16 02 2017





In the 1980s, the U.S. Justice Department spent $millions to bust the “PIZZA CONNECTION” nation wide.  All over the nation, Pizza Parlors were used as fronts by organized criminal syndicates to carry on enterprises of crime and corruption. These Pizza Parlors were involved in a way range of criminal activity.

In Oakland, a Pizza Parlor on 21st and Telegraph was taken over by a Chinese Triad. Out of the Pizza Parlor, they ran a prostitution and drug ring, and a full range of racketeering activity.  One job, they arranged for a black and Brown crack addicted addict to hijack a semi-trailer truck full of Toshiba laptops. I heard about the heist on the street. The addicts thought that they were going to get a load of laptops. They were taking orders for brand new Toshiba laptops from the streets. From inside information, they pulled off the heist. But, the Triad drove the truck directly to the Port of Oakland. They put the trailers on a ship, and shipped them off directly to Asia. I studied the prosecution case file page by page.

Off the case file, the Triads used the Pizza Parlor as one key real estate anchor to a future multi-million dollar local, state and federal funded land development project planned for the site. They had illegal and corrupt inside government information. Anyone in their way were removed.

Pizza Parlors used as fronts by organized criminal syndicates for racketeering activity is not unknown to local, state and federal law enforcement officials. It wasn’t FAKE NEWS then, and it certainly isn’t now. The names are slightly different, PIZZA CONNECTION to PIZZAGATE, but Pizza Parlors being used as fronts for organized criminal activity, the GAME is the SAME. If anyone tell you any different, THEY ARE BADLY MISINFORMED OR LYING!



On Oct 30, 1938, Orson Welles caused a nationwide panic with a radio broadcast of the “War of the Worlds”. It was a national radio broadcast of a totally fake story about a sudden alien invasion and their war for conquest of the world.

The Boy Would Cried Wolf


Michael Flynn & Son

The current public scare and hysteria surrounding PIZZAGATE was literally initiated by a November 3, 2016 political propaganda “Tweet” of an U.S. intelligence officer, traditional Roman Catholic Michael Thomas “Mike” Flynn. He is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general who was the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and is the 25th current National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump.[1]


Charles and Helen Andrews Flynn

Mike Flynn’s mother, devout Roman Catholic Irishwomen Helen Andrews, was a daughter of highly decorated WWII Silver Star U.S. Naval [NOI] Officer Frank Arland Andrews that specialized in U.S. advanced submarine [U-Boat] technology pioneered by the Nazis. In 1946, she married at St. Mary’s Cathedral Mike’s father, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant, Charles F. Flynn. Helen was a founding member and former director of Rhode Island Catholics for Life.[2]

His father, Charles F. Flynn, or Helen’s father Naval Officer Frank Andrews had been a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH). She was an original member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Women’s Auxiliary. The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is an Irish Catholic Masonic fraternal organization.[3]

During the 16th century reign of Queen Elizabeth I, she declared the Church of England to be the State religion, and considered Ireland part of her state. Most Irish did not agree. The Papacy launched a counter-reformation and Ireland became a battlefield between the two forces as the Irish, who embraced the Church introduced by St. Patrick, became the target of a campaign to reduce Rome’s power by converting the masses to Protestantism.[4]


The Ancient Order of Hibernians’ (AOH) occult (Masonic Fraternal Order) secret societies were formed in the 17th century or 1836 to protect Irish immigrants and the Roman Catholic Church.[5]

AOH members must be Catholic and either Irish-born or of Irish descent. Its largest membership is now in the U.S., where it was founded in NY city in 1836. Its name was adopted by groups of Irish immigrants in the United States. She was also a life-long and active parishioner of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Parish in Newport, RI.[6]

The Great Schism is the title given to separation between the Western Church (the Roman Catholic) and the Eastern Church, (the Orthodox), which took place in the eleventh century. Relations between the two great traditions of the East and the West had often been strained since the fourth century. Yet, unity and harmony was maintained in spite of differences in theological expression, liturgical practices, and views of authority. By the ninth century, however, legitimate differences were intensified by political circumstances, cultural clashes, papal claims, and the introduction in the West of the Filioque phrase into the Nicene Creed. The Filioque affirms that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. Both the papal claims and the Filioque were strongly repudiated by the East.[7]


In the year 1054 AD official charges, known as Anathamas, were exchanged. The Crusades, and especially the sack of the city of Constantinople by the western crusaders in 1204, can be considered the final element in the process of estrangement and deepening mistrust between the Catholic and the Orthodox.[8]


From that period onward, the Western Church, centered about the Pope of Rome, and the Eastern Church, centered about the Patriarch of Constantinople, went their separate ways. In the year 1968, the Patriarch looked toward the future and declared: May the Lord of mercy send as soon as possible to our holy Eastern and Western Churches the grace of celebrating the Divine Eucharist [blood Ritual] anew and of communicating again together… The common chalice stands out luminously on the horizon of the Church.[9]


This is an extremely very rare early Christian depiction of the Black Madonna and Mary Magdalene at the foot of Christ. There are two angels collecting his blood in cups for a secret Christian blood drinking rite.  The Eucharist (Ancient Symbolic Rite of Consumption of Human Flesh and Blood) is the center of life in the Orthodox because the Church is primarily an ancient cannibalistic rite Eucharistic community.[10]

CNN’s Jake Tapper & PIZZAGATE


So, I wandering about CNN’s anchor Jake Tapper and The Lead, and the State of the Union. He stays on top of the Drumpf Administration, and Drumpf calls CNNfake news“.


Jacob Paul Tapper is a Project Mockingbird Judaic Zionist that attended Akiba Hebrew Academy, since re-named Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy, which is proud of inculcating its students with loyalty to Israel. The son of a Jewish father and a mother who converted to Judaism, Tapper also attended Philadelphia Jewish Day School. His wife, Jennifer, too, is a Jew-by-Choice, and his sister, a Conservative rabbi, presided over his wedding.[11]


In these early passages written by Luke (Lk. 19:47) around the year 85 AD, he described the followers of Jesus as Jews that they went to “the temple area every day… .” As Jews, they sacrificed in the temple. Eucharistic (“my body, my blood”) practices and prayers are among the most ancient of the Jews. The sacrifice and the blood came to be looked upon as a “kapparah.” Nevertheless, the refined sense of the soul’s separation from God which is to be offset by another soul (blood) lies at the basis of what deniers call the blood libel (lies), Jewish Ritual Murder.


The Body of Saint Simon of Trento (1475)

Recently in Italy, Ariel Toaff, an Israeli university professor controversially published the book Ebrei d’Europa e Pasque di Sangue (European Jews and Blood Easters) where he hypothesized that some accusations of the past against Jews for their rituals were true. He was harshly criticized and had to call his book off.  Israel Shamir was among the few who supported his research. The focus is set on the figure of 2-year-old Saint Simon of Trento, also called Simonino da Trento, who was kidnapped and murdered by Jews. His body was found in a cellar of a Jewish owned house in Trento, Italy by local magistrates. There was even an eye-witness. Eight Jews were sentenced to death and executed in late June 1475.[12]


Jake and Jennifer Tapper

Jake Tapper’s wife, Jennifer, had an sit down interview with the before Comet Ping Pong was exposed as a front for an international CIA Luciferian  homosexual child trafficking pedophile ring.


Comet Ping Pong Pizza, Today and Yesterday 


Comet Ping Pong Secret Rituals


James Alefantis & Secret Ping Pong Pizza Homosexual Blood Ritual


Jimmy Comet- James Alefantis- Child Bondage

Part of the interview, Jennifer Tapper listed her favorite date night restaurant and her favorite restaurant with the kids: favorite date-night restaurant: Buck’s Fishing and Camping, favorite restaurants with the kids: Comet Ping Pong.[13],[14]


Why did Tapper freak out about his wife’s exposed favorite eat outs? Buck’s Fishing and Camping and Comet Ping Pong are owned by the Washington DC’s Goat God- Pan, James Achilles Alefantis.[15]


Derek Murphy Art

Tapper and wife, a secret part of the PIZZAGATE pedophile Eucharistic (blood rite) community, and the 9th Satanic Circle child sacrifice ring? I believe so.

Pathological Liar Mike Flynn & PIZZAGATE


Following General Flynn’s “Tweet” of November 3, 2016. On December 5, 2016, his son and direct business partner, Michael G. Flynn twitted out that “Until Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences‘ tied to it.”[16] Well, that’s not particularly true. The real “left” and a lot of other people have not forgot PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences‘ tied to Pizzagate.

However at this very moment, Drumpf’s NOW FORMER National Security Advisor, General Flynn, now supports the overall general government notion that PIZZAGATE is baseless, and a totally fake news story like Orson Welles’ infamous 1938 “War of the Worlds.” PIZZAGATE may have began with his November 3, 2016Tweet” about Democratic President Candidate Hilary Clinton and the actual horrific and SatanicSEX CRIMES WITH CHIDREN“.[17]

That’s a problem, because it is an outright admission that Drumpf’s national security advisor, General Mike T. Flynn is an admitted big cold blood Pathological LIAR– an Orson Welles of the 21th Century. It’s a serious global credibility issue that has just broken loose within the last couple of days.


Steve Bannon, Satan & Darth Vader- That’s Real POWER over the People

He has admitted to LYING AGAIN.. This time. It’s about his pre-election contacts with the Russian Ambassador. He has resigned. Well, Steve Bannon put it in the public’s face from the very beginning that the Donald J. Drumpf’s regime is a LuciferianDark and Evil Force.”  THEY ARE DARK PEOPLE. THEY DECEIVE AND THEY LIE!


In your face, Drumpf lies about his presidential executive order travel ban against Muslims, that the White House says really isn’t a religious travel band. It’s a deception that U.S. District Courts are finding that it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck- an unconstitutional selective enforcement of a special travel ban . It deliberately singles out a faith and religion for special treatment- Muslims. The Muslim travel ban, Drumpf and the White House are LYING!


In your face, Drumpf lied about Anti-Bondage/Civil War Champion Fredrick Douglass and Black History Month. He says that Douglass is still around making contributions to society at the age of 199- ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE. It’s deliberate deception and a BIG PATHOLOGICAL LIE!


Kellyann & the DEVIL

In your face, Drumpf’s White House Spokesman Kellyann Conway, national and international, justified the presidential executive order Muslim travel ban on the Bowling Green Massacre. It never happened. It was a deliberate act of deception, and a BIG PATHOLOGICAL LIE!


In your face, Drumpf put Ben Carson in the head seat of the multi-billion dollar funded U.S. Department of Housing, and Urban Department. Carson knows absolutely nothing about housing and urban development in America. He is a master of deception, and another BIG PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!


Carson first told the story years ago in his memoir Gifted Hands, describing how as a 17-year-old high school student he met and dined with Vietnam War Aggressor and International Crimes Against Humanity Violator, General William Westmoreland in 1969. The Negro is sick and out of his mind. Dining with General Westmoreland was a delusion. It was a BIG LIE! Carson also said that he applied and was accepted into the prestigious U.S. Military Academy at West Point. That too was a BIG PATHOLOGICAL LIE!


The bottom line is that General Flynn is a sick PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, who you can’t believe anything he has said today, yesterday and in the future- national or internationally, IRAN, PUTIN and RUSSIA.


The leader of America’s Dark Forces, Steven Bannon, is on the job covering America’s National Security. However, when General Flynn says that PIZZAGATE is Fake News. He is LYING, AGAIN!






James A. Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington DC at the heart of General Flynn’s PIZZAGATE, and his family are connected to a virtually unknown powerful international ancient Greek ultra secret Masonic society, Order of the AHEPA,  the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. They are also associated with the  Hellenic Orthodox Church of Annunciation (Grandmother Helen Pappas Alefantis).[18]


Were Donald J. Drumpf and General Flynn more interested in fanning the flames of the ancient religious Great Schism between the east and west in publicly exposing PIZZAGATE, than justice for ALL? According to Steve Bannon, they keep the public in the “Dark” to conceal their true motives. One thing is clear. Drumpf and General Flynn have had their opportunity to bust open PIZZAGATE that would have led to the arrest and prosecution of Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Michael Weiner, John Podesta and , others, and covert agents of the CIA like that Greek Goat God, James Achilles Alefantis.


In regards to AHEPA, these people aren’t confused about their names. The public are the ones kept in the dark. Secret societies and their names are often veiled from the public under a cloud of deep ancient mystery. Hellenic– “pertaining to Greece,” 1640s, from Greek  Hellenikos-  “Hellenic Greek,” from Hellena Greek,” a word of unknown origin; traditionally from the name of an eponymous ancestor, Hellen, son of Deucalion.[19]


Deucalion was the son of Prometheus; ancient sources name his mother as Clymene, Hesione or Pronoia. He is closely connected with the flood myth, according to which, the anger of Zeus was ignited by the hubris of the Pelasgians (ancestors of the Greeks).[20]


Hubris– in its ancient Greek context, it typically describes behavior that defies the norms of behavior or challenges the gods, and which in turn brings about the downfall, or nemesis , of the perpetrator of hubris.[21]


Zeus decided to put an end to the Bronze Age. According to this story, Lycaon, the king of Arcadia, had sacrificed an infant to Zeus, who was appalled by this savage offering (butchered sacrificed infant). Zeus turned him into a werewolf, and unleashed a deluge, so that the rivers ran in torrents and the sea flooded the coastal plain, engulfed the foothills with spray, and washed everything clean. Deucalion, with the aid of his father Prometheus, was saved from this deluge by building a chest. Like the Biblical Noah and the Mesopotamian counterpart Utnapishtim, he uses his device to survive the deluge with his wife, Pyrrha. [22],[23]


To Homer, the Hellenes were a small tribe in southern Thessaly. In modern use in the arts, Hellenic is used of Greek work from the close of the primitive phase to the time of Alexander the Great or the Roman conquest (succeeded by the Hellenistic).[24]

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is a fraternal organization founded on July 26, 1922, in Atlanta, GA. AHEPA was founded in response to the evils of bigotry spearheaded by the KKK and to assist Greek immigrants assimilate into American society. AHEPA joined with B’nai B’rith and the NAACP in a campaign to combat discrimination.[25]

The Order of AHEPA was founded in 1922 at Atlanta, Georgia, as a fraternal, national, and patriotic society for men of Greek extraction: The order operates in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Greece. There were 60,000 members in 1989, including the auxiliaries the Daughters of Penelope (women), Maids of Athena (young women), and Sons of Pericles (young men). Alefantis’ grandmother, Helen Rappas- Alefantis, was a member of the Daughters of Penelope.[26] His mysterious father, Achilles Louis Alefantis aka Lee Alefantis, son of Louis George Alefantis, appears to be a member of the Order of AHEPA like his father. Lee Alefantis is certainly furtively- HELENIC from birth.

aaalefantisachillesTrojan War Heroes,  Achilles & Hector

The Greek hero Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of  Troy. He was killed near the end of the war by Paris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow. There is a legend that Achilles was invulnerable in all his body except for his heel.[27] Lee Alefantis, rarely mentioned anywhere, showed up in a review of a company called The owner of company called the “real star” of a Tasting Table development- LEE ALEFANTIS of TRIBECA [triangle] BUILDERS.[28]


Comet Pizza, Perth, Australia

Lee Alefantis and Tribeca Builders develop Comet Pizza restaurants around the world. They recently developed- 46 COMET PIZZA – PERTH AUSTRALIA.


Francisco Goya, Saturn Devouring His Son, 1819-1823

Reportedly, Lee described Comet Pizza in Australia as “Very dark and Satanic, Saturn imagery although the theme is ITALIAN FUTURISM. Saturn is the centre piece however. There doesn’t  appear to be much Italian Futurism going on. So, triangles, pizza, saturn[29],[30]

Among the more famous and power, quiet as kept, members were post WWII Mason/freemason U.S. Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt (who was initiated when governor of New York), and Harry S Truman. In 1989, about 5 percent of the membership was of non-Greek descent. The order has the trappings of a secret society on the Masonic model, with an initiation ritual and a vow of secrecy and ILLUMINATI signs.

AHEPA MOTHER LODGE DISTRICT NO. 1: All Chapters within the states of Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee and Mississippi. The degrees are the same as the elective offices —Officer of the Local Lodge, Officer of the State Lodge, and Officer of the Supreme Lodge — and these are also the three (3) levels of organization, on the usual Masonic plan. The order has the trappings of the Luciferian secret society on the Masonic Blue Lodge model, with an of initiation ritual and a Masonic vow of secrecy and signs.[33]

PIZZAGATE has a bigger and wider history in America that is all linked to a Luciferian Circle of Evil.




In English, L’Enfant translate as “Child” very similar if not the same as Alefantis.[35] It is nearly another form of spelling for Alefantis- Elefantis.

December 23, 1980, The Washington Post, The Pizza Parlor Puzzle:

“A New Jersey pizza supply company that authorities allege is a front for organized crime took over control of a pizza shop in downtown Washington’s L’Enfant Plaza earlier this year. Roma Food Enterprises, Inc., a fast-growing New Jersey-based company that authorities recently charged is tied to organized crime, became the owner of Luciano’s pizza restaurant, on the promenade level of L’Enfant Plaza. Roma said it initiated the takeover because the previous owner owed it more than $275,000 for pizza supplies, according to records filed with the District’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Law enforcement officials maintain that Roma’s efforts to gain control of pizza operations is only one example of organized crime’s growing efforts to infiltrate the lucrative cheese and pizza business nationally. Such control has long been a goal of the underworld, according to confidential U.S. Justice Department reports obtained by the Washington Post.[34]


During the 1980s, the Catalano faction of the Bonanno, and the Gambino family networks of La Cosa Nostra heroin rings used numerous pizza restaurants as covers to conceal heroin operations in New York, Washington DC, San Francisco and several other cities across the nation.


Salvatore J. Profaci, Colombo Mob

In Washington DC, the Roma Pizza Restaurant in L’Enfant was a Colombo crime family operation headed by Salvatore J. Profaci, son of late New York Mafia family boss Joseph Profaci. He had been one of the longest reigning mob bosses of the five leading Mafia families. Joe founded the Colombo Family Mob. The family was supposed be one of 9 (nine) mafia families involved with collaborating with the CIA in the assassination of JKF. However, Joe died of natural causes in 1962 in New Jersey. It was said that Salvatore directed his operations from Roma Foods Enterprises Inc. offices in South Plainfield, N.J. Profaci’s brother Dominic J. Profaci, a New Jersey attorney, was listed on D.C. alcoholic beverage control board records until March 1983 as an officer, director, registered agent and general counsel of Roma Foods.[36] The 1985- 87 “Pizza Connection” prosecution sting operation ended in the convictions of 18 men, including the Pizza Connection’s alleged architect, Sicilian crime boss Gaetano Badalamenti.[37]

President John F. Kennedy with Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., Nancy D’Alesandro- Pelosi in Background


Roman Catholic Democratic U.S. Senator Nancy Pelosi’s father Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. allegedly was an Argentine Jew that had “constant companion” of notorious mobster Benjamin “Benny Trotta” Magliano and other underworld figures during his political years in Baltimore, MD.  D’Alesandro was a Congressman for five terms from 1938 to 1947, and Baltimore mayor for three terms from 1947 to 1959.[38]


Murder, Inc., Frankie Carbo

Magliano was identified by the FBI as one of Baltimore’s “top hoodlums,” and he widely was acknowledged as the representative for New York’s Frankie Carbo who made his bones with Murder, Inc. and later became a made guy in the Lucchese family. Known as the Baltimore Crew, they represented the NY Gambino Mob. The allegations are included in D’Alesandro’s recently-released FBI files.[39]


D’Alesandro & Big Joe Bonanno

Since 1947, D’Alesandro had also been a constant companion of John Cataneo.[40] The Catalano [Cataneo] faction of the Bonanno syndicate were among the prime movers of the “Pizza Connection.”




Nancy & Big Paul Pelosi

Zionist Nancy’s shadowy investment banker husband, Paul Pelosi, is from a wealthy Argentine Jewish Italian Roman Catholic family.[41] Pelosi, Sr., is a resident of San Francisco, Paul Pelosi has many years of experience in advising emerging and Fortune 500 companies in the areas of finance, infrastructure, sustainability and public policy. Currently, he serves as a consultant to a several companies including NASA Ames Research Center.[42]


In late October 2014, Big Paul purchased between $100,000 and $250,000 in stock from green energy company Sun Edison.  Just three weeks later, the company acquired First Wind, a wind power company.  The purchase caused Sun Edison’s stock to soar 29%. Many believe that the purchase had been made thru one of many insider trading operations thru Nancy’s senate seat. Sun Edison hired the services of The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm run by James Alefantis, Hillary and Bill Clinton’s close friends, Tony and John Podesta.[43]


In San Francisco, Guccifer 2.0 leaks reveal that Nancy Pelosi’s email account is registered as a backdoor to Goat Hill Pizza, which has made numerous donations to the Democratic Party.[44]


Started in 1975, Goat Hill Pizza has been owned by most likely Roman Catholic Philip DeAndrade (Goat Hill, Inc.) since 1985, Task Force Chair for the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors. Goat Hill Pizza is listed at 300 Connecticut St., SF, while Ping Pong Pizza also has a Connecticut Ave address. [45],[46]


Goat Hill Halloween Party. This picture seems odd, because dude is not smiling and enjoying the affairs.


Goat Hill Halloween Party, and this creepy dude isn’t smiling, either. Coincidences between Pizza Parlors on the extreme east and west coasts of the country, Comet Ping Pong and Goat Hill Pizza? Well, guess who recently visited Goat Hill DeAndrade’s Linkedin profile- James Alefantis’  father, Lee Alefantis![47]




Mysterious West Coast Rep, “Mr. Steve”, of the Gambino Mob

Above is an extremely rare photo of Mr. Steve, the Oakland-SF Bay Area Link to the Mafia’s East Coast PIZZAGATE.  Thank God if only for a while, the “Pizza Connection” busts had a major impact on cutting off the sources of drug supplies to the Bay Area. In the “Pizzagate Connection“, in a major news conference federal law enforcement agencies identified Stephen Wilson, known as Mr. Steve to the East Coast Gambino Mob, as Oakland’s kingpin drug trafficker.


Former Oakland Mayor Lionel J. Wilson

Stephen was Oakland Mayor Wilson’s baby boy. Lionel J. Wilson (March 14, 1915 – February 23, 1998) was the black mayor of Oakland, CA, serving three terms as mayor of Oakland from 1977 until 1991. On the street, we called him, “Little Stevie.” He was Oakland’s golden boy. “Little Stevie” always had a big smile like a kid in front of a big bowl of ice cream and cherries. He was born with so many promises and advantages that very few shared. He had admiring young ladies by dozens, and the entire city was his platter.


West Coast NY Gambino Mob Drug Trafficker,  Sergio Maranghi

Mr. Steve was an major operative of the SF syndicate drug ring of Sergio Maranghi. Maranghi, born in Florence, Italy, had “direct ties with the Mafia” and was an associate of New York Mafia kingpin, Carlo Gambino. Allegedly, Maranghi was turned, then disappeared for a while inside the Federal Witness Protection Program.


The Infamous NY Mobster Carlos Gambino

Carlos Gambino had deep rabbit ties to the CIA, and the assassination of JFK. The Gambino Mob got their cut from the distribution of Iran Contra Cocaine in the Black Community. In SF, Maranghi ran his operation out of Anchor Bay Cafe and Pizza Restaurant.[48]Among those arrested in New York were Francesco Gambino, 47, formerly of Torretta, Sicily, and Giuseppe Gambino, 42, of Brooklyn, both key figures in the Gambino organization that ran pizza parlor restaurants. A total of 59 arrests and numerous drug seizures had been made in San Francisco, Baltimore, Buffalo, Miami, Newark, New York, Philadelphia and Rockford, Ill. An additional 20 people were arrested in Italy. There were three (3) major Italian Families involved in the S.F. Bay Area Heroin/Cocaine Drug Rings. All of the Italian suspects allegedly belonged to the Spatola, Gambino and Inzerillo families and were involved in multimillion-dollar narcotics traffic in Sicily and the United States, local, FBI and U.S. Justice authorities said.[49]

Little Steve wasn’t arrested in the initial “Pizza Connection” busts and roundup, because of his local Oakland political clout, probably CIA 1985-87 Iran Contra Cocaine Connections, and his father’s influence and connections. Arrest warrants were mainly coming down out of New York that headed the “PIZZAGATE” federal prosecutions. Local law enforcement resisted arresting Little Steve even though he was Oakland’s major supplier of drugs to street gangs, and the source of death, misery, great pain and suffering in the flatlands.

In the later part of 1988 or early 1989, Little Steve was finally indicted for drug trafficking, but to this day he hasn’t spent a day in jail. I studied each and every page of the DOJ case file against him, and every FBI 302 in the file. From studying the file, it is highly probable that he was part of the CIA’s Argentinean Operation Condor where he travelled the world as a “white man” under the passport alias name of “Steve or Michael Towns.” Local federal prosecutors simply sat on the case until their alleged main prosecution witness, Guillermo Diaz, a Mexican travel-book publisher in Marin County and an alleged cocaine supplier, was released from prison, and disappeared into Mexico.[50] Local federal prosecutors claimed that they were so handicapped by the lack Diaz’s testimony that they couldn’t proceed. They dropped the “PIZZAGATE” case against Little Steve.


U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee of Oakland, CA

Little Steve lived in the affluent Oakland hills off Skyline Avenue just down the street from the current Aspen’s Institute- Zionist Collaborating Master of Deception, U.S. Congressperson Barbara Lee, and her shadowy often described “pimp daddy” husband, an associate of Little Stevie.


J. Alfred Smith & Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich

The last I knew, both Lee and Stevie attended J. Alfred Smith’s Allen Temple Baptist Church on 85th Avenue in Oakland as their church home.[51] J. Alfred Smith had studied at the Intercultural Center of Documentation in Cuernavaca, Mexico with Jerry Brown’s spiritual Nazi mentor, Croatian Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich.


Vatican Nazi Ratline Conductor Monsignor Krunoslav Draganovic

At the end of WWII, Illich was part of Croatian Monsignor Krunoslav Draganovic’s Vatican ratline of Eastern Europe that created secret havens for wanted Nazi war criminals; Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, Hauptsturmführers SS Josef Mengele & Klaus Barbie; the SS; ODESSA, Ante Pavelic and the members of the dreaded Ustashi in Latin America.


Dr. Michael Maccoby, Washington DC

In Cuernavaca, Mexico, Erich Fromm and James A. Alefantis’ Washington DC CIA mentor, Dr. Michael Maccoby was just the around the corner from J. Alfred Smith and Jesuit Priest Illich. I will cover that in my next post. Coincidence, I don’t think so.


In the CIA Medical/Mind Control Experimental Concentration Camp in Jonestown, Guyana, J. Alfred Smith’s secret Radio Code name was “Mr. Roake.”

As far as I know this very moment from local, quiet as kept, drug dealers, Little Stevie is still  the shadow major drug kingpin of Oakland. At one time on the street, all the young macks, including me, admired him when he moved into the subculture of hustling, prostitution, whores and drug dealing as an upcoming pimp. He was a rich kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was born into a world of so much money, power, resources, and hope. Little Stevie had so many options and promises that none of us possessed. At first, he was just a novelty on the street. My cousin was with him when he first tasted the lead of a bullet. I always thought that Little Stevie would one day go back home in the Oakland hills, and come back down as a politician like his dad, but princely, seasoned and polished by the streets.


Later on, I was surprised when I learned that Little Stevie had moved into the heart of the city as a ruthless major drug dealing grim reaper angel of death. One day, I stood just feet from him inside a restaurant barbeque joint in the hood. I thought he was a white guy until I recognized that limp from that signature bullet in his leg.


About a decade ago, I looked him in the eyes. That big beautiful school boy smile is gone. This was the shadow figure that connived with CIA Iran-Contra to flood communities of color with crack- cocaine that turned most inner city streets of America into literal wastelands of wholesale unforgivable suffering, misery, destruction, crime and death. What I saw through his eyes to the seat of what was left of his soul was a man that could cut your throat from ear to ear without a blink of an eye. He crossed the path. He is the personification of Lucifer, himself. Little Stevie turned the street hustle “DARK.”

Would I find the heart in my inner rage to leap across the table- grab him by the throat and strangle him to death? I had to stop for a moment if for only for a twinkle of time, PRAY– think about the power of our Lord over Evil, and the bounds of individual justice and revenge- re-commit himself to the power of the pen and TRUTH on a wider universal scale; and Dr. King’s Love to Implement the Demands of Justice.










[8] Id.

[9] Id.








[17] Id.






















[39] Id.

[40] Id.











