28 09 2012


The Genius of Nicoka Tesla (July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943) is an extremely important detail deliberately and most conveniently left out of history books.

In 1882, he was credited with discovering rotating magnetic fields. , Tesla is also credited with discovering electromagnetic energy freely flowing in the vacuum, in the form of scalar (also called longitudinal) electromagnetic wave pairs. When interacted with matter, an electromagnetic force field is created. With proper control and switching technique, this enormous, never ending free energy was free.

Tesla pioneered in ways to extract and harness electromagnetic energy for the world to use, instead of using fossil fuel as the main energy source. Tesla wanted to provide everyone in the world with free energy with his World Power System, a method of broadcasting electrical energy without wires, through the ground. Tesla is also credited with inventing the radio, the world’s wireless system.[1]

Scalar (also called longitudinal) electromagnetic wave pairs and fields are invisible to the naked eye, but it is there, enormously, all around us. Under the right conditions, it is visible. Nikola Tesla’ Coil exposes some of this massive unseen electromagnetic energy around us.

In 1938, five years before his death, he said very soon that he intended to give the world “two great discoveries.”

1. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity – which assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter); and,
2. Environmental Energy – the Discovery of a new physical Truth: there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.[2]


Chances are that Tesla was murdered before his “two great discoveries” would be revealed to the world. The Genius of Nicoka Tesla didn’t go unnoticed by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the Blood Covenant SS; and its secret parallel research and development of scalar electromagnetic (VRIL) energy for all the opposite and dual- Satanic Principles to dominate the world; and Make Slaves and Monsters of Men.

As early as 1934, Sturmbannführer (Major) SS Wernher von Braun had become directly involved in Tesla Technologies at Los Alamos, New Mexico, in a secret project called “p2″. Between 1936-38, under the direction of SS von Braun on leave from Nazi Germany, who had come to New Mexico on the invitation of the American Rocket Society, the Smithsonian, and the Simon and Florence Guggenheim foundations, to work with Dr. Robert H. Goddard, at his laboratory at Mescalero, New Mexico.[3]

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (October 5, 1882 – August 10, 1945) was America’s premier rocket pioneer and scientist. Dr. Goddard developed the first functional liquid rocket on March 16, 1926, in Auburn, Massachusetts.[4]

When SS Wernher von Braun and his SS V-2 arrived at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX in January 1946, Tesla and Dr. Goddard would be conveniently dead.[5]

In 1957, a claim of patent infringement was made by Mrs. Esther Goddard on behalf of her late husband against the United States Government, specifically regarding the technologies being developed in building the Redstone and Jupiter missiles at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.[6]

In 1960, NASA settled the patent infringement lawsuit with Mrs. Goddard proving the direct link between the work of Dr. Robert H. Goddard in the 1930’s and 40’s and the work of Dr. Wernher Von Braun and his SS Rocket Team at Marshall Space Flight Center 20 years later.[7] From the time of the Nazi defeat in Stalingrad in 1943, the SS had planned to move their secret rocket and weapons program to America under U.S. Taxpayers. They intended to dominate and control it by whatever means necessary in exclusion to America’s interest.


SS Wernher von Braun, middle in civilian clothes, and the SS of the Third Reich were Masters of Deception. The Nazis that were clandestinely brought into this country under Operation PAPERCLIP basically were legions of the SS that served 3 (three) Masters, one more powerful than another; 1. The United States, their Sponsor and Benefactor. 2. The SS-Nazi Cult, Blood Covenant of Allegiance and Secrecy. 3. The Satanic Principle, Lucifer, the Great Deceiver and Light Bearer.

Lucifer Servant’s Workshop,  Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun and SS Grand Scheme of Things in America Making Monsters and Slaves of Men


“Lucifer’s Servants [Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant) SS Otto Rahn]… is at least partly a genuine Nazi propaganda tract and several passages make a good case for the worship of Lucifer …”[8]

Making Monsters & Slaves of Men in the Grand Scheme of Things of the SS

The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered the enemy… Then the terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow…, then we were going to identify third-world country “crazies.” We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons. The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said. Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons. And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials.[9]


The Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt was like marching Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun, Gruppenführer SS Walter Robert Dornberger and the Knights of the Black Sun directly to the White House and the U.S. Capital.

SS Wernher von Braun’s superior Gruppenführer SS Dornberger was a real sinister and dangerous character. Dornberger was convicted as a war criminal, then later was secretly brought to the U.S. at the request of SS von Braun to High Commissioner John J. McCloy. He went to work for Bell Aircraft (Bell Textron) where he worked on the space program as director of R&D (James “Bo” Gritz, Called to Serve, p. 511). He was also a special CIA consultant (The Nazi Hunters, p. 217).

Eventually he served on the board of several aerospace companies. He helped develop a nuclear powered trans-atmospheric vehicle (TAV). These vehicles began operating out of Area 51 in Nevada, and other places. Dornberger became a boss of Bell Aerospace Corporation and had about 30 former Nazi scientists working for him.[10]

In the Torbitt Document, Nomenclature of the JFK Assassination Team, Gruppenführer Dornberger was identified as among the clandestine second layer of participants with supervisory and working assignments.[11]

Author and Researcher Dr. James R. Farrell in his series of explosive and remarkable books such as Roswell and the Reich, Nazi International, and Brotherhood of the Bell, etc., describe the secret Nazi-SS infiltration of the United States like the “Trojan Horse” of ancient mythology.[12]

The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War about the stratagem that allowed the Greeks to finally enter the city of Troy and end the conflict. In the canonical version, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a select force of men inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city of Troy, decisively ending the war.[13]


The late Carl Oglseby (1935-2011) and Hitler’s General Reinhard Gehlen

From the remarkable courageous work and dedication of Tim White, Viet Nam Vet (USAF) Concerned Citizen, Researcher, Investigator, and Whistleblower, I learned about the late Carl Oglseby’s landmark article on the worldwide internet, THE SECRET TREATY OF FORT HUNT.[14] It is an extremely important article that must be read, processed and mastered to connect the dots.

After a long and contracted FOIA federal court battle with the U.S. Army, State Department, CIA, FBI, etc. over the release of public documents surrounding their relationships to Nazi War Criminal General Reinhart Gehlen, Oglesby received approximately 6,000 declassified documents.[15]

In the declassified documents subsequently to be reclassified back to Top Secret, Oglesby founded the existence of a secret 1945 literal treaty developed by the U.S. Government with General Reinhart Gehlen at Fort Hunt, Virginia.[16]

The documents disclosed that the secret treaty employed and essentially placed Hitler’s General at the head of forming the CIA and U.S. Foreign Intelligence Service for Eastern Europe. It was America’s secret version of Heinrich Himmler’s RSHA-Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office). It allowed General Gehlen exclusive rights to hire former Nazis and the SS as his staff and put them on U.S. Taxpayer’s rolls. The secret treaty, shockingly, allowed General Gehlen and the SS to work separately and independently from and parallel to the CIA, FBI and the U.S. Government in the interest of National Security. [17]

In other words, the documents showed that the United States became the new secret playground and workshop of Lucifer Servant’s.

The Enigma of Heinrich Rupp, Operation PAPERCLIP,  Hitler, the Berlin Führerbunker and VRIL Spaceships

For me, Heinrich Rupp has always been an enigma. During the 1980s Iran-Contra CIA Cocaine Scandal, this ardent Nazi was discovered part of Former California Governor and U.S. Presidential Candidate Ronald Reagan’s Secret Team; and the CIA. Rupp is commonly accepted as a Project PAPERCLIP Nazi. Yet, he was not a scientist. It’s generally accepted that Rupp was a Nazi Luftwaffe (air force) pilot under Reich Minister Hermann Goering. However, it still would not explain his presence in the country under Project PAPERCIP flying around with CIA Directors (George H.W. Bush, William Casey),  the upcoming president and his secret espionage and assassination team; and defrauding the government and U.S. Taxpayers of millions.

Concerned Citizen and Research Tim White lived in Denver, he said he found out  about the legendary Nazi in the flesh, Heinrich Rupp, living openly in Aurora, CO. Tim said that he went to see Rupp at his home that was publicly listed. Tim said that when Rupp answered the door, he was instantly struck by Rupp’s size. He said Rupp was slightly built and no more than 5’ 5”. That was a key clue. Then, Tim told me that he had learned that Rupp was one of the pilots in Hitter’s Bunker (Führerbunker) in Berlin in April-May 1945 before the fall. At that time, the only people in that bunker had been the Blood-Covenant SS.

So, Rupp had to have been SS to be inside the Führerbunker. Tim also said Rupp was no more than 18 years old at the time. Due to war casualties and lack of able pilots, it is assumed that the Luftwaffe had to enlist post- adolescents as pilots. That’s one very plausible theory. Yet, it would not explain to me Rupp’s presence in Hitler’s secret Führerbunker with the SS.

I think Rupp was Lebensborn (Chosen Ones), one of Himmler’s Children. If Lebensborn and I believe he was, Rupp must have been raised from birth to blindly serve the THIRD REICH. He had been trained from an early age to pilot, and it wasn’t conventional aircraft. I think Rupp’s unique size is a big clue to understanding his very special presence in Hitler’s Secret Bunker; and being linked to Project PAPERCLIP.

In the last days of April and May 1,1945, some extremely powerful and heavy Nazis officials were in the Führerbunker when Hitler and Eva Braun allegedly committed suicide on April 30, it included head of the Party Chancellery and private secretary to Adolf Hitler, SS Martin Ludwig Bormann, Gruppenführer SS Heinrich (Gestapo Müller) Mueller, and Reich Minister of Propaganda, Josef Goebbels.


The Nazi pilots in the Führerbunker were Hitler’s pilot Gruppenfuhrer  (General) SS Hans Baur, and Waffen-SS Sturmbannführer (Major) commanding Sonderluftkommando Hanna Reitsch. That is damn exclusive company for a teenaged pilot!


SS Hanna Reitsch was part of SS Wernher von Braun’s secret Peenemunde VRIL Spaceship Project Team. Reitsch had been the Third Reich’s celebrated woman test pilot who had flown SS von Braun’s V-1 rocket ships, above, in sub orbital flight 80,000 feet up in the early 1940s. She also flew the above V-2 rocket ships. Reitsch may have been one of history’s first astronauts. She would have been one of flew Nazi pilots quantified and trained to operate secret VRIL Flying Discs and other experimental aircraft.


During the Russian seize of Berlin, SS Reitsch was flying in and out of Führerbunker almost at will, but it can’t be any conventional aircraft, because of the location of the bunker. There aren’t any airstrips near or adjacent to the Führerbunker. Some speculate  that she was landing and taking off from the streets of Berlin. Well, what sense does that make with surrounding Russians troops shooting at her plane so she said they were. That Dog Won’t Hunt.  She had to have been flying in and out of the Führerbunker with a  VRIL experimental and secret vertical landing aircraft.

Spaceship Jockeys


All of SS Wernher von Braun’s NASA astronauts were slight and  little guys, rather short- 5’ 5” and less to fit inside the limited space of his spacecraft cockpits.

Rupp was no bigger in height and size then SS Hanna Reitsch who had been described as a short and slight woman. Rupp and Reitsch would have been about the size of  SS von Braun’s NASA space jockey astronauts; and the alleged occupants of the Roswell Flying Disc.


Rupp would in fact be valuable and protected Operation PAPERCLIP material if he had been like SS Reitsch, a test pilot with SS Wernher von Braun’s secret Peenemunde VRIL Spaceship Project Team. I believe that he was. Rupp was in the Führerbunker with Hitler, Bormann, Mueller, Goebbels, Baur, and Reitsch to help fly them in and out of the Führerbunker with unconventional VRIL vertical landing aircraft.

The Nazis had at least 3 (three) vertical takeoff-landing aircraft capable of carrying out an escape plan in the middle of Berlin. The most likely aircraft used in the Führerbunker SS Escape Plan was Weserflug P. 1003/1, below, because whatever landed near Hitler’s Secret Bunker reportedly had wings. There are lot of talk that the Weserflug was only experimental and never left the drawing board, yet concede the paramount policy and practice of secrecy of the SS in the design and development of aircraft.  Compare the Weserflug with its American cousin, the Bell (Gruppenführer SS Walter Robert Dornberger)-Boeing V-22 Osprey, which is an American multi-mission military aircraft, then judge for yourself whether or not the Weserflug never left the drawing board.


The Nazis also had the Triebfugel-Tail Sitter.


They also had the Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache (“Dragon”).


Add Rupp as a factor in the SS clandestine escape and evacuation plan from the Führerbunker than one or more vertical takeoff-landing aircrafts could have been used.  I think that Rupp flew Martin Bormann, Gestapo Müller and Goebbels out of Berlin.

SS Obergruppenführer Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler was the Nazi official overseeing SS Dornenberg, Wernher von Braun, Reitsch and Rupp. In April 1945, SS Kammler cleared out Peenemunde. The Horton Brothers, flying wings, V-1 and V-2 rockets, secret VRIL Discs, plans; and the whole nine yards of Peenemunde were taken underground.  SS Kammler’s evacuation and flight was arranged through a secret deal with the Allies brokered by Martin Bormann. Rupp flew Bormann and Gestapo Müller most likely to Spain to meet up with Kammler with the Peenemunde secret VRIL Technologies and Wonder Weapons for a trip to a secret underground location in Argentina, South America.


SS Hanna Reitsch, above, most likely flew Hitler and Eva Braun from the Führerbunker. In the bunker, the Russiams found two dead bodies that the Blood-Covenant SS said was Hitler. Just pick one. That Dog Won’t Hunt.

Bormann, Gestapo Müller and SS Reitsch were gone. Goebbels’ alleged body, according to SS, was burned beyond recognition than buried in a secret location. It is a burial ground that remains secret as we speak.


How did SS Sturmbannführer Hanna Reitsch and SS Heinrich Rupp, Blood Covenant Knights of the Black Sun,  get so close and get access to America’s Highest Governmental Officials?  They can spend billions to take the America people to Mars to explore whether or not a distant planet ever had life, but when it comes to the POWER and INFLUENCE of the UNDERGROUND THIRD REICH over the affairs of the U.S. Government that affect and impact our everyday lives for generations, its that familiar song and dance routine of MC Hammer, “U CANT TOUCH THIS.”

That is the unseen reality and clandestine power of the UNDERGROUND THRID REICH.

The Underground Third Reich and Spaceships

We also learn from Dr. Joseph P. Farrell explosive theme theory in Nazi International that the Nazi-SS, Knights of the Black Sun, and their secret VRIL Technologies and Space Age Rockets and Wonder Weapon Programs remained virtually intact underground in the Americas after WWII, and became far more secret, independent, and deadly than ever before.[18]


June 24, 1947, Pilot Kenneth Arnold sighted a series of unidentified flying objects near Washington’s Mt. Rainier. It’s the first widely reported UFO sighting in the United States, and, thanks to Arnold’s description of what he saw, leads the press to coin the term flying saucer.


Above, Arnold’s sketch of the UFOs that he saw was extremely similar to the secret wing aircrafts designed by the SS Horton Brothers. After the war, the Horton Brothers along with their experimental aircraft disappeared from the Army Rocket Center at Peenemünde, but it appears that they were still developing, testing and flying secret SS aircraft in U.S. airspace from an unknown location.

In other words, SS Wernher von Braun and the SS ran one space research and development program, NASA, for his U.S. sponsor, and another far more clandestine, deadly and expansive space, weapons and mind control research and development programs for Lucifer’s Servants, the Blood Covenant SS-Knights of the Black Sun, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murder Cult in history.

The Making of a Luciferian TERRORIST, From Maintenance Man to CEO in One Big Leap


In America, we celebrate a lot of individuals that climb the ladder to success, but a maintenance man to leaf in one big jump to CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation. That Dog Won’t Hunt.  Even SS Wernher von Braun would chuckle a little about that too in the grand scene of things in Lucifer Servants’ Workshop in America.

He was no more than 19 (nineteen) years old. He has no more than a high school proficiency diploma; questionable intellect, and a 5 (five) second- no more than a 2 (two) sentence resume.

With no more than a high school diploma and a 5 (five) second resume, he was allowed to take over a multi-million dollar Black enterprise with over 200 employees as its Spiritual Leader-CEO/President with forged documents. Even U.S. Congressman Barbara Lee and a U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge recognized him as the head of Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) in Oakland; in lieu of substantial evidence provided to the contrary.[19]

“It’s a question of methods. Everybody wants results, but nobody wants to do what they have to do to get them done.”-Dirty Harry, Sudden Impact[20]

The 19 year old terrorist had an Oakland Police Department (OPD) Officer as a guiding guardian angel, but it wasn’t just some ordinary officer. Sergeant Detective Derwin Longmire was a powerful high level intelligence detective. He was an OPD liaison detective on the FBI’s Post-9-11 Patriot Act-Homeland Security Joint Terrorism Task Force, Squad 13, Lucifer’s Squad.[21]

Judas Iscariot was the 13th person at the Last Supper, and he betrayed Jesus Christ, and was thought to be possessed by Satan himself.[22]

Lucifer’s Squad sent Det. Longmire into YBMB to bring it down and destroy it. YBMB was a symbol of Black Independence, Strength, Wealth and Power. Det. Longmire mission was to mentor and develop their young prospects along a counter-intelligence-False Flag Legend, but also to deceivingly place him right dead square in the middle of that Legend. 13 is Lucifer’s number and represents the Image of the Beast,

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” .-Revelation 13


On the street, Detective Longmire was your Hollywood classic Clint Eastwood black “Dirty Harry” Callahan in the flesh.  He was hardnosed, tough, rough and ready; no nonsense crime crusading detective that did whatever required for getting the job done for the State (Gestapo) against criminals and dissidents that included warrantless surveillance, detentions, assaults,[23] deception and human torture.[24]


After Chauncey Bailey’s assassination, OPD cleared out the crime scene and then informed Det. Longmire that he was the lead investigative detective. He suddenly found himself in a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma. He had become part of the False Flag Legend that created the Luciferian Terrorist. It was too late to watch and protect his back.  In the grand scheme of things of Lucifer’s Workshop, Longmire’s colleagues turned against him and accused him of shielding the young black YBMB CEO terrorist from over a dozen criminal charges including felonies; and Chauncey Bailey’s Murder.[25]

In an investigation of Det. Longmire’s questionable conduct with the so-called terrorist, OPD’s high brass found that there “was not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove”whether Longmire’s aided and abetted the terrorist.[26] But, the False Flag Legend had been set, and he was caught right in the middle of it like a Lee Harvey Oswald.


From rock solid, rough and ready “Dirty Derwin” to a Frighten Man. Det. Longmire was late in the game in discovering the powerful, veiled and demonic nature of SQUAD 13, minions of Lucifer.


According to the False Flag Legend that was allowed to be developed, 19 year old Yusuf Bey IV,CEO/President of YBMB, was branded a home grown TERRORIST that will make your blood tingle and your toes wiggle and curl. The Alameda County District Attorney called him the “DEVIL.”

Yusuf Bey IV was “the DEVIL,” deputy district attorney Melissa Krum said in her closing argument to convict Bey VI of at least 3 (three) murders. Krum acknowledged that Devaughdre Broussard (the DEMON), her star witness, was a coldblooded killer, yet said his testimony was vital to convict Bey IV (the DEVIL), the former leader of YBMB who she said had “TERRORIZED” Oakland.[27]

In the June 2011 murder conviction of Yusuf Bey IV, the Chauncey Bailey Project blew its horn all over the world that Jurors took the ‘demon’ over the ‘devil’ in Bailey murder trial.”[28]


Of DEVILS and DEMONS in an American Courtroom, you literally have to go back to the Salem Witch Trials of colonial Massachusetts to find a more prejudicial, occulted and poisoned criminal proceeding in history. In 17th century colonial North America, the supernatural was part of everyday life, for there was a strong belief that Satan was present and active on Earth.[29]

Of DEVILS, DEMONS and the OCCULT in an American Courtroom, the Alameda County trial of Yusuf Bey was an exorcism that was allowed to happen like something out of an occulted SS Tribunal in Nazi Germany.

SATAN, the DEVIL was present and active on Earth alright, but it wasn’t a 19 year old with questionable intellect-character, and a high school proficiency diploma. Some powerful and veiled entity made him, took good care of him. They made him one of their minions of a Luciferian UFO Creed. 

YUSUF BEY IV, Spaceships & Smoked Mirrors

The Spaceship is Born


Do you realize what we accomplished today? Today the spaceship was born.— Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger, spoken to Wernher von Braun, after the first successful flight of the A-4 rocket to the edge of space, 3 October 1942[30]

Above, General Erich Fellgiebel, head of the German Army Information Service during World War II, congratulates members of the SS Wernher von Braun rocket team from Peenemunde for their October 3, 1942 A4 flight. Pictured front center is General Erich Fellgiebel. Shaking hands are General Walter Dornberger (left) and General Janssen, commanding officer of Peenemuende with Rudolph Hermarn to their right. Picture left to right in the back row are Wernher von Braun, Captain Stoelzel, Luftwaffe, and Dr. Gerhard Reisig

In the Black Community, “Spaceships and Aliens” have traditionally been confined to Star Trek on TV, SyFy Channel, Hollywood B Movies and comic books.

Normally, when brothers see and claim contact with Spaceships we automatically overlook them as crazy. However, in some instances, we need to take another look. Particularly, we need to study brothers that have claimed relationships with Spaceships with body counts and associated with agent provocateur False Flag  Legends and operations.

It was the Chauncey Bailey Project that reported that Yusuf Bey IV was a DEVIL, and believed that a mothership” orbits the earth – one with which he maintains contact.”[31] It is no laughing matter to be dismissed. It is an extremely important detail and clue to the true forces behind him, the secret to Yusuf Bey IV’s Secret Spaceship Command and Control Center.

From the 1930s, an eerie and haunting picture of VRIL Maiden and Psychic Maria Orsic with a manned VRIL Flying Disc in the background. A picture is a thousand words because it is subliminal dialogue with the brain. Instantly, this picture challenges conventional wisdom- everything you have come to know. And in fact, he may even TRAUMATIZE. Some believe that this picture also contains a hidden mathematic formula of Unconventional Physics.

Yusuf Bey IV is no conspiracy theory. He is associated with a serious body count. Whether or not he is a Black Manchurian Candidate, patsy or a criminal accomplice, Yusuf Bey IV is associated with a Legend in the assassinations of popular black journalist Chauncey Bailey and YBMB President and CEO Waajid Aljawwaad Bey; deadly assault and ambush on experienced YBMB businessman John Bey; the death of more than two men, and is the primary agent provocateur essential to the clandestine destruction of one of the Bay Area’s last independent multi-million dollar Black Enterprises, YBMB.

If Yusuf Bey IV claims that he had contact and associated with “Spaceships,” then we need to take closer look at him, because it isn’t just by random, happenstance, a stroke of luck that this particular agent of the Strategy of Tension claims belief and contact with a “Mothership” orbiting the earth.

The Strategy of Tension is a theory that describes how to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions.[32]

Some powerful and veiled entity linked to “Spaceships” that makes mindless minions (slaves) of men in grand schemes- made him, and it wasn’t extraterrestrials.

Minister Louis Farrakhan, Spaceships, Scientology & ILLUSIONARY Liberation of Black People

Only recently, I discovered that Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (NOI) also claims serious contact with Spaceships and Motherships orbiting the Earth. It wasn’t random, a stroke of luck or happenstance. The NOI was another symbol of Black Independence, Strength, Wealth and Power.

Minister Farrakhan says that contacts with a Mothership (WHEEL) started in September 1985 during the U. S. Presidency and Administration of Ronald Reagan and the Star War Initiative. Minister Farrakhan received a vision during which he was beamed up on board a Spacecraft that he believes was the Mothership.[33]

President Reagan’s infamous Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) better known as the “Star War Initiative” was nothing more than a repackaged development and expansion of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s Above Top Secret SS VRIL Space and Weapons Technologies bankrolled by U.S. Taxpayers.[34]

The Nazi’s secret VRIL Technologies explore and master extremely complex free energy (Tesla) sources and forces that involve revolutionary electromagnetic fields and reduced mass principles and theories claimed channeled from an alien civilization in the Aldebaran solar system.

The Nazi’s VRIL Technology scientists planned to develop among other things space based weapons, and anti-gravity Spaceships (Motherships) that could make physical contact with the ancient extraterrestrial Aryan civilization there.[35]

Minister Farrakhan has ordered all members of the NOI to submit to Dianetics and Scientology.[36] Scientology is nothing more than a veiled SSARYAN BASED UFO RELIGION.[37]

It is also shrouded Nazi VRIL Technologies allegedly channeled from Xenu, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in a DC-8 like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. [38]

According to Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, the Nazis-SS very possibly may well have succeeded in developing and testing atom bombs prior to the end of WWII, and may even have used them or some other weapon of mass destruction on the Eastern Front. “For example, in Professor Lahner’s allegation, the Nazis were interested in the atom bomb as mere fuses for the far more destructive hydrogen bomb.”[39]

Minister Farrakhan claims that Scientology & Dianetics are modern equipment, “which will help in the salvation and liberation of Black people in America and others who are poor, downtrodden and oppressed.”[40]

In other words, Scientology & Dianetics offers Black and oppressed people of the world an ILLUSIONARY FREEDOM turning them into perpetual Modern Slaves to a UFO Based Religion in a New World Order as envisioned by Lucifer’s Servants,

“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man [Anti-Christ]. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” Adolf Hitler[41]

Spaceships, Electromagnetic Fields and Mind Control, the Making of Black Manchurian Candidates and MONSTERS


I first became aware of Black Manchurian Candidate & Spaceships in the case of a young brother, Ronnie Flenaugh. Ronnie was a member of a covert counter intelligence –agent provocateur pseudo Muslim group, El Constran. I actually saw the brother members of El Constran. They wore long black capes and black turbans. I saw Ronnie Flenaugh, a bodybuilder in TRANCE, at the head of the legion before they confronted, challenged and clashed with recently freed Huey P. Newton at Merritt Jr. College.

El Contran termed by the Alameda County District Attorney (D. Lowell Jensen), was a cult of Black Manchurian Candidate Death Angels-Agents of the Strategy of Tension with a serious body count across the State of California.

El Contran was created to polarize the races, and undermine and discredit Black Nationalism that had become an International Symbol of Independence, Strength, Struggle and Power.

In May 1974, San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto said that Death Angels had committed at least 73 racial murders and mutilations all across the State of California since 1970.[42]

One of the first Death Angel “slashing” killings of whites occurred in 1970 at 2410 6th Street in Berkeley, CA just about approximately three blocks from the home of Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., Ronnie’s brother.

I am certain that Ronnie was involved in the early 1970s “Death Angel” false flag-terrorist operations against whites in the Oakland-Berkeley Area. All of the Oakland-Berkeley Area random machete-shooting “Death Angel” assaults, mutilations and homicides against whites are unsolved crimes. The Oakland Police Department (OPD), FBI, and the Bay Area MOCKING BIRD press aren’t really interested in solving the crimes.

Ronnie was murdered in Oakland in November 1971. He was shot in the back going for a gun in his briefcase that also contained a large machete. Ronnie’s machete deliberately wasn’t checked for blood residue that may have linked it to Oakland-Berkeley random attacks against whites by two black males with machetes. Ronnie’s joined at the hip partner in El Contran, Billy Mapp, had a murder conviction body count of two known.

I didn’t know Ronnie, but I was well familiar with Billy Mapp. He was my sister’s friend. I had come to idolize the young man. The Billy Mapp I knew was a young and handsome intellectual.  Billy also had been taken off the street by OPD and programmed. I actually saw Ronnie, Billy and El Constran. The scene was so bizarre, surreal and unnatural that it scared the SHIT out of me.  They had been turned into KILLERS. and I knew it.  Billy’s killing weapon was a steel plated pearl handled 45 semi-automatic. At Ronnie’s final call, he had a 38 revolver and large machete. I had heard on the street about these brothers carrying machetes. These young men had been turned into literal MONSTERS among us. They had a license to KILL.


Ronnie was the first Black Manchurian Candidate that I am aware of to directly claim an association with “Spaceships”. Ronnie’s spaceship encounter began in 1967 when he was taken off the street of Berkeley, and it wasn’t random, a stroke of luck or happenstance.

Dr. Isidore Weiss was a Stockton, California psychiatrist born August 20, 1906 in Kalnyk, Ukraine, and died Jun 8, 1984 in Stockton, California. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1913. Dr. Weiss went to medical school in Scotland.[43] During WWII, Dr. Weiss had been an Army Psychiatrist Major.[44]

Dr. Malcolm A. Sowers of Castro Valley, CA graduated from UC-San Francisco School of Medicine in 1946. In 1950, he completed his residency at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute of San Francisco, CA.[45]

In regards in Langley Porter in SF, the following is interesting to note:

In a recent interview with this author, Dr. Sukhdeo confirmed that [Jim] Jones had been treated at the Langley-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute in San Francisco during the 1960s. According to Sukhdeo, he has repeatedly asked to see Jones’s medical file from the Institute, but to no avail. “I have asked (Langley-Porter’s Dr.) Chris Hatcher to see the file several times,” Sukhdeo told this writer. “But, each time, he has refused. I don’t know why. He won’t say. It’s very peculiar. Jones has been dead for more than 20 years.”

“The nation’s leading center for brain research,” Langley-Porter is noted for its hospitality to anti-cult activists such as Dr. Margaret Singer <who worked for MK-UILTRA> and, also, for experiments that it conducts on behalf of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). While much of that research is classified, the Institute has experimented with behavioral modification techniques involving a wide variety of stimuli — including hypnosis-from-a-distance. Virtually every survivor of the Jonestown massacre was treated <de-briefed?> at Langley-Porter. This occurred as a consequence of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone’s request that Dr. Hatcher “undertake a study” of the Peoples Temple while counseling its survivors.[46]

According to Dr. Sukhdeo, “The nation’s leading center for brain research,” Langley-Porter is noted for its hospitality to anti-cult activists such as Dr. Margaret Singer and, also, for experiments that it conducts on behalf of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). While much of that research is classified, the Institute has experimented with electromagnetic effects and behavioral modification techniques involving a wide variety of stimuli—including hypnosis-from-a-distance.[47]

Interestingly, Dr. Hardat Sukhdeo, a psychiatrist, is, or perhaps was, “an anti-cult activist” whose professional interests (according to an autobiographical note) were “homicide, suicide, and the behavior of animals in electro-magnetic fields.”[48]

Langley Porter was also involved with sponsoring Stanford Research Institute’s SRI) CIA remote (temporal lobe) viewing experiments led by Scientologists.[49]


It was Dr. Isidore Weiss that in September 1967 recorded Ronnie’s initial resistance to being unwittingly drugged with hallucinogenic drugs and forcibly programmed, “he says he is going to try to stop the people from exploring the universe. They are going to do this by psychological warfare. The whole population will blow up if they have their way. They keep messing with me…I told them I wanted to get on a space ship. They are coming to pick me up.”[50]

Including Ronnie’s statement regarding a covert psychological warfare project, he reportedly said, “I wouldn’t die, I wouldn’t join their religious group. Also, I wouldn’t commit treason, that’s why I’m in jail.” Ronnie told the doctor that people have been putting drugs in his veins and into his food.” [51]

Undoubtedly, Ronnie had been taken off the streets for a clandestine mind control Black Manchurian Candidate psychological warfare project and experiment, but again it wasn’t by happenstance.


Ronnie’s brother, Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., above, was the Jedi Knight-Star War Assassin. For no apparent known reason in June 1988 at the California U.S. Presidential Primary Election of Republican George H. W. Bush, Flenaugh working as a security guard, but off duty, suddenly went off and murdered two people, wounded and maimed 5 others in TRANCE at Micropure Inc. in Concord, CA.[52]

When arrested, Sebron had an AMNESIA BLOCK-BARRIER; he couldn’t recall any details of the shootings. He told the arresting officers, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.”

The expression “May the Force be with You has achieved cult status and is symbolic of George Lucas’ Star Wars Movie legacy.[53]


At the time of Ronnie’s death, former U.S. Air Force Sergeant Sebron Flenaugh had been sequestered at a secret location in Alaska that I believe was related to clandestine H.A.A.R.P- electromagnetic field (EMF) mind control experiments.[54]

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionsopheric research program jointly funded by NASA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). [55]

I believe that in 1967, Ronnie had been recruited for a clandestine operation pursuant to a multi-generational family relationship with covert and top secret governmental operations.

When Ronnie refused clandestine recruitment for reason of possible of rightfully committing TREASON, he knew too much. He was snatched off the street, jailed, drugged and sent off to a state mental institution.

In the Berkeley City Jail, Ronnie was poisoned with hallucinogen drugs, traumatized and implanted with some type of initial “starship command” programming.

Nevertheless, Drs. Weiss and Somers didn’t object or help, but certified Ronnie “insane.” There is no evidence that either Drs. Weiss or Somers were connected with CIA-MK ULTRA, but I am certain they cooperated with the Agency to pass Ronnie down the pipe to Agnews State Mental Hospital in San Jose, CA.

Down the pipe at Agnews, Dr. Valerie Hunt of UCLA-Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s NASA, Richard Price and Julian Silverman of Esalen Institute were waiting under the veil of studying “Rolfing.”[56]


Stanford graduate Richard Price, co-founder of Esalen, was ab imitate of the British Godfathers of CIA-MK ULTRA, Dr. Aldous Huxley and Gregory Bateson.[57]


Julian Silverman was a Mystic of the Occult out of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).[58] The NIMH was a funding front for CIA-MK ULTRA.[59]

However, the real person of interest in “Black Manchurian Candidates & Spaceships” is Dr. Valerie Hunt of NASA.

Dr. Valerie V. Hunt & Secret VRIL Electromagnetic Energy Fields


With broad degrees in the fields of biology, physiological psychology, science education, and physical therapy, for over fifty years, Dr. Valerie Hunt has been a pioneer in every area of research she has undertaken. In the 1950′s, she established the neuromuscular patterns of anxiety and anger at a time when the only physiological research of emotions was chemical and behavioral. In the 1960′s, she added to the field of behavioral psychology with her discovery of neuromuscular nerve stimulation patterns related to nonverbal communication of individuals and cultures. In the 1970′s, while a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, she developed a high frequency device known as the AuraMeter(TM), which is capable of recording the electrical energy (the human aura) from the body’s surface. In the process, she discovered that the energy radiating from the body’s atoms emit frequencies one thousand times faster than any other known electrical activity of the body. During the 1980′s and 90′s, using fractal mathematics, her energy field data produced the first dramatic chaos patterns ever discovered in human biological systems.

Today, Dr. Hunt is actively involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions involved in the bioenergetic transactions between humans and the environment as they relate to human behaviors, emotions, health, illness, and disease, as well as scientifically quantifying the human aura and the levels of consciousness it contains.[60]

Dr. Valerie Hunt is a UCLA neurophysiologist and an occulted mystic. From the early 1960s, according to Dr. Hunt herself, she has had an unexplained direct line to SS von Braun’s NASA. She said that she had enough unknown secret power and juice to call NASA (SS von Braun?) to instruct its scientists to make electromagnetic measurement instruments on demand for her.[61]

“… I had him [NASA Scientist] build for me the first telemetry electromyography instrument. This meant I could test a person using an FM frequency, a radio frequency, process the data through my instrumentation and record it. And when I did this I found the electromagnetic energy field.”[62]

According to Dr. Hunt’s resume, she has been with NASA Space Biology since 1958.[63] On July 29, 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Public Law 85-568 that established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It became operational in October 1958.[64]

NASA opened with about 8,000 employees, but SS von Braun and his SS cliché of fellow Project PAPERCLIP Peenemunde V-2 team were the dominant force clandestinely behind NASA research and development since its beginning.

She admittedly had been with NASA since its inception with Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis and SS Wernher von Braun. When she was calling NASA with apparent juice and power in the 1960s, SS Wernher von Braun (NASA Director) and Lucifer’s Servants were clearly in charge.

Agnews State Mental Hospital, the home of the INSANE, was a strange place for an eminent, clandestinely powerful and well connected doctor-NASA scientist to explore Rolfing, holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement.[65]

Behind the veil and tangle of dancing, mysticism, auras, psychics, clairvoyants, Rolfing, and tip-toe through the tulips, Dr. Hunt was an extremely dangerous scientist. She was a serious student of VRIL FORCES (Free Scalar-Electromagnetic Fields); and leading expert and pioneer in Behavioral Psychology and ELF electromagnet wave brain entrainment (mind control) at UCLA, one of the CIA’s Secret MK-ULTRA Handmaidens.

Behind her holist and benevolent veil, Dr. Hunt developed a “mathematic chaos formula.” At UCLA, she had developed something like CIA Military Intelligence Opportuntist Dr. Andriija Puharich’s specially constructed sheet metal- copper-shielded Faraday Cage. Dr. Pubarich built the cage from a grant from military intelligence and NASA to control, study and measure electromagnetic waves and their effect on the human brain (ELF entrainment).[66]

At UCLA,. she built what she called a “Mu Room” in conjunction with NASA.[67] The Mu Room was a seven foot square shielded room located in the Physics department, where the electromagnetic energy of the air could be altered without reducing its breathability (oxygen content).

Similar to Dr. Puharich’s Faraday Cage experiment, she experimented at different electromagnetic frequencies in the air to observe how ELF affected the human energy field. By increasing electromagnetic wave frequencies or reducing the frequencies of the air in the room, the researchers could measure what frequencies would terrify and traumatize subjects.

Extremely low electromagnetic frequencies in air made subjects break down sobbing wildly, and becoming confused and disorientated, thus she developed an electromagnetic field “mathematic formula for human chaos” for the military industrial complex.

A person concerned about the potential misuse of this science observed, “…if science becomes skilled in the use of tools like the Mu room, no government would need to beat and batter prisoners to torture them…no one would have to have their fingernails pulled out, for example…all that would be needed could be found in a room in which all electromagnetism is removed, or manipulated, in whatever way the torturers wish. Heaven help us all.”[68]

In 1988, Dr. Hunt revealed that she also had an electromagnetic psychotropic (mind machine) that could induce the human Chaos of the Mu Room.

Valerie Hunt, presentation to the U.S. Psychotronics Associations Annual Symposium, Bergamo Center, Ohio, 1988. Hunt presented epochal work showing chaos—and thus hidden order—in recorded ELF electromagnetic radiation from human bodies. Hunt split the received EM signals into two identical channels, time-delayed one channel by a very slight amount, then recombined (mixed) the nondelayed and delayed signals. The result was that attractors precisely indicative of chaos appeared. This positively proves that human systems produce ordered time-structuring of EM.” [69]

I certainly can’t prove that Ronnie was part of a clandestine NASA electromagnetic field mind control program at Agnews. Ronnie is dead. But, recall what Ronnie told Dr. Weiss at Santa Rita County Jail in September 1967, “… I wouldn’t commit treasonI told them I wanted to get on a space ship. They are coming to pick me up.”

Treason & Spaceships, they are coming to pick me up! Ronnie’s had to have been talking about NASA and SS Wernher von Braun. Remember, according to Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger of the SS, when you talk about Spaceships, that’s their baby, they gave it “BIRTH.”


This is another yet glaring consistent coincidence. Ronnie and Sebron’s father, Sebron Flenaugh Sr. (br. 1911-Arkansas), was a retired merchant marine. When Sebron Sr. left California, he settled in El Paso, TX, home to Ft. Bliss. Ft. Bliss and El Paso had been home to SS Wernher von Braun’s Operation PAPERCLIP secret VRIL Technology SS rocket team.[70]

There was one set of Project PAPERCLIP SS Rocket Team at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX; and another set of Project PAPERCLIP SS Rocket Team at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH.

From SS Wernher von Braun SS Rocket Team brought to the U.S, Siegfried Knemeyer, former Third Reich Luftwaffe Pilot and RLM Director, Dr. Hans Amtmann and Dr. Alexander Lippisch of the Nazi RLM had been assigned to the AMC (Air Material Command) Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Field, OH.[71] The RLM (Reichsluftfahrtministerium), the Third Reich’s German Air Ministry, created the various planes, like the Messerschmitt, Junker, and may have influenced the V-1 and V-2 rockets at Peenemunde.[72]

Dr. Hans Amtmann was an expert in vertical takeoff aircraft. Dr. Alexander Lippisch became well known and a pioneer in tailless (SS Horton Brothers) aircraft, the US Delta wing fighter, the F-102A Delta Dagger and an advanced design of a ground effect flying boat.[73]

The blood oath SS Rocket group at Wright Field also included the Nazi war criminal Dr. Rudolph Hermann, Heinz Schmitt, Helmut Heinrich, Fritz Doblhoff and Ernst Zundel. Dr. Hermann had been attached to the Peenemunde Research Station for Aerodynamics where Germany’s V-2 rockets were hatched and launched against England.

Dr. Herman was a specialist in supersonics in charge of the supersonic wind tunnel at Kochel in the Bavarian Alps. He was also a member of the group entrusted with Hitler’s futuristic plans to establish a space-station rocket-refueling bases revolving as a satellite about the Earth at a distance of 4,000 miles – a scheme which he and certain high ranking Army Air Force (AAF) officers in 1947 still believed possible.[74]


More importantly, Dr. Lippisch, above with a Horton Brothers collaborated designed winged aircraft, had completed designs for an orbiting space station capable of dropping nuclear bombs on any target on earth.[75]


It other words, since 1947, Lippisch, Hermann and SS at Wright Patterson were secretly planning and developing that Mothership (WHEEL) that both Yusuf Bey IV and Minister Louis Farrakhan were so fixated and possessed about. It’s called, “Von Braun’s Space Station.”

Ft. Bliss and Wright Patterson Field were the first and second secret homes of the infamous 1947 Roswell flying disc wreckage and its alleged extraterrestrial occupants. SS Wernher von Braun and his rocket team at Ft. Bliss, Lippisch and his rocket team at Wright Patterson had Top Secret Clearances to whatever was found at Roswell, NM.

Dr. Lippisch and SS von Braun were interrogated or consulted regarding the Roswell incident, and there is speculation that Lippisch and his team was involved in secret back engineering the Roswell Flying Disc at Wright Patterson.[76]

There are even persistent rumors that, sometime in the mid-1950s, presumably after an alleged viewing by President Eisenhower of the Roswell crash material and bodies at Edwards Air Force Base, they were reunited under one roof inside a structure referred to only as “Building 18-A, Area B” at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Ufologists requests to Wright-Patterson for information about the contents of Building 18-A are usually answered by the reply that there is no Building 18-A.[77]

Reportedly, Republican U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater complained that the Air Force had denied him access to a “Blue Room” at Wright-Patterson where Roswell UFO artifacts were supposedly stored.[78]

Whatever Dr. Lippisch and Wernher von Braun were doing with the Roswell Flying Disc and its alleged Alien occupants, it took place in an Above Top Secret “Blue Room” facilities at Wright Patterson, and the “Blue Room” that was most likely in Building 18-A, Area B. Building 18-A, Area B was like Area 51, it was a restricted and Above Top Secret area of the base.


But, according to FBI records, there is a Building 18-A, Area B linked to secret mind control and assassination programs of SS Wernher von Braun and the Blood Covenant SS.

Black Manchurian Candidates, Roswell and Building 18-A, Area B


One of the last FOIA requests that I have been able to get out of the U.S. Government/FBI involved MARCUS WAYNE CHENAULT and the ASSASSINATION OF MRS. MARTIN LUTHER (ALBERTA) KING, SR.

On June 30, 1974, as Mrs. (Alberta) Martin Luther King sat at the organ of the Ebenezer Baptist Church during a Sunday service in Atlanta, GA. Less than 5 (feet) tall 23 year old Marcus Wayne Chenault of Dayton, OH shot and killed her and Deacon Edward Boykin 69 and wounded one other person.


Chenault told the police that his mission had been to kill Rev. Martin Luther King Sr., but he shot Mrs. King instead because she was close to him. In fact, Chenault had a list of 10 prominent Christian ministers to KILL including Rev. King, Sr. that were involved in the Black Civil Rights and Liberation Struggle in America.

Chenault, plain and simple, had been programmed to KILL ONLY. Chenault did in fact KILL leaving a body count of 2 (two), the precious, sacred and grieving Mrs. Martin Luther King and Deacon Boykin DEAD.

As far as I know, Chenault didn’t claim any relationships with Spaceships, but by FBI documents, he was connected to Building 18-A, Area B at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH.

Chenault and a group of Black mind controlled/programmed black assassins called, The Troop, led by Walter E. Brooks, Jr. was being ran out of Building 18, Area B.

Brooks told the local press that Chenault had been a member on a mission, and the Troop’s objectives and mission had been to KILL Black Civil Rights Christian Ministers. At the time of the Assassination of Mrs. King, Walter E. Brooks, Jr. had been the maintenance man for the “Blue Room” and Building 18, Area B containing the Roswell Flying Disk under control of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis, SS Werhner von Braun, Dr. Alexander Lippisch and the Blood Covenant SS in the Interest of National Security.[79]

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover worked directly with and under SS Wernher von Braun in connection with NASA’s security and it was Lyndon Johnson who, as Vice President of the United States, served as chairman of NASA.[80]

On June 7, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, the best patsy that the Nazis would buy and influence, nominated Clarence M. Kelley to be Director of the FBI. Kelley was the director of the FBI at the time and during the investigation of the Assassination of Mrs. Alberta King. He was also a hands off NASA and Spaceship man.

On October 25, 1973, Kelley admitted, UFOs are not and never has been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.”

In America, SS Werhner von Braun was an extremely powerful man with friends and influences in very high places. SS Werhner von Braun also had his own armies, one seen; and one unseen and underground that was far more deadly, diabolical and unforgiving than the former.

Subsequently shortly thereatter, the FBI closed the murder case on the “lone nut” assassin Marcus Wayne Chenault; and dismissed and cleared Brooks and the Troop at Wright Patterson Base as conspirators in the Assassination of Mrs. King.

At the age of 44, Marcus Wayne Chenault died in at a hospital in the Atlanta suburb of Riverdale from a heart stroke while serving a life sentence at State Prison in Jackson, GA.[81]

From the time of conviction, Chenault had been held for over 20 (twenty) years in strict solitary confinement. It was ironic that he died just before he had been ordered released to the general prison population. Ironic or again a most Convenient Death to the PURSUIT OF TRUTH!

Lucifer’s TERRORIST and his Nation Reawakens from Behind Bars


Yusuf Bey, IV, now 26 years old, is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole at Salinas Valley State Prison. Just recently, he has been used again as a “Bogey Man” by PycOps to whip up fear that the DEVIL is coming back to reestablish Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) from a website, Your Black Resurrected Nation,, that was setup by some unknown entity and parties. It wasn’t Yusuf Bey IV.

Fox News KTVU, Channel 2 says that Yusuf Bey IV has reached out to his followers in an attempt to rebuild his empire from behind bars. It says that “YBMB has gone through a high-tech resurrection online under a new name, Your Black Resurrected Nation.”[82]

KTVU, Channel 2 claims that “fear … still permeates those familiar with bakery…”[83] It implies that out of “fear” it is obviously trying to engender among the people, it reached out to the Alameda County District Attorney concerned about Yusuf Bey IV’s actions from behind bars.[84]

KTVU, Channel 2 knows very well that Yusuf Bey IV has no access to the internet from behind bars. It knows that Yusuf Bey IV does not have the knowhow, resources, educational background or opportunity to create what they say is a “high-tech resurrection” internet web site. Even SS Werhner von Braun if he was alive would also chuckle a little about that too.

Just what ill described and unidentified “Nation” or “Empire” does KTVU imply that Yusuf Bey IV has?

Surely, with its power, resources and wealth, it can easily flush out the “Nation” and “Empire” truly behind Your Black Resurrected Nation, That would be a real good story, except that the MOCKINGBIRD Press in the Bay Area like KPFA, Fox News KTVU, the Chauncey Bailey Project, and the Center for Investigative Reporting knows that, “U CAN’T TOUCH THIS!”







[7] Id.


[9] Farrell, Joseph P, Nazi International, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, ILL (2008), p. 41









[18] Farrell, Joseph P, Nazi International, The Nazi’s Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, ILL (2008),





[23] Id. At footnote 9





[28] Id.










[38] Id.












[50] I got access to Ronnie Flenaugh’s insanity proceedings (State v. Flenaugh) that are now confidential documents.

[51] Id.











[62] Id.










[72] Id.

[73] Id.


[75] Parrell, Joseph P., Brotherhood of the Bell, page 28

[76] See Farrell, Joseph P., Roswell and the Reich, The Nazi Connection, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL (2010)








[84] Id.