9 05 2017




Donald J. Drumpf, DEVIL & Beast of the Apocalypse, Somme le Roi, Britanny, 1464 | Manuscript from BnF, Français 958, fol. 6v

There is something striking dangerously mentally unstable or absolutely EVIL or DEMONIC about Donald J. Drumpf.

Donald J. Drumpf, Chocolate Cake & 59 Tomahawk Missiles- Which Way is Syria? 


On April 6, 2017, he directed 59 tomahawk missiles at the cost over a 100 million dollars to strike a sovereign nation, and within moments, he remembered having chocolate cake at the time, but wasn’t sure if it was Iraq or Syria that the missiles hit.

Donald J. Drumpf & North Korea: I’ll Handle It Myself!



On or about April 9, 2017, Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces, Donald J. Drumpf, told the world that he ordered an aircraft carrier and an armada of warships toward the Korean Peninsula in a show of force just days after North Korea tested another intermediate missile. Speaking to reporters on Air Force One, Drumpf said he would “certainly be prepared to act alone against North Korea“. The President said he “didn’t know” if the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un, is mentally fit as he boasted of having a “very powerful” military while talking up the power of the US “armada”.

Drumpf told Fox News: “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know him. But he’s doing the wrong thing. We are sending an armada. Very powerful. We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier, that I can tell you. And we have the best military people on earth.”

The New York Times reports that while Drumpf was selling “wolf tickets” against Kim Jong-un, the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Carl Vinson, was sailing thousands of mile south in the opposite direction toward the  Indian Ocean at the time the U.S. announced that it was heading to the Sea of Japan, despite the fact that White House Spokesman, Sean Spicer, said on April 11 that the carrier would serve as “a huge deterrence” to North Korea. Was Donald J. Trump in his childhood fantasy world just beating his chest as if was Tarzan- King of the Jungle? I think so. Now, he praises Kim Jong-un as a “smart cookie” that he would be honored to meet.

Donald J. Drumpf, War Crimes &  the  Afghan Atomic Bomb, They’re Aren’t My People

Don’t get it twisted. The MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) that Drumpf, without any compassion for mankind, hesitation or second thoughts whatsover, authorized the U.S. military to drop on top of the Afghan people wasn’t any ordinary bomb. It was an ATOMIC BOMB!  

On April 13, 2017, the eve of Palm Friday, Donald J. Drumpf and the U.S. military dropped an atomic- zero point Nazi/SS Wonder Weapon (MOAB) bomb on Afghanistan. Do not allow anyone to misinform or mislead you about the MOAB, it is  one of Heinrich Himmler’s secret SS WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) Fuel Air Bomb- Atomic Bomb.




The writer of English 1464 Manuscript, Somme le Roi, was one of the most influential Christian moral treatises of the thirteenth-fifteenth centuries, Lorens of Orléans, O.P. is relatively unknown today. Lorens of Orléans used many different sources in the compilation of his book, finished, according to most of the dated manuscripts, in 1279. Lorens named it, in King of France Philip III’s honour, the Somme le Roi (literally, the King’s “Sum,” or Summa). Philip III (1245 –1285), called the Bold was King of France from 1270 to 1285, a member of the HOUSE OF CAPET.[1] They were sometimes called “The Third Race of Kings“, the Merovingians being the first, and the Carolingians being the second. The name is derived from the nickname of Hugh, the first Capetian King, who was known as Hugh Capet (941 –996).[2] The direct succession of French kings, father to son, from 987 to 1316, of 13 (thirteen) generations in almost 330 years, was unparalleled in recorded history.[3]


Charlemagne & Hugh Capet

Hugh was a Bloodline of the Dragon. His ancestress was Gisela, or Gisele (born 821), daughter of Louis I, Son of Charlemagne.[4] Charlemagne married an Eastern Fairy Princess, Frastrada, belonging to the blood of the Dragon Queens and Grail Kings. The wedding was blessed by the appearance at the feast by a DRAGON bearing in its mouth an Alchemist’s Ring of Power, which it dropped into Charlemagne’s chalice of blood red wine. Charlemagne was a Merovingian among the first race of kings.[5]

Charlemagne belongs, if anywhere, to a variation of the Grail Myth known as the Ring Cycle, and though Charlemagne is hailed as a Hero of the Catholic faith he, like others who proceeded him, has what the church might consider to be a dark undercurrent to his nature. On the surface he is a Christian emperor but even so he accepts from a “Dragon”, the gift of a Ring which, not unlike those of Solomon, were regarded by the Church as being symbols of SATAN.”[6]


Dragon Oroborus

“The Ring of Power, the Alchemist’s Oroborus, was the figure of a Dragon or Serpent encurved into a circle and set in the act of biting its own tail. It was the symbol both of eternity and, as the symbol of primordial chaos, the Dragon Ring also represented Tiamat, the mother of Anu, the Nephilim and the Titans.”[7]

“The Dragon that bestowed the ring on Charlemagne was Frastrada the Fairy. Like Tiamat, Lilith, Tamaris, Sheba, Diana, Arduin, Brigid, Lamia, Janet of Carterhaugh, Gwenhyfar, Pressina and Melusine, Frastrada was a Dragon Princess and a Grail Maiden. She is a Mary Magdalene and a Maid Marion.”[8]


Drumpf & 7 (seven) heads of the BEAST OF THE APOCALYPSE

The Book of vices and virtues, a 14th century English translation of the Somme Le Roi of Lorens D”Orleans / ed. by W. Nelson Francis (E.E.T.S..,Orig. Ser. No. 217 ) is part of the Royal Collection of England, Buckingham Palace, London. The subject-matter of the Book is treated primarily allegorically; for example, the 7 (seven) deadly sins are identified with the 7 (seven) heads of the BEAST OF THE APOCALYPSE.[9]

The beast John saw in vision in the Book Revelation seemed to rise out of an ocean. It had 7 (seven) heads and 10 (ten) horns. The horns featured 10 (ten) crowns, while the heads were decorated with names which are blasphemous in God’s sight. What is the meaning of this seven-headed, ten-horned creature? John said, “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear [strange feet indeed, for a leopard-like creature!], and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2).
What is meant by a “DRAGON”?


Dragons, purely mythological creatures, remind one of serpentine monsters with huge, bat-like wings; fierce heads with blazing, snake-like eyes; heavy, clawed feet like those of a crocodile; and rows of wickedly gleaming, sharply pointed teeth, breathing roaring tongues of fire from their mouths. But we need not speculate about what is meant by the dragon which empowers the beast, for the Bible plainly tells us what it is: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:7-9).

The DRAGON is a symbol for SATAN.


Jesus Christ said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven” (Luke 10:18). Satan is the “prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2), and is “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4) who influences heads of state and leaders of false, counterfeit religions. He is “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10), who, “as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).[10]

U.S. President-Select, Donald J. Drumpf, is turning out to be one of the world’s most evil class, religious, racial polarizing and divisive figures of the 21st century. The German Drumpf bloodlines have no identifiable royal or dragon lineages. The power elite Masonic, religious and super rich circles that Fred Drumpf moved in New York rewarded his dedication and loyalty to the ruling classes through an arranged backdoor Satanic dragon bloodline marriage through the ancient powerful “fairyMacLeod Clan of Scotland.


Rurik, the Viking

Through the MacLeod Clan, Donald J. Drumpf is distantly related to Rurik, the legendary Viking who founded the Russian state. He was the first entry in the Rurik Dynasty, one of Europe’s oldest royal houses and founders of the Tsardom of Russia, which ruled the country for over 700 years until they were displaced by the Romanovs.[11]


Barack Obama through his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, is also said to be a distant bloodline relation to Rurik.[12] Identified with Rorik of Dorestad, Rurik was a Germanic king from the royal Scylding of of Haithabu in the Jutland Peninsula (then in Denmark, today with Germany). Rorik of Dorestad was born about ca. 810–820 to Ali Anulo, 9th king of Haithabu. Frankish chroniclers mention that he received lands in Friesland from Charlemagne’s son, Louis I.[13] Rorik-Rurik’s Clan of Skjodung had been directly in alliance with Charlemagne, himself. Rorik-Rurik is also believed to be Hamet’s grandfather. Horvendil of Jutland, an independent Danish Kingdom, married Gerutha, Rorik-Rurik’s daughter. Amleth Orvendilson, the son of Horvendil and Gerutha is Shakespeare’s King Hamlet .[14]


The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet is a tragedy written by Shakespeare between1599 and 1602. Set in Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet is called to wreak upon his uncle, Claudius, by the ghost of Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet. Claudius had murdered his own brother and seized the throne, also marrying his deceased brother’s widow.[15]


Donald J. Drumpf is also maternally related to an ancient Viking king of the Kingdom of Norway’s Isles of Man in the Scottish Hebrides, Olaf the Black. Drumpf’s DNA mother, Mary Anne MacLeod was part of the MacLeod Clan believed to have been started by Olaf’s son or grandson, Leod.[16] The Olafs go directly back the royal bloodlines of Rorik-Rurik of Demark.[17]


Drumpf’s presidential cabal’s psychic and occult egregorethought form or collective group mind” an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people, proceeds from the old Pole, the red star or astarot– tail of the DRAGON, via House of Rurik and the Varangs, part of the ancient Court of the Dragon Order.[18]


Drumpf ‘s maternal bloodline is that of the DRAGON and LUCIFER.




LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not! – Albert Pike [19]


The 7th President of the U.S., Andrew Jackson (1829- 1837) was a Freemason, having been initiated at Masonic Lodge, Harmony No. 1 in Tennessee; he also participated in chartering several other lodges in Tennessee. He was the only U.S. president to have been a Grand Master of a State Lodge until Harry S. Truman in 1945. His Masonic apron is on display in the Tennessee State Museum. An obelisk and bronze Masonic plaque decorate his tomb at The Hermitage, Nashville, TN.[20] Jackson was a Scottish descent Royal Arch Mason, the first part of the York Rite system of the Masonic degrees. Royal Arch Masons meet as a Chapter, and the Royal Arch Chapter confers four degrees: Mark Master Mason, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason. The Royal Arch Mason degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar.[21]


The York Rite is an order of secret occult rites. Legend says Prince Edwin received a Charter of York from Anglo Saxon King Athelstan at York, England, organizing a General Assembly of Masons in 926 AD.[22] Freemasonry also began to take on influence from Jewish mysticism and occultism as it cemented itself into the Kabala around 1100. (Gould, p 34). The secret order of occult rites are said to have been founded at different times by Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, Cyrus, Solomon, Zoroaster, Confucius, Thothmes, and Buddha.[23]


It is said that Andrew Jackson converted to Christianity sometime after leaving the presidency on March 4, 1837. So, what had he been before Christian conversion? In 1850, active in the Grand Lodge of Arkansas, Albert Pike took the 10 (ten) degrees of the York Rite from 1850 to 1853.[24] Pike says a York Rite Mason’s God is the “Fallen DragonLUCIFER![25]


Andrew Jackson wanted the Cherokee to call him “Great Father,” but instead, he was called “Jacksena” or “JACKSON THE DEVIL.”[26] Andrew Jackson was a man nicknamed “Indian killer” and “Sharp Knife” surely deserves a title of a racial mass murderer. “Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the nickname “Sharp Knife” from the Cherokee.”[27]




Bloodline Masonic Scotsmen, Andrew Jackson, Donald J. Drumpf & Thomas Jefferson

In the biblical New Testament, several followers of the apostle Paul were dragged into the  theater of Ephesus for teachings that threatened the livelihoods of local craftsmen who manufactured objects pertaining to the goddess Diana [Greek Artemis](Acts 19.23–41).

There is a great deal of debate surrounding Jefferson’s Masonic membership. The York Rite is an order and society of secret occult rites. If his name isn’t publicly found attached to lodge doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a Masonic brother, if It is a blood oath SECRET! Rev. James Ogilvie was the Scottish tutor of Thomas Jefferson’s grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, a Freemason. Before the Revolution, Thomas Jefferson and James Ogilvie were good friends. Ogilvie was a Scottish immigrant who served as a tutor for families of the gentry in Virginia. After his ordination, he became rector of Westover Parish, an ecclesiastical unit of the Church of England, the established church in colonial Virginia.[28]


Greek Goddess Artemis [Roman Diana]and Brother, Sun God Apollo

August 4, 1811, Thomas Jefferson to James Ogilvie, Monticello, VA: “but politics, like religion, hold up the torches of martyrdom to the reformers of error. nor is it in the theater of Ephesus alone that tumults have been excited when the crafts were in danger. you must be cautious therefore in telling unacceptable truths beyond the water.”[29] I say that Jefferson was talking coded language about secrecy of the craft (freemasonry). The tumults (loud crowds) of Ephesus (ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia) were fervent religious followers and craftsmen of the graven idols and images of Goddess Artemis.

aaaaaaadrumpfbeehive Masons & the Beehive- Secret Symbol of Goddess Artemis

Goddess Artemis is part of an important secret foundation ritual and dogma of Freemasonry. On the top of this secret Masonic visual teaching tool: “we have the beehive ruled by the Queen bee and the female worker bees representing either a matriarchal society or the ancient Goddess Artemis who was once the Great Mother. Then we have the compass and square on the open book which is a double vaginal symbol. Which is also a pre-historic symbol of the Great Mother. Then at the bottom we have Noah’s ark.”

There was a great deal of anti-Masonic sentiment in the country even during Jefferson’s time. The common people knew little about the Masons, but clearly understood its veiled nature of blood oath secrecy, and secret rituals and crafts out of Egypt. The people knew of the existence of their clandestine codes of handshakes and passwords, and their ultimate plans whether in religion, business or politics that benefited them only.


Fellow African enslaver, President Thomas Jefferson, entrusted his secret subordinate Scottish Knight Templar, Jackson, to do his dirty work to exterminate Native Americans, and violently remove, seize and appropriate, particularly, Creek and Cherokee lands in the south. My maternal Great-Great Grandmother, Amanda Hutchinson, was full Cherokee or Half. In my family folklore, the “trail of tears” have been passed down through my down thru the generations as well.

Jefferson and Jackson helped create and build the South’s power base of planter’s aristocracy and oligarchies- the Democratic Party. Jackson’s political policies followed the era of Jeffersonian  democracy which dominated the previous political era. Jefferson and Jackson formed the basis of the modern Democratic Party that is no more than Masonic ILLUSIONARY Jacksonian Democracy.[30]

The Democratic-Republican Party was an American political party formed by Jefferson and James Madison in 1791- 93 to oppose the centralizing policies of the new Federalist Party run by Alexander Hamilton, who was then Secretary of the Treasury and chief architect of George Washington’s administration. The term “Democratic-Republican” is used especially by modern political scientists for the first “Republican Party” (as opposed to the modern Republican Party founded in 1854). It is also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans. Historians typically use the title “Republican Party“.[31]

Once Native Americans were removed from their lands, Jefferson and Jackson, gave land grants of tracts of thousands of acres to their secret brethren, knights, Masonic members and then provided the financial backing through collaborating banks to grow and make “cotton” king in the South on the backs of African Bondage.


Soldiers Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray & Robert the Bruce

Thomas Jefferson was born into ultra secret and powerful Satanic global oligarchic aristocracy and secrecy that spanned two nations through his mother, Jane Randolph. She was a descendant of Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray of Scotland. It was Thomas Randolph who signed the Arboath Declaration in 1320 whose blood uncle was Rex DeusRobert the Bruce of Scotland.[32] The Celtic Christian, royal mythology comprising French, British, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish genealogies eventually came together in one famous royal house, the Stuart dynasty. The Stuart dynasty descends back to 1296, to the crowning of Robert the Bruce, the famous Rex Deus 2 protectorate of the refugee Knights Templar.[33]


Mary Magdalen (c. 1660-1670) is a painting by Italian artist Carlo Dolci

Rex Deus- The messianic family, stemming from Davidic royal lineage and the offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (i.e. Sangraal) according to esoteric tradition, is said to carry the title, Rex Deus, meaning “King of God“.[34]


Robert the Bruce was far more than an “early Scottish King.” He was a high born Merovingian: Priest-King of the Celtic Church, liberator of Scotland from England, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Knights Templar, founder of the Order of the Rosy Cross.[35]


Ancient Kemetic God Sobek

Robert the Bruce represents the secret ancient Bloodlines of Dragon Dynasties of Sobek. The latter strain of Sobek includes the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.[36]


Queen Sobeknefru Ruled Kemet as Pharaoh

They allege that the European Dragon Dynasties and Societies started in the 12th Kemetic Dynasty with Queen SobeknefruThe Beauty of Sobek. She was the daughter of Pharaoh Amenemhat III. He had most likely had been the younger brother of Senusret III.[37]


Young Wise Sesostris, Many Years in the Priesthood

Sesostris III (Sesostris of Greek legend) is the legendary Kemetic pharaoh that led military expeditions into Europe during the eighteenth century BC. In Herodotus’ Histories, there appears a story told to him by Egyptian priests about a Pharaoh Sesostris, who once led an army northward overland to Asia Minor, then fought his way westward until he crossed into Europe, where he defeated the Scythians and Thracians (possibly in modern Romania and Bulgaria). Sesostris then returned home, leaving colonists behind at the river Phasis in Colchis.[38]


Colchis is the country that cradled the ancient Greek mythological hero, Jason, who was famous for his role as the leader of the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece.[39] There are historical facts that seems to support the creation of a secret line of European Dragon Dynasties and societies out of Kemet. However, I believe that their real penetration (Scythians) inside Kemetic Cosmology came as result of the Hyskos (European and Asiatic Nomadic Shepherd Kings) military conquest of part of Kemet during the end of the 12th dynasty from about 1802 BC. They weren’t initiated into the temples or priesthood of Set or Sobek by the Queen or any pharaohs of the 12th dynastic, the Hyskos rose up against their hosts and forcible appropriated Kemetic Gods out of context as their own gods sometime during Queen Sobeknefru’s reign.[40],[41],[42]


President Thomas Jefferson

One thing is beyond a shadow of a doubt, President Jefferson wasn’t an “Anti-Mason” of the era. “Thomas Jefferson was often in Masonic company. His son-in-law Governor of Virginia Thomas M. Randolph, his favorite grandson Thomas Jefferson Randolph, and nephews Peter and Samuel Carr were all members of Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44, Albemarle County, Virginia. Freemasons such as Thomas Paine, Voltaire, Lafayette, and Jean Houdon were some of his closest associates in Europe. Masons whom he admired in America included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Dr. Benjamin Rush, John Paul Jones, James Madison, James Monroe, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Brother Denslow showed that Jefferson was reported by Dr. Joseph Guillotin to have attended meetings of the Lodge of Nine Muses in Paris; that he had marched in a Masonic procession with Widow’s Son Lodge No. 60 and Charlottesville Lodge No. 90 on October 6, 1817, at the cornerstone laying of Central College (now the University of Virginia); that the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Louisiana held funeral orations and processions for him following his death on July 4, 1826; and that a Blue Lodge at Surry Court House, Virginia, was named Jefferson Lodge No. 65 in 1801.”[43]


Both Jackson and Jefferson are buried beneath Egyptian “obelisks“. To Masonic mystic enlightenment and illumination in the 1800s, the obelisk was the only architectural symbol of Asur (Osiris) still in existence. And if, as some Masonic historians claim, “Hiram Abiff is really Osiris reborn”.[44]

The word “obelisk” literally means ‘Baal’s Shaft’ or Baal’s organ of reproduction. This should be especially shocking when we realize that we have a gigantic obelisk in our nation’s capital known as the Washington Monument. – Dr. Cathy Burns, Mason and Occult Symbols Illustrated [45]


On March 17, 2017, President- select Donald Drumpf visited Andrew Jackson’s god forbidden African slave plantation, The Hermitage, on the 250th anniversary of his birth to lay a wreath on his demonic Masonic- Hellenistic Tomb. If Jackson had converted to Christianity during his life, his tomb surely isn’t evidence.[49]


Drumpf and his “darkSatanic cabal knew very well that they couldn’t have chosen a more SYMBOLIC savage, racist, hated, vile, vicious mass murdering and demonic polarizing figure in U.S. history to venerate, and throw in the face of the masses. More than any other U.S. president in history, Jackson has indirectly negatively impacted each and every African descendant and Native American born in this country, today.

In the 18th century, I traced my great-great-great grandfather, Moses Bullock, from the English cotton and tobacco plantations of the Colony of Virginia. Virginia was the homeland of the Algonquian speaking peoples, Nottoway, Meherrin, Siouan or Iroquoians.[50] From Virginia, Moses Bullock was marched to the mountains, valleys and forests of North Carolina. Moses was held captive, enslaved on cotton and/or tobacco plantations in and around Granville and Vance Counties, NC originally inhabited by the Tuscarora and Saponi.[51]

During the 19th century, African bondage and the greed, human cruelty and savagery of a cotton industry once again came knocking as President Jefferson and General Jackson opened up Native American ancestral lands to slave exploitation. It marched Moses and my great-great-great grandmother, Caroline, from the plantations of the Carolinas almost to the Gulf of Mexico to the wild rainforests of Mississippi. Mississippi was the homelands of the Biloxi, Capinans, Chakchiuma, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Choula, Dakota Sioux Grigra, Houma, Ibitoupa, Koroa, Moctobi, Natchez, Ofo, Okelousa, Pascagoula, Pensacola, Quapaw, Taposa, Tiou, Tunica and Yazoo.[52] So, I don’t want to hear a damn thing about who moved the mountains, leveled the forests, dammed/tamed the rivers and streams, toiled the black soil of this nation! My great-great-great grandfather was forced at the end of a gun and sword to do it in 3 (THREE) STATES! In 1880, Moses was 100 (one hundred) years old, and Caroline was 80 (eighty).


Drumpf and his Satanic Cabal knew very well that they were paying homage to a vicious racial mass murdering DEVIL worshiper nested in a stone shrine of a Masonic servant dedicated to the “Fallen Angel“, LUCIFER. You may believe that Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson are no more than long gone and dead irrelevant ancient history.  However, alone with Donald J. Drumpf, they live as part of the global secret Legacy of the Brotherhood and Society of the Order of the DRAGON. When Drumpf venerates them, you may believe that he is celebrating the lives of past great American presidents, but he and his “dark” cabal are laughing, and mocking the masses. They are right in front of our faces and WE DON’T BELIEVE THAT THEY’RE REALLY THERE! 

To Donald J. Drumpf and the secret Dragon Society, it’s just like the 59 Tomahawk missiles, And, the lies about sending a U.S. Naval Fleet into the Sea of Japan to confront North Korea, or the dropping of MOAB on the Afghan people, their president- select presents MASONIC CHAOS. He is an absolute EVIL and DEMONIC narcissist LUNATIC, and they don’t seem to give a damn if you or I know it or not. They are pushing the people beyond the limits of a DEMOCRACY.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_III_of_France

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Capet

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Capet

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gisela,_daughter_of_Louis_the_Pious

[5] https://theunhivedmind.com/UHM/the-origin-of-the-dragon-lords-of-the-rings-the-sabbatical-goat/

[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] https://www.royalcollection.org.uk/

[10] http://www.garnertedarmstrong.org/pubs/beastof.htm

[11] http://www.realclearlife.com/history/donald-trump-related-viking-rorik/

[12] Id.

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rurik

[14] http://www.historyfiles.co.uk/KingListsEurope/ScandinaviaJutes.htm

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamlet

[16] http://www.itv.com/news/granada/2016-11-17/trump-could-claim-ancestry-to-isle-of-man-viking-king/

[17] http://www.everydaycitizen.com/2009/06/a_scots_clan_and_the_vikings.html

[18] https://issuu.com/sophia_craft/docs/dragon_court

[19] http://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/Pike-MoralsAndDogma.pdf

[20] http://schools-wikipedia.org/wp/a/Andrew_Jackson.htm

[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Arch_Masonry

[22] http://www.yorkritetexas.org/commandery/Education-Articles-Chronology-of-the-York-Rite.php

[23] https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Freemasonry

[24] http://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/Pike-MoralsAndDogma.pdf

[25] Id.

[26] http://andrewjacksonlookingback.weebly.com/indian-removal-policy.html

[27] https://indiancountrymedianetwork.com/history/people/indian-killer-andrew-jackson-deserves-top-spot-on-list-of-worst-us-presidents/

[28] https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Thomas+Jefferson’s+unlucky+loyalist+friend%3A+the+Reverend+James…-a0125227587

[29] https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/03-04-02-0069

[30] https://www.boundless.com/political-science/textbooks/boundless-political-science-textbook/interest-groups-7/the-history-of-political-parties-55/jacksonian-democrats-1824-1860-318-1562/

[31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic-Republican_Party

[32] http://mccreight.org/randolph-hisrtory.htm

[33] http://genesis6conspiracy.com/chapter-67-the-house-of-stuart/

[34] http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/rex-deux.htm

[35] http://herebedragons.weebly.com/family-tree.html

[36] https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_dragoncourt02.htm

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenemhat_III

[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesostris

[39] http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/entries/jason.html

[40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyksos

[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_Dynasty_of_Egypt

[42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobekneferu

[43] https://redice.tv/news/thomas-jefferson-freemason

[44] http://freemasonrywatch.org/obelisks_freemasonry.html

[45] http://www.texemarrs.com/032009/obsessed_with_sex.htm

[46] Id. at footnote 27

[47] Id.

[48] Id.

[49] http://tntoday.utk.edu/2017/03/17/historian-recaps-trumps-speech-hermitage/

[50] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_tribes_in_Virginia

[51] http://www.ncpedia.org/geography/granville

[52] https://www.warpaths2peacepipes.com/history-of-native-americans/history-of-mississippi-indians.htm