3 06 2013


U.S. Presidential Monarch Programmed Marionettes, Barack and Michelle Obama exhibit the downward ILLUMINATI pyramid hand gesture.

In Part I, Barack Hussein Obama II, The Boy from Brazil, I covered his absolute bizarre birth and upbringing, plus his family’s unquestionable Reinhard Gehlen Org-CIA MK ULTRA background.  As you see by his most recent national security national televised address and current events, President Barack Hussein Obama II more than likely controls nothing but his god given natural human body functions. Barack Obama has no control over the U.S. military, national security, foreign policy or the IRS. President Obama and the first lady are literally human clone “talking points” for the Satanic Global High Cabal /Imperium that secretly controls America. Barack Obama was created cyborg- robotoid.

In 1970, the Luciferian “divine rulers” informed the world that they would introduce human “cyborgs” into the body of American politics to deliberately undermine this constitutional “one person-one vote” form of government.  These illuminated ones believes that original citizens are unable to govern themselves. In that year, Zbigniew Brzezinski authored the book, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era”, which he advocated the control of populations by an elite political class via technotronic manipulation. The book had been commissioned by the Club of Rome, “The book is an open announcement of the manner and methods to be used to control the United States in the future. It also gave notice of cloning, “robotoids,” i.e., people who acted like people and who seemed to be people, but who were not.” (Coleman, Dr. John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300, America West Publishers, Carson City, NV (1992), pg. 27)

When Barack Obama was born in August 1961, everything take place in order for the Satanic Global High Cabal/Imperium to clone an experimental political “BOY FROM BRAZIL” to act like a president and seem to be a president, but who was not the President of the United States.  In the secret technology to create a Luciferian Robotoid, of course, we begin with the BEAST, the SS, the mass murdering blood covenant Knights of the Black Sun, and Hauptsturmfuhrer (Captain) SS Josef Rudolf Mengele.

The Young Prince and National Socialism


Josef Mengele was born of money, privilege and class in Gunzburg, Bavaria on March 16, 1911. His father had founded a powerful agricultural machine factory, Mengele and Sons, which dominated the economy affairs of the city. As a child, Josef was gifted, studious, privileged, rich and an arrogant “biological soldier” of the THIRD REICH.[1]


In October 1933, highly influenced by the pseudo racial ideology of Commissar of Supervision of Intellectual and Ideological Education of the DSDAP, Alfred Rosenberg, above, Mengele joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) Storm Troopers. In 1937, Mengele joined the Nazi Party. In 1938, he received his medical degree and joined the SS. Mengele was conscripted into the army in 1940 and later volunteered to the medical service of the Waffen-SS, the combat arm of the SS, where he distinguished himself as a soldier. Hitler declared war against the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Later that same month, Mengele was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for his heroism at the Ukrainian Front. In January 1942, while serving with the 5th SS Panther Division behind Soviet lines, he pulled two German soldiers from a burning tank and was awarded the Iron Cross First Class, as well as the Wound Badge in Black and the Medal for the Care of the German People. Mengele was medically unfit for combat, and was then posted to the Race and Resettlement Office in Berlin. Mengele resumed an association with his mentor, Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer (Rockefeller Institute), who was at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics in Berlin. Just before he was transferred to Auschwitz, Mengele was promoted to the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain) in April 1943.[2]


Despite notions to the contrary, Dr. Mengele had been a highly decorated battle tested fearless soldier which placed him in a special class of respect among hierarchy and the ranks of the SS. He was proven to be a foremost loyal and duty bound Teutonic Knight of the Blood Order-Black Sun.

Dr. Mengele had been one of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s classic SS dual natured, two faced-Janus Knights of the Black Sun. He was a medical doctor, but only pursuant to the agenda of the SS and the THIRD REICH. He was truly an extremely shrewd, dangerous and treacherous human being.

The Two Faced Prince and Auschwitz:Arbeit Macht Frei”[3]


Work Will Set You Free- Entry Gate to Auschwitz

“This is not a sanatorium; there is no place for the sick. The prisoners are here to work or [and] to die.” Auschwitz Kommandant Rudolf Höss [4]


From most accounts at Auschwitz, one face of Dr. Josef Mengele was described as an aristocratic, impeccable and elegantly dressed gentleman down to his boots. His orderlies often carried an extra pair of boots if the pair he was wearing became soiled in mud.[5] He was often described as kind and gentle. As the appointed Chief SS Medical Officer of Auschwitz -Birkenau Concentration Camp in Poland,[6] interned women described him as a white angel,-savior, a legendary “Siegfried.”[7]

“… Survivors tell how as children in Auschwitz they were visited by a smiling “Uncle Mengele” who brought them candy and clothes. Then he had them delivered to his medical laboratory either in trucks painted with the Red Cross emblem or in his own personal car to undergo his experiments.”[8]

His other face was cold-hearted and disassociated from human compassion. Dr. Mengele was a fervent fan of Richard Wagner. During his dreaded selection process, prisoners selected for death, he always whistled a Wagner operatic aria.[9] Dr. Mengele exercised his power over life and death not only at the railroad yard ramps as the imprisoned entered the camp from loaded boxcars, but also routinely inside Birkenau at compound hospitals and holding blocks,

“Dr. Mengele never gave any warning of his visits and would appear at any hour of the day or night. When he suddenly surged into a block all exists barred by the S.S., the women huddled together in terror, knowing full well that their lives hung by the thread. They knew that they had to put on a good appearance. They hoped to escape death. Despite an all-devouring anguish, the poor, scrawny bodies were drawn to their full height. Heads lifted, the stride became firmer. Prisoners were told to undress. They were crammed into the corner of the block, and filed, one at a time, past the chief medical officer, seated, whistling, in the middle of the room…As each prisoner walked pass, the officer made a gesture with thumb to the left, to the right…He loved to encounter the terrified gave of those who found themselves in the left-hand file and condemned to almost certain death. When the march-past came to an end, Dr. Mengele rose to his feet, gracefully, and smilingly announced: “The right-hand group will be evacuated.” With that, he walked away whistling.”[10]


The people interned at Auschwitz didn’t want to see this face, because it may have been the last thing you saw. He was an architect of Racial Mass Murder. He was a gentleman Teutonic Knight with a duty to kill by the masses. Dr. Mengele’s body count at Auschwitz is absolutely staggering estimated at least 400,000 people.[11]

The Prince, Auschwitz and the Sadistic Little Genius, the Father of Positive (Artificial Insemination) and Negative Eugenics (Sterilization)


The Supreme Commander of Auschwitz and all Nazi concentration camps was bar none, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was known to issue direct orders to the camp commanders, bypassing all other chains of command, in response to his own directives. Himmler would also occasionally receive broad instructions from Adolf Hitler or Herman Goring, which he would then interpret as he saw fit and transmit to the Auschwitz Camp Commander, SS- Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss.[12]

Concentration camps were not free enterprise zones for human medical experiments. Concentration camp medical corps was secret blood oath SS doctors strictly controlled, supervised and unconditionally duty bound to Himmler and the SS. Access to human “in vitro” material for scientific investigation at the camps was through permission only from the Reichsfuhrer. Himmler was uncannily shrewd. He hired out the SS medical corps and its experiments and inmates to research pharmaceuticals and universities not only to profit, but to control it and direct science toward the goals of National Socialism-Aryan Supremacy and Racial Genocide.


Some of the most significant experiments and SS doctors most germane to the Nazi’s breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination was Professor Dr. Karl Clauberg.

In 1941, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and sterilization. Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit.

Yet unlike Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Clauberg was openly ambiguous contrary to Himmler’s fervent policy of blood oath secrecy. Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist. He was a renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. His open ambition and ego may have been an individual fatal flaw in his bargain with the DEVIL, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler and the dreaded Knights of the Black Sun.

During WWI, Dr. Clauberg had served in the Germany Army and had been a British prisoner of war.[13] On April 1, 1933, Dr. Clauberg joined the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Later that year he became an SA-Sanitätssturmführer (SA-Medical).[14] The Sturmabteilung (SA) Storm Detachment or Assault Division, or Brownshirts functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.[15]

In 1940, Dr. Clauberg was promoted to the SS highest commissioned rank of Gruppenführer (colonel general). His mission in the SS was to establish his own institute for research on reproduction where he could cure the sterility issues of “Aryans” and perfect a simple and discreet means of sterilizing all other people. In this endeavor, he could link the two aspects, positive and negative (Satanic Principle), of Nazi demographic policy; to increase the pure Nordic race and decrease inferior races.[16]

In 1941, Clauberg was already a famous and brilliantly internationally distinguished gynecologist. He was five-foot tall and balding. His expressions were described as remarkably cruel. Dr. Clauberg subsequently proved to be indeed, a sadistic evil little genius. He received his medical diploma from the University of Kiel in 1925 and was for some years a medical assistant in the gynecological service. He was a noted specialist in female sex hormones. He was transferred to the University of Koenigsberg, where he obtained a fellowship in 1933 and obtained a chair in 1939. At the time, he worked in close collaboration with laboratories and invented for the firm Schering-Kahlbaum two preparations to counter sterility which are still produced today. The Clauberg Test, which measures the action of progesterone, is still currently used in gynecology.[17]

Progesterone is one extremely important and vital hormone in reproductive science. It is a hormone manufactured first by the ovaries and then by the placenta starting around the second trimester. Progesterone keeps the placenta functioning properly and the uterine lining healthy and thick, and it stimulates the growth of breast tissue. It also cracks down on pre-pregnancy’s natural contractions of the smooth muscle of the uterus, allowing the baby to grow in the expanding (and expanding, and expanding…) womb. Not intending to be redundant but technically, Progesterone, the hormone secreted by the female reproductive system functions mainly to regulate the condition of the inner lining (endometrium) of the uterus. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands. The term progestin is used to describe progesterone and synthetic steroid hormones with progesterone-like properties, such as the progestogen levonorgestrel.[18]

Simply, Dr. Clauberg was seeking to unlock the mind-body keys to the human mystery of pregnancy. In other words, he sought the keys to be able to fool the body and brain with progesterone-like properties to fertilize an egg whether produced in vitro or naturally. The key to unlock the mind-body processes to pregnancy also gave Dr. Clauberg the keys (Satanic Principle) to lock the mind-body processes to procreation with artificially produced hormones and chemicals. It literally gave the dreaded SS the scientific key to Life and Death, a way to promote an Aryan nation and annihilate nations of color.

Today, one of SRI’s (Stanford Research Institute), a military industrial handmaiden, key in vivo (within the living body) research studies involves, [Carl] Clauberg-McPhail Endometrial (inner membrane of the mammalian uterus) Proliferation, which is pretty scary stuff in their hands.[19]

The Nazi Paradigm Shift One Step Beyond Lebensborn


In 1942, Himmler’s SS Lebensborn natural procreation and racial annihilation paradigm wasn’t producing the mass results as rapidly as he had hoped. So, he finally sat down with Dr. Clauberg to discuss another way from a scientific and laboratory perspective. Dr. Clauberg’s proposal to promote eugenic reproduction by scientific research and development of artificial insemination, impregnation and in duality sterilization began to make a great deal of sense.

In 1942, Dr. Clauberg held a series of top secret meetings with Himmler, SS doctors and other high officers of the SS involved in management of concentration camps setting forth his eugenic theories and experimental plans. Finally on July 8, 1942, Dr. Clauberg finally obtained the backing, funding and vast resources from Himmler, the SS and the THRID REICH to have “…at his disposal the necessary [human] material for all experiments he wished to undertake.” He was bound to make regular reports of his progress to Himmler. [20] Everyone involved in Dr. Clauberg’s experiments were to be bounded by blood oath secrecy.

In August 1942, Dr. Clauberg moved into the notorious human medical experimental cell Block 10 at Auschwitz. At Block 10, where from 800 to 1000 women were regularly maintained for SS medical experiments. Dr. Clauberg always had about two hundred women permanently at his disposal to use as he wished particularly for experimental artificial impregnation. In most cases, successfully artificially impregnated women and the babies were put to death. After sperm experiments, bodies were dissected and reproductive body parts- uteruses, ovaries and fallopian tubes were sent to various institutes for detailed study and analysis. As his victims died off or killed, Dr. Clauberg sent out the Garrison Physician Sturmbannführer SS Dr. Eduard Wirths to choose replacements when a new convoy of prisoners arrived.[21]

Dr. Mengele regularly visited Block 10 to monitor the development of SS human medical experiments and also conduct his own individual infamous macabre against humanity.[22] The amount of collaboration that took place between Dr. Clauberg and Mengele in Block 10 was secret and still remains unknown and off the record. In fact, Dr. Clauberg and Mengele’s research mission had been similar.

Mengele’s stated mission at Auschwitz was to perform research on human genetics. Even his work had been fully funded through a grant to the SS that Professor von Verschuer had secured through the German Research Council in August of 1943. The goal of Mengele’s work was to unlock the secrets of genetic engineering, and to devise methods for eradicating inferior gene strands from the human population as a means to creating a Germanic Super-Race.[23]

Of the reports from survivors rescued from Auschwitz and Ravensbruck at the end of the war, Dr. Clauberg’s artificial insemination experiments involved an unknown sperm or hormone substance. The little evil sadistic genius often taunted his victims by telling women that he had put animal sperm inside them and that they had beasts growing in their bellies. Whether it was truly human sperm or animal sperm is unknown.[24]

Yet, it would have been absolutely natural and within the interest of the SS agenda of “Positive Eugenics” for Dr. Clauberg and Mengele to have collaborated in artificial insemination-in fertilization experiments at Block 10. Dr. Clauberg’s sperm-egg substances had to contain human Aryan sliced genetic material to pass to the children that they wished to produce.

Additionally, Dr. Mengele had to know the keys to the impregnation-reproductive processes to induce and fool the mind-body with Dr. Clauberg’s progesterone-like properties to fertilize genetically-gene sliced altered eggs and sperm. Dr. Mengele’s dedicated studious behavior for scientific detail would have put him constantly at Dr. Clauberg’s side to realize his mission to create a Germanic Aryan Super Race.

In January 1945, Dr. Clauberg fled Auschwitz in advance of the Soviet army with medical records and photographs to continue his experiments in nearby Koenigshuttte and Ravensbruck Women’s Concentration Camp about 50 miles north of Berlin. On April 30, 1945, Ravensbruck was liberated by the Soviets.[25]

On June 8, 1945, Dr. Clauberg was captured by Soviets while trying to escape to Schleswig-Holstein hoping to link up with Heinrich Himmler and a SS force.[26] Up to the time of at least the end of April 1945, Dr. Clauberg should still have been making regular progress reports to Himmler and the SS.

Dr. Clauberg was tried by the Russians for crimes against humanity and sentenced to prison. On October 11, 1955, after the Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange agreement had been signed between the USSR and Germany, he was released and returned to West Germany. He only served 7 of his 25 year sentence. The odd thing about the Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange agreement is that it involved 9000 Germany prisoners captured on Russian soil mostly doing Hitler’s failed military onslaught on Stalingrad.

The Russians picked up Dr. Clauberg within the boundaries of the German State of Schleswig-Holstein. According to Allied Forces Agreements, the Russians had been bound to turn him over to the Nuremberg Tribunal. From February 4-11 1945, “The Big Three”, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, along with U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Leader Josef Stalin, held secret meetings at the Yalta Conference sometimes called the Crimea Conference and codenamed the Argonaut Conference to discuss the re-organization of war torn Europe after the Fall of Nazi Germany.[27] At the Yalta Conference and in Berlin in 1945, “The Big Three” reaffirmed the October 1943 Moscow Declaration that a War Crimes Tribunal should follow the conclusion of the war.[28]

The October 1943 Moscow Declaration had been signed by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, stating that at the time of an armistice persons deemed responsible for war crimes would be sent back to those countries in which the crimes had been committed and adjudged according to the laws of the nation concerned.[29]

So, why was Dr. Clauberg tried for crimes against humanity in Russia in 1948,[30] and then slipped into Adenauer-Bulganin prisoner exchange. Konrad Hermann Josef Adenauer (January 5, 1876 – April 19, 1967) that brokered the Adenauer-Bulganin Agreement was the first Chancellor of West Germany from 1949–1963 after the Fall of Nazis.[31]

In 1956, Adenauer chose Hitler’s Spy Master Reinhard Gehlen as the initial chief of the BND, West Germany’s post-war intelligence agency that succeeded the Gehlen Organization. Earlier, Adenauer had allowed the Gehlen Org to run amuck throughout Germany undoubtedly at the recommendation and collaboration of the OSS then CIA. The Gehlen Org was comprised primarily of Himmler’s SS.[32]

Gehlen had been the spiritual father of Stay Behind in Germany and his role was known to the West German leader, Konrad Adenauer, from the outset. Adenauer signed a secret protocol with the US on West Germany’s entry into NATO in May 1955 in which it was agreed that the West German authorities would refrain from active legal pursuit of known right-wing extremists-Nazi-SS.[33]

In addition, Adenauer was also a Knight (THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA).[34] In reality, Dr. Clauberg had been dropped right back into the lap of the Teutonic-Knights of the Black Sun, the SS.

Back in Germany, Dr. Clauberg attempted to continue his SS special projects out in the open. He even openly advertised re-establishing the Research Institute of Reich for Biology and Reproduction at the University of Kiel specializing in “Positive Eugenics” and “Sterilization” for profit.[35] In other words, he intended to expose the secret SS Aryan sperm hormones and sterilization research, development and projects perfected at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck, and people that had been involved.

On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after he was freed from the USSR, he was arrested by German officials allegedly because of an outcry from his surviving victims, women and Jewish groups. The same voices had also cried out more vehemently for HauptsturmführerSS Dr. Josef Mengele. Yet, America and West Germany shielded him. Four months later in March 1956, Dr. Josef Mengele flew into Germany’s neighbor Switzerland on a 120 day passport in Engelberg  out of Argentina, South Africa while Dr. Clauberg was under arrest in Germany.  It makes sense that Dr. Mengele would have  debriefed Dr. Clauberg for the Gehlen Org and CIA.


On August 9, 1957, Dr. Clauberg, 59 years old, died suddenly (alleged heart attack) while awaiting trial in Kiel for criminal conduct that “caused severe bodily harm” to large numbers of Jewish women at Ravensbruck and Auschwitz.[36] Not much is known about Dr. Mengele from 1956 until he resurfaces in Paraguay in May 1959 under the veil of Paraguay’s German-descended dictator, Alfredo Stroessner;  and under his own name just months before Barack Obama II is conceived in December 1960. After surfacing in Paraguay in 1959, Dr. Mengele disappears again until he resurfaces again in Brazil from 1961 to 1962 after Obama II is born.

Artificial Insemination and sterilization technology developed under the Blood Oath Secrecy of Himmler and the SS at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck belonged exclusively to the benefit of Himmler and underground SS networks that controlled the CIA and West German Intelligence; exposure of the technology and competition with Dr. Clauberg to control and profit from that technology and its development just wasn’t going to happen.

Dr. Clauberg may have mistakenly believed that the dreaded Himmler truly died in British custody in May 1945; and that he was no longer bound by the SS blood oath of secrecy. He had been out of loop in Soviet’s hands since January 1945. However, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Himmler was far too powerful, wealthy, shrewd and treacherous to have been captured while skipping through the tulips in the merry month of May around the city of Bremervörde (Lower Saxony) in Germany.[37]


It was well established that most of the Nazi leadership regularly maintained secret doppelgangers, doubles and decoys. Himmler was a Knight and leader of an ancient Order of Teutonic Knights. He had thousands of powerful fellow Knights like OSS Allen Dulles and millions of Freemasons bound by a blood oath of secrecy at his feet and whim all over the world.

He also had access to millions if not billons in gold, securities, bonds and notes stashed all over the world. In May 1945, he still had over a million SS Waffen goons in Italy and probably a half million or more Allgemeine-SS Knights underground still active that would have fought to the last man to protect him. He had the Gehlen Org-CIA in his pocket. Additionally, he controlled access to secret nuclear technology-weapons and futuristic rockets, missiles, jets and U-boats. The man had access to spaceships. He had secret multi-national corporate and international banker goons in high places around the world. He held potential patents to secret revolutionary medical technologies that are still priceless even today. Yet, one of the world’s most powerful, richest, clandestine and dangerous men on earth was caught just merrily skipping among the daisies on a bright and sunny day along the Germany countryside on May 21, 1945, then conveniently committed suicide. That Dog Won’t Hunt.


Tellingly, no known DNA exists to prove definitively that it was Himmler that committed suicide. The body was buried in a secret grave than may have been exhumed and the body cremated. Everything surrounding Himmler’s alleged body is sealed, classified and TOP SECRET from Britain to America.


The body that was claimed to be Himmler’s had on the wrong glasses he commonly wore and it lacked his celebrated “Y” shaped dueling scar on the left cheek.[38] Himmler cherished that scar as a badge of ancient knightly chivalry. We also have a fairly good idea who put it there during the 1920s.[39] It had been his personal adjutant staffer, Standartenführer or Obersturmbannführer SS Dr. [Richard] Stahl.[40]


Then again, it is obvious that the Russians had abducted Dr. Clauberg out of Germany on more than the pretense of Crimes against Humanity. Surely, the outrages that he committed against humanity at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck were capital crimes that he should have swung the gallows or faced a firing squad for. Dr. Clauberg’s body count is estimated to have been numbered in the hundreds or in the thousands. Yet, it may have been Dr. Clauberg’s medical knowledge and expertise gained from the secret human experiment programs at Auschwitz that the Soviets were after.

The Soviets had their own secret team called, BB Apparat, which focused primarily on pursuing Nazi technical and scientific advanced warfare personnel, plans and technologies. The “BB Apparat” was a totally separate and independent operation that remains shrouded in mystery.[41] The Russians kept him alive and healthy for 7 years to begin a new day within days of release from captivity. I suspect that Russians abducted Dr. Clauberg also to keep him away from the special interests of the American, British and French forces.

“His [Dr. Clauberg] articles on experimental hormone research were published in the main German gynecological journal (1929-1940). He is represented in the Library of Congress in Washington with two books on neuroendocrinology experiments, especially with animals, which he published in 1933 and 1937. He also published on obstetrics. Clauberg is reputed to be an expert who developed a test to diagnose pregnancy at an early stage. He published important articles on infertility or so-called women diseases, especially on “follicle hormone cures” and on uterotubla insufflations, which he completed with a hysterosalpinogram in order to check the treatments’ success and to achieve “blowing up residual adhesions by pressure with the contrast fluid.”[42]

Undoubtedly, BB Aparat knew Dr. Clauberg’s scientific background and what he was doing at Auschwitz and Ravensbruck for the SS. They intensively interrogated him for at least 3 years before they finally put him on trial for crimes against humanity in 1948. He may have revealed the details about Himmler’s SS secret eugenic scientific agendas and programs.

He may have been turned into a soviet spy-mole and returned in the mass prisoner exchange. When Dr. Clauberg returned to West Germany, his ego and ambition got the best of him and went on public television to sell himself. He threatened to expose everything he told Russian intelligence for profit, it would have made their special information worthless and useless. The Soviets would also have a motive in liquidating him.

One Step Beyond- Dr. Clauberg, Dr. Mengele and Modern Genetic and Reproductive Technology

“We do know…that the scientific basis of modern gene and reproductive technology was firmly established in the Third Reich.” –Karl Heinz Roth[43]

The raw data that Dr. Clauberg, Neuroendocrinologist, and his colleague Dr. Mengele, Geneticist, developed in genetic and reproductive technology through the SS is priceless even today. The Nazis were at the forefront of revolutionizing biological and obstetric sciences for all the wrong demonic reasons (Duality-Satanic Principle),

I. Promote those worthy of reproduction and,

II. Eliminate those forms unworthy of reproduction.

During the war, Nazi reproductive focus took a radical turn from Lebensborn (promotion of sexual unions between pure Aryans to procreate the race) to laboratory research genetics and development. The Genetics Department at the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research in Berlin was at the forefront of basic gene research in the area of breeding and selection. The institute was supported by the Emergency Organization of German Science (Notgemeinschaft det Deutschen Wissenschaft), Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations.

One of the leading German firms behind the Kaiser Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research in developing sex hormone research was Schering-Kahbaum AG that Dr. Clauberg worked for and with at Auschwitz. In fact, Dr. Clauberg’s aide at Block 10 was Dr. Johannes Goebel, above, chief chemist with the Schering-Kahbaum AG pharmaceutical firm.[44]

It also appears that Himmler and the SS had secretly implemented and fully funded Dr. Clauberg’s proposals, a Reich Institute for Research on Reproductive Biology (Research Institute of the Reich for Biology and Reproduction); an animal experimental station; and two departments, one for the treatment of infertile women desirable for reproduction, and clinical advanced research on previous apparent hopeless cases of infertility, the other department to perform sterilization on women in an ambulant nonsurgical way- women not worthy of reproduction or not desirable for reproduction were to be used to test the operationless method.[45]

Dr. Clauberg’s infertile clinic operated out of two clinics outside Auschwitz, the Gynecological Clinic in Koenigshuttte, and the maternity and convalescent home of the National Socialist Welfare Service (NSV)- called the “City of Mothers” with a capacity of 800 mothers and 200 small children.[46]

Dr. Clauberg’s department that performed experimental sterilizations ran out of Auschwitz and Ravensbruck Concentration Camps. Dr. Clauberg’s Reich Institute of Reproductive Biology was most likely operated out of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of the German University of Koenisberg.[47] Russian Intelligence must have been fully informed of Dr. Clauberg’s clandestine SS programs and sent out a special detail to capture him before the American; British or French military intelligence could sequester him out of sight and mind.

With Dr. Karl Clauberg eliminated, the secret SS genetic and reproductive technology fell in the hands of their most secretive, loyal and dangerous Knight, Dr. Josef Mengele, and Dr. Mengele had been sequestered by Allen Dulles’ OSS then the Gehlen Org and the CIA.

Dr. Mengele and the Satanic Principle

Dr. Mengele’s dedicated SS mission had been to create an Aryan master race to rule the world- Positive-Divine Eugenics. It also gave him the dual mission to create a subservient race to do their will; and work for the master race- Negative-Profane Eugenics. It makes it possible and feasible to take bits of genetic material from one human and make somebody almost like him to function as an allegorical subhuman servant not only for consumption (work will set you free), but also mass political deception through mass hypnotism with imperfect ILLUSIONS of the Power and Will of the people.


Dr. W.O. Schumann to the SS:

In all areas, there are two principles that determine events, light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the positive and negative in electricity. This is always one way or another! These two principles designated concretely how the creative and destructive principles determine also our technical means […]

The destructive principle is the work of the devil, the creative principle, the work of God […]

Any technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be satanic technology. The new era that will be the age of a new technique, positive and divine! […] (Excerpt from the secret archives of the SS)[48]

Dr. Winfried Otto (W.O.) Schumann (1888-1974) was born in Tubingen, Germany, the son of a physical chemist. His early years were spent in Kassel and in Bergdorf, a town near Vienna. He majored in electrical engineering at the Technical College in Karlsruhe. In 1912, he gained a doctorate with high-voltage technology as his thesis. During 1920, he was made a professor at the Technical University in Stuttgart, where he had previously been employed as a research assistant. He subsequently took a position as professor of physics at the University of Jena. In 1924, he was made professor and director of the Electro physical Laboratory at the Technical University of Munich. During 1947-1948 he worked at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, USA and then returned to his post in Munich.[49]

Like Dr. Clauberg, Dr. W.O. Schumann was a world renowned and distinguished scientific genius. When he talks about “Alternative SS Technologies and Theories”, a lot of people including I stop to listen. It gives us a rare opportunity into some insight of these people with other dimensional thought processes that caused so much death, destruction and chaos across the globe.

Behind the veil, Dr. W.O. Schumann was an Operation PAPERCLIP SS Nazi, an eminent international specialist in electromagnetic low-frequency resonances.[50] He founded the Schumann (electromagnetic) resonance of the earth. He was an ardent occultist, a member of the Thule and Vril Societies. He was an initiate of infamous Nazi VRIL MAIDENS. He developed a series of magnetic levitators-VRIL DRIVES for the SS’s Top Secret “Flying Discs”.[51] During 1947-1948, Dr. Schumann was an employee of the U.S. military at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.[52]

Dr. Schumann was an essential part of the SS’s advanced development of virtual “flying saucers.” On January 22, 1944, Dr. Schumann, Hitler, Himmler and Kunkel of the Vril Society met in a top secret meeting to plan to drive a flying disc through a worm hole, inter-dimensional space travel.[53]

Dr. W.O. Schumann had a very rare discernment into this other “dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind- Twilight Zone.” If Dr. Mengele and his SS and its “Alternative Technologies and Theories” had anything to do with creating Obama, then in our normal understanding of the order of things,

We’re talking about our government!

We’re talking about a crime.

You must think on a different level, like the CIA does.

We’re through the looking glass.

White is black.

And black is white. -JFK, the Movie[54]

Hussein Barack Obama II, DEMON SEED, the Son of NONE


“He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world”. –A phrase found underscored by Fuhrer Adolf Hitler [55]

The Sacred Birth

“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” -Palms 139: 13-14- The Original African Heritage Study Bible, KJV

Whatever dimension of mind(s) that created Hussein Barack Obama II has to be explored. If he was created and I am certain that he was, it opens a great moral, religious, ethical and spiritual debate that has existed since the beginning of recorded history.

In the “Divine Birth” scene of Queen Mutemwiya, the mother of Amenhotep III; in a Luxor Scared Temple, Queen-Mother Mutemwiya is shown in scenes depicting the divine birth of her son Amenhotep III. The scenes resemble (and in some cases copy) scenes of the divine birth of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari. Hatshepsut had used the birth story to reinforce her claims to the throne. Amenhotep was the son of a ruling Pharaoh and it seems that the birth scene is used to stress the semi-divine nature of Amenhotep III. In a key scene Mutemwiya is shown seated on a bed receiving the god Amun who had taken the form of her husband Thutmosis IV. They are in the presence of the goddesses Selket and Neith. The scenes show Amenhotep III to be the result of the union of his mother with the god Amun himself. A pregnant queen Mutemwiya is later shown being led to the birthing room by Isis and Khnum.[56]

Amenhotep III’s “Divine Birth” also included the entire Ogdoad of Hermopololis, primeval gods who, according to the Hermopolitian teachings, came into existence at the dawn of creation.[57]

Genesis 1:26-28, King James Version (KJV)

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

In other words, since the beginning of recorded history, birth of human beings always involved the divine and sacred work of GOD(S). Biblically, human beings are made by God. They are created while still in the womb. God is the one who designed mankind, making them unique and special. The passages above supports the sanctity of life. God knows every embryo; every fetus is a unique individual made by God.

Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Genesis 20:12

The Bible says that we are to bring up our children in “the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). It is not just the Christian bible that teaches us this, but it’s the age old recognition that the mother and father- family has been responsible for socialization of the child. Socialization describes a process which may lead to desirable, or ‘moral’, outcomes in the opinion of said society.[58] More than anything else, a child needs to know love, because a child’s relationship with a loving mother-father- family will teach the child the love for others and God.


As we know, Obama II had an absolutely weird and bizarre upbringing and background for a U.S. President. Obama II was a scientific-satanic ritually sexual and trauma based abused child.   He wasn’t raised by a father or even a father figure. He was only raised sporadically by his mother, Stanley Ann. She was a secular humanist,[59] she that condemns the concept of God.[60] In Indonesia, he was raised by Evie, above, the outcast transgender male prostitute.[61] In Hawaii, he was raised by GRAMS (grandfather), “the Red Light District” pot smoking drunk;[62] and by POPS, an UK ULTRA-MONARCH Handler, Frank Marshall Davis, the vile pedophile, a hideous and absolutely “ungodly” bisexual man.[63] 

Hussein Barack Obama II nurtured an absolutely unnatural attraction and so-called intellectual love for T.S. Eliot,[64] not Karl Marx, Fanon, or even Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama II was a “T.S. Eliot Conservative”,[65] whatever that may be. Who was T.S. Eliot? He was vicious intellectual anti-Semite. May 10, 1940, Poet and essayist T. S. Eliot wrote that the Jews are the modern world’s foremost “Forces of Evil.” He claims that they have “made the modern world vile.”[66]


T.S. Eliot was among the ILLUMINATI-Luciferian High Priests of Cecil Rhodes’ Children of the Sun.[67] Trained at Toynbee’s Oxford, Aldous Huxley was also one of the initiates in the “’Children of the Sun,’ a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were  W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover. It was Huxley, furthermore, who would launch the legal battle in the 1950s to have Lawrence’s pornographic novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover allowed into the United States on the ground that it was a misunderstood “work of art’.”[68]

Obama was abnormally fixated with T.S. Eliot. He was an avid and astute student of Eliot’s “The Waste Land” (1922) and clearly understood Eliot’s aims as a Aquarian poet and public figure at that time.[69] Behind the veil of the “The Waste Land”, critics claim that T.S. Eliot’s French male lover, Jean Verdenal, might be the real-life figure behind the poem’s characters Phlebas the Phoenician and the hyacinth girl.[70]


Above, In 1981,  Obama II had his own “Waste Land” drama going on holding hands with his Pakistani lover and roommate, Sohale Siddiqi.

Obama II’s creators and handlers have done everything possible and consistent with nurturing and grooming a BOY FROM BRAZIL for the highest elected office of the United States, a cybernetic and robotoid, A SON OF NONE and a  “DEMONIC SEED.’ In Part III, I will review baby Barack Hussein Obama II, Dr. Gregory Bateson, University of Hawaii, U.S. military industrial complex and the socialization project of the secret robotoid and cyborg, then in Part IV explore some of Barack Hussein Obama’s puppet masters such as Fritz KraemerZbigniew Brzezinski , Henry Kissinger, SS and Satanic Global High Cabal.

[1] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pgs. 78-80



[4] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[5] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg 91

[6] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82

[7] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 106


[9] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 105

[10] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 82






[16] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[17] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pgs. 156-7



[20] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 160

[21] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169

[22] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 169













[35] Gutman, Yisrael, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Indiana University Press (1998) pg. 307




[39] Amberger, Christoph, The Lararus Smile (The Stahl Unholy Grail Papers), Secret Archives Press, Baltimore, MD (2008), pgs. 194-5


[41] Aarons, Mark, Unholy Trinity, How the Vatican’s Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets, St. Martin Press, NY, NY (1991), pg. 272

[42] Kaupen-Hass, Heidrun, Experiment Obstetrics and National Socialism: The Conceptual Basis of Reproductive Technology Today, Reproductive and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-132, 1988/

[43] Roth, Karl H., Brave New Man. The Change of Paradigms of Classical Genetics and its Effects on the Population Biology of the “Third Reich” (1986)


[45] Kaupen-Hass, Heidrun, Experiment Obstetrics and National Socialism: The Conceptual Basis of Reproductive Technology Today, Reproductive and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 127-132, 1988

[46] Id.

[47] Aziz, Phiilippe, Doctors of Death, Vol. 2, Ferni Publishers, Geneva, 1976, pg. 237



[50] Id.







[57] Blavastsky, H.P., H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings 1887, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, IL(1960), pgs. 376-377















21 10 2011

Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray, to Lynch a Black Patsy on National Television

The case against Dr. Conrad Murray for culpability as the “Patsy” in the death of Michael Jackson is among the “unseen” well beyond the rule of law of the courtroom. It is a clandestine Illuminati attack upon Dr. Murray to anchor and re-image him in the mind of the world public opinion as the Lone Nut killer of Michael Jackson through a slick mass media psychological warfare persuasion, manipulation, and mind control program.

“… I believe that the CIA controls the media system in the United States.” – Media Mogul, Ted Turner[1]

I suspect that Turner, above, with the Master “Hidden Hand” gesture had been a willing participant in Operation MOCKINGBIRD all along fronting for the CIA.

CNN’s very own daring candy man, Anderson Cooper, out of Yale University received his training with the CIA. The candyman sugar-coats American Imperialism, crimes and corruption and military-industrial transgressions around the globe.

According to CNN, he worked for the CIA at Langley headquarters following his sophomore and junior years at Yale, but declined full-time employment when he graduated from college. However, Anderson was found after graduating from Yale studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi, most likely for the Company.[2] That dog won’t hunt.

The CIA is Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel). After WWII, the secret 1945 Fort Hunt Treaty between the U.S. and Nazis formed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the mold and control of the foreign intelligence division of the SS, AMT IV.[3] The CIA is an official citizen intelligence agency of the U.S. Government that is bound to an oath of secrecy, but also bound to allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, that is among the SEEN.[4]

Among the SEEN of the SS was an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, but among the UNSEEN was the more deadly and binding Blood Oath of  Secrecy to the New Order of Teutonic Knights aka the Knights of the Black Sun.[5]

The UNSEEN is also layered inside the CIA. The elite men at the genesis of the CIA with the SS (Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner) ran the Company like an order of Knights most often believed to have been Knights Templar,[6] but it was actually Himmler’s New Order of Teutonic Knights. However, both Knight Templars and Teutonic Knights of the Crusades of the Middle Ages stand at the pinnacle of Hierarchy of Freemasonry.[7]    

Billionaire Mass Media Mongol Ted Turner is an elite member of the Committee of 300. The Committee is the driving force behind the clandestine conspirator agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.[8] He is generally believed to be a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta is an order of Knights Templar.[9] He is among the Master Elite of the 1% that control over 40% of America’s resources.

CNN, the CIA’s Network headquarters in Atlanta has set his sight on Dr. Murray.[10] Its psychological warfare specialists has packaged the nationally televised “In Session” program to spin and control public access and opinion; manipulate images and illusions in Dr. Murray’s televised manslaughter trial.[11]

CNN’s other darling and candyman, Vinnie Politan, long-time CourtTV and truTV host, is the point man in charge of the spin control machine and smoked mirrors program, “In Session”.

Above, Vinnie Politan, displaying one of the 12 (twelve) Masonic Hand Gestures used in mass media, the Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. The thumb (the “Thumbs Up”) upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy). From the Book “Masonic Signals in the Press” by Johannes Rothkranz

Michael Jackson with the ILLUMINATI Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity without complete or partial subjection to hierarchy and corrupt power which maybe one of the causes of his assassination. The butterfly on shoulder suggests he was a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control victim. The picture includes the Masonic Blazing Star (Knight Watch) and Crown. I read the Crown as the Holy Roman Empire. Michael is a MONARCH under watch by Knights of the Crown and under control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Compare these recording artists with MJ showing degrees of fidelity and subjection to the Occult and ILLUMINATI by the “Thumb’s Up”Prince (Disciple of Philip Anschutz)showing complete subjection,  Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and the least possible subjection Eminem, probably because of race.

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley with the ILLUMINATI-Masonic Master Heart Gesture.

Above, Prominent Hollywood Actor Christopher Walken (Deerhunter) ILLUMINATI-Occulted Heart Gesture and Left Hand Path Mystic-Evil Facial Expression.

The other “In Sessions” host is Ryan Smith, above left, with a form of the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Notice, Ryan is Down while Philip Anschutz, of Anschutz Corporation is Above.  Ryan specializes in entertainment law and hosted a show on BET called and was worth no more than “My Two Cents” to the people.[12] 

Above, Bill Cosby, a Black High Level Luciferian ILLUMINATI exhibits the same ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture. Famed Hollywood actor Robert DeNiro, middle,  with ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture protrays “LUCIFER”.

“In Session” features illusionary and slanted reports out of Beth Karas, who has been with the network since 1994. The other two primary contributors to the show are Mike Brooks, the network’s front man for national security-law enforcement state, and legal illusionist Sunny Hostin, a former federal justice department prosecutor of the weak, oppressed and powerless.[13]

Above, Sunny and Dr. Murray share another form of the Masonic Gesture of Fidelity (Brotherhood-Sisterhood) and with Occulted Doctrine of Duality of the Unseen Hand, Light versus Dark, Good versus Evil, the Seen and UNSEEN. Dr. Murray’s Thumb extends upward leaving the Hand to Square in the Signal Position of “L” meaning-showing, ABSOLUTE and COMPLETE  Fidelity to the Elite or the Organization.

“In Session” Black Drama queens, Ryan Smith and Sunny Hostin, have as much backbone and spine of a snake. They create special illusions of racial justice. They pretend to be fair, just and balanced, but bend backyard-forward; up and down, side to side but always bend back around to the center squarely on the side of the prosecution, security state and the ILLUMINATI.

Dr. Conrad Murder & Involuntary Manslaughter-LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Respondeat superior (Latin: “let the master answer”; plural: respondeant superiores) is a legal doctrine which states that, in many circumstances, an employer is responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their employment. This rule is also called the “Master-Servant Rule”, recognized in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.[14]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute but most secret servant of the Scottish Rite to the end with another Masonic Hand Sign. He shouldn’t be alone facing manslaughter charges.  Dr. Murray closed his independent medical practice and stepped in to become Michael Jackson’s (MJ) in-house personal physican for AEG’s (Anschutz Entertainment Group) Live London tour concerts.

MJ chose Dr. Murray to fill the position, but he was contractually employed through AEG Live. AEG’s defense to the “Master-Servant Rule” is that Dr. Murray’s contract was never formerly executed with signatures. That Dog won’t hunt. Dr. Murray seemed to have partually fulfilled his end of the bargain, while AEG deliberately delayed the preparation and execution of the contract until after MJ’s death as if they had expected MJ to be murdered and Dr. Murray setup as the “Patsy” for the assassination.

The Jackson family is pursuing AEG for the wrongful death of MJ under the doctrine of Respondeat superior-Let the Master Answer.[15] Why didn’t the Los Angeles Police Deparment pursue the BIG DOG in the hunt, AEG, for corporate medical gross neglience and the death of MJ?

Expert Witnesses for the ILLUMINATI, the Spin Machine Candyman & White Knights, Dr. Alon Steinberg and Dr. Nader Kamangar

Dr. Alon Steinberg, the SEEN 

In the Dr. Conrad Murray trial, I was rather struck with the appearance, image and assertive behavior of Dr. Alon Steinberg playing up to the jury like a Mass Media Sugar-Coated Candyman. Above, the Candyman work the magick of a mystic with his hands to sugar-coat ILLUMINATI setup of Dr. Murray. Below, the Mystic-Masonic Pointer takes place in the courtroom,  Candyman with Legendary Occulted -Mind Control Pointers  Adolf Hitler and Hitler’s Guru, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley -“You Must Go in this Direction”

“In Session” Legal Analyst/Illusionist Sunny Hostin suggested the bite into the Candyman illusion and the tension of duality of racial stereotypes; she called him “Attractive”. The Candyman appearance in Dr. Murray’s trial was a big hit among those that can see but won’t see and those that can hear but cover their ears. Some of the internet buzz is that the “charismatic” Candyman had  “set hearts racing[16] while Dr. Murray remains the Big Black Brute.

Dr. Alon Steinberg, the UNSEEN & the WILL   

Alon \a-lon\ as a boy’s name is pronounced AL-en. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alon is Oak Tree.[17] The oak tree and its leaves are a staple of Druid Witchcraft and are popular as pagan symbols among nature followers of the forest Horned God Pan.[18] Freemasons commerce their mystic works underneath the Oak Tree.[19]

The Oak Tree is also sacred to the pagan mythology of the Bloodlines of Wotan. Above, Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knight’s Cross, the Nazi Iron Cross for Courage.

Above, Candyman Dr. Steinberg, displaying the very same Masonic Hand “Thumbs Up” Gestures used by Candyman Vinnie Politan in Mass Media, the Heart Sign or Sign of fidelity. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy).

It is apparent that Dr. Steinberg is the Illuminati’sHero”, the White Knight, riding to the rescue to work the UNSEEN mythical magic of a wizard-priest and slay the dark and evil dragon played out in world mass media.

Dr. Steinberg is the hero out of the Old Deep South. He attended high school in Bellaire, Texas, a predominately white enclave carved out of the City of Houston. Houston is in Harris County, a former slave colony.[20]

Dr. Steiner received his medical degree from the University of Texas Galveston School of Medicine and interned further Old Deep South at Jackson Memorial Hospital, the University of Miami.[21]  Dr. Steinberg is one of the California Medical Board’s review board cardiologists that played up to the jury like a Candyman-White Knight and Snake in the Grass. He found 6 separate and distinct deviations of standard of care against Dr. Murray – each one amounting to in his opinion, “gross negligence.”[22]

Dr. Murray is charged in violation of California Penal Code 192(b) defines “involuntary manslaughter” as an unlawful killing that takes place… during the commission of a lawful act which involves a high risk of death or great bodily harm that is committed without due caution or circumspection.

The phrase “without due caution and circumspection” is basically synonymous with California’s legal definition of “criminal negligence.” It is an act which is “aggravated, reckless and flagrant and which is such a departure from what would be the conduct of an ordinary prudent, careful person under the same circumstances as to be in disregard for human life, or an indifference to the consequences of such an act.” Criminal negligence means that the death was not the result of inattention, mistaken judgment or misadventure. But rather it was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the aggravated, reckless or negligent conduct.[23]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute

Defense Attorney Michael Flanagan … he [Dr. Murray] is a doctor? Prosecutor Walgren, objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Judge Michael Pastor, objection sustained. Defense Attorney Flanagan, he’s not a doctor?

A Negro doctor? No such thing. The boy must be lying.  I believe that you can at least  find tail and feathers on uncle. Hes be good for something!

I was surprised when the court allowed Dr. Steinberg full range to ride herd into the case to pass judgment on Dr. Murray before the jury on the ultimate issue of “gross negligence” with ugly contempt. 

It didn’t appear that he was trying to help the jury decide the question with his expert opinion. Dr. Steinberg was dictating, commanding and implanting the jury and the national/international audience with the gross negligence of Dr. Murray with reckless utter deprived racial injustice. Black medical professionals should be up in arms by the way Dr. Murray is being unjustly and unprofessionally treated in the Courtroom and in the Public Domain. They wouldn’t treat a white medical profession with such reckless contempt on the air or in the courtroom. Dr. Steinberg was WILLING Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” to be as thou.

Magick- “the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with the will.” –Aleister Crowley[24]

On direct examination by the prosecution, Dr. Steinberg was allowed to testify to his six points where he concluded “gross negligence” in the treatment of Michael Jackson by Dr. Conrad.[25] One of his points of “gross negligence” was WILLED the lack of a backup battery for a pulsoximeter. Some of Dr. Steinberg’s other points of “gross negligence” were equally as trifle and spiteful. Dr. Murray didn’t have a crash cart. He waited more than 2 minutes to call 911.[26]

Dr. Steinberg lied when he testified to the jury that he had never heard of doctors using Propofol to treat insomnia. During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan forced Dr. Steinberg to admit that he was well versed on a 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED threatment of Propofol on patients with severe insomnia. Dr. Steinberg objection to the report was basically come down to being that it wasn’t Anglo-Saxon.[27] They didn’t go there.

The court allowed Dr. Steinberg to go on and on Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” as a medical professional, which began to grow intensively to exhibit a certain amount of viciousness and arrogance. Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” was because he WILLED it had been thou.

California Medical Board’s review of Dr. Murray’s medical practice was isolated from a LAPD investigative statement that appears to be suspect and a special “singling out” of Dr. Murray for special treatment.

Dr. Steinberg acquired a copy of Dr. Murray’s voluntary LAPD statement and kept improperly referring and WILLING it to be at trial as Dr. Murray’s “testimony” and WILLED it so that Dr. Murray fed Propofol into MJ by drip with an IV bag even though there was no evidence of such.[28]

Dr. Steinberg didn’t inform Dr. Murray of any charges. Dr. Murray wasn’t noticed with any charges against him. Dr. Steinberg didn’t ask Dr. Murray’s any questions and relied on innuendo, conclusions and unknown outside sources and factors to arbitrary form his findings. Additionally, Dr. Murray didn’t appear to have any review or appeal rights. Evidence of administrative (California Medical Association) findings can be admissible unless it fails the “constitution safeguard” smell test. In federal courts, administrative investigative findings and reports can be admissible in civil proceedings if they are “trustworthy.”[29]

Dr. Nader Kamangar, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine of UCLA, was next on the stage aggressively WILLING “gross negligence” to the jury and public opinion. Dr. Kamangar is a sleep expert, an alter state (consciousness) specialist. On the national/international mass media stage, he viciously ripped into Murray’s treatment of MJ with Propofol to induce sleep as “unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension”[30] because he like Dr. Steinberg WILLED it had been thou.

During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan challenged Dr. Kamangar’s assertion that Propofol use for treatment for insomnia as “beyond comprehension”. He confronted Dr. Kamangar with 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED use of Propofol on patients to threat severe insomnia. Dr. Kamangar response was equally condescending, argumentative and dismissive as Dr. Steinberg because it was published after MJ’s death and wasn’t Anglo-Saxon approved.[31] 

Dr. Kamangar’s mean-spirited attack on Dr. Murray was cold, chilling and disturbing. According to Kamangar, he wasn’t qualified to administer CPR even if a person fell out in distress at his feet. He insisted that Dr. Murray shouldn’t touch that person, but call 911 immediately and let paramedics attend to the situation nevertheless being a practicing cardiologist and licensed physician.[32]

People v. Olquin (1994) 31 Cal. App. 4th 1355, 1371, 37 Cal. Rptr. 2d 596. An expert may not use opinion testimony to improperly usurp the fact-finding function of the jury.

Another thing that struck me about Dr. Kamangar was his presistent display of the Illuminati Pyramid Hand Symbol. Below, Illuminati Pyramid Gesture among the Powerful- German Chancellor Angela Merkel with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. I believe her hand signal and facial expression among the the first Black U.S. President and First Lady is pretty clear.

It is used so often on television, mass media and among the so-called Hip Hop Generation that I suspect it is not only an Illuminati Communication Signal but a “Mass Media Illuminati Hypnotic” experimental tool. We Control.-Evil Rules.

Thomas Mesereau, above, with the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Mesereau has also been invited on CNN to poison public opinion around Dr. Murray. Mesereau was the lawyer who successfully defended MJ’s 2005 molestation criminal trial. Mesereau may be an excellent defense counsel, but this man is extremely scary and evil. He seemed to maintain the ILLUMINATI Triangle Hand Sign throughout his TV appearance and rant against Dr. Murray.

In the ILLUMINATI Spirit, Mesereau was hateful, mean spirited, overbearing and adamantly asserts sadistically in tone and mannerism that Dr. Murray “violated every ethical obligation he had as a doctor” when he gave MJ Propofol … and deserves to go to prison because he also WILLED it as thou.

Mesereau wants to make it clear to the world as far as the Big Black Brute is concerned, “I am on the side of the prosecution.”[33]And the ILLUMINATI! Finally, I had to mute the sound and turn away from him. It was terrifying to see a man so full of venom and EVIL.

Out of the Spin, Illusions and Smoked Mirrors, Back to Reality: a Doctor’s Real World in California

In 1998, Dr. Michael Sexton, a San Rafael emergency room doctor and a California Medical Association board member said that criminalizing the medical decision-making process is proper only in extraordinarily rare cases. “To the extent that we’re seeing over the last few years an increase in these kinds of filings, I think that’s inappropriate,” he said.[34]

Dr. Sexton couldn’t think of a single case that should have drawn criminal charges against a doctor in his 24 years in emergency medicine. He argued that the California Medical Board’s review of doctors and the civil law system, where malpractice is litigated, works well.[35]

“The criminal system is designed to punish people who do things wrongly with intent,” he said. “Who’s going to want to take care of someone who has a serious illness with a high potential for a bad outcome?” And fear of prosecution could scare doctors away from developing innovative new procedures that might be second-guessed, he said.[36]

Dr. Ronald Bangasser, medical director of the Redlands-based Beaver Medical Group, has been a physician more than 20 years and is involved in peer review of doctors’ work. Even in that capacity, he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen . . . anything that comes even close to being murder.” That includes cases in which doctors did things they should not have or went beyond their expertise.[37]

I don’t think anything has changed since 1998 with the overall physican views within the California Medical Association and doctor peer review on criminalizing medical decisions and innovation in medicine only in extraordinarily rare cases. The California Medical Association has never administratively reviewed CIA-MK ULTRA mind control doctors, prison medical abuse or doctors violating the Nuremberg Code using unwitting citizens as experimental guinea pigs.

What you see in ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray played out in the public domain are illusions and smoking mirrors, We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white.[38]

Let the Master Answer, The Big Dog in the CIRCLE

Dr. Murray (“Thumbs Up”) and Philip Anschutz with the Masonic Brotherhood and Hidden Hand Gesture. Anschutz’s Left Hand form the “the Claw”.  

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live is a live entertainment promotion subsidiary of Anschutz Entertainment Group. It is the world’s second largest live show promoter.[39]

The Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) is a sporting and music entertainment presenter and a subsidiary of The Anschutz Corporation.[40] The Anschutz Corporation is a privately-held holding company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. It was started in 1958 by Fred Anschutz, an wildcatter (oil man), and the father of Philip F. Anschutz, who took over the company in 1962. The Anschutz Corporation, and affiliates Anschutz Company and Anschutz Investment Company, are vehicles for the diversified investments for Anschutz.[41]

A conglomerate is a combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate structure (a corporate group), usually involving a parent company and several (or many) subsidiaries. Often, a conglomerate is a multi-national company.[42]

The Anschutz Corporation is a multi-national conglomerate. AEG is part of a powerful I.G. Farben like corporate intra-structure setup by the World’s Greatness Racial Mass Murderers, the New Order of Teutonic Knights, the (Schutzstaffel) SS and Totenkopf (Death Heads) out of Nazi Germany.

Philip Anschutz, The Big Dog of the CIRCLE 

The BBC described Philip Anschutz as having, “A reputation as one of the hungriest of US corporate vultures.”[43]

Philip Anschutz of Denver, CO is a man of legendary GREED. In 2006, he was ranked 89 among the World’s Richest People [44] and 33rd in the United States.[45]  He is the grandson of an aristocratic immigrant of Volga Germans from Russia that settled in Russell,Kansas with enough financial resources and political-social connections to open a bank.

In 1876, Volga Germans, mostly from the area around Saratov and Samara in Russia had  began settling in and around Russell, Kansas.[46] In 1762, Catherine the Great (1729-1796), a German native of Stettin, Pomerania, displaced her husband Peter III and took the vacant Russian imperial throne. In 1762 and 1763, Catherine published manifestos inviting Prussian-Europeans, (except Jews) to immigrate and farm Russian lands while maintaining their language and culture. Most of the Prussian-German immigrants settled along the River Volga in the region of southern Russia.[47]

The prominence of Freemasonry among the aristocratic circles of Russia that included the Volga Germans were described with these words: “so many prominent Russians were Freemasons in the second half of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries that it would be easier to number those who were not than those who were.”[48] I assume that Karl Anschutz’s Prussian-Russian linage and roots had been no exception.

Freemasonry did not find favor in the eyes of Catherine, the Great. She distrusted the “secret” nature of the lodges and feared they could be used for political purposes. In 1782, Catherine outlawed all secret organizations but nevertheless exempted Freemasonry.[49] Catherine’s son, Grand Duke Paul, was a Mason. On the foreign front, her principal foe was Emperor Frederick II of Prussia, also an active Scottish Rite Mason. The rituals used by the Russian lodges were according to the Scottish, Schroeder and Swedish rites.[50]

Kansas & the Knights of the Golden CIRCLE

During the Civil War and the late 1800s, Kansas had been a stronghold for one of the most corrupt, vile, obscene and subversive Confederate Underground forces in the war against the states, the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC).

KGC was led by a terrorist and murderer, Colonel William Clarke Quantrill (July 31, 1837-?), above. Quantril had been a man among the most profane and obscene of the Civil War era. He had been described as “the bloodiest man in the annals of America.[51]

One of Quantrill’s Band of KGC was William T. “Bloody Bill” Anderson, above, with the KGC Masonic Left Hand Gesture above the Heart forming the Sign of Fidelity and “the CLAW” also known as the “DEVIL’S CLAW.” 

 Bloody Bill and his men were also among America’s most obscene, vile and deprived. They usually murdered their prisoners along with mutilating and scalping the dead. Anderson’s men adopted the practice of dangling the bloody scalps of their victims from their horse bridles.[52]

Above, John Wilkes Booth, the Assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Booth was one of the most infamous members of the obscene KGC with Left Hand Fidelity Gesture and “the DEVIL’S CLAW” with Jesse James in the background.

Among the Obscene included Frank and Jesse James that savagely attacked Union forces, Unionist homes and businesses, and anti-slavery settlements in Kansas and Missouri.[53] Above, Frank and Jesse showing the KGC Left-Hand Masonic Sign of Fidelity with “the DEVIL’S CLAW” over the Heart.

The  Knights of the Golden Circle was a Masonic Blood Oath society. Above, a rare KGC poster and look from the era. It shows their sacred CIRCLE.

Above, note the KGC Blazing Star in the middle and above the group, and SKULL and BONES (Brotherhood of Death Affiliation).

Brotherhood of Death, Mass Murderer Major-General (Brigadeführer) SS Walter Schellenberg forming the “The DEVIL’S CLAW.” You can’t go any further in the ABYSS of corrupt, vile and obscene POWER than the SS, Knights of the Black Sun, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers.  Among the SS, Himmler also had his 12 (twelve) round table (CIRCLE) of profane Knights at Wewlesburg Castle. If you believe that the KGC-SS Brotherhood of Death’s “DEVIL’S CLAW” calling card is obscure and a thing of the past. Think again. It is being re-packaged and re-imaged in Mass Media.

Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. Reid is a mass media three-time Grammy Award-winning record executive, songwriter, and record producer. Best known as the co-founder of LaFace Records, he is responsible for signing and helping bring Mariah Carey, Pink, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Kanye West, Avril Lavigne, Toni Braxton, TLC, Usher, Ciara, OutKast, and Dido to multi-platinum album sales. He currently serves as Chairman & CEO of Epic Records. Think that is just an innocent hand-fist gesture? Think again.

Here is Reid with the “DEVIL’S HORN” and the ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Gesture with popular Canadian Recording Artist and Actress Arvil Lavigne with a Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star.

Here is Reid’s entertainment industry associate, Arvil Lavigne, under the  Brotherhood of Death’s SKULL and BONES gesturing the “DEVIL’S HORNS.”

Entertainment Industry Mass Media Recording Artist and Movie Actor, Will Smith,  gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for “Hip Hop Generation” mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

In Religion, Politics and Money, here is popular right-wing Televangelist Pat Robertson gesturing “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for Middle America, again, mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

The KGC was organized out of the rank and file of the Scottish Rite by Confederate Brigadier Generals Bedford Forrest and Albert Pike to continue an underground and covert war by banding together the DEMONIC, CORRUPT and OBSCENE forces in a sacred Masonic circle against Slave-Free United States to redeem the OLD SOUTH,

“Expediency makes strange allies. Knights of the Golden Circle – Pike and bigwigs of the Confederacy’s political and military – drew into their tight little midst thieves and terrorists James, Quantrill, Younger and the Daltons…”[54]

During and following the Civil War, the terrorist, outlaws and infamous bandits of the KGC amassed millions in gold, money and loot to fund its clandestine programs for a NWO that undoubtedly include a new and modern form of slavery led by Pike’s Scottish Rite. 

In 1884, KGC moved its headquarters into Colorado Springs, Colorado and reorganized more secretly than before. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the most notable affiliate of KGC that is still visible today. Nevertheless, there are persistent stories that survive that the descendents and secret Scottish Rite affiliates of KGC still control billions of secret gold and blood money treasuries of loot from the 19th Century.[55] From a reliable source, the powerful and secret KGC exist and operate out of Colorado.

Anschutz‘s father was a land investor who had enough finanical resources to invest in ranches in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, and eventually went into the oil-drilling business. Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschütz (born November 10, 1859, in the largely German region of Samara) emigrated from Russia and started the Farmers State Bank in Russell, Kansas.[56]

Anschutz & the CIRCLE

Anschutz grew up in Hays, Kansas, with part of the family located in Wisconsin. Anschutz’s father’s oil-exploration business was called, Circle A Driling,[57] which I read “A CIRCLE.

Anschutz lived in Russell with a neighbor and friend, former powerful right wing Republican U.S. Senator Bob Dole.[58]  Another neighbor of Anschutz and Dole was former U.S. Senator (PA), Arlen Specter, inventor of the Magic Bullet Theory in the JFK Assassination.[59] Dole was a Scottish Rite Mason[60] along with Specter.[61]

In 1988, Santa Fe-Southern Pacific (SFSP), headquartered in Chicago was sold in large part to Philip Anschutz backed by Morgan Stanley. Clarity Media Group is the holding company for media properties owned by Philip Frederick Anschutz. These include the San Francisco Examiner and the Washington Examiner. On June 17, 2009, Clarity Media Group acquired The Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion journal, from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.[62]

This year in 2011, Anschutz bought the parent company of the Oklahoman Newspaper. The Oklahoman, based in Oklahoma City, is the largest newspaper in the state with daily circulation of about 143,000 and Sunday circulation of about 201,000.[63]

Anschutz, the CIRCLE, Scottish Rite & the Luciferian Doctrine

Anschutz investments also include the control of numerous entertainment companies, and co-founding Major League Soccer as well as multiple teams, including the LA Galaxy, Chicago Fire, Houston Dynamo, San Jose Earthquakes, New York / New Jersey Metro Stars and the Kansas City Wizards. Anschutz owns stakes in the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and venues including the Staples Center, O2 Arena, and the Home Depot Center. Anschutz also invests in family films such as The Chronicles of Narnia. Forbes ranks him the 34th richest person in the U.S. with an estimated net worth of $7 billion as of October 2010.[64] I really don’t believe that you can get any closer to the elusive 1% that control 40% of America than Philip Frederick Anschutz.

Anschutz and the BAPHOMET Powers of Narnia, Lords of the Ring and Baphomet

Anschutz’s links to C.S. Lewis’ BAPHOMET, The Chronicles of Narnia, is revealing to say the least. Reportedly, he had pleaded with Lewis’s heirs to produce Lewis’ books of “Narnia” into family entertainment motion pictures. J. R. R. Tolkien, creator of Luciferian “Lords of the Ring” books and movies and C.S. Lewis were both London Oxford University professors and members of a society among the professors known as “The Inklings”.[65]

C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams “his dearest friend.” Williams was a fellow Inkling. He was a specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah. He was described as a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces. Demonic Williams had a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams’ poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.”[66]

Charles Williams was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many have reason to believe that both Tolkien and Lewis were secret Luciferian members of the Golden Dawn (Masters of Corrupt and Obsense Powers). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an amalgamation of Freemasonry and Theosophy. Luciferian Madame H.P. Blavatsky was the founder of Theosophy. Theosophy is a Luciferian-Satanic/occult religious philosophy. The Golden Dawn was the domain of Baphomet and Luciferian Eliphas Levi’s Teachings of Enochian Magic.[67]

Levi’s Enochian Magic is an elaborate system of advanced Luciferian-Satanic ceremonial magic involving Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Among the first initiates of the Order of the Golden Dawn was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites and the World’s Most Renowned Luciferian, Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast 666.[68]

I certainly cannot prove that there is a definite connection between Anschutz and the Scottish Rite, BAPHOMET and KGS. Scottish Rite Freemasonry and KGS are by their very nature Blood Oath secret societies, but there is enough circumstantial evidence that tends more to suggest a connection than there isn’t.

The CIRCLE Revealed, O2 Arena

The O2 Arena in London where MJ was to perform the AEG Live tour was developed by Anschutz. I read the name of the arena as, CIRCLE Too; it is among the CIRCLE Also. O2 is a circle with (12) twelve golden pillars.[69]

The Golden Circle was run by thirteen of the best and wealthiest men in the Old South. The Master sat on the Throne of the East and gave out his wisdom and directions to twelve so-called Disciples, who in turn each had (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle was when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retired.[70]

Anschutz Corporation Logo Revealed, THE BAPHOMET TRIANGLE

Anschutz’s embolismic is an occulted inverted slanted triangle that is consistent with Baphomet’s inverted triangle or pyramid out of Aleister Crowley’s early profane Luciferian O.T.O, but may more likely represent the 3 stars that bracket Virgo Constellaton, discussed below.

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live Logo Revealed, The Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic 5-Point Star logo for AEG Live is the Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star. The masonry-stone star is taken from a Paris Lodge from the 19th Century. The Masonic Blazing Star is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry. Like many other Freemason symbols, it undoubtedly derives this importance, first, from the repeated use that is made of it as a Masonic emblem; and second, from its great antiquity, as a symbol derived from older systems.[71]

Anschutz Chicago Fire Logo Revealed, The Knights Templar Rose Croix

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Chicago Fire is within the Masonic Rose Croix. Above, Chicago Fire Logo with Knight Templar Symbol and Rose Croix. According to Jean-Pierre Bayard, two Rosicrucian-inspired Masonic rites emerged towards the end of 18th century, the Rectified Scottish Rite, widespread in Central Europe where there was a strong presence of the “Golden and Rosy Cross“, and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, first practiced in France, in which the 18th degree is called Knight of the Rose Croix.[72]

Anschutz Houston Dynamo, Masonic Blazing Star & 5-Point Star

“… the blazing star has been regard as the emblem of Ominiscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun” -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 506

Anschutz’s Los Angeles Galaxy, Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the LA Galaxy is the Dog Star scared to Freemasonry. The first degree of Freemasonry mentions the Blazing Star as one of the ornaments of the Lodge. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is located in the constellation Cannis Major, hence the name “Dog Star.”

“To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine Providence, is also fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively modern… The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 14-15.

“The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 486

Staples Center is owned and operated by the L.A. Arena Company and Anschutz Entertainment Group. The arena is home to the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA), the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL), and the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Staples Center is 3 (three) 5-Point Masonic stars. The Zodiac is built into Masonic architecture. The 3 stars form the slanted triangle found in the Anschutz Corporation above. It is most likely represented the Virgo Constellation and the three stars that bracket Virgo, Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus.

Janet Jackson is resting on the very same KGC waxing (new moon to full) moon object of head dress, Initiation and Wisdom, below. Does it represent the horns and the obscene wisdom and power of BAPOMET? Is she a disciple or MONARCH victim of Anschutz?

I believe that Philip Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschutz, was among an elite hierarchy of the Old Prussian Scottish Rite Grand Lodge under Frederick the Great, Luciferian Doctrine; and the ILLUMINATI when he came to America on a secret mission.

The ILLUMINATI helped secretly fund the Old South Seccession from the United States and Civil War to maintain a MASTER-SLAVE state of the Holy Roman Empire, the IMPERIUM (Frances Parker Yockey) of the Imperial Romans.

When the Old South was defeated, the ILLUMINATI moved in once more to help back and fund the clandestine war of resistance (Knights of the Golden Circle) against the United States; and the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln under the leadership of Masonic Master and Confederate General, Albert Pike.

An important cell of the Old South’s violent war of clandestine resistence was centered in Kansas and Missouri under the legenary KGC profane racist demonic murderers and cut-throat bandits, William Quantrill, Jesse and Frank James, the Dalton and Younger Brothers. They have also been re-packaged and re-imaged as popular heroic figures in romantic books, novels and Hollywood movies and television programs.

I believe that Karl Anschutz moved into Kansas with money and resources fronted by the ILLUMINATI to open a bank among the SEEN to among the UNSEEN financially back the KGC and laundry the spoils for further and future deeper covert operations, infiltrations and subversion to undermine the U.S. Government, Constitution and the People for the establishment of a CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER, an IMPERIUM in America.

Philip Anschulz is the secret descendant KGC MASTER that sit on the Throne of the East and give out his wisdom and directions to twelve, Disciples, who in turn each has (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle is when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retire.

Philip Anschutz is part an elite powerful Luciferian global group taking control of news, information and SUBJECTING the music-movie entertainment industry by the unseen CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS under BAPHOMET for a New World Order (NWO) and MODERN SLAVERY.

For the Assassination of Michael Jackson –LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Finally, Joe and Katherine Jackson sold Michael’s soul at an impressionate age to Lucifer for a Secret Blood Oath of Fortune and Fame. Before Michael had come of an age to protect himself, he had been beaten, abused, trauma-based MIND CONTROLLED with experimental drugs right out of the pages of CIA-MK ULTRA.

He had been Satan-ized by the ILLUMINATI. He had been hounded and persecuted for the sexual abuse of children through-out his adult life. He has been tricked, fooled, robbed, cheated and Demonized, but among all of that he has remained to be one of the most brilliant, best known and loved entertainers on the Globe even in death. Somehow surrounded by enemies, Michael found the strength, brilliance and fortitude to invest wisely to corner a market in the music industry with the valuable Beatles-Artist Musical Catalogue that would have rewarded him and his heirs wisely for decades.

Somehow against all odds, Michael gathered the strength and will to RESIST. He declared mind war and danced on BAPHOMET’s Houses of Mysteries and CORRUPT POWERS over the music industry. Michael wasn’t producing the mind numbing, polarizing and dumbing down music that subjects the music industry. Michael RESISTED and made music that tried to address some of the needs of the people. Michael tried to speak TRUTH TO POWER through the power of his God given talent. Around the World, Michael had developed UNCORRUPT POWER among the masses which is always a serious threat to the ILLUMINATI.

The MASTERS of the ILLUMINATI-NEW IMPERIUM  of CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS are a secret, violent and corrupt Oligarchy (Family-Social Groups) mixed into a Plutocracy (Rule by Wealthy Elite) for a New World Order. It is a racial hierarchy secretly following the Luciferian Doctrine of the Aryan Supremacy Myth laid out by Madame Helena Blavatsky and Nazi Germany.

National Socialism, as Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess observed, was “nothing but applied biology” which we refuse to clearly understand. Mix that with the Myth of God’s MASTER RACE and Chosen People (Calvinism) that God endowed upon them the “EARTH” as the Sons and Daughters of God that can neither Sin, Break Law (Murder, Rape, Steal) or Pollute, “Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, we have Assassinations of our most prominent watchful and peace loving UNCORRUPT POWERFUL citizens like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; 9-11-the Inside Job; Wall Street Mortgage Plunder; Wars of Aggression in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and the Continent of Africa; and Human Rights Violations across the Globe.

The ILLUMINATI/IMPERIUM assassinated Michael Jackson of UNCORRUPT POWER and redistributed almost all that he had accomplished among them. By virtue of his skin, he was not one of them to enjoy the even the simple fruits of his labor in peace and prosperity.

Dr. Conrad Murray hungry by simple GREED joined the ILLUMINATI (Scottish Rite) in a Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune and CORRUPT POWER not knowing for him and his family by virtue of skin color there was no law or honor that protected him from them. He was “Goat Meat” to be consumed at will. Dr. Murray no longer belong to us. He sold his soul to the DEVIL. He is bound by a Blood Oath of Secrecy and they will kill him and all his family if he violates the oath.

Joe and LaToya Jackson will talk about the Conspiracy that Killed Michael, but they do not have the courage to name names behind the illusions and smoked mirrors for they too are bounded by the same Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune.

From the Letters from the Birmingham Jail, I recall Dr. King saying that Civil Rights Laws were important not to make them love us but protect us from them.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

–President Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863

It seems ironic that almost 146 years after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln that we come full CIRCLE to face the same demons that seek to destroy the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” to reign CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER to redeem the way of the Old South to enslave the “All of the People” of this nation for the MASTERS of a New Imperium.  

For the Assassination of the Beloved Michael Jackson “LET THE MASTERS ANSWER.”    



[29] See Beech Aircraft Corp. v. Rainey, 488U.S. 153, 161-62 (1988) (describing

conflicting circuit court decisional law).


[35] Id.

[36] Id.

[37] Id.








11 07 2011


We live in a remarkable but difficult time. For the first time in this nation’s history, we have a Black President and First Lady. Yet, we are endlessly trapped in Dr. Gregory Bateson’s Classic “Double Bind”, Insanity without Disease.

At one point, we must consistently and vigorously defend and rally around them in their IMAGE and ILLUSIONS of power; and the American Institution in the face of absolute diabolical classic institutional overt and ugly racism such as that below.


At the other end, we fail to constantly look behind the veil of their IMAGES and ILLUSIONS to unravel their true motives. We turn BLIND to their domestic collusions, lies and deceptions amounting to Crimes Against Democracy; their utter indifference to the human rights of the Palestinians and Black Africans in East Africa; their persistent and constant war mongering; and the current heartless crimes against humanity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya.

All-Seeing Eye of the Masters of Illusions, the ILLUMINATI


The Cat in the Hat, the ILLUMINATI All Seeing Eye & Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of NATO 


For every tree is known by his fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil; for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. Luke 6:44-45, The Original African Heritage Study Bible

For the record, First Lady Michelle Obama is bar none an intelligent, lovely, beautiful and accomplished sister. In her position of power and influence, she can do a lot of beautiful things and bring a lot of compassion, joy, empowerment, love and inspiration to the weak, poor, powerless and dispossessed of this country and the world that look up to her. 

In all of her glory, loveliness and great potential, out of her heart bringeth forth lies, deception, death, destruction and perpetual warfare across the globe.

“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)

In all of her historical and revolutionary splendor and beauty, the fruit that the First Lady bears has become to be known that of the “Left Hand Path of the DRAGON” and I can’t ignore that because she is a sister born in the image of our God, our struggle, victory and freedom; and she is of the blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, hides her true motives behind IMAGES and ILLUSIONS.   


First Lady, South Africa, SECRET ORDER, the ILLUMINATI & NATO

“A lot of Interesting Stuff Can Go On” 

On the First Lady’s solo six-day visit in South Africa to draw attention to global “democracy”, health, education and youth issues, Michelle Obama stopped at the Emthonjeni community day-care center in the Johannesburg Shanty Town of Zandspruit.

The Zandspruit Township started out as a squatter camp in 1994 as apartheid ended. The township has grown into a sprawling shanty town of 15,000 shacks, housing more than 50,000 South African Blacks. Reportedly, unemployment in Zandspruit Shanty Town is virtually 100 per cent.[1]

Zandspruit Shanty Town is a slum settlement of impoverished and oppressed people who live in improvised dwellings made from scrap materials: often plywood, corrugated metal and sheets of plastic. Shanty towns, which are usually built on the periphery of cities, often do not have proper sanitation, electricity, or telephone services.[2]

Sixty-one percent of people in South Africanow live below the poverty line, with more than a third subsisting on less than $2 a day. The racial gap is greater with 96 percent of South African farmland still owned by white people who make up only 13 percent of the population.[3]

At the Emthonjeni Day Care Centre, the First Lady, daughters Malia and Sasha gathered about a dozen poor and hungry three- to six-year olds on the center’s gravel floor at their feet and read them, Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat. I wondered of all the inspirational children’s books in the world, why read, The Cat in the Hat to struggling and oppressed South African Black Children?

Michelle Obama said that she often read the book to Malia and Sasha during their impressionate and formative years. The First Lady continued, “It’s about a little boy and a little girl who are home all day by themselves, and it was raining outside, and they were very bored, and they got a visitor that wasn’t INVITED. And he caused a lot of interesting stuff to go on.[4]

Obama’s comment is quite interesting under the circumstances and contains a hidden message and warning. South Africa President Jacob Zuma refused to meet with the U.S.First Lady and family on their solo journey in the country. President Zuma sent his prisons minister to greet and welcome her, UNINVITED, upon arrival.

News sources claim to confirm that Mrs. Obama was snubbed by South Africa President Jacob Zuma, over the U.S./NATO Libyan aggression under veil of U.N. mandate.[5]  President Zuma told parliment, “We strongly believe that the (UN Security Council) resolution is being abused for regime change, political assassinations and foreign military occupation.”[6]

During the early 1970s, I completed an elementary school credential program at San Francisco State University. I have had teaching experience from kindergarten to high school. I have raised a number of children through their most impressionate ages.

I have read hundreds of children books and added dozens of books to children’s curriculum over the years. Yet, I had never been able to read Dr. Seuss’ Classic 1957, The Cat in the Hat. It was something repulsive about that book that I just subconsciously didn’t like. Now, I understand why.

“… About the “Cat in the Hat” which incorporates symbolic content of the mind control programs. See Cat in the Hat movie book showing symbolism, such as the RED and WHITE Lighthouse Signal Stovepipe Hat with the GRAMOPHONE HORN inside aka Victor Listening to his MASTERS Voice, FEEline Basement, and holding a “HOE”. Dr. Seuss worked for Army Propaganda and had ties to Standard Oil.”[7]

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly- it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” -Fuhrer Adolf Hitler

“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” –President George W. Bush, May 24, 2005

During WWII, Son of German Immigrants, Theodor (Dr. Seuss) Geisel (1904-1991), above, had indeed been a U.S. Military Intelligence Propaganda Specialist.[8] 


In 1981, Geisel revealed the true genesis of The Cat in the Hat,

“I did it for a textbook house and they sent me a word list. That was due to the [John] Dewey revolt in the twenties, in which they threw out phonics reading and went to a word recognition as if you’re reading a Chinese pictograph instead of blending sounds or different letters. I think killing phonics was one of the greatest causes of illiteracy in the country.” [9]

Dewey, Dr. Seuss & Himmler’s Propaganda

“Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”- John Dewey[10]

John Dewey 1859-1952 (Father of Modern Education) and his disciples wanted to create “a new social order,” a New World Order. The first step in doing so was rewriting textbooks to prevent an upcoming generation from learning of the traditions, values, heroes and glorious accomplishments of their nation.[11]

Dewey helped write the Humanist Manifesto. Humanism would have men be their own gods. Humanism would make everything relative to what the individual perceives as improvement or detriment. Humanism denies the Salvation of God and replaces it with salvation by men (Imperium). Dewey believed in neither God nor the Bible.[12]

“If the German people lay down their weapons, the Soviets, according to the agreement between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, would occupy all of East and Southeast Europe along with the greater part of the Reich. An iron curtain would fall over this enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations would be slaughter.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels

Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat is a propaganda product of the Cold War.[13] The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the West was a clandestine propaganda tool invented by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler and the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) to negotiate a secret peace pact with the Western Allies as a step in fighting a Post WWII one-front, one-enemy war with the Soviet Union that they promoted had a clandestinely Communist plan for world domination starting with Eastern Europe.[14]

Note the STAR and STRIPE on the globe that the Dr. Seuss’s Cat balances on.

Above, the STAR and white STRIPE of the Communist Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, and the Red STAR of Russia.

William Ellsworth Spaulding, director of the education division at Houghton Mifflin, that commissioned Geisel to write the book were friends and a fellow former World War II (Signal Corp) U.S. Army Intelligence propagandist.[15]  

The Cat in the Hat was published in 1957 at the height of Cold War (Himmler’s Propaganda) between the U.S. and Soviet Union when the Russians launched Sputnik into space. Himmler’s Propaganda took a new turn in that Sputnik year. It began the advent of the “space race” when Americans were induced to feel a greater degree of vulnerability from the threat of World Communism. Sputnik also spurred efforts to reform American education; The Cat in the Hat was born of Dewey’s New World Order (NWO) and Himmler’s Propaganda.

The fallout from the Soviet launching Sputnik also transformed Project PAPERCLIP Nazi rocket engineers like Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun into American folk heroes.[16]

In 1958, also out of the Sputnik Fallout, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established. In 1960, NASA was turned over to Sturmbannführer SS von Braun as its first director.[17]

In 1960, the NASA SS-Sputnik Cold War (Himmler’s Proproganda) windfall from U.S. taxpayers’ coffers was approximately $400 million dollars totaling approximately 0.5% of the total federal government expenditures.[18] The rest is history.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. –Carl Gustac Jung[19]

The Nazis’ semi-divine embodiment of the collective (Aryan) consciousness of the race was borrowed from the infamous Swiss Psychiatrist, Carl Jung (1875-1961).[20] Jung was a friend and colleague on good terms with Dr. M. H. Goering, Reichsleiter Herman Goering’s cousin.[21]

About Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, Jung said, “There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. As somebody commented about him at the last Nurembergparty congress, since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler’s is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, curious and unreasonable…So you see, Hitler is a medicine man, a form of a spiritual vessel, a demi-deity or, even better, a myth.”[22] Jung called the Fascist Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini a man of style and good taste who was “warm and human.”[23]

Jung believed the archetype “Wotanwhich represented the German state of mind in the 1930’s, was the return of the collective repressed, and constituted a great event in light of the belief that the Germans were experiencing a reintegration of archaic elements into their psyche (elements that had been, over past centuries, suppressed by various cultural movements).[24] Wotan is the Germanic form of the Norse God Odin’s name, popularized by Richard Wagner.

We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels[25]

Josef Goebbels, Nazi Germany’s infamous chief propogandist, presented Hitler as a demigod; or maybe as a Teutonic god in his own right. Nazi Propaganda often presented Hitler as “Wotan, the principal Teutonic god of wisdom, prophecy, war, victory, and hunting.[26]

Whether Jung’s disciples and defenders want to believe it or not, he had extensive first hand knowledge about the NWO and of secret Masters of Chaos, the SS, Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun (ILLUMINATI-LUCIFERIANS).

Cat in the Hat & the SECRET ORDER of the Cosmos and Things

Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat opens to find a public lethargic, unimaginative and un-moving, without eyes to see and ears to hear, to an apparent hidden ideology, Cold War Communism. The moving force, The People of the Pagan Cat (The Cult of Freya), enters the cosmic domain of the American public UNINVITED (Operation PAPERCLIP).

The Third Reich’s Cult of the Goddess Freya (Odin-Wotan’s Wife) is one of the most widely worshipped Germanic Goddesses even today. Freya was part of Himmler’s true Germanic pagan religion, with all its ancient history and meaning that the SS sought to be restored. It was the destiny of the Aryan race to rule the world and unseen revival of the Cult of Freya was a key part of that plan.

In Germanic Pagan Mythology, the god Odin (Old High German “All Father” Wotan) grants the Goddess Freya an unlimited power upon nine worlds, the nine spheres and cosmos created by the gods where love and life rule. Freya, for the welfare of all the living creatures, controls the sun rays and the rain, determining earth fertility.[27] 

The name Freyja (alternatively spelt Freija, Freiya, or Freya) means ‘the Lady’, and she is the mistress of magic (her particular form of magic being called Seidh, a system involving trance and very similar to shamanism).  The day Friday is named after her.[28]

As the legend has it, Freya, the beautiful goddess of love and fertility travels on her golden chariot distributing abundance and prosperity. Her chariot was pulled through the Cosmos by a magnificent and proud couple of CATS.[29]

“I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.” -Hippolyte Taine [30]

In the domain of the cosmos of the story of The Cat in the Hat, the Pagan Cat (Cult of Freya), is confronted by the ever vigilant, conscious and moral fish in a bowl. The Greek word for fish is “ixthus” or “icthus.” The Christian fish symbol that many Christians place on their cars is known as the “ixthus.” Five Greek letters form the word “ixthus,” and those letters inside the fish form an acrostic which is a message that Christians clearly identified with. The first letter represented the word Jesus. The second letter represented the word Christ, the next two, God Son, and the final letter represented the word Savior. This adds up to “Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the Savior.”[31]

During the early days of Christianity, Christians were often put to death for practicing their faith, so they worshiped in secret places. A fish painted on the outside door of a house let other Christians know that they would be safe and welcome inside.[32]

The Triple Horns of Odin

The Cat in the Hat represents symbolically the number “THREE.” He has three rings around his hat, three fingers, three loops to his tie, and three candles on his cake.   

Royal Triple Lion Shield of Richard the Lion Hearted

In Proto-Norse, the THREE brothers’ names were alliterating, *Wódin, Wili, Wé (Proto-Germanic *Wōdinaz, Wiljon, Wǣhaz), so that they can be taken as forming a triad of *wódz, wiljon, wǣhaz, approximately “inspiration (transcendent, mantic or prophetic knowledge), cognition (will, desire, internal thought that leads to action) and numen (spiritual power residing in the external world, in sacred objects)”.[33] Keyser interprets the triad as “Spirit, Will and Holiness”, postulating a kind of Germanic Trinity in Vili and Vé to be “blended together again in the all-embracing World-spirit – in Odin. […] he alone is Al-father, from whom all the other superior, world-directing beings, the Æsir, are descended.[34]

In the opening scenes of Geisel’s animated film version of Cat in the Hat, he suggests quite candidly that there is in fact a “mystic puzzle” layered and hidden in the story.  Later in the film, the Cat actually tells us and do in fact search for something THREE-HEADED, the Wotan triad-“Spirit, Will and Holiness”, in the story which is unseen.

Confronted and challenged by morals of the fish (Christianity), the Pagan Cat wreaks havoc and absolute chaos in the cosmic domain after performing tricks and unleashing Two Things of CHAOS into the cosmos. The fish and the public finally agree and demand that the Cat leave their space. The Cat packs up the things (agents of chaos) and leaves the cosmos in absolute Chaos.

In the Crisis of the Absolute Chaos, the fish confined to a small glass bowl and the American public is unable to restore order.

“That is good,” said the fish.
“He ahs gone away. Yes.
But your mother will come.
she will find this big mess!
And this mess is so big
And so deep and so tall,
We can not pick it up.
There is no way all!”

At the point of the absolute flashpoint of the Crisis, the Cat with his mysteries returns to the cosmic domain of the story, he says,  

“Have no fear of this mess…”[36]

The Cat restores order to the mess of CHAOS with Magkic and a Luciferian illusion. Finally, Freya Rides and Wotan Reigns again, the cosmos is restored to its natural order and beauty (archaic paganism), and the fish is left with the dilemma of the Cat People’s ILLUMINATED mysticism, magic; and the mysterious SECRET ORDER over CHAOS; and Christianity.

In the mist of hunger, suffering, depravation, poverty and oppression in the Zandspruit Shanty Town on the outskirts of Johannesburg, Michelle Obama didn’t read any stories to the children about “traditions, values, heroes and glorious accomplishments of their nation” with the implication or message of bravery, struggle, courage, optimism, or change.   


She read and left the poor children of Zandspruit with only a classic work of clandestine Cold War ILLUMINATI propaganda in an ILLUSION of a WHITE FACE CAT that create and master delusions of secret and unseen power among the masses. The Cat in the Hat represented an unseen SECRET ORDER (Imperium) that they know nothing about but knows what is best for the masses.

The SECRET ORDER have the infinite Pagan wisdom and mysticism unhindered and blinded by the restrains and weakness of Christianity to control the affairs of the world for the good and best interest and order of the Cosmos.

The First Lady also made The Cat in the Hat at Zandspruit a specific and very clear reference point on her June 21, 2011 White House memo and press release as if to send a cold-hearted, defensive and coded message to South African President Jacob Zuma that the U.S. and NATO’s War of Aggression and Terrorism against the people of Libya was within the Cosmos and the way and path of the DRAGON. Michelle Obama’s message is crystal clear. 

The SECRET ORDER, The Cat in the Hat and his Things ( Lords) of CHAOS, can cause a lot of interesting (DECEPTION, DEATH & DESTRUCTION)  stuff to go on in South Africa as it is in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya; and the United States.

During the late 60s, Bruce Lee had made it known to us in no uncertain terms that he was a brother in the struggle. In San Francisco particularly, Bruce came under a great deal of pressure from Chinese traditionalist and SECRET ORDER in Los Angeles/Hollywood to cut his ties to the Black Community. But in the spite of great odds and danger, he continued to support and help us in ways that were not so open to the public. They took our precious brother away from us on July 20, 1973.  

Dr. Marcus A. Former, Superintendent of Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), became seriously disillusioned by the monstrous plans of the SECRET ORDER in Oakland. He was under a great of pressure to clandestinely bankrupt, dismantle and destroy the predominately Black school district, which had been one of the finest free school systems in the United States if not the world.

Dr. Foster, in ways not so public, exposed a secret “Buckenwald Touch” plan to turn OUSD into a secret human guinea pig farm for Dr. Louis Jolyon West’s absolutely diabolical Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence secretly funded by the CIA. He paid for his betrayal of the SECRET ORDER with his life. They took our precious brother away from us on November 6, 1973 about 6 months after Bruce’s assassination.  

What brings these two seemingly diverse, remarkable and beautiful brothers together other than their undying and un-selfness love for the people is that in their last days, they warned us in no uncertain terms that the DRAGON, whether it is called the IMPERIUM, ILLUMINATI, LUCIFERIANS or OLYMPIANS, hide their true motives behind IMAGES and ILLUSIONS.  

I believe their answer to fighting the DRAGON was and remains the same,


[4] Office of First Lady Press Release,June 21, 2011


[17]Id. At footnote 16




[32] id.




29 06 2011

BUNGA BUNGA, The Rise of Lucifer, Ruling Oligarchies & the Imperium, Genocide and Terrorism

To most Black Folk of conventional wisdom that have absolutely no idea what or how important the Imperium may be historically, I will call them by another name that most commonly identifies the Imperium, the ILLUMINATI.

It may have slid under the radar of the free press and investigative journalism if there still is such a thing, but Italian Prime Minister Silivo Berlusconi and this BUNGA BUNGA stuff is worth exploring. It leads down the “Rabbit Hole”to the Libyan Aggression.

“THE GRAND ILLUSION” The Libyan Terrorism

Billioniare Italian Prime Minister Sivilo Berlusconi, along with President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has been one of the prime movers behind National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) unholy war of aggression and terrorism against the African People’s Republic of Libya under the grand illusion that it was due to a “Humanitarian Threat” to save innocent civilians.[1]

NATO has carried out about 12,000 terrorist missions over Libya. One air strike hit a Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society for children of whom western press has been silent on and government’s commission for children. The school was home to children with Down’s Syndrome up to the age of 6 teaching them to go to normal schools, giving speech therapy, handicrafts and sports sessions and teaching them to read and write. It handled 50 to 60 children a day.[2]

Within the week of June 19, 2011, NATO air strikes deliberately targeted civilians. They slaughtered at least 5 Libyan children and 24 adult civilians.[3] 

The unholy alliance, Obama, Sarkozy and Berlusconi,  have demonstrated an incredible ungodly indifference and an absolute sick reckless disregard for soveriegn independence, and the lives and humanity of Africans and People of Color.

“THE ILLUSION DESTROYED” The Libyan Aggression

On Friday, June 25, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives destroyed the illusion that the war crimes and terrorism perpetrated against the Libyan people was in our name. The House delivered a rare rebuke of President over his involvement in the Libyan aggression by rejecting a resolution to authorise his war of aggression and terrorism in Libya in “OUR NAME.”[4]

To carry on this senseless racial and blatant illegal war of terrorism against the Libyian people, President Obama rejected the advise of his own key advisors that he needed to win congressional approval for the American involvement in the NATO-Libyan air assault.[5]

If this terrible waste of America’s valuable resources to murder and slaughter Africans is “NOT IN OUR NAME”, then the veil has been lifted that the Libyan Agresssion is in realty in the name of the racialist Sadomasochistic ILLUMINATI that created Barack Hussein Obama.

Lust’s Passions will be Served. –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

The passionate boyish clowning around of U.S. President Barack Obama, PM Berlusconi, and Nicolas Sarkozi of France appears as illusions of harmlessness. PM Berlusconi and President Sarkozi are very dangerous and little vain men.

They may appear to be passionate and playful with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama, but be very careful of what it is that you perceive. It may very well be “mockery” of the President and First Lady and the American People and its form of government.

SARKOZI and Berlusconi, they are real LUCIFERIANS and ILLUMINATI, Masters of Illusions. 

“I bring greetings from a man, what’s his name? Some tanned guy—Barack Obama… You won’t believe it, but the two of them sunbathe together because even his wife is tanned.” PM Berlusconi, 2008. [6]

The name Lucifer actually means Morning Star or The Illuminated One. Thus, the various Mystery Religions taught that it is Lucifer (or Satan) who gives us light and shows us that we are God and have no need of repentance, but that we need only realize the “God within” and bring it to its full potential.[7]

Various Secret Societies throughout the Ages have taught this Babylonian Mysticism, because they knew that these Mysteries were based upon the doctrine of Luciferianism. They were known for centuries as “The Illuminati“. Their name was derived from Lucifer’s name: “The Illuminated One”.[8]

The “The Illuminated Ones” maintain an exalted status over ordinary mortals, a place closer to GOD in the “Hierarchy of the Universe.” 

Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, “IT TYRANNIZES” –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all Masonic lodges in order to infiltrate them. Adam Weishaupt became a member of the Grand Orient; the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to conspire against the establishment.[9]


It is also believed that Weishaupt formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade) and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[10] Keep a mental note of MARQUIS de SADA and MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD. 


“I [PM Berlusconi] told the president that [Obama] has everything needed in order to reach deals with him: He’s young, handsome and even tanned….”[11]

In other words, Obama was a wonderful ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA male sex toy. Within elite circles, Berlusconi is often compared to the Roman Emperor Tiberius.[12] Tiberius is a code word for an “elite” sadistic ILLUMINATI pedophile.

“When he went for a swim, gangs of little boys (his ‘minnows’, as he used to call them) would join him in the water; they had been trained to chase him and nibble between his legs. On other occasions, the elderly emperor preferred the pleasures of voyeurism. According to his Roman biographer Suetonius, ‘Bevies of girls and young men, collected from all over the place, used to have sex in threesomes in front of him, to excite his waning appetites.’”[13]

Tiberius was a not only a notorious “elite” pedophile that took intense pleasure in having sex with children under 10 years of age, but he also enjoying throwing them to their death off a sea cliff during his private escapades.

Sadism is the sexual or social pleasure of gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. The world is derived from the name of the Marquis de Sade of the ILLUMINATI, a French nobleman philosopher-writer; and serial sadistic criminal and pedophile.

Marquis de Sade is famous for writing novels and plays of “Sadomasochism.” De Sade championed the inception and reception of extreme pain as an art form that to him was both sublime and beautiful.[14] 

Berlusconi’s waning sadistic appetite is for underage girls, trauma based-multiple personality disordered (MPD) ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA-MONARCH “butterflies” consciously and unconsciously immune to pain.

PM Berlusconi’s former wife, Veronica Lario, told the world of Berlusconi and the ILLUMINATI that, “Many parents are willing to close their eyes and offer their virgins to the dragon.”[15]

In the New Testament, Lucifer-Satan has many names. In the Book of Revelation, he is known as the “great dragon” (Rev. 12:9). Don’t tell me that there is no such thing as the ILLUMINATI or LUCIFERIANS.

Recently as of April 2011, Berlusconi has been embroiled in a national scandal and criminal trial involving the sadistic sexual exploitation of underage girls.[16]

At the heart of the scandal is the African-Moroccan-born Karima El Mahroug AKA Ruby the Heart Stealer. Obviously, Karima also has a disturbing MK ULTRA-MONARCH ritual child sexual abuse background and history.

“When I was nine years old, I was raped by two of my uncles – my father’s brothers.” -Karima El Mahroug [17] 

Above, Ms. Mahroug in classic MK-ULTRA SEX KITTEN animal pattern blouse flashing Baphomet  hand symbol.

Here, Ms. Mahroug in the classic SEX KITTEN leopard spots and wild animal posture.

Here, Ms. Mahroug (SEX KITTEN alter) is centrally sexually exploited by a group including men muzzled like k-9’s. Karima first coined the secret group LUCIFERIAN-ILLUMINATI sex rituals, the BUNGA BUNGA. Below, no speculation is necessary. Ms. Mahroug in objectification SEX KITTEN alter.

“All the girls were naked during the bunga bunga and I had the feeling that they were competing with each other to make Berlusconi notice them by performing more and more daring sexual acts.”-Karima Mahroug [18] 

BUNGA BUNGA, “The sound of it is crude and infantile. It is almost like a racist Africanism – some kind of colonial imagined tribal ritual of sexual abandon. It has a racist, imperialist quality to it – like a phoney African word, like ‘wonga’”.[19]

As for PM Berlusconi, he hasn’t denied the existence of BUNGA BUNGA. In true sadistic arrogance, he reportedly said that ‘bunga bunga’ parties where merely civilized [Illuminati Ones] dinner parties.[20] In other words, it is within a domain of an exalted status over ordinary mortals. Suck my you know what!



The illusionary playful Silivo Berlusconi is/was a member of P2. Propaganda Due (P2) is a 2400 member secret neo fascist Masonic Lodge in Italythat caters only to the elite. It was led by Luicio Gelli.[21]

During WWII, Oberleutnant (Italian) SS Licio Gelli was said to have derived his wealth from his presence in the Italian town of Cattaro, where the seized national treasures of Yugoslavia stolen by the Croatian Ustashi fascist were hidden.[22]

A significant portion of these hidden treasures were never recovered and returned to Yugoslavia “but were stolen by Gelli”. Furthermore, as the war ended, and with the help of the Vatican, he helped organize the “Rat-lines” to get Nazi war criminals to South America for a fee of 40%. In collaboration with notorious pro-Nazi Catholic priest from Croatia, Father Krujoslav Dragonovic, Gelli, for example, helped Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon” escape, with his costs borne by the US taxpyers, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps.[23]

In 1998, Gelli was charged and convicted for fraud linked to the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. During the arrest, police found gold bars, valued at more than $1.76 million, buried in terra-cotta pots brimming with flowers that decorated the terrace of Gelli’s mansion in Tuscany.  Reports said some of the gold might come from a cache that Italian fascists stole from Yugoslavi aduring World War II.[24] 

Gelli, the ILLUMINATI KING, of Himmler’s SS was also a CIA asset. As part of Reinhard Gehlen’s CIA/Nazi Intelligence team (Gehlen Org), Gelli was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge. Gelli and P2 are further connected to an ultra shadow figure, Heinrich Rupp. Rupp was part of the Martin Bormann secret post WWII Nazi ODESSA network.[25] Below, Bormann and Hitler within days of the fall of Berlin.

Rupp was part of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis secretly brought into the United States to either work clandestinely in the new Military-Industrial Complex or work for US intelligence and Special Forces. Even today little is still known or exposed about Heinrich Rupp, but Rupp suddenly popped up in the “October Surprise” that propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House.

In 1980, Rupp surfaced as a longtime pilot for the CIA, including Air America. Rupp flew Reagan-Bush campaign manager and former CIA director, William Casey, from Washington National Airport to Le Bourget in Paris for secret meetings with Iranian officials. At three meetings on October 19 and 20, 1980 with representatives of Khomeini’s government at the Waldorf Florida and Crillon Hotels in Paris, it became the basis for the “October Surprise” that deliberately delayed the release of 52 Americans being held hostage in Iran since November 4, 1979 until after the election of Republican Ronald Reagan over incumbent President Jimmy Carter.[26] In fact, Gelli was a guest
of honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.[27] Up you’ll you know what!

Rupp of the Bormann Org along with Reinhard Gehlen, General Walter Dornberger, General Walter Schreiber, Otto Skorzeny, Klaus Barbie, Franz Six, Emil Augsburg, Willi Krichbaum, Walter Rauff, Kurt Blome, Prince Valerio Borghese, Stephano Delle Chiaie, and many others were ultimately controlled and connected by the aristocratic and fascist CEPIC/Cercle des Nations leadership (Opus Dei and SMOM-linked).[28]

P2’s membership is totally secret and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. Gelli also had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini’s fascist elite. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.[29]

The P-2 operated beyond democratic control, like the SS, a “state within a state secret”. They were the most powerful Italians, including high-ranking officers of the secret services and the army, influential industrialists and bankers, incumbent and former ministers.[30]

Berlusconi, P2, CIA and SMOM 


PM Berlusconi’s relationship with the Bush Crime Family is opposite to the personal and public relationship with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama. It is a matter of race, blood, power, noble pedigree of the “elite” and the aristocracy of the ILLUMINATI. Part of this world of blood, power and pedigree is the hierarchy of the SMOM. President Obama and Michele Obama operate outside of that hierarchy.

The SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) of the New World Order is a military order of the aristocratic ruling “elite” based on the Middle Age crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is most interwoven with Freemasonry. The Jesuit Order rules SMOM, and the Papacy. SMOM governs the CIA. It rules the secret Luciferian Masonic orders such as the P2. It heavily influenced and collaborated with Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and his Middle Age crusader SS Teutonic Knights.[31] 

Himmler had been a high-ranking member of SMOM along with the head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Bill Donovan. SMOM members of the CIA were Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angelton, John McCone, George H.W Bush, William Casey, General Vernon A. Walters, and William F. Buckley, Jr.[32]

FBI SMOM members were J. Edgar Hoover and Cartha DeLoach. Nazis SMOM members included Himmler, Reinhard Gehlen, Fritz Thyssen, Licio Gelli, Kurt Waldheim, and Franz von Papen.[33]

SMOM members also included Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair; Elmer Bobst; George W. Bush; Jeb Bush, Prescott Bush, Jr., Frank Charles Carlucci III; Former President Bill Clinton; and so many others including Henry Kissinger. It also included Italian PM Berlusconi.[34]   

NATO, The Secret Arm of P2

In addition, Gelli and P-2 were linked to a covert CIA operation in Italy code-named, Gladio. Project Gladio ran under cover of NATO by the Italian military secret service, SIFAR. NATO secretly provided Gladio operatives with SS training, weapons and explosives, storage.

Obersturmbannführer ( Lieutenant Colonel) SS Otto Skorzeny trained Gladio specialists carried out covert domestic and international false flag operations (9-11), counterintelligence and terrorist actions including bombings, murders and assassinations.[35]



“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele

MK-ULTRA was another secret umbrella mind control project that was spawned from the secret network and spider web of Operation PAPERCLIP nazis that escaped Germany through Nazi-Vatican Ratlines, ODESSA.

InItaly, P2’s Heinrich Rupp worked with Martin Bormann’s right hand man and former chief of the German Nazi intelligence in Northern Italy, Standartenführer (Colonel) SS Walter Rauff, Father Krunoslav Draganovic and Monsignor Karlo Petranović, based in Genoa to smuggle secret ODESSA SS war criminals and collaborators on ships out of Europe for South America.

Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, the Third Reich Genius of Finance and Administration, was one of the Nazi Germany’s most powerful men behind Hitler and Himmer. Bormann was Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and the private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[36]

During the fall of Berlin in May 1945, Bormann most likely escaped from the Salzburg airport into Spain and then to South America. Bormann was the Reichsleiter in exile. He did not consider himself a war criminal, but a legally appointed head of state that kept the loyal strings of Nazi Party and Blood Covenant SS together in exile as Hitler, Himmler and Bormann had planned all along since the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad in 1942.[37] 

From 1945 to 1949, the Bormann Nazi-Vatican Ratline helped approximately 5,000 SS war criminals and collaborators escape through Rauff’s secret emigration bureau in Genoa. Bormann’s Blood Covenant SS ODESSA network includes one of the world’s most wanted sadistic SS doctors of WWII, Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death of Auschwitz-Birkenau.[38]

SS Mengele has to be one of the world’s greatest sadomasochist of all time. At Auschwitz, Dr. Mengele conducted some of the most inhumane, barbaric, and savage experiments on human beings with that crazy Satanic grin.

Dr. Mengele reportedly developed a drug to keep a victim/subject conscious to deliberately inflict far greater pain than the human body and mind could normally endure. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands which earned him the name, “The Angel of Death”. Mengele was personally responsible for the death of about 400,000 people. He may well have been the “World’s Greatest Mass Murderer.”

On paper, MK-ULTRA had been designed to defeat the “enemy” in its brain-washing techniques. Clandestinely, MK ULTRA was Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Mengele’s blood covenanted trauma-based mind control research and development.

One of the most important and well published projects of MK-ULTRA was a secret laboratory established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles, in Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by ILLUMINTI network psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron. Dr. Cameron had served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal that heard and studied secret case study experiments of the Nazi-SS doctors.

Dr. Cameron, Director of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal from 1943 to 1967, and Head of the World Psychiatry Association, participated in a psychiatric evaluation of the occultist Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Walter Richard Hess, Hitler’s Second in Command, on behalf of the Nuremberg Prosecution team.

Dr. Cameron also participated in discussions being held at the time (believed to have occurred at Columbia University), in the US, regarding the “social reintegration of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis”.[39]

From 1956 to 1962, numerous eye witnesses reported Dr. Mengele’s presence AKA Father Joseph in Montreal and at Allan Memorial Institute eventually leading to the 1985 Deschene’s Commission: A Commission of Inquiry on Nazi War Criminals in Canada.[40]

It is generally believed that in Canada, Dr. Mengele and Cameron worked in secret setting up MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL experiments and protocols at the Alan Memorial branch of McGill University in Canada.[41]

Under Dr. Mengele, MK ULTRA became an umbrella for Project ARTICHOKE (Unconscious Manchurian Candidate-Mind Control Assassins), MK SEARCH (Dr. James A. Hamilton’s Stanford/Vacaville Prison Mind Control/Black Assassins), MK DELTA (Dr. Alton Ochsner-New Orleans) and the MONARCH Program (Sex Kitten Mind Control Programming).[42] 

Dr. Cameron AKA Dr. White and Dr. Mengele AKA Dr. Green were the master ILLUMINTI mind control MONARCH programmers. The testimony of a U.S. MK ULTRA test subject linked Dr. Mengele to electo-shock, LSD, radiation, rape, dislocation of joints, chemical and drug experimentation of children.[43]

Dr. Mengele’s MONARCHS were sent to special schools with many other children and taught how to sexually (Sex Kitten) please men and women as ILLUMINATI assets, spies, counterintelligence operatives, assassins and sexual whtemailers. According to one of the children, Monarch Sex Kitten children were used to entrap and whitemail politicians in order for Richard Helms, Sidney Gottlieb, Martin Orne, L. Wilson Green, and others to secure permanent funding for MK ULTRA, experiments and operations that continue to this day.[44]

Dr. Mengele’s ritually abused- trauma based Monarch Children are also at the disposable of sadistic wanings of Sivilo Berlusconi and ILLUMINITIBUNGA BUNGA  

Nicolas Sarkozy, Lucky Luciana, French Connection & the BUNGA BUNGA

Sarkozy has his genesis in the Charles Lucky Luciana, Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, Sr. underworld Mafia-CIA network going back to WWII. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS-Dulles) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI-Wisner) clandestinely recruited heavily from New York and Chicago underworlds to help U.S. intelligence keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. It included America’s most notorious and criminal syndicates and figures, Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joe Adonis and Frank Costello.[45]

The public aim of this most unholy alliance was to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports and gain intelligence on Sicily prior to secret allied army invasions. It was also designed covertly to suppress the Italian Communist Party. While in prison, Luciano earned a pardon for his wartime U.S.intelligence collaboration. He was deported back to Italy where the secret collaborations with U.S. Intelligence continued in the international drug trade. In Italy, Luciano built an international heroin empire, while the OSS and ONI worked with Chinese triads to control opium, morphine and heroin of the Golden Triangle.[46] Luciana’s Corsican Ambassador was Frenchman Erienne Leandri.

Nicolas Sarkozy is the son of Catholic Hungarian Nobleman Pal Sarkösy of Nagi-Bosca and Andree Mallah, Jewish commoner from Thessalonica, Greece. Sarkosy is a descendant of the noble Corsican (Italian) House of Charles (Carlo) Bonaparte, the father of Napolean.

Ahead of the Russian Red Army invading Hungry, Sarkösy fled into France. Pal Sarkösy was part of the fleeing Nazi collaborator Arrow Cross Party. He played a prominent part in deporting the Jews of Budapest between May and October of 1944.  Sarkösy subsequently divorced Mallah and married a French aristocrat, Christine de Ganay. [47] 

In France after WWII, infamous General and President Charles de Gaulle betrayed and angered the New World Order (NWO) by freeing Algeria and its other African colonial states.[48]

De Gaulle refused to be a pawn of the secret international ring of Luciferians after the fall of the Nazi war state. He opposed the entry of the United Kingdom into the European common market (1961 and 1967); refused the deployment of UN helmets into Congo (1961); encouraged the Latin American states to become free of US imperialism (speech of Mexico, 1964); kicked NATO out of France and withdrew from the Atlantic Alliance’s integrated command (1966); he condemned Israeli expansionism during the Six Day war (1967); and supported independence of Quebec (Speech of Montreal 1967).[49]

The Luciferians of the CIA and NATO initiated and supported about 40 unsuccessful attempts to assassinate President de Gaulle. De Gaulle had a superior and dedicated intelligence apparatus around him. SAC (Civic action services), a militia also formed around de Gaulle for additional protection. The militia was led by Charles Pasqua and Achille Peretti, one of de Gaulle’s bodyguards.[50]

Pasqua and Peretti were Corsicans linked to the underworld of Lucky Luciana’s Mafia-CIA network. In fact, Pasqua had secretly turned to Luciana’s Ambassador, Étienne Léandri, to recruit forces to constitute the Gaullist militia.[51]

Pasqua became a principal of Ricard Company, a liquor society of Canada. He subsequently married a daughter of the Canadian bootlegger that started Ricard. Peretti became an influential and powerful French politician. Pal Sarkosy’s second wife, Christine de Ganay, became Peretti’s secretary.[52] 

In 1972, Time Magazine revealed the existence of a secret criminal organization, the Corsican Union, which controlled a large part of the drug trade between Europeand America, the infamous French Connection.[53]

Time named the Mafia boss of French Connection, Jean Venturi. He had been arrested a few years earlier in Canada. Venturi was Charles Pasqua’s commercial delegate at Ricard. The names of several families headed by the “Corsican Union” were also cited by Time; among them was Achille Peretti’s Family.[54]

The Wisners, father like son, CIA-New World Order Mass Mind Control, Assassinations, Covert Operations and Secret International Terrorism. In 1977, Pal Sarkösy separated from Christine de Ganay. Christine then marries the infamous FRANK WISNER, JR., right, of the CIA and U.S. Department. Nicolas, who remained close to his mother in law “benefits” from special training programs of the U.S. State Department courtesy and influence of Wisner, Jr.[55]

In France, Nicolas joined the leadership of the Gaullist party with Charles Pasqua as a party national leader. In 1982, Nicolas finished law school and joined the French Bar Association then marries the niece of Achille Peretti, the French Connection Mafia Family. Nicolas’ best man was none other than Charles Pasqua also of the French Connection. As a lawyer, Sarkozy defended the interests of his mentor Corsican Mafia friends and benefactors. He bought a property on the Island of Beauty, in Vico, and went as far as envisaging making his name more “Corsican” of “Mafia”, he replaced the “y” in his surname by an “i” becoming Nicolas Sarkozi.[56]

In 1993, Charles Pasqua became the French Interior Minister. Pasqua controlled the Moroccan marijuana trade and used his position of power to legalize his other activities taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone (French-speaking) Africa. Pasqua wove ties with Saudi Arabiaand Israeland became an officer of honour to the Mossad. Nicolas Sarkozy on his part in the mob ring became French Minister of Budget and spokesman for the government.[57]

In WashingtonD.C., another of Sarkozy’s god-fathers, Big Frank, also quietly moved in more position of power and influence. Wisner became the successor of Paul Wolfowitz as head of the Political Planning department of the U.S. Department of Defense.[58] 

The rest is history. The CIA and the Mafia got the Luciferian French President that they created. Sarkozi’s half brother of Christine de Ganay, Pierre Olivier, under the American name of Oliver, was named by SMOM Frank Carlucci as the director of the new investment fund of the Carlyle Group (common investment firm of the Bush and Ben Laden Families). Oliver handles the main assets of the sovereign funds of Kuwait and Singapore.[59]

French President Sarkozy is an infamous Luciferian womanizer involved in the international “Objectification” and exploitation of women.

In his third marriage, he was rewarded with a former top BUNGA BUNGAPresidential Model” MK ULTRA Monarch Sex Slave model, Carla Bruni.[60]

Garla Bruni. From the excellent work of Pseudo-Occult Media: “This would be a good point to cover some of Carla Bruni’s programming as it seems obvious she is a Monarch programmed kitten (sex-slave), the epitome of a ‘Presidential Model’ as she is currently “married” to the French President (an award for his work as an “elite” pawn serving the global Illuminists’ agenda); and previously being used by countless wealthy/connected individuals. Here are a few images of Carla to illustrate her Monarch sex-slave kitten programming (and usual symbolic ones [split mind/checkerboards/mirrors/bird-cage veil/dollhouse/masks/etc]).”[61] Sadly below, Carla Bruni in SEX KITTEN alter.

Carla Bruni in MK ULTRA Mindless Barbie Doll Alter.

Carla Bruni in Masonic Checkerboard Pattern Alter.

Carla Bruni with Dr. Mengele’s signature MK ULTRA MONARCH BUTTERFLY tag.

Carla Bruni in PUSSY CAT ALTER.

Carla Bruni, below, at bottom roll of a classic Dr. Mengele “Presidental Model” SEX KITTEN TWINNING.

Finally, Carla Bruni dressed and primed for the ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual, BUNGA BUNGA.

BUNGA BUNGA & Eyes Wide Shut

Prosecutors described the BUNGA BUNGA parties in a three-phase sequence. “The first phase consisted of a dinner; the second was the ‘bunga bunga’ phase which took place in a room used as a discotheque, where the participants appeared in masks, performing striptease and erotic dances … and being touched on their intimate parts by Mr Berlusconi.” In the third phase, “one or more young women spend the night with Berlusconi for payments above those received by the other participants”.[62] 

Yes, it sounds just like the infamous Satanic-Luciferian “elite” sex magkic ritual in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut.” It wasn’t just “nonfiction” stuff after all.

Stanley Kubrick & The House of Harlan

Eyes Wide Shut is a 1999 drama film based upon the 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), which was written by Arthur Schnitzler. The film was directed, produced and co-written by Stanley Kubrick; and was his last film before his sudden death. The story, set in and around New York City, follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long, sexually charged adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an underground cult.[63]

During the Third Reich, Josef Goebbels’ top director and favorite filmmaker was Veit Harlan. In 1957, Stanley Kubrick went to Munich, Germanyto film Paths of Glory. In Munich, he met and eventually married a German actress Susanne Christian. She was in fact, Christiane Harlan, from the Third Reich’s infamous House of Harlan.[64]

As a girl, she had been a member of the Bund deutscher Mädel, the Nazi organization for girls that paralleled the Hitler Youth for boys. She liked parading about in her uniform. She had worked as members of the Hitler Youth in the fields alongside French prisoners of war and Ukrainian slave laborers.[65]

In 1957, Kubrick also met Christiane’s uncle, Goebbel’s favorite filmmaker, Veit Harlan (1899-1964) and wanted to make a film about him and, in Christiane’s words, “the absolutely normal life under the protection of Joseph Goebbels”.[66] Right.

Veit Harlan made JUD SUSS, “The most successful anti-Semitic film the Nazi’s ever made.”[67] On September 30, 1940, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered all SS and police members to see the film. It was shown to SS units, and Einsatzgruppen about to be sent east on their murderous assignment, and was also sent to non-Jewish populations of areas where Jews were about to be deported, by 1943 viewer ship of the film was reported as over 20.3 million people.[68]

Veit Harlan received the 1943 Universum Film Archiv award. Harlan was the only film director of the Third Reich to be tried for crimes against humanity. The prosecutors focused on his use of the SS to recruit (persuade) ghetto Jews to perform as extras.[69]

However, Goebbels and Harlan produced and released Third Reich propaganda films to the very last weeks of WWII. On January 30, 1945, Goebbels and Harlan released the film, Kolberg. It offered propaganda to fight Nazi Germany’s enemies until the very end.[70] At Nuremberg, Harlan was later acquitted on all counts.[71]

It appears that Harlan was an ardent Nazi that lived in close secret collaboration with the Nazi cultural and political elite, [72] the Thule, SS and the ODESSA.

I suspect that Kubrick’s infamous orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut was not based on Schnitzler’s obscure 1926 novella Traumnovelle as the ILLUMINATI would like you to believe. Stanley Kubrick risked his life and deliberately publicly exposed from the House of Harlan current secret “elite” Luciferian-SS sex magkic, the ILLUMINATI BUNGA BUNGA rituals.

Furthermore, Kubrick’s sex magkic ritual was filmed in England at the Mentmore Towers, Mentmore, Buckinghamshire near London.

Mentmore and the Castle was built between 1852-1854 in reality by the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, Baron Mayer Amschel de Rothschild.[73] Baron Rothschild is a direct descendent of the ILLUMINATI, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[74]


I believe that there is convincing argument that Adolf Hitler was also a descendant of the Rothschilds, Salomon Mayer Rothschild of Vienna.[75]

Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (September 9, 1774, Frankfurt/Main – July 28, 1855, Paris) was a German born banker in the Austrian Empire and the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. He was the second son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the ILLUMINATI.[76]  

Finally, lets bring it home to Brother MYSTIKAL & the ILLUMINATI.


Brother Mystikal (Michael Lawrence Tyler) with the sign of Baphomet. Mystikal was someone that I immediately took notice of. Mystikal’s work of art is not just rhymes and raps, but a cool blend of African shouts, hollers, and work songs, jazz, rhythm & blues and spirituals. I feared that his unique art form wouldn’t last because it wasn’t the direction the ILLUMINATI music industry was moving toward, but I am certain that Mystikal entered the Luciferian Blood Covenant for Fame and Fortune.

When I first saw Mystikal’s video version of “Shake It Fast“, I was divided. I was mesmerized by the music with an interesting blend of jazz, rhythm and African shouts, but it was the theme that disturbed me, Stanley Kubrick’s secret Satanic Sex Magkic Ritual in Eyes Wide Shut” featuring the “Objectification” of Black Women and it appears underage sisters.

Above, Mystikal with ILLUMINATI Pyramid hand symbol. Pseudo-Occult Media did a small thing on its ILLUMINATI-occulted links, but nothing really deep. It deserves more critical attention and detail, which I reserve for a latter more detailed post.

Shake Ya Ass“, also known by its clean title, “Shake It Fast“, is the second single released from Mystikal’s fourth album, Let’s Get Ready. It also featured Pharrell. It was released on July 18, 2000 and was produced by The Neptunes. The single was a huge success for Mystikal, peaking at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, number three on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks and number seven on the Hot Rap Singles. Both the song and music video (directed by Little X) received heavy airplay and it has arguably become Mystikal’s most well-known song.[77]

There is little and why a Black imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual was necessary and appropriate for mass media youth consumption, but according to Mystikal, he got a call from Little X (Julien Christian Lutz of Toronto), a music video director, to check out “Eyes Wide Shut” as a possible music video theme production. Mystikal saw the movie and liked the idea. Little X set everything up.[78]  End of story. I don’t believe so.

Eric Dubay’s Famous Freemasons Exposed, author of the “Atlantean Conspiracy”, follows the Michelangelo Mystery at the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel which may have been built in the same proportions to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Dubay argues convincingly to follow the hands to unleash Michelangelo’s Freemason and ILLUMINATI secrets hidden in his art at the Sistine Chapel.


“Take careful notice of the way God and Adam’s hands are positioned. The middle and ring fingers are held together while the pointer and pinky fingers are separated. This makes an “M” and as you will see represents Masonry – the oldest, most wide spread secret society in existence, operating in almost every country in the world with 5+ million members. For centuries, the Vatican and world Royalty have conspired using the vehicle of Freemasonry to place initiates into key power positions of politics, business, banking,and media in an effort to control populations.”

 Follow the HANDS, Queen Elizabeth I, King James of England, and Christopher Columbus.

Follow the HANDS, King Ferdnand, Queen Isabella I, and Lorenzo de Medici, Ruler of Florentine Republic.

 The HANDS of Francois I, King of France, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, and Mary Queen of Scots.

Aleister Crowley, The Great Beast 666.
HANDS  of First Lady Michelle Obama, Director of the Rockefeller Bloodline Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. Follow Mystikal’s HANDS, he’ll shows what he was working with when he made an imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual featuring the continued “objectification” and exploitation of Black Women.
Below, Mystikal’s video producer, Little X, with ILLUMINATI Masonic Pyramid Hand Symbol. Even his studio chair displays the sacred masonic pyramid. He features a New Age Metal for Jesus “Sacred Warrior” uniform with patches of a pair of white wings and red sword. Their Jesus is a Michelangleo FREEMASON/ILLUMINATI re-imaging.

Not too after Mystikal’s Luciferian sex ritual video, he was arrested and charged with a sadistic gang rape and extortion of a female acquaintance. In theDeltaState, rape can be punishable by life in prison. In the case, Mystikal reached a deal and pleaded guilty to sexual battery. He was sentenced to 6 years in prison and did every moment of it with 5 years parole to boot. What is really odd about Mystikal’s sex case is that the victim, his 40 year old hairdresser, has never been identified or surfaced in 6 years.

It’s hard to say what happened. Whether Mystikal grew to believe that he was among the elite “Do What Thou Wilt” ILLUMINATI-Luciferian, free beyond the law, to sadistically sexual exploit and brutalize Black women, I can’t say for sure. Did Mystikal get away with his life unlike Stanley Kubrick for mass public exposure and publicizing secret Luciferian Sex Magkic Rituals? I believe that it may have been a factor.  

Nevertheless, Negroes in the rap game seem to come to believe that a little money and fame entitles them to real Luciferian-ILLUMINATI unnatural and ungodly power and privilege which is by its very nature historically have been restricted to race, blood, nobility and pedigree.  

“War is not the Answer!”- Marvin Gaye

In conclusion, I am lost in the musical genius and poetic justice and of Marvin Gaye left 40 years ago,

What’s Going On, Brother?

War is hell, when will it end,
When will people start gettin’ together again
Are things really gettin’ better, like the newspaper said
What else is new my friend, besides what I read
Can’t find no work, can’t find no job my friend
Money is tighter than it’s ever been
Say man, I just don’t understand

What’s going on across this land!

The United States has no legitimate governmental interest or congressional mandate across this land to assault and mass murder the Libyan people, yet in Libya, the U.S.military continues to be NATO’s primary force and the U.S. Taxpayers its chief financial benefactor.

Military operations in Libya have already cost U.S. taxpayers $664M as of May. It  is costing U.S. taxpayers $2M a day and $60M to carry on NATO’s illegal war of aggression in Libya.

The “IN OUR NAME” veil has been lifted from the Libyan Aggression. Through President Obama, the ILLUMINATI of  NATO  continue to plunge the U.S. government and people into moral, political, constitutional, financial collapse. ILLUMINATI puppet masters control President Obama, and across this land he is rapidly becoming an absolute mind controlled little tyrannical dictator of American democracy.

Yet across this land, most of the so-called peace activists, white liberal progressive communities and reactionary Black Folk and so-call Hip Hop Generation continue to act as the ILLUMINATI’s “MOCKINGBIRDS”.

They continue to yap on KPFA with the exception of “Guns and Butter” and Democracy Now, etc., the false and insidious storyline that Muammar Gaddafi is some kind of a demented brutal dictator killing his own people as a “justification” for the ILLUMINATI’s senseless, racial, costly and inhumane war of aggression against a sovereign and independent African nation on the other side of midnight.

The little ugly creepy sadistic-terrorist ogres, Berlusconi and Sarkozi, know very well what Obama really is, a Cyborg-part human-part machine. They created him. They pull his strings and push the buttons. He is a virtual cyber puppet at the absolute disposal of the puppet masters, the ILLUMINATI, not the American people.

When NATO attacked Libya, I went into a state of depression and reflection for a couple of weeks. I lamented over and over, how was it possible that this small African nation going to defend themselves against the might and power of the U.S. military. As I reflected back, I was reminded of profound wisdom from Brother Huey P. Newton before “Clockwork Orange”, Huey often said, “The Will of the People will Defeat the Man’s Technology.”   



[13] Id.       

[15] Id. At footnote 10


[24]Orlando Sentinel,September 11, 1998

[28]Id. At footnote 5





[40] Id.


[46] Id.














[65] Id.

[66] Id.

[68] Id. At footnote 1

[69] id.

[71] Id. At footnote 1

[72] Id.


17 05 2011

“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy. ”Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)

Black Folk and the entire planet had a great deal of hope in President Barack Hussein Obama when he was elected in 2008 as the 44th President of the United States. There were great misplaced expectations that a Black President could exercise the power and authority of his office independently with free will, compassion, wisdom and justice. America just doesn’t work that way anymore since the Assassination of 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.

What we see and interpret as power is an illusion…Blacks are now elevated to “Head Nigger in Charge” only when a situation has become so hopeless officials don’t want to risk putting one of their own in charge. It is often a token put there to rescue a situation grown hopeless. Don’t be deceived by those moves and think they come about by rightness and righteousness. They are motivated by institutional racism… What we see and interpret as power is an illusion…” Dr. Marcus A. Foster, First Black OaklandUnified School DistrictSuperintendent, 8 Months before Being Assassinated on November 6, 1973[1]

This was Luciferian Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex 20th Century state of art mind control of the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001), Bill Clinton.  


21st Century Cyborgs, Human Soft Machines: Part Free, Part Robot.[2]

When President Barack Obama was elected and sworn in, he showed little human emotion or compassion for the Palestinians (People of Color) as Israel unmercifully and inhumanly bombed, attacked, and assaulted defenseless Gaza for three weeks (December 27, 2008 (2008-12-27) – January 18, 2009) slaughtering almost 1,500 people.[3]

President Barack Obama has shown no compassion or symphony for the poor, elderly, middle class and people of color victimized by the banking mortgage scandals and shams. With utter cold preset indifference to the criminal and fraudulent banking industry that caused the mortgage meltdown, the Obama Presidential administration has rewarded the perpetrators with trillions in taxpayer bailouts without any meaningful oversight by Congress.[4]  

President Obama mechanically escalates the “Bush Empire” wars of aggression and drone “robot assassination” policies that have shamefully, unmercifully and illegally slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (People of Color) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya.[5]  Under President Obama, the CIA sought and obtained virtually unlimited freedom to carry out extrajudicial kidnappings, targeted assassinations; clandestine wars of aggression and drone strikes in secrecy without any meaningful oversight by Congress.

President Obama, the Pentagon and U.S. National Security State has embraced the idea of the ‘long war’– a twenty-year strategy envisioning deployment of U.S. troops in dozens of countries, and the Army adopted the idea of  “the era of persistent warfare.”[6]

On March 19, 2011, President Obama, an African Descendent, left a “Bitter Taste” in Brazil, a nation of color, by launching an unjust unilateral aerial assault against the African sovereign nation of Libya [7] solely in the interest of Africa’s former white supremacist murderous colonists responsible for plunder of the mother country’s resources and slaughter of millions. President Obama’s justification to attack Libya because of an imminent “humanitarian threat” to innocent civilians was and remains a cold hearted vicious and outrageous fabrication, deception and war crime.[8]  

On April 30, 2011, President Obama with utter programmed indifference to human rights and steer barbarism showed absolutely no compassion for lives of Gaddafi’s youngest son, Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, 29 years old, or the three children slaughtered by a NATO missile, Saif Mohammed Muammar Gaddafi was one year and 3 months (born on 30 January 2010), Carthage Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi was 2 years and 9 months old (born on 2 August 2008) and Mastura Humaid was 4 months and half (she was born on 15 December 2010).[9]

President Obama and NATO’s war of aggression against the people of color of Libyais causing a humanitarian crisis among Africans trying to flee constant aerial bombings and assaults. Witnesses say NATO and the U.S. deliberately ignores mayday calls from boats in distress carrying Africans fleeing Libyaby sea.[10]

A Libyan boat carrying up to 600 people trying to flee the country under NATO and “O’Bomb-Em” siege has reportedly sunk off the coast of North Africa. It follows an earlier report of 61 migrants from Libya dying from thirst and hunger on another vessel which had been left adrift in the Mediterraneanfor over two weeks.[11]

On Sunday, May 1, 2011, President Obama commandeered the global airways with a cold hearted mechanical straight face and announced the liquidation and extrajudicial murder of an unarmed and defenseless Bogey-Straw Man of Osama Bin Laden and yet another mindless brutal and deadly assault against people of color in the sovereign nation of Pakistan. After the onslaught on what appeared to have been a defenseless family, Pakistan authorities found at least 3 bodies of men in pools of blood slain at the scene.[12]

For Pagans, May 1st (May Day) is symbolic for several reasons. May Day is the night when witches emerge into the open to wreak revenge on God-fearing people.  May Day was a SS Holiday favored by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. It was great Celtic solar festival and was celebrated in early times with bonfires and dancing around maypoles etc., which were believed to help bring fertility to crops, homes and livestock. It also happens to be the day that Adolf  Hitler’s death was announced to the world,

“The Dark Initiate had remained true to his black creed to the very last, had arranged his affairs so that even his suicide should be a sacrificial tribute to the Powers of Darkness. April 30 is the ancient Feast of Beltane, the day which blends into Walpurgis Night. It is perhaps the most important date in the whole calendar of Satanism.”[13]

The name ‘May’ is from the ancient belief in MAIA, the Greek goddess of spring/growth. In Greek mythology, Maia is one of the Pleiades and the mother of Hermes. Maia is one of the four yearly ‘Sabbaths’ as they are called, and Beltane is a rite of spring/ birth/fertility considered as the blossoming of life, personified by the union of the goddess and the sun god. Beltane is an Irish term meaning ‘great fire’. [14]

President Obama’s first daughter, born July 4, 1998, is named Malia. Coincidence? I don’t believe it is. Obama’s second daughter born, June 10, 2001, also has special pagan significance. This name is especially common in Europe where it is used primarily by males as a diminutive of Alexander, although females may also use it as a diminutive of Alexandra.[15]

Etymologically, Alexander is derived from the Greek “Αλέξανδρος”  (Aléxandros), meaning  “defending men”  or  “protector of men.”  The name was one of the titles (“epithets”) given to the Greek goddess HERA and as such is usually taken to mean “one who comes to save warriors”. In the Iliad, the character Paris is known also as Alexander. The name’s popularity was spread throughout the Greek world by the military conquests of King Alexander II, commonly known as “Alexander the Great”. Later, Alexanders in various countries were directly or indirectly named for him.[16]

In 2008, Beyonce adopted “SASHA” Fierce, Vehicle of Baphomet, as an alter personality symbolic representation of a Luciferian Blood Scarifice for Fame, Fortune and Power.[17] Another coincidence, I really don’t believe so.

Sasha is in trouble!

Sasha is in extreme trouble with MK ULTRA themes, the “Aminal Imprint” for young Black females; and with Demonologist/Luciferian Rihanna as an inspiration for anything.  



For almost a couple of  weeks with almost reckless computerized abandonment of human decency and compassion for his fellow man, President Obama has rallied a global lynch mob atmosphere in the cold-blooded mafia styled liquidation and extra judicial slaughter of an innocent man of faith and color. It wasn’t Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden has been dead for almost 10 years.

Fox News Report,December 26, 2001

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda Leader.[18]

Bin Laden’s funeral had been announced worldwide on December 26, 2001; and U.S. intelligence gathering agencies and operatives monitoring his radio transmissions and cables haven’t heard from him since December 2001.[19]  Additional, just months before her assassination, former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in a 2007 televised interview publicly exposed the fact that Osama Bin Laden was DEAD![20]

As late as June 8, 2006, the FBI page stated: “Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.” When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI’s web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI’s Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” Additionally Vice President Dick Cheney said, “We’ve never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11.”[21]

The photo reportedly showing a slain Osama bin Laden that made its way around the world is a Photoshop hoax.[22] The White House refuses to release any photos of the innocent Bogeyman-Straw man Bin Laden that was slain.[23]

The Bin Laden global televised capture and murder is a hoax, a false-flag operation; an old lame psychological warfare tactic.[24]  Murder, mayhem and lynch mob mentality, it is all fun, games, celebration, glee, and inhumane degrading jokes in America against Muslim Bogey Men and People of Color.

Below, Jay Leno of the Tonight Show and former President Bill Clinton with the same Illuminati/Luciferian “Triangle” hand symbol, “I AM AMONG YOU.” I won’t patronize Jay Leno and the U.S. Entertainment Luciferian Brotherhood any longer.  

I really don’t believe that Black Folk or the World has really seen anything quite like “Barack Hussein Obama II” formed August 4,1961 on Oahu Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, or the First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Barack Obama had been shaped, formed and molded by the Luciferian Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex since birth. President of  the United States, Barack Obama is only an illusion. Obama is part human-part robot, a damn Cyborg reeking mindless and robotic warfare, death and destruction across the globe.  

 Above, Barack Obama appears about 9-10 years old displays around his neck the strange symbol of the stick man with inverted arms turned downwards. It is the “Man Rune.” The figure encircled is an ancient and powerful symbol of the “Anti-Christ.”  For one to wear or display this symbol is to announce either knowingly or unknowingly that you have rejected Christ. Symbolism is a picture language, and a picture is worth a thousand words. With the arms of the cross raised in an upright position, it is a Pythagorean emblem of the course of life, in the form of a rising path with fork roads to good and evil. It also signifies fertility, but with arms pointing downward, it denotes evil and death.[25]

Above, Michelle Obama wears the abnormal Pagan Cross with broken arms also known as the “Cross of Nero”, “Crow’s Foot”, and “Witches Foot.” The Nero’s cross has also been recognized as a “mockery” of Christianity, as it is thought to represent a broken, upside down cross, within a circle representing “Nero’s vision”. It is thought that Nero believed that the destruction of Christianity and all Christians would bring peace; thousands of Christians were martyred under the rule of Nero. The Cross with broken arms is also called the “Dead Man Rune” and “todersrune” and “death rune.” The Germanic tribes who used it attributed strange and mystical properties to the sign. Such a “rune” is said to have been used by “black magicians” in pagan incantations and condemnations.  It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler’s SS troops as a sign of pagan mysticism.[26]

Malia Obama adorning the Pagan “broken crow”, “crow or witches’ foot” and “dead man’s rune.”


Declassified Cyborg-Mind Control Programs

Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of “Cyborg” mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.[27] 

A Cyborg is essentially a man-machine system in which the control mechanisms of the human portion are modified externally by drugs, electronics and electroshock or regulatory devices.[28] The CIA and military-industrial system has been clandestinely perfecting the demarcations between cybernetic mechanism and the biological organism for over 50 years.

Barack Obama wasn’t raised within any village of African or African American Culture or Thought. According to Obama, his biological parents, Obama, Sr. and Ann Stanley Dunham, met at a Russian language class at East-West Center (EWC) at Hawaii University (HU) in 1959 or 1960.[29]

Recent FOIA releases of Barack Obama Sr.’s immigration records disclose that he was not co-habituating with Stanley Ann Dunham after the marriage and birth of Obama. In fact, the U.S. Immigration Department had been investigating if the Obama-Dunham marriage was “bona fide.”[30]

The Obama-Dunham marriage was only a cover for something like out of the annals of science fiction like “One Step Beyond” or the “Other Limits” of normal human understanding. EWC-HU was the backdrop of an experiment in human engineering so insidious that you will never if at all believe your liar eyes.  
EWC at HU was the bastard child of the U.S. State Department directors John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter; and CIA Director of Plans Richard Helms in 1959. It was established by Congress in 1960 as a veil “to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific and the [CIA] interest of the United States.”[31] 


ALLEN DULLES, RICHARD HELMS, Carmel Office and FRANK WISNER were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in HELL. I guess I will see them there soon.”  –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence [32]

MK ULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953.[33]  Under Dulles, MK ULTRA had been Richard Helm’s Baby.[34]  Former CIA Director, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, testified before Congress that MK ULTRA’s purpose was “to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual’s behavior by covert means”.[35]

MK ULTRA was much more. It was a far reaching vast clandestine mind control and assassination program involving the government, all branches of the military, and some ofAmerica’s leading universities, hospitals and scientific professionals.

MK ULTRA is still classified and Above Top Secret. In 1973, Helms ordered that all CIA-MK ULTRA files be destroyed. As a result, what the public have discovered about MK ULTRA is only a tip of the colossal iceberg.

 MK ULTRA’s experiments on children are not well publicly documented or known, but at least 4 (four) programs are known to have particularly targeted “CHILDREN” for mind control experiments in the interest of the CIA and the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.


Barack Obama’s Biological Links to the Birth of  MK ULTRA

“Well, if they were choosing the best and brightest, maybe they figured these kids would one day rise to important positions in the society, and they wanted to gain long-term control over them, so they would be under their thumb, so they could tap them at will — a way of controlling the future society.”  Testimony of MK ULTRA  Child Victim, March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation [36]

In 1953, Government Psychologist, Dr. William Thetford, was a Research Consultant to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), State Department, at AmericanUniversity, Beirut, Lebanon.[37]

The FSI is the U.S. Federal Government’s primary training institution for employees of the U.S.foreign affairs community (CIA); preparing American diplomats and other professionals to, again, advance U.S.foreign affairs [CIA] interests overseas and in Washington.[38] FSI was initially authorized in Title VII of the Foreign Service Act. On March 13, 1947, Secretary of State, General George Marshall (Germany’s Forth Reich Marshall Plan), formally announced the establishment of the FSI.[39] 

With the help of America’s cold war warrior and Nazi collaborator, George F. Kennan,[40] of the State Department under General Marshall, the Office of Special Projects (OSP) was created in 1948 under an ultra CIA counterintelligence expert, Frank Gardiner Wisner, Sr.  Soon afterwards it was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) which became the espionage, assassination and counter-intelligence branch of the CIA [41] within the U.S. State Department.

In 1953, Wisner became CIA head Directorate of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. Wisner and Helms controlled approximately 75% of the CIA’s clandestine (MK ULTRA) budget.[42] 

In 1951, Dr. Thetford had become a senior CIA assessment psychologist on Dr. John Gittinger’s Assessment and Evaluation Staff in the Office of Training.[43]  Dr. Gittinger and Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Facility CIA Station Chief, Dr. James A. Hamilton of Stanford University, were leading principals in MK ULTRA/MONARCH research, development; and clandestine Manchurian Candidate assassination operations.[44]

In 1960, Dr. William Thetford along with a David Saunders headed Helm’s MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University. Dr. Thetford conducted among other things TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments.[45]

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”   – Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel (Demon) of Death-

Conversion Hysterics is often referred to as “disorder of imagination.” It is a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause). Conversion Hysterics usually occur in people subject to traumatic stresses such as battle fatigue. Patients develop mysterious subjective maladies and disabling illness.[46] Conversion Hysterics involves normal human reactions to ritual trauma abuse and torture.  

Dr. Thetford’s mastery in “Conversion Hysterics” has the hallmark touch of the research and development of the “Mengele Method.”

Nazis-SS psychiatrists determined that “absolute” mind control could be realized through specific tortures of the intended trans-generational victims from the moment of birth.  Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele created one certain drug developed at Auschwitzt hat was used on children to induce severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or inject the drug and it would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance, which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. 

The natural response to this extraordinary level of pain and torture Dr. Mengele had perfected was dissociation of the conscious mind. In that state, victims can be subjected and programmed with secret alternative personalities with keys and triggers.

During the war, Dr. Mengele had been cautious in revealing and discussing the details of his research. Mengele’s caution and secrecy made him indispensable to anyone seeking the data, reports and results of his research, “Mengele never discussed his research with anybody else. He kept it secret. This was to be the basis for his dissertation and he did not want to share the information with anyone.” (See Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y., 1974)

One of the countries seeking Mengele’s secret data and research was the United States. The Nazi’s top secret research was originally considered to be a significant bonus by product of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Project 63 also known as Project National Interest. Project 63 was dedicated to the secret importation and protection of a group of Nazi and Fascist scientists.           

In direct collaboration with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, the United States slipped Mengele out of Germany to a Roman Catholic convent inRome, and then he was shipped to Juan Peron’s Argentina under the name of Dr. Helmut Gregor. Mengele moved freely inSouth America. He resided inBrazil, Paraguay,Chile and the U.S.  Mengele bought a pharmaceutical company in Buenos Aires to continue his drug experiments and research.

Mengele also tested drugs that were the direct experimental subjects of the US Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Allegedly, responding to reports of “amazing results” achieved by the Soviets in using “truth drugs,” the program focused on the identification and testing of drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities. 

Mengele also tested drugs that were the direct experimental subjects of the US Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Allegedly, responding to reports of “amazing results” achieved by the Soviets in using “truth drugs,” the program focused on the identification and testing of drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities.

During the 1950s, Mengele moved freely around the world and the U.S.  As late as 1956, he boldly obtained a passport in his name. He traveled to Zurich, Switzerland to visit his family and married his brother’s widow. Mengele’s trauma-torture based mind control data, research, and methodology were incorporated in America’s experimental behavior manipulation programs later incorporated into the CIA’s projects Bluebird and Artichoke which, in 1953, became Helm’s MKULTRA Program.

Mengele’s trauma-torture based mind control research was reborn as the “Monarch Project”. The Monarch Project was a subsection of projects Bluebird, Artichoke, and Helms’ MK ULTRA. I suspect that Dr. Mengele had been Dr. Thetford’s master in Beiruit.  

CIA Psychologist Dr. Thetford is also relevant in that he may have been involved in the personality development of Oprah Winfrey as a child, but he in fact developed Oprah’s most celebrated and publicized covert satanic mass mind control program, A Course in Miracles (ACIM).”[47]

Helen Schucman co-authored ACIM with Dr. Thetford. Schucman went into drug induced trances and purported to have received messages directly from Jesus Christ. The person that transcribed the messages from Christ was the CIA, Dr. Thetford. This is Oprah’s ACIM, direct messages from a New Age Jesus Christ.[48] In Christianity, there is no other name so powerful by which man can be saved other than through the name of Jesus Christ.

“Nor is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus…” 1 Timothy 2:5

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36

That is pretty powerful testimony to receive direct messages from Jesus Christ. There are estimated to be approximately 2.1 billion Christians in the world, about one third of the total population of the planet.[49] The implication is that in this new POST-HUMAN RENAISSANCE, man shall receive salvation and live by a New Age Religion and Christ, all programmed through the CIA and the New World Order. 

Oprah and her mass media alphabet OWN, (NWO) New World Order backwards, is global. This may explain why Obama and Oprah is so “buddy-buddy”, “brother-sister” on the Chicago quiet tip. They both may have come out of Dr. Thetford’s 1960 Subproject 130 of which is still highly classified and CIA-Above Top Secret stuff.  

Above, recently discovered family photograph of the Dunhams during the early 1950s in Beirut, Lebanon. In 1953, Stanley Armour, Madelyn Dunham along with Ann Stanley was stationed in Beirut with Dr. Thetford, most likely than not as deep cover CIA agents.[50] Dr. Thetford’s primary research from 1950-1953 had centered on the personality development and fantasy projections of children.[51]  Most likely than not, they had been clandestinely MK ULTRA briefed and trained on ultra secret projects involved in the development of cybernetic children through Wisner and Helm’s OPC of the U.S. State Department.

By 1958, Wisner had been eased out as CIA Directoriate of Plans.[52] Richard Helms took over. Helms oversaw military-oriented EMR (electromagnetic-response) research. “Cybernetics [the science of communication and control theory that is concerned with the study of automatic control systems, such as the brain and mechanical-electrical communications],” Helms admitted, Cybernetics “can be used in molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns … all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.”[53] 


Lurking behind the scenes at the EWC-UH all along with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, Ann Dunham and Obama Jr. during his most impressionistic years was one of Helm’s Cyberneticist Boys, the infamous MK ULTRA British Godfather and Mind Control Expert, Dr. Gregory Bateson.

Dr. Bateson of Stanford Research Institute’s (SRI) Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) in Menlo Park, CAwas considered one of the Godfathers of Cybernetics.[54] Dr. Bateson had also been a secret principal developer of secret Nazi (LEBENSBORN) multigenerational mind control methodologies after WWII.

In 1963, Dr. Bateson was allegedly invited by Taylor Pryor to work under cover of the Oceanic Foundation in Hawaiion cetacean and other problems of animal and human communication. Bateson remained in Hawaii working with the Culture Institute of the EWC. It was during the EWC-HU period that Bateson developed the fourth period – the new epistemology – that stems from systems and ecology.[55] Human “ecology” is a CIA code-word for behavior modification and mind control.[56]   

While at EWC-UH, Bateson was also working on secret cybernetic research for the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, a covert MK ULTRA funding institution [57] and the Wenner-Gren Foundation (Viking Fund).[58] Axel Wenner-Gren was a Swedish Nazi financier, Eugenicist (Pseudo-Race Science) and close associate of the Reichsstatthatter of Prussia, Hermann Goering.[59]  

When Ann Dunham left Hawaii for Indonesia in 1965, she entered the country with Lobo Soetoro under a veil of an anthropologist. She was a math student at the HU. She earned her PhD in anthropology from HU in 1992, but posed as a trained anthropologist from 1965-1992 in Indonesia, Java, Pakistan,[60] Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand.[61] So, who trained Ann Dunham as an anthropologist at HU or EWC prior to 1965? Dr. Gregory Bateson![62]

Additionally, Ann Dunham was an operational cyberneticist like Dr. Bateson. She was involved in helping setup microeconomic (micro financing) systems in Pakistan, India and New York for the Ford Foundation.[63] Microeconomics and microeconomic systems are forms of cybernetics.[64] Economic Cybernetics can be covertly used by old colonial powers, ruling classes, oligarchies, and the NWO to centrally control and rule nations and populations. 

In fact, the EWC may have all along been the brainchild of Dr. Bateson. Among the inventory of papers he left after his death in 1980, he had maintained a file on the EWC dating back 10 (ten) years before it was officially funded by the U.S. State Department and Congress in 1959-60.[65]

During his most formative years from birth to 6 years old, Obama, Jr.’s character was essentially shaped and molded within the CIA-MK ULTRA web of his grandparents, Stanley Armour and Madelyn Dunham and HU-EWC. During Obama’s formative period, Ann Dunham had been an anthropology asset at HU-EWC. HU has been confirmed as one of Helms’ secret CIA/MK ULTRA/Cybernetic Research institutions.[66]


The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA and DARPA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military. During the 1960’s, DARPA was led by behavioral psychologist, Joseph C.R. Licklier. He was among the core group of Macy Conference cyberneticists with Dr. Bateson that developed cybernetics for military-industrial applications.[67]

While heading the Command and Control Research division of ARPA in 1960, he wrote an explosive and revealing paper titled, Man-Computer Symbiosis:   

“The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today…That hope would take form in such later projects as DARPA’s Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer “dyads [twofold],” and the sterile vision for a “Posthuman Renaissance,” where “there are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism.” [68]

Under Licklier, ARPA disbursed millions of dollars to a wide range of computer and Artificial Intelligence research centers. APRA and NASA have been locked in partnership since the inception of NASA under SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Brun.[69]  One of its secret intelligence research centers was HU.[70] 

So, it should be no surprise the area of secret research and development of APRA/NASA at HU, to create a “soldier-computer dyad where is little or no noticeable “demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism”, a Barack Hussein Obama Cyborg. 

If Stanley Armour, Madelyn and Stanley Ann Dunham were deep cover CIA agents involved in the early development stages of secret projects for MK ULTRA/ Cyborg-Mind Control Programs at HU with Psychologist Dr. William Thetford (Fantasy Perceptions in Children Studies),[71] then Obama’s admitted bizarre childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, cannot simply be dismissed as his “real father” or a “KGB handler.”  


The storyline is Stanley Armour turned Obama over to Davis at age 10 or 11 because he believed it would help his alienated grandson identify with being of mixed heritage. For seven years, Obama had a “father-son” relationship with Davis, who confessed to being an underground pedophile practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities; voyeurism (paraphilia), exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape, sadomasochism, and bondage.[72] Davis’ most likely role in Obama’s preteen years (9-13) was as a special “MONARCH” handler and programmer most likely with specialized knowledge of Mengele and Thetford’s “Conversion Hysterics”.  Davis may have been a FBI/CIA asset since 1948 in Seattle, WA starting with the Navy’s ulta secret Project CHATTER.

“MONARCH programming was a government funded mind control experiment included under the larger CIA operation MK ULTRA. Operation Monarch involved using severe electro-shock trauma, sexual abuse, and other sadistic methods designed to split the subject’s mind into alternate personalities. The methods were conducted primarily on children because they are easier to break down psychologically, due to their primitive stage of emotional and cognitive development.”[73]

Frank Davis was a MONARCH trauma abuse multiple personality disorder (MPD) layering expert in control of amassing traumatic and ritual sexual abuse experiences to overwhelm Obama’s preteen growth alternative personalities, and then program the alters with layers of Satanism and perversion.

Barack Hussein Obama II is unlike any African American that you have never seen. He was born a MK ULTRA mold within the secret National Security State. He is an ILLUSION, a CYBORG, designed to advance its clandestine interests overseas and in the U.S of the CIA whether you want to see or not. The demarcations between those things that are human and those that are robotic and automatic programmed behavior have been carefully crafted and masked to deceive you.  


FIRST STAGE, Formative Years (From birth to 6 or 7 years old)


Above, StanleyArmour Dunham (SAD) and Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. at Hickman Air Force Base in Hawaii. It demonstrates that SAD was slated from the very beginning to be a clandestine caretaker of an experiment, a Cyborg Human Seed. 

In 1959, SAD was part of the EWC-HU’s Africa Airlift welcoming team that greeted Barack Obama, Sr. at Hawaii Airport. Beyond doubt, SAD was directly connected to the CIA’s EWC-HU Africa Airlift project.[74]

August 4, 1961, Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD1) was residing with SAD and Madelyn Dunham (MD) when Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) was born.

From 1961 until 1968, very little is known about this period other than BHO is reared in Hawaii with SAD, MD and SADI centering on EWC-HU. During this period, SAD1 becomes associated with Dr. Gregory Bateson’s expertise and cover, Anthropology (Study of Culture).

BHO recorded repressed memories, Dreams From My Father, of astronauts observed from an isolation chamber from a successful NASA Apollo splash down that couldn’t have taken place at Hickman Air Force Base in Hawaii.[75] NASA’s Apollo Pacific Ocean splashdowns began in December 1968 (Apollo 8),[76] a year after Obama moved to Jakarta, Indonesia with SAD1.

Above, BHO on the shoulders of the man with a distinctive military crew cut and a very characteristic (spaded) nose that clearly is not SAD. The mystery man has an uncanny likeness of NASA Astronaut Air Force Captain Virgil (Gus) Grissom, Master Mason, Member of Mitchell Lodge 228 of Mitchell, Indiana.[77]

If the picture was taken when Obama was three (3) years old as it has been represented between August 4, 1964-August 4, 1965, [78] the picture could have been taken within a couple months after or before Grissom’s Gemini 3 flight, March 23 -25, 1965. It was the first spacecraft to maneuver in orbit, and first manned flight of Gemini spacecraft. Gemini 3 splashdown was in the Atlantic Ocean near the Turks and Calicos Islands (UK).[79]

Gus Grissom and NASA Astronaut U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (33rd Degree Mason) were directly involved in a secret MK ULTRA-NASA mind control program, SPACE KIDS.[80] 

On January 27, 1967, Grissom was killed in a suspicious space capsule fire. Before his body was cold, federal agents invaded his home and seized Grissom’s personal records and diary.[81] 

The logical conclusion is that BHO was early top secret experimental NASA “SPACE KID” during his most formative years, and Gus Grissom had been his secret MK ULTRA handler. 

SECOND STAGE: Formative Years (7-10 years old) 


January 1, 1968, SAD1 (anthropologist) relocated to Jakarta, Indonesia with a new CIA asset husband trained at EWC-HU with BHO at 6 years old, 5-6 months enrolled in school.[82]

Above, the pagan mystic and occulted mass murderer General Suharto of Indonesia. In March 1968, CIA backed general took power and instituted a “New Order” in Indonesia.[83]  The killing led by General Suharto began in October 1965 when tens of thousands of Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) cadre and supporters were rounded up at night, detained, and executed.[84]

Anti-communist youth groups were supplied with weapons by General Suharto forces and sent out to murder PKI members and supporters in thousands of towns and villages. In one area of Central Javaknown as a stronghold of the party, one-third of the population died in the massacre.[85] 

In the 1990s, details of the U.S. hand in the massacre became known as several former State Department officials admitted their role publicly. Political officers at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta handed the Indonesian army lists of PKI leaders in unions, peasant and student organizations that it had compiled. From this, Indonesian army intelligence was able to create a “shooting list” of 5,000 PKI leaders. In the weeks and months that followed, the U.S. embassy and the CIA’s intelligence directorate, Richard Helms, in Washington D.C. checked off the names as they were “eliminated.” How many people were killed by General Suharto and his butchers? Two to three million citizens were slaughtered.[86]

SAD1 Indonesian husband, Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, was an army colonel in General Suharto’s CIA-backed rank of killers.[87]

Under cover and deception of a benign anthropologist, SAD1 infiltrated indigenous groups and tribes in the countryside and islands of Indonesia to clandestinely single out and identify PKI leaders and sympathizers to be detained and liquidated (Human Terrain System).[88]   

It should be crystal clear why BHO with Soetoro and SAD1 adorns the “Dead Man Rune.” During BHO’s second stage formative years in Indonesia, BHO had been conditioned and desensitized to human rights and ritualized mass murder by one of General Suharto’s butchers, his stepfather Col. Soetoro. BHO had been initiated into an Indonesian pagan ritual “DEATH CULT” with a historical human rights violation “BODY COUNT” and record of genocide.


THIRD STAGE, Preteen and Teen Years (10-17 years old)


In about 1971, BHO returned to Hawaii to live with SAD and MD. At ten years old, SAD turned BHO over to CIA pedophile, rapist, and exhibitionist, bisexual sadomasochist Frank Marshall Davis (FMD)[89] for satanic ritualized sexual abuse and dissociated conditioning and programming (MPD). MPD conditioning is a regimen of physical and psychological beatings, rapes and sexual molestations that give birth to a cluster of alter personalities.[90]

Above, BHO with one of his Occidental College gay rich dope fiend Pakistan roommates that he was assigned to spy on and accommodate for whatever.  FMD turned BHO into a CIA MPD bisexual “honey pot” and “slave sex” manly for Middle Eastern perverts.

So, it should be no surprise that BHO has no significant background, history or relationships with women,[91] and has been linked to reports of deviant sexual activities involving: Larry Sinclair alleges drug and sex encounter with BHO in November 1998; Donald Young, gay choir director at Trinity United Church of Christ, who was murdered; Stuart Levine, Prominent GOP Fundraiser, drug and homosexual parties; Actor Kal Penn, White House Office of Public Engagement, and Rahm Emanuel & Man’s Country, a Chicago gay bath house.[92]

Obama’s obvious exaggerated African “mannish” cultural swagger is a Cyborg programmed illusion and hoax to make him appear as a real “brother.” At 28 years old, it appears that BHO’s only real relationship with a woman was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.

Strangely enough to add this crazy mix, Michelle’s mother, Marian Robinson, is reportedly a Pagan “Handmaiden of Santeria” in the White House.[93] In some cases, Santeria has been turned into a “Blood Oath” Cult of Satanism, human sacrifice and occulted secrecy.[94] I wonder if Michelle Robinson’s marriage to BHO was a result of a Luciferian “Blood Oath Covenant for Fame, Fortune and Power.” Who did Marian and Michelle sacrifice to Lucifer?

Fraser Robinson. In March 1991, Michelle’s father died at the age of 56 of complications from multiple sclerosis. In July 1991, Michelle leaves law firm Sidley Austin and goes to work for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s machine. October 18, 1992, Michelle weds BHO at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicagoon the way to the White House.[95]

This is part of the Buzz on the internet, “According to Atkinson, Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s, and turned to “Santeria in a desperate hope” to cure him. “Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was to sick to go with her.”[96]

On election night, November 4, 2008, Michelle Obama turned a lot of heads when she made, so to say, a fashion statement, a very scary and ominous statement at Grant Park in Chicago. Michelle’s fashion statement upset a lot of people.[97]

Michelle had what appeared to be symbolic blood at her breast (Wisdom) and womb (Rebirth), a Luciferian “Blood Feast Sacrifice” out of something like the Horror Classic, “Carrie”. Below, Malia is dressed in a pool of red, the Blood Sacrifice. Sasha (Alexandra the Great) was dressed in black for a funeral, the Luciferian sacrifice.

The story is strange and unverified, but is consistent in Luciferian-Satanic MK ULTRA/MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE themes, and BHO and Michelle Obama’s timeline to the White House.

The World can see through Barack Hussein Obama. They can understand the demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and the biological organism. They can clearly see what is part free godly human compassion and part programmed Luciferian “robotic” behavior. Why can’t you?

  Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.”     

[1] SF Chronicle,March 21, 1973, Black Educator’s Angry Speech, March 21, 1973, pg. 4, see also Oakland Tribune,March 21, 1973 for a water downed version of his message

[5]Id. At footnote 2



[26] Id.

[32]Id. At Footnote 34, pg. 370


[43]Id. At Footnote 31

[45] Ross, Colin, BLUEBIRD, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, (2000) Manitou Communications, Inc., page 329

[61]Id. At footnote 8



[96]Id. At footnote 78