NEW WORLD ORDER) spelled backward.

This type of latent satanic symbolism is too great to be written off as coincidental  and nonsense without some type of open debate. You have the right to know if you’re being covertly distracted from any desire of FREEDOM and JUSTICE by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods by the secret and illegal racist agendas of the government and the NWO.  


[2] Id.



[5] Ross, Colin A, Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Richardson, TX (2000) pg. 329





[10] Id.

[11] Id.


[13] Bryant, Nick, The Franklin Scandal, A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse and Betrayal, Time Day LLC, Walterville, OR (2009), pg. 615

[14] Ross, Colin A, Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Richardson, TX (2000) pg. 255

[15] Id. At footnote 10


[17] Id.

[18] Id.

[19] Id. At footnote 11, page 64

[20] Haslam, Edwart T., Dr. Mary’s Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics, Trine Day, Walterville, OR (2007)

[21] Id. At pages 30-31


[23] Id.



[26] Id.

[27] Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y. (1974)

[28] Id.



[31] Id.











