21 10 2017



The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865. To preserve the Institution of African Human Bondage, Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina in 1861, shortly after President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. The nationalists of the Union proclaimed loyalty to the U.S. Constitution.  In the Great Civil War, the nationalists faced secessionists of the Confederate States of America, who advocated for state’s rights to expand African Human Bondage.

Four years of intense combat left 620,000 to 750,000 soldiers dead, a higher number than the number of American military deaths in all other wars combined. Much of the South’s infrastructure was destroyed, especially the transportation systems, railroads, mills and houses. The Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished, and 4 million Africans and their descendants were freed, but left to the wind, rain and snow.

Now, they want to start the destruction of the nation all over again. Play close attention to the secret Luciferian Masonic Brotherhood forces that Donald J. Drumpf are empowering under the veil and cloud of the U.S. government of America to try to divide and destroy it once again.



The new NFL ILLUMINATI spokesman continue to implant notions that the Black NFL players protests are causing the decline in viewership. It is an absolute falsehood. On Sunday evening, I was in one of my delusional states when I sat down to watch NFL Sunday Night Football expecting to watch a good game. My three grandchildren were in and about the house doing chores. It opened with Country and Western star, Dixie Land Carrie Underwood.  The NFL ILLUMINATI promotes in nausea and feed red meat to a Country and Western basejust like the October 1, 2017 False Flag Las Vegas Shooting. However, what struck and somewhat traumatized me about Carrie Underwood’s flaming red attire was the allusion to fire.

Hot Stuff, Harvey Cartoon Character

I wasn’t crazy. On the internet, Underwood, her attire and appearance are being described as “SO HOT” and “SHE’S ON FIRE.

It seemed as if Underwood was making a shocking mocking remark about the ongoing firestorms here in California traumatizing, scaring, harming and killing so many people. Flowered pants!

Then, it was the dress that shocked and traumatized me, again. I got the impression and illusion of her nakedness. The Red Nut or Cherry and lines on her dress boldly directed our eyes to her VAGINA. I suddenly, but quietly looked around to see if the kids were watching, particularly my 7 (seven) year old grandson. He asks a lot questions about what he sees. The kids were busy doing other things. Needless to say, I was so relieved. Watching NFL games and the Super Bowl was once a family affair.

Lady Gaga & Satanic Blood Rite

In 2017, there was a shark decline in ratings and viewers of the Super Bowl featuring the blatant Masonic/Satanic Lady Ga Ga. It’s the clandestine U.S. Military now led by Jesuit Priest General Dunford, and NFL Masonic/Satanic circles killing our love of the sport, not Black players on their knees. In addition, too many of us have come to the conclusion that the games are rigged.

The NFL ILLUMINATI have turned the game that so many of us loved into a bunch of conniving fake crisis actor football players on the take in Dixie Land.



“Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has surrounded himself with other white supremacists,” ESPN Sports Journalist Jemele Hill wrote on Sept 11, 2017.

Thursday, October 5, 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf posed for a formal photo with his very pleased and comfortable all Lily-White confederacy of top military commanders of the U.S. Pentagon, and their spouses in the State Dining Room at the White House. Yes, these are the very people that should be on the ground in the front lines in PUERTO RICO, and the Virgin Islands with their sleeves rolled up working for all the people- Citizens of the United States earning their pay, rank and high honors. But, Old Angel Heart pointed to his dark circle of military leaders gathered around him and asked the small group of reporters standing before him: “You guys know what this represents?”[1] Tell us,” [what this represents?] shouted out one of the reporters unexpectedly summoned to witness this photo session. I say LUCIFER!

Maybe it’s the Calm Before the Storm,” the president replied. Reporters asked the president what he was talking about, WHAT STORM IS COMING?Could be the Calm Before the Storm,” he said a second time. One of the reporters again asked: “What storm, Mr. President?” He responded: “YOU’LL FIND OUT.”[2]

Those in attendance included to Drumpf’s right was General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his wife, and to his left, General Paul Joseph Selva, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, U.S. Air Force. Selva was born September 27, 1958 (age 59) in Biloxi, Mississippi.[3]

Fervent Catholic Jesuit Priest (Army of the Pope)General Joseph F. Dunford, is in charge of the U.S. Republic (United States), Pentagon and the U.S. MilitaryU.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military adviser to the President select Donald J. DrumpfSecretary of Defense, and National Security Council.

General Dunford also served as the Assistant Division Commander of the 1st Marine Division, Marine Corps Director of Operations, and Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations. He commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force and served as the Commander, Marine Forces U.S. Central Command.[4]

The very scary dude with the white “Mr. Clean” flat top haircut, Dixie General Selva, standing directly behind Drumpf is a puzzle warped inside an enigma. His background before he joined the U.S. Air Force is deliberately veiled and shrouded in mystery. Born in Biloxi, MS, he appears to have been born in 1958 on WWII Keesler Air Force Base in the city. Part of his early youth, he was located in Indonesia (224 Jennings Street, 22919). There are no U.S. military bases in Indonesia.  However, there is a long persistent covert undercover military/intelligence CIA outpost and secret history of extensive U.S. involvement, interference, and operations in the country.[5]  General John Paul Selva, multi-generational CIA Knight? I certainly think that he is.

He attended Abilene Christian University (ACU), a private, non-profit university in Abilene, Texas, affiliated with Churches of Christ. Among their system of global missionaries in strategic countries of U.S. interest, they work clandestinely with the CIA.[6]  Selva also went to Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. His wife, Ricki Smith, was most likely born in the farm/plantation country of West St. Louis, Missouri. She is also a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. I would say that both were born of the Gone with the Wind “Dixie Land Cult”.


La Selva is a name associated with the word “wood.” Its origin lies within the ancient pagan German Goths that took down Rome in the 5th century AD. (History of the Ancient Germans; Cambri, Sueri, Alemanni, Franks, Saxons, Goths, Vandals, and other Northern Nations, London and Westminster (1738), pg. 442) The Goths were an East Germanic people, two of whose branches, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, played an important role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the emergence of Medieval Dark Age Europe.[7] Selva’s family, whoever they may be, retained their warlike- warrior culture and identity in their name. Some of these people in the pentagon should be required to be examined by a team of psychiatrists and psychologists before they put their hands on the nuclear bomb,  and the U.S. Air Force HAARP- Weather Modification Warfare switches.

Do I believe that Angel Heart and his Dark Circle of military leaders were talking about the weather warfare “CALM BEFORE THE FIRESTORMS IN CALIFORNIA? Yes, Yes and YES! These people are not normal. In the next video, don’t worry if you do not see the sudden reflection of light in the first instance. I didn’t see it until a third or fourth time, but adjust your eyes for a sudden wide splash of light that ends in the northern California area around the starts of the firestorms. Someone suggested that it was the results of an electromagnetic impulse.

Two years ago in February and March of 2015, former senior national security officials of the Reagan and Clinton administrations warned that North Korea should be regarded as capable of delivering by satellite a small nuclear warhead, specially designed to make a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against the U.S. According to the Congressional EMP Commissiona single warhead delivered by North Korean satellite could blackout the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year—killing 9 of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse. Two (2) North Korean satellites, the KMS-3 and KMS-4, presently orbit over the U.S. on trajectories consistent with defensive retaliatory EMP attacks.

Don’t get it twisted. I am in no way saying or implying that North Koreans are in anyway, shape or form complicit in the firestorms in Northern California. What I am saying is that there are a number of countries including the U.S. involved in Sky War high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP) development and deployment.  If we can observe possible EMP coming from satellites, then other high technology nations know it, too.  With Drumpf and the Dark Circle in the White House with theirs hands on this technology, the entire world is on edge. We should be on edge and vigilant. Question everything! These people in the people’s White House are far more Sinister, Evil and Demonic than anyone can ever believe or even imagine.

Old Angel Heart has no plans to visit the firestorm areas or take any investigative or leadership role in restoring public order in California. If the North Koreans were suspected of complicity in any attacks on America, Drumpf wouldn’t be golfing while Puerto Rico drowned, and Northern California BURNED! 



Old Angel Heart and the Satanic Dark Circle have suddenly thrust global society into a sudden serious consideration of the ongoing covert research, development and clandestine applications of weather warfare technologies in the persistent sudden freakish catastrophic events that we face. He expects the world to kiss his Satanic ass, or face his evil wrath– all on the U.S. taxpayers’dime, and cloud of authority.

Adherents of weather warfare prefer to call it environmental modification techniques, ­or ENMOD. Corporate mass media has reported almost nothing about these secret aerospace and defense programs, or the technologies involved. Due to the mental illness and self-confessed wickedness of the leaders occupying the highest civil and military offices of this country, and the irresponsible catastrophic direction in which we currently find ourselves, society at large must take solemn concern of the clandestine weather warfare technologies in their hands.

“At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010, scientists asserted that “manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.” It is “fully operational” with a solid sixty-year history. Though “hostile” environmental modification was banned by UN Convention in 1978, its “friendly” use today is being hailed as the new savior to climate change and to water and food shortages. The military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on controlling the world’s weather.”[8] 

 “In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” World Meteorological Organization, 2007 [9]

For whatever reasons, at frame 22:04, aplanetruth  of the video above breaks out with Atlanta Is Burning. Suddenly, he came to me about a possible motive behind weather warfare being turned against its own civilians. The song is based in part on an event during the Great Civil War. It was written by Aubrey Holt of the Boys from Indiana. “I wrote (the song) in 1974 after watching the movie Gone With The Wind for the first time. I had heard so much about the movie and it certainly lived up to everything I had heard about it. It hit me really hard and the next morning I wrote Atlanta Is Burning.”[10]

Generally. On November 15, 1864Union forces led by General William Tecumseh Sherman depopulated and burned nearly all of the captured city of Atlanta, Georgia. More than 3,000 buildings (including businesses, hospitals, homes, and schools) were destroyed. The Atlanta Campaign aimed to cut off Atlanta’s vital supply lines that provided Confederate troops with reinforcements, ammunition, and goods such as clothes, first-aid medicines, and equipment. As Atlanta lay smoldering, Sherman and his troops began their audacious, infamous “March to the Sea,” a massive scorched-earth campaign that ended in the port city of Savannah, Georgia, on December 21, 1864.


Stephen Craig Paddock, the Gambler, law enforcement agencies can’t figure out a motive for the Las Vegas shootings, because there isn’t one. He was just a PATSY. As Jemele Hill said, the answer to the enigma of the puzzle of Paddock and the so called Las Vegas Massacre lies with General Dunford- General Selva’s U.S. DoD, and people that surrounds him. The Dixie Southern Belle, Tiffani Hill- Patterson, the professional sports journalist that setup Jemele on Twitter to be suspended from ESPN out of the University of Alabama said that RHETT BUTLER is the man- the South’s Legendary MASTER MASON.



Angel Heart’s White House Press Secretary, Daughter of the Confederacy, Dixie Sarah Huckabee Sanders, agrees with her. Sanders, “The last book I read was: Gone with the Wind.”[11] At an official May 10, 2017 WH Press Conference, she lauded the book. During the press conference, she informed the world that she named her daughter Scarlett in honor of Scarlett O’Hara, the heroine and Rhett Butler’s damsel of the book.[12] It was very deliberate and no coincidence, and these aren’t playing.

Sarah’s father and close associate of Angel Heart, Dixie Michael Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, is a notable and official member of the Masonic Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preservedAFRICAN SLAVERY!

Dixie General Jefferson [Davis] [Confederate General] Beauregard Sessions III born in Selma, Alabama is the U.S. Attorney General. 


Dixie Christopher Wray, FBI Director of ATLANTA is a son-in-law of the Confederacy. He married into Atlanta’s powerful African enslaving and Confederate bloodline, the Howells. In 1861, Evan Park Howell (1839 – 1905) joined the infantry, enlisting in Georgia’s First Regiment. Within 2 years, Howell was promoted to first lieutenant.  He fought under Masonic Military Lodge member, Stonewall Jackson in Virginia. He fought in the Battle of Chickamauga and the Atlanta Campaign, in which he defended the city as a captain of artillery. On July 28, 1864, during the battle for Atlanta, he wrote his wife that one of grandfather’s slaves had joined him, to take care of him. He ended the war in Hardee’s Corps as captain of Howell’s Battery, Georgia Light Artillery. According to legend, he was there when General Robert E. Lee surrendered at the Masonic gathering at Appomattox Court House, VA. Upon his return, Howell farmed for two years, clearing and selling lumber on his father’s land near Atlanta, and bought a controlling interest in the Atlanta Constitution newspaper. On January 19, 1879, he personally interviewed General William Sherman. He asked General Sherman, why did he destroy [burn] Atlanta? (Frederick Allen, Atlanta Rising, Longstreet Press, Inc., Marietta, GA (1996), pg. VII)

Wray worked for large firm of King & Spalding in Atlanta. The firm’s founders, Alexander Campbell King, and Jack Johnson Spalding, are linked to Atlanta’s Gone with the Wind” prominent slave owning and Confederate families. Under Wray, the FBI has turned substantially to the dark side. Just 9 (nine) days before the Charlottesville Nazi and Ku Klux Klan March for Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Wray declared war on black people in America, the FBI’s Counter-terrorism Division has concluded that the real public threat in this country comes from the “black identity extremist” movement as if it was the secret Masonic Luciferian Confederacy assault on Reconstruction and African descendants all over again. Except this time, it’s done under the name, power and authority of the U.S. Government.

Louise Catherine Wooster (1842-1913) was the wealthy madam of an exclusive house of prostitution in Birmingham in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Louise Wooster claimed to be the inspiration for Belle Watling, a character in Margaret Mitchell’sGone with the Wind” that was in love with Rhett Butler. While living in Montgomery, Wooster claims to have had a passionate romantic relationship with John Wilkes Booth during the first years of the Civil War.[13] Booth performed in Montgomery, AL during the time Wooster lived and worked there, so it’s possible their lives overlapped beginning around 1860.[14] She connects directly to President Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Booth, of Albert Pike’s secret Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan and the Underground Confederacy.[15] At least one source says that her sister, Maggie Wooster Bracken, that owned a brothel on the same block in Birmingham as her more-famous sister was a Confederate spy.[16], [17]

During the American Civil War, Rhett Butler was a gunrunner, gambler and international (world) traveller just the same as Stephen Craig Paddock. Scarlett O’Hara is a model for the post-feminist model of the 21st century. It was Rhett Butler that fed, financed, enabled and developed Scarlett. He saved her, dressed her and enabled her to move into another era of post-slavery America.[18]During his own time, he was known as the best man to bring order out of CHAOS- MASTER MASON.

There is a great deal of mystery surrounding the character, Rhett Butler, in Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 novel, Gone with the Wind. However, it is generally believed that the character of Rhett Butler was based on George Alfred Trenholm.

Order of Knights of the Golden Circle

She didn’t and wouldn’t reference him in the book because of secret billions of Lost Gold, British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), , Scottish Rite Masons, the dreaded Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle,  and the Ku Klux Klan of the Confederacy were all still very much active in national and international espionage during the 1930s. George Trenholm (1807 – 1876) was an extremely wealthy prominent – powerful shipping and banking magnate, politician of the Confederacy, and served as its Secretary of the Treasury during the final year of the Civil War.[19] He subjected at least a 1,000 Africans in human bondage.[20] Trenholm’s amazingly successful, blockade running ventures had earned him today’s equivalent of well over one billion dollars in gold, making him both fabulously wealthy and enormously powerful. His ships sailed out of the ports of Charleston, Wilmington, Savannah, and even New York City.[21]

James Dunwoody Bulloch, who headed the Confederate Secret Service in Europe, actually worked out of Trenholm’s British Intelligence Liverpool London’s offices of Fraser, Trenholm, and Co. Mitchell mentions him in her book, saying that Scarlett’s husband had contempt for Rhettfor holding on to the Confederate gold, when honest men like Admiral Bulloch” had turned in thousands of dollars to the Federal treasury. Trenholm and Admiral Bulloch were infamous Confederate blockade gun runners.[22]

Judah P. Benjamin (1811 – 1884) was a powerful and wealthy Jewish strategist (House of Rothschild). He was a Confederacy cabinet member (Secretary of War and State) in the Civil War. He was a spokesman for African Bondage, and second in command of the Confederacy. Benjamin supervised the financial and supply relations to the British Empire (Royal House of Queen Victoria) and its ally, Napoleon III of France, and ran the Confederacy’s international network of Masonic spies and saboteurs. Family legend in Europe,  Trenholm moved in the circle and company of Empress Eugenie, Queen of France; and Empress Victoria, Queen of England that supported the Confederacy.  Benjamin’s secret service liaison man in England’s British Intelligence, and the Confederacy’s chief arms procurer there was James Bulloch.

The Lost Cause Rebellion of the Southern slave owners, which brought on the Civil War, was a British Empire-sponsored insurrection. The British supplied the arms used by the anti-U.S. insurgents, and coordinated the Confederate secret service activities in North America and Europe. They also commanded the irregular military operations of the Masonic Scottish Rite led by the great Luciferian Albert Pike. For the final three years of the four-year Civil War. James Bulloch worked under George Alfred Trenholm, Trenholm worked closely with Benjamin.[23]

August Belmont

They coordinated across the Canadian border with the Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle networks in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and with the Jewish Rothschild Banking and financing agent, August Belmont, leader of Democratic Party machine in New York.[24] Agents led by Jacob Thompson planned prison breaks, tried to burn down northern cities, and instigated anti-draft riots in which drunken mobs lynched black people and burned orphanages.

Chapter 322 Code 13-Mystick Krewe of Comus

The Confederate secret service operators accused of participation in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Belmont, Pike, Benjamin, and Louisiana Senator John Slidell were initiated into the 33rd degree of an ultra-secret New Orleans’ Masonic society called The Mystick Krewe of Comus involved in ritual assassinations of U.S. leaders. ” “Killing of the King” is secret rite of passage into 33rd degreeIlluminati-Skull and Bones Chapter 322 Code 13-Mystick Krewe of Comus.[25],[26]

Albert Pike escaped and took refuge in Canada. Judah Benjamin fled to England, joining the exiled Robert Toombs and James Bulloch. The Confederate secret service bank (Royal Ontario Bank) in Montreal, Canada where gold from Britain was deposited for Benjamin’s crew, was the same bank in which Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth had made his deposits six months before the killing. The war was over, but the defeated Confederacy was transformed into the romantic [Lost Cause], an object of cultist reverence by author Margaret Mitchell, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary. Again, it was no coincidence.

During Reconstruction Anti-slavery congressmen pressed ahead with plans for Reconstruction, designed to break up the power of what was called the “chivalry,” the feudalist lords of the prewar South. In Tennessee, the pro-Union faction tried to increase its political strength by putting through a law, granting the right to vote to the newly freed blacks. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist counterattack, beginning in Tennessee, designed to block Reconstruction and reverse the outcome of the Civil War. The Knights of the Golden Circle, Klan and the Scottish Rite were one and the same enterprise, continuing the imperial effort behind the slave owners’ rebellion. Pike, Benjamin, Toombs, Bulloch, Thompson and others of the Confederacy’s Masonic international network of Masonic spies, saboteurs, assassins and criminals were financed by Trenholm were all in exile at war’s end.[27]

At the end of the war, Trenholm and the Confederate cabinet were arrested for treason. But by November 16, 1865, Trenholm was released from prison in Georgia.[28]   Confederate gold refers to hidden caches of gold lost after the Civil War that Trenholm had control over, along with vast number of jewels that were collected for the war effort as shown in the film, Gone with the Wind. Millions of dollars’ worth of gold was lost or unaccounted for after the war and has been the speculation of many historians and treasure hunters. Allegedly, some of the Confederate treasury was hidden in order to finance a covert war (Knights of the Golden Circle) against the government, rise again of the South, and the Lost CauseSecond Civil War that is going on today.[29]

Both Rhett and Trenholm were Charlestonians and attended the Episcopal Church. Both lost daughters they loved. Both were branded as speculators and profiteers, and both owned hotels and invested in railroads associated with scandal. Many of Trenholm’s magnificent antebellum plantations and stately commercial buildings still stand. His opulent Charleston mansion, Ashley Hall, with its beautiful flying staircase, is now a private school for girls. Just as in the book, Trenholm’s home surpassed that of the Governor.[30]

Many slave plantation mansions of the Antebellum South were saved from burning and pillage by Masonic signs flashed to brotherhood Union soldiers and officers.  Trenholm’s Ashley Hall was one of those Big Plantation Houses saved by the Luciferian Masonic Sign“Rhett Butler” and “Gone with the Wind” are code words for the Rise of the South thru the secret Masonic Brotherhood of Fraternal Orders, and Greek Societies. 



World Traveler- Dixie Scott Edmisten

Dixie Scott Edmisten

Stephen Paddock of was/is a CIA gun runner. Within his circle, he had accomplices. Federal agents are trying to determine why a man pulled over for speeding in Tennessee was carrying a cache of weapons including two sub machine guns and 900 rounds of ammunition. Deputies found Dixie Scott Edmisten, 43, of Johnson City, Tennessee, carrying a .357-caliber Magnum, a loaded .45-caliber semi-automatic, a .223-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, a .308-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, more than 900 rounds of ammunition, and survival equipment, Washington County Sheriff Ed Graybeal said.[31] Edmisten’s arrest came a day after Paddock allegedly opened fire on a music festival from a high-rise hotel suite in Las Vegas. Many believe that there is a connection between Edmisten and Paddock. Edmisten has the hallmarks of a deep cover CIA agent.

Edminsten is also a world traveler like Paddock. He appears to be a Multi- Craft (Electrical Engineering Technician) Maintenance Technician for U.S. domestic NN Ball and Roller, Inc. Ervin, TN. NN’s global reach includes Geo- logistic sensitive countries, Germany, France, Poland, China and Brazil.[32],[33] His father Mack Edminsten was a highly decorated Vietnam U.S. Army Sgt. veteran. Scott appears to be a multi-generational U.S. military intelligence asset.[34] Reportedly, he won’t disclose anything to the police just like a highly trained military CIA intelligence operative (name, rank and serial number). Some believe that Edminsten had been in Las Vegas. They may have taken him out of circulation to protect him as an asset.

World Traveler- Marilou Dantley

Marilou Dantley Australian Passport

Marilou Dantley was double agent for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, and CIA. Associated with Dantley of the Philippines, Paddock worked the Philippines CIA Station Desk running guns, and PIZZAGATE children. Dionne Waltrip of Fayetteville, AR said that her father, the former husband of Marilou, Dixie Geary DantleyTRAVELED THE WORLD” as an auditor for FedEx and met her overseas. In the Philippines, Marilou allegedly worked as tour guide.[35]

Lockheed Martin

Paddock was an also an auditorLOCKHEED MARTIN. Dantley worked for FedEx and Paddock worked for the U.S. Postal Service. A spokeswoman for the Office of Personnel Management told The Associated Press that Paddock then worked as an agent for the IRS for six years until 1984. Paddock then was employed as an auditor focused on defense contracts for the U.S. Defense Department for a little over a year, federal personnel records showed. Paddock worked in the 1980s for one of the companies that later combined to form aerospace contractor Lockheed Martin, according to the NY Times.[36] Lockheed Martin is an American global aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies company with worldwide interests. It was formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Maretta in March 1995.[37]

Beating out Raytheon, Lockheed Martin was awarded a $914,699,474 contract on June 2, 2014 by the US Air Force to develop its Space Fence system design and deliver the first site, consisting of a radar and (Tesla Star War) Space Fence operations center. In addition to the radar arrays and on-site operations center, the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands installation will also include an annex to the island’s current power plant to ensure continuous operation.[38]

In 2016, Lockheed Martin built a scaled-down version of the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation Star War space surveillance system in New Jersey as a way to test hardware and software for the Space Fence.[39]

According to multiple mainstream reports, Paddock graduated from Cal State Northridge in the late 1970s — a university based in the middle of the CA Aerospace Contracting Belt (read: next to Skunk Works and the Jet Propulsion Lab) that features strong, above-board recruitment and funding links to NASA and JPL dating back 40+ years.[40]

Defense Contract Audit Agency

Paddock was part of the covenant of secrecy of a blood oath secret brotherhood of freemasons and Scottish Rite of the U.S. Department of Defense (Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) as well as Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Government’s largest military contractor. That’s the way they roll.

The Department of Defense DCAA division is one of a group of nebulous and multi-purpose investigative and enforcement agencies lumped together in the same department and budget heading, with reporting responsibilities directly to DOD Director Level. Alongside the DCAA exist sister agencies of the same classification, including the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Security Agency (NSA). From the DCAA, Paddock was a licensed pilot with at least two planes  that progressed to an internal auditing role inside a classified Lockheed Martinpredecessor company”, where he worked from 1985–89 on an undisclosed project.[41]

DCAA would include secret monitoring the funding for HAARP. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric control and weather modification research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT).[42] It is reasonable to assume that Paddock had top secret, classified military, FBI and CIA intelligence clearances. He had access to top secret black budgets, classified funding sources and spending categories that the U.S. President and Congress have no power to even see.  So, it isn’t unreasonable to assume that the people that surrounded him also had top secret military intelligence/CIA clearances including his alleged girlfriend, Marilou Dantley.

Central Intelligence Agency

Marilou Danley” immigrated to the United States under the name “Marilou Ocampo Natividad” in 1986, married Geary Danley in 1990 and took his surname. Prior to immigrating, Marilou was a known Muay Thai and Eskrina martial arts fighter under the alias, “Marilou Ocampo.Eskrima is a weapon-based Filipino martial art that has been around since at least the 15th century. It makes sense. Her first husband was known as an Australian boxer, Leslie Darcey. He was a former welterweight boxer and well-regarded local businessman. His wife, Marilou, was 25 years his junior and had become an Australian citizen after migrating from the Philippines.[43]

But one thing is extremely “SPOOKY“, the legendary Australian boxer Leslie “Les” Darcy died in 1917. Leslie Darcy has been dead for a 100 years. [44] Marilou became politically active in the late 1970s. As an elected local official in the mid-1980s, she became embroiled in the controversy over American development aid (U.S. AID) covertly provided by the CIA to promote pro American sentiment during the lead up to and in the wake of President Marcos resignation.[45]  The Philippines is the top recipient of American foreign aid among Southeast Asian countries, receiving $236.9 million in 2015. Unlike other donors, U.S. development assistance is channeled in the form of grants as opposed to loans.[46]

Dixie Carl W. Ford, Jr.

Researchers say they found Marilou Danley’s immigration records and she was sponsored by a CIA agent.  When she immigrated, she was sponsored by Carl W. Ford, Jr.  According to official U.S. State Department archives,

Dixie Carl W. Ford, Jr. was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research on May 31, 2001. Born in 1943 in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Mr. Ford graduated from Hot Springs High School in 1960, and after 2 years at Florida State University in Tallahassee, joined the U.S. Army. He graduated from Infantry OCS in December 1963 and a month later from the Airborne School. After a tour with the 29th Infantry Battalion, 197th Infantry Brigade, in Fort Benning, Georgia, Mr. Ford served in Vietnam with MACV from 1965 to 1966.

Having completed his tour in Vietnam, Mr. Ford returned to university and in 1968 received a B.A. in Asian Studies and in 1969 and M.A. in East Asian Studies. He rejoined the U.S. Army as Military Intelligence Officer and after graduating from the Area Intelligence Officer Course at Fort Holabird, Maryland, he served with the 525th MI Group in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam from 1970 to 1971. Upon his return to the United States, he was assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency as China Strategic Intelligence Officer. Mr. Ford resigned his Regular Army commission in 1974 to accept a position as China analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He also briefly followed developments in North Korea before being selected in 1978 as CIA Congressional Foreign Affairs Fellow. He served in the office of Senator John Glenn as legislative assistant for arms control and foreign policy.

In 1979, Mr. Ford left the CIA to become the professional staff member responsible for East Asia on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. In 1981, he was concurrently appointed as Senator Glenn’s Foreign Policy and Defense Issues Director. During Senator Glenn’s Presidential Campaign in 1984 he served as the candidate’s foreign policy and defense advisor. He returned to the CIA as the National Intelligence Officer for East Asia in 1985.

In April 1989, Ford was sent to the Department of Defense on loan from the CIA to serve as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (ISA) and concurrently Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and the Pacific. He served as Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for ISA from May 1989 until August 1989. In August 1991, Mr. Ford was again appointed Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense and served in that capacity until December 1991, when he assumed the concurrent duties of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs, while retaining his Principal Deputy portfolio until February 1993. Mr. Ford retired from the CIA in May 1993 after almost 28 years of government service to establish his own international strategic consulting firm, Ford and Associates, in Washington, DC.”[47]

Mr. Ford specialized in providing strategic and tactical advice to American companies such as LOCKHEED MARTIN, Boeing, and Raytheon doing business with the militaries in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.[48]

Everybody that surrounds Stephen Paddock is military intelligence and CIASPOOKS!” The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) has to be one of the most powerful agencies of the federal government. This is where they conceal the covert white budgets financing CIA and U.S. Pentagon secret armies, covert operations and projects like the 9-11 Inside Job, HAARP, Weather Modification Research and Warfare, and MK ULTRA- MONARCH Mind Control and Assassination Projects. This is where taxpayers’ dollars by the trillions drop into a virtual bottomless pit of graft, theft, corruption, and criminal fraud. The U.S. Defense Department’s budget is nearly $600 billion, but accounting malfeasances and missing funds run into the trillions of dollars. Nobody knows where the money is or went. Nobody is supposed to know! That’s the way the Masonic Brotherhood of Death and Secrecy rolls.[49]

Stephen Craig Paddock is one of the U.S. Defense Department and Pentagon’s key best friends, and most valuable trusted assets. He will be taken care of. And, whatever went down in Las Vegas needed Paddock’s longstanding creditability with the Defense Department and CIA as bait, carrot on a stick, to draw some very high level operatives into a trap.



Clintons, Route 91 Harvest & the Dixie Music Festival

The Dixie Route 91 Harvest is a country music festival that is held annually at Las Vegas Village in Paradise, NV.[50] The festival is promoted by Live Nation Entertainment. The president and CEO of Live Nation is the Royal Canadian MI-5 or MI- 6 Michael J. Rapino (Ashkenazi Jew) .

Rapino is a major donor to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton FoundationRapino was also a major democratic donor to Barack Obama and friend of Obama’s White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett PIZZAGATE’s John Podesta, former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton, and Valerie Jarrett were key Obama White House advisers.

Bill Clinton & Jacques de Molay, 23rd- last Grand Master of the Knights Templar

At 15 years old, Dixie Bill Clinton walked into the York Rite Masonic Temple at 311 West Grand Hot Springs, Arkansas to sell his soul to the Baphomet.

He was initiated into the Confederate  Luciferian Masonic Order of Albert Pike.  Under Pike, Arkansas became the major South Branch of the secret Masonic Scottish Rite Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan. The Albert Pike Highway runs from Hot SpringsArkansas to Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Bill Clinton was initiated into the Hot Springs Chapter of DeMolay in Hot Springs, in 1961, where he served as Master Councilor. He received the Chevalier in 1964, and the Legion of Honor in 1979. Clinton was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on May 1, 1988. It may not be a per se Masonic Temple, but nevertheless, it is a secret demonic Masonic Order of the York Rite and Knights Templar.

Dixie Mafia and Carlos Marcello of Italian Mob

Dan Lasater of the Dixie Mafia was a convicted major cocaine distributor and a longtime good friend and associate of Bill Clinton. The Dixie Mafia is well beyond a handful of 1960s racist criminals in Biloxi, MS. It may go back to the 1920s and Carlos Marcello of the Italian Mafia linking his national/international criminal enterprises with what he called “Confederates” in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Clintons are attractive on the surface. As Yale Law School graduates they have mastered the language and style of the mandarin class. It is only when you walk through the mirrors into the Arkansas underworld whence they came that you begin to realize that something is wrong. You learn that Bill Clinton grew up in the Dixie Mafia stronghold of Hot Springs, and that his brother was a drug dealer with ties to the Medilin Cartel. You learn that a cocaine distributor named Dan Lasater was an intimate friend, and that Lasater’s top aide would later be given a post in charge of administration (and drug testing) at the White House. You learn that Arkansas was a mini-Colombia within the United States, infested by narco-corruption.”

The Route 91 Harvest country music festival with the hand-prints of the Clintons all over it filed with the Dixie sons, daughters and sympathizers of the Lost Cause Confederacy was the perfect venue to attempt to pull off the Stephen Paddock False Flag Operation in PARADISE,  NV.

From Shamballa to Paradise

Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth’s core. It is related to the Hollow Earth theory and is a popular subject in Esotericism. Agartha is one of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers.  Shamballa (also known as Shambalah or Shangri-La) is sometimes said to be its capital city. The mythical PARADISE of Shamballa is known under many different names: It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, the Land of Radiant Spirits, the Land of Living Fire, the Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones”) – the land from which the Vedas come; the Chinese as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother of the West; the Russian Old Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belovodye and the Kirghiz people as Janaidar. But throughout Asia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning ‘the place of peace, of tranquility. It is a paradise of tranquility only for the Aryan kings, nobles and worthy ones.

In their secret underground bases they have created sexual traumas to many women with horrible rapes, thus blocking the flow of sexual energy on planet Earth. They also created traumas to produce multiple personality disorders, using victims of this process as slaves.”

Stephen Paddock & Paradise Ranch

Paddock’s employer is listed as Paradise Ranch 21, LLC. He ran some type of office business out of the building listed as Paradise Ranch 21. It appears to be a joint venture of some kind for tax purposes. Each of these LLCs owns a portion of a conglomerate that developed a condo complex in Henderson, NV.[51]

Stephen Paddock owns a business right across from my building. It’s called “Paradise Ranch”. I always had a suspicion he may have sold hookers or something like that. Very high class business men with very cocky guards (never seen any guns on the guards) would enter in and out of there.”[52]

Cameron Freeman writes: ‘When we start to dig deeper into the background of the Las Vegas patsy, things start to get very dark. Given that he stopped working in the 1980’s after leaving the deep state defense contractor Thiokol, the most obvious question is how did Steven Paddock make his millions? We know he owned two planes and had a pilots license. And we also know that his main company since 2004 is called Paradise Ranch, a joint venture with the Philippine Children’s Fund of America, a CA charity that “”Provides a transitional home for American children we fly from the Philippines”. Now, strangely enough, there is also a Paradise Ranch in the Philippines, his partners home country.  And this Paradise Ranch is right next to a former US Air Force base in the Clark Freeport Zone in Angeles City – a very well-known site of large-scale sex trafficking, So the obvious question is, did Paddock make his millions as an ex-CIA pilot running a human sex trafficking ring out of the Phillipines? A Pedogate connection would explain a lot of the weirdness and evasiveness surrounding the official story here, hey?’ — Cameron Freeman I personally have not verified the above. There has been rampant speculation & rumor that Paddock may have been running guns for the FBI or CIA to ISIS, who has a stronghold in the Philippines. The observations above by Cameron suggest he may have also been running something else. #Pizzagate / #Pedogate / #ChildTrafficking[53]

Paradise Ranch in the Philippines not Paddock’s Paradise Ranch 21 LCC is a joint venture with Philippine Children of America. However, the name, “Paradise Ranch” is the important and significant detail to take note of. However, one of Paddock’s plane subsequently came under the ownership of John W. Rogers, 6544 Fairway Forest Drive, Roanoke, VA 24018 that also house Eternal Cry Youth Ministries.[54],[55],[56]

Dixie U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Dr. John Rogers

Dixie Dr. John Rogers is a native of Mystick Krewe of Comus’ New Orleans, Louisiana.  His background is also veiled and shrouded in mystery. In 1997, Rogers married “Frances C” a listed resident of  6544 Fairway Forest Drive, in New Orleans. He attended Hobart College and earned his bachelor’s degree in physics. He then received his M.D. from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in 1999. Dr. Rogers completed his internship in internal medicine at the Ochsner Foundation Hospital and Clinic in New Orleans.  He completed his residency in radiation oncology at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he also served as chief resident. He received board certification in radiation oncology in 2006.

King of the Albert Pike’s Confederate Brotherhood Mardi Gras, Dr. Alton Oschner

Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans is a notorious CIA MK DELTA (Louisiana/Oschner), a sub project of MK ULTRA/MONARCH, facility founded by the former high level government, military intelligence/CIA- FBI operative, Dr. Alton Oschner, Sr. linked to the Assassination of JFK.  In 1948, he was named Rex, King of Mardi Gras Rex, the Mardi Gras krewe.

Dr. Rogers may be a U.S. Air Force pilot. He serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the reserves of the US Air ForceLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) is the second Field Officer rank in the U.S. Air Force. It ranks just above Major and below Colonel.  Dr. Rogers participated in basic science and clinical research related to multiple cancer sites with results published in several journals. He is an active member of the American Society of Radiation Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States.[57] Frank B. Vivian is listed as administrator, principal and owner of Eternal Cry Youth Ministries, 6544 Fairway Forest Dr., Roanoke, VA (vivianfrank.com).[58],[59] It is very likely that with Paddock’s former plane, covert runs through Paradise Ranch in the Philippines picking up PIZZAGATE children continued through Eternal Cry.

Marilou Dantley’s LinkedIn lists her as working as a “high limit hostess” at “Club Paradise”, Atlantis Casino in Reno between 2010 and 2013.[60] Most of the Las Vegas Strip is in “Paradise, Clark County” – including the Mandalay Bay, Luxor, Excalibur, and Circus Circus, all owned by Mandalay Resort Group.[61]

ZOOCOBIA- Paradise Ranch- Philippines- Similar 3 Powerpuff Characters

The specific name “PARADISE RANCH” is directly attached to a former section of U.S. Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. Clark Air Base is a Philippine Air Force base on Luzon Island about 40 miles northwest of Metro Manila. The base covered 14.3 square miles with a military reservation extending north that covered another 230 square miles. The base was a stronghold of the combined Filipino and American forces during the final months of WW II and a backbone of logistical support during the Vietnam Aggression until 1975.  Following the departure of American forces in 1991, the base eventually became the site of Clark International Airport, the Clark Freeport Zone, and Air Force City of the Philippine Air Force.[62]

The U.S. Air Force facility commonly known as Area 51 is a highly classified remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base in Nevada is also referred to as “PARADISE RANCH”.[63] Nevertheless, Paradise Ranch is a joint venture with the Philippine Children’s Fund of America, a Sacramento, CA charity with an office in Clark Field which looks after some 52,000 children of American fathers abandoned after the closure of US military bases. Provides transitional home for American children we fly from the Philippines.”[64],[65]



Eric and Stephen Paddock Transfixed Watching The Powerpuff Girls

Philippines? Stephen Paddock- Looks Like Tropical Shorts or Pants

Paddock is directly associated with the internet handle “pwrpuff78”. The Powerpuff Girls is an American superhero animated television series created by animator Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network over 20 (twenty) years ago. The series officially premiered on November 18, 1998, lasting 6 seasons until 2005 with 78 (Seventy Eight) episodes total- pwrpuff78. That means that both Eric and Stephen have both been in the clandestine CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trafficking of children, and the mind control game a long time. I suspect that they used The Powerpuff Girls not only as a teaching guide, but also a ritual sexual trauma abuse sex slave programming guide for PIZZAGATE Philippine children that they flew out of islands.

Not much is really known about McCracken. His father died when he was 7 (seven) years old in Charleori, PA. Charleroi was named after Charleroi, Belgium. The family moved to California. Tellingly. He teamed up very tightly with the Russian Jew Genndy Tartakovsky, a fellow well known animator.  Is McCracken a Belgium Kabbalah Jew?

Genndy’s interesting. Tartakovsky was born in 1970, in Moscow, when Russia was still a Communist country. His father, Boris, was a government dentist who took care of the Russian hockey team at a clinic where he supervised dozens of other dentists. Tartakovsky recalled that one time his father had to work on a Russian Cabinet member while soldiers stood guard outside. Because of Boris Tartakovsky’s position within the government, the Tartakovsky family lived well—they had a three–bedroom apartment and ate caviar.  for breakfast. In 1977, Genndy  also at 7 (seven) years old moved to the U.S., the same age as McCracken when he moved to California. CoincidenceBoris and his family were granted political asylum in the U.S. by the CIA and U.S. Military Intelligence! Read more: http://www.notablebiographies.com/newsmakers2/2004-Q-Z/Tartakovsky-Genndy.html#ixzz4vvIeqvqM

The show centers on HannaBarbera Productions’ Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, 3 (three) girls with superpowers, as well as their father, the brainy scientist Professor Utonium, who all lived in the city of Townsville. The girls are frequently called upon by the town’s childlike and naive mayor to help fight nearby criminals using their powers.[66]

McCracken is married to Lauren Johanna FAUST (born July 25, 1974) is an animator, screenwriter, director, and producer. She worked frequently with her husband as an animator on The Powerpuff Girls. She has worked with Cartoon Network Studios, Warner Bros., Hasbro, and Disney.[67] Is Faust a Kabbalah Jew? Her first husband Siberfein is a Jewish surname.

Mephistopheles, HIM, and Faust

In Medieval Germany, FAUST called on the Devil for further knowledge and magic powers with which to indulge all the pleasure and knowledge of the world. In response, the Devil’s representative, Mephistopheles, appears. He makes a bargain with Faust: Mephistopheles will serve Faust with his magic powers for a set number of years, but at the end of the term, the Devil will claim Faust’s soul, and Faust will be eternally enslaved.[68]

If FAUST didn’t matter, then HIM (Lucifer- the DEVIL) wouldn’t have made HIS appearance in the children’s series, The Powerpuff Girls, whose core target audience saw ages 6 (six) to 14 years old.[69]

HIM is a sinister, cross-dresser transsexual demonic villain who loves nothing more than CHAOS and DESTRUCTION. He is #3 in The Powerpuff Girls Top 10 list of archenemies. His first appearance was in season one of the 1998 version of the series in the episode Octi (October) EVIL.[70]

Professor Utonium (plutonium) created The Powerpuff Girls with Chemical X is a mysterious black substance that grants freakish supernatural powers. The professor’s lab coat represents Iatrogenic (doctor- medical technician) CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH chemical and trauma mind control programs.

Plutonium was injected into a comatose patient in Boston by the CIA MK ULTRA Neurosurgeon Dr. William H. Sweet, a member of the Harvard brain electrode team; plutonium was placed in the cereal of mentally handicapped children at the Fernald School in New England; 751 pregnant women were injected with plutonium at Vanderbilt University.[71] I discovered that plutonium may have been covertly fed to Black children in the Oakland United School District’s “SHANS”-School, Health and Nutrition Services project. The federal government has refused to respond to any of my numerous FOIA requests about OUSD and the SHANS’ program. [72]

Whatever happened in Las Vegas October 1, 2017 at Mandalay Bay Casino was real heavy stuff (weapons and PIZZAGATE children) that needed Stephen Paddock’s face and his established long term trust and credibility with the CIA and DoD for the deal to go down, or it seems sting or entrap a number of people- a criminal ring.  There was a firefight and busts at what appears to be several casino locations in PARADISE.

The guy with the white shirt and shorts carrying 2.5- 3 million dollars in casino chips looks like Eric Paddock. Don’t get it twisted. This is going on at the Tropicana while the alleged shootings at the Mandalay Bay are active.

Notice that one of members of the FBI team is carrying a large Yellow Ambulance Plastic Stretcher for somebody injured or dead. The false flag shootings at Mandalay Bay was a cruel cover for whatever large scale firefight, take-down or assassinations that went down in other casinos and Las Vegas while the Mandalay Bay Chaos took place at the same time. FBI causalities were moved out of casinos and Las Vegas under cover the mass 21,000 people diversion.

Whoever the FBI setup, took down and betrayed must have their own intelligence teams. Because, Paddock appears to be still alive.

Even a CIA CNN shrill like Tucker Carlson can’t make up a story to cover this S.H.I.T! If Paddock didn’t die in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, he is certainly dead, now. Donald J. Drumpf is pushing America, and the entire world to the edge of Demonic Global Warfare, and Destruction.

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/06/trump-gathers-with-military-leaders-says-maybe-its-the-calm-before-the-storm/

[2] Id.

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_J._Selva

[4] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/tag/joseph-f-dunford/

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Indonesia

[6] https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/ciasuseofjournal00unit.pdf, pg. 33

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goths

[8] https://www.globalresearch.ca/atmospheric-geoengineering-weather-manipulation-contrails-and-chemtrails/20369

[9] Id.

[10] https://bluegrasstoday.com/the-story-behind-the-song-atlanta-is-burning/

[11] http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2017/oct/15/sarah-huckabee-sanders-20171015-1/

[12] https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/05/10/daily-press-briefing-principal-deputy-press-secretary-sarah-sanders

[13] https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/Louise_Wooster

[14] http://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2016/04/meet_birminghams_madam_through.html

[15] http://www.bhamwiki.com/w/Louise_Wooster

[16] http://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2016/04/meet_birminghams_madam_through.html

[17] http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2014/11/confederate_spy_one-legged_gov.html

[18] Sheridan, Jayne, Fashion, Media, Promotion, the new black magic, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, England,(2010), pg. 42

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Trenholm

[20] http:/ http://www.chab-belgium.com/pdf/english/Trenholm.pdf

[21] http://shipwrecks.com/the-real-rhett-butler-revealed/

[22] https://www.facebook.com/notes/e-lee-spence/the-real-rhett-butler/169051032511/

[23] http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/james/27889/

[24] http://theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=12227.0

[25] http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj33/04.html

[26] http://www.rense.com/general76/maa1k.htm

[27] http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/james/27889/

[28] http://www.chab-belgium.com/pdf/english/Trenholm.pdf

[29] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_gold

[30] http://shipwrecks.com/the-real-rhett-butler-revealed/

[31] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tennessee-traffic-stop-man-arrested-fully-automatic-weapons-ammunition/

[32] https://www.slideshare.net/ScottEdmisten/scott-edmisten-resume-2016

[33] http://www.nninc.com/about/locations/

[34] http://militarytributes.com/tribute/26#.WeLmNFtSyUk

[35] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/04/us/marilou-danley-stephen-paddock.html

[36] http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/10/04/las-vegas-shooter-stephen-paddock-had-government-jobs-bought-33-weapons-last-year.html

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin

[38] https://www.dutchsinse.com/12122015-large-pulse-of-radio-frequency-detected-coming-from-alaska-haarp-caught-in-action/

[39] https://www.facebook.com/GlobalMarchAgainstChemtrailsAndGeoengineering/posts/525417397666716

[40] https://medium.com/@hul10/las-vegas-shooter-linked-to-nasa-8ab3733ef991

[41] https://medium.com/@hul10/las-vegas-shooter-linked-to-nasa-8ab3733ef991

[42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program

[43] http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/las-vegas-shooting-marilou-danleys-previous-life-explored/news-story/0db60577daa5dd297aa9e0e19294305c

[44] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Darcy

[45] http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/143944525/marilou-danley-update

[46] https://www.devex.com/news/top-development-aid-donors-to-the-philippines-2015-89091

[47] https://2001-2009.state.gov/outofdate/bios/f/3425.htm

[48] htthttp://www.cnn.com/2016/08/23/politics/us-army-audit-accounting-errors/index.htmlps://www.understandingdc.com/page-3/

[49] https://www.activistpost.com/2017/03/10-trillion-missing-pentagon-no-one-not-even-dod-knows.html

[50] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Route_91_Harvest

[51] http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/143900319/steven-paddocks-llc#p143904617

[52] http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3660001/pg7?regp=bm9fMTUwODE3NjgwNA==

[53] https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2177474

[54] http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-vegas-plot-thickens-the-connection-between-the-shooter-and-an-intelligence-agency_102017

[55] https://bizindex.pub-dat.org/Browse/Entity/1732354

[56] http://www.directionus.com/va/roanoke/eternal-cry-youth-ministries.html

[57] http://blueridgecancercare.com/physicians/john-rogers-md/


[58] http://kalystath.com/state.php?s=VA&p=497-20315055-20315104

[59] https://bizstanding.com/directory/VA/ET/16/

[60] http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article176519766.html

[61] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise,_Nevada

[62] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clark_Air_Base

[63] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51

[64] http://www.pinoykids.org/about_us




[67] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Faust

[68] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust

[69] http://www.retail-merchandiser.com/7-print/featured-content/575-cartoon-network-enterprises

[70] http://powerpuffgirls.wikia.com/wiki/HIM

[71] http://www.cchrnewengland.org/2009/09/11/the-cia-mind-control-doctors-from-harvard-to-guantanamo/

[72] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2012/10/26/the-anatomy-of-an-oakland-political-assassination-the-bilderberg-group-trojan-horse-dr-marcus-a-foster/

[73] http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/filipinas/doc/cia.html

[74] Id.

[75] http://variety.com/exec/michael-rapino/

[76] https://www.therussophile.org/vegas-genocide-brought-to-you-by-the-deep-state-and-individuals-with-ties-to-globalists-communists-islamic-anti-gun-anti-american-sympathizer.html/#forward

[77] https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2170361


12 04 2017



The Donald J. Drumpf White House (WH) Spokesman,  wannabe Nazi SS Officer Little GoebbelsSean Spicer, defended the “Fuhrer” the other day during an official global WH briefing.  He said that Adolf Hitlerdidn’t even sink to using chemical weapons” during World War II. Well, that is a clear denial that the “Fuhrer” used chemical weapons at all. According to SS Spicer, Hitler was actually a humanitarian of the war. It was a big GRAND LIE. Later, he said, “When you come to sarin gas …. he [the Fuhrer] was not using the gas on his own people the same way …” 

Well, Hitler gassed the mentally ill, insane,handicapped, disabled, blind, and peasants (Life Not Worth Living). He gassed the Untermensch.  Untermenschen is a term that became infamous when the Nazis used it to describe non-Aryaninferior people” often referred to as “the masses from the East“, that is Jews, Roma, and Slavs. The term was also applied to most Blacks, and People of Color.

Dr. Harold W. Batchelor of the U.S. Army Fort Detrick Division of Biological and Chemical Warfare made a special pilgrimage to the Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes Doctor’s Tribunal in Germany to recruit SS Himmler’s most notorious fervent and fiendish Nazi biological warfare specialist Reichsgesundheitsführer Dr. Kurt Blome.

Dr. Kurt Friedrich Plötner headed Nazi Germany’s Biological and Warfare Program of racial mass murder. Dr. Blome is the fiend that promised Himmler and the Third Reich the “Mother of All Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction” to wipe out Allied Forces to end WWII once and for all to ensure a Nazi victory. Nazis and chemical weapons of mass destruction is a subject that America should tread very lightly.

Brokenback Air Base Attack: Drumpf, Lunacy, Crimes Against Humanity and Chemical Weapons in Syria

During Donald J. Drumpf’s act of criminal global aggression against the sovereign country of Syria on the other side of the earth and midnight, CNN, FOX, and most U.S. corporate news outlets have turned into the official war hawk White House and the Pentagon’s mass public population propaganda war desks. Leaders in Washington, Britain and Western corporate mass media outlets have once again set the stage for wider military aggression and intervention in Syria, and the glorification of mass murder, war and violence against people of color.

Days after the release of a forensically unproven chemical attack out of Khan Shaykhun, president select Donald J. Drumpf ordered a war criminal military strike on the Syrian government’s Shayrat Air Base slaughtering fourteen (14) people including nine (9) innocent children and civilians.[1] Shortly after the attack, the European Union funded United Kingdom based activist group Syrian Observation for Human Rights (SOHR), who works alongside the British Foreign Office (MI6), collated the rising death toll of those said to have been killed in the chemical attacks. It’s important to note, SOHR is a key UK ‘regime change’ agent – in an ongoing propaganda PR war to unseat the government of Bashar al Assad in Syria.[2]

The world is still waiting rather patiently for CNN, FOX, etc., and the demonic pathological liar Drumpf and his nest of dark force chicken hawks’ proof of a Sarin gas bomb attack, and evidence of President Assad’s personal complicity in the chemical weapon attack, if a chemical weapon attack by the Syrian government ever took place at all. In the Shayrat Air Base strikes, Drumpf gave Putin heads up before military strike on Syria. Former  National Adviser and ABC News contributor Richard Clarke said this attack, one of the quickest displays of force by a new president in recent history, is largely “symbolic.

This attack on one air base seems more symbolic,” Clarke said. “I think Secretary of Defense [General] James Mattis gave the president a list of options, this being the smallest. It was a targeted attack not designed to overwhelm the Syrian military … I think the president was trying to differentiate himself from his predecessor.”[3]


Also, Pentagon Spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said that U.S. officials notified Russian forces in advance of the strike and took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield. ABC News reported that an eyewitness says Syrian officials evacuated personnel and moved equipment ahead of the strike.[4]


Emperor (Drumpf) Caliguia

There are reports that the Russians even turned off their anti-missile system off to allow the emperor without clothesDrumpf’s sham missile strikes.[5] If the purpose of the attack was not to actually reduce and degrade Syria’s chemical weapon stockpile and Syria’s ability to use chemical weapons, then there was no real purpose in the air strike.

aaaaamichellebrokeback It served no deterrent effect. Drumpf’s Shayrat Air Base air strike on the other side of midnight cost the American taxpayers at least $100 million, and at least fourteen (14) innocent Syrian lives just to prop him up as America’s savior, the Commander and Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces.


But wait a minute, the full moon must have risen over the White House, because the lunacy there just became more crazier, and bizarre. Allegedly, the lunatic and DEVIL in the White House may have bombed Syria and mass murdered at least fourteen (14) people to heal his daughter’s broken heart, because she saw pictures of dead brown Syrian children allegedly killed by chemical weapons.

Apparently, her new unpaid executive level in the Lunatic WH Oval Office is “PRINCESS IVANKA.”



On Friday, January 17, 2017, two of the worlds most powerful (ILLUSIONARY) people of color were whisked away from the White House like two domestic servants and held incommunicado in such remote places of world like British territorial islands in the Caribbean Sea, and a French Polynesian Island (Teti’aroa) in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


Conspicuously missing in action in battle over World of Politics and Opinion is the former U.S. President, and Commander and Chief of Armed Forces, Leader of the National Democratic Party, Barack Obama, and the country’s former first lady, Michelle Obama. It really don’t matter what station of life black shadow government puppets attain, they are under strict mind control and remain visible to the public at the whim of the New World Order (NWO).


Barack and Michelle Obama are still nothing more than brainwashed Walter and Georgina in “GET OUT” to be used, abused, and tossed to the wind and the rain when the the NWO is finally finish with them. Or, or they can program them to be anything they want even clowns and “ROCK STARS.”

February 24, 2017, The Daily Mail- PROPAGANDA: 

Barack Obama was spotted in Manhattan on Friday, marking the first time the former president has been seen since he took his wife on a post-White House vacation to the Caribbean.  The former president was treated like a rock star, with a crowd of hundreds cheering him on as he left a meeting at an office building in the Flatiron District.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama, once the leader of free world is now programmed by his handlers to be “Like a Rock Star.” And, Obama is obediently acting out the part like a hapless and powerless MK ULTRA/MONARCH  Black Manchurian Candidate Slave. In his new role as a puppet NWO rock star, he is nothing more than a persistent whipping boy and scapegoat for Donald J. Drumpf’s LUNATIC WHITE HOUSE.




Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? Cecil Rhodes, 1876[6]

Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe

The Daily Mail is a British daily tabloid newspaper. First published in 1896 by the Press Barons, Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe, and his brother Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, it is the United Kingdom’s second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun.[7] The mass media newspaper owner Viscount Alfred Northcliffe veiled and covered things up for the British Empire. Lord Northcliffe’s private secretary was the gay spy, Scott Moncrieff. The Press Barons were related to the Rothschilds through marriage, owned a number of newspapers including The Times and the Daily Mail. Lord Northcliffe was a war monger linked to the cabal that started World War I. Beginning in 1913, Wellington House in London was at the centre of a plan to “create” and manufacturer public opinion. Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, installed Lord Northcliffe as the Wellington house director. The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of legendary British Empire mass population propagandist Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays (the nephew to Sigmund Freud). Funding was provided by the Royal family, the Rothschild and the Rockefellers.

Lord Northcliffe on Propaganda, 1918 Propaganda, he wrote, should be the pace-maker for policy, and should form opinion without opinion realizing that it is so being formed. This was the first and principal maxim of the principle of government by the consent of the governed”.[8]

You get that? Propaganda should get you to form an opinion without you realizing that is happening. This is what they call DEMOCRACY. But it is really a MONARCHY with us as the ‘subjects’ to be ruled. This is their plan on how to mask a MONARCHY as a DEMOCRACY. The British plan to rule the world would be accomplished through propaganda, wherein the people are covertly manipulated into giving their consent, without realizing they were being manipulated. That is the importance of propaganda to the New World Order people – it is how they plan to be successful in their secret Grand Plan to have the British nobility rule the entire world. This is what their World Government (aka the New World Order) looks like. It is a disguised monarchy, pretending to be a democracy.”[9]


In February 1918, Lord Northcliffe became the British Intelligence, Director of Propaganda in Enemy Countries. British Intelligence and Lord Northcliffe had what they called “Nationals” who were in charge of coordinating propaganda in other countries. “Nationals”, most likely knights, were appointed for France, Russia, Italy, United States, South America and other parts of the world. These “Nationals ” met together in conference twice a week to discuss the details of their campaign.[10] In May 1920, Lord Northcliffe published an article in The Times about the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” The article was entitled “The Jewish Peril.” Wellington House became the Tavistock Institute in 1921.[11] In 1921, Northcliffe suddenly became ill. He complained he was being poisoned, then died.

aaaaamichelleharold Viscount Rothermer, Charles Harmsworth

His Brother, Viscount Rothermer, took over the newspaper empire. Harold Harmsworth first a knight, then a baron, then a lord and then viscount.


1/7/1937, Fuhrer Hitler, Viscount Rothermere & Dr. Goebbels

Viscount Rothermere was a friend of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. He also glorified and rained down praise on the evil little Nazi genius, Josef Goebbels. Harmsworth was so wanting and desperate to be a part of Hitler’s inner circle of “The Thule Society (Thule-Gesellschaft) that he paid an Austrian princess that Hitler highly respected and adored to keep him informed and up to date with the Third Reich.[12]


Viscount Rothermer & Super Nazi Spy, Stephanie Julianne von Hohenlohe

Stephanie Julianne von Hohenlohe (born Stephany Julienne Richter) was a Nazi super spy close to Hitler and SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler that took all his money. She was an Austrian princess by her marriage to the diplomat Prince Friedrich Franz von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfurst, a member of the princely Hohenlohe family.[13]


Viscount Rothermere directed the Mail’s editorial stance towards Fascism and Nazism in the early 1930s. Rothermere’s 1933 leader “Youth Triumphant” praised the new Nazi regime’s accomplishments, and was subsequently used as propaganda by them.


Global Italian Dictator Global Head of State Mussolini & Sir Mosley

Sir Mosley was absolutely no global fascist and Nazi British joke to laugh about. Lord Rothermere and the Mail were also editorially sympathetic to Sir (British knight) Oswald Mosley and, the British Union of (Nazi) Fascists.


Rothermere wrote an article titled “Hurrah for the Blackshirts” in January 1934, praising Mosley for his “sound, commonsense, Conservative doctrine“, and pointing out that: “Young men may join the British Union of Fascists by writing to the Headquarters, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, S.W.”[14]


Jonathan Harold Esmond Vere Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere is the current inheritor of a newspaper and media empire founded by his racist New World Order war mongering family and fascist-Nazi great-grandfather, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere.[15] Recently, 4th Viscount Rothermere was publicly charged with documentary notice from Britain’s Foreign Office intelligence files of his forebears and the Daily Mail’s secret ties, collaboration, and glorification of Fascism, Nazism, the Occult, Luciferianism and the SS.[16]


Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess, The Ultimate Nazi Satanic Luciferian 

On July 6 1939, his great-grandfather personally appealed to the notoriously infamous Luciferian Thule Society occultist, Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy, to help settle “all outstanding problems” by organizing an international conference. “Could I ask you to use your influence in this direction. There is really no cleavage between the interests of Germany and Britain. This great world of ours is big enough for both countries.”[17] You certainly can’ get more closer to Hitler’s secret Satanic inner circle than Hess.


Viscount Rothermere & British Master Mason Prince Philip of England

Prince Philip’, the husband of Queen Elizabeth,, was initiated into Freemasonry at Navy Lodge No 2612, London, on December 5, 1952: “Present at the initiation were the Earl of Scarborough, grand master…and Geoffrey Fisher, archbishop of Canterbury. The lodge has many ties with the royal family as King Edward VII served as its first master in 1896 when he was Prince of Wales. King George VI…served as master when he was Duke of York. In 1928 H.R.H. Duke of Kent…was master and later became grand master of the Grand Lodge of England.” – William Denslow,10,000 Famous Freemasons, 1957. There is more than enough information on record to prove beyond all doubt that the British Royal Family and their Knights are not Christians but European Medieval Satanically (Sethian) inspired and covertly educated secret Witches and Pagans.


Prince Charles & Duchess wife Camilla Parker Bowles

The Prince of Wales  – the Queen’s eldest son [Charles] – is a well-known advocate of New Age philosophy and paranormal science.


British Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; May 24, 1819 –  January 22, 1901)

Numerous members of the royal family down the years, including, Victoria of England, attended Occultist séances where professional mediums channeled “messages” from DEMONIC/SATANIC  sources.


Prince Charles  has also availed routinely of the services of psychic healers and paranormal advisers.


Sir Laurens van der Post

Prince Charles himself was counseled for many years by the PEDOPHILE shamanic fantasist, Sir Laurens van der Post. What did Viscount Rothermere of the Daily Mail think of his forebear’s collaboration with fascists and Nazis that led to WWII, and millions dead all over the world? Nothing too much it seems. He’s like his Press Baron forebears, he also veils and cover things up for the New World Order, and crimes against democracy and humanity for the global racist, pedophile and Satanic Agenda of the British Empire.



Lunch with the DEVIL AND MI6


Luciferian Sir Bono

In March 2017, Viscount Rothermere, Daily Mail, and Bono of U2 collaborated with MI6 (British Foreign Service) to control mass population propaganda to veil the covert post- White House CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control reprogramming of Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama as “Walter and Georgina House Slaves.” Apparently, Michelle’s “Georgina Reprogramming” is not going pursuant to plans and schedule. In collaboration with the CIA, MI6 sent in one of its British Knight “Nationals”, Bono of U2, in collaboration with the Daily Mail to provide a veil and mass population propaganda diversion cover, or the Kiss of Death for Michelle Obama while they worked out the stags in her programming.


On March 17, 2017, it was widely reported globally by corporate mass media nationally propaganda led by the Daily Mail that both Barack and Michelle Obama had a highly publicized post- White House public outing, and lunch with Bono in New York City, NY.


Barack and Sir Bono in restaurant booth. Where is Michelle Obama? She wasn’t there. Her widely publicized mass public appearance was covered up and veiled by a black female impostor.


As Michelle Obama climbed the stairs just ahead of Barack from an alleged lunch date with MI6 Sir Bono, part of her body disappeared. And, Michelle Obama has not been camera shy in the past.

Below, somebody across the street was able to get some good photo video evidence of Michelle’s body double seen in  a rush to take cover in a black SUV with a secret service agent with the very distinct brown shoes that followed closely behind her as she left the restaurant.  It appears that bystanders and spectators were herded across the street well away from Michelle to prevent any good pictures to be taken of her when she exited the restaurant.


Leaving the restaurant, Michelle was followed closely by an agent with the brown shoes.  He is not in the photo with Michelle, because it has been Photoshop-ed. Notice the female bystander casually standing directly behind a secret service agent, that doesn’t happen within a secret service protection perimeter.

The secret service agent and Michelle Obama were Photoshop-ed into her Daily Mail pictures.


Barack Obama Leaving the Restaurant with a Special Secret

Where is the secret service agent standing in front of the female bystander?  He’s not there because he was Photoshop-ed into Michelle’s photo. The black female filmed rushing out of the restaurant just ahead of Barack Obama was not Michelle.

This is a Female Impostor- Michelle’s CIA and MI6 Body Double



U2 is an Anti-Christ band lead by Bono, who sung, “I stand with the sons of Cain” and “Helter Skelter” as he held an upside down cross.[18]


Sir Bono, the Kiss of Death

He has worn it while singing the Rolling Stones’ vile song “Sympathy for the Devil” (Joseph Schimmel, The Submerging Church, DVD, 2012).[19]


Charles Manson, Healter Skelter

The 7 (seven) murders attributed to the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Satanic Charles Manson Family in 1969, were essentially to be blamed on the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, which would result in a “race world” and justification to wholesale slaughter black people. The Manson Family scrawled “Death to Pigs” and “Healter Skelter” with white victim’s blood at the crime scenes.[20]


Sir Bono often imitates Satan on stage. Bono believes that Satan used U2 to bring in unsuspecting youth, who were turned off by more openly Satanic bands. As Bono once said: “It’s all a con—a way of putting people off from the fact that it is a heavy mother. It’s probably our most serious record yet it’s the least serious title. It just fooled everyone. They thought we’d lightened up—which is totally untrue. We’re miserable bastards.”[21]  Bono also denies Jesus Christ by putting a cross around his neck and then singing, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”. Asked if Jesus was “THE WAY”, he replied, “I don’t accept that”. In one song Bono blasphemously misquotes the 23rd Psalm by saying, “I have cursed thy rod and thy staff, they no longer comfort me”. In another blasphemous song Bono says to Jesus, “Wake up dead man”; as he mocks Christ as being too helpless to help anyone.[22]


Satanist Kenneth Anger

Bono has aggressively promoted the movies of the occultist Kenneth Anger. When Bono was considering establishing ZooTV to rival MTV, he envisioned it “as a window for the world to see the films of Kenneth Anger” (Bill Flanagan, U2: At the End of the World, 1996, p. 477). Bono told Details magazine, “Part of America’s dilemma is its TV because as a mirror it’s a pretty distorted one. I mean, where can you see Kenneth Anger films in the United States?” (“Turning Money into Light, Details magazine, Feb. 1, 1994).


Anger, a homosexual, who has “Lucifer” tattooed into his chest, wrote the foreword to Anton LaVey’s books “The Devil’s Notebook” and “Satan Speaks.” Anger exalts the occultist and moral pervert Aleister Crowley in the movie “Lucifer Rising: Invokation of My Demon Brother.” He promotes Crowley’s vision of a New Age world order called the “Age of Horus.” Anger’s movie “Invocation of My Demon Brother” starred LaVey and Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Anger joined Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page guitarist in trying to exorcise Crowley’s former residence in Scotland of what they believed to be “a headless man’s ghost.”[23]


A terrifying Satanic cult whose young members mutilate themselves has been holding meetings on the hill above the homes of Ireland’s rich and famous celebrates. Killney Hill, which overlooks the house of millionaire Bono has been the scene of Satanic Sacrifices.[24]


The Killiney Obelisk, 512 Feet Above Sea Level Located on Killiney Hill, 1742 and 1840


The Obelisk on Killiney Hill is also called, “The Witches Hat.” The hill offers views over the surrounding areas: Dublin to the northwest; the Irish Sea and the mountains of Wales to the east and southeast.[25]


Ancient Dance of the Nymphs

Ireland is an old land of very ancient traditions. The hill is associated with an ancient Cill, meaning churchKil. The church referred to was said to date back to the sixth century AD, and was purportedly dedicated to the 5 or 6 virgin daughters of the local patron saint, Lenin. Other than that, little is known or revealed about the daughters or Lenin and the ancient history of the hill. However, there is some ancient Satanic Magick tradition that drew Satanist Bono and the Satanic Cult to the hill.


In Greek Mythology, the Dactyls were the archaic mythical race of male beings associated with the Great Mother, whether Cybele or Rhea. The Dactyls were both ancient smiths and healing magicians. In some myths, they are in Hephaestus (Vulcan) employ, and they taught metalworking, mathematics, and the alphabet to humans.[26]

Ley-lines: (‘Ley’,’lea’ – ‘A clearing’),(‘Heilige Linien’ to the Germans ‘Fairy paths’ to the Irish, ‘Dragon Lines’ to the Chinese, ‘Spirit Lines’ to Peruvians and ‘Song Paths’ to the Australian Aborigines – and so on around the world).[27]

The Dactyls are not so outlandish after all, and it makes a lot sense. Scotland and Ireland sit atop a rock mass that is close to being the oldest earth, the original earth, formed billions of years ago. The original earth mass possess an electromagnetic frequency fingerprint that connect it to other parts of the old earth called “ancient (Ley) grid lines.” It has a secret earth code that connect Scotland and Ireland to the ancient Land of Kemet (Egypt) and other mysterious sites (Pyramids, The Stonehenge, and Teotihuacan) connected to the most old Great Mother (Goddesses Isis, Hathor).[28]

Hecaterus or Hekateros was a minor god and the father of 5 (five) daughters (the Hecaterides) by the daughter of Phoroneus, and through the grandfather of the Oreads, Satyrs, and Curetes. His name has been interpreted as referring to the hekateris (a rustic dance which involves quickly moving hands), and himself as a patron or personification of this dance.[29]


Strabo, Geography 10. 3. 19 (trans. Jones) (Greek geographer C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) : “Further, one might also find . . . these Daimones … were called, not only ministers of gods, but also gods themselves. For instance, Hesiod says that five daughters were born to Hekateros (Hecaterus) and the daughter of Phoroneus, ‘from whom sprang the Mountain (oureiai) Nymphai (Nymphs), goddesses, and the breed of Satyroi (Satyrs), creatures worthless and unfit for work, and also the Kouretes (Curetes), sportive gods, dancers.’”[30] I believe that the six (6) daughters are associated with an ancient temple of Killiney Hill of the ancient Greek and Roman cult, and the Bacchic Dance Of The Nymphs.


Goddess Cybele’s son, the Greek God Pan of “dance” has no primary partner, his ladies were the nymphs. The music of the syrinx was known to make people dance and lower their inhibitions, it was the perfect instrument for the life loving, erection-toting Pan. It was said that when Pan played his syrinx he could drive people mad with its music. The sound of the syrinx filled people with the lustful nature of Pan, and as a result, they often lost control.[31]


Killiney Hill also has a small step pyramid used by witches as The Wishing Stone“. To make a wish, you have to walk anti-clockwise around the pyramid from bottom to top using the intermediary steps to progress up to the next level.[32] Killiney Hill is more likely than not an ancient electromagnetic hot spot on the Ley-lines grid.

People like Bono and his secret societies truly believe that they are linked spiritually and genetically with a like mysterious archaic Mythical Race of the Dactyls, and that they alone naturally hold the keys to the ancient mysterious earth codes, secret energy, and the universe.

Sir Bono, Barack & the Homosexual Agenda


Luciferian Sir Bono & Barack Obama

Bono (U2) is a rumored bisexual. A male musician claims he had sex with Bono once. Like his fellow knight in the chain of possession of postWhite House Barack and Michelle Obama, Sir Richard Branson, Bono is a male- female cross dresser.


Sir Bono, U2 Cross Dressed Females

If he a Satanist and he certainly claims to be, then he also certainly roll “Pan-sexual” with the Greek God Pan, and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[33]

Bono & British and French Blood Oath Secret Knights


ILLUMINATIAll Seeing Eye Bono holds his proud “Honorary Knighthood” at the British ambassador’s official residence in Dublin, Ireland, on March 29, 2007. Bono was granted an honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom for “his services to the music industry and for his humanitarian work”, and has been made a Commandeur of the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Order of Arts and Letters). Its origin is attributed to the King of France Louis XI’s Order of Saint-Michael (established 1 August 1469) as acknowledged by French government sources.[34] The Order of St. Michael dedicated to the Archangel Michael conveyed to every member a gold badge of the image of the saint standing on a rock (Mont Saint-Michel) in combat with the serpent.[35] The Last Judgment, below, is part of a triptych attributed to German painter Hans Memling painted between 1467 and 1471. It is now in the National Museum in Gdansk in Poland.[36]


Archangel Michael is weighing souls and driving the damned towards Hell. (The sinner in St. Michael’s right-hand scale pan is a donor portrait of Tommaso Portinari.) On the left hand panel, the saved are being guided into heaven by St. Peter and angels.[37]

Sir Bono, The Bohemian Grove & Mass Deception

Sir Bono is also a pagan Luciferian member of the Bohemian Grove.[38]  In an article in a local newspaper, The Santa Rosa Sun, it reported on the Cult of Canaan and Legend of Moloch at the Bohemian Grove. The Moloch Pagan Cult involves human sacrifice. An observer and near victim described the Bohemian Grove inner hideaways, the closed sanctum, even the decor at secret locations, places where no outsider goes or servants penetrate. There is a secret UNDERGROUND lounge spelled U.N.derground, a Dark Room, a Leather Room and a Necrophilia Room.  The victim  also reported, “Slaves of advancing age or with failed programming were sacrificially murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove.”

It certainly appears that Michelle’s Georgina House Slave Reprogramming has failed. Is she in trouble of being liquidated or ritually sacrificed? I do believe so. Michelle appears to be out on a limb by herself. I don’t know if I should pray or cry for her. Normally, I pray for all of us, but I get down on my knees. With the DEVIL in the White House, we are all in serious trouble. These DEVILS and Demons don’t play with anyone. But, it is a temple of a BLOOD SPORT with the DEVIL that she has entered.

There are persistent rumors that Barack and Michelle are currently separated, and will dissolve their marriage. Their fairy tale and false heterosexual marriage is no longer necessary.

What I do know is that if she cant’t be reprogrammed, not adjusted to the program, but totally mentally rewired, Michelle knows far too much to stay alive for very much longer.  She may as we speak be already dying or dead.

Sir Bono is no personal friend of the Obamas. He is an extremely dangerous  MK ULTRA handler, programmer, and a”Satanist“. His father is the “Master of Deception“- Lucifer. Bono belongs to the chivalric order, order of chivalry, order of knighthood of both Anglo Saxon Britain and France in the inspiration of the original Catholic military orders of the Crusades, paired with medieval concepts of ideals of the chivalry and secret Dragon bloodlines, the EVIL of the Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun, and the Knights Templar.  Globally, he claims to be “representing the poorest and most vulnerable people“, but he is a liar and a complete fraud! Bono is an ILLUSION, “the caring face of global technocracy”, who, without any kind of mandate, has assumed the role of spokesperson for Africa, then used that role to provide “humanitarian cover” for the New World Order. He positions the Anglo West as the “Saviour of Africa” while he fails to acknowledge and discuss the crimes and deceptions of the G8 nations. Bono’s mission is to continually deliberately undermine Africa’s sovereignty, and legitimate campaigns for responsibility, accountability, and the “Limits of Justice“.[39]

[1] http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/04/07/without-proof-washingtons-gaslighting-over-syrian-chemical-attack-propels-us-missile-strikes/

[2] Id.

[3] http://abcnews.go.com/International/eyewitness-syrian-military-anticipated-us-raid/story?id=46641107

[4] https://www.balloon-juice.com/2017/04/07/the-strikes-against-al-shayrat-air-base-highly-detailed-security-theater-with-no-deterrent-effect/

[5] Id.

[6] https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/the-reading-library/scientology/scientology-roots/scientology-roots-chapter-nine-2-british-intelligence-and-propaganda/

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mail#Support_of_fascism

[8] https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/the-reading-library/scientology/scientology-roots/scientology-roots-chapter-nine-2-british-intelligence-and-propaganda/

[9] Id.

[10] https://mikemcclaughry.wordpress.com/the-reading-library/scientology/scientology-roots/scientology-roots-chapter-nine-2-british-intelligence-and-propaganda/

[11] http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/10/sex-ring-goldsmith-harmsworth-rothschild.html

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mail

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_von_Hohenlohe

[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mail#Support_of_fascism

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Harmsworth,_4th_Viscount_Rothermere

[16] https://www.theguardian.com/media/2005/apr/01/pressandpublishing.secondworldwar

[17] https://www.theguardian.com/media/2005/apr/01/pressandpublishing.secondworldwar

[18] http://www.babylonforsaken.com/thirdday.html

[19] https://kimolsen.net/2012/08/16/is-u2s-bono-a-christian/

[20] http://www.renegadetribune.com/helter-skelter-manufacturing-race-war-through-deception/

[21] http://www.babylonforsaken.com/thirdday.html

[22] Id.

[23] https://kimolsen.net/2012/08/16/is-u2s-bono-a-christian/

[24] https://thecolemanexperience.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/bono-and-the-satanists/

[25] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killiney_Hill

[26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dactyl_(mythology)

[27] http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/leylines.htm

[28] Id.

[29] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hecaterus

[30] http://www.theoi.com/Nymphe/Nymphai.html

[31] http://www.patheos.com/blogs/panmankey/2013/02/pan-the-god-of-all/

[32] http://www.sarahdelamer.com/apps/webstore/products/show/6122331

[33] https://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2015/01/28/which-rock-stars-are-gay-or-bisexual/

[34] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordre_des_Arts_et_des_Lettres

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Saint_Michael

[36] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Judgment_(Memling)

[37] Id.

[38] http://prince.org/msg/105/197431?pr

[39] http://www.hangthebankers.com/bono-exposed-as-a-complete-fraud/

[40] http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/short-michelle-obama-dines-bono-dublin-article-1.1376192

[41] http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/barack-michelle-obama-meet-bono-lunch-nyc-diners/story?id=46062675