31 07 2017



“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives [NATURE]. Destroy the image [ILLUSIONS] and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)

Essentially western society is nothing else than a huge laboratory for mind control. But if those being controlled get aware of being controlled where will the power of the controllers be? The power of illusions over the minds of men is based on the fact that men are incapable of seeing illusions as illusions and believing them to be real.

But modern man has been ensnared by the masters of mind control making him believe to be the master of his own destiny by flattering him, and this illusion of freedom entraps him even more in the sticky spider web of his luciferian puppet masters.

Modern man can without doubt do what he wants but by controlling his mind they make him want what he wants, and thus he is their useful idiot without ever realizing it. And how can you fight your enemy without even be aware of his existence? What is invisible cannot be fought – and true knowledge makes the invisible become visible.

It should be clear that Donald J. Drumpf ‘s White House has become a lot more sinister and demonic than a house of comedic errors to laugh at, and dismiss. Most of the following is taken from the source, Transhumanism, PsyWay and B.E.P.’s “Imma Be” April 17, 2010

Metacommunication is a natural human communication process, which is as simple as saying, “I love you”, while you are smiling – communication on two levels. All communication consists of (at least) two levels. First, there is the “content level” of what is being said, literally. Second, there is the level that British CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH godfather, Anthropologist Dr. Gregory Bateson, calls metacommunication, which is the underlying message or tone of the communication, which can be as simple as a facial expression. We often recognize this as being the “tone” of someone’s voice, or how something is being said. So, you have what is being said, and how it is being said. The tone is actually the “command” portion of communication, because it is designed to instruct or position the receiver (or victim) of the communication to interpret the message in a certain way.

Bateson’s communications theory can help reveal the interaction operating behind the message. Every communication, he claims, has both a report [the actual message] and a command aspect [tone]. While the report conveys information about a state of affairs, the command positions the receiver to adopt a particular attitude towards the report and (leads them to) respond in a certain way. The command element of the message is a metacommunication about the context of the message – the nature of the relationship in which the information is exchanged.

We have entered the realm and era of  falsified [political] meta-communication in mass media. Falsified political meta-communication is when the government include a primary false political message, image, or illusion which is designed “not only to sell the product, but also to [subliminally] influence the viewer’s attitudes and beliefs.”

The term, falsified metacommunication, was coined by anthropologist Richard Herskowitz. It can be understood, in part, using the simple example of a con-man: He shakes your hand, smiles at you and tells you nice things…as he steals your money. It is a strategy of deliberately distracting you from his real purpose or goal by using friendly, charming deception. It is saying one thing, as a way of distracting the victim with deception to make them feel comfortable with the situation, in order to do another thing. Another way to visualized this stuff is that the American public and politics are being silently and covertly transformed into the hivemind,

“… Satan is the adversary, not of God, but of mankind; i.e., the angel charged by God with the task of proving that mankind is an unworthy creation. In the transtopian context, Lucifer represents ambition, rebellion, rational enlightenment, and the dark side of Transhumanism.”

The point is to visualize Satanism as a modern multitasking force of not only the manifestation of evil, but systematic and ritual mass illusions, lies and deceptions for ultimate mass population mind, political, social, genetic and economic controls.“The term ‘Transhumanism‘ was coined by biologist Julian Huxley in 1957, who defined it as “man remaining man, but trans­cending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.”

One of the primary concepts of the Transhumanist agenda is “The Hive Mind”. “Hive Mind : A type of collective consciousness where individuality is stifled; a state of conformity; also written hivemind”. “A group of people who give the false impression of being a hivemind (1), eg. by mindlessly following orders.”

One of the early Transhumanist elites, along with Julian Huxley, was Sir Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of Charles Darwin, who founded the theory of evolution. So, anyway, here is one of Charles Galton Darwin’s quotes relating to the Hive Mind:

“There might be a drug, which, without other harmful effects, removed the urgency of sexual desire, and so, reproduced in humanity the status of workers in a beehive.”

The founders of Transhumanism had elitist views about what humanity should be. This Human Beehive concept has been envisioned by the ruling elite class throughout history as the ideal society. The ultimate slave race, scientifically designed to conform, obey and serve the needs of the elite – worker bees who do not question or rebel.



On Thursday, July 27, 2017, I tuned in to CNN in anticipation of seeing President- select, Donald J. Drumpf, award the Kappa Sigma Party Crasher, Capitol Police Officer, Henry Cabrera, with the Medal of Valor. The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is the highest decoration for bravery exhibited by public safety officers in the U.S. However, Drumpf awarded the Medal of Valor to only two U.S. Capitol Police officers, Crystal Griner, David Bailey, and three members of the Alexandria Police Department for their bravery and heroism during the shooting at the congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia June, 14, 2017 in the gunning down severely injuring U.S. Representative Steve Scalise.

It was a perfect example of mass population Falsified Political Meta-Communication.  If you believe and was convinced in your mind that Henry Cabrera was there at the ballpark on June 14, 2017 engaged in the so-called firefight with the hapless assassin James T. Hodgkinson, it is now “fake news” and a mass population ILLUSION prompted by Drumpf’s command element of his performance and message.

Because, the most wanted Kappa Sigma man in the country and on the baseball field on June 14 wasn’t there among the U.S. Capitol Police heroes. “The assault on June 14 reminded us that EVIL EXIST in this world, but it also reminded us that HEROES walk in OUR MISTS, that love triumphs over tragedy, and that our resolve is stronger than ever,” said President Drumpf.

Drumpf said that “shrapnel” injured David Bailey. He went to say that Bailey had been shot.[1] Shot and wounded by shrapnel from what, whom, when and where?

The basic principles of open/puncture wound care apply, even though of course these wounds are especially sinister versions of punctures… Gunshots and shrapnel wounds are complicated to care for… As for shrapnel wounds, the basic principles apply. They’re essentially just punctures with impaled objects. Don’t remove the shrapnel.[2] 

It was widely reported that Bailey suffered a “MINOR INJURY” to his foot. If he had been shot. Don’t you expect that it would have exposed before July 28, 2017.

On June 15, 2017, the day after allegedly being shot or allegedly suffering a sinister shrapnel  wound, he had only a black sock on his minor injured foot- no bandages or distress injury visible! If you believe that David Bailey was shot, and suffered a shrapnel  wound, it is only a WHITE HOUSE mass ILLUSION.

HOUSE OF ILLUSION, David Bailey & the Secret Society- Boulé

That Alpha Phi Alpha Luciferian Masonic Boulé  Negro wasn’t shot.  His lord is Lucifer, Master of ILLUSIONS. Neither he or Crystal Griner have opened their mouths and issued any public statements about what happened at the ballpark on June 14, 2017. Even if he says anything that happened at the ballpark, you can’t believe anything he says. He bargained with, and sold his sold to the DEVIL.

Image result for Henry McKee Minton

Odd Fellows DrHenry McKee Minton

On May 15, 1904, Alpha Phi Alpha Dr. Henry McKee Minton (1870- 1946) was the Odd Fellows master co-founder of the Sigma Pi Phi, also called the Boulé, the first Black Greek letter fraternity. Don’t get it twisted, it is first and foremost a Masonic secret society for boot-licking Negroes that love their servitude, and covenant with the DEVIL.  It was set and created by its master in the ritual mold of the Odd Fellows Masonic Fraternal Order.

An early 1915 source reported that Minton was member of the the Odd fellows [Mather, Frank Lincoln, Who’s who of the Colored Race, A General Biographical Dictionary, Volume 1, (1915) Chicago, IL].  By 1906,  Grand United Order of Odd fellows of Manchester, England established a headquarter base in Philadelphia where Minton lived. However, it isn’t clear if Minton belonged to the Grand United Oddfellows or an older and much more secret order. The Order of the Odd fellows of the British Empire was officially established in the 18th Century by blood covenant secret Luciferian Freemasons. 

Luciferian Albert Pike (Freemason, Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan) was reportedly also a member of the Odd fellows. The Odd fellows predate the British Empire and Freemasonry by generations. They are one of the earliest and oldest secret fraternal societies, but their early history is obscure and largely undocumented. There have been legends tracing their origins back to Adam, Abraham, Moses and Aaron, to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon in the Sixth Century BC, and claims that the order was brought to Europe by Jewish prisoners after the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70 CE. (The Odd Fellows Magazine, Mark Wardie, G M Back King Street, Manchester, UK, (1829), pg. 316)

Masonic Apron, Odd Fellows Member & Satanic Baphomet Ram

Another Odd fellows’ legend link them to soldiers of the Roman Empire as far back as the 11th century. Another myth states that “Although no formal records exist … an Order of Odd Fellows was established in 1452 by knights who were said to have met at the pub named ‘Boulogne-sur-Mer’ in London and formed a fraternity. 

Are the Odd fellows a SATANIC BROTHERHOOD?  Well, the BAPHOMET RAM is wearing an ODD FELLOWS’ APRON. One thing is crystal clear is that the Odd fellows certainty have identified themselves as one of the earliest, oldest and ultra secret SATANIC BROTHERHOODS OF DEATH that predate the German Order that chartered Yale’s SKULL and BONES; and the BOULE, your Negro Masonic and Greek Fraternal Orders are all secretly part of SATAN’S OASIS on earth.

Henry Cabrera, Kappa Sigma, the Most Wanted Man in the Country

On June 14, 2017, U.S. Capitol Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa issued the following statement,

I want to commend Special Agents Crystal Griner, David Bailey, and Henry Cabrera for their heroic and appropriate response in protecting the Members and others today during their practice for the Congressional baseball game… Special Agent Bailey was treated and released having sustained a minor injury during the incident

On Thursday, 6/15/17, the House adopted a resolution [LR 2398 Item 1] to thank the Capitol Police officers who helped fend off a gunman attacking GOP lawmakers at their baseball practice the day before. The three (3) Capitol Police officers present at the baseball practice — Crystal Griner, David Bailey and Henry Cabrera — were assigned to Scalise’s leadership security detail. The resolution “expresses its appreciation for the daily courage and dedication of the United States Capitol Police who protect the Capitol grounds, members of Congress, and the public, to whom the Capitol belongs.” [3],[4]

So, the question is why didn’t President- select Donald Drumpf and the White House acknowledge Capitol Police Officer Henry Cabrera for a Medal of Valor. It left the impression on the American public and world that Cabrera wasn’t there, or he doesn’t exist. So, Cabrera is wanted to become publicly VISIBLE, acknowledge that he was there, and answer just a few basic questions for the public record about June 14, 2017.

On July 27, 2017, for whatever reasons, Drumpf and the White House went too far out on the limb to make him DISAPPEAR from the June 14 alleged firefight at the baseball park like a slap in the face of the public,  even though it had been widely reported by corporate mass media that he was there. U.S. Congress resolution [LR 2398 Item 1] acknowledged that he was there by congressional record, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief, Matthew R. Verderosa, acknowledged that he was there on duty at the baseball field shooting at something and somebody.

Equally puzzling is why hasn’t Congress, U.S. Capitol Police, corporate mass media, Hispanic community, or the public even asked the White House– what happened to Officer Henry Cabrera, and make him VISIBLE to correct the public record?  Where is Cabrera, the most lethally military trained gunman and killer on the baseball field on June 14, 2017? Who really liquidated the hapless MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate Patsy, James T. Hodgkinson?



Cabrera wasn’t just there. Some maintain that he was the capital police officer that actually killed Hodgkinson. Why not. He may have been the only man on the baseball field that morning with the attitude and a gun militarily combat trained to KILL! On June 14, 2017, Cabrera was the certified “BADASS” on the baseball field on more than one aspect. According to the traditions of his secret fraternal order, Kappa Sigma evolved from an ancient sacred order, a House of ILLUSIONS, known in some accounts as the gateway and language,  “Kirjath Sepher”, of the giants – an order of FALLEN ANGELS. His insignias are the Satanic 5-Star Inverted Pentagram,  Crescent Moon,  the ancient Rod of Thoth or Hermes, the CADUCEUS, and SKULL AND BONES– the BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH! It shouldn’t be any mystery or ILLUSION to the public who killed the alleged assailant on the baseball field, and wounded Congressman Steve Scalise on June 14. But, it is. And now, Donald J. Drumpf and the White House has confused, compounded and amplified the urgent need for the public to confront the  issues, and ASK QUESTIONS!

The July 27, 2017 U.S. Presidential Medal of Valor ceremony in Washington DC is a public record and a historical document of the U.S. Government of the highest elected office of the land. And,  it is a lying and fraudulent document, because Drumpf and the White House deliberately veiled and concealed Henry Cabrera and evidence from the public record in plain view. Now, Cabrera belongs to the fraud, corruption and deception of the Satanic House of ILLUSIONS of Donald J. Drumpf. 



The White House Satanic criminal empire keeps on growing. Now, it features and own as the White House Communication Director another secretBADASS” Masonic Brotherhood member, “MOOCH“. Roman Catholic Anthony Scaramucci is an alter ego, and arm of Goldman Sachs, and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). 

The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate a New World Order into American life. The CFR works purposefully for the systematic and ritual overthrow of the Constitution and American sovereignty. Its foundation of rule by the divine and mighty goes back at least to Mount Olympus, Greece and Plato. In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”

February 23, 1954, Senator William Jenner warned in a speech: “Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded.” Georgetown professor Dr. Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton’s mentor while at Georgetown) wrote about the goals of the investment bankers who control central banks: “… nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” Baron M.A. Rothschild wrote, “Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.”

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American multinational finance company that engage in global investment banking, investment management, securities, and other services including asset management, merger and acquisitions advice, prime brokerage, and securities underwriting services. It also sponsors private equity funds, is a market maker, and is a primary dealer in the U.S. Treasury security market. Goldman Sachs also owns GS USA, a direct bank.

Mooch sits on CFR with James A. Johnsonan Independent Director of Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Johnson belongs to the formal American Friends of Bilderberg (The Nazi SS Bilderberg Group). Mooch linked directly in combination to CFR , Goldman Sachs and the Bilderbergs is no joke. He is a foul mouth vulgar living testament out of the Florence, Italy Neo- Platonic [Saturn] Renaissance School of the 4th Century BC. As he says, he stinks like a fish from the head down.

From the head down, Mooch (CFR, Goldman Sachs) set up a pseudo Irish Roman Catholic Bishop, General John Francis Kelly,  to take over the office of the White House Chief of Staff office.

From the head down, CRF set up a Irish Roman Catholic JESUIT to take over the U.S. Military, while another Roman Catholic PSEUDO BISHOP run the White House.

A Roman Catholic JESUIT PRIEST- It is U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military adviser to the President select Donald J. DrumpfSecretary of Defense, and National Security CouncilGeneral Dunford also served as the Assistant Division Commander of the 1st Marine Division, Marine Corps Director of Operations, and Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations. He commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force and served as the Commander, Marine Forces U.S. Central Command.

WHAT IS THY NATURE, SONS OF AN ILLUSTRIOUS FATHER IN THE WHITE HOUSE– CONCEALMENT AND DECEPTION. “What is invisible cannot be fought – and true knowledge makes the invisible become visible.”

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-5A6yNhuhA

[2] http://medic.wikia.com/wiki/Special_considerations_for_gunshot_wounds_and_shrapnel_wounds

[3] http://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/bills_128th/billtexts/SP059301.asp

[4] http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/338000-house-votes-to-thank-capitol-police-for-saving-lawmakers-in-baseball