23 03 2017




“WHY US? WHY BLACK PEOPLE?,” Chris asks, when the nature of Rose’s parents’ plans is finally explained to him. That didn’t come from me. It’s in the movie placed directly, right smack dead in your face. “GET OUT” is an organized and planned scientific Satanic- Demonic Attack against Black People!

It is openly designed to attack your self esteem, and self worth. It subliminally tell Black People  that they’re not wanted, and to “GET OUT!Out of Sight- Out of Mind. It viciously discriminates, denigrates, humiliate, and MOCK Black People just like the scary and frightened racial offensive and stereotypical  LITTLE BLACK SAMBO. 

Get Out” is no comedy. It is a serious clandestinerace based horror movie“. Variety describes the movie as a ” … terrifying notion of a new way that white people have found to perpetuate the peculiar institution of slavery.”[1]


Variety also says that the movie is part of an underground secret Satanic plot against Black citizens. It ” … exposes a reality in which African-Americans can never breathe easy.”[2]

It appears that the entire HollyWeird entertainment industry is in on the deliberate and wicked Satanic Psychological Warfare Harassment of Black People. Instead of sending our tormentors to the bank, each and every black man, woman and child that paid to see this movie should be demanding their money back and JUSTICE to roll. I know one thing. If this sort of open Satanic mass popular entertainment media assault against the people had taken place during the 1960- 1970s, names and numbers would be have been collected. Brothers and sisters all over the world would have been in line to come see them, all of them, including the collaborating boot-licking Uncle Tom Negroes involved in this vile and vicious Satanic Plot Against the People.



Comedy Central’s Key and Peele involve very deep and complex issues of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based ritual sexual abuse and sex kitten training of black males. In “Get Out”, Jordan Peele is a Black Manchurian Candidate front for the HollyWeird film industry. The real story about “Get Out” is it “Wickedness“, and the secret Satanic Forces behind it.

As you can see from above, multiple personalities of Key and Peele are triggered, keyed, coded and controlled by a very complex system of traditional MK ULTRA sex kitten symbolic animal prints like the leopard skin.


At the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah, “GET OUT” had a secret screening. The racial makeup of the Park City, a former historical Mormon enclave, is approximately 81.0% white, and 0.6% Black.[3] The “SECRET” screening of “Get Out” inside the secluded mountainous white retreat was for benefit of the Dark Circle.[4]Get Out” is a wicked HollyWeird film project to do Lucifer’s work, and take the DEVIL STRAIGHT TO THE BANK. “GET OUT” is another in your face race specific- U.S. Ethnic Psychological Warfare Project.




Jason Blum, Manchurian Candidate Jordan Peele and Sean McKittrick

The “Get Outsecret screening for the Dark Circle was arranged primarily by Sean McKittrick, and Jason Blum.


Sean McKittrick

Shortly after graduating from UCLA, Sean McKittrick produced the cult horror classic “Donnie Darko“.[5]


I don’t believe that I need to say too much more about Sean “Donnie Darko” McKittrick. You got the complete picture of the sick Satanic shit he is into. Such sick and depraved don’t need to be involved in making movies targeting people of color without the limits of JUSTICE.


Jordan Peele and “GET OUT” is a front for Blumhouse (Jason Ferus Blum). The Ashkenazi/German Jewish name Blum is an ornamental name derived from the Yiddish word blum and the German world blume- flower.[6] Blum was born in Los Angeles, California, the son of Shirley (Neilsen), an art professor, and Irving Blum, an independent art dealer.[7]


In his junior year of private boarding school, Jason’s parents to sent him to France, where he took up cigarettes and black eyeliner. Undoubtedly, he hooked up with secret Old European Witch Covens among the medieval influenced French Luciferian Gothic youth.[8]

Blum, Hitchcock, Huxley, MI6 & Vassar College

Blum ’91 was developed for the mass population film industry at and by an ultra secret Satanic circle of Vassar College. “The first time I really got interested in genre movies was when I took [film professor] Sarah Kozloff’s class on Hitchcock. That was my first introduction to genre. He’s definitely my favorite scary movie director …”[9]


Hitchcock & Sir Korda

In HollyWeird, Alfred Hitchcock’s secret circle involved Sir Alexander Korda. Sir Korda worked closely throughout his career for MI6, allowing his film company to be used as a cover for British spies traveling abroad.


Sir Korda & Queen Elizabeth II 

The Hungarian-born Korda, who made the classic spy film “The Third Man“, received his British royal knighthood partly in recognition of his discreet commitment to the British Royal Crown, and MI6.[10]


Aldous Huxley & The Devils of Loudun

Researcher Michael Minnicino on Hitchcock show his hidden links to the Tavistock Institute and Aldous Huxley– British Godfather of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs.[11]

The Kordas’ task was to generally develop a pro-British current in America and to plump for cultism. They hired Aldous Huxley to write the screenplays for the two-hit Star War-style fantasy pictures of the 1930s, Kipling’s Jungle Book and The Thief of Baghdad in the process making Huxley’s name as a scenarist. (When the Kordas stayed in Hollywood they usually housed with one of a British clique there which included Huxley, the modernist composer Igor Stravinsky, and Tavistock psychologist Humphrey Osmond.) They kicked off the wave of historical epics which dominated the United States and Europe in the 1940s; Hitler, in fact, had their Rembrandt re-made under his own aegis.”[12]


Noah Baumbach Vassar College ‘91

At Vassar, Blum boarded with, and twinned with the Jewish Noah Baumbach ’91 to enter into the clandestine side of the film industry. [13] Baumbach is an American independent filmmaker that was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for The Squid and the Whale (2005) and is known for making dramatic comedies.[14]

Vassar & the Long Island Dark Circle


Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, Duchess County, New York is one of America’s most expensive and exclusive private educational institutions. Vassar College was founded by Matthew Vassar (President of the Hudson River Railroad) as a women’s school under the name Vassar Female College in 1861.[15]


Matthew Vassar was born April 29, 1792 in East Dereham, Norfolk. In 1796, his family, religious dissenters from the Church of England, sailed for America. In 1797, they settled among a familiar group of English settlers in Dutchess County, New York.[16]


Dutchess County and the town of Poughkeepsie grew around 1740, when there was a continuous immigration into the area particularly from the English that inhabited LONG ISLAND.[17]


17th Century Salem Colony Witches & Demons

The Long Island English settlers were directly related to secret underground Satanist/Witch covens among the Puritan and English dissenting circles that had been expelled from England, the Church of Salem, and the Colony of Salem, Mass  (discussed further below). Matthew Vassar and Vassar College are directly related to the old ultra secret Satanic Dark Circle expelled out of Salem Colony, Mass. during the 17th century.




“Why us? Why black people? About two weeks ago, Lucifer’s son Donald J. Drumpf’s recently confirmed Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pathological lying Lunatic  BOOT-LICKING- UNCLE TOM pseudo Secretary Ben Carson recorded the following, “There were immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder, for less …[18]


Africans were forcibly brought into this country in the bottom of slave ships as permanent chattel (personal property like live stock) in violation of the Natural Law of Human Dignity, Mankind and Civilization. Natural law is a philosophy that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature  and can be understood universally through human reason.[19]

Africans were brought to America as immigrants is an outright wicked, vile and sadistic fabrication of American history. It is an insult and assault against the human dignity and heritage of African Americans. My very own Great-Great Grandmother, Alice Packwood, was stripped from her family and sold as an infant just as shown above. It has come down thru the folklore of our family that Alice was broken hearted and sad all the days of her life missing/not knowing her mother, father, brothers and sisters.

Ben Carson has attempted to revise American History, and retell the story that these armed and angry Black Men fighting for Freedom and Justice that they were really immigrants. He is attempting to tell this entire nation that loss an estimated 620,000 men, roughly 2% of the population, during the U.S. Civil War that it was a big mistake, 4 million enslaved African men, women and children were really immigrants. Africans were immigrants is a demonstrative GRAND LIE, an ILLUSION of global epic proportions supported by the highest elected office of this country that for the first time in this country’s history is openly confessed to be a force of Aryan Nationalism, and of DARKNESS.[20] Black people in this country don’t line up as immigrants by any fashion and by no means imaginable in heaven, earth or HELL. Black citizens- “GET OUT” of American History is really what Carson and Donald J. Drumpf are pushing globally. Out of Sight- Out of Mind!


No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.Frederick Douglas

The movie “GET OUT” comes out of this odd political and social climate of white nationalism, and an evil lying social pathology, and DARKNESSthat is moving steadily across the country. “GET OUT” You are not being invited to be initiated into Lucifer’s Dark League like an elevator ride up and down. Some people in this country want the floors to open up, shallow up BLACK PEOPLE and drop them straight down (dead fall) into the PITS OF HELL!




Until a couple of days ago, I wasn’t familiar with Comedy Central comedians Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele.


Nickelodeon’s Kenan & Kel, MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Animal Print

When I glanced at Key and Peele, I immediately associated them with Nickelodeon’s Kenan & Kel, and never really paid any other attention to them until now.


2015 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Key & President Obama

I almost momentarily glanced at the picture above and loosely associated Keegan Key with U.S. Senator Corey Booker. The odd thing about Key is that TIME in 2014 selected him as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.[21]


Like James Achilles Alefantis aka “Jimmy Comet” (One of the top 50 most powerful people in Washington DC), Key was associated with the John Podesta-Obama White House and PIZZA.[22] In fact, Key has a mass produced Amazon fashion t-shirt entitled, “Keegan-Michael Key Funny Comedian Comedy I Like Pizza Sleep.”[23]

Again, these people aren’t playing games with Black people, in particular. The above video had to have taken place in a rented funeral home’s sanctuary. I refuse to believe this blazon profane “Satanic Molest” took place within the sacred spaces of the black church. Their sacrilegious conduct within the sacred corners of the black church would be ass whooping violations for the breach of the holy sanctity of our beloved elders, forebears and the people’s places of worship. The bottom line is Key and Peele are advanced practitioners of the occult. Their Satanic– blasphemous diatribes above was made to appear as if it took place within the pews of a black Christian church.


The roots of their Satanic dialogue are the domains of actual secret Satanic Sex Magic/Moon Child blood rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley and Weird Jack Parson’s OTO.


Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn & Hip Hop/Popular Music Artist, Ciara


Dr. Faust’s Mephistopheles

Mephistopheles; also Mephistophilus, Mephistophilis, Mephostopheles, Mephisto, Mephastophilis, is a DEMON (Servant of Lucifer) featured in German folklore. He originally appeared in literature as the Demon in the English late 16th century Dr. Faust legends.[24]

Both Key and Peele are bi-racial products of white mothers and black fathers. However, Key only acknowledges two white women as his parents, even though he carries the name of his black adoptive father. If Peele’s father is still alive, he has absolutely no influence or role in his son’s life. Both Key and Peele are also interracially married. However, the bottom line is that Key and Peele are advanced students, if not, Black Satanic Cabal high priests of  Medieval European Occult Magick and Alchemy.

Peele & Sarah Lawrence College


Jordan Peele- Real Strange Dude

Peele graduated from one of the most white elite exclusive and expensive colleges in the U.S., Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY.


Sarah Lawrence is located in southern Westchester County, NY, in the city Yonkers, 15 miles north of Manhattan. Yonkers lie just beyond the tip of LONG ISLAND.[25]


William Van Duzer Lawrence (1842–1927) founded the college in the name of his wife. Lawrence was a millionaire real-estate and pharmaceutical mogul who is best known for having founded Sarah Lawrence College in 1926. He played a critical role in the development of the community of Bronxville, New York, an affluent suburb of New York City defined by magnificent homes in a country like setting.[26]


Sarah Lawrence College

To clearly understand what hidden message is behind “Get Out,” we must explore Peele’s possible background exposure at Sarah Lawrence. Lawrence Park of Bronxville was an exclusively closed white enclave of a super “elite inner-ring suburb.”[27]

Lawrence Park & Salem Witch Hunts


Queen Elizabeth listening to Tales of the Strange New World Beyond the Seas

The pageant posters were designed by Violet Oakley (June 10, 1874 – February 25, 1961). She was the first American woman to receive a public mural commission. She addressed themes from history and literature in Renaissance-revival styles. However, her love was Dante.


Violet Oakley Massaging a Statute Head of Dante

Durante degli Alighieri  (1265 – 1321), was a major Italian poet of the Late Middle Ages. Dante is infamously celebrated for his visions of travelling thru HELL in the Divine Comedy of the Inferno.


Bronxville’s 1909 Westchester County Historical Pageant held in the forest woods an exposition of “country suburb life” a perfect expression of the “whiter” living experience. For them, Dante Alighieri and the ultrasecret Old European Satanic Occult Circle is the “whiter” experience.

The Path to Paradise Begins in HELL. Dante


“At the midpoint on the journey of life, I found myself in a dark forest – for the clear path was lost…” Dante


Jordan Peele will swear up and down that “Get Out” isn’t his real autobiography, and the recall of some of his secretwhiter” experiences at Sarah Lawrence College, Lawrence Park of Bronxville, Westchester County, NY. Peele would have been that Negro that never got out of the forest or Dante’s Hell in his mind.


Peele’s life journey in Dante’s forest would have landed him in the INFERNO.


Peele had been ritually CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH traumatized, and his original split off in possibly dozens of (multiple) alternative personalities. Undoubtedly,  Peele has also been viciously and brutally ritually sexually abused.


Peele’s Real Strange “Meegan” Female Alter Personality

On camera with triggers and keys, Peele can easily roll into dozens of characters and personalities. However, this female character personality is the most eerie of them all.

Lawrence Park and Salem Witch


Anne Hutchinson Expelled from Salem Colony

Underlining the Bronxville forest pageant was “[T]he play [‘The Book of Words’] that introduced the audience to key Dutch- New Amsterdam (NY Long Island) historical figures “… to Anne Hutchinson, and to the [French Protestants] Huguenots, as a prelude to the reenactment of the reading of the Declaration of Independence at White Plains.” [28] However, Anne Hutchinson was no DUTCH historical figure.


They celebrated a romanticism for the “old life” or old secret European traditions. Bronxville’s history helped to further the image of an elite inner-ring suburb (Cult), by pointing out its central historical figures like Anne Hutchinson, which happens to be an odd choice by any ordinary reasonable person. By reviving old beliefs and local history, the town’s representatives undoubtedly set forth a precedent of who, or what kind of people, should or would be allowed to live in Bronxville, and those to be initiated.[29]


In 1638, Annie Hutchinson (1591-1643) of the Salem Colony was ex-communicated from the Church of Salem and evicted from the colony for primarily heresy. She was called a “dangerous woman” by the Puritans.[30] At that time, what did English Puritans mean by dangerous?

I look at her as a dangerous instrument of the DEVIL, raised up by SATAN amongst us to raise up divisions and contentions and take away hearts and affections, one from another ” – Reverend John Wilson (assigned minister to the Boston militia that conducted the Pequot war)

Called Anne Hutchinson an American Jezebel who was given the chance to repent but ” instead kept a back doore to have returned to her vomit again.” – Governor John Winthrop

I am ” fully persuaded that Mrs. Hutchinson is deluded by the devil ” would inspire her ” hearers to take up arms against their prince and to cut the throats of one another. ” – Deputy Governor Thomas Dudley

your opinions fret like an Gangrene and spread like a Leproise, and infect far and near, and will eate out the very Bowells of Religion, and hath soe infected the churches that God knows when they will be cured ” – Reverend John Cotton [31]

In England, Rev. Cotton had been her religious mentor. She followed him to America.[32]


Hutchinson moved to New Amsterdam in about 1642. She settled near the banks of a river in Pelham Bay currently at the foot of Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx. Anne settled in the Dutch Colony without the permission of settlers or the Siwanoy, the local native Americans, and ignored repeated warnings to leave. In the summer of 1643, a Siwanoy war party descended on her homestead, killing everyone except her 9-year-old daughter, Susan, who hid in the glacial boulder known as Split Rock.[33]


Baroness Deborah Moody (1586–1659) Display An Ancient Claw Hand Symbol of the Old Dragon Kings of England

New Amsterdam is the original Dutch Colonial name for the modern New York City. In 1645, English royal elite, Baroness/Lady Deborah Moody, settled in New Amsterdam after she also had been excommunicated from the Church of Salem, and expelled from the colony. She was also famously known as a “dangerous” woman, but she had Baptist royal titles behind her name. The Dutch granted her a vast tract of uninhabited land on Long Island. She named her town Gravesend for a town in Holland. Lady Deborah’s tract included 7,000 acres of land on the western end of Long Island that once included Brooklyn and “Coney Island.”[34]

Long Island, Salem, Babylon & the Antichrist


In 1653, three British men from Oyster Bay purchased a parcel of land from the Matinecock tribe. This parcel has since come to be known as the “First Purchase” and included land bordered by Cold Spring Harbor on the west, Northport Harbor on the east. The three men immediately turned the land over to the white British settlers who had already been living there. From that initial settlement, Huntington grew over subsequent years to include all of the land presently comprising the modern Towns of Huntington and Babylon. The southern part of the town was formally separated to create Babylon in 1872.[35]


The Babylon region was once called South Huntington. Nathaniel Conklin moved his family to the area, eventually calling it “New Babylon“, naming it after the ancient wicked city of Babylon around 1803.[36] In the New Age, the headquarters of the Anti-Christ will be in New Babylon. Many already believe that New York is the new Mystery Whore of Revelation.[37]

The Amityville Horror, Peele & the Dark Circle


Within Babylon is the township, Amityville (friendly relations with SATAN), the infamous site of the Amityville Horrors of which has been the subject of at least fourteen (14) HollyWeird Horror movies.[38]


Amityville is one of the top ten (10) cities in America infamous known as a site of Satanism. Ronald “Butch” DeFeo, Jr. killed six members of his family on the night of November 13, 1974. At the trial, DeFeo claimed that “DEVILISH BLACK HANDS” and disembodied voices drove him to kill. Don’t get twisted, DeFeo wasn’t speaking literally. He was talking about the Hands of the DARK CIRCLE.[39]


Amityville Satanic Black Knight Possessed, Ricky Kasso

Before savagely murdering his friend and fellow high school student, Gary Lauwers, on June 16, 1984, Ricky Kasso, later dubbed the “Acid King,” was a well-known Satanist in and around his hometown of Northport, Long Island. A fan of shouting “Hail Satan” to pedestrians, Kasso was the head of a satanic coven called the Knights of the BLACK CIRCLE.[40]


During a Walpurgis Night (Medieval Witches Night), Kasso and a few friends supposedly performed a ritual at the infamous vacant Amityville House. Kasso murdered Lauwers in the name of Satan, even demanding that the beaten and bloody Lauwers say that he “LOVED SATAN.”[41]

There is an ancient ultra secret extremely powerful underground Royal VIP British Satanic Cult that right now this moment have tentacles in America. It has been centered in Long Island since the 17th century with the arrival of Satanic High Priestess Witches from Salem, the “Dangerous Women“- Anne Hutchinson and Baroness Deborah Moody. The name of the cult is the “DARK CIRCLE.”


Born to Be Lucifer’s Daughter

I will cover it later, but there is a popular music diva born, raised and centered in Huntington/Babylon/Amityville whose sister says that she is a secret Satanic Coven member- EYES WIDE SHUT, black robes & sacrifices and the entire 9 (nine) yards.

So, we have shown a relationship between the founders of Lawrence Park and Sarah Lawrence College with the secret ceremonial (coven) adoration of the 17th century Witch, Anne Hutchinson.

Peele’s main characters in “Get Out“, the white (Dean, Missy, Rose (Rosicrucian)) Satanic Family, are the ARMIT-ages (friendly with Satan). William Van Duzer Lawrence, the founder of Sarah Lawrence College, had a younger brother, James ARMITAGE Lawrence.[42]

Armitage died in 1900 on Long Island at a hamlet called, Orient, Suffolk County, NY. The hamlet was originally settled by five families given a land grant by the King of England in the 17th century Later, Orient was used as a base of operations by British commanders such as Benedict Arnold and local Tories during the American Revolution to conduct raids on Yankee-held Connecticut.[43]



By now, you should have a good idea where and what the “Get Out” sunken places are for black people in America- Dante’s Inferno.


Peele developed the film’s screenplay with the likes of a Sean “Donnie Darko” McKittrick, and Jason Blum of Blumhouse.  I didn’t insert the Nazi Script into the “Get Out” storyline. Peele, Darko and Blum did. In “Get Out”, they chose to deal with a perceived Negro Problem in America, firmly and to the point just like the Nazi- SS.


We have carried out this most difficult task out of love for our people. And in doing so, we have taken on no defect within us, in our soul or in our character.” SS-1, Heinrich Himmler

Neurosurgeon Dean Armitage was a son of Nazi that Peele says took second behind Jesse Owens in the 1936 Berlin, Germany Summer Olympics. That honor doesn’t belong to a Nazi.


Big Mack Robinson ‘36 Olympics

It belongs to Jackie Robinson’s remarkable older brother, Matthew Mackenzie “Mack” Robinson, that was second only to the Great Jesse Owens.[44] Nevertheless, Dean’s wife, Missy Armitage, is the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH psychiatrist and hypnotist. They get to decide what to do with Negroes?




The Iatrogenically induced “sunken places” that are taking about sending black people don’t have up and down escalators, stairs or elevators. It may sound chic, but they are not unequal educational opportunity or racial bias, substandard housing, low wages, interpersonal relationships, or prisons. They don’t play that way. They play for keeps.


The “sunken places” that these people are talking about is the perpetuity of hell-torments. As a child, my original self driven into the “sunken place” by the Nazi SS/U.S. Navy Project CHATTER was so terrified and traumatized by what it experienced- it’s still out there someplace in another dimension still SCREAMING in perpetuity! I was collateral damage. They left me to die. Yet, I was fortunate, because I didn’t go through the following stages of mind control just as terrifying or even more- “solve et coagula.”


On Baphomet’s right arm is the word “solve” while on his left arm is the word “coagula.”  Together the words form the phrase “solve coagula” or “solve et coagula.”[45] Solve et Coagula is the first tenet of Alchemy – separate and join together, break down and reform, dissolve and solidify, destroy to recreate, kill to be born again, and order out of chaos. It is a transformative process that can be used to make some people, “Immortal”.  The Coagula (Solve et Coagula) Process that they speak of mastered by Dean Armitage is the secret domain of very advanced Rosicrucians, Witches, Satanists, Cabalists, Freemasons and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley), and Psychiatrists, Psychologists, medical technicians of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.


It may also include Satanic High Priest, PIZZAGATE’s John Podesta.


Solve et Coagula is best understood by the story of the murder and dissection of King Asur (Osiris) by his evil and jealous brother, Set. Queen Aset (Isis) recovered 13 pieces to reassemble his body. With the help of the Goddess Neith, she re-membered his body, and reconnected his mind-body-spirit split through the magic of Solve et Coagula. King Asur became an immortal God of Good. CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH psychiatrists, psychologists and medical technicians use the magical concept, Solve et Coagula, as a method to at times destroy a person’s original personality through traumas, then reconnect mind-body-spirit to alternative multiple personalities.


In “Get Out”,  Missy Armitage induces the horrifying mind bending (sink into the floor) traumas thru hypnosis and most likely drugs;


Dean Armitage & Mengele

then Dean surgically reconnect the Negro’s body to his white client’s DNA mind-body-spirits to control them forever. It is as it is in Moonlight, the movie. The magic trans-formative processes doesn’t turn young black men into better or godly men to make the world a better place. The transformation process is used to entrap their minds between subconsciousness dimensions, then enslave them, Out of Sight- Out of Mind, to subterranean undergrounds.


In Moonlight, it’s the Homosexual Underworld.


In “Get Out”, they intend to turn young black men into an underground of BLACK ZOMBIES controlled forever by a white Satanic Cult. My beloved, STOP THE FOOLISHNESS,


[1] http://variety.com/2017/film/reviews/get-out-review-jordan-peele-1201968635/

[2] Id.

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Park_City,_Utah

[4] http://deadline.com/2017/03/get-out-jordan-peele-blumhouse-universal-1202041635/

[5] http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0572014/

[6] https://www.houseofnames.com/blum-family-crest/Jewish

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Blum

[8] http://www.laweekly.com/arts/can-budget-slasher-jason-blum-prove-the-way-hollywood-makes-movies-is-horrifyingly-wrong-6176088

[9] https://film.vassar.edu/about/stories/features/2014-2015/141020-jason-blum.html

[10] http://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/10/16/Hitlers-spymaster-leaked-secrets-to-Britain/7271435124800/

[11] https://jaysanalysis.com/2016/02/03/hitchcock-hollywood-spies-north-by-northwest/

[12] https://jaysanalysis.com/2016/02/03/hitchcock-hollywood-spies-north-by-northwest/

[13] http://www.laweekly.com/arts/can-budget-slasher-jason-blum-prove-the-way-hollywood-makes-movies-is-horrifyingly-wrong-6176088

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah_Baumbach

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vassar_College

[16] http://specialcollections.vassar.edu/collections/manuscripts/findingaids/vassar_family.html

[17] https://archive.org/stream/cu31924028853327/cu31924028853327_djvu.txt

[18] http://www.businessinsider.com/ben-carson-appears-to-call-slaves-immigrants-in-address-to-hud-staff-2017-3

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_law

[20] http://fortune.com/2016/11/20/steve-bannon-interview-darkness/

[21] http://time.com/73028/key-peele-its-all-downhill-from-here/

[22] http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=57381

[23] https://www.amazon.com/Keegan-Michael-Funny-Comedian-Comedy-V-Neck/dp/B01KMEGACA

[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephistopheles

[25] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Lawrence_College

[26] http://www.uncoveringyonkers.com/bronxville-new-york.html

[27] Id.

[28] Id.

[29] Id.

[30] http://annehutchinson.net/nindex.shtml

[31] Id.

[32] Id.

[33] http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bronx/pioneer-anne-hutchinson-enjoying-newfound-popularity-420th-anniversary-birth-article-1.147273

[34] https://www.geni.com/people/Deborah-Moody/6000000013517424286

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntington,_New_York

[36] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylon,_New_York

[37] http://antichristobama2016.webs.com/

[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amityville_Horror

[39] http://listverse.com/2016/01/28/10-cities-and-towns-with-connections-to-satanism/

[40] Id.

[41] Id.

[42] https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=99459571

[43] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orient,_New_York

[44] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mack_Robinson_(athlete)

[45] http://reality101blog.blogspot.com/2009/03/myth-of-baphomet-here-is-wisdom.html