4 08 2016

Political America and corporate mass media have taken extraordinary steps to globally brand Black Card Manchurian Candidates Micah X. Johnson and Gavin Eugene Long as Black Nationalists. However, both young black men were manufactured, fabricated and packaged in the U.S. Army and Navy as sleeper patsy mind controlled Pseudo Black Nationalists for the shadow government’s black card-race war games. Both Micah X. Johnson and Gavin Eugene Long have been played as strategy of tension false flag shades in a pasted divisive and wicked ILLUSIONARY WAR against police officers, and white society. This is also an update particularly in regards to Gavin Eugene Long aka COSMO Ausar Setepen-Ra & Satanism. However, many people around the world and this country may wonder what exactly is traditionally known as Black Nationalism, and America’s traditional continuing covert, illegal and criminal war against Black Nationalists.




First and foremost, the leading and most respected advocate of Black Nationalism in America was Malcolm X. He said,  “I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.”[1] On Black Nationalism, Malcolm said: “My philosophy is black nationalism, my economic philosophy is black nationalism, my social philosophy is black nationalism… to me this means that the political philosophy of black nationalism is that which is designed to encourage our people, the black people, to gain complete control over the politics and politicians of our own community…. We should gain complete economic control over the economy of our community, the businesses and other things that create employment, so that we can provide employment for our own people, instead of having to picket and boycott and beg other people for a job.”[2]


Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale organized the Black Panther Party for Self Defense around Malcolm X’s political, economic and social philosophy of Black Nationalism. The Panther Ten- Point Plan was developed by Huey and Bobby to plainly relate to the everyday people on the street and in the Black Community, and show the government what the people only wanted.

1. WE WANT FREEDOM. WE WANT POWER TO DETERMINE THE DESTINY OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.

According to Huey, the main reason of making the Ten-Point Plan was to gain equal rights, and be treated just like a human-being and not to be separated into different social classes and race.[3] Malcolm X’s definition of Black Nationalism and the Panther’s Ten-Point Plan were clearly constitutional expressions and activity that had the same basic central themes, and demands, CIVIL & HUMAN RIGHTSTO BE TREATED AND RESPECTED AS HUMAN BEINGS, and THE RIGHTS OF SELF PRESERVATION, DETERMINATION AND PROTECTION.


Malcolm, Huey, Bobby, and Stokely, in my particular case, taught us to be lovers, respectable citizens, gentlemen, scholars, and vigilant of our rights as a people. In the latter in regards to the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, our adversaries were warned to thread very lightly.


Brother Huey directed us if they use lethal force, be ready return the same kind. The old Huey P. Newton before prison torture and secret comprehensive and illegal medical and chemical behavior modification experiments didn’t play.

From Play Ground to Battlefield


As a Manchild,  joining the Panthers after high school was like going from the playground to the battlefield. I didn’t have the absolutely heroic courage or the intellects of the Bobbys, Stokelys and Hueys of the BPP.  There were real bullets flying and people were dropping all around me. I was so afraid. They had promised to kill or imprison all of us.  But, the cause became much bigger than my personal fears and even myself.  I guess it was some sort of a transformation or transition from Manchild. I had come to a point of the others. I wouldn’t back up or down living in the Valley of DEATH. They began to call me, “Little Stokely.”

Our Religious and Spiritual Philosophy is JUSTICE

When it came to spiritual and religious matters, we followed Brother Malcolm’s suggestion, and left it in the closet. The vast majority of the early Panthers were grounded in their communities raised in religious and spiritual strict traditional southern Baptist Christian value structures and systems even Bobby and Huey. These values were so fundamental in the lives of the early Panthers that there weren’t any need to debate or even discuss- those things were left to the wisdom of our elders and time.



Concealed and internal within this spiritual and religious value system is an idea of JUSTICE so old and profound that even today our modern minds can hardly understand its true meaning to all mankind. It is not grounded in any Greco-Roman or Western Judeo Christian background, it comes from our ancestral spiritual homeland in Africa, Ancient Kemet. In ancient KEMET, almost all the texts and inscriptions speak of JUSTICE. All the texts of wisdom teach that one has to conform to MAAT. Nobody knows her age, because she goes back to the dawn of civilization. She is so engrained in our collective inner most consciousness that All of our actions were/are measured and weighed by MAAT whether we understood it or not. Our elders taught us that “All Actions have a Cosmic Dimension to Social Order.”


The Meaning of Maat: The word MAAT, in Pharonic languages translates to mean, Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Balance and Order. It’s opposite being “Isfet“, which means, lacking in justice; out of balance, disorder, etc.- CHAOS, the Law of LUCIFER. Our greatest adversaries are not the PEOPLE, but the LORDS OF CHAOS.




LUCIFER’S SON, J. Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar Hoover was Director of the FBI of the U.S. Justice Department for 48 years, through the administrations of eight presidents.  Hoover’s Luciferian Masonic career was all in Washington, D.C. He was a member of Federal Lodge No. 1; Justice Lodge No. 46 (charter member); Lafayette Chapter No. 5, R.A.M.; Washington Commandery No. 1; Scottish Rite Bodies, coroneted 33º, Grand Cross; Almas Shrine and was an active member of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay. SATAN had been his GOD.


Behind the VEILHoover was a Hermaphrodite, and maybe even a Corybante, Homosexual Soldier of Goddess Cybele, the Whore of Babylon.


In 1967, Black Nationalism had not been tied to any organized criminal, subversive or racketeering enterprises in America. Yet, on August 25, 1967, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover developed a comprehensive counterintelligence plan to destroy Black Nationalism called, COINTELPRO. Hoover’s stated purpose and mission of the special counterintelligence program was to ” … expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or OTHERWISE NEUTRALIZE [emphasis added] the activities of black nationalist hate-type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters, and to counter their propensity for violence and civil disorder.”[4]

” … the pernicious background of such groups, their duplicity, and DEVIOUS maneuvers must be exposed to public scrutiny where such publicity will have a neutralizing effect. Efforts of the various groups to consolidate their forces or to recruit new or youthful adherents must be frustrated. NO OPPORTUNITY SHOULD BE MISSED TO EXPLOIT THROUGH COUNTERINTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND PERSONAL CONFLICTS OF THE LEADERSHIPS OF THE GROUPS AND WHERE POSSIBLE AN EFFORT SHOULD BE MADE TO CAPITALIZE UPON EXISTING CONFLICTS BETWEEN COMPETING BLACK NATIONALIST ORGANIZATIONS. [emphasis added] When an opportunity is apparent to disrupt or NEUTRALIZE [emphasis added] black nationalist, hate-type organizations through the cooperation of established local news media contacts or through such contact with sources available to the Seat of Government, in every instance careful attention must be given to the proposal to insure the targeted group is disrupted, ridiculed, or discredited through the publicity and not merely publicized… You are also cautioned that the nature of this new endeavor is such that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE EXISTENCE OF THE PROGRAM BE MADE KNOWN OUTSIDE THE BUREAU [emphasis added]…”[5]

GOALS, For maximum effectiveness of the Counterintelligence Program, and to prevent wasted effort, long-range goals are being set.

1. Prevent the COALITION of militant black nationalist groups. In unity there is strength; a truism that is no less valid for all its triteness. An effective coalition of black nationalist groups might be the first step toward a real “Mau Mau” [Black revolutionary army] in America, the beginning of a true black revolution.


2. Prevent the RISE OF A “MESSIAH” who could unify, and electrify, the militant black nationalist movement. Malcolm X might have been such a “messiah;” he is the martyr of the movement today. Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Elijah Muhammad all aspire to this position. Elijah Muhammad is less of a threat because of his age. King could be a very real contender for this position should he abandon his supposed “obedience” to “white, liberal doctrines” (nonviolence) and embrace black nationalism. Carmichael has the necessary charisma to be a real threat in this way.

3. Prevent VIOLENCE on the part of black nationalist groups. This is of primary importance, and is, of course, a goal of our investigative activity; it should also be a goal of the Counterintelligence Program to pinpoint potential troublemakers and neutralize them before they exercise their potential for violence.

4. Prevent militant black nationalist groups and leaders from gaining RESPECTABILITY, by discrediting them to three separate segments of the community. The goal of discrediting black nationalists must be handled tactically in three ways. You must discredit those groups and individuals to, first, the responsible Negro community. Second, they must be discredited to the white community, both the responsible community and to “liberals” who have vestiges of sympathy for militant black nationalist [sic] simply because they are Negroes. Third, these groups must be discredited in the eyes of Negro radicals, the followers of the movement. This last area requires entirely different tactics from the first two. Publicity about violent tendencies and radical statements merely enhances black nationalists to the last group; it adds “respectability” in a different way.

5. A final goal should be to prevent the long-range GROWTH of militant black organizations, especially among youth. Specific tactics to prevent these groups from converting young people must be developed. […][6]

By 1968, Hoover had 1,678 agents assigned to COINTELPRO around the country and had established a “Rabble Rouser” index of domestic political activists.  The Black Nationalist COINTELPRO had been expanded from 23 to 41 FBI field offices on March 4, 1968. On August 5, 1968, J. Edgar Hoover ordered COINTELPRO agents to conduct media campaigns against the Black Panthers.  He directed his agents to encourage reporters to investigate the group and furnish FBI “background data” to interested reporters.[7]

On September 8, 1968, Hoover told The New York Times the Black Panther Party for Self Defense were “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country.[8] COINTELPRO was essentially a covert racial Second Civil War underlining the prevailing notions of white supremacy, racialist perceptions and redefinition of African Human Bondage in America. COINTELPRO, the covert racial Second Civil War continues in America.

Black Nationalists also continues to be a COINTELPRO boogeyman and targeted group that continues to this day to be disrupted, ridiculed, discredited, and neutralized through illegal covert shadow government and military counterintelligence programs and plans coordinated with corporate mass media.



Satanism is not Black Nationalism


COSMO’s symbol and logo is actually a DEMONIC symbol that subliminally opens a grimoire. A grimoire  is a textbook of  magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets;  how to perform magical spells, charms, and divination; and how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits and DEMONS and DEVILS. COSMO’s symbol is taken directly from the Grimorium Verum. You won’t find any of this Satanic stuff among our elders or Black Nationalists in the our community. The Grimorium Verum (Latin for True Grimoire or The Grimoire of Truth) is an 18th-century grimoire attributed to one “Alibeck the Egyptian” of Memphis, who purportedly wrote in 1517. Like many grimoires, it claims a tradition originating with King Solomon. The grimoire is not a translation of an earlier work as purported, its original appearing in French or Italian in the mid-18th century, as noted by Arthur Edward Waite who discussed the work in his The Book of Ceremonial Magic (1911).[9]


Mystic Arthur Edward Waite was born in America on October 2nd, 1857, in the city of Brooklyn, New York. In January 1891, Waite was initiated into the Neophyte grade of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the temple was Isis-Urania. In 1899, he was admitted in to the inner order of the Golden Dawn, the Red Rose and Gold Cross. On September, 19, 1901, he was initiated into Freemasonry. Soon after this he also entered The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.). He even went on to become a Knights Templar.[10] In 1903, he became the Grand Master of Order of the Golden Dawn.[11]

Waite was an expert on occult subjects, these included; Cabbalism, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, black magic, ceremonial magic, legends of the Holy Grail, and Freemasonry. Some of the books he wrote are still in print such as The Holy Kabbalah, The New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, and the Book of Ceremonial Magic. But, his most notable contribution was to co-create the Rider-Waite Tarot Cards.[12]

Grimorium Verum is one of the most notorious handbooks of black magic. It is one of the few that deals openly with spirits of darkness. People have long sought the aid of non-physical beings. King Solomon, in particular, had a reputation since ancient times for conjuring up and commanding DEMONS. There are allegedly many texts purporting to reveal King Solomon’s secrets, but most are extremely complicated and difficult. Grimorium Verum is one of the easier texts, but also one of the most sinister. It includes a catalog of specific DEMONS and how to draw on their powers.[13]


When the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley became interested in occultism, his first textbook was Waite’s Book of Black Magic and Pacts, and he wrote to Waite for advice. Crowley was initiated into the Order at the Ahathoor Temple in Paris on January 16, 1900, becoming one of Waite’s disciples until he fell out with him some years later.[14] The Great BEAST coveted the Grimorium Verum.[15] It isn’t only COSMO’s symbol and logo that connects him directly to SATANISM, but it comes out of his own mouth. COSMO says “The universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these laws. They control and dictate what science calls energy, and what religions call God. If you understand the laws that govern Y.O.U. (Your Own Universe), you can manipulate, shape, and mold them to your liking.[16]



“Every man and woman is a STAR.” — Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law


Duty by Aleister Crowley (Self Psyhonaut), Duty to Self:

1. Find yourself to be the centre of YOUR OWN UNIVERSE. “I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star.” AL II:6[17] But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the STAR of your God, which ye made to yourselves. — Amos 5:26. The symbol of the STAR has vast significance for Satanists, occultists and other ILLUMINISTS, Whether five-pointed in shape, six-pointed, or in some other configuration, the star is a premier symbol of the DEVIL.[18]


Veiled inside the cover of The Cosmo Way, A W(H)olistic Guide for the Transformation of Melanated People, Vol. 2: The Ascension, is the six-pointed Star of David. The Jewish six-pointed star (Star of David) is the highest symbol in the occult and goes by various names–the Star of Moloch/Saturn/Chiun/Remphan. It is a symbol of the union of male and female and is identical in meaning to the Masonic square and compass, which is also a six-pointed symbol around the letter “G” representing the generative sexual act. In place of the “G” we find יהוה amidst many Jewish stars.[19]

Israel‘s Pagan Satanic Six-Pointed Star

The six-pointed star, known as the Seal of Solomon, as the Magen David of the Jews, or as the hexagram, is considered by witches and occultists of all stripes as a powerful tool of witchcraft and magic. With this image, one can cast spells, curse victims, and otherwise wreak havoc. Or so it is said.[20]
The six-pointed star was especially beloved by the cabalistic rabbis of the medieval era. The Rothschild Dynasty later adopted this star as a magical device and was instrumental in persuading (money talks!) the fledgling Zionist entity, Israel, to adopt the six-pointed star as the national emblem. It is the symbol of the Israel national flag, even though a more appropriate device undoubtedly would be the Torah, the Menorah, or some other historic or religious symbol.[21]

Geometrically and numerically (points, lines, triangles) the six-pointed star translates into the number 666. Thus, it is very possible that the six-pointed star could become the Mark of the Beast, the Antichrist, as prophesied in Revelation 13.[22] The ILLUMINISTS, cabalists, and Masons cunningly have also chosen the six-pointed star as symbol because of its hidden sexual meanings. It is made up of two triangles, integrated together, one superimposed on the other. The triangle pointing downward (Delta) represents the female vagina; the triangle pointed upward the male phallus. Joined, or yoked, the two triangles, again, represent the generative sex act.[23]




Steve Hill is far from your typical democratic candidate running for the U.S. Senate, 21st District, in California. He is a former U.S. Marine Corps’ Sergeant like Gavin Eugene Long. Hill is a self proclaimed SATANIST that says that he doesn’t really believe in the DEVIL. He is a  False Satanic Rite Negro front for the Satanic Temple in Los Angeles. He is like his father, a bald face  liar and deceiver.[24]



The Satanic Temple is a front for Douglas Mesner aka Lucien (Lucifer) Greaves. In the name of the Temple, it promotes veiled false flag, deceptive and divisive events around the country such as the Satanic gathering in support of Florida’s Governor Rick Scott, the Harvard Black Mass debacle, and plans to erect a Baphomet statue outside the state capitol in Oklahoma City. And also the “pink mass” performed by Mesner/Greaves to turn the deceased mother of Westboro Baptist Church’s founder into a lesbian in the afterlife.[25] According to Greaves’ former associate Shane Bugbee, there is nothing silly, amusing or tongue and cheek about him: “Doug was accepted to Harvard University. He used to call me, shocked that his professors were taking him to lunch and inviting him to meet with luminaries like Richard Dawkins. Doug’s studies at Harvard focused on neuroscience, and he began delving deeply—and sometimes dangerously, I felt—into the world of false memory related to ritual abuse and alien abduction, even exposing professional psychologists as culprits and forcing them to recant, retire, and even run.”[26]


Dr. Richard Dawkins, above, is a dangerous 21st century British pseudo race scientist and eugenicist. He is a leading international anti-religion crusader and supporter of Darwinian theory, Dr. Dawkins, has said that the pseudo-science of eugenics that drove the Nazi/SSKnights of the Black Sun’s genocidal project “may not be bad.” Dr. Dawkins is also a leader of the movement to gain legal “human” rights for great apes, arguing that since there is no such thing as a soul, there is no moral difference between apes and humans.[27]

Mesner/Greaves is actually working to protect clandestine shadow government and U.S. military intelligence CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH projects, and elite pedophile rings. According to groups like S.M.A.R.T. (Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today), ritual sexual child abuse creates repressed memories and other psychological problems. S.M.A.R.T. states: “Douglas Mesner has continued using insults and attacks against survivors of ritual abuse and the professionals that work with them. He has harassed and followed survivors and survivor advocates around the Internet for the last several years. Aliases have been used adding additional insults and name calling against survivors.

In order to combat a perceived epidemic of false memories, Mesner/Greaves founded an organization: Mesner, [is] a co-administrator of the nascent False Memory Syndrome Action Network (currently an online-only resource for those negatively effected by Recovered Memory Therapies). It seems he uses this organization for rabble rousing, same as his use of The Satanic Temple.[28]

David Shurter, a man claiming to have been a victim of ritual child abuse, calls the Mesner/Greaves organization “False Memory Pedophile Protector Squad”. He states: “I was always taught if you control the perception of a thing, you control the thing itself- and this is exactly what this group of pedophile protectors has been doing- controlling the perception of child abuse and child trafficking. Doug Mesner, as Lucien Greaves, has been lying about his identity for years and it is just now that he has become public, getting himself arrested for indecent exposure(tea-bagging a grave in Mississippi) in the process. This whole situation was designed to discredit Satanism, child abuse, and religion as a whole- but all I have kept thinking about is where are the children in all this mess?”[29]

Here are some extremely important excerpts from Mesner/Greaves in an interview conducted by Bugbee: “I [Mesner/Greaves] helped develop us into something we all do truly believe in and wholeheartedly embrace: an atheistic philosophical framework that views “Satan” as a metaphorical construct by which we contextualize our works. …one of my own goals is to destroy this harmful pseudoscientific practice [of repressed memories], and dispel the myth of an international Satanic conspiracy. The broader goal of the Satanic Temple in general is to advocate for all of those who are unjustly maligned, demonized, or marginalized—victimized by conspiracy theorists and dogmatic super naturalists.”[30] Bugbee’s said of his former friend: “I recall Doug Mesner telling me the C.I.A. had asked him to write some private reports for them … The Satanic Temple has ulterior motives above and beyond helping mankind or making a movie.”[31]


“And this Lucien Greaves aka Doug Mesner aka Doug Misicko– their satanic fearless leader- has pictures all over the web with him pulling out his privates and laying his ball sack on a grave stone after throwing some sort of gay satanic ritual for a female family member of the late Westboro Baptist church minister. It is nothing but a three ring circus but then, that is exactly what it is supposed to be. If everyone remembers, when accusations of extreme child abuse emerged in the United States in the 80’s (as they did in the UK and Australia at the same time), we had the exact same sort of circus we are seeing now- as the exact same accusations that happened then are now, once again, coming into focus in all three countries today- this time with proof that these horrific crimes were covered up before- in all three countries.


In the US- Col. Michael Aquino paraded around all over our media dressed as Merlin (although the nasty part is that what he was wearing was actually the real thing)- who argued with Ted Gunderson, a supposed opponent who had held a high position working for our FBI but who came off as a bumbling fool while Aquino himself came off as an idiot and the end result was that neither they- nor any idea of devil worship- was to be taken seriously by most of the populous for the next three decades. Of course- the truth is that Aquino– in many ways- is THE basis for all of our torture programs in America.  Ask him- he will tell you- he is brilliant in the art of psych ops and has an entire philosophy of Might Being Right and mastering the art of manipulation at the very center of those beliefs. He has been accused a MYRIAD of times by a MYRIAD of people with concerns that he committed the most extreme crimes against children- but because there is and has never been any real investigations despite all of the accusations, he is allowed to go around and proclaim himself as THE victim while claiming that to go after him is too be guilty of trying to start a “witch hunt”. And this ploy worked- and is STILL working. But don’t be fooled- this whole act that our media gave us featuring these buffoons was nothing more than a propaganda campaign- fueled by our CIA, to make sure the words “satanic panic” and “false memories” stuck in our head when it came to any concerns about a large pedophile child trafficking ring who were abusing children in horrific ways all around our country coming up.”[32]


U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino like Doug Mesner was by no means any ringleader of a three-ring circus. Both men are serious CIA– U.S. military intelligence Satanic mindbenders. Under a clandestine CIA MK ULTRA program, ” … he [Michael Aquino] was a close friend of Anton LaVey [Church of Satan]. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children. “…they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence. They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of.”[33]

Michael Aquino’s steady rise up the hierarchy of the Satanic world closely paralleled his career advances inside the U.S. military. According to an official biography circulated by the Temple of Set, “Dr. Aquino is High Priest and chief executive officer of the Temple of Set, the nation’s principal Satanic church, in which he holds the degree of Ipissimus VI. He joined the original Church of Satan in 1969, becoming one of its chief officials by 1975 when the Temple of Set was founded. In his secular profession he is a Lieutenant Colonel, Military Intelligence, U.S. Army, and is qualified as a Special-Forces officer, Civil Affairs officer, and Defense Attaché. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the National Defense University and the Defense Intelligence College, and the State Departments’ Foreign Service Institute.”[34]

A more detailed curriculum vitae that Aquino provided to EIR, dated March 1989, claimed that he had gotten his doctorate at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1980, with his dissertation on “The Neutron Bomb.” He listed 16 separate military schools that he attended during 1968-87, including advanced courses in “Psychological Operations” at the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and “Strategic Intelligence” at the Defense Intelligence College, at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Aquino was deeply involved in what has been called the “revolution in military affairs” (“RMA”), the introduction of the “Third Wave,” “New Age” ideas into military long-range planning, which introduced such notions as “information warfare” and “cyber-warfare” into the Pentagon’s lexicon.[35]

As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains “to facilitate the provision of religious activities.” Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the “other” religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, “Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving ‘black masses,’ human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the ‘anti-establishment’ mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on ‘rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.’ “[36]


The Church of Satan was formed on Walpurgisnacht (Witches’ Nights of the German Alps), and Hitler’s alleged Date of Death, April 30, 1966, in San Francisco California, when Anton LaVey proclaimed the beginning of the Satanic Era.[37] The Church of Satan had been clandestinely involved with the U.S. Army Forces well before 1978. As early as December 1967, LaVey conducted a satanic funeral for U.S. Naval officer Edward Olsen complete with official chrome-helmeted honor guards from the US Navy.[38]


Former U.S. Marine Corps sergeants Steve Hill and Gavin Eugene Long didn’t get schooled in SATANISM in the Black Community. SATANISM has been a continuing secret part of documented CIA MK ULTRA and the U.S. Military Forces experimental mind control programs for decades.  Black Nationalists and Black Panthers were/are the reflections of their predominately deep seated spiritual Christian ancestors, mothers, fathers and elders. During the formative years of Black Nationalism during the 1960s, most all of us were raised in old Southern traditional Christian homes. I was raised in the church family circle of my maternal grandfather, Rev. Luke Blueford, that we called, “Preacher.” The most thorough way to get disowned by our families is to blasphemy the Lord’s name in the homes of our in-laws, parents and grandparents. Most people may not understand that, or just  how deep it runs in our communities.



The late Great Bluesman, Howlin’ Wolf (Chester Burnett), was born to Leon “Dock” Burnett and Gertrude Jones on June 10, 1910, in White Station, Mississippi, a tiny railroad stop between Aberdeen and West Point in the Mississippi hill country, many miles away from the Delta. Fascinated by music as a boy, he would often beat on pans with a stick and imitate the whistle of the railroad trains that ran nearby. He also sang in the choir at the White Station Baptist church, where Will Young, his great-uncle preached. When his parents separated, his father moved to the Delta, and his mother left Chester with his uncle Will. Howlin’ Wolf’s relationship with his deeply religious and spiritual mother was troubled. Gertrude had spent much of her adult life as a street singer, eking out a living by selling hand-written gospel songs for pennies to passersby.


She completely disowned her own son, Chester, claiming he played “The Devil’s Music.”[39] Howin’ Wolf said that his mother disowned him all the days of his life that he played the blues. Once, he said that he just happened upon her in a Mississippi rural town. He pulled out a $500 bill and offered it to her. She rejected him and his money even though Mrs. Gertrude Jones lived in abject Mississippi backwoods poverty, because he played and profited from, “The Devil’s Music.” When the Great Howin’ Wolf  felt his life slowly slipping away, his mother still would not speak to or forgive him. That’s sadly what Howin’ Wolf’sGoing down Slow” is all about.  As my mother’s forebears warned her, she passed it down to me. When it comes to SATAN, our ancestors and elders since times long pass say- TURN YOU BACK TO HIM, RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK.




Delphene Johnson (Micah Xavier) & Mrs. Corine Woodley (Gavin Eugene)

Since far before Aristotle and Socrates, philosophers have declared that a mother’s love for her child was one of the most powerful forces known to man. But, you couldn’t have known it from the strange reactions from the mothers of Micah X. Johnson, and Gavin Eugene Long. There appears to have been no traditional homecoming funeral, moaning or tears for either of these brothers. Another very old and strange thing about both of them is that they don’t appear to have had girlfriends. For all purposes, their mothers have thrown them under the bus, and have strictly confined themselves to the government narrative that their sons had been without a doubt, sensational black nationalistscop killers“.


The Many Faces of Clique of the SLA- CIA

When CIA MK ULTRA Black Card Manchurian Candidate Donald (Clique of the SLA) DeFreeze’s body was sent back to Ohio for burial three days after his death at the hands of the CIA, FBI and LAPD with strict instructions not to open the sealed casket, his family didn’t trust the government and opened the casket anyhow. They found a cadaver in the casket minus limps, head and fingers.[40]


Out of the two mothers, Corine Woodley is the cold blood strangest, sinister, and scariest of the two. She joins a long list of Manchurian Candidate mothers that were nurses. She joins the ranks of Marcus Wayne Chenault, the killer of Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr.; Chris Sean Harper, the so-called Oregon Mass Murderer, and James Eagan Holmes, the Colorado Dark Knight Rises- Joker, to name a few. Oddly enough, Corine Woodley, Registered Nurse at Travel Nurse Across America, lived in Kansas City, MO, Pasadena, CA, Tuscaloosa, AL, San Diego, CA, Belton, MO, Grand View, MO. She is also known as: Corine N. Long, Corine Long Woodley.[41] It appears that Mrs. Woodley may have possibly lived in San Diego when Gavin was at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, and also may have lived in Tuscaloosa when Gavin was at the University of Alabama just before he left for Africa. These were key periods and turning points in Gavin’s life. Was she Gavin’s MK ULTRA’s handler? I believe that she had been one of them.


Chris Sean Harper’s mother was a registered licensed practical nurse that sheltered her 26 year old son at home. She maintained him on a strict regiment of psychotic drugs. When Chris needed professional psychiatric intervention and help, she took him to one place and one place only, Del Amo Behavior Health System, Torrance, CA– home to Dr. Colin A. Ross. Dr. Ross (psychiatrist) is one of America’s most leading experts on CIA MK ULTRA programs and Manchurian Candidates.[42]


In 2002, he was certainly running around the country lecturing on “Building the Manchurian Candidate“. He had one global sensationalized Black Manchurian Candidate right under his nose. He has remained absolutely speechless about who built Chris into a Manchurian Candidate.[43] It certainly appears that Chris’ mother had also been one of his Handlers.


I am certain of one thing, this WITCH didn’t learn the secret MASONIC OCCULT SIGN OF PRESERVATION hand symbol in nursing school. The Sign of Preservation comes in many forms but it is universally and primarily an OCCULT sign of petitioning the deity for preservation of oneself or someone else, and with the strong conviction that the request was granted.


Rosicrucian John Calvin (1509-1564) & Freeman ILLUMINATI Billy Cosby

These hand symbols and signs are not merely symbolic gestures without any Occult significance. It is not too commonly known that these signs generate certain virtues as they modify, purify, intensify, and empower one’s auric energy-structure or one’s surroundings in some subtle manner. These signs are mudras with occult values. Mantras, incantations, and liturgies often accompany the signs.


Freemasons Donald Drumpf and Vladimir Putin

Most votaries (a devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone or something) of religion are unaware that their ceremonies are actually magickal rites and processes that call forth unseen influences. For instance, making the Sign of Preservation by the spiritually evolved occult practitioner, evokes spiritual and angelic forces that protects the person or persons to whom the sign is being directed to.


Sign of Preservation, Black Satanic Boule Negroes, Prophetess Juanita Bynum and Rev. Samuel Billy Kyles. Before his death, Rev. Kyles said that he stepped to the side so that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. could be shot on the baloney of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN.


Rev. Billy Graham- Religious and Spiritual Counsel to U.S. Presidents

The sign assures the petitioners and recipients that they will be protected and preserved from negative psychic attack. It is instinctive for people to assume specific mental and physical attitudes when interacting with divine forces. We unconsciously feel hand signs and gestures to be efficacious in aiding the establishment of a contact with higher intelligences and requesting their intercession.[44]


Here is the deep part. The Occult symbolic use of shadows is similar to mirror symbolism.

COSMO & the Man in the Mirror


The Above Picture Represents the Impossible- COSMO Flying through the Air


The very dark shadow in the picture of COSMO flying through the air actually symbolizes his “dark side“- duality. It also represents an alter personality that has been split apart from him. It is also a doppelganger, a mirror-self of COSMO.

COSMO’s Religion (Watch his Eyes): God Resides in Every Being. According to the Great BEAST 666, “This is a great and holy mystery. Although each star has its own number, each number is equal and supreme. Every man and every woman is not only a part of God, but the Ultimate God. “The Centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere”. The old definition of God takes new meaning for us. Each one of us is the One God. This can only be understood by the initiate; one must acquire certain high states of consciousness to appreciate it.” He says that there need be no JUSTIFICATION when he moves in to execute and measure justice. He has a Stag Arms M4 variant 5.56 caliber assault rifle over his shoulder. Rifles chambered for the 5.56 cartridge were developed in Bulgaria to offer standardization with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


COSMO was in this world, but not of IT (Out of the Mirror). He was a “Spiritual Being.” DEMONS and DEVILS, “we handle those. We handle those in my CIRCLE. Where I am from, we handle those [Grimorium Verum].” Dear people, this is not the rants of a Black Nationalist or even an ILLUSTIONARY Black Lives Matter (BLM) Domestic Terrorist. This is absolutely totally something else- Twilight Zone Stuff out of bowels of the ILLUMINATI, Shadow Government and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.  COSMO, “You not dealing with a HUMAN BEING.” COSMO: “If there is a human being, uniform in a badge, a suit, I don’t care what he has. He could be wearing the clothes of Jesus or anything, if he unlawfully disrespecting, hurting, assaulting, injuring, harming another human being or even a GOD DAMN ANIMAL, I don’t care, then I going in. That’s MY PROCLAIMATION.” For those that made this man some type of a black hero, you have been BAMBOOZLED once too often.

COSMO & Mirror Symbolism

Here about June/July/August or September 2015, Gavin talks to the image in the “Mirror“, or the image in the mirror is talks to him.  You can see the reflection of a mirror in his glasses. Mirror- Image Programming is an important secret wide ranging tool of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH programming that I believe is not well defined or generally understood. It certainly isn’t being addressed by very many people.  In some cases, victims are told there is a mirror-image world where everything is reversed, standard mirror programming of making the victim think the person has a double, who exists in the mirror-image world that is an evil/opposite of them. The double seen in the mirror becomes an alter when the dissociative splits occurs in the mind. The double or alternative personality can actually step out of the mirror and take over the original self or a league of alters.

COSMO & Gang Stalking

Long’s videos are extremely shocking and sad commentary for a veteran that served his nation. The issue of racial police brutality veils a very troubled and lonely assaulted and battered mentally and physically by advanced psychotronic, and ELF bombardment and harassment. He is a young man controlled through other dimensional mirror images walking a tightrope between the physical and spiritual world driven toward suicide and madness. He is talking about protecting and defending himself from U.S. Government Gang Stalking, not white police officers. That’s not Black Nationalism– it’s the CIA, U.S. Navy, Shadow Government and the Satanic Cabals.


Gavin’s case is similar to Black Card Manchurian Candidate, Aaron Alexis, “cued” through mind control techniques, psychotronics and ELF to be programmed to be involved in the killing innocent civilians to create mass fear. Alexis was the alleged “lone nut” assassin in the Washington Navy Yard shooting that occurred on September 16, 2013, when twelve people were fatally shot and three others injured. The mass shootings occurred at the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command inside the Washington Navy Yard. The CIA and the U.S. Navy used Gang-Stalking subliminal voices and sounds to induce hypnotic states, insert programming, and/or trigger preprogrammed states in Alexis. Just before the mass shooting, the programming over a period of time and the effects became more progressive. Alexis’ aggressive or suicidal tendencies increased as he was being prepared as a “lone nut” shooter. Victims of Gang-Stalking are broken down through psychotronic ELF silent kill, slow kill, soft kill: sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture in an attempt to push them to a mission, suicide, or violence. Exhausted, disoriented, programmed and just trying to survive the torture, they can be “cued” and programmed to do virtually anything, even suicide by cop. Both Alexis and Gavin had been primarily “Suicided by Cop.”

Dear gentle people, Black Nationalism Philosophy has nothing to do with either Micah X. Johnson or Gavin Eugene Long, and the killing of police officers. They were manufactured, fabricated, molded and shaped by the Satanic ILLUMINATI cabals, MK ULTRA and COINTELPRO/OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD corporate mass media, then thrown on our doorsteps. Yet, we must not disown them. We need to face up to the truth about them, and expose the truth where ever and whenever it exists. We have millions of young people of color that are young, and gifted that need to know to truth to prevent them from falling off or taking the wrong path. Often as in the case of brothers like Micah X. Johnson and Gavin Eugene Long, once going down some roads, there is a no path of return.  The elders say that teach them to know better, and they will do better.

The ultimate spiritual path of Black Nationalism is MAAT – walk the paths that stride to make our hearts as light as her feather, which represents the principles of truth and righteousness (the seven cardinal virtues). If we stand firm in principle then there is no need to duck and hide from the tricks of the Lords of CHAOS; and disown demonized brothers like Micah or Gavin, Aaron Alexis or even my friend, Tommy Davenport, who was truly blown up by C-4 U.S. military grade plastic explosives. We can say to them, Rest in Peace. You will no longer be troubled by this world.



[1] http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/malcolm_x.html

[2] http://www.marxists.org/history/erol/1960-1970/pl-malcolm.htm

[3] http://nhdblackpantherparty.weebly.com/ten-point-plan.html

[4] http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/COINTELPRO/COINTELPRO-FBI.docs.html

[5] Id.

[6] Id.

[7] http://www.crimemagazine.com/j-edgar-hoover-and-framing-omaha-two

[8] Id.

[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimorium_Verum

[10] http://www.goldendawnpedia.com/HistoryPages/Bios/AEWaite.htm

[11] http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/A.E._Waite

[12] http://www.goldendawnpedia.com/HistoryPages/Bios/AEWaite.htm


[14] http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/A.E._Waite

[15] http://www.alibris.com/The-Grimorium-Verum-Dean-M-Drinkel/book/30530181

[16] http://www.cosmoglobal.org/#!cosmobooks/cee5

[17] https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/1a1tse/duty_by_aleister_crowley/

[18] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/codex_magica26.htm

[19] http://tradcatknight.blogspot.com/2015/08/even-jews-ask-is-judaism-satanic-cult.html

[20] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/codex_magica/codex_magica26.htm

[21] Id.

[22] Id.

[23] Id.

[24] http://www.truefreethinker.com/articles/satanic-atheist-steve-hill-runs-state-senate

[25] http://www.tinfoilhattime.com/2014/05/20/doug-mesnerlucien-greaves-the-huckster-behind-the-harvard-black-mass-and-similar-shams/

[26] http://www.tinfoilhattime.com/2014/05/20/doug-mesnerlucien-greaves-the-huckster-behind-the-harvard-black-mass-and-similar-shams/

[27] https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/anti-religion-extremist-dawkins-advocates-eugenics

[28] http://www.tinfoilhattime.com/2014/05/20/doug-mesnerlucien-greaves-the-huckster-behind-the-harvard-black-mass-and-similar-shams/

[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] https://holliegreigjustice.wordpress.com/2016/04/25/david-shurter-new-paranoia-magazine-article-lucien-greaves-and-this-satanic-movement-fraud-a-case-of-extraordinary-deception/

[33] http://alt.mindcontrol.narkive.com/5jO41G1I/lockheed-michael-aquino-s-mkultra-child-pedo-ring

[34] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican16a.htm

[35] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican16a.htm

[36] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican16a.htm

[37] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/army_info_church_of_satan.htm


[39] http://www.howlinwolf.com/articles/bio_1.htm


[41] radaris.com/p/Corine/Long/GA/

[42] http://www.cchrflorida.org/why-the-secrecy-was-oregon-shooter-on-psychiatric-drugs/

[43] https://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg94075.html

[44] http://www.indotalisman.com/handsymb.html


30 10 2014

“This case is SO MUCH BIGGER than you think. It goes to the very HIGHEST Levels; we have to keep pulling the strings.”

-William Colby, Former Director of the CIA, Investigator of the Franklin Cover Up (WHY JOHNNY CAN’T COME HOME)


Hail Adrian!

The name Adrian has become associated with MYSTERY, evil and darkness, The Dark One.” [1] The name Adrian is particularly associated with Roman Polanski’s HollyWeird’s blatant Satanic/ILLUMINATI cult movie, Rosemary’s Baby. Polanski is no joke. He is an international sex crime criminal and fugitive from justice. Polanski is an elite member of a secret powerful international Luciferian Pedophile Ring that is linked to the Ninth Gate–  the Ninth Satanic Circle. If you have not seen Polanski’s movie, the Ninth Gate, I suggest that you review it.


“Satan is his father, not Guy. He came up from hell and begat a son of mortal woman. Satan is his father and his name is ADRIAN. He shall overthrow the mighty and lay waste their temples. He shall redeem the despised and wreak vengeance in the name of the burned and the tortured. Hail, ADRIAN! Hail, Satan! God is dead! Satan lives! The year is One, the year is One! God is dead”[2]

Nike & Adrian- Reptilian or Satanic Maybe Both

In the above odd and strange Nike commercial video, look at Adrian‘s skin- reptilian or the DEVIL consistent with Rosemary’s Baby? It appears that Adrian would only go so far with the Luciferian Agenda. It also appears that he didn’t execute the Satanic Covenant of Secrecy, Fame and Fortune. If he did, he would still be playing professional football.

Nevertheless, the name Adrian is actually associated with “water” and the ancient Etruscan port and settlement of Adria in Northern Italy, situated between the mouths of the rivers Adige and Po.[3]  Its classical period is associated with between 530 and 520 BC.[4] There is considerable controversy surrounding the settlement of Adria more ancient than the Etruscans. Even among some of the ancients, Adria and the early Bronze age Villanovan settlement was an outpost of the Tyrrhenians (Ancient Land of Tyre).[5]

Tyre was one of the main cities of Ancient Canaan (Phoenicia).[6] Canaan‘s most ancient mystery schools were based on the Kemetic Mysteries and Drama of Osiris and Isis.[7] Ancient Canaan is known as the Land of PALESTINE.[8] In the ancient world, the Greeks knew the Canaanites as Phoenicians– Greek for “PURPLE.”[9]


“But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth; But thou shall utterly destroy them; namely the … CANAANITES …; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee …”

The widespread murder and genocide committed by the barbaric desert tribes of Ashkenazi/Hyksos against innocent CANAANITE elders, women and children has caused quite a bit of theological debate and controversy. Often, the genocide is based on the Divine Command Theory. God has the right to command an act, which, in the absence of a divine command, would have been sin (thou shall not kill), which is morally obligatory in virtue of God’s Command.[10]

The LORD that ordered the invading nomadic Ashkenazi/Israelites to murder the CANAANITES (Children of Osiris and Isis) recounted in DEUTERONOMY was the adopted LORD of the barbarian Hyksos, Osiris’ JEALOUS brother GOD SETSETH, SATAN, LUCIFER.

In 2013, the Sphinx of the Great Pharaoh Menkaure was uncovered at an ancient site in Tel Hazor National Park, north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Menkaure was a Pharaoh of Kemet’s Great Pyramid Age, the 4th Dynasty. He is the builder of the 3rd great pyramid in the infamous Gaza Plateau. Menkaure’s pyramid at Giza is called Netjer-er-Menkaure which means Menkaure is Divine“. Israeli archeologist falsely claim that they don’t know where Kemetic artifact came from. The Great Pharaoh Menkaure was in the Land of Canaan before the Ashkenazi/Hyksos invasion. Menkaure was one of the Sons of Osiris (Ausar).


For the Luciferians, the Battle for Adrian Peterson’s Soul is as old as it is SYMBOLIC. There is old saying in HollyWeird, God give you the talent, but SATAN give you the fame. Luciferians are under the assumption that Adrian Peterson owe the ILLUMINATI for his fame, glory and fortune. What belongs to the Canaanite of Palestine is theirs to take. These people intend to collect from Adrian with absolutely no moral imperatives at all.” So COMMANDS the Lord of Darkness, King of Hell, Ruler of the Earth, God of this World! God- Who invites us to become as gods.[11

Adrian Peterson isn’t particularly known as a crusader of any real issues, controversial causes or opinions. He isn’t known for his radical conscious, any intellectual or educational endeavors or accomplishments. Adrian is a man from humble beginnings- born and raised in the back woods of PALESTINE, Texas with all its Badges, Ravages and Horrors of Slavery, and Reconstruction.

However, he’s not just an ordinary regular country brother, either. Mind, body and soul, Adrian transformed himself into an awesome world class, prominent and respected athlete of color. In 2011, he signed a 6 year / $86.28 million contract with the Minnesota Vikings, including a $12,000,000 signing bonus, $36,000,000 guaranteed, and an annual average salary of $14,380,000.[12]

In 2013, he was named as the NFL’s most valuable player. In a league dominated by accomplished and well publicized quarterbacks, it was quite a compliment and acknowledgement of his achievement in America’s greatest past time. Adrian earned the MVP award over Denver Broncos Quarterback  Peyton Manning after receiving 30.5 of the 50 votes by an Associated Press panel of NFL writers.[13]

In 2013, Adrian had one of the more remarkable seasons in NFL history. Just eight months after tearing his anterior cruciate ligament (ACLand his medial collateral ligament in a game in December 2012, , he managed to put together one of the best seasons ever by a running back. Adrian rushed for 2,097 yards and 12 touchdowns and came just eight yards shy of Eric Dickerson’s single-season rushing record.[14]

It takes a normal human being up to a year to recover from ACL surgery alone. But within four months of ACL surgery, this remarkable and awesome human being was back on the practice field that left even the medical profession in utter AWE.[15] In the game of football, we have come to expect excitement each time Adrian touches the ball, he’ll reach almost epic and heroic proportions on the field of play that he gives the Glory to Christ.

“Without Him [Jesus Christ], doing this recovery, I had no chance – at all! No chance to do this on my own. He kept my mind at ease, doing the rehab. For me, because I’ve used this principle my whole life, it was so easy to buy into it and know; put this in God’s hand, have faith; that simple process, your principles that you have, having faith and believing …”[16]

Adrian has always been outspoken about his Christian Faith. His immense success on the field has gained him the nickname “PURPLE JESUS,” a title which he has said he understands, but doesn’t necessarily support due to his Christian Faith.[17]

“The Klansmen Pins his Faith to the Bible as the Revealed Will of GOD.”[18]

In fact, many active Klansmen were/are ordained ministers of the Christian Faith.[19] However, Adrian‘s unbroken connection to the faith, doctrine and practices of Christianity is not necessarily as that biblically revealed by the Will of God, but is still deeply rooted in the Faith in the Will of God in the African Struggle for justice, freedom and liberation in America. Christianity for Black people has become almost equivalent to the Rod, Sword and Shield to overcome by the Will of God- the constant STRUGGLE against racism, and the principalities of EVIL (Ephesians 6:12).

Throughout his career, Adrian Peterson has remained basically a “God, Country and Football” man. When a man of color reach the global public prominence and heights that Adrian has reached by Faith in the Will of God, he becomes a global SYMBOLIC threat to the New World Order (NWO). He becomes a target by some of the most clandestine, powerful, cold-blooded and dangerous Luciferians on the face of the planet.

Either he must do the work of SATAN or be reduced to a condition akin to that of slavery. He will no longer be a symbol, hero or an inspiration to anyone to struggle against universal racism, and the principalities of EVIL, the NWO.


Erica Syion, Mother of One of Adrian’s Sons, shows off her Classic MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Leopard Spots

Needless to say, Adrian’s prominent celebrity status along with an annual salary over $14 million draw a lot of attention and clandestine company with a Satanic/ILLUMINATI agenda to appeal to his weaknesses for the flesh of STRANGE and DANGEROUS WOMEN that he has been left deliberately DISABLED to decode. In fact, once a target of Luciferians very few people understand the codes to overcome a comprehensive offensive program to destroy them by legions and networks of the Secret Satanic Brotherhood.

The Secret ILLUMINATI Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network

the Nines & Child Sacrifices

The video above was published in November 2012 before the widespread international exposure of the Ninth Circle this year. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global ILLUMINATI elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network that includes British Royalty and the Bilderberg Group. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and Groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the United States.

A prior ICLCJ document claimed other Ninth Satanic Circle members included Montreal Catholic Archbishop Christian Lepine and a prominent billionaire- George Soros has been identified by eyewitnesses as being at Ninth Satanic Circle hunting parties in the Netherlands. Children were stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed – as were children in an Australian CIA/MK ULTRA mind control program according to an eyewitness.

In August 2014, officials of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels, Belgium in conjunction with Montreal police raided a secret Ninth Satanic Circle gathering where two children were scheduled to be sacrificed. Among those arrested were two Americans from bordering states of South Dakota, Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick of Wayzata, MINNESOTA, and Sinclair Oil Executive Stephen Holding of Sun Valley, IDAHO.


MURDER is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human. Most societies both present and in antiquity have considered MURDER a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment, under the justification that commission of MURDER is highly detrimental to good order within society.[20] Since the beginning of recorded history, MURDER has been one of mankind’s most heinous crimes against society and civilization. The cold blood MURDER of Adrian’s beautiful and innocent 2 year old son Tyrese Robert Ruffin (Peterson) in South Dakota under odd and strange circumstances as set out below is completely outside the area of arguable conspiracy theories and Satanic/ ILLUMINATI and New World Order speculative theories. When their activities involve the high crime of MURDER involving an innocent two year old child,  the debate ENDS and the search for his true clandestine Assassins BEGINS.

Racial MURDER & Satanism in South Dakota

The remote State of South Dakota has been a virtual open killing ground for institutional racial murder for several generations. This virtual cult of murder is now veiled and shrouded in the occult. It is buried deeply underground protected by Masonic and Satanic blood oath covenants of secrecy. South Dakota is remote and far from the public eye and any significant populations of color. This hidden cult of racial murder and of the occult surrounded defenseless Little Tyrese Robert Ruffin (Peterson) in South Dakota.

Racial Genocide- Wounded Knee, South Dakota


“And here I find the great distinction between the faith of the Indian and the white man. Indian faith sought the harmony of man with his surrounding; the other sought the dominance of his surrounding. In sharing, in loving all and everything, one people naturally found a due portion of the thing they sought, while, in fearing, the other found need of conquest.


Chief Luther Standing Bear, above, (1868-1939), Chief of Oglala Sioux Tribe- he witnessed the slaughter of unarmed men, women, and children at Wounded Knee in 1890.[21]

It was after a night so cold in the winter that the Lakota called it “The Moon of the Popping Trees” because as the winter winds whistled through the hills and gullies at Wounded Knee Creek on that morning of December 29, 1890, one could hear the twigs snapping in the frigid air.

When a soldier of George Armstrong Custer’s former troop the 7th Cavalry tried to wrest a hidden rifle from a deaf Lakota warrior after all of the other weapons had already been confiscated from Sitanka’s (Big Foot) band of Lakota people, the deafening report of that single shot caused pandemonium amongst the soldiers and they opened up with their Hotchkiss machine guns upon unarmed men, women and children. Thus began an action the government called a “battle” and the Lakota people called a “massacre.” The Lakota people say that only 50 people of the original 350 followers of Sitanka survived that morning of slaughter.[22]

The Wounded Knee bloodbath and massacre wasn’t necessarily the result of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs feared militancy of the Lakota Ghost Dance. Wounded Knee was part of veiled general plan for racial genocide and Lakota removal from tribal lands on a permanent basis. Approximately 90 million of the 138 million acres of Native American territory became white-owned in just forty-five years.[23]

As the House Indian Affairs Committee Minority Report of 1880 attests:

The real aim of [the Dawes Act] is to get at the Indian lands and open them up to settlement. The provisions of the apparent benefit of the Indian are but the pretext to get at his lands and occupy them. With that accomplished, we have securely paved the way for the extermination of the Indian races upon this part of the continent. If this were done in the name of Greed, it would be bad enough; but to do it in the name of Humanity, and under the cloak of an ardent desire to promote the Indian’s welfare by making him like ourselves, whether he will or not, is infinitely worse.

House Indian Affairs Committee, Minority Report, H.R. Rep. 46-1576, at 7-10 (1880)

South Dakota is bordered by the states of North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana. The state is named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes.[24] South Dakota has an estimated population of 833,354. In 2012, the Census Bureau estimated that 86.2% of South Dakotans were White, 8.9% were American Indian or Alaskan Native, 3.1% were Hispanic or Latino, 1.7% were Black or African American. In the 2000 census, the five largest ancestry groups in South Dakota were: German (40.7%), Norwegian (15.3%), Irish (10.4%), Native American (8.3%), and English (7.1%).[25]

Little Tyrese & Old World European Dualism


Janus is an Ancient Roman God for Chaos and Deception secretly adopted by the ILLUMINATI. He is a god of Double Nature, symbolized in his two headed image. His two faces were originally one clean-shaven and other bearded that represented the sun and the moon. He was usually depicted with a key. The Janus head is a popular phrase for “Deception.”[26]


The origin of the name Janus is without any doubt, the Roman Demon God, Bifrons. Bifrons was also one the names given to the BAPHOMET worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman God Bifrons, one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the Power of a Demon. It is also said the Janus-Bifrons appeared as a monster and then changed his appearance to that of a man. Janus-Bifrons is a shape-shifter.[27]


Rare 16th Century Woodcut Showing Old World Europeans Willfully Swapping Their Books of Salvations for the Works of the Devil (SATAN)

Medieval Satanic Woodcuts make it abundantly clear that Europeans understood that there was SATAN, and it is not at all an invention of Christianity. During the Middle Ages, they worshiped and practiced his works- SATANISM. And, it appears far too often that Christianity and Satanism were part of a strange phenomena of bedfellows that made up  the nature of Old World Dualism that we have yet to fully decode. However, Native Americans referred to European two-faced “dualism” as speaking with a “forked tongue.”


The phrase “speaks with a forked tongue” means to deliberately say one thing and mean another [deception] or, to be hypocritical, or act in a duplicitous manner.[28] That could also include a “duplicity” such as in the case of good and evilA study in dualism: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.[29]


Satanic two-faced dualism is illustrated in an infamous case in the European medieval “Body of Christ.Gilles de rais (1404–1440) of France, rode by the side of the Legendary Heroine of France and Roman Catholic Saint Joan of Arc. (1412–1441) and served as her chief lieutenant, fighting with such fierce merit that King Charles VII (1403–1431) later awarded de Rais the title of Marshal of France. Gilles de rais was/is accused of having slain as many as 800 Children as sacrifices to SERVE SATAN,[30] In fact, the secret Ninth Circle Satanic Cult may date from the times of Gilles de rais and the 15th Century.


Rare Medieval Woodcut of the Sacrifice of Children to SERVE the DEVIL

Whether you know it or not, children by the thousands continue to be clandestinely sacrificed to Gilles de rais’ Old World SATAN . In 2014, the International Common Law Court of Justice (LCLCJ) in Brussels is continuing to investigate numerous children’s deaths connected to the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Death certificates were released on the 796 Irish children, ages two months to nine years, found in a cistern (septic tank) used as a mass grave at the Catholic St. Mary’s Mothers and Babies Home near Taum, Ireland. LCLCJ forensic experts have confirmed the decapitation and dismemberment of babies in the mass grave resembled the usual signs of ritualistic murder. The Ninth Circle was/is directly linked to underground Satanic Cult networks in South Dakota.

Little Tyrese & Wodin

“We will of course not let them know about Wotan [Wodan].” Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels-[31]

The evidence for human sacrifice in the period of the Iron Age is most prolific in Denmark, Germany and Holland, where many bodies have been found completely preserved in peat bogs. Some were hanged or strangled, the noose still around their neck, and others were BLUDGEONED on the head or had their throat slit.[32]

In fact, Little Tyrese’s October 22nd gathering of fellowship for friends and acquaintances was held at the First Evangelical Free Church in Sioux Falls.[33] The Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) is an evangelical Christian denomination that also pin their faith like the Klan to the Bible as the Revealed Will of God.[34] EFCA was formed in 1950 from the merger of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association.[35]

The Church of Sweden goes back to the Middle Ages commingled with Norse Paganism and other pre-Christian religious systems that survived in the territory of what is now Sweden; for instance the important religious center known as the Temple at Uppsala at Gamla Uppsala was evidently still in use in the late 11th century.[36] The temple was dedicated to Wodan (Odin) and Fricco (Freyr).[37]


I doubt very seriously if Adrian truly understands what’s really going on Underground in and around Minnesota and a Viking Culture.

Norway, Land of the Odin and the Vikings, is the only country in Northern Europe with wooden churches from the Middle Ages still intact.[38] Christianity in the three pagan warlord kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden all took shape along the same time period in the Middle Ages along beside Wodan’s (Odin) pagan Temple at Uppsala as above.[39] What was going on at Wodan’s Temple?

“Like Odin, Wodan was the god of hanging. The Cimbri sometimes hanged their captives over the bronze cauldrons, while the priestess cut their throats. These sacrifices to Wodan would then later be thrown into sacred lakes.”[40]

Down the Rabbit Hole, Little Tyrese & the Masonic Order

Just how deep are you willing to sink down the Rabbit Hole? Little Tyrese’s Celebration of Life Ritual was held at Sioux Falls’ El Riad Temple.[41] On May 25, 1888, the first ceremonial of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine held in Dakota Territory, was called to order in Sioux Falls by W. D. Stites, first Illustrious Potentate of El Riad Temple. The ceremonial was held under dispensation on May 25, 1888 and a “Class of 33” was taken into El Riad Temple. El Riad Temple was instituted by El Kahir Temple of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.[42]

A Masonic Temple is reserved for Satanic Freemasons. It’s pretty clear that whoever organized Little Tyrese’s Celebration of Life ritual was a Satanic Freemason. The ritual itself is a Humanist ceremony. The ritual is conducted by a Humanist Celebrant that believes that there is no soul or other supernatural component of the human personality that can in any way survive after physical death. The Humanist Manifesto II is very similar to the Satanic Bible. Anton LaVey’s Satanism is a form of Humanism. Whereas, a Celebration of Life ritual could very well be a Satanic Ritual.

El Kahir & Albert Pike-Arkansas Grand Dragon of the Invisible Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of the Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood

In 2011, the El Kahir Temple of Grand Rapids was exposed to have been a “Clandestine Masonic Membership Shrine” under the jurisdiction of the Satanic Grand Lodge of Arkansas. [43] The Grand Lodge of Arkansas meet in the Satanist/Grand Dragon of the Klan Confederate General ALBERT PIKE’s Memorial Temple, PIKE’S old home, built in 1838.[44] Recall that Pike was the secret Old World European ILLUMINATI representative for North America. The Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood that he helped to create in America is part of the Old World ILLUMINATI Satanic (Ninth Circle) network.


Pike & Janus- Dual Headed Masonic Eagle

Pike was appointed Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas on November 7, 1864, from 1853 onward he was, at various times, chairman of numerous committees and boards.[45] Before the Civil War, Arkansas Freemasons had made two bold moves. In 1853, they established the library of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas with Pike as chairman. It is the second-oldest library in the state. In 1859, they opened ST. JOHN’s College in Little Rock and educated and indoctrinated many of the state’s leaders.[46]

Albert Pike organized the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas after General [Nathan Bedford] Forrest appointed Pike the Grand Dragon of that Realm. The Tennessee leaders of the Klan at the time of its founding were prominent Masons subordinate to Grand Commander Pike.”[47]

In the decade after the Great War, Freemasonry was reestablished slowly in every section of Arkansas. By the end of the nineteenth century, there were 12,522 Masons in 442 lodges, and ALBERT PIKE (1809- 1891) was the best known Mason in Arkansas and most likely in South Dakota.[48]

Since its establishment as a state on November 2, 1889,[49] South Dakota and its predominately superstitious and dualistic natured European-Germanic population have been under the iron grip and influence of secret networks of Old World Secret Satanic Societies and the Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood. The old families of South Dakota are undoubtedly deeply inter-related and associated with Secret Old World Bloodline and Blood Oath Secret Satanic/Masonic Based Societies such as the International Shriners, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and Albert Pike’s Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and Freemasonry.

South Dakota & Old World Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult

The global elite Old World Ninth Circle Satanic Cult is also secretly based in South Dakota. It is involved in the routine and systematic kidnapping, rape, torture and SACRIFICIAL MURDER of new born infants and children up to age fourteen.[50] According to witnesses in a federal lawsuit, the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult is globally based and centuries old, operating at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome, London and dozens of other locations, including at protected forest groves in America, Canada, France and Holland. It routinely utilizes children taken from Catholic orphanages, adoption agencies, hospitals and schools.[51]

Catholic Jesuit priest involvement in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk school in Brantford Ontario Canada is confirmed in correspondence from school principals as far back as 1922. Similar Jesuit sacrificial rituals using small children and newborns for sacrifice rites at CATHOLIC INDIAN SCHOOLS IN SOUTH DAKOTA and Omak, Washington are attested to by eyewitness Clarita Vargas in an affidavit entered into our docket material.”[52]


Actress Nicole Kidman of HollyWeird’s Satanic Flick Eyes Wide Shut psychologist father, Dr. Anthony Kidman, was linked to the Cult. When he was exposed in Australia as a master programmer and ring leader of an exclusive and elite Sydney pedophile ring linked to the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, he suddenly ended up dead in Singapore.[53]


HollyWeird’s Nicole Kidman and Dr. Anthony Kidman, formerly of the Ninth Satanic Circle

After the collapse of Lawrence King’s Omaha, Nebraska CIA Satanic and Pedophilic Franklin Federal Credit Union, the federal credit union insurance fund repaid nearly all depositors 100 % of their deposits. The single big glaring exception was a South Dakota Sioux Falls order of Roman Catholic nuns that lost $2 million because its certificates of deposit exceeded the $100,000 insurance limit.[54] Secret Old World Satanic undergrounds, clandestine Masonic and the CIA/MK ULTRA Occult Bureau’s roots also runs deep in South Dakota.

Ahnenerbe, CIA Occult Bureau, Ninth Satanic Circle & South Dakota


The Occult Bureau within the Third Reich was established by Lucifer’s Son, Reichsfuhrer SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler. It was called the Ahnenerbe. The true nature of the Ahnenerbe is difficult to describe because it was and still is surrounded by layers of blood oath secrecy even in America. Generally, it was billed as a study society focused on the anthropological and cultural history of the Aryan race. However, the Ahnenerbe more closely resembled an Occult Society” with a secret budget the size of the Nazi General Staff or Department of Defense.[55]

“In April 1945, American troops stumbled across a massive cache of Ahnenerbe files hidden in a dark, dank cave called Kleines Tuefelsloch (the LITTLE DEVIL’S HOLE) near the Bavarian village of Pottenstein. For the next four years, America intelligence officials closely studied the captured documents, eventually sending many to the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal and Camp Detrick.”[56]

Actually, the American recovery of Ahnenerbe cache of files was part of a pre-arranged highly classified package of plans of Allen Dulles, Himmler and Operation Paperclip to covertly change the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) venue from Europe to America.


The Ahnenerbe Secret Files became the basis of classified CIA/MK- ULTRA Occult Bureau Mind Control and Mass Population Control Experiments and Programs under Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, and Dr. Luther W. Greene (L. Wilson Greene), Technical Director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Center at Edgewood Arsenal, Harford County, Maryland.[57]

There is testimony of a CIA/MK ULTRA test subject who was subjected to ritual trauma based electrical-shock, LSD, radiation, rape, dislocation of joints, chemical and drug experimentation as a child that had been sent to a special school with many other children and taught how to sexually please men and entrap them, and that Dr. L. Wilson Green, Dr. Mengele and others of the CIA routinely used them as sex slaves and special covert congressional sexual blackmail espionage agents that lead directly to South Dakota.[58] In fact, within the last couple of months, links are being developed connecting Dr. L. Wilson Greene and the CIA with aiding and abetting the Ninth Satanic Circle by supplying it with ritual Satanic abused mind altered child victims.

Ninth Satanic Circle Network, White House & South Dakota


“[T]he D.C. resident expert on South Dakota politics” and the underground pinnacle of its POWER was Jeff Gannon aka James D. Guckert- male prostitute/ escort and Republican right wing activist that worked as a quasi-press reporter without credentials at the George W. Bush White House.[59]

Hail SATAN- President George W. Bush’s Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff- Karl Rove

Jeff Gannon had been part of Karl Rove’s subversive SatanicDominant Political Creed in America.”[60] Gannonnom de ho Bulldog[61] says that he met Rove only once, at a White House Christmas party.[62] Well, I don’t think anyone in the “Beltway” really believes that. Around Washington, Gannon had been known as Rove’sGood Friend.”

“Karl [Rove] used to hang out at JR’s, which is on 17th between P&S, before he became so well-known. This is a “respectable” gay bar for discreet people who do not wear mesh panties, high-heeled pumps and wear terrible wigs.”[63]


Some maintain that Gannon, above, was issued U.S. Secret Service press credentials by Karl Rove at President George W. Bush’s request.[64] Rove has secret ties to a powerful and vicious underground (UNDERNEATH) conservative political homosexual creed (circle) of national political bloggers such as “nom de ho Bulldog Jeff Gannon.


Bulldog National Blogger Ali Akbar & Republican Heavy Newt Gingrich

Rove is said to have been a lover of a conservative Texas Republican Party national political blogger, Ali Akbar. Akbar is another one of Rove’s secret CREED of dominant conservative Republican homosexual bulldogs. Akbar is traced to Ellis County, Texas, where he worked for a news web site called the Ellis County Observer.

Akbar’s work apparently involved covering up the misdeeds of a former police chief named Michael Meissner, who was charged with posing as a woman and soliciting photos of under- aged boys.[65] That’s the way Rove’s “Dominate Satanic Creed “roll.


President Bush and Rove’s Favorite Bulldog Fake White House Reporter- Jeff Gannon

“Cable television news reports have recently linked an alleged male prostitute to the present White House since George W. Bush permitted James Guckert to use an unprecedented Secret Service-approved alias (Jeff Gannon) while having access to the White House for two years as a pool reporter serving the younger Bush–before which Gannon had advertised himself on internet pornography sites as a male “escort” charging $200 an hour. [Gannon is the subject of independent news reports which have referred to him as the former kidnapped Des Moines, Iowa paperboy JOHNNY GOSCH–forced into child sex-slavery.] John DeCamp told this writer “I believe Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon are one and the same person–but I am not in a position to know positively.”[66] Recall,  Iowa is a border state of South Dakota.

On February 5, 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci, a former child CIA/MK ULTRA sex slave at the center of a secret powerful and elite pedophile ring (Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up) exposed some enormously chilling and explosive details involving the JOHNNY GOSCH aka JEFF GANNON abduction linked directly to the White House, CIA, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Pentagon and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex.

Bonacci revealed in federal court that he and Gosch and a number of other children were forced to participate in an elite government sponsored pedophile sex slave ring, that dehumanized and controlled its young victims using techniques such as drugs, MURDER, satanic rituals, sexual abuse, and torture, resulting in iatrogenic MPD (multiple-personality disorder). The children were systemically programmed and “zombified” as part of the CIA’s ongoing, under-the-radar MK-ULTRA vast clandestine mind control program.[67]

George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon–who had advertised himself as a male escort–could apparently operate in the White House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences.”[68]

At least since the 19th Century, South Dakota has been known to be a complex center of unprecedented covert Satanic and Masonic undergrounds; AND extraordinary energy and activity linked to ancient magnetic lines, grids of force and radiation field lines.[69]

OCTOBER- Satan’s Harvest of Souls

 SATAN is an unnatural life force that exists throughout our planet. The energy it gives off is totally negative. Its chemical make-up is incompatible with what is natural. Natural is a nature pertaining to the natural world.

During the Aztec calendar month of Tepeihuitl (from September 30 to OCTOBER 19), it was dedicated to Sacrifices of Children.[70] SATAN has his own harvest celebration— a Harvest of Souls.” Lucifer’s Servants prepare for SATAN’s Harvest of Souls during the entire month of OCTOBER in various ways- chaos, domestic violence and all manner of death and destruction.

“Their (Luciferians) diabolical activities begin on October 1st and build the entire month of October, climaxing on October 31st which is dedicated to planned world-wide human sacrifice. These sacrifices take place in covens and carefully guarded exclusive meeting places of high-ranking government officials. Beware: Pseudo Christian ministries also lure people in for the purpose of using them for human sacrifices.”[71]

Fallen Angels, Little Tyrese & EVIL Joey


 “He [Jesus] gathers the rebels together like goats and pushes them towards the wall of Heaven; a hole opens up, revealing the chaos without. The angels are horrified and throw themselves out of Heaven. They fall for nine days, until Hell, “the house of woe and pain,” receives them. The HOLE IN THE WALL of Heaven is closed, and the angels approach the Son, rejoicing. He returns to his father.” Paradise Lost Book 6 [72] Joseph “Joey” Robert Patterson fell out of Kadoka,[73] the Latoka word meaning “Hole in the Wall”.[74] EVIL Joey is also symbolically associated with the Latoka’s sacred and mysterious Black Hills (University). The Black Hills is believed to be a place of supernatural and paranormal energies inhabited by a Circle of Evil Spirits.

Speaking of the Circle of Evil Spirits in the Black Hills the Indians said: “The Evil Spirit was mad at the red people and caused the mountains to vomit fire, sand, gravel and large stones, to terrify and destroy them, but the Good Spirit had compassion and put out the fire, chased the Evil Spirit out of the mountains and left them unhurt, but when they returned to their wickedness the Great Spirit permitted the Evil Spirit to return to the mountains again and vomit forth fire ; but out their becoming good and making sacrifices the Great Spirit chased away the Evil Spirit …”[75]

EVIL Joey’s ancestral roots are buried at the Old Masonic Cemetery in Philip, South Dakota. Masonic cemeteries are setup by Masons for Masons. Their cemetery grounds are consecrated by sacred Masonic rituals. His ancestral roots is also deeply embedded in South Dakota’s Masonic Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.[76]


On OCTOBER 10, 2013, 2 year old, Tyrese Robert Ruffin, born in Minneapolis, MN, on August 22, 2011 was suspected of being BLUDGEONED to death by Joey Patterson. Little Tyrese died from blows from a “blunt impact instrument” in a manner that caused the child’s head to sustain impact that causes bleeding or swelling on the brain. The “blunt impact instrument” that was used to bludgeon Little Tyrese to death remains UNKNOWN, whether it was a fist, stick, hammer or a CLUB.

At 5:43 pm (5+4+3= 12), called 9-11 EVIL Joey reported that the child was non responsive. Little Tyrese was probably already dead, but for how long nobody is saying. Little Tyrese didn’t show any activity on his brain when admitted at the hospital, Sioux Fall’s T. Denny Sanford USD Medical Center.[77]

Little Tyrese was officially dead on Friday, OCTOBER 11, 2013.[78] His death occurred within weeks of discovering through a DNA test that Adrian was his actual biological and BLOODLINE father. Previously, the assumed father of the child at birth had been Bobby Ruffin.

Bobby Ruffin (Robert Lee Ruffin) is a former running back for the Minnesota State University Mavericks of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (Division II) that never reached the pinnacle of an Adrian Peterson.[79] He is an Account Executive for American Clinical Solutions and DNA STAT.[80]

UNNATURALLY in a case of such national interest and involving a heinous crime of MURDER committed against a 2 year old, Ann Doohen’s occupation remains UNCERTAIN. Nonetheless, she MAY in fact be some type of medical NURSE.[81] I suspect that she is a secret Nurse and BREEDER that is part of the network of the secret Ninth Satanic Circle. She had been deliberately paired with Adrian. Little Tyrese’s faith may have been sealed from the very beginning at birth.

1 Peter 5:8:  “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the DEVIL, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”


As a child, to be a Lion Tamer may appear innocent and NATURAL enough. But in this case, Satanism involve Clandestine Symbolism. According to the Late CIA Director, William Colby, Satanism in this country  “ …  is SO MUCH BIGGER than they you think. It goes to the very HIGHEST level …”  (WHY JOHNNY CAN’T COME HOME, Noreen N. Gosch ). In Clandestine Satanism, very little is left to chance or coincidence. In 1969, the late Satanist Anton Szandor LaVey published the NINE (9)  Satanic Statements in the Satanic Bible. Some argue that LaVey wasn’t a legitimate Satanist but a  circus show sideman. The Satanic Bible was written partly or mostly by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino of the U.S. Pentagon and Army Intelligence. The Satanic Bible draw heavily upon from a strange combination from the medieval “esoteric legitimacy” of Queen Elizabethan I Rosicrucian John Dee’s Enochian Language to the works of Darwinist Ragnar Redbeard (Arthur Desmond or Jack London) of the 19th and early 20th Century. Rosicrucian Dee, the U.S. Pentagon, Army Intelligence, and Lt. Col. Michael Aquino is no sideshow circus.


In 1890, Redbeard , an extreme racist, authored “‘Might Is Right’, or ‘The Survival of the Fittest.’” In Might is Right, Redbeard rejected conventional ideas and notions of human and natural rights for Black People (Little Tyrese) and People of Color in lieu of the dominant  Anglo Saxon Supremacy. And, as you can observe from the book’s covers, it is directly linked to traditional Old World Ancient European Mythology and Legends that lies at the foundation of the ILLUMINATI.

In other words, ancient esoteric demonology, traditional medieval Satanic wisdom, and white supremacy is clandestinely veiled behind Anton Szandor LaVey, the Church of Satan and the Satanic Bible.


If any entity is associated with the Old World Ninth Satanic Cult Network operating with virtually invisibility and impunity in America, it would be the Pentagon, Army Intelligence, CIA/MK ULTRA Occult Bureau, and Himmler’s Luciferian Disciple U.S. Army Intelligence Officer, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.


Some still believe including myself that LaVey was the secret technical advisor behind Rosemary’s Baby. We know in 1951, LaVey was in direct contact with Weird Jack Parsons (1914-1952) of Aleister Crowley’s OTO in Berkeley and Pasadena, CA.  In 1946, Weird Jack and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard of U.S. Naval Intelligence had been directly involved in secret rituals to summons SATAN to produce a Moonchild (Rosemary’s Baby- ADRIAN) from mortal woman. Weird Jack, Hubbard and Crowley’s OTO was the secret foundation behind LeVay’s Church of Satan in San Francisco. Part of LaVey’s legend is that he worked as a Lion Tamer in Clyde Beatty’s Circus. In Satanic Circles, the Lion Tamer is symbolic for Anton Szandor LaVey.

Robert Lee Ruffin’s employer, American Clinical Solutions, is a leading provider of urine drug confirmation services, offering accurate testing for both prescription and illicit narcotics using the most advanced equipment available.[82] DNA Stat provides a DNA test to help determine how individuals process, or “metabolize” different medications.[83]

On OCTOBER 15, 2013, within days of Tyrese’s death, Ruffin UNNATURALLY reserved his public NEGATIVE ENERGY for Adrian instead of the child’s alleged psychopathic killer. The Zionist TMZ reported that Ruffin was expressly sick and tired of people feeling sorry for Adrian Peterson.[84] When someone you know has experienced the death of someone close to him or her, particular a child of such a young age, it is a NATURAL IMPULSE to want to reach out and offer the aggrieved sympathy, condolences, and support.[85]

“AP met my son for the first time yest when my son was already in coma. I was here today when we pulled the plug, not him. He was happily practicing and has no problem playing on Sunday.”[86]

It’s interesting that neither Ruffin or Doohen consulted Adrian, the NATURAL biological father, before “we pulled the plug.” Apparently soon after they “pulled the plug”, they also decided to HARVEST Little Tyrese’s organs. It is UNNATURAL to HARVEST the organs of a MURDER victim during an active homicide investigation. Now that Little Tyrese’s organs are MISSING, Joey Patterson’s defense is making an issue out of it, because the prosecution can’t now rule out NATURAL accidental causes for the child’s death.


The Clandestine Masonic Shriners with likely open access to the inner circles of Sanford Medical Center, and Joey’s defense team knew all along that Ann Doohen intended to HARVEST Little Tyrese’s organs before they (Doohen and Ruffin) pulled the plug. They planned it from the very beginning to Sacrifice Little Tyrese to SATAN. Either the prosecution or the defense could have moved the court for a protective order to preserve Little Tyrese’s organs as material evidence in the case.[87]

Black Children, MURDER Victims & The Clandestine HARVESTING of Organs


Kendrick Johnson, 17, was found dead in a Georgia high school. Authorities said he was trapped upside down in a high school wrestling mat in January 2013. Kendrick was reported missing by his parents when he didn’t come home from school. His body was found the next day in a rolled-up mat in his high school gym. Police said Kendrick apparently fell in while reaching for a shoe and suffocated in the thick padding. Kendrick’s family never believed he died accidentally.[88] Kendirck’s parents recently learned their son was buried without his organs. Kendrick’s organs were HARVESTED, and his body was stuffed with newspaper. They had Kendrick’s body exhumed and examined by an independent medical examiner who identified a wound to Kendrick’s neck that indicates murder.[89]The clandestine HARVESTING of the organs of Black Children is not an isolated incidence here or abroad.

Bobby Ruffin:

“So yea this  isn’t all out yet  but I’m sick of the poor AP sh*t. He didn’t know or even meet my son. Sorry for the outburst but put yourself in my place.”[90] Once Ruffin discovered that he wasn’t the NATURAL father of Little Tyrese, nor was he married to Doohen. His legal “PLACE” in the affairs of Little Tyrese was reduced to the status of a BYSTANDER. He had no legal or NATURAL right to supersede Adrian in any medical or legal decisions involving Little Tyrese.


It was absolutely UNNATRUAL for Ruffin to vent any public annoyance, resentment and negative energy against Adrian when it was Ann Doohen’s serial child and female abuser boyfriend Evil Joey that was involved in the slaughter of Little Tyrese.


Adrian had nothing to do with the child’s death other than but for to HARVEST THE SOUL and WASTE THE BLOOD OF ADRIAN‘S ISSUE FOR SATAN.


Brain makes it clear with the “Devil’s Horn” Symbol that he belongs to the Secret Satanic Brotherhood

Ruffin’s employer American Clinical Solutions was founded by Brian Matthew Artze.[91] Artze is a Jewish root name.[92] Brian was born in the small town of Decatur, IL. A town that he said his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather built together from the ground up.[93] Undoubtedly, he is referring to the family of Adolf Carl Artze (br. 1884) a (brick) Mason out of East Prussia (Germany).[94]


At his birthday party in Florida, Brian makes sure everyone understands that he is one of Lucifer’s Servants.

The German word for a bricklayer is Maurer. German brick masons belong to an ancient guild/fraternity that members have a Secret Ceremony which they are not allowed to describe just the same but before the fraternal order of “Freemasons.”[95]


By the way, Ashley Ann Doohen’s father is Michael P. Doohen of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.[96] Michael Doohen works for the Dunham Company in Sioux Falls owned by Karen Dunham of the Masonic Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and All Seeing Eye Fraternity, Omega Tau Rho.[97] In South Dakota, it fits the saying that “Birds of a Feather Flock Together.

After the Slaughter of Little Tyrese, one of Adrian‘s so-called baby mamas, Erica Syion, was also given mass media air time to UNNATRUALLY direct negative energy against and slander Adrian before the masses. She has the Mark of the DRAGON (BEAST), the MONARCH– Butterfly. It is a sign of a mind controlled CIA/MK ULTRA Sex Kitten.[98] She is also a tool of the Luciferian ILLUMINATI.


In June 2014, Ashley Ann Doohen was found to be still co-habituating with the killer Fallen Angel, EVIL Joey, out of the Hole in the Wall.[99] How UNNATURAL and absolutely bizarre and absurd is that? Unless in fact, they are all part of a high level clandestine Network Masonic/Satanic Cult or Coven that sacrificed Little Tyrese to HARVEST his soul for SATAN for the Blood of Adrian Peterson.

Adrian & Child Abuse: The Works of the Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood


Cuts instead of Welts- OPEN WOUNDS? In September 2014 a month after widespread public exposure of the Ninth Satanic Circle , Adrian was indicted in Texas for “reckless or negligent injury to a child” in racist-lynching Montgomery County, Texas. Montgomery County is a evil, vicious and UNNATURAL place in the Texas backwoods where a Black man (Clarence Lee Brandley) in this era can be elected in a courtroom by police, prosecutor, and a redneck jury for a capital offense and subsequent death penalty solely because of his (“nigger”) race.[100]

According to Sports Radio 610:  “Peterson’s son had pushed another one of Peterson’s children off of a motorbike video game. As punishment, Peterson grabbed a tree branch — which he consistently referred to as a ‘switch‘ — removed the leaves and struck the child repeatedly.”[101] More via Sports Radio 610: Peterson allegedly told the child’s mother via text message that he “felt bad after the fact when I notice the switch was wrapping around hitting I (sic) thigh.”[102]

Peterson also acknowledged accidentally striking the child’s scrotum (around the testacies) with the “switch”, saying in the text message, “Got him in nuts once I noticed. But I felt so bad, I’m all tearing that butt up when needed! I start putting them in timeout. N save the whooping for needed memories!”“Never do I go overboard!” Peterson continued. “But all my kids will know, hey daddy has the biggie heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.”[103]

During my childhood, this is exactly what my mother and elders would have done. If the methodology of discipline of children by my own mother and elders with a deep southern based traditional “switch” that customarily leave superficial “welts” on the skin was a criminal offense, my mother, in-laws and elders out of Louisiana would all have died in prison serving life sentences.

The Texas Education Code, Subtitle G, Chapter 37: Discipline: Law and Order, Section 37.0011, Use of Corporal Punishment states that corporal punishment includes ” ‘the deliberate infliction of physical pain by hitting, padding, spanking, slapping, or any other physical force used as a means of discipline,’ and relinquishes the control of whether or not it is allowed within a school district to the board of trustees…”[104]

In the State of Texas, corporal “traditional” punishment (deliberate infliction of physical pain) of children doesn’t constitute the usual “Mens rea (the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty)”.[105]

Traditional corporal punishment is “abusiveonly if ” ‘observable and material impairment‘ occurs as a result or if it causes ‘substantial harm’ or exposes the child to risk of substantial harm.’ “[106]

In most instances, Adrian has confessed to be a reasonable and God-fearing man. If he crossed the line of state law in disciplining his children in the tradition of our elders, a good faith intervention, warning or diversion program would have been sufficient to change or influence his future behavior.


There is no reason to “mercilessly” attempt to destroy him, children, family and his livelihood. Unless it is the secret works and network combination of the Ole Southern Satanic/ILLUMINATI Brotherhood of Montgomery County and their mission to reduce Adrian to a condition akin to that of slavery- so that he will no longer be a black-skinned “Purple Jesus” hero or an inspiration to anybody.

Nevertheless, Adrian, a man of newly acquired wealth and prominence should have been surrounded by life-style changing coaches and counselors at the very least for his own personal growth and self preservation in a new and unfamiliar station of life with an entirely different set of expectations, CODES, and new powerful and elite ENEMIES without moral or legal boundaries.

The ruthless Greek Tycoon Aristotle Socrates Onassis that married former First Lady Jackie Kennedy after the assassination of JFK has been described as a raw little  foul mouthed- ape like creature.[107] Onassis’ right-hand man, Yannis Georgakis, called him “a charming PSYCOPATH” bound by absolutely no moral imperatives at all.”[108]

On the way to becoming a world renown shipping magnate and billionaire in the public eye through Nazi Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, President of Hitler’s Reichbank and underground networks of the Third Reich, Onassis was surrounded by life-style changing coaches, managers and counselors. Now, the Onassis Bloodline is identified with New World Order oligarchies, and mass population grand ILLUSIONS of Power, Wealth, Class and Privilege.[109]

I said this to say that by an extreme example that once you reach a certain pinnacle of wealth, fame and prominence such as obtained by Adrian Peterson, you should NATURALLY go through life-style changing processes, whether ILLUMINATI or not. Raw deep southern based culturally and traditional sensitive terms such as “whoopings” and “switches” shouldn’t have been part of his vocabulary. In fact, Adrian‘s role as an active “parental disciplinarian” should have been supplanted by an educational and financial management staff dedicated to the future of his children.

In the same sense of life-style changing counseling, by virtue of Michael Vicks’ wealth ($100 Million NFL Contract), fame and prominence before the global masses, he shouldn’t have been openly associated with a brutal and illegal dog fighting racket. Vick financed his family members’- CIA Dark Alliance Crack Cocaine Addicts‘ enterprise of dog fighting that he had been introduced to as a child by his father, Michael Boddie.

They openly operated “Bad Newz Kennels,” which housed and trained over 50 pit bull dogs to stage dog fights, and was allegedly involved in an underground (UNDERNEATH) high stakes gambling ring as if they didn’t know any better, or they had been aided, encouraged and supported clandestinely to do so openly as a backdoor to sensationally entrap Vick on a global stage.[110] When Vick’s cousin Devon T. Boddie was arrested for crack cocaine possession, the police was well aware all along of all the details of the “Bad Newz Kennels” dog fighting operation as if they had set it up all along to sensationally topple Vick to the ground when he was at the pinnacle of global success.[111]


NATURALLY, Vick, an equally awesome Black professional athlete as Adrian Peterson, had been surrounded by teams of financial managers, counselors and advisors. He wasn’t hiding anything from anyone. Vick and his family on his paternal side of Newport News, Virginia openly paraded around in tee-shirts advertising “Bad Newz Kennels” as if it was a legitimate commercial enterprise.

In 2007, lucky No. 7, Vick was a four time NFL All Pro. He was playing at an astounding peak level on the football field. He had to had been one of the world’s most celebrated, visible and gifted professional athletes. As the late great bluesman, Howlin’ Wolf, would say, Michael Vick had been “Sittin’ on Top of the World.” [112]


Karl  Rove- Hail SATAN

Deputy Attorney General, Michael R. Gill, prosecuted Vick. Gill was a running dog for Deputy Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, Republican Paul McNulty,[113] a direct running dog for Bohemian Grove Satanic Two-faced Pagans Karl Rove, and President George W. Bush.[114]  McNulty became a subject of a Congressional investigations for firing federal deputy attorney generals to make way for Republican bootlickers.

During the investigation, Deputy Attorney General McNulty told Congress that a confident and popular deputy attorney general, Harry Earnest “Bud” Cummins III, had been removed from federal office for no reason except to install a former aide to Karl Rove, Tim Griffin, in his place. Griffin was Bush’s former Republican National Opposition Research Director.[115] Federal prosecutors Gill and McNulty were undoubtedly also part of Rove’s underground (UNDERNEATH) BohemianDominant Political Creed in America.”[116] How deep does the Rabbit Hole go?

In 2007, it was an absolutely bizarre, mind-bogging and sad moment in sports history and before the masses of color when Vick was taken off the football field and sentenced to 23 months (almost two years) in federal prison on one count of interstate conspiracy to sponsor dog fighting while demonstrators from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals carried signs outside the Richmond courthouse reading, “Dogs Deserve Justice.”[117]


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that publicly claims to represent the best interest of animals – their “ethical treatment.” Yet approximately 2,000 animals pass through PETA‘s front door every year and very few make it out alive. In fact, in the last 11 years, PETA has killed 29,426 dogs, cats, rabbits and other domestic animals.[118] A supermarket dumpster full of garbage bags above. When police officers looked inside, they found the bodies of dead animals – killed by PETA.[119]


It is an almost $35 million animal rights front with the substantial financial support of the likes of the Rockefeller Foundation and ILLUMINATIAll Seeing Eye” Time-Warner- Viacom Media NetworksComedy Central Network.[120] The whole town was laughing at Michael Vick. Vick, an once $100 million man, had been toppled down to a state of utter bankruptcy[121]reduced again to a condition akin to that of slavery.

However, it is often not by indifference or a coincidence that global prominent millionaire Black professional athletes such as Adrian and Vick do not go through life-style changing processes to protect them, but it is by the deliberate plans and schemes of the ILLUMINATI to keep them vulnerable and ignorant of the need for decoding skills to protect them and their families from CLANDESTINE enemies.

Likewise, the ILLUMINATI doesn’t intend to allow Black Professional Athletes, Families or Heirs with their newly acquired access to millions to become or ascend to any permanent status of Power, Wealth, Class and Privilege to aspire the masses in the New World Order. Adrian and Michael Vick’s raw culturally and traditional sensitive life-styles are intentionally left intact, clandestinely supported and encouraged as a backdoor to subsequently topple them in the public eye as a necessary means of psychological warfare to polarize the races, confuse and destroy the will- spirit of the masses of color.

Adrian & ESPN’s Uncle Tom’s Sports Cabin


ESPN’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin of subservient Satanic/ILLUMINATI Negroes include Keyshawn Johnson, Uncle Tom Jackson with the Inverted ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Symbol, Ray Lewis also with a ILLUMINATI Pyramid Symbol, and Chris Carter with the One Finger- One God- SATAN gesture.


By the way these Negroes have distanced themselves from Ray Rice, Jonathan Dwyer, Adrian and domestic violence, you wouldn’t have known that Keyshawn Johnson had also been arrested in 2014 for domestic violence against his significant one.[122] But of course, Keyshawn is one of them- the ILLUMINATI- the Black Satanic Cabal. Some of Adrian’s most sensationalized corporate mass media criticism have come from ESPN’S Uncle Tom’s Sports Cabin, particularly bootlicking Black Satanic Assassins for the New World Order, NFL Hall of Famers, Uncle Tom Jackson and Chris Carter.


Some have come to the opinion that Carter’s delirious public criticism of Adrian on ESPN was innocent, honest, and genuinely soul searching. That’s absolutely B.S. ESPN is owned by the Walt Disney Company and Hearst Corporation.[123] They don’t roll like that.  Disney has its own police force, investigation, enforcement and propaganda arms.


Disney has no “free express yourself policy.”[124] Walt Disney Company and Hearst Corporation are both Satanic/ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Cabals implicated in PAGAN ritual sacrifice of children.

The DISNEY Bloodline- Satanic PAGANS

Co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, Roy Oliver Disney, was a Freemason. Walt Disney maintained all along that he wasn’t a Freemason but part of the Masonic Order. He said that he was much higher in the Masonic Hierarchy and Order than an ordinary Freemason. He said that within the Masonic Order, he was an ordinary member of the Mother Chapter of the Order of DeMolay. Who was DeMolay and what is the DeMolay Ritual?

Jacques de Molay (1243 –March 18, 1314) was the 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.[125]


The DeMolay ritual makes a great hero of its namesake. He is held up as a paragon of manly virtue. What the order’s ritual does not tell its young charges is that DeMolay was burned at the stake for being a homosexual, a pedophile (lover of young boys), and for practicing witchcraft and worshiping a false god named Baphomet![126]


The Knights Templar freely practiced homosexuality and other sexual perversions, that the Grand Master wielded total authority over everything, that they practiced rituals of sorcery and used Cabalistic symbolism was clear evidence that the order had had become a sect blasphemous to Christianity. Their questioning revealed yet another of their unorthodox practices: Without being specific, they had admitted to idolatry, but during their ongoing interrogation, it gradually emerged that without any doubt, they were worshipping SATAN.[127]


D 23– Clandestine Masonic Symbolism-  DeMolay, 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar

The Masonic Order is CLANDESTINE. Disney was undoubtedly telling us that he belonged to a Knight Templar Hierarchy and Satanic Order within the Masonic Order in which BAPHOMET is God. The Order of DeMolay is accepted and a hidden powerful Masonic Hierarchical Order.  Additionally, Walt Disney had been a clandestine HOLLYWIERD  FBI Special Agent in Charge under or superior to 33rd Degree Freemason, J. Edgar Hoover.[128] He also is alleged to have worked for the CIA’s MK ULTRA and the MONARCH Program.[129] Disney is also linked to clandestine elite ILLUMINATI child Pedophilic Cults and SACRIFICES.[130]


Walt Disney made Mickey Mouse an official honorary DeMolay- Knight Templar. During the “Cremation of Care” ceremony at the Bohemia Grove, the sacrificial bound-body was burned on the alter of a 50-foot-tall Owl of Bohemia god made of concrete. The Bohemian priests wore hooded KKK robes in white, black or red. Cremation of the Human Sacrifice was set to music by Walt Disney’s ‘Fantasia‘, “The [Witch] Sorcerer’s Apprentice” where Mickey Mouse’s magic runs amok.”[131]

Don’t get it twisted, we are not talking a grove of trees or flowers. The word “Grove” as in Bohemian Grove originally referred to a sacred place in the woods. It has been used at least three different ways among Pagans. Sometimes it is simply a gathering of Pagans of no particular denomination. Often it means a local organization of Druids. Occasionally it refers to a group of Pagans who gather to worship under the guidance of a Witches’ Coven; this kind of “Grove” is also called a “congregation” or “outer circle,” as distinct from the “inner circle,” which is composed of the priests and priestesses of the coven.[132]


Bohemia is the historical country of central Europe that was a kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire and subsequently a province in the Habsburgs’ Austrian Empire. Whereas, the Bohemian Grove in California is a Coven of Pagans practicing Child/Human Sacrifices and worshipping SATAN in secret along beside Christianity as it had been in Bohemia Germany during medieval times. The secret Child Sacrifices to SATAN and the Satanic (Ninth) Circles of Old Europe out of the Middle Ages has remained unbroken and hidden even here in America.

The HEARST Bloodline- Satanic PAGANS

 “David Hill…was a high ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ…” “David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the ILLUMINATI, He was part of the branch Illuminati — at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum.”[133]

The Hearst family newspaper tycoons were/are traditional bloodline PAGANS of the Bohemian Grove.[134] William Randolph Hearst was a high-degree ILLUMINATI Satanic Initiate. The Hearst Mansion in California is furnished with hundreds of ancient Kemetic and other Near and Middle Eastern occult artifacts. Most of them are original and were shipped to the United States by Hearst at enormous expense.[135]


William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) had been a PAGAN of the Bohemian Grove since 1887.[136]


In about 1906, William Randolph Hearst was there, above, when they lynched what appears to be a Black man at the Bohemian Grove.[137]


In 1909, William Randolph Hearst was there, above, when they murdered and offered a Black Child in SACRIFICE to the fire altar of Baal Moloch at the Bohemian Grove.[138] And if he wasn’t there. William Randolph Hearst certainly had the power and responsibility to object and report what was going on there and we know- that- he certainly didn’t DO!


ESPN’s Uncle Tom’s Devil Horns Hand Symbol isn’t an innocent gesture. It is an blatant MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control key that momentarily mystified and stunted Keyshawn and Ray Lewis. Uncle Tom Jackson , “… he (Adrian) knew UNDERNEATH that it was abuse.”

The command from the prompt word “UNDERNEATH” and the DEVIL’S HORNS sign was the trigger for weak assed CIA Dark Alliance Crack Cocaine Victim Chris Carter to go off on Adrian on the national public airways.



EVIL Joey or someone(s) bludgeoned 2 year old Little Tyrese to death in cold blood like a ritual out of the distant past. It’s like Little Tyrese’s head had been bashed in at the Altar of Baal-Moloch.

It’s been a year since Little Tyrese had been murdered by unknown blunt forces to the head.  I was hopeful that EVIL Joey’s murder trial would have begun this month, October 2014, as scheduled, and more facts about Joey and the slaying of Little Tyrese would become public record. Now, I am fearful that a public trial may not take place at all. While EVIL Joey was in jail pending homicide investigation, they gutted Little Tyrese of his organs like a spring lamb. EVIL Joey couldn’t have did that alone- destroy physical evidence of his or crimes of others in such a blatant manner. It took a powerful and high level combination to pull that off, and then divert the masses’ attention away from the high capital crimes against children committed by EVIL Joey and the Ninth Satanic Circle with the sensational public indictment of Adrian for child abuse.


Baal-Moloch and SATAN’s psychotic assassin is out there walking around. EVIL Joey is free continue to serve his masters, and work to earn a living unlike Ray Rice, Jonathan Dwyer, Greg Hardy and Adrian. EVIL Joey is free to go wherever or serve whoever he wishes on the planet that he so desires. There are no protests from liberals, women or Child Protection groups. There is no outrage from any commercial, political figures or bodies. Nobody seems to be objecting to Joey, a psychotic menace to society, walking the street free on a heinous murder charge, threatening and violently attacking women and CHILDREN– “Children Deserve Justice.”

In fact, Joey, may never be prosecuted for the slaughter of Little Tyrese, because Tyrese’s body may also now be stuffed with newspaper blocking any further autopsy or medical examination to determine the actual cause of his death. Recall, October is the symbolic month of SATAN’S human harvest of souls as a testament of faith of his believers and followers. Joey will not come to a public trial this October 2014 for the homicidal death of Little Tyrese. There has been no public explanation coming out of South Dakota why Joey’s homicide trial has not yet begun as scheduled or delayed.


ESPN’s Chris Berman; Uncle Tom Jackson and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley with the Hand of the DEVILILLUMINATI

What’s really going on in the Slaughter/Sacrifice of Adrian‘s Innocent and Infant Bloodline, Little Tyrese, in South Dakota. It is virtual buried news that nobody is talking about even the Satanic Cabal Negroes of ESPN’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The way things are stacking up here in America, it seems as if Adrian has more of a chance to spend time locked up in prison for “whooping” his son with a “switch”  than Joseph Robert Patterson for a Capital Offense of MURDER of a two-year old child. It also seems as if we will get better results from an International Common Law Court of Justice investigation out of Brussels into the death of Little Tyrese and its link to the Ninth Satanic Circle Child Sacrifice Cult Network than the CIA, FBI, local police, and U.S. Investigative Journalism.  THINK ABOUT THAT.

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22 07 2013


You Einsatzgruppen [SS Racial Mass Murder Task Forces] are called upon to fulfill a repulsive duty. But you are soldiers who have to carry out every order unconditionally. You have a responsibility before GOD and Hitler for everything that is happening. I myself hate this bloody business and I have been moved to the depths of my soul. But I am obeying the highest law by doing my duty. Man must defend himself against bedbugs and rats– against vermin. -Heinrich Himmler, in a speech to the SS guards, (Hitler’s Elite, Shocking Profiles of the Reich’s Most Notorious Henchmen,” Berkley Books, 1990)


You may not be willing to accept it. But, it is official U.S. policy that Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler is a true initiate and Son of Satan. It is also true that U.S. Military Intelligence resurrected his Soul in the “Wewelsburg Workings” or the “Wewelsburg Rituals” at the Gate of the Dead at “Mittelpunkt der Welt” (Middle of the World).[1]


The Satanic Himmler Resurrection Rituals were conducted by U.S. Special Forces Officer, Army Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino, Psychological Warfare Division (PYSCOPS).[2]

“You are travelling to another dimension, the fifth dimension. It is beyond that known to ordinary men and women. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension whose door you unlock with the key of imagination. “That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop[3]

The Slaying of Trayvon Martin, the First 48 Hours

The HUNTER, Blueprint for a “One Man ILLUMINATI Einsatzgruppen”


February 26, 2012

On Sunday at approximately 6:24:18 PM, a store video shows Trayvon Martin purchasing a bag of Skittles and an Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail.

At approximately 7:09:34 – 7:13:41 PM, the HUNTER spots his prey on his way home from the store.

The HUNTER calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.

At this point, Zimmerman, the Hunter, spots on Trayvon on his way home from the store. Zimmerman stalks his prey and tells the 9-11 operator,

Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waist band. And he’s a black male.Then,

Something’s wrong with him. Yep, he’s coming to check me out. He’s got something in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.”[4]

The HUNTER was armed with a Kel-Tec PF-9 mm primed to use deadly force against his human prey.

In 2009, a neighborhood pit bull named Big Boi began menacing George and his wife Shellie Zimmerman. He was advised to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon to protect the family from Big Boi.[5]


George Zimmerman received a gun safety certificate from a local Masonic Lodge, but nobody names the lodge.[6] Once George obtained the concealed weapons permit, a Federal Air Marshal (U.S. Homeland Security Agent) and former Seminole County Sheriff and strange character, Mark Osterman, taught George how to patrol and target humans not dogs. He gave George law enforcement weapons training. He taught the U.S. government philosophy of KILLING. He taught George how to disable the gun’s safety lock permanently to kill humans more coldly, effectively and quickly.[7]


In 2010, George Zimmerman began training in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) “No Holds Barred Fighting” with an another unusual and violent individual, Adam Pollock, at the Kokopelli Gym near Sanford.[8]

Undoubtedly, someone or some agency was really interested in providing George Zimmerman with “Urban Terrorist” training under the VEIL, instead of fighting off Big Boi.

It seems that some entity intended to create in George Zimmerman a blueprint for a “One Man Einsatzgruppen” (Executioner).

At approximately 7:11:59 PM — In reply to the dispatcher’s question, “Are you following him?” Zimmerman says, “Yes.” Dispatcher states, “OK, we don’t need you to do that.”

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call. The HUNTER-Urban Terrorist slew his human prey, 17 year old Trayvon Martin.

Within the “First 48 Hours” in the slaughter of Trayvon Martin, the hunter and Urban Terrorist executioner, was questioned by SPD then sent home to his family no later than 1:00 AM the evening of February 26, 2012.

It appears that Trayvon’s cell phone found at the scene of the slaying was bagged up with the Skittles and Arizona Fruit Juice Cocktail then placed on the evidence shelf marked “JOHN DOE”.

February 27, 2012


Trayvon Martin’s body was delivered to the Seminole County Coroner’s Office toe-tagged “JOHN DOE”.

At approximately 8:39 AM, Tracy Martin finally reported Trayvon missing then called 9-11.


The Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Hand Symbol, APOSTLES OF HELLGeorge Zimmerman & Tracy Martin

What is extremely odd is that Brandi Green had a 14 year old son at home with Trayvon at the time of the murder while Tracy and Brandi attended Black Masonic-ILLUMINATI rituals. He told state attorney’s investigators that he waited for his mom and Tracy Martin to return home that evening and told them both that Trayvon had not returned from the 7-11 store. He said that Trayvon wanted to go to the store to get snacks, yet he had asked Trayvon to get the Skittles for him. There were no Trayvon’s snacks recovered from the murder scene. He said that Tracy and his mom went to bed. He went to school the next day. Trayvon missing the night before hadn’t seemed to be no big deal to Tracy or his mom.[9]

At approximately 9:20 AM, Tracy called 911. SPD asked Tracy to describe Trayvon, after which they sent officers to Brandi Green’s condo. SPD showed Tracy a picture of Trayvon with blood coming out of his mouth.SPD informed Tracy Martin that his son was dead.

February 28, 2012


Approximately 12:30 PM, SPD finally faxed the medical examiners’ office a memo that “JOHN DOE” had been identified as Trayvon Martin.

Within the “First 48 Hours”, SPD also did not check George Zimmerman’s vehicle or impound it. SPD didn’t bother to ask neighbors if they recognized Trayvon, who had been staying with his father and Brandi Green in the condo complex.[10]

The slaughtered, 17 year old Trayvon Martin and everything he represented as a human being had been put on the shelf marked “JOHN DOE” young black male within The First 48 hours.”

ABC News was correct when it reported that Trayvon Martin’s body sat in the medical examiners’ morgue for 3 days marked “JOHN DOE”. [11]

Rachel Jeantel was also absolutely correct. Within the “First 48 Hours”, the SPD homicide investigators never did call the last person Trayvon talked to in an attempt to identify the slaughtered teen-aged black male (Himmler’s Bedbugs and Rats—Vermin) .

Law enforcement analysts tell ABC News that George Zimmerman sounded intoxicated (under the influence-TRANCE of a drug or substance) in his call to police that night, SPD never gave him a toxicology test, which is standard in most homicide cases.[12]

With the “First 48 Hours”, SPD literally entertained, wined and dined the HUNTER and released him. Toxicology evidence for HUNTER-Urban Terrorist- Einsatzgruppen) was wiped clean.

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George Zimmerman & Iatrogenic Multi-Personality Disorder


There are four pathways to multiple personality disorder (1) childhood abuse; (2) childhood neglect; (3) factitious; and, (4) iatrogenic. Iatrogenic means created unwittingly by the therapist or doctor.[13]


Also, SPD didn’t record and ask about the HUNTER’s rather unique theatre tattoo.[14] George Zimmerman carries the Masks of JANUS commonly referred as “Theater Masks” or “Comedy Tragedy Masks” on his left arm (Left-Hand Path).[15]

During the Golden Age of Greece (500- 300 BC), the two masks were the symbols for THEATER. They are the comedy and tragedy masks that were worn in ancient Greece. Plays were written in honor of the god Dionysus, the god of fertility and procreation, and were either Comedies or Tragedies.


“The actors played multiple roles, so a mask was used to show the change in character.”[16]

Zimmerman’s marks are absolutely consistent with Heinrich Himmler’s Satanic Principle of Dualism– the two-faced Janus Face of master deception. Himmler conditioned the SS to be multi-personalities and two-faced, one kind and decent gentleman, while the opposite- dissociated, cruel, evil and homicidal.

George Zimmerman had been scientifically implanted with “Himmler’s Classic Satanic Dualism.”

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George Zimmerman & CIA- MK ULTRA Mind Control


After the slaying of Trayvon, you should notice that the HUNTER, George Zimmerman, appeared at times under somewhat of a TRANCE. We now understand that the Urban Terrorist had indeed been SPELLBOUND by military intelligence MK ULTRA mind altering drugs. He was under the influence of two powerful prescription drugs TEMAZEPAM also known as Restoril, and Aderall.[17]


Adderall is amphetamine mixed salts that is generally used for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder.[18] Adderall is highly addictive. It is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (e.g., aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility).”[19]

TEMAZEPAM is of particular interest to and tool of military intelligence mind controllers. Its effects on the mind were secretly medically researched and experimented with by the CIA. Temazepam was used under the top secret code name Project MK SEARCH – a continuation of CIA/MK ULTRA.

The CIA’s ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD assassination programs were administratively rolled over into Project MK ULTRA, which was created by CIA Chief Allen Dulles on April 3, 1953.[20]

Project MK ULTRA was in turn rolled over into Project MK SEARCH on June 7, 1964. Project MK SEARCH then ran until June 1972, at which time extensive shredding of MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH files was ordered by the Director of the CIA, Richard Helms.[21]

Among other things known, these CIA programs were searching for the ultimate truth drug;[22] and most importantly clandestinely developing Manchurian Candidates and MONARCH assassins and operatives. [23]

The Monarch mind control program most likely evolved out of MK-SEARCH secret subprojects such as SPELLBINDER, which was a program to create the Manchurian Candidate or sleeper assassins that, could be activated with triggers and code words.[24]

Temazepam is a powerful sedative. Its amnesic effects got the attention of several Secret Intelligence agencies. The drug has strong hypnotic properties. Given to the subject, Temazepam weakens the resolve of the subject and makes him or her more compliant to pressure.[25]

Temazepam was also one of several drugs used in the research of mind control, brainwashing, and mass-scale social engineering by secret layers within U.S. Intelligence Agencies.[26]

Temazepam is also used by military-intelligence to maintain subjects in semi-vegetable states of consciousness.[27]

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RACIAL MURDER and CORPSES, to Have Stuck it Out & Remain a DECENT CATHOLIC 


One principle must be absolute for the SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, what happens to the Czechs, is a matter of utter indifference to me… We shall never be rough or heartless where it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude to animals, will also adopt a decent attitude to these human animals, but it is a crime against our own blood to worry about them and to bring them ideals. I shall speak to you here with all frankness of a very grave matter. Among ourselves it should be mentioned quite frankly, and yet we will never speak of it publicly. I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people… Most of you know what it means to see a hundred corpses lying together, five hundred, or a thousand. To have stuck it out and at the same time–apart from exceptions caused by human weakness–to have remained decent fellows, that is what has made us hard. This is a page of glory in our history which has never been written and shall never be written.SS-I Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, October 4, 1943 to the SS Group Leaders in Poznan


In SPD custody directly after the slaying, Zimmerman appeared to be under no unusual dismay or stress. He was uncannily cool, collected, calm and “utterly indifferent” to have just killed a human being, an unarmed teenager.


He demonstrated no sense of remorse for the homicide, but showed a sense of comfort and eases so much so that he developed idle theoretical religious conversations with police officers. SPD Officer Singleton testified that Zimmerman asked if she was catholic after noticing a cross around her neck. He reflected philosophically, “In the Catholic religion, it’s always wrong to kill somebody,” [28]

We know that to have been a self-serving Deception of mind control programming that was fed to the jury and the masses of the people by SPD and the prosecution as evidence of George Zimmerman’s state of mind at the time of slaying Trayvon Martin.

The “always wrong to kill somebody” Roman Catholic was one of Zimmerman’s “Alter Personalities”; and a classic example of Himmler’s classic JANUS two-faced- decent fellow dualism.


Under the Nazis, many Roman Catholics had developed a classic deprived and ghoulish preoccupation with “Divine Providence” at work with satanic principled dualism in madness, torture and mass murder.


There seemed to be more Roman Catholics in the SS, the world’s greatness racial mass murderers; and in local militias that worked with the SS than there were religious conscious objectors to mass murder. Among the many Nazi leaders who were Roman Catholics, in addition to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, were Josef Goebbels, SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Mullery and SS Rudolf Hoess that ran the concentration and extermination camps.[29]


Some of the most sensational depraved and utterly ghoulish murderers of the THIRD REICH had been Roman Catholics, Ante Pavelic, middle below, and the above Ustashi of Croatia.[30]


“These were not isolated instances.  The Ustashi more often than not massacred all the inhabitants of Serb villages, callously torturing and killing even children, and then setting the villages on fire.  In the village of Susnjari, for instance, the Ustashi, after having killed most of the inhabitants, led away about twenty surviving children, whom they tied to the threshold of a big barn, which was then set on fire.  Most of the children, of an average age of about ten, were burned alive.  The few who survived, horribly scorched, were eventually killed.  Eye-witnesses testified to similar occurrences:

In the village of Gorevac, on September 13, 194i, children of about 3 years of age were impaled.  In some places mothers threw themselves down with children in their arms, and one stake perforated mother and child.  Some young girls had their breasts tied or cut, others had their hands made to pass through them.  Men had their ears and noses sawn away, and eyes had been uprooted from their sockets.”[31]


The war criminal SS Satanic Knights of the Black Sun had been constituted by Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The SS’ entire structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order. Himmler’s Wewelburg’s castle was the SS monastery.

In Classic DUALITY under the Providence of God, Catholics do and continue to kill under the most fiendish and demonic circumstances.

On the night of February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman under the influence of CIA/ MK ULTRA experimental mind control drugs had been turned him into a classic satanic multi-personality Manchurian Candidate.

He said that the slaying of Trayvon had been God’s Plan.[32] The Manchurian Candidate’s GOD THAT MADE ME DO IT always turns out to be a high level Ultra Top Secret military intelligence project and objective.

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CIA & Robert Walter Zimmerman, BEHOLDEN TO LUCIFER


In 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was born out of  the depths and traps of HELL. They were officially formed out of the slime and bowels of the Satanic Mysticism and Magick of the Son of Lucifer, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, and Lucifer’s Servants, Knights of the Black Sun. They became the keepers and preservers of the secret ancient arcane arts of Babylonia.  They weren’t  just fascinated and in awe of Fuhrer Adolf Himmler, Josef Goebbels, Commando Otto Skorzeny and Heinrich Himmler,  they became BEHOLDEN to them, their symbols, legends, myths and their PATH.

Robert Walter Zimmerman is not a name found among some of the CIA’s most common and infamous cast of “self righteous” amoral German cousins like Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Frank G. Wisner, James Angleton, George G. W. Bush, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Dr. Martin Orne or Dr. Ewen Cameron that became beholden to Lucifer and its servants. 

In 1947, Robert Walter Zimmerman, another German cousin. , became a witting and essential clog in the wheel that made the CIA the outlaw, murdering devil worshipping and satanic agency that it became. Behind the veil for decades, CIA Agent Robert W. Zimmerman was, individually, just as criminal, vile, and demonic as the others that had reserved their places in HELL for their individual crimes and outrages against GOD and Humanity.

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Robert Walter Zimmerman, the Gehlen Org & the Old Boy CIA


George Zimmerman’s paternal grandfather was Big Papa Robert Walter Zimmerman (February 5, 1919 – March 5, 1999), son of Clemence R. Zimmerman (born 1879) and Meta Becker (born 1881) of Peoria, IL. They were most likely born of German immigrants.

George’ family background in espionage and intelligence seem to begin with Big Papa Zimmerman of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In the U.S. Intelligence circles, he was far from being a junior CIA officer.

“Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Office and Frank G. Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess I will see them there soon.” –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence[33]

During WWII, Big Papa worked with U.S. Naval Intelligence attached to the U.S. State Department special operations most likely with the notorious Frank G. Wisner.[34] When the CIA became official in 1947, Big Papa was poured over into the intelligence network with Nazi Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun), the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers.

Big Papa had been part of the “old boy network of political-military people” involved in WWII, many from the Foreign Service, people who think the same way. That means he was among the “Old Boy Network” of John Foster and Allen Dulles, William (Wild Bill) Donovan, Frank Wisner, Carmel Office, James Angleton, and Richard Helms that ran the Nazi Ratlines, USA Murder, Inc, Global Drug Trafficking and Mind Control Projects- MK ULTRA.

The founding fathers of the CIA William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles along with Hitler’s spy chief, Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, were Knights of Malta. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also known as the original Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, is a closed fraternity of the  Roman Catholic Church.[35]

Most of the CIA hierarchy of the “Old Boy Network” was also Roman Catholic, knights and freemasons.[36] Likewise, Big Papa Zimmerman was also a Roman Catholic fanatic passed down through the bloodlines of the family.

In 1947, the CIA ran like an extension of the closed fraternity of Roman Catholic Jesuits and Knights out of Harvard University and the Ivy League Colleges. In 1942, Big Papa graduated out of Harvard with a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) to become part of the network of U.S. Foreign Service Anglo Saxon Aristocrats as a “CIA Bagman”.[37]

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Big Papa Zimmerman & the Ancient Samarians

In December 1947, Big Papa married Roman Catholic Silvia Brull out of the Cuban Mission in Washington DC at St. Joseph’s Church in Ottawa, Canada [ancestry.com].

George’s grandmother, Silva Brull, also worked Foreign Service (CIA) deep cover out of the U.S. State Department. Silvia was no Cuban. She was part of the Spaniard colonial occupation of Cuba.

Silvia Brull was a Catalan Spaniard. Catalonia is an autonomous community of Spain with the official status of a nationality. Catalonia has a long and complicated history connected to the Ancient Iberians that traded with the Greeks to the Roman – Carthaginian Wars of the 2nd Century BC. During the Middle Ages, Byzantine chroniclers claimed that Catalania derives from the local medley of Goths with Alans, initially constituting a Goth-Alania.[38]

This is an important connection to the Samarian High Priest and followers of Ba’al Moloch ran out of Biblical Judea (Canaan) by the Holy Roman Empire in the 6th Century A.D. covered in Trayvon Martin, The Shadow of Caliban.

The Alans was the name for Iranian-speaking East Sarmarian (Samarin) nomad tribes. Old sources also describe them as an “untamable and brave” people who lived in the lower reach of the Danube, Northern Black Sea region, Fore-Caucasus and Central Caucasus. Their territory, which was known as Sarmatia to Greco-Roman ethnographers, correspond to the western part of greater Scythia (mostly modern Ukraine and Southern Russia, also to a smaller extent north eastern Balkans and Moldova).[39]

The territory inhabited by Sarmatians or Savromatians gradually became known as Alania, while at the same time ancient historians stopped mentioning other Sarmarian tribes in their works. They are generally considered the predecessors of the European Knights (King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table and Roman Catholic Knights Templar). [40]

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Allen Dulles & Operation SS- BERNARD

“No one knows what is really going on.  If they ever did, it would make Watergate look like Alice in Wonderland.”

— Lester Coleman, ex U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency[41]

In 1947, Big Papa’s first official CIA assignment was to cover Ambassador Prentice Cooper in Lima, Peru. He said that the Peruvian military was still wearing Nazi war helmets and goose stepping.[42]

Cooper wasn’t a junior ambassador. He was out of Princeton University, and had been the former governor of Tennessee. During his administration as governor, the U.S. government began the ultra secret Oak Ridge Tennessee Manhattan Project to build America’s first atomic bomb.

In 1944, he trailed only Freemason of the 33 degree, Harry S. Truman, for the vice presidency of the United States. In 1946, President Truman appointed Cooper as the Peruvian Ambassador.[43]

Mason Sturmbannführer SS Friedrich Schwend

The CIA had a big ultra secret asset and operation concealed in Lima, Sturmbannführer SS Friedrich Schwendof Himmler’s ultra secret SS counterfeiting Operation BERNARD.

In 1945, OSS Chief Allen Dulles had recruited SS Schwend as an agent in the Reinhard Gehlen Org. Through him, Dulles recovered millions in SS gold, American and British counterfeit dollars and pounds. However, the U.S. discovered that Schwend and the SS continued its counterfeiting operation under deep cover.[44]

In 1947, when things got too hot for Schwend in Europe, the CIA and the Gehlen Org packed him up and sent him off to Cooper and Big Papa in Lima.[45]

Schwend’s partner in business’ affairs in Lima was the “Devil’s Agent”  SS war criminal and CIA agent Hauptsturmführer SS Klaus Barbie. With SS Barbie at his side, Schwend became minister of finance of Nazi funds smuggled out of Germany and used to finance the German exile network’s often illegal ventures, including assassinations, political coups, cocaine trafficking, and weapons running.[46]

Out of Lima, Schwend and Barbie also ran Otto Skorzeny Die Spinne (The Spider), which was also known as the “Swastika Syndicate” that was the clandestine operations arm of ODESSA, the SS-Nazi Ratline.[47]

In 1949, George’s alleged father, Roberto J. Zimmerman, was born in Lima. In 1950, Big Papa went to Bangkok, Thailand as an “economic officer”.[48]

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Heroin & the Golden Triangle

During the 1950’s, U.S. efforts to contain the spread of Communism in Asia involved forging alliances with tribes and warlords inhabiting the areas of the Golden Triangle, (an expanse covering Laos, Thailand and Burma), thus providing accessibility and protection along the southeast border of China. In order to maintain their relationship with the warlords while continuing to fund the struggle against communism, the U.S. and France supply the drug warlords and their armies with ammunition, arms and air transport for the production and sale of opium. The result: an explosion in the availability and illegal flow of heroin into the United States and into the hands of drug dealers and addicts.[49]

According to CIA official sources, in August 1950, the Agency secretly purchased the assets of Civil Air Transport (CAT), an airline that had been started in China after World War II by Gen. Claire L. Chennault and Whiting Willauer. CAT would continue to fly commercial routes throughout Asia, acting in every way as a privately owned commercial airline. At the same time, under the corporate guise of CAT Incorporated, it provided airplanes and crews for secret intelligence operations.[50]

The CIA’s alliance with the opium armies in the Burma-Thai borderlands lasted for a decade. The Agency delivered arms to their forces in Burma and then loaded opium aboard Civil Air Transport (CAT) planes for the return flight to Big Papa’s Bangkok Station.[51]

Big Papa called his CIA Thailand operation, the “BANGKOK MAFIA.”[52] There should be little doubt in your mind that Big Papa Zimmerman was a CIA bagman directly involved in financing Civil Air Transport (CAT); and part of the CIA’s ultra secret illegal Golden Triangle drug trafficking operation with the Sicilian Mafia.


“It is ironic, to say the least, that America’s heroin plague is of its own making.” — Fred W. McCoy[53]

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Dictator Francisco Franco, Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny, the Satanic Knight of the Black Sun

Spain’s Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco and Fuhrer Adolf Hitler

In 1960, Big Papa Zimmerman landed in Madrid, Spain to work with Spain’s Dictator Francisco Franco; and clandestinely with Basques and Catalan separatist.[54]


It is important to note that Basque separatism is thus an outgrowth of Benedictine CATALAN separatism.[55] Like Lima, Peru, the Gehlen Org was running a major clandestine operation in Spain led by Hitler’s Commando Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny.

SS “Scarface”Skorzeny postwar career advanced to another level after he resettled in Madrid in 1950 with a passport and free pass from General Francisco Franco.

SS Skorzeny, Roman Catholic, entered Spain under an alias to begin collaboration with Franco’s top military leaders, ex-SS generals and officers, and even the highest levels of the Vatican to plan the formation of a secret army of ex-Nazis and Spanish military in Spain and North Africa, prepared at any time to counter a Russian attack from East Germany.[56]

In Spain, SS Skorzeny married Nazi Finance Mastermind Hjalmar Schacht’s niece, Ilse von Finkenstein; Schacht himself also made frequent visits to Madrid. It is estimated that all told, by 1950, about 16,000 Nazi emigrants were living in Spain.[57]

SS Skorzeny lived in Madrid and had a floor apartment in Mallorca (CATALAN) a fishing lodge.[58] It was no secret at all that Spain became a well-known “resting place” for ex-Nazis on the run while en route to South America and the Middle East. As a matter of fact, it is believed that a wide swath of coastline owned by Skorzeny near Majorca (CATALAN) was used to smuggle his comrades in and out of Spain.[59]

In 1960, SS Skorzeny founded the neo-Nazi movement CEDADE (Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa).[60]

In the 1960s, SS Skorzeny also set up the Paladin Group, which he envisioned as “an international directorship of strategic assault personnel [that would] straddle the watershed between paramilitary operations carried out by troops in uniforms and the political warfare which is conducted by civilian agents”.[61]

The city of Alacant/ Alicante has two official names. Alacant is the original Catalan one. The Spanish name Alicante was given by Franco.[62] .Based near Alicante, Spain, the Paladin Group specialized in arming and training guerrillas and their clients included the South African Bureau of State Security. They also carried out work for the Greek military junta of 1967-1974 and some of their operatives were recruited by the Spanish Interior Ministry to wage clandestine war against Basque separatists.[63]

SS Skorzeny was a major link between the Basque-CATALAN forces that Big Papa was officially assigned to in Spain. SS Skorzeny was the middle man, the international gun and weapons merchant. As above, the Paladin Group provided specialized military training bases in Spain for Basque-CATALAN separatists and international counterintelligence and terrorist groups.[64]

The Soviet news agency TASS alleged that Paladin was involved in training US Green Berets for Vietnam missions during the 1960s.[65] The U.S. Army Special Force Green Berets were officially established in 1961.[66] The Green Berets was established within a year of Big Papa Zimmerman and the CIA pocketbook arriving in Madrid, Spain.

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SS Otto Skorzeny & the Keeper of the Flame

Himmler’s Ahnenerbe (Bureau for the Study of Ancestral Heritage) did not overlook the Ancient Iberians of Spain in its pseudo mystical race theories.

Generally, the Nazi view is that the Iberians were the bloodlines of the “Aryan-Teutons,” the “Fifth Root-Race” of the Lost Continent of Atlantis”.[67]

Recall. The Greek Historian, Herodotus, link the bloodlines of AlansScythians to the ancient Amazons of Atlantis that settled among the Atlas Mountains in North Africa.[68]


As noted above, the Alans were the predecessors of the European Knights that includes the Order of Teutonic Knights; and the SS-Knights of the Black Sun. SS Skorzeny’s choice of Catalonia as the place to recruit and reorganize Nazi forces was not a random choice. Apparently, Catalan separatists that Big Papa worked with certainty identified with Aryans and Nazism.

The Alans were also the “Keeper of the Flames” of ancient Babylonia arcane knowledge; and secretly maintained secret high priests and schools of Ba’al Moloch.

Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler and the SS were among some of the greatest collectors of arcane knowledge and artifacts. He was also a great believer and practitioner of the esoteric and satanic arts. Himmler was the high priest and grand master of his own coven (Round Table) of twelve at the Wewelsburg Castle. Himmler was always the 13th member.[69]

In 1935, Himmler setup Special Unit H (Sonderkommando H) within Archive Department 7 of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) to discover any traces of Germanic magic that survived the great witch-hunts of the Middle Ages.

Special Unit H looted more than 140,000 books on the subject of the occult from libraries across Nazi occupied Europe, and among the manuscripts they found a copy of Necronomicon (Book of the Dead) written in ancient Gothic that told of a race much older than mankind: the nightmarish Ancient Ones.[70]


Wicked and demonic Scarface was a prominent and infamous member of Himmler’s Ahnenerbe, and Satanic Order of Knights of the Black Sun. To the Occulted and Satanic Hitler and Himmler, he also had been their most celebrated knight warrior and preserver of ancient arcane artifacts and knowledge.[71] SS Commando Skorzeny and Himmler’s Ahnenerbe archives are as we speak still classified ULTRA TOP SECRET.

I certainly believe that Robert Walter Zimmerman maintained a close and well guarded working relationship with Francisco Franco’s favorite mystic warriors in Spain, SS Otto Skorzeny. From Allen Dulles down through the ranks of the knightly order of the CIA, they were all fascinated with Hitler’s favorite commando and “the Most Dangerous Man in Europe.”[72]

In Spain, SS Skorzeny was one of the most important and essential links to Basque and CATALAN separatists and international terrorist groups. He would have been of primary and the focal interest to the CIA.

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

Big Papa Zimmerman, Nazis & Operation CONDOR


It appears that Robert Walter Zimmerman was not only a CIA bagman for the Mafia’s Golden Triangle Heroin trafficking, but a bagman for the Reinhard Gehlen Org, Operation CONDOR; and Hitler’s Commando Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny’s clandestine CIA counterintelligence and assassination operations out of Lima, Peru and Fascist Spain.


Robert Walter Zimmerman was also activity involved in Operation CONDOR in Chile and Paraguay. Condor was a South America terror campaign of political repression and terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents, officially implemented in 1975 by the right-wing dictatorships like General Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay and General Augusto Pinochet of Chile. CONDOR was intended to eradicate communist or Soviet influence and ideas, and to suppress active or potential opposition movements against the participating governments. [73]


In 1976 under CIA Chief G.H. W. Bush, Zimmerman met directly with Paraguay Ambassador George P. Landau that provided two CONDOR assassins with false passports to travel to the United States to assassinate Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt with a car bomb in Washington, DC.[74] I suspect that he was also the CIA bagman for that operation.

In Paraguay, Robert Zimmerman met several times with General Stroessner. The general was of German descent and recruited Nazis and the Gehlen Org to help run and develop the country. General Stroessner also provided safe havens for wanted SS war criminals like Big Papa’s fellow demonic Gehlen Org/CIA agent Hauptsturmführer SS Josef Mengele. [75]

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

Roberto J. Zimmerman, the Keeper of the Flame- Old School CIA and Lucifer


George’s alleged biological father, Roberto Zimmerman, Sr. was a U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam in 1970, and was stationed at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, in 1975 with Gladys Mesa’s brother George.

Roberto Zimmerman, Sr. also served two tours in Korea, and spent the final 10 years of his 22-year military career in the Pentagon, working for the Department of Defense (DoD), a family member said.[76]

If you count from Roberto’s 1970 Vietnam tour of duty allegedly with Gladys’ brother to 2000 when he retired from the DoD, it covers over 30 years not 22 years of military career and involvement.


Skull and Bones- CIA Director George H.W. Bush & the Sign of BAPHOMET

Roberto likely began working for the DoD in 1988 around the beginning of the presidential reign of Big Papa’s Knights Templar- Knight of Malta- CIA Chief, George H. W. Bush.[77]


Roberto says that he worked at the Office of Secretary of Defense, Executive Support Service.[78] That would put him in bed with another of Big Papa’s extremely dangerous and evil “Old Boy Network” of former CIA Chiefs, Frank Charles Carlucci III, above, CIA Director (February 5, 1978 – February 4, 1981) ; U.S. Secretary of Defense (1987-1989).[79]

Frank Carlucci is one of world’s most dangerous people. Carlucci, Princeton University, Class of 1952, was born of classic Italian Freemason immigrants. Like Big Papa, he was also primed for the CIA at Harvard Business School.[80]

He was a “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) with CIA Chief Allen Dulles and Nazi Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen.[81]

Carlucci is a member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Le Cercle. In 1961, he was directly involved in the overthrow and assassination of Congo President, Patrice Lumumba. In 1964, he is said to have been involved in the other throw of Brazilian President João Goulart. He is linked to the Sicilian Mafia and the Japanese Mob, Yakuza. He is Chairman emeritus of the Carlyle Group. He was a member of the Project for a New American Century, architects of the 9-11 Deception, and so on, and so forth.[82]

In 2000, Roberto became a powerful full-time Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate.[83] Like his brother-in-law, Jorge Mesa, for a man of his educational background and experience, the lofty rewards, positions and privileges he has held within the U.S. Government just don’t add up unless he was a high ranking clandestine Psychological Warfare (PSYOPs) “CIA Spook”.

Furthermore, at the time that Roberto was attached to the Pentagon, Big Papa was working by contract to the DoD under CIA Chief Robert Gates.[84] Big Papa and some of his “Old Intelligence Community Staff” [85] were working on a DoD component of the CIA’s Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Control System.[86] This is not what I say, but it is exactly what Robert Walter Zimmerman admitted that he was involved in.

After the arrest of Aldrich Ames, the CIA developed a new special information handling system to protect its most sensitive human intelligence sources. The system, called the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Control System, or HCS, requires special handling procedures that limit the dissemination of, and control access to, sensitive source information.[87]

In other words, the “CIA Old Boy Cells” were teaching government agencies and departments how to develop Gestapo Gruppenführer SS Heinrich Müller and Himmler’s double and triple layers of compartmentalized secrecy and security.

The bottom line is that Roberto was a “spook” working U.S. Intelligence just like Big Papa. He also appeared to have been working some of the same intelligence- counterintelligence “Basque” and “Catalonian” networks and contacts in Lima, Peru and Spain.

Roberto also married a “Catalonian” woman. It also appears that George’s mother, Gladys Zimmerman, is actually Ines Tell de Palleja. According to George’s family tree, Roberto J. Zimmerman Brull married Ines TELL DE PALLEJA, daughter of TELL and Mercedes de PALLEJA FABRA, on June 21, 1975 in San Miquel D’olerdola, Barcelona, España.[88]

Sant Miquel D’olerdola is a municipality in the district of Upper Penedes, Barcelona province, autonomous community of Catalonia, Spain.[89] Gladys is the same as George’s alleged grandmother, Silvia Brull, she is not a Peruvian but a CATALAN Spaniard.

At least a couple of sources allege that Roberto and Gladys have only one child, Beatriz Zimmerman, born April 8, 1976 in Chicago, IL. On May 22, 2004, Beatriz married Panayotis LIANOS PROTAGORAS in Athens, Greece. [90] CIA?


If Gladys is really Ines Tell de Palleja then tell me who is George Zimmerman’s uncle, U.S. Army Medic Command Sergeant Major Jorge Mesa?

If Gladys was born in Lima, Peru, then it highly likely that Jorge is a Peruvian National. If Jorge is a Peruvian then how did this foreign national end up in the ranks of the U.S. Army in Vietnam? Why did the U.S. Military establishment reward him with the highest rank, Command Sergeant Major, and pay scale possible with his education and background? Just in base salary, they kicked Jorge down almost $50,000 a year.[91]

What makes sense is that Jorge was part of SS Skorzeny’s CATALONIAN Paladin Group cells that Big Papa recruited; and SS Skorzeny specially trained him to terrorize and murder the Vietnamese People.

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

CIA, SS Otto Skorzeny and Luciferian Bloodlines


Pauline & Barbara Pierce

Socialite Pauline Robinson Pierce was former First Lady Barbara Pierce-Bush’s mother. During the 1940s, she was rumored to have had wild affairs with very powerful and prominent men in politics even the President of the United States, General Dwight Eisenhower.[92]

Pauline Pierce is linked to a man that was considered to be “Hitler’s Guru.” She was an OTO initiate of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley linked to Nazi, American and British secret intelligence circles.


The BEAST and 39 year old Barbara Bush

It’s been reported that she and Crowley were in France together around September/October of 1924 performing Grade of Ipsissimus- “Satanic Sex Magick Rituals.” Upon return to America, Pauline gave birth to Barbara Pierce. [93] There is a high probability that Barbara Pierce’s biological father was “the Wickedness Man in the World.” Most people will agree that Ms. Pierce and the BEAST were in France together while the BEAST at the time was performing rituals and ceremonies to advance in OTO levels of demonic and satanic possession through sex magick rituals. Most people will agree that it is his nature, and THAT IS WHAT THE MAN DOES- SATANIC SEX MAGICK RITUALS.

Wall Street Banker and Financer, Prescott Sheldon Bush, had been in bed with Hitler, Himmler and National Socialism from the start. Also from the start, he had been a very “Special Friend” of America’s officially recognized “Son of Satan” Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. Prescott Bush had also been an Initiate of Ancient Arcane Knowledge and Practices. Prescott Bush had been a member of Yale University’s multi-generational Blood Oath “Skull and Bones”, an Ancient German Occult Lodge of the Brotherhood of Death.


Skull and Bones of the Yale University and Himmler’s SS

Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun) was also part of the Ancient German Occult Lodge of the Brotherhood of Death.


Luciferian Prescott Bush Overlooking U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Prescott Bush had been one of Eisenhower’s closest political manipulators and controllers. If Pauline Pierce was having an affair with President Eisenhower, Prescott Bush was well aware of it and probably setup the affair as a tool of wicked advantage and White- Mail.


Prescott Bush was well aware of Pauline’s daughter, Barbara Pierce, being a Satanic “Moon Child.” Prescott Bush deliberately setup his son, George H. W. Bush (Skull and Bones-Brotherhood of DEATH), to marry a “Moon Child” to harness the Power of Lucifer through the Bush Bloodlines.


As noted above, Big Papa’sOld Boy Network” included his former extremely demonic, satanic and pedophile boss, CIA Chief George H. W. Bush (January 30, 1976 – January 20, 1977).[94]

Were the Zimmermans really marrying CATALONIAN High Priestess and maidens of a secret SS Satanic Cult developed by Otto Skorzeny to also harness Luciferian Magick and Power through their bloodlines?


George Michael Zimmerman, The HUNTER, and his brother, Robert Zimmerman are alleged to be adopted children out of Lima, Peru. They were really the children of Gladys’ sister.[95] They look like biological brothers. However, they don’t seem to resemble the multi-generational “CIA Spook,” Roberto Zimmerman Brull


They also don’t seem to resemble the CATALONIAN WITCH, Gladys Mesa-Zimmerman aka Ines TELL DE PALLEJA or  Uncle George (Jorge) Mesa aka ?


George Michael Zimmerman’s birth certificate hasn’t appeared in the public domain and most likely will not. At the very least, George Zimmerman could actually be at least 50% CATALONIAN and only God knows out of what U.S. CATALONIAN terrorist and Luciferian cells linked to the Legend of CIA Bagman Robert Walter Zimmerman and Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny.

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE! Without a free and independent press (4th Estate), there really isn’t any “SIGN POSTS.”

Your Next Stop


What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler

[1] http://theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_subversion.htm

[2] http://theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_subversion.htm

[3] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0052520/quotes

[4] http://phoebe53.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/zimmerman-911-call-transcript-trayvon-martin/

[5] http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/25/us-usa-florida-shooting-zimmerman-idUSBRE83O18H20120425

[6] http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/25/us-usa-florida-shooting-zimmerman-idUSBRE83O18H20120425

[7] http://globalgrind.com/news/us-air-marshal-mark-osterman-took-george-zimmerman-in-trayvon-martin-details

[8] http://www.mediaite.com/tv/george-zimmerman-mma-trainer-adam-pollock-was-arrested-for-attacking-woman-who-defrauded-him/

[9] http://www.clickorlando.com/blob/view/-/15490330/data/1/-/kligxm/-/Zimmerman-documents.pdf

[10] http://abcnews.go.com/US/police-chief-trayvon-martin-case-resigns-temporarily-amid/story?id=15977847#.Uc-sQzs3s7T

[11] http://www.examiner.com/article/trayvon-martin-morgue-3-days-as-john-doe-after-mom-reported-him-missing

[12] http://abcnews.go.com/US/trayvon-martin-family-seeks-fbi-investigation-killing/story?id=15949879

[13] Ross, Colin, Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Richardson, TX (2000) pg. 255

[14] http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57413331/arrest-records-shine-a-little-light-on-zimmerman/

[15] http://www.angelfire.com/art/masks/maskhistory.html

[16] http://www.angelfire.com/art/masks/maskhistory.html

[17] http://globalgrind.com/news/george-zimmerman–drugs-violent-side-effects-killed-trayvon-martin-details

[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine_mixed_salts_(medication)

[19] http://globalgrind.com/news/george-zimmerman–drugs-violent-side-effects-killed-trayvon-martin-details

[20] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA

[21] http://www.wanttoknow.info/bluebird10pg

[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3ATemazepam/Archive_1

[23] http://www.trutv.com/conspiracy/government-lies/manchurian-candidate/mk-ultra-mind-control.html

[24] http://panachereport.com/PanacheReportMyraPanacheReportsManchurianCandidates.htm

[25] http://www.sayvandalay.com/2008/03/12/it-had-a-code-name/

[26] http://www.sayvandalay.com/2008/03/12/it-had-a-code-name/

[27] http://panachereport.com/PanacheReportMyraPanacheReportsManchurianCandidates.htm

[28] http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/02/us/jurors-hear-zimmermans-taped-police-interview.html?_r=0

[29] http://www.liberalslikechrist.org/Catholic/NaziLeadership.html

[30] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ante_Paveli%C4%87

[31] http://www.liberalslikechrist.org/Catholic/NaziLeadership.html

[32] http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/robert-schlesinger/2012/07/19/george-zimmerman-and-gods-plan-to-kill-trayvon-martin

[33] http://www.skilluminati.com/research/entry/7_types_of_ambiguity/

[34] http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKwisner.htm

[35] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_malta01.htm

[36] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_malta01.htm

[37] http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Zimmerman,%20Robert%20W.toc.pdf

[38] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalonia#History

[39] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmatians

[40] http://ukrainianweek.com/History/56230

[41] http://usahitman.com/ccahce/

[42] http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Zimmerman,%20Robert%20W.toc.pdf

[43] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prentice_Cooper

[44] Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press (2009) pgs. 125-127

[45] Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press (2009) pgs. 125-127

[46] http://www.newswithviews.com/Cuddy/dennis177.htm

[47] http://jimhougan.com/JimJones3.html

[48] http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Zimmerman,%20Robert%20W.toc.pdf

[49] http://www.heroinhistory.com/

[50] https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/winter99-00/art7.html

[51] http://usahitman.com/ccahce/

[52] http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Zimmerman,%20Robert%20W.toc.pdf

[53] http://usahitman.com/ccahce/

[54] http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Zimmerman,%20Robert%20W.toc.pdf

[55] http://www.archive.org/stream/TheHotAutumn83-HistoryCommandStructureAndControllersOfAnti-nation/TheHotAutumn83-HistoryCommandStructureAndControllersOfAnti-nationStateForcesInEurope_djvu.txt

[56] http://auctions.alexautographs.com/asp/fullCatalogue.asp?salelot=46+++++++++8+&refno=+++71353

[57] http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2004/3114_terror_legacy.html

[58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majorca

[59] http://auctions.alexautographs.com/asp/fullCatalogue.asp?salelot=46+++++++++8+&refno=+++71353

[60] http://desertwar.net/otto-skorzeny.html

[61] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skorzeny#Spain_and_Ireland

[62] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Alicante

[63] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skorzeny#Spain_and_Ireland

[64] http://www.archive.org/stream/TheHotAutumn83-HistoryCommandStructureAndControllersOfAnti-nation/TheHotAutumn83-HistoryCommandStructureAndControllersOfAnti-nationStateForcesInEurope_djvu.txt

[65] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skorzeny#Spain_and_Ireland

[66] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Forces_(United_States_Army)

[67] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/waldorf-critics/message/22889

[68] http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/hh/hh4110.htm

[69] http://heinrichhimmler.webs.com/Heinrich_Himmler.htm

[70] http://thecargoculte.com/archives/175

[71] http://otto-rahn.com/otto-rahn-otto-skorzeny-raiders-found-ark

[72] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny

[73] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor

[74] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor#Some_participants_in_Operation_Condor

[75] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele

[76] http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/25/us-usa-florida-shooting-zimmerman-idUSBRE83O18H20120425

[77] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush

[78] http://www.robertandgladys.com/

[79] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Carlucci

[80] http://www.historyandtheheadlines.abc


[81] http://moversandshakersofthesmom.blogspot.com/2008/09/frank-c-carlucci-iii.html

[82] http://moversandshakersofthesmom.blogspot.com/2008/09/frank-c-carlucci-iii.html

[83] http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/crime/zimmerman-dad-worked-as-magistrate

[84] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Gates#Director_of_Central_Intelligence

[85] http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Zimmerman,%20Robert%20W.toc.pdf

[86] http://cryptome.org/dodi/dodm-5105-21-v1.pdf

[87] http://www.justice.gov/oig/special/s0710/

[88] http://www.familias-de-fajardo.com/4521.htm

[89] http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ol%C3%A8rdola

[90] http://frederickleatherman.com/2012/07/05/court-sets-bail-at-1-million-in-zimmerman-case/

[91] http://www.ehow.com/info_8639731_salary-command-sergeant-major.html

[92] http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/04/george-w-bush-barbara-bush-and.html

[93] http://cannonfire.blogspot.com/2006/04/george-w-bush-barbara-bush-and.html

[94] https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/directors-and-deputy-directors-of-central-intelligence/bush.html

[95] http://frederickleatherman.com/2012/11/28/trayvon-martin-case-banishing-zimmermans-name/


20 08 2011


“The salvation of the state is watchfulness in the citizen” –Inscription from the Entrance of a Public Building, Omaha, NE

Divine and spiritual human nature spans across ages and civilizations. One of man’s strongest and most powerful loves is one for the children. One of the greatness transgressions and outrages across the planet among humanity is crimes against thy children.

Yet, there still exist an international blanket of crimes against children that are concealed behind walls of smoked mirrors, secret blood oaths, a conspiracy of silence and the POWER and AUTHORITY of the U.S. GOVERNMENT just like the COVER-UP of 9-11.

Everyday, there are reports of children who are abducted or disappear off the face of the earth. At least 65% of the children reported missing are children of color. In the year 2000, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children reported 1,159 Black children missing. It is the highest numbers of missing & exploited Children that the organization ever recorded.[1]

Many of them become victims of an elite and powerful diabolical underground operating at the highest level of government that exploit children for prostitution, espionage, and the OCCULT.

OCCULT – Satanic worship, with its many subculture groups, usually revolves around secret societies comprised of individuals who worship Satan or some other god to which they offer sacrifices. These sacrifices may be animal or human. PEDOPHILIA AND THE CRIMINAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN, A Layman’s look at History by JAMES M. ROTHSTEIN, Retired Detective, New York City Police Department[2]


He [Lawrence E. King, Jr.] loves boys. He loves them like he shouldn’t.” -Eulice Washington

Lawrence E. King, Jr., former Vice Chairman of Finance and Youth Advisor of National Black Republican Council (NBRC) of Omaha, Nebraska, sit at the pentacle and the eye of an elite blood oath pedophile and espionage ring that is cloaked, hidden behind smoked mirrors and the looking glass.[3]

NBRC is a sanctioned affiliate of the Republican National Committee. Within the circle and species of Black Republicans and the NBRC, King ran a secret child prostitution ring that serviced the political and business power elite of both Republican and Democratic parties.

King had been a very conservative, powerful and influential member of the National Republican Party. He had been appointed “Chairperson for the Black Voters” for the 1984 Republican National Reagan/Bush Presidential reelection campaign and “Chairmanship of the National Black Republican Council, Development Committee for Fund Raising.” He sang the National Anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican National Conventions.[4]

King also chaired the Council of Minority Americans, a nonprofit group that sponsored a $100,000 gala at the 1988 Republican convention in New Orleans. The host committee included former President Gerald Ford, Alexander Haig, and Jack Kemp. A ten-minute videotape featuring King and Jack Kemp, urging blacks to vote for George Bush, Sr., was shown at the gala.

King was also in charge of the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha. He was alleged to have operated a call-boy business in partnership with Harold Andersen, then publisher of the Omaha Herald, among many others. In 1987 he donated $25,350 to Citizens for America, an organization that arranged speaking tours around the country for Lt. Col. Oliver North of the National Security Council at the middle of Iran-Contra Scandal and CIA Crack Cocaine Trafficking in America.[5]

In 1988, federal authorities closed the Franklin Community Credit Union for investigation and mass theft, embezzlement, misappropriation and pillage of approximately $40 million.

Larry King was at the middle of a national and international organized crime syndicate, engaged in not only pedophilia, but pornography, drugs, money-laundering, CIA-MK ULTRA, espionage and the OCCULT. Nebraska Senate investigating committee also found that over 100 children, some as young as 10 years old, could testify to an internationally operating satanic cult/sex/drug ring directly linked to the black Republican conservative compatriot. Child victims of King’s cult/sex/drug ring charged him with participation in at least one SATANIC RITUAL MURDER of a child, and direction of SATANIC RITUALS.[6]


“They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of.” -Noreen Gosch


On February 5, 1999, in the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci claimed in a lawsuit that he had been ritualistically abused by Lawrence E King, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment.[7]

On February 27, 1999, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci’s attorney John DeCamp, author of the Franklin Scandal, said was a clear signal that “the evidence presented was credible.”[8]

During a February 5, 1999 prove-up hearing, witness Noreen Gosch gave the court sworn testimony that connected U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to King’s nationwide satanic cult/sex/drug ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, had been kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa on September 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries. Johnny’s kidnapping and disappearance had been linked to King’s ring.[9]

aaaaagorsh Pictures of Johnny Gosch in captivity smuggled to Noreen. Ms. Gosch said of the covert governmental links to King’s ring: “This … was an offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the 1950s by the CIA… There was a man by the name of Michael Aquino…


He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile… he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children.[10]

Gosch continued, “…they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.”[11]

The Plaintiff “Paul Bonacci … positively identified Aquino as an associate of King who was known to Bonacci and the rest of the children only as ‘the Colonel.'” King’s former personal photographer, Rusty Nelson, also identified Aquino as the man to whom he saw King hand over a suitcase full of cash and bonds.” Rusty Nelson has also said that he was told by King that Aquino was part of the Contra guns and cocaine trafficking operation run by George Bush and another notorious Lt. Col. named Oliver North.”[12]

Aquino has also been linked to Offutt Air Force Base, a Strategic Air Command post near Omaha that was implicated in the investigation by the Franklin Committee…”Aquino was also claimed to have ordered the abduction of a Des Moines, Iowa paperboy…” linked to the kidnapping and disappearance of Gosch’s son.[13]

Larry King & Children Sex Slaves-Toys of the Elite

Prominent among King’s pedophile ring victims were Black Children exploited as sex slaves and toys of the elite, Nelly and Kimberly Webb. Nelly and Kimberly told authorities that King often forced them to go to parties in Omaha, Chicago and Washington DC as child prostitutes for powerful elite businessmen and politicians. Both Kimberly and Nelly [Webb] brought up the name of U.S. Vice President George H.W. Bush and indicated that they had both met him.[14]

According to a report from the Nebraska Dept. of Social Services (3-25-86) revealed: “[14 year-old] Nelly said at these trip parties hosted by Larry King, she sat naked ‘looking pretty and innocent’ and guests could engage in any sexual activity they wanted, but penetration was not allowed…Nelly said she first met Vice President George Bush at the Republican Convention where King sang the national anthem, and saw Bush again at a Washington, DC party Larry hosted…Last year [1985] she met V.P. Bush and saw him at one of the parties Larry gave while on a Washington, DC trip. At some of the parties there are just men (as was the case at the party George Bush attended)…Nelly said she has seen sodomy committed at those parties.”[15]

Nelly was interviewed by the FBI in September or October, 1984 when Lisa (Nelly) was 14 she went to Chicago with Larry King and 15-20 boys from Omaha. According to the FBI report, “She indicates she attended a party in Chicago with King and the male youths. She indicated George Bush was present…she sat at a table at the party wearing nothing but a negligee. She stated George Bush saw her on the table. She stated she saw George Bush pay King money and Bush left the party with a nineteen year old black boy named Brent [Brendt Thomas]. Lisa said the party Bush attended was in Chicago in September or October 1984. The Chicago Tribune of October 31, 1984 said Bush was in Illinois campaigning for congressional candidates at the end of October.”[16]

On February 7, 1990, US Magistrate Richard Kopf ordered that King indicted for bank fraud be sent to a federal medical facility in Springfield, Missouri for “mental health evaluation” without a formal motion from King’s attorneys. King was picked up and dispatched the day before President George H.W. Bush was to speak at a political fundraiser in Omaha. Having named Bush as one of his personal “friends,” King had reportedly purchased a ticket for the event and had subsequently been detained by the Secret Service.[17]

On February 9, 1990, the Lincoln Journal reported that both King’s pastor and his employer deemed him mentally stable—King acquired a “job” at a flower shop after the credit union’s closing. “I didn’t see any indication of mental problems,” said the pastor, adding he would be “surprised if King were declared unfit.”[18]

Dr. Dorsey Dysart, chief psychiatrist at the Federal Medical Center in Springfield, Mo., diagnosed Mr. King as suffering from ”probable delusional paranoid disorder – grandiose type.”[19]

King was then remanded back to Omaha for a mental competency hearing—Magistrate Kopf ruled King incompetent to stand trial and sealed his psychiatric report. Judge William Cambridge then sent King “forthwith” to the US Medical Facility in Rochester, Minnesota, where he spent the next five months as a “pretrial detainee.”[20]

The Quest to Bust King’s National Pedophile Ring

The Road Starts and Ends in Chicago


“I got it, Loran. We’ve got ’em by the balls”Gary Caradori, Franklin Scandal Investigative Journalist[21]

Gary Caradori was a bold, courageous and fearless investigator assigned to the Franklin Scandal Investigation for the State of Nebraska. He knew that King’s Satanic Cult Pedophile Ring was powerful with tentacles into parts of California and Nevada, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Austin, Houston, Dallas, St. Louis, Miami, Pasadena, Tampa, Lincoln, Des Monies, Grand Island into the Pentagon and White House.[22]

To bust these elite and powerful pedophiles, Caradori went behind the images, smoked mirrors and the looking glass. He went straight to their “balls” to bring them down and bust the Franklin Scandal Investigation wipe open. He went into Chicago, one of their centers and strongholds, but Caradori didn’t come out alive.

Caradori, 41 and his 6 year old son, Andrew, were killed on 7-11-90 while returning by his private plane from the All Star game in Chicago. The plane came apart in the air and crashed and burned on impact. In addition to attending the all-star game, he was also working some leads on the Franklin Scandal Investigation.” And Gary’s “briefcase and papers were inexplicably missing from the crash site, along with the two rear seats of the plane.” (“The Mystery of the Carefully Crafted Hoax”, pages 77-78) The book goes into great details how the state and federal authorities, through a hoax, tried to cover up the pedophile ring operating at the highest levels in Chicago and the nation’s capital.

State Senator Loran Schmit of Bellwood, chairman of the Franklin legislative committee, told The Associated Press in Lincoln, Nebraska that he had no doubt there were people who wanted to see Caradori dead. Schmit also told AP that Caradori recently had been trying to obtain pictures that some alleged victims said were taken of them during the time they were abused.[23]

Schmit also said Caradori had been told that some people allegedly involved in child sexual abuse “had exposed some of the victims to satanic cultism. . . . He was working on places and times.”[24]

Schmit added: “Gary believed that something was going to come out of this investigation. He believed that the evidence was there to be developed and that things couldn’t stay under cover forever.”[25]

For all of Lawrence E. King’s crimes against humanity and democracy, he is still cloaked and hidden behind curtains, smoked mirrors, the looking glass and U.S. Government. John DeCamp said that “Larry King was released from prison on April 11, 2001 after serving about five years,” adding “he’s back in Washington, DC and now involved in this story again.”[26] The SATANIC-OCCULTED exploitation of children at the highest levels of the U.S. Government continues not only in Washington, DC, but “Down the Road to Chicago. 21

Behind Smoked Mirrors, The Killing and Disappearances of Black Children

Down the Road in Chicago, the Occulted Murder of Ryan Harris


Leaves Whither on the Vine & Ceremonial Dead

On July 28, 1998, Beautiful 11 year old Ryan Harris was found brutally slain in a vacant lot at 6600 South Parnell Avenue near railroad tracks in the Englewood section of Chicago. She had disappeared on July 27, 1998 while riding her bike.

The first officers that arrived at the scene found her face covered in blood. They found her T-shirt pulled over her chest. Ryan’s shorts were pulled down to her ankles and legs were spread apart with “genital laceration.” She appeared to have been “strangled manually.” Her skull had been crushed from blows from a brick found nearby. Ryan’s ripped underwear was stuffed in her mouth .[27]

Her panties were reportedly stuffed so far down her throat that it pushed her tonsils down her esophagus. She reportedly had grass, shrugs, and twigs pushed up into her nose and ears. Ryan had put up a courageous and valiant struggle to save her life.[28]

When Ryan’s body was found, police found that leaves had been carefully stuffed into her nostrils. The leaves had been ritualistically and ceremonially folded over more than four times. It was a SATANIC CALLING CARD.

Ryan’s Murderers: The Youngest Murder Suspects in the Nation: Two Pre-Puberty Black Boys

Chicago Police Department Detectives James Cassidy and Allen Nathaniel arrested two children, 7 and 8 year old Black boys for Ryan’s murder. It was a deliberate “false flag” and “diversion” from the truth. The boys confessed to the crime after the police offered the children Big Macs and a trip home.[29] The detectives alleged that the boys confessed to the murder to take Ryan’s new bicycle and softly played with her after killing Ryan. The Police records even deliberately inflated their actual weight and height to make them appear more menacing than they actually were.[30]

The boys arrest for this horrific rape and murder made banner national and international news nevertheless there appeared to have been a violent rape and struggle, even-though Ryan’s body was dragged into a remote area across the street from a spot where she was knocked from her bicycle, even-though there was semen found at the scene and on her panties, even-though her panties had been ripped from her body and stuffed so far down her throat that she swallowed her tongue down into her esophagus.[31]

From July to October 1998, four months, Chicago police through pure diabolical deception pursued the children as Ryan’s murderers becoming America’s youngest murder suspects. In October 1998, Chicago police finally, mostly through community outrage, disclosed that the semen found on Ryan’s panties was matched to the Durr Brothers (Floyd, Eddie) of Chicago.

The children were subsequently released. In fact, Floyd and Eddie had been convicted on May 28, 1998 of abducting and raping another 11 year old girl, but nevertheless allowed by the system to continuously adduct; and rape other Black children.


Above, the two faces of Lloyd Durr. In fact, six days before Ryan disappeared on July 27, 1998, a DNA analyst, Joanna Olson, at the state crime lab told Chicago police that DNA evidence linked Floyd Durr to another 11-year-old girl.

But the police did nothing. Three days later, and still three days before Harris disappeared, the analyst told police that DNA testing linked Durr to a sexual attack on a 10-year-old girl, and she urged police to get a sample of Durr’s blood or, at the very least, conduct a photo lineup. Again Chicago police deliberately did nothing to stop the Durr Brothers and allowed the cases to “whither on the vine.”[32]

Chicago’s Deliberate Campaign to Demonize Black Children


The people close to the Ryan’s murder investigation in Chicago knew it was a puzzle in a much bigger diabolical picture and scheme. In 1994, the lead detective that framed the children for murder for Ryan’s murder, James Cassidy, had done it before.[33]

In 1994, Cassidy forced an 11-year-old Black boy in Chicago to confess to a horrid brutal-throat slashing murder of an 84 year old woman that was physically impossible for a boy his size and strength to commit. Yet, the 11-year old was convicted of murder based on the coerced confession.[34]

Additionally, a bloody palm print and part of a bloody footprint found at the murder scene was not his and the Chicago Police Department knew it! In 2002, Ryan’s in-laws petitioned the court to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute Chicago police detectives Allen Nathaniel and James Cassidy for criminal misconduct allegedly committed during their investigation.[35]

The lawsuit alleged that Cassidy concocted, fabricated, framed and created false evidence which implicated 8-year-old E.H. and 7-year-old R.G. in the sexual assault and murder of Ryan. They also exposed and implicated a bigger and diabolical picture in the deliberate framing of Black Children in Chicago. James Cassidy’s brother, Scott Cassidy, was an assistant State’s Attorney and held the position of supervisor of the Organized Crime Division of the Cook County.[36]

The children were cleared of Ryan’s murder. Taxpayers paid a little more than 8 million dollars to compensate the kids and families for the wrongs and outrage committed against him, but the intentional criminal framing of the children for murder didn’t receive the national/international sensationalism of their arrest. It didn’t repair the injury to the re-imaging of Black Children.

Prevue to Genocide: Widespread Re-Imaging Black Children


Little Desre’e Watson, 6-years-old, was diabolically charged with a felony and two misdemeanors for “disrupting a school function” on March 30, 2007 in Avon Park, Florida. She was taken to jail and booked and charged as if she were an adult criminal!

To demonize is to desensitize. The deliberate framing of Black Children for sensational brutal sadistic crimes is a plan of absolutely diabolical governmental proportions to re-image Black Children as a criminal class as a blueprint to justify millions of taxpayer resources to be poured over into the prison-military industrial system for profiling, de-education and mass incarceration of Black Children for racial genocide.

The Durr Brothers, serial adductors and rapists, were deliberately let loose by the government to create a climate of fear and justify a reign of terror against Black families like agent-provocateurs. Moreover, the Durr Brothers have serious MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based and sexual ritual abuse backgrounds out of Chicago and the Gothic South, Belzoni, Mississippi.[37]

The Gothic South: William Faulkner & Ritual Death and Leaves

Withering on the Vine, Red Leaves


I’m bad and I’m going to hell, and I don’t care. I’d rather be in hell than anywhere where you are.” -William Faulkner [38]

William Cuthbert Faulkner (born Falkner, September 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962), the inspiration of Southern Gothic Literature, was an infamous American writer from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner wrote novels, short stories, a play, poetry, essays and screenplays during his career. He is primarily known and acclaimed for his novels and short stories, many of which are set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, a setting Faulkner created based on his own native Lafayette County, Mississippi.[39]

Mississippi born William Faulkner is one of the United States’ most distinguished novelists. He was awarded the Nobel Prize, highest in literature, in 1949 and received the Pulitzer Prize for his novel “A Fable.” Most of his work deals with the South and the Mississippi and the intricate patterns of race relations in that area.[40] In 1908, Faulkner witnessed the brutal sadistic murder/lynching of a black man, Nelse Patton, who was shot dead, then castrated, beheaded, and finally hung naked by the feet from a tree.[41]

On October 25, 1930, Falkner published the short story “Red Leaves” in the Saturday Evening Post. The story involved the sacrifice/murder ritual of another Black man among the Chickasaw Nation in Mississippi.[42] In the story, Falkner talked, interestingly, about the cannibalistic “bitter taste of the Negroes’ black flesh.”[43]

The Mississippi River Band Chippewa (Ojibwa People)[44] placed fresh leaves in the nostrils as protection when “working with the dead.”[45] Faulkner’s Barn Burning story is a Satanic-Luciferian theme.[46]

Ryan’s murder was a ritualized killing. The carefully folded leaves placed in her nostrils were ceremonial evidence of a sophisticated Blood Oath Luciferian Cult Sacrifice; not the sick depraved work of poorly educated and impulsive Durr Brothers.

I suspect that the Durr Brothers were like the sadistic blood oath syndicate adductors and killers, Henry Lee Lucas & Ottis Toole (1976-1983). However, killing wasn’t the modus operandi of the Durr brothers. They abduct and rape, but don’t a history of killing children.

On the evening of July 27, 1998 at the vacant lot of 6600 South Parnell Avenue, Ryan wasn’t there. The community would have found her that night. The next day on July 28, the community, not the boys, found her body dumped among the weeds not far from railway tracks, a classic MK ULTRA travel route and dumping site.

Additionally, it did so happen that Thomas Barksdale of the Chicago Police Department was spending the night at his parent’s home in the same 6600 block of South Parnell in the Englewood section of Chicago. He was among the first to discover Ryan’s body.[47]

I suspect that as mind controlled/Black Manchurian Candidate trolls, Durr Brothers, would customary violate the dead like Lucas and Toole leaving DNA-semen evidence on Ryan. Floyd Durr claims his DNA had been planted by police.

Nevertheless, how else can you explain the Chicago police allowing the Durr Brothers freedom to roam and terrorize the Englewood community; and the deliberate “false flag” sensationalism of arresting and charging a 7 and 8 year old, America’s Youngest Murder Suspects, for Ryan’s murder opening a four month window that allowed the case to “whither on the vine” and the satanic syndicate to dusk their trails?


Lucas and Toole also had serious MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based and sexual ritual abuse backgrounds; and Gothic South Satanic Ritual Indoctrination and trained in the Art of Killing and Abduction in a secret mobile paramilitary camp in the Florida Everglades.[48]

Lucas and Toole were deranged and confessed cannibalistic killers. Since 1976, they may have been responsible for at least 200 up to 500 killings and abductions across the world. Like the Durr Brothers, they were allowed to roam, adduct and kill across the country with virtual impunity. They were trolls of a greater elite national/international Luciferian Cult/Sex/Drug/Assassination syndicate which included Black people that Lucas and Toole called, The Hand of Death.[49]

Down the Road to Kansas City, the Occulted Beheaded Murder of Precious Doe


Trophy, charm, or ornament, the human head figured prominently in Celtic life. Warriors hung enemy heads on their houses as a show of prowess, and Druids, believing that the head harbored the soul, placed skulls in sanctuaries to ward off evil. (National Geographic, May 1977, p. 603)

On April 28, 2001 during a search for a missing man that walked away from a mental ward, police came across the naked body of a headless little Black girl in a wooded area near 59th Street and Kensington Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri.[50]

Precious Doe’s body had been found about six feet from a common dirt walkway diagonally across from 59th Street and a small playground known as Hibbs Park. According to the FBI, the victim may have been dead between 12 and 48 hours prior to discovery, which indicates that she had been killed no later than April 26, 2001,[51] that means that the body may have still been in rigor mortis.[52]


Three days later on May 1, 2001, Billy Stegall (1/12/50-12/26/2006), a retired Army Security officer, found the head to the body in a new plastic bag not 100 yards from where the body was originally discovered, and the immediate area of the 3 acre site that had been thoroughly searched.

Stegall was in the U.S. Army for approximately 14 ½ years. He was a Vietnam veteran. He told everyone that the severing of head was illogical, and he credited the founding of the head by searching for the head in an illogical way. Stegall found the head in what he described as a “nearly new” plastic bag wedged between a tire and rock. Strangely, Precious Doe’s face had been too decomposed to make an accurate depiction of what the child looked like.[53]

On May 23, 2001, The FBI and police sent the “nearly new” plastic trash bag that held the head supposedly left in the woods for up to at most 6 days to Canadian authorities for special fingerprint testing, police announced the test yielded no clues or latent prints.[54] Undoubtedly, the bag had been handled carefully by the assailant(s) with a protective environment, clothing and gloves.


On May 5, 2005, 4 years later, after the case was allowed to “whither on the vine.” Precious Doe was finally identified as the truly darling precious and beautiful Erica Michelle Marie Green, age three.[55]


Erica’s mother Michelle Johnson (also known as Michelle Pierce) and stepfather Harrell Johnson were charged with her murder and extradited from Oklahoma to face charges in Missouri. Michelle and Harrell had been poor and hapless crack cocaine addicts.[56]

A New Legal Dilemma, Crack Head Confessions & The Murder Trial of Harrell Johnson


The Celts of ancient times believed that the head was the most sacred part of the human body, for it housed a person’s immortal soul. (Dunwich, Gerina. The Pagan Book of Halloween, p. 32)


In a plea agreement, Michelle took the stand on the second day of testimony in the Harrell’s first-degree murder trial. Michelle told a Jackson County jury that Harrell Johnson was high on drugs when he kicked Erica and that she watched helplessly as her daughter dropped to the floor of the Kansas City house where they were staying.[57]

After the girl finally took her last breath, the couple decided to wait until night to dispose of her body so that neighbors wouldn’t see them, Michelle Johnson said. She said she went with Harrell as he carried the girl and a bag with hedge clippers to the woods, where, for reasons Michelle Johnson could not explain, the couple undressed the girl. “He handed her clothes to me and I left,” she said. She said he later told her about decapitating the girl and leaving her head in a church’s trash bin. She said they moved the head from the bin to the woods because she feared church members would find it. Other than Michelle’s confession, there appeared to be no physical evidence to connect Harrell to the Erica’s beheading.[58]

It appears that the plastic bag that 21st Century special laboratory forensic scientist in Canada couldn’t find any clues, blood evidence, fluids, hairs, skin tissue, fibers or hand or finger prints on or inside had been exclusively, allegedly, handled by two crack cocaine addicts in a drug stupor at night with no apparent protective clothing or gloves, which also held a decomposing head; been dumped in a common church trash for some hours. Yet, the bag remained “nearly new,” spotless and scientific clueless.


I handle a pair of manual hedge clippers every 7 to 10 days in my yard maintenance. How could a crack cocaine stupor-impaired individual cut off a human head with hedge clippers without leaving massive trace or blood-tissue-skin evidence in the bag or at the scene where the body was found and allegedly decapitated at night? It can’t be done without leaving a large amount of physical evidence and trace someplace! THERE IS NO HEDGE CLIPPERS AND PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LINKING HARRELL AND MICHELLE TO THE “HORRIFIC” BRUTAL DECAPITATION OF ERICA.


In a prison letter to Michelle, Harrell said that a friend, named “MIKE-MIKE” had agreed to take Erica to a family friend in Muskogee, OK. After paying “Mike-Mike” $35, Harrell and Michelle put Erica in his car and never saw her again.[59] I think it may have been the other way around, “Mike-Mike” paid the crack addicts money or crack cocaine to take 3 year old, Erica Michelle Marie Green, away. This is too chilling, frightening and coincidental behind the LOOKING GLASS for “Mike-Mike” to be a made-up outright LIE.


The OCCULT, Eastern Goddess Kali decapitate and collects human heads. Harrell and Michelle, they were wounded, blind and weakened by the CIA’s Iran-Contra Crack Cocaine Trafficking. If they were drawn into a circle of the OCCULT in Kansas City behind smoked mirrors and the looking glass, it was for CIA money and drugs.

The Road from San Francisco to Kansas City: Mae Brussell on Lt. Col. MICHEAL Aquino (MICKEY-MIKE) and the Satanic Temple of Set


In 1987, the U.S. Army had to close its San Francisco Presidio Child-Care facility among allegations that as many as 60 youngsters were sexually abused. U.S. Rep. Barbara Boxer, D. CA, said “some children were afraid to return to the center.” Gary Willard Hambright, 34, a former Southern Baptist Minister was charged with abuses. Hambright only charged with 10 of 60 children between the ages of 3 to 7 years old of molesting because some were too young to testify [Monterey Herald, 11/16/87].[60]

Larry King’s cult network confederate, Satanic Sect Leader, Dr. Michael Aquino, was linked to the San Francisco Presidio Day-Care Satanic/Child Abuse Probe. Glen Pamfiloff, Juvenile Division Inspector, wrote Michael Aquino, “he could not see how his satanic sect (Temple of Set) could be involved since it has worked very hard to be a decent, constructive and responsible organization.” [San Francisco Examiner, 10/30/87]

PRESIDIO CHILD ABUSE CASE, MOLESTING ‘RITUALS’ REPORTED“. Children received needles, sexually abused, bizarre rituals [San Francisco Chronicle, 10-31-87]. Church of Set founded 1975; Aquino is one of the original incorporators, after serving with the Green Berets in Vietnam.[61]

PRESIDIO SATANIST A SCARY ENIGMA TO OBSERVERS” [San Francisco Examiner, 11-2-87]. Lt. Col. Michael Aquino really believes he is supernatural, that he has evolved into some kind of godlike being with unworldly powers”. He calls himself “THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Wears a black shirt, clerical collar, satanic medallion at Presidio Officer’s base.[62]

Aquino’s wife, Lilith, was a former member of New York coven, leader of Church of Satan. San Francisco police noted as early as 1981 the “Temple of Set’s obsession with Adolph Hitler’s Nazis, that MICHAEL AQUINO CLAIMS TO HAVE REPORTED DIRECTLY TO THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF, AND A NUMBER OF TEMPLE OF SET SATANISTS WERE IN MILITARY INTELLIGENCE”.[63]

Aquino shows visitors to San Francisco home a “RITUAL DAGGER” once owned by a World War II Waffen SS general. Expert of psychological warfare, Aquino advocated using satellites for brainwashing the US public. He wrote “MIND WAR” used by the Army.[64]

Kansas City Times, Saturday, March 26, 1988, covered two pages on Satanism, Michael Aquino, and sacrifices linked to the Temple of Set that was active in Kansas City. Satanists were classified by Police as Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, San Francisco, and Aquino’s Temple of Set. The article outlined how “therapists unlock horrors occult abuse”; and “police turn attention to Satanic crimes: Prevalence of cults debated”; and Cult related criminal activity linked to Missouri murders.[65]

Paul Bonacci testified that King took him and kids as sex slaves/toys to Kansas City, part of the underground satanic cult/sex/drug ring.[66]


The satanic abused children of San Francisco Presidio between the ages of 3 to 7 years old identified Lt. Col. Michael Aquino as “Mickey”.[67] Temple of Set, led by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, U.S. Army, had been founded in Vietnam. In Vietnam, Lt. Aquino was military intelligence along with 15 year Army security (intelligence) specialist, Billy Stegall.[68]

“The children had led their mother to the place they had described where their father had taken them for encounters with naked adults and children (they denied ever being molested, but their drawings were full of decapitation and bloodshed). The children spoke of group encounters in other locations as well, involving both a defendant in the McMartin case and a suspect from a second preschool then under investigation.” Summit, R.C. (1994). “The Dark Tunnels of McMartin” Journal of Psychohistory[69]

Back Down the Road to Chicago, the Abduction of Tionda and Diamond Bradley


On July 6, 2001, about 20 days before Erica Green was murdered by decapitation in Kansas City and approximately 5 months after Lawrence E. King, Jr. was released from prison, Tionda Z. 10-year-old, Diamond Yvette 3-year-old were left alone in their Chicago apartment at about 6 a.m. Ms. Tracey Bradley, single-mother, left to work at a part-time job.

When Tracey returned home, there was a note left by Tionda saying that she and her sister were going to a nearby school (Doolittle Elementary School 3526 South Lake Park Avenue). Kids reported seeing them on the playground. Tionda and Diamond left the school playground at about noon to cross the street to a local store, and seemed to have vanished.

In 2001, Tionda and Diamond’s disappearance sparked the largest manhunt search in Chicago’s history. 100 detectives were assigned to the case and more than 50,000 abandoned buildings were searched all in an effort to find the children.[70]

Summer 2001, there had been an unusually high number of missing Black Children in the news that included Precious Doe, which made some people think there had been a sudden epidemic attack on Black Children.

Ten years later, Tionda and Diamond is still missing as if they vanished, but they didn’t disappear. They were abducted by very powerful and elite LUCIFERIAN forces in Chicago. These forces had the power, means and resources to make it appear as if they disappeared off planet earth.

These same forces would also infiltrate some very powerful-diabolical people and high level disinformation specialist in and around the Bradley sister’s investigation as GATEKEEPERS.

THE GATEKEEPER: Agent 007 & The Search of Tionda and Diamond


Investigative Services Agencies, Inc.’s (ISA) President/CEO James J. Miller volunteered his time inside the case to head the Bradley investigation and search. Miller’s email address begins with privdet007.[71]

Mr. James J. Miller serves as Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of National Intelligence Association, Inc. Mr. Miller is the Chief Agent in Charge of National Intelligence Assn., founded in 2009. He is also a member of the highly regarded Global Investigator network, which allows the agency to provide clients with top quality international support of their background investigations. Furthermore, he is a member of the Association of investigation specialists and National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI). He is on the Emergency Homeland Security Response Team. He holds a Top Secret Security clearance with the United States Government and has 20 years experience in law enforcement. He is a licensed firearms instructor and an expert witness concerning Use of Force issues and Computer forensics. Mr. Miller received an MBA in General Management/Finance from the University of Chicago. He holds a level three certification in Homeland security from the American College of Forensics Examiners Institute.[72] He is a real James Bond/MI6 Agent 007 American clone.

In 2006, Miller’s ISA was awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to develop personnel clearances for U.S. government agencies and approved government contractors.[73] ISA is a full service investigative firm with its headquarters in Chicago. ISA provides in-depth expertise in Corporate Investigations, Private Investigations, Security and Corporate Consulting. ISA has more than 60 agents on call to handle any security or investigative matter on a moment’s notice. ISA also maintains a presence in the Homeland Security industry through risk assessment work and other activities for various corporations and government entities.[74]

CIA Occult Bureau & The Search of Tionda and Diamond

In 2002, some unidentified psychics (CIA Occult Bureau?) in New York City telephoned ISA and told 007 that they had a vision. They had a vision that the girls had been buried in a damp, musty place. They were near water and railroad tracks. They were close, but the psychic lead came up a dead end.[75] Here, you have classic false flag diversion, disinformation and propaganda that Tionda and Diamond was dead. Again, railroad tracks link and clues have been inserted into the case.

In the June 6, 2002, Issue 6, of Psi Tech, Inc., they set up a Special Operations Group (SOG) of remote views to go into the disappearances of Tionda and Diamond Bradley.[76] If the New York secret psychics weren’t CIA Occult Bureau operatives, Psi have certainly been connected to some CIA-MK ULTRA EXTREME top secret occult bureau mind control programs that will knock your socks off.[77] They are indeed some extremely scary and dangerous forces on the planet.


Major Ed Dames, the Psi-Tech founder is a notorious Luciferian-Occultist and communer with “demons.”[78] Major Dames was a principal in the CIA’s Top Secret “human argumentation” research programs at Stanford Research Institute (SRI)-Remote Viewing “Stargate” and “Grill Flame” research projects under the National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).[79]

For whatever reasons, Psi’s SOG remote viewing report on the Bradley Sister’s disappearances has been removed from its site, but they had published visions and drawings where the Tionda and Diamond were located. It was an abandoned manufacturing factory in Chicago near water with large stone chimneys eerily similar to the MK ULTRA programming site in Mel Gibson’s 1997 movie drama, Conspiracy Theory.[80]

The Road to MK ULTRA Morocco & The Search of Tionda and Diamond

There are sources that link the Bradley sister’s disappearance into Morocco. Television Unit 5 reporter Renee Ferguson said that sources told her that when the FBI went to Morocco to search for Tionda and Diamond, the agents were not allowed to conduct any actual investigation themselves. Local authorities, they said, did all the checking that was done.[81] The FBI didn’t push the issue and allowed the case to “whither on the vine.”


One of the most recent notorious cases of a MK ULTRA programmed sex kitten out of Morocco is Karima El Mahroug, 18, whose stage name is Ruby the Heart Stealer. Karima is an international Sex Toy/Slave of the rich, famous and Pedophile Italian President Silvio Berlusconi. Sadistic sex dens for the international ring of elite pedophiles may develop to be one of Morocco’s most secret industries.

The Road from Chicago to Milwaukee, the Abduction of Alexis S. Patterson


1 hour, 21 minutes. Total Est. Distance: 73.58 miles from Chicago is downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Less than a year after Tionda and Diamond Bradley vanished from within the vicinity of their local school playground, Alexis S. Patterson was reported missing by her mother on Friday, May 3, 2002.

Alexis was last seen in the area of Hi-Mount Elementary School located at 4921 West Garfield Street, Milwaukee, at approximately 8:00 a.m. She was reportedly dropped off by her step-father. She walked to the corner across from the school. Like Tionda and Diamond, kids saw her on the playground, but she never made it inside the school.[82]

Recently, it has been reported that some of Alexis’ classmates reported a suspicious red truck parked near the school for about a week before her disappearance, and then vanished after her abduction.[83] It is an awfully important clue that Alexis may have been deliberately stalked for her age, personal attributes and adducted by professional child snatchers.

Alexis Patterson’s disappearance is one of the biggest missing person investigations in Milwaukee county history. Alexis hasn’t received the publicity and exposure of Tionda and Diamond, but she seemed to have disappeared and vanished from the planet just like the Bradley sisters. Undoubtedly, Alexis had been immediately taken across state lines along an underground pedophilia network.

On June 17, 2005, America’s Most Wanted reported on its website that a tip from a prisoner led police to search a vacant house in Baton Rouge, LA but Alexis wasn’t found.[84] Authorities failed to release any further information or details about the prisoner, his links and connections, the house’s location, and why Alexis would have been there. The matter was just dropped from the public domain to “whither on the vine.”


Why? The dots may have connected the abduction of Alexis S. Patterson with the Hosanna Satanic Pedophilia Ring in Ponchatoula, LA that was breaking wide open at the time of the house search in Baton Rouge.

The Cover-up: Hosanna Church “Dedicated to Satan”


Self-confessed serial satanic pedophile Rev. Lamonica following his arrest, leader of the Hosanna Church, with that classic simple-contented MK ULTRA mind control smile after a heinous crime.  On May 25, 2005, Rick Lyman wrote an article in the New York Times about the collapse of Hosanna Church and the church minister, Louis D. Lamonica, Jr. of Ponchatoula, Tangipahoa Parish. Ponchatoula is located along Interstate 55 and Louisiana Highway 22, equidistant from New Orleans and Baton Rouge, 39 miles.[85]

The authorities – who got the first whiff of trouble in Ponchatoula when a woman, Nicole Bernard, 36, called the Sheriff’s Office from Ohio to say she had fled the town to save her child from ritual satanic-traumatic sexual abuse.[86]

Police say some of those charged – who include Lamonica’s wife and a deputy sheriff – have already admitted devil worship inside the church. In the church, police discovered pentagrams on the floor and eight boxes of hooded black costumes.[87]

On May 15, 2005, Rev. Lamonica, 45, admitted to being part of a “Satanic Pedophile Ring” and ritual sexual-trauma abuse of up to 25 boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 16 and taught them to have sex with each other, as well as extreme sexual-mental traumatizing the children by forcing sex with a dog. Rev. Lamonica also told police he had drunk cat’s blood and poured it over the bodies of his young victims, some of whom were the abusers’ children. The FBI became involved in the church investigation, allegedly, because pedophile material may have been placed online.[88]

The investigation of the Hosanna Satanic Pedophile Ring actually began in the State of Ohio. It began in March 2005, when two children were interviewed by a child advocacy center in Ohio about possible molestation at Hosanna Church in Ponchatoula, LA. Within the week, Bernard called authorities back in Louisiana and said she had fled the state in fear for her child. Ohio authorities searched a storage unit belonging to Bernard where they found mattresses, videos and nine garbage bags full of costumes.[89] Nicole and her former husband, Minister Austin Aaron Bernard, were arrested as accomplices in the Hosanna Satanic Pedophile Ring.[90]

In December 2007, Nicole’s ex-husband Hosanna Youth Minister, Austin “Trey” Bernard III, 39, was convicted by a Tangipahoa Parish jury of three counts of aggravated rape for his role in the Hosanna Satanic Pedophile Ring.[91]

In the Tangipahoa Parish trial, Lisa Marie Freitas, a special agent assigned to the FBI’s New Orleans office in 2005 testified as a state prosecution witness. She interviewed Bernard, who told her that he had done with his infant daughter everything a human could do to the body of another human.[92]

She said, Bernard told her that he was the first to penetrate his infant daughter less than two years of age, and Rev. Louis Lamonica was the second. She said, Bernard described the satanic rituals at the church. According to Bernard, the rituals took place in what was called “the room,” which was the church’s youth room.[93]

He described how six adults would line up shoulder to shoulder and perform sex acts on his daughter or other children, who were passed down the line. The rituals had a satanic theme, including a pentagram, the use of animals and animal parts such as chicken feet and the use of animal blood. He said animal blood was also put on other children, Freitas said.[94]

She said she and other FBI agents got a search warrant for the church. Bernard served as a guide, pointing out what the different rooms and areas were used for. Freitas said nothing was in the sanctuary – no pews, no chairs, just a large, empty room.[95]

The youth room was pitch black when the lights were out, she said, but the room was equipped with a black light. When Bernard turned it on, the light revealed writings on the walls from ceiling to floor. “Every inch, from top to bottom, was writing,” Freitas said. The writing consisted of songs, lyrics and Biblical verses. Some of the words were inverted or changed, she said.[96]

Just like the case of Lee Harvey Oswald’s statements to Feds and police in the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, but much worse in the 21st Century, Freitas and the Feds refused to tape Bernard’s statement. They weren’t particularly interested in the Hosanna Satanic Pedophilia Ring and where it led even if to Milwaukee and the abduction of Alexis Patterson.[97] Hosanna was allowed to “whither on the vine.”

Lisa Marie Freitas is a Federal prosecutor, now with the Child Exploitation Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.[98] WOW!

Guess Who Comes to Dinner in Rural Tangipahoa Parish: Richard Ofshe of UC Berkeley


Richard Ofshe, Psychology Professor of the University of California, who is a Scientific Advisory Board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and member of Cult Awareness Network showed up about 2200 miles from Berkeley, CA to Tangipahoa Parish to defend Rev. Lamonica and the Hosanna Satanic Pedophile Ring.[99]

The appearance of Ofshe in Tangipahoa Parish with a population of a little more than 100, 000 people where over 20% live below the poverty line was no small matter. It is alarming. He is a really extremely scary high level U.S. Government connected satanic child abuse expert and a CIA gatekeeper from MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES to JONESTOWN.[100] Hosanna must have been part of a web to a greater satanic pedophilia ring directly connected to the CIA Occult Bureau.

“CAN means the Cult Awareness Network, CIA means the Central Intelligence Agency, and FMSF means the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Jolly West is on the Boards of CAN and FMSF and is connected to the CIA. Margaret Singer is connected to Jolly West and Richard Ofshe. Margaret Singer and Jolly West are on the Board of CAN and Richard Ofshe is on the Board of FMSF. Jolly West and Margaret Singer worked for Air Force Intelligence talking to those downed American pilots who were actually DDNOS level Manchurian Candidates. Leo Ryan, and we’re going to hear a bunch about Jonestown in a minute, is the Congressman who was killed at the airport in Jonestown at the same time as the mass suicide there, which was not actually a suicide. His daughter, Patricia Ryan, is very active in CAN and recently received a Leo Ryan Award, so Leo Ryan connects to Jonestown, Jonestown connects up to the CIA through that loop because CAN is interested in destructive cults and coercive persuasion, and I am going to show you on subsequent slides the connections between Jonestown and the CIA. Jonestown connects down to obviously expertise in cult coercive persuasion techniques. Jim Jones was a big expert. That takes us back up to Jolly West, Margaret Singer, Richard Ofshe, Air Force Intelligence, the CIA.”[101]

State District Judge Zoey Waguespack ruled social psychology was too new a science to be allowed in a Louisiana courtroom, so Ofshe, hired as an expert witness for the defense, did not testify during the trial. Ofshe said he could have told the jury “there is no such thing as satanic cults that abuse children.”[102]

Rev. Lamonica was convicted on Sept. 5, 2008 of four counts of aggravated rape for abusing his two sons when they were age 11 or younger. He is serving four concurrent life sentences for raping his two sons.[103] The Hosanna Pedophile Ring public exposure and prosecutions was contained to rural Tangipahoa Parish. Rev. Lamonica was disposed of with minimum amount of exposure to a greater circle.

Meanwhile, the government has deliberately allowed the trail to find Alexis Patterson Tionda and Diamond Bradley, Jahi Turner, Teekah Lewis, Hasanni Campbell, my own beloved cousin that disappeared from the streets of Oakland, and hundreds, if not thousands, of other missing Black Children to continuously be covered-up, grow cold and “whither on the vine.”


It’s my desire to hear thy lovely voice. -Queen Meritaten

I offer my heart, love and GOD’s prayers that the children will be found and returned home. I also ask that we invoke the assistance and spirits of our ancestors for help to lift their voices upon the North wind so as we can hear, find and bring our children home.


Over three thousand years ago, during the 18th Dynasty of the great ancient land of Kemet (Ta-merry), Meritaten (She Who is Beloved of Aten), Beautiful Queen of Egypt and daughter of King Akhenaton (Living Spirit of Aten) and Queen Nefertiti(The Beautiful One is Come), had wealth, beauty, honey, pleasure and fortune unlike any known to civilizations on earth. But for only LOVE, PEACE and JUSTICE, she gave it all away to die in a lonely tomb. She had lost her love, King Smenkhkare (Holy-of-Manifestation), in a fierce battle and struggle over the GODs in Kemet.

As a traitor to the country, the victors left Smenkhkare’s body on the battle field for the jackals to consume and his soul to roam in the desert forever. They forbid under the penalty of death for anyone to find and bury him in the tradition of Kemet for his soul to dwell forever in peace among the stars with the GODS.


With the power of LOVE, Meritaten was beckoned upon him. She found his body, washed and wrapped his body in sacred cloth. She performed the proper ceremonials, opening of the mouth, left him food and essentials for the next life and entombed the king according to ancient tradition. Before she closed the King’s Tomb (KV-55), Meritaten left a poem engraved on a thin gold fold leaf at his feet so lovely and powerful to last the end of time,

I breathe the sweet breath that comes from thy mouth,

I contemplate thy beauty everyday,

It’s my desire to hear thy lovely voice

Like the north wind.

Love will rejuvenate my limbs.

Give me thy hands that hold thy soul,

I shall embrace and live by it.

Call me by name even unto eternity

And I shall never fail without response.

I say upon the abducted and murdered children that we also breathe thy sweet breath. We contemplate thy beauty everyday. It is our desire to hear thy lovely voices again like the North wind. LOVE for you rejuvenates our limbs. Remember and never forget your parents and ones that love you. Give them thy hands that hold thy soul. They have embraced you forever and live by it upon death, to hear your voice again,


Ryan Harris and Erica Green

To see thy smile, again,

aaaaasmileJahi Turner (Abducted 4/25/02   Adji Desir (Abducted 1/10/09  Teekah Lewis (Abducted 1/3/99)

aaaaasmile1 Alexis S. Patterson (Abducted 5/3/02  Tionda & Diamond Bradley (Abducted 7/6/01)

aaaaahasanniHasanni Campbell (Abducted 10/10/09) Oakland, CA

To see thy wink again,


CALL the names of thy loved ones by name even unto eternity,

We shall never fail to response. WE WLL LAUNCH A THOUSAND SHIP TO BRING YOU BACK HOME.

[1] http://omega7.com/html/MissingKids.html

[2] http://endrtimes.blogspot.com/2007/10/pedophilia-and-explotation-of-children.html

[3] http://educate-yourself.org/cn/franklincoverupexcerpt.shtml

[4] http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=795_1174761584

[5] http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/stuff/archive/oldnews2/boystown/

[6] http://www.jackbloodforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5933

[7] http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2005/03/michael-aquino-alleged-child-sex-abuse.html

[8] Id.

[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[11] Id.

[12] Id.

[13] Id.


[15] http://www.infowars.com/articles/world/tom_flocco_arrested_tied_to_wh_child_sex_ring.htm

[16] Id.

[17] Id. At footnote 9

[18] Id.

[19] http://www.nytimes.com/1990/03/31/us/trial-is-delayed-in-omaha-scandal.html?scp=1&sq=lawrence%20e.%20king&st=cse

[20] Id. At footnote 3

[21] http://www.skolnicksreport.com/ootar24.html

[22] http://naderlibrary.com/franklincoverup.10.htm

[23] http://franklincoverup.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=43&Itemid=1

[24] Id.

[25] Id.

[26] http://www.apfn.net/Messageboard/03-14-05/discussion.cgi.23.html

[27] http://missing87975.yuku.com/topic/2125/t/MURDERED-GIRL-RYAN-HARRIS.html

[28] Id.

[29] http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,989096,00.html

[30] Id. At footnote 1

[31] http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/who-killed-ryan-harris/Content?oid=923436

[32] http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-121120538.html

[33] http://caselaw.findlaw.com/il-court-of-appeals/1161959.html

[34] Id.

[35] Id.

[36] Id.

[37] http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2006-04-16/news/0604160456_1_floyd-durr-ryan-harris-sexual-assaults/2

[38] http://www.bebo.com/c/profile?MemberId=10460596200


[40] http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/Emmett-Till-Faulkner24sep55.htm

[41] http://www.twoop.com/people/william_faulkner.html

[42] http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2455/is_n1_v30/ai_14085637/

[43] Id.

[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_River_Band_of_Chippewa_Indians

[45] http://plants.usda.gov/plantguide/pdf/cs_arfr4.pdf

[46] http://pda.coolreferat.com/Barn_Burning_By_William_Faulkner_Essay_Research

[47] http://missing87975.yuku.com/topic/2125/t/MURDERED-GIRL-RYAN-HARRIS.html

[48] http://www.konformist.com/2000/henry.htm

[49] http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=299036

[50] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precious_Doe

[51] http://www.knowledgecash.com/infolope.aspx?id=NY339L59986885

[52] http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/take-dead-body-to-decompose

[53] http://angelsresort.yuku.com/topic/556

[54] http://crimeshots.com/BabyDoe.html

[55] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precious_Doe


[57] http://www.foxnews.com/story/0%2C2933%2C434104%2C00.html

[58] Id.


[60] http://www.newsmakingnews.com/mbchildabuseindex.htm

[61] Id.

[62] Id.

[63] Id.

[64] Id.

[65] Id.

[66] http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=26295

[67] Id. At footnote 15

[68] http://tammieoliver.com/features/the-murder-of-precious-doe/

[69] http://ritualabusearticles.wordpress.com/category/satanic-ritual-abuse-evidence/

[70] http://nancygrace.blogs.cnn.com/2011/01/19/tionda-diamond-bradley-nancy-grace-america%e2%80%99s-missing/

[71] http://www.chicagobooth.edu/magazine/summer98/Miller.html


[73] http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2006_Oct_2/ai_n16834086/


[75] http://www.findmissingkids.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=337

[76] http://www.trv-psitech.com/newsletter/062102/departments.html

[77] http://www.whale.to/b/constantine6.html

[78] Id.

[79] Id.

[80] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_Theory_(film)

[81] http://blackangels37775.yuku.com/topic/367

[82] http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/kidnap/alexis-s.-patterson

[83] http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/p/patterson_alexis.html


[85] http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/25/national/25church.html?pagewanted=1

[86] http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/25/national/25church.html?pagewanted=1

[87] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/1491327/Satanist-paedophile-ring-ritually-raped-up-to-25-children.html

[88] Id.

[89] http://www.channel3000.com/news/4530418/detail.html

[90] Id.

[91] http://www.charm.net/~profpan/labels/hosanna.html

[92] Id.

[93] Id.

[94] Id.

[95] Id.

[96] Id.

[97] Id.

[98] Id.


[100] http://www.mail-archive.com/cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com/msg00035.html

[101] Id.

[102] http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/category/louis-lamonica/

[103] Id.