MK ULTRA: The Case of Ronnie Flenaugh AKA Al Rashid, Part I

17 10 2009

(Bloodlines: Oakland’s Black Manchurian Candidates)     

RONNIE FLENAUGH: The Confrontation with Huey P. Newton

In late 1970, Ronnie Flenaugh, The brother of Jedi Knight Assassin, Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., blew into Merritt Junior College, Grove Street Campus, like a storm. In a packed assembly, Flenaugh boldly taunted Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in the college auditorium. The California Appellate Court had just overturned Huey’s conviction for murder on August 5, 1970. He had been released on August 13. After his release, Huey went on a college speaking tour.

Among Huey’s crew and bodyguards were “Big” Robert Heard, Robert Bay and Jimmy Carr. Carr was the cousin of FBI informer Louis Tackwood. Heard was at least 6’ 6” and over three hundred pounds. He was known as an enforcer. Carr was a well respected higher up in the Black Guerilla Family, and associate to George Jackson in prison. Both Heard and Carr would meet violent deaths within years of Huey’s release from prison.  

Ronnie’s taunting resulted into a physical alternation with Huey.[1] Elaine Brown, former Chairman of the BPP, recalled the incident between Ronnie and Huey. 

“During Huey’s speechmaking stint, in a college auditorium a Black Muslim in the audience kept interrupting Huey’s already-difficult exercise with taunts. He said something to the effect that the party was not providing a proper image for the black man and needed to embrace Allah. Huey had ignored the man for the entire speech; but two seconds after he had finished, he jumped off the stage and walked through the audience to confront the man directly. “Is Allah your god?” he asked the Muslim, inches away from his face. The audience was stunned into immobility. “That right, Brother!” “Well, Man is my god- and I hope your god will save your ass from the wrath of my god.” Within a breath, Huey was all over the Muslim, pummeling him up and down the auditorium aisle.” [2]

Who was Ronnie? Where did he come from? He wasn’t a seasoned Black Muslim, Nationalist or prison or college activist. Ronnie appeared be under the control of William (Billy) E. Mapp, the so-called leader of a Black Muslim splinter group, “Al Constran”. This was according to Alameda County Mafia District Attorney D. Lowell Jensen. The word on the street was that Ronnie had just been released from prison.

He just seemed to be so out of place for Ronnie or anyone else to confront Huey P. Newton and his crew on his home turf. Ronnie was born on February 12, 1947 in San Francisco, or Richmond, California. He had grown up in Oakland, Richmond and Berkeley. Ronnie’s last occupation was student at Merritt Junior College. The cover story provided by authorities that appeared in local newspapers was that Ronnie was from Chicago. The Chicago reference was to Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam, and the “New Mecca.” That detail of the story was deliberate misinformation. Ronnie had been a local all his life. 

Ronnie’s behavior on campus just prior to the incident with Huey was awfully strange and bizarre. I was on campus that day and saw Ronnie just minutes before the incident. Ronnie was in group of about four to five members of Al Constran. They were an awfully strange and bizarre sight. They all dressed in long black capes and wore black turbans. A member of the group, Paul Cook, wore nothing but a vest of chains under his cape. Among the group, I recognized Billy Mapp. My older sisters knew him personally, and one of them seemed to have cherished a graduation picture of him that I had often seen at home. 

Leading the group as they passed through the campus courtyard to the auditorium was Ronnie. I was absolutely stunned by his peculiar appearance and behavior. Ronnie was extremely muscular and well built. He appeared to slowly sway and bend from side to side as if he was about to fall, but continued to regain his balance and walk forward. Ronnie’s eyes were empty and emotionless with a fixed and blank stare as if he was in a trance. It looked as if Billy had him on a string like a large sleep walking pit-bull. 

Years later, I ran into one of the brothers that I was with that afternoon on campus that I hadn’t talked to for years. Out of the blue, he asked me if I remembered Ronnie. Of course, I did. He had been just as startled by what he saw as I had been. I never forgot what I saw that afternoon. He told me that he had known Paul Cook a member of Al Constan around campus and that he was always secretive about his activities. He told me that I needed to find out what happened to Ronnie. I really didn’t think about it at the time, but how did his brother that I hadn’t spoke to for years know that I had been involved in research around the murder of Paul Cook. 

I called him back on several occasions to fill him in about the details of my research, and try in a round-a-bout manner fish out of him exactly how he knew about my research. After numerous messages, he never returned my calls. I suspect that some entity that he worked with had briefed him on my research. Out of this group of brothers that I knew on campus at that time, some very odd and peculiar faith overcame them, but he was untouched and prospered. He was a Korean War veteran that had an odd psychological wound that rendered him uncontrollably savagely violent when triggered. Somebody or something had taken good care of him over the years.     

RONNIE FLENAUGH: Pre selected, Kidnapped, Drugged & Driven Insane

The answer to the enigma of Ronnie Flenaugh lies in PROJECT PAPERCLIP, the CIA’s MK-ULTRA, GEMSTONE PROGRAM, military intelligence experimental mind control programs, the FBI’s GHETTO INFORMANT, and COINTELPRO (counterintelligence) programs.

Ronnie was one of an army of individuals released from prisons and mental institutions programmed by the government to seek, attack, discredit, and destroy Black Nationalist and their movements in the Bay Area, and create a climate of fear and hatred of Black Nationalist. Who and what entity conscripted and programmed Ronnie against his will?

In late 1967, Ronnie had been officially declared to be insane. Dr. Sandritter, M.D. Superintendent and Medical Director of Agnews State Hospital admitted Ronnie to the mental hospital in San Jose. Why Angews in San Jose? 

Prior to his commitment a Agnews, Ronnie had been found to be insane by two doctors on September 7, 1967, Malcolm A. Sowers, M.D. 1197 A street, Room 7, Hayward, CA, and Isidore Weiss, M.D. 4855 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA. 

Dr. Sowers reported during an interview with Flenaugh at Alameda County Santa Rita Jail, “during the early part of our interview he talked somewhat coherently and showed a fair good command of language. He stated that he had the feeling that they were trying to drive him insane. When asked who he meant, he said that he had had a “funny feeling” in the Berkeley jail as though someone had been poisoning him. He said that his body had aches and pains and his imagination ran wild.”

Both Dr. Sowers and Weiss observed that Ronnie’s body was ripped with muscles without a “once of fat.” Ronnie had spent a great deal of time weight training. Dr. Sowers asked if he had taken speed (Methedrine), he answered yes.  Methedrine was relatively new drug known on the street as “hot shot”, because it was shot directly in the veins. 

In 1967, Methedrine (STP) was a new drug on the street. During that year, Augustus Ousley Stanley III was passing out Methedrine pills free to hippies in Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco. STP was known to the military intelligence as BZ. BZ was a chemical warfare agent developed by the U.S. military. [3] Stanley was known as the LSD king. Stanley distributed a form of LSD called “Orange Sunshine”. Charles Manson and his group used and distributed “Orange Sunshine”. This form of LSD was different. It was associated with causes of episodes of violence. Orange Sunshine was also generally associated with Robert Stark in Los Angeles. Stark had worked for the CIA. [4]

Also in 1967, Mendocino State Hospital was conducting experimental “attack therapy” sessions with Methedrine abusers. The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Screening Unit at San Francisco General Hospital, and the Haight-Ashbury Medical Clinic channeled meth abusers to the experimental program at Mendocino. Mendocino State Hospital was under the control of the Peoples Temple and Jim Jones. [5]  Former OSS agent and CIA MK-ULTRA contractor, Dr. Gregory Bateson, had set up the Haight-Ashbury Medical Free Clinic.

Also in 1967, Leo Hollister of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto was experimenting with STP and another chemical to enhance it under a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health.[6]  The veteran’s hospital was an UK-ULTRA site also ran by Dr. Bateson.   

Dr. Sowers asked if he had taken acid (LSD), Ronnie smiled secretively but did not answer. Dr. Sowers asked if he was on a trip right now, he clammed up. Dr. Sowers observed that it appeared that he was getting some kind of hallucinogenic drug while in Santa Rita. Ronnie was on a trip. Dr. Sowers went no to say that speed causes rather prolonged paranoid states, which could very well persist for sometime after he was placed in prison, but Methedrine was not a hallucinogenic per se. LSD was a hallucinogenic. LSD came from a CIA laboratory, and BZ was developed out of a military intelligence quest for a non-personal chemical warfare agent.

Ronnie said that he had been picked up by the Berkeley Police Department riding in a black & white Porsche. He had been arrested for auto theft. Dr. Sowers found that Ronnie was definitely psychotic at present and therefore unable to know the difference between right and wrong, at present unable to participate in his defense. His diagnosis was schizophrenic reaction paranoid type cause unknown.

Dr. Weiss provided the court with a second opinion of whether or not Ronnie was insane. Dr. Weiss recorded, “he says he is going to try to stop the people from exploring the universe. They are going to do this by psychological warfare. The whole population will blow up if they have their way. They keep messing with me…I told them I wanted to get on a space ship. They are coming to pick me up.”

Including Ronnie’s statement regarding a psychological warfare project, he said, “I wouldn’t die, I wouldn’t join their religious group. Also, I wouldn’t commit treason, that’s why I’m in jail.” Ronnie told the doctor that people have been putting drugs in his veins and into his food. Ronnie wouldn’t voluntarily join some group that was inducting him into some type of mission. Ronnie resisted his recruiters and programmers.

Dr. Weiss observed a laceration on his left wrist. They considered that evidence of an attempted suicide. Both doctors reported to Judge Redmond C. Staats that they found Ronnie to be insane.

On August 30, 1967, Judge Staats declared Ronnie insane. Judge Staats was interesting. Judge Staats was a “good old boy” linked to the Republican Party, and the powerful political cabals of Southern Pacific. Judge Staats committed former mayor John Houlihan to the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville after he was railroaded out of the mayor’s office. Houlihan got in the way of the Knowland-Kaiser-Bethtel Cabal’s plans for the multi-million dollar Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District project. Houlihan as Mayor of the City of Oakland publicly opposed the building of BART, and vowed to stop it. 

Ronnie was certain that someone drugged him in the Berkeley City Jail. Ronnie was 20 years old at the time of his commitment. Ronnie’s reference to “psychological warfare” at the time was rather unusual. According to doctors, it was generally understood that Ronnie had been in and out of jail. He told the psychiatrists that he dropped out of school at the 10th grade, but he had done some work at a junior college.

Where did Ronnie obtain information in reference to “psychological warfare” and a conspiracy by a group to use psychological warfare against the people of the United States? Ronnie also made reference to the fact that he didn’t want to commit treason.

The scope of treasonous activity is broad. Sedition, subversive activities and treason involves crimes against the sovereignty of the nation and states; stemming from the advocacy of the overthrow of the constitutional government; and threats to the internal security of the United States. Treason is the only crime defined in the United States Constitution. The Constitution declares that treason against the United States shall consist only of levying war against them, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Treason is generally defined as a breach of allegiance to a government committed by a person who owes allegiance to it, and is the greatness crime known to law. [7]

Why would Ronnie with a 10th grade education be referring to “psychological warfare” and “treason” unless he had been exposed to and subjected to a covert military-intelligence CIA experimental mind control program? 

One of the more interesting statements made by Ronnie to doctors were “I wouldn’t die. I wouldn’t join their religious group.” One religious group that was involved in prison-military-CIA mind control programs that had setup roots in the Mendocino County in 1965 was the Peoples Temple.[8]

RONNIE FLENAUGH: Agnews State Mental Hospital & The Programmers

What Ronnie didn’t know was what was waiting for him at Agnews State Hospital. Agnews was in Santa Clara County along the way to the notorious Mk-ULTRA institution, Stanford University. The current occupant of the now closed Agnews Hospital is Palo Alto’s Sun Microsystems, Inc.

In 1968, it was on the record and official; Richard Price and Dr. Julian Silverman of Esalen Institute of Big Sur, CA moved into Agnews State Hospital to conduct an experimental program. Charles Manson spent the day at Esalen exactly 3 days prior to the Sharon Tate Murders in Los Angeles.  The cover story was that Manson was playing his guitar for Esalen’s clients. However, I believe during that time Manson was programmed with neuro-linquistist triggers and keys to release sleeper cells that carried out the murders, particularly sleeper Charles “Tex” Watson under the influence of mind control, mescaline, psilocybin, THC, STP, and Orange sunshine. 

In 1962, Esalen was founded by Stanford grads Pat Murphy and Richard Price. Esalen was started in close collaboration with Dr. Gregory Bateson, and Dr. Aldous Huxley. Price majored in psychology at Stanford, and had been connected with U.S. Air Force intelligence.

Both Price and Dr. Silverman were close associates of Dr. Gregory Bateson. Dr. Bateson and Dr. Louis Joylon West were apostils of Aldous Huxley. Huxley was the godfather of LSD, and Esalen Institute. Esalen’s first brochure was based on a series of 1961 lectures of Aldous Huxley. Huxley also encouraged Dr. West to combine LSD with his “spook” hypnosis experiments. In 1981, Dr. Bateson died at Big Sur, home to Esalen.

Dr. Silverman joined Esalen directly out of NIMH in 1965 right after the CIA initiated the highly classified Project Pandora. Project Pandora involved Russia’s covert experimental use of extremely low electromagnetic frequencies (ELF) to bombard the U.S. Embassy in Russia. 

The NIMH was a conduit for CIA funding of covert mind control experiments, and was involved in funding research directly involved in Project Pandora. Dr. Silverman had been a research psychologist at the National Institute of Mental Health, a notorious MK-ULTRA institution. While at NIMH, Silverman authored over 50 papers on subjects ranging from perceptual style to schizophrenia and shamanism.      

 The congressional National Mental Health Act created the NIMH in 1946. It was borne of the combined efforts of Robert H. Felix (head of the military’s Division of Mental Hygiene during World War II), General Lewis Hershey (director of the Selective Service System), and chief psychiatrists of the Army and the Navy. Dr. Felix was a 33rd mason that was directly responsible for inhuman torture, drugging and brainwashing of Black men at the drug addiction facility in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Richard Price of Esalen was particularly associated with Dr. Gregory Bateson, and Stanford Research Institute’s (SRI) highly classified military-CIA remote viewing project as a remote reviewer.

SRI’s remote viewers Pat Price and Ingo Swan were brought in on the Patty Hearst kidnapping case by the Berkeley Police Department. It was Price that identified Colston Westbrook’s friend, Willie (the wolf) Wolfe as a conspirator in the kidnapping. Price was a former Air Force intelligence officer. Price had also been a former police chief of either Santa Monica or Beverly Hills. He came up dead in 1973 in Las Vegas casino hotel allegedly by food poisoning. Price’s death may have something to do with the assassination of Bobby Baker, Watergate, and the White House Gemstone Project. Baker was a Beverly Hills drug dealer, and an insider of the Howard Hughes affair.

Richard Price died in 1984 following a freak and suspicious accident while rock climbing at Big Sur. During that time, Esalen Institute was heavily involved in exchanging information and visits with Russian parapsychology, and Tesla technology scientist.

Who was Berkeley’s mayor during the Hearst kidnapping? Warren Widener, another former Air Force intelligence officer. Dr. West was also positively associated with the U.S. Air Force. He was a former U.S. Air Force Major. Colston Westbrook was another former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer. Both Westbrook and Dr. West worked on Korean-Russian-Chinese brainwashing and deception research projects after the Korean War. Master Hypnotist, Dr. William Bryan Jennings, and cult expert Dr. Margaret Singer of Cal, also worked with the Air Force intelligence on the Korean-Russian brainwashing research projects.

Dr. West was the CIA consultant to Dr. James A. Hamilton and his covert mind control projects at Vacaville Prison, particularly, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). The BCA was a CIA mind control research program. BCA was run under banner of UC Berkeley for cover. Colston Westbrook was UC Berkeley’s outside community coordinator for the BCA-CIA project at Vacaville. 

Dr. West had also been in charge of medical oversight of SRI’s highly classified remote viewing program, PROJECT SCANGATE. Dr. West was also working at SRI conducting “his own experimental studies of the phenomenology (study of the events or occurrences) of dissociate states, or multiple personalities. [9]  Dr. West’s association with the small knot of men such as Dr. Bateson, Dr. Hamilton, Westbrook, Price, Esalen and SRI was too close to be coincidental.

RONNIE FLENAUGH: Dr. Valerie Hunt & Mind Machines

There was another much stronger Agnew Hospital project connection to Dr. West, and CIA, Dr. Valerie V. Hunt of UCLA. She worked with Price and Dr. Silverman on the Agnews Hospital Project. Dr. Hunt was Dr. West’s associate at UCLA. She was also a NASA scientist. Dr. Hunt’s work was directly related to the objectives of the Pandora Project. 

Dr. Hunt was a 51-year old world renowned neurophysiologist. She graduated from Rockefeller’s Columbia University in New York with a PhD. in psychology. She was also a professor of Kinesiology (the study of the biological and mechanical aspects of muscular movement in man). She was also a scientist in basic and applied research in behavior biology. [10]

Dr. Hunt’s expertise is in human electromagnetic or bioelectric fields. Most of Dr. Hunt’s research in electromagnetic fields remains hidden. Dr. Hunt’s background information and associations are rather sketchy for a person of her stature in the scientific community. Dr. Hunt’s web site stated that she authored at least 25 public scientific articles. In 1977, she and Dr. Edward E. Massey co-authored a couple of unclassified articles regarding Rolfing.

Dr. Hunt is also currently an advisor to ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) Laboratories. ELF labs tout heavily the research of Nicholas Tesla, Dr. Robert O. Becker, and Eldon Byrd. Byrd ran the Marine Corps Non-lethal Electromagnetic Weapons project from 1980 to 1983, and conducted most of his research at the Armed Forces Radiatiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland looking at electrical activity in the brain and how to influence it.

Byrd conducted experiments on animals and humans-including himself-to see if brain waves would “lock on” with waves hitting the brain from the outside. His experiments used VLF (very low frequency) electromagnetic radiation. He found he would induce the brain to release behavior-regulating chemicals. “We could put animals into a stupor,” hitting them with these frequencies, he said. These fields were extremely week. They were undetectable,” Byrd added. “The effects were nonlethal and reversible. You could disable a person temporarily,” Byrd hypothesized. “It [would be] like a stun gun.”

U.S. News reported that: Byrd never tested any of his hardware in the field, and his program, scheduled for four years, apparently was closed down after two years, he says. “The work was really outstanding,” he grumbles. “We would have had a weapon in one year.” Byrd says he was told his work would be unclassified, “unless it works.” Because it worked, he suspects that the program “went black.” Other scientists tell similar tale of research on electromagnetic radiation turning top secret once successful results were achieved.” [11]

Dr. Robert O. Becker experimented in the early 1960’s with ELF by putting the signal on top of a DC current to carry the ELF signal. In other words, ELF rode like the passenger on a bus, maintaining its own integrity but being carried to its specific destination. Dr. Becker tested this concept by using ELF, 1-10 Hertz (cycles or pulses per second) signal on humans resulting in an increased loss of consciousness among test subjects. The weak ELF alone had no effect, and DC current had a significantly reduced effect without the combination. Above 10 Hertz with DC current, the effect increasingly declined until it was no better than with DC current alone. What was demonstrated was that ELF, those frequencies, which most effect human brain functions, could be manipulated externally with profound results. [12] 

Ronnie’s brother, Sebron, appeared at the San Diego Naval Medical Center, part of the National Naval Medical Center, after a four or five year disappearance in Alaska. Coincidence?  Dr. William Teller (Father of the Atomic Bomb) of Stanford was also very interested in the human electromagnetic field, and Alaska. 

Dr. Hunt’s research was the first of its kind to show that low frequency electromagnetic (ELF) radiation had an effect on hormonal levels and other physiological systems of the body. She was the first person to electronically record energy fields using adapted electromyography (the production and interpretation of tracing which represents the electric currents produced by contraction of muscles, as those involved in eye movements) to record small amounts of very high frequency energy from the “charkas” (body energy centers identified in Eastern philosophies). [13]

Dr. Hunt had done extensive work measuring the strengthening effects of ELF waves upon the auric field, the energy field surrounding the body. Dr. Hunt did most of her research while a professor at UCLA. 

As a result of Dr. Hunt’s human electromagnetic research studies, researchers began to use ELF radiation in a variety of successful ways. Some introduced low sound frequencies directly into the body with their voices, the client’s voice, or by machine.

Some of the secret experiments that were carried out at the Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville during this time period involved mind control-ELF radiation.[14]

The Price-Silverman-Hunt experiments at Angews State Mental Hospital involved much more than “Rolfing” somatic discipline. Was the research related to Dr. David Ewen Cameron’s infamous mind control technique involving depatterning, and “psychic driving”?

Dr. Cameron used tape-recorded messages to imbed suggestions to a laboratory induced comatose or drugged patient. Dr. Felix’s sponsored experiments in Lexington involved driving messages to comatose Black addicts. Some of Dr. Felix’s patients had been drugged on LSD for 77 days straight and driven with messages to “kill”. I suspect that Dr. Hunt was imbedding suggestions into drugged patients by an electromagnet or sound wave machinery and devices (Psychotronics).

During a presentation to the U.S. Psychotronics Association Annual Symposium at Bergamo Center in Ohio in 1988, Dr. Hunt presented what was described as “epochal work” showing chaos and hidden order in recorded ELF electromagnetic radiation from human bodies. Dr. Hunt split received EM signals emitting from the human body into two identical channels, a time-delayed one channel by a very slight amount, then mixed the non-delayed and delayed signals and bombarded the body with the ELF electromagnetic sound waves. The bottom line was Dr. Hunt induced “chaos” human confusion, disorientation with ELF electromagnetic waves.[15]

Dr. Hunt also reportedly constructed an experimental room emitting human ELF electromagnetic sound waves that she had recorded. She changed the recorded ELF polarization and created “chaos”. The human subject inside the room lost orientation; he or she would not touch a finger to nose or maintain balance to walk.

Psychotronics are basically described as “mind machines.” Dr. Ross Abey was another of Drs. West and Hunt associates at UCLA. Dr. Abey was also doing research work with Psychotronics. On June 3, 1983, it was reported that Dr. Abey was investigating a Soviet Psychotronic device called LIDA. LIDA was designed to bombard human brains with radio waves in the 40-MHZ region. Dr. Abey was also investigating the work of A.S. Davydov of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, who discovered how the blood-brain barrier can be penetrated by low-frequency radio waves so that brain cells are affected. [16]

Dr. Abey tested LIDA on a cat, and in two or three minutes the cat was sitting quietly, almost as though transfixed, and uninterested in its surroundings. The animal remained uninterested in its surroundings for some 20 to 30 minutes after the machine was turned off. [17]

Dr. Abey’s laboratory is located in Linda Loma, CA. From 1984 to 1986, Sebron Flenaugh was located in Pt. Linda Loma doing some janitorial work with a firm, he called, Maintenance Teck Service.

The Soviet Union had a great deal of interest in Psychotronics. However, keep in mind that Dr. Hunt was a pioneer and leader in the field. During the 70’s, the Soviet KGB developed a Psychotronic Influences System (PIS) that was used to turn people into programmable “human weapons.” Soldiers fighting in the Afghan conflict were trained using the system which employed a combination of high frequency radio waves and hypnosis. Commands were activated by code words or ciphers. The purpose of PIS was to render regular soldiers and members of Special Forces incapable of feeling sympathy. [18]

The CIA and Defense Department officials were deeply involved in the field of bioelectronics (machines involved in the generation of electrical currents of living tissues and organs), and biocybernetics (life-the science of communication in living and mechanical systems, especially with regard to the utilization of feedback). [19] 

The CIA had, through the intermediary of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency and Dr. Jack Verona, The Raven, been involved in funding research into the fundamental working of the human brain at UCLA. [20]

During the 50’s, the agency experimented in a microwave “amnesia bean” that would destroy memory neurons at a California research institute connected to the UC system. [21]

During the 1960’s, the CIA and the military were directly involved in refining research experiments involving low frequency sound waves carrying voice information, and UCLA was involved in some aspects of that research. [22]

The CIA and military were covertly or openly financing research and experiments involving human ELF electromagnetic sound waves, Psychotronics. The CIA and military was actively involved in behavior modification research and experiments at UCLA.   They were very much interested in Dr. Hunt’s research and experiments involving human ELF electromagnetic sound waves. Is it too speculative to conclude that the CIA and the military were indirectly involved in the Price-Silverman-Hunt experiments at Angews State Mental Hospital 

The National Institute of Mental Health funded their experiment. NIMH was a MK-ULTRA institution. The NIMH was a conduit for CIA funding of the Pandora Project, and covert mind control experiments.

Was Ronnie an early experiment subject of one of Dr. Hunt’s secret and revolutionary Psychotronics?  Look at the results. Ronnie and maybe hundreds of other innocent Black military enlistees, ex-convicts and mental patients were turned into zombie killers? Ronnie went go on to join an “assassin” Manchurian Candidate contrived fraction of Black Muslims, “Al Constran”. Al Constran was an agent provocateur, counter intelligent front that sought to discredit and neutralize the Black Nationalist Movement, the objectives of the CIA’s CHAOS Program, and the FBI’s CoIntel Program.  Al Constran was a division of “The Death Angels”.

In 1971, Jim Jones was working with Vitali V. Rozynoko on a behavior modification project at Mendocino State Mental Hospital under a NIMH grant.[23] Ronnie in the first instance refused to join a religious group whose objective was to control the population by a campaign of psychological warfare.  That religious group had to have been the Peoples Temple.

In 1967, Jones and the Peoples Temple were carrying on experimental programs at Mendocino State Hospital with Methedrine (STP) with heroin addicts from Oakland and San Francisco. [24] The experiments were headed by a social worker, Wayne Wilson. Wilson also carried on experiments with LSD.

In an article entitled “People Control Blueprint” by Carol Denton published in May 1972 issue, Vol.3, No. 12 of the National Educator exposed “A Top Secret” paper from the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. The paper provided a plan for total control of the people of the United States through behavior modification techniques of B.F. Skinner. The paper was prepared on December 31, 1971. [25]

A conference was held at the Center January 17 through 19, 1972, at which a discussion on “The Social and Philosophical Implications of Behavior Modification” was held. The discussion paper was prepared by Vitali Rozynko, Kenneth Swift, Joseph Swift, and Larney J. Boggs. They were the senior staff members of the Operant Behavior Modification Project located at Mendocino State Hospital. [26]

On page 5, they wrote, “we are presently concerned with social change and discontent.” They believed that an Orwellian world was more likely under presently developing society than under the kind of rigorous controls of a society envisioned by Skinner. On page 6, they discussed law and order, stating that the population is now more apt to support government repression than previously, in response to their own fears. [27] 

They added that “with the rising population, depletion of natural resources, and increase of pollution, repressive measures may have to be used to guarantee survival of our specie. These measures may take the form of forced sterilization, greatly restricted uses of energy and limits on population movement and living location.” They asserted that operant conditioning (sensitivity training) and other behavior techniques can be used to control the population through positive reinforcement.”[28]

After Ronnie refused to join the Peoples Temple and be programmed as one of their soldiers, he was forced into Al Constran a faction of the infamous “Zebra” killers and became AL RASHID. Al Constran was a virtual reality contrived Black Muslim group of believers. For all practical purposes, Al Constran and AL RASHID were created by U.S. military intelligence controllers, and the Alameda County Mafia.

BILLY MAPP: Pre selected, Kidnapped, Drugged & Driven Insane

According to D. Lowell Jensen, Alameda County Mafia D.A., Al Constran was led by William (Billy) Edward Mapp. Mapp was born on January 6, 1943 in New York. He was first arrested and committed to California Youth Authority (CYA) at the age of 13 and spent his youth in and outside of CYA on parole until 1961. At 17, he was convicted of attempted robbery and returned to CYA. In 1965, he was convicted of conspiracy and placed on probation. 

Mapp had his roots in West Oakland. He had attended McClymonds High School. Mapp was intelligent, handsome, and rather short, thin Black man. He appeared to have had Ronnie on a string like a pit bull. Mapp had accompanied Ronnie to Merritt to induce an altercation with Huey and the Black Panther Party. Mapp also had no known prior activist history. 

In May of 1969, Rev. William E. Mapp, Minister of the Life Universal Church of San Jose or Fresno, was raising money for a Black business (ABC Distribution) on 98th and Edes in Oakland. He was giving out a box of pepper for a donation to raise funds. He was standing in front of, or adjacent to Ziegler’s Bar B-Q. Mapp had lived on welfare for the past 5 years. He was living at 926 7th Street in Oakland with his wife and three kids. 

For whatever reasons, OPD officers Thomas Otto, and J. Dowd arrested Mapp for solicitation without a license. Solicitation without a license was no more than an infraction under the Oakland municipal code.  Mapp was placed in a police unit and taken to an isolated parking lot of a local hotel where he was beaten. 

Mapp was charged with two felony counts of assault and battery on the police officers. On May 20, 1969, “Good Olde Boy” Judge Staats enters the case. Judge Staats denied Mapp’s release, and sets bail at $6000. Judge Leonard Dieden then revokes his bail and orders him into custody when Mapp arrived late for court due to the injuries he sustained while being beaten by the OPD. Dieden was described to a low life political hack that sent so people to San Quentin that part to the prison was named “Dieden’s Row. [29] Mapp was held at Alameda County Santa Rita Jail pending trial. Judge Dieden set bail at $20,000. Mapp would languish being driven insane for almost 6 months pending a jury trial in November 1969. 

While in jail, Mapp made a motion to the court to recues Judge Dieden from the case for prejudice. In that motion written in longhand, he said that he was, “Most of all ordained by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to preach his words through out the land and I want freedom, Justice and Equality.” He ended, “Allah uh Arbar”.

Was Mapp being primed and selection for forcible induction into “Al Constran” in Santa Rita Jail? Was it random that Mapp was arrested, beaten and jailed by OPD for such a minor infraction? Someone in a governmental agency that Mapp had prior extended with knew that he was susceptible to hypnotism and programmable. Just as in the case of Ronnie Flenuagh, Mapp was pre selected, drugged and programmed against his will into the contrived fictional group Al Constran, and the “Death Angels” by Squad 19, and the Alameda County Mafia.

On November 5, 1969, William E. Mapp was acquitted of two charges of assault and battery on police officers, but the damage had already been done. He had been beaten, humiliated, and isolated beyond his mental and physical capacity. He had been driven insane. Mapp was right for induction and programming to kill as “Ali Allm Alalah“.  (To be continued)

[1] I was on campus at the time, but missed the Flenaugh-Huey confrontation. I saw Flenaugh. Flenaugh was a beautiful brother with a superb body physique. It appeared to me that he was high on his own spirit. My impression of Flenaugh was that he was crazy. Crazy to confront Huey in Oakland, at Merritt were we loved Huey.

[2] Brown, Elaine, A Taste of Power, Pantheon Books, NY, NY (1992) pg. 287

[3] SFC, 6/27/67, page 1, 12

[4] Research of Mae Brussell

[5] SFC, The Meth Freaks of Mendocino, Dec. 6, 1967, pg. 14

[6] Science, 11/3/67, 2.5 Dimethoxy-4-methyl-amphetamine (STP): A New Hallucinogenic Drug, page 669

[7] Volume 70 Am Jur 2d, Sedition, Subversive Activities, and Treason § 80

[8] Miers, Michael, Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? Mellon Press,  NY, NY, 1981

[9] Constantine, Alex, CIA Mind Control Operations at Stanford Research Institute


[11] Smith, Jerry E., HAARP, The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1998, pg. 125

[12]  Begich, Nick Dr., Manning, Jeane, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Earthpulse Press, P.O. Box 201393, Anchorage, Alaska, 1995, citing Letter from David Yarrow to Gar Smith, Earth Island Journal, August 18, 1995, pg. 136

[13] Dynamic Years, Nov.-Dec. 1980, pages 43-44

[14] Weiner, Bernard, The Clockwork Cure, The Nation, April 3, 1972, page 433

[15] Explore!, Volume 9, Number 4&5, 1999,

[16] Possony, Stedan T., “Psy-War Soviet Device Experiment, “Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily 12(4), June 7, 1983, p.1-2

[17] Huntsville Times, May 19, 1983, “Soviet devise uses radio waves as tranquilizer”

[18] Resonance, No. 30, Mar. 1996, p. 29 “KGB Used PIS to Program Soldiers”

[19] Bates, William, The UC-CIA Connection: Dishonorable Schoolboys, New West, March 13, 1978

[20] Id.

[21] Id.

[22] Id.

[23] June 1970, NIMH grant for Mendocino State Mental Hospital

[24] SF Chronicle, The Meth Freaks of Mendocino, Dec. 6, 1967


[26] Id.

[27] Id.

[28] Id.  
