3 08 2015

The video clearly demonstrate that the people know what time it is in Waller County, Texas God Damn. As if it was the Final Chapter in the Sandra Bland Affair, within a couple of days before this post, Waller County released new video footage of Sandy Bland taking a booking photo in an orange jail suit to respond to widespread claims on the internet, social media and corporate mass media that she may have been dead when her booking photo was taken. They are getting ready to pack up the dog and pony show and go home. There is much more to the the Sandra Bland Affair than the Mugshots. The fact is that when journalist, concerned citizens and the public demanded to see Bland’s side booking photo. In their own arrogance, they produced a side photo that was so dark and blurry that the person in the photo could not be identified as Sandy Bland.


In fact with the same lighting conditions, camera and the photos taken just moments apart, the subject in the side photo jail uniform is a different hue or color than Sandy’s front mugshot, and the subject’s shoulders appear too narrow for a tall and broad shouldered woman like Sandy. In fact, the entire Bland Corpse Mugshot Controversy may be a designed psychological warfare false flag tactic and red herring One of the primary components of psychological warfare is a covert plan of DEMORALIZATION that includes causing and instilling distrust of one’s cause, ideas and causes. It also includes the creation of FALSE ALARMS.[1] Waller County officials may have intentionally neglected to produce a clear booking photo of Sandy or take any action to clear up the discrepancies between the front photo and side photo to further inflame public mistrust and confusion by design.


However, as you look at the scene of her alleged suicide, it is a dormitory type cell that has a capacity to house at least 5 (five) women. Why was Sandy Bland kept isolated in that cell for at least 3 (three) days even when as they say, she told them that she was suicidal; suffered from Epilepsy and didn’t have her alleged medication?


Shortly after nine a.m. on July 13, 2015, Red Neck Justice of the Peace Charles Karisch told ABC13 News, he got a call. He was needed at the jail to conduct a death inquisition.  Karisch said, “I looked at the body, asked if EMS had been there and it was a flat-line. I pronounced her dead. I did see a dark mark somewhere around the neck.” He said,I think I saw a plastic bag hanging on something …”[2] So, you tell me why weren’t just plain ordinary crime scene technicians brought to the jail cell like the ones that you see every day on television mass convicting people of color of crimes to document the “dark mark” somewhere around Sandy’s neck, and the “plastic bag” that Judge Karisch THOUGHT that he saw “hanging on something.”

It makes absolutely no sense. From these extremely outrageous circumstances and the severe departure from just ordinary and standard duty of care, and crime scene homicide investigation and documentation, it was like Sandy had been no more than a dead ANIMAL. The people were JUSTIFIED to suspect Waller County officials of criminal FOUL PLAY in her death. Waller County‘s piece mill approach to government transparency is only designed to DEMORALIZE the masses and suppress their legitimate goals and aspirations. It is a game of psychological warfare. Pressure should continue on Waller County officials to answer to the people.


It is a truly sad, haunting and an outrageous tragedy to watch a despondent Sandy sadly lurk across the jail still lost in the dark and disbelieving shock about what really happened to be brutally assaulted, battered and placed behind bars like a PATSY, like a Lee Harvey Oswald or a Sirhan Sirhan. Nevertheless, I believe the majority of people familiar with this case are now convinced and outraged that Sandra Bland had no business being in jail in the first instance and want a full and complete answer, WHY.

As far as the recent Waller County booking room video is concerned, I will remain cautious to see what happens when the experts and public get a fair change to study the video. In the meanwhile, there continues to be something awfully wrong with the Sandy Bland Waller County Incident as the facts and circumstances of her arrest and death continue to spiral out of control.

Sandy Blank, AME Churches & the FINAL CHAPTER

 Sandy was widely lauded as a faithful member of DuPage AME Church in Lisle, IL. It was the same denomination as the Masonic/MK ULTRA Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC involved in the False Flag/Strategy of Tension racial mass murder operation that shocked the conscious of the nation and world.[3] The operation allegedly took the lives of the pastor and eight high ranking parishioners of the black church on June 17, 2015.[4]


Sandy‘s pastor and mentor, Rev. Dr. James F. Miller rides the HELLENIZED Ram for the ILLUMINATI just as the Late Rev. Clementa Pinckney had rode the Ram to become an ILLUMINATI sacrifice. Some may be confused as to what the RAM that they ride looks like.


Rev. Miller is a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule– Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.[5]


While Rev. Pinckney was a member of the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[6] That’s something to be very leery about.


This is Rev. Lavern Witherspoon and the Great BEAST 666. He was the former pastor at Mother Emanuel AME Church before his fraternity brother, Rev. Pinckney, took over the church. Rev. Witherspoon Rides the GOAT as a 33rd Master Mason and chaplain for the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge. He also Rides the RAM for the Divine Nine (9)- Boule Alpha Phi Alpha.[7]


Make no mistake as to what the GOAT that Rev. Witherspoon rides look like. He is a 1995 graduate of the U.S. Army Chaplain School and Center at Fort Jackson, South Carolina,[8] and,

“As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains “to facilitate the provision of religious activities.” Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the “other” religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, “Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving ‘black masses,’ human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the ‘anti-establishment’ mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on ‘rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.’ “[9] Rev. Witherspoon facilitates the Satanic Worship of the Baphomet for Masons and the U.S. Army.


But the most chilling and real scary stuff about Witherspoon is not only is he a chaplain for Masons and the U.S. Army, but he is a U.S. Army chaplain at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey home to the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command linked to Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) and –“Artificial Telepathy” or “psychotropics” or “mind control.”[10]

BAH employs over a 1000 intelligence officer involved in ultra secret high level Twilight Zone research and development in psychological and space age warfare, and mass population mind control projects. For instance, BAH’s C41SR,

The term C4ISR is a perfect descriptor for Artificial Telepathy — a powerful fusion of signal processing technologies that allows technicians to remotely gather and collect human intelligence (HUMINT) from the brain signals (SIGINT) of other human beings. As with C4ISR, Artificial Telepathy automates “signals collection” (eavesdropping) and “intelligence analysis” (figuring out what people intend to do) by utilizing satellites and computers, and the overall goal is military command and control.

Indeed, one might define Artificial Telepathy as a subset of C4ISR with a special focus on neurology, psychology and mind control. Artificial Telepathy is an exotic form of C4ISR that allows warriors to communicate nonvocally with soldiers in the field, enables spies and intelligence agents to perform reconnaisance and surveillance nonlocally by means of “remote viewing,” and allows military officers to command and control the behavior of human minds at a distance, with the artificial aid of carefully networked satellite and computer technology.


Booz Allen Hamilton certainly has close ties to the contractors who worked on the Pentagon’s “Star Gate” program for psychic spying in the 1990s, and it took a lead role in development of the NSA’s “Total Information Awareness” projects, mentioned in earlier posts. BAH must certainly be on the short list of firms capable of designing and launching a system of space-based, mind-invasive weaponry. It has all the people, pull and know-how needed to put an “electronic concentration camp system” in place”[11]


At this level of U.S. intelligence, it requires a twisted, wicked- depraved mind, and ultra high levels of secrecy and U.S. military/pentagon intelligence clearances to operate in and among Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants. What is the likelihood of AME Churches and Divine Nine (9)/Masonic Negroes being at the basis of two of America’s most racially polarizing incidents within days of each other in the SOUTH– to explode on the GLOBAL stage? Very unlikely to none at all.


It is chilling stuff, but Lucifer’s Most Elite, Covert and Wicked Servants have entered and corrupted the sanctity of the Black Church through their agents, the black Masons, Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negroes to try to usher in a New Age Luciferian Era, and bring about a FINAL CHAPTER to race relations.


Besides the clandestine BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH/ Ladies of Goddess Eulogia (Cybele), Sigma Gamma Rho, which in itself is scary stuff, but when the blood covenant secret Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Boule & Divine Nine (9) Negro combinations enter into the background of Sandy Bland, RED FLAGS AND SIRENS SHOULD HAVE TO GONE OFF AMONG THE MASSES LONG AGO.

Sandy Bland, Activist or Counter Intelligence Patsy


Sandy Bland also had been widely lauded as a BLACK LIVES MATTER activist. However, she appears to have been a sort of “solohashtag social media activist primarily using her Facebook page as a “Sandy Speaks” platform. She is not known to be formally associated with any organized group other than her secret SKULLS & BONES sisterhood. From the loose organizational nature, structure and network of the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement that has no certain program, constitution or formal or semi-formal membership, it can easily be penetrated, infiltrated, compromised and co-opted by secret black intelligence agents, agent provocateurs, and Black Manchurian Candidates.

Sandra Bland launched “Sandy Speaks” on January 14, 2015 as a “Gateway to Children.” She didn’t at one time mention the Black Lives Matter movement. However, she didn’t fail to mention her admiration for her down to business “sorority” sisters, and children interacting with the POLICE. Listen and watch her first “Sandy Speaks“, then answer the question whether or not she was anyway, shape, form or fashion a Black Lives Matter Activist.

The bottom line is that Sandra Bland had been pushed out on a limb on a mission by her clandestine sisterhood to represent a part of the Black Lives Matter movement on a global level. She was a SKULL & BONES sister on a mission. However, with prospects of a new job, future and a chance to improve her mental health, she may have wanted out of the mission, but she was too far deep down the RABBIT HOLE to get out of the game ALIVE.

Homeland Security & the State Suppression of the BLACK LIVES MATTER Movement


 According to documents obtained by The Intercept via a Freedom of Information Act request, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been monitoring the Black Lives Matter movement, by collecting data relating to public protests, vigils, and other events, and information from social media accounts.[12]

According to The Intercept, the DHS has been monitoring the movement since protests in Ferguson, MO erupted last August following the death of Michael Brown. DHS, which is supposed to investigate terrorism, also monitored the National Moment of Silence vigils that took place around the country on August 14th. These were peaceful vigils meant to honor those who have died at the hands of police.[13]

Baher Azmy from the Center for Constitutional Rights says that what DHS calls “providing situational awareness” of America’s Black Lives Matter and Peace movement is really just surveillance. What they call situational awareness is Orwellian Speak for watching and INTIMIDATION,” said Azmy.[14]

“Over time there’s a serious harm to the associational rights of the protesters and it’s an effective way to chill protest movements. The average person would be less likely to go to a Black Lives Matter protest if the government is monitoring social media, Facebook, and their movements.”[15]

President Barrack Obama’s June 26, 2015 Grace Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME was a disguised “southern strategy statement” that abandoned the rights, goals and aspirations of Black people within the confines and boarders of the former Confederate States of America.

Waller County, Rambo & Operation Sandy

Waller County’s Operation Sandy may not have been a joint federal- state task force per se, but it was certainty state action facilitated by DHS situational awareness information and data provided to state and local police authorities to deal on a local level with a social media outside “black agitator” involved in the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, I don’t believe that the federal government told the gun-ho cowboys in Waller County everything it knew about Sandra Bland. The good ole boys may have gotten the go-ahead from DHS, but they certainty didn’t know what the U.S. Psychos department and the CIA Occult Bureau handlers were up to. The country bigots of Waller County really may not fully understand what happened to Sandy, but their ignorance, arrogance and utter blind racism certainty put them in the trick box, riddle and enigma that they find themselves trapped inside.

Sandy & John Rambo


You just don’t turn it off!John Rambo

On July 10, 2015, Sandy Bland was hunted down and attacked by a Texas state trooper that acted as if he had been injected with the Rambo Chip, a human micro chip designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream when hunting down and LIGHTENING UP Black people- the elderly, men, children and WOMEN.

The family lawyer, Cannon Lambert and Sandy‘s sister, Sharon Cooper, confirmed the fact that Sandy had been singled out and TARGETED by a John Rambo type state trooper.[16] Within under 20 seconds of retuning to his car after his staged cover, the friendly encounter with a speeding Prairie View A&M University sophomore, Officer Encinia sighted Bland’s car. Rambo reportedly looked Sandy straight in her eyes after she made a right turn in the opposite lane.[17]

Rambo immediately made a u-turn and took off after her that forced her over to the right lane to allow an emergency vehicle to pass. He had been laying in wait for Sandy. She undoubtedly had been under some type of surveillance prior to Officer John Rambo Encinia zeroing in on her. When he stopped her, there was absolutely nothing that Sandy could do to save herself from being attacked and arrested by a super adrenaline charged Rambo.

He had been debriefed with situational data that labeled Sandy Bland as an outside “black agitator” before the stop. At his level (need to know) of the special operation, the takedown of Sandy Bland involved discrediting and neutralizing her from making a name for herself, and the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. Encinia: “I … even de-escalated once we were on the pavement. You know, on the sidewalk… I’m not saying I just threw her [body slammed] to the ground. I mean, I allowed time to de-escalate and so forth. It just kept being… (LAUGH in response to something) Right I just. (sounds like ‘MAKE A NAME FOR HER.’) ….”[18] I am hoping that Encinia’s full and accurate transcript will be produced and released that will show that he had been briefed about Sandy before the notorious traffic stop.

Who is Brian Encinia?


From the Creamery to State Trooper!

Brian Encinia, 30, is a Texas A&M graduate who has been with the state Department of Public Safety for a little over a year. His LinkedIn profile has since been deleted. Encinia indicated in his work history that he was formerly a district chief at the Brenham Fire Department and had also worked at Blue Bell Creamery as an “ingredient processor.” There is not much left from being calculatingly sanitized to show that Encinia ever had any kind of a social media presence, and his LinkedIn profile was deleted not long after his name was made public.[19]

The bottom line is that Encinia’s background has been deliberately wiped squeaky clean and placed under wraps. His background has been intentionally concealed from the public. We are left with the official story line that Encinia’s background history begins and ends at Texas A&M. Encinia is a predominately Hispanic surname. It is a name associated with noble, knightly and ancient bloodline families of Spain. It is a Spanish word, “encina“, derived mostly from the region of Castile meaning “Oak Tree.”[20]

People (Men) of the Oak traditionally means Druids. Druidism is believed to have moved into ancient Spain around 450 BC.[21] Castile, Spain is also associated with the founding of an order of Knight Templars in 1164, the Order of Calatrava.[22] Encinia deliberately led Sandy out of the narrow range of the patrol car dash cam to a sidewalk. He handcuffed her hands behind the back, then his adrenaline took over. He body slammed and drove Sandy into the pavement, and later LAUGHED about it. He fabricated a battery against an officer charge against her, then delivered her to Waller County.


I believe that the most logical conclusion under these circumstances is that Brian Encinia is some type of old world bloodline Spaniard Templar Knight.

Sandy‘s Mother From HELL


When Sandy was first arrested, a local bails bondsman said, “I talked to her when she first went to jail,JOE BOOKER of Hempstead told The Daily Beast. I called her mother for her.” Then BOOKER suddenly hung up the phone, and refused to answer any further calls regarding the Sandra Bland Case.[23] Sandy‘s mother, Geneva Reed-Veal, is interesting and very strange to say the least.


So-Say supposed to be Grieving (Sign of the BEAST: no weeping, mourning or tears) Mother Geneva Reed-Veal with GOAT Rider 33rd Degree Master Mason, [24] and Divine 9 (Nine)- Boule Negro, Al Sharpton.[25]


Brother Luciferian Master Masons, Al Sharpton and Al Pike

Of course, neither Al or Geneva discussed what Hempstead, Texas Bail Bondsman JOE BOOKER said, and why she or her clandestine sisterhood didn’t bail Sandy out of jail on Monday- the evening Sandy was attacked, battered, arrested and jailed. Geneva Reed-Veal turns out to be a prominent Chicago area real estate black entrepreneur.


She studied at Northern Illinois University, and graduated from Columbia College of Chicago with a BA in Journalism. She is currently the managing broker owner of the ADONAI Realty Investment Group. [26]


In Kabbalistic Mysteries, the ascent up the Tree of Life begins with the lowest sefirah, Malkhut. The name of God associated with Malkhut is ADONAI. Adonai is the plural form of Adon (“Lord”), which was used in ordinary speech as a title of respect when addressing a superior. When applied to God, ADONAI is a title of honor that denotes God’s absolute lordship. Although ADONAI literally means “my Lords,” it is translated as “Lord.Gikatilla says that ADONAI is the name of God that is “closest to all created things.” ADONAI  is “the great provider of Creation” who “governs all creatures, gives life and death, bequeaths and enriches, brings low and exalts, makes sick and heals.” He also says that the wise draw their wisdom from ADONAI .[27]


Could be Black Kabbalah Beads. In Kabbalistic Mysteries, Black: is associated with Prosperity and wealth. It is a very powerful color that symbolizes strength and power.

Is Geneva Reed-Veal a Luciferian witch, a Cabbalist? One problem that Sandy said that she had with her mother is that she always wanted pretty babies– mixed race white-black children. It sounds as though, Sandy may have been rejected by her mother because she wasn’t WHITE enough. And that opens up the possibility that at some time in her life, she may have been sacrificed to SCIENCE by her mother.

In the final eulogy to her daughter, Reed-Veal prepared herself for what’s to come saying, “Once I put this baby in the ground, I’m ready…This means war.”[28] That war that she talks about is more likely to take place on the planet MARS than on earth. I am inclined to believe NOTHING THE WITCH SAYS!

The Mystery of Sandy Bland


 In CIA MK ULTRA mind controlled Manchurian Candidates, you always begin by looking for unexplained missing time blocks that would allow entities time to separate, isolate, ritually program, and intensively indoctrinate their victims. In 2009, Sandy graduated from Prairie View A&M University with a BS in Agriculture and Animal Science. From October 2009 – March 2010 (6 months), she worked at Prairie View A&M University as a graduate research assistant.[29] After March 2010, she was convicted of a marijuana possession in Houston, TX. In May 2010, she was sentenced to thirty (30) days in jail, then sort of dropped off the map.[30]

Bland shows back up in Illinois in January 2013 as a n assistant property manager, then works regularly at various jobs in Illinois until April 2015, when she quit her administrative assistant job for Cook’s Direct in Warrenville, IL.[31] Sandy‘s abnormal and erratic driving history for a society sorority girl picks back up in March 2013 with a speeding violation in Crestwood Township, Cook County, IL.[32] But, where was Sandy from about June or July 2010 to January 2013? On her LinkedIn professional internet page, the missing time gap between May 2010 to January 2013 is telling and glaring.

By the time, she picks back up in January 2013. At some time subsequent to January 2013 and immediately thereafter, she has manifested symptomatic Post Partum Psychosis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, and Epilepsy that nobody seemed to have known anything about, but it didn’t just stop there. It gets even WORSE.

Sandy Bland, Occult Symbolism & MK ULTRA

On April 5, 2015, Sandra Bland was involved in strange automobile and motorcycle collision that deeply affected her. The motorcycle can be seen in her “Sandy Speaks” resting upside down (inverted) on the top of the trunk of her car. She certainty internalized the experience as a “life threatening” incident that God delivered her from. It was one more mysterious traumatic shock to her system and conscience. Sandy said that she had been on the way to a beach most likely along Lake Michigan, but appeared to be ALONE. For a beach trip, she worn usually large black double pyramid (triangle) earrings, and a black/white zebra patterned dress or blouse.


Sandy‘s “double black inverted pyramid earrings” could very well be innocent expressions of artistic preferences. However under these circumstances of “traumatic shock” when she was expressly an INITIATE of a secret Luciferian Sisterhood involved in a racially polarizing incident of global proportions, then a second look at Sandy Bland in a totally different realm is necessary.


The pyramid (triangle) is an ancient and mysterious symbol that has stirred the imagination of man for generations trying to unlock its many secrets. Sandy‘s Skull and Bones sisterhood, Sigma Gamma Rho, is basically an offspring of ancient Freemasonry. In the Masonic realm, the inverted pyramid suggests a hierarchical order from the bottom few elite UP.


It also represents an initiation of the initiate (mentee) to a higher NEW degree of revealed wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order UP.


The “inverted pyramid hierarchical order up concept” also plays an important part in early Christian doctrine and theology.[33] The inverted pyramid also represents the lunar aspects/powers of the ancient Great Earth Mother Cults.[34] It also symbolize respectively the descent of the life of Spirit into Matter (Satanism).[35]


Whereas, the black/white zebra crossings/stripes is a classic CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH theme that represents “Duality“.[36] It also acts as a MK ULTRA- MONARCH CHILDreinforcing” and an “identifier” device.[37]


The Zebra Crossings/Stripes take you round and round. WHERE IT STOPS NOBODY KNOWS.


Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop/Pop Star Rihanna


MK ULTRA Satanic Sex Kitten Pop Star Miley Cyrus


Late Satanic Sex Kitten Hip Hop Star Aaliyah


MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kitten Multiple Personality Disordered Nicki Minaj


MK ULTRA Rihanna Again, and



Identifiers provide a special and important safeguard in secret societies. In Oakland, a concerned brother and I tried to infiltrate a black secret society attached to a Lutheran Church in West Oakland. This group was involved in the assassination and cover-up of a prominent Oakland black businessman. The affair that we tried to infiltrate was their minister’s PUBLIC funeral, a black high ranking hierarchical Lutheran church official. During a homecoming celebration after the funeral, we tried to mix with the brothers to try to gather some inside information. We soon discovered that all the society brothers identified themselves by wearing cowboy boots. We had immediately been identified and out-ed as “outsiders.” We didn’t have the cowboy boots. I recognized some of the brothers, and of course, they knew exactly who I was. For me, it was yet another subset of brothers that I couldn’t turn my back on anyplace or time. I don’t think that I would do that again. But, I had to know. They had to know that I knew. These people will KILL you without conscience, without any weeping, mourning or tears in their fathers name, the BEAST, Lucifer.

From the looks of it with all her Luciferian identifiers, Sandra Bland was on her way to the beach to meet with a secret CIA Occult Bureau GROVE or Coven for sunset or most likely moon rise rituals. Some of the beaches along Lake Michigan have been known to be used by Satanic cults particularly for animal sacrifices and voodoo rituals.[38]


April 5, 2015 had been the night of the Waning Moon. This is the Moon of the Great Earth Mothers, CYBELE, Demeter, Ceres, Korte, Danu (Anu), and Bast. What work has been done is now gathered in and the crop offered as a sacrifice to the Mother who gave it to us in the first place. Time to harvest and time to begin renewal. A time to review endeavors and correct mistakes. Settle disputes and make amends. Nobody seems to know what happened to Sandy Bland after the motorcycle accident, but I am sure from the looks of it that it was yet another TRAUMA that caused her to return to her handlers and another alter was split from her original personality.




The LEOPARD, seemingly is a favorite of MK-ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control Programmers. The LEOPARD print clothing or dressing as a cat refers to the Sex Kitten Programming or a Cat Alter Personality. This is the MOST SEXUAL programming.


Sandy looks like a different young lady in Cat Alters. The Sex Kitten/Leopard programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.[39]


MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kitten Lady Gaga


MK ULTRA Satanic Pop Star/Sex Kittens Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea


ILLUMINATI MONARCH Sex Kitten Kim Kardashian




ILLUMINATI MONARCH Hip Hop Sex Kittens Lil Kim & Nicki Minaj 


Eartha Mae Kitt (January 17, 1927 – December 25, 2008)

HollyWeird Star and Vocalist EARTHA KITT may be the original International Sex Kitten Spy. Her MIND CONTROL programming may be linked to Post-War Nuremburg Tribunal Nazi Doctors and Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. JOSEF MENGELE. I will cover that subject in a later post related to America’s favorite ILLUMINATI/CIA Negro, BILL COSBY.



Don’t get it twisted. I am not blaming the young sister, Sandy Bland, for anything. UNVEILED under normal circumstances, Sigma Gamma Rho is simply a fraternal order of black sisterhood joined together to look one after another. Its stated AIM is to enhance the quality of life within the community. Public service, leadership development and education of youth are the hallmarks of the organization.


Texas Cowboy Waller County D.A. Elton Mathis- Part of the Secret BROTHERHOOD

VEILED, its calling to form came from the Germany’s pagan Chapter of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, Yale’s Secret Society, SKULL & BONES. Sigma Gamma Rho is a secret and VEILED women society of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH. That’s not what I say. It is what they say they ARE!


All Symbols of the Secret BROTHERHOOD

It is an inverted pyramid structured society developed by Knight of the Golden Circle/KKK Founder, Master Mason Albert Pike- where the true Luciferian secret agenda of the organization is held by only a few chosen at the apex of the pyramid.


Once you step across that line like the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) Ladies of the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH, and take the Initiation Ritual Blood Covenant Oath of Allegiance and Secrecy to the BROTHERHOOD , you fall down the RABBIT HOLE. I am certain that the young sister, Sandy Bland, didn’t know what she was getting into by joining Sigma Gamma Rho. Sandy’s Satanic Ritual Traumatic Abuse may have began in childhood, with the sisterhood providing a cover for CIA MK ULTRAsleeper” covert operations. The CIA is basically Knights of the Secret BROTHERHOOD. Sandy Bland certainty didn’t understand what was going on like a Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan, when she was targeted, beaten, arrested, jailed and subsequently LIQUIDATED to plunge America deeper into a sinkhole of racial divine just before the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.

In this case, all it took was one person with $500 that probably have changed the game plan for Sandy Bland, but NOBODY saved her not even her own mother. During the Black Liberation Struggle of the 1960’s, they used to laugh and drop off people straight out of the insane asylum with black berets and leather jackets among our ranks. some still had on hospital gowns underneath their leather coats.  What did we do? We surrounded them and took care of our people.   We just have to do a better job educating and protecting the people, not just the YOUTH.  If she had been my friend, I know that I would have come forward to bail her out, but we all failed her by not LIFTING THE VEIL on these people soon enough, and not addressing her special needs and many more resulting from CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH.

Folks, the handwriting is on the wall. The ILLUMINATI and BROTHERHOOD’s plans for the FINAL CHAPTER just like the FINAL SOLUTION is in the works. They are systematically closing down your schools, classrooms and colleges. Your churches are being infiltrated, corrupted and taken over by the agents of the BROTHERHOOD. Most of our young men are under the yolk of the police state, and prison industrial system. Most of your employment opportunities are being closed down, parceled out to others, shipped out of town and over to the other side of the world.  Your classical and traditional GLOBAL industries of power, influence and wealth like the Black Music Entertainment Industry Jazz, Blues and Rhythm & Blues is slowly withering away to nothing. Our premier athletes are unorganized, and being swayed away from the people. They are under constant police state surveillance, attack and lock downs. They are under a State of SEIZE. For me, the answer is rather simple, RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! Don’t let them close the Final Chapter on SANDRA BLAND.

[1] https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/the-reading-library/cia-declassified-document-library/cia- declassified-aims-of-psychological-warfare/

[2] http://abc13.com/news/sandra-bland-arrest-recalled;-loved-ones-question-suicide-ruling/856778/

[3] http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/06/charleston-church-false-flag-conspiracy.html

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting

[5] http://www.dupageamec.org/pastor.shtml

[6] http://www.watchtheyard.com/alphas/exclusive-alpha-phi-alpha-releases-statement-regarding-muder-of-member-rev-clementa-pinckney-in-charleston-shooting/

[7] http://www.emanuelamechurch.org/revwitherspoon.php

[8] Id.

[9] http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2005/3233aquino_profile.html

[10] http://artificialtelepathy.blogspot.com/2009/06/rogues-gallery-key-officers-at-booz.html

[11] http://artificialtelepathy.blogspot.com/2009/06/rogues-gallery-key-officers-at-booz.html

[12] https://reverbpress.com/politics/battlegrounds/homeland-security-surveiling-black-lives-matter-activists/

[13] Id.

[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/318-66/31522-sandra-bland-laid-to-rest-first-black-judge-in-waller-county-demands-sheriff-resign-over-her-death

[17] http://marycrockett.com/2015/07/22/why-brian-encinia-must-be-charged-a-transcript-of-sandrablands-arrest-video/

[18] http://marycrockett.com/2015/07/22/why-brian-encinia-must-be-charged-a-transcript-of-sandrablands-arrest-video/


[20] https://www.houseofnames.com/encina-family-crest

[21] http://www.religioustolerance.org/druid1.htm

[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Calatrava

[23] http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/16/sandra-bland-tried-to-post-bail-before-allegedly-committing-suicide.html


[25] https://kushiteprince.wordpress.com/tag/al-sharpton/

[26] https://www.linkedin.com/pub/geneva-reed-veal/17/15/617

[27] http://www.summitlighthouse.org/names-of-god-series-kabbalah/

[28] http://madamenoire.com/549162/im-readythis-means-war-sandra-blands-mother-eulogizes-daughter-prepares-to-fight-for-justice/

[29] https://www.linkedin.com/pub/sandra-bland/38/6bb/653

[30] http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Relatives-question-death-of-woman-found-hanging-6388529.php

[31] https://www.linkedin.com/pub/sandra-bland/38/6bb/653

[32] http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/07/23/sandra-bland-had-long-history-of-drivinglegal-infractions-family-who-refused-to-assist-with-bail-now-refusing-to-accept-suicide/

[33] https://blogs.ancientfaith.com/glory2godforallthings/2008/05/19/grace-and-the-inverted-pyramid/

[34] http://illuminatiwatcher.com/decoding-illuminati-symbolism-triangles-pyramids-and-the-sun/

[35] http://www.esotericonline.net/group/teachings-of-helena-petrovna-blavatsky/page/the-seal-of-the-theosophical-society

[36] http://www.pseudoccultmedia.net/search?q=zebra

[37] https://intheknow7.wordpress.com/itk7-esoteric-kitten-journal-2011/

[38] https://chicago.everyblock.com/crime-posts/sep30-animal-sacrifices-howard-st-beach-6418704/

[39] http://exposingthematrix.blogspot.com/2012/03/mk-ultra-sex-kitten-symbolism.html


15 07 2015


Black Lives Matter?

Thousands of years ago before recorded time, Set (Seth) and 72 conspirators murdered Set’s brother, Osiris, King of Kemet (Egypt). Set ruled over Kemet as King (Pharaoh). It was a time and Land of CHAOS. When it came to the racial mass murder of Black people in Charleston, South Carolina GOD DAMN, I was confused. What does the Power of GRACE have to do with this extreme genocidal atrocity and crime against HUMANITY. The black victims living and being surrounded by God’s GRACE generally means that they were safe in the knowledge that no mistake or sin can ever put them beyond the reach of God’s love, forgiveness and GRACE for his children.

“Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the GRACE of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.” (Ephesians 3:7)

“We who are twice-born are to use our “gift” with one another as “good stewards of the manifold GRACE of God” (1 Peter 4:10)

When God gifts us with faith so that we are saved by His GRACE (Ephesians 2:8) we are then “created in righteousness and true holiness” (Ephesians 4:24) This “new man” is granted the potential to understand the “exceeding greatness of his power” (Ephesians 1:19) and to participate in the “divine nature” so that we are able to escape the corruption that pervades the lust of this godless world (2 Peter 1:4).[1]

So, when the alleged assassin, Dylann (Storm Trooper) Roof, liquidated 9 (nine) people in cold blood why is it necessary for the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States (Pharaoh) to say of Black victims of a white supremacy TERRORIST, “Blinded by hatred, the alleged killer could not see the GRACE surrounding Reverend Pinckney and that Bible study group — the light of love that shone as they opened the church doors and invited a stranger to join in their prayer circle.” [2]

But he did, Roof allegedly told police that he “almost didn’t go through with it (racial mass slaughter) because everyone was so nice to him.”[3]


As a matter of U.S. National Policy of the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States, was it necessary to be focus on Peter Kassig being surrounded by GRACE before he was beheaded by ISIL TERRORISTS,


Steven Sotloff or …


 Kayla Mueller?


Was it necessary, pertinent or any of the government’s business to declare that any of the many victims of 9-11 Inside Job as a consequence of being slaughtered and murdered by deep cover TERRORISM to be concerned whether of not any of them had been surrounded by the “divine nature” of GRACE as a matter of U.S. National Policy ? NO! NO! NO!  U.S. National Policy was PHARAOH’S REVENGE. For the BLOOD OF ONE INNOCENT WHITE CHILD by a TERRORIST, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel described it as a revenge so terrible that even SATAN has not yet created it. PHARAOH’S REVENGE has reduced entire cities to dust, and turned the people of other nations into rivers of blood. As for the BLOOD OF ONE INNOCENT BLACK LIFE, they better find GOD’S GRACE if they can get it. That’s not what I say. It’s what that man said.



Barrack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, is the Commander and Chief of U.S. Armed Forces. He is America’s Chief Executive Officer. Some contend by the U.S. Constitution that he is also the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States.[4] Barrack Hussein Obama is this country’s highest elected official. He speaks for the America people, and his words set forth and establish national policies. He is the MORAL LEADER of the country. He is PHARAOH.


On June 26, 2015, Barrack Obama elected to appear at the funeral of South Carolina State Senator Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Pastor of African Methodist Episcopal Church at the TD Arena in Charleston, South Carolina to deliver the eulogy of this man in the capacity, power and authority of the President of the United States, and Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the U.S.


Even in DEATH, Rev. Pinckney was still BOUND to the Luciferian SYMBOLS of the ILLUMINATI.



President Obama didn’t appear at Rev. Pinckney’s funeral to moan his death like the (6), (6), 20(1+5= 6) funeral of vice president’s son, former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden. At that funeral at Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Wilmington, he appeared as the highest elected official of the United States, a friend to the family and the deceased to welcome him a homecoming (Harper’s Song).


At sometime during a funeral rite in Ancient Kemet, a very wise blind man playing a harp presented the “Harper’s Song” (Song of the Harper) in praise of deceased’s life after death, he sings,

Those who built tombs, their places are gone. Blessed nobles too are buried in their tombs.  What has become of them?  I have heard the words of Imhotep and Hardedef (Hordedef), whose sayings are recited whole.  What of their places?  Their walls have crumbled,  Their places are gone, As though they had never been!  None comes from there, to tell of their state, to tell of their needs, to calm our hearts, Until we go where they have gone Hence rejoice in your heart!  Forgetfulness profits you, Follow your heart as long as you live! Put myrrh on your head Dress in fine linen,  Anoint yourself with oils fit for a god.  Heap up your joys,   Let your heart not sink!  Follow your heart and your happiness, Do your things on earth as your heart commands!  When there comes to you that day of mourning, The Weary-hearted hears not their mourning, Wailing saves no man from the pit.  Refrain. Make holiday, Do not weary of it!  Lo, none is allowed to take his goods with him, Lo, none who departs comes back again! [5]

Beau Biden’s Grace


Biden died a NATURAL DEATH, and most likely by his Catholic faith was prepared for the final hour in the “State of GRACE.”[6] For Beau BidenPresident Obama tried to reach down deep to try to find his SOUL. He appeared to genuinely “mourn” Beau Biden’s death as has been customarily done since recorded time in the Land of Kemet.



Rev. Pinckney’s lost was not a NATURAL DEATH. He had been murdered/assassinated. Rev. Pinckney didn’t know the final hour or minute of this death. In preparation of that hour, we don’t know in that same sense as Beau Biden that he was without Sin in the “State of Grace” at that final moment. Also in that same sense according to his METHODIST faith, Rev. Pinckney’s homecoming could be somewhat problematic. His soul may be troubled and not at PEACE without appeasement (revenge).[7] His homecoming and Harper’s Song had to be very different from Beau Biden. And it was. PHARAOH turned Rev. Pinckney’s funeral into a national platform for gun control, and appeasement of the Black masses seeking JUSTICE with a Hollow and Empty GRACE can came direct from the chief law enforcement officer in the White House.


Rev. Pinckney’s funeral was also compounded by the fact he and eight others had been slaughtered as a criminal act of racial GENOCIDE. He had been slain by a man that wanted to spark and ignite a RACE WAR of racial annihilation (HOLOCAUST) of Black U.S. citizens. It was an act against one’s sovereign or nation- TREASONOUS.[8] Violent and persistent Racism is a major national problem, human rights dilemma and DIS-GRACE.[9]


America’s chief executive officer, Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the U.S, and the country’s national policy spokesman was to address the crime of mass slaughter of Black U.S. citizens at Mother Emanuel to further the cause of white supremacy and racism in the country. Naturally, this was to be a very significant event and important occasion as the nation and the world stood on edge.

President Obama’s eulogy was to be extremely significant and heavy in another way. The AME Church was created and organized in 1856 by AFRICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS in North America as a response to being forcibly denied access to the Methodist church based on the color of their skin.[10] Obama as a national spokesman and the moral leader of this nation had the opportunity to address America‘s historic, systematic enslavement, abuse and alienation of Black people. President Obama had a national/international platform to raise the level of the nation and the world’s conscientiousness, and focus, dedicate significant manpower and resources to address the problem.

I am no preacher or theologian, but like so many I was raised in the humble and rich tradition of the Black Churches of West and North Oakland like it was part of our collective DNA. My late grandfather, Luke Blueford, called himself a preacher. As children, we often sat through services with my dear mother until well after midnight with only cheese, crackers and thin slices of baloney to eat. I regularly attended Sunday school and church services until Jr. High School. I suppose I thought that I knew more about the world then my people’s ages old collective spiritual experiences.

In the Black spiritual experience in America, as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer and Moral Leader of the U.S, President Obama had a wide variety and broad array of African hymns, gospels and spirituals to draw and teach from to inspire the masses and win their hearts, minds and souls such as “Mary Don’t You Weep” .

“Mary Don’t You Weep” (alternately titled “O Mary Don’t You Weep”, “Oh Mary, Don’t You Weep, Don’t You Mourn” has to be one of the most important African Spirituals to have survived the institution of slavery, the Great Civil War, and Reconstruction. The spiritual hymn denotes the significance of the African-Kemetic principle of natural universal order (Maat), and the traditional ancient mysterious moving force of “weeping” and “mourning.”


From before recorded time, mourning and weeping for the DEAD has represented an unknown and mysterious symbol of expression of remarkable Godly human compassion.  This one simple expression is a symbol that separates Man from the BEAST even in the 21st Century.

“Mary Don’t You Weep” is a deep parable and coded message passed through the biblical story of an example of everlasting love between a brother, Lazarus, and his two sisters, Mary and Martha of Bethany. Bethany was a village near the city of Jerusalem.[11] It came to past that Lazarus died suddenly. When Jesus therefore saw her [Sister Mary] weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.” (John 11:33)


The Raising of Lazarus or the Resurrection of Lazarus is a Miracle of Jesus in which Jesus brings Lazarus back to life four days after his burial after being moved by the power of weeping and mourning.[12] Among enslaved Africans, “Mary Don’t You Weep” was an ingenious message of Africans’ undeniable everlasting faith in the order of the universe, balance, TRUTH, order and righteousness- “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards JUSTICE.”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.[13]

They had everlasting faith that just like Pharaoh’s army, the mighty forces of slavery would ultimately come to pass to be succumbed, and suffocate. They were firm and resolve that Justice and Fate shall have it’s way.[14] Even in what appeared to be a state of hopeless permanent bondage in a foreign nation on the other side of midnight, FREEDOM was never dead among the African people. They didn’t rely on anyone to be taught that.

In any other circumstances involving premeditated terrorist violence against innocence especially involving American citizens, President Obama as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the U.S, and Commander in Chief would normally seize the national moment for to call the nation to mourning, celebration of the life of the murdered, and a fire and brimstone call for universal condemnation of perpetrators, uncompromising justice and commitment to avenge the wronged and innocent.

South Carolina God Damn, Mother Emanuel AME & Sign of the BEAST

Republican South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley didn’t have enough Human Compassion to separate herself from the Mark of the BEAST. She couldn’t even manufacture any tears for her slaughtered Black constituents, and most likely anyone else.

What is extremely strange, eerie and scary about Rev. Pinckney’s funeral is not only that the U.S. Chief Law Enforcement Officer response to the AME racial atrocity was unnatural, quite unusual and deviated from the norm. But, Rev. Pinckney’s funeral rite also seemed patently to have little if any age old fundamental AFRICAN expressions of weeping, mourning and wailing. It looked like something out of The THING from Another World (1951), George Orwell’s classic mass population/mind control movie, 1984, and horror cult classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It is the Mark of the BEAST.


Oddly, nobody appeared to shed any tears for the diseased that they had gathered to honor at death- that included his wife and children.


Were they too afraid or CIA MK ULTRA conditioned not to “weep” and “mourn”?


No tears, weeping and mourning.


Curse of the Human CYBORG and Mark of the BEAST, Barrack Hussein Obama lost his Human Natural Love and Compassion for Mankind a longtime ago.


It was unreal when the mass of church officials in purple in the front of the stage sat and chattered, and most of the Negro Handkerchief Heads were virtually unmoved, numb and almost indifferent to the spirit of Rainbow Mass Choir’s rendition of Lady Tramaine Hawkins’ powerful gospel, “Going Up Yonder“.

How could you not be so MOVED by the spirit to welcome Rev. Clementa Pinckney’s Harper’s Song and HOMECOMING in the African/Kemetic Tradition? 



Every race or tribe has created its own spirituality and religion. The Jews have Cabbalism, Indians Hinduism and Buddhism, Chinese Confucianism, Caucasians Christianity with their own son, Jesus, as the son of God; Arabs have Islam with their son, Muhammad, as Allah’s messenger. Far too long Black People have been forced and influenced to cling to a foreign and twisted interpretation of spirituality, religion and even the image of a foreign Son of God. That is essentially the problem with Obama’s GRACE.

In Rev. Pinckney’s case and slaughtered Emanuel AME Church 8, President Obama with all that he could have and should have done and said, he turned the moment into to a pitch for GRACE instead of the letter of the law and JUSTICE be done. GRACE for WHOM and for WHAT? Did Obama mean by GRACE that by his faith, Rev. Pinckney’s place in heaven was reserved? Is it God’s Grace for the assassin(s) if he or they ask for forgiveness for their sins in the name and body of Christ? Obama’s GRACE was without certain definition and meaning under these circumstances. GRACE means so many things to so many people that without context it is a term that is completely ILLUSIONARY to most people.

Divine Grace

The Catholic Church teaches that GRACE is a gift given by God to humans that allows them to be forgiven of their sins and achieve eternal life. Catholics believe that the power of God’s grace allows baptism, the act that washes away one’s sins and allows one to become a child of God, to occur. Without this gift of grace, a person can never achieve the eternal bliss that is true knowledge of God. In essence, grace is divine favor.[15]

Sanctifying Grace and Actual Grace

The Catholic Church identifies two types of GRACE: sanctifying grace and actual grace. Sanctifying Grace arises from being in a constant state of holiness. Through baptism, for example, the soul is cleansed and imbued with sanctifying grace. Actual Grace is help that God gives to a person for acts of faith, charity or benevolence. This type of Grace is not constant, but appears only when meritorious acts take place. It’s also important to differentiate actual grace from natural graces, such as good health or good fortune.[16]


Rev. John Newton (1725-1807)

Obama said that the context of GRACE at Rev. Pinckney’s funeral was taken from John Newton, creator of the hymn Amazing Grace, and the Protestant Reformist Anglican Church of England. The Protestant Reformation, often referred to simply as the Reformation, was the  schism within Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli and other early Protestant Reformers to reform the Roman Catholic Church.[17]

“I know of no one to whom I owe more as an instrument of Divine GRACE.” John Newton[18]


Anglican Theologian John Wesley- M (Masonic) or Cult of Mary Magdalene

He was talking about the Anglican Church’s Great Reformist and Divine Theologian, John Wesley (1703- 1791). Wesley founded the Methodist (African Methodist Church) Movement. Newton‘s unique interpretation of Grace had been heavily influenced and framed by Wesley.[19] In 1765, he told Newton in a letter that there was so much common ground between him and John Calvin that he himself claimed his position was within a “hair’s breadth” of Calvinism.[20]

Basically, reformist John Calvin and Calvinism differentiates those God had chosen for favor/GRACE (the elect) from those God had chosen for disfavor (the damned). This differentiation between the elect and the un-elected was predestined by an all wise and all powerful deity from the beginning of time, before individual humans existed.[21]

In Western Europe as Slavery of Africans became an institutionalized highly profitable state enterprise, Calvinism and the differentiation between the elect and un-elect became systematized to justify human bondage, Africans were deemed among the un-elect not among those chosen for God’s favor and GRACE.[22] Under Calvinism, even baptism could not save Africans from being DAMNED and DEMONIZED by Western Europeans. As early as 1613, at a conclave in the Dutch city of Dort, Calvinist divines stated that while baptism produced a new nature in the predestined elect, this was not fully so for those who had been predestined to be damned. They remained “unregenerate.” [23]


Whereas according to Obama’s Grace within the context of John Newton and the Church of England, the only person in the Mother Emanuel AME Church Massacre assured of God’s GRACE is the alleged Anglo Saxon assassin, Dylann Storm (Trooper) Roof whether or not he asks for it or not.


When the families of slain Mother Emanuel AME Nine (9) appeared at Roof’s bond hearing, they poured out their “Forgiveness” and “GRACE” like a faucet before the alleged assassin Roof and presiding South Carolina Chief Magistrate James B. Gosnell, Jr. Shockingly, Judge Gosnell put the grieving black families in their proper place in the South Carolina God Damn as if they had no right and power to offer a white man (Brother Scottish Rite Freemason?) their forgiveness and mercy, “We are going to reach out to everyone, all victims, and we will touch them. We have victims, nine of them. But, we also have victims on the other side,” Judge Gosnell said. “There are victims on this young man’s side of the family.”[24]

According to the story-line, Roof’s family (father) gave him the money to buy the 45-caliber Glock, ammunition and at least five ammunition clips.[25] Roof is an unemployed high school dropout who listed his parents’ address in the tiny town of Eastover, near Columbia, as his home, though friends said he was in and out of touch with family and sometimes lived in his car.[26] Nonetheless, if there was anyone in South Carolina God Damn with the right to exercise the white man’s privilege to openly put black people in their perceived proper place and even label them with the N-word from the bench with virtually impunity, it had to be good-ole-boy Judge James B. Gosnell, Jr.

Judge Gosnell is a descendant of Charles Gosnell, I, progenitor of the Masonic/Scottish Rite Gosnell Family of South Carolina and a pioneer settler of the Glassy Mountain (Dark Corner) section of upper Greenville Co., SC, who in 1792 received a 166 acre South Carolina Land Grant on the North and South Forks of Vaughn Creek, a tributary of the North Pacolet River in Greenville Co.


Judge Gosnell is a distant cousin of Master Mason Harry S. Truman (1884-1972), 33rd President of the United States (1945-1953) and French Huguenots that settled in Anne Arundel Co., MD.[27] Gosnell’s father was former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer, Lieutenant James B. Gosnell, Sr. He was a member of Solomon Lodge #1. Solomon’s Lodge is the oldest Masonic Lodge in South Carolina, and among the oldest in the entire United States. It was established on Oct. 29, 1736 at Shepard’s Tavern (Charles Shepheard) in Charleston.[28]

Gosnell, Sr. was also a Masonic “Shriner” out of the secretive Omar Shrine Temple in Charleston. Additionally, he had been a 33 degree Knight Templar of the ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE, and a Charleston York Body Freemason.[29] Furthermore, Gosnell, Sr. had been president of the National Sojourners, Charleston Chapter #28. The National Sojourners are commissioned, warrant and senior non-commissioned military officer Freemasons. In the absence of local Blue Lodges, Sojourner chapters have in effect, replaced the Military Masonic Lodges of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. They are directly responsible for chartering numerous Blue Lodges and other Masonic bodies worldwide.[30]

Gosnell, Sr. was the past commander of the Heroes of 1776.[31] The Order of the Heroes of America/Heroes of 1776 or the Red Strings that at one time had been an underground Masonic like secret society of southerners, unionist and Africans mostly out of North Carolina that had opposed the South’s secession from the Union, the Great Civil War and the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction.[32] Undoubtedly, the Order of the Heroes of America is now under the strict control of Freemasons and the Scottish Rite.



John Wesley- One Finger, One God- LUCIFER and the DEVIL HORNS 

Even Rev. Pinckney’s baptism and call to the cloth in Wesley’s Methodist Faith and Movement could not save his soul from the eternal DAMNATION by his own chosen Methodist faith. There’s another BIG problem with Newton and Wesley’s Methodist Christian Faith, at least Wesley confessed that he didn’t really believe in it, or GOD. JOHN WESLEY WROTE to Newton: “In one of my last [letters] I was saying that I do not feel the wrath of God abiding on me; nor can I believe it does. And yet (this is the mystery), I DO NOT LOVE GOD. I NEVER DID. Therefore I never believed, in the Christian sense of the word.”[33]


ORDO AB CHAO is Latin for “Order Out of CHAOS or Order from Disorder.” This term was invented by Freemasons and is the actual motto of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.[34] Like the “wretchedNewton, the “heathenWesley was a Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of England– initiated in the Union Lodge of St. Patrick No 367, Downpatrick, Ireland on October 13, 1788.[35]  Wesley was much more than a simple fraud and major Christian false prophet. He was also a Witch, demonologist– a Luciferian. He said that “The giving up of (a belief in)  witchcraft is in effect the giving up of (a belief in) the Bible.[36] The recorded purpose of MA’AT among the African/Kemetic people of ancient Upper and Lower Kemet (Egypt) was to divert CHAOSSet, Seth, SATAN- Lucifer.[37]



At death in order to reach the realm and bliss of the Gods in the Ancient Land of Kemet, they believed a person must first travel through the Underworld, where their heart is weighed on a scale by Anubis. Anubis, the setter of the scales, place the petitioner’s heart-soul (Ka) on one side of the scale, its counter-weight is the feather of TRUTH (Shu). The people of Kemet believed that the heart recorded all of the good and bad deeds of a person’s life, and was needed for judgment in the afterlife. The heart was weighed against the feather of MA’AT (Goddess of Truth and Justice).[38]


The petitioner then must then pronounce 42 Laws of Maat, or 42 Negative Confessions, or 42 Admonition to Goddess Maat, or 42 Declarations of Innocence or Admonitions of Maát, 42 Laws of Maat of Ancient Egypt, or the Laws of the Goddess Maat, and his/her weighted Heart/Soul (Ka) would reveal the truth or non-truth of each affirmative of the 42 pronouncements,

1. I have not committed sin. 2. I have not committed robbery with violence. 3. I have not stolen.4. I have not slain men or women. 5. I have not stolen food.6. I have not swindled offerings.7. I have not stolen from God/Goddess. 8. I have not told lies. 9. I have not carried away food. 10. I have not cursed. 11. I have not closed my ears to truth. 12. I have not committed adultery. 13. I have not made anyone cry. 14. I have not felt sorrow without reason. 15. I have not assaulted anyone. 16. I am not deceitful. 17. I have not stolen anyone’s land. 18. I have not been an eavesdropper. 19. I have not falsely accused anyone. 20. I have not been angry without reason. 21. I have not seduced anyone’s wife. 22.I have not polluted myself. 23. I have not terrorized anyone. 24. I have not disobeyed the Law. 25. I have not been exclusively angry. 26. I have not cursed God/Goddess. 27. I have not behaved with violence. 28. I have not caused disruption of peace. 29. I have not acted hastily or without thought. 30. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern. 31. I have not exaggerated my words when speaking. 32. I have not worked evil. 33. I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds. 34. I have not polluted the water. 35. I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly. 36. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds. 37. I have not placed myself on a pedestal. 38. I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess. 39. I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased. 40. I have not taken food from a child. 41. I have not acted with insolence. 42. I have not destroyed property belonging to God/Goddess.[39]


(Am-mut) – “Dead-Swallower” is stationed just to the side of the scales in the Hall of Double Truth. Ammit’s function is to await the postmortem judgment of a soul and then, if the soul fails the test, Ammit snatches up the heart and devours it, causing the soul to cease to exist. The ultimate punishment of the wicked.[40]

The Bible says, “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24)”. Likewise, it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for such self described wretched, heathen and wicked human beings like Newton and Wesley (Agents of CHAOS) to enter into the African/Kemetic Cosmic eternal realm of the GODS.  The notion that Africans kidnapped from the Mother Country and brought to this country were empty “Heathen” human vessels devoid of GOD was absolutely and utter NONSENSEObama’s Hollow and False GRACE delivered on June 26, 2015 was nothing more than a shrouded Democratic Party form of the “Southern Strategy” – 21st Century Racial Polarization.


In American politics, the Southern Strategy referred once to a Republican Party strategy in the late 20th century of gaining political support for presidential candidates in the South by appealing to- compromising regional racial tensions and history of racial segregation. “Southern Strategy” involves a political party secretly working out and developing backdoor deals and strategies to return local control of race relations to the South.[41] In a 1981 interview, Republican (Ronald Reagan) strategist Lee Atwater discussed the Republican Party’s Southern Strategy- Nigger Policy,

Questioner: But the fact is, isn’t it, that Reagan does get to the [George] Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”[42]

There should be little doubt if any that President Obama and the National Democratic Party is playing with the “Southern Strategy“. This new type of Southern Strategy gave the country and the world a black president that contend is concrete evidence of a post-racial era to deny the need of continued civil rights legislation, federal intervention in the South’s civil rights and race relations while simultaneously playing off hollow, ILLUSIONARY racial tension issues like taking down the “Confederate Flag.”

When the Confederate Battle Flag was removed from the South Carolina Capital grounds led by Governor Nikki Haley, all the Negro Handkerchief Heads, Uncle Tom, Prince Hall Freemason, and Divine 9 (Nine) Luciferians in the South must have lauded it on Fox News, CNN, BBC News, Al Jazeera and news networks across the nation as if it had been a miracle of Christ. It had been part of the ILLUMINATI’sSouthern Strategy“.


South Carolina’s REPUBLICAN Governor Nikki Haley was born Nimrata Randhawa, the daughter of Sikh immigrants from the Punjab, India. She plays the “Southern Strategy” game cutting  taxes, programs, and funding for education, etc., to deliberately hurt blacks worse than whites in South Carolina God Damn. After the Confederate Battle Flag goes down, Black people in South Carolina will once again fade back into INVISIBILITY.


On (6), 2(6), 20(1+5= 6), President Obama’s long awaited statement on America’s race relations didn’t take long at all- approximately 10 (ten) seconds of his about forty (40) minute oratory, he said, “None of us can or should expect a transformation in race relations overnight. Every time something like this happens (Murder of Black People), somebody says we have to have a conversation about race.  We talk a lot about race.  There’s no shortcut.  And we don’t need more talk.” [43]  That’s it. The statement on race relations by this country’s highest national public policy spokesman didn’t include any federal campaign to clamp-down on white supremacy hate group/individual activities that pose a terrorist “threat” to U.S. Black citizens.

America’s Chief Executive Officer didn’t offer any help from any federal department or agency to heighten the protection of people of color threatened by white supremacy hate groups/openly racist individuals in lieu of the Mother Emanuel AME Mass Slaughter. It didn’t include any special attention to monitor and limit any white supremacy hate group or avowed racist individual’s access to weapons and ammunition that poses a continuing terrorist threat in America. It didn’t include any programs to address America’s “Climate of Hate“.


President Obama’s GRACE was hollow, ILLUSIONARY and an ILLUMINATI Bamboozle of the American public, particularly of Black People. It is the”Southern Strategy” playing out once again abandoning the Black masses to “Southern Rule” and the South’s Second Civil War.  President Obama’s GRACE was a PASS that wiped clean America’s TOXIC international/national race relations for SATAN’S WORLD OASIS. In the upcoming 2016 elections, neither the National Democratic or Republican Party will address or discuss America’s EVIL- WHITE SUPREMACY AND RACISM.

In Conclusion

Before this post, I hadn’t been aware of the Order of the Heroes of America. Recall, this was a secret order that included white southerners, unionist and Black people organized to work covertly behind enemy lines in the Heart and Belly of the BEAST during the Civil War and Reconstruction to oppose the Confederacy, the (Scottish Rite) Knights of the Golden Circle and Ku Klux Klan.

This simply isn’t a message that the ILLUMINATI want the people to know that even under the real threat of DEATH in the Heart and Belly of the BEAST that people of different classes and races could be unified and dedicated in struggle to save the nation. I had to stop a moment and reflect back at a few remarkable and courteous human beings that I had met in the Black Liberation Struggle.



In 1968, I met the late actor Marlon Brandon in Oakland just days before the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Little Bobby Hutton. One afternoon, I was in Black Panther Party (BPP) headquarters manning the front desk when Bobby Seale approached the desk with a sly smile across his face. He asked me did I know who was standing behind him. I looked around him at a pale white male with shoulder long brownish to blond hair. I answered, “a Hippie out of Berkeley.” Bobby laughed, he said, “man, that’s Marlon Brandon.”


Brandon! I loved Brandon. My favorite movies were, “On the Waterfront” and “The Wild One“, but I had watched all of his movies because he was an extraordinary and gifted artist. I looked him in his eyes, as he looked back in quiet deep reflection. It flashed across my mind, Brandon do you know what you’re getting into?  At that time, Oakland was the Heart and Belly of the BEAST. The CIA, FBI and the military/industrial/ Congressional Complex promised us, DEATH.

Sure enough, I was excited like a school boy about this world renown infamous artist being here among us, but reading his deep reflection it was like Brandon didn’t want to be recognized as a famous international superstar. So, I nodded to him in recognition like he was one of the brothers coming through and got back to work. That’s the way he wanted it. He just wanted to be one of the brothers in struggle. Marlon Brandon joining us that day became my very first journalist article published in the Merritt Jr. College newspaper. Indeed, the shadow government went after and hounded him with wicked and reckless PHARAOH’S REVENGE.



The late author and philosopher James Baldwin had been a giant in my eyes. I loved Baldwin. I read all his books that I could get my hands on. I was so unsure, unknowing and even frightened at the time. I didn’t quite understand all that he was saying in his books, but tried desperately to grasp and master the knowledge.

One evening, I was manning the front desk at BPP headquarters, when Bobby came through and said, “Let’s go.” Often Bobby or one of the captains would say “Let’s go“, and brothers and sisters would strap up and head out the door. It wasn’t necessary to ask what danger we faced, because we stood in the face of danger 7 days a week, twenty-four hours a day for just being what we were, PANTHERS.

I soon discovered that we were on our way to the Berkeley Civic Theatre near U.C. Berkeley. Brother James Baldwin was scheduled to appear there that evening. There was noise surrounding his visit that some of our sick white brothers planned to harm him. It was about a dozen brothers and sisters led by Brother Bobby that arrived on the scene. We met up with Baldwin in one of the theatre’s dressing rooms. There he was sitting on one of the dressing room chairs looking at us with surprising eyes as large as saucers like he had seen a ghost. The original Panthers was indeed a sight to behold. Dressed in black berets and leather coats armed to the teeth like a small military unit in the Heart of the BEAST, it was enough to startle anyone. I was surprised also. Baldwin was thin as a rail, and stood at or below five feet tall, but he was still a giant 10 feet tail in my eyes.


I wanted so much to sit and talk with this wise elder. We got our assignments. Baldwin‘s sudden anxiety settled. This giant rose from his chair joined In mist of us as if he had been attached to us all along for ages. The brothers and sisters surrounded him and we moved out of the door into the night. Our dear Brother James Baldwin died exiled from his country in France.



Black people loved Brother Bruce Lee. I loved Bruce Lee. I was introduced to a young man, Roger Lee, that identified himself as a cousin. Roger said that Bruce desired so much to teach the martial arts in person among us, but it just couldn’t happen at that time. Roger out of San Francisco had been sent in his place. Roger said that Bruce was not only under constant government surveillance and pressure, but his elders were also stirred up and very upset with him for sharing secret Chinese Martial Arts with Black people.

I often talked and reflected with Roger. Like Brandon and Baldwin, he was without resolve and fear being among us in the Heart and Belly of the BEAST. At first, I thought he was too comfortable, but Roger was firm, fearless and believing beyond my wisdom. Of course, I wanted to know with all of their access to wealth and fame why they would risk it all to be among the brothers. The only answer that I could come with was that we were all genuinely “Brothers” in struggle. I don’t know what happened to Brother Roger, but I am certain that the CIA/ILLUMINATI assassinated our dear brother, Bruce Lee, because Bruce wouldn’t allow them to control him, image or message to the masses.

In this country, we have weeped, mourned and shed a lot of tears over the years for very good dear brothers and sisters murdered, raped and alienated by EVIL within this country. Their only offense would have been for the Love of Freedom, JUSTICE and the PEOPLE. They didn’t die in VAIN.  I don’t think it would be improper if I allow the late Nina Simone to close this out with her song dedicated to the man that unquestionably sacrificed his life for us all.  I also met Sister Nina. We loved Nina Simone. She came down to the hood on 37th and Grove (Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd) across from the street from BPP headquarters to meet/counsel with some of the brothers and sisters after a concert, but there were so many people- well- wishers and fans that just wanted to touch her that showed up in the hood that evening. They totally surrounded her. They were glued to her. We couldn’t peel her away from fans for a few minutes for nothing in this world. Sister Nina was in and among a WORLD that loved her. All that we could do was smile and watch over her and her loving fans while she was among us in the Belly of the BEAST.


Today, we face the same constant and persistent EVIL in this nation that have taken the lives of so many GOOD people since the beginning of recorded time. This EVIL is far beyond our wildness and humble imagination. I also close with the same pre- Civil War message that our African ancestors left among the masses. Oh, Mary, don’t you weep, Martha, don’t you mourn … PHARAOH’S ARMY DROWNED IN THE RED SEA! You should know exactly what I mean.

[1] http://www.icr.org/article/power-grace/

[2] https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/06/26/remarks-president-eulogy-honorable-reverend-clementa-pinckney

[3] http://q13fox.com/2015/06/19/dylann-roof-says-he-almost-backed-out-because-everyone-at-church-was-so-nice/

[4] https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090830072204AAlfBz0

[5] http://anthrojournal.com/issue/october-2011/article/wailing-saves-no-man-from-the-pit-how-the-cult-of-thoth-facilitated-the-growth-of-the-cult-of-imhotep

[6] http://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=83278

[7] http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/379626/jewish/Resting-in-Peace.htm

[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason

[9] http://www.gallup.com/poll/180257/major-problem-race-relations-sharply-rises.aspx

[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Methodist_Episcopal_Church

[11] Id.

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_of_Lazarus

[13] https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/111013-the-arc-of-the-moral-universe-is-long-but-it

[14] http://www.lyricsfreak.com/t/take+6/mary_20768744.html

[15] http://classroom.synonym.com/definitions-grace-mercy-according-catholic-church-8406.html

[16] Id.

[17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Reformation

[18] http://www.patheos.com/blogs/frankviola/shockingbeliefsofjohnwesley/

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wesley

[20] http://www.drurywriting.com/keith/wesley.the.calvinist.htm


[22] Id.

[23] Id.

[24] http://theweek.com/speedreads/562620/judge-dylann-roofs-hearing-replaced-under-south-carolina-supreme-court-order

[25] http://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-director-screening-error-allowed-dylann-roof-to-purchase-gun/

[26] http://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/local/2015/06/19/gun-laws-dylann-roof/29016743/

[27] http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/spartanburg/obituary.aspx?n=james-wylie-gosnell&pid=150377705

[28] http://ccpl.org/content.asp?id=15668&action=detail&catID=6028&parentID=5747

[29] http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=30066504

[30] http://www.nationalsojourners.org/

[31] http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=30066504

[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Strings

[33] http://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details3.asp?ID=13559

[34] http://gnosticwarrior.com/ordo-ab-chao.html

[35] http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/wesley_j/wesley_j.html

[36] https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Wesley

[37] http://maatlaws.blogspot.com/2010/06/42-laws-of-maat.html

[38] Id.

[39] Id.

[40] http://www.kemet.org/taxonomy/term/128

[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy

[42] Id.

[43] https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/06/26/remarks-president-eulogy-honorable-reverend-clementa-pinckney