4 09 2017



” [Houston Flood Survivors] … have a good time.” President select Donald J. Drumpf

On Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf made his second visit to Texas since Hurricane Harvey hit the state on Aug. 25, and he still refused to acknowledge the enormous magnitude and complexity of the absolute calamity, and the  mass human mental and physical suffering that exists in Texas.

Harvey has been absolutely devastating to the region. Homes are flooded, families have lost everything, and at least 47 (forty seven) people are believed to have been killed. About 42,000 people stayed in shelters in Texas on Thursday night, and more than 50,000 were still without power. Many areas are still flooded after more than 50 inches of rain. The city of Beaumont, Texas, is still in crisis mode: flooded and without tap water for 118,000 citizens.

Drumpf visited the shelter at the NRG Center in Houston on Saturday to participate in relief efforts and meet with survivors, something he hadn’t done during his initial visit on Tuesday, Aug. 29. During his visit, Drumpf and Melinia, seemingly uncomfortable, helped hand out food.

Like on a made for  TV show with a production crew, he commented that he’d been seeing “a lot of happiness,” and called the storm response “really nice.” He said as tough as this was, “it’s been a wonderful thing, I think even for the country to watch it and for the world to watch. It’s been beautiful.” Drumpf also had some eye-widening response to the ongoing damage to the region. Asked about flooding, he reportedly said, “The flooding? Oh, yeah, yeah, there’s a lot of water, but it’s leaving pretty quickly. But there’s a lot of water, a lot of water, but it’s moving out.” As he and Melinia left and bided each and everyone farewell, he instructed reporters and survivors to “have a good time.”

This photograph showing a starving Sudanese child being stalked by a vulture won Kevin Carter the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for feature photography. In March 1993, the severely weak  child was crawling toward a United Nations food camp about a little more than a mile away. Carter couldn’t tell the world that the child made it, because he left the scene immediately after taking the photo.

On July 27, 1994, Kevin Carter drove to an area where he used to play as a child, and committed suicide by taping one end of a hose to his pickup truck’s exhaust pipe and running the other end to the driver’s side window. He died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Portions of Carter’s suicide note read:

I’m really, really sorry. The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist…I am depressed …I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings and corpses and anger and pain…of starving or wounded children …”

Is it too much to expect CNN to have had heart and a policy of  human compassion for an immediately rescued stressed, tired and cold mother with children from a calamity and deadly flood that allowed them to assist, direct or help the young family, first and foremost, get dry clothing, warm, food and probably be seen and advised by medics, Red Cross and a counselor to relieve stress, anxiety, pain, hunger and FEAR before they tried to interview her for the benefit and TV ratings of global corporate mass media like their U.S. Commander and Chief.



” … O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness …” Ezekiel 28:16-17

President select Drumpf has enough support among Negroes to actually organize a group of legitimate vocal black supporters instead of being associated with BLACKS FOR TRUMP 2020. COM. Blinded by his False Idol Beauty, Drumpf’s Soul is corrupted, dark and evil like the “Heart of the DEVIL.” His leagues are among Lucifer’s Servants from the GATES OF HELL! 

Spaceships & Mind Control Death Cults: YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH

Maurice Symonette, Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Yaanuwn & the Mothership

Maurice Symonette is the man most visibly associated with “Blacks for Trump”. He also calls himself, “Michael the Black Man” and Maurice Woodside. Why Maurice Symonette? He sold his soul to the DEVIL and Lucifer, years ago.

Michael the Black Man” is far from a novelty and laughing matter. He was a satanic initiate of the Death Angel Cult of Yahweh Ben Yahweh that tied into a secret CIA (Shadow Government- Strategy of Tension) Black Manchurian Candidate/Death Angel Secret Society designed to permanently polarize the masses and the races.  As a death cult member, his rap sheet lists arrests for conspiracy in 14 (fourteen) murders.

Yahweh Ben Yahweh

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Luciferson of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (Isaiah 14:12-15, King James Version)

Yahweh Ben Yahweh’s secret name is “Eli-Ya-Huwa”, the incarnation of the Divine, the “Angelic being” personifying like the Son of Man. The Master Yahweh appeared in the form of “Yaanuwn” to guide its initiates to the “Promise Land” or “MOTHERSHIP” called New Jerusalem. Mount Hermon (discussed below) is the symbol of the New Jerusalem.

CLOUDS were his symbol. Yahweh’s mystery cloud was an “UFO” that hovered above the earth for 100,000 years. The name “YAANUWN” means “Oh Light … this master personified in the form of light, which is symbolic of knowledge.” According to Ben Yahweh, the pillar of clouds led the Children of Israel in their journey in the wilderness. These clouds illuminate at night. The cloud dictated every move Israel made. The “cloud ship” is able to transport and inter-galactically travel throughout space.

… in the Freemasonic worldview, the Divine Light is Lucifer and Empire of Light is his Kingdom, whilst base matter, the Empire of Darkness, is Yahweh’s Kingdom.”

Freemasons that worship LUCIFER understands that Light is nothing other than the symbol of truth and knowledge. First and foremost, the angelic being, “Oh Light”, Yaanuwn, the master personified in light symbolic of knowledge is LUCIFER– SATAN.  Second, Negroes and UFO’s are usually the signatures of the CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau.

Spaceships & Mind Control Death Angel Cults: Ronnie Flenaugh & El Constran

Among the first of the Cult of Black Angels that terrified white America during the late 1960s and early 1970s was an extreme muscular (ripped) young man with a black turban and cape. I was personally acquainted with him around campus at Merritt Jr. College in Oakland, CA. He was Ronnie Flenaugh aka ” Al Rashid of El Constran. I saw them him turn from a quiet, respectful and gentle young man out of Berkeley, CA into a murderous CIA CLONE from outer space.

Fate had it; they sent in Ronnie to deal personally with Brother Huey when he was first released from prison in 1971.  Undoubtedly, they didn’t know Brother Huey P. Newton. Huey wiped the floor with the spaceship clone. I am not sure how many people Ronnie actually shot, killed, slashed and attacked in the Oakland – San Francisco Bay Area with a gun or machete. Ronnie was subsequently murdered in Oakland in 1972. At his homicide crime scene, the Oakland Police Department found several suspect guns and a machete that had been in his possession, and tested not one of them for any of the Bay Area Black Death Angel (Zebra Killings) random attacks on and murders of white people.

I said that to say this. During the late 1980s or 1990s, I got access to review and make quick written notes for a hour or so on some of Ronnie’s secret early trauma based mind control psychiatric 51/50 court records that declared him insane. On September 7, 1967, he told Dr. Isidore Weiss that he had been drugged against his will at Santa Rita County Jail with hallucinogenic drugs (LSD).  Dr. Weiss recorded, “he says he is going to try to stop the people from exploring the universe. They are going to do this by psychological warfare. The whole population will blow up if they have their way. They keep messing with me…I told them I wanted to get on a SPACE SHIP. They are coming to pick me up.”

Including Ronnie’s statement regarding a SPACE SHIP and a psychological warfare project, he said, “I wouldn’t die, I wouldn’t join their religious group. Also, I wouldn’t commit treason, that’s why I’m in jail.” Ronnie told the doctor that people have been putting drugs in his veins and into his  .

I suspect that the religious group that Ronnie called treasonous had been Rev. Jim Jones’ CIA Peoples Temple forming in the Bay Area. There was a direct connection between the CIAPeoples Temple, Death Angels, Patty Hearst and the SLA. Ronnie and his official psychiatric records was the first time that I heard of a direct connection of CIA Black Manchurian Candidates with UFOs. And, what made what Ronnie said in 1967 so significant is that information about the CIA’s ultra-secret illegal psychological warfare, and MK ULTRA experimental hallucinogenic and mind control programs weren’t publicly exposed until 1974.  Also in 1967, psychological warfare was a specialized term used by the CIA and U.S. military intelligence.

I didn’t know Ronnie, personally, but I knew enough of him.  When he first put on the black turban and cape and showed up on campus, he and a small group of other turban wearing brothers were particularly under my radar until I left the campus for San Francisco State University. What the shadow government did clandestinely to Ronnie, and another brother that I knew, Billy Mapp, really scared me. I was very concerned about it, and what was really going on in our community. They stayed clear of me (former Panther) so I had another brother find out what he could about the group. I know now that the brother deliberately kept me constantly misinformed about Ronnie and El Constran on campus and even into the early 1990s. He was U.S. Air Force Intelligence. As far as I personally observed, Ronnie wasn’t involved in politics, radicalism, or the Black Liberation Movement. If Ronnie had shown up at a Black Power Rally, or a meeting among the down brothers and sisters, he would have been OUT OF PLACE and CHARACTER. Undoubtedly, he had been recruited for an ultra secret illegal military intelligence domestic psychological warfare operation. He must have signed his name in blood, because there was no exit clause or any retreat for him. DEATH became Ronnie’s only option out of El Constran. He was shot down dead- liquidated by a fellow cult member.



SS Von Braun & Black Sun Space Station (VRIL Mothership)

The modern “MOTHER SPACESHIP” is the invention of  SS- Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun and NASAVRIL (Sumerian: VR-IL- God- Like) Technology scientists of the Thule Society planned to develop among other things space based weapons, and anti-gravity Spaceships (Motherships) that could make physical contact with the ancient extraterrestrial Aryan civilizations. Von Braun’s mother spaceship is in the shape of a wheel. In the 1950s, Braun and Willy Ley updated the idea, in part as a way to stage spacecraft headed for Mars.

U.S. Naval Intelligence’s primary source on the VRIL and Thule Society came from Ley. He was one of the advisers to the 1931 German film, Frau im Mond (Woman in the Moon). Dr. Hermann Oberth has been considered by many to have been the original father of modern rocketry, having designed rockets and space stations from WW1 through the 1920s. One of his rockets was featured in a popular German science fiction film, “Frau im Mond”.

According to Dr. Oberth, the Nazis could not “take credit” for their advancement in an array of scientific fields. Like Von Braun, and Oberth claimed the Nazis received extensive assistance from a super-intelligent, alien life form. Dr. Oberth referred to these VRIL aliens as “people of other worlds.”

Dr. Oberth and Von Braun were under the secret direction, tutorage and influence of Maria Orsic and the Thule Society.

Braun and Ley envisioned the mother ship as a rotating wheel with a diameter of 76 meters (250 feet). The 3-deck wheel would revolve at 3 RPM to provide artificial one-third gravity. It was envisaged as having a crew of 80. In 1959, a NASA committee opined that such a space station was the next logical step. The Stanford torus proposed by NASA in 1975, is an enormous version of the same concept, that could harbor an entire city.

U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr.

Was SS Von Braun and NASA involved in secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs? YES. Freemason U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (1927-2004) was an original 1959 Project Mercury astronaut along with Gus Grissom. In 2000, Cooper exposed the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950’s and 1960’s involving gifted American school children called “Space Kids.” According to Cooper, “The space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities [Star Kids] run through a kind of MK [MKUltra CIA mental programming] program, like the things that are coming out now.” He went on to describe how NASAs mind-control program, which emphasized cultivation of the children’s psychic abilities, involved such things as telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences (OBE’s). This is strong direct eye witness testimony of events that he personally observed. He was in a special and unique position within NASA position to know.

Little Professor, Marcus Wayne Chenault of Dayton, OH

Powerful circumstantial evidence of SS Von BraunNASA and MK ULTRA come from the FBI records of the “Little Professor” – Marcus Wayne Chenault. He was part of a group of black assassins called,  “THE TROOP.” The Troop was ran out of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The “Little Professor“and “The Troop” targeted for assassination most of America’s leading Black religious and spiritual leaders straight out of COINTELPRO and Project CHAOS. The group was led by Walter Edward Brooks, Jr. The Troop was ran out of the ultra top secret Building 18, Area B, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH.

EXTERIOR WEST VIEW, BUILDING 18B (LABORATORY OFFICE) (1991). – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Area B, Building 18, Power Plant Laboratory Complex, Northeast corner of C & Fifth Streets, Dayton, Montgomery County, OH.

At the time of the Little Professor’s Assassination  of Mrs. Alberta King (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Mother), Brooks had been the maintenance man for the “Blue Room” and Building 18, Area B containing the Roswell Flying Disk under control of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis, SS Werhner von Braun, Dr. Alexander Lippisch and the Blood Covenant SS in the Interest of U.S. National Security. Building 18, Area B was classified- ultra government Top Secret.

Nazi Germany, Hanna Reitsch, Lippisch, and Willy Messerschmitt

Dr. Lippisch, a Nazi, came to the U.S. in January 1946 as a part of Operation PAPERCLIP. He was immediately stationed at Wright Field where he stayed until December 1946. He designed supersonic ramjets for the Nazis. Dr. Lippisch had also been involved with Himmler and Von Braun’s Peenemunde Rocket Team. Willy Messerschmitt built the World’s First Operational Jet Fighters for the Nazis. After WWII, he was convicted of collaboration with Nazis. Who was Hanna Reitsch?

Hanna Reitsch was Nazi- SSHimmler and Von Braun’s  most infamous Peenemunde Rocket Team test pilot, and Hitler’s heroine and pilot. She was suspected of secretly flying Hitler and Eva Braun out of Berlin in April 1945. I said that to say this, Dr. Lippisch was within the secret inner circle of the Knights of the Black Sun. He was transferred to the Naval Air Materiel Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1946-1950. Naval Air Material was another name for the Naval Aircraft Factory, and the Naval Air Experimental Station.

By the experimental designs of his jets, he had been under the secret direction, tutorage and influence of Maria Orsic , Thule Society and their saucer/disc aircraft technology.  The “Blue Room” and Building 18, Area B under the veil of U.S. National Security was so secret that I don’t think the FBI could get inside the facility to talk to Brooks or determine what he was really involved in inside the building. According to FBI documents, at some point, Brooks was wanted for questioning in the assassination of at least 2 (two) Midwest black preachers.

It is true that I was denied access to a facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, because I never got in. I can’t tell you what was inside. We both know about the rumors (concerning a captured UFO and crew members). I have never seen what I would call a UFO, but I have intelligent friends who have.” – Barry Goldwater, US Senator, Air Force General and Presidential candidate (quoted from a letter dated April 11, 1979)

Maria Orsic, a stunning beauty and an unusual medium was not an obscure personality. She was known to many celebrities of the era and had a fleet of very powerful admirers and friends both in Germany and abroad; famous, brilliant and influential people like Charles Lindbergh, Nikola Tesla, Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia, Henry Ford, Eva Peron, and the most illustrious figures in the spiritualism, parapsychological and psychical research in Great Britain. This was reported by Allies intelligence and documented by OSS operatives in Europe.”

Orsic called herself an alien (Being of Light) Vrillian– a member of a Master Race from outer space. The main objective of the Thule Society was to restore Aryans as the Master RaceBeings of Light” by restoring the knowledge of the Vril.  Membership in the Thule/Vril Society were restricted to the people of the white skin, blond hair- blue eye Aryan Race that vowed that they had no “Coloured of Jewish Blood“. On her planet Aldebaran, there were only two races, the master and the subservient. The subservient race lived on a different planet.

Maria Orsic said that “Beings of Lights“- Nephilim (Extraterrestrials from Aldebaran) descended on Mount Hermon, and later on, the Emim, their offspring populated the Earth.  Mt. Hermon’s summit straddles the border between Syria and LebanonEmim in Sumerian and Hebrew is the name of the children of Anak, and the bible referred to them as the offspring of the giants and women on earth. The angelic “Being of Light” and light bringer that fell on Mt. Hermon to make man “god like” was Lucifer.

In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation (an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group) for their sin (Enoch 6).  Jesus was transfigured on Mount Hermon after visiting Caesarea Philippi, site of the Temple of the Greek God Pan and the “Gates of Hell’, which was located at its base (Matt. 16:13; 17:1).

The “Luminous One” [der Scheinende] god of light Apollo (the Sun) was called “Phosphoros Demon” that means the light bringer demonLucifer. Many scholars of ancient texts believe that Greek mythology involving powerful superhuman beings such as Zeus and Apollo are actually references to the same fallen angels mentioned throughout the Old Testament and the Book of Enoch. In Genesis, the fallen are referred to as the Nephilim or “Sons of God” who came to earth and reproduced with humans. In the Jewish Book of Enoch, these “Angels” are mentioned as children of heaven who went among the “Children of Men” to have children of their own. These events, according to the legend, were the cause of God casting those angels from heaven.

 Drumpf’s Penthouse in New York is a shrine to the “Luminous One”. Its center art piece is a copy after Guido Reni’s fresco in the Casino dell’Aurora, in the Palazzo Pallavicini, in Rome. It was painted for Cardinal Scipione Borghese in 1614. It shows the passage of Apollo, the Sun God’s chariot, which is preceded by Aurora (Dawn), who casts roses onto earth below. She is accompanied by an “amoretto” bearing a lighted torch, who has been identified as Phosphorus [demon], the Morning Star (Lucifer).

Marie Orsic, Thule, Nazis and SS were Lucifer’s Court. She was Himmler and Hitler’s GODDESS OF THE DEVIL. The source of Donald J. Drumpf’s clandestine dark soul and Fallen Angel Heart is the Alien AryanLUCIFER.  And, the BLACKS FOR TRUMP. COM are LUCIFER’S SUBSERVIENT BLACK SERVANTS.

Don’t get it twisted. They had no love for Black People even if they loved Lucifer as much as they did. Up and until the last days of the THRID REICH, Black People and mixed races that were not absolute subservient and useful CLONES of the Master Race were slated for mass sterilization, and murderextermination.