22 07 2014

In the Name of Satan, Genocide of the Palestinian People

Great SATAN (America) and Little SATAN (Israel) have become two of the most vile, despised, twisted and wickedness nations on earth that bathe in the blood of other nations for the Love for EVIL for the Sake of EVIL.[1]


There is a great deal of controversy whether or not President Barrack Obama is a Luciferian 32° Prince Hall Mason. If he was, it would be still be secret.[2] In America’s current political state of affairs, it would normally be virtually impossible to reach the high levels and halls of secrecy and brotherhood that he has reached so fast without a Luciferian Blood Oath Covenant of Secrecy and Brotherhood and Pledge of Unconditional Support to Israel (King Solomon’s Temple). I believe that the Cyborg President has been initiated into Lucifer’s Workshop, the Masonic Fraternal Order of Brotherhood. That’s the way they roll at these levels in America.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 33° Freemason, has publicly stated (see the Israeli publication Shishi, Spring 1994) that he is indeed a subservient Luciferian that was initiated into the Masonic Lodge while in the United States.[3]

I had never met the  Late Great Mae Brussell  before her death (assassination). For whatever reasons, I didn’t discover her works until the early 1990’s. Mae had been always under the threat of death to her and family. Mae was courageous and kept on pushing because she knew that her work was important to the struggle of the people all over the world.  If we had met, it would have been a dangerous liaison because the system always react in a very certain vengeance when blacks and whites meet on any collective level to fight the power.

During the 1970s, I worked with a very good Jewish lawyer from the National Lawyers’ Guild defending the residents of Watts against a merciless onslaught and campaign of racial violence by the LAPD and LA County Sheriff’s Department. It seems that every courtroom we entered together, Hank would always be called into the judges chambers and reminded that he was crossing a thin line in supporting any Black Movement that they didn’t endorse, control or influence. With a certain sly grin, he would always tell me of the things they offered to distance himself from us. We always shared a laugh and moved on with our business to win  cases against the police forces at least 90% of the time. However, Hank and I lived under no delusions. We knew very well that they meant every word. They play no games and their vengeance is certain. Due to extreme circumstances in fascist LA, we lastly had to separate for the health, safety and security of a lot of innocent families including my own.  I later discovered that Hanks’ family was among the last Jewish families to escape Italy before they were arrested and committed to Nazi concentration-death camps.

The Elite Satanic Global Cabals of the ILLUMINATI exposed by Mae Brussell have turned America into Lucifer’s Workshop and the DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND. She was one of few and earliest researchers bold enough to publicly build upon a theory with very convincing and compelling evidence that the most powerful governments in the world are controlled by a thin line of a NAZI CABAL (SS Lucifer’s Servants) of about 5000 men, a group that went underground after the FALL of the THIRD REICH. She often traced world events- wars, elections, assassinations and false flag operations back to the movement of NAZI GOLD and the usage of well-known German signature code names in clandestine operations to instill and spread FEAR and utter CHAOS around the world.  An extremely good example of her exhaustive and dedicated works putting puzzles together was in 1988, when she discovered the name “Adolf H. Schicklgruber” in a book of Marina Oswald’s poetry found in the Warren Commission artifact documents of the JKF Assassination. Shicklgruber was an operational cabal signature code name- the last name of Adolf Hitler’s mother.[4]

Many of the collective consciousness of universal peace, justice, harmony and balance can not be SILENT to the forces and entities that are compelled to destroy the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip for Love of EVIL for the sake of EVIL.


“Vengeance for the blood of a small child, SATAN has not yet created.” — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) June 30, 2014

Great SATAN, Little SATAN and Global Satanic Cabals do intend and has started to fill SATAN’S Blood Vengeance void against the Palestinian People of Gaza right in front of our eyes – fully TELEVISED.


The latest Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip began when three Israeli teens were allegedly kidnapped. With absolutely no evidence, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Hamas and the people of Gaza, collectively, for the kidnappings, and subsequently for the blood of the teens.[5]Netanyahu gave the military authorization to use “full force” against the Palestinians as stated above that is beyond the Pails of SATAN’S BLOOD VENGEANCE.[6]

Israeli military forces surround the densely populated Gaza (1.8 million) on all sides cutting off their access to land and sea. Israel wickedly block food, water, fuel, medicine, services and its residents from entering or leaving the strip.

Israel also with all the evilness beyond the Pails of SATAN control and also at will suspend power to all of the strip’s water and power systems. Gaza is an Israeli occupied open-air prison of people of color (Palestinians) tantamount to the Nazi Occupation of Warsaw, Poland of 1939.

Gaza is on FIRE

Invoking the name of SATAN, Netanyahu is talking about inflicting an unparalleled level of UNSPOKEN HORROR and unspeakable suffering on the Palestinians. And, we won’t be able to put things into context in the Gaza Ghetto unless you understand some of the dynamics of Lucifer’s Servants & the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII while the world stood by and watched the defenseless ghetto masses slaughtered and liquidated.

Warsaw has to be leveled to the ground in order to set a terrifying example to the rest of Europe.” Son of Lucifer- Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler [7]

On the pretext of Israeli self defense for the three teens’ blood, Israel viciously attacked and for two weeks continue to terrorize the entire imprisoned population of Gaza and level their homes with bombs and rockets. Israel have turned Gaza into a full fledge “free fire” war theatre. They fire rockets into Gaza from ships at sea, and mobile land weapons platforms- tanks. They fire rockets and drop incendiary bombs upon their homes, schools, clinics, hospitals, utility systems and the residents of Gaza from the sky by jets and helicopters maiming and killing hundreds of men, women and children, lately four children playing soccer at the beach, below, all behind SATAN’s unspoken blood VENGENCE.[8]

It is totally wicked, disingenuous and criminal for corporate mass media, UN and the West to demand that both sides of the so-called Israel-Palestinian Conflict cease aggressions when Israel attacked Gaza in a reign of terror and violence unlike anything seen since the SS- Lucifer’s Servants leveled the Warsaw Ghetto.

The American/European international community deliberately ignore and downplay Israeli war crimes and its blatant violation of the international and human rights of the Palestinians. The people of Gaza have a legitimate right to resist occupation that is tantamount to the uprising of the Polish Jews to the Nazis’ occupation of Warsaw and human atrocities they committed against the people beyond the Pails of SATAN’S Vengeance. [9]

For any other world leader that would invoke the name of SATAN to attack a nation or people, there would have been an international humanitarian outcry.


Israel’s infliction of state action Lucifer’s Unspoken Horror upon the Palestinian People sets a very disturbing precedent among so-called civilized nations of the 21st Century, and it represents unfinished business with the SS, Lucifer’s Servants, of the 20th Century, the world’s greatest racial mass murderers.


Secret SS Initiation Ritual

In the wake of the military defeat of the Nazis during WWII, the Werhmacht (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy) and the Luftwaffe (Air Force) of the unified armed forces of the National Socialist State of Nazi Germany surrendered, and for the most part these soldiers returned to civilian life.[10] Unlike the Werhmacht, Kriegmarine, and Luftwaffe, Himmler’s elite Schutzstaffel special forces, the Waffen and Allgemeine SS were a fraternal order initiated into knighthood bound by a blood oath covenant of secrecy and brotherhood.[11]

satanwalter SS Wicked Walter and SS Wolff with the ILLUMINATI Hidden Hand Symbol

Before the end of WWII, New York Wall Street lawyer Allen Dulles, working for the OSS in Berne, Switzerland began secretly negotiating with SS Himmler’s high ranking personal secretaries Brigadeführer SS “Wicked” Walter Schellenberg (Allgemeine SS) and Obergruppenführer SS Karl Wolff (Waffen SS) to workout a secret PACT WITH THE DEVIL.[12]


CIA Director Allen Dulles (Knight of Malta) & Prescott Bush – Master Mason Acknowledgement Arm Gesture Signature

Himmler’s bargaining chip with New York Wall Street and US industrialists had been the SS’ secret treasury troves of blood gold, securities, and money currencies that the SS had stashed, laundered and invested in worldwide diversified industries and securities with the clandestine assistance of the likes of Allen Dulles (CIA), his brother John Foster Dulles (U.S. State Department); and Grandfather Prescott Bush that was/is worth billions of dollars.

To access the SS’ secret vast and lucrative secret blood capital reserves and networks, you had to be initiated into the Himmler’s secret Satanic hierarchal fraternal order, Master Mason or the ILLUMINATI bound to a Satanic Blood Oath of Secrecy and Brotherhood. As a Nuremberg war criminal organization, Himmler’s SS weren’t defeated, imprisoned, or crushed for war crimes and mass genocide. Lucifer’s Servants just changed venues and uniforms.

Nazi Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen,  Knight of Malta- Knights of Saint John

In 1945 as result of deep cover secrecy, Dulles was instrumental in illegally sneaking Hitler’s Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen into the U.S. wearing an American General’s uniform, and then, along with U.S. industrialists, Wall Street Bankers and Lawyers, “Gehlen with his experience, ‘helped’ us [U.S. Government] design and implement the structure of our own intelligence command organization.[13]– The DEVIL’S WORKSHOP.

Baron von Bolschwing- Heinrich Himmler’s Master SS Espionage-Counterintelligence Agent

According to recent declassified top secret documents, 1954, SS-Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto von Bolschwing, BEAST of Bucharest also entered the country under cloak and a general’s uniform as U.S. Army Captain Albert A. Eisner [Eisner-hower] as Gehlen’s representative to the CIA directed by Allen Dulles. Baron von Bolschwing boosted partly that he intended to enter the country to become a U.S. citizen to work in the clandestine design and implement the structure-political affairs” of the National Republican Party.[14] – The DEVIL’S WORKSHOP.

Baron von Bolschwing, the David Niven of the SS, is extremely important in that he was by ancestral bloodlines linked to the secret Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (Teutonic Knights).[15] Baron von Bolschwing is also a bloodline related to the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon commonly known as the Knights Templar.[16] The entire structure and symbolism of the secret Knights Templar, Teutonic Order of Knights and its subservient modern Freemasonry is set in Israel (Ancient Canaan) at the Temple Mount of Solomon’s Temple. They intend to rebuild Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem as the capital of the New World Order from which the biblical Anti-Christ shall reign.[17]

Baron Bolschwing, still subject to top secret governmental classification, was no minor CIA (MK ULTRA/MONARCH, Project CHAOS) secret player in America’s clandestine domestic affairs and political assassinations (Malcolm X, JFK, RFK, Little Bobby Hutton, Dr. King, etc.) of the 1960s-70s, 33rd degree Scottish Rite Master Mason FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (COINTELPRO) was subservient to Baron von Bolschwing, a Knight directly connected to the Masonic/ILLUMINATI Hierarchal Teutonic Knights of Jerusalem and the Knights of the Temple of Solomon.

Baron Bolschwing & Palestine

In 1939, Baron von Bolschwing had been a leading SS counterintelligence-espionage agent in Jerusalem under cover as an importer. According to captured SS records, one of Bolschwing’s lead Zionist agents was Fieval Polkes. For SS counterintelligence services, Polkes ran recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany that recruited them to emigrate to Palestine as informants to provide intelligence about British Affairs. From the captured SS records, part of SS espionage plans was to increase brutal Nazi persecution of Jews to compel Jewish immigration into Palestine.[18] The Satanic principled SS genocidal and Dual Janus- Good/EVIL Mindset is deeply rooted in Zionist IsraelThe DEVIL’S WORKSHOP.

Baron Bolschwing is also extremely important in that he was California’s resident SS officer residing in Roseville, just outside of California’s seat of power in Sacramento. In California’s shadow government political affairs, Republican Governor and U.S. President Ronald Reagan had been Baron Bolschwing’s secret alter ego, and a puppet of the Knights of the Black Sun.

By the time President John F. Kennedy realized that Lucifer Servants’ secret brotherhood and network societies’ were developing America into their DEVIL’S WORKSHOP and exposed it to the nation, they had been well into plans since his election in 1960 to kill him and put their patsy, Republican Richard Milhous Nixon, into the Whitehouse.

The unfinished business in exposing and crushing Lucifer’s Servants and their blood covenant secret networks of evil that have clandestinely infiltrated and control some of the highest levels of government, industries and business has helped push America into the 21st Century, once again, as one of world’s greatest perpetual purveyors of violence and EVIL in the world- today.

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: My own Government, I can not be Silent.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [19]

When Selling an Invasion- Follow the Little EVIL Genius, Josef Goebbels

Zionist Israel had a big problem in its reign of terror against the Palestinian People. No so-called civilized nation or people can support or justify their genocidal assault on the Palestinians in the name of SATAN. The collective punishment and mass slaughter of Palestinians in SATAN’S name cannot and will not stand the light of day.

The Israelis began its latest assault on the Palestinians in a blood revenge that “SATAN HAS YET TO CREATE” for the alleged- most likely false flag deaths of three Israeli teens. By the way, the FBI has recently contradicted Israel’s propagandized facts and circumstances surrounding the deaths of the teenagers.

Before the teen’s bodies were recovered, Netanyahu alleged that Hamas carried out the kidnappings of teenagers. The Israeli military search for the kidnapped teens began “Operation Brother’s Keepers” in full force in mid-June with beating up about 600 Hamas members (including legislators) and trashing about 2100 homes; Israeli forces killed at least 7 Palestinians. Israel also heightened its daily air strikes on the Gaza.[20]

The FBI contradicts Netanyahu’s version of the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged kidnappings that he used to demonize, attack the Palestinians and inflame the public passions for over two weeks. The FBI reported that 10 shots from a gun with a silencer could clearly be heard on the recorded tape. The FBI says that the teens were executed right then and there while one was on the phone with police. There was no kidnappings and the assailants are still unknown.[21]

Well, now that the story about the kidnapped murdered teens has fallen apart and the Palestinians responded in self defense to Israel’s SATAN’S Blood Vengeance “Operation Brother’s Keepers,” President Obama now says that Netanyahu is telling him that the new storyline is that Palestinian terrorist are tunneling into Israel and its ground operation into Gaza is to deal with the “TUNNELS.”

When selling the merciless bombings, invasion and mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza to the global masses, you follow Reich Minister of Propaganda Josef Goebbels’ book of scientific mass propaganda guidelines.

Netanyahu: “Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.” – Josef Goebbels[22]

As the basic psychoanalytic principle of displacement maintains- the aggressive tendencies denied expression (In the Name of SATAN) against the object (Palestinians) instigating the aggression tend to be directed against non-instigating objects (Hamas’ Terror TUNNELS).[23]

The Fuhrer Adolf Hitler also wrote in ‘Mein Kampf’ with regards to the truth: if you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one and if you tell if often enough, people will begin to believe it.[24] Even the U.S. State Department has started to echo that same propaganda by blindly and unconditionally supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against the Hamas’ so-called Terror TUNNELS that the Israelis has known about for a long time.  It’s on YouTube- the Kentucky Fried Chicken Tunnels.

Hamas’ KFC Fried Chicken Tunnels

The State Department said that “We defend Israel’s right to do what it’s doing with regard to those tunnels.” Sunday marked the most deadly day in the Gaza ground invasion so far, with The New York Times reported that at least 87 Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers dead.

It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation. It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation.” Secretary of State, John Kerry[25]

Yes, it is a hell of a pinpoint and limited military operation to allegedly seal off Hamas’ Terror TUNNELS from inside Gaza. It’s another hell of a piece of propaganda that Kerry has to continually try to sell to the American public and global masses for slaughtering Palestinians by the hundreds and merciless leveling their communities and homes to rubble. The four (4) children blown apart playing soccer on the beach in Gaza had nothing to do with TUNNELS Blowing apart Palestinian elders, women, children, homes, businesses, schools, sole electric plant, clinics and (26)hospitals including a geriatric hospital have nothing to do with “TERROR TUNNELS.” Eighteen (18) Palestinians (largely elders, women and children) were killed and over 200 injured Thursday when an Israeli shell slammed into a UN-run school, the third UN Facility bombed, harboring  thousands of civilians taking refuge from SATAN’S UNSPOKEN VENGEANCE had nothing with TUNNELS.

Have you ever asked yourself why the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) can’t seal off the so-called Terror TUNNELS from Israel’s side of the border without slaughtering Palestinians on the street? During the last couple of days, a child is slaughter every hour on the hour in Gaza. Make no mistake, the “TUNNELS” is the latest pretext to demonize, terrorize, liquidate the Palestinian masses and level the Gaza Strip to rubble for a future New World Order of illegal Israeli settlements.

Even Netanyahu and the ILLUMINATI CORPORATE MASS MEDIA drum beat and glanderous exaggerations about Hamas’ Terror TUNNELS will also come to rest. But following Goebbels’ Propaganda guidelines, Israel will continue to use the doctrine of “Misplacement Principles” to shroud the Genocide of the Palestinian People until exposed- we learn the truth.

TUNNELS – A Historical Perspective From the Oppressed

The Palestinians of the Gaza Strip represent refugees perpetually being disposed of their ancestral homelands by the Ashkenazi Israeli Jews going back to 1948. Gaza is called a strip because that is exactly what it is 25 miles long, less than 5 miles wide on average.[26] In 2013, it had a population of 1,701,437 with an average household size 6.6 persons.[27] There are about 42,600 people per square mile. Its small geographical size and high level of density of people seem to be unique and constitutes a highly “densely populated” area among global urban centers.[28] However, what set Gaza afar from all other highly “densely populated” global centers is that is occupied by a hostile and racist foreign military force just as Warsaw, Poland had been occupied by the Nazis during WWII.


The Nazis invaded Poland in September 1939 and entered Warsaw soon thereafter the Poles surrendered. On October 12, 1940, the Germans decreed the establishment of the Warsaw Ghetto. The decree required all Jewish residents of Warsaw to move into a designated area, which German authorities sealed off from the rest of the city. The ghetto was enclosed by a wall that was over 10 feet high, topped with barbed wire, and closely guarded to prevent movement between the ghetto and the rest of Warsaw. The population of the ghetto, increased by Jews compelled to move in from nearby towns, was estimated to be over 400,000 Jews. German authorities forced ghetto residents to live in an area of 1.3 square miles, with an average of 7.2 persons per room.[29]

Warsaw Jewish Resistance: “When we are faced by an arch-foe whose unparalleled ruthlessness and programs of total annihilation know no bounds, the Halakha [Jewish Law] demands that we fight and resist to the very end…”

“When the Jews dug tunnels to smuggle food and weapons into the Warsaw Ghetto, it was an act of justified resistance. When the Palestinians dig tunnels to smuggle food and weapons into the Gaza Ghetto, it is terrorism.”[30]


In the Warsaw Ghetto, the “TUNNELS” were the lifelines of an oppressed, desperate and frightened people. The “TUNNELS” represented in many cases the difference between life and death. The lifeline “TUNNELS” of the ghetto’s unspeakable terrorized and desperate masses constituted in many cases city storm drain and Sewage Pipes.[31]

Monument Commemorating Simcha Rotem (Kazik) Heroic Escape From The Burning Warsaw Ghetto. Simcha Rotem Led 40 Fighters Of The Ghetto Crushed Uprising Through Sewage Tunnels To Join Local Partisans Fighting The Nazis (On May 10th 1943)[32] Only thanks to the Warsaw sewage tunnels two meters high and help from the Polish side could Jewish Resistance enter and escape the Nazi occupied ghetto of perpetual and certain DEATH.[33]


Gaza is a part of Ancient Palestine. Palestine is an area of the world that has seen many battles, invasions and conflicts since the dawn of time because it sits at the gateway to Ancient Kemet, the Land of Splendor. During the 16th Century BC, Pharaoh Ahmose I razed Sharuhen– the fortified city of the Hyksos after a three year seize. It is generally believed that ancient Sharuhen was Gaza City or closely related area on the Gaza Strip. Palestine’s ancient tunnel systems are will known and common knowledge. According to legend, sometime after the First Crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099 AD, eleven Knights Templar dug under the ruins of Solomon’s Temple for nine years and discovered a secret network of underground tunnels where priests hid their treasures from marauding Romans in 70 AD.[34]

Old Palestine is filled with secret ancient tunnel systems including networks of drainage and canal tunnels going back thousands of years. The Western Wall tunnel system is one of the most popular tourist sites in Jerusalem. These underground tunnels connect the western wall prayer area to the north-west side of the Solomon’s Temple mount, passing along the side of the temple mount and under modern day houses in the old city.[35]

Additionally, the Gaza Ghetto is like the Warsaw Ghetto. It is occupied and heavily secured on all sides by a hostile military force. It is filled with frightened, terrorized and desperate people. Like the people of the Warsaw Ghetto, Gaza’s tunnel systems, old and new, have become the difference between life and death.


However, one very big difference between Gaza and Warsaw is that Gaza’s history, originally a Canaanite settlement, spans 4000 years. It came under the control of Ancient Kemet for roughly 350 years before being conquered by the Philistines, who made it one of the principal cities of their Pentapolis (Cities of the Philistia) in the 12th Century BC. Gaza fell to King David in about 1000 BC. Gaza is a city built on top of numerous ancient settlements and cities.[36] To say that Gaza is filled with tunnels is like saying that peanut butter is made out of peanuts.

Gaza is an ancient city with a history of conflict going back thousands of years- it is filed with secret underground tunnel systems that had been used by the ancients for reservoirs, drainage, offense, defense and escape, etc. for ages. Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense Forces know very well that it may be impossible to shut down Gaza’s underground networks and tunnel systems old and new. Tunnels has been part of the historical way of life and religious landscape of the region probable before biblical times. Little Satan could literally like the Nazi-SS did to Warsaw- mass murder the inhabitants and level Gaza to the ground on the PRETEXT of shutting down Hamas Terror Tunnels  with the complicity of Big Satan financed by the U.S. taxpayers on the basis of Goebbels’s Misplaced Aggression Propaganda Principles.




It is appalling that the ILLUMINATI NBA and America’s corporate mass media used the ILLUMINATI/Satanic cabal puppet Lebron James’ return to the Cleveland Claviers as an opportunity to try to upstage, divert and distract the masses attention away from national and world crisis such as the assault/GENOCIDE committed against the virtual defenseless captive Palestinians.

While Cleveland’s inner city schools crumble and Black and Brown inner city communities continue a downhill spiral, Cleveland Clavier’s owner Dan Gilbert– his publicly financed downtown arena and the occupying force of white closed caste business renaissance societies will be the primary benefactors of Lebron James’ return to the Downtown Cleveland not the people.

“The celebration surrounding James’ return to one of the nation’s toughest cities ignores our lack of a national policy for economic renewal in large swaths of urban America, where millions of poor black and brown kids come of age in the shadow of permanent economic misery. Broken public schools, violent neighborhoods, unemployment and a lack of opportunity envelop these communities.”[37]

Lebron James, Kabala & the Secret Israeli Cabal of Baal


In 2010, Lebron James made a “six-figure payment” to “Shuva Israel” an organization- New York City Synagogue belonging to Rabbi Yishayahu Yosef Pinto in the course of arranging a personally meeting and “blessing” from Pinto that only speaks Hebrew.[38]

In New York, Rabbi Pinto is called “Baal Mofes“- Baal’s Miracle Worker to real estate Moguls.[39] Baal is an extremely ancient and complex Canaanite god meaning “Master” or “Lord.”[40] 

1 Kings 16:30-33 King James Version (KJV)

30 And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him.

31 And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, and went and served Baal, and worshipped him.

32 And he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.

33 And Ahab made a grove; and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel that were before him.

To the Luciferians, Baal has become something totally and completely different than the original Canaanite God. “SATAN‘s primary goal is to get all whosoever … of the earth’s population to worship him in spirit, and he uses religion as his main method of putting them (including Christians if possible) into that bondage.  There has always existed in the world at least one powerful religious system serving Satan, and that is still so today. SATAN‘s form of religion is known in the Old Testament as ‘BAAL’ ”.[41]


Rabbi Yeshayahu Yosef Pinto is a close relative of Israel’s richest cabal of rabbis, the Abuhatzeiras. Rabbi Pinto is great-grandson of the Moroccan Mystic-Kabalist Baba Sali ( “Praying Father”) (1889–1984) and the grandson of the Holy Sali Meir Abuchatzira. His mother was an Abuchatzeira. The Abuchatzeiras have made an extremely lucrative business out of selling so-called “blessings” and “miracles” in installments (Israeli protection-extortion money) among the rich and famous for a lot of cash.[42]

In 2010, it had been speculated that Lebron James had to pay Israeli protection-extortion money to move to the Miami Heat owned by Ashkenazi Micky Arison, an Israeli-American.[43] Early in 2014, it has been exposed that Rabbi Pinto is in fact directly linked to Prime Minister Netanyahu and complex Israeli intelligence extortion rings operating in the United States that reach all the way up to the U.S. Congress- US Representative Michael Grimm (Republican; Staten Island, NY).[44] There should be little doubt Israeli Intelligence is involved in large scale secret extortion ring operations directed at high profile black athletes and entertainers that also pledge by blood through intimidation unconditional praise, support and obedience to LITTLE SATANLebron James is no more than a gutless “Chattel Slave” of the NBA ASHKENAZI ILLUMINATI Cabal that has sold his soul to the Zionist State of Israel and GOD SATAN.

ILLUMINATI Palestinian Censorship of the Satanic Black Sports/Entertainment Cabals


 Dwight Howard- NBA Satanic Black Cabal

In the ILLUMINATI NBA, players Dwight Howard and Amar’e Stoudemire bowed down to Zionist and New World Order pressures to abandon even the most modest and slight voice of compassion and free expression for the freedom, human rights and dignity of mankind for the Palestinian People.

Over the weekend of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza, Houston Rockets player Dwight Howard tweeted “FreePalestine” to his 5.2 million followers. Subsequently, he immediately deleted the post because his free speech is subject to censorship of the Zionist that alleged Howard’s tweet was deemed tPro-Palestinian, Howard instantaneously backtracked and told his followers, “Previous tweet was a mistake. I have never commented on international politics and never will …”[45]


Howard & James Harden-Houston Rockets, NBA Satanic Black Cabal

As if that wasn’t enough humiliation to surrender even his most modest and token compassion, free will and expression of manhood to determine his own destiny, the gutless Negro started nervously scuffling his feet, he later tweeted, “I apologize if I offended anyone with my previous tweet, it was a mistake!” [46]


Also over the weekend of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza, New York Knicks power forward Amar’e Stoudemire posted to Instagram an image of a Palestinian boy and a Jewish boy in an embrace, with the captionPray for Palestine.” Due to NBA Zionist/ILLUMINATI censorship and pressure, this Negro also immediately deleted the image and message because it was deeded Pro-Palestinian expression.[47]


Stoudemire also appears to have given up his soul, dignity and manhood for a Luciferian Covenant for Fortune and Fame and ILLUMINATI NBA “Chattel Slave” career.


In 2013, the confused Negro applied for dual Israeli-American citizenship. Stoudemire believes that he has Hebrew roots and supposedly practices orthodox Judaism. Stoudemire is part of a four-man ownership group, including super agent Arn Tellem, that purchased 60 percent (extortion money) of Hapoel Jerusalem of the Israeli Basketball League.[48]

The NBA ASHKENAZI ILLUMINATI Cabal even has 7 ft 1 in (2.16 m) Republican country bumpkin and Satanic black cabal member Shaq O’Neal talking and spreading Hebrew. O’Neal became an undeniable Luciferian– Prince Hall Freemason in 2011, becoming a member of Widow’s Son [Horus] Lodge No. 28 in Boston. It should be little or no surprise to anyone that O’Neal is a flamboyant fan of the predominately white hockey team, the New Jersey DEVILS-DEVILS-DEVILS.[49]


Also over a weekend of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza, the cabal’s despicable Satanic/ILLUMINATI Black High Priestess Rihanna deleted her public tweet “FreePalestine” eight minutes after posting it to her 36.4 million followers. A source said, “She deleted it because it was never meant to be tweeted.[50] Under Zionist/ILLUMINATI control, censorship, pressure, she also lack guts to resist and express even the slightest universal public support or empathy for justice for the Palestinian People or mankind.

Dwight Howard, Amar’e Stoudemire, and Rihanna are examples of an alarming growing number of gutless high profile sports/entertainment industry Negroes that have became part of America’s Secret Satanic Black Cabal that have sold their souls to SATAN and seek Love for EVIL for the Sake of EVIL for the glory and praise of their master.

ILLUMINATI Palestinian Censorship of the Satanic Black Political Cabals

Cynthia McKinney- Courageous Lover of the People

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the country. AIPAC’s clout helps fuel and sponsor a perpetual cycle of violence, aggression and CHAOS in the Middle East.[51]

AIPAC demands that Congress rubber stamp legislation drafted by its staff. It keeps a record of how members of Congress vote and this record is used by donors to make contributions to the politicians who score well. Members of Congress like former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney that failed to unconditionally support AIPAC legislation and Israel had been targeted for defeat in re-election bids.[52]

In 2011, former Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney exposed some aspects of the Israel’s secret stranglehold over Black Congressional members. During her years in Congress, she stated that candidates for both the house and the senate were requested to sign (blood) pledges-covenants of unconditional support for Little SATAN, the Zionist State of Israel.

Sister McKinney told Press TV, “You make a commitment that you will vote to support the military superiority of Israel—the economic assistance that Israel wants, that you would vote to provide that..”[53]

Sister McKinney refused to sign the covenant to Little SATAN. AIPAC and Israeli Intelligence targeted her for removal from congress. A call for African solidarity with the Palestinian people to achieve their inalienable human and international rights and end Israeli occupation, genocide, and perpetual aggression against the State of Palestine will not come out of the Black Political Black Cabal that have also sold their souls to SATAN.

The Mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, the Elite Global Satanic Cabal & Zionist Israel

The downing of merican Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has all the fingerprints of a false flag and strategy of tension operation consistent with providing a veil and diversion from Israel’s criminal ground invasion into Gaza. The video vividly demonstrates that the so-called video proof blasted hour after hour over the public airways that showed pro-Russian separatists and Russian Military had been responsible for bringing down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 had been scripted and produced the day before the plane was shot down.

This video out of Ukraine claims to show Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 exploding on impact with the ground. Well, if it exploded upon impact as this photo of the crash scene demonstrates consistent with the laws of physics and nature. Where did these bloodless bodies come from that would have to allegedly withstood and defied the laws of physics and nature?


Man (why does he appear so out of proportionally large  in relationship to the bodies that appear just feet away?) putting out a fire at what looks like a fresh hot smothering crash scene. Notice the victims’ bodies to the right of him. Notice the bloodless, uncharred bodies, clothes and debris below.


This Malaysia Airlines Flight crash site eerily looks more like the staged mass murder scene out of Jonestown, Guyana than a firefly explosion plane crash scene from 32,000 feet above.


It is generally understood that at least the vast majority of the passengers, up to 108, were AIDS researchers and activists who were traveling aboard Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 on their way to Australia for the 20th annual AIDS conference in Melbourne. There is fear that along with diverting the masses from the Israeli Gaza war crimes taken place; and framing the Russians for the shoot down to intensify the cold war that they may have been deliberately been collaterally targeted by the ILLUMINATI to be taken down.[54] Chillingly, the International Business times reported: Rothschild [ILLUMINATI] family reportedly owns the Malaysian Central Bank which has significant investments in Malaysian government and Malaysian Airlines.[55]

The international aids conference is contrary to the ILLUMINATI’S secret agenda to cull the world’s masses like a pack of animals. The conference was focused on developing a united global response to AIDS and facing the challenges ahead in reaching the ultimate goal of an AIDS-free generation, where new infections are prevented and worldwide effective health systems and strategies provide long-term support to those living positively on treatment.[56]


Satanic High Priestess Oprah Winfrey & God Baal Moloch

In May 2009, the Times of London online reported that a group of the New World Order’s most elite and globalist billionaires calling themselves “the Good Club” had met secretly in Manhattan, with an agenda of formulating a plan to control the growing global population and develop, fund secret shrouded strategies to cull it. The article mentioned the participation not only of Bill Gates, but of Warren Buffett, George Soros, David Rockefeller, and one of the leaders of America’s secret Black Satanic Black Entertainment/Business Cabals, Oprah Winfrey.[57]

The New American’s senior editor William Jasper reported on the meeting noting, with reference to the Jacobins of French history:

These are the folks who have been the leading private financiers of the global depopulation and de-Christianization campaigns, the promoters of abortion, homosexuality, and New Age environmentalism. And in Barrack Hussein Obama [Human Cyborg Clone] they have found their Camille Desmoulins, a handsome young lawyer with oratorical skills to push their agenda — all the while declaiming against the rich and powerful.[58]

Just as troubling and chilling as the secret “Good Club” conferences, Western policy makers and politicians has envisioned the prospect of using genospecific bioweapons to secretly cull mass populations of color. It was mentioned in the Neo-Conservative Project for a New American Century (PNAC) 2000 report titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” which stated bluntly:

The proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles and long-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will make it much easier to project military power around the globe.  Munitions themselves will become increasingly accurate, while new methods of attack – electronic, “non-lethal,” biological – will be more widely available.

Although it may take several decade for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and “combat” likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of microbes [AIDS, EBOLA Viruses, etc.]. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.[59]

The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 has all hallmarks of a clandestine state action beyond the Pails of the Human Understanding of SATAN’S BLOOD VENGEANCE.  It has the fingerprints of the ILLUMINATI, Great SATAN– Little SATAN’s false flag and strategy of tension operation that is consistent with trying to frame the Russians for international war crimes and human atrocities along with collaterally providing a veil and diversion over Israel’s criminal ground invasion into Gaza that the Israelis promised to be a chilling and terrifying onslaught against the Palestinian People that is beyond human and Lucifer’s comprehension.


There are speculative theories swirling around the internet that the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 lost flight plane or a twin copy was secretly hangared in Israel for a future false flag operation to start a war.   These theories are out there. For some interesting alternative theories about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and Flight 17 check out the video above.  But one thing is certain that there is a lot of unfinished business (Crimes Against Humanity) with Lucifer’s Servants and their blood trails, networks and gold-money capital that should have been quashed decades ago.  The genocidal onslaught against the Palestinian People should be a threat to all mankind and leave of us each man, woman and child LITTLE LEFT TO FEAR.


Israeli PM Netanyahu says, “They [Hamas] want to pile up as many civilian dead as they can,” the prime minister continued. “They use telegenically dead Palestinians for their cause. They want the more dead, the better.” Mr. Netanyahu, I pray that the “telegenically dead Palestinians” will be used as evidence as the “telegenically dead Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto”  was used to convict and hang Gruppenführer (major general) SS Jürgen Stroop for International War Crimes and High Crimes Against Humanity.


























































