7 11 2012

On Compassion for Colston Westbrook

The World According to Khalif Muhammad, Phd

This is no conspiracy theory. Oakland Unified School Chief, Dr. Marcus A. Foster, was slain in the street with his heart blown out by a shotgun blast. Paul Cook had his brains blown out on the sidewalk. Barbara James-Brumfield murder in a Berkeley dirt field was satanic and ritualized.  Dozens of innocent citizens had been stabbed, hacked and shot to death across Oakland, Berkeley and the Bay Area by a Cult of Death Angels. Dozens were slain and subjected to mind control and human medical experiments  in California prisons all surrounding the clandestine, criminal, racial and inhumane programs and activities of the FBI, CIA and Colston Westbrook. It seems like a fictional Hollywood Monster and Horror movie script, but this SHIT was real. Most of these crimes are still unsolved. The violators and criminals are running free. Yet, forces have surfaced to demand that I tempter my views and show and develop compassion for Colston Westbrook and in turn for the CIA.

A former friend of Colston Westbrook, Khalif Muhammad, PhD aka “Syn Q”, above, has recently come to my attention from several internet websites.

Mr. Muhammad has a website centered on “Counter Racism.” It is “Counter Racism” according to the theories of Neely Fuller, Jr. Fuller authored the book, The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Code, a textbook, workbook, for thought, speech, and / or action, for Victims Of Racism (white supremacy).[1]

Fuller served in two branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. He served in the Army during the Korean War Conflict for his first term. For his second term, he served in the U.S. Air force. Fuller completed the first six pages of “The Code” while in the Air Force.[2]

For the record, I am not familiar with or follow any perspectives of “The Code.”In particular, Syn Q has come to the conclusion that I am involved in “Show-Offisms” according to the edits of Neely Fuller’s Code, that is:

“Showing-Off” (to each other) their ability to belittle (each other.)[3]

This person (“Prince Rey”)

“This person’s (‘Prince Rey’) blog is riddled with inaccuracies and truths mixed with deception. It’s bottom line message, in my opinion, is that Victims of Racism and “Lucifer” are to blame for “CIA Mind Control” experiments and practices that caused the mass killings of “white” people and Victims of Racism. You believe what you want, but, you will know that another perspective exists on this.”[4]

Mr. Muhammad appears to take issue with my profile of El Contran as a CIA MK ULTRA Zombie Killer Cult, and his friend Colston Westbrook” as a CIA agent.

“Colston Westbrook, a good friend of mine, and an attempted Counter Racists was not a CIA “psycho-war-expert” and he did not act against the “black” collective, anymore than any other victim of Racism, who understood the system of Racism (White Supremacy), what it is and how it works…Racists have always been able to find a way to discredit those of us who practiced constructive behavior in attempting to help other “non white” people solve problems.”

Nevertheless, it appears that over 99% of internet hits and numerous studies, periodicals, newspapers and well documented books such Dr. Colin Ross’ The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists also link Colston Richard Westbrook with the CIA.[5]

It doesn’t appear to be any problem with Mr. Muhammad for other folks to connect Colston Westbrook with the CIA. However, we should continue on El Constran and particularly Colston Westbrook, who Khalif Muhammad maintains “practiced constructive behavior in attempting to help other ‘non white’ people solve problems.”

On Colston Westbrook & the CIA


The Quintessential BlackPro U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence Specialist

Colston Westbrook is an extremely important and key figure implicated in the Assassination of Dr. Marcus A. Foster and the Kidnapping of Patty Hearst.

As early as 1967, U.S. domestic (FBI), international (CIA) and military intelligence (Army, Air Force, Navy) agencies began to develop a new and special breed of black intelligence agents and operatives to infiltrate, disrupt, neutralize and destroy Black Aspirations in the country whether Religious, Civil Rights or Black Nationalism. They called them, the BLACKPROs.


Assistant Director William Mark Felt, Sr., above, head of the FBI’s Inspection Division and a favorite of Director J. Edgar Hoover (who later elevated Felt to associate deputy director, a new number-three spot) and convicted criminal felon (U.S. Constitution Violator)[6] was among the first to advocate the formation of a specialized clandestine layer of BLACKPROs.[7]

Felt communicated the belief at FBI headquarters that only black informers could supply certain kinds of information. Several months earlier, the FBI’s “Top Level Informant Program,” or TOPLEV, was renamed the “Black Nationalist Informant Program,” or BLACKPRO, designed to develop “quality non-organizational sources … for the purpose of expeditiously infiltrating militant Black Nationalist organizations.”[8]

These agents,” he concluded, “are not to be given other investigative assignments in accordance with Bureau [FBI headquarters] instructions and should work exclusively on BLACKPRO.”[9]

Colston Westbrook, the Ultimate BLACKPRO

According to independent investigator, Lake Headley, an ex-police intelligence officer who was chief investigator at Wounded Knee,

“From 1962-1969, Westbrook first was a CIA advisor to the South Korean CIA and then supplied logistical support in Vietnam for the CIA’s Phoenix program. His job was the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres.”[10]

According to Dr. Colin Ross’ references,

Westbrook was a CIA psychological warfare expert and advisor to the Korean CIA. From 1966-69 he was a CIA advisor to the Vietnamese Special Police Branch. In Vietnam he worked undercover as employee of Pacific Architects and Engineers.[11]

In Vietnam, Pacific Architects and Engineers was a CIA Front. The CIA employed Pacific Architects and Engineers to build interrogation centers called Provincial Interrogation Center Program (PICs) in each of South Vietnam’s 44 provinces. The Special Police Branch ran extensive informant networks throughout South Vietnam. The Special Police Branch was advised by CIA officers like Colston Westbrook. The purpose of the PICs was to identify and neutralize oppositional forces through the systematic interrogation and torture of the Vietnamese People and VCI suspects.[12]

Colston Westbrook’s CIA Control Agent had been Polish Immigrant Dr. William Herrmann.[13] Herrmann most likely served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Ukrainian),[14] or Poinsche Wehrmacht during WWII.

The Polnische Wehrmacht (Polish: Polska Siła Zbrojna, English: Polish Army Forces), also called unofficially the White Eagle’s Legion (Polish: Legion OrłaBiałego), were the Wehrmacht forces composed of Polish volunteers.[15]

Dr. Herrmann was brought into the United States under the veil of U.S. National Security [16] most likely part of Baron Otto von Bolschwing’s SS East European Spy Network. Dr. Herrmann was part of Governor Ronald Reagan’s Kitchen Cabinet, German General Staff, and part of the Nazi Gehlen Org,

“The Violence Control Center was actually the brain child of William Herrmann as part of a pacification plan for California. A counter insurgency expert for Systems Development Corporation and an advisor to Governor Reagan, Herrmann worked with the Stand Research Institute, the RAND Corporation, and the Hoover Center on Violence. Herrmann was also a CIA agent who is now serving an eight year prison sentence for his role in a CIA counterfeiting operation. He was also directly linked with the Iran-Contra affair according to government records and Herrmann’s own testimony…

In 1970, Herrmann worked with Colston Westbrook as his CIA control officer when Westbrook formed and implemented the Black Cultural Association at the Vacaville Medical Facility, a facility which in July experienced the death of three inmates who were forcibly subjected to behavior modification drugs. The Black Cultural Association was ostensibly an education program designed to instill black pride identity in prisons, the Association was really a cover for an experimental behavior modification pilot project designed to test the feasibility of programming unstable prisoners to become more manageable.”[17]

On Colston Westbrook, Symbionese Liberation Army and the Little Prison of Horrors


In 1970, Westbrook became the outside coordinator of the CIA’s behavior modification experimental group at the California Men’s Medical Facility at Vacaville, the Black Cultural Association (BCA). He was also the control officer for Donald David Defreeze, above, who had worked as an informant from 1967 to 1969 for the Public Disorder Intelligence Unit of the Los Angeles Police Department.[18] I call Vacaville’s medical prison, the Little Prison of Horrors.

Westbrook enjoyed talking to the media and bragging about all the good he was doing to help “non white” people solve problems, and how he used beautiful women to lure poor black inmates into the tentacles of the CIA just like his infamous mentor, Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Facility CIA Station Chief, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton,

“They accused me of taking sexy-looking black women wearing high miniskirts into the prison. Sure I took some foxes, some of my prime stock in there. Because if you want to dangle a carrot in front of the inmates to get them to learn and come to meetings, you don’t dangle communism. You dangle fine-looking chicks. The SLA women say I tortured the inmates by taking in chicks they couldn’t do anything to. That’s why those lesbians were mad at me.”[19]

Colston Westbrook, educated in psychological warfare and the indoctrination of assassination and terrorist cadres among other things, selected and trained the group out of Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility that became the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).[20]

The SLA claimed absolute and sole responsibility for slaying Dr. Foster; and the kidnapping and brainwashing of Patty Hearst as revolutionary political actions.

In March, 1974, even the SLA had publicly named Colston Westbrook as a CIA and FBI informer.[21]


Notice Donald Defreeze’s  two different jawbones shapes, one is longer than the other. The hair color also appears different. The guy with the hat doesn’t even resemble or match the hapless Donald Defreeze, above, with the California Correction Department Breast Plate.


On May 4, 1974, Donald Freed, research journalist, and Lake Headley held a press conference in San Francisco. They presented 400 pages of documentation on Donald DeFreeze’s arrest records, the work of Colston Westbrook with the CCS and CII (Criminal Identification and Investigation), and evidence of links of the CIA to Police Departments.[22]


Really, the Media’s Two Faces of Donald Defreeze

Even Westbrook’s prized pupil, Donald Defreeze, admitted being subjected to MK ULTRA hallucinogenic mind control-behavior modification experiments at the Little Prison of Horrors.[23]

On Colston Westbrook, Dr. Hamilton & MK ULTRA-Mind Control Experiments

For over a decade the Clandestine Services has had the mission of maintaining a capability for influencing human behavior…If we are to continue to maintain a capability for influencing behavior, we are virtually obliged to test on unwitting humans.” Richard Helms, Deputy Director of the CIA (1963)[Jim Keith, Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3, pg. 93]


The person(s) responsible for “CIA Mind Control” experiments on Westbrook’s BCA members was Dr. James A. Hamilton (MK ULTRA Subproject 140 (at that time renamed MKSEARCH # 3).[24]

This is not according to the assertions of Princeray[25], but from the memorandums of the U.S. Department of Energy, Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE).[26]

According to ACHRE, Dr. Hamilton had been primarily involved in CIA narco-behavior modification and mind control experiments at the Little Prison of Horrors,

“Document 2 is a CIA memo dated May 29, 1963 describing Subproject 140, which principally involved human testing of drugs – ‘pharmacological and clinical investigations of Agency interest will be conducted; these investigations will encompass clinical testing and feasibility testing of drugs affecting human behavior.’ “[27]

The CIA was surprisingly candid. They told ACHRE staff that Dr. Hamilton’s Human Radiation Experiments on inmates was only a cover story for its narco-behavior modification and mind control experiments that had been its primary interest.[28]

Dr. Hamilton was also surprisingly candid. He admitted to ACHRE that he was involved in studying the effects of LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs on unwitting black Vacaville inmates.[29]

However, Dr. Hamilton informed ACHRE staff that his radiation studies on human beings weren’t just a cover story. He said that the CIA provided him funds to set up and operate a laboratory, whereby he could do his own research but also do research for the CIA at their request. [30]

Dr. Hamilton stated that he therefore set up a lab in the Vacaville California Prison Medical Facility and did radioisotope studies to measure thyroid uptake in male prisoners as part of his own research in understanding the effects of the thyroid on post-partum depression.[31]

According to ACHRE, an isotope that is radioactive is called a radioisotope or radionuclide.[32]

In other words, Dr. Hamilton conducted MK ULTRA mind control-behavior modification experiments on black inmates; and also did his own thing whatsoever on them that included life threatening radiation experimentation.

On Colston Westbrook, Dr. Hamilton and Human Radiation Experiments on Black Inmates


Dr. Hamilton’s MK ULTRA-MK SEARCH grant funding proposal as noted by ACHRE supported  “a new series of experiments on 100  prisoner-subjects, in which radio-active iodine uptake of the thyroid and T-4 uptake of red-cells, and several other measures which we have developed, are being related to previously studied variables.” [33]

The radioactive iodine uptake test, or RAIU test, is a type of scan used in the diagnosis of thyroid problems, particularly Hyperthyroidism.[34]

Hyperthyroidism, often referred to as an ‘overactive thyroid’, is a condition in which the thyroid gland products thyroid and secretes excessive amounts of the free (not protein bound and circulating in the blood) thyroid hormones, triiodothyonine (T3) and/or thyroxine (T4). This is the opposite of hypothyroidism (‘sluggish thyroid’), which is the reduced production and secretion of T3 and/or T4 Hyperthyroidism is a type of thyrotoxicosis, a hypermetabolic  clinical syndrome which occurs when there are elevated serum levels of T3 and/or T4. Graves’s disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism.[35]

Dr. Hamilton’s MK ULTRA research project at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility admits to subjecting 100 human beings to needless radiation exposures, because none or any of them were suffering under duress of thyroid problems, particularly Hyperthyroidism.

The bottom line was that the Little Prison of Horrors was the CIA’s human guinea pig farm. Dr. Hamilton was directly involved in MK ULTRA mind control, behavior modification; and Colston Westbrook’s BCAmembers were also victims of the CIA’s secret shocking, inhuman and life threatening radiation experiments.

On Colston Westbrook, Dr. Hamilton and Biological-Chemical-Genetic Warfare Experimentation on Black Inmates


Dr. Hamilton also stated that he did experiments on Vacaville’s black inmates concerning covert markers using fluorescents, but not radiation, on himself and his assistants (Colston Westbrook?).[36] Fluorescence is the emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation.[37]

At Vacaville, what type of experimental fluorescence materials was Dr. Hamilton shooting inmates up with? There are electromagnetic radiated materials, mercury and Morgellons fibers.

Morgellons fibers consistently appear as auto fluorescent, meaning that they exhibit a glow under ultraviolet light. Certain marine organisms, such as particular types of jellyfish, also have auto fluorescent properties. One fluorescent protein, known as “green fluorescent protein,” has been studied extensively in recent years as a marker in the study of gene expression; it has been successfully introduced into many bacteria and fungi, as well as into fish, plant, insect, and even human cells.[38]

At the time, there had been consistent and credible reports that the US Army’s biological warfare research facility at Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, had been experimenting with a lab-created disease very similar to Morgellons.[39]

Morgellons (also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome) is a name that was given in 2002 by Mary Leitao to a proposed condition characterized by a range of cutaneous (skin) symptoms including crawling, biting, and stinging sensations (fornication); finding fibers on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores).[40]

During that time, Dr. Hamilton had been the one of the Agency’s most legendary extremely dangerous and ruthless coldblooded agents.

On Colston Westbrook’s Mentor, Human Rights Violator and Genocidist, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton  


According to Author H. P. Albarelli, Jr., and his most remarkable book, A Terrible Mistake,

“Hamilton, a highly respected Stanford University psychiatrist, initially received $4,650 for what the CIA termed ‘the study of possible synergistic action of drugs which may be appropriate for the use in abolishing consciousness.’ Hamilton’s project, which was renewed repeatedly until 1960, called for ‘allocation of $1,000 for animal experiments,’ and ‘to study methods for the administration of drugs without the knowledge of [human] patients.’ This phase of the project call for the ‘preparation of a manual’ for the CIA encompassing ‘a survey of methods which have been used by criminals for surreptitious administration of drugs.’ …Hamilton during his OSS days, had established himself as a strategic and creative thinker who maintained personal and professional associates with many powerful individuals, included Allen Dulles and ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan. During the war, Hamilton had devised an elaborate scheme known as the ‘Hamilton Plan’- a strategy to widely mobilize anti-Hitler opposition throughout German and Europe through the use of rumors and psychological manipulations.  James Hamilton was the first person to propose to Donovan that the OSS recruit and train a team of sophisticated prostitute-assassins who would use their seductive charms and skills to gain access to targeted Nazi generals and officers. Hamilton was also the first to propose that the OSS establish a psychological assessment unit, modeled after Britain’s War Office Selection Board, to identify and eliminate OSS recruits who could not measure up the agency’s strict requirements and demands. Hamilton’s assessment unit also resulted in Harvard’s Dr. Harry Murray developing his aggressive and harsh techniques for determining agent’s abilities to lie, hold liquor, and stand up under pressure, among other traits.  From the earliest years of the OSS, Dr. James Hamilton, often acting in concert with Stanley Lowell, had been directly involved in its research and development of biological weapons of mass destruction. Indeed, recently declassified top-secret OSS documents reveal that Hamilton may well have been largely responsible, along with Lovell, for pushing the Army’s Chemical Warfare Corps into its deadliest biological weapons research.[41]

Whatever biological-chemical-genetic warfare weapons that were coming out of Fort Detrick, it seems that Dr. Hamilton and the CIA had its hands on it. And, cold blooded Dr. Hamilton and the CIA also used black inmates at Vacaville as their secret private human guinea pigs for biological-chemical-genetic warfare weapons testing, experimentation and development.

If Mr. Muhammad knows anything about his friend’s long horrific medical sufferings, and the pain and agony it caused his family and particularly his son, he would focus his critical attention on Dr. Hamilton and CIA not me.

Westbrook’s illnesses, suffering and death suggest that he had been excessively exposed to a biological-chemical warfare weapon out of Fort Detrick, or even suffered from Chronic Radiation Syndrome.

Chronic radiation syndrome is a constellation of health effects that occur after months or years of chronic exposure to high amounts of ionizing radiation.[42] Westbrook died in his early fifties from mysterious medical maladies and conditions.

Several years ago, I helped prosecute a civil lawsuit against medical providers for the wrongful death of Cecil R. Moody, former Chairman of the Westbrook’s BCA.[43]

I didn’t know it at the time that he had been the “Cecil Moody” of the BCA. I recognized him only after reading his obituary.  He had dropped the name “Cecil” and went by his middle name “Robert.” He passed in July 2003 in his early fifties after also suffering from a long string of mysterious medical maladies and conditions like Colston Westbrook. It was as if all of his organs had shut down. It seemed as though all of his insides had turned cancerous and untreatable.

His loved one sought a wrongful death action against his medical providers, because they had become dumbfounded and clueless as to the causes of his multiplicity of major diseases. I reviewed most all of his treatment and medical records. I had never seen anything like it and the lack of definitively diagnoses.

The most common denominators between the horrendous medical illnesses and deaths of Colston Westbrook and Cecil Moody were the California Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Black Cultural Association and CIA-MK ULTRA.

On Colston Westbrook, the Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Maulana Ron Karenga, Clique and the SLA


If we’ve got a group out preaching revolution, and we think that it’s dangerous, we lock them up.” – Raymond Procunier, Director of California Department of Corrections[44]

During the early development of BCA from 1969-71, I had a date reserved behind the walls of the Little Prison of Horrors with Colston Westbrook; and Dr. Hamilton-MK ULTRA deep behind the veil.

During BCA meetings, they openly encouraged and planned to kill members of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. I had become an “enemy” of these people and the State within the State. I had been a member of the Panthers until the Great Purge of January 1969, but I was still part of a defensive that is often called, the Lumpen.

For the State within the State, the Lumpen had not been defined, penetrated and neutralized. The Lumpen had been the true genesis of the Black Liberation Army. Among them, I knew who I needed to know. One of them had asked me to join a close nucleus of brothers moving into the east coast around Boston to organize and form.


I knew most of the people from Merritt Jr. College sponsoring and participating in the weekly Colston Westbrook-BCA Maulana Ron Karenga- US Brothers cultural dominated celebrations and Black History classes at Vacaville Prison.

In fact, I discovered from one of the main outside student promoters of BCA from Merritt that the organizers actually consulted and worked with Ron Karenga to create its pseudo African based ceremonies for inmates.[45]

Colton Westbrook, working with the LAPD’s CCS (Criminal Conspiracy Section) and Division Five of the FBI, used certain newly “Africanized” and modified recruits to set up two primary synthetic terror groups known as the Us organization with police agent Ron N. Everett a.k.a. Ron Karenga; and the SLA, or Symbionese Liberation Army with police informer and provocateur Donald DeFreeze. According to CCS police snitch and provocateur Louis Tackwood, Ron Karenga and his Us (later known as the United Slaves) organization were funded by the Ford Foundation, the LAPD and his good friend Mayor Sam Yorty through municipal funds. Financing to the tune of over $50,000 per year, plus two offices and five apartments, as indicated in the September 6, 1969 edition of the Black Panther newspaper. The Wall Street Journal revealed that Karenga “Maintained close ties to the eastern Rockefeller family” and that “A few weeks after the assassination of Martin Luther King… Mr. Karenga slipped into Sacramento for a private chat with Governor Ronald Reagan, at the governor’s request. The black nationalist also met clandestinely with Los Angeles Police Chief Thomas Reddin after King had been killed.”

Louis E. Tackwood was the liaison man between Karenga and DeFreeze and LAPD’s CCS division. Aptly named, the Criminal Conspiracy Section’s sole purpose and agenda was to target and destroy black militants and their organizations, through conspiracies involving informers, agent provocateurs, programmed assassins and set-up men. As well as “militant” synthetic terror groups to sabotage and discredit the Afrikan liberation movement in general. Through Tackwood, Ron Karenga and his United Slaves (we should’ve known they were punks by their ******* name alone!) were given their assignments to “Work in opposition to other Black groups within the Black community, which attracted large numbers of Blacks.” Karenga was directly ordered to “Curtail the Panther Party’s growth, no matter what the cost, and that no rang-a-tang (CCS slang for US members) —that’s what we called his people— would ever be convicted of murder.” Tackwood also stated that he provided Karenga with assassination orders from the FBI to kill Panther leaders Elmore Geronimo Pratt, and Alprentice “Bunchy” Carter.[46]

I had stayed clear from Vacaville Prison and the BCA like a plague. For my own peace of mind, I often found the comfort, support and companionship of a sister outside the Black Movement. Among the people trying to draw me inside Vacaville and BCA was a group of so-called revolutionary sisters that attended Colston Westbrook’s weekly BCA meetings and celebrations.

They didn’t know that this particular young sister had been my soul mate. She overheard them loosely talking about me outside a Merritt Jr. College Student Council meeting that I was attending. She tuned in to discover that they were discussing and planning my upcoming funeral.

During the early 1970s, a sister close to the BCA Merritt Jr. College student sponsors and one of Westbrook’s close collaborators crossed over for security and protection of her family. She told me as much as she had understood about these people. She confirmed what my soul mate told me earlier.

She said that they only pretended to be friends to easily move around the community and watch me. She told me that they were two-faced. Behind my back, they often talked about me and fanatically expressed how much they hated my guts and wanted me dead. But, they had been too afraid to move directly against me.

People often told me that they had suspected that the brothers were undercover agents, but I needed proof not conjectures. According to my upbringing and life experiences, I could only see the good that they represented. I truly didn’t understand the theosophical or esoteric significance of being “two faced.”

They had been a special breed of BLACKPROS indoctrinated in the art and principles of deception. They had been trained to Love (infiltrate) and Hate (Destroy) at the same time. When Westbrook moved into the U.C. Berkeley Black Studies Department, two of these collaborators from Merritt also moved into the department. She said that they had been preoccupied in drawing me into situations to force me to stoop low enough to beg. In 1970, I was once invited by these forces to UC Berkeley on a promise of a job as a student teacher in the Black Studies Department.  Of course, there was no job. They wanted to see if I would crawl and beg for a job.  Colston Westbrook was in the background.

In the summer of 1968, I got a student job through Merritt Jr. College with an anti-poverty program supported by state and federal funds. Sometime during the summer, the students called a strike for more wages. I wasn’t involved in organizing the strike. I just supported it. When the strike was over, I found out that I had become a labor bargaining chip. They couldn’t be allowed to return to work unless they convinced me to rescind my position. I had no money or financial resources. Yet, I never stooped low enough to beg for anything even a job. Even if I was starving, they would have never known. Since my father had been taken from my family in Project CHATTER, I had lived a life of a monk. They never seemed to accept the fact that money and material things had not been a priority in my life.

Who was I? In the Panthers, I had been the area captain of Merritt Jr. College with the approval of Chairman Bobby Seale. At that time, Merritt had been a true community college on a busy thoroughfare right in the middle of a predominately Black area of North Oakland.

My responsibility was to know everything going on at Merritt. I also functioned as a liaison officer and security head of the Panthers-Black Community with the college. I was also a sentinel of the people. If anything occurred that threatened the health, safety or wellbeing of the people, under the Vanguard Concept, I was the Peoples’ first line of defense and protection.


During this time, I had earned a certain amount of love, respect and trust of the People. The community also watched over me. Also during this period, my late beautiful great inspiration, the Poet Sarah Webster Fabio,[47] of Merritt Jr. College Black Studies Department selected me to star as the liberation leaderin a 1968 student drama play about the Amistad Revolt called, The Slave Ship.

The Amistad, also known as United States v. Libellants and Claimants of the Schooner Amistad, 40 U.S. 518 (1841), was a U. S. Supreme Court case resulting from the rebellion of Africans from the Mende People on board the Spanish schooner La Amistad in 1839.[48]


Sengbe Pieh (c. 1814 – c. 1879) later known as Joseph Cinqué led the rebellion.He was the most prominent defendant in the infamous Supreme Court case and Hollywood motion picture,[49] in which it was found that he and 51 others had been victims of the illegal Atlantic Slave Trade.[50]

We performed the play throughout the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area and Northern California. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had become a symbolic figure (Black Panther) and legendary folk hero (Cinque) of resistance. I was a walking picture book of the People’s Struggle for Freedom and Justice. I had become known as Cinqué of the street well before Cinque aka “SIN” of the CIA-SLA.

After the Great Purge from Panthers, I continued to function as an area security chief of Merritt and liaison officer of the Soul Students Advisory Council (Black Student Union) with the community. I continued as a sentinel and the Vanguard first line of defense for the Lumpen that had been the heart and soul of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.

Within minutes, dozens of Lumpen brothers and sisters could be drawn from the community into a line of defense or action. In fact, one of the pseudo revolutionary sisters, one of Westbrook’s female minions, deeply involved in BCA gave me a prudent warning.

She told me to get ready to move over. She said that the “real black revolutionaries” will be coming out of Westbrook’s BCA at Vacaville; and I wouldn’t want to be in the way when they came.


Undoubtedly, she was talking about Cinque-Donald David Defreeze, Thero Wheeler, and other CIA Operation CHAOS Symbionese Liberation Army Zombies. Notice another two faces of Cinique and how his neck has suddenly grown longer and changed shape, hair line and ears also change shapes.

Several years ago, a former associate made contact who informed me that this particular sister, Frances, desperately wanted to talk to me. She had a lot to explain. She had also infiltrated the Panthers and told us that the Minister of Information, Eldridge Cleaver, had raped her.

We demanded justice for our young sister in no uncertain terms. It caused a serious split in the Panthers. We were ready to go to blows with the Panther leadership and Central Committee that defended Cleaver from even an investigation of her charges.


Frances had also married Stan, Don Juan Warren Graphenreed, confessed assassin of Berkeley Police Officer Ronald Tsukamoto on Aug. 20, 1970.[51] I called all the phone numbers that she passed along. All the numbers were disconnected, and she suddenly left her place of employment without a forwarding address and phone number.

She didn’t know it but the brother that she had reached to contact me, a person we had mutually known since the 1960s, had been a suspected FBI Ghetto Informant, a special FBI BlackPro agent, if not a CIA Project CHAOS asset.[52] Sources close to Stokley Carmichael told me that somebody had been flying this particular brother into Washington DC to try to infiltrate Carmichael’s camp. They said that he had been showing up in DC actually knocking on Stokley’s door when his home address had been guarded information.

Taken behind the prison gates of Vacaville, I would have been stripped and defenseless. Separated from the outside by prison walls of silence; surrounded by Westbrook and Dr. Hamilton’s Zombies and an arsenal of hallucinogenic drugs, radiation-biological-chemical-genetic weapons, I would have been dead or disabled for life, one way or another.

Whenever they tried to convince me to follow them behind the walls of Vacaville Prison, I had a vision of multiple sets of prison gates closing and locking with loud clanking noises behind me. I am still not sure if he was a premonition or just plain FEAR. I knew if I went in that I wouldn’t come out alive or the same.

Even today, whenever I talk about the Little Prison of Horrors, I still have the same vision and hear multiple set of prison gates closing behind me.

Dr. James A. Hamilton, Colston Westbrook, and the BCA didn’t exist in a vacuum. A powerful and clandestine wall of secrecy and protection, murder, mayhem surrounded BCA outside Vacaville Prison walls.

On Colston Westbrook, BCA, Judge Clinton White and the Berkeley Satanic Murder

On March 21, 1972, Barbara Marie (James) Brumfield, AKA Cookie, AKA Barbara Ann James, age 23, was found shot to death at about 6:15 p.m. in Berkeley, CA at the 800 block of Cedar Street. Police said that she had a lengthy record for prostitution in Oakland and Fresno. Witnesses heard a “fusillade” of shots at about 6:00 p.m. north of the premises of the business, Sea Train. [53]

Police technicians found 11 shell casings from a .30 caliber carbine. Barbara had been shot several times from a distance then shot while lying face down. Nine shots appeared intentionally horizontal across her chest and breast and shoulders. Two shots appeared vertical, one at the midsection near the natal, and other near the virginal area. The shooting pattern appeared to be a “cross.” Barbara’s execution appeared a “ritualized slaying[54] which was an extremely unusual and rare type of slaying in the Black Community.

It appears that the murder was “satanic.” Undoubtedly, Barbara’s killer(s) left a bullet and blood pattern representing a Cross (Christian New Life) and the opposite representing the body of death (underworld) all in one representation.

Within two weeks, police arrested Ernest James Rogers AKA Hawk (Horus) for the murder. Rogers had been an ex-felon for an April 22, 1969 conviction for robbery out of Los Angeles. Rogers testified at trial that he had known Barbara through his work with Colston Westbrook’s Black Culture Association (BCA) at Vacaville Prison.[55]

During Rogers’ murder trial, his cousin, Brenda Rogers, testified that Rogers told her that he had killed her because she didn’t do a friend, Jo Ann Harris, right after she was arrested for possession of stolen money orders. Brenda said she saw Rogers and a rapist named Leroy B. Dreary with an M-1 rifle after the execution.

Rogers and Dreary was last seen with Barbara. For whatever reasons, Dreary was not charged with any crime. Dreary and Rogers testified that they had dropped Barbara off in Berkeley on Alcatraz Avenue.[56]

Rogers’ criminal trial attorney had been the infamous and powerful black attorney, Clinton W. White (1921-2001). White of the UC Berkeley Boalt Hall Law School Connection had been a Negro Republican; and Blood Covenant Mason, a keeper of his brothers’ secrets.[57]


Strangely, a man of his statue and reputation in the community, co-founder of the Charles Houston Bar Association and former judge of the California Appellate Court has only a few pictures of him in the public domain.  Early in his career, White, above, said that you had to be a blood covenant “Mason” to get work as an attorney in Oakland

Oakland, “Town of the Men of the Oak Trees”

You will understand little about Oakland unless you recognize its occulted dual nature past. Among the town’s founders were Master Masons, Lucifer’s Servants- the Masters of Deception. The Town of Oakland was founded upon fraud, corruption and deception, the two faces of Janus and the Baphomet.


The Town of Oakland was founded by, above, Edson Adams (Master Mason), two crooked attorneys, Horace Carpentier, above, and Andrew Moon. In 1850, the three men squatted on land located at the Oakland estuary that was part of a Spanish Land Grant owned by the Don Vicente Peralta, above.[58]

Adams, Carpentier and Moon negotiated a land lease of approximately 500 acres with the Peralta family that became Oakland. After entering the lease, behind the Peralta family back, they immediately surveyed, plotted the land into lots then fraudulently and illegally sold off a significant portion of the Peralta’s land grant in lots by fee simple estates most likely to other collaborating freemasons.

The Town of Oakland was incorporated in 1852. Oakland’s city engineer was Master Mason Jeremiah E. Whitcher. Whitcher plotted the land and drew up the lots. Master Mason Francis Kittridge Shattuck was the town’s founding trustee, city clerk and superintendent of schools. Master Mason Samuel H. Robinson, Worshipful Master Mason of Live Oak Lodge was the town’s third mayor 1856-57.[59]

Two years after the town was incorporated, Live Oak Lodge #61was founded on August 19, 1854 above a horse stable owned by Edson Adams at the foot of the Oakland estuary. It was a lodge of Master Masons. The city’s founding trustee and city engineer had been members. Oakland’s founding father, Edson Adams, petitioned to become a member. More than 20 of Oakland’s early mayors were Master Masons of the Live Oak Lodge.[60]

I don’t believe that Oakland was routinely named after a simple grove of Oak Trees.[61] Oakland’s ancient Redwood (San Antonio) forest had been its landmark.[62] During the California Gold Rush, two gigantic Redwood Trees in the Oakland hills had been beacons to Pacific Ocean seafarers to the gateway of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay.[63]

Certainly, there were Oak Trees in town. The early Druids regarded the oak tree as sacred and carried out their religious ritualsin oak forests. In fact, the name Druid means “knowing the oak tree” in Celtic.[64]
However, I believe its Masonic founding fathers wouldn’t have been that mundane simply to name the town after a grove of Oak Trees. It has a secret meaning consistent with its founding, Town of the Men of the Oak Trees.

Caesar stated all “wise men of the oak’ met at the ‘navel of Gaul’ to discuss affairs and settle both private and national arguments.[65] The origin of the word Druid is under dispute. Max Müller believes that, like the Irish word Drui, it means “the men of the oak trees.” He further draws attention to the fact that the forest gods and tree deities of the Greeks were called dryades. Some believe the word to be of Teutonic origin; others ascribe it to the Welsh. A few trace it to the Gaelic druidh, which means “a wise man” or “a sorcerer.” In Sanskrit the word dru means “timber.”[66]


During the 19th Century, the “Oakland Grove” of the Ancient Order of Druids (AOD) had been one of Oakland’s earliest and most mysterious covens. The “Oakland Grove” had been open to both men and women.[67] The AOD was devoted to the mysticism and mysteries of “MERLIN” of King Arthur’s Round Table. [68]

An incubus is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in the legend of MERLIN of the Round Table.[69]


The Incubus seems to be based on Baphomet, a hermaphroditic Satanic deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping before they were arrested, executed and driven underground by the Catholic Church’s inquisitions.[70]


In the summer of 1883, Lucifer’s Servant, Albert Pike, 33º, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, travelled to Oakland to personally initiate and plant 12 of his Satanic disciples in the city.[71]

Secretly, Freemasons, particularly Scottish Rite, worship Baphomet, a half man and half goat creature, which in reality represents the “God of forces” or the Devil. Albert Pike, said this about the Baphomet:

“The Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes .” [Pike, op. cit., p. 734, teaching of the 28th Degree][72]


Currently, Baphomet’s Temple (Scottish Rite Temple) in Oakland sits on public trust wetlands looking out on Lake Merritt at 1547 Lakeshore Drive.[73] Even today, the Temple maintains secret-hidden powers and alliances that impact the ordinary lives of Oakland citizens and they don’t have a clue that it is still one of the thrones of the Anti-Christ.


Double headed- Dual Nature eagle on Albert Pikes Freemasonry book ‘Morals and Dogma” with Order Out of Chaos slogan.

“Freemasonry is all about opposites and duality, and playing one side against another as some sort of occult ritualistic exercise, supposedly to evoke the illuminated man and world. It’s basically what the motto on their two-headed eagle crest says, create chaos to bring about the new world order essentially.”[74]

The two faced Clinton White not only secured CIA MK ULTRA secrets surrounding the infamous Death Angels “Zebra” murders, but represented the defendants involved in the November 1971 CIA- El Constran-Ronnie Flenaugh and Kimberly Mapp slayings. White was well aware of the Masonic “Satanic Principle.”


“Good and Evil,” it is also the two faces of the Roman God Janus, also the dual nature Baphomet.[75]

In demonology, Bifrons is a demon, Earl of Hell, with six legions of demons (twenty-six according to other authors) under his command. He teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the gems and woods, herbs and changes corpses from their original grave into other places, sometimes putting magick lights on the graves that appear like candles. He first appears as a monster, but then changes his shape into that of a man. The origin of the name is the Roman god, Janus.[76]

White was a legendary and celebrated black attorney and civil rights activist, but he was a plumber. He plugged CIA Occult Bureau leaks in Bay Area murder cases. Clinton W. White subsequently was rewarded. He became an Alameda County Superior Court and Presiding Judge of the California Court of Appeals.[77]

Clinton White told Roger’s murder trial jury that Rogers was a prison rights organizer. He was associated with the “Prison Reform Program”.

During the trial, White convinced the jury of the “Absolute Good” of BCA and Rogers’ activities with Westbrook’s “Absolute Good.”  White brought out the “Absolute Good” nature of the BCA, that it existed to serve society, convicts and ex-convicts in securing parole, getting jobs, getting into school and keeping out of trouble. He basically argued that the “Absolute Good” of BSA and Rogers would not be inclined to the conclusion of any evil and senseless and sinful slaughter of innocent human beings.

Of course, neither Clinton White nor the Alameda County District Attorney talked about or revealed the “Absolute Evil” and two faces of Colston Westbrook, BCA and Dr. James A. Hamilton’s secret laboratory at the Little Prison of Horrors. They also in the opposite of good made Monsters of Men, the two-faced Janus.

Like most members of the peer jury, we had been taught that “Absolute Good” and its opposite “Absolute Evil” do not exist in the same level surface. You either Love or Hate, be Good or Evil, understand Matter and Anti-Matter but not in the same plane. The interplay and dynamics of the secret of opposites like Good and Evil in the same plane is basically the Satanic Principle. That is being of the dual nature, Good and Evil, at the same time.

Hawk was found not guilty of murder. He was acquitted. Somebody murdered and overkilled Barbara Marie Brumfield in cold blood, in some type of satanic ritual related to secret-unseen nature and activities of the BCA. The case remains an unsolved murder.

On Colston Westbrook, Maalik El-Maalik and the Assassination of Prison Reformer Paul Cook

The Monster Factory

On October 16, 1972, Paul Cook, one of the leaders of EL Constran, tried to leave the State of California sponsored ex-felon halfway house, Alternative House. Paul and Maalik El-Maalik had run the halfway house on 32nd Street and Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, CA.

Witnesses had observed key members of El Constran, Billy Mapp and Ronnie Flenaugh frequently coming and going from the half-way house.

After the murders of his friend, Flenaugh and his friend Billy Mapp’s daughter, 8-year old Kimberly in November 1971, Cookthreatened to end his ties with Alternative House, and expose some of the secrets of Alternative House and El Contran in the Berkeley Barb Newspaper.

Paul also authored a manuscript about his experiences in San Quentin, El Constran and Alternative House that was relevantly entitled, the Monster Factory.

While Paul was retrieving the last of personal belongings from the House, Maalik confronted him outside. Maalik El-Maalik pulled out a 357 magnum and blew Cook’s brains out on the sidewalk in front of his horrified family.

After a trial for murder, a jury also found Maalik not guilty. He was acquitted. The jury believed that the U.C. Berkeley Grad and Black Studies Professor, the Prison Reformer associated with the “Absolute Good” inmate reform programs of the BCA. He had been rightful and had justifiable fear for his life to slay, the “evil” former San Quentin Prison ex-con Paul Cook in cold blood.

On Colston Westbrook, Dr. Isaac Slaughter, and Alternative House-Den of Killers

Dr. Isaac Slaughter had also been part of the BCA deep inner web of protection and wall of silence. Dr. Slaughter had been one of the Little Prison of Horror’s staff psychiatrists. He was one of Colston Westbrook’s BCA “Elders.”

Dr. Slaughter was also the director of West Oakland Health Center (WOHC) and a member of the St. Luke Society,[78] Boule,[79]and President of the Black Psychiatrists of America.[80]

Through WOHC, Dr. Slaughter provided outpatient medical-drug cover for Alternative House’s MK ULTRA ex-convict black assassins on the street.

He provided cover for Paul Cook and Maalik El Maalik’s Den of Zombie killers. Behind the veil, Alternative House was under the wings of the notorious Raymond Procunier, Director of the California Department of Corrections and the Oakland Police Department (OPD).

At the time, OPD Chief, Charles Gain, was a key member of the FBI Panther Squad. He was a CIA Project CHAOS collaborator and I believe an officer of Division 5.[81] Procunier collaborated with the CIA Occult Bureau. He secretly funneled Westbrook and Dr. Hamilton’s ex-con Zombie Assassins from the prison laboratory to the street, Alternative House.

On Colston Westbrook, Maalik El-Maalik and El Constran

Maalik El-Maalik of “Prison Reform Group” has been described as a close associate of Colston Westbrook, and a fellow lecturer in Afro-American Studies of UC Berkeley. Maalik also organized trips to the Westbrook’s BCA meetings at Vacaville.[82]

Maalik EL-Maalik turned up as people’s enemy No. 1 on a September 4, 1974 SLA communiqué found in an apartment where Patty Hearst was arrested. The former Henry Crump, who goes by the Arabic name of Maalik El-Maalik, believes; “people may have been planted very close to me to kill me.”[83]

Maalik said that, “The SLA is just one in series of names,” he says. There are forces out there being utilized to get to me, subtle forces. A lot of lower groups are actually being manipulated at this point. I believe, and channeled in some sophisticated way. Who they are. I don’t know? Things are at a level of subtlety that cuts dry facts. What I want to know is: who’s pulling the strings on certain people?”[84]

Well, Maalik EL-Maalik knew exactly what was going on, and who was pulling the strings of El Contran. When I met him, he was still employed by clandestine forces and the State within the State. He was a FBI paymaster for the lower clandestine counter-intelligence groups like the SLA, El Contran and Ghetto Informants. Maalik still possessed a deadly preoccupation and arrogance toward anyone perceived to his enemy or the enemy of the State within the State.

I also wanted to know who’s pulling the strings on certain people and what he and Paul Cook were really doing at Alternative House. Just before his death, I had a chance to talk to Maalik on several occasions.

On the surface, Maalik El-Maalik appeared to be just another harmless, benevolent and wise “Old G” of the street. Yet, I knew he was still very dangerous and had at least one confirmed body count, the slaying and liquidation of Paul Cook.

I slipped once. During his seemingly endless dialogues, I interjected “Alternative House” out of sequence. He stopped in the middle of the conversation. In a marked under tone, he asked how I knew about “Alternative House.” I noticed the sudden change in demeanor and skin flesh tones. Immediately, I knew what was going on. He felt betrayed. Maalik was switching faces and personalities. Instantly, I said “you told me about “Alternative House.” Don’t you remember?

At times, his ego simply got the best of him. He talked so much I figured he couldn’t keep account of what he had covered. It worked. He couldn’t remember and soon returned to normal and continued his usual long and endless discourses on one subject to another.

One day, he was in a different kind of mood. Maalik suddenly finally gave me a clue as to what was really going on at Alternative House. It was an answer to a question that I so naively wasn’t prepared to hear. I stopped dead in my tracks. I was rendered speechless and shocked. He said that he wanted to create a coldblooded “Black Mafia” to control everything in the Black Community.

He wanted a mind controlled ruthless Black Mafia to control the drug trade, prostitution, loan sharking, etc., but especially “Black Murder, Inc.” to control criminal syndicates; drug trafficking; anti-social elements; and political expressions in the Black Community for a New World Order.

On Colston Westbrook, Khalif Muhammad and El Constran

I recall talking to Khalif Muhammad, PhD aka “Syn Q” on an internet podcast show. I remember him specifically because he talked about El Constran currently existing in Richmond, CA as some sort of mostly religious benevolent community group.

That Dog Won’t Hunt anymore now than decades ago. El Constran was what Maalik El-Maalik said that they were a Zombie Black Mafia with links to CIA-MK ULTRA. El Contran was a drug trafficking and Murder, Inc. Pseudo Religious Cult with a body count stretching across the State of California.

Members of El Constran that I know were trained at a CIA-FBI combine someplace outside of Tijuana, Mexico that was similar to Albert Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen’s assassination school in Oaxaca, México connected to the JFK Assassination . Bowen’s assassination school worked in conjunction with Division 5, J. Edgar Hoover and SS Wernher von Braun’s Defense Industrial Security Command. This assassination school was disguised as a religious missionary academy. It was exposed in 1970 and might have moved or been disbanded since that date.[85]

At least a couple of sources also connect Westbrook to Division 5.[86] Khalif Muhammad by implication connects Westbrook to the formation of Paul Cook and Maalik El Maalik’s death angel killer cult, El Constran.

He also implies that while Colston Westbrook was attending a Christian Faith Church; he was also involved in something at the same time that has been established as sinister and evil, “Anti-Christ”, the Satanic Principle-El Constran.

Khalif Muhammad, PhD aka “Syn Q” also let me know that I am from their perceptive and under the veil of the pseudo intellectualism of “The Code”, still an enemy of the Ghost of Colston Westbrook, the State within the State and the New World Order.

After over four decades, nothing has changed, and I am absolutely comfortable with that for all the days of my life.

[1] http://www.assatashakur.org/forum/rbg-tube/24360-dr-neely-fuller-jr-white-supremacy-black-self-destruction.html

[2] http://destee.com/index.php?threads/neely-fuller-jrs-bio.26182/

[3] http://www.assatashakur.org/forum/rbg-tube/24360-dr-neely-fuller-jr-white-supremacy-black-self-destruction.html

[4] http://www.counter-racismnow.com/2012/09/on-colston-westbrook.html

[5] http://www.rossinst.com/cia_doctors.html

[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Felt

[7] http://michigancitizen.com/rabble-rouser-the-fbi-conspiracy-against-h-rap-brown-2/

[8] http://michigancitizen.com/rabble-rouser-the-fbi-conspiracy-against-h-rap-brown-2/

[9] http://michigancitizen.com/rabble-rouser-the-fbi-conspiracy-against-h-rap-brown-2/

[10] http://foundsf.org/index.php?title=Symbionese_Liberation_Army

[11] Ross, Colin, The CIA Doctors, Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2006), pg. 196

[12] http://www.counterpunch.org/2001/05/17/fragging-bob/

[13] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_(1st_Ukrainian)

[15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polnische_Wehrmacht_(World_War_II)

[16] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[17] http://www.whale.to/b/caul.html

[18] http://foundsf.org/index.php?title=Symbionese_Liberation_Army

[19] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[20] http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Why%20Was%20Hearst%20Kidnapped%201.html

[21] Id.

[22] Id.

[23] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-223.html?s=8c51a398adbaac0d79e7860a424f3e62

[24] http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/dir/mstreet/commeet/meet11/brief11/tab_i/br11i3.txt


[26] Id.

[27] http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/dir/mstreet/commeet/meet11/brief11/tab_i/br11i3.txt

[28] Id.

[29] Id.

[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] http://www.hss.doe.gov/healthsafety/ohre/roadmap/achre/intro_9_4.html

[33] http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/dir/mstreet/commeet/meet11/brief11/tab_i/br11i3.txt

[34] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_iodine_uptake_test

[35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperthyroidism

[36] http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/radiation/dir/mstreet/commeet/meet11/brief11/tab_i/br11i3.txt

[37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorescence

[38] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/message/49481

[39] Id.

[40] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgellons

[41] Albarelli, H.P., Jr., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olsen and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day LLC, Walterville, OR (2009), pg. 285

[42] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronic_radiation_syndrome

[43] http://www.negroartist.com/writings/BLACK%20PANTHER%20NEWSPAPERS/9%20no%2018.htm

[44] S.F. Chronicle, 2-10-72

[45] http://afrikan-resistance.blogspot.com/2012_01_01_archive.html

[46] http://afrikan-resistance.blogspot.com/2012_01_01_archive.html

[47] http://www.answers.com/topic/sarah-webster-fabio

[48] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._The_Amistad

[49] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amistad_(film)

[50] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Cinqu%C3%A9

[51] http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2005-08-12/article/22058?headline=Cop-Killing-CaseEnds-in-Dismissal-By-RICHARD-BRENNEMAN–

[52] http://michigancitizen.com/rabble-rouser-the-fbi-conspiracy-against-h-rap-brown-2/

[53] Oakland Tribune, Shots Ring Out; Woman Found Dead, March 22, 1972, F7

[54] People v. Rogers, Court File Transcripts, Alameda County Superior Court

[55] Id.

[56] Id.


[58] http://mountainviewpeople.blogspot.com/2008/05/edson-adams-wealthy-oakland-co-founder.html

[59] http://www30.us.archive.org/stream/souvenirfortieth00free/souvenirfortieth00free_djvu.txt

[60] http://www.freemason.org/newsEvents/leader7.htm

[61] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakland,_California

[62] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redwood_Regional_Park

[63] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redwood_Regional_Park

[64] http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/Dr-Fi/Druids.html

[65] http://www.packrat-pro.com/celts/celtdruids.htm

[66] http://www.themistsofavalon.net/t3912-the-neo-druid-chronicles

[67] http://cdnc.ucr.edu/cdnc/cgi-bin/cdnc?a=d&d=LAH19070620.2.42&cl=CL2.1907.06&srpos=0&dliv=none&st=1&e=——-en-logical-20–1—–all—

[68] http://www.neopagan.net/UAODbooklet.html

[69] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus

[70] http://silenthill.wikia.com/wiki/Incubus

[71] http://oakland-scottishrite.org/History.aspx

[72] http://www.religiouscounterfeits.org/ml_intro.htm

[73] http://oakland-scottishrite.org/History.aspx

[74] http://nwoobserver.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/janus-%E2%80%93-illuminati-god-of-chaos-and-deception/

[75] http://nwoobserver.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/janus-%E2%80%93-illuminati-god-of-chaos-and-deception/

[76] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifrons_%28demon%29

[77] http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Clinton-White-champion-of-underdog-79-2917667.php

[78] http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-2221518.html

[79] http://www.jah-rastafari.com/forum/message-view.asp?message_group=585

[80] Spurlock, Jeanne, M.D., Black Psychiatrists and American Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association, Washington D.C. (1999), pg. 20

[81] Churchill, Ward, The Cointelpro Papers, pg. 25

[82] http://freeingjohnsinclair.aadl.org/node/200649

[83] Id

[84] Id.

[85] http://www.newsmakingnews.com/mbinterviewalbionic.htm

[86] http://freeingjohnsinclair.aadl.org/node/200649