24 04 2018




It’s Sunday morning. I must admit that I have a beautiful little girl named Sierra in my life, my niece. In the Sierra at the heart of this matter, I saw a reflection of my very own most precious granddaughter. Since that child has been born- she has never been out of my sight or circle of protection as if she is my very own promise. I am old school. For her, I launch a thousand ships. Ever since the story broke and I have been begotten of her image, the little girl that I called Little Sierra, below, has been special to me.

Tiny Hannah

Since last night, she again weighted heavy on my heart and soul. I looked at her remarkably small body and frame. I was convinced in my own eyes that she was the youngest of the Children, 12 years old. I was wrong in judgement by calling her Sierra, her name is Hannah and I sincerely apologize.

Tiny Hannah, above, is still missing.

I have called the above child, Hannah. But, she is actually Abigail. During her short life, she and the other Children suffered from absolutely SADISTIC physical and mental abuse by the witches. Abigail’s school called child welfare authorities after she was seen eating out of the garbage and taking food. Records indicate school officials stopped telling the Hart Witches when their children took food at school so that the children would not be punished. I admit that I am partially blinded by my love for the Children. My heart cries out that she matters so much to me as if she had been my very own in my circle of Love and Protection of a Thousand Ships. 

I have called this beautiful child, Abigail. But, she was Sierra. She is also special to me, because, strikingly, I see in her a remarkable reflection of the blood of blood of my own beloved sister when she was her age. Names are important. They (Luciferians) deliberately keep the Children nameless to avoid humanizing them in the eyes of the masses. I call out her name, SIERRA.

Pharaoh Smenkhkare and Queen Meritaten

From the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Kemet,


I breathe the sweet breath that comes from thy mouth,

I contemplate thy beauty everyday,

It’s my desire to hear thy lovely voice

Like the north wind.

Love will rejuvenate my limbs.

Give me thy hands that hold thy soul,

I shall embrace and live by it.

Call me by name even unto eternity

And I shall never fail without response.

I say upon the lost and murdered Children that I also breathe thy sweet breath. I contemplate thy beauty everyday. It is my desire to hear thy lovely voices again like the North wind. LOVE for you rejuvenates my limbs. Remember and never forget your parents and ones that love you. Give them thy hands that hold thy soul. They have embraced you forever and live by it upon death,  to hear your voice again, To see thy smile, again.

Hannah & the Rainbow Bridge

Sierra (Ciera)

Recently, Sierra has been confirmed dead. She was stolen from “His Eye is the Sparrow” by Witches. She was born a special child of God. She was precious and beautiful in our eyes; and the Eyes of the Lord. That’s what we teach and practice with our children from infancy. Yet, we don’t know anything about Sierra– what books she read or what songs she sang and enjoyed, the games she played or friends she had. We don’t know if she ever enjoyed pizza or took a trip to McDonald’s. She wore bandannas because her hair was mated and uncombed. She was denied contact with her biological loved ones and all contact outside the  Hart Witches’ Coven and Dark Circle. Precious Sierra was malnourished confined to a special vegan diet or at times no FOOD and WATER at all.

Sierra  lived under the terror and conditions of a Nazi Concentration Camp inmate. At seven (7) years old, she looks 30 to 40 pounds. At 15 years old, Sierra, 4’5, weighted a chilling 60 lbs. From the nature of her existence confined behind a dark veil of secrecy, she had been beaten and abused. Her human dignity and humanity had been taken away from her. From what you are about to read, Little Sierra had also been terrified and diabolically terrorized beyond anybody’s imagination by a MK OFTEN Witches’ Coven and Black Circle Initiates. She didn’t walk over the Rainbow Bridge and disappear “Somewhere over the Rainbow“. THAT CHILD WAS ABUSED, DRUGGED AND PUSHED OVER!

The Children & the Satanic Rainbow Deception 

Rev. Jim Jones’ Rainbow Family was predominately black– full of ChildrenWitches and Wizards- A Secret Satanic Cult of Death for Innocent Black Children.

The Rainbow with its seven colors has long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, which exposes the New Age Occult Movement, says that the Rainbow also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge is used as a hypnotic device. The Supreme Council of the 33rd° of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism as in Illuminati Druidism, the 21 Lessons of Merlyn– the Rainbow is described as “A true sign of Magic…it exists in both worlds at once!

Jennifer Hart, Children & Fantuzzi

There is no doubt that Jennifer and Sarah Hart forced the Children to follow the “Rainbow Gathering” and the “Rainbow People“. Fantuzzi has performed a major role in the Rainbow Family since the original Woodstock Festival in 1969.  Fantuzzi occupy a space in the RAINBOW with LUCIFER.

The other day, Minnesota officials finally announced after nearly a two year so-called criminal investigation that charges will not be filed in relation to Prince’s April 20, 2016 death. Prince died from a fentanyl overdose that he didn’t know was fentanyl in that Vicodin. The bottom line is that fentanyl has a unique chemical signature and blueprint that can be traced. Minnesota don’t do any tracing in the case of Hart Witches or Prince.  I really don’t believe very many people really expected any investigation in Minnesota to result in any criminal charges in the first place. The Hart Witches were raised and initiated by secret backwoods and forest Satanic covens of Minnesota that they don’t know anything about either.

Prince & The Rainbow Deception

Prince knew what he was doing when he sold his soul to the DEVIL. It’s hard to say anything when they come to collect. In 2001, Prince produced the album, “The Rainbow Children“, to familiarize the general public with the nature and mysteries of the Luciferic New Age. In the album, he said that the Rainbow Children with the accurate understanding of God and His law went about the work of building a New Nation flying upon the wings of the New Translation of the Covenant. Yes, this Rainbow stuff is the very thing with Rev. Jim Jones, Fantuzzi, Prince, and the Hart WitchesCIA Satanic MK (Occult Bureau) OFTEN. After all the trials and tribulations they had gone thru, Sierra and not one of the children sold their souls to the DEVIL.

By absolutely no fault of her own, precious Sierra was subjected to something (Thing) like out of Jonestown, Guyana that Rev. Jim Jones and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH called the “Rainbow Family“. The bottom line is Our Little Precious Sierra that no rational and reasonable person could deny- ended up like something out of Jonestown- DRUGGED AND SLAIN thrown like a rag doll over the Rainbow Bridge into the mix of the eternal sea.  To add insult to injury to our broken hearts and misery of Sierras loved ones in Texas, they have no rights to claim her body. The HUMAN rights of her beloved and broken heart biological family- the State of Texas TERMINATED in adoption. All of the children’ bodies belong to the Coven of WITCHES! 

Sierra’s soul is free, now. Free for the swift wings of the sparrow to carry to heaven. But, we still want and demand JUSTICE for the crimes committed against Hannah and the Children, and our HUMANITY!



In other words, America’s Foster Care and Adoption System will pay ALL SCANDINAVIAN WITCHES, DEMONS, GOBLINS & WIZARDS to abuse, torture, drink the blood and kill Black Children!

Dehumanized Black Children- THINGS 1-6.

For years, investigators believe, the Turpin kids lived in filth and isolation — with little access to food or hygiene — until their rescue from their family’s home in Perris, California, earlier this year. Allegedly held captive in an intensifying cycle of abuse, most of David and Louise Turpin’s children were severely malnourished when police discovered them in squalid conditions on Jan. 14, according to prosecutors. Some of them were even chained to their beds. Only the youngest, a toddler, seemed somewhat spared and had not been underfed.

Many believe that the THING t-shirts mean little if anything because the shirts are sold on the internet and families customarily wear the shirts to Disneyland. The THING concept is harmless. It comes from Dr. Seuss and “The Cat with the Hat“. Well, they’re full of S.H.I.T!

The Cat in the Hat, Race, Mind Control & Dumbing Down the Masses

U.S. Army Captain Dr. Seuss

During WWII, Son of German Immigrants, Theodor (DrSeuss) Geisel (1904-1991) was a “GOAT” man, a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon. Geisel’s master was the Horned God- PAN.

His philosophy was the OCCULT. The man thought like and acted on behalf of the GOAT GOD! Everything he touched should be suspected to Satanic Masonic mass population trickery and deception.

Fraternity- Freemasonry & the GOAT- Order of Their Establishment 

Dr. Seuss & Sig Ep

There is a direct link between Sig Ep and Freemasonry. It was founded by four (4) Freemasons. William Hugh Carter, was the High Priest of Royal Arch Masons, and a Knight Templar, Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Virginia.  Thomas Temple Wright, member of the Warsaw-Bauman Masonic Lodge #332 in Warsaw, VA. William Lazell Phillips, Freemason, member of the Royal Arch Chapter, Knights Templar and Shrine. Thomas Vaden McCaul, Master Mason, Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar.

Captain Dr. Seuss had been a U.S. Military Intelligence Propaganda Specialist. He was U.S. Army captain and commander of The First Motion Picture Unit (FMPU), later 18th Army Air Forces Base Unit. The Unit was the primary film production unit of the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) during WWII. It was the first military unit made up entirely of professionals from the film industry. It produced propaganda films.

Geisel worked directly under  General Henry Harley “Hap” Arnold. General Arnold was initiated, passed, and raised in Union Lodge #7 in 1927 in Junction City, KS. He joined the Scottish Rite on April 11, 1929, in Leavenworth, KS, and received the 33° on October 19, 1945. He was an American general officer holding the grades of General of the Army and General of the Air Force. Arnold founded the military handmaiden think tank Rand CorporationRobert A. Lovett, as well as General Arnold,  General Carl Andrew “Tooey” Spaatz, and others, such as Curtis E. LeMay set the groundwork for Operation PAPERCLIP– the ultra secret smuggling of the Nazis and Himmler’s SS into the U.S.

“… About the “Cat in the Hat” which incorporates symbolic content of the mind control programs. See Cat in the Hat movie book showing symbolism, such as the RED and WHITE Lighthouse Signal Stovepipe Hat with the GRAMOPHONE HORN inside aka Victor Listening to his MASTERS Voice, FEEline Basement, and holding a “HOE”. Dr. Seuss worked for Army Propaganda and had ties to Standard Oil.

Geisel was a vicious institutional RACIST!


In 1981, Geisel revealed the true genesis of The Cat in the Hat,

“I did it for a textbook house and they sent me a word list. That was due to the [John] Dewey revolt in the twenties, in which they threw out phonics reading and went to a word recognition as if you’re reading a Chinese pictograph instead of blending sounds or different letters. I think killing phonics was one of the greatest causes of illiteracy in the country.” 

John Dewey

“Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”- John Dewey

(See Enter the Dragon: The Secret Order, First Lady, the Cat in the Hat, South Africa & War of Aggression Against the People of Libya) The hidden “mystic puzzle” of  The Cat in the Hat represents symbolically the number “THREE.” He has three rings around his hat, three fingers, three loops to his tie, and three candles on his cake. In Proto-Norse, the THREE brothers’ names were alliterating, *Wódin, Wili, Wé (Proto-Germanic *Wōdinaz, Wiljon, Wǣhaz), so that they can be taken as forming a triad of *wódz, wiljon, wǣhaz, approximately “inspiration (transcendent, manic or prophetic knowledge), cognition (will, desire, internal thought that leads to action) and numen (spiritual power residing in the external world, in sacred objects)”.] Keyser interprets the triad as “Spirit, Will and Holiness”, postulating a kind of Germanic Trinity in Vili and Vé to be “blended together again in the all-embracing World-spirit – in Odin. […] he alone is Al-father, from whom all the other superior, world-directing beings, the Æsir, are descended.

In the opening scenes of Geisel’s animated film version of Cat in the Hat, he suggests quite candidly that there is in fact a “mystic puzzle” layered and hidden in the story.  Later in the film, the Cat actually tells us and do in fact search for something THREE-HEADED, the Wotan triad-“Spirit, Will and Holiness”, in the story which is unseen.

Confronted and challenged by morals of the fish (Christianity), the Pagan Cat wreaks havoc and absolute chaos in the cosmic domain after performing tricks and unleashing Two (2) THINGS of CHAOS into the cosmos. The fish and the public finally agree and demand that the Cat leave their space. The Cat packs up the things (agents of chaos) and leaves the cosmos in absolute CHAOS. In the Crisis of the Absolute CHAOS, the fish confined to a small glass bowl and the American public is unable to restore order.

“That is good,” said the fish.
“He ahs gone away. Yes.
But your mother will come.
she will find this big mess!
And this mess is so big
And so deep and so tall,
We can not pick it up.
There is no way all!”

At the point of the absolute flashpoint of the Crisis, the Cat with his mysteries returns to the cosmic domain of the story, he says, “Have no fear of this mess…”[36]

The Cat restores order to the mess of CHAOS with Magkic and a Luciferian illusion. Finally, Freya Rides and Wotan Reigns again.

The cosmos is restored to its natural order and beauty (archaic paganism), and the fish is left with the dilemma of the Cat People’s ILLUMINATED mysticism, magic; and the mysterious SECRET ORDER over CHAOS; and Christianity. The Cat in the Hat represents the unseen SECRET ORDER (Imperium) that they know nothing about but knows what is best for the masses. The SECRET ORDER have the infinite Pagan wisdom and mysticism unhindered and blinded by the restrains and weakness of Christianity to control the affairs of the world for the good and best interest and order of the Cosmos. According to Dr. Seuss, THINGS are the mind controlled social and religious agents of Secret Order (White Brotherhood) and Masonic CHAOS.



It’s important to say this. Growing up in the Black Community, we were aware of issues of Voodoo, but my mother and elders were afraid to death of it. They would have absolutely nothing to do with it. So, I had absolutely nothing to do with it. We were taught to run from it all. We normally know absolutely nothing AT ALL about Satanic EVILS such as secret Satanism, Wicca, Groves, Covens and SCANDINAVIAN Witchcraft until it bite us in the ASS! That has to change.

Hart meaning a “STAG” was found as heorot in Old English, as well as in German and with variants in Dutch and Swedish. The name Hart has been documented associated with Witches in SE Essex – old witch Hart of Rochford swimming in the Crouch river in the 1740’s and Harriet Hart of Latchingdon, the last in a line of Hart Witches a century later. Furthermore the Harts of South Dakota appear to be related to John Hart (1651- 1714) of Pennsylvania, a wealthy high member of the Friends of Society, of Witney, Oxfordshire, England. In the 17th century, he accompanied William Penn to America to settle Pennsylvania.

The Witch of Ridley Creek

The last time someone was put on trial for witchcraft in Pennsylvania, William Penn was governor and the year was 1684. The trial of two Delaware County women named Margaret Matson and a Mrs. Gethro Hendrickson happened 8 years before the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. The Salem trials resulted in the execution of 20 people and the arrests of over 100. In Pennsylvania, the outcome was much different.

Margaret Matson and her husband, Neels, were Swedish-Finnish settlers who spoke very little English and lived on a farm near Ridley Creek in Eddystone, Pennsylvania. The land they settled, called “New Sweden,” eventually came to be occupied by British settlers.Some of the new settlers claimed that Margaret, a traditional Finnish healer, bewitched their cattle and other animals. They also alleged that livestock gave little milk and that some died because of witchcraft. William Penn oversaw the trial himself in Philadelphia. An infamous Witch of Salem was Elizabeth Hutchinson Hart (1622- 1700).

Harriet Hart was notorious for having committed the commonplace crimes of witchcraft, causing storms, blighting crops in the field and bewitching pigs.  Unlike others of her kind, however, she seemed to have been blessed with a sense of humor.”  Harriet ended up in the Maldon union workhouse in Essex where she died in 1897.

The New Age Hart Witches (Jennifer & Sarah) death body count of innocent black children is now 4 (four); Markis, Abigail, Jeremiah, Sierra with 2 (two) children still missing; Devonte, 16 years, and Hannah, 15 of 16 years old. Four (4) black innocent children have be confirmed slaughtered at the direct evil of Jenn and Sarah Hart, and everybody in the world still dance around the issue including black folk that the bottom line is that Jennifer and Sarah Hart were/are New Age Witches.

They will talk about the Harts belonging to a group of New Age conscious movement initiates that they followed New Age Conscious/Pagan movement musicians from remote forest to forest (Greek Goat God Pan), but they won’t call it a “Grove” or “Covens”. They won’t mention the Hart WitchesShranga- La or Shambala connections to White Supremacy/Secret Doctrine ideology of Vril, Madame Blavatsky, Maria Orsic, Thule, Himmler and the SS occult pseudo-scientific research bureau, Ahnenerbe.



Oprah- Wicked Witch of the West

It should be no surprise at all to anyone that the New Age Witches like Oprah Winfrey and Wizards over the Rainbow would rally to control Satanic narratives to deceive the masses with illusions and trickery in order to take the high moral ground in the case of the Hart Witches and the Black Children.

On the national stage on the idiot box, the Wizard of OZ spoke on the case with all his tricks, smoked mirrors, and the looking glass.

Oprah’s new age pseudoscience doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice chair of the Department of Surgery at Columbia University and medical director of the Integrative Medicine Program (i.e., Columbia’s “quackademic” medicine) program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital to control narratives and explain away the Washington’s Child Protective Services (CPS), Hart Witches and the Children.

His role as a daytime pseudoscience television medical show host is called appropriately, The Dr. Oz Show.

The OZ is merely an ILLUMINATI snake oil salesmen hiding behind a curtain bought and paid for by the New Age Wicked Witch of the West, Oprah Winfrey.

The Children, DeKalbs and the Looking Glass

On April 17, 2018, The Hart Witches’ next door neighbors, Dana and Bruce DeKalb, appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, True Crime Investigations. Dr. Oz described them as the people that tried to help the Childrenthe Witch and Wizard that tried to save the Children from Witches. That Dog won’t Hunt. They were on The OZ Show to control and manufacture the narratives of the Children.

All of a sudden, Dana became the public relations (PR) spokesperson for the Clark County Child Protective Services (CPS) in Washington. She was the CPS expert qualified to explain away to the masses what CPS in Washington should, could and couldn’t do to investigate child abuse cases. Oh, in Washington, she said that they just can’t interview kids without the parents’ permission. The OZ said that CPS can’t do anything about a parent whipping a child. Well, he was lying, too.

On March 15, 2018, the DeKalbs told police that they saw vehicles coming and going at the Hart House just before the Witches made their escape with the Children, but The OZ nor the Dekalbs went there. It certainly suggests that more people, in fact, were involved in the abduction and murders of the Children.

Police said the family of eight were driving a “five- seater 2003 GMC Sierra truck” at the time (file photo). It certainly suggests that the kids may have taken away from Woodland in different vehicles like the reported “2003 GMC Sierra Truck” …

Jennifer Hart on Top Her Brown or Tan SUV

that is substantially different from Jennifer Hart’s brown or tan GMC 9 (nine) seat Yukon SUV with dark tinted windows and black wheels. 

Bruce DeKalb talked about that “little black girl” as if she was only a nameless DEHUMANIZED THING that suddenly appeared banging on his door in the middle of the night crying for help in August in one conversation then November 2017 in another conversation on-air with The OZ.

Tiny Hannah, 16 years old & 19 year old Markis

My so dear little sister, your life matter so much if only you weren’t stolen from the bosom of your family, elders and the community that truly loved you. The bottom line is that to the DeKalbs– Hannah’s cry for help didn’t amount to a cry from a wounded cat, dog or horse, or the DeKalbs are part of the web of the witches’ coven in Woodland, WA. I believe the latter. They turned over wounded Tiny Hannah, a beautiful precious child of God, back over to the Hart Witches then kept their mouths shut until it was time for the witches to escape Witch Mountain with the Children.

Then the Race with the HORNED GOD began – you better be fast as hell to save the children. Not much is said about the background of the Race with the Devil.  The movie script was co-written by Wes Bishop aka Charles William Pelletieri of Nashville, TN. Pelletieri was an intelligence officer of the U.S. Army 82nd Air Borne Division at Fort Bragg, NC. The elite group, the 82nd Airborne Division, trains for extraordinary highly ultra top secret and classified special missions for the Pentagon and Shadow Government. The CIA recruits highly from the 82nd Airborne’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidate trained and programmed killers and assassins.

Just before and after a special operation, social histories and public records of the people directly involved simply disappear from the internet just like Jenn and Sarah Hart. Bruce and Dana DeKalb are no exceptions. However, Bruce DeKalb has a footprint linked directly to Vacaville, CA, home of the CIA’s Little California Prison of Horrors, Vacaville Men’s Medical Health facility, and Lawrence F. Dekalb. Lawrence has a footprint and background linked to wealthy Kansas railroad employees and the town of La Grange on the infamous Oregon Trail. Lawrence and Bruce are linked to a shadowy Dexanna, LTD connected to special transportation and courier services. Dana D. Ashley- DeKalb is linked with La Center, Oregon, and Elk Grove, CA- Sacramento area. We have absolutely no idea what these SCANDINAVIANS do.


Woodland is a visible gateway and pathway to both native American sacred mountains Mount St. Helens and Fort Hood (Bridges to the Gods) for WITCHES, too.[1] The most sad and disturbing part about The Oz Show featuring the DeKalbs is that we didn’t hear a word from Hannah, Devonte, Markis, Jeremiah, Abigail, and Sierra before they were taken across state lines where most of them are now confirmed to have been silenced forever- murdered. If the DeKalbs are lying about when the “little black girl” banged on their door in the middle of the night in August 2017 then November 2017, then they’re lying about other things that they knew, witnessed and heard from the Children. And, Dana’s father, Steve Frkovich, 80, did in fact, expose them as deliberately LYING and concealing information about the Witches and the Children.

Dana’s father told police on a 911 call that it was Bruce that deliberately kept the pair quiet about the Children. Now, Frkovich also won’t talk about the DeKalbs or the Children.

Absolutely WICKED!

At the end of The Oz Show, Dana DeKalb said that she wants everyone listening and watching her to “LOOK INTO THE LOOKING GLASS and SMOKED MIRROR“-if you see something, say something! It made me want to SCREAM! Dana also said that she asked Devonte if he went to school in West Linn, Oregon. For somebody that claimed not to know very much about the Children, from the beginning what did she know about them and West Linn, Oregon?  



In West Linn, Oregon, the Harts raised chickens and “GOATS” and grew vegetables, said neighbor Bill Groener. Sidney Gottlieb in charge of CIA MK OFTEN (Occult Bureau) enjoyed his final days on land he bought with an old log cabin outside a small Virginia town, Boston, where he practiced two of his lifelong hobbies “HERDING GOATS”.[2] Groener isn’t necessarily truthful. The Hart Witches rented a residential house in the city just blocks from the Willamette River. West Linn is another native American sacred place.

It was home to the Willamette Meteorite, officially named Willamette. It is an iron-nickel meteorite found in the U.S. state of Oregon. It is the largest meteorite found in North America and the sixth largest in the world. There was no impact crater at the discovery site; researchers believe the meteorite landed in what is now Canada or Montana, and was transported as a glacial erratic to the Willamette Valley during the Missoula Floods at the end of the last Ice Age (~13,000 years ago). It was long held sacred by indigenous peoples of the Willamette Valley. The indigenous peoples referred to this stone with the name Tomonowos (the visitor from the sky).[3] The meteorite is on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, which acquired it in 1906. I said that to say this. Everywhere the Hart Witches perched and anchored themselves and the children, it was directly connected to the spiritualoccult centers of Wiccamasonic, metaphysical and pseudo-scientific beliefs.

The Witches’ Ride in West Linn

Plus, West Linn has an active Witch Coven. There was a school near their rented house, but the witches deliberately kept the children isolated and confined away from school, neighbors and other children. They didn’t have a television, phones or computers. But, the real the story behind the Children and the Witches in West Linn is the Heart 2 Heart Farms.



The Children and Hart Witches were regulars at a food pantry and farm about 40 minutes south of Portland in Sherwood, Oregon, where they could pick up organic produce. Sherwood lies a more than 16 miles (25 minutes) outside of West Linn.

They were taken regularly to Heart 2 Heart Farms (Good Neighbor Family Pantry) operated by Tyler and Elizabeth Boggs.  Most believe that the surname name, Boggs, actually came from the area called Boak in the parish of Kirkholm. Kirkholm is now Salaspils in Latvia. The Republic of Latvia is an independent republic in the Baltic region of Northern Europe (SCANDINAVIA).

The pantry provides imperfect fruits and vegetables from supermarkets at no cost. Soon, the Harts began to volunteer at the farm, said Boggs’ wife, Elizabeth Boggs. The farm looks like something out of the Jonestown, Guyana Agricultural Compound. The kids would help for a while, then play with the Boggses’ animals or read in the sun.

Devonte was probably the most outspoken and social. Sierra and Hannah and Abigail were quiet. They would read a lot when they were here. They all loved the animals,” Tyler said. The children talked with passion about social justice and the outdoors. “They were focused on the world being a better place, and I think that comes from being raised by people where the emphasis is love and treating the planet carefully,” he said. “They certainly were not stereotypical teenagers.”

Tyler Boggs spent time with the children at the farm — away from their parents — feeding “GOATS” or cows. He said he never saw indications that the children were being abused or deprived of food. If they were, they “had opportunities in abundance to reach out,” Tyler said.[4]

Heart 2 Heart Farms may not intimidate grown people. However, the slaughter and screaming of lambs bother and harm children.

Screaming of the Lambs!

Well, there is quite of bit of Luciferian controversy surrounding Heart 2 Heart Farms, both Elizabeth and Tyler Boggs.

Tyler Boggs– “ …  his guy is the scum of the earth! He pretends he’s a nice farmer that cares about people, animals and the environment but it’s all a scam to take people’s money. He shoots and kills old horses and chops them up for dog meat. He has dead animals rotting all over his “organic” farm. He also thinks he is a smart guy, but really is the dumbest fckwad I’ve ever met. He thinks he is better than everyone else and that he will never be caught for all his illegal bullshit he does. He’s such a creepier, being around him for just a few seconds is all it takes to realized this guy is a sleazeball.”[5] 

The Children were justified to be very much afraid of crazy Elizabeth.

She is accused of being a witch that often cast spells. And, they had to have been extremely afraid of Butcher Tyler Boggs. 

Ritual Slaughter of Animals, Tyler Boggs and Maria Abramovic

Some people say that the Boggs are completely insane.

They are also suspected of practicing witchcraft, and “lots of weird shit!

This piece of artwork is an image of a child and a young teenager who is disassociating during their sexual abuse and torture. This is normal for people and children who live through horrors. Frequently, there is no memory of the abuse and this actually needs to be dredged up from the memory.

They are suspected of being involved in satanic ritual animal sacrificeThe Boggs sacrifice their own farm animals and “drink their blood.”[6]

Tyler Boggs & Miron- Aku

The Children were too afraid to run away from the farm. The Boggs’ magkic was Old Religion and powerful. Miron- Aku watched over the farm. Walpurgishall:Miron-Aku was one of the last infamous SCANDINAVIAN Finnish witches, the keeper of the ancient knowledge. Her rituals were recorded for studies during the Maria Orsic Ahnenerbe expedition, which was led by Yrjö von Grönhagen by the personal appointment from SS-1 Henrich Himmler.

Ancient tree and forest spirits also blocked their escape from the farm. Imprisoned in totally alien demonic Satanic world, the Children were kept strictly isolated and scared out of their minds.

In fact, Jennifer Hart admitted, particularly Devonte and Tiny Hannah, had been severely traumatized by the ritualistic DEATHS OF CATS & ANIMALS!

In Jordan, MN, 2 and ½ hours outside of Alexandria, MN where the Children were raised, 37 children made allegations of the manufacture of child pornography, ritualistic animal sacrifice, coprophagia (consumption of faeces), urophagia (consumption of urine) and infanticide. In the 1980s, twenty-four adults were arrested and charged with acts of sexual abuse, child pornography and other crimes claimed to be related to Satanic Ritual Abuse; three went to trial, two were acquitted and one convicted.[7] Former Jordan trash collector, James Rud, was convicted of 10 (ten) counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct for 10 (ten) different boys and girls, according to civil commitment papers filed by Scott County, MN.Two defendants were tried and acquitted when one child witness recanted his accusation of abuse. (Chicago Tribune, 1984). The prosecutor dropped the charges against all other defendants to avoid releasing 126 pages of police notes containing allegations that implicated some of the former defendants in ritualistic child murders. (Ogintz, 1984). [9]

SCANDINAVIAN Boggs and Their Bones

Bones by themselves are not necessarily necromantic – they are just used as means of communicating with the spirits.



Dangerous Iranian ILLUMINATI DOPE HEAD- Ava Nusheen Bakhtiar 

Recently, family friend Persian (pan-sexual?)  Nusheen Bakhtiar has come forward to tell the world that Jennifer Hart was a loving mother. “We weren’t duped, that love wasn’t fake,” Bakhtair said. “They loved their children, they weren’t WHITE SUPREMACISTS. They just were isolated, they were in pain. She was in constant anxiety.”

Happy- Bakhtiar and her Female Little Bear

Still, Bakhtiar has a hard time believing the crash was intentional. “We loved them, they loved their children, they were spiritual, they were about nature they loved animals, they were rescuers. I don’t feel like I didn’t know them,” Bakhtiar added. RESCUERS? She is a former office manager of DOPE Magazine.

Bakhtiar boyfriend is Samuel Watson, above. He ran a marijuana dispensary called GreenSky Collective with his wife, Erika Yoshida Watson.  Erika is the daughter of sauce tycoon Junki Yoshida, and although her father doesn’t invest directly in cannabis, her real-estate company, Expanse, is backed by the Yoshida Group.

Sensei Junki Yoshida is a 7th Degree Black Belt of Japan Karate Federation Ryobukai. He runs a martial arts dojo in Portland. Yoshida’s parent dojo is in Tokyo, Japan, led by Grand Master Yasuhiro (Takehiro) Konishi upon which Ryobukai was founded. He would very well be Oregon and Washington’s Ninja.

Junki is the CEO and Chairman of the Yoshida Group, a Portland-based conglomerate of 20 diverse companies. Is there a Japanese ILLUMINATI? Yes. The Queen’ of England’s [Coven of the Red Dragon] representative in her Japanese reign is the Emperor of Japan.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and  Masonic Grand Master of England greet Emperor Akihito of Japan and Empress Michiko as they arrive at a lunch for Sovereign Monarch’s held in honor of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, at Windsor Castle, on May 18, 2012 in Windsor, England. In a generational change in the Western secret government, David Rockefeller has ceded power to his nephew Senator Jay Rockefeller. He is the thirteen (13) most powerful person in the ILLUMINATI.

Former Virginia Governor and U.S. Senator, Jay Rockefeller 

Baron David Rothschild

Evylin Rothschild, for his part, has ceded power to Baron David Rothschild. According to Ninja  Shiramine, American Ninjas now report to Jay Rockefeller.

Wealthy International Ring- Junki and Erika Yoshida

It’s the first real-estate company in Oregon to specialize in WEED properties. In 2015, state officials closed the Watsons’ GreenSky marijuana dispensary and their Step by Step Child Care Center. n 2015, state regulators forced licensed childcare providers to make a choice: profit from pot or kids, not both. New rules prohibited anyone who applies for a childcare license from growing or distributing marijuana, either at the day care or elsewhere. Watson’s girlfriend, Bakhtiar, is the front trying to reopen the Concordia (Step by Step/GreenSky) day care, in the same location. In January 2017, she re-opened the GreenSky marijuana dispensary as a co-owner under a new name- Jefferies. And Watson is trying to open a new state-licensed marijuana shop in the North Portland storefront he previously used for medical marijuana.

The International Yoshida Group Control the Narrative about Jennifer Hart

Bakhtiar, Yoshida, Watson & the Hart Tribe

Bakhtiar and the international ring, Yoshida Group, certainly adds a mysterious dark circle spin to the Satanic Ritual Abuse and Programming of the Children. In fact, Bakhtiar bankrolled by the Yoshida Group are officially in charge of public relations– fostering the national/international false image of Jennifer Hart after the racial mass murders of the Children. In fact,  Bakhtiar is the official public relations (PR) spokesperson for the Lutheran Hart Family in South Dakota that have all agreed not to talk to the press about Jennifer Hart.

From the day that Jennifer Hart’s SUV went off the cliff, California State Highway Patrol, Mendocino County, and the FBI have been working closely with law enforcement officials in South Dakota to control the narratives about the Hart Witches.  Bakhtiar works hand and hand with Jennifer’s aunt, Georgene Wilson-Becker of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to spin the story and control the narrative about Jennifer Hart. Their racialist based narrative is that it was the hopeless social deviant and misfit drug addicted black Children that drove an idealistic social conscious activist and optimist Jennifer Hart off the deep end.  According to the Hart Family PR spokesperson, Bakhtiar, the bodies of Jenn and the Children have been cremated. Their ashes will be sent to Georgene in South Dakota. Bakhtiar will then take the ashes back to Oregon. She was asked about the Children’s black biological parents and loved ones in Texas- whether or not they had been contacted. Bakhtiar dismissed them entirely as a bunch of drug addicts that abused and malnourished the Children. F-K YOU, END OF STORY!

The woman is not only a vicious sick elitist Racist- she’s absolutely CRAZY!  Bakhtiar said Hart may have been both a great mother and someone capable of killing her family in a “MOMENT OF DARKNESS“. Darkness! She should know better about international dark circles.



Elizabeth Boggs with Parrot/Macaw perched on her shoulder, and the Viscount Tredegar circa 1935, with Blue Boy the macaw perched on his shoulder.

Old Religion Witch of the New Forest- Sybil Leek & her Bird

During the 1930s in Britain, Aleister Crowley and Aldous Huxley were linked to the Satanic Coven of British bi-sexual/homosexual Devil Worshiper, Lord Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar that the Great BEAST hailed as the Adept of Adepts.

Crowley said that his family was descended from King Arthur. The legendary city of Camelot was supposed to have been at the nearby Roman site of Caerleon. Crowley even described his lordship as “The Rightful Heir to Excalibur”.

Queen Mary, Old Religion- Coven of the Red Dragon

Lord Morgan & Cherub X Sign in Sacred Reverend to Him

The image of chubby-cheeked babies with wings cherub actually wasn’t around until the Renaissance, when artists depicted the lower-order angels as children. Queen Mary of England (Coven of the Red Dragon), the present queen’s grandmother, called Lord Tredegar “My favourite bohemian”.

The Black Panther, T’Challa,  Sacred X Sign in Reverend to Lucifer

Lord Tredegar was known as the Grand Master of the Black Mass.[10] 


Old Religion Satanic Black Mass

Knight of Malta Lord Tredegar elite British underground homosexual Satanic coven and cult was called, “THE BLACK CIRCLE.” John, Duke of Bedford, in his autobiography “A Silver Spoon” recounts the occasion when Evan conducted a divination in the Kings Room of Tredegar (Evan’s bedroom). He describes how Evan entered wearing the robes of a “dead, Egyptian witch”, and brandishing this witch’s mummified hand, proceeded to cast a fortune as “the fire light danced across the four poster bed, an overheated room became icy cold, and owls flew ever around the cornice!”[11]

Secret Black Circle Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess

The BLACK CIRCLE included Nazi Germany’s Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess of the Thule–Gesellschaft (Thule Society), one of Hitler’s closest confidants. Lord Tredegar had also visited the German home of Ernst Rohm (Thule Society), the head of the SA, and they shared a male lover.

Secret Black Circle Vicious Homicidal Homosexual Ernst Julius Günther Röhm

Ernst Julius Günther Röhm was a German military officer and an early member of the Nazi Party. As one of the members of its predecessor, the German Workers’ Party,  he was a close friend and early ally of Adolf Hitler and a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung (SA, “Storm Battalion“), the Nazi Party’s militia, and later was its commander.

Based on  accounts by the  contemporaries of Evan Frederic Morgan ( 1893-1949 ),  the last  Viscount Tredegar,  author  William Cross  reveals a  shocking   story of  a  dangerous, predatory  homosexual  with a  taste  for seducing  the native boys of  Bali and  North Africa.  An  early  example  of  sex  tourist,   Evan  twisted,  charmed  and  lied  his way around  the world  in  pursuit  of   avarice,   high- jinx,   self-gratification and  adventure .  Morgan   was  openly   degenerate,  his  wealth, position  and  arrogance   combined  to  make   it  easy  for him  to  pick  up   ‘rough trade’  on  streets and  in  cafes  and  lure   his  young, often innocent  victims  into drugs, sexual shenanigans, black mass rituals and flagellation.  Even under Vatican control and surveillance  by  MI5,  Evan Morgan escaped  any  scrutiny or restraint and carried on  regardless.

In the case of the Hart Witches and the  mass racial murders of six (6) black children, the dark satanic circles, witches’ covens, groves and their crimes against humanity have also escaped scrutiny and restraint in this country. It also continues and carry on regardless.



California Highway Patrol Lt. Commander Bruce Carpenter said that the Hart Witches drove about 77 miles upstate Washington to the small town of Naselle, Washington before their alleged drive to the California.

Naselle in Pacific County, Washington is an extremely isolated, secluded and rugged area of the state. It is a Scandinavian town surrounded by lakes.  It is very near the Columbia River estuary, the valley’s Naselle River flows west into nearby Willapa Bay and then into the Pacific Ocean. Close about the town lie the evergreen-covered Willapa Hills. The Willapa Hills receive abundant rainfall and a number of rivers originate in the region, including the Chehalis River, Willapa River, North River, Bone River, Niawiakum River, Palix River, Bear River, Naselle River, Grays River, and Elochoman River, among others.

You have to wonder why an Amber Alert wasn’t issued on the Hart SUV and why Lt. Shannon Barney of Mendocino County Sheriff’s department never did alert the public of the license plate number or the color of Jennifer Hart’s SUV that it was racing with. There are no surveillance videos of Jenn’s brown SUV in the Safeway store parking lot or around Ft. Bragg, CA? Maybe, it shows that Jennifer, Sarah, Devonte and Little Hannah were never in California at the time the SUV went off the cliff.

Lt. Commander Carpenter said that investigators were trying to determine why they stopped in Naselle and whether they contacted anyone. Well, there has not been an update on the Hart Naselle connection and contact even though there may be no more than 500 people in the entire town . And, I don’t expect any further law enforcement updates on Jennifer, Sarah, Children and Naselle. It could very well be a fact that Jennifer and Sarah never even drove to California with the Children.

Even Hitler must be rolling over in his grave laughing about chasing Laura Louise of Rosemary’s Baby-  looking like Jenn Hart. That certainly wasn’t Jennifer Hart in Fort Bragg, CA on March 25, 2018. That woman looks nothing at all like Jennifer Hart.

Naselle and the Finnish-American Folk Festival

Jennifer Hart was baptized a LutheranScandinavian Finnish roots also run deep in Lutheranism. The Lutheran Church is the national church of Finland. The secret old religion GOAT (Horned Godis also at the roots of Naselle, Washington.  At the beginning of the early modern period (1500-1800), Finland was famous for her witches, and especially the great shamans in Lapland.

New witchcraft theories (i.e. the theory of flying witches who traveled to the Devil’s Sabbath) arrived in Finland in the 1660s. The colorful stories regarding Finnish witches were well based: The amount of people accused of witchcraft and magic was quite large.

They Offer Their Children to the Horned Goat God

St. Nick & The Horned Devil God

Finnish Lapland is the only authentic home of Krampus. According to legend, Krampus is a demon who punishes misbehaving children around the holidays, while St. Nicholas (AKA Santa Claus), rewards good children. In 2010, the population of Naselle was 419. The community first flourished as a logging town, and logging remains the dominant private industry. Settled primarily by Finnish and Scandinavian immigrants. The history of Scandinavia is the history of the region of northern Europe comprising Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland are at times considered part of Scandinavia. The Nesalle community has maintained its cultural heritage. Since 1982, Naselle has hosted a “Finnish-American Folk Festival” every other year, and in 2006 co-hosted, with the nearby city of Astoria, OR, the national festival FinnFest USA.

Astoria, Oregon-  the Goonie Cult and Coven lies directly across the Columbia River from Naselle. The Goonie House fly the Israeli Zionist flag of the Star and Shield of David. Even the Hart Witches’ home in Alexandria, Minnesota was a SCANDINAVIAN town surrounded by lakes.

If Devonte and Tiny Hannah were Black Mass blood sacrificed in and around the rivers and forests around Naselle,Washington, their bodies may never be found. I have said enough!



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Hood

[2] https://www.nytimes.com/1999/03/10/us/sidney-gottlieb-80-dies-took-lsd-to-cia.html

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willamette_Meteorite

[4] http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article208294694.html

[5] https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/portland/douche-bag-farmer-tyler-boggs/#post-1423507

[6] https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/portland/douche-bag-farmer-tyler-boggs/#post-1423507

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism

[8] http://gentlemanspy.blogspot.com/2013/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html

[9] https://www.sfwar.org/pdf/Ritual_Abuse/RA_RA-Info_1997.pdf

[10] http://gentlemanspy.blogspot.com/2013/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-gb-x-none.html


[11] Id.


22 05 2014


The events which transpired five thousand years ago; Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years From now or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event.”  Dr. John Henrik Clarke -–


The FBI’s COINTELPRO program was a major veiled Luciferian-ILLUMINATI program initiated to suppress the rise of a mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH” that would unity the world, defeat and expel EVIL and return mankind to Universal Love, Peace, Balance, Harmony, and Justice forever. You won’t learn this in any school or university, but the Prophesy of the Deliverer and BLACK MESSIAH maybe one of the world’s most suppressed and greatness secrets.

On March 4, 1968, the FBI under the U.S. Justice Department issued the infamous official U.S. Government target memorandum of March 4, 1968 to “Prevent the Rise of a Messiah” among Black People “who could unify and electrify” the masses. This directive is broad and arbitrary enough to sweep under its web the inclusion of anyone in the Entertainment and Sport’s Industry across the globe. This directive has not been retracted. It remains effective official U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICY and plans deemed even today to be necessary to establish a New World Order (NWO) without Black People and the threat and the Prophesy of the BLACK MESSIAH.[1]

The Forces of EVIL


African-Moroccan-born Karima El Mahroug AKA Ruby the Heart Stealer beside the Ancient Etruscan Typhon (Set-Seth-SATAN) bracing himself beneath the land . Ruby the Heart Stealer was the international MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten used to bring down ILLUMINATI billionaire Italian Prime Silvio Berlusconi.[2] The downfall of Berlusconi was a power play, shift- ILLUMINATI house cleaning.


In June 2013, three-time Satanic Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, above, was sentenced to seven years in jail for paying for sex with a minor, Mahroug, and covering it up.[3] Remember, the Luciferian Hauptsturmführer-SS (Captain) Dr. Josef Mengele, the Demon of Death, was one of the main architects of the CIA’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control program. Sex Kittens go through an advanced process of Eindeutschung (trauma based mind control-multiple personality programming) that was developed and perfected primarily by SS Josef Mengele in Nazi Concentration Camps. One of his most insidious programs involved programming children, some from infancy, thru Eindeutschung to become future assassins and sex slave espionage-change agents for the New World Order with Lucifer as GOD.

Karima El Mahroug- Caged Sex Kitten

Mahroug’s ritual sex abuse began when she was viciously raped at 9 years old. At that age, she also perfected in the mental survival art of “DISSOCIATION” to deal with the pain, mental suffering and human degradation. As early as 16 years old, Mahroug had been become one of Berlusconi’s favorite sex kittens.[4] Luciferian MK ULTRA Sex Kitten- Mahroug reduced to a wild “Animal Nature.”

When we discuss MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kittens, you can’t separate it from Dr. Mengele and National Socialism’s designs for a NWO, and its pseudo race theory worldview of “applied biology” and GENOCIDE of perceived inferior races- the Untermensch.[5]


Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, “IT TYRANNIZES” –Marquis de Sade, ILLUMINATI (1740-1814)

The ILLUMINATI/Satanic secret political and wealthy international (EYES WIDE SHUT) sex dens, sex parties, pedophile rings and circles of lust, control, espionage and “whitemail” that MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kittens worked within, Mahroug called the BUNGA BUNGA.[6]  NWO Sex Kittens have also become part and partial of a Satanic Underworld that is consuming the professional Entertainment and Sport’s Industry that Blacks have become most prominent.




People in Glass Houses Don’t Throw Stones

They are beginning to sling very heavy bricks in the NBA ILLUMINATI. Things and secret agendas are being revealed that have been kept behind closed doors and veiled for generations.

Don’t be confused by the media spin, neither Vanessa Perez aka Vivian Stiviano or Magic Johnson has the influence, ability or power to bring down, Donald Sterling, a principal member of the ILLUMINATI, and a powerful, rich and influential secret Jewish cabal. They are only pawns and pasties in the game. They can’t make any independent moves on this scale without enticement, directions and collaboration of the Shadow Government and powerful Secret Societies. This is a power struggle, play and shift within the cabal that is rapidly spinning out of their control of public perceptions.

Magic Johnson is a front and puppet Negro for the secretive billionaire Guggenheim Partners that has the power, money and craving to seize the Los Angeles Clippers out of Sterling‘s hands.[7] Meyer Guggenheim was the patriarch of what became known as the “Guggenheim Family.” He was born in Lengnau, Aargau, Switzerland, was of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and emigrated to the United States in 1847.[8] The powerful “Guggenheim Family” is intermarried within the Ashkenazi-ILLUMINATI House of Rothschild.[9]

Bernard Mannes Baruch (August 19, 1870 – June 20, 1965) was an Ashkenazi -Jewish American financier, stock investor, philanthropist, statesman, and political consultant to U.S. Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.[10] Behind the veil, he was the virtual Zionist House of Rothschild dictator and a principal profiteer (raider of public treasury) of America during WWI and WWII. During WWI, Baruch delivered most of the profits of the copper industry to the “Guggenheim Family.” Baruch was the principal proponent of the “open conspiracy” of WWI and WWII; and the establishment of the Zionist State of Israel, and the One/New World Order with Jerusalem as its capital.[11]

Sterling won’t dare open his mouth about the “Guggenheim Family,” the House of Rothschild or the Ashkenazi Cabals. However, someone is going to pay the price for these disclosures. There will be a BODYCOUNT. Nevertheless, Sterling thinks that he has the leverage and license to out, demonize and expose the contradictions of their pasty front man, EarvinMagic” Johnson.


“See God gave us the Talent, but the DEVIL make us Famous.”Barry Sanders[12]

Above, legendary NFL running back Barry Sanders and Scott Stapp of Creed, Stapp is a known Satanist and is reported to enjoy eating his own Shit.[13] Donald Sterling’s recent CNN television interview with CIA (Project MOCKINGBIRD) gay propaganda specialist Anderson Cooper got out of hand, or maybe it had been designed that way.[14]

Donald Sterling: “What has he done? Can you tell me? Big Magic Johnson, what has he done?… He’s got AIDS.”[15]

Donald Sterling: “Well, what kind of a guy [Magic Johnson]goes to every city, has sex with every girl, then he catches HIV? Is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about?”… “I think he should be ashamed of himself. I think he should go into the background. But what does he do for the black people? He doesn’t do anything.”[16]

Sterling said Jewish people spend great amounts of money helping other Jews who are poor while rich black people turn their backs to people in need.

Donald Sterling: “That’s one problem I have. Jews when they get successful they will help their people and some of the African-Americans — maybe I’ll get in trouble again — they don’t want to help anybody.”[17]

Richard Pryor- Blacks & the BUNGA BUNGA HollyWeird Underground

The Late Richard Pryor (December 1, 1940 – December 10, 2005) wasn’t the strongest among us and he never pretended that he was. He was a fragile human being that sold his soul to the DEVIL for fame and fortune. Under the veil of his humor, he often used comedy to send serious messages to the masses. In this video under the cover of a Celebrity Roast, he let it all out exposing the HollyWeird BUNGA- BUNGA that aspiring Blacks in the entertainment industry are subjected to for fame and fortune. It hasn’t stopped. It is expanding becoming MORE and MORE threatening and frightening layered deeply in SATANISM. It’s growing widespread in the HollyWeird Entertainment and in the Professional Sports Industry- MK ULTRA Satanic Ritual Abuse (Multiple Personality Disorder) Mind Control.

Ervin Magic Johnson & the GLASS HOUSE

Magic JohnsonHelp Black People! Sterling knows that Magic‘s house is built of GLASS. That’s the way they’re made it for the Negro Satanic Cabal. They build their house to look through, shake, rattle and splatter like GLASS. He knows very well that Magic may not even be able to help himself or his family.

Since 1991, there has been persistent rumors that Magic Johnson was bisexual and was infected with the AIDS virus through a homosexual relationship. In January 2014, an odd photo was posted on the internet of Magic Johnson at one of Jerry Buss’ Lakers Picnics. Magic is carried away by what appears to be a naked man. They say that the man has on tight-tight short-shorts which may be true yet still puzzling, but look at the dude in the background with his hands on his hips.[18] Where are the other Lakers?


In a recent interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Magic Johnson said that when he first arrived in Los Angeles Lakers’ owner Jerry Buss took him to a private party at Sterling’s beach house 35 years ago.[19] 35 years ago in 1979, the Lakers selected Magic Johnson with the first overall pick of the NBA Draft.[20] Sterling‘s Malibu beach house maybe the site where the picture was actually taken at. And, there’s probably more incriminating photos of Magic Johnson in uncompromising positions with white men.

Furthermore, I suspect this was the site where Earvin Magic Johnson signed and sealed his Covenant with the Ashkenazi Luciferian-ILLUMINATI for Fame and Fortune as Richard Pryor plainly implies with dehumanizing acts of sodomy. Sterling may actually know a lot more about Magic Johnson then we suspect. He may have turned the Negro him out- BUNGA- BUNGA.

Magic Johnson: “Tyler Perry called me right after the interview. He was so upset … I mean, look, we help each other, you know, and we ….and what we try to do is band together [twin]… “[21]

That’s really interesting that out of all the people in the world, Magic said that the first person that called him after Sterling’s Rant had been former MK ULTRA/MONARCH Child Sex Slave and notorious cross dresser, Tyler Perry.


Magic Johnson– BLANK Eyes and Emotion Impersonalizing a Female Hockey Player- A Sad Joke of a Man to the ILLUMINATI. That’s the way he’s been programmed. Furthermore, either Magic sacrificed his son, E.J., to the ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda, or they Eindeutschung-Ritually Satanic AbusedRAPED him as a CHILD.


EJ Johnson with boyfriend in Gothic Black with Classic MK ULTRA Mind Control Programming- Animal Patterned (Sex Kitten) Leopard Print- SHOES


EJ Johnson Satanic- Eyes Wide Shut


EJ Johnson Satanic- Eyes Wide Shut


EJ Johnson- Animal Patterned (Sex Kitten) Leopard Print- SHOES

The Leopard Print dressing as a cat refers to the Sex Kitten Programming or Cat alter. This is the most sexual programming. Yes, even men have this alter. BETA- referred to as “sexual” programming. This programming eliminates al learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.

THELEMAZayin: The name of the Hebrew letter corresponding to the Number 7 and the Hebrew word for “sword“. The sword is a symbol of the Divine Word cutting through the circle of infinity- or non duality- to begat creation. The existence of such creation depends on the dualistic nature of mind. The principle embodied by the sword is division and therefore doubling- a principle also associated with the Kemetic GodSET. The name of Set is related to the word Sept, meaning “SEVEN”.[22]


Demonic EJ & Francis Borgia –1510-1572- THE CLAW HAND SYMBOL. Borgia– 4th Duke of Gandia, 3rd Superior General of the Society of Jesus. (Formerly known as Los Allumbrados, the ILLUMINATI, and the Knights Templar.[23]

Don Lemon & the GLASS HOUSE



Don Lemon & Dating Partner CNN Producer Ben Tinker

CNN’s Don Lemon is the latest to enter the Donald Sterling NBA ILLUMINATI sling fest. Late April on CNN, Lemon called Rush Limbaugh a “stunt king” for a offhand remark on the air that Sterling was in so much trouble because he hadn’t donated enough money to President Obama. Limbaugh threw a brick back on the air that Don Lemon is someone “who sleeps with men, proudly.”[24] In other words, don’t throw bricks too far in your Glass House.” Betcha By Golly Wow, he left Limbaugh alone.

Don Lemon is also some type of Operation MOCKINGBIRD CIA operative with an ILLUMINATI Gay Agenda. He is allowed a lot of unlimited airtime and exposure to promote the Gay Agenda, and particularly confuse the masses; belittle, bash and demonize Blacks.[25] He jumped right in the middle of the Ashkenazi Power Struggle with Donald Sterling. Lemon (br. 1966) came out of the closet a couple of years ago. He admits beginning in about 1971 to being ritually sexually abused from the CIA/MK ULTRA’s idea iatrogenic Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) impressionate years of 5 thru about 12 years old.[26] He said that his sexual abusers had been neighborhood teens. What group of teenagers and young adults would have the cohesiveness of a cult to criminally sexual abuse and RAPE him for seven years? The more likely scenario is that he belonged to a CIA MK ULTRA children’s subproject of “twinning” Satanic Abused Children programmed to become future agents.[27]

For years, Tyler Perry had been making the same accusations that people in his black neighborhood had been responsible for his ritual sexual abuse and RAPE as a child. On the air on Oprah’s Show, he slipped and admitted that he had been ritually sexually abused by nurses in hospital gowns- Iatrogenic/CIA/MK ULTRA.

Nonetheless, the bottom line is that if Lemon was a CIA MK ULTRA Satanic ritually abused child and I believe that he was- 7 years of Eindeutschung ritual mental and sexual abuse would have “fractured” his subconscious into dozens of “alter personalities.” What we know is Don Lemon is very strange and atypical of an ordinary black man. In his so-called bio, Transparent, he alludes to associating with and dating exclusively “white men.”[28] Lemon’s role model is past former California Governor/U.S. President Ronald Reagan– the alter ego of Knight of the Black Sun SSHauptsurmfuhrer Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing. We also know that he is a Negro lap dog and subservient of Fox News JESUIT- Bill O’ Rilley.[29]

Lemon’s MPD impressionate years was spent at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Baton Rouge where he was first most likely violated, and the scientific satanic ritual sexual abuse really began there. Saint Francis Xavier, born in 1506, was a co-founder of the JESUIT Order- The Military Order of the Roman Catholic Church.[30]


Saint Francis Xavier impersonating God Ausar and Good Heart-MAAT of Osiris, bi-crossed arm symbol across the chest- the pharaohic homage to the Great God Ausar- OSIRIS.

“[Francis] Xavier was once again remarkably successful in converting tens of thousands of Japanese to Christianity, according to Ryu Ohta, a long-time researcher into the Illuminati agenda to conquer Japan. The blueprint was the same – employing the knowledge of black magic and mind control to target the ‘ruling class’ and ‘opinion formers’, who would then influence the population.” [31]


Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and President George W. Bush & The Inverted Triangle Occult Symbolism

“The alchemical/magical symbol for water is an inverted triangle, symbolizing downward flow. The downward pointing triangle is an ancient symbol of femininity, being a representation of female genitalia. One of the four alchemical elements, water has the properties cold and moist, and symbolizes intuition, the unconscious mind, and the enclosing forces of the womb.”[32]


Here, Don Lemon shows a lot of pain and emotion acknowledging and subjecting himself to ILLUMINATI Occult Symbolism and the Satanic Inverted Triangle Hand Symbol

“In esoterica, pyramids are symbols of the comprehensive, secret, but lost, knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, a knowledge that cannot be confirmed.”—following this definition, the inverted pyramid could mean both the abandonment of the arcane for convention, or the rebelling against convention in favour of the arcane. More generally, it could simply mean that one has devoted their life to esoteric knowledge.” Source: The Illustrated Signs & Symbols Sourcebook” by Adele Nozedar ; “The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols” edited by Udo Becker


Donald Sterling’s now infamous recorded rant to his girlfriend, V. Stiviano, included a chilling statement that fraternizing with Black People was like “TALKING TO THE ENEMY.”[33]

ENEMY” is a strong word, and emotions associated with the enemy would include anger, hatred, frustration, ENVY, JEALOUSY, FEAR, distrust, and possibly GRUDGING RESTPECT. As a political concept, an enemy is likely to be met with HATE, VIOLENCE, BATTLE and WAR.[34]

The question has not been asked- why is a powerful, rich and influential secret Jewish cabal carrying on a permanent clandestine battle and rage of war against Black People?  Well, it appears that either not many people understand the true ramifications of that statement or it’s being swept under the rug, covered up and dumb down. If you believe that the ILLUMINITI isn’t serious and worried about the implications of Sterling‘s statements, take a good look at who they are fronting todumb down the public.



Richard Parsons, African-American Front Man was CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Zionist Rulers of the Time-Warner Media Empire.”[35]

Above, Richard Parsons and William Randolph Hearst with the ILLUMINATI Hidden Hand Symbol. To divert the attention of the masses away from Sterling’s Rant that went well beyond the confines of basketball to the designs of a New World Order without Black People, the NBA has applied an old faithful BOOTLICKER, Richard (DICK) Parsons, like “SHOE POLISH” to act as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sterling’s’ Los Angeles Clippers.[36] Don’t be fooled for one moment, Parsons has only the ILLUSIONS of black power.


Parsons is a “Rockefeller Republican.” He was a direct Omega Psi Phi 6′ 4″- 23 year old Black Mandingo Basketball Stud product of former New York Governor and Vice President of the United States, Nelson D. Rockefeller (July 8, 1908 — January 26, 1979);[37] and the Rockefeller’sThe Old-Boy Network.”[38] The Rockefeller Family have been loyal allies of the Ashkenazi– House of Rothschild since the later part of the 19th Century. The Rockefellers owe their enormous wealth and fortune to ties with the Rothschilds and remain loyal to their interests- Israel, One-World Government, Freemasonry and the ILLUMINATI.[39] Parsons is a longstanding member and supporter of the New World Order (NWO) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its genocidal agendas.[40] Former CEO of Time Warner, he is a leading and dangerous propagandist for the ILLUMINATI.

One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company- the worlds leading vaccine manufacturer.Dr. Len Horowitz, “Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda” [41]


Don Lemon & Richard Parsons- Satanic Inverted Triangle Hand Symbol

You may think that describing DICK Parsons as a BOOTLICKER is a little too harsh and insensitive for an aspiring Negro in America. When Parsons took over Dime Bancorp in 1994, one of his own Jewish sponsors- billionaire self-proclaimed “ardent Zionist” former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg,[42] told it as it is that DICK was just “The Rockefeller Protégé Who’s Polishing the Dime.”[43]


Dick even married an Ashkenazi (explained below) woman, Laura Ann Bush.[44] They live on one of the houses on the late John D. Rockefeller’s Kykuit Estate in New York that has been home to four generations of the family.[45]


We are accustomed to being constant victims to pseudo eugenic racial theories and white supremacy. However, designating Black People as an institutional ENEMY is quite another affair and dimension. It’s not going away by sticking DICK up the public’s you know what- A-HOLE.



Donald Sterling- Rape, Oppression and Control of Black Women

“The girl is black. I like her. I’m jealous that she’s with other black guys.” -Donald Sterling [46]

Sexual Blaxploitation of Women

Mass Media reports that Vanessa Perez aka Vivian Stiviano was demonizingly born of a rape of her mother by a black man, but no evidence has come forth to substantiate the claim. Nevertheless, she is part African and Latino raised within a humble poverty challenged and struggling Latino family in San Antonio, Texas.[47] Next, she showed up at Roosevelt High School in Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles while her mother seemed to have remained in Texas. Vanessa graduated in 2000, the same high school that Donald Sterling graduated from.[48] In 2000, she also showed up at a music video shoot for Tyrese Gibson’s “We Like Them Girls.”[49]


TYPHON-LUCIFER RAISING- BUNGA- BUNGA Sex Kitten Ruby the Heart Stealer & Vanessa Perez

Not much is yet known of her impressionate years, but at 17 years old, Vanessa Perez made it known to concerns shooting and directing the musical video that she was ready and willing to give her Soul to the DEVIL for fame and fortune.

Hypocritical: Sterling told his girlfriend V. Stiviano (pictured left and right), who is Mexican and African-American, that she can sleep with black people but shouldn't bring them to Clippers games

“V wanted to do it all, bottom line, acting modeling, her own TV show… she loves to style people. She wants to be a jack of all trades and to master everything she wants to do.”[50]

In 2002, Vanessa Perez at 19 years old was picked up by police for shoplifting at Ross Dress for Los Angeles. Instead of promises of fortune and fame, she was being turned out. Two years later in 2004, she shows up again on the police blotter arrested for shoplifting. At 21 years old, Perez entered an Old Navy store and tried to steal 11 items worth $174.50. She had turned into a common “booster (shoplifter)” to support a drug habit or a pimp or hustler.[51]

Satanic V. Stiviano and with another “MAGIC” Negro – Former Chicago Pimp-ologist so-called Bishop Don “Magic” Juan

The televised Oprah Winfrey Show began national broadcast on September 8, 1986.[52] One of her first guests was Chicago Pimp 333 Donald Campbell aka DonMagicJuan from “Pimp Stick to Pulpit, It’s Magic” (1994 Vantage Press). He told Pimpmagazine that he had been under a PCP (Angel Dust) binge when God began to “purge” him.[53] Phencyclidine (PCP- Angel Dust) is a CIA- U.S. Department of Defense dissociative drug. It was brought to market in the 1950s as an anesthetic pharmaceutical drug but was taken off the market in 1965 due to itsdissociative hallucinogenicside effects.[54]


Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive and Satanic Number of the BEAST- 666. Regarding the number 3, intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. Obviously twice 333 is 666.[55] Don Juan’s ILLUSIONARY transformation from a pimp to a preacher was a demonic event stamped with the Sacred Occult Number 333 an Occult Signature on that event.[56] Aleister Crowley’s perception of Magick is the art of making changes to realty by “Willed Intent.[57] In HollyWeird Satanic Circles, DonMagicJuan is most likely one of their Pimp-ologist dominance specialist- a MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Handler and Trainer.


At 21, Perez appeared aged beyond her years and under very clear signs of MK Ultra/Monarch DEMONIC influence. We know that she at sometime showed up in Los Angeles Lakers’ owner, Jerry Buss and Magic Johnson’s sex dens and circles as aBUNGA- BUNGA Sex Kitten.[58]

The late Jerry Buss was a pedophilic sexual predator, “a world-class Playmate aficionado who frequently dated teenage girls and used to host his birthday party at a brothel,” in a tribute aptly headlined, “Jerry Buss, Surrounded by Boobs” that’s illustrated exactly like it sounds.”[59]

“A couple of years ago Dr. Jerry Buss had a black female on his payroll. She goes by the name Eve. She’s tall, slim and keeps a bald head. Eve dressed very expensive, Jerry leased her a blue Lamborghini so she could attract the girls. Eve would mack on exotic girls, she would persuade the chics to live at a home owned by Jerry Buss. They had 12 girls living in that house, the girls were paid an allowance and taken out three to four times a week… none of the girls were over 23 years old …”[60]


MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kittens- V. Stiviano and confessed Multiple Personality Disorder Barbie Doll Nicki Minja in Leopard Print- Drawing Animal Sexual Nature


V. Stiviano Teddy Bear Programming (Programmer, helpless teddy bear slave connotation)[61] Teddy  Bear Disassociation Exercise: even the MEANESS, hairy  and heavy-set man will by ILLUSIONS be soft, cuddly, comforting, and safe.[62]

They called BussDoctor.” He earned both a masters degree and Ph.D in chemistry at the University of Southern California. Buss started out as a federal employee working as a chemist for the United States Bureau of Mines, and then worked briefly in the aerospace industry (Douglas Aircraft Company).[63] Of course, McDonnell Douglas was/is a major military intelligence contractor involved with CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI and other government agency clandestine research projects involving MK ULTRA stuff like UFOs, ESP and SS-1 Reichsfuhrer Henrich Himmler’s VRIL” remote viewing studies.[64]

At least one good reliable source of information has clearly identified Jerry Buss as a MK ULTRA BUNGA- BUNGA programmer and handler, and his daughter Jeanie Buss, a MK ULTRA Sex Kitten.[65] Jeanie’s husband, NBA star coach Phil Jackson, is called the “Zen Master” and has been heavy involved in LSD drug experimentation.[66] Buss is known to keep his den of young Sex Kittens supplied with drugs like Cocaine, and most likely experimental mind altering drugs like LSD.[67]


V. Stiviano’s MK ULTRA Satanic Layer- Luciferian Dark Angel

Buss’ BUNGA- BUNGA Sex Kittens were undoubtedly passed down to Magic Johnson to work other black professional athletes and entertainers, “The Lakers point guard neither drank alcohol nor did drugs, but his parties were odes to excess and extravagance. Many Lakers agree the most beautiful women they ever met were encountered at Johnson’s. They were models, strippers, actresses, exotic dancers. There was no hotter ticket than an invite to the mansion, but—while Laker players and opponents were almost always allowed—women had to meet certain criteria. First, they had to be gorgeous. Second, they had to be promiscuously dressed. Third, they had to be willing to do . . . things.” [68]


Another V. Stiviano’s MK ULTRA Satanic Layer- Luciferian Dark Fallen Angel


V. Stiviano with Prominent and Influential Los Angeles Black Politicians Chris Holden and Father Nate Holden in possible MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Espionage/Compromise Assignment?


Instagram photo of V. Stiviano in complete withdrawal and DISSOCIATION as an animal with an atypical sexual nature, a Bunny Rabbit.

In 2010, Vanessa Perez met Donald Sterling thru Jerry Buss . She became his favorite BUNGA- BUNGA silly little rabbit.”[69]


I refuse to slam Vanessa Perez aka Vivian Stiviano a whore, slut or gold digger. She is a mind control “Satanic Sexual Abuse Victim” as is hundreds and thousands of promising beautiful young women of color around the country. The Institutional Sexual Blaxploitation of young women of color crushing their promises to the world have been going on for quite sometime. Even I failed to comprehend how deep institutional Sexual Blaxploitation ran and how it would be expanded GLOBALLY through the Satanic NWO, CIA/MK ULTRA and Shadow Government’s clandestine policies and objectives of population control, and genocide.

One of my first loves that I met in college had been a young lady named, Genie. Genie was one of the most naturally gifted and beautiful women in God’s creation. She was LOVED, respected and feared by her peers and family. Her strange hypnotic exotic eyes, lips and hour glass figure drew eyes from everywhere. Everywhere we went, she was constantly harassed with cat calls, whispers, whistles and car horns. The opposite sex’s most often instant reaction to her was offensively, “Sex Pot” and “Bedroom Eyes.” They harassed her everywhere on the street and on campus.

Once at school, I watched a blind man drop his cover of darkness- stop dead in his tracks and take a long look at her in a white silk form fitting dress. We shared laugher as if we had never known the joy of our youth. Outside of the hustle and bustle, Genie and I were close as if our lives had once intertwined in some previous space or time. Years later, I found out that our surnames “Bullock and Youngblood” were in a remote time just after the Civil War locked in the same African genetic and spiritual stock that once toiled in the black earth of Mississippi on the same plantations of human struggle and tragedy.


Oakland’s Legendary Late Pimps Frank and Ted Ward

Genie was from a very poor and dysfunctional family background of serious drug-dealing, drug-alcoholic addiction, and prostitution. Genie didn’t smoke, drink or do drugs. Living in the world of hustlers and pimps like the infamous Ward Brothers, particularly Frank and Ted Ward, of Oakland wanted her bad. She was worth a lot of money in the sex industry. She always told me that she was smarter than that and could start her own (female pimp) sex-trade business filled with stupid women if she wanted.


 The Mack- Max Julian as Frank Ward with China Doll

Genie reminded me of the beautiful actress, Annazette Chase, that portrayed China Doll [70] in the infamous movie about Frank Ward, The Mack.[71] She favored Genie, but in my opinion. Genie was equally if not more naturally and stunningly beautiful. Genie often called herself, “The Baddish Bitch in Town.” She tried to juggle college and a Hustler’s World. In Oakland, the Hustler’s Commandment was “You’ll do anything to make a dime even sell a piece of your ass.” That played right into the DEVIL’s Workshop.

I remember the day when I turned my back and walked away from her. I had purchased a new car. Genie offered to buy my old VW. When I met her to seal the deal on the car, I was surprised that she was accompanied by a young white male in a business suit. She told me that she had become a sex broker for a powerful rich cabal of Oakland Jewish bankers and financers. I knew that she had become part of a marijuana trade out of Los Angeles, but I tried to always stick beside her. However, I had nothing to do with selling poison to our people even if it was only marijuana.

For the first time, she told me that the large upper class neighborhood house that her family lived in had been provided by them. She told me that they paid for secret safe houses and apartments around Oakland that she managed. They provided money allowances and most likely also drugs to harbor- sexually exploit- RAPE poor and struggling young black women (girls). She tried to convince me that it didn’t involve sex and only involved entertaining and arousing old men from time to time.

When the male began to address me about the condition and providing the seed money to buy the car. For a moment, I moved toward him to knock him out. However, I stopped, turned and walked away from them. I heard her in the background as her voice faded away. She told me that I was being disrespectful and if I joined them that they had the ability with their money and resources to do so more for me than a bunch of broke N****rs.

My vision and dream for Genie was to finish college and enter the business word as a corporate executive. She had all that there was to be successful in that environment. I would see Genie enter a corporate board room like a queen, take over and rule. Genie was godly beautiful, intelligent and ambitious, but lacked wisdom and understanding that GOD and Love of the People was enough and the source of her strength.  I didn’t understand it than that she had made a Pact with the DEVIL. Early on, I had been tempted by Ashkenazi LUCIFERIANS. It still haunts to this day- feeling powerless and realizing what they were really doing- raping them, robbing and sapping the soul and spirit of young sisters forever.

My Beautiful Genie like Vanessa Perez and so-many other desperate young and gifted women want the ILLUSIONS of material wealth and success- “car, the house, the clothes, the designer stuff.” Genie’s overwhelming inter-desire had been to get a college education something that would have been a first for her family of in-laws. But, she was determined and head-strong to make it on her own terms. She also linked human respect to material things and false ILLUSIONS of success. The world only wanted to and did in fact “ravish” her soul, mind, natural beauty and strength. They corrupted and crushed their god given natural spirit, intelligence, intuition and Love for the People like an ENEMY. The People and I only had LOVE to give. We lost a young woman with dreams and the potential and STRENGTH of a QUEEN.

The Plot to Re-Image Donald Sterling

Lately, National Mass Media have began a campaign to try to back away from Sterling‘s starling revelations that has mass institutional and worldwide implications. It stands as a glaring example of not only America but Israel’s hypocrisy and contradictions. It is a potential wake up call and teachable moment for the masses. To divert, change and influence public perceptions, they are beginning to flood the airways with ILLUSIONS that Sterling is not a vehement and institutional racialist with an secret society hidden agenda.

They are trying to re-image the public picture/perception of Sterling from a fervent racist into a poor victim of his own human folly, weakness and passions, JEALOUSY.[72] However, Sterling has never confessed any human LOVE for Stiviano. Nevertheless, Sterling‘s individual passionate JEALOUSY just does not explain how and why Black People are his/their declared secret collective internal ENEMY.

Nonetheless, JEASOUSY and his secret society’s stated inflexible basic necessity to control and dominate Black Women may partly be the truth, but it is deeply veiled. It is a forgotten and hidden “JEALOUSY” and the need to control the “BLACK FEMALE PRINCIPLE” that spans remote generations, continents and strike at the heart and very essence of human civilization.

Donald Sterling, Sexual Blaxploitation & DOMINATION RAPE


I want her [Black Woman- V. Stiviano]… I’m trying to have sex with her. I’m trying to play with her …” -Donald Sterling [73]

Play- RAPE and CONTROL her! Sterling by his own public statements doesn’t have the capacity or HEART to LOVE a Black Woman by his own inflexible strict society/cult codes.[74] Want can generally be defined as having a desire to “possess.”[75] Possess is to have and hold as property; to seize and take control of; DOMINATE.[76] In other words, it is commanded by the inflexible-strict secret society codes that he seize, control and dominate Black Women as if they are “PROPERTY.”

“The physical act of rape damages the body, but much more so the soul. White slave masters practiced rape without impunity as a means of eroding the psychological well being of both slave men and women… In her novel, Harriet Jacobs recounted stories of her repeated sexual abuse by her master, Mr. Flint. Jacobs harps on the notion that “there is no shadow of law to protect her from insult, from violence, or even from death” (Harriet Jacobs 27) … One can only speculate as to why rape is so numerous and frequent in slave societies, but by mentally degrading female slaves, masters ensured the damaged state of their psyche would contribute to their unwavering obedience. This process not only destroyed the lives of black women, but extended also to black men. Most likely, “when white men raped black women they did so not only to subject these females to a violent and dehumanizing experience, but also to emasculate husbands and male kin” (Brenda E. Stevenson 168). Not only are females subjected to immense physical and psychological duress, the humiliation felt by the males due to the fact that they had no control over the rape further reasserted themes of dominance and submission by white owners over slaves.”[77]



Donald Sterling & The Ashkenazi- The Chosen Race

Donald Sterling’s parents, Susan and Mickey, are alleged to have been Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants.[78]  Most of Sterling‘s fellow NBA team owners and the commissioner are linked to this closed cliquish culture and secret business society of ancestral ASHKENAZI JEWRY.[79] Sterling‘s ancestral link to Ashkenazi Jews of Central Europe is believable. Sterling‘s very nature should be understood as that of an Ashkenazi as set forth by a closed culture’s codes, morals, customs, traditions and its system of belief passed down through the generations.

Ashkenazi & the ILLUMINATI


“The ‘ILLUMINATI’ was a name used by a German sect that existed in the 15th century. They practiced the occult, and professed to possess the ‘light’ that Lucifer had retained when he became Satan.” -Red Ice Creations [80]

Château de Ferrières

House of Rothschild’s Mentmore Towers Mansion in England- Scene of Satanic Classics 9th Gate and Eyes Wide Shut

The pivotal group that helped finance the “ILLUMINATI” was the House of Rothschild, members of the Ashkenazi Jews.[81] Their overall master plan is to finance, influence and lead by war or politics sovereign nations and world religions toward an agenda for a Satanic New World Order (NWO) with Lucifer as God and Jerusalem serving as its capital city.[82] Whatever Donald Sterling slip and revealed about the agenda of the ILLUMINATI and its plans of worldwide genocide of people of color must not be underestimated, because it runs far deeper than “PLANTATION MENTALITIES“.


The Ashkenazi Jews are ancestrally linked to the Khazars. The ancient Khazar Empire, was once a major power in Eastern Europe, which in 740 A.D. converted to Judaism. Khazaria, a conglomerate of Aryan Turkish tribes, were almost wiped out by the forces of Genghis Han (1162? – August 1227), but evidence indicates that the Khazars migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Ashkenazim Jewry.[83]

“We found that most of the maternal lineages [Genetic Roots of Ashkenazi Jews] don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,” said coauthor Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in the U.K.[84]


RED HAIRED Tattooed Mummy of an Ancient Eastern European Scythian

The origin of the Khazars and their earliest history is hidden within other peoples of ancient Scythian (Saka) nomadic stock that claim to trace some of their origins to the Amazons and the Lost Continent of Atlantis at a time before the biblical Great Flood.[85] The ancient warlike barbaric Scythians were connected not only to the Hyksos (Shepherd Kings) that infiltrated and overran the Lands of Canaan (Ancient Palestine/Israel) and Lower Kemet during the 17th Century BC, but also to the Ancient Iranians.[86]


RED HAIRED Khazarian

The RED JEWS were a legendary Jewish nation that appear in vernacular sources in Germany during the medieval era until about 1600 AD. Many medieval sources connected them with the Lost Tribes of Israel, owing to the Khazars’ adoption of Judaism, and they are described in Arabic sources as having RED HAIR, a trait associated with the Devil in medieval Germany and possibly the source of the term “RED JEWS“.[87]

The Declaration of Arbroath is an early document written in Latin and promulgated on April 6th, 1320, at Arbroath Abbey in Scotland that claims an early connection between the British Isles and the Scythians, and also link them to the Exodus of the Children (Lost Tribe) of Israel from Egypt.

The Declaration of Arbroath was written to convince Pope John XXII (1244 – 4 December 1334) that Scotland was an independent country. This rebutted the English claim to rule Scotland. To protect its customary sovereign state, Scottish leader, Robert the Bruce (July 11, 1274 – June 7, 1329), defeated the English at Bannockburn in 1314, and recaptured Berwick-on-Tweed (a city on the border with England) from the English in 1319.

The Declaration claimed a direct connection between the Scots and nomadic bands of Scythians coming down out of Spain, and it also mentioned the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt. The ancient tribe of the Scythians once lived in the area to which the “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel were deported by the Assyrian Empire (according to the Bible and historical sources).[88]

Ancient European Anglo-Saxon stocks were descendants of the Scythian-Khazarian-Hyksos. There is no reason to doubt the Irish classic record that documents and link the ancient Scythians as invaders in Israel and Kemet. In no way do I intend to link them directly with biblical or orthodox Jewry, which is the cause of some contention. The Scythian-Khazarian pagan bands did in fact overrun and occupied ancient Canaan- Palestine/Israel.

The Scythians that made up some of the foreign barbaric hordes and kings that invaded Ancient IsraelCanaan and Kemet. These nomadic invaders were called Shepherd KingsHyksos.[89]

Hyksos & the ILLUMINATI

Additionally, Dan Brown, author of popular ILLUMINATI novels, The Lost Symbol, The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons,[90] divulges an important secret of the ILLUMINATI bloodline link to the Scythians and Hyksos.


RED HAIRED Scottish Heritage

It is RED HAIR, which of course is at its highest concentration in Scotland. RED HAIR, having been introduced by their Scythian ancestors, is believed to be its characteristic trait, a mark of their LUCIFERIAN nature. Brown makes repeated references to the importance of RED HAIR, and most importantly, carefully notes that Mary Magdalene was portrayed by Da Vinci as having RED HAIR, as a deliberate reference to her “sacred” heritage.

Piero di Cosimo, Saint Mary Magdalene [RED HAIR] (1490)

According to Dan Brown, Rosslyn takes its name from the rose, which the traditional secret symbol of Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail. As Brown explains:

The chapel’s geographic coordinates fall precisely on the north-south meridian that runs through Glastonbury. This longitudinal Rose Line is the traditional marker of King Arthur’s Isle of Avalon and is considered the central pillar of Britain’s sacred geometry. It is from this hallowed Rose Line that Rosslyn — originally spelled Roslin— takes its name… or, as Grail academics preferred to believe, from the Line of Rose— the ancestral lineage of Mary Magdalene.[91]



The Legend of Osiris, Isis and Set (Seth-Typhon) goes back to an age before recorded time maybe 100,000, 50,000 to 10,000 years ago. Nobody knows for sure. According to the Diodorus, who was born at Agyrium in Sicily in the latter half of the first century B.C., relating in his famous history the following concerning Osiris, Isis and Typhon:

“After Hephaistos, the next king who reigned over Egypt was Kronos (in Egyptian, Keb), who married his sister Rhea (in Egyptian, Nut), and became the father of Osiris and Isis. Others say that Zeus and Hera were the rulers of Egypt, and that from them five gods were born, one upon each of the five epagomenal days, viz., Osiris, Isis, Typhon, Apollo, and Aphrodite.”[92]



Above all, it transformed them from nomad hunters and thieves into a settled people with a god, a priesthood, and a worship, and taught them to believe in divine incarnation, and gave them a hope of resurrection and immortality, and of an existence in heaven, which, they were taught, could only be attained by those who had lived righteous lives upon earth, and through the mercy of Osiris.” [93]

“One of the first acts related of Osiris in his reign was to deliver the Egyptians from their destitute and brutish manner of living. This he did by showing them the fruits of cultivation, by giving them laws, and by teaching them to honor the gods. Later he traveled over the whole earth civilizing it without the slightest need of arms, but most of the peoples he won over to his way by the charm of his persuasive discourse combined with song and all manner of music. Hence the Greeks came to identify him with Dionysus. During his absence the tradition is that Typhon attempted nothing revolutionary because Isis, who was in control, was vigilant and alert …”[94]

” … Seth [Typhon] the Evil One, their brother, envied Osiris and hated Isis. The more the people loved and praised Osiris, the more Seth hated him; and the more good he did and the happier mankind became, the stronger grew Seth’s desire to kill his brother and rule in his place.” [95]

Beyond the early dynasties, God Set (Typhon), above, had become universally known as the “JEALOUS” and EVIL brother of Ausar and Asset. Along with 72 conspirators, Set tricked his brother into a coffin that he nailed tight killing his brother. Set then cut Ausar’s body into 14 pieces and spread the pieces throughout Kemet.


The mutilation of Ausar’s body represented the fragmenting of consciousness, and the separation of Ausar from Asset represented the disruption of the balance of the male and female principles. In Kemetic mythology, Ausar and Asset represented evolution of man and woman into a divine state of being– to subdue their passions and circumscribe their desires on the terrestrial plane which we call earth- to be in harmony with all that existed and show reverence to the “Hidden One” that manifested within the man and woman.[96]



The Scythian-Khazarian- Hyksos hordes entered Canaan and Kemet not to worship or praise, but as nomadic invaders and plunderers. While occupying Lower Kemet as conquerors, they adopted as their spiritual force and God- Ausar and Asset’s JEALOUS and EVIL brother, Set (Seth) known by the Greeks as Typhon.  They chose Set as God justified in JEALOUSY and the EVIL HEART (lack of consciousness-unbelief). They sought to do “SETH’S WORKS” to kill off the Royal Houses of Kemet not in league with them, usurp the throne and all the majesty and MYSTERIES of the Set’s brother and sister, Ausar and Asset.

Most religions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam have significant roots from ancient “Kemet” as it was then known (which means Land of the Blacks). These religions and freemasonry- “… corrupted/distorted the original ancient Kemetian teachings and practices, and this corruption is a result of the nature of the people, who were called, by many Kemetians, Typhonians (meaning Satans or people of Satan). They claim to be the Illuminati (meaning people of Light or enlightenment or inner lightenment).”[97] Seth [Typhon] is identified with the name “Sata” whence comes “SATAN.”[98]

SATAN is known as the Devil and sometimes referred to as Lucifer. The Devil (Satan-Lucifer) is believed in many religions, myths and cultures to be a supernatural entity that is the personification of EVIL and the ENEMY OF GOD AND HUMANDKIND. The nature of the role varies greatly, ranging from being an effective opposite force to the creator god, locked in an eons long struggle for human souls on what may seem even terms (to the point of  dualistic ditheism- opposed principles of good and evil /bitheism- belief in the existence of two gods).[99]


Hebrews 3:12-13 (KJV) states:

 “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an EVIL HEART of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”

An important part of the Kemetic Soul was thought to be the Ib (jb), or HEART. The Ib or metaphysical heart was believed to be formed from one drop of blood from the child’s mother’s heart, taken at conception. The heart was the seat of emotion, thought, will and intention. This is evidenced by the many expressions in the Kemetic language which incorporate the word ib, Awt-ib: happiness (literally, wideness of heart), Xak-ib: estranged (literally, truncated (short) of heart).

EVIL is the desire to act contrary to God’s righteous character and commands. EVIL is the production of a WILL given over to an EVIL HEART.

Donald Sterling (DS): You think I’m a racist, and wouldn’t—

V. Stiviano (V). : I don’t think you’re a racist.

DS: Yes you do. Yes you do.

V: I think you, you—

Donald Sterling: EVIL HEART.

Donald Sterling: It’s the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.

Donald Sterling denies that he is a racist, but doesn’t deny that he has the EVIL HEART that he immediately and directly connected to ISRAEL and its treatment of “BLACKS” like DOGS.

The Scythian-Khazarian-Shepherd Kings treated the BLACKS of Canaan and Kemet like DOGS by the same ancient EVIL HEART that was contrary to God’s righteous character and commands. They were non- believers of MAAT; TRUTH, JUSTICE, HARMONY and BALANCE. They were adversaries and enemies of Osiris- Isis- Horus.


Manetho, Aegyptiaca., frag. 42, 1.75-79.2- The ATROCITIES OF THE HYKSOS

Tutimaeus [0]. In his reign, for what cause I know not, a blast of God smote us; and unexpectedly, from the regions of the East, invaders of obscure race marched in confidence of victory against our land. By main force they easily overpowered the rulers of the land, they then burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of the gods, and treated all the natives with a cruel hostility, massacring some and leading into slavery the wives and children of others.[100]

“In the Kemetic metaphysical system, Set-Typhon, the conspirer against Ausar [Osiris], is the embodiment of every perversity … He is the negative creation; He is black magick and sorcery, the black brotherhood. In the initiation rites Typhon is also the ‘tester’ or ‘Tryer’ (the Lord who is against us) personifying ambition the patron of ruin.”[101]

Canaan- A Colony of OSIRIS

The Land of Canaan (Ancient Israel) had been established by a colony of Cushites out of Ethiopia that had also established Kemet in the remote antiquity of human civilization. The Canaanites called themselves, Cushites (Kushites). They were first cousins to the people of the Land of Kemet.[102]

Greek Historian Diodorus Siculus or Diodorus of Sicily between 60 and 30 BC , tells us that Ethiopia is the origin of the Kemetic civilization, and that Ethiopians colonized as far as India:

“They [the Ethiopians] say also that the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris [“King of Kings and God of Gods“] having been the leader of the colony . . . they add that the Egyptians have received from them, as from authors and their ancestors, the greater part of their laws.”
Osiris being come to the borders of Ethiopia, raised high banks on either side of the river, lest, in the time of its inundation it should overflow the country more than was convenient make it marish and boggy; and made flood-gates to let in the water by degrees, as far as was necessary. Thence he passed through Arabia, bordering upon the Red sea as far as to India, and the utmost coasts that were inhabited; he built likewise many cities in India, one of which he called Nysa, willing to have a remembrance of that in Egypt where he was brought up…he planted ivy, which grows and remains here only of all other places in India…”[103]

SETH’S WORKS – The Israelite Massacre of the Canaanites- the Children of Ausar and Asset

Deuteronomy 7

King James Version (KJV)

7 When the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee … Canaanites … mightier than thou;

2 And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:

3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.

After the massacre (campaign of genocide) of the Canaanites and laying waste to their cities by the Israelites in the 13th Century BC, Joshua after the death of Moses was directed to “put the people [Israeli Tribes] in possession of the land.” [104]

The Canaanites massacred and dispossessed of their lands by the Scythian-Khazarian- Hyksos- Israeli  were Osirian colonist. They were the Children of Ausar-Asset and Heru. The massacres and taking of their lands was the work of Sethian Worshippers.



Queen Ahmose-Nefertari (1562-1495 BC), reigned as Queen of Kemet during the 17th Dynasty at the time of the country’s occupation by the Hyksos. The Hyksos had been forewarned that a queenly messianic “Divine One” that represented the country “Providence and Prophesy” would come to deliver

Queen Ahhotep I


Kemet out of their hands. Her father, Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao II, refused to deliver any of God Seth’s hated brother and sister, the Ausar and Asset Cult, secrets to them. The Hyksos viciously assassinated Pharaoh Seqenenre as part of the plan to stop the “Rise of the Black Messiah.” That left Queen Ahhotep I a widower with daughters Ahhotep II, Ahmose-Nefertari, sons Ahmose and Kamose as King.


It is generally accepted that King Kamose, above, was killed in battle with the Hyksos.[105] That made his wife, Queen Ahhotep II, also a widower. The Hyksos were intent to assassinate and kill anyone of the Theban Royal Houses that threatened to rise among the people.

The Beloved Divine Queen Ahmose-Nefertari had many titles, including those of hereditary princess, “Most Beautiful”, “Great of Praises”, “King’s Mother”, “Royal Daughter”, “Royal Sister”, “Great Royal Wife”, “Royal Mother”, “Great Ruler”, and “Mistress of Both Lands.”[106]

After her brother, King Kamose was killed in battle with the Hyksos- Seth Worshippers. Ahmose, above, became king. Queen Ahhotep II and Queen Nefertari may have been two of the most wanted renegade Queens of all time. They must have scorched the earth searching for the Queens of Kemet. Martin Bernal in Black Athena once suggested that the Queens may have formed resistance and liberation campaigns from aboard the Great Green Sea on the Greek Island, CRETE.[107] King Ahmose may also had found refuge on the Island of CRETE.


Minoans, above, inhabitants of the Island of Crete,[108] living at Avaris in lower Kemet must have joined an alliance with Theban King Ahmose and Queens Nefetari and Ahhotep II in the war against the Hyksos. A ceremonial Minoan War Axe, below, was found dedicated to  Ahhotep II. It was found among her grave goods.[109]


It was bronze inlaid with a Cretan-style griffin and called Queen Ahhotep II– “Mistress of the Shores Beyond the Islands“, refers to the Kemetic term for lands bordering the Aegean Sea.[110] The Aegean Sea lies between the coast of Greece and Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). It contains over 2,000 islands which were settled later by the ancient Greeks; the largest among them being Crete (Kriti) and the best known and most often photographed, Santorini (Thera or Thira).[111] The love, respect, jurisdiction and power of the Queens of Kemet reached far beyond yonder shores.


Around 1570 BC, Kemet re-united for a final and decisive battle against the Hyksos under Pharaoh Ahmose, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, and Ahhotep II. It was also the messianic Black Divas, Queens of Kemet, that rallied the country and led armies and legions of troops into battle beside the pharaoh to defeat and expel the Hyksos from the Land of Kemet.

Great Hymn to Wesir (Ausar-Osiris) from the Stela of Amenmose, 18th Dynasty

“In Praise of Wesir by the Overseer of the Amun, Amenmose, He says:

Hail to you Wesir,

Lord of eternity, king of the gods,

With many names, with awesome visible forms,

With mysterious rites in the temples.

A splendid spirit, firs to the everlasting, …

Praised by the Nine Great Gods,

Whom the Lesser Ennead loved.

His sister Aset served as his protector,

Drove off his enemies, put a stop to the misdeeds;

Removed the Enemy by power of her spell-

Golden-tongued, her speech cannot fail …”[112]


In Life, Battle and Death, Great Ahmose had been One with God Ausar

After the victory and expulsion of the Hyksos from Kemet,Pharaoh Ahmose built a vast adoration complex at Osiris’ birthplace to forever commemorate, record and celebrate Kemet’s victory over the Hyksos for all mankind. At Abydos, Pharaoh Ahmose demonstrated in reliefs battles against the Hyksos, and he let it be known throughout the ages that he had been in unity in mind, spirit and soul with God OSIRIS.

Pharaoh Ahmose is universally honored as the Great Liberator over the Hyksos. But, the pharaoh was well aware it was the unity of the Osirian Divine State of Things“. As acknowledged by the Overseer of Amun above, it was the balance and harmony of the male and female principles, spirit, mind represented by God Ausar and Goddess Asset. It was MAGIC (words and phenomenon) from the Gods and Goddess Asset. It had been in reference to the Hidden One manifested in them that prevailed. It was remaining faithful to the way and GOOD of the forces and Cult of Ausar and Asset that once again prevailed over the forces of EVIL.[113]

In very special praise and honor to the Black Women of Kemet and Divas for the victory over the Hyksos. Ahmose built temples, monuments and pyramids to his sisters, Queen Ahmose Nefertari, Queen Ahhotep II, and his grandmother Little Ti (Queen Tetisheri) beside his own monuments at Abydos in Upper Kemet, the ancient celebrated traditional birthplace of God Ausar- OSIRIS.

It is extremely ironic that there may have been once a custom in Kemet of offering as human sacrifices RED HAIRED strangers associated with Set, Seth- Typhon to God Osiris as revenge. According to Kemetic Priest-Historian Manetho,  it had been Amosis- the Great Ahmose that abolished the custom if there had been one.

Donald Sterling’s declaration that Black People are an internal ENEMY has absolutely nothing to do with the way you smell, if so he wouldn’t seek the comfort of Black Women in any form or fashion. It has nothing to do with “Sagging Pants”, the “Badges of Slavery” or even Plantation Mentality.” Behind the veil, it is that age old ways of a JEALOUSY and EVIL brother, Seth, Set-Typhon, and SATAN. It has to with Providence and Prophesy”

The Hyksos either didn’t understand, appreciate or ignored the majesty and power of the Female Principle in Kemetic Cosmology. They may have somewhat honored the Female Principle in their way of life, but it wasn’t of any insignificance. Queens, Goddesses and the Female Principle didn’t seem to be necessary within their hierarchal power structure, religion or system of belief. The mighty Hyksos were pagans, wanderers and nomads. The males were the principle leaders, hunters and warriors that sustained their culture of war, conquest and plunder. Likewise, their primarily focus would have been on adversary male warriors and their magic that could aide or defeat them.

The Queens and the Kemetic Female Principle would have assumed to be only a nominal threat of warring “opponents.” It has been a gloss mistake and lesson of conquest that Sethian Worshippers, Forces of EVIL and the ILLUMINATI haven’t forgotten or ignored. Particularly in African based and influenced belief systems where females are POWER, glorified, loved, honored, and reverend authorities, the Conquest and Control of the Kemetic Female Principle is down to a science. This is part of science that has been expressed and exposed in Donald Sterling’s ILLUMINATI stereotypical statements, systemic treatment and worldview of Black Women.

If you for only one moment don’t believe it, they have begun to re-image GODDESS ASSET as an ILLUMINATI controllable Sexual Object as a “MODEL FOR FUTURE GENERATION” rather than the people’s GODDESS OF HIDDEN MYSTERY AND ENPOWERMENT.

Rihanna, High Priestess of the Satanic-ILLUMINATI, placing Goddess Asset under her breast above her vagina as if the body of a woman is the temple to her ancient mysteries amounts to religious and cultural SACRILEGE and HERESY, and an insult to the masses and the memory of our ancestors.


GODDESS ASSET (ISIS) does not belong to the Satanic- Sethian ILLUMINATI.

In August 2013, something most remarkable was unearthed out of the soil from the remote past in Israel that further heightens its ILLUSIONS, lies, contradictions and utter hypocrisy.

Leviticus,  20:24

King James Version (KJV)

24 But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from other people.

According to Israel Press to the World,

Tel Hazor in northern Israel has long been a treasure trove for archeologists, but a recent discovery of part of a 4,000-year-old Egyptian sphinx has been a most unexpected find. Inexplicably buried far from Egypt, the paws of a sphinx statue, resting on its base, have been unearthed with an inscription in hieroglyphs naming King Mycerinus [Pharaoh Menkaure]. The pharaoh ruled in 2500 BC and oversaw the construction of one of the three Giza pyramids, where he was enshrinedAs for the biggest question of all — how the sphinx got to Tel Hazor — it will likely remain a mystery.”[114]


Pharaoh Menkaure (“Eternal Like the Souls of Re“), called “Mycerinus” by the Greeks, was a king of the 4th Dynasty during the Old Kingdom. He was the successor of King Khafre. Menkaure became famous for building the 3rd Pyramid at Giza called Netjer-er-Menkaure which means “Menkaure is Divine“. In Menkaure’s Pyramid, a wooden coffin was discovered with the inscription, Osiris, King of the Upper and Lower Kemet “… Menkaure,  given life for ever, born of the sky, the sky goddess Nut above you…”[115] To be identified with Osiris was a honor of all who were considered worthy at the Judgment Day (MAAT) at the weighting of the HEARTS. All took the form of God Ausar (Osiris) and were addressed as one with the deity and resided with him in the stars.

The Cult of Ausar and Asset had been of paramount importance in the building of the Pyramid Complex at Giza. The pyramids were centered around planetary worship and celestial body veneration to the Gods Ra and Ausar. They believed that God Ausar (Osiris) had his soul embodied in the Orion constellation.[116]


Orion Constellation as the God Ausar holding the Star Aldebaran


4,514 Years Ago- The Beauty and Peace of Pharaoh Menkaure and Queen Khamerernebty II

Khamerernebty II was a daughter of Pharaoh Khafra and Queen Khamerernebty I.[117] In the Cult of Ausar and Asset, she is not subservient, lesser, inferiority to the pharaoh. She signals the “Divine State of Things” between the male and female principles by her gestures and posture“… her legitimization of Menkaure as pharaoh. She is shown in the act of presenting him, indicating to the world that he is the man whom she is identifying and establishing as pharaoh. Her pose, in fact, deliberately imitates that of the goddess Hathor in the triad statues and with whom she is clearly intended to be identified. The statue itself is a representation of this act of confirmation, and perhaps even a record of part of an actual confirmation ceremony.”[118]

More than a thousand years before the arrival of the Scythian-Khazarian-Shepherd Kings, Canaan (Land of Milk and Honey) had been the domain and creation of the Children of Ausar and Asset. They toiled the land to make it fertile. They dug the dykes and canals. They were the cultivators, farmers and husbandry that made Canaan a “Land of Milk and Honey.” They built the cities and the city of Hazor had been established as their capital.

The ASHKENAZI know damn well why the Sphinx of Pharaoh Menkaure was here. It’s right where it belongs. It’s there in Genesis, Chapter 13, Leviticus and other books of the bible. They burned down Hazor, massacred the inhabitants and razed the monuments and statues in the images of the Children of Ausar and Asset in Canaan. They tried to destroy all memory and records of ancient Canaanites. It was the works of the same Sethian Conspiracy to establish a New World Order with Seth-SATAN as god.

Gerald Massey (May 29, 1828 –October 29, 1907) was an English poet and writer on Spiritualism and Ancient Kemet. From about 1870 onwards, Massey became increasingly interested in Egyptology and the similarities that exist between ancient Kemetic mythology and the Gospel stories. He studied the extensive Egyptian records housed in the Assyrian and Egyptology section of the British Museum in London where he worked closely with the curator, and other leading Egyptologists of his day, even learning hieroglyphics at the time the Temple of Horus at Edfu was first being excavated.[119]

In this new Jerusalem on earth it was to be as it had been in the MAAT upon the MOUNT, where … OSIRIS imaged the eternal on his seat who presided over the pole of heaven (Rit., ch. 7).” “[T]he meek shall inherit the LAND, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Their inheritance shall be forever. But the wicked [Donald Sterling- Worshippers of Set (Satan)] shall perish.” Gerald Massey‘Ancient Egypt[120]


The rise of the Sphinx of Pharaoh Menkaure in Zionist Israel that they vehemently fallaciously DENY is Providence and Prophesy” of a New Jerusalem presided over once more by the Divine Order of Things, and AUSAR and ASSET.

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11 07 2010

“You must think on a a different level, like the CIA does. We’re through the looking glass. White is black. And black is white.” -Jim Garrison-JFK, the Movie

The Twins from Hell - Josefin & Elin Nordegren

It has recently been revealed that Elin Nordegren intends contrary to popular public illusion proceed with her dissolution of marriage with Tiger Woods. The dissolution will indeed be a lucrative affair for the native Swede reportedly involves a shocking three quarters of a billion dollars[1] to one hundred million.  Part of the settlement will include an illusionary secrecy pact that would deviously bar Nordegren from any book deals or giving interviews discussing any details of the five year marriage.[2]

Thus, the public will be barred from discovering the truth again by deceit and upon an illusion. Elin Nordegren is a deep cover mole just as deep cover as any top secret military intelligence undercover agent on a mission. In five years, Elin has not given a public interview or opened her mouth in public on any subject. A veil has been shrouded over her like a Coca Cola trade secret.

 Elin’s undercover twin sister, Josefin, has equally been shrouded in a deep sea of mystery. They were far more closer in a ring around Tiger that the world has been led to image.

What Elin and Josefin have been really involved in should have been the subject of a top secret U.S. military intelligence pact with a foreign nation. The settlement agreement between Tiger and Elin will be more like a clandestine treaty between nations than any divorce that you have never seen.


Thomas Nordegren & Barbro Holmberg- Sweden's Secret Inner Power Circle- The Illuminati?

Elin is a foreign national from Sweden. Nordegren was born a twin sister, Josefin, in 1980 in Stockholm, Sweden. Their mother, Barbro Holmberg, is a Swedish politician and power broker. She has held some extremely sensitive and important governmental offices. From 2003 to 2006, she served as Sweden’s migration and asylum policy minister.[3]  Elin and Tiger were married on October 5, 2004. I believe that her timely placement as Sweden’s Migration Minister in 2003 had something to do with covering Elin and Josefin’s illicit immigration status in America. 

Likewise, Elin’s father, Carl Axel (Thomas) Nordegren (born February 20, 1953, in Helsingborg) is also a Swedish power broker. He also holds a sensitive and important governmental office as an official Swedish journalist and writer. Nordegren is an international propaganda specialist. 

Nordegren worked as a foreign correspondent for Swedish National Radio Ltd. in Helsinki, Finland Brussels, France, and later in Berlin, Germany (1997-2001) and Washington, D.C. (2003-07). Sweden’s Radio Ltd – is Sweden’s national publicly funded radio broadcaster. Nordegren has also been a visiting professor at New York University.[4]  I suppose that Nordegren was precisely placed in the United States in 2003 to cover the setup of Elin and Tiger’s decisive courtship.

During Tiger-Elin’s breakup in November 2009, Thomas Nordegren had been in Orlando, Florida with Elin. Allegedly, Nordegren’s objective in being in the United States had been to offer Elin stability and support;[5] and most importantly control the propaganda and spin on the auto accident, incident and marital breakup. Josefin, who resided at the time in London, also just happened to be in Florida to join Elin, Thomas and Barbro to spin the breakup. 

Thomas Nordegren has his own talk show, Nordegren in PI. What is PI? Is it similar to the infamous international criminal pseudo-Masonic lodge, P-2 (Propaganda Due)?  The P2 Lodge is named after the propaganda machine of Reichsminister Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels.[6] I suspect that Thomas Nordegren is Sweden’s number one propagandist, the Josef Goebbels of Sweden. 


Elin Nordegren attended college at the Lund University in Sweden, where she was studying to become a child psychologist. Josefin attended some type of unidentified law school. According to a cover story, Elin and Josefin worked odd summer jobs and cashiered in supermarkets to finance their education.

Allegedly, Elin working at a clothing store in Stockholm met Mia Parnevik, wife of Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik, and was hired to be the Parnevik children’s nanny. This job required Elin to relocate to the United States.[7]

Interestingly enough, Parnevik brought both Elin and Josefin to the United States under the 22 Code of Federal Regulations § 62.31 Au pairs program.[8]

The federal Au pairs program is a U.S. Department of State-designated exchange visitor programs under which foreign nationals are afforded the opportunity to live with an American host family and participate directly in the home life of the host family. All au pair participants provide child care services to the host family and attend a U.S. post-secondary educational institution.[9]

There is one problem with Jesper Parneviks being a § 62.31 l host for Elin and Josefin to enter the U.S. under the federal Au pairs program, Jesper Parneviks appears to be a foreign national of Sweden.[10]

In a nutshell, the Nordegrens have deep family ties to Sweden’s secret New World Order (NWO) global political and power inner circles. Whether you call them Illuminati, NWO, Nazis or Luciferians, they are all the same.

The Luciferians also call themselves the OLYMPIANS, because they are inheritors of Ancient Aryan bloodlines and equal in power, authority and stature of the mythical Gods of Mount Olympus.[11] The Luciferians as if ruling from high seek unqualified power and rule over the masses in a One World Government of rulers and modern slaves. Their patron god is the misunderstood Fallen Angel, Lucifer,[12] “The Enlightened One.”

As part of their covert mission in the United States, the Nordegrens had been fully briefed on Tiger’s secret military intelligence mind control program, his mental weaknesses and infidelities.

Tiger is a super cyber athlete. His artificially split mind is run exactly like a computer program, complete with its own secret themes, triggers, codes and access words. Tiger’s programmed multiple personalities and memory blocks can be turned on and off like a switch with system themes and trigger words. An alternate multiple personas won’t emerge unless the right trigger word/song/phrase is uncovered and given. An MK ULTRA victim like Tiger is fully functional in society and won’t even know alternative personalities are accessed by the Nordegrens because the triggers and codes are deeply buried within the subconscious.[13]

Elin Nordegren was a psych major that was sent in to uncover Tiger’s handlers, sneak into his subconscious, learn, master and record his secret programming themes, triggers, codes and access words.


Out of all the beautiful women in the world that Tiger had access to, what made Elin so special to Tiger? Tiger’s father, Earl D. Woods, was fond of making bold pronouncements that Tiger would one day outdo Buddha, Gandhi and Mandela in world influence. Earl, a former U.S. lieutenant colonel green beret in Vietnam, admitted that he used among other things CIA Phoenix Program (trauma based) prisoner-of-war interrogation techniques to program Tiger in infancy as early as 10 months old.[14] Who were Earl Woods’ major influences in forming prisoner-of-war interrogation techniques to mind control Tiger? They were major war criminals, occult High Priests of Wotan, some of the most dangerous and treacherous personalities in history.

The CIA Phoenix Program, an illegal war crime assassination, neutralization, and hamlet resettlement program, started in 1967 under CIA agent and National Security Council (NSC) staffer, Robert Komer. Komer’s boss on NSC was Nazi war criminal Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer.[15] Komer’s assistants were William Colby and Ted Shackley. Komer, Colby and Shackley reported to Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Richard Helms. U.S. Army Green Beret troops were the Stormtroopers of the Phoenix Program. They abducted, interrogated, assassinated and summarily executed suspected Vietnamese sympathizers, collaborators and agents.[16]

Richard Helms interviewed Adolf Hitler for UPI during the 1936 Olympics.[17] In 1948, Helms welcomed Hitler’s spymaster, Reinhart Gehlen, and his spy network into the CIA (U.S. government payroll) as a “great intelligence producer.”[18] Gehlen’s network included some of the most dangerous individuals on the planet; SS Captain Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing,[19] SS Major Emil Augsburg, Gestapo Captain Klaus Barbie,[20] SS Captain Josef Mengele,[21] and Hitler’s Commando SS Lieutenant Colonel Otto Skorzeny.[22] The CIA’s Phoenix Program expert consultant interrogators, torturers and assassins were the Nazis, the SS and Gestapo. Otto Skorzeny’s Paladin Group developed and trained U.S. Army Green Berets.[23]  

Tiger’s infancy mind control programming also has a Nazi precedent. Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of the Monarch Program, a subproject of the CIA/MK ULTRA.  Creating ‘racially pure’ Aryan babies was the aim of the Lebensborn program; world domination was its ultimate goal. Monarch sought to create in infancy junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple personalities, each trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids were programmed to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones.[24]

Himmler’s Lebensborn infancy program of world domination sought to create programmed local, national and world leaders [25]just as Earl Woods visualized of Tiger’s future potential. Even Erhard Werner’s est, one of the tools of Tiger’s early programming,[26] is referred to as Nuremberg Zen.[27] Satanist Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST, initiator of Sex Magick that Tiger is obsessed with performing, called himself “Hitler’s Guru.”[28]

Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends in the above video confirmed that the Mythological Secret Doctrine is still alive, popular and behind the veil  circulating among the NWO, Luciferians, Illuminati, and the Bloodlines of Wotan. The bottom line myth of the Secret Doctrine is that people of color are descendents of man-animal cohabitation, a contaminated human species, while Aryans are descendents of humans and gods which in a distant and ancient past ruled the planet. Aryans are of a different human species which Swedes may be the few remaining uncontaminated pure blood lines to the ancient Aryan Gods of earth.   

Tiger’s mind control programming from infancy is deeply ingrained in Nazism and Wotanism. Unsurprisingly, Tiger would be fascinated with Elin Nordegren, a legendary blue-eyed, blond hair pure blood Indo European Aryan woman prize. Mythical pure blood Aryan women such Elin and Josefin Nordegren was the crown of Lebensborn. They are the bloodlines of the Gods and highly sought after, protected and used by Luciferians, Illuminati, and the Bloodlines of Wotan.  


The Man that Knew Too Much in Sweden to Live, Nazi & Illmuninati Crusader, The Late Steig Larsson,

Sweden is one of the few civilized countries that refuse to expedite or prosecute its Nazi collaborators; and fugitive war criminals that took refuse in the country after WWII. [29] Swedish journalist and Nazi Hunter Bosse Schon revealed that at least 260 Swedes had served in the Waffen SS, among them several who even guarded Adolf Hitler, Martin Bormann and Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels in the infamous bunker in Berlin at the end of the war. At least one Swede, Harald Sundin, served in Treblinka, participated in mass executions and was still alive and living in Sweden.[30]

In fact, Sweden has become a secret haven for Lucifer’s Servants, the Bloodline of Wotan- the Nazis. In 1995, eight (8) people were assassinated by Nazis in Sweden. Stieg Larsson, Sweden’s best selling author and journalist was the main force behind the founding of the Expo-foundation, a group intended on exposing underground Nazi and Illuminati activity in Sweden. Larsson died of a suspicious massive heart attack at age 50 on Nov. 9, 2004 — the anniversary of Kristallnacht. Kristallnacht literally “Crystal Night” or The Night of Broken Glass. Kristallnacht was an anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany and Austria from the 9th until the 10th November 1938.[31]

During the last 15 years of his life, Larsson and his life companion, Eva Gabrielsson, lived under constant threat from Nazis and right-wingers for publicly exposing Sweden’s secret Fascist inner circle. He had been inspired to unconditionally root out Nazism and the Illuminati in Sweden by his grandfather, Sverin Bostrom, who was imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II for anti-fascist activities.[32] Bosse Schon reported that Larsson’s death is linked to Sweden’s underground SS, the Bloodline of Wotan. [33]

Larsson, Sweden’s most visible and prominent Illuminati crusader mysteriously died within thirty-five (35) days of Tiger and Elin’s marriage. I can only speculate that Stieg Larsson would have figured out what the deeply shrouded Nordegrens were doing in America encircling Tiger Woods, one of the most prominent athletes in the world. Maybe, Elin and Josefin were a set of Dr. Josef Mengele’s secret twins.

Once Tiger’s secrets were treacherously cracked by Elin, Josefin secured the information and carried it out of the country and deposited it with the Luciferian or Illuminati international power wizards as insurance. 


New World Order Gatekeeper-Attorney Walter H. White, Jr.

Where did Josefin take off to? McGuireWoods, LLC. in London, England. Josefin, the poor girl cashiering in grocery stores to finance her education, is an attorney with McGuireWoods, one of the largest and most influential corporatist-fascist law firms in the world. Neo-conservative-Fascist Zbigniew Brzezinski’s (Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations) son, Mark Brzezinski, is a partner with McGuireWoods. Mark Brzezinski was President Clinton’s National Security Council Southeast Europe specialist. Mark is McGuireWoods’ national security adviser.[34]

McGuireWoods was named as a “Go-To” law firm by Fortune 100 corporate counsels who were surveyed about which law firms represent America’s largest corporations. It is one of the largest and most prominent law firms in America. [35] Elin’s divorce attorney is Walter H. White, Jr. out of the Josefin’s McGuireWoods London Office.[36]  

Walter H. White, Jr. is not a divorce attorney by any stretch of the imagination. White is a royalist financial-banker-corporatist wizard-attorney and notorious loyalist running dog of the Luciferians and New World Order. White is a strong arm fixer of complex and secret Luciferian global fiscal, banking and monetary coordinating systems between nations.

Mr. White is head of the firm’s emerging markets transactions practice. His work consists of multinational securities transactions, international business and finance law issues, and complex litigation and related arbitration. He has represented clients in multibillion-dollar business transactions in the United States, Canada, and Europe, throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.), Asia and Africa. He has acted as an advisor to Central Banks, and financial regulatory agencies in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia on economic development and regulatory issues. [37]

He has published books and articles on multinational business activity and lectured in North America, Europe, Central Asia and Africa, and is a regular commentator for the BBC on U.S. and international human rights and constitutional affairs.[38]

Representative Matters [39]

  • Acquisition of an oil production company and holding company structure in Azerbaijan with value of $116 million.
  • Sale of Russian gasoline distribution company with value of $570 million.
  • Sale of interests in Russian oil company with value of $5 billion.
  • Acquisition of 51% interest in Oil JV in Azerbaijan with value of $245 million.
  • Development of investment consortium and acquisition of $2 billion interest in chemical plant and other privatized assets (Turkey) and related $400 million secured loan facility.
  • Advise on the admission of Timan Oil & Gas to AIM, value at issue £123 million.
  • Advise vendor in transaction where major Russian oil company purchased 100% of participant in oil deposits of the southwest Central Asia for US $580 million.
  • Advise vendor in sale of chain of Russian gas stations for $42 million.
  • Advise in initiated negotiations of purchase of material part of European energy conglomerate with estimated transaction value in excess of €6 bn.
  • Advise on acquisition of energy sector service company for $41 million.
  • Advise on $170 million acquisition of multinational satellite navigation systems company headquartered in France. Our client was a San Francisco private equity fund.
  • Construction dispute litigation in Sweden, Russia and the UK regarding construction of Moscow oil refinery.
  • Hambledon Mining PLC list on AIM.
  • Major aluminum conglomerate v. a global aluminum conglomerate $200 million+ litigation in Ireland and Switzerland.
  • Austrian pharmaceutical company in strategic investment regarding development of medical equipment manufacturer.
  • $975 million industrial merger and restructuring major aluminum group.
  • Ukranian aluminium company in a $120 million Swiss arbitration proceeding.
  • Ukranian aluminium company in a $24 million share purchase.
  • Mobil Oil with regard to $14 Bn Caspian Pipeline Consortium.
  • Illingworth Morris re: BoIschevichka privatization.
  • Russian real estate developer settle $40 million real estate development dispute with international bank.
  • JSC Kazakhstan electricity grid $10 million term loan agreement.
  • American Express obtain veto from President Yeltsin to legislation that would outlaw foreign ownership of travel agencies in Russia.
  • Obtained dismissal in both U.S. (Northern District of California) Federal Court as well as arbitration in London of $10 million claim against Nizhnyvartovskneftigaz.
  • $30 million investment by Conoco in AGD a Lukoil subsidiary Archangelsk Base Trawling Fleet against Schiffcommerz.
  • Telefonica Espana $1.71 billion bid for Svyazinvest.
  • Telefonica Espana Capitalisation $400 million bid vehicle for Consortium Telefam.
  • RAO UES $400 million mezzanine borrowing from Deutsche Morgan Grenfell.
  • Intersputnik $1 Bn JV with Lockheed Martin.
  • EAFC $5 Bn J.V. with Pratt & Whitney.
  • France Telecom Alcatel investment.
  • France Telecom Svyazinvest investment. 

Walter H. White, Jr. is a quite an international global financial-banking-corporate wizard, but not a divorce attorney. There is more. White is a member in good standing of David Rockefeller’s Council of Foreign Relations in New York. He is also a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London.[40]

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Handbook of 1936 provides the following details concerning the organization’s establishment: “On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the delegations to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international group which would advise their respective governments on international affairs. It was decided at this meeting to call the proposed organization the Institute of International Affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners decided it would be best to have separate organizations cooperating with each other. Consequently, they organized the Council on Foreign Relations, with headquarters in New York, and a sister organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, also known as the Chatham House Study Group, to advise the British Government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Relations, was set up to deal exclusively with Far Eastern Affairs. Baron Edmond de Rothschild of France dominated the Paris Peace Conference.” [41]

Each of the men placed on the CFR were men who met Rothschild’s approval. The CFR was not officially formed until 29 July 1921. Money for the founding of the CFR came from J. P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and John D. Rockefeller, among others. This was the same crowd involved in the forming of the Federal Reserve. Prominent figures who have served as CFR directors since 1921 include: Walter Lippman, Adlai Stevenson, Cyrus Vance, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert O. Anderson, Paul Volcker, Theodore M. Hesburgh, Lane Kirkland, George H. W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, George Shultz, Alan Greenspan, Brent Scowcroft, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, and Richard (Dick) B. Cheney.[42]

Elin and Josefin was secretly off to the see the wizard long before the November 27, 2009 auto crash fiasco. The public was led to believe that Elin had bought a six-bedroom house on a small island near Stockholm reachable only by boat as an isolated getaway from the sensational public scandal. However, Stenake Johansson, chairman of the Residential Association on Faglaro Island let the cat out of the bag. He told the Associated Press that the Twins from Hell without Tiger started negotiating to buy the getaway island house immediately after the house was put on the market in August – well before Woods’ car crash in November at his Florida home that touched off the scandal. [43]

Undoubtedly, Elin and Josefin had gotten all the information that was needed and planned to push Tiger’s mind all the way to the edge to stage Elin’s getaway.

As a backdrop to Elin’s getaway, around November 25-26, David Pecker, the owner of the National Enquirer and American Media, Inc. (AMI) broke the story that Tiger was having an affair with Rachel Uchitel.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger & His Publicly Exposed SS-Totenkopfvebande Belt Buckle (Time - 6/21/07)

In November 2002, Pecker bought himself into Arnold Schwarzenegger camp by paying $350 million in cash and stock for Joe Weider Publications, and a large photo archive of Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a cover, Joe Weider had sponsored Schwarzenegger into the United States from Austria.  Pecker paid almost ten (10) times the value of what Weider Publications was actually worth which bought him into Schwarzenegger’s Luciferian inner circle of influence,[44] and the Bloodline of Wotan.   

It is pretty commonly accepted that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s late father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, was a volunteer member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA — the notorious Nazi storm troopers also known as Brownshirts.[45].

Among the Nazis brought into the country by Dulles & confederates was SS High Priest Captain Otto von Bolschwing’s protégé and agent, Helene Van Damme. Van Damme reportedly worked as a secretary with Nazi High Command and Hitler’s spymaster Reinhart Gehlen.[46]

SS Bolschwing and Van Damm acting as Ronald Reagan’s personal secretary selected all of the personnel from which Reagan made his appointments when he was Governor of California and President of the United States. Van Damme and Schwarzenegger are not strangers. “Arnold’s business partner and mentor, Jim Lorimer, whether by accident or design, was in Vienna, and, cautious for a moment, Arnold left Brigitte behind at the Hilton while he and Jim had Sunday brunch with the American ambassador to Austria, Helene Van Damme.”[47]

Schwarzenegger admired Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and enjoyed playing and giving away records of Hitler’s speeches.[48] Reportedly, when Hitler marched into Aus­tria, Arnold’s mother, Aure­lia, was in the crowds and swooned at his sight.[49] I suspect that Aurelia answered Himmler’s Lebensborn call for a 1000 Year Reich and produced Arnold Schwarzenegger as part of the underground Reich. I recall some information that Gustav mistreated Arnold primarily because he didn’t believed that Arnold was his real son.

It is highly plausible that Pecker and the National Enquirer was acting in concert with the Nordegrens and the NWO in timing the release of the Tiger- Uchitel.story to help set the stage for Elin’s public getaway from the Big Black Brute.  

I suspect that on the night of November 27, 2009, Elin drugged Tiger with truth drugs and pushed him psychologically until he reached his programmed deep layered self destruct and suicide cover. In a psychological semi-unconsciousness altered state of terror, Tiger ran, jumped into his SUV to escape and crashed. Elin busted out the windows to the SUV and induced Tiger into a unconsciousness state by drugs or codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones that she had uncovered.   

I suspect that if the Florida Highway Patrol had been allowed to subpoena Tiger’s hospital lab records from his November 27, 2009 semi-comatose hospital confinement [50] they would have discovered traces of truth drugs, ethanol, scopolamine, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, temazepam, and various barbiturates including sodium thiopental (commonly known as sodium pentathol) and sodium amytal (amobarbital)[51] in his system.


“If you gave these blacks a country to run, they would run it down the tubes.” –Arnold Schwarzenegger

Tiger Woods- The Man in the Mirror

There is no doubt that Earl Woods and a powerful entity had some very bold future plans for Tiger to put him on the top of the world. He almost made it, but Tiger is no Buddha, Gandhi, Mandela, or a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by any stretch of the imagination. Tiger became hopelessly obsessed and compelled with satisfying his basic human instincts and base nature like a perpetual orgasm scene out of the 1972 movie, The Mind Snatchers, starring Christopher Walken.[52] It appears that you can’t program human godly intrinsic qualities. Tiger is not the proper subject of a Lebensborn experiment like Arnold Schwarzenegger with the promise of worldly Luciferian Power. He is a person of color.

Tiger was a guinea pig and a blueprint to create super cyber mind controlled athletes and soldiers. Whoever possessed the blueprint held the world for ransom for almost a decade. Tiger had ridiculously become one of the most successful, prominent and wealthiest athletes on the planet, but his handlers must have wanted too much for the secret, just wouldn’t share it with the NWO, or they just wasn’t no longer authorized to hold such power.    

The super clandestine Nordegrens and the Twins from Hell were sent in to steal the blueprint and close the circle of people with access and knowledge of creating mind controlled super cyber athletes to fascinate as a cash cow and capture the imagination of the world with illusions.   

I am not quite sure what will happen with Tiger. He may continue to struggle to find a natural edge of high level athletic performance without mind control. He may again withdraw into a world of fantasy and cartoons. He just may ball up and whither away in a corner. To a certain extent, it’s up to Tiger. Unless, they decide that Tiger is worth more to them dead than alive, just like Michael Jackson.   

[1] http://indyposted.com/29473/elin-nordegren-to-get-750-million-in-divorce-settlement/

[2] Id.

[3] http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-17416-Infidelity-Examiner~y2010m6d4-Elin-Nordegren–Who-is-she-Other-than-being-Tiger-Woods-wife-what-is-Elins-claim-to-fame

[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Nordegren

[5] http://www.mahalo.com/thomas-nordegren

[6] http://watch.pair.com/pope-chart.html

[7] Id.  At footnote 1

[8] http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/12/03/elin.five.things.to.know/index.html?iref=mpstoryview


[10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_golfers_with_most_PGA_Tour_wins

[11] Coleman, John, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, pg. 21

[12] Id.

[13] http://mindcontrol101.blogspot.com/2007/09/mind-control-themes-and-programming.html

[14] http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/03/AR2006050302442.html

[15] http://www.eucmh.com/tag/ss-brigadefuhrer-fritz-kraemer/

[16] http://www.uaff.info/marshall_thomas_monarch_the_new_phoenix_program_2009.pdf

[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Helms

[18]Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, pg. 390

[19] http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2008/11/waffen-ss-official-otto-von-bolschwing.html


[21] http://greyfalcon.us/Reinhard%20Gehlen.htm

[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny

[23] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny#cite_note-21

[24] http://www.insteadof.com/TerrorAttack/p34.htm

[25] Id.

[26] http://wernererhardandest.wordpress.com/2008/09/08/tiger-woods-father-earl-wood-credits-est-for-his-success-as-a-father/


[28] http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg29055.html

[29] http://www.jcpa.org/phas/phas-zuroff-f02.htm

[30] Id.

[31] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht

[32] http://ezinearticles.com/?Stieg-Larsson,-The-Thriller-Books-Millennium-Series-and-His-Dangerous-Life&id=4572390

[33] http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/23/magazine/23Larsson-t.html?pagewanted=4

[34] http://www.swarmusa.com/vb4/showthread.php/1601-Damon-Vrabel-Renaissance-2.0-Lesson-5.-The-Emerging-Global-Empire

[35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGuireWoods#Recognition

[36] http://www.tmz.com/2010/05/13/tiger-woods-wife-elin-nordegren-lawyer-walter-h-white/

[37] http://www.mcguirewoods.com/lawyers/index/Walter_H_White_Jr.asp

[38] Id.

[39] Id.

[40] http://www.abanet.org/humanrights/leadership/biography/white.shtml

[41] http://philadelphians.50megs.com/nwo-us.html

[42] Id.

[43] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/12/faglaro-island-elin-norde_n_389809.html

[44] http://www.ergogenics.org/158.html

[45] http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselections/2003-08-24-arnold-father_x.htm

[46] http://truthseeker24info.blogspot.com/2009/01/ronald-reagan.html

[47] http://www.spitfirelist.com/f421.html

[48] Id. At Footnote 46

[49] http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-421-pump-this-the-schwarzenegger-file/

[50] http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/golf/article6948708.ece

[51] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_drug

[52] http://tesla.liketelevision.com/liketelevision/tuner.php?channel=1062&format=movie&theme=guide http://tesla.liketelevision.com/liketelevision/tuner.php?channel=1062&format=movie&theme=guide