18 09 2014

I didn’t particularly respect the opinions of Stephen A. Smith before. Many expected Smith to crawl into a corner and tempter his opinion about VIOLENCE against women after he had been suspended by CNN for voicing a sense of judgment in the Ray Rice Affair that offended some women. However, I now certainly respect his BACKBONE and HEART to stand up to the ILLUMINATI on this particular issue.

In the first instance, Smith told a national televised audience on air, “Let’s make sure we don’t do anything to provoke wrong action… we got to also make sure that you can do your part to do whatever you can to make, to try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”[1]

I gather that he was talking about how Janay Palmer didn’t use reasonable judgment when she passionately stepped up to and tried to batter and combat Ray Rice as if he was “LESS THAN A MAN” that he is. Likewise, Rice didn’t exercise the “Osirian Will” in knocking out the young lady that he loves. However, the Ray Rice Affair does not justify mass global sensationalism under any circumstances.


Black professional football players like Ray Rice are seen as high profile, powerful and millionaire athletes, but they carry a heavy chain around their necks by the NFL ILLUMINATI like the beautiful and defiant brother Paul Reed just moments before he was douched with oil  and burned alive. They sought no mercy of SATAN. The Defiant Ones, Paul Reed and Will Cato were lynched- tied to a tree with ropes and chains then burned alive by a drunken white mob in Statesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia in 1904. The following day, two white youngsters presented the judge that ruled over their murder conviction by an all white jury with charred pieces of Cato and Reed’s bones as savage souvenirs of the mob’s deeds.


The hypocrisy and mass mental disorder of America is that it is usually blind to VIOLENCE as long as there is a Dark Face at the end of it.

How in the world did the lonely Black face of Ray Rice suddenly get put out on a limb to become a sensationalized global whipping/poster boy for VIOLENCE? It sets an extremely dangerous precedent and diversion from the TRUTH that out of all the horrible acts of VIOLENCE and INHUMANITY TO MAN taking place on a daily basis nationally and global that somehow the conduct of American Black Males require special attention, surveillance and regulation beyond the laws of civilization that all men are mandated to live by.

The ILLUMINATI, “… portrays black men as innately savage, animalistic, destructive, and criminal — deserving punishment, maybe death. This brute is a fiend, a sociopath, an anti-social menace. Black brutes are depicted as hideous, terrifying predators who target helpless victims, especially white women.”[2]

The Black Brute Syndrome and Negrophobia (Fear of or contempt for Black people and their culture) are some of the seemingly ageless mass social and mental diseases that the racist and satanic ILLUMINATI implant among the people to polarize the global masses to prevent unity with Black People in the spiritual struggle against them. It is also used as a propaganda tactic; and system of mass population hysteria, control, diversion and deception.

George T. Winston (1901), a Hellenized [3]Negrophobic” writer, claimed:

When a knock is heard at the door [a White woman] shudders with nameless horror. The black brute is lurking in the dark, a monstrous beast, crazed with lust. His ferocity is almost demoniacal. A mad bull or tiger could scarcely be more brutal. A whole community is frenzied with horror, with the blind and furious rage for vengeance.[4]

What did Ray Rice do? Generally. “It’s not because she [Janay Palmer-Rice] did ‘X.’ It’s not because she touched [slapped] him first. It’s not because she spit in his face”… “It’s because he [Ray Rice] punched her in the face and in the head. That’s why we are talking about this.”[5]

On the elevator, Janay seems to deliver a back hand slap to Rice’s face. He pushes/drives her back with a left hand or a left jab. She becomes enraged and clearly lounged toward Rice with fists drawn to deliver a punch or head shot and got caught coming in with a short round house or straight right to the head knocking her unconsciousness. Neither one of them appears to have any domestic violence and abuse history. It appeared to be an recorded isolated highly emotional domestic dispute and incident that because of Rice’s celebrity status as a highly paid professional successful Black football athlete was marketed to go viral.

On February 15, 2014, both Ray and Janay were arrested and charged for simple assault for the mutual altercation on the elevator at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. For whatever reasons, Janay’s charges were dropped while Rice’s charges were elevated by indictment to third degree aggravated assault on March 27, 2014 that carried a possible state prison sentence.[6]

In May 2014, Rice pled not guilty and then entered into a pre-trial intervention program for FIRST-TIME OFFENDERS that would eventually clear his record, and continue family counseling with his wife.[7]

Roger Goodell, ILLUMINATI TOUCH- The Hand with Palm Forward and Five Digits Extended.

In July 2014, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Rice for two games of the season along with a fine that exceeded $500,000. Goodell released a statement regarding Rice that included the following,

“I believe that you are sincere in your desire to learn from this matter … and move forward toward a healthy relationship and successful career.”[8]

That’s right. In July 2014, everything was over and well. Ray was punished by the criminal justice system and the NFL. Ray and Janay moved on with theirs lives as a young couple with a beautiful infant daughter out of their marriage bond. Ray looked forward to continuing his NFL career after a two game suspension. Does this isolated Ray Rice/Janay Palmer-Rice highly passionate domestic incident justify sensationalism; national and global public/governmental attention, intervention and condemnation? Yes, when it is False Flag Propaganda.

Ray Rice, Zionists & False Flags

False Flag Operations usually describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation.[9]

False Flags have become more complex operations that have evolved into methods used by the deep states (shadow government, corporations, organizations and ILLUMINATI) as a form of deep politics– “generally, covert politics, the conduct of public affairs not by rational debate and responsible decision-making but by indirection, collusion, and deceit.”[10]


In early September, TMZ released publicly the full video of Ray and Janay’s February 2014 mutual elevator altercation for some unspecified desired deep state objective, agenda or mass media propaganda diversion campaign. Ashkenazi Jewish/Gay Harvey Levin is the creator and managing editor of All-Seeing Eye Luciferian Time Warner’s TMZ.[11]


In May 2014, the New York Times reported that former NBA ILLUMINATI Los Clipper owner Donald Sterling’s discussion of how blacks are treated “Like DOGS” in Israel was deliberated edited out of TMZ‘s publicly released video to veil Israel’s racism and shield its image from public scrutiny. That’s right. Harvey Levin and TMZ carry a shrouded Zionist/Satanic/ILLUMINATI agenda.[12]

The sensationalized Ray Rice Affair is part of a complex Luciferian/ILLUMINATI global propaganda program and agenda of mass media diversions. Its objective appears to be twofold to shape, manufacture, divert and control public opinion/debate on national/international in false flag episodes, incidents and issues; divide and conjure; polarize races and agitate racial tensions to the point of mass population “Negrophobic” hysteria and mental illness.


People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” –the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley

Eddie DeBartolo & San Francisco 49ers: Do what thou wilt.


On February 11, 1992, a 24-year-old woman, Regina Baross, complained that the 49ers owner, EDDIE DeBARTOLO, JR.,  had sexually assaulted her in his home in Menlo Park, CA, the police who investigated the complaint asked the San Mateo County prosecutor to issue a criminal complaint accusing DeBartolo of sexual battery, a misdemeanor, and penetration with a foreign object (broom stick), a felony. However, the prosecutor, James Fox, just dismissed the case and her complaint.[13]

Fox said he would not prosecute DeBartolo, Jr. because he didn’t think he could get a conviction, although there was evidence that could support Baross’  allegations, such as the woman’s torn pantyhose and underwear, and some bruises.[14] The Office of the California Attorney General, Dan Lungren, took  jurisdiction over the case to investigate.[15] The DeBartolos were  large contributors to Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and were active in the inner circle of California politics. Edward DeBartolo, Jr.  referred to the California Attorney General as “Danny” and had contributed to his campaign war chest. They were room mates at the University of Notre Dame.[16] Baross’ sexual  assault case was put on the shelf to collect dust.

Down the Rabbit Hole: 49ers, Black Hand/MAFIA and Meyer Lansky

Mob Brain, Edward DeBartolo, Sr.

According to Dan Moldea in his book, Interference, an exhaustive expose on the links between Professional Football and the Mafia, Youngstown native Edward DeBartolo, Sr., who in 1977 bought the San Francisco 49ers football team for his son Edward, Jr. DeBartolo, Sr.  had built his fortune in the Mob-influenced construction industry and his company facilities were bombed 6 times between 1952-1954.[17]

Mafia Brain, Meyer Lansky

For example,  the U.S. Customs Service had received information from one of its special agents, William F. Burda, in January, 1981 that the DeBartolo organization ‘through its control of particular state banks in the state of Florida is operating money-laundering schemes, realizing huge profits from narcotics, guns, skimming operations, and other organized-crime-related activities. This organization is reported to have ties to [Carlos] Marcello, [Santos]  Trafficante, and  [Meyer] Lansky and because of its enormous wealth and power has high-ranking political influence and affiliations.’ [18]

The Italian Freemason/ILLUMINATI Giuseppe Mazzini, a 33rd degree Mason, discussed further below, founded the notorious P2 Masonic Lodge, which “made men” belong to, such as Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky. According to U.S. Customs, Lansky, the financial wizard “the Brain” of the Mafia was considered by most to have become senile and getting out of the business. One of his successors and new financial wizard “the Brain” and Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Made Man” of the Mafia was recognized as Edward DeBartolo, Sr.[19]

Ben Roesthlisberger & Pittsburgh  Steelers: Do what thou wilt.

The Reign of the Drunken NFL Serial Racist

In 2008, a former Harrah’s Lake Tahoe casino host, Andrea McNulty, claimed Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback  Ben Roethlisberger raped her while he was visiting Lake Tahoe for a celebrity golf tournament. Reportedly, the police didn’t investigate the rape case because McNulty had “ONLY  FILED A CIVIL COMPLAINT AGAINST ROETHLISBERG AND NOT A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT.”[20]

NFL Super Bowl Champion Ben Roethlisberger, a serial rapist, has escaped prosecution from at least (3) three rape cases without much feminist, public/governmental outage, condemnation or NFL peer denigration.[21]

Down the Rabbit Hole: Steelers and the Luciferian Secret Deep State

The Pittsburgh Steelers has been owned  for decades by the Rooney Family. Art Rooney, “The Chief, founded the Pittsburgh Steelers  franchise in  1933. In 1936, Rooney won a parlay at Saratoga Race Course which netted him about $160,000. He used the winnings to hire a coach, give contracts to his players and almost win a championship. The winnings funded the team until 1941.[22]

That is the romanticized and lying version of Art Rooney and the Steelers. Secret files  made public decades later show that the federal government linked “the Chief” with the Western Pennsylvania Mafia. The Western Pennsylvania mob is one of 24 traditional Mafia families in the United States.[23]

In an FBI report dated Oct. 29, 1946, a confidential informant said Rooney, some unidentified associates and a group headed by the Mannarinos owned slot  machines in the Pittsburgh area. “Under an agreement between these organizations, Rooney operated all slot machines north of the Allegheny River and the Mannarino brothers  operated those south of the river,” the report said.[24]

The Sicilian Immigrant Mob Boss, Sebastian John LaRocca

In another document, which was heavily censored, an informant reported Rooney obtained slot machines long before the local Sicilian Mafia Boss, Sebastian John LaRocca, and (Rooney) controlled the entire Pittsburgh vicinity in this regard.”[25]

The Mannarino brothers, Gabe and  Sam, were lieutenants of the Sicilian LaRocca. In 1957, LaRocca was busted by  police along with his lieutenant under bosses Michael Genovese and Gabriel “Kelly” Mannarino at the infamous meeting of mob leaders at a house in Apalachin, N.Y.[26]

The Apalachin Meeting was a  historic summit of the American Mafia held at the home of mobster Joseph “Joe the Barber” Barbara in Apalachin on November 14, 1957. Allegedly, the meeting was held to discuss various topics including loan sharking, prostitution, narcotics trafficking and gambling along with dividing the illegal operations controlled by the late Albert Anastasia.[27]

Gabriel “Kelly” Mannarino, part of Pittsburgh’s John LaRocca crime family, were tied to Fidel Castro and Cuba’s legendary casinos, according to declassified FBI reports.

Rooney’s mob under boss and partner in crime,  Gade Mannarino, above, ran his own empire in New Kensington with his brother Sam and became a local legend, enjoying a cozy relationship with politicians. Mannarino’s influence stretched  from New York to Cuba.[28] The Mannarino Brothers weren’t  just minor mobsters. These guys were major players in America’s Deep State and “Deep Politics.” Gabe was part of the  CIA-Hoffa connection.

CIA Gangster, Sam Trafficante

Gabe was also a close associate of Meyer Lansky; and co-owned the  pre-Castro Sans Souci Club and syndicate in Cuba along with a key mob player heavily implicated in the JFK assassination and close associate of Edward DeBartolo, Sr., Santo Trafficante.[29]

Trafficante employed Jack Ruby (Harvey Lee Oswald Assassin) and mob bagman Lewis McWillie.[30]

“I Reckon with a Dagger”- ILLUMINATI Giuseppi Mazzini


ILLUMINATI Freemasons Giuseppi Mazzini and Satanist Albert Pike

Italian Freemason and revolutionary  Giuseppi Mazzini (1805-1872)  formed a society in Sicily called the Oblonica that means “I reckon with a dagger.” As is typical with the Masons, Mazzina formed an order within an order. The elite inner group was called a term that most people will recognize, the Mafia. The name is an acronyn for Mazzina autorizza flori,  incendi,  avelenamenti- Mazzini authorizes thefts, arson and poisoning. The Mafia was also known by another term, Il Mano Nigro– the Black Hand.  Mafia crimes were often sealed by a black hand-print at the scene. This, of course, was an ILLUMINATI touch: the hand with palm forward and five digits extended.[31]

Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI died on November 18,  1834. Mazzini was appointed head of the ILLUMINATI in 1834. In 1859, Mazzini chose the leader of the U.S. Scottish Rite Masonry, “Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry” Confederate General Albert Pike to coordinate secret ILLUMINATI activities in the United States.[32] Pike designed the secret Satanic Masonic initiation rites and rituals to create a secret super elite blood oath hierarchical “order within an order” of Freemasons elevated to the ILLUMINATI.

“Pike was … a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and possessed a bracelet he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century [BC], and was this cult of Satan [Set-Seth] that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars.”[33]

Satanic Serial Rapist Ben Roethlisberger Reckons with the Dagger for the DEVIL

The woman blurred out above is one of Roethlisberger’s rape victims. The Pittsburgh Steelers was part of the Mazzini/Pike ILLUMINATI Secret Cabal’s illegal lucrative professional sport’s bookmaking operations. Art Rooney was the front man for Mazzini and Pike’s Satanic Black Hand- Mafia, and Roethlisberger is their initiates and boy in the NFL.

Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys: Do what thou wilt.


Of the High and the Mighty and Beyond the Law, Jerry Jones is a CEO, entrepreneur, and the owner of the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys, who has a net worth of $3.1 billion.[34] Jerry Jones and the ILLUMINATI would feed a thousand black faces like Ray Rice to the lions to feed the feeding frenzy racial mental illnesses of America to veil the face of SATAN for  a New World Order.


In May or June 2009, Jerry Jones allegedly did the following to former exotic dancer, JANA WECKERLY, without her consent in a local hotel room as outlined in Weckerly  v. Jerry Jones and the Dallas Football Club, Ltd., Case No. DC-14-10061 in the District Court of Dallas County, TX. Jones forcibly rubbed and/or grabbed Weckerly’s buttocks multiple times. He forcibly rubbed and/or grabbed her breasts multiple times, and forced her to touch and/or rub on his penis multiple times.[35]

Jones forcibly kissed  Weckerly’s  neck, shoulder and lips multiple times. Jones penetrated her vagina with his fingers without consent. Jones forced her to watch him engage in oral sex. Jones conspired with others to conceal this sexual assault, and threatened Weckerly  not to report the sexual assault and battery to the police. She is in imminent fear of her life, safety and well being. She very well may be in danger. She had to expose him publicly. Weckerly signed a covenant (blood oath) not to disclose any details of Jerry Jones’ Bunga Bunga- exploitation, rape and sexual abuse of women.[36]

Weckerly’s secret photos of Jerry Jones and two other women involved in Jones’ Bunga Bunga  collaborating her story surfaced on the internet beginning in the first couple of weeks of August 2014.[37] The above civil case for damages against Jones and the Dallas Cowboys describing his volatile and criminal conduct was filed and MADE PUBLIC on September 8, 2014.[38]

The Ray Rice ILLUMINATI Diversion- One Day Later

On September 9, 2014, the secret Zionist TMZ released the infamous Ray Rice- Janay Palmer elevator surveillance video showing Rice knocking out Janay. Hours later like clockwork, the Baltimore Ravens terminated Rice’s contract and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell publicly announced Rice’s indefinite suspension from the NFL.[39]  Goodell is a totalitarian despot and ILLUMINATI puppet, who codified player behavior into the NFL Personal Conduct Policy based on capricious puzzles warped inside of enigmas of eugenics in a quest to turn the NFL into New World Order global enterprise.[40]

Goodell had been selected to succeed the retirement of Paul Tagliabue  by a selection committee headed by Dan Rooney of the Pittsburgh  Steelers’ Rooney Family Mob. He officially began his tenure as a $10 million a year NFL Commissioner on September 1, 2006.[41] Goodell was the NFL Commissioner during Ben Roethlisberger’s Drunken Serial Rapist reign of sexual VIOLENCE against women.

In 2010, Roethlisberger was suspended by the NFL in April for six games for violating the league’s personal-conduct policy, but Goodell said at the time that he would review the quarterback’s behavior over the next few months. After meeting with Roethlisberger and “the Mob ChiefArt Rooney, Roethlisberger’s suspension was reduced to just only four games.[42]

Down the Rabbit Hole with Jerry Jones & the Cowboysf


From ILLUMINATI Jerry Jones to Rosicrucian Leonardo Da Vinci’s Saint John the Baptist, There is One God- Set/Seth- SATAN

Like the NBA, the NFL is controlled and ran by the secret New World Order Luciferian/ ILLUMINATI Cabals. Dallas Cowboys owner oilman billionaire Jerral Wayne “Jerry Jones” is also part of the powerful Luciferian cabals. Jones was chosen by the cabal to purchase the Cowboys from an extreme arch-conservative  John Bircher, Harvey “Bum” Bright, a person of interest also linked to the assassination of JFK in Dallas, TX November 22, 1963.[43]

The John Birch Society (JBS) was founded by 32nd degree Mason Robert Welch. The JBS  were  also comprised of high-ranking Freemasons, members of the CFR and of other subversive organizations:

“You may object: ‘Look at all the great things Welch has done – he has exposed the Illuminati.‘ Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a branch of the Conspiracy. How can one attack the Illuminati without attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry? Welch has provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy. He founded an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what the true power behind the Illuminati really was. And we concede the Mason’s chose an extremely clever man to do the job. Welch, with the help of the Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively.”[44]


NFL ILLUMINATI & Part of the Secret Shadow Government, Bum Bright, Lamar Hunt, Clint Murchinson

Bum Bright out of the Texas A& M Good Ole Boy Network was part of the Texas’ “Deep State” and “Deep Politics” circle of Right Wing Bircher oil men, Lamar Hunt (NFL Kansas City Chiefs owner), Nelson Bunker Hunt, Clint Murchison, Jr. (former NFL Dallas Cowboys owner), and insurance executor Edgar Crissey. On November 21, 1963, they paid for the printing and distribution of the infamous JFK “Wanted for Treason” poster in Dallas- “framed by a funeral black border” leading up the assassination of JFK.[45]

Bum also attended the infamous Clint Murchinson Sr.  Dallas party on November 21, 1963 that Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover and his lover, Clyde Tolson, H. Lamar Hunt and others attended- part of the “Permindex Connection” JFK Assassination Cabal.[46]


John J. McCloy was  also there.[47] McCloy was  president of the World Bank, U.S. High Commissioner for (Reinhard Gehlen- SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing  Org) Germany, chairman of the Rockefeller Chase Manhattan Bank, and chairman of Cecil Rhodes Roundtable’s  Council on Foreign Relations. He later became a prominent United States presidential adviser, served on the Warren Commission that allegedly investigated the JFK assassination, and was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called “The Wise Men.”[48]

Ray Rice & Deep Politics

The Shadow Government’s Cyborg President Barrack Obama of the U.S. Executive Branch has also been programmed to implement and puff up the Ray Rice False Flag Propaganda Campaign on a national and international political level. In the strongest terms after the allegedly shocking video of Rice striking his fiancée  Janay Palmer emerged on August 9, White House spokesman Josh Earnest released a short statement following special consultations with the president about the false flag Ray Rice Affair, after TMZ  released the alleged shocking footage of Ray Rice punching unconscious in an Atlantic City elevator in February,

“The President is the father of two daughters. And like any American, he believes that domestic violence is contemptible and unacceptable in a civilized society … Hitting a woman is not something a REAL MAN does, and that’s true whether or not an act of violence happens in the public eye, or, far too often, behind closed doors.”[49]  Once again from the highest elected office of this nation, American Black Males seem to be the only men on the planet that the direct racialist attack on their MANHOOD is encouraged by society, and now from the highest offices of this government.

V.P. Joe Biden- Hands of the ILLUMINATI

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has also been programmed to weight in on the sensationalized false flag Ray Rice Affair, “And then when the video was out there, and saw how BRUTAL it was, the Ravens did the right thing — fired him immediately.”[50]


U.S Congress has inserted itself in the false flag Ray Rice Affair. Above, ILLUMINATI- One God Satan- Black Satanic Cabal Bootlicker Congress persons John Conyers, Jr. and Sheila Jackson of the judiciary committee signed a Congressional  Ray Rice Condemnation Letter. Yet, they remain obedient and silent on the Palestine/Gaza Mass Genocide. Twelve (12) congressional House Judiciary Committee members have fired off a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell demanding that he come clean about Ray Rice’s alleged BRUTAL video showing him striking his wife.[51]


ILLUMUNATI Senate Leaders Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California

Sixteen “white women” of the Democratic House of the U.S. Senate are also expected to send a letter asking the NFL to adopt a “real zero-tolerance policy for domestic violence that will ensure that this type of violence and abuse has no place”“We were shocked and disgusted by the images we saw this week of one [Ray Rice] of your players violently assaulting his now-wife and knocking her unconscious …” “The NFL’s current policy sends a terrible message to players, fans and all Americans that even after committing a terrible act of violence, you can quickly be back on the field.”[52]

The letter was signed by Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.),  Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.).[53]

Ray Rice, NOW and FEMINISM: ILLUMINATI Divide and Conquer Policy

“When there is no male figure in the family, kids start seeing the State as their family who provide and protect.”[54]

The National Organization for Women(NOW) is the largest Feminist organization in the United States. Feminism was created to destabilize the society and undermine the institution of family. Most major women organizations in America including NOW were funded by Rockefeller Foundation who claims in their website, “By funding a strategic mix of organizations, institutions, and projects; the Foundation is fostering smart golobalization. Most feminist “Women Studies” funding comes from big foundations like Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, Carnegie Foundation etc and of course USAID, UNIFEM, UN, and the CIA.[55]

At the top of National Organization of Women (NOW) Charlotte Chapter’s list for poster boys for VIOLENCE against women are predominately “Big Black Brutes”, Ray Rice, of course, leads their list of:

Greg Hardy, NFL Carolina Panthers, The NFL ILLUMINATI’s Nordic Sea Monster

NOW: “Greg Hardy is still playing for the Carolina Panthers, even after being convicted in July of choking his former girlfriend and threatening to kill her.”[56]

Around 4 am in the morning of a night of drinking and partying, Greg Hardy and his girlfriend, cocktail waitress Nicole Holder, got into a heated argument over an alleged former relationship between Holder and recording artist Nelly. Hardy was thought to be upset about it when he allegedly “snapped” and became violent that may have involved mutual pushing, shoving [57] and “throwing” Holder around.[58]

Ray McDonald, NFL 49ers,

NOW:  “Days after announcing the NFL’s new domestic violence policy, you said that Ray McDonald of the San Francisco 49ers, who is facing a felony domestic violence charge, could play in the team’s season opener against the Dallas Cowboys.”[59]  McDonald was “involved in an altercation” with his 10 weeks-pregnant fiancée during a birthday party at his home, according to the Sacramento Bee, and was arrested after police found bruises on her arms.[60] They still don’t who his pregnant fiancée is or was.

Jerry Jones, NFL Dallas Cowboys,


As far as exploitation and VIOLENCE against women by the rich and powerful ILLUMINATI, in their  patent hypocrisy, Jones is only the “accused.” NOW: “You [Roger Goodell] have been SILENT in the face of accusations that Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones sexually assaulted a woman.”[61] Even if they were legitimate, neither the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell or NOW have the power  and authority to carry Jerry Jones’ boots.

Ray Rice & the UltraViolet National Campaign: #GoodellMustGo

A  so-called “anti-sexism” activist organization, UltraViolet, said it  will fly banners reading, ” #GoodellMustGo,” over stadiums in Cleveland, New Jersey and San Francisco ahead of Sunday NFL games. The group says it also will fly the message before a Monday night game to be played in Indianapolis. They are calling on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to resign over his handling of former Baltimore Ravens star “RAY RICE’S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASE”, the group said.[62] 

UltraViolet is funded by  Citizen Engagement Laboratory (CEL).[63] CEL is funded by ILLUMINATI/Eugenic Master [64] Ebola George Soros’ Open Society  Institute.[65]

Ray Rice & Feminist: To Hate the Black Man

Gloria Steinem of the ILLUMINATI

CIA: Re-image and Define the Future of Black Relationships for a New World Order

“[America’s Renown CIA Feminist Activist]Gloria Steinem first came across the radar of Black men in 1978 when Steinem put a book called “Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman” on the cover of Ms. Magazine, the magazine which she controlled. The book was “written” by a Black “feminist” and “activist” named Michele Wallace who came out of nowhere. Wallace was in her early twenties at the time, yet she was being touted as the “leader” of Black feminism. In the book, Wallace called abolitionists like Harriet Tubman and Sojouner Truth “ugly” and “stupid” for supporting Black men. She called Black Revolutionaries “chauvinist macho pigs” and advised Black women to “go it alone.” Gloria Steinem said that Wallace’s book would “define the future of Black relationships” and she pushed hard to make sure the book received massive publicity. Gloria Steinem’s work triggered a flood of “Hate Black Men” books and films that continues to this day. Needless to say, some were quite suspicious of Ms. Magazine and Gloria Steinem. Why was Steinem sticking her nose into the affairs of the Black community? So people started doing some research on Steinem. When it came out that Gloria Steinem was probably the ghost writer of the book with Michele Wallace’s name on it, Wallace had a nervous breakdown and went into hiding for two years. However, the damage was already done and the “Hate Black Men” movement was off and running.”[66]

Ray Rice & the ILLUMINATI Global Propaganda Campaign of Diversion

Ray Rice & The Gaza Genocide


The false flag Ray Rice Affair has suddenly propelled and spring to the top of national and international news superseded even the urgency of the Gaza- Israeli [U.S] War Crime Aggression against a virtual defenseless sovereign nation of color. The 50-day Israeli War of Aggression slaughtered over 2,100 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and injured around 11,000. Shelter Cluster, an international organization engaged in the assessment of post-war reconstruction, released a report in late August, putting the number of housing units destroyed or severely damaged by Israel’s bombardment at 17,000. According to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), around 500,000 Gazans were internally  displaced during the Israeli aggression. By the thousands, Gazans are still living  in schools, where they took refuge during weeks of Israeli air strikes, which turned their utility (water, gas and electrical) and governmental infrastructure, homes, businesses, hospitals, buildings and schools into oceans of rubble at U.S. Taxpayer expense:

“We don’t know where to go or whom to turn to. The only place to call home is a UN school. Our kids and our families are living a miserable life. It is very hard for me to watch my mother and my wife living this way. We need a solution to our calamity. We need to live a decent life,” said a Gaza resident.[67]

Ray Rice & Project NAOMI Ebola Outbreak


The sensationalized false flag Ray Rice Affair has supplanted the urgency of the largest Ebola Outbreak/Crisis in history that is spreading across West Africa. The Nazi/CIA MK ULTRA Project NAOMI’s Biological Warfare Agent, EBOLA, in West Africa has killed 2,288 people, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. It said that 47% of the deaths and 49% of the total 4,269 cases had come in the 21 days leading up to September 6, 2014.[6]

Ray Rice & ISIS


The sensationalized false flag Ray Rice Affair has almost superseded the urgency of the ISIS (The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq) brutal war crime and human rights violating deadly aggression in the Middle East. According to Jordanian intelligence sources, the United States (U.S. Taxpayers) along with Israel were actually responsible for training 10,000 so-called “moderates” Islamists in the hope that they would follow American interests in the region that is now being used to destabilize Iraq in wars of aggression and campaign of genocide.[69]

Ray Rice & Ukraine Crisis

The sensationalized false flag Ray Rice Affair has also overshadowed the urgency of the Russian-Ukraine Crisis that has been principally masterminded by U.S. and Israel secret government intelligence services that has the potential to spark a World War III. More than 3,000 people have been killed in the conflict in Ukraine between pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government in which the count also includes the 298 passengers aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17  that was shot down over rebel-held territory on July 17.[70]

Ray Rice, Michael Brown & Ferguson


The false flag Ray Rice Affair has eclipsed the urgency of the Ferguson Missouri Crisis and the gunning down of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. Darren Wilson, the police officer that gunned down the unarmed teen didn’t report the stop or shooting to dispatch as required. Wilson was taken away from the scene of the shooting with a fractured eye socket, because he had been allegedly brutally attacked by Brown. Wilson‘s eye socket fracture story was a corporate mass media BIG LIE.[71]

As of the date of this post, the officer’s incident report or statement still has not been released to the public. Wilson has not been arrested or charged with a crime by the U.S. Justice Department or the local DA. Wilson has been allowed to sit around rally reactionary right wing police support, collect witness statements, autopsy reports and a government paycheck before he has to say a word about exterminating Michael Brown.


Michael Brown wasn’t gunned down as a fleeing felon or criminal. Missouri is a former “slavery” state once openly and violently controlled by Confederate General Albert Pike’s (I reckon with a dagger) ILLUMINATI Knights of the Golden Dawn. Michael Brown was slaughtered for the unwritten “Code of Insolence.” Like Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis and so many others young Black males, if a white man challenge you, you are not supposed to move a muscle to defend your rights or yourself. We are supposed to believe that in each instance of their deaths that these young men were suddenly transformed into uncontrollable and raging Big Black Brutes that threw themselves into a hail of bullets.

The grim realty of racism in America is that man, woman, child, even cats and dogs (Michael Vick)  have the authority backed by the “Power of the State” to challenge and attack the authority and manhood of a Black male.

“Few months ago, a video showing Solange  Knowles physically attacking Sean ‘Jay-Z’ Carter circulated across the internet and it created a certain buzz. Not the buzz a rational, unbiased, non-feminist-oriented society would experience. Rather, Mr. Sean Carter was the butt of many jokes. His masculinity (or lack of therein) was called into question. In the video, he was clearly being physically attacked/assaulted/threatened/battered – call it whatever you may … Social and Entertainment media were more concerned with the reason behind such aggravated assault by Solange  and the peculiar passiveness of Beyonce as this man, Jay-Z, was being clobbered. It seemed fairly normal [Normal as America’s Cherry Pie Violence] to society.”[72]

The perverted American system of justice and military industrial police state has given society a general license to challenge, fight, strike, and spit in the face of a Black men like Ray Rice and a Jay-Z then out of the other side of the mouth verbally emasculate them if they struck back or not, “You’re not a MAN!” The insecure white chauvinism Satanic ILLUMINATI constantly exploit Black Females as a pre- textual victims to systematically challenge, demonize, emasculate, destroy, re-image and criminalize the masculinity of Black Males on the world stage.

As brothers in racist America, no matter how infatuated or in love that we may be with a woman, if she humiliates me in public, as a rule, I have to let them go and as the bluesman say- walk the back streets and cry.

In once instance, I had been with a potential female companion for about 3 months before she began to as we say, “show out in public.” At a Whole Food Market in Berkeley, I had spent my entire weekly check on an entire organic grocery food bill because she had asthma, but for $50 for gas and lunch for a week. When the clerk returned $50 to me as change, she ran across the grocery isles and picked up a $35 bottle of organic molasses and shouted out across the entire predominately white store, “If you were any kind of MAN, you would buy this for me!” I had to let her go- walk the back streets and cry.

In another instance, I had been with another potential female companion for about 6 months before she began to as we say, “show out in public.” Due to her education, work experience and background, she was constantly unemployed. I had developed an independent source of income and employed her as partner on certain business contracts. In advance of one job, she asked for an advancement in pay and borrow my new expensive SLR Canon camera. She had been a consistently reliable worker. I gave her the money and the camera. She didn’t show up for the weekend job, but I wasn’t worried. She had established an excellent work history. I was confident that some type of emergency must have come up. It was a two man job, but I completed the work assignment within 24 hours. She showed up that Monday evening and asked me to take her to a movie. While we were waiting for the movie to open, I casually asked why she hadn’t shown up for work. She suddenly jumped up in the partially predominately white crowded theatre and shouted, “You’re not my MAN. It isn’t none of your business where I been and who I been with. My MAMA is the only person I answer to. You can take your ass home. I don’t need you. I can call someone to pick me up and take me home to my MAMA.” Calmly, I told her that I picked her and would return her to the safety of her mama and home. I had to let the young lady go and walk the back streets and cry.

About two to three weeks later, she called me to pick her up from Oakland’s Kaiser Hospital Emergency Room. She had been involved in a physical altercation with her current suitor in a motel room. He hit and roughed her up. She waited until he was sleep then busted him in the head with a lamp. He was in the hospital emergency room in critical condition. She walked free of charges and her suitor was arrested, CONVICTED for domestic violence and sent to state prison. She told me that I had once confessed to have LOVED her. I did. But for my survival, health, safety and well-being in this racialist society, I had to move on. I still pretty much had a price on my head and special code when police entered the picture with me. As BB King says, the THRILL IS GONE.

Don’t get it twisted, I am not a wimp because of my approach to combative and misdirected sisters that I will always love. On the contrary, I had a modest reputation but not the usual temperament of a competitive street fighter off the streets of Oakland, CA. I had learned the skills to knock out or rock a man senseless with one punch.

Here I am, above in April 1968,  just after the extra-judicial CIA/FBI/OPD  Panther Squad shot to pieces our beloved 17 year old Little Bobby Hutton. I was sitting there looking out into space.  I wasn’t  sure if I was going to see my family again or Live or Died. During the late 1960s, I was most often heavily armed for Love of the People. Carrying a lethal weapon for defense of the people was an awesome responsibility. I had no military or formal training and experience to handle stress with a weapon. Personally, it was extremely dangerous for me to attempt to resolve confrontations with a gun, Red Book and a “street fighter” mentality.

During that time, the late our Most Beautiful and Legendary Brother, Bruce Lee sent a personal bloodline emissary to Oakland to train brothers on the frontline Black Struggle in the martial arts. I had become disillusioned with the Black Panther Party (BPP) Political Education classes that had become dominated by former PHOENIX program Vietnam U.S. Army Ranger assassins and clandestine infiltrators. The ex- army rangers never expressed any remorse for murdering our yellow Vietnamese brothers and sisters for U.S. Imperialism or showed any particular love or knowledge of Black Nationalism.

In most political education classes, there were some technical weapons training, but in most cases, we flipped pages word for word of Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s Little Red Book. To be excused from political education classes and avoid any potential conflicts with these brothers, I convinced Chairman Bobby Seale and my BPP elders that as a young brother I and the BPP could benefit mentality and physically from the rare and special martial arts training offered by Bruce Lee.

The black former U.S. Army Rangers that dominated the political education classes subsequently became the leaders and trainers of PHOENIX Program type BPP Goon Squads of the Panther’s Second Wave that were assigned to eradicate and neutralize BPP and Black Nationalist dissidents across the nation.

To my surprise in the martial arts training classes, we went thru long  exhaustive intensive mental and physical conditioning before we threw any punches or kicks. I was introduced to Bruce Lee’s invaluable philosophical “Art of Fighting without Fighting.” I learned how to with confidence to fight offensively and defensively without throwing a punch or a kick that would harm the people or community I love. I was introduced to concept of “dualism.” When an opponent is enraged- I become passive, calm, relaxed and idle. When an opponent throws a punch or kick, I learned the confidence and art to redirect and change energy to empty space.

All in all, it was mental conditioning and exercises to re-awaken the oppressed “Osirian Will”- order, balance, harmony, righteousness and JUSTICE that the Chinese Masters had retained throughout the Ages, “According to Plutarch, he [Osiris] made the Egyptians give up their destitute and brutish mode of life, showing them the fruits produced by civilization, and giving them laws, and teaching them how to worship the gods. After doing this, he traveled the whole world and introduced civilization by means of persuasion, reasoning and music, rather than weapons.”[73] Don’t get it twisted, if persuasion, reasoning and direction of the force of positive and negative energy didn’t work and deadly force was imminent or first used, our orders were to return deadly force.

In my opinion, it is not sufficient to tell our children what it is to be “Black” in America to survive. It also requires deep philosophical mental and physical “Osirian Will”  conditioning or re-conditioning not only to survive, but move into the leadership of a spiritual battle to restore the world to order, balance, harmony, righteousness and JUSTICE– Maat.

Adrian Peterson & Montgomery County, TX of the Confederate States of America

In regards to the ILLUMINATI’s  most recent NFL “patsy” and poster boy for VIOLENCE in America, Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings, once again the insecure white chauvinism ILLUMINATI constantly exploit Black Females and “OUR CHILDREN” as pre-textual  victims to systematically challenge, demonize, emasculate, destroy, re-image and criminalize the masculinity of Black Males on the world stage.

Montgomery County, Texas- Confederate States of America (CSA)

On September 11, 2014, Montgomery County Assistant DA Phil Grant out of Texas A& M announced the indictment of Adrian Peterson for reckless or negligent injury to a child. The incident took place vaguely sometime over the summer. Local police refused to arrest Peterson, and initial reports was that a first grand jury had chosen not to indict Peterson.[74] This was three (3) days after the Ray Rice/Janay Palmer video was released by TMZ.

Peterson was born and raised in Palestine, Smith County, TX. Palestine is a northeastern Texas one-horse town that still fly the Confederate Flag over the county courthouse, and celebrate “Confederate History Month.”[75] Some still refer to Palestine, Texas, the rural part Ku Klux Klan  county.” [76] It is an area of Texas infamously historically known for mass barbaric and savage violence, lynchings and massacres of Blacks.[77] On August, 8, 1898, Dan Ogg, 21 years, was extra judicially lynched in Palestine, TX, and 18 unidentified blacks had been savagely murdered in Palestine by July 30 1910.[78]

Adrian Peterson- Booking Mug Shot

Peterson doesn’t appear to be the brightness or the lest or most courageous among us. He is a big and “Raw” country boy that is probably obedient to everything the “Old South” requires of him to survive in that part of the country- stay home, play video games, raise his children, stay out of trouble, keep his nose out of white folk’s business, and play football. He is also obedient to his “Old South” roots and traditions of raising children that over the generations have his kept his family safe and alive in the South, and “the rural part Ku Klux Klan county.”

Texas, Missouri like Florida are among some of the most barbaric racist and far right states in America that are also locked in the traditions of the Old South“- pseudo-psychotic racial notions of superiority, and racialist cultural traditions out of the 19th century institution of African slavery.” The history of Montgomery County, Texas of the “Old South” is particularly telling and CHILLING!

Republican and former Houston Police Department Union Lawyer, Brett Ligon, is District Attorney of Montgomery County that has an extremely odd Southern barbaric celebration. For each “Life Sentence” won of most often defenseless Black or Hispanic defendants, “they have a party for the assistant District Attorney …. They have cake and cookies and speeches, lots of clapping and back slapping, and then, a gold coin is given to that prosecutor to memorialize their “Queen for a Day” status.” Reportedly, they also party for each “Death Penalty Sentence.”[79] Montgomery County is also a backwater red neck community located just outside of Houston ravaged by corruption and a similar sordid history of barbaric and savage lynchings and other horrible racial VIOLENCE against black men. One of the worst was the public slaughter of mill worker 19-year-old Joe Winters on the Montgomery County Courthouse Square in May 1922.


Winters’ only crime was being an universal playboy and having an inter-racial affair with a white girl. Newspapers advertised the Winter’s lynching and a crowd packed the county square like the opening of a circus. Winters was chained to a metal fence peg in the public square. They stacked gasoline soaked wooden boxes around him, and a match was applied to his clothing also saturated with gasoline. He was burned alive.[80]

On August 23, 1980, a white 16-year-old  junior at Bellville High School, Cheryl Dee Fergeson, was murdered. Fergeson had been part of a school volleyball team playing a match against another high school in Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas. Conroe is a “Town that Love Lynching.” Her body was found in the loft above the school auditorium. Suspicion immediately fell on two of the custodians, Clarence Brandley and Henry (Icky) Peace, who had found the body. During their joint interrogation — as Peace would recount — Texas Ranger Wesley Styles told them, “One of you is going to have to hang for this” and then, turning to Brandley, added, “Since you’re the NIGGER, you’re elected.”[81]

Brandley was sentenced to death but was released after 10 years on death row later after the killer, a white male whom the evidence pointed to all along, confessed. The only evidence needed to convict Brandley of capital murder was the mental disease of Negrophobic hysteria. In fact, the evidence that Montgomery County used to convict Brandley of murder has suddenly disappeared under Ligon’s watch.[82] The Good Ole Boys of the South out of Bum Bright’s Texas A& M like DA Brett Ligon play games with Brandley wrongfully, and wickedly deny him reasonable compensation for the county’s unlawful conviction.[83] Albert Pike’s Ku Klux Klan still meets regularly in the county, and the grand jury that indicted Peterson was most likely a traditional mentally ill Montgomery County Negrophobic (Fear of or contempt for Black people and their CULTURE) All Lily White” jury.

Elite ILLUMINATI Jerry Jones- One God, LUCIFER

According to sources, Peterson testified before the grand jury the week of August 18, 2014 following the internet release of Weckerly’s compromising pictures of Jerry Jones’ Bunga Bunga threesome.[84] DA Ligon probably had that infamous party in Montgomery County when Peterson was indicted. Jerry Jones, Roger Goodell and the ILLUMINATI NFL also most likely were all smiles that one of their boys out of Texas A&M hand warped, packaged and delivered yet another high profile professional football Black patsy athlete to the ILLUMINATI false flag agenda as a VEIL for SATAN for disciplining his 4 year old son with a customary age old Black cultural “SWITCH” –a narrow tree limb.

Don’t believe the hype of corporate mass media pundits. The American Police- Military- Industrial System and Montgomery County of the Confederate States of America has no concern for the welfare and safety of Peterson’s Black Children.  If we don’t love our children enough to discipline and shape them for the world, they will gladly step in the void.

Joseph Williams, 14 years old, of Buck County, Pennsylvania, was taught a lesson in discipline. “He was handcuff but they say he resisted arrest that yall tazzed (Tased) him in his face (sic).” The police broke his nose and both his eyes were beaten swollen shut.  They have plans to discipline the children and you won’t like what the Satanic ILLUMINATI have in plan for them.

America’s Secret War Against Black Children

There was no Help from the Terror of the Klan even for the Children

June 1, 1921, Black Wall Street, Tulsa, OKILLUMINATI Albert Pike’s Ku Klux Klan led the (Wipe Them off the Face of the Earth Campaign) to the Genocide of 3,000 Black Men, Women and Children and firebombed about 35 blocks of the Black Community destroying 1,500 Homes. Our parents and elders know and fear that as Black Children– one bush with them no matter what age- may be your last and most CHILLING experiences in America even at school.

Black male child no more than 7 years old appears to be arrested at school is confronted by a corporate mass media local news crew to make a statement to the public about his alleged criminal conduct.


The criminalization and demonization of Black Children in schools or wherever they may be isn’t confined to Black male children.


During most of her life, my mother’s greatness fear was that they were going to kill me. My mother was born, raised and reared in the “Deep South” of Morehouse Parrish, Louisiana that also had a sordid history of barbaric and savage lynchings and other horrible racial VIOLENCE against black men. It was that same southern rooted fear and trepidation of barbaric and savage mental illness of Negrophobic violence, and psychotic notion of racial superiority that my mother and my elders out of the grand “Old South” took that “SWITCH” to my ass to try to save me the best way they knew how in AMERIKKA. Don’t believe the hype of corporate mass media pundits. The American Police- Military- Industrial System and Montgomery County of the Confederate States of America has no concern for the welfare and safety of Peterson’s Black Children. 


There is a secret ILLUMINATI Prison and Concentration Camp Pipeline Agenda even for our children for a New World Order.

Avon Police Department 2007 Felony Booking Mug Shot of Kindergartner Desre’e Watson

Desre’e had a run-in with her kindergarten teacher in Florida that developed into a child’s tantrum. She was arrested by local police and booked for felony assault and battery against the teacher.

In 1998, our Beautiful 11 year old Little Sister, Ryan Harris, was brutally raped and killed in Chicago. Chicago Police Department Detectives James Cassidy and Allen Nathaniel arrested two children, 7 and 8 year old Black boys, for Ryan’s murder The boys that most likely couldn’t reach an erection confessed to the rape and murder of Ryan after the police offered the children Big Macs and a trip home. Nevertheless, Ryan’s skull had been bashed in with a rock, her panties had been stuffed down her throat and there was semen found in her body parts left by an adult. The male children became poster boys to internationally demonize Black Children. Needless to say, it was a pedophile straight out of a CIA/MK ULTRA prison program that raped and murdered Ryan that had been allowed to terrorize, traumatize and prey on Chicago’s Black Children.

Our parents and elders fear is justified that instead of trying to enslave, kill and oppress them as in the past and tradition of the Grand Old South– there is an absolutely diabolical plan and blueprint across America to re-image and demonize children of color as useless global criminal classes to justify millions of dollars and resources being poured over into the prison-military industrial system for profiling, classification, de-education and mass incarceration- Modern Slavery and Genocide of Black Children.

As Bruce Lee and the Ancients would say, RELAX Unless YOUR (GOD) WILL BE DONE at less then what you are proficient at!

Dedicated to Janay Palmer-Rice, Adrian Peterson’s Four Year Old Son, Desre’e Watson, Ryan Harris, Joseph Williams, the children, elders, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of the Struggle- “You are Our Greatest Inspiration.” IT AIN’T OVER BY A LONG SHOT!















[15] Id.










[25] Id.





[30] Scott, Peter Dale, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, University of California Press, 1993, pgs. 200-201











































[73] Reid, Patrick V, Readings in Western Religious Thought: the Ancient World, Paulist Press, Mahwah, NJ, (1987) pg. 32










[83] Id.




28 10 2009

U.S. Covert Domestic Terrorist Operations & The SS

-Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war[1] 

President John F. Kennedy may have trashed the idea, but Fascist and Strong-Arm Law and Order Presidential Administrations like Richard Milhouse Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush were ready to sign off on criminal death and destruction covert domestic terrorist programs dreamed up by the Knights of the Black Sun, the SS, to polarized the races and terrorize the masses for their own end of a New World Order.

Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s resident SS, Knight of Black Sun, on the U.S. Joint Chief of Staff was Dr. Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer. Dr. Kraemer was a special assistant, adviser and strategist to the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations (DCSOPS) at the Pentagon, [2] and the National Security Council (NSC). The NSC was patterned after Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany’s Security Council, and its jurisdiction was to oversee the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by dictate of the National Security Act of 1947.

The extraordinary researcher, the Late Great Mae Brussell, identified Kraemer as the “Number One” most powerful (Secret Team) person in the United States. She suspected that he was the very same Brigadefuhrer SS Fritz Kraemer [3] who was very high up in Hitler’s regime and personally responsible for extremely strategic fascist atrocities in WWII, who as a war crimes defendant literally walked away from the Nuremberg Tribunal. [4]

Fritz Kraemer and his son, Sven Kraemer, were major advisors of the NSC for both Democratic and Republican presidential administrations since Eisenhower. They were also prominent advisors in the Center for Security Policy (CSP), which features the William J. Casey Institute. Federal Judge D. Lowell Jensen’s Alameda County Mafia partner, Edwin Meese III, was an informal advisor of the CSP with the Kraemers. [5] The Kraemers were some of the most dominant and influential members of Henry Kissinger’s staff, and the U.S. Pentagon.

U.S. Domestic Terrorism Operations such as Northwoods were part and parcel of The Knights of Black Sun’s Master plan for a 1000 Year Third Reich of World Domination. Hitler, Himmler and the SS Master Plan devised a series of historical events that, on the surface, would appear to be occurrences of international and domestic terrorism; acts of murder, assassinations, terror, and war. Through timing of these events, patience, careful planning, and cooperation from others in positions of trust, stealth and deceit, they would acquire power over the United States and World through false flag operations, fear mongering, population mind control, deception, concealment, selected assassinations of national and world leaders, and war.

Marinus Van der Lubbe, “The Nazi’s Patsy” Domestic Terrorist, was convicted and executed for the infamous 1933 Reichstag Fire in Berlin that propelled Adolf Hitler and the Nazis into absolute power. After the fire, Van de Lubbe was found by the SS, cowering behind the Reichstag building, the house of the first parliament of Germany. Van de Lubbe had been a mental patient who lived as a vagabond and entertained grand delusions. On the forty-second day of his trial, he talked about “inner voices” that commanded him and demanded that he be put to death. [6] Van de Lubbe’s trial was compromised. He was convicted by a German court and executed. He was guillotined in a Leipzig prison yard on January 10, 1934. [7] 

According to Nazi propaganda, the Reichstag fire was intended as a signal for a feared national communist uprising that had long been planned. The Nazis had deliberately set the fire and setup Van de Lubbe as a patsy to scare the people into turning Germany into a Nazi dictatorship and strong-arm fascist state to fight off a sham communist menace.

To justify the invasion of Poland in 1939, the SS took twelve Jewish prisoners out of Buchenwald Concentration Camp and forced them to take poison, shot them after they had put on Polish uniforms. An SS Officer yelled in Polish into a radio transmitter at a radio station bordering Poland and Germany that they had taken over the station, and intended to invade Germany, and then the SS fled leaving the dead Jewish concentration camp inmates scattered about at the site of radio station as proof of Poland’s aggression.[8]

On September 1, 1939, to terrorize the people of Germany, Hitler told the Nazi Reichstag that Poland had tried to invade Germany, and the Wehrmacht was returning fire since 5:45 AM. Actually, in a carefully planned and highly mobile attack codenamed Fall Weiss (Case White) planned by General Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, German land, sea, and air forces were moving rapidly into Poland. [9]

U.S. Naval Hospital Neuropsychiatric Laboratory in San Diego & FIRST EARTH BATTALION

A blend of PSI (psychokinesis, etc) and mind control was used to create Col. Jim Channon’s U.S. First Earth Battalion (FEB) at Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Washington. FEB is an advanced version of the assassins created at the U.S. Naval Hospital Neuropsychiatric Laboratory in San Diego in the late 1970’s, which were replications of the CIA’s 1954 Artichoke project. [10]

According to the Late Great Mae Brussell, “Project Artichoke… [t]he object of this project was to create the real “Manchurian Candidate”, an assassin who could be programmed to kill a target and then not even remember he did it.” [11] The mission of the Manchurian Candidates were to commit acts of selected assassinations, and random acts of violence that appear to be crime sprees, and occurrences of international and domestic terrorism. 

During the 1ate 1970’s, Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., Oakland’s Jedi Knight Assassin, had been conveniently tucked away at the U.S. Naval Hospital in San Diego, CA.


Alternative House & Project Scangate and the Jonestown Connection   

Laser physicists Dr. Russell Targ and Dr. Harold E. Putoff at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon’s Jack Verona, The Raven, of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in the 1970’s developed the top secret psychic warfare program that was called PROJECT SCANGATE.

John Bircher’s Elmer J. & Deana Mertle AKA Alan & Jeannie Patricia Mills were some of Jim Jones’ most trusted former aids. Jim Jones’ idol and possible mentor was SS Dr. Josef Mengele, The Angel (Demon) of Death. According to some sources, Dr. Mengele was a Jonestown visitor. The Mertles joined Peoples Temple in Redwood City sometime in 1969. The Mertles were members of the Peoples Temple’s select and very sensitive “Lily White” Planning Committee.  

The cover story was that the Mertles defected from the Peoples Temple in 1975, and changed their names to Alan Joseph & Jeannie Patricia Mills to avoid associations with their former names because Jim Jones held their signed confessions to various illegal deals.

On January 1, 1980, Alan, Jeannie, and their 15 year old daughter, Daphene, were assassinated at their home at 3028 Regent in Berkeley, CA. The house had been a site for Mertle Rest Home, one of a string of nursing homes ran by the Peoples Temple and Jim Jones.

The Mills had been central in organizing the “Concerned Relatives” of Jonestown. Concerned Relatives was a division of the Human Freedom Center which the Mills were principals. It was “Concerned Relatives” that drew Congressman Leo Ryan into Guyana. Congressman Ryan’s assassination served as a pretext to mass murder of 913 predominately Black women and children in the rainforest of Guyana. 

Silent and professional killers murdered the Mills. The Mills’ 17-year-old son, Eddie, sat in a room in the house completely unaware of the murders. Was he drugged? We may never know because the Berkeley Police Department and FBI seem not to be pursuing the case, then or now. This murder remains unsolved. 

After the mass murder of the mostly Black women and children of Jonestown on November 18, 1978, the Mills founded a half-way house called Human Freedom Center to counsel, debrief, and control survivors of Jonestown, and former members of the Peoples Temple. Jonestown had been a CIA MK ULTRA Medical Experiment. Dr. Margaret Singer of UC Berkeley worked with the Mills and the Human Freedom Center. She was also involved in covering up CIA’s Jonestown experiments, and Congressman Leo Ryan’s assassination in Guyana. For whatever reasons, Jeannie Mills had been number two on Jim Jones’ (CIA) hit list after San Francisco Mayor George Moscone.    

During the 70’s, for cover, many of the CIA’s MK ULTRA pharmaceutical-medical experiments were funneled into domestic prisons, universities, hospitals, clinics, churches and cults. The Mills’ liquidation appears to have been none other than a military intelligence mop up or clean up operation of one of their sensitive domestic programs. In the CIA Jonestown Medical and the Alternative House Assassin experiments, they were cutouts from the beginning. After the Mill’s assassination, Human Freedom Center was taken over by none other than Russell Targ of OPERATION SCANGATE. Targ of SRI had top U.S. governmental military intelligence secret clearances.

Alternate House in Oakland had been frequented by members of a governmental contrived group of virtual reality created Islamic Black Manchurian Candidate Domestic Terrorist to scare the hell out of the masses called Al Constran also known as Al Colestran. 

Paul Cook, Ronnie Flenaugh (Al Rashid) and Billy Mapp (Alim Alalah Ali) were members. Two of them would be liquidated within months of each other after the Zebra or Death Angel horrific mass random terrorist attacks against whites took place in the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.

On October 16, 1972, Paul Cook was liquidated in cold blood on the sidewalk in front of Alternative House at 526 32nd, when he threatened to publicly expose the assassin (Death Angels) program being developed and sustained at the house. Unarmed, Cook’s brains were violently blown out by U.C. Berkeley Assistant Professor, Maalik Al Maalik. 

Al Constran was an experimental Black Community Domestic Terrorist Sect “Artichoke Program” setup by the CIA’s Station Chief at Vacaville Medical Men’s Facility, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton of Stanford and UC Berkeley. They were “Dr. (Isaac) Slaughter’s Boys.” Alternative House had been turned into an ex-offender Manchurian Candidate “Murder Incorporated” and “Black Mafia” of the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area.

Additionally, OPERATION SCANGATE ESP remote viewers, Targ and Pat Price of SRI were directly involved in the Symbionese Liberation Army caper, America’s most infamous domestic terrorist operation. OPERATION SCANGATE was called in on the Patty Hearst SLA case by the Berkeley Police Department. ESP is extrasensory perception. It is perception occurring independently of sight, hearing, or other sensory processes.

Price, allegedly by ESP, identified CIA Collaborator Willie Wolfe as a conspirator in the Hearst kidnapping. William Wolfe, alias Charles William Morgan, Cujo, was born in Pennsylvania; son of Dr. L.S. Wolfe, anesthesiologist. Wolfe had travelled for nine months in Europe before coming to Berkeley. [13]

Wolfe attended a UC Berkeley Black Studies class in “Black Lexicon,” under CIA contractor Professor Colston Westbrook, who would later bring Wolfe into Vacaville Medical Facility as a collaborator. Westbrook was the U.C. Berkeley outside facilitator of the Black Cultural Association (BCA), Dr. Hamilton’s secret MK ULTRA experiment cohort group funded by SRI.

Paul Cook’s liquidator, Maalik Al Maalik was also part of the U.C. Black Studies Department with Westbrook. Dr. Isaac Slaughter of the West Oakland Mental Health Clinic was the deliberating Elder and prison psychiatrist of BCA. Westbrook nor Wolfe had no known experience with prisoners, black friends, or radical movements, but Westbrook and Wolfe taught “black identity” to a prison study group at Vacaville. [14]

Wolfe lived at Peking House in Berkeley, the common meeting ground from which the illusory and veiled white “prison reformers” would spread into Vacaville Medical Facility, San Quentin, Folsom, Soledad and San Luis Obispo prisons. Wolfe was the common denominator that brought Russell Little, Robyn Steiner and other whites into the prison group. [15]

Wolfe attended Oakland School Board meetings and brought arguments against Dr. Marcus Foster into BCA prison discussions at Vacaville to incite black prisoners against Dr. Marcus Foster as a pretext to his assassination on November 6, 1973. [16]

In 1975, Pat Price, former naval intelligence officer, was assassinated in Las Vegas by food poisoning. Price became ill after a man accidentally bumped into hi

Another strange twist to the story is that SRI’s Scangate Remote Viewing Project was once Reichsfurhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s secret ESP project. Remote viewing (out of body projection) was directly connected to the secret research and occult practices of the SS.[17]     

Russell Targ’s SCANATE PROJECT (Manchurian Candidate) programs were sub-contracted out to Lt. Col. John B. Alexander’s Psi-Tech. [18] A unit called Task Force Delta (TFD) was formed by Col. Alexander. It was related to FEB (First Earth Battalion) at Fort Lewis. Col. Alexander and Major General Albert Stubblebine helped organize the (FEB) First Earth Battalion which in fact sought to create a battalion of mind controlled “Jedi Warriors”. [19] Both have been interested in creating an elite soldier with very powerful paranormal abilities. FEB and TFD both evolved out of the SCANATE PROJECT, and the Novel Biological Information Transfer Mechanisms (NBIT). [20]

Co. Alexander also known as “Dr. Death” is an extremely scary individual.  He entered the US Army as a private in 1956. From 1966-1969, he commanded Special Forces “A” Teams in Vietnam and Thailand. His teams are said to have been involved in Project Phoenix, an assassination campaign, along with Colston Westbrook. He received a Ph.D. in Thanatology, a study of the social and emotional aspects surrounding death. He married Victoria Lacas (Alexander), an abduction researcher and Las Vegas-based film reviewer/ journalist for the Devil’s Hammer. Victoria has written a comedy screenplay called BeDeviled, which is about a woman whose sister is having a love affair with the devil.  She has been photographed having dinner Edward Teller. She is a student of mysticism and of the South American ritual use of ayahuasca.

Col.  Alexander stated in an interview with the Washington Post in 2007, …The military and intelligence agencies were still scared by the excesses of MK-ULTRA, the infamous CIA program that involved, in part, slipping LSD to unsuspecting victims. “Until recently, anything that smacked of [mind control] was extremely dangerous” because Congress would simply take the money away, he said.  Alexander acknowledged that “there were some abuses that took place,” but added that, on the whole, “I would argue we threw the baby out with the bath water.” But September 11, 2001, changed the mood in Washington, and some in the national security community are again expressing interest in mind control, particularly a younger generation of officials who weren’t around for MK-ULTRA. “It’s interesting, that it’s coming back,” Alexander observed. 


On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Minority Leader Richard Gephardt introduced (H.J. Res. 114) to authorize the use of armed force against Iraq. It was referred to the International Relations Committee. On that day, there were two sniper attacks in the Washington D.C. area killing James Martin in a grocery store parking lot.

On Thursday, October 3, 2002, the bill was reported out of International Relations Committee for debate. On that day, sniper attacks continued killing 5 (five) people in 14 hours.

On Friday, October 4, 2002, the debate continued on H.J. Res. 114. On that day, a sniper shot and wounded a woman outside a craft store.

On Monday, October 7, 2002, the debate continued on H.J. Res. 114. On that day, a sniper shot and wounded a 13-year old arriving at school.

On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, the debate continued on H.J. Res. 114. On that day, a sniper shot and killed a man at a gas station.

October 10-11, H.J. Res. 114 passed both the House and the Senate. On the day it passed the Senate, a sniper shot and killed another man at a gas station.

On Monday, October 14, 2002, a sniper shot and wounded a FBI agent outside a store.

October 15-16, H.J. Res. 114, President George Walker Bush received and signed the bill into law.

On Saturday, October 19, 2002, a sniper shot and killed a man outside a Ponderosa Restaurant.

On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, on that that day, a sniper shot and killed a 35 year old bus driver. [21] As suspects, the police were looking for a white man driving a white van or truck.  


After the death of the bus driver, Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose read a carefully drafted cryptic message to the snipers late that Wednesday night: “You have indicated you want us to say and do certain things. You want us to say, ‘We have caught the sniper like a duck in the noose.’ We understand that hearing us say it is important to you.”

A few hours after Chief Moose broadcasted the trigger, and police had issued an all-points bulletin for the suspects’ car, two Black virtual reality created Islamic subjects to scare the masses with another Islamic menace, John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo, were found conveniently asleep in the wanted car, at a public rest stop, near I-70, a heavily-traveled Interstate highway.

When the attorney of John Lee Malvo asked him why he committed the alleged random killings, his answer was simple: The Matrix made him do it. Sources familiar with Malvo’s six-hour interview with Fairfax police Nov. 7, 2002 said he referred to “The Matrix” repeatedly. According to sources, he laughed when allegedly confessing his shootings – as if he didn’t believe that he had killed actual human beings.  

Malvo was not only obsessed with “The Matrix.” He was trapped inside “The Matrix.” His writings demonstrated that he wished people would free their minds from the matrix. The writings appear focused, in part, on “The Matrix.” “Free Your Mind! The Body Will Follow!” Malvo went on, “You are a slave to the Matrix ‘control,’ ” One page refers to Morpheus telling Neo: “Free first your mind, trust me! The body will follow!”

The writings were taken secretly from Malvo’s cell at the Fairfax County, Va., jail, photocopied and provided to investigators on the sniper task force preparing for the murder trial of Malvo, and John Allen Muhammad.

Chief Moose’s cryptic message was a trigger phrase used to put both Muhammad and Malvo into a post hypnotic sleep. If you watched the 1999 movie, “The Matrix”, you would instantly understand that Malvo was Neo, and Morpheus was John Allen Muhammad. In the MATRIX, Neo follows the white rabbit tattoo to Morpheus, who tells him: “You take the blue pill and the story ends.

“Follow the White Rabbit Neo.” – CAUGHT IN “The Matrix”

In “Alice in Wonderland,” Alice begins her journey by following the white rabbit who’s not happy to have her there, and who’s in quite a hurry to get somewhere. They tumble down the rabbit hole, and so it all begins. Neo is told to follow the “White Rabbit” in The Matrix in one of many metaphysical “waking up” metaphors. Seconds later, his doorbell rings, and when he opens the door he finds a woman with a tattoo of a white rabbit on her shoulder. Later in the film right before he meets the oracle one can see Night of the Lepus playing on a nearby television, symbolizing Neo’s decision to “follow the white rabbit” and to disturb the order of the Matrix.

In some cases, the “white rabbit’” is a mind control programmer. If we follow the white rabbit, it would lead you to Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Washington. Some of the Col. John B. Alexander’s Psi-Tech operations of FEB and TFD were run out of Ft. Lewis, Washington. John Allen Muhammad (Williams), was a soldier being run out of Ft. Lewis. Muhammad may have been one of FEB’s experimental remote controlled Jedi mind controlled soldiers implanted with a “Morpheus Complex.”  

Muhammad has all the treadmarks of a governmental assassin. Without any visible means of support, he had been able to travel to foriegn counties, and at least 10 states. He even had a travel agent or a handler posing as a travel agent. He was able to purchase weapons, ammo, laptop computer, and GPS system. He bought a car and gas. Most glaring of all, he had been stopped by police on numerous occasions, but each time that Muhammad was stopped and investigated, he sort of got a pat on the back and a license to continue on his mission.  In Antigua, Muhammad boasted of being a CIA and FBI agent.  Muhammad also said that he was member of an elite Special Forces team on a secret mission. Malvo, he said, was part of the team.

During the 23 days of Terror, John Allen Muhammad’s license number had been entered into the FBI database eleven times during the span of the shootings with no information on any arrests or convictions showing. [22]

Information missing from that database includes the following. Muhammad was arrested three times for possession of false I.D., once in Antigua (where he was allowed to walk away from the police station after being held for two days). He was caught twice in Florida with false I.D. and trying to smuggle aliens into the country. He was not held. [23]

In the State of Washington he had a conviction for driving on a suspended license. There was also a warrant for his arrest for failure to appear on a shoplifting charge. Also in Washington his ex-wife had obtained a person protection order from the court, which made it illegal for him to possess a firearm and was the basis for the arrest warrant issued on October 23rd. [24]

In addition, Muhammad was courts martialed twice when in the Louisiana National guard. Once for disobeying three direct orders to report for duty and the second for striking a non-commissioned officer. On the first offense he was fined $100 and reduced in rank to a specialist. He got a suspended sentence for hitting his sergeant. [25]

Strangest of all was an incident in the 1991 Gulf war when Muhammad was accused of rolling a hand grenade into a tent where a number of his fellow soldiers were. He was led away in handcuffs but nothing further was heard and it apparently does not show on his service record. [26]

In the military, John Allen Muhammad was either a “bad ass” passive-aggressive type able to kill without any regrets ripe for conditioning for special covert assassination assignments, or he was already one of their protected experimental special services programmed (killer) boys ready for the next level, a psychic level in “The Matrix.” 

A Global Positioning System (GPS) device was found in Muhammad’s possession when arrested with Malvo. E-Systems of Texas developed the GPS device. Raytheon, one of the largest military industrial complexes’ contractors, acquired E-Systems.  

Ultra secret E-System’s core business was focused on intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance, which includes systems for law enforcement, which can intercept faxed messages, telephone calls, modem transfers, and video transmissions on a single system in eavesdropping by the government. Their Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies (satellite based) can locate objects anywhere in the world within one foot of the object’s actual location. [27]

E-Systems acquired ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated (APTI). APIT developed the High Frequency Active Auroral Program (HAARP). HAARP involves making man-made changes in the electrical earth ionosphere that can be used for individual and mass behavior control. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic (ELF) oscillations can attack and control low frequency electromagnetic brain waves in human beings. HAARP’s perturbation of the environment by ELF geophysical warfare can produce changes in, and control behavior patterns.  [28]

So you have it. Under the influence of HAARP, Muhammad and Malvo could be summoned to follow the white rabbit to various locations around the U.S. with the GPS device where FEB and TFD (Project Northwoods) sniper teams were setup to pick off innocent human targets to terrorize the masses to mask the Iraqi aggression and create an illusory strong-arm fascist state to fight off a sham Islamic menace.

Muhammad and Malvo have become some of the first 21st Century Remote-Controlled Black Manchurian Candidate Domestic Terrorist “Patsies” programmed to be trapped inside the “Matrix.”  In the final criteria, the disposal of the Manchurian Candidate after operations, both Muhammad and Malvo were convicted of capital murder in the Washington, D.C., area sniper attacks that left 10 people dead in four states.

John Allen Muhammad, Morpheus, was sentenced to death, while his 19-year-old accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo, Neo, was given life in prison without parole. While Malvo did not speak at his sentencing, Muhammad, 43, asserted his innocence, saying, “I had nothing to do with this.”  Who will listen? They intend to liquidate Muhammad as soon as possible as like Marinus Van der Lubbe, “The Nazi’s Patsy” Domestic Terrorist.

For Malvo, hypnotically deeply imbedded and lost mentally and psychologically in “The Matrix”, the story will never end for him because the man, his Morpheus, with the blue pill will never be able to come to his aid.  His final story will end locked away in a mental institutional unless a qualified psychiatrist can deprogram him. Then, who will listen?

In the final analysis, John Allen Muhammad probably had been a good soldier. As Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., their Yoda had been Reagan’s richly endowed STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITATIVE PROJECT (Star War Initiative) that continually fund Lt. Col. John B. Alexander’s secret Psi (psychokinesis, etc), mind control and paranormal experiments and programs of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS against unwitting citizens to create weapons of mass destruction and zombie robot armies.  It is not too far out of the box to believe that as Flenaugh, Muhammad had volunteered to help his country in an experimental secret governmental program.

But what these brothers and many more had no way of knowing was that the very enemy that this country openly identified and accepted as universal war criminals and mass murderers, enemies of world peace such as the Nazis and the SS (The World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murder Cult) were secretly brought into the country to make prey of them and their children; and their children’s children. 






[6] Keith, Jim, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, IllumiNet Press, Lilburn, GA, 1999, pg. 15



[9] Id.

[10] Watson, Peter, War of the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology, N.Y. Basic Books. 1978: Horrock, N. “CIA Documents Tell of 1954 Project to Create Involuntary Assassins.” NY Times, February 9, 1978




[14] Id.

[15] Id.

[16] Id.


[18] Id. At footnote 10


[20] Probable Government Involvement in Parapsychological and Paranormal Research,



[23] Id.

[24] Id.

[25] Id.

[26] Id.

[27] Id., pg. 92

[28] MacDonald, Gordon J.F., Unless Peace Comes, A Scientific Forecast of New Weapons, 1968; Begich, Nick Dr., Manning, Jeane, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Earthpulse Press, P.O. Box 201393, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995; Smith, Jerry E., HAARP, The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1998