5 09 2017

Donald J. Drumpf, the Master Race, Deceit & Fallen Angels

It has been ordained by the Karma of the Germanic world that he (Hitler) should wage war against the East and save the Germanic peoples—a figure of the greatest brilliance has become incarnate in his person…whom men would regard in centuries to come with the same reverence that they had accorded to Christ.”—Heinrich Himmler

What was Himmler’s Messiah? It was the “Dark Soulof Adolph Hitler. Fast forward to the 21st century, Donald J. Drumpf, and the Aryan Master Race “Dark Force Karma” is in the White House.

In November 2016, “Darkness is good,” White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter at Trump Tower, where the presidential transition team is at work. “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.” [1]

These are not poetic licenses, or sentimental prose, but words of devotion, ideology, the apostles’ creed of the hidden occult and SATANIC mythology behind the Dark Force Karma” and the Cult of Dark Messiah in America’s White House in the 21st century. Throughout the generations, many U.S. Presidents were openly Freemasons that secretly worship Lucifer as god. But no U.S. Presidential Administration White House chief official has EVER publicly officially acknowledged “darkness” and the POWER OF SATAN in the governance of ALL THE PEOPLE. 

Angel Heart & Black People in America: Have a Good Time! 

Black Folks! In lieu of rescinding Dreamers, don’t get too comfortable or secure in America with Angel Heart, Donald J. Drumpf, entrenched in the highest elected and most powerful office in this country.

Since the 1930s and the Aryan Master Race Nazi/Thule Society takeover of the entire country of Germany, they have been clandestinely back and forth in this country trying to figure out a way to infiltrate the U.S. Government and repeal the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendments of the U.S. Constitution to force Black people back into the conditions of absolute permanent Human Bondage.

Nevertheless while the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendments were on paper and in effect after the Great Civil War, the federal government stepped aside and allowed southern states to enforce evil, brutal and inhumane Black Codes that suppressed the constitutional rights and freedoms of emancipated Africans. Black Codes restricted black people’s right to education, own property, conduct business, buy and lease land, and move freely through public spaces.[2]

The federal government stepped aside and allowed Black people to be burned, shot, raped, beaten and LYNCHED led by the hooded torch bearing Masonic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Drumpf defended the symbolic torch light marching white racialist nationalists (Nazis, Knights of Ku Klux Klan, etc.) that protested the removal of a statue of American traitor Confederate General Robert E. Lee, A Symbol of Universal Permanent African Human Bondage, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Drumpf said that the white nationalists torch bearers included SOME VERY FINE PEOPLE”.[3]

Charlottesville Resident Deandre Harris Savagely Beaten By NAZIS and KKK 

The Drumpf’s justice department has already publicly and blatantly began to step aside of protecting the constitutional rights of Black People.

As of this day, Charlottesville police have arrested ONLY one (1) man in connection with the globally exposed public brutal-homicidal beating of 20 year old little Deandre Harris by white nationalist KKK- NAZI– that are according the highest elected office of this country are SOME VERY FINE PEOPLE” Aryan people.[4]

“Ou’lls Mangent de la Brioche”- Let Them Eat Cake!

On April 13, 2017, Easter Sunday Week, Drumpf and his dark force karma dropped the Witch’s CauldronSS-Oberscharführer (Nazi senior squad leaderDr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr zero point energy weapon of mass environmental and human destruction on the people of Afghanistan in the region of at least 100,000 non-Aryan human beings. The bomb incinerated, melted and immolated local poor residents of the Achin District. [5],[6]

Angel Heart & Non Aryan Dreamers- Trick or Treat?

 “We are going to show great heart,” President Trump said at a news conference in February when asked about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. “We are going to deal with DACA with heart.” [7]

Drumpf isn’t lying about the “great heart” and DACA. Yet, he is universally known to be  global great pathological liar. He’s telling the truth warped inside an enigma. The problem is too many people aren’t willing to accept the truth that the clandestine ideology and soul behind his “Great Heart is the “DARK KARMA” of the Master Race.

The Obama administration created the DACA program in 2012, in response to repeated failures by Congress to create a permanent path to legal status for people who came to the US as children. Many have lived in this country almost their entire lives, have gone to school here, and have spouses and children. Under DACA, over 750,000 people have placed their names, addresses, relatives, work places and schools in the computer system data base.[8] Is it impossible to round up almost a million people, and deport them? NO! It’s all in place.

When Hitler, Thule and the Knights of the Black Sun (Aryan Master Race) took over the highest elected offices in Germany, a central Nazi-SS priority was to identify Germany’s 600,000 Jews for racial mass murder. More than 2,000 IBM multi- computer data and card sorting machines were dispatched throughout Germany and thousands more throughout German-dominated Europe. Card sorting operations were even established in every major concentration camp.[9]

The Nuremberg Laws, as they became known, did not define a “Jew” as someone with particular religious beliefs. Instead, anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identified himself or herself as a Jew or belonged to the Jewish religious community.

In August 1938, German authorities decreed that by January 1, 1939, Jewish men and women bearing first names of “non-Jewish” origin had to add “Israel” and “Sara,” respectively, to their given names. All Jews were obliged to carry identity cards and passports that were keyed into the Nazi IBM computer system data base. The racial mass murder holocaust of Jews in Eastern Europe had been fully automated. It had been IBM COMPUTERIZED.

It isn’t enough for Congress to pass a bill to protect Dreamers.  It must collect and close access to the Dreamer’s Data Base, immediately. It is paramount to go behind the White House’s timing of the rescission of DACA, and uncover the real reasons and forces behind it at a critical time in this country, particularly, in the aftermath and coming recovery from Hurricane Harvey.










